#crayon banner
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requested by anon
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typenull · 26 days
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went too far with this but had fun
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bayysart · 10 months
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I love The Hulk and Bruce Banner. He's great.
Colored with crayola crayons!
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stimmy--cryptid · 2 years
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🖍 | our video, please credit this post if you use this
do not violate my dni. absolutely NO 18+, k!nk, n$fw or dd|g interaction. do not use in tiktok stimboards!! please check pinned for our full DNI
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chaos-garden · 1 year
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how it feels every time report + blocking bots that show up following
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snowfadings · 4 months
i am so so excited, i have a bunch of things like coloring books n markers n a liquid timer (and more!!) on the way :] should be here in 4 days ....!!! i want a new backpack too but making small steps ! if i can i will take a pic to show the stuff i got when it gets here !!
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joshfutturman · 3 months
'birthday wishes’
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oneshot (request) - you and abby throw a surprise birthday party for mike! (2.1k words) pairing - mike schmidt (five nights at freddys) + gn reader tags: pure fluff, you and abby put up decorations together, you’ve been her babysitter for a year, there’s lingering feelings between you and mike that neither of you have talked about.
.・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・.
✰ mike was never a fan of his birthdays, abby had told you. they sort of came and went every year with little fuss. you never brought it up to mike, knowing it was a sore spot for him. being abby’s babysitter, it was rare you and mike had a chance to talk anyway. he’d often come home, nod hello to you and you’d leave. a few rare times he’d sit on the same sofa as you instead of his usual armchair and smile at little things on the tv. you spent more time looking at him than the tv.
✰ but his birthday was coming up and you wanted to do something nice for him, as did abby. it had been a whole year since you’d began babysitting her, you guys were best friends - it was time for a team up attack.
✰ that night, you and abby got to planning. sitting on her bedroom floor, surrounded by crayons and different drawing stationary. she drew little pictures of different decorations, ideas for banners, balloons, the whole works. you smile on as you watch her, happy at how much she had warmed up to you over the year. but she notices you watching, arching an eyebrow and pushing some paper and crayons towards you. your turn.
✰ oops, it was well past abby’s bedtime by the time you both finished. gathering the papers with your master plans on them, you neatly place them in a drawer within her desk before tucking her into bed. you thank each other for the fun, and you disappear down the hall to the couch, your bed for the night. curling up, your eyes are quickly closing as you try to focus, and fail, on the tv. before you know it, your eyes are closed.
✰ mike comes home, but you don’t shuffle in your sleep and wake up like you normally do. he takes a few steps towards the couch, peeking over at you to find you still asleep. mike smiles, admiring you for a few seconds until he feels like a creep and retreats away to his bedroom. a few seconds later he returns with a blanket, placing it over you.
✰ you wake up a few hours later, embarrassed you’d slept in so much. mike actually cooks you some breakfast, you leave with a smile and butterflies. and he won’t admit it, but mike was glad you stayed for as long as you did.
✰ the next night - its go time. you brought home all the decorations you had both planned for mikes big day tomorrow, keeping them hidden in your car until mike left for work as well as some secret ice cream for you and abby. abby excitedly runs around with some of the balloons, giggling and debating keeping them for herself until you pull out the ice cream.
✰ “i think mike is gonna love this,” she says with the wisdom of someone much older than ten, nodding with the spoon still in her mouth. “you think?” you smile, glad to have abby’s stamp of approval. abby looks at you like you’re crazy for asking, “of course!”
✰ after ice cream, it’s time to finish the decorations. abby helps hold your chair steady as you stand on it, pinning up the blue bunting around the living room, attaching some balloons at the end. but there’s still more balloons to blow up, and it takes a while for you both to finish them - red in the face from all the hard work.
✰ you both stand in the middle of the room, hands on your hips, admiring the decorations and how you’ve both transformed the place. it truly looked like the party of the century was about to go down here. abby looks up at you with a great big smile, one that makes your heart melt.
✰ the cake is set on the table, a cute little round white one with blue icing and some blue candles. as you inspect it, you suddenly feel a little nervous. what if mike didn’t react the way you thought? what if he got angry? an image of him flickers in your mind, jaw clenching with that usual look of frustration in his face.
✰ abby gasps as she sees the cake and peers over the table at it with a wide grin, “it looks just like the cake he got me a few years ago for my birthday. . . he’s gonna LOVE it!” - and that puts your worries at ease slightly.
✰ you both wrap up on the sofa, ready to get a nap before he gets home at half six in the morning. there’s a movie on the tv you both enjoy, but abby is out for the count before long. once you know she’s asleep, you begin to relax too, drifting off.
✰ beep. beep. beep. in a groggy state you open your eyes and yawn to find your phone beeping on the coffee table. six twenty-five am, your phone reads. abby is up too, way too chipper for this time in the morning as she springs out of the blanket and begins putting the finishing touches on the decorations. she’s giggling all the while, running into her bedroom to get the picture she drew him for his birthday.
✰ she’d kept the picture a surprise from even you, but you knew it would be amazing - abby was definitely going to be a famous artist one day. with that talent, how could she not?
✰ you’re nervous as you place the small gift you got mike on the table beside his cake. it’s neatly wrapped in gold paper, a dream journal. he’d mentioned in passing about his interest in dreams, it was only once but you remembered. maybe he could use something like this? or maybe he would think it was silly. . .
✰ the sound of the car pulling up outside pulls you from your thoughts and you turn towards the window, seeing mike’s old beat up ride pulling into the driveway. “abby!” you call out, “mike’s home!”
✰ she runs through at the speed of light, stopping at the table as she holds the picture she drew tight to her chest. she’s bouncing a little as she stands, face absolutely beaming. you smile as you stand behind her, feeling yourself chuckle - her energy was so infectious.
✰ hearing mike slowly begin to open the door, abby lets out a small giggle. you watch on as you see him enter.
✰ mikes eyes are on the ground like they normally are when he comes in, not noticing much of anything. but after a few seconds, something catches his eye in his peripheral, something blue. his eyes dart up, noticing the decorations as he absentmindedly closes the door behind him, too preoccupied with scanning the room. he doesn’t even notice the two of you there, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. was this for him?
✰ “happy birthday!!!” abby yells, pulling him out of his daze and he looks over at the two of you. it’s the first time you’ve ever seen him smile like this. it’s soft and gentle and. . . genuine, sort of like how he smiles at the tv but this time it’s on you and it feels different.
✰ “happy birthday, mike!” you yell after abby, a little quieter.
✰ mike’s not sure what to say, shrugging off his backpack and leaving it by the door. he walks over to hang his jacket up, still looking around at all the cute decorations. “you guys did this for me?” he asks as he makes his way back over to the two of you. his eyes find the cake and his face softens even more.
✰ the only reminder he had of his birthday each year was the picture abby drew him, he kept them in his bedside drawer and looked at them on particularly hard days. he’d forgotten his birthday was coming up at all, choosing to let himself forget it. each year it had been a reminder that he was no closer to finding garrett - this year was different.
✰ “we wanted to surprise you!” abby admits, jumping towards him and giving him a small cuddle, he pats her back and glances at you with a shy expression. you’re caught a little off guard by this. what was that?
✰ “you did huh.” mike says, pulling back from abby and smiling at her.
✰ she holds up her picture to him, “surprise!” mike’s face shifts, eyes widening slightly as he takes in the drawing. he accepts it and holds it to look at it properly.
✰ abby glances back at you, and then to him with a sly grin.
✰ “this is. . . really good abby, really cute.” he mumbles and though his smile is shy, it’s also sweet, the same smile he only offered in private.
✰ “can i see? she kept it a secret from me too, but i wanna witness this masterpiece.” you smirk at abby and step over towards mike, standing beside him.
✰ the picture - your eyes widen too. abby had drawn the three of you all together, abby was beside mike holding his hand, you were on the other end of mike, holding his hand. there’s little birds flying around you, a cute little sun in the corner and everyone has big smiles. there’s a little love heart above you and mikes connected hands.
✰ “that’s. . . a really sweet picture abby,” you nod, feeling your cheeks run a little red. mike’s cheeks do the same and abby watches on in complete glee.
✰ “think its my favourite.” mike admits, half joking, half serious. he looks to you for your reaction and you look back at him with a laugh, nudging him with your shoulder.
✰ “i got you something too, just a small thing,” you say, sneaking towards the table and grabbing your little gift, “doesn’t compare to the masterpiece though.” mike sighs softly, “you really shouldn’t have. . .” “well, i wanted to.” you admit with a smile, handing him the present.
✰ mike reluctantly takes it, unwrapping it and holding the dream journal in his hands. he blinks. you remembered. he mentioned in passing being interested in this kind of stuff, maybe seven months ago. he remembers that specific night because you were half asleep. your head kept drooping and mike found it so adorable. again, a smile overtakes his face without him knowing.
✰ “thanks,” is all he says at first, opening it to trace his fingers across the pages, “really, thanks.” his eyes find yours and you can tell he means it. “it’s no problem, just something small but - i remember you said you were interested in dreams and. . . you can use it for notes and stuff.” you say clumsily, almost tripping over your own words.
✰ he nods and stands awkwardly.
✰ abby looks at the two of you, “completely hopeless. . .” she mutters under her breath, too quiet for either of you to hear before she waddles in, pulling you both into a hug. with a hand each on abby’s back and one on each other’s, you and mike embrace a little. this is the closest you’ve ever been and it feels. . . nice.
✰ pulling back, you all let out a little chuckle. this was the nicest birthday mike had experienced since. . . well, since.
✰ you turn away from mike, breathing a small sigh of relief to be away from his gaze for a second - were your cheeks still super red? whatever. you pulled a small lighter from your back pocket and bent over, lighting the candles on the cake.
✰ “come on. . .” mike laughs in disbelief, “you’re not seriously gonna-“
✰ before he can finish his sentence, you and abby begin singing happy birthday to him in sync. abby gladly takes the role of holding the cake with pride, aiming it up towards him. mike stands, glaring at the two of you as you finish the song. you both beam big smiles back at him.
✰ mike waits a few moments, cursing you both with glares before he reluctantly blows out the candles dramatically.
✰ “what did you wish for!” abby blurts out before correcting herself, “no wait, don’t tell! then it won’t come true!”
✰ but mike looks at you. he wished for another birthday next year just like this, with you and abby. unable to wipe the smile from his face, you catch his stare and smile back.
✰ you already had ideas for his next birthday, and it involved a lot more balloons.
.・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・.
‧₊˚ dedicated tags: @helen-on-earth @fatinhadesiners06 @boonam @sun-spider13 @laurrrelise @sammygirlism @sleepyhutcherson‧₊˚ ily all sm!! thank you!
.・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・. .・。.・゜✭・.
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tetsuskei · 6 months
frosty rituals - kuroo tetsurō [fluff]
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synopsis: celebrating the first snow of the year with your best friend ultimately leads to something more
notes: this was originally a request done for my dear omi @/gojoed and i liked it a lot and decided to repost to celebrate the winter season. banner by wonderful remi @/cafekitsune. <3
warnings: gender neutral reader, mutual pinning, reformatted but not entirely edited oops
word count: 1.7k
it was tradition as always to watch the first snow together. you had seen the snow forecast early in the week, but the chances of it actually happening were slim to none. nevertheless, you needed to be prepared.
everything was set: the white crayon in the freezer, the spoon under the pillow, and the ice already flushed down the toilet*. there was no way that it wouldn’t snow.
kuroo, your friend and neighbor (and current crush), knew of all of your special rituals. he'd teased you about them and childish they were, but you just called him an old man who didn’t know how to have fun.
so when your restlessness got the best of you and you woke up in the middle of the night, the first thing you did was peer out the window.
your heart lifted with awe and joy at seeing the white flakes dance softly to the ground, sticking and collecting there. you knew it was a genius idea to wear your pjs inside out*.
scrambling out of bed, you reach for your phone and run out, grabbing your coat and slipping on your shoes. running across the street, you rap on the front door.
after waiting for awhile with no response, you eventually decide to call. you rock on the balls of your feet as you await for the person to the phone.
"...hello?" his voice is fairly deep, layered with sleep when he answers.
"tetsu! it happened, i was right!" you beam, jumping around.
"right about what?" he asks, confused.
"the snow! look outside!”
kuroo yanks back the curtain of his window, eyes widening at the blanket of white covering the ground. "well i'll be damned."
"yeah, that's right! now come outside!" you tell him, turning to look back out at the snow.
"what? no, it's freezing." he says, instinctively wrapping himself up tighter in his blankets he dragged off the bed.
"i'm outside your house so you have to!" you respond, shifting in your spot on his porch.
"w-what? outside? are you out of your mind? come inside, it's cold out." he says, worry laced in his voice at the thought of you freezing.
"i don't have my spare key." you answer sheepishly, cheeks burning with embarrassment. you hear a low grumble before some shuffling and background noise.
"...i'll be out in a second."
you both hang up and you continue admiring the snow in piece. you decide to sit down on the bench in front of kuroo’s house while you wait for him.
you don’t know what it is about it, but the sight of snow just makes you so happy. being able to admire flakes and know that no two flakes look the same and are all unique and different beings a warmth to your soul, ironically enough.
“if i would’ve guess, i would’ve thought you’d never seen snow before.”
the sound of kuroo’s voice makes you jump and you turn to see his tall figure bundled up in a coat, hat, and some gloves all on top of his night clothes. he looks cozy and warm and that makes you shiver in your spot due to your very own lack of layering.
he notices right away. “where’s your hat and gloves?”
“all at home. i rushed out to come over here.” you answer, shoving your hands further into your pathetic, shallow pockets. if you ball your hands up enough, you can keep the circulation going. you think.
“here.” he places his own hat on your head, taking your smaller hands and slipping on his gloves, and finally wrapping his scarf around you. he leans down as he does it and you feel your heart beat fast at the close proximity.
his face is close and you can feel his inhuman body heat radiating off of him. the sight of the tip of his nose and cheeks painted with a blush makes him like ethereal in the late night.
“try not to be so reckless and freeze yourself to death.” he scolds, flicking your forehead. you scrunch your nose and frown.
“sorry.” you apologize sheepishly, hiding your face in his scarf. you instantly feel at home when the smell of his scent filters your nose.
“don’t worry about it.” he shakes off, stuffing his hands in his pockets before looking up. “it’s really coming down, isn’t it? we were only supposed to get half an inch.”
“thanks to my rituals, i’m sure it contributed to us having an abundance of snow.”
kuroo laughs. “or maybe the meteorologist better start looking for a new job.”
you pout, frowning at him. “you’re no fun.”
he laughs, before sighing. "well, we really should go inside now, i’m serious. it's late and we don't need to be out here anymore." he says, starting towards the door.
you protest. “b-but—”
“b-but what? see, you’re s-stuttering from the c-cold. let’s go.” he says before walking towards the door.
you glare at his backside before leaning down and doing the first thing that comes to mind. it all happens so fast you don’t even register your own movements by the time you’ve thrown the snowball at him.
he turns around and blinks slowly. "did...did you just throw snow at me?"
"no." you lie, looking away from him. “must’ve been the wind.”
a sinister look appears on his face. your life might be over tonight.
“yanno, you shouldn’t start a fight you can’t win.” he stalks towards you and you panic.
“t-tetsu! i’m sorry—i didn’t mean to—” you hide behind a bush before quickly molding another snowball and pelting him with it. in the face.
“ow! that kind of hurt!” he says sheepishly hiding his face in his hands as he crumples to the ground.
“did it?” your concern raises. you see him nod and rush over to him. you try to peak at his face but he’s moving too much. “let me see.”
a hazel eye peaks out at you. “oh sweetheart, you really should be more careful.” quickly, he pelts you with not one, but three snowballs.
“bastard!” you crawl on the ground and quickly form another snowball before throwing it.
unfortunately, you miss badly.
kuroo laughs before he slips and topples over and you run over to help him up. wincing at how cold and red his hands are, you decide to put the fight to an end.
“let’s go inside before your fingers freeze.” you say before pulling him away.
“only if you say that i won.” he bargains.
you scoff and roll your eyes. “fine, tetsu, you win.”
he wears a smug look on his face as he starts towards the house and you tell him to not let his ego get so big.
once inside, he shoves an old sweatshirt of his over you and you mumble a small 'thank you' as he gets up to go get you hot drinks. in the meantime, you talk another everything and nothing.
“be careful, it’s hot.” he warns calmly, carefully handing the hot cocoa to you.
you smile at him. “thanks, tets.”
he sits down with his own cup and you notice how ridiculously small the mug looks in his hands.
you never really studied his hands this up close and you look at them in awe. they’re a lot larger than yours and rougher too. you know it’s from all of his years playing volleyball.
“why are you staring at my hands like that?” kuroo inquires, a brow raised.
you panic, looking up quickly before your mouth forms an ‘O’ shape.
“your hands are so cold.” you comment dumbly, nodding towards the red digits.
“maybe because i gave someone my only pair of gloves.” he jokes and you sigh.
“i’m sorry, that wasn’t responsible of me.” you say.
“stop apologizing, i’d rather it be me than you. plus i run hot most of the time anyways.” he assures.
a lightbulb appears over you head and you turn towards him, placing the cocoa down. “give me your hands.”
he pauses, eyes widening as he sputters. “w-what?”
“you feel your cheeks burn but huff, grabbing hold of his large hands. “if…you’re cold. i can warm them up…”
“oh…sure…” he says, relaxing his hands in your hold. “ah, for how long…?” he really hopes you can’t see the red on his face.
“long enough for them to get warm.” you answer.
“that…may take awhile.” he says, looking down to see if you detect his lie.
you look past it, resting your head on his shoulder. “that’s fine.”
the two of you look out the window in silence for a moment. it’s peaceful.
he hums.
"your pyjamas are inside out." you comment, grinning.
he flinches, looking as if he'd been caught red handed as he glances down. "and so what? i just thought i’d entertain your silly little game."
"it's not a 'silly game if it worked, now is it?" you grin, looking at him with a smile.
“i guess not, shorty.” he answers, grinning back. you’re cute. he thinks he could kiss you.
he hums again.
"sorry for waking you up in the middle of the night." you apologize, bowing your head slightly out of embarrassment.
he clicks his tongue and shakes his head. "what did i say about apologizing?” he looks away again. “really, it's fine. honestly, i wouldn't want to do this with anyone else."
he admits, squeezing your hands. and in the dark you make out just the faintest tint of blush across his cheeks.
"really?" you perk up and he swears he feels his heart leap.
"really. it's our tradition, isn't it?" he says, a small smile on his face. he looks back outside. "wouldn't be right if we broke it."
you daze at him in awe. “you’re right.” your eyes glance at the clock and cringe at the time.
“i think i should go.” you tell him, starting to pull your hands away.
“what?” kuroo panics and grips your hands tightly, feeling flustered when you look at him with surprise.
“just…stay here tonight. there's no point in you going back out there." he says. “besides, you didn’t finish your hot chocolate.”
“if you insist, i’ll stay the night.” you chuckle, resting your head back on him.
“mm, i’d like it more if you’d stay with me every night.” he answers boldly, his eyes looking to you.
your face burns as you meet his eyes and you lean into him. you fully lace your fingers within his, never wanting to let go. “i’d like that, too.”
he kisses the top of your head. “good.”
and if there’s one thing you can thank your luck for, it’s for the snow bringing you two together. maybe you two are fated to be after all.
interactions and reblogs are appreciated!
*these are all traditions from when you hope it snows, i hope that is clear here!
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yunverse · 2 years
REALITY CHECK❕️ ── lee heeseung
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banner credits to the talented @maiverie
✸ ── "holy shit? I must be dreaming because when did such fine men exist in real life"
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PAIRING › non-idol! heeseung x fem! reader
SYNOPSIS › Shocked by the sudden revelations, yn realizes that she has been pulled into another world belonging to her favourite reverse-harem novel as the female lead’s best friend. Content with her new life, she excitedly watches from the sidelines knowing every single encounter in the novel would be unravelling right in front of her. However, as time goes on, she slowly comes to the horrifying realization that the characters she seemingly idolized are not who they seem to be.
GENRE › social media au, isekai-type au, high school au, fluff, angst, stranger to lovers (ish), crack
WARNINGS › profanity, mentions of school violence, ignore timestamps, I'm not that funny I'm sorry (more to be added in specific chapters)
AUTHOR'S NOTE › hello hi! this is my first smau on this account! Please note that this is a work of fiction and is in no way affiliated with heeseung or the other enhypen members.
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+ more to come
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@msxflower @dearhee @95fxcks @ahnneyong @enhasolace @navsnct @hyukabean @chocolate-peachcandy @seungkwan-s @cyuuupid @jeno-smilez @exatse @articxari @sbnchaos @jangwonie @paragonofroyalty @dreamenvi @flower-lise @jaylaxies @igotkpoops @user103843 @kyeongvbs @mavlogist @tsukilluminatednights @i-yeseo @gloomysunny @m00nylup1n @harperwasstaken1 @ckline35 @uwudaizy @faiirybread @luvdokja @bigtoewinwin @2bbang-hoon @chimajeyn @junnniiieee07 @stopeatread @lublycho @skyvwonie @captivq @nyfwyeonjun @ctrlemis @mybabywearschanel @tsubasshi @haerinism @iamminnie @iichaeyj @solxrssun @maybee-may @kimmchijjajang
© yunverse 2022
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captaincapsicle83 · 3 months
The Little Pests
Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary- Sam’s friend, an IT worker for Stark Industries turned new recruit, has a crush on an avenger. Being a good wingman (hehe, get it?) does everything he can to get the reader and Bucky closer, even enlisting the help of other avengers.
It’s almost obnoxious actually.
Pairings: Bucky x Reader (main romance, rest platonic), Sam Wilson x reader, Clint Barton x reader, avengers x reader
TW: Cursing, Sam and Clint being silly, “suicide” but like, it’s a bobs burgers reference (you’ll see)
A/N: I was bored, so I pushed aside EVERY OTHER WIP I should be working on (about eight separate ones), left all my drafts open, completely ignored my old, geriatric ideas, and wrote something off a whim
Behold, my capricious work of art
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“And, this is our kitchen, that’s our toaster. The toaster is always broken don’t try to use it,” Sam says. His right arm is on your shoulder, the left gesturing around the room, showing you around he compound.
“Why doesn’t it-” You’re cut off by a man with light brown hair swatting the toaster with his fist.
“You whore! I want my poptart!” He grunts.
“He’s why,” Sam shakes his head, and rolls his eyes. Clint Barton; Hawkeye, Destroyer of toasters.
Clint whips around, disgust evident on his face, “Oh, no, no, no, Sir. Don’t act like I’m suddenly the only one to blame here. Take a look at Mr. Banner and his anger issues, the cyborg, or, better yet Sammy, look in the fucking mirror.”
You decided right then and there that you liked Clint. “Sammy” scowled at Barton, before motioning for you to sit at the table. He had already shown you around the rest of the compound, including your room, making the kitchen your last stop.
As Sam rummaged through the cupboards, Clint sat in a chair across from you, groaning and huffing like an old dad with aching joints (Clint couldn’t be more than in his thirties or fourties’).
“Are you here to fix the toaster?” He asks you, his voice sad and his eyes even sadder. He was like those little animals with big eyes of pleading in Disney films.
“No, I’m sorry. I could try,” you suggest the last part, and he perks up. He sits up straight in his chair, rather than sprawling, and shifted to drumming his hands on the table.
“Met anybody else yet?” He asks, Sam still looking for food with not much luck.
“Nada, just you and Sam,” You say, truthfully. You had honestly expected more traffic, but were just the same grateful to be mostly undisturbed.
“Oh, good, you’re lucky. After us, it all goes down hill,” He “tsk-tsk”’s. “Let’s give you a run down. There’s Bruce and Tony, they’re our brains. They don’t sleep. They’re, like, tier two after Sam and I. Also tier 2, we got Natasha and Wanda. They’re scary. I will not elaborate. Tier 3, Vision, Thor, Rhodes, Spider-Kid. Mostly uneventful around the compound, Visions here the most, other three not as much. Then there’s our senior citizens in the bottom tier. Steve and Bucket. If they were a spice, they’d be flour.”
The way Clint was talking, it felt like the scene in mean girls where Janice and Damien find Cary in the bathroom. You were giggly at his little hand motions and theatrical way of painting the scene.
“What makes you and Sam tier 1?” You ask, Sam coming over with two jars of peanut butter, spoons sticking out of them.
“Birds!” They both yell to each other. When you make a face at Sam’s offer of a jar of peanut butter, Clint takes it right away. You watch in wonder as the two bicker with each other, getting the feeling they were the only ones who found themselves to be “tier 1.”
You had been with the avengers for, say, about 7 months, finding it easy to make friends and have fun between missions and SHIELD duties.
“Well,” Clint was saying to you and Sam, the three of you sitting at the compounds dining table, coloring with crayons on printer paper. “I’m glad you two are having fun, because I am going to kill myself.”
He holds up a poorly manufactured picture of a duck. You all convulge into a set of late night giggles.
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It was four am, and you had all just returned early from a mission. After a mission, especially one where you could sleep on the way back, you sometimes found it nice to unwind with your teammates.
As you all tried to compose yourselves, you didn’t even notice someone else enter the kitchen part of the kitchen, not until Sam called out to them that is.
“Hey, Buck, what’s up?”
“Hmm? Nothing. Coffee,” He looked startled, then straight back to basically being dead tired. The bags under his eyes looked like they just took a trip to Costco.
He looks reluctant, and like his mind has to do a lot of mental gymnastics to convince himself to do so, but ultimately he sits down at your table.
You’re drawing a picture of some birds (well, what was supposed to look like birds) in a little bird house. Your heart was beating about 10 decibels faster, and your hands became more unsteady.
Clint and Sam both privately took note of your change in demeanor. The way instead of using circle motions either your crayons, as you had been, you were pressing harder and going up and down. And how you simply just layer them on the table rather than back in the box. And the short sweet glances sent to one new person at the table….
Private messages between Sam Wilson and Clint Barton that you should never have seen, had you not been playing candy crush on Clint’s phone one Saturday morning. You’re a snooper, you snoop, it’s what you do.
Wednesday 5:36 am
Clint: Are you sleeping bbb
Sam: that best better not stand for what I think it does…
Clint: Y/n left me after you and Bucky did. Think the girl needed time to fantasize
Clint: I see everything, always
Sam: ominous
Sam: Clinton have you ever watched the bachorlette
Clint: I loveeee where this is going
Sam: I think she has a little crush
Sam: we should set them up
Clint: I can already see the kids
Clint: they’ll be names Sam and Clint of course
Clint: after us
Saturday, 9:29 am
Sam: did you destroy my fucking coin master village 17 times???
Sam: Barton, your ass is grass and I’m gonna mow it
Dead. You promised Clint and Sam they were dead.
At first, you thought it was just a joke. Until the advancements started.
It was Thursday, the team gathering for a dinner, as they did every once in awhile. As soon as you entered the room, you saw Clint and Sam basically playing musical chairs to keep an empty seat open next to Bucky Barnes.
“Are…Are you two okay?” Steve asked, genuine fear and concern on his face.
“One-hundred percent.”
“Why wouldn’t we be?”
“You’re acting weird captain.”
Steve sits, slack jawed, at a loss for a response. As you walk towards the table, your shoulders are grabbed by Clint, who is saying in a sickeningly sweet and chipper voice, “Y/n! Goodness, great to see you! Sit here! There’s a spot next to Bucky! You know Bucky! You love Bucky!”
You were a *mess* the entire dinner, unable to completely focus on anything but breathing patterns.
As the evening was coming to a close and others were dismissing themselves, you made cold hard eye contact with Clint, seated directly across from you. His hands were folded on the table like an innocent school child.
“Barton,” you said, your voice stern. “Wanna play Chinese Checkers?”
He shakes his head violently, but says, “Sam does too.”
Sam gets up from the table, so fast, his chair knocks over and silverware clatters.
You quickly jump up, chasing him down the hall. Clint follows, brandishing a phone camera, a will, and a way.
The rest of the group was frozen now, looking in bewilderment at what was going on. Or rather, their lack of knowledge of what the hell was going on?
“Anybody have input?” Tony asks after a long silence. Everyone looks equally lost.
They all look when a thud sounds in the direction your trio went.
Bucky and Steve are walking track to their rooms, later that evening. Steve had mission reports to do, and Bucky had thoughts to process and a diary to write in.
“So, what do you think of the new girl?” Steve pokes the bear, hoping to get a rise out of his friend.
“Hmm, oh. I dunno. She’s nice, I guess,” Bucky shrugs, and Steve’s goofy little smile grows like the grinch’s heart.
“Really? Because you look liked you were having an awful lot of thoughts tonight at dinner. And, you know, you stare at her long enough every other day…”
“Do not.”
“Do so.”
Bucky stares at Steve, unknowing of what to do in this situation. He shrugs again.
“So what?”
“So? So you should, oh, I don’t know, have a real conversation with her instead of just breathing into each others general directions. It’s nauseating having to watch Sam and Clint push you guys into the same space.”
Tonight may have been the first time you noticed, but in truth that kind thing happened in many many scenarios. Even before Clint and Sam connected that dots that you liked him.
They wanted their ship to sail.
“You took a shower!?” Clint says to Bucky, in a low and shocked voice. He held an incredulous look on his face, one Bucky wanted to smack right off.
“Yeah, try it sometime,” Bucky quipped.
“Y/n’s in her room,” Clint took a sip of his coffee. She has loads of paperwork. Probably will be in there all day.”
Bucky’s mouth opens and then shuts, not wanting to know why Clint was helping him. In truth, he wasn’t. Clint was helping you.
Within minutes, Bucky was outside your door, giving himself the cutest, peppiest of peptalks. Albeit, in his head because he could not handle the embarrassment of the e door opening to you seeing him babbling like a madman.
So when you did open the door, he tried flashing a warm smile. At the sight of it, you thought you would simply just faint. Right there, thud on the floor.
While your brain was debating whether you would prefer internal or external bleeding of the skull (internal, you decided, wouldn’t mess up your hair) Bucky cleared his throat.
You looked into his blinding blue eyes, the way a deer looks into headlights (meaning any minute you would get hit by the car…)
“Hi,” Bucky breathes out.
“Hi,” you say, your voice cracking.
You wanted to choke yourself out.
“I have something to tell you,” he starts. “Or- or I wanna talk to you.”
“…oh…” FUCKING CHRIST! Oh?? That was the best you had???
“Look, y/n I’ve sorta…I like you, quite a lot. And I’ve been nervous to talk to you or tell you about it, because I really don’t like opening up about my feelings. But-”
You cut him off by pouring out, “Ilikeyoutoo!”
“You- oh…Well…this wasn’t as bad as I had thought then.”
You let out an awkward chuckle, “Yeah, guess not.”
He doesn’t say anything, the two of you staring into each others eyes. He starts to lean in, his perfect face getting closer to yours. The action feels magnetic as you lean closer.
You take in his features. His brow, his chiseled jawline. The symmetrical two sides to his face, like if you took a meat clever down the center, you’d have matching halves.
Just as you can feel his breathe on your lips, right before the two of you can make contact, you both jolt apart at the sound.
Clint falls from your ceiling, Sam landing on top of him. The metal grate that filtrated the air in your room was below them, broken ceiling tiles, pink insulation and regret strewn about your flooring.
“I’m gonna kill you.”
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babydollmarauders · 1 year
luke hughes x fem!reader
🌷: "Are you flirting with me right now?" "Have been for the last 6 years, thanks for finally noticing." with Luke
warnings: underage drinking
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sophomore house is packed, and for a moment i think Luke forgot i was arriving today. that is, until i see the handmade banner hung up in the entry hall. it’s a long sheet of kraft paper with ‘WELCOME Y/N!!’ written in what appears to be crayon, and the sight of it causes me to grin. the duffle bag strap slung over my shoulder begins to dig in, and it’s a reminder that i need to find my friend. i don’t have to look far though, because before i can even get two steps farther, a voice calls out from a spot on top of a table.
“THERE SHE IS! THE WOMAN OF THE HOUR, MY BEST FRIEND SINCE WE WERE THIRTEEN, Y/N Y/L/N!” my face turns red as Luke points over and all the focus lands on me. it’s quiet for a few moments before the room erupts in cheers, drunken college students taking any opportunity to be loud and scream. Luke jumps down from the table, pushing through the sea of people to reach me, pulling me in for a hug, his arms tight around me and my head pressed to his chest. “hey, pretty girl. how was your flight?”
“it was alright. ya know for a second here, i thought you forgot i was visiting.” Luke and i met when he first moved to Michigan, being next door neighbors and all. we went through all of high school together, inseparable and naively co-dependent. of course, feelings grew on my side. he went from my best friend to the first guy i’ve ever loved. but then we graduated. Luke went to UMich while i went to Rutgers University in New Jersey and we had to split up. we never stopped being best friends though.
“are you kidding?! i was counting down the days!” he tells me as we pull apart. “how low do you think of me? gosh, y/n!”
i can tell by his volume and the flush of his cheeks that he’s inebriated. his usual quiet demeanor replaced by loud shouts and wild hand gesturing, and it makes me giggle.
“how has New Jersey been?” he asks.
“it’s been good. although Jack has been slightly over bearing lately. constantly checking in on me. you wouldn’t happen to know anything about that would you?” i already know he does, his brother let it slip last month that Luke has asked him to watch out for me until he moves there.
“hmm can’t say i do.” Luke replies and i bark out a laugh, nudging his shoulder.
“you liar! you know Jack can’t keep a secret to save his life! he told me you’ve been asking him to check on me.” i tease him.
“you got me.” he sighs. “gotta make sure my girl is being taken care of until i make it out there.”
“your girl?” i ask before teasing- “Luke Warren Hughes, are you flirting with me right now?”
“have been for the last 6 years, thanks for finally noticing.” his playful smile has turned into a confident smirk, and his tone is the slightest bit more serious.
“wait, what?” i’m so confused. is he serious?
“how has it taken you this long to catch on?” he chuckles. “y/n, i’ve liked you since we met.”
“you have?” i question.
“uh yeah.” his words hold a ‘duh’ tone. “do you think at thirteen i wasn’t only thinking about how gorgeous you are and how bad i wanted to kiss you?”
i blush at his words and look up at him with doe eyes.
“so do it now.” i tell him. he wastes no time in bending down, his hand rises to grip at the nape of my neck and he pulls my face up to his, our lips grazing just slightly before he crashes his on mine. his hand that isn’t holding my neck settles on my waist, pulling my lower body flush against his. i have to rise on my tiptoes in order for our lips to touch, so after a few moments i have to pull away in order to avoid getting cramps in my toes. Luke chases after my lips with his own on instinct, and i almost let him catch them until i hear a shout from across the room.
“GO HUGHESY! HE FINALLY GREW THE BALLS TO MAKE A MOVE!” Luke and i simultaneously turn our heads to look over at his teammates and find Ethan with his hands cupped around his mouth.
“fucking cock block.” Luke sighs, shaking his head at his friend and his timing.
“Luke, we’re in a house full of people. it wasn’t gonna go much farther.”
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penofpenguin · 1 year
Here's a kinda dark and confusing request:
How would Adeuce, Leona, and Jamil react to their fem s/o revealing that she was an orphan who was used as a test subject for experiments before escaping to become an undercover assassin?
Absolutely!! I didn't know if you wanted Adeuce together or not so I wrote them separately. You can read it as a throuple tho, just seperated by banners :)
Content Warnings: Themes of death, Mentions of human testing, Ace being inconsiderate at first.
Their s/o is an orphan who was used as a test subject, then escaped to become an undercover assassin.
Ace x F!Reader, Deuce x F!Reader, Leona x F!Reader, Jamil x F! Reader
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"Ok...so Ace...I need to tell you something."
And so, you told him your crippling dark past. HE'D. ASK. SO. MANY. QUESTIONS.
"Wait wait...how did you end up in the lab?"
"What chemicals did they put in you?"
"Is this why you're so crazy in love with me?"
"How did you escape again. No, you know what, start again I lost track."
He really doesn't mean to hurt you but Ace is inconsiderate and can't read the mood.
But in the end, he'd actually understand it all. He may be a bit scared that you were an assassin but you are his s/o, and he still loves you.
Once you're done, he holds your hand and just looks away. Like hell he'll completely show you his soft side.
"You sure went through alot. Come here and maybe you'll feel better," (its his way of asking for a hug)
Once you hug him...trust me you'll feel so much better. He gives you a comforting hug and simply coddles you in his arms, letting you know you're safe.
Will he show you his almost teary and sad face in front of you? No. He won't let go of you until his tears are gone and you're feeling better.
Ace isn't the best at comfort, but he'll do his best. He'll buy you something from the canteen or do something else to make you a bit more happier.
But if it isn't comfort that you were looking for, and just wanted to let him know since you trust him enough, he'll let go of you in an instant and ask you if you're for real rn.
Here comes a bunch of butterfly kisses because he's genuinely happy you trusted him enough. (also because he thinks you're so cool) :)
he may still be a tad bit intimidated by the fact that you killed people but it's nothing compared to floyd am i right
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"Hey...you're ok right? Is something on your mind?"
Blue egg boy should be focusing on his homework but he couldn't help but look at you in worry. YOU'RE HIS S/O.
So you tell him. Good decision! He listens carefully and is actually sympathetic at sight, unlike Ace.
During the test subject part, he starts crying. HE STARTS CRYING. ITS NOT EVEN HIS PAST.
But seeing his beloved s/o go through that much hurt him. He cries. YOU need to comfort him, not the opposite way 😭
But once you tell him you're an assassin, he freezes.
More than Ace, Deuce is more intimidated. He needs to let it sink in. Ofc he doesn't hate you, but he's genuinely scared. Those lovely hands helping him with homework killed people???
However, after putting himself in your shoes, he finally continues feeling deeply sorry for you. You had to survive and it's not your fault.
He kisses you and tells you he loves you no matter what. Holds you close to let you know you're protected and nobody could ever hurt you like that.......his magic history homework on the table....forgotten
Deuce starts growing this huge rage for those people who used you as a test subject. He draws them (based off of your description) with a crayon on a piece of paper and rips it apart.
until somebody comes into that room and is confused asf.
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"Leona...I think I should tell you this."
Oh you thought he'd be listening? Shake him and tell him it's serious. It works 👍
"You're lucky you're my queen."
We all know Leona respects women. He's listening.
Once you tell him everything, Leona just quietly nods throughout your tragic backstory. However, his tail does loosely wrap itself around you, as a sign of comfort.
Leona's mature unlike the previous two walnuts. He knows it's hard for you to tell him this. It would be hard for anyone.
He doesn't bat an eye, all the way until you're done.
Once you do finish, he pulls you into his embrace and you two lay down on the matress you were sitting on.
"I'm here. I won't let anybody harm you."
Leona is surprisingly not bad at comfort. He's one to rather give advice, but what advice can he give here apart from telling you to move on and look towards the future? (with him *wink wink*)
Leona's very intrigued by the fact that you're an undercover assassin. He sees you as a confident girlboss and he really likes that. In fact, it may as well made him like you even more.
Additionally, he actually predicted a tragic backstory, simply by your actions. It's a very 'Leona' thing to do, considering the fact that he's observant.
He reassures you multiple times that you're safer and you're in better hands now (literally).
Leona may not understand your pain, but he's very willing to help you get over it, even if he may not express it.
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"Are you alright?"
Another very observant man. He noticed your expression as soon as he entered the room and it worried him.
When it comes to you, Jamil cares alot. So, once you told him to take a seat and that you trust him enough to say this, he makes sure to put every distraction away.
If Kalim getting in the middle is a concern, don't worry, he already locked Kalim in Kalim's room with a bunch of food and music.
While you're undergoing the process of telling him everything, he holds you tightly, holding you tighter at any major critical points of your past.
He listens carefully and clearly. No he doesn't care that people died because of you. You didn't choose this and you had no choice.
Once you're done, he asks you if you want to eat anything or if there's anything he can do to calm you down and cool your thoughts.
He's good at comfort, since he's done it for Kalim.
Cooks something for you, even if you insist on not troubling him. The arab urge to make sure your loved ones are fed properly 😭
Man praises you on how brave you were to deal with all that.
Jamil may seem very calm on the outside, but on the inside, he's mixed with emotions. Sadness on how you were treated, and anger in those scientists who used you as a lab rat.
Once you're out of sight, he stabs a random vegetable or the chopping board in anger.
To lighten the mood, he jokes around lightly, saying that Kalim would cry and yell "jamilll" in your situation.
Don't be so mean to Kalim, Jamil >:(
Jamil would notice some changes in your behavior towards him, seeing you two are more closer perhaps. It genuinely makes him happy that you don't see him as a shadow to Kalim.
He's glad that you told him, 1. you're his s/o and 2. he's considered more special than kalim since he knows a trusted secret kalim doesn't.
I hope this was ok!! I'm brushing up on my writing skills since it's been a while so sorry if this is weird :')
Hope you enjoyed!! Have a nice day 💖
- Madeline 🐧
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captainhappyclaws · 7 months
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Foxy & Bonnie agere moodboard!
With colors red and blue, candy, crayons, hearts and stars !! 🦊🐰
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banner by @str4wberry-pudding ^^
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List of Online Embroidery/ Sewing / Needlework Resources
Hello my name is Cleo and this is my masterpost full of resources and information that will help you in your stitching journey.
Taglist Form
My Tags
Intermittent Stitcher Recommends
I don’t go here but I wanted to pass it on
Intermittent Stitcher Thoughts
Intermittent Stitcher Opinions
Intermittent Stitcher Poll
I love myself a beautiful gradient
Intermittent Stitcher PSA
Intermittent Stitcher FO’S
My Perchance Generators
Random Things to Stitch
Needle Type generator
Random Textile Craft and Technique generator
Random Thread Colour Generator - DMC .
Random Thread Colour Generator - DMC Colour Variations
Embroidery Website randomiser
Embroidery Hoop Size randomiser - in inches
Embroidery pattern Design Prompts
Random Embroidery stitch Generator
Aida Fabric Count generator
Embroidery Styles
Embroidery Project Generator
Other resources that I have made
My Goodreads book recs
Needle Organisation System
Embroidery Organisation Bingo Card
My Embroidery Pinterest board
Songs to Stitch To - my Spotify playlist for when I’m crafting
Other Resources that I have found
Threadcolors.com - colour matching for DMC threads
Thread - Bare Stitching - tools and calculators
Flossmaxx - colour conversion for major floss brands
Needle N’ Thread - blog with useful tricks and tips.
Royal School of Needlework Stitchbank - has a wide variety of modern and historical stitches.
Sarah’s hand Embroidery Tutorials - a visual dictionary of embroidery stitches
StitchLifeStudio - an Etsy store that sells custom frames for embroidery hoops
List of colours ( alphabetical)
List of colours by shade
List of Crayola crayon colors
The symbolism of flowers
Sew What Podcast - A podcast where the host Isabella Rosner talks about historical embroidery and interviews a wide range of guests
Sarah Homfray Embroidery - YouTube channel
Antique Pattern Library
Bernadette Banner - Historical recreation YouTube channel
Sewstine - a historical recreation YouTuber that specialises in machine embroidery
Danielle Clough - A South African embroidery artist who produces beautiful pieces with bright colours. I have linked her Instagram.
Quilter’s Paradise - free online quilting calculators
ImageColorPicker - allows you to pick colours from photos
Loose Ends Project - This allows crafters to sign up to finish the craft projects of those who have passed away or have become disabled.
DMC - A well known embroidery supply brand. They produce high quality stranded cotton as well as a litany of kits and free patterns.
The DMC Youtube channel- has lots of tutorials and information.
Sylko thread colour inventory list - for those who have inherited their grandmother’s thread stash
Omni calculator - allows you to convert various lengths
Thread colour palette generator - allows you to generate colour palettes to use in your projects
Stitchpoint - allows you to write phrases in 7 different cross stitch fonts
FlossCross - a free online cross stitch pattern maker
Hours Tracker - the app I use to keep track of the hours I spend stitching
r/Embroidery - the embroidery subreddit is a really good source of information, encouragement and inspiration
r/CrossStitch - the cross stitch subreddit is a really good source of information, encouragement and inspiration
Code Crafters Quilt Generator - allows you to generate a random quilt design
Freebloss - a Amazon store that produces kits for many crafts including embroidery and they are affordable and high quality
prettycolors - a Tumblr blog that posts random colours along with the hex code and this can be a helpful resource for fibrecrafters when they are trying to pick a colour for their project(s).
colour-palettes - a blog that posts user submitted colour palettes and I think that this blog can also be used as inspiration for fibrecrafters when selecting colours to use in their project(s).
Swatches - this app allows you to swatch colours from photos as well as being able to swatch colours in real time.
John James Needle Guide - a guide to different types of needle and their uses.
Cable Patterns - allows you to make your own cable patterns for knitting
RSN collection and archive- photographs of objects in the Royal School of needle work collection. The first 100 objects have just been digitised and put online.
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neopronouns · 4 months
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flag id: six flags with 9 stripes, with the second and eighth being smaller than the others, the first and ninth smaller than those, and the fifth the smallest.
the top left flag's stripes are blue-black, dark indigo, purple, golden yellow, dark pink, cream, light yellow-green, faded purple, and dark purple. the top right flag's stripes are blue-black, dark purple, medium dark faded purple, soft purple, dark faded indigo, bright purple, purple, medium dark pink, and very dark teal.
the middle left flag's stripes are faded purple, soft pink-purple, pale pink, very light pink, pale indigo, very light blue, light blue, soft indigo, and faded indigo. the middle right flag's stripes are dark indigo, medium dark pink, faded pink, light pink, medium dark faded purple-pink, light pink-red, pink, dark pink, and very dark purple.
the bottom left flag's stripes are dull light pink, very light pink, pale pink, pinkish-white, light faded pink, purplish-white, pale purple, very light purple, and dull light purple. the bottom right flag's stripes are extremely dark indigo, very dark purple-pink, dark faded pink, golden yellow, faded indigo, pale green, dull indigo, dark faded blue, and very dark indigo. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
amethystcolauric | purplecolauric lilacolauric | orchidcolauric lavendercolauric | mauvecolauric
amethystcolauric: a colorgender related to the color amethyst, earrings, violet corts, parades, gemstones, insect wings, grape bushels, and outer space
purplecolauric: a colorgender related to the color purple, geodes, club lights, ferris wheels, sunglasses, hummingbirds, eyeshadow, and outer space
lilacolauric: a colorgender related to the color lilac, tulips, lavender cookies, glitter, watercolors, heart lockets, pressed flowers, and twilight
orchidcolauric: a colorgender related to the color orchid, blooming flowers, butterflies, sunsets, text messages, hair dye, auroras, and neon lights
lavendercolauric: a colorgender related to the color lavender, rock candy, daydreams, chapstick, ribbons in hair, crayons, flower fields, and sleepovers
mauvecolauric: a colorgender related to the color indigo, shooting stars, grapevines, velvet curtains, evening skies, mirrors, tarot cards, and bookmarks
[pt: amethystcolauric: a colorgender related to the color amethyst, earrings, violet corts, parades, gemstones, insect wings, grape bushels, and outer space
purplecolauric: a colorgender related to the color purple, geodes, club lights, ferris wheels, sunglasses, hummingbirds, eyeshadow, and outer space
lilacolauric: a colorgender related to the color lilac, tulips, lavender cookies, glitter, watercolors, heart lockets, pressed flowers, and twilight
orchidcolauric: a colorgender related to the color orchid, blooming flowers, butterflies, sunsets, text messages, hair dye, auroras, and neon lights
lavendercolauric: a colorgender related to the color lavender, rock candy, daydreams, chapstick, ribbons in hair, crayons, flower fields, and sleepovers
mauvecolauric: a colorgender related to the color indigo, shooting stars, grapevines, velvet curtains, evening skies, mirrors, tarot cards, and bookmarks. end pt]
third set of colorgenders based on the results of this 'what color is your aura?' uquiz for anon!
these are in the colorgender flag format with the aura color from the uquiz as the center stripe and colors inspired by the listed things as the rest of the stripes. the terms are the aura color, 'col' from 'color, 'aur' from 'aura', + 'ic'!
tags: @radiomogai, @colorgendered | dni link
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maubauu · 2 months
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[Caden and Hua Sticker!]
I designed a cute lil sticker of Caden and Hua! There isn't a lot of depth with this one, but I did wanna show off their new outfits (see my banner for the old ones). I chose a crayon doodle style because I needed to get this done quickly and I'm honestly really happy with how this came out. I painted the majority of this, only really sketching the heads and some of the body. A new process, new designs, all that stuff. I wanted to go for a crayon style to emulate that child-like effect. I've been getting a lot of pushback lately regarding my art and decided to give myself the equivalent of a parent hanging up their child's artwork. If no one else will appreciate my work, then I will. Anyways, here's a cute doodle of Caden and Hua :D
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