#but then new fans to the series pop up and i get all happy to start talkin bout it again
todayisafridaynight · 2 months
crazy impression how mines been dead for years but we still always have something new/more to say about him. Most minedai fans leave after the 2 year mark thank you for being a trouper for like 3 years now🤞
its a side effect of the mental illness i think
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areislol · 8 months
A shopping spree
►— pairings. genshin men x gn! creator! reader
►— warnings. slightly suggestive, slight spoilers for the movie guardians of the galaxy? (nothing much really), not proof read.
►— synopsis. albedo created a machine where it would bring back their creator, who was stuck in another world, back to where they belong. but instead of bringing you here to them, it brought them to where you were.
►— a/n. i’m really enjoying this series sm 😭 and i’m really glad you guys are too!! makes me super happy i can’t even sjsnskwnaka BUT YES i hope you guys enjoy this!! ❤️
►— wordcount. 5.1k
✧ part one | ✧ part two | ✧ part three | ✧ part four | ✧ part five | more tba.. NAVIGATION
recommended to listen to: moon - siggerr or mabagal - daniel padilla & moira dela torre or flashing lights - kanye west
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“It’s silent and dark with only the sound of the softly humming fan. Everybody is awake and you knew it. You could hear the soft breathing of Al-haitham and Dainsleif coming from both sides of you. Soon, a thought and realisation pops in your mind.”
“Wait, you guys didn’t go shower yet.. right?”
“You sighed, knowing that you would probably have to go shopping tomorrow for clothes and sanitary products aaaand probably go broke.”
Today was a new day as the sunlight seeped through the blinds, lighting up the room with a golden hue. Groaning softly you squeezed your eyes shut and stretched out your arms and feet when you suddenly felt two arms tightening their grip on your waist.
Your eyes snapped open and turned your head to the side and found Al-haitham nuzzling his face in your neck while Dainsleif snaked his arm your waist as tightly. No wonder why you felt so warm, and although your waist did hurt you didn’t complain at all.
Heat rushed to your cheeks as the realisation dawns on you. Two.. handsome muscular men.. hugging you in bed. And the more you really took a look at their faces and scanned their features did you really start to grow hot. Your body tenses up as you took a deep breath to calm down.
It’s okay Y/n, just breathe… breath in.. and breath ou-
Dainsleif’s arm around your waist tightens even more, and as he does this you realise something. His arm was resting on your bare stomach. I mean if you had a t-shirt on or something covering your stomach it would be okay but your stomach was being revealed, meaning that Al-haitham and Dainsleif was touching you bare..
Okay Y/n that sounded very weird.
But before you could’ve done anything you look up above and see Childe looming forward, smiling at you.
“Good morning snookums! How did you sleep? Terrible right? Since you weren’t sleeping with me.” Childe questioned before eyeing Al-hai Tham’s and Dainsleif’s arm snaking around your waist. A look of disgust forms on his face.
Although his thoughts differ from his face, he puts on a fake smile and offers to pull you out of this mess, although you really did like being sandwiched between them in the warmes they created, you really should get up as you had plans for today.
“Mhm, it is getting kind of hot being in between them..” you mumbled, face hot from embarrassment and also from the hotness.
Childe nod his head and placed his hands on your waist (while pushing Al-haitham and Dainsleif’s arms away) and hoisted you up. You yelped as you felt his sort-of cold hands on your bare skin and your hands latched onto his arm.
He set you down on the floor, the sounds of discomfort could be heard from the bed as their warmth was being taken away so abruptly. You felt bad for them but at the same time the way their face scrunched up and their arms scoop the empty space, trying to hold you but to no avail.
“Thanks Childe.. where is everybody else?” You asked, looking around your bedroom and seeing nobody else except for you, Childe, Al-haitham and Dainsleif.
You were sure one of the two would wake up early as they didn’t seem like the type to sleep in but considering they were still dead asleep, you changed your mind. (Truth was they do wake up early but since it was so warm and cozy they slept for a little longer)
You walked towards the bathroom and yawned, rubbing your eyes as you dragged your feet to the bathroom to get ready. From last night you knew that you had to go out shopping the next day, which was today.
Sighing, you began to brush your teeth while staring at yourself in the mirror, thinking about how much you were going to spend, you had to buy clothes, toothbrushes and food as well.
After spitting out the toothpaste with water you washed your face and walked back into your room and found Childe, Al-haitham and Dainsleif gone from your room, they probably went out to your living room.
You rummaged through your closet, trying to find a perfect outfit for today, but soon you realised that you weren’t going out on a date or somewhere big, just going out to buy necessities.
Grabbing a white tee and black shorts, you put it on before slipping on some socks. Once you checked how you looked in the mirror you flattened your hair a bit before walking out of your room and making your way to the living room.
“Good morning everyone” you greet, grabbing the plate with pancakes on them that Thoma handed over to you and thanked him.
Everybody greeted you back, some even getting up from their spots and walking up to you, wanting to eat next to you and feed you before anyone could.
“You look like you’re about to go out somewhere, are you?” Zhongli asked as he eyed you up and down, Neuvillette and Tighnari nodded, agreeing with Zhongli.
You began to stuff pancakes into your mouth and nod your head. “Mhm, waisht-“ you said with food still in your mouth. After gulping down the food you spoke again.
“Well I have to buy more toothbrushes, food and clothes for you guys as well, you can’t be going on about your day staying here wearing the same thing everyday right?”
They all hummed in agreement, going back to eating their pancakes. “I’ll be leaving in a few minutes, I’ll probably be back in an hour or so.”
All the while, Xiao walked up to you and stared at you intensely. Your eyes widened at him and smiled. “Yes Xiao?”
“Can I.. feed you too? I-I mean-“ his awkwardness and his blushing cheeks made your heart pound faster. He was adorable. “Of course, Xiao. I would love for you to feed me!”
You can see how Xiao’s cheeks flushed red when you agreed. Inside, his heart was racing 100x faster, and also from the happiness of feeding you first and beating the rest.
Opening your mouth, you wait for Xiao to feed you—and as he picks up the pancake with the fork, he placed it inside of your mouth, your mouth closed and you began to chew, somehow, it tasted even better when Xiao fed you.
“Mhm~ tastes even better..” you moaned, swallowing before opening your mouth once again to be fed. Xiao blushed some more as you opened your mouth, indicating that you wanted to be fed again.
And so that’s how Xiao ended up hand feeding you everything while everybody was glaring holes into the back of his head.
And Xiao knew this, but it didn’t affect him—not even the slightest. All he cared about was making sure you were being fed.
One by one everyone placed their plates in the sink, some washing their own dishes by their own to save Thoma some time while some didn’t (ahem wanderer and the fatui except for Pantalone and Pierro ahem).
Once everyone was done eating and the plates had been washed by Thoma with the help of you, you grabbed your bag and keys, making sure everything was in the bag.
“Okay, my keys yes, my purse yes, my pepper spray yes.. okay I’m ready!” You mumbled to yourself and put your shoes on before unlocking your door, not even a step outside—Zhongli called for you.
“How about some of us come with you? We need to make sure you’re safe and protect you.”
At first you refused to let them come, I mean they would attract so many people because of their peculiar clothings and their hair and everything!! But the more you thought about it the more you accepted it.
“Eh.. sure why not? But maybe just- uh, here come with me..” you closed the door behind you and took off your shoes and walked to your room. Zhongli along with Kaeya, Ayato and Neuvillette trailed behind you.
They entered the room and found you going through your wardrobe. “My friend gave me some of his shirts this one time, and I kept it. Thankfully I didn’t throw them out or something.. here, try these on in the bathroom.”
It was just a plain, simple t-shirt, nothing out of the ordinary. They all nodded and took the shirts you gave them, after a few minutes of everyone taking their turns using the bathroom they came out in a white tee shirt and grey sweatpants.
Honestly it was a miracle that you had enough clothes for them to use that were in their size. You had to admit, they looked quite fancy despite wearing something to simple, they looked like models.
“Alright, we’re done, we should go out now.” Zhongli nodded and let you walk out first. Reaching the door, you put on your shoes again and unlocked the door before turning around and waving goodbye.
“I’m off you guys! Remember, Dainsleif and Albedo are in charge, don’t make a mess!”
As you made sure everybody nodded their heads, you turned away and clicked the lock on your door before the others following right behind you, and with the sound of the door clicking closed, Wanderer, Childe, Xiao, Diluc and the fatui began to glare at each other.
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It was only a couple minutes walk away to the closest mall, as you left the house, you could hear Kaeya gasping in awe. That’s right, ever since they arrived at your place they haven’t been out, so it would be their first time out in public.
They all looked around their surroundings, observing everything, from the tall buildings and the people on their skateboards, to the small lizards scrambling away from the pigeons.
“Oh, that seems interesting. What is that device they are riding on? That looks dangerous.” Zhongli points out, admiring how they did flips and tricks on the skateboard. “Oh that? That’s a skateboard, people use it to ride around the area and stuff like that.”
Zhongli hums when Ayato points out the large and tall buildings. “What do they even hold in that blue tall building?” He says, pointing at the building.
“For work and stuff.” You replied, walking on the path towards the mall. “For.. work? Wow..” Neuvillette makes sure that he walks side by side next to you.
They were all totally unaware of the people glancing at them, you couldn’t blame them, they looked like models. But you couldn’t help but feel a bubbling sensation of jealousy in the pit of your stomach.
Zhongli, Kaeya and Ayato walked up to you and Neuvillette, following right beside you.
You finally arrived at in front of the mall and smiled. “That’s the mall!” You point at the large, white building. “That’s a mall? It’s huge..” Kaeya mumbles to which you nod and smirk.
“That’s what she said.”
They all cock their heads to the side to what you said, you have never felt so embarrassed in your life before. “Oh no it’s nothing.” You quickly shut your mouth and began to make your way into the mall.
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During the — what you called — a shopping spree (because you have never went out to a mall for so long before), you smiled many times due to the cuteness of them being in awe and amazement at everything.
Although you frowned as well due to the many stares coming from multiple people. You could literally feel them staring at them, and when you turned your head around you could see groups of girls giggling to themselves before looking away, still giggling.
You were fuming in the inside but couldn’t show it, I mean it wasn’t like you guys were dating or anything so what was there to be jealous about?
But it was almost like they could sense your jealousy, so as you two were just walking to the clothing shop, Kaeya wrapped his arm around your neck, pulling you in close to him.
“Kaeya? What are you doing that fo-“ “shhh, just relax, where are we going now?”
“To Uniqlo… a clothing shop.”
Kaeya hums and you two made your way to Uniqlo. Before you knew it, Kaeya had his arm around your neck, Ayato holding your hand as Zhongli and Neuvillette trailed behind you.
As you all walked into the clothing shop, you were greeted by a helper and as soon as she laid eyes on the four men you were accompanied with, you noticed how she batted her eyelashes at them, maybe your eyes were playing tricks on you.
“Hello, welcome to Uniqlo! Are you guys looking for something in particular? Perhaps i could give..” the worker looks up at Zhongli. “You a discount.”
You step in between them and smiled. “Excuse, it’s not just him here you know? And we’re fine by ourselves, thank you.”
The lady seems taken aback from your sudden appearance even though she could literally spot you with them all. Forcing a smile, she nods her head and apologised.
As you squeeze Ayato’s hands tighter, you dragged him deeper into the store. They all gave each other a look of “what just happened back there, is it what I think it is?”
But before any of them could question why you sounded bitter and jealous, you already let go of Ayato’s hand and Kaeya’s grasp—walking over to shelves full of clothes.
You spent the next hour making them trying on clothes, holding up the hanger with the shirts on them and pressing it against their body.
“Eh.. that should fit! Go inside the changing rooms and then come out, we can judge then. And also tell me if it fits.”
And so after spending a few minutes of changing in and out of the changing rooms and finding some shirts, jackets and pants for them (you really struggled with trying to find the right size for everybody.. especially Itto. So you just bought two pairs of each size.) you walked to the counter and bought everything.
“And your total is $150.47 cents!”
“… s-sorry come again?”
“Your total is $150.47 cents? Cash or card?”
You held your purse and stared at the screen that clearly read “$150.47”. You paid and left the shop absolutely bamboozled and crying on the inside—so much money was spent.. even your purse was crying.
While Zhongli, Ayato, Kaeya and Neuvillette followed you from behind, watching you sulk. “$150 is nothing, don’t you think?” Maybe they’re overreacting a little bit?” Ayato whispered to Zhongli.
“Hm, I’m sure their currency is different than ours and the value.” He replied, watching you walk so… sadly. If that was even a thing. Neuvillette nodded, agreeing with Zhongli.
All of the sudden you stopped in your tracks and turned around, looking at them. It almost gave them a heart attack.
“Food! I forgot to buy food and snacks! No time for sulking I’ll go sulk later!”
You quickly grabbed the hand of the person closer to you—which was Neuvillette (which caught him off guard but he held onto your hand tightly nonetheless) and began to walk fast to wherever you were going to.
“It’s almost 3 pm, we should hurry up, I don’t want to leave them for too long.. oh! We should go to a food court and just buy take away instead of buying ingredients, I’ll do that another day.” You rambled.
Entering the food court, they all looked around in amazement but also.. somewhat disgust? It definitely looked dirty and it would be downright weird to eat in a place that is unhygienic.
“Lets buy some sushi and rice.” You stated, holding onto both Neuvillette and Kaeya’s hand and walking to the sushi bar.
“Mm~ it certainly smells amazing! Are we going to eat this for lunch or dinner?” Kaeya asks, mouth almost drooling from the smell of sashimi. You nod your head and chuckled. “Of course, eat it whenever you’re hungry!”
After ordering everything you needed, you all walked out of the mall with at least one or two bags in a hand. But it wasn’t a long walk from the mall to your home so it wasn’t that bad.
While walking, they had all offered to hold your bags but you refused, replying with “I’m fine it’s not that heavy” or “it’s okay really, my hands don’t hurt at all.” And honestly, they just wanted to help you and make sure you go about your day not having to hold anything or put it in the energy.
I mean of course being a dependent person is where it’s at but, they just want to prove to you that they were a strong and capable man. But you already knew that.
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Unlocking the door, you twisted the door knob and pushed the door open with your arm. “We’re home~ did you guys have fun?”
You asked, leaving the door open for Zhongli, Kaeya, Neuvillette and Ayato to come in. After closing the door you locked it again and made your way to the kitchen, placing the bags down on the counter with them mirroring your actions—placing the bags on the kitchen counter.
Venti, Heizou, Kaveh, Childe, Itto and Gorou sprung up from the floor, as if they were anticipating your come back. “Y/n!! You’re back, what took you so long?” Itto asked, running up to you and engulfing you in a warm and tight embrace.
You were somewhat suffocating, although you couldn’t really complain because your head was in between his man-boobs. What a dream..
Ayato placed his hand on Itto’s arm and smiled menacingly at him. “You’re suffocating Y/n, you know?” Itto immediately looked at you and you smiled sheepishly up at him.
“Awh.. we’ll okay then..” Itto pouts and lets you go reluctantly, you heaved a great sigh and thanked Itto. “Sorry for leaving you guys for so long, we had to buy many things. Oh and we bought sushi and other stuff to eat for dinner!”
A collective hum, and “yum!”’s could be heard from everyone, some started to get up and move to the kitchen, taking a peek inside the bags or just grabbing whatever was inside and taking a closer look at everything.
While everyone was doing their thing, you took your shoes off and began to walk to your room to go get your clothes and shower.
“Nothing happened right? Nothing broke nor any fight broke out..?” You asked, peeping out of your room and eyeing everyone.
It was silent.
Venti, Dainsleif and Cyno and everybody side-eyed Childe and Wanderer to which Wanderer scowled at. “What are you guys looking at?!” Cyno rolled his eyes and replied with a quiet “nothing”.
It was obvious some fight did break out but they didn’t dare ruin your place so they didn’t throw any hands (because Dainsleif, Al-haitham, Capitano, Kazuha and Pantalone wereholding them back).
Sighing, you grabbed your pajamas and entered your bathroom, stepped inside and locked the door and began to take a shower and just relax.
And relax you did. The hot water hitting and running down your hair, back and chest immediately relaxed your muscles, this is definitely what you needed after walking all day surrounded by people in the mall.
After giving your non existent crowd a spectacular performance and concert, you finished up your shower and dried yourself and pat your hair dry—putting on your pajamas before leaving the bathroom and exiting the room with a small towel wrapped around your hair (head?? You were going to let it air dry and dry it later).
The smell of fresh sushi filled your nose as you walked into the living room. You could see Kaeya, Lyney, Venti and Xiao sitting down at the kitchen counter—plates filled with sushi on them in front of them.
In fact, you could see everybody already eating and enjoying their sushis, smiling at the scene before you, “eating without me already?” You joked, seating yourself down beside the coffee table where a plate with sushi on it laid in front of you.
“We wanted to wait for you but some people just couldn’t wait..” Cyno sighed, shaking his head disapprovingly.
The ones who already began to eat froze. Dropping the sushi in their mouth and placing their fork down. “Y/n- I swear I didn’t mean to but-“ “what? It was just a joke.. did you think I would be mad at you guys for eating without me?”
Itto nod his head and looked guilty. “Oh.. well I’m not mad okay!! I understand if you can’t resist the hunger” you laughed, popping a sushi in your mouth and chewing on it.
“Mhm!! Sho shgood! Eat you guys!!” You said with food stuffed in your mouth—shielding your mouth with your hand.
They nod their heads and began to eat their own sushi, also moaning from the taste and enjoying it as much as you did.
Thankfully you bought more, as some started to ask for seconds. Once you were full you laid back on the couch, watching a few continued to eat more sushi.
“Full? So am I.. it was certainly delicious Y/n! Thank you so much for everything..”
The sudden voice of Albedo snapped you out of your trance, you smiled softly and shook your head. “It’s nothing Albedo, I’m sure it must be hard to be away from home..” you frowned.
Albedo hummed. “I guess so but, being with you is much better.”
His words made you feel things, warmth spreading across your body and cheeks. “Oh- well, that’s something.” You chuckled nervously, looking down to avoid his gaze.
Looking back up, your gaze wandered off to the clock. 5 pm. Still early, you thought. While thinking of what you all could possibly do, a sudden thought pops up in your mind.
UNO. A simple but fun card game that is somewhat similar to TCG so it should bring some comfort to them. Not only that but… it could maybe bond you all closer?
“Hey, how about we play some UNO after everyone is done eating? It’s pretty easy I can explain everything to you guys.”
Albedo smiles, “that sounds lovely.” And so after everyone had finished eating their sushi, you grabbed the pack of UNO cards and sat everybody down in your living room. Honestly, how was everybody going to sit in one giant circle and reach to place their cards down? Seems like you would all have to be throwing them in the middle.
“Okay so, we are going to include stack here alright? Stack is when you stack the cards that have the same number — despite different colours — or pluses — when you make the next person get two or four cards —, reverses and skips.”
After explaining the rules, everybody got the grasp of the game and began to play. At first it was confusing, but soon after they got the hang of it it became competitive, only because Kaveh, Wanderer, Childe, Itto, Kaeya and Pantalone made it competitive.
After a few rounds the winner was announced. But the thing was, it was tied between Cyno and Al-haitham.
“Ugh, every time I play TCG with them they always seem to win or tie!” Kaveh groans, clutching onto his wild cards. “I will win one day!”
Al-haitham sighs, putting down his cards. “You’ve said that a million times now, when will it really happen?”
But there seemed to be a few people who were not willing to lose of the grand scribe.. (Childe.) and demanded for another round but by now it was 6 and the sun was setting.
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Wanting to use the time to bond, you (again) decided to watch movies with them. As it seemed last time they really enjoyed it.
When you suggested the idea of watching another movie, an immediate “yes please!” Was heard from many. Switching off the light switch, darkness soon enveloped the room with only the light of the TV illuminating onto everybody in front of it.
You seat yourself down on the floor this time beside Ayato and Xiao (much to everyone’s dismay, they wanted to sit next to you.. sigh..)
After snuggling beside them and tucked yourself into the blankets, you had already began to chew on your popcorn. “Don’t you think you should save those for when the movie really starts, Y/n?” Ayato chuckled, patting your hand to stop you for eating.
You blushed and nod your head. “Mhm, okay.”
And again, the whole movie was a roller coaster. You, Kaveh and Freminet were left in tears, you were a total mess from the middle of the movie to the end. The plot twists and emotional scenes made you bawl your eyes out.
“Tissues, Y/n.” Xiao said, offering you a box of tissues as he watches you cry your eyes out. He then found his palm against your cheek as he wiped your tears with this thumb.
“Remember what you told us Y/n, this is all fake and not real, try not to cry so much, your eyes will get red and puffy.”
You sniffled and pat your eyes dry and blew your nose. “Mhm, y-you’re right Xiao.. thanks.” You softly said, giving him a tiny smile, and that was enough to make his heart explode.
During the movie, you began to feel sleepy. With how warm you were, how the room was dark, with the soft glow coming from the TV and illuminating on your face made you all the more drowsy.
You fought to stay awake, wanting to finish the movie to the end and then sleep but your heavy eyelids said otherwise, because soon you were knocked out cold, and if not for the soft snores escaping your lips, they wouldn’t even have noticed until the end of the movie.
Ayato could hear your soft snores and turned to look at you, smiling at your sleeping face before gazing at the clock, 7 pm. You normally didn’t sleep at that time but considering you were already asleep, Ayato decided to put you to bed anyway.
Slowly getting up from his spot, he removed the blanket from your body and carefully wrapped his arms around your back and legs, hoisting you up into his arms—carrying you bridal style.
The others turned and looked at you before looking at your sleeping figure in his arms. “Y/n’s already sleeping already?” Tighnari whispers, eyes focused on you, the answer was clear but he asked anyway. Ayato nodded.
“I’ll be taking her to bed, if anyone wants to go sleep early with them I suggest you go now.” Ayato states before turning around and walking off to your room.
He could hear people hastily getting up and scrambling to be the first in your room. Ayato could only sigh before setting you down onto your bed and covering you with your blanket, tucking you in.
Cute, I’m going to be the one sleeping with you tonight.
Ayato checks to make sure you’re looking comfortable before walking to your bathroom, grabbing one of the toothbrushes (that you had opened for everyone and write their names on it) and applied the toothpaste before beginning to brush his teeth.
He could hear the others whisper-yelling over who was sleeping with you this night, Ayato would make sure to scold them later for arguing in your presence later.
After finishing brushing his teeth, he walked back into your bathroom and made his way through the people fighting to sleep next to you.
He slipped inside your covers and made himself comfortable. When he opened his eyes, everyone was staring at him in confusion and anger.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
“Sleeping with Y/n of course, what else?”
“Ugh I’m gonna kill yo-!”
“Sh! Y/n’s sleeping, remember?” Ayato shushes them, pointing at your peacefully sleeping figure. Your face buried softly pressed against his waist.
The others groan at yet another fail of fighting to sleep with you and glared at Ayato who ordered them to go brush their teeth.
But even as they complained they obliged and walked one by one into the bathroom and brushed their teeth.
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Soon, after a few minutes everyone from the living room walked into your bedroom and was immediately ordered by Ayato to go brush their teeth, all the while their eyes almost popped out of their sockets after seeing you sleeping beside Ayato.
“Also, I’m going to be choosing who else will be sleeping beside Y/n.” Ayato states, yawning. “Why you? Who decided you could?” Wanderer asked while scowling at Ayato in distaste.
He shrugs his shoulders. “It’s just for one night, don’t worry Wanderer.”
Ayato then chose Kazuha to be the one to sleep beside you, he wasn’t as big as Itto so he couldn’t suffocate you and seemed like a peaceful sleeper. He also didn’t snore like Itto.
Kazuha thanked Ayato and took off some of his clothes and changed into a plain white tee and shorts, it was.. definitely something.
He soon climbed into bed with you and laid beside you to your right, sighing in content. You were so warm..
The others began to settle themselves on the mattresses while the other walked out of your bedroom and into the guest bedroom, knowing that they would probably be sleeping there for a while until you picked them to be in your bed (or if something like this that happened between you and Ayato, to happen to them)
Dainsleif reached to the ceiling and turned on the fan, knowing that you liked to sleep with some background noise. Then, Venti, who was the closest to the light switch flicked the switch down, the room went dark.
They could finally peacefully sleep in the darkness of the room with the sounds of your soft snores and also because Itto was not in the room meaning no loud snores that would keep them up!!
“Anyone still awake?” Kaveh softly asked, waiting for a response. “Mhm.” Al-haitham, Dainsleif, Gorou, Wriothesley and Baizhu answered.
“A serious question, what do you guys think about Y/n’s world and house and everything? Do you guys like it here?”
There was a long, silent and deafening pause. Then an answer.
“Honestly, I really don’t mind being anywhere as long as our grace- I mean Y/n is with me, although I do miss teyvat and my home I also find Y/n’s house comforting and calm. Plus, I don’t have to fight any monsters.”
The remaining people that were still awake hummed and thought about Gorou’s response. It wasn’t false.
“Mhm, I agree, as long as I’m with Y/n I don’t care about where we are, even though we just met a few days ago, I feel so drawn to them. I don’t ever want to leave them.” Dainsleif chimes in, letting out a sigh.
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Took me longer than expected I’m sorry 😢
taglist: @tomansimp @one-offmind @miitchiji @dainsleif-when-playable @momoewn @stygianoir @irethepotato @v4an @imetsk @fiannee @sunnyf4lls @goldenglow149 @rhwm @urlocalheizousimp @hex-vx @saltylovetale @backintomykpopphaseagain @toramune @oreo-ren @serenity-loves-red @flooofity @minteasketches @amaizverydum @lovelive-animequeen1029 @roseapov @yuraasia @chellazhef @fulldoves @kateybuggi @wanderingconstellations @mini-shower @160ccm @rosariashield @sickize @sarah22447 @dreamlessnight @gimmealamp @bebeluvs @caramelstarlight @sukiidreams @oceanisty @achy-boo @alhaitie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @that-mom-friend @v-sh @merormerry
(if the usernames aren’t highlighted that’s because I can’t tag you so I’ll dm you when I post a new chapter!)
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phoward89 · 2 months
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Based on this ask & this ask Series Masterlist
Soft!Dark!Coriolanus, Dark!Coriolanus, StepDaddy!Coriolanus, Stepcest, Stepdaughter!Reader, Daddy Kink, Smut, DDLG, drug use reference, cougar/cub relationship, older man/younger woman
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Chapter 1:
Your mother, recently widowed for the second time, sat you and your younger brother down on the living room sofa because she had an important announcement to make. She even had your older brother, who was serving as an officer for the Peacekeepers in 12, on video call for the special announcement.
An announcement that would change the rest of your life.
“Children, I'm getting married to the Head Gamemaker Coriolanus Snow.”
“What the hell?...” Your younger brother, Darius, trailed off in disgust.
“Mother, I went to the Academy with that guy! He's too fucking young for you!” Your older brother, Rein, shouted.
“Oh my God, you're a cougar!” You exclaimed, trying but failing not to laugh. You found it a bit funny that your mother has managed to snag a man your older brother's age. Who would've thought. Maybe all those facelifts paid off after all…
“Will you children stop it?” Your mother scolded all three of you. “Coriolanus is a nice man who's about to declare a Senate run. He's very successful and mature for his age.”
“Sounds like he's freaky to me.” Darius, who was 13, remarked.
Oh, if only you all knew how ‘freaky’ Coriolanus Snow was. And he wasn't truly into cougars freaky either.
Snapping his fingers, causing the screen on his end in the Peacekeepers base to crackle, Rein said, “Lil bro’s right, man has to be freaky to wanna marry somebody old enough to be his mother.”
“Maybe he really likes her.” You shrugged, trying to put out any fanning fires before they flare up.
Oh boy…if only you knew who Coriolanus really liked. And it wasn't your mother, that's for sure.
“Or maybe he's marrying her for father's money?” Darius popped up with another theory.
“He was named Strabo Plinth's heir for being best friends with the man's only son. I don't see why mother's money would mean anything to him.” You told everyone, since you didn't think that a rich man would be a gold digger.
“Coriolanus Snow was always a shifty bastard.” Rein spat out in disgust. “Walked around with a stick up his ass in the Academy.” Your brother mocked the blonde your mother's now engaged too. Leaning in closer, so that his face was almost pressed up against the camera screen, he revealed, “Heard that he was given an extremely early discharge instead of being shipped to 2 for officer's training- which I'm glad for cause I would've strangled that pompous motherfucker if I had to do my training with him- cause Plinth desperately needed an heir.”
Your mother shook her head, only to order in a fed up tone, “Will all of you calm down? Whether you like it or not, I'm marrying him and he's going to be your stepfather.”
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A week before the wedding you moved into Coriolanus' penthouse. It wasn't the 12th floor Corso penthouse he was raised in either. No, it was a new top floor penthouse in downtown Capitol City; in one of the Luxe Buildings. Actually, it was in the same building your friend from the Academy, Odysseus Odair, lived in.
When the Avox answered the door, your mother strolled on in like she was a queen. “Coriolanus, we're here!” She called out to your soon to be new stepfather as you and Darius walked inside of your new home.
“Rein’s right, dude looks shady as fuck, sis.” Darius whispered to you as Coriolanus came strutting down the hall in a deep red 3-piece suit, hair short on the sides and slicked back in a tight coif. “I don't trust him as far as we can throw him.”
“Be nice. He makes mom happy and he looks-” You began to tell your baby brother, only for him to cut you off with, “If you dare try to tell me that he looks happy too, then don't.” Looking between Coriolanus giving your mother a peck on the cheek, which looked more like the kiss of Judas then affectionate, and you, Darius said, “He looks like what I imagine Lucifer did before he fell from grace.”
“Don't call him Lucifer.” You chastised your brother.
“What? If the name fits…” He sing-songed with a shrug.
Coriolanus said something to your mother, only to shoo her down the hall before making his way over to you and your little brother.
“Here comes Satan.” Darius quietly whispered, never moving his mouth- much like a ventriloquist.
Coming to a stop right in front of you and your brother, Coriolanus flashed you a smile. One that was too sweet, too wide, showing off too many pearly white teeth. “Y/N.” He greeted you, your name dripping off his tongue thickly, causing your heart to race. If he was handsome looking at a distance, hell…he's hotter up close. And the way he just said your name? Holy shit…
Turning to your brother, Coriolanus’ face turned to stone. His voice was cold and clipped as he greeted him with a backhanded, "Oh, Darian isn't it?”
“Darius.” Your brother quickly corrected the tall platinum blonde looming over the two of you.
“Ah, yes, that's right.” Coriolanus nodded his head in a dismissive way. “Darius, the Avox will show you to your room.” He told your brother before snapping his hands and ordering the nearby Avox to, “Show Darius here to his room. Also, make sure his things are unpacked.”
The Avox took your brother upstairs to show him to his room while Coriolanus gave you a lingering look. A look that made your stomach do somersaults.
“I'll show you around your new home.” He told you, placing his hand on the small of your back and guiding you across the room.
“Thank you, but you don't have to do that. I know you're busy with your upcoming Senate campaign.”
“I'm your daddy now, my sweet baby girl, and daddy’ll always have plenty of time for his baby.” Coriolanus told you with a glint in his icy eyes and a husky tone in his voice. Perhaps too husky…
You didn't say a word, just let him show you the living room before bringing you into the kitchen. “We have a cook, so if there's anything special you want don't be shy to request it.”
“Is our housekeeper, Marisol, here?” You innocently asked, since you didn't see the woman (originally from 2) in the penthouse. You had assumed she'd be moving with you, since she lived with your family in your old townhouse.
“Yes-” Coriolanus heavily sighed while directing you out of the kitchen. “About that. Well, she missed her family back in the districts so she decided to go back.”
That was a lie. Marisol didn't decide to go back to 2. Coriolanus sent her back. In a pine box. Because she was too dangerous to be kept alive and around you. She cares about you too much, was warm and motherly to you. He knows that the former housekeeper would warn you away from him. Hell, would probably fight him- all to protect you from his plans.
Yes, his dark plans to finally have you.
And by have you, well, Coriolanus wants to take your innocence. He wants to be the first and only man to fuck you. He wants to be your lover, your confidant, your other half, your man.
He can't have some District 2 immigrant housekeeper ruining his plans either. Not when everything's perfectly set in place.
Coriolanus isn't marrying your mother because he likes her, he's marrying her to get close to you. All because he's obsessed with you. And the thought of having you call him Daddy while he pounds your pussy drives him wild.
You could say that Coriolanus has a bit of a daddy kink. One that he plans on enacting with you real soon. You're 18 and you'll be graduating from the Academy soon. Now's the perfect time to get everything he wants.
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After seeing the first floor of the penthouse (yea, the grand thing has 2 floors!), which included your mother sitting out on the patio deck with a cocktail in one hand and cigarette holder in the other, Coriolanus led you up the sleek, modern staircase- that had a glass wall bannister. Instead of leading you to your room, he took you over to the balcony- which had a glass wall as a railing.
“All of this is yours, my darling.” Coriolanus whispered, breath hotly fanning your ear, as his hard muscled chest pressed against your back. His large, calloused hands were on top of yours, which were holding onto the railing, as you looked down at the first floor of the penthouse. He nuzzled your hair with his prominent nose while letting out a husky promise off, “Anything you want, you desire, Daddy’ll get it for you, sweet baby girl.” His thumbs run over your knuckles as he lightly grinds his hard bulge into your ass. “Daddy’ll take such good care of his precious baby girl, now that you're all mine.”
Your brain began to explode. What the hell?! What's going on?! Is your stepdad (well soon to be stepdad in a couple of weeks) coming onto you? Yes, he's your older brother's age (they went to the Academy together), but he's marrying your mother. This can't be happening!
Oh, but yes, yes it is.
It's happening!
Coriolanus, knowing that he has to show you to your room, pulled away from you. You let you a breath you didn't even know you were holding, but you also felt a slight tingling feeling between your legs. A dampness. You know it's wrong it let Coriolanus words affect you so strongly, but they did.
“Come on, Y/N.” The platinum blonde god of a man told you, grabbing your hand and dragging you away from the balcony. “I need to show you to your room.”
“Okay.” You simply said, voice trembling a bit from the slight ache in your core.
Damn him for turning you on just a moment ago.
Coriolanus smirked at hearing the slight tension in your voice. He liked that he was making you all hot and bothered. Having such power over you thrilled him, gave his already too big ego a boost.
He pointed to a bathroom, only to tell you that it was yours before coming to a stop at your room. Across from your room were intricate French doors, trimmed in gold vining roses. With a wolfish grin, Coriolanus gestured to the doors across from your room and told you, “That's my room, my darling.” Pinning you to your door by holding your hands above your head in one of his large hands; leaning his head to ghost his lush lips over the shell of your ear, he huskily coos, “It's my room, all mine, so you're allowed to come in and spend time with me anytime you want.”
“But-” You began to object to his forward come on, since he was marrying your mother soon, but he cut you off by placing a finger on your lips. Grinding his hard bulge, which was very sizable, into you, he lustfully declared, “My room’s my own, sweet girl, so I assure you that we won't get caught.” Your eyes went wide, causing him to nibble at the sweet spot behind your ear. “I know you want to fuck me as badly as I wanna fuck you, Y/N. I can hear your labored breathing and can feel you clenching your thighs; they're rubbing against my legs.
“Coriolanus, you're marrying my mother and you're-” You began to try and reason with him, only for him to grab your chin in his hand. Squeezing it harshly, he confessed, “I don't care about that old whore. Helenium’s only a means to an end; you're the one that I want. That I crave, that I want to bury my cock deep into; fuck full of children.”
“We can't do that, Cor-” You started to say, only for him to curtly cut you off with, “Call me Coryo or Daddy.” Caressing your cheek, he lustfully smiled, “You'll be calling me Daddy while I fuck you, baby girl.”
Oh boy…you're in for it now.
You felt the heat pooling deep inside of you. Your pussy ached with such want, one that you've never felt before. And even tho you knew it was wrong, you needed relief. God, you needed to find a way to get yourself alone in your room so that you could play with your pussy.
As if he could read your mind, Coriolanus rolled his hips against yours, causing you to stifle a moan, while telling you, “You want to hide in your room, fuck your fingers, but you don't need to do that anymore. Not when you have Daddy to fuck you; make you feel good.”
The offer was tempting, but there was just one catch.
“I'm a virgin, Coryo. I-” You began to explained, only for Coriolanus to press a kiss to your lips, shushing you. All words died on your lips, causing Coryo to rest his forehead against yours and say, “Don't worry, sweet girl, Daddy’ll pop your sweet cherry when you're ready.” Your heart raced in your chest as he told you, “Daddy'll feast on your pussy, finger fuck you, and teach you how to suck cock- like a good baby girl- tonight.”
The sound of a doorknob turning and a door beginning to open caused Coriolanus to back away from you- as if he’d been burned- and scurry off into his room, leaving you leaning against the door of yours, as a nearby door slammed shut followed by footsteps coming up the hall. You just sighed, turned around, and went inside of your room.
You expected to see your things in your room, or at least boxes with your things in it, but instead you're met with a room that was baby pink. Actually, it wasn't just baby pink, but it was covered in girly decor. The furniture was white, the duvet was pink rose print, the satin sheets pink, and the pillow cases pink roses with pink ruffles. A large white mirror sat on top of a white vanity that had a vase with a single white rose perched on it, along with white pearls, and a silver compact. You also have a wooden hair bow organizer on the wall filled with bows and ribbons in various shades of white, cream, red, pink, and rose prints.
And when you inspected your closet, to see if maybe your clothes were unpacked, you noticed that you had an entirely new wardrobe. Instead of your usual clothes, your large walk-in closet was now filled with mini skirts, dresses, blouses, and sweaters in various shades of cream, white, and pink. There were even a few red items amongst the mix too. And all of your shoes were replaced with Mary Jane’s in a few different shades and a pair of designer black kitten heels. You know, the ones with the red bottoms. And don't forget about the shelf filled with designer handbags in every size in the colors of white, cream, pink, and red.
Yes, red! You had about 20 new handbags and at least 5 of them were red!
Oh my God, Coriolanus did all of this for you…
It made your head spin.
A knock sounded at your door, causing you to call out a simple come in. You expected Coriolanus to strut thru the door, but instead your little brother, Darius entered.
“Sis, daddy dearest is a fucking whackbag. He gave me a closet full of new, snobby clothes and a handbook on how to behave properly like a Snow.” Darius told you as you sat down on your vanity chair. Taking in the decor of the room, he huffed, “And he's made you the croquette aesthetic princess.” Shuddering, he waved his hand about and said, “The walls look like they've been painted in pepto bismol.”
“Darius, stop. He's just trying to be nice.” You defended Coriolanus without even thinking twice about it.
Did you secretly desire the forbidden fruit? The man whose obsession with you has led him to marry your mother. Just to get you under his roof; in his bed.
Yes you did.
And whether you fully know it yet or not, you're sneaking into his room tonight to see if he's bluffing about what he wants to do to you.
Wandering around your room, Darius scoffed. “There's nothing nice ‘bout Satan, sissy.”
“Don't call Coryo Satan, Darius.” You scolded your brother as he opened up your dresser drawer.
“Coryo?” He asked, brow raised. “I see he managed to win you over. What'd he do, promise to give you your own black Amex?” Darius sarcastically asked, only to slam the drawer he was rooting thru shut. “That sick fuck gotcha a lingerie drawer full of lacy stuff.”
“I doubt he got it. Maybe his cousin picked them out for me, she is a stylist.”
“Yea, maybe.” Darius nodding, all the while making a mental note to keep an eye on how your new stepdaddy acted around you.
After seeing that panties drawer, well, your little brother didn't trust Coriolanus around you. Not that he trusted the guy to begin with.
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Late that night, when everyone was asleep, you found yourself in Coriolanus' room; writhing in his bed with his head buried between your legs. Your hands clutched his platinum blonde curls tightly, letting out little mewls as he lapped at your soaking cunt. His nose bumped against your clit, causing your hips to buck-chasing your pleasure.
“Oh…Daddy…” You moaned as he began to messily eat our pussy, his head moving side to side vigorously. Oh god, could Coriolanus eat cunt. He was a natural at it; born to do it. And his skill was going to make your eyeballs roll into the back of your head, was going to make you cum for a third time.
The first time he made you cum was when he had you pressed against his bedroom door, panties pulled to the side with his long, large fingers stuffed deep inside of your pussy. The second time he has you cumming was just moments ago, when he was tongue fucking you.
Coriolanus loved hearing you call him Daddy in the bedroom. It made his hard cock even harder, of that was possible. It was such a turn on. Yes, it was dirty and taboo to be fucking with his soon to be stepdaughter (twisted even), but he didn't care. Coriolanus always did what he wanted; society be damned.
Hell, with his silver tongue he had turn society to his will. Make and change the rules. So, he's not worried about the Capitol finding out about his dark, kinky side when it comes to you- his sweet little stepdaughter. His baby girl.
He's got a plan in place of how to navigate his marriage and the corruption of you. Eh…he doesn't plan on being married that long. He just needs to find the opportune moment to get rid of your mother. Of course, after he's married to her for a little while (just long enough to get his grubby hands on all of her money; her assets, and your brother's inheritance that he tricked her into signing over to him in an updated will).
Coriolanus poisoned your first stepfather, General Prometheus Byzantine because he refused his offer of courtship for you. The General laughed in his face; told him that he'd get to you over his dead body. He also told Coriolanus that his stepchildren (you and your older brother, Rein) would not be inheriting anything from him or your mother, that your little brother, Darius, would get it all. That Coriolanus was better off finding a proper Capitol girl- perhaps one closer to his own age, to marry.
But the stoic platinum blonde didn't want just anybody, he wanted you. And he'd do anything to get you. Which’s working so far, considering he's devouring your cunt like a starving man.
“Coryo…Daddy…please…” You begged, on the verge of cumming again, as you felt the knot burning low in your depths begin to tighten
Resting his head against your thigh, he lustfully told you, “Daddy's got you, baby girl. Daddy's gonna make you cum again.”, before sucking hard and fast on your clit and pistoning two of his long fingers in and out of your cunt; curling them just right to hit that spongy spot deep inside of you.
And while your chest is heaving, moans are spilling out of your mouth, and your hips are bucking like wild, Coryo’s feasting on you like your cunt as if he hasn't eaten in years. Your juices taste so good to him, so intoxicating. He can honestly say that your pussy’s the best he's ever tasted (and he's eaten a lot of pussy); he'll even say that he craves it's sweet, tangy nectar on his tongue now.
Oh, and how eating your cunt has him so turned on. So achingly hard, that he's roughly grinding into the mattress, desperate to seek some relief. But the sloppier he eats you out, drawing moans and mewls from your sweet lips, the harder and faster he humps into the mattress. The silk sheets teasing his cock, which was trapped in his boxer briefs.
Suddenly, the tension inside of you snapped and you were cumming. Mixed moans of Coryo and Daddy filled the air as your hands tangled in Coryo’s blonde curls, shoving him deeper into your cunt as you rode out your high.
The scent of your cunt, your juices soaking not just his tongue, but his face, and you calling his name sent Coryo over the edge; had him cumming in his boxer briefs.
Once you relaxed and let go of his hair, Coryo got up and stripped out of his underwear (he couldn't wear cum filled boxer briefs all night) and then rejoined you on the bed. Laying next to you, he held his arm open- inviting you to snuggle up into his side. Having never been with a man or experienced aftercare before, you just stared at him questioningly. As if you weren't sure whether to slide up next to him or not.
“Y/N, my darling rose, come here.” Coriolanus instructed, patting the spot next to him before stretching his arm out again; making room for you.
“Okay, Daddy.” You nodded, scooting your body to lay flush against him.
Wrapping his arms around you and holding you close, he chuckled, “You don't have to call me that all the time, baby. Just when we're fucking around.”
“So, outside of the bedroom you're Coryo then.” You concluded, resting your head on his chest.
“Unless you want me to fuck your brains out somewhere risky, where we might get caught, then yea- save Daddy for in here.”
“So, you have a Daddy kink “ You stated, not asked, as Coryo started to run the tips of his calloused fingers up and down your spine.
“Yes, and I'm also a Dom.” He stated, as if he was telling you what degree he earned in University, before listing off the other kinks he has. “Kink wise, I'm into spit play, impact play, anal play, and degradation.”
What the fuck have you just gotten yourself into? That's a lot of stuff he's into. And, well, you have no idea what any of that stuff is.
“Oh…” You trailed off.
“Hey, little dove, I know you're new to this so don't worry about all the things I like. We'll ease you into it; even find out if you like something I haven't mentioned.”
“Okay.” You agreed, nodding against his chest. A chest that looked like it was sculpted by Michelangelo.
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You two cuddle together for a tad bit longer, just talking about little things. But then, you let out a yawn and the platinum blonde man knew it was time to send you on your way; back to your own room across the hall.
It was a good thing that your mother had a master suite downstairs, otherwise all of your moaning might've woken her up. Unknown to both you and Coryo, your little brother Darius (at the age of 13) had a bit of a drug problem. He developed it shortly after his father, Prometheus, died. So, since he was strung out in his bedroom down the hall, your moans didn't wake him up. Infact, a bomb could go off and it won't wake up Darius.
Coryo had no idea that marrying your mother, a week after your first encounter with him, in a scheme to get all of her money along with your younger brother's inheritance (In order to give you what he felt you rightfully deserve) was going to give him the family the reporters, media outlets, and political opponents and rivals needed to skew his golden boy image. To screw up his Senate campaign.
Looks like the only thing Snow's landing on top of is you. 
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Tags: @kuroosbby001 @purriteen @poppyflower-22 @meetmeatyourworst @whipwhoops @bxtchopolis @readingthingsonhere @savagenctzen @ryswritingrecord @erikasurfer @tulips2715 @universal-s1ut @thesmutconnoisseur @squidscottjeans @sudek4l @wearemadeofstardust0 @mashiromochi @gracieroxzy @belcalis9503 @shari-berri @aoi-targaryen @whiteoakoak @spear-bearing-bi-witch @gisellesprettylies @loverandqueenofdragons @qoopeeya @mfnqueen1 @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @v-love @swiftieblyth @joyfulyouthlover @harvey-malfoy @tian-monique @chxrrybomb22 @marvel-hiddles-stark @xjinnix @devils-blackrose @zombicupcake3
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shirozora-draws · 2 months
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I am so late but I am finally done with the first round of merch that I am satisfied with. I am satisfied and we are rolling forward with this set. Now to send off all of my final sample orders so that I know these are absolutely working and are worth posting to a shop site as pre-orders.
Clan of Three lanyards. I recognize that I could easily turn these into washi tapes if I wanted to. We'll see.
Grogu Baby Crimes. Sticker & acrylic shaker charm. Completely revamped after carrying around the old version as an acrylic shaker charm and deciding it was too unwieldy and, more importantly, not cute enough. This will be a sticker option and an acrylic shaker charm option.
Keldabe kiss - Interstellar version. Matte & holographic sticker.
Keldabe kiss - Tatooine version. Matte & holographic sticker.
Live Cheen Reaction. Sticker. For all the fans of Cheen Yofree, the unluckiest third-wheeling Rodian OC.
Need A Hero. Sticker & acrylic charm. The only thing I'm putting forward with Din's face for now. I wanted something cute.
Clan of Two. Sticker. A straightforward general sticker.
The Battle Couple. Sticker (for now). This was actually designed to be an embroidered patch, but I'm not really there yet. The sticker shape is odd so I might present this as a kiss cut sticker.
Luke on Ossus - no scars. Sticker. For people who don't want scars?
Luke on Ossus - scars. Sticker. I just wanted to doodle a thirst trap, thassit.
The Storm. Sticker (for now). I wanted to make more merch for my fics and might use this template for the other fics in the Dangerous Dreams series.
The Clan of Three. Sticker. This motherfucker held me up for MONTHS. I didn't like the previous full-body version especially after getting several sample stickers so I started over... and then got stuck. For months. But here we are. The final piece of the puzzle.
Limited - Tron. Sticker & acrylic charm. I wanted to make a little Tron merch. The acrylic charm will be double-sided with Tron on one side and Rinzler on the other. Thank god this guy is more or less symmetrical.
Limited - Rinzler. Sticker & acrylic charm. For people who like Rinzler. This will be double-sided with Rinzler on one side and Tron on the other side.
I'm sending off a final round of sample sticker and charm orders so that I can get a feel for the revamped and new designs, and once I'm happy I'll get the pop-up shop up and running.
Round 2, I'm looking at small prints, possibly the embroidered patch, and maybe a Tron|Rinzler standee. Also a sticker for The Suns maybe, possibly also The Stars. What if I did a WarGreymon|BlackWarGreymon charm?????
And now.... we write.
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ridreamir · 5 months
If you're still taking requests, could I ask for some general HCs for Kieran and maybe Drayton that take place at bb academy? If not feel free to ignore this :)
A/N: Hey! Yeah of course! I'm struggling to write the Kieran fic because I think I'm way in over my head (I'm freezin' up lol the pressure to figure it out is getting to me) so I guess I can take a break and write some headcanons instead!
I'll write for 'em both, but it's post-DLC, I hope you don't mind! Potential spoilers ahead!
These ones are a little silly in retrospect! I did em fast too, so I hope they're not too bad :p
Kieran's secretly your top fan. Not that you notice because there's no way he'd let you catch him, but he's literally dropped what he was doing to run to the entrance of the academy because your name was announced over the intercom. If you're having a match he'll actually full speed sprint to through the school just to be there, but any time you look over he instinctively hides, flush with embarrassment. You don't come and visit him in his dorm room often since you're on such different schedules, but he's had to flip over his pinboard and hide his piles of notes because they're all about you and trying to understand your strategies and, well, other things... His sister won't stop bugging him about it 'bein' weird', but she knows he's flat obsessed with trying to figure you out! The league club has a social media that posts all of your recent matches, and he's had to beg Carmine to show him how to use the phone app because he's new to having a smart phone and Arceus does he have to watch every single one. He didn't even want a phone until now, but he can't believe he's been missing out all this time. No wonder everyone has one of these things! She was reluctant, but it's Kiki after all... It should be fine, right? Well... that was before all the pinboards and sticky note nonsense that looks straight out of a detective movie or something. He's the type to not like posts because he's scared of what you might think, but accidentally hit the heart button on a match from like a month ago. He definitely drops his phone on his face and panics, trying to undo it as fast as he can. Little does he realize that it's actually Lacey who's in charge of the social media account and not you, and also that she can see who's the most active on the page.
She thinks it's cute, and since she loves cute things, she's letting it be for now. She's always giggling and hiding her smile when he pops into the clubroom to check and see if you're there. Most of the time though he ends up running off before he can say hi because he doesn't want to talk to Drayton.
Since he's gotten the phone he hasn't stopped checking it and he smiles like an idiot any time he thinks he's alone. (News flash, he's really bad at hiding what he's doing. Like he could be in the middle of the cafeteria where everyone sees him watching your battles back to back like they're a tv series.) The only reason nobody really thinks much of it is because you're practically a celebrity and not even just in the Academy but, like, big time. And Kieran is probably one of the only people to not know because he's been so chronically offline. You act so low-key, talking to someone like him like he's just, just another person that it's shocking news to find out that the whole world has probably heard your name by now! As in, his (best?) friend!! (Friend??) It gets kind of annoying now how people follow you around asking to take photos with you like you're some kind of, of tourist attraction and not a person! But there's only one thing that's worse, and it's-
"Hey bud, ready to battle?" Drayton! Kieran's... Kieran's... worst nightmare!! Drayton's gotten really buddy-buddy with you over the time that Kieran and Carmine were on break, and he's not happy about it. Unfortunately for him, Drayton's all too aware of Kieran's contempt and loves to push his buttons. As if calling him "Ex-Champ" all the time wasn't enough, you've been helping him with his homework and sparring together every day! What he wouldn't do for you to spend that much time with him...
And it grinds his gears how often Drayton nudges you or ruffles your hair like you're some sort of pet, though you never see the way their pupils shrink at the sight of each other. Kieran here, hiding behind whatever he can to stay out of sight and Drayton who knows that he's there and makes direct eye contact with him. It's infuriating the way his smile quirks just a little when he catches Kieran spying.
As if he's saying look all you want, look at what you can't have.
And Kieran takes that as a challenge.
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maddys-nerd-blog · 30 days
40 years ago, two best friends came together one night to create something that could make the other laugh.
What began as a silly joke shifted into an idea to turn this strange premise into a comic. From there, it snowballed to turn into a television series, then an independently-funded film that made history which started the phenomenon that was felt around the world; Turtlemania.
And from there? The rest is history.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles has become such a pop-culture icon in the decades that it’s been around. Even if you’ve never had the same experience of watching the show there’s a chance you know the OG theme song. Ask any random Joe on the street who’s the most popular turtle and there’s a chance they’ll say Mikey. Not only has it outlasted the test of time, but it’s proven to people that the craziest dreams can come true through perseverance and determination. It’s a franchise that’s created a lifelong fan base full of dedicated people who work to support and create new things with each other, who are so welcoming and talented and wildly imaginative. It’s a storyline with characters that have been so lovable and cherished by thousands for years. It was an idea that most scoffed at and turned down because of the absurd concept of mutated turtles fighting crime dressed up like ninja.
And yet it worked.
Against all odds it worked.
And for the past forty years, it’s BEEN working.
No matter how many times this franchise gets a reboot/ reimagining/ adaptation, everyone who adores these turtles keep coming back to tune in on their current adventures. Through the years the stories became more defined, more fleshed out, almost growing up with the audience just like how Toy Story did. And as the 2010’s came around the shows coming out also got to introduce a brand new generation of fans to the world of the TMNT, as well as the films! It’s themes of family resonate with everyone— ANYONE can find something to enjoy in watching or reading these stories.
This franchise clearly clicks with people.
TMNT isn’t only a comic book that started out an indie parody of the modern heroes of the time, IE Daredevil, but it was made by two passionate artists that had a deep respect and adoration for the craft of art and storytelling. They cared about these characters and people saw that. Still see that today. Are STILL going to see it with all the brand new comics and show on the horizon!
And I, for one, am so happy to be able to see what comes next. I love these turtles 🥹
So, Happy 40th Anniversary, dudes! Cowabunga!! 💜
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alonetimelover · 1 year
welcome to my full masterlist. i hope you'll find something just right for yourself, and maybe you'd like to stay for more.
have a nice time reading,
mila xx
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♡ Fade To Black ~7,3k words
YN loved Joel more than anyone ever. Joel was selfish and scared. They both made mistakes. It all led them to Bill's town and aftermath of what had happened, understanding something very important - love isn't always forever.
♡ ...deserved to experience ~4,3k words (part 2 to fade to black)
YN, Joel, and Ellie try to settle down in Jackson. Over the years, they have navigated their lives through all happy moments. Family expanded, and new feelings and roles were accepted. Joel has never been happier. Or is it just a movie?
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♡ 10 essentials - social media - photographer!reader
Over the years YN did several photoshoots of Andrew for different magazines. When the pandemic began fans started to speculate. Finally, Andrew spills the tea during the '10 essentials' video and let people inside his life - very changed life.
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♡ BRIT awards - slavic!reader ~7,2k words
After years of being together, six months of being engaged - YN and Harry are letting people know they're in love - it just happens to be BRITs 2023 award show.
♡ Easter Monday - slavic(polish)!reader ~1,3k words
Harry and YN spent their first Easter together. He wants to surprise YN with celebrating it the way she does in Poland - but Harry gets his knowledge from the internet, not the best source.
♡ Warsaw show - social media + blurb - slavic(polish)!reader
Harry plays one of the most important shows during the European leg of HSLOT - show where YN's granny is in the audience.
♡ to feel fulfilled - polish!reader ~ 3,6k words
During the day of the last Love on Tour show Harry intends to do three things: satisfy his fiancée, make granny's dream come true and put on the best performance for his fans.
♡ ...marry me? - polish!reader ~ 1,2k words
Harry is drunk and YN is the angel that he dreamt of.
♡ Let's play tennis! - social media - tennis player!reader
Harry's dating WTA no. 1 tennis player - YN YSN.
♡ Can't hear haters when you're slaying - social media - tennis player!reader
Harry and YN (WTA no. 1 tennis player) are still going strong despite all the bullying they receive.
♡ BLURB - YN and Harry go for a run in London - tennis player!reader
♡ My love, we were in Paris - tennis player!reader ~ 1,7k words
Harry surprises YN after her third win in French Open.
♡ Wimbledon - tennis player! reader ~ 0,9k words
YN lost at Wimbledon, but Harry is still proud of her.
♡ Winning - social media - tennis player!reader
In which YN won Wimbledon, people think they broke up and internet breaking.
♡ Daylight - social media - equestrian!reader
For filming Daylight MV, Harry needed some horse riding lessons.
♡ 'The Higgs professor' - social media - physicist!reader
After being sent a video of Dr YN YSN, explaining Higgs mechanism with Harry's music, Harry finds himself infatuated. Then he meets her at Oppenheimer's after party, and the rest is history.
♡ Dispersion - social media - physicist!reader - part 2
NYC is welcoming one of the most famous physicists, and things seem to look great. More physics in pop terms and more of the sweet couple. For some time.
♡ Fired? - social media - physicist!reader - part 3
The leak is hard on everybody, especially YN. Internet wants to fire her from Oxford. And Harry, Harry is like always there for her.
♡ Recommendations - social media - booktuber!reader
The new series on ynrecommends channel on YT caught Harry's attention. After some time, they are joined at the hip. As friends. Right?
♡ If he doesn't have books, don't sleep with him - social media - booktuber!reader - part 2
The rumours are swirling around Harry and YN on whether they are together. In their usual style, they are confusing, so nobody knows. Till, YN posts that one picture on her IG.
♡ Music videos - social media - famous!reader
Harry and YN have been together since 2013. And from the moment Harry started his solo career, YN is there, in the music videos, or behind the scenes. And if it's not her, it's one of their two babies. Soon to be three.
♡ Third baby - social media - famous!reader
Harry and YN have their third baby and some people still don't know how to behave around a breastfeeding person.
♡ Daddy's house - social media - famous!reader
New Pleasing drop comes with new ambassadors - quite little ambassadors.
♡ Love language - boyfriend!Harry
Harry's love language is physical touch, especially kissing you. Here are just a few types of them. !contains suggestive content!
♡ Kisses - boyfriend!Harry
After establishing their love language, YN and Harry are not shy about it. And YN loves smothering Harry in kisses after his first LOT show.
♡ Popstars - social media - popstar!reader
YN and Harry have been together for years. The problem is, even after being spotted kissing, they won't admit it at the beginning. Oh, there also is Judie and Teddy - their cute, little kids.
♡ Goldie - social media - swimmer!reader
Harry follows a competitive swimmer, YN on IG, and (lies you can imagine) it breaks the internet. YN attends his shows and their relationship just grows.
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♡ Happy birthday, rockstar - social media - director!reader
YN's social media posts over the years wishing Joe a happy birthday. (part of an Action! series)
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Harry x (ex)director!reader x Joseph Quinn
A story, where Harry and YN fall in love at Sign Of The Times music video set, challenge their relationship over the years, eventually fall apart and the aftermath of that break-up.
social media:
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6
written parts:
▪︎ first date ~2,8k words
A short story about two people being nervous on their first date.
▪︎ tolerate it ~3k words
YN sees how much Harry is distancing. Confrontation happens, unfolding cascade of events and feelings YN has buried within herself. Is this the end?
▪︎ champagne problems (part 2 to tolerate it) ~3k words
YN thinks Harry wants to save their relationship after the argument they've had. He thinks that, too. But the definition of saving can differ.
▪︎ heartbreak anniversary ~3,4k words
Harry holds an emotional conversation with his therapist, and then his family. If it wasn't heart-wrenching enough, Anne and Gemma have some news to share - something to tip the scales at the breaking point.
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a/n: headers are made by me. if use, please give credit.
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taylormarieee · 8 months
Gamer Carl ~Gamer AU~
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A/N: This is my new series that I wanna do! I forgot who I got this idea from but once I find you I will tag you for credit!
Summary: Carl finds out about you for the first time and you guys agree to play a game together!
Word Count: 1.3k
Pairing: Gamer!Carl x Fem!Gamer!Reader
Warnings: None, Flirting, Sexual innuendos, everyone is 18+, carl’s fans hyping him up, reader getting shy!
A/N: Reader typing will be in bold and Carl will be slanted.
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Carl loves gaming! He sits at his house playing gameplays all day. He loves his fans and his fans loved him!
They always shipped him with certain gamer girls he’s played with but Carl always rejects it He’s been looking for gamer girlfriends in his area to play with and maybe even fall in love with.
But, there’s never one that catches his eye until his fans tried one last time and he met you.
"Alright chat, some more fall guys. I'm not happy about this but you guys wanted it." He says smiling.
User283- Do you know (Your username insert)? bandychat123- yea she's super hot bro! ilovecarl69- Look her up dude! Maybe then you guys can play together!
Carl takes a second to read the comments in his livestream and then finally agrees to look you up.
"Alright alright guys, I'll do it. I think I know who she is but i'm not sure." he says going to Instagram on his phone.
He sees your face and instantly, his jaw drops. He shows his phone to the chat and everyone goes ballistic.
"THAT'S HER!?" He yells completely flabbergasted. His whole chat is replying yes and going crazy. Little did Carl know you were watching the livestream the whole time, chuckling at his reaction.
Carl had been one of your favourite twitch streamers to watch. You would always be in you room watching and rooting for him to win in fall guys constantly.
You would be up all night giggling at his GTA mods and what his chat always said. He was super hot in your opinion and completely adorable.
So the fact that he is now noticing you is cute and made you feel warm and happy inside.
You decide since he's already in Instagram, why not surprise him and see his reaction.
"Stalking me stranger?" You type. His face goes red and he is completely silent. You just texted him. He is so nervous.
As he is contemplating what to write he sees the bubble pop up on his phone and he instantly fixes his posture, excited to see what you say.
"I know you're wondering, How does she know? Well, I'm watching your twitch right now! It's nice to meet you. My name Is Y/N."
"Hahaha! That obvious huh? Nice to meet you, and you already know my name."
"Yep! Haha! Hi, Carl! I wanted to ask you something, if that's ok?"
"Yea, of course! What is it?"
"Would you maybe wanna play sometime? I don't know if sometime today would work or maybe tomorrow?"
"Uh, yea! I would love to maybe later today!?"
"Alright cool! See you then Carl Grimes ;)"
"Ha! See you then y/n!"
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You smile to yourself as you read his message over and over again. You look back at the livestream to see him blushing and smiling too!
You were so excited for later today. Tonight will be a nice night to play. But wait, you thought about what would happen if this continues.
Will you guys eventually meet up? Continue talking and become friends? Maybe more than friends? Start going to his house? Oh! You would love to go to his house.
Maybe even help him learn how to cook! Ha! He's getting there.
“Alright chat! Let’s get to it!” He says smiling. You look at the chat and put your phone down. You smile at everybody’s assumptions.
lov3rgirlforCarl!- what happened! Was that y/n?!
BananaJoe55- You guys are adorable! I just need a collab!!!
If only they knew…
1 hour later
You just ate and you’re getting your stuff ready for your stream. You texted Carl earlier and he responded saying he was ready.
“Hey guys! I know this is unexpected but I have a special guest coming on tonight to play with me!" He says excitedly opening Fall Guys.
"The one and Only Y/N!" He says and your voice immediately sound through the speakers.
"Hiii guys!" You says, "Hi Carl!" You say in a singsongy voice.
"Hey y/n." He says blushing again. You smile and click on fall guys on your screen as well.
"I already did my intro so... we can get started Carl!" You says designing your fall guy or fall gal as you like to call it.
"You wanna add me or should I add you ma'am?" He says chuckling.
"Ma'am is a new one haha! I like it! Well you can add me!" You say. You text him your username and he sends a friend request.
You guys add each other and get started.
"Noooooo!" You hear Carl yell. You burst out laughing.
"Aww did Carl not make it!?" You tease.
"I hate you! God, Fuck!" He yells out. His outburst makes you laugh.
"Is Carl Grimes gonna cry?" You ask teasing him for loosing.
"I'll make you cry if I have to." He says. You pause, taking in what he said and now your wondering what he meant by that.
You clear your throat and heat rushes towards your face and your ears get all hot.
"I-I, Uhm, d-do you want me to uhm r-restart?" You stutter. Everyone in the chat on your livestream and Carls live stream are going crazy.
"Y-yea ket's start over." Carl says awkwardly. You both start over and continue to play.
You both get extremely comfortable with each other and continue to make flirtatious jokes.
"Carl! Stop screaming your hurting my ears!"
"I'll make you scream if you want. I'm sure you love screaming." He relies.
You giggle at his sudden boldness and flirtatious spirit.
"God fuck you y/n!" Carl yells.
"Dang, what happened to taking me out Carl? That wasn't very gentlemen like of you!" You reply giggling.
He rolls his eyes and snickers. You also snicker before you both burst out laughing.
Lov3rforCarl699- God you guys are so cute! Thisisbananas123- God this is a collab I never knew I needed! Whatismynamebro!- Bhahahaha! This is hilarious! I COULD WATCH IT FOREVER!
You guys eventually finish up and cut off the cameras. You guys are still talking through the discord server mod.
"Hey.. uhm that was a lot of fun, no?" You ask with a smile on your face.
"Yea, no it was! Best fun i've ever had!" He says chuckling. You both stay silent and shy for a few seconds.
"So... Did you wanna like play-" He starts. "Do you wanna come over?!" You ramble out asking him in a rush, scared of rejection.
His eyes widen. You take his silence as a wrong thing and immediately backtrack.
"Carl, uhm I mean like... We should game over here or I go to your house! I j-just really like playing with you and you in general and I really wanna be friends!" You continue to ramble out.
Your face is saddened as you don't get a response from him and you just whisper out a small 'never mind'.
"No that's... That would be great! I would actually love that and how's my place tomorrow at idk 5:30? You an be here for as long as you want! I need help cooking anyway!" He replies with a smile on his face and a slight blush.
You smile and as your about to reply you notice your camera is still on ad your chat feed is still going and they are spamming the chat.
"OHH MY GODD!" You yell falling out of the chair in embarrassment.
"What what is it!? Are you ok?!" He asks worried.
"No i'm not. My camera feed is still on so all my fans and maybe your's just heard everything we were just talking about." You say with your face in your hands.
Carls face goes pale and then red as a tomato.
"Well this is me taking you out on a date! To my house, right?" He asks still happy and confident.
"Y-Yea! Totally Carl! See you tomorrow!" You say while turning off your camera for good and squeal jumping up and down before flopping on your bed to call your best friend Enid.
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Taglist: @carlgrimesenthusiast @catt-leya @carlsdarling @loveforcarl @sinsandsweetness @sickyrat @eternalrose81 @iamacowboi
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
03/13/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew; Leslie Jones; Erroll Shand; Ruibo Qian; Dominic Burgess; Adam Wheatley; Kristian Nairn; Queerties; Fanspotlight: Cast Cards/Our Flag Means Fanfiction; SaveOFMDCrew /Billboards/trucks; Still Fighting; Max Madness; SchadenFreude; Articles; Watch Party Reminders; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
== Leslie Jones ==
Congrats to Leslie for her NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Performance in a Short Form Series!!!! SRC: Leslie's Twitter
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== Erroll Shand ==
It's Erroll Shand's birthday! please pop over anywhere you can find him and wish him a Happy Birthday!!! Thank you to @youvebeenricked on Instagram for sending him so much love!
Erroll Shand's Instagram
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= Dominic Burgess! =
Our dear crew-mate @iamadequate1 got a Cameo from our very own Jeffrey Fettering (Dominic Burgess!) It's absolutely ADORABLE. You get to meet his cats and fish, and he's just the sweetest man alive-- please give it a watch!
Wanna send your cat pics to Dominic since he shared his cats with us? If you have twitter please add them to the thread below. Thank you to @ouibek for this lovely idea!!!
Ouibek's Twitter post
Speaking of Dominic, he also recently posted an interview he did, please read it when you get a chance!
= Ruibo Qian =
Our pirate queen Ruibo posted some very lovely pictures today, and the message of: 🎼🎶♾️ SRC: Ruibo's Instagram
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== Kristian Nairn ==
New music comes out Mar 22, you can pre save it here!
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== Adam Wheatley ==
Production Designer and Supervising Art Director Adam Wheatley has dropped some seriously awesome set designs! OFMD Twitter has been having a blast. Check out the full catalog here. Thank you to @adoptourcrew for bringing it to our attention!
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== Queerties Results ==
Our Flag Means Death and Vico Ortiz both received Runner Up for the Queerties! Thanks so much for everyone who voted!
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== Fan Spotlight ==
Thank you to @melvisik for yet another cast card! This time it's Bronson Pinchot, our very own Ned Low! I totally forgot he was in the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, I really need to go rewatch that! Thank you dear for another great card!
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== Our Flag Means Fanfiction ==
Our darling crew-mates over at @ourflagmeansfanfiction have a new episode out, this time featuring Stede! On top of that, the #RhysDarbyFaction got a shout out 😭! Please check them out on Spotify or their Instagram!
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== Save OFMD Crew / Billboards / Trucks ==
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The AppleTV trucks were parked outside Apple today! On top of that, the SaveOFMD Crew sent some love out to David and the rest of the Cast & Crew for all the things they've done for us!
== Still Fighting ==
A lot of fans are still fighting the good fight. Even if we aren't getting OFMD s3, they're sticking it to the man, David Zaslav for stealing our Love, OUR JOY!
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#FireDavidZaslav has trended two days in a row, and he's certainly getting some nasty press.
@screenjunkies made a call out to what a horrific job David Zaslav has been doing! Visit Honest Trailers | The Year 2023:
= Dont Stream On Max =
Are you still interested in causing Max some grief? There's a discord server where several fans are getting together to notify each other and make plans on how to polite menace max. Please reach out if you'd like a link!
= MaxMadness =
So today, Max thought it would be fun to post a really shitty bracket for shows and movies on their platform. They were pitching things like Citizen Kane to eventually be up against Shark Week. If you'd like to see the dumpster fire, feel free to visit their Twitter or Instagram.
Our crew-mate @iamadequate1 decided to make a Max Fan Favorites of our own! This time with cancelled shows! You can vote on this thread below on Twitter!
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== SchadenFreude ==
WB is still having a rough time.
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== Articles ==
Why is Wall Street Unimpressed with WBD Streaming Profits? Password-Sharing Crackdown Next in Zaslav’s Plans
== Watch Party Reminders ==
= Wrecked =
Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST. Watch two episodes per day. Episodes are 21-22 minutes each. Use the following Saturday for the tags/watch if interested but not able to make this time.
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= Mar 15: Lube As A Crew =
Our dear friends over at @astroglideofficial are hosting one last Lube As A Crew, with all of Season 2 in one go! Starts Friday March 15th 12 pm Noon PST ( 4pm EST, 8 pm GMT)
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Mar 17: Pirate Radio/The Boat That Rocked Watch Party! 
Sunday the 17th of March at 7:30pm GMT / 3:30 pm EST / 1:30 pm CST  Hosted & Graphics by @Tillychmo
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Watch Party Hashtags:
== Calendar Reminder ==
Tomorrow is #TheoryThursday! Our crew deserve a happy ending. Let’s give them one! Post and tag us with your favorite fics or art that have happy/feel good endings. They can be your own!
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== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies! How are you holding up today? Are things any easier this week? If not, that's okay. It's okay to still not be ok.
It's already hump day, and here we are, still kicking. I feel like I've been having lots of ups and downs. Distracting myself with silly things that make me laugh help a lot. Talking with you all on the crew really helps too.
What makes you laugh? Is it puns? Or goofy pictures? Is it unhinged comments, or maybe schadenfreude?
Whatever it is that makes you laugh-- please laugh today. Turn on a special (there's plenty of Rhys Darby specials on youtube or prime video). If that's not your speed, and you want to reach a goofy fic, look up something on ao3 with the weirdest tag you can think of.
Laughter can make us feel so much more alive when we're feeling down, and I hope you get some today.
Remember that you deserve to laugh, and enjoy life. Life will continue to get better, and even when it has ups and downs, you can always laugh, and there will always be bits of joy in the world. You all are my joy. Every day I get by with witnessing all the wonders this crew accomplishes.
You're awesome, and you're kicking ass <3, and you deserve the best. Night Crew. Sending hugs and love.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's lovely gifs feature... more hand action! Darby is courtesy of @jodegg! Taika is courtesy of @ofmd-ann!
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hereticpriest · 1 month
Fandom: Rush
Rating: Explicit
Relationship: Niki Lauda x reader
Warnings: Some time period typical misogyny, heavy flirting, rough sex, semi-public handjob, road head, semi-public blowjob, oral (m and f receiving), deep-throating, face-fucking, vaginal fingering, soft femdom, soft bondage, switch Niki, switch reader, cum-eating, cum as lube, use of protection (condoms, birth control pills), lack of protection, pull-out method, possessive Niki, enthusiastic consent, consensual somnophilia, consensual free use, woman on top, mating press, breeding kink resulting in pregnancy.
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Only a favour could ever get you onto one of these hellspawn racetracks. Only Tony fucking Olsworth, your oldest friend in the world, your biggest mentor, and the man who first helped you sell your photographs to some of the most prestigious newspapers across the world could get you to the Argentina Grand Prix. He was the first person to ever see you for who you were and what you could do, and believe in the success of both. Talent recognizes talent, afterall. Tony saw you, saw how good your eye was, and helped you get to where you were today. So, of course, when he broke his arm and bruised a couple of ribs in an accident and couldn’t fulfil a contract for photographs of the first Formula One race of the 1975 season, he knew exactly who to call. The only person in the world he would trust to take over for him, despite never having done any photography for driving.
You were fresh off of taking some award-winning photos for the MLB World Series in October, followed by a month of chasing insane assholes around the world while they did nonsense like free-climbing and hang gliding. Despite not being your usual niche, National Geographic paid quite a bit for the photographs along with your colleague Miguel Amalia’s multi-page spread article. You’d been hoping for a bit of a break before the start of the new year - plenty of sports took place in the early half of the year, and you had plans to be at the best of the best. You were going to go to the spa, pamper yourself, maybe even go to a few galleries.
Until Tony.
“Look at you, doll! You look wonderful. Not at all like you’ve been scrambling up mountains god knows where and camping in the wilderness. And look at you now, in beautiful Argentina, at the start of the season of the best sport in the world!” The older man cheers at the sight of you, champagne in one hand, the other in a cast from wrist to shoulder. You don’t know how he could possibly be so happy considering his broken arm and bruised ribs, but Tony’s always been a strange one. Despite not having to be here, and having you as his official replacement, he still showed up, his white-blond hair perfectly coiffed back to show off a round, cheerful face. The crows feet around his hazel eyes wrinkle further as he offers you a pearly-white, toothy smile, and you can’t help but smile at his jolly face. He’s here both to show you around, and because he hadn’t missed a Formula One race in years. He was a fan as well as a photographer.
“You’re delusional, Tony, honey, you must be getting sunstroke. There are far more entertaining sports out there where two people don’t die per season.” You retort, walking with him as he leads you through the facility and explains the different teams to you. He’s dressed for the warm weather in a salmon shirt and khaki shorts, the material breezy and loose for good air flow. You’re only half listening if you’re being perfectly honest, distracted by the sights of drivers and mechanics scurrying around cars. If nothing else, the colours will pop well in photographs.
“I want you to see the qualifying races so you can understand some of this a little better, and get the timing down. It’s a good time to get to know the drivers as well. Brabham are the ones to watch this year, you just wait and see.” Tony explains, and you hum noncommittally, “Carlos Reutemann and Carlos Pace. Argentina and Brazil respectively. This is Reutemann’s home Grand Prix.”
You nod along with Tony, looking at the drivers he points out, until he gets called away by a reporter he knows for a quick chat. He tries to bring you along, but you excuse yourself from the conversation, wandering instead. One thing you can say for Formula One in comparison to other sports is that the drivers are very different from other athletes. It’s nice to see some variation for once, though you notice throughout the drivers themselves a somewhat similar aesthetic cropping up. From a distance, you notice a dark blond, delightfully curly-haired man in a red racing suit with rather striking features. Eyes a piercing blue, a fairly obvious overbite that pushes his upper lip out in an endearing manner and makes his chin look somewhat weak in comparison, and gorgeous facial structure. Statuesque, almost, like he should’ve been sculpted from marble. He’s thin, and not particularly tall as is typical of drivers, but he looks almost soft in a way that appeals to you.
Not stereotypically pretty, certainly, but interesting. And isn’t that what you crave most of all? Some small spark in this drab, grey world of people who all seem to always try and look exactly alike? Isn’t that why you refused to go into advertising photography despite the good pay and the many offers you received? So many people nip and tuck away their unique features that would make them interesting. Crooked teeth or gaps, freckles and moles, big or crooked noses, strong brows, weak chins, sallow cheeks, belly fat or loose skin. All of it is so much more compelling than symmetry or median appearances. You loathe being bored, and frankly, you find a certain boringness in attractiveness. That’s why you let your passion (and fear, frankly) drag you up the sides of mountains, to countless countries all across the world, even in the worst weather imaginable. That’s why despite disliking extreme sports, you still accept contracts to photograph them, accepting the risk to both the athletes and yourself. You’re only human, and a selfish one at that.
Your camera is in your hands before you even notice what you’re doing, and you steady yourself carefully, adjusting your settings to account for the bright day and distance. The man, whoever he is, pushes his hair out of his eyes as he examines his car, and you grin as you get a rather lovely shot of him laughing at something a nearby mechanic says to him. He turns slightly and you notice his suit is undone to the waist, exposing his lovely tummy and a delicious amount of body hair that you can’t help but snap a photo of. You’re completely in the zone, oblivious to the world around you when Tony steps up beside you.
“Ahh, I see you’ve met our King Rat.” Your mentor hums pleasantly, and you blink, lowering the camera so you can peer at him in stunned confusion.
“The who?” You ask, figuring you’ve misheard him. Tony raises his eyebrows at you like he thinks you might be a bit daft, then gestures with his champagne glass widely towards the man you’ve instinctively locked in on.
“Niki Lauda, darling. He’s a driver for Ferrari, with Clay Regazzoni as his teammate. The dark-haired chap with the ‘stache. They call Lauda the Austrian Rat.” Tony explains, then gestures towards his mouth with a grimace, “You know, his unfortunate… well, overbite situation.”
Your head tilts, and you stare blankly at your oldest friend for several moments before looking around you at the rest of the people at the Grand Prix. Press, drivers, officials, mechanics and countless other people involved in making Formula One run smoothly. Countless people who must be intelligent to be able to keep this all running with minimal hiccups.
“All of them? Call him this?” You clarify, and Tony must register your shock for he clears his throat a little and looks mildly ashamed of himself.
“Well, yes, it’s not a very kind nickname but it is extremely common… unfortunately, of course. Poor chap probably doesn’t deserve it, even if he is known to be a bit of an asshole.”
You look around again, then lift your camera to peer at who you now know to be Niki Lauda, finding him frowning at a man in a similarly vibrant red racing suit to his. Clay Regazzoni, then, you put together the obvious context clues - the man certainly has a well-groomed moustache. Even with an unimpressed look on his face, Lauda is still striking, and you snap another photo of him leaning into the seat of the car to examine something before looking at Tony again.
“Is everyone in this horrid sport brainless? I’ve met more intelligent boxers, and they get punched in the face for a living.” You muse, and Tony laughs into his champagne, spluttering as he chokes on it.
“I think the point is for them to not get punched in the head, my dear.” He corrects you, and you roll your eyes. As you go back to your camera, Tony observes you, finishing off his glass, “Are you intending on taking photos of anyone other than the rat today?”
You scoff, taking a picture of the two Ferrari drivers together talking over their cars, gesturing somewhat animatedly, “Certainly, the moment one of them does anything even remotely interesting.”
Tony peers around the garages as if looking for something to contradict your blatant disinterest with, then follows your gaze.
“So, Niki Lauda standing still, talking to his teammate while gazing wistfully at his car is more interesting than any of the other drivers who might be doing the same thing?” Tony asks, and you can tell that he’s trying to make a point, but you’re not really interested in hearing him out when you know what he’s going to say.
“He’s actually compelling to look at, so yes.” You retort, and Tony exhales a laugh, fondness and amusement mixing with his annoyance to soften it nearly entirely.
“Alright, darling, take some photos of the other teams so you have at least something to sell that isn’t a photo of Lauda. Take some pictures of the Brabham team, maybe that handsome young Hunt chap that everyone is so riled up about, and then you can go back to stalking the Ferrari garage. At least you’ve found something to keep your interest in the races - I was a little nervous I might have to bribe you into paying attention.”
It’s good advice, and you know you’re meant to be taking photos for Tony, but it takes genuine effort to rip your gaze away from the Austrian driver. Tony leads you towards the Brabham area, and you obediently take several good photos of both Pace and Reutemann. Tony even takes the time to introduce you to them, and you pretend to listen while they discuss Tony’s injury. They’re nice enough, though you can blatantly tell that they’re only indulging you because you’re a woman.
This is a trend that repeats several times. Tony leads you from garage to garage, and most of the drivers are either nice enough to pose for photos, let you take candids, or tell you to stay out of their way. You’re not offended by the brusqueness. They’re preparing for a Grand Prix qualifier. Tony might not mind bothering the drivers while they’re obviously busy, but he has a relationship with most of these men. He’s known them for years.
As you meander your way through, Tony tells you which drivers will likely hit on you, preparing you so you’re not shocked. He even indicates a couple he doesn’t recommend being alone with for any length of time, though he tells you that’s for your comfort and not because he truly believes you’d be in any real danger. You’re pleased to find neither Ferrari driver on either of those lists.The Hesketh garage is abuzz as you approach it, and you raise an eyebrow sceptically at Tony, who leans in to your ear.
“James Hunt is the driver they’re all interested in. He has a lively fanbase, with a high female audience. Handsome, charming… Tall, even, for Formula One.” Tony muses, and you spot the blond in question. He’s stereotypically handsome, certainly. Blue eyes, long blond shaggy hair that looks well-maintained and soft, and enough muscle that he probably looks a little funny getting into one of those tiny Formula One cars paired with his height. His smile is wide and suave revealing nice, white teeth. Tony hasn’t met Hunt yet, but he leads you through the crowd and introduces you to a couple of mechanics he knows. Eventually, James catches your eye, and his smile reaches his eyes as he marches over. He greets Tony in a friendly way, clearly knowing him by reputation even if they haven’t met, a hand clapped gently on his cast. He expresses seemingly sincere regrets that Tony won’t be able to take photos of the race, but Tony reminds him that that simply means he gets to relax and enjoy it while you do all the work, directing the blond’s attention towards you.
“And who might this be?” Hunt asks, holding out his hand for you. When you take it to give him a handshake, he rotates it to kiss the back of your hand, and you snort.
“This work for you often, Mr. Hunt?” You ask, gently pulling your hand free and introducing yourself. He doesn’t seem put off by your dismissal of his attentions. If anything, he takes it in stride, immediately taking the clear no and getting back to business. He’s an agreeable man, letting you take all the photos you want, though you notice he struggles with letting you take candids. His awareness of the camera is almost preternatural, and you have to be particularly careful about staying out of his eyeline to get anything you’re particularly happy with. It’s a common issue - if people know you’re taking photos, they want to look their best. You don’t blame him.
Finally, Tony leads you back towards the Ferrari garage, and you sigh with relief that you won’t be wasting your entire roll of film. He keeps walking, though, closer and closer until you’re just outside of the barriers. You freeze up, snapping at Tony that you don’t want to meet this team, but he grins widely at you, his hand like a vice around your wrist.
“Come along, darling, don’t be impolite.” He teases, and you barely refrain from hissing at him like a child.
“Clay, my friend! I’ve come to wish you good luck, and introduce you to my colleague.” Tony says loudly as he approaches, and you barely wiggle your hand free before the moustached driver walks over with a friendly smile. He hugs Tony, slapping him on the back gently, then holding his cast.
“What is this? I was hoping the news about your accident was wrong.”
“I know, I know, a tragedy. I won’t be able to make you look good for once. Luckily, I brought along a dear friend who will hopefully do you justice.” Tony gestures to you, and you hold out your hand to Clay as you introduce yourself. He doesn’t try to kiss your knuckles, though you see the instinct flash in his eyes before he thinks better of it. You like him more just for that.
“A pleasure to meet you. I look best from the left, remember that.” Clay teases, and you can’t help but laugh. He’s pretty charming, in a different way than Hunt was, “Have you met Niki yet? Niki! Come socialise, it’s good for you.”
You stiffen at Tony’s side. You always hate meeting your muses for the first time, hesitant to have their allure ruined the minute they open their mouth. The Austrian driver steps out of the garage, a bottle of water in hand which he drinks from as he approaches. He looks as hesitant to meet you as you are to meet him. A certain shyness takes him over, and you examine him curiously, since he didn’t seem to have any issues with his teammate or mechanics earlier. Tony reaches out to greet Niki and introduces himself, then claps you on the back and pushes you forwards.
“My friend here will be subbing in for me, taking pictures of the race so that I don’t get a slap on the wrist. This is her first Formula One race, but she’s an accomplished sports photographer, so I think she’ll manage just fine.” Tony gives your shoulder a little shake, and you hold out your hand to Niki, who seems to hesitate for a moment before he takes your hand to brush his lips across your knuckles with the tiniest hint of a bow. Your cheeks are on fire, and you hope it isn’t obvious - you are a grown adult woman and you are not going to get flustered over a driver. And if you do, you’re going to hide it as best as you can. You freeze in place, not pulling your hand away until he drops it, and you squeeze your thighs together in a way you hope isn’t too obvious.
“A pleasure.” Niki says, and his accent is thick like molasses, sending a shiver up your spine. You smile at him, introducing yourself and trying not to wilt under Clay’s intense, almost knowing scrutiny. This is why you hate meeting your muses - you always feel so self-conscious, as if every act is under scrutiny. It doesn’t help that you’re actually attracted to this muse. Normally, it’s a platonic appreciation for someone’s form or the way they move, but Niki Lauda was a case of his own and you had to admit it, at least to yourself.
You wonder briefly if he has a girlfriend, and if he’s one of those athletes that tends to plough their way through their fans. You don’t notice a ring, but you know that that doesn’t mean anything in sports - rings interfere in many sports, and plenty of athletes don’t wear them even if they’re happily engaged in a committed monogamous marriage. You’d ask Tony, but you’re sure he’d make you regret it. 
“Not to worry, Niki, she won’t be hounding you for candids. I think she’s already got nearly a whole film roll of them by now.” Tony muses, and your eyes go wide as saucers while Niki simply looks confused.
“Tony.” You say warningly, but he ignores you.
“Perhaps she’ll spare a bit of her film for the other drivers.” He teases you, nudging your arm, and you grab Tony by his ear, earning a yelp from him.
“Excuse me, please.” You mutter to Clay and Niki, dragging Tony only a few feet away before giving him a gentle smack to his good arm.
“You’re going to make him think you’re making fun of him, not making fun of me, Tony. It’s rude. I can take a good ribbing, but you will NOT make other people uncomfortable to embarrass me, are we clear? Or I will walk off this track and you can find someone else to take these race photos for you. Am I understood?” You scold him, finger jabbing into his chest, and he looks suitably apologetic.
“I didn’t think of it like that.” Tony admits, and you jab him one more time.
“Of course you didn’t. Tease me all you like, but don’t involve other people in it. All you lot call him a rat - he doesn’t know that I think you’re all a bunch of idiots. He probably thinks I was making fun of him as well.” You put your hands on your hips, huffing at Tony while he apologises. You walk back over to the barrier, offering Niki what you hope is a sincere and reassuring smile.
“You’ll do well in your race. I won’t say good luck, since you don’t need it.” You inform him, then grin cheekily and wink at Clay.
“Good luck.” You tease as you wave at them and start to walk away, “Bye boys. Enjoy your race thing.”
Tony apologises to Niki once you’re out of earshot, and Clay grins widely at his teammate, nudging him a couple of times, seemingly thrilled with this new development. 
“You’ve got an admirer.” Clay informs him, and Niki scoffs, watching you walk away. He observes in silence as you crouch, snapping a couple of photos of another driver before he finally tears his gaze away. Clay claps him on the back and turns to Tony.
“So, she was taking pictures of Niki?” Clay presses, and Tony glances at you as if to make sure you’re far enough away before he agrees.
“She likes people with interesting features. She finds a lot of people… well, boring, I suppose. She told me once that I’d look boring too if my cheeks weren’t so round.” Tony admits, and Clay snorts, “when we got here, she took notice of Mr. Lauda over here. I’ll admit, she doesn’t usually like meeting people she finds interesting like that, so I brought her over here to tease her a little.”
Niki looks away from Tony, watching you as you walk towards the press area, pausing briefly to snap a couple of photos of seemingly random things. He’s soon knocked out of his thoughts by Clay bumping him on the arm as Tony departs, and he says a quick goodbye before heading into the garage to get his head in the game.
The walk back towards the press ring is long, and you stop several times to take photos along the way, several of which you think might just earn you a pretty penny. You crouch to take a photo of a neighbouring driver from below, highlighting him against the sun in a way that you think could be beautiful. Thank god you wore bell bottoms today instead of a skirt - you’d never be able to get these kinds of shots without flashing someone.
Tony rejoins you soon enough, a little subdued, though he snaps out of it when you tell him you’re actually kind of enjoying yourself. He promises that by the end of the first Grand Prix, you’ll be hooked, and begging him to take you along for the rest of the season. You remind him that you have a strict ‘no begging’ policy, and that you’d just get your own contract if you really wanted to stick around. Tony isn’t bothered, of course, just thrilled to have you interested in his favourite sport. He gives you earplugs, and you both watch the qualifiers, with Tony pointing out tips and tricks for getting good photos. He doesn’t even tease you when it becomes clear that your best ones are of Lauda, though you know it isn’t the last you’ve heard on that matter.
With the qualifiers finished and pole position set, you depart from the track with Tony and head for the dark room you’ve rented space in near your hotel. You spend a good few hours there, but by the end of it, you’ve got several pieces you just know are going to make you a hell of a lot of money, aside from just what you’re getting from Tony. You secure your film and developed photographs, and spend the rest of your evening on the phone with a couple of your contacts, selling your photographs and earning yourself a paid trip around the world following the Formula One races.
You send off several photos to a couple of publications via express mail early the next morning on your way to the track, though your spirits are dampened by the fact that Tony left a message at the front desk for you - he’s sick, and he won’t be able to come to the race today. You have no goddamn clue how you’ll find your way around despite being there just yesterday, but you suck it up, putting on a rather lovely cream button-up shirt dress with a belted waist, suitable heels that you can walk in, and over-sized sunglasses.
You’re early to the track simply because you had to leave so early to get your mail out, and plenty of the drivers aren’t there yet. You slip out of the taxi and, admittedly, meander around for a little while trying to refamiliarize yourself. The track is busier today, even this early, and you find yourself just a little lost without Tony there to guide you. Maybe you should’ve paid more attention when he was showing you around yesterday, but how were you supposed to know he was going to get sick? The man HATED missing even a single race.
You nearly jump out of your skin as a loud, familiar voice calls out to you, accent thick and instantly recognizable. You freeze like a child caught with their hand in a cookie jar despite knowing full well that you’re allowed to be here, and you swear you hear the faintest chuckle from the Austrian driver. And they called him ‘cold and serious’ in the articles you read about his unique start in Formula One last season. 
“Hello Niki.” You hum as you turn to face him, pushing your sunglasses up to rest on top of your head. He’s dressed in a short sleeve button-up shirt the same colour as his eyes, and jeans that you struggle to hide your appreciation for. It’s a simple outfit, but something about seeing him out of his racing suit is attractive. His pretty dark blond hair is pushed back out of his face, curls thankfully not brushed out, and he looks hesitant to be approaching you. You almost wish you kept the sunglasses on so you could eye him up without it being so obvious.
“You’re lost.” He accuses, and you laugh, shrugging your shoulders sheepishly.
“Is it that obvious?”
“Yes. You’ve been walking around aimlessly.” Niki retorts, and you snicker at his bluntness, stepping closer to him with a warm smile.
“Help a girl out? I wasn’t paying much attention to Tony’s tour yesterday, and I can’t remember where I’m supposed to be.” You offer the driver your best doe eyes, and it only takes him a moment of consideration before he closes the distance between you and offers you his arm. It’s a dash old-fashioned, but you let him play the gentleman, gripping his bicep in your hand and pressing into his side. He leads you towards the track at an even pace, casual and unhurried, and you admittedly find yourself appreciating his gentlemanly behaviour as you hold his elbow and his bicep presses against your breasts.
“Clay told me that you’re helping the man from yesterday. That you don’t normally take photos for Formula One.” Niki comments, and you agree quietly, “You don’t enjoy the sport.”
You laugh, pleasantly surprised by his straightforwardness and unable to help the fondness bubbling in your gut. You don’t try to lie to him to save face. You wish more people would just say what they meant.
“No, I don’t. You risk your lives for very little reward. Frankly, I think it’s unnecessary, and I prefer sports where I don’t have to be terrified that I’m going to watch someone I’ve taken pictures of die in a horrific accident.” You reply honestly, “however, I’ve been taking photos of more extreme sports lately, and while I still think it’s stupid, I have taken some very beautiful pictures. So perhaps it is not all bad.”
Niki is quiet for a moment, and a quick glance tells you he’s thinking about what you said rather than ignoring you. His arm flexes under your hand, and you give him a gentle squeeze, instinctively trying for soothing.
“There is a limit to the risk I accept. But what would life be like if we only did what was necessary?” Niki asks, and you hum thoughtfully, considering that as you walk with him. You examine his face from the side, trusting him implicitly not to lead you astray, and wish you could get your camera out and snap a photo of him from your current angle. It’s a very nice view. From this perspective, you wonder how anyone could ever call him a rat.
“Boring.” You decide, and you see a hint of a smile tug at his lips, a flash of white teeth peeking out. You grin, proud of the reaction you’ve earned yourself, and finally tune into your surroundings only to find yourself approaching the Ferrari garage, “Niki, dear, have you kidnapped me without me even realising?”
The Austrian driver cracks another smile at that, shaking his head as he leads you into the garage, not bothering to answer your teasing. Several mechanics look up at you with a hint of impressed confusion before getting back to their work, and Niki pulls out a chair for you, so you finally release his arm. You put your camera bags on the table to get them out of your way, then sit at the table with a wide smile.
“You’re early for the race. If you would rather wait out with the press and get a sunburn, go ahead.”
“Well, aren’t you thoughtful?” You coo, and he doesn’t answer you, looking hesitant once again. You dig through your bag, pulling out a stiff manila envelope filled with cardboard backing to protect its contents from bending, and hand it to the driver, “One of my favourite photos from yesterday. I hoped you might like it.”
Niki looks at the envelope but doesn’t open it, and you smile at his obvious shyness.
“I’m sure you’ve got to go get changed, right? I’ll wait right here. And I won’t snoop or anything. Your boys will keep me honest, won’t you, boys?” You ask the mechanics, one of whom laughs and mutters something under his breath that you’re sure isn’t appropriate, though it doesn’t sound malicious. You let it be, certain you’ve heard worse, and Niki looks hesitant to leave you alone but eventually begins to back away.
“I won’t be long.” He promises, and you smile pleasantly, waggling your fingers at him. Some of the mechanics keep looking at you, but you keep your pleasant expression, sitting pretty as you wait. You know that teams can be pretty tight-lipped about their secrets, so you keep to yourself to avoid the semblance of being nosy or trying to find a story. You’re not a journalist anyways, you’re a photographer. You don’t really care about their trade secrets.
“Well, well, well, look at who I’ve found.”
You turn in your seat to grin at James Hunt as he enters the Ferrari garage, nodding to the mechanics, then looking around quickly as if searching for his friend and rival.
“Hello James. Niki’s just getting changed.” You inform him, getting up to shake his hand, pleased when he doesn’t try to kiss it again.
“Ahh, he is, is he? Did he give you a ride this morning?” James asks, and you laugh as you sit back down, unable to help yourself despite the very obvious and rude implication. He’s cheeky, but he’s charming enough to get away with it. You’re not offended, anyways - you’d happily spend a night in Lauda’s bed if he invited you.
“No, James, I took a taxi from my hotel. I was far too busy in the darkroom developing my photos last night to be entertaining Mr. Lauda. Not that it’s any of your business, you nosy twat. Anyways, I’m sure you both left the track at around the same time, so you know I didn’t leave with him.” You retort, and Hunt snickers, giving you a pat on the shoulder.
“I know. I was just messing with you. I wanted to see if you’d get angry.” He admits, pulling a chair over and sitting on it backwards, his arms crossed on the back of it, “So, why’re you in the Ferrari garage?”
You grin sheepishly.
“Niki rescued me from my own lack of directional skills.” You reply, and at Hunt’s raised eyebrow, you continue, “I got lost, and he stumbled upon me and took pity.”
An understanding hum escapes Hunt, and he rubs the lower half of his face as he considers your excuse. He murmurs to himself, almost like he’s lost in thought, “Right… he did, did he?”
You raise an eyebrow at the shaggy blond, “Not common for him to help out a lady in need?”
James shakes his head immediately, waving a hand as if to swipe that thought away.
“No, no, Niki’s a good man, and a gentleman with the ladies. It’s just a little peculiar for him to bring someone into the garage with him.”
“He told me I could go wait in the press area and get sunburnt instead.” You remark, and Hunt laughs.
“So, I assume you’re cheering on the rat, then? I won’t hear your lovely voice shouting my name from the stands?” He teases playfully, and you roll your eyes.
“I’m a very professional photographer, thank you very much, sir. I will be taking photos of as many drivers as I can, and I will be very happy for anyone who wins,” You retort, and James raises an eyebrow with a wide grin, sensing there’s more to come, “however, if my camera malfunctions and they happen to look a bit drab in their photos, it certainly won’t be because they beat Niki and I’m a bit of a vindictive bitch.”
You giggle as James gives a loud, brash laugh, pleasantly surprised. You lean forwards a little in your seat, and Hunt looks away from you briefly before grinning brighter. God, he’s like the sun, it’s almost unnerving.
“So, what is it about the rat that’s got your knickers in a twist?” He asks, and you raise an eyebrow at him with a disbelieving snort.
“First, that’s wholly inappropriate talk in the presence of a lady, so go fuck yourself, darling. Second, why is everyone so goddamned surprised? He’s handsome, whether you blind idiots can see it or not. Far less boring to look at than you lot.” You retort, and James touches his heart and gives a pouty hiss as if wounded, “His facial structure is lovely - high, strong cheekbones, a well-defined jawline, wonderful little nose, and yes, an overbite. I find it quite endearing, frankly. He has nice lips, and his eyes are beautiful. I like his curls. And his arm felt sturdy and supportive under mine when he guided me here.”
James listens, a hint of softness in his eyes as you go on about his close friend and rival, though his ulterior motive is exposed when Niki steps fully into the room and sets a bottle of water on the table beside you. You nearly jump out of your skin, and your brows pull together as you connect the dots, then turn a scowl on James. He puts his hands up, then smiles at Niki.
“I just came to check in. Looks like you’re doing fine. I’ll see you on the track.”
And then he’s gone, leaving you alone with the man who most certainly just overheard you complimenting him quite liberally. Normally, you like to think you’ve got quite a strong backbone. You don’t get embarrassed easily. You’re fairly self-confident, and you can stand up for yourself. 
Not today.
“I should go to the press area if I want to get a good spot.” You practically squeak, and Niki raises an eyebrow at you. He opens his mouth to speak, but you’re already moving, shouldering your camera bags and pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before he can get a word out.
“I won’t say good luck, since you don’t need it. See you later.” You shout over your shoulder as you practically dart from the garage, your cheeks on fire as you flee. You think you vaguely hear Niki shout something behind you, but you’re already too far to make it out, and you’re too embarrassed to stop or go back. You reach the press area and get set up, talking with a few of the reporters and photographers you know. Taking the cues Tony had given you, you take some pretty fantastic pictures of the race, including one of Niki during a pitstop, Hunt finishing the race in a spectacular second place, and Niki finishing in fourth. You take photos of the winners, deftly avoiding the spray of champagne, and fleeing to the parking lot to consider how you’re going to get home.
Part of you considers waiting for Niki and asking if you can get a ride back to your hotel with him, but the other part of you that’s still a little embarrassed and very unsure about how the Austrian man might react to your fawning holds you back, and you end up calling a taxi. Your plane ride home is a redeye, and you make it from the hotel to the airport just in time to make your flight. You’ve got just under two weeks until you have to go to the Brazil Grand Prix, and you know you’ll be busy, so you don’t stick around in Argentina for any of the afterparties despite being happy enough to live that kind of party life when it’s called for.
Your next two weeks are a whirlwind. You sell even more of your photographs from Formula One than you originally expected, and you reconsider your distaste for the sport even further as the money rolls in. An entire candid series of your photos gets purchased by a popular racing magazine to show the behind the scenes of the Argentina Grand Prix, and you’re proud to see your work highlighted on the glossy pages.
A friend of yours calls on your third day home in an absolute panic, as a model dropped out of his reshoots for a perfume campaign ad that has been bogged down with nothing but problems. He’s way over his original deadline, and desperate to get this done before the publishing date of the ad campaign. You’ve modelled before - you feature heavily in the portfolios of several friends you came up in the industry with - and you have no problem subbing in despite a lack of interest in consistent modelling work. Nudity doesn’t bother you either. You do life modelling at the local art school by your house several times a semester, having become good friends with the director of the school shortly after moving to the area.
Just under two weeks later, you board a flight to Brazil with a copy of the magazine in which your photo is printed in hand, and you can’t help but cringe just a little at the sight of yourself. Thankfully, you don’t advertise your modelling, so most people you know won’t ever see it. You’re draped upside-down over a chaise lounge, oiled legs over the back of the sofa and crossed elegantly, an arm around your breasts as perfume drips onto your bare chest and rolls up your neck. You’re dressed in only pearls and a pair of heels that are hanging from your feet like you might kick them off at any second. Your head is hung over the edge of the seat of the chaise, perfume dripping up the line of your throat, and the bottle features prominently beside you. The only thing that hides your cunt from view is a small strip of silk fabric draped around your hip and between your legs. It’s a beautiful photo. Minimal retouching, stunning composition, and the black and white photo looks far more elegant than it might have in colour. You’re proud enough of it, and you have a folder of some of the rejected shots as further payment for your troubles.
You arrive in Sao Paulo midday on Friday and make contact with the owner of a darkroom, then head off to your hotel. Tony rings you up no more than two hours after you arrive to coax you into getting dinner with him, and he presses about how the rest of the last Grand Prix went, bragging about how many of your photos he’s seen in the last few days. Tony promises to drive you to the track in the morning, and comments that many of the drivers are staying in the same hotel as you both are. He tries to encourage you to get a drink with him, but you insist on heading back to your hotel room to get some decent sleep.
On Saturday, you dress in a peach crochet crop top and high-waisted denim shorts that you have to admit make your ass look fantastic. You’re far from the only person to be dressed for the weather when you arrive - it’s atrociously hot, and Tony insists on bringing a parasol that you can’t help but tease him for. You opt to slather on sunscreen and bring a bottle to reapply later, along with water so you don’t dehydrate. Once again, Tony walks you through the garages as he says hello to drivers, spending extra time with some of his friends while you take countless photos and, admittedly, eye the Ferrari garage. You nearly jump out of your skin when a loud, British voice calls out to you moments before an arm is clapped around your shoulders.
“Hello darling.” Hunt croons, pecking your temple pleasantly, and you smile up at him.
“Hello James.”
“I think you’re more fond of me than you’d like to admit. I saw the photos you took of me winning second. You didn’t make me look drab at all.” The large blond teases, and you shrug.
“Ah, well, I’ll try harder next time.” You retort, and he laughs as he uses his grip on your shoulders to turn you around with him away from Tony. He’s dressed in a pair of jeans, brown sandals, and a thin grey t-shirt, but you don’t imagine that will last long. It’s too hot for it. You’re surprised more of the drivers aren’t shirtless already.
“Now, I need something from you.” James insists almost gravely, and you raise an eyebrow as you peer up at him.
“That’s disconcerting. I promise you nothing.”
“Oh, it’s nothing much, love. Just an autograph.” James insists, pulling a familiar magazine out of his pocket and flipping it open to your photo. You wonder if he expects you to be ashamed, or embarrassed. He’s grinning widely, holding out a marker to you, and you take it blithely. Using your teeth to remove the cap, you sign your photo directly across your barely covered tits, then hand it back to him.
“Enjoy. Try not to make the pages stick together or it’ll lose all its value.” You hum crudely, and James laughs so loud you just know everyone must be looking at you. You snap a photo of him braying like a donkey, and he waves you away, his bright grin showing he isn’t actually upset. He flees with his prize, promising to see you later, and Tony leads you closer and closer to the Ferrari garage while you desperately try not to panic. Clay meets you outside, a friendly grin on his face as he greets you both. He compliments several of your photos, including one of him that he informs you his wife is particularly fond of. You promise to have a proper print made for her and take his information so you can mail it, promising to think about attending one of the afterparties for the Grand Prix. You laugh at the lack of subtlety as Clay pushes you to go into the garage while he chats with Tony, but you obey his silent command, finally feeling capable of looking Niki in the eye. You’re slightly less so when you spot a copy of the dreaded magazine on one of the toolboxes.
Niki looks up at you as you enter the garage, and you’re pleased to see that he looks at least somewhat happy to see you. Sure, he’s blushing a little, but you assume that’s because of the magazine and you’re frankly not upset about him getting a peek at you naked, and perhaps wanting another. You waggle your fingers at him, and he nods in return, stepping closer to you. He’s already in his racing suit, though it’s tugged down to his waist, and you take in the sight of his naked chest shamelessly.
“Nice to see you, Niki.” You greet him, putting your hands into your back pockets and offering him a wide smile.
“I did not know if you would show up to another Grand Prix.” He comments, and you shrug, taking a step closer to him.
“Turns out I like racing more than I thought I would. I ended up getting a contract for the rest of the season, so, I guess you’ll have to get used to seeing me around.”
“There are worse things.” Niki replies with a wry, playful smile, and you laugh, “The photo you gave me. It was decent.”
You can’t help but snort, bumping your fist against his bicep gently, “I’m glad you liked it. I’m sure I’ll get more good ones today. Have you put sunscreen on yet, by the way? The sun is harsh today.”
“I forgot mine at the hotel.” Niki admits, and you grab the strap of your bag, wiggling it, then setting your bags on a nearby table since they’re heavy enough that you don’t feel like lugging them around.
“I brought some. I’ll share, since you were kind enough to show me around.” You offer, and Niki nods as he steps closer to you. You pull out the bottle and offer it to him, but he doesn’t take it, and you look at him for a moment as a hint of a cheeky smile tugs at his lips. You let out a breathy laugh, pleasantly surprised, and you pop the cap to squirt some of the sunscreen into your hand then give it to Niki to hold so you can use both of your hands. Niki offers you his arm, and you take your time rubbing it into his skin until the white cast fades. You’re thorough as you make your way up first one arm, and then the other. He lets out a quiet sigh as you rub the thick cream into his chest, and you offer him a faint smile, a knowing look on your face.
You can feel the slight shift in the air. The way Niki leans into your hands, his gaze fixed on you the entire time. The way your heart has begun to pound in your chest, and you can feel Niki’s heartbeat against your palms. You wet your lips as you rub your hands over his shoulders, then carefully turn him around so you can get his back. You’re gentle but indulgent here, letting him enjoy the massage you’ve turned this into, and he lets out a quiet grunt as you work out a knot in his shoulder blade. Once he’s thoroughly protected, you turn him around again, carefully applying sunscreen to his neck and ears, then up over his chin and jaw. He watches you as you cup his face and gently rub some of the thick cream into his cheeks, sweeping over his nose, and up his temples to his forehead.
His stare is intense as you swipe your thumb across his lips, but you’re quick to return your hands to his chest. You apply a layer of sunscreen to his stomach, then examine him to be sure you’ve got him covered, and he finally lifts a hand to squeeze your waist, gentle as can be. The air shifts again, and your eyes go half-lidded, pupils blown. You swallow, throat dry from the spike of heat running through you, and you finally tear your gaze away from him to look around the garage. The door is open, and you can hear Clay and Tony chatting with the mechanics. You wet your lips, placing your hands on Niki’s chest and running your thumbs over his collarbones.
“Hey, Niki? Where do you get changed?” You ask quietly, but your meaning must be clear, since he cracks another grin that sends flutters through your stomach. He slips his arm around you, hand on your lower back as he leads you further into the garage towards the restricted back area where the drivers have their trailers. Niki opens the door for you, then follows you in, and you pull him closer to you the moment the door closes behind him. He raises an eyebrow when you lock it, seemingly surprised, and he cups your cheek tenderly.
“We don’t have time.” He reminds you, hushed, and maybe a twinge regretful. You smile up at him, guiding him to lean against the wall as your hand slips down his stomach and into his racing suit. A ragged gasp leaves his lips, and he bucks instinctively into your hand the moment it wraps around him, already more than half-hard. You give him a couple of gentle strokes through his underwear, then push his underwear down his thighs so you can free his growing erection and wrap your hand around him.
“We don’t have time for more, no. But I guarantee I can take care of you before anyone misses you too much.” You purr against his ear, pressing a gentle kiss to his neck as you begin to stroke him properly. He arches into it a little, letting out an endearing little hum of contentment that makes you smile as he braces his shoulders against the wall behind him. Niki groans as you release him briefly to spit into your hand, and his arm tightens around you, his grip sliding down from your lower back to grab a handful of your ass. He watches you as you play with him, eyes half-lidded and mouth slightly open as he takes little gulps of air, tensing every time you squeeze on your upstroke as you get close to the head. You practically moan as he starts to thrust into your hand, eyes fluttering closed as he leans into it.
“That’s it, honey. Take what you want. M’here just for you.” You whisper against his ear, unable and unwilling to hide the blatant desire in your voice, “I wish we had time. I want to feel you, Niki. I’d be so good to you.”
The Austrian groans, head falling back as his thrusts speed up, fucking into your hand with just a hint of desperation. You can feel him throbbing against you, and you moan softly, dropping your other hand to roll his balls in your palm. A gentle squeeze draws a deeper groan from him, and his hips stutter as he gets closer, so you reluctantly let go of his balls and undo your shorts. He moans softly, sounding almost pained, his pretty blue eyes half-lidded and dark with desire.
“We don’t have time.” He reminds you, voice full of remorse as he squeezes your waist, and you laugh softly as you pull your shorts and underwear down just a little.
“I know, honey, I know. I’m just giving you somewhere to… leave your mark.” You purr, and he groans, pulling you closer to him. He cups your cheek instead of your ass as you stand face to face with him and pull your underwear and shorts out a little, aiming towards your cunt. He lets out a raspy moan of your name as he tips over the edge, hips stuttering as he coats your lower belly, pussy and underwear in cum. Once he’s done, you tuck him back into his racing suit and pull your underwear up to cover the sticky mess he’s made. You wiggle your shorts back up and button them, then pat his chest gently with your clean hand, licking a couple of stray drops of cum from your fingers.
“I won’t say good luck, since you don’t need it.” You murmur, and you’re gone before he can even catch his breath, hooking your arm through Tony’s, “Sorry boys, hate to interrupt, but I’ve got to take Tony here and head over to the press ring.”
Tony follows you, and Clay calls a playful sounding goodbye as he heads into the garage. You spot Hunt making his way in that direction too and snort, almost feeling bad for Niki for the ribbing he’s likely about to get. Until you remember that his cum is dripping down over your cunt, and you won’t be able to get off until the qualifiers are done. Tony asks you about your talk with Niki, waggling his eyebrows suggestively, and you nudge him in the arm with a scoff. He gives you a mildly judgemental look as you duck into a bathroom to wash your hands, but he doesn’t comment, except to remind you that if ever you weren’t happy, you need only tell him and he’d fix it.
Considering Tony’s contacts worldwide, you believe him.
Together, you tuck into the press area, and Tony cheers loudly while you take photos of the drivers getting into their cars. Throughout the qualifiers, you get some fairly good photos, though you pout a little when Jarier gets pole position. With the qualifiers over, Tony pauses to speak with a couple of reporters he knows, and you linger nearby to take photos. You turn to observe the drivers scurrying around their garages, only to freeze as you spot Niki through your viewfinder. He pauses a few steps away from you, hands on his slim hips, and you smile a little at the sight of him all dishevelled from driving. His hair is a little sweaty, curls sticking to his forehead, and you have to bite back a dreamy sigh.
“It has come to my attention that you might want to go to dinner with me.” Niki comments, and you raise an eyebrow at him, biting back a smile.
“Was that a question, honey?” You ask, and Niki’s eyes darken a hint at the nickname you’d only recently whispered in his ear. Unable to help yourself, you let your gaze trail over him, head to toe and then back up, and Niki cracks a smile at your obvious desire.
“Go to dinner with me tonight?” He asks, stepping closer to you, and you shiver as his hand skims over your waist, fitting into the curve like it belongs there.
“Do I have time to go back to my hotel and change? I’m a little sweaty, and I don’t think this outfit is appropriate for dinner.”
“We’re staying at the same hotel. I will come get you when I’m done here. What is your room number?”
You give it to him without hesitation, stepping a little closer to him and watching his gaze trail over you. He leans in closer to you, lips against your ear, and you shiver with delight at the feeling as you grip the front of his racing suit to steady yourself.
“You will not wash me off of you.”
Your thighs clench, and he rubs his thumb into your side gently, almost soothingly as you lean into him a little. You suck your lower lip into your mouth, biting it gently, and Niki pulls it free with his thumb.
“It is shameful that I have not yet kissed you, with what I let you do.” Niki murmurs, and you smile as you reluctantly step away from him, fairly sure that he won’t kiss you here.
“I’m sure you’ll have plenty of chances,” You reply, your voice playful and low to avoid being overheard, “especially if you keep letting me do whatever I like with you.”
Niki lets out a soft laugh, and you can’t help but grin at the fondness in his eyes, “I will pick you up soon. Go. Then, we will see who is doing what they like.”
Two hours later finds you sitting at a table in a warm, surprisingly romantic restaurant, running your foot up the inner side of Niki’s calf while you tell him about some of the work you’ve done. You’re dressed in an a-line dress of layered muted pastel gossamers with a plunging neckline that Niki seems to appreciate considering the ample attention he’s paid to your assets while you ate. He’s told you a bit about his racing career, giving you the typical highlight reel and only opening up a bit more when you ask him about himself rather than his driving. He seems more interested in talking about you, which you can understand. You know he gets asked a million annoying questions about himself in every interview, and then often gets dogged on for giving short, straight-forward, or blunt answers. You tell him about the art school near your home, and the life modelling you’ve done, which he seems curious about but not jealous in the way you’ve had previous men in your life be.
You tell him stories about some of the highs and lows - a student who drew you so beautifully that you felt on a high for the next week, another who kept making your chest bigger than it was, and a third who was kicked out of the class because they kept asking if the class could do in depth anatomy drawing classes since you were naked anyways. You tell him about the modelling you’ve done, largely for your friends who were aiming at going into fashion photography and needed to build out their portfolios. Niki admits that Clay showed him the magazine with your perfume ad in it that morning, and you smile as you sip your wine, offering him a playful wink when he inquires if you’ve done any more nude modelling.
You skim your hand across the table clearly made for dates considering how close you two are, tracing your fingertips across his, and blush as he takes your hand and holds it gentler than any boyfriend you’ve ever had despite you not being his. Contrary to the statement made by the cum still marking your cunt. With his free hand, Niki eats the last bite on his plate, and you feel excited butterflies in your stomach at the thought of perhaps going home with him soon.
“Do you want to get dessert?” He asks you, and you smile, finishing your glass of wine. You slip your hand free of his, and Niki watches as you fidget for a moment before getting up. You lean down to press a gentle kiss to his cheek, leaving a hint of a wine mark behind as you slip something into his pocket. He lets you, curious and intrigued by your bold nature, and far more focused on the pretty curve of your hip beside him.
“I’ll meet you outside. Don’t make me wait.” You whisper in his ear, then squeeze his shoulder and head out of the restaurant, past the waiter who seems to be returning to your table to see if Niki wants the bill. You step outside, your clutch in hand and your white heels clicking on the pavement as you enjoy the warm air outside. You hope you weren’t too bold, but when you peek in through the window, you spot Niki staring at the lacey fabric of your underwear pulled only slightly out of his pocket. He seems to have realised what it is, and he meets your eyes through the glass, bringing a coquettish smile on your lips. You wink, and his jaw clenches visibly. He tucks the fabric away just in time for the waiter to arrive with the bill, and Niki pays it so quickly you think he must’ve just let the waiter keep the change, for soon enough he’s walking out the front door towards you.
A strong hand closes around the curve of your hip, and you lean into him, gasping as he jerks you ever closer. He leads you towards the street, hailing a taxi with a simple wave of his hand while he whispers harshly in your ear, “You tempt fate, playing with me like this.”
“Do I? It certainly seems like you’re enjoying it.” You purr, giving him a pointed once-over. He opens the taxi door for you and helps you in, then sits beside you, his hand skimming over your thigh once you’re both settled. He gives the driver the hotel name, then leans into your ear again to avoid the man hearing him.
“I already want you. You do not need to keep seducing me.” He murmurs, and you laugh quietly as you cover his hand and slip it further up under the slit in your dress.
“Is that what you think I’m doing, Niki? Trying to catch your interest and keep it?” You ask, and he squeezes your soft thigh, his eyes dark with desire, “I know you want me, honey. I don’t think you quite know how much I want you, but you’ll learn.”
Niki’s breathing gets a little harsh, and you pet his arm soothingly, doing your best not to make a scene as he rubs his thumb into the meat of your leg.
“The seduction doesn’t stop when I catch your interest,” You inform him, your voice hushed and low, “nor does it stop when you fuck me. It does not stop when you go back to race tomorrow, or when we don’t see each other for a month until the next Grand Prix, or even if you make me yours. It does not stop when we are too tired, or when we are upset. It will continue until we no longer want each other.”
Niki lets out a quiet breath, and you perk up as the taxi pulls up in front of your hotel. The Austrian driver pays for the taxi, slipping out of the car and then helping you out as well. He steadies you, his arm around your waist again as he leads you into the large hotel, heading towards the elevator in thoughtful silence. You don’t question it when he pushes the button for his floor instead of yours. In the quiet of the elevator, he pulls you closer to him, cupping your face in his hand to gently tilt your head back. He presses his lips to yours, gently at first, then a little more hungrily when you moan into his mouth. Your arms slip lazily around his neck, and he sighs into the kiss when one hand tangles into his curls, your manicured nails scraping against his scalp.
You break the kiss as you near his floor, letting him lead you towards his room, his pace just a little bit more hurried than it was before. The door clicks open, and Niki guides you through it, kicking it closed behind him while he pulls you into another kiss. Now, in the comfort of his hotel room without anyone around to see, you smoothly undo the buttons on his shirt while he sucks at your lower lip, then breaks away to nip your top lip. You pant together, both struck breathless as you finally get his shirt open and shove it down over his shoulders.
“You’re in such a rush, mouse.” Niki murmurs as he finds the zipper on the side of your dress and pulls it all the way down to your hip. You frown at him to show your displeasure at his teasing, but it doesn’t knock the grin from his face as he lets you yank his undershirt over his head. He puts a hand over your ribs, thumb tracing the soft line under your breast while you unbutton his jeans, and you sigh into his mouth as he kisses you like he wants to devour you. You’ve just got his jeans undone when he finally pulls the sleeves of your dress down your arms, and you gasp as he guides you to step back out of it, his hands already slipping back to undo your bra. He pushes you back onto the bed once it’s discarded, and you pull your legs up, scooting back a little on the mattress. He catches your ankle before you can get out of his reach, and you feel your cheeks get hot as he parts your legs to admire what remains of the mess he made of you that morning.
“I liked this.” Niki informs you as he rubs his thumb over the messy seam of your cunt, and you shiver with excitement as he pulls you open a little so he can see how far down his cum dripped.
“So did I.” You admit, and his gaze flicks up to you before he pushes his jeans and underwear down over his hips. Your eyes go half-lidded with desire at the sight of his pretty cock, and you welcome him with open arms as he crawls onto the bed on top of you. He trails kisses up your body as he goes, pausing to suck your nipples into his mouth, first one, and then the other. You grasp at his hair, a happy sigh escaping you, though it turns into a ragged moan as Niki slips first one, and then a second finger into you. He crooks them, and you gasp as he strokes across that spot inside of you that makes your toes curl while his thumb presses into your clit.
“Fuck, Niki.” You moan, and he smiles against your skin, trailing kisses across your heaving chest while he pumps his fingers into you. His lips meet yours for another kiss, and you roll your hips to meet him, fucking yourself on his hand while he bites your bottom lip. He scissors his fingers, then adds a third, stretching you out and making you dig your nails into his back. He groans, biting the top of your tit and pulling his fingers free of you to give his cock a couple of firm strokes. You sit up on your elbows as he opens the drawer on his night table and pulls out a foil packet. Niki starts to climb onto the bed, but you lean up to meet him, pushing him to sit up at the head of the bed.
“You are very… bold.” Niki murmurs as you crawl up over his legs to straddle his thighs, “you wish to be on top? To take what you want?”
You hum your agreement, ripping open the condom packet and rolling it onto him while he smooths his hands up over your thighs. Thankfully, he seems agreeable, even if he’s mildly surprised.
“And what is it you want, mouse?” He asks, supporting you as you put one hand on his shoulder and reach behind you with the other, positioning him against you. He lets out a quiet moan, stroking your thighs, then skimming his hands up to grip your hips.
“You, Niki.” You moan as you seat yourself on his cock, sinking down until he’s balls deep inside of you. You drape your arms over his shoulders, fingers tangling in his hair while the other hand grasps at his shoulder blades, and you press your chest firmly to his. He kisses you hard, grasping your hips and guiding you to start to ride him as he moans into your mouth, not so much kissing as you’re sharing breath. He’s long, filling you completely, and thick enough that it’s a little bit of a stretch to take him. The slight curve of his cock strokes against a spot inside you with every thrust that makes you whimper and grip him a little tighter, desperate for more. You break the whisper of a kiss and let your head fall back as you ride him hard, setting an eager pace that makes your thighs ache. Niki skims his hands up to cup your tits, closing his lips around your nipple and scraping his teeth across it in a way that makes you whine for more before he switches to the other one.
You gasp as Niki reaches between you to strum your clit, and he groans lowly as you tug on his hair. You begin to move faster, and Niki leans back a little bit to watch you, admiring the way your tits bounce with every thrust. He looks beautiful like this, one hand clutching your side and helping you move, lips parted around a moan, glistening with just a little bit of sweat. You wonder how anyone could ever call him a rat. How anyone could be so blind as to miss how gorgeous he is. And yet you’re happy they did miss it, because now he’s here, under you, letting you take your pleasure from him. Your thighs are burning, and you’re fairly sure you’re going to be sore later, but you’re also rattling towards a stellar orgasm and you couldn’t be happier. With Niki fucking Lauda.
“That’s it, mausi, take it. Take what you need from me.” Niki groans, circling your clit and panting for breath as he does his best to hold on until you come. You moan for him desperately, and he plants his feet to thrust up into you, driving you closer and closer to the edge. Thank God for Niki. He notices you about to scream as you come for him and guides your mouth to his neck, which you bite down on instinctively, clinging to him as if he’ll give you mercy. A guttural groan rumbles against you as Niki quickly finds his own peak only a couple of thrusts later, his hands gripping your hips so tightly you’re sure you’ll be bruised afterwards. 
Niki carefully guides you down onto the mattress, and you watch through half-lidded eyes as he slips into the bathroom to dispose of the condom. He returns to you shortly after, crawling onto the bed over you and burying his face in your chest. You pet his hair gently, letting out a sleepy laugh as he nuzzles against your breasts, humming with contentment that makes your heart swell in your chest. You rub his shoulders, and he lets out a happy, muffled moan against your skin as he slips his hands under your back to hold you.
“Sorry for biting you.” You murmur, and Niki chuckles against your chest, scraping his teeth over the curve of your breast.
“You haven’t hurt me, mouse.” He replies, “Relax. Perhaps, if you are good, I’ll fuck you again before we sleep.”
In fact, he fucks you twice more that night. Once on your hands and knees, face pressed into the mattress as Niki rails you like he’s trying to exorcise his demons through your cunt. Then, in the shower you take together afterwards, back pressed into the cold tiles with Niki’s forehead nuzzled against yours, more intimate than you ever thought you’d get from what you presumed would be a one night stand or a race fling. While you use another condom the second time, Niki simply pulls out after making you lose your mind on his cock in the shower, spreading your cunt open so he can cover you in his cum.
He reluctantly lets you wash it off after, and you sleepily promise that he can come on you in the morning, crawling under the sheets with him. In the morning, he takes you up on your offer, lazily fucking you from behind with your leg pulled back over his hip as he strokes your clit. This time, you reach back to stop him from pulling out, telling him you’re on birth control while he presses kisses into your shoulder. He groans against your skin, and you find yourself gasping for air as he picks up the pace of his thrusts. Heat floods you, and you moan helplessly as Niki fucks his cum deeper into you, redoubling his efforts to make you come before he gets oversensitive.
The mattress shifts behind you as Niki gets up, leaning over you to press a kiss to your temple, then heading into the bathroom to clean up. You roll out of bed, and Niki returns to find you wrapped in a bedsheet and staring out the window, and you lean into him when he steps up behind you and puts his arms around your waist. He presses a kiss to your shoulder, and you sigh dreamily.
“You can borrow something.” Niki murmurs against your skin, and you tilt your head to kiss him, enjoying what you know might be the last few moments of afterglow before he’s done with you. Niki breaks it reluctantly, stepping away to rummage through his luggage and find a shirt and boxer briefs for you. You get changed, finger-combing your hair to neaten it, then helping Niki button his shirt while you steal a couple of kisses before you leave.
“I’ll see you at the track.” You murmur against his lips, and he hums, giving your bottom a firm squeeze.
“Come to the garage. You can watch the race from there.” Niki replies, and you can’t help but smile.
“That’s bold. People will ask questions if you have a photographer waiting in the garage for you.” You remind him, and Niki looks at you blankly.
“They can ask all they like. My woman will cheer for me from my garage, not wait in the sun in the stands like everyone else.” Niki retorts, and you feel your stomach flip, heart beating nearly out of your chest.
“Your woman?” You clarify, and Niki pulls you closer to him, kissing you hard enough that your teeth clack together clumsily. It does nothing to take away from your eagerness, and you clench your fingers in his shirt, knees going just a little weak. You’ll never admit it, though.
“You think I am so careless to come in any woman? I have condoms for a reason, mouse.” Niki reminds you, and you gasp against his mouth, eyes rolling back as your cunt throbs, “unless, you do not want to be mine.”
“Don’t be stupid, Niki Lauda. You know what I want.”
After the Brazil Grand Prix, you spend the early evening bent over the edge of Niki’s bed, or grasping the headboard for dear life as he fucks out the adrenaline high of racing into your sweet body. You’re booked for another late flight home, and Niki barely lets you go in time to make it to the airport, even though he’s got his own early flight in the morning. You head home with promises to visit Niki in Vienna once you’ve settled your work commitments and sent off your photos to their respective buyers. You talk to each other at least every other evening, though you both have a lot going on. One evening, you even drag your phone into the bathroom so that you can talk to Niki while you’re in the bathtub, and he expresses regret that he can’t share it with you. It takes far too long, in your opinion, to get your business settled. But finally, nearly two weeks later, you call Niki earlier in the day than you usually do.
“I’m ready. So, if you still want me, I can be in Vienna as early as tomorrow.” You inform him instead of saying hello, and Niki’s breathy sigh crackles over the landline.
“Tell me where to pick you up, and when. I will be there.” Niki replies, and you giggle, excitement bubbling in your belly.
“So it’s a good thing that I booked a plane ticket arriving tomorrow without asking?”
“Bold, as always, mouse. What time am I picking you up?” Thankfully, Niki sounds amused rather than annoyed.
“I arrive at Vienna Airport at eleven am tomorrow. My flight leaves at 7:30 tonight. So, I’ll be getting on the plane while you’re fast asleep at 2:30 am.” You inform him, “At 11 am, it will be 4 am for me, so I’m taking a nap on the plane so I can try and beat jet lag.”
“We will have a lazy day.” Niki promises, and you sigh happily at the idea, folding a pair of jeans to tuck into your suitcase.
“Should I bring anything in particular?”
“I will take you out to dinner - something suitable for that. It is mild this time of year. Similar to your weather, I believe.” Niki comments, and you laugh as you pack a knit sweater.
“So, no requests for lingerie? Short skirts? Plunging necklines?” You inquire, and Niki gives a thoughtful hum, as if he hadn’t even thought of requesting anything.
“I trust your taste, mouse. Bring what you think I will like, and I will do my best to show you my appreciation.”
After an eight hour and fifteen minute flight that you entirely slept through, you pick up your luggage after going through customs, and spot Niki waiting for you from a distance. There is no dramatic reunion. You don’t run across the airport into his waiting arms to kiss his face off like in a movie. Instead, you walk calmly over to him, and he takes the handle of your luggage, putting his arm around you and greeting you with a gentle kiss to your cheek and a query as to how your flight was.
He opens the door to his car for you, helping you in, then putting your luggage in the trunk. You squeeze his thigh when he gets into the car, and you notice him smiling as he drives away from the busy airport towards his home. You stroke his thigh as he drives, and you can’t pretend you don’t notice the stirring in his trousers. It does nothing to stop you, of course. You have plenty of plans for your Niki. As you get to a less busy area of town, you hum thoughtfully to yourself, then pull your hair back out of your face. Niki glances at you curiously as you reach over towards him, unzipping his trousers.
“Woah- mouse, what are you doing?”
“Whatever I like.” You retort, pulling his half-hard cock out of his boxer briefs and swirling your tongue around the leaky tip.
“Mouse…” Niki groans softly, wrapping your hair around his hand and pulling gently as if to stop you.
“If you can’t focus, pull over.” You hum, slapping his cock against your tongue a couple of times, then taking him into your mouth. Niki grumbles to himself above your head, letting out a low, growly groan. You hear the gentle tick of the turn signal, and then the bumps and rumble of the car pulling off the road. As soon as the car turns off, Niki’s hands tangle in your hair, and you moan around his cock as he pulls.
“Fuck, mausi. You could not wait?” Niki asks, and you hum an affirmative, bobbing your head at a leisurely pace, “No, of course not. You were too desperate for my cock, weren’t you?”
You slip your hand into his underwear to roll his balls in your palm, and he groans, bucking up into your mouth then apologising hoarsely as he pets your hair back from your face. You moan around him encouragingly, then decide that Niki deserves your somewhat unique talent. He’s been good to you. Blown your mind enough times despite your limited time together. You let him slip from your mouth, swallowing the precum and saliva pooling in your mouth, then taking a couple of deep breaths.
“Feel free to thrust, if you like. I can take it, honey.” You purr, and before Niki can ask for clarification, you take him back into your mouth, sinking down until your nose is buried in his pubic hair. Niki groans, guttural and low, his head thumping back against the headrest hard. Rumbling german interspersed with the occasional english swear word falls from Niki’s lips as you swallow him down, wiping every thought from his mind until his gentlemanly ways fall lax and he begins to fuck into your mouth eagerly. You moan helplessly as he chases his release, gripping your hair tightly as he finally falls over the edge.
“Don’t swallow yet. Let me see.” He pants, and you obediently do your best not to swallow or let any of his cum leak from your overstuffed mouth. Breathing through your nose, you sit up in your seat and situate yourself, then open your mouth to show off the mess he’s made of you. Niki moans softly, tapping your chin.
You obediently do, and he leans across the short distance to kiss you, licking into your mouth to taste himself off your tongue.
“When we get to my home, I will show you around. You will put down your things, and then I am going to ruin you for any other man.” Niki whispers against your lips, and you moan softly, letting out a little whimper when he leans back into his seat to put himself away and then resume the drive home.
And ruin you he does. As promised, Niki takes you on a tour of the home, his hand tucked into your back pocket. You put your luggage in his room, and then he takes you into the bathroom to take a bath, though you’re sure you nearly cause a flood with how much water flows over the edge when he fucks you. Afterwards, nice and clean, he takes you down to his living room and you try to watch a film together, but Niki ends up not seeing much of it as he kneels in front of his couch between your legs and makes you see stars on his mouth.
You have a light lunch, then curl up together for a nap, your head pillowed on Niki’s chest with you curled around him. You wake to Niki laying you back on the couch beneath him, covering your neck and chest in kisses as he flips up your skirt and pulls down your tights.
“Is this okay?” He asks, and you moan softly as he sucks your nipple into his mouth.
“Niki, you can fuck me whenever you like. Even if I’m sleeping, you don’t have to wake me up. If I’m not into it, I will tell you, but I promise you I’ll almost always be into it.” You murmur, and Niki groans as he yanks your underwear down and positions himself. He slips inside easily, still all pliant and wet from before your nap, and you relax beneath him and let him take what he needs. You’re still half-asleep, so you don’t participate nearly as much as you usually do, but Niki seems to like the sleepy moans and whimpers he’s able to pull from you, and the way you hold onto him as if he’s the only thing keeping you together.
The rest of your visit in Vienna goes similarly. Lazy morning sex seems to be a necessity for both of you. Breakfast is always a quiet but gentle affair, curled up together while you eat. Niki takes you to art galleries, museums, and historical sites. Some days, he takes you on walks. Some days, you don’t leave the house much at all, and you begin to realise how easy things are together. You take enough pictures of your boyfriend to open a Niki Lauda gallery, and he lets you drag him to a darkroom to develop many of them, which results in Niki fucking you in the low lit room with his hand over your mouth to stop anyone from hearing you.
You fly to South Africa together, and you only spend one night in your own hotel room before Niki drags you back to his own, complaining about poor sleep. Once again, Niki is disappointed with the results of the race, and he follows you back home instead of going to Vienna to enjoy the nearly two-month break before the Spanish Grand Prix. You end up in Ibiza for a good month of that break, lazing in the sun, swimming, or giving each other couples massages. You end up being the better masseuse of the two of you, and Niki lets you work out his stress until he melts underneath you, his pretty blue eyes half-lidded and happy.
It’s bliss, honestly. By the time Spain rolls around, you’ve dropped all pretence. Everyone knows you’re together - Tony, Hunt and Clay are all beyond thrilled. Hunt asks you far too many questions about your sex life, and you answer none of them, except to inform him that you are thoroughly satisfied. Tony warns Niki that no one will find his body if he hurts you, and Niki doesn’t seem bothered by the threat, confident that it won’t be necessary. Clay simply seems pleased that Niki is perhaps more at ease, and that you’re happy together.
Spain ends up being a nightmare. The race is cancelled part way through due to dangerous conditions and crashes, and Niki needs the break to work with his team. You end up spending the break working as well, away from Niki, and while it is difficult, you make quite a bit of money. Your work is hot at the moment, and plenty of people are happy to pay for your photographs of other sporting events.
Monaco changes things. Niki wins. And he keeps his momentum, winning three Grand Prixs in a row, placing second in another, then first again in France. Great Britain is a mess all around, but Niki recovers with a third place in West Germany. Austria is another mess on par with Spain with the race ending early and only half points awarded. In Italy, Niki secures his championship with a third place, but he goes on to win first in the United States anyways as if to prove he earned it with his fifth first place of the season.
He proposes after the season is over, and you marry at the courthouse in Vienna. He goes home with you to pack your things after you manage to secure a visa due to your marriage, and you move your belongings across the ocean without a single thought of looking back. Niki only breaks the news to the press when he is caught wearing his wedding ring at a post-championship interview, and he’s not thrilled to have most of his interview questions diverted to his recent wedding, but he answers what he’s willing to. Which isn’t very much, frankly.
“Does that feel good?” You whisper as you stroke your hands up over your husband’s arms to squeeze his triceps almost reverently. Niki’s eyelashes flutter as he closes his eyes, quiet moans falling from his pretty pink lips. You watch with a smile as his muscles flex against the soft silk tying his wrists to the headboard, and you can’t help but sigh adoringly as he catches his lower lip between his teeth, emphasising his overbite in such a pretty way that you want to take a picture of him. Not that he’d ever let you. 
Not that you’d ever want anyone else to see him like this. You’ve very possessive of Niki’s submissive side.
“Mausi.” Niki murmurs warningly, and you give him a sharp look, eyebrow raised as if you can’t believe him. You can. Niki is terrible at being patient in bed, and while he enjoys submitting to you, he does not enjoy it when you tease him. Or rather, he does, but he likes to pretend he doesn’t. Male pride, you assume.
“What is it, sweetheart?” You ask, pouting at him mockingly as you run your hands down over his chest, thumbs swiping across his sensitive nipples. He jerks beneath you, letting out a raspy moan that has you cooing sympathetically, “Ohh, are you sensitive, baby?”
Niki presses his head back into the pillows, moaning breathlessly as you pinch his nipples between your index fingers and thumbs, sitting your bare ass back against his hard cock as you tweak them. A gentle pull has Niki bucking up against you, digging his heels into the bed to try and get some leverage so he can thrust up against you. It’s difficult with his ankles bound to the footboard, but he tries regardless, desperate for more contact. You pull again a little more sharply, and Niki lets out the softest whimper, an angelic look of submission on his face as he pushes his chest up into your hands rather than pulls away.
This is when you give him mercy. You lean down, cupping his pecs from below and pushing them up while you bring his right nipple into your mouth and suck harshly. Niki groans, and you flick your tongue over him a couple of times, then bite gently when his nipple gets hard. You’ve missed him so much while he was gone, nearly a week without him feeling like too much even though it isn’t the first time. You lovingly kiss your way across his chest to his other nipple and repeat the process, but this time, you adjust your hips so you’re pinning his cock between your wet cunt and his stomach. You start to roll your hips, grinding on his cock in a mimicry of the pussyjobs he’s used your cunt for in the past. He’s especially fond of them when you’re half-asleep and pliant, in the early hours of the morning with the sun's first light kissing your skin through the partially open curtains. He says you look like a painting like that, only you’re his, so he can touch the artwork all he likes.
Niki blinks up at you with hazy eyes, lips parted and panting for breath as you toy with him. His pretty blue eyes are full of love and lust, your personal favourite look on him, and you smile as he arches again, pulling on the silk binding him to the bed desperately. You smile, tangling your fingers in his hair and gently pulling his head up, forcing him to look down his own body so he can see the leaky pink head of his cock peeking out from beneath your cunt. There’s a little puddle of his precum on his belly, and he flushes as he realises how much he’s dripping.
“Do you want more, baby? Do you want your mausi to sit on your pretty cock and make you feel good?” You ask, and Niki nods as much as he can with you still holding his head up, “Do you want to fill your mausi with cum? Wanna get her pregnant?”
Niki moans eagerly, nodding again, and you grin as you release his hair and let his head fall back to the pillows. You lean down, lips pressing against his ear while you stroke his cheek lovingly, “I’ve been off my birth control since you left for testing. It’s been almost a full week, so it’s well out of my system.”
That gets a reaction out of him.
“Put my cock in your perfect little cunt, mausi. Let me stuff you full of my cum and I promise I’ll get you pregnant with my child.” Niki moans, and you practically purr with delight, scooping up his precum with your fingers and rubbing it over his cock until he’s slick and glistening. You lift your hips and rub the head of his cock through the wetness dripping from you, then notch the head against your hole. You sink down until he’s buried inside of you and you can feel his balls clenching.
“You promise, honey?”
“I swear.” Niki replies instantly, breathless, and you can feel him twitching against you, desperate to roll you over and fuck you into the sheets. He watches with wide eyes as you arch back to grab the little emergency release ties you’d learned to do since you started tying each other up, freeing his ankles from their bonds with one tug. Niki immediately plants his feet in the mattress and starts to buck up into you, and you gasp, falling forwards into his chest while he fucks up into you.
You reach up towards his wrists, tugging the release ties, and Niki surges up before you even have a chance to sit back on him. He rolls you over onto your back, hooking his hands under your knees and pushing them up, folding you in half. He plants his hands into the mattress with your knees hooked over his elbows, and you stare up at him with wide eyes as he slowly pulls out, then slams back into you. He sets a somewhat eager pace, faster than he usually takes you, and you find yourself gasping for breath as you grasp at the sheets beneath you.
“Niki!” You cry, and he groans, leaning down to kiss you surprisingly softly considering how roughly he’s pounding into you. It’s a pretty stark contrast to the sex you’ve had over the past many months, and more reminiscent of the desperate and lust-charged fucking of your early days together.
“I love you.” He murmurs against your lips, “I’m going to fuck a baby into you, mausi. My perfect little wife.”
You can’t form words, but there are tears in your eyes as you try to catch your breath. He kisses them away, dropping his hand between you to stroke your clit, and pressing his forehead to yours.
“Nod if you’re okay, mausi.”
You nod firmly, and he nuzzles his nose against yours, then kisses you again, moaning into your mouth as he gets closer. You finally find your words as you’re about to come, crying against his lips, “I love you too, Niki!”
It’s the last conscious thought you have for the next few minutes. You come back to yourself as Niki is rolling you both over, laying back on the mattress with you on top of him, your face tucked into the curve of his neck. You can feel the warmth of his cum buried inside of you, deep enough that it’s not yet leaking back out. Your husband pets your hair gently, adjusting you just a little so he’s no longer buried inside of you to avoid either of you getting oversensitive and achey. You hum sleepily, and Niki presses a kiss to your temple, his chest rising and lowering rapidly as he tries to catch his breath. You pull the blankets up over the both of you, and Niki strokes your back as you both settle in to go to sleep, too tired to move.
And six weeks later, you find yourself sitting in your doctor’s office with your very proud husband as your doctor tells you that you are, in fact, pregnant. Niki swears he got it done with that first stellar fuck after returning from his testing with Ferrari, but you couldn’t care less, pleased as punch to find yourself pregnant so quickly. Soon, you’ll have a baby Lauda in your arms.
Who would have ever thought that you’d meet your future husband when you went to do a favour for your best friend? Who knew you’d meet your future baby daddy at one of your least favourite sports?
Niki still got blushy when you told him you knew he was yours the moment you set eyes on him, even now, months into your marriage. It was true, though. You knew the moment you saw him - the moment he inspired you, and captured your creative eye. He was your rat, and you were his mouse, and you had the rings to prove it.
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rainydayandmondays · 5 months
...in case, I stand one little chance...
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Summary: New Year’s Eve shouldn’t be for charity galas. Or at least that’s what Andy believes. Good thing he can see you when he gets home.
Pairing: Andy Barber X Reader, Jake Jensen X Reader
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: 18+ only. Minors DNI. Explicit language, explicit sexual content, male masturbation, fingering (female receiving), voyeurism, Daddy kink, slight non-con, unprotected sex
Author’s Note: Our third holiday in the Holidays with Andy series. And when I told you that Andy was not too happy about this one, well...
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
Andy watched as everyone made their way around the venue making small talk with people they honestly couldn’t care less about. He sipped at the glass of champagne being passed around. But he could really go for something harder right about now.
Laurie had invited him tonight. It was the Children’s Cottage charity gala. They had really gone all out this year. Some last-minute donors had really shelled out the cash this time. Probably looking for an easy tax write off. Either way, Laurie had spent the last couple of weeks completely enveloped in putting on the best gala. Something about money attracts money. Big gala meant big donations. Or at least that’s what she had said as she laid out his suit for the night.
Andy was itching to get a way. He had done his due diligence for the night. Had showed up, providing the loving, doting husband routine as they walked into the venue. However, it was not but thirty minutes before Laurie was pulled away to schmooze with some potential donors. She left Andy to fend for himself as he looked around the event area. Somewhere along the way, he had been cornered by one of the farther leaning conversative attendees. Once they found out about his job, the man couldn’t help but to drone on about the need to tighten up on crime. Mind you, Andy was pretty sure this man lived behind a gate with a driveway that took at least ten minutes to drive up. What possible crime would he know about?
Breaking free from the conversation under the guise of refilling his drink, Andy decided to loiter by the bar for the remainder of the night. He was sure at some point Laurie would find him, until then, he would wait out, switching the champagne for something harder.
Halfway into his glass of whiskey, he felt his phone go off in his pocket. Turning towards the bar, he took it out to see the pop-up notification from his favorite app. There was movement detected. He smiled, you must have made it home and before midnight.
Andy hadn’t seen you after your Secret Santa exchange. You having taken the week off from work, he had missed seeing you flit through the office. Seeing you pour your third cup of coffee for the day in the breakroom as you talked about your New Year’s plans. He knew you would celebrate it. Holidays seemed to be too big a deal for you not to.
No, there hadn’t been any sight of you for a whole week. Well, except for his camera. There, he had seen so much of you. In the short week that it had been up, Andy was able to discover a lot about you. He had made sure to set up the motion detected notifications the day after that first night. Wearing subdued clothing to work, at home you preferred satin nighties and pajama sets. He imagined you preferred the softness against your skin. In the mornings, you would wake up and start blasting 80’s music as you danced around your room, getting ready for the day. He didn’t know he could love Bon Jovi so much being an AC/DC fan himself. But something about you lip-syncing to Dead or Alive as you made your bed had that song stuck in his head for the rest of the week.
At night, well at night were the best times. That’s when the other you came out. The you, you had shown that night whispering out for daddy as you ground against your pillow. He still hadn’t recovered from learning about your kink or the fact that it could work you up so much to squirt. But then again, daddies always know how to get their good girls there. True, at night, his sweet girl became his good girl. He watched and listened as every night you found a way to get yourself off. Whether you rode yourself to orgasm or tried with your small fingers to finger yourself there, he watched.
It always started with the headphones first, some audio you listened to that never failed to get you where you needed to go. He finally heard it Friday night when your earbuds lost their connection. He watched as you frantically tried to re-pair the headphones as a man’s voice filtered through your room telling you exactly what to do. At first, the thought of another man pulling those noises from you, even a disembodied voice, made his hair stand on end. However, if it meant that his sweet girl could get her release, then so be it.
Staring down at the notification, Andy debated opening the app now to see what you might be doing. It was still relatively early for any nighttime performances, but it might be the right time for your after-shower routine. Making his decision, Andy downed the rest of his drink, before turning to head towards the restroom. He wasn’t sure exactly where Laurie was, but given the night, she was probably still sucking up to another donor.
Phone in hand, he started to pull up the app when he rounded the corner to the bathrooms. Pushed against the men’s room, he saw his wife gripping some random’s neck as said rando had their face buried in her collarbone and his hand up her skirt. The little whimpers escaping her mouth and the squelches coming from beneath her skirt left little to the imagination about what was going on in the corner of the venue. Watching the scene unfold, Andy’s face tightened, and his jaw creaked as he bared down.
Finally noticing her audience, his wife gasped out his name, urging the guy’s hand from under her dress. She tried to right herself, as her comically wide eyes looked at him to determine just how fucked up the situation was.
Letting out a dry chuckle beneath his breath, he only stared back before calmly stating, “I’ll be in the car.”
As he made his way back through the venue, he could hear Laurie calling out to him. She only stopped once they hit the main area. She couldn’t risk making a scene. She had donors to think about.
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You looked up from your bed, where you had perched with a few pillows against the headboard. The night was slowly closing in on its midnight deadline and you had spent it watching the Twilight Zone marathon on TV. Jake had introduced it to you in one of the first years of your friendship. Neither of you had really been up to going to any local parties. In fact, the idea of meeting up with high school acquaintances, all home from college and pretending that college had somehow changed them in the 4 months they had been gone, sounded exhausting. Rebuffing any invitation you received, it was Jake’s late-night text asking you to come over, that won out. Laying on his parents’ basement couch, you had rung in the new year with Rod Serling and a boy who was slowly becoming your best friend.
Since then, you have made it a tradition to watch the marathon together to celebrate the New Year. When Jake had gone out on his latest mission, you know it was a possibility that he may miss out this year. In all the time you had known each other, you had only missed your tradition when he gone off to bootcamp. But even then, he had sent you a play-by-play commentary as you watched together through chat.
Now he had been gone since before Christmas, your last call the night you had shared your amazing news about school. You had gotten mad at him for not reacting the way you had hoped. Jake had always supported you in everything you did. When the last year of school almost took you out with the last of your criminal justice classes, he had stayed up with you to quiz you. And when you brought home the A’s, that he promised you would get, he gave you your nickname. The LSASTs came and he sat at your kitchen table as you reviewed each section of the exam over and over again. He made sure that you had a continuous drip of coffee until you ultimately crashed and he carried you to your couch to sleep. Reading out your final score, he had stood by with your parents, grabbing you and repeatedly telling you ‘I told you so.’ Then when your mom had gotten sick, he held you as you decided to put your law school dreams on the backburner. He rocked you and whispered that it wasn’t for forever. That was the Jake you expected it.
Thinking over it afterwards, you had kicked yourself about being short with him. Jake had always been there for you, watched over you. He had just been preoccupied with the mission, calling you from his motel room. He sent you a text later that night to let you know that all communication was going dark and he would talk to you as soon as possible. On Christmas, you shot him a text with a picture of your family’s Christmas tree lighting up the dark living room and a simple Merry Christmas.
But now, here he stood in your doorway, shuffling towards your bed while he closed the door behind him.
“Hey Ace.”
Taking a seat on your bed, you brought up your legs to make room for him and the gift bag in his hands.
“How are you here?”
“The mission finished.” He replied, grabbing hold of your socked foot and rubbing circles into the sole of it.
“But I thought you said…”
“I may have told them I had an important date to keep,” He interrupted you, squeezing your foot as he looked up at you, “Besides Hooch’s wife made him promise to be back for New Year’s.”
He watched as you smiled back at him. There was that smile. He had missed it while he was gone. Most missions were never easy for him, but you always made sure to see him off with a smile and well wishes. This last one hadn’t been the same as the memory of your displeased face popping up as he carried out his comms duty. He hadn’t meant to make you angry. It was only after receiving your Christmas tree photo that he knew may be all had been forgiven.
Driving back from the meet up site, he had rushed to grab a gift bag from his sister’s place, dropping all his bags at hers and heading out to you. His sister, used to his antics when it came to you, had met him at the door, hugging him quickly and handing him the gift bag with tissue paper ready. Outside your house, he had shoved the gift into the bag, noting the time on the car’s clock and knowing you had to be deep into their annual marathon. Knocking on the door, your mom greeted him, and he noticed she seemed to have a healthier glow about her. She welcomed him with the same genuine smile you had, before pointing to your room upstairs.
“Are you going to tell me what you have hidden behind your back?”
He smirked, grabbing at the bag and handing it to you. You made quick work of the tissue paper on top before reaching down and pulling at your gift. Holding it in your hands, you looked at the white sweatshirt with Boston College scrawled across the front.
“I am happy for you, Ace. You of all people deserve this.” He whispered waiting for your reaction when he saw you starting to chew on your lip. Your eyes lifting and tears lining each lid. He was pretty sure he did it right this time, but waiting for you to say something had his anxiety spiking. Nervously pushing up his glasses, he waited.
Only hearing his name, he barely had time to brace himself as you threw yourself at him. His arms taking hold of your waist as you slung yours around his neck.
“Merry Christmas, Ace.”
He felt you squeeze him harder at his utterance of your nickname. Slowly backing away from him, you sniffled before leaning over to your beside table. A sparkly red gift with gold ribbon came into view, as you placed it in front of him.
“Merry Christmas, Jake.”
He smiled ripping into the wrapping paper and box. Inside he found Baby Yoda staring up at him talking about protecting and snacking, smirking to himself, he looked up at your expectant face.
“You like it?”
“I love it.” He replied draping it against his chest to model it for you, before pulling on neckline of the shirt he was wearing.
He hadn’t had a chance to really change and had opted to spray as much of Axe body spray on himself to cover the smell of travel. Pulling the old shirt over his head, he got a small whiff of it and was surprised you hadn’t mentioned anything when you hugged him. The shirt fully settled he caught the last bit of you pulling your sweatshirt down, a small glimpse of your belly making him clear his throat.
“So, have they shown To Serve Man yet?”
“Not yet. You know that the classic episodes are saved for actual New Years Day.” You explained as you pulled the duvet away for him to climb in next to you.
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Watching the clock over the TV, he saw that you were only a couple of minutes out from midnight. But despite your best efforts, you fell asleep about an hour ago. Somehow inching your way onto his lap, you had snuggled close to him with his hand making its way to rest along your waist. It hadn’t been a conscious thought to do so and yet here he was. Short little puffs of air hitting his thighs, just under your clasped hands. He enjoyed the sense of calm the position had brought the both of you, before stroking your shoulder.
“Ace, you need to wake up. It’s almost time.”
He felt you shift, moving to turn your head towards his stomach. The little puffs of air now danced along the bottom edge of the Mandalorian t-shirt you had gifted him a few hours earlier.
“Ace, come on. You don’t want to miss it.”
At that your eyes blinked open to stare up at him. A sleepy smile stretching the corners of your mouth, as you moved up to lean against him instead.
Switching the TV to show the ball dropping in New York, the roar of the crowd echoed through your bedroom.
“5…4…3…2…1. Happy New Year, Ace.” He quietly spoke the countdown, his chin resting on top of your head as you held onto his arm.
“I’m so happy you’re here.” He felt your whisper along his arm, your hand running down to hold his hand.
He interlaced your fingers, giving a firm squeeze in response. He was over the moon to be here. The two of you were able to complete you tradition one more year. If he was lucky, he’d be able to spend many more with you.
“I’m sorry about last time. I shouldn’t have been mad at you. You were just looking out for me.”
He felt tears before he heard the sniffling. This was the second time that you were crying tonight. However, this was for a much worse reason. Grabbing onto your chin, he lifted it to see your big eyes filled with tears, “I will always look out for you.”
Your watery smile seemed to stem any additional tears as you nodded. Starting to lean back, he tried to resettle the two of you from the small break in the bubble you had created.
“One day you won’t. One day you’re going to meet an amazing woman and she’s going to make you so happy. She’ll be the one you look out for. Not me.”
The way your voice seemed to get smaller as your confession continued, made something in him ache. He wasn’t sure where all these questions about his feelings about you came from. He wouldn’t let you think that somehow, he felt so little about you.
“There will never be a time where I don’t look out for you. Where I don’t care about you. Because I can’t not. I can’t not care about you. I can’t not…” He caught himself before finishing his thought. He couldn’t go there with you. Couldn’t risk it. Closing his eyes, he opened them to find you staring back at him.
“Can’t not what, Jake?” He shook his head, swallowing hard to avoid answering your question, “Jake, can’t not what?”
Feeling the bed shift, he watched as you climbed into his lap, your pajama shorts riding up, as you stared at him straight on. Your hands came up to cradle his face, stopping him from looking anywhere other than you.
“Tell me.”
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The drive home had been frosty with little to no talk being had. Getting into the car, Laurie had thankfully picked up on the fact that there was little to be said. He had caught her right out and no spinning of the truth could change that. Pulling into the driveway, Andy was glad that they had okayed Jacob to spend New Year’s at some classmate’s party. He couldn’t see this going any other way but ugly once safe in their home.
Accusations started the moment inside. The lone overhead light from the kitchen island was the only thing illuminating the house when Laurie let out her vitriol.
It wasn’t her fault.
He was never there.
Work was more important than either of them.
The image of the perfect family was what he wanted. Not an actual family.
He couldn’t expect something to last if he was never there to take care of it.
He stood cross-armed against the counter, letting his wife have her say. He watched her let everything out, her words becoming more strained as she continued. She didn’t touch what she had done tonight. Save from pleading again how it wasn’t her fault. Once she calmed to a simmer, realizing that he wouldn’t be rising to her level, he felt the need to answer.
“You’ve been different. Happier for a few months. I would say that’s probably around the time it started. Maybe it started with a few compliments, a flirtatious quip during a meeting. It probably developed from a woe is me, my husband doesn’t love me anymore diatribe where the fucker saw his chance. It could have happened in a few ways. I don’t know.” He started slowly uncrossing his arms and approaching her.
Her mouth was in line, presumably getting ready for another round of denial, when he continued.
“But what I do know, is that you never really loved me. No, we were a means to an end for each other. What I know is that I’m not the only one that has cared about appearances. What I know is that this would be a slam dunk, fault-based divorce on the grounds of adultery. Given tonight’s events, there’s going to be more proof somewhere. And what I know is that your reputation would never recover. There’s got to be a morality clause somewhere in your contract with Children’s Cottage.”
He saw her confidence start to fade. The righteous anger she had built up with her tirade diminishing as he kept talking. She didn’t have a leg to stand on and he would make sure she knew.
“But you see, what I know is that I don’t have the desire to deal with that. So, this is what’s going to happen, we’re going to finish this for tonight. Come next week, you will end whatever this little thing is. Or at least give the illusion that it’s ended. We will put up the pretense of trying to make it work for Jacob’s sake. But this will end. A non-contested divorce. Just another New England marriage falling victim to irreconcilable differences. That is what I know. And now, that is what you know.”
Leaving her in the kitchen, he drowned out the small whimpers she made as she tried to collect herself. What’s done was done and there was nothing more for it. Entering his office, he threw his overcoat on the small loveseat in the corner, before sitting at his desk. He waited to hear her steps overhead before pulling out his iPad and setting it up on the stand he bought earlier this week.
His marriage may be ending, but he still had you. His sweet girl that loved every holiday with equal passion. That didn’t seem to be touched by the darkness in the world. That had done nothing but shine a light into his life. His sweet girl, that should be right about now becoming his good girl.
Logging into the camera’s app, he waited for the feed to load as he started to unbutton the collar and cuffs of the overly starched shirt, Laurie had insisted he wear.
“Damn it, Ace”
“Tell me, please.”
As the feed fully came up, he heard his sweet girl talking to someone. Someone distinctly male sounding. Looking at the camera, he zoomed in on the image of her straddling someone. Her hands were gripping the guy’s neck, as he watched them leave heated bite marks along her neck.
“Sweet girl. Not you too. You wouldn’t do this to me too.” He whispered into the darkness of this office. He could feel the urge to be mad. To reach through the computer and punch the guy currently nibbling on his sweet girl. Pawing at her like he had any idea of what to do for her.
Rubbing at his chin, he leaned forward on his desk, his breath puffing out over his clasped hands. He wouldn’t have this. Not tonight. Not ever. He fought the anger building up when he heard your gasp. Focusing back on the scene, he watched you start to rock on the lap of your stranger. Your hips rolled in that practiced way he had memorized from before. You had switched your pillow for this man.
“God damn it, Ace. Say that you want this.”
Jake. That goofy sidekick friend you had introduced him to on Thanksgiving, was the one you were currently grounding against. How could he possibly know what to do for you? What to give you? There’s no way he would be able to handle what you needed.
“Take it out.”
The little moan you gave at Jake’s words had Andy ears perking up again. He knew that moan, that was your happy moan. The moan you made as you slipped into the lovely sub headspace. He had heard that moan from you throughout this week. Each time signaling to him that you were becoming his good girl.
He watched as you fussed with something in front of you. He assumed it was your friend’s pants and zip. It was confirmed when a groan was let out by Jake. He was glad to not be able to see what exactly you might be holding onto. He could barely stomach that you had chosen to ring in the New Year’s this way. But despite himself, he couldn’t stop watching. Maybe he needed to know exactly what you do when it wasn’t just a disembodied voice with you. Or maybe he just needed to know that despite Jake’s best efforts, he would fail at giving you what daddy could.
You continued your slow grind against him and he watched as a pair of hands came around, grabbing your ass and pulling you closer. Your satin pajama shorts rode up higher and Andy wasn’t sure how much stretch they were going to give you. You pushed your ass back into his hands and Andy knew you were begging for a swift slap to each cheek. Instead, Jake just gripped them tighter, massaging each. You let out a small whimper at that before doubling down on your grind.
He knew that squeeze wasn’t what you needed. He watched as Jake’s fingers finally made their way under the hem of your shorts. Andy was able to clock the exact moment when Jake figured out that you wore nothing under those sleep shorts.
“Ah fuck, Ace.”
Hearing you beg gave him what he needed. Up to this point, he had spent most of the time judging Jake’s handling of you. Comparing what he might do, knowing what he would do would be better. But the sweet sound of you pleading, woke up the part of him needing to serve you. Give you what you need. He swore it was Pavlovian. He adjusted in his seat, rubbing at himself through his dress pants.
“What does my sweet girl need?”
He watched as Jake’s hand grew bolder, fingers inching further under her shorts, until his sweet girl’s back arched. Zooming in, Andy followed the fingers moving in and out of his girl’s pussy. A wet spot was growing in the crotch of her shorts, and he knew if Jake would hold out a little longer, she would let go for both of them.
“Those fingers are so much better than your little ones, aren’t they sweet girl? Thicker. Are you squeezing them, sweetheart? Show us how tight it is. Come on, I know you’re almost there.”
Unzipping his pants, Andy dove his hand into his boxer briefs, grabbing onto himself. It had only been a few minutes of watching her and he was already dripping, creating a nice, healthy wet spot in these damn suit pants. Pulling at the waist of them, he pulled them down as he grabbed at his button-down shirt. Leaving just the bottom two buttons undone, the shirt tails splayed around his cock. The pink head standing between the edges of his shirt, as he dribbled onto hem of each side.
“Jake, I’m…”
“Shit, I know. I can feel it. Ah fuck, Ace I can feel it. It’s so tight.”
“No shit, you can feel it. You better give it to her. Don’t fucking dare leave her hanging.”
Andy watched as your hips finally stuttered and you reached back to grip Jake’s hands. His finger stopped moving beneath your shorts, while you laid your head against his shoulder.
“No! You have to keep going for her.” Andy brought a fist down on his desk as he saw the wet spot grow on your shorts. But nowhere to the point it should be. You could go so much further. He would have gotten you there.
“Ace, I gotta…”
“Yes, Jake.”
That small acquiescence was all Jake needed to flip the both of you over. Balancing over you, Jake shoved his pants and boxers down, kicking them off the edge of the bed. Still slightly blissed out from already cumming, you let Jake grab at your shorts for you, followed shortly by your sweatshirt. As Jake moved to throw your clothing, Andy caught a glimpse of your glistening pussy, all puffy and coated with your juices. Andy had been letting himself bob freely, deciding he wouldn’t cum until you did. But now, seeing this, having the image of you completely bared to him. Fuck, if he didn’t have to pinch at the base of himself. It had been a while since he had cum hands-free. But if it were to happen for him again, it would be with you.
“Jake, please. I need it.”
You had reached down, dipping a finger inside yourself before pulling it up to push back your little hood.
“Fucking Christ. Are you that needy, little one? You just came and already need something inside you again?”
“Shit, Ace. You can’t do that to me.”
Andy shook his head at your friend. How was he ever going to keep up with you? You haven’t shown half of what you could do. Of what you wanted. What you cried out for as you rode your own fingers. Your legs came to hook behind Jake’s ass and that seemed to be what he needed to finally sink into you.
He could hear the little whimper that left you after Jake slide in, your legs tensing under his ass, as you got used to the stretch. Taking full advantage of the 10X zoom, Andy gawked at your lips hugging onto Jake. Fluttering a little, as they stretched around him.
“My sweet girl, look at you stretched out. She can barely hold onto him. That’s okay, she’s not used to it. We can teach her.”
Taking himself in hand, Andy mimicked the pace Jake set. Poor boy was barely holding on. He was grinding into you, with his face buried in your neck. He wasn’t even sure that he would last long enough for you to get there a second time. Andy couldn’t have it. Even if it was another man sliding into you, daddies always took care of their good girls.
“Come on my sweet girl. Daddy needs you to cum. You’re daddy’s good girl, aren’t you?”
“Yes. Yes. Yes.”
“Ace, shit, how are you tighter?”
Andy tightened his hold on himself, activity thrusting into his fist at your response to him. He knew you just needed a little coaxing. The okay to let yourself go. He watched you lose yourself, your grip on Jake spasming as your nails scratched at his back.
“There you go little one. Look at the mess you’re making. Fuck, keep squeezing him. Let him know exactly how good you are.”
“Fuck, Ace.”
He watched Jake quickly pull from your hold and finish himself on your tummy. It splattered against your skin and Andy had to wonder how long it had been for the kid. Or maybe this was just the hold you had on men. You could draw the very souls out of them.
He stroked himself, watching you both come down, your little mewls the only thing keeping him going. Your pussy was still twitching as more of you leaked onto the bed, while Jake tried to get himself together. Leaning back, Andy played at his balls, pulling on them trying to join you in that post haze bliss. Closing his eyes, he replayed your pussy stretched out around the cock being shoved into you. The sweet noises you made when given his permission.
“Mmm daddy.”
Andy’s eyes whipped open at that. He had let you have fun with your friend, but he be damned if you called him daddy. Looking at the feed, he saw that Jake had left the room, presumably to get a towel to clean up. You were still spread out on your bed, your legs relaxed open, while your fingers played with the spend left on your stomach. Taking a scoop onto your middle finger, Andy’s pupils blew black, as you licked it from your fingers.
“Fuck, sweetheart. I’m here. You’ve missed it haven’t you. God, I swear to you I’ll figure out a way to give it to you again. Keep licking sweet girl. Keep licking…”
He lost it. This time he didn’t even have time to aim. The half hours’ worth of edging ended with the bottom of his dress shirt soaked. Looking down at it, he smirked thinking of Laurie finding it in the laundry later.
Sitting back in his chair, he watched as Jake came back in, gently cleaning you. Grabbing his hand, you directed him back to the bed, for him to cuddle in behind you. Andy sighed. It seemed that maybe Jake was more of an obstacle than he had originally given him credit. But it was your daddy you had called out for, not Jake. And that Andy could work with.
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thebibutterflyao3 · 4 months
Day 1 - Prompt: Fire @pandalilymicrofics
February Daily Series - 987 words
**Series 3/5 in a continuous multi-ship story**
<<<Previous Series OR Beginning
As soon as Pandora saw the preview of the notification pop up, she rushed to her contacts and Face-Timed him. “Pick up, pick up, pick up,” she muttered, flinging her long braid over her shoulder.
“Hi Panda,” Regulus said. “Bit early, yeah?”
“What's going on?” she demanded.
“Regulus, you can’t text me something cryptic like ‘I’m on fire’ without explanation! Now, spill. Is it about bi-boy?”
He pressed his lips together in a failed attempt to hide a grin. Before Pandora could chastise him for keeping secrets from her, he tipped the phone down toward his chest. A squeal left her lips the moment dark curls appeared at his collarbone.
“Panda! Hush! He’s still asleep.”
She shimmied excitedly and giggled into her hand. “How was it? You desperately need it, ami.”
Regulus’s face flushed bright pink as he lifted the mobile. “I don’t have the words to explain it. Like…Like drowning, but I want to become part-fish?”
She stifled a laugh and shook her head. Leave it to a poet to create an unhinged description for sex. “That good? Oh, I hate you!”
“You love me,” he replied, grinning wide.
Pandora hadn’t seen him this happy since…well, ever. Her chest clenched hard as she fought back the urge to cry. If she started crying, he would too.
Regulus huffed and pointed at the screen. “Stop it! I cannot go all weepy again.”
“I’m just so happy for you,” she whispered, cradling the phone in both hands. “You deserve a good one, Reg.”
“So do you.”
“Yes, well.” Pandora shrugged dismissively, then smiled. “Unless your new beau has a sibling…”
Regulus scrunched his nose in that incredibly adorable way of his. “No, sorry. Only child.”
“Zut alors.” Pandora sighed and sprawled on her bed. “When is it my turn?”
He levelled a thoroughly unimpressed frown at her. “You could have anyone you wanted, if you’d stop saying weird shite.”
“It’s not my fault people take me seriously! Speaking of Sirius, how is he handling this…development,” she asked, wriggling her fingers at the screen. “He better not interfere, or I swear-”
“No, no. He’s fine with it, better than fine, actually.” Regulus appeared mildly amused. “The prat even gave James his ‘blessing’ to kiss me.”
Pandora bit her bottom lip hard to keep her emotions in check. The relationship between Regulus and his brother had been strained for years. Seeing them reconnect and watching Regulus’s eyes soften when he mentioned Sirius melted her heart.
“By the way, he’s seeing someone here too.”
“Sirius? As in Sirius-Sirius?” she spluttered, blinking rapidly. “The one who vowed to-”
“-die single? The very same.”
“What’s in the water in Wales? Can you send me some, or do I need to drink it on location?”
“I don’t know about the water, but the locals are charming,” a deep voice mumbled. “Who’s that?”
Regulus rolled his eyes and tipped his phone down again. James turned his head and blinked at him in confusion, then squinted at the screen.
“Do I know you?”
“No. This is Pandora. She’s-”
“Delighted to meet you. James, right?” she interrupted, circling her hand in front of the screen. “I strongly approve of all of this and I’m a big fan of your work.”
He smirked, then laid his head on Regulus’s chest. “That’s good. How soon can you get here, Pandora?”
“Oh, I’m not-”
“She was just-”
James arched an eyebrow as his gaze flicked between them. “I’ll buy the ticket, if necessary.”
Regulus hummed thoughtfully. “Well, you did say that you wanted to get away from your brother.”
Pandora sat bolt upright, her heart in her throat. “Wait, really? You wouldn’t mind? I don’t want to intrude or anything.”
“I’ll set it up,” James mumbled, burying his face in Regulus’s chest. “Need to win you over too.”
“That’s true,” Regulus agreed. He stroked his fingers through James’s curls. “It’s not a bad idea, actually. You can meet James properly…and there’s a group of girls-”
“You like girls?” James said, his voice muffled. “Would she like Lily? She seems nice.”
Pandora slid off the bed and stumbled over the shoes splayed across her floor. “I’m packing right now! James, are you a decent wing-man? Regulus is shite at it.”
“What? It’s true!”
James chuckled and nodded against Regulus. “He’s too pretty, right? Distracts the target.”
Regulus pouted, but his lips twitched to hold back a smile. Holding back was Regulus’s mantra. He rarely let himself slip, yet he was failing to hide how charmed he was by this man.
“What’s she like, Reg?” she said, setting her phone on the dresser to dig through her closet. “Lily?”
“Sirius knows her better than I do. He’s dating one of her friends.”
Pandora’s head snapped up. “Oh this I have to see! When’s the first train?”
“Every thirty minutes or so, isn’t it?” James said, turning his head to yawn.
“I can be ready in an hour.”
Regulus’s face lit up as he craned his neck to see James. “Are we really doing this?”
“Yep. Do you see my phone? Thank you.” James squinted at the screen, then smiled when Regulus pressed his glasses onto his nose. “I’ll have Reg email the tickets to you, Pandora.”
“Merde, I can’t believe it! Reg, thank him properly for me, will you?”
“My pleasure.”
James dropped his phone, then scrambled to pick it back up. “Fuck. Wait until I pay for it, mi amor, or I'll forget how to sign my name.”
Pandora ended the call before the couple got too involved. Only an hour to pack, arrange a ride to the train station, and come up with an excuse to skip the mind-numbing boring holiday party her parents planned every year.
Next Part>>>
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rayplacement · 1 month
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Rayman / Fakeman selective rp. est 2024, April 27th.
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This blog is a selective literate, semi-literate rp blog of the character Rayman from the Netflix series Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix. I will be leaning on CLH Rayman (real version) for some of my take on Fake’s personality and will also heavily lean on HC based interpretations of my own until we see more of him in a hopeful season 2.
I will be writing literate or semi-literate when interacting, but I prefer literate. You can interact however you like to, but just know I will reply in some length and all I ask is please give me something to work with. (If you do " unserious " roleplays, go for it. I can work with that too.)
Bio, portrayal, connections, etc. under cut.
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐢𝐨
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Being let go from his job after an incident, Rayman was left feeling hurt and betrayed. He knew deep down in his own mind that they wouldn't...no, COULDN'T continue the Rayman Show and news without his likeliness. I mean, how could they? He was the host, the face, the main man of the broadcast which was shown throughout all of EDEN. The main show was named after him after all. Unfortunately, upon viewing the channel to see how they could have continued without him; there it was. A fully cloned lookalike of himself was seen talking directly towards the crowd from the screen of his TV.
Rayman, nicknamed Fakeman, Rayplacement, and sometimes FakeRay by the fan base, is Rayman's cloned counterpart who was evidently made to replace the actual Rayman. He is shown to be acting like the former; and shown as happy-go-lucky, sassy, and civic.
𝐇𝐂𝐬 & 𝐇𝐂 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐚𝐝𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐬
Rayman is more snarky, classy, flirtatious, and more dramatic than the previous Rayman.
Despite having a friendly face and friendly demeanor, he is shown to be more short tempered when not being broadcasted live. This Rayman also adores attention and having eyes on him. He practically lives off it.
When talking to someone, he often looks ahead of him and speaks out loud as if he has a crowd cheering him on from being used to the routine.
He tends to bow often and even clap after something good happens or something pleases him.
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
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When interacting, feel free to choose a starting connection from below. Keep in mind this is OPTIONAL. It just helps me understand if you want him to act a certain way towards your character first.
You are a fan of " Rayman." He sees you pop up at times, giving you autographs when asked and gives you one sided yet friendly gestures. He isn't your friend of course, just fulfilling a simple cater to a fan.
He confides in you. He will tell you how his day of work was without sprinkling non hardships. He finds you entertaining and good to be around.
What started off as a simple friendship now is closer. He confides in you and tells you many things. He trusts you and you trust him. He tells you about how his days are or really anything without sprinkling in sugar.
Fake will poke fun of, make snarky remarks, and get all hot headed when he is around you. What a brat. He cannot stand the utter thought of being with someone like you for more than five seconds.
He sees you at diners, clubs, and sometimes at the corner of a shop. He occasionally gives you a smile and sometimes even a wave. You two sometimes talk to one another when you so happen to run into each other. However despite this, nothing special comes to fruition. But that can change.
𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 ~
What a strange feeling. You two have been together for awhile and somehow you're here. He calls you by nicknames such as darling, my beloved, and dearest. He can be a bit of a jerk and perhaps once will put you on display for all to see, but at the end of the day he means well enough. You are his prize possession. Please note that he is bisexual. I am fine with shipping BUT they have to have known each other for awhiiile and should not be forced upon.
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Feel free to send in your muses with writing in my inbox for a response or dm me for interactions. I don't mind short responses too! (Just keep in mind again; I like to be a bit lengthy sometimes as I like to write the characters emotions, actions, etc) I will work with anything :) This blog is also cross over friendly so I don't mind other characters interacting, I highly encourage it to be frank. I also do not mind others portraying the same character. I do NOT DO MAINS. I interact freely 💜.
Sorry for the long pinned post, I think I had to get some info out, especially the character.
Penned by - your mom.
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Clh / Rayman rp wakey wakey wakey wakey are you awake now?
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kelcemenow · 1 year
I'm Happy.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 530
Warnings Nothing crazy here :)
This was a cute little request from an Anon! “Request Travis x famous actress reader Where the reader gets asked by paparazzi where she’s headed to in the airport, and she responds “im on to see me husband” kinda inspired in the Beyoncé TikTok and sagger that the video becomes viral and it’s a thing between the reader and Travis cause then he is asked also where’s his going and responds going to see me wife"
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You pulled your shades over your eyes and tightened your grip on the luggage that you were carrying. You could see a mass of people crowding around the doors at Phoenix Sky Harbour and few arbitrary camera flashes shone in your eyes. Your assistant and best friend Lily followed a few steps behind you, holding onto another one of your bags.
As you approached the crowd, you noticed a mixture of fans and paparazzi all vying for your attention. You smiled sweetly, firstly making a beeline for your fans.
"Oh my God, Y/N, I'm such a huge fan!! Could I have your autograph, please?" A young, bright eyed blonde girl looked up at you with a toothy grin.
You leaned down slightly and hooked your bag onto the crook of your elbow, taking her small blue notebook in your hand and swirling the pen to leave your signature on the paper.
The girl beamed up at you and you moved onto the next fan, posing for a selfie before looking further along the line. A phone was pointing in your direction and the man behind it shouted above the noise, "Y/N, where are you going?"
You looked directly into the camera and smiled, popping your shoulders, "I...am on...to see...my husband." You turned around, flashing the large 87 emblazoned on the back of your bright red bomber jacker.
The action achieved a cheer from the crowd and you continued to dance down the airport, "I'm happy, I'm happy, to see...my husband."
Lily laughed loudly as she followed you, watching the fans going wild.
Travis stepped out of his car, pulling his jacket on and staring up at the large film studio in front of him. As he closed the car door, the sound alerted a handful of paparazzi that were loitering around the studio entrance.
He was used to bumping into paparazzi, especially recently after just winning the Superbowl. He smiled for the cameras, just as he always did, and headed towards the door.
A journalist leaned closely to him and tried to match his walking speed, "Congratulations Mr Kelce, on your Superbowl win. How does it feel to win a second time?"
Travis continued to walk through the parking lot as he spoke, "Honestly, it feels awesome. The whole team have worked hard to get it, and I'm just looking forward to some rest now and spending time with my family."
A voice from the crowd rang out, "Travis, where are you going?"
Travis looked to his feet and smiled, knowing what the photographers wanted. He turned around with a smirk on his lips, starting to shake his hips, "I...am on...to see...my wife!" The cameras flashed wildly as he energetically gyrated his way towards the door, causing the security staff to start laughing. "I'm happy, I'm happy, to see...my wife!"
As Travis opened the door, he turned back and waved to the cameras. He felt your hands on his waist behind him before you raised up onto your tip-toes and pressed a kiss into his cheek. The clicking and flashing increased and Travis turned to you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"That'll be a GIF by this afternoon."
Get your requests in, because I'll be closing requests soon as they're starting to pile up and I don't want to get snowed under with them! I'm really enjoying writing these little short ones too, but I've got a new series in mind so stay tuned! If you want to be on my Taglist, please do let me know!
Taglist @kkrenae @keiva1000
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nburkhardt · 9 months
Chrissy Cunningham, coming back to the music industry. First single in three years!
Chrissy Cunningham was once a Disney star, grew up in the spot light and was America’s sweetheart. Stepped away from the acting world to become a singer, with her fan base following along with her; became a pop star over night with her first single, Love Story. Eventually the actress turned singer, she took a massive break from both to quietly start up a fashion line.
Her success is known world wide and has recently stepped back in Hollywood with a short series on Hulu. Now it seems after that success, she’s taking her comeback further with her new single; Single Soon.
We’re all ready to hear the new music and see what else Cunningham has up her sleeve!
“The world seems to be ready for you, Sweets.” Eddie looks up from his phone to smile at a nervously pacing Chrissy, “Why the pacing?”
Chrissy groans and falls helplessly against the couch, covering her face and says something that Eddie can’t hear. She groans again, lifting a hand and repeats, “I’m afraid of what Jason’s gonna think”
“Carver? You’re asshole of an ex? That guy?”
She groans and sits up, “I’ve only ever dated one guy named Jason, Eddie! You know this”
He snorts, “yeah well, what about him?”
Chrissy glares at him and Eddie raises his hands in surrender, a finger wiggle gets her glare to drop. His smile drops as her face falls and he sets his phone down to sit next to her, “Chrissy, babe, what’s the actual problem? The song is amazing, your show is a success and Robin is coming over with Stevie”
“I’m afraid Jason will react, Eds. He is sweet but he can be a lot-“
“Yeah I know, I got the texts to remember that he has a controlling side”
She groans again, “we’ve been broken up for months and now I’m coming out with this song, he could try something” she’s biting her lip and twisting her shirt in her hands, “Just, I don’t want backlash”
Eddie softens and pulls her against his side, kissing her temple and rubbing her arm, “you won’t, not from the ones who know you. You have me, the rest of our friends and your fans? Babe, they’ll always be supportive of you! They’ll never take his side if he does come out with bullshit about you.”
“I guess” she mumbles against him, “Are you absolutely sure Robin will be here?”
Eddie’s happy that she’s hiding against his side, because she doesn’t see the shit-eating grin he has, “Stevie made absolutely sure that she’ll be there, he even promised to drag her away from her studio if he has too.”
“He doesn’t have to do that! I know she has a deadline for-“
He makes a ‘tsk’ sound while shaking his head, “Chrissy, her deadline isn’t as soon as you think. Stevie told me it’s actually in October, three months away. Your crush just has anxiety over her album, she can take a day to relax and maybe this will finally be the chance you get!”
She doesn’t say anything, Eddie has a good point but still, Chrissy is worried but she won’t say it again.
Eddie squeezes her once before hopping up and holding his hand out for her, she grabs it and is immediately up and twirled around before being hugged.
“Watch, this single will be a huge success. Carver can cry his heart out, you’ll be making records and get the girl you like so much. Trust me on this, Chrissy Cakes”
She squeezes her arms around him and nods, lost with words right now. Knowing her best friend, he’ll keep that promise and keep reminding her of it to even out her anxiety on it.
(Eddie’s right of course, the song is a huge success. At the launch party, she ends the night on stage with Robin Buckley, spinning her around and kissing her cheek. The media go wild with it, but it doesn’t bother Chrissy like she thought she would. Instead, she spends weeks laughing at Jason’s poor attempts to ruin her with Robin next to her)
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I… don’t know where this came from other than I heard Selena Gomez’s new song ‘Single Soon’ and then I just started typing hahaha.
Information to know: everyone is famous in some way in this. Eddie’s got Corroded Coffin, Chrissy is basically Selena Gomez (child star/singer/fashion designer) Robin’s an indie singer and Steve’s a baseball player. The Party members are whatever you can think of it, I’d like to think some of them are YouTubers, singers & actors. Jason is also unfortunately famous too, he’s an actor. Steve and Eddie are together in this. They’ve been playing matchmaker with their best friends/platonic soulmates.
I could probably write more but I probably won’t lol so if anyone wants, you can take this and add too it or write your own version!
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@spectrum-spectre @itsfreakingbats @mysticcrownshipper @artiststarme @thereindeerlady @justforthedead89 @ronniescontinuum @freyaforestafay @littlewildflowerkitten @estrellami-1 @gregre369 @zerokrox-blog @bookworm0690 @flustratedcas @carlprocastinator1000 @marvelmwah @solliesolesito @navnae @i-less-than-three-you @grimmfitzz @strangersteddierthings
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linxuelian · 1 month
Anime Fest Plus 2024 Convention Experience Log - With Photos!
Hi, hello! As I've recently (as of this post, yesterday morning) attended Anime Fest+ 2024 at Tropicana Gardens Mall, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, I've decided to write an experience log about my day there! While I will be posting a few different cosplays here, since my blog is currently primarily about MDZS, TGCF and SVSSS at the moment, most of the cosplays I'll be sharing will be from these three titles. To add to the fun, I'll also have commentaries on them!
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To preface, the largest anime convention in Malaysia is Comic Fiesta, an annual mecca with 70,000 attendees as of the year 2023. Anime, games and comics are popular in this country, so there are smaller cons dotted throughout the months.
Anyway, the crowd wasn't as large as Comic Fiesta. As the structure of Tropicana Gardens Mall is rather narrow, you'd technically have to file through in two to three lines to be able to walk in and out of the place.
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The exhibition hall at the fourth floor hosted all performances as well as cosplay booths. You'd have to ride one of the two escalators up to the hall - plebs without a ticket are doomed to be stranded at the bottom of said escalators, unable to sop up the merriment held exclusively above.
Here are some pics though, just in case you were a pleb that day, or just didn't attend the event:
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Main hall programs and booths featured mostly Hololive and sexy pretty girl cosplayers and figurines, given the regular, expected fare when it comes to the anime consuming demographic (yes, I'm calling you out, my anime-watching brothers). I didn't take pictures of the doujinshi market out of respect for the art sellers there, but I did buy a beautiful print and got some lovely free stickers from that ONE vendor who sold BL stuff among the throngs of moe girls/Genshin Impact.
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Yes, there was only one stall. But that one vendor made my day! Bless your heart, sister!
Now, I'll move on to the highlight - the cosplays. Nothing fills my heart with more joy than seeing happy people wearing colorful costumes and having a blast just being part of the convention scene. To be honest, it's so common to be wearing cosplay outfits nowadays that folk don't even notice you when you're dressed up - and I say this from experience; nobody noticed at all that I was in costume (or they were far too polite to laugh at how shitty I looked LOL, I didn't even dare take pics of myself). These events usually become scavenger hunts for me, to identify the ones from series I know or my tribe (fellow MXTX fans aha!).
First up is an oldie that's a goldie - Mr. Spock from Star Trek (credit: FaceBook user Yasuhiro Orihusay):
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Honestly, I did NOT expect to find any Star Trek cosplays there. My dad's a Trekkie, so this was one of the first pics I sent him at the con itself. Live long and prosper, Mr. Spock!
Next, a furry OC:
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I wasn't able to get their social media account as they were waiting in line for an autograph by a cosplayer, so unfortunately I'm unable to credit here.
Furries are currently still a new thing in Malaysia - but I'm glad to see them appearing more frequently at our cons, since they do diversify our pop culture scene quite a bit. Furs Upon Malaysia (FURUM) is held annually in Kuala Lumpur. The tickets are always sold out within an hour, so it's definitely growing and also contributing to tourism (Indonesian and Singaporean furries gather there too).
Also, they're fluffy. I love fluffy things. Much thanks, furry fandom, for being fluffy!
Moving on, here's a group cosplay of Jojo's Bizzare Adventure's Six Pistols (Mista from Golden Wind's Stands, if you're wondering which season it's from):
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Vibrant and very spot on! I was unable to get their social media account due to the crowd and disorientation on my part. Do try to look them up, though! They were pretty popular, so I'm sure someone would have shared some info if you're interested.
Anyway, here's a White Mage from Final Fantasy (credit: https://www.instagram.com/yari_hayashi/):
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Final Fantasy's one of the older franchises, but it's definitely rising again due to the new FFVII remake. I thought he was Garnet until I saw the blond wig. Bless the mages, healing power plus!!
Next in line is one of my all-time favorites, Sailor Moon (credit: https://www.instagram.com/jiahuab0719_cos/):
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I'm a Moonie so seeing a Sailor Moon made me pretty excited! I don't see too many Sailor Moon cosplays even in Comic Fiesta - cosplays at our conventions are pretty seasonal and tend to follow trends, from what I've seen. She definitely caught quite a bit of attention with her wings, too. I saw her getting stopped quite a bit, so I'm glad I got a pic before a line formed!
Aaaand! I've saved the best for last! I'll be showcasing the MXTX stuff now. To start off (with a bang), here are two cosplayers of the number one seasonal love interest of the BL world, Hua Cheng a.k.a. San Lang Didi (Grown Up Version):
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Credit: https://www.instagram.com/karry.1213/ (donghua version) and https://www.instagram.com/kopiii_cos/ (manhua version)
Remember how I said cosplays at Malaysian conventions tend to be pretty seasonal? Well, the current flavor of the month for the BL world is definitely TGCF - and the hottest flavor is now San Lang didi. You're going to get stopped for photos pretty often for dressing up as this flashy guy, and for good reason too. Donned in striking red, Hua Cheng is the Ferrari of the danmei world.
I overhead Kopiii_cos' friend saying so many people have been asking for photos! Viva Fafa!
Next, we have the ever beautiful WangXian couple cosplays:
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Credit: Wei Wuxian (https://www.instagram.com/purple_384/) and Lan Wangji (https://www.instagram.com/anson1510/)
WangXian's a staple when it comes to the MXTX fandom. There's nary a person who doesn't love these two soulmates, and with these elaborate costumes, they've certainly stolen the show! They were the first couple I saw at the entrance of the exhibition hall, which makes sense since there was an OTP contest going on that afternoon.
Moving along, we have the main character of his story, the Crown Prince of Xian Le, Xie Lian (credit: https://www.instagram.com/arkutagwa/):
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I gotta admit that this Lian's the sweetest of the Xies so far. Had a field day calling each other cute (what can I say, we both had cute personalities)! Gotta love that charming dimpled cheek, bless!
Speaking of cute, there's also this whole cute pose thing going on with certain attendees (credit: https://www.instagram.com/chzesin/):
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I won't lie - I didn't recognize the character at first. But with the dark-gray-to-white ombre, black and red colors to tell you that's a Wei Wuxian, I'm just going to take a gamble here and deduce that yes, that is indeed a Wei Wuxian and include it. Let me know if you don't think it is.
Last but not least, we have our MXTX OTP group:
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Credits: https://www.instagram.com/ayafvrvv/ (Luo Binghe) and https://www.instagram.com/close0402/ (Lan Wangji) - the rest didn't share their social media accounts but they did say you can find them through each other's accounts.
Turns out they're a group who'd entered the OTP contest that afternoon. If you're wondering, no, Binghe isn't paired with air (this is Bing-mei, not Bing-ge). There was a large number of attendees that day as it was Sunday, so their Shizun was still looking for parking. I'd gotten lucky since I'd arrived there just as they'd opened up Basement 3 so ZOOM I parked near the escalators with plenty of space to spare. Until today I chalk it up to being last-minute dressed as Xie Lian, the god of good luck for hobos like myself (or, according to popular belief, Hua Cheng's blessed every Xie Lian cosplayer out there no matter how much we look like we've just stepped out of a jungle). I also had plenty of space to sit for a lovely lunch of salad and green tea!
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Granted, there were actually a few other Xie Lians there as well (he's the current flavor as well), but I didn't want to chase after them from afar since the flow of human traffic in this particular mall wasn't too conducive for trying to get pictures, unlike KLCC's garden. Usually, more fans are dressed as the two main characters, Wei Wuxian and Xie Lian - or the shous/bottoms in popular danmei. Surprisingly, I actually saw quite a number of gongs/tops this trip round.
So as a bonus, here's a pic with all our dandy gongs/tops together:
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A dashing lot, aren't they?
Anyway, this wraps up my experience log as an MXTX cosplay hunter! Hope you enjoyed it! Bless!
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