#Daily Healthy Eating Habits
rainyfestivalsweets · 2 months
198 today. Don't think about the number, it is just data.
I am pretty confident yesterday was good. I would have liked a workout tho.
Today is a new day to succeed.
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Staying positive. Working on reducing distractions.
But lord knows, if I followed my brain, I would read nothing but diet related books and watch videos etc. But it that helping or hindering?
Somehow I don't think focusing on food is helping so I am trying to adjust my external inputs to non food related activities, videos and books.
It is hard when my brain automatically redirects to searching how so and so lost weight, how to break a plateau, etc. Obviously information is not the answer, action is. But it also has to be consistent & sustainable.
Daily habits need to adjust over time to avoid rebounding.
As I know too well, exercise can't be too much or more recovery time will be needed.
Relax and adjust.
By September, I could be 150 pounds if I wanted and could build those habits.
So, what can I do today that will encourage success? 🤔
What can I do to encourage self love?
Stress reduction?
Think about it and di those things. Whatever you need for today is ok. If today is not a hard workout day, maybe some stretching and a gentle walk.
Maybe a bath?
Healthy choices. Protein. Veggies.
Focus on school/work.... but allow yourself some down time.
Give yourself as many hugs as you need. 🤗
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harmony-and-peace · 10 months
Mogę się Wam pochwalić moją zdrową rutyną podczas wakacji:
♡ 5:30 pobudka (wstaje przeważnie między 5:30 a 7:30 zależy od tego czy budzę się w ciągu nocy i czy dobrze się wyśpię)
♡ 6:00 ćwiczenia (joga, cardio)
♡ 8:00 śniadanie (kanapki/owsianka lub pudding chia z owocami)
♡ 8:30 szykowanie się do wyjścia
♡ 9:00 jazda na rowerze
♡ 9:30 pływanie
♡ 10:30 opalanie się
♡ 12:30 wyjście na lody
♡ 13:30 gotowanie obiadu & jedzenie (podstawa to warzywa)
♡ 14:30 odpoczynek po obiedzie i planowanie co wstawić na bloga
♡ 16:00 czytanie książek psychologicznych i jedzenie paru przekąsek
♡ 18:00 kolacja
♡ 18:30 oglądanie TV lub czytanie
♡ 20:00 trochę cardio (czasem omijam ten punkt 😝)
♡ 21:00 prysznic
♡ 21:30 przeglądanie tiktoka
♡ 22:00-23:00 pójście spac
Pamiętajmy, żeby dopasować swoją rutynę do własnego trybu dnia i organizmu. Nie przymuszajmy się do czegoś „zdrowego” co praktykujemy od dawna i czujemy, że nam nie służy, a robimy to dalej tylko dlatego, że uchodzi za zdrowe. Zamiast tego próbujmy nowych rzeczy (jazda na rolkach/rowerze, taniec, marszobieg, joga, medytacja, zapisanie się na dodatkowe zajęcia, prowadzenie dziennika/pamiętnika).
Czasem nowe doświadczenia potrafią nas mile zaskoczyć 😉🤍
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anxiety-thoughts · 10 months
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Little morning habits that makes sense to me.
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reinedeslys-central · 2 months
so like sometimes it's only been a couple hours after you've eaten and you're wondering if you're wondering if you're hungry - but maybe you're just, like, hungry in your head, right? Not actually hungry? So you don't need to eat because that would be overeating, like at a buffet where you stop eating when your stomach feels like it's going to burst? wrong your stomach has an early warning system
no yeah fast forward to two hours later when you're kinda lowkey starving and you go, oh. huh. bodies don't lie.
listen to your organs y'all 😅
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sundayfishdiary · 1 year
Расскажу немного о привычках, которые я решила ввести в свою жизнь. Все они помогают для ментального здоровья!
Утренние и вечерние ритуалы, которые нужно соблюдать несмотря ни на что. Например, сегодня я проснулась в 12 из-за бессонницы, но все равно нужно сделать их, чтобы настроиться на день.
Поскольку я лечу рпп, в это входит есть ту еду, от которой я раньше бежала. А это почти вся 😬 но я делаю успехи!!
Пить достаточно воды. Для каждого норма своя, но мне комфортно пить 4 стакана.
Move.your.body!! Хотя бы полчаса в день. В это входит: зарядка, прогулка, небольшая тренировка на 8 минут и заминка перед сном (помогает уснуть). Но в будущем я планирую добавить больше спорта, потому что тренировки мне нравятся.
Ведение дневника: расслабляет и настраивает на день, опять же. Также я использую дневник как ежедневник, что мне тоже помогает! И при помощи этого я поняла многое. Например, теперь знаю, что лучше заниматься делами/учебой утром и вечером, а днём делать что-то вроде уборки, хобби или чего-то не связанного с письменной работой (например, сейчас я заново учусь играть на фортепиано).
Пробовать новые хобби. Это помогает расслабиться во время перерыва и попросту интересно. Сейчас я решила научиться шить.
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healthylifewithus · 7 months
"A Guide to Keeping Your Heart Healthy: Simple Steps for a Healthier Life"
Introducing the Healthy Heart Solution Kit:
To support your heart health journey, you may want to consider the "Healthy Heart Solution Kit." This comprehensive kit is designed to help you maintain a healthy heart through natural, science-backed methods. It includes:
To get full details click here
Heart-Boosting Supplements:
These supplements are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that support heart health. They can help reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol levels, and promote overall cardiovascular wellness.
2. Healthy Eating Guide:
A detailed guide that provides you with meal plans and recipes to follow a heart-healthy diet. It also includes tips on portion control and making smart food choices.
3. Exercise Plan:
A customized exercise plan that's suitable for your fitness level and designed to improve heart health. Regular workouts can strengthen your heart muscle and reduce the risk of heart disease.
4. Stress Management Techniques:
This part of the kit provides techniques and practices to help you manage stress effectively. Stress reduction is essential for maintaining a healthy heart.
5. Quit Smoking and Alcohol Cessation Guide:
If you smoke or consume alcohol excessively, these guides can be incredibly helpful in breaking these habits, which are detrimental to your heart.The Healthy Heart Solution Kit is a convenient and comprehensive resource to help you on your journey to a healthier heart. By incorporating its components into your daily routine, you can reduce the risk of heart diseases and improve your overall well-being.
Get this amazing product by clicking here<<
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Your heart is a remarkable organ, tirelessly pumping blood throughout your body to keep you alive. It plays a crucial role in maintaining your overall health and well-being. However, with the hectic pace of modern life and unhealthy lifestyle choices, heart problems have become increasingly common. The good news is that you can take simple steps to keep your heart healthy and reduce the risk of heart diseases. In this article, we'll explore some easy-to-follow tips to maintain a healthy heart and introduce you to a product, the "Healthy Heart Solution Kit," that can support your heart health journey.
Eat a Balanced Diet:
Maintaining a heart-healthy diet is essential. Focus on consuming a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Limit your intake of processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive amounts of salt. A balanced diet can help regulate your cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and weight, all of which are key factors in heart health.
Exercise Regularly:
Regular physical activity is crucial for maintaining good heart health. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling, per week. Exercise helps strengthen your heart, improve blood circulation, and maintain a healthy weight. Additionally, it can reduce stress and improve your overall well-being.
Manage Stress:
Stress can take a toll on your heart, so it's important to find healthy ways to manage it. Consider practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or yoga. Taking time for yourself, pursuing hobbies, and spending quality time with loved ones can also reduce stress and promote a healthy heart.
Avoid Smoking and Excessive Alcohol:
Smoking is a major risk factor for heart disease, as it damages blood vessels and increases the risk of blood clots. If you smoke, seek help to quit. Also, limit alcohol consumption, as excessive drinking can lead to high blood pressure and other heart-related issues.
Get Sufficient Sleep:
Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Inadequate sleep can contribute to obesity, high blood pressure, and other heart problems. A consistent sleep schedule and a comfortable sleep environment can help improve your sleep quality.
If you want your heart, healthy please click here<<
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sunsetsandhope · 11 months
if no one is not going to say it, i am going to say it.
Sometimes developing healthy habits is making them every single day even when you don't want to do it.
Don't want to workout for 1 hour a day? do it for 20 minutes, it's a different time, but it will work just as fine. It takes consistency, not duration. Moving your body is always good.
Don't want to go to the gym? I got great results just by working out at home, you can buy a set of dumbells and go from there.
Don't want to do 12-3-30 trend? You don't have to, just go for a walk, enjoy city, enjoy nature, enjoy yourself, its cool too.
Not able to drink 2l of water? Start with 1l and go from there, no one forcing you to drink 5l
Don't want to journal? don't freaking do it, my dude, not everyone is having a thing for that and that's okay.
You don't have to count calories, you don't have to track, you don't have to weight your food, be mindful about your portions, the only food you are not allowed to eat are the one you are allergic to.
You don't need to lose weight.
And most important, build habits that work for you, not what everyone is doing.
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healthyhoss · 9 months
Dopamine Detox: Reclaiming Your Brain and Health
In our fast-paced, modern world, it’s easy to find ourselves trapped in a cycle of instant gratification, with our brains constantly seeking the next dopamine hit. Whether it’s scrolling through social media, indulging in sugary treats, or turning to substances like drugs and alcohol, these habits can wreak havoc on our mental and physical well-being. But fear not, because there’s a powerful…
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biromanticbookbabe · 1 year
I am verrrryy out of shape! I am trying to find ways to be healthier but it is very hard to make a habit of it when I'm not used to it.
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goldkirk · 2 years
#I can’t believe I didn’t notice my gastrointestinal down slide until literally this morning#I’ve been charting the symptoms and even talking about them but I did not put#two and two together that anything was wrong or they were getting worse#until I haven’t been able to drink more than a mouthful of a shake without distensión and stomach pain in under 10 minutes after it#and I hadn’t been logging calories bc food is a tricky thing to balance for me#until I did again yesterday and was like oh shit. how did I not hit [healthy daily amount I assumed I was getting]#and how did I not notice that my bowel habits were A RED FLAG since I was suddenly no longer regular#like dude. dude#I did say a few months ago that the ‘can’t eat’ problem might come back this year#but I didn’t think the thing WOULD#and NOW I’m in a city with a doctor who actually takes me at face value so#if I go back to her and say hey actually I forgot to mention this#and I’m only saying it now bc I can’t really eat or think and I was so happy I was gaining weight and I REALLY don’t want to be underfed for#months in a row again#if I can avoid it#like oh my god the difference having enough food makes#for your daily energy and your brain abilities#anyway she’d be like you what???? no that’s not okay like. Jesus no we’re jumping on this#which I would rather die than do because being paid attention to closely or having resources used on me is So Unbearable atm#anyway this is all just to say I’m nowhere near danger and I’ve got a nice buffer right now#but I am super bummed about this and confused I couldn’t see#what was happening until this morning#and now I’m wondering#if I’m overblowing a couple day problem and should chill#or if I’ve been underplaying it and I should have taken it way more seriously way earlier#I’ve cried wolf a lot and been embarrassed and not gotten help anyway because nothing was urgently wrong#so I don’t want to do that again#especially since I’ve got so many fruits and vegetables right now I was excited to learn to cook#health#shh katie
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ghosty1111 · 2 years
mental health vent undercut teehee *anime head bonk* ^ڡ^
im so worried that the company i interviewed at isnt gonna get back to me. ive been applying to jobs for almost 3 years now and ive only gotten one other interview before this(that i got rejected from). the interviewer mixed up on telling me what job i was being interviewed for(i applied to 2 at the company) and didnt tell me the real one until the end of the interview. so i fear i messed it up by talking about it in the context of a different job. i emailed them after this about it and its almost been a week(the interviewer said theyd get back to me in a couple days).
the other problem im having is ive been avoiding replying to emails for the """job""" i technically have as an assistant art teacher for bday parties for some art company bc ive been so convinced i wont do well at the job due to my mental health and i shouldnt do it. i have one already booked for the 6th so i have no choice, the emails were for other future work. im embarrassed that i cant just get myself to do something even this small, but also my brain has become All Or Nothing levels of stubborn in regard to work(either i get a fulltime wellpaying job that can allow me to move out or it isnt worth it). even tho this job would be good for SOME money, my brain keeps trying to convince me that im too fatigued and suicidal and its not worth it at this point. that i deserve better.
im tired of being stubborn and having high expectations for life but i cant help it if i want something worthwhile after spending every single day feeling like shit and hating being alive. they all said this feeling would eventually go away if i continued to work on fixing it. but it hasnt. everyone makes fun of this 'negative teenage view' of life, but why would i want to make something that makes me feel worse? its not as easy as just 'changing your views and faking it' trust me ive tried so many times. and i burnout so fast every time. my body isnt meant to live like that and i hate it.
my mom said that i shouldnt get a fulltime job bc what if i cant handle it, and i said that i would rather try an option that would potentially change my life and find out for sure that im not meant for being alive, rather than wasting my energy on something that changes nothing. i hate my suicidal mentality.
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#vent#'but u live w ur mom in a room w so much stuff and computers and video games and everything u could ever need🙄'#it takes so much of my energy just to play mobile games. i have to force myself to play MOBILE GAMES in order to actually 'do' something.#and often thatll only last a week or so before i burnout. from mobile games. then im back to doing nothing till i can get back into it.#ive been trying to get myself to use my laptop again lately(just so i can be in a sitting position out of bed)#and even then its like twice a week#and i dont play games or do anything. not even reading anymore.#recently i made a goal to SORT BOOKMARKS and even then its a challenge#i take vitamins i eat healthy i even go for walks and get fresh air(habit ive had for years now that i dont associate with productivity)#(mostly bc its only at night and i go sit in a park and daydream for hours)#the only semi productive thing i do daily is journal(bc i have no other way to deal with my emotions and need to catalog everything)#i cant go simply try to get a job at my moms work anymore bc her office is too hot for my autistic ass#(same thing happened near the end of her last job and she got annoyed that i was leaving early so often)#i miss being able to draw i miss being able to read i miss being able to play video games i miss being able to feel hopeful for my future#if i could draw and write i'd be able to finish my cool amazing pitches and go pitch them and the companies would love me and give me money#(delusional)#(i can say that in a funny way bc i actually have delusions)
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rainyfestivalsweets · 2 months
Read the first chapter of the book for my new class. Holy shit. Very heavy. Neuroscience n shit.
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Food today:
I feel good about these choices- cucumber, eggs, buffalo ranch salad, shrimp alfredo, turkey sausage, strawberries n yogurt.
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Worked about 10 hours. Read that chapter. I am toast.
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swamyworld · 16 days
If you want to stay fit and healthy, live life like the Japanese, note these Healthy Habits.
Healthy Japanese Habits: If you want to stay fit in life, then you should adopt lifestyle like the Japanese. Japanese people remain healthy because of their good habits. Fall ill less. They are especially very conscious about their eating habits. They eat slowly and chew their food less, their diet definitely includes green vegetables and nutritious things. He walks a lot. If we Indians adopt…
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weightlosenetwork · 11 months
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Hacks To Living A Longer, Healthier Life
Today’s your LAST CHANCE to gain full access to the Healthy Habits… Any later than that, you won’t get to see it again.
=> Get Instant Access To The Healthy Habits Right Now (Final Chance)
Click here
Researchers evaluated more than 30 years' worth of health data from 111,000 people who were free of cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease at age 50. 
Compared with those who didn't follow any healthy lifestyle habits, those who followed four or five healthy habits had an additional decade of disease-free living. 
The surprise is just how many additional disease-free years a healthy lifestyle can give you!
Want to learn how to install healthy habits to live a disease free life?
No idea where to start?
Click here
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its-poojagupta-shree · 11 months
The 30s is a transformative decade for women, filled with new opportunities, responsibilities, and challenges. It is a time when many women are juggling their careers, relationships, and possibly starting a family. In the midst of this whirlwind, it's crucial to prioritize your health and well-being.
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lovinterstellar · 6 months
this is a collab w the it girl @prettieinpink !!
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Movement (yoga, running, Pilates, walking, gym, etc. Anything that allows you to move your body 
Reflection- make a note of things you would like to improve on. This could be self-love, relationships, 
Consistency is key. Make sure to stick to your plan and keep working towards your goals every day. Even small steps are progress. Try to make your goal part of your daily routine. 
SCHEDULE- Setting schedules helps really well with consistency. Make a schedule for the tasks you need to do daily or weekly to achieve your goals. This can help you make your goals a part of your routine, making it easier to stay consistent.
STAY ORGANIZED- Keep track of your tasks and goals. Use tools like calendars, to-do lists, or apps to help you stay organized and remember what you need to do.
DISCIPLINE YOURSELF- Sometimes, you won't feel like working towards your goals, and that's okay. The key is to maintain discipline and do the task anyway. Remember, consistency is about doing the task regularly, not just when you feel like it.
START SMALL- Don't overwhelm yourself with huge tasks. Start small and gradually increase your workload as you build consistency.
DON’T BE TOO HARD ON YOURSELF- If you miss a day, don't beat yourself up. Instead, acknowledge that it happened, understand why, and move on. Consistency is about long-term progress, not perfection.
Once you know what your goals are, create a step-by-step plan on how to achieve them. Break down each goal into smaller, manageable tasks. This might involve creating a timeline, setting deadlines, or identifying resources or tools you might need.
In 2023, I’m sure everyone has had ups and downs, but not letting them define you as a person is something that has to be done in order for you to become a new person.
ACCEPTANCE-  Acknowledge the past and accept it as part of your life story. Understand that it's something that has shaped you but doesn't define you.
FORGIVENESS- Forgive yourself and others. Holding onto resentment only harms you. Letting go of grudges can bring a sense of peace and open up space for healthier relationships.
LEARN FROM IT- Every experience, good or bad, is an opportunity to learn. Reflect on these experiences and use them as stepping stones to better decisions in the future.
FOCUS ON THE PRESENT- The past is unchangeable, but the present is in your control. Concentrate on what you can do now to create a positive future.
SET NEW GOALS- Create new objectives for yourself. This gives you something to work towards and helps shift your focus from the past to the future.
PRACTISE MINDFULNESS- Mindfulness is about staying focused on the present moment. Practices like meditation can help you stay grounded and prevent you from dwelling on the past.
It's okay if your initial plan doesn't work out exactly as you thought. Life happens, and it's important to be flexible and adapt your plan as needed. If you find that a certain approach isn't working, don't be afraid to try something different.
Remember to take care of yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. This can include things like getting enough sleep, eating healthy, exercising regularly, and taking time to relax and do things you enjoy. Don't forget that self-care is an important part of reaching your goals.
BALANCED DIET-  There is no need to restrict yourself from foods but eating a healthy, balanced diet is crucial for maintaining physical health. Try to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains in your diet.
EXERCISE REGULARLY- Regular physical activity can help reduce stress, improve mood, and boost overall health. This doesn't necessarily mean going to the gym - it could be anything from a brisk walk to a yoga class
GET ENOUGH SLEEP-  Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Establish a regular sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine to improve sleep quality.
STAY HYDRATED-  Drinking enough water each day is important for overall health. Try to aim for at least 8 glasses per day.
TAKE BREAKS- Make sure to take regular breaks throughout the day, especially if you're working or studying. This can help prevent burnout and improve productivity.
DO THINGS YOU ENJOY- Make time for hobbies or activities you enjoy. This could be anything from reading a book to playing a sport to painting. 
Don't wait until you've reached your big goal to celebrate. Celebrate small wins along the way to keep your motivation high. This could be treating yourself to something you enjoy, or simply taking a moment to acknowledge your achievement.
Think about how the past year went. Did you learn anything? Did you reach new goals? If you don't the answers to these questions, I recommend further examining your year!!
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