fanfictioncorner · 3 years
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Come Join us at the Fanfiction Corner Discord for the server birthday party on June 30th!!!
We are going to be playing games, running challenges, and chatting for 24 hours starting 12 am EST on June 30th. Come talk fanfiction and fandoms, join just for the party or decide to stick around!!!
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fanfictioncorner · 3 years
Watch the TW UwU. It's a work in progress
I was at work today and I worked out an entire raven!Neil fanfic in my head for AFTG. But alas by the time I drive home, sit down, pull out my laptop, and open docs. . . I will have no more desire to write a damn fic.
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fanfictioncorner · 3 years
Matt- Why is Neil trying to drink bleach? And why is Aaron yelling at him?
Nicky- Neil took a quiz about which Minyard would be his boyfriend?
Matt- and?
Nicky- He got Aaron.
-in the background-
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fanfictioncorner · 3 years
Person A: I'm fine
Death: Dude I am literally death. You are dying.
Person A: How sad... Alexa play Despacito.
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fanfictioncorner · 3 years
Person C: Person A is a Coward and a dick
Person B: Fuck you! Person A is my Coward and has a wonderful-
Person A: Babe please no longer feel the need to defend me
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fanfictioncorner · 3 years
Everyday Character B stands at the counter of this stupid little small town coffee shop, but despite it being a small town, it gets plenty of morning customers. Being right near the train station tended to do that. And everymorning character B would watch as one particular customer (character A) power chugged two red bulls before sprinting into the coffee shop and ordering a black coffee with 5 shots of expresso. Character A is always a wreck, and looks like a toddler dressed them so honestly Character B thinks they are witnessing Character A's perpetual go at rock bottom.
Then one day Character B has to take the night shift. And they run into Character A. In that moment Character B realizes that Character A isn't even close to their rock bottom. But Character A is spiraling fast.
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fanfictioncorner · 3 years
I secretly love the tattoo/flowershop au. But where the sunshine rainbows character is all happy and working in a tattoo Parlor. And they are just tattooing super buff customers while they smile and laugh and are super ditsy but are good at their job.
And then on the other side you've got the dark and broody character working at a flowershop. This emotionally constipated mess is listening as countless people ask for advice on what flowers to get for a date. And what flowers say "no I'm not cheating hunny." They have to do all of this and not snap, they simply have to be nice and sell and make flower arrangements.
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fanfictioncorner · 3 years
I was at work today and I worked out an entire raven!Neil fanfic in my head for AFTG. But alas by the time I drive home, sit down, pull out my laptop, and open docs. . . I will have no more desire to write a damn fic.
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fanfictioncorner · 3 years
Person A: *is knitting, listening to classical music, standing in a yoga pose, is surrounded by pillows and blankets, has their pet at their feet, is burning insense, using a diffuser for essential oils, while surrounded by lotions*
Person B: What are you doing?
Person A: My therapist recommended being less stressed
Person B: Ah... is it working?
Person A: .... no
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fanfictioncorner · 3 years
Person A: I will destroy everything you've ever loved
Person B: Uh-huh
Person A: I will torture and maim you
Person B: yup. yup. got it.
Person A: I will make you cry out for mercy and none shall be bestowed upon you
Person B: Mhmmm. While your doing that, could you get some more laundry detergent, we are out.
Person A:... Fine. Oh and what type of ice cream do you want?
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fanfictioncorner · 3 years
Okay but imagine:
Person A had to grow up far too fast and lived in a way that their parents forced them to be an adult or didn't allow them to have toys or something.
They grow up, and after a life like that and the age they are they don't really see the need to ever have a stuffed animal, a soft blanket, or even something like a set of hot wheels.
Somehow person B finds out, and starts giving Person A stuffed animals. And at first Person A goes "I don't need this. I am an adult". But for some reason or another one night they take comfort in one of the stuffed animals, and from then on every single one of them is precious to Person A. And of course whether they admit it or not. Person A is precious to Person B.
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fanfictioncorner · 3 years
Person A: I am the biggest threat to this world.
Person B: This morning you stubbed your toe and choked on a banana you were try to seduce me with. . . The only threat you pose is to yourself
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fanfictioncorner · 3 years
Person A: I feel empty and dead inside
Person C: (trying to be sexy) I can put something inside you.
Person B: Why? The purpose isn't to make them feel more empty.
Person C: *gapes*
Person D: *chokes*
Person E: oh shit
Person F: *cackling in the background*
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fanfictioncorner · 3 years
Person A: (stubs their toe) FUCK!!! WHO PUT THIS TABLE HERE!?
Person B: That would be you.
Person A: Why the fuck would I do that!?
Person B: Babe its been there for the last 3 years we've lived together. Just admit you weren't paying attention.
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fanfictioncorner · 3 years
Person C: (nagging on and on about something unimportant to the current moment)
Person A: (Picks up the remote control and starts clicking it at person C)
Person C:Person A, What are you doing?
Person B: Their trying to turn you off
Person A: (to person B) they've got to have a better setting than this
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fanfictioncorner · 3 years
What's the fandom that deserves more rep? And also I issue a challenge that you pick up one that you haven't joined that needs more people. Cause God let's hear it for the small underrepresented fandoms out here.
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fanfictioncorner · 3 years
So we've all seen a lot of Time Fix-it fics. Personally I was scrolling through some in the aftg tag on a03.
But picture this (I'm going to use andreil as an example)
Andreil [for those not in this fandom thats Neil and Andrew] (or whatever pairing adjust it as needed) gets sent back to the beginning of the story. They think "oh now we can fix shit and make sure things go smoother this time... we can stop some of the trauma and pain."
But here's the thing they don't know. They might have been sent back. But they aren't the only ones who were. And now they have at least three antagonists (im open to it being more) who also went back in time with full knowledge of what happens. And suddenly that simple time fix it.... isn't so simple anymore. What they thought was going to be a scripted and easy fix of things. Turns into having to watch everyone's backs because the antagonists remember what's going to hurt, and where to strike. Not to mention they remember what didn't work last time.
Other fandoms it would work great with
Harry Potter (imagine Draco and Harry going back and draco having the chance to join Harry's side from the start)
Probably plenty more too.
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