#'what kind of HUGE NERD do you think plays this stupid game'
WIBTA if I confronted my boyfriend about not feeling praised enough? Over dumb D&D shit?
Background - I (20s F) live with my boyfriend (30s M) and things are usually great. He's always been supportive, emotionally intelligent and caring and we've had no major problems. We met via D&D several years ago so it's pretty important to both of us, and I'm a DM. Before we met, he was involved in a years-long campaign with some friends and is generally more experienced in D&D than me (I've been DMing around 5 years, he's probably closer to 10).
The current campaign that I'm running is something I'm really proud of. It's a mid-length campaign and I made the story myself (I typically plan mine to be 6-8ish months to avoid things fizzling out) and I've tried really hard to step up my writing and story planning for this one.
I've put in a LOT of extra time and effort and have been holding myself to a much higher standard than I usually do. As a DM I get self-conscious over how much time people are spending with me each week, and I want to make sure it's REALLY worthwhile. And because my boyfriend is more experienced in D&D than me, I've been looking to him for feedback and/or praise, as it would mean a lot to me coming from him.
And I've been getting close to nothing. At the end of each session he immediately falls asleep and doesn't talk about it at all. It makes me feel like I'm keeping him up/boring him. So I started asking him things like "hey what did you think about how I handled X" and he'll give a brief response like "yeah it was great" without explaining anything.
He didn't even give much thought into the character he's playing either - for his old campaign he created a HUGE story for his character, background, goals, etc. I know for a fact he's an incredible creative writer and could have come up with something wonderful for this. But he didn't put down anything other than basic character sheet stuff. When I asked him about it, he says he only goes deep into character when it's "long campaigns like my old one" and "too bad a long campaign like that will never happen again. That's D&D at it's best but now we're all adults, and we're too busy to ever do that, half my friends have kids, it'll never happen again and it's so sad" etc etc.
It made me feel like shit - like anything I try to do is a waste of time and pointless compared to this legendary "old campaign". Like it's barely worth staying awake for, like it's some kind of chore he has to sit through every week just because I'm his girlfriend and he's just humoring me.
The other players have been EXTREMELY enthusiastic and supportive - they send me art they make based on the campaign after every session and have contacted me privately to compliment me on certain aspects of the campaign. I want to make it clear that this is NOT something I EXPECT, but moreso I just really really love and appreciate that they do this for me, especially while my boyfriend is kind of leaving a void where I'd want this kind of praise.
Full transparency, one of my worst fears is forcing people to play along with something that I am passionate about, but bores them to tears. I never want to make a big deal over something that means a lot to ME but doesn't mean that much to someone else. So maybe I should just let this go because, at the end of the day, it's just a game? And taking it so seriously makes me an asshole and I should touch grass? I feel like potentially starting a fight over stupid nerd stuff would be pointless on my end. But at the same time, the more we play the more I feel deflated and I really hate feeling that way. I'm not sure what to do tbh.
What are these acronyms?
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suleikashideaway · 2 months
All this love for ff8 flying around tumblr right now has got me thinking. 
So many people were so moved by this game that twenty-five years later we’re all banging our fists on the table and crying about it? It leaves me stunned. For so long I thought I was the only one. 
[Huge text post under the cut. As I wrote this I realized just how much soul-baring I was doing. This was emotional to write and just as emotional to share. Thank you to those of you who bravely paved the way with your personal stories so that I would feel strong enough to do the same. Sorry this got stupid-long lol]
My own journey with ff8, as it turns out, is very much tied to my journey in discovering writing. It overwhelms me to think of how my life is so much better thanks to both things. And how my life was potentially saved by both things.
Back in the early aughts I was not privileged enough to have any gaming consoles. My best friend, though, had just gotten a PS1 and the very first game she had was ff8. I would go over to her house every single Sunday afternoon and sit, transfixed, as she played through it. I had never seen anything like it before. We would read the dialogue boxes out loud (I was always Selphie, Zell, and Rinoa, she was always Squall, Irvine, and Quistis) and she was kind enough to save the important cut scenes on separate memory slots so I could see whatever she had played throughout the week. 
I remember adoring the cutesyness of Squall and Rinoa’s dynamic and crying when I saw the ending. But there was something more to it. I felt such an intense desire to have the game for myself, to play it alone and absorb everything in it. We finally got a little money and got a PS1, but my mom would only get games that the whole family could enjoy, so it was Crash and Spyro for a long time until I finally, finally got ff8 for myself. 
The intensity of Squall and Rinoa’s drama and romance was so important to my passionate little teenaged heart. He jumped out into space to save her!! And she brought him back from time compression with just her love!!! It was the story that set the bar for romantic love. 
And Squall…damn, I remember sitting, unblinking, at the scene when he’s curled up in bed…At age sixteen, seventeen, watching Squall voice these things was big:
“I’m fine all by myself now. I have all the skills I need to survive. I’m not a child anymore. That’s a lie. I don’t know anything. I’m confused.”
At the time, I didn’t know why I was so spellbound by that scene, and many of the other scenes of Squall’s inner monologues, but it makes so much sense now. I was a child made to believe I had to be fully competent and capable from way too young an age, parentified and emotionally stunted, and I was about to be kicked out into the world when I didn’t know a single fucking thing about it. 
But my love for ff8 was very private. I read some fanfic to extend that feeling of being in Squall and Rinoa’s world, but other than that, I never outwardly expressed how much this game stuck with me. I was definitely an awkward, shy kid, and luckily I found a group of weirdos in high school who had no fear in sharing their love for things like video games and anime and what-have-you. But still! Even with that! I barely engaged with the few friends who had a love for ff8. It was all very intimate for me. It was my private world. And part of me was scared of taking it too far, even amongst the nerds who took everything too far. I didn’t want to stand out in that way. I had the overwhelming urge to appear normal, and sane. And anyway I didn’t know how to articulate it.
There is a scene from my college years that is so burned in my memory and I think highlights this. I was in a very small major and so I had all the same classes with the same small group of people. In these classes was a very cool girl who I admired. One day someone brought up video games and I remember feeling paralyzed, like, “I can’t bring up my weirdly intense passion for this game! Everyone will think I’m so strange!” so I lied and said I had never played a single video game in my life. And in comes Cool Girl and starts going on and on about how much she loved final fantasy 8 and I could not fathom it. I stayed silent. I was not cool enough to go back on my lie and admit that I was just as into that game, if not more into it, and that I still thought about it regularly.
I kept my love of the game to myself, and played it once or twice when I went home on college breaks. It was enough. I was busy, and burnt out, and turns out, severely depressed on top of it all. 
That first major depressive episode lasted years. I managed to get out of it on my own through a variety of life experiences and found myself in my mid-twenties, looking for love. And what was more, I knew I had to find my Squall. I had to find someone who would constantly be willing to save me from my own flightiness, from my overly-passionate heart that didn’t think things through and constantly caused my own messes, and tell me (with brutal honesty) when to knock my shit off.
And I found him!
What I didn’t know is that I was really Rinoa all along. And Rinoa, my friends, cinnamon roll that she is, has a lot of shit to work out, too. 
It was helpful as I started spiraling into depression again: what if Rinoa and Squall were together and happy, but Rinoa had a major emotional breakdown in her late twenties? I imagined it obsessively. Thinking of their future was the only way I could fall asleep at night. (lol, any of this sound familiar, @angelosearch? <3)
Their story took such a hold on me. I could feel it wanting to scream itself out of my fingertips to the point that I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I started secretly typing it up, and every time I sat at the keys, I felt better.
And I stopped disassociating. I started sleeping better. I stopped hiding in the bathroom to cry at all hours of the day. I stopped thinking that I didn’t deserve to be here. I stopped therapy. 
I felt like I had been given a second chance at life. 
About a year ago, I was finally ready to consider posting my ff8 fanfic to share with the world. I had been writing it for over a year, and brewing it in my head for (get this) about eight years before that.
I could tell, though, that I was not a Good Writer. So I put on my bravest face and went searching for a beta. I immediately found one, my amazing @failed221b-chill, who I’ve gushed about before. And my world blossomed. I discovered the true joy that writing brings me, and even just writing this essay is way better than any therapy session I’ve ever had. 
I’m finally coming into my own. I’m finally realizing I had no reason to hide my passionate self. I have to share my inner world - it’s what makes me who I am, and only in that way can I truly connect with those around me. In fact, I literally went and bought an ff8 tank top and wore it in public yesterday and felt like a fucking superhero for doing so. 
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So. All that said. I’m so incredibly grateful to be here in this moment, sharing all this love for a game that clearly has affected so many lives for the better. Happy anniversary, Final Fantasy VIII! And to anyone who read this far, I love you.
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worldseer · 7 months
A list of random HCs about Jason Todd because I have brainrot~
THESE ARE MY PERSONAL HEADCANONS! IF YOU DISAGREE, THAT'S FINE BUT DON'T LEAVE HATE! Headcanons are separated by catagories: Random, fluffy, angsty, and NSFW. MDNI!!!! The different colors are just to break up the hcs a bit and not look like pure walls of text-
Has tapetum lucidum after being in the pit, causing his eyes to glow green in low/no light.
Has hazel eyes, which causes them to look brown or green at certain times.
Built sturdy and more like a boxer. I refuse to believe that this man isn't wide. Getting a better diet since being adopted + Robin training + Lazarus Pit = BIG. FRIDGE OF A MAN.
Has vitiligo, hence the white streak in his hair. It just so happened to show up after being resurrected.
Known to sleep walk and talk after resurrection. If he ever sleeps at the Manor, Bruce has cameras and sensors in place to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.
Mostly talks shit to the houseplants while sleepwalking.
Canonically eats fast food alot. However, he always manages to burn off the calories. And the fat just makes him bulkier.
Bisexual but he doesn't tell anyone. Not that he's trying to hide it. He just doesn't label himself.
Wears eyeliner regularly, just because he wants to. Look I just love the concept, ok?
Considering getting his ears pierced, just debating on what exact kind of piercing
Has tattoos but not many, most notably small tattoo of a flower on his wrist to honor the death of Catherine, his step-mother.
Has prominent scars: Autopsy scar (died, obvi), scar stretching from the left edge of his left cheek and then up into his hairline (from crowbar), cut in his right eyebrow (from fighting as a child), lip scar that runs from slightly above the skin of his top lip and down over his lips to his chin on his left ( also from fighting as a child). Any other "scar" he receives since resurrection often fades away due to effects from the pit. The others do not fade.
Almost as tall as Bruce, maybe shorter by about an inch at most.
Has cried watching the Titanic movie. Was inconsolable for a week. Refuses to watch it ever again.
Laughs at horror films these days. Also will talk about how cuts and bullet wounds are anatomically incorrect like its casual conversation. It's one of the few activities he actively enjoys doing with Damian.
Calls Dick an old man just to spite him.
Never passes on an opportunity to tease Tim and call him a huge fucking nerd.
Loves all animals, but prefers cats. No real reason. He just always liked them more. Used to leave cans of food out for the cats to eat from as a kid.
Mostly likes Nu Metal, since it allowed him as a kid to get anger out and all the cool teens in his neighborhood blasted it a lot. But he's not picky about music. Secretly a snob for classical music though.
Strong relationship with Barbara, thinks of her as a sister he never had.
Always helps Alfred cook when he's at the Manor, and is good at it. Obviously works a knife well in cooking, but secretly prefers baking because the kitchen smells better afterwards.
As I've said before, I would not be surprised if he brings a stray home from either a shelter or the street. If he could, he'd help all the stray animals in Gotham and keep them.
Cares deeply about Tim. Tries to act like a big brother and be a good example to the best of his ability.
Not really a gamer, but he had some old consoles when he was a young kid under Bruce's care. Loved Wii Sports; boxing was his favorite. Nowadays, he doesn't play video games much. When he has time and feels like it though, he will play a game or two. Doom Eternal and Red Dead Redemption II are the top favorites after being resurrected.
Spends a good amount of time around Cass when at the Manor. They probably understand each other on almost a psychic level. They also train together a lot too to sharpen skills they both are weaker in.
Angst: (sorry for the pain)
Volunteers often at shelters and soup kitchens as a way to cope, makes him believe that he can offer comfort instead of just pain and being a burden.
Prefers to not talk out feelings after being resurrected; usually drives around to clear his head. Depending on how bad the situation is, it ranges from a few minutes to over an hour.
Loves classical literature because it was the first thing that allowed him to escape reality.
Has weird as fuck dreams, thanks to trauma and the pit. Never says anything about them to others however.
Never lets his stubble grow out too much because it makes him think he looks too much like Bruce, and he doesn't want to look like him.
Picked up smoking because what the hell are they gonna do? Kill him again? Always tries to avoid smoking around the others though, especially the members who are younger than him.
Rarely drinks. Reminds him too much of his birth father. Only does it for times when things are really bad.
Is so close to Barbara because she's one of the few who understands what it's like to be traumatized by the Joker. Often seeks her out for some comfort if his PTSD acts up again.
Hates crying, never cries in front of others unless he really trusts them. People who have seen him cry include Barbara, Dick, Alfred, and Bruce (on accident).
Grew up Catholic. Stopped believing the moment right before he died. Now has immense Catholic guilt and occasionally questions his morals a lot. (Might be self projecting but fuck it)
Zones out a lot. Happens the most during off time. If he's not doing anything, he's likely zoned out. Usually zones out when he thinks too hard about what the Lazarus Pit did to him, his death, and resurrections.
Copes in brash and self-depreciative humor. Also will make fun of others to draw attention away from his own problems.
Tried to help Catherine as much as he could, even if she wasn't the best mother to have.
NSFW: (Minors look no further!!!!)
A switch, dominant-leaning.
Softer dom, surprisingly. Sure, he can be a hard dom if he asked, but that's not what he wants. Coos sweet words while teasing.
Grunts and groans. Not vocal, but he'll talk through it sometimes. Grits his teeth if he's really into it.
"Oh, look at you on my cock. So tight and taking all of it, do you feel full? You look good when you're full of me."
He needs foreplay before subbing. Sometimes he's still wary about letting his guard down, so he needs lots of prepping and reassurance. Once he is into subbing, he's very obedient and eager to please.
Softer noises and gasps when subbing. He doesn't dare be loud, and often tries to cover up his noises. Doesn't beg often, takes what he gets without much complaint.
"Mmph- ah- hah- fuck- I'm close- I'm close baby. Can I finish?"
LOVES dirty talk, giving and receiving. He's already a bit of a cocky lil shit, so he'll tease you and talk you through it. Supportive about his dirty talk usually.
"That's it. Just like that. God- you're perfect. So fuckin' perfect- keep goin' baby, I gotcha."
Not experienced, sorry. With a combination of being bad at expressing emotions, trauma, and being busy as a vigilante, he does not get many bitches.
Has had hookups here and there, but that's all they were. He left the moment the other was all settled or asleep.
Experimental. Because he's low on experience, he's not entirely sure what he does or doesn't like.
Would not use a weapon in bed. That's a hard line. Weapons make him think of violence, and that's the last thing he wants to think about when in such a vulnerable moment.
Hates degradation, on both ends. Won't do it even if asked. The only time he'd ever get close to degrading is if you allow him to fuck while he's still working through some anger. Would apologize profusely afterwards though.
Not big on being tied up himself, but likes tying someone else up a bit. Nothing crazy besides handcuffs. Any further and he feels like he's taking advantage/being taken advantage of.
PRAISE!!! Loves to receive it, especially if he's being focused on or on the more submissive side.
A giver. He's not selfish, and feels bad if the other is not feeling good as well. Would most likely give more than he ever receives.
Not picky. As long as you are clean and consenting, he'll eat out if offered/allowed. Hair? Doesn't matter. Menstruating? Good thing he's low on iron. And you best believe that he is not stopping until you either push him away or are begging.
Thick, as expected. A little bit over 6" long. Prominent veins.
Trimmed, not shaved. Yes there is a difference.
Has a bit of a happy trail, and veins appear on v-line when hard.
Aftercare game ranges on how much he and his partner did, and their relationship. Hookups are usually left to take care of themselves and he leaves quickly. If Jason is serious about someone, he'll grab a washcloth, urge the other to use the bathroom (and maybe carry them if they're tired), and stay for cuddles.
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fbfh · 2 years
Eddie Munson x reader dating hcs
wc: 1.5k
genre: fluff, some very minor hurt/comfort (eddie is a little insecure), some making out
warnings: Eddie's a little insecure but so am I, kissing and making out, eddie being eddie, brief implications of eddie having been bullied in the beginning but nothing too bad, he copes through humor and being a manic pixie dream boy, kisses n cuddles
a/n: I......... want to kiss eddie........ so fucking bad......... this got way out of hand but I'm not complaining doom days (this got out of hand edition) starts playing
tags: @yesv01 @hopefullhearts @littlewinter1917 @thatawkwardlittlefangirl  @Sad-brunnettee
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This boy
He's weird
He's a weirdo
He doesn't fit in and he doesn't want to fit in
You ever see him without that stupid hellfire club shirt or that stupid vest or that stupid jacket?
That's weird
Fr though 
Being an Outcast and a Freak is something he's really embraced 
It started as a coping mechanism 
Over time it really became a huge part of his personality 
But under that weaponized nonconformity 
Eddie is the most compassionate, sweet, tender motherfucker you will ever meet
Did you see how fast he started opening up to chrissy????
Once he spots the slightest glimmer of individuality in you
Oh boy 
Get ready for him to latch onto you 
And he has such a unique charm 
It makes it so easy to open up to him
And he loves that
His favorite way to bond is "let's tell each other all our weird secret interests and thoughts we could never say to anyone else"
You know like,, late night sleepover talk??
That level of conversation 
That's what it feels like talking with Eddie
That level of emotional intimacy and openness and introspection????
Impossible to find in anyone else
And Jesus fucking christ 
He is so ready to clown and break out the theatrics to make you smile
(Again,,, talking with chrissy in the woods for five minutes and he’s stunting like that ) 
The closer you get
The more conversations you have with him
The more attached he gets
In spite of what he thinks
Or hopes
He falls fast 
And when he gets a crush on you???? 
Oh boy
Everything I've just said times like
Whatever you like to do
If it's something he can come support you in
He's absolutely going to
Any kind of recital or practice or game or performance
He'll be there
Even if it's "not his usual scene"
He'll pretend to reluctantly compromise his social code to come see you
But he’s actually really excited 
Like SO fucking pumped
He starts dragging the rest of the hellfire club with him
Soon you have a gaggle of gothy punky nerds cheering you on at all your events
They'll even make banners
And OH BOY you'd better believe they're making t shirts
If what you do is more single player 
Videogames, books, art, writing
Congratulations you now have a buddy for all of it
Eddie will happily spend hours at book stores and arcades with you
He'll watch you write and draw for hours, not bored for a single second 
And Jesus christ he'll have you laughing way more than you expected to 
You almost got kicked out of the library once bc of him
He may or may not have been doing hilariously inaccurate impressions of literary characters 
Anyway you scrambled out of there before the librarians could yell at you
Good times
The thing is
It's super fucking obvious to everyone that Eddie is majorly in love with you
He's crushing HARD
it's obvious to everyone except him
I'm begging you to take the initiative and kiss him already
Murray Bauman would say the exact same thing
Bc when you do
When you're laughing together and he’s looking at you with that fond look of his 
And you just bite the bullet and grab his face and plant the biggest kiss on his lips
It takes a second for his brain to load
But when it does
The floodgates open 
And he is over fucking whelmed by what he feels for you
How badly he desires you
Within seconds he'll be pinning you against the nearest surface and kissing the life out of you 
I won't let this escalate too much here that'll be for the relationship and intimacy hcs lol
When you finally pull apart and warm air fans over your faces as you both try to catch your breath
And he’s looking at you with the most enamored lovestruck look
His brain is totally fried from the way you just kissed him, the way he got to kiss you
But he’s still struggling desperately to put it into words
How he feels about you
Just put him out of his misery
"So…" you pant, "we going out now, or what?"
He giggles at your words
"Yes. Yes yes yes."
He's already kissing you more
For a while you keep things sort of lowkey between you
Just bc it's still sort of new yk
Smwn said Eddie a "are you mad at me" type of boyfriend
And yes yes he is
Thank you tumblr user moonlane 
 Bc after a few days of that he’s going to start panicking
He's going to convince himself that you don't want to be seen with Eddie "the freak" Munson in public
Or anywhere
So as soon as you notice him acting weird
You'll either be able to pick up on it immediately or just straight up ask him what's going on
And with how emotionally intimate this man is????? 
He can’t not talk to you
He'll fess up in a way that's just a little goofy
Deflecting with humor and all
So after you give him plenty of reassurance and smooches 
The next time you're at school and you pass by the hellfire club's table on the way to your friends
You stop by to say hi and give him a smooch
You confirm you'll catch up later and he's like yeah totally
If anyone tries to give either of you shit for it????? Bold of them to try 
By the end of the week he finds out you've been singing his praises to your friends
Talking about how sweet he is, how happy he makes you, how good he is to you 
And yeah he's a little weird but that's not a bad thing!! He's so cool and unique and endearing and you love him for that
Motherfucker he has never felt more secure with himself or a relationship before
No one really understands it but they don't have to!!! You're obviously really happy together and that's all that matters!!
Now that you've been dating for a while
Congratulations!! You're the official mom and co monarch of the hellfire club
You now have free access to all meetings 
And the very rare and coveted privilege of Eddie telling you all his plans and spoilers for campaigns
Wherever your understanding of dnd is
Anywhere from total expert to utterly hopeless
You'll listen to Eddie ramble about dnd for hours
God he's so cute when he gets excited like that!!!! 
If you get a better grasp of it over time
Even if you just remember two or three rules
His heart will SOAR
Oh my god sitting on his lap while he plays dnd???? 🥺🥺🥺
Literally everyone in the hellfire club is so jelly of you
They have no idea how Eddie pulled you
He doesn't either tbh
If anyone flirts with you 
You better BELIEVE he'll pull rank
God he's so cute
All the other nerds at school are jelly of yall too
Now every single nerd at school has a crush on you
Good luck dealing with that
Whenever he gets in one of his moods
You can 180 that shit so fast
The party and the other underclassmen in the club LOVE YOU FOR THAT
Also cause you're hot
Sometimes you're like hey kid why do you look so stressed
He's like UH EDDIE SAID-
You're like he said what??? Ima go talk to him
They're terrified
You pull Eddie into a janitor's closet and give him some smooches and are like
Be nice to the freshman
They're trying their best
Eddie:.... ‘,:/
(Insert a whole lot more smooching)
Eddie:.... Well I guess you've convinced me <3
Every time he gets in one of his moods the freshman just approach you in a little pack
They're like um excuse us my liege 
You're like relax guys I'll talk to him
Cue more kissing
It’s practically routine by now
He’s so much happier since you got together
Like he’s still completely himself
He just seems a lot happier??
And now when he’s going on his lunch room tangents
Traipsing across the hellfire club table and calling out all the societal bullshit fabricating all the little cliques and status quo at hawkins high
He’ll call out all the different groups, pausing when he gets to your friend group
“...Except you.” he states with that unmistakable fond look on his face
You blow him a little kiss
He catches it, and puts it in his pocket, causing you to giggle
The he continues his tangent
So yeah
Dating Eddie is a delightful adventure
You will literally never be bored or not giggling and entertained
You just feel so seen with him 
So heard
And so does he
It really is a wonderful relationship you two have
Cherish him, reassure him, cover him in cuddles and kisses and dnd references
Amazing boyfriend
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roastyoualive · 3 months
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Anonymous asked: what is warren's relationship with zach and ethan like? 
Well, it’s different if you mean his relationship with Zach, or his relationship with Ethan. He reacts to them both differently. They are, after all, very different people. Let’s start with Ethan. I know people say this about Will, but in my opinion, Ethan is the real soft boy of the group. He’s the smallest. He has his moments where he stands up to himself, but there aren’t a lot of them. Zach’s kind of a dweeb too, but he’s taller than Warren. (Warren hates this, by the way.) Ethan isn’t like that. Warren took one look at Ethan in the hall, and his first thought was that the kid was going to get skinned alive. He wasn’t exactly wrong. The more he got to know Ethan, the more he figured that would be the case. Yes, Ethan learns to stand up for himself, sort of, but it takes a while. And even then I imagine it can be difficult to get that kind of confidence all at once. So once Warren is forcibly adopted, he decides he’s going to take care of this kid. He has to. Sky High is cruel and unforgiving and Ethan is going to get ripped to shreds. I don’t think he tries to make it obvious. He doesn’t want people thinking he’s ‘soft’. It’s a perceived thing, but he knows at the same time his image does keep him safe. He’s not stupid. He’s gotta keep that up. It comes in handy. It especially comes in handy for looking after Ethan. 
Beyond his protective streak, I think Warren and Ethan bond over science. This can take people by surprise, but Warren is a nerd. He’s a scholarship kid. He’s always reading. He’s smart. He likes having Ethan around because they can actually talk about chemistry and stuff. 
Beyond that, I don’t have a whole lot to work with. I’ve yet to write with an Ethan, and we were DENIED OUR THREE SEQUELS D I S N E Y, so. I’m fine. Not bitter.
Let’s move on to Zach!
I don’t think Warren is quite as guard dog over Zach. Ethan is the one who keeps hiding behind Warren in the final fight, after all. Plus, like I said, Zach is tall. Taller than Warren. And as I said, Warren doesn't like that. He doesn't like being shorter than people. As much as it does sound like a joke, it makes him feel antsy. It activates his fight or flight. Like I said, Warren uses his image to protect himself. It keeps him safe. People don’t mess with him directly because he’s scary. It’s partly why he’s so different at the Lantern as opposed to how he is at Sky High. He doesn’t have to protect himself at the Lantern. It is very hard to feel scary, intimidating, and safe when he has to look up to talk to Zach. No, he doesn’t have to look up a lot, but still. It bothers him. 
Beyond that, though, he likes Zach. He’s a good kid. A little awkward, sure, but a good kid. He means well. He’s one of the first people to shove food at Warren when Warren isn't eating. What do you mean you aren't hungry? You’re huge and on fire. You have to get your calories, my dude. 
I like to think they share a love of comic books. Warren will read anything, but we see him reading a graphic novel or comic book a few times. He likes that kind of thing. He and Zach bond over that. They go over to Zach’s house to watch the movies sometimes, too, since Warren usually can't afford tickets.
And the three of them play video games together.
Will comes too.
It's boys' night.
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kobblefort · 1 year
Rushsly: Second Cavern Arc 1
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Tell me about it, lol. You and me both
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There comes a time in any new and many veteran players' fortresses when you realize that you should have gelded or just straight-up butchered those fucking dogs you started with all the way back at the start because you are never going to need this many dogs - but before you go hacking them all up for meat that your dumb-ass kobbles (or dorfs, if you're boring) will just leave to rot on the floor, consider that it could be fun to train them into war dogs. They'll almost certainly all die within a single invasion if we do, but it feels better from an ethical standpoint than having our kobbles just straight-up massacre an entire horde of dogs. For now though, we are going to cull a couple of them so that Kikli can finish her artifact. I have nothing against dogs but sometimes they do scare me. I don't know what it is, but when you look too hard at a dog's face, like really look too hard at a dog's face, it seems to activate this primal instinct of like "oh fuck. This is a beastie. It threatens my little monkey troop." But usually you can just keep looking and it will just be a friendly domestic dog. But you know, like, there's dingoes, which look just like normal dogs but are actually fucked up bastards that will maul you. In Australia they built a 3500 mile long fence to keep dingoes out of Queensland. If you take the highest possible estimate of the Great Wall of China's length, the Dingo Fence is just over a quarter as long. I don't know what that really means or if it has any implication, I just suddenly decided I really need to know how long the Dingo Fence is in comparison to the Great Wall of China. But you know, it really fucking makes you think!!!!!!!!!
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Just as Kikli gets her hands... paws? claws? on the bones she needs to get started, we get yet another ratfolk snatcher in the fortress.
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It survives for about 10 seconds once it gets into the fortress proper. Of course, ratfolk never seem to come just one at a time, so we'd better be ready for another attack. And since the spring is over, it seems like as good a time as any to set the military back to constant training.
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Kikli's masterwork is... a single boot... depicting the coronation of a Winged One from many years ago. Not our current one, however. Right now, all I know about them is their name is Canr Adrmicala. I could pop into Legends mode eventually to try and find out what their deal is, but I'd like to save that until later. You know, when I inevitably end up "between fortresses."
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But figuring it's best to put that off as long as possible, we take advantage of our burgeoning population and expand the military. This fort is quickly beginning to resemble the United States. Once we get some nobles moving in to start making absurd demands and having innocent people jailed for not playing along with their idiotic ideas of how the economy should work, we can start grilling all-pork-refuse hot dogs and shooting guns. Well, that noble thing actually does happen in the game. Hot dogs, someone would have to mod that in. Guns, same, but I'm almost certain that somewhere there is already a Dwarf Fortress mod that adds guns and I just didn't download it because my brain automatically went "that sounds stupid" as I glanced over it. I don't hate gun nerds or anything, I definitely have the kind of mechanical-focus autism that makes me enjoy them as a triumph of engineering. But 99% of the time someone starts talking about their guns, they are inevitably going to come off as an absolute psychopath or a total pussy (I apologize for using 'pussy' as a derogative here, I am a huge vagina fan, but I couldn't get any other word to land with the same impact.) I particularly appreciate the people out in rural areas that refuse to go to fucking Costco without their fucking Heater. "I need to be Strapped if I'm going to walk into a Wal-Mart. That situation could turn sideways real fast." You are the person that turns situations sideways you fucking freak! All I hear when people say that kind of thing is "if I got into a fight I would get my ass kicked and I do not have the humility to handle it, so I need my Kill People Button on me so that nobody messes with me." You're a fucking bitch! Maybe you do need that gun, because I could probably rip your arms into pieces like construction paper! Though I did grow up in a distant suburb, I have spent most of my life in "the bad part" of a major city that sheltered, TV-poisoned weirdos like to imagine is an active warzone, and I have never felt the need to walk around with a gun, because even though I am kind of an abrasive person with a mean face, I don't go around starting problems and I don't try to insert myself into problems when they happen around me. In a way, out in the suburbs kind of is more dangerous, because everyone is obsessed with their Castle Doctrines and gets almost no opportunities to verify or validate their idea of a consensus reality, isolated as they are in the series of lonely little boxes that comprise the alienated American life, so they just drive themselves more and more paranoid and insane (as cable news' profit margins demand of them) until they freak out and go Max Payne 3 on a fucking post office because another insane racist boomer on 4chan told them that "AliExpress is actually an LGBT666+(the + is an upside down cross) child trafficking operation and there's this new thing called communisexual," and yes I said racist, only the absolute fucking worst of them will admit it but of course they are all racist, the thing they are so scared of in my city and every city is that black and brown people just walk around in public like they're normal humans or something! Yes I do live in "the hood" and there's a fucking farmer's market every weekend. What I'm trying to say here is, well I don't know, I wouldn't call myself a Stalinist per se but when faced with an overwhelming amount of people who genuinely believe just awful and evil things who regularly fantasize about doing Righteous Violence, I start to get the idea of the "gulag," you know, I think a "re-education camp" is actually a nice compromise between "letting paranoid bigoted reactionaries run around making everyone else miserable and violently terrorizing marginalized people" and "just fucking killing them, just fucking executing them in the streets with firing squads."
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The fortress gains a new handful of migrants, just six this time. Of more importance, however, is the plan to keep expanding the base. Deeper and deeper, until we hit sweet adamantite - the siren of the earth that sings all fortresses to ruin.
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Deeper, still - but not before we break to collect the resources we uncovered in this shaft. Gold is gold, gems are gems, the earth bleeds bounties to the kobble that strikes it.
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Deeper, still. Our advance is halted by the cavern opening up below the mine shaft, which is a good enough excuse to slow down for now. Two layers of cavern means twice as many attack vectors for forgotten beasts - though we'll be sure to close up the opening right away, of course.
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Carefully notching out fortifications to look through in the perimeter seems to be the safest method to map these caverns - they've proved worthwhile before, at least against fire-spewing beasts. Black-cap and spore trees would be exciting additions to our wood stocks, but right now the risk involved in going out to cut them is just too high.
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Even with all precautions taken, any party could always be your last party, so you simply must party whenever the opportunity arises. Even two of the new marksbold recruits managed to sneak away from training for a moment - "just grabbing some drinks," sure. Maybe one day they'll deeply regret it - if they had just that one last bit of training, maybe catastrophe could have been averted, or at least subdued. This could be what that song "How To Save A Life" is about. Is that even the name of that song? I don't know, I've only ever heard it due to acute FM radio exposure. I don't even know who plays it. Not gonna check either
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Dwarves arrive, setting up nice and intrusive-thought-repellingly far from the bridge. For a relative pittance of gems, we take all the meat they have on offer (I will regret this,) some some extra steel armor and picks, and as a little token of appreciation we gift them a big handful of gold coins. Buy yourself something nice, kid.
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They also get a front-row seat to see us setting up our first few catapults. These will ostensibly fire right through fortifications, and hopefully not bust through the ceiling or something - it seems to have worked before, in a different fort, anyway - and might be a smidge more forgiving than the ballista. And as we cut away more fortifications into the second cavern layer...
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Bro what the fuck ???
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Apparently, though I hadn't even noticed it, the first "crime heinous enough to require a Reaper" was committed. And Acl was not actually able to finish the criminal off with a single killing blow. Let's check the Justice tab to see what the crime was, and...
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"Violation of production order" you'll fucking try to kill someone after that? Fuck me this fortress really is becoming America. What the fuck, lol.
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She barely even just got here, hardly started training, and already has to go through this shit. I don't even remember what Alsrta wanted made, but Case was literally just hanging out doing what she was supposed to be doing. I expected the nobles with ridiculous demands to show up a lot later, but it seems we're perfectly capable of growing unreasonable authority-abusing freaks right here at home. The kobbles elect the Clan Leader, not the player, and it would obviously be terrible for everyone's mood to just straight up kill or expel her, but you know, accidents can always happen.
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Shortage of patience yeah no fucking kidding. Actually, I've just thought of a fitting enough "punishment" for her.
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There. You want to see someone stabbed for not making you a funny little hat or whatever, well you can walk right over and do it yourself. I'm like 300% sure this won't backfire on me. Well, whatever.
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We've mapped the entire second cavern layer. And no sooner do we finish than we receive our second uninvited guest.
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Yeah I really went all out on the MS Paint for that one. Poisonous gas seems like exactly the kind of thing that fortifications won't help against, but we'll really just have to see what develops.
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It's like it's specifically getting in position for where we'd like to fire on it from. Of course, nothing can ever be too easy, so Acl picks right now of all times to be possessed and try to make an artifact. Maybe trying to kill that poor girl changed something in him. He also picked the farthest possible stoneworker's shop from all the stockpiles, so that'll put him out of commission for a good long while... I'm more worried about Acl, honestly. I have to wonder if I'm underestimating this big blind lobster. We'll see how it reacts to a few volleys of bolts.
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fucks sake cunt would ya get back over here
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It ignores a few missed bolts and just goes for a swim. As the marksbolds jump back and forth between fortified positions futilely trying to get a good shot on it, another wave of migrants shows up, bringing our population to 86 and thus reclassifying Rushsly as a "town."
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I'd say I wished they understood the gravity of the situation, but it doesn't actually seem too grave at all. The lobster literally and figuratively can't even see us, has no way in, and is kind of just chilling.
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Acl makes a wind horn (that's normally made out of bone...?) out of granite and dog leather. Imagine if your homie just came up to you one day after not talking to anyone for like, a week, and he was just like "Hey sorry about that. I got possessed by unknowable forces, so I had to make a flute out of broken bits of sidewalk pavement." Personally I would freak out, I would flip the fuck out and just go crazy. But I don't know. Maybe I wouldn't. Got to find somewhere to put this fucking thing now. But then, suddenly, from the first cavern layer:
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OLM PEOPLE! They chase off Zhat Lovetwists (kind of horny name,) our hospital's diagnostician, who was down there seeking granite boulders to cut into blocks.
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Luckily, she's agile enough to escape, and after fleeing unscathed she just... goes straight to sleep. I mean, okay. That's reasonable, I guess.
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The small squadron of olm people cautiously advances, but our larger and far more deadly squadron of killer kobbles sets up position just outside the mine shaft. We cautiously open just one hatch to let them into the funnel, but......
I run out of images in this post so I have to leave it on a cliffhanger LOL my bad!!!!!!!!!!
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bunny-rambles · 2 years
i ship you w cyno!! bc you two are introverts who may not seem soft at first glance, but that’s precisely why you understand one another! i think you and cyno would have that slowburn, getting to know each other slowly, learning details about the other, remembering likes and dislikes, and trusting each other. he would protect you in battle, and maybe neither of you are super vocal when you struggle but it’s like he knows when you need comfort and you know when he feels lonely, i can see him just wrapping his arms around you, and cracking some of his jokes, or teaching you how to play tcg cards! also you know how kindhearted he is and he knows you are kind and gentle, in the way you hold him and care for him, when you kiss him softly, when you laugh at his jokes… idk hehe it makes sense to me, i think you and cyno would have a really deep relationship built upon trust first and foremost, i can totally see a partners to friends to lovers, w lots of admiration for each other <3
Cyno my beloved OTL we are very similar yes, people will look at us and think something completely different to how we actually are. I don’t think we’d be super close at first, but I think that connection of knowing what the other is thinking might be. I can imagine us both glancing at each other for a few seconds then looking away and having the exact same thoughts.
omg I would love to play that game (tcg) with him, we’d play it all the time and be huge fucking nerds about it and everyone would be ????? while we act that way but it’s okay bc we’re both really happy to just be ourselves around one another
He is so kind and so sweet, even though his exterior is more gruff. If he wrapped his arms around me, I would melt completely, but I know something would be up. It’s okay, I’ll just distract him with my many bad jokes in response to his own and we will probably be laughing because our humour is stupid and only we get it. I think it’s so much more special that way :,)
I would hold his hand when I’m not feeling my best and just rest my head on his shoulders, and if he knows me, he’ll ask if I want to talk or take me to get my favourite food, or just give me a cuddle <33
Ahhh slow burn with Cyno, and in the end, we’re nothing short of inseparable. I hope he loves me as much as I love him OTL
Partners hehehehe we’re partners in crime (well, partners in… law?) and I’ll stay that way with him <3
(Bonus, when we’re off duty, we have two working brain cells and we laugh at the dumbest stuff together)
who do you ship me with?
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Jason swore loudly and had to resist the urge to throw his controller down, pissed that he kept dying cause of the game's stupid glitches (Also known as own mistakes). Still, he regained his composure, and smiled before saying
"Alright chat, we're gonna finish up this one and then we're gonna move on to another game. There should be a poll on top for what we do next"
Jason was a moderately successfully game streamer, averaging about 200 to 300 viewers a night, entirely based on his wit and skill. He knew for sure that they weren't coming for his looks, given his weedy, thin frame, overly pimpled face and large, nerdy glasses. Still, it was enough for him, and he was happy with the progress that he'd made.
As Jason got himself set up for the next game, he heard a shocking sound from above him. The victory theme from one of his favorite JRPGs was blaring through the speakers, and he came up, staring at the screen in shock. He knew what that sound meant. That meant someone had tipped him one thousand dollars, completely out of nowhere.
He looked in shock at the notification on the stream, seeing that it was from someone named JockBro69, with the simple message "Can't wait to get to know you better, cutie~"
Jason was completely stunned. Not only had someone actually redeemed the donation goal that he set as a joke (That being that whoever was stupid enough to tip 1000 dollars got to have a 15 minute private chat with him), it was also someone that he'd never seen in his chat before.
Thoroughly weirded out, but knowing that he had to honor his commitment, he sent the guy a quick private message.
"Dude, I don't know how to thank you enough! Guess I'll see ya pretty soon!"
With that, he sent the man his private zoom link, and said goodbye to the chat, who were still going wild over this turn of events, before pausing,the stream and hopping over to discord for the call.
Not two seconds after his stream stopped, he got a requested video call on discord from the guy, and he opened it up, giving a second for the video to load, but when it did, he was completely dumbfounded again. He was expecting the mysterious donator to be some fat, sweaty silicon valley nerd with too much and money on his hands, but instead what met him was possibly the hottest man he's ever seen, standing up and looking down at his webcam with a friendly expression.
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"Fuck, bro! Its so good to finally fucking meet you, I've been such a big fan for a long time, and this is a really big deal for me~
The man had a deep, rumbling, pleasant voice, that shot straight down Jacob's spine and left him feeling strangely... inadequate. Like the fact that his voice wasn't as smooth or melodic as this guy's was his fault, and he should be ashamed of that fact. Still, this guy was pretty pleasant to look at, Jason had to admit. He wasn't gay, definitely not, but he could acknowledge when another guy simply looked good.
Jason scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, not entirely sure of what he should do or say. Still, this guy spent 1000 dollars on this meeting, so he had to try anyway.
"So, umm.... I see your username is jockbro69... What's your actual name thought? I don't think I've ever seen you in chat before..."
The other man actually laughed at this, before looking confused and saying
"What are you talking about bro? Its me, Ethan! I'm in your chat all the time! Man, I guess what they say about playing games so much is true, huh?"
At this statement, Jason actually went pale with shock. THIS was Ethan? This was the guy who's username used to be runningLink? Who was an active fan of the zelda series, constantly begged Jason to play them, and bemoaned the fact that no would date him? It just didn't seem right...
Still, Jason, ever the semi professional, continued on, pretending that he wasn't shocked at the news.
"Well, thanks for supporting me so much! Seriously, this means a lot to me... Ummm... so I guess tell me some of your favorite things about the channel then!"
The man laughed again, the sound coming out in a slow, dumb chuckle, before saying
"What's my favorite thing? Do I even have to say, bro? Its the amazing piece of eye candy I'm looking at right now. You're super hot, bro~"
At this, Jason was shocked, but he chuckled awkwardly while blushing, and said
"Really? I don't think I've ever heard a single person say that before. I guess I consider myself slightly below average..."
The guy looked confused at that, before pressing on
"Really, bro? You look super hot to me, you got those bright, blinding blue eyes that you can just get lost in~"
At this point, Jason knew the man was just messing with him. His eyes have always, and will always be a dark, muddy brown, hidden behind his massive frames. Jason was about to respond, when Ethan continued
"Yeah, and you got that super stylish haircut too, really makes you look super masculine~"
Now Jason was REALLY confused. The guy was right, he did always get complements on his eyes, the bright, shocking blue visible and striking even through his huge glasses. But his hair was always a long, unkempt greasy mess.
"Ethan, are you sure you're okay, you're not just seeing things? Cause I don't know what you're talking about"
Ethan ignored the comment, just continuing to press on
"And you've got that hot, manly face, with your strong jaw and amazing profile"
Jason was confused again. Sure, his stylish haircut did help him look much better, but his face had always been pretty androgynous, with hints of baby fat still present in his cheeks. Again, before he could interrupt, Ethan continued,
"And you've got that smooth smooth skin, that hot stubble, that sexy smirk of yours. You're the full package bro~"
Jason laughed at this. Ethan was clearly being way too complementary. Sure his face had a great shape to it, with strong cheekbones and a square jaw, but his skin was still acne marked as hell, his smile was crooked and awkward, and he'd never been able to grow any facial hair, no matter how much he tried.
"I really have no idea what you're talking about Ethan. Sure I've got some good features, but the overall package isn't much to write home about~"
Ethan smirked again, his eyes lighting up with humor, as if he knew something I didn't.
"Nah, bro, you're underselling yourself. Plus, you've got that body~"
"What about my body? I think its pretty average, though I guess I'm a bit on the skinny side..."
Jason looked down at himself, trying to contemplate what Ethan meant. Sure, he'd been blessed with an attractive, manly face, but it didn't change the fact that his body was still below average at best.
"Again, bro! Putting yourself down. You really think those massive logs you have for arms are below average?"
Jason looked down at his skinny arms, and said
"More like logs than twigs man, seriously."
"And what about your legs? You've spent so long working on em, you've got thighs and glutes to kill for~"
Jason laughed again
"I dunno man! Most people say the exact opposite. They say I spend too much time on arms and not enough on my torso and legs. What can I say though? I love having big, beefy arms."
"Of course you do, bro? Who wouldn't? Especially when right in between em, you got your big, pillowy chest, your sexy abs, and your super toned back~"
Jason was seriously starting to wonder if Ethan was on something. Anyone could clearly see from first glance that Jason's body was badly proportioned, his arms and legs being massive from months to years of work, while he neglected his back, pecs and ab muscles. Still, he thought he looked pretty alright honestly.
"And I especially love how you're not only super sexy, you know it and flaunt it~ I don't think I've ever seen you once wear a shirt. The most you'll wear is a necklace, and even then, not like that covers anything, bro~ Only makes you look sexier"
Now here Jason had to disagree. He knew that he had cultivated and developed an amazing body over his years of going to the gym, but that was all for his own personal satisfaction. He never flaunted it unnecessarily, especially not during a stream.
"And I love the fact that you're such a fucking bro, bro. Every other word out of your mouth is bro and dude, you can't go even five minutes without flexing and thinking of fucking, or going to the gym, or hanging out with your other hot bros. We all know that your brain is basically only good for working out and looking hot. No smart's up there. And you've got your deep, sexy voice, too. Makes it even hotter that you're a gay bro, just like me"
Jason HAD to laugh at that. What the guy was saying was just so ridiculous.
"What the hell are you talking about? Look, I know that I like to show off my sexy body a lot, but that doesn't mean I'm some kind of dumb jock. And I'm definitely straight, dude. Don't know why you'd think I'm gay"
Ethan pressed on, completely unabashed by Jason's last comments.
"But you know the best fucking part, bro? Its that power of yours. The fact that any weak ass nerd who looks at you and your huge fucking muscles grows into a hot, dumb bro like us within seconds~"
Jason was busy flexing, staring at his own bicep in awe, as if he was shocked by him impressive he was. He looked up at Ethan blearily, saying
"Sorry, bro, what'd you say? I guess I got a bit fucking distracted. Huhuhu. But who could blame me~"
"Nah, it was nothing bro. You don't need to worry about it. Now should head back to the stream?"
Jason gasped in excitement, having forgotten entirely about the fact that there was a whole stream audience full of lame ass nerds, just ready for him to make as sexy as he and Ethan were.
"You got it bro~ This is gonna be so fucking hot~"
Jason left the call, going back to the stream and restarting, glad to see that a full 300 people were still watching, even through the extended break. The second he turned his camera on, he could see that people were confused for some reason, saying a stranger broke into his house. How stupid could these people be? How did they not recognize him? Still, not like it would matter for long...
"Hey bros! How're we all fucking doing? Welcomes to today's stream..."
He trailed off, looking blankly at the camera, before saying
"You know what? Fuck video games! Who needs them when you can do this~"
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And as his pecs bounced and bounced hypnotically, the chat slowly transitioned from messages like "What the fuck is happening?" or "Who is this dumb jock?" to "Fuck, bro! Your pecs look so fucking hot today!" and "Huhuhu, I love making my pecs bounce like Jace's~"
And so the stream continued, Jace showing everyone all the amazing things his body could do, while anyone that was watching, whether they wanted to or not, began to copy him exactly. And as the stream went on, the viewer count rose, and rose, and rose...
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tf2-hellhole · 3 years
can we get some fluffy tf2 headcannons? giving you full creative liberty over this one! :)
Idk if you meant tf2 x reader headcanons or just general head canons, so I did two sections for each merc; the first point is a general headcanon, the second is X Reader.
sorry this took forEEEEEEEEVER, I was just experiencing burnout and working on a prize for a contest on my server (BTW WE HAVE A NEW DRAWING CONTEST GO CHECK IT OUT)
Scout is actually really self-concious about his intelligence. He’s not very bright and he knows it, and it makes him feel horrible. He had flunked out of high school and struggled in most of his core classes. He honestly feels really stupid and he hates when people point it out. But luckily for him, a lot of the other mercs understand what it’s like to be looked down upon and empathize with him. Quite a few of them help him relearn the skills he never mastered in school. Engie helps him with math, Spy sometimes helps him with writing, and even Pyro has him read children’s books to them to improve his reading.
Scout absolutely loves little casual dates. Stuff like going out to eat lunch, going to the movies, maybe just cuddling up in his quarters and watching a movie. He tries to plan one every week. His dream date is taking you back to Boston to meet his family and go to a Red Sox game. But obviously, since you’re both in New Mexico at the time, he’s going to have to shelve that dream for a few years.
Soldier is an excellent raccoon dad. At first, the other mercenaries thought they’d all end up dead by the end of the month when he first found them. But surprisingly, they are are very well cared for. They’re all fed regularly and basically have his entire assigned quarters to themselves. He loves every single one of them dearly, even the ones that hiss and scratch him every time. The raccoons, at least some of them, are kind of like weird, quiet dogs, and actually get along pretty well with most of the other mercenaries.
Soldier is a surprisingly very physically affectionate partner, and he’s not at all opposed to PDA. He loves hand holding, cheek kisses, cuddles, the whole nine yards. Whenever he’s particularly excited, he loves to run up to you, scoop you up into his arms, and press a hard, sloppy kiss to your lips. Of course, he’s careful to not hurt you, but he’s a very intense, emotional guy and he needs to express all that love he has for you!
Pyro is and excellent listener, so they’re a person a lot of the other mercenaries depend on to vent. Demo often comes to them to vent about his emotions, Scout, Sniper, or Medic will rant about what’s bothering them, and even Engineer will talk about his stress. And of course, Pyro doesn’t understand a lot of what is told to them, but they’re still happy to help them feel a little better, and they would happily do it a hundred times over to make their friends feel better.
Pyro has a hobby of baking and making candy/treats, and they love sharing everything they make with you. When they first gave you a treat, you honestly thought it’d be burnt or bad in some other way. But to your surprise, it was amazing! They’re actually and excellent cook, but they just love making sweet things the best. They’ll make you just about anything you could ask for without hesitation, but they’re best at making anything sweet.
Demo obviously has the potential to pretty emotional when he’s drunk, there’s no doubt about that. But on the off-chance that he’s sober, he’s actually pretty sweet and considerate. Though he still is a rough-housing joker, he’s much more considerate of his friends’ feelings and has deeper and more meaningful conversations with them. He often likes to go to bars with his friends and co-workers on ceasefire weekends, having lots of fun conversation, drinking together, and generally causing chaos around town.
Demo, to put it simply, doesn’t like himself. He’s critical of everything, from his skills to race, because people have always put him down about them. His mother told him he’s lazy and unskilled too many times to count, just everyone makes fun of his eye, and many have made fun of his skin color. But you make him feel so much better about himself. Just the fact that someone so kind and gorgeous is actually with him makes him feel like he’s not as horrible as he thought. There’s been a couple of times where you’ve accidentally almost brought him to tears with a sweet compliment or show of affection, because he never thought in a million years that someone would love him and care for him like you do. He feels so blessed that he has someone like you.
I know the fandom’s decided that Engie is the Team Mom and makes the food, but I also think that Heavy cooks a lot too. He makes all of his own food, so he often makes a lot of extras to feed the team because a lot of them just eat junk food and Medic’s always complaining about their eating habits. Heavy often takes like half the food for himself (he does have a huge appetite and loves food, so he likes to take a lot) and just boxes up the leftover portions and leaves them in the fridge for the team to take. He says he’s only doing it because they can’t work properly if they’re unhealthy, but he also does it because he cares about their health. A little bit.
At first, you wouldn’t think Heavy’s the most cuddly guy. But surprise, he actually loves giving and receiving physical affection. He just doesn’t show it often out of respect for your boundaries, and doesn’t do it around others. His absolute favorite thing is to cuddle you against his chest. Sometimes it’s when going to sleep, or cuddling on the couch, or maybe just a quick hug. He just loves the feeling of your head resting against his chest and your arms trying (and failing) to wrap around his torso. It makes him feel like you’re safe. Nobody could ever get you when you’re wrapped up in his arms.
You’d think Sniper’s the only nature nerd on the team, but Engie absolutely loves the outdoors, as well as animals. It’s because his father would often take him out camping every couple of months. It was often the only time he would get 1-on-1 time with his usually very busy father. So he does love the great outdoors, especially that of his home state. He especially loves animals. He was raised on a farm and helped take care of lots of injured wild animals with his mother. He absolutely loves pets and would like to have many when he retires. His dream is to have is own ranch, with horses and cows and a bunch of dogs and the whole shebang.
Engie absolutely loves playing the guitar, so of course he loves playing for you. He learns all sorts of sweet love songs to sing to you. He’s an excellent player and actually has a pretty decent singing voice (think Johnny Cash, he kinda has that singing style). I hope you like country music, because that’s all he’s going to sing to you until you give him some requests or he finds out your favorite artists or genres. You can tell how happy he is every time he gets to surprise you with a new song he learned, and he’d be a giddy, laughing mess if you sang along with him.
You’d think this guy takes horrible care of his birds because of the environment he keeps them in, but his birds are actually exceptionally well cared for. He buys them only the best and most expensive bird food, gives them super high-quality water with vitamins n stuff in it, takes them to the vet regularly, the whole shebang. Yeah they get a little dirty from sitting around in his lab, but he always gives them a little bath at the end of the day to get all the blood and guts off.
Medic is honestly such a playful partner. Of course, around his co-workers he’s a little more professional; he still gives you soft touches, a kiss on the cheek, or a big smile, but that’s about it. In private, however, he’s such a sweetheart. He’s always sweeping you up into big hugs, kissing all over your face, and calling you all sorts of adorable nicknames in a variety of languages. It comes as a surprise, because you’d think he’d be a little more formal, but that’s really only for special occasions. It honestly brings him so much joy to have someone like you by his side, and every day he’s going to make sure you know just how grateful he is to have you in his life.
Sniper is an incredibly independent and self-sufficient man, but he’s also secretly a real mama’s boy. He loves his parents dearly and has a particularly close relationship with his mother. As well as sending them money every month, he sends them all sorts of gifts, letters, postcards, and souvenirs. He also makes sure to call them regularly. He goes home every couple of months to visit them, and one could see that he loves helping around the house and chatting with his parents. His mother loved gardening, so his number-1 favorite thing to do is help her in the garden.
Despite Sniper’s obvious lack of knowledge on self-care, he takes a lot of time out of his day to make sure you are happy, healthy, clean, and well-fed. He doesn’t hound you like a helicopter parent but he likes to ask how you’re feeling, if you’re hungry, stuff like that. It feels nice to know you’re taken care of or take care of you himself. If you switch it around and try to take care of him, however, he’s honestly baffled as to why you would care so much as to make sure he’s doing well. He does absolutely love the affection and attention he gets out of it though, it makes him feel loved.
I’ve mentioned this before, but I have a head canon that Spy has a dog. Her name is Charlotte, and she’s an elderly Chihuahua. One would think he’d buy a French breed, but he found her out in the pouring rain one day and fell in love with her fluffy ears and spunky personality. She’s now 17 years old, extremely frail, missing most of her teeth, and extremely aggressive to anyone other than Spy, but he loves her dearly and pays for all of her medical expenses without batting an eye. And of course, she expresses her thanks with lots of kisses.
Spy loves dancing, and knows all kinds of dances, from flamenco to ballroom dancing to the Charleston to, canonically, disco. So of course, he’s dying to share all of the most romantic dances he knows with you. He’d love to actually teach you how to dance, rewarding you with kisses every time you finally get a move right and laughing softly when you make mistakes. But in reality, he just wants to use it as an excuse to dance with you against his chest and smother you in affection.
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I wanted to write what characters I think should’ve been romanacable or at least been able to have a one night stand with in Cyberpunk 2077 because I feel they should’ve had more options tbh. I will talk about what kinda missions they should’ve had for the characters were romanceable and how their relationships should’ve developed or could’ve per say.
1. Jackie Welles
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First and foremost, I believe Jackie Welles who a lot of people want to romance believe me I can see why but I feel that if you wanted to keep his death in there, I could see V and it wouldn’t matter if what gender you were confessing to liking him. V is realizing that he’s dying right before them and is begging him not to go whilst putting pressure on his wound, Jackie cups their cheek before apologizing and giving them the chip. V manages to say that they love him and whether it’s platonic or not it’s up to you especially if you talk to other characters such as Judy, Panam, & River. You can talk about your relationship with Jackie as being somewhat like unrequited love, if you have the guts and the balls to you can even tell Misty that you had these feelings for him. But it’s gonna slightly bring down your relationship with her, she’ll express how she wasn’t surprised and how she noticed it. If you choose to end yourself in the final mission, depending on if you saw Jackie as a love interest you’ll end up saying how you love Jackie and how you can’t wait to see him. Even kissing the necklace and putting it on yourself before it all ends. But if you managed to keep him alive, I’d say that you’d be able to have a threesome with him and Misty cause honest to god I thought that’s what the developers were hinting at with the fucking ;). If you would manage to pull off such a feat you’d have to collect all of the tarot cards, do all of Misty’s missions as well as Jackie’s which I might talk about more in depth in future posts. Depending on how you’ve been treating them both which is well I hope, Jackie will bring you back to his apartment and talk about your relationships as well as your sex life. It eventually leads to Jackie whispering in your ear about how would you feel having a threesome with them, you can answer according to how you’re feeling. If you say yes then Misty will soon come into the room and she’ll sit right beside you, touching you and kissing on your neck whilst Jackie kisses you. If you guys would want me to write a Misty/V/Jackie smut or go into more depth about it then just send an ask in my ask box.
I’d like to imagine that if you manage to keep him alive up until the very end, he is with you when you visit Alt and when the bad news comes, you’re both pissed and it’s even to the point of Jackie nearly breaking down in tears. Jackie begins to blame Johnny for this, getting pissed at him and Alt, saying this should’ve never happened to V. Johnny can choose to argue with him or try and talk Alt into more options. Depending on how you played V, you can get a scene where if you choose to take over V’s body then V will end up confessing to Jackie saying how it’s the end for them and how sorry they are for this happening. V can even kiss Jackie and apologize once again before saying a tearful goodbye to Jackie. I’d imagine that Jackie would want little to nothing to do with Johnny not just because he believes it’s his fault for taking away his best friend but because everytime he sees Johnny he sees V and it breaks him every time. Jackie can break up with Misty sometime after the incident and is seen just living life with Mama Welles but he’s always thinking of V. If you choose to sacrifice Johnny, depending on how you treated Jackie and Misty you can end up in a polyamorous relationship. Though you all are trying to do your best to manage this, your relationship is pretty decent with them both.
I believe that you couldn’t romance him without Misty being there or I feel that he would never break Misty’s heart to date V or cheat on Misty with V because he doesn’t give me those vibes. If anything he’d seem to be against cheating, but I’d like to imagine if you’re a dick and whatnot that you’d be able to try and romance him but he keeps pushing you away if you end up being too touchy or romantic with him. So naturally he’d be quite hard to romance that’s if you include Misty. He is bisexual/pansexual and should be able to be romanced no matter your gender. Also, he gives me bottom vibes or power bottom vibes.
2. Johnny Silverhand
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Personally I believe that you’d be able to romance him slightly towards the end of the game, like I imagine that if you manage to get on his good side and get him to trust you as well as remaining non romanceable to other people. I’d imagine that it’d all really depend upon the endings really, like you’d able to confess to him or kiss him in all of the 5 or 6 endings. You can confess in both of the main endings, it goes the same with you crying and saying how he’s one of the bestest friends you’ve ever had and saying how he really impacted your life. You can choose to kiss V or to hug them in a totally platonic way, as Johnny you can choose to say whether you liked them or whether you just wanted to give them as kiss as being able to recognize their feelings for him. Johnny in the Temperance ending will talk to Steve about V vaguely saying about whether he had feelings for them or how they were an amazing friend. He can even say kiss the necklace that V always carried with them before saying something like, “I won’t forget you, babe.” if you chose to make it where Johnny began to develop feelings for V. V in the ending if you had feelings towards Johnny, you can see that she tells that to her Life Coach or whatever if you are a Corpo V and she’ll confess that she liked him, saying how she’s been missing him a lot lately. As much as I’d love a Johnny and V sex scene that I’d be able to imagine in the game, I can’t see sex happening, maybe making out but Johnny seems like the kind to really become angsty at the idea of not being able to actually feel you. But I’d imagine if you could by some miracle would be able to get him to kiss you early on in the game then I’d say it’d be a lot of making out and Johnny getting off of you. Feeling as though he has nothing to offer you or that he hates not being able to actually feel you. But basically a romance with Johnny Silverhand and V would be angsty af or would be short-lived, sorry guys. Also, Johnny is bisexual so it doesn’t matter what gender you are. Though I do like the idea of an ending where you choose to spend your final days with Johnny whether it’s having sex (in some way), doing stupid shit, or just being in each other’s presence, I feel in this ending he’d ask you if you’d want him to take over your body before you go, if you say yes you can kiss him before telling him to take care of them. But if you say no, then he just spends his and your final moments just laying on the bed and staring into each other’s eyes.
He is bisexual especially from how much he regrets not fucking or getting with Kerry back then but he goes give me heavy dom vibes but at the same time he doesn’t seem to care as long as he’s getting some.
3. Viktor Vector
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He’d also be bi, I feel that most of the romances are bi/pan or are gay such as Judy. He gives me bi nerd vibes though as well as I am a tired bi vibes. You should’ve been able to romance him in game or at least have something with him tbh. I feel he’d have about 4 quests which should lead to a romance, once you pay Viktor what you promised he’ll say how he thanks you and will text you a quest which would probably be something like being his boxing partner or something. i feel his quests would have to do a lot with him reliving his younger years of boxing or just doing what he’d call stupid shit with V, I can imagine that the quests would be V getting Viktor to do things he usually doesn’t do. In the final mission, I’d imagine that he’d come to your apartment or he’ll text you about having dinner and some drinks or even the final date being after the last mission you guys both did which was dangerous, something that resulted in you being checked up on by Viktor. Depending on if you’ve been playing your cards right, I can imagine him finishing up on your wounds or whatnot and you end up being the one to confess that you’ve grown closer to him, you caress his cheeks and he ends up telling you to shut up and he kisses you. It leads to you both making out on the chair before you end up on top, you caress his cheeks once more before kissing him again and he in between kisses says how you need to be more careful with your wound. You snarkily tell him to shut up and you kiss him again before it fast forwards to some cute yet steamy sex with plenty of Viktor trying to be gentle on you. Though I’d imagine if you were Male V/Non-Binary V he’d be a little less gentle on you or the roles would be reversed in the mission before I’d imagine in the mission before he either took a bullet for you or you took a bullet for him. He’s a little less gentle with you and a huge tease towards you whether you’re fem’ V or male’ V. He’d play a bigger role in the ending if you romanced him, I feel similar to Panam he should have his own ending or at least a secret ending where it ends with him just trying to take care of you in your final moments. He is there with you along with Misty and Jackie if you managed to save him and you say your final words to them, thanking them for being there forever and always with you. Viktor takes off his glasses and ends up kissing you before nearly breaking down in tears as you begin to slowly fade away from this world, muttering how you’ll never forget them. Viktor ends up wanting to keep his business, wanting to try and help people if he can with you always on his mind and he ends up becoming a big thing, He always is thinking of you, even adopting a child who takes after you with their mischievous personality. It ends with him gifting your child with the necklace that Jackie ends up giving you, beginning to tell your child the journey that you went on that he witnessed. He gives me strong bisexual or maybe even gay vibes tbh. Also, gives me major switch vibes.
4. Goro Takemura
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Of course everyone loves him, I do too just not as much as some do. I feel a romance should’ve formed or he should’ve had a few sidequests that would lead to more of a romance. His side quests should’ve been exploring the city with him as well as him just trying to find people who can help V with the chip, 2 or 3 of the quests are you and him exploring the city and helping him learn about Night City. Even learning more about his past and him learning more about yours, which could lead to you both having a romance. Realistically speaking I feel there wouldn’t be a sex scene, so sorry but I feel he’s the kind to want to want things to get more serious and whatnot before considering having sex. He gives me very much if you like it then you better put a ring on it vibes. I can imagine on their last quest which I can see being an expensive dinner date that Takemura keeps insisting on paying for but you choose to because you want to see his face twist in pleasure at the amazing food. I imagine he takes you to an expensive restaurant and once you say all the right things, you can grab Takemura’s hand and take him to his car in which you’ll end up making out with him heavily and before you can get his pants off. He pushes you off, insisting that he doesn’t want to move too fast with you and that he’s enjoying the relationship he has with you he just doesn’t want to give that up yet. But I can imagine if he lives he plays a bigger role and even gets his own ending or plays a big role in the endings where you choose to follow after Hanako, he keeps telling you that you’re doing good and that you made the right choice. I can imagine if you romanced him/kept him alive he’s the one trying to convince you to do the final test/experiment to keep you alive. i can see him playing a good role if you manage to keep him alive and if you romance him, overall I feel he’s bisexual or demisexual. He gives me strong demisexual vibes and or bicurious vibes. Also, he’s a bottom/power bottom and I’m leaving it at that.
5. Kerry Eurodyne
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He should’ve remained bisexual tbh, I get it wanting gay rep but also don’t do bi erasure, I see him as bi leaning more towards guys but he’ll be happy to date fem’ V as long as they play their cards right. I feel he should’ve been a more serious option or could’ve been more serious, I feel in the first quest or 2 you have to make a good impression on him and show him you’re down for whatever. Show him that you will make an impact on him and that you’re different, during the first few quests which I can see are just helping him with fans who have no boundaries or helping him get rid of his writer’s block and get back into music. I can imagine the first quest he is calling you anxious about a bunch of fans out in his driveway which you can try to convince them that this isn’t right or knock the fans out which the latter can have Kerry a little distant from you. Thought if you don’t manage to convince them they might try to get violent if it means Kerry would come out, which results in Kerry coming out and helping you I’d imagine he’d need someone who can handle the crazy lifestyle that he has, the fans, handle all of the crazy shit that is in his life. I feel the love scene would happen all the same to be honest and would happen after you finish all the quests and show great interest in becoming more. I’d imagine that he wouldn’t play that big of a role but he’s there and often texting you about random ass shit and he’s honestly just enjoying having some company. Also, he gives me power bottom vibes or a switch who likes to talk a lot of shit and tease you, lol.
6. River Ward
I would talk about River Ward who is my favorite love interest in the game tbh but I feel I’d be repeating what I’m saying for Kerry, River should’ve been bi imo or maybe even bicurious and Male/Non-Binary V is his first boyfriend. The love scene could be different in which I feel he’d be the bottom this time, he’d be trying to tell you to go easy on him and saying how he hasn’t done this before. Honestly it’d be just a fluffy love scene with River and he gives me total bi or demisexual vibes. Also, he is a total switch but he is dom more than he is submissive.
Also, this should go without saying that I feel that you should be able to go on a date that is a sidequest with them or even be able to call them and plan dates out with your respectable partners and you can go to bars and food places or even your own place. It’d be nice to have that added in the game but it’d be a lot to do.
Alright so I promise to do girls next and I am totally down to writing about what should be included in Cyberpunk that could improve the game greatly, cause honestly I feel that the story is great and immersive but it’s everything that happens outside of the story that is kinda not done right. Also, send me asks about these possible scenarios such as a Takemura and V dinner date quest, lol.
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Stalker X Stalker, Part 7
Perma tag: @nathleigh @peachmuses
Stalker x Stalker taglist: @aespades @jayjayspixiepop @blueslushgueen @fan-written @seraphichana @nerd-nowandforever
No I didn't get carried away with writing domestic fluff and forget to do the one thing I was supposed to with this chapter I'm a professional and would never do that
It took a long time for Tim and Cass to convince Marinette that, no, it wasn’t a trap, it was just a normal Halloween Party. It took even longer to explain what a Halloween Party really was, because apparently it wasn’t a huge deal in France.
But, eventually, she got it:
“Okay, so every Rogue and vigilante has to go to his Halloween Party in stupid costumes… or else?”
Tim nodded. “Rogues have to go because he’ll be insufferable, we have to go because otherwise we’re leaving a bunch of Rogues alone together without supervision.”
“And it really is just a Halloween Party?”
Cass flashed two thumbs up.
Marinette still looked a little confused. “And we… we want to babysit the Rogues?”
“They mostly behave themselves. Again, Crane can be insufferable when he wants to be and they have to spend a lot of time with him in Arkham.”
“I guess that’s cool then…” Then, a thought seemed to occur to her because she brightened up. “Is Nightwing coming?”
Tim nodded, suddenly a lot more wary. “Yeah, both he and Flamebird drop by for most holidays, anyway, so they might as well… why?”
She blushed a little. “I kind of wanted to see if I could get him to train me. I think his fighting style is pretty cool.”
Tim was not jealous or annoyed that Marinette might like two of his brothers more than him. He was fine if she liked Cass more, because Cass was, well, Cass. But Dick? Damian? Come on!
At least he had a month before the party to prepare himself.
For now, he glared at Cass, because she was laughing at him behind her hand.
Then he remembered that Marinette was still there and was watching the two of them interact with a vaguely confused expression and he pulled himself together: “I don’t know if he can teach you much since he’s usually in Bludhaven, but I used to be obsessed with the guy and I know all his moves by heart.”
She tipped her head to the side, considering, then smiled at him. “Sure. Thanks, Red, I owe you one.”
He tried to hide his relief behind a smile. She smiled and blushed, so he was pretty sure it worked.
Marinette smiled as she scrolled through the Batinternet on her phone (they’d finally given her the password! She no longer had to waste data!). The batkids were all working on the computer, trying to hack into their father’s files to see their Christmas presents.
She didn’t get why they were doing it then, it wasn’t even Halloween yet. Still, they insisted that Batman was always prepared well before the holidays hit. She was curious about what they’d find, if anything, so she waited as Red Robin hacked their dad’s files.
Loud cheers erupted from the others, which meant they must have found something.
“... right, Ladybug, yours is easiest to get into… he probably didn’t expect you to try… he’s getting you an Xbox and a bunch of games to go with it.”
Her gaze shot up and she surged to the front of the group to see. “Really?”
Red Robin pointed at the screen and she blinked a few times. Yep, that was a customized Xbox. Wild.
Then her shoulders slumped. “Damn, I was only kidding. If I knew he was actually going to get it I would’ve asked for a Playstation.”
She continued looking at all the ‘random’ games Batman had bought her (he was suspiciously good at guessing what she liked), completely oblivious to the fact that she had accidentally started World War III right behind herself at the casual mention of a thing she wanted.
She glanced back at them once during their fight and they straightened instantly, innocent smiles in place. The hand Red Robin had in Robin’s hair turned into a hair ruffle. Black Bat had turned the way she gripped the collar of Spoiler’s shirt into pulling her down for a hug. Signal’s eyes stopped glowing under his domino. She smiled a little and turned back to the screen to look at the rest of the games. Fighting resumed.
Or, at least, it did until Marinette saw the file name.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
“I knew you fuckers took my blood,” she hissed irritably.
She wasn’t exactly scared, the bats seemed generally well-intentioned, just paranoid, but that didn’t mean she liked it. They stole her blood to figure out her identity without asking.
They all tensed up behind her and looked at each other awkwardly.
Robin was first to snap out of it. He swatted Red Robin over the back of the head. “Look what you’ve done, Drake.”
Marinette blinked and then pulled her gaze back to Red Robin. “Drake?”
The batkids looked at each other awkwardly. Except for Red Robin, who was glaring at his youngest brother.
Spoiler was the first one to come up with an excuse: “It’s an older codename. We told him to come up with something original since everything else he’s used has belonged to someone else first… and that’s what he came up with.”
She considered whether Drake really confirmed that Red Robin was Tim Drake-Wayne. On one hand, yeah… but, on the other hand, was he really that stupid? Would he really use his own last name for a codename?
She supposed that, in all her time knowing Tim and Red Robin, he had never shown himself to be original. Smart, sure, but a little unoriginal.
So, yeah, Tim was almost definitely Red Robin.
But she was prepared to ignore it for now. Every bat seemed tense at the idea of her learning their identities, so she played dumb:
“It’s not that bad of a codename. Dragons are pretty cool.”
She could feel Black Bat still staring at her, but everyone else relaxed almost imperceptibly.
“He didn’t base himself off of dragons, he chose male ducks,” Robin informed her.
She blinked. “Why the hell would he choose ducks?”
Signal snapped his fingers and started pulling out his phone. “Oh, Mari -- can I call you Mari? -- you should see his outfit.”
Red Robin realized he was about to get murdered for his younger self’s outfit choices and tried to snatch the phone away.
Unfortunately for him, while he was concentrating on Signal, Black Bat had sidled over to Marinette. She tugged her arm to pull her attention from the two fighting boys and then showed her the picture.
Marinette stared at the ugly cockroach outfit for a long time before taking a deep breath: “Alright, first of all...”
Tim… he was fine.
Okay, no, he wasn’t.
The tracker was better, he would admit. She had even started wearing more red and black so she could wear the necklace more (something that made him feel all fuzzy inside), but she wasn’t wearing it every day and he couldn’t exactly tell if the necklace was there because she was home or if it was there because she’d worn a different outfit.
So, he only had one solution: randomly dropping by to do chores with her.
It started off with the ‘might as well’ principle. They were already out for photography and getting ideas for outfits, why not pick up some groceries while they were on their way back? She could even carry more since there were two of them.
He quickly dropped pretenses, though. The one time every few days that they hung out wasn’t enough to keep her in the house, and even if it was she clearly wasn’t fond of staying inside for long periods of time. He started dropping by every day to just go out with her.
He could tell his family was getting a little suspicious about what he was doing, Steph and Cass both narrowed their eyes at him whenever they saw him leaving the office at a normal time and once he had caught Duke following him to see where he was going… but it was fine. They weren’t going to complain about him actually getting some sort of down time.
And, he had to admit, it was nice. Not only did resting his brain for an hour or two a day do wonders for his mental health, he just… enjoyed doing chores with her? He didn’t think he would. He’d expected to like it the first few times, the novelty of going on his first grocery shopping trip or figuring out how a laundromat was always going to make it interesting and new for a bit, but it didn’t seem to be wearing off.
He was pretty sure that was because of the person he was doing it with, though.
He smiled as he watched Marinette half-climb the supermarket shelves for a bag of Takis.
“Need help?” He called.
He watched her jump a few times on the lowest shelf before, eventually, climbing up another shelf.
Tim winced and surged forward to support her weight a little.
She huffed and grabbed the Takis. He set her down.
She crossed her arms. “I said I could get it.”
“I trust you. The shelves? Not so much. Do you want to die crushed under a bunch of chips?”
Her halfhearted glare morphed into a grin. “If I die any other way you have to promise to resurrect me so I can do it again.”
He rolled his eyes. “How about I resurrect you and you try not to die again for a while?”
“Hm… I guess that’d be alright.”
Then, at the laundromat, Tim saw a bunch of Two Face’s henchmen. How did he know that they were henchmen? The black and white suits kind of gave them away.
He was just wondering whether it was worth it to try and call Duke over so they didn’t risk something happening when he realized that Marinette had slipped over to them.
But she wasn’t concerned as she offered some of her detergent. “Hey, if you need to wash lights and darks together like that… you’re going to need a different detergent. I know those are cheap but there’s a reason for that.”
“Isn’t that just an old detergent problem?”
“No, separating every single color into a different load is. But, if you want to do pure black and white like that… you don’t want to risk it.”
Then she turned and glared at another goon, who was pulling their luckily still okay clothes out of the washer.
“You’d better not be putting that in the dryer.”
The sheepish look on the henchman’s face was answer enough.
She huffed. “That is airdry only why would you do that --?!”
And that’s how they ended up friends with -- and possibly under the protection of? -- a bunch of henchmen. Tim had to admit, they were really nice when he and Marinette weren’t trying to get them thrown in jail. He almost found himself slipping and hoping that Frank managed to achieve his mob boss dreams. He actually did offer to babysit Sam’s kids while she had a shift because she seemed very stressed.
“Tim, darling, do you even know how to take care of kids?”
Tim didn’t know whether to blush because she had called him darling oh my god or due to embarrassment at that massive oversight.
“Uh… would you be willing to help?”
Marinette gave him an exhausted look. “I’ve only ever babysat one kid at a time without their older sibling being there to help.”
He quickly changed the offer to paying for a babysitter. Sam was thankful regardless.
When everyone had finished laundering their clothes to Marinette’s satisfaction, the two of them headed back towards her apartment.
Tim changed the position of the laundry basket on his hip so it didn’t dig into him as much. “You know, you didn’t have to help them.”
She snickered. “First of all, you’re absolutely wrong. I couldn’t just sit by and watch them ruin their clothes right in front of me!”
He rolled his eyes, trying to hide the fond smile on his face. “And second of all?”
“Secondly…” She let him into the house and closed the door behind him. A cheeky smile formed on her face. “Well, they’re henchmen. Don’t you think it would be a good idea to have them on our side in case things go wrong rather than indifferent to what happens to us?”
It was here, with her smiling in front of him, intelligence sparkling in her eyes and the necklace he gave her hanging from her neck, that he realized that he was going to fall in love. He might not be there yet but, if they continued doing things like this, he was sure he would.
He wouldn’t mind that, he thought, as she leaned forward to take the basket from him, pressing a kiss to his cheek on the way over. He watched her disappear to her room, no doubt to fix whatever damage he had done while carrying it that would be invisible to anyone but her. He shoved his hands in his pockets and went to start up the coffee machine.
There are no botanical gardens more beautiful than the ones in Gotham. Whether that was because Poison Ivy herself tended to them or because they were kept in tip-top shape to appease her, Marinette didn’t know. Whatever the reason, it was gorgeous and Marinette had gotten quite a few different ideas. She pretty much had an entire spring collection planned out…
It was unfortunate that she’d gotten ideas for a spring collection in the middle of autumn, but she was ignoring that.
Now, they were sitting on her couch. They needed to relax after all that walking around on top of a rather exhausting night the night before (Scarecrow had broken out of Arkham to start preparing for his Halloween Party). She was completely in his space in an attempt to mess with him. It, unfortunately, didn’t seem to annoy him as he lazily rested his head on top of hers.
She huffed a little but allowed it.
He fiddled with the settings on his camera, biting his lip.
She looked down at the camera and asked: “How’d you get into photography?”
“... it’s a kind of personal story,” he said carefully. “A little sad, too, I guess.”
She tried to pull back, an apology on her lips, but he just rested an arm around her shoulders and held her close.
“It’s fine.”
She nodded as much as she could with the head resting on top of hers.
They were silent for a long time. She tried to relax herself. There were no akumas in Gotham, it was okay to accidentally upset someone and it was okay to ask them if they wanted to elaborate. They were people, people are supposed to feel sad sometimes. It’s healthy.
She took a deep breath before curling more into his side. “Would you like to talk about it?”
The arm around her tightened almost imperceptibly. “I… I guess I can, sure.”
“You don’t have to,” she said quickly. In fact, she might be a little more comfortable with that. Emotional conversations weren’t a Parisian’s forte.
But he sighed and shook his head. “It’s fine. Our relationship can’t progress all that healthily if we never tell each other anything.”
Yikes. Way to accidentally call her out on the fact that she hadn’t formed a healthy relationship in years, Tim.
“Not that I’m all that great at healthy relationships,” he said after a minute.
At least she wasn’t alone, she supposed.
“No easy way to say this, I guess… my parents weren’t the best. They’d go on trips -- they were archaeologists -- and I’d be left home alone, usually for months at a time.”
She cringed internally and took his hand in hers, rubbing comforting circles into his palm.
He sighed lightly. “So… I was lonely, obviously. I started by taking pictures of my parents. Sometimes it was all I’d have of them for months. They could leave, but the pictures weren’t able to.”
She felt him bury his face in her hair.
“I started following the bats after a while. I don’t know if it was because I wasn’t sated by pictures of just the two of them and decided to expand, if it was because they had a happy family despite a distant father and I wanted that for myself, or if it was because I wanted my parents to find out and be worried about me, or a mix of all of that… but…”
She slowly moved the camera off of his lap and pulled him into a hug. “But?”
He was silent for a bit, thinking over his answer. He shrugged and wrapped his arms around her. “It was an old coping mechanism. A way of feeling connected to people when I couldn’t actually be.”
“‘Was?’ What changed?”
He laid back on the couch and she allowed him to pull her down beside him. “People around me… started ‘leaving permanently’.”
She winced. Oh.
“It hurt a lot more to look at the pictures after that. It just felt like a reminder that I was alone.”
She frowned. “But… you’re taking pictures of me, now.” Her eyes widened. “Shit, did I accidentally trigger --.”
He shook his head quickly. “No, no. Well, kind of, but it’s okay! Every time they’ve died, it was because of some sort of shortcoming on my part. I think I’ve learned from all my mistakes. You… I won’t let you get hurt, okay?”
Marinette didn’t know how to respond. On one hand, she was pretty sure that she should be assuring him that, even if she did end up dying, that he shouldn’t blame himself… on the other hand, she had no intentions of dying and she was pretty sure it was nearly impossible for her, so maybe it was a good thing that he had chosen to protect her of all people? Maybe the problem would solve itself?
She didn’t know.
She carefully took his face in her hands, pulling him to look her in the eyes. “I’m not going anywhere, okay, darling?”
He gave her a tentative smile. “I sure hope you’re right.”
He had been asked to stay the night. Her excuse was that she was almost done with an outfit for him and she wanted to give it to him the second it was done and, by the time it would be, it would be too dark to go out safely.
Tim kind of felt bad that he had worried her but he wasn’t going to turn down the offer of staying over and watching her finish the outfit.
But, first, food. They dropped a million takeout menus on the desk. A long silence stretched between them as they looked at all the options.
“... what do you want?” Asked Marinette.
“I’m not in the mood for anything in particular, you?”
She sighed. “I don’t know, do you want anything?”
“I don’t want anything, what about you --?”
This continued on for about three minutes before Tim got a brilliant idea. He dialled Damian’s number and put it on speaker.
“Drake. Why are you calling? Have you been hurt?”
“No, Dami, I’m getting takeout and I was just wondering if you had any ideas.”
Marinette gave him an affronted look, but he clapped his hand over her mouth before she could warn Damian that, no, he wasn’t buying food for him he was just going to be an asshole.
“... I suppose I wouldn’t be averse to Chinese.”
“Thanks, Dami! Hope you can get Alfie to make that for you.”
“What do -- ?”
Tim hung up on his very confused younger brother.
Marinette frowned as he removed his hand from her mouth. “That wasn’t nice of you, that’s a kid.”
Tim was not about to get beaten by his brother in both identities, thank you very much.
“Alfred can cook better than anyone in the world, he’s not going to suffer.”
She snorted. “I doubt he can make food better than…” She picked through the takeout papers for a few moments before holding up a menu. “... this place!”
He squinted at the menu. “... I really hope you can speak Mandarin.”
“You’d be hard pressed to find a language I can’t speak, Timmy,” she said, absently dialling the number.
Well, he supposed that explained how a person from France knew ASL and could speak English like a native. Damn. Now he kinda wanted magical god-earrings so he could speak every language in existence.
She spoke cheerfully to the person on the other side of the line for a moment before turning to Tim. “What do you want?”
“Uh… shrimp fried rice?”
She rolled her eyes and flicked his nose. “Alright, fine, white boy.”
“It’s a safe option okay --!”
She wasn’t listening to him explain why fried rice was the best choice for him because she was relaying the order to the person on the other side of the line. She hung up with a smile.
“Food will be here in about three minutes. Do you rich people have small bills or do you just use them for tissues or something?”
He raised his eyebrows. “They go down to a hundred, right?”
She pressed her lips together thinly, clearly unsure whether or not he was joking.
He snickered and shook his head. “Nah, I think I have twenties and fifties…”
“Yeah, that won’t do. We’re going to get robbed,” she said, reaching into her purse.
“We? Didn’t know I lived here, too,” he joked.
She barely even glanced up from where she was counting money. “Honestly, with how often you’re here, you might as well move in.”
He choked. He wanted to say something smart or funny or smooth, instead all that came out was: “You --? I --? Uh --!”
She snickered behind her hand. “Love, relax, I’m just kidding. You don’t have to leave your fancy mansion with all your siblings --.”
“Wait, don’t make living here sound even better. I will do it purely to get away from them, don’t test me.”
She rolled her eyes with a grin. “Maybe that's the plan, you’ll never know.”
Tim had exactly zero idea whether they were joking or not anymore. The tone and reactions made him pretty sure they were kidding, but… what if they weren’t?
He was just gathering the courage to ask when the doorbell rang, pulling their attention to the food. She continued counting for a second before running to the door and swinging it open.
He walked up beside her awkwardly as she chatted politely to the guy to take the food inside. He knew, logically, that Marinette was actually way stronger than he was… but his stupid brain saw a thin, short woman in need of someone to help her carry things. So, he took it from the guy with a smile.
The delivery guy glanced Tim up and down before asking Marinette something. She laughed and gave a shrug. Tim did not know what was going on but he felt vaguely insulted.
He was definitely learning Mandarin after this.
The moment the door closed he whined about being insulted. She looked amused.
“You know what he said?”
“... no,” he admitted.
Her lips twitched.
“... you’re not going to tell me, are you?”
She snickered and leaned over the two bags of food in his hands. “So, you got the fried rice, right?”
“Your food is going to get cold.”
“Beeeaaaan,” he complained.
She raised an eyebrow at him, a blush spreading across her face. “Bean?”
He grinned, feeling heat creep to his own cheeks. “I don’t know, I couldn’t think of anything for a nickname. First thing I thought of was coffee beans, so: Bean.”
“Wow, you’re such an addict,” she teased.
He continued pouting at her until she gave in.
She leaned forward to press a kiss to his nose. “He asked if you could use chopsticks or not so he could get you a fork if you couldn’t.”
He felt the blush on his face deepen. “Oh… I can’t.”
“That’s fine.” She grabbed a tote bag from the floor of her pantry and pulled out a set of plasticware.
He blinked. “... you keep plastic forks?”
She shrugged and tossed the bag back in her pantry. “Plastic forks, grocery bags, napkins, a few sets of chopsticks…”
“... why?”
“Some of us are minorities, darling.”
“What --?”
She hummed tunelessly as she worked.
Tim had fallen asleep on her shoulder. Had most of this been an elaborate plot to make him finally get some sleep? Possibly.
She didn’t feel all that bad, though. With how much he overworked himself both as Red Robin and as Tim Drake-Wayne… honestly, she was beginning to doubt that he slept at all. And, really, if a vigilante coffee addict with a magically enhanced physique is worried about your sleep schedule, you’ve got problems. Intervention was needed.
Don’t get her wrong, though, she was going to make up for lying to him. She’d move him to her bed and leave a cup of coffee for him on the bedside table. Maybe she’d even make him breakfast, it depended on how tired she was in the morning.
But that was for when she was done. For now, she was working on the last part of the outfit: she needed to lace up the corset. His posture needed a little work and she didn’t have the heart to tell him that to his face.
… besides, corset vests are cute. She wished more guys would wear them.
She smiled to herself as she pulled the last bit of lace through and tied a loose knot. Done.
She looked down at Tim. Loose strands fell in his face as he slept. The tiny wrinkles in his forehead disappeared, making him look much younger. His lips curled into a slight smile at whatever he was dreaming about.
He looked so genuinely at peace. She hated that that was abnormal for him.
She couldn’t help but worry a little about what he’d said earlier. He’d claimed that the reason he had gone up to the top of that building the day they’d met (as Tim and Marinette) was to scout out a location for photography, but now that was seeming like a lie because he apparently preferred taking pictures of people over locations… so, why was he up so high? He’d known it was illegal to be there, so she doubted he thought anyone else would be…
She swallowed thickly.
She didn’t think his mental state was that bad… but, just in case it was, she waved Tikki over for a bug and sewed it into one of his sleeves.
Tikki was looking at her disapprovingly. Marinette ignored her.
It was Ladybug’s job to make sure everyone was doing okay mentally, and she wasn’t going to fail a person she cared about of all people.
His head slipped from her shoulder onto her stomach and she sighed, trying to lightly push him off without disturbing his sleep. It didn’t work. He made a quiet sound in the back of his throat and buried his face in her stomach, his arms wrapping around her tightly.
Well, this is her life now.
… she supposed it wasn’t so bad, though.
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gyroshrike · 3 years
Tell me why you love Gamtav; give me a whole rambling essay if you can. I like seeing people excited over the things and ships they like!
Oh, are you sure you want this? Do you really want to open Pandora's Box? Are you ready for the amount of rambling I can do about GamTav? How much time do you have? Because this is going to be a doozy. I haven't even started writing it and I can tell.
And before I get into it, people gotta know that most of this is based off of pre-murderstuck Gamzee
What do I like about GamTav? What do I like about GamTav??? One of the things that plays into me loving this ship so much is how much I love Gamzee and Tavros as individuals. Whenever I start reading a new piece of media, without question my favorite characters are almost always the really, really nice ones. Boku no Hero Academia? Kirishima. Anohana? Poppo. Legend of Korra? Bolin. And in the beginning of Homestuck, Gamzee and Tavros are just really, really NICE.
Oh, well, Gamzee is really, really nice. When we first see Tavros, he’s being a little shit to the kids, but that's because he was intentionally trying to troll. But once we get into Act 5 and we see Tavros interact with his friends, we realize he's generally a really kind person. His conversations with Nepeta, Gamzee and Aradia are all really sweet. His pesterlog with Vriska, which is the first one we get to see after he is revealed to us as a character, immediately paints a picture of him as someone struggling with his self-esteem and someone who is trying really hard to build himself up as a person. Way to fuckin’ endear me to a character IMMEDIATELY.
For most of the early comic until Act 5, we see all the trolls trolling the kids and even talking shit back and forth to each other. Gamzee was one of the first trolls who we see be purely sweet and supportive to his friends. His first pesterlog after we’re introduced to him is with Karkat and Karkat does nothing but talk shit. xD He does his usual song and dance of saying just the absolute worst things possible in that Karkat way of his and Gamzee just laughs and nods and basically says, “Yeah brother, you go, I love you, you're my best friend.”
We see Gamzee talk with Equius and we already know at this point that Equius is weird, but Gamzee is so jazzed to be talkin’ with his friend. He's just so supportive of Equius and even when Equius tells Gamzee that he must stop doing soper, Gamzee just says, “Okay, sure, you got it, I trust what you're telling me because you're my friend.” Now Equius is not actually ready for Gamzee to listen to him and backtracks and is like, “Wait, no, you don't have to listen to me, let's roleplay instead,” and Gamzee's like, “I don't know how to roleplay, but I'll try for you bro.” He’s just really fucking cute???
Short version: When we meet them, Tavros is someone you want to root for and Gamzee is just the nicest guy on the planet.
Gamzee loves his friends so much and from early on it's made apparent that he wants to love and support them, and would honestly do a lot for them even if he doesn't know what he's doing.
Also along with just being a generally sweet guy Tavros is the nerd archetype I love? He loves the troll equivalent of Pokemon and card games and other things like that. Also he just really loves animals? And I always love the characters who love animals. It's a really big weakness I have. Not to mention, talking with them? That's so COOL? So badass??? Like, UM???? He could control them, but he doesn't like forcing them to do bad things against their will. (Going off of how when suggested he control the imps to defeat them, but feels like that would be unfair/mean.)
SPEAKING OF THE IMPS. Of the twelve trolls, Tavros and Gamzee are the two of them who BEFRIENDED their imps. Isn't that so fucking rad????? They both started off fighting them at first, but then they both later mention that they are able to chill with their imps instead. Gamzee shares pie with them and Tavros communicates with them using his powers. I freaking LOVE that parallel. When I first noticed it I almost keeled over. See, I'm also a sucker for characters who like to attempt peace before conflict, so of course I'm going to love that both of them made friends instead of enemies.
So Act 5 Homestuck has already set me up to basically completely love these two characters. Now, I am a really big shipper. In almost every piece of media I go into I generally come out with ships and that's a big way that I engage with fandom. Now Homestuck, I actually didn't ship that much at first when I first started reading, which is pretty strange for me. I think I just kind of let the ships fall into my lap up until that point. I know my brain had really enjoyed the ideas of Karkat and Terezi, Dave and Terezi, and had even teased inklings of "What if?" and "Oh, I like them," about Rose and Kanaya. But for the most part I wasn't really into Homestuck for shipping at first.
The concept of GamTav, or PBJ as it was more commonly referred to then, was introduced to me by my friends. I had two irl friends who were reading the comic with me and they were ahead of me by some decent amount of pages at the time. At one point they started making references to PBJ and really liking PBJ and I was a little confused because I didn't quite know what they were referring to at first. I learned pretty soon that PBJ was Gamzee and Tavros and I remember being really excited for the ship because it was the first time I'd seen my friends get that excited for a ship. Which is really funny because now in the twilight years of the Homestuck fandom, of the three of us, I'm the only one gripping white-knuckled onto GamTav and breathing it like my life depends on it, while the other two have moved on to much different things. If I'm being honest, I'm pretty sure one of them doesn't even really like Gamzee that much anymore, but respects how much I love him and lets me rant and rave to her about him whenever I want.
It wasn't long after that that I finally got to the infamous "Make out a little" conversation between Gamzee and Tavros. I read the pesterlog and suddenly everything I had seen and heard from my friends made sense. I mean, not that I'm saying that's the ONLY reason GamTav makes sense. I just mean I understood what my friends specifically were talking about. Of the pesterlogs we've seen between them before that, Gamzee and Tavros obviously had a decent friendship. I'm pretty sure in the comic Gamzee was the first person to have a pesterlog with Tavros who is genuinely nice to him. (And this is conversation happens directly after Tavros’ conversation with Vriska, so it’s a wild contrast.) So as a friendship, I was already super down with Gamzee and Tavros-- you know what? Now that I think about it, I feel like I remember in [S] Make Her Pay being disappointed that Gamzee and Tavros were fighting alone and not with each other. Because a lot of the other trolls had paired up to be cool duos, you know? We had Karkat and Terezi, Feferi and Sollux, Nepeta and Equius, and I think I remember being bummed that Gamzee and Tavros weren't paired up. So I, at the very least, think I wanted things for these two even if I hadn't stepped into the realm of actually shipping them yet. I don't remember, this was YEARS ago.
Anyway, the infamous makeout conversation happens, and I'm sold hard for life. I have a lot of other Homestuck ships that I'm into and I enjoy, but none have ever, ever, ever, ever come close to GamTav.
I realize that I've written so much and I still haven't gotten to the meat of why I like them.
So I like ships where the parties involved are best friends. I love it when the characters in a ship are bros who love hanging out, who love doing silly things together. That awesome video "What your favorite Homestuck ship says about you" had me dead to rights. Called me out so hard. My ideal ship dynamic is "being stupid together"? Way to come for the throat. That's exactly it. At their core, Gamzee and Tavros are one of the funnest bro combinations I have ever seen. And what makes them so fun is both of them are huge dorks. HUGE dorks.
When we first meet Gamzee, he stares off into the colors of his miracle modus while making the most ridiculous face, tries to unicycle but just fuckin' pieruettes right off if it because his legs are too short, and just straight up reaches into his modus with his bare hands. Don't even get me started on how he scares himself with his own horns. That shit kills me.
We've already talked about how Tavros is a huge nerd, so that's covered. But like… have you heard him rap? This guy just gets so into it and has so much fun while simultaneously sounding so silly. He's flirty and awkward and ridiculous and has this shit eating grin on all the time.
They are those two friends who get up to shenanigans where everyone else around them just kind of shakes their head and thinks that they're so dumb (in an affectionate way), but they don't care because all they DO care about is how much fun they're having together.
One of my favorite things about Homestuck in general is it lets its characters be bad at things. John and Karkat suck at coding. Gamzee, Tavros, and Dave are bad at rapping. Rose becomes a prolific author, but I would argue she's bad at writing when she's 13 because, wow is it a slog to get through her wizard fanfiction LMAO.
And GamTav is a perfect example of two people who just have fun together being bad at things together. There's no pretense of needing to be cool or needing to be good at something or any type of shame or embarrassment. They're just so silly and they don't mind being silly around each other and they never make the other person ashamed of who they are. We even see some of that last bit in the comic. Gamzee never puts Tavros down. In one conversation, he acknowledges Tavros' disability, but doesn't taunt Tavros for it, doesn't make it a joke, or make him feel bad. It's just acknowledged and then they move on. Then Tavros mentions that while he doesn't share Gamzee's religious or spiritual views, he is supportive of them. I am such a sucker for shit like that.
In every way, shape, and form, Gamzee and Tavros are supportive of each other and just and totally uplift the other person. Both of these characters go through so much verbally (both jokingly and maliciously) at the hands of their peers for being who they are that Gamzee and Tavros' conversations were so refreshing to just see them be unabashedly themselves with another person.
And they make each other happy! Tavros' first conversation with Gamzee was the first time we see where Tavros is purely elated to be talking to the person he is talking to. And Tavros obviously makes Gamzee really happy. They just make each other so happy! And I love that shit!
Gamzee is, without restraint, supportive of everything that is Tavros. Gamzee is the type of person who would look at anything Tavros wants to do or is trying to do and put his whole heart in supporting Tavros and telling him, "Yeah bro, you can do this, you're amazing, I love you, go get 'em, you're the best, you can do anything you put your mind to,” and I love that for Tavros.
Gamzee was the friend I spent all of Homestuck wishing Tavros had. Tavros spent so much time talking to Vriska, interacting with Vriska, adventuring with Vriska. And that entire time I was just wishing that Gamzee was there instead, just so Tavros would have someone to be nice to him.
After murderstuck, I spent years waiting for Gamzee and Tavros to meet in a dream bubble. That was all I wanted. I wanted Gamzee to have to look Tavros in the eye and face what he had done, own up to everything to the person he loved most in the world. But of course, post murderstuck, Gamzee gets everything stripped away from him that made him the character he was in the beginning. It wasn't even a satisfying villain arc! It was just confusing! I feel like I could have dealt with it if Gamzee was a well-rounded villain. But instead his entire villain shtick was just surrounded by a bunch of question marks! I spent all of Homestuck waiting to learn what exactly was going on with Gamzee and then we never got that and that fucked me up.
And of course, oh, of course, up until the very end of the series, in the very, very, very last animation we ever see, Homestuck Act 7, Tavros is standing by Vriska's side, as he has had to do since the very beginning.
I haven't read the epilogues or Homestuck 2, so I'm not going to touch on anything that happens in those series and I would appreciate it if no one responded to this with spoilers. Don't even tell me things like, "Oh, you'll like Gamzee," or "Oh, you'll hate Gamzee," or anything like that. I don't want any hints. I already got enough. I want to form my own opinion when I finally get the energy to go in.
Nowadays, I stick almost exclusively to humanstuck AU's for my GamTav. Because even if canon GamTav wasn't so sad and depressing, there are other things that make me way too sad to think about. As a bronze blood, Tavros's lifespan is going to be significantly shorter than Gamzee's. No matter the good or bad context surrounding their relationship. Even if they were the perfect, fluffy, happy couple in canon, I can't deal with that lifespan difference. It breaks my goddamn heart.
I live in a world where I can rewrite the circumstances surrounding these characters and make it play out in a way that is much more to my liking. Writing them in humanstuck AU's lets me take away all of the things that make my heart hurt and instead repurpose them for really meaningful, emotional character building arcs and that's my main focus when it comes to GamTav.
Something I'm also really picky with when it comes to this ship is that I need the core of Gamzee and Tavros' character growth to happen apart from each other. I have found that I don't like stories that center Gamzee and Tavros or their relationship as the pivotal point of their development. I don't like when Gamzee is the pillar of Tavros' confidence. I do like when Gamzee helps out building Tavros' confidence by being supportive and saying nice things and encouraging him, but I don't like it when he is the main source. I don't want Tavros' growth to be hinged on Gamzee being in his life.
The same goes for Gamzee. I don't like stories where Tavros is the one thing keeping Gamzee from doing bad things. I don't like when their relationship is framed as being the one thing keeping Gamzee from going murder mode all over his friends again. I've read fics where Gamzee struggles either with murderous instincts as a troll or mental health as a human and Tavros is one of the only things that keeps him from going off the deep end. I don't like that. I want Gamzee's growth to be primarily on his own or at the very least not supported by his romantic partner. Of course, I love it when Tavros is there when he needs him to hold him or soothe him or say kind things or help him through his struggles. I'm not saying I don't want Tavros to comfort him at all or ever, I just don't want Tavros to be his sole anchor.
I just love idiot best friends in love.
Oh, OH! ALSO. Gamzee doesn’t give a FUCK about the hemospectrum. One of the first things he says to Equius is how he doesn’t get it, how he’s not better than anyone else, how he doesn’t even know how to ACT better than anyone else. How am I not supposed to love that?
Opposite sides of the hemospecturm relationships are so fun. I love the idea of Gamzee entering a room full of strangers and them being like “Oh no! :O !!!! Scary subjuggulator!!” and Tavros comes rushing over all happy and excited and they just snuggle all cute and gross and everyone watching’s jaw just drops.
This might sound weird, but I also think one of the things that endear me to characters is them getting misinterpreted and then me having fun drawing them more ‘accurately’? Tavros is so often depicted as uwu soft weepy boi and I love drawing him with a mischievous grin just as ready to do something stupid and get himself into trouble as Gamzee is. Equius TOLD Tavros not to go near the stairs with his new robo legs. What is one of the things Tavros does immediately? Go try the fuckin’ stairs. And he KEEPS DOING IT.
*lays down on the floor* I just… I just want domestic GamTav where they move into a nice wheelchair accessible home (modified in a similar way to Tavros' hive in Pesterquest) and Gamzee massages Tav's back when it aches and tells him he's the light of his life and in turn Tavros holds Gamzee close on his darker days and Tavros kisses his hands and brushes his hair out of his eyes and boops his nose and they laugh so hard together that they cry.
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bump1nthen1ght · 3 years
Deep Blue Sea (Shark Merman x Reader) Chapter 2
Pairing: Gender Neutral! Reader/Shark Merman
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Soulmate AU
Warning: Slight description of Animal Violence. Nothing too graphic, but if the genre of stuff you see on Shark week isn’t for you, skip over the part denoted by the *******
Word Count: 3530 words
Summary: You learn more about Cruz and about yourself
Chapter 1
“-and then he just leaves. What do I even do with that?”
“Uh-huh, uh-huh,” Your roommate hums, refilling up your glass of wine. “And you don’t have his number, so you can’t call or text him right?” You take a large sip, nodding and trying not to spill wine on your pajamas.
Well, kind of.
You hadn’t told anyone about Cruz, not even your family, because frankly you didn't know where to start. But when you walked into the apartment, sullen and dragging your feet, your roommate, Caitlyn, had offered wine, ice cream, and a willing ear. That's when the floodgates opened (with some modified details, of course).
“We’re meeting at our usual place in a couple days, I just…”Another sip of wine,”...hate sitting here, not knowing what he’s feeling, what I did, how I’m feeling.” You set down your glass and throw yourself back against the couch, sinking into the cushions. “I feel so stupid, like a fucking teenager, and I hate it.” Caitlyn sets her own wine glass down and nudges the half-empty ice cream carton towards you.
“It’s for the best your feeling all this now, then you can come at ‘im all composed and articulate. Really throw him off his game.” You grab a spoon and the carton, Caitlyn patting your shoulder as you take a pathetic bite.
“You’re right but I-I don’t even know. I’ve never done anything like this before.”
“Sounds like this guy’s got you hooked. At least that’s a start right?” Caitlyn hums, pressing her chin into her palm. “To be completely honest, Sam took a couple days to warm up to me. And I never told her this, but she gave me hardcore pretentious vibes on our first date.”
Caitlyn gives a long spiel about her awkward first soulmate date (“Seriously, who brings up ‘the superiority of vinyl’ on the first date!”), and if you were in the mind to be a good roommate, or hadn’t heard this story before, you might’ve listened closer. But only one question was occupying your thoughts; Did Cruz like you?
You arrive at the boardwalk an hour early. You don’t immediately go to the tidepool, instead choosing to take a long walk on the beach, taking a moment to calm your racing heart and collect your thoughts.
You like Cruz. You like him as much as two people who just met can, despite a less-than-romantic first impression. But does he like you?
You never thought you would have to ask your soulmate that.
There’s a small thwap as you slap your cheeks, heat simmering your skin even as the cold water laps at your feet.
This is ridiculous. You’ve talked twice. Caitlyn and Sam have a thriving relationship (You should know, you share a wall with Caitlyn) and even they got off to a rocky start.
The pit grows in your stomach, thinking of Cruz’s disinterested stare as he swims into the open ocean. The weight of it almost sinks to your toes.
You shake your head, slapping your cheeks once more.
Today is a new day. Just go through the motions _____.
You reach the tidepool, setting down your picnic blanket and bag. You grab one of your notebooks and prop it open as you bite into an apple. You’re 30 minutes early, might as well get some reading done.
The waves crash and pull against the rocks, pleasant studying ambience, but is interrupted by several clicks and abrupt, out of rhythm, splashes. You look up, immediately in awe of the sight.
About 50 feet away from the entrance to the tidepool is a pod of dolphins, breaching out of the water. You grab a pencil, your phone, and your notebook, tiptoeing through the tidepool to get a better look.
Good choice wearing water shoes today.
From closer up, you notice the distinct lack of dorsal fins and realize they must be Northern White Whale Dolphins. 60 of them have congregated in a group, most likely scouting for easy food or taking a rest.
Their pod is pretty small though. What are they doing so close to the shore?
The pod continues to play as you take shaky photos with your camera, trying to balance your notebook and pencil in the crook of your elbow. Through your viewfinder, you spot a familiar shape, not 30 feet from the pod, peeking his head out of the water. Cruz’s black eyes narrow into focus before he fully submerges. Your eyes widen as you lower your camera.
The water above Cruz rushes as he swims closer and closer to the pod. You tuck your phone back into your pocket as you finagle your way up to a nearby rock. You need a better view, and it might be best to be out of the water while this happens.
The dolphins haven’t noticed Cruz yet, still gliding along the waves. There's a quick flash of his strong back before he dives even deeper into the water. The rock slightly digs into your stomach as you lean over to get a better look.
What I wouldn’t give for a drone right now.
Before long, there is a burst of clicks, the largest dolphins quickly surrounding the group and issuing them away. They’ve spotted Cruz, but one is a little too slow.
Cruz’s dorsal fin cuts through the water, close enough to the surface that you can make out the details of his determined face. His eyes have latched onto the slowest dolphin and his speed increases exponentially. His long tail flicks back and forth as he gains on it.
The dolphin flips into the air, trying to gain distance. But like a flash Cruz’s large hand shoots out of the water, getting a hold of the dolphin’s tail, and pulls. You see his shoulder and tricep bulge as the dolphin thrashes in his grip. His head once again breaches the water as he digs his other clawed hand into the dolphin’s side, raking into it as he pulls the dolphin closer to him. The two tussle and wrestle against each other, going in and out of the water as the dolphin tries to push Cruz away.
But Cruz is limber, keeping a tight grip on the dolphin as he maneuvers his body alongside it. His torso raises up as he pushes the dolphin down under the water and into submission. Cruz then yanks the dolphin’s front upwards and out of the water, grip still tight on it’s rear, before opening up his maw and tearing into the dolphin’s neck. He rips his head back and forth until the dolphin stills, a large pool of red slowly cascading around them.
Your pencil hangs loosely in your fingers as you watch, eyes locked on Cruz. You think the struggle must’ve lasted only 20 seconds, but in the moment, it felt like hours. Cruz’s chest heaves as he takes another bite, serrated teeth easily ripping the flesh, as casual as the lobster roll from your last meeting.
Blood drips from his mouth and covers his claws. His cards his fingers back through his hair, leaving crimson streaks that shine against his black locks. Cruz bites off another mouthful before heaving the dolphin onto his shoulder.
As a large science nerd, you’ve always enjoyed watching nature in progress. But a new, exciting, vaguely uncomfortable feeling stirs in your gut as you watch Cruz suck in his fingers, picking out stray bits of meat from his large, sharp teeth. A feeling like a shiver rushing down your spine and heat in between your legs.
Oh my god. Why was that the hottest thing I’ve ever seen?
Cruz turns away and submerges himself, giving you a nice shot of his defined back muscles as he sums up his hunt. You can’t take your eyes off his form moving just below the water, even as your 5 PM alarm goes off.
You knew Cruz was larger, and far stronger, than you, but seeing him in his element reminds you just how easily he could tear you apart.
God, and I kind of want him to.
As he swims further away from the shore, you see two black dots in the distance. You take out your phone again and open up the camera to zoom in.
Speaking of huge. Holy shit.
The focus is a little blurry, but it’d be hard for you to miss the massive mermaids. With only their shoulders and up out of water, they still tower over Cruz by at least a head each. Both have long black hair, intertwined with what looks to be seaweed and various types of shells. The one on the right is holding two larger masses over her shoulders, positioned the way a lumberjack would hold a fallen tree. Cruz reemerges with his dolphin in tow, frighteningly small.
Cruz’s gestures indicate they’re having a conversation, mostly one-sided. The dolphin on Cruz’s back bounces as he talks animatedly, his hunt small when compared to the two weights the right mermaid carries. With your old phone you can only catch a glimpse of the left mermaid’s lips moving. Cruz’s energy dims as she continues and he seems to sink deeper into the water.
The left mermaid holds out her hand. Cruz hesitates, then throws his dolphin into her arms. She swings it over like it weighs nothing and then shakes her hand as if to shoo him away. The right one rumbles with laughter. Cruz nods, solemn as the two submerge and swim away.
Cruz stays there for a minute, looking out at the horizon. When he finally turns, his movements are lethargic as he swims towards the tidepool.
You scramble down from the rock and quickly tiptoe  back to your blanket, fumbling to stuff your notebook and pencil back into your bag.
Cruz glides in, his eyes not meeting yours, locked in thought.
“Hey Cruz.” You wave, struggling to catch your breath from your impromptu rush.
Cruz slowly looks up at you, still slightly downcast.
“Hey. Sorry I’m late.” You  shake your head furiously.
“It’s no problem! I got her kind of early, and then I saw you hunting and didn’t want to bother.” Cruz’s eyes widen a bit, before her recoils into himself and sheepishly rubs the back of his neck.
“Oh, sorry. You probably didn’t want to see that….” You once again shake your hands and head back and forth.
“No! No I-, I actually thought it was super cool!” Cruz quirks his eyebrows.
“Yeah! It was like my own personal Shark week. Like wow, you looked amazing out there.”
Cruz’s cheek tint a cerulean blue, the corners of his lips turning up at the sides as he fiddles with his fingers.
“And those dolphins are the fastest kind around here, but bam! You were on them like a firecracker, kind of wish I had a slow motion camera.” You laugh, before realizing Cruz probably didn’t understand half of your analogies. “You looked uh, you were really good at it.”
Well duh, you idiot. He’s a shark.
“Thank you.” Cruz shoots you a tiny smile, blush still running across his face and down his neck. The ensuing silence is only slightly uncomfortable, as Cruz’s blush stays strong and you're sure you develop one of your own. You try and focus on something else to calm down, but catch a glimpse of his biceps, and fail miserably.
“Oh, that’s right.” Cruz reaches over and sticks his hand in between two nearby rocks. His brow furrows before his eyes light up, and he pulls out a….handbag?
It’s loosely sewn together with kelp, made of some sort of seal skin and closed with a seashell button. Cruz pops it open and begins to rummage inside.
“Gotcha.” Cruz pulls something out of the bag, before turning and hiding it behind his back.
“Uh, whatcha got there?” Cruz smiles, his blue blush painting his face from top to tip.
“I found this thing and thought you um….might want to look at it?” Cruz pulls his arm in front, revealing a reflective white shell, just a bit longer than his palm.
“It’s not a crab, but I thought it was neat looking so….”
You slowly move towards him, gesturing to ask if you can hold the shell. Cruz nods, almost shoving it into your hand.
The color is completely white, sharp, almost polished-looking. It carves into several rings before sloping into a point. It’s empty, the inside free of any sand or tiny algae.
“Do you know what it’s called?”
You look back to Cruz and nearly brush your nose against his. You realize how hot his body heat is as he leans over you to look at the shell. Your shoulders just barely touch.
As if dipped into boiling water, your face alights into red and your body convulses to jerk away from the heat.
“Yeah-Yes! Actually I do, it’s-it looks like a Kellets W-Welk. Well, the remains of one’s shell anyway.”
Cruz stays close, letting out a small “Ohhh.” as he squints his eyes to get a closer look. It’s the most on-land you’ve seen him, with the water lapping at the base of his tail. Sitting down, your head only comes to his clavicle. The uncomfortable burning stirs in your gut.
“Is it a hermit crab?”
“Not, it’s a sea snail. They're not really on land like crabs.” You brush your thumbs over the shell’s ridges. “There are quite a few varieties of sea snails around here, lots of beautiful shells. Their babies look pretty cool too.”
Cruz nods, eyes intent, and it reminds you of the elementary kids you saw when working at the aquarium. Your heart skips as you futilely try to fight the smile on your face.
“Can you eat ‘em?”
You chuckle and Cruz’s face grows a darker shade of blue. “Yeah, you can. You’ve got a good eye for snacks huh?”
Cruz pouts playfully, blue still awash on his cheeks. “Maybe, but I’m not always thinking about food.” Just as he finishes, you hear his stomach rumble. You stifle your laugh with your hand and Cruz grabs his stomach angrily. “Sh-Shut up! It’s almost dinner!”
The two mermaids flash in your mind. You see Cruz handing over the dolphin as they swim away. Then you see Cruz, furiously cracking open crabs with a single-minded purpose. The smile drops from your chin.
How often does that happen?
Cruz was small for a Great White. You hadn’t even thought about why. You don’t even know if you want to.
“They’re pretty tasty, but their shells are a lot more fun.” Cruz furrows his brow again. “Here, let me show you.” You scoot yourself closer to him, putting the white shell against his ear. His eyes widen and he leans backwards a bit from your closeness, but the shell still lingers by his ear. “Do you hear it?”
Cruz stills, furrowing his brows even deeper, but then they rise in surprise. He leans back towards you, tentatively grabbing your wrist and pulling the shell closer.
“The ocean.”
The same childlike wonder from before flushes on his face as he looks at you, bringing your stomach a flutter. Cruz presses his head down closer to the shell, the bottom of his cheek now touching your palm. Cruz’s skin is cool against yours, slightly damp, and you feel the hint of roughness as his chin brushes against your wrist.
“How-How did you-”
“My mom showed me once. I mean, technically it’s the echo of the blood coursing through your ear, which reverberates and sounds like waves crashing. But it’s still a neat trick.”
“Oh, I see….”
From this close, you can see the small freckles which dapple Cruz’s cheeks, peppering across the bridge of his nose and up onto his forehead. Specks of dark blue, black, and green contrasts against his light gray skin, like the setting sun catching the pulling tides.
In the moment, you long to touch them.
So you do.
It’s so….soft.
As your thumb brushes up his jaw, the mottled colors are overwhelmed and overshadowed by Cruz’s furious blush. Cruz moves away so quickly that he unfurls his grip on a nearby rock and loses his balance. He braces himself and hisses as his thin skin nicks the corner of a rock.
“Oh my god, I’m so-so sorry! I just- oh my goodness are you okay?” You retract the shell closer to your chest, your other hand outstretched to steady Cruz. When he flinches away, you pull it back. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have invaded your personal space like that.”
Cruz's chest heaves but he doesn’t move or say anything. From the corner of your eye you spot a tiny bit of blood leaking onto the rock.
“Oh shit, wait I-I should have something.” You whip around to your backpack, shuffling and pushing aside your notebook to find your emergency first aid kit. Water wells in the corner of your eyes as you frantically search. You desperately try to will the tears away.
Stupid, stupid, stupid stupid-
Your inner insults are interrupted when your fingers brush against the familiar plastic fabric pouch. Before turning back to Cruz, you hastily wipe your eyes.
“Here, this should help.” You hold out the small thing of gauze and an antiseptic wipe. Cruz slowly takes them, fiddling with the gauze until it's undone. He picks up the antiseptic package with the tips of his forefinger and thumb, eyes squinting as he tries to read the small text.
“That’s to clean the wound with, to get the gross stuff out.” Cruz’s eyes narrow even further, brushing his thumb over the paper wrapping. Tentatively, he plops the unwrapped wipe on his wound. He looks back, clearly confused. “You have to unwrap it first, then wipe it.” His blush returns as he jerks his eyes away from you, embarrassed with you watching.
“I could do-”
“I’ve got it.” Cruz snaps, finding the perforation and ripping it off quickly.
“Okay, but it’s gonna sting-”
“Ow, shit!” Cruz curses as he presses the wipe against the apex of his cut, whining and biting his lower lip.
“If it’s hurting that means it’s working.” Cruz nods, but he hastily wipes the wound and sighs as he crumples it up.Cruz wraps his cut with medical precision, reminding you of boxers right before a match. He cuts the gauze short with a snip of his teeth
“Wow, you're really good at that.” Cruz snorts.
“I don’t need any jackasses going into a frenzy anytime soon. That would be the perfect end to this shit day.”
Your heart freezes as your stomach drops, and you recoil into yourself. The nausea of guilt washes over you. And then that makes you feel even worse, and so the cycle continues.
Cruz notices your sheepish, downtrodden stare, and frantically waves his good hand.
“Wait, shit, no, thats-thats not what I meant. Uh…” He loses track of his sentence, mouth agape as he looks for words. “I mean….thank you.” He fiddles with his claws. “For the bandage, a-and the food a couple days ago. This is...nice.”
You’re almost embarrassed by how quickly his praise perks you up, rolling over your tense muscles like a masseuse.
“Thank you for the shell, it was very thoughtful of you.” Cruz sputters.
“I just passed by it on a swim, it wasn’t a big deal. The reefs got a ton of them, so, y’know.”
You don’t know, but it’s cute watching him fumble with his words. He’s so bashful for an apex predator you saw kill a dolphin not 20 minutes ago.
“I could even-well, it’s close that we- we could go sometime? You and me?” Cruz fiddles with his claws once more, and you wonder if it’s a nervous compulsion. “It’s a little ways away from the coast but with me carrying you, we could probably see a lot.”
“Yeah, really.” Cruz’s nervous smile is much more lopsided than his regular one. It accentuates the dimple on his left cheek.
“I would love that.”
You decide to meet up early on Saturday to get a head start on the sunlight. You leave the boardwalk giddy, your nerves tingling pleasantly with pre-plan jitters. All this energy means you might have to spill to Caitlyn once more, just to let it all out. You’ll most likely tell her you two are getting breakfast by the beach, maybe stop by an aquarium.
Looking at all the coral and the crustaceans. Just me, in Cruz’s arms-
You stop, your nerves bubbling up under your skin, like steam is blowing out of your ears as you think about what is in store for Saturday.
You’re still not sure how Cruz feels about you. But there isn’t a show of a doubt now; You have a crush on him.
Cruz sits in the water, cracking open a leftover oyster he had left in his bag for emergencies. Emergencies like being so flustered he can't possibly go back to the pod, not without looking incredibly suspicious.
He brushes his thumb over his cheek, and it’s almost like you're there again.
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taeyaxx · 4 years
How would the Haikyuu Captains spend Christmas with you? Like, what gift would they get you and the activities y’all would do? (Bokuto, Oikawa, Daichi, Kuroo, Ushijima, and Terushima)
tae’s notes: aaaaaaah!! ok so i love my nsfw but sfw like this makes my heart go 🥺🥰🥰 i really love hc’s like this too because all these boys are DORKS!!! thank you so much for the ask!! <3
⫸ ━━━━━━━━ ♥ ━━━━━━━━ ⫷
tags: sfw, fluff, bokuto is the biggest nerd when it comes to the holidays, holiday fun, cozy winter’s, warm sweaters, longer post, hc’s, mention of nsfw, mention of alcohol, just mostly sweet hc’s okay 🥺
⫸ ━━━━━━━━ ♥ ━━━━━━━━ ⫷
taglist: @kaaidalupita @ushiwakajimas @lunarkawa
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okay so for bokuto i imagine him as the BIGGEST holiday person
like he goes above and beyond for the holidays 
especially Christmas!!! 
will go all out and i mean it!!
brings home a billion decertations and makes it a competition to see who can hang up the most in ten minutes
he always wins somehow 
buys you two ugly ass sweaters too
like i mean those really really ugly sweaters that he knows are ugly but it’s become a tradition between you two 
just wearing.......the ugliest sweaters as you two put the tree up 
as for gifts i think bokuto isn’t one to put like....a lot of money into them?
feel like he’s the type of guy to buy you something that hits you in the heart and makes you want to smother him in kisses
nothing too expensive but it’s the sentimental thought that counts
as for party games or activities i think bo would be into the cuter ones like gingerbread houses or just baking in general 
not that he knows how to bake but he likes to help you make cookies okay
(by help i mean he’s got his arms wrapped around your waist and chin on your shoulder and watching you bake and occasionally handing you things)
he’d sweep you under the mistletoe and kiss you until you both started laughing
picking you up he’d carry you off to the bedroom, sharing a chuckle with you for no other reason than just how in love he is with you
and then he’d quiet down and make the slowest, sweetest love to you 🥺
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alright the next boy is the lovely oikawa!
feel like he isn’t the BIGGEST holiday person
for no reason i just think he’d be like “eh it’s another day”
but that DEF changes when he meets you
his attitude starts to go from “it’s a Tuesday” to slowly looking forward to every holiday he can celebrate with you
especially Christmas because it’s the one day he can spoil you in gifts and you can’t really get mad at him
like bokuto tho, he wouldn’t be the most expensive gifts
he’d get a bunch of things he had noticed you spoke of or the things your eyes lingered on just a little longer than others when you two were out
def the type to wake you up with breakfast in bed 
like isn’t the GREATEST cook in the world but he knows how to make some decent food
and he makes sure everything is perfect for your holiday morning
he’d pull out your favorite sweater of his and he’d wear it all day
bring you warm fuzzy socks and his favorite sweater for you and a cup of coffee/tea/hot chocolate
his main gift is probably that one pair of shoes you had wanted for awhile but could never bring yourself to buy
or just any similar gift
for activities, oikawa is ALL about the games
he sets up every holiday game he can think of 
does that stupid thing where he wraps a specific gift in like 12 layers of duct tape and 8 layers of bubble wrap and 5 layers of zip ties
like is an ASS abt it but it’s always funny having to beg him to get a pair of scissors for you because he went overboard again
after gifts he’d pull you off to the bedroom and kiss you slowly before 
giving you all the pleasure in the world 🥰
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next is daichi! let’s just say....
daichi here isn’t into any other holiday EXCEPT for Christmas 
mans does everything for Christmas
he’s buying the decorations and hanging them up with your help
setting the tree up IN NOVEMBER !!
goes crazy with the lights outside too
like y’all are def known for being THAT house on the street just 
full blown Christmas lights
when Christmas morning comes tho, he’d wake you up nice and early (not anymore so than normal tho) and take you into the kitchen where he’s made the BIGGEST breakfast for you
i’m talking every breakfast food is out on the tabel and you can’t help but shake your head
cause who’s gonna eat it all? 
somehow you two finish up whatever you can before he’s moving onto doing some small activities 
he doesn’t go crazy with them but likes to do some stuff with you
somehow got into painting? 
don’t know how it happened but i feel like he sets up an entire thing in one of the spare rooms
and you two just paint the silliest things you can think of 
and at some point you two def play drunk roulette and try to guess what alcohol was what in each cup  
as for gifts the man is stupid when it comes to buying things 
he goes so overboard when spending money on you 
doesn’t buy like 15 million gifts but will buy you 3 or 4 SUPER expensive gifts 
and you sit there, opening them up and knew he would spend too much money so you also had to buy more expensive gifts 
that he would use everyday just because you paid for them of course
by the end of the night you two end up on the couch, cuddling under a giant blanket, and watching some hallmark Christmas movies smh 
and if you want something a little more exciting, because daichi is That gentleman, he waits for you to ask
and when you do? y’all don’t even move to the bed 
he’d kiss you all slow and dim the lights and let the movie behind you play out as you two focus on the more intimate parts of the holiday
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kuroo my baby.....my life....my heart I love him
mans is so cute during the holidays he’s just 🥺
baby boy doesn’t wake up super early at all
he’d wake up a little bit but you two know it’s too cold so you just cuddle in closer and fall asleep until noon
when you two finally get up tho, he’s sluggish pulling you out of bed and giving you a sweater to wear and that’s all he wants you to wear
pulling you into the living room to reveal his gift for you and it’s gotta be like a dog or cat or something istg 
you’d just walk into a new cat sitting on the couch just sleeping away and you just SIGH 
“kuroo...it’s adorable but this will be the 4th cat we have”
“BAAAABE it’s so cute tho 🥺”
so you get another cat lol Which is fine cause…..it is cute 🥺
can���t decide if kuroo would wait until night to get into the sexc or if he would just start the entire day off with little whispers and lazy sex and then it’s just all daaaaay baby 
pulls you into the bath together
like srsly would fuck you all day long as a gift too 
and god if it isn’t a great gift tho smh 
finally you both decide to get dressed and go out to any open place for dinner 
being too tired from the rest of the activities you had done all day
which is probably why you guys don’t play any games at all lol you just end up being too tired
so no traditional activities other than being bent over every surface in your house 
after it gets too dark i’m sure you two would just cuddle into bed, legs tangled up in a mess and just whisper all the things you love abt each other yk how it be 🥺🥺
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ushi doesn’t really see the desire of the entire holiday
like giving gifts and eating a good dinner should be EVERY NIGHT he thinks
Christmas eve you two would visit his family (cause uwu farm boi) so that way he’d have you all to himself Christmas day
probs has a tradition on like baking pie together or some kind of sweets
makes it a little competition to see who can bake the best pie tbh
you always win somehow
other than that he really isn’t into too many games?
he just enjoys your company and usually places you and himself in front of the fireplace and you two cuddle for the entire day
you read books and joke and laugh and paint your nails and do just mundane things together
at some point in the night tho he’d turn on some music and would slow dance with you in the kitchen 🥺
as for gifts?
that’s all i’m gonna say sjksjd 
ok ok but no this man buys you SO MUCH
like yeah he doesn’t see the reason to buy you gifts only for this one day (cause let’s tbh he buys you gifts constantly)
but for Christmas? he just..... “oh this is a thing everyone else does so i must do it too” but in the kindest way
buys you an entire new wardrobe because he notices you wanting some new shirts
buys you new purses or wallets or jewelry
would surprise you with a trip to some vacation home somewhere
like he is all god giving on Christmas 
lowkey would def surprise you with an entire new wardrobe just for lingerie and you can’t fight me on this
it makes you a little sad you only buy him a few new watches and new ties or whatever else he might have mentioned over a few lunches or dinners
he doesn’t mind tho since he’s literally all abt pleasuring you yk
for the later activities tho, i feel like he’d be more like daichi?
like def would bend you over the counter as you two cooked dinner or in front of the fireplace but he waits for you
waits until you’re calling for him to make love to you
and when he does? UGH
let’s just say he has you crying later 
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baby boy....baby....
much like kuroo i feel like he’d wanna make love ALL DAY 
wakes you up early just to have morning sex
after the third round you have to tell him they need to eat something
and tbh feel like he might lowkey forget to get you a gift until the LAST DAY 
like he def just bought this gift last night and wrapped it while you slept 
and tbh....it’s so cute of him to do that jkjks
he seems like the type to buy you jewelry or socks or both lol
like buys you a new necklace and some rings
def doesn’t try to talk you into getting a matching tongue piecing yk
also feel like he’d buy a new set of “bedroom toys” for you two to try out
and at first it’s like “of course he would” but you thank him later after using them
also a HUGE fan of ugly sweaters
but makes it a game to see who can MAKE the ugliest sweater like 
you will not see this man spend money on an ugly sweater but he will buy a bunch of ugly accessories just so you two can have fun making them
so it’s a tradition now that you two a week before Christmas begin making ugly sweaters
usually it ends up being a tie smh
feel like he would be into a bunch of other games tho
like the white elephant games or caramel apples and ginger bread houses
he just wants to spend all his time with you so he looks up a bunch of games you two can play 
he almost seems like the type to do puzzles? so maybe you two would work on a 2,000 piece puzzle together 
watch really old and bad movies together too
for some reason i feel like he’d be the best cook out of all the boys??? for no reason really i just...imagine he knows how to cook so well
so he def makes this big ass dinner of anything you wanted even if it’s not traditional food
like the one year you guys literally had PIZZA just because it sounded good
also talk abt snow ball fights and building all sorts of things outta the snow
and y’all can fight me on this............after a few years he’d be that cliche guy to propose to you and confess his entire heart out for you 
(of course you say yes becausae you’re so in love with him 🥰)
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emmies-archives · 3 years
A/N: I want to make this like a small little “series” you could say? But the same theme for a bunch of characters. The next one I think will be Todoroki, but feel free to request who you want one for and also if there is a certain plot or something you want in it!
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Everyone is aged up to the legal drinking age in this!
Bakugo Katsuki x Female Reader.
Summary: You go out to dinner with friends, it turns in to a night of shots and drinking games based on Bakugo and Midoriya. Needless to say everyone gets very drunk, especially Bakugo. You stay late to help Bakugo get home safe, but he ends up staying at your apartment. You wake with a deadly hangover, and him in perfect condition, no hangover in sight.  
Word Count: 2.5k 
Genre: Fluff, very very brief mention of nsfw
Warnings: Heavy drinking, and drinking games.
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         The way Bakugo handled his hangover surprised you, if he even had one at all. You woke up to him rattling around in the kitchen. The night before you had gone out to dinner with a group from UA. At first it started out like a normal dinner, until Kaminari had thrown out the idea of getting shots. It pretty much went downhill from there. The whole group had an incredible amount of alcohol drank between everyone at the end of the night.
Kaminari, Sero and Kirishima had done the most shots out of everyone, Mina was close too. Momo, Todoroki and Ochako had many glasses of wine with a few shots and mixed drinks sprinkled in. At first, Bakugo was drinking simple mixed drinks, some kind of dark liquor and soda. But when he saw Midoriya throw back another shot with Kirishima, he immediately challenged him to see who could hold their liquor better.
 “Come on, nerd. Give up! You won’t beat me at straight liquor!” Bakugo barked at him, wiping remnants of the shot he just through back with his hand. “You were just drinking lite beer you wimp!”
 “Yeah so what? We’ll have to find out if I can hold it better than you!” Midoriya yelled back slamming the shot glass onto the table. It went on like that for a while, witty comments thrown back and forth. The two of them taking small breaks in between the shots.
  They were at least six shots in, in only an hour and a half and it didn’t look like they were going to stop anytime soon. You just sat back and watching them, chatting with Ochako and Mina. Kaminari and Mina had convinced you to take a shot or a drink every time Bakugo called Midoryia a nerd or something along the lines of an insult. At the rate they were going you weren’t too far behind in the shots count.
 It was nearing one o’clock in the morning now, Bakugo was slowing down and Midoriya looked as if he could pass out any second. It was a miracle that neither of them were sloppy drunks or you’d all be kicked out of the bar. Most of the group had left the bar already, besides the two boys, you and Ochako. The only reason you hadn’t left yet was Bakugo. You wanted to make sure that he would make it home okay, even if you were as drunk as him.
 In your tired drunkenness you didn’t notice Bakugo plop down into the seat next to you. Your eyes felt heavy and all you wanted to do was curl up in bed. But when you saw Ochako walking a very wobbly Midoriya out of the bar your heart jumped. Your first thought was if Bakugo had left on his own, or where he even was. You jumped up from the chair, knocking a glass over on the table in the process and started to walk around it toward the door. You didn’t even make it one step before a hand wrapped around your wrist stopping you. Again, your heart jumped from the surprise and you couldn’t help but think you were being attacked.
 “Relax, it’s just me.” Bakugo’s gruff voice called out. You sighed once realized it wasn’t a stranger.
 “When did you even get next to me?” You laughed very confused. He stood up and shrugged, grabbing his coat from the chair.
 “Couldn’t tell you, but now that pink cheeks and that stupid nerd are gone do you wanna leave?” He let your wrist go when you nodded and made your way to the door.
“I’ll get the taxi, we can go to your apartment first mine is past it anyway.” You pulled out your phone and the cold nights air made you shiver, which made you drop your phone. Groaning you tried to bend down and grab it from the wet sidewalk, when you started to lose your balance.
 You felt Bakugo wrap his arm around your waist before you could fall, steadying you. “Watch it dumbass.” He was laughing as he watched you stand up, his arm still around you. “Who let you get this drunk anyway?”
 “Oh thanks. And I should be asking you that. But anyway, Kaminari or Sero, or actually maybe it was Ochako and Mina? Or-“
 “Stop rambling,” Bakugo interrupted you and flicked your forehead.
 “Ouch, really? It’s your fault by the way, I had to take a drink or shot every time you insulted Midoriya in your stupid competition. Which by the way I don’t think you won.” You said nudging his side with your elbow.
 Before he could respond the taxi pulled up. He opened the door, letting you in first. After sitting down himself, he told the taxi driver an address which you were thankful for. You didn’t think you could tell the driver his address at this point.
 “I didn’t think you’d be stupid enough to play a drinking game on me and Midoriya.” He mumbled after a minute of silence, his head resting back on the seat with his eyes closed.
 “Hey! I didn’t think you’d get meaner the more you drank but I learn something new everyday right?!” You giggled at the small smile that grew on his features. It was like he knew you were staring at him because he turned his head to face you, opening his eyes slightly.
 Your breath hitched, it wasn’t fair that Bakugo could look this good when being drunk. You held his gaze for a moment then looked away, it was too much to handle in your state. He continued to stare at you though, even if it was kind of hot it made you a little uncomfortable.
 “Why are you looking at me still?” You asked turning back to him.
 He was quiet for a few seconds before grinning and turning away, “You’re cute when you’re drunk.” You could feel your face erupted in a blush. You had been around Bakugo plenty of times when he was drinking, but he was usually never this blunt. “Thanks for waiting for me.”
 “Oh, yeah, of course! I wanted to make sure you got home, I didn’t know how drunk you’d be but you sure did drink a lot with Midoriya.” You said, smiling slightly.
 “Ahhhh, I’m fine. Barely feel it.” He ran his hands over his face, wiping his eyes. The taxi pulled to a stop and you were confused when Bakugo didn’t get out of car.
 “Aren’t you getting out?” You asked him and he shook his head.
 “I told him to go to your apartment first.” He said stretching his arms in front of him and yawning.
 “What, why?” You asked, confused. Your apartment was farther than Bakugo’s, it was out of his way to go there first.
 “Because if I got out first, who would make sure you got home?” You couldn’t say anything to that because the taxi driver interrupted your conversation.
 “Are you getting out or not? I don’t have all night.”
 “Oh yeah, one sec.” You reached into your wallet to pay the driver.
 “Y/n, I payed already. Wait here for a minute will you?” Bakugo asked the driver who just grunted in return. He motioned for you to get open your door as he got out of the car. He walked around to your side of the car waiting for you. “I’m gonna make sure you get to your apartment first.”
 “Okay, thanks.” You said, making your way to the elevator inside.
  It was quiet in the elevator, even with the awful music playing. Once the doors had closed you realized how tired you were, the night and the alcohol were catching up to your finally. By the time the two of you got to your apartment door, it was hard to keep your eyelids open.
 Bakugo followed you in and waited for you to get your shoes and coat off. “You gonna be good? I saw how much you drank.” He laughed.
 “I think so,” You said, a huge yawn ripping from your mouth. Sleep was literally pulling at your consciousness now, it was getting hard to fight it. You turned to thank him for taking you up, you bumped right into him. He didn’t seem that close before, or maybe he was. He grabbed your elbows steadying you again.
 “Y/n, I think you need to go to sleep. You can’t even stand straight anymore. “ He grinned when you glared at him.
 “Okay, whatever you say, Bakugo.” Without thinking you leaned in and pulled him into a hug. Holy crap was he warm, and when he wrapped his arms around you in return you felt like you could melt. “Thanks for thinking of me.” You could feel him nod in response, and then he yawned too. “Do you want to stay the night here?”
 “It’s super late, and you’re tired too. The ride to your apartment won’t be a fun one when you’re this tired.” Your words were slurring even more, you could fall asleep in his arms any second.
 “Are you sure?” Bakugo asked, and you nodded. He pulled away and you couldn’t stop from pouting slightly. After he took his shoes and coat off, he turned back to you. “Alright, I’ll sleep on the couch here”
 Before he could protest, you grabbed his arm and pulled him to your room. “No, no I want to cuddle. You’re warm and comfy.”
 You heard him laugh again and it brought the blush back on your cheeks. “You got an old t-shirt or something I could throw on?”
“You actually left your backpack here a while ago, there might me something in it.” As he rummaged through his bag you tossed at him, you went to your dresser pulling out some sweatpants and a shirt.
 “Damn, y/n.” Bakugo said as you pulled off your shirt, to change. “You look hot.”
 “Hey! Don’t be creepy!” You joked, giggling slightly. Once you were both dressed, Bakugo came up to you again. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you to him.
 “I wasn’t joking, you are so cute right now.” His red eyes stared into yours, and you could feel your heartbeat faster.
 “You don’t look to bad yourself, Bakugo.” He smirked when you wrapped your arms around his neck. With a sudden burst of courage, you asked. “Can I kiss you?”
 Bakugo didn’t even answer you before pulling you closer, all but slamming his lips to yours. It was so hot, literally. His lips were so warm, so were his hands that wrapped around your back. You kissed him back, deepening the kiss. After what seemed like minutes he pulled back, before pulling you to the bed.
 “We should go to sleep, before I do something I don’t want to do while drunk.” He said, his voice sounding deeper.
 “I agree,” You said snuggling up to him once both of you laid down. “I want to remember that, if it’s what I’m thinking.”
 Bakugo grabbed your face, kissing you again. You could feel the smile on his lips. “Good, I’m glad we’re on the same page.”
 It didn’t take long before sleep over came both of you, wrapped in each other’s arms.
   You woke up to the sound of pots and pans moving around, looking at the clock it was nearly 10 am. You could definitely use more sleep, but the feeling of the bed being empty next to you stopped you from closing your eyes again. Slowly pulling yourself out of bed, groaning you made your way to the bathroom. The way you had styled your hair the night before was completely messed up, and you were glad that you took off what makeup you had on before you went to sleep.
 You splashed some water on your face and grabbed a sweatshirt, pulling it over your thin t-shirt. Deciding to see what Bakugo was up to, you made your way to your kitchen. Compared to the hell you looked like, he looked completely fine. No dark circles under his eyes, he didn’t look tired at all, and most importantly he was cooking what looked like a delicious breakfast.
 “Good morning sleepyhead. I thought you were going to sleep all day at this rate.” He smirked when you glared at him.
 “I feel like I need ten more hours of sleep,” He handed you a cup of water, and you thankfully chugged it.
 “Maybe if you didn’t wager on me as a drinking game, you’d feel like you’re alive right now.” He said, focusing on the breakfast.
 “Yeah, whatever it was fun.” You grinned, remembering his drunken state. “How are you not feeling shitty right now?”
 “Not sure, I usually never get hangovers. If I do, they last an hour, some food and a shower gets rid of them.”
 “Teach me how to do that. I feel like I was buried alive last night. Or maybe that was just you suffocating me as I slept.” You laughed when he glared at you. Walking up to him, you wrapped your arms around his waist from behind. “I’m just kidding, you’re comfy as hell.”
 He twisted around to wrap his right arm around your shoulders, it was just enough to let him lean down and plant a kiss on your lips. “Well, yeah why wouldn’t I be the best at cuddling, I am at everything else.”
 You nodded in agreement; he actually wasn’t wrong about this one. The two of you sat at the table once the food was done, Bakugo was an amazing cook. Even with what little you had in you apartment he was able to whip up a delicious breakfast. “Have anything planned for today?” You asked him.
 “Nah, was just gonna do so stuff around my apartment, maybe workout.”
 “You should stay and be lazy with me, so I’m not miserable alone.” He barked out a laugh at your words.
 “Alright, you convinced me. I could never leave you to sit and deal with an awful hangover, especially if it was my fault.” He said and the both of you moved to the couch, snuggling up again while putting on something from Netflix.
 “So you admit it, can you say it again? I want to get it on tape to show all our friends.” He pinched your thigh and you laughed.
 “Don’t push your luck, y/n. You got it once, never again.” It was weird but somehow it felt like his presence was helping with your hangover.
 “You should stay here another time, just with way less alcohol and maybe more food.” You said, breaking the quietness that had fallen.
 “So, like a date?” He asked, looking down at you and you nodded. “Yeah that sounds really nice. We should do it soon, just don’t get wasted next time.”
 You shook your head at him and reached up, cupping his face in your hands kissing him once more. He kissed you back, holding the back of your head. You could definitely get used to this, just without the hangover.
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multiplefandomsblog · 3 years
Prince!Kokichi headcanons
request; may I request Kokichi as a prince and his female S/O getting engaged head-canons?<3
warnings; prince!Kokichi, female!reader, reader uses female pronouns, cussing, Kokichi is a fucking dumbass, is scrabble a thing in the royal au? well, it is now! this turned more into scenarios lmfao sorry bouT THAT ACK- unedited and all over the place, kinda passive aggressive hh
note; sorry for the long wait! I also apologize if the royal au isn’t too detailed, or if it even makes sense- I haven’t written anything like this before, so you’ll have to forgive me T_T Thank you so much for requesting tho!
◊ Prince Kokichi is a little shit, we all know that. So you need to know the disclaimers that come with loving a little shit;
◊ c h a o s
◊ Readers be warned. 
◊ Once Kokichi realized that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, he becomes more clingy. He says it’s because he wants to spend more time with you, but he actually spends more time with you so he could try and study you to see if you felt the same about marriage and because he loves you, that too.
◊ He kind of acts like even more of a little shit, constantly teasing you and pretending to get on one knee, only to pick something up. 
◊ “Hey, S/o, there’s something that’s been bothering me for a while…” He fidgeted, faking an expression of nervousness. “Will you…” Your eyes widened, ‘is he going to propose??’ Answer in mind, you started nodding immediately, “Check out my horse’s butt? Mmm, I think he has some sort of anal fizzure, or something, but I can’t be certain-” He watched as your face dropped, a hint of a smirk on his faux-innocent face. 
◊ You cut him off, “No.” Kokichi looked at you in betrayal, “Ehhh? But s/o, you already agreed to it!” Gulping nervously, “I thought you said something else..!” Your suddenly timid voice, barely audible. Kokichi had to move his face closer to yours sneaky hoe,suddenly his voice dropped low, “Hm? What did you think I said?” His chuckled mischievously, laugh sending shivers down your spine. “I am going to throw my shoe at your face.” Kokichi’s earlier teasing demeanour seemingly disappeared after you threatened him, “Aw, S/o-chan is getting feisty- S/O WAIT-”
◊ Once you’ve unknowingly confirmed that you’re as whipped as he is for you(?), he starts his evil plan.
◊ He really wants to wow his future wife with his proposal, he wants all the other kingdoms to fucking wail because they’ll know they won’t ever be able to top his proposal off. 
◊ Although he’s almost 100% confident you’ll say yes, he still has some doubts. He is human after all, he’s bound to feel human emotions like fear of rejection. Though, as a master liar, he lies to himself, “She’ll 100% say yes, I am amazing after all, why wouldn’t she? H a h a h a-” making him feel waaay better about his doubts.
◊ It’s not healthy, but hey! It works!
◊ He lied to himself so much that he didn’t even think about the part where your dad would kill him- He forgot to ask for his permission beforehand, and he was going to regret it(whooops).
◊ He does months of preparing before his final plan. I don’t want to give it away but… It has something to do with animals. And uh, paint.
◊ Whenever you spotted Kokichi being suspicious, he somehow always successfully lies his way out of your accusations. Mostly charming you and diverting your attention from his sus-ness. 
◊ Kokichi does many, many foolish things to try and catch your attention, and almost never gets caught for it because of his amazing skills at lying. But this time, oh ho ho.
◊ The man had spray painted all the horses, animal-safe paint… I think, spelling out, “will you marry me?” Turns out, horses don’t like spray paint(who knew?), and so they made loud neigh noises while Kokichi painted their huge chests, unwantingly attracting the squire because of the noise.
◊ Once he was caught by the squire, his finger ‘accidentally’ slipped and he fired a gun in the air to scare the horses- Don’t worry! The horses knew where they were going. Prior to spray painting them, he had trained them to go to your kingdom every time they hear gunfire. Which explains why horses always come running to you whenever someone goes hunting-
◊ Luckily for him, the question mark horse waited for Kokichi to hop on before it had run away with the others, leaving enough time for Kokichi to escape and nearly trample the squire- 
◊ When you saw the jumble of horses and letters outside your window, your mind immediately thought of Kokichi. Oh wait, there he was! Your knight in shining armour, riding a distraught horse with a question mark on it’s back. You find yourself wondering, why did you find him attractive?
◊ Though, you’d be lying if you said your heart didn’t do flips when you saw his purple head in the crowd of horses.
◊ You rolled your eyes playfully as you saw Kokichi beckoning you down with his hands, smiling when you saw how silly he looked. He was covered in dirt yet you’ve never seen someone so excited.
◊ Trotting down the stairs, your eyes caught sight of Kokichi’s stained back as he desperately tried to get the horses in order. “Kokichi?” Feeling your face heat up as you saw the way he turned and looked at you, he’s unsure how but, you always make him go speechless when he sees you. Maybe you’re a witch? “S/ooooo, why are you so fast?” He snapped out of his daze as he puffed, turning back around to move the horses in order. 
◊ Seeing as how you’re not stupid(and you play a lot of scrabble), one look at all the horse letters and you already knew what was happening. Kokichi peaked back behind him, sneakily glancing at your face that seemed to be… constipated? Wait no, you were holding in a laugh. “... You know don’t you?” He glared at your trembling form, your hand covering your mouth in an attempt to hide your giggles. “N-no, no! Go on, continue and uh, arrange that horse! Pfft-”, you said as you raised your fist in the air enthusiastically. He pouted, taking a couple steps towards you, “You didn’t even try to lie. This is offensive to me, you know?” He said in a faux-disappointed tone, only making you laugh harder. 
◊ He lightly pushed your arm, “S/o, why are you so overly intelligent? All those word games make you seem like a nerd.” You gasped dramatically, “I’m a nerd? Look behind you!” Frustrated(bc bitch knew he lost-), he quickly pecked you with his dirt-covered lips. Once he pulled away, he was granted with your beautiful, flustered expression he had grown to love.
◊ “Just answer the question already S/oooo!” He whined, pulling at your sleeves like a child. “F-fine, fine, I do. I will marry you.” He felt his whole body shiver with relief, face suddenly lighting up and giving you whiplash at the change in his mood.
◊ “Yay! S/o-chan looooves me~!” He leaped into your arms, covering your nightgown with dirt. Though neither of you seemed to care about how dirty and un-noblelike you both acted, as you were both too invested in the other to even think about anything else. Including the horses that were now running away. 
◊ Though he lies about many many things, he is never lying when he says he wants to court you. He’ll say it a million times until you believe him, he doesn’t care, he just loves you so much.
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