Since I've been gone for so so long, ask me some questions and stuff to get to know me better! Hopefully I can make some new friends and get some more requests from new people! I would like to have kind of a couple new ones to go off of before I get back into writing!
Get to Know Me
1. What is you middle name? 2. How old are you? 3. When is your birthday? 4. What is your zodiac sign? 5. What is your favorite color? 6. What’s your lucky number? 7. Do you have any pets? 8. Where are you from? 9. How tall are you? 10. What shoe size are you? 11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 12. What was your last dream about? 13. What talents do you have? 14. Are you psychic in any way? 15. Favorite song? 16. Favorite movie? 17. Who would be your ideal partner? 18. Do you want children? 19. Do you want a church wedding? 20. Are you religious? 21. Have you ever been to the hospital? 22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? 23. Have you ever met any celebrities? 24. Baths or showers? 25. What color socks are you wearing? 26. Have you ever been famous? 27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? 28. What type of music do you like? 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? 30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 31. What position do you usually sleep in? 32. How big is your house? 33. What do you typically have for breakfast? 34. Have you ever fired a gun? 35. Have you ever tried archery? 36. Favorite clean word? 37. Favorite swear word? 38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 39. Do you have any scars? 40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? 41. Are you a good liar? 42. Are you a good judge of character? 43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? 44. Do you have a strong accent? 45. What is your favorite accent? 46. What is your personality type? 47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? 48. Can you curl your tongue? 49. Are you an innie or an outie? 50. Left or right handed? 51. Are you scared of spiders? 52. Favorite food? 53. Favorite foreign food? 54. Are you a clean or messy person? 55. Most used phrased? 56. Most used word? 57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 58. Do you have much of an ego? 59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? 60. Do you talk to yourself? 61. Do you sing to yourself? 62. Are you a good singer? 63. Biggest Fear? 64. Are you a gossip? 65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? 66. Do you like long or short hair? 67. Can you name all 50 states of America? 68. Favorite school subject? 69. Extrovert or Introvert? 70. Have you ever been scuba diving? 71. What makes you nervous? 72. Are you scared of the dark? 73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? 74. Are you ticklish? 75. Have you ever started a rumor? 76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? 77. Have you ever drank underage? 78. Have you ever done drugs? 79. Who was your first real crush? 80. How many piercings do you have? 81. Can you roll your Rs?“ 82. How fast can you type? 83. How fast can you run? 84. What color is your hair? 85. What color is your eyes? 86. What are you allergic to? 87. Do you keep a journal? 88. What do your parents do? 89. Do you like your age? 90. What makes you angry? 91. Do you like your own name? 92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? 93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? 94. What are you strengths? 95. What are your weaknesses? 96. How did you get your name? 97. Were your ancestors royalty? 98. Do you have any scars? 99. Color of your bedspread? 100. Color of your room?
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ALSO SEND ME REQUESTS PLEASE!!! I need some to get me started again!!
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Oh hey
Okay so I've been LITTERALLY mia for like months but turns out I had to do this thing called senior year and I graduated now but I have two jobs and stuff so...IF ANYONE IS STILL HERE I'll try to make a bit of a comeback!
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inactive 😭
IM SO SO SORRY IVE BEEN SO INACTIVE I'm really going to try to come back guys i promise❤️
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Irrelevant But Cute  [ P.P ]
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Request: Hey there!! I hope you’re well! I was just wondering if you took requests or if they were open or anything. But if they are, would you possibly mind doing a peter (Parker lol) x reader where she has been dating him for awhile but she is just now finding out he’s spider-man?? Like something happens to her and he saves her type thing? Sorry if this is too specific. Hope you have a good night/Day depending on where you’re at😂
Word Count: 800
Warnings: None but this is really bad I’m so sorry!
A/N: I may make a seperate taglis for my marvel fics. Let me know if you want to be on it! Also, requests are open for a little while so send some in!
You were sure it was a safe time to leave your boyfriend’s apartment. The sun was still setting and the streets were still illuminated with it’s light so there was lesser chance of anything bad happening to you on your way home. Of course, there were still cat calls and immature teenage boys who think it a good idea to yell out at anyone that passed by them but there was never usually anything dangerous at this time.
Apparently, you were wrong about your judgements on the time.
A man had followed you three blocks despite your obvious attempts to get as far away from him as possible. You had made it obvious to him that you knew that he was following you but he still didn’t seem to let up. Until you had turned the second to last turn, when his hand jutted out and wrapped around your forearm.
But before he could do anything, he was yanked away from you and suddenly he was on the floor, Spider-Man standing tall above him with his gloved hands on his hips and his chin turned upwards. He glanced at you to check if you were alright before he stuck out his hands and bent two of his fingers onto the button on his palm and webbing the man to the concret of the footpath.
There was something familiar about the way he moved as he approached you. Something you couldn’t exactly put your finger on. His movements were soft and careful yet carefree at the same time as he gently places a hand on your shoulder and nods gently at you.
“You okay?” He asked, his voice slightly muffled under his mask. You knew you had heard the voice before but the more you tried to put a face to it, the more you confused yourself. It was a voice you knew you should have recognized but for some reason you just couldn’t pinpoint who it belonged to.
“Yeah,” you say. “I’m fine. Don’t know if I can say the same for him though.” You nod once in the direction of the man who was on the floor and struggling against Spider-Man’s webbing.
Spider-Man chuckles, a noise which all of a sudden makes your eyes shoot wide open and your head snap in his direction. You loved the sound of your boyfriend’s laugh and you knew you’d be able to recognize it anywhere.
“Wha-” Spider-Man’s hand flies to the back of his neck. “Shh! You can’t let anyone hear. We’re lucky that guy is too busy trying to get out of my webs otherwise he’d have heard.”
“I knew you were hiding something from me!” You blurt, letting Peter take hold of your arm gently and pull you in the direction of your house. “We really need to talk, Parker.”
The next few minutes pass by quickly and you find yourself at the front door of your home with Peter right by your side, still dressed in his Spider-Man suit. He fiddles with his fingers as you fiddle with the key, mumbling to him that your parents weren’t home. Peter steps in behind you, pulling off his mask once the door is shut behind the two of you. You lead him to your bedroom.
“Are you mad?” Peter breaks the silence, running a hand through his hair.
“Not really,” you say. “I guess something in me already knew. You should probably find a way to disguise your voice, by the way. That’s what gave you away.”
“So you aren’t even upset?”
“What would I be upset about?” You sit on your bed, pulling Peter down beside you. “You’re Spider-Man. Do you know how awesome that is?”
“I kinda do, yeah,” Peter says, smiling at you as you push yourself off of your bed again, walking over to your window and gazing out of it with a small smile.
He watches you for a few seconds before he finds himself directly behind you. Peter’s arms wrap themselves around your waist, his hands laying softly on your hips and your back pressed against his stomach and chest.
“Oh my god,” you blurt. “my boyfriend is Spider-Man. I’m dating Spider-Man!”
Peter chuckles, resting his chin on the top of your head as his arms tighten around you, pulling you closer into him. He nuzzles his nose in your hair. “You’re the perfect height for me to rest my chin on your pretty little head. Your hair smells really good, by the way.”
“That’s completely irrelevant, Peter. Irrelevant but cute.”
“Mhm,” Peter hums, smiling. “I love you.”
You giggle, relaxing into him as you both gazed out your window at nothing specific, both of your smiles identical as your hearts beat almost completely in sync with each other. “I love you too, Spider-Man.”
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Lost Stars (Intro)
So this will be a full fic, which I have not attempted to do before, and I will only update it when I have access to a computer because it is a lot easier to type out than on my tablet. I hope you all enjoy it and hopefully I will do a good job on it. 
Warnings: House Fire and mentions of parental deaths.
As a kid, I had dreams of being many different things when I grew up. I wanted to be a chef, a doctor, a game show host, an architect, then I wanted to be an artists, or a musician, or an actor. Everyone has dreams to be a star of some sort right?
But some of those stars get lost. 
The night of the fire I lost everything, my clothes, my belongings, and my mother. My father was not in the picture and didn’t bother to pick up his phone for anyone. By the time he knew what had happened the house was complete ash and my mother was completely gone. I sat alone in the hospital for at least an hour after I was discharged because I had no way of getting home, I had no home. I decided then and there, in that time of hopelessness that I would NEVER be that helpless again. 
Once I got moved in with my father, I asked him, during one of the few conversations we had, if I could join boxing. He had stared at me for a moment before nodding slowly and saying
“If it’s what you really want, I will make some calls in the morning.”
From the next day on, I had went into training. As I went through training I grew stronger and more independent. I began to realize that the world was not just me and my problems. The world was millions of people who had problems of their own. I wanted to help with those problems, but was at a loss of how to do it.
That loss was ended the day I was walking home from the ring and saw the house on the corner. The top floor being completely engulfed in flames, and a small child out in the front yard screaming for his mother. Instinct took over and I sprinted across the road.
“Where is she?” I asked him. He pointed to the window on the top floor of the house and began sobbing again. I nodded and rushed into the house. The smoke burned my nostrils with every breath and all the structural aspects of the house were beginning to cave in around me. I had little time and I had to find his mother. The staircase was next to the door I had come in. Bounding it as lightly as I could, as to not break any stairs, I made my way to the top floor of the house. There was only one door on the top floor and of course it was locked. 
“Hello?!” I screamed. In the midst of the coughing fit that followed I heard a faint ‘Help.’ 
The doorknob blistered my hand. I seethed and backed up preparing to ram the door. 
“Back, Get Back!” I screamed. I didn’t give her much time to move before I shoved myself through the door breaking it open. I saw here there. On the bed with a rope around her torso and she was fastened to the bed. Someone did this on purpose. 
“I’ve got you, don’t worry.” I say running to her. I begin to untie the knot in the rope and she looks at me.
“My son, you have to save my son.” She mumbles. I get the knot undone and slip her arm over my shoulder. 
“He’s out on the lawn, he is fine. Now we have to get out of here before this whole place goes down alright? You have to trust me.” I say. She nods and allows me to pull her up. To the best of her abilities she walks with me across the room to the window. I slip it open and we both get out onto the roof. The fall from here is much longer than I thought.
“Alright ma’am. We have to jump. Keep your knees-” I begin. I’m cut off by the feeling of something hitting…and sticking…to my shoulder. I quickly look up to see a body crouched on a tree branch in front of us. The red and blue clad body motions to the web he just stuck to me. I catch his hint and hold on to the woman tight, and jump. We hit the ground a lot softer than we would have without the web. 
“You guys okay?” I ask the mother and the boy. The boy hugs his mother who is still sitting on the ground. She nods and holds her son. I look back to the tree in hopes to thank him for his help. 
But, just as every spider-man sighting goes, he’s gone. Moments late the police and fire department arrive, and begin their duties. Leaving me wiped out and my breathing labored. 
The sight in front of me is completely worth the pain. A mother, and her child still together. I couldn’t do that for myself but I can do it for others.
Peters P.O.V
I have to tell Stark. No normal person can run into a gas fire and pull someone out like that only have little damage. She isn’t normal. She’s too fast, too strong, too…resistant…to be normal. We need her.
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Hey there!
So I'm starting my peter fic tonight and I will be posting one chapter and one to three imagines a week, much love to everyone that has liked or reblogged any of my stuff
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Tony Stark x Reader
Oh How Funny
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Drugs and Candy
Meant To Be
Pietro Maximoff x Reader
Waste Away
Peter Parker x Reader
Dean Winchester x Reader
Home Is Where The Heart Is
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Oh How Funny.
Pairing: Tony x Reader
Prompt: You and Tony are together and the team makes fun of the age gap between the two of you. You both take the jokes and begin to fire back at them.
Warnings: None! (Well, I mean talk of age in a relationship, language I think, slight insinuations of sex??)
Word Count:1,033
Song: Stay The Night by Green day
I really do not know if this one is any good, it is shorter, I know.
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You had thrown one last jab at Steves ribs and he fell flat to his back. You were definitely not as strong as he was, but you sure as hell weren’t weak and you were much faster than him. As Steve lays on the ring floor and unwraps the tape from his hands you begin to unwrap the tape on yours. 
“Better watch this one Stark. I don’t know if an old man like you will be able to keep up with a firecracker like Y/N.” He says rising from the floor, Tony squints his eyes and crosses his arms.
“Rogers, why don’t we reconsider that statement and take a look at how many DECADES you missed being a capsicle.” He snaps. You can’t help but laugh and Tony smiles at you winking. “See, women love humor, old man.” 
Steve rolls his eyes and takes the water from Tony as he walks into the ring with two bottles. Tony hands you the second and leans against the ropes next to you. 
“You look really hot by the way.” He says.
“Well, lets see, that could be because I just fought a man twice my size. What clued you in huh? Couldn’t be the gallons of sweat on me.” You say looking up at him with a side glance. His smile grows and he shakes his head.
“Your sarcasm makes my days bright.” He says putting his arm around your shoulders. You smile and lay your head on his arm.
You and Tony had been together for about three months and you had been training with the team since two weeks after you met Tony. Like all things Stark, you met him in a very unconventional way. You were walking home from a party one night when about four large men began to follow you. They got closer and closer without your knowing and eventually began to attempt to attack you. Your fighting skills proved effective, because by the time Tony reached you in his suit and all, you had two of the men slumped against the dumpster, one with a broken nose and a couple cracked ribs and the other with his head split open and leg bent in a very odd way. One of the men fled the scene as soon as you started whooping ass and the other one was laying face down on the pavement of the ally. You had turned to continue your walk home but you were greeted with a maskless iron man, and a jaw-dropped Tony Stark. The rest was history. 
“I should probably get changed and get these clothes to the wash. I smell like absolute shit.” You say handing Tony the empty bottle. He takes it and kisses your cheek lightly. You smile and begin to walk away before you feel a light slap on your rear end. Whipping around you see him quickly running to the elevator to escape your wrath. Smiling still, you make your way to the showers to change. 
Exiting the elevator after you’ve showered, you see the team all gathered in the lounge. You walk to the couch and take a seat next to Tony. Natasha looks up to you and smiles.
“Hey Y/N! I heard you kicked Steves ass today!” She says smirking. Thor smiles triumphantly and Clint looks to Steve. 
“Anyone can kick Steves ass. Trust me I would know.” Bucky says from the seat next to you. “Welcome to the steves a weakling club!” 
You smile and hi-5 him back and Steve throws a pillow at you from across the room. Laughing you use the pillow you cushion your head against Tonys shoulder. 
“Yeah, I mean she has to be impressive! She took down four dudes on her own!” Tony says. You roll your eyes. 
“Well one of you has to be limber in the relationship, you gotta be getting those achy joints huh Tony?” Clint asks. “She still has many years of being fit.” 
You take the pillow and throw it at him, hitting him directly in the face. Laughter erupts.
“In all realness Stark, dating such a younger woman must be nice for you! When you want to go to Casinos and things, you just look like you’re a nice dad taking his Daughter out.” Bucky says. More laughter erupts from the team and Tonys glaring eyes begin to tell you he has had enough tonight. 
“Don’t worry Stark, if we go on missions we will make sure we get to the fight the same time she does, not after shes taken all the guys down.” Natasha says. 
“Hey guys, lets just notice one thing here...” you start. The team stares at you. “Which one of you actually has a girlfriend?” 
“HA! Suckers.” Tony says taking your hand and dragging you back to your shared room. He shuts the door and you walk over to the closet almost completely forgetting of the events that just took place in the lounge. You pull one of Tony’s t-shirts off the hangar and lay in on the dresser. You take off your top and bra and slide his shirt down over your torso. 
“As much as I love seeing you in my shirts, I liked you without a shirt better.” Tony says from the bed. You turn around and glare at him. He laughs and you slip out of your jeans and into a pair of shorts. Tying your hair into a braid you make your way to the bed and lay down next you Tony. He reaches over and shuts off the lamp causing the room to go dark, with the exception of the moonlight through the blinds. 
“You know I love you right? I have absolutely no issue with our ages.” You say laying your head on his chest. You feel his chest vibrate with his small chuckle and he brings one arm around you pulling you closer into him. 
“I love you too Y/N, and they can make jokes all they want. It doesn’t bother me at all. Like you said, who has a girlfriend? And a sexy one at that?” He adds. You laugh and snuggle closer to him, letting sleep overcome you. 
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I had no idea Jared was in alt press omg
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Jared Padalecki - Photoshoot for Alternative Press Magazine 2005
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Masterlist (still editing)
Peter Parker
Dating Peter Parker would include
Dating Peter Parker and having a stutter would include
Having anxiety and Dating Peter Parker would include
Dating Tom would include
Drabble Challenge  Prompt List 1
That’s  Almost The Exact Opposite of What I Said…
Stop being so cute..
I lost our baby….
If you can’t sleep… we could have sex…
Basically a puppy
The ladies love a man who’s good with kids…
Just get home as soon as possible okay?!
It was a joke, baby. I swear!…   Part 2
Hold still… Did you just hiss at me?…
You’re Satan…
Take your medicine…
Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore…
I need you to stop doing that
We could get struck by lightning, but you want to kiss in the rain
Thunder Storm
Quit Beating Me Up!
Please put your penis away… 
Dogs don’t wear clothes!
Here, take my blanket…   part 2
Take. It. Off
Ouch, that’s wet!
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Tom the living meme Holland
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Tom Hiddleston and Zachary Levi, Nerd HQ at SDCC 2016
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Me: I don’t have the skills to make memes or fan art, Sebastian Stan will never ever notice me *ugly crying*
Also me: Writes another paragraph of shameless smut and prays to god Seb never sees one single word of it.
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Get to Know Me
1. What is you middle name? 2. How old are you? 3. When is your birthday? 4. What is your zodiac sign? 5. What is your favorite color? 6. What’s your lucky number? 7. Do you have any pets? 8. Where are you from? 9. How tall are you? 10. What shoe size are you? 11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 12. What was your last dream about? 13. What talents do you have? 14. Are you psychic in any way? 15. Favorite song? 16. Favorite movie? 17. Who would be your ideal partner? 18. Do you want children? 19. Do you want a church wedding? 20. Are you religious? 21. Have you ever been to the hospital? 22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? 23. Have you ever met any celebrities? 24. Baths or showers? 25. What color socks are you wearing? 26. Have you ever been famous? 27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? 28. What type of music do you like? 29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? 30. How many pillows do you sleep with? 31. What position do you usually sleep in? 32. How big is your house? 33. What do you typically have for breakfast? 34. Have you ever fired a gun? 35. Have you ever tried archery? 36. Favorite clean word? 37. Favorite swear word? 38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep? 39. Do you have any scars? 40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? 41. Are you a good liar? 42. Are you a good judge of character? 43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? 44. Do you have a strong accent? 45. What is your favorite accent? 46. What is your personality type? 47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? 48. Can you curl your tongue? 49. Are you an innie or an outie? 50. Left or right handed? 51. Are you scared of spiders? 52. Favorite food? 53. Favorite foreign food? 54. Are you a clean or messy person? 55. Most used phrased? 56. Most used word? 57. How long does it take for you to get ready? 58. Do you have much of an ego? 59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? 60. Do you talk to yourself? 61. Do you sing to yourself? 62. Are you a good singer? 63. Biggest Fear? 64. Are you a gossip? 65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? 66. Do you like long or short hair? 67. Can you name all 50 states of America? 68. Favorite school subject? 69. Extrovert or Introvert? 70. Have you ever been scuba diving? 71. What makes you nervous? 72. Are you scared of the dark? 73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? 74. Are you ticklish? 75. Have you ever started a rumor? 76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? 77. Have you ever drank underage? 78. Have you ever done drugs? 79. Who was your first real crush? 80. How many piercings do you have? 81. Can you roll your Rs?“ 82. How fast can you type? 83. How fast can you run? 84. What color is your hair? 85. What color is your eyes? 86. What are you allergic to? 87. Do you keep a journal? 88. What do your parents do? 89. Do you like your age? 90. What makes you angry? 91. Do you like your own name? 92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they? 93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child? 94. What are you strengths? 95. What are your weaknesses? 96. How did you get your name? 97. Were your ancestors royalty? 98. Do you have any scars? 99. Color of your bedspread? 100. Color of your room?
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