#because they were together through the whole war. they saw the same things.
My life won't be complete until I name the other lead in the historical fiction I've decided I'm going to write.
#but I've decided that the reason Jo and the other one get to stay together after the war without question#is because they always just claim they understand each other in ways no one else could.#it makes me kind of sad that they cant have kids so i might give Josie a husband that dies in the war#that when one wakes up screaming the other knows exactly why and is the only one who does.#because they were together through the whole war. they saw the same things.#i might also give one a husband? it wouldn't be Josie.#he would die. that would be part of the excuse too.#“well why don't you nice women marry soldiers? they know the horrors too#“she did. her husband died capturing Passchendaele and you want her to just replace him?#she is a mourning widow. And i am just a friend who understands.#i might give them both husbands. but it depends.#(Josie gives off agreement vibes. like they're both gay and in love with someone so they act as beards)#(whereas the other one gives off “im pretending I like men so he can be happy and i can be accepted” vibes)#but anyway i might give Josie a husband that dies in the war. and then the other one's husband would live through it and they'd stay married#but he would kill himself (within the year probably) as so many soldiers did. and she would be pregnant.#so that they could have a kid. because i think they deserve a kid.#god josie wouldn't know she wants kids but shed be such a good mom if it came down to it#but wait#ww2 if they wanted to sign up for it one of them would have to stay with their kid#I'd think Josie would be the one to go back and serve again. shes suited for it. she was in charge.#but she was wounded. bad i think. possibly just a leg injury but I'd love to go abdominal.#so she was probably honourably discharged. she can't go back. it would have to be the other one.#I don't think my heart could kill off either of them but especially not the other one if it would leave Josie and their kid all alone#james is rambling again#ocs#rambling#thoughts#writer#writing#original character
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remotepixel · 5 months
headcanons for platonic peter parker who wants to be your brother sooo bad
AAAA ok i want to say thank you so much for requesting !!!!!! i was literally so excited when i saw it lol.
I set this around Homecoming but didn't specify too much.
TW: yandere themes!
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I imagine Peter always wanted a sibling.
-As a bullied, ‘weird’ kid, he grew up wishing he could have someone to hang out with when no one else wanted to.
-Of course, his parents always said no (since it obviously isn’t as simple as young him thought) and he never pestered May and Ben about it, too busy grieving and learning the struggles of money, but the idea lingered well into his teens.
-And, when he met you, he couldn’t help but think maybe God was granting him his wish.
He would be very clingy (to put it simply).
-If you’re in the same school, he’ll make you sit with him and his friends at lunch, walk you to and from lessons, anything to keep himself glued to your side.
-If not, he’ll be constantly checking his phone, texting you 24/7 (or calling you if he can), to the point I wouldn’t be surprised if he got a couple detentions for it.
-He acts like being away from you is the worst thing to ever happen to him.
-Like if doesn’t get a constant reminder that you’re not ignoring him and you’re just busy he’s gonna drop dead.
Outside of school, he would normally invite you around his house to build lego Star Wars or binge old movies no one else your age knows.
-I think he’d really like having things only between you two - like an inside joke or a project you work on together - both because he has an excuse to talk to you, and because it makes it seem like you’ve know each other your whole lives (something he wishes desperately was true).
I imagine Aunt May seeing you two hanging out one day, squabbling about how to properly ensemble the last piece (he’d probably go with your judgement no matter what though), and tells him something along the lines of ‘stop fighting with your sibling’ as a joke.
-The way Peter’s face would just be 😯 before breaking into a massive smile that permanently stays on his face for the next month.
-Like, even Aunt May agrees that he’s your brother, that's basically the same as her adopting you, yeah? no-
Peter is a bit delusional if you couldn't tell.
-Like, the way he constantly called Happy because he convinced himself that it was gonna go through eventually? Yeah, you’re getting the same treatment.
-He assumes you feel the same even if you so much as look at him (I bet he’ll think it’s some ‘sibling secret code’ and look at you in the same way so it looks like he understood).
That isn’t to say he’s ignorant to your emotions though.
-He copies your feelings in a way - like, if you’re sad, he’ll be as well, if you’re angry at something, he’ll be angry, etc.
-He isn’t one for violence but I don’t think he would care if Spiderman webbed/roughed up a few people who were annoying you (I don’t think he’d do much more unless you were in serious danger or he got too caught up into his feelings like in no way home).
I can’t believe I didn’t mention this before but he would be so jealous if you actually had (a) sibling(s).
-Like, he’s supposed to be your brother, but now he has to compete with people who know you so much better than he does? People who get to live with you and say you’re related without getting funny looks?
-(He lied to MJ once and it immediately backfired- he just wanted someone to actually think you and him were siblings, ok? Is that really a crime?)
-I don’t think he would have it in him to be outright mean to them, but he wouldn’t be overly nice either, just neutral enough to hide any jealously and not get banned from seeing you.
He tries not to come across as pathetic (don’t tell him he lowkey is-) but he’s never had much of a family before. Sure, he has Aunt May but everyone else? Dead, just like that.
Siblings is a whole new world for him and he just wants to be there for you, be your role model like Stark is for him, and prove that he can be the best brother ever.
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I have re-read this but my tenses might be messed up </3
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bookishdaze · 1 month
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes Review. More like Rambling and Word Vomiting.
I saw it last night. Finally. After so long!
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I personally thought it was good, and a solid addition to the POTA franchise. I don't think it's better than Dawn or War, but I'm willing to bet that by the time the full trilogy is out, Kingdom is gonna be looked back upon as a good beginning to Noa and Mae's story, the same way Rise, despite being most people's least favorite of the Caesar trilogy, is still an amazing intro to Caesar's story.
Some nitpicks. Despite the movie being 2.5 hours long, I felt like the final act came too fast? Like, I understand what people meant with the pacing issue. Suddenly we were in the 3rd act and I was like "Wait, we're here? It's done?"
Now, onto the characters! Let the fangirling commence!
I loved seeing how his journey and character started and where he ends by the end of the movie.
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Him going from "That is the law" to "That is the law. But the law is wrong" was so satisfying.
And him being able to call the eagles to him by the end was great to see. By the way, THE SINGING SCENE WITH THE EAGLES???? LIKE???? It could've been so corny but I LOVED IT???
I'm so glad this movie answered the question of whether apes can sing. Yeah, I know they are only humming, but I'LL TAKE IT. APES CAN SING. YESSSS!
He was just a really nice character to follow. I can't wait to see how he'll be like in the next movie after the events of this one transformed him.
I also think he is the kind of protagonist we need after Caesar. I love Caesar, but Noa is....hmm, I guess you could say softer? More naive? I'm sure he'll get tougher as the movies progress like Caesar did, but I like this change.
I am a Mae defender. Yes, she did betray Noa in the end. I expected her to tbh. And I understand why she did it. She was right in that Proximus getting his hands on those weapons would've been disastrous.
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She has probably been taught all her life nothing but bad things about the apes. She was not going to switch sides just because she met Noa. We still got two whole movies after this. She probably won't have her "redemption" until the 3rd movie. I can honestly go on rambling about her, but I'd rather save that for another separate post.
I really like him. He's great and funny. I love seeing how he talks about humans and his hopes for humans and apes.
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Right before he dies, he reminds Noa "Together, strong." His final words and his necklace as a gift to Noa serve as a reminder. A reminder of a hopeful future where apes and humans can coexist. (And then Noa passing along that same necklace to Mae? Bringing a reminder of that hope for peace into her world? Ugh. So good.)
Also, "He was my village." LIKE. DID HE LOSE HIS PARTNER? MY HEART.
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I thought he was cool. He gave my mother and I a jump scare at the dinner scene where he slams his fist. Also, the way he was just in awe of the gun after Lightning dies. He has his priorities.
Soona and Anaya
Those two were so cute, and I loved their friendship with Noa.
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Anaya broke my heart. In the beginning at the tunnel scene, he's all like "Anaya is not scared." But at Proximus's kingdom, he looks terrified at the dinner scene, and before he goes on the mission to climb the wall, he goes "Anaya is scared" and didn't want to go. Poor guy. He pulled through in the end though.
Although *puts on tinfoil hat* this makes me wonder if this foreshadows how his fear will lead him to make a big mistake in the future movies. Similar to what happened with Winter.
Soona was so sweet. Although I'm disappointed we didn't get more of her with Noa. I saw an interview where Soona's actress described a moment where after they are reunited, they kind of make known their feelings for each other or something like that. But...it didn't happen?
Mae and Noa
Alrighty, I'm gonna briefly put on my shipping goggles on, bear with me, because one has to be a teensy bit delusional for this type of stuff, BUT....
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I sensed a....vibe? Not a romantic vibe. They are nowhere close to that yet. But I felt like there were tropes and scenes between them that simply imply a romantic path is a possible direction for their relationship. I will make a separate post about them. I wanna wrap this up, lol.
The ending
I liked the ending. It has me so excited for the future of this trilogy. Now that the humans are able to communicate with others, what will this mean? How will Mae be torn between her people and the apes? Same with Noa? I need to know naooooo
8.5/10 stars (I ain't done rambling about this movie yet. But it's my birthday, and I gotta go out and have some dinner, hehe).
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m1sa-w1sa · 27 days
Oooh~ can I get a third round of that Reader S/O that's a reincarnated dark lord With Yae Miko, Lisa, Cloud retainer and Ganyu? I loved the previous two you did for this but omg the second hit me in the feels
(Hi!!! So I saw your other request with lumine and just to make it more easier for me I just mushed them together! Hope you enjoy!^^ TW ASWELL!!)
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Yae Miko
She was actually hard to write for because I do not like Yae AT ALL
•So when she found out she was a little conflicted yes, but she frustrated at you she didnt understand and that made her frustrated based on lore wise
•When she confronted you about it she teased you, saying that its your fault that all the archons were split you felt uncomfortable..you didnt like when Yae acted like this and you told her to stop but she kept going, she told you its all fun and games but it hurt being teased so you left, without a trace just with a note
•Yae Miko thought this was some type of prank! But when she realized you were gone her dace dropped where the hell were you?? What if you get hurt? She cant let that happen
“Darling..?! Darling where are you?!”
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•She most likely found out in books while she was in the library
•It caught her eye that you and the dark lord had so many similarities together..still she didnt judge just yet to see what you said
•She went to go ask you some questions, calmly and not to upfront to make you stressed, when you told her you didnt know she wasnt mad, disrespectful, rude, she understood, not every person reborn remembers and since that was the only book about the dark lord (in mondstat) she hid it from others so no one else can know about it and question it
“Dont worry darling I believe you… now why dont you be my little helper again in the library Hm?”
Cloud Retainer/XianYun
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•Found out through the traveler while they were snooping around for whatever reason
•She was surprised and didn’t believe at first she went on her own way and researched herself, when all the features were almost perfect she quickly went to go ask you about this
•She knew that if she stayed with you that means that everyone would find out, and how you say you dont remember is even worse
“We will split paths..”
“Wait what? But——“
“Leave… traitor”
•Those words slapped you in the face a thousands times you were heart broken, the only thing you could do was leave with your head down, rather quickly at that, traveling alone
•Xianyun never forgot you,, and will never forgive herself in a million years seeing your lifless body on the floor with cuts, bruises, and a malnourished body
“I was foolish my love..Please forgive me..”
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•She was quite confused when she heard the news she spent no time going to you and asking a whole bunch of questions
•Needless to say she would panic but also calm down when you say you dont know anything about that
•Yes she thought about leaving but that quickly got overrun by how you two were together through thick and thin, through wars and battles no mortal can fathom, and she vowed to stay and thats what she will do forever and for eternity
“I wont leave you until the world burns down..”
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•When she broke up with you she regretted it, you were the one that helped her, didnt use her, LOVED her for HER and not for her skills
•She quickly tried to find you to apologize beg for forgiveness no one as kind, sweet, beautiful, she be with someone as shitty as her she thought, and she had to make it right
•so she bought your favorite snacks, flowers, and sweets then quickly found out in the same garden you two met at
•Quickly running up to you with a teared stained face holding out the gifts
“Im sorry… can we maybe talk it put and get back together?..”
(FINSIHED!! >:3 hope u enjoyed! And do u want to get back together?)
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dumborangecat · 9 months
The new episode killed me so now i’m gonna talk about the toxic doomed yuri (Petrigrof)
Okay so the bus scene, omg the bus scene. I’ve seen a few people criticise Simon for not going with Betty, or even considering going with Betty, and while he’s definitely not perfect, that’s not one of the things to criticise him for (stares at the implied professer/student dynamic)
Simon would never have boarded that bus, it’s just now who he is. Simon is calm and collected (pre-iceking ofc), he thinks things out a lot more and doesn’t make those kinds of impulsive decisions like abandoning his current life for 6 whole months on a complete whim. If Betty had maybe mentioned her feelings earlier, and invited him on the trip, I wouldn’t be suprised to see him go on it. But as it was, Simon had only just been presented with the idea that he was even wanted on the trip, and had 0 time to do anything with that. If their roles were reversed, and it was Simons trip, he would have gone and saw Betty again 6 months later.
Meanwhile Betty is much more wild and impulsive, even in her everyday life (as seen when she litterally chucks a can of cherries at simon instead of just handing it to him or having him come get it) her deciding to abandon her trip and stay with Simon is completely within character for her. She makes more decisions that entirely disregard what she wants all for Simons wellbeing, not because he wants her to do that, or is encouraging her to, but because thats who she is!! Her impulsively is only worsened when Simon comes around because now she has someone to throw everything away for! Someone who, for as much as he loves her, is either too dense or too naive to realise that’s what she’s doing! If the roles were reversed, she probably would have boarded that bus with simon, because that’s who she iss!
Simon and Betty were never going to work out well, even without the Mushroom war and Ice King/Golb junk, Betty constantly sacrificing her ambitions for Simon, and Simon never realising thats what she’s doing, was always going to lead them towards an unhealthy relationship, the only reason that never happened was because of all the magic stuff, they just never had enough time together for their unhappy ending to play out like that.
And all that’s not even mentioning their obsession with one another, ep 8 did make it seem almost as if Simon wasn’t as obsessed as Betty was, but he absolutely was, perhaps not at first but he definitely is now. His entire life is in complete shambles without her, if he wanted too Simon could begin his research again and start a new life in ooo, but he can’t because Bettys not there. He’s so hung up on her that even 12 years later he was still trying to bring her back! He loves her just as much she does, they just don’t show it the same way!
(I mentioned Simon not realising that Betty practically throws her whole life away for him, I don’t mean he doesn’t see her impulsive tendencies, he does, and he loves her for them, he just doesn’t realise how damaging they are)
(Not related to my previous points) But also something about that whole flash back seems odd, it feels like the definition of ‘looking at something through rose-tinted glasses’ the question is just whether he was downplaying his own actions, or Bettys. It’s possible we’ll see Bettys POV of how it went down, but honestly I think that would add more confusion to everything, as she also looks back on their relationship through ‘rose-tinted glasses’, so i’d like to see how they show us what really happened.
They make me want to scream, they’re only gonna get sadder next episode and i am not ready
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wmarximoff · 2 years
in secret | w. maximoff
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summary: after spending all of her youth trapped in HYDRA's labs, Wanda Maximoff had no contact with outsiders, and therefore never knew the nuances of human pleasures. but when a young amateur photographer travels to Sokovia, in secret, Wanda discovers more about herself than she ever has done before.
warnings (18+): mentions of tragedy, sexual discovery, masturbation, mentions of sex, voyeurism.
pairing: Wanda x fem!reader
word count: 2k
A/N: guess who finally saw In Secret? lol
this is basically Wanda's journey of discovery about her sexuality and maybe her body as a whole. it's more of a character study than anything else, really.
Wanda Maximoff couldn't have pinpointed with unerring clarity the first time that dazzling spark flickered in her fiery center when facing another female figure. When she had started to feel that peculiar way around someone like her – when her gaze had started to take too much of its time just scrutinizing the contours of rosy lips and gentle chins, lingering on the newly conceived idea of the fact that she wanted to touch – she needed to feel – something that she also had.
At some point, as in a summer breeze that comes in the form of an announcement of warm and restrained days, like a verging innocent desire to know something new, the curves of pelvic girdles became more attractive than the prominent muscles and roughness of stubble beard trails, when the softness and the fragility were enough to make her want more of that new idea. For Wanda, there was nothing of an assorted nature that would be able to attract her like that feeling did.
It certainly wasn't, however, during the early years of her pre-adolescence, all carried away in poverty worthy of the structures of a country devastated by war, that she realized this outlandish distinction flourishing within herself. A need. A crave, perhaps. Not like other girls, but for other girls.
At the time, the unfaithful hunger had allowed her senses to arise in no other way than to beg for something other than food to digest within the walls of her stomach; there was no room there to consume the dying butterflies of love, for the hunger was cavernous even when her mother barely tried to keep it from being so – her father worked to keep everyone pleased and healthy, it’s true.
But, at that time, there was a girl a little older than Wanda who lived in the apartment next door, next to that scrawny, tiny room in which she lived huddled together with her parents and her older twin brother – a room that wasn’t quite enough to shelter within itself, in four scraggy walls that barely prevented the frosty draft from outside, the size of a family of four. But they had a small television, a handful of old American sitcoms to watch, and a teenage daughter trying to make sense of the unintelligible.
The Maximoffs made it happen because they had no choice but to share the same bed to stay warm through the cold, algid Sokovian nights. When Wanda had to hug her own hands and only hope she didn’t die of hypothermia overnight.
The neighbor at the time was a rather appealing young woman, tall, typical of Slavic Europe, about nineteen years old, who had been babysitting her and Pietro some seasons before in the summer sun. She was a stunning image that captured the senses of a young Wanda at the height of her fifteen years of age, when things began to blossom like a rosebud and the notion of a child's world was slowly fading away from her cognition, every day a little beyond an ingenuous notion.
When she started fancying to have her own room and own bedsheets like the American kids did in these old shows from the last century – the pinnacle of the American Way of Life, a blatant lie for impressionable eyes –, realizing the unfair limitations of poverty and the true meaning of it in one's life, having lonely teenage nights to discover what hadn't been discovered yet.
There was a need effervescent in Wanda’s spirit, as if her lungs were crying out for oxygen to breathe. It was as if she was shedding her own skin without realizing that she was doing it; until it was too late to turn back. Wanda found the girl buried in the ruins of the popular residence after the second bomb fell on the building's terrace.
Only a pale, unresponsive forearm could be seen dragging itself out of the concrete and splinters, but Wanda recognized the silver bracelet buttoned to the length of her skinny wrist that had sporadically caught her attention when that pretty girl passed her in the hallways, always to offer her a fond, complacent smile that made Wanda's little heart, still so foreign to amorous feelings, flutter strangely when her cheeks heated up like an ignition in a fireplace, burning greedily inside her nerves.
On the lonely teenage nights she liked to daydream about, Wanda began to think about what it would be like to sleep next to the warm body of her striking neighbor; how the silhouette of her sinuous body would look under the covers when it was lit only by the silver moon, and how unsettling her sweet, honeyed scent would be when she bent over her straining guts. It made the hollow half withing her thighs quiver beneath her nightclothes every time.
Maybe she wouldn't snore as much as Pietro did, always so loud and so unkempt, or kick her shins under the thin blankets in her sleep. Her skin would be soft and delicate against the hollow of her calves, like a second mantle, silky and subtle to the touch. Wanda would certainly like to know what her sleepy sighs would sound like tenderly in her ear.
She was armed with the best of intentions when she took the bracelet for herself from that frozen dead arm (unlike the image her unconscious had become accustomed to idealizing in dream lines when flanked by the coming sleep, of that warm forearm encircling her waist and bringing her closer and closer) because she liked that girl enough to keep her memory close even after she passed away.
But crying for her parents, she didn't remember shedding any tears for the girl. She was then made an orphan, after all. She was a lonely girl, absolutely helpless.
Wanda lived to grow beyond the age when her neighbor was faced with the abrupt end of her life robbed by a war she hadn't started, and in which she would never be the one to end it. Even in an orphanage, crammed into a single room in the company of dozens of other little orphans, that girl in the next door still made her think and turn in the uncomfortable sheets overnight.
But she was barely twenty years old when she and Pietro (the orphaned twins then imbued with unusual gifts, Mind Stone energy pulsing in fiery golden color within their blood cells) fled the clutches of the HYDRA organization once and for all, after a few years of a poorly misguided volunteering that only resulted in abilities beyond what a normal human would have, the two of them headed into a world they would no longer see in the same way as they did before.
It didn't take long for Wanda to realize that she didn't truly understand the ranges of her new capabilities and how they shaped and transmuted her as a being, just as she didn't understand that ecstatic feeling that took shape, grew and expanded inside her like a crimson mist. The sun of her childhood had set, and it was time for something new to emerge from her insides.
She wanted to be in Pietro's shoes when he narrated to her, always so pompously, about the secret nocturnal encounters he'd been having with some girl and some other boy in the villages they frequented as they traveled across Sokovia with only each other’s company – the long journey only tarnished with a winding trail of experiences through the still shaken country, Wanda curious, dreamy and experimenting at that point among a collection of shabby maps, disjointed guides and fantasies late at night – every night – as soon as she realized that Pietro was falling asleep.
Wanda couldn't care less about the young man's summaries of what boys were like exposed in the minimal, voluptuous light of a dark room, indeed.
Just how they could be rather filthy when stripped of clothing and guided only by the will of their desires. But something in her craved to know more and more about how a girl reacted to being touched in a way that she had never been touched, nor had she ever touched anyone else before. How would it feel at her fingertips.
So she touched herself in the dead of night, in one of those where Pietro ventured out of their rented room, just rehearsing the idea empirically in her actions.
Idealizing the subtlety of a girl’s gentle touch even though her own probing fingers were amateurish and naively sloppy against the middle of the old sensibility that used to throb between her partially spread legs, so elusive against her panting skin.
There was something wet and pulsing that she brushed lightly with her fingertips, still testing, still knowing, but it caused an awakening of chaos inside her that she didn't want to let go of at that moment.
It felt good, as good as something that shouldn't be that good. If she was a person devout in faith, she figured, maybe it was a sin, because sins seemed to be good to taste. But there was nothing to stop her from moving forward, and everything in her screamed for her to keep going until that knot formed below her belly button came undone.
And then, in a rush of scarlet pleasure that sailed hard through her ruffled veins (her brow furrowed as if in pain, her heart racing like a marathon runner, her wrist aching in that newfound position of the tendons in her joint), with her mouth agape, Wanda understood. She truly did.
It was a sweet secret she had kept to herself. Something she secreted to the four walls of a dark room again, again and again. Everything about it, about the cravings of girls, always seemed to be something to be kept in secret – a secret that no soul seemed to dare to reveal.
A few weeks passed then since a new discovery, you showed up in her life. A photographer from another country, someone at the inn where the two of you temporarily settled down clarified the doubts that were circling Wanda's mind when her mouth opened to ask about you, a foreigner who just didn't seem to be from there – because you really weren't.
You were there to capture on screen the feeling of witnessing the pleasing Sokovian spring landscape, to present the result of a project and get your college degree.
Being a college student, then, you were a couple of years older than she was, but you were a new figure for her to discover and you were just as intriguing in Wanda's eyes as a foreigner could be. You, the idea of what you would be – what you could be –, aroused something exciting inside Wanda.
And she devoted her hidden attention to you like a believer who follows a god, always biting her own lips in a veiled excitement for the times in which you looked so intently with your camera and took a picture of some situation unfolding in your lens, preserved for posteriority in the light of your attentive gaze.
Wanda wanted you to look at her in that same intense way; that you studied her behind a camera and immortalize her in your memory.
She was like a red specter behind you on a particularly warm afternoon, heading into the scrawny beech trees of vegetation that skimmed the edges of that tiny village situated somewhere in the heart of Sokovia.
Like an animal looking for its prey, Wanda followed you along the lines of a shy little bunny, only being guided by the long pauses made by your sloppy feet, all directed to photograph the vibrant landscape or peaceful nature, some humming bird exotic in a funny pose.
Curly trees and elemental rusticities encompassed the natural landscape around you, a mist filled with the slow two-dimensional heat of morning hovering over your slow path, trickling through the tall row of trees clustered before the edge of a silvery-surfaced river like a long mirror.
You had taken a shortcut through the forest overflowing with so many emblems of nature and crossed the river before the dew, and at one point, amidst the vegetation, Wanda got on her knees (her fingers crunching fresh grass between the extensions of silver rings, she on all fours like a child still in the beginnings of that primordial phase of crawling, still not being able to walk properly) behind a tall pasture that served as a direct audience for you, as oblivious as you were just around the corner across the river, so far from the one who wanted you, yet so close that her gaze burned at your silhouette in front of a golden pool of sun.
From somewhere deep within that dark vortex, Wanda felt a new awakening of desire; so monstrous was her appetite for such a distinguish figure that, just a few feet away from her hiding place in the tall vegetation, you only raised your camera before your eyes and then snapped a well-articulated photograph.
Sweat ran in hot drops on the milky pale skin of Wanda’s neck, feeling so suffocated even under the damp shade of tall trees, and a hissing sound broke in the hollow of her parched, parted peach lips as she shifted position on the grass, the hem of the scanty maroon dress clad in the hollow of her crotch skimmed lightly against that secret place of hers reserved for lonely nights only.
“S-shit…” she moaned, half shivering, snatching her lower lip hard between a row of upper incisors.
And Wanda wasn't even at all surprised when she realized that, there, that nerve was throbbing, begging to be brushed again against the thin material of her secondhand dress. She spread her legs a little wider, fitting her pelvis better against the grass, the pale skin of her knees, then scattered here or there with small leaves and twigs, brushing against the grass mat down her inner thighs.
Charm and vulgarity clenched at Wanda's core when it was that she daringly rolled her hips forward one more time, in test form then intentional, only to feel the bun of fabric press against her panties beneath the dark layer of the dress. And it was good.
Then she rolled her hips again. And again. And stronger. And more exasperated. And more excited. And she rode out in search of what she already knew, secretly honoring you, that unknown photographer whose name she didn't even know.
Then Wanda lifted her clouded gaze, tilting her chin at a broken angle, the emerald green veiled by a shroud of sullen need that melted into the anticipation she'd compelled herself to feel, only to find you, right next to her in that bank of the river parallel to the one she was on, fiddling with the camera dangling from your neck, so absorbed in your ecstatic actions.
A nervous lump of hidden arousal formed inside Wanda's larynx – something pressed inside her as the notion descended upon her that you, far away, so beautiful and so immaculate, were just ignorant of her there, brushing nervously with the hollow of her inner thighs against the fabric of her own dress and the dewy grass on the ground like an animal in heat.
There was something bestial about the raw brutality that aroused her; Wanda discovered it there, snarling against her clenched teeth, watching you from afar, the knot about to burst.
“Fuc– fuck–! Fuck!” she grunted as that lump untied, her eyelids partially threatening to close against her eyes that would never dare leave your vision.
As Wanda rode, prolonging that vibrating red burst between her legs as long as possible, she never stopped holding her neck to watch you there, practically salivating, wanting it to be you there beneath her — she could rub herself against your hand, maybe your thigh, or even all over your pretty face.
And something in her shuddered, as you raised your camera in front of her face, even if so far away, and pointed the lens right at the place where she was hidden within the tall grass.
Later, the incitement of an impending night crept in, which dawned behind the avenue, between the tops of comfortable trees and along the green hill where the sun set behind the mounts, in the bliss of a due leisure, to which the moonlight of summer alluded to the amenities surrounding that small Sokovian village.
The candid air was clear, dewy, and humid to the lungs, yet a bit chilly in its European essence. The windows around the inn had all been closed. Wanda was lying on one bed and Pietro on another.
“So,” began the older twin, getting better under his covers, “What did you do this morning when you disappeared? I looked for you everywhere, you know? I was worried.”
And a small smile allowed itself to mischievously slip into Wanda's rosy lips.
“I can’t tell you,” she whispered to her brother, like a child who holds an enigma, “It's a secret.”
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parkersbliss · 2 years
hii can i request five's 😭 ( just some back story ; shes one of the sudden birth kids but isnt one of the umbrellas. they knew each other for awhile, helped saving the world. her and five became a couple back in '63 and she died while fighting. )
five saw her when they got back but shes one of the sparrows now. she can read minds?? u can change or add her powers. she tries to read five's then saw them together hehe, her heart's got soften for him
One Minute | F. Hargreeves
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pairing: five hargreeves x female!reader
wc; 1,295
warnings: blood, violence, the usual
requests: CLOSED
Masterlist | Taglist | Prompt list 
“Who the hell are you assholes?”
Five was used to expecting the unexpected. His whole life it felt like there was never any set reason for anything. Things just happened, and he had learned to not question them.
But this?
He had some questions here.
“Yeah,” Another voice chimed in. “Dad, who are these people?”
Five’s siblings seem just as shocked as he was.
“They claim to be my spawn,” Reggie spoke.
Allison turns around with a confused expression. “Claim? Okay, Five, what the hell is going on?”
Five shrugs. “I don’t know yet, but it’s concerning.” He wasn’t even sure what Allison or Reginald had said. All he could see was you.
You and Ben stood side by side, arms crossed as you stared at the six intruders. One of them with long hair steps forward, trying to hug Ben, and he punches him across the face. The six intruders begin yelling at you and your siblings, and you just roll your eyes. Who the hell did they think they were? Walking into your home and claiming it was theirs. They were deranged, and you were going to figure out why. You look to Ben with a raised brow, and he nods at you.
You step forward, stretching your conscience forward, and into the mind of the man in the hat. As soon as you enter, it’s loud. Things are hitting you in every direction, and you try to push your way through. You try to sort through the chaos, but it’s a jumble of things. Drugs, alcohol, war, the 60s… is that a cult?
You retract after that, stumbling back and shaking your head. The six intruders were siblings, just like you with special abilities, and they were called the Umbrella Academy. And they had time traveled — twice. Marcus shouting brings you back to the issue at hand.
The big blond one tries to reason with your brother, but he punches him straight into the man with a hat. You roll your shoulders back, preparing for a fight when you catch the eyes of the youngest boy. The intensity of his gaze makes you shiver. It was like he was staring right through your soul. You glare at him, throwing up your middle finger before Ben takes care of him.
“Can you stop staring at my sister?” He scoffs, punching the boy in the face. “Pervert.”
You stand back and let the two brooding males fight each other off. You’re shocked by the boy's power. He was good, teleporting across the room and getting the last hit on Ben before he vanishes again. You shrug, walking upstairs only to find him again.
You tilt your head as he whispers something to his sister, and she runs off.
“Ben’s right,” You said. “This whole stare thing is weird.”
Five rolls his eyes, but his cheeks are dusted red out of embarrassment. “Whatever.”
You raise a brow at him. “Are you gonna hit me or?”
“What? No. Why would I—”
He’s cut off when you punch him across the jaw, and he falls to the floor. He clutches the area, offering you a pained look. But not physical pain, it’s emotional. He lays there, staring at you with the same look in your eyes. It's really starting to creep you out. He obviously knows something you don’t, and you were going to find out. You close your eyes and let your conscience fall into his. There’s one clear memory that stands out to you.
Five grabs the gun from the Handler, but not before a single shot rings out. He doesn’t notice at first because soon enough, she’s dead on the ground, and he thinks, ‘thank god.’
“Five!” Allison screams. The boy turns around at the mention of his name and his heart drops.
A girl was on the ground, blood pooling from her chest as she takes ragged breaths. Five drops to his knees next to her, placing her head in his lap, hands shaking.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Five whispered.
She blinks slowly. “Five?”
“I’m right here,” He assures.
“I don’t wanna die,” She said through a sob.
He pushes a piece of hair behind her ear, trying to stay strong. “No, don’t say that. You’re not gonna die.”
“Please, please, don’t let me die, Five,” The girl begged, squeezing her eyes shut.
Five places a hand on her cheek, trying to shake her awake. Tears fall from his eyes as he holds her. He was making promises he couldn’t keep. She was dying, and there was nothing he could do but try to comfort her. “Listen to me. You’re gonna be fine, (Y/N). I promise.”
Her lip trembles as dark spots cloud her vision. “I love you, Five.”
Something snaps inside of Five, and he taps her cheek lightly. “(Y/N),” Five said through a panic. “I love you too, (Y/N). Hey, hey, wake up!”
The girl's eyes stayed shut, and Five doubles over, sobbing. She remained limp in his arms, and even though Five knew she wasn’t going to make it, a part of him still hoped. But that hope was gone. She was dead in his arms.
Her bright eyes would never open again. He would never get to hear her say his name again.
She was gone.
And all it took was a minute.
“I—,” You breathe out, stumbling back. Five’s emotions were intense, similar to ocean waves crashing over you. You could feel his pain and the look he gave you made sense. It hadn’t even been a day.
Five gulps, standing back up.
You’re not sure what to say. You don’t even know where to start. How is it that you died? That this boy knew you when you had no recollection of him? You loved him, and yet you didn’t even know his name. Well, before invading his mind.
Five’s closer to you now. His eyes are searching yours for something you’re not sure you can give him.
“I’m not her,” You said softly. “I don’t know you.”
Five nods. “But I do.”
You scoff, stepping back. “So? We’re not the same person.”
“How do you know that?” Five presses, stepping forward.
He’s right. You don’t know for certain that you weren’t that girl. You had different memories, and different circumstances but are you not the same person? You had the same smile, the same crude humor, and love for your family.
He takes another step forward, his hand touching your arm. Your breath feels caught in your throat as you gaze into his eyes. They held so much love for someone he didn’t ‘know.’ There was so much adoration in them as they glossed over.
“You look just like her,” He whispered.
You blink, trying not to squirm under the intensity of his gaze. His evergreen eyes trace all the features of your face, and you feel small under it.
“I’m sorry,” You said. “But you have to go.”
You back away from him, grabbing his arm and dragging him towards an exit. “You have to go, now.”
You hear Ben screaming your name, and you turn around to see one of his tentacles and turn back to Five. “Please, just go.”
You can see the hurt in the boy’s eyes, and you sigh. In one quick motion, you press a kiss to his cheek. “I’ll find you again, okay?”
Five’s eyes are wide, but then his face hardens with determination, and he disappears in a flash of blue just as Ben finds you.
“You okay, sis?”
You turn around, slamming the door. “Little shit jumped away.”
“Don’t worry,” Ben assures. “We’ll get them soon enough.”
You offer him a grin, but deep down, you know you weren’t going to let that happen.
— END —
🏷 five taglist: @clearbasementvoid @halfumbrella @esmedith @navs-bhat @alexxavicry @thelaststraw3 @rainbows-r-nice05 @gcldtom @bokuakadaily @3ternalreal1ty @umbrellatte @hahaspoilerhaha @mi1kobitch @analuizafernandescavalcante @icarus-star @yuki1s--note @m4nd0l0r @ells-graveyard @eichenhouseproperty @iaevs @oneirataxia-girl @ay4kshalatus s @mysterygirl-14 @speaker15 @ch0c0-cake @sacrificialstars @lilsubbysblog @unhealthyob @chariotte @666abby6666 @zanrioo @bubsonnobx @dontknownameauthor @instabull @xuenihao
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itsoutrageouss · 5 months
Like a bellflower - chapter one
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chapter one of like a bellflower, a Joel Miller x Fem!Oc fanfiction.
warnings: violence, death, blood, the word 'rape', general apocalyptic angst things yk
words: 2,6k
Story taglist
1. A stoic rescue
“If we don’t find some more fucking ammo soon I swear i’m going to kill someone,” Kade grumbled as we all walked along a broad gravelly road. He bit into the last of his dried meat with anger, ripping the flesh apart aggressively with his teeth. His arm nearly hit me as it swung back. I always stayed behind the four of them. Kade, Ryan, Sarah and Cole. When they found me, and agreed to pick me up along with them I thought I could find solidarity in Sarah. A girl. Or a woman I should say, because she is a lot more woman than me. 
Her shoulders were as broad as the mens, her figure sturdy and hardened like her face. No solidarity was to be found in those eyes. She met me like the men did; looking down at me with clenched jaws, demanding I fix us all food and making mean jokes when I try to brush and fix my hair. 
“That ain’t going to fix nothing sweetheart- how about a trip to the salon instead? It’ll be on me,” Kade would say with a nasty grin and they would all belt out laughter while they tended to their guns like I tend to my hair, with the same kind of care. The kind you should never use on weapons.
“But break my heart, for I must hold my tongue,” I always quote, biting my tongue until metal melts in my mouth.
“You have to calm down, we’re almost at the next town. If there isn’t any ammo, we’ll butcher someone that has some.” Cole replies, walking with fast, tough steps. They were always so hard, so violent. I watched intensely as my feet kicked the gravel. My gun didn’t have a lot of ammo left either but I would rather not have to hurt someone to get more. I’d run if I had to, but I really didn’t. 
The rest of the walk was silent, until old suburban houses started appearing. No one spoke to me. Wordlessly everyone divided to ransack the houses. Cole and Kade went together, so did Ryan and Sarah. Sarah, a dainty, feminine name for a woman with cold, rejecting eyes. No solace. I walked on my own, shoulders slumping. 
The house was a pale blue, the door was off the hinges completely, and I stepped over the rotten wood. Dust swirled in the beams of light that were pushing through barred windows. Someone had stayed here for a while, it looked like. Empty cans of food were piled on the dirty kitchen tiles. When I glanced back at the broken down door, I noticed the beating it had taken. The blood stains that the wood had absorbed. Scratch marks. I didn’t want to think of what had happened here, and instead I filtered through the flashes of sunlight, the warmth pulsing on my cheek. The air smelled like rotten wood too, as well as flowers. They bloomed in the corners of the walls, through broken tapestry they unfolded like nothing had ever bothered them. Like the whole world wasn’t dying. Untouched by the destruction, pretty and blooming. I wished to be like the flower. 
There was no ammo, but in the back cabinets I found old cans of beans that must’ve been forgotten in whatever hurry had happened here. Between the wooden beams that barred the window I saw the others gathering in the middle of the road. Soldiers, they looked like. Machines. They made my skin crawl and every soft thing inside me hardened. I solidified, when everything I fought for everyday was to be soft. Free, fresh and blooming like a flower. A war between me and the world to preserve the delicate human I was, but I felt like throwing it all up when Kade looked at me. He made me feel like he wanted to rape me. His eyes were wide like a drug addict, and his stare a direct look into the most damaged soul I had ever met in my life. I had no clue what his story was and I was terrified to find out. He wanted to hurt the world like it had hurt him and I didn’t want to be here to see it but I had nowhere else to go. 
They talked aggressively to each other, heads bent close together even though there probably wasn't anyone around for miles. I still never got used to seeing people standing in the middle of the roads. The cars were supposed to be there. And now all the cars were flipped upside down and stripped for parts. Sarah crushed a spiring dandelion under her foot. Her black, greasy hair flipped around her head when she talked. The day was beautiful but the people were not. 
We decided to camp there, in the house I found. I found a broken family photo in a bedroom upstairs. I was frozen, sitting on a four poster bed with a family full of strangers in my hand. This room was a memory in time. A photo in itself. If not for the barricaded window, where the sunlight slowly turned red, you wouldn’t be able to tell that life had died everywhere around it. So I stayed there all night. I went downstairs silently, like a child who’d awoken from a nightmare. But there were no parents downstairs, and I crept silently around them to grab a can of beans. Kades big hand squeezed my fragile wrist harshly and the can dropped from my hand. “You’re not taking all of that,” he spoke harshly before opening the can and pouring almost all of the content into an empty one. The rest he gave to me. “Sit down,” he stroked my wrist where he’d hurt me and I coiled away, sitting down reluctantly. I never joined their talk. Ryan was the nicest of them all, though the difference in their behaviors were minimal. They had been just them for so long that Sarah was Ryan and Ryan was Cole and all of them were Kade. Not one authentic trait that wasn’t given to them by the apocalypse. None of their own selves left from before. I pitied it, sort of. When they dozed off in their sleeping bags I snuck back up and crawled under the cold comforter in the bedroom with the photo on the pillow next to me. I tried to imagine living here. With my family, when they were still here. Sleeping next to my parents in their bed even though i probably was a bit too old for it. We wouldn’t tell anyone. Tomorrow we’d make breakfast together, maybe? 
Those thoughts put me to sleep. 
Bang. I woke with such a violent start that my hand flung the photo to the carpeted floor. It was already broken, but now the glass had fallen out of the frame in pieces completely. I had ruined the last memory of this family. Another bang. It was gunshots and the crashes that followed rumbled the old flooring beneath me. Impulsively I ripped the photo from the frame and stuck it in my pocket. I didn’t know how to move. We had never been in this situation. I had never been apart from the group when we were attacked. They were always there and always merciless. I had to fend for myself still, because they prioritized each other over me anytime. Sometimes it was as if they would purposefully let me fight on my own despite them being fully capable of helping me. I swung my backpack on, in case I had to run again. My hands trembled and the gun nearly slipped from my grasp. I creaked open the bedroom door, right at the top of the stairs. “Fucking get him!” I heard Ryan yell. More crashes, grunts. The stairs creaked as I took a step but another noise covered it. Blood sprayed on the wall next to the broken front door. Greasy black hair, fell with a thud to the ground. Blood started to pool around Sarah’s head, which was all of her I could see from this angle. I breathed in. It smelled like being on summer camp. Sunlight, fresh air but a metallic, wooden scent interfered with the peaceful memory. Kane roared and I heard him  surge towards whoever the perpetrator was. I closed my eyes harshly until it hurt, then I opened them and ran down the stairs as the spots faded away from my sight. My gun was stretched in front of me. Everything after that happened so fast I barely caught it. An elbow to Ryan's face who stumbled backwards. To clean shots through Cole's stomach. Bang, bang, thud. Bile rose in my throat. My gun was still in front of me. I didn’t move. I didn’t know what I felt. 
A loud grunt, a missed shot but a punch to the gut from Kade to the stranger. He was hardened too, but not in the cold, menacing way of the others. He looked human, I thought, right before he twisted Kades arm around in a nasty crack, pushing his back into the man's chest before firing a bullet right through his temples. Kade looked at me then, and for the first and only time I saw something else in his eyes. He looked scared. Like a little boy who’d been told off. Who’d been left alone and scolded and shown no love, who now pleaded for it for the last time ever. And then my eyes turned sympathetic. I did everything I could to give him that last piece of whatever feeling closest to affection I had for him and a peace fell over his eyes right as the bullet tore through him. My mouth was sour, and I leaned down, throwing up right next to Sarah’s body. 
The stranger let Kade fall to his knees, discarded him and stalked towards me with a reaction time that seemed inhuman. I expected the harsh, calloused hands of a man piercing my skin. Like Kade’s used to. I dropped the gun. It landed in my own puke. The man stopped between me and the mess. We both looked down. Then we looked up. My eyes were filled with hot, stingy tears from throwing up. Maybe fear. He breathed harshly, quickly and his nostrils flared. His eyes were dark as he looked demandingly underneath his furrowed brows. He had a handsome face, salt and pepper scruff, a hooked nose and sloped lips. But he also was hardened from this world. 
His shoulders fell, quickly aware that I probably wasn’t the biggest threat around. That irritated me, and I squared up, fisting my hands. “Get away or I'll punch you.” I said. There was volume in my voice that I didn't expect. He didn’t move, but looked down on my petty gun again. Then he turned around, and started searching the bodies of my old crew. He took their guns, searched them. I stood still. I was shaking like a leaf and tears rolled down my cheeks now silently. I wasn’t sad for these people. I was sad for the last time this happened. When it was the people I cared for that lay still while I stood up. I cried for them,  tightly fisting the photo of the family I found in my pocket. The man stopped, and looked at me. “I’ll leave some stuff for you,” he said. His voice was gruff. And it hit me like bricks, so hard I nearly folded into two again. I was going to be left alone. The man was looking done, about to leave again. Then there would be silence, like when snow falls. Nothing. 
“Take me with you,” I said, too desperate for my liking but suddenly he felt like the last thing I had in the world even though I didn't even know his name.
“No,” he said, and walked out the backdoor without looking back. I wiped my gun off in Sarah’s shirt, with a little regret but not so much that i felt guilty and followed the man out. He had a horse that was tied to a tree.
“You have to.” i stated, my breathing quick and shallow. I would not let him leave. 
“I don’t, actually.” 
Did he not feel any remorse? What if that was my family he just killed, and then left me for myself. Not even so merciful as to put me in the grave with them? But they weren’t my family and I would not go with them into death, but this man didn’t know. 
“You just killed everything around me.” It wasn’t the first time that had happened and I felt like I was grasping at water, trying to hold it in my hand. I heaved in a gasp of shock and sorrow and it was what finally made him look at me. His brows furrowed even more, if possible. His face softened, and I swore I saw guilt flash across his still-new features. He was listening.
“I’m silent. You won’t even know i’m here. And as soon, I promise, as soon as we come across somewhere else I can stay, I'll leave. But you owe me a ride.” I wasn’t used to selling myself, to making me sound like someone you’d want along on your travels and even though my face heated with embarrassment and the words I spoke, it was all the hope I had not to curl up in that four poster bed until I withered into nothing. 
He said nothing for a while, looking somewhere behind me in thought. I mustered my most desperate eyes. I tried baring my soul through them for him to see that I needed this. He already seemed ways better than any of the four people that had taken me upon since the tragic incident. 
“As soon as we find something.. livable, you’re gone.” he grumbled. The relief made my knees weak, air seeped out of me uncontrollably and I had to hold onto the tree so as to not fall in on myself. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” I whispered, tasting tears on my lips that I wiped profusely. I was not to be a burden to this man before I had even gotten onto his horse. 
“Just follow me and stay quiet,” he said, pulling the horse along with him. We walked, and I didn't look back. The blue house I swore to leave forever behind me. The photo I held onto. The sun was only just rising, cold and bright as it stretched over the abandoned houses. We walked in the middle of the road, on each side of the horse. I felt warmth on my skin, on my hair and I combed it down with my fingers and braided it down my back. And no one laughed, or said anything. I realized this might have been my rescue as I looked up at the pine trees ahead, instead of down at the gravel. I looked anywhere I liked and made my hair look nice and I stroked the now curled up photo with my thumb, looking over at the man.
“What's your name?” 
I had already broken one of three rules: stay silent, follow me, leave me alone as soon as possible.
He sighed, “you’re not very good at this.” 
Even his scolding, and his glare was everything Kades wasn’t. There was no malice, no intention to hurt. I didn’t feel fear in my gut. 
“I’m Belle. Like the princess” I peaked over the horse’s moving body.
“Like bellflowers,” he said, glancing at me for barely a second. Like a bellflower, blooming, delicate and untouched by the world. I wish it was so.
“Joel. My name is Joel”
chapter two
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nenyabusiness · 9 months
"Arda Unmarred"
Tolkien’s legendarium is full of unreliable narrators. “The Silmarillion”, for example, is based on the lore of the Elves, and “The Lord of the Rings” is based on a fictional book written by Hobbits. In these stories, Melkor, the fallen Vala who later goes by the name Morgoth, is the power-hungry being that brought evil to Middle-earth. According to the Elves, the Valar refer to the world as “Arda Marred” – a name based on the assumption that Ilúvatar’s original design, “Arda Unmarred”, has to have been free from evil.
I use the phrase “unreliable narrators”, because we don’t know for sure what Eru Ilúvatar was truly planning when he created the Music of the Ainur. Not even the Valar, who are described as being the offspring of his thought, could fully understand his vision. So, can we really say for sure that there ever was, or ever will be, an “Arda Unmarred”? Was Melkor’s initiation of the cycle of evil in Middle-earth unintentional, or was it a part of Ilúvatar’s design all along? Those are the questions that this short essay is going to explore.
The creation of the world is described in “Ainulindalë”. The story has gone through multiple changes over the years, but its foundations remain the same. Eä, the universe, is sung into existence by the Ainur. Melkor, gifted with the most power and knowledge of them all, tries to introduce his own ideas into the song, but Ilúvatar simply incorporates the discord into his Music. Melkor is incapable of creating anything of his own, since he is ultimately an offspring of Ilúvatar’s own thought. This is later stated by Ilúvatar himself.
“And thou, Melkor, shalt see that no theme may be played that hath not its uttermost source in me, nor can any alter the music in my despite. For he that attempteth this shall prove but mine instrument in the devising of things more wonderful, which he himself hath not imagined.” (The Silmarillion: Ainulindalë)
The statement is repeated again when the Ainur are shown the world that their Music has created.
“Behold your Music! This is your minstrelsy; and each of you shall find contained herein, amid the design that I set before you, all those things which it may seem that he himself devised or added. And thou, Melkor, wilt discover all the secret thoughts of thy mind, and wilt perceive that they are but a part of the whole and tributary to its glory.” (The Silmarillion: Ainulindalë)
The Ainur learn much about this new world from Ilúvatar, but their god also withholds a lot of information, especially regarding his Children – the Elves and Men.
Yet some things there are that they cannot see, neither alone nor taking counsel together; for to none but himself has Ilúvatar revealed all that he has in store, and in every age there come forth things that are new and have no foretelling, for they do not proceed from the past. (The Silmarillion: Ainulindalë)
For the Children of Ilúvatar were conceived by him alone; and they came with the third theme, and were not in the theme which Ilúvatar propounded at the beginning, and none of the Ainur had part in their making. (The Silmarillion: Ainulindalë)
These statements prove that not even the Valar can be considered fully reliable narrators. They never saw the full design, and their knowledge of the fate of Elves and Men is ultimately limited.
Later in the chapter, we find out that there’s another layer of unreliability in this story.
For what has here been declared is come from the Valar themselves, with whom the Eldalië spoke in the land of Valinor, and by whom they were instructed; but little would the Valar ever tell of the wars before the coming of the Elves. Yet it is told among the Eldar that the Valar endeavoured ever, in despite of Melkor, to rule the Earth and to prepare it for the coming of the Firstborn; and they built lands and Melkor destroyed them; valleys they delved and Melkor raised them up; mountains they carved and Melkor threw them down; seas they hollowed and Melkor spilled them; and naught might have peace or come to lasting growth, for as surely as the Valar began a labour so would Melkor undo it or corrupt it. And yet their labour was not all in vain; and though nowhere and in no work was their will and purpose wholly fulfilled, and all things were in hue and shape other than the Valar had at first intended, slowly nonetheless the Earth was fashioned and made firm. (The Silmarillion: Ainulindalë)
The phrasing of this paragraph reveals that “Ainulindalë” is not a story told by an omniscient narrator – it’s Elven lore. Melkor is depicted as the culprit behind all of Arda’s flaws, but since we now know that it’s an Elven story, we also have to take possible bias into consideration.
Even here, however, is it clearly stated that Melkor was incapable of creating anything of his own, and that the Valar didn’t know every detail of Ilúvatar’s design. It’s also worth noting that it’s the will and purpose of the Valar that were never wholly fulfilled. This is also reiterated in a similar description of the formation of Arda, told in “The Annals of Aman”.
… And the shape of Arda and the symmetry of its waters and its lands was marred in that time, so that the first designs of the Valar were never after restored. (Morgoth’s Ring: The Annals of Aman)
At this point in the story, Ilúvatar is no longer an active participant. The Valar are acting on their own, based on the vast yet still limited information that’s been given to them. The greatest fears of Elves and Men – fading and dying – are blamed on Arda being marred by Melkor. This is clearly expressed in “Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth”:
Now the Eldar learned that, according to the lore of the Edain, Men believed that their hröar were not by right nature short-lived, but had been made so by the malice of Melkor. It was not clear to the Eldar whether Men meant: by the general marring of Arda (which they themselves held to be the cause of the waning of their own hröar); or by some special malice against Men as Men that was achieved in the dark ages before the Edain and the Eldar met in Beleriand; or by both. (Morgoth’s Ring: Athrabeth Finrod ah Andreth)
Valar, Elves, and Men alike believe that they live in Arda Marred, and that Melkor is the sole culprit behind the cycle of evil that plagues Middle-earth. As readers, we’re led to believe that this is true, but Tolkien does occasionally remind us that this is a story told by unreliable narrators. He himself considers Melkor a Lucifer-like figure, but he also recognizes the differences between his Catholic faith and the universe he created.  
I suppose a difference between this Myth and what may be perhaps called Christian mythology is this. In the latter the Fall of Man is subsequent to and a consequence (though not a necessary l consequence) of the 'Fall of the Angels': a rebellion of created free-will at a higher level than Man; but it is not clearly held (and in many versions is not held at all) that this affected the 'World' in its nature: evil was brought in from outside, by Satan. In this Myth the rebellion of created free-will precedes creation of the World (Eä); Eä has in it, subcreatively introduced, evil, rebellious, discordant elements of its own nature already when the ‘Let it Be’ was spoken. The Fall or corruption, therefore, of all things in it and all inhabitants of it, was a possibility if not inevitable. (The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien: 212.)
So, here we are again. Evil was created before Melkor descended into Eä. This raises even more questions about Ilúvatar’s original design – the supposed “Arda Unmarred”. There was evil in Arda before Melkor entered it. Does that mean that Ilúvatar knew that the world that he was about to send his Children into was already marred? Or was it a part of his design all along?
What we do know for sure is that there was always evil in Eä. We’re presented with another perspective in “Myths Transformed”, which puts even more emphasis on Melkor being a catalyst rather than the source of that evil.
Out of the discords of the Music – sc. not directly out of either of the themes, Eru's or Melkor's, but of their dissonance with regard one to another – evil things appeared in Arda, which did not descend from any direct plan or vision of Melkor: they were not 'his children'; and therefore, since all evil hates, hated him too. (Morgoth’s Ring: Myths Transformed)
Another important aspect of Melkor’s role in the supposed marring of Arda is the evil’s independence. As previously stated, the cycle started before his descent into Eä, and it continues after he’s been thrust into the Timeless Void at the end of the First Age.
One of the reasons for his self-weakening is that he has given to his 'creatures', Orcs, Balrogs, etc. power of recuperation and multiplication. So that they will gather again without further specific orders. Part of his native creative power has gone out into making an independent evil growth out of his control. (Morgoth’s Ring: Myths Transformed)
Yet the lies of Melkor, the mighty and accursed, Morgoth Bauglir, the Power of Terror and of Hate, sowed in the hearts of Elves and Men are a seed that does not die and cannot be destroyed; and ever and anon it sprouts anew, and will bear dark fruit even unto the latest day. (The Silmarillion: Quenta Silmarillion)
When Melkor is defeated, Sauron takes his place, upholding the cycle of evil.
The servants of Sauron were routed and dispersed, yet they were not wholly destroyed; and though many Men turned now from evil and became subject to the heirs of Elendil, yet many more remembered Sauron in their hearts and hated the kingdoms of the West. The Dark Tower was levelled to the ground, yet its foundations remained, and it was not forgotten. (The Silmarillion: Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age)
This is where Tolkien decides to end his grand saga about Middle-earth. Sauron is defeated, but evil is not. Months before his death, however, he started a draft of a story taking place about a century into the Fourth Age called “The New Shadow”. He eventually decided to scrap it, but the parts he did write indicate that evil still lingers in Middle-earth after the end of “The Lord of the Rings”.
He halted in the narrow passage that ran through the house, and it seemed that he was wrapped in a blackness: not a glimmer of twilight of the world outside remained there. Suddenly he smelt it, or so it seemed, though it came as it were from within outwards to the sense: he smelt the old Evil and knew it for what it was. (Morgoth’s Ring: “The New Shadow”)
The cycle of evil continues, even though Melkor no longer has any influence over the world. The Arda we see in Tolkien’s universe has always been marred – always, or never. These texts show that the concept of “Arda Unmarred” was most likely an invention of the Valar, or possibly the Elves – unreliable narrators with a desperate need for an explanation for why their world is full of evil. Ilúvatar’s original design was known to him and him alone, and Melkor was always a part of it.
Arda is simply Arda.
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admirableadmiranda · 1 year
I keep seeing the idea that Jiang Cheng is disliked or hated for his actions because "Jiang Cheng Antis” refuse to acknowledge ugly reactions to trauma, or victims who aren’t perfect, basically citing that he should be forgiven more than we do because not everyone is going to react the same to pain and trauma and just because his reactions aren’t perfect doesn’t mean that he should be held accountable for his actions, any of them, and us calling his actions wrong or abuse is us in fact being terrible.
I want to refute this idea for a few reasons:
First off, while I can’t speak for everyone, I know that I and my friends don’t think that his initial reactions being kinda bad are necessarily damning. Nobody is going to be perfect, sometimes when we are stuck in the worst parts of our lives, we do things that we will later regret in the process of surviving those times. It doesn’t really make it okay and we should understand if the people who are around us in those times don’t want to be around us anymore after that, but it isn’t a death knell that he reacts really poorly after the initial fall of Lotus Pier and the death of his parents and everyone he’s grown up with. I have forgiven characters for doing worse, but proving that it was their worst and turning around after that.
The problem with that part is that he doesn’t turn anything around. He never apologizes for strangling Wei Wuxian, he continues to turn the blame for what happened on people who weren’t involved even after getting to kill Wen Zhuliu and torture Wen Chao to death, holding Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji and, for a time, Jin Zixuan as also being responsible even though none of them were, even though he knows this and adjusts his opinion later to drop Jin Zixuan out of the blame, even though he later adds Wen Ning to his list of those to blame despite Wen Ning rescuing him from Lotus Pier and sheltering him. It isn’t a worst moment of his life, brought on by trauma and pain, it’s just the start of his sliding slope downward.
Second off is the idea that this should exonerate him of all of his actions. Look at him! He lost his parents and his clan to war by the Wens! He has suffered so much, becoming a clan leader so young in the fires of war!!!
Except... he’s not the only one, not by a long shot. Lan Wangji, Lan Xichen, Nie Mingjue and Nie Huaisang all have their fathers killed and their homes attacked by the Wens as well. Both Nie Mingjue and Lan Xichen also ascend at very young ages, no one was over twenty when they took up their positions, and at the end of the novel, Jin Ling is even younger when he takes on his own clan leader position. Also he isn’t the only one to go into war so young, Wei Wuxian is a whole five days older than he is, and the whole jianghu falls into war against the Wens, no doubt with other fighters who also lost their homes and families in the process.
It isn’t that it isn’t impressive that he manages to pull it together in the face of all that’s happening, it’s that he’s not the only person by any means to suffer this trauma. Wei Wuxian goes through the exact same journey that he does, but when this argument comes up, it’s always just for why Jiang Cheng shouldn’t be blamed, not about how their whole generation lost so much to a war that their parents left to them by refusing to do anything before even when they all saw the signs of what Wen Ruohan was doing.
The third part is that there’s apparently no limit or expiration date on how long people have to forgive him for doing whatever he wants to do. His trauma is a reason for him to treat people however he wants for as long as he wants, and they should just put up with it because he’s suffering and not all pain is beautiful.
But by the time Wei Wuxian comes back to life, it’s been almost twenty years. A whole generation, long enough for Jiang Cheng to watch his nephew grow to almost adulthood. The world as a whole is changed, he himself has transformed Lotus Pier into a whole new place; and it wasn’t because the Wens had destroyed everything, Wei Wuxian no longer recognizes it, meaning that this happened after he died. The general attitude that JC stans have towards Wei Wuxian is that he shouldn’t hold Jiang Cheng leading a siege against him because it’s been long enough, he should get over it by now. But Jiang Cheng apparently should still get to act without hesitation or consideration of others and their own pain because he is suffering, he is an imperfect victim. It doesn’t matter what else anyone else has gone through and it is unreasonable to hold him to task because he lost his family.
The whole point of poor trauma reactions is that they are moments, responses in time to events. It is one thing for Jiang Cheng to react poorly right after his family is killed and his home invaded. But he gets worse over the course of the story. The day of the attack, he strangles Wei Wuxian. That’s one thing. But three years later he turns on Wei Wuxian, declares him an enemy of the world, tells him to let the Wens be slaughtered even though they are no longer at war, later declares war on Wei Wuxian and personally leads a siege to kill him. In the interim, a time of peace in which supposedly all of his enemies are dead, he hunts down people who he claims to be demonic cultivators and people that Wei Wuxian is possessing and tortures them to death, all the while doing very little to help his people as he will only intervene once someone has already died to the problem. When Wei Wuxian returns to life thirteen years after he died, seventeen years after the war, when Jiang Cheng is literally double the age that this began, despite him deliberately trying to avoid Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng seeks him out multiple times specifically to hurt him, first trying to kill him with a whip that can destroy spirits possessing bodies, then tying him up and torturing him with a dog. Later he leads a second siege upon Wei Wuxian, who still has done nothing to him aside from try to avoid him before later attacking him and Lan Wangji by first demanding that they leave, then refusing to let them do so, driving Wei Wuxian to a qi deviation (which can be fatal, that’s how Nie Mingjue died) and attacking Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian with Zidian while Wei Wuxian is unconcious before Wen Ning stops him. Even in the temple, he’s still demanding that Wei Wuxian play by his rules of debts, he’s upset because he knows that he has gone so much farther than anyone has any right to and he has nothing to hold over Wei Wuxian’s head anymore.
Fifteen years of hurting everyone around him isn’t a poor trauma response. That’s deliberate and chosen. That is what he wants to do. It is a clear line of events where in the end, the trauma is an excuse over anything else.
If it had ended at the beginning of this list, Jiang Cheng would be a very different character and Modaozushi would be a very different novel. If it were just a trauma reaction and he didn’t want to hurt anyone in the long run, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
But you cannot exonerate everything with the fact that his parents died when he was seventeen. Especially not when we have so many other people who react in so many other ways to the same pain. It is frankly ridiculous that people think he is the only one to suffer in the story, even though it is clear that no one escapes the novel unscathed and a hell of a lot of people die. Sometimes even at his hands or by his orders.
Jiang Cheng is not unsympathetic. I can understand what hurts he feels, at least to an extent. But an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind and he just keeps doing it. And then his stans show up and claim that it’s fine for him to want to kill everyone who he hates (not necessarily everyone who’s even done him wrong, and they certainly like to ignore everything he does to them) because he’s an ugly trauma victim.
He may be that, at the start. But twenty years down the line, when he gets excited at the thought of getting to torture people, that isn’t a trauma reaction anymore.
That’s a choice.
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nataliepruitts · 1 month
Our Precious Gem | Possessive!Bully! Tomura, Touya, & Kai x Reader
I've been obsessed with My Hero Academia lately and I just love these guys, especially Shigaraki and Dabi. I recently read a story about four guys who suddenly became very possessive over the girl they were bullying and I got the idea for this story. I couldn't finish it because it was one of those things where you could only read the first few chapters and had to pay for the rest or something, but I decided to come up with my own story and used these three.
Also, before we get started I should note that there will be mentions of domestic abuse in this story because you live with your father who is a violent drunk. I will give warnings in the chapters that talk about it. There is a slight mention of it in this chapter. But anyway, I hope you enjoy it.
Chapter 1
The town you live in is split up into two sections, the section you live in is the bad section that Shigaraki, the Hassaikai, and the Todoroki clan rule. The three work together to rule over the terrain and keep order. They are top dogs and nobody would dare to go against them in any way, what they say is law.
Unfortunately, that also applies to the three boys that came from each clan. Tomura Shigaraki, Touya Todoroki, and Kai Chisaki. The three have been given freedom to do whatever they please, in any school they go to they are the rulers, all of the school staff and students are scared to say anything against them, they have free reign over anything they want. If they want to beat up or kill someone? Everyone turns a blind eye. If they want to steal your lunch? Nobody saw anything.
These three are also the same boys who have been bullying you since grade school, you never understood why. Ever since they first met you all they did was tease and bully you, but despite that, you still showed them kindness when they each had a traumatic event happen in their lives. The three of them always hung out and had each other's backs, and that stayed true when they each went through something horrible, but you were also there for them.
When Tomura, whose name was Tenko at the time, lost his whole family in a break-in, you hugged him. When he got adopted by Shigaraki and his name changed to Tomura Shigaraki, you tried to be there for him, even though he always pushed you away and kept bullying you.
When Touya got caught in a housefire and his whole body got burned, he started becoming very self-conscious and you tried to cheer him up. His mom was the one who started the fire in one of her severe mental breakdowns, she was sent to the hospital to get help. Touya knew his father was to blame for his mom's mental breakdown because he kept abusing her both mentally and physically, and he came to despise his father for it. You tried to comfort him but, like Tomura, he kept pushing you away. When he got older, the hatred he felt for his father made him run away from home and go live with Shigaraki, and he's never gone back.
When Kai's parents were killed in a turf war the leader of the Hassaikai took him in and raised him. When you found out about his parents you gave him a comforting hug, but again, you were pushed away. For some reason, the three boys hated your guts from the moment they met you, they grew to hate all of society and everyone they came into contact with -except for each other and their families- but they seem to hate you even more.
They continue to bully you throughout grade school, into middle school, and high school. But starting in middle school you started seeing a different side to them every so often, a side that made it look like they cared about you. There was one time in your third year of middle school when you guys were outside playing a sport as part of the extracurricular activity you had to do at school, and one of the other students ended up hurting you.
The three of them came running over to you with actual looks of concern on their faces before they brushed it off and started laughing and making fun of you. The next day you find out that the kid who accidentally hurt you was in the hospital after being beaten to an inch of his life, it surprised you, and you couldn't think of who would hurt him that badly or the reason why.
When it came time to choose what high school you were going to, you discovered which high school your bullies were going to so you could choose a different high school. You wanted to make sure your high school years were free from them, you wanted to be able to make friends and have a good high school life, despite your horrible home life.
You live with your father who is a violent drunk, he's always drinking, always getting drunk, and always being violent. Those are the reasons why your mom left, she couldn't put up with him anymore. But unfortunately for you, that was what triggered him to become even more violent. You tried to look at school as a way to escape from that but those three always made it difficult. You never had any friends thanks to them, none of the other students even wanted to associate with you because they made sure nobody would talk to you. They made your life even more hell than it already was.
But when you started high school you felt like you finally had an escape, you were finally free from them and free to make friends, and you did. Everything was going smoothly…
Until the third day of school…
When you walk into your first classroom your heart drops. In front of you are Tomura Shigaraki, Touya Todoroki, and Kai Chisaki, talking to your teacher. You're frozen in place, this can't be happening. They can't be here. You must be having a nightmare right now. There is no way they just transferred themselves to this high school.
"Y/n, you arrived at just the right time," your teacher speaks up after seeing you standing at the door. "These three young men here say that they know you and have requested that they sit beside you during class. But of course, you three can sit anywhere you like."
You stared at the three boys in disbelief as your mind was still trying to grasp the fact that they were here at this school. When they looked at you, you noticed how their eyes lit up as a devilish smirk formed on their faces, you can't fully see Kai's face because of the face mask he likes to wear, but you get the feeling he has the same smirk Tomura and Touya has. The look in their eyes makes you uneasy as they stare you down, completely ignoring the teacher.
You try to ignore them as you finally move your body and walk over to your seat, but before you can sit down Tomura grabs your arm and drags you to the back of the classroom. Touya and Kai make four students move from their desks before pushing the four desks together in the back of the classroom.
"You chose a different high school?" Tomura hissed in your ear, "Did you seriously think that you could get away from us by going to a different school? That was so dumb…"
When Tomura, Touya, and Kai started their first day of high school they expected to see you there, you were supposed to be there. They looked all over the school for you and couldn't find you anywhere, they were beyond pissed.
They bust into the principal's office, scaring the poor guy in the process. First, he was startled by them busting through the door almost tearing it off its hinges, then he was terrified by how mad they looked. "WHERE IS SHE!?" Kai shouted as the desperation to find you grew stronger and stronger in all three of them. The way they see it, you're not allowed to be at a different school than the one they’re at, you have to be at the same school as them. You cannot get away from them, they won't allow it.
"Where is who?" The principal asked confused.
"Y/n L/n, where is she!?" Tomura responded.
"There's no Y/n L/n at this school."
Their hearts raced, hearing that you weren't at that school was sending them over the edge. They got so caught up in their own stuff as they got ready to leave middle school and transition to high school, the three of them were also dealing with family business, especially during the mini-break they had before starting high school. They got so wrapped up in everything that they forgot to see which high school you were going to, it didn't once cross their minds to make sure you went to the same high school they chose.
You always ended up going to the same school they were going to so they just assumed you would choose the same high school they did. They didn't think that you would actually use your head and figure out which high school they were going to so you would choose a different one. They thought they had a tight hold on you but you actually managed to slip through their fingers.
The principal cowered underneath his desk as the three boys tore up his office in a fit of rage, they can't believe they gave you a chance to slip through their fingers and escape them. "SHE CHOSE ANOTHER FUCKING SCHOOL!!" Touya shouted as he threw a chair at one of the windows, the other staff in the office had to take cover so they wouldn't get hit with anything.
"Let's get out of here," Kai says before storming out of the office. Tomura and Touya were hot on his heels as they made their way to the exit.
"The bitch really thought she could escape us by going to another school," Tomura says as he flexes his hands. When they find you they're gonna make sure you never slip through their fingers again.
They waited impatiently for the report on which high school you chose to go to, it took a couple of hours but they finally got it. They looked at the name of the high school, it's a school they would have never considered going to themselves which made it a clever choice for you. But knowing that you're at this school there was no hesitation in getting themselves transferred to it. They found out which classes you were taking and made sure they were put in the same ones.
The moment they heard the teacher say your name and they looked over to see you standing at the doorway, they felt a sense of relief wash over them. Their hearts pounded in their chests as they looked at your beautiful face, you're finally back in their grasp and they won't ever give you a chance to slip away again.
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aellyne · 9 months
I honestly expected something way worse given the way everyone talked about it. Yes, I'm irritated that Gil Chae and Jang Hyun still weren't on the same page. And yes, Gil Chae's choice stings (hard). But then, it makes sense.
Jang Hyun doesn't have anything holding him back in Joseon. So offering to leave with her so that they can love each other freely comes with no loss on his part. Gil Chae has her whole family in Joseon. A family that counts on her and for whom she's the primary provider. Was she supposed to just leave them all behind and not look back? How was she supposed to live on with that guilt on the back of her mind? Would she have been able to enjoy her life with Jang Hyun?
I do resent Gil Chae for letting Jang Hyun wait for her at the boat without letting him know her change of heart. But I still believe that the hate Gil Chae is getting is absolutely disproportionate. We know Jang Hyun loves her. We have seen how much he sacrificed for her. We got to see him being eaten by guilt after having sent her to Ganghwado. We saw him pining for her in Simyang. Gil Chae didn't. There is so much she doesn't know about him, and there is so much he hides about himself (we still don't know anything about his past and so does Gil Chae). So the idea that Gil Chae is a horrible human being because she didn't flee with him, leaving behind her whole family, reads as absolute nonsense to me.
The only thing she could go off of are his words. And what was she supposed to trust when half of Jang Hyun's confessions were made under the guise of a joke and when he admits having saved her years after having fervently denied it? I also believe that her initial attitude towards him would have been wildly different had he proposed anything but flee. Because that is the one thing she's insecure about —him vanishing once he gets tired of her. Although, once again, we know (but she doesn't) that Jang Hyun's life is hanging by a thread because of his spy work during the war and there would be no way for him to live freely in Joseon.
Gil Chae does love him and I think that's very clear. But two people can love each other, and yet not be able to, at a given point in time, be together. Because they have different aspirations, because their goals do not align, because the timing isn't right... That does not, for me, undermine the love they have for each other.
We are only midway through the drama. There are still 10 episodes (of 60 to 90mns) left. That's more than some full length OTT dramas. So, while I understand that some people aren't satisfied with the way part 1 ended, I also do not get the alarmism? I honestly think that the reactions to this episode would not have been nearly as bad if it wasn't for it being marked as the finale of part 1.
Plus, the PD's choice to end the episode on that scene is pure sadism...
All this to say that I'm still very much excited for part 2 ~
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adhalia · 2 months
Shu & Yuma Relationship Headcanons
tw: self harm
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Yuma was an escape for Shu just like Shu was an escape for Yuma.
Shu was burdened with tasks and duties and the weight of being the heir to his father's crown. His mother barely let him breathe, she barely left him alone. He could swear his mother hated him just by hearing every word of frustration that came out of her when he messed up something. He knew she just didn't hate him completely because he was the first child she managed to give to Karl and he didn't blame her for that.
With Yuma it happened in a different way, it seemed like his parents hated him for some reason Yuma could never understand, most of the time they spent the day at church and when they were at home it was hell. That's why he tried to spend most of his time in the forest, when he came back his parents had barely missed him, sometimes he wondered if his own parents wanted him to disappear.
They both fell at the same time, but Shu fell harder.
The day they met, Shu swore that if his heart could beat even Yuma would be abe to hear it.
Shu liked writing a little bit. Most of the things he wrote he showed Yuma, little did he knew that he was the inspiration behind the verses (that time even Shu didn’t figured that out). It's a shame his mother burned everything when she found out.
Shu's first kiss was minutes before Yuma left his life, on the same night as the incident.
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When these two saw each other again they weren’t the same anymore.
The first time Shu saw him after those years that had passed he was reliving it all over again, this was the way he blamed himself, it's no secret he's terrified of fire.
He soon returned to old habits, like burning himself. There were times when he was so weak that the burns took days to disappear.
Even though Yuma didn’t had memories of Shu before, he felt he wasn’t a stranger to him, even though Shu tried to remain as distant as possible, avoiding him at all costs or just trying to look at him for a whole minute without being like he is on the verge of crying.
The first time Shu touched Yuma after those years he felt something he thought he would never feel again, even though now Yuma was a vampire, for Shu, Yuma’s touch was like the sun and he was happy this didn't changed.
Even after Yuma recovered all his memories and figured out the truth of what happened, Shu continued to push him away. That made him really f pissed.
One night they were arguing so loudly (thanks to Yuma's temper) that whoever was in the next room wasn't having the best night either.
They were getting closer and closer, Shu couldn't stop looking at his full lips, until he grabbed him forcefully by the face and shoved his mouth fiercely into yuma’s.
Yuma held him as if he could lose him at any moment. It was a very intense kiss, both fighting for dominance, but Shu soon let himself go, melting completely into the other's touch. They ended up on the floor that night.
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Yuma stayed with Shu in all his relapses, he knows no matter how many times he makes it clear to him that what happened wasn't his fault, he knows it's not easy for Shu to overcome this trauma, just as it's not easy either for Yuma to overcome what he had to go through after the incident, on the streets and in the orphanage.
They frequently go to a chateau Shu owns just to be alone.
Yuma is a man of the nature, so they usually lie down by the grass next to the river and the day ends with them returning to their room soaked, which is not a problem because soon they get rid of their clothes.
For a while they spend sleepless days and nights together in bed.
Shu traces the scars on Yuma's back and arms as he sleeps.
Yuma loves the sun, it’s the main reason the residence always has almost all the curtains and doors open.
Yuma already commented to Shu that he looks like a Caravaggio painting he saw when he was little.
He loves seeing Shu happy, he could definitely go to war with anyone who makes that smile disappear.
Shu looks at Yuma sleeping and all he can think of is the fear of losing him again. Shu gave Yuma a lot of nightmares, many of which he will never be able to forget, while Yuma gave him absolutely everything.
He thinks he doesn't deserve Yuma and is afraid one day Yuma will think that too.
And if one day he do, no matter how painful and pathetic it is, Shu will beg him not to go. he would be selfish enough to beg him to stay.
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rebelwriter99 · 1 month
Well those were some remarkably accurate predictions!
Tantiss did get blown to bits. Everyone did escape. (Because they had to they hadn’t had a big win in more than an entire season to justify it!) And they DID make it an hour long episode! I was so relieved the second I saw the runtime.
But WOW were a lot of things a surprise. Nala Se doing what she did I feel like I should have seen coming. It was a fantastic character arc conclusion for her, especially that line about Kamino. Rampart being there I didn’t see coming, but also a very well earned conclusion for his character (if you���ll take my meaning).
Omega! Honestly the only predictable character on screen at this point. Except perhaps Echo. Of course she released the Zillo beast-that was set up really nicely. Everyone immediately knowing it was her was delightful and probably the only time I remember laughing all episode because boy was it heavy from there.
The Batch themselves and what happened to them were a huge shock all episode. Crosshair finally voicing what I’d known since S1 and became blindingly obvious post S2 was a fantastic moment. I’m so glad it got said out loud, and I’m so glad it was him that said it. They haven’t been Clone Force 99 since the end of S1 E1 and the loss of Crosshair to the Empire. Their success rate on missions has consistently dropped since then, even more so since the loss of Tech. They were a unit, and they’re missing pieces. They’ve never been whole since the fall of the republic, and then had to operate in a galaxy they weren’t trained for. They’re not the same anymore-they needed to own that.
The three heavy duty action scenes the batch were involved in were all callbacks to previous scenes. The hangar stand off-against what are essentially operatives designed to combat them specifically-is a call back to the first appearance of imperial cross. Crosshair sees the operatives and knows they can’t win. He’s unfortunately right. And wow I did not see Crosshair losing his shaking hand coming at all. I understand practically why the writers did it, and I know I’ll be thinking long and hard about it, but I literally screamed out loud when it happened.
I think all of the batch finally understanding and experiencing what Crosshair lived through was important. The batch met their match in Hemlock. Crosshair was never really an enemy in S1, and Rampart was too stupid. To Tarkin, they were a fly in the ointment of the bigger picture. It was nothing personal. He’s Echo and Rex and the rebellions problem-not theirs. But Hemlock? The experimental scientist who wants to own what they hold most dear. Yeah. They needed to really know him. I knew when Wrecker got injured last episode that if they won it would be by the skin of their teeth-and I don’t think a single character bar omega got out unscathed.
The batch’s rescue is perfect. Regs volunteering and going to rescue the defective clones? This really is a new galaxy. We’ve moved on from Cross and “he’s just another reg”. And it’s Omega and Echo returning the favour. The Batch have gone into a research facility to rescue their own and gotten captured for their trouble twice now. (Not including Echos rescue in clone wars-where they avoid capture but get a tad stuck). This was the third attempt in TBB. Still got captured. But it’s Echo and Omega together who get to rescue the people who got them out of their similarly horrible situations. The parallels abound and I loved it!
And that last confrontation. The rain? The shape of the buildings? That exposed platform? This was Kamino all over again. Except this time, however injured, however changed they are, Hunter and Crosshair are together. For Omega. They’ve both failed to stop her being taken by Hemlock before-they’ve both watched a ship fly away with her on board. This is another third attempt. They both get their do over. Except this time they’ve learned to trust eachother, and they’ve been forced to adapt. The clone’s humanity has always been their strength-and this is one of the most perfectly written, perfectly animated scenes in the series. I knew Cross was going to have to make a shot he didn’t want to take. And I knew he’d do it. But Omega telling him what to do, telling him she trusted him not to hurt her, broke me. It was all leading up to this. And that she hugged Cross first. I was crying before this scene. I will have to rewatch and hope I can actually see next time I was sobbing!
And Hemlock got his slightly gruesome end. Thank the FORCE.
And Pabu at the end. You can feel their disbelief that the trauma is over. That they can have peace. And the epilogue is perfect. I wish we’d got to see older cross and wrecker too-but their character arcs were already handled earlier. This is Hunters scene-it was always going to have to be. For him to truly be at peace, he has to feel OK watching her fly away. He’s spent three seasons clinging on-how he’s happy to let go. And Omega gets her choice. That precious thing all the clones are chasing. She got to have a childhood, grow up, and choose.
I’m so hopeful that Omega at least will reappear-especially if she’s hoping to join the rebellion! Maybe she’ll meet Hera again-that would be amazing. (I’m nothing if not a rebels fan)
I know Bad Batch is a series I’ll be coming back to again and again to rewatch, and I know I’ll see new things in it each and every time, but for now-Thank you Clone Force 99. You’ll always be our ‘dad batch’ of deviants. It was a wonderful wild ride.
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procrazedfan · 7 days
Minnie Mae Murderface was the kind of gal who didn’t let anything stand in her way. Whether it was running from Johnny Law for blowing up illegal explosives in a swamp, drinking booze to numb the back pain, or outright diving in the lake to noodle for a catfish dinner, she never hesitated on any decision she made. The way she saw it, it was a waste of time hemming and hawing. It was better to take action than to sit around and wait to ask for permission. For right or wrong, at least something would be done.
That was probably why she didn’t hesitate to put in a little somethin’ extra in her Pa’s beer before she gave it to him.
Or why she didn’t look back when she crawled out the back window of the broken screen of Daddy’s trailer with nothing but her usual overalls, sneakers and tool kit.
Or why she didn’t stop walking when the sun rose again over the horizon of the ten-mile marker on the road.
All she knew was that she had better get free or die trying. Cause it was either that, or she'd have to go back to Pa.
Granted, he was alright for a Pa. He was nice enough to let her keep wearing overalls and play with the other boys her age when she was a youngin'. Taught her how to fix the truck, along with HVAC units, and all other things that would need fixing at the trailer or the junkyard. They even watched NASCAR together on Sundays.
It wasn’t until that preacher fella done come by their little ol’ nowhere town of Mount Pantera that her Pa went crazy. Suddenly, he’d gotten funny about what she should wear, was told to do less “men’s work” and more “women’s work”. Even the NASCAR on Sunday went away in favor of hearing that same preacher man on the pulpit.
If that was the only thing he was trying to change she could have tolerated it.
Trying to ignore the growing pain in her lower back, and took a swig out of the bottle of beer that she saved for herself for the trip.
The question was...where was she gonna go now?
Her Ma was buried six feet under, not that she remembered much of her. Her aunts and uncles nearby would just turn her back in to her Pa as soon as they could. And the rest of her extended family was Lord Knows where.
She chewed her red hair from her right pigtail, trying to think of a solution. It was a shame she didn’t have her fiddle on hand. That was useful for thinkin’. But she reckoned she had to travel light on an occasion such as this.
Minnie tried recalling any relatives that were out there in the world, far away from the quaint little ol’ town of Mount Pantera. The only place she knew her whole life. Who was at that family reunion last year?
A beat up car in the parking lot of the diner she was walking by had been blasting some kinda music she never heard of.
The rhythm was...heavy. The sound of the drums were consistent, and the sound of the guitars were low, like a war song for a march. The singer must’ve had a frog in his throat, because she could barely make out the words from the sound of his growling.
"Hungry and tired the frigid plain yields little
  We trudge on further, eating pride and snow that's brittle
  We ride
 We ride"
She grinned a little to herself with her tooth gap showing, imagining what it would be like if she had a horse to ride out of town on instead of her own mismatched feet.
-That was “The Lost Vikings” a Dethklok Classic, stay tuned to 5184MTL for metal hits old and new -
Where had she heard of Dethklok befo- her hazel eyes widened in revelation as she slapped her knee. It was Cousin Willy’s band! She remembered Granny Murderface braggin’ about it after she had one too many beers at the reunion last year.
Everyone called her Granny on account that she was the Murderface clan’s oldest living matriarch. And when she put her foot down, that meant her word was law, even though she retired to Florida some years back.
If anyone could get her out of this situation, it was Granny Murderface, she was sure of it.
Minnie Mae walked through the doors of Flotsam and Jetsam’s Diner with a spring in her step and a wrench in her hand.
“Got anything need fixin’ round here for a plate and a phonecall?”
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hawkinsunderground · 5 months
every time i start to feel like i'm deluding myself about byler happening, i give myself a reality check using the classic 'if they were all straight' scenario, and then i stop doubting. if everything remained the same--same relationships, same dynamics with friends--with the only difference in the show being that Will was a girl, it's almost painfully obvious. And because all a m/f couple has to do is be in the vicinity of each other to get shipped, byler probably would have been more popular even in the earlier seasons.
Mike spending an entire season right by his girl best friend's side, desperate to help and fighting to stay near her as she slowly gets possessed. Then at the end of it all he gives her a whole speech crying and saying that choosing to be friends with her was the best thing he's ever done? I guarantee you even with milkvan developing a bunch of people would have jumped on the byler train, and more others would be thinking that Mike and Willow or whatever would eventually get together later on, with warring opinions on who the better ship is.
Mike neglecting his girl best friend who is now hinted to have a crush on him in s3 while trying to get over being kidnapped and everything she went through? Spending all his time with Eleven even though byler had just been so close the season prior. There's no way at least some ppl wouldn't be thinking romance. The whole 'Mike's probably repressing his feelings and pushing Will away because he's scared' idea that a lot of bylers believe suddenly wouldn't be a reach anymore if it was a straight pairing.
Sectioning the two of them off to have their little cali romance all the while hinting at serious relationship troubles and conflicting character arcs for Mike and Eleven. Meanwhile the shrouded love confession from 'Willow', the obvious flirting. You can't look me in the eyes and tell me that people wouldn't be losing their shit during the entire apology scene if Will was a girl. The flirty smiles, the "I didn't say it." "You didn't have to.", the intimacy of his apology to 'Willow' in comparison to the apology from Mike to Lucas in s1. Along with all of the other scenes where Mike is clearly different with 'Willow' compared to the rest of his friends, he's always near her, etc.
Atp I feel like the general consensus would be that they're setting up a Melvin breakup and Byler endgame. Mike putting his hand on Willow's shoulder and promising they'll get through this together while literally showing Midleven crashing and burning in the same scene? In one of the final scenes? You're gonna tell me that people wouldn't be thinking along the lines of romance, with the love triangle pointing in byler's favor?
Mike's 'love' confession would come across as the lie that it was and a lot of people would probably be saying that Mike is not confronting his true feelings. They would be drawing the same comaprisons we are--that it didn't even work and the gates opened, that his (girl) best friend had to tell him and guide him to confess to Eleven, with them finally as close as they were around s2 again and Melvin not even really getting back together, with clear issues still present in the finale. The direction they are going to take things in s5 would become obvious without the straight goggles blinding people to some of the most obvious character and relationship arcs that have been done a million times.
The only difference would be the lack of struggle due to homophobia and would probably be more centered on Mike's inability to confront his feelings due to a fear of messing things up between himself and Will, along with losing el because he doesn't love her the way she wants him to, keeping to the core of his character in either scenario
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You're gonna tell me that if people saw this and it was mike's girl best friend sitting next to him, they wouldn't be jumping at a romance arc between the two of them?
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or his reaction to them being friends again, a smile and voice we've never seen used with any other character, noticably different?
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the physical proximity, the fact that they seem equally flirtatious and affected by the other despite Will being the only one with confirmed feelings atp it's too obvious--if it were a girl sitting next to mike people would definitely be drawing some conclusions Anyway, byler endgame
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