#also i realized midway through coloring that the house looks like my best friends house. and i think that says something
sixoclockuty · 29 days
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do yall fw pasta dinner and found family. be honest
erm this took 6 hours and 7 minutes and has 7813 strokes made but who cares when you got pasta and a family
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slyther-bi · 3 years
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Wings to follow
Chapter 2
There's gonna be a time skip. Pretend they're all the same age except for Barty & Regulus who are a year younger than them all. Plus they all have happy families. Don't question me about the houses they're placed in.
Gryffindor: James, Mary, & Barty
Slytherin: Avery, Mulciber, Evan, & Sirius
Ravenclaw: Severus, Regulus, & Remus
Hufflepuff: Lucius, Lily, & Peter
~6th yr~
"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"
Severus groaned and grudgingly woke up "It's Saturday, why are you waking me up?" He asked as he rubbed his eyes. Lily smiled and laid down besides him "Because today is a special day Sev! Do you know why??" She spoke with excitement. Severus couldn't help but smile at his friend "Why?"
"Because on this exact day 7 seven years ago, you and became best friends!!" She shouted out "So you and I must celebrate this joyous occasion!! So get out of bed you lazy bum that I love so much!!" She added as she stood up on the bed and began to jump "Get up! Get up! Get up!" She chanted as she jumped off the bed and jumped around the room.
"I'm up, I'm up" He said as he got out of bed "God how do you always have so much energy?" He spoke while looking through his dresser for clothes. Lily laughed "I have no idea but that doesn't matter, I'll wait for you in main room alright" She said to which Severus only responded by nodding.
He began to remove his pajamas the minute he heard the door close and began to put on the clothes he'd picked out for the day. Once dressed he grabbed a hair tie and tied up his hair. Some of it came loose but he didn't seem to mind. He then grabbed his wand and he went to grab a small box from his trunk. It was a gift for Lily something he'd obtain while out in Hogsmeade last weekend. Once he retrieved it, he made his way to the main room.
Lily leaped off the couch once she saw Severus and rushed over to him and engulfed him in a giant hug. Severus chuckled and hugged her back. "Come now, Let's go eat some breakfast" She said as she took his hand and began to lead him to the dining hall.
The pair walked hand in hand to the dining hall without a care in the world. Everyone knew they weren't together, nor were they meant to be together. Why? because Severus's mark never changed color and neither did Lily's. Severus's mark was on his hand so it was impossible to miss, Lily's mark tho was placed just above her hip. It was an owl and Lily had practically checked her mark whenever she came into contact with anyone.
She eventually went about asking anyone she met if they had a jellyfish as their soulmark. Tho sadly it seemed no one had one but that wasn't gonna stop her. Severus tried to convince her that maybe Petunia's soulmate was a muggle but for some reason Lily felt that that wasn't true. Nothing he said manage to get her to drop the issue and he too went about asking his housemates if they had a jellyfish soulmark.
To his surprise a boy, who was a year older and named Danny, had a jellyfish as his soulmark. Sadly Danny had already found his soulmate. Severus frowned at the revelation but he congratulated him none the less and left. He eventually told Lily and she too was bummed.
The pair soon reached the dining hall and stepped inside. They made their way to the Ravenclaw table but Lily stopped midway and squeezed Severus's hand tightly "Let's sit at the Hufflepuff table" She spoke nervously. Severus stared at her in confusion before he looked at the Ravenclaw table and then it hit him.
Regulus Black was there, he was talking to some friends of his while also eating breakfast. A smile appeared on Severus's face, he knew why Lily didn't want to sit there. It's because Regulus just so happened to be her soulmate. They had met during summer after their first year. Sirius had invited the two to spend the summer at his home.
Once the pair had gotten permission from their parents, they left to Black Manor. When they arrived Sirius was quickly greeted by someone who appeared to be a smaller version of him. Sirius eventually introduced the small boy as Regulus Black, his younger brother by a year. Lily was the first to shake his hand and then Severus. By the end of the day Lily had dragged Severus into the bathroom in panic.
She lifted up her shirt just a bit to show that mark had turned a greenish or teal color. Severus couldn't help but gasp. The rest of that summer was spent with Lily trying to avoid Regulus, she had always dreamt about meeting her soulmate. Tho she never expected to meet him at such a young age or that he would be younger than her.
Severus tried to muffle his laughter with his hand, this earned him a smack on the arm. He shook his head and rubbed his arm still smiling. "Seriously? Ever sense you found out Regulus was your soulmate you've done everything to avoid him" He spoke "Why don't you just go talk to him already" He added. Lily huffed and crossed her arms "I will, tho not now because today is our day" She said in a serious tone.
Severus sighed but then an idea popped into his head. He reached into his bag and pulled out the small box that held Lily's gift. "Here" he said and thrusted the box towards her. Lily looked surprised and uncrossed her arms to take the box. She stared at it for awhile before looking back at Severus with a questioning look. "It's a present, for our friendship anniversary" He stated.
Lily felt like tearing up "Oh Sev, that's so sweet. You didn't have to get me anything you know" She said softly. "Oh I know, but I felt like it. Now open it" He said happily as ever, Lily chuckled softly and quickly opened the box. She gasped softly, inside the box was a hair clip. It had a small crown made of gems attached to it and on the clip it obtained the word wonderland on it but it was hardly noticeable unless you looked really closely at it.
She looked back at Severus with tears forming in her eyes. Severus simply smiled "All hail the queen of wonderland" He said softly, Lily quickly engulfed him into the tightest hug ever. Severus couldn't help but laugh as he hugged her back.
"I take it you like the gift?" He asked
"Like it? Severus I absolutely love it!" She shouted out, Luckily only a few people took notice and none of them were Regulus. "But..." She muttered. Severus tilted his head "But what?"
"I didn't get you anything" She mumbled and Severus chuckled. He knew she didn't get him anything, they've never gotten eachother gifts before. They simply took turns paying for everything each anniversaries. So he was very lucky when he decided to buy her a gift. "Oh I know but I know how you can make it up to me" He said and Lily gave him another confused look "How? Do you want me to pay for everything today?" She asked.
He shook his head and grabbed her hand "Nope" he spoke and dragged Lily to the Ravenclaw table. It took her a few minutes before realizing what Severus wanted. She tried to remove her hand from his but was unsuccessful. There was no point in trying to escape they already arrived to the table and to the very person she was trying to avoid.
"Hey Regulus, you remember Lily right?" Severus spoke as he quickly sat down next to Regulus, luckily there was hardly anyone at the table, and pulled Lily onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist to avoid her escaping. Regulus turned to face the pair and stared at them weirdly, seeing as Lily was trying to escape. "Uh yeah, you guys are friends with my older brother Sirius. Why?" He said in a confused tone.
"Did you know her soulmark is an owl?" Severus asked and Lily wanted nothing more than to die. Regulus felt his eyes widen at that information "It is?" He asked and Severus made a humming noise in confirmation. Regulus felt stunned, he wasn't sure what exactly Severus was trying to say but it felt like he was implying that Lily was his soulmate. "What does that have to do with me?" He asked nervously.
Severus smirked "Not much, also her favorite animal is a rabbit and her favorite color is orange" He said and Lily hid her face with her hands inorder to avoid people seeing her blush especially Regulus. "Just thought you should know" He added and Regulus was stunned into silence. Why? Well cause his soulmark was a rabbit and it had turned orange a year before he was to enter Hogwarts.
Severus pushed Lily up and stood up himself. He then gently pushed Lily down to where he was sitting before. Lily was simply glaring at him the entire time her face completely red. Before Severus walked away to the slytherin table to talk to Sirius, he leaned in towards Regulus "Also her mark turned teal the day we first went to Black Manor" He whispered in his ear. He straighten up and smiled at the two "Welp I'm gonna go say hi to Siri, by you two" He said and ran off before Lily could attack him.
Severus arrived to the slytherin table and was happy to see Sirius sitting there half asleep. He quickly sat down next to him and grabbed hold of his arm which caused to jump out of his sleeping state in fear. "Sweet merlin Sev, what the hell" Sirius wheezed out, Severus merely smiled and pointed towards Lily and Regulus. Sirius turned his attention to where Severus was pointing and gasped in shock."Did she finally tell him?!" Sirius said a bit loudly as he turned to look at Severus for confirmation.
Severus nodded his head happily and Sirius cheered with glee "About fucking time!" He shouted and Severus couldn't help but laugh. Both he and Sirius talked about the new relationship forming between Lily and Regulus. Eventually they began talking about other things clearly no longer interested in their friends relationship.
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aerinsfables · 3 years
Flower Shop AU, part 3
See part 2 here.
Monday morning found Bracken back at the shop again. He normally had Sundays and Mondays off, but the sister who worked with him and their mother had had a conflict that day and asked him to cover her shift. “Besides,” she’d reasoned, “You’re always there, anyway.”
He’d made to protest that, despite her comments, he did in fact have a social life (not an entirely truthful statement), but then he saw her excited face and remembered that she was planning to surprise her girlfriend with a lunchtime marriage proposal, so he ultimately smiled and told her he’d be happy to take her shift if she promised to bring his soon-to-be sister-in-law over that night for dinner.
Today’s list of tasks included signing for a delivery of several different types of lilies, making some general “have a good day” and “I love you” bouquets for passersby who might wish to stop inside and pick up some flowers for their friend or significant other during the day, put together a special birthday order to be delivered tomorrow, purchase more flowers which would be needed for a couple of large arrangements that had been ordered for an upcoming funeral, call a few customers to let them know their orders were ready to pick up, and of course, more corsages and boutonnières for the coming weekend. His father would be arriving later that morning to assist, but Bracken always opened the shop, so he’d be on his own for another two or three hours.
Bracken took a peek into one of the refrigeration units inside the shop and pulled out two vases with arranged flowers and colorful ribbons. He placed those on top of the front counter and returned twice more to pull out a total of four additional vases, all of which he placed on the countertop. His trained and careful eye examined each of the arrangements to check for droopy buds, wilting leaves or other problems, but he found none; his mother had assembled these particular arrangements, and her work was flawless as usual. He called the first customer to let them know their order was ready to be picked up, and was midway through dialing the second customer’s phone number when a flurry of motion caught his eye and caused him to turn his attention to the street outside. The shop itself was located alongside a relatively busy street which usually experienced a lot of pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle traffic, but Bracken’s jaw dropped when he saw what had managed to pull him out of his work mindset.
Kendra. She was being pulled by a taller man - a bit roughly, Bracken noted, and also very obviously against her will - from the cafe across the street toward a car which had been parked not far from the very flower shop where Bracken was located.
Well. That wasn’t going to stand.
He was out the door in a flash, without bothering to lock up. Kendra looked like she was in trouble, and although he still didn’t really know her, he’d be damned if he sat back and witnessed anyone being forced to go anywhere or do anything against their will.
“You think that was funny?!” Bracken heard the man yell at her. “You leave those crazy ass flowers on my doorstep, then ghost me all weekend?! What the hell is your problem?!”
“Leave me alone!” she cried as she struggled to break free of his hold on her. “Stop!”
Run faster.
“Hey! Kendra!” Bracken called as he ran. His hail grabbed the attention of both parties, and he managed to intercept them before they made it all the way to what Bracken figured was the man’s car.
“Get lost,” the man told him.
“Let me go!” Kendra shouted, tears streaming down her face.
Bracken placed his hands on top of Kendra’s arm, then pried the man’s hand off of her and set her free. “The lady wishes for you to leave her alone,” he said simply. The man, who had dark, curly hair and what would probably have been handsome features if his face weren’t contorted in rage, yanked his hand out of Bracken’s grasp and moved to take hold of Kendra again. Bracken stepped between them, effectively blocking the man’s access to Kendra with his own body. “Excuse me,” he said. “I don’t know who you are, but it’s time for you to leave.”
“I told you to get lost,” the man positively seethed. He looked like he was going to hit Bracken, who was prepared to defend himself, when another man suddenly dashed in front of Bracken and knocked Kendra’s assailant to the ground. Bracken knew the newcomer - his name was Warren, and he and his brother owned the cafe across the street.
“Who the hell do you think you are, dragging Kendra around like a ragdoll?!” Warren yelled. “I warned you. I straight up warned you. Get out of here. If you know what’s good for you, you will never come around here again. Got it?!”
The man on the ground held a hand to his cheek. Bracken could see a bruise already forming below his eye. “You’re psychotic,” he said to Warren.
“And you’re an astounding piece of trash. If I hear about you hurting Kendra ever again, you’ll be buried trash. Have I made myself clear?” Warren’s face was flushed, and his fists quivered with what Bracken recognized as barely-concealed rage.
Bracken turned toward Kendra, whose cheeks were wet from continued tears and who also cradled her arm - the one the man had grabbed - in front of her. “Are you injured?” he asked as gently as he could.
She shook her head no.
“Do me a favor and get her out of here, Bracken,” Warren said, his eyes trained on the guy who was still lying on the ground. “I’m going to stand here and make sure this loser leaves.”
A small crowd of people were gathering to watch the show, and Bracken agreed that it would be best to remove Kendra from the situation. With a careful hand, he lightly touched her back and gestured toward the flower shop. “Would you like to come inside for a moment?” he asked.
Kendra didn’t verbally respond, but she let him guide her away from the scene and into the store. Bracken led her into the back room, the one he and his family primarily used to store their tools and miscellaneous supplies (vases, plastic wrappings, ribbons, the die-cut machine and materials, shears and scissors, etc.) and pulled out a chair for her to sit on. He then retrieved a couple of water bottles from the refrigerator in that room and passed one to her. She accepted it, but didn’t say anything, and continued to weep.
Concern flooded Bracken’s brain. He didn’t know who that guy had been, but after witnessing the altercation outside, he could understand why Kendra wasn’t in a condition to speak at the moment. “May I see your arm?” he asked.
Kendra hesitated, then stretched her arm out in front of her. It was red around her wrist, and looked tender. He wouldn’t be surprised if bruises started to form later. “It looks alright,” he stated. “I don’t have any ice, unfortunately, but I do have another chilled water bottle I can offer you, if you’d like to use it as a cold compress for now.”
“Th-th-thank y-you,” she gasped as she tried to control her sobs.
His heart went out to her. Was it inappropriate for him to hug her? Probably. She didn’t know him! And he was positive that he was making her feel awkward while he just stood there and watched her cry. He placed a tentative hand on her upper arm. “Would you like to have some time by yourself?”
She gave an emphatic nod at that question.
Bracken withdrew his hand and said, “You’re safe here. Stay as long as you need to. I can order in lunch for the both of us, later, if you’d like. My father will be here in a couple of hours, but I can tell him to leave you alone.” He cast his gaze around the room and found a few boxes of tissues, opened one, and set it down on a countertop near Kendra. “For you,” he said. “I’ll be right outside this door, making phone calls and otherwise managing the front. Feel free to call for me if you need anything.”
A shaky “thank you” was received, and he pulled the door shut as he exited. Later, when she’d calmed down, perhaps he’d ask her some of the questions which were bouncing around in his mind. Who was that guy? Did she want to press charges? Get a restraining order? Was her house safe from him? What had she been doing around this area?
Not that he was upset she’d been right outside - he was actually glad for that. He had no idea how she knew Warren, and couldn’t have predicted his involvement, but at the very least, Bracken was glad to have been able to help in some way.
Speaking of Warren. His entrance into the store caused the little bells at the front to ring. Bracken greeted him and said, “She’s safe, she’s in the back room here,” and pointed to the door behind him. “She wanted some privacy.”
“Thanks for your help out there,” Warren said. “That piece of shit finally fled the scene after he screamed some more. Dumbass thinks he can hurt Kendra. She’ll be staying with me, at least until he’s no longer a threat. Idiot.”
“I’m glad she has someone like you to help her,” Bracken replied. “Her wrist, where she was being pulled around, may start to bruise later. I didn’t notice any other injuries, thankfully.”
Warren placed a hand on Bracken’s shoulder. “Seriously,” he reiterated. “Thank you for your help. If you hadn’t intervened…” he trailed off. “You gave me the extra few seconds I needed in order to jump over some customers and get out there. Thanks again.”
“It was no trouble,” Bracken said. “I couldn’t watch that happen and not do something about it. Kendra doesn’t deserve that treatment. No one does.”
“It was trouble, but I’m grateful you were there.” Warren removed his hand. “Is it okay if I go see her?”
“Be my guest,” Bracken replied. “If you know her well, I really think she could use a hug.”
“That girl is my honorary baby sister,” he said. “She’ll get as many hugs as she wants, and then I’m taking her to my house where she’ll get all the comfort food she could ever need, along with the TV remote. I’ll give her the rest of the week off, if she wants.”
“She works for you?” Bracken asked, unprepared for that particular realization. She worked across the street?
“Yeah,” Warren said. “That douchebag showed up and took hold of her right when she was walking in for her shift. Busiest time of the day. She didn’t even make it to the front door.” He looked at the door behind Bracken again, who caught his cue.
“Go right inside,” Bracken told him. “Stay as long as you’d like.”
“Thanks again,” Warren repeated. “Seriously. Thank you.”
It wasn’t much longer before Warren and Kendra exited the flower shop, with the former shielding the latter from view. Bracken bid them both farewell, and best wishes, then resumed making phone calls to his customers.
Later that afternoon, shortly before Bracken left for the day, an email popped into the store’s mailbox. He recognized it as an answer to one of the surveys they always sent out after someone picked up their order. This one was from Kendra.
A five-star ranking, accompanied by the simple words, Thank you.
He broke protocol and responded back to her. You’re welcome. Please be safe.
Read part 4 here!
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iyatsumu · 3 years
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Word Count: 2.9K
Trigger Warning: Mentions of blood and abuse
Author’s Note: Hello everyone! It’s been so long since I last updated the blog but I’ve been so busy with classes and moving into a new house that I simply couldn’t squeeze this into the schedule. But I have a Shoto fic for you all. This is a repost because I realized there were too many confusions in the story. Also, in this story, Shigaraki will be a tad bit older prolly around his early 40s. Enjoy and please remember to take care of yourselves!
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"When will you get it together Shoto? Stop making a fool out of me and my name!" You were all too familiar with the booming voice on the other side of the door. Knocking on the door, you pushed it slightly to reveal a man who was surrounded with flames of fire, his back facing you. In front of him was a boy with dual-colored hair. His head was hung low as his father whipped his head back to look at you. "I'm very sorry to interrupt, but Sir Aizawa is looking for Todoroki." You said, trying your best not to sound nervous. As much as you'd love to deny it, Endeavor's presence always seemed to shake you to your bones. Endeavor turned towards Todoroki once more and sent him one last glare before leaving the room. As soon as the door slammed shut, you looked at Shoto. He was frowning, rage was evident in his eyes as he stood up and glared at you. "What?" He asks, venom lacing in his voice. "Don't give me that attitude Todoroki. Your hatred is not towards me but instead to your father, and I didn't come here to save you from his stupid lecture. Sir Aizawa is requesting your presence in his office." You said and threw a shirt at him. 
You turned around and directed your attention at the burnt marks on his wall, probably caused by his outbursts whenever his father comes around to threaten him. Endeavor and his hunger for being the best always drags him into Todoroki's room to scold him whenever he loses to Bakugo or Midoriya. The rivalry between the three most powerful students in your grade started during the first year of high school. You had just transferred midway through the school year with a recommendation from a number of Pro Heroes whom your mother worked for. In the span of 6 months, you had managed to climb into the high ranks of the year level with your outstanding performance in academics. As for the field of physical traits and using your quirks, you tried to stay in the sidelines. Doing just the bare minimum in order to avoid getting in between the rivalry of the three boys. Despite trying to hide your quirk, the teachers and some students like your close friends such as Momo and Uraraka, admit that your quirk is very powerful, even on par with 75% of the Pro Heroes in the country. However, you never let it get to you and you had always tried your best to keep it down, afraid of exposing your true identity, and possibly putting your friends and other people at risk. "I'm done. What does Sir Aizawa need?" You turned to face Todoroki who was now fully changed into something more casual and cleaner. He stood up and both of you exited his dorm room. "Not sure, he simply told me to get you from your room and we had to head to his office." You said and walked alongside Todoroki in silence. --- "Ryota, Todoroki. Take a seat." Your teacher, Sir Aizawa instructed as he walked over to his table. You and Todoroki made yourself comfortable on the plush sofa of his office. "I called you both here because as your teacher, I thought the two of you would be best suited to represent our class in the upcoming competition to be held a few weeks from now. The event is for a pair, male and female, of each class per year level to compete with other pairs. The B class has decided on Itsuka Kendo and Neito Monoma. I understand that you might be confused as to why I have decided on both of you. I have no doubt that Midoriya and Bakugo have potentials to win, however it is dangerous to put Midoriya out for he still has no control over his power and Bakugo's competitiveness could harm other contestants and without a doubt, also his partner. Todoroki, I trust that you can control the limit of your quirk and Ryota, I want you to showcase your quirk." Shit. "Is there no one else that could substitute me as Todoroki's pair?" You asked and Aizawa stood from his seat. He knew how you felt about your quirk and he had expected you to decline the idea. However, majority of the teachers have seen only glimpses of your power and they asked Aizawa to let you on the field some time. "I would've paired Todoroki with Yaoyorozu. But she insisted that you would be far more suitable compared to her." He said, patting your back. "So, what do you say? Are you both okay with this?" "Yeah." Todoroki answered dryly. He had never seen a good glimpse of your quirk, and this was a good chance to understand it and see how powerful you really were. Todoroki always had a hunch that you were far more powerful than what you seem to be. He admired the control you had over your quirk, how you were able to manipulate it to hide its destructiveness. No ordinary person would get into UA with multiple recommendations from Pro Heroes. Aizawa turned to look at you, hoping for you to accept the idea. You sighed and stood up, "Fine, but I am not missing classes just to train." You spoke. "Both of you will have special schedules wherein you are excused from hero training, just for this competition." Aizawa said and with that you nodded. "Now, with that aside, make sure to train well and you may now leave." He said and ushered both you and Todoroki out of his office. You huffed the moment the door was closed, and turned to head into your dorm room. "Hey where are you going?" Todoroki asked, following behind you. "It's Saturday, I'm going to my room and sleeping. Good bye." You said and continued walking. "Sleeping? Aren't you going back home or doing anything else?" He asked, still set on following you. "My mom won't be home until Wednesday, so I have no reason to be home and no, I am taking this moment to isolate myself from Bakugo's booming voice and hopefully from you as well." You turned and smiled sarcastically at him. "Your mom is Maki Ryota, right? The well-known researcher who studies quirks and how to manipulate them." He asked and you stopped walking to face him. "Yes. Look Shoto, I really need to rest so if you would, please leave me alone." You said and left him standing at the hallway. --- "Todoroki, Ryota. Get changed into your training uniform and proceed to the training grounds." Aizawa's voice rang through the speakers inside the classroom. Bakugo's eyes widened and sat up straight on his seat, clearly curious as to why you and Todoroki had training. "Training? For what?" He asked, his gruff voice did nothing to hide the curiosity in his tone. "Shoto and Y/N will represent our class in the Year 2 Duo Competition." Momo said and Bakugo slammed his hands on his desk, igniting explosions from his palm and fingers. "Ha? Why Half n' Half and the brat?" He shouted, Todoroki shook his head and grabbed his uniform from his bag. "Your attitude towards this proves Sir Aizawa's point as to why you were not chosen." You said and was about to walk out when Bakugo shot out a blast of his quirk towards your way. Feeling the heat coming towards you, your hand extended out and opened up a black hole with purple linings that sucked in Bakugo's explosion and the hole dispersed into nothing once more. Everyone was shocked at the situation that unfolded in front of them. No one had been able to withstand Bakugo's explosions without stumbling back, and with such quick reflexes. "Holy shit. Who knew Y/N could be so manly?" Kirishima yelled in awe as he fisted his arms in the air. "Damn you, you brat!" Bakugo shouted and sent an even bigger blow towards you. Before you could react, a huge shard of ice appeared in front of you. You glared at the boy who was beside you, an annoyed look played on his face. "Enough of these childish games, let's go Y/N." He said and dragged you out of the classroom. "When you get back here, let's duel Y/N. Fucking brat!" Bakugo's voice echoed through the hallway as Todoroki kept his tight grip on your arm. "Hey let go, your fingers are cold, it's causing bruises on my skin!" You writhe and Todoroki finally let go. You rub the bruised arm and glare at him. "Why do you even try to fight with him?" He asked, and places his hand on your arm once again. He regulates the temperature of his finger, the heat kissing the pain away from your skin. "I don't. I was simply stating a fact and defended myself after he tried to blow me up." You answered as both of you entered the training ground. In the middle of the cemented ground was Aizawa and Present Mic. "Welcome youngsters into your first training, we will try our best to shape you into your best selves before your competition. Are you both ready?" Present Mic greets, using his quirk to enhance the volume of his voice. "We're supposed to do what exactly?" You asked and Present Mic laughs at your question. "We know both of you are more than ready, so you and Todoroki will try to defeat me and Aizawa." He said and you stare at Todoroki in shock. "Start!" You were startled when Present Mic announced and suddenly Aizawa's binding cloth unwrapped around him and made its way towards you. You jumped out of place and landed a few meters away from Todoroki who already set a barrier of ice which protected him from Present Mic's voice. "That won't do! Present Mic's quirk can shatter even your ice." You told Todoroki and pulled him out of the way. "How do we avoid Present Mic's quirk and be out of sight of Eraser Head?" He asked, trying his best to keep composure. You scratched your head and peeked out from another barrier Todoroki created. "This is going to take a toll on my body but fuck it." You said and grabbed his hand. You created a big hole that was enough for both of you to pass through and shoved Todoroki into the hole. "Where are we?" He asked and you raised your arm to feel the air. Both of you were in darkness, pure nothingness.   "Welcome to Abyss, this is my quirk." You said and pulled him along, continuing to walk around in the darkness. "Abyss? I thought your quirk was sucking up powers?" Todoroki asked. "No, my quirk is somewhat like a portal that leads you to a different dimension. I pushed us in here because this was the only way to escape Present Mic's quirk. In order to counter his voice, you must be layers apart. Now I need to locate Sir Aizawa and pull him down here." You said, feeling around the darkness. "What good will that do us if you pull him down here?" Todoroki asked stumbling on his feet. "In Abyss, your quirks are rendered unusable. Only I can use my quirk in Abyss." You explained and halted at a certain point. "Here, I can feel Sir Aizawa's presence just above this point." You said and concentrated in creating another hole underneath Aizawa's feet. "Wait, even if we pull him down here, he still has his binding cloth." Todoroki grabs your hand before you could fully create a hole. "Great fucking job Shoto Todoroki. Now Sir Aizawa is aware of the hole I created and is moving away." You huffed and wandered around again. "It's not my fault you are being reckless Y/N." He defends and follows behind you. "You may think that, but there's much more Abyss has to offer other than being a quirk nullifying dimension. Now stop fucking getting in the way and just trust me." You snapped and stopped midway. "I have no choice but to make the ground a huge hole." You said and sat down, concentrating on your plan. After a few seconds, Present Mic and Aizawa dropped into Abyss, clearly confused at the foreign place. Present Mic, being unable to use his quirk, could be heard calling out to Aizawa from the distance. A white cloth seemed to extend forward and wrapped around Todoroki's leg before getting dragged away. Before Todoroki could be within Aizawa's reach, a slash came and tore the binding cloth. "What the hell?!" Aizawa shouted in disbelief and tried to come forward again with another cloth. The slashing came one after another and soon enough, Aizawa was exhausted. "Let's get out of here Todoroki." You grabbed him and opened a hole that led back to the training grounds. "What about Eraser Head and Present Mic?" Todoroki asked the moment you both landed back on the training ground. You sat down and touched your hands on the ground. "What are you doing?" He asked. "What I meant by my previous statement, is that Abyss can be controlled by me. I can alter whatever happens inside the dimension, an example is sending troops from abyss to attack the people who are trapped in it. I could also blow the place up." And with that, Present Mic and Aizawa appeared back on the training grounds with burnt marks all over their bodies. You smiled and walked towards them. "Are we done now?" You asked and Aizawa groaned. "Well done students. You may now rest up and be back for your afternoon classes." Aizawa said and stood up to exit the training ground, his arm resting on his bruised stomach. --- "Another failure Shoto! How could you lose to a low-ranking Pro Hero? And a girl protected you? This is not how I raised you. I didn't raise a failure who relied on a girl for protection!" Once again, you could hear Endeavor scold Todoroki in the corner of a hallway, isolated from other students and teachers. You had just gotten out of the bathroom to wash your face after your training, and the rumors of your training with Todoroki spread across the school and Pro Heroes quickly. As soon as Endeavor heard that he was not able to do much against Present Mic and Eraser Head, he immediately made his way to UA and give his son another stupid lecture. You didn't want to get in the way of their conversation but you really had to get to class. Hanging your head low, you tried to walk past them, but oh was the world mad at you. "You're the girl who beat Eraser Head and Present Mic huh?" Endeavor says, his voice deep enough to drown you. You stopped in your tracks and turned to look at him and nod. "You lost to this girl right here Shoto? What a disgrace!" He fisted his arm and tried to land a punch on Todoroki but your reflexes were far quicker and you caught his fist in your arm. "Oh, what is this? Look Shoto, a girl trying to defend you? Pathetic." He tried to apply more force into his fist but you didn't waver and gripped his fist. You could see the fabric of his gloves turning into ash. Endeavor thought that this was similar to someone's quirk. Tomura Shigaraki's Decay. "It seems that the rumors were true. You are the daughter of an abomination, Tomura Shigaraki's child. Y/N Shigaraki. Your mother fell in love with a damn villain and had you." You shook at his words and activated Abyss, his hand getting sucked into the dark dimension. You manipulated Decay on your foot and kicked Endeavor, causing him to stumble away and an evident bruise on his stomach. Your Decay was something a little different to your father's, whereas you could manipulate it to work on different parts of your body that could make contact with someone else. Grabbing Todoroki's arm, you pulled him out of the training grounds and away from his damn father. "I don't need your pity or your help." Todoroki said and pulled away from you. You stared at him in disbelief and scoffed. "My father was right. I am a failure for having someone like you protect me." He spat and you felt tears prick your eyes. This was the reason why you never wanted to show your quirks to anyone. Chances of them finding out that you were Tomura Shigaraki's daughter would stir trouble. No one would ever want to be friends with someone whose father was a murderer and villain. "And I was wrong to think that saving you from your father was a good idea. Both of you are alike, fucking jerks." You said and left him standing in the hallway. You walked quickly into your room, trying to ease the burned skin caused by Endeavor's fist surrounded with fire. A droplet of blood escaped your mouth as the after effects of Abyss chased after you. Todoroki was just like everyone else. He was a jerk whose pride was far more important than his emotions and friends. You were foolish to even think that you could be a good pair to represent the class in the competition. You hated him. Very much. As you bled out in your room, a certain someone was left motionless in the hallways. Tears stung his eyes as he realized his mistake. As you tried frantically to ease the burnt skin on your arm and wiping away the blood from your lips, Todoroki tried his best to compose himself and apologize. But he knew that by doing so, you still wouldn’t forgive him. May luck simply be on his side during the competition.
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Oh prompts are back! Okay here's an interesting idea, Mephiles and Scourge both decide they want to take over the dimension and rule as king and also decide they need a queen to rule at their side and they both pick Amy. So they're fighting to rule and also make Amy their bride so Sonic has to both fight them off and protect Amy from them marrying one of them. Extra comfort for sonamy would be great please and thank you!
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I shall do my very, very best.... at the very least lolol
This is gonna be AU as heck.
PROMPTS ARE ON SHUTDOWN DO NOT SEND ANY. THE TIME TO SEND HAS ENDED. Enjoy the prompts that have already been submitted during the frame that they could be~<3
As per usual, Eggman had conducted an experiment to try and harness the power of dimensions and worlds to his bidding. The result? After a long and tedious feud between the dimensional Eggmans on who was to rule all, the original was defeated by the many Sonics that appeared, and his friends sealed up the holes in the dimensions.
Some individuals didn’t return... scourged by the humiliating ridicule of his universe, one hid to avoid capture and plan his revenge and final takeover.
Another withdrew into shadows,... lurking in wait as he found a way to keep a hole to his dimension open... traversing the timeline by acquiring this world’s Chaos Emerald and trapping his universe in a ‘frozen’ state.
Very complexed stuff, but the leaking of dimensional energy allowed him to pull his Other Half through to this dimension... but something was going horribly wrong.
“No!” Mephiles was trying to use the power the Chaos Energies to combined himself at last with Iblis, but Scourge had found the dimensional leak, and wanted in on the conquest...
He smirked as he gripped the Master Emerald, standing upon it as power radiated through him like electricity. “Woooo, snooze and you really do loose, buddy!” He held his fingers up like he was going to snap, having already seen Mephiles take out Knuckles who was lying upon the ground... “If I’m gonna be king over this pathetic universe, I’m gonna need some of that bodacious power!” he seemed to be purposefully trying to tick Mephiles off, not knowing who the being was, but seeing the flames circling the emerald and his focus in trying to blend his power with it’s own.
“You are useless, and I am not one who takes such inferior taunts!” Mephiles rose the emerald up, deciding to take care of the insect before he lost full concentration and Iblis was released into another form, which would tip off the heroes and led to a continual, strenuous chase to reach and combined first with him before Sonic and the gang defeated him yet again.
“You’re trying to seal those flames inside you, right?” Scourge pulled out a ring, but to Mephiles, he didn’t see the significance of this exchange. Scourge snapped and the ring glowed, “Then I’ll make a wish to have this power in-!”
Before all of this, Tails had been hosting Amy at his house, but the flames of Iblis leaked in streaks across Angel Island and they quickly set out to check it out.
Now, as Scourge was declaring his chaotic and powerful desires, Tails had landed the X-Tornado and Amy rushed to the scene first. “Amy, wait-!” he cried out, but she jumped down and rushed to see Knuckles slowly waking up from getting beaten down, and...
“Sonic..?” She looked horrified up at the Green Hedgehog.
“Erk-!?” He gritted his teeth, seeing another dimensional Amy. “YOU!?”
Suddenly, as though the command already issued, Iblis’s power completely broke it’s ties to Mephiles, spinning wildly out of control like a whipping hurricane of lined flames tumbling over each other to spiral down and head towards Amy.
“WHAT!? No! That’s not my-! Nooo..!!!” Scourge watched as the Ring shook his hand and finally burst, letting it’s power merge with Amy as Iblis swarmed her being.
She bent down and screamed as the flames dried up the gloss in her eyes, the tears from the pain, and then only left her with the seared ground beneath her feet as she collapsed.
“You insufferable fool..!” Mephiles dove down, pausing midway as he saw Tails rush out from the cover of the trees. “My Iblis...” He glared, slowly... down at Amy. He began to form a plan to reunite with Iblis... but it couldn’t be as of yet...
“Uhh... I have a feeling this makes that annoying pest somewhat valuable now...” Scourge bit his teeth down as he spoke, raising his head up as though also trying to figure out what to do now.
“I must reunite with... her now.” Mephiles hunched his body forward, as ghostly shadows started leaking from his being, crystalizing himself as though outwardly showing his resolve.
“Unite with... Woah! You sayin’ the only way I can get that power out of her is to-!?” Scourge looked aghast, as though that was the last person he’d want to ‘have fun’ with. He looked to the camera with a face that was clearly disgust, but also extremely agitated. “Ugh... If I have to... might as well let it burn.” a slow rising smirk spread across his face as he looked back at Amy.
Tails looked to the waking Knuckles and then the fainted Amy, before his eyes shook at the strange figures above him... One standing with his arms folding in secret delight at the prospect of conquering more than a new dimension... and the other looked ready to fight anything and everyone to secure himself to the new host of his full, undefiled power source once more...
“Sonic’s gonna hate me, which makes that a bonus, right? Taking his little wench in this dimension and killing off the rest of practically anything else with those flames will make for one heck of a wake-up call.” Scourge pulled his glasses down to cover his eyes, “So... Looks like you’re first, little cinders.” he teased, his glasses reflecting Amy in them... “Sadly, something’s gotta fit.”
After a terrible defeat from an already wounded Knuckles and an unexpecting assault that Tails didn’t plan for, having nothing but his flying-abilities to fight back with, Amy was abducted briefly before Mephiles and Scourge started playing tug-o-war and keep-away, trying to keep the ‘host of Iblis’ so they could harness it’s power by unleashing it again... Sonic had finally found them.
They didn’t get too far, the two were dueling each other as Amy was told her friends had died trying to destroy the flames inside her, and that they thought of her now as a ‘sacrificial lamb’ to save the world.
Hoping this would make Amy cry, Mephiles and Scourge were amazed to discover her resilience. She wouldn’t yield to their lies, and kept trying to flee as she was tossed back and forth between the two.
“Iblis, you must rejoin with me!” Mephiles, through the power of the Chaos Emeralds, was able to summon Shadows and large beams to strike at Scourge, who expertly dodged and weaved through them, taking out the Shadows and grabbing Amy around her waist. “Solaris is our destiny!!!”
“You’re not hot, and I can barely stomach calling you ‘Babe’, but there’s a fire in you that I just gotta taste.” Scourge tilted his head enough for her to see his eyes under the sunglasses, but she was more confused since he really did look like the spitting image of Sonic, just... different colors.
This wasn’t like her mistaking Shadow and Silver for Sonic... this really confused her.
“You... Who are you people!?” She kept pushing against him as he kept trying to bring her closer. “Let me go, you creep!”
He scaled his hand up her bare back in a weird, perverted crawl. “Now, now, the time for cute nicknames can wait, Babe. First, let me get rid of the audience...” Scourge had a wicked sense of delight at spooking her like this, but his attention soon turned to Mephiles, who didn’t realize Scourge’s error in not understanding what he meant by ‘reunite.’.
“If she doesn’t release the flames willingly... I’ll pull them out of her...” He reached out for her as Scourge threw her up on his shoulder, getting ready to fight and depart. “Along with the last breath she’ll ever take...Hahahahah!!!” Mephiles rose in the air before Sonic spin-dashed in a wild stream of light into Scourge, slamming into his gut as Amy was flung from his arms.
“What’s this?” Mephiles curled his fingers and watched as a more ‘familiar’ Sonic uncurled and raced back into the scene.
“I don’t know what you two weirdos want with Amy, but it’s not happening!”
“Sonic!” Amy cried out but some Shadows caught her and started hauling her back as Mephiles hovered down to her.
“So... this is your universe’s hero...” He glared deeply, “Another Sonic...”
Scourge was fuming with leftover hate for the other dimensional Sonic in his universe, and decided to take it out on this one. “Do me a favor, just act like you know me and don’t like me, then I can make this fight reaaaaall satisfying!”
“That shouldn’t be too hard.” Sonic smirked, charging into Scourge who speedily dodged and rammed a punch into his face. ‘What!? He has my super speed!’
“HAHAHAHA!!! You’re even more lamer than that Other Me!” Scourge adjusted his jacket and pulled out a pocket-knife. “No offense, but this is entirely personal...”
While the two were distracted, Mephiles turned to Amy and his minions held her up in the air, “Ah! H-hey! Why am I such a big deal all of a sudden!?” She tried to summon her hammer, and did in fact beat two away, but Mephiles grabbed her hammer and sent a crystalized clawed hand up to her chin.
“I can see them...” His eyes reflected her own... and like flickering flames, she gasped at her reflection. “If you won’t submit to your hopeless fate... then I shall destroy this husk that prevents me from joining into my true self!” he swiped but she bent her head back and dodged, but now... she knew what he meant.
“You’re both trying to kill me... for those flames that encircled me!?” She felt genuine fear then as Mephiles threw his energies into her shadow, causing her to cry out before he lifted her up and and held her in place. “Finally,... I shall have Iblis... And you, Amy Rose, will have some unparalleled significance... For a brief moment after your heart is burnt to a crisp, HAAHAHAH!!!!” He pulled his hand back to power up an attack, similar to the same beam he had used to once destroy Sonic, but Scourge threw his knife and it ‘tink’d off of his head.
“Now, who would be so stupidly ignorant of their own mortal ficklety?” He pivoted in the air as Scourge had gripped Sonic’s head to stop him in-battle... and clearly had thrown the knife.
“So, you lied to me?” Scourge laughed, “If I knew all I needed to do was strangle the girl, I wouldn’t have bided my time having fun with her first!” He laughed, “I’ve still promised the ugly trash a date, kinda hard to please a waiting corpse. Plus, I know that’ll just tick you off in the end anyway...” He turned back to Sonic, who kicked his hand away and looked up to Amy, shadows keeping her up in the air as she struggled and tried to use her hammer to give her some space between the ghostly vines that held her.
“Urk! What the-!? Weren’t you the ones who threw this thing at me in the first place?” Amy kicked her feet as the shadows kept crawling to reach her below. “Ah!”
“Oui, I called first!” Scourge grabbed Sonic’s raised leg and thrashed him with a mighty swing into the shadows.
Mephiles shot beams and hurriedly secured Amy to him, gripping the back of her head so she wouldn’t struggle anymore.
“Ahh!” She cried out as Sonic spun and threw Scourge to the remaining Shadows, who slowly overwhelmed him like zombies...
“No, quit it! Get your hands off the merchan-Nooo..!!!” He was enveloped by them as Sonic turned to Mephiles.
“Whatever thing you forced into Amy’s body... get it out!” Sonic pointed an accusatory hand to Mephiles, before swinging his arm out wide.
The two fought, but all the while, Mephiles was using it to get Amy to see Sonic suffering.
On the verge of crying, seeing Mephiles overtake Sonic and about to jab his sharpened crystalized hand through him, Amy cried out and the Flames encased the sky...
“At last...” Mephiles still went for the kill shot, but something strange happened, Scourge jumped to Iblis, trying to absorb the flames that would not accept him as a host.
“Darn! He’s still connected, huh!?” Guessing it was Amy, he grabbed her and the dark, ghostly flames around her released her from their hold.
Sonic shook his head away and grabbed Mephiles’s emerald, “NOO!!” the shadows all dissipated to the ground as the sound of a plane suddenly threw everyone down slightly as it passed towards the flames.
“Now, Blaze!” Tails cried out as Silver lifted Blaze into the spiraling flames.
The flames joined with her and she disappeared from his world, but the two emeralds she carried fell to Sonic, who finally had enough juice with all seven Chaos Emeralds to go Super Sonic.
“Heheh...” Scourge still knew he had the power of the Master Emerald, he could take on Super Sonic, “A kiss of death for the road?”
Amy was jabbed with a knife and fell to the ground... having Scourge’s lips still lingering on hers.
He stuck out his tongue to Sonic and then wiped his mouth as he dropped her down, “Not really my type.” He joked, as Sonic’s color turned darker and he suddenly cried out as he transformed into Dark Sonic.
Mephiles’s eyes twitched at Blaze uniting successfully with Iblis, “But... how!?” before a shadow touched his own. He flinched, turning to see Shadow, Rouge, and Omega behind him.
He slowly began to laugh at the irony... then his laughter rose as he unleashed an all out attack at them.
Silver followed Blaze’s trail, but the universe was becoming unfrozen, and soon... that time-collapse ability was being to rewrite everything back to what it was.
With a flash of light, Amy was back at Tails’s home. She touched her lips and then her side... felt shadows and flames lick at her skin... and the cold, crystalized fingers piecing into the back of her head...
She looked up from her teacup, shaking her head like nothing was wrong. She looked out the window, seeing nothing strange on Angel Island...
She felt a jab in her side and what felt like a cramp and gripped it tighter, then felt something soaring in her heart as though a beam of darkness binding her back to that timeline...
But she wouldn’t yield to it.
She wouldn’t cry.
She let the pain carry on till the leaking was done and the event... never happened...
“You seem kinda spacy.” Tails made a face and she assured him.
“Come on, you know I daydream constantly.” but she was sweating... she could feel ice tickle under her neck and chin where Mephiles had threatened her, she looked down into the reflection of the teacup... and saw his eyes reflecting flames in hers.
The teacup broke and she covered her mouth, racing out as she remembered a forced, smelly kiss and then the blood from the knife...
She remembered the black... then a dawn of light... and the flames blazing through her.
What she didn’t know... was it was the residue of the timeline that had just occurred, still lingering... almost passed...
She fell to the hill of Tails’s home and gripped the ground, shaking as she forced herself not to cry.
‘If I cry... then that other timeline will exist again!’ she felt her shadow suddenly pull from her, and with terrified eyes, saw Mephiles form out of her elongated silhouette.
“...You saved me...” He gave a low, billowing chuckle that rocked her entirely. “How unfortunate... for you...” He slowly moved towards her, and as she backed away, suddenly felt herself freezing.
“Wha...What’s happ-...” she couldn’t even form the words right, as she felt a chill still her entire being.
He rose his hand and gripped her mouth gently, but with enough force to make it feel like he was going to suffocate her, and looked deep into her eyes again.
“Shhhh... You’ll be dead soon, anyway. Struggle... cry beneath me... it won’t matter if you shout now... Your friends failed to completely remove that timeline from existence. Silver... His accomplice... Their plan has failed you.” He moved closer, a zombie-like head wobble as he looked like the spitting-image of Shadow now... but dulled colors, and she couldn’t figure out why.
That other man... looked like Sonic.
Now this man... looked like Shadow.
What on earth was going on!? Were these beings... forms of other Sonics and Shadows!? How could that possibly be!?
She couldn’t close her eyes, his power in freezing his own timeline failed, but he had joined with her own to preserve himself as a last resort.
Which meant she was the flickering flame... if he blew her out, she really would reset time and he could try all over again.
She didn’t know what to do... Time was jumbled within her core, she was the bridge to multiple timelines and intersecting universes...
“Shh... Just bend to Time’s will... I am infinite... inevitable... you cannot hope to prosper and win this time...” he slowly pulled her down, as though pushing her into the darkness of her own shadow. “I’ll steal your time-energy... take it as my own... and as Time resets, I’ll anticipate those annoying headaches you call ‘Sonics’ and become the destructive force revered as Solaris! I’ll be a God again-!” as though growing impatient for that time, he began to slam her into the darkness where she honestly couldn’t breathe now.
She struggled, swinging her hammer in pitch-blackness, grabbing his unwavering hand and arm in hopes to break free of his hold on her.
But the darkness was draining her time-energy... soon... she would disappear.
‘Sonic...’ she thought to herself, ‘He’ll destroy you... and if I’m connected to the other worlds... he’ll try and use that power to destroy you too... I can’t allow that... I can’t... breathe...’
Then the flames of Iblis burned a light into the world, and swallowed Mephiles in it’s wake.
His eyes widened, “Yes...” he cried out, “YYYEESSS!!!” but just as time was about to be conquered by Mephiles... He let go of Amy as she sunk into the darkness... and another gloved, white hand reached in and pulled her up.
Mephiles was back in his time, it unfroze and he was defeated and erased just as like the first time.
He couldn’t change fate.
But Sonic did.
Sonic pulled Amy up to him, his blackish-blue body encasing her in his own darkness.
A flickering darkness... to match her flickering flame of light.
With Iblis now out of her body, he threw her through a portal made by his uncontrolled Chaos Energy, speedily making it time for her to breathe again,... this time, back at Tails’s house again.
“Amy? You seem kinda spacy.”
Tails’s voice pulled her out as she gasped and the teacup broke again.
“Ah! Hey! Are you okay!?” Tails rushed to her but paused as she darted to the door. “Amy!” he cried out, reaching for her but she had already bolted down the hill.
“Sonnniccc!!!” she cried out, tears bursting from her eyes as the memory she had of that other timeline was quickly being erased from her.
She stopped suddenly and turned to her shadow... seeing Dark Sonic’s glowing white eyes in it.
“...Sonic...” she bent down to reach him, and he matched her action, but her shadow wasn’t of her, it was his own form...
“You’re safe now... Amy.” His eyes bent slighlty, “Time can’t hurt you now.”
“Sonic...” she dug through the earth, wanting to be with him, “What about you! You’re from that time! You’ll fade away!”
His eyes closed and his form turned from her, “That time shouldn’t exist... anything from that time shouldn’t... a world without you... is a world I choose to destroy.”
“Sonic!!!” she watched as her shadow faded in the light of the day... and her tears seemed to ripple into the dark-world she had almost fallen too...
Then Sonic’s silouette appeared coming from behind her and she turned to see Sonic holding three chilidogs. One in each hand, and one sticking out from his mouth.
“Whahh hapahpan?” he spoke with it in his mouth, blinking innocently at her tears. (What happened?)
She tried to hold it in, but dashed to him, hugging him as he struggled to not drop the food.
“I-!” a flash of light... and when she opened her eyes.... she couldn’t remember why she was crying. “I don’t know... I can’t... remember...”
The pain in her side, the fire in her soul, and the cold icy spikes on her face were... gone.
“I guess... I just missed you.” she pulled away then, “Are you okay?”
He blinked, raising an eyebrow. “Yah’re wahrd.’ He answered back, then saw Tails flying towards them. (You’re weird.)
“There you two are!” he waved, having also forgotten everything as in that flash, the teacup was still upon the table, undisturbed...
They waved back to Tails and it appeared to be another normal evening...
(I hope I did alright XD Not as evilly romantic as you may have wanted it to be, but I felt it fit their characters more this way..? and yes, Timey-wimey, wibbly-wobbly logic that makes this perfectly in line with Sonic 06 logic >u>; )
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your-highnessmarvel · 4 years
OMG Ellen You Didn’t!
Requested by Anonymous: Absolutely, so Chris x reader met at an industry party, she’s a newbie, he’s smitten when he first lays eyes on her dark chocolate skin.She a fan but she’s hesitant, she doesn’t know if he’s as cool as he seems. He approaches her, they hang out, she opens up about her past struggle with anxiety &he’s there for her &helps her navigate the craziness of the industry. Their friendship develops into a relationship, Chris falls hard for the one person he thought he’d never find...her, his future wife.
AN: THIS IS THE TYPE OF SPECIFIC I ABSOLUTELY LOVE UGH YAS. I made this comedic because i’ve been writing fluff and angst all day and my pretty poor heart hurts lol. i’ve struggled with anxiety my whole life without knowing, and when i finally put a word on it, it’s like i finally came to terms with who i was. to whoever suffers anxiety, past or present, my blog is a safe zone and so are my messages.
Warnings: angst, mentions of anxiety
*gif not mine
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Ellen gives a hug to Chris and they share a knowing laugh. She shakes your hand because she sees how nervous you are; what with the applauding audience and the screaming women. 
Wow, you think, this is what it’s like being famous. Or more, being married to a famous guy.
Ellen encourages you both to sit. “Chris, so good to have you back,” she says. 
Chris smiles, devilishly handsome as always. “Always good to be here, Ellen.”
“And Y/N, welcome to the show.”
You smile nervously, thankful for your sleeveless top for airing out your armpits. “Thank you for having me.”
Ellen smiles, crosses her leg over her knee, settles in. You take it as a cue to lean back into the couch, and Chris puts his arm comfortably behind you. From afar, it looks like regular couple stuff. But you know Chris is doing it for you; to make you feel safe with him, to let you know he is there. It is your first TV interview after all. 
“So, it’s my understanding that Chris was the one running after you, Y/N?” Ellen asks. The audience laughs, and Chris gives you that puppy dog stare that makes your tummy fill with hot butterflies.
“Yeah he was like... head over heels for me.” You laugh when Ellen gives Chris a look. 
“I mean,” Chris says, “look at her. How could I not?”
“What did he even do?” Ellen asks with a devilish smirk.
You wade your way through the crowd of faces, nervously biting the inside of your cheek. This party - this party with Hollywood figures - was filled with faces you’d seen on the Oscars stage as well as on the big screen. Your mind was going half a mile an hour and every time someone addressed a word to you, you’d stammer. 
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So you opted for staying on your own to avoid any more social suicide. You took a half full bottle of tequila and all but ran into a corner where there was a love seat and a perfect view of downtown New York. You sat with a relieved sigh, readjusting your top. 
One more thing about Hollywood; everyone dressing fucking fancy for hella casual evenings. Like, this was a lowkey chilling that you were at, which you’d been invited by your staff team leader on the movie you were working on. Chilling means casual, right? Boy oh boy. Leonardo DiCaprio was wearing a full tux over there, hanging with his girl in a hot red dress. 
You scratched the inside of your elbow nervously. You had opted for an over-sized sweater and leggings with fuzzy socks. Even the butler was dressed better than you were. 
Ugh, you thought, I should have stayed home, but no, I wanted to get to know some celebs. Idiot. 
You could feel the judgment from some people, but most of them treated you as if you were a fly on the wall. 
You took a swing of the bottle, wincing because who the fuck can drink straight up tequila and remain stoic? Psychopaths. 
A shadow glided over the floor in front of you, catching your attention, and you looked up midway through your grimace.
And almost spat the tequila right back up. 
It was motherfucking Chris Evans. Of all the dorks that could have stood before you, holding his Stella Artoise and staring out the window like a Dad, it was good old Chris E.
You hadn’t meant for that to come out. It was more an interior dialogue. Had you drank that much already?
Chris turned to you with a smirk, showing off broad shoulders under a nice crimson suit. “Tequila don’t go down easy, huh?”
“It’s more like my pride.”
He snorted. “Don’t mind the people judging you for your sweater,” he said, giving you a wink. “I find it rather cute. And rather refreshing. I get invited to these things, and I always think someone’s gonna wake up and realize we could be in our pijamas. But pictures for instagram and whatnot get taken here. We have to look our best.”
You looked up, mystified by the man. He was staring back unabashedly, and maybe because he was a little tipsy and that’s why his inhibitions flew right out the fucking window. But his cheeks were pink. His eyes were so blue, and he dragged them along any inch of exposed skin he could find. All while remaining the most respectable man. 
“You look - uh - good,” you said. Then you frowned, shook your head. What the hell kinda thing is that to say?
He chuckled. “Thank you.” Then he plopped right down next to you. “I find you look absolutely ravishing.”
Your cheeks became so hot you thought they’d peel right off. “Okay.”
His eyes went wide just as you all but slapped your forehead. “Man, I’m so dumb,” you groaned, feeling the heat crawl down your neck and chest. “I meant thank you, obviously. It’s just... like wow, you’re Chris Evans and you’re wearing a blood red suit and your hair looks so soft!”
He threw his head back and laughed, exposing pale flesh at the neck. “Can I say something too?”
“Your skin is breathtaking.” Then his eyes went serious, looking at you as if he was trying to open the doors to your mind. “May I?” he asked, pointer finger hovering over the chocolate flesh of your wrist. 
Oh my God! Chris was going to touch you!
He pressed two fingers along your wrist, caressing the skin. “I saw you walk in,” he admitted. “And I just - when I saw you with your sweater and skin the color of coffee and hair in braids and eyes so bright. I thought... I’m sorry, am I being too much?” His serious tone quickly turned concerned. 
You hadn’t noticed you were staring, mouth agape, heart beating like dad’s when they hammer a stubborn nail. “No, it’s fine,” you stammered. 
He licked his lips before continuing. “I thought you were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.”
Wow, okay, he was drunk. Surely he’d seen Margot Robbie and Ana de Armas and every single other Hollywood actress. 
“If you say okay, I’m going to cry.”
You laughed, his fingers still skimming the skin of your wrist. “Thank you, Chris.”
He smiled, eyes crinkling. “I want to be your friend,” he stated, fishing out his phone. “Is it alright if I ask for your number, and we can go grab coffee or walk my dog together sometime?”
His dog. It was an automatic, “Yes.”
“So, if I understand correctly, Chris was totally smitten by you?”
“Oh, Ellen,” you answer with an exaggerated tone, “he was already planning the wedding.”
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“Oh!” Chris left-boob-grabs and throws his head back in laughter. “She was the one staring at me with googly eyes!”
“Yeah, right!”
“And, what?” Ellen continues to pry. “Right away, you both fell in love?”
“Well,” Chris says, smoothing his beard in thought. “We started by trying to be friends, as these things go, you know. Make sure we’re compatible. But it was clear, like, oh, right away that she was meant for me.”
You rolled your eyes. “Wow, Chris, so poetic.”
You stuffed your mouth with the doughnut, giving Dodger smiles and pats on the head as you walked beside him. You looked up at Chris, giving him also a cute smile.
“Never met anyone who actively eats strawberry-stuffed white-powdered doughnuts,” he said. It was cold outside and grey, what with is raining all weekend, so Chris wore a big blue hoodie and trousers, looking warm and cozy.
“That’s because you’ve never met anyone like me,” you answered. You tightened the scarf around your neck. 
“That’s damn right.”
This was your third date with Chris, and you still had trouble making thoughts into proper phrases. First date had gone swimmingly because Chris was a sweetheart who knew exactly how to make someone comfortable. He’d brought you to the aquarium, and he’d displayed subtle but intricate knowledge on puffer fish. Second date, he’d brought you to watch a local baseball game and then he bought you ice cream, which sealed the deal because a man who buys you ice cream is a man you want to keep. 
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And now, walking with Dodger after you’d made the drive all the way to Chris’s house. You’d waited outside, feeling like an impostor standing before Chris Evans’s front fucking door with your wool sweater and scarf and mittens. 
“What say you to a tour of my grand home afterwards?” he asked now, giving you a side glance. 
You were holding Dodger’s leash, and you were watching him waddle beside you like a good boy. When Chris proposed that, your cheeks went white hot. “Um, yeah, that sounds good,” you said, swallowing thickly. 
“You don’t have to come in,” he said. “I just got a new deck of cards I want to try out.”
Chris’s house was huge. Inside, there was a lot of sunlight from the immense windows. A lot of airy spaces for lounging, eating, exercising. He was careful in avoiding his bedroom, giving you a tour with his hands inside his trouser pockets. He showed you where Dodger likes to sleep; the head of the couch, by the backdoor window where the sun cooks him, and on his doggy bed that is settled in Chris’s office. 
“He snores,” Chris said as he directed you to the kitchen. “And he dreams all the time.”
“Like father like son, huh.” 
“I don’t think I snore.”
You winked, the first time you’d ever been cocky and confident in front of him. “We’ll see.”
He brushed a hand through his hair, laughing. He reached into a cupboard and took out a card game. “Ever played Brisc?” he asked. 
“Then sit.” He sat at the table, encouraging you to sit directly in front of him. He explained the game to you very simply, and you tried your best to memorize all the rules. “How are you taking it in the industry,” he asked, seemingly absentminded. 
You looked up in surprise. Had he been asking about you? How did he know you were very new in the show business? “I’m doing... okay?”
“I used to have nightmares about it when I was younger?”
He won the first round. 
“Yeah, and panic attacks before going to auditions or premiers,” he continued, giving you shy half smiles. “I’ve been in this business quite a while to know that the demands are incredibly high. And especially for women.”
You bit your lip, holding your cards against your chest. Hesitantly, you put one down. Was it okay for you to unpack everything onto him? Was it okay to tell him how bad your anxiety had gotten to you in the past and how it still got to you? This was a big A-list celebrity with paparazzi waiting for him on every corner so much so that he had to wear sunglasses and caps wherever he went. 
“It’s just so demanding,” you sighed. “It’s just status, and higher ups, and big names, and they all feel like they have the right to tell me what to do and how to do my job correctly. The bar is set so high. There is no room for mistakes, and if you make just one false move, they look at you like you killed a puppy.”
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Chris nodded understandingly. “It’s so hard to navigate this industry,” he answered. “And it’s because they call it business and not personal, but some things, they just... ah, they just feel real personal, don’t they?”
You huffed. “My anxiety used to be through the roof,” you went on. “It still is. Sometimes, I have no idea how to calm the wave that comes through my chest.”
Chris reaches across the vast expanse of wood, palm up, eyes blue and open. “I can help you,” he said. “I know what it’s like to feel like you’re drowning. I can help you find resources and people to put on your personal team, to build a support. There’s no shame in reaching out.”
He was being so sincere that your chest tightened with a new emotion once unbeknownst to you. “Thank you,” you whispered sincerely. 
After the card game, Chris walked you to your car, hands in his pockets. Shy. Timid. 
“I really like our friendship,” he said. Your heart contracted, as if lead had been poured down into your arteries, and you smiled tightly. 
He hesitated, eyes searching your face, but you were looking down. He scuffed the toe of his boot on the gravel. “I don’t wanna be friends, though,” he mumbled.
As soon as the hurt had entered your system, it flew right the fuck out and you looked up expectantly. Eyes wide. Cheeks on fire. Heart hammering. “Me n-neither.”
He took a step forward, and your chin went up, keeping up with his impressive height. He put each palm on the side of your burning face. When he kissed you, his lips were hesitant and soft, careful and warm. The tip of his tongue on your bottom lip. You leaned into him, grasping his waist, heart hammering, thoughts reeling. 
He smelled so good.
His lips were so perfect, chapped yet warm and delicate. 
He pulled back slowly, resting his forehead on yours, laughing a little. “I feel like this is the start of something good,” he whispered. 
You smiled shyly, and he picked you up into his arms, pinning you to his chest, feet dangling off the ground
“That’s so sweet,” Ellen said. “You two are so sweet on twitter. The first picture you ever posted of Y/N was this.”
“Oh no,” you mumbled, quite to the audience’s laughter. 
A photo of you, one that Chris had taken from a film-type camera, appeared on the monitor. It was in the dead of night, at a park you and Chris had sneaked off to during a party. You were brightly illuminated by the flash of the camera. You wore a bright red hoodie, low jeans, and white shoes. Your left leg was brought up, showing the curve of your ass. Your tongue was sticking out, grimacing, and your hands were up in two peace signs. 
“He could have easily picked pictures of us on red carpet events when I actually look good, but no, he posted this absolute gem,” you laughed, feeling Chris squeezing your shoulder tenderly. 
“But she’s so gorgeous in this!” Chris defended. “She looks like herself, the girl I’m with every day.”
“Okay yes, but Y/N posted something much better,” Ellen said, pointing to the monitor.
Another picture of you, sitting behind Dodger, smiling all your pearly whites. Your skin was glowing, and you remembered feeling good about yourself that day. Dodger was being crazy, licking under your chin, and in the far, far corner of the picture, one could see half of Chris’s body. 
“And you posted that,” Ellen continued, “with the caption reading, “Love my Valentine so much. Chris, you are a wonder.”.” 
You burst out laughing with the audience, watching as Chris made a sarcastic face and shook his head. 
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When the audience died down, Chris said, “No no, we joke a lot, but I love this woman so much. I mean, I married her for a reason. She’s my best friend, my lover, my confidant. I couldn’t imagine spending the rest of my life with anybody else.” 
You patted his knee, aware that if you full on kissed him, it would be all over social media. 
Ellen said something about what would happen after the break, but you were looking Chris in the eyes. Leaning into his shoulder, the world around you fell away, stripped, and it was just you and him. You and him against the world.
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texanredrose · 4 years
Managing Expectations
Listen, I know I’m behind on the prompts, it’s been a helluva everything, okay? --- Weiss opened her eyes, noting the weak rays of light filtering in past the blackout curtains illuminating the carpet beneath their bedroom window. Absently, she cursed herself for waking up this early on a day when she could sleep in, the alarm clock beside the bed reading just before seven o’clock in the morning. Halfway through sophomore year, one would think her body would recognize which days she had to awaken before the sun rose and which days she could sleep a little longer, but one would be surprisingly wrong.
With a sigh, she debated getting out of bed and starting her day. She could rarely fall back asleep once sufficiently roused, so trying to fall back asleep seemed futile.
Then, the arm loosely curled around her waist shifted slightly, and Weiss turned her head enough to see her girlfriend cuddled up behind her, still sound asleep. In contrast, Blake had two distinct modes: she could either sleep like the dead or awaken at a pin drop. It would be impossible to tell which so-called mode she was in if not for the way her ears behaved. When she slept lightly, they were always somewhat erect, twitching at sounds; when she slept heavily, they tended to relax and lay to the sides of her head. Right now, one ear was curled up against the pillow, almost lost among midnight black tresses, while the other drooped back lazily.
A heavy sleep. Perfect.
Carefully, Weiss turned, wrapping an arm around her girlfriend’s waist and snuggling into the Faunus’ chest. Sometimes, she couldn’t believe the unexpected turn her life had taken. When she first spoke to Blake last year, the best she could’ve hoped for was a tentative friendship. It had taken her weeks to summon the courage to actually approach Blake, and months longer before she began to actually believe the Faunus wasn’t simply putting up with her existence for convenience’s sake. When they actually started dating midway through the year, they surprised everyone- but most of all, themselves.
Or, at least, that’s how Weiss felt, still unsure if she could really believe that this would last. They both had stubborn streaks, and they had their ideals, and while those matched up for the most part there were still some rough spots. Areas where misconceptions held for far too long made enlightenment seem like a threat- they’d worked past some but there were bound to be others.
It scared her, sometimes, because between the potential outcomes, the ones that in some way involved her losing Blake as a girlfriend hurt far worse than anything else- more than even losing the chance to own her family’s company, the culmination of her life’s work. To be that devoted to someone… she didn’t have a frame of reference for it. Not even her sister Winter- whose tenure in the military had made already jagged edged sharp and somewhat callous- exhibited that much blind loyalty, more than willing to make sacrifices or betray her superiors in order to adhere to her personal moral code.
Worst of all, she hadn’t summoned the strength to voice that. She told Blake she loved her often but that somehow didn’t seem like… enough. Then again, she always had those doubts whispering in the back of her mind- they were attending University, they were too young to consider anything long term, they were too different, Blake would never want to be directly tied to someone of the Schnee name, she was deluding herself thinking of this as more than a fling- and they stole her voice whenever she tried to broach the subject.
They often talked about the future, about reform and activism and using the weight of the names they were born to for a greater good. But they never spoke about it in terms of each other. Did Blake’s future include her at all? As more than a friend? As nothing more than an ex? Where did she stand?
Gradually, the whirlwind of thoughts building up in her mind calmed as she permitted herself a wistful daydream, imagining herself and Blake, married and attending a fundraiser. Blake wore the purple coat Ghira had shown them during their trip to Menagerie, the one his daughter would wear when she inevitably took his place as Chieftain. Weiss wore complimenting colors, with gold hoop earrings like Kali wore, and her family’s sigil etched across her back, stepping away briefly to check on how her company was doing before rejoining her wife.
It seemed idyllic and silly, that everything might work out, that they could claim their birthrights while side-by-side and achieve a happily ever after. There would no doubt be barrier after barrier, obstacle after obstacle, and the reality of that didn’t make Weiss balk. It made her relish the challenge.
All too suddenly, she became aware of fingers carding through her hair, looking up to see Blake’s half-lidded eyes watching her, her lips quirked into a small grin.
“You’re thinking too hard again.”
Weiss opted to break eye contact, resting her forehead against the Faunus’ collarbone. “I didn’t intend to wake you.”
“You didn’t.”
“I doubt that.”
Blake hummed, continuing the soothing motion of threading her fingers through the woman’s hair. “What were you thinking about?”
“Do you really want to know?” Half the time when her girlfriend asked, Weiss was midway through an essay on business practices, and opted not to delve even further into the ridiculous ethical gymnastics used to justify certain processes.
“Yeah. I do.”
Again, her voice faltered but she somehow forced the words out. “I was thinking about the future. You as the Chieftain of Menagerie and me as the CEO of the SDC.” She paused there, her courage almost giving out, but instead doubled down and relied on her stubbornness to carry her through the rest of the conversation. “I was thinking about how busy our schedules would be considering our chosen career paths, being married and all. It would be challenging.”
Weiss held her breath, waiting for the words to register- waiting for the gasp of surprise, the fingers moving through her hair stopping suddenly, the realization to sink in, and the scramble for an answer.
It never came.
Instead, Blake hummed while her fingers continued moving in a soothing motion. “It would be. It’s been hard thus far, what with differing courses and requirements… but we’ve made it work because we wanted this bad enough. As long as we want it, we’ll find a way.” Then, the Faunus bent her head and placed a soft kiss against white locks. “Have you thought about the wedding at all? I assume you’d want to wear the white dress but I’m torn between a dress or a tux.”
“You’d look good in both,” she replied automatically, as she struggled to parse the first part of her girlfriend’s response. “So, wait- you… you’ve thought about this, too?”
“Yeah. I have.” Weiss lifted her head to look at Blake, seeing excitement and fear and happiness and apprehension all vying for dominance in amber eyes. “I’ve thought about it and I’ve thought about how silly it is and I’ve decided that… I don’t care. It’s something I want to think about and something I want to believe is possible. It’s a future that I… really want and I think that’s what matters.”
“I want it, too.” She leaned up, kissing her girlfriend, and feeling the way the Faunus relaxed, as if she’d been worried about Weiss reaction- and, in hindsight, she really should’ve expected it, because of course they’d both be scared and worried and biting their tongue instead of speaking their mind. They’d need to keep working on that. “I love you, Blake.”
“I love you too, Weiss.” Then she smiled, her ears perking up. “And I’m glad I can look forward to a future with you.”
“Me too.”
Both of them jolted, sitting up in their bed and staring at the bedroom door in bewilderment as their housemates began shouting.
“YANG XIAO LONG, YOU GET BACK HERE, I’M GOING TO SKIN YOU ALIVE!” Ruby shouted at her sister, her threat barely audible over two peels of laughter about an octave apart. “SUN WUKONG, YOU KEEP LAUGHING, YOU’RE JOINING HER!”
Another crash preceded the laughter abruptly cutting off, which could only mean one thing: whatever prank the girlfriend and boyfriend duo had planned for Ruby had also caught another target- this one, unintended.
“Yang. Sun.” Although not nearly as loud, the gravity in Pyrrha’s voice somehow allowed it to carry throughout the house. “You have until the count of three. One.”
“Shit shit shit!” Yang’s voice got a bit fainter as she likely ran towards the garage.
“Babe, wait for me!” Sun called as he likely followed his girlfriend.
“Get ‘em, Pyrrha!” Ruby started laughing as the sound of pounding footsteps and slamming doors, plus the roar of Yang’s bike, quickly turned the calm early morning into a symphony of ridiculousness.
Weiss huffed. “Can’t we have one day without those four causing a racket?”
“It was your idea to let them stay here.” Her girlfriend pointed out with an amused grin.
As much as she didn’t want to admit it, that was technically true. “In my defense, I was trying to be gracious.”
“You were trying to make sure we could sleep together.”
At the end of their freshman year, the two sets of roommates had decided to rent a house just off campus for the four of them, reasoning it would be cheaper to share the living space- especially as Weiss had managed to get the whole rent and utilities paid by her ‘allowance’. Of course, the house they settled on only had three bedrooms, which Weiss had reasoned at the time would be fine, as she and Blake could simply share a room, since they were dating. Ruby immediately pointed out that both she and her sister had partners of their own, and it wouldn’t be fair if they couldn’t have ‘sleepovers’ while Weiss and Blake shared a bed.
In hindsight, all six of them living in the house- while mostly a good arrangement that worked for everyone- came with some rather specific drawbacks, such as the out-of-control prank wars.
“Still.” She supplied the weak rebuttal.
Blake simply shrugged. “Well, if I moved out-“
“Oh no you don’t; we were just talking about wedding plans, so don’t try to pull the ‘if we break up, you could-‘ line of thought with me!”
As her girlfriend laughed, Weiss couldn’t help but smile, too. Yes, she would prefer to go at least a few days without another prank sending the whole household into a whirlwind of activity, but if that was the price to pay, then so be it. It would take some concerted effort to convince her to break up with Blake at this rate, and she doubted anyone could be stubborn enough to change her mind.
She never expected this to be the result of talking to Blake in the library last year but, in hindsight, it proved to be the best decision she’d ever made. --- Does anyone else remember that one random college AU from, like, three years ago? Me neither.
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harmonie-writes · 5 years
Spells and Quirks pt. 4
BNHA x Harry Potter crossover - Midoriya x witch reader
Key: (y/h) = your house, (y/p) = your patronus, (y/h/c) = your house color, (y/h/e) = your house emblem
AN: I don’t know how vibes work exactly, but I will make my best guess! 
Vibe: Vibes can hence be seen as something of a reverse-Legilimency, since rather than penetrating the minds of someone else to get insight into their thoughts, feelings or memories, you are effectively projecting your own thoughts, feelings and memories over to someone else.
Spells and Quirks Introduction I Spells and Quirks pt. 1 I Spells and Quirks pt. 2 I Spells and Quirks pt. 3
Walking along the sidewalk near the beach you pulled up your scarf as some of the group you were with were walking farther ahead or lagging behind. Your left hand being kept warm in Midoriya’s you all continued walking in the direction of the dormitory. Glancing out at some of your friends who were making their way down towards the water you did a double take. Hand tightening on Midoriya’s as you realized that your eyes weren’t playing tricks on you; lurking off the water were several black spectral like being making its way towards your new friends. Sensing the change in your demeanor Midoriya looked at your face only to see it frightened and looking toward the water.
Voice breaking you managed to utter, “Bl-bloody hell… Th-they are supposed to be guarding Azkaban.” Seeing them start to move towards your friends you released Midoriya’s hand and ran down the path pulling out your wand. Midoriya moved into action seeing that one of the dark beings moved and were targeting Karminari and Mina.
Some of the other students like Bakugou and Todoroki noticed the dementors, but not knowing what they are they tried attacking them. Todoroki sent a wave of ice toward one of the dementors, but it was a futile attempt. Bakugou however, propelled himself close to the spectral figure sending a large blast at one. The blast only upset the dementor but there was no actual damage to it. Being this close to it it reached its hands out towards Bakugou holding him still as it started to drain the happiness and memories from him. 
The others attention were now brought to the scene in front of them and tried defending or attacking against the onslaught brought by the dementors, but it was in vain. 
Running down the sandy slope you projected a vibe to your three friends back in Hogwarts. He-Help! Dementors are attacking th-the students! I can’t fight them alone! Projecting your location to them you ran.
Ron was the first to freeze and the other two followed close behind. Running a hand through his red locks he looked at them. “Merlin’s beard... this is not good Harry!” Ron panicked looking at his best friend. “I know Ron, we need to go help. (Y/N) won’t be able to hold them off by herself, but she is also risking her secret of being a witch to the rest of them...” Hermione bit her thumb while thinking and than ran off to the Gryffindor common room. Startled by her suddenly taking off they ran after her through the quiet halls. Footsteps echoed off the walls as they ran the countless moving stairwells to their common room, reciting the riddle answer they were let in. 
“Ron where is the floo powder?” Hermione whipped around to look at the red head. “It’s in my trunk upstairs,” Ron ran up the stairs and heard Harry call out, “Grab the broomsticks Ron. Hurry!” 
As you ran you were midway through reciting your spell as you cast it both points ending in the direction of the dementors. “Expecto Patronum!” Your voice carried over the beach and your whitish-blue patronus shot out the end. This caught the eyes of all students as they watched (y/p) dash toward the dementor to free Bakugou from it’s kiss.
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“Midoriya get Bakugou and the rest to safety! Your quirks aren’t going to stop them!” you yelled as you ran to the next one with your patronus. “What about you! We can’t just leave you here!” Midoriya shouted running toward Bakugou, but not wanting to leave your side. 
“Focus on protecting the others!” you planted your feet preparing to cast another spell to divert the dementors focus onto you. “Lumos!” A great beam of light was directed at the shadowy figures.
Uraraka was terrified of what would happen to you fighting the dozen or more dementors by yourself, but knew that they were useless to do anything. Everyone watched with widened eyes as spells were cast left and right in attempt to drive them away. To say the students were alarmed by what you were and what you were fighting was an understatement. 
“Todoroki! Build an ice wall for us to stay behind!” Yaoyorozu called out. Nodding his head at the direction icy breath fell from his mouth as he made a large ice barrier. 
“I thought she said she was quirkless!” Bakugou managed to cough out watching the different forms of light cast off your wand. “She is quirkless in a sense,” Uraraka didn’t take her eyes off you hands clasped tightly together, “She is a witch...” The news caught everyone off gaurd. “You’re serious? A Witch?” Kirishima watched both in awe of your performance but complete bewilderment. “Very serious,” Iida said stepping up to the short brunette laying a hand on her shoulder.
Midoriya watched with horror in his eyes as a dementor came in behind you and lifted you off the ground only to drop you in a different location. Your back hitting the ground you wheezed from the impact and loss of air in your lungs. Green energy crackled around the greenette as he prepared to launch into action at least until he heard new voices coming from the air.
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“Expecto Patronum!” three different voices shouted and new patronuses went to deal with the dementors. Hermione jumped off Ron’s broom and ran toward your body seeing you struggling to get up. 
The 1-A class now had their attention diverted to the boys flying on broomsticks casting spells. Uraraka fled from the safety of the ice barricade toward your body where Hermione was currently attending to you. 
“Uraraka!” classmates shouted as the girl but it fell on deaf ears. Uraraka’s blood pumping in her ears as she skidded across the sand to get to you. Upon seeing your bruised and bleeding body, Uraraka couldn’t help but let small sobs escape but was relieved to see you still breathing. 
“Harry! Behind you!” Ron called from his broom as he directed his patronus behind the brunette. “Thanks Ron! Go check on Hermione and (Y/N)!” Nodding the ginger flew over to his classmates and hopped off his broom.
“Help me up,” you coughed out to your red headed best friend and the two females who obliged. “Lets get you behind the ice,” Uraraka started leading you away, but you pulled hard. “No, no not yet. This isn’t over yet,” You limped to the middle of the area with wand in hand, with both witch and wizard on either side of you. Uraraka went back to the ice to watch. 
Harry came down and stood next to Ron. All of you had your backs to each other facing the dementors together. “Bloody hell... why are there so many here?” Ron muttered readying his wand. “That’s the million dollar question Ronald,” you rubbed at the blood that was coating your chin. “Would you two just shush the chit-chat until this is over?” Hermione huffed wanting to get this over so she could start healing your wounds. The silence was answer enough.
“What in the world are they?” Bakugou asked the question the rest of the class was thinking. “Students from Hogwarts, a wizarding school,” Uraraka replied looking at him. “Why can’t we do anything to those... things?” Todoroki asked. “They’re from the wizarding world, and I don’t think quirks work on them,” Iida theorized as he watched the four of you continue the fight. “Well it’s so manly!” Kirishima raised a fist at how ‘awesome’ this was. 
Midoriya watched worriedly with his friends as the battle started to wrap up only to watch you hit your knees. Running toward you he grabbed your body.
As the last spell cast from your wand helped drive out the last of the dementors you collapsed from exhaustion and the earlier beating you received. As if in slow motion your three magical friends turned to look at your body as you hit the sand. “(Y/N)!” your name was called from multiple different areas, but your mind was going black. Before you blacked out you felt a strong set of arms holding you. 
Until next time! 
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lotustories · 5 years
Sincerely, Yours
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Lie To Me Sequel
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Type: fluff, smut
Warning: mentions of sexual activity, alcohol use and vulgar language.
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Chapter 12 (short)
“You are going with us to the fair tonight aren’t you?” Namjoon questioned. His eyes looking down at you as you lied on the couch with a bowl of snacks. “Depends, what is there?” You pouted at him, he snickered as he lifted the bowl away from you. “Funnel cakes, games, your boyfriend.” He tapped your nose. “Speaking of my boyfriend, where is he?” You sat up, realizing that yoongi was gone nearly all day. “He went shopping with Hoseok.” Namjoon held his hand out for you to take, lifting you off the couch and to your feet. “You fuck them both and look what happened,” Namjoon joked. “Inseparable.” Your eyes narrowed but he only let out a loud laugh. As you both head to the kitchen, You Run into Seokjin cooking. “Seokjin, please get a new hobby.” You sat on the stool, a small smile falling onto his face. “Who would make sure you all eat then?” He continued cutting, Namjoon sitting beside you. “I think the others will survive without a personal chef.” Jimin entering as Namjoon finished. “I think I will not.” He pouted, heading beside Seokjin to see what he was cooking. “You know how to cook, Jimin.” Seokjin snorted. “But I don’t like to.” The cabin was soon filled with the sounds of the others entering. Yoongi stopping midway when he noticed you. “Hey, babe.” You chirped only to get a small smile before heading to his room. “He’s pissy today.” Hoseok entered and went to hug you. “Get ready, we’re going to the fair tonight.” He said before walking upstairs.
You did as told, getting ready for tonight. Yoongi was trying his best to avoid you, and it began upsetting you. At first you thought it was the three-some, but it’s been days and this sudden mood change barely started. Your attempts at getting him to give you attention, failing. He gave no more than 3 words when answering. You began to get frustrated, but you contained your temper. Except you were also going to make it known you were upset with him. You wore a tempting dress to purposely annoy him, and your makeup was done for once. You look completely different, but that was the point. You walked downstairs and his eyes caught you immediately. The slightest soften in them as he gazed at you. “You look beautiful.” Namjoon spoke, yoongis eyes tore away from you and immediately to Namjoon. A slight glare. “Thank you, is it going to be cold?” You spoke for anyone to answer. The mumbled sounds of 7 men answering you making you snicker. “Well, come on!” You motioned for them to hurry up. All of them scurrying out of the room and into the car. “You look beautiful.” Yoongi stood behind you. “I’m surprised you noticed.” A small hmph sound existing your mouth. “I’m sorry, it’s not you.” He smiled before pressing a slight kiss to your cheek and walking out to the car. Well if it wasn’t you, what was it.
The ride was somewhat quick, the men talking amongst themselves and Yoongi trying his best to speak to anyone but you. “So, are you okay?” Namjoon frowned at you. Your nod making him smile. “I’m okay, would be better if my boyfriend wasn’t ignoring me.” You whispered, Namjoon peering over at Yoongi in a deep conversation with hoseok. “He’s not ignoring you.” Namjoon sighed, giving you a slight nudge as he turned his attention to the front of the car. When you arrived, you were immediately taken by Jimin. “You’re mine for the night.” He announced, and a part of you hoped Yoongi would argue; but he didn’t. He let Jimin pull you away and you felt hurt. “Is Yoongi mad at me?” You yelled after Jimin. His hand gripping your wrist as he led you into the fair. “No, I don’t think so?” He shrugged. Your hand falling from his. “He is ignoring me, I don’t know what I did.” You pout but Jimin only rolled his eyes. “Less talk about him, more enjoying the rides with me.” He pulled you into the fun house. The eerie lights and mirrors making you groan. “I hate these.” You mumbled but he only pulled you along. “But they’re fun to walk through-fuck!” A crew member jumped out, scaring him. “Not cool man.” He cocked his head as he exhaled trying to swallow his breath. As you traveled through the fun house Jimin held onto you. “I hate these, yet you’re more scared than me.” You snorted as you exited. Jimin huffing at your comment. “Time for food.” He dragged you immediately to the food concessions. You find jungkook sitting at a table with a few hot dogs in front of him. “Hey!” He waves at you excitedly. “One of those for me?” You joked knowing well that they’re all for him. His doe eyes widening as he stutters to answer. “I’m kidding,” your laugh making him smile. “Oh,” he mumbled, but he still pushed his food toward you. “I won’t eat it all,” he paused. “Now”. He joked, his eyes lighting up as he saw you push the food back. “Have you seen yoongi?” His mouth full of hot dog, he shook his head no. A small pout falling on your lips as you looked around. Your eyes landed on hoseok near the ring toss, so you lifted yourself up and made your way toward him. “Hey,” You scared him, his hand flying to his chest as he sighed. “Yn,” he smiled. “Have you seen yoongi?” You questioned, his lips pursing as he shook his head no. “He was talking to some girl and then I haven’t seen him since,” hoseok shrugged. your eyes furrowing but realization of what he said making his eyes widen. “Oh, no.” He shook his head quickly. “Not like that, she was a worker helping him with something I think,” he started peering around. “He was by the bathrooms.” He whispered, still looking. “Hey, yn.” A hand pulled your arm, your eyes looking up to find Taehyung dragging you away from hoseok. “Hey, have you seen yoongi?” You asked hopefully, but he only shook his head as well. “Where are we going?” You pouted as he kept pulling you through the crowd. “They’re starting the fireworks soon.” He smiled brightly as he brought you to the middle. You noticed the boys closing in to join, but still no yoongi. Before you could even open your mouth, Jimin was in your ear. “Fireworks are supposed to be seen with someone you love.” He squeezed, the fireworks cutting off your words as your attention turned up. You felt sad, all night you searched for yoongi but he avoided you. Even now, the time you were meant to spend next to him. He was gone. You smiled at the pretty colors, and your eyes fell to your friends who were watching them in awe. The tiniest smile creeping along your face. The fireworks faded and your friends all looked down at you In usion, their eyes falling behind you. Following their eyes confused as yours landed on yoongi. A small smile on his face as he lowered himself to his knee. You were frozen a moment, your heart pounding and ears ringing from the fireworks. Only able to make out the mouthing of his words, “Will you marry me?”
To be Continued..
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gobigorgohome2016 · 5 years
All the Cliches
When I started writing this post in my head, I was going to title it something like Out of Hibernation, yet make it known that I wasn’t planning to bore you with a 1,300 word soliloquy comparing myself to a Bleeding Heart (which is apparently a Spring perennial and, you know, we’re all about cliches here) blooming through the last remnants of Winter frost.
Then I thought, no, do I really need an intro to tell everyone I’m back on my bullshit after a few steps forward and another step back?  
Then I realized...isn’t running really just the epitome of a giant cliche?  
TL;DR I had a big accomplishment in the fall and thought the momentum would carry over super easily into the Spring.  I ignored some symptoms, realized I was anemic, felt really sad, and now I’m starting to feel like myself again.  aka, the simple, common, cliched journey of every.single.runner.
Even though this experience is the embodiment of what it means to be an endurance athlete, why do we act surprised every single time?  Leading up to Philadelphia, after my year of mystery illness [which, it turns out, had another plot twist.  Remember how I was having a massive immune system reaction and pretty terrible quality of life?  Well, after we found mold in the house the problem went 90% away.  The remaining 10% was still driving me crazy.  Long story short, the installation of a whole-home water filter has returned me to a fully functioning human being.  Hello, my name is Anna and I’m just your local canary in the coal mine] I vowed I would do a better job about just letting life go with the flow and not try to fight the current every step of the way.  I guess I got too big for my britches because - lo and behold - I found myself avoiding what I pretty much knew all along.
After Philadelphia, I took 2 weeks off and really enjoyed my down time.  The highlight was a day trip to French Lick, where Dave and I hit the casino (I won $25), ate all the sweets, shopped, split an amazing kobe beef burger, got day drunk, and took the scenic drive home.  The next day I started running again and, much to my surprise, felt way better than I normally do after two weeks of zero exercise.  This felt like a big win. 
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December turned out to be extra crazy, then at the end of January I co-hosted a women’s running retreat, BAnna Camp.  Any fatigue I was feeling during December and January I just chalked up to stress and the typical things you do when you’re in that awkward in-between period from one race to another:  less sleep, less healthy food, less fitness.  
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^have to make sure this post never dies
The first day I was in Austin, Becki and I did a workout together.  It was my first “real” workout back (other than some fartleks and strides), and it wasn’t even supposed to be hard:  3 x 7 min @ 6:00 pace.  I STRUGGLED.  I couldn’t breathe, my quads were heavy, and the paces felt much more difficult than they seemed like they should.  But, there were plenty of excuses:  it’s windy, we were running a net uphill, I was dehydrated from travel, I was stressed about the upcoming camp, etc. etc.  Midway through that workout I had a very distinct thought of oh shit, this feels very anemic right now.  That night I texted my friend who would be joining us later in the week and asked her to bring some iron pills, since I had forgotten my supplement.  
The following week my workout didn’t feel great, but again, it was easy to make excuses.  I was on a treadmill.  I was still catching up on sleep from camp.  Maybe I’m more out of shape than I thought. 
Longer efforts didn’t feel great, but I was getting them done.  My paces felt quick, but, winter training never feels amazing.  Plus, it seemed like every workout I did was into a strong wind, so how can you really judge pace and effort?  
In early February, I had my first race of the season which was a 5 miler in downtown Indy.  I had told Dave I was going to hold 5:30 pace for as long as I could and see what happened.  My first mile was 5:54, and Dave said he could hear me breathing before he could see me.  I was 3rd that day in just under 30:00.  Again, there were plenty of excuses.  It was windy.  We had celebrated Valentine’s Day the night before, so maybe steak, lobster, buttered mashed potatoes, and wine wasn’t the best pre-race meal?  
During my sulking about the race I had an aha moment.  In December, prior to realizing we had an issue with our water, I was trying to figure out what was still causing skin rashes and GI issues.  The only thing I was taking every day was ferrous sulfate, which is an iron supplement that is gentle on your stomach but has some suspect ingredients (food colorings, sorbate, etc.).  I decided to switch my supplement (one that had worked for me for YEARS) to something that seemed “cleaner”:  ionic iron.  While I was wracking my brain trying to figure out what could be wrong, it occurred to me to check my iron dosage.  
I was taking ~10% of my normal ferrous sulfate dosage, and honestly don’t even know how absorbable ionic iron even is.  That day I made the switch back to ferrous sulfate, but knew that if my iron/ferritin was low, it would take about 6 weeks before I felt a difference.
If at this point you’re reading along and thinking to yourself, it’s not expensive to just go and get a blood test to find out whether your iron is low - you are absolutely correct.  I should have just scheduled an appointment to take a blood test and find out.  But, I’m stubborn.
Two weeks after my 5 mile race I flew to Atlanta for the Road to Gold, an 8 mile race on the 2020 Olympic Trials course.  This is a whole other post in and of itself, but I will say that the hype is real.  That course is going to be hard.  
While the experience was great, my time was not.  My goal had been to run 5:45 pace through the first 4 miles and then pick up the pace.  While I did go through the first 4 miles in 22:50, just under my goal, I went through the next 4 miles in 24:20ish, and again felt as though I couldn’t breathe.  I finally conceded it was time for a blood test. 
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The results were pretty much exactly what I thought they would be:  low ferritin, high CO2 in my blood, and borderline-low Vitamin D.  After weeks of agonizing over whether I was out of shape I finally had an answer (albeit one I should have just figured out sooner).  So, I upped my iron supplement and looked ahead.  
Nowhere to go but up, right?
In the following weeks I paid better attention to meal timing (i.e., if I was having a steak for dinner I wasn’t pairing it with red wine or other iron-inhibiting foods).  I cut out my second cup of coffee in the afternoon so that my body could have a better chance at iron absorption.  I focused more on sleep.  I got back on nutrient tracking to make sure I was getting everything I needed from my diet.  
and it paid off
6 weeks after my miserable 5 mile race where I could barely run faster than 5:58 pace for 5 miles, I ran 1:16:37 in the Carmel half marathon on a less-than-ideal day with rain and wind.  
During race week I cut out all caffeine and red wine to hopefully give my body the extra boost it needed to absorb iron.  I meal prepped early in the week so that I had nutrient-rich options readily available.  I said no to a couple work-related opportunities that popped up in favor of less stress, and I gave myself my best chance to succeed.  
In truth, sometimes setting yourself up for success is scary.  What if you do everything possible and you don’t succeed?  I have seen so many talented athletes give up because they went all in and it didn’t immediately pay off.  But, that’s probably another post for another day, too. 
Come race day we had 15 mph winds, pouring rain, and puddles on the course.  It will sound sarcastic when I say this, but that truly is my favorite racing weather.  Going into the race my A goal (not accounting for weather) was 75 min, B goal 76 min, and C goal 77 min.  My plan was to run the first 10 at 5:45 effort, then see how fast I could go the last 5k.  
Starting off, I was very pleased to find myself in a pack of men and through the first mile around 5:40.  I NEVER trust my GPS, so all splits I give will be those from the course.  I went through 4 miles in 22:50 - the exact same time I went through 4 miles in Atlanta, only this time I felt so much better.  I went through 6.55 (again, as marked on the course, not my GPS) in 37:26 and felt like I really had a chance at sub 75 still.  Through 10 miles I was right at 58 min.  I felt strong for the first time in a long time. 
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Around mile 11 I started to get tired, and just focused on getting through 0.5 miles at a time.  T last couple miles were definitely the toughest, as they were mostly uphill/into the wind.  76:38 is my fourth fastest half [74:03, Houston, PERFECT weather; 75:20, ‘17 US championships, goal race full taper, 75:59, Columbus half, 4 weeks out from Philly], and this gives me a lot of encouragement considering some sub-par months of training.    
Now that I am feeling the effects of higher ferritin, I’m beginning to wonder if I wasn’t a little bit low during my Philly build up.  I have had some of my best long runs and workouts the past couple weeks - ones that would have blown away what I did leading up to Philly.  It also makes sense, given how I felt the last half of my Philly race, that my ferritin may have been low.  Moving forward, I’m going to schedule blood work much more regularly so that I don’t have preventable problems like this occur.  Definitely kicking myself, but, as with all failures in life it was a great opportunity to learn and grow.  
My next race is in 6 weeks and I’ll be at the 25k championships in Grand Rapids.  I’m looking forward to seeing what another 6 weeks of quality training and (hopefully) warmer weather can do for my fitness!  
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allithewriter · 5 years
Fourth Time's The Charm by allithewriter/the-writing
Paring: Peter Parker/Spiderman x Reader
Summary:  Two times Peter Parker tried to confess his feelings. One time Spider Man tells his counterparts crush how he feels and one time the two worlds collide
Warning: Cursing because of Flash, Reverse bullying?, Extra fluffiness and adorable Peter Parker pinning for you
Word count: 1,507
Author’s Note: For my Secret Santa buddy @petersshirts sorry if this is awful. I haven’t written anything in forever. Inspiring Music 1 Inspiring Music 2 Inspiring Music 3 Mandatory Tag: @itsbuckysworld
Another note: I have an edited version but I don’t have access to it right now and I need to get ready for work so I will edit this later on after work. I hope you enjoy it Jo!
Guide: Y/N: Your Name,  Y/H/C: Your Hair Color,Y/H/S: Your hair style, Y/E/C: Your Eye Color, Y/F/A; Your favorite animal, Y/H/H: Your Hogwarts House
Peter Parker stands at your door with a hand raised to knock and a bouquet of roses behind his back. He takes a step forward but frowns and shakes his head, his nerves getting to him. The twenty year old frowns as he puts the roses on the floor in front of your door. The man crawling onto the wall after making sure the coast is clear and knocks on her door before making his way onto the ceiling to await for her. Peter prays she doesn’t look up and see him on the roof
Y/N opens the door after a moment in a fluffy robe, her Y/H/C hair wet. She glances up and down her hall confused. “I must’ve misheard...weird…” She mumbles and goes inside, not even noticing the roses on the floor in front of her.
Peter drops the floor and scoops up the roses. Deciding to go another route to show his affection to the woman. The twenty year old male grins as he leaves her apartment, giving the Doorman a smile. He heads into the alleyway and pulls off his outer clothes to reveal his Superhero counterpart and pulls on his mask.
“Hello Peter. What are your plans for the day?” A kind voice asks him and he smiles. “I’ve come to realize something Karen. My best friend..I just can’t think of a day that goes by without seeing her at least once…I’m going to tell her how I feel. One way or another” He says while crawling cautiously up the wall avoiding as many windows as he can. “What do you mean Peter? How did you come to this ‘Realization’” The AI asks him.
“Well it all began back in June. Just before school let out….our last summer together…before everyone went their separate ways for college” He replies and rests on a fire escape as he thinks back
The day was shaping up pretty well, Flash had only successfully come after Peter once for a Locker Knocker time, just before their final class of the day.
“You’re such an ass Thompson. If you keep this up you’ll be a lonely man in life” You scoff at the bully and opens the locker door for Peter.  “Come on Pete, let’s get going. We don’t want to be late for class” You say as she leads you along until your both far away from the school bully. “Are you alright Peter? Did he knock you around too much?” She asks concerned for her friend and turns his face to examine him.
“Y/N! Y/N! I’m fine...see?” Peter says and turns his head and body around for her to see. “Alright smartass, let’s go in so we can grab a seat together” She says and leads the way into their math class, Peter dragging behind her and rolls her eyes. The Y/H/C hair floating behind her as they walk past the note fluttering to the floor from Y/N’s locker.
It was during that summer on their annual trip with Ned and MJ to the pier that Peter tried again, attempting to win his crush a stuffed Y/F/A to help confess his feelings when a loud explosion interrupts his throw. “Dammit” Peter mumbles and looks around to find Rhino tearing apart the Midway Games set up in the area. “Oh come on….seriously?” He grumbles as he goes to his friends.
“Come on! We gotta go. Rhino is here” He urges and tries to shuffle them along, nodding to Ned to help him convince the girls to leave the pier so he can change into his superhero alter ego. “W..we can go to the main land and wait for spider-man to show up and kick ass….that can be the best angle right?” Ned says while awkwardly grabs Y/N and MJ’s hand. The darker skinned man pulls them away just as Rhino breaks through some of the tents, separating Peter from the rest of his group. “PETER! Are you okay?” Y/N calls out for him as Rhino faces the trio, Y/N’s yelling attracting his attention. “I’m fine! Run before he charges at you and you guys get hurt!” Peter exclaims while struggling to get his mask out of his backpack between one of the tents. He throws off his outer clothes before swinging into action as Rhino starts to charge. Peter; now Spider-Man shoots webbing the villains eyes, and drives him like a horse away from the citizens and his crush. Once they have some distance from everyone Peter begins to beat up The Rhino until he’s down for the count and can be webbed up for the police to collect. The seventeen year old teen changes into his normal clothes as quickly as he can while trying not to grunt in pain, his battle while Rhino has taken a nasty toll on his body
Peter frustrated with the first two failures decides to bring a present back from England where the Avengers were sent out to get rid of a Hydra Base. Peter browses a bookstore and spots an interesting cover for Harry Potter, one of your favorite book series. He chooses (Y/H/H) book covers and is quick to use Mr. Starks card to purchase them. The brown hair man grins as he carries the ‘heavy’ bag onto the Quinjet and set it by his feet as it takes off. “What’s in the bag kid?” Tony asks as his phone beeps, the billionaire  checks his phone and signs. “Really kid? I’m guessing this is for your crush. Good luck explaining where this came from” Tony says with a chuckle. Peter debates to himself about how to explain it before sighing and deciding to just drop it off in her room when she isn’t there.
A few days after they’ve landed back home in New York and Peter has had time to adjust after the jetlag had caused for his young body. He swings over to your apartment and peer inside your bedroom window to make sure your not home. He gasps as you come into your room and flop onto the bed and turning over to blow your nose.
“Ugh this sucks!” You moan and get under the covers to take a nap. “Being sick can kiss my ass” You mumble before falling asleep
Peter waits for a while to make sure your asleep before trying the window, frowning as it seems to be locked. He puts the books down in front of the window and swings off, hoping to try again another day. When he returns a week later than he should have the books have disappeared and when he looks inside your room he can see the books are scattered about the room as you’ve set them down once you’ve finished them.
The male smiles as he snaps back into reality and crawls up to Y/N’s fire escape. He looks surprised to see her waiting for him. “Uh..hello Citizen, don’t mind me! Just passing through as his voice modulator activates, disguising his voice.
“Really? You weren't my nerdy best friend that was hanging on the ceiling of my hall?” Y/N teases as she leans against the railing. “It’s okay...I like you too Peter Parker…” she murmurs and glances up at Peter, like she's examining his mask.
“Are you gonna kiss me or do I have to take that mask off myself?” Y/N flirts as Peter stands there flabbergasted in how she figured how his mask works.
“Oh I should shouldn't I?” Peter says awkwardly as his mask dissolves to reveal the brown haired man you've had a crush on for years.
“Yeah… you should…” Y/N murmurs gently
Peter pulls you close and kisses your lips gently  a spark coursing through both of your bodies.
When you both run out of air you separate. “Wait how did you know?” Peter asks you, curious of how it came to be.
“Well….you suck at hiding shit in your locker….the amount of times I’ve had to come and open your locker and it’s been on the floor or not so discreetly hidden in between books. Seriously Peter….and then I knew it could only be Spider-Man who could detect the rhino was coming our way and was going to charge at us...You kinda gave yourself away, and lastly….there was no way Spider-Man could know exactly what book and cover design for (H/H) house was...plus I knew that you were in England and that’s the only place you can get it from..” You confess and lean into Peter Parker. “Well I’m glad you know….but you also need to know that if my identity gets out that you’ll be in danger….I...I couldn’t live with myself if you were ever in danger….” Peter whispers and kisses your forehead. “Don’t worry...I believe you can save me and the world. You are a Hero...My Hero..”  You whisper as your lips meet again.
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charliebattinson · 7 years
MOVIN IN | Moving in with Shawn [BP] | Shawn Mendes
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A/N: Hi here’s another bullpoint thingy haha. I’m planning on two other bps! Chrismas! Shawn and Best Friend! Shawn. Tell me if you want me to make them! Hope you like this! Feedback is welcomed! Much love xx
Moving in with Shawn:
You guys have been dating for so long
You and shawn are just probably having a late night drive
He just asks “y/n do you want to move in together?”
You love the idea but you tease him about it “why would ya want to move in together?”
“So I don’t have to pay full rent and someone can do my laundry and cook for me”
You happily agree though
You guys move into a cute place thats just right for you two with a cute little balcony
Boxes everywhere
Painting rooms together
Painting each other
“Do you know hard it is to remove this shit?”
First night in is just talking the whole night, planning on what to do next with the place and just being super happy
You sleep on the floor because you haven’t fixed the bed yet
Christening the whole place
“We gotta really clean the kitchen area”
Getting to know the neighbors
First weeks are just lazy, living through boxes and take outs
Its getting frustrating because you’re both searching for what you need in every box
“Where the fuck is the kettle”
“Oi we’re really need to unpack these boxes”
You eventually got everything unpacked
Shawn sees the makeup in the bathroom and he’s so confused by them
“Babe why are there paint brushes in the bathroom?”
Showers together
Shawn doing a mohawk while in the shower
“Rub my back and i’ll rub yours”
Attempting shower sex but you both just end up slipping
Taking bathtubs together
Shawns always so eager to drop the bath bomb
Furniture shopping
Heading out to ikea and playing house. Watch this for visuals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARoB1nWPsxo
Assembling furniture together
“Did you know assembling ikea furniture is the greatest test of all relationships?”
When you guys thought you actually assembled it perfectly then you realized you screwed the wrong legs on all sides“
“Fuck this. We’re done”
Shawn buys random cooking appliances
“Why’d you buy this? You don’t even know what its for”
Plant shopping too
You guys forget to water the plants tho
“I thought it was a fake plant”
“Shit we’d make horrible parents”
Grocery shopping
Sometimes you’d have late night grocery shopping and shawn would attempt to ride the cart
You’d be at the cereal area and shawn would just pretend not to know you and try to flirt with you and use pick up lines
“Do you like kellogs? Wanna frost my flakes?”
“Sorry but my idiot boyfriend is waiting for me”
Debating on what ice cream to get
“Fuck you we’re getting vanilla”
Trying to pick out wine because you’re feeling fancy
“How the fuck do you pick out a good wine?”
“Just get the fancy looking one, that probably tastes good”
Cooking dinner together while jamming to miguel tracks like told you so and pineapple skies
Shawn pulls you in for a dance
Teaching shawn how to cook
Him coming behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your neck, cheeks and shoulders while teaching him how to cook the chicken
It puts a smile to your lips cooking for two instead of always cooking for one
You’re both afraid to go near the pan because of the oil sizzling
Shawn joking around like he’s on a cooking show and acting like gordon ramsay
“Its fucking raw!”
Rock paper scissors on who has to clean the dishes and take out the trash
“HA SUCK IT BITCH” “shawn” “sorry”
Jamming to 80 and 90s tracks
Sitting on the balcony sipping on wine
Slow dancing to “The Way You Look Tonight by Tony Bennett” by the fireplace
Also not knowing how to set the fire to the fireplace
“This looked easier in the movies”
Sex by the fireplace
Sleeping by the fireplace naked
Doing laundry
One of his tops shrinks 2 sizes
“Honestly shawn how did you survive living alone?”
“I ask that myself too”
When you guys fight or have arguments he sleeps in the couch but you miss having him there in the bed so you go to the couch and he gives you some space to sleep beside him
Afternoon naps in the couch
You would go home to see shawn sprawled on the couch shirtless and only jeans writing lyrics
“Yeah i can get used to this view”
Sex on the couch
Lazy sundays
Naked sundays
“Sundays should be spent naked”
Midnight snack raiding the fridge in just your underwears
Shawn surprising you with  breakfast in bed
“You just bought this in the local bakeshop didn't you? You didn't cook anything”
You guys try baking one time
Total fail.
It just ended up as a food fight and making out on the kitchen counter and shawn covered in flour and you covered in eggs
Camping out in the rooftop 
You ask the landlord if you can leave a sofa type of furniture there
The rooftop also becomes a place to unwind and have a beer
Movie marathon
You guys attempt to watch all 8 harry potter films
You guys fell asleep midway through the first
“Fuck I’m getting old”
“Babe have you seen my keys?”
“Babe have you seen my wallet?”
Shawn opens the front door and shouts “HONEY I’M HOME!!”
You think you’re sly in stealing some of shawn shirts and hoodies and placing them on your side of the cabinet
But shawns has hunch you’ve been stealing them
“You’ve been stealing my clothes haven’t you?” “I have no idea what you’re talking about”
He goes to your cabinet and finds most of his hoodies and flannels
“Babe i need my clothes back or else I’ll have nothing to wear” “thats the point shawn!”
You wear them when he’s away on tour because it smells like him; like a part of him is here
Bed feels so big without him
Deciding on what pet to get
“We can’t get a dog” “i don’t want a cat”
You both decide to get a goldfish
“Let’s name it sushi” “rude shawn rude”
You forget to feed it the first few days
He comes home tour and you just let him sleep it out. Doing his laundry and everything
You would always cook for him every time he comes home from tour
And you would just sit on his lap while he eats and he’s just so happy because he gets to taste a home cooked meal again
“I miss your taste too”
There’s a part in your bedroom that has a wall of polaroids of your special moments
Making the bed together every morning
Smiling at each other through the mirror when you both brush your teeth
You do the bring it on brushing their teeth scene. Watch for visuals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3-ywpMj4Jk
Cooking and eating breakfast together
Shawn resting his chin on your head while you get ready for work
Shawn would leave it post it notes in different places when he leaves early for work
Leave cute words like “you’re so fine” using the letter magnets on the fridge
He would bring you home flowers sometimes
Forehead kisses in the morning
Shawn waking you up with kisses in the morning
Waking each other up when the other doesn’t want
You guys give each other back massages when the other one is tired after a long day of work
Shawn trying to fix the lightbulb thats always flickering because he wants to feel responsibe
“If you get electrocuted…”
He ends up getting short by the lightbulb
Theres always the spider and cockroach situation
You guys make a hobby of working on like a 500 or 1k piece puzzle to destress from work
Framing them when you’ve finished
Playing the xbox once in a while
You both get so competitive with each other
We all know who the sour loser is
Attempting to have sex but you both just pass out on the bed
Shawn in just his boxers playing his guitar on the couch while you’re there trying not have a heart attack from the way he looks
Shawn chasing you around the apartment
There’s the “just us” kind of clean
There’s also the “holy crap our friends are coming over. Pick up your underwear” clean
And the “parents are coming over. we gotta make this place look like its never been used. DISINFECT EVERYTHING!!!” kind of clean
Bringing coffee or tea for shawn when he’s at his “in the zone” mood in his little studio room and him making tea for you when you’re working a lot
Taking care of the other when sick
“I got ya chicken noodle soup”
“I’m going to make you into a blanket burrito to keep you warm” 
You guys hide snacks from each other
Shawn would pretend to be shocked
“WHAT? ME?”😦😦😦
Just having this natural and comfortable silence while both of you are doing your work
There’s always been a spare room and you ask shawn what do with
“Baby room in the future?”
You always schedule a date night especially at times when the work is too much and you don’t spend enough time. No phones. No work. Just the two of you enjoying each other.
“Cant wait to spend the rest of my life with you” “we’ll see” “Y/N” “just kidding i love you bitch. Can’t wait either”
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theguardicns-blog · 6 years
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⌈ calum hood / male [he/him] ⌋ ━━ look its CHRISTOPHER HALE.. you know, the ( original ) character from stranger things! in our world they’re KEANU AKINA, a twenty one year old bisexual working as a college student. they have a rep for being welcoming & insecure ; we all agree [ christopher robin by good luck finding iris ] should play when they walk in. they ( have ) regained ( all ) of their real memories.
christopher hale had lived in hawkins, indiana for as long as he could remember. it was him, his mom, dad, and older sister. his parents had been best friends in high school, but alas, his father’s heart had been stolen away by another. it wasn’t until years later, after his first wife had died and left him a single parent, that christopher’s mother and father got together. she was his shoulder to cry on, and after a few months, their friendship turned into something more. they moved into a nice house, in a nice neighborhood, with nice neighbors -- the wheelers. that’s where the story truly begins.
growing up, chris had been that kid. the king of the playground. everyone in elementary school wanted him to be their friend ( if only because he had such cool new toys in his backpack ) and yet, all he wanted was to be friends with michaela wheeler and willamina byers. he’d known mike for quite a while, having been her neighbor, but will was someone he didn’t quite recognize. it was midway through kindergarten when he finally approached them by the swing-set, asking if he could be their friend. they had said yes, and from that point on, a group had formed. 
his title in the group is ‘the guardian’. that’s what he is to them -- a protector, of sorts. he’s never afraid to stand up to the bullies, never afraid to get a little roughed up for his friends. they’re his friends, and he’d do anything for them. he absolutely sucks at d&d but plays anyways because it’s fun. doesn’t understand science for shit, but loves to listen to mike and dustin constantly discussing different scientific methods. he is, however, pretty good with technology. definitely loves being in hawkins middle school av club. he thinks that erica sinclair is the funniest human being on the planet, and always laughs when she sasses lucas and the rest of his party. 
he hadn’t been at mike’s house the night will went missing. he was home sick with a sore throat, but damn the consequences of it all when he found out will hadn’t gotten home safely that night. he’d marched right out of that house with a bag of cough drops and helped his friends search. he probably internally got whiny when it started raining but wouldn’t dare complain out loud because ?? finding will is so much more important than his stupid sore throat. and then they came across the bald girl in the yellow shirt, and christopher hale’s whole life turned...upside down.
almost immediately, chris felt attached to the girl. wanted to make sure she was okay, and that she had a blanket and something to eat. however, she wasn’t will. he missed will, and something about this new girl ( ‘eleven’ as she’d been branded ) screamed ‘strange’. and strange, she was. she was like a real life superhero. 
ok, fast forward through all the events of season one, he was definitely there the entire time, helping with everything. cried like a baby when el disappeared, had nightmares about the demogorgon every single night for nearly a year. he was very, very afraid of the government coming after him and his family, so he kept a lot of it quiet ?? unless he was talking to his friends of course.
CHRISTOPHER SUPPORTED MAX BEING IN THE PARTY !! thanks for coming to my ted talk !! no, but seriously, he thought max was pretty freakin’ awesome. didn’t have a crush on her or anything like that, but definitely wanted to be her friend. he’s just nice to everyone okay :( 
he was always lingering around will. always wanted to make sure she was okay, etc. definitely freaked out when he noticed her not acting like herself anymore, but he just thought it was the side effects of having been in the upside down. never ever would have guessed that she was basically a puppet for the mind flayer.
now we’re gonna fast forward through all of season two. he was hecka involved in all of that as well, and is very glad that it’s seemingly almost over. but then the curse hit, and now he’s...
i’m gonna bullet this
he’s a GOOD BOY. will always be a good boy.
he was placed into the akina family as an eleven year old, where he lived with single mom kelani and a great dane named maggie.
made decent grades throughout middle school and high school
is currently majoring in sports medicine because he wants to be a physical therapist
he’s awake !! remembers every single detail about everything and it really, really freaked him out at first but now he’s gotten used to it.
very much believes that somehow, hawkins lab is behind all of this. doesn’t know how or why, but he just has this gut feeling.
he’s probably wrong.
his favorite color is lavender
likes to wear grey sweatpants and white t-shirts
but also likes to wear ripped jeans and black t-shirts
he spins a wheel every morning to pick his outfit, obviously.
that was a joke
he’s very !! shy !!
likes to keep to himself
very subtly funny
when he’s around all his friends again he’ll be more like himself
though tbh he was a pretty quiet boy back in hawkins too
not as quiet as he is here, but still quiet enough for a middle school aged boy in the 80s
soft as heck.
very lovable
has the laugh of an angel
also very self deprecating
makes jokes at his own expense just for the hell of it
“well fuck me i guess ??”
thats all for now folks hit me up if you want to plot !!
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yaaahbaekhyun · 7 years
Genre: Fluff / Angst / Smut 
Pairing: BaekhyunxOC
Summary: You were an aspiring writer looking for new ideas for your first ever novel. It wasn’t easy as you thought it would be considering the writer’s block you always seem to have. Just when you were on the brink of giving up an inspiration came out of nowhere. An inspiration that goes by the name of “Byun Baekhyun”
A/N: Okay! I know, I still have another Baek story to finish but I just wanted to post this one since it had been in my drafts for a long time lmao I hope y'all support this one as well! And also!!! It’s my first time writing smut so please tell what y’all think hehe 
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You gulped down your coffee to the last drop. It was your second cup for the night. You were currently seated in front of your study table, fingers lingering on the keys of the laptop. The blank page of the untitled word document glaring at you, mocking you.
You heaved a sigh.
You got out of college 8 months ago. No, you are not a graduate. You decided to drop out 2 months into the school year out of impulse. It wasn’t because you were stupid or anything, it was just because you lack any kind of motivation for studying and plus, you didn’t think you’d need any of what they offer in school for your dream job. You aspire to be a best-selling novelist.
Your parents weren’t against it, but they weren’t really supportive of the idea either. They just let you do what you want since it’s your life. They would sometimes try offering you financial support or ask you to come back home so you would have less expenses but you were a strong independent woman who doesn’t need to live off of her parents money (and truth be told, you were kinda embarrassed and you wanted to prove something to them).
“Ahhhhhh fuck me,” You cursed under your breath. You just wanted to write but this writer’s block always seem to have kept you company. Every time you tried starting on a story, you’d end up clueless on where the storyline was heading so you were always back to square one: and that is struggling to find a solid plot until the wee hours of the night. Who would’ve known your dream would be this hard to attain?
Looking at the clock, you realized that it was already 4 in the morning. You aren’t going to be able to write anything again, you deduced. You needed to rest since tomorrow was Friday. It was your last working day and your shift starts at 9 am. You couldn’t wait for the weekend to roll so you could focus more on your writing (or more like staring at your laptop and and having a mental breakdown).
You recently found work in a coffee shop near your apartment building. It was also near a university which was why it was always flocking with students. The pay was good, it was enough to keep you fed and off the streets. But you weren’t going to settle down with that kind of job. You were going to put Stephen King, J.K Rowling, and John Green to shame! You were gonna go places! But as of now, the only place you can afford is the small gloomy apartment you’re living in.
Taking off your glasses, you stood up from your chair. You almost fell because your legs were numb, like thousands of tiny ants were biting them. This was probably because you spent hours in the same sitting position.
You sighed again.
As you laid down on your bed, thoughts about your life choices entered your mind. You were really contemplating now whether it was a right choice to pursue a writing career. You were just so so close on giving up.
You didn’t get any sleep that night.
“Hey there buttercup, why the long face?” Sehun said when he joined you behind the counter while putting on his apron.
Sehun was your coworker. You take turns on managing the counter and serving customers. You also help each other on kitchen duty. You’ve only known him for 2 months but it felt like you’ve known him for years. When you two met, you just instantly clicked.
Unlike you though, Sehun was only working part time. He was studying Visual Arts in the university near the coffee shop. Sehun didn’t need to work for money, that much you’ve learnt. When you asked why he was working, he told you the sole purpose was to “hone his interpersonal skills”.
He was a really good-looking man, you actually had a crush on him on your first day of work but when you overheard him calling someone “baby” on the phone, you knew he was off limits. He even showed you a picture of his girlfriend. Son Eunbi. Cute petite girl. Short brown hair that falls midway on her long beautiful neckline. She probably has a great personality too, you thought. Sehun even said he’d let you meet her. Next time, you would say.
“I just didn’t get much sleep is all.” You replied, leaving out the part where you couldn’t type in a single sentence on your laptop 5 hours ago.
“How’s writing?” He asked voice sounding genuinely curious.
“Ugh. Don’t even ask.”
“Writer’s block still won’t let up?”
You nodded tiredly and he gave you an apologetic smile.
“Maybe this writing thing isn’t for me.” You said while you continued brewing coffee.
“Maybe I was meant to be a coffee expert. Or a coffee police. Hands in the air! You are selling bad coffee! .....Or something like that.” You jested but half meant it. If it was the you months ago, giving up wouldn’t be an option. But considering your current state, it looks like giving up is the only option.
“Hey don’t say that, sugarplum.” You rolled your eyes playfully at his endearment. He had a knack of calling you these weird nicknames because he finds it amusing.
“I think you just need a little break.” He added, appearing at your side, leaning against the counter.
“Tell you what, there’s going to be a party tomorrow at my friend’s house. He throws the most turnt up parties ever like seriously! The unlimited booze, horny fuckers grinding up against each other, deafening music, and all the made up games just to have an excuse to drink and make out….” He smiled at you.
“And you’re coming with me.”
He didn’t even ask you if you’d want to come, he already decided for you. You chuckled. Typical Sehun.
“Well, I have been so uptight lately.” He nodded in agreement.
“And I do need some kind of relief….” 
“Yeah and this would be a really great way to loosen up. Maybe you’d even find something to write about in the party- Oh! Eunbi will be there too! You’ll finally get to meet her!” He exclaimed looking so excited.
“Alright. This better be a hella turnt up party, Oh Sehun.”
“Don’t worry, hotdog. Jongdae never disappoints.” He winked.
The bells chime as a customer walks in, signaling the start of your busy day.
Saturday came faster than you thought. You finished dolling up and you were just waiting for Sehun to come and get you. You insisted that you’d just arrive on the venue by yourself but being the stubborn Sehun he is, he insisted on going together.
You were checking yourself out in the mirror when your eyes suddenly drifted to your study table, laptop untouched.
You shook your head. No, you were not going to think about that right now. Today is going to be consist of full blown make out sessions with strangers and going home with them, pissed drunk.
“Fuck writing! I’m getting dick tonight!” You said to yourself with new found determination. Just then, there was a knock on your door.
You opened it and was greeted by a very stunning man.
“Wow, you look like someone who’d get laid.” Sehun whistled lowly while he eyed you, a lopsided smirk playing on his lips. “Because that’s what I intend to do, get laid. Now shut up and bring me where the party at, lover boy!” You marched towards the lift.
“Eager, aren’t we?” He chuckled and followed suit.
Sehun’s girlfriend came in to view as you approached his car. She smiled at you and you smiled back with the same warmth she was emitting.
“Hi, you must be Y/N. I heard a lot about you from Sehun.” She said holding out a hand to you.
“And you must be the famous Son Eunbi. I can say the reverse is true, too.” You grinned and shook her hand.
You three chatted for the whole ride. You were already liking Eunbi and it was apparent that she was also growing comfortable with you too.
When you arrived at the house party, everyone was already under the influence of alcohol and blasting music. Everywhere you look, there would be people grinding up against each other, grabbing asses and are just practically fucking in front of your very eyes.
It looked wilder than any party you have been to.
Sehun appeared next to you and put his arm around your shoulder. He took in a deep breath and spoke, “Ahhhhhhh nothing but the smell of drunken regrets……so, what’ya think boobear?” 
“This is going to be so fucking lit.”
You move your way to the kitchen to refill your cup. You have been dancing and making out with almost every boy at the party. Everyone seemed to want to get their hands on you, probably because you’re fresh meat in their eyes.
As you reached the kitchen, Sehun was mixing bright color liquids in his cup. He turned his head towards you and he had a sheepish smile on his face. It was evident that he’s drunk since he was a little red and you knew he wouldn’t drink that if he was in his right state of mind. That drink in his hand screamed “Death”
“Where’s Eunbi?” You asked when you reached him.
“Just chatting with some of her friends.” He shrugged and you nod in understanding.
“How are you feeling?” 
“Never been better! This is a really good way of loosening up. I feel so great!” You beamed at him which caused him to laugh. You were more bouncy and animated than usual, all the alcohol you drank making its way through your system.
As you were filling your cup with who-knows-what, your eyes scanned the living room to look for a new victim.
Your eyes landed on the boy on the couch with a girl sitting on his lap, casually conversing with another boy beside him.
The girl was rubbing circles on his chest sensually and sometimes would even kiss the base of his neck but he didn’t seem to be fazed by it because the conversation they were having didn’t stop.
“Who’s the guy?” You asked Sehun. He followed your line of vision and smirked slyly when he saw who you were looking at.
“Ahhhh that my dear, is the Byun Baekhyun. He’s an art major like me. He’s in some of my classes but I never really talked to the guy, he doesn’t look like someone who’d want casual talk. He’s really famous in school for his art works and his cocky personality. Though I must warn you before you plan on doing anything stupid, Baek’s a huge playboy. Rumor’s had it he even had an orgy with the most popular girls in our school and he was the only boy there.” Sehun chuckled at that and raised his cup. “Salute.”
You digested everything Sehun was saying while you took in Baekhyun’s appearance. His raven black hair was messed perfectly, bed hair but it looked like all the strands stuck out to the right places the moment he got out of bed. He was wearing a silk navy blue button up that was impractically unbuttoned halfway, revealing his smooth chest. He looked like a fucking man whore but he made it look fashion. 
“Typical artistic playboy.” You murmured, taking a swig from your cup.
“I wouldn’t say typical….there’s really more than meets the eye with that guy.” And just as Sehun said the word eye, Baekhyun shifted his gaze in your direction, making eye contact. Your heart skipped a beat but not in the way you want it to.
He was from across the room and the way he was looking left your mouth slightly agape. He had a smug look on his face while he raised his cup to your direction. Coming back to your senses, you did the same. He then returned his attention to the guy he was talking to.
Byun Baekhyun has definitely piqued your interest.
He looked fine as hell and all you wanted in that moment was to be that girl on his lap. You’ve made up your mind. Byun Baekhyun was your next target.
“Hey Sehun! Aren’t you going to introduce me to your cute friend over here?” A guy called out to the tall man sitting beside you. You recognize him as the guy Baekhyun was talking to earlier. You were currently on the couch where they were sitting a while ago. When they left, you and Sehun headed there and Eunbi joined soon after.
“Oh hey! This is Y/N, Y/N this is Jongdae, the one who’s throwing the party.” Sehun said. Jongdae smiled at you cheekily and held out a hand. You took it and he kissed the back of it. You giggled at that which made Sehun gag. 
“Well before I throw up at you guys, I’m gonna dance with my girlfriend now so if you may excuse us.” Sehun said while he stood up, pulling an obviously wasted Eunbi to the dance floor.
“How about you? Wanna dance?” Jongdae offered with a glint of mischief in his eyes. This boy seriously looks like he is always up to no good. You agreed nonetheless, the alcohol in your system deciding for you.
You ended up on the center of the dance floor, your chest pressed up against Jongdae’s considering how a lot of people were dancing as well. You were swaying your body when someone from behind you snaked an arm to your waist which made you turn your head to the side. You would’ve regretted it if you were sober since now your face was so close to Baekhyun’s neck but you were pissed drunk so you were unfazed. You could smell his musky scent that was just luring you to bite him. Looking up you saw that he was staring intently at you. He had eyeliner on which only helped accentuate his fierce gaze. You ended up resting your head on his shoulder shamelessly. He smirked.
“I think I’ll take it from here, Jongdae.” Baekhyun said while he rubbed the side of your waist sensually. You didn’t see the exchange of knowing glances and the silent agreement between the two boys but before Jongdae left, he kissed you on the cheek. “Stay safe, kids!” He shouted over the music and he was gone.
“Baekhyun.” The man who had a hand on your hips introduced.
“I know who you are.” You said and started swaying to the music. He raised a questioning brow but went behind you and started moving in sync with you.
“How so?” He asked half curious and half teasing.
“I might have asked about you a while ago.” You shrugged. You felt his hot breath brush your ear as he leaned forward.
“Well at least now I’m sure I’m not the only one interested.” He chuckled huskily and you pressed your ass a little bit more to his crotch. He held onto your hips firmly as you both grind against one another. “Fuck, Y/N….”  The way your name rolled off his tongue made you shiver. “How do you know my name?”
“I might have asked about you, too.”
It was you who smirked this time as you took your sweet time moving your body in tantalizing waves making Baekhyun more intoxicated than he already was. “How about we take this somewhere more private?”  
“Aren’t you being too forward, Mr. Byun?” You asked breathlessly because damn, Baekhyun sure knew how to work his charm. With the way his body moved with yours and the way his voice lowered an octave was doing magic to you.
“I’m doing us both a favor here, sweetheart. I think we can both agree we want the same thing from each other…so how about we cut the small talk short and get straight to the action?” He growled and bit your earlobe. It was the only encouragement needed when you quickly took his hand and made your way across sweaty bodies to go outside. Everything was happening so fast but the alcohol was making you act without thinking. 
You both gripped onto each other as you stumbled inside your apartment, your sloppy kisses unceasing. He helped you remove your coat and you shrugged it off sighing in content when you felt the cool air hit your skin. 
He helped you with the rest of your clothes until you're only left in your undergarments. "Black lace, huh? Looks like someone really planned on getting laid tonight..." He was eyeing you up and down drinking in your visuals. As an art major and a guy who had slept with tons of women, Baekhyun could say your body was truly a masterpiece. His gaze on you darkened immensely as he imagined ramming himself hard and deep in your tight cunt. The fervor made his imagination run wild as you were both back on each other, making your way to the bed.
Of course, not wanting to be the only one vulnerable, you ripped his button up shirt hastily causing one or two buttons to fly somewhere in the room. He bit your bottom lip harshly which made you hiss. He pushed you a little, "What the fuck? You better fucking pay for this. This is designer." 
You ignored him and continued your assault as you unbuckled his belt, surprisingly enough you skillfully removed it and had his pants off him in no time. He was left as bare as you and you licked your lips when you saw the undeniably big tent straining in his boxer shorts. He raises an eyebrow and looked smugly at you. "Like what you see?" You rolled your eyes. 
"I just hope you fuck fast as much as your smart mouth moves." You retorted. He chuckled as he snaked his arms around your waist. His hot breath fanning your swollen awaiting lips as he whispered, "Oh wouldn't you want to know." 
The kisses you shared were nothing passionate and sweet and you weren't complaining. It was full of tongue action and leaving purplish bruises to remind you the next day of the one night stand you had. You weren't looking for someone who'd make love to you and care for you when you went to the party. You were looking for someone who'd fuck you senselessly until you cum so hard and forget all the thoughts that troubled you. And Baekhyun was more than willing to be that someone. 
He trailed wet kisses down to your cleavage and you arched your back for him to expertly unclasp your bra. He took one nipple in his mouth and skillfully swirled it with his tongue while he played the other with his fingers. You moaned shamelessly, loving the attention he's giving your breasts. You bucked up so his hips would meet yours and he groaned in response. 
Usually, you were into foreplay. But being sexually frustrated for weeks now, you just wanted Baekhyun to be inside you. Your wet pussy was rubbing so sensually with his hard meat and it just felt so good you almost came. "I think now's a good time to fuck my brains out, Baek..." You moaned in his ear. "A girl who knows what she wants..." He trailed off as he immediately flipped you on all fours. "That's fucking sexy." 
His other hand held your upper body down to the mattress while the other was on your side to keep your hips on sticking upwards. He pulled your panties down to your knees and positioned his cock at your entrance. "Ah shit...." You buried your face on the pillow as he entered you not too gently. 
"Oh fuck.....Y/N you feel so good..." He groaned as he started moving his hips, already finding a steady pace. Having Baekhyun inside you felt like you were on cloud nine. His cock made you feel so full and you knew this would be one of the best sex you'd ever have with a stranger. The sexual tension you felt between you two were just shown with every hard thrust he did. He went faster and harder and you just knew you'd be sore tomorrow morning. 
The way he pounded you from behind was just so overwhelming and intense you were having a hard time keeping your hips up. Baekhyun noticed this so he put both of his hands on you hips while he gripped tightly, sure to leave a bruise on your pelvis. 
He hit a certain spot which made you moan his name wantonly as you clenched your pussy more making his thrusts grow erratic. 
"I'm coming..." You panted. 
He reached out a hand to your clit and rubbed furiously. You shouted his name as you came. Baekhyun followed with a load groan as soon as he felt your tight snatch convulsing around his dick. You felt his cum fill you up and you hummed in satisfaction. 
You fell face first on the bed as he pulled out and collapsed beside you. He spoke breathlessly after a few minutes, "You take pills?" 
"I think it's a little too late to ask that but yeah I do." You replied still having your eyes closed. You were still trying to catch your breath when he flipped you on your back and hovered over you. You opened your eyes and was met with his dilated pupils, already feeling something hard nudge on your opening. 
"Then that means we're far from done, sweetheart."
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mybiasisexo · 4 years
Genre: Fluff | College!au
Pairing: Taeyong x Reader
Length: 1.4k
Warning: Unfinished | Alcohol consumption | 1st POV
Summary: Your friend drags you to a college party only to ditch you. Luckily, you might’ve found someone to kill the time with
Author’s Note: There was a particular picture of Lee Taeyong with white hair drinking a coke/pepsi that birthed this fantasy and a friend told me to ‘write that shit!’ and this was my attempt at doing that. As you can see, I didn’t get far, lmaoo
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I was too damn tired to be dragged out of the house tonight.
Yet here I was, being literally dragged by my arm by my best friend, Yeri, to a rather large house. All of the lights were on through the windows and I could feel the base from within it vibrating off my shoes. 
Midterms just ended today, and of course, it wouldn’t be official without a wild college party.
The only thing is, partying was the last thing on my mind.
I welcomed a distraction from school, but I was just so worn out from studying and stressing, I just wanted to stay in bed.
But Yeri had other plans.
We ran inside to avoid the cold and I scanned the living room. It was jam packed with young adults my age who were celebrating—or trying to ignore—the end of weeklong tests. 
Someone shoved my shoulder and I sighed, already knowing what kind of night this was going to be.
Despite being right beside me, Yeri yelled my name over the music. “Let’s look around.”
We scooped out the house. It was massive, with two stories and a basement, all areas occupied and I wondered who the hell the home belonged to, because no college student could afford it.
“They must rent it out to students, or a bunch of people chip in on the rent,” Yeri mused, eyes wandering around the posh high ceilings and chandeliers. I just shrugged.
We found ourselves back outside in the backyard where a small fire was going. It was October, but autumn was quickly leaving, chilling us to the bone. We were huddled amongst strangers, not one person here looked familiar and I wondered how Yeri found out about this place. I turned around to ask her, but she was angled away, talking to a boy with deep purple hair and rich dark eyes. He handed her a red cup and grinned down at her and I watched her take a sip and twirl her red velvet colored hair around a finger—her signature move.
I rolled my eyes and turned back to the fire and knew I was officially alone.
“I’m going to the bathroom,” I told her. She nodded dismissively and I sighed as I headed back inside, wondering if I would need to call a ride home later.
There were so many doors, and after walking in on three different couples together—one well into their throws of passion, I’ll never get that image out of my head—I finally found a bathroom. I stayed in there for a while, just sitting on the seat of the toilet, scrolling through my phone until somebody started banging on the door.
As soon as I opened it, they started cussing me out, but stopped midway, shoving me aside and throwing up in the bathtub. I hightailed it out of there and decided it was time for a drink.
The kitchen was beautiful. Thick black marbled counter tops and too many cabinets to count. There was an island in the center covered with various liquor bottles and in the attached dining room stood a table were a bunch of people were playing beer pong.
I went straight for the island of boos, my mouth drying at the sight before me. I wasn’t much of a drinker, but when you need a drink, you need one.
I made myself two shots and took them quickly one after the other, nearly throwing them back up in the process. But I was able to hold them down. 
Beside the pong table and the island, the kitchen was probably the least crowded area, so I decided that I would loiter around here for a while, take some shots, and relax for a bit. 
They were playing music that I actually liked and I wanted to dance but was not nearly at the drunk level needed for that ambition to be gone. Instead I walked around the island and sat on the counter. As soon as I glanced up I froze in my spot.
There was a man directly across from me. He was wearing a black Metallica shirt and leather jeans. His hair was bleached an almost white and he looked like trouble.
He was talking on the phone and didn’t look too pleased with where the conversation was going. I could only pick up a few words such as, “that doesn’t make any sense” and “why did you invite me in the first place?”. I instantly thought, ‘same’.
With a huff, he hung up his phone and shoved it in his back pocket. He ran a delicate hand through his hair and leaned against the fridge behind him. I could nearly feel the agitation oozing off of him and wondered if he needed a drink as well.
My thoughts were answered as he began moving again. Turning to his right to pick up a discarded coke and chugging it.
He removed it from his ridiculously soft looking lips and then made eye contact with me.
I gulped as his dark eyes drank me in. His stare was intimidating, it felt as if he were piercing into my soul with that look, but it also gave me a reason to stare at him as well. His facial features were both sharp and soft at the same time. His cheeks, nose, eyebrows, and jaw were sharp and sexy, but there was roundness from his eyes and lips that made him appear rather young. 
Finally he blinked and I took a relived breath. I hadn’t realized I was holding it.
His gaze became curious as he slowly made his way around the kitchen to where I was sat at the counter. Directly in front of me, he was eye level with my breasts, but curiously, he never glanced away from my face.
“You look alone,” he observed aloud.
I pressed my lips together and glanced down at my feet. Was it that obvious? 
“Mind if I keep you company?” He asked. His voice was light, almost like a caress and I wanted to fall into it.
I blinked back up at him and he had an expectant look, a hint of a smile danced across his pink lips.
“Only if you take a shot with me,” I said.
The smile blossomed and I nearly gasped by how beautiful this man before me was.
“As you wish,” he murmured.
He spun around and poured two shots before returning to stand right in front of me. I noticed how graceful all his movements were, even the way he blinked was almost like a dance. He handed me the tiny cup of clear liquid and cheered me with a nod and the lift of his hand before throwing his head back and draining his cup. I watched him take the shot, too fascinated to even miss a second. He winced and smacked his lips a few times before noticing I hadn’t taken mine yet.
“Are you going to take yours?” He asked, voice raspy from the burning of his throat.
“Oh, right!” I jumped and quickly downed the drink. I completely forgot what it was and started coughing. The beautiful boy quickly ran to retrieve the coke he was drinking earlier and handed it to me, which I took graciously, finishing every last drop before clearing my throat.
“Thanks,” I said. I was now completely humiliated.
“No problem. Are you okay?” He asked. The concern was visible in both his voice and face. His eyebrows were drawn close and I felt a fluttering in my stomach.
“Yeah, I just forgot what I was drinking for a second.”
“You were distracted?” He asked. Mouth quirking at a corner.
I nodded.
“By me?”
I started coughing again and he laughed amusedly. 
“I’m flattered.” He said, placing a hand over his heart. “What’s your name?”
I told him my name.
“That’s a beautiful name.” He complimented. “I’m Lee Taeyong.”
“It’s nice to meet you Lee Taeyong.” I said and we shook hands. When I tried to pull away, his grip tightened for a moment, holding on to me a bit longer before he allowed me to let go.
“So what are you doing here alone?” He asked. 
I sighed, “my friend found herself a cute boy.”
“Ah,” he said with an understanding nod. “It appears we are two peas in a pod. My friend found himself a cute girl and abandoned me in the huge house.”
“It’s a really nice house though, huh?”
“Beautiful. But I think I found something more appealing.” He gave me a big grin with his eyes closing and my face turned bright red. 
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laberintos-espinas · 4 years
The Old Chunk Of Coal
Some days are diamonds. Some days are Stones... And the alternative one, I am just an vintage bite of coal, but I can be a diamond at some point  Custom Made Jewellery I love songs. I love the lyrics and secondly the thumping vibrations of the decrease observe beats. I recollect these traces from  country conventional refrains. I recollect them due to the fact I realize the feeling of being taken into consideration a clump of coal. It's a bad feeling. It's now not so much the coloration that is a downer, it's the darkness that's involved whilst one thinks of coal. It's a fossil gas. It's top simplest for heaping onto an already insupportable ecological or metaphorical emotional trauma situation and making it worse. Let's strike a in shape to the coal and burn it until it is used up into ash. Then allow's desire the wind will scatter it, as we do not even want to empty the ashes once it is usefulness has been used up. We're ungrateful every now and then for services rendered. Coal paperwork under the floor. Without light. I assume it gets worse. I assume coal is not even an unique component. I suppose it is compressed gases or rotted timber or something discarded to begin with.
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OK. So you get the image that I just like the phrases to songs that sing approximately desire for rotting ancient discarded elements.
I have a friend it truly is a shamanistic healer. It started out that he changed into going to help me locate my manner and discover my voice. Then I commenced cleaning his house for him. This made feel sooner or later for some motive. We additionally percentage songs. Baby-boomers are constantly flower youngsters at heart. I suppose neither one folks really knows why I'm nonetheless spiffing up the palace. I know at a few level we bartered house cleaning for transcended meditation classes. Yet I got here with a again schedule. I'm going to clean my way through his lavatories and into his coronary heart. When I get there, I'm going to mirror my Light on his pathway and then flip him into the palms of the one true God to take care of. Silly presumptive conceited me, assuming he wanted me to shop him. I deliver up my Shaman due to the fact he instructed me in three separate restoration periods I turned into a diamond so first-rate that soon many round me could recognize and notice me. I figured he changed into speakme inside the religious geographical regions and in symbolic language. Now I'm not so sure.
OK. So you get the picture that I've been on a religious quest to connect and solder myself right into the mainline connection with my Creator, God as I changed into taught. You recognise the only inside the Christian container? However, something came about along the way I didn't assume. My point of view concerning traditional Western Christianity flipped. I think now, that Jesus changed into certainly the entity that lead me into the Kingdom of God. Nevertheless, since I've certainly wondered and did research from original supply statistics, I suppose God is Spirit, the whole Spirit of the God and that God is entire natural Love; the originating, creating, shrewd Source that is the vibration of natural white power light. The Light of all cosmology and creation.
Something has also happened to me for the reason that my unique friend and the Shaman helped me locate my voice and soul again. I started out to put in writing. I started out to write prolifically. I write all the time. I cannot prevent it. It's been approximately six months now of nonstop writing. I write day and night time. I write about something and the entirety. I actually have masses to say and do not know why. My "still small voice" is very talkative. Just about each person it is are available in contact with my e-mail radar range, has advised I write for a living. I've just been watching for the go-ahead signal from a person. I've been at the intersection watching for the mild to turn green. Today it occurred.
You now recognize I stay to write down. I discover the sector around me high-quality and wondrous and want to inform absolutely everyone all about it.
I belong to a churchwomen's fellowship institution. It's seventy five-a hundred women who can find time on Thursday mornings to come back collectively with aim of being God honoring, together. One of the instructors for one in all this season's classes, I am venerated to say, has come to be a pal of mine. Judy is a raven-haired angel of a girl filled with grace, information and dignity. She's the pastor's spouse. She's additionally very humorous. I'm unshakably convinced God has a strong dry sense of humor. He need to have. Look at us!
Today Judy surprised me. She asked my permission to study one in all my written works. It was well timed and related to the President of america. She felt it turned into a very good element for some women to hear. I did not want to appear unpatriotic in those perilous instances, right after 9/11 so I agreed. I changed into very thankful she become not going to make me arise and examine my essay. I contemplated just skipping magnificence these days, to keep away from the embarrassment I'd no question sense and possibly keep away from the harsh sarcasm or poor criticism of my sisters in Christ. (Oops. It sounds a tad like my perceptions of my fellow guy is askew, would not it?) God will work on this hassle.
I did not hen out. I confirmed up. What I didn't anticipate passed off next.
Judy didn't wait till small institution time. She got up there and read my article to the complete bunch of properly-bred, sensible ladies at the monthly scheduled all-church women's luncheon earlier than our writing class. I become mortified! I started to look around me. The feast room changed into full of spherical tables seating eight ladies a table. A little hearth-orange rose budded out of the middle of every desk. These ladies began to appear like a bouquet of freshly reduce plants to me. This kind of bouquet is such an extravagance for someone like me. These girls are the cream of the crop on Mercer Island, WA. A.Ok.A. The Golden Ghetto. My sons and I best live on the island because of a Section 8 HUD housing voucher for the poor.
I watched as women began to wipe water out of the corners of their eyes. I watched as eyeglasses started being eliminated and noses had been blown. I watched girls torn between gazing me ( seeking to hide in a nook of the front of the room) and trying to stay riveted on Judy analyzing My written words. I watched as the sounds of my tale bounced towards my mind. I changed into surprised to say the least. I 'd by no means heard my words out loud earlier than. I become curious about the article. It produced a silent sound down in my internal middle connection to God. It struck worry (as in awe) in my heart as I realized some thing supernatural had passed off to my palms to jot down such sounds.
When the object become finished, the girls applauded. They asked copies to own in unison. I turned into proclaimed a proficient writer. I was humbled into silence, again. I saw some thing unrecognizable. I saw refracted mild start to prism off these ladies lower back at me. Just like while a diamond is held up to the daylight. I contemplated this sight.
As if this became now not sufficient, the primary group disbanded into the smaller lecture room corporations to prepare for the inspirational teachings of the day. It would be an hour and a half of studying and sharing Life training, girl Christian style. Judy had every other marvel in keep for me. She wasn't through with me yet due to the fact she was the teacher of the writing group I belonged to for this smaller organization.
The topic below discussion become Changing Times. Judy started out giving examples of how traditional authors had expressed themselves as she thumbed via Emerson, Lewis, and a pair current luminary authors. About midway via the class, Judy yanked out yet ANOTHER of my tales and read it to this magnificence as her last example! I turned into petrified the ladies might grow resentful, bored and angry at this monopoly on their time. There had been many proficient women in this organization. All with superb motivating stories to inform. Judy made no bones about how highly she regarded my capacity to seize pix and percentage my coronary heart-mind to an target market. She study Homecoming Parade. She excerpted and compacted the lengthy story into one which hit the mark. More tears flowed and mouths hung free. You should've heard a pin drop in the location. More applause. I shriveled underneath the desk and attempted to clown round graciously to alleviate the pain of appreciation and recognition.
What I saw as I appeared around this group of 30 movers and shakers of all ages, shocked me. I noticed it symbolically, as is my way. But nevertheless, it became there for the viewing. I saw a super wonderful blue-white, exquisite-reduce diamond being held up and placed into a platinum solitaire putting.
When the meeting ended, a woman I'd gotten to recognize recently approached me. Her call is Judy Boynton. She clipped off her credentials for the organization. She was a professional posted creator of fiction and non-fiction novels. She changed into an finished artist of sculptures. She become a trustee on the Board of Pacific Northwest Writers Conference affiliated with Pacific Lutheran University. She'd been a member of this group for over 25 years. I became impressed. Not so much through her credentials, as high-quality as they were, however with the aid of the strength and force at the back of her eyes. This woman had awareness and motive. She was aiming at me.
She advised me she knew what she was speaking approximately. She instructed me and the organization I WAS a gifted creator. She told us she'd visible enough to realize the difference among one that would like to be a writer and one that IS a writer. I fell into the latter category. She surpassed me numbers and pamphlets and instructed me to be at the next convention meeting. She explained this is where publishers, agents, and authors meet each other with the purpose on publishing written works of merit. Names like Ann Rule and J.A. Jance had been bantered approximately at some stage in this same day through others as they requested my permission to have them perhaps touch those "friends of theirs."
It isn't regularly in a lifetime that one simply is AWARE of a life converting moment or day. I've been graced with one of those moments. Today it appears, the sector round me is starting to notice and recognize the old chew of coal were given the dust pressure-washed off of her so hard and significantly by means of Life, that she'd developed into a diamond solitaire of well worth and observe.
I know in which I belong proper now, proper at this area in time. I belong sticking effective near my special buddies who know a way to crimp the ones platinum prongs at the diamond setting firmly and securely. I even have a sense diamonds are forever, as they are saying. How should this have passed off?
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