#before I developed my own beliefs and independent thoughts
stormiclown · 2 years
Trust is Lost (I Shouldn’t Have Given it Out)
Looking back at the series and taking multiple characters into consideration, I don’t think Marinette should have put so much trust into her classmates nor the adults around her. There’s a mountain of proof that the adults cannot be relied upon by anyone. I believe that realistically, she should have developed trust issues because none of the characters respect, trust, or know her as a person and her unwarranted expulsion should have been the last straw. Especially since they don’t take the feelings of others into consideration. And I won’t even get into the issue with how the narrative always blames her for things that aren’t even her fault. This is my take on male Marinette with trust issues and emotionally guarded with those around him. This is my first angst one shot. Enjoy!
Despite the glowing silhouette of the crimson butterfly out line on his face, Marion was still very much aware of what was going on around him.
The recollection of his mother in his father’s embrace, along with their looks of distress and disappointment when that damned fox pendant landed in slow motion onto the ground below.
He knew his classmates were akumatized; not because Lila dared to make these accusations without letting him have a word in to defend himself, but because of their belief that their ‘Everyday Red Beetle’ was capable of cheating, theft, and bullying.
It made his stomach roll in nauseating somersaults and left a bitter taste in his mouth. He deliberately choose to bury the hurt of their betrayal by focusing on the sliver of hope that burst into him when he registered that Alya was the only one of his friends(?) that hadn’t fallen prey to Scarletmoth’s mind control.
”King Justice, cast aside by the words of a liar. I give you the power to reveal the truth. In return, you’ll give me Red Beetle and Feline Noir’s miraculous,” the terrorist’s tempting voice purred in the dark recesses of his mind.
Marion’s hands flew to his earrings as he wanted nothing more than vengeance. And not just because of Lila.
Because of the stress, anxiety, and bitterness he had accumulated over time. The designer knew that he would snap eventually, though he never perceived it would be so soon.
Before he could dwell on his negative emotions further, the magical line of Hawkmoth’s control suddenly stuttered and was abruptly cancelled.
Marion actively ignored how dark his thoughts became on the way to the bakery with his parents. The ones that should’ve been there for him. Who should’ve at least heard him out.
But what really stung was that it didn’t seem that unbelievable to the bluenette. Anyone who met him would think he was an independent kid, but it wasn’t really his choice. Sure, Tom and Sabine did love him, but they mainly left him to his own devices, the work at the bakery consuming most of their focus and energy. Even though they were aware of Chloe’s bullying, they never really did anything about it.
It was a hard pill to swallow, but it became clear to Marion that his parents were unreliable at best and not worthy of his trust at worst. They weren’t the first and wouldn’t be the last.
He had a feeling.
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the-paper-monkey · 11 months
Hello! I’m the MBTI anon :)
Thanks so much for your answer! You have amazing insight into Tom/Voldemort. That, in addition to your fantastic post analyzing Tom’s mannerisms as a child—which, to me, point to him developing Te before Ni—has me swaying towards ENTJ. (That said, I’m with you: As an INTP, I can’t write an ENTJ to save my life—they’re always doing things! I can’t keep up—so whenever I dabble in writing, I always write an INTJ).
I fully and completely agree: Draco is an ESFJ! A high-Te or high-Ti Draco, even if well-written, is just…missing something beautiful and essential, and leaves me wanting. Let him be his ESFJ self in all its glory! Totally a matter of personal taste, obviously, but I’ve never understood why Thinker!Draco is so common and beloved by fandom.
Thoughts on their Enneagrams (I’m tentatively going for 3w4 for Tom and 3w2 for Draco), or literally any other MBTI or Enneagram thoughts? (I too could talk about both all day!)
Yeah, I will never understand Ti/Te Draco. I think it stems from the common assumption that Thinkers are dickheads and Fe types are compassionate and empathetic 100% of the time. ESFJs at their worst are classic mean girls. And Draco has always given me a mean girl vibe.
I also think that Draco is a Three, though I believe he's a 3w4, rather than a 3w2. His drama, theatrics and self-absorption are much more of a w4 trait than a w2. It's rare to see Draco depicted as a Three in fic though. Sixes are most common, followed by 2w3.
Tom, from what I've seen, has two main characterisations in fic: 3w4 and 8w7/8w9. I do think it is somewhat open to interpretation in canon too, depending on how you perceive his motivations. There's a lot that can be said about both, but I'll try to keep this succinct.
Type 3
Basic Fear: Of being worthless Basic Desire: To feel valuable and worthwhile
Threes are, at their core, a mirror of whatever traits their society defines as 'successful'. Many Threes are charming, ambitious, and very hard workers (workaholics, even). On the more negative end of things, you might find them to be narcissistic or delusional, not to mention bitterly jealous of the success of others. But at the heart of every Three is the fear that without success and achievement, they are worthless. That who they are is defined by what makes them successful. Threes are burdened by a deep feeling of shame, though they may be oblivious to that emotion.
Three is perhaps the most cynical, self-aware and pragmatic version of Tom. Someone who is devoid of morality and understands how wizarding society works and how to manipulate it to his benefit. This Tom doesn't truly believe in anything except putting himself on the top of the world. Deep down he is ashamed of his blood status and poverty and, more than anything, desires to not be defined by it. His self worth is very much attached to his status and power. Status above all else.
Coming up with a name like "Lord Voldemort" as a teenager is peak 3w4. His obsession with his family history and the Heir of Slytherin thing is also very Three.
Type 8
Basic Fear: Of being harmed or controlled by others Basic Desire: To protect themselves (to be in control of their own life and destiny)
The Eight is a very different type to the Three, though they may have superficial similarities. Eights can be charismatic, bold, decisive and intense. On the negative side, they can become domineering, arrogant, controlling and ruthless.
Anger is as much a core emotion for the Eight as shame is for the Three. Anger drives, motivates and energises the Eight. Often the Eight's negative emotions (fear, embarrassment, disappointment, etc.) will be expressed as anger, rather than what they truly are. Eights have an inherent desire for independence, a distrust and fear of those who have power over them, and a belief that being vulnerable in front of others and letting them close is putting oneself in danger. They fear being hurt, controlled or constrained and will seek power to prevent this.
Tom as an Eight is a true megalomaniac who believes in his fundamental superiority over others. Built on a belief that other people are, at their core, untrustworthy and unreliable, this Tom sees the world as a hostile power hierarchy that he must rise to the top of. Several valid reasons an Eight Tom Riddle might want Muggles dead are (1) vengeance against his father/other muggles from his childhood, (2) seeing them as a genuine threat, (3) that Muggles have underserved power/world dominance that Tom believes himself entitled to because of his power and ability to take it from them. And despite all of his power, there is one thing he can't control - his mortality. Through the lens of the Eight's need for control, you can see why he has such a deep-seated preoccupation with death.
I'm not quite sure what an Eight Voldemort would actually think of his own blood status tbh. I don't think he'd spare it much thought past his obvious resentment of his father.
I think this conversation with my housemate from last year is a good summary:
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I have read and enjoyed both interpretations in fic. But personally, I view Tom as an Eight.
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fancywordology · 1 month
The idea that objective Truth is “white” is ignorant. That’s a close-minded assumption because many cultures had such intellectual ideas as objective Truth before any “white influence” and even came to similar conclusions on the same subjects
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Things like astronomy, mathematics, engineering, medicine, etc. were all practiced independently by different ancient cultures in the West, Africa, and Asia. All these cultures have shared practices and understanding of these scientific factual concepts. As a first generation US Asian, I take offense to this idea. Sure, maybe I shouldn’t take offense because perhaps the idea of “objective truth” “shouldn’t be taken so seriously”. Yeah. Idc.
The biggest differences in such scientific endeavors were the methods used and the overall belief systems of each culture. Furthermore, another difference is how much emphasis was put on each facet of society such as empirical evidence.
Some may not have held such things in as high a position as other parts of the culture. That is the main difference. However, even in native cultures, they still had such things as justice systems and sciences.
It’s short sighted and close-minded, and dare I say, bigoted, to assume that other ancient and native cultures didn’t independently come to similar conclusions of objective fact as the rest of the world. The only difference was the general cultural importance of such things and the methods used for get to the same objective Truth.
Carl Jung poses the idea of the Collective Unconscious where the whole of human kind is connected through a large uconsciousness (some people may refer to this as God or spiritual energy) whereby common ideas may be shared by all cultures, independent of influence from one another.
So, no, the ideas of objective Truth and logic and critical thought are not “white”. The methodologies seen in European countries, the UK, US, Australia, etc. are “white”, but not the conclusions nor the practices.
Not to mention, postmodernism as we know it, was posed by white people studying other cultures. The hypocrisy knows no bounds in the idea that objective fact and knowledge doesn’t exist at all. Even the ideas of magic and science are not as dissimilar as we may believe.
We aren’t living in a virtual world where we can do anything we want or change anything we want at our own whim without any repercussions either from others or from the natural world, but even in a video game, for example, there are still boundaries that are objective facts put in by the developers. Sure, you can go in and change the game code, but you’re still working within the frame of the game itself unless you want to make an entirely new video game, which can only be done when you have the boundaries of who, what, when, where, and how to get it done.
Nothing is boundless. If you want no boundaries, good luck. Even if you managed it, you’d spiral into oblivion. And yes, I do mean the kind of spiraling you do when you are anxious.
Logic and reasoning to come to objective truths are not inherently white and those who pose postmodernism are almost all white people appropriating an amalgamating other non-white cultures into one school of thought framed from a white perspective.
So, within the postmodern framework, what I said is “my Truth” and is “valid”.
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bvtchcas · 2 years
I find the earlier seasons angel stuff so much more compelling than later seasons, for a few reasons probably. But one of the big things for me is the framing of Cas as somehow uniquely predisposed to rebellion in a way that other angels aren't.
For me this makes Cas less interesting (even while making him the specialist little princess which like yeah! he is special! because he's my baby!) and also really flattens out the complexity of Heaven's whole structure and undermines a lot of what we see of other angels early on.
I love Anna and Uriel so much, they're really fun characters and they both have their own different forms of rebellion going on before Cas defects. Uriel also apparently has a bunch of other angels who agree with him or who he has managed to convince to join him.
Cas' arc in season 4 is what made him such a compelling character to me to begin with and it's compelling (to me) because it's a process of decision making that makes sense to me in a 'this is how many people in a similar situation might behave' kinda way rather than. Cas is just like that so of course he does that.
Heaven is a religious organisation that is set up in such a way that professed beliefs (love of humanity, obedience to G-d) are not those that are actually upheld by the organisation. And as we all know from real world religious organisations, some people will accept this cognitive dissonance and have no problems, and for some being confronted with this conflict of ideas will cause them to lose faith in the organisation. Zachariah specifically says that the angels 'on the ground' were kept in the dark about Heaven wanting to bring on the apocalypse, because the higher up knew this would cause problems!
There are many factors contributing to Cas' evolving feelings and leading up to his decision in 4x22. Uriel's betrayal, talking to Anna, talking to Dean, these all gave him opportunities to reflect and question his loyalties. I also think that specifically 4x07 was a big one for him. He was told to do what Dean told him to, rather than given specific orders from Heaven. That situation, by it's nature, allows for speculation! It invites him to wonder what Dean might choose, what Heaven would want Dean to choose, and what Castiel himself thinks Dean should choose- and that already has him forming opinions!
I really like the idea which I felt was implied in these seasons that all angels have the capacity for independent thought/ opinion/ feelings and that exposure to the chaos of humanity and interacting with humans leads to the development of these (in Uriel's case it brings out his dislike and resentment of humanity, in Anna her desire for the full breadth of emotional experience, etc.)
All the lobotomy stuff still works as a plot line without presenting Cas as the one who is always rebelling and was just like. made wrong. while the other angels don't really cause problems.
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dearaliya · 3 months
ACOTAR: The whole shebang, and who we forgive
Dear Aliya,
This is my Roman Empire.
There has been a lot of discussion surrounding the Archeron family, sisters specifically, and whether or not they deserve forgiveness for extensive misbehaviour. I hold my own opinions in the highest esteem, but everyone else is welcome to theirs too and I always eagerly read through them just in case there is a facet I have missed. That being said, I would like to expand upon my thoughts and defend them till dying breath.
Let's get swinging (ง •̀_•́)ง
Forgiveness is a spectrum, all bad deeds fall somewhere on it and they have to slowly but surely crawl from one end to a settling point everyone is comfortable with.
Mr. Archeron sits lowest on that spectrum. After losing their wealth through something avoidable, had he dared to take advice from people, Mr. Archeron cannot accept that it is gone and continues to talk about regaining it. He does not take care of his family, he does not attempt to find other manners of regaining wealth, he relies on Feyre for food and money and proceeds to count it all when Feyre actually comes back with a large enough pile.
Hey! I hear the people yell. He fought in the war! For his daughters! Whom he named ships after! Banger argument, but I would like to turn your attention to this passage.
“Apparently, he discovered the human queens were traitors months ago, and has been gathering an independent human army to face Hybern ever since. He managed to find Queen Vassa—and together they rallied this army.” Drakon shrugged. “He told me that he’s got three daughters who live here. And that he failed them for many years. But he would not fail them this time.” ACOWAR - Chapter 71
I'll skip the plot hole about how he found out the queens were traitors and get more into the meat of this. He did one (1) good thing and that thing was fight in a war against a tyrant as if it wasn't the most default stance one could take on the matter.
I personally dislike the tale of forgiveness that ends with someone fucking off into oblivion/death to absolve them of all misdeeds. It's a cop-out, it's pushing the belief that sacrifice will always redeem you no matter how terrible you were and it's robbing all the characters of any closure or growth collectively.
He showed up, was a bargaining chip but not really, and died in no spectacular fashion or with any greater purpose other than to upset Nesta who, let's be real, was already bent on killing King Hybern anyway.
So yeah, lowest! Cheers for the contribution brother, may you rest in peace performing the same duty as always. Nothing.
Second lowest, with almost nothing in it, is Elain.
How do I put this gently? After all, she is a delicate baby who needs constant hand-holding to function. Her character traits are: Kind, Sad, Flowers and Sad 2: Sadder than Ever.
The hardest thing she had to go through was becoming High Fae (oh no, you look the same as before but you'll live forever in luxury and magic, that sucks) and losing her lover because of it. Both these things sent her into a terminal sad that would have killed her if not for the aforementioned fae-ness.
You'll have to forgive me, I've misplaced my smallest violin.
Hey! More people yell, louder this time. Elain has acknowledged her lack of support! That's development! You're persistent and I do love an open dialogue, so let's look at the apologies and the surrounding circumstances!
“Feyre gave and gave—for years. Let us now help her. Help … others.” ACOMAF - Chapter 23
This was the sisters agreeing to host Fae and the Mortal Queens in their house to discuss the oncoming war. Do we remember what was said just before this?
“Nesta,” Elain said again, twisting her hands. “If … if we do not help Feyre, there won’t be a wedding.” ACOMAF - Chapter 23
Gasp! Is that a selfish motivation I see? Is Elain only helping Feyre because she realllllly wants to marry the man of her dreams? The one that hunts and kills fae, despite her sister now being one? Crazy.
Moving on.
Elain sat a little higher as she said to Cassian, “And as for Feyre’s hunting during those years, it was not Nesta’s neglect alone that is to blame. We were scared, and had received no training, and everything had been taken, and we failed her. Both of us.” ACOMAF - Chapter 24
That you did, allow me to beat a dead horse for a moment. Plenty has been said for Elain being the most traditionally feminine character in the book. She tends her flowers, she tends her flowers, she tends her flowers. Hm, how strange, she seems very adept at gardening, I wonder if there is anything she might be able to do with this talent? Perhaps, grow something edible?
It's the Isabella Madrigal argument.
Feyre's not out of the woods on this,
Elain sometimes just … didn’t grasp things. It wasn’t meanness that kept her from offering to help; it simply never occurred to her that she might be capable of getting her hands dirty. I’d never been able to decide whether she actually didn’t understand that we were truly poor or if she just refused to accept it. ACOTAR - Chapter 2
Girl so help me, if your sister is that stupid you really need to start explaining more shit to her with crayons.
So yes, offering of help number one is undercut with selfishness and admittance of lack of help is swept under the rug because she's an idiot and people are just okay with that.
My magnifying glass wasn't able to pick up on too much sincerity either time.
Now, I would like to say that Elain hasn't had a book to herself showing a growth and recovery period, it had all been snippets and tidbits while we follow other characters. So in the sense of fairness, if she does get her own book I will revise my opinions.
Now to the bitch that did get her own book, the most forgiven for her transgressions in my heart, in an absurd twist, is Nesta.
Yes, Nesta who actively didn't help at all when they were starving. Yes, Nesta who has perpetual beef with Feyre. Yes, Nesta who by all means is a terrible person.
Know why?
She is also has just about the best motivations, if being a little misguided most of the time.
Nesta resented her father for not stepping up to care for them all. Her way of showing that was to leave his cane out of reach and to not help Feyre, because doing so would further allow him to think that what he's doing, nothing, is alright. She equally seemed of the opinion that her youngest sister didn't need protection from the horrors of the world, she was facing them daily just to keep them fed and not blinking.
She forced Feyre back to the fae realm because she saw that she was unhappy, she had no idea what would happen to her sister in making that decision for her. She is understandably defensive around Feyre when she returns quite clearly different because they've all been raised on horror stories of fae, with several encounters to only strengthen the distrust.
That distrust is slowly rolled back, though not completely because she wants Elain to marry the fae killer, until they're kidnapped and forced to become High Fae which I will stand by as being a jarring experience but not the worst one that they could have undergone.
She experiences the coldest welcome ever seen, Rhys straight hates her for not helping Feyre and the others follow his lead without another thought. In return, as someone not prone to showing weakness, she bites back which just starts a vicious circle that worsens and worsens until everyone turns all the way against her. She's angry, she's destructive to herself and wants nothing more than to be left alone and everyone insists on being in her business till there's no other option than to slowly and begrudgingly begin her reconciliation journey with herself and with the people around her.
She forms connections, she advocates, she makes sacrifices and she messes up repeatedly, it's a long ass journey to make and she forges on. She reveals her true colours, someone fiercely loving and protective of her sisters when they find themselves in peril to the point where she sacrifices her powers and uses them to save Feyre (and Rhysand and Nyx) which was a huge loss to her as someone who never wanted to be weak again.
She's not perfect, but she's at least made up for everything that she's done in her past and continues to try and do so. So yes, Nesta sits right on the far side of forgiveness and she will only get closer and closer to being totally absolved, thank you greatly, no further questions at this time xx.
Nothing more comes to mind, so I appreciate you listening to my thoughts. I’ll see you next time, stay well!
Hannah xx
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quenthel · 1 year
oughughug ed stuff (also some tmi stuff)
i have been recovering from my ED pretty well... learning how to enjoy meals and not overeat all the time im even a little bit distressed/ reward myself with other stuff than food so my relationship to meals have changed... i also got much more into cooking than i was bc of dunmeshi too and i enjoyed the philosophy of cooking and eating meals from that manga so much legit helped me a ton to think about it more and really internalize it. Like reading that manga really made me reconsider what i think of food and that made it easier for me not to fall back into old bad mindsets as much (but i do sometimes still its a work in progress)
And like I lost a lot of weight bc of this (i just eat a little less move a little more and give more time and thought to my meals) like its been still a struggle for me esp in the beginning and by this point im losing weight very slowly like it took me 8 months to lose 10kg while the first 8 i lost in like 2 months. And while this food journey was overall good for my mental my body got much much weaker psychically esp my endurance because its a large change. Im not sad about it because being overweight (and still being overweight lol) was making me miserable (and the societal hatred for fat people was part of that ofc, but also mostly it was caused by some beliefs i have about my own self worth its a big issue) but I feel like no weight loss post or story or anything talks about this. I also started to exercise and so far some of it has been harder but some of it has been easier. And i still need to work a lot on appreciating my own body and truly inhabiting it in a sense like being at peace with it and not fighting it and connect to my own body as its part of myself and not just something im in. Like its part of me. Funnily enough the times i really felt that connection were the times I was spending a lot of time together with other people like irl (when i had a huge friend group and we drank a lot together or when i was w my ex lol).
Like at this point i weigh less than i ever remember weighing (even in my teens lol) and i still have a long way to go. But i would not have done it without being supported by my friends and parents like i dont think anybody can come out of toxic mindsets without opening those doors and asking for help or knowing that they HAVE to do it for other people (like my dad recovering from alcoholism because he was scared he will die before seeing my brother and me grow up). Also its funny that around the time i started really thinking abt my own body and my health and really asking for help (in therapy too) to make me truly healthy, not working on it in isolation like i did after beating disco elysium was around the time i started thinking abt being trans too. Like realizing that my body is me made me think more about my own gender too. I’m also thinking a lot abt starting HRT but that would be impossible for me bc of my country (idk if i can even do that abroad but maybe...) but I don’t want to yet since I want to establish my body mind connection first and THEN see if i still feel like I should.
Anyway im around halfway done with my weightloss plans and its been 9 months. I originally wanted to recover fully and reach that weight and develop habits to exercise regularly in 2 years but since im moving soon i might not be able to focus on this as much or maybe its going to get easier... who knows. I still feel like I’m a work in progress tho both bc of therapy and bc of this but also because i really feel like im JUST starting to become more of an adult because im thinking about these things (and its making me more sad that i cant be financially independent yet but im trying to be patient). But it feels like im currently at a point of my life when im changing for the better overall and while I struggle a lot its not as bad as it was before so thats pretty hopeful...
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
hello! it’s youngin anon once more. we’re giving “Ted talks” in our psych class and I almost thought about giving one on fandom & group psychology before the thought of talking about fandom drama killed me on the spot. so I think I’ll give a talk about the importance of humanities education and how it affects thinking. do you have any good sources/thoughts? thank you!
Hullo, my honorary chillun. As ever, I'm delighted to hear from you, and I hope you're doing as well as is possible in this blighted hellscape. Likewise as usual, I'm always impressed to hear what you're working on, and wish you the best of luck. The idea of talking about fandom drama in class is indeed mildly horrifying, if (I must admit) oddly fascinating. If nothing else, I can guarantee you would get some AMAZING questions in the discussion part.
On the topic of humanities education and its social and cultural importance, I have obviously had many thoughts and written many posts, some of which you can find in my history and school stuff tags. However, to briefly (ha) summarize:
1. The humanities are the essence of what it means to be human (hence the name). The seven classical liberal arts, or the "trivium" (grammar, logic, and rhetoric) and the "quadrivium" (arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy) were the foundation of a western university education for centuries, from antiquity through the medieval era and persisting into the modern period. They were intended to teach a person how to think, write, argue, do math and music, and study our place in the world. Medieval scholars and professors also taught, wrote, and lectured on art, literature, theology, history, and other subjects that you would find in the humanities division of a university today. Indeed, the use of the university as a training ground for a career in industrialist capitalist production is a very new innovation, historically speaking. In the past, a university education was meant to teach you how to think, reflect, and engage with humanity's intellectual projects, not how to make money. This began to change during the Renaissance, but the "corporate university" model is a result of modern capitalism. Obviously, this involves questions of elitism, privilege, and access, and who was traditionally eligible for a university education (hint: wealthy men). But the prevailing modern idea wherein you go to college to Get a Degree in a Realistic Field so You Can Get a Job And Pay Back Your Student Loans would be utterly foreign to them.
2. The humanities prioritize the development of rigorous and independent thinking (and not in the way of the conspiracy-poisoned "Do Your Own Research!" internet mantra). You have to read many different things, write persuasive arguments, compare and contrast authorities, and form cogent rhetorical strategies that can stand up to challenge, contrast, and revision. And if you're in the humanities in particular, you will get a lot (a lot) of criticism and feedback, from peers, professors, students, and colleagues. If what you're doing isn't working, you will have to change your argument and your sources and strategies accordingly. If you're doing it as a professional, you have to submit for publication, get other people to look at what you've done, and see if you correspond to what's being done in the field. If you get too far off the ranch, people know. That doesn't mean that it's tyranny by majority (though of course academia does have other problems in that direction), but it does force you to be accountable, honest, and receptive, and able to change your beliefs to fit new evidence, rather than going further and further down your own fantastical whacko rabbit hole.
3. The deliberate devaluation of the humanities has taken place to prevent people from being able to broadly challenge the unjust status quo. How many times have you heard jokes about how English degrees are worthless, teachers get paid shit, or anyone in the arts will starve and live in their parents' basement? (And yet, during the pandemic for example, we all desperately consumed or made art -- music, movies, films, books, fics, paintings, creative projects, etc -- just to keep ourselves remotely sane, and we all rely on it every single day.) Why do you think there's this cultural wisdom that a humanities degree is basically as good as setting your money on fire for four years? Do you really think that our current system of /waves hand/ All This Shit wants to make it lucrative and possible for you to actually study and critique it, and thus be able to propose alternatives and make people understand why the current oppressive systems of power and control also sucked in the past, and how they came to an end? Welp, no. We had definitely better not do that. HAHAHA ENGLISH DEGREES ARE DUMB!
4. The idea that the only good education is the one that will make  you money or is a "hard" science is, yet again, an industrialist-capitalist fallacy. Apparently, studying anything that isn't computer engineering or math isn't actually Real Larnin'. Do we need more trade and vocational schools for people who might not want to do a full four-year college education, especially since a college education is supposed to get you a better job and often does anything but? Obviously! But is the idea that literature or poetry, or art, or dance, or music, or whatever, is “stupid” or “not intellectually rigorous” or “inferior” extremely ridiculous (and sexist, since the humanities are often gendered “female” while the hard sciences are “male,” since lady brains supposedly can’t cope with them thar STEM)? Indeed.
5. In our current craptacular land of terror, it’s helpful and comforting to be able to understand the broader picture and make informed predictions. Look, things suck right now. We all know it. But it’s empowering to work through the underlying causes, the overall situation, and all the doomsday messages and pithy soundbites that are thrown at you from all sides, and all the less-than-truthful spin that’s put on it for various reasons. If you don’t know how to interpret any of that or what to believe, it’s easy to sink into total paralysis, paranoia, and an insular bubble where you just want things to make sense (whether or not they actually do). That’s why conspiracy theories are so popular; at least they offer the comforting reassurance that all this does have a reason and someone’s ultimately in charge, even if it’s [insert nefarious evil cabal of the week]. If people don’t know what’s going on for real, that’s why they turn to whoever’s talking the loudest and sounds the most assured, even if it’s say, Fox News. They want the comfort of someone telling them what’s going on, and if it’s someone with bad motives, well, that leads to more problems.
For example: when the invasion of Ukraine first started in February, there were plenty of people panicking about nuclear conflict, world war, etc. Understandably so -- it all sounded fucking terrifying! I had a bunch of questions at the time, and I did my best to explain the situation and its historical-political reasons and where it came from and why it probably was NOT going to end up in a giant apocalyptic conflagration. People found it helpful and asked follow-up questions and it seemed like a useful exercise that helped calm everyone’s fears during a genuinely very scary inflection point. This isn’t to brag about how great I am or whatever, but simply to point out that if you’re more able to understand a situation and can discard the worst of the fearmongering, it will help with your own mental health and ability to react and think logically about what to do next and the kind of response that you want to put out in the world.
Anyway. Hopefully that was useful in re: what to think about and how. Hugs.
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lindira · 1 year
8, 25, 32, 69, 77 and 87 for Aeric? :D
Yay! Thank you for asking!
8. What do they believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
Aeric is functionally agnostic and has never had a strong belief in Dalish religion, but especially so after the events of Trespasser. So he doesn't believe in Dirthamen and whatever. He does believe that souls pass through the Fade, though where they go after that, he doesn't even pretend to know. He would like to think that the souls of the dead can find their loved ones again and exist in some fashion with them for eternity.
He's scared of death in the way anyone will be afraid of dying. But he's comforted in the belief that his soul will go somewhere and be with his deceased loved ones, even if he doesn't know what that kind of afterlife would look like.
25. What is their biggest flaw?
I'd probably say Aeric's biggest flaw is that he's too much of an optimist and idealist. That sounds like a bad job interview kind of answer ("My biggest flaw is I'm TOO perfect!"), but he is sometimes unrealistically optimistic or idealistic and that has backfired on him on occasion. When those hopes or ideals are dashed, it's a big disappointment for him.
He's been fortunate in the Inquisition because that stubborn hopefulness helped him browbeat Ferelden and Orlais into some semblance of order, but in his day-to-day life that can cause problems. For example, he has a very clear idea of what he thinks a parent should do and how they should act. His parents aren't perfect and often floundered in parenting him. So when his parents often failed to defend him from his Aunt Deshanna (who hates him) in the name of keeping the peace in their family, that soured them in his opinion somewhat. He also doesn't realize it yet, but his optimism about what life would be like in Tevinter with Dorian is... not realistic. And that's going to be a hard pill to swallow for him.
32. What is their self esteem like?
Aeric generally has a good self-esteem as an adult and is confident in who he is. He had a much lower self-esteem when he was a child and teenager, largely due to his clanmates bullying him. He learned over the years not to give a fuck about what other people say about him, though being purposefully excluded or being insulted will still obviously upset him sometimes. His self-esteem also takes a hit after Trespasser because suddenly he doesn't know his place in the world, but he does eventually recover once he finds some purpose and direction in his life.
69. How did the people in their environment growing up affect their personality?
I talk about this above, but he was bullied a lot in his clan. They thought he was weird and broken and too interested in human things. He was always pretty quiet, but the attitudes of his clanmates made him pretty withdrawn. It's why he often likes to be alone when he's upset, because he feels like being around people will just make him more upset. However, his dynamic with his clanmates also made him a really independent person and developed within him the ability to let a lot of insults slide off his proverbial back, which was really helpful as the sole Dalish in the Inquisition. It also helped develop his sense of compassion; he hates people in a position of power stepping on people who are hurting and marginalized.
77. What is their most prized possession?
Aeric's not very materialistic, so I had to think on this one a bit. Before Dorian, his most prized possession is probably his family pendant that he always wears (but that I often forget to mention in fics unless it's plot-relevant, lol). His father had him and his sister Paikea carve and paint their own pendants when they were kids, and Pai's pendant was what he buried when she died at the Conclave.
Then after he establishes his relationship with Dorian and they have to be apart, Aeric's most prized possessions are his letters and the sending crystal. He keeps every letter from Dorian in a bundle and reads through them often. He also LOVES the painting of Paikea's grave-tree that Sera makes for him and will eventually make a frame for it to hang up in his home.
And then, after Aeric and Dorian get married, his very favorite thing in the world are their wedding rings. :D
87. What is something they regret?
Two things. First is when he went hunting with his older cousin, Ierin (the Keeper's son) when Aeric was a young teenager. Ierin abandoned Aeric in the woods, but then got himself gored by a boar. Aeric found him and didn't go for help right away because he froze. Ierin still might not have survived if Aeric had gotten help immediately, but Aeric hates that there was a chance that Ierin could have survived and didn't, because of him. (This is also partly why the Keeper hates Aeric.)
Second is trusting Solas. Aeric doesn't know how he would have known that Solas was behind the Conclave blowing up or that he's the Dread Wolf. But Aeric is nevertheless mad at himself for thinking Solas was his friend.
From this 93 OC Asks game!
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priortoallthoughts · 1 year
Please tell me about yours OCs!!!!
I have so many 😭 but I’ll stick with the ones that are Star Wars related for now:
First is Lennox Cahill from my RepComm fic Listen Real Closely
She’s only 22 when she’s introduced and of course will be 25 by the time the Clone War ends
She has a twin brother named Courtney, and their dad mixed up their names on their birth certificates on accident when they were born
She’s a Gemini and she and Courtney have matching tattoos about it because they thought it was funny
Both her dad and brother are military men which is why she’s not too put off by the way Delta acts
She is a casual touch kinda person which Delta is very put off by when they see it outside of vode especially when Lennox gets comfortable enough to do it with them too
She has in fact seen E.T. and that will be relevant later
Not a big spoiler but something cute; she gets the nickname LC, which could mean anything from her own name, to Lucky Charm and Little Commando
There’s so much trauma I have to unpack with her
I need to start writing for this again holy shit I feel so bad
Second is Pippa Devereux for a Clone Wars/501st fic that I haven’t written
She’s from a planet that’s almost constantly embroiled in a civil war similar to the way Mandalore was in the past
She is a technological genius; numbers and mechanics have always come natural to her, they just make sense
Because of that she became the chief mechanic for her faction in the civil war when she was a pre-teen
She eventually got away and worked in scrap yards and space ports as a mechanic to make money and travel
She eventually made it to Coruscant where she was in the right place at the right time and fixed the ship of the right person and she was eventually hired to make military ships
She developed the invisible ship that Anakin used on Christophsis which is how she gets an independent contract to work for the 501st
She has an R2 droid called Jolt who helps her do morally and legally sus things sometimes
Very abrasive personality; can and will fight you
This is a Fives x OC idea because I love him
Third and last is Reeve for a Mandalorian fic (I named her before Koska Reeves was introduced and I’m not changing it lol)
She’s originally from Jedha but gets out before the events of Rogue One, obviously
She was an orphan who was essentially raised by Chirrut and Baze; they’re basically her dads
She’s force sensitive and blind like Chirrut, so he teaches her how to see the world through the force like he does (even though neither of them are able to USE the force, if that makes sense. That’s how I’ve always interpreted Chirrut at least)
She wanted to be a Guardian of the Whills like him before she had to leave Jedha when the Empire got more involved
She went with the owner of the orphanage she grew up in and some of the other children and spent time after leaving traveling to different planets finding homes and families for them
She wears a charm in her hair for every child she saved
She meets Mando after season 1 but before season 2 so he already has Grogu with him
He thinks she’s a Jedi but she denies that; she’s not and never will be
She’s cultivated her own beliefs about the force based on what she learned from Chirrut and what she interprets from the force itself
That’s all I have for now, I hope you enjoy!! Let me know if you want to hear more!
(I also have OCs for One Piece, My Hero Academia, The Vampire Diaries, Transformers just off the top of my head. I’m sure there’s more, rip) ((So if you wanna hear about any of them I can do that too lol))
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mafrah-mga2022mi5019 · 10 months
Research on the topics
I find body image, artificial intelligence and ageing to be the three most fascinating themes. I'll start researching each of them, before settling on one of them. 
Body Image
What is body image?
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Body image is a person’s perceptions, feelings, beliefs, thoughts and actions towards one’s own body. This includes how you feel about your appearance; what you think about your body itself, such as your height and weight; and how you feel within your own skin. Body image also includes how you behave as a result of your thoughts and feelings. You may have a positive or negative body image. Body image is not always related to your weight or size. 
Women with a positive body image are more likely to have good physical and mental health. Girls and women with negative thoughts and feelings about their bodies are more likely to develop certain mental health conditions, such as eating disorders and depression
A negative body image may also lead to low self-esteem, which can affect many areas of your life. You may not want to be around other people or may obsess constantly about what you eat or how much you exercise. 
Artificial Intelligence
What is AI?
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AI is a concept that has been around, formally, since the 1950s, when it was defined as a machine's ability to perform a task that would've previously required human intelligence.
AI comes in different forms that have become widely available in everyday life. The smart speakers on your mantle with Alexa or Google voice assistant built-in are two great examples of AI. Other good examples are popular AI chatbots, such as ChatGPT, the new Bing Chat, and Google Bard. 
The journey of AI started in the 1950s with the pioneering work of Alan Turing, who proposed the Turing Test to determine if a machine could mimic human intelligence. In the 1960s, AI research gained momentum with the development of the first AI programming language, LISP, by John McCarthy. Early AI systems focused on symbolic reasoning and rule-based systems, which led to the development of expert systems in the 1970s and 1980s. In the 2000s, AI research expanded into new areas, including natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics, paving the way for today's AI revolution. 
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In terms of my research on aging, I made the decision to focus on the loneliness and feelings associated with getting older rather than the science of aging.
As people get older, they experience a number of losses that are unavoidable yet severely test their feeling of interconnectedness. A person's number of friends or how frequently they visit their loved ones can sometimes be used to oversimplify or minimize loneliness. Midlife crisis is a time when adults contemplate their mortality and the waning years they have left to enjoy life and this is also common during ageing. Fewer than one-fifth of Americans say they actually experienced a midlife crisis. Although experiences differ from person to person, researchers have been able to pinpoint general patterns of poorer sleep, more stress, and reduced happiness in midlife. It is already evident that midlife is a crucial period that shapes the course of aging. Because of this, self-care in midlife is crucial, despite the hectic schedules caused by a growing number of roles. The importance of obtaining proper sleep and stress management cannot be overstated. By taking these actions, people may be able to transform their "midlife crisis" into "midlife potential."
I want to explore the phases of human life from birth to death, life events and the emotions behind them. Different duties and expectations are associated with each phase, which, of course, depends on the person and the culture. Children like learning and playing, and they eagerly anticipate entering their teenage years. Preteens are eager to transition into adolescence as they start to test their independence. Teenagers look forward to the opportunities and difficulties that maturity will bring. Adults increasingly prioritize starting families, advancing their jobs, and traveling on their own. Finally, a lot of folks look forward to retirement as a fantastic time to enjoy life without as much stress from job and family obligations.
Although all three of these subjects sound worthwhile for investigation, I'm more drawn to the one on body image since I can relate to it better and because I believe I can successfully use it as the basis for a series of motion graphics. I'm also more interested in the theme of aging since I think I can depict a range of emotions and the progression of human ageing.
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uh0paque · 3 years
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wonda-cat · 3 years
Misconceptions About Tommyinnit’s Character That Genuinely INFURIATE Me
Since the recent events following the second L’Manburg Festival and subsequent war, I’ve seen many, many hot takes surrounding the nature of Tommyinnit’s character on the SMP. Some of which annoyed me to the point where I felt compelled to sit down and actually write this. I’m going to only be highlighting the most common complaints or questions I’ve seen, one by one, in hopes of providing a better understanding of Tommy’s character for anyone interested. (I also briefly discuss Techno and Tubbo’s characters as well.)
If you’ve said similar things to what I’m going to be discussing below, please know that it’s perfectly understandable how you’d come to these conclusions. Some of these aspects of Tommy’s character are not always obvious; especially if being watched from another streamer’s POV. This may become quite lengthy, so bear with me for now.
“Tommy’s motives are all over the place. He can’t decide whether he wants the discs back or not.”
Tommy is actually one of the most motivationally consistent characters on the entire Dream SMP. Even Techno, someone completely confident in their ideals, does more motivational flipping than Tommy. From the very start of the story, Tommy has always cared for three things; L’Manburg, Tubbo, and his music discs. However, him caring for something is not itself a motivation. 
Surprisingly enough, his motivation isn’t even just, ‘Get my discs back,’ like many assume it is. Tommy’s one true motivation, since the end of the Independence War, has always been, ‘Keep things the way they are now.’ 
Tommy’s one fatal flaw is that he is resistant to change and refuses to let go of the past. This is seen through all of his actions and words; in all conflicts involving him. This flaw is the drive to all of Tommy’s mistakes. Burning down George’s house, an action which resulted in him getting exiled, was done out of a desire to pull pranks the way he used to before the first war. His friendship with Ranboo started because Tommy said he reminded him of Tubbo, back before he was President. 
Tommy still talks highly of Wilbur because he chooses to remember him as the wise, kind mentor who cared for him. This motive is the reason he defends L’Manburg so fiercely; it’s his memory of a better past. This is why he holds grudges more often than any other character; especially refusing to forgive Techno after he killed Tubbo during the Manburg Massacre.
It’s why Tommy falls under extreme distress whenever Tubbo or Quackity tell him that something will never be the same again. This motivation is entirely formed from an underlying desire for peace and comfort, something Tommy has been denied since being forced into a life wrought with war and death. To accept change, to Tommy, is painful and terrifying. But he will only ever truly be happy when he finally learns to let go.
“Why do the discs matter so much to Tommy? They’re not actually worth anything.”
Tommy’s discs are much more than just any ordinary pair of music discs. They were never important for their material worth, but for what Tommy was willing to sacrifice in order to keep them. Tommy is entirely what gives the discs their value. 
Tommy also commonly operates under the Sunk-Cost Fallacy, wherein he’s invested too much of himself into something to just abandon it, even if it’s causing him problems. This mentality is a huge piece of what keeps him tied to both L’Manburg and to his discs. He’s sacrificed too much at this point to simply let them go. If he admits the discs are worthless, then he’s admitting that he wasted all this time and effort, just to keep them.
The discs also act as a constant source of hope for Tommy because they are directly tied with his motivations as a character. They’re something he’s had since the very beginning. They’re something he used to listen to with Tubbo on their shared bench. 
To Tommy, they symbolize a life before war, filled with comfort and peace. They are a love letter to his country and his late mentor Wilbur. They are a physical representation of Tubbo’s companionship. They are the only thing, besides L’Manburg and his best friend, that gives him the hope that he can one day return things to the way they used to be. 
This ideal, paired with Tommy’s refusal to let go, has left him ruthlessly pursuing the things he’s lost. Not his music discs, but his peace and comfort, his friendship, his country, his mentor Wilbur, and his life before war.
In his desperation to hold onto his prized possession, it has only hurt and pushed away the people that love him. If Tommy continues to ignore this reality, while still refusing to resolve his major flaw entwined with it, he will lose all that the discs had once stood for. He will lose his country, then his friend Tubbo, and then he will lose himself.
“Tommy never grows or learns from his mistakes. This makes him a badly written character.”
Characters do not have to constantly learn from their actions to be well-written. Tommy is one of the best examples of this. The fact that his growth is infrequent is the entire point of his character; it’s completely stemmed from his fatal flaw. 
By addressing himself, he would be accepting change, something that terrifies him; something he stubbornly resists until he is absolutely forced to confront it. Contrary to popular belief, Tommy knows when he makes mistakes, but he pretends to be ignorant as to avoid facing reality. He digs his head in the sand despite knowing better, puppeteering the person he used to be during happier times, now gone.
In spite of his infrequent growth, the idea that Tommy still hasn’t learned anything isn’t quite correct either. Tommy, as of the last three plot streams, has shown incredible character development. By giving up his discs again, he had finally demonstrated that Tubbo is more important to him than his possessions. Speaking as a makeshift leader, he put aside his issues with others to rally them together against a common threat, something which Tommy had never been able to do before. He owned up to all of his mistakes openly, apologizing to everyone he’s ever hurt in one place. 
He apologized to Tubbo after they were reunited and came to terms with the fact that Tubbo was forced to exile him without choice, finally forgiving him. He was kind to Sapnap and learned how to be his friend after months of bitter rivalry. And these are only a few examples. This isn’t to say Tommy has overcome/fixed everything because he clearly hasn’t. There are still major things Tommy needs to work through that remain unaddressed, the biggest being his complicated relationship with Technoblade.
“Tommy only cares about himself. He does everything in his power to be the hero, always putting himself in the center of attention, especially during Doomsday.”
Tommy, since the start of the L’Manburg War for Independence, has never set out to be a hero. Not once. He may fall into the role of the protagonist, but his identity as a hero was pushed onto him by others. Giving up the discs was his only option during the Independence War. 
So when Wilbur called him a hero for it, Tommy said he didn’t feel like he was. During the November 16th War, Tommy again said he didn’t feel like a hero because he had lost what he thought was everything at the time. During exile, Tommy certainly knew he was no hero. And upon reuniting with Tubbo, he admitted to feeling like the farthest thing from it. That he’d hurt everyone and all he wanted to do now was fix it. 
The day before Doomsday, Tommy only took a leadership position because no one else was willing to, filling the role for Tubbo, who was crumbling under pressure. He had no choice but to try to bring everyone together, or fight alone. Most viewers never saw this during Doomsday, but before the battle, almost everyone who had vowed to fight alongside L’Manburg had abandoned them the very next day. They were convinced it was going to be destroyed either way, no matter what they did, so they chose not to see it through to the end; ultimately leaving Tommy and those who remained to fight a losing battle, alone. 
After about a third of the way through the battle, it became clear to everyone that they could do nothing to win. One by one, everyone stopped fighting and stood by to watch their country go up in smoke. Tommy was the only person on the battlefield who refused to stand down and give up. And so he took over the role as leader again, trying his best to keep them alive, to keep Tubbo hopeful; to keep fighting, no matter what. 
However, what most people don’t realize, is that this isn’t Tommy trying to be a hero or force himself into the spotlight. This is Tommy trying to convince himself to keep going. Because whenever things start to look hopeless, Tommy simply chooses to ignore them. He puts on a happy face and soldiers through it because that’s all he knows how to do. Tommy, at his core, is someone who wants peace through stagnation. He doesn’t want to fight, although causing the occasional friendly conflict is how he finds fun. He doesn’t set out to purposely hurt others. 
Tommy may come across as self-centered, but this is because he is an extremely extroverted character. He finds energy and joy in the attention of others, both good and bad. It’s why he’s always seeking the approval of others and, oftentimes, will destructively insert himself into another person’s life in order to find it. 
Out of every character in the story, Tommy is the most drawn to praise and positive reinforcement. He is constantly seeking out mentors and friends because Tommy needs someone else to help him feel confident in his own identity and abilities. It’s why Wilbur was such a positive influence on him. His boisterous confidence has always been a front because if anyone were to actually hurt him, he knows it will make his self-esteem crumble instantly. 
This is part of why Dream’s manipulation was so effective against him. By isolating him, he’s left without energy and looking to another person’s guidance. Tommy outwardly may seem independent and rude, but just under the skin, he’s unconfident and lost when he’s by himself. Tommy will only grow from this flaw when he finds his own identity and inner confidence; when he finally learns to be okay with being alone.
“Tommy goes to the festival solely to get his disc back and then tells Tubbo to give it away immediately after. That doesn’t make any sense.”
Before the screaming match between the two friends during the second L’Manburg Festival, Tommy had been in exile, manipulated by Dream for long enough to lose his will to carry on. It is because of him that Tommy’s reality becomes distorted, long after fleeing from his abuser. This mangling of ideals leads Tommy to subconsciously believe that L’Manburg and Tubbo are unsalvageable. 
Therefore, the only thing he has hopes of retrieving are his discs, which are easier to manage than the latter two things. And so Tommy does reprehensible things at the behest of Techno in a vain hope of getting them back, going so far as to kidnap and torture for them. This ultimately culminates in a confrontation between the ex-friends, quickly turning violent. It is in this violence that we see Tommy has sunk to his absolute lowest point in his journey. 
Swinging his axe, he nearly kills his friend as he delivers a string of words that cause the room to silence instantly. He says the discs were always worth more than his friend. Within the quiet of the room, Tommy is forced to reflect on everything he’s done. How he kidnapped and tortured Connor. How he accidentally drowned Fundy. How he traumatized Ranboo. 
And now he’s hurt Tubbo, the one person he has always sought to protect; someone he vowed to never hurt. This realization causes Tommy to break. He’s so ashamed of himself that he can’t look at anyone. Tommy knows now that he is worse than anyone he’s ever hated. 
With pain in his voice, he tries and fails to apologize to Tubbo in the moment. The only way he knows to redeem himself now is to prove to Tubbo, after everything, that he can still put the discs aside. And so he does.
“The fact that Tommy is still trying to get his discs back after L’Manburg was destroyed is unreasonable and ridiculous.”
Tommy deals with grief in an interesting way, doing something very similar to Techno. His grief almost instantly becomes anger and a drive to prove himself. It morphs into a need for vengeance in response to injustice, always. 
After the destruction of L’Manburg, Tommy saying he wants the discs back is a double-sided motivator. The obvious side being: Tommy still needs them to feel comfort. The subtle side beneath it: Tommy is using them as an excuse to find Dream and kill him. To make him pay for helping destroy their home, hurting his friends, and abusing him in exile. 
Upon the loss of his home, I’d also argue the discs have only grown more important to Tommy in the aftermath. Typically, in grief, people hold onto things that survive devastation far more than if the tragic event never occurred. If your eldest child dies, one may hold their surviving children tighter. If your house burns down, one may deeply treasure a box of items that survived the flames. Tommy’s desperation after losing so much is entirely understandable.
On top of this, the discs are still the core to Tommy’s fatal flaw. They are what keeps him from achieving total happiness, so him getting over this intrinsic part of himself so easily would make for an unsatisfying character arc. He still has to work for his happiness in order to change for the better. 
To add, I’ve seen a lot of people complaining that Tommy is still prioritizing the discs over Tubbo, especially in that moment. And while I mostly agree, there are some interactions that stand out to me as being different between the pair that may imply otherwise. Tommy says a few times that despite L’Manburg being destroyed, he still has something left to lose; each time, turning to look at Tubbo. 
This subtly implies that losing Tubbo would be as devastating as losing his home. Tubbo also never voices disagreement over Tommy’s continued pursuit of the item. However, Tubbo frequently does what he thinks will make others happy, so this doesn’t implicitly mean support for Tommy either. Besides these two things, this is still Tommy’s fatal flaw shining through, continuing to hurt others around him. 
I only hope Tubbo can learn to stand up for himself and voice his real thoughts to Tommy now, after everything. It would provide at least some desperately-needed closure for Tubbo’s character.
“How could Tommy betray Techno like that? Techno told him upfront what he was going to do.”
While it’s true that Techno was obvious about his plans, Tommy was also just as upfront with Techno about what he thought of it. In fact, maybe even more so, considering Techno attempted to hide them from Tommy for a good portion of their partnership. Whenever Techno brought up the idea of destroying L’Manburg or hurting Tubbo, Tommy would always remind Techno that he didn’t want to hurt anyone. And that if Techno ever did, Tommy would be there to stand in his way. He never once stopped saying this. 
Tommy’s two major positive character traits have always been his undying loyalty and his strength to never give up, even in the face of death. Two classically heroic qualities, both of which, ironically, reinforce his fatal flaw. His refusal to change makes him stubborn; stubbornness being the only quality that makes unwavering loyalty and extreme persistence feasible. 
Because of these two traits, it was impossible from the start for Dream to completely break Tommy’s spirit and for Techno to get him to agree to anything too extreme. Despite this, Techno already had no hope of keeping Tommy on his side after the events of the day before the Festival. During it, Tommy had asked multiple times for Techno to give his word not to hurt anyone. That they’d only threaten to spawn a wither, get Techno’s remaining weapons in exchange, then leave. That’s it.
Techno avoided directly promising Tommy but still agreed not to regardless. So when Techno chose to spawn the wither anyway, despite Tommy urging them to leave multiple times, whatever trust Tommy had with him went completely out the window. Thus, when the threat was finally real, that Techno would make due on his promise to burn his home country to the ground and slaughter his friends, Tommy intervened. It would be unreasonable to expect Tommy not to stand against him in that moment, especially after his mental breakdown which ensued as a result of him nearly killing his best friend. 
Adding salt to the wound on Tommy’s end, Techno decided to also align himself with Dream, someone Techno knew Tommy was afraid of. This might have been a way to purposely hurt Tommy. More likely, it was because Dream and him shared a common goal in the moment and Techno desperately needed allies.
However, the implication of Techno siding with Tommy’s abuser most certainly hurt him, regardless of its original intentions. This is possibly why Tommy kept insisting through Doomsday that Techno betrayed him, avoiding actually telling anyone the reason as to why. If he couldn’t find the words to describe what Dream did to him, even to Tubbo, he certainly wouldn’t be able to tell Techno either.
“Techno gave Tommy everything, only to be repaid with betrayal.”
This statement regarding Tommy is the one I see most often. (It is also the one I get the most heated about.)
Dream’s character is well known for his manipulation tactics against other characters; pitting them against each other, crushing them under his heel, bending their will to conform to his own. It’s what makes him an interesting villain. It’s something fun to discuss. 
But is it still fun to discuss manipulation tactics if they’re so subtle, almost no one notices them? This is the paradigm Technoblade’s character falls into. While people know Techno for his laid-back personality, dry humor, and complex motivations, many fail to recognize him as a manipulator. The reason why this is so hard to spot is because it is mostly unintentional on behalf of the character. Dream performs his craft with intention, Techno does it without realizing. 
As well as this being unwitting, it is sandwiched between Techno’s actual attempts to connect with Tommy and care for him. Thus, making the manipulation feel less damaging. The only problem is, this still hurts Tommy just as much, regardless of the intentions behind it. Especially after just escaping Dream, Tommy’s reality and sense of identity are horribly distorted. In this vulnerable state, he desperately needs healing and someone to help ground him. This is what makes him even more susceptible to Techno’s influence. 
And because it is much subtler, it is harder to notice, and much harder to break free from. Despite Tommy claiming to hate Techno for what he did on November 16th, he still chose to flee to his house because it was the only place he could think of going, as well as being the safest area possible. After the failed execution, Techno mentioned potentially hurting Tubbo through a vengeance plot. Tommy voiced extreme distress over this, to which Techno threatened to kick him out of his house. 
Tommy then says he’s fine being homeless because he doesn’t want anything to do with someone who would hurt his friend. This is when Techno decides to weaponize Tommy’s own trauma against him. To be fair to Techno again, Tommy never told him the extent of the abuse he suffered in exile. But Techno isn’t stupid. He knows Tommy is extremely afraid of Dream, and for good reason. 
So he tells Tommy that if he were kicked out, he’d be defenseless. That if he were out there all alone, Dream would find him very easily. That Dream would drag him right back to Logstedshire in an instant. He notices the way Tommy reacts to this, how quickly he changes his mind about being kicked out. He continues to use this trauma repeatedly in order to keep Tommy under his roof, no matter how disagreeable he gets about Techno’s plans. He knows he can’t retrieve his weapons alone because he has no leverage. 
Therefore, using Tommy like a wild card was a major side strategy. Techno knows it will hurt Tubbo by doing this and may make the President more willing to compromise. In addition to this, many of the strategies Techno utilizes are Narcissistic manipulation tactics, categorized by their intent to keep the victim in a position below the abuser in terms of worth. This includes Techno using the silent treatment as a punishment, something which hurts Tommy since he craves affection from others. 
He also attempts to isolate Tommy by telling him he doesn’t need anyone else; that everyone abandoned him during exile (something which Dream has also said.) He tells Tommy that he’s only alive because Techno is there to defend him and supply for him, as well as constantly reminding Tommy to not let any compliments he receives get to his head. These are both meant to make Tommy depend more on Techno and doubt his own abilities. Techno also occasionally engages in subtle gaslighting, attempting to sow doubt in Tommy’s mind about his relationships with Tubbo, Quackity, Ranboo, and Fundy. 
It’s also vital to keep in mind what exactly separates Dream and Techno in this regard. The most important thing being that Techno actually does care about Tommy. He trusts him and wants to earnestly help him. He knows Tommy has been traumatized and abused in some way, but he doesn’t know how to help because he’s not that great with people. It also doesn’t help that Tommy is unable to tell anyone what happened. 
In the end, Techno really does want to be a shield for Tommy. Despite debating handing Tommy over to Dream, it’s more likely Techno was using this as bait for Dream to waste his favor on something useless. After all, he could always save Tommy, should he ask for him to. Techno’s warnings about Tubbo and L’Manburg also come from a place of love, as Techno was personally hurt by them and wants to protect Tommy by telling him to leave it behind. However, just because something is done out of love, doesn’t mean it’s automatically helpful or good for someone. 
There’s no better example of this than in Techno’s most damaging and frequently used tactic: ‘Buy Their Love,’ a technique commonly used on children by narcissistic parents. At first glance, nothing seems wrong. Techno gives Tommy most things he asks for; providing him with food, gifts, protection, and a place to sleep. The manipulation within this arises when the act of kindness is counted as a debt against the person who receives it. That by receiving so many good things, they would be ungrateful to go against their abuser. Doesn’t matter if they emotionally or physically hurt you, they gave you gifts, so you should shut your mouth and allow the abuse to continue. 
Whenever Tommy speaks out against Techno’s violent actions or his plans to hurt his friends, Techno would frequently bring up all his ‘good deeds.’ He consistently reminds Tommy that he could’ve just thrown him back to Dream, but he was too kind. That he went out of his way to give him gear, food, and a roof over his head. That he was kind so Tommy should be quiet and let Techno plot to hurt the people he loves. Or else he’s selfish and ungrateful. Or else Techno will take all of his gifts back and leave him with nothing.
Knowing this, it is horrifying seeing people justifying this behavior by mocking Tommy’s character and calling him ungrateful using this very same fallacy. (Especially for those who grew up being controlled by this very tactic.) 
It is through knowing Techno’s use of the ‘Buy Their Love,’ method that makes Tommy’s, ‘I am worthy,’ response, not one of betrayal, but one of triumph. This moment is a major positive character change for Tommy for many reasons. When Tommy decides to stand against Techno, this causes him to fall back on his most reliable tactic. He insults Tommy and then asks for the Axe of Peace back. Instead of caving, Tommy refuses. 
By keeping the Axe of Peace, Techno’s final gift to him, he is not only rejecting the destruction of all he loves, but he is breaking free from Techno’s manipulation. He says, ‘I am worthy,’ because now he knows his own self-worth. He doesn’t need Techno or Dream to decide it for him. This moment is Tommy finally breaking free from not just Techno, but Dream as well. He is finally free.
“Tommy was only using Techno and never thought of him as a friend.”
Tommy and Techno’s relationship is complicated, which is why pretending only one side was in the wrong isn’t entirely accurate. Their friendship, in summary, is tragic when fully examined; being doomed from the start. Techno and Tommy are brought into conflict often because they are simultaneously so similar and so different. Techno and Tommy both deal with grief in the same way. They both long for a life of peace and comfort. They each long for companionship, hold their ideals in kind, and are both naturally resilient in the face of adversity. 
Yet, their personalities and courses of action are polar opposites. What makes this friendship one of tragedy is the fact that not just Techno, not just Tommy, but both of them, actually thought the other was their friend. They had each wanted to be the other’s friend since the day they’d met. Tommy never stopped wanting to impress Techno and get on his good side, even if his methods annoyed the target of his affections. Him calling Techno ‘The Blade’ was never meant to dehumanize him; it was a title of adoration. 
Along the same spectrum, Techno is a character who generally longs for friendship, but pretends not to after a lifetime of hurt. He’s been burned too many times, and so he chooses to stay alone. Techno is generally very reclusive and awkward around others, so when he likes someone or cares for them, it’s noticeable from a mile away. Their friendship has a very brotherly dynamic, and the fact that Techno allowed him to stay in his house, implies Tommy is a step above pretty much everyone else but Phil. Putting up with Tommy’s shenanigans is itself a sign of affection. 
However, when their goals come into conflict and the two start to drift apart, they deal with this in massively different ways. With Tommy devastated and enraged, and with Techno withdrawn and hurt, once more burned by someone he slowly learned to trust. They were once both friends, neither one was pretending. Yet, both of them thought their companionship was unreciprocated. 
On top of this, both Techno and Tommy were using each other. Techno used Tommy to get his weapons back by manipulating and lying to him. Tommy used Techno to protect him from Dream and get his discs back. They each hurt the other and refused to listen, both shouting valid complaints at the other that they refused to hear. 
Their relationship is also deeply affected by the themes of vengeance in the current arc, which is something I haven’t seen many people talk about. Most of the current conflicts this past month have resulted from characters being unable to forgive, resorting to revenge as a way to cope with loss. L’Manburg was the first to initiate this, through the influence of Quackity. The Butcher Army was formed to punish Techno for a war crime he committed. And while this is perfectly reasonable, what isn’t is the way the incident was orchestrated. It was an unchecked abuse of power to execute someone without a fair trial, as well as punishing Phil, who was not involved whatsoever. 
This was also particularly unfair to Techno, as many projected their anger at Wilbur onto him. Even Tommy did this, finding himself unable to blame his late mentor, so Techno was the next best option for him. However, it was Techno’s response to this that was interesting. He chose a path of vengeance, the same way L’Manburg did, after vowing to live his life as a pacifist. By doing this and following through, he hurt everyone, not just the people he claimed needed to pay for their actions. 
Instead of just picking the weed in the garden, he set the entire flower bed on fire. Through L’Manburg’s destruction, he gets what he wants. He destroys their government, but he also scars the earth and shatters the sky. He leaves uninvolved people homeless, deeply hurting Ranboo, Eret, and especially Ghostbur. Philza turns to vengeance as well, taking his anger at the death of his son out on people who do not deserve it. 
Tubbo, a day before the second Festival, was given another chance to seek revenge when Techno had spawned a wither on their land. Instead, all Tubbo could say was, ‘We do nothing … It’s pointless, vengeance. It’s poisonous.’ By doing this, he has managed to be a bigger person than even Techno was, with the strength and maturity to turn the other cheek. And now with Tommy’s plan to kill Dream, the conflict continues to escalate; only ending where forgiveness begins. 
It’s sad to think, if Techno didn’t choose a path of vengeance and Tommy was strong enough to tell Techno how he really felt, the two might have remained friends. Who knows? Maybe they still can.
“Tommy was the one in the wrong. Techno was right to destroy L’Manburg.”
Techno is a lovely character. He’s well-written, engaging, funny. He has many values and quirks that are generally relatable and interesting. His motives are deeply understandable and sympathetic. And yet, he is perfectly capable of being evil, in just the same way that Tommy can be deeply flawed despite being the protagonist. 
I’m sure most people already know that Technoblade is a villain. Or more accurately, a tragic antagonist. Techno (the streamer) knows he is and he’s having fun playing that part. Just because a character is morally in the wrong doesn’t mean their values and ideology don’t have merit. The best character I could compare Techno to is Thanos. 
They have completely valid concerns and points, but it is the way in which they go about achieving their goals that makes them into evil people. And despite this, many will still agree with them, even after they do something reprehensible. Contrary to popular belief, Technoblade’s tendency towards violence isn’t a good thing, no matter how you look at it. Even Techno himself knows this, that’s why he decided to reform and become a pacifist with Phil. He was not a good influence on Tommy, on top of also manipulating him. 
Techno caving to hatred and vengeance makes him no different to the resolve of the Butcher Army that pursued him. It is precisely the fact that he went on to destroy the home of not just Tommy, but also Ranboo and Ghostbur, that puts him in the wrong. He is allowed to despise all government and remove himself from it, but the moment he decided to insert himself into someone else’s country and take their home from them in order to destroy it, he abandoned an integral principle to his own values. 
This principle being: ‘Choice.’ The act of letting others be free to decide what they want for themselves. It is a huge component to the concept of anarchy, the freedom to choose. And yet Techno robbed this from, not just the ruling powers that hurt him, but individuals who were not even involved in the first place. He justifies this by saying it’s for their own good, that he’s helping; while acting in a self-serving manner. 
In his anger, he became the punisher, stooping lower than L’Manburg has ever gone. There is also the issue of Dream weaponizing Techno to destroy the one thing that has been a thorn in his side since the very start, manipulating Techno’s grief to achieve his goals. Tommy’s biggest sin in the Doomsday War was standing up to Techno and getting in the way of him hurting his friends and destroying his home. 
This isn’t to say Tommy is perfect, because he still hurt everyone he ever loved. But the only way he knew to redeem himself was to fight for what he knew was right. And so he chose to fight alongside his best friend, Tubbo. However, just because Techno is in the wrong doesn’t mean others are wrong for wanting to side with him, or by finding joy in his ruthlessness. The biggest appeal of Techno is the fact that he opposes people like Tommy. 
He knows how to put people in their place and it’s satisfying to watch. Some people love rooting for villains and it’s entertaining to see a being with so much power crush everyone else down so effortlessly. Especially because it’s so easy to sympathize with Technoblade. Sympathetic villains are the best kind; where they have understandable motivations, relatable flaws, people they love, and something they can lose. Dream is a villain you love to hate. Technoblade is a villain you hate to love. Simple as. 
Despite the destruction of L’Manburg being either devastating or fantastic depending on who you are, there is one major good it has done. It has pushed Tommy more towards the completion of his character arc. By losing one of the three things he loves, it will be impossible for him to pretend any longer. He will be forced to confront reality very soon. It all depends on whether Tubbo will have to die first for him to finally see it.
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literatikoo · 3 years
Lane Kim deserved better
I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I would only write Lane Kim meta when I am very very angry because I need to be powered by spite and petty energy to unravel exactly how much of a disservice this show was to Lane and by extension any Asian kid with a similar life. And, well, it's happening now, so buckle up kids, this is going to be a loooong ride because I have a lot to say.
Before we start on the negative aspects, the show got a lot of things about Lane right, which is why I care so much about her character. Yes, ASP obviously didn't know how to write a POC experience and it's seen in the way some very harmful stereotypes were propagated (the tiger mom trope, Mrs Kim's religious beliefs, the depiction of the Kim extended family etc) but at the same time Lane was beautifully written as a character, unlike her plot which left much to be desired. Lane Kim was an Asian girl with rock n roll dreams who had an extremely fraught relationship with her mother and had to fight for even a semblance of independence. And I hate to say it but a lot of daughters of Asian households are forced to hide a part of themselves from their families, so Lane's story was authentic.
Not only was Lane amazing as an individual, she was also a great friend. She was the only one who was really in Rory's corner; she never judged her and supported all of Rory's relationships (my favourite example of this is when she barely tolerated Jess in S2/3 and then did a complete 180 like 5 episodes later, all because Rory decided to finally accept she liked him). Lane never pointed out what Rory was doing wrong not because she was afraid of doing so but because the two of them had been friends for years and Lane believed that Rory would figure it out one day. Lane shows this unconditional kindness not only to Rory but to everyone. She takes in her Korean cousin and teaches her to have fun even when she's afraid that Mrs Kim has replaced her, she lets Gil be in the band because she empathises with him, she takes care of the band and prevents it from breaking up multiple times. And these are only a few examples of Lane being the kindest character on GG.
One of the best things in Gilmore Girls is that the most unproblematic, amazing guy is given to Lane. Dave Rygalski is the best love interest on the show hands down (Sorry to my boy Jess but Dave was LEAGUES ahead of him at 17) and Lane definitely deserved someone like that. Their story was adorable and I would have loved for them to be endgame. However, what grates me is that when I see people talking about Lane "deserving better," it's usually about Dave vs Zach. When Lane actually deserved better as a WHOLE and not only in terms of love interests. I always thought it made more sense for her to end up alone at the end of the og series. Because Lane was a person who craved independence and she was not going to get that while tied to some guy (even if that guy is boyfriend extraordinaire, Dave Rygalski). It's even worse when we see that Lane is the only female character on the show to be treated this way. Rory rejects marriage for her career while Lane ends up with marriage as her storyline. Lorelai and Luke get back together but their relationship is still left open ended, though arguably it would've made more sense if they got married when Lane and Zach did. Paris gets into Harvard Medical school and gets a great relationship, similarly Sookie gets the family she wanted and continues to be amazing at her job. But Lane... god Lane is the only one without an open ending, without any space for speculation of where her life might lead her. Not only did they marry her off, they also gave her a terrible first time and twins, effectively locking her to Stars Hollow. The show even cut down all hope of her being a rock n roll mom as one of her S7 storylines is choosing the kids over going on tour with Zach. She doesn't get to be her own person for more than ONE season; she's stuck with being a daughter and then a wife and then a mother.
Something else that angers me about Lane's storyline is that we never really get to see how badly her relationship with her mom affects her. Don't get me wrong, I adore Mrs Kim's redemption arc and I think it was beautifully juxtaposed to Lorelai and Rory's crumbling relationship, but having a mother like that is hard. Not only did Lane have to hide 90% of her personality from Mrs Kim but she also lived with the fact that one day she might have to choose between her dreams and her mother. In the end, Mrs Kim makes that choice for her and deals with it by kicking Lane out in S4, and yet we never really see how that negatively affects Lane. Hell, Jess acts like a broody teen for two seasons, Rory wastes six months of her life away at the DAR and they both come out of it successfully. Lane gets kicked out, figures out her own living conditions, gets a job, works insanely hard for her band and... ends up having to give her dreams up completely.
Lane and Paris shared a lot of similarities too, even if they both had different friendships with Rory. They both came from terrible families and looked to Lorelai as a mother figure, they both cared deeply for Rory, and they were both incredibly passionate about their careers. Paris made calendars and flashcards and went crazy studying for both pre med and pre law. Lane was a walking, talking music encyclopaedia, she bought CDs obsessively and organised them by genre under her floorboards, she taught herself to play the drums and then found a band to play for. And yet... only Paris becomes successful in the end, whereas Lane takes over Kim's antiques. Lane was still a musician in AYITL and she can be rock n roll even with kids but this is all hypothetical and we never see it on the show.
There is a lot of terrible, lazy writing on the show and a lot of characters get ruined because of it but with Lane, her character stays the same, they just ruin everything else for her. I think she'll be an amazing mom and will probably make her best out of doing music casually. But the writers also took something so special and destroyed it just because Lane stopped being as important to the plot as she was in seasons 1-3. Lane and Rory drifting a little after Rory leaves for Yale makes perfect sense, that's just how relationships are, always changing. And yet as Lane's importance to Rory decreased so did her importance to the writers.
Lane wasn't the kind of character that needed character development or a redeeming character arc- she was never a bad person and nothing about her had to be fixed, unlike Jess or even Paris. All she really needed was for her dreams to come true because for the first 4 seasons her dreams were the biggest fixture of her personality. Like how Jess needed to overcome his trauma and Rory needed to figure out where she fit in and Paris needed to become a girlboss, Lane needed to realise her dreams because that's where her arc was leading her. But it just didn't happen. Instead, Lane becomes 2-dimensional; a large part of her screentime is taken up by Zach problems, her dreams fall flat and she becomes tied to Stars Hollow for the rest of her life. Not to mention we see less of Lane in favour of Logan and the dickhead posse.
This is not me hating on all the other characters I've mentioned in this meta, I'm just pointing out the lack of respect the writers have for Lane in comparison to all these other people who fulfilled the role they were made for. Why would you write Lane to have all these dreams and make her struggle so hard for 4 seasons just to smash them to pieces? And why is it that one of the only POC characters on this show is treated like this?
And you can't tell me the writers didn't know what they were doing, not when this is a direct quote from Lane in S7:
"It was such a small window -- a peephole, really. For years, I was this repressed kid, and then there was the briefest of windows. And then -- slam. All of a sudden, I'm this overburdened mother. I barely got to do it, Zach. I barely got the chance to be a person."
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Constantine: His Rogues Gallery includes Minor Gods! What is wrong with you people?! // Danny: What do you mean? I don't fight Minor Go- *(thinks about Undergrowth, Vortex, and Nocturne)* Okay so I see where you're coming from. But I'm sure you guys have dealt with the type before and tbh Undergrowth just can't handle the cold. So just get a Freeze Ray or get Superman to breathe on him and everything'll be good.
I actually haven't really thought much about the concept of his enemies being minor gods but like you right they are
even if only by legend, the ghost zone is full of natural portals that open up into different time periods, these ghosts may not even be as old as the legends about them are, they've just jumped through enough portals and wreaked enough havoc to make names for themselves among a variety of cultures, they may have even changed forms a few times (as we know ghosts can sometimes do) which gave people the impression that they were different gods
not to mention some of the ghosts were ripped directly out of mythology, Pandora for one, her legend is way different from the real thing, likely due to history's classic game of telephone fucking everything up
then there's the question of if they are actually literal gods or were just mistaken for them, ghosts born from the dead are different than ghosts born of the ghost zone
I like to adopt the concept of poltergeists, spirits created from an amalgamation of emotion verses the independent soul/spirit/personality of someone who died
so the Far Frozen in my eyes was a civilisation created by the collection of human curiosity, they are essentially knowledge spirits who have grown their own culture, there are many of them due to scholars and education systems often relying on the experiences of many, teaching each other and engaging in discussion in order to understand things better, there are likely many different yetis with different specific interests, new yetis coming into being when more humans discover new things, they could all be considered minor gods based on their individual interests, and many have likely travelled through portals in an opportunistic field trip to learn, and due to their appearance and seemingly omniscient knowledge, have been associated as a god of their particular field of study
Undergrowth I like to imagine is a new spirit, born only recently with the rise of general frustration and anger by current generations over the destruction of the planet's environment and ecosystems, he is an amalgamation of the energy that would be produced at climate rallies and protests
Nocturne is also born of a combined human experience, that of course being dreams, he is probably one of the oldest spirits in human existence, his journeys in and out of natural portals would have inspired legends like that of the sandman and the greek god Morpheus, his recent rise to power may have been caused by a gradual incline of insomnia among people, the more desperation for sleep feeding into Nocturne's drastic behaviour
Vortex was also likely to be an old god, born of a time when people believed the weather to be made by gods and not simply a natural event, he's one I like to think has changed appearance many times over the years, he has hopped back and forth through portals, and his personality changes like the weather (ha ha) depending on the people who would pray to him and give offerings for rain to water their crops, in which case he would come and bring rain because it's what people believe he will do, or when an extreme natural weather event happens and people believe the gods to be angry and vengeful, in which case he would become angry and vengeful, in his episode during the show, I believe he showed up destructive because there had been a recent natural disaster somewhere in the world where the culture believed their god to be responsible, it wouldn't matter which god, Vortex would always be the one to embody that belief, as long it was associated with the weather
so I think it would be apt to refer to these native born ghosts created by pieces of human consciousness as minor gods, as they cannot truly be destroyed unless humans as a whole stopped feeling or thinking or believing in whatever initially created them, Nocturne cannot be permanently destroyed because people will always dream, Undergrowth can't be destroyed as long as people still feel fury over the destruction of the environment, but his behaviour could be altered if humans became more sustainable in the future and the general frustration and anger over environmental destruction waned, Vortex may actually have lost much of his power over time as fewer and fewer people blamed gods or spirits for the weather, if that belief ever disappeared entirely, so would he
even regular human born ghosts could even reach minor god status if they become a known figure, Pandora may have been human once, but in death became famous from her legend (inaccurate though it has become), and as a result became quite powerful, I also think she represents more than one deity, I think she likely also is believed to be the goddess Soteria (greek goddess of protection and safety, due to her role as the guardian of the Box), and so that belief also fuels her power, despite humanity believing those two identities to be seperate beings, however I don't believe she would be susceptible to a change in personality like natural born deities are since she already had a personality and a sense of identity to begin with, but her abilities and the power she wields may be altered by public perception
and to leap off of THAT point, we reach the idea that Danny is a very famously known ghost that many people believe in, many people love him, like Pandora he is a protector and a guardian, and so his ability to protect is boosted by that, much like a deity who is powered by worship, he himself has inadvertently become a minor god
and he also happens to be close friends with a MAJOR God, a God with a capital G, one who has existed before humans, existed before earth, he gained a physical manifestation as humans began to understand time as a concept, this, of course, being Clockwork, who happens to be responsible for every minor god's interaction with the human world because he controls the time periods in which the natural portals open, hence why so many portals were opening in ancient greece, because Clockwork had determined that their mythology was important to the future for whatever reason, I mean greek myths are still well known by today's standards and that must have been important enough for Clockwork to ensure it happened that way
he puts a lot of focus on Danny's development because he will become something incredibly significant to history, which is why other superheroes reeeeaaaally need to step back and mind their own god damn business, I can just imagine Clockwork popping in on Constantine and stressing the absolute importance of Danny being left alone
and then Constantine has to go chew out the Justice League because THE LITERAL GOD OF TIME SAID YOU NEED TO S T O P
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mbti-notes · 2 years
Type & Career Satisfaction
source: Do What You Are: Discover the Perfect Career for You Through the Secrets of Personality Type, by Paul D. Tieger, Barbara Barron, and Kelly Tieger (Completely Revised and Updated 2014)
ISTJ career satisfaction means doing work that:
Is technical in nature and lets me depend on my ability to use and remember important facts and details
Involves a real product or service done in a thoughtful, logical, and efficient way, preferably using standard operating procedures
Lets me be independent, with plenty of time to work alone and use my excellent powers of concentration to complete projects and/or tasks
Is done in a stable and traditional environment, where I will not be required to take unnecessary risks or use untested or experimental approaches  
Has results that are tangible and measurable, where precision and exacting standards are used and respected 
Has explicit objectives and a clearly defined organizational structure 
Gives me adequate time to prepare before presenting or turning in my work, preferably in a one-on-one or small group setting 
Gives me increasing levels of responsibility, with a minimum of social politics, where I am evaluated on how well I have achieved the requirements of the job description and am appreciated for my contributions 
Is done in an environment where my practical judgment and experience are valued and rewarded 
Allows me to set and reach stated goals by providing me with the necessary resources      
ISFJ career satisfaction means doing work that:
Requires careful observation and meticulous accuracy, where I can use my ability to remember facts and details
Lets me work on tangible projects that help other people, often requiring great accuracy and attention to detail 
Lets me express my compassion and devotion by working hard behind the scenes, but where my contributions are recognized and appreciated 
Is done in a traditional, stable, orderly, and structured environment, where the results are practical and service-oriented 
Requires that I adhere to standard procedures, use practical judgment, and follow through in a careful, organized way
Lets me focus all my energy on one project or one person at a time, working on products or services that have observable end results
Gives me a private work space so I can concentrate fully for extended periods of time and with a minimum of interruptions 
Lets me work primarily one-on-one, helping others, or with other people who share my personal values and beliefs 
Requires me to be organized and efficient in completing my assignments
Does not require too frequently that I present my work in front of groups of people without having adequate time to prepare well in advance        
INTJ career satisfaction means doing work that:
Lets me create and develop original and innovative solutions to problems to improve existing systems
Lets me focus my energy on the implementation of my good ideas, working in a logical and orderly way and in a setting that rewards my perseverance 
Lets me work with other conscientious people whose expertise, intelligence, and competence I respect 
Gives me credit for my original ideas and lets me maintain authorship and control over their execution 
Allows me to work independently but with periodic interaction with a small group of intellectual people within a smooth-running environment free from interpersonal squabbles 
Exposes me to a steady stream of new information, providing me with new ways to increase my proficiency and competence 
Lets me produce a product that meets with my own high standards of quality rather than with the personal likes or dislikes of others 
Does not require the repetitive execution of factual and detail-oriented tasks 
Provides me with a high degree of autonomy and control, with the freedom to effect change and develop people and systems 
Is judged by uniform and fair standards for all, where performance evaluations are based on established criteria rather than on personality contests and that compensates me fairly for my contributions        
INFJ career satisfaction means doing work that:
Lets me consider and create new ideas and/or approaches to a variety of problems, mostly those that help others to grow and develop
Lets me produce a product or service that I believe in and am proud of
Recognizes my authorship and ownership and my unique contributions
Lets me express myself and see the results of my vision
Lets me implement my ideas for the good of people or in the service of others; lets me work with others on a one-to-one basis 
Is done in a friendly and tension-free environment where my ideas are seriously considered and where I am psychologically supported for my efforts 
Can be done independently but with the opportunity to share frequently with others in an environment that is friendly and free of interpersonal conflict 
Lets me organize my own time and work environment and exert significant control over both the process and product 
Gives me adequate time to formulate and process my ideas so they are thoroughly prepared 
Is in harmony with my personal values and beliefs and lets me maintain a high degree of personal and professional integrity
ISTP career satisfaction means doing work that:
Lets me identify and use resources that are available to me in the most efficient manner possible 
Lets me practice, master, and then use skills I have acquired, especially mechanical skills or those requiring the use of tools
Lets me apply my understanding and technical knowledge of the world around me and see the logical principles underlying my work; lets me engage in troubleshooting and problem solving 
Has clear directions; where I can work expediently and deal with real and practical products 
Is fun and active and lets me work independently with frequent opportunities to get out of my work space and be outdoors 
Is done in an environment without excessive rules or operating standards imposed by others; where I can enjoy spontaneous adventures and step in to manage any crisis 
Lets me work independently, with a minimum of supervision, and where I am not required to closely supervise others 
Gives me plenty of time to pursue my interests and hobbies 
Gives me a substantial amount of enjoyment and is continually challenging 
Lets me use an economy of motion and energy and does not require needless routine or procedures        
INTP career satisfaction means doing work that:
Lets me develop, analyze, and critique new ideas 
Lets me focus my attention and energy on a creative, theoretical, and logical process, rather than on an end product 
 Is challenging and deals with complex problems, where I am able to try unconventional approaches, and take risks to find the best solution 
Lets me work independently with plenty of quiet, private time to concentrate and complete my thinking process 
Lets me set and maintain my own high standards for my work and determine how my performance will be evaluated and compensated
Is done in a flexible, nonstructured environment, without useless rules, excessive limitations, or unnecessary meetings 
Lets me interact with a small group of highly regarded friends and associates, all of whom I respect 
Gives me opportunities to constantly increase my own personal competence and power and lets me meet and interact with other powerful and successful people 
Lets me develop ingenious ideas and plans and lets me delegate the implementation and follow-through to an efficient support staff 
Does not require me to spend time directly organizing other people or supervising or mediating interpersonal differences      
ISFP career satisfaction means doing work that:
Is consistent with my strong, inner values, and is something I care deeply about and want to contribute my energy and talents to 
If done with others is in a supportive and affirming climate where I am a loyal and cooperative member of a team
Requires attention to detail, where I work with real things that benefit other people and have practical applications 
Gives me freedom to work independently but nearby other compatible and courteous people, and where I don’t feel restricted by excessive rules, structure, or inflexible operating procedures 
Lets me be adaptable yet committed; where I have a sense of purpose and am able to see and experience the actual results of my accomplishments
 Lets me use my sense of taste and aesthetics to enhance my physical work space, personalize it, and make others feel more comfortable 
7. Is done in a quietly cheerful and cooperative setting and where interpersonal conflicts are kept to a minimum 
Gives me an opportunity to experience inner growth and development within a context of work that I feel is important 
Lets me handle problems promptly and simply, offering practical help
Does not require me to perform regular public speaking, lead a large group of people I don’t know well, or give people negative feedback    
INFP career satisfaction means doing work that:
Is in harmony with my own personal values and beliefs and allows me to express my vision through my work 
Gives me time to develop substantial depth to my ideas and maintain control over the process and product 
Is done autonomously, with a private work space and plenty of uninterrupted time, but with periodic opportunities to bounce my ideas off people I feel respect me  
Is done within a flexible structure, with a minimum of rules or regulations, letting me work on projects when I feel inspired 
Is done with other creative and caring individuals in a cooperative environment free from tension and interpersonal strife 
Lets me express my originality and in which personal growth is encouraged and rewarded 
Does not require me to present my work frequently in front of groups of people or be called upon to share before it is completed to my satisfaction
Allows me to help others grow and develop and realize their full potential
Involves understanding people and discovering what makes them tick; allows me to develop deep one-to-one relationships with others 
Allows me to work toward fulfilling my ideals and not be limited by political, financial, or other obstacles        
ESTP career satisfaction means doing work that:
Lets me meet and interact spontaneously with many people; offers something different every day, and is fun 
Lets me use my keen powers of observation and my capacity for absorbing and remembering facts
Lets me use my ability to search for solutions to problems, using first-hand experience and then critically analyzing these solutions to find the best ones 
Is active and full of adventure and fun, where things happen quickly, and where I am allowed to take risks and be alert to new opportunities 
Lets me respond to unplanned situations, using unconventional approaches, where I can skillfully negotiate satisfactory solutions 
Is done in an environment without a lot of rules or restrictions, where I work with other practical and lively people and am able to enjoy free time after completing my assignments 
Lets me organize myself as I go along and as I deem necessary, rather than according to someone else’s standards 
Is practical and logical, where I can use my reasoning abilities to find discrepancies or flaws in the logic of a system and fix it on the spot
Leaves me free to respond to a crisis and work in an expedient manner dealing with pressing issues 
Involves real people and things, not theories or ideas; where my efforts are directed to producing a tangible product or service  
ESFP career satisfaction means doing work that:
Lets me learn from hands-on experience, where I look for solutions to problems from gathering all the facts at my disposal and by using common sense
Lets me get personally involved in the tasks at hand, working directly with clients or customers, out in the field rather than away from the action 
Lets me work with lots of other people in an active and social environment, with variety, fun, and spontaneity 
Requires skillful handling of people and conflicts, the ability to ease tensions to help groups work more cooperatively, and the ability to motivate others
Lets me juggle multiple projects or activities, especially those that utilize my aesthetic taste and sense of design 
Lets me interact throughout the workday with other easygoing and social people who share my enthusiasm, energy, and realistic point of view
Lets me work on projects that are of immediate utility and take into account the needs of people around me
Is done in a friendly and relaxed environment, without hidden political agendas 
Rewards my hard work and good intentions, and where I feel appreciated for my contributions
Lets me have fun, enjoy everyday surprises, and where there is a minimum of bureaucracy, rules, or restrictions      
ENTP career satisfaction means doing work that:
Gives me opportunities to engage in creative problem solving and/or generating new and innovative approaches to problems 
Lets me implement my innovative solutions in the creation of more efficiently functioning systems 
Acknowledges and encourages my creativity, competency, and ability to improvise 
Lets me experience a variety of situations filled with fun, action, and excitement 
Follows a logical order and is based upon objective and fair standards, rather than the likes or dislikes or one individual 
Lets me increase my professional and personal power and interact frequently with other powerful people 
Lets me meet and have constant interaction with many different people, especially those I respect 
Can be done in a rapidly changing, high-energy environment with significant interaction with others 
Is done in an environment that is casual and unstructured; where I can experience a high degree of personal freedom, time off, and the opportunity to operate in a spontaneous way 
Allows me to design or start projects but does not require me to follow through with tedious details 
ENFP career satisfaction means doing work that:
Lets me work with a diverse group of people on a variety of projects, motivated by creative inspiration
Lets me create new ideas, products, services, or solutions to problems that will help other people, and then see my projects become reality 
Is fun, challenging, and always varied 
Rarely requires me to handle the follow-through, routine details, or maintenance of a system or project 
Lets me work at my own pace and schedule, with a minimum of rules or structure and the freedom to act spontaneously
Lets me meet new people, learn new skills, and continually satisfy my curiosity 
Is consistent with my personal beliefs and values and lets me create opportunities that benefit others 
Is done in a friendly and relaxed environment with humor, goodwill, and a minimum of interpersonal conflict 
Allows me the freedom to follow my inspirations and participate in exciting and intriguing adventures 
Is done in an environment that appreciates and rewards enthusiasm, ingenuity, and imagination        
ESTJ career satisfaction means doing work that:
Lets me work systematically, organizing facts, policies, or people, and use time and resources efficiently toward a logical conclusion 
Lets me use mastered skills while working on concrete and straightforward assignments with clear specifications, using my strong reasoning powers 
Is measured and evaluated by fair, logical, explicit, and objective standards 
Is done in a friendly environment with other hardworking and conscientious people who do not bring their personal problems to work or expect me to share my personal feelings on the job 
Is realistic and tangible in nature and has practical applications and concrete results 
Has clear expectations and reporting hierarchy 
Lets me be productive, organizing the necessary steps and resources, following established procedures, and setting and meeting deadlines 
Is done in a stable and predictable environment, but one that is also filled with action and a variety of people 
Can be done with other people, enabling me to be in charge of myself and others 
Lets me make decisions and have a great deal of control and responsibility; where my opinions, recommendations, and experience are considered important  
ENTJ career satisfaction means doing work that:
Lets me lead, be in control, organizing and perfecting the operating systems of an organization so that it runs efficiently and reaches its goals on schedule 
Lets me engage in long-range strategic planning, creative problem solving, and the generation of innovative and logical approaches to a variety of problems 
Is done in a well-organized environment where I, and others, work within a clear and definite set of guidelines 
Challenges and stimulates my intellectual curiosity and lets me work with complex and often difficult problems 
Gives me opportunities to meet and interact with a variety of other capable, interesting, and powerful people 
Gives me the opportunity to advance within the organization and to increase and demonstrate my competence 
Is exciting, challenging, and competitive; where I am in the public eye and where my accomplishments are seen, recognized, and fairly compensated
Lets me work with other intelligent, creative, ambitious, and goal-oriented individuals whose competencies I respect 
Lets me set and meet goals and implement my organizational skills to keep myself and others focused on the larger goal while accomplishing all my objectives in a timely and efficient manner 
Lets me manage and supervise others, using logical and objective standards and policies that utilize each person’s strengths but without having to deal daily with interpersonal squabbles        
ESFJ career satisfaction means doing work that:
Lets me establish and maintain warm and genuine interpersonal relationships with other people working in real and tangible ways to improve their quality of life
Has practical benefits for people and gives me time to learn and master necessary skills before using them
 Lets me exercise control, working with many people, and helping them work harmoniously toward a common goal 
Has clear expectations, and where the evaluation of my performance is judged upon established and explicitly stated criteria 
Is done in a cooperative environment, free from conflicts and tension between co-workers, supervisors, clients, patients, and others 
Lets me make decisions and use efficient procedures to see that all the details of my projects are carried out to my specifications 
Gives me plenty of opportunities to interact with other people throughout the day and to be an integral part of the decision-making process 
Lets me organize my own work and that of those around me to ensure that things are run as smoothly and efficiently as possible
Is done within a friendly environment where people express their appreciation for my accomplishments, where I feel approval and support, and where I consider my co-workers to be my friends 
Is done in a setting with existing structure, where the chain of command is known and understood, and where authority is respected      
ENFJ career satisfaction means doing work that:
Lets me establish and maintain warm and supportive interpersonal relationships with co-workers, clients, customers, etc. 
Lets me develop creative solutions to problems on projects that I believe in and where I can see the positive results of my efforts for other people 
Is done in an environment where expectations are clear, contributions are appreciated, and personal and professional growth and development are encouraged 
Lets me be a part of a team of other creative people I trust as well as being busy and productive 
Allows me time to develop creative solutions to problems and then share them with other supportive and caring people 
Is done in an active and challenging environment where I am able to juggle several projects at once 
Lets me use my organizational and decision-making skills and have control and responsibility for my own projects 
Gives me a variety of activities but allows me to work in a relatively orderly and well-planned manner 
Is done in an environment that is free from interpersonal conflicts and ongoing tension 
Exposes me to new ideas and lets me explore new approaches, especially those that will improve the lives of other people
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therealvinelle · 3 years
I've always wondered this, but what do you think the Cullen's political viewpoints would be, given their individual backgrounds? if vampires don't change after they turn, then surely they would all be extremely racist (especially Jasper). would this not come up at some point? they aren't like the Volturi because the Volturi are too old to care, but the Cullens are young enough that they have been brought up with opinions on stuff like sexism, racism, homophobia and the like.
Oh fuck.
You get an early answer because otherwise I'll just chicken out and delete this one, pretend I never saw it.
Since I'm guessing you meant American political viewpoints, we need a disclaimer. I am not American, and not too knowledgeable about your politics. Not just in the sense that I don't follow the day-to-day drama, but as I am not an American citizen there are several things I don't know, can't know because I've never lived in your country and therefore can't know what the effects of living in a country ruled by American policies is like. What I do know is based off of the news in the foreign section, social media (by which I mean tumblr posts), and Trevor Noah's Daily Show.
I am an outsider looking in.
Which is really rather appropriate, since the Cullens are too.
The Cullens go to high school and college, Carlisle works, they pay taxes, they own real estate, and submerge themselves in American culture. Esme, Edward, Rosalie, Emmett, and Bella are young enough that this is in many ways their world, and apart from timeouts they've more or less spent their entire lives, human and vampire, integrated into American society.
Not fully integrated, mind you, they do what they need to to fit in and get to school or, in Carlisle’s case, to work. They go no further. No extra-curriculars for the kids, no book clubs for Esme, no game nights for Carlisle. They walk parallel to humans, not among us.
In addition to this they're obscenely rich, which puts them another thousand miles from the experiences of your average American. They won't deal with the health system, which means healthcare is a non-issue, they're not going to need welfare or other social programs, unemployment is another non-issue. Name your issue, and the Cullens don't have personal stake in it. Even the climate crisis won't be a problem for them the way it will for us.
What I'm trying to say is, American political issues are a concept to them, not a lived reality. Just like they are for me. So hey, you made a great choice of blog to ask.
I'll also add here that you say the Volturi are too old to care, and I agree- from an ancient's point of view, racism is a matter of "which ethnicity are we hating today?", and it all looks rather arbitrary after a while. Same with every other issue - after a while it all just blends together into "what are the humans fighting over today? Which Christian denomination is the correct one? Huh. Good for them, I guess."
I can't put it any better than this post did, really. The Volturi are real people, humans are nerds and tumblr having Loki discourse. Aro thinks it's delightful and knows entirely too much about Watergate (and let's be real, Loki discourse as well), but the point I wanted to get at is that politics really don't matter to vampires.
And I don't think they matter to the Cullens either.
So, moving on to the next point while regretting I didn't put headlines in this post, I'll just state that I don't think vampires' minds are frozen. Their brains are unable to develop further, and they can never forget anything, but... well, this isn't the post for that, but in order for this to be true of vampires they would barely be sentient. They would not be able to process new impressions, to learn new things, nor to have an independent thought process. Yes, we see vampires in-universe (namely, Edward, who romanticizes himself and vampires) believe they're frozen and can never change, but there is no indication that this is a widespread belief, or even true. Quite the contrary - Carlisle went from a preacher's son who wanted to burn all the demons to living in Demon Capital for decades and then becoming a doctor and making a whole family of demons. Clearly, the guy has had a change in attitude over the years. Jasper, in his years as a newborn army general, slowly grew disenchanted with his life and developed depression. James initially meant to kill Victoria and hunted her across the earth, then became fascinated and changed his mind about it.
Had these people been incapable of change, Carlisle would still be hating demons, Jasper would be in Maria's army, and James would still be hunting Victoria.
It goes to follow, then, that they are able to adapt to new things.
The question is, would they?
Here I finally answer your question.
So, we have these people who don't really have any kind of stake in politics, who keep up to date all the same (or are forcibly kept up to date because high school) and are generally opinionated people.
Where do they then fall, politically?
(And this is where you might want to stop reading, anon, because I'm about to eviscerate these people.)
Alice votes for whoever's gonna win. She also makes a fortune off of betting each election. Trump's 1 to 10 victory in 2016 was a great day to be Alice. MAGA!
The actual policies involved are completely irrelevant, she does this because it's fun. Election means she gets to throw parties. Color coded parties for the Republican and Democratic primaries, and US-themed parties for Election Night! (Foreigner moment right here: I at first wrote "Election wake" before realizing that's not what y'all murricans call it.)
Alice loves politics. Doesn't know the issues, but she sure loves politics.
Bella votes Democrat. She actually knows about the issues, and cares about them. This girl is a Democrat through and through.
Carlisle doesn't vote. I can't imagine it feels right. Outside of faked papers he's not a US citizen, this is meddling in human affairs that he knows don't concern him.
More, this guy has never lived in a democracy.
In life, Carlisle lived under an absolute monarchy that, upon civil war, became an absolute theocracy. From there he learned that vampires live under a total dictatorship.
For the first 150 years of his life, democracy was that funky thing the Athenians did in history books thousands of years ago, no more relevant to him than the Ancient Egyptian monarchy is to me. Then the Americans, and later other European countries started doing this.
Good for them.
There's this mistake often made by those who view history from a... for lack of a better term, a solipsistic standpoint. A belief that the present day is the culmination of all of history. “My society is the best society, the most reasonable society; all the others had it backwards. Thank god we’re living in this enlightened age!”
The faith in our current system of government is one such belief. We (pardon me if this doesn’t apply to everybody reading this post) have grown up in democracies, being told this is the ultimate form of rule, and perhaps that is true - but remember the kings who have told their subjects they had were divine and the best possible ruler based on that. Remember also that most modern democracies haven’t actually been democracies for very long at all, America is the longest standing at some 230 years (not long at all in the grand scope of things) and they have a fracturing two-party system to show for it.
Every society, ever, has been told they’re the greatest, and their system of government the most just. Democracy is only the latest hit.
This is relevant to Carlisle because he’s immortal and decidedly not modern. Democracy has not been installed in him the way it was the rest of the Cullens, Jasper included. To him- well, it’s just not his world. He has no stakes in our human politics, and as he is older than every current democracy and has seen quite a few of them fall, he’s not going to internalize the democratic form of rule the way a modern human has.
I think the concept of voting is foreign to him.
It requires a level of participation in human society that he’s simply not at. He does the bare minimum to appear human so he do the work he loves, but nothing more, and I find that telling.
As it is I think he'd be iffy about his family doing it. He won’t stop them, but in voting they’re... well it’s kind of cheating. They’re not really citizens, none of this will affect them, and by voting they’re drowning out the votes of real human voters. He does not approve.
Edward votes Democrat. He's... well he’s the kind of guy who will oil a girl’s bedroom window so he can more easily watch her sleep without being discovered, justifying it to himself as being okay because if she were to tell him to get lost he’d stop immediately. Same guy is so sure that he’d leave and never return again if she wanted him to, except this is the man who returned to Forks to hang around his singer, knowing there was a significant chance he might kill her. To say nothing of his Madonna/Whore complex, or of the fact that he tried to pimp out his wife twice, and was willing to forcibly abort her child.
This guy is very much in love with chivalry, with being an enlightened and feminist man who supports and respects women, while not understanding the entire point of feminism, which is female liberation.
He votes Democrat because he’s such an enlightened feminist who cares about women’s rights.
Emmett doesn’t care to vote, but if he has to he votes Republican. The guy is from the 1930′s, and has major would-be-the-uncle-who-cracks-racist-jokes-if-he-was-older vibes.
Esme doesn’t vote, that would require getting out of the house.
More, I just... can’t see it. I can’t see her being one to read up on politics and The Issues, period, but if she has to then I doubt she’d be able to decide.
Jasper doesn’t vote. Alice can have her fun, he does not care.
There’s also the whole can of worms regarding the last time he went to bat for American politics.
I imagine he stays out of this.
Renesmée doesn't vote. She has no stock in the human affairs. Who would she vote for, on what grounds? When Bella tries to pull her to the urns, she points out that she's three years old.
Rosalie, guys, I’m sorry, but that girl is definitely gonna vote Republican. Perhaps not right now as it’s become the Trump party of insanity, but the Mitt Romney type of Republicans? Oh yes.
And for the record, yes I imagine she does vote. To step back from politics would be another way she was relinquishing her humanity, and that’s not allowed to happen. So, yes, she goes to the urns, less for the sake of the politics involved and more because like this, she’s still a part of society in some way.
Now, onto why I think she’s Republican, I think it’s both fiscal and social.
This girl was the daughter of a banker who somehow profited off of the Depression, and who then became part of a family with no material needs that would soon become billionaires thanks to Alice. Poverty to Rosalie is a non-issue, as it is I imagine she views it as a much lesser issue than what she’s had to deal with. The humans can pull themselves up by their bootstraps, Rosalie’s infertility is forever.
Rosalie’s empathy is strongest when she’s able to project onto others, and she won’t be able to project onto the less fortunate at all.
Then there’s the fact that the Republican party is all about traditional family values, and pro-life.
Rosalie, a woman from the 1930′s who idolizes her human life and who‘d love nothing more than to get to live out this fantasy, is down for that. And as of Breaking Dawn she’s vocally pro-life, so there’s that.
This all being said I don’t think Rosalie cares to sit down and fully understand these politics she’s voting for, the possible impact they’ll have- that’s not important. What’s important is what voting does for her.
TL;DR: I bet anon regrets asking.
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