#at least i can join the only other legal adult in making sure he makes good decisions
your-mom-friend · 4 months
i looked it up out of curiosity and i think it's fucking hilarious that the OG 5 members of the straw hat pirates are all like, under 20. they were out conquering the east blue because they couldn't be at the club they were too young
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tennessoui · 4 months
Number 19 for the prompt thing. The parents meeting because of their kids. I’m kinda imagining Korkie being like a tutor/school reading buddy for the twins or something but you can just ignore that if it doesn’t match your thoughts on it.
hello!! i thought back as much as i could, and i don't think i actually did this prompt the first time around a couple of years ago, so there's nothing to link to save for the prompt list!
i stuck with korkie as obi-wan's kid and the twins as anakin's, but made the kids the same age and then took...a few more liberties with the prompt haha
(19. parents meeting while taking their kids to class) (sort of)
“Leia, baby, why do you always decide to get into fights at school when it’s my week with you?” Anakin asks the steering wheel as he buckles himself in and turns over the engine. “They’re going to start thinking I’m raising a truant. Then they’re going to start asking about your home life, then they’re going to bring in experts to ask me more questions, then Padmé’s parents are going to throw their considerable legal weight around and get my partial custody revoked and then where will we be? Is that what you want? To only see me on your birthday and Christmas?”
Anakin pauses and reconsiders. Knowing his daughter, she may very well only want to see him for birthdays and Christmases. It would mean double the presents.
Thankfully the silence of the car doesn’t offer much in the way of constructive critique.
At a red light, he puts his head down on the steering wheel for a long enough moment that the car behind him honks when the light changes to green.
“They’re going to stop letting me leave work to come get you,” Anakin mutters a few minutes later as he turns the car into the school’s parking lot. “I have a partner meeting in thirty minutes that I really can’t miss, baby. Can’t you at least schedule your schoolyard fights around my calendar?”
It’s all rather pointless, but it feels good to grumble and bitch in the time it takes him to leave his office and arrive at the school, before he has to put on his adult face and demeanor to sit through another round of We’re Worried Your Five Year Old Is Too Violent As She Seems To View The Monkey Bars As Sacrificial Zones.
“Maybe she’d like hockey,” he says under his breath as he grabs his jacket from the other seat and swings it over his suit. It’s fucking freezing already, not even December. It’s indecent, that’s what it is. Surely a place as cold as this has a peewee hockey team in need of another angry little girl.
“Thank you,” he says when a woman holds the door open for him on her way out the building.
He’s stil sort of freaked out that the elementary school his children are going to is fancy enough to have an entrance hallway with a chandelier hanging from the ceilingk, but it’s not him that’s paying for their private school education that doesn’t offer discounts for all the collective hours they’ll spend napping on the floors.
To the immediate left of the door is the receptionist’s desk—behind her, the nurse’s room. He’s quite familiar with both. Mrs. Whitsdale even waves when she sees him, which means, unfortunately, she’s just made the shortlist of people Anakin needs to make Christmas cookies for. She joins the ranks of everyone else that’s been made to deal with his son and daughter in the tumultuous year after the divorce.
“Hi, ma’am,” he says dutifully, sticking his head into the receptionist area. “Do I need to sign in or can I just go up?”
She waves him away. “I’ve already got you, sweetheart. You’re late anyway, they’re waiting for you upstairs.”
“You’re a miracle amongst men,” he calls out as he turns instead to the right of the door and up the old staircase that leads to the principal’s office. This is also a route he is incredibly familiar with.
How can he be late? He practically flew here on light feet and broken speed limits. It’s enough to take his mood from bad to worse, which isn’t optimal for a meeting with the principal of the school when it’s his kid who caused the fight. Anakin’s role is to nonconfrontational, contrite to the point of groveling—because he knows his daughter won’t. 
That’s already hard enough when he’s feeling normal. It’s practically impossible when he’s feeling foul.
But Padmé did always say Leia got her stubbornness and temper from Anakin.
Anakin’s always said Leia never really had a chance considering who her parents are. 
After all, someone threw a hairdryer at the hotel mirror before they got divorced and it wasn’t Anakin. But he’s not stupid enough to even think that when Padmé’s around.
The big oak door at the end of the hallway on the second floor is elaborate, looks heavy, and stays closed. He knows that this is the headmaster’s office, but he’s never seen the guy around. He doesn’t even know what the guy does. What’s a headmaster of an elementary school doing every day? 
It’s an elementary school.
But, again. Anakin’s not paying for all this pomp and circumstance.
He takes another right instead, down the corridor in the opposite direction to the principal’s office. The door’s left ajar, and Anakin knocks politely before entering at the call to.
A couple of things bring him up short as soon as he steps into the room. For one thing, it’s not Principal Cinoff behind the desk, but a stranger who has the remnants of a three-piece suit on, jacket hanging neatly on a coat rack in the corner of the room. His vest is a deep red that should do nothing but drain his complexion—all pasty white skin, freckled and sun-starved, paired with his reddish hair and beard. It doesn’t, which is unfair to the point of duplicity. Or–something.
The way he’s sitting at the desk, hands spread wide on the wood and shoulders back, leaves no doubt in Anakin’s mind that the stranger is in a position of power here at the school. And probably in, like. Life. He looks like the kind of guy who gets his groceries on discount even without providing a loyalty card. He also looks like the kind of guy the system bends to accommodate. As a lawyer, Anakin is offended and deeply disturbed. That’s why his stomach does two or three flips in quick succession when they make eye contact.
The stranger’s eyes are cool and focused as they run over Anakin, and he gives him a perfunctory incline of his head. At least his eyes are warmer when they fall to the kids in front of him. 
And that’s the other thing that shocks him.
The amount of children in front of the desk. One pouting ginger kid off to the side, arms crossed and staring down at his light-up sneakers.
And then two very familiar heads of hair on the other side. 
“Luke?” He asks before he can stop himself, surprise dripping from his tone. “What are you doing here?”
At this rate, he’s going to give his daughter a complex, he knows it.
But Luke has never been in trouble before. Sure, they’re only five, and it’s only been three months of school, but in that time, Anakin’s been called down here six times to deal with Leia-related emergencies. He��s always imagined that meanwhile, Luke was in his classroom, chewing on crayons or diligently helping the teacher pass out homework assignments.
The stand-in principal coughs slightly and rises. “Ah, Mr. Skywalker-Amidala. Thank you for being able to join us today.”
Anakin scowls automatically before schooling his face into something far more diplomatic and pleasant when his children whirl around in their seats to look at him. The last thing he needs is for his children to think they can sneer at authority figures, given that he’s one of their main authority figures. 
Luke leaves his chair to hug onto his leg, pressing his small face into the fabric of his pants, presumably seeking comfort and also to wipe his face dry of tears and snot.
Anakin puts a hand on his head and strokes through his hair, darting a curious glance at Leia, who has turned around to glare forward again, arms crossed over her chest.
“It’s just Skywalker, actually,” he tells the stranger. “Amidala is their mother.”
The man’s eyebrow goes up and he picks up a pen to make a note on the papers before him. An actual note. Regarding Anakin’s divorce. “Ah, apologies then,” he says. “Our contact list notes you as the father, Skywalker-Amidala, and their mother as Amidala-Organa.”
Anakin squints, trying to decide if the stranger is just trying to correct a clerical error in the school’s records or fishing for gossip. He gives him the benefit of the doubt. “Amidala is their mother, recently remarried to Organa. Organas. And she’s always been better at remembering to file paperwork than I am.”
The stranger keeps his face admirably placid. “Ah,” he says. “Well, Mr. Skywalker. Should we begin?”
“Uh,” he says. “What about the other parent?”
The stranger blinks at him, both eyebrows raised. “I’m a widower.”
“Uh,” he says. “I meant…” he gestures at the other child, the surly looking ginger kid.
“I’m afraid it will just be us, Mr. Skywalker,” the stranger says. “Please, sit.”
Anakin sits, and Luke is quick to scramble up into his lap with a very plaintative, “I didn’t really mean to.”
“So at recess today, the children were playing on the swings,” the stranger who must be the principal for the day says. “And—”
“Sorry,” Anakin interrupts. “Can I get your name please? I was expecting Principal Cinoff.”
The man pauses. “Sheri has been put on sudden maternity-leave a few months early,” he says. “For the next couple of weeks, I’ll be dual-hatting as both principal and headmaster while we continue to search for a temporary replacement.” He raises an eyebrow at Anakin. Anakin really doesn’t appreciate that. “This was in an email the school sent out to all the parents recently.”
“Yes, well,” Anakin says. “I get a lot of emails.”
The man looks unimpressed. “I encourage you to prioritize the communications from your children’s learning institute.”
Anakin bristles. What a dick. Who the fuck says learning institute?
“I’m sorry, what’s your name?” he asks in his best unimpressed voice.
“Obi-Wan Kenobi,” the man’s unimpressed voice is ten times more chilling than Anakin’s, which is also not fair. “Please, call me Dr. Kenobi.” Anakin scowls. “I appreciate the fact that you feel as though you can cover the extremely busy roles of both headmaster and principal of an elementary school, but I would really rather wait until the other parent gets here so we can most productively discuss the altercation, Mr. Kenobi.”
“Please, Mr. Skywalker,” Kenobi says. “Leave the litigation to the court rooms, we—”
“It’s Esquire, actually.”
Kenobi’s face grows very pinched around the mouth and eyebrows. Anakin feels a vicious thrill course through him even as his stomach flips again.
“I suppose I should have made it clearer at the beginning of this session,” Kenobi says, tone dripping in you idiot. “This is my son, Korkie.”
Anakin’s mouth falls open. His immediate thought is, of course, Korkie Kenobi? And he thought Luke and Leia were too cutesy for twin names.
“Korkie is a family name,” Kenobi adds rather dryly. “My late wife’s grandfather’s.”
Anakin doubts that’s even true. He bets it’s not actually, that Kenobi just plays the dead wife card to get out of judgemental questions about his naming abilities.
But then another, worse thought occurs to Anakin. “Wait a second, you can’t be the parent and the principal!”
“I assure you, I am impartial.”
“Like hel—heck you are!” Anakin straightens in his seat and Luke lets out a grumble, clinging tightly to his front. “I demand a different authority.” “No,” Kenobi says firmly, as if the matter is at rest. This, of course, is absolutely infuriating.
“It’s unfair bias and I will not see either of my children punished in a tyrannical and self-serving institution—”
Kenobi pinches at the bridge of his nose. “Mr. Skywalker, unless you would like to have me call Mrs. Cinoff away from her pre-mature baby, I am the best option this school has. Please. Settle down.”
“Dad,” Leia says, “I don’t want to miss reading time.”
Anakin breathes out in disgust. Shitty, overpriced private school. This sort of thing would never happen at a publicly funded school.
“The fact of the matter is that Luke pushed Korkie off the swings,” Kenobi says with a stern look at both Luke and Anakin. He holds up his hand when Anakin opens his mouth. “An incident that many were witness to. And before you make an accusation, there were many witnesses who were not on the school’s payroll, Mr. Skywalker.”
Anakin closes his mouth sullenly.
“Korkie could have been very hurt, Luke,” Kenobi says, clasping his hands in front of him and looking down at Anakin’s son. “He was swinging pretty fast when you pushed him, and he could have broken his ankle in the fall.”
Luke’s bottom lip trembles. “I didn’t want to hurt him,” he mumbles, turning his face back into Anakin’s sleeve. “He was being mean. I just wanted him to stop.” “I wasn’t!” Korkie cries, sitting straight in his chair for the first time since Anakin’s arrived. “I wasn’t being mean, dad!” “You said Leia’s hair looks like cinnamon buns on her head!” Luke shouts back, pushing away from Anakin’s arms to glare at the other boy. 
Anakin winces. When it’s Padmé’s turn with the kids, Leia always turns up to school with elaborately braided hair, twisted on top of her head in elegant formations that look effortlessly pretty. He knows that’s not Padmé’s work, but he also can’t figure out if Breha or Bail is responsible. It’s not something he wants to ask.
The fanciest Anakin can do, after all, is two buns on either side of Leia’s head. 
That do, truth be told, look rather like cinnamon rolls.
“Ah,” Kenobi says. “I believe I understand the miscommunication here. Korkie, would you like to tell the Skywalkers what you meant when you told Luke that Leia’s hair looked like cinnamon buns?”
If possible, the kid turns even more red, blushing furiously. “I really like cinnamon buns,” he mutters, crossing his arms tighter. “They’re my favorite.”
“He’s started asking for them for breakfast several times a week,” Kenobi tells Anakin with a smile lingering around his lips. “I’ve been wondering why.”
Anakin isn’t sure he likes the explanation. Sure, Korkie can have whatever sort of crush on his daughter that he wants to have, but likening her hair to cinnamon buns isn’t very kind, and he’s pretty sure that if someone else was the judge in this trial, they wouldn’t be so quick to justify the other boy’s words.
Luke seems to agree with him. “Your hair looks like carrots,” he snaps, crossing his arms.
Because Anakin is an intelligent adult who understands that making enemies with the headmaster’s son isn’t the best move, he adds on the Skywalker family’s behalf, “Luke loves carrots.”
Luke, in fact, hates carrots. 
“There is still the matter of Luke pushing Korkie off the swing,” Kenobi says, eyebrows raised like he understands exactly what’s going unsaid here. “We do not encourage physical violence of any sort here, and it was dangerous. Korkie could have been hurt much more badly than a scraped knee.”
The words are very serious and grave, and Luke wilts under the headmaster-principal-father’s disappointed stare. Anakin bristles.
“Well, it’s his first infraction,” he says. “And he was sticking up for his sister. I think that’s fair. He won’t do it again.”
“Hm,” Kenobi says, pushing papers aside and pulling out a glossy leaflet. “Now, I cannot force you to consider this, but I noticed that neither Luke nor Leia are currently enrolled in any of our extracurriculars.”
“They’re five.”
“We have many on offer at Jedi Prepatory School,” Kenobi continues as if Anakin hasn’t said anything. “And I wanted to highlight our peewee hockey league. I think both Leia and Luke would enjoy the rigorous schedule, and they may…benefit from the…structure it offers. And team activity.”
Anakin glowers. He can read between the lines. Kenobi’s just called his parenting style structureless and lazy. It makes him want to grab the pamphlet and rip it to shreds in front of him. “I would have to talk about it with their mother,” he says stiffly instead.
“Of course,” Kenobi says cheerfully. “When you do, please give Bail and Breha my well-wishes as well. It’s been far too long since I’ve had the time to see them, given how exhastingly busy it is to be the headmaster and principal of an elementary school.”
“Right,” Anakin grits out. “Yeah. I’ll let my ex-wife’s new partners know.”
Kenobi’s smile is all teeth. “I look forward to seeing you in the rink, Mr. Skywalker Esquire. My son plays on the team.”
Anakin wonders if there’s another peewee hockey team he can have his kids join. Just so they can beat Jedi Prepatory school and then laugh in Korkie and Dr. Kenobi’s faces.
Yeah. That sounds really nice.
He’ll look when he gets back to work.
This takes priority.
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phoenixkaptain · 3 months
I feel it’s a disservice to the character to make Dick out to be younger than he actually is.
Dick Grayson is a power fantasy, same as Bruce Wayne is, but he’s a very different type of power fantasy. This is mainly because he isn’t for the same type of audience. He isn’t for adults to relate to, he’s for teens to relate to.
What do I mean? Well, I don’t think we actually get many confirmations on Dick’s age. When he joins Bruce, there are a few clues to his age, but nothing really substantive. He’s old enough to know that his parents are dead; he has an understanding of what death is. He’s young enough that while adults seem to like him, they don’t take him very seriously. He isn’t particularly tall, but when he’s shown around actual children, he is quite a bit taller than them, I’d say at least a foot, and he is portrayed as a bit taller than most of his peers (peers that aren’t superheroes! Dick is always very nearly the shortest member of Teen Titans, but that’s not fair to judge him on because superheroes are huge) He’s young enough to attend a private boy’s school for undercover, and he’s young enough that younger children seem to trust him enough to do what he tells them to.
If I had to make a guess as to how old I thought Dick Grayson was, I would say 13-15, but leaning heavily on the 15 end. His personality is pretty set for most comics you read him in (barring extremities) which implies he’s developed a good portion of it already. And, to be honest, even if Bruce and Dick first met when Dick was 13, he didn’t become Robin until he was 14. He’s portrayed as either being taken in but trained for several months (I’d give him a low estimate of six months. He needs to learn science. He may be physically fit, but that doesn’t mean that he’s mentally ready) or taking a period of time in an orphanage, being taken in, then spending several months training. Dick becoming Robin wasn’t instant. I always assume he’s 15 when I read early comics because Dick’s brand of petulance - being annoyed at something Bruce said and snapping back with verbal quips, taking Bruce’s instructions and patiently listening to them for all of, at most, an hour before running off to do the opposite, judging Bruce for going out without him - feels like a mid-teen.
So, why is Dick a power fantasy? Well, he’s the embodiment of teenage desire:
Adults listen to him.
The main one is Bruce. Bruce Wayne, who is rich and notoriously a loner and who is considered a detective on the level of Sherlock Holmes, listens to Dick and never doubts him. He takes what Dick says at face value, he talks to Dick to spitball ideas at him, he answers any question Dick asks him and he never seems particularly impatient in doing so. He tells Dick that they’re partners and equals, and he treats him as a partner and an equal.
And there are other adults. Robin is famous in early canon. Everyone knows who he is. Adults in other towns don’t listen to their own children, but they listen to Robin because they kind of have to. I assume people who bully Robin are sent Batman’s patented, ‘live bat in a box mailed to the door.’ (I assume this because it’s funny, mostly.) But no matter why they listen to Dick - they do actually actively listen to him and try to improve in the ways he suggests.
This is what every teenager dreams of. Dick Grayson, a mere teenager who probably can’t legally drive a car yet, has the respect of adults around the globe.
Robin almost always has the respect of at least one adult, that being Bruce, no matter who is actually Robin at the time. I haven’t read many Jason comics, so I can’t say for sure on him, but Bruce treats Tim as an equal. He listens to him, and while he’s protective of him, he trusts that Tim can do things alone.
The only real example of Bruce treating Robin like a child comes with Damian. And even in the cass of Damian, he still makes an effort to listen to Damian and not ignore him. Which, the reason he treats Damian differently is because Damian is a child. I don’t think Damian is even 10 when we first meet him, let alone 13. I think, later on, he’s around 11-12, but Damian just doesn’t start as old as every other Robin. It’s necessary for Bruce to treat him differently.
“Well, what about comics where the adults, including Bruce, are terrible and don’t listen to Robin at all?”
I consider these an example of we in the intellectual world call: bullshit.
I’m sorry, but nine times out of ten, Bruce listens to Dick and praises Dick and believes in Dick ten thousand percent. The Bruce who doesn’t listen to Dick just isn’t Bruce. I don’t know who this poser is, but it’s literally impossible to him to be Bruce. It’s worse than bad writing, it’s blatant mischaracterization and a lazy plot device. Bruce would die for Dick without a second thought, he loves and respects Dick more than anyone. This man cannot physically or mentally resist the urge to listen to Robin and pat his back and say “we all make mistakes, chum, don’t worry about it.”
I need to emphasize here that Dick does the complete opposite of what Bruce tells him to multiple times, and end up kidnapped or in a tight spot for his efforts, and Bruce just isn’t upset. He’s worried, but he doesn’t even fucking care. He doesn’t get mad at Dick, I feel like he can’t even look at Dick without feeling a bit happy, there’s no way- are you really trying to tell me that Bruce goddamn Wayne would blame Robin for not preventing a crime that DiCK WASN’T EVEN PRESENT DURING?? He wasn’t even fucking there, he was off getting a police officer! You know, an adult! Because there was a crazy gunman shooting up a rally, what the actual fuck is Robin, a mortal child, supposed to do against an adult gunman twice his fucking height??? What did you want him to do, Bruce, get fucking shot? Because that’s what would have fucking happened, you absolute lunatic piece of shit, you want him to goddamn die to save one fucking person-
For the majority of comics, Dick represents teenagers. He fulfills that desire that teenagers have, the desire to be listened to and trusted. Dick is the first person in comics to ever know that Bruce Wayne is Batman. And while timelines shift and change, Bruce and Dick’s mutual respect for each other doesn’t. They get mad at each other later on down the line, but for a good 40 years, Bruce talked to Dick more than his own fiancée.
Dick isn’t a child. He and Bruce never met when he was a child. Dick also isn’t an adult. He still has a few years that he needs to spend growing into an adult. He’s that middle ground we all faced. That awkward period where adults expect you to act like an adult but don’t treat you like one. The power fantasy inherent in the character of Robin is that adults treat him like an adult while allowing him to make mistakes and act like a child.
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cemetarywoman · 2 months
!!!would you mind doing some head cannons or something for current ville convincing his younger partner (but very much legal!) to join him on tour as his makeup artist or to move to Helsinki with him? If those are too specific, just general head cannons for being w current ville as a younger partner(again, obviously very legal and an adult)
Ok i love this request 🤭🤭
Ville Valo in an age gap relationship headcannons
-now that he has more experience with life and relationships i think that he would only really date someone he could see himself spending the rest of his life with
-not that he wasn’t serious about his past relationships, but he definitely used to ignore red flags and stay in toxic relationships when he was younger
-but now he wants to make sure that whoever hes dating is someone he truly loves and trusts
-so you’re pretty special to him!🤭
-I feel like he would only really think about your age difference if someone else brought it up
-its just not a big deal to him and he doesn’t see why it should be to anyone else either
-but this sweetheart has absolutely no problem telling someone off if they comment on it in a negative way
-although since you are younger sometimes one of you will reference something the other person doesn’t quite understand but it always makes you both laugh
-ville would love if you share your favorite things with him and he also loves sharing his favorite things with you
-he would spend hours listening to you talk about you favorite music, tv shows or literally anything else you like because you are just so interesting to him
-obviously he wants you to go wherever he is and he would get all pouty when he has to leave you alone even if it just for a few hours
-when he asks you to come on tour with him it was probably while you two were just relaxing in bed together, and hes very sweet about it
-“Darling, I was thinking that maybe you’d want to come with me on tour? I know you’ve never done that before but I would love to share this part of my life with you. And since you’re so good at makeup I was thinking you could help me with mine? Id much rather you be my makeup artist than some random person”
-personally it wouldn’t take me much convincing but yk 🫣
-he’ll be sooo happy and giggly if you say yes, hes just so excited to show you how fun it is to visit so many different awesome places
-now I think he would be a littleee nervous to ask you to move in with him
-the last thing he want to do is scare you off
-but hes been thinking about moving back home and he just cant see himself leaving without you with him
-he would make probably ask you during a nice dinner or something romantic like that
- “So y/n, I’ve been thinking a lot about something and I’m finally ready to talk about it with you… I want to move back to Helsinki, but only if you come with me. Now I don’t want you to say yes because I want to go, I only want you to say yes if you really want to move there. Im more than happy staying here if it means I can be with you.”
-ofc you say yes because well tf would say no to that?? Certainly not me🙏
-Ville helps you get adjusted to your new life in Helsinki by making sure the house is decorated to your liking to make sure that you at least have some since of familiarity
-he would be so excited while showing you all his favorite spots back home
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Tsukimi Tradition's
Prompt: Comfort Object
Words: 2266
For: @animetrashmuffin who got to read it a little early, but I hope enjoys the spell-checked, not just written on my phone, version <3
Festivals were important to Kakashi. No matter what he was doing he always tried to make time to slip into a festival and see the activities.
Usually, he would be accompanied by Gai. They would play festival games, win prizes, and eat until their stomachs were bursting. It has been a tradition of theirs since they were children.
This time, however, Kakashi had other plans.
Plans that Gai supported enthusiastically when Kakashi told him about them.
“Enjoy yourself, Rival,” Gai clapped him on the back and gave him a thumbs-up. “I’ll see you there anyways, and if Iruka permits I might steal you away for one competition.”
One competition. That was all Gai was asking in return for ditching him for this one festival. It wasn’t a lot to ask, and Kakashi was sure Iruka would be more than happy to see them playing a festival game.
He was always telling Kakashi about how much he enjoyed their rivalry, though he admitted to finding it a little over the top at times.
A fact Kakashi wouldn’t change for the world. His rivalry with Gai simply wasn't the same if they were acting like normal adults.
With Gai’s support, Kakashi moved on to the next stage of his plan.
Asking Iruka to join him for the festival.
Finding the Academy Teacher was easy enough. One stop at the window to Iruka’s classroom and Kakashi had sights on the man. There, sitting behind his desk marking tests, Iruka created the most beautiful picture that Kakashi had ever seen.
A picture Kakashi would gladly stare at forever, if only he had the time. 
Two quick rasps on the door and Iruka looked up from his paperwork, a frown sinking into his handsome face when he saw Kakashi sitting there on the window ledge waving at him.
Setting aside his pen he stood up and stormed towards the window, a lecture about proper etiquette no doubt brewing in his mind.
A lecture that Kakashi had heard more than once since meeting Iruka, and which he had the pleasure of listening to at least once a week since asking the man out on their first date.
As he reached the window, Iruka flipped the lock open, slid the glass upwards and opened his mouth to begin his lecture.
Kakashi cut him off before he could even begin. “Tomorrow,” he smiled. “Come to my place in the morning.”
“Your place?”
“Mmhmm,” reaching out, he tapped a finger against Iruka’s nose. “I want to spend the day with you before the festival.”
Allowing the words to sink in, Iruka’s frown deepened. “Don’t you have work to do, Hokage-sama?”
A shiver ran through his body when he heard that honourary from Iruka. A sick, repulsed feeling settled into his soul.
“Please, don’t call me that,” he begged. “And I took the day off.”
Iruka blinked. “You… took the day off?”
“Is that allowed?”
“Legally? No. If something happens that requires my attention I have to leave,” it was a major downside to the job, but he could live with it until Naruto was ready to take over from him. “Tomorrow, though, I don’t care.”
“My place,” leaning in a little, he pressed his masked lips against Iruka’s cheek in a quick kiss. “Nine am sharp.”
“You won’t be late?” Iruka asked with a hint of doubt in his voice.”
“To my own house? Iruka,” he threw a hand over his chest and gasped as if he was insulted by the implication. “If I could stay in my house for the rest of time I’d be a happy man.”
“You’d miss Me.”
“I would, yes. But you can sleep over.”
“You would miss your competitions with Gai.” 
Slapping a hand over his boyfriend’s mouth, Kakashi did a quick check of the area. When he was sure No one wasn’t around to overhear Iruka’s words, he dropped his hand back to his side.
“Don’t say that out loud,” he sighed. “If Gai catches wind of such words he’ll never let me hear the end of it.” 
Iruka simply shook his head and chuckled. “So, nine?”
“Nine,” with the time confirmed, Kakashi leaned back and winked. “See you then.”
With that, he was gone. Off to collect everything he needed for tomorrow. 
The Tsukimi festival was one of Kakashi’s favourites. Not just because it was a simple, relaxing festival that focused on enjoying food and viewing the autumn moon, but because this year it was on another special day.
September fifteenth, Kakashi’s birthday. 
It was a festival that held a lot of fond memories for him. Memories of him and Gai hanging out sharing homemade treats and playing festival games.
The fondest memory Kakashi had, though, was from when he was younger. Before he had joined the academy and started on his path toward becoming a shinobi.
When his father was still with him.
Back then he would spend his mornings listening to stories of the festival and watching his father make Mochi. He’d always watched his father closely. Memorizing every little move he made to create the perfect Treat for them to enjoy during the moon viewing. 
After years of repeating that process every year, Kakashi still hadn’t managed to copy the delicious treat his father had made. No matter what he did to perfect the recipe, it never tasted the same.
It never provided that sense of safety and comfort that his father’s homemade mochi had.
This year he hoped to change that.
No, he had to change it. 
Iruka would be coming over in just a few minutes and he wanted to share that tradition with him. To spend his day gently rolling red bean paste into the dough with the man who had stolen his heart.
It was the only way he wanted to spend his birthday. With Iruka by his side, a beautiful moon shining down on them, and one of his favourite treats in hand.
At Nine O’clock on the dot, there was a knock on the door telling him Iruka had arrived. 
After waking up at the crack of dawn and preparing everything, it was finally time to begin his day. A day dedicated to Iruka and the Tsukimi festival.
Taking a moment to double-check everything, he smiled to himself as he looked at the spread he had set out. 
Red bean paste in a bowl ready to be rolled into balls. Dough cooked and warm, waiting to be filled and displayed.
He had even brought out some ingredients for Tsukimi Dango after deciding not just to share his family traditions with Iruka, but to make some of their own.
Today was going to be perfect.
“Kakashi!?” Iruka’s voice called out from behind the door. “Kakashi if you’re still sleeping I will smother you with your pillow!”
Satisfied with his work, Kakashi made his way towards the door and opened it to find Iruka standing on the other side.
Iruka’s jaw hit the floor as soon as he saw Kakashi standing there smiling at him. “You’re awake.”
“I am.”
“And not late.”
“I’m not that bad,” he defended himself, a little insulted by the implication. “I haven’t been late for the last two dates.”
“The last two dates were in the hospital,” Iruka fired back. “And you were three hours late for the date before those.”
“That-“ he held a finger up and cringed when he thought back to that particular date. “Was not entirely my fault.”
“You were still late.”
“And I’m still sorry about that fact,” stepping back, he extended an arm out towards the little kitchen in his apartment. “But I am here. I’m on time today and I have a lot planned for us.”
Taking a cautious step into the house, Iruka narrowed his eyes. “What exactly do you have planned?” He asked as he peered into the kitchen. 
“Well, first we’re going to cook,” Iruka’s face scrunched up into a horrified expression. “Ok, correction. You’re going to help me make the Mochi and dango. You can handle that, right?” 
“That I can handle,” Iruka agreed, making his way towards the kitchen with cautious, slow steps. “But, umm… are you sure you want me to help?”
“Yes,” stepping forward, Kakashi slipped his hand into Iruka’s. “It’s something I do every year for the Tsukimi festival. I thought this year I’d share it with you. If you want.”
Suddenly his great romantic idea didn’t seem so wonderful anymore. With Iruka standing there at his side-eyeing all of his hard work he felt a little like a fool.
A love-sick puppy that was desperate to connect to his partner with something he had cherished for years. A tradition he had only shared with his father and Gai in the past.
Iruka turned his head slowly, a soft smile stretching across his lips and a sparkle of excitement in his eyes. “I’ve never made Mochi before,” he admitted. “Are you alright with teaching me?” 
His heart fluttered at the invitation.
Squeezing Iruka’s hand, he tugged him towards the kitchen. Excited to begin their day together. “I would be more than happy to teach you.” 
The look on Iruka’s face as he watched Kakashi working was priceless. A mixture of awe and deep concentration, his eyes stayed glued on Kakashi’s hands. Following every little thing that they did.
Kakashi could practically imagine the notes Iruka was making in his head. They were notes he had made himself once when he was much younger standing at his father’s side watching him do the same thing.
“You’re amazing at this,” Iruka whispered. 
A sweet compliment, but Iruka had no idea what he was talking about. Kakashi was skilled of course. He’d had years of practice to get the method down.
Amazing, though. That was a description better saved for a man who had been buried years ago.
“The method is easy to remember,” his fingers moved with ease, muscle memory taking over as he placed a ball of red bean paste in the center of the dough and began pinching the dough shut around it. “Just a few ingredients, a little bit of stove use. I think even you could manage it if you gave it a shot.”
His jab was rewarded almost immediately with a flick to the ear. Iruka’s way of telling him not to be rude. 
It was a warning that Kakashi hardly ever listened to when they were out in public and Iruka was silently complaining about how he spoke to other people, but in the safety of home with just Iruka by his side, Kakashi chose to listen.
Just this once.
“I bet they taste wonderful,” leaning into his side, Iruka nuzzled his cheek against his shoulder. “The best Mochi in the world.”
Kakashi balked at that.
“There’s no better Mochi than my dad’s,” he knew it was a dumb thing to say, but it was true. His father’s Mochi wasn’t just an enjoyable treat. Eating it brought with it feelings of warmth, comfort and even safety.
His father’s mochi wasn’t just food. It was an experience.
The experience of being surrounded by his father’s love.
A feeling he hadn’t felt in far too long.
“I bet you’re wrong,” reaching forward, Iruka plucked one of the completed Mochi off of the pile. “I bet your Mochi tastes just as good, if not better.”
Kakashi rolled his eyes. “Those are for the festival,” he reminded his partner. “And I stand by what I said.”
“No one will mind if you try just one Mochi,” Holding the treat out in front of Kakashi’s face, Iruka grinned bright and beautiful. A smile that Kakashi was confident he would never get enough of. “Come on. Try it and you’ll see.”
“See what, exactly?”
“That your Mochi is just as good as your fathers,” he beamed. “And that you’re selling yourself short.”
His hands stilled, leaving the mochi he was working on half-finished as he turned to look at Iruka. What he was greeted with was an overwhelming look of love. 
A love that could easily seep into his bones and claim his entire being, if only he would allow it to. If he would simply stop guarding himself for just a moment and allow Iruka in completely.
Without any walls between them.
“Iruka…” he glanced down at the ball of Mochi in Iruka’s hand. A small treat with such a huge weight in it. If he tried it and it wasn’t as good as his father’s he’d be disappointed. On the other hand, if it was somehow as good as his father’s he’d feel like he was destroying something precious.
To lose that little bit of comfort that he looked forward to every year, replacing it with new memories that might never live up to the past.
“I’m not sure I can,” he admitted, placing a hand over Iruka’s wrist and pushing the offering away. “I’ll have it at the festival. Like I’m supposed to.”
“Alright,” retracted his hand, a frown tugging that beautiful smile off of his face. “It’s your birthday so you get to do what you want.”
“It is,” lowering his hand, he focused back on the Mochi that still needed to be made. “and I would like to finish these Mochi so we can relax a little before the festival.” 
Iruka leaned back into his space. With an arm sliding around Kakashi’s waist and his head resting against his shoulder, he sighed. “Happy Birthday, Hokage-sama.”
Tilting his head and turning it towards Iruka, Kakashi pressed a kiss against Iruka’s forehead. “Stop calling me that.”
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im-a-heartstomper · 9 months
i propose to you:
gotg au where... most of them are human!
okay i don't have a real name for it... BUT. HEAR ME OUT. it's 1998. quill is taken out of the room after watching his mother die. he doesn't know what to do. so he runs. he runs as far as he possibly can, and before he knows it, he's completely lost. after a few hours, two men named kraglin and yondu find him, and give him a place to stay. they try and find his legal guardian, but they just... can't.
they aren't able to get him to speak for a couple of days, but when they finally do, they learn his name, and they learn he's from Missouri. and they live in Tennessee (yes, before you ask, this is specifically so i can make ONE joke if I ever write anything for this) so they're really confused. they ask how he got there before they saw him, and he reluctantly tells them. they partly feel bad for him, and the other part is just confused. because how could a boy of his size and age run all the way from missouri to the middle of tennessee in just a couple hours? let alone without stopping?!
now, at this point, he's only with one of them at a time. he's not really sure why, but one of them is always out. unbeknownst to him, these two adults he's put his life into the hands of are in a gang called the ravagers. they go out, one at a time, either to go shopping, deal with business within the ravagers, or try to find a way to get peter home. no one knows about peter but them. at least not yet.
eventually, they give up on getting peter home. of course, they don't tell him that. he wants to leave. as he gets older, he finds out about the gang and joins it. they don't do anything special, just small robberies and the occasional fight with other ravagers. whenever he has the time to get away from everything, he likes to sit under a tree. he named this tree Groot. Once, under the tree, he met a raccoon. he named it rocket and begged yondu to keep it. yondu pretended to hate the idea, and "reluctantly" said yes. this was hard, considering it was wild, but peter was hard to say no to.
sometimes he would walk around town growing up, and he met this girl named Gamora. well. he saw her. and thought she was pretty. and saw her other times too. he would always try and think of what to say if he ever talked to her, and he finally figured it out.
"are you from tennessee? because you're the only ten i see..."
"what the fuck"
after that... awkward encounter, they become friends, he shows her groot after they become close, and everything is great. (they're like 18/19 for this. yes, im pushing them closer together in age.) there's this record store they enjoy going to there. the only employee they ever see there, however, is this old man with tattoos all over him. he always wears a tank top and pants, he always greets them with the same "hello" when they walk in, and he never smiles. over time, they get to know him, and learn that he has a family. well, that he used to.
one day, they meet this girl named mantis. they both immediately think, "that's a weird name" "who names their kid after a bug?"
she's here to attend college nearby, and despite her lackluster social skills, she quickly befriends them. she just seems to know exactly how they feel all the time. one day, they propose going to her dorm to get snacks, because she somehow always has the best snacks with her when they have a fun day out. so they do, but her dad just happens to stop by for a visit, which makes mantis very tense for some reason. he introduces himself as ego, and said he was on his way to missouri, and just HAD to visit his daughter before he went over there. so gamora and peter introduce themselves in return, which seems to make mantis far more uncomfortable. ego takes a long look at peter, who only introduced himself by his first name, and says "quill?"
"uhh, yes, sir?"
"son of meredith quill?"
"...yes, sir."
"well, it seems like you and mantis here are related."
welllll that's all i have time to write, but that's okay. im probably going to turn this into a story anyway so why spoil what i have planned? thanks for reading y'all 🥹
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reidscanehand · 2 years
Penelope’s Plan
Episode 1 of The Love Profile 
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x BAUfem! Reader
Category: Fluff
TW: eventual mentions of Haley’s death, eventual mentions of typical BAU violence, cursing, legal drinking by adults
Very excited to kick off this series! Just to be clear about the timeline: this story starts on a Wednesday, a week and two days to Valentine’s Day. Penelope’s Plan is meant to happen Friday, then Spencer’s on Monday, Emily’s on Tuesday, Derek’s on Wednesday, JJ’s on Thursday, Rossi’s on Friday, and Valentine’s Day is - in this fictional world - meant to be on Saturday. I hope that makes sense and I hope you like it! See you tomorrow xx 
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“I am the God of Love, I am never fair.” - Rick Riordan
If you and Aaron would simply open your eyes and realize what was staring the both of you in the face, it wouldn’t even be a discussion. It is, frankly, annoying, how perfect the two of you are for each other and your - apparent - determination to ignore this obvious fact has been driving the team crazy for nearly a year and a half. 
“It’s absolutely ridiculous,” Penelope mutters as she passes Derek’s desk. 
“What is, Baby Girl?” Derek asks, not looking up from his paper work. Penelope gently grabs the back of his bald head and turns his head to look up at Hotch’s office from down in the bullpen. 
“That,” she states plainly releasing his head. 
Derek chuckles as he takes in the view, “Oh, don’t get me started, Baby Girl.”
“Started on what?” asks Emily as she and JJ enter the office. With the lunch break nearly over, the rest of the team should stagger in soon.
“That,” Derek states plainly, pointing at Hotch’s office. 
“Oh, God, yeah,” Emily agrees with the sentiment. 
“What are we looking at?” Spencer asks entering behind Emily and JJ. 
JJ steps aside and points at the spot in question, “That.”
“Again?” Spencer questions. 
Rossi enters the bullpen then, but from his own office, noticing the small group below looking up at him. He follows their lines of sight before landing on Hotch’s office. 
The door is closed, but everyone can see through the open blinds into Hotch’s office. David can’t help but smile as he takes in the scene. Because you and Aaron are sitting across from each other at his desk, beaming like a couple of idiots. And you are, David supposes, idiots in love that is. You say something and Aaron tilts his head back and laughs heartily, the smile on his face bigger than it’s been in ages. He must say something charming in response because you look back down at your salad, clearly slightly flustered, but you look back up at him and smile, clearly incapable of not grinning at Aaron. 
“Ah,” Rossi chuckles, causing everyone to look away from the romantic duo in Hotch’s office and back at him. “So we all know, then?”
“How could we not know?” JJ asks.
“It hardly takes a degree in psychology to see the obvious, Rossi,” Emily chuckles dryly. 
“Exactly,” Penelope agrees. “And they are obviously mad for each other.”
“They’ll never do anything about it,” Spencer says quickly, as he always does when he states a fact, and the team can’t help but agree, nodding and ‘uh-huh’-ing quietly. 
“Well, I’m sure they feel like they can’t,” Rossi continues, moving down into the bullpen, leaving you and Hotch to your semi-romantic (though Rossi’s sure it feels fully romantic to the two of you) lunch date. 
“Why would they feel like that?” Derek asks, still staring at the office. 
“Because,” Rossi sighs deeply, leaning against Derek’s desk, “Hotch is the boss. Y/N is nearly a decade younger, as well as only joining the team two years ago. Hotch is the one that hired her, she became an SSA after he did. They’ve been paired together on multiple cases, so all of those judgements would go into question. There’s loads of reasons. It goes against at least four advisories in the FBI handbook-”
“Six,” Spencer corrects, not even looking up from his paperwork. 
“Sure,” Rossi continues, “six. It’d be an HR nightmare.”
Derek nods solemnly, his eyes looking back upwards towards Hotch’s office. He opens his mouth to speak, then closes it, shaking his head and turning away.
“What is it, gorgeous?” Penelope asks.
“Nothing,” Derek exhales stiffly. Penelope exchanges a look with Emily, who turns back to Derek with a smirk.  
“Ooh,” Emily teases, “huffy Derek. That’s not suspicious at all.” She chuckles and so does JJ. Derek looks up at them narrowing his eyes slightly.
“I’m not ‘huffy’,” Derek disagrees. “I’m just...I wish...I wish we could do something.”
“What do you mean, precious?” Penelope asks, scooting next to Rossi to lean between Emily and Derek’s adjoining desks. 
“I just mean...” he trails off looking back up towards Hotch’s office.
“They’re both great,” Spencer supplies, looking towards Hotch’s office, “and they deserve each other.”
“They deserve to be happy,” JJ agrees quietly, her gaze matching the two men. 
The group watch the two of you for a moment. You’ve stood now, clearly knowing the lunch hour is nearing it’s end, but you and Hotch are idling by the doorway. He’s leaning against the doorframe, grinning down at you like a fool as you animatedly describe something. For a moment, a very brief moment, Penelope thinks Hotch might kiss you. He’s looking down at you, eyes shining with something none of the team have ever seen before. Something soft and sweet and longing. The moment passes and the group nearly lets out a held breath as one meaning, as Penelope believed, they all thought Hotch was going to kiss you. You turn away from the office and everyone immediately spreads around, determined to look as though they hadn’t been watching the two of you. Penelope sneaks a glance at Hotch as she heads to the batcave.
It’s the look on his face that solidifies the idea in her head. Because as Hotch watches you walk back to your desk, he looks as though he wants to rush up and kiss you as he’d just decided not to. Like he regrets not doing it. Like he’s in love with you. 
And Penelope can’t stand idly by when there’s the possibility of something so wonderful as this. 
“I have an idea,” she announces. Penelope waited until everyone else entered the conference room. She’d made the new group chat and texted instructions to it last night. Derek, JJ, Emily, Spencer, and Rossi look up at her from their spots around the table having followed her instructions to not arrive until fifteen minutes into the lunch break to the letter. 
The fifteen minutes gave Penelope time to run through her plan in her head again and to make sure, via the security footage in her batcave, that you and Hotch were sequestered in his office, already eating lunch and chatting away. If either of you noticed as the rest of team slipped into the conference room, you certainly didn’t show it. 
At the blank stares the rest of the team gives to her announcement, she continues, “About Hotch and Y/N.”
“Bella,” Rossi begins softly, “we can’t do anything-”
“Why?” Penelope cuts him off, nearly whining. 
“Because,” the older man sighs, standing and putting his hands on her shoulders, “it would be detrimental to both of their careers.”
“What if we kept it a secret?” Derek asks quietly, causing both Penelope and Rossi and everyone else in the room to whip around and stare at him. 
“A secret?” Spencer nearly squeaks, clearly nervous about this entire thing now that he knows the reason for the meeting. 
“Yeah,” Derek nods, clearly thrilled with his own idea. “What if we just...didn’t tell anyone? If Strauss never finds out, they can be together without getting in trouble, right? And if it gets more serious than just the two of them dating...well that’s another issue for another time.”
“Exactly,” Penelope agrees, nodding and smiling. 
There’s a silence as everyone considers this. 
“So,” JJ starts, “if we did keep it a secret...who’s to say they’d even get together?”
“That,” Penelope states, shrugging Rossi’s hands off her shoulders, “is my idea. We get them together.”
“But...they’re already kind of...” Emily trails off, but her confusion is obvious. 
“But they’re not, not really,” Penelope corrects her. “And one of them will figure out that we’re trying to get them together and realize that we’re okay with them being together and then they’ll address it and then we’ll be able to tell them that we’ll keep it a secret.”
She’s rambling and she knows it, but she wants them to know she’s thought it out. 
“It’s...not the worst idea I’ve ever heard,” Rossi says quietly. 
“I’m not quite sure how this would work,” Spencer comments, a confused look on his face. 
“I’ve got an answer for that too!” Penelope assures him. “I think we should each take turns trying to get them together.”
“Take turns?” Emily chuckles. “What do you mean, Garcia?”
“You’re all profilers,” the blond explains, “and I’m a tech goddess. I think we simply utilize our skills as interrogators and behavioral analysts and each come up with something. For instance, I’m going to out flowers on Y/N’s desk and act like they’re anonymous flowers sent to her from a secret admirer.”
“To do what, exactly?” Spencer asks, clearly still a little at sea when talking about romance. 
“To see if it makes Hotch jealous,” Derek smiles, clearly approving of Penelope’s plan, “and to see what Y/N thinks. Their reactions will tell us a lot, and maybe even pull a confession out of Hotch.”
“What if it doesn’t?” Spencer asks.
“That’s why we’ll each take turns,” Penelope explains. “If mine doesn’t work, maybe yours will. If yours doesn’t, then maybe Rossi’s will-”
“Oh, no,” Rossi cuts her off. “If we’re doing this, I’m going last. Which means I’m next Friday, right?”
“I call second to last,” JJ raises her hand quickly, “so Thursday.” 
“I’ll go before JJ next Wednesday,” Derek interjects, claiming the fourth spot. 
“And I’ll take the slot before that,” Emily cuts in. “Looks like you’re second up to bat, Boy Genius, and on a Monday, too.”
Spencer says nothing, but blushes a little and nods in acceptance. 
“This actually works out really well,” JJ observes quietly. When everyone looks at her, she continues, “It’s Valentine’s Day next Saturday and we’re all on mandatory break. We won’t get called in unless it’s an absolute emergency.”
“Perfect,” Penelope beams. “Are we all in?”
Derek stands and crosses behind her, wrapping an arm around her shoudler and pressing a kiss to her cheek, “All in, Baby Girl.”
It’s weirdly late and Penelope’s having trouble looking like she’s still got work to do. But you won’t leave your desk and Hotch is still in his office. She’d considered leaving and coming back, but she’s not quite sure Hotch wouldn’t find out about her coming back to work so late and it’s essential neither of them see her put the flowers on your desk. 
Out of the corner of her eye, she spies a bit of movement in the security footage from the bullpen. You’re finally packing up your things. Penelope glances at the clock - it’s almost 7:30 and the work day ended at 5. You gather your things, walking up out of the bullpen, but, much to Penelope’s chagrin - and surprise - you don’t head to the exit, but to Hotch’s office. Penelope immediately turns the sound up on the computer, quietly enough that no one could hear it outside the batcave, but just enough so she can hear what’s being said.
“Knock, knock,” your voice comes over the computer speakers as you lean against Hotch’s door frame. 
“Agent Y/L/N,” Hotch greets you, looking up from his paperwork, a smile teasing at his lips. “What are you still doing here?”
“Had some paper work to finish up,” you reply, cautiously entering the office and shutting the door behind you. “My boss is a real hard ass about paper work.”
“Is he now?” Hotch’s voice teases as he stands and crosses to the other side of his desk. He takes your bag from your shoulders and places it in the chair that sits on the opposite side of his desk, then takes your hand and leads you to the couch, sitting you next to him as he takes a seat. “I wonder why.”
“I think he needs to...loosen up a bit,” you say quietly. 
“Is that so?” Hotch asks, a smile winning the battle and taking over his mouth as he wraps his arm around your shoulders. “Do you have any suggestions?”
“This,” you respond quietly, before wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing your mouth to his. Hotch responds with equal fervor, wrapping his other arm around your waist and pulling you close to him as he kisses you deeply. 
If she wasn’t looking at it with her own eyes, Penelope wouldn’t have been able to believe it. As wonderful as it is - and as right as she and the rest of the team are - in this moment it’s so...so apparent, so actual, so literally real that she almost doubts her own sight. She can’t help but listen and watch, still flabbergasted, but ever curious. 
The two of you finally pull away from each other and Hotch presses a gentle kiss to your forehead before leaning back into the sofa and pulling you closer, tucking your head into his shoulder. 
“I missed you today,” you almost whisper, cuddling further into Hotch’s side. 
“We were together all day,” Hotch teases lightly. His tone is different, though, even different from his normal teasing tone (as rare as it is). She may not be a profiler, but it only takes Penelope a moment to realize that this tone of voice could be called loving. 
“Yes,” you agree, not looking at him, but playing with the edge of his tie. “But not...not quite-” You cut yourself off with a small sigh. But Hotch seems to understand in the way, Penelope supposes, couples in love tend to just understand one another. He pulls you in closer, pressing another kiss to your temple - tamer than the kiss from mere moments ago, but more powerful somehow. 
“Someday,” he begins quietly, his voice so tender it practically melts Penelope’s heart. 
“Someday,” he continues, “things will be different. Someday I won’t be your boss and I will hold your hand in public. Someday our world won’t be so dark and terrifying all the time and we will kiss whenever we want. Someday, I’ll get to come home to your sweet smile and won’t have to steal moments like this. Someday, we won’t have to worry about...any of this. Someday I’ll retire and we’ll...we’ll be together...” 
He trails off, but Penelope knows what he was going to say. She reckons you do too, for, even outside the romantic haze the two of you are in, Penelope knows that, when Hotch says “someday” he’s hoping for “forever”; a forever with you. 
You smile up at him, pecking his cheek gently, “Someday.”
“I love you, you know?” Hotch asks quietly, and he sounds almost worried. You shift slightly in his arms, hugging him slightly closer. 
“I know,” you assure him. “And I love you too.” 
If she hadn’t decided on it already, this would be the moment Penelope dropped the plan. If anything from the moment she happened to look at the security cameras and caught sight of the two of you in Hotch’s office, she’d realized that the two of you hardly required a plan to get together. However, she did realize that this secret - this precious, beautiful secret - was something that needed to remain a secret, but also required help. And while she’d been proud of her very small plan, it was no longer necessary, but helping the two of you still is. 
She gathers her things and sets out as quietly as she can, leaving the two of you to continue your private discussion. When she arrives home, she’ll simply tell the team that the flowers didn’t arrive at all, that it was Spencer’s turn. She wouldn’t tell them what she saw...she couldn’t. For this actual secret was far too delicate to be shared. But, at this moment, she has a bone to pick with a certain Genius, whose reticence about this plan is, she suspects, because he knows the truth. 
Taglist: @shadyladyperfection @cielo1984 @rainsong01 @pessimystic-fangirl @saspencereid @takeyourleap-of-faith @andreasworlsboring101 @avidreider  @aizawaxkun @babyspencersslut @no-honey-no  @andrewhoezierbyrne @subhuman-queer @ncsls0515  @uhuhuh @whatamidoinghp @spongeshxt  @itsametaphorbriansblog @vgirl-10123  @stand-tall-pineapple  @padsfirewhisky @ceeellewrites @dahliasbouqet @drayshadow @cal-ifornication-blog @theetherealbloom  @eevee0722 @questionmymentality @wintermuteway @ellesmythe @mac99martin @ssa-githae @cherrystay @calm-and-doctor @icedcoffee187 @devilswaldorf @annemijnisdancing @half-blood-dork @blameitonthenight21 @happyreid187 @goldeng1rl8 @meangirlsx @honestlystop @lastpasttheposts @avengers-ass-emble17 @bauhousewife @averyhotchner @underscorecourt @green-intervention  @fan-girl-97 @coolbeans3 @boxofsparklingmuses @allaboutsml  @ssareidbby @percabethfangirl @buckyluvbot @v-is-obsessive @tanyaherondale @usuck @mitchiri-nek0  @kaitlynpcallmebeepme @miraclesoflove @meganskane @babymetaldoll @ivebeenthinkingboutu @rockin2thebeats @infinite-tides @onlyhereforthefanfics  @g-l-pierce @thisiscalm-andits-doctor @art-and-thoughts @exhaleli @allthecolorsneverseen @measure-in-pain @acidicbloody @hotchnerxo @her-storybooks  @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @bilesxbilinskixlahey @wilbur-rabbit @twilightlover2007 @ssamorganhotchner @h0tch-r0cket @wheelsupkels @jhiddles03 @lovesammikinzz @m-mhotchner @chaoticconnoisseurgiver @baueoud @mischiefmanaged71​ @gspenc​ @spottedzebrasinpartyhats @her-storybooks​
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subpar-ghoulfriend · 3 years
Let’s have a baby
yandere!EraserMicx PREGNANT!Reader 
A terrible mix up leading to an accidental pregnancy? Or something more intentional? Either way now you were pregnant with (none other than the beloved power couple heroes) Eraserhead and Present Mic’s child. Time to discuss how co parenting is going to work. 
TW: pregnancy, artificial insemination, yandere elements, mentions of stalking, alludes to potential custody battle
You had been avoiding the two men for the past week, which was challenging seeing as they managed to find your phone number, address, and place of work. Any time you blocked their calls they got a new number. Two Pro Heroes versus a twenty something civilian, it was only a matter of time until you were cornered.
Now the couple stood between you and your apartment. You had a long shift at your job as a pet groomer and just wanted to get some rest.
Present Mic was the first to speak. "Hey lil momma, we heard you had work today so we brought you some dinner. We thought we could talk over a nice meal."
You had no response. You were tired, both physically and emotionally. You had been put through the ringer ever since meeting them at your doctors office. It was a total Jane the Virgin situation. You went in for an assessment about some supposed ovarian cysts and unknowing left artificially inseminated. There was a supposed mix up, a digital glitch that somehow merged your chart with the surrogates - apparently your names were super similar. Two weeks later you were called back into the doctor's office and informed of what took place. And now you were in this living nightmare.
And the two heroes had nothing to do with the error. There was totally a surrogate. They hadn't paid off your provider. And why would they? You had never met them - although given their patrols they may have seen you once or twice...
They were tearful when they were informed of the mix up, they had been waiting patiently through the whole process and now everything was thrown in chaos. They offered to compensate you for your service which sent you into a blind rage. They just assumed you would carry a child, a child with half of your DNA, and then give YOUR baby away. Rationally you understood that they had planned to be be the only parents to the child, but that was with a professional surrogate who understood the process, who didn't want the child in their life, just happy to help out a loving couple. But that wasn't you, you grew up wanting to be a mom, and now they would take that from you.
What if they tried to legally take sole custody of the baby? Surely they had some pull in the judicial system. Besides, they were a solid couple with money, while you were alone with no family and working two jobs. The thought made you sick to your stomach.
You were shaking as you tried to push past them. Maybe they would just disappear if you ignored them, a girl could dream. But instead they tagged along inside. Albeit you weren’t fighting them on it, you knew this had to happen eventually.
Aizawa easily found the cluttered dining table in your small apartment. You flinched when the loud one tried to help you shrug off your backpack. Taking a seat on the couch you waited for them to start berating you.
"Come sit at the table, dinner is getting cold," Eraser spoke for the first time.
"I'll eat later, I'm not hungry."
"You may not be, but the baby needs to eat."
You glared, how dare they insinuate you didn't know what your child needed. If your body was hungry, you ate. If you were full the baby was full too.
But, you complied, not wanting to argue, "Fine, but I ate a snack not too long ago."
As you ate, Mic kept you company, picking at some left overs, they clearly ate before their visit. Aizawa was rummaging through your place but you managed to hold your tongue until he began throwing things out of your fridge.
"What are you doing?" You hissed, getting up out of your seat.
"Mic and I will bring you groceries tomorrow. The food you have is barely safe for an adult, let alone a fetus."
"Are you kidding me? It's not like I'm chugging alcohol and living off Twinkies. Hey! I just bought those turkey slices. How is turkey bad?" You whined.
To make sure you wouldn't dig the food out trash he dumped it out of his container.
"Zashi, don't let me forget to empty the trash on our way out. Do you know how much salt is in deli meat? And there's no way you can drink any of this while you're pregnant." He gestures to the cans of soda.
As the frustration built you had to fight back tears. They couldn't come in to your home and start throwing out your things.
"Some of us don't make ridiculous money, I'm buying what I can afford and the doctor never had any problem with my health." You hissed.
Hizashi felt the tension thickening, "Hey hey hey, it's okay. Sho and I will go get you some good stuff. We just gotta watch out for you and baby."
And that was the end of your resolve, you stomped past the Hero and locked yourself in your bedroom. Finally tears began to drip down your cheeks.
Back in your kitchen Mic was chiding his boyfriend for being so tough on you.
"So I should just back down while she stuffs herself with junk food?"
Mic gave him a shrug, showing him a bottle on your counter, "At lest she's taking her prenatal vitamins?"
Grabbing the keys to your apartment Aizawa instructed Mic to wait with you while he got you better groceries. He would make copies of your keys on his was back.
You prayed they would leave soon. You were laying in your bed having cried yourself out. Barely into your second month of pregnancy. You still had to endure this for at least seven more months, but most likely much longer.
Next thing you knew you were opening your eyes and the clock read seven AM. By now your uninvited guests must be gone. Nervously you sat up, praying that you'd skip the morning sickness just once this week. You had always had a weak stomach and even the doctor was surprised you were already experiencing the symptom. Unfortunately the minute your feet touched the floor you knew what was coming. You sprinted to the restroom, not even checking to see if the duo had left.
God this was terrible, you didn't just hate throwing up, you were terrified of it. What if you started and never stopped? But it did come to an end. You wiped the water from your eyes and took a moment before standing from the floor. You screamed when a hand slid under your arm, helping you up. Another set of feet rushed to the bathroom.
" What's wrong?" Hizashi huffed as he skid to a stop.
You pulled arm free from Aizawa's grasp. "What are you two still doing here?"
You turned in the faucet to rinse your mouth. Trying to calm your stress, the nausea was trying to return.
Undeterred the scruff pulled your hair into a bun before rubbing your back. You debated returning to bed but that wouldn't get them out of your apartment. You told them you need to sit down, both of them nodding, still wearing their concerned expressions. They got you a glass of water before joining you on the couch. Stubborn men, you sat at the end of the couch so they couldn't both sit, but Mic decided to perch himself on the armrest.
He started petting your hair, "You feelin better little listener?" You nodded in response.
"I got you more food, let us know if your hungry."
You sighed in defeat, "I'm barely two months pregnant, I can fend for myself. What did you all want to talk about?"
You anxiously placed a hand on your stomach. Both men felt their hearts flutter recognizing your maternal instincts kicking in.
Aizawa let Mic begin, he was the more gentle of the two.
"Well, we figured we got off to a rough start. You got put in a tough situation. We shouldn't have assumed you didn't want a child so we're not mad at how you stormed out. But either way we expect to be in our baby's life. The two of us talked it over and we don't want to fight you if you want to be in their life too. So if you wanna be the mommy we're cool with it."
You could blame your reaction on your hormones for your response but you didn't, "Geez thank you so much for allowing me to be in MY child's life."
Aizawa placed a hand on the back of your neck, giving you a gentle massage. "Okay then, the three of us are gonna have a baby. That means you have to stop ignoring us. We can raise the baby together, without involving anyone else. But if we have to, we can always go the legal route for the baby's best interest." 
He knew it was a low blow, but the couple needed you to stop fighting them. Your eyes snapped to his and you shook your head in protest.
"Okay then we're all the same page," Aizawa reassured you.
Mic cheered, "Now we can focus on the fun stuff."
"Hun," Eraserhead caught his attention. "There's still a few more important things to figure out. We don't want you going back to that doctor. They're incompetent. We scheduled you an appointment with another's clinic for next week. Okay?"
You couldn't find your voice after how easily he threatened to take your baby. So you just nodded. Half listening.
"Good. We also went ahead and programmed our numbers into your phone. We need to be able to check in with you."
"Okay, but I can't use my phone at one of my jobs."
"About that lil momma," Mic started. "You work a lot, which is totally bad ass, but we don't think you leave enough time to rest and take care of yourself."
You tried to protest but Aizawa cut you off, "You also shouldn't be working around so many animals. Even though we love animals, they can be unpredictable and one dog can trigger all the rest into a frenzy."
You were dumbfounded, "I've never heard of anything like that happening. One of my coworkers was pregnant last year, she worked until her maternity leave. Plus I need to be able to pay my bills. And don't offer to compensate me again."
"Why do you have to view it as compensation? We just want to take care of the mother of our child. Just think about it. Mic and I have to go take care of some business but we'll be back later this week."
Back at their home Hizashi was dramatically splayed on their bed.
"Babe why are you pouting?" Aizawa asked.
"Why can't we just bring her home already?"
Aizawa sympathized with his better half, but they needed to be methodical. He reminded Hizashi that they didn't need to cause her even more stress, especially so early into the pregnancy. If they played their cards right they would have their happy little family soon enough.
If they could ease you in to the relationship everything would be easier in the long run. They had been managing just fine until now, they could wait a few more months.
He joined Hizashi on the couch. Mic was comforting himself the way he usually did when he felt like this. He was scrolling through the countless photos they had collected since their chance encounter with you over a year ago. 
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ericspinkhair · 3 years
guys my age don’t know how to love me good
pairing: dom!juyeon x noona!reader
synopsis: lee juyeon is the only guy who makes sex worth it
word count: 3.1k
warnings: noona kink, mentions of toxic and abusive sex, deep throating, no mentions of protection (wrap it before you tap it), inexperienced/unsure reader
a/n: this is for @rolezeure + anon
requests are open!!
masterlist + requests
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'y/n, I swear to god if you won't come to this party with me I will actually never talk to you ever again. you know what this is?' your best friend siyeon dramatically held up a pair of scissors. 'scissors, to cut our friendship.'
'but what am I supposed to even do there?' you scoffed. parties were stupid 'I don't know how to talk to people.'
'you don't need to talk, dumbass. you get drunk, grind on some hot dude and get laid.' siyeon rolled her eyes as she was so done with you.
'as if that is supposed to convince me to go. sex is completely overraded, my dude. it just hurts and the guys don't even care. as long as they get off on you it's fine.' you had not have had any positive experiences with sex. it usually hurt, the guys were rough and didn't really care if you were crying. there wasn't any pleasure you associated with it.
'that's cause you've been with only toxic men. but please, come with me! it's way too awkward to go alone and I need a hype woman. Sangyeon will be there. I cannot miss the opportunity to get with mr. dilf. have you seen him? he is sooo hot, y/n. I might never have another opportunity like this. and I need a lot of alcohol in my system first before I can initiate something,' she whined. she gave you the best puppy eyes she could to make you give in.
you knew your friend had been eyeing sangyeon for weeks. siyeon had tripped the first time she saw him and had to wipe away the drool from her chin. she then memorized his schedule and you would always have to watch him from afar. however, she could not utter a single comprehensible sentence without alcohol if she was nervous but when she was drunk she was the most sociable and flirty person and always got with whom she wanted.
sangyeon was usually never to be found at parties but this particular one was for his friend's birthday so siyeon knew he would show up. who knows if she would ever see him again, after all, he had just graduated from college and would be leaving campus. this was her last opportunity. you sighed.
'fine,' you finally gave in. she squealed and hugged you so tightly that you had trouble breathing.
'omg, I love you so much, y/n! you're a lifesaver. I owe you big big time.'
'you certainly do.'
you tried to convince yourself that maybe a party was just what you needed. finals were finally over and you were on your well deserved break before you started your last year of college.
a week later, the two of you took a cab to the party location. you arrived at a huge mansion that must have cost a huge ton of money. it felt like thousands of people were there, getting drunk and going skinny dipping in the gigantic pool. you recognized some of the people. you didn't really know them but you often saw them walk around on campus.
when you entered the house some dudes whistled at you. ew. you definitely had to get a drink to be able to stand all these gross men lurking around here. at least you had your pepper spray with you. better safe than sorry.
siyeon and you found the bar and immediately downed a couple of shots. the alcohol burned in your throat as you drank one after the other. your friend needed the effects alcohol brings with it quickly.
'have you found him already?' you scream over the music at siyeon.
'no, he's nowhere to be seen… maybe he's not here at all' she was pouting.
I grabbed her by the arm. 'come on. let's go search for him somewhere else. hmm, maybe he's outside?' you dragged her through the mass of people. she was gonna get laid tonight, you were gonna make sure of it.
the backyard was just as crowded but at least you got some fresh air. a lot of people were grinding on each and making out in the pool and hot tub.
'oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. he's there!' siyeon whisper shouted at you.
'where?' you couldn't find him in the crowd.
'over there next to the huge ass plant. he's standing next to jacob.' ah, you saw him. him and jacob were engaged in a deep conversation and occasionally sipped on their drinks.
siyeon just grabbed a drink out of a passing person's hand, ignore the complains and drank it all in one go.
'I need more.' so you went to get more alcohol before you could convince her that now was the time.
'how do I look? is my makeup smudged? do I look enough like 'daddy, I've been a good girl. pls choke me?' she kept on trying to flatten her hair hastily.
'you look absolutely gorgeous, girl. go get him, tiger.' she did look stunning. the red lipstick matched with her bold red dress. it was short and showed a lot of cleavage. her beautiful curves were perfectly highlighted and if sangyeon didn't drool over her then you would seriously have to buy him new eyes.
you high-fived each other and then she went to go on her mission.
you watched how he scanned her up and down, taking in her beauty, when she approached him and then smiled brightly. she touched his muscular arms as he said something that made her laugh. he seemed to be enjoying her company jacob, who had understood what was going on, had joined his other friends kevin and eric on the dance floor inside.
'who are we spying on?' someone whispered in your ear, making you jump and almost spill your drink. rude.
'oh, seeing if my best friend's gonna get laid tonight like she'd hoped to. seems positive so far.' the guy who had come up to you nodded interested. you had no idea who he was but you didn't exactly mind his company. he was a handsome fellow, with a face sculpted by the gods. his dark blue hair made him stand out even more.
'so what are you gonna do if she leaves with him? are you just going to leave?' he asked.
you shrugged your shoulders. 'probably. she's the only reason I came to this god awful party.'
'oh, you don't like it?' he raised his eyebrows.
'no, it's too full, it's too loud and I'm bored. who even is this guy who threw this party. I actually have no idea who he is,' you complained about everything. he seemed to become more amused as you went on.
'then allow me to introduce myself. hey, my name is juyeon.' he held out his hand.
'what does that have to do with- oh my god this is YOUR party!' you realized in shock. your face was burning with embarrassment. but he didn't seem to mind at all and just laughed light heartedly.
'yeah, I'm sorry you don't like it. if you like I could take you somewhere quieter with less people.' oh dude, he was flirting. why? you did look hot as fuck in your short black dress but you had literally just insulted his party.
'I'm sorry I'm not really up for sex or whatever it is you're offering.' you scratched your neck awkwardly. you wouldn't mind if he visited you in your dreams sometimes tho to have a good time.
'that's too bad. I was hoping I could make you feel good.' he brushed a finger over your cheek.
'I doubt you could. no one ever has.' he snorted at that.
'how old even are you?' you asked him.
'19, you don't have to worry. I'm a legal adult. you?' 'almost 21.'
'ooh, that's fun! are you sure you don't want to spend some private time with me, noona?' that was fucking unfair. he was using this noona thing to get you to give in. he knew exactly what he was doing and you could feel yourself getting aroused.
'I just don't think sex is right for me. it just hurts and doesn't do anything to make me feel good,' you explained to him.
'seems like you've only been with douchebags. I have a 100% rate of making women come. you should try and see for yourself, noona.' his lustful gaze stared deep into your soul, making your legs wobbly.
it seemed so tempting. he was super hot and couldn't help but notice the outline of his abs on his shirt. the alcohol was also encouraging you to make some bad decisions and step out of your comfort zone. this man somehow made you super horny with his toned body and god like face, whether you liked it or not. you caught yourself seriously considering going with him.
'here's a proposal. I give you head and if you're not satisfied with my services we can just stop there.' he leaned down and whispered in my ear. 'I would love to hear you scream my name, noona.'
his offer actually didn't sound too bad. juyeon might just be more skilled than the rest of the men you had slept with, who knew. you didn't have anything better to do anyways so you might as well see if he can make you feel good.
'where do we go?' you finally asked after staying silent to keep a suspenseful silence. his eyes lit up and he grabbed your hand. he led you back inside, up the stairs and into the room on the far right.
you could see posters of football player, trophies and pictures. this was obviously his room.
you didn't have much time to look around as he locked the door and kissed you
you were surprised by just how not slimy it was. usually, the guys would always try to wet your whole face and you had to wipe your mouth every other second.
but he started off soft and placed his hands on your hips. you put your arms around his neck to get closer to him and deepen the kiss.
his hands started roaming your body and when he squeezed your ass, you let out a moan. juyeon took this opportunity to slip his tongue inside your open mouth.
the kissing made you dizzy and you desperately tugged at him to get him closer to you. he picked you up and held you up against the wall. you let your hands wander under his shirt and started tracing his abs while grinding your core against him. you could feel his dick harden with your movements.
juyeon carried you to the bed and slowly let you down so you laid on your back. while he quickly took off his shirt you tried to catch your breath after the intense make out. you didn't have long to admire his muscular upper body before he lifted the dress so you were only there in your underwear.
he startes placing open mouth kiss from your collar bones, to your boobs, to your stomach until he reached the hem of your panties. he made sure to keep eye contact as he put the fabric between his teeth and slowly pulled them down like this. you felt cold air hitting your core.
'so pretty, noona,' he admired your clearly dripping pussy. he dragged one finger over your lips to see just how wet you were.
'I haven't even touched you yet but you are already so wet for me. I told you I'd make you feel good. I'll show you just how much, noona.' and with that he dove right in between your lips to prove his point. the feeling of his tongue fucking you was unfamiliar. no guy had ever even cared to get you wet and pleasure you before actually having sex.
Juyeon was desperately devouring your juices as if he hadn't drunk for ages. additionally he started massaging your clit with his thumb, knowing exactly what a woman likes. he had to hold down your hips to keep you stable because you were trying to buck up into his face as it felt so good. every time his nose came into contact with your clit while licking you felt like you were losing control.
involuntary moans were spilling out of your mouth and you could feel juyeon smirking against your core.
suddenly, he slipped a finger inside you and started slowly pumping it in and out of you. it felt a bit uncomfortable at first but you got used to it quite quickly and when he noticed, he slipped a second finger inside. damn, those were some long ass fingers.
your pussy made squelching sounds which you couldn't care less about in the moment as he rapidly fucked you with his long digits. you were pulling at his hair as he took your bud between his teeth, alternating between softly biting and sucking on it.
you suddenly couldn't take it anymore and your orgasm washed over your body like a wave and juyeon slowly continued until you had fully come down from your high.
he sat up straight again. 'I promised I could make you feel good, didn't I? god, you look so hot when you come, noona.' fuck, where did he learn to do all this? maybe he was right after all.
you noticed that his nose was coated in your juices but he didn't seem to care at all. 'do you want to continue?'
'only if you can make me come again,' you challenged him.
he scoffed. 'that's not even a question, noona.'
he quickly unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pants. the shape of his bulge was clearly visible through his underwear. you reached inside and whipped out his already hard dick. you gulped.
'it's so big,' you whispered afraid. he was bigger than the other guys you had slept with and if they had already hurt you then his cock would probably hurt even worse.
he stroked your hair out of your face. 'don't worry. I've already prepared well so you should be able to take it without a problem. I'll make sure to go slow to not hurt you, okay?' you needed to trust him. it seemed like he actually knew what he was doing.
you gave his dick a couple of strokes to see how he reacted before you wrapped your lips around his leaking tip. seeing juyeon throw his head back gave you the encouragement you desperately needed to go forward.
you took him all the way until you started gagging. this was something you were good at. you started deep throating him and he moaned out your name.
'fuck, noona. you are so good with my cock.' he brushed your hair to the side so you it wouldn't be in the way when you sucked him off.
you noticed that he tried to control himself but couldn't refrain himself from bucking up his hips a few times, making you gag.
he then stopped you. 'I can't come yet. I need to show you how proper sex is done first.'
you laid down on your back and he positioned himself between your legs. he pressed your arms down next to your head and intertwined his fingers with yours.
'are you ready?' you gave him a nod.
'just squeeze my hand if it hurts.'
he slowly pushed his tip inside. you shut your eyes tightly and juyeon stopped to give you time.
'no, no. go all the way in first,' you whined.
his dick filled your walls up to the brim. you tried to calm down your heavy breathing. you squeezed his hands in pain and he held still. juyeon placed a kiss on your mouth.
'you're doing so well, noona.', he praised you. 'just tell me when you feel ready to go.'
it did hurt but not quite as much as the other times. and no one had ever waited for you to actually adjust before beginning to pound into you.
juyeon distracted you with kisses and as you started getting more comfortable you slowly started moving your hips against him. you gave him a slight nod to tell him he could continue.
he still started off with a moderate tempo and you needed more.
'faster!' you urged him and he picked up the pace. the way he snapped his hips made you see stars.
the pain was now completely gone and you were lost in your own pleasure.
when he started  thrusting into you from behind, he hit spots inside you you had never felt before. the new position allowed him to go even deeper and faster than before.
you moaned surprised as he spanked you.
'you like this, noona?' you could only groan out his name to show him how you felt.
the knot in your stomach became tighter and tighter.
'I think I'm coming!' you manage to get out.
'come for me, noona!' with that he went into overdrive and fucked into you like a machine.
your arms gave in as your walls clenched around his huge cock tightly and you came hard while screaming his name.
he rode out your orgasm and then pulled out. he stroke his dick fast and shot his big load on your butt and back.
he lay down next to you exhausted. his fingers wiped away the tears of pleasure you didn't know you had cried.
'did I make you feel good, noona?' 'more than just good,' you admitted satisfied.
'I guess guys my age just don't know how to treat me.' he hummed in agreement.
'that makes no sense. you are absolutely gorgeous. they missed out on the opportunity to see your beautiful face when you come.' this was weird. he was still nice to you even after he already came. what was this?
'thank you for making my birthday wish come true,' he said. 'huh, what do you mean?' you questioned him.
'actually, I've noticed you on campus before but I was always too shy to talk to you.' 'oh really?' you laughed sceptically.
'yeah, I wanted to ask you on a date first but it seems like we skipped a couple of steps.' he was blushing. gosh, he was kind of adorable.
'I mean we could still go on those dates if you'd like, birthday boy.' strangely enough you felt like you could trust him and kind of wanted to get to know juyeon as a person.
'awesome,' he smiled at you before he pecked your lips and went to clean you both up.
you had completely forgotten about siyeon. hopefully, her night had been just as satisfying as yours had been.
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insecuritybreach · 2 years
Worthy of the Welcome
Moon and Sun x GN reader (Angst, but there's also some fluff in here near the end)
Hey, there's going to be a lot of talk about abuse. I didn't get graphic with the description of wounds, and I left the abuser vague as well, but it's still a pretty heavy subject so this is the warning for that. Also, Moon is there for way more than Sun is but there might be a pt 2 if I can claw my way out of writer's block. Also, yes, I'm absolutely using fanfiction as therapy- who's gonna stop me?
Moon worked diligently to clean the wounds out of (Y/n)'s reach, silence falling over the dimly lit room. The animatronic's eyes had an eerie red glow, a feature he only used in the dark. He'd insisted on keeping this room almost entirely dark, the napping area soft and protected from any other prying eyes. It was Moon's way of being protective through the glaring frustration of the situation at hand.
"You really need to at least tell Sun." Moon grumbled a complaint and (sighed, the rubbing of their fresh bandages irritating the newly disinfected cuts and gashes beneath.
"You know Sun, he'll freak out and either really push to have something done about it or worry himself to death." (Y/n) cringed as Moon tightened the bandages. He was careful not to restrict their breathing, keeping it loose enough not to put pressure on their lungs, but definitely tying the fabric securely.
"Maybe you do need to do something about it." Moon argued, voice now at less of a hushed tone and more of his normal volume.
"You know I can't-" (Y/n) tried to give the usual excuse, but he just wasn't having it today.
"No. Enough of that bullshit." The shifting sound of metal sounded in the otherwise hollow room as Moon puffed up, body now rigid. The anger he'd been suppressing bubbled to the surface. "You're an adult now, you can legally just walk the fuck out! You don't have to go home- fuck! You don't even have to leave the Pizza Plex! We've got like three people already living here, it's hardly a secret." He ranted.
"Moon, I-" (Y/n) tried to argue again but, with another bout of justified rage, he continued to argue with them over it.
"The person that is supposed to have your back and care for you and always protect you if at all possible hurts you. Often." (Y/n) couldn't see it from the fact he was behind them, but his face softened from anger into pain. "And the last few times they hurt you somewhere you can't reach just so you'd have to ask for help… I really think it's time for you to go." He said, trying not to just plead for them to live here.
(Y/n) knew he was right. They'd known it was time to go sinse the abuse started and yet over the years they'd joined right in with the one who'd treated them so badly. They tricked themself into thinking the way they were told to. It conflicted them, stuck between one truth and another, both ones they believed in. 
Shoulders going slack, their eyes averted.
"I don't… I can't stay here." (Y/n)'s voice was hardly a whisper, maybe even lost if not for the emptiness of the large, matted room. "Everyone here has been very kind to me, and especially you and Sun, but, I… I already owe you so much more than I'll ever be able to give back." They hugged themself, resigned to the hand they were delt in life and feeling undeserving of anything more. 
"I'm not worth the effort as is, Moon." They left off on that sad note, more silence coming in to fill the space where there was once a voice.
Without any more words, Moon stood, circled to the front of them and crouched to look them in the eyes, the most serious expression he could muster on as he fought an urge to just yank them up into his arms, march 'home' with them and have Sun get their bags packed while he beat the shit out of their abuser.
"(Y/n)." He said their name, but they wouldn't meet his eyes. Was it guilt or shame or fear- they weren't sure. But it was tangible enough to make the air thick. They thought for a moment maybe he'd tightened the bandages just slightly too much, but quickly dismissed it. It would be hard for anyone to breathe when getting your soul stared at by one of the last people you'd ever want to see all the flaws and impurities that marked it's surface.
"Look at me. I need you to look at me and hear everything that I'm going to say because I am going to get this through to you. One way or another, however many times it takes." He was determined, stubbornly only staring harder as they got the courage to level their head and meet his gaze. He made sure it was locked before he let himself speak.
"The sheer fact you don't know how to be loved is enough to prove you're the one being wronged here. Don't think about whether you deserve the kindness, just know that you deserve the love that comes with it." He felt his face heat up. "Or, at least, the fact we do enjoy taking care of you. Its almost more for us sometimes." He wasn't exactly lying at his last comment, as the reason he'd been keeping their secret was so that he was sure they'd keep coming back for the help. He didn't like imagining them quitting their job and never being able to see them again.
(Y/n) got teary-eyed. No one deserved this, who were they kidding? They'd never done anything so horrible that it justified the pain they had to be in every day. They made up their mind to agree to stay. Just as they parted their lips to speak the lights flicked on.
"I'm back! Got out of parts and service early so I went and got (Y/n) some snacks! Could ya believe they can do a routine check in half an hou-" Sunny suddenly locked up as his eyes landed on the bandaged, heavily scarred form of his close human friend. He'd never seen them with their shirt off before, but disregarded the scars in favor of the many clearly new marks on their form.
"(Y/N)!!! Oh no! OH NO!! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!!!" He shrieked, dropping the Doritos and cookies as he darted for where they were sitting on the soft blue napping mat. 
Kneeling down, he cupped their face, looking them over for any more injuries with the frantic, overreacting, motherly fretting he was known for when a child was even minorly scraped or bruised from the equipment.
"Ah, yeah, my dumb ass dropped myself down the staircase on the way in today. Moony got me all patched up, though, so I should be alright." They lied on impulse. Moon put a hand on their shoulder, a stern look on his face. Their will to keep lying started to crumble. If they were going to live here, then Sun would need to know why. (Y/n) would need him to know why. To be rid of it all.
"I'm… sorry." They stopped Sun before he could come back with a short lecture on being careful, "That wasn't true. Force of habit." They rubbed their arm and he suddenly looked much more concerned than before.
"Have you done something wrong? I promise I'd never be mad over you getting hurt, even if it was your fault. I only want to help." He reached down to hold their hand, smiling warmly, as if to say they were welcome to ask for the help. It was the last straw, the thing that dislocated the last of the distrust they'd built towards any offer of safety over the years.
They choked before the truth got the chance to make an appearance, tears not picking up speed as much as just immediately starting to cascade like waterfalls down their face. 
Pushing their torso forward, it didn't matter that they felt like they looked weak or that they were starting to sob pretty loudly in what was made to be a tranquil and relaxing space. It didn't matter that there were dishes in the sink and dirty laundry in the hamper at 'home', or that they'd have to send someone to obtain the items that held sentimental value from their room at some point. It didn't matter that the person that had been hurting them was going to be looking for them when they realized (Y/n) wasn't coming back.
All that mattered was that there were four arms wound around them and a promise that none of those things would ever need to be a concern of theirs ever again.
"I'll tell him for you later, Nightlight." Moon offered, taking yet more of the pressure off.
"Yes, I'll wait for the story." Sun started to rub circles in their back. "Just cry as much as you need to, alright? The rest can wait."
(Y/n) held on tighter, smiling through the heavy feeling in their tired body and the crying they weren't even trying to stifle this time, with the relief that it was all ready to be put behind them, and they were ready to be put back together.
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glxssylaufey · 3 years
high by the beach [jonathan pine]
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summary: Jonathan Pine x reader ; you are the oldest daughter of Richard Roper. needing an escape from reality, you sneak out to the beach for a quick joint. what you didn’t expect was for Jonathan Pine to catch you.
warnings: smoking weed, age gap (still over 18!) , underaged drinking/smoking, sexual tension
a/u: yes, this is 100% based off the song “high by the beach” by lana del rey :) enjoy!
*°:⋆ₓₒ ₓₒ⋆:°* *°:⋆ₓₒ ₓₒ⋆:°* *°:⋆ₓₒ ₓₒ⋆:°* *°:⋆ₓₒ ₓₒ⋆:°*
You didn’t belong there, to say the least. You sat alone at a small empty table at one of your father’s late night parties. His parties were always extravagant and flashy. It seemed as if he only threw the parties just to remind everyone how wealthy he is. These events always made your ears ring with annoyance. Summers always felt like this. Your mother would send you and your little brother Danny to visit, but it never seemed like Richard ever has any time for you and your brother.
After finishing yet another glass of champagne, you sighed and ran your fingers through your hair. You still had one year to go before you could legally drink alcohol, though Roper and all his excessive friends never seemed to care. Suddenly, ears perked up upon hearing your name being called.
“Sister! I’ve brought you some sweets!” your little brother Danny called, setting a napkin full of cookies down on the table. You smiled ruffled his brown messy hair.
“That was very kind of you, Danny, thank you.” you laughed, picking up one of the cookies. “Are you having fun?” you asked. His face lit up with excitement.
“Yes, loads!” he confessed. You were glad at least one of you were having fun. “I made a friend yesterday, too.” he said. You raised an eyebrow, trying to remember if you had seen any other children his age here.
“Oh really?” you asked, chewing a bite of cookie. “What’s their name?” Danny’s smile became wider.
“I’ll go fetch him, I want you to meet him!” he said quickly before running off. Before you could open your mouth to protest, he was already gone. You sighed deeply before picking up another cookie, hoping this new friend of Danny’s is an old enough child to understand boundaries and not talk for hours on end.
What you absolutely did not expect was for Danny’s new friend to be a full grown man. A handsome one at that. The man sauntered up to your table holding Danny’s hand, wearing a navy blue suit that hugged his body perfectly. He looked like the perfect gentleman.
“Hi there.” he spoke, voice smooth as silk. “Name’s Jonathan.” he put his hand out to shake yours. You looked up at him, trying to wear your friendliest smile. When you took his hand to shake it, you nearly melted. His grip was firm yet not too tight and you could swear there was electricity coming out of his fingers.
“Pleased to meet you.” you finally said after clearing your throat. “I’m Y/N.”
“Y/N.” he repeated, testing your name on his tongue. “The pleasure is all mine. Your brother is quite the company.” he chucked, smiling down at Danny. The younger boy beamed proudly, looking back up at you.
“I wanna go look for dad, Y/N.” the young boy said.
“That’s fine.” you said with a nod, leaning back in your chair trying to remain calm. You could still practically feel Jonathan’s eyes roaming all over you.
“Come on, Jonathan!” Danny exclaimed, grabbing the man’s hand again. “Once I’m done we can go play!” this made Jonathan chuckle.
“Why don’t you go on without me for a little, Danny.” he said gently pulling away from your brother’s hand. The boy complied and began to walk after flashing you and Jonathan a smile. You took a deep breath after Danny traveled off while Jonathan pulled a chair up.
“So how is the all famous Y/N Roper doing this fine evening?” Jonathan teased with a chuckle. His words made you blush easily.
“She’s doing just fine.” you said in the best flirtatious tone you could muster. “But she would probably be much better with a refill.” she spoke scooting her empty glass towards Jonathan. He cocked his head at you slightly before standing to his feet, a bit more hesitant than usual.
“Well of course, I am a gentleman.” he joked before grabbing your glass. “So what can I get for you tonight, darling? Water? Punch?” he continued.
“Punch?” you asked nearly offended. “More champagne will do just fine, thank you.”
“Champagne? Danny says you’re only twenty.”
“So?” you ask. “My father doesn’t care if I drink at this age. I also don’t think he’d be very pleased you’re making me wait for a drink.” you said almost in a whisper, the previous alcohol in your system making you confident. You knew your father probably wouldn’t care if Jonathan retrieved a drink for you or not, you only wished to appear authoritative for the upper hand on the man.
“Well, my deepest apologies, Miss Roper.” Jonathan said playfully before shooting you a wink. “One glass of champagne coming right up.”
You giggled as you watched Jonathan walk off to fill your glass. The way he strutted away while his height allowed him to tower over the crowd gave you intense butterflies. You really couldn’t believe you were spending the night flirting with an older gentleman, as proper and handsome as they come. It excited you to no end.
When Jonathan returned back to your table he arrived holding two champagne glasses, one for you and one for him. The two of you continued to talk to allow yourselves to get to know each other. He told you stories of serving in the military and you told him stories of previous summers spent here with Danny. You and Jonathan were quite an attractive pair to be seen and when it ended up catching Frisky’s attention, things took a turn.
Frisky was a smart man. He never failed in intimidating anybody. That’s why Richard Roper put him in charge of keeping an eye on you and Danny to prevent the two of you getting into any trouble. Knowing Jonathan’s flirty antics, Frisky deemed this a solid opportunity to step in.
You caught a quick glimpse of Frisky hastily making his way to your table. You gave a sarcastic deep sigh at him, knowing exactly why he was so worked up. Once the bulky man stopped at your table he crossed his arms and lifted his chin towards Jonathan.
“And what do you think you’re doing, Pine?” he said in a serious tone. Jonathan didn’t seem too phased by him.
“Well, I’m just having a drink here with Miss Y/N.” he replied almost bored.
“Yes, Miss Y/N Roper. I know what you’re up to.” Frisky snapped.
“Frisky, please!” you interrupted. “I’m a grown woman, if you should be babysitting any of my father’s family it should be Danny.” you argued with him. Though Frisky was stubborn.
“I don’t want to hear it, Y/N. Pine, get up.” he waved his hands at Jonathan. “Go find Danny and put him to bed, it’s late.” he demanded. Jonathan didn’t put up any further struggle. He calmly rose from his chair and took one last sip of his champagne. He then gave you a gentle smile and bowed his head.
“It was a pleasure meeting you, Y/N.” he said sweetly.
“Thank you, Jonathan.” you nodded. As he walked away with Frisky you sank in your chair slightly before sighing. ‘Well there goes that excitement.’ you thought. You were growing quite tired of your father and his men treating you like a mere child when you’re an adult. Standing front your seat, you finish off your glass before storming off to your room. At this point, the party just felt like an inconvenience.
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Your eyes felt heavy with sleep by the time you were sure everyone had gone to bed. Though you were in dire need of rest, you couldn’t seem to relax. It was 1 a.m. and you decided to settle your nerves with a late night walk. The punishments for being caught were severe but you were confident in yourself to know you wouldn’t be caught.
You quickly packed a small bag for your walk, including a jacket along with your stash of three joint of weed and a lighter. You always enjoyed a quick light up when you felt a bit tense. You tip toed silently down the stairs and out the back doors. From the pool’s patio, you had a beautiful view of the ocean. You decided to walk down to take your quick walk in the beach.
After successfully sneaking through the large property you finally found a spot to relax on the vast beach. There was a full moon illuminating the night sky, allowing you good skylight in the darkness. You sat down upon the sand close to the shore and opened up your bag. You wrapped your jacket around you to act as a blanket in the wind. Then you lastly picked a slim joint out of your bag along with a small yellow lighter. You clicked the lighter and put the flame towards the end your joint to burn the end. Afterwards you put the joint between your lips and took a deep drag. Inhaling the smoke, you closed your eyes and felt the wind blow against your skin. You began to relish in the light headed feeling as your body began to relax. After an exhale, you began to take another puff.
“Excuse me?”
You jumped upon hearing a voice next to you. You looked up at the figure above you, only to find the one and only Jonathan Pine standing talk above you. You quickly exhaled the smoke and attempted to hide the joint.
“What are you doing at this hour?” Jonathan asked you in a slightly hushed tone.
“I could ask you the same.” you stated sitting up straighter.
“Couldn’t sleep. Just wanted to get some fresh air.” he calmly explained. He was wearing a fitted t-shirt and grey sweatpants with his blonde curls a bit of a mess. It was definitely quite the outfit change from the party but he still managed to be probably the most attractive man you’ve seen.
He looked out to the waves for a second before bringing his gaze back to you. He gave you a shy smile before speaking again.
“May I join you?” he asked politely. You were relieved when you realized he wasn’t going to snitch to your father about sneaking out or drag you to his room. So you moved your backpack and pat on the sand beside you.
“Of course.” you replied. He sank down to the ground and got comfortable in his spot. There was a bit of silence with nothing but the sound of waves crashing in the night. After a couple seconds you placed your lit joint back between your lips to take a puff. Jonathan watched with a smile.
“Weed?” he asked with curiosity. He wore a smile that told you you didn’t have to hide it from him.
“Yeah.” you admitted. “It helps me relax.” you said turning to look at him. He chuckled a little while shaking his head.
“My my, little Miss Roper. First we drink champagne at the party underaged and now you’re smoking marijuana?” he mocked a tsk and winked. “You’re a very naughty girl, Y/N.” he said darkly.
You giggled and blushed profusely at his comment and you could feel your heart begin to race.
“I’d love to.” he said before taking the items from your fingers. “Would you help me, darling?” he asked handing you the lighter. You accepted with a playful smirk. Once he placed the joint between his lips you raised the flame to meet it’s end. He inhaled deep, expertly intaking the smoke. He held his breath before blowing out the smoke into the wind. He chuckled lightly before taking the joint from his mouth.
“Do you want to join me? I have an extra.” you offered with a smile. Jonathan smiled at you, watching as you pulled out a second joint and your lighter. He hesitated to answer at first, making you think he would decline. You were pleasantly surprised with his answer.
“Good?” you asked with a smile.
“Very.” he laughed, his head falling back slightly.
You both continued to laugh, the two of you already buzzed. Jonathan took another drag of his joint before clearing his throat.
“We should do this more often.” he joked, leaning into you slightly. You laughed and took another hit.
“What? Sneak out and get high?” you asked. Jonathan scoffed while tapping some ash off his joint.
“Technically, you’re the one sneaking out. I’m allowed to be out here, I’m an adult.” he teased. You rolled your eyes.
“I’m an adult too, I don’t care what you think.” you sassed back. Jonathan raised an eyebrow at you.
“You know what I really think?” he asked, his voice deepening. You shivered at his tone, looking up to meet his bright blue eyes, finding his face much closer to yours.
“What?” you asked.
“I think you’re beautiful.” he whispered in your ear before looking down for your reaction. You could feel your face heating up from his comment. Jonathan’s cologne overtook your senses as you leaned in closer to him.
“I think you’re high.” you replied, breaking into laughter. Jonathan chuckled before raising his head.
“Yes, but you are too.” he said. You opened your mouth to speak but before you could protest Jonathan’s lips crashed against yours. You melted into him, deepening the kiss. Jonathan pulled away before looking into your slightly red eyes.
“Jonathan Pine, you are exquisite” you sighed, before bringing your lips back to his. The kiss was more passionate this time, the both of you relishing in the taste of each other and the euphoria of your high. Everything felt so perfect. Jonathan laced his fingers into your hair, making you whimper. You broke the kiss with the older man, allowing both you and him to breath. Jonathan lifted your chin with a finger, raking his blue eyes all over you.
“And you, Y/N Roper, are perfection itself.”
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Embarrassing moments w/ Levi Ackerman BOOK II
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I only put one incident in this one because inspiration was running wild and things got out of hand, so enjoy !
You can read BOOK ONE here
word count : 1,9K
warnings : implicit seggsual themes, slight angst.
The client incident
Erwin had put you and Levi on a special mission; both of you received one letter from the commander urging you to go meet Balkus Adomas, a businessman whom Erwin was used to work with to get funds for the SC, and god knows the Survey Corps needed that financial support lately. With all the casualties, injured horses and used up equipment you lost in your encounter with the female titan, you could definitely use some help, any help actually.
The letter instructed Levi to tie up the negotiations, as Erwin had already sent a letter to Balkus, stating the nature of the visit; the letter also instructed Levi to take you with him to officialize everything on legal documents.
Levi sent one letter back to Erwin asking the commander about the nature of the business this man held. Three days later, the response consisted of a short sentence that wasn’t very helpful, and its vagueness didn’t make Levi happy; he hated being kept in the dark about the people he needed to work with.
The letter only said « « You’ll know when you get there »
The next morning, right after dawn, you and Levi were already on your horses, heading to the small town situated in the west, where the businessman was to be found. It was a good four hours ride, but you were accustomed by now to even longer distances.
Reaching your destination, Levi followed Erwin’s instructions, it didn’t take long for you two to find the location. Heading towards the main entrance, you couldn’t help but notice the frowning faces locals threw at you while passing you by. The place was an old, seemingly neglected property, it didn’t look like a business run by a rich businessman who could land money to the military, and you could sense that levi was thinking the same. You stood there studying the poorly maintained building for a moment until the main door suddenly flew open and a little round man, probably in his forties appeared with a dangling woman at his arm, the woman was laughing uncontrollably while planting kisses alongside the man’s neck, both of them completely ignoring the accusing stares being directed towards them.
Is this a tavern ?
Wait no.
You felt your legs tremble a little, and you suddenly felt embarrassed at the realization : it was a brothel. And the cheap kind by the looks of it.This Balkus Adomas runs a freaking brothel. Slightly alarmed, as this was completely out of your comfort zone, you glanced nervously at Levi who didn’t show any sign of tension. But little did you know, the short man was infuriated and boiling under the surface.
You on the other hand, were visibly stressed out. In a moment of hesitation you wanted to grab Levi’s hand like a child lost in an adult place but you managed to hold your composure, and decided to follow him by staying as close as possible to him. Levi headed rapidly to a broad bearded man, he looked like he was the receptionist or something of the sort, Levi asked if he could see Adomas.
" You should have been notified we were coming, we’re sent by Erwin Smith "
" Yes, yes this good old’ Erwin Smith, he said he’ll send someone ! "
The way the man said « good old’ Erwin Smith » made it look somewhat suspicious, and you wondered if the commander was fond of such places as it hardly seemed so to you.
" Well Lord Adomas is not here now, but you can wait for him, he comes early in the morning to do some accounting, as you see, the business is running wild lately "
" You can spend the night here if you want " he added.
You felt Levi tense up.
" Erwin will hear me about it, making us stay the night, not even being able to get an appointment correctly " you heard Levi mumble to himself between greeted teeth. You could clearly see now that this place is stressing him just as much.
" Don’t worry, Erwin Smith has always been good to us, intervening for us every time something threatened to close this place, and get Lord Adomas out of business, so we owe him big time "
You somehow got reassured that this was the nature of their connection to Erwin.
" I’m gonna give you a room to stay in for the night for free, it’s on the house "
He dangled a golden key in front of us, but when levi reached out to take it, the man retracted his hand behind the counter, a mischievous smile contorting his lips.
" Unless you want to spend the night as a customer Captain Levi ? "
Levi snatched the key from the man who now turned to you, completely ignoring the short captain.
" Hey miss, you’re not bad either, have you ever thought about leaving the army ? We could get you a job here, you’ll see, Lord Adomas treats his employees with extra care " he ended his speech with a nasty tone that had you both in such discomfort that you could almost feel Levi’s anger and you shivered at the way he said extra care. Dragging you by the collar of your military jacket, Levi headed with you towards the stairs, in search for the right bedroom while you followed him closely. As you were afraid of; the walls were incredibly thin in this place, and discernible sounds could be heard from each door. A series of thuds, creaks and lewd voices which you did your best to ignore, while you and the captain hurried to find the right door. Being here with Levi made this whole situation so much more uncomfortable, and right now, you cursed yourself for being the only person capable (and available) to do the paperwork, you hated that you were in charge, you hated that your signature was required, you-
" Here’s the shitty door "
You looked at the door, it was situated at a fair distance from the others, but didn’t look as damaged, maybe it didn’t get used a lot, or at least you hoped.
A demanding and urgent female voice erupted suddenly, close enough that both of you could hear it clearly. You tried to ignore how shaky your legs were now, you tried to focus on Levi opening the door but your eyes met a trembling Levi having difficulties opening the door, his hand too shaky to insert the key right, obviously he was just as startled as you were. When both of you finally heard a reassuring click, he slammed open the door with a "Tch"!
" Can’t believe this mess Erwin put us in, he’ll hear me about it ! "
You followed him inside. The room seemed fairly in order, didn’t seem to be too dusty, you sighed in relief, but your relief was short-lived, it sure wasn’t dusty but it did look completely unsanitary, no wonder this place gets threatened to be closed so often.
" Tch ! I’m taking fifty showers after this, and i’m gonna scrub my feet with Erwin’s- "
" Um Captain ? "
" WHAT ? " he asked harshly, getting you a bit startled by his tone.
Hey don’t lash out at me, it’s not my fault we’re in this mess.
" There’s only one bed "
" You can have it, i’m not sleeping in this filth "
" Neither do i , Captain " you said picking up a long strand of hair from the pillow and studying it before tossing it aside. The place was filthy.
But to both your consolation, there were two chairs made out of wicker that seemed not too risky to use.
You took the one on the left, Levi took the one on the right before looking at you.
" We’ll wait here until this Adomas piss of shit shows up so we can get it done with the paperwork and get out of this filthy hell " and those were the only words he spoke to you for the rest of night.
You were already feeling a bit sleepy, all the exhaustion caused by the trip creeping back to you. You had dozed off for what seemed like half an hour before you were awaken by new sounds rising abruptly from the next room. You jolted in your seat, the unsettling sounds of moans and boastful voices filling the room quickly, followed by a string of giggles, then another string of incomprehensible moany gibberish. You couldn’t make up a single word but you understood all too well the activities taking place in the other room. Still trying to compose yourself and get rid of the embarrassment sucking you in you right now, you suddenly remembered that you weren’t alone in the room, and turned quickly to look for the captain.
Levi was still sitting in his chair, you realized he had moved it away from you, almost placing himself at the other corner of the room, his fists tightening on his knees, he had the most irritated expression you’ve ever seen on his face, he looked like he was ready to snap a neck in half. Was it possible that he has been awake the entire time while you were sleeping ? Having to listen to the most indecent events going on next door ?
He was staring right in front of him, he looked as if he was trying to avert your gaze, afraid that a single stare shared between you two at this moment would aggravate the discomfort, and he was spot on.
Now the lewd voices were joined by the most obscene of sounds. You could feel your face, your hands and everything in between grow hot, you tried your best to keep a steady composure and not look at Levi who was incredibly silent at the other end of the room. Damn it, the smutty opera next door got you so alert you couldn’t even hope to sleep it off so you don’t have to endure this unbearable atmosphere.
You stayed like this until dawn. You and the captain, sitting stiff with both your hands glued to your thighs like two Egyptian statues while the auditory nuisance went on, all fucking night.
For a brief moment you heard Levi mutter something that you deciphered as « Erwin you piss of shit, you’re gonna pay for this»
You did get to Balkus Adomas the next day at the crack of dawn, he did accept to continue supporting the Scouts, you did go through the administration stuff you were dragged in here for. You even had Adomas make the same suggestion to you as the bearded receptionist; offering you to leave your uncomfortable scouting uniform for something else, vaunting about how much you can get paid in one night here, nothing like you meager salary at the Scouts for sure ! At one point you literally had to forcefully take off his hand that he sneakily placed on the small of your back. At the sight of it, Levi snatched the documents, handed a copy to Adomas and hurried you and himself out of the place.
Back to HQ, you were happy to reunite with your bed, ready to recover from last night. You shared your quarters with Petra, laying on your mattress, you filled her in about what happened to you with the captain as she bursted with laughter at every detail you gave her.
The next day, Levi was nowhere to be found as you went to his office as usual. You asked one of the soldiers where if he'd seen the captain and he just shrugged his shoulders, saying that Levi left a message for you as the soldier gave you a folded piece of paper.
« Going to see Erwin for a special meeting ».
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bellakitse · 3 years
Greener on the Other Side
“I’m sorry,” he gasps, not believing what she’s just said. “Say that again, please.”
“I said he’s married,” she repeats herself softly, giving him a pitying look. “And he has a kid."
Alex hasn't heard anything about TK Strand in over four years. That's about to change.
Alex Fletcher walks into Gramercy Tavern twenty minutes later than he agreed to meet his friends. He already dreads what is sure to be a lecture on his constant tardiness from the group, but more so, what he knows will be pointed looks when they see he’s come alone instead of with his boyfriend.
Spotting them to the left of the restaurant, he starts to make his way over to them. “Sorry, sorry,” he starts to say with a charming smile as all five of them look up at his voice, hoping to curb the scolding before it starts. “The 6 train was an absolute mess. It got the 33rd street and then refused to go forward.”
Liz and Becca share a look at his excuse, and Alex has to keep from rolling his eyes at them. He gets it. Being late is one of his less desirable character traits, and they find it annoying, but after over a decade of friendship, he thinks they should get over it by now.
“Yeah, the trains have been acting up all week,” Malcolm offers while his wife Patricia gives him a small smile, the two of them ever the peacemakers of the group. “Sit down, man.”
Alex offers his friends a more sincere smile, shaking hands with him and his other buddy Chris before giving all three women kisses on the cheek.
“Where is Dean?” Patricia asks politely, and Alex winces at her mistake. It’s been a while since he and Dean ended things, but it’s also been a while since Patricia has joined her husband at one of their dinners.
“We broke up a few months ago,” he tells her, his face feeling tight from his fake smile. “I’m dating someone new now. His name is Wallace.”
“Oh,” Patricia says softly, going a little red in the face at her blunder. “My apologies, Alex.”
He waves her off, wanting to move on from the embarrassing moment quickly. “No worries, Patty,” he says to her. “And Wallace wanted to come, but he had to work,” he explains, trailing off lamely, not believing the lie himself, but it’s not like he can tell his friends that Wallace simply didn’t want to come because he thought it would be boring.
His friends all give him understanding, if not quite believing looks, and Alex wonders just how pathetic his expression is that they don’t push for more.
The mood around the table is awkward and quiet, making his skin feel tight. Thankfully their waiter comes over to take their drink order, easing the moment, giving him something else to focus on.
He starts to loosen up once there is a vodka soda in his hand. He listens to Liz as she talks about her latest architecture project, laughs at the funny story Chris tells them about his 1st-grade class painting the class bunny with washable markers. He’s enjoying their company, forgetting for a moment that his boyfriend should be there with him getting to know his friends when Becca’s eyes light up as Chris wraps up another story about his students.
“You guys will never believe who I saw yesterday walking out of FAO Schwarz,” she starts, her brown eyes lighting up with the chance to share some juicy gossip.
Alex leans in, already intrigued by the look on her face.
“Who?” Liz asks with a grin, curious herself.
“TK Strand,” Becca answers, saying the name with emphasis, and Alex gets why even as he feels shock go through him. It’s been over four years since he has seen or heard from TK. Not since the night he stopped him from proposing, confessing he was in love with someone else.
Mitchell, he thinks bitterly as he takes a large gulp of his drink. In the end, he’d turned out to be Alex’s own personal karma for hurting TK.
Walking in on him and another guy from their gym eight months into their official relationship had been a kick in the teeth and a hard lesson to learn.
He shakes his head to clear it from the lousy memory just in time to hear Becca’s following comment, shocking him more than her first. “I’m sorry,” he gasps, not believing what she’s just said. “Say that again, please.”
Becca looks at him, hesitating as she bites down on her lip, looking remorseful for a moment, probably remembering that out of all of them, he’d be the one with the most invested interest.
“I said he’s married,” she repeats herself softly, giving him a pitying look. “And he has a kid. They were coming out of the toy store when I bumped into them, and he introduced them to me. His husband’s name is Carlos, and their little boy is Luca. Really cute kid – was talking a mile a minute about all the toys in the place, and given all the bags they had, they must have bought him half the store.”
“Wow,” Chris breathes out, his surprise evident. “I can’t believe he’s married and with a kid. How old do you think?”
“Four,” Becca answers instantly. “I asked Luca, and he held up his fingers.”
Alex shakes his head again. It’s been four years since he and TK were together, and he has a four-year-old son. “That doesn’t make any sense,” he says mostly to himself.
“I get the feeling he’s adopted,” Becca answers. “Or maybe Carlos’ son,” she continues with a shrug. “But he called TK dad.”
“What was the husband like?” Liz questions, and Alex is grateful because he can’t bring himself to ask.
“He was polite and friendly,” Becca pauses, shooting him another look before continuing. “Ridiculously hot, and hopelessly in love with TK. I spent maybe ten minutes with them, and you guys should have seen the way he looked at him. It was like TK hung the moon.”
The table is quiet for a moment. For his benefit, he’s sure, as he tries to process everything he’s learned, when Liz speaks up again.
“Good for TK. He deserves that and more,” she says with a smile on her face that takes a hard edge when he shoots her a glare. “What?” she questions, her whole expression challenging him. “You didn’t take care of him when you guys were together, and he’s a great guy. I always liked him even though we lost touch after you broke up. I’m glad he’s found happiness.”
Alex bites down on the urge to lash out at his friend, not only is it a losing battle with Liz, but deep down in the parts of him where he has buried his guilt and shame at his past actions, he knows he can’t argue with the truth she just laid on him.
 The rest of the dinner is awkward to say the least. Even though they move on from TK, Alex can’t stop thinking about his ex and what he’s learned. He pulls Becca to the side as they’re leaving, grilling her for any more information she might have.
She finally tells him TK had mentioned they were staying with his mother and little brother – one of the few things he did know about TK and his family since Gwyneth and his father ran in the same legal circles. He’d learned about the woman’s surprise pregnancy almost three years ago.
Becca looks at him as he absorbs the information before letting out a heavy sigh, reminding him not to do anything stupid.
He’d given her an absent nod that even he didn’t believe. Which is probably why he’s outside of Gwyneth’s Park Avenue apartment in a hat and sunglasses like a stalker, hoping to catch a glimpse of his ex and his husband.
Whether luck is on his side or karma wants to teach him another lesson, he doesn’t have to wait long. He’s been outside of the swanky apartment building for maybe 15 minutes, trying to decide what exactly he thinks he’s doing, when the front door opens and out walks the person he wants to see.
He ducks behind a tree just in time to not be spotted, peeking behind it to look at the small family.
TK, at 26-years-old, had been a beautiful man; Alex remembers that well. But now, at 30, he’s even more stunning if that’s even possible. He walks out of the building with a tall, muscular man Alex instantly recognizes as the ‘ridiculously hot’ mystery husband. Each of them with a little boy in their arms.
“So what are we doing today?” he hears TK ask with a grin on his face as the little boys instantly start to chant, ‘Park, park, park!’
“I wanna see the penguins, Dada,” exclaims the little boy in the arms of TK’s husband. Carlos and Luca, he remembers.
TK smiles softly at his son before looking at the child in his own arms. “What about you, little brother? Do you want to go to the Central Park Zoo and see the penguins?” he asks, tickling his chin, getting a happy giggle along with a nod from the little boy.
TK’s grin grows before he looks over at his husband, getting a nod from the man too.
“It’s unanimous then,” TK proclaims in an animated voice that has the boys lighting up. “To the park! To the penguins!”
The pair of boys let out a ‘yeah!’ leaning over at each other to share a clumsy high-five that has the adults laughing.
“You just had to rile them up, troublemaker,” Carlos scolds TK, and he might be a stranger to Alex, but he can tell it’s said with amused fondness.  
“You love me,” TK teases his husband, going easily when the man reaches out to tug him in closer by his shirt, turning his face up as his husband leans in to kiss him, tilting to the side to keep the boys out of the way.
Alex swallows hard at the display. Even from where he’s hiding, he can see TK’s bright smile and dancing green eyes once he and his husband break the kiss.
“Always, my love,” Carlos tells TK as he kisses the side of his face adoringly.
“Dada, Papa,” Luca groans out. “Kissing later, park now,” he continues, much to the amusement of the two men.
“So demanding,” TK teases, leaning in to kiss the little boy’s cheek too, laughing at the face he makes. “Okay, let’s go.”
They start towards the park, and Alex hesitates for a moment. He’s seen and heard TK and his family with his own eyes and ears. It’s obvious his ex is happy and not at all thinking about him. He should turn around in the opposite direction and leave before his luck runs out and they spot him. It’s the reasonable thing to do, and yet he finds himself following them about half a block back, keeping his head down.
He can’t hear them from this distance, but he can watch them. He takes in the way the two men hold hands while each holding on to a child, listening and chatting with the two little ones. Everything about them screams family, and Alex can’t deny the dull ache it causes inside his chest.
Is this what he and TK could have had?
He follows them through the park until they come to a series of benches. He watches as TK hands over his little brother to his husband, the man easily carrying both kids. TK sits down, but no one else does. Instead, he waves at them as his husband walks away with the children, leaving TK alone.
Alex hesitates again. This is his chance to approach TK, and yet he’s frozen in place by indecision.
A moment later, his ex takes the choice out of his hand.
He startles as TK turns his head to look straight at him with a raised eyebrow. “Are you just going to stand there?” he calls out to him casually, the picture of calm as he places his arms on the backrest of the bench. It’s different from the TK he remembers, who was always constantly bouncing his legs with nervous energy.
“How did you – “ he starts, feeling awkward and off-balance.
“I didn’t,” TK answers with a shrug as Alex gets closer to him. “It was Carlos who realized. He’s a cop. Noticing weirdos is kind of his job.”
Alex cringes at the descriptor as he comes to a stop in front of him. “Hi, TK,” he says lamely, wincing again at the high pitch sound of his voice.
TK raises an eyebrow at him again. “Hello, Alex. Any particular reason you’re following us in that get-up?” he questions, pointing at his hat and sunglasses.
Alex feels his face grow hot at the question. He reaches up, taking them off. “Becca said she saw you,” he says uncomfortably, getting a casual nod back from his ex. “And I got curious,” he continues weakly. “I couldn’t help myself.”
“That sounds like poor impulse control,” TK mutters to himself. He moves to the side, leaving half the bench open for Alex to decide if he wants to take a seat or not.
Alex would be embarrassed by the speed with which he takes the offer, but the joy at being allowed to get closer overrides that. Neither says anything after he sits down, him because he’s nervous, TK it seems because he’s simply waiting him out.
“So,” he starts slowly. “You’re visiting?”
TK looks at him, seeming to study him before giving him a nod. “We try to see my mother and my little brother Robbie every few months. Sometimes they come to see us, but New York is always pretty in the spring, and Luca has never been.”
“That’s your son,” he blurts out, his face going hot again at the look TK shoots him.
“Becca shared everything, did she,” he questions with a dry smile, shaking his head to himself.
“The group had dinner,” he explains, not needing to add who exactly was there. There was a time when TK would have sat right next to him at one of those dinners, charming everyone with stories about fighting fires and daring rescues.
“Ah,” TK exhales softly. “It’s nice you all still do that. They’re good people. I liked them.”
“They liked you too,” Alex answers, giving TK a half-smile. “Liz was thrilled to hear that you’re married and have a kid. She’s happy you’re happy.”
TK smiles, this time more genuine. “That sounds like her,” he comments, looking nostalgic for the first time. “She was always kind to me,” he finishes, not adding anything else.
It goes quiet between them again, causing Alex’s nerves to fray at the edges. He’s not used to this TK. The one he remembers always filled the silence, even if it was just with nervous chatter.
“So, are you?” he can’t help but blurt out, swallowing nervously when TK gives him a curious look. “Are you happy?”
TK lets out a huff, and while he doesn’t smile or laugh, Alex can see a hint of amusement in his bottle-green eyes. “Is that why you’re here? You want to know if I’m happy?”
He feels the hairs at the back of his neck stand at the mocking he hears in TK’s voice. “Is that so crazy?” he questions defensively. “The last time we spoke wasn’t precisely the best encounter – “
“That’s because I was getting ready to propose to you and instead found out you were fucking around my back with a spin instructor,” TK interrupts him, surprising Alex with how calm he is. There is no anger or reproach in TK’s voice like Alex anticipated, just a simple fact. It hurts Alex more than he expected to witness how unaffected TK seems. “How is Mitchell by the way?”
Alex clenches his fists, his nails digging into his palms as embarrassment courses through him. He wants to stand up and walk away from this. He’s not sure what he’d hoped to accomplish by seeking TK out, but it’s clear now whatever it was, he isn’t going to get it.
He looks at TK to find a mild curiosity on his face, like Alex’s answer doesn’t really matter to him one way or another.
“We broke up,” he answers anyway, taking a breath to try to soothe the ache before his next words. “I found him in our bed with someone else less than a year after you and I broke up.”
“Well shit,” TK says quietly, letting out a breath of his own. He doesn’t look gloating the way he has a right to look. Instead, he looks at Alex with what can only be called compassion. “Karma didn’t just pay you back. It sucker-punched you in the face, huh?”
Alex lets out a startled laugh at the description. TK joins him with a chuckle of his own, and Alex welcomes it even if it’s at his own expense. They laugh for a few seconds before they let it trail off.
“To answer your question,” TK starts to say. He looks at him, bobbing his head softly. “Yes, I’m happy. I’m the kind of happy where I wake up in the morning, look at my husband sleeping, usually with our kid between us, and I can’t believe just how lucky I am.”
“You love him,” Alex whispers, not really needing an answer when he can see it clearly on his face.
TK answers anyway. “He’s my soulmate,” he says with a smile that isn’t directed at him at all. It’s directed at the man who walked away with two kids in his arms minutes before. “I used to think that was you,” he continues, his voice sounding far away, lost in the past while Alex aches in the present. “I was so sure of it once, and then I met Carlos. I was still a mess about you, and I wasn’t looking to fall in love at all, but there he was, and I fell. I fell so fast, Alex. Years later, I’m still falling in love with him every single day.”
“That sounds – “ Alex starts, exhaling through the dull throbbing in his chest. “Scary, honestly.”
TK smiles, bright and beautiful, just like Alex remembers. “It is,” he says with a short laugh. “It’s terrifying, but it’s also amazing, and I wouldn’t give it up for anything in the world.”
Alex nods quietly to himself.
“I’m sorry you haven’t found that yet,” TK continues softly because it seems that surprising Alex is the name of the game today. He gives TK a shocked look that has him giving Alex a compassionate look back. “I never wished you ill will. I was hurt and angry after everything went to hell between us, but in the end, I wanted you to find someone to love the way you couldn’t love me and for that person to love you back just the same.”
Alex swallows hard at TK’s words, feeling overwhelmed by them. “I’m sorry I hurt you.”
TK looks away from him, and Alex follows his gaze to find that his husband and the kids are coming back with ice cream in their hands. “Thank you for saying that,” he says softly as he stands. He looks down at Alex, giving him a slight quirk of his mouth. “Goodbye, Alex. I hope you find what you’re looking for.”
Alex watches TK walk away from him, knowing it will be the last time he’ll see him. “Goodbye, TK,” he whispers at his back, feeling the loss more now than he did four years ago.
 “Dada, we got ice cream!” Luca exclaims happily as he slurps on his spiderman popsicle.
“I can see that. Can I have a taste of spidey?” he questions, leaning in when Luca sweetly offers him his treat. “Mmm, that’s yummy. Thank you, sweetheart.”
Luca smiles up at him, his face already a sticky red and blue mess. He looks at Robbie to see his face is yellow from his Spongebob popsicle. He smiles at them fondly as he turns his backpack to his front, searching for the wet wipes to clean their faces.
“We got you a cone with sprinkles,” Carlos says with a smile, though TK can see the worry in his eyes. “Is everything okay?”
TK looks at his husband, taking in his concern for him along with his ever-present love, and smiles as he remembers what he just told Alex moments ago. The love he and Carlos share is so strong – it can be frightening at times to feel so much and so intensely for another person, but like he told Alex, he wouldn’t change it for the world when it means Carlos loves him back just as strongly.
“Yeah, baby,” he answers, reaching out to touch Carlos’ cheek. “Everything is okay,” he smiles at his husband before looking down at his son and little brother. “Better than okay because we’re going to go see some penguins!”
Luca and Robbie cheer happily.
“Let’s go, Robbie,” Luca says to his uncle, throwing an arm over the other little boy’s shoulder.
TK and Carlos watch them walk a few steps ahead of them, chatting away the way only little kids can.
“You sure you’re alright?” Carlos asks as he hands him a melting ice cream. TK takes it, giving it a few licks to keep it from dripping.
“I swear, babe,” he assures him as he wraps an arm around Carlos’ waist. “We talked, and then we said goodbye.”
“What did he want?” Carlos asks curiously.
TK shrugs. He’ll be honest even after talking to Alex; he’s still not entirely sure what the other man wanted out of the conversation. “I’m not even sure he knows,” he answers after a moment. “He apologized for the past and asked me if I was happy. Maybe he was feeling guilty.”
“What did you tell him?” Carlos questions, a smile playing on his mouth when TK shoots him a look. “What?” he asks innocently, and TK can’t help but chuckle at his fishing.
“I told him,” he starts to say, making sure that he’s holding Carlos’ gaze, as usual falling in love all over again as he gets lost in Carlos’ soulful brown eyes. “That every morning, I wake up amazed I got so lucky to love and be loved by you.”
Carlos pulls him to his side, pressing his face into his neck. “I’m the lucky one, Ty,” he whispers against his skin.
TK smiles at Carlos’ words, his smile growing as Luca shouts for them to keep up; the penguins are waiting. “We both are, my love.”
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hqcult · 3 years
PERFECT ## oikawa tooru
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the air of perfection surrounding you makes him sick. you're worse than the geniuses he hates
. tw misogny, predatory behavior, smut, noncon/dubcon, slight dacryphilia, corruption kink, fingering . wc 1.2k
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before his flight to argentina in a few months, oikawa made it a hobby to swing by his alma mater. 
iwa's too busy and he can't possibly bother his best friend when he's working so hard in college. so oikawa tooru goes alone. sometimes, he comes in early while the team's still there. maybe he'll even join matches for fun — coach irihata still has a soft spot for him, apparently. 
but most of the time he comes when the gym is empty; when there's an absence of the squeaking shoes and the ricocheting balls. it never fails to make his heart swell in nostalgia. ah, how he’ll miss this place terribly once he moves to argentina. 
something did change, though. 
oikawa wouldn't call it drastic but the first time he crashed their practice, he was all but pleasantly surprised to see the new aoba johsai manager. 
you were a pretty thing and the boys adore you a lot. you didn't look the type to apply as manager just to score an athlete boyfriend nor did you seem to have any other objective other than taking care of the team. oikawa can say as much because he could see how the new captain looks at you and the way you purposely try to keep things platonic. friendly. you don't let yahaba, or anyone in the team, go the extra mile for you.
and the fact that you can miraculously keep kyoutani in check is the cherry on top. while the said player is still rough around the edges, he learned how to listen to you and the last time kyoutani ever listened to anyone was months ago, when iwaizumi was still in the team. 
team morale is high when you're there to support them on the sidelines. in your white and turquoise tracksuit yet still managing to look attractive. yahaba's got quite the patience, if oikawa do say so himself. 
you were like some sort of goddess to them. it's sickening how dewy-eyed his ex-teammates would get whenever you smile and hand them their water bottles. it was too good to be true. you were too good to be true. there has got to be some sort of conspiracy behind this whole ordeal. 
"oikawa-san, i didn't think you'd be here at this hour."
he turns around at the sound of your voice. there you stood in casual clothes, hair tied up and face bare. with the harsh angles the moonlight created together with the poor lighting of the gym, you look normal. not an air of that perfection he’s always seen circulating around you. 
"how did you get in? only yahaba and i have the keys."
you saunter closer and it wasn't a wise move on your part. while you have aoba johsai as the same denominator, the alumnus was still practically a stranger. quick exchanges of acknowledgments aren't exactly sufficient to get to know someone. let alone be friends with. but you never once thought any of that. how naive.
he smiles as you finally stood next to him. you can't help the slight dread pool in your stomach at the sight of it. with his tall lean frame that can easily overpower you, the smile looked more ominous than friendly. 
"bold of you to assume i gave the keys back. why do you think shigeru had to duplicate them again for you?"
you didn't see it coming, the arm oikawa slings around your shoulders before pulling you flush against him. you would've lost your balance if you hadn't clutched the lapels of his coat. 
"can it be…" his plush lips graze the shell of your ear as he whispers. "our little secret, cutie?"
warning bells are going off in your head. it tells you to run and stay the fuck away from him but you did nothing of the sort, had only forced a polite smile and swiftly ducked around to get his arm off you. 
this is oikawa tooru we're talking about. 
yeah, you know he's quite the ladies man but you doubt he'd go... that far, especially if he knows the person's uncomfortable. not to mention, you're part of the volleyball team! you're managing his past team. surely, maybe, the familial bond extended to you too despite only joining their little family this year. you were just being paranoid. you were reading into it too much. 
"uhm, yes. of-of course."
oikawa does have to admit, seeing little miss perfect stutter and avert her eyes from him did wonders to his ego. well, now you don't look anything like the goddess his ex-team worships. you're not exuding the same level of confidence or reliability that you always carry yourself with. you look unsure of yourself. powerless in the face of real dominance. 
"why are you here?"
"i…" is it really wise for you to say why? "i forgot the team's record notebook in the girl's locker room. i need to pass a summary of it to coach tomorrow.”
oikawa smiles, eyes comically lighting up in excitement before slinging a heavy, oppressive arm around you again. "ooh, i'll come with!"
you walk with shoulders slightly folded in and the ex-captain likes you like this. all meek and submissive. he daresay you look prettier compliant and not like a self-entitled princess who thinks she shouldn't bother being romantically involved with an athlete. he still thinks you were bitchy and idiotic for friend zoning yahaba of all people. he thought you should be very thankful for getting noticed by his junior. 
but oh well, at least oikawa gets to have a go. 
to witness firsthand what the fuss about you is all about.
you wanted to shrug his arm away and he knows that but he won't do it. the fact that you're struggling to even speak up about it makes him smirk. see, now you know your place. as you should. sometimes, girls like you who get silly little ideas in their head should be reminded of where they truly stand in the food chain. oikawa is more than glad to be the one reminding you. 
you told him to wait outside while you sauntered into the girls' locker room and oikawa smiles that innocent smile before nodding. 
a prey really shouldn't have turned her back on a predator.
just as you picked up your blue notebook on the bench, the resounding lock of the door clicking shut sounded too loud in a closed-off space. "oikawa—'
"you know, i'd really appreciate if we drop formalities. i think screaming tooru while i fuck you sound way better. makes things more intimate, dontcha think?"
he was onto you before you even got the chance to turn around. the notebook you were holding drops to the ground as he grabs hold of your wrists, his leg swiping at your ankles to tackle you to the ground. he's quick. the floor is hard and cold when your back crashes into it. you wince, the shock of what's happening yet to register in your system. never before thinking that this sort of thing will happen to you.
oikawa isn't as cruel or disgusting as you think. you were both legal adults. he knows. after all, he was there when the team decided to throw you a surprise birthday party on your 18th. he was also there from around the corner, eavesdropping when yahaba pulled you aside and confessed his feelings to you and you had the fucking audacity to turn him down. 
he doesn't want to call this revenge, not when he'd still do it whether or not shigeru had confessed. 
you were from a different breed of people. worse than geniuses. you are so disgustingly perfect in every sense of the word that it's so fucking unfair. it fueled jealousy more severe than he ever felt from tobio or ushiwaka. 
because people aren't perfect. people aren't meant to be perfect. even oikawa himself is far from it so why should you be any different from him? you're nothing special. you're ordinary just like him. you don't deserve it. you're not even working hard enough like oikawa to fucking deserve it!
you were red in the face when he took a good look at your pinned form underneath him. your eyes are glossy but held fierce contempt as you meet his gaze, your lips sealed shut in a straight line. you were trying to hold yourself back from crying and it only fuels the fire of his anger. 
"what, think i'm not worth your tears?" he growls, a hand coming up to pull your hair. he sits atop you, his legs pinning yours down as he straddles your hips. "think you're so high and mighty that you won't cry for your oh so dependable oikawa-san?" he purposely makes his voice high-pitched like a girl, copying you spitefully. 
"that’s fine, i can give you a real reason to cry."
he rips your flimsy shorts off and ogles at your cute panties. pink with little bows? how innocent. 
his large hand covers your mouth, the heavy pressure keeping your head in place as his other hand cups your sex. the heat of his palms makes you squirm. already simulating the sensitive nerves and you poorly try shaking your head in denial. because no no no your body shouldn't be enjoying it!
"ou're a real piece of work, (name)-chan," he starts, voice conversation as he nudges your underwear aside, the flat of his thumb drawing lazy circles against your bare clit. "why pretend you don't like it? it's okay to accept pleasure from ordinary people like me. you're plain and average at best too, you know."
with both his hands occupied, you can freely try pushing him away but it's futile. he's too strong and your head is starting to ache with how hard he's pressing it against the floor. 
his blissful expression peeves you out entirely. he doesn't look regretful in the slightest. "you should really get off of that high horse, cutie. stop pushing me away. silly little girls like you belong like this, underneath a capable and powerful man to protect you."
you pant, the ministrations on your clit too good but you don't let it blind you. 
"fuck yo—"
but oikawa doesn't let you finish. he swoops in for a kiss, a hand holding your jaw firmly in place so you can't bite him. a particular hard nudge on your clit makes you gasp instinctively and his tongue invades your mouth. he's a good kisser. so damn skilled from all the girls he's kissed before you. maybe if circumstances had been different, you'd have butterflies in your stomach. 
"aw," he coos against your lips. "i see. little miss perfect wants me to fuck her? how cute."
you thrash and squirm, a pathetic sneer on your face as he holds you down with ease. all it takes is one firm hold against your shoulder as he nibbles on your neck, kissing and suckling at your skin until they turn purple and red. he placed them in positions he knows you can never cover even with the official aoba johsai uniform. why would you cover them anyway? you should wear his hickeys with confidence! it's the one evidence to show he even bothered himself with you so you should be grateful to him!
"let go of me, you jer—!"
"i don't think i'll suck on your tits today, cutie. no time. let's get to the fucking already then, yeah?" 
you absolutely hate his voice. it's the signature high-pitched and childlike tone partnered with that goofy smile of his. a facade he always wears when dealing with other people. a show he's mastered to an artform. he looks awfully unbothered by how wrong this is and it chills you to the bone. 
"i told you it's tooru!" he whines, pouting. "how many times do i have to tell you?"
panic seizes you when his ankles hook around your legs to force them open. he hears none of your pleas and shoves two long fingers up your pussy. there's a slight stinging feeling as he looks for that one spot that'll make you succumb, make you admit defeat. 
"if you want my dick inside this pussy you better call me by my given name or you won't cum, baby girl~" he says in a sing-song tone.
"who the fuck told you i wanted your—shit."
your toes curl and your back arches when his fingers grazed around a certain area. you didn't have time to feel betrayed by your body's reaction as the man on top of you chuckles condescendingly, angling his fingers so he hits the spot in every single thrust. "you like that, don't you? you like what my fingers are doing."
"no?" oikawa repeats, measured. with a flick of his wrist, he has his thumb pressing firmly against the sensitive nerves of your puffy clit again and he watches you writhe, lose yourself to pleasure, moaning and whining so wantonly under him. "but cutie, i don't think that's what your body is telling me."
you cringe in disgust when his hot tongue laps at the falling tears in your eyes before whispering against your ear. breathy, and desperate, and ever so patronizing. you don't hear the zipper of his pants going down, nor did you realize he wasn't even bothering to hold you down anymore. good. that's a good start. baby steps, oikawa thinks. for someone who sat in a make-shift throne worshipped by hormonal teen athletes for so long, serving the one great king will be a huge reset for you. 
when he enters, it's a tight fit. of-fucking-course you're a virgin. always staying true to that little miss perfect reputation, huh? sweet and gorgeous but humble and demure. you probably had the same shitty old school belief of staying pure 'till marriage. it makes him harder, makes his length throb and ache with the desire to taint, to soil, to fuck you until that good girl image is stripped away and all you can think about in every waking moment of your useless life is your tooru's big fat cock. your pure lips only producing the most sinful of words to satiate his deepest desires—"fuck me hard, tooru!" "make me your whore, tooru!" "i want to feel all of you, tooru!" "i want your cock so bad, tooru! please please please!"
your longing cries of defeat, the lewd sound of skin slapping, oikawa's pornographic moans—it's a wicked symphony crafted by prodigies. "go on, cutie. cry for me. cry, and cry, and cry, 'til you don't have anything left inside you but your sorry tears and my cum!"
little miss perfect? no. you're his little cockwhore.
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aetherarf · 3 years
Excuse me, but could I see Amber, Ningguang and Beidou with an adopted child that is heavily implied to have had a very difficult life before they took them in? The child is very quiet, shy and fearful and is prone to nightmares and crying. Is this okay?
This is more headcanon-y than actual fic because I can't figure out how to do it as a fic.
Amber is... Probably the most confused about the situation. She tries, she tries, she tries to take care of the child, but she's... barely an adult herself, and she's not sure how to take care of one, but seeing them terrified and crying at the idea of being alone once again, Amber couldn't help but scoop them up. She isn't exactly pleased with how shy and fearful they are, believing that childhood is a time to explore, to yell, and to cause problems. But, as they drop a plate and it shatters, they sob and cry, curling up on the floor, screaming out apologies... Amber doesn't care, it's just a plate, did they get cut or hurt? No? It's okay, then, everything's okay. Even if they got hurt, Amber just patches them up... she's not sure if she's doing the right thing, but she's trying to just go by her gut.
Things always feel alright when she can hold the child, and theyre curled up against her torso, sleeping peacefully and without an ounce of fear... in these moments, she never has a doubt anymore. Everthing will be okay.
Ningguang is the most equipped to handle these sorts of things. She's already fond of children, but when she was giving a few candies to the kids, as they told her about the oddities happening in Liyue, one seemed a bit too eager, and mentioned how they 'probably won't eat tonight.' Hell to the legal repercussions, she takes the child, and investigates whatever caused them such problems, be it abuse, or just homelessness, or something else entirely. She is very patient, even when the child has meltdowns about even quiet noises, or being spooked. She, gently, convinces them to talk to someone who can help them, who can get the 'scary thoughts' out of their mind, or at least make them less loud.
Sometimes, though, she finds herself going to the child's room, sitting beside the bed on the floor, her arms folded on the bed, her head atop them, as she watches her child rest. She's so worried for them... and, honestly, she may have worse separation anxiety than the child themself... Maybe she's not sleeping as well, but it's just a rough situation... But she knows she can give them the best life, or at least, a lot better than what they had before.
Beidou is... well, she's very relaxed. A kid that was wandering the docks, trying to do whatever they could just for a few mora. After just a short conversation with the kid, she gives them a choice: They can stay on the docks, or join the Crux Fleet. Three hot meals a day, travel the world, and they get paid for their 'work' [aka, allowance.] The child is unsure, but... with no other options, they accept. Everyone's only mildly surprised when Beidou ends up introducing the kid to everyone, much more surprised when they break down, and Beidou apologies briefly, "Sorry! Gotta cut this short!" And carries them off to a quiet room, and soothes them, eventually asking why they got so upset. Loud noises, lots of people, it was too much. Beidou promises ["Do you want to make a pinky promise? I heard a song that goes with it from Snezhnaya!"] to not do that to them again. When she's not busy, Kazuha ends up becoming the babysitter. He's soft spoken, and Beidou's heart swells with love for the child when they get along with him quickly, napping on his lap... maybe she ends up taking them and nuzzling them until they jolt awake. She just couldn't help it!
But... she's there for the hard times, too. She doesn't think dwelling on the agony of their past is the best option. In fact, she goes out of her way to avoid it unless the child brings it up and wants to confide in her, then she lovingly listens, and holds them close. She's the first to take them out of any upsetting situation, and the crew has taken to going below dock whenever a loud, thundrous storm comes, and all do their best to help the child hide from the sounds of lightning cracking. Beidou is always there to start a song, a cheer, to muffle the thunder. But, she isn't made to be a mother... she knows she's not the best for this, so all she can do is her best.
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candychronicles · 3 years
bodyguard // s. todoroki
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A/N: my take on the rockstar/band/performer au for bnharem! i’m not a big fan of au’s normally but this one was a lot of fun to write! todoroki is definitely ooc in this one but i took a lot of liberties with his character in order to better fit the au storyline.
CHARACTER PAIRING: Todoroki Shouto x F!Reader
WARNINGS: mentions of blood, gore, fighting, death, oral sex (f!receiving)
SYNOPSIS: you were in it for the money, he was an unhinged popstar. how could you two ever possibly get along?
want to read more rocking stories? click HERE !
the days at work were tiring, the nights even longer, but the pay was good and it was always satisfying to make a grown man cry as you knocked him to his knees and manhandled him away from your client.
Todoroki Shouto, one of the elite, the famed, the rich, and absolutely fucking annoying. sure, he was hot (anyone with an eye could see that) but he was just like everyone else in his industry: a cocky bastard. you didn’t mind his lifestyle too much except when it interfered with his job, like having to pry off whiny people who clung to him like their life depended on it, and for some, it probably did.
his biggest claim to fame was being in a now wildly famous band, namely the main singer. he was charming with a sultry voice and a personality that oozed confidence but he wasn’t always that way. in fact, he was originally a shy, anxiety ridden teen when he first joined, not sure how to use his voice or deal with people coming up to him in the streets. the life he lived was sheltered before that, training under his dad to take over the family business, but when sweet, innocent Todoroki confessed that he much rather be artsy and sing at the age of sixteen, things quickly changed for him. his father, Todoroki Enji, tried to convince him otherwise, told him that he didn’t know how the real world worked and that he would never be successful, but Shouto wouldn’t budge and eventually Enji caved in, or so it seemed.
Enji immediately enrolled Shouto in lessons, instructing him to shape up or ship out. if he couldn’t become successful in the industry, he would take over his father’s business instead, but that didn’t happen. Shouto excelled in lessons, blowing his instructors away with his timbre and control. he was a natural, and frankly, good enough to be a star. they weren’t so concerned with his stoic yet endearing personality. they had broken enough pop stars, molded them to be perfect model citizens, so what was one more?
the plan backfired immensely. as Shouto’s talent grew, Enji seeked out the biggest in the game, convincing them to give his son a chance at stardom. while reluctant, the board agreed, not wanting to piss off one of the most powerful men in Japan but were thoroughly surprised at the fact that his kid didn’t suck at all. in fact, he was actually good, really, really good.
they signed him immediately, whisking him away into the life of fame and fortune at the young age of seventeen. his range, the slight rasp to his tone and the ability to reach into somebody's soul and pluck the very feelings they try to hide so deeply from it’s depths pushed him towards the life of a rockstar. the freedom he had never been able to experience living at home pushed him over the edge and spiraled him out of control.
Todoroki drank, smoked, and fucked his way through cities big and small, getting himself into a lot of trouble along the way. the behavior went on for years, only getting worse as time went on. nobody seemed to be able to get control over the boy with the pretty hair and wild scar. after almost killing several women and one of his bandmates in a drunk driving accident, his team, label, and most importantly his father had enough.
the conversation between the two did not go well. Shouto was now an adult, legally free and clear from his father’s power. he had his own money, enough to live comfortably for awhile, even if he dropped the band, and all of the repressed rage, longing and anger that was pent up from his childhood. he was not stopping his lifestyle for anyone. that was, until you came along.
you were always a scrapper, getting yourself in trouble more times than you could count. it was just in your nature to defend those who couldn’t defend themselves and you spent many days on the playground beating up the bullies who picked on the sweet girl braiding flowers into her hair, or the boy who liked to play with baby dolls instead of trucks.
as you got older, your fights got fewer and farther in between, at least when it came to the public.
when you turned sixteen and kicked some kid who was trying to look up your skirt so hard in the chin that he saw stars, you were approached by a few men who slid you a card and told you if you wanted to make money fighting, come meet them.
you were a dumb kid and instead of running in the opposite direction and telling the police, you showed up at the seemingly dingy door behind the alley of a fairly run down ramen restaurant. knocking on the door and rocking back on your heels, you waited to see what would happen. it took a few seconds before a panel slid open, allowing you to see nothing but someone’s eyes peering at you in the mid-afternoon sun. hesitantly, you raised the business card in your hand, showing it to the person and jumping in surprise as the panel slammed shut and the door creaked open, inviting you in.
you nodded your head politely at who you realized was a rather bulky, burly man, before a woman dressed in a silky black dress plucked the card delicately from your hand and led you through the hallway. when she opened the door, you were taken aback by the scene.
people of all shapes and sizes stood cheering as two rather muscular men fought in an arena across the room. spit and blood flew across the floor as the two pummeled each other over and over again before one tapped out, the other man raising his fist in the air in victory. you stood, gaze fixed on the scene in front of you, blood racing at the thought of you being in the ring.
“addicting, isn’t it?” the woman whispered in your ear, a knowing smile on her face before she gently took you by the sleeve and guided you away from the screams and shouts into a private room that was much quieter.
you sat down in front of a man who was rather tall and thin, graying hair across his head and a clean shaven face.
“so, i heard you’re a good fighter. how good do you think you are?”
“uh-” you stuttered, not sure how to respond, “i think i can kick someone’s ass if i have a reason to.”
“is money a good enough reason for you?”
“money is a nice reward, yeah, yeah it is,” you confirmed, not pondering the question over for a second.
“good, you start on Saturday. come in comfy clothes that you won’t mind getting sweaty and dirty in. you’re my new ace, a secret weapon. give it six months time and you’ll be defeating guys like that out there in seconds.”
and defeat you did. over and over again, men, women, anyone who thought they were better than you were defeated by your own fists. you worked hard and then some, through literal sweat, blood and tears, to reach the status of champion of the underworld by the age of eighteen.
you were a wild card, unpredictable in your stature. you didn’t have hulking muscles and a sturdy frame, but what you did have was speed, the element of surprise, and the ability to calculate in a split second, all of which allowed you to defeat your enemies time and time again. this relative victory didn’t come without your share of sacrifices: hiding the bruises, blackened eyes and bloody lips from your family as you trained relentlessly, having to figure out a way to manage the steady flow of income that started coming your way as you fought in your first official matches, defeat after defeat as you trained, chipping a tooth and having it promptly filled in like nothing happened, having to learn how to disarm and fire a gun, work with knives and most importantly, losing a bit of your empathy along the way.
it came as no surprise when people who were much more powerful and much, much richer started taking an interest in you, placing large bets upon your head at some of the higher staked matches, a feat you worked your way up to after many years. you never failed to disappoint, knowing that these fights were the ones that mattered the most, the ones that brought you, and your boss, the biggest pools of money.
it was at one of these fights on a dreary, rainy night that you met Todoroki Enji, a hulking man that failed to intimidate you. you were used to people his size and bigger thinking he could take advantage of someone like you and it only made you chuckle thinking of how easy it would be to have him on his knees in seconds.
“i’ve made a proposal to your boss that he couldn’t refuse. he said he couldn’t and wouldn’t force you to do anything, but since you’re quite motivated by money, i think you’ll be intrigued by my offer,” he started, sitting down next to you in one of the VIP booths, sliding his business card on the table with a sly smile.
you were interested and entertained him, listening to him ramble about his shitty kid and his bad behavior. amused, you sipped on your drink as you absorbed his rants and whines about the negative reputation his kid was creating for himself, how he abused his freedom and power to the fullest extent and how his life was spiraling out of control.
“what does this have to do with me, exactly?” you finally questioned, setting your drink down and turning to face him, eyes met squarely with his own.
“i’d like to hire you to be his personal bodyguard.”
“sounds like he needs a babysitter, not a bodyguard,” you retorted, getting ready to stand up and move away from this blathering idiot.
when he spit out a number so outrageous, however, you sat back down, now thoroughly intrigued by the situation at hand. satisfied that he had your full attention, he went into details, laying down a fairly thin stack of papers in front of you as you listened to every detail.
“so let me get this straight. i’m to be his personal bodyguard, keep his shitty behavior a little more under control, whip him up into shape sort of situation. that’s it? and i’ll get paid that much for being a glorified babysitter?”
“you will have to protect him, of course. there are some crazy fans out there that climb windows, seduce themselves into his bed, stalk him, chase him down, but i don’t think it’s anything that, with your expertise, you can’t handle.”
you continued to ponder the situation before gesturing him to continue with his story. he rambled for another moment or two before picking up the papers and going over them with you: standard non-disclosure agreements, a detailed list of your job description and a contract agreement that he was subleasing you through your boss.
after a few minutes of reading the contracts over and discussing them with your boss, you agreed to the scenario, locking yourself into what would be a rather entertaining six months.
the first time you met Todoroki, he instantly tried to hit on you, but when his hand lowered down to grab your ass, you had him on his knees with his left hand behind his back before he could even blink. after that encounter, your conversations were curt. he knew what you were here for and he wasn’t about to let you get his way.
what he wasn’t expecting was for you to be so relaxed about the whole situation. he still drank, still partied, fucked almost whatever girl or guy he wanted, but anytime things got too out of hand, you stepped in, firm but gentle, guiding the crying groupies out of his bedroom after their time was over, driving him every time he got too drunk, cutting him off from any supplies when he was getting out of hand and most importantly, keeping him safe during his travels.
he never realized how much danger he was always in until you mitigated the problems with ease. he just assumed that being assaulted on the daily was something that came with being in the public until you broke some robbers finger when they tried to swipe the wallet out of his own back pocket. after that, he almost clung to you like a koala on a tree anytime he was out in public. you provided stability in a time where he was drowning in his own worries.
that didn’t mean he was ever nice to you though. in reality, he was actually sometimes meaner to you, the simple fact that some girl could be stronger than him set him off, always feeling on edge around you. you weren’t necessarily quiet, offering up any and all small bits and pieces about yourself that he ever wanted to know, but he never really knew you: not your last name, where you were from, if you had any siblings, parents, where you went to school, what your job was, who you were on the inside. it bugged him like crazy to know what your favorite color was and that you liked cheese on your ramen but not anything important, anything he wanted to know.
you liked to keep it that way, however, and would stay as friendly yet aloof as possible. this was a job to you, a job that would set you up easy for awhile and gave you a break from fighting for the most part. you wouldn’t admit to yourself that you liked the man more than you would’ve expected. you felt the way he clung to you as fans swarmed him, the way he always looked to you in reassurance as you walked the streets at night, hearing his sobs in the shower, sobs that were so broken and confused. it showed to you a side of him that was vulnerable, that showed emotion.
he broke down towards the end of your stay, realizing a little too late how much easier it was for you to do your job when he was cooperative and nice. in fact, he began to be more open about enjoying your company and spending time with you. it made it harder for you to continue with your job knowing you were falling for the pretty rich boy, for the man you were hired to protect, for the man who looked at you like you could do no wrong but vehemently would deny it. you began enjoying the little moments with him, the stolen glances, the laughing. you didn’t know what changed in him but you were glad he was someone you could get along with. underneath that crazy exterior, he was just a guy who wanted a friend.
your six months came up relatively quickly. it sucked that your cushy job living in five star hotels, eating decadent meals and working out in state of the art facilities would be over soon but you felt yourself getting lazy, weak and losing your rather sharp edge. it was time to get back into the grind and despite your heart panging at the fact that you would leave the pretty boy with the angry and sad heart behind, you were ready to go.
your last night of work consisted of the final show in Tokyo. tens of thousands of guests were set to attend what would be the bands biggest concert ever. you were calm, cool and collected as always, but the singer, not so much.
he spent the day pacing back and forth, warming up his vocals, hydrating himself, stretching and generally doing his best to calm his nerves.
in a rare act of affection, you reached out to grab your hand with his own, looking him dead in the eye and telling him that this night would be one he would remember forever; and you were right, just not for the way either of you thought.
the show went amazing, the crowd loud and receptive, the choreography flawless, the singing perfect. Todoroki ran off stage with the biggest smile he had ever seen and in his own rare display of affection, twirled you around with ease, adrenaline still pumping through his system.
you congratulated him on the great show and waited patiently for him to remove all the makeup and his costume. he emerged a little while later, hair flat against his head, wet from the shower, sweatpants and an inconspicuous gray hoodie donning his body. you bid a pleasant farewell to his bandmates before escorting him back to the car. he had requested that you drive him back to the hotel and spend one final night in the comfortable hotel beds before you headed back to your hometown.
when you arrived, however, things felt quiet, a little too quiet, and the hair stood up on the back of your neck.
“Shouto, you need to get into the driver’s seat right now, turn on the car and lock it. do not let me in until i tell you to. do not get out of the car, okay?”
he began to question you but before he had a chance to argue, you were pushing him out of the way as a knife sliced towards him, figures cloaked in black emerging from the shadows.
one, two, three, four.
you counted out the four assailants as you shoved Shouto against the car, prompting him to unlock and scramble in through the back seat. only when you heard the click of the lock did you breathe a sigh of relief and begin your attack.
the first man with the knife was tall and lanky, using his height to his advantage, trying to overwhelm you, but with a quick kick to the back of his kneecaps, he went tumbling onto his knees. now shorter than you, you were able to control him by grabbing onto the top of his head and slamming it into the ground, effectively knocking him out.
one, two, three.
the next man thought his muscles would save the day, but his size lacked any true speed, and you were able to land fingers to his eyes, a punch square to his nose. a quick chokehold and he was knocked out against the concrete as well.
one, two.
they both came at once, knives flailing in the air as they sliced your way. one managed to gouge out a chunk of flesh in your arm but you paid no mind, too focused on the task at hand as you grabbed the knife with your hand and used the other arm to knock into their elbow, making them loosen their grip enough to let go of the blade that you then embedded into their shoulder. the other assailant took your distraction to swing the knife your way and as you were trying to dodge the serrated edge, used their other fist to swing up into your chin. you felt your teeth chatter against each other, blood mixing with saliva as you bit your tongue. spitting, you slammed your hand down against their wrist, grabbing the knife with your hand and yanking, not caring that it sliced into your palm as you flipped the weapon around to shove it into their abdomen.
with both men distracted, you slammed your fist against the car door, telling Shouto to quickly unlock it so you could get in. when you heard the telltale click, you instantly dove into the backseat, yelling at him to lock it and drive as fast as he could back to the hotel. he did as he was told with an eerie calmness to him, backing out and around the attackers that were attempting to survey the damage that had been dealt to them.
once you had made the relatively quick trip back to the hotel, you hurriedly jumped out of the car, telling Shouto to carry his own bags so you could be on alert if anything were to happen, scanning each and every corner for a possible other attack. thankfully, everything was safe as you made your way into his hotel room.
you dropped him off quietly, not even attempting to walk into his room, but only fifteen minutes had passed before he was knocking on your door, a first aid kit he had gotten from the front desk securely tucked under his arm.
you let him in without a word, locking the door behind you and turning to face him. before you had a chance to ask what he was doing there, he had dragged you into your rather grandiose bathroom, sitting you on the steps leading up to the jacuzzi tub and pulling out the contents of the kit onto the floor.
he began by assessing the damage to your wounds, cleaning and disinfecting them before wrapping both your hand and arm rather efficiently.
“i had to wrap a lot of my own wounds as well as my siblings. dear old dad let the temper get the best of him sometimes and it wasn’t always so pretty,” he explained, teeth clenching together in an attempt to remain calm.
“thanks for this. i’m sure they’ll heal just fine,” you replied, not wanting to put him in a situation where he had to talk about his troubling past.
“you could’ve died protecting me today, you know?”
“that’s my job Todoroki. i was hired to protect you, i protected you, and i’m fine, thank you very much. this is not my first fight and it definitely won’t be my last.”
he sighed, rubbing his temples as he sat down on the marble floor in front of you, holding your wounded hand in his own, tracing the fabric that surrounded your palm.
“i recognized one of the cars in the parking lot. it was a company car, one of my dad’s cars to be precise. i know they can seem relatively inconspicuous but i memorized every car my dad ever had, big or small. it was definitely his car.”
you mulled over his words for a moment before sighing yourself, slumping against the stairs as your head rested against the rim of the tub.
“your dad sent those men, huh? that’s why you were so eerily calm driving away. you knew you weren’t really in any danger, that those men were secretly there to kill me,” you finally concluded, anger boiling deep within the pit of your stomach.
“yeah, i think they were. i don’t think dad is too fond of the fact that you and i got close. i-i like you a lot more than i let on, i’ve told him so. i thought that would make him happy, knowing i have someone in my life that i could rely on and trust, but he didn’t like the fact that he couldn’t control you after these six months were up, think he wanted to teach me a lesson.”
“wouldn’t be the first time i’ve had a hit out on my head. this one, however, is probably going to be a lot tricker to deal with.”
Shouto sunk deeper into himself, body shaking with rage as he saw the fight flash in his head over and over again.
“i’m going to protect you. if you want to, that is. i’ll sign you on as my own bodyguard, however much money you want. i’ll be by your side always, make sure that nobody tries to kill you, tries to hurt you like that again.”
“i can fend for myself Todoroki.”
“it’s Shouto. and why won’t you let anyone else take care of you? listen, i know i’ve been kind of an ass but i thought we were at least friends, and yet i know nothing about you. i know your favorite color, your favorite animal, that you like sunsets and the rain and snuggling under comfy sheets at the end of the day, that your eyes sparkle when you get a chance to fight but secretly crave peace and comfort, but i don’t know who you are. your name, your story, why you’re really here.”
you heaved as you sat back up, staring him straight in the eye to find no malice, no anger, only confusion, empathy and maybe even a bit of longing. so you told him, you told him everything: who you were, what you were, where you grew up, about your childhood dog and all the scraps you had as a kid, how two strange men in suits approached you and groomed you to fight at the age of sixteen, how it was the only thing you knew how to do, the only thing you were good at, how you scared yourself sometimes because you enjoyed the pain that came with the fights. he sat there watching, eyes wide and unblinking as he absorbed every word you said, every bit of pain and anxiety, of longing for someone to love and understand you, of not having to fight all the time, of wanting to be vulnerable for once.
“let me take care of you,” he declared, standing up and outstretching his hand towards you, helping you up from the cool tile, hand coming to rest behind your head once you had steadied yourself.
he leaned forward, unsure and hesitant, before placing his lips against your own, soft and gentle, tasting of mint chapstick and coffee. you were unsure of yourself, awkward, full of aches and pains, wanting so badly to let go but never wanting to get hurt.
“it’s okay, you’re safe with me. let me take care of you, please.”
that was all it took for you to open up, looping your arms around his neck as he led you back to the bedroom, careful to not run you into anything. your knees hit the back of the bed and you reflexively tensed up, like a deer in headlights.
he shushed you, rubbing his hands up and down your arms, heeding the bandage and wound underneath. you laid back after that, body attempting to relax as his hands ran themselves soothingly over your body, across your breasts, the flesh of your stomach, your thighs, the corded muscles in your calves, slipping your shoes off, your socks, kissing every inch of your body along the way, making sure you were comfortable. you shimmied out of your pants, your tight shirt, bra, underwear, finally bare for him to see, scars, bruises, all the imperfections of your life.
“so, so beautiful,” he murmured, taking his time to kiss every single blemish and scar that you had, wanting you to feel his dedication.
after what felt like hours of soft kisses, his thumb came to rest on your clit, rubbing in quick and precise circles, fingers gently parting your folds to press into your body, back arching at the feeling of him already.
“it’s all about you tonight, okay? just relax, let me show you how much i appreciate you.”
and appreciate you he did. he dropped to his knees, nose nuzzling into your pubic bone as he kitten licked your clit once, twice, three times, testing your reaction. you whined and squirmed at the feeling, already overwhelmed by his fingers lazily dragging in and out of you. you wanted, needed more, but Todoroki wouldn’t hear any of that. you deserved to be treated right, treated gently tonight, to allow your worries to melt away, if only for a few moments.
his fingers began picking up pace, pistoning in and out of you, his fingers curling in all the right spots, fists clenched into the downy comforter as you attempted to ground yourself from the overwhelming situation. his tongue worked against your clit, changing speed and pressure, trying to find what was the right combination to set you off, watching your every move intently as you squirmed around on the bed. before he even got a chance to get into a routine, you were already cumming over his fingers, creamy liquid coating the digits.
he hummed in contentment, pulling his fingers out to lick up the syrup, you watching with your pupils blown wide.
you went to sit up, body aching from the adrenaline of the fight, but he pushed you back down into the plush bed, tutting as he settled his head against your thigh, kissing, sucking and biting along the plump flesh, leaving little marks only he would know about.
his tongue began lapping at your clit again, this time harsher, more in tune with what your body wanted. you clenched your legs around his head, fisting his hair with your good hand as you tried to ground yourself yet again to reality. his velvety tongue felt like heaven against your body, coaxing moans and sighs out of your mouth. you felt your second orgasm hit you like a freight truck, tingles running up your spine. you tried to push his head away but he only held your body down, a frighteningly feral look on his face as he continued to lap against your clit, unrelenting in his pursuit to pull orgasm after orgasm from you.
after, two, three, four more highs, you couldn’t tell where one began and one ended, he was finally satisfied, pulling his face away, chin glistening in the dim light. your eyes were teary and red, overwhelmed by everything he had put you through. you had never been more satisfied in your life, and by the look on Shouto’s face, he knew it too.
your eyelids began to droop and your body relaxed into the mattress as you came back down into reality. Shouto shuffled around the room before settling you into your bed, tucking the sheets around your body and propping your head against your pillow.
he was enamored by your, by your story, how you opened up so willingly to him after tonight. nothing would get in between you two now. he was just starting to truly know you, know the real you, and nothing was going to stop him from wooing you until you were his, not even his father., and if her life was ever threatened again by him, well, Shouto would just have to kill Todoroki Enji.
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