#that'd be bad and also rude
so will galen appear in upcoming stories you make? I checked the original authors blog and he has not said much about the character in a while. which is a shame, I find him interesting.
Mostly just as cameos to be honest. I don't really wanna use him as a main or side character too much until @projectanomaly gets their fic for him written.
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sanemisstalker · 11 months
NSFW /// KNY characters who I think cum particularly hard/ a lot. This could have a part two, I'm eepy, srry.
CW/ Non specific gendered/genitalia reader / Cum... like an insane amount of cum / BDSM Dynamic (ENMU)/ Light Gore (ENMU)/ tbh, Enmu. / Cum-swapping (AKAZA)
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
-Cums hards AND a lot.
-Sanemi isn't quite sure why is body is the way it is, maybe it's his breath control mixed with the insane amount of testosterone and panic pumping through his veins on the daily, but Sanemi doesn't struggle to get it up.
-he struggles to stay flaccid. He's far more likely to be hard at any given moment. Not that he's excited, his dick is just permanently stuck at half mast. It takes an insane, highly emotional amount to get him entirely flaccid.
-I think Sanemi's orgasm absolutely shreds him everytime, unanimously. Does that stop him from getting it up in another ten minutes? Absolutely not. I just truly think he's a medical anomaly.
-He cums prematurely, but what does it matter? It literally didn't go down, he's still fucking going, now he's just like, in tears about it.
-I think Sanemi's eyes get really wide and he gets lock jaw, and he seethes and he tries to hold back any noise, but it just shreds the poor guys throat, and now he's sore, and it hurts him to moan, but he just can't help it, you feel so fucking good- and all for him? It's all for him?
-Shakes. Sobs. Sounds incredibly desperate, don't let the facade fool you. If he loves you, he's a crier.
-Also physically cums a lot. Not just by how many orgasms, but by how much each time is. I think he's got an obnoxiously low set of balls. He's made to breed, the poor bastard. If he can't let go in you, both of you are covered in it by the end of the night.
-Sanemi has yet to tap out before you.
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Kyōjurō Rengoku
-Cums a lot.
-Rengoku has good stamina, but once he cums, he's done for, no more. He can keep going if he really wants to, or if you look like you really need him, but chances are the first round wad more than enough.
-vocal, but in a fatherly way. Sex with Rengoku is probably very... comfortable.
-Until he cums and now you're sticky from your chest to your upper thigh. The range of his shot is insane. He cums buckets, and he barely blinks. His breathing gets a little ragged, and his chest a little shakey, but that's it.
-He needs to go night night after, though. Feeling any amount of joy that doesn't come from stuffing his face does a number on him emotionally and physically. He needs a cuddle and a conversation about... idk, taxes after.
-Won't beg to cum in you, but really, really wants to.
-He always pulls out like a gentleman (if you can be much of a gentleman when you're balls deep), but you can always tell that he wants to see your face so bad when he pumps you full.
-Will not ask. That'd be rude.
-Talks you through your orgasm, but that's another post for another day.
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-Fuck, I just know he's a screamer. He cums so hard.
-This guy's a fucking mess, but it takes work.
-Enmu is such a good submissive that you're always shocked when he decides to mouth off to you, or when he forgets a command. Not too shocked, though. It's very clearly intentional. It always is.
-He gives himself a bit in between each 'screw up' to make sure he's edged himself mentally properly (very hard, he's almost always some kind of aroused, and he's prone to cumming untouched, so that build up is a little diificult.)
-While he doesn't struggle to ask for things, and his dignity is subzero, Enmu still appreciates a stray chase here and there. After all, it's the only thing mentally stimulating enough for him to cum.
-In any normal dynamic with Enmu, he isn't often left using his dick. So when you've got a spear through his wrists, locking them behind his back, one hand pulling his hair, the other jerking his cock with thoughtless speed-
-Enmu can never cum harder than when he's recieving borderline abuse. His dick looks irritated, going untouched for months previous, and now it's receiving all this attention. Can you blame him for being this loud?
-His legs shake, his whole body recoils. He drools and screams- laughs and wails. He cries with the brightest smile you've ever seen. His hips buck up. You're not being gentle, and he's so, so happy. The orgasm is ripping through every nerve in his body.
-He feels like he's in the sun again.
-He's hoping Muzan can see him look so pathetic. You're just hoping the demon lord stays out of your man's head.
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-cums like a horse.
-a lover, truly. That's the only word encompassing enough to describe Akaza's efforts sexually. He's a fantastic lover.
-... who can go for hours... days even and never get tired. Every orgasm blows off his shoulders- It's all about you. It always has been, it always will be.
-You've made him cum hard before, it's a rarity, but it's possible... Its just nothing feels as good to him as watching you cum, so he'll do whatever must be done-
-and if that means pumping you full again and again, until you're leaking from every accessible orifice, so be it.
-He'll lick your hole clean, reveling in the way you twitch after your.... you lost count after the fifth one. That won't stop him from tongue fucking you.
-His cum tastes... shockingly good. You like to give him head, and then come up to give him a kiss. He'll pull your tongue down, wanting to see it in your mouth just before you swallow. You always look so proud of yourself. He can't help but reward you with a kiss before you even get it down.
-there's way to much for one swallow. You can barely manage to keep all of it in your mouth while showing him. Your effort is precious, though.
-Akaza looks really good with cum on his lips. It's one of the only times you see him really flustered.
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nerdpoe · 1 year
WELL, isn't this a bitch of an unsatisfactory situation.
It's a DC crossover I'm sorry I couldn't resist.
Danny had never been the best at lying under pressure.
In fact, he tended to be the worst at it.
The only reason he hadn't been found out by his parent's was their obsession with their projects.
So when he got mobbed by the local reporters after souping Skulker for the eighth time that week, he may have felt a bit pressured.
They may have asked an unclear question.
And he just...reacted.
"So Mr. Phantom, what do you do with your free time?" One of them shouted, trying to get an answer before the GIW got there.
The sounds of said government agents was getting louder, he could hear the sirens on the GAV getting closer, and the reporters just looked so....like puppies? He couldn't just leave, that'd be rude!
So he pointed to the Well where blob ghosts tended to hang out, a great place for him and other ghosts to grab a quick snack, and fled.
Completely missing the horrified expressions on everyone behind him.
He may have, possibly, made a bad call.
Literally only two days later, there were teddy bears and flowers and notes of appreciation decorating the Well.
Danny stared down at it all, he could feel the eyes of some of his Phan club hiding in the bushes.
He...he'd just wanted a snack? Some nice little energy bar before going on patrol.
What was he supposed to do with this? Was...was he supposed to toss it in the well? What was the protocol for this? He didn't want to be rude!
Fuming, he sat down in front of the offerings and picked them up one by one, to inspect them.
Danny was unaware that this action alone made a fantastic photo shoot of him staring down at a teddy bear contemplatively, sitting in front of what all of Amity now thought was his final resting place.
The photo also caught a certain mayor in the background, glaring at him.
Danny had been on patrol, per usual, and had been about to duke it out with Ember until she'd paused, looked down, and asked exactly what the fuck was happening to their snack bar.
Danny, knowing he would probably get decked if it was a distraction but also wanting to know, looked beneath them.
There...was a protest?
The GIW and his parents were attempting to push through a huge crowd of Amity citizens that were surrounding the well.
There were police cars, Vlad looked like he was frothing at the mouth trying to stop said officers from going to the well with some strange looking equipment, and some sad looking man in a trench coat standing next to the well, staring down into it.
"I...don't know? I think there may have been a misunderstanding."
Danny and Ember stared at each other.
Ember lost her patience first.
"Just go! Get down there and correct the misunderstanding!"
"No, I don't want to involved in that mess!"
"So it is your fault!"
"I panicked!"
"Baby Pop if I lose my favorite snack bar-"
No one on the ground paid attention to the spirits arguing above them.
"Listen to me, that lying little shit-!"
"Mayor Vlad, please step back; this is now an active crime scene."
John ignored the obviously guilty as sin Mayor as he stared down the well. There was....a lot of ambient death in there.
His only real purpose was to ensure that the many, many morons in this town did not anger their local ghostly hero. Angry ghosts straight from the realms were no joke.
There was also a clear violation being done as well, if those idiots dressed in white suits meant anything.
The 'Anti-Ecto Acts' they kept quoting did not exist. He would know. He was The John Constantine, stupid laws like that were something he regularly stayed on top of. Those laws, while proposed, had never actually passed.
He'd made sure of that.
It had been relatively easy to have Deadman overshadow the right politician and point out how they were clearly just a front to remove meta rights, and the Law never made it past it's first draft.
He'd already taken a picture of the men and sent it to the Dark Knight himself; let the worlds greatest detective take a crack at who was pretending to be a part of the government and figure out the why. John had enough shit to do.
"Oh, kid," he sighed, finally stepping away from the well as the cops got closer, "what a right mess you got yourself into."
A strange machine was lowered into the well; one of those things that could see below the surface, John supposed. A regular camera was attached to it as well, just in case it wasn't needed.
It didn't even take fifteen minutes.
The cop operating the larger machine called over a higher up. They stared at the screen.
Then they started corralling the populace away from the well, setting up crime tape.
John stayed a respectful distance away, but still stayed close enough to read lips.
Multiple corpses.
Adults and children.
Some animals as well.
Serial killer.
With so much death, no wonder there was so much activity in this town. No wonder Phantom was obsessed with saving people.
Most people.
There was at least one he Did Not Get Along With.
The occultist let his eyes slide over to the mayor, who was trying to stutter out excuses.
It looked like someone had been busy.
@bathildaburp @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @mimilikey @gabbypie64 @screamingtofillthevoid @thedragonqueen1998 @dannyphantomphan
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ferris-the-wheel · 6 months
@b-floyd-o-leech-b here, Tumblr doesn't allow you to send asks using your side blogs-
May I please just give Floyd a nice pair of shoes without expecting anything in return?
(If he gives me something back though, I wouldn't mind).
It can be afterschool in the hallway, and my current TWST oc is a grumpy guy named Bob that is a little bit tsundere, but he's a bit of a self-insert for my bad moods so if you just want Floyd to refer to him/me as in the 2nd person, I don't mind.
If I forgot or missed anything, please DM me, I read through the rules and probably still forgot, like, half of them. (My memory isn't great, sorry. 😅)
Totally fine >:D I'll do my best!!!
Christmas Secret Santa Event
m!reader x Floyd Leech
: ̗̀➛ Scenario: You decide to give Floyd an early Christmas gift so you track him down after classes end.
A/N: So what I got from your description is that reader is gonna be a grumpy/tsundere for Floyd. Hope I interpreted that correctly *nervously sweating*
ೃ⁀➷ Just 💖
ೃ⁀➷ Mutual crushes
ೃ⁀➷ Reader isn't Yuu
TW: None
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"Y/N~~ What did you want me here for?" Floyd asked as you rounded the corner, him trailing behind you. "Azul's gonna be mad if I'm late for work at the Mostro Lounge." He said.
"I- I wanted to give you something." You said, growing more embarrassed by the minute. But you knew that if you gave him the present— or more likely, he'd get it from under the tree himself— that he'd make a huge fuss and make even more of a scene. Sooo, you decided that you should give him his gift alone and spare yourself the embarrassment.
You held out the box to him, feeling your cheeks turn red and you turned away. He blinked for a moment, likely not expecting you to be giving him something, but his droopy grin returned and he laughed. "Awwwww, Y/N~ you got me a gift?" He said in a drawled-out way. He took the box, making sure to touch your hand in the process with a sly grin.
You scowled at him and went to walk away but he grabbed your wrist with a pouty face. "Y/N~~! You aren't gonna wait until I unwrap it? That's so meeeean!" You gave an exasperated sigh and stood where you were. He snickered and opened the present.
When he pulled the new shoes you'd bought him out of the box, his face lit up and he gave a little gasp of happiness. "New shoes? Awww, you're so thoughtful!!" Before you could react, he pulled you into a tight squeezing hug. You momentarily lost your breath as you squirmed around, trying to free yourself, though you only got away because he let you go.
"Aw, but I don't have anything to give you in return!" Floyd exclaimed, his mood shifting to being sad. "T- That's fine! I don't need a gift anyway!" You replied hurriedly, holding up your hands.
"But that'd be unfair if you gave me something and I didn't do anything in return. Hmmmmmm...." Floyd didn't appear to be listening to any of your protests, until he finally decided on something. "I got it!" He said, eyeing you with his semi-sadistic looking smile.
You were not in the mood to figure out what that meant, but he grabbed you around the waist dropping the box in the process which you thought was rude since they were brand new and gave you a quick kiss on the lips. It ended pretty much in the same moment as it started, but the suddenness of it made your face heat up and you were certain that your face was bright red.
It also left you unable to form a proper sentence. "F- Floyd! I— you— what—" Floyd gave a giggle and scooped up the box, then started walking down the hallway like nothing had happened, leaving your mind racing. "Eh— FLOYD!!!!"
Now that you had collected your thoughts, you chased after him down the hallway. When he realized that you were now following him, he took off running as well, turning only to playfully stick his tongue out at you.
I'M DONE OMG 🥹 I had no idea how I was going to start this off and this was like the only thing I could think of. Also Floyd seems to be VERY popular. He might actually have more fics than Riddle soon lol. Anywayyyyys, I hope everyone enjoyed this kinda short post (especially you, @b-floyd-o-leech-b!!!!) and I look forward to more requests for this event <3
Taglist: @officialdaydreamer00 @mermaidfanficlibrary @edith-is-apparently-a-cat @lyle-my-beloved @haruhar-u @cookiesandbiscuits
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nightbunnyusagi · 1 year
Autism and tactlessness
I don't know if this is part of the general autistic experience or is more specific to people who grew undiagnosed — I can only speak for myself — but something that really bothers me and makes social situations far more exhaustive than I think they could be, is policing everything I say.
I was diagnosed with ASD after adulthood, but I didn't need a paper to see, throughout my whole life, that I struggled and suffer the effects from it. And one thing is that I am aware, as my loved ones like to point out, that I am "tactless" a lot of the times, which can mean I don't realize when I'm being rude, annoying or inconvenient, specially when I can't understand why that'd be.
Because of that, I was often corrected while growing up. Things that I said that were plainly honest, spontaneous or curious were pointed out as bad, usually without a good explanation on why it was bad, just that it was. After that, I'd usually be punished in a way or another, being not getting an explanation, receiving silent treatment and being ignored, having people mad at me, shouting at me, blaming me for a myriad of things or accusing me of things, laughing at me. All that came off as a punishment for being and talking the way I was.
Years ahead, now that I am an adult, I realized I learned something. Instead of learning why saying certain things is bad, I learned to be scared of what I say. I feel tense and constantly try to analyze what I'm gonna say even when that is meaningless because I can't find what could be bad about it in my memories. If I get too relaxed and let the words slip away, I get anxious I might've offended someone. I'm constantly scared to be offensive and be punished again.
That also means I am always scared of being abandoned by the people I love, and my first assumption will always be that I did something offensive without realizing. I know I'm an overall grumpy person, but I tend to be scared of people when they're mad, I tend to get anxious that they'll never want to talk to me again and I'll be alone.
I am exhausted of fights that I don't understand why even happen. Of not understanding why people get mad at me. Of feeling rejected by people I trusted and loved. Of overanalyzing everything I say and still being scared of going through all that again.
Disclaimer: I am one autistic person, late diagnosed and mid-low support needs, talking about my experiences and opinions that I believe are related to autism. I do not speak for other autistic people, only for myself.
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htchnr · 2 months
05 ★ heartless love crime ❥ ch: remember me.
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➻❥ masterlist. ➻❥ buy me a coffee!
CW ➻ public sex ⋆ fingering ⋆ piv ⋆ unprotected sex ⋆ biting ⋆ creampie ⋆ if i missed anything, lmk!
SUMMARY ➻ At the vibration in your purse, you maneuvered the bags to one side and pulled out your phone. It was a message from Aaron. One that your brow twitched at. "Remember me on your date tomorrow." WC ➻ 5,8K.
AUTHORS NOTE ➻ hi 😁 this is not a nice series! i want to make that clear!! Hotch is toxic, rude and awful in this. (yet so hot at the same time uhg)
AUTHORS NOTE ➻ next chapter will be the last chapter for this series! so i hope you all enjoyed this short ride as much as i did!
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★ - © 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐇𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐍𝐑. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦, 𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫! - ★
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➻❥ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫. ➻❥ 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫.
"Where are you?"
You stood outside the storefront of Macy's, off to the side to not block the entrance. Phone pressed to your ear, you covered your other ear to hear the line better. You'd been walking around the mall aimlessly for twenty minutes, waiting for your friend to arrive.
The others were busy and you didn't want to try on clothes alone. You knew today was Susan's day off, but you were still a little pissed at her and didn't want to have girl time with her just yet. The only other one available had been Susan and she agreed to meet you after lunch. Well, you ate alone in the food court, treated yourself to a bit of ice cream since you were early enough, got hit on by a group of guys that had you scurry far away from the food court like it was infested, and just killed time browsing stores.
The small bag of body lotion from Bath and Body Works swayed as you turned to look up and down the floor. Of all your friends, Susan was the most punctual. She was just the type of person to not leave you waiting. When Susan made plans, she stuck to them. So, you were confused why you stood alone in front of Macy's after twenty minutes.
She sounded sorry, at least, when she responded. Tone low and apologetic, she sighed. "Sorry. I didn't have time to call you. A coworker didn't show up for their shift and I got called in. It's been hectic for the past two hours, but I'm glad you called!"
You let out a sigh of your own, shifting your weight to one leg. You couldn't be mad at Susan. "It's fine."
"I can come after work if you want, but it wouldn't be until seven."
You pulled your phone away from your ear, the white font made you bite your cheek. It was half-past one. You shook your head, not that she could see it. "No, it's fine. I'm already here. No big deal."
She sighed again and her momentary silence allowed you to hear the faint office buzz around her. You felt bad, knowing she felt bad for accidentally standing you up. "I have to go, but I'm really sorry."
You made sure to reassure her it was perfectly fine before exchanging goodbyes. Once the line clicked and you put your phone back in your coat pocket, you puffed your cheeks and let out a deep breath. Great. You had to use your taste in fashion to judge what to buy. Your eyes fell to your current outfit. It seemed normal enough, but you didn't want normal.
You took what Aaron said to heart. You wanted to wear something to leave Bryan in a state of awe, that'd leave him distraught he couldn't have you. And to spite Susan when you'd go on this date just to turn Bryan down again. You may be in a petty mood, but she was also in the wrong for trying to force this onto you. Bryan just happened to be collateral damage, but you'd still let him down gently.
You walked into the store, passing the accessories and handbags at the front. You weren't even being humble when you didn't trust your taste in fashion to wear something sexy. For one, your wardrobe was a clash of something your grandma would wear and that of someone forced into abstinence from the hours in the day wasted away in an office. That, and you weren't comfortable with clothes labeled for promiscuous or intimate occasions. It just made your skin crawl to have to stand in public, with possibly more skin exposed than you'd like, vulnerable to strangers' gazes.
Granted, Aaron said something pretty, not sexy. He could've meant sexy, which you interpreted, but you were more than fine if you found something a little more in your comfort zone. That, and you were in Macy's, you doubted you'd find anything jaw-dropping here, but the prices enticed you. If you would dress out of your comfort zone, you were going to do it on a budget. The only clothes you threw your money blindly at were the silk pajama sets you liked. It was starting to become a problem for your closet space, actually.
You held your head high. Your poor fashion taste wouldn't dampen your spirit. There were perks to shopping alone. For one, nobody would rush you or vice versa. You could comfortably go at your own pace. Maybe even explore other stores in the mall after this to go on a shopping spree. You came all this way, after all. No doubt you'd find something suitable if you took your time.
"Sure. Hit me with another sample."
Every fiber of your being tensed. You whipped your head to the familiar voice. There, in the perfume and cologne section, Aaron Hotchner leaned against the counter while the lady behind it pulled a card from its holder. He smiled charmingly at her, eyes trained to her every move.
"You'll love this one. It's called White Musk." She sprayed a small amount of cologne onto the card, to which he lowered his head a bit to get a good whiff.
Your heart raced. Of course, he was here. You seemed to run into him more recently than you had in your first month of him entering your life. It was like the universe was telling you something. What it was, you had no idea, but you wanted to go over and stand by his side. To see what would happen.
You faced forward and continued your march to women's clothing. Yeah, no, you wouldn't drop your shopping trip to glue yourself to him. You were stronger than that. Aaron had no control over you from there, so you'd keep your distance. As long as he didn't notice you, you were safe from falling into his clutches.
Deep in the lines of clothes, whatever caught your eye first would have your undivided attention. And like a little kid, you happened to be drawn to the prettiest colors. You weaved your way to a dark blue dress, chanting "ooh" in your head like a caveman discovering fire. The excitement died a little as you got a good look at it. It was severely low cut and backless. Your nose wrinkled slightly and you shook your head. Seductive, but not your comfort level. Maybe not this one.
You browsed through a few clothes racks, your search mainly diverted to the clearance racks. A few tops and dresses were draped over your arm. Even if they weren't for the date, in the end, you didn't mind a few new clothes for a discount. You made your way through those racks, taking anything that pleased you. Your arm held a good amount of clothes as you moved past the clearance rack to other dresses. You were a bit excited about possible new additions to your wardrobe.
Touching the hangar for a cute summer dress, you glanced up when Aaron leaned against the clothing rack with one arm. He gave you his charming smile as his eyes took in your outfit. Your heart leaped into your throat, not used to being the subject of his attention, no matter how fake you knew the smile to be.
"So, are you buying clothes for your date?"
"Maybe." You brushed past him to another rack, which he promptly leaned against as well.
"You know, you should consider this one." You watched him slip his hand to the inside of his coat, procuring and proudly holding up lacy red lingerie. An embarrassed sound escaped you, grabbing it from his hands and stuffing it back into his coat before your eyes flitted around the store. You hoped nobody saw him hold it up to you.
"Did you seriously go to the lingerie section to get this to me?" You hissed, heat blossomed across your face. "When were you into lingerie?"
He scoffed and pulled the lacy piece out of his coat, tossing it onto the rack. You hurried to another clothing rack and he followed you. "I'm not above a lady wanting to show her figure. In fact, I'd make sure to show my appreciation for her effort."
"Maybe offer it to the perfume girl you were talking to."
He smirked. "Ah, so that was you watching me." You frowned, but couldn't deny his claim. His eyes fell to a black turtleneck beside him. "How about this?"
"That?" You furrowed your brow. He did say pretty, but you didn't think the turtleneck would fit into your mental criteria for this date. It seemed fairly sophisticated.
"Yeah. Problem?"
You shook your head. He placed the top on your pile. Imagine your surprise as he eventually led you around, seemingly picking whatever happened to catch his eye first and tossed it onto your pile. To his credit, he had good finds that would've taken you longer to find, given how you were sharply grading the clothing's worth but he sped through them.
There was a set of changing rooms nearby that you both eventually ended at. He plopped himself onto the sofa that faced the hall of stall doors. When you didn't move, he looked up at you with a raised brow. A look you mimicked.
"What are you doing?" You asked.
"What's it look like?" He relaxed into the cushion, spreading his legs out as his arms stretched on the back of it. "I want to see what you pick."
As much as you told yourself this was supposed to be a solo shopping trip--with Susan, if not for her work--you couldn't argue with him when he looked like that. His body looked inviting and the cocky little head tilt told you he knew what you were thinking, followed by the slight further spread of his legs. You frowned but turned and walked into one of the stalls. He would not get you to act on your thoughts this time, not in public. You wouldn't give him what he wanted, to fluster you.
The pile of clothes you hung up bulged off of the wall. You made sure the door was locked behind you, just in case he got any funny ideas, and stripped your coat and top off, setting them onto the mini bench built in front of the mirror, where you'd already set down your bag of lotions. Your eyes flicked to your figure in the mirror before you grabbed the topmost hanger with a striped shirt. You pulled it down and looked at yourself in the mirror. Horizontal stripes of orange, blue, and white flattered your figure, but you didn't like how deep the v-cut went and the sleeves were too tight. Off. Next one.
You went through several tops and dresses, most of your pile done and finished before you settled on a select few. Three tops to keep, one from the clearance rack and the other two picked by Aaron , and a dress also picked by Aaron . The dress, you thought over, happened to suit your tastes nicely. Classy, long-sleeved, with a sheer back where the zipper laid. It seemed seductive enough if you played it up, but overall it left little to the imagination with your figure. You were almost afraid to look at the price tag from how beautiful it was, but the price wasn't extreme. Still pricey, but worth it.
Dress unzipped, you opened the stall door and brought out the clothes you didn't want, and put them on the clothing rack beside the stall. You kept your back to your stall to not expose yourself and looked over at Aaron . Hoping to have him zip you up, rather than struggle another 5 minutes to get it up.
Aaron had his head resting comfortably on the back of the sofa, chin tilted far back and exposing his neck as he flicked his hand in a lazy wave to passing women. They'd all smile in return with a flirty giggle. The way he spread on the sofa and seemed so casual garnered attention, especially when he both carried himself and looked like a Hollywood star. A few had been with boyfriends, who wrapped their arms around their shoulders and glared at Aaron but that only spurred his cocky smile all the more. You turned to go back into the stall just as he lowered his head to face you.
"Hey," he snickered when the door closed. "Come back out here. You want to show me what you're wearing?"
You peeked your head out the door, earning another laugh from him. "I don't have it zipped."
He dropped his elbows to his knees and leaned forward. "Are you inviting me back there to help you?"
You didn't answer. He still got up and made his way to your stall at the very end of the short hall. You ducked inside as he pushed the stall door open more for himself and came in. The door closed behind him and, without turning away from you, he reached behind him and locked it. You looked up at him but his gaze fell onto the mirror behind you, giving him a good view of your bra and exposed back from the dress.
He closed the distance between you, reaching behind you. Two large hands palmed at your ass and you gasped into his chest. You looked up at him ready to remind him how thin the walls were here.
"Relax, sweetheart. I'll get to it." He gave one good squeeze before he reached for the zipper. You kept your eyes on his face while he pulled it up tantalizingly slowly, his gaze locked onto the view provided to him from the mirror. When the zipper came up no more, he grabbed your waist and turned you around. "I think you look good."
You looked at yourself in the mirror, specifically the parts where Aaron started to touch you. The way his hands curved with your hips, his chin that he placed on your shoulder to also look. Only, he looked at your eyes with a cocky smirk. He knew just where your mind had drifted. The dress concerned you no longer. You liked that he liked it on you. You also knew he liked the part that came after helping you into it.
His lips ghosted over your ear. "What are you thinking about?" A redundant question on his part. You knew he knew.
You forced a scowl, less intimidating than you wanted it to be, given you didn't have any anger in you. You were too preoccupied with the growing warmth in your belly. "Nothing you need to know about."
"Doll, in my hands, I already know everything you're thinking of." He pulled your rear against him. The bulge in his pants made you shiver. Voice no more than a low mutter, it reverberated your ear. "And I'm gonna fuck you. Right here."
"We can't-"
"We'll play a little game. You keep quiet and I might make this quick." He slowly unzipped the back of the dress, biting at your ear. "If you make any noise, I won't be able to help myself. And we could be here for a long time."
"Aaron , I-" Your breath hitched as he slipped his hand through the open back of the dress, sliding his hand over the curve of your ass and thigh, up to the junction between your thighs. He only traced his fingers over the hem of your underwear, a featherlight touch to your clothed cunt. You wanted to feel more. "I don't think I can."
His breathy chuckle into your ear filled your stomach with butterflies. "If you don't want us to get caught, you'll have to be."
He pushed your back gently until you placed your hands on the bench. Sliding his hands over your back, shoulder, and down your arm, he pushed the dress off of your shoulders until it pooled around your wrists. The rest of the dress pooled down the bench and around your ankles. You looked at yourself in the mirror, at the swell of your breasts. The mounds fought gravity in your bra, cupped to your chest, but Aaron worked to undo the clasps and push it down to your wrists with the dress and free your breasts.
Your breaths came out uneven. In the mirror, you watched at an angle where he cupped your breasts in his hands and squeezed. The ring on his index finger trailed a cool path over your nipple. He leaned over you, keeping you down, but pulled your breasts towards him and arched your back. You bit your lip. His hands looked so lovely on you like that. Veins protruded from his hands. A silver watch on his left wrist slid cooly against your skin.
You muttered his name softly, head lolling onto his shoulder as his hand slid down to your underwear. His middle finger brushed a stripe through the material, light as a feather, and your breath caught in your throat. He pressed his lips to your neck, nipping at the flesh.
"Good girl," he mumbled. "Nice and quiet."
He moved his hand to the top of your panties, pushing his hand past the hem. The moment the rough pads of his fingers spread your lower lips and touched your clit, you jolted. A sharp exhale slipped out of you. He gave you a punishingly slow stroke to your clit.
"No noises." He circled his fingers over you, applying more pressure. Your back arched more, head dug into his shoulder. "Do you want someone to hear you?"
"No," you sighed, gaze locked onto the mirror.
His free hand cupped your breast, ring brushing over your nipple. He pinched it between two fingers and lightly twisted as two fingers pushed into your cunt. Despite you biting down your lip, you couldn't fully suppress a breathless gasp. He groped your breast in sync to the pump of his fingers in you.
Your hips bucked onto his hand, electricity coursing through your veins. Attention had been generously provided by the rough pad of his thumb on your clit in mesmerizing circles. Each buck of your hips, your voice grew. From soft mewls to whispery moans, your face scrunched in concentration to hold your tongue but instincts overrode rationality. You had to be vocal, like the sound added to the experience.
Rationality had gone out the door. If someone were to walk by, they'd hear your soft sounds and the wetness of your cunt taking his fingers in stride.
"Can't seem to follow an order." He stopped groping your breast just for his large hand to clasp around your throat, but he didn't squeeze. His lips brushed against your ear, your eyes locked onto his through the mirror. "It's like you want to be found. Want people to see you getting fucked by my hand. You want that?"
You couldn't fully say you didn't.
"You want some poor stranger to see me fuck you until you can't stand?" He smiled.
"I-ah." Not one proper sentence could come out of your mouth. He curled his fingers into you, scissored your cunt, and put a third finger in. It filled you up, stimulated you.
You could feel the tight coil in your stomach. It twisted into a knot, pulling a higher pitched moan from you. One that was stopped by a tight squeeze to your throat. Aaron let up right after and you coughed, but he used the opening to put two fingers into your mouth. Buried down to the knuckle, you gagged, your tongue swirling over them. The cool touch of his ring brushed over your bottom lip.
When your eyes flickered to his own in the mirror, he narrowed his gaze. "You want to be my good girl, right?" You nodded as best as you could in his hold. With a smirk, he pinched your clit and laughed quietly to himself as your whine was blocked by his fingers. "Then, I suggest you try to be quieter. Don't enjoy this too much."
You gave a muffled affirmative around his fingers. Drool pooled out the sides of your mouth and along his knuckles. Pleased, he pumped his fingers vigorously into you. Your eyes bugged out of your head, then fluttered shut as your mouth fell open, completely losing all thought. All you could do was feel; feel the way he curled his fingers, the way the rough pads of his fingers rubbed your walls, feel the way his words vibrated against your skin.
His warm breath fanned the stray hairs around your ear. "That's it. That's my girl."
Drool dribbled down your chin onto your collarbone. Your hands moved from the bench to either side of the mirror, the space claimed by your knee. The opening allowed him to feel you more deeply and you met each thrust of his hand with one of your own. Before long, your mouth completely slackened as short whines escaped you and your walls squeezed around his fingers.
His teeth grazed your ear as he smiled triumphantly. "Ha, that didn't take long."
He allowed you a small moment to catch your breath, but you knew it wasn't over. This was just the beginning. Legs shaking, you didn't miss the way he pulled his hand out and wiped your juices onto your thigh. You all but leaned back into him while he pulled his hand out of your mouth, wiping your drool onto your stomach.
He guided your hands off the wall and hooked your thumbs into your panties. "Off. Now."
Numbly, you nodded and complied. It didn't take much for you to do what he said. With a voice soft as his, the slight edge still compelled you to do anything and everything he asked. You let them fall to your ankles, stepping both out of them and the discarded dress. You were completely naked, eyes locked onto your already heaving chest, and the way Aaron tilted his head followed by the sound of a belt coming undone.
When you heard the zipper open and he grunted, one rough hand fell to your waist to push you away slightly to give him room. He held you there, with your one knee still on the bench. The squeeze to your waist warned you to hold your tongue. Regardless, the tip of his cock slipped into you with over breathy whine coming from you, sensitive to the touch.
"We're gonna need to fix that," he said. You paid no mind as he leaned around you to grab your crumpled shirt, just for him to ball it up and hold it to your face. "Open."
You furrowed your brows, walls fluttering around his cock. "I do not need to be gagged. I can handle this."
No, you very much needed it. The both of you knew once he started you would announce it to the whole mall that Aaron Hotchner was fucking you into the next life in a cramped fitting room. Nothing in your mind could withhold the moans he could coax out of you, even if he told you to be quiet. With Aaron in control, he had to be the one to keep you quiet, even if that meant gagging you with your own shirt.
So, as he stayed in the same position, you relented with a slack jaw. He wasn't exactly gentle in stuffing your mouth with the fabric and you lurched a bit, but otherwise, your sounds were muffled enough. He could be satisfied with this.
"Funny. I'd never thought what it'd be like to fuck you with a gag." His eyes found yours in the mirror and he smirked at the sight of your shirt hanging out of it. "A little improvisation, but I like it."
You didn't get time to roll your eyes. He placed both hands on your waist and thrust once with force. All that came out of you was a muffled moan, your face scrunched from the shocking pleasure.
"Still hear ya but," he patted your ass, "you said you could handle it."
He began a gradual pace of thrusts into you. Your hands fell back to the wall, nails scratching down along it. His body pushed into yours, the both of you rocking slowly. You screwed your eyes shut the moment he decided to get rough.
He pulled out until only the tip remained before he slammed back into you. You pushed hard against the wall to keep from falling into it. The loud moan from the back of your throat muffled into the makeshift gag.
Aaron tsked. "Doesn't sound like you're handling it all too well."
No, you weren't, but you'd try. Your mind had become foggy from the rough thrusts of his hips into yours, but you forced the words "shut up" forward, both towards him and yourself. It was muffled, of course, but it didn't stop you from muttering it behind the shirt repeatedly. Like he knew what you were saying, he snickered quietly to himself, spurred on to take you beyond your limit.
Goosebumps crawled along your skin. They blanketed your body with the blend of sweat from how he pressed himself to your back. His clothes crumpled and rustled against your naked skin. The coarse fabric of his coat scratched your back and his belt buckle slapped at your ass.
It was too much. You were stimulated from every corner. He slipped one hand down to your clit and toyed with it, rubbing in circles that matched his brutal pace. Your muffled "shut up" had turned to a half-hearted "shuff" with your voice raised an octave.
The knotted coil returned, tightening in your stomach with each thrust, with each rough circle to your clit. Your head fell forward limply, legs trembling, and you came around his cock. His head fell to your shoulder with a grunt, rocking your whole body unruly to his own beat.
Your walls clenched around him, fluttering violently from overstimulation. You were sensitive, but oh so responsive to his thrusts. Jolting and writhing under his hold with each thrust, a whine crawled up your throat and buried itself in your shirt.
Aaron thrived best when you were at your limit. He relished the feeling of your cunt swallowing his cock and squeezing him for what he was worth. He grunted, his pace grown reckless and sloppy.
Your mouth was no longer filled with dry polyester. All the drool gathered by your shirt was absorbed. Instead, it felt like your mouth was dry from the inability to close while simultaneously your tongue darted against the soggy fabric. You bit down hard on your shirt while Aaron lost his cool behind you.
His breaths were jagged, much like his thrusts. He grunted lowly, his chest rumbling against your back. He didn't let up, wanting to keep you on edge until the very end, he rubbed your clit faster. You both came together, with your whiny moan muffled and his guttural moan buried into your shoulder that he bit into.
Your cunt filled with warmth as you squeezed around him and milked him for all he was worth. He shuddered into you. He continued to fuck into you until he was completely spent before he took his teeth off of your shoulder.
Aaron turned you both around and flopped onto the bench with you on his lap, his cock still in you. He leaned against the mirror while you leaned against him. You stared at the door and the thought flicked through your mind if someone happened to walk in on your position. They couldn't, given the locked door, but you imagined how your nude self with your legs on either side of Aaron 's looked from an outside perspective. Your cunt fluttered.
You pulled the shirt out of your mouth with a grimace at the dark splotch on the side as you held it up to its full height. You just balled it up and tossed it down to the side with the dress.
Aaron wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder. He looked into your eyes as your head fell back. "Not bad, but you totally wanted to be found out, didn't you?"
You shook your head weakly, brows furrowed. "No. I didn't even-"
"Come on," he teased. "Admit it. You were turned on by the idea. I don't doubt that's why you came faster than usual."
"Aaron ." You sighed. Your mind couldn't handle conversation right now.
"Alright." He snickered. "I won't pry, but we could definitely do this again." He hummed thoughtfully. "Another time, of course. I have things to do."
"Won't spare another moment for another round?" Your tone came out mocking.
He simply smiled. "With that attitude, I might reconsider."
You closed your eyes. As enticed as you were, never mind the fact your legs shook with little aftershocks, you shouldn't tempt him any further. It was bad enough you just fucked here as you did. If you weren't noticed by someone before, you were bound to be from making too much noise in here for an unprecedented amount of time. If anyone had come to any of these stalls to try on clothes, they'd know right away two crazy idiots were getting it on with no regard for others.
"Ugh." Your head fell forward into your hands. Voice muffled by your palms, you said, "I can't believe I let this happen."
"That's what happens when you have a weak resolve." His hand gently patted your stomach twice. "Alright. Up. Like I said, I got places to be."
Like any other order he gave, you obeyed without much of a fight, but it didn't stop you from groaning in displeasure. Your legs wobbled as you stood and you placed a hand on Aaron 's shoulder to help steady yourself. He watched you dress yourself and place the dress on a hanger before you gathered up all your belongings.
His eyes fell to the wet spot on your shirt for a moment. He didn't mention it. "So, is this the dress for the date?"
You shrugged. "I don't have the energy to look for something else. Yeah." You let him tuck himself into his pants and buckle up before you unlatched the door and peeked out. With the coast clear, you stepped out, Aaron hot on your heels. "Now, I just want to go home, have a bath, and take a nap."
You received a grunt in reply. "Whatever floats your boat."
Strategically, you had held your bag of lotions and the clothes to the wet spot on your shirt. Your coat wasn't designed to close and the spot wasn't hidden under the layer. You couldn't see it, but you assumed you did the job of covering it up well enough. As Aaron followed you up to the counter, however, you mildly panicked in line.
You set the clothes on the counter, prayed nobody would notice your spot if you leaned against the counter at an angle, but Aaron unexpectedly helped you. He had just been standing there, so you didn't think he'd do anything, even when he took his coat off, but he thrust it in front of you and asked you to hold it. At first, you just blinked at him, a bit confused and insulted to be asked that, but as he pressed it against your spot, you understood what he intended. You took it gratefully and held it dutifully while he chatted up the cashier.
And he somehow charmed his way into a discount. For clothes you were already getting at a good price, he lessened the pay for you. You almost thought he'd pay for you as well from how he acted, but that hope was squashed when he reached into your purse and pulled out your credit card. Fair enough.
The two of you walked out of the store together, with Aaron back in his coat and you holding your bags in front of your shirt. You made a detour to the restrooms that he followed you to, where you cleaned yourself up a bit. Geez, your hair was obviously in a just-got-fucked style and your skin glossed from all the sweat you'd gathered. It was a sight and you then connected the dots to some of the stares you received walking out of the store.
Once you were out of the restroom, however, Aaron was nowhere to be found. You left him leaning against the wall, but you didn't see his spiky head anywhere. At the vibration in your purse, you maneuvered the bags to one side and pulled out your phone. It was a message from Aaron . One that your brow twitched at.
"Remember me on your date tomorrow."
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hanniology · 1 year
two umbrellas | jeon wonwoo
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Synopsis: wonwoo doesn’t believe in love at first sight, but you do after meeting him. genre: fluff, sick fic, kinda angst. warnings: none I think besides the fact yn makes a bad pick up line. calls wonwoo, wonuwu, im sorry. word count: 1528. pairing: jeon wonwoo x gn!reader. Note: another repost until i have time to post some new stuff later. 
“Hey there Wonuwu.” 
The boy you addressed the new nickname to lifts an eyebrow. 
“Wonuwu?” He asked with a slight face of disgust. 
“Yea I think it’s a really cute name for you, what do you think?”
He turns to face you with a straight face, “No.” 
Rolling your eyes at his response as he goes back to take a tour of the library to make sure everybody has left the building already. Knowing you’re gonna follow him. 
“OUCH!!” He hears you exclaim behind him. 
“Wonuwu, my face hurts.”
Not looking behind him because it was probably just a line to one of your cheesy pick up lines you’d always make. 
“Did you walk into a bookshelf again?” 
“What no that was one time-it’s because I fell face-first for you~” You explain, he was right about it being a part of a pick up line but he still cringed. 
“You ruined the joke.” You grumbled while pouting. 
You’ve always been like this, making really bad, cheesy, overused pick up lines thinking it’d impress him. 
The two of you met in a coffee shop that you worked at, Jihoon, one of his roommates recommended it to him saying it had good coffee and was nice and quiet as long as you don’t go in at rush hour.  So he decided to go one day when he didn’t have work, and that day you were working. You remember that day when you saw him, he was absolutely beautiful. 
You were taking his order and well when giving him his coffee you thought of giving him your number on his cup. Wonwoo received the cup with the number on it and walked out of the coffee shop to meet up with some friends. He didn’t notice until later when Mingyu pointed out and convinced (read:begged) him to text the number. 
He obliged and texted your number asking who this was. You introduced yourself as the person who was serving him and told him he was so pretty and was gonna try and win him over.
 He blocked your number. 
He didn’t want to seem rude but he didn’t want to deal with some random person he doesn’t know that’s trying to woo him. He’s also just been a strong believer that love at first sight just doesn’t exist. 
No one can just grow feelings towards someone that quickly. 
He thought that'd be the end of you but that wasn’t until he found you sitting in the living room in his dorm. He thought you were trying to stalk him and threaten to call the auditory. To then realize you were in the same performing arts classes as hoshi and jun, his other roommates and are good friends with them and they invited you over. 
And as time passed you two became friends (?) it’s complicated, the two of you would hang out because of friends and sometimes just the two of you. You’d always go on with your lame pick up lines and he'd just simply ignore them and move on. 
“Why do you always insist on coming here? You could just go straight home from work. And it’s raining today.” 
“Eh, just thought I’d give you some company, you know, it gets quiet in the library when it’s closing time. It gotta be boring.” You shrugged. 
Wonwoo finished the turn of the library and went to go get his stuff and you as always followed him. You always did and it wasn’t anything weird. He was used to it but you wouldn’t do anything he wasn’t comfortable with; you always respected his boundaries. 
The two of you were outside now with rain falling down crashing to the ground, the sound of it much louder than it was when you two were indoors. 
You watch the frown slowly grow on Wonwoo’s face as he looks at the rain. 
“Here,” you hand him your umbrella. 
“No, no it’s fine the dorm isn’t too far from here, I don’t want you to get sick because of me.” He declines the umbrella, dropping it back into your hands. 
“Aww you care about me~” you coo. 
He scoffs before mumbling a “whatever”. 
“The dorm is not too far from here so I could make a run for it.” He says before dashing off with just a hood over his head. 
“Wait!” You yelled at him trying to get his attention, “I brought two just in case.” Take out the other umbrella from your bag. 
He didn't hear you, he was just running and you watch his form become smaller and smaller as he runs with you standing there with two umbrellas. 
Putting one back in your bag and opening the other, you started walking to your place. Stopping in your tracks when you remember his dorm is not that close to the library. 
The next day you weren’t too sure what to do. You didn’t have any classes today and you had a day off from work. Soonyoung and Jun were planning on going to some tiger sanctuary , you didn’t really feel like going. 
Ding noise came from your phone, rolling to the other side of your bed to reach over for your phone. You see a text message from Jihoon. 
Unplugging the charger from the phone opened up the message. 
It was weird for Jihoon to be messaging you, you always thought he hated you. He always looked somewhat annoyed when you were around, but Jun said he’s just always like that. You weren’t even sure if you guys ever exchanged numbers. 
Jihoon: yo I got your number from wonwoo’s phone. 
Jihoon: Can you come over? Wonwoo is sick and I got work and Jun and soon left already. 
Yn: sure but how’d he get sick?
Jihoon: The rain I think he came back soaked yesterday. 
So you were right that he would have gotten sick. And he calls himself smart. 
Yn: ok I’ll be there just need to stop by somewhere
Wonwoo slightly wakes up at the sudden noise he hears someone enter the room. Jihoon most likely already left, but he did say something about someone coming over, not remembering who because he was too tired.
He hears the footsteps gradually become louder and closer until the footsteps seem to stop in front of him. Looking up to see you, you were putting down a big bag on his nightstand.
“Oh you’re awake? Did I wake up? Sorry.” 
“Eh, it’s fine.” His voice sounded scratchy. Before he could even sit up he felt your hand pushing him down back to his previous lying position.
“Rest.” You demanded.
“What’s in the bag?” He sees you in the corner of his eye, as you slowly take everything out of the bag.
“Oh, well Jihoon said you were sick, but I didn’t know exactly what kind of sickness, so I just took one of everything from one of the shelves at the store.”
“Even got you some corn patches.” Holding them to him. With the sleepy boy giving you a strange look, giving him a shrug back.
“But why are you here and buying all this stuff for me?”
You finish taking out everything from the bag and take a seat on the ground next to his bed. “Because I care about you.” You say simply. 
You interrupted him knowing what he’s gonna say.
 “Yea Wonwoo I know you don’t like me the way I do but I mean I still like having you as a friend. Don’t worry the feeling I have for you will leave eventually, but I still care for you, you know.”
There was a silent pause after you said that, you weren’t looking at him, you were looking at the ground kicking your feet side to side at each other. So you just assume that sleep took over him. 
“Huh?” Lifting your head, seeing his body facing you and watching you with soft, droopy, sleeping eyes. 
“Don’t stop having those feelings for me. I don’t want those to leave while mine are starting to arrive.” He mumbled quietly, before taking a sneeze. 
Handing him a tissue, letting the gears in your head turn. “Wait, Arrive. What??”
“Yeah, I kinda wish I’m not all snotty sick and sleepy when I confessed.” He admits, letting his head fall back onto his pillow. 
“Well you wouldn’t have to if you just took my umbrella yesterday.”
“I didn’t want you to get sick.” He mumbled. 
“Awwww, you really do care about me.” You coo pinching his cheek. 
Rolling his eyes. “Yeah, whatever.” He scoffs. 
“Ok maybe I do care about you,” he quickly mumbles. 
“So you should leave or you’ll get sick too.”
Shaking your head, “No it’s fine, if I get sick you’ll take care of me I’m not too worried.” You smile at him. 
Letting out a sigh knowing that you aren’t gonna leave. 
He starts to toss in the bed pulling the blanket higher, looking like he’s ready to go to sleep. You watch as his eyes fall close and his breathing becomes slower. 
“You know I had two umbrellas.” You fall backwards giggling at Wonwoo’s reaction. 
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silentcryracha · 10 months
Hi babes 🦋 really love your writings and can’t wait to read more
Wanted to request a most to least Skz 🩵 Who do you think it’s more likely to stand up for their partner in front of mean people? Maybe some family members or strangers ?
Hi!! Thank you so much darling, I appreciate it <3
As for the request, I'm gonna keep it quite vague on the context but give some options maybe? I'm also 100% that all the members would defend a loved one equally but I'm gonna make this as who I'd think would 'react' more, hope you'll like it <3
Warnings: some cursing, vague mentions of toxic people/situations
Word count: 3.1K
masterlist + ask/request something!
Chan - I feel like in his case his foreign-influenced upbringing may play a part in why he's so high in the 'ranking'. Ironically I feel like he'd be more inclined to be 'chill' in a random situations, maybe with some strangers or people he doesn't know.
For example if someone made an inappropriate comment or offended you he'd either give them a death glare and move on, telling you to ignore them, or if they were being more insistent/got too close etc he'd vocally defend you and would be more than willing to throw hands. He's a very protective person and thinks that protecting the ones you love it's a given, like an obvious thing?
Which is why I'm convinced that if the abuse came from people that are supposed to be closer to you, like friends, relatives or even parents, he won't stand for it. Especially if it's someone older than both of you and should know better in general. Call it the oldest son/leader responsibility or simply good sense, that's how it is for Chan.
He would get riled up quite easily but also be quick to decide if the situation was worth it you or him being upset. In the first case he'd just get frustrated and gently ask you to leave those people that simply did not deserve you listening to them/being in their presence. In a more upsetting case, he still wouldn't throw hands because that's not a random person and in general wouldn't get that low, but he definitely would get vocal about defending you.
And who knows, maybe even throwing back some truth in their faces or venomous words, but wouldn't go further than that and just leave. He for sure would have a talk with you about how you deserve better and that no one is tying you down to these assholes anyway.
Jisung - He is not a mean person. Nor is he an aggressive or rude person. BUT, I bet that in the right (or wrong, in this case) situations he would definitely beat someone's ass the fuck up. Both for himself but mostly to defend someone he loves.
He seems to be someone that needs some time to trust people and in general just really likes to mind his own business, so imagine a random asshole just you know, being an asshole, unprovoked? That'd definitely make his 'first warning' go off. As in 'maybe if I'm the bigger person and pretend I didn't hear they'll shut the fuck up'. Just to avoid getting you and himself upset mostly.
But then surprisingly (not) the stranger doesn't stop. So the second red flag lights up, which is the 'I'm gonna tell this cunt to shut up and leave us/me/them alone'. Hopefully it works, but if it doesn't he's gonna start to square up QUICK. Like 'You wanna repeat it again, asshole?' kind of threat. God forbid it does come to throwing hands, but he would 100%. Fuck the minding your own business, anxiety and all that, at that point he'd be seeing red.
If we were talking about friends he'd be even less patient, I think. Friends aren't supposed to offend and disrespect you, plus he would have more confidence in telling them to shut the fuck up. Depending on the situation I think it'd start with him calling them out, then arguing and only, ONLY, if it gets really really bad, throw hands.
If it was a family/relatives issue I feel like it's the situation in which he'd just straight up refuse to let his anger get over him. Both because of his culture, but also because it is not uncommon at all to have shitty relationships with family members, and knows that the only solution is actually just getting away. Not shoving things under the rug or submit, but to be the bigger person. I feel like he may have an outburst only in a very upsetting situation, but other than that he'd just make sure to drag you away and remind you that their words aren't the truth.
Hyunjin - He's a quiet person. He may seem dramatic but in general he actually seems quite shy and reserved. He'd probably let slide things about himself, to be honest. But about you? About his loved one? Absolutely NOT. If he is friends with you/is your partner, you must take for granted that you're most likely perfect in his eyes. He just seems like someone who loves very much and completely, like the kind that would get offended in your place if you made a bad comment about yourself. So just imagine some random bitches lol
He would try to be more calm in a potentially dangerous situation with a stranger, I think. He's someone who'd definitely start by giving a massive side eye, then call out a 'Yah!' followed by an invitation to shut the fuck up, and then a full blown argument but again, if the things might've for some reason gone south, he would've called the police or something.
Like Jisung but in general anyone, I think, I feel like he wouldn't let slide any actual offense or disrespect. If it was about you I think people around him would, and should, know better than to even get you involved in a joke, so imagine that. If it was something seriously fucked up it would be a deal breaker for their friendship. Definitely argue and call names.
If the situation was about family I feel like he would be more 'used' to it and just roll his eyes and tell you to move on and don't even listen to them. I feel like he's be one of those who would really like to be liked by a SO's family and friends, but he's also one who 'treats people based on how they treat him' and I feel like it would apply for someone he loved. I truly feel like he's way more protective and intimidating than he comes across. So it wouldn't be surprising if he acted cool and calm with you but then disappeared to have a 'casual talk' with a specific person, effectively shutting them up I imagine.
But more than an outburst I feel like that if the situation called for it he'd be able to handle his words very well and 'hit' where he needs to without even lifitng a finger. And then just leave with you and make sure to remind you how worthy and beautiful you are to him and the other people who actually love you and value you.
Changbin - Already generally comes off as intimidating at first glance. Big, strong boy, serious face. Of course we know he's a sweetheart but the weirdos on the street don't so I feel like there's a very good chance that a lot of them would watch their mouth beforehand. If Binnie did manage to hear something, I'd picture him as someone who wouldn't exactly give a side eye, but would find a more subtle way to make their presence known.
Like clearing his throat, striding a chair slightly and so on. If the person if question wasn't taking the hint, then he'd confront him, menacing but still not aggressive in the slightest. And then again if these assholes had a death wish then It would be likely that they'd get a punch or two. Not to start an actual fight, Changbin doesn't want that. He just wants to shut their mouths up and leave, just as calmly as he came. He knows his strength and would analyze the opponent beforehand, if they're drunk, intoxicated or just stupid.
But then again he's also someone who would smell a dangerous situation miles away and would rather call the police before lifting a finger. He'd be way more worried about your safety than his.
If the offense came from friends, he could turn a blind eye for himself, as soon as he knew that they were bad jokes and nothing more. But for you, he wouldn't have that patience. Especially if you're not a person who generally sticks up a lot for themselves, he'd take it as his job to defend you and even argue with these people. Eventually leaving them be and bringing you home with a promise to introduce you some new, nice people that would've treated you right.
With family members, I feel like he's someone who's been pretty well supported thought his life, so maybe seeing your family treat you so poorly would absolutely crush him. On an emotional level at first, because he feels sorry that you didn't have a good environment to grow up in, and then the anger would settle in. He'd still be collected and respectful, not acting out or bursting in front of anyone. He'd just rather for you to not listen to them at all, and gently remind you how loved you are by him but not only, and that you don't have to deal with them if you don't want to.
Felix - Felix is someone who looks quiet and likes to be nice to people, mind his own business. I feel like stupid comments about himself wouldn't really faze him, or maybe he'd just pretend he didn't hear them and internalize them. But if they were about you, he wouldn't be happy at all. At first if it was just someone nagging or being annoying he'd tell you to ignore them and move on, but if they became insistent then he'd start to get riled up.
He'd still be pretty cool, but be firm in asking them to leave you alone. If they still didn't comply, I can't promise this man wouldn't make good use of his multiple belts in Taekwondo. But it would be something very technical and specific just to scare them off. If he thought that you could be in a dangerous situation he would've called someone.
I feel like it could happen to him to not get a joke or two, and brush it off because he doesn't want to think that a friend would have bad intentions, but if it upsets you or it starts to become a pattern he's gonna immediately stand up for you. He'd not so nicely hint at them to stop and apologize, but if they didn't then he would get into an argument, but more like a scolding. 'You should be saying this shit to people, they have consequences' and all that. Would probably make you leave and tell you to find better people to hang around with.
If it was about family, it's gonna be easier for Felix to let loose with his mouth I think. Because he, like everyone, knows that sometimes families can't be the happiest on earth, which is fine and it wouldn't have killed him to act nice in front of them for some hours. But he would also not forget what you told him about them and all the way that they've treated you. He would recommend you to cut ties, but if for some reason you struggled to do that he would support you no matter what. In a difficult situation he would never yell nor use his hands, but he would be very honest to their faces and say that they don't deserve your kindness, and then leave.
Minho - Minho is another one who's quiet and reserved in public. I'm sure he's polite enough but I wouldn't say trustworthy with strangers. He looks like someone who values respect in all its forms. Respect of the rules, of the ambient, animals, people. But he also just enjoys people not being in his business.
Which is why, in the eventuality of an unfortunate encounter with a stranger, he'd have different reactions. If the target was him he'd just straight up not give a fuck, but if it was you he would get slightly annoyed. He simply wouldn't have ANY type of care for what a random cunt in a bar said about the love of his life, pft. He'd roll his eyes and move on. He is protective, but he doesn't want to baby you at the same time.
That person would manage to get his actual attention only if he showed signs of being dangerous, in that case depending on the situation he'd either handle it himself (he also has a few medals in Taekwondo) and then leave, preferably with only a fake punch to scare him off. But then again if it was something even more serious he'd call the police and shelter you with his body of he has to.
If the offense came from a friend I feel like that would be the worst scenario for him. Or at least for his character, I think. Because, again, he is someone who truly doesn't give a shit about people that he doesn't know, but If someone that he (or you) would consider a 'friend' happened to disrespect or offend you personally, he'd lose it. He wouldn't stay silent, his confidence and knowledge about the person would give him the upper hand to get back at them. A lot of arguing and venomous words coming out of his mouth. Apology with tears or it's a deal breaker.
Speaking of family ties, he'd just straight up tell you to cut them. Like the adult he is he knows that everyone can have issues sometimes, but when the 'issues' become abuse perpetrated in time then it's time to say bye bye. If he was aware of some shit that you had to go through because of them he would encourage you to not even bother to show up at gatherings and stuff like that. He would make an exception ONLY to officially meet your parents, at least once. He'd be respectful but probably not too warm to them, if they were the issue. Unless something escalated quickly he wouldn't have opened his mouth, but otherwise he may throw out some reality checks in his sharp manner, and probably shut them up. Then you'd leave and he'd make sure to make you feel ten times more loved.
Seungmin - He looks like he's a menace and he probably is under some circumstances, but he's also a very shy person I think. AND is another one who, I think mostly out of culture, has a high value for respect. In his case, for people older than him.
If something did happen with a stranger, he'd be more willing to scare him off right away with a 'Leave us alone, freak' or some other snarky comment. In the unfortunate case that the person doesn't give up, he's gonna square up, but secretly hoping to not actually throw hands. He'd probably look around for people to gather and at the very least be witnesses. If the situation is dangerous he'd call the police even before approaching the individual. He doesn't want to risk, for either of you.
He's reserve the same snarky energy for friends. He's someone himself who loves to tease other people but I feel like he genuinely would never purposefully hurt someone, so that's where he'd draw the line. If it was about himself he'd probably tell the person to fuck off, and if it was about you... Well he'd do the same but he'd definitely be WAY more mad. He doesn't want you to be hurt in general, and depending on the issue he would get more or less mad. I'm not 100% that he'd throw hands with a known person, I think not but still. In any case he would stand up for you and take it seriously.
If it was about family, especially elders like parents or grandparents, I wouldn't expect him to react much. Unfortunately I feel like the most he'd do is act coldly and try to take you away as soon as possible, but wouldn't dare to raise his voice or argue with them. It's not about fear or him not wanting to protect you, it's something else so much deeply engraved in his brain that stops him. I feel like he wouldn't even talk shit about them, he'd just straight up focus on you and encourage you to cut ties of you wanted to. In general he would be 100% supportive.
Jeongin - Jeongin also seems like a pretty reserved person. And also someone who just wants to live life well and possibly without assholes around. He mentioned how he was bullied when he was little, so I'm sure that he may know a thing or two about that.
Seeing a stranger behave like an asshole towards anyone would get him in the worst mood, in general. But strangely enough he wouldn't react of it was about him. He wouldn't react if he was about you either, but he'd constantly make sure that you're okay and try to distract you. If the person wasn't leaving you alone then at first he'd ask politely, but was probably already with his phone in hand to dial the police number, mainly to scare off the son of a bitch. Which hopefully would run, otherwise the cops were already on the phone. He wouldn't take absolutely NO chance of either of you getting hurt, or causing chaos in public.
In the friends group he messes around a lot but is also the first one to tell people to chill whenever things get heated for some reason. He's quite protective of you just because he cares so much, so of course he doesn't want to see you hurt. If it was one of your friends, then he'd either let you handle it how you thought best, but would make a snarky comment to him for good measure, and probably recommend you change up friends.
If it was one of his, he'd be heartbroken. He's not someone who opens up easily in general, and now a person that was supposed to love him and support his was insulting his partner? Hell no, he'd get quite mad and at that point I can see a lot of words flying around in your defense. It could cause a whole end for a friendship, depending on how bad it was.
With family members I still feel like he'd just try to be nice, or play nice in general because he doesn't want bad blood nor the risk of them not liking him, because as a consequence it would make you look bad. He'd support you and listen to your whenever you needed but he wouldn't actually mix himself with them. He'd let you handle it but would be very willing to give you advice. I can't even picture him fighting at all, in a shitty situation he'd just take your hand, get up and say 'We're leaving, dinner was nice but the company, less'
Would definitely talk shit about them with you tho, absolutely.
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hi! i love ur writing, i’ve also never requested anything before so if this is ass, ignore it lmao
Hasan fluff/smut request! where reader (she/her) has just been having a really bad day, like everything is going wrong and frustrating her, so she joins hasan during the end of his stream and talks to chat and then after he ends his stream he decides he wants to make her feel better *wink wink* by making the rest of the night about her and just loving on her.
thank u!! i also don’t know if u do emoji anons but if u do can i be 🪩?
Before we get into this, this ask was from back in SEPTEMBER so to this anon, I am so sorry I didn't get to this sooner, and hopefully you have stuck around to see it! (I also can't see that emoji, so if you wanna send another request to be a diff emoji then that'd be great <3)
You were having a REALLY bad day.
Really bad.
You tripped on the way to work
Everyone was either rude or just passive aggressive
Your work load was the hardest you've ever had
Your uber dropped you ten minutes away from your house, so it wasn't even worth it getting one
And your key card for the gates to your community didn't work so you had to climb the fence which DEFINITELY made your new neighbors wary that you could be an intruder.
Stumbling through the door, you heard Hasan's belly-laughter which instantly pulled some weight off your shoulders.
Dropping all your stuff on the way to his office, you gently knock on the sliding glass doors before entering.
"Hey! Look who's here, chat! If it isn't my favourite girl!"
"How was your day, sweetheart?"
"Fucking... shit."
"Really? That sucks, why don't you come join me for the rest of the stream and we'll see if we can cheer you up, yeah?"
You guys hosted a relatively cozy stream, he got up to make you some coco while you talked to chat, and y'all just talked, answered some questions and played some Stardew Valley!
Soon, the stream came to an end.
But your night didn't.
Hasan followed behind you as you guys went to your bedroom
And patiently waited as you got ready for bed
"You wanna talk about it?"
"Not really..."
"You wanna fuck?"
He obviously knows you don't wanna *fuck*
So, he goes slow
Gets romantic
Puts some music on, lights a candle, and straps in for a loooooong night
He lays you down on the center of the bed and makes, basically, a nest of blankets and pillows around you
He wants you to feel safe!
Makes you forget all about your day
Takes his time with you
You stay mainly in missionary
He'll eeeeeeeat you out
Stays down there for a whiiiiile
Cracks some jokes every now and again
Shaky legs <3
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system-hottakes · 2 months
Hey - I wanna be clear and say this is a 100 percent genuine question but we have always heard in the past that an alter calling themself transfem in an AFAB body or calling themself transmasc in an AMAB body, is not okay. But we saw on this blog someone mentioned that and we would like to get a viewpoint/explanation I guess, from you, why is this not a bad thing? /genq
I REALLY hope this doesn't come across as rude at all, if you feel not up to answering then that's perfectly okay, I'd just like to hear what you have to say because we have never heard this side of the argument
-🔥🧷 (if we could reserve this tag then that'd be really nice but no pressure ofc)
Well I think our first belief is that transfem ≠ tranwoman, like they could easily be a feminine non-binary person or demi-girl and count as transfem, that means they're trans (same for transmasc). Second, we just don't really care how people call themselves, being trans is not limited to suffering and it never should be, as long as they aren't hurting anyone (which they're not) then we believe they can call themselves whatever
Also yes, you can have that tag, and don't worry anon, it's doesn't come off as rude to me ^_^
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odusseus-xvi · 9 months
Wanted to talk about q!Forever and his presidency seen from the pov of someone who mostly experience it from outside percepctive as I'm incapable of understanding Brazilian. SAYING IT RIGHT NOW I'm not here to say q!Forever is wrong or evil (as I'm convinced he is not, no need to come and tell me), this is not what's it's about, this is about how lost he seems when you are looking from the exterior.
So I know drama is brewing because people are fighting over who's right and who's an evil virus of satan, and I don't care, I'm not interested in this. I want to talk about the characters I love, because I love q!Forever, and his story makes me so sad.
I want to explain to those who wouldn't know, I'm a mostly french viewers, I follow Etoiles, Baghz, Antoine, Aypierre and Phil (mostly, I try to follow everyone's storyline and povs), the last two are not important here as Philza doesn't interact with the president storyline at all and Aypierre's involvement can be resumed to "I don't care who's in power and what they do, I'll be nice to them because I want power". But basically what the Forever Presidency feels like is not evil, or corrupted, it feels WEIRD :
Because obviously he is kindhearted, he has saved the eggs multiple times, he has done a lot for the island, and has said multiple times he wants to help everyone, and I believe that. But then in some of his actions and speeches, there is so much stuff that we are weirded out about. First how he told Baghera how he wanted to make everyone vote etc. That's okay, but like she said herself "Well that was my campaign idea..." And that's true, and that was also a thing Him and Cellbit used as way to descend her campaign, so that felt like a light knife in the back. But that's the least worrying thing.
There was then the whole deal where from what I understood he felt betrayed by Baghera and Bad as they didn't share everything and witheld information. And from Baghz pov that felt like it came out of nowhere because... Well she didn't ! That was simply miscommunication. And ensued the whole deal where he talked about how he felt about the arrival of the new people, and how he didn't trust them and didn't want to help them unless they had an egg. That was a weird thing in itself, he is supposed to be the president of the island and he is the one least willing to welcome new people.
There was also the nerfing armor stuff. At first we thought he said that as a joke you know, he is just not saying no to Quackity because that'd be rude. But who in their right mind would do that right ? Right... ? And then yestedray he asks Etoiles to do a debate with Quackity to discuss it and everyone went "Wait, he's actually considering it ?" And that was weird because... Well Forever spends most of his time in his base. Isolated. And when you watch Etoiles you know that even with the strongest suit of armor in the game you CAN die everyday. Is... Is Forever asking for a death sentence ? Has he been living under a rock ?
The last thing was yesterday, when Etoiles wanted to ask him a few things, he arrived when Forever was having a secret discussion with Cucurucho, and he ordered the construction of a prison he would have access to. And THAT was so WEIRD, everyone in chat and in reaction were like "WHAT !!??? WH... WHY ??", and then followed by "could I have a gun to defend myself ?" and everyone went "Oh. He... He doesn't trust us !!!", Etoiles himself went *raises eyebrow*. There is something REALLY going bad with q!Forever. And then he immediatly follows by taking in consideration Etoiles' request to allow Dark Metal for his fight against the code, so he's not evil, he's not corrupted... And that's where I realised what it felt like, it feels like he is lost.
It seems he want to do good, but takes weird unnecessary decisions after weird unnecessary decisions that in most cases fucks over other islanders more than it helps, and the important thing to remember is that he is not doing that purposefully, again it seems he is lost, it feels like he doesn't know what he is doing, because of that people are more wary of him, and it leads him to become more paranoïd and he makes even more bad decisions, wich leads to more people being wary of him and it creates a vicious feedback loop that constantly raises the tension. (also having the big PRESIDENT sign next to his name creates an epidermic reaction in every french that makes us want a revolution /j) And it's so sad because the only exit I can see is for the tension to be released in an explosion, a revolution, and THAT could be interesting because for once neither side is truly evil per say. They can be misguided, but not outright evil. Like Baghera said herself "I... I don't understand where he is going."
What's terrifying is what we foresaw with the election is happening, the islanders are driving themselves apart and turning against each other. I don't think the Federation wants to avoid a revolution, I'm pretty sure they would be rooting for it.
(HOWEVER next time I see someone saying q!Forever is this perfect little guy that did nothing wrong... PLEASE. The guy was vicious during the election arc. With how much misinformation he spread on Etoiles most notably.)
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echantedtoon · 2 months
Ocean Deep Ch2 Spectacles And Scales
((Warnings for mistreatment of the mers by the sideshow owner and some of the other people, Buying and selling of mers, mistreatment of animals briefly shown, etc.
 typed in random anime man into Google and this is the first photo that popped up so I'm using this as reference to what Akira looks like.
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It was a beautiful day today. 
That's usually what the default positive thing you thought was whenever something went wrong or you were feeling bad. You'd look outside and even if it was raining, you'd still find something outside to think about. The clouds looked like funny bunnies today. The next the sky would be a beautiful blue. Those flowers look wonderful. The snow looked sparkly in the sunlight. 
Anything to stay positive in the crazy world ruled by creatures unseen and more powerful than the average human. You've never seen one personally thank the gods, but you knew something must've been going on with all of the disappearances that's happened for hundreds of years. Whether it's some humans, natural accidents, runaways, or something else you didn't know but you weren't going to be one of the ones that ended up disappearing. You had a plan for your life. 
You wanted to work on yourself and maybe find someone to settle down with, and then maybe have a few children later down the line when your career was solid and you knew you'd be secure enough. Maybe even adopt a few animals! You've always wanted a small pony! Maybe a big dog you could roughhouse and snuggle with. That'd be nice. Just you and a domestic life. But for now you were just content with just working at the local florist shop and putting your life together. 
It wasn't bad. You got to help with lots of pretty flowers all year round, there was always the pleasant smell of flowers in the air, it earnt you a decent living, it wasn't too far from your house, and your boss was a very kind old lady who's been doing this for years. You were lucky to have found such a good job. 
"Thank you for coming by. It's always so nice to see you again, Akira." 
You briefly looked up from where you were watering a pot of begonias with an old teapot. One of the local men was in today buying a small bouquet of peonies for whatever reason he wanted them. Being a decently big town, you kinda knew him but with the town still being big you also didn't. You knew this man, Akira, was the son of one of the fishermen families while his mother's family were glass blowers. You only knew that because your boss mentioned that Akira's mother's family were the ones that made the giant glass greenhouse connected to her house, she used it to grow all her flowers year round. But outside of that and just seeing him around every so often, you didn't personally know Akira. But he also had a reputation for being handsome. 
He certainly has the looks to back that up. Greyish-white soft hair. Silver eyes. A tall muscular physic. And a handsome face that looked like it was sculpted by an excellent artist. You only gave a brief look over your shoulder as the two spoke.. before going back to work. It'd be rude to stare while they spoke and you had a job to do which was to finish watering these plants. 
"You too, Mrs. Satoshi. And may I say you don't look a day over forty."
A strong of chuckles that had you rolling your eyes and inwardly groaning. "Oh, stop. You always say the sweetest things to people."
"I can't help it if I wear my heart on my sleeve.~ But while I'm here, I might as well give you this." You heard a distant sound of rustling paper and a moment later Akira spoke again. "Here! I've been handing these out for everyone to see."
There was a pause of silence before your boss hummed again. "Your uncle finally gotten that display up has he?"
"Absolutely! He calls it an 'ocean viewing through glass' and he's planning on showing it off at the end of this month!"
"Having a small tank of pet fish is one thing, but who's ever heard of people keeping giant tanks full of fish just for people to gawk at? Anyone can just go down to the beach and see most of the critters in the water."
Akira gave a deep chuckle in return. "Oh it's going to be be so much more than 'just fish's, Mrs. Satoshi. The opening night is free to everyone who shows up, and there's going to be plenty to see."
"I'll certainly think about it. Tell your family I said hi."
"I certainly will." Footsteps carried away the man from the counter before they slowly came to a stop right behind you. The sudden feeling on eyes on your back had you pausing before turning over your shoulder and finding Akira staring at you with a half lidded smiling face. "I can't forget about your lovely assistant now!"
You blinked and a second later a hand held up a piece of paper to you. F/c eyes glanced at the parchment and noticed that he must've pulled it out of the bag slung over his right shoulder since a few more corners of paper were sticking out and the top opening. The paper made some crinkle sounds when he waggled it at you pulling your attention back to it, and slowly you reached out to take it from him. Your eyes gazed over it and it became pretty apparent that it was a flyer advertising the opening of a new business. Hand written too, detailing the opening date and time and other things. 
"Oh...Thank you," you remained polite.
He smiled maybe a bit too widely but only turned to start walking away with the flowers in his hands. "I hope to see you there."
You watched as he left through the front door and slowly looked back to the flier in your hands.. before just putting it away and carrying on with your business. The roses were in need of the water and the flowers weren't going to water themselves.
"You know I think he likes you."
"...What?" Your head turned to the smiling older lady.
"He passed by here practically every day and he always gives a look at you through the window," she teased, "He's a rather handsome young man, and his family has such a profitable business."
You grimaced. "That's just really creepy. If he likes me then he can be a man and talk to me about it, and I don't even know him. We're strangers. Besides-" You turned back to the flowers pouring more water from the large teapot in your hands. "-he's not my type."
You just wasn't feeling like getting close to Akira. He gave you a bad feeling, and genuinely he really was not you type. He looked really handsome but it was more than good looks that counts. What about personality and character? Nah. The other girls could have him for all you cared. The older woman only hummed in thought before shrugging.
"If you say so, Dear. Just remember you're only young once. It wouldn't hurt to find someone nice to settle down with before it's too late."
"I also have my whole life ahead of me so I have plenty of time to settle down and find someone if I even wanted to. I don't want to rush into anything that I'll just regret later." 
You didn't want to end up like so many unhappy couples you've seen over the years. Fighting and yelling and having affairs- No. You didn't want that. You were going to take your time and if someone comes along then it'll happen. If not- Well you can always get that pony or dog you've always wanted to keep you company. You didn't need to be married or have children to have a good fulfilling life. 
Besides you were perfectly content right now with how things were. You didn't need anything changing or any surprises. Everything was just fine how they were. Not a single thing needs to be added. 
"Are you going to his uncle's grand opening? I think it would be quite interesting to see what all of the excitements about."
"I don't think so. It's just going to be a bunch of fish in giant tanks. If you ask me, that's too much work to maintain. Not to mention that the amount of cleaning the tanks and constantly hauling new water to replace the old sea water-..." You shook your head. "No. Not worth it if you ask me."
She hummed turning to grab a pair of tweezers and cut away the dead leaves off a miniature rose bush. "Well you never know. It might be fun to just go and look. It is going to be free after all. "
You both left the conversation at that and didn't bring it up again. There was no point. You didn't want to go and really you shouldn't to not give Akira any more encouragement for his creepy behavior. It made a shudder run through your spine and you cringe in disgust. You'd definitely be avoiding him from now on. You'd just ignore him and everything would be fine again.
With a sigh of relief, you just went on about your day and ignored the feeling in the back of your mind. It was nothing.
You hadn't heard anything else for the next three days, and it was just business as usual around here. You were having a peaceful time with your work and had all but forgotten about the encounter with Akira or his uncle's 'grand opening' except for the occasional old flier on the ground or the occasional topic of it being brought up in conversation, but it wasn't very often and you'd forget about it quickly after anyways. But there was one strange thing that happened to at the end of the week. It was really a spectacle. Really it was. Not really a thing you'd usually see around these parts. You hadn't even noticed it really, with your back towards the roads. You were too busy helping your elderly boss pick up big plant pots outside that her frail body was too weak to lift. You'd be needing these for an upcoming big delivery for (ironically) Akira's Aunt Linna as you were informed by your boss. Apparently she was planning on adding a whole lot of giant rose bushes around her home and these heavy pots were gonna be used to transport the bushes over once they were ready in one of two weeks. Unfortunately your work was interrupted by your boss when the kind lady looked over her shoulder and gasped catching your attention.
"My oh my." She looked surprised with a hand to her chin.
You followed her gaze and paused surprised as well as a few other people on the streets around you. Coming from up the road was two giant stallions being pulled along by a strong looking middle aged man. He was cursing at the animals straining to pull along their cargo and angrily whipping the reigns with each curse.
"That's sick!" The words escaped you before you could even think.
A nasiating disgusted feeling churned about in your stomach as you watched as the poor animals strained and slowly came up the road and past you both. The sounds those poor ponies were making made you want to grab a whip and swing it at the gruff looking man as they slowly walked by you. The cargo they were straining to pull was...Well you couldn't tell what it was. It was BIG. At least six feet high, ten feet long, very rectangular, and covered by old wet tarps tied together by ropes. Your eyes widened looking up at the thing as it slowly pulled past you with the man yelling at the struggling ponies, briefly a shadow fell over you both and you froze solid as it continued to be pulled by you both. 
"It ..seems like they had come up from the beach. That's probably one of the tanks Akira's uncle wanted for his opening," your boss eventually broke the silence and pointed out the size of the presumed tank.
You didn't say anything about it for you were frozen in shock. For your eyes could have SWORN they saw the brief sight of a hand and half a face peeking out at you from a gap in the tarps..The light. You told yourself. It was just the light playing tricks on you. There's no way a human was under that tarp. You were seeing things. You shouldn't involve yourself in this. Forget it. Don't get involved in this. It wasn't worth it. Nothing good would ever come out of sticking your nose into other people's business anyways. You turned away from the sight of the cart disappearing and the distant cries of the man's cussing to place another heavy pot down off to the side, the last thing you needed was unnecessary drama in your life. 
Besides it's not like whatever Akira's family was doing would affect you.
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
Friendship Level Up Lines
Below are the friendship level up lines from the newly implemented Guest Room function in-game.
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Your guest room is quite lovely. I'll return again soon with a small token of my appreciation for you.
Max Level: Being a Dorm Leader means that I am constantly busy, but… I cannot ignore your hospitality. Next time I have time available, I shall come visit.
Looks like a pretty snazzy room, but I bet you've just swept all the trash under the furniture! ...I'm kidding, I'm not gonna go look for any, so don't kick me out!
Max Level: Hey, can I put something in this guest room, too? I bet I’ll be coming around a lot more often, and it’s a pretty big room, so I can have a little space, right?
I feel bad you're always inviting me over. I'd offer to have you come over to my place, but because I'm in a shared dorm room it's not that easy to.
Max Level: The other day, I saw something that’d be perfect for this guest room in the school shop, so I’ll get it. Hey, don’t worry about it, we’re buds, right?
Thanks for the great time! If you ever want to invite me back over, I'll definitely come. I'm sure the guest room will look even more amazing next time I come, right?
Max Level: Maybe I’ll try making some furniture with you next time. The style you got going right now’s pretty rockin’, but we do a collab, maybe you’ll end up even more attached to Cay-kun. What if, right? ♪
At first, when you said you wanted to extend your hospitality to me, I thought to myself, "what are they scheming?", but... Haha, you're always full of surprises.
Max Level: I need to give you proper thanks for always inviting me. …Eh? Hey, it’ll be troublesome if you ask for that much. Do me a favor and don’t expect too much, okay?
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I don't like being constantly disturbed. So in that sense, this place is perfect and quiet.
Max Level: I don’t mind coming by this guest room once in a while. Make sure you have a place to nap and some food ready for me.
I mean, I'm pretty busy with my studies and training, but... Hey, wait, I didn't said I wouldn't come! It would be rude to not show up when you've invited me.
Max Level: Oh yeah, why don’t we put a cactus in your room, too? It’s not that hard to take care of, and you’ll end up enjoying raising it.
You wanna know if I'll come back again? Hey, 's long as it's free, I'll come anytime! And hey, if I get some snacks out of coming here too, that'd be even better. Shishishi.
Max Level: I gotta make sure to thank ya for always invitin’ me. Oh right, let me know if any of your furniture breaks. Not sayin’ I’ll do it for free, but I can give you a friend’s discount to fix it.
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Thanks to your efforts, I was able to spend quite the worthwhile time here. ...If it pleases you, do not hesitate to invite me back.
Max Level: I dislike being in debt to anyone. Next time, I shall play host to you. I’ve already scheduled it. I cannot wait to see your surprised look.
It seems I cannot help but stay longer than intended here in Ramshackle. I do hope I am not disturbing you.
Max Level: Thank you for everything. Your hospitality is pleasant and appreciated. Perhaps I could receive some guidance in these matters sometime? Of course, you’ll be fully compensated
Hey, make a chair just for me. One that's round, but also sharp; that makes a statement, but is also subtle. Thaaaanks~
Max Level: I feel like I’m one of your regulars here, huh. It’s kinda rare for me to be able to hang in one place for so long without gettin’ bored. Keep it up, I’m counting on ya.
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Can I come again sometime? Thanks! You should come visit my dorm sometime, too. Me and Jamil'll totally treat you well!
Max Level: Thanks, as always! I wanna give you something in return, so I’ll send some jewels and clothes over to Ramshackle soon! …Eh, you don’t need it? Then, what do you want?
I'm usually on the hosting end of these kind of things, but it's not that bad to be a guest for once. If you'd like, invite me again sometime.
Max Level: When I’m in this room, I feel so at home. May I come again? I thought it’d be nice to spend some quality time talking with you sometime. Of course, I’ll definitely bring a gift with me when I come.
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When I'm with you, time just seems to fly by so quickly. It may be because I am so absorbed in our conversations. You've successfully kept me engaged, well done.
Max Level: Do you fully grasp just how much of a sin it is to monopolize my precious time like this? If a fan were to hear of this, they may faint from shock… Fufu. That is fun to imagine.
It's kinda calming to spend time in this room. It's dangerous, though, 'cause I might get so relaxed that I let my real words slip out... But I still want to come over anyway!
Max Level: This place is so awesome with how I can spread out and relax! Thanks for everything. I’m gonna make sure you can have just as much fun over at my place, so you need to come over next time.
All this time I get to spend with you is filled with new discoveries, it is absolutely spectacular! May I come visit again?
Max Level: You are a dangerous one. Time and time again, I feel as though my innermost thoughts may come spilling out. Oh, this delightful feeling of tension… Beauté! I shall come visit again.
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Y-You've got some ulterior motive for being so nice to me, don't you? Honestly, I'd feel more relaxed if you'd say that you did...
Max Level: When you first said you wanted me to come to your guest room, I thought you were being forced to on a dare or something, but… Guess I was wrong. Uh, well… I’ll come again. Yeah.
Your room is such a mysterious wonder. It makes me want to come back over and over again. I'd like to solve this enigma, so please call me over again!
Max Level: I want to help you with setting up your room, too! Let me know the next time you’re redecorating, if you need anything heavy moved. I’ll change into a heavy-lifting attachment!
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I cannot believe that there would be someone out there who would invite me like this... Wait. I wasn't barging in uninvited, was I?
Max Level: I suppose it’s not a bad feeling at all to have such gentle hospitality like this. Right now, I am in a fantastic mood. Fufufu, if you have any favor you wish to ask of me, now may be the time to do so.
I haven't had much opportunities to visit another person's home. If I do anything discourteous, I shall remedy my actions. So please, welcome be back again sometime.
Max Level: Thanks to you, I have been able to thoroughly enjoy myself.  I am still figuring out how I could possibly relay these feelings of gratitude.
From the way you keep trying to talk to me, I can see that you've nothing to do. I'll allow you to join me for training, then! ...Why are you declining...?
Max Level: I’ve gotten used to listening to you ramble on. From now on, you’re free to call on me whenever you want. …I can’t promise that I’ll always listen though, you understand?
This place is filled with things that pique my curiosity. Of course, that includes you. Kufufu.
Max Level: I cannot believe I’ve gotten to this age, and I’m still making new friends that I can confide in. Kufufu, it’s a blessing to be able to live this long. Keep up the good work!
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I don't quite mind being so beloved by my students. I shall whole-heartedly accept your adoration, so please, keep it up for as much as your heart desires.
Max Level: I cannot just let you host and not return the favor. After all, I am so bountiful in my generosity! Please come by my office sometime. I shall treat you in grand fashion!
Nyahaha, yeah, yeah! I told you, good things happen when you're under my wing. Here, I'll give you a bite of my tuna! ...Just one bite, okay?
Max Level: Hey, look! I dusted the guest room for you. You’re always working so hard, so I gotta help ya out once in a while. Did it make you happy? Hey, did it?
I have no recollection of ever accepting such gracious hospitality… How dubious. You would do well to tell me honestly of whatever nefarious plans you may have. What, you have none? …If that is true, then this is even more troublesome.
Max Level: I cannot help but pity you for residing in a place such as this while unable to use magic. If you find you cannot suffer these wicked mages, you should come to me. I shall gladly lambast them.
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the-milk-monarch · 7 months
☢︎ | gender-neutral reader
☢︎ | Total Drama
☢︎ | Mal
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You had to survive in a new school.
Which was already draining enough, as you didn't have many friends. because of your lacking social skills.
You didn't really bother anyone and you were just kind of keeping to yourself passively.
It was tolerable, living like that in your previous school.
However that "comfy" style of yours quickly got disrupted when one of the most edgiest boys in your class started picking on you.
Mal, was the name of your new school bully it seems.
A lanky boy with brown bangs covering one of his eye.
"Emo?" You thought, but whatever thoughts you had about him were quickly poisoned by how he acted towards you.
You were used to hear some mean comments about you from your past classmates, so you decided to ignore it at first.
Mal wasn't really fiercely trying to bully you, but if he got a chance, he'd make sure to say some comment about you that'd make your day annoying.
"Wow, Y/N got a insert any grade here" No matter if they were bad or good, he always had something stupid to murmur to himself, but in a way you'd also hear. "Oh, did you tire yourself out?" He said mockingly, seeing you come out last of the gym. "Careful not to strain anything…"
"Aw, sitting alone?" He looked at you as he passed by, noticing you eat your lunch in some secluded part of the hallway, away from people, sitting on the ground and leaning on the wall.
All you heard were those stupid remarks of his. What was the point of them? Why did he target you??
You usually just ignored him, not wanting to waste your breath on some meaningless banter, but you finally snapped this time.
"I don't see you eating with anyone either." You respond bluntly, pausing your feasting on the sandwich.
He chuckled ambiguously, his smug aura still present. "Oh, I don't need any other company."
You looked at him for a moment, unsure what to say, but he just lingered around you for a few more seconds, before finally going his way after noticing your reaction.
You were so confused by his behavior.
Like, he didn't say any offensive things to you like "you suck." but there was just some- off vibe from him.
Was he trying to piss you off or is he just eccentric?
This question lingered in your mind for some time as his antics continued.
He was also a known troublemaker at school, so that gave you even more reason to be worried about his intentions.
You weren't really a troublemaker, or if you were, you hid it really good. You were never caught.
But Mal was the type to flaunt with his misdemeanors. He was proud of being a pain in the ass for the teachers and probably other students.
You didn't really paid attention to it, but most of the students weren't talking to him. He also wasn't keen on interacting with his classmates.
He only seemed to "pick fights" with you, which had left you with a burning question of why?
But you were also new at the school so maybe there was something else to it and you just had to wait.
And wait you did, until you landed up in detention, with none other than Mal.
You were very baffled the moment you were called for after hours at school, for allegedly misbehaving.
Of course you asked for details and why were you so unjustly taken here.
But all you got for the reasoning behind was that you were very rude to Mal, and he also made a mess in the classroom trying to blame it on you!
At first came confusion. You were rude to Mal how?? Was he really a baby about that last comment you made?
Then anger came. Was he really so petty to trash the whole classroom and then pin it on you?
You tried to explain that you were just eating lunch by yourself when that happened, but since it was a very secluded place and no one (besides Mal) talked to you, there was also no proof of your innocence, besides "he said, she said".
You were about to throw hands until you saw something familiar sitting on the desk at the trashed classroom. It was your pencil case!
Why was it there?
How did he get his hands on it??
He set you up.
He made it look like a perfect crime. You were prone to writing on the desk sometimes, but you immediately wiped it after, so no harm was done. However, your teacher didn't know that.
Your teacher knew Mal was a troublemaker though, so he took his words with a pinch of salt, but because of your newbie status you got dragged into it too.
The teacher didn't bother to check how much at fault you were, so he ultimately decided that you both were gonna spend at least an hour there until the classroom was clean.
The teacher got out of the room, leaving you both in there.
Mal was sitting lazily in one of the chairs. After he noticed you drilling a hole into him with your eyes, he smirked amused and smug.
"What?" He asked, lightly supporting his chin on his hand comfortably.
You waited a few seconds before responding to his disrespectful ask.
"What do you mean 'what?'. The hell, man??" You raised your voice a little at his audacity.
He just looked you up and down, as if very entertained by your reaction.
"Now you don't have to spend your time so alone. You're welcome." You could hear the victory in his voice.
Was he really doing it for his own entertainment?
"I-" You didn't even know what to respond, gaining you some delightfully amused raised eyebrow from him.
"Don't tell me you're not at least slightly happy to see me?" He said, leaving you even more confused. You didn't know whether he was serious at this point or pulling your leg.
"Why would I be??" You spat out without any thinking, making Mal put on slightly dramatic offended expression.
"Oof, ouch. I thought we were getting somewhere." He mocked, looking at your response after his words.
You tilted your head.
He sighed, still keeping a nonchalant and tad arrogant tone.
"You never talk to me, no matter how much I try to gain your attention." He spoke calmly, as if being the one in control of the situation.
"But hey, you spoke to me today." He said, almost proud of his "achievement".
"And what did that do?? You tattled on me to the teacher that I was rude and set me up??" You asked your very valid question.
He chuckled slightly, readjusting himself to an even cockier position on the chair.
"Dear, all I did was make you talk to me. Look at that, whole few minutes and we're already having a conversation." He was a very peculiar man.
You didn't know whether to be amused or annoyed at his smooth replies.
"Well, couldn't you strike up a convo like a normal person, without setting me up for your trap?" You asked, looking at him expectantly.
He held himself off from laughing.
"Refresh your memory, I tried." He said casually.
You stop for a moment to think. It's- true. He did kind of talk to you, but how were you supposed to be sure he wasn't just fucking with you??
"Cat got your tongue, eh? It's okay. I can let it slide." He said before you could come up with a response. He acted as if he was doing you a favor.
"But you were nothing but annoying jerk to me!" You pointed out. Your words might have been a bit over-dramatic, as Mal technically never insulted you.
"Come on, I was a jerk to everyone, so why should you be left out? I just wanted to get your attention and… Well, I'm sure it worked." He said, still nonchalantly as ever, with a bit of proudful undertone.
"Besides, I could be far worse hun. That was me being nice." He said, smirking arrogantly.
"Well then… uh- Sorry?" You said, unsure of your words. You still weren't sure if you were in the wrong here, but it seemed so?
"So- What did you wanna… talk about?" You asked, still a bit in the dark why Mal chose you for a casual conversation.
Mal just looked at you in a somewhat bored expression, but it quickly softened into a light smirk.
"I'll be frank. I'm into you." He said nonchalantly, making your eyes go wider.
"So… Do what you will with that information." He leaned back against his chair a bit more, crossing his arms in front of his chest. A curious and smug expression became apparent on his face.
You didn't know what to respond to that out of the blue admission. Mal knew that, thriving on making people uncomfortable with his bluntness.
"For real?" You mustered a half-assed response, still processing the sudden flow of information.
He squinted his eyes in an amused expression.
"Yeah 'for real'." He confirmed, sizing you up with his gaze.
"And- What… What do you want me to respond to that…?" You asked, looking at him for some guidance. You were still very confused and hesitant about the situation.
"Say that the feelings are mutual, of course." He said, raising his eyebrow in an obvious and entertained way.
You looked at him with an unsure expression. Were you actually the asshole in this situation? What were your feelings towards him, now that he gave you such a hard question to answer?
"Well- What if- What if I don't know??" You responded honestly. You really didn't know what to say. You were a bit upset at how Mal tried to gain your attention, but you couldn't say you weren't a bit curious about how things will go now.
You were still suspicious of him, but now that he did get your attention, you were thinking about things.
You haven't had a boyfriend in forever (or, ever, if you were still single throughout all of your life), so his proposition was intriguing, even if not conventional in the grand scheme of things.
Mal looked away, pretending to be annoyed.
"I get it, I'm just a meanie after all..." He said in a pitiful tone, obviously trying to pull at your heart-strings. He was a good manipulator, after all.
You didn't fall for it, though.
Mal noticed that, so he waited a moment before turning his face back to you. There were no words spoken between you two for a while, until he finally continued.
"Alright then, I'll make you a deal." He looked at you halfly-serious.
You glared back at him expectantly.
"I'll clean up this whole room if you go out with me." He said, looking at you, waiting for your reaction. He had an expression that indicated he was fully assured that you would accept his offer. He didn't want to do it, but it was necessary to gain your trust.
You waited for a moment before replying, thinking about his offer.
You were curious to say yes, but you also felt a bit ripped off on the offer, since it was Mal's mess to deal with in the first place.
"...And if I don't?" You asked, looking at him slightly interested in what he had to say.
"Then I'll leave this whole mess as it is and you'll be stuck here cleaning by yourself." He tried not to smile, proud of himself. What a jerk.
"The teacher locked us both in here, remember? You're also gonna get yelled at." You brought up a valid point.
"You don't get the gist. I don't care to get yelled at. I just did this to spend time with you." He said, as if he had to explain the obvious to you.
You sighed. You were still not entirely convinced, but you also didn't wanna be the bad guy. You finally gave in.
"Fine." You said, rolling your eyes slightly, to at least restore some of your pride. It earned you an amused smirk from him. "...We can go out sometime."
"That's what I wanted to hear." He summed it up, acting arrogantly about being able to persuade you.
He got up from his chair smoothly, heading your way.
"Alright then. How about another arrangement?" He crossed his arms in a slightly cheeky way, yet still remaining composed, with a smug smile on his face.
His body language radiated confidence, and it made you wonder what keeps him so cool all the time??
You looked at him with a raised eyebrow. What more could he want from you?
He took a step closer towards you, to the point where you almost started thinking about the boundaries of your personal space.
His presence was just so- overwhelming.
"I won't get you in trouble next time..."
He raised his hand to touch your chin in a bit patronizing way.
His words almost came out like a sultry whisper, trying to get a reaction out of you.
"If you give me a kiss."
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suzukiblu · 8 months
Ko-fi thank-you sentences for @miri-tiazan and @lectorel; the wet nurse omegaverse.
Jon's pheromones smell conflicted, a little. Anxious and unsure, but slowly softening into something calmer; a pup warming up to a stranger who's reached out to them with a kindness. Damian folds his arms and scowls accusingly up at Clark. Bruce shifts between them to buffer the expression before Clark can notice any weaponized preteen disapproval. It isn't Clark's fault that he can't get milked up anymore. Not his fault in a way that can be helped, anyway.
He's explained that to Damian, obviously, but ten years' socialization in the League is still winning out over two in Bristol, at least so far.
"Well, it seems like Chris is taking to Carl's milk alright," Bruce says, less because he finds it necessary to state the obvious and more to keep everyone distracted and head off anything too inadvisably vicious that Damian might decide to say if left to his own devices. The comment about "summoning" Jason was bad enough. Lor is officially deep asleep on Carl's chest and looks to be staying that way, his scent sleepy-warm and satiated, and Jon is smelling increasingly comfortable, if still a little shy. But if Lor is sleeping so easy and his pack bonds to Jon encouraged him nursing from Carl too, and they both seem to like his scent, well . . .
It does bode well for Lor not having any belated negative reactions or the like, that's all.
And it clearly was Lor's influence on their pack bond that had Carl offering his milk to Jon, seeing as he's effectively ignored Damian and Tim. Tim, admittedly, isn't much younger than Carl looks to be, but he's also a bit of a late bloomer and still technically unpresented, and Damian is only twelve. If Carl was just being friendly or polite, he wouldn't have picked out Jon specifically. It's obviously the influence of Lor's pack bond with Jon that motivated him to make the offer.
Again, that's a good sign for both Lor getting decently fed and the development of his pack bonds within the Lane-Kent pack, so at least they've learned that much from this meeting, if nothing else. Bruce has gotten more from less, in fact.
"It does seem so, yes, Alpha Wayne," Travers says, still looking pained and seeming to have decided that just ignoring Carl is the better part of valor. "Your request said the pup was, ah . . . particular?"
"Has a particular stomach, more like," Bruce replies with a careless shrug and an easy laugh, neither of which are remotely honest gestures after all the stress of getting even this far. "Not my territory, though, Clark'll have to fill you in on that one."
"Chris has some digestive issues," Clark says with an apologetic smile that is even less honest than Brucie's careless ease. "That's why our requests were so specific."
Incredibly specific, in fact. Bruce had needed to do some exceptionally careful research and testing to work out what was feasibly "reasonable" to request from a human wet nurse, so far as a Kryptonian pup's dietary requirements. The answer, unfortunately, had been "not enough, but maybe enough to get by on for now". It's an imperfect solution, but it's still something.
"Ah, yes, Alpha Wayne did mention something about that," Travers says, and doesn't ask for details. Discretion is highly coveted in Gotham society and also their specific situation, which is another reason the Waterton Agency made Bruce's list of options, so at least that they seem capable of managing without insulting an omega.
Small favors, Bruce supposes. Anyway, Carl's the one they're going to have to be putting up with on the regular, and his bad manners have been entirely equal-opportunity so far. He's treated him and Clark both exactly the same and the only pup he's been even mildly rude to was rude to him first–and much more so than he was in return, in fact.
And either way, he already clearly adores Lor, so that'd soften a lot more in the way of character flaws than Travers' "politeness" has.
"Of course, we do recommend waiting a few hours to make any official arrangements in these situations, just to be certain the pup's taken to the milk, but if you're pleased with Carly's service, I do have the standard contracts for you to look over and discuss as necessary," Travers says, her tone pleasant but stiff. "And I'd be happy to answer any questions, of course."
Carl tilts his head back to glance at the back of Travers' head over the top of his sunglasses and sticks his tongue out at her. She doesn't notice, too absorbed in the paperwork she's pulling out of her briefcase, but Tim has to muffle a strangled little laugh. His face is still flushed; Bruce makes a note to check he hasn't overworked himself into a fever again. They've been getting better about avoiding that, but "better" isn't "perfect".
Carl's eyes are very blue, some part of Bruce notes and files away.
"Would you prefer to discuss the contracts now, Alpha Wayne, or wait until we have confirmation of the pup's tolerance and Alpha Lane is available?" Travers continues, holding up a thick manilla folder in one hand. Bruce ignores the question and instead glances briefly at Lor, who is sleeping more peacefully than he's seen him manage yet, and then Clark, who exhales once before smiling politely at Travers.
"Lois likely won't be back for at least an hour," he says. "And Chris threw up every milk sample that bothered him by now, so I think we could at least begin preliminary discussions. Save a little time in the long run."
"Er–of course, Omega Lane," Travers says, just barely awkward. "Would your office be suitable, Alpha Wayne?"
She doesn't look at Carl as she asks, but Bruce would bet every dime in his bank account that she's trying to get them away from him long enough to close the deal before he finds a way to actually offend them. Given that's a significant portion of her job, he probably shouldn't blame her for it, but he does find the behavior just a little bit irritating.
Well, it'd be less irritating if she hadn't kept doubling down on calling the kid "Carly", probably.
. . . though if she's actually suggesting leaving her at best barely-legal subordinate unchaperoned with a presented adult in a household that could have any number of other presented adults in it, Bruce will very literally be burning down this agency. Alfred isn't any kind of risk or threat to any omega who isn't a violent criminal, of course, much less with the pups in the house, and even if he were Tim would put him on the floor before letting him lay an inappropriate hand on anyone, but Travers has no way of knowing that.
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archivalofsins · 8 months
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Q6: Is there a prisoner you aren’t fond of?
Kazui: To be honest, that'd be Kashiki-chan as well. She shows me things I’m not that fond of seeing.
TL;DR: Kazui is the type that states he was lying to protect others, Yuno is the type who'd say, "I was just being honest" in the face of those she's hurt. Despite being incredibly similar, they were bound to rub each other the wrong way at times because the way they execute things and conduct themselves is so fundamentally different.
It's really not surprising to me that Kazui answered, "Is there a prisoner he's not fond of?" with Kashiki, Yuno. Even though they are the most similar, they are also the antithesis of each other when it comes to implementation.
Yuno believes that, above all, it's more important to be honest to herself. Regardless of if that hurts her or those around her. She won't be bothered to deal with things she doesn't want to or smile for others when she doesn't feel like smiling.
A mindset that she has in a way pushed on others within Milgram including Kazui himself.
Mahiru: Yeah, I’m asking for what you like in the opposite sex! I mean, with a lifestyle like this we have a lot of free time, right? So earlier when I was talking with all the other girls we got onto the topic! It’s not often you get a chance like this to live with a mix of men and women together, so I thought it might be nice to use the chance to talk about stuff like this in preparation for when we leave.
Kazui: Ah…… Haha, I understand. I can see that’d be the sort of thing girls your age would be interested in, huh. How peaceful. What I like in the opposite sex… I don’t know if what I say will really be a good reference for you…… Ah, you know, since I’m at this age. I like a girl who can just smile free of worries. Seeing that’d make my old, tired heart feel young again.
Yuno: Uh-huh, I see, I see. ……that’s a total lie, right?
Kazui: Haha…… Give me a break here. You sure don’t make things easy for people, Kashiki-chan.
Because Yuno can't understand why someone else would bother with lying or putting on airs for the comfort of others or even themselves. She'd rather things be out in the open for what they are instead of needing to label them as good or bad.
This is something she tries to enforce with others she's interested in or views slightly favorably as well regardless of whether she recognizes she's doing it or not.
Yuno: Hey, Mikoto-san. Don’t you get tired being so conscious of others all the time? I mean, you’re free to do what you want, though.
Mikoto: Eh…… Aha, what are you talking about?I’m not being conscious or anything. It’s normal to make sure to get along with everyone, right? I mean, when you put it like that, aren’t you the same, Yun-chan? You’re always smiling and getting on with everyone, too.
Yuno: I don’t smile unless I actually want to. But with you, when you’re talking with other people it’s more like you only smile deliberately. So I kept thinking, don’t your cheeks get tired? Ah, is this just what happens when you become a working adult? ……you see people like that sometimes.
Mikoto: Haha, you don’t mince your words do you. …….that was never my intention, but now that you mention it, yeah, I guess I do. This might’ve been since I started my job too…… But like, if I was rude to everyone I met, all my efforts would come to nothing, right?
Her thought process probably being this person is alright, but they'd be better if they stopped concerning themselves with the thoughts of others or even their own and just did what they wanted to do. Because through not regarding anyone's feelings even hers Yuno has been able to free herself from needing to interrogate whether her actions are good or bad and instead just look at them as things she did that cannot be changed.
This is why she's so quick to draw to attention that Kazui lies to protect himself, but she does it for nothing. Because no one is important to her, not even herself. By removing herself and others from that discussion, she doesn't have to face the thought that these things did matter to her and influence her choices.
Because taking those things into consideration would ultimately ammount to labeling her choices or the outcome of them as good or bad. Something that could lead to regrets. Which,
Q.17 Do you have anything you regret?
Yuno: Regretting things achieves nothing, don’t you think?
If Kazui said the truth is what killed someone, Yuno's very existence embodies that idea. Along with her constant subtle pushing for individuals whom she probably likes to be more honest with themselves. Yuno to Kazui is a daily reminder of the harm being too honest can cause.
It's Yuno because even though I doubt she's being this way with any ill intent, she can be too forward and pushy when it comes to others living in an honest way. Because she believes that being honest and true to herself is what's most important regardless of her or anyone else's feelings/safety.
Just like her namesake implies,
Q.04 What’s the origin of your name?
Yuno: It means to be kind and true to myself.
[TN: Literal meaning of the kanji 優 (yu) and 乃 (no) respectively which make up her name.]
Kazui is shown to dislike this approach of doing things within his second trial voice drama. He also calls Yuno out for being uncaring and self-absorbed during her birthday. Asking why she's helping Shidou care for Mahiru despite her seeming generally disinterested in the well-being and safety of those around her. He's very forward about it or as forward as he can be. He recognizes that Yuno is cold and inconsiderate towards everyone in the pursuit of living in a way true to herself.
So, even though they are the most similar, they are also the most different. Just like in regards to Futa and Kotoko.
To put it very simply, Kazui is the type that claims he was lying to protect others, Yuno is the type who'd say, "I was just being honest" in the face of those she's hurt. Making them both very similar but incredibly likely to rub each other the wrong way at times.
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