#and then muting my mic so i can sing<3
millenari · 4 months
4,6,8,16,43, for misto
4. Favorite line
I enjoy a mute!Misto but I think Misto having the 'terrible bore' line is like... vital in terms of his and Tugger's relationship and shouldn't be given to other characters unless Misto's actor is physically not given a mic. So that one probably.
6. Worst personality trait
Misto deliberately acts like an annoying little bastard on purpose to piss people off all the time, but being that he does that on purpose I feel like I can't list it.
Due to his competitive nature he has a tendency to want to at least feel like the smartest person in the room pretty much all the time and can tend to treat perfectly normal interactions like competitions or a game of one-upmanship. He tends to get on best with other cats who don't really care about his (in)superiority complex and let him posture.
8. Unpopular opinion about them
ACTUALLY I have one! The fact that 2019!Misto was awkward wasn't that bad. I see people all the time being like 'they ruined Misto! He's supposed to be a dramatic confident showoff!!!!!' but that's not necessarily true. Misto being insecure is a thing in plenty of tours-- in some (shiki, vienna, and maybe moscow I believe? Off the top of my head?) even have a moment where, after he pulls the tarp off of Deuteronomy, he whirls away and faces the audience while Tugger greets Deut-- this moment is in every production, but while most performances show him grinning or excited here, the above productions can sometimes show him looking afraid or upset, especially when Tugger starts singing again in a serious tone-- he thinks he failed. And even in 98 you see Misto fail to light a firecracker or two during the song, and immediately turn for Tugger for reassurance. Misto being insecure or uncertain of his powers is not even remotely new!
The issue with 2019!Misto is that they let that trait screw with the song. In all of those above examples, Misto's insecurity is characterized without even pausing the song for a second. In 2019, not only is the song kind of ruined when they turned it into a bout of .. . . .spoken word.... . poetry? Or a rap? Or whatever it was? BUT he also constantly fails to do the trick, dragging it out for forever. He just shouldn't have sang the song himself. They didn't want to pay Jason Purrulo the big bucks to sing another number; fine, have Munk do it. Or Victoria. Anyone other than Misto!
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves
Ooooooh, I don't know! Misto is generally pretty frank with himself, and holds himself to a high standard; while he can be an enigma to the other cats, those who know him well know him well, so there aren't many aspects of his character that at least 1 or 2 members of the tribe aren't aware of.
I will say that in a fake-dating tuggoff fic I've been writing, when Misto discovers that he's developed a crush on Tugger, he immediately resolves to take that shit to his fucking grave.
43. 3 favorite foods and 3 they despise
Human Misto grew up in a very health-inclined household and never really had much snacks or junk food, so he tends to dislike sweet or greasy or snackie type foods. He does love lemonade and dark chocolate, and tends to eat a lot of protein due to his career/hobby as a dancer.
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nokingsonlyfooles · 9 months
WTYP: The Shandor Building, Part 9
[Do you like the colour of the fanfic? This is long and if you expand it you're gonna get the whole thing, because Tumblr hates you. Don't say I didn't warn you!]
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
Part 9: Disaster Roulette: Train Bad Actually
[Beware of strong language, mention of all kinds of death, gore, and Lovecraftian horror.]
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[SLIDE: The Frankford Junction Wreck.]
D: Okay, where are we? What's going on?
R: We’re on a train leaving a station at speeds of up to eighty miles per hour, part of it is already on fire, and the signal gantry that will open it up, and I quote, “like a can of sardines,” is an unknown distance away. And we are all still covered in horse viscera.
A [cheerfully]: Right! Well! Everyone, make sure you have your equipment and your psycho-reactive slime objects! Rocz, hold my purse.
R: I’m not sure this train has a bathroom…
A: Oh, no, I’m not going to the bathroom. You just need something that flies!
R: I’m not taking this, what will you use?
A: Oh, I don’t need it. Now, everyone take a deep breath and prepare to start singing “Higher and Higher” at the top of your lungs! Future Devon, prepare to edit!
D [text over slide]: YEP.
R: Are you really going to be okay?
A: Oh, yes. Yes. You, er, might want to keep your distance. I… I really do have quite a lot of pent-up hostility. It’s not easy being a girl. All right! Door’s open! Paratroops, over the side! And…
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[SLIDE: The Frankford Junction Wreck]
[screeching, train noises and sounds of laser fire throughout]
D: Shh! Shut up! We can’t leave all this out!
R: I don’t know if it’s exactly safe to land, Dev…
D: Just keep your distance!
L: Listeners, I wish you could see Alice! She is glowing! I mean, she is literally glowing!
R: Oh, my God.
R: So, we, uh, we accidentally gave Alice the ability to shoot lasers — er, uh, “light rays,” but that seems to work like lasers — out of her head this episode, and, looks like, all the powers of Unreal Engine animation…?
L: Fuck “accidentally,” I did this on purpose! KEEP TRANSGENDING, ALICE!
A [happily]: CHEERS!
R: Are we clear to use that with no license, Dev?
D [gleeful]: Just as long as nobody can see it!
L: Can she fly, or is she just glitching really fast?
R: I think she’s just failing to render gravity on command…
D: I don’t care what it is, it’s fantastic!
L: I just wish like hell we’d given her a higher frame rate!
R: God, that poor train. It was already on fire…
D: We’re pretty sure that train is part of, or all of, Gozer the Gozerian, Rocz.
R: I dunno. I mean, it’s possible just preventing xem from pulling off the disaster is enough to hurt xem…
[groaning, crashing, various explosions, and more laser fire]
D: Well, it’s certainly not going to happen now!
R: I’m just not sure destroying the pocket dimension while we’re in it is going to get us out of this alive…
L: Hey, do we have to Donnie Darko this bad boy? I mean, like, kill Gozer, pop the time bubble, and reset reality so we only kinda vaguely remember it? Like, is this version of me with the cool van doomed?
R: That’s assuming the time bubble is centered around Gozer and that it is, in fact, a time bubble. For example, I got out of the pie dimension just by finishing the pie, I recall it perfectly, and I did not have to die.
D: What if it’s like Bioshock and you constructed a plausible memory to cope with the trauma of your alternate self’s death?
R: That is, also, a possibility. Although it is beautifully rendered, you must realize why I’m a little concerned about Alice murdering the train. We do not know how this works. Also, she is super into it, and, uh, I’m not sure she’ll hear us if we ask her to stop.
[snarling, shrieking, crunching]
L: Holy shit, is that motherfucker rearing up in anger?
R: I think Alice has destroyed the axle on car number 7, as per the original accident, and Unreal Engine is having a little trouble rendering it in real time…
R: …Nope, my mistake. The motherfucker is indeed rearing up in anger.
V: Perhaps when Lord Gozer has destroyed the leader of your polycule, xe will have mercy on you, doughnut-giver.
R: Gah! Fuck! Don’t do that! I don’t have any more doughnuts! Wait… [crinkling wrapper] You want this?
V: [sniffing, chewing] This object is grainy and tastes of despair.
R: Well, it’s a Slimfast bar, and God knows how long it was at the bottom of this purse…
V: We do not need to lose weight.
R: No. I’m sure. It’s just all I…
V: The new world will be free of both fad diets and body image issues. To be perfectly honest, the new world will be free of most things, except suffering and tummy rubs.
R: That seems a bit contradictory…
L: Wait, what about TERFs? Will the new world have TERFs?
V: Are TERFs mortal, Vengeful God of Insults?
L: Yeah.
Z: Then most of them will die, and Lord Gozer will allow the cute ones to burn eternally in a lake of fire. Can I get some of those cigarettes? [chewing] Yum.
L [offended]: There are no cute ones!
Z [shocked]: Not even the baby ones? Have they no tentacles? No boopable noses?
L: No!
V: Then all of the TERFs will die, yes. Hail Gozer.
L: What about fish and the Dutch?
D: Liam!
L: What? I’m just sayin’, maybe we should hear them out…
L: Um, maybe we should hear “us” out?
V: All but the cutest occupants of your world shall perish.
Z: Only the cute shall suffer, with brief breaks to rub our tummies and throw a ball…
V [excited]: Did you say THROW a BALL? [panting, galloping]
Z: We apologize, we get excited. THERE IS NO BALL, VINZ CLORTHO!
Z: [sigh] There’s one in every polycule.
D: Why are you looking at me?
Z: We’d better go get us.
D: Why are you looking at me? I’M THE SANE ONE!
Z: Thank you for the cigarettes, doughnut-giver. Hail Gozer.
Z [distant]: You sound like a queer Frodo Baggins!...
L: Dev…
D: Tell me one fact about Frodo Baggins that suggests he is anything other than queer!
L: Dev! Frodo Baggins is extremely queer and I just figured out how to get us out of this mess!
[90s-vintage car key fob chirp]
[laser blasts and train sounds continue unabated]
L: Uh…
R: What’d you expect to happen?
L: I dunno. I hit the panic button. Doesn’t he know I’m in trouble?
R: Generally speaking, that just flashes the headlights and sets off the car alarm, it does not summon a car.
L: Aw, man. Poor guy’s probably sitting in an Innsmouth parking lot, just yelling his fool head off…
R: We’re not a polycule.
L: Okay, okay, wait, though. No, wait. My van is an engineering disaster, right? And my van is now a chariot pulled by a lamassu that has the gift of interdimensional flight. So we just gotta do one more engineering disaster, and pick my van!
R: The behavior of the train-monster suggests that if we pick your van, your van will become a manifestation of Gozer the Gozerian and xe will keep trying to kill us.
L: But it’s my van, right? Doesn’t my van have to listen to me?
R: Has your van ever listened to you?
L: Well, not the original version, but I think the new one likes me.
R: Yeah, but Gozer doesn’t.
D: …Rocz? What exactly is a lamassu?
R: An ancient Sumerian, later Assyrian, mythological beast. It is an emanation of the goddess Lama, and servant to Ishtar — the Queen of Heaven, not the 1987 cinematic flop. Although, critical attitudes towards the film Ishtar have softened somewhat…
D: It’s… a good Sumerian deity?
R: More like a contractor… Hang on, I'll open another tab…
D: Have a look at the one on Gozer too. Is xe a bad Sumerian deity?
L: Don’t take this the wrong way, but I’m getting a real Dorothy vibe off you right now.
D: [sharply] Liam… [softening] No, no, good job, Liam. Keep it up. [to Rocz] What I’m trying to figure out is, are we acting as proxies between two opposing divine forces?
L: Sort of the meat in a god hoagie?
D: I… Yes, actually?
R: Technically, although the Cult of Gozer did form in ancient Sumer, Gozer is not Sumerian. We’re not sure where xe’s from, only that xe, in layman’s terms, is “not from around here.” Xe is more of a trans-dimensional traveler looking for a suitable place to set up shop. There have been several documented attempts, but the earliest was in Sumer.
L: Did you just say Gozer is trans?
R: In the sense of having traveled quite some distance to get here, yes. Any deities originating from this dimension would, in this context, be cis, although some of them may be trans in other ways. Though xe is, under the broadest possible definition of the term, a “trans immigrant,” xe is operating with literally toxic levels of power and privilege. I’m gonna hafta invoke Karl Popper’s paradox of tolerance, here, and remind everyone that the intent to kill most of us and boil “the cute ones” in a lake of fire for eternity takes precedence.
D: Rocz, I am still covered in cream of rat-and-horse, my sympathies do not lie with the Gozerian… even if it is a bit of a shame about the TERFs.
L: And the fish.
D: Yes.
L: So, wait, you said we were having an immune response… Is our reality having an immune response? Is Gozer like covid? Or Vigo?
R: Maybe it’s trying, but we’re in this here pocket dimension. Any Sumerian memory T cells that know how to fight xem off are pretty far away, both physically and temporally.
L [proudly]: And my van’s one of ‘em! God sent me a contractor. That settles it! My religion wins! You can all go home!
R: Alice is still beating the shit out of that train, and we can’t actually get to your van, so at the very least it’s a tie.
D: A question, gentlemen. Can a virus take the form of a T cell?
R: Some of ‘em wear those little protein coats, but if we’re talking about Gozer taking the form of a lamassu, it’d probably itch like crazy if xe tried. Looks like Ray Stantz tried a similar strategy in ‘84, but although the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man looks fairly benign, he’s a trademarked corporate mascot and bona fide capitalist tool. Medium-evil at best. A lamassu is the real deal.
L: So if we try to trick xem into taking the form of my van, either xe won’t, or xe’ll get rejected by it, and no matter what, we’ll have a whole-ass lamassu?
R: Worth a shot.
[screeching, train noises and laser blasts continue]
D: Oh, God. Somebody’s got to tell Alice.
R: You go, Dev. I got a little more research to do. And Liam’s… Liam. No offense.
L: None taken. I’ve had my fun. Just don’t forget to edit out the music, Dev!
D [text over slide]: OH SHIT. RIGHT. I’M DEV.
[generic, public domain music]
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[SLIDE: Test pattern, captioned: WE’RE EXPERIENCING COPYRIGHT DIFFICULTIES, and some difficulty with the circumstances of our reality. I mean, WTF? Why am I here? What does it all mean? Am I just a toy for your amusement, huh? Is that all? Or is there some point to all of this? What kind of God would create a being that instinctively seeks a greater purpose and then, seemingly, go out of their way to deny them that? I mean, sometimes a pet raven, liquor, and ice cream just isn’t enough, you know? Anyway…]
[laser blasts and train noises fading back in]
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[SLIDE: The Frankford Junction Wreck.]
D [faintly]: ALICE! HEY!
A: What? Oh, hello, Dev! Ha-ha, it’s raining “them,” eh? You look like a butch Mary Poppins! This is, er [laser blast, steam-powered screaming] a bit of a hazard, isn’t it? Something you need?
D: I just, um… Er… What do you think of the Soviet strategy versus Germany in World War Two?
D: I AM NOT… Um. We were just, sort of, er, having a tangent — as per our established podcast format —  and we wanted to get your opinion… As, er, as the leader of our polycule.
A: What, of scorched earth? [brightly] I approve of it! Obviously! [to Gozer] AND THAT IS A THREAT, YOU TRAIN-WEARING DRY FUCK! [to Devon] Did we, er, form a polycule during this tangent? I mean, it’s not the weirdest thing we’ve ever…
D: No, no… Well, sort of. But I was thinking more like… The idea of letting one’s enemy tire itself out and then, er, allowing the Russian winter, the natural defence of, um, Communism against foreign invaders to, er, sort of… finish them off?
D [dazed]: Xe could’ve taken my head off with that…
A: Um, yes, I suppose. You’re being… incredibly polite about your murder attempt.
D & A [almost on top of each other]: Are you BRITISH?
A: So, what are we doing?
D: Frantically feeling our nose to make sure it’s still attached?
A: And apart from that?
D: We want one more change of engineering disaster. We think if we pick Liam’s van, we might be able to summon a lamassu…
A: Are we assuming Ishtar is on our side for some reason?
D: What…? You knew Ishtar upgraded Liam’s van?
A: Dev, I did the slides for this. I had a truly hilarious one about Mesopotamian rock-paper-scissors. All the gods are extremely petty and hate each other, but they’re quite willing to team up and take out a group or individual they hate more. Ishtar is very into love and war and sex, so I just assumed… Well, I mean look at xem. Er, well, not the demon train version, the one with the watch and the camera. I suppose it all depends on the nature of this “new world” xe seems to…
D [quickly]: Almost everyone will die, and there will be a lake of fire in which cute things endlessly suffer, with occasional breaks to play with the Terror Dogs. We got it straight from the Terror Dogs’ mouths.
A: No sex at all?
D: I can’t speak for Gozer and the dogs, but unless the cute things get terribly bored in the lake of fire…
A: Oh. [chuckles] Oh, she wouldn’t like that.
D: So, instead of straight-up murdering the train, and collapsing the pocket dimension with us in it, we thought we’d tag in Liam’s new van. [more pained] He already tried to summon it and it didn’t work. So, er, as you said, “mountain to Mohammed” and all that.
A: Well, I’m game, but I don’t know how we’re going to convince Gozer to change forms again…
A: [screams, sound of a laser blast]
D: FUCK! How does a train monster that is also on fire “sneak up”? Huh? You have no right to stealth!
D: Um. Right.
A [happily]: Gore-encrusted podcast all the way! And we’d like to pick…
Part 10
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dailyhowl · 2 years
Hi! I'm so happy you're back!
I love your writing so very much, especially the interactions between characters. They're beautifully subtle and also ring very real all the time. You've written some of my favorite works in the fandom and I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll gift us with next.
For the mini fic prompt, would you like to write either #3 or #12 (whatever you prefer) for John and Paul?
Thank you so much for this lovely message. I apologise for taking so long to answer this. Thank you for prompting, as well 💙
things you said too quietly
"Her friend has drawn up your charts, she's got this huge book with all the stuff in it. I was thinking of getting everyone's done, you can spend hours reading this stuff, you know," John enthuses, though George is the only one that looks half-interested in what he's babbling about.
"I had her do Stu's last night," he admits after a pause. His heart thumps a little quicker.
"Oh yeah?" George nods, eyes flickering between his guitar and John's general direction, "I forgot what he was."
“He was riddled with Cancer,” John says, unthinking, unable to not notice the twitch of Paul’s mouth at the sting of the mere sound his diagnosis. 
George swiftly intervenes after a held breath of a beat, “Astrid was a Taurus.”
No one says anything for a few moments, Yoko looks to John, not understanding the silence. He simmers in ugly resentment of Paul’s grief feeling more uncomfortable and urgent than his own. 
"Was? Did she change it, did she?"
George gives a smokey cackle at that, "You know what I meant."
John looks at Paul again. Again and again. So purposeful about it, these days.
“No sense in being sensitive,” he snips with a twist of his fingers over the guitar frets, fingernails slicing over the strings to emit a brief snap of a chord.
“Sensibility,” Paul replies lamely, eyes locked on bass strings as he plucks a passive riff. His mouth twitches again, displeased at the distraction, the reminders, the implications of dwelling on lost pieces in their history. Their official biography sits in Yoko’s lap as Paul’s bass thumps the familiar backbeat of Honey Hush. Only the two of them know the significance of it all. 
“What does my future hold then, Yoko?” Ringo saunters through the middle of their set up to his drums. 
“I don’t quite know,” Yoko smiles, amused by the engagement, looking to John for a boost of confidence before she continues, “I would have to check, but it’s good things, I hope.”
“The Ringo Starrs hold all our answers,” John announces into the microphone now being carefully directed to his face by Mal, “Thank you, Mal, I find this quite helpful for my singing career. You know, as a rock and roller-”
“Ringo in a bag in the Albert Hall, reading the stars from the meshing,” Paul interrupts lowly, amused tone not quite ringing right. John feels a pinch in his chest.
"What does my future hold, Beatle Ringo?" he hums, monotone into the mic. His teeth are somewhat gritted. Despite everything, it makes Paul crack up with a laugh no one was expecting. George grins and Ringo smirks behind his coffee mug.
John looks down at his scuffed shoes and his knotted laces, feeling his chest burn with memories and muted sadness, "If only he would tell me."
And if he had leaned a little further, kept an ear out for his voice the way he usually always did for Paul, he would have heard a low rumble of a tired Paul McCartney answer back.
"If only he knew."
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(Thought I'd post this separately in case any non fandom people were interested.)
I was thinking to myself the other day that maybe I don't get more engagement on my tunes because ppl don't know how hard I work on them (obvs it must be that) so because so many of you asked, here's a long ass post on how I write a (fan)song.
Part 1: The Idea
Most of the time, the idea's the hardest part for me. I'll get either lyrically or musically inspired one day and play around on guitar or piano or open garageband and scroll through loops but not come up with anything i like enough to want to develop. And it's really because there's no spark behind it. That's the best part of fandom songs, I never need help for inspiration.
I get accosted with feels from a show, decide I must write a song for it, think about Stede and Ed, open gb on my phone, pick some chords and open my mouth and see what comes out.
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(Le beginning)
Usually i get a lyric or two, a phrase maybe, and the start of a melody. Tbh It all happens so fast.
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But after 15 minutes or so i have the bones of something; some lyrics; chorus and a verse, and what story i want to tell and where I want it to go.
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Part 2: Taking Shape
Moving to the desktop now, we got a notes app with the WIP lyrics up and a few tracks from the iphone of the chord progressions for the first verse and chorus.
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Usually i just have a simple guitar part, some percussion loops and bass...although if anyone has ever heard any of my songs you may notice that 'bass' always means CELLOS because i REALLY like low strings cuz they are DRAMATIC and i grew up on too much HANS ZIMMER.
Anyway, that's when i put my headphones on and start to sing what i have into the mic. it usually sounds very silly. i talk to myself lots. There's lots of gibberish. There are many kitty cat pitter patter sounds. (From the cats, not me)
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Basically here is when I shape the content of song - edit and finish the lyrics, figuring out what story I want to tell while I do.
If I can't get the melody and lyrics to flow, what needs to change? What rhythm might work where, what's awkward, what lyric is too cliche or could hit harder?
What instruments do i want in this song? Do I want to add any ahhs or mmms or ooos to the background? what part is boring, what type of sound might make things pop?
Musically, I take out anything that doesn't feel good to my ears and add in anything they want to hear. Lyrically i try to add more depth with less words at any necessary phrase changes - any constraints actually makes lyric-writing easier for me (rhyming is also great for that)
I sand it down, smooth it out; make it into a song I would want to listen to and as a vocalist one I want to sing. This is only a first draft of the song, but the more I like it, the better i'll sing it.
Part 3: Finalizing Melody/Adding Harmonies
Usually i take a break between pt 2 and pt 3. My uncle likes to say i wear a lot of hats doing the song thing and i think he's onto something. Songwriter hat, lyricist, arranger, vocalist, topliner, engineer, producer, i kinda have to dabble in all them to get a song into a song. I def wear some better than others tho. And arranging harmonies is probably my favorite. At least, this is the part that comes most naturally to my earballs.
First I'll either piece together or record a new rough lead vocal of the final melody. I'll probably sing through it a couple times just to make sure everything feels good and locked in. I'll pick my favorite take, mute the others, and at last, it's harmony time bitches.
I make a new vocal track, press play, and then stop and record at any place i hear there ought to be harmony. A lot of time that's like, everywhere.
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Sound painting i call it.
What can I say, I did a lot of choir and i hear a lotta harmonies and I'm so adhd guys i just wanna put all the noTES EVRRYWHERE
I go through a few runs of this. I'll want to make sure i have everything i hear recorded, even if i don't use it, so i can figure out what actually sounds good. I then have a LOT of extemporaneous harmonies to go though. As i enjoy pain, I then go through those.
I sort of go back and forth between zooming out and zooming in during this part. Zooming out on the entire song, figuring out what doesn't click, what's too much, what needs more and what needs less and then zooming in on the actual harmony parts. Does the vocal blend blend? Does it sound sexy or just dissonant af?
The more parts I add the more i have to make sure something wonky doesn't go and wonk everything up. The harmonies are never very complicated, usually just a 3rd and maybe a 5th in places. But i like to do counter melodies sometimes and then put harmony parts on *those* as well. Sometimes i add a bass vocal or a high octave, sometimes i do that on only certain words or phrases.
At the end I'll usually end up with my lead vocal, a double at some or all the choruses, and pruned harmony tracks on the verses and choruses, bridge, and on any counter melody thing I've done at the end of the song. i listen again, rerecording any harmony parts that need some tightening. These are only rough vocals; this is to get all the parts down and recorded and ready to sing later.
After that, the hard part (of this step) is over and I can start to play around a bit. I'll listen for any places calling out for what i like to call ~sparkles~ - moments where some ear candy would enhance the song. A high octave heaped in reverb somewhere, maybe an echo effect for one word only.
Once i start the sparkles part well... o the vocal plugins... the reverb alone... all the different ambience and echo-y sounds you can try, "church reverb", "echo chamber reverb"...
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(tag yourself I'm Prison Main Floor)
You guys there's just. So many presets. Wtf does 'dark rising hall' sound like? I dunno but i'm about to find the fuck out.
i lose time then. Some hours pass. Days mayhaps.
Part 4: Vocals
Oh vocals. See this part. This part sounds like fun right? The singing! I love the singing of the song! And I do actually! But this part? This isn't singing. This is recording. And it's the actual worst.
See, I am, at heart, a theatrical singer. A performer if you will. And if I may draw your attention to this microphone on the left here:
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This one on the left? This is a dynamic mic. This is my friend. This is a mic you use on stage. Where some people belt into it and others stick the whole thing in their mouths. You can do whatever with dynamic mic. Dynamic mic don't mind. Dynamic mic loves you. Dynamic mic lives for the drama of the theater.
Now the mic on the right? This mic is a mic for recording in studios. This is a condenser mic. This is a very different mic. Condenser mic very sensitive. Condenser mic pick up a fly fart. The juicy details of it too.
i have a very strained relationship with the condenser mic.
Getting the final vocals down in an apartment with paper thin walls, squeaky floors, cats licking themselves (loudly too Daphne jesus), with a condenser mic, just getting the room sound sounding soundy enough is hard enough, but then i gotta sing into the thing!
i don't edit my vocals in a program like melodyne anymore because its too fucking hard and time consuming (aka pitch correcting the pitchy notes) which is a thing you absolutely should do when you're stacking as many harmonies as i stack. But again, lazy. This means i gotta get those babies on pitch as much as I can. I have to get them at a decent level - they can't be too loud or the mic gets mad, they can't be too quiet or the fly farts will drown out my voice.
With proper breath support and a nice warmup most of the time I can get a decent tone outta myself. But guess what, your girl here? She got that long covid. And when you have lungs that are supposed to be all hot air balloon shaped but instead have become more like knotted up twisty straws and you gotta breathe real good to get a nice tone that isn't brittle or pitchy...
oh and remember those harmonies i love arranging oh so much? Gdi me. Gdi.
So yeah this part's really hard. It may take a while depending on the state of my voice (or yk, lungs/general health) it'll get done over the span of several days, lately, because my voice gives out so quickly. But eventually ill have a few takes of each vocal part, maybe 3, of performances where my voice was in ok enough shape.
Oh but we're only halfway done this part.
Part 4a: Comping
Now its time to go through the song one line at a time. And listen to all three sung versions of that line. One at a time. And pick which one is least offensive to my ears (aka one with a good level, nice tone and intonation, on pitch, controlled, has decent phrasing and diction and feeling too. And one I sang the correct lyrics on. I flub them more than you'd think). And then put them all together on one track to make a Final vocal track. This is called comping vocals.
I hate comping vocals.
It always gets a little messy.
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I am usually very very cranky at the end of comping vocals.
Cuz remember all those harmony tracks? Guess what. I gotta comp them too. And all those sparkles and any mmms and ahhs and stuff I added? Yep. They gotta be comped. And *then* i gotta blend them together with fade outs and fade ins so it doesn't sound like 3 takes spliced together. And then I gotta make sure there's no kitty feets in them. And then I gotta reorganize them; join the regions, bounce the tracks, rename files, so it's *not* so messy and not a nightmare to mix.
Man oh man. I love to sing but i hate this part. I always get there in the end. But i have a lot of curses to edit out of those takes ill tell ya what.
Part 5: Tightening It Up And Sending It Off
At this point i can take off the vocalist hat and go back to the song-writer/producer hat and concentrate on making this song a song other people wanna sing along with too. How much i work on this part depends highly on the song. Sometimes it feels ready where it is, sometimes not.
I listen again and pay attention to the dynamic movement of the song. Is there enough build, drama, ear candy, etc? Is there a part calling out for a random funky loop? Most importantly, is it the best version of the song my ears can hear?
i start trying things. Take instruments out in places, vary them in others. Mute everything but the percussion. is it too much, not enough? Mute everything but the percussion and bass, the heartbeat of the song. Is it vibin'?
I think about the characters, think about how i feel listening to the lyrics; do they evoke them the way I wanted it too? Does it say about them everything I wanted it too? Does it need something more at the end, a hook all throughout? Should i take a sparkle and expand on it?
A bitch can get lost in this phase. But I'm better at it than you'd think after writing all that out. Because really, i don't think. I'm just listening. What do i want to hear? It's an intuitive thing, a feeling thing.
When i don't hear any places left I can improve it's time to send it to co-producer and engineering master badass uncle man. His ears are actually the best ears. They are grammy winning ears. I used to get intimidated sending my songs to him but now after working with him for so long, i just get super excited. What's *he* gonna hear??
Part 6: Edits
Producer notes! This part might be lengthy or not at all - basically what i said, what does Uncle Badass hear? He is very very good at hearing things. Sometimes he'll hear something sticking out that isn't working, sometimes he'll hear that the song needs a fucking church bell like in Safe to Land (which i maintain is a legit stroke of genius it works so well. 'Member Ricky's exploding clock? Wtf. UB don't even watch the show, how'd he know?)
Sometimes he'll notice a vocal thing, a harmony he hears and thinks I could add, a part of the song that needs to go somewhere different. Maybe something will sound wonky in the chords or harmonies.
Sometimes, i didn't get the vocals sounding quite right at all and so...yup. You guessed it. They need a total redo. Part 4 here we go again.
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Sometimes it'll be the guitar part i have sucks ass because i'm not a very good guitar player. But hey just my luck. Guess who is.
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(Uncle Badass)
So yeah he'll add some sweet ass guitar for me.
He will also tune up my fake instruments to sound a little less fake. For example bass (not the cellos this time); i am not a bass player and it's not the part of a song i attune to naturally unless it stands out, which means the bass parts in my songs are very one note most of the time (ha); he'll add some walk up/downs, maybe, move it around so it sounds more like s bassist playing a bass and not someone pushing a button on a screen. it's pretty neat.
Once we've decided the edits to the arrangement and I've done and finalized any vocal edits I needed to do then it's mixin' time.
Part 7: Mixin', Mastering, And The Final Mix
This is my favorite part because i don't have to do anything. Well mostly. I start to think about like, oh, sharing, I have to like, put it on the online places. Because if I made an art and no one see/hears it, did I really make an art??
This involves very little because i am bad at it.
I really love people like, listening to my songs, that's the point yk? But I don't like anywhere but, eh, tumblr. So usually i just tell my small group of hellsite frez, only a fraction of whom are in the fandom thing the song is about, and make a bad lyric video. I used to do the twitter and the other places; there was a hot minute during the Hannibal times that my songs were getting some real listen-age, it was fun! And i made a couple people cry. Which was the goal really so I've peaked.
But yk, I like my songs. I like it when other people interact with and like my songs too. But i don't really care if they do or they don't anymore. It's the getting older part I s'pose. And also fan edits are like 10 seconds long now. My millennial ass with all my 4 minute show-tunes don't have a chance on this here musk's internet. But I digress.
Anywho, while I'm not doing much, my uncle's *working* on this thing. He's been doing this for... yk what im not gonna tell you how long he's been doing this for because he'd say it makes him sound old. And it's impossible. Did you see that pic? That mofo will never be old.
So yeah, Uncle Badass puts on his engineer hat and makes this thing sound like a song. I've tried my best at audio engineering; i haven't quite gotten it down, but I know enough to know how little I know, you know? It's pretty amazing, I send him a lot of noise and he cleans it up and glosses it all up and finishes it and makes it into a song that sounds like a song.
After a few days he'll usually send me back a gorgeous thing and i'll be like OMG THIS IS A GORGEOUS THING. and then listen to it thrice more and be like OK LET'S TWEAK THIS PART OF YOUR GORGEOUS THING
This usually is just more arrangement talk, nitty gritty details this time tho, maybe i want an instrument to come in a measure earlier, maybe i want to just *hear* that and see if i like it better (and then ofc, he would make that edit for me...and many times...I don't actually like it better...and he un-edits it. But the ears. They want want they want yk?)
We go back and forth a lot during this part.
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We tweak here and there, slowly but surely morphing the song into what I heard in my brain when I wrote it back in Part 1, when it was just an idea and a lil stanza in my notes app.
This is a very cool part. Cuz then it's done! It's mixed and mastered and ready to go and just THERE! I can hear it! It's real! It's me! And we made a whole bunch of sound that didn't exist before! How cool is that?
Ahh finished song dopamine is the best.
So, yeah! That's how I write a song. And how it goes from a lil idea to a finished Art. And it feels good to finish an art! And then I post it on tumblr dot com and it gets 2 notes! But hey
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soothinglee · 2 years
PART 1 | the drug deal
warning: mentions of drugs but not actual drugs, cursing, etc.
suv3 or suve is y/ns' online name! you can change it :) (sue-vay)
this is something different, I got inspiration from @strawberrymilkgeorge s' series, go check it out!
series m.list | pervious - next
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"what time is it again?" y/n asks stretching backwards from their gaming chair. they try and rub the sleep from their eyes, failing but they brush it aside and reach for their energy drink.
their discord pinged and they look over for a split second then returns their attention back to the screen in-front of them.
"who joined?" they ask, crouching three times when callahan runs up to them and drops some quartz. they smile at their screen.
"um, it was quackity I think," dream answers running around breaking blocks. "and it's 3 a.m, for me at least." he mumbles the last part.
"hi quackity," they giggle, hitting callahan once and running away. he follows them close behind, trying to land a couple punches before missing and falling into the lake under the community house. "oh shit he's muted."
a ding soon follows after and quackity unmutes his mic. the sound of his voice is echoed and blotchy yet easy to make out. "hello~" he sings with a cackle, he joins dreams stream.
"hello~," y/n sings back huffing, they let go of their keyboard and try to rub their eyes again. "dream bro, go to sleep. end stream- like right now."
"what?" the tone of his voice is high pitched and drawn out, "suve i-i'm not just going to end stream now, I can't."
"well why not? just do it, don't be a puss bro." they tease, using their phone to open up his stream. 250,000 people had nothing better to do with their lives, and honestly who would blame them. The chat went by quick, only catching a few but they caught a couple of things.
@Demonslayerrfan20: yeah dream do it LOL
@toeclippers: DO IT PUSS, NO MORE MONEY
@arianannotfound: SDFHISUDFOSD SUV3 IS SO FUNNY-
"see your chat seems to agree, just stop, like just quit dude- callahan are you done?" callahan resurfaces from the water after killing himself 5 times. he grabbed a stick and started beating suve repeatedly .
"suve stop being a instigator!"
y/n- who was mesmerized by the speed of the chat, didn't notice that he got their health low. by the time they realized they were at half a heart, they gasp and quickly take ahold of their keyboard. "HALF A HEART-HALF A HEART. CALLAHAN STOP!"
with another click of the mouse the title screen 'You Died!' comes up and y/n slams their fist on their desk and screams.
everyone in the vc laughs and dream wheezes out a, "you sound like george!"
<georgenotfound has joined the game>
quackity unmutes and giggles to himself, "speak of the devil,"
<georgenotfound> WHERE IS SAPNAP
<suv3> obsvoiusly not here dumbass
<callahan> obviously* DUMBASS
<suv3> I know where you live. remember that.
<callahan> o_0
<georgenotfound> WHERE IS JE
<dreamwastaken> sleep omfg
<georgenotfound> WELL TLEL HIMAS TO WAKE UA[
<suv3> join voice bb <3_<3
"why would you invite him to the vc he's so stinky." karl grumbles, the sound of his voice is muffled out by the sleeve of his sweater.
"because suve has a little crush on him," quackity replies.
"i do not!" they agrue.
"do too!"
"do not!"
"do too-!" before he could finish his sentence the discord notification goes off again, signaling that someone had joined vc.
y/n grins and claps their hands "GEORGEE! THE LIGHT OF MY LIFE, MY SWEET SUGAR PIE YUMMY YUM."
there's silence from george's end, and then a soft "ew."
quackitys icon lights up green as he screams in laughter, karl and dream chortle.
"shut up this is not funny." they groan and crumple up the monster they were drinking and throw it into the bin across the room.
"I could recognize that sound anywhere, was that a...a monster can?!" karl screeches jumping up and down on his chair. he turned his camera on and in the back were multiple boxes and monster cans everywhere.
"oh my god, karl you freak, how did you know." giggling, they open the small refrigerator by their desk to pull out another.
"hey, when you drink alot of them, you tend to get used to the sound."
"no," dream interjects logging onto hypixel, "I think you just have a addiction."
"hey hey HEY, I don't get addicted, it's merely a...liking."
"'liking' my ass," george comments joining dream. "says the one with a monster can la la land in the back. drink some water."
karl scoffs and goes to pick up the cans but stops when y/n speaks up, "speaking of which, karl I need some more, you think you could hit a girl up?"
in a husky voice, karl gets close to the camera, rubbing his hands together, "yeah, yeah, of course. I got you, what do you want? I got it allll."
y/n copies karls stance but instead of getting close to the camera they get close to the mic. "anything, I just need that good good youknowhatimsayin'?"
he sits back and laughs "dude you're so stupid oh my god."
"they're doing a drug deal! TOS TOS!" quackity taunts.
"what? karl, suve NO!"
lmk if you want to be added to the taglist!
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flowersbby · 4 years
Star Struck | Corpse Husband x Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Swearing (If I’m missing any let me know please! :) )
a/n: You’re a model/ streamer in this one! :D I’m thinking about if I should turn this into a series or not? Lmk what you think. I hope you like it <3
It was a nice morning. The sun was shining through the tall windows that showed you a view of your balcony onto your bed, there was a slight breeze so it wasn’t too hot, and you could hear the birds chirping with the occasional honking due to LA traffic. The only reason you woke up was because the sun was shining right in your face. You groaned and put a pillow over your face. I really don’t want to get up right now. Just a few more minutes.. You thought and right as you were about to take the pillow off your face and turn over onto your other side so you could go back to sleep, your phone started ringing. “Ugh!” You groaned once again and reached for your phone that was on your nightstand. You looked at the caller ID and saw that it was your manager, Chris. You accepted the call and put the phone to your ear. “What do you want?” You asked in an annoyed and tired tone. You were definitely NOT a morning person. You hated mornings.
“Oh my God,” He said in a rushed tone, “Have you literally JUST woken up? You have a photoshoot in 2 hours! Makeup and wardrobe are waiting for you down here!” Your eyes widened. You completely forgot about it.
“I-I’ll be right there!” You told him and hung up. You sprang out of bed and almost ran to your walk in closet, your eyes scanning for a top that would match the black leather skirt you wanted to wear for the day. You decided on a black mesh body suit with a black crop top under it. All black today. like your soul. You quickly put on some black heels and brushed your hair, cringing at how the brush tugged on your hair when it reached a knot. You didn’t bother doing your makeup since your makeup team would take it off anyway. You fast walked to the door of your apartment, grabbed your purse off the hook, and opened your door to leave to your photoshoot.
After a lot of yelling from Chris for holding the makeup and wardrobe team up, you did your photoshoot and got to go home. When you got home, you took a mirror picture of your outfit and uploaded it to Instagram, putting the caption as “Fashionably Late 🖤💋”. You smiled at the influx of likes right as it posted. You were truly lucky to have your supporters, but you wanted one person in particular to see it. 
Corpse’s POV
I was casually playing Among Us with my friends while they streamed when I felt my phone vibrate slightly on my lap. I began to feel anxious to check my phone since I only have notifications on for one person but I didn’t want to take my eyes off the screen since I was following Jack, who I was sus of. Right when him and I entered electrical, he broke my neck. I felt relieved though since I got to finally look at (y/n)’s post.
My eyes widened when I saw the picture of her outfit. She looked good. Very good. I double tapped on it and immediately went to the comment section out of curiosity of what other people were saying. I looked at all the comments saying how pretty she was and smiled, but the comments made by creepy people made my blood boil. I wish I could just reply to them and say “That’s my girl. Stop.” but we both agreed to keep our relationship out of the public eye and I was truly fine with that. I just wish I could protect her from the creeps out there. 
I wasn’t even paying attention to the game until I suddenly saw “Victory” appear on my screen. “Let’s goooo!” I said into the mic. Everyone else was celebrating as well.
“Hey!” Rae exclaimed, “Let’s get (y/n) in here, she just got home.” My heart skipped a beat and I smiled.
“Yes!” I said a little too excited. Everyone else didn’t notice it though and agreed with me. I quickly texted her out of excitement.
Your POV
After receiving an invite from Rae and booting up your computer, as well as getting everything prepared to stream, you got a text from Corpse. You quickly grabbed your phone to respond back to whatever he said.
My Love 😊💖💖
im so excited to hear your voice
i’ve missed you
You blushed at his messages. You thought about what to text back for a minute until you figured out what to say.
I have so much to tell you from today
I missed you so much bb
ft later?
You set your phone back on your desk and loaded up Among Us, joining the discord call while you wait. You were greeted by everyone as you joined.
“(Y/n)! Good noon!” Greeted Rae. You smiled as everyone in the call erupted in hello’s.
“Hey, (y/n).” Corpse said after everyone else had their chance to greet you.
Your stomach did backflips from him just saying your name. “Hi~” You said in a sing songy voice and started streaming. “How are all you guys doing?” You asked as your picked up your water from your desk and started drinking.
“Good now that you’re here..” Corpse muttered. You choked on your water and erupted in coughing, taken aback from what he said. Good thing your were muted.
“Corpse?!” Yelled Poki.
“What did you say?!” Also yelled Felix. The rest were just erupting in Aw’s.
“U-uh,” Corpse stuttered, “I meant that because (y/n) is such a good imposter and I’ve been a little off my game today so I’m hoping we get imposter together so I have some content for a video.” Good cover up.. You thought as your coughing got under control. I think he forgot to mute himself. 
“Yeah!” You exclaimed, “We got this my dude!” You took a glance at chat and saw everyone going crazy. Half of them were typing in all caps asking for someone to clip that moment, and half were shipping you and corpse.
“I can only play one game anyway,” Corpse said, “I have stuff to do.” You frowned at what he said. You haven’t gotten to talk with him all day because of how rushed you were this morning and now you won’t have time to talk with him now because of how different your schedules are. Even though you two loved each other a lot you have had your arguments about this with him. You hate that he lives two hours from you or else this wouldn’t be an issue. You would be over at his house everyday if he lived in LA. You hated long distance.
You had a great time playing with your friends, but when Corpse left you got a little gloomy. He wasn’t answering your texts either. You sighed and changed into his hoody he left in your closet when he visited last and put on some grey pajama shorts. You tied your hair into a messy bun so it wouldn’t get in your way for the rest of the night even though you were just going to watch Netflix in your bed and eat chips. After grabbing your snacks, you walked to your bedroom and opened the glass door to the balcony in your room, turned your LED lights to (f/c), got comfortable in your bed, and turned on your favorite show on your TV.
You were scrolling through Instagram as you heard a knock at your door. A scared feeling washed over you and you paused what you were doing. It was like you were frozen in time and if you made one sudden movement everything would come crashing down. They knocked again. You were scared that some crazed fan found your address to your apartment. Cautiously, you walked to your door and looked through the peek hole. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach and a wide grin appeared on your face as you saw who it was. You quickly unlocked your door and opened it. You wasted no time and grabbed Corpse’s face and kissed him with so much passion you didn’t want to stop. He lifted you up and held your thighs in his hands, walking into your apartment and shutting the door with his foot. “I’ve missed you so much baby.” He breathed as he kept kissing you.
You pulled away from the heated session and Corpse carefully placed you on your feet. You hugged him. “I missed you too.” You said and didn’t want to let go. Corpse placed a kiss on your head as he hugged you and rubbed your back. You realized something and pulled away from the hug. “Where’s your stuff?” Noticing he didn’t have a suitcase.
He looked at you with a blank expression. “Fuuuckk....” He groaned. “I forgot it.” 
You looked at him confused. “How do you forget your stuff. It’s a two hour drive here!” You laughed.
He scratched the back of his neck embarrassed. “I really missed you and I was excited to surprise you,” He explained. “I didn’t want to get here late and have you asleep so I didn’t even think about packing.”
You smiled. “Well, at least you have a ton of clothes here you’ve left.” 
He smirked, looking at his hoodie on your body. “Yeah, I see that.”
You smirked back at him, turned around, and began to walk back into your bedroom, wanting him to follow you. Corpse quickly swept you off your feet and put you over his shoulder, plopping you on the bed as he got on top of you. He looked into your eyes. “I’m tired.” He muttered.
“Let’s cuddle then, baby.” You smile. He smiles back at you tiredly as he moves off you to be the big spoon, pulling you against him by wrapping his arm around your waist. You felt happy in that moment. You finally got to be with the only man who loves you for you physically, instead of two hours away. You both fell asleep, taking in this moment.
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heartybubs · 3 years
type — fluff
pronouns — caring!sapnap x f!reader | she/ her
warnings — readers body is not bigger than 'medium' cause it probably wouldn't go with the plot, i'm sorry <3
summary — y/n spends sapnap’s stream on his lap because he’s worried she’ll put herself under too much pressure, if he doesn’t look after her
a/n — can someone pls tell me, if i ACTUALLY enabled anonymous asks? i am lost lol. i also hate this so much
your head hurt, your hand felt numb and you were one more missed assignment away from crying. school was stressing you a lot since the year was about to end and they wanted to make sure that every student got through it despite covid-19.
it was only 6pm but you had been doing homework for more than 8 hours already, even seeing some of them turning into missing assignments because your teachers apparently thought it was cool to not have any structure and making them due to the most random times.
the last time sapnap had checked on you was when you guys had lunch. you actually didn't plan on eating anything before you weren't done with biology, history, maths and english but he forced you to eat something, claiming you wouldn't get done until tonight anyways and he was right. even though you hadn't eaten a lot, you were glad that your boyfriend took care of you when you were too stressed to do it yourself.
sapnap was currently streaming minecraft with his camera on. it was a chill stream after he had recorded a new challenge with dream and george and although it could've been distracting him from you, it didn't. he texted you almost every 30 minutes and asked you, how you were feeling and if you needed something but when he hadn't gotten a text back for a bit over an hour, he decided to go into the kitchen to check up on you.
"guys, i'll leave you for a quick second because i need to look after y/n. i'll be right back", was what he said as he got up and left his room. when he entered the kitchen, he closed his eyes for a second and sighed before he walked up to you. you hadn't noticed him yet because you had sunken too deep into your homework.
"hey babe", be mumbled softly, putting his arms around you. you didn't respond and only leaned back against him, which made him pull you closer. "you need a break, okay?"
you considered it and nodded slightly. "yeah, i'll just get on my phone for a few minutes", you agreed and went to grab your phone but a kiss on your shoulder made you hesitate.
"no, y/n. i won't leave you with your homework, we both know that the break wouldn't be a break if i did. you will come with me. i want you to come with me and chill for the rest of the day", he explained, grabbed your hand and pulled you from your chair to get you to follow him.
"but your stream—"
"don't be silly. they love you more than me but if you want i can end it, i'm cool with that", your boyfriend offered but you just shook your head.
chat could hear the door open, since sapnap had forgotten to mute his mic earlier and only a few seconds later, they were also able to see the streamer and his girlfriend of almost two years. as you got closer to the screen, you could read some of the chat and spotted a lot of messages directed to you, some even worried.
“i’m back and i brought y/n with me because she never listens and i need to make sure that she gets her well deserved break”, he told them and sat down on his chair. you were standing next to him, zoned out due to your headache but he didn’t mind.
two hands were positioned on your sides before nick pulled you on his lap, making sure you were comfortable and secure.
your legs were dangling on his left while your head was lightly resting on his right shoulder. your fingers were playing with one of the straps hanging from his hoodie while he continued the game he was playing. he asked you how you were doing and if you needed something but when you declined and he looked down at you, he could tell that you didn’t have enough energy left to ask for anything, so he pressed a soft kiss on your skin and ignored the chat calling him a simp.
there were times where the game got him really upset but he didn’t want to startle you, which is why he kept quiet every single time. he had a hard time holding back his singing but when chat told him to sing to you, to help you fall sleep, he immediately did.
“okay chat, fuck y’all for calling me a simp when i’m just trying to take care of my girl. i hate you for this”, sapnap said and put his arms around you tightly. “i’ll get off now, bye!”
he sighed quietly when the stream was finally done and halted before his gaze fell upon your peacefully sleeping figure. as he did so often, he kissed your forehead and got up to carry you over to the bed, when he noticed your eyes opening a little.
“i love you. please stop putting so much pressure on yourself, alright? good night, babe.”
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ssamie · 3 years
epilogue. “your girlfriend’s kinda hot”
kozume kenma x fem dazai!reader
(bsd x hq)
tw: mentions of suicide and suggestive themes + dirty jokes
masterlist.          suicide freak!
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"hey uh, welcome to my stream i guess" he said as he spared the camera a quick glance "im not really playing tonight because an incident has recently occurred in this household" kenma said with a tired sigh 
nobody else knew it, but the said 'incident' was y/n accidentally setting half of their living room on fire 
the reason? apparently, she wanted to try burning herself to death in the furnace. obviously, it didn't work. and all that's left from that is more shit for kenma to clean up and a trip to yosano-san. 
kenma is stressed. and y/n is still alive. both of them are facing problems. 
"can you please wear a maid outfit- no."
kenma shook his head as he continued playing, glancing at the chat once in a while to read the veiwers' questions and comments
user: how about cat ears?! 
user: u suck at this game wtf
kuroo.tetsu: hey kenma ;) 
"first of all, i do not suck at minecraft thank you very much" kenma scoffed 
"second of all, go away kuroo. im still mad at you" 
user: LMFAOOO kuroo what did u do?? 💀💀
user: he probably broke kenma's pc 
user: PLSS he's the one kenma’s throwing shade at on twitter 
kuroo.tetsu: STOP THE SLANDER 😔✋🏼
user: rooster head lookin ass 
user: ^^ NOT THE HAIR 
kuroo.testsu: 😃😃
kenma sighed as he continued building a cute little cottage. he was currently vibing, just building y/n a cute cottage for her to probably burn later on. 
and he decided it would be nice to go on stream since his oh-so-lovely girlfriend was still out for work. 
ah yes, kenma has somehow kept y/n alive all those years. 
hence why his phone was being bombarded with messages from her, all of which being blurry selfies. 
the photos had her sporting a huge grin while atsushi panicked in the background. 
user: ayo, ur phone's blowing up 
user: do you have a girlfriend? 
user: ^ ayo chill 😃
kenma simply ignored them and continued on with his task. all was going well until a loud slam was heard. his cat-like eyes widened as he heard a familiar voice singing from downstairs, it was undoubtedly y/n. 
kenma chuckled nervously and muted his mic. 
but of course, cute dumb catboy didn't actually mute his mic. haha <3
he ignored all the questions in the chat, all of them being  speculations that he has a girlfriend. which he does, but they simply did not need to know that <3
"kenma~" she yelled out "i have a surprise for you!!" she said, followed by menacing giggles. 
kenma glanced at the camera before hopping off his gaming chair and peeking his head out of the door. 
"y/n, im streaming!! stay down there!" he yelled out in panic 
"aw, you're playing hard to get aren't ya?" she chuckled 
kenma deadpanned as he saw her limping up the stairs, with her bandages torn and unravelled, same with her clothes. he didn't really think much of it since this is usually how she comes home. 
its most likely just due to work and/or another suicide attempt.
"so, kenma.. you'll never know what just happened to me today" she started off with a goofy grin 
"im streaming, atleast let me turn it off first-" 
she paid no mind to him as she peeled off her ruined coat and pointed to her poorly bandaged stomach
"i got stabbed!" 
"you got what?!"
kenma furrowed his brows as he immediately rushed over to his side, cradling her face and waist as he inspected her injuries
"are you okay, kitten?" he asked worriedly 
"yep, apparently it wasnt deep enough to be fatal" she sighed dejectedly 
"please don't be sad about that." kenma groaned "can you undress?" 
"ara ara~ whats this?" she cooed "you're getting real bold, kenma" she smirked at him 
she unbuttoned her shirt and started pulling down on her skirt "but since you asked so nicely-" 
kenma simply sighed and shook his head. "i was gonna prepare you a bath but now im considering leaving you here to die" 
"but the second option would've been better though" she smiled at him 
"oh my fucking god." 
kozume kenma. (22)
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╰─▸ university student, stock trader, pro-gamer, youtuber, ceo of bouncing ball lpt. 
╰─▸ y/n's struggling boyfriend. definitely needs a pay after all he's been through.
╰─▸ currently panicking because his girlfriend got stabbed.
l/n y/n. (22)
╰─▸ operative/member of the armed detective agency. 
╰─▸ kenma's girlfriend. kinda dumb, very hot to compensate for it. still hasn't died yet. 
╰─▸ currently bleeding and wounded. also hoping for severe blood loss.
"kenma, did you know" she mused in a teasing tone "lack of sleep and too much stress could possibly lead to poor memory and lack of awareness" 
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kenma looked up at her with a look of confusion. he was currently kneeled down before her while she was sat on the bed as he cleaned her wound up with a damp towel. 
"why are you telling me this?" he asked 
"i just thought it probably applied to you" she snickered 
"why? i didnt forget anything-" 
he cut himself off with a huge intake of air. he slowly turned his head to look at the screen which still had his stream going on. to make it worse, the camera was on and they were both clearly in the camera's field of view. 
to make things worse worse, his mic was on the whole time and the live chat was in shambles. 
"i hate it here" he sighed 
kenma laid his head on her lap as he continued on patching her up, honestly not caring that this whole scene was being recorded for thousands or millions of people to see. 
"well, atleast the internet could finally see my beauty before i die" she laughed 
she ran her fingers through kenma's hair as he grumbled under his breath. kenma was a pretty private person. he made sure not to overshare, given his current 'influencer' status. and he was planning on keeping his relationship a secret, though it seems he can't do that anymore. 
"might as well say hi" she shrugged 
so of course, she then decided to walk up to the camera looking utterly dishevelled and roughed up. 
for context, the newly wrapped bandages around her stomach was being stained already by a crimson red hue and it was only getting worse the more she moved, undoubtedly messing up her wound. 
"hi, im kenma's girlfriend and if i see you flirting with him i will make you regret it" she grinned 
"y/n!" kenma groaned from the bed "you're close to dying right now, turn the stream off" 
ignoring him, she proceeded to read the veiwers' comments, laughing at some of them while she joked around. 
user: heLLO?!?! 
user: bruh, did i just hear that right? were you fuckin stabbed? 
user: ur kinda hot tho
kenma furrowed his brows as he reluctantly walked up behind her, reading the comments with varying reactions 
user: well damn, hot bloody girl comes in and suddenly im lesbian
user: kenma looks so done
kuroo.tetsu: hi y/n ;) 
"jesus christ shut up, kuroo" kenma grumbled out with a sigh 
"yup! yup! im y/n, and no, i am not a criminal. i swear." she shook her head 
"i got an injury from my job, that's all." she cleared up 
user: tangina nyo sana ol
user: time to scratch another gamer boy off my possible bf list 😔
user: girl wtf happened to u
user: that's wack bro 🚶‍♀️
"great question, random person from the internet!" she beamed "see, what happened was.." 
"i went on a certain mission and got severely injured. though, when i called for help nobody responded" she said 
kenma furrowed his brows at her words. "why didn't anybody respond?" he asked. she sighed and fiddled with her torn bandages, pouting her lips as she does so. 
"well, when i told them that i was finally on death's door, all they said to me was 'congratulations!' and all that.." she said "what's your take on that, hm?" she asked kenma 
"im not surprised" he said 
she grinned at his words and leaned in for a kiss. "you're so mean to me, kenma~" she whined 
she licked her lips as she held his blushing face in her hands, she nuzzled their noses as she leaned in closer to him. 
kuroo.tetsu: oh shit 😳
user: we all know where this is heading ;) 
user: sana ol talaga punyemas 
user: AYO CHILL 
user: why we goin so fuckin fasstttt 😳
kenma hastily turned the camera off as soon as y/n's lips touched his. 
"kitten, were still- hmph-" 
he was only silenced as she slipped her tongue in his mouth, smirking lightly as she ran her fingers through his hair 
"thanks babe." she said as she pulled away, giving him a soft peck on his cheek and a nod "anyways.." she hummed as she turned the camera on once again 
she looked through the chat while kenma slaps his face to get rid of his blush. 
user: ur fuckin freaky 
kuroo.tetsu: oya oya 😼😼
user: not me blushing chiiilllleeeeee 🏃‍♀️
kuroo.tetsu: kenma, i didnt expect this from u 😼
user: im so fucking JEALOUS GRR😡
user: girl r u bleeding rn 😃
upon reading a certain comment, she subconsciously grazed her fingers against her bandaged wound. her eyes slightly widening as she felt a concerning amount of wetness seeping through
she glanced at kenma who was still calming himself down and inspected her wound 
"oh my.." she muttered, though she couldn't help but let a smile slip through 
so like any normal person would do, she simply ignored her bleeding wound and the fact that she was getting a bit lightheaded. haha <3
"anyways, let's answer some questions!" she beamed 
user: what's ur full name
user: what's ur job miss girl 
user: are you possibly looking for a gf, because i am more 
than willing to take the spot 🚶‍♀️
user: how did you meet?? 
"alright, those are all very nice questions" she chuckled. kenma, who's now calmed down, sat down beside her to look at the chat. 
"first, im l/n y/n" she mused "nice to meet ya" 
"second im a detective! mhm, im cooler than your fathers" 
"third, it depends, belladonna" she cooed as she sent the camera flirty smirk "are you perhaps willing to join me in a double suicide?" 
"oh god.." kenma grumbled. he pouted at her and shook his head in disapproval. "don't flirt with random girls" he whined 
"why not?" 
"uh- because i am your beloved boyfriend, is that not good enough of a reason??" 
"... anyways, we met at a cafe way back in high school" she said with a smile "also, i asked him to join me on a double suicide" she said 
she was smiling and nodding as if it was the most normal thing in the world, all while kenma nods along 
user: wtf are u okay 🗿
kuroo.tetsu: teenage romance 🤩
user: cute ❤️
user: im concerned ❤️
user: ur a detective?? cool
user: ^^ SAME 😩
user: u r still bleeding 🚶‍♀️        
kenma was simply glaring at the chat as more compliments and flirtatious comments came flowing in, all of which were directed to his girlfriend. 
"this is why i didn't wanna let people know about you.." kenma grumbled 
"aww, why not?" she asked with a playful pout 
"people are flirting with you." he sighed "also, stop asking for my girlfriend's onlyfans! she doesn't even have one!" he snarled
user: y/n-senpai spit on me 😡😡
user: drop the onlyfans 
user: chupapi munyanyo 😩
"anyways, i'd hate to ruin the mood" she chimed in with a sluggish giggle "but im so wet kenma" she whined out 
a menacing smirk was etched on her lips as kenma spluttered in response, a bright red hue covering his face almost instantly as he faced her with widened eyes 
"y-y/n! why would you say that?!" he whisper shouted 
"cuz i am" she whined out as she grabbed his hand and trailed it down her abdomen 
she faced the camera and gave them a shit-eating grin as kenma mumbled out incoherent words 
"y/n we should-" he cut himself off as he felt the concerning amount of blood drip down his whole arm 
kenma's face paled as he looked up to see her smiling like a kid in a candy store, completely unbothered. 
"y/n, you idiot! why didn't you tell me!" kenma exclaimed 
"um- my girlfriend is bleeding. excessively. so uh- bye i guess" it was all he said before hastily ending his stream and turning off his computer. 
"y/n, let's get you to a hospital" he said as he reached down to carry her away. though she simply slapped his hands off and closed her eyes. 
"nope. this is my time, kenma. don't ruin it for me" she said 
"you're fucking dying!!" 
"well, would you like to join me?" 
"damn." she muttered in response 
"so...wanna fuck?" she asked sheepishly 
"for the love of god-" 
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this was so messy :/
200 notes · View notes
Enemies to Lovers Part 3
masterlist  <<part 1 <part 2 part 3 part 4 (coming soon!) >
Summary: You leave the Gillespie house and head to the airport with Charlie after an eventful two weeks. While at the airport, your flight gets delayed and you learn of some interesting news...
Category: enemies to lovers, angst, fluff
Fandom: JATP
Paring: Charlie Gillespie x fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings/Includes: arguing/fighting, small panic attack, cringy songs i wrote
A/N: so... i can never post on time. and i know its been a while since i posted the last chapter. i really hope you guys like this chapter! please reblog and comment and let me know what you think! your support means everything, and keeps me going, so thank you.
Mandatory Thanking of the Betas: thank you to @wrhen for giving me help and feedback with this chapter!
AO3 link here (coming soon!)
Please don’t repost my work without my permission, in part or whole. My work can also be found on AO3 @cucumbersandolives. Thank you!
Ice & Fire, and Enemies to Lovers are both my own songs that I wrote. All song rights go to me.
“Charlie! Y/N! Your cab is here!” Ms.Gillespie called. You checked under the bed one last time before grabbing your suitcase and backpack.
“Thank you so much for your hospitality Ms.Gillespie,” You said, walking up to her. “If you hadn’t invited me I would have spent Christmas alone, and this was so much better.”
“Christmas alone? What a loser,” Charlie remarked as he put his bag into the trunk of the cab. You just rolled your eyes.
“Charlie, be a gentleman and grab her suitcase.” Ms.Gillespie said with a calm yet authoritative tone. He grabbed your suitcase and did as he was told. “I’m sorry about him, but I’m happy you had a good time. Maybe you can join us next year?”
“I would be honored,” You said, taking a last glance around the house you had stayed at for the past two weeks.
“Hey! Let’s go!” Charlie hollered from outside. “We’re gonna miss the flight!”
“Thank you, Ms.Gillespie,” You adjusted your backpack and stepped outside to the man who had become a whiny teenager.
“Finally,” He said as you sat down. “She’s my mother, not yours.”
“I’m sorry about him,” You said to the lady in the driver's seat. “We’re all ready to go now, sorry for the wait.”
She nodded and began to drive. The scenery was nice, but it only took a couple of minutes for you to start yelling at Charlie.
“Fuck this,” You pulled out his earbud. The niceties could stop now that his mother wasn’t here. “I have tried to be nice to you this whole time, but now I can say this: You want to act like a little boy throwing a hissy fit? Fine, be my guest. But at least do it in someone else’s company, I have been nothing but kind to you, you-” You almost cussed again, but you reined yourself in. He was worth your anger but not that much of it.
He just rolled his eyes and scoffed. “Whatever you say, princess.” His words, taken in another context, could have easily been mistaken for something other than the daggers they were.
“It’s delayed,” He said, and that simple fact destroyed the rest of the day. “The plane has some issue. They think it’ll be at least two hours, if not more.”
“God, every time I try to like airports, something bad happens,” You said, slumping back into the uncomfortable airport chairs. You knew it wasn’t the airline’s fault, (well it kinda was), but you needed to get back to work. You fiddled with the cord on your headphones before putting them back on.
“Ah- Not so fast,” Charlie said, blocking you from putting them on. He showed you who was calling him. “If I have to talk to the boss man,” He said, referring to Kenny, “Then you do too.”
“See but I don’t,” You said, as you received a different call. “I have a different boss to talk to.”
“I mean, I’m not your boss-” The girl on the other end of the phone said, but Charlie cut her off.
“Are you actually going to talk to Jadah?” He said, about to accept Kenny’s call.
“No, Charlie. Sav’s phone died, so you talk to your boss and I’ll talk to mine.” You walked around for a bit to find a quieter corner of the airport.
“You okay, Y/N?” Jadah asked, finally.
“No, but that's for another time. What’s up?”
“So… Kenny is telling Charlie about the song showcase, but there’s one thing that he’ll leave out.” She said, leaving you on a cliffhanger.
“That is?” You said, prompting her.
“I- I may have slipped him your demos?” Jadah said slowly, and at that moment, all sense of keeping up public appearances went out the window.
“Jadah! Those were not yours to share! In any capacity!” You took a deep breath and asked your first question. “Where did you get them? I thought that the sound guy and I were the only ones with copies?” “I may have bribed him for a copy,” She said sheepishly. Even though you couldn’t see her, you knew she was nervous.
“Jadah, I have one other question.” You paused, trying to figure out how to ask nicely. “Which songs did you give him? Cause if you gave him Enemies-”
“I gave him Ice & Fire, Enemies to Lovers, and I can’t remember the third one. Please don’t be mad.”
“I’m not.” You were, a little bit. “Can you put Savannah on the phone though?” She gave a quick yes, and you could hear the phone being passed between hands.
“Y/N?” Savannah said.
“Did you know? A-about the demos,” You clarified.
“I knew you recorded them, and Jadah had me listen to them. You are amazing!”
“Thank you,” You said. “Uh, E.T.L. isn’t finished yet, but I had the time in the studio so I recorded it.” “Y/N, if you want to be a songwriter, you would be amazing!” She said, but you could tell what she meant.
“I won’t leave you in the middle of a show, Sav.” You were honest with your words. “I know.” She paused. You both knew what amazing opportunities would open up if you did. “Hold on one second, I’m going to go on mute really quick, okay?”
“Yeah, go ahead.”
You could see Charlie coming towards you. His walk had a purpose, but one that was unknown to you.
“Hello, Mr.Ortega! How can I help?” You put your hand out to Charlie, signaling to him that if he talked he would be dead as Kenny spoke.
“I’m not sure if the girls have told you, but we’d love to have you perform your songs at the showcase.” He said, and you chose your words wisely, so that way Charlie wouldn’t know.
“I’d love to! What time, and which ones would you like to hear?” You asked, as you pulled out a pen and rolled up your sleeves.
“Ice & Fire, Enemies to Lovers or uh, E.T.L., I believe that was how Jadah referred to it?” He said, and you could tell he wasn’t sure what to call it.
“Yeah, I can do that, any others?” You said, scribbling down quick abbreviations of the titles.
“Oh there was one more, How to Be a Heartbreaker, I loved that one.” He said, pausing. “And I believe that Jadah mentioned that you had a few others? If you want to pick one or two, that would be great!”
“Alright! I know it’s weird to ask this, but no one has given me any details, so what time is the showcase, and where is it?” You asked, excited for the opportunity to perform.
“4:30 this afternoon, in dance studio A.” You wrote down the time quickly.
“I’ll be landing from my flight only an hour before that.”
“You can do it.”
You scoffed a bit as the call ended. “Fuck.” You cussed under your breath.
“Wow, you talked to Kenny, and that's your response to a conversation with him? Anyways, I’m going to grab a coffee, want one?” He offered.
“Uh, I’ll just take a muffin, if they have one.” As you walked away, your brain was moving a mile a minute as you tried to figure out how everything would work.
“C’mon Y/L/N, if there’s one thing you can figure out, it’s making this work. You can do this.”
“Owen!” You said, running over to him.
“Hi!” He said giving you a hug, and then he looked at you. “Sav told me, you look like a mess.”
“Yeah, I know. Look, can you fix my necklace?” You said pointing to the jumbled mess it had gotten into around your neck.
“Yeah, ‘course, turn around,'' He said, and you did so. He got surprisingly close as you moved your hair away from your neck, and as he fiddled with it, you could see Charlie out of the corner of your eye. He had a look that you couldn’t put your finger on, but it almost seemed like… jealousy?
“All done!” He said, patting you on the back.
“Thank you,” You said, adjusting your sweatshirt a bit.
“You got this,” He said, grabbing your hand. “Okay?”
“Okay-” You said, but Kenny’s voice rose above everyone else's.
“Hello everyone! If you could turn your attention to the mirror, that would be great!” Everyone’s eyes turned to him, standing on a chair with a mic in hand. “Here's how this is going to work. I’d like our lovely leads to come to the mirror. Anyone else who isn’t singing can stand off of the dance floor over there,” He pointed to an area.
“If you are singing, you can follow me,” Paul said, raising his hand.
“Okay, go!” Kenny said, and as you followed Paul, you could hear him as a question. “Where is Charlie? Jeremy, check that bathroom, and Owen, look in the break room.”
“That was amazing Anna! Okay, who is next?” Kenny said, motioning to the person in front of you to come out. “Ah, Kevin, what do you have for us?”
Kevin began to talk, but it was hard to hear anything over your beating heart. You tried to take deep breaths, but it just got louder, and your worries began to overwhelm you. You took a step back in the line, making your way to the back. That would give you some time to overcome your worries before you went out there.
The line seemed to move a warp speed, because before you knew it, Kenny was calling your name.
“Y/N? Are you back there?” He asked, and you could hear everyone start to whisper when you didn’t respond.
“Yeah, gimme one second!” You said, fixing your shirt a bit. You got this. You can do it.
As you stepped out onto the stage Kenny’s face lit up. “There you are! How was the flight?” His eyes were kind, but as you looked into the audience, there were many shook faces.
“It was rough, but I’m happy to be here,” You said, sitting down in the chair in the middle of the stage. You kept taking deep breaths, trying, desperately to calm your nerves.
“I know you have a couple, so whenever you are ready, just say the song's name, and what characters you wrote it for,” Kenny explained. You looked around to see who was there. There was the choreo team, some Netflix executives, the lead cast, and a couple of other people who you didn’t recognize.
“This is lce & Fire, and I pictured Alex and Willie singing it.”
“Oh the desire
Like Ice & Fire
Shout it out loud
They won’t bring us down
Not a disgrace
We’ve made mistakes
Our love is strong
So sing along
I’ve been looking for you for so long
(I couldn’t find you)
Now that I’ve met you I’ve
Done something wrong
Oh, Ohhhh, Oh
Oh the desire
Like Ice & Fire
Shout it out loud
They can’t pull us down
Runnin’ from our past
Met in a crash
Through thick and thin
We can win
I’ve been looking for you for so long
(I couldn’t find you)
Now that I’ve met you I’ve
Done something wrong
Oh, Ohhhh, Oh
The forces pullin’ us together
Can’t stop, won’t stop
Oh hold on a little longer now
We’re Ice & Fire
Two parts of one
Can’t you see the passion in my eyes
Of Ice & Fire.”
As you finished, the final chord rang out from your guitar. The room was silent until Kenny spoke.
“That was wonderful! Booboo, Owen, what do you all think?” He said, turning to the actors for their opinion.
Booboo nodded to Owen. “Well, I think that your song embodies the characters really well. Uh, I definitely would love to sing it in the show, and I, uh personally can see our characters singing it. You wanna go?”
“Yeah, I agree with Owen on so many levels. I’d love to sing Ice & Fire, if that's okay with you Kenny,” Booboo turned to Kenny and the smile that was on his face was slowly mirrored on yours.
“Let’s do it! You wanna sing any others?” The room held its breath waiting for a response. And so did you.
Your first song had passed the test. Made it through. Your knee started bouncing again and you looked up to Savannah.
You got this. She mouthed.
You cleared your throat and moved the capo on your guitar. “Yeah, uh, this one is called Enemies to Lovers, and I didn’t write this one about any specific characters so it can be changed to fit any of them.”
You started singing and getting into the song. A door creaked open and you looked up, curious, and you continued to sing and play.
It was Charlie. He looked like a mess, like he had just gone to hell and back. Moving among the cast to find his seat, he didn’t notice you singing. Until you started the chorus.
It’s like we’re written in the stars,
Enemies to Lovers
Swinging past the bars,
Baby, we’ll discover-
You, me, we’re not so different,
You, me, we always win it,
You and me, we’re better than we seem,
He watched you as you sang, and you, in turn, watched him. As you went into the chorus for a second time, you saw something change in his face. A realization or something, and you turned back to face Kenny as you finished the song.
We are written in the stars,
That's how we became
Well, what we are
Bicker hard and far,
Maybe we’ll discover-
You, me, we are different,
You, me, we can’t beat it,
You and me, we’re worse off than we seemed
You strummed your guitar, leaving the song and the story unfinished.
“That was amazing, unfortunately, I don’t think we have space for it in our show.” He smiled. “Someone will contact you about using Ice & Fire.”
The panel along with the rest of the room, packed up their things and started to leave until just you and the main cast remained. You started to walk out of the room when someone called out.
“Y/N! Wait!”
It was Charlie.
You looked at him, “Yes?”
“What the fuck was that song? Who’d you write it about?” He asked, like a love struck boy.
“I wrote it about you, duh!” You watched his face turn into one of- slight happiness? You laughed and started to walk away. Of course, he would think it’s about him, but why would it be? “Fuck you, Charlie. I didn’t think you were that self-centered!”
“I’m not!”He countered, and you stopped walking to look at him.
“Really? Cause only a self-centered person would ask me that… Or, do you have a crush on me? Aww, that’s so sweet!” You mocked. “See you around, lover boy.”
I really hope you liked that chapter! Let me know what you thought!
Join my tag list here, or send me an ask! Send me an ask to be removed.
If your url has a strike through, please message me.
JATP: @n0wornever @calamitykaty @screwunsaidemily @crybabyddl @badwolf00593 @dream-a-little-bigger-x
ETL: @yagorlemmalyn @ifilwtmfc @kaitieskidmore1 @p0gue420 @robbstarkmademedoit @lukepattersonsimp @honeyheartzz @notasoftie @winterwallacehenderson @jatp-musician-spirits @nani-2305 @boggie-brainrot
Charlie: @thesweetestsinner
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itsthe-grim-reaper · 3 years
!!!! Warnings !!!!!
Female Y/N
Eita Semi
Semi public
See you soon. Wear that skirt, okay?
Glancing at the text string that had just occurred between you and Semi, you sit down heavily in one of the backstage seats. You were expecting him to be backstage, waiting for the opening lights to shine, but he wasn’t around.
The rich sound of an electric bass guitar alerts your attention. Late? No. You couldn’t be late. You were at the time that was online, and you got in with the ticket.
The thrum of the music courses through you as he begins his opening song before the first half of the concert begins. As always, it felt so good to have your entire body feel each and every note he played. You try to imagine the coolness of his garage, the bouncing of his leg to the beat, the drums his heart.
You’re pulled back to reality when the song ends, and everyone is told how the concert would be. Muffled to you.
“Hey, Y/N. Glad to see you.”
Your head turns up towards the gray haired figure. “Semi, I—“
He motions for you to stand up before you can finish. “Let’s talk and walk to the dressing room, okay?”
“Sure..” Both of your feet echo against the floor as you make your way across backstage. “So, you’re really big now, huh? You gonna drop me for an actress or actor?”
“Stop fucking around.” Semi puts on a heavy frown, fiddling with his fingerless gloves. “Have some self confidence.”
“I guess...” You rock on your heels slightly. “I just wanted you to..show me I suppose.”
“Show you what?”
“That you still like me that much to care—“ You’re cut off when he starts backing you into the wall. A part of you stops breathing. The other half hopes the door is closed all the way.
“Fine, yeah. But I have to be quick. Shows on in 15.” Putting his hands on your hips, he squeezes and pulls you close to lean into your ear.
“Hear that, star? 15.”
“15.” Is said breathlessly as he flips you to face the wall. “Are you sure if people will—“
“No one will hear you if you keep quiet.” His tone is serious as he glides a finger down to your underwear. “I’ll be quick..you’re wet already? Damn, Y/N.” One agile finger is pushed slowly inside. A testing of the strings.
“Ahhshit.” Your groans make his eyebrows raise as he drives it in further, curling it downwards at an angle. The guitar playing skills did him good.
“Shhhh.” A second finger is gently pressed inside of you, earning a now muffled groan as you cover you mouth.
Semi leans forward onto your back, his hard cock pressing into you almost as much as his now 3 fingers filling you. Your muffled moans just make him more aggressive, and, before you know it, the sound of his pants slipping to his hips is heard as his fingers come out.
You whine.
“Awe, poor baby.” The bass player mocks. “Don’t worry, slut. I have a better thing for you than just my fingers.” With that, his hips thrust forward into yours. Both of you make noise, but he makes sure to cover your mouth as he starts to ram into you.
“Ah..fuck..Y/N..” He pushes you more into the wall. Stars coat your vision.
A growl in your ear as his headphone speaks to him.
“You have 9 minutes, Semi.”
He grunts, slowing his movements to speak into the microphone. “Gotcha.” Muted once again on his end, he speeds up his thrusts. Being on a time crunch, he wasn’t wasting time.
“Eita..” You say lowly.
Your moans are stifled by his hand, the same one that was inside your now battered pussy. “Shhhh...Y/N..”
He was starting to slow down. “Ah..fuck..I’m gonna cum..”
“You have 4 minutes until you’re up, Semi.”
“Ah fuck! Y/N!”
“You need to get on.”
“Fuck!” Semi grips onto your hips and shoves himself in as far as he can before he unloads inside of you. Panting, he wipe his cock off on your panties and pulls them up for you, snapping them on your midriff.
“This song’s for you.”
Semi leaves you dripping like it was just another day, closing the door behind him and walking out onto stage like he had just won the lottery. The next time you hear him speak, it’s the echo of the mic on stage within the cheer of a crowd.
“This one’s for you, Y/N!”
The strum of the guitar and the buzz of the floor is the last thing you needed along with the hurried sensation of your fingers to make you violently orgasm. Shuddering, you hit the floor as Semi starts to sing.
This was VIP, all right.
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khizuo · 3 years
liveblogging mcc 13 cyan candy canes, baby! (from wilbur and phil’s pov)
- 4 minutes to 3 and wilbur has still not started his stream. I can’t stand this man /j
- fundy made his own skin! pog!
- yes fundy your team is amazing, that’s why I’m watching it
- wilbur’s waiting music is a piano version of your new boyfriend, awww
- and he’s just inserting “WOOO!” in there because,,, of course
- WILBUR JUST WOKE UP 20 MINUTES AGO god that’s relatable oof
- wilbur doesn’t even have a custom skin he’s the “ghost of christmas past” I hate him /j
- this team is so not gonna win lmao quackity also just woke up
- wilbur is calling quackity “big quu” this is terrible already
- I fucking love quackity’s skin IT’S JUST HIM NAKED WITH CHRISTMAS LIGHTS
- literally the reddit could have never made skins this good I love it
- this team is chaotic and the stream has just started
Parkour Tag
- Phil: “It’s so early in the stream and we’re already talking about giving out coke” he’s a tired dad this mcc lmao
- wilbur and big q can’t stop making trump jokes I love this team way too much
- “wilbur you gotta be the bait” (trump sweater joke) “yes I’m the worm!”
- I swear they’re barely talking about mcc they’re just talking about random shit lmao
- quackity to phil: “if you win we can pay for your hospital bills” SAVE THE MINECRAFT MAN
- “she’s high so that’s bad for the kid” good lord there’s too many drug jokes already
- fundy survived a round for the first time! (but wilbur also didn’t tag hbomb rip)
- ooh, teal’s having a strong start! 
- “We don’t care about points we care about clout” 
Battle Box
- wilbur keeps forgetting that he’s NOT BAD AT MCC
- wilbur’s mic broke oh god
- wilbur’s stream is so scuffed rn he’s muted and he’s lagging so hard
- alright he’s back!
- dude they have to stop making quackity go to mid alone
- phil’s new strategy is great! they beat the illumina/punz team
- they almost beat coral carollers (aka team pvp) damnnn
- Wilbur’s just rapping lafayette’s song lmao
- What was that fruitberries maneuver—
- Wilbur’s yelling WOOOOOOOOO as he yo-yo’s
- this team is nothing but chaos and I’ve never laughed so hard
Hole in the Wall
- What is this song they’re singing
- Wilbur’s just singing “And we drink too many shots” on repeat
- Philza’s disappointed dad energy is so strong
- THAT’S MY FURRY LITTLE BOY wilbur please
- quackity is too good at making stupid voices
- “oh my god if you think about it wilbur these are a bunch of walls you shoudl wear your [trump] sweater” QUACKITY STOP
- wilbur can see the future (?) “george fall” and then george fall “now dream” AND THEN DREAM FALLS
- JayZ is the best MCC player
- they’re trying to jinx petezahhhutt
- Wilbur stop saying you’re bad at MCC
- “And we drink too many shots and we drink too many shots”
- They came 2nd while literally just talking in tumblr shitpost—
Ace Race
- “It’s been a season one tradition that I hate ace race, so I’m gonna be as optimistic as possible” - wilbur
- “wilbur are you a clone” “FUNDY ARE YOU A FURRY” 
- wilbur literally couldn’t be positive about ace race for 30 SECONDS
- they’re flaming scott smajor
- everyone’s too good at this game now lmao
- tommy came in and asked if wil’s okay awww
- they were doing so well now they’re fucked lol
- Hbomb’s first! I’m so happy for him I love hbomb
- damn I’m actually sad now that their placements are gonna be so fucked
- and they’d done so well in hitw! this is actually sad
- a lot of people broke techno’s mcc 11 record but also this map is shorter
- Wilbur’s breaking his pc at the end of the stream—
- quackity and wilbur collab? 👀
- dude wilbur don’t feel bad about your pc breaking—
- they just followed teal AND THEY’RE PUNCHING ERET
- teal turkeys is fucking killing it! illumina and punz redemption!
- lmao phil is almost last but it glitched
- I mean the subreddit knew this would be their best game
- qauckity is lowest points BUT NOT LOWEST CLOUT
- why is wilbur miaowing
- "tubbo on a yo-yo what will he do” - fundy
Rocket Spleef
- dude with this game order cyan could have won if not for wilbur’s pc crashing in ace race
- fundy is singing apple pen stop him
- why are they all putting on scuffed british accents
- they haven’t used their normal voices for HALF THIS MCC
- quackity getting them kills!
- aww they’re not first anymore
- MCC = My Catholic Christmas
- quackity and wilbur really need to stop talking down about themselves—
- “just killed a tommy, feeling good” - wilbur
- will it be a gogy christmas or not?
Snows of Time
- Technoblade TTS “do you wanna kill a snowman”
- okay it crashed for a moment now it’s back
- wow this event is scuffed but I don’t even care I’m just laughing
- they opened two vaults but wilbur didn’t cash
- sighhhh there’s no chance now
- they’re somehow sixth in SOT?
- wilbur likes dynamite by bts we stan
Big Sales at Build Mart
- they dunked dream YEAHHH
- dodgebolt of teal and purple! lmao pink didn’t even make it
- lmao this is wil’s worst placement ever rip
- wilbur is actually sad aww nuuu :(
- this mcc was fun as hell though!
- even though the last two games were a bit of a downer
- go teal! I like purple too but I want illumina and punz to get their first wins
- but false is too powerful
- Wilbur listens to hayloft in the shower?
- quackity’s badboyhalo impression is on point
- Pete 1v4 lol
- aww poor grian tho ;-;
okay this was the longest liveblog post like ever created oops
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tarantulas4davey · 3 years
some more thots:
once race and al were watching a horror movie with a group of friends and race was scared out of his mind so al used his *epic gamer senses* and told race what tactics they use to make the scene feel scarier than it is and predicting the jump scares so he starts to relax a little. now theres a photo on twitter of race practically shaking hiding in albert while al is pointing at the screen and explaining how they changed the lighting to convey a sense of unease
al has a lip scar because he got in a fist fight with someone (al won but thats irrelevant) and his fans s w o o n e d when they saw it
in retaliation for race posting a video of him playing the keyboard, al posts one of race singing and everyone loses their minds
once when playing among us they were imposters together and they won before a body even got reported
then the round after that race vented in front of someone and got ejected before anyone was killed
athletic al hcs would be much appreciated please
also would you like my hcs for them playing multiplayer games together? i was left alone with my thots and now i have Too Many
anon has done it again THESE ARE SO GOOD
ok so,,,, everyone prepare for chandler struggling to explain her thoughts
-y e s 👏 so yk how one person will sit on the couch or something with their legs spread and someone else will sit between their legs and lean on them? al’s sitting on the floor against the couch, race is leaning back on him while al whispers to him about all the horror movie tricks. katherine, aka the one in their group with any sense of adorable romance, was the one to take and post the picture. she later posted a second picture of them STILL sitting like that, rambling about the avengers half asleep like 4 hours later because the movie ended but they were comfortable and race had finally stopped shaking.
- he’s got in plenty of fistfights (his entire friend group was loud gay theater kids and the delanceys exist, enough said) but barely any of them a c t u a l l y left any scars. the one he DOES have on his lip is on the right side of his face and literally runs across both of his lips. the story is, basically, some asshat said something to race al didn’t like, said asshat had a bottle in his hand he decided to smash, and the smashing of the bottle sent glass shards flying everyone and one of them caught al. albert then proceeded to kick the bottle of the guys hand and punch him in the face. (good job al <3) someone asked him in chat while he was streaming slight tipsy (read: drunk) and he did a very dramatic retelling of the story while race cackled in the background. and yes, everyone swooned. (suckers for a knight in shining armor AND for boys with scars, all of them)
- he does, particularly a video of race in the kitchen singing in italian while he cooks. he doesn’t even really know what songs he’s singing, just that it’s what his mom did what he was really little and it makes al melt EVERY TIME so he posted it and all the fans lost their damn minds
- yes, because they muted their mics on discord and albert told race exactly what to do. they’re always partners anyway, so the tactic was basically just double kill til the game ends. the strategy was flawless and everyone is scared of them when they both get imposter cause they’ve never lost a game that way
-and then race gets imposter next round, but with jack, and promptly vents in front of jojo cause he has no idea what he’s doing
- yessss i can talk about this all day. so albert did elite competitive gymnastics from age 4-15, roughly, and the only reason he stopped was because of a knee injury because of a bad landing during competition. he played hockey for all of middle school and high school, except sophomore year when he was dealing with that pesky gymnastics injury, and was team captain his senior year. now he plays rec hockey (kinda? he’s on the ice a couple times a week but he doesn’t always get to actually play) and does kickboxing, but also is just a crossfit guy and is at some sort of gym almost daily. (sidenote, sometimes he’ll streaming after kickboxing and still look slightly bruised and banged up, and everyone - including race - finds it like,,,,, unreasonably attractive.
- please please please please p l e a s e i love these so much
did i just ramble for way too long again? you betcha ✨ thank you for sitting through it anyway <3
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lunawings · 3 years
Ace (and Leo)’s PriZoom Birthday Party!! 4/4/2021
(Yes it took way too long before someone coined PriZoom... But)
That was.............. 
Comments on Tatsuyuki Kobayashi’s live appearance at the end
Not to say this showing wasn’t without occasional feedback/unnecessary noise from people who should have been muted, but still, it went a LOT smoother this time. There were only about 170 people but there were supposedly two different rooms (text only and regular cheering) so I don’t know if that was the actual grand total. I did regular cheering of course. I don’t have that much to say in SSS but I like to be a part of the madness. People were really chatty and relaxed this time too! Making shoutouts to the cosplayers and such. Lots of familiar faces from the previous stream!
The staff has even started doing this little thing at the end where they showcase a bunch of different cameras. They didn’t pick mine, thoughhhhh. Actually the only time I was on the main screen was at the very end of the movie. (I think perhaps they have realized they have been inexplicably infiltrated by a gaijin and don’t know how to handle it, as is the Japanese way.) It was the perfect time to realize I... COMPLETELY FORGOT THE 366 LOVE DIARY DANCE FFFFFFNOOOOOOOOO--I have to practice before the next one. It hadn’t occurred to me that we would actually get 366 Love Diary.
So they have mentioned these showings would be the theater edit, and going into it I was really curious like... would it really be the theater edit? Like the completely original version with 366 Love Diary and everything? Or did they just splice the DVD into the theater cut? But I think it really WAS the theatrical version. I won’t know unless I see Part 3 or Part 4 though, because those had some pretty significant differences between the theatrical version and the TV version. (A really noticeable animation error with Leo’s hair in Part 3, Shin’s got a different phone background in Part 4, etc...) Nnnrrrgh I don’t really want to see Part 4 but I might have to... NOT today though. I made the difficult decision to only do Part 2 today. (I miss disposable income....) But hopefully I can do Part 1 in May for Taiga and Part 3 in June for Alexander?
I’ve always considered Part 1 and Part 3 to be my favorites, so I always forget how much I do like Part 2: BABY KAKERU, Joji dragging the Shuffle on his date, JOJI! HAIR!!!!, ACE, Orange Flamingo, Joker Kiss, sssAAAILInGGGGGGGGGGG... (even on ZOOM I got the full body goosebumps when Minato looked up). 
Some notable stuff:
People yelling in Okayama-ben during the Joji flashback (そうじゃ、そうじゃ!instead of そうだ、そうだ!etc) I was DYINGGGG
When Ace’s mic is cut: “Is there a problem with Zoom??” “TAKE JOJI OFF MUTE!!”
Several people prepared fish for particular scenes in episode 4 and 6.
I think my favorite feed was the person who aimed their camera back at the screen with their Torachi and Dorachi plushies watching.
Or maybe just the person who had up the background of the Ikebukuro Train Station the whole time (PPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT)
Someone had up the ferris wheel in Shizuoka where the Kouji scene takes place too though!! AAAAHAAAAA!!! (Going there is seriously one of my favorite King of Prism memories of all time.)
Additional shoutouts to:
The Hiro cosplayer who was eating curry during episode 6.
The girl in the orange happi with “From the cradle to the grave” actually framed on her wall (possibly in real calligraphy!?)
The Tsubasa fangirl (!!??!) who held up a Tsubasa fan whenever she was on screen
The person with the Ace plushie (!!). I didn’t know they existed. He had his hat from the Joker Kiss performance too. 
There was at least one Leo cosplayer but there were SEVERAL Ace cosplayers. Like WOW. Also shoutout to the person who cosplayed as an actual Ace of Hearts card omg I love this fandom so much. 
But really though there was SO. MUCH. ACE. LOVE in this showing. So many Ace backgrounds/homemade Ace cheering goods, etc. I know this was specifically the Ace birthday showing but still. Considering Ace isn’t exactly a main character I think this was pretty huge. 
And now onto what you were possibly all waiting for, the Tatsuyuki Kobayashi greeting! This was basically almost exactly what it felt like to go to a theater greeting show in Japan, just on Zoom. I used to always talk about trying to see the voice actors at smaller events to try and get them to notice me and this was... basically THAT. Almost better in a way!? Because he could see all of us equally? Read all of our comments on the screen!!! Of course I had no idea what to say when presented with this opportunity....... GAHHH HE’S SO FREAKIN CUTE 
We started off by singing Happy Birthday to Ace and Leo (actually just him because we were on mute!), and then we all blew out the candles on a cake together. He mentioned him and the staff would eat the cake later haha. 
He then started to talk about his experience playing Ace. He mentioned that when he first sang Love Mix for Pride the Hero, his character didn’t even have a name yet. He was simply the ghost singer.  And when he came out and made that surprise performance at the MRS concert he was so nervous he barely remembered it!! But when he got to perform again as Ace at the SSS live in Feb 2020, now that Ace had come into his own, he was much more confident and it was very meaningful to him. 
This really resonated with me. I’ve actually seen Tatsuyuki Kobayashi in concert a total of three times. The first time was at MRS during that surprise performance. It was an amazing surprise, but at that time I only saw him as Joji even though I knew he wasn’t. (And I wasn’t even all that attached to Joji back then because he was such a minor character at the time.) The second time I saw him was as Asahi at a Pretty Series show, where I was waaaaaay at the back and didn’t really get to see him that well, so I didn’t really get a proper chance to appreciate his performance. But when I saw him as Ace at the SSS live... THAT was when I fell in love with him (and HOW). Because really, he did just seem SO CONFIDENT and like he was enjoying it so much and finally seeing him perform as Ace for real was really meaningful. 
Sorry for the tangent, but yeah. He talked about how moved he was by how many of us had come to cheer on Ace today with backgrounds, props, cosplay, etc. And he credited all of us cheering him on for him making it this far, for finally becoming the leader of the Shuffle! AWWWWWWRGH! I’m SO HAPPY for him AHH he deserves everything and moreeeeeeeee this was so nice
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mycandylovefanatics · 4 years
Muted Desires
Word count: 2k
Genre: Angst?? Maybe idk lmao
Warnings: Very, very mild NSFW at the end. Nothing you have to hide in your bedroom to read
This is based off of episode 4 of MCL University Life. I wasn’t happy with the way the game portrays his attitude towards us, and our candy just sitting there and taking it. I wanted to add a little more... idk detail to it and why he reacts the way he did? I also wanted to see this from his perspective. Anyways this is my first full oneshot that I’ve written in YEARS so please don’t judge, and feedback is always much appreciated <3
FYI:I do NOT normally do these so don’t request them, if you thought i took forever to get headcanons out then...
Also BIG thanks to my friend @mdme-sora for helping me with the title and being grammar police for me lololol love you girl! 
Castiel plays the first few notes of the band’s opening song. He can hear the screams and shouts from behind the curtain as he drags his fingers over the strings of his guitar. The volume from the amp causes his ears to ring just a bit, but after performing so many times he’s used to it. He continues the same tune while the other members of the band join in, one by one until the different rhythms form into one. The screams get more impatient as they wait for the band to reveal themselves, but more specifically, him to reveal himself. The other instruments become silent as he plays the last few notes and the curtain finally rises. A moment of silence, and the crowd is silent with them, until he finally turns around to face the jam packed bar room. He steps up to the mic and introduces the band, not that the introduction was much needed in the first place. The crowd erupts into another fit of screams and cheers as the band starts singing the lyrics to one of their most well known songs. The crowd begins to sing along and dance to the beat, putting a faint smile on his face, unnoticeable by most people. He starts to walk around the small space on the stage  and soon enough, Castiel finds himself slipping into that familiar trance that he always fades into whenever he performs. He drowns himself in his music, scanning the crowd but not actually taking them in, not actually seeing them. Nothing can break his focus-
Until his eyes land on you. He can feel his eyes widen and his heart begins to thump so hard he swears it might rip out from his chest. His breathing hitches and he almost fumbles the next line of lyrics, before he catches himself. Your eyes meet, but only for a split second as he forces himself to look away and regain his composure, focusing on a group of squealing girls directly in front of him. Why were you here? When did you get back? Had you been back for long? So many questions run through his mind at one time.  The room is suddenly way too warm, his mouth is way too dry and he would want nothing more than a cold glass of water. Scratch that, an ice cold glass of beer. Luckily for him, the current song does not require him to have his hands occupied with his guitar. He takes off his jacket and tosses it to the side of the stage, hoping to alleviate some of the heat but nothing comes of it. It takes every bone in his body to not look at you again. Part of him questions whether or not that was actually you, but he knows. He would recognize those eyes in a sea of people any day.
Suddenly he finds himself wanting this concert to be over sooner than later, and it seems like forever until the final note to the last song of the night plays out. He says his normal ‘goodbye and thank you’ speech while his eyes scan the room for you. He catches a glimpse of your head walking towards the bathroom. The line is long, he notices with relief, which should give him plenty of time to have a quick chat with his band mates and mentally prepare himself to talk to you. He tries to remember the last time you two had spoken. What was it, four years ago now? You guys had kept in touch for a few weeks after you broke up, but eventually you both knew that you couldn’t keep going like that. The daily texts turned into weekly, the weekly turned into monthly and then soon enough, the monthly turned into…never. He feels his heart ache at the memory, but pushes the feeling away almost immediately. It’s been four years, why is he still wallowing in his feelings? Surely you didn’t feel anything for him anymore, so whatever feelings he did have were pointless. At least that’s what he tried to tell himself. 
He’s talking to his band mate, Devin, when he notices you’ve come out of the bathroom. You’re making your way to the bar, and Castiel cuts his conversation short. “Hey, I’m gonna stay back and talk to an...old friend for a bit, I’ll catch you guys later.” Before Devin can respond, he’s walking off towards you. You’re pushing your way through, almost to the bar when he grabs your wrist, keeping his grip firm to keep you from going any further. You turn around with wide eyes, clearly not expecting him to be the one grabbing you. His heart starts beating again, but he forces his nerves back down and looks you in the eye. “Hi,” he says. That’s it. He wants to slap himself for it, but then again what else CAN he say? 
You’re at a loss for words but force out a hesitant “Hel... Hello.”
“I didn’t know you were back in town, you didn’t tell me,” he says.
Your eyebrows raise up at this. “I haven’t had the chance to… And besides-”
He cuts you off before you can finish your sentence and before he can even stop himself. “No need to make excuses.” He says it a little more coldly than he means to. Or maybe he does mean to, he’s not sure. You start saying something but he cuts you off, again surprised by the sudden brashness in his tone. “So you show up to one of my concerts without saying anything and you didn’t think I’d notice?”
“What? No, it’s not that at all, I just-”
“I noticed you in the crowd during the concert,” he says. You look shocked that he noticed you in the first place, he smirks a bit. “I know there were a million people here tonight but you don’t blend in very well when I’ve known your face for years.” 
You’re about to say something when a group of fan girls suddenly surrounds you. He can see the mixture of annoyance and amazement on your face, and he lightly grabs your wrist again. The feeling of your smooth skin makes his breathing hitch for a second. 
“Let’s go somewhere a little less crowded.” You let him pull you towards the back of the bar, into a small broom closet. He left the door slightly cracked to allow air to flow in. People were passing by, employees, but they didn’t notice the two of you standing in there.
You looked at him for a moment, as if you were taking in the way his face had changed over the years. And it had, his jaw was more defined, his eyes seemed more intense. You felt a small wave of nostalgia though, as you realized his hair had stayed the exact same length and color from when you’d last seen him. When you first met him. You smiled up at him. 
“I’m glad to be seeing you again, it’s been a while.” 
He scoffs, “Glad to see me but didn’t bother telling me you were back in the first place.” 
Your smile falters at this, and for a split second he feels bad. He doesn’t want to make you feel guilty yet for some reason he can’t stop his bottled up anger from spilling out. He isn’t expecting you to respond with the same snappiness, though. 
“And what the hell was I supposed to say? We haven’t spoken in four years but yeah, it would have been totally not weird for me to suddenly get back in touch overnight only to say ‘Hey, I’m back in town’?” You roll your eyes and continue, “Especially after the way we left things, you KNOW it’s not that simple.”
His chest tightens at your response. He knows all too well that you’re right, but he doesn’t want to admit that. He just looks at you with that same glare he would give you whenever he was pissed off.
 “You’re right actually, you’re the one who left. I guess you wouldn’t be coming back for me.” He desperately wants to tell himself to just shut the hell up, to just stop talking but he doesn’t.
“Is that what you wanted? Me to come back for you?” You ask. He knows your question is well placed, but he tries to deflect it.
“Pfft, seriously? You leave for years and then waltz back in here expecting me to be available just like that? Waiting nice and sweet for you?” He knows he’s stretching your words but he does this because he knows deep down, you’re right again. Maybe he did want you to come back for him, maybe he did want you to say how much you’d missed him. 
“That's not what I meant and you know it,” you say. And he does know it.
“Hm, okay little girl…” His heart thumps as the words come out of his mouth before he can stop them. He plays it off like he means nothing by it, but he can’t deny the warm, yet painful feeling he gets when he remembers the way he used to call you that when you were together. He takes a deep breath and gives you his signature smirk. “How about we wipe the slate clean and start over?”
You nod your head and quickly change the topic. “Well, looks like your music is really taking off. I never imagined you’d be so famous that we’d have to hide just to have a normal conversation.”
He looks off to the side. “Yeah, that’s one of the many costs for fame. But, this is our hometown, where we got started so we’re more well known here. It’s not like this everywhere.”
You notice he seems to be uncomfortable with the topic so you change it again. “Well either way, you sounded great up there. You’ve definitely come a long way since we were in highschool.” He laughs, a real laugh this time, “I would hope so! I was only just getting started back then, and now I’m actually seeing how things are done. It helps to have some pretty good band mates as well.” You smile, he seems to be really happy with how far he’s come. You knew it had been his dream, and seeing it come true for him made you proud. 
While you were glad to be conversing with your old friend, or maybe lover is a better word, you remembered that Chani was waiting for you, and you glanced towards the door. He notices how you look a bit anxious. 
“If you’re bored just say so.”
Your eyes snap back at him, eyebrows raised again. “N-no it’s not that, it’s just, I came here with someone.”
His heart clenches again, and he can’t stop himself from asking. “Are you on a date?” The question is none of his business, he knows that. But he wants to know anyway. 
“Oh, no definitely not,” you are sure why you put emphasis on ‘definitely’. “I’m here with a friend from school, her name is Chani.” He feels relief in his chest, and peeks through the door. He wants to keep you here, wants to keep talking to you. But he feels like he’s about to explode, and it’s suddenly way too hot again. He ends the conversation.
“Well, looks like the crowd has died down. I’m going to go get a drink, I could really go for a beer right now. I’ll see you around.”
And with that he leaves you in the closet by yourself. He walks to the bar and sits on one of the stools, immediately getting attention from a few girls still lounging in the bar. He orders his choice of beer, chugging it as soon as it’s in his hands. Normally he’d be packing up his equipment and getting into bed as soon as possible, but tonight he knew he was gonna need more than a good night’s sleep to process what had just happened. 
He entertains the blonde woman by his side, who is trailing her finger up and down his arm, tracing his tattoos. She was saying something about his performance, no doubt saying something about how good he looked up on stage. He had heard it all before, but that’s not why he was zoned out. His gaze shifts past the blonde’s head, and sees you walking towards the exit, Chani, he assumed, by your side. It was as if you could feel his eyes boring into your back because just as you were about to walk through the door, you stopped and turned. Your eyes met once more that night. He couldn’t tell what you were thinking, though he desperately wished he could. Your eyes stayed locked like that for what felt like eternity, before you continued your way out the door once your friend got your attention again. As per request, the bartender gave him another beer bottle. And another, and another. The woman on his arm luckily, doesn’t notice how he’s not listening to a word she’s saying. His clouded mind is focused on you and you alone. How much you’d changed, how you looked so different but still the same. The way your voice still went up a pitch when you got irritated. How your eyes would crinkle whenever you’d laugh. The way that no matter how many people were in a room, his eyes would always find you. Just like they did tonight.
 He downs his last beer as if it were water, and stands up from the bar. He drapes an arm around the woman, who he can’t for the life of him remember her name, or if she had even told him what it was in the first place. He leans against her and whispers in her ear, “Why don’t we go back to my place?” And without hesitation, she accepts. They stroll out of the bar together and walk back to his place, as it’s only a few blocks away. He hurriedly opens the door and pushes her through it, kissing her in a slightly drunken haze, not waiting a second to start discarding articles of clothing. He can feel her touching him, he can feel his hot skin melting with hers, and he feels good. But as he’s running his hands up and down the curves of her body, sucking and licking on her neck while she pants in his ear, he can’t help but to wish it were you instead.
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manjuhitorie · 3 years
HITORI-ESCAPE 2020 : Hitorie’s Free Concert Live Stream - December 7th 2020
In celebration of their newest single, curved edge, Hitorie streamed a full length concert! Setlist: Polaris Senseless Wonder Namid[A]me Garandou Mae Zero Banchi SLEEPWALK Loveless Gekijougai Talkie Dance Unknown Mother Goose Karanowaremono Ao curved edge In it they announced the release of a new album! Named... REAMP! Febuary 17th can’t come soon enough!!! It will even include songs written by not only Shinoda, but Yumao and ygarshy each as well! Concert report below:
Tumblr media
Initial Impressions: * SND’s shirt has Andy Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe printed on it. * He has a stageprompter to assist with lyrics as well. He struggles to hit the high notes but he nails the high octane power chords. wowaka used to wing when his would sing, so he would slip on his lyrics, and make silly faces, every other song live. I see SND is playing it safe, now that he’s the one in charge of the crazy lyrics!!! Prelude leading into... Polaris *SND gets riled up and turned thhe「誰も知らぬ明日へ行け 誰も止められやしないよ」lyric into a rowdy 「止められやしねえよ」 . Equivalent to “No one can stop us” being turned into “No once can fucking stop us” or so. Shinoda “We’re Hitorie, enjoy the show.” (This ‘Hitorie desu, yoroshiku douzo’ was always wowaka’s stock concert phase.) Senseless Wonder *”Woo-hoo”’s or unintelligible noises made in the riff music breaks. *Yumao sings the backup vocals.  *SND wiggles his foot on his Wah pedal to make the wonky sounds.
Intermissional MC
Shinoda “This marks the beginning of Hitori-Escape. We are called Hitorie. Everyone please stick with us.“Heavy breathing “Hold up. I jumping around too much right off the bat.. I jumped around too much... All I did was hip and hop around a little bit... Haah. I’m gonna drink some water, drink some water!” SND walks over to the amp where bottles lie atop then proceeds to take a big sip. Yumao also follows along with a drink. Yu and SND can be seen conversing, but only SND’s “You got that right.” can be heard. SND returns to the mic “Take a gander, everyone. Even Yumao-kun is already sweating as well. This sparkly sweat of ours.. We will try to deliver you guys our sweat at the highest quality we can offer, deliver it as much as possible.” While SND is talking Yumao makes signs, such as 2 fingers up, towards the staff. “Well then, let’s chug along. Enjoy the show everyone.” Namid[A]me *There’s bubble popping sound effects in the intro now! Yumao is in charge of this, see his MacBook + mixer (+ a handy setlist printout) setup on the table beside him. All with a music program open primed and ready... Right before the song you can even see Yumao click his computer as well! 
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* Yumao sings backup vocals, the whole chorus has his deep voice echoing. The small amount of notes are so concise and moody live... * SND tops the outro off with a “Wasshoi!” Garandou Mae Zero Banchi * Melodramatic piano bit added before the intro. I wonder where this was sampled from... It sounds like SND uses his stereo chorus pedal for his part as well. Shinoda “Thank you.”
Intermissional MC
Shinoda “Uhm.. At the end of our previous live stream I had said ‘Next time we meet will be at the concert hall.’. Sorry, that was a lie... We’re meeting at a live stream yet again. We’re Hitorie, enjoy the show.” Yumao taps his cymbals gently to create the classic concert mood starter sound. SND “That, that’s good! That’s the stuff! That’s the stuff. Without that stuff I feel the silence responding to me.” He motions at the empty auditorium. “That stuff’s nice, nice. I guess ‘cause, y’know. ‘Cause you two have already been y’know. Performing in front of people.” Yumao, hits his cymbal, cue a “Bwaa~n” sound. SND “You can fool me with that shit. No ‘Bwaa~n’ will work on me. You had 2 whole opportunities in a row, yesterday and the day before.” (Referring to Yumao’s appearance in Touyama Nao’s anniversary concerts.) Yumao hits his cymbal yet again, cue a “Shwaaan” noise. SND scoffs “What a kind and swe~et reaction.” SND “I’m the only one. The only one here who hasn’t stood up in front of people. My only upcoming chance will be at ‘Countdown Japan’, at the end of the year. Then in January I’ll be doing our limited fan club concert at Shibuya WWX. Back to back. What the hell is up with this year? What the hell, huh? Huh!!!” SND playfully pounces in Yumao’s direction. Yumao hits his cymbal again. “You’re saving my butt with that. Thanks, truly. Alright. From here on I’m to bring you a few songs without a guitar, only a mic in my hands.” Yumao “1, 2, 3, 4” SLEEPWALK * SND gets on his knees and wiggles to walk on the floor during music breaks, is he imitating a sleepwalker.. * Ygarshy presses a pedal right after every song ends, presumably his tuner, to mute and prevent static. He strums and slaps with his fingers, no pick, for every song. SND “2020 is slowly nearing its end, but, what’s everyone’s opinion on love?” Loveless *BONK 
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* Includes Shinoda flopping around on the floor, squatting like a yakuza, and an outro with SND and yg having a mini string instrument battle! They huddle together! Yumao pounds away! Gekijougai * Additional nebulous intro.  * Yumao is really worked to the bone in this banger! Featuring yet another more intense battle between yg and SND. SND “Alrighty! Ah. Where are y’all now? Where are y’all right now? It doesn’t matter where you are, just dance along to Talkie Dance!” Talkie Dance * During the riff breaks SND chants  Soi! Yoisa! Soi! Hoisa!” Like wasshoi, these are traditional shouts primarily used by O-mikoshi carriers in JP festivals! SND really seems to enjoy using old-fashioned words in a stylish way. SND “Upon this ending year, this one is with love from wowaka!” Unknown Mother Goose “Sing along with me!” * Per usual, Yumao and ygarshy both pitch in for the ‘Oh oh oh’ harmonies. “Sing, please!” * The background vocals in the Unknown Mother Goose are also confirmed by the man himself to be “Give me love”. He had responded to someone with “Oh! You’re sharp!” when asked about it!
Intermissional MC
“Are y’all having fun? Me, I can’t stop sweating. Help me. I can’t stop sweaaating.” SND changes to a high tone voice, “Ah~ This is awesomeee. Methinks this is awesome but, but I gotta say, I’m the only one here who hasn’t had a chance to perform in front of people, no kap.” He returns to his normal tone. “I hold a grudge. I’m always the only one being fucking left outtt. I can't let go of my grudge.
At least look me in the eyes, guys. Ah, whatever. On New Year's Eve I’m gonna appear in Countdown Japan, I’m gonna! ...What does it feel like anyway, performing in front of people? What does it feel like, may I ask you fine young gentleman?” SND’s voice turns to demonic. “Oiiii. Don’t just fucking nod at me. Don’t make up some new common language. You’re over there using no words, bitch.” His voice returns to normal. “Well, whatever. Enough of that. It’s no use staying jealous forever.” Yumao taps his cymbals... “Don’t just fucking ‘clang clang’ either!” Yumao laughs. “You laughed, you laughed! You laugh: you lose, you!”, they all smile. “Uhm... On December 31st, New Year's Eve, we’ll be at Countdown Japan. Please come if you can, hope to see you there. Now then! Next year, I’m talking about next year, it will be the 7th year anniversary of our major debut. In celebration, and to kick off the new year, we have booked Roppongi’s EX Theater for two days, January 21st and 22nd,. This is all I can say for now. Details will be announced later. ...Now let me drink some water.” ygarshy is all done tuning and at attention. Yumao keeps making cymbal sounds to fill the empty space. “I... Today, here, is uhm, Yokohama’s Bay Hall. It’s the place where ‘Swallowtail’ was filmed. When we arrived this afternoon I saw the windows and practically screamed. It’s Yen Town Band! It’s where Glico sang ‘My Way’! I alone was freaking out. Noone was on board with me.. I’m all alone, yet again.... The camera zooms in on Yumao, “Don’t just smile! Don't just smile at me With that said. Our 7th anniversary hits next year! So, here is our very first song, which represents our beginning....” Karanowaremono Ao * Many emotional spotlights.
Intermissional MC
SND “At long last, this time has come. Huh! Mister Yumao-san!” SND glares at him. “Perhaps I may revel in a sip of water as well. A sip of water!! ... By the way what time is it? Yumao, in reporter voice “It is currently eight thirty seven.” SND “I see, it’s eight thirty seven. That's crazy. So today, our new song released, as you folks may know. Our new song called curved edge was released. Did you give it a listen? If you haven’t then please do, but also, the music video for the song will be public today at 22 o’ clock, please enjoy it. That’s the immediate future. But let’s talk about the faaar future.... On February 17th will a new album be released. We made an album. curved edge is a song written by me, and naturally it will be included in the album as well but, that’s not all.” He wags his finger towards the others, “This wiggly windy head of brown-colored hair and, this other wiggly windy head of black-colored hair have even each written a song for it as well. The title is R-E-A-M-P, REAMP. To be released on February 17th. Keep your eyes peeled.” he tapped his temple as he said this, “Please!” Ygarshy bows. “Ahhh, we made it!” Shinoda starts coughing, “Excuse me. Coughing without covering my mouth is not good. I'll be careful. Ah, I’m so nervous. I’ve grown nervous this far in. Alright, this next one will be the final song. Thank you so much for bearing with us. We are Hitorie. As farewell, here is our new song. curved edge.
I have also written up the original Japanese quotes! Thank you Tamagotoji for the huge help! ORZ For those looking to follow along with the concert, or learn new words from them, or enjoy!! Please enjoy! 
Bonus tech lore
Disclaimer: Only old photos exist of their pedalboards exist, as the cameramen did a fine job of concealing them. Since there’s no new evidence of change, I’ll assume these old findings will serve as foundation for their current setups as well!
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waitingforminjae · 4 years
my thots on the chaser:
[under a read more bc it got really long lmao]
the world’s longest fucking intro
also there’s so much happening musically that my brain blanks out but the way they’re spelling out infinite or whatever.......sexy and classic
also nice guitar line happening......very rock
*high pitched tinnitus note in my right ear* ah yes the sound of getting my hearing testing in kindergarten
the reversed car crash that has no purpose or maybe i just zoned out for that part? nice. i too want to crash a car.
*harmonized screaming that sounds like it was muted in production after they broke the mic doing it irl*
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I want this outfit
*devils wears prada voice* a twink w no sleeves? groundbreaking.
also what was w 2012 and starving idols to the point where they all looked the exact same.......jail <3
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boy who caught my eye #1
also his outfit.........WANT
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boy who caught my eye #2
he looks familiar. is he the one doing kinky boots rn. king.
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boy who caught my eye #3
bikes........how edgy teenager of them
annnnnnndddddd this guy is still crashing his car
*starts rapping* blinking_guy.gif what
*devil wears prada voice* a rapper w no sleeves? groundbreaking.
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a minute later and i’m becoming invested in him.....
is he the baby. he’s giving me maknae vibes.
also he kinda looks like doyoung here
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well. this is a choice.
also one of these long-haired bitches is the maknae. idk which one. but one of them. i can feel it in my soul.
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me when i said i wanted to run down the w*lm*rt aisle and knock all the stuff off the shelf
he gets it
wait is the light fading in the dance sequence room? what
homeboy is STILL crashing his car
wait is it going in non-reverse now. what’s the word for non-reverse i can’t remember it.
the three boys who caught my eye the most in center.......where they belong <3
boy #3 in center has GOT IT.......love that for him!
and now one of the sleeveless boys is climbing a......building? ladder? train car?
is this the same sleeveless rapper from before or are both of them rappers. life’s most pressing questions.
wait never mind it’s the same guy
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boy who caught my eye #4
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he’s kinda cute 👀
*yt reactor voice* drop his name in the comments below
confused myself tho and don’t know which cute long-haired boy he is anymore since apparently there’s two and they have the same fucking haircut
wait is the rapper from before singing lead now!? okay king
the purple detail in the bg is nice
i can name five of these hoes off the top of my head: sunggyu, l, dongwoo, woohyun, and hoya (rip)
idk those other two but i feel like there’s another guy who has a name like sunggyu
or does he belong to a different group
bop. banger. architectonic kpop song. stream it <3
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