#ASD headcanon
sprinkleofquirk · 28 days
In honor of autism acceptance month, I present to you my favorite autistic characters and why I think how I know they’re autistic 🖤❤️🖤
Please feel free to add on 💕
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(And please no spoilers, I haven’t gotten up the courage to watch season 3 yet- I’m not ready for the emotional damage 😩)
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envieddude · 1 year
Random LWA headcanons
Croix listens to rock music (mainly grunge, metal, alt rock, punk rock). Her Favorite band is Korn.
Remember Marjolaine (that rockstar in the samhain episode)? Croix and Chariot are/were definetly friends with her. Or at the very least acquaintances (Btw its were Croix got her music taste from).
Chariot doesn't really listen to rock but will ocassionally listen to it with Croix. She's into 80's-90's pop music.
Chariot wrote some plays back in her days where she performed. She ocassionally changes them and shows them to Akko.
Akko can eat anything sour with no reaction. I don't think I need to explain this one.
Amanda will mock Chariot and Croix in a friendly manner. She has a good relationship with Professor Nelson after season 2 but still hates Finnelan.
Amanda once told Finnelan to kiss her ass... Croix was involved before, during and after.
Amanda blasts classical music out loud to annoy Diana. Diana blasts country music out loud to annoy Amanda. The rest of the new Nine watch this in confusion.
Akko asked Chariot to not be a mother figure to Diana because they're dating and it would be weird. Chariot purposefully "ignores" Akko.
Diana got EXTREMELY emotionally attached to Croix and Chariot after season 2 due to them showing her motherly affection she hadn't received in so long.
Croix and Chariot are both trans women. They'll help each other with their daily shots and are openly supportive to transgender/genderqueer people.
Chariot has ADHD and Croix has ASD. They both helped Akko to recognize her symptoms and get diagnosed with ADHD.
The new nine always hang out with eachother on the weekends. Croix, Akko, and Amanda love prank calling people, even if they're in the same room as them. Chariot, Diana, and Lotte drink tea together. Sucy and Constanze play videogames.
Croix and Constanze love to fix things together. Sometimes they even fix things for the school.
Alright, that's the end of my post. I may do more. 😊
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quilliantheenby · 1 year
Luka Couffaine redesign ecause me and my gf were talking abt how much we hate canon mlb and we wanted to try a rewrite.
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beep-beep-robin · 1 month
i just know steve sits with robin when she‘s overstimulated and just needs to be in the presence of someone who gets it, gets her, but still gives her space to decompress and stim
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asexualenjolras · 1 year
Tyler and Xavier this, Enid that ... what about Wednesday Addams aroace?
Platonic relationships are just as important as romantic ones. And Wednesday Addams shows 0 interest in romantic relations unless they are first initiated. That girl is on the spectrum in more ways than one.
A.K.A. she's on two different spectrums: autism and asexuality.
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projectbatman193 · 1 year
Reblog with a character you'd like to bestow this honor.
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mouserissa · 3 months
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For those who headcanon him as autistic; and for those, like me, who are on the spectrum and love him. ❤️
Free for use as long as you credit me! :)
These will be available for purchase on RedBubble soon. Stay tuned!
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tobias-hankel · 10 months
Morgan x reid headcanons? (fluff and angst please?)
I'm so sorry this has been sitting my inbox for like 2 months at least. I miss doing headcanons so much, thank you!
Morgan takes it upon himself to make sure Spencer eats. Spencer can get so caught up in his own head that he will forget to do basic things. He has also reminded Spencer to use the bathroom but they both would never tell a soul about that.
Spencer in turn makes sure that Morgan doesn't work out too much. It's great that Morgan is into fitness, but Morgan can turn his stress into a workout session that lasts hours and leaves him dehydrated and drained.
Derek is always quick to say what is bothering him while Spencer doesn't like confrontation and will bottle everything up until he pops - crying and yelling over something Derek thinks is small but really was months in the making.
When Spencer has something he wants to communicate to Morgan but he doesn't know how to get his words out - he will write Morgan a letter. Morgan keeps all of the letters - with his favorite being a letter explaining how Spencer really wanted to go to a farm and pet a cow but he wants to make sure he isn't called childish or anything by wanting or doing that.
Finding time for date nights is hard for any working couple, but even harder for people who are always on call and can be home one day and then thousands of miles away from home the next, so Morgan and Spencer don't plan dates - they consider their dates to be anytime they can do something they enjoy together.
For being so in love, Derek and Spencer don't really have much in common - to combat this, Spencer reads about topics that Derek enjoys. Cars, construction, sports - Spencer might not be able to build anything or play a sport but he can still hold a conversation with Derek about it.
Derek makes a point to listen and learn what Spencer is talking about. Spencer loves teaching and sharing what he knows and he loves nothing more than when someone actually cares about what he has to say. Derek hangs onto every word that comes from Spencer's lips.
Derek has a no work talk at home rule. They are at the office enough that Spencer can talk about it there and if they have to talk about it at home, they go for a walk or sit on the patio. Spencer had a hard time with it at first but quickly found out it improved his mental health.
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nocherryblood · 9 months
On Leviathan and Neurodivergence- the BluePara Pop Quiz.
Is it just me, or was the whole BluePara pop quiz just an exploration of Levi having neurodivergence? His self-esteem and confidence is knocked badly- both he and one of his special interests/hyperfixations is insulted- and he has a shutdown, "refusing" (aka unable) to come out of his room because it's his safe space.
What hits me hardest is the fact that everyone, especially Lucifer, responds with such kindness and concern, even if he knows he's tasked with getting Levi back into school. He and Barbatos both agree that it will take some time for Levi to rebuild his confidence, and everyone chips in to suggest alternative ways for Levi to continue learning whilst also allowing him to remain in a place he considers to be safe and comforting- this was especially seen when the idea came up to try to get Levi to change how he is and just drag him out of his room in order to get him into RAD, before the conversation was immediately interjected with the firm belief that getting Levi to be someone he wasn't and mocking his worries/fears would be wrong, and that, whilst the aim of their brainstorming is to find ways to help Levi to grow in himself, they ultimately want Levi to still be the person he always is and was and wouldn't actually want it any other way. They all air their frustration about the situation, but ultimately, they also love Levi for being, well, Levi- seen when Mammon questions how his own choice to skip school when feeling down is different to Levi's, and even MC has the option to add in that Levi's case feels different (as Lucifer says, in Levi's case it's that he's obsessing over something or, as in this situation, that he's having negative overthinking spirals that just leave him paralysed with fear)
Essentially, they all just want to help understand Levi better in order to help him find ways to manage his struggles in a more positive way.
Satan even offers to tutor Levi, and many of the others show sympathy and worry for Levi, such as Beel showing extreme restraint to offer him some of his meals and also whilst Asmo took the time and patience to recreate a dinner from the BluePara anime- something everyone took time to watch and analyse in the hopes of finding something to interest Levi enough to draw him out.
So to me at at least, this pop quiz was very much a look into Levi being neurodivergent-coded, and a heartwarming look at how the family try their best to understand each other and accommodate each others' needs and wants, even if they don't all understand each other or often have scraps because of it.
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l0v3sickl0s3r · 6 days
n is autistic. fight me
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v10lynnayal · 21 days
i drew what henry's noise cancelling headphones would
look like.
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toothbrushfingers · 1 year
Reasons I think Hiccup is autistic and/or has ADHD, as someone with both:
(based on common traits)
He has a tendency to overshare or accidentally give things away.
He’s insanely creative.
He’s generally very straightforward and honest.
Tends not to get overly invested in conversations that don’t somehow involve dragons (his special interest)
When talking about dragons, he gets very passionate and loud. Generally something that happens when an autistic person talks about their special interests.
When he gets upset, he tends to scream or yell and through his arms out. Sudden bursts of emotion.
You could say he loves flying so much because he’s sensory seeking.
He fidgets a lot. Could be considered stimming. This boy can NOT sit still.
He’s very sarcastic. (Yes even autistic people can be sarcastic, and in fact, many are)
He is just, so impulsive. About 60% of the time he DOES before he THINKS.
He talks with a lot of body and arm movement. He’s very outwardly expressive.
He has a VERY strong sense of justice.
He can be quite oblivious to flirting or things along the same lines. Remember when Astrid wore her betrothal necklace and quite literally shook her boobs and him and he didn’t even flinch?
He doesn’t seem to have a real big sense of self-preservation.
He focuses on the smaller details instead of the big picture. He’s also able to link one topic to another no matter how obscure.
So much empathy. Especially towards dragons.
On a similar note: he seems to prefer animals (namely dragons) over people.
He has a tendency to notice little things most others wouldn’t.
He’s extremely stubborn, and stuck in his mindset until proven wrong.
It’s common for autistic people to want to date people who they view as more of a dominant person (but obviously not always) but… *cough* astrid *cough cough*
He was bullied as a kid for being different and weird.
He over analyzes things to the point of it being unhealthy. Think about that whole thing with Viggo.
He detects patterns almost immediately and is generally very good at connecting the dots.
He can be quite clumsy.
When he comes up with something, he often interrupts people.
Similar note: he’s always thinking aloud or talking to himself.
He’s always had a hard time socializing, and only really got decent at it once everyone was ok with dragons.
He gets hyperfixated on tasks.
Movie 1 era Hiccup was just so blunt, did NOT hesitate with saying stuff like “well the village could do with a little *less* feeding don’t you think?”
I’m sure there’s more but that’s all I could think of.
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A little rant over the why I consider that Bakugou Katsuki is autistic
Disclaimer: This is just one of my many mha theories. I would rather if people didn't attack me for this. If you don't like it, just ignore it!. Also, I believe he probably has PTSD as well, but that’s for a different post. This post HAS manga spoilers!
I added pictures this time!
Special interest
I believe Katsuki has two special interests. Becoming a hero, and All Might. He is a person that constantly feels the need to mask, which leads to him hiding and minimising his special interest in All Might despite being an All Might fan basically his entire life. A clear proof of this, is keeping hidden his All Might limited edition card despite always carrying it in his pocket. The reason why he doesn’t mask his special interest in becoming a hero as much, is because it’s an interest that he has been praised for through all his life after his quirk manifested. (Which I find quite interesting, taking into account how this gives us more insight about how their society works, quirk and quirkless discrimination, and the way society praises and treats heroes as gods).
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Low empathy and emotional dysregulation 
He has trouble identifying and expressing his own emotions, despite feeling them very intensely, which I believe leads him to mask by displaying anger. Because of this, he struggles with vulnerability as well, wanting to maintain his reputation and image of strength and victory, and hiding all of his potential “weakness”, including, his autistic traits. 
He also struggles with emotional regulation, causing him to have sudden “outbursts” since he suppresses his emotions, until they explode. (no pun intended). 
This is something shown in his fight against Midoriya, and how the only way he knew to express his emotions, was through fighting, and being angry at himself, and at the world. 
He struggles to recognize the feelings of other people, he is unable to relate personally to others' feelings, and doesn’t know how to show empathy, especially verbally. (This doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care for the people around him. He is actually a very kind and caring person. He helps Kirishima study, he defends his classmates, he trains with Izuku. The first thing he asked after waking up from a severe injury was how Todoroki and Midoriya were. In the manga, we see him taking into account Shouto’s past, and actually listen to him when they were dealing with the kids. He clearly cares for the Todoroki’s too). 
He needs routine
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He has a very specific routine, and always goes to bed at the same hour. This could also be because he needs to spend some alone time after a long day of socialising and dealing with sensory input in order to calm down and relax, and actually be able to sleep. 
He needs to have time to recharge
Apart from what I just explained about his routine, this is also something we see after he has a panic attack during the Battle trial Arc. He leaves early, making Deku and All Might worry that he was going to drop out, when in reality, he just needed time for himself. 
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Has a different way to view the world
During the sports festival arc, when he was analysing one of the fights, we got to see a little bit of the way he methodically analyses and understands things, and it’s shown that one of the things he does to take things apart, is thinking about it like a videogame! (Which I find really cute by the way, especially because he doesn't strike me as a videogame person). 
Sensory issues
His sensory issues focus on physical touch, as we see him avoid physical contact with others multiple times, for example, when he struggled with the hug that Endeavor gave him and Natsuo and practically ran away. He also struggles with tight clothes, and it’s probably one of the reasons why he uses oversized clothing, and hates the school uniform tie. 
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I believe that in the sports festival he felt overstimulated by the restraints, and that, in addition to his PTSD, and trauma related to the sludge villain, lead him to having a meltdown. 
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(Also, what the fuck with U.A, why would they put RESTRAINS on a child, and then HUMILLIATE him in public, and in television??)
He also has a surprisingly high pain tolerance, which means that he has difficulty processing pain stimuli.
He very often grits his teeth, which can be interpreted as a stim, and his way of dealing with the stress and struggle of daily life.
I believe he uses his insults, and curses, not only to avoid having to interact with others, but also, as a vocal stim. Especially curse words. And his iconic ‘Tch’.
Another example of a stim, can be his habit of creating mini explosions with his quirk when he's under stress. 
He also has a very atypical posture, which is just a small thing that I would like to mention.
Struggles with social cues and understanding how to behave and adjust depending on the context
This is something that in my opinion, can be seen mostly when interacts with class 1-B, and on the first episode, especially on his discussion with Iida. He overcompensates his lack of understanding of his own body language through his (sort of) aggressive and ‘exaggerated’  movements.
As I already mentioned earlier, I believe he uses the curse words as a vocal stim, however, I also consider that the way he casually throws around the world ‘die’, is him not understanding social cues, and the fact that this is usually considered something bad. He probably understood this later and just didn’t care though. 
He avoids maintaining eye contact for too long with others, and stares at the floor very often.
He is also a very ‘blunt’ and direct person, and won’t hesitate to call people out, even if it’s seen as rude. For example, he was not afraid to call the Todoroki’s out in their diner, and also didn’t hesitate to question All Might when they were observing as Izuku train. 
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He is a very observant and detail oriented person
People underestimate how analytic and observant Bakugou is because of his impulsive facade, however, in my opinion he is one of the most observant people in class 1-A. This is something that shines mostly when it comes to battle, for example in the final exam, and in the ‘Futari no hero’ movie, where he was able to quickly pick up how the quirk of one of the villains worked, and on the joint training arc with class 1-B as well. 
Strong sense of justice and rigid thinking
His way of thinking is very ‘black and white’. An example of this is his difficulty changing his mind about Izuku being useless. (We also know that this is deeply rooted in his insecurities, but I believe this also has an impact on it). 
His ‘win to save’ mindset, and determination to defeat every villain no matter what, in my opinion is an example of his strong sense of justice.
Speaking differences/struggles 
He very evidently has difficulty with volume control of his voice, causing him to scream most of the time mostly by accident. 
Other little details that I want to mention
He has a difficulty remembering names and faces, causing him to rely at the beginning on his nicknames. Which if you think about it, usually has something to do with the physical appearance of the person. Kirishima’s hair, Uraraka’s facial structure, Todoroki’s hair (and quirk), Momo’s hairstyle, Iida’s glasses, Sero’s ‘plain appearance’ (I don’t know how else to describe it, don’t hate me, I love Sero), etc.
His skull t-shirts that basically grew up with him. He probably likes them because of the familiarity they bring, being an item that he had worn through his life. 
In conclusion: He is autistic and very heavily misunderstood. I love Bakugou, I think he is an amazing, and very complex character, and I love it when people analyse him, so if anyone has anything to add, or a different perspective, please do comment on it. 
Thank you for reading my one AM rant. Sleep? I don't know her!
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beep-beep-robin · 1 year
tw: meltdown, harmful stimming, slight internalized ableism below the cut
eddie‘s hellfire shirt‘s seen better days. the print is coming off, it‘s starting to smell old - even when wayne‘s finally succesfully forced eddie to take it off for a day so he can wash it.
the day eddie accepts that it‘s probably time to throw it away, he has a meltdown. he‘d been wearing this shirt for years now, not everyday, but almost. it‘s his one piece of clothing that he‘d always felt comfortable in, the only thing he could wear on bad days without feeling like he was gonna have to throw up.
so now he‘s sitting on his bed, wearing the shirt, rocking back and forth and pulling on his hair, trying to reason with himself - the shirt‘s old, he could make a new one, it‘s gross - but it‘s no use. his brain is in emergency mode.
he‘s so focused on his panic and anger at himself, that he doesn‘t hear the knock on the door before it opens. steve walks in, sees eddie in distress, and immediately drops to the floor to kneel in front of the bed, looking up at eddie with concern visible on his face.
steve asks what‘s happened, but eddie can‘t seem to find any words. he just points at his shirt, points out the print, fingers trembling, before his hand goes back to pulling at his hair.
somehow steve manages to understand and calm eddie down a bit. eddie is aware that steve‘s making empty promises, he won‘t be able to get him a shirt that‘s the same as the one he‘s wearing now. even if he buys the exact same shirt, eddie knows that it‘ll feel different to him because it‘s newer, from a different batch, just plain different. the print isn‘t the issue, because he can just pop that onto the shirt himself.
still, hearing steve talk to him in a calming voice, reassuring him that everything‘s going to be fine and that he will actively try to help eddie get the same shirt back, it helps. he calms down just enough to stop torturing his hair, looking at steve’s face properly now for the first time since he’d walked in. the thought that even though eddie just basically lost his mind in front of steve and is probably covered in snot and tears, the latter is still looking at him with pure relief, love (platonic. eddie’s not trying to get his hopes up even further) and something else eddie can’t interpret on his face, makes eddie’s heart flutter.
eddie‘s not the biggest fan of being touched during and after a meltdown, and steve knows that (they‘d been hanging out for a while, and steve‘s witnessed another meltdown just weeks before), so they just sit side by side on his bed after he‘s come down from it, the metalhead nursing the tea steve‘s made him.
eddie‘s positively shocked when steve shows up again the next day to hand him a hellfire shirt. by the smell eddie can tell it‘s probably gareth‘s, and eddie could kiss steve for the genius idea of retrieving one of the other shirts that he‘d bought for the original members of the hellfire club (maybe that’s not the only reason he‘d kiss him though but eddie‘s going to keep that to himself). it smells different, slightly like gareth and a bit like steve, but it feels the same and it‘s much less worn than eddie‘s, because gareth didn‘t live in it as much as eddie did in his, apparently.
the relief that washes over eddie is immense. for a second he doesn‘t even know what to say, so he just throws his arms around steve in absolute disbelief at having someone apart from his uncle in his life that cares so much about the stupid little things that upset him that he’d go to these lengths to fix them.
especially steve. eddie was pretty worried about scaring the ex jock off when he started unmasking around him, but their friendship (?) just grew even stronger and steve‘s turned into the one person he can always turn to when things go south.
releasing each other from the hug, steve squeezes the others shoulders and tells eddie to go put the shirt on, but the latter is still thinking about his first instinct from a few moments earlier. he thinks of the expression on steve‘s face that washes over it so often when he‘s looking at eddie, no matter what the other is doing.
he thinks of accidental touches of hands, knees brushing together, hugs that last longer than they normally should. thinks of how caring steve is, how accepted and loved he makes eddie feel.
his eyes flicker down to steve‘s lips, back up to his eyes, and apparently steve is right there with him because he asks eddie if he can kiss him - and there’s that look again. eddie just nods and then they‘re kissing and his brain is struggling to catch up with what just happened but for a moment everything‘s perfect and eddie‘s, once again, in disbelief.
when they break apart, there‘s nothing but steve, steve, steve and he barely catches it when the other says that he‘s really been wanting to do this for a while now.
and all eddie can say to that is yeah, me too.
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naskaolgia · 1 year
Overstimulated craig because autism.
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[haha funny note, I was overstimulated myself when making this ahhahahahahjshd]
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your-fave-is-autistic · 8 months
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Lilo Pelekai from Lilo and Stich is autistic!
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