#I mean who goes to their boss with karaoke?
invisibleraven · 2 months
Imagine your OTP where Persons A + B always fight with each other, but they have a common friend and they both plan a surprise party for Person C’s birthday. + if they find out about the other party and try to sabotage them ++ if they have to cooperate eventually
- Luke and Carrie for Julie? It could be platonic/romantic/whatever
“So Ju Ju, what do you wanna do for your birthday?” Carrie asked over lunch one day.
Julie shrugged as she munched on an apple slice-swatting Luke’s hand away when he tried to steal one. “Wasn’t really planning on much, it’s not like it’s a big one.”
“It’s still your birthday boss,” Luke interjected. “Maybe we want to celebrate you.”
“I’m really fine not doing anything,” Julie insisted. “Subject closed. Now, did either of you make any progress in our Economics project?”
“I got the bibliography started,” Luke said sheepishly. “Then I got distracted…”
“By a song right?” Carrie scoffed. “Honestly Patterson, you need to get your head out of your songbook and crack a text book for once.”
“Hey I’m passing everything!”
“Oh yes, stellar academic achievement there,” Carrie snarked.
Luke was about to argue back when Julie started rubbing her temples. “Can you two not argue for once? Please? For me?”
The two of them grumbled but agreed, remaining as civil as they could for the rest of the lunch period, then heading off to their classes.
But both Luke and Carrie kept coming back to Julie’s lack of plans for her birthday. And came to the same, separate conclusion.
“I’m going to throw her a surprise party!”
Carrie went all in, finding caterers who would accommodate Julie’s love of Puerto Rican food, her own veganism, and the various allergies and restrictions of the rest of their friend group.
Luke figured that food was easy-just ask everyone to bring something. He’d tap in Tia Victoria for some of Julie’s favourites, but otherwise a potluck seemed the way to go.
Carrie decided a DJ was the best choice for music-even though everyone she knew was musically inclined, she wanted them to enjoy the party instead of performing through it.
Luke lived and breathed music, so he knew he and the guys could handle the music for the party. Plus maybe get a karaoke machine so everyone could just go to town on whatever song they wanted? Plus it would give him a chance to debut the new song he wrote just for Julie.
“Reggie!” Carrie flounced over to him, handing him the embossed invitations she had made. “I have a job for you.”
“Sure thing Care Bear, what can I do for my favourite Candi?” he replied with that easy going smile of his. She explained how she wanted him to bring Julie to the party, but not let her show up too early.
“I mean I can, but I kinda already agreed to do that for Luke for his party,” Reggie said, rubbing the back of his neck. “You two might need to coordinate.”
Carrie wasn’t sure if her shriek was internal or not, but she was sure the look on her face conveyed it well enough. Thoughts flooded her mind about sabotage, but no, she was above that.
However she didn’t think Luke would be-so she swallowed her pride and marched up to him. “You need to cancel your party for Julie.”
“I need to do no such thing,” Luke replied, crossing his (stupidly impressive) arms.
Carrie hugged a little, resisting the urge to stomp her foot like she did with her dad as a child. “Look I’m sure you planned some basic soirée, but I have put time and effort into planning an excellent party for Julie. A superior party. So obviously mine should be the one that goes ahead.”
“Basic?” Luke fumed. “Sure it’s not fancy like whatever stuffy affair you have planned, but it’s full of stuff I know Julie will enjoy! Plus as her boyfriend, I take precedence!”
“So somehow that outranks me as her girlfriend?” Carrie asked, eyes slotted as she stared him down.
He shrank at that. Julie had told him that she cared for them both, and they agreed (albeit grudgingly) to share. Because she had told him they were equal and if they didn’t like it, she would be done with them both.
“Fine, maybe we can do both?” Luke suggested. “Or smush them together?”
“Fine,” Carrie replied with an eye roll. “My place after school. We’re going to have to work together.”
“Believe me I’m dreading it as much as you are,” Luke grumped.
In the end they managed to reach a compromise-Luke kept the potluck and the karaoke, Carrie kept the venue and DJ, plus the fancy cake she had ordered because even Luke admitted that beat his idea to bake it himself.
Julie was thrilled with the party-praising them both for organizing it, and for working together to make it so special, even after she insisted that she didn’t need a big celebration for her birthday.
She just kept it to herself that she hated surprise parties.
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leseigneurdufeu · 7 months
OK so.
Abed had a breakdown in which he saw everything in claymation. Went catatonic at this occasion. He is apparently capable of making other people experience hallucinations (Annie in the dreamatorium, and let's not forget Jeff imagined the dark counterparts exactly like Abed did). He created a mafia family just to get more chicken (and because it was cool). Only one not affected by the craziness beam of the glee club teacher or the dean in Documentary: Redux, and is capable of sitting 26h without reacting and make other people have breakdowns just watching/listening to him (Britta, Duncan, that one teacher studying who's the boss, Duncan again...), unwillingly manipulated Jeff into revealing his biggest insecurities...
and he is the SANEST person in the group. Though no. He's the one with the least homicidal tendencies, not necessarily the sanest.
and you know what? it checks out!
Jeff is a sociopath who was ready to falsely accuse a man of human trafficking (20-to-life sentence) just so he would stop crashing on his couch, (kinda) manipulated Chang into thinking he could stay in his baby's life after the birth if he stopped crashing on his couch, assaulted other members of the group (Pierce at the hospital, the Dean at the karaoke bar, among other occasions, I'm sure I'm forgetting a few), attacked them with a fire axe yelling that the table was magic, admitted to "shielding rich people from justice" when he was a lawyer, thinks he's God, committed crimes outlawed by the Geneva convention while in a hallucination.
Britta threw a corpse through a window on accident, threw a brick on purpose through an office window, does drugs, is almost exclusively attracted to weird guys (an antique smuggler, a junkie who defenestrated himself, Vaughn, Blade, the pizza guy, Lukas...), came up with plans ranging from "weaponize a friend's absence of social filter to harass a bunch of girls" to "pimp another friend to a woman in order to ruin her son's life". She goes hysterical during the Lava episode. She arguably sleeps with Jeff so she could beat him at paintball. She tries to gaslight a friend into thinking he didn't walk in on Jeff and her. She forced everyone to tell horror stories to know which one of them was a psychopath and only realized she might be the one when they told her she had turned in her test too.
Troy is usually a sweet guy but he did a few things that could qualify as harassment (naming the monkey Annie's Boobs, or creating that twitter account to make fun of Pierce, for example) and also he challenged a guy to a death match! (but he did spare the guy's life).
Pierce invited all the group on two separate occasions just so he could mess with them (the hospital, and the halloween). He dressed as Patrick Bateman without even meaning to for a business meeting. He set up a friend to "die" (well, be shot at paintball) out of jealousy. He broke his word multiple times ("lemme bounce or i tell everyone about the trampoline" - bounces and tells everyone anyway). SUED a friend. The eulogy he gave at his dad's funeral ended by "but you're dead, and i'm alive, which means i win. suck it!". Assaulted who he thought was his father (but was a colonel sanders atari cartouche on a screen).
Shirley was onboard with getting Chang incarcerated for life (before he became even crazier, that was the time he was trying to be useful and nice). She assaulted multiple people. She has a past as a bully. She took her issues with Andre on Slater's car. She recognized she used guilt as a manipulation tactic, also used a few other tactics on some of her friends. Still, she's trying to be better.
Annie was completely down with faking her own murder to multiple people, and with torturing people mentally (Duncan experiment). She did other stuff but I'm pretty sure that's good enough for this list.
Chang is Chang, Pelton is a stalker and a blackmailer.
Abed is actually the less physically violent of the group.
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k-n-e-o · 5 months
Stray kids if they were to work in little businesses around my city
He’s the bartender at the bar in the strip mall with the tattoo shop
(I did have him working at a daycare but I figured I’d give him a break from kids lol)
He knows every dirty little secret about everyone in the city I swear
But he’s just so easy to talk to
Will do fancy tricks if you ask him
Always gets the big tips just because it’s him
finds it incredibly a amusing when some of the college girls come in and have a hard time saying some of the dirty names of some of the drinks
Every karaoke night someone drags him on stage to sing
The whole city knows he can sing by now
People come from the neighbouring cities to hear him sing sometimes
He’s always so flustered when some one compliments him
It endearing
walks to and from work everyday cause his work is literally a block away from his house
But will drive to work just so he can offer to drive Felix and Han home some nights
works at a dance studio down main street and at another studio on the other side of town
he's a very busy man
loves his job, except for dealing with parents
trust me when i say as a dance assistant parents are usually the hardest part of the job
he likes working with the older kids
but they just can't beat the adorable smiles and giggles of the little kids
most definitely doesn't have a crush on the ballet teacher....
might stay a little longer on Thursdays to see them.
chan, hyunjin and felix will stop by on weekends for the adult classes, it's always chaos.
I'm sorry but he's a cafe man to me (It was this or tattoo artist and i'm sorry but someone else is taking that.....)
is the coffee god
cannot bake a thing for his life tho
his boss unltimately doesn't let him in the kitchen
but that just means he gets to sleep in longer cause he doesn't have to help bake anything in the morning
(The man doesn't know how to crack and egg, there's no way he's making eclare's sorry binnie )
flirts with everyone just cause
his boss scolded him in the beginning but he brings in more costumers so who would complain?
but like imagine
buff barista changbin
yes i agree
true masterpiece
likes talking with the old lady who owns the boutique a few shops down
she always calls him cute and he lives for that
but also like the quiet times too because thats when he writes his lyrics
works in the old lady's boutique
she only hired him cause he was pretty
but then he ended up helping her with her branding by drawing up a new logo and doing all of the stuff with tags and things
he’s now her grandson
goes with her into the city to buy new fabrics
always her model
mans the shop when she heads out to binnies cafe, but she always brings him back an americano and a cookie
after work he stops by to grab another cookie
and of course has to clarify that changbin had no part in the baking process
which earns him a smack from changbin every single time
but he loves it lol practically cackles everytime too
most of his wardrobe is filled with clothes the lady has made him
but they're really nice so he doesn't mind
Okay so this might just be me but-
Imagine Han as a tattoo artist (kinda hot...👀)
Han would work in the tattoo parlour just down the street.
He either will only have a couple tattoos or a whole sleeve or two, there is no in between
absolute sweetest
i don't have any tattoos yet so i don't really know how this stuff works so please bare with me
such a good listener
you could probably talk his ear off while he's tattooing you and he's paying attention to every single word while still working diligently
did changbins tattoos and the wolf on chans arm
when he's not writing lyrics or tattooing, he's working with hyunjin to design tattoos
if the person he's tattooing hasn't eaten enough before their tattoo he will just call up felix to deliver some snacks
does get told a lot by felix that it isn't in his job description
but felix can't argue with him when han gives him the cute quokka eyes
but i mean who would want to
works at the gas station right beside the tattoo parlour.
Such a sweetie
Knows almost everyone that comes in.
Has a couple inside jokes with the guy that buys his lottery ticket every week
Can’t help but beam with happiness when that one special person enters
Gets teased by the regulars when they notice.
the store also allows dogs inside and it's his favourite thing about working there
will always get the doggy a bowl of water to drink
loves to pet them
he just can't help himself
if he's being honest, that one slushie machine has probably never been fixed in the two? years he's worked there
and the pepsi one is always just a little too watery
but he likes the ice cream better anyways
always sees the kids from the middle and high school stopping in when they aren't supposed to to grab snacks
but he doesn't say anything (cause he was one of those kids...oop)
Works at the marble slab that is for some reason all on its own in the parking lot on Main Street?
(Like it’s not attached to the strip mall, it’s just sitting on its own across from the strip mall)
Gets frustrated with those tipsy teens who just love coming and ordering ice cream two minutes to closing.
Has to stop mopping the floors to take their order
Then gets more mad when he sees the dirty footprints on the freshly mopped floor.
( totally was not something my friends did.....I was the by choice designated sober person lol)
but he likes having the later shifts cause he deals with less children
not that he doesn't like kids
they're just messy as hell
and the later shifts allows him to walk home with his friends
so there's that
he's kind of sick of ice cream at this point tho
i mean, he's staring at it practically all day so, i mean, me too (I say as i've never worked at an ice cream shop before)
Works at the popular dollar store down on Main Street
and i mean popular
all the middle aged moms shop there and love to coo at him
Expects Minho and seungmin to drop in every night right before they close to pick up late night snacks after their work
Asks them to wait sometimes so he can walk home with them
Some times they do
Other times they tease him by making him think they left without him
But they wouldn’t actually, jeongin is too cute to leave alone at night
Finds it annoying when people leave things in the wrong spot when the things actual spot is literally a few steps away (despite being popular it’s not that big lol)
(totally not something that bugs me and i don't even work there)
he's also a dog walker on the weekends, stops in at felix's convenice store to chat for a bit before going back
I might do little fanfics based on these
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ahmedmootaz · 5 years
More shippy moments between Dr.Drakken and Shego.
So I’ve recently fell off the planet and climbed back on again, and whaddya know, I was just on time to catch-up with Season 3. I‘ve stopped just shy of “So The Drama”, having heard of how spectacular it was, but I couldn’t help but notice that Season 3 did little to stop me shipping a certain mad doctor and his sidekick. Seriously, that season has a ton of ship fuel.
So first of all, “Steal Wheels.”. Okay, I’m well-aware this one was mostly Eddie and Drakken hanging out and being enemies/nemesis/pals/cousins, but I kinda like how Drakken knows better than to oppose Shego’s ideas and how he seems to simply accept that she (sometimes, of course; wouldn’t let his ego admit anything more) is better than him at driving the Doom-V. I like that he also knows how to treat her better than Eddie, even if its mostly because she has glowing plasma hands of doom.
Then there was “Emotion Sickness.”. This...this wasn’t just shipping fuel, I’m fairly certain someone on the Kim Possible Team ships Kim with Ron and Drakken and Shego and used this episode to express that. I mean...holy heck, there were so, so many things that need commenting on...So firstly, let’s start by mentioning the “This is not the right time to question the nature of our relationship!”, and...what? Does Drakken mean that she’s questioned it before? I mean, I’m fairly certain that at this point they’re friends, if nothing else, so...It was an interesting comment.
Then, Dr.D reacting to Shego’s mood swings at first. I feel he’s kinda...trying to do his best? I mean, yeah, telling Shego she was overreacting probably wasn’t the brightest idea he ever got, but other than that, he seems like he’s trying to do his best while she’s setting him on fire and beating him to a pulp. I also reaaaally like how his first assumption to what’s happening is that he forgot her birthday. What, is that just a regular thing employers and employees do? Remember each other’s birthday and celebrate it accordingly?...Boy, this sole line can inspire so many Fanfics...
And then there was the whole “lovey-dovey” mode. Yeah, this was one big shipping episode. So first of all, Shego flirting with Drakken on a table and posing. I’m still deciding whether Drakken is actually so oblivious he couldn’t grasp she could flirt with him or if he was trying to be good employer and a gentleman. I mean, considering he seemed to have no idea what was happening while she was growling like a cat I’d lean towards the former. And then the whole “Perfect weather for cuddling” comment. I was positive Drakken was going to call the insane asylum to take him in because he was seeing hallucinations. And that massage...seems like our mad scientist is a bit stressed from his “worky-worky”. And then the park montage...Yeah, I’m willing to assume that the photo-booth ‘session’ melted his brain. I mean what? She just...jumped him. This was basically an accurate depiction of what Dr.Drakken would be like when faced with the concept that someone could be infatuated with him. Spoilers: He’s scared out of his wits.
So we’ll skip the admittedly amusing Kim Part of the episode and jump back to their Dinner Date. Their entire interactions there were golden, not to mention Shego’s ‘Yaaaay’ and giggle after Drakken told her (while being pointed at with a what’s basically a gun to his head) it’d be an evil date. I wouldn’t describe Shego as ‘cute’, but that scene could hardly be described as otherwise. Then when they’re at the Middleton Festival and Shego suddenly bursts into tears, I adore that Drakken, who up to this point was basically psycologicaly scarred, tortured and shocked by Shego, doesn’t just leave her or anything, no, he comforts her when she says he’s “Leaving her in her time of need.” and says “No no no, I’‘ll just...I’ll be right back.” though what really makes that scene for me is his tone; it’s not frustrated or fake, he did mean it. Of course, I suppose Shego did also mean it when she then went into rage-mode and was ready to blast him to pieces. And, just as if this episode couldn‘t stuff anymore fluff, Drakken’s first idea on how to calm a homicidal Shego is to make her dinner. What kind of boss makes you dinner to make up with you?!...Also, I do wonder, how did he get the Moodulator off of her?
So after this ship-filled episode, it’d only be natural to have an episode where Shego comes back to her senses and dumps Drakken for another villain. So “Bad Boy” comes in and has Drakken actively seek Shego’s attention and sympathy by...crying. Sometimes I see the ‘mad’ part in ‘mad scientist’ in him. Sometimes I don’t. In any case, Shego, contrary to what you’d expect, takes him to a Villain-Con. It seemed like a nice gesture on her part. Then there were Drakken’s actions when he was “good”. Coco-Moo. Never before did I imagine I’d hear him saying that word, but now that I did, I’m glad it happened. I mean come on, the first thing he does when he turns good is make her and his henchmen cookies and Coco-Moo I mean what is this boss-employer relationship? I also liked Shego kinda acknowledging the fact that is was sort of a low-blow to leave Drakken in his goody two-shoes state.
“Showdown At The Crooked D” had Shego flex her language skills on Drakken. I don’t know why I loved that scene so much, but I did. And I liked their whole “Cowboy-like” interactions. It was also nice to see she didn’t abandon after their plan failed.
“Dimension Twist.” didn’t really have much in term of shippiness, though I appreciated Drakken taking Shego with him when he escaped.
And then the last episode that involved them together this season: “Rappin’ Drakken.” Firstly, it seems to me as if Drakken did, actually, listen to Shego after all this time and make his device immediately launch instead of counting down. But that’s not what I really loved during this episode. I loved the fact that Drakken and Shego go to karaoke together. What, don’t tell me that’s regular employer-employee stuff! And even so, why doesn’t Shego bail out if she claims she hates it so much? Drakken’s rap itself was golden, but this scene made my day.
And that’s all I’ve got. I’m still working on that story I said I’d write, but then it suddenly spiraled out of control and got longer than expected and what was supposed to be a single paragraph transformed into a chapter and it has evolved a mind of its own and help me-
Ahem. In any case, have some more shippy moments. Again, I must praise the series itself, as its quality makes it a delight to watch. And now, off to So The Drama...
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jungshookz · 3 years
kiss me at midnight; myg
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➺ pairing; min yoongi x reader
➺ genre; ceo!y/n x secretary!yoongiverse!! sfw!! fluff!! the title says it all!! this is the moment we’ve all been waiting for!! 
➺ wordcount; 8.1k
➺ summary; y/n finally musters up enough courage to tell yoongi about her i-know-i’m-your-boss-but-i-have-non-boss-feelings-for-you feelings. 
➺ what to expect; “careful, secretary min… i might have to give you a raise if you keep sweet-talking me like that.”
                                      »»————- ♡ ————-««
“let’s see… the decorators are coming at 2, the caterers are coming at 6:30, the DJ is coming at 7…” yoongi reads out loud as he goes down his checklist, “the bartender sent over the special drinks menu which i emailed to you this morning, and- ah, right, the caterers mentioned that they were able to switch the mini hot dogs to sliders instead-”
“oh, that’s great! mini hot dogs just don’t carry the same level of class as teeny little hamburgers…” you narrow your eyes slightly as you clasp your hands in front of your face, tapping your fingers against each other, “what about the chocolate lava cakes?”
“mhm, don’t worry, those are on the menu as well, as per your request,” yoongi pauses, “ah- the people bringing the photo-booths are coming to set them up at 5 - we’ve already cleared out the space for them, so that should be good to go… also, are we putting a limit on photos?”
“a limit?”
“yes, a limit,” yoongi looks up at you and shrugs, “there’s only so much film and it wouldn’t be fair for one person to take ten photos and for another person to not have any at all.”
you immediately scoff before dismissing yoongi with a flick of your wrist, “silly yoongi, you can’t put a limit on fun. just tell them we’re willing to pay for extra film and for one of their workers to hang out at the party and wait until the booths need refilling.”
“there.. is no limit… on fun…” yoongi mutters to himself as he continues to scribble notes down in his notebook, “and… that’s it!” he clicks his pen before tucking it back into his shirt pocket, “pretty much everything has been taken care of. if all goes well, this’ll be a fantastic new year’s eve party.”
“yay!” you throw your hands up into the air before leaning back against your chair with a giggle, “this is so exciting. i love throwing parties!”
“and i love planning parties...” yoongi hums absentmindedly, looking back down at his list, “so i guess we make a pretty good team...”
“teamwork makes the dream work, right?”
a couple seconds of silence ticks by as you scour through your brain for a new topic of discussion
you could... talk about the weather? 
or maybe ask him what he did over the weekend?
ask him about what he did on christmas day?? 
“so…” you clear your throat, smoothing your skirt down before folding your arms on your desk and leaning forward slightly, “you bringin’ any... hot dates to the party tonight?” 
that was... not an ideal topic of discussion 
also, way to sound like a creep! 
“me?” yoongi glances up at you and tilts his head slightly, “well, i’ll be with you.” he pauses, dark brows knitting together, “did you… want me to bring a date?” he shifts in his seat, “i’m sure i can arrange for someone to accompany me if that’s what you want.”
“no!” your eyes widen and you shake your head quickly, “i mean- no, i was just- you know, i just- usually you have a plus-one that you bring to parties and, like, i’m sure that you probably had other new year’s plans that didn’t involve being at the party your boss is throwing- i’m just saying that perhaps, if you were planning on actually bringing someone, i just wouldn’t want to be a cock-block-” 
you’re cut off (thankfully) when yoongi’s phone suddenly starts to buzz on your desk
he extends his arm and catches it right as it’s about to fall off (which, admittedly, shouldn’t have been as hot as it was, but yoongi could be sitting there doing nothing and you’d still find it attractive) 
he holds a finger up pardon himself and you nod before leaning back a little
“hello? …oh, perfect. yes, i can come and pick them up now…” yoongi trails off, sandwiching his phone in between his ear and his shoulder before pushing his sleeve up a little to check the time on his watch, “i can be there in… roughly half an hour? yes. alright. perfect. see you soon.”
he hangs up with a beep before looking back over at you, “sorry about that! your dress and heels are ready for pick-up. what were you saying before my phone went off?”
“hm?” you clear your throat, “oh! uh… nothing. i was just- you know, small talk. but you can go now if you want to- i mean, obviously you need to go and pick up my outfit for tonight so i’ll just let you go-”
“alright, perfect-” yoongi nods and gets up from his seat, “i shouldn’t take too long but if anything comes up, just call me-” 
“yep! you got it, homie-” you shoot finger guns at yoongi before quickly forcing your arms down and shoving both your hands in between your knees so that they won’t do anything like that again 
your face flushes bright red as soon as the door shuts behind yoongi and a quiet groan slips past your lips before you smack your forehead down on your desk 
that... was rough, to say the least! 
sure, you fumble over your words whenever you talk to yoongi on a regular basis, but it’s never usually this bad... 
what’s gotten into you today?!
maybe it’s just the pre-party jitters! 
“get it together, y/l/n.” you mutter to yourself, patting your cheeks lightly before pulling your laptop towards you and opening it up 
if there’s anyone who can get you get your shit together, it’s hoseok
Y/N Y/L/N (10:12AM): help me
you perk up when hoseok responds almost immediately, your laptop letting out a little ping! from his message
you have half a mind to scold him for not doing work and being on the company’s messaging system but you dO need to talk to him right now so 
Jung Hoseok (10:12AM): What did you do this time
Y/N Y/L/N (10:12AM): nothing!! idk what’s wrong with my mouth today i’ve never called anyone homie in my entire life 
Jung Hoseok (10:13AM): ?
Y/N Y/L/N (10:13AM): you had to be here to understand :-//
Jung Hoseok (10:13AM): Okay well
Jung Hoseok (10:13AM): I don’t know what I’m supposed to say now
Y/N Y/L/N (10:13AM): can you just come to my office because it’s too much to type out
Y/N Y/L/N (10:13AM): and bring me an iced coffee from the vending machine while you’re at it because yoongi left to pick my dress up
Jung Hoseok (10:14AM): Let me get this straight
Jung Hoseok (10:14AM): You want me to stop working and you want me to go to your office so we can gossip about Yoongi
Y/N Y/L/N (10:14AM): gossip sounds bad
Y/N Y/L/N (10:14AM): ‘discuss’ sounds more professional
Jung Hoseok (10:14AM): …
Jung Hoseok (10:15AM): See you in ten minutes lmao
                                     »»————- ♡ ————-««
“you asked him if he was planning on bringing a date to the party?!” hoseok laughs, leaning back against the chair before folding his arms over his chest and shaking his head, “wow. what, are you going to help him plan his wedding too?”
“don’t say that!” you groan, rubbing your fingers against your temples in tight circles, “i was just trying to start a conversation… i don’t know...”
“start a conversation? about what? about encouraging yoongi to be with someone who isn’t you?” 
“keep up the attitude and i’ll reduce your lunch break from one hour and fifteen minutes to one hour and fourteen minutes.” you raise a brow in warning, hoseok gawking before wagging a finger at you 
“i’ll report you to HR for abuse of power!” he jokes, his smile faltering when he notices that you still have that mopey, kicked-in-the-gut look on your face, “okay, think about it this way: this party couldn’t have come at a better time, you know? because now you know exactly what you have to do!” 
“huh? oh, right.” you nod slowly, “yeah, of course i know what i have to do at tonight’s party.” you snort, pulling away from your desk and sitting up straight, “but... you know, just to make sure that you know what it is that i have to do, would you mind telling me what exactly we’re saying i have to do?”
“y/n. come on.” hoseok presses his lips together before leaning forward, “what do people usually do at new year’s eve parties?” he asks gently, in that infuriatingly condescending tone that people usually use when they’re talking to children
“people share their new year’s resolutions with each other?” you hum, thinking back to the new year’s eve party you were at last year where you ended up talking to a very friendly bartender about all the plans you had in mind for the new year 
you can’t help but wonder how he’s doing 
“well, yeah, but not quite what i had in mind-” hoseok shakes his head, “what else do they do?”
“they... sing karaoke really loudly?” you frown before letting out a gasp, “oh no! i didn’t think of that! do you think it’s too late to rent a karaoke machi-”   
“wow, i really have to spoon-feed this to you-” hoseok slaps his hands against his thighs before letting out a huff, “a new year’s kiss, y/n. does that ring any bells?”
“oh, right! i forgot about that part,” you chuckle lightly, tilting your head back against the top of your chair to look up at the ceiling, “but what does that have to do with-” you pause, head snapping back down to look at hoseok with wide eyes, “oh, you’re saying that i should- with yoongi- hoseok, i can barely look at yoongi for five seconds without breaking eye contact-” 
“why not?! its new years! you have to have someone to smooch when it’s midnight. even i have someone to kiss!”
“wait, who are you kiss-” 
“and you know what the best part is?” hoseok grins, “you have an excuse to get super drunk tonight! and a drunk y/n is a slightly more confident y/n-”
“oh, i can’t- i can’t ask him, no.” you chuckle nervously, your hands suddenly feeling a little clammy at the thought of asking yoongi to kiss you, “because then he’s going to feel like he has to kiss me because i’m his boss, and the next thing you know, i’m being called up to HR-” 
“you’re overthinking this again, y/n,” hoseok sighs, “don’t forget the fact that i caught him checking you out at the halloween party. you have to admit that he’s slightly interested in you.”
“that’s different!” you argue, your brows furrowing, “i was dressed as a sexy friggin’ bunny, for god’s sake!”
“and tonight, you’ll be dressed as a sexy friggin’ boss! the only difference is that you won’t have a little cotton tail and two bunny ears-”
“i don’t know…”
hoseok rolls his eyes at your doubt and resists the urge to get up and slap you across the face to get you to come to your senses
you can’t expect anything to happen between you and yoongi if you’re not willing to do something about it in the first place
he can’t even list out how many times you guys have had similar conversations that always end in you chickening out and changing your mind
you were supposed to make a move at the halloween party but you ended up bailing on the plan at the last minute and hoseok had to listen to half an hour of you whining about it over the phone 
he adores you but sometimes he just wants to grab you and yell at you for being such a wimp when it comes to yoongi 
“okay, you know what? forget yoongi. i’ll be your new year’s kiss!” hoseok teases, leaning forward before wiggling his eyebrows enticingly, “maybe if people see me canoodling with the boss i’ll finally get the street cred i deserve-”
“you know, i don’t know if i’ve reached that level of desperation quite yet-”
“i’m a great kisser, so it’s your loss...” hoseok kisses his teeth, raising his hands in defense, “anyways, just try not to overthink it. take a deep breath, relax, and hopefully you won’t point any more lame finger guns at yoo-”
“-ooou’re fired!” you stand up and slam your fist down on the desk the moment yoongi steps into the room, hoseok jolting at the sudden announcement, “you are fired, my good sir! you heard me loud and clear!” 
yoongi’s eyes widen slightly and he presses his lips together before stepping aside and lowering his head  
“what the hell are yo-” hoseok glances over his shoulder and it dawns over him when he spots yoongi standing by the door, “oh! oh. uh, okay. yes... i am... devastated...” he clears his throat as he rises from the chair slowly, “please... give me a second chance? i... won’t do it again?” 
you blink, pulling down your blazer slightly before giving him a curt nod
“...okay, but this is your last chance. next time, you’re really fired.” you clear your throat, sitting back down before gesturing towards the door, “you may leave now, mr. jung.” 
yoongi nods in acknowledgement when hoseok walks past him and he waits a couple of seconds before speaking up 
“sorry. i didn’t realize you were busy because the door wasn’t closed all the way.” he smiles sheepishly, raising the garment bag in his hand, “i just wanted to put your dress in the closet for you.” 
“yes! go ahead.” you smile, gesturing towards the closet before sitting back down in your chair 
“by the way, i passed by that breakfast place on the way to the laundromat-” yoongi pauses, glancing over at you on his way to the closet, “you know, the place that makes those BLT bagels you like so much?” 
“ooh, with the spicy mayo and the avocado?”
“mhm-” yoongi smiles, shutting the closet door gently and turning to face you, “they do chocolate chip waffles now and i thought maybe that’d be something you’d be interested in for future breakfasts.” 
“oh, no way!” your eyes widen in excitement, “i’m very interested in chocolate chip waffles for future breakfasts!”
“that’s what i thought.” he chuckles, making his way back towards the doors, “anyway- i’ll be out there if you need me, boss.” 
you immediately get up from your chair as soon as yoongi leaves the room 
you told yourself that you were going to wait until tonight but you’ve been thinking about your dress all week and you wanna see it now!! 
“dress, dress, dress-” you murmur to yourself like a maniac, your heels clicking against the floor as you jog over to the closet 
you push down a squeal of excitement after unzipping the garment bag and getting a good look at your outfit for tonight
you spent hours searching for the perfect dress and it was totally worth it now that you’re looking at it  
it’s a navy blue midi-length dress that sort of cinches in at the waist but the skirt itself is relaxed so you don’t need to worry about your legs being constricted 
there’s also a high slit in the skirt which is exciting (you had to shave your legs yesterday which wasn’t as exciting) 
and it’s a long sleeve dress but the sleeves and sheer and billowy but cap around your wrists 
it’s classy but also a little sexy but not like your halloween playboy costume level of sexy
you’re still not sure what possessed you to dress up as a playboy bunny but even you have to admit that that little black dress looked great on you 
you zip the bag back up before pushing it aside to sneak a peek at the suit that yoongi will be wearing to the party 
he asked if he could keep his suit in your closet and obviously you said yes because it’s yoongi 
your eyes light up when you notice something peculiar about his outfit 
it’s navy blue as well!! 
the corners of your mouth lift in a wide grin, your heart skipping a beat at the thought of you and yoongi (unintentionally, but still) wearing matching colours tonight 
                                    »»————- ♡ ————-««
“c’mon, stupid thing...” yoongi frowns to himself as he struggles to tie his tie
he’s been at it for the last ten minutes and it seems like his gummy worm fingers aren’t going to be useful anytime soon 
and it probably doesn’t help that he’s using his phone camera as a mirror instead of going to the bathroom to use the actual mirror
he doesn’t know if it showed this morning but he’s been a nervous wreck all day! 
he practically zipped out of your office as soon as he had the chance to and he just hopes that you’re not suspecting anything 
it’s just that as each day goes by, he gets more and more conflicted over what to do about his feelings for you 
this wasn’t supposed to happen!
when he first realized that you liked him, he was flattered and admittedly it was a nice stroke to his ego knowing that his boss was interested in him, but he didn’t know it’d turn into this 
he didn’t know he’d end up liking you back 
this is a disaster! 
he’s not supposed to like you back!
he already tried forcing himself to stop liking you but if anything it’s made things worse
he thought your schoolgirl crush was sweet at first and then one day he found your poor excuse of asking him to stay after hours to help you re-organize your pens was cute and ever since then it’s gone downhill 
like the other day when he was eating lunch with you - you took the paper sleeve that holds the chopsticks and you folded it into a makeshift chopstick rest and gave it to him to use and,,. he’d have to be crazy to not find that wildly endearing
yoongi lets out a huff and leans back against his chair as he looks at himself on his phone screen 
“good going, moron.” he grumbles to himself before lifting his hand and flipping himself off, “you and your feelings.”
of course, it’s not technically a... bad thing that he likes you back, right? 
...but what’s everyone going to think?
he knows that he’s on the list of people getting the christmas bonus (because he helped you type it out) but what if people think he just slept his way to the money?? 
oh, god
that’s not who he is!
this is too much to think about right now 
he just had this suit pressed and he’s not about to ruin it by nervously sweating in it 
he’s just going to enjoy this party with you and then deal with his feelings later!  
future yoongi can handle it
present yoongi is just going to enjoy the ride B-) 
“whatcha up to?” 
“-!” yoongi jumps and scrambles up from his seat when he hears your voice all of a sudden, “y/n! sorry, i didn’t hear you come out of... your... office...” he trails off, voice softening slightly as he takes in how beautiful you look in your dress 
obviously he already knew what you were going to wear because he was the one who picked up your outfit from the dry cleaner’s but... it’s a different experience actually seeing you in it 
there’s really no other way to describe it
you look... beautiful. 
“i don’t know why on earth you’re wearing a tie to a party.” you snort, eyes flicking down to the tie hanging loosely around his neck, “this isn’t a business meeting, yoongi.” (you decided it’d be best to take hoseok’s advice. no overthinking - just relaxing! and it seems to be going well...) 
“oh.” yoongi snaps himself out of his daze before shaking his head, “i… i don’t know why, either. i guess i’m just used to wearing a tie.”
“well, i say ditch it - you know, let loose a little! it’s new year’s eve, after all.” 
before yoongi even knows it, you’re stepping towards him and sliding the tie from his neck in one swift movement before tossing it onto his desk
ᵒ ᵍᵒᵈ
you even smell pretty 
he freezes when you reach up to undo a couple of buttons on his shirt, his hands gripping the edge of his desk so tightly that his knuckles are stark white 
“there we go!” you smile, fixing yoongi’s collar before nodding to yourself, “much better. also, do you think you can help me with my heels? i put them on already but the little buckles are flimsy and i can’t do them because of my nails.” you raise both your hands before wiggling your fingers 
“mhm, of course.” yoongi steps aside and gestures towards his chair, “take a seat and i’ll take care of them for you.”
yoongi’s chair squeaks slightly as you sit down on it and you make a mental note to get him a new one 
...maybe you should get everyone in the office new chairs to make your crush on yoongi less obvious
lots to think about
“so, do you think anyone’s going to have fun tonight?” you ask quietly, leaning back against the chair, “i’m nervous.” 
“i’m sure everyone’s going to have fun, y/n,” yoongi lowers himself onto the ground so that he’s down on one knee before raising your leg so that your foot is pressed against his chest, “they get free food, free alcohol, and there are fun 2021 party hats and stupid 2021 glasses to match. what’s not to love?”
“me. i’m the part they don’t love.” you snort, propping your elbow up on yoongi’s desk before leaning against your fist, “i’m gonna take one step onto the rooftop and immediately ruin the party somehow. i bet the dj will stop playing music and his records will make that awkward scratchy sound.”
“don’t be so harsh on yourself…” yoongi scolds, tucking the thin strap into the buckle and giving it a little tug to make sure it’s nice and secure before lowering your foot gently, “besides, if anyone looks at you weirdly, i can just call security and have them escorted out of the party.” he tuts, smiling up at you as he lifts your other foot 
“ooh. careful, secretary min… i might have to give you a raise if you keep sweet-talking me like that.” you joke, pushing the ball of your foot gently against yoongi’s chest teasingly
“oh, yeah? i wouldn’t be opposed to that, boss…” the corner of yoongi’s mouth twitches in a side smirk as he slips the other strap into place, “alright, there we go! heels are nice and secure.”
he gets up from the ground, dusting his knee off before extending his hand to help you get up from his chair, “ready?” 
“as ready as i’ll ever be...” you reach for his hand only to pause, your nose scrunching slightly as you pull away, “i don’t know. let’s think this through. do we have to go to the party?”
“well, you are the host.” yoongi points out, “and i planned the whole thing! do you know how hard it was to arrange for a karaoke machine on new year’s eve?” he frowns playfully, “you can’t bail on me like this.” 
“i guess...” 
“listen- whenever you want to leave, just let me know and i’ll grab the entire plate of sliders, a crisp bottle of champagne, and then we’ll head back down here to eat, drink, and watch the fireworks from your office window.” yoongi tilts his head, his hand still out for you to take, “deal?” 
“...throw in the chocolate lava cakes as well and we have a deal.” 
                                   »»————- ♡ ————-««
“wow! you really outdid yourself, yoongi.” you nod in approval as you look around, “look at this place!” 
you never even knew the rooftop had the ability to look like some trendy upscale bar that sells cocktails for $30 each 
“hey, if this secretary thing doesn’t work out, maybe i could become a party planner.” yoongi jokes, lifting his glass up with a smile
“you know, i really think you could.” you clink your glass against his before taking a sip of the bubbly champagne, “by the way, you don’t have to hang out with me all night. you’re allowed to go and mingle with your coworkers.” 
“i know.” yoongi hums before his nose scrunches slightly, “but every time i talk to them, they’re always gossiping about something and i think gossiping is unproductive.” 
“wha-” you gawk, your lashes fluttering, “you’re telling me that you’ve had access to juicy office gossip this whole time and not once have i ever heard any of it??”
“i mean...” 
“you have to tell me something. i’ll take anything!” 
you grin excitedly when yoongi gestures for you to come in closer 
“jungkook and tzuyu had sex on the photocopier by the supplies room.” he blurts out quickly, clearing his throat before taking a sip of his own champagne, “but you didn’t hear it from me!”
“they- what?!” you gasp in shock, jaw practically dropping to the floor, “they did?? during work??”
“no, it was after work!” yoongi shakes his head, “i think you had a meeting across town that night which is why we weren’t here... otherwise we... probably would’ve heard it but- it’s on the CCTV security cameras and everything. of course, since the photocopier is kind of out of frame, you can only see their lower halves-”
“well, then how do you know it was jungkook and tzuyu??” 
“their shoes! and jungkook’s socks. he’s the only one who wears bright purple rubber-duckie socks to work.” 
the two of you turn to look at jungkook across the rooftop and you blink before looking back over at yoongi with a pout 
“that’s my favourite photocopier.” you mutter, “i hope they didn’t get any... fluids inside of it-”
“gross! why would it be inside of the machine?!”
“i don’t know! people go crazy during sex sometimes!” you raise your hands in defense before clearing your throat quietly, “okay, but seriously, i feel like having vigorous sex on a piece of office equipment is definitely violating something so i might have to bring them in for a little chat-”
“ooh, can i be there when you scold them?” 
“miss y/n?” you jump in surprise when someone taps your shoulder gently from behind
you glance over your shoulder to see joy before smiling politely, turning around fully to face her, “joy! what’s up?”
“i’d like to talk to you about something, if that’s alright - do you have a moment?” 
“oh! um, of course-” you pause, turning to hand yoongi your glass, “let’s head over there for some privacy. what’s on your mind?” 
“it’s just... you know, regarding past comments i may or may not have made about you-” she chuckles uneasily, “seeing as you still have to figure out who’s getting christmas bonuses this year, i thought that-” 
yoongi bites back a grin when you turn back to look at him with pleading eyes and he shrugs helplessly before raising his own glass at you and downing the rest of the champagne 
                                  »»————- ♡ ————-««
yoongi’s never been a huge fan of parties mainly because he’d much rather enjoy a bottle of champagne and full-sized burgers in the comfort of his own home 
he really only started going to parties once you became CEO of the company and he wasn’t left with a choice because he was worried that you’d fire him if he didn’t attend any of these festive celebrations 
he likes to think that you’ve opened him up to new experiences, helping him become a better human being overall 
“hey!” yoongi chokes on his tiny burger patty when someone gives his back a hearty slap, “i’ve been looking for you everywhere! i have a bone to pick with you, min yoongi.”
yoongi’s brows furrow in confusion when it’s hoseok that plops down on the bar stool next to him 
“what-” yoongi swallows his bite before giving his chest a couple of pats to help get the masticated chunks of meat down smoother, “what did i do??” 
hoseok opens his mouth to say something before pausing, eyes flickering to the side as he reconsiders what he’s about to say 
he’s a little tipsy thanks to the open bar so he didn’t really think this decision through but he’s here now so it’s a little late to back out 
you explicitly asked him not to meddle but he feels like if he doesn’t do anything, then you’ll never do anything and you’ll just go to the grave keeping your feelings for yoongi a secret 
does this count as meddling? 
he just has to find a way to steer the conversation towards the topic of you and yoongi and romance 
this might be meddling, now that he’s thinking about it
it’s fine! 
he’ll do it in such a subtle way that yoongi won’t even notice! 
“it’s not something that you’ve done. it’s something that you haven’t done.” hoseok clears his throat, narrowing his eyes at yoongi suspiciously, “do you like y/n? because she likes you.”
(not very subtle, but hoseok never likes to beat around the bush.) 
“woah-” yoongi’s eyes widen in surprise and he lets out a nervous chuckle before looking around, “ha, i- um- where did you get that idea from?” 
“you didn’t deny it.” hoseok grins in success, “so you do?” 
“i...” yoongi pokes his tongue against the inside of his cheek before he lets out a huff and his shoulders droop in defeat, “yeah. yeah, i do. ...but what does that have to do with you?” 
“oh, it has everything to do with me!” hoseok chirps, clapping his hands together excitedly, “i’m here to give you advice!” 
“yeah, okay,” yoongi immediately scoffs and rolls his eyes as he turns back to pick up his drink, “no offense, but i don’t think i should be getting advice from the guy who was almost fired today-”
“oh, please, i wasn’t getting fired when you walked in.” hoseok raises a brow, “we were talking about you before you barged in so y/n obviously panicked and changed the subject to make it look like she wasn’t going all goo-goo-ga-ga over you-” 
“what? you were- y/n was talking about me?” yoongi perks up, his interest in the conversation suddenly reigniting, “really?” 
“she’s always talking about you,” hoseok points out, “don’t get me wrong - i love going to her office to talk about you instead of doing my work, but it’s exhausting! which is part of the reason as to why i’m willing to give you advice to get this show on the road.” 
“i don’t need advice, though.” 
“of course you need advice. if one of you finally made a move, i wouldn’t need to give you advice, but here i am.” hoseok gestures to himself before shrugging, “so... what’s wrong with you?”
yoongi scoffs in offense
that’s a little ruDE
“what’s wrong with me?”
“yeah. why haven’t you made a move yet if you like y/n back?” hoseok emphasizes as a reminder that this crush goes two ways and that yoongi can be blamed for the lack of action just as much as you 
“because... i can’t! it’s not that easy, man.” yoongi shakes his head, “i can’t just ask her out. she’s... like... she’s miss y/n.” 
“yes. and the sky is blue.” hoseok frowns, “i’m sorry, what’s the problem?” 
“she’s the boss!” yoongi snaps, glaring over at hoseok, “she’s our boss!”
“exactly! she’s the boss! if you’re going to date someone in the office, it might as well be the person signing off everyone’s paycheques at the end of each month-” 
“but you can’t- the rules!”
“what rules??”
“there are no rules! that’s why i’m so confused! i’m used to rules! that’s how the world works in my head! what the hell am i supposed to do now? go rogue?! i’ve never gone rogue before!”
“oh, god, who do you think you are? some secret agent? all you’re doing is asking someone out-”
“i can’t date y/n-” 
“give me a legitimate reason as to why you can’t date y/n.”
“i’ll be penalized!” 
“who’s going to penalize you?!”
“the boss of our boss!” 
“please!” hoseok groans loudly, throwing his head back in frustration, “you don’t think he’s goofed around with any of his secretaries?”
“okay, but this isn’t me goofing around with y/n, this is me... being serious with y/n!” yoongi presses his lips together, unsure of what to say next, “yeah. i wanna be serious with y/n.” 
“i promise you that no one cares about relationships as long as work is handed in on time and bags of money are being made.” hoseok hums, gesturing for the bartender to fix up another drink for him 
having this conversation about you with yoongi is just as exhausting as having this conversation about yoongi with you 
he doesn’t know if that sentence made any sense but all this alcohol is making the words jumble up together 
“well, okay, but-” yoongi chuckles nervously, turning and setting his glass down on the bar countertop, “then we’d have to make a file with HR declaring the status of our relationship, and then we’d have to talk about whether or not we want to keep things private or let the whole office know- oh, god, and what if it doesn’t work out? what if we break up? it’d be embarrassing after having declared our love for each other in front of everyone! and favouritism! don’t even get me started on favouritism! people are going to bag on y/n if they find out that i’m on the list of people getting a bonus! ...but, in my defense, even if we weren’t together i would probably still be on that list because i’m hardworking-” 
“yoongi-” hoseok interrupts, slapping both his hands down on his shoulders before letting out a sigh, “do you like y/n?” 
“yes.” yoongi answers without missing a beat, “i like y/n. a lot.” 
“okay. then that’s all that matters, right?” 
yoongi opens his mouth to respond but he pauses
that... is a fair point... 
it shouldn’t matter what anyone else thinks about his relationship with you 
what is it about alcohol that makes some people so wise?
“do you know what kind of a person you’d be if you just repressed your feelings and pretended that they didn’t exist at all? a coward, that’s what you’d be. because y/n is a fantastic woman and you need to hurry up and make a damn move before she realises she’s wasting her time on you and moves on to someone else who isn’t afraid to show their true feelings for her.” hoseok shakes his head gently before pulling away from yoongi with a nonchalant shrug and a snort, “but, you know - i’m drunk as hell and i’ve had nothing to eat so all the things coming out of my mouth righ’now could be complete and utter bullshit!” he hiccups, giggling to himself, “who knows!”
“well… what do you suggest i do?”
“what else do you do at a new year’s eve party?” hoseok’s head flops to the side, the over consumption of nothing but champagne suddenly hitting him like a brick wall 
“…share new year’s resolutions?”
“wha- god, you guys are truly the perfect pair- no, dumbass, you kiiissss someone at midnight.” hoseok slurs, “you already know she’s into you. and now i know that you’re into her so she’s definitely not going to oppose giving you a big ol smooch!”
“well, it’s-” yoongi pulls his sleeve up to check his watch, anxiety bubbling in his stomach when he realizes there are exactly twelve minutes to midnight, “oh, god.” 
that’s fine!
it’s fine, he can work with twelve minutes!
all he has to do is 1) find you, 2) start a casual conversation, 3) somehow transition the casual conversation into a not so casual conversation about his feelings for you, 4) transition from the not so casual conversation to asking if you’d like to be his new year’s kiss, 5)- 
“i can’t pull this off in twelve minutes. i don’t know how i’m going to do this!” yoongi swallows thickly, turning to look at hoseok (who’s starting to doze off), “how the hell am i going to do this??” 
hoseok picks himself up off the counter, turning to face yoongi before a wide smile spreads on his face and a little gasp of excitement slips past his lips, “hey! i’ve been looking for you everywhere. i have a bone to pick with you, min yoongi-” 
“okay, buddy-” yoongi quickly reaches out to keep hoseok from toppling over, “you’ve definitely had one too many-” 
                                  »»————- ♡ ————-««
yoongi steps off the elevator with a huff, quickly checking the time on his watch for the millionth time tonight 
he spent two minutes running around the rooftop like a headless chicken in case you were still up there somewhere 
luckily jungkook told him that he saw you leave the rooftop and there’s really only one other place that you’d be 
he makes his way down the hallway towards the double doors of your office, smiling in success when he sees that one of the doors is slightly ajar 
maybe it’s because he’s now confident about his true feelings for you, but he feels like there’s a spring in his step right now! 
(it could also be because of the liquid courage, but that’s neither here nor there.)
he pushes the door open a little to stick his face in, giving himself a mental high five as he sees you leaning against your desk with a flute of champagne in your hand, staring out the window 
“hey!” yoongi clears his throat, knocking on the door gently, “there you are.”
“hm?” you turn to glance over your shoulder, “oh, yoongi! yeah, hey.” 
“i didn’t realize you’d disappeared... i would’ve brought the sliders with me if i knew you were in here.” he jokes, shutting the door behind him with a quiet click, “everything okay?”
“ah, well. maybe next time.” you smile stiffly, turning away from him to look back out, “yeah, everything’s fine. joy practically talked my ear off up there so i just felt like i needed to get away from the party for a little while.” 
“you know, the fireworks are starting soon...” yoongi points out as he makes his way over to you, “you’re probably going to get better pictures of them up there than down here in your office.” 
“yeah, i know… but it’s also going to be very loud up on the rooftop and i’d prefer to start the new year off with working eardrums.” your nose wrinkles as you let out a chuckle, “also, i…”
“i… i don’t know, i just don’t really want to start the new year awkwardly standing in the middle while everyone else is getting new year’s kisses.” you reach up to scratch the back of your neck before chuckling awkwardly, “that… makes me sound like a very bitter single person and i swear it wasn’t supposed to come off that way-” 
“no, i totally get it.” yoongi shakes his head as he wipes his hands on the side of his pants, “as a matter of fact, i kind of wanted to talk to you about something-”
“hold on, hold on- before you say anything, i-” you interrupt him, turning to set your glass down, “i, um- i have something that i wanna say to you as well. can i go first?”
“oh! yes, okay….” yoongi cowers down a little, pressing his lips together tightly, “is... everything alright?”
“yeah!” you nod quickly before pausing, “i mean, sort of. kind of. i’m… not sure if it’s going to be a good idea or not, but i just want to let you know that if you… you know, if you feel uncomfortable or something after i tell you this, you’re free to pack up and leave, you know? i mean, i actually already have a letter of recommendation written for you so if you wanna go off and work for someone else, i’ve already put in a lot of good words for you-”
“woah, woah-” yoongi raises his hands before letting out a chuckle, “i- while i definitely appreciate the gesture, you know i’m… not planning on going anywhere, right?”
“yeah, well… things change!” you clear your throat, gaze averting as you reach up to scratch the back of your neck, “things... change. i… don’t mean to sound so elementary school about it, but i…” you trail off, the little voice in the back of your head reminding you that this is your last chance to back out and not tell yoongi about your feelings for him
you’ve chickened out more than a handful of times, so what’s going to different about this time around?
you look up at yoongi and he blinks twice before offering you a soft smile, “you…?”
how are you supposed to back out when he’s looking at you like that?
and maybe it’s just because he looks particularly handsome tonight in his suit or because you’re all riled up on cocktails, but...
“i like you.” you blurt out, trying your best not to cringe or make any faces, “like… in a… romantic? way?”
yoongi’s eyes widen and the smile fades from his face, though you don’t have much time to process whatever reaction that was before he’s speaking up 
“you like me.” yoongi repeats, swallowing thickly before nodding, “in a romantic way.”
“yeah.” you shrug, “and i have for a while, but i just never said or did anything about it because i thought it was inappropriate - you know, because i’m your boss and around the time i started liking you was when we held that seminar for workplace harassment and i didn’t want to make you feel like i was harassing you or creeping on you or anything - a-anyways, at first i thought i was attracted to you solely because you’re hot in that broody, college skater-boyfriend kind of way and i thought it’d go away on its own, but then the feelings never went away, and then i thought that maybe this was just a more serious schoolgirl-type crush that would take time to go away, but then a lot of time went by and it still didn’t go away, so… here we are now, at the end of the year, and i… still have a huge, huge crush on you-”
“-i like you too.” 
“okay, cool, but i’m not done talking about-” you pause, your eyes flickering upwards, “wait, what?” 
“i like you, y/n.” yoongi breathes out with a smile, his shoulders visibly relaxing, “actually, i’ve known for a long time that you liked me and at first i was just flattered and admittedly i was a little cocky about it but then i... actually started to like you one day and- well, i didn’t want to say anything because- woah-!”
yoongi yelps when suddenly a paperweight is hurled in his direction and nearly whacks him in the face, “what the f-”
“are you kidding me, yoongi?!” you snap, slapping your hands down as you glare at him across your desk, “are you kidding me?!” 
“okay, i-i-” yoongi stammers, “i wasn’t expecting this reaction so i’m not entirely sure how i’m supposed to-” 
“you knew that i liked you this entire time-” you groan, reaching up to pinch the bridge of your nose, “and you knew that you liked me this entire time... and you didn’t say or do anything about it?!”
“well, why didn’t you do anything about it first?” yoongi exasperates, “you- you’re just as much at fault here as i am!”
“because i-” you laugh lightly in disbelief, “because i thought that if i told you that i liked you, that you would feel pressured into saying that you liked me back because i’m your boss! how would i know if your feelings were genuine or if you were just playing along? of course i couldn’t tell you!” 
yoongi chews on the inside of his cheek anxiously as you let out a huff before stepping away from your desk and heading over to stand by the window again 
“i...” he trails off, bending down to pick up the paperweight before setting it down on your desk gently, “i’m sorry that you... struggled with that... but... i think the important thing is that i do like you, y/n. i genuinely like you, and i was an idiot for not saying anything earlier... i let my doubts get in the way and...” he sighs, reaching up to scratch the back of his neck, “i’m not good at- i’m not good at dealing with this kind of stuff and usually i just brush it aside and hope the problem goes away but i see you almost every single day so i couldn’t just brush it aside-” 
“yeah, well-” 
both of you freeze up when you suddenly hear the countdown chanting echo from up on the rooftop and yoongi feels his heart plummet to his stomach when he realizes he didn’t even ask if you wanted to be his new year’s kiss 
“i’m just-” yoongi shakes his head furiously, “i get nervous when there are no rules and there certainly isn’t a handbook for what to do when you’re attracted to your boss-”
you let out a scoff as you turn to face him, “-and you think there’s a handbook for what to do when you’re attracted to your secretary?!-” 
“i was a total coward for not saying anything sooner and i wish i did! i wish i kissed you at the halloween party!”
“you- you wanted to kiss me at the halloween party?” 
“of course i did, dumbass!” the name slips out of yoongi’s mouth before he even realizes it and he smiles sheepishly when you give him a warning look, “...miss dumbass.”
“anyways,” yoongi coughs, “i-if you’re still interested, i’d really like to kiss you tonight if that’s okay-” 
“wait, did hoseok put you up to this?” you narrow your eyes in suspicion before pointing to yourself, “because he told me to ask you to kiss me tonight-”
“yeah, he put me up to this because we both know that you certainly weren’t going to make the first move-”
“how dare you?” you scoff, crossing your arms stubbornly, “i could make the first move if i really wanted to-” 
“what?! that’s bullsh- oh my god, can we agree now to kiss first and then argue about this later?!” yoongi snaps, eyes full of panic at the thought of not making it on time, “please??” 
“fine, but-” 
you don’t get a chance to say anything else before yoongi swoops in swiftly to lean in and kiss you, warm hands quickly reaching up to cup either sides of your face 
the sound of people cheering and fireworks going off in the sky is nothing compared to the erratic thumping of your heart and the high-pitched ringing in your ears 
oh, wow
your lashes flutter as you feel yourself relax, your fists uncurling against yoongi so that your hands rest on his chest
you can feel his rapid heartbeat through his shirt and that’s all the confirmation you need to know that yoongi really, truly likes you back 
yoongi’s hands leave your face so that he can reach down to grasp your hips and pull you towards him, only for his arms to snake around your waist a second later 
your hands slide up his chest before your arms wrap loosely around his neck, feeling as though nothing else matters except what’s happening right now 
you’ve dreamt about this moment for so long but it’s so much better than you could’ve possibly imagined it to be 
and you’re not sure if it’s the copious amount of champagne that you consumed tonight but you just feel so warm inside 
yoongi pulls away (far too soon for your liking), his eyes lidded and hazy as he smiles fondly down at you, “happy new year, boss.”
you can’t fight back the wide grin on your face when he leans down to nudge his nose against yours, both of your hearts undoubtedly beating in time   
“happy new year, secretary min.”
❄️christmas with cee 2020 masterlist 🎄
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
why don’t you explore the rest of the library while you’re here?
or perhaps you want something shorter to read?
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inoxske · 3 years
a few my hero academia headcanons (mostly kirishima, kiribaku, and bakusquad) (3rd year)
kirishimas laugh is a very wonderful sound that everyone fucking adores, so lots of people think hes flirting because he laughs a lot but he isnt lol
i believe all the bakusquad can sing but their all shy so they pretend to be really bad but theyre all closeted theater kids so when 'the room where it happened' from Hamilton played one night at karaoke night they all sang and hamonized and everyone freaked the fuck out
bakugo and denki cross dress because it makes them feel powerful and they are often seen in fashion magazines and shit
kirishima is best friends with bakugos parents and all of katsukis family adore eijirou
bakugo cries the second any kind of animal or child is hurt in movies
adding onto that ^ bakugo loves kids, more so as he gets older
kirishima will go to interviews for really important people, but because of his adhd he forgets important shit so he has to call bakugo while in the interview and ask and they always keep the clip because he always puts him on speaker
kirishima will put on classical music but like really nice music and dance with people in the dorms. hes danced with all the girls, and was caught slowdancing with katsuki once at like 3am on a saturday (aizawa cried like a little bitch)
all of 1a calls aizawa dadzawa by the time 2nd year rolls around. like, if someone calls him aizawa now he thinks hes in trouble or someone died or some shit.
kirishima can handle any kind of spice because one of his mamas is half latino and so he basically grew up with lots of spice. bakugo challenged him to a spicey wing eating thing and they ended up having to stop because bakugo ran out and threw uP BC HE WASNT GONNA LOSE OKAY
kirishima will escort young ladies home if they feel unsafe, or he will just scare the shit out of men who harass anyone
sero becomes super fucking popular with ladies like everyone thinks hes hot and he doesnt know why but like- BITCH- ..... he is so fine, next
bakugo and midoriya go to therapy together and work shit out. kirishima ends up having to go with bakugo to therapy a lot bc he says he gives him the courage to open up and not feel weak 🤨..... idk sounds kinda gay to me
a majority of class A has a mission near an animal shelter, and damage is done to the shelter and a really dangerous aggressive dog starts running at mina and bro this dog- this dog is fucking BIG like wolf big and out for BLOOD and is so loud and kiri, ya know, grew since first year and is now like a tank like 6"7 and 300 pounds of muscle and so he gets infront of mina and just goes "HEY!" in a really fucking deep like angry as shit voice and makes himself big and the bear of a dog immediately flinches and runs back into its kennel. and everyone kind of freezes and looks at him, and hes like "jeez, i didnt mean to be so loud" and bakugos like "oh no that was the hottest thing ive ever seen in my life" anyways
bakugo can cook, kirishima can bake
bakugo gets super bad sensory overload sometimes when hes had an especially bad experience with a quirk or something and will have meltdowns about his clothing or how sweaty he is, or how loud his quirk is and how bright it is and kirishima will help him. when it first happened everyone handled it really well, and turned off the lights, and momo made him a weighted blanket and noisecancelling shit and kirishima put his head on his chest to help him match his breathing and shit. v wholesome.
kirishima and bakugo got in a super big fight near the beginning of second year when bakugo was in a bad mood and called him weak again and kirishima blew up on him and told him how he wasnt gonna let katsuki walk all over him just because he feels insecure or weak or whatever and kirishima got super fucking pissed because bakugo got defensive and told him he shouldnt take it so seriously and that it was true and he needs to get stronger and kirishima was like fuck you, at least i admit i have some weaknesses to overcome, and some things that need to be fixed, and they were both hurt and shit but bakugo wouldnt apologize so he stopped talking to him for a while. and then kirishima kept teaming up with midoriya and working together and bakugo confronted him and was obviously trying not to cry and apologized and shit
^ adding onto that. kirishima is equals with bakugo, and will always be equals with bakugo. he never ever comes back crying first, and he always leaves bakugo alone until he apologizes. thats called being partners bitch, and bakugo tries his best. they barely ever argue, unless its about mac and cheese or some shit
kirishima loves calling bakugo pet names, and bakugo will absolutely never admit to anyone it makes him feel like the strongest person alive, but he will to kirishima
kirishima called bakugo "puppy" once while he was sleepy and bakugo broke down crying because he didnt know why it made him feel so nice. kirishima felt horrible. they werent even dating yet 💀
when minas bored she'll teach one of the boys a dance and make a tiktok with them. bakugo is surprising good at dancing.
bakugo, kaminari, and kirishima are the absolutely fucking hilarious when left alone together.
bakugo is super innocent so everyone will ask him random questions at the most random times just to see his whole body blush red and he turns into a grandma, like "bakugo how do lesbians have sex" and hes like "WH- WHAT THE- EW!!! GROSS I DONT KNOW! WHY WOULD YOU ASK ME THAT!!! YUCKY!!!"
bakugo has to have braces for a year and then wears a retainer and kirishima likes it alittle too much while everyone else thinks he looks fucking stupid
denki will go wake up aizawa and sleep in his bed when he gets sick or has a nightmere. present mic will make denki breakfast if he comes to the dorms to find his spot taken.
mina and bakugo are barbz, and so is kirishima just much more on the DL.
kirishima and bakugo can talk telepathically by the time they get to 3rd year, so they always make up the best excuses. also they have really weird nicknames that only they get. kirishima did make the mistake of joking around and saying he wants to be called big daddy boss man and bakugo wouldnt cook for him until he had a written apology.
bakugo really loves cuddling but doesnt know how to ask for it so he just acts like a cat and headbuts kiri and sits on him angrily until he gets the message.
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bee-a-lover · 2 years
Do Genya and Kaz, whore
why does mundie bully me :(
genya my love:
genya’s a boss at braiding hair. not even because of her tailoring, she’s just good at it on her own. when she has slumber parties with the other grisha girls (because that’s non-negotiable) she goes around the circle braiding everyone’s hair while they gossip. tamar’s hair is too short to braid, but tolya likes his braided sometimes :)
genya’s real laugh is super loud and snorty and adorable and everyone is shocked when they hear it for the first time but they all love that about her
she sleeps with a raggedy old stuffed animal. she brought it to the little palace with her when she first arrived and has had it ever since. david doesn’t mind, whenever she gets in bed without it he asks her where it is :)
i feel like genya would love karaoke and sing-alongs. her, zoya and alina would go so hard at karaoke together
she loves fruit. oranges and strawberries in particular
kaz my love:
when it’s not matted with blood, his hair is actually extremely soft and smells good. the first time inej touches it she is shocked and amazed
those rare times he accepts the fact that humans need sleep, he has the sleep schedule of an elderly gentleman, meaning he is in bed at nine and wakes up at the crack of dawn and it is near impossible to wake him up (jesper tried once and freaked out because he thought he’d slipped into a coma) (at the same time if there was a real threat he’d be awake and ready to beat the crap out of it in an instant) (how his unconscious self can tell the difference? nobody knows) + bonus kanej: inej is the polar opposite, a very light sleeper but she stays up late and likes to sleep in. kaz always wakes up first so he guards her while she sleeps. if someone’s being super loud they will get whacked with his cane. legend has it he whacked a rooster once for daring to caw while inej slept.
kaz hates roosters and chickens. farm trauma
when inej is at sea, kaz has exactly two friends in ketterdam who are also in a relationship. this man completely rejects being wesper’s third wheel. he’ll materialize with no warning, completely ignore the fact that they’re on a date, and drag them off on a mission that’s really just an excuse to have their company. jesper and wylan have a pact to just go along with it because this man is in denial and friends are good, kaz
he’d never admit it but he’s lowkey into fashion, meaning he’s judging everyone’s outfits all of the time. sometimes verbally. a lot of the time it’s verbally.
whenever inej returns from sea he’s at the docks to meet her and then he takes her to a huge expensive breakfast where they catch each other up on everything they couldn’t fit in their letters. it’s their tradition :)
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chibsytelford · 3 years
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Requested by anon - Hear me out. What about a fic where the reader is related to one of the sons (maybe chibs or tig?) And they broke up with her long-term boyfriend and had to move into a clubhouse dorm but since hapoy recently patched over , they spend alot of time together and things happen between them(if you get what i mean😏) and eventually she sleeps in his dorm almost evey night but they keep is secret from the others because they dont know how to approach the situation then one day one of the sons burst into his dorm and are like "hap something happend we need you to- OH COME ON REALLY?". Then they have to explain to the sons shes related to how long its been going on? You can choose how it ends.
A/N - I tweaked the story a little bit, I felt like I would have to write 10k words just to include everything. I hope you still like it nonetheless!
If you want added / removed from my taglist let me know 😊
The thought of having to explain again that you and your ex had broken up had your stomach churning. This was the only one of your boyfriends that Chibs had liked, and you thought it'd be the relationship that you'd have for the rest of your life. Oh how naive you were. 3 years you wasted, thinking that he loved you, that he wanted you, but it turned out that he was doing a pretty good job of faking it all.
As you pulled up to Teller Morrow you gave yourself a quick once over in the rear view mirror. You ran out of tears 4 weeks ago, but you hadn't slept much since the break up 2 months ago, and your eyes were proving that. Your boss was also your best friend, so when you told her you needed time off, she told you to take as long as you needed, and she even suggested you come to Charming for some 'healing' is what she called it. She told you that visiting Chibs - who you called 'Uncle Chibsy' ever since he rescued you and your car 6 or so years ago - would be good for you, and that night you had headed off to Charming and here you were.
Grabbing your suitcase, you locked your car and headed for the doors of the clubhouse. Before you could even reach them you were stopped by a Scottish accent you were oh so familiar with. "Y/N?" Chibs shouted from across the yard. "Is that you?" You turned around and he smiled, holding his arms out for you. You dropped the suitcase -not caring if anything in it broke- and sprinted towards him, jumping into his arms and nearly making him fall backwards.
"Surprise!" You smiled back kissing his cheek as he spun you around. "I've missed you Uncle" you admitted as he finally put you down again, lazily draping an arm around your shoulder.
"What's brought ye here?" He asked, picking your case up for you and holding the door open, as he always did. Chibs led you to a table, grabbed you a beer and plopped himself down beside you.
You had no intention of hiding the breakup from him, you just didn't want to keep talking about it. You had told most people back home over the course of the last few weeks and having to repeat it just made you tired. But you knew better than to keep anything from Chibs. "Dale and I broke up" you shrugged, picking at the label on the bottle. "It is what it is" 
Chibs looked at you, raising his eyebrow and giving you the look. The look that had your walls crumbling, leaving your insecurities on show for him. He was always good at that, knowing when you were hiding something, knowing when you wanted to say something but couldn't. "He told me he didn't love me, that he never did, and never will" you sighed wiping some stray tears away. "3 years" you laughed bitterly, "I'm an idiot". 
"Hey love, you're not an idiot" Chibs said, pulling you so you were now flush against his side. He placed his arm on your shoulder, using his thumb to draw circles on it - a gesture he knew calmed you down. "He's the idiot, and he will be a headless idiot when we are done with him" he said causing you to laugh out loud. The sound made Chibs smile. 
Just then some of the other men came bouncing through the door. You recognized them all from when you had visited Chibs over the years. Juice came through first, followed by Tig and Jax, and then your eyes landed on Happy's. "Hey guys" you said greeting them with a small smile and wave. The men nodded at you and smiled back, but they were too busy grabbing beers and lighting cigarettes to come and speak to you, except Happy who was hovering halfway between you and Chibs and the bar. You pointed to the empty seat at the other side of the table and Happy silently padded over, accepting your invitation. You pushed your beer over to him, inviting him to take a drink, which he did so, before wiping the rim and giving it back to you with a small smile.
"How you been?" Happy asked, genuinely curious. "How's Dale?" The name fell from his lips like venom from a snake. 
"She was just telling me about that asshole" Chibs piped up. "The twat broke up with her" you could have sworn you saw a slight smile grace Happy's face, but you couldn't be sure. "I was just telling Y/N about how we were going to find him and cho-" 
"Chop his balls off?" Happy finished, glancing at you briefly before looking at the Scotsman. 
"I was gonna say head, but balls work too brother" Chibs answered giving Happy a high five, making you laugh and shake your head at the action. 
Dale was soon forgotten as Chibs, Happy and you spent the night laughing, drinking and telling each other stories, which ended up being more embarrassing for you than the other two. 
"I'm going to bed now I think guys" You announced. You had no idea what time it was but a quick glance at your phone told you it was 230am. Time goes fast when you're having fun, and that saying was true for tonight. It was the most fun you had in ages. Chibs stood up to let you out and you bent down to give him a kiss on the cheek, doing the same to Happy too. He already had his cheek waiting for you, you noticed. 
Grabbing your case you headed for Chibs' dorm. The room you always crashed in when you came to visit. Chibs didn't mind sleeping on one of the benches in the clubhouse, or sometimes he even crashed in Tig or Juice's room. You quickly changed the sheets, brushed your teeth and then put one of Chibs t-shirts on. You slipped under the covers and sleep welcomed you quickly, which was the first time in 2 months that had happened.
You had now been in Charming for 2 weeks, and every day was a different day. You started helping out Gemma a bit in the office and you helped to tend the bar. It was the least you could do since they were letting you stay there. You and Happy had developed a strong bond over the last few weeks. After your first night, every night after that was spent with Happy. You guys played pool, drank beer, listened to music and one night Happy even had a go on the karaoke after you begging him constantly. You found yourself intrigued by the man nicknamed The Tacoma Killer by his brothers. 
You hadn't thought or spoken about Dale since the first night you got here. Your thoughts were slowly being taken over by Happy, and you were surprised by how quickly feelings had developed for him. You didn't expect to have feelings for someone so quickly after your last relationship, but you welcomed the feeling. And you knew that Happy felt something for you too. You noticed how he always went out of his way to bump into you, he always asked how you were, he made sure you had everything you needed and he also made you a cup of tea every morning and left it outside Chibs' door. In the 3 years you were with Dale, not once did he make you a cup of tea. 
"Need anything love?" Chibs asked you as you dried the glasses and placed them on the rack behind the bar. You looked up and noticed he had a crow eater on his arm, and you knew his intentions. 
You shook your head. "No, I'm fine thanks" you smiled. "Take your room tonight, give me 2 minutes and I'll change the sheets". Before Chibs could protest you had already left and changed the sheets, returning in a few minutes with your bag. 
"Where will you sleep?" He asked. 
"She'll sleep in my room" Happy said, suddenly appearing behind you, making you jump. "I'll sleep on the floor" he added before Chibs could shut the idea down.
Chibs looked at you and you nodded shyly, agreeing to the proposition. "Night love" he said leading his companion for the night to his dorm.
"Thanks Hap" you turned around and noticed how close Happy was to you. "You didn't have to do that" you smiled.
"Well I did" he said matter of factly. "You ready for bed now?" You nodded, placing the tea towel on the bar and wiping your sweaty hands on your jeans. 
"Lead the way" you murmured, getting slightly nervous. You followed Happy and he showed you where everything was. He pulled out a t-shirt and handed it to you, pointing to his bathroom so you could get changed. The t-shirt covered your thighs and ended at your shins, so you decided not to wear any trousers underneath. As you excited the bathroom, Happy was just finishing up making the bed. He pointed for you, telling you to get in and you did what you were told. 
He was mesmerising. A man who hardly said anything, yet the way he moved had you in awe. He took his kutte off and placed it over the end of the bed, leaving him in his vest and jeans. He took the jeans off too, not caring that you were clearly staring at him. 
Happy grabbed a sleeping bag out of the wardrobe and went to make his bed on the floor but you stopped him. 
"This is silly" you admitted "the bed is big enough for both of us, don't you think?" You had no idea where the sudden confidence came from, and you even caught Happy off guard with it too.
He blinked a few times, looking at you like you had suddenly grown three heads. "Yeah?" was all he could muster, and you nodded encouragingly, patting the space beside you for good measure. 
Happy's movements were slow. He maintained eye contact with you, looking for a trace if regret or hesitation but you didn't give him any. Instead, you curled up under the covers and waited for his warmth. A few seconds later he joined you in bed, switching the lamp off and you were both engulfed in darkness. Neither of you said anything, scared of breaking the silence.
"Goodnight Y/N" Happy whispered eventually. 
"Goodnight Hap" you replied contentedly. 
You were woken by some banging on the door that didn't seem to stop, even after you put a pillow over your head. 
"Happy? Happy? HAAAAAAAPY!" you recognized the voice as Chibs and he sounded like he was in a hurry or needed something urgently. 
You turned around and saw Happy was dead to the world. He looked peaceful but you knew if you didn't wake him up that Chibs was about to burst the door down. You poked him once on the chest but he didn't move. You poked him on the chest again, a bit harder this time but again it was no use. You then turned your poking into nudging and soon you had managed to wake him up. "If you don't let Chibs in he is about to break your door down" you laughed pointing to the door.
Happy huffed and clambered out of the bed. He unlocked the door and yanked it open, coming face to face with Chibs. 
"Finally!" He threw his hands up in the air exasperatedly. "What took ye so long?" 
Happy shrugged. "Y/N had to wake me up".
"Ye don't look like a man who slept on a hard floor all night" Chibs pointed out. 
"That's because he didn't" you said. Chibs poked his head around the corner and raised his eyebrows. "What?" You innocently shrugged "the bed is big enough for 2 of us". 
Chibs held his hands up, not saying anything else. "We can continue this discussion later" he said aiming that comment at you. "Jax needs us" he said to Happy. 
Happy nodded and shut the door, grabbing some clothes from his drawers and putting them on quickly. "Sorry" he mumbled "duty calls".
"Don't worry about it. I'll be waiting for you to get back" this time Happy kissed your cheek and you welcomed the feeling of his lips against your skin. 
"I'll look forward to it" he smiled, and walked out, but not before giving you one last smile. 
@rebelwrites @everyhowlmarksthedead @mayans-sauce @yourwonkywriter @pancakeisreading @mrsmarvelous1995 @encounterthepast @starrynite7114 @trulysuccubus @shelliechen @frightfulnite @scuzmunkie @blessedboo @jadesamhart @fangirlingaesthetics @i-love-scott-mccall @deeandbobbymcgee @gemini0410 @thisishowdynastiesareborn @meteora-fc @withmyteeth @est1887 @justjuiceyboy @destynelseclipsa @rocketqueen @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo @queenbeered @lauraashley93 @talicat713 @jasminee97 @multiyfandomgirl40 @sadeyesgf @anangelwhodidntfall
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taeyohonic · 3 years
stolen dances | chap. 10
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summary: sometimes supporting the person you love is the hardest challenge you’ll ever face.
pairing: jeon jungkook x fem!reader
rating: m
warning: alcohol consumption (drunk people / hungover people), swear words
additional tags: f2l, ceo!jungkook, bestfriend!jungkook, shrink!yoongi, my best friend’s wedding meets 27 dresses (if the boss/secretary couple had happened), angst-y
words: 2100
links: prev. |  next  [masterlist]
note: lower case letters intended
chapter summary: jimin is team jungkook... whatever that means
“fuck”, jungkook hisses in your ears as the sizzling pan burns his hand. even years after their final performance, seokjin still inhabits the second nature of being the leader. he moves swiftly around the table to check on jungkook, who stays in his position. his breath is hot on your neck as you try to kill yoongi with your stare. with caution you touch jungkook’s burned hand, but the singer won’t let your fingers rest on his before he withdraws himself from you. jimin looks at the scene in front of him with distaste while the oldest coos at jungkook.
“let me be, hyung.”
“you’re hurt, kookie. we have to ice it”, seokjin insists and you pry your eyes away from your therapist to turn around, only to find jungkook watching you intensely.
“_____ knows where the ice is.” yeah, every single one of his friends knows where the freezer is. it’s essential for margarita wednesday. but you don’t dare to voice that – not when even the loudmouthed taehyung is keeping quiet.
“come on, kook”, you say softly and stand up, the delicious chicken completely forgotten.
there is the faint sound of yoongi’s apology in your ears as you move closer to the kitchen, jungkook like a cloak following behind you.
“how bad is the pain?”, you ask and collect an icepack, looking more at the granite worktop in jungkook’s spotless kitchen than your best friend.
“____, look at me”, he orders roughly. instead of taking the ice from you, he waits.
after a second too long, you face him. his eyes are hot on your skin and you feel yourself shrink inch by inch.
“you sang for him?”
“i… no – i just helped him out”, you explain. “yoongi needed the track for his audition and … he really tried other options – you, you know how terrible my voice is. but the label demanded the tape – we didn’t have time.”
you don’t know why an apology is nestled on your lips; there is nothing to be sorry for. jungkook disagrees.
“you sang for him”, he repeats, not in question, but as an accusation.
“what’s the big deal?”, you whisper and press the icepack onto his hand. for a split-second you think he’ll push you back and throw the cooling aid across the room. but your best friend does the complete opposite, taking a step closer to you. you feel his chest heaving as the space between the two of you grows smaller and smaller.
there are a lot of reasons why you love jungkook. one of them is that you are oh so attracted to him.
your heart kindly reminds you of that fact by beating heavily against your ribcage. you can smell his skin and see the tiniest scar his brother gave him when he was a toddler. this is not good.
“you won’t even sing karaoke with me, but you’ll sing for him?”, he asks and grips your hand to push it onto his burn. he hisses in pain but does not stop the pressure.
“you’re all famous singers, jungkook… i.. i don’t wanne embarrass myself in front of you”, you answer. he only huffs.
“____, you puked on me.”
“the rollercoaster was too fast – even jimin said that.”
“you had diarrhea during our last road trip.”
“nobody noticed that.” his eyes widen in disbelieve at your claim.
“i massaged your stomach the whole night to get the cramps to stop. everybody noticed, ____.”
“i don’t know what you want to achieve with this, jungkook”, you whine and try not to notice how delicious his collarbone looks under the kitchen lights.
“___”, he starts, “you can’t embarrass yourself in front of me.”
your eyes are still set on his collarbone and he breathes, clearly annoyed.
“there is no shame in this friendship, ___”, jungkook states with finality in his voice. you do not dare to meet his eyes, after the word ‘friendship’ burns itself onto your mind.
“music is half of who i am”, he continues, “i’d love to share it with my best friend.”
your answer is met with a soft smile you do not see.
“okay”, he repeats and gives your hand a reassuring squeeze.
he steps away from you a moment later and now, his skin out of reach, you look at his face. his eyes are kind on you.
“let’s see if they left some chicken”, you say and before jungkook can respond, you’ve left the kitchen and your beating heart behind.
“where is all the chicken?”, you exclaim as you join the boys again. jimin’s faint blush is overshadowed by taehyung’s snicker.
“we were only gone for a second, hyungs!”, jungkook adds and helps you by adjusting your chair after you take your seat across from a full-mouthed yoongi.
“there is enough pasta for you to not go hungry”, seokjin answers and passes on the sauce to your best friend, who coats his spaghetti with the citrusy sauce, muttering to himself.
“so, you’ll help with the remix?”, taehyung asks yoongi, clearly done with your complaints.
yoongi looks at jungkook instead of taehyung as he replies.
“yeah, joon and i have been drabbling for a few days.” they have?
“maybe you can bring your demo next week to movie night?”, taehyung questions next.
“next movie night?”, yonngi repeats with furrowed eyebrows matching jungkook’s expression.
“or you can bring it by the office to my meeting with namjoon?”, seokjin offers. sorry, what?
“joon called you already?”, you ask. you distinctly remember the business card you’ve given your favorite barista at the restaurant. but you never imagined him to act this fast. even yoongi seems surprised.
“i like his voice”, seokjin nods at you and continues to eat his last chicken piece.
“but not as much as mine, right?”, jimin whines only to get slapped by the youngest.
your friends are really, really spoiled, you think with a smile and nudge yoongi’s foot under the table.
you hate how heavy your eyes feel while you blink at jungkook.
“you sure you don’t want to have a sleepover?”, he whispers as he helps you into your jacket. scratch that, your arms are heavier than your eyelids. your whine reminds him more of a kitten than a human and he smiles at you.
“nooo, i just… i-i wanne have my special pillow. and my socks.”
“okay, okay, okay – honey – don’t need any tears in this hallway”, seokjin hushes before hugging you. “drink lots of water, understood?”, he asks and lets you go. you nod silently and smile at him. even that is a task.
jungkook looks at the both of you and can’t help his chuckles at your big eyes in front of seokjin’s wide shoulders. it’s just… too cute.
“thanks for the invite.” yoongi pulls the host back to reality and jungkook nods at him with a fake smile.
“sure”, he says. now that you are half-away in dreamland, he doesn’t have to pretend to like your friend. he just wants him out of his house and your life. it physically pains jungkook to let you go together. how special can your at-home-pillow really be?
even in your state you notice how jimin sidesteps yoongi’s hand and how fast taehyung opens the door to lead your therapist out in the hallway. jimin pushes seokjin aside to say goodbye to you, huffing into your hairline as you squeeze him half-heartedly back. his behavior towards yoongi makes you dislike him more than you care to admit.
your friend bows to the boys before moving to the hallway. there is just taehyung between you and the exit now. jimin passes you off to the troublemaker, but not without some clouded thunder in his eyes. embraced by taehyung, you whisper: “what’s up with jimin?”
the former singer knows that eyes and ears are on you – they always are when you’re with them – so he presses his lips close to your ear before answering.
“he’s always been team jungkook.”
it takes you six hours of sleep, two coffees and one aspirin before his words reach your brain the next morning.
you to troublemaker: what’s team jungkook?
your message to taehyung goes unanswered. it makes you mad and you do not like being ignored. after crafting the whole day with your kids in pottery class, you make your way out of the school. you try to repress memories of the awkward lunch with jisoo, not ready to face the reality that she made jungkook uncomfortable, and the alcohol still makes your steps more sluggish than graceful.
jungkook’s mercedes in front of the building comes as a surprise.
“surprise!”, he exclaims and opens the car door for you.
“what are you doing here?”, you ask, too drained to be more forthcoming. the former idol smiles behind his sunglasses.
“surprising my very chipper, sunshine-y best friend.” jungkook sounds so excited that you can feel your lips – and mood – lifting by the second.
“and what’s the surprise?” other than your very busy ceo taking the afternoon off to give you a ride instead of letting you take the crowded train home.
“i wanted to take you to the park!” he points to the basket hidden in his car and your cheeks flush while looking at his long, long finger.
“come ooon”, jungkook tries to shush you into the seat, not ready for some of the pedestrians to notice the famous man. maybe he shouldn’t flash his gucci sunglasses.
“okay, okay, kookie, okay”, you relent and squeeze his shoulder before getting into the mercedes.
it only takes him seconds and then he’s in the driver’s seat, smiling happily at you.
“how was pottery?”, he asks and speeds out into the traffic. you’ve sent him some of your students’ creations from today during lunch, trying to escape jisoo’s eyes – they’d been so proud. you haven’t shown him yours.
“my mug looks so ugly”, you mutter, only to hear a huff from jungkook.
“no way – your designs are unique… never ugly.”
at the next red light, you flash him a picture of your grotesque creation. he is silent until the lights change to green. eyes on the road, jungkook tries to soothe you.
“practice makes perfect, ___.” you only snort.
“yeah well… i think we’ll focus more on learning tomorrow. minimal creativity. maximal brains.”
there is a comfortable silence in the car – but not for long.
“how was your day?”, you ask and turn your upper body to the driver so you’re more focused on his hands gripping the steering wheel.
jungkook sighs before responding. “the board doesn’t like our promotion strategy for europe. so, we’ll have to revise the concept. sales are good – the finance department had a boner for their whole thirty minutes presentation, calculating how much money we’ll make this quarter.”
he takes a turn and you can already see the green from the park.
“had lunch with jin and went for a mini workout after that.”
jungkook parks the car in one swift motion and you have to suppress the moan at his controlled handling of the wheel. he doesn’t even look bothered by the vehicles waiting for him to maneuver into the tight space. after he turns off the engine, your best friend faces you fully.
“and i googled a bit”, he admits. it’s a random fact, making you conscious of its deeper meaning.
“during your lunch with jin?”, you ask. “or while doing squats?”
“during the finance presentation – it was so boring, ____”, he groans and falls forward onto your shoulder.
“and what did you google?”, you ask and press his earlobe between your fingertips. you can still feel the numerous holes from his idol days. it’s a shame he doesn’t wear earrings anymore.
“you know…”, jungkook starts softly, “i wondered – at the restaurant, with namjoon.” his forehead is still resting on you, so he easily notices your stiffened body.
“i would have kind of believed it if you met him first. you drink way too much coffee. he’s a barista.” jungkook’s explanation is hushed against your skin.
“but you met yoongi first, _____.”
“yeah”, you admit quietly.
“min yoongi’s practice has a website, ____.”
“min yoongi is a licensed therapist, ____.”
there is a beat of silence as he waits for you to decide how open you want to be with your best friend… and yourself.
“he is my licensed therapist, jungkook.”
sorry for the late update. hope you are all healthy! love, dana
p.s. this had a whole lot of “uhhh she went to therapy” vibe. therapy is cool, i only survived because i went to see a therapist. jungkook thinks so too; don’t let the last scene fool you. so… we’ll have the park “outing” next and after that… all goes down the drain. I promise.
taglist:   @livewittykid  @thequeen-kat @kagami-s-void @goldenclosethobi @youwannabelostandnotbefound @jinsalpaca @bishuthot @laabellaavitaa21 @baekstans @jalexad​​ @jinsearthh​ @kseokwu​
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aetherin21 · 3 years
Han Joon-gi Analysis
What I love about this dood is that you think he is this straight laced guy with no humor in him when he enters the party but as you have table talks and conversation he is a really funny guy.
He is always the butt of the jokes of Ichiban and the others, he just plays a long its really cute. Ichiban calling him Pan Joon-gi cause he liked the taste of hot bread, Saeko giving him a nickname of Han-chan and Adachi calling him prince charming on a white horse.
Its also funny how vain he is sometimes even though that's not even his real face. It just goes to show how he knows and IS a fact that the real Han Joon-gi is THAT hot and he is owning the compliments.
Han Joon-gi gives more of a cute introverted younger brother vibe compared to Zhao. Especially how he thinks of the real Joon-gi and Seong-hui as his older siblings.
I also find it cute that the fact that he also likes playing games and genuinely seem to having the time of his life when he is with the others. Even willing to do some stupid stuff that isn't very Han Joon-gi like (Zhao and Ichi's karaoke back up keyboard player).
As fun and cool he is, Han Joon-gi is a really complicated character. He has a ton of baggage compared to the other characters as far as I can see.
From his drink link and the RGGO content specifically his and Ryuji's story. The boy grew up poor and is used to starve himself. He refused to eat with Ryuji that the guy has to stupidly twist his words to make him eat a decent portion of food. Which resulted in the boy actually enjoying it whole heartedly. Another is when he would stand for hours during the meeting of the Ijin three watching them eat even if he is feeling hungry.
A lot of people has also noticed and pointed out that his body from Yakuza 7 isnt as beefy, macho or taller as the real Joon-gi of Yakuza 6. His up bringing may have contributed to it.
With being poor and all he is also used to cramped, small and dirty places which can be seen from his party convo with Nanba and Saeko about a building in Sotenbori looking much better than the one he is living at. Aside from that he also gets beat up by his abusive alcoholic dad and gets bullied by his peers too. The guy is so used to it that you can see how desensitized he is just with his monotone speech pattern in RGGO.
To think this guy's life wont get any worse but oh boi it does. When his dad drugged him and conducted a high quality plastic surgery without his consent the dood must have been livid when he woke up. Having the face of someone you don't know staring back at you as you look in the mirror. That is some hard ass kick on someone's mentality. No wonder he had an identity crisis. Not only did he already suffered enough as a kid with hardly any freedom at all, he gets to be a sacrifice for his father's own incompetence.
It must also suck for the real Joon-gi for one of his grunts to offer him their only son with his face plastered on to them. That shit is fucked up not gonna lie. Especially how the kid that was offered to him has his autonomy beaten out of him. He has no choice but to accept it and even have the kid always by his side that some people mistake them as twins.
Though he may have lost his sense of self I can see how his boss' personality molded with his own. The confidence, the skills he has in games (consecutive bulls eye on darts bruhh), his taste on wine(probably) and how he takes care of his looks. But even so you can still see his own personality shine. Like how he plays video games, his tenacity to learn new skills with the whole coffee shenanigans with Seong-hui and his passion for self sufficiency of producing energy. (Plus its cute how dumb he is like the rest of the party. When you hear him say something decent and makes actual sense but then proceeds to say something stupid next)
When the real Joon-gi died, he must have felt so lost. Since the only person who he looked up to as a brother figure, respected and idolized even is gone from his life. No wonder he gave in to despair because he not only couldn't fulfill his duty as a body double, he also lost someone who gave meaning to his life.
Although he tried his best to blend into society seeking help to the Korean communities in Japan, he was isolated because of his status as a criminal. Plus the fact that the Korean community isn't even treated well in the country may also contributed to his isolation. Why would they lend a hand to someone who may attract more backlash to the already negative reputation of this small community?
Though thanks to Seong-hui reaching out to him. She gave him a new safe haven and purpose in life albeit she had to wait for him to recover from his mental state.
Basically this guy has been living in hard mode. But with all the shit he has been through, Joon-gi is still thankful for his boss that he is willing to forgo his name and his identity for him even after he died. He is a soft kid who wants to help his former leader's men and give them a new home in Geomijul because that's what his boss did for him.
It can also be argued that Ichiban and the party maybe his first actual friends. (I kind of wanna talk about how similar he and Ichi went through too but that's gotta be a whole new essay or something)
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hlcreators · 4 years
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AUTHOR REC:  jacaranda_bloom / @jacaranda-bloom 
Be sure to show some love by leaving kudos and comments! 
Seven Simple Words (15k)
It’s not like he and Louis were a couple. No, they might have been a lot of things—best mates and colleagues with a seemingly convenient friends-with-benefits arrangement—but never a couple. It wasn’t Louis’ fault he didn’t feel the same way and couldn’t reciprocate Harry’s feelings in the way he’d wanted, the way he’d needed. Harry had allowed himself to get in too deep, his entire being aching to be loved back by the object of his affections. But in love, as in life, you don’t always get what you want.
OR the one where you don’t always get what you want the first time around, but sometimes the universe decides to give you a second chance at getting it right.
Feels So Right (8.8k)
The emcee leans in between them, handing over his mic to the blue-eyed vision. “You know what? Someday… Someday you guys might thank me for this...”
OR the one where Louis is Troy, Harry is Gabriella, and we find out what really happened after karaoke at that ski resort...
Wonderland (4.3k)
Louis has always loved lazy mornings in bed with his mate, but now that his Omega is carrying their pup, they’ve reached a whole new level of wonderment.
OR the one where Louis loves to worship his Omega’s body and Harry loves to let him.
The Baby Whisperer (18k)
Harry’s newborn baby is having trouble sleeping and nothing he does seems to work. Tired and alone and at his wits end, Harry is at a loss until a new neighbour arrives to turn his world upside down.
OR the one where being neighbourly takes on a whole new meaning.
Fuck U Betta (11k)
There’s something about having Louis like this, exposed and desperate, that makes a primal urge bubble up from deep inside Harry’s chest. Desire mixed with something else, something unquantifiable. It’s the thing that makes them want this, need this. Nothing else will satisfy them or quench their thirst.
OR the one where Harry likes the thrill of the chase, Louis likes to be chased, and everyone gets what they need… in the end.
Caves End (39k)
When a recurring injury cuts short Harry’s time as the Captain of the English Football Team, he needs to rethink his career and his future. His best mate and manager, Niall, decides that what Harry really needs is a change of scenery, time to relax, and to get some perspective on his life. What Harry doesn’t expect is for them to end up in Australia, on a farm, with the most gorgeous man he’s ever laid eyes on.
OR the one where Harry has lost his future, Louis has lost his past, but maybe together, they can find a way through the dark.
When Tomorrow Comes (11k)
When Louis and Niall are partnered up to complete a project on Omega scents and how they effect the nesting behaviours of Alphas, little does Louis know that the course of his life is about to be forever altered.
OR the one where Louis is an Omega who has been keeping himself pure for his Alpha, Harry is a traditional Alpha focusing on his studies while he waits to find his bondmate, and Niall is a sneaky bastard who keeps borrowing Louis’ clothes and never returning them.
You Drive Me WIld (5k)
Most people would think that keeping a tube of lube hidden behind the driver’s side visor of their car is foolish and completely unnecessary, but then most people don’t have to chauffeur Louis Tomlinson around for a living.
OR the one where Harry has a brilliant idea to while away the time as he waits around for his boss but fate decides to rain on his parade... or maybe it’s the universe answering his prayers.
No Going Back (56k)
Sales reps Harry and Louis are bored with their jobs and their lives. After meeting at a conference in Cardiff they hook up, have a few too many drinks, and jokingly apply to become remote lighthouse keepers. Six months, just the two of them, looking after the southernmost lighthouse off the bottom of Australia. It’s not like their applications will be accepted. Right?
This is the story of how one choice - a left instead of a right, a go instead of a stop, a yes instead of a no - can change the future forever and that sometimes, taking that leap of faith, is worth the risk.
Strong Enough (20k)
“So…” Liam starts, and Louis instantly knows where this is going. He’s actually glad it’s Liam that's dragging the subject out from the shadows and into the light. Louis turns to face him, mirroring his position on the couch and nods, ready for him to continue. Liam takes a deep breath. “Have you spoken to Harry recently?”
Five years after Vertigo goes on hiatus, the band comes back together for a benefit concert. Can Louis and Harry work through their complicated past, or are some wounds too deep to be healed?
Shine (13k)
“How does it feel?” Harry asks, genuine curiosity evident in his voice.
Louis lets his eyes drift closed and focuses on the sensations. “It’s like… like I’ve got hands all over me, touching me, inside and out, and…” Louis tries to zone in but it’s so hard to describe. “It’s like I’m being stimulated everywhere all at once.” As if on cue, his nipples and earlobes start tingling and he arches his back. “Oh fuck, yeah.”
OR the one where Louis has a thing for the sun and Harry is more than happy to indulge his sunshine boy.
If You’re Out There (I’ll Find You Somehow) (55k)
Harry looks so intensely into Louis’ eyes it’s as though he’s reaching in and touching his very soul. “I never thought… I never… I’ve been searching for so long, Louis, but I never gave up. I couldn’t stop, wouldn’t stop trying,” Harry says, bottom lip trembling as he strokes the backs of Louis’ knuckles. “I just knew that if you were out there, I’d find you somehow.”
OR the story of how one man’s love changed the world.
Everything I Do (16k)
Harry’s ready, has been for a while now, and he’s fairly certain Louis is too, it just hasn’t been on the top of their priority list. There have been offhand mentions, a comment here and there, more in jest than anything, no serious discussion or consideration. Harry stands up straighter, a stomach-churning thought forming in his mind. Has Louis been waiting for him to ask?
OR the one where Harry finds a book of Elizabethan courtship rituals which sets in motion a series of events that can lead to only one conclusion.
Playing To Win (36k)
Big Brother UK alumni Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles are selected for the UK vs Australia All Stars series with a massive one million dollar prize in the offing. They’re both fit and smart and would make a great alliance... if only they can stop their feelings from getting in the way.
OR the one where Louis really doesn’t want to like Harry, Harry is struggling to quell his growing fondness for Louis, but sometimes, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t fight fate.
Exposed (666)
Louis should really stop agreeing to do favours for his friends while drunk, especially when they result in him becoming a live-art model…
Forever And Always (25k)
“Right,” Harry says and slaps his hands down on the kitchen benchtop. Now he just has to get home, find this poor Niall guy who is currently camped out in his body, and have them swapped back. What could possibly go wrong?
OR the one where Harry’s neighbour is a crotchety old witch who hates vampires, Niall is the unsuspecting human who ends up inhabiting Harry’s body, and Louis is the caseworker who is assigned to swap them back. How it ends up a love story is anyone’s guess.
Going My Way (20k)
"Hey Harry. Really sorry to do this to you but an emergency has come up with Vera’s mum and we’ve had to jump a flight home. My mate Louis is going to take over my LYFT clients while I’m away. He’s got my car and my phone and everything else. Hope that’s okay. He’s a good guy and I think you two are going to get along brilliantly. Catch you soon, Benny."
OR the one where Harry gets a replacement LYFT driver, Louis is just trying to earn some extra cash before the baby arrives, and they both end up with way more than they bargained for.
Up For It (18k)
Each year, the five friends take a lads holiday; it’s tradition, and this year is shaping up to be a jam-packed, fun-filled trip with their best mates just like all the rest... or is it?
OR the one where Liam is Mr Organised, Zayn is too perceptive for his own good, Niall is a compulsive matchmaker, and Harry and Louis might just have the surprise to shock them all.
With Words Unspoken (18k)
At forty-nine, Louis hadn’t envisioned being at a crossroads in his life; kids, grandkids, an ex-wife, and completely at a loss as to what direction his future will take. When he finds himself drawn back to a cabin in the Californian wilderness that’d he’d visited fifteen years earlier, an acquaintance from his past triggers an awakening deep inside and reveals a new path that he could never have imagined.
OR The one where Louis is lost, Harry is an excellent tour guide, and age is no barrier to finding the love of your life.
Henry and Lewis (4.3k)
PART 1 SUMMARY: Louis hangs out in his local coffee shop to work on his weekly WordPlay Prompt, speaks to his beloved muse aka Harry the gorgeous barista, embarrasses himself in front of said muse, and receives a comment on AO3 from his favourite reader.
SERIES SUMMARY: Every Tuesday, Louis spends his day off holed up in his favorite coffee-come-bookshop, writing his little stories as part of the WordPlay challenge while daydreaming about the resident barista, Harry. Each week a new word prompt is revealed and Louis adds to his series of short stories about Henry, the owner of a B&B in the Cotswolds who has curly hair and dimples, Lewis, his long term guest who just happens to be a writer, and Tigger, Henry’s cat.
As Louis and Harry’s friendship develops, could his fantasy world spill out into real life? And how does that reader who leaves the lovely comments with the teacup emoji seem to be able to read Louis’ mind?
Smuturdary (4.1k)
Louis struggles with this week's WordPlay prompt before finding inspiration, and a date, in an unexpected place, and could there be more going on with his favourite reader than he originally thought.
Tea For Two (4k)
Louis grapples with what to do about his new found suspicions over his favourite readers real-life identity.
Life Imitating Art (6.8k)
Louis is taken on a very real journey through his fic back catalogue - life has never imitated art so salaciously.
Entertain Me (5.3k)
All good things must come to an end, including the WordPlay challenge. But while Louis has mixed emotions about its end, and struggling to make sense of the final prompt, he is relishing every aspect of his newly revitalised personal life.
Play Me A Memory (26k)
Louis lives with his nine-year-old son Jake in a peaceful beachside community on the east coast of Australia, working as an entertainment coordinator at the local five-star resort. Harry is a recluse who lives on millionaires row and writes musical scores for blockbuster movies. When the roots of a wayward willow tree create havoc at his home, Harry is forced to stay at the resort while repairs are carried out.
Cue matchmaking storms, muffin preferences, laughter, love, and a whole lotta music.
The Cyber Sphere (17k)
As the author of The Cyber Sphere, a series of best-selling books which have spawned seemingly limitless spin-offs, Louis Tomlinson hides away from the world in his fortress-like London penthouse. But when he decides to interact with the host of The Cyber Times radio program, Dermot O’Leary, on Twitter, it causes a fandom meltdown and offers him hope for a future he’d never imagined.
OR the one where Liam likes to think he’s Batman, Dermot has terrible taste in sporting teams, and Louis should really get a cat.
Surprise Me, Space Boy (7.1k)
Louis is a solo officer on Space Station Zeta and the isolation can present many challenges, not least of which is that it’s really bloody hard to date. He’s pinning his hopes on that changing with a fellow solo officer, Harry, from a neigbouring station who gives great banter and has a gorgeous smile. Maybe online dating has its benefits after all?
OR The Space Wank Fic.
Harry Poppins (32k)
When Louis’ best friends pass away he finds himself with an instant family. Maddie and Thomas are wonderful children but take an immediate dislike to every nanny that sets foot inside their house. After nanny number six is summarily dismissed Louis is at his wit’s end, that is until an unusual man arrives on their doorstep. Harry Styles is like nothing any of them have ever encountered before, and perhaps, exactly what they’ve been looking for all along.
My One And Only (Desire) (500)
Harry is his, only his, and Louis belongs to Harry just as completely. They consume each other, in life, in love, in every way two people can.
Take Me Down Slow (Don’t Let Me Go) (26k)
Louis has always felt different. Not necessarily on the outer realm of societal norms, but pretty damn close to the edge. As an Omega, he’s supposed to want certain things; to want to raise a family, to want to build a life with a partner, and to want that partner to be an Alpha.
Well, two out of three ain’t bad.
OR the one where Louis wants to find the right kind of partner to love, Niall hates snowboarding, Liam wants to settle down, Harry is really good with his hands, and mother nature could be the thing that changes everything.
Soup Of The Day (19k)
It had been the single minded goal for them since college and seemed simple enough. 1. Study hard. 2. Open their dream restaurant. 3. Take the culinary world by storm.
What could possibly go wrong?
Or the Restaurant AU where Louis and Niall are chefs, Chicago is windy, and cracking the big time is harder than they ever imagined. But when a mysterious man starts grading Louis' soups by leaving little piles of rocks, could it be just the thing they need to get them on the road to success?
The Clock Strikes New Year (9.6k)
Louis senses people moving around behind him and cranes his neck left to right. The store is quiet, just staff and Louis and Harry, but all of the other salespeople appear to have gravitated to where they are to watch the little runway show Harry is putting on. He can’t blame them really, Harry is a sight to behold, but it makes him chuckle anyway.
“Okay, Lou, you ready for me?” Harry calls from the change room.
“As I’ll ever be, baby. Get out here!”
Harry comes into view and Louis’ breath catches in his throat.
OR Harry was homeless, but now he has Louis. Louis was lonely, but now he has Harry. And there’s more than one way to see fireworks on New Year’s Eve.
The Bet (2.4k)
Louis Tomlinson never reneges on a bet. Ever.
He may be many things - a joker, a sometimes-wayward student, a loyal friend, a Tony Award winner in the making, and a card-carrying member of the Chad Michael Murray fan club - but never, ever, a welcher. Louis makes good on his promises and does it with flare.
OR The one where Louis misjudges Harry's ability to do TLC's Waterfall rap and finds himself having to put on a one-man show for his viewing pleasure. If Louis decides to go all-in and dress the part, then that's just a bonus for his (very appreciative) one-man audience.
Heat (2.4k)
Louis was smitten from the moment Harry had arrived a month ago. Long, curly hair which he mostly keeps up in a bun, and a sinfully deep voice. Cheeky too. Louis likes that the best. He gives good banter and laughs at Louis’ dumb jokes, adding his own woeful puns. When Louis had asked him why he was in this godforsaken dust bowl, he’d said something about a ground crew traineeship and fulfilling his visa requirements while experiencing the real Australia. Louis had been momentarily distracted by Harry’s plush, red-bitten lips so the salient details may have washed over him.
OR Drinking beer in a blow-up pool, in a backyard, in stupidly hot temperatures, in outback Australia should be ridiculous, and it would be, if Louis didn't have a curly-haired workmate to keep him company.
Whisper The Wind (36k)
Louis’ father has political ambitions and decides it’s time for Louis to step up as the company’s Chief Financial Officer. Louis thinks this is a monumentally stupid idea. After storming off in a rage he has a chance meeting with a tall, dark, curly haired stranger. A technical glitch with their shared elevator finds Louis spending twenty minutes with the most intriguing man he’s ever met. Unfortunately the man is leaving London the very next day and moving to Australia to work at his mates surf school. Timing, as they say, can fuck right off.
Fast forward three years and Louis is miserable, a shadow of the man he once was, working in his father’s company, and hating every moment. At his thirtieth birthday party, surrounded by people he doesn’t know or doesn’t like, he decides to throw it all in and follow the impossible dream. Happiness, a fulfilling life, and someone to love. The question is, will that dream be found ten thousand miles away on a sandy beach, with a curly headed surfer dude?
Or the one where Louis rides an elevator that may change his life forever, Harry loves the ocean but is a terrible surfer, Liam proves not all heroes wear capes, and Niall might actually have all the answers.
The Clock Strikes Christmas (10k)
The clock ticks over to midnight and Niall strikes the match, lighting the candle and looking expectantly at Louis. “Time to make all your dreams come true. What’s your birthday wish Tommo?”
Louis stares into the flame and wonders. Closing his eyes, he thinks of cold winter nights curled up by the fire, driving along country roads holding hands across the console, laughter and warmth and a sense of belonging. An image creeps into his mind, blurry and shimmering. Curls, green eyes, milky white skin. Louis sucks in a deep breath, opens his eyes and blows.
The lights in the pub go out and the music stops, time seems to be teetering on the edge of something, like the crest of a roller coaster before the fall.
Then the pub surges back to life. “Sorry about that folks! Damn storm must be coming.” The bartender shouts out.
Niall is staring at him, mouth agape, before regaining his composure. “Must’ve been a helluva wish Tommo.”
Louis is a little stunned himself, but blinks out of it and laughs. “Yeah, must’ve been.”
OR the one where Louis needs someone to love, Harry needs a miracle, and sometimes, wishes really do come true
The Prince Of Light (35k)
Louis was found abandoned at a hospital at six months old and adopted by an older couple who raised him. Now twenty, he studies by night and by day works as a live-in au pair for a family with three little girls. One of the girls, Holly, swears there is a Garden Fairy coming and eating treats she leaves out in the cubby house each night.
When the family goes away for a two week holiday, Louis is secretly tasked with feeding the Fairy. While laying out the food one night he falls from the cubby house and is found by Harry. Harry is different and Louis is fascinated. But as Louis learns how different Harry really is, he discovers his own true home and a very surprising past he never knew.
Cue badgers, bananas and cookies, soulmates, a whole other world, and a future he’d never imagined.
Clouds On Curtis (9.6k)
A wave of comfort sweeps over Louis like a blanket as he allows himself a moment to imagine the possibilities. His past failures and disappointments feel like they are ebbing away, like shackles falling from his limbs. The burdens he's been bearing and the guilt he’s been carrying slipping away into the ground with each step he takes.
Harry reaches for the door and pauses, holding the handle he turns to face Louis.
“Are you ready for the adventure to begin?” Harry looks at him with hope in his eyes, dimple cratering in his left cheek.
“Absolutely, I’m all yours.” Louis says, wide smile breaking across his face, feeling the crinkles appear at the corners of his eyes.
In that moment he is sure of it. Surer than he's been about anything for years. This is exactly where he’s supposed to be. This is his second chance.
Or the one where Louis is a chef who is looking for a chance to start over, Harry’s restaurant needs the right chef to make his dream come to life, Niall is a cook who desperately wants to be a chef, and Liam just wants to be happy. Together, can they turn their dreams into reality?
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tachibanas-ghost · 3 years
Vibing with the Future Chairman (Daigo Dojima x Reader)
It was just another cold night in Kamurocho. You were going to hang out with your long time friend, Daigo Dojima. You were friends with Daigo for years by now. He was one of the few people who you actually trusted, although he barely knew it. He just thought you saw him as the privileged son of a yakuza patriarch and a badass mother. However, he was more than just that.
However, this night would mean something special to you.
At midnight, as the sun had long gone down, you went down the street and met Daigo waiting for you on a bench with his white as snow marshmallow jacket and shiny black jeans. Normally, he would have at least 2 other friends and even Kazuma Kiryu, but oddly enough, neither showed up.
"You showed up, y/n. I guess I'm not alone when things do get cold" Daigo said to you. This night in Kamurocho meant the streets weren't as crowded as usual. It felt like you were alone with him. "Speaking of cold, I think it's time we go inside. I know somewhere you'll love."
You follow him down the street. You almost never get to stay up this late because of your job. To you, it was extremely important to keep track of time so you didn't get stuck. But you felt hyped up to see the city so late in the night. You and Daigo ended up going into a popular Chinese restaurant that wasn't too far from Little Asia. "I'm sure you'll love this place. I bet you got quite an appetite you built up today. Time to be happy and prove your hard work paid off." Daigo told you. "Yes, Master Daigo" you respond.
You and your boss walk into the Chinese restaurant. There's not as many people as you expected. "Welcome. What would you like to get tonight?" A waiter asks. You and Dojima-san get beef lo mein noodles and a couple of eggrolls. Those are both your favorites, and you feel happy and accepting that Daigo is doing this for you. He cares so much. It's almost like he's family. "Thanks." You say to him for bringing you here. He looks at you with a smile and a wink. "No problem. I love you, y/n-chan." Daigo responds. He even refers to you with the chan honorific. "He must be in love with me" You think to yourself.
After paying and leaving the Chinese restaurant, you and Daigo-san go to look for a bar. He whispers in your ear that he's secretly indeed in love with you, but he doesn't want anybody else knowing, not even his mother Yayoi. "It's out of self-preservation, that's all." He tells you. After walking a bit, you and Daigo-san end up at the bar. You and him get a drink.
"Wanna do some karaoke?" He asks. You nod your head "yes" as you drink a glass of red wine. You get on the microphone and you sing a Japanese cover of Take on Me by a-Ha, as the instrumental starts playing.
"Take on meee! (take on me!) Take meee on! (take on me!) I'll be gone, in a day or twooo!"
Daigo-san is impressed by your singing. He was expecting your voice is sound different, considering you were drunk. He loves your karaoke, so he gets up to show you his singing voice. "You did such a good job." he says to you. He sings a cover of Judgement.
"Breaking ze law-aw! Breaking ze wor-old! Kawase!"
Daigo's voice proves to be just as manly as you were thinking. You feel so hyped up but relaxed simultaneously. "That was quite badass, Dojima-san." You tell him. "You would be a great musician."
Daigo does a bow to your compliments and sits back down. "I just need one more drink." He says as he chugs one last glass of red wine. "I'm feeling drowsy myself, aniki." You and him agree to call it a night and go to bed. "Y/n-san, I got somewhere if you need a place to sleep tonight. Just follow me." Daigo-san tells you. Both of you leave the bar and head to the Dojima Family Office, the old HQ where Daigo's father, Sohei, was the patriarch of the Dojima Family and and ran it at. The place became almost completely abandoned after his death, although Daigo and Yayoi do hang out there often, alongside certain people in Daigo's squad.
You open the door for him and he goes inside with you. You turn the lights on and Daigo gets onto the nearest couch in the lobby. He gives you one more kiss before falling asleep. "I really need to piss." You think to yourself. While you weren't as drunk as him, it doesn't mean your bladder is strong. Luckily, as you leave the lobby, you find a bathroom in the hallway. The bathroom is vacant. In the bathroom is one of those squat toilets you find around Asia.
You squat down, and relax as your bladder empties itself. You almost feel like you're gonna faint, but you hold on. "Can I just stay in here for a couple of minutes? I won't be that long." You say to yourself, as you feel more drowsy, but you manage to clean up after yourself and leave the bathroom. It's so lonely here as you end on a couch next to Daigo-san and lay there.
As your eyes close, your vision can see Yayoi Dojima as she walks into the lobby, assuming she mostly heard you and him. Surprisingly though, she's not mad at all. Instead, she looks, happy. She walks to Daigo-san and kisses him and wishes him goodnight as a good mother would and then she walks towards you. "Thank you for taking care of my son. He'll be a great leader one day." Yayoi says to you, before kissing and leaving exiting the lobby.
"Goodnight, aniki" are your last words before engaging in a goodnight's rest. You can't wait to see him more in the morning.
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vs-redemption · 3 years
Crime is Common. Logic is Rare. (Ch.25)
Chapter Twenty-Five: Lazy Morning (HawksxGN!Reader)
From Cindy: I’ve decided to continue this story to go through the war arc in the manga. Because of this, I’ve had to rethink some plot points and story lines which takes time. Thank you for your patience and enjoy the chapter. It is really fluffy!
Plot summary: As a quirk geneticist, you never really imagined yourself getting involved in hero work. Of course, you never imagined catching the eye of a pro hero either. What starts as a great career opportunity turns into a relationship built upon mutual secrets and trust.
⚠️This story contains spoilers from the manga.
⚠️Some events and plot points have been altered from the original manga
⚠️ Fluff!!!
Tag List: @gayforkeigo @marshmallow-witch @redflannel @toyo-shiro @elsasshole @astronomyturtle @iambashfulperson @omiwashere
Next Chapter : Chapter Guide
Waking up next to Hawks was a whole new experience when there wasn’t a rush to head to work or an imminent looming crisis about the secrets you both were currently keeping. With your arms securely wrapped around his body, you unbury your face from his chest and look up to admire his features which looked completely relaxed for one of the very few times since you’d met him. A smile tugs at your lips as your eyes scan over his feathery eyebrows, the black markings around his eyes, his cute little nose, those kissable lips, and finally to the few small hairs growing on his chin. He was gorgeous and you can’t stop yourself from stretching up to place one small kiss on the exposed column of his throat before tucking you head back into the warmth of his chest.
A few twitches from your boyfriend’s wings and a small groan told you that even such a small movement had been enough to disturb him from his sleep. You glance up at his eyes again which remain closed even though one of his strong arms slides over your waist to pull you closer.
“Good morning,” you say quietly.
“Mmm morning,” Hawks’ voice was a bit gravelly as his eyelids finally flutter open to reveal his beautiful golden eyes. “Throat’s dry…” he mumbles.
“Well, nobody told you to go that hard during karaoke,” you laugh softly as memories from the night before resurface in your mind. You wouldn’t mind if life was that relaxed and carefree for you both more often. Seeing Hawks acting open and goofy had reminded you what had drawn you to him in the first place.
“Don’t be mean,” Hawks pouts. “I had to impress your friends, didn’t I?”
“You impress them just by existing,” You assure him before humming contently at the soothing circles he starts rubbing on your back with his thumb.
“That’s right,” he sighs dramatically. “The only person immune to my magic face is you.”
“I’m not immune,” you correct him with a smile. “It’s just that there’s plenty more to like about you besides that.” A mischievous glint blooms in Hawks’ eyes and he raises his eyebrows curiously.
“Oh really?” He asks, “Care to elaborate?” You let out a dry laugh while slipping one of your arms free to reach up and run your fingers through his hair and then cup his cheek in your hand.
“Hmm, nah,” you tell him. “I don’t think so.” Hawks groans at the teasing before dipping his head down to kiss you on the forehead. You close your eyes and enjoy the moment for just a bit longer. As lovely as the morning snuggles were, the thought of the villains intruding in on such an unguarded and intimate time kept you from being able to relax completely. It reminded you of the conversation the night before, when Hawks had admitted to still having some secrets.
It was frustrating because, despite it being scary and stressful at times, you’d really grown to care a lot for the winged hero during your time together, and you wanted to be closer with him and know him completely. Whatever you didn’t know must be very sensitive though, and could probably be used against Hawks if the villains found out. You knew he’d tell you if he could, but until then, you supposed you’d have to bridge the gap between you both as best you could yourself.
“We should get up,” you mumble into his chest and he groans again. “I’ll make you coffee.”
It took a few minutes to convince him to get out of bed, and you had a feeling it was his own inherent need to move that finally motivated him in the end and not your coffee bribe. After all, he could probably send a couple feathers to prepare whatever he needed from the small hotel kitchen anyway.
“So, what’s on the agenda today?” Hawks asks, leaning against the counter in only a t-shirt and a pair of boxers as he waited for the coffee to brew. You did your best not to let your eyes wander, but hey, you were only human.
“I was thinking about what you said last night,” you hum while reading through a pamphlet of the hotel’s services, wondering if it was worth it to order something to the room for breakfast or if you should get dressed and head to a nearby café. “About learning more about each other by getting to know the important people in our lives.” Hawks looks over at you with cautious curiosity and you smile to assure him you knew to be careful about asking questions he couldn’t answer.
“I know you have to fly back to Tokyo today,” you say just as the coffee machine beeps. Even though you had told him you’d make the drink for him, his feathers set to work before you even had the chance to jump in. “But since the holidays are coming up, I thought it might be fun if you came with me to my family’s Christmas party.”
Hawk’s eyes go wide and his feathers falter just a bit, thankfully managing not to spill coffee all over the floor. “Family Christmas Party?”
“Only if we’re both able to get the time off work, obviously,” you shrug while putting the pamphlet down and shuffling over to stand next to him. His feathers deliver a hot mug of coffee into one of his hands while the other goes around your waist to pull you closer. “What do you usually do for the holidays?”
“Uh, not much,” He admits. “Most of time I’m on call at my agency in Kyushu, just in case there’s any trouble.”
“I was afraid of that,” you admit with a frown. “You said before that you don’t have contact with your own parents, or any really close friends either. That’s why I thought it might be nice to share mine with you.”
“That’s very sweet,” he smiles. “I’ve never had anyone want to introduce me to their parents before.” There was a playful tone to his voice, but you could tell the idea made him a little nervous.
“Don’t think of it like that.” you nudge him. “My parents are chill. They’re not like my boss who’s already planning our wedding. If you can handle her, you’ll be fine with my family.” Hawks hums in thought while sipping his coffee. It was hard to tell what he was thinking.
“It was just an idea,” you poke him in the ribs, making him flinch and almost spill his coffee for the second time. “We could always spend the holidays just the two of us. I have more than enough love to smother you with.”
“Smothered in your love,” Hawks grins. “Now that’d be the way to go.”
“Stop,” you try to poke him again but he swings his hips to the side to avoid your finger.
“You must be pretty serious about me,” He teases, “If you’re already wanting to bring me home to your family.” Apparently he was already over the nervousness from before. “Aren’t you worried I’ll embarrass you?”
“No,” you deadpan. “I’ve already told them how weird you are, so they’re prepared.”
“Oh jeez!” He groans dramatically, “You’ve set me up for failure. Am I even going to have a chance of coming off as respectable now?”
“Probably not,” you sigh and shake your head regrettably.
“That wasn’t very nice,” Hawks lets out a laugh. “Didn’t you say everyone in your family is a genius like you?”
“I’m not a genius,” you say modestly. “But yeah, we’re all members of the scientific community in some way. It kind of runs in the family.”
“Shouldn’t you be dating a rocket scientist or something then?” Hawks challenges you with a sly smirk.
“Nope,” you shake your head resolutely. “And even if I wanted to, I wouldn’t be able to because I love you.”
“Aw,” Hawks coos your name while setting his coffee mug down so his hands are free to pull you into his arms. “Come here, babe.” You gladly accept the affection and return the hug. “I love you too,” he mumbles before placing a kiss on your temple. “And I’m sure I’ll love your family too.”
“I knew I could convince you,” You say victoriously. “Now let’s get dressed and go find somewhere to have breakfast.”
Part of you hoped you weren’t rushing things too much with Hawks, but the fact of the matter was that you were serious about him, and wanted him to know that it was okay that there were things he couldn’t tell you right now. Your relationship could still progress, and even if it was a little one sided at the moment, there would be plenty of time later for him to catch up once his mission with the villains was over. You were really looking forward to the day you’d be able to go out with friends or spend a lazy morning with him without any fear of saying or doing the wrong thing. Hawks’ past was still a bit of a mystery to you, but it seemed like he hadn’t been given many opportunities to build close relationships with people. You couldn’t wait to show him all the joys of the things he’d been missing out on.
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hookahmancer · 3 years
Coldsteel: Hot and Cold Part 3
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Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Knuckles are playing Mario Party as Amy gets salty saying everyone is targeting her because she's a girl. Sonic is winning and mutters "it's not cause you're A girl, it's cause you're low hanging fruit."
"What are you calling me ugly? Like I'm some rotted apple?"
A familiar crass voice says behind her "he's saying your weak"
Everyone looks and it's Shadow with his arms crossed exacerbated at their activities. Sonic jumps "What are YOU doing here Shadow? You come to fight?!"
"Unlike you, I don't waste my time with low skilled welps. You wouldn't be ready for a REAL danger with all this leisure activity."
Knuckles tells him to chill out and that he should play. Maybe pick Boo the ghost since he's all dark and brooding.
"I just came here to warn you about Coldsteel. He's up to something, I just don't know what." Sonic sits back down and grabs his controller.
"Oh is that all? That guy is even less of a threat than Eggmud..."
Tails interjects while playing still that Coldsteel is a cunning and ruthless guy, and his heart of gold only makes him more of a threat because he has passion and a motive behind his actions making him a superior villain. Sonic just mutters "are you still on that fanboy crap?"
Knuckles coughs and waves his hand. "Shadow put out that minty cigar or whatever you're smoking! It reaks! Shadow?"
Shadow isn't there and the smoke gets thicker where no-one can see what's in front of them. A hedgehog like figure emerges and grabs Amy who screams as the others realize they can't move or speak.
Unbeknownst to the others, her captor is Coldsteel. Who in her paralyzed state he ties to a chair.
"Nothing person-el kiddo. The paralysis should wear off soon... I just didn't want those losers getting in my way."
"What's this all about Coldsteel? Sonic is gonna destroy you when he finds me! Even a DNA test wouldn't be able to recognize you!"
"Oh wow it's already wearing off, that was fast..."
"That's right. I'm A strong, independent woman with an even stronger immune system!"
"Well, this ain't A controlled substance girly... I'll keep ya paralyzed as long as I have too to get what I want."
Amy blushes but pretends to oppose
"Wha...what?! Are you going to have your way with me?! But I'm Sonic's girl! I will scream until your ears bleed as you...ravage me like some sorta primitive Neanderthal!"
"I know a petite, sophisticated, WAY OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE girl like me must be irresistible to your savage instincts but when Sonic finds out you won't be going to normal bad guy jail. You'll be going to hardcore bad guy jail where like, subreddit mods go!"
"Nothing person-el kid, but no. I'm just gonna keep you here until the Stockholm syndrome kicks in."
"Oh...so I'm not good enough for you is that it?! You think I'm ugly too?! Well look at you, Barney the dinosaur looking ass mother fucker!"
Coldsteel has an annoyed bored look on his face and inhales his vape, breathing it over Amy's face to paralyze her again.
Meanwhile when the others come too Sonic goes running around looking for Amy before Knuckles and Tails can even say anything. Knuckles and Tails get in Tail's airplane to scout the skies for Sonic and see the blue blur heading toward Dr. Eggman's lair who is bossing around his robots to adjust this giant golden statue of him while he drinks lemonade and says "no no, over there! Stupid robots..." Sonic tackles Eggman and starts wailing on Eggman.
"Where is she?!" "What are you blathering about hedgehog?!" Sonic continues to pummel Eggman as Tails and Knuckles yell at Sonic to stop from afar. As Tails lands, Knuckles jumps out and pulls Sonic off of a crying and battered Eggman.
"Stop going Christian Bale on him Sonic, we know this had to be Coldsteel's doing!"
"Don't you think I know that?! But Eggturd here is the one pulling the strings!"
A tear of pain rolls down Eggman's swollen black eye as he turns to his side whimpering and pees himself.
"I somehow doubt that..."
As this goes on. Coldsteel is just sitting there glaring at Amy. Amy can talk again and snide remarks "you know... Kidnapping is a pretty serious crime! Those real super villains are just gonna love your Lilac color tone!"
"Well good thing you're not a kid huh?"
"I...you call everyone a...SONIIIIICCCCC"
He gets up furiously "What do you see in that dumb ass anyway?! I'm way cooler than he is!"
"Is that what this is about? Jealously?" "Kinda"
"People like Sonic because he's a kind, caring hedgehog who shows mercy even to those who don't deserve it."
Sonic is punching Eggman again "I know you did it! I know you did it!" Tails crying like the Simpson's meme "stop STOP! HE'S ALREADY DEAD!!!"
"He's also smart. He's like a Sherlock Holmes who can get to the bottom of an unsolvable mystery and have the answers to everything!"
Sonic puts down Eggman and says "Shadow!" Knuckles just mutters "Why would Shadow have warned us about Coldsteel if it was him?"
"And most of all he is selfless! He puts others before his own well being, especially his friends!"
Sonic shrugs and says "Enh, I never liked Amy much anyway..."
Amy glares into Coldsteel's eyes
"YOU are a petty little man who bullies everyone to get your way! You have no friends, and you suck as a villain! You're like..."
"What? Like Eggman?"
"Like Kevin..."
Dramatic music plays and lightning strikes. And Amy whispers
"Nothing person-el kid..." Coldsteel slaps her hard enough where she falls over still tied to the chair.
"Harder daddy!"
"What the fuck is wrong with this girl?"
The heroes are back home playing Mario Party without Amy and Tails sighs.
"It's not the same without Amy..." Sonic bored too responds
"You're right Tails. We need that fourth player... Your thumbs still work right Egghead?"
Sonic poking Eggman's nose with the controller while Eggman is in a full body cast muffling "I hate that hedgehog..."
Coldsteel sets Amy back up and she's still sassing
"Why do you even like me?!"
"I'm asking myself the same question..."
"You don't even know my name!"
"Yeah I do! It's, uhh..."
"You don't even know my name..."
"Sure I do! It's... Daisy?"
"Annie. Little Annie!" Coldsteel starts singing it's a hard knock life.
"I hate you."
The protagonists still playing and they just lay Eggman's controller on his chest, Knuckles says "maybe we should try harder to find Amy..."
Sonic tapping ferociously "She's fine..."
Coldsteel is in a scary clown mask revving up a chainsaw to her face "LOVE ME YA STUPID CUNT!"
"Learn my name ya stupid garbage person!"
Tails eating some chips "Amy could be in real danger..."
They're boxing and Amy knocks Coldsteel down in one blow reinacting Mohammad Ali's fight "WHAT'S MY NAME?!"
Knuckles goes to take a sip of soda, but stops before it reaches his lips when Shadow says "are you guys just gonna sit around and let this happen?"
Amy is singing Karaoke of Eminem "HI my name is, huh? My name is, who? My name is dikki dikki..." She puts the Mic up to Coldsteel's mouth
"Uhh... Tammy?" She pokes him in the eye with the Mic.
Shadow scolding these bunch of lollygaggers "Coldsteel is doing God knows what to your friend and you guys are just sitting around playing video games!"
Eggman is screaming under his bandages struggling and Shadow strips the mouth part so he can talk. "You fools do not have the faintest idea how serious this whole situation is! What those two are doing together is worse than any evil scheme I could come up with!"
Knuckles snorts "What? Some kind of fetish fanfic?"
"Arby. Omg your parents named you Arby's?! I love Arby's! We should get Arby's!"
Amy hits him in the face with her hammer.
"Oh my GOD how can you obsess over me when you won't even learn my name?! You're insufferable! How could anyone stand someone who is an obsessed little worm in a completely one-sided infatuation and tics all the cringe tropes of a gendered stereotype?! I...oh...oh no. I'm everything I hate..."
"Arby's? But the twisty fries..."
Coldsteel's hiding place rumbles as Eggman's grounder robot drills from the bottom and Eggman, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles jump out.
"Oh cool. Grindr! I remember you from the old animated..."
Eggman yells "Its grounder!"
The grounder robot says "naw naw, he's right... My date is just a block from here. Seeya boss." Grounder digs back down.
Sonic goes up to Amy "it's ok now Amy...you're safe."
"Don't touch me!" "What's gotten into you?!"
Eggman mutters "Coldsteel probably..." Tails, Knuckle, and Coldsteel do the black guys rap battle meme
"What's gotten into me?! I have wasted too many nights pining over an ungrateful, selfish, egotistical toxic masculine man whom barely even notices I exist!"
"Why are we here again? Oh hey Amy..."
Coldsteel walks up and puts his arm around Amy sneering at Sonic
"Heh...nothing person-el kid!"
"And YOU... You are a reminder of why self care and confidence are so important! Did you honestly think if you just kept me here long enough I'd fall in love with you? You still don't know my name! You're like those dudes who send money to egirls but tell your friends you have a girlfriend!"
Eggman yells BETAAAA in the back like Jesse Lee
"I'm done with all hedgehogs. I don't wanna see any of you ever again. ESPECIALLY you Sonic!"
Amy just walks out. And Sonic says "geez what a bitch"
Coldsteel remarks "I hate to see her go, but I love to watch her leave..." Knuckles and and Eggman fist bump Coldsteel.
Everyone just decides to go home and Tails walking by Sonic
"So wait...does this mean Coldsteel never had any feelings for me?"
Eggman walks pass Tails "BETAAAA"
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kinogane · 3 years
Essence of Yakuza Combat, Part 1: Counter
(incidental Yakuza spoilers below)
A lot has been said about the core of what brings people to the Yakuza games and plays a role in keeping them interested, which is the way the series juggles its earnest, straight-faced drama with its, let’s say,
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(I don’t bring these up casually, by the way. It would be almost certainly correct to attribute at least part of Yakuza’s growth outside of Japan to the karaoke minigame and someone at RGG Studio thinking that putting a chicken in charge of real estate would be very funny.)
I wrote a bit about that through one specific example here, and while that is core to the series’ identity, it’s just one aspect of the many, many hours you spend playing a Yakuza game. User aggregated times on HowLongToBeat peg the average length of a Yakuza playthrough somewhere in the area of 15 to 40 hours, and even if you’re not on the completionist beat and ballooning your hour count by spending a lot of time playing mahjong and other minigames, you’re going to spend a lot of time with the minute-to-minute gameplay of Yakuza, which is, by and large, getting into fights with chumps and smashing their heads into various surfaces.
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Combat in Yakuza games isn’t exactly known for its mechanical depth. Certainly, if you’re willing to poke at its systems you can achieve mastery and do some wild stuff, but I’d wager most players aren’t particularly interested in getting better at the combat. More than likely, they’re content with getting just skilled and/or strong to get past major boss fights (which are genuine highlights of Yakuza combat) with possibly some help in healing and weapons. Yakuza 0 probably exemplifies this most, as the game gives you the option to upgrade both characters’ Legend styles into utter nonsense.
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So in some ways, it’s not all that surprising that RGG Studio would make the most of an opportunity to switch combat systems with Yakuza: Like a Dragon. According to series creator Toshihiro Nagoshi, after they floated the idea of a turn-based RPG in a 2019 April Fools’ video, the positive public reception convinced them that changing mechanics could actually work. Which at the time was, and moreso in hindsight is, kinda obvious. Their action combat wasn’t exactly lighting the world on fire, especially with the recent switch to the much more slippery and less weighty Dragon Engine combat in 6 and Kiwami 2, and series staples like random encounters and equippable gear are already part and parcel with more traditional JRPGs like Dragon Quest. Hell, the near universal Yakuza experience of pausing to call a time out and chug Staminans because you’re getting your ass handed to you is more reminiscent of modern Fallout titles (which have turn-based roots) than it is of character action games like Devil May Cry. And to reiterate, it is literally possible to overlevel yourself in Yakuza 0.
There were skeptics, of course. For how relatively unremarkable the combat system is, there were (and still are) players who quite liked the action combat of Kiryu Saga Yakuza games and were a bit sad at the idea of seeing the system go, including myself. Perhaps part of it was just getting used to and developing an appreciation for a system that didn’t wholly merit it. (Though I still maintain that the multiple styles in 0 and Kiwami absolutely rule and also Finishing Hold/Bounding Throw is rad as hell.) But there are two aspects of the action combat in specific that are rather obviously head and shoulders above the rest.
One is the Tiger Drop.
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Especially if your first exposure to the Tiger Drop was Kiwami, where it was overtuned as hell, the satisfaction of landing a Tiger Drop, completely stuffing an enemy’s attack, and taking out a decent chunk of their health bar has few equals in most Yakuza games. It’s such a tremendous reward for having quick reactions and mastering knowledge of enemy movesets that it’s warped how I approach combat with characters who don’t have access to the Tiger Drop itself. I absolutely beelined to get Akiyama’s kick counter in 4 and 5 and used it extensively in both, when it probably isn’t even close to being optimal, and when I learned/remembered that Kiryu has access to similar Heavy Attack counters through his Brawler and Legend styles in 0, I absolutely took them for a whirl right away.
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The Brawler counter, as it turns out, works well against Sera.
(I probably would have felt similarly about Majima’s Legend style Demonfire counter in 0, for the record, and I did get a lot out of it, but that preceded my first Tiger Drop. So the timeline doesn’t quite fit.)
I did not expect the Tiger Drop, or counters in general, to make the full transition into the new Yakuza combat. While they’re not mechanically impossible, thanks to the Mario RPG-esque Action Commands, Like a Dragon instead opts to reward players for good timing with Perfect Guards that take less damage and don’t knock the character down, which I would argue is for the better.
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It’s not difficult to imagine implementing a counter to supplement Perfect Guards as a defensive option, but doing so would fundamentally change the (counterintuitively?) offensive role counters play in Yakuza combat. Additionally, part of the difficulty of landing Tiger Drops comes from not knowing for sure what attack an enemy’s going to throw your way and having to react or make a good prediction. Most turn-based RPGs, including Like a Dragon, let you know a fair bit before an enemy attack properly starts what’s coming your way. Like a Dragon even gives you a bit of extra time, since the Dragon Engine implementation often requires enemies to hobble over to their target before they take a swing. There are plenty of well-telegraphed attacks in Yakuza games of the past, of course, but they’re the exception rather than the rule.
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Put another way, it’s not reasonable to expect a player to Tiger Drop every single attack a boss throws at them in Kiryu Saga games. It’s far more reasonable (and for the entirety of the True Final Millennium Tower, basically expected) for the player to Perfect Guard (and hypothetically, counter) every single attack in Like a Dragon. This isn’t a mismatch so fundamental that it can’t be implemented in future games, but at the very least, its absence is unsurprising and not strongly felt.
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Furthermore, counters thematically make more sense for Kiryu Saga protagonists than Ichiban. Superficially, counters don’t exactly vibe with Ichiban’s turn-based sense of fair fighting. Not much point in giving someone a chance to take a shot at you if you just punch them out of their turn. (And funnily enough, while my Dragon Quest knowledge is just about nonexistent, the small bit of research I’ve done indicates that counter skills weren’t accessible to Dragon Quest heroes until about 2006, a few years after Ichiban goes to jail.)
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On a deeper level, though, counters are inherently more reactive than they are active. Even if you make a prediction that an enemy will attack a certain way, counters don’t work unless they actually do take that action of attacking. Prepping a Tiger Drop means not doing much else but taking up a fighting stance and waiting in bated breath until someone else does something first. This patience intrinsic to counters is temperamentally more suited for the calmer, more stoic Kiryu Saga protagonists (I recognize I’m talking in very broad strokes) than they are for the more hot-blooded, openly emotional Ichiban. Hell, if you really wanna stretch this idea, it’s worth noting that the younger, more impulsive Kiryu doesn’t have access to a powerful counter in 0 while the younger, more restrained Majima does (see the Demonfire counter mentioned above); contrast their playable appearances in Kiwami 2, where the older, more measured Kiryu can relearn his trusty Tiger Drop while the older, openly wilder Majima has no comparable counter.
So the Yakuza combat staple of Tiger Drop and counters didn’t make the transition into Like a Dragon. I don’t think anyone expected them to, and they certainly didn’t need to. All in all, not a big deal.
What about Heat Actions?
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tbtssstuff · 4 years
First Kiss - Maknae Line
(A/N): Hi everyone Cinnamon Admin here! I’ve finally been able to write, and as promised here is The Maknae Line First Kiss Imagine! So sorry it took so long, I hope you all enjoy it!
Masterlist | Hyung Line
-Mel/ CinnamonAdmin 
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Such a sweetheart
He only has eyes for you and is so blessed to be able to call you his
Your friendship goes back so far, you were one of the backup dancers for BTS for one of their earlier shows 
When you met, you instantly hit it off and for years you texted back and forth and met up to practice together and other times just to hang out
When he asked you to go out with him, it was precious, he bought you flowers and brought you your favorite coffee drink that said “Words cannot espresso how much you mean to me” on the label
Obviously you said yes and it’s been a few months since you’ve been dating now
The boys are already used to you being around because you and Jimin were always hanging out when you both had some free time between schedules
You loved them and looked to all of them like they were your own brothers
Jimin loved that you were all comfortable with each other because that was one less thing to worry about
While Jimin fully trusts you and the boys, sometimes he could be a little ball of anxiety and his thoughts would run wild sometimes
He was in love with you and was always worried that you would find someone better than him, but he tried his best to push down those thoughts
Sometimes when he saw you talking with one of the guys that was on your dance team he would freak out a little inside
There was one guy in particular that you seemed to be particularly close with and he didn’t know who the guy was because he didn’t want it to seem like he was watching you because that’s creepy 
But he couldn’t help himself. He knew that you would never cheat on him because that isn’t the kind of person you are. His issue was with the other guys because he didn’t want them flirting with you.
He never told you this because he wanted you to see him as confident with no flaws even though his insecurities could be so strong
One day he went to go practice dancing with you and when he got to the practice room he saw you finishing up your practice with the other guy from the dance team
Instantly his insecurities hit him and he started thinking about how much better he must be at dancing than him and that you probably enjoyed practicing with your teammate more than with him
He was startled when the door opened revealing the guy walking out of the door.
As soon as he saw Jimin he bowed and said “Jimin Sunbaenim, it’s good to see you.” And turned to you and said “Bye (Y/N) thanks for helping me with those moves, see you later.” 
You smiled and waved and greeted Jimin with a hug “Hey Babe you ready to practice?” You asked him with an excited smile
He returned your hug and smiled back “Yeah (Y/N) let’s go!” He said pushing down his thoughts from before
As you were dancing though, he couldn’t stop the thoughts of you and your teammate from barraging his mind.
You could tell something was bothering him because he wasn’t as into the practice as he typically would be. So you stop the music and walk over to him
“Jimin what’s wrong?” You asked him concerned.
“I don’t what you mean everything is fine.” he said focusing on breathing and not looking up at you
Not satisfied with that answer you lifted his head up to make eye contact with you and gasped when you saw the tears in his eyes “Baby are you okay, did you hurt yourself while dancing?!” You asked beginning to look for bruises 
He stopped you and crouched down and said “No (Y/N) I’m not hurt I promise… well at least not physically. But it’s not a big deal.” 
You frowned and sat kneeled in front of him “Jimin it’s obviously a big deal if you’re about to cry. You know you can tell me anything that’s upsetting you.”
He looked at you and nodded with tears starting to fall and said “Okay, it’s something that shouldn’t bother me because I obviously trust you. But I just get so insecure about myself and can’t help but think there is somebody out there who is so much better than me and better for you than I am. I know I shouldn’t think that way, but when I see you with your teammate I can’t help but wonder if he is better for you than I am.” 
When you start laughing he looks at you like you’ve gone crazy
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Jimin, I promise I’m taking you seriously. I understand how you’re feeling because I feel that way too about the other idols and fans you see all the time that may be better for you than I am, but you definitely don’t have to worry about my team mate, that’s my cousin Sung-Ho!” You say holding his hand giggling.
His expression shifts to one of embarrassment, his face getting so red “Oh… I- I’m sorry I feel stupid” He said scratching the back of his head.
You smile and lean forward pressing a kiss to his lips, totally catching him off guard, but quickly melting into it one of his hands moving to your cheek.
After you pulled back from the kiss you hugged him and said “Jimin I love you so much, and there is no one in this world I would rather be with than you.” 
Hugging you back he said “I love you too (Y/N) and I can’t see myself with anyone but you. I’m sorry for being jealous of your cousin.”
“Don’t be sorry silly, I should have told you before, I’ll have to introduce you two later, but for now I want to spend time with you my wonderful boyfriend, now come on lets try this number again!” You said jumping up to your feet reaching out for his hand
He grinned, taking your hand and said “Yeah! I’m fired up!” (where my fairytail fans at? Sorry xD)
Tae Hyung:
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You and Tae have been best friends since you were in diapers.
Your families lived right next door to each other so growing up you were very close so you were always with each other and you were very comfortable with each other
To the point where after graduating high school, you two got an apartment together as roommates
You were both part time students with part time jobs. Your schedules didn’t line up a lot but you made sure that every Saturday when both of you were free to hang out 
You would usually just hang out at home ordering take out, and cuddling while watching Netflix
You were both always so comfortable with each other that when anyone would ask if you were dating you would just brush it off because it’s just you and Tae
Little did he know that you have been in love with him since senior year in high school
You don’t remember when it happened exactly, but you suddenly became more aware of Tae as a man rather than your best friend
You were never going to do anything about it though because you treasure your friendship too much and you would do a anything to protect it, even if it meant suppressing your feelings for him
It’s your typical Saturday, both of you are wearing your comfy clothes, yours consisting of shorts and a tshirt, his is sweats and a hoodie
You would switch between rooms when you hung out, this week it was Tae’s room
You both settle in snuggled up against each other and watch this show you’ve been binging called Romance is a Bonus Book (this is a great k-drama I love it so much and 100 % recommend anyways back to the story >.>)
As you’re watching, you start shivering and Tae notices. He takes off his hoodie wearing a black t underneath “Arms up” he said suddenly , confused you lift your arms and he slides his hoodie on you.
“Better?” He asked with a playful smile on his face. Not facing him, you give a nod leaning back against his chest with a blush on your face, thankful he can’t see you
A few episodes later, the main characters in the show kiss and you get so excited because you’ve been rooting for them, that you turn around to gush with Tae and you find your face  inches away from his 
You stare into his eyes, frozen in place
His eyes wide from your proximity, you can swear you heard his breath hitch
You don’t know who moves first, but the next thing you know his lips are pressed against yours, his hand reaching up to cup your face
When you separate you both look at each other faces flushed both afraid to move
He is the first one to speak “(Y/N) I love you, I have been for years” he says while looking straight into your eyes a shy smile on his face
Never in a million years did you think you would hear those words come from your best friends mouth. All those years of what you thought was an unrequited love, turns out he’s felt the same way.
You grin and say “Tae I love you too! I didn’t want to say anything because I was too scared.”
He pulls you into him hugging you tight, “Thank goodness, I don’t know what I would have done if I lost you because of this.” 
You laugh “Silly boy, you’d never be able to lose me that easily. You’re stuck with me forever!”
He pulled back from the hug eyes sparkling, “Do you mean that? You’d stay with me forever?”
“Of course, I wouldn’t want to be with anyone else.” You say snuggling back into his chest.
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You and Kookie have been friends for years, but you recently started dating
It has been so much fun, you both have very childish personalities, which means you get along great and enjoy hyping each other up
You go on the cutest dates, sometimes to cafes, arcades, karaoke bars, and you both enjoy stay at home dates too
One of his favorite things to do is tease you, seeing you flustered because he compliments you or joking with you over silly things makes him incredibly happy
You love seeing him smile and you don’t mind his teasing at all
Occasionally you’ll find the opportunity to tease him back
Today would make a great example of that
You were watching him play his favorite video game and he kept dying during a boss fight and you could tell he was getting irritated 
While you loved watching him, you really just wanted to cuddle with him
So of course being the wonderful person you are, you decided to tease your boyfriend
“Kookie I thought you were good at video games? This boss seems to be kicking your butt.” You said watching his face a grin spreading across your face when you see his eyebrows quirk up still focused on the screen
He kept playing and when he died again you decided to stir the pot again “Ah man Kookie I thought you had it this time, you’ve died the same way like 3 times now” You say in a teasing manner
This time he sighed knowing you were trying to get his goat and smiled saying “Haha very funny (Y/N), I was so close this time, I think I know how to beat him now.” 
His confidence was short lived because right as he thought he was about to make the finishing blow, the boss killed him.
He put his controller down and flopped back in his chair in defeat. So you decided to push it one more time
“Kookie I thought you said you knew how to beat him?” You said poking his cheek
His lips twitched up into a smile “Alright that’s it Princess no more mr nice Kookie” He said taking his headphones off and turning to the bed where you were sitting
“Uh oh” You said eyes going wide seeing him walk towards you
He tackled you onto the bed and started tickling you, you laughing hysterically
He was laughing with you and said “You think it’s all fun and games to tease me, now face the wrath of my tickles!” 
You were laughing so hard there were tears streaming down your face “Kookie, I’m sorry I teased you, I just couldn’t help myself. You’re just so cute when you get mad.” You manage to get out between fits of laughter
After a few more moments of your tickle punishment he stops and looks at you, you are still giggling trying to catch your breath, face pink from laughing so hard, your eyelashes wet from the happy tears, and he thinks you are absolutely beautiful. 
When you open your eyes you see that his face is inches above yours looking right down at you with pure adoration 
Then he leans down and kisses you 
The moment was so sweet and when he lifts his face you are just awestruck, so much so that a “wow” slips its way out of your mouth
Kookie snickers at you and presses another kiss to your lips and then flops down beside you to cuddle
Which you are more than happy to oblige so you snuggle up to him
“I love you so much (Y/N)” he says squeezing you tightly
“Even when I tease you?” You ask jokingly 
He smirks and rolls his eyes playfully “Yes even when you tease me”
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