#chronic pain support
learningfromlosing · 5 months
Omg??? So I have been terrified to work out because I just know that it's going to fucking hurt so bad because of my chronic pain but because of the pain I don't move around a lot and that makes it worse!!! And I've been on yt shorts and I just came across this guy who's doing like, beginner stuff for working out and when I saw it my ADHD ass was like oh my god that looks like something I'd do anyway when I have an energy burst?? And I tried it because it looked so low maintenance and I was SO SUS like NO WORKOUTS work for me I have always hated it and it hurts so bad and I want to be strong so bad like I was as a kid but I just lost it because of this pain. But this .. looks different like maybe I could do it it looks fun? And not hard? So I tried it and ???? It was fun? It was easy??? And i could ACTUALLY FEEL IT WORKING MY BODY and finally RELIEVING SOME OF THAT SHOULDER/NECK/AND BACK PAIN I CAN NEVER GET RID OF!!! it literally only took like 2/3 minutes because like hell fucking no I'm not going to be working out 10 FUCKING MINUTES no I can barely take my laundry to my bedroom. So I only did a few sets but it was so helpful I was flabbergasted . And I kept looking though his stuff...... Dude these are the easiest workouts I've ever done! I was like so ready to give up on the idea and try something else like yoga but it's like a mix of all of it! And it's SOOOO easy for me especially when I can barely hold my shoulders back on a good day and my posture needs a brace and it RELIEVES SO MUCH TENSION! I was maybe working out for like 15? Minutes? And that's like with lots of break baby I need to sit down for a second watch you do it and become comfortable with it. But still with all that in-between time and actually doing the workouts I was really getting my heart rate up and I could feel my muscles loosening up and I could feel the relief in my shoulders and neck and it was like I had a religious experience. I have never wanted to continue a work out I have never wanted to follow anyone on yt or anything that's doing that but this one is genuinely helping me and I'm ... Actually a little excited to try and do it everyday? To try and help me move around? And relieve so much of the pain I have and can't relieve without my medication right now.. And maybe even lose weight if I'm so brave? Become the strong person I was and have wanted to be? This is kind of super new for me like I'm 25 and I have really thought nothing was gonna get better for this because of my situation and it was just gonna get worse but.. this is so helpful.. I have fallen so far because of my illnesses and I have really not seen much hope for getting onto something that seems attainable and like could actually have a positive impact on my life. Something truly beginner that doesn't make me feel like I can't even do a beginner workout and give up. This is helping me so much and I'm honestly thankful for it. I actually.. think I want to try and do this more?
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 2 years
Hello, do you have any recommendations for online chronic pain discussion forums? I'm trying to find some kind of help that isn't "lose weight and stop being mentally ill", and I reckon disabled community forums would be good for that?
I can't think of any off the top of my own head, but you're absolutely right about the Disability Community. So I'll post this question, and see if anyone else has some recommendations.
Here on Tumblr, try looking for tags with "Spoonie" somewhere in them -- those folks know a thing or five.
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study-diaries · 23 days
Your pain (physical/mental/emotional) is valid even if nobody can see it
Your pain is valid even if you have no physical symptoms
Your pain is valid even if there is no physical injury
Your pain is valid even if others tell you it's not
Your pain is valid even if you do not have a life threatening disease
Your pain is valid even if you don't have a diagnosis
Your pain is valid even if you do have a diagnosis
Your pain is still valid even if nobody believes you
Your pain is still valid even if you are too "young" for the problem/issue
Your pain is valid even if the health care advisor/anybody tells you that it's in your head
Your pain is valid no matter what the conditions are
Your pain is valid.
Pain does not discriminate between age, gender, race, nationality etc. Just because you can't see pain, doesn't mean it's not there.
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pumpkinspicedmochi · 8 months
People are always like "I'm autistic too and I CAN work/do thing! so you can too, those are excuses" or "I also have back pain and I can stand for HOURS to work you just lazy"/ "well my feet hurt all the time but I Still work so.."
but did it possibly occur to you that..MY autism isn't YOUR autism?, my scoliosis isn't yours ..mine for all you know could be worse than yours and even if yours is a higher curve number ours still won't be same neither will our pain be the same. Say this to say: don't compare yourself to others in that way, I've seen people do this with like adhd too like I don have adhd that I know but do struggle with executive dysfunction and just because you can do whatever and you don't struggle with it at all or as much as others doesn't then give you the right to say "well I have that too and so I know for a fact you CAN do the thing , you just lazy! I can say because I have same disorder and therefor-" please shut the fuck up, we not the same.
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notllorstel · 1 year
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Bell aka Warrior against chronic pain.
^^^this inspired this vvvv
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*pov you have a migraine*
Bonus new doodle addition when finally finished
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4spooniesupport · 8 months
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A real, unbutchered pain scale.
Based on this, my base level of pain is a 7. Sounds pretty accurate
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neuroticboyfriend · 1 year
just had a realization. if you're heavily distressed every day. i think... i think that's called living in crisis. that's not normal. that's not healthy. that's an urgent health concern. you deserve better...
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roisinivy · 8 months
September is PCOS Awareness month, and I'd like to point out some of the many symptoms people with PCOS deal with everyday...
moon face
excessive body hair, arm, chests, back, face, legs and buttocks
irregular periods
painful periods
extremely heavy periods
constant bloating
mood swings
struggle to lose weight
struggle to gain weight
food cravings
high cholesterol
insulin resistance
oily skin
sleep apnea
tubular breasts
dark and sensitive underarms
skin tags
belly fat
high testosterone
excessive hair loss
thinning hair
pelvic pain
ovarian cysts
And so much more, as well as having to struggle to even find a doctor who will take any of our symptoms and pain seriously. The medical industry needs to take better care of women, intersex and trans folks with PCOS and Endometriosis.
Our pains are real and we deserve better.
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spacedocmom · 30 days
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Doctor Beverly Crusher @SpaceDocMom The only people who think that painful, debilitating health conditions "build character" are the ones who don't have to deal with those conditions on a daily basis. emojis: black heart, blue heart, masked 3:41 PM · Apr 1, 2024
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akindplace · 27 days
My illness has no cure. It probably won’t have for the duration of my life. It won’t “get better” because the scientific community is still trying to understand it and there is not enough academic research on it, unfortunately. Many doctors haven’t heard of it, and they don’t always know how to help, how to treat it. Everything is always very experimental and there isn’t a single solution for the symptoms of my illness since every person suffering from it has very different experiences.
Yes, there is no cure, and they won’t probably find one soon. But there is something else that can be solved, there is a resolution to be found: it’s acceptance by society. Accommodation. That often involves people having to be educated, because often the worst judgments come from a place of ignorance. But I believe society can know better. I believe in advocating for the rights of disabled people. The quality of life of a disabled person like me can greatly improve when others understand that my body might work differently than theirs, that my limitations don’t always allow me to be the most productive all the time, that I am dealing with chronic pain, and chronic health problems, but I am still a person, just as anyone else.
As social creatures, we need each other. And it’s okay that different people have different needs. And needing more or less support should not define your worth or how integrated you should be into society.
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d3lusi0nal-d33r · 29 days
very exhausting to explain that my autism is not your fault.
overstimulated is not your fault.
meltdown not your fault.
stim not your fault.
disability is not your fault!!! and i am not sympathetic about this anymore!! stop getting upset when show disability!!! stop centering yourself in my disability!!
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disabledbutchblues · 8 months
able-bodied neurotypical people want quiet disability. invisible disability. they love it when we don’t complain and don’t shove our needs in their face. they love it when we stay home and die quietly instead of trying to live (but they don’t like it when we stay home and need caregivers).
[paragraph about self then next ones on more general and important things] i recently realized that i make many people uncomfortable irl because i talk about my symptoms. i wasn’t aware it was wrong, because i’m autistic and struggle a lot with notions of public vs private space, and what can be said to whom. i’m very open about my disabilities and struggles, both because i don’t realize i’m saying something i shouldn’t, and because i don’t have a choice and often can’t mask (i am not high masking. not low masking either tho). i don’t wear unnoticeable noise cancelling headphones, they’re not good enough for me at all, i wear big obvious ear defenders with a fluorescent part. i sit down on the floor of a store if my legs hurt. i don’t sit normally anywhere, including at school, because i can’t, i can’t sit correctly and not move, it’s painful. i don’t hesitate to tell people i have terrible executive dysfunction. i openly say i am in pain and need to rest, even if it’s abnormal for a teenager to not have a healthy strong body. when it seems relevant to the conversation, i share the fact that i struggled with an eating disorder and self harm and that i recovered/am recovering. when someone asks me how i am doing, i tell them i’m feeling terrible because i am in pain or because i am suicidal or because i am overwhelmed— this is partly a choice to be open about my disability, partly the fact that i don’t notice until it’s too late that they don’t want me to be honest, and party the fact that there are many things i cannot hide. i tell people that i am not independent, can’t cook, can’t go to new places alone, can’t shop, can’t maintain hygiene and that i don’t shower enough or brush my teeth regularly. when someone asks if i plan on learning how to drive i say that i don’t want to right now because my processing issues would be dangerous and i would get in an accident. i tell people i have meltdowns and shutdowns at school. i hit myself in public sometimes.
yet i am not visibly disabled. i’m very lucky and privileged within the disabled community. i am visibly weird and there is visibly something wrong with me but i am only visibly disabled to someone who spends some time with me and sees me unable to process informations or unable to do IADLs. strangers don’t know i’m disabled until i tell them— they mock a symptom or ask why i can’t do something and i say i’m autistic, i’m disabled, i’m in pain. and they already hate that i tell them. they say it’s private. they say my struggles are something personal. something to talk about with doctors but that no one else should have to know about.
some people are way more disabled than me, visibly disabled, disabled at first glance. some use mobility aids, full time or not. some have intellectual disabilities, some use an AAC device, some have a physical disability that cannot be concealed or an intellectual/developmental/mental disability that very obviously affects the way they move or communicate. some people don’t have a choice to mask or not to mask, don’t have a choice to be visibly disabled or not. strangers will immediately notice that these people are disabled, even without engaging in a conversation with them. and they hate it ! disabled people are supposed to be quiet and invisible and going outside with ear defenders or a mobility aid or anything, no matter if it is a small or a huge accommodation, is too much. but the bigger it is or the more you need help to do a ‘basic, easy’ thing, the worse it is. they stare at me in the street because of my ear defenders, but they don’t just stare when someone is in a wheelchair, they touch and break and don’t have any respect.
ableists think disabled people shouldn’t be in their way because they think we shouldn’t exist or that we are worthless. having an accommodation or an aid in public is already activism for them, already disturbing, already forcing them to see that they are privileged and that the world is not accessible.
to exist as a disabled person is beautiful. it’s brave. it’s something to be proud of. not because it’s inspiring that you are strong enough to live with your disability, not because "someone else would have killed themselves already in your situation," not because "i could never be like that ! you’re so courageous !", but because ableism is everywhere and it’s so hard to live in this world where they don’t want us to exist. it’s so hard to advocate for ourselves.
and for those who are not visibly disabled (like me), or at least not always ; for those who have low support needs ; for those who know how to mask : point out inaccessibility. force people to see their own ableism. make them uncomfortable. it’s also our job, our responsibility. if someone mocks me and calls me useless because i can’t do IADLs i say i’m disabled, stay very calm and inform them that many people are unable to perform BADLs without help and that they deserve just as much help and respect as anyone else. if someone points out how annoying my ear defenders are i ask why the place isn’t accessible for people in a wheelchair. etc etc. listen to people with higher support needs than you and amplify their voices. but also act irl.
we can all do better and force society to be better to.
and remember that accessibility for you doesn’t mean accessibility for everyone.
a place that accommodates sensory issues might not have accessible toilets. so it’s not good enough. an autism support group meeting has stim toys and ear defenders and happens in a quiet place ? that’s wonderful ! can a nonverbal person participate ? are caregivers welcome ? we can’t just think that "something is better than nothing." yes it is, but it’s not good enough. if a place or an event is accessible for one thing but not for something else, then it’s not accessible. and we need to be loud about it.
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audhd-space · 8 months
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[Alt text from image]
Screenshot of tweet from user @/hi_its_annaleah here :
less telling marginalized ppl to "Find your community"
more telling society in general to "Cultivate safe spaces"
less telling struggling ppl to "Reach out for help/support"
more telling society in general to "Provide meaningful, affordable, informed, accessible help/support"
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dias-non-profit · 11 months
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ID: A picture of the disability pride flag with Hozier in front of it. It says "Reblog if you like Hozier or if you are physically disabled and in pain". End ID.
Ironically, our favorite song by Hozier is "Movement".
Anyways, check out our page if you can't afford a mobility aid or if you can afford to donate to our non-profit!
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pyjamacryptid · 7 months
me surrounded by all of my medical paperwork that disability services deems “not enough evidence” to claim support, after applying for the 5th time:
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4spooniesupport · 7 months
I don't think people understand how stressful it can be convincing people how sick you feel on the inside when you don't look sick on the outside
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