#villainous intentions
enchantingepics · 1 month
Story Prompt 62
There lurked a villain, cunning and shrouded in darkness as he ruled his domain with an iron fist. But little did he know, a plan brewed in the mind of one who sought to outwit him.
The protagonist, a figure of mystery themselves, had ventured into the villain's realm with a daring resolve. Their aim: to infiltrate the villain's inner circle, to become his confidant, his right hand. It was a dangerous game, one where the line between ally and adversary blurred with each passing moment.
As days turned into weeks, the protagonist gained the villain's trust, weaving their way into the intricate web of deceit that surrounded him. Yet, amidst the shadows and deception, an unexpected twist emerged.
The villain, drawn to the protagonist's charm and cunning, began to make advances. His words dripped with honeyed promises, tempting the protagonist with power and riches beyond imagination. But with each sweet whisper, the protagonist felt the weight of their conscience grow heavier.
Caught between the allure of darkness and the flicker of their own morality, the protagonist faced a choice. Would they succumb to the seductive whispers of the villain, embracing the path of darkness laid before them? Or would they steel their resolve, confronting the villain and putting an end to his reign of terror once and for all?
In the dimly lit chamber where the villain held court, the protagonist stood face to face with their nemesis. The air crackled with tension as the two locked eyes, each silently daring the other to make the first move.
"You've played your part well," the villain remarked, his voice smooth as silk. "But now, it's time to choose. Will you stand by my side, or will you fall at my feet?"
The protagonist hesitated, torn between duty and desire. But in the end, they knew what had to be done.
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aphel1on · 6 months
i have such a love for characters who descend into madness or villainy out of deep, deep empathy. characters who fundamentally cannot cope with the cruel realities they find themselves in and blow up about it in spectacular fashion. fallen angel type characters with tears of outrage in their eyes. characters who break before they bend, and break so badly they splatter blood all over their noble ideals. every variation on it gets me so good
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sunderwight · 2 months
SV AU where, while Luo Binghe is supposed to be in the Abyss, Shen Qingqiu comes across a hellhound puppy.
Now, there is an arc in PIDW where Luo Binghe became a hellhound. But it happened like at least a century out from where they are in the timeline, after Binghe had come into his full demonic power, and involved him turning into a slavering beast that eventually become a slavering man-beast (werewolf, basically) who could only be cured by having a lot of very questionable sex with his wives. Shen Yuan wrote a rant about how yet another potentially interesting transformation arc was instead reduced to porn tropes, but it was one of several dozen such rants across many similar story arcs. Airplane barely even remembers writing it because he was having a pretty shit week and just wanted to get the chapters out.
So it doesn't really occur to either him or Shang Qinghua that finding a hellhound puppy might be suspicious. Unexpected, sure, but demons are turning up all over the place all the time, really. And it's years before Luo Binghe is even supposed to be out of the Abyss, like a century before his hellhound transformation story, and when Binghe did turn into a hellhound his two forms consisted of a fully-grown beast and a fully-grown man-beast. Not a puppy.
Of course: that hellhound puppy is definitely Luo Binghe.
He unwittingly triggered this subplot early, and because he's still a young adult, he gets stuck in a juvenile puppy form because hellhounds don't reach fully maturity until they're like fifty.
Anyway, this creates something of a pickle for Luo Binghe, because he's legitimately stuck in this form and can't figure out how to change back. This is not part of his plans. He's fleeing from Huan Hua Palace cultivators who are trying to kill him, which they might succeed at because his Heavenly Demon powers don't seem to be working.
He runs right into Shizun, who is on one of his "investigate stuff to forget the depression" field trips with Liu Qingge.
Luo Binghe is fully expecting his righteous Shizun to kill the demonic beast, and has a moment to think that at least that's better than being killed by Huan Hua, before Shizun rescues him instead.
Shen Qingqiu, meanwhile, is actually kind of excited. There was a lot of lore in PIDW about how hellhounds can actually make loyal companions if they're trained up from young enough of an age, but finding hellhound puppies would be difficult for anyone who wasn't a demonic nobleman, and most of the "trained" hellhounds just disappeared into the harem as gifts to various demon wives and were never seen or heard from again. No additional information, like the full extent of their abilities or what kind of companions they made beyond "loyal" or anything! A species of demon that could even potentially be domesticated by humans, and it was just left at that?!
Needless to say, Shen Qingqiu's not letting Huan Hua Palace kill this one. This is a rare chance for him to get a cool monster companion!
Although... such a creature might die when Luo Binghe comes to take his revenge.
Well, he'll deal with that when he has a chance. Maybe Shang Qinghua can take it to Mobei Jun or Shen Qingqiu can find another place for it before then. In the meanwhile, at least going back to Qing Jing Peak with him is better than being killed on the spot. He talks Liu Qingge into going along with it (Liu Qingge thinks he's insane but also folds like wet tissue paper), under stipulation that the hellhound's demonic energies are sealed and it gets muzzled before they bring it back with them.
Shen Qingqiu rides with it in a carriage, and feels so bad for the poor doggo looking miserable without his demon powers or even his mouth free that he secretly takes the muzzle back off while Liu Qingge isn't looking.
Luo Binghe is overwhelmed with the mixed sentiments of confusion (doesn't his shizun hate demons? is a Heavenly Demon really so especially repulsive to him?), happiness (he's going home! Shizun found him and is taking him home!), worry (Shizun please do not un-muzzle random demonic beasts just because they look sad!), and some rather embarrassing personal revelations about the appeal of being Shizun's pet. The latter situation worsens exponentially after the first time he gets good boy'd and petted for the first time.
Regardless, Shen Qingqiu does take him back to Qing Jing Peak and settles in to train and observe his new puppy. No one thinks this is precisely a good project but it is a project, and is not for instance "staring blankly into the distance while kneeling in front of a sword mound", so on balance everyone decides they'll just keep an eye on things and make sure the hellhound doesn't maul the peak lord. Lots of "just dropping in for a visits" by a rotating cast of peak lords (they have a schedule).
But the hellhound puppy is a fabulous pet! Actually, Shen Qingqiu thinks it's really remarkable how smart and readily tamed he is? Barely a few days in and he's obediently following Shizun's commands, except for "stay", which he seems to struggle with. He doesn't maul or threaten any of the disciples, only growls at Shang Qinghua sometimes and makes a few aggressive displays at Liu Qingge. The former case is just good taste, and as to the latter, well, clearly the hellhound is sensitive and intelligent, and has a more-than-rudamentary understanding of words spoken to him. He probably remembers that Liu Qingge wanted to kill him when they first met. Shen Qingqiu takes his time soothing his puppy and assuring him that he won't come to any harm, he's perfectly safe on Qing Jing Peak with Shen Qingqiu.
At least, for now.
Although actually, the more Shen Qingqiu thinks about it, the more convinced he becomes that Hellhound (sue him, he's not the best with names) would be a perfect companion for Luo Binghe once he gets out of the Abyss. The only difficulty would be in how to convince Binghe to accept him, and also how to keep his now-loyal hound from trying to defend his master when justice comes due. Shen Qingqiu figures he'll cross that bridge when he comes to it, and in the meanwhile takes some time to explain to Hellhound about his disciple, Luo Binghe, who is enduring a terrible trial in the Abyss, but who will return one day having become Emperor of the Demon Realms and could probably use a steadfast and intelligent companion who is interested in more than just his incredible amounts of power or irresistible good looks.
Luo Binghe Himself: ?!?!?!
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maniacwatchestheworld · 3 months
DPxDC requested prompt (#7)
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(@bearerofendlesspain You know... Only after writing this whole thing do I realize that I had read this prompt wrong... WHOOPS! I read it as "Poison Ivy and Tucker are eating blood blossoms to extinction." and not as what was likely intended which seems to have been more along the lines of... "Batman rogue: Poison Ivy. Conflict: Tucker is eating blood blossoms to extinction." ... Which in this particular context are way, WAAAAAY different ideas! I could have saved myself a lot of distress if I had read it correctly... >.> But ah well! Whoops! Hope you enjoy this anyway! Thinking about a plant going extinct like this was quite distressing for me to write! :D)
"Hey. Thanks for helping me out with this, Tuck. And you know... For keeping all of this a secret from Sam." Danny smiled in appreciation to Tucker as they began to break ground with their shovels. "She would probably HATE what we're doing right now!"
"Yeah, of course, dude! It's no problem at all. The more we get rid of these blood blossoms here in Amity Park, the better it is for you and all of the ghosts in the area! Besides, I never want to even think about having to eat another one of these things ever again!" Tucker shivered at the memory of having to eat blood blossoms to save Danny and Sam's lives.
With that, the two got to work killing the bush of blood blossoms. They were digging to expose the roots so they could tear the plant from the ground whole. That made things easier when they would shove the entirety of the plant into a plastic garbage bag along with the other blood blossom bushes they had already uprooted. Once they were done with this area, they would take all of the bushes they had uprooted over the course of the day and bring them to an incinerator where they would destroy the plant- burning the flowers, stems, roots, and seeds all in one fell swoop. They had to make certain to destroy the whole plant, including the roots and seeds, just to make sure that there was no chance of the bush growing back from just its roots or more bushes getting planted in their place. They had been making good progress in wiping out the blood blossoms in this area. They just had a few more to uproot here and they could move on to the next area! They had been at this for months and were getting pretty close to their goal of exterminating blood blossoms in the whole of Amity Park!
But just as they were pulling this bush from the ground, a beautiful red-haired woman started charging towards them. "What do you think you're doing!???" she roared. The woman was clearly frantic.
Danny and Tucker glanced to one another. "Removing a bush...?" Danny answered, not certain what was going on.
"'Removing a bush' ... Alright, kids, stop what you're going and step away from that 'bush' right now!" She demanded. And while Danny complied, letting go of the plant and backing away, Tucker didn't and instead began to haul the shrub from the ground.
"Come on, lady. We're just removing some weeds. This isn't anything to freak out over." Tucker turned to roll his eyes at the woman where Danny could see but she couldn't.
"A 'weed'? A 'WEED'!!? You really don't have any idea what you're doing do you!? Do you even know what these 'weeds' are!?" The woman was obviously distressed, and growing more agitated by the moment.
Tucker let out a flippant breath. "They're blood blossoms, duh."
"Yes. And this specific species of blood blossoms are native and endemic to the Amity Park area!"
"Okay...? So what?" Tucker wasn't entirely certain what she was talking about.
"And they're an endangered species!"
"Oh... I- I didn't know!" Danny swore, suddenly feeling bad about what he and Tucker had been doing.
"So?" Meanwhile, Tucker had the opposite reaction. "What are you, a botanist or something? Who cares if these blood blossoms go extinct?"
"Yes. I am a botanist..." Danny was watching as the horror on the woman's face was slowly turning into fury.
"Tucker...? I think that you should just leave the plant alone..." Danny cautiously advised.
"What!? After all the work we've put into killing off all of these stupid flowers? Now you're starting to sound like Sam! We've been at this months! No way I'm stopping now!"
"MONTHS!???" That was the absolute last straw. These children have been exterminating these poor, defenseless, endangered plants for months!? Dr. Pamela Isley- more famously known as Poison Ivy- had heard enough. These boys were going to pay. "You might not care about these flowers dying, but I do! The land- The Green does! You need biodiversity in order to have a healthy ecosystem, and these flowers play an important role in that! You can't just go around, carelessly digging up and killing innocent, endangered plants without there being... Consequences."
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shrimpchipsss · 1 year
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don’t feed it
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caeslxys · 24 days
here's the thing. laudna would have stopped it. if she knew delilah was about to fracture the gnarlrock. if she could parse her own feelings from hers.
and here's the thing. imogen has been plagued by nightmares for a decade. and this rock is the first bit of solace outside of her trust in laudna that she has ever had.
and laudna was just involved in shattering it. this tiny bit of solace.
and. here's the thing: laudna would've stopped it.
and. here's the thing. imogen would've stopped it. the only reason imogen didn't go is because she was specifically afraid that she would attempt to intervene and ruin their relationship with the volition before it ever began.
and here's the thing. liliana set out 25+ years ago specifically to spare her daughter. and that seemingly has not ever wavered as her core motivation. but people keep being drawn to the moon. kids keep being drawn towards the moon. and liliana is a mother. she was a mother before she ever knew she was an exaltant.
for 25+ years she has worked to "cure" imogen. the only solace she probably ever received was in at least attempting to console the kids who found themselves lured in by her same pull.
liliana begs imogen not say that they may have to kill each other. she breaks at hearing imogen's resolve. but there's kids, imogen. there's kids here. imogen. she can't leave. she's a mom.
and, here's the thing: imogen's her daughter. the daughter liliana left. or tried to leave. the daughter she only had through dreams. and imogen is working with the volition. and imogen has been her sole drive for 25+ years.
and imogen might have just been involved in shattering the little solace she might have ever had.
and, here's the thing: imogen would've stopped them.
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thechaosdragoness · 2 years
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Evil Rides Tonight
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ineadhyn · 2 months
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bonefall · 26 days
So, your Clear Sky post is absolutely horrifying, but it was very needed, so thank you. What are your general thoughts on tackling his abuse for the AU? Like you've said, pretending he's a good guy is not the way to go, but are you planning on toning down *some* of the situations, just to give some of the cats a break? Clear Sky is a very realistic depiction of abusers, but that seems to come across even without victim number 25, yknow? I'm very curious about how you'd like to go about this.
My most recent big change was bringing Slash back into the fold, because I realized that it was actually a disservice to not address where DOTC's themes dip into Colonialism. It's a hard topic, and I'm still trying to work out the details, but I realized it was important.
With how BB!DOTC is such a MASSIVE overhaul, to properly address abuse and the ways it impacts you, ableism and its violence, and xenophobia broadly, a huge reworking of Slash belonged here too. He's one of the greatest examples of how badly WC demonizes non-Clanborn cats. I shouldn't dance around it.
That's what I need to do with Skystar.
MANY of his victims have happier endings than canon, though. Bumble is one of the most famous, bumped up into a major character and directly responsible for the formation of ThunderClan. Bright Storm is taking most of Gray Wing's roles. Birch and Alder are getting examined, with either a father who wants his kids back or Milkweed as the mate of Misty.
A lot of people will die because of him, even more will be hurt, but I see BB!DOTC as a story about victims and survivors.
Others might grab POVs here and there, but as a response to canon which I feel is Clear Sky's story told in many parts, I center this rewrite around Thunder Storm. The path of kindness he marches down, with love and with anger, and the people he helps.
So BB!Star Flower...
Previously I was playing her as ENTIRELY just manipulating Clear Sky. She was loyal to One Eye and trying to get at Skystar to bleed him dry for 8 lives to sacrifice; but connected to Thunderstar over recognizing him as a victim who deserves her idea of justice. So, she offers Thunderstar the final kill, so her father will be grateful to him and he'll get power AND the death of his abuser.
(When Thunderstar looks upon Skystar, pathetic and neutralized down to one life, he thinks about the collateral damage that will descend upon the forest if he accepts the deal. He decides that he has found the line between Justice and Justification. Of course he wants the power to make his enemies cower, protect his people, and eliminate Clear Sky so he never threatens them again; that's not the problem.
He can still do these things. He wouldn't NEED the power of a war god to do so.
But if One Eye returns, he will be endlessly hungry, ruthlessly dedicated to revenge, and set out to devour the whole forest. Everything would get worse, and even more people he loves would die. It's where his desire to destroy a monster would lead to him BECOMING one.)
Even on its face, it was previously missing an element. There's a step between "Starf decides to bring One Eye back" and "Starf offers Thunderstar the final kill" that was bare. This is the piece that was missing-- That she, herself, is trying to reach out to the only person who's ever really understood her.
But more importantly... I do feel this topic belongs here, in BB!DOTC. Abuse is a MAJOR theme. SKYSTAR is a monster already. He's harmed two wives in BB (Bright Storm and Falling Cry) and played toxic games with all three kits (Thunder Storm, Pale Sky, Tiger Sky).
And I'd avoid Star Flower being abused... why? Because it's uncomfortable to confront the pattern that Clear Sky displays? That in-canon, he tries to cut all his victims into the same ideal shape, from Storm to Thunder to Star Flower? ...it should be uncomfortable. Everything that I described in Clear Sky Is A Monster is rooted in the same desire for control, power, and punishment most abusive people share, he just happens to be a severe example.
Yes. That includes how he treats his child and romantic partners. The parallels that are drawn between Starf and Thunder are there because he wants power in the form of obedience. Starf replaces the son as a narrative award for his "growth" of not killing random people anymore for a while.
A cookie cutter is an effective tool because IT ONLY MAKES ONE SHAPE.
You know what's more uncomfortable? Reading canon!DOTC and seeing someone who hurt you reflected almost perfectly in the character the writers think did nothing wrong. Because of "good intentions" that were not there.
I will say though, just to be clear; I don't see a purpose in being more than PG-13 about serious topics for this project. I promise none of my intentions have changed. Nothing will be more graphic or gorey than canon WC-- just more intentional.
I'm keeping the sacrifice because it's dope. No one is taking this from me. Girl Moment: Killed her awful husband 8 times to count as 8 sacrifices and offered the last life to her buddy as a show of good will. How else do you make friends outside of high school
But I know now that Star Flower NEEDS to keep the canon fact she has very little agency, UNTIL that moment she snaps.
She's sacrificing one abuser to try and bring back a bigger, badder one, because in spite of everything, her father One Eye always made her feel safe. Even though he promised her off to Skystar, and expected her to be willing to die for him. She's followed every command, every order, past the death of his mortal vessel.
The first, and only, selfish choice she's ever made was in reaching out to Thunderstar to offer him the power of her father.
Thunderstar's Justice is a story about a Thunder Storm at the pinnacle of his arc, how the survivors of his Clan are settling into the new normal after the carnage of The First Battle, how Skystar's arrogance brings a violent god to the Forest... and the connection Thunderstar makes with the daughter of a monster.
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automeris-io-moth · 14 days
heeey! I really love your writing and I was wondering if you could write smth with the classic hurt for their own good prompt
Request #9
“You have to stop crying, love, you’re gonna give yourself a headache.” 
Uncurling themselves from their foetal position over the plush black couch, with great effort for it was the only which alleviated the constant, though by then dulled, throbbing on their side, Hero smashed both feet against the wooden tiles.
Their legs trembled still, their jaw ached with the pressure of their teeth grinding together. Pain was no longer the cause, but anger, too high in analgesics to even feel the ache of their broken bone, and the warmth of the room, their old teammate office (Villain then their new name), emanating softly from the lit fireplace before them prevented the ache that the coldness of an still early spring brought. 
“You have no right to tell me that!” they yelled, face hot with indignation “You did this to me!”
Villain looked up from their desk to meet Hero’s eyes. 
“And I’m yet to hear a thank you.” 
“Thank you?!” 
“You’re welcome, angel.” 
“You ruined everything for me! You fu…” a loud impact echoed in the room, accompanied by Hero’s brash cursing. 
Throwing their chair back Villain hurried by their side, a hand sneaking their way into Hero’s, pulling it away from their grip on their broken leg, looking for any extra damage done, none seemed to have happened, though they would need to call the doctor back in the morning, their third visit in a row caused by their old friend’s careless behaviour
Openly crying then, Hero kept trying to land a punch before both their hands were gripped in one of the other’s, the other hand restraining their leg from more erratic movement. 
“You’re going to hurt yourself further,” Villain warned. 
“And who’s fault is that?! I wouldn’t be hurt at all if it weren't for you.” 
“You would be dead then, Hero, hell!” 
With wide, tear-filled eyes, Hero stared. 
Villain, at the newly found lack of fight, pulled them closer. 
“And I'm sorry I had to hurt you, but you didn’t want to listen to reason, you would have died.” 
“I wouldn’t have.” 
“Yes you would have,” Villain replied with a sigh “you’re not indestructible even if the government wants to sell you as such, and I think I’ve given you tangible proof of that now. That was a suicide mission.” 
“I was so close to being Superhero's second in command.” 
“No, you weren’t, you were so close to being dead.” 
Stopping their fussing, Hero settled on the floor, leg still pulsating, too numb to actually feel pain yet aware enough to feel the discomfort. They resign themselves to angry tears, little more they could do. 
“Your team has no idea what they’re going against,” Villain continued, voice calmer, breath evening out “you are all greatly underestimating what Supervillain is capable of. And they already had their eye on you, the golden star of the city would give a lot to talk about.” 
“Let them come,” Hero spat. 
Villain sighed “That’s exactly why I did what I did, I won’t let you die, even if this is what I have to do to assure it.”
Certaly! (sorry it took this long tho)
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enchantingepics · 1 month
Story Prompt 73
Chaos descended like an unexpected storm in the world. The air was thick with tension as people rushed about, their faces etched with fear and confusion.
Amidst the turmoil, a figure emerged from the shadows, his presence sending shivers down the spines of those nearby. He was cloaked in darkness, his eyes gleaming with a sinister light.
"There's no human suffering if there's no humans to suffer," he declared, his voice carrying a chilling certainty.
The words hung in the air, a grim proclamation of what was to come. Panic spread like wildfire as the realization dawned on the populace. This was no ordinary threat; it was the promise of annihilation.
In the midst of the chaos, a small group of survivors banded together, determined to fight against the impending doom.
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Contrary to her earlier, angrier vigilante days, Stephanie Brown, as Batgirl, does not accept killing or even death to ANY capacity.
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Batgirl (2009) #9
This is Stephanie's reaction to being unable to save a man who had a moment ago pointed a gun at Detective Gage's head and, to her knowledge, may very well have been a horrible murderer. She's very fucking devestated and she's crazy hard on herself because NO ONE's meant to die on this daring defender's watch.
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frienderbee · 2 months
The thing that's really pissing me off about the Caitibugzz situation is how quick people have been to disagree and stand against her.
"She saw the clout shubble got!" The whole point shubble wanted to make was that people should feel comfortable coming out about this stuff and that we should support the victims. And frankly if anything standing up against a creator this babied and beloved with a platform that size would only hurt her follower count.
"Its her own fault for drinking" Maybe drinking at a party with people she did not know well wasn't the safest decision in hindsight but it doesn't mean it was HER fault. She had no reason to believe she was in an unsafe position till she was.
"Well why didn't she leave, why'd she keep coming back?" We only know she kept coming back from George. All the things he said regarding the night has no proof and I'm sick of seeing people say there is??? The things that do line up are him touching her, not asking her age, not asking consent. We can't know for sure what he said is true at all.
"Well she was at a 21+ party! She lied about her age" Okay not only was that not true as it was a 16+ party. But it also doesn't fucking matter how old she was?? Her being freshly 18 adds in the factor of the power dynamic and worsens the situation, yes. But if she is being touched without consent and is uncomfortable then it doesn't matter how old she is, it's still wrong for her to be in that situation.
Even before people made any connection to George people were saying "her tears seemed forced" or "she's not even really crying". I watched the stream live and saw tears going down her face and heard her voice break. I've even seen people say "she's literally reading it!' YES. She wrote down her thoughts to make a statement cause she knew it would upset her.
Finally I don't understand why people are saying Her story had too many holes compared to George when if we focus on the things they have in common its still clear that George assumed everything, didn't ask consent or her age, and did touch her.
Maybe George genuinely believes he is innocent but I think it's telling that he doesn't even deny most the events, just says they were exaggerated and that He thought it was okay. She didn't.
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altocat · 28 days
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More cringe memes. Lucrecia Edition.
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pr0cyon-lotor · 2 months
Y'know context is for the weak. Have a silly drawing based on my fic
The chapter that would give context isn't out yet so enjoy not understanding this :)
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Shen Jiu will be a little shit in my heart always ❤️
And close ups ↓
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demidevildonnie · 11 months
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they eat off the table that you set, so you starve
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