#the comics could’ve explored that. but no. of course not
comradekatara · 1 year
every agni kai we see zuko fight involves his opponent acting dishonorably/cheating:
ozai burns zuko after he surrenders, when banishing him would’ve sufficed.
zhao tries to strike zuko when his back is turned, as he’s walking away from his victory
azula aims at katara.
of course ozai and zhao are violent, spiteful, petty, and cruel. it is the final instance that especially stands out to me because azula, of all people, resorting to cheating is such a profound testament to all she has lost by this point. she doesn’t even care that this act must immediately disqualify her from winning the fight, from winning the throne. all she cares about now is making zuko hurt; she‘s been reduced to the desire for him to know her pain.
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thevulturesquadron · 7 days
Hello! If you don't mind answering, what are your thoughts on Rogue only mentioning Gambit during E.7 ? It felt weird after all these episodes and exploration of their relationship.
Ahoy there! 🛸
Well... I try not to put too much thought into it. Overall Bright Eyes felt like a moment of transition towards the finale (with an absolute kick-ass Rogue). I am happy they had an episode that showcased a part of what Rogue was going through after Genosha, because, as Amelia Vogh said - 'a survivor is the last thing I’d wanna be.’ So Rogue has a lot to process: the guilt and grief over losing Gambit, the uncertainty and anxiety around Magneto and well, the death of so many people around her. Remember what Magneto said? “We shall not live our days wondering if we could’ve saved more.” Rogue is doing just that - and it's hell.
About Rogue focusing just on Gambit - it makes sense. She held his body in her arms. That moment is with her probably every time she closes her eyes. The way I see it, there are two reasons why the focus has been only on expressing her feelings for Remy.
1. It might be just the way it is. Rogue and Gambit will always be 'the couple'. More so for TAS. They are one of the most well-known and popular Marvel couples so, after the drama was done, the writers needed to pull that ship back on course. It was always going to be like that and I'll be here for the ride. Not everything in media has to be written to match my preferences. Plus, the show has kept both of them in character and written them exceptionally well so far. Especially with Gambit, I am grateful for the care they put into portraying him, because in comics it's such a mess, depending on who's writing him. So I am expecting the focus to be on Rogue and Gambit from now on.
2. The other reasoning (from a media literacy perspective), and the one I prefer -  is that she's processing. It might turn out to be true or it might not - the show will tell us. But at this moment it does look like that. Grief, guilt, shock. First of all, in Magneto's case, there was no body. The rule is until the search is called off, if there is no body, there is no death confirmation. So Rogue is struggling to accept it. What she knows is that Remy is dead - that is a reality she cannot avoid and it consumes her. On the other hand she was refusing to face the possibility that Erik was also gone. Then Kurt made it real. In the privacy of that moment between them he said what she wasn't allowing herself to think or accept: that she lost more than one person she cared about. Secondly, also why it makes that moment with Kurt so much more heavy, is that no one else in the team knows of the emotional connection she has with Erik. Everyone who knew the depths (Gambit and, in parts, Madelyne) are dead. I don't think Rogue can voice her grief in front of the rest without an explanation. She can however channel it through Gambit’s loss. What is worse is that her feelings for Gambit are now intertwined with a lot of guilt, and she probably feels like she has failed him in particular. And it breaks my heart. I don’t think that’s fair towards her and I am not particularly a fan of that, but X-men has often times put drama ahead of character development. 
So is it the first one? Is it the second one? Who knows, maybe it’s a bit of column A, a bit of column B. But there is one thing that I would have liked the episode to show more of: I wanted to see Rogue processing what it meant for her to survive Genosha, to survive the genocide. I care more about that, about her humanity, her struggles and convictions, unrelated to the romantic aspects. Romance is not the ultimate form of love, and it doesn’t have to be the most intense display of love either.
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aroacedindjarin · 1 year
I know so many people have said this already and in much more coherent ways than I can but the way luke was depicted in tbobf (and im not just talking about the uncanny valley cgi… why did they not just recast him orz) makes me so frustrated even now. Especially now. Maybe i’m just a delusional dinluker but i really really believe that luke skywalker needed to be in the mandalorian season3.
I cannot believe luke skywalker would make grogu choose between his dad and becoming a jedi. It is just so explicitly ooc for him. I’m reading the destiny path comic right now and there are so many pages that show luke struggling with the worry that he can’t be a Jedi because he can’t let go of his attachments to his friends. and i know this is a core theme of luke as a character, it’s not new, but the comic is just so explicit about it and goes into depth in a way that it doesn’t have time to explore on screen
It explores luke’s worry about disappointing yoda when he left dagobah to go help leia and han in cloud city, and how he feels about ben and yoda refusing to talk to him anymore or help him through the force because he didn’t make his jedi training a priority above everything and everyone else, like a Selfless Jedi should. and grogu goes through the literal exact same thing. and luke reacts in the exact same way yoda and ben did to him?
In the comic, the radio silence from his teachers eats at him so badly and adds to the struggle he’s going through after finding out Vader is his father and losing his hand. He feels abandoned and afraid and, even though these feelings lead him to realise he can make his own way as a jedi, I just don’t think he’d inflict the same thing on grogu. Even if i were to look at it from a perspective of luke being forced to make his own way without his teachers made him a stronger jedi - so maybe he’s doing the same for grogu?
After all, I know grogu is such a young child so I also understand the series tries to come at it from the angle of respecting a child’s wants and needs, not forcing him to commit to training if he doesn’t want to. But I just don’t understand why luke couldn’t join grogu every now and then. Teach him some jedi stuff on the weekends. They make it seem like luke has nothing better to do anyways, he’s got droids building his school for him and seems to spend his days entirely with grogu anyway. If he went back to tatooine with grogu at the end of tbobf, i just think there would have been so much to explore between luke and literally any of the characters. din and boba specifically of course but if that led to luke in mando s3 there could’ve been so much potential.
Perhaps they just needed a reason for a big emotional scene for grogu to choose his path and his destiny. Perhaps they couldn’t put luke skywalker in the show too much for fear of throwing off the sequels. There’s the argument that luke already had his screen time and, trust me, I also hate the re-usual of existing characters to the point where they’re wringed out of any substance and have been so fleshed-out and developed it’s almost grotesque to force them to stay in the show any longer. but star wars doesnt have a problem with that for so many other characters anyway.
I just wanted to see grogu growing up to be both a Mandalorian and a Jedi. It would’ve been so perfect with the Mand’alor Din storyline too. Grogu, the son of the Ruler of Mandalore and the student of the strongest Jedi in the galaxy, the start of a new generation and so much foundation to explore between Mandalorians and Jedi!!!!!!!
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Kay so the tags of this post started me in a thought tangent that lowkey got me hopping mad.
Umbrella Academy character have none and if they do they get reversed/healed/“fixed” somehow.
Diego’s adaption doesn’t have an eyepatch/has both eyes
Five’s arm came back in the reset (literally minutes after he lost it!)
Allison got her voice back (in the comics it took Commission magic surgery and was for plot but in the show it just heals, and not for any real reason except so she can use her power again ig? The story could’ve been reworked :/)
Vanya/Viktor straight up doesn’t get shot at all and he does lose his memory but again, he just gets it back
The only exceptions I can think of are Harold (who’s a villain and fucking dies btw) and Harlan (who also fucking dies!) who’s not a positive or even neutral representation of non-verbal autistic characters by any means (I’ll get into that in a later post).
What the actual hell is up with that?! They’re superheroes, literally? Even after the reset they have training and that would almost render most disabilities unnoticeable from a writing standpoint, the only difficulty being actually fucking properly representing what limitations they would have.
And? Eyepatch Diego would be flipping awesome. Mute Allison finding some other way to channel her powers equally fucking so! I DON’T THINK I EVEN NEED TO MENTION PROSTHETIC ARM FIVE.
This show already seems like it’s never going to properly explore these characters’ trauma, PTSD, and other various mental health issues and disorders (example Five never fricking crying, all PTSD symptoms somehow erased after s1, Klaus’ flashbacks only maybe twice despite being trapped in time in a war for nearly a year, all of them remarkably keeping from breaking down [except Allison of course, you know how women are!] in s3), but it also seems like they’ve been purposefully cutting out their physical disabilities, and since day one.
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winns-stuff · 1 year
You know what I just realized? The rant I did for Persephone about her trauma can actually be said for Hades. I know what you’re thinking, “what are you talking about a big chunk of that section was speaking on how Hades’ trauma is treated better than Persephone’s!” which I’m not denying since I did state that, but I only really meant the Kronos stuff that Hades has been suffering through every other season. I’m talking about the relationship with Minthe and Hades.
Listen as much as I relate to and adore Minthe’s character I won’t ever lie or disregard that she was a shitty partner. They both were of course but no one has the right to put their hands on another person and shout all types of insults at them, no matter how much I hate Hades I’m not going to defend stuff like that. But with the presence of his very toxic relationship I think we were genuinely robbed of the effects that it had on him in the long run. We never got to see his thoughts completely and we didn’t get to see how it affected his everyday life, each time there was a toxic panel of Minthe and Hades we got transitioned to the next happy uwu romance scene like nothing ever happened. I’ve never been in a toxic relationship before but I have been through many platonic relationships that were utterly terrible, I know it’s not the same thing nor is it comparable but it’s the only thing I can really speak on that sorta correlates in some way. But toxic relationships, especially those that last a very long time, do indeed affect you and your behaviors you start limiting your emotions and stop doing things that the person you were in that relationship with dislikes. You change yourself entirely since you want to make something out of the scraps that they chose to give you and you’re forced to conform to their ways because you’re under this guise that they care about you and you deceive yourself by giving yourself the comforting thought that “they’d never do this to me” or “we’re friends/lovers so they didn’t mean it” or even “I deserve this treatment.”
These emotions and thoughts could’ve been easily explored during the Minthe arc since especially being a man and being a victim of mistreatment is rare in the media with romantic relationships. This could’ve been a great exploration of mental health issues with men and how getting their feelings and traumas validated should be respected and welcomed within our society, the things that Hades faced would’ve probably reflected that of other experiences that other people faced within similar relationships and it would’ve been a good door for representation for male abuse survivors. But sadly, all of that got overshadowed by the building and foreshadowing of Kronos and Persephone coming into Hades’ life to be the better woman and “heal” him instantly.
Did we see pieces of how Hades was effected by Minthe and the trauma it left him with? Yes, but the thing is we only saw it while we were gathering evidence for Minthe to be season 1’s villain and it felt like it was there for drama only. After Minthe slapped Hades and bruised him no one else should’ve put their hands on one another, I hated how this very serious moment got played for jokes and giggles throughout the comic when it’s obvious that the narrative was trying to argue against stuff like that. I don’t understand why Hades had to immediately be lovey dovey with Persephone as well, something like that happens to you I’m sure the very last thing you’d be worried about is a girl you met a few days ago that you started having feelings for. Maybe instead of that Hecate and Hades had a moment so that he could be properly comforted and talked to in a gentle manner (no I’m not saying use a baby voice or anything but just be a friend??) which would’ve been very powerful and empowering since a lot of men’s traumas do not get validated by others because of the “be a man” stigma. Showing people that men deserve to be sheltered and cared for like a normal human being, especially after something traumatic happened to them, would’ve been adding onto the theme of mens mental health.
Instead of that though we have Hades going over to Hera’s house and seeing Persephone after she lured him outside. Now listen, I understand that maybe he was trying to distract himself from the situation or even trying to forget about it in some way but throughout that whole time Hades never even mentioned or thought about Minthe. He got assaulted physically and a girl he barely knows keeps on touching him and getting close and personal without his content. It would be pretty stressful to deal with and it could’ve went to showcase how much damage this stuff does to people. Abuse is not just something you can forget about entirely to the point it doesn’t exist, you can try but like all trauma it’ll always be there and that’s what Lore Olympus gets wrong every time. They make something traumatic happen with the two characters and only ever validate it to either use it as drama, a plot, or to have a cute moment. And that’s entirely fucked up.
I don’t like how Lore Olympus used Hades being mistreated in his relationship as some one up. “I’m so much better than you because I don’t put my hands on people!” amazing I’m so glad that Persephone is a decent human being but why is that even in the whole “better woman” thing. It’s just weird how they’re using that as some crutch instead of giving the situation the respect it deserves. No one should be putting their hands on anyone and that shouldn’t be something that makes you better that should just be common decency. Same could be said with the whole Hades vs Apollo thing, it’s just depressing honestly that that’s being used as some sort of badge even though the comic should be trying to normalize it. These are normal things, no one should be doing any of that stuff to other people it’s sick and utterly deranged. Stop rewarding the bare minimum.
Anyways, that’s all I really have to say. It’s disappointing that it was used as a way to make a cute uwu moment and I hate how they glamorized it almost immediately after moving on completely. But I’m not surprised since it happens all the time.
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Not to like take funny joke and turn a lecture out of it like somebody’s dad, but as one of the five people who actually thinks Micheal Morbius is kind of a fun character in the comics, I think how terrible the movie is merely a symptom of how the mainstream American populace conceptualizes the medium of comics.
Traditionally American comics, especially those created by the big two publishing houses, Marvel and DC, has been dominated by the superhero genre. There are of course outliers, most of the newspaper strip industry is slice of life comedy, romance and teen comedy books like Archie show up from time to time, and sci-fi, fantasy, horror and noir books pop up from time to time but the public perception of “what comic books are” in America has always leaned towards the Batmans, Supermans, and Spidermans.
However even within the realm of superhero comics there are characters that don’t quite fit into the narrative framework of the superhero quiet as neatly as you’d think. Michael Morbius for example tends to be written as a a tragic little mad scientist gremlin man who lives in the sewers (but still wears a costume with a plunging neckline for some reason) who occasionally shows up, waxes poetic about how tragic his lot in life is gets chased by Spider-Man and lays low for a bit afterwards. Not exactly superhero material but entertaining in a wet rat kind of way. The problem arises however when the film studio got a hold of him.
Basically the way I figure it whenever an American film studio gets a hold of a comic license for adaptation they try to turn it into a cut and dry superhero movie (protag is good guy, here is bad guy, protag must beat up bad guy, protag wins thunderous applause). This works with characters like the avengers because that’s what their stories tend to be about, however not so much if the character(s) you’re adapting aren’t traditional superhero comics characters. Take the Fantastic Four for example, a lot of the strength of their books comes from their open and curious exploration of the unknown, and the familial dynamics between all the team mates. They arguably share more fictional dna with Star Trek than Iron Man. However when they made both the originals and Fanfourstic, they tried to just have the plot be a knock down drag out fight with Doctor Doom. Sure Doom is a cool villain but their fights with him isn’t the reason why fans really like the F4.
Similarly with Morbius, Sony tried to make a fairly simple superhero narrative when most fans like Michael for classic mad scientist/vampire angst. He’s not a character who’s most interesting in a fight, he’s most interesting brooding in a subterranean lab. Honestly with the whole fixation tumblr has on horrible little rat men, I think they could’ve had something great on their hands (provided they changed the casting) if they just stocked closer to that character concept. However, because the Marvel name was slapped on it the directors probably felt like they had to do something traditionally super heroic.
Of course the idea that American comics are purely superhero affairs is a false one as I outlined before, however the movie going public, especially a non-comic reading public, doesn’t realize that. So when they go to see a comics adaptation, that’s the kind of narrative they expect. Now while their’s something to be said about playing to audience expectations, it does a disservice to the narrative in this case, and also does not help shift the public’s idea of what kind of stories comics can offer as a medium.
TLDR: Morbius didn’t work because they tried to put doctor Frankenstein in a cape and thought there wouldn’t be any resultant tonal issues.
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based-bobcat · 11 months
The Flash
Yup, I got dragged to see this movie. It’s the best comedy of 1994!
-The opening scene was fine, but it set up the rollercoaster of tonal shifts we were about to jump on. I admit I laughed during the baby shower scene. Barry not being able to touch the people he saves seems like a new handwavy addition so they wouldn’t just speed to, say, Russia.
-Affleck in the Batsuit looks like Dark Knight Returns Batman, especially his face. It didn’t look good at all. Another laugh when WW showed up with that epic musical sting out of nowhere.
-There is no fucking way that Iris West would ever interact with Barry after him schizoing in front of her every single second. 
-The time travel itself was pretty cool, until they used CGI akin to Jimmy Neutron to show the ‘waves of time’ or whatever. Also it looked so much like the cosmic treadmill, you might as well have used it. Made totally not stolen from Flash season 3 stand out even more when he pushed Barry off the not!Treadmill.
-Whoever decided to have Ezra Miller play a dual role should be fired, shot and set on fire in that order. Barry Allen is the most annoying character to ‘grace’ the screen since Jar Jar, and no, film,  outright saying Barry is annoying doesn’t help. It just makes it worse.
-Barry and Barry have a scene in which Barry comes to the shocking conclusion that nobody of the League is around to stop Zod... Even though during MoS nobody was active during that time aside from Batman. They retcon Barry into the same trailer scene Bruce was in, which felt like I was finally watching a comic book. Pointless retcons!  That shows that Barry tried to save a kid and a dad, but failed to save the dad. A nice waste of time because you do see them later, they literally suffer the same fate. Even worse, Barry wasn’t even there this time!
-The usual ‘this is how OUR time travel works’ scene was generic, but spaghetti metaphor was at least an interesting take. Also autism be damned, Bruce can cook a good pasta
-While I usually like Michael Keaton, it seemed like he was phoning it in. He said ‘I’m Batman’ like an old person welcoming you to Target. He looks so bored
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-In a later scene he says “You wanna get nuts? Let’s go nuts” in the same bored tone, shot the exact same way and the movie gives a pause for fucking applause. Beyond embarrassing. They also had Batman shield others from bullets with his cape like 5 times minimum and every time he made this face.
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-Now the 4 people who follow me and read this will say ‘of course you’d say that’, but Supergirl is the only good part in this fucking shitshow. Rushed as hell, yes, but good. She took off because mankind imprisoned her so mankind bad, and immediately went back because Barry saved her in the span of a literal minute. Could’ve been explored better though. One of the Barry acts like a 4 year old could’ve been cut for Kara coming to terms with the fact that Kal-El isnt out there. Or just adjusting to freedom. Instead she immediately fights Zod, because the movie needs to (They do give her a reason, but only after she agreed to help to stop Zod)
-The reason being, yet another fucking retcon, on this Spaghetti strand Kara is the one with the Birthing Matrix, and Zod killed infant Clark to discover this. I genuinely dont get this change. It’d be more interesting if Clark died on arrival and the matrix was destroyed. So Zod is just Terraforming the Earth as a fuck you to Jor-El. 
-Just now realising that Zod came to Earth because Clark/Lois activated a signal, but without Clark how the fuck did he know where Kara even was?
-Final fight scene had tonal whiplash every five fucking seconds, I kind of tuned out until Kara and Bruce died. Barry and Spaghetti-Barry go back in time, it doesn’t work. OG!Barry finally learns the lesson that CW Flash never fucking learned about time travel, but Spaghetti!Barry keeps going until we get a literal crisis on infinite Earths type shit with Earths clashing into each other. To nobody’s surprise, Spaghetti!Barry is not!Savitar. Well to everyone’s surprise probably since I forgot he existed. They have the gall to say Spaghetti!Barry created himself, using OG!Barry as a way to do so.
-This is after an embarrassing amount of ‘REMEMBER THIS’ zooming in on those other Earths, with DC using the corpse of Christopher Reeves as nostalgia bait. Classy. 
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-At least Nic Cage got to play Superman, good on him. Sad he still had to fight that giant spider. Telling that they CGI’d Reeve in, but Adam West only gets an audio clip
-A delicious middle finger to CW because the only reference to that we saw was Zoom-as-Jay-Garrick also known as the moment CW Flash went to shit.
-Anyway the movie ends with a woman hugging a bloody, dirty, crying man who is clearly wearing stolen clothes, then crying homeless man proceeds to steal her can of tomatoes. This is played with sad music and slo-mo. I genuinely haven’t laughed that hard in the theater in years.
-The movie ends with George Clooney as Batman, instead of giving me more Sasha Supergirl. Which they should’ve done. With Henry no longer playing Clark, why not give us Supergirl.
Numbers for movies dont mean shit, but this movie is a 3/10 and that generous. I laughed along with the movie the same amount of times I laughed at it, so that is a win? The people I went with could not name a single thing that they liked. Not a single fucking thing. Reportedly Aquaman is going to be worse. I cant wait.
Lets hope James Gunn turns this around. Not holding my breath
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life-in-toontown · 2 months
That last reblog just made me wanna clarify that I absolutely hate 90% of Disney’s direct-to-video sequels but I do still like Lion King 2, despite having several issues with it.
I admit maybe this is just because I’ve been so deep into the Lion King fandom since I was a kid that disliking TLK 2 despite having so many problems either it just feels impossible lmao.
As for the problems, well first off there’s the one mentioned in the last reblog about how Scar having an heir that isn’t biologically related to him wouldn’t benefit him, but of course you can’t make him Scar’s bio son because that would make Kiara his cousin which means instead of their Love Song being “Upendi” it would instead be “Sweet Home Alabama”.
Also, where did Zira and the Outsiders come from? Yes you could say they were just background lionesses in Mufasa’s pride that remained loyal to Scar but then why weren’t they helping protect Scar once Simba came back and challenged him for the throne? I know the answer is “because the sequel wasn’t planned yet and they were worked on by two separate teams” but STILL, if you’re a person who completely accepts everything in TLK 2 as canon then it’s kinda hard to explain this one.
Also since Scar isn’t Kovu’s father then who is? And when did Zira have time to meet a male lion, mate with him then show her cub to Scar to convince him to let him become his heir? And what about Nuka and Vitani? I have seen a theory that Vitani is actually NALA’S daughter with the implication that the scene where Scar tries to seduce her (which was cut from the movie but used in the Broadway show) had a more horrific ending where Scar impregnated her and somehow Zira ended up adopting her. And while I do love that as a “what if” AU, I don’t consider it canon myself.
Now I’m gonna leave the massive plot holes for now and focus on little character pet peeves that annoyed me:
First of all, Timon and Pumbaa weren’t funny at all in this one. Like they’re one of Disney’s most iconic gay couples comedy duos but they were so “meh” in this. One time I did a screenshot redraw of them to resemble the art style from the first movie and in the description I added a rewrite of ways they could’ve been used better which I’ll link here just for funsies:
And now onto Nala. She was a strong character in the first film, leaving her home by herself to look get help, wasn’t afraid to call Simba out for refusing to go back to Pride Rock, plus she helped fight off the hyenas with the other lionesses. In the sequel? Well she popped a baby out which means now her only character trait is Supportive Wife and Mom. She only showed up to occasionally say “Hey Simba, chill out man, Kiara’s totally gonna be fine, stop worrying” then leave. Yes I know this was a father/daughter story but that doesn’t mean Nala has to be reduced to a robot that’s only capable of repeating phrases letting Simba know things will be fine.
And lastly maybe this one is just me, but I kinda wish Nuka as a tragic character was portrayed more. Yes I know his death scene was absolutely heartbreaking and yes you can tell he was jealous of Kovu getting his mother’s love but he was mainly just goofy comic relief. And I actually don’t mind him having funny moments but idk, I wish the tragic side of him was explored more before his death scene. Idk, maybe this one’s just me lmao.
So after all this you’re probably thinking “Wow are you sure you like Lion King 2? It sounds like you hate everything about it”
And like…I mean…I do but…can’t I also fantasize about how it could be better??
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suhmayzooka · 1 year
some panels i like from huntress/spoiler: blunt trauma that i like
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[stephanie’s inner monologue: huntress moves like a tiger. cold. professional. and maybe a little bit cruel. way past anything i’ve ever seen the guys do to a hood. with her it seems more personal.]
i really think steph’s insights into helena’s fighting are really interesting, especially how she notes that it seems more “personal” than how the other bats fight. 
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[stephanie: the way you took down czonka...
helena: yeah?
steph: you didn’t give him a chance. just put a hurt on him in a hurry.
helena: is that a criticism?
steph: no way! i thought it was cool! robin always plays so fair. like these creeps deserve a break.
helena: well, i’m tired of playing by their rules, you know? gotham needs buttkickers, not shining knights.
steph: ain’t that the-- you smell something?]
another thing i like—steph being a little fangirl over the huntress haha. i’m not super familiar with stephanie, but it’s interesting to see that she doesn’t immediately shun helena for being violent. 
it’s interesting to me to think of all the capes’ stances on crimefighting, mercy, justice, and retribution in relation to each other. from cass’s “nobody dies” to bruce’s “if i allow myself to go down that path i’ll never come back” to dick “i lost all control, i let anger carry me” grayson, to jason beheading guys, to helena’s own opinion (which IMO is more complex than the “she’s set apart from the bats because she shoots people!” that certain comics/people make it out to be, but whatever, not the point)
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[helena: this is a waste of time.
steph: we couldn’t leave him there to burn.
helena: why not? he’d probably love it. he was trying to kill us, remember?
steph: robin and i have talked about this and--
helena: great! so you bought into their philosophy, huh? live and let live and all that BS. but what if you’re not as fast as they are? or as good as they are? or as strong as they are? have you thought of that, little miss crimebuster? well, you end up dead or worse at the hands of these sick monkeys. i say mercy is strained here, you got me? i say they get what they deserve. the next mook who crosses my path? i aim for his eyes.]
but it’s interesting to see steph has limits. she stops helena from attacking arthur brown, despite how much steph hates her father 
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[helena: the blond is your father, huh?
steph: yeah, but he was never around much. in and out of blackgate all the time.
helena: sounds like a break for you.
steph: i know he’s a total creep but i don’t want him dead, huntress.
helena: you don’t know what you want. the cluemaster doesn’t get a pass just because he’s your dad.
steph: you think i’m out here for the fun of it? do you know what it’s like trying to live down having a major hood for your father?
helena: try living down a whole family of major hoods.]
steph has a level of connection to crime that the other bats don’t, simply by virtue of being related to a (big name? minor?) criminal. it’s a connection she shares with helena, of course, and i think that gives the two of them a different approach/insight to crimefighting. the other bats have been the personal victims of gotham’s criminals, but steph and helena have a personal connection to crime itself. it’s an interesting parallel and i’d like to see it explored more
this is only one issue, but i really like the parallels drawn between helena and stephanie in regards to their criminal families,, and their contrasting crime fighting philosophies. i realllyyyy think helena and stephanie could’ve had a really interesting dynamic (like... helena was a “batgirl” too!) but ofc steph has to go fake die soon adhlakjshdaljkshd
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luxshine · 2 years
Moon Knight Primer, Part 7
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Vengeance of the Moon Knight #1 – 10, Secret Avengers #1-21, Shadowlands: Moon Knight #1-3, Moon Knight (2011) #1-12.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Now we’re entering a time where we say that the Moon Knight comics are in a stable, but mediocre area before going down the gutter fast.  Vengeance of the Moon Knight did a lot to undo the damage that the 2006 had done to the characters, but unfortunately, not enough. Then Secret Avengers underutilized Marc in the worst way possible, and Shadowlands… Shadowlands returned to the ableist crap. And then there was the Bendis run.
The Bendis run that was SO BAD that it marked the FIRST Moon Knight series to be explicitly cancelled due to low sales. And yet? It did a couple of things right.
That is the problem with this particular set of issues and story arcs. They’re generally bad, but there are highlights that, if they had been explored, better edited or actually followed through? Could’ve made interesting stories.
But let’s start with Vengeance of the Moon Knight, that marks the first series where Jake fronts 90% of the time… and it STILL not the one who made him the most violent alter.
So yeah, the highlight of this run? We get to know Jake a bit better. Samuels is also back at the job of keeping the System alive as the System is terrible at taking care of themselves, and I love that butler to pieces because he rolls with the punches (And in this particular arc? Will threaten you with a shotgun if you invade Mr. Lockley’s home. YES, Mr. Lockley.  Because out of all of the original Moon Knight’s supporting cast? The only one who has NEVER stumbled when calling the one fronting? Is Samuels. He never misses whenever he’s serving Mr. Grant, Mr. Lockley or Mr. Spector.
As I said in part I? Samuels is the best butler this side of Alfred Pennyworth.
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But back to Jake as the Alter who fronts pretty much the whole series. It’s interesting because despite the current status quo of Jake being the violent one? Here it’s a constant theme that people tell Jake that “Moon Knight” or “he” enjoy violence and killing? And he NEVER kills. He beats people to unconsciousness. He’s never extremely cruel, not even against freaking Bushman who of course comes back because this guy SHOULD be the one named the Phoenix since he just won’t stay dead, and even as Fake-shu grows to a kaiju size and demands rivers of blood in exchange of his help? Jake will NOT kill. Even the heroes that had written him off in the 2006 volume are starting to come around to see that hey, Moon Knight is not that bad of a guy. Spidey even calls him Moony again.
That is not to say that the way in which the writers deal with neurodivergency improved that much, no. First, we have the issue where Moon Knight meets Sentri, another Marvel character who happens to be a System. Only Sentri IS a horrible caricature of what DiD is, having the “incredibly good and loved by everyone” super good side and the “villain who is scummier than scum, so evil he could destroy the world” evil alter. And well, Sentri LOST his fight with the evil side, and the evil side had to be destroyed by Sentri dying so… seeing Sentri here lecture our guys, who despite having some of the worst writers in the universe dealing with his mental issues… STILL has managed to keep a grip on his sanity and good size (Skinned face of Bushman non-withstanding)
Moon Knight also has a run in with Deadpool, a mercenary who is schizophrenic and immortal where they fight over a child killer. As in, Deadpool was hired to kill the guy, Moon Knight is trying to keep those around the killer alive and let justice in the form of the legal system work, even if he realizes that the guy is a monster who doesn’t deserve to just die peacefully of cancer -which he has. Terminal. It’s just that the woman who hired Deadpool, the mother of one of the victims, doesn’t want him to die peacefully.
That’s the ONLY issue where Jake goes all out in the violence against someone, because Deadpool makes the mistake of telling him that he can’t die.  And even then? When we see Deadpool after the fight (Moon Knight beat him in one page after having been “playing nice” for about 10), he’s pretty mobile and has all his extremities where they should be so… again, Jake unwinded, but didn’t go too far.
He didn’t skin Deadpool.
But of course, there’s no conversation about both of them having voices.
Oh, and the writers give Bushman an army of lobotomized patients from a local asylum. That he and his henchmen personally lobotomize. AS I said, these writers? Ableist as hell.
This was the series that pretty much cemented Fake-shu as looking like a bird, although here he still looked like a living bird, feathers and all. But he is still Fake-shu because as I said? He just wants blood to be spilled, innocents be damned. Oh, and he still speaks about getting Punisher as his avatar as “(Punisher)’s god must be well fed”.
What is it with writers making Khonshu fangirl over other heroes? Although I like him better when he idolizes Clint.
Thing is, there is ONE glimmer of hope that Fake-shu is really a fake. After Jake manages NOT to kill Bushman again, despite Fake-shu growing kaiju size and demanding blood, he goes back to his home, now a fancy NY apartment, and sees the files on Marc Spector’s Victims, wondering if he can find redemption for what Marc did, and promising to always strive to be a better man.
And the eyes of  statue of Khonshu, that is STILL in his office because no matter what he says, the System is still faithful, shine in approval. Like the old times.
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Of course, Marlene, worst girlfriend ever, and Frenchie return. But Frenchie is still there just to be gaybashed and tell Marc he doesn’t deserve friends because all his friends end up hurt (which is most definitely not our Frenchie) and Marlene… well, we do the old song and dance of “I just want MY boyfriend to be sane and not a superhero” before she disappears again.
Oh. There is one page of Moon Knight fighting in his underwear, that happens to be star boxers. And I am including the image because we need a laugh.
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And then everything gets de-railed because the Heroic Age happens and Captain America comes to Moon Knight and asks him to join his team of Secret Avengers, which of course Mon Knight does.  But that issue has two important things: First, The Irredemable ant-man (Erick O’Grady, aka. The WORST Ant-man) calls Moon Knight a “schitzo” in front of the others, and no one cares because the avengers never defend Moon Knight, and second, the narration specifically goes to say that they’re afraid if the system is a  “Psycho or nice guy? Marc or Jake?”
So Jake is STILL the good  one, compared to Marc. Who is also good, if a little unhinged.
I can’t lie, I am starting to have a bad feeling about who the hell made Jake the “Bad one”.
Anyway, once we’re done with that little bit of weirdness we get to Secret Avengers which, uhm… yeah. Exists.
The only worthwhile thing of the whole 21 issues, when it comes to Marc is the horrible moments in which the narration calls him “Crazy person” while introducing the team, that one panel where Warren Ellis confuses Moon Knight with Deadpool and makes him say “I’m too psychotic to feel pain” after he’s shoot in the leg, and the fact that in issue 19 we see Mr. Knight for the very first time, and at the time Steven is Fronting, although he is not called Mr. Knight yet.
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Oh, and there’s this weird thing… in one of the issues, after Bucky’s second death, this time with the mantle of Captain America? Natasha Romanov, Black Widow, picks a fight with a Buzzfeed-like website about how they don’t get to call Bucky’s death an hoax. They get into a very interesting discussion of what does Death looks like in the Marvel Universe, where unnamed civilians die and that’s it, while Heroes come back every Tuesday, twice on Saturdays. At which point Nat replies with the fact that for heroes, it IS equally traumatic not just for those who died, but also for those who didn’t as they can’t move around.
So Nat knows resurrections, and how they affect everyone.
But in issue 19, precisely the one where Mr. Knight comes in? She says that MK is crazy because He “thinks an Egyptian god revived him”.  
Also, in that issue, the “sane” Steve Rogers and Nat set a man on fire to kill him. Sure, he was possessed by a demon, but I’d think of a couple of things to try before arson. (MK, the “Crazy dangerous one” just kicks him out a window, which for Superheroes is pretty much common activities.
Other than that? Moon Knight is literally a body to fill group shots. Oh, and then he gets replaced in issue 22 by Hawkeye of all people! Seriously, what does Hawkeye has that our main System don’t?
After that, came the Daredevil mega crossover Shadowland. Here I need to make an annoying wiki pause. See, for the last 20 years or so, Marvel insists on having an stupid event that spawns most if not all of their titles every year. That includes things like Civil War, The Siege, Secret Invasion, Fear Itself, Secret Empire, Avengers vs. X-men, Civil War II and so on. Which is terrible for every individual title as they have to throw off whatever they’re doing just to accommodate the new series. This is why, for example, the 2006 series had the whole thing with Marc having to get evaluated to be “Allowed” to be a hero.  They just cut any build up writers can start because even if they CAN come back to whatever they were doing before? There’s still the tie-in looking like a sore thumb.
A possible compromise are the event tie-in minis, which are apart from the ongoing title and deal with whatever the hell the event was going on. This is what Shadowland: Moon Knight was, a mini series focusing on Jake and the system during the Daredevil event.
So, get this: Moon Knight hasn’t maimed or killed anyone since the end of 2006, but he is still called the crazy unstable one by readers and the MU civilians. Daredevil, on the other hand, who by this time has had his share of stupid things done, becomes the leader of a ninja death cult -and later, possessed by a demon that Mephisto tends to avoid- making himself the leader of the NY crime underground and killing heroes left and right… but nope, he is perfectly sane and everyone loves him after the event is over.
Ah, comics.
Anyway, the demon possessing Daredevil has old history with Khonshu, so Daredevil hires Profile -the guy who can read people with a glance- to get him someone who can kill Moon Knight and get him an old Khonshu relic that is the only thing that can kill the demon. 
Khonshu, who is now looking like a Pigeon furry, bird feet and all, demands Moon Knight to kill in exchange of information of how to kill the demon inside of Daredevil, but Jake -who is still fronting at the time- still refuses.
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For some reason, Marlene is back with Jake, and this time she acknowledges him as her boyfriend which, given how she has been so far? Is a lot of progress. She also claims Marc “was” the unstable one. Unfortunately, she is also pregnant, she tells Steven and Jake this and both of them are over the moon with happiness,  and well, we know  what writers do to the System everytime they have a chance to be happy, right?
During this time, again, Moon Knight is a separate alter from Jake, Steven and Marc. At this point, I wish they just made it official that they’re four and skip me the headache.
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As Jake keeps refusing to kill, and Profile is looking for someone to kill Moon Knight, we get a lot of flashbacks to the guys’s childhood, and this time, Marc is the older brother, and he’s the one who convinced Randall to join the military.
This is the mini where we get the idea that Moon Knight’s  powers went away for his lack of faith in Khonshu which is VERY weird since at this time? Moon Knight has NO powers! While the “new” Shadow Knight who wants to be the “real” avatar of Khonshu… has Cyclops’s like force beams.  And he attacks Marlene and of course, causes a miscarriage.
To the surprise of absolutely no one? The “new” Shadow Knight is the “old” Shadow Knight. That’s right, Randall is back from the dead again, horribly jealous of everything his brother has.
Because of Marlene’s miscarriage, Jake has a terrible breakdown and lets Marc front again.  Marc, being the extra dramatic little queen he is, not only starts considering killing again, much to the joy of Fake-shu, but also declares Jake dead. Again. And so the mini ends there (Oh, he does get the relic to kill the Beast, and that is solved in the Shadowlands actual event, but the important part for Moon Knight ends here)
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Marc, by the way, looks more unhinged than ever thanks to the art.
After the Shadowlands, they put Moon Knight on the Heroes for Hire team. Unfortunately, once again, he’s a body to fill group shots. There’s an issue where he fights a velociraptor, but other than that? Nothing important in those 10 issues.
And thus, we get to the Bendis arc.  Oh,dear lord, the Bendis arc. (look, It had so many bad things, I had to make HUGE collages for the last part of this. It was this, or give Bendis it's own place just because of how so many bad examples I had)
First, again, the good things: Bendis MAY have made some research into DiD as he does have Marc talk to his alters, giving each alter their own voice, their own reason to be there. They know they’re Alters, and they know their role is to protect the System.
Unfortunately, said alters are NOT Marc, Jake and Steven so… everything in this run sucks.
Oh, and we get a NEW retelling on the origin, where now Busham killed Prof. Alarune directly in Seti’s tomb, shoot Marc full of holes and then left without the treasure, so that Marc crawled to the foot of Khonshu’s statute and got revived.
Well, Sorta. See, the idea here is that Marc moved to L.A. after everything that happened (Abandoning grieving Marlene, way to go Marc), in order to produce a campy series called Legends of Khonshu about his adventures as Moon Knight. And… that’s the version of the origin in the pilot of said series (That everyone, and I mean EVERYONE in production hates, and I am not sure if it ever actually aired)
And the alters? Are now Wolverine (who IS a crazy sadist killer, so… props for Marc’s subconcious for getting that right? Even if Marc has NEVER met Wolverine?) Spider-man and Captain America. Who are not really analogues to what Steven, Marc and Jake did as part of the system and… feel so wrong. I mean, Marc even asks his new tech guy, a former SHIELD agent, to make him weapons that IMMITATE Spiderman, Wolverine and Captain America weapons! Oh, and at some point, Wolverine kills the other two alters in a fit of fury, because he is also de alter who is more faithful to Khonshu to the point he is the only one who actually mentions him despite the real Wolverine being more of an atheist, so later Marc replaces them with… Echo and Ironman.  And he also dresses as Spiderman for a mission when the Spiderman alter fronts.
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I am so not surprised this was cancelled due to bad sales.
Besides THAT particular horrible thing, that includes Moon Knight dressing as the other heroes from time to time, and once as Bullseye because why not? I mean, he is crazy!  And yes, I am being sarcastic.
This is the run, by the way, that gave us the panel of Spiderman saying that he dated Moon Knight “A little bit”. That is the REAL Spider-man, by the way, not the alter, and I suspect it was part of an attempt of an homophobic joke by Bendis, who spends most of the series making sure we know how heterosexual Marc is, by making him fall head over heels for Echo.  Who of course gets fridged because how else can we make Marc loose control and the Wolverine alter kill the others?
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Before dying, however, Echo filmed a video where Marc is arguing with his alters, so of course it looks on video as if he’s talking to himself. And while in that series that particular video was only for Echo as part of surveillance? It will come up later in a future, much better run even if the role of it is only to cement once again that yes, the Marvel Universe at large knows that Moon Knight suffers DiD.
At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if they have Mr. Knight print that in his business cards: “Moon Knight. Mr. Knight. Superhero with DiD.”
But anyway, with that particular horrible thing, the Bendis era is over and we can finally, FINALLY move on to a much better series.
But that will be for next part (And yes, we still have NO idea where the “Jake is the violent alter” idea came from)
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
-petpet- Hope you’re getting good rest and feeling a bit better today! 😴👍
Descendants of the Trio AU:
For your comical entertainment, consider if the sibling squad (Space, Illinois, Heist, Date + Yancy) ried to prepare an elegant dinner at the Manor. Together. It could’ve been for a holiday or just something done on the fly. “Brotherly bonding.”
Oh, how about for Eric’s birthday? If anyone could unite for a cause, it would be for Eric.
Picture Heist and Illinois competitively cooking but getting nowhere in putting anything on the table. They often forget about the food, because they’re too busy criticizing and critiquing the other’s technique. (Heist did make a pretty decent breakfast in HWM, but Illinois exploring the world may have made him feel a bit educated in terms of cuisine. On Illy’s own, he feels like a Kraft Mac ‘N Cheese kinda guy, but you can’t tell me that the man doesn’t know fine spices from all the mummy tombs he’s explored.)—Everything’s debated: Salt-pepper ratios, what to season your pan with, which ingredients are acceptable in a dish, etc. 
Space has to take charge by giving Heist and Illinois a recipe book of various things (per Eric’s preferences) to stop their bickering if they were to get anything done.
Date is in charge of decor. Maybe that ability to make romantic items appear becomes useful…Maybe it doesn’t. If he has to go to the store, it’ll be with borrowed money. Of course. (I wonder if Dark gave the boys specialized ‘Markiplier Inc.’ credit cards in case of an emergency.)
Yancy inherits Wilford’s ability and fondness for baking, so he’s got it covered for the birthday cake and desserts. Something about the  camaraderie makes him feel nostalgic for doing these sorts of things for his prison fam, so he’s having a blast! (I like to picture Yancy would always be a little awed to work with /actual/ fresh ingredients—like fruit.) Just hopefully, he’s well-versed with /modern/ kitchen appliances, you know? I’d think he’d be more comfortable with gasoline stoves and ovens than the electric ones.
Space is busy making sure the Manor doesn’t burn down and ensures everything is put together in time. He hadn’t felt this much urge to have his fire extinguisher ready in a very, very long time. Definitely feeling the stress of his father to keep the boys on task without property damage.
No, Dark doesn’t know a thing about anything of this. So, when he enters the Manor with Eric—It’s a bit of a surprise for him too.
—Melody anon
*bumps head into the pets like a cat* :D Thank you! I do feel better, got a little sleep last night this time XD
I think Ego Manor has older appliances honestly, because half the people there still struggle with what a Flip-phone is sometimes. So Yancy should be very comfortable!
Date's ability helps a little bit, probably. Eric likes flowers, so those are easy, and he can probably get tablecloths and napkins folded into animals and stuff like that. But for streamer and such, has to go to the store (he does indeed have a Family Credit Card, most of the money comes from Bim's shows and The Googles getting money in in various ways, from Stock Market to straight-up hacking banks)
Space has a new respect for The Captain after this XD He had already respected them anyway but now it's tripled.
Heist and Illinois for sure burn everything before Space takes over XD Burn or undercooked trying to get done faster than the other. Probably they both somehow curse a dish by accident too. Stop playing with mysterious ancient items, boys!
Dark doesn't know how to react at first, and then hears Space organized it all and the next day gives Space a pair of his old cufflinks from when he was mayor. "I noticed you needed them when you wore that suit last night," is all he says about it.
He's very proud.
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comradekatara · 3 months
What are your thoughts on republic city? If you could change anything about it, what would you change (if you'd like for it to exist in the verse)
oooh okay. so this is a complicated question. obviously the first problem here that needs addressing is the dumpster fire that is the comics. while i do think that the neocolonial tensions aren’t necessarily unrealistic, i obviously don’t buy that any member of the gaang would advocate for that. i actually see it as something they would continue to attempt to dismantle, not begrudgingly accept, even if it is out of their hands. and i know that people have argued that it’s very unimaginative for lok to simply suggest that capitalism is the inevitable telos of all societies, but i do think that atla set that neoliberalism and industrialization in motion in a way that does make lok’s capitalist society feel like a logical extension of atla. they simply do not explore how the fire nation, specifically, stands to benefit from that mode, despite the fact that the fire nation controlled the industries, land, and economy over the past century.
but fundamentally, i like a big city. i think a setting that actually provided a backdrop to explore the issues prevalent in a large capitalist metropolis could have been really fascinating. obviously we do see class hierarchization in large cities in atla, but they’re very rigidly stratified in a more old fashioned way (ba sing se is even sectioned off with the aristocrats in the center, bourgeoisie in the middle, and working class/agrarian workers on the outer edges. although obviously there would be as many if not more servants than nobles in the upper rings, but we never actually see them. but i digress). the class hierarchy in lok is more modern, made invisible under the capitalist illusion of equality. street rats commingle with heiresses (i mean, technically mako was a professional athlete by the time he met asami, but you get my point. upward mobility or something).
i think if lok had introduced these concepts in a way where they were actually prepared to tackle its implications instead of getting bogged down in all their overwrought set dressing and pathetic attempts at moral ambiguity despite not fully understanding any of the ideologies they were critiquing, republic city could’ve been a really cool environment to explore those neocolonial and/or class tensions, as well as further develop the world of atla in a way that feels modern and authentic. of course they did none of those things. but as i always say, the potential was there.
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daytimevigilante · 2 years
What they should have done in Batgirls issue 8.
In issue 8, the synopsis is, Barbara and Dick suit up as Batgirl and Nightwing to rescue Seer at the Iceberg Lounge while Steph and Cass fill the role as Oracle for this mission. 
I thought it would’ve  been better if Dick, Cass and Steph teamed up for three reasons. 
Firstly, Dick, Cass and Steph rarely had any team ups since the beginning of Rebirth and it could’ve been interesting and fresh if they teamed up in this issue. It would have been great, especially because the last time these three were together in a comic was in Urban Legends, Issue 10 “ The Bats of Christmas Past.” The story was very well liked by many fans because of the great interactions between Dick and Cass, as well as Dick and Steph.  So it should have been Nightwing and the Batgirls on the mission to rescue Seer, and Barbara should have been Oracle. 
Also, since Dick is the guest appearance in Cass and Steph’s book, it should have been about those three together, and it could have been about the sibling dynamic between the Batgirls and Nightwing. Dick could have been a supportive big brother to Cass and Steph in this issue, but instead, Steph and Cass were tied to the hip,( as usual) and Dick and Babs interacted the most, and their relationship was put at the forefront of the issue.
Dick barely interacted with Steph and Cass, except for this moment.
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 Even then, he was addressing Babs too, so maybe these panels don't count. 
Finally, the Batgirls books is about friendship and the sisterhood between the Batgirls. So basically, the main theme explored in this book is friendship.
Why would the writers bring a bat-family member into the comic, in this case Nightwing, and not show the friendship Steph and Cass have with Dick? If the book was about friendly dynamics, why wouldn't the writers show that Steph and Cass have a friendship outside of the Batgirls team? Instead, the writers chose to go in a different direction and missed one of the main themes in the book entirely.
 It would have been better if Steph, Cass and Dick teamed up while rescuing Seer, and it was a mistake to make Barbara suit up as Batgirl, since Oracle was needed for the mission anyway.
Since the Batgirls book was marketed as Steph and Cass being the main characters, it makes more sense if Dick interacted with Steph and Cass more, and it should’ve been the main focus. 
We could’ve seen Dick and Cass interacting as siblings, and it would have been great to see Dick and Steph’s friendship as well. 
But of course, the Batgirls writers continue to disappoint, and with each month they completely miss the mark on crafting a decent issue.
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Yeah. There have been times were one of your story flaws did make way for great story moments later on. Of course the easiest example is the infamous date scene from "before the storm" leading into my favorite moment in "black and white Christmas" which of course was already an arc that was filled with great moments.
//Yeah ^^
//Funny enough, exactly ten years ago, comic book reviewer Linkara posted his review of the infamous Spiderman comic One More Day. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s where Spidey saves Aunt May’s life by giving up his marriage to Mary Jane in a deal with Mephisto. It was created just to get rid of a marriage that the creators found boring and unrelatable, and most everyone can agree it was stupid.
//But the thing that stood out to me the most in that review was when he talked about how the entire story, even the deal with the devil, could’ve been made ti work. The problem wasn’t that the story itself was unworkable, but that the creators were focused on getting from A to B in an easy, lazy manner
//And he’s said he doesn’t want OMD just retconned or ignored. He wants a story that follows up on it and solves the problems created by it, because creativity is where you look for potential problems in your story and see if new ideas can be explored from them
//A perfect example is from another terrible comic, Avengers #200, which...I won’t go into that one because it’s super skeevy and poorly-handled, but suffice to say is that Ms. Marvel was shuffled off the team for a bit in a rushed, nonsensical and pretty gross “romance” plot. One that was so badly-written that even the creative team hated it and had no idea how it ended up so bad
//So what happened? Chris Clairmont wrote Avengers Annual #10 to solve the problems caused by it. He didn’t retcon them away, he didn’t ignore them, he addressed the problems, the dumb character behavior and how Ms. Marvel was rightfully pissed off at everyone over letting it get as bad as it did. That was a bold decision, but it was the right move to make
//It can be so easy to get wrapped up in shame and frustration with bad stories that you create when you’re younger or less experienced or less knowledgeable, but instead of acting like they’re the defining aspect of you as a creator, it’s better to either move on from them or try to address the problems caused by them when you feel ready to do so
//Don’t forget your mistakes, find ways to turn them into victories
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
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I enjoyed 2016’s Doctor Strange but aside from the trippy visuals, it felt like a standard superhero origin story. This makes the sequel a follow-up that far surpasses the original. Confidently directed by Sam Raimi, with the best villain the Marvel Cinematic Universe has seen since “Infinity War”, and loads of crowd-pleasing moments, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is hugely entertaining.
While attending the wedding of Christine Palmer (Rachel McAdams), Doctor Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) saves teenage America Chavez (Xochitl Gomez). Rather than thank Strange, America runs from him. They’ve met before. Well, not exactly. She’s interacted with another Doctor Strange from another dimension and it didn’t go well. After consulting Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen), Strange realizes a demonic force is after America’s unique ability to travel through the multiverse.
There’s no way to talk about what makes this movie great without revealing that former Avenger Wanda Maximoff is the film’s villain. As someone who hasn’t seen Wandavision, I can't tell you whether this was something you could've predicted. A part of you likes and understands her, which makes this scenario a lot more complicated. She wants America’s powers so she can travel to a different universe - any universe - as long as the sons she never had live there. Nothing excuses what she's doing but the teensiest bit of sympathy you hold for her makes you wonder if the film might find a way to give her a happy ending even while she butchers alternate versions of heroes that might've been her friends in a different life.
DSitMoM has a great time exploring the various Earths as America and Strange look for a way to defeat Wanda. Some of them are comical. Most are serious, even frightening. It’s fair to criticize some of the lesser films in the MCU for their homogenous feel. The same sort of humor, the same sort of tone, the same sort of characters. This film has Sam Raimi's touch all over it. That means there are gags but they never undermine the heroic scenes. It also means an affinity for horror. Ghosts, demons, rotting corpses, dark sorcery, even some well-placed jumped scares.
Then, there are the horror-analogous scenes in which Strange encounters alternate versions of himself. They made the wrong decisions and wound up on a wildly different path than him. Is every Stephen doomed to repeat each other's mistakes?
A major theme in this story is “regret”. Strange could’ve rekindled his relationship with Palmer. Now, he’s missed his chance. He again sees the mistakes “he” made. He’s allowed to learn from them, but will he in time? If he doesn’t, he may end up just like Wanda, stuck in a loop of wondering “What if?” and unable to move on. The emotional stakes are high, and the numerous deaths (in which the camera cuts at the exact moment to ensure the film gets that PG rating) means the physical threats are real.
In terms of criticisms, I only have two. The first is that among all of the characters that juggle topics of unfulfilled loved, grief, destiny, and the need for/inability to change, America Chavez gets a little lost in the shuffle. More could’ve been done with her. I’m not sure what would’ve been cut, for room, however. The other is minor but comes in right at the end. Of course, the film has not one, but two scenes during the end credits and they take away from the shocker of an ending.
There's a lot you can do with the idea of Multiverses. At least three different films this year prove this and if the ones we get in the future are as good as the efforts from 2022, I say keep 'em coming. In the Multiverse of Madness is easily the MCU’s weirdness film, and in a way, the most comic-book-y too. We’ve finally reached a point where (at least in my case), there are too many “issues” to read. You pick up the main titles but those side stories and spinoffs? You're fine just sort of knowing what happened in them. Except now that you’ve seen the aftermath, you'll want to go back and check out what you missed. (3D Theatrical version on the big screen, May 5, 2022)
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takamishinko · 3 years
hey its me again, feel free to do other requests if you have them but id like to ask if could you do a nsfw part 2 to denkis “your scars are beautiful”. or really just a denki x m reader nsfw scenario/smutshot (?) thing if you dont feel like continuing it, thank you in advance :D
first time writing smut ahaha this was fun to write
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pronouns: he/him
warnings: nsfw, swallowing, no protection
a/n: we could've finished this wqy earlier but we can't take anything seriously and fucked around for like a good hour laughing our asses off lol
e/n (editors note): wap wap wap wap wap 😹
you and denki just finished having dinner at a restaurant with the rest of the bakusquad. it was a pretty nice hangout thing you guys did often. every friday you guys would go to a specific place mina introduced to everyone and you all ended up loving the place. they had food that catered to everyone's taste, even bakugou’s hard to satisfy palette. 
you and the squad headed back to the dorms together, it was no secret that you and denki shared the same room since you two were dating so everyone else went back to their own rooms while you and denki headed back together. denki flopped onto the bed you both shared the second he opened the door, not before taking off his shoes of course.
denki sighed with content, "ahhh~ that place is good as always, it never fails to disappoint me with the burgers, i could eat them all day i swear!" he exclaimed happily. you chuckled at his cute antics.
"oh! we also don't have school tomorrow, woohoo!" denki finished as he stretched his arms out.
you weren't really bothered by denki's rambles since you knew he was the talkative type and tended to go on rambles a lot. but this time wasn't like the usual… it was almost like he was trying to hint to you something. 
you knew exactly what denki was up to. telling you the room was kind of hot, unbuttoning his shirt just enough so that you can see his pecs. while denki's body wasn't as buff as shoji’s or bakugou’s but it was still pretty well built even being on the lean side. you would also be a big ass liar if you said you weren't turned on by his actions. of course your boyfriend teasing you would turn you on.
though you knew what he was trying to do you kept up your clueless act because it was fun for you to tease him back a little. you were having your amusement playing innocent in front of him until the blonde male suddenly grabbed you by the shoulders and pushed you down onto the bed. 
“heh, playing innocent on me huh? c’mon baby~ i know you want all this.” he said as he unbuttoned his shirt completely and took it off. his abs and pecs were irresistible and the proof was the hard on you had in your pants, you knew it well and so did denki. 
“i have no idea what you’re talking about babe~” you teased back, a playful grin forming at the corner of your lips. 
“fine! i guess i’ll have to show you with actions then.” 
your boyfriend’s lips pressed onto yours without any hesitation, his tongue immediately slipping into your mouth, who were you to resist him? the kiss he gave was sloppy but you didn’t mind it a single bit, it was actually quite arousing to you and you enjoyed it. of course you couldn’t let your boyfriend have all the fun so you put a little force into the kiss too instead of just letting his tongue swirl around in your mouth. the kiss between you broke after a minute or so, both of your faces red. you looked down and saw a bulge in denki’s sweatpants.
you licked your lips, “c’mon, take them off big guy~ you’re suffering in those.” you giggled with a licentious look gracing your features.
“with pleasure baby.” denki replied, nothing but pure lust dripping from each word.
you already seen denki’s cock before but something about the outline of it on his comical lightning patterned boxers turned you on to the max. without second thoughts you started to lick your boyfriend’s cock through his boxers, teasing him while you’re at it.
“why don’t you play with what’s under it instead?” he groaned out at the sight of you. god you turned him on so much.
you didn’t reply and pulled down his yellow boxers instead. his cock sprung out with excitement. denki was probably not the biggest, but it was definitely above average and enough to satisfy every last one of your needs. you wrapped your lips around his cock and started going further down inch by inch, using your tongue to lap at it as well. denki’s face contorted into pleasure. wanton moans inevitably escaped his mouth and they were like music to your ears. this egged you on and you hollowed out your cheeks as he fucked your mouth.
“oh fuck! y/n i’m getting close, ah- cumming!” he whined loudly.
without leaving his dick you swallowed every last drop of cum from you received from him. you opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out to show him you enjoyed it, as if you were telling him “thank you for the meal.”
“that felt so fucking good baby… i want more, can i put it in?” he asked, feeling a bit impatient.
“you’re insatiable,” you chucked out, he rolled his eyes in response “but of course you can~” 
as soon as denki heard your answer he practically jumped on you to pull down your pants and your boxers together leaving your ass and cock exposed to him. you flushed at his rushed movements.
he cut you off, “you’re so fucking hot baby, i wanna fuck you so bad.” denki spoke with desire while looking at your lower half.
your boyfriend couldn’t wait any longer so he grabbed the lube that was sitting in his nightstand and spread some on his finger
“just relax alright?” he murmured as he spread a generous amount of lube onto his fingers and started to loosen you up. he started with one and eventually added two more fingers. you jolted a little as your entrance was explored but once denki had hit a certain spot your eyes rolled back of your head, your back arched and you let out a whine.
“o-oh fuck! denki!” you gasped out, your hips jerking upwards as he continued to abuse your prostate. tears formed at your eyes, you felt like you were melting, his fingers felt so good. 
your mewls shot straight down to his cock, ��feels good huh?” he leaned down, whispering into your ear before nipping on it. you couldn’t respond to his sultry tone, you were so out of it. god you needed more.
"denki just put it in already..! i can't help it anymore. i need your cock." you mewled weakly, your voice hoarse. 
"alright~ don't blame me if i go a lil' too hard on ya now." denki grinned as he shoved his dick straight into your hole, hitting your prostate immediately. you let out a loud moan as he immediately thrusts at a fast pace.
you gasped and whimpered out, “a-ah! denki! slow down a little… too fast.” you couldn’t keep up with his pace. 
“can’t handle it babe? i’ll slow down for you then.” denki replies with a smirk. he didn’t want to hurt you.
denki then continued to make slow yet deep thrusts into your ass. they didn’t hurt like the first time you guys did but rather euphoric. his cock was hitting a spot that your fingers or toys could’ve never reached, a whole new level of pleasure. even though this wasn’t your first time it felt so good having your boyfriend inside you again, he never fails to disappoint you in the bedroom. 
“nggh, your ass feels so fucking good. you take my cock so well baby boy.” denki moaned. 
“y-your cock feels so good denki..!” you replied, a trail drool indecently leaving your mouth, mixing on the sheets with the salty tears that fell from your eyes.
he then again pressed his lips onto yours and invaded your mouth with his tongue. it almost felt like heaven, making out with your boyfriends passionately while his big cock hit your prostate over and over again. the pleasure made you lose yourself and you didn’t even notice that you were getting close, and with denki picking up the rhythm of his thrusts, you could tell he was close too. 
“d-denki! i’m gonna cum-“ you moan out loudly in a high pitched tone.
denki groans at the feeling of your walls tightening around his dick. “me too baby- let’s come together..!” 
and just before he could finish his sentence both of you reached your climax and both of you moaned out in shameless pleasure. the two of you stared at each other and tried to regulate your breaths.
“you felt amazing baby...” denki spoke with affection while holding your cheek with his right hand. 
“you felt really good too denki...” you reply as you did the same with your left hand.
the two of you shared a quick kiss before giggling. the two of you were fatigued after your activities, both of you quickly took a shower together and got into bed. both of you fell asleep while cuddling each other on the bed.
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