#but I'm going to be irritated if i have to boost it to get it started
seeingivy · 3 days
actor!ryomen sukuna x f!reader
**part of my dream girl fic
previous part linked here
songs mentioned: love is embarassing by olivia rodrigo (based on this npr tiny desk) and espresso by sabrina carpenter (based on this performance)
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[eren]: like how irritated are you on a scale of one to ten? 
[mikasa]: ONE THOUSAND 
[eren]: i wasn’t asking you… 
[stacy, publicist]: ET team is asking for a comment on bad blood. let me know if there’s anything you want to say 
[megumi]: yuuji called me cute? but then he took it back, but it kind of seemed like he was too shy to be saying it in the first place? idk….
[megumi]: honest to god, do you think he thinks i'm cute? 
[leah]: call the parents when you get a chance! same old same old :/ 
you silence the ringer on your phone, before turning to your right, where your producer, will, musters the peachiest smile he can produce. and you can tell from the nervousness in his demeanor that he’s a little too cowardly to ask the question on his mind, unlike eren. 
you can appreciate that about him. that there’s some type of scarcity he holds in every interaction he has with you – like he’s intentionally picking out everything he says to you, in an effort to be careful. 
“you know how these types of things go. do you think i’ll get the first spot?” you ask. 
will doesn’t respond immediately - which gives you your answer – as you slump against his plush green couch, while his daughter ellie tasks herself with tangling in between your legs. 
ellie is will’s two year toddler with beautiful long eyelashes and a tiny button nose. you had met her when she was barely six months old and an expressive little bundle of blankets, when you first signed on as one of his new artists at dancing lady. 
you were still debating it at the time, deciding to go the singer-songwriter route and picking dancing lady over real sun. and while you were heavily leading towards the former over the latter, due to the lack of former victoria’s secrets models wandering around, it was will’s normalness that sold you entirely. 
do you mind if my daughter is here sometimes? i just got divorced and well…sometimes it’s kind of hard to find childcare…or afford it. 
it reminded you of your own parents, dragging you and leah to the side room of the clinic or leaving you in the spare classrooms on weekdays when you were a kid. and though those days are long gone, the feeling still remains. 
sometimes it still feels like you’re chasing that – trying to hold everything you’ve acquired desperately close to you, just because you know it can slip out of your fingers the second you look away. more specifically, what it feels like to feels like to have nothing. 
you were more than happy to oblige will’s request – and well, ellie was adorable. 
it was an added bonus that there was a familiarity that will exuded – and it was wholly comforting in the littered sea of plastic that you always seemed to be floating in. 
“three exclusive versions will boost their sales considerably.” will states, his tone miserable. 
you sigh, before reaching for your phone and scrolling the notifications away. and while it’s in entirely bad taste – scrolling through twitter was one of the worst vices you had. reading the think pieces, the timelines of all of your bad blood (you thought the timeline was a little bit on the nose), and worst of all – the hate comments that seemed to litter your feed. 
“you could always do the same thing.” he offers. 
“absolutely not. i’m a no remix, no features, and no multiple versions artist. it feels a little tasteless doing something like that just for a number one spot. i don’t want my fans to drop fifteen dollars just to hear exclusive versions of my songs when they’ve already paid for the original.” you state. 
“and you don’t want thing one and thing two to know that you’ve gotten under their skin.” will adds. 
as much as you cared about getting the number one spot – because deep down, you really did – letting kim know that she had settled under your skin and caused an irritation, for a second time now, was far worse than occupying a lower spot. 
deep down, it was really about getting your flowers. that’s what it all meant to you – the awards, the charts, and the fans – nitpicking each parts of your songs, getting to watch your life on display and then get to revel in your thoughts about it. 
it was the one place that you got to control the narrative. because while no one is there at the after parties or the award shows, or even in the room with you or on the date, what you get to put out there is the closest to that. 
and the second it’s out there, it stops being yours. and starts being everyone elses. it’s freeing that way – packing it into a neat box and dropping it on people’s doorsteps. 
you give up. there were always more songs. 
“yeah. that too.” you respond. 
will gives you a nod, before swinging back in his chair to mix the backing tracks on his laptop, as you turn your attention to ellie and place your hands in her dark brown hair. the braid that you did earlier is entirely messed up now, no thanks to the fact that she spent the last hour of recording running around to her heart’s desire. 
you give her a smile, tapping on the tops of your thighs and gesturing for her to jump up, as you comb through the tangled knots with your fingers, before fixing her soft hair back into the little flower hair tie you had placed in her hair earlier. 
“i’d love to take a flamethrower to the next awards show. melt some plastic while i’m ahead.” will mumbles, which earns him a hearty laugh from you. 
“and i’d help you free willy.” 
you press a kiss to ellie’s hairline before tapping the top of her head to signal you were done. and she gives you a giggly smile back before she returns to her usual shenanigans, by climbing under the glass table and sticking her feet up on the metal. 
“you’re so gross. don’t call me that.” will groans. 
you give him a smile instead. 
“how was studio eleven anyways?” he asks. 
“good. i got to see megumi after a really long time and historia was great. oh, and this god awful idiot tried to hit on me.” 
you’d be lying if you said you had stopped thinking about ryomen sukuna after you met him two days ago. that there was something intriguing about him, that you couldn’t exactly put your finger on – that led to you thinking about him far too much. 
all in all, there was one thing that you prided yourself on and it was being resourceful. being knowledgeable, taking the time to learn more, and keeping yourself informed. it was what kickstarted your career, being able to watch people and learn the sleight of hands, and more importantly, apply them. 
it’s how you got picked out of the group by fame as old as time – the lynch family. because it was one thing to be a pretty face, to have talent, but being able to sniff out the star and pick the needle out of the haystack – it wasn’t something that could be taught. and it’s something that you learned, at age eleven, fast. 
the entire income of your household depended on it. and that tends to foster some type of ambition. 
and while you’re no longer associated with the lynch family, having now run as far from them as you can, the ability holds. and in moments like this, it even turned out to be useful – being so resourceful. 
megumi, very lovingly so, called it stalking. and well, sometimes that’s exactly what it was. and in the two days you had to spare, you had learned almost anything and everything you could have about ryomen sukuna. 
he owns a coffee shop in los angeles, called play coffee, that he’s been working at since he was sixteen. and he offered to become the main investor after they almost went down under. he also loves to joke about how they almost fired him for how shit he was at making matcha lattes. 
he’s had a long and complicated history but there’s some pull that he has that keeps him around. because dating your manager, getting caught with weed at fifteen, and an anticipatory slander campaign – it would be enough to ruin someone else. or at the very least, kick them down. 
but not him. 
his fans speculate that he has twelve tattoos, his most popular being of the tarot card, the hanging man (which you then subsequently googled). upright, meaning sacrifice, release, and martyrdom. and reversed meaning stalling, needless sacrifice, and fear of sacrifice. 
his most recent release – as patrick zweig in challengers, which you rushed to watch with embarrassing speed (and consequently, got fan edits for that you can’t help but watch – is suspected to get him shortlisted for a selling star award, which is just one stop away from him winning an institute award next. 
all and all, he was on the come up. with the hit movie and now the expected hit show, one thing was clear to you. 
that sukuna was the one to look out for. mainly because there was something electric about watching him on the screen. because the way he moves, speaks, and walks on the screen – there’s something so mesmerizing about it that you can’t help but tear yourself away. 
“did you entertain it?” will asks. 
“no. he started off by blatantly lying.” 
will scoffs. 
“was he cute at least?” 
you roll your eyes. 
that was the understatement of the century. 
“shut up, will.” 
and the acidic tone in your voice is enough to pique will’s attention, as he now swirls around in the chair, and gives you the most irritating and accusatory smile he can muster. 
“i said shut up.” you repeat. 
“i literally didn’t say a single word.” 
“but you thought it. i can tell.” you bite back. 
“you’re a child.” will responds. 
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sukuna wastes no time in arriving to the performance at the npr offices. and it works out considerably well – with your giggling fans questioning his presence and asking for pictures, accompanied by a blind item that he sent in to one of the biggest twitter accounts himself. 
[sukuna]: so what did megumi say? 
[sukuna]: …
[sukuna]: about y/n dipshit 
[yuuji]: WORD WORD 
[yuuji]: she is single. not talking to anyone yet. he kind of made it seem like she’s not that upset about her breakup tho? if that makes sense 
[yuuji]: apparently, she almost never is? not in a heartless type of way though, just in a…i’m not gonna let a man get me down type of way 
[yuuji]: that sounded more corny when i typed it that way…
[yuuji]: he said she just knows her worth. that’s all. 
sukuna hopes he’s worth a shot. 
it’s an entire somersault in his stomach when he sees you walk out, a lilac purple guitar in your hands that you set down, before giving an excited smile to the fans cheering for you at his side, blowing spare kisses to the people in the front. 
it’s hard not to stare full on. though he supposes for his purposes, that’s the exact type of thing he should be doing. and the plethora of information that he learned in the free time he had in the past two days swims in his head. 
you like silver jewelry and not gold. the ring on your middle finger is one that a fan gifted you in lisbon and you got your cartilage pierced at a tattoo parlor after taking one of your last finals in college. 
you took a few classes here and there at new york university – poetry, screenwriting, and women in politics. you were born and raised in new york, having started your singing career at the ripe age of sixteen before you were scouted at twenty. 
“hi guys! i’m y/n – i’m so flattered that npr invited me here to sing a few songs for you. it’s so cool to be here with all of you guys and kind of show you some of the new stuff i’ve been working on and play some old ones while i’m ahead. but yeah –” 
sukuna watches as you pause, making eye contact with him for the first time before you pick up the guitar and swing the strap over your shoulder. 
sukuna pretends that it doesn’t make his heart swell up in hope, that his presence was enough to warrant a pause from you.
“well, right. this first song is a new one that i’ve been working on for quite some time. it’s one of my recent favorites, i wrote it around a month ago after i went to this stupid afterparty from one of the events that my studio was holding and it’s about some of the company i’ve kept. it’s called love is embarrassing.” you state. 
I told my friends you were the one After I'd known you, like, a month And then, you kissed some girl from high school And I stayed in bed for, like, a week When you said space was what you need Waited by my phone like a goddamn fool
sukuna quickly realizes that there’s something about singing that does it for you. because your entire demeanor changes. you relax your shoulders from the tense position they’re usually in, swing your hips to the beat of the song, and make very expressive facial expressions that in his two days of research he hasn’t seen otherwise.
And now, it don't mean a thing God, love's fuckin' embarrassing Just watch as I crucify myself For some weird second string Loser who's not worth mentioning My God, love's embarrassing as hell 
and in the twenty minutes that follow your half and hour performance, he’s able to convince the body guards that he knows you – after providing an autograph, of course – and then knocks on the door of your dressing room before walking straight in. 
sukuna can tell that it startles you at first, as he walks in to find your wide eyes, before you visibly relax at the sight of him. and he delights in the smile that spreads across your face as you lean back in the chair as he takes his rightful spot behind you, placing his hands on the sidebars of your chair and leaning forward. 
“princess bubblegum. you again. to what do i owe the pleasure?” you ask. 
“figured i’d stop by, marceline. i’m a huge fan.” 
you smile back at sukuna through the mirror, biting down on the side of your cheek, as you reach for your lipgloss and toy with the cap in your shaky fingers. 
“you weren’t even singing along.” you state. 
“two of those songs were new. and i’m learning.” sukuna clarifies. 
you grin. 
“you’re doing your homework.” 
“i’m somewhat of an overachiever.” 
you push out of your chair, turning around to rest against the back of the vanity as you reach for one of the purple candies on your desk and pop it into the side of your cheek. 
“i’m guessing you didn’t harass my team, my social media managers, and two of my friends for tickets for nothing. you want something.” you state. 
“perceptive. are you always like this, dove?” sukuna asks. 
“does that bother you? it’s something you’ll have to get used to.” you ask. 
“quite the contrary. i enjoy a challenge.” 
you hum, twisting the plastic in your fingers. 
“really. what do you want?” 
sukuna nods, before crossing the way and leaning against the edge of your vanity at your side. 
“i think that you and i could be really useful to each other. i know that your song is about to get blocked by kim and her bullshit and well…” 
“your show is about to get tanked by whatever it is she has coming next.” you finish. 
sukuna grins. 
“you know about my show? have you been stalking me?” 
you feel your cheeks burn.
“because of megumi, sweetheart. nothing more nothing less.” 
sukuna feels his chest pang slightly, from the embarrassment. because of course you know about the show from megumi. 
“right, well. seriously. kim and aimee aren’t the biggest fans of you. and well, it would really piss them off if you started dating me, even if it was just for looks. what they don’t know won’t hurt them.” 
you sigh, pushing off the edge of your chair, as you stand close to him. and you’re able to smell it again, the minty musk, as you give him a smile. 
“i appreciate the offer. but, i’m not interested in getting tangled up with them again.” 
“they started it already. you don’t want to bite back?” sukuna goads. 
“i’m not the type.” you respond. 
sukuna pauses. 
“from what i’ve seen, i don’t necessarily think that's true.” 
“have you got me all figured out, sukuna?” you ask. 
he loves the way his mouth rolls off your tongue and the accusatory tone in your voice when you say it. you’re trying to get him to take the bait, like the two of you are playing a game. 
and he leans closer, smiling down at you as he wraps he cups your cheek with his left hand, before pinching at your cheek. 
“i’m almost positive that i do.” he responds. 
and he’s quick with it, reaching forward and tucking the stray strands of your hair behind your ear, before basically teleporting to the door. 
“either way, you know where to find me if you change your mind.” he states, before slamming the door shut behind him. 
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“okay, so like why haven’t you just…asked him out yet?” you ask. 
you watch as megumi spits the majority of the shot he just downed back into the glass, before slamming it down and leaning forward on the table. 
“are you insane?” 
“i think you might be. i mean, he’s literally flirting with you in these texts.” you respond. 
you scroll through the chat again – noting the cute 0.5 picture of yuuji as the profile picture – earning you a glare from megumi before he snatches the phone back. you give him a pointed look, before shrugging and lifting your own glass to your lips. 
“i just…get really nervous.” he stutters. 
“well, i can give you a few pointers. first things first, when he tries to kiss you, don’t dodge him. and when you do actually muster up the courage, don’t bite him by accident.” 
meugmi shoots you a glare and you can’t help but smirk at him. 
there’s nothing as special as a first boyfriend. the novelty of it all – holding hands in between classes, texting the night before to plan a hug at dismissal, and in your case, having things tumble down when he starts sobbing after you kiss for the first time. 
“hey. are…are you crying?” 
you were positive that you did it right. the seven videos that you had watched the night prior and the excessive consulting from leah was exactly what you put into practice. closing your eyes, leaning forward, and pressing your lips against his. but you’re not sure what exactly happened, because two seconds later there was bright red blood coming out of your lips and an incessant amount of apologies coming out of megumi’s mouth. 
but after you had reassured him that it was perfectly fine and that it was an accident, there was something still lingering in the air. because in the few seconds that followed when you tried to initiate it again, megumi dodged it all together and nearly flopped on to the pavement as he put his head in his hands. 
there was something awkward about the entire thing. that weird pit in your stomach, the way your skin seemed to course in embarrassment at the fact that he didn’t really seem to enjoy it, and the metallic taste still lingering on your slightly swollen lip. 
“are you okay, megumi?” you ask. 
“yeah. yeah, i’m sorry. we can do it again.” 
you frown. 
“we don’t have to.” 
“do you want to?” he asks. 
you take him in fully – eyes wide and skin pale – as you reach forward, placing one of his hands on your shoulder. 
“well, not if you’re going to look at me all weird after. you’re kind of freaking me out, megs.” 
he sighs, before nervously rubbing his fingertips against his palms, as he gives you a shaky nod. it’s only then that you note that the scabs on his knuckles have barely peeled, an indication that he’s been picking at them. and really, an insinuation that something is bothering him. 
“i won’t stop being your friend if we don’t date anymore.” you clarify. 
megumi gives you a halfhearted smile. 
“well, that’s just because you don’t have other friends.” he mumbles. 
you snort, before shoving him in the side. 
and you’re not sure what it is, maybe the fact that the joke has broken the ice a little bit, but he leans forward, his hands shaking as he peers his steely blue eyes into yours. 
“y/n. can i please tell you a secret?” he whispers. 
he pauses. 
“i don’t like you.” 
you pinch your llps in a line. 
he shakes his head, almost like he’s frustrated. 
“i mean. i don’t think i could like you.” 
“wow. keep it coming, fushiguro.” 
he glares in response. 
“you know, you could try letting me finish.” megumi deadpans. 
“the opportunity was just too good. but really, do finish.” 
megumi bites at the sides of his lips, before taking a deep breath. 
“you’re like my best friend. i think you’re really funny, really cool, and sometimes you’re the only person i want to be around, even if we’re kind of just sitting around quietly. and you’re pretty so i figured that…that if i tried to date you, it would work.” 
“like, you’re the best girl to do it. there’s no one like you. but…but if i kiss you and i feel nothing…maybe that means it’s not about personality or liking people….and more about the fact that…that you’re a girl and not a boy…and i guess i can’t get over that.” 
you pause. 
“why would i need to be a boy?” you whisper. 
and in the five seconds it takes to mutter those eight words, you clock the reason all together. 
it’s because megumi is gay. 
“i was like fourteen.” megumi deadpans. 
“and that’s no reason to forget the lessons you learned. no biting, no dodging, just –” 
megumi shakes his hand in the air, his face curled up in disgust, as he pushes another one of the shots towards you. 
“this is disgusting. let’s talk about something else.” 
while megumi pretends to be a larger than life hater of your resourcefulness, he’s truly the only person who can match your energy sometimes. which in this case, includes pressing your ear against one of the private rooms in the club, trying to catch the end of the conversation. 
“i can barely hear shit. the music is way too loud.” 
“yeah. this is making it sound all muffled.” megumi responds. 
you look to your left to find him crouched on the floor, the diaphragm of a stethoscope pressed against the wall as he leans forward to listen. 
“are you fucking insane? where did you even get that?” 
“lost and found.” 
“who the fuck brings a stethoscope to the club?” 
“it’s the first week of october, dumbass. some girl probably dressed up as a sexy nurse and left it on the floor.” 
“give me that.” you hiss.
“fuck no, get your own.” 
“they’re my ex-friends. and currently trying to stop me from charting. hand it over.” 
megumi gives you a glare, as you place the pieces in your ear, and the two of you lean forward against the wall again. and while it does little to help except piercing your ears. though all you hear is the shuffling of chairs, as you give megumi a wide-eyed look, to stand up and yank the earpieces out. 
and really, it is horrible timing because as the two of you stand up – with you linking your arms in with megumi’s to hide the stethoscope behind his back – as you shoot aimee and kim a peachy smile. and it’s a sickly sweet smile that aimee and kim give you, accompanied with a look up and down the length of your figure. 
“hi peach.” aimee states. 
you can feel your skin burn at the same old shitty nickname. 
“we were just talking about you.” kim starts. 
“likely thing for the two of you to be doing.” megumi mutters. 
kim shoots megumi an irritated glare, before reaching forward, and placing one of her hands on your shoulder. 
“i had a question for you. are you dating kuna?” kim asks. 
you pinch your nose in disgust. 
“what's it to you?” 
kim smiles. 
“we dated for a long time. just wanted to make sure he’s in good hands.” she clarifies. 
“it was barely three months.” you state. 
like always, kim sours quickly. 
“and it’ll be even shorter when it comes to you.” kim states. 
you roll your eyes. but before you can respond, she leans forward, pressing her fingers against your ear to fix your hair, before batting her eyelashes at you. 
“i don’t want you to get hurt again. and well, you better quit while you’re ahead, peach. guys like that won’t stick around for girls like you. you can’t exactly give him what he wants.” 
on the almost quiet drive home, with weary looks from megumi, you make seven calls, canceling your plans for tomorrow and making your plan while you’re ahead.
“you’re so skilled with balls.” 
sukuna rolls his eyes, only to turn to his left and find what might be his most agitating (and his secret personal favorite) co-star, satoru gojo. 
“you should invest in a tape recorder. listen to the tape back at the end of the day and do some reflection.” sukuna states, before lifting the ball into the air and watching it swish into the net. 
in their last few days of press, the marketing team for the show decided that the group of them were going to be participating in a charity all-stars basketball game. it was one of the most anticipated events of the year, with celebrities being on both teams, and special surprise performances for the halftime show. 
the combined sales of the tickets, signed jerseys, and meet and greets raised tens of thousands of dollars, and all in all, it was one of the better events that sukuna found himself being forced to attend. that and the fact that athletics were something that sukuna was skilled at – something reinforced by the fact that his team was almost ten up at the halftime mark. 
sukuna takes his seat on the courtside bench, satoru handing him a gatorade as the two of them lean forward on their knees. it’s kind of intentional – the two of them sitting together, posing the way they were – only because it made for really good press. 
he catches sight of kim and aimee on the other side of the court, posing for the camera by pressing a kiss to each other’s cheeks, before leaning back in their chair, entirely bored. 
“ladies and gentleman, please welcome our special half-time show guest, y/n l/n.” 
sukuna nearly jolts up in his chair as the lights flash in the center of the court – to the sight of you wearing a light pink crew neck and a white tennis skirt – with a light pink ribbon tangled into your hair. 
“was she always on the setlist?” 
“don’t think so.” satoru mumbles back. 
Now he's thinkin' 'bout me every night, oh Is it that sweet? I guess so Say you can't sleep, baby, I know That's that me, espresso Move it up, down, left, right, oh Switch it up like Nintendo Say you can't sleep, baby, I know That's that me, espresso 
sukuna supposes that it should be a bad sign that this is the second time in a few days that he finds himself being mesmerized by your presence. and that this time, satoru’s noticed. 
“dude. you’re like drooling.” he whispers. 
“shut the fuck up.” 
Too bad your ex don't do it for ya Walked in and dream came trued it for ya Soft skin and I perfumed it for ya I know I Mountain Dew it for ya That morning coffee, brewed it for ya One touch and I brand newed it for ya 
sukuna watches as you shoot him a wink, before throwing the sparkly microphone in your hand to one of your backup dancers, and turning around. 
and really, it’s one of the most overwhelming feelings he’s had – that wholehearted and blissful exhilaration that pounds in his chest – as he watches you pull your crewneck over your head, only to be wearing his jersey underneath. (that and the fact that the resounding cheers that erupt after the fact are music to his fucking ears). 
I'm working late 'cause I'm a singer Oh, he looks so cute wrapped around my finger My twisted humor, make him laugh so often My honey bee, come and get this pollen
Too bad your ex don't do it for ya Walked in and dream came trued it for ya Soft skin and I perfumed it for ya I know I Mountain Dew it for ya That morning coffee, brewed it for ya One touch and I brand newed it for ya
he can feel his heart drop in his chest as you spare a wink, before returning to your choreography. 
“so that’s why you’re fucking drooling.” satoru states, giving him a hearty smile as he wraps one of his arms around his shoulder. 
sukuna can’t even muster an irritated look to give back to satoru. 
“who fucking wouldn’t?” sukuna mutters. 
“that’s real cute, dude. the espresso thing.” 
“what espresso thing?” sukuna asks. 
“you know. because you own the coffee shop and shit? isn’t that what she means?” satoru asks. 
of course that’s what you meant. and it’s in that split second that every hunch that sukuna has – that you’re every bit of what he expected, that you were just like him, that you were the exact type he knew you were – as he stands up, crossing his hands over his chest as he gives you a smile. 
and he can feel his heart pounding as you pull the ear pieces out to hang around your shoulders before walking over to him, your hands behind your back as you give him a sweet smile. only to turn immediately to his left and look at satoru. 
he watches as satoru spits the gatorade back into the bottle, before standing up and running his hands through his hair. it slightly irritates him, the slight change in satoru’s demeanor. 
you extend your hand out.
“i’m y/n.” 
and sukuna’s irritation gets even worse as satoru lifts your knuckles to his lips and presses a kiss against your hand. 
“satoru.” he responds. 
you give him a smile. 
“that’s cute.” 
you try not to relish in the way that sukuna clicks his tongue in his cheek,  trying his best to hide his frustration, as you look up at satoru. 
“to be honest, i kind of came here with an ulterior motive.” 
“my favorite kind of motive.” satoru responds. 
you walk over to satoru’s side, linking your hand in with his, as you point to the other side of the court. 
“you see that empty black seat right there?” 
“next to aimee lynch?” 
“that’s my seat.” 
satoru looks down at you, as he leans forward.
“we can’t have you sitting there.” he whispers. 
“only if you insist.” you respond. 
satoru puts his bottle down and you watch as he retreats to the other side to retrieve the chair, as you turn over to sukuna.  
“hi lavagirl.” you state. 
sukuna grins in response. 
“her hair is a little more neon than mine, but it’s always a pleasure, sharkboy.” sukuna responds. 
you give him a smile, noting the flashing cameras at your side, as you bring your hands forward, holding the sharpie up in between the two of you. 
“what’s this?” sukuna asks. 
“i got one of the last jersey’s. it wasn’t signed.” you ask. 
sukuna feigns shock. 
“you poor baby. we can’t have that, now can we?” 
you shake your head as sukuna smiles, taking the pen from your fingers, before signaling for you to turn around with his pointer finger.
and it makes you shiver as he bends down, taking the time to move the hair to the side of your shoulder before scribbling on your back. and that burning warmth that pools in your stomach gets even worse as his breath tickles your neck, before he leans over and presses a kiss to the nape of your neck. 
“one thing.” he whispers. 
you swallow hard, the whisper in his voice sending a shiver down your spine. 
“what’s that?” 
you watch as satoru walks up, placing the chair right next to his, as you and sukuna shoot him a smile. 
“try to rile me up and it’ll be more than that next time.”
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hellfire--cult · 9 months
Harrington!reader who struck up a friendship with Billy after finding him crying. It wasn’t long until she developed a crush on the older boy. But she knew she was the least attractive girl in school, and on the cheerleading squad. Every girl was all over him, she never thought he’d see her that way.
Movie Night
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I'm so sorry, I got carried away, and I made it super long, SO I HOPE YOU ENJOY AND I HOPE EVERYONE ELSE DOES this has: fluff, angst, mean brother persona on Steve's behalf, OOC Billy Hargrove, soft side.
wc: 8k (i got a lil inspired, no one requests Billy and I love to write him 😭)
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Stupid Steve. Stupid school. Stupid fucking stereotypes.
You understand, you get it, the fucking sister of Steve Harrington should be the perfect girl, perfect as her idiotic brother. If only they knew that being in every single sport isn’t what Steve wants, it isn’t what he desires, it isn’t what he always dreamed about. 
But it’s not that perfection they want from you, oh no. It’s not your fault you have bad eye sight so you have to wear glasses, and for some reason that made you fucking undesirable. Just because you are wearing glasses, and you’ve been wearing them ever since middle school, where there were minimum problems with it, and now in high school when you just want to be able to date someone, or even kiss, it’s almost impossible because of them.
So yes, you knew people didn’t want to be with you, and you knew that it was all because of the idealization of the Harrington girl not meeting their expectations. Jokes on them, every single fucking guy in school looks like stepped on shit.
When you finally got into freshmen year, you already knew Steve was the most popular guy in school, always boosting about it at the dinner table, father always saying how proud he is for Steve being the captain of almost every fucking imaginable sport. You looked up to Steve, you really did look up to your brother… Until you crossed those forsaken high school doors, and the only face your brother sent you was that of disgust and turned his back on you.
And that sets your fate.
Now as a Junior, your brother finally graduates this year. Ever since he started dating Nancy who is in the same year as you, he has relatively changed. At home, he now tries to invite you to hang with him at the mall, or tell you to have dinner together when your parents aren’t home… You declined his invitation every time. You prefer to eat dinner in your bed, alone, while he drives away to be with Nancy. Just you, your books, and some good music. You are fine. 
It doesn’t help the fact that you have just one friend at school, and she’s not even always with you because she is Nancy’s Best Friend. Barb was always nice to you, and it’s the only one you talked to in class, because then in cheerleading practice, which you had to enter because you needed extracurricular credit because your parents said so, you were given the cold shoulder by every teammate there. You didn’t participate in the cheers really, you just wear the uniform every now and then and pass them bottles of water.
You just have to survive one year, just one more year and you can go to college, probably start anew, meet people, meet someone. You fixed your glasses on the bridge of your nose as you took notes while sitting at the bleachers, hearing the squeak of the tennis shoes of all the boys in the basketball team just going around. You hear a thump, making your eyes look up to see your brother laying on the floor, making you frown.
Then it made sense, as Billy Hargrove smirked, helping your brother stand up again. 
You knew that he wanted to take Steve’s position as the most popular guy at school, getting prom king and all that shit. You have heard your brother complaining about him on the phone sometimes, maybe to Nancy or to one of his friends. From what you’ve seen, Billy looked like a tough and irritating guy, and there is no need for you to get close to him at all, and you really could care less about what he does to your brother.
And that is basically your everyday life. Invisible, and you’re fine with that.
You’re fine. 
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“Hey, can you believe that guy?” Your head snapped up to see your brother at your door, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed over his chest. You raised your eyebrow at him, looking back down at your book. “If he takes away my captainship in the team, I will– Dad will fucking cut my head off.” 
“That’s what you get for following his dreams from day one.” You mumble in a low tone, but he caught onto it, frowning at you.
“I have my own dreams. I don’t follow his.” You nodded at that while still not looking at him. You really could care two shits about all of this. 
“Maybe Nancy can help you with this kinda stuff. I'm busy.” You heard shuffling at the door and then a sigh. You heard steps and you raised your head to hear him slam his door shut, and you knew he was probably getting ready to go to a party or something because of the music he started playing on his radio. Not once you were invited to one of those, not even by your own brother. He had hosted parties before, and you were commanded to stay in your room all night. The only time you came out of your room was to the bathroom to pee, and even then you had to wait because people were always making out inside. 
You got up from bed, closed the biology book to then set it on your desk, looking over to your library of VHS’s tilting your head to check what to watch tonight. You picked Terms of Endearment and Sixteen Candles. Your collection was full of romance and dramatic movies because it’s just your favorite genre to watch. Same with your books, your favorite being Sense & Sensibility. 
Steve left after a few minutes, and you made your way down to start your Friday movie night, and tomorrow will be the same, next weekend too. You should get more movies, you are on a roll of rewatching stuff by now. But it was at this moment, when you put the cassette into your player, and you finally sat down and started watching Sixteen Candles that it all simply fell apart.
Your rough facade crumbles down as you see the romance of the characters on screen, the friendship that is displayed in these movies, late calls with friends, kicking your feet because the guy you liked kissed you, or even called you to spend time with you. You stare absentmindedly at the screen as you see the kissing scene finally happening and your fingertips brush over your lips, just softly, tracing the shape of them.
After a few hours Steve finally returns home, completely sober and cursing under his breath. He sees the light of the living room turned on and some blue light shining on. He walked inside to find you asleep on the couch with the TV still on. He sighed, walking over to turn it off but then his eyes looked at your form, making his face completely fall down.
He bent over your figure to see the dried tears on your cheeks, falling down onto the couch. He looked over to the coffee table to look at what you were watching, getting hold of the case. You watch the same movie every Friday night… And every Saturday night. He rubbed his mouth with a frown to his face as he looked back at your frame. And he always repeats the same action every Friday night and every Saturday night.
He stands up to grab the blanket that’s over the couch to put it over your body, and with tears in his eyes he bends over to press a soft kiss at the top of your head with a quiet whisper that he always repeats and that you never hear, not that you would believe him anyway.
“I’m sorry.”
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Monday came way faster than you expected, and the morning was even quicker. Your parents were still away on their business trip, but Steve and you knew they were just out on vacation by themselves. Why have children when you just push them aside? 
You take out the lunch bag with your sandwiches in it, and you walk out of the school doors and into the football field which was deserted because it was lunch time, so it always gave you the best opportunity to head behind the bleachers to have some peaceful time for yourself, and that was until you almost dropped your bag as you screamed and flinched when you saw someone already there who snapped his head back at you.
Billy Hargrove.
Your breathing was heavy and your eyes were still trying to focus from the scare but as soon as they did you realized that Billy’s eyes were filled with tears, one or two might have escaped because you could see the glistening trail that they left behind on his cheeks. You were trying to talk to him, but then his eyebrows furrowed together, a tight angry look on his face.
“The fuck you looking at Harrington?” You flinched back at that, annoyance switching inside of you instead of fear. This guy was crying and has the audacity to sound threatening?
“Oh, right, sorry, it’s just seeing Billy Hargrove actually having feelings is a sight.” His eyes snapped wide at your response, surprise crossing his features while he stared at you this time. “Who’s staring now?”
“Oh, right, sorry, it’s just that hearing you fucking talk for once is a sight.” You were taken aback by his response, mimicking yours. You sucked on your right cheek in annoyance as he wiped his cheeks away.
“Well, off you go.” He snaps his head at you, a frown on his features to then letting a smirk spread on his lips.
“I came here first. You go.” You scoff at that, shaking your head at him.
“No, I always come here at lunchtime, it’s my place.” 
“Well, that’s lonely as fuck.” You know that. You fucking know that, he doesn’t need to say it to your face, not the heartthrob of the school. Before your heart could turn in pain you nod at him.
“Fine, take it for today.” You turn to finally walk away. Maybe you can eat at the picnic table in the forest? But sometimes the stoner would go there to deal, and you weren’t judging Munson really, you gotta do what you gotta do to survive. 
“Wait.” You stopped on your tracks and slowly turned around to see Billy slumping down on the ground, his back resting against a column of the bleachers while he rested his forearms on his bent knees. “You can stay here if you don’t tell anyone you saw me like this.” 
Who would you even tell this to? He might be scared that you would tell Steve about it, but Billy seems to not know you don’t actually have a good relationship with your brother, and you have just one casual friend in this school. You look in between the bleachers and towards the woods and then you look back at Billy, giving a sigh and finally sitting down with your legs crossed. 
It was silent between you two, almost uncomfortable but not quite. You were eating your sandwich and you took out a bottle of water out of your bag too. You glanced once at him, and he was looking at the distance, just breathing slowly. You wanted to know what happened to him, because he didn’t seem like the guy that would cry easily. He looked at you, raising an eyebrow up at you.
“Why do you eat here?” He asks and you clear your throat, taking a sip of your water.
“Why were you crying?” 
“Touché.” You gave a nod in understanding. You weren’t going to talk to him if he wasn’t going to talk to you. You looked inside your bag to grab onto the other sandwich, and you handed it to him. He looked at it with a frown and then back at you.
“If you’re here it means you didn’t eat. Basketball players need food.” You calmly say to him and he looks down at the sandwich, taking it from your hands, and then taking a bite out of it, grimacing in disgust.
“What the fuck is in this?” He looks down into it and you smirk at him, finishing off your own.
“Mustard and pickle sandwich.”
He ate the sandwich anyway. It was nice to eat lunch with someone for once, even if that person was Billy Hargrove and it would be a one time thing in your life… Though, it wasn’t. Billy was back behind the bleachers almost everyday after that. He wasn’t at all that persona that he was with everyone else with you. The cocky insufferable bastard you knew was all a mask, and you could see it when he told you about how Tammy Thompson tried to hide a fart with her cough in class.
“You’re fucking kidding…” You were giggling, covering your mouth as you both sat in front of one another, and the closeness slowly shrinking as two weeks went by of eating lunch with him.
“I am not, she actually thought it was discreet, but I heard it. Not that I said anything about it, but it was a total boner killer.” You raised an eyebrow at that, swallowing your apple that you were having as dessert.
“What, girls can’t fart Hargrove?” He rolls his eyes at you and then raises his hand to flick your forehead, making you wince and rub the skin he left in a red state.
“I didn’t say that. When you trust someone enough to do it in their face, sure. Not in the middle of class, and much less when you are a chair in front of mine.” At that you let out a laugh, throwing your head back. He chuckled and took a swig of his cigarette, blowing the smoke to the side so it wouldn’t hit your face.
“God, I really don’t pay attention to shit like that.” You took another bite of your apple and Billy was still looking at you, clearing his throat, making you look up at him.
“What do you do on Friday nights? I mean, your brother is at every single party but you are nowhere to be found.” He asks you and you feel your cheeks flush slightly at that. You look down at your apple and swallow your bite.
“I often watch movies. Have my own movie nights, sometimes with popcorn, and if I am feeling fancy, S’mores.” You gave him a small smile as you took another sip of water but Billy was still looking at you with a frown to his eyebrows.
“By yourself?” And you suddenly felt embarrassment washing over you. How pathetic were you? He is a guy that has every student in this school eating at the palm of his hand, plans of going out somewhere almost everyday, a date every single night, and you just watched movies and read books for company.
“I– I have to go.” You suddenly blurt out, standing up abruptly to then wipe your jeans from the dirt of the floor. Billy was following suit, doing the same thing, and about to stop you, but you were already walking away. You didn’t need the reminder of how stupid all of your life sounded. You didn’t need it from him. You were always reminded of it by your father, saying that you should be more like his son. Your mother says that at her age she already dated someone and had tons of friends. Steve showing off his new relationship and friends to you, keeping you in the shadows from everyone.
You didn’t need more reminders.
So when you got home, and realized Steve was already out of sight, probably at Heather’s party, you took your time to shower, put on some comfy sweatpants, a white t-shirt and a gray hoodie, and you grabbed your movies and went downstairs. Maybe they will cheer you up from all the stuff that has happened with Billy today. It’s stupid, you both don’t talk to each other all day, yet at lunch you just talk non-stop.
Sweet popcorn was today’s choice and you were already salivating at the smell of it all. Once it was done you put it in a bowl and headed over to the living room, turning the TV on, and putting Pretty in Pink in your VHS. Steve must be getting drunk with his friends by now, dancing to Roxette or something like that. You popped a single popcorn in your mouth and you were about to press play but you were interrupted when glass knocking was heard from the sliding door to the garden.
You jumped up in fear, eyes widened as you quickly turned your head and saw Billy fucking Hargrove outside the doors. You blinked once, twice, three times. Wasn’t he at Heather’s party too? You stood up from your seat, blushing at your attire but he already saw you in it, no time to actually go change. You fixed your glasses at the bridge of your nose as you walked towards the doors to finally unlock them and open a side for him.
“What the fuck are you doing here Billy!” You almost screamed at him, but he raised his hands up in a surrender mode and chuckled at you.
“By that yelling I am assuming your parents are still gone. Let me in, I’m fucking freezing.” He walks past you and you scoff at the nerve of this man. You close the door and you see him looking around with his hands inside his black leather jacket. Your eyes trailed downwards for a second, taking in how tight his pants were, but you snapped out of it, walking around him so that you were facing him.
“What are you doing here?” You ask again and he simply shrugs, still looking all around your house. 
“Party was lame as shit, and you said there was a movie night here tonight. That seemed far more interesting than Tommy trying to do a keg stand and falling onto it, breaking his nose.” He walks to the couch, sitting down on it and he immediately grabs the bowl of popcorn from the coffee table. Your mouth hangs open again at this, going to the couch and sitting down next to him.
“You– I don’t need your pity.” You say to him, looking down at your hands as you played with the hem of the sleeves of your hoodie. He chuckles at that and shakes his head.
“Sweetheart, I don’t pity anyone. The party was really fucking boring.” He takes a popcorn in his mouth and he hums at the sweetness. You raise an eyebrow to look at him. You never thought Billy Hargrove would be on the sweet side of stuff. “So, what are we watching?”
A smirk formed on your lips. He was gonna fucking hate it, that’s what he gets for barging in your house.
“I fucking hated Duckie.” You were wide eyed at him. He had paid complete attention to the movie, even giving small commentary that he really liked the fact that the girl stood up for herself. He turns to look at you, a frown coming to his eyebrows. “What?” 
“I just… I didn’t think you like this genre of movies.” You reply to him, a little bit nervous for some reason and he smiles at you and then looks back at the screen.
“I never watched one of these. They have a lot of plot, and they’re interesting.” Your eyes sparkled in excitement and you grabbed his shoulder, which made him look at you alarmingly.
“You’re in for a ride.”
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Billy came back again the next day, taking the chance that Steve was out at Nancy’s for the night. He then sneaked into your room while Steve slept and you played Grease on your small TV and VHS that were on top of your dresser. He actually enjoyed it, but despised it because it was a musical. The next time, he actually came through the front door, and you both finally watched Sixteen Candles together. Now, Saturday Night, Steve was at Nancy’s for a family dinner and Billy was taking out two beers from the six pack he came with.
“I don’t drink…” You say to him and he raises an eyebrow up at you. 
“Daily or weekly, but you have tried alcohol. One beer is not going to kill you Sweetheart.” You nodded at that and you grabbed onto the can, sitting back down on the couch. You opened it as Billy walked towards you and plopped down with a huff, already taking a swig out of his can. You grimaced at yours and you took a tentative sip, lowering the can to look at him, completely disgusted by the taste and he simply threw his head back in laughter.
“Disgusting.” You say to him and he shrugs at you, sending a smile your way.
“It’s an acquired taste baby, you just keep drinking it, if you feel fuzzy you can leave it.” You felt your heart accelerate at him, feeling the butterflies exploding in your stomach. You didn’t know when your relationship with Billy took a turn for the better, but he actually sends a smile your way this time when walking down the halls, he sometimes greets you when you pass by him in the hallways, like he is not making it seem like he doesn’t know you.
So it was hard not to fall for him. It was undeniable at this point, and even if he was strong and mean, and an ultimate bully to everyone else, he comes here to your house, watches romantic comedies with you, eats popcorn with you, and you two talk about nonsense all evening. Nobody knows about this, and you’re happy to have this secret between the two of you. You can live in the fantasy a little bit longer.
“What did you bring?” You look at the cassette he got and you look at the front of it. You grimaced again and showed it to him. “The terminator?” 
“Classic sweetheart, it’s an action movie, you gotta expand your movie knowledge a bit.” You didn’t want to complain, it was the first time Billy suggested to watch something he likes, and in reality you were interested in knowing it, and hopefully like it the way he does.
News flash, you didn’t like it.
“Why are there so many guns?! It's unnecessary!” You complain, your beer gone and you do feel a little fuzzy but not too much. You just felt giddy. He laughed at your side and shook his head as he drank his second can.
“That’s what action movies are, baby, they are irrational, little to nothing of plot, and shooting everywhere.” He says and you sigh at that, shaking your head. The room filled with silence as Billy looked forward, his smile slowly disappearing. “You know why I come here often?”
You straightened at that, blinked with confusion as you turned to look at him. You frowned when you saw how serious he got, just out of nowhere, and your belly turned for him, not in a romantic way, but more of a worry kind of nervousness. 
“Because parties now bore you?” You ask him and he gives you one chuckle and then shakes his head, resting it on the backrest of the couch, looking at the ceiling.
“You help me distract myself.” He took a deep breath in as you kept looking at him and you knew it was something he was having a hard time talking about. “The day you saw me crying… I was actually afraid.” 
“My father… Let’s just say he has– a rough hand. Any slip up I make, I just get a punch out of it… I’m just so angry all the time, so unlike my fucking self and who I actually am when I am at school. I just let out my anger towards people, because I cannot take it out on my own father.” You could see his Adam's apple bobbing up and down, and you knew he was trying to choke back tears as he talked. Your heart just knotted at seeing him like this, feeling helpless, not knowing what to actually tell him.
“And you… I tried to be mean to you… And you actually had the guts that no one had at this school yet. Talk back to me.” His head turned to finally look at you again and your eyes burned at his confession. “I couldn’t be mean to you… With you I can— I can be calm, watch a movie, talk about how creepy that Creel house is and how we should sabotage it– I mean, the only thing I talk with the people from school? Chicks, sex, cars, alcohol.” 
You couldn’t help the small smile that appeared on your lips, turning your whole body to face him, your legs coming to rest on top of the couch too, bending them and resting your side on the backrest. 
“Well, I am glad I could help in some way… My house is always open for you Billy.” His eyes were just staring into yours now, the only thing being heard in the room were your breaths, until he finally talked.
“Can I kiss you?” 
There is no possible way you heard that from him. This is a dream, it has to be a dream. There is no way Billy Hargrove, your now friend, your crush, the guy you like has asked to actually kiss you. This only happens in movies, in books, and it never happens in real life, at least, not to you. 
“W-Why would you want to kiss me?” And Billy’s features turned into saddened ones at your words. Don’t you realize how beautiful you are? He straightened up on the couch, his body turning to face you as well as both of your hearts jumped out of your chest.
“Why wouldn’t I want to kiss you?” was his short answer. Your belly turned in pure nervousness now as your body grew a cold sweat. You never kissed anyone, and Billy seemed to know how to do it, and you were just too inexperienced. A flush came over all of your body as you fixed the glasses on the bridge of your nose and you looked down to avoid his gaze.
“I– I never–” You gulped, not being able to finish the phrase from how stupid it sounded. A warm hand was pressed on your cheek, making you lift your head up to look at him again, and you didn’t realize how close he got to you, his blue eyes staring into yours.
“I ask you again… Can I kiss you?” And you finally give him a nod. You weren’t going to miss this chance, not for one second. He still wants to kiss you despite you not knowing what you were getting yourself into. He smiled at you and grabbed onto your glasses, pulling them off your face and setting them on the coffee table. “They were just going to get in the way.” 
You took a shaky breath in, his hand still on your cheek as he slowly leaned down towards you. You closed your eyes and his remained open to remember your features as he finally does what he has been wanting to do for the past weeks. At first it was a simple attraction of course, but he knew it was more than that, and he was scared as shit about it… But he never wanted someone as much as he’s been wanting you.
His lips connected with yours in a soft peck, brief, and you let a breath go out of your lips, only for another peck to land. Then another, then another that lingered there a bit more, and then the next one he just stayed there, and suddenly started moving his lips, guiding you as your heartbeat made you deaf in your ears. How do people do this and not faint at the spot?
The lip smacking was heard in the room as your hands finally were brave enough to travel, one scanning his bicep, the other one moving towards the back of his neck, feeling his skin under your fingertips. His free hand landed on your waist, not pressing too hard so that you know that he is being mindful of you. At this point, Billy would already be inside someone, satisfying his needs, but with you… He wasn’t going to do that, at least not now, not yet, and that is if you let him. 
He wants to take care of you.
He pulled away for a second, his lips touching yours still as your breathing mixed with one another’s in soft pants. You were feeling as if you were burning all over, not knowing what was happening with you. You never felt like this before, and maybe it has to do with the fact that not only was Billy good looking, but you also feel more than just friendship for him.
“You okay?” You nod frantically at him, wanting more, giving him a peck on the lips making him chuckle in a low tone. “Sorry baby, but I need more.” 
He suddenly pushed you back on the couch, crawling over you and you didn’t even think, you just wrapped your arms around his shoulders, and he kept his bottom half away from yours, even if it pained him on his thighs from the strength he was doing to keep himself up. His lips connected with yours again, rougher this time, more desperate, the kiss suddenly turning into a very heated one as he suddenly licks your bottom lip a few times.
The butterflies in your belly explode as you open your mouth and his tongue finally slides in. You gasp at the feeling, your hands finding his biceps through his blouse, and you felt his chain hitting your neck at every movement. One hand was still gripping on your waist, while the other remained at your nape, pulling you deeper into the kiss. 
You really can’t believe this is happening, not to you, not with Billy, it doesn’t make sense that he looked your way, it doesn’t make sense that he actually wants to kiss you, not when he has Heather on his tail all the time, or Carol even if she is dating Tommy. Or Janet. You always hear them talking about him in the bathroom, always planning their move on him, and this feels you with a sense of power, with a sense of accomplishment and pride in yourself. 
Your hands ran through his hair and he groaned into the kiss, and that ignited so many things inside of you that you never felt in your life, and you wanted to hear more of it. Billy was trying his best to keep himself in a hovering position with you, but he was finding it harder and harder to do so. He can’t go on, at least not today when it was your first kiss. He didn’t want to scare you, even if your urges were the same as his, because he could feel your need to pull him even closer.
The door suddenly clicked and both of your eyes snapped wide open, pulling away, looking at one another, panting heavily. Best scenario, it's your parents, and they would be thrilled that you actually, and finally, have someone over at your house… Now, worst case scenario–
“What the ACTUAL FUCK?!” You both sat up on the couch to look over at Steve, who was standing there in the living room, wide eyed, and his face reddened bit by bit. Shit.
“Steve–” You started talking but he raised his hand at you, to then point a finger at Billy.
“Get the fuck off my sister.” You wanted to roll your eyes at this, because why is he acting all protective now? You finally got some action in your fucking life and he wants to take it away from you.
“I don’t think she wants me to leave.” Billy dares to say, glaring at your brother who took a look at the coffee table, seeing the cans of beer. His mind started racing, and Billy followed his gaze, his mouth opening to talk but Steve was running up the stairs already. Your eyes widened and you pushed Billy off, standing up quickly and urging him to do the same.
“You have to leave!” You were trying to push Billy towards the front door but his feet were still planted against the floor with a frown to his face, and your head snapped to the stairs to see Steve running back down with his baseball bat in his hands. Billy’s eyes widen when Steve starts to approach him with a swinging motion.
“Taking fucking advantage of my sister is something I won’t take from you Hargrove, so get the fuck out of my house before I crush your skull in!” 
“Shit, Harrington– Fucking listen for a second–” Steve’s baseball bat hits the backrest of the couch, and you could see the dent of the wooden under it that he created. Billy ripped himself off you and gave you a look as if asking if you were okay.
“I’ll talk to him, you go.” You tell him and he gulps, looking back at Steve with a threatening look on his face which Steve only scoffed at.
“I’ll talk to you later.” Billy says with a small squeeze to your hand as he walks out of the house, passing by Steve. Your brother follows him to the front door and he doesn’t walk back inside until Billy drives away with his Camaro. After the roaring engine can be heard in the distance, Steve slams the door shut, throwing the bat at the floor and stomping back into the living room where you were standing there with a glare on your eyes as if you were about to kill him.
“When I saw his fucking car out in front of the house I thought it was a stupid coincidence, and I come in here to see you about to have sex with the sluttiest man in the goddamn school! What are you thinking!?” You frown in anger at that, stepping towards him.
“I am his friend! I wasn’t going to have sex with him, and he wasn’t taking fucking advantage of me! I drank ONE beer, ONE!” You yell back at him and he fake laughs as he runs his hand over his face.
“The first time you have a guy in this house, and it is Billy FUCKING Hargrove. The one guy that I am fighting with for Captain at our basketball team, the one guy that gives me the hardest fucking time of my life at the moment, and you want me to just accept that he wants to be with you because he WANTS TO?” Your chest hurt at those words, your own coming out in soft stutters at Steve’s blind rage.
“He even asked me if I wanted to, and I said yes–”
“God, you cannot be this fucking stupid! He hates me, makes my life a living hell, and you seriously think that he is a nice guy!? You really think there is no ulterior motive!?” He yelled at you and his words were stabbing you in every part of your body, your head already spinning from how harsh he was being with you.
“Why? Is it impossible that he actually wants to be with me?” You try to say loudly at him, even if your fingers start to feel numb. He scoffed at that, looking at you.
“Yes, and I don’t think you are dumb enough to not see that.” He was referring to so many other things, and it was regarding Billy’s persona, in Billy’s actions, in his rivalry with him… And when he saw your tear rolling down your face, his anger evaporated as if water was being thrown at him.
“Okay…” Was your defeated response. You turned around to retrieve your glasses from your coffee table and Steve winced, clenching his eyes tightly together as pain rushed through his body. 
“That wasn’t what I meant– Hey, listen to me, I really didn’t mean it to sound like that–” But you weren’t listening, putting the cassettes back into their cases and turning off the TV. You grabbed them and walked past him, going up into your room. Steve stood there, knowing he hurt you once again, not knowing what to do but run a hand through his hair, cursing under his breath as he started pacing back and forth.
He didn’t mean it to sound like no guy would want you, he didn’t mean it at all like that, yet the words coming out of his mouth betrayed him, completely. He doesn’t know how to make it up to you, because if he had given you the chance to go to the parties with him when you asked in your freshman year, many times, and told you yes instead of no, you would have more experiences, you might even have friends. If only he had let you come out of your room at his own parties when you asked him, almost begged him to let you participate, but he declined each time. Then in your sophomore year, you didn’t ask anymore, just accepted that he wasn’t going to tell you anymore about them, and you automatically locked the door whenever he hosted a party. 
This year, he tried to invite you, many times. You always declined. You didn’t even want to eat dinner with him, and he knows you want to leave the house as soon as possible thanks to him. Even with your parents. For the past two years he had been so blind because of his father’s approval and the one of all the students in Hawkins High that he didn’t notice how your parents didn’t ask you stuff at dinner. All questions were always directed to him. He noticed this year, and he tried to tell them you had nailed your exams, and the only thing you got from your father was ‘As she should.’
He was the cause of who you were now. Not at all the bubbly and animated girl that asked him to raise her up like an airplane in their backyard, not at all the small girl that put makeup on him pretending she was a stylist, not at all the middle school girl that got excited to see him whenever she got home from school to tell him about what she learned that day. 
He walked up the stairs and raised his hand to knock on your door, only to hear soft sobs on the other side, muffled. He wonders if you had also cried when he denied you all those times. He doesn’t know how to even make it up to you. He doesn’t know if he even can. 
So the next day, when you didn’t come out of your room, he let you have your alone time. Now on Monday he tried knocking on your door, only to receive the notice that you felt sick. He tried walking in but your door was completely locked. His eyebrows twitched and his mind had come up with a plan. A plan he will terribly hate. A plan that might end up badly for him. But it’s what he deserves for what he did to you. 
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Billy looked everywhere for you, and even asked Barbara Holland where you could be. She told him that she hadn’t seen her at Science that day either, so his best guess was that you had skipped school. His jaw clenched when he asked other people about you and some of them didn’t even know what you looked like. He waited for the bell to ring, and he was going to tumble Steve down if he had to in order to see you. He didn’t care.
But when he walked out of the school doors to rush to his Camaro, he was surprised to see Steve Harrington sitting on his trunk with his arms crossed. Billy’s eyes hardened at the sight, walking towards him, tilting his head in question at the brown haired boy who was looking at Billy with a mix of emotions behind his eyes.
“Harrington. Get off my fucking car.” He says and Steve gulps as he looks to the side.
“I fucked up.” At that Billy’s eyebrows turned into a frown, but his fists started clenching as Steve kept talking, telling him everything, everything he did to you, and what he had said to you that night when Billy left. 
While this was happening, you were combing your hair after the shower you took while sitting on your bed. You had taken a shower because you were greasy from yesterday already, and you really didn't want to get up, but you didn’t have a choice. Ever since Steve said that, you didn’t have the guts to actually call Billy because at some far away place in your mind, it made sense. 
You were invisible, and suddenly you were noticed? It doesn’t sound real. 
So maybe it wasn’t. Maybe it really was to get into your pants to mess with your brother, and that was honestly the most reasonable explanation for it. You frowned when you heard the door open downstairs, your door was left open so you could hear some drawers being open, to then hear steps coming up the stairs. Your eyes widened when you saw Steve slamming himself against the door frame of your room.
His eye was completely inflamed from a punch received to the face, his nose was bleeding and he was holding some ice covered in a rug to soak the blood in it. From what you could see, his lip was busted as well and his breathing was coming out of his mouth, almost in a pant.
“Steve, what happened?” Even in your hatred for him, seeing him this way made your heart fill with worry, pushing all of the other feelings aside. You were about to rise from the bed until Steve raised his hand up at you.
“I deserved it.” He looked towards the hallway and your eyes widened when you saw Billy coming into view, a pack of frozen peas on his right hand, his eyes glaring at Steve as he passed by him and into your room. His eyes turned to yours and you couldn’t help but look up at him, completely stunned. Steve groans and closes the door for you two as he heads downstairs. 
“What… Did you…?” You stutter as you sit back on your bed, seeing Billy’s injured hand as he sat on your bed too, nodding as he looked at you.
“I sure as hell did. Fucker deserved it. He told me everything, from the very beginning, and also what he said to you on Saturday night right after I left.” You feel your face flush with embarrassment and you look down at your hands again. You are not understanding what is going on, nor why Steve would go and tell your life story to Billy. “Though I have to say… Your brother does care for you.” You scoff at that.
“Right. Like he cared for me the past two years.” You reply with venom in your voice and you feel Billy scoot closer to you.
“He knows. He knows what he did to you. Your freshman year was the punch on the eye, your sophomore year was on his lip… And what he said on Saturday was the one on the nose.” He lets out a chuckle and you feel mixed emotions to that. You were happy that he defended your honor, but Steve was still your brother and you didn’t want physical harm to come to him.
“Don’t punch him again… Please.” You slowly looked up at Billy and his blue eyes were already looking at you. Your heart rate picked up the longer he stared at you.
“Do you really believe what he said to you that night?” He asks you, a small worried tone behind his voice. You feel yourself gulp and you look away in embarrassment or nervousness, you no longer know.
“I– After years of feeling this way, it was a very possible scenario.” You say to him in a low voice, your fingers playing with each other. You see him put the bag of peas away, and his hands look for yours. You look down to see his right hand completely bruised up, some skin completely chipped off on his knuckles. You gasp at that and his hold gets stronger on you, making you look up at him. He was closer now, making your breathing get stuck in your throat. 
“How can I prove to you that I want you? How can I prove to you that I like you, that I like you very much that I drive myself insane with this fucking feeling, because god knows I am not good with relationships…” For the first time you see a blush come to his cheeks, and his gaze looks down at your connected hands, like how you do when you get nervous. “But I wanna try that with you.” 
Your heart leapt out of your mouth almost, not truly believing what was happening, but the bruised knuckles made it more real, the blush on his cheeks made you realize it was no dream at all. This man in front of you wants you, despite it all, and you both have so many broken pieces to pick up inside one another, but you figure that you can help each other. You can mend his heart back, as he can mend yours.
“I think… The first step would be a date…” You say to him almost in a whisper and he chuckles as he looks up at you. He squints slightly at that as if in thought as your smile grows on your face while looking at him.
“I have an idea for it. I think they are showcasing the new Rambo movie.” He says to you with a smirk to his face and your mouth fell open at that, shaking your head.
“I am not watching an action movie on our first date!” He chuckles at that, his face coming closer to yours slowly, and you feel magnetized to him as you both leaned into one another. 
“Oh, I bet you prefer the one where the bad boy goes for the intelligent and perfect girl, that genre, right?” You squint at him, pretending to be offended by his words.
“Don’t act like you don’t like those movies Hargrove.” At that he chuckles, his left hand snaking to the back of your neck to pull you closer to him, a soft breath hitting your lips as he talks.
“I might have a thing for romance.” His lips touched yours again, and you smiled through the kiss, your own hands resting on the back of his head to pull him deeper into the kiss, to taste him even better. Your lips moved along with his, taking in eachother’s breaths, bodies coming closer at each second.
“Don’t fuck my sister, I draw the line there. Not today, not with me here.” You both heard Steve’s voice behind the door, making Billy groan in annoyance and pull away from you to glare at the door as the steps could be heard and another door closes down the hallway.
“I am punching him again.” Billy says and you were glaring at the door too.
“My turn.”
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A/N: Well shit, I hope you enjoyed. IT TURNED OUT TO BE A ONE SHOT.
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percyluvr · 3 months
Hiii!!! If your requests are open could you do an injury fic with Luke and a Persephone reader? Where she gets hurt during capture the flag or smth like that and this man starts stressing even if he’s on the opposite team and didn’t know what was going on when she got hurt?
luke castellan x daughter of persephone!reader summary: you get hurt during capture the flag and luke gets worried wc: 885
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Luke Castellan is very particular about his capture the flag team, and everyone at camp knew that, which is why it came as a surprise when you and him were on separate teams.
When asked, he would just say that the two of you had decided to have a competition on who could create the better capture the flag strategy, but it was deeper than that. The two of you had a small fight because you felt that he never let you help with the strategy enough, and you felt like he never really let you in on the combat. It was almost like he thought of you as a delicate flower, and when you brought it up, he got irritated, telling you that he wasn't trying to control you, he just didn't want you to get hurt.
You'd gotten mad and stormed out, and now neither of you knew where you stood, and preparing for capture the flag against him wasn't helping at all. The few days leading up to capture the flag were some of the most hostile days each month, and this time was no exception. It may just be a camp war game to some campers, but to others, especially your teammate Clarisse, this was a big deal. Clarisse was always rude and quite hostile towards your boyfriend, but it was worse than ever now.
You and Clarisse were an unexpected duo, but you two had a special connection, considering each other your best friend, so when you told her what happened between you and Luke, she was pissed off, to say the least.
"Thanks for telling me that, I'm gonna hand his ass to him on Friday," she said, running her hand along your arm, trying to comfort you to her best ability.
"Thanks, Clarisse, I can always count on you if I want someone to get beat up," you joked, making her laugh.
The next few days went by quickly, you and Clarisse rigorously training with each other and going over your plan as co-captains. You'd always loved being on the same team as Clarisse before you started dating Luke, and now you finally got to be again.
On the day of capture the flag, you and all the campers headed into the forest, getting into your positions. The game began, and you and Clarisse charged into the other team's territory.
As a daughter of Persephone, you had the ability to manipulate certain plants, which was helpful, especially at camp, because you could control almost all of the plants that were there. Unfortunately, with great power comes a great ego boost, which you fell victim to.
You and Clarisse were basically wiping the floor with your opponents, when you got caught up in your head, confidence overflowing, and tried to create a longer vine, accidentally tripped over it, and fell right into the sword of the camper you were fighting. Luckily, you had managed to move your body so that you didn't get stabbed anywhere fatal, but you did get an incredibly deep cut right under your ribcage, which caught the attention of Clarisse. Seeing you injured fueled Clarisse's rage, and she quickly finished the fight.
Immediately, she picked you up bridal style, rushing you through the woods to the infirmary. She passed by Luke, and at first he ignored it, but then he did a double take after realizing it was Clarisse, and saw you in her arms, blood soaking through your orange Camp Half-Blood shirt. Even though he was in the middle of a fight, he booked it in the direction the two of you were heading, now full of worry.
He finally caught up to the two of you, surprised at how quick Clarisse was. When Clarisse caught sight of him, she cracked her knuckles and gave him the dirtiest look you had even seen in your life. You bit back a laugh.
Luke rushed up to where you were sitting on the bed.
"Baby, are you okay? Please tell me you're okay," he said, voice filled with desperation.
You gave him a pained look, gesturing to the large blood-soaked bandage covering the left side of your abdomen. "Well, I have a near fatal hole going through my side, but other than that, I'm great," you say dryly.
"C'mon, don't be that way. I'm sorry for what happened last week, okay? But see, this is why I'm so protective. I can't let anything happen to you, I don't want to lose anyone else," he whispers, eyes glazed over.
At this point, Clarisse is long gone. Knowing her, she probably left because she couldn't stand to see you and Luke being all 'lovey dovey,' as she calls it.
"Well... yeah. I guess I see your point. But I still think that you should let me help more, please."
"Okay, you're right. I know you're perfectly capable, I'm just scared. I've lost too many people and losing you would be too much to handle, so please be more careful, okay?" He eyes your bandage, giving you a grimace.
You respond by pulling him down to your face by his shirt, and give him a sweet kiss, which he reciprocates almost immediately. It almost made you laugh how quickly he kisses you back, even though it happens every time.
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sage-nebula · 2 months
Yes, Pearl and Marina decimated Frye and Shiver in that rap battle—and yes, Marina recognized what was going on and knew what Shiver was doing and played accordingly. She is 23 years old and, as Pearl said, has a big mind—she knew she was in a rap battle, and Shiver getting increasingly irritated to the point of trying to end it with Marina giving the classic sassy "I can do this all night" proves it.
But I digress.
Yes, Off the Hook won that battle handily. But that doesn't mean that Shiver and Frye are bad at what they do.
It just shows their inexperience.
Compared to Squid Sisters and Off the Hook, Deep Cut is pretty much still an indie band. They're really only known within the Splatlands, and only reached the level of fame needed to take over Anarchy Splatcast a couple years before Splatoon 3. And that's fine, I'm not dissing them—but it means that they don't really know what it is to work within the broader music industry as a whole, or go up against musicians who have experience working on a world stage. Shiver and Frye feel threatened by Off the Hook performing in Splatsville because they feel as though Off the Hook could replace them, despite the fact that Off the Hook is famous enough to have done a world tour and this is a single drop in the bucket to them. Not to mention, Pearl has close to a decade of experience as a musician by now. Frye does not. So for Frye to step to her . . . no wonder she got stomped. This isn't Pearl's first rap battle and it won't be her last.
Of course, not all the members of Deep Cut show this inexperience. Big Man knows there is a lot to be learned from seniors in the music industry, as shown by his collab with Squid Sisters and how he was "awestruck" by Off the Hook and didn't participate in Shiver and Frye's confrontation.
But Shiver and Frye's inexperience IS showing here. They have so much skill and talent! But if they want to go beyond Splatsville, they need to grow up a bit and not pointlessly pick fights with those who could help them. Picking a fight with Off the Hook in particular is silly af, because they LOVE collabing with less known artists to give them a boost, as seen with their Damp Socks collab. This didn't have to happen at all, but Shiver and Frye picked a fight, Pearl and Marina finished it, and, well. They got served the dish they asked for.
(But in the end it was still a collab, so maybe it'll still help in a roundabout way.)
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Passion Blooms Under the Influence
Female MC x Barbatos Smut
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Summary: After a quick study session with her tutor Solomon, MC finds herself feeling hot and bothered. Barbatos finds her and calms the heat scorching through her veins.
TLDR, MC gets dicked down by Barbatos 🥵
TW: Aphrodisiac use, mildly dubious consent due to aphrodisiac usage, they do cover consent but just to be safe, pet names, Barbs demon form makes an appearance, monster fucking I guess? (You'll see what I mean)
Word Count: 3,217
The last few weeks in the Devidom had been a bit of a blur for MC. Leviathan had summoned Lotan again after a fued with Mammon which left her room flooded and unusable luckily Diavolo offered her refuge in the Demon Lord Castle in one of the many spare bedrooms.
Today's lesson with Solomon had taken a weird turn, after practicing some simple spells they had gotten onto the topic of her little crush on the demon butler himself Barbatos. Her mentor had given her the usual pep talk about just being upfront about her feelings over a shared cup of tea, he had also given her a potion which he clamied would help boost her confidence in the matters of her heart before sending her on her way to her temporary home.
On her walk she noticed a prickling sensation starting to climb up her arms and down her legs. At first she brushed it off but the nearby demons began to start staring at her as her skin got hotter and hotter. In the end she had to teleport herself to the guest bedroom she'd been staying in to save herself, and the rest of her demon friends, too much public embarrassment.
Barbatos, being the immensely powerful demon he is, much have sensed the magical power entering the Demon Lord Castle and came to make sure the human exchange student was well after her trip out.
He knocks on her door a few times but when he doesn't get an answer he makes his presence known and enters the room, just to make sure she was unharmed, "MC, I assume your lesson went well?" He smiles as he opens the door before stopping in his tracks when he finally lays his eyes on the girl.
He sees her laid on the neatly made bed with her body streached out, sweat is streaked across her forehead and she's panting hard "B- Barbatos! Thank you for checking on me, I know you're probably busy..." She gulps down the saliva pooling under her tongue as he watches her curiously "It had been going well until Solomon gave me a potion to drink that he's currently working on and now I feel hot..." His green eyes flick from her body to her face as he watches her "Oh dear... Well... I'm here to take care of you, MC. You don't have to thank me, I am just doing what Lord Diavolo would expect me to do" He reaches his gloved hand down to push the hair back from her face causing her to shiver and push her body towards his retreating hand making him frown.
His finger curls under his chin as he thinks about your predicament "Did he tell you what the potion was for?" She shakes her head as she lifts her body to rest her weight on her elbows to look at him better "Just said... It would help me... Express feelings I've been hiding or something like that... I can't remember anymore". Barbatos can't help the hiss that falls from his lips as he looks away feeling irritation bubble in his chest "I have a... Suspicious of what that devious human has given you... Let's see" He hums as he returns his hand to her forehead, pushing his fingers through the strands of her hair and down to lightly caress her cheek watching to see her reaction to the soft and almost non existent stimulation.
MC can't help the whines that tumble past her lips as she tilts her head back to present her neck to the demon before she realises what she's done and gasps "I- I am SO sorry Barbatos... I don't know what's wrong with me" She looks down to the bedsheets with a slight pout before another wave of heat flows through her and she flops back down onto the bed, chest heaving.
Barbatos chuckles softly at her apology as he places one finger under her chin lifting her gaze to meet his own eyes. "Don't worry about it, MC." His voice is warm and soothing as he runs his gloved thumb over her lower lip, slowly trailing his way along her jawline as her tongue slips out of her mouth in an attempt to chase his clothed digits "I suspect Solomon has given you an aphrodisiac" Her eyes widen at his words before he continues "It would explain your temperature and your body's... Shall we say responsiveness..." His voice begins to trail off as he watches her intently.
She nods as she tries to take in his words "Is there any way to... Reverse it's effects?" Her fingers reach up slowly to hold his arm in place as she leans fully into his touch, Barbatos bites his bottom lip softly as he watches the human girl keen for his touch in ways he's dreamed of but never thought would become reality "We'd have to call the shady sorcerer himself to know for sure... But based on most aphrodisiacs the only way to rid you of the effects would be to-" He can't help but hesitate to finish the sentence but she nods to him to continue "You will need to satisfy your desires" He finishes with a slight blush dusted across his porcelain cheeks.
MC frowns for a moment confused before the realisation flashes across her face, a dark blush rising to her cheeks "Well with that I shall bid you farewell so you may... Rid yourself of your afflictions..." The demon clears his throat and bows with his hand across his chest before he turns to leave "NO!" She shouts across the room as she bolts upright grabbing his hand to stop him, she looks away from him embarrassed by her own neediness.
Barbatos stares down at her in surprise, his brow furrowing slightly as he waits for her next move. "No?" He can't help the grin that spreads across his face as he looks down to see the place on his uniform her hand has gripped to keep him from leaving the room. "I-" She can't quite find the words to ask him what she wants, she grips his arm tighter and tugs him towards her as she gets on her knees and comes to the end of the bed to face him.
Barbatos' smile grows as he sees her come to kneel before him, his hands come to gently caress her cheeks as he takes in her beauty. "Tell me what you want, MC" He mutters softly as he brings her face centimetres from his own. A shiver racks up her spine and settles in her chest as she feels his breath hit her lips "Will you help me Barbatos?" She reaches her hands up to hold the base of his neck enjoying their closeness.
Barbatos smiles softly as he hears her plea, leaning forward to bring his mouth to hers as he kisses her gently almost treating her like she's ready to break apart at his touch. As he does this, one of his hands slides around her waist and pulls her closer to him, bringing them both even closer together. "Of course, my dear. I'm always at your service" He whispers huskily as he pulls away just enough to speak and give her a moment to back away from him if she doesn't want to continue.
A loud whine escapes her at his words as she tugs his back to her kissing him with as much passion as she can "You can't say things like that Barb... It makes me feel so hot". His eyes widen slightly at her response but he quickly recovers and continues to kiss her passionately, running his tongue along her own and down to her jawline while his free hand goes to her hair, pulling it into a tight ponytail so he can run his fingers through it.
After a few moments he breaks off the kiss and looks deep into her eyes "Last chance to back out little lamb before I can no longer hold myself back". She shakes her head as she looks at him as seriously as she can given her almost delirious state of lust "Want this... Want you Barbatos" She runs her hands over his covered shoulders as she pushes his jacket off "Please". The last threads of his resolve break as he helps her remove his coat and tosses it aside, then wraps an arm around her waist and lifts her onto the bed beneath her, taking advantage of her smaller frame to get on top of her pinning her beneath him as he leans down to kiss her again. "My pleasure little lamb".
MC bites her lip as she looks up at him and whispers softly "You don't know how long I've wanted this" Her arms loop around his neck as she keeps him close to her, licking her tongue into his mouth as she starts to explores his body. He feels her lips press against his and gives in completely, wrapping his other arm around her back and pressing himself against her as he begins to explore her own body. "I can't guarantee I'll be gentle with you my dear" He says breathlessly, letting his tongue slip between her lips and dance with hers.
She nods quickly to show her understanding as she threads one of her hands into his hair tugging gently at his soft ombre locks while the other caresses her thumb against his cheek, continuing to kiss him while she pushes her hips up to grind against his covered length. He groans softly when she pulls his hair and presses their bodies together more firmly, enjoying every moment of her kisses as well as her grinding movements. His hands slide from her waist to her ass, squeezing and kneading the flesh he finds there as he moves his hips slowly against hers. "You're driving me crazy little lamb..." He confesses to her as he enjoys the slow rock of his hips against her own.
She gasps as she feels his length pushing against her already wet clothed pussy "N- Need you... Please~" She begs sweetly as she moves her head to kiss and bite gently at his bare neck. He smirks at her begging tone and moans quietly, using his free hand to push a lock of her hair behind her ear. As she nips at his skin marking him as her own he reaches for the clasp on her dress and undoes it, pulling the fabric away from her body and exposing her to his hungry eyes while he pulls his dress shirt over his head.
He bends his head down to softly kiss her neck before moving down to her collarbone and littering her skin with bites marking her in turn "Now everyone will know you're mine" He grins at her slightly possessively before returning to her heated body. He skillfully unclasps her bra exposing her breasts as he encases her pebbled nipple in his mouth.
She lets out an drawn out moan as he gently bites and suckles on her nipple teasing the sensitive bud before moving to her other breast giving it just as much attention until she's squirming against the bed desperately needing him further down her body. Sensing her frustration he gives each nipple one last lick before trailing more kisses down her body before finally sliding down further to lick and nibble her thighs. She shivers under his touch and arches her back pushing her body closer to his teasing mouth.
As Barbatos pulls himself upright he takes a moment to enjoy the sight of the young girl in front of him marked up and desperate, the view he has from above her is enough to make his hardened length throb with need let alone the thoughts that invade his mind of what he would like to do to her. MC spreads her legs for him and he can't help the chuckle that leaves his lips "So wet already. My my that aphrodisiac worked rather quickly" He pulls her soaked panties down her legs and throws them to the side watching as more slick leaves her pussy and trails down her thighs.
Barbatos lowers himself back down to the bed as he removes his gloves throwing them to the floor then places his bare hands onto her thighs pushing them further apart so he can place himself between them. He moans as he finally gets a taste of her essence, first licking up the lines of wetness that coated her inner thighs before giving her pussy a long lick from her hole to her clit "You taste, dare I say, heavenly my little lamb" The way he slurps up her wetness lights her body on fire, only contributing to the aphrodisiacs effects.
MC's thighs twitch as she grasps his hair with both hands tugging harshly and shaking her head with tears rolling down her rosy cheeks "S'too much! I need your cock" Her head tips back as she rocks pussy into his face moaning as she cants her hips forward despite her pleas for him to just fuck her already. Barbatos lets out another laugh at her impatience as he feels her pulling on his hair. Had it not been for the aphrodisiac he may had punished her for being in such a rush, maybe next time he thinks to himself with a sinister smile. His emerald eyes dart over to her breasts and he smiles softly at how she's trying to push herself towards him. With a firm grip on her thighs he holds her still and licks her again from bottom to top and back down once more before circling her clit with his tongue "Need to prep you MC" He slides two of his thick fingers into her waiting pussy rubbing them against her throbbing walls.
MC's hand reach backwards to grab the sheets and grip them in her hands as she moans loudly "Barb" She whimpers out as her body trembles underneath him. The feeling of her inner walls tightening around his fingers causes him to groan out as he looks up at her face. Her juices are flowing freely and coating his lips and chin. He gives her one last kiss on her abused clit before moving backwards he licks her juices off his fingers "I believe that's enough teasing now my dear".
Keeping her legs spread for repositions himself and gives his leaking member a few sharp tugs before he runs his cock down to her sopping pussy to collect her juices lubing up his cock before pushing himself into her slowly letting her feel every inch as the burn of the aphrodisiac slowly starts to decrease. The dark haired demon smirks as he watches her reaction, seeing the relief spread across her face as he pushes himself into her. A low moan escapes her lips as he enters her fully. He waits for her to adjust before starting to thrust inside her gently but firmly, Barbatos reaches one hand up and intertwines his fingers with hers as he holds their hands above her head while the the trails down her side to grip her ass pulling her leg over his own keeping her close to his body. Each time he pulls out he leans down and kisses her neck before pushing himself back in, knocking the wind sinfully out of her chest.
As he starts to build up his pace rocking into her harder and faster her unoccupied hand finds purchase on his waist holding onto her demon lover as he pistons his hips into her own making the bed shake and buckle under his immense strength. Barbatos lets go of her hand as he feels her pussy throb and tighten around his cock and grabs onto her hips tightly. He begins to pound into her harder and faster each time slamming her further up the bed, her moans and whimpers increase in volume her hands reach up to grip onto her pillow tight.
His own moans are getting louder as he feels his cock head leaking precum into her pussy, he starts to feel himself losing control of his emotions when he suddenly shifts into his demon form due to the pleasure that racks through his body. She can't help the gasp that escapes her as she feels his body change under her fingers, seeing his demon form only makes her skin burn hotter. MC's hand grips his waist tighter her nails leaving crescent shaped marks as she reaches her other hand up to his hair to grip the base of his bone like horns.
The sensation of her touch sends waves of pleasure throughout his entire being. He lets out an animalistic moan and slams himself deep inside her "'M not going to be able to hold on much longer" He grunts while snaking his hand down between them to rub his fingers against her swollen clit. Her legs shake as he plays with her sensitive nub, she wraps her legs around his waist while her hands grip onto the base of his horns and his fork ended tail wraps around her waist to keep her steady. She matches his thrusts the best she can moaning loudly as pleasure shoots down her spine at all of the stimulation.
Barbatos kisses her deeply before moving his lips to her neck letting his fangs pierce her skin as he bites down in an attempt to control his moans, the painful pleasure from his bite sends her body over the edge into orgasm as he licks at the wound he's left behind "Cumming! 'M cumming!" MC moans loudly gripping onto her lovers body to steady herself as she cums hard, legs shaking violently.
Her pussy clenching hard on his cock and feeling her hands gripping his horns is the last drop of stimulation he needs to finally cum, Barbatos grunts loudly as he releases his load inside her as he continues to pound away at her releasing every bit of cum he has left. After several minutes of his own body shaking he pulls out and collapses beside her panting heavily.
As they both lay beside each other coming down from their highs the demon pulls her body to him as he gives her a soft kiss on her lips "Feeling better?" He asks chuckling softly as she simply nods her head clearly tired "Yes...I'm good now." She finally replies resting her head on his chest as her fingers draw delicate shapes on his sweat soaked body. His fingers slip under her chin to lift her head as he shifts out of his demon form "I'm sorry for shifting like that" He mutters as he caresses her face.
She leans into his touch enjoying the tender moment between them "No need to apologise, you're beautiful no matter what form you take" She smiles at him as she closes her eyes an ache seeping into her bones. "Thank you for taking care of me Barb.." She whispers quietly to him before drifting off to sleep. He gives her one last kiss placed against her forehead "Anything for you, my little lamb" He grins to himself softly as he allows sleep to take over his spent body.
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angelkhi · 1 year
love me, hate me - s.r
summary: steve rogers pisses you off, and you piss him off. but is it really ever that simple?
warnings: SMUT 18+ (MINORS DNI), p in v, switch steve & reader, face sitting, unprotected sex, talks of bodily fluids, enemies to lovers a little bit, slight hate fucking but also not?? feelings at the end sort of.
word count: 2.8.k
a little note: Happy New Year to you all! finished this at 4 am so not beta’d any mistakes are my own (seriously i just spelled mistakes as ‘mestayks’ so like sorry lol) half based on this request but also something i already had in the works that seemed to mesh xx
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"Let's not forget who's doing who a favour." You chide, already irritated by presence.
"Please sweetheart, I'm doing you more of a favour than you realise."
"And how's that Mr Rogers?" You fix his crooked tie. Always picking up after him.
"You walk in there with me? There's no way you're going home alone tonight." He smooths out the collar on his shirt, checking himself over in the mirror. "Your little problem gets solved."
"My little problem?"
"Don't get me wrong, Yels, it's great doing it yourself but it would be nice for someone give me an orgasm every now and then."
"You fuckin pig! You were listening to my conversation?" You're embarrassed. Beyond embarrassed. If there's one person that doesn't need to know about your dwindling sex life it's Steve Rogers.
"It's kinda hard not to overhear yours and Yelena's screeching on girls night." Once again those fingers fly up into quotation marks and you have to blink yourself free from the daze you're slipping into.
Maybe Steve does have a point, you're significantly louder after a bottle or two of rose, but it doesn't give him the right to use your own words against you.
"You're a dick, Rogers. It's none of your fucking business how many orgasms I have." He's smirking down at you now, something in his eyes you've never seen before. "Let's just get this over with. I don't want to have to see your face any longer than necessary."
The two of you enter the ballroom together as planned, and heads turn almost instantly. The quiet gasps and turning heads boost his scolded ego more than nicely. But that's all it is. A soothing bandage over a painful wound.
Stark's infamous shindigs that rivalled even the most grand of galas, yet you are the only thing that matters to him in a room filled with expensive champagne and extravagant sculptures. He watches you from across the room, Bucky's latest debrief on Sam's irritating behaviour blending into the mindless background chatter.
You're done up to the nines, pretty hair twisted in some intricate up-do, and that dress. That fucking dress. He wonders if things would be easier if you knew how he really felt about you, that the trading of insults between the two of you is the only way he can resist pinning you against every available surface and fucking the attitude out of you.
You work your charm with everyone that comes up to you, offering you drinks and boring conversation. You know you're in charge, so do they, and so does he.
He spots you talking to a pretty redhead he soon recognises as Wanda, she's changed since he last saw her. But he much more notices the lingering stares and flirtatious touches, the way you lean into each other and laugh a little too loud. Jealousy is no longer a green eyed monster, but a blonde haired, blue eyed super soldier.
You happen to glance over at him in that moment, taking in his tensed jaw and white-knuckle grip on his champagne flute, expecting it to shatter under any more force. He watches as you smirk in his direction, and the go back to the conversation like he wasn't even there. Sam and Bucky pull him away to a conversation that is meant to be important and he loses sight of you for the rest of the evening.
The party starts to get a little too lively towards 11pm, the rowdy crowd excited about the looming new year. You find yourself at the bar, sick of your uncomfortable shoes, ready to get more than drunk, kiss a bottle at midnight and fall into bed with your vibrator once again. Someone slides into the empty seat next to you, speaking to the bar tender. You catch the 'and whatever she's having' and roll your eyes just wanting to be left alone at this point.
Your double vodka and cranberry is slid in front of you and you take a single sip before turning to the man next to you. He's attractive, with his full beard and long brown hair. There's something in his eyes but you don't care enough to find out that much about him. He shakes your hand firmly, introducing himself as Quentin Beck. You smile and thank him when he compliments you, you hum and nod when he tells you about his latest technological venture that sounds weirdly similar to Tony's, you smile coyly when he rests a hand on your thigh and offers to take you somewhere a little less private.
You're silently disappointed that this is the best you could do on a night like tonight but you're not one to look a fort horse in the mouth. He guides you through the crowd with a hand around your waist until the function room doors come into view and your excitement dims even further. Steve stands in the doorway, arms crossed and biceps bulging as he stares at Quentin and then his hand on your waste.
"Hey honey." He wraps his fingers around your wrist lightly, stopping you in your tracks. He stares down at you for a second too long, then diverts his gaze to Beck.
"Fuck off." Two words. Two are all it takes for Quentin to crumble.
His hand moves from your waist faster than you can blink and he's already being swallowed up by the crowd when you turn away from glaring at Steve. His fingers linger around your wrist but you shrug him off, and leave the grand ballroom stomping down to the elevator.
He follows you of course, right up to your door, pushing inside when you try and slam it in his face.
"Honey that guy was a creep."
"Don't 'honey' me you just ruined my one good chance of getting laid tonight." You kick off your shoes.
"Well I wouldn't call it a good chance..."
"What was that?!" You're about to fiddle with the zip of your dress but instead steve has your attention and an insane amount of audacity.
"M'just saying he wouldn't have been worth it." He pauses, sitting on your bed uninvited. "Doesn't look like he can find his car keys let alone please a woman."
"I guess I'll never know now." You scoff.
"Use me instead."
What in the sweet baby jesus?!
"How much have you had to drink?" You chuckle, and go back to working your zip.
"You know I can't get drunk. How much have you had to drink?" He retorts, reaching up to undo the zipper for you.
"Not enough for this to be a hallucination. What's in it for you?"
"An orgasm." Fair enough.
"Why are you doing this? Are you trying to humiliate me?"
"What? No! I'm just trying to apologise for ruining your New Years hook up." He looks sincere, but then Steve never lies. You on the other hand, would be lying if you said you didn't want to jump his bones at least twenty three and a half of the twenty four hours in the day. And he's offering himself to you on a golden platter. Why turn. it down?
It's a simple word, but it holds so much power. Starting something that may just fucking ruin you. But you want it. He wants it. The easy route be damned. Steve is quick to discard his clothing, looking up at you expectantly waiting for your next request. You simply just let your dress drop, carefully stepping over the expensive fabric and slotting yourself between Steve's legs. His eyes widen when he realises you'd neglected to put on any underwear that evening. She reaches out to touch you, rest a hand on your hip but you slap it away.
"Lay back." You kneel over his hips, excitement fizzling on your skin as he rests on his elbows, taking up an insane amount of space with his broad shoulders and wide thighs. He doesn't move any further, a sly smirk on his lips and wonder in his eyes.
"I said I don't want to see your face, lie the fuck back." You have him under your thumb, and your pussy, when he lays back against the cotton sheets you crawl across his body and rest above his face. His hands grip onto the backs of your thighs, usually light eyes dark with lust. 
"No touching." You thread his arms above him, resting forward and pinning them against the pillows. His response is muffled when you lower yourself onto his face. His tongue works wonders when he's not using it to talk and you definitely prefer it when he's not talking.
You grind yourself down against his pliant tongue, clit bumping his stupidly perfect nose with each thrust. You're taking what you deserve from him, what he owes you and you fucking love it. You love the fact that he could easily slip you underneath him, pin you beneath him and pull you apart but instead he's letting you use him, letting you grind yourself to an orgasm on his face.
"You're not so useless after all Rogers, fucking hell." His lips purse around your exposed clit and your thighs shake a little. You press yourself further against him, chasing your well deserved orgasm until you're panting above him half spent.
Lifting yourself off of him, you take in his flushed cheeks and blown out eyes. God he's pretty. Your hand strokes through his hair and he leans into your touch. Putty in your hands.
You reach back, your hands almost dwarfed by the impressive size of his pretty cock. You struggle to wrap your hands around him fully, but when you start stroking him slow but firm it doesn't matter. His face twists into one of pure bliss and his hips fuck up into your fist desperately. Deciding enough is enough you manoeuvre down his body, hovering over his painfully hard weeping cock. You drag him through your folds, almost slipping him in before bumping his engorged head against your clit until you're right on the edge of desperation and finally sink down on him.
You take him slowly at first, unable to stay quiet as he stretches you open. There's a slight sting but my god does it sting so good. Once he's fully sheathed you take a moment to accommodate, grinding down on him, twin moans coming from the two of you. You raise yourself up again, right to the tip and back down, slowly building the rhythm until you're bouncing on his cock, hitting spots you didn't even know existed panting for breath. 
"You feel so fucking good." You whimper chasing your own pleasure, fuelled by Steve's. He fists the bedsheets, so obedient trying not to touch you, but you look so pretty and broken and you're touching yourself whilst you ride him, clenching down on his dick so fucking perfectly. He's more vocal than. you expected, grunting and moaning and whining.
"Fuck I'm gonna come. Steve." Your fingers roll your taught nipples between your fingers, pinching and pulling. Steve's hips stutter for a moment, but then he's right there with you, fucking up into your perfect cunt until you're shaking on his dick, grinding your clit against his pubic bone and falling over the edge.
He doesn't give you a second to breath, wrapping his strong arms around you and placing you flat on your back. You're breathless, your vision is still fuzzy but then he's pounding into you. Lifting your leg above his shoulder opening you up up to him even more. You're well and truly fucked. Not a single word or thought or even sound registering. You're just wide eyed and open mouthed and taking what he gives you.
"Not so cocky now are we, hmm sweetheart." His thumb flicks your clit once and you're coming all over again, a loud scream echoing off of the walls.
"There she is. So fucking perfect, taking what you need. Did I do well, did I satisfy your greedy pussy or do you still want more?"
"St-Steve. More." You sound so broken, so unalike yourself but you never want to go back to her when you can be this.
"Course you fuckin do. Play with your tits for me, that's a good girl." He thrusts slow but deep, your weak legs held in position by his huge hands. He relishes in your flushed face and smudged makeup. Your hair has foregone the confines of bobby pins and it's splayed out on the cushion behind you. You're fucking perfect.
"Who's cunt is this?" Your eyes lull into the back of your head when he delivers a quick sharp tap to your clit. "Tell me who's cunt it is and I'll let you cum."
"Y-Yours. Yours Steve."
"Good. And who's fuckin dick is this tearing you apart?" It's all too much, you're on the verge of crying from the overstimulation. "Who's is it?"
"Good fucking girl." He punctuates his words with his thrusts, picking up speed once more and rubbing small quick circles against your clit. Your tears do spill then, dark mascara running down your cheeks when you explode all over him.
He fucks you through the orgasm, pulling out of you when you begin to claw at his chest, leaving pretty marks all over him. He kneels over you, furiously stroking himself to completion until he cums in long white ropes all over your breasts, chest heaving and panting. He collapses next to you, silent as you try to catch your breaths and wrap your head around what just happened.
It shouldn't surprise you when Steve gets up to the bathroom and comes back with a washcloth, but it does. It leaves you stunned. You try not to show it though, nor do you give him a glimpse at how disappointed you are about leaving.
"Damn Rogers, you really know how to hate fuck." Steve's gaze is frantic, but mostly confused.
"Hate? I don't hate you." His eyebrows are pulled together so tightly you're scared they might just fuse into one another.
"Could've fooled me." You pull up your underwear and pull on his shirt foregoing the tight dress.
"Look. I don't. Hate. You. Do you get on my nerves? Sometimes. But I could never hate you."
"So what? You wanna call the way you've treated me since I got here a proclamation of your undying love." He's silent. "You can't be fucking serious Rogers."
"Don't be like that, you gave just as good as you got." You scoff, but it's the truth. "Every time I look at you I want to fuck you, every time I see someone even look at you I wanna fuckin... I don't know!"
"You terrify me. I have all these feelings for you, but you're so... you. You're so gorgeous, you're potty mouth and you're strong and you don't take shit from no one, not even me. I'm an idiot, I know that and I don't expect a sorry to fix anything, but I need you to know that that wasn't a one time thing, I want you."
"Well fuck. You have feelings for me?" He nods, simple, effective and oh so Steve Rogers. "I thought. I don't know what I though. I walked in here and you just stared at me and left, and I guess I though you took one look at me and decided I wasn't enough. So I decided I was gonna prove you wrong."
"I think you're everything. You've certainly proved me right." He looks angry, at himself at and the situation, but mostly at the fact that you'd ever thought those things about yourself.
"Right pair of idiots we are." You mutter, trying to lighten the you're-not-sure-what mood. He pulls you into his lap, rough hand resting around your waist.
"Aren't we just." He whispers against your lips.
"How many people did you tell to fuck off tonight? Just out of interest."
"Bout 15." He mumbles and then laughs, "don't regret a single one of them though."
You surge forward and press against him. His lips are softer than expected and his movements are so slow, so tentative. You arch into him, greed driving your need to make up for the last few wasted months.
A loud bang erupts from outside of the glass windows, popping into a concoction of golds and reds and pinks, until the New York skyline is littered with individual fireworks displays.
"Happy New Year Rogers." You whisper against his lips, though it turns into a breathless whimper when he pulls your panties to the side. "You get on my nerves too by the way. Like a whole lot."
"Yeah yeah. Happy New Year."
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spdrvyn · 5 months
hsdjjhhjgKJHFB DHFJHKABNF SJGJHNMANBGBNDFJNGND hobie dating hcs ???//!^&%#$ :333
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summary: a compiled amount of headcanons towards dating everybody's favorite punk spider.
fluff. might be ooc. i'm so sorry that this request took so long, bff... thank you for your patience! i'm also getting sick and tired of the really bad hobie mischaracterization so i hope this does favors even though i don't really write for him!
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★ at the start of your relationship, you and hobie feed into whatever sappy scenario you had with each other before you started dating.
★ before whenever hobie saw you sad, he wanted to cup your face, wipe your tears if you were crying, reassure you, comfort you, that he'd always be looking out for you and that he wouldn't stop anytime soon. he'd press small kisses against your lips in between sobs and hics in an attempt to soothe you, until you calmed down. yet the most he could do was offer you a hug and maybe dial down the reassurances so that you weren't on to him.
★ now, he gets to feed into that fantasy all the damn time and whenever he damn pleases. he spoils you with his affection, he knows you. he knows the way you let those bad thoughts and crippling feelings consume you whole so he'd be determined to get you out of your own head, he likes to comfort but not anymore than to remind of the reality that you live in, a reality that he is there. always.
★ he kind of hates it when you call him your hero, even though he's saving you even in the littlest ways. whenever you're feeling lonely, he just happens to be there. if you're a spider and something goes wrong in your civilian life, he's hopping through a portal to get to your dimension. even when you're happy, having a good day, spirits high, hobie makes it all the more better for you. maybe he didn't mind that one label, if it made you feel good.
★ he doesn't buy you gifts, you expected that going into the relationship. i know how that sounds, "what a completely incorrect statement!" you migh even think. however, this is because he makes you your gifts himself. you want flowers? hobie will handpick them. a painting? hobart ross. a gold necklace? with the help of hammerspace, he can fit all of that hair inside of a mining helmet for you.
★ he's a little notorious for teasing you, especially in front of his friend group. he definitely doesn't mind PDA, if anything he's proud of it. he doesn't make a big announcement when you guys start dating, but when his friends and yours pick up on the mega boost in affection, it has heads turning and mouths gasping.
★ whenever you two have petty arguments (which is rarely), he immediately tries to apologize for it. not in a normal way because come on, really? he's clinging to your side or your back, big and pouty (also kissable) lips with a sad expression on his face while he repeats "i'm sorry" or "i'll make it up to you, promise" while you try to squirm out of his grasp or pull your face away. for someone that looks like a personified stickbug, his strength can't be underestimated.
★ there's never an awkward moment with him. he always knows how to keep up a conversation and how to run it smooth, he never beats around the bush and gets straight to the point, you've always admired his confidence. maybe people did get annoyed with him, but you could never. everything that someone else could dislike about hobie were qualities that you loved about him, he wasn't just an acquired taste, maybe other people's tastes were just... bad. even when you're not particularly in the mood, he never irritates you, never makes you cry, never makes you feel worse. he talks you through it and by god, does it work every single time.
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somewhere-in-wales · 4 months
What if, in this moment, Aziraphale & Crowley found themselves unexpectedly transported to our world?
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And then met these two idiots?
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And they all had to work together to get Aziraphale & Crowley back?
I wrote a fic about it (When Worlds Collide). Here are some nice things people wrote underneath its chapters:
"I can't tell you how much I'm in love with this fic. Like I want to marry it, right now! The amounts of times I literally shrieked with laughter reading this. I had to stop to wipe my eyes, I am dying"
"In love w this actually. the SHENANIGANS!!!! this was a joy to read"
"this fic is eating me alive. an immediate cult classic. if i had your permission and any ability to execute this at all, i would bind this fic in leather and carry it with me all my days like a spiritual nomad with their dearest tome. You Are Taking Me There."
"Oh, Chapter 4 is my favorite so far. And that's saying a lot, because every time I read a new one I think 'there's no way this can be topped...it's too good, too funny, too fresh a take on these characters"
You can find it on AO3 here When World's Collide, there's an exert below, and if you're feeling generous enough to do a little signal boost re-blog, I will love you forever.
"Terribly sorry, but I wonder if I might help settle this business about whether we are who we say we are?"
Michael and David exchange glances.
"I doubt it" says Michael, reaching around the door frame for his water bottle whilst stepping out of the bathroom to take a swig. Aziraphale sweeps his hand in an arc as Michael puts the bottle to his lips, glugging. He immediately coughs and spits red wine forcefully across the room.
“Holy shit!” Exclaims David, jumping backwards to avoid being splashed.
"What the Hell was that for?" Michael splutters angrily, wiping his mouth, eyes moving between Aziraphale and Crowley
"Did you swap that out when I was filming?" he asks, irritably, looking around at the mess. "You've completely ruined the costume."
"I do hate to see it ruined," Aziraphale worries, glancing at Crowley who mock pouts. "No harm done to the furnishings at least" he says, as the stains miraculously disappear. He turns to Crowley again, appealing.
"Yes, fine" responds the Demon, getting up dramatically. He eyes Michael, who's still agitated, and feels like someone is looking into his soul. The gaze of an actual Demon, not just his acting partner, is enough to stifle any remaining irritation. With his eyes fixed on Michael, Crowley lifts his hand to click his fingers, and removes the stains from the actor's costume completely. Michael looks wordlessly at where the stain was, and raises his gaze appealingly to David.
"It's not... they can't... this is ...." he tails off, walking over to the table and sitting down.
Crowley sweeps his eyes over David's features "he's Aziraphale?" he asks, a depth of skepticism to his tone, "this guy?"
"Yes", says David "he's lovely really" Aziraphale side-eyes David before flitting his gaze to Crowley.
"And you're me?" Crowley asks slowly, with equal depth.
"Y...yes" says David with rather less confidence. Even underneath the dark glasses, he can tell the Demon is searching his eyes. "I might just take the contacts out" he says, to no one in particular, and ducks back into the bathroom.
"They'll need our costumes back. Where are you two going to sleep tonight?" Michael asks.
"Oh I don't sleep" Aziraphale shakes his head as though he's been offered an unappealing appetiser.
"I do"
"We'll get you a hotel room" says Michael. Aziraphale and Crowley exchange glances and Michael resists the urge to settle their discomfort by saying they'll get two. This situation is ridiculous, but he'll be damned if he isn't going to have a little fun with it.
"Thank you" Aziraphale offers, politely.
The door to the bathroom opens and David comes out, eyes back to normal. Crowley looks him over, flicking his eyes to Aziraphale, gauging the Angel's reaction. Aziraphale stares at David's face, breathing slowly, mind retracing memories long gone, but never forgotten.
"We better go then" Crowley huffs.
"Not dressed like that" David gestures to Aziraphale, who looks down at his clothes fondly, smoothing down his jacket.
"I have standards, you know?" He says.
"He's not wrong" Crowley agrees.
Michael, who had been watching Aziraphale's reactions thoughtfully, taking mental notes, speaks up "if we go in pairs and break up leaving, it's possible that no one will notice two David and Michael's leaving."
David looks uncertain.
"Unless you have a better idea?" Michael asks, "One, single, better idea?" Crowley and Aziraphale both flick their heads to look at Michael in recognition.
"No, let's do that" David relents. "I'm going to change." He steps back into the bathroom.
"Me too" says Michael, heading for the door "I'll be back in 5 minutes."
A few minutes later, Michael returns in the outfit he arrived in that day, to the general disdain of Aziraphale.
"Do you still think we should come to an arrangement?" Asks Crowley, smiling at this turn of events.
"I can't wear that" Aziraphale gestures to Michael's clothes, completely failing to hide his disgust at the suggestion he should wear such an outfit.
"What's wrong with this?" Michael asks. He's wearing jeans and a shirt, nothing worthy of such disdain. His question is ignored.
"You have to, Angel" Crowley teases, just as the bathroom door opens and David enters in a bright purple jumper. Crowley looks at him, then back at Aziraphale, a panicked expression briefly flicks across his features. The Angel raises his eyebrows and puts his hands on his hips in a look that communicates 'your move'.
"Oh Hell no, that's not happening" the Demon states. Clicking his fingers, he changes Michael and Aziraphale into sharp suits, David and himself into slightly-less-tight-than-usual black jeans and a slim black shirt. "Take it or leave it" he says, glancing briefly at Aziraphale, who's eyes soften, and lips form a slight smile in thanks whilst he smooths down the well-fitting suit.
"Yes, much better" The Angel sighs.
"For you, maybe, I'd never turn up to work in this" Michael fiddles uncomfortably with the collar.
"You should dear, you look ...nice" Aziraphale says, moving over to Michael to smooth his collar. Michael frowns at the Angel, noting the back-handed compliment.
"The hotel's not far," says David. "I'll call for a car. I'll take Aziraphale." Aziraphale and Crowley exchange glances in silent resignation. "We should wait at least 10 minutes before you call for yours" he raises his eyebrows, a quick glance at Crowley. He reckons he has the easier job.
"So, I'll be pretending to be..." Aziraphale gestures to Michael.
"Michael" Michael looks unconvinced by this.
"Yes, I know, I just wondered if there's anything I should know about you?"
"Probably best if you just don't talk" Michael glances between Aziraphale and Crowley. But Aziraphale looks very uncomfortable at this suggestion.
"He's an actor" David tries to offer something that will help.
"Yes" Aziraphale responds in a tone that shows his patience is wearing thin.
"He lives in Wales" David tries again.
"Oh," Aziraphale smiles, a look of relief forming on his features "Oh lovely, I do love the Welsh Coast" he beams, looking at each of the other trailer occupants. "Yes, yes I think I can handle this" he nods, confidently, adjusting his cuffs.
David smiles back, broadly.
Michael and Crowley are less confident, their eyes meet with a knowing expression of concern.
Continued here
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gothic-thoughts · 4 months
Shut Up and Listen
(took WAY too long to realize out of all my Jojo content, ion have Jotaro 🙄)
Part4! Jotaro Kujo x Black Fem Reader Smut
MDNI, DomesticAU, Babysitter!Reader, Boss!Jotaro
CW: ForbiddenAU, Jojo cheating?? afab parts mentioned, quiet quickie, unprotected cream🥧, tame words(nun vulgar)
Word Count: 1719 (give or take)
(A/n): sorry his first fic is a smut, I hate doing that tbh 😓
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Jotaro took a deep breath as he walked to the front door ready to face the possibility of seeing his ex-wife's angry face. He reluctantly opens the door to see his daughter's sitter sitting on the couch with a glass of wine in hand and smiles. He sighed, releasing the breath he held back as his heart began pounding in his chest. 
Since his wife filed for divorce, the only peace he could get after work was whenever (Y/n) was here, whether it be to watch over his 5-year-old daughter or just to check on him. Either way, Jojo's heart pounded against his ribcage just from being around her but it only added to his wife's suspicion of his adultery. 
"Hey, Mr. Kujo." She whispers, "How was work?"
"(Y/n), please, you come over way too much to be so formal."
"Last time I called you 'Jojo' in front of your wife, she looked like she gonna tear my head off."
He scoffs, waving off the thought of her, “Yeah, I bet.”
(Y/n) chuckles softly as he takes off his shoes at the door and tiptoes across the living room's squeaky floorboards before gently sitting next to her much shorter stature.
"Wine after work?" He smiles, taking the other glass from the table. "You know me so well."
"You always complain about needing a drink so I brought."
"You probably need it more than I do, dealing with that one. How was she?"
She groans. "Tantrum."
"He just hates resting for some reason. You know how kids are. Though, her mother coming over probably gave him a boost of energy
Jojo almost chokes on his wine, "Her mother? She was here you said? Why?"
"She said she came to see Jolyne for a bit but I feel like she was looking for you."
"Good grief, of course she was. Where is she now?"
"Her inn."
"Good. I don't think I can deal with another fight after a long day. I'm gonna snap." He sits up, "Anyway, did she say anything to you?"
“What do you mean?”
"What, no not really. I mean, it doesn't matter, she was just..."
Jojo puts his drink on the coffee table. "What did she say to you?"
“Jotaro, I’m fine.”
“That’s not what I asked you.”
“She just...reminded me...of my job.”
He furrowed his eyebrows to figure out why his wife would feel the need to remind (Y/n) of her, but he quickly realized that was just it; his ex-wife was telling her to stay in her place. His eyebrows part and irritation instantly washes over his features as his beloved babysitter puts her glass down. “Listen, Jojo–”
“I only come over to watch your daughter. I don't know why I tried to go above and beyond by checking on you--”
“Because you’re amazing--”
“Because now your wife hates me. Like I’m pretty sure she fucking told the neighbors cuz they’re starting to look at me like I'm the worst person on Earth whenever I take Jolyne out."
The sudden sternness in the tone makes the man’s lips part before he bites the inside of his cheek in thought. They both look to the ceiling, listening for the sluggish pitter-patter of Jolyne’s footsteps making their way to the staircase—but it remains silent. Jojo sighs with relief and slides closer to her while she averts her gaze to the wine on the table. He rests a hand on her thigh. 
“Sorry, it’s just--” 
"No." He whispers, guiding her chin to face him, "I'm sorry for putting you through this. You deserve so much better than this.”
“What, no. It’s not you; your ex-wife’s just making life hard.”
He pauses, “Yeah, you’re right. But frankly, I could give a damn what she’s doing, I’m not letting you go—not if it’s not what you want.”
“You heard me. Honestly, the highlight of my day is coming home to you and my daughter. I’m not letting that go for anything.”
“You...you serious?”
“You know I’m not one to joke about what I want. Or do I need to show you more recent proof?”
She nods then gasps as her boss quickly links his lips with hers. (Y/n)'s hands slide up his broad chest to yearningly grab his broad shoulders and rest the other on the back of his neck. They cup each other's faces and grasp at each other's shirts, groaning into each other's mouths for more.
Neither minded the amount of saliva due to their fervor as he picked her up and sat her on his lap. He holds her body so close that her breasts squish against him but pushes on his chest, breaking their forbidden kiss. Their lust-filled eyes open while they pant heavily on each other's reddened lips. Jojo's hand rests on her face, thumb swiping back and forth along her plush cheek.
"Sorry.” He whispers, “Didn’t know how much longer I could go without doing that.”
“What if someone sees?”
“Curtains are closed. Don't worry about it." He secures his hands under her thighs, "Let's go."
“Go where- oh!”
He carried her up the main steps, but instead of going to his room, he brought her to the guest room, a little farther away from his daughter's bedroom. He kicks the door shut before locking it, then sets her on her feet and continues to make out, sliding his long, white jacket down his arms and to the floor behind him. Their shirts were the next to go, being dropped at their sides before he pulled her hips closer, pressing his huge bulge into her pelvis.
“We do have to make this quick, though.” (Y/n) whispers breathlessly, "She told me she’d come back when you got off.”
“Shit, alright.” He picks her up again and walks to the available bed, where he mounts her, “Quick, got it.”
"Is this moving too fast? I mean..."
“We can stop now if you want.”
(Y/n) shakes her head, hands sliding down his side to his belts where she quickly unbuckles them. He looks down at her fingers and then back at her face with a small smirk. Before she knew it, his pants and boxers were down by his thighs while her leggings lay discarded on the hardwood floor. He tugs her underwear to the side and guides himself in with a breathless sigh from the tightness, head tilting back.
“Oh my...g-god.”
“Heh, sorry. Too quick?”
"Jus’ a little...big. Fuck Jojo."
He presses open-mouth kisses to her neck, "Not hurting you, am I?" He whispers.
“No...god, fuck no. Feels so fuckin’ good.
“I’m not even that deep yet.”
“I might go insane if you do. Just... jus’--”
“Oh yeah?”
The pads of Jotaro’s fingers dig into her hips as he pulls her closer to try to meet his base, but chuckles at the remaining inches between them.
(Y/n) grips his shoulders and curses under her breath, insides gripping him tightly, trying to stay sane while he stretched her wide. (Y/n) gasps out before biting her lip to keep her moans quiet when Jojo finally moves his hips at a slow yet deep rhythm. 
He tried to keep it together but soft moans still came out while he gripped the sheets under her as his movements gradually became harder. (Y/n) shivers and groans at the change, arching her back slightly as euphoria ran up her spine. Once she moaned his name softly, he lost more of his composure and leaned down for another sloppy kiss in an attempt to keep himself from moaning.
"Jojo, don’t f’cking stop, please; oh my god.”
"I know we're farther from the front," He whispers against her lips, "But you gotta keep it down, ngh~"
She nods. "But you're going so deep...so-o deep. You feel so good."
"I know.... fuck, I know. Goddamn, you’re so fuckin’ tight."
He lifts her legs to his broad shoulders, hips slamming against her ass over and over and creating the sound of heavy, wet slapping that fills the room. (Y/n)’s legs trembled so much from the deep strokes that she cried out only for him to cover her mouth and press his plump lips to her ear to shush her.
“Fuck, (Y/n).” Jotaro mutters, thrusts becoming harder, “You’re gonna wake my daughter if you keep that up.”
“But, ah, gonna cum. So close, Jojo, I’m so close~”
"Come on, cum for me then; that’s why I put you in this fuckin’ position. Cum.”
 He quickened his movements and gently pressed his lips to hers again, moaning into her mouth while his girth throbbed and pulsed with every swift drag through her wet, squeezing walls. She kisses back, scratching his large shoulders, as her orgasm rushes through her nerves. (Y/n) holds the back of his neck as he guides her through her climax, making her moan and gasp in his ear.
"I-I think--"
"What, you gonna--"
"I think I love you."
His face doesn’t change but his hips speed up on their own, "D-do you mean it, (Y/n)?"
She nods.
"I-I do too.... a l-lot more than I should."
"Hah~ Goin' t-too...fast."
"Seeing you every day before work is enough to fuel me for the day."
"You’re m-making it hard t-to--mmh god!"
"Fuck, you don't know how badly I've wanted this shit."
"Kissing you, touching you, making you cum for me—fuuck, it’s too much."
Her back arches off the bed, and he slides his arm between the bed and her lower back, continuously pulling her into every heavy, breathtaking thrust.  
"Ah~ Jojo! F-fuck, fuuck~!”
“Me too. Don’t worry, I’ll–”
“No, don’t stop. Please d’nt fuckin stop~”
“Then...you want me to..."
"Y-yeah, just please." She scratches up his shirt, "Don't stop~"
Jojo's hips stutter and his eyes shut as his thighs continue to smack against the back of hers. He groans loudly, burrowing his face in her neck when he meets the edge and spills his load inside her. He gasps and clutches at the sheets, while she plants soft kisses to his chest. They pant loudly together as his hips stutter to a stop, their bodies shivering together to calm down as huffs of breath in each other’s faces start to rile them up again.
Before they could get another word out, the front door could be heard opening from up the hall.
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its-weeping · 10 months
𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 ! ‧ ₊˚ ᗢ
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𖥻 summary: affection isn't scaramouche's forte.
𖥻 warnings: none, modern!au
𖥻 pairing: bf!scaramouche x reader
notes: a short little story featuring my favorite cat 😽
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hand in hand, you and your boyfriend stroll through a park in the late evening. traces of your footsteps were embossing in the pearl snow. it was after a christmas party that scaramouche wanted to walk you home, despite him being a bit hesitant.
you assume he was still getting used to being affectionate which you didn't mind, having found his reluctance cute.
humming, you absentmindedly swing your intertwined hands back and forth—purely focused on the snow falling from the night sky.
scaramouche glances at you momentarily before turning away with a flush of his cheeks. when you look back, you take notice of his demeanor and raise a brow.
oh? this is new.
with the sudden emotion, you wonder what had made him this way.
"what's wrong, doll?" you ask, whereas scaramouche only tries to hide his blush even more.
"don't call me that, i'm not a doll."
he replies in a grumble—head still turned away from you. you tilt your head in slight confusion and amusement, wondering if you could see more of the reaction as he was incredibly cute in this state.
"why not? your skin is so fair and pale, your eyes round and vibrant with emotion, it feels like you're going to break if i hold you tight enough."
you tease him with your words, smirking to yourself when scara stopped walking and straight crumbled to the ground in embarrassment. looking over at your boyfriend, you laugh wholeheartedly and bend down to wrap an arm around him.
scaramouche calls your name, "can you not say stuff like that? i don't like it."
he murmurs and you snicker, kissing the side of his head as an apologetic gesture. your boyfriend removes his head from his hands and looks at your grinning face; he frowns.
this puts you off as you watch scara get up, dusting himself off.
"hey! what's with the sudden mood swings?"
you interrogate once you sit on the plush snow, your weight pulling you further down the lifted ground as you make an imprint on the white field.
scara stares at you, his demeanor uncertain while registering your question. ultimately the male doesn't answer, but extends a hand for you to take. you, however, have other plans, so when you reach to hold his hand, you haul him towards you.
scaramouche comes crashing down onto you with a groan, but before he could get up, you switch your positions so he was beneath you.
"c'mon, doll, tell me."
"i told you not to call me that.."
"why not?"
the flustered expression jolted down on your boyfriend's face makes you coo. scara shields the lower half to hide the developing blush and turns his head with furrowed brows—not wanting to look you in the eye after his bursts of emotions. you hum at this, finding him increasingly adorable.
the two of you stay quiet: you not wanting to be the first one to speak, and scara being too embarrassed to say anything.
or perhaps not.
"it's you." your boyfriend says in a low voice, the tips of his ears pink.
evident surprise paints your face as the statement wasn't what you were expecting. however, you were smart enough to understand what he meant, and that certainly boosted your ego.
scara turns to you and heaves at your expression.
"i see.. so, doll, i make you flustered just by looking at my face?"
the male could sense the smugness in your voice—and your use of the nickname; it irked him.
scara's regular irritated face returns at your words and it was as though an arrow pierced your heart. you yell, demanding to know what happened to his previously blushing face.
"you called me 'doll' again. i told you i don't like you calling me that."
you sigh in defeat and dip your head so it was resting on scara's shoulder. in the silence a thought comes to mind and you smirk, leaning so you can whisper in your boyfriend's ear.
"then how 'bout i call you 'mine'?"
you lean back and drink in his reaction. ah, there it is again. the cute look on his face that you couldn't get enough of.
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© its-weeping — do not plagiarize or translate.
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reasonsmandy · 1 year
With love, Eddie Roundtree
Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader
✧.* requested by anon — saw you're taking requests for eddie roundtree x reader so i wanted to ask if you could do something inspired by either tear in my heart (twenty one pilots) or lets fall in love for the night (finneas)!! love ur writing btw!!
✧.* you're reading part one, here's the sequel — Dear Eddie Roundtree
✧.* summary — Your life in the acting business has been very stressful, but in one night Eddie makes you forget about it all.
✧.* warnings — Extremely fluffy content, mentions of drinking and drugs.
✧.* word count — 2.2k
✧.* 🎸 — Eddie's masterlist
✧.* mandy's notes — I tried to mix a little bit of the two songs, I don't know if I managed to do something very good. but i hope you like it 🫶🏾
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"We'll send Harold to your set more often, the gossip magazines will start planting the idea that you two are together." Your manager said excitedly, he insisted on the idea that you should fake a relationship with actor Harold Schmidt. "I can already see the headlines: Y/N L/N and Harold Schmidt the Hollywood lovebirds"
"That would be the most ridiculous thing I've ever read!" You say rolling your eyes with a glass of water in hand.
"Well, I don't care!" Your manager says, getting a little mad. "You know you need these rumors to boost your name, and you're lucky that Harold agreed to fake this relationship with you."
"I don't need anyone to get my name to boost Adam!" You say irritably. "And besides, no one will believe I have something with this guy, we never talked before!"
"Stop making things more complicated Y/N." He says. "You know it's going to be the best for your career, now rest … tomorrow we have recording early"
He leaves you alone in your apartment, you put your face to the pillow and let out a scream in it. Being an actress was amazing, but there were things that frustrated you a lot in the profession like what you were experiencing now, you had never exchanged a word with this Harold guy and now you had to pretend to be madly in love with him for everyone. Just thinking about it sounded crazy.
Despite all this fake dating mess Adam wanted to shove you down into, you couldn't stop thinking about what happened a few days ago. You received an invitation to attend the party of the band Daisy Jones and the six. It was a really fun night where you finally managed to distract yourself a little and it was also the night you met Eddie Roundtree, one of the nicest people you've come in contact with in such a long time.
Let's say you had gotten along quite well…
You weren't really in the mood to leave your apartment, but you felt that if you stayed another two hours listening to your manager talk about absurd things about how you should fake a scandal for your name to go up you would go crazy. So when Daisy Jones' invitation reached you, you thought: Why not?
Which was exactly why you were now in Billy Dunne's backyard, having a beer and smoking a joint. Nothing very interesting seemed to happen around you and there wasn't anyone very interesting to talk to.
Well, at least the music is good... You thought.
As you traveled in your thoughts and watched the unknown people around you, Eddie Roundtree watched you too, he stared at you trying to remember where he knew you from.
"I'm telling you man, she must have stopped by the studio sometime." Warren says to the bassist.
"I'm sure that's not it, otherwise I wouldn't remember her" Eddie says frustrated.
"Eddie, man!" Warren changed his expression, he looked amazed at something. "Rollerball!!! She was in the Rollerball movie!"
"Holy shit, that was it! I knew I knew her somewhere." Eddie beams, overjoyed that he finally remembered. "I didn't remember she was so beautiful, man…"
"Go talk to her!" The drummer says, pushing his friend towards the actress.
You notice the two best friends laughing and pointing in your direction, not understanding you turn to look behind you but no one was there. You arch your eyebrows hoping they'll notice that you saw them, which takes a few minutes to happen.
The blonde approaches you, with a smile on his face and two beers in his hand. He sits down next to you, handing you the drink.
"I have a challenge for you." he says, catching your attention. "Tell me a song you like and if I get a part of the lyrics right, you spend the night talking to me."
"Look, I didn't even need the challenge, I really would have talked to you without a problem" You say laughing. "But since you offered…"
Eddie Roundtree: I was so lucky that Camila showed me this song *chuckled*
Y/N L/N: He had changed 50% of the words in the song but he seemed like a nice guy, so I pretended he got it right.
"Y/N that's my name" you say while taking a sip of beer "You are?"
"I'm Eddie" he smiles, taking a closer look at your face.
You spent a few hours talking about everything, it was impressive how he managed to talk about any subject you proposed. He really seemed to be interested in what you had to say, something you missed. You told him that since you moved to Los Angeles you haven't been to any of the tourist spots in the area, which he found absurd, and that's why you were in Roundtree's car going through the city streets with no final destination.
"I can't believe we're doing this" you laugh at the situation, probably the beers you had had made you a little happy. "I don't even know you well and I'm in your car going to unknown places."
"Ouch!" He pretends to be offended. "I told you my whole life tonight, what do you mean you don't know me?"
"Oh yes, of course I apologize" You laugh looking deep into his eyes, something inside you wanted to be closer to him.
"Wanna get a swim?" he says, parking the car close to the beach, you could hear the waves from afar.
"That's a terrible idea..." You say getting out of the car, alarmed he gets out too. "I'm in!"
You take off your shoes leaving them near the car, running wildly towards the dark sea. Eddie shakes his head in disbelief, taking his shoes off and chasing after you, or at least trying to.
You wait for him where you could just feel the water on your feet, he approaches holding you by the waist and going with you into the sea. Would it be crazy to feel so connected to someone in one night? You didn't know, and you didn't care! When the icy water came into contact with your body and his body heat kept that feeling more intense, nothing else mattered.
Trying to fix the locks of your hair, you looked at him in disbelief with everything you were experiencing that night, it's been so long since you've felt alive like this, free from any pressure.
"I feel like I've known you since forever, Eddie Roundtree." You whisper, kissing the blonde's lips intensely.
He holds you tighter, as if he wants to remember this moment forever, the fear of forgetting what he was experiencing in the morning was intense. After all, with all that they had both smoked and drunk, it was probably that the passion, that love, would fade from their memories during their rest until tomorrow.
The early morning wind hits your bodies making you shiver with cold. You soon decided it was better to get back in the car and go somewhere else. Eddie didn't care that the car would be wet because of your clothes, nothing else mattered to him, that night was so intense and wonderful that he just wanted to stop time to have you there with him a little more.
And logically, after smoking so much, the munchies hit, so nothing more plausible than changing your destination to the nearest bar. It was hard to find anything open at that hour, but after several turns you finally managed to spot one.
There were just the two of you and one other man who was clearly begging for you two to leave as soon as possible, so he could get to sleep.
"I don't think I'll remember anything tomorrow, my head is already exploding" You say, drinking some of the juice you ordered.
"Is that so?" Eddie asks, stroking your hand across the table.
"Uhum" You mumbled, and he could tell that you were getting tired and needed some sleep. "But don't worry, I promise you that if I forget about you tomorrow I at least fell in love with you tonight."
Your words made him feel butterflies in his stomach, he looked at you with affection and without containing the smile that grew on his face. He didn't want to settle for the idea that he wouldn't see you anymore.
"Did you fall in love with me too Eddie Roundtree?" You say sleepily, slurring your words as you struggle to keep your eyes open.
"I for sure did, Y/N L/N." He says, getting up to pay the bill. A few seconds later he comes back. "Can you tell me where you live? I will drop you off at home."
"No please, I want to spend more time with you." You whisper, closing your eyes with long blinks.
"I promise you will see me again" He says, stroking your hair. "Now tell me pretty girl, where can I drop you off?"
You tell the bassist the address of your apartment, so soon after he takes you to the car trying his best to avoid making you feel the wind with wet clothes, afraid you might catch the flu or something.
As the sun slowly rose, you fell asleep in the passenger seat. Roundtree slowed the car down so as not to wake you up with the potholes in the road leading to your house. Admiring you in the moments when he didn't have to keep his eyes on the road, a smile appears on the blonde's face as he observes how much prettier you look with the sunlight on you.
He wakes you up when he arrives at the scene, you mumble something he doesn't understand and you hide your face in his neck, he feels butterflies in his stomach with the contact and already misses you when he finally has to say goodbye.
"So I think that's it…" Eddie said, holding your hands. "Take care, pretty girl".
"You too baby." You place a peck on the blonde's lips, then hug him for a few seconds. "You better not forget me huh."
"How could I?" He smiles, letting go of your hands. "I'll see you."
"I hope so." you say, walking into your apartment and soon falling asleep on the couch.
The sun was already setting and you were ready to spend the rest of the night watching anything on television. When Adam shows up opening your door like he has an emergency going on.
"Adam what the fuck!" You exclaim, trying to calm down from the fright, he came in with a box in his hands and a magazine in the other. "What the hell is going on?"
"Y/N L/N you naughty girl, if you were dating you should just have told me!" He says sitting next to you, handing you the magazine. "Now it makes sense why you rejected my fake dating idea"
The magazine had a picture of you in a bar, an orange juice in front of you. You had the straw between your teeth smiling at the man in front of you. Your hair was wet and your clothes looked soaked too, as did the man in front of you in the photo, Eddie. He was looking at you with a smile, his eyes were closed if you looked fast, but as you knew that smile very well you knew that when he smiles his eyes shrink. The headline read: Y/N L/N and Eddie Roundtree the romance of the Stars.
You quickly open to the indicated page to read what it said.
Sub Rosa
AUGUST 9, 1977
Eddie Roundtree and Y/N L/N! they are the definition of a star couple
No, your eyes are not deceiving you! Last night after one of the parties given by rock star Billy Dunne, our Hollywood star Y/N L/N was seen with the bassist of Daisy Jones and the six: Eddie Roundtree, leaving the party.
The charming bassist was rumored to have been with L/N throughout the event and he was even seen with our favorite actress in a bar a few hours after the party. Although this is the first time we've seen these lovebirds in public together, you must agree that they make a great couple.
Would that be the end of Y/N's single life?
You finish reading in disbelief, bursting out with a hearty laugh at the last sentence.
"They basically called me a spinster!" You say when you're done laughing, taking a breath to compose yourself. "Look, me and Eddie we-"
You are interrupted by Adam again, who hands you the box he had in his hands when he entered. Curious you take it, seeing a note on top that you decide to read later, inside the box there was a cassette tape, a rose and a napkin with a phone number.
You are still confused and decide to read the note.
Hey pretty girl, I hope you're doing well.
As I promised you, through these things I decided to earnestly ask you to let me have more wonderful nights by your side.
On the tape you'll find my attempt to sing that song you told me you loved, the rose is for pure chivalry and the phone number, well... I think that's clear.
I hope to hear your voice soon…
With love, Eddie Roundtree.
Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo
Want to be tagged when new stories come out? REASONSMANDY'S TAG LIST
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ball0fhoney · 1 year
Hi, I was wondering if you plan writing something nsfw with Lyle, because I absolutely adore your previous fics and I hope there will be more. Lov ya
Omg!! I'm so glad you liked it! Comments like these really boost my motivation! Thank you soo much, here you go! Love yaa too! :D
You grunted as you walked into your room tiredly. The only thing on your mind was to take off these tight pants you wore for collage and finally relax.
By your surprise, Lyle was there sitting on an office chair with his ankle resting on his knee, as if he expected you to come. He wore his usual outfit, a tanktop and marine cargo pants. His ears moved curiously as you entered the room.
"Hey." he said calmly and his pupils dialated a bit.
"Oh hey-" you said surprised by his presence.
"What brings you to my room?" you continued after a short pause while taking off your boots and unbuckling your belt.
"Took a peek at your sketchbook. That's some fine art right there." Lyle pointed at the sketch and nodded with his head.
"Oh my god no! Don't look at it!" You exclaimed and rushed towards him to take a sketchbook with your big boobs jumping up and down.
"Woah woah there! It's okay. I like it. You have a good understanding of anatomy." He chuckled as his gaze traveled from your chest up to your mouth and then eyes.
"Thanks- but ask me next time." You huffed and moved the sketchbook aside and proceeded to take off your tight and uncomfortable clothes. You turned your back to Lyle as you unbuttoned and took off your white blouse. He moved his head aside trying not to make you uncomfortable but he couldn't help but to shift his eyes to your back being revealed. Next was pants. With wide hips it was difficult to take them off and you struggled a bit wiggling your butt. He chuckled.
"Get over here."
"No I got it!" You murmured through your teeth.
He watched in silence for a bit but then he felt some urge inside of him that made him grunt and reach over with his big hand to pull you by your waist closer to him.
"I said. Get over here."
You felt his deep voice vibrate in your chest as his shadow casted over you. He stuck his thumbs between the pants and the skin of your hips and pulled down. You butt popped out longing to be free from your uncomfortable pants. Lyle's eyes widend at the sight. Your butt was so round and plump and your panties stuck between your buttcheeks. He stuck his finger under the panties and dragged it down pulling them out. You whimpered at his unexpected touch and the feeling of panties being pulled, separating from your skin.
"L-lyle?" You asked turning your head slightly behind.
He dragged it all the way down between your legs, feeling the wetness on his finger. Then he pulled on it a bit more so it snaps against your sensitive skin once he lets go of it. You yelped and started to walk away.
"No, no, no..."
He pulled you back growling and licked the finger that pulled onto your panties previously. He pressed his thumb onto your ass cheek and pulled it to the side. It was warm and squishy against his skin, he liked it very much. His leg slid down so that he supports himself with a knee. He pressed his head against your skin and you felt a wet tongue slide on it. He took your panties with his teeth and sucked on it, tasting your juices. Both of his hands were on your hips now, spreading your buttcheeks apart. He squished them and pulled them repeatedly. Then he went further and completely took off your panties and dragged his tongue over your ass crack. It made you squirm because the texture of his tongue on your sensitive skin felt good especially because no one really touches that area that often. He tried to reach your pussy but he couldn't fit his big head between your legs so he growled feeling irritated and took you by the waist sitting you down on the table. You kept your legs closed together feeling shy and the sheer ferocity and lust on Lyle's face scared you and turned you on at the same time. He was like a wild animal trying to get to his food.
"Oh, you're gonna want to open them."
He said sticking out his tongue that dripped with saliva over your thighs. He was like a hungry dog. Lyle cupped your ass that was sat on a table and started to lick your thighs with his ears flat pointing backwards. He started from outer parts towards the inner more thinner skin. It felt good and you leaned backwards until you quickly met the wall. He raised his head and began sucking on your tits. His rough tongue brushed over your nipple and the rush of feel good chemicals overwhelmed you. He took the other tit in his hand and played with it. Shortly after the pulled away with a strand of saliva connecting your nipple with his mouth to take a breath.
"Still no?"
He huffed and decided to go for it and try to slide one of his fingers between your legs. He licked it first for less friction and tried to locate your clit. Once he found it he began circling and moving it up and down. You noticed the tension on his face as he was getting impatient and that's exactly what you wanted. You wanted him angry and aggressive. He moved his head to your neck and breathed on it heavily. While digging his fingers into your waist with the other hand he planted wet kisses across your shoulder and then up your neck. You heard him sniffing your skin, probably sensing your parfume. The hand that was on your waist moved up to reach your hair. He pulled on it harshly and growled into your ear.
"Open your legs."
He demanded and kept your hair in his hand tightly. You didn't say anything and got more euphoric. Your pussy began soaking which allowed Lyle better movements with his finger.
"Spread them open so wide so that I suck the soul out of you."
He growled even more and tried to push his finger further.
"You're so undisciplined."
Lyle mentioned and leaned over closer to you so that his slutty waist is brushing against your knees. You could see his tail swinging impatiently behing his back, like a cat that can't reach a mouse. He kissed your neck and your jaw then your lips. The feeling built up inside of you with every kiss and every pull of your hair, with every stroke his finger made. You loved his breath against the thin skin of your neck.
"I said. open them!" He hissed and bit down on your neck. You moaned and finally spread them open for him. He felt the pressure of your thighs lower and he noticed you spread them. He released your hair and moved his hand to your jaw, cupping it along with your neck.
"What a good girl."
He said grinning and slapping gently on your cheek moving down. His tongue slid between both pairs for your lips and sucked on all the fluid that accumulated. He grabbed your hips and pulled them fiercely towards him for a better angle. You back was now bending awkwardly against the wall and you legs hanging down the table. You moved your feet to the edges of it for a better support while Lyle continued eating you up unbothered. He did feel you struggle with your back position at some point so he slid his hands up your lower back to support you. It felt much more comfortable now so you took his bald head in your hands and pet him. He slurped you up and then shoved his thick tongue inside you. You squealed surprised and scratched his head and his muscles flexed on his neck and back.
"Oh- yes!" You moaned and encouraged him to go deeper. Your eyes closed and head leaned backwards. He wiggled his tongue inside of you but he needed to go just a bit further. You huffed and moved your hips in circle trying to reach that sweet spot. Your legs moved over and around his neck suffocating him in your thighs, trying to push him in further. He opened his mouth wider and moved his head left and right. You felt his canines biting into your skin. It felt even better now and you were edging. His tongue could now reach that sweet spot and he stimulated it the best he could. A rush of orgasm overwhelmed you and you felt it ascending into your head. It was blissful and intense. Your thighs cramped and twitched in pleasure and cum sprayed into Lyles mouth. He cleaned you all up and pat your thighs a few times in satisfaction. You laid down on the table unable to stand until Lyle decided to carry you in his arms and lay you somewhere more comfortable.
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7waystreet · 2 years
frustration | min yoongi
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synopsis — you're stuck on a flight with min yoongi, your rude and irritating co-worker, but the sexual tension between the two of you takes over after a round of arguments
genre — fluff; smut
warnings — 18+ language and sexual content, fingering, handjob
word count — 1.5k
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You're no doubt irritated right now, and with full reason, uncomfortably walking down the narrow aisle while holding your heavy carry-on bag in one hand, as your purse remains loosely hooked onto the other shoulder. Traveling from New York back to Seoul has ended up being way more stressful than you'd imagined.
You let out a deep breath of relief having finally reached the spot, your mood significantly getting worse though when you see the two tiny crammed up seats next to each other on the flight.
"Are you kidding me?!" you seethe in anger, throwing your purse on the window side seat. "They want us to sit for 14 hours in these?!"
"Will you shut the fuck up?" his deep voice sounds off from behind you. "Be glad we even had this flight as an option."
Min Yoongi is your super rude co-worker who you've had the misfortune of being stuck with on this week long business trip in the States. It's urgent you get back to Seoul asap since you already have important meetings set for the next few days at your office, which is exactly why you had to choose getting on this rather stuffy airplane as a last minute resort.
You've now clearly dropped the fake act you and Yoongi play in front of your other co-workers, pretending like the two of you get along perfectly well instead of the usual air of annoyance you mutually share around each other. The truth is you both absolutely can't stand one another, and since you're no longer in a professional setting, your true feelings for him pour out of you without any filter.
"No need to lecture me ok? Stop acting like my dad, god damn it" you scoff at him as you struggle to lift your bulky carry-on bag.
"Stop being so irritating then" he scoffs right back, putting his own bag down and helping you push yours into the cubby above.
Even though Yoongi has a constant "I'm-better-than-you" attitude, he does have a caring side that he rarely shows, which somehow becomes visible in this moment as he chooses to assist you with your bag instead of ignoring you like he usually does. The least you can do now is zip your mouth shut and avoid saying anything mean back to him, even though you're secretly itching to.
You shortly become pissed at how Yoongi's already elbowed you off of the shared arm rest between the two of you, acting like he owns the stupid airplane himself or something. It's also ridiculous how you have to force a conversation with him every time you've got to get up to go to the restroom, pleading him to move his knees back a bit to give you enough space to scoot past his seat to reach the aisle.
"How many fucking times do you have to go pee?"
"Don't act like you're not enjoying the fact that you get to stare at my ass each time I go back and forth."
You feel a boost of confidence when you catch Yoongi blushing at your rather blunt comment, a win in your books as he even fails to come up with a witty reply. He just shrugs his shoulders fully embarrassed, disengaging himself from talking with you all together by putting on his headphones.
Your excitement is short lived though when you see Yoongi shamelessly flirting with the cute hostess on your way back from the restroom. You know how truly uncomfortable he is in that small seat, but he's fake praising the flight while flashing the attendant his gummy smile.
"Had your little fun flirting with her?" you sarcastically ask your co-worker after you've settled back down in your seat.
"You know what? I did. At least she's not a bitch like you."
If he wasn't so god damn sexy of a guy, you probably would've already punched him for his crude comment. It's like Yoongi holds a trigger with full power to blow your head off with rage any second, but he also convincingly tempts you in ways that you try your best not to pay attention to, but can't seem to avoid.
Yoongi isn't an intimidatingly tall man, but just the right height with an attractively slim figure, your gaze now falling on the comfy black sweatpants and royal blue FILA hoodie he's wearing as you sneakily steal a glance at him, somewhat in awe and anger. His pale skin contrasts with his jet black hair, which is slightly parted in the middle and resting beautifully on his forehead, his dark cat-shaped eyes deeply peering into yours as he catches you looking at him.
"What now?" he lazily asks, his husky voice sounding tired as if you've sucked the energy out of him by your presence.
Turning away from him, you start browsing through the touch screen catalog on the personalized t.v. in front of you, mumbling out your complaints about how the flight doesn't have entertaining movies to play, which triggers Yoongi again.
"Will you stop?! God, I fucking wish there was a way I could shut your little mouth up."
"You asshole! You seriously need to go fu— mmpphh—"
Your words are cut short when you suddenly feel Yoongi crash his lips into yours, his forehead bumping yours and his hands firmly holding your shoulders as he roughly pins you back against your seat. You're undoubtedly baffled by how he's just kissed you, but the burning feeling that's forming in the pit of your stomach urges you to close your eyes and press your lips back into his soft ones.
"What the hell was that for?!" you gasp out as soon as he pulls away.
"Thought of a way to shut you up" he cockily smirks in return, not breaking his deepening eye contact with you.
In a flash of a second, your lips are met with Yoongi's again as you both impatiently lean in and start making out roughly, the sexual frustration between the two of you very evident as you're struggling to not make any noise in the dimly lit airplane. It's impossible to say who kissed the other first, Yoongi now slyly slipping his tongue into your mouth, navigating around with it and lightly sucking on yours, making you have to fight for breath. He goes back to kissing your lips, gently nibbling on your bottom one while his hand simultaneously lifts the shared arm rest to get rid of that barrier in between your bodies.
He's wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer towards him, now smoothly caressing your thigh with his other hand as you both start panting in the heat of the moment. It's almost embarrassing how fast he's getting you soaking wet, but you don't even care about it anymore as you can tell his hand on your thigh starts sliding up.
"Yoongi... What are you doing..."
You feel him playing with the waistband of your leggings, slowly pulling it down before his hand starts to slither inside.
"Nobody has to know" he rasps in your ear, his lips grazing your cheek before he goes back to kissing you.
Just like that, he's begun rubbing his fingers on your bare clit, your body already twitching from the slightest bit of friction he's causing. He doesn't waste any time and inserts two fingers into your heat at once, making you gasp at the stretch while his fingers feel how tight you are and how wet he's made you.
The lust within you takes over when he starts pumping you with his fingers, attaching his lips back onto yours as a moan unintentionally leaves your mouth.
"Shhh... We gotta be quiet. Oh shit—"
You're the one shutting him up now as he feels your hand sneaking inside the layer of his sweatpants, straight into his boxers. You make sure no one's around before pulling his erect cock out, Yoongi closing his eyes from the pleasure that's taking over his body as you start openly massaging his length, getting him harder with each stroke.
He picks up the speed too, thrusting his fingers inside you even faster as your own hand works its magic on him, both of you at a loss of words and fully into the heart pumping moment.
"Fuckkk (y/n), you're gonna make me cum so hard."
His dirty talk fully gets you off, your core clenching as your orgasm takes over you, Yoongi's fingers glistening with your juices when he softly takes them out of you while your chest heaves from the climax. In a quickening panic, he now grabs the blanket that's besides you and holds it at the top of his length, right before his cum shoots out of the tip from your continued stroking.
Your heart's about to fall out of your chest when you see the same cute hostess slowly walking up the aisle right that minute, making her last round to check if any of the passengers need something. Yoongi's noticed her too as he hastily pulls his sweatpants up and throws the cum filled blanket onto the floor, kicking it underneath the seat in front of him in an attempt to get rid of the unholy evidence.
You adjust yourself in your seat, trying to normalize your breathing and look as casual as possible even though it feels like you've just ran a marathon, the annoying attendant stopping by your seats no doubt, obviously to take another jab at flirting with Yoongi.
"Everything good, sir? Would you like me to get you anything?"
"Ah no thanks, I'm very satisfied right now."
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darklovecat · 1 year
Beauty tips?
Taking my vitamins and beauty supplements every day!
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I believe that beauty and health go hand in hand so I got a complete blood work-up to figure out what vitamins and minerals my body was lacking, and I make sure I'm taking my them daily. On top of that, I take various supplements such as Collagen, Fish oil etc but I swear by my 10-gram daily collagen regimen. I take its powdered form right before going to bed and have noticed its benefits within a short time - My knees used to sound like a bowl of Rice Krispies when I bent down, but after a few days of collagen, the crepitus is gone. Plus, my hair is growing faster and my skin is looking plumper. It's done wonders for my joints, giving me a healthy glow, and making me look way more refreshed.
Having perfect posture at all times!
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I think this is a very simple but overlooked beauty tip that truly elevates your appearance. It's like the secret weapon of beauty, it can transform not just the way you look, but also the way you feel. When you stand tall and hold yourself with grace and poise, you radiate confidence and elegance. Good posture also has numerous health benefits. It can help prevent back pain, improve your breathing, and even boost your mood and energy levels. Ever since I've started incorporating Pilates and Ballet into my routine to build strength and flexibility, my posture has improved greatly. The way you carry yourself says a lot about who you are and by standing tall and confident, you'll not only look beautiful but also feel empowered and ready to conquer the world.
Getting 6 hours of quality sleep every night!
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You know what's a major beauty tip that most people sleep on? Sleep!! Forget about slapping on expensive creams and doing a gazillion steps in your skincare routine. You gotta start with the basics, hun. Get your sleep game on point, eat right, and manage your stress. Now, I know we all have different needs when it comes to sleep, so I won't give you a specific number. But trust me, beauty sleep is not a myth, it's legit! I turn on Night Mode on my devices at 6:30, pop my sleeping pills at 9:30, and hit the hay an hour later. Oh, and I'm not afraid to take a nap during the day if I need to. Don't underestimate the power of a good night's sleep. It's the secret to looking and feeling amazing.
Growing out my eyelashes!
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I take pride in my long and voluminous lashes, they're one of my best features and one of my most complimented features. However, my natural lashes were not always this way, they became longer through regular lash serum usage. I do not really need wear mascara and after a lash lift, my lashes appear as if I'm wearing extensions. While Latisse has worked wonders for me, it's important to note that the product does come with potential side effects such as orbital fat loss and irritation. Thankfully, I did not experience any adverse effects. Another caveat is that the product only works as long as it is used consistently. Despite these considerations, I wholeheartedly recommend Latisse. To see the results for yourself, check out the Real Woman Gallery.
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shortpplfedup · 8 months
Only Friends Character Rankings Episode 9
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A contemplative episode this week, as most of the characters stop struggling and start accepting some shit. But while some people come to correct conclusions (Ray and Mew break up, but can you call it a break up if you were never actually together?), others just decide to make the same mistakes and hope for different outcomes (Sand keeps trusting Ray instead of himself; Mew decides to give Top another chance). We're moving into the last act of the story now, and it's anybody's guess where we land up when the dust settles. Last week y'all judged Ray the most audacious by a mile. Lemme put my glasses on and see who I'm feeling this week.
🔺1. Nick (6)
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Team Second Option!
Nick and Sand's loser friendship and their self-awareness of same is one of the most delightful parts of a truly delightful show. I can totally believe Nick suggested them hooking up, this is EXACTLY how these things go. Them dissolving into giggles over their kiss and cuddling each other to sleep was a beautiful friendship moment. Another beautiful moment was Nick's acceptance that he really had just fucked things up with Boston (we will ignore the fact that the boy just can't HELP spying on that man having sex with other people🤣), apologising in a heartfelt way and attempting to move on. I think Nick's heart might be the only one at ease at the end of this ep, so he wins the week.
⭐2. Boeing
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My room is right here as well.
IT'S MOND IT'S MOND IT'S MOND MOND IS HERE AND HE LOOKS GOOD AS FUCK! It's time to find out what the hell this is all about, but whatever it is looks kinda fucked which YES.
🔺3. Sand (11)
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We are just masochists.
The loser camping trip did a lot to make me feel less irritated with Sand this week. Sand has always been incredibly self-aware about how much him having feelings for Ray is a suck move, but having him state it all so baldly and call himself a masochist this episode did move the needle for me. Architect of his own misery? Yes, but knowing he lowhighkey ENJOYS the misery makes all the difference. You know what king, you do you. Swing wildly between euphoria and despair while you're young enough to find it exciting.
🔻4. Boston (2)
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Gay, straight, pan, whatever the fuck you want to be. I just opened your eyes.
Oh sis, I saw you trying there, but the lack of impulse control as always will land you in trouble. He should have sent Atom packing after that party, but sad, lonely and pissed off are a bad combo, and one thing Boston consistently does is make poor decisions when he's feeling some typa way. He clearly served up a top tier dicking though, because Atom is in LOVE. Inconvenient at best. As I keep saying though: you can't keep a bad bitch down, and Boston's one of the baddest. This too shall pass.
🔺5. Ray (12)
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I am thick-skinned. I don't care.
*deep negro spiritual sigh* How DARE you bust up the loser camping trip Raymond. I'll not forgive you for that one. Ray, rejected by Mew, demands Sand's company for an ego-boosting dopamine hit (including the sex that Mew denied him, natch), continuing to treat him like a servant and a possession. But this time Sand calls him on it, and that maybe means he thinks about it a little? TBD. I do think Ray WAS actually honest this episode about his feelings (hence the rise in rank), but he was still trying to get what he wanted out of Sand. He and Mew ended their ill-advised relationship as friends though, so that's a positive. Rehab seems to be on the menu next week so anything's possible. I still think these two are terrible for each other, but they're 21, I guess it's allowed.
🔺6. Top (7)
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I just want you to know that the person you think loves you the most is not that good.
Watching Top work Mew's moms over all Mew's objections was gross, and I'm fortified anew in my feeling that this dude's vibes are just OFF. Top...circling Mew like this, working Cheum, working his moms, making the move to excise Ray but not actually pulling the trigger because he knows taking the high road will appeal to Mew...look this show has 3 more eps to prove me wrong but something ain't RIGHT with this 'un. Top's money, his good looks, his sweet words, that's all it seems anybody pays attention to, but something underneath...anyway, his strategy's working, right up until the moment Mew runs into Boeing on his fucking doorstep.
🔻7. Mew (3)
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I just thought if I became someone else, I'd be stronger.
Well the slut spiral was fun while it lasted, but I guess the morning after a coke bender is generally unpleasant and Mew's a paper tiger not a real G. Mew's trying to keep up the party boy persona but he's not built for this shit, his heart's not in it and Ray trying to literally get in his pants crashed him back to reality. He's totally going back to Top, Boeing or no Boeing.
⭐8. Mew's moms
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I saw you on Mew's Instagram. You look better in person.
Oof. Look they're cute and they obviously love Mew, but their son is clearly uncomfortable and unhappy with Top around and they're ignoring that. They may not know what happened, but the room ain't THAT hard to read.
🔻9. Atom (1)
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Did I just get nailed and bailed?
Atom tried dick exactly once and it's got him outside Boston's house in the middle of the night begging for more of the same. My bunny boiler hopes have fizzled for both Nick and Sand, maybe Atom is the one I've been waiting for.
🔹10. Yo (10)
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Good can't buy love.
Mae Yo with the read this week: 'good can't buy love'. I really want Mom and Cool Stepdad back together. GO GET YOUR MAN YO!
🔻11. Daddy Dan (4)
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I'm not going to be your boss tonight. Call me Daddy Dan.
The cringe is through the roof. Well he might get to sniff it but a sniff's all he's gonna get before Nick's back in Boston's bed, and that's just a matter of time at this point.
🔻12. Cheum (8)
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The evil spirit left you already, huh?
Will Cheum ever learn to mind the business that pays her? Her lack of interest in her brother's clear and obvious heartbreak is contrasted unfavourably with her overinvestment and overinvolvement in the Mew/Top saga. I also somehow feel like last week's self-interested moment of solidarity with Boston won't survive contact with her brother getting exactly what he asked for and breaking his own heart with it.
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