#everyone open up say aaaaahhhh
fraidycat-art · 1 year
more fanart comin down da chutes
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snowywolf1005 · 11 days
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Okay... I think this is the final one!
Previously, you and luffy use maximum power to defeat kaido, but kaido has an idea, covering himself a gaint fire of himself.
And you with your shadow monster form:
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And you use your ability called Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom:
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"Let's fight it out! Straw Hat!" Kaido yelled, he Flys toward Luffy metal hand by opening his jaw. "Are they going to destroy onigashima?!" Momonosake yelled.
"Create Flame Clouds! Or we'll all... be swept up!" Yamato yelled. "Take this!" Luffy yelled. "I haven't had enough fighting yet!" Kaido yelled.
I'm gonna skip kaido past cause I really fucking hate him so much.
"You'll be betrayed because you two are so weak. I'll form the strongest group in the world and turn this boring world into a world of violence. I'm the strongest!" Kaido yelled.
"The way you unified those samurai with the help of your crew was impressive. You're a star of hope that the cowards of the land of wano seized upon! They entrusted their future to you, but what's your goal? Straw Hat!" Said kaido
You and luffy try to push back kaido. "You two did great." Says kaido, then he blasted a fire ball at you two. Luffy is getting burned, and so are you!
"Well done fighting to this point! But..."
Luffy screamed in pain, and you screamed too (like mothra sound). "You can't change the world!" Kaido yelled, "luffy!" You scream.
Luffy smiles, "Of course, We're gonna win!" He yelled, making his hand bigger, and you making yourself much bigger! Onigashima began falling apart, "AAAAAHHHH!!" You and luffy scream.
"I don't know where they got it from," Kaido thought, and he remembered something.
'But Yamato mentioned joyboy and lunala name.' Said kaido.
'Oden wanted to open the borders to welcome lunala and joyboy... if he is the same guy you're waiting for, King, then I know exactly who joyboy, lunala is.' He said, King was surprised.
Luffy punch kaido really hard, that he almost so close to hit him. "Go luffy! (Y/N)!" Momonosake scream, "get the hell out of wano!" You yelled.
The onigashima is falling on the bottom. "Do not lose heart, Momonosake! They will win! Luffy (Y/N) will win! They will... surely defeat kaido! I can do it!" Said Momonosake. "That's the spirit! You'll save the people of the land of wano! Create them, Momonosake-kun!" Yamato yelled.
Momonosake tried to make the flame clouds, and he finally made it! "Come out, Flame Clouds! Heed my call!" Said Momonosake.
Then, a hole of full of water burst out inside the onigashima, Momonosake was surprised. "Hurry up! Onigashima's gonna fall at any minute! Please, luffy (Y/N)... finish this battle as soon as possible!" Said yamato.
"Don't give up! Fight until the very last minute!" Hyogoro yelled, "No, on in this world... can beat me!" Kaido yelled.
"What's this noise?" Kid asks, then a big rumble causing everybody to shake and almost losing their balance. "What is it this time?!" Nami ask.
"This doesn't look good!" Said Chooper, "Robin-san..." said brook, Robin is in the water not moving. Brook swims toward, "Don't give up, everyone! I'll make it reach you!" Said raizo.
"Bring the fire under control!" Jinbe yelled. Everyone is sucked into the water, and the fire is put out. "Save everyone!" Jinbe, raizo yell. And a huge wave burst out. Everyone was surprised and shocked, Law was surprised, too.
Nami, tama, and Chopper were scared, "Water," they scream. "Everyone's raining down!" Said tama, then Nami saw something, "look! Is that...".
"We'll make it back alive!" Usopp yelled. "-Usopp?! Kin'emon! Okiku-chan!" They yelled. The water wave towards Nami, tama, and Chopper, and they're pretty scared. "No!" They yelled.
More water came and made it to a flood. "I'm sorry, zoro... hey, don't get washed away, guys!" Said Franky. "Where did the water come from?!" Said sanji, the water started to push sanji away.
"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" He screams, "sanji-san!" Osama screams, "Osama-chan!".
The onigashima began to flood, "What is happening on onigashima?!" Momonosake question. Then the onigashima started to titled, "the Flame Clouds are disappearing! Too late! Onigashima's gonna fall!" Yamato scream.
You and luffy try your best, but you're too tired, but you can't give up now! "Momonosake-kun! We gotta stop onigashima! You wanna save the Flower Capital, right?!" Yamato question.
"I will stop it! I will not allow people to suffer anymore! Come out, Flame Clouds!" Momonosake scream, he use all his strength to make the flame clouds. A huge line of flame clouds hoops.
Yamato was amazed, "That's amazing! That's great, Momonosake-kun! Stop onigashima!" Yamato yelled, "Got it! Count on me!" He yelled. Momonosake grab the flames clouds hoops.
And Momonosake Flys toward to onigashima, "go!" Yamato scream. Momonosake warp around the onigashima and pulled as best he can.
"Violence will dominate the world! You two are gonna fall victim to it!" Said kaido, "shut up!" Luffy yelled. Then luffy punch kaido cheeks, and you use all your strength to push kaido back, too.
And a bright light show inside the onigashima. Kid and Law saw the bright light of kaido, "Straw Hat! Shape girl! If you lose, you'll pay for it!" Kid yelled. "Go, Straw Hat-ya! (Y/N)-ya!" Said Law.
"The strong will live, and the weak will die! I'm gonna bury you along with your friends! And your girlfriend will be my pet!" Kaido yells, those words made you and luffy pissed. "Shut up! You're not taking (Y/N) away from me!" Luffy yelled.
"Starting with the land of wano, I'll take over the world! What kind of world can you create?! Straw Hat!" Kaido yelled, luffy scream, Flys back.
"Luffy!" You yelled, then kaido hand grabs your body, and you scream in pain. "(Scream like mothra) Aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" You scream, luffy watches kaido grabs you and started screaming. "(Y/N)!" Luffy screamed, "Do you see this! Straw Hat! This is what happens when you can't protect someone who you care about!" Kaido yelled.
Then, a huge bright light shoots out, and everyone watches the light. And tama, remember something.
'Tama! Don't set the bar too low! I'll make it your everyday life!' Said luffy, tama was amazed his words.
'By the time we leave this country, we'll make it a place where you can eat as much as you want! And I'll teach you how to dance!" You said.
"Big sis! Big bro!" Said tama, luffy Hand, became larger, kaido was shocked, "let (Y/N) go!" Luffy commend. You try to get free from kaido Hand, and you have an idea. You transform your human self.
And free from kaido hand. Kaido tried to grab you, but he was too distracted from luffy large fist. "Luffy!" You cried, luffy see you free. "(Y/N)!" He yelled.
And you transform to legendary form. This is your form:
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Luffy loves it so much, like he wants to hold you, but he can't. "Now! Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom!" You yelled, and six laser been shoots out in different eagle and started to hit kaido.
Now, kaido thinks he's about to lose.
"We want..."
"(Y/N)! Luffy!" Momonosake yelled, "Charge!" Kin'emon yelled, all the samurai held their sword up and screamed for victory.
"...to create..."
Kaido fire form is starting to disappear, turning him back to his blue dragon form.
"... to create the world..."
Then, kaido fire form blown away.
"...where our friends can eat..."
"As much as they want!" You both scream. And use all your power to defeat kaido, you laser, hits kaido body every each. Luffy fist hit kaido face.
Kaido was wide eye to see your ture powers, remembering his past and remembering oden face screaming his name.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" You both stared screaming so hard, and kaido fell back, getting knocked out, falling down to the sky.
You and luffy sigh, catching your's breath, luffy smiles. You saw a bunch of sky boats with letters saying to defeat kaido, then luffy laughs.
'I know exactly who joyboy and lunala are.'
'Who is it?'
'The ones who will defeat me!'
'Then I don't think they'll appear.'
Momonosake falls down, stressed out, and finally placed onigashima safely. And luffy began falling down, you transform back your human self.
And flys down to reach luffy, you grab him. Luffy body transforms back his original self, yamato runs towards you both. You landed carefully, placing luffy in your arms, and you kissed his lips.
You saw Yamato. "(Y/N)?!" She asks, you nodded your head, "Yep that's me, but you have to quiet, luffy is sleeping," you said. "So it's really you, in the bats form," said yamato.
And you felt something, you turnaround to see luffy holding you, warping around you. You smile and you transform back your original self.
"I think he doesn't want to let go," you said, laughing. "Well done, Momonosake." You said, "Yamato...".
Yamato, look at you. "Can you hold me pls, I going to take a nap..." You said about to close your eyes. "Don't die! (Y/N)!" Yamato screamed, shaking your body.
"I'm not gonna die! I just said I'm going to take a nap!" You yelled, "and while you hold me, I'll hold luffy cause he starts getting worried about me." You said. "Luffy really in love you." Said yamato, smiling, you smile back.
You pat luffy head.
I'M DONE!!!!
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spacefinch · 1 year
Pokemon Incorrect Quotes: Sinnoh Edition
Team Galactic Grunt:AAAAAAaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAaaaaaaaAAAAaaaaaaHHHHhhhhh!
Looker: Why are you running? WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?
Dawn: I'm in me mum's car, vroom vroom.
Johanna: Get out of me car!
Dawn: Aww.
Barry: *handing out Drifloons* I have no soul. Have a nice day!
Cyrus: I don't have one either.
Dawn: *filming*
Professor Rowan, walking into his lab every day: 
Lucas: See this man? He’s a magic man. He’s gonna touch this hot fire.
Flint: *touches electric fireplace*
Lucas: Oh man, he’s a magic man.
Looker: Why don’t we just relax, or turn on the radio? WOULD YOU LIKE HAM, OR—
Fantina: Hi, I'm Fantina and I'm your freestyle dance teacher.
Looker: *slides down a ramp* Good evening.
Dawn, Lucas, and Barry (gathered around a lettuce): Cabbasu, cabbasu, cab-a-su, LETTASU, LETTASU, LETTASUUUUUU!
Barry: We actually have the chip reader now.
Lucas: Oh yeah? *pulls out Dorito* hmmmm….
Barry: Oh it’s not gonna work with that kind of chiiiiii…….
Transaction completed.
Barry: I go to Home Depot
Barry: I eat the tools
Palmer: Stop it
Barry: Crumch
Cynthia: I swear, the next one of you to say "weird flex, but okay" is going to regret it.
Bertha: …
Flint: … 
Aaron: …
Lucian: Preposterous boast, but alas.
Cynthia: *facepalm*
Lucas: Early to bed, early to rise, Burger King burger with Burger King fries
Dawn: Later to rise, later to bed, Burger King burger on Burger King bread
Barry: Eat at morning, eat at night, I participate in a Burger King fight
Volkner: Normalize replying to emails with "what."
Lucas: Hey did you hear that Joe contracted ligma? They had to do a surgery on his updog.
Professor Rowan: Who’s Joe? What’s ligma? What’s updog?
Lucas: *inhales*
Dawn: Non-binary people don't owe you androgyny.
Barry: One does owe me money, though.
Dawn: No offense but…
Istanbul was Constantinople
Now it’s Istanbul, not Constantinople
Been a long time gone, oh Constantinople
Now it’s Turkish delight on a moonlit night
Every gal in Constantinople
Lives in Istanbul, not Constantinople
So if you’ve a date in Constantinople
She’ll be waiting in Istanbul
Even old New York was once New Amsterdam
Why they changed it I can’t say
People just liked it better that way
Lucas: asadsfjdsglgjlks
Professor Rowan: What is that?
Lucas: It's a keyboard smash
Rowan: How do I do that?
Lucas: Just press any key lol
Rowan: 7
Barry: How long does someone have to be dead before it's considered archaeology and not grave robbing?
Cynthia: As an archaeologist, I find this a VERY AWKWARD QUESTION.
Barry: Answer the question, grave robber.
Barry: Before you leave the house, think of the acronym "WOWEE:"
Egg (backup)
Volkner: You don’t have to "ship" things… just a reminder.
Lucas: Yeah, you could deliver them inste94q0ugpwsb nglsjki/rrhxbijbvnldkzOLHLNF>O(PJFVD
Volkner: Poor thing… walked right into an electrical fence while speaking…
Looker: *banging on door* OPEN UP, IT’S THE POLICE!
Lucas: It’s okay, I’m innocent.
Lucas: *looking down at sandals over socks* Oh no.
Fantina: Spirits, if you are here, speak to us.
Volkner: *reading AA battery label* Aaahh.
Volkner: *reading AAA batteries: AAAAAHHHH.
Palmer: Barry, go put those popsicles back.
Barry, grabbing all the popsicles and sliding away: YOU CAN'T MAKE ME DO ANYTHIIIIIING
Cyrus: We all die someday.  You either kill yourself or you get killed.  Whatcha gonna do?  Whatcha gonna do?
Barry: Really? EVERYBODY was kung fu fighting? I find that hard to believe. Stop feeding me these lies.
Lucas: Well it was really hard to see if it was everyone, you see they were as fast as lightning.
Dawn: And to be honest, it was a little bit frightening.
Lucian: Coca Cola can remove rust from metal, imagine what it’s doing to your body.
Byron: Pfff, getting rid of the rust, idiot.
Byron: Hmm... I've been drinking cola and my body's rust free... not sure where you're getting your facts from...
Cyrus: Team Plasma is going to change the world.
Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars: For the better?
Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars: . . . For the better, right?
Flint: We can bake these cookies at 400 degrees for 10 minutes, or 4,000 degrees for 1 minute.
Cynthia: No, that's not how you make cookies.
Volkner, zipping into the room: FLOOR IT!
Flint: How about 4,000,000 degrees for 1 second?!
Cynthia: You're GOING to burn the building down.
Volkner: DO IT!
Cynthia: NO.
Roark, in front of a fence with Cranidos behind it: Even the babies are some of the most dangerous animals in the world, so I built this cage to keep them secure and there's no possible- OH MY ARCEUS
Byron: *hands Barry a harmonica*
Byron: you play it, you get a million Pokedollars, but a million people will die-
Barry: *furiously plays harmonica*
Byron: BARRY NO-
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prompts 10 and 20 with natasha?
Natasha Romanoff x Reader: Hide and Seek
AAAAAHHHH YEEESSSS! I was having a terrible night but now I'M SO EXCITED! Thank you anon <3
Prompts: "Don't fall." and "How'd you lose a shoe?"
Description: Reader and Natasha are forced into one of Tony's ridiculous parties. Superheroes playing hide and seek? Hm.
Gender: no pronouns used but reader is referred to as "Lady"
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*not my gif* (i <3 sassy nat)
"But I'm tired!" You flop onto Natasha's bed dramatically.
"Yeah, so am I, but Tony won't let us live it down if we don't go." She is tying the belt of her kick-ass striped flare pants. And you get to hug her all night.
She grabs your arm. "C'mon," she literally drags you up and you groan.
Per usual, the two of you are the last to arrive.
"There they are!" Tony shouts. "Fashionably late. Again."
"You're lucky I'm here at all." You mutter under your breath.
"Lady Y/N, come see these wonderful candies!" Thor beckons you away from Natasha, of whom you were clinging onto very tightly.
Reluctantly, you unattach yourself from your girlfriend and stalk over to Thor, who is holding out a bowl of-
"Pixie sticks?" You give him a look. "Who gave you these?"
"Clint Barton." He smiles.
You turn and find Hawkeye. "Really? You have him sticks of sugar?"
"He's a god, probably won't affect him. Had to take them from my kids." Clint shrugs.
Well, if they're out. You take a red stick, rip it open, and tilt the whole thing in your mouth at once like it's a shot. You don't like alcohol. Sugar is the next best thing sometimes.
"I propose we play some games." Tony speaks up above everyone.
A few annoyed "ugh"s come from the Avengers, but this does not deter him.
"Hide and seek!" He flourishes his hands and takes a bow before sitting back down.
"Um, no." Clint smacks him with a drumstick.
"What is this game you speak of?" Thor asks.
"Everyone hides and one person has to try and find everyone." You explain. "It's a kids' game."
"And I am a kid at heart." Tony adds. "Team bonding, we're doing it."
"What's in it for us?" Natasha speaks up.
"How about you play the game and I won't tell FRIDAY to turn off your room's air conditioning?" Tony smirks.
Natasha rolls her eyes.
"Alright, fine." Steve says. "Let's just do it, then."
"Great!" Tony stands up. "You all go hide, I'll count to 100."
"Why do you get to count?" You grumble.
"Air conditioning," he whispers.
"Fine." You quickly flip him off.
"1," Tony suddenly shouts, scaring you. The group shares a few looks and shrugs before Thor is the first to walk away.
You cling back onto Natasha's arm and start to drag her away. She shakes you off.
"I'm not hiding with you."
"What? Why?" You give her puppy eyes.
She laughs. "Your loud breathing will give me away!"
"I don't breathe loud!" You are very offended.
"Sure you don't." She gives you a sly smile.
"Well, I don't want to hide with you anyway." You fold your arms and walk in the opposite direction
And you keep walking.
Down three very, very empty hallways. Why are there no hiding places in this entire building?!
Finally, you stumble into the kitchen. You suddenly remember that Wanda had gone on a cleaning spree yesterday and emptied two of the cabinets.
You are too far away to hear Tony counting anymore so you quickly crouch down and open the door.
"Hey!" Natasha whisper-shouts. You stare in shock. "This is my hiding place, go away!"
"This is the only place I could think of!" You whisper. "Where am I supposed to go?"
"Too bad, I got here first." Natasha flicks her hand against your arm and shuts the cabinet door.
Where are you supposed to go now?
"Mr. Stark has reached 100 and is actively seeking." FRIDAY announces.
Ah, shit. Okay. Any enclosed spaces around here?
Then, your eye catches the tiny space above the fridge. It's dark and no one would think to look up there.
You definitely very gracefully climb onto the countertop and push yourself onto the fridge. You swing your leg up to try and stay on but end up slipping back down.
Again, you jump and your leg stays in place this time, but your sandal is about to fall off. You shimmy the rest of the way up, desperately trying to hold onto the sandal with your foot. Just as you start to sit down, the sandal slips to the ground with a soft thud.
Natasha's cabinet opens slightly to see the commotion.
She lets out a surprised laugh. "Don't fall."
You roll your eyes. "Thanks for the confidence."
She closes the cabinet again and you wait in silence.
Only a few seconds later, you hear footsteps coming from down the hall. You definitely can't get the shoe in time.
Tony rounds the corner and immediately sees the shoe. But instead of looking up, he looks right at Natasha's cabinet.
"Haha, found you!" He triumphantly yells. "Lost a shoe," he kicks the shoe toward her.
"That's not mine." Natasha says smugly, absolutely meaning for you to hear that.
Tony does an evil laugh. "Y/N, I'm coming for you."
Natasha stands up against the counter as Tony starts searching the other cabinets. She makes eye contact with you and grins. You stick your tongue out.
"Where in hell-" Tony stops mid sentence, eyeing where Natasha had been looking. "There you are! Two down!"
He leaves the room. Natasha comes over to the fridge as you start to untangle your limbs so you can get down.
"I hate you." You mutter. "You're the worst."
"I know." She smirks. "How'd you lose a shoe?"
"I don't wanna talk about it." You jump down from the counter and trip.
"How many pixie sticks did you have?" Natasha laughs.
"Shut up!" You ram your shoulder into her arm but a smile is growing on your face.
Once everyone was found, Tony picked the next counter. Well, you bribed him by saying you would pretend not to find him until last.
Before you close your eyes, you give Natasha an 'I'm gonna get you back' look. She raises her eyebrows like 'oh, really? try.'
You count to a hundred, skipping the sixties because the numbers were starting to loose meaning in your head.
Immediately after FRIDAY makes the announcement, you are on a mission. You start heading to Natasha's room first and find Bruce hiding behind a plant.
Natasha's room is a dud, but on your way to the living room you find Thor hiding in a pile of laundry.
The only person in the living room is Tony. He hid between the cushions, only his arc reactor's glow gave him away. He complained that you broke his agreement.
Steve, Bucky, and Rhodes were lamely making an attempt in the training room.
Wanda was in a chandelier over the stairs. You argued that it was an invalid spot because no everyone could fly. Tony disagreed and you continued.
Clint was in a vent. Obviously.
Vision was levitating behind a curtain. You argued against that, too.
And then you realized you found everyone except Natasha. You give yourself a little kick. You let her win.
You checked everywhere, right? Living room, hallways, workout room, her bedroom, your bedroom. . . .
You forgot the kitchen. Dammit. Of course.
You walk with a purpose to the kitchen and right over to her cabinet. Of course she would hide in the same spot to trick you. You open the door but it's empty. Then, you hear something fall to the ground behind you.
A shoe.
You look up and there she is. On the fridge.
You burst into laughter.
"You're right." She says as she starts climbing down. "This is a good spot if you don't drop your shoe."
"You literally gave me away!" You exclaim.
"That's a matter of opinion." She sassily leans up against the fridge.
"Nat!" You yell with a smile.
"Ready to go to sleep?" Natasha finally stops her teasing.
"Absolutely not!" You give her a challenging look. "I'm not done until I beat you."
Thanks for reading and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for my first request! Don't steal, not joking 👀
Buy me a coffee?
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softstraykidshours · 1 year
Hello hello! Can I make a request?
Male reader, long time friend of Chan comes to visit and has been working out in order to get muscles (like Changbin) to impress Felix because he's got a major crush on him. Changbin catches reader doing push-ups in the early morning in the living room before everyone wakes up. Reader confesses that he likes Felix and Changbin agrees to give him tips and help him work out.
omg omg omg omg omg omg i love this idea! aaaaahhhh! thank you so much for trusting me to write this, i hope you like it! i had a blast writing it! if you don't like it, please tell me, and i will rewrite it - this is your special piece, so i want you to love it!! also, i kinda left it on a little bit of a cliffhanger, so if you want a part 2, lemme know, and i will 1000000% write it for you, but i wasn't sure if you wanted the details of the actual felix interactions so i left it kind of open ended.
❤️ courtney & abbie
pairing: felix x male!reader (but it's mostly just the reader talking about felix with other band members haha)
warning(s): working out, body image (but not anything negative)
"just make yourself at home!" chan says with a smile as he finishes giving you a tour of the place he shares with his bandmates jisung, changbin, and hyunjin.
"thanks!" you respond.
you and chan have been best friends since elementary school, doing practically everything together. so when chan got the offer of a lifetime to pack up his life and be in a kpop band, you both knew he couldn't pass it up, but it made it really hard not getting to hang out with him all the time and instead only seeing him over facetime and in the chat room of video games. but when you finally had enough free time to come a visit him, you couldn't say no. after all, what's a guy without his best bud.
you spend the rest of the night having a chill "guy's night in," eating take out, playing video games, and just chatting about life with chan, changbin, and jisung. you briefly meet their other roommate, hyunjin, as he makes his way to his room, a bag full of new art supplies in tow. after you all finish cleaning up, you and chan start making your way down the hallway towards the bedrooms.
"oh, i was gonna ask," chan says suddenly. "is it cool if the other guys come over to hang out tomorrow? they wanna meet you, and i made minho promise he would cook for us. felix is gonna bring his nintendo switch, and we're gonna have a super smash bros tournament."
felix. your heart stops when you hear his name. you follow chan and his band closely, and over the years, you've developed a massive crush on felix. you couldn't help but fall for his smile, personality, voice, basically everything about him. you never told chan this, because you could never really find the right way to casually say "oh hey, by the way, i have an enormous crush on your bandmate." chan knows you like guys and has always been the most supportive friend, but it still felt strange telling him you have a crush on one his bandmates. you had met felix a few times over facetime, but you could feel the tips of your ears growing red and hot at the thought of meeting him in person.
"uh, yeah. sure. sounds good," you stammer out, trying to sound as calm as possible.
"sweet, i'll let them know," chan responds before you both head into your respective bedrooms.
you close the door behind you, leaning your back against it and letting out a big sigh.
'ok. tomorrow's the day. you got this,' you think, trying to hype yourself up.
you quickly change into a tanktop and gym shorts to sleep in. you stop in front of the mirror and start to flex you arms. you had never really been the type of person to work out, but one day you made the decision that you wanted a little more muscle and definition, so you started a more regular work out routine. this was only amplified when you started planning this trip a few months ago and began thinking about the prospect of meeting felix in person. you wanted to be able to impress him with your strength and muscles.
the next morning, you wake up extra early to sneak in a quick workout before seeing felix later that day. you walk out into the quiet living room, careful to not wake the others. you weren't necessarily ashamed of the fact that you were working out, but it would be a little embarrassing to have to explain exactly why it was so imperative for you to work out today. you weren't a very good liar, so you knew you would have to be honest about it, and seeing as how chan doesn't even know you have a crush on felix, you want to spare yourself the explanation at this particular time.
you decide to just keep the workout a little simple, fearing that anything too long and extreme might alert the others. you're in the middle of doing pushups when a voice interrupts you.
"what are you doing?" changbin inquires, rubbing his eyes, clearly still groggy from just waking up.
your face grows red as you jump up from the ground. "oh, uh, nothing. just some...some pushups."
"well i can see that," changbin chuckles. "i was mostly wondering why you were doing pushups this early in the morning. i don't even do pushups this early in the morning."
you let out a small laugh. chan, jisung, and changbin are the designated "gym bros" of the group, so to hear him saying that he doesn't work out this early had you feeling a little silly.
"but i'm gonna be honest, you're low key so shredded. i had no idea," changbin states, giving your bicep a small squeeze. you take a lot of inspiration from changbin, admiring his work ethic to have such a regular work out routine despite having such a chaotic schedule. so to hear him compliment you really meant a lot, because you liked knowing your hard work wasn't going unnoticed.
"thanks," you respond.
"what made you wanna work out in the first place?" he asks.
"oh uh, i don't know," you say, trying to think of an excuse. "i guess i just kinda felt like it."
"chan's right," changbin laughs.
"what?" you look at him confused.
"you really are a bad liar," he replies. "so really, why did you start working out? this is a safe space."
"well," you begin. "i did start out working out for myself...but over the past few months, i've been pushing myself a little harder. because there's...there's this guy i have crush on that i'm trying to impress."
"oh? who is it?" changbin asks excitedly.
"um..." your mind races on whether or not you should say. you could say any name, and he wouldn't know the difference. but on the other hand, if you're honest, he might have some tips on how you can make a good first impression with felix. "um...it's...it's felix."
"felix?! like our felix?!" changbin says, mouth falling open. you nod in response. "i mean honestly, man to man, i can't blame you. felix is quite the catch."
you and changbin both laugh at his comment.
"can i be honest though?" changbin asks.
"of course," you say.
"felix won't care if you're shredded or not. he's not that kind of guy to care too much about looks like that. as long as you're happy, he'll be happy," changbin states with a smile.
you can't help the butterflies you feel in your stomach hearing that.
"i know," you reply. "i kind of get that impression about him. i guess i want to look big and muscular for him, but also it's kinda for myself too. i think i would feel more confident meeting him if i did this."
"and that's totally fair," changbin agrees. "as long as you're doing what makes you most comfortable, that's all you can ask for. but i just wanted to say that to remind you that felix will love you no matter what."
a slight blush paints your cheeks. "thanks."
"no problem," changbin gives you a reassuring pat on your shoulder.
"do you have any tips?" you ask. "i mean, obviously you work out a lot, so do you have any advice?"
"know your limit," he states. "and i've found its helpful for me to work on one particular part of my body each day. my schedule is so busy, so that allows me to still get a workout in without having to devote too much of my day to it. it's an easy way to still feel like you did something without feeling too burnt out. i can show you some the exercises i do if you want!"
"oh that's a good idea, that would be super helpful," you respond.
you and changbin go back and forth talking about working out when hyunjin walks in the room. you both fall silent.
"what are you guys talking about?" hyunjin ponders, raising an eyebrow.
changbin looks at you, silently asking if it's ok to tell him to which you give him a quick nod.
"he's got a crush on felix and wants to make a impression with his amazing biceps, so we were just talking about work out routines," changbin says with a smile, nudging you with his elbow before throwing you a playful wink.
"oooooooooh, i see," hyunjin says before taking a seat, clearly much more interested in the situation now that he knows you weren't just talking about boring old work outs just to talk about them. "well changbin is definitely your guy if you want work out advice, but if you really wanna make a good first impression on felix, i'm your guy."
changbin punches his arm playfully.
"hey!" hyunjin exclaims before playfully hitting changbin back. he turns back to you. "obviously, showing off your muscles is a big selling point, i'm not trying to knock that, but i might have a few tips on how to make a lasting impression on felix in terms of conversation."
"please," you plead. "i'll take any advice i can get, i'm so nervous. i like him a lot."
you, hyunjin, and changbin spend the next few minutes discussing everything. jisung and chan eventually join the three of you at which point you confess your feelings to them as well, and you all spend the rest of the morning brainstorming the game plan for when felix comes over.
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Codex Chaldeas: Past Nightmares
Very important story I've been working on. Partially inspired by a story written by @writer-and-artist27
A much younger Rex, a long while before he joins Chaldea, found himself in what looked like the sea. It was dark, and he was terrified. Everywhere he looked, there was only water, not an ounce of land or even a boat. Even the sky itself was absent of any stars or moon. He didn't know what to do, he was struggling just to stay afloat, no way in hell could he even consider swimming. Then he heard movement behind him. He looked back, nothing. He felt a sudden chill down his spine as he heard a wave crash behind him once again, but before he can look he's suddenly pulled under quickly by something.
"Aaaaahhhh!!!!" The small Rex screamed awake from the nightmare. He found himself back in his room, relieved but still terrified. He had never had such a horrible nightmare before. But he was a very young boy right now, so even if he had he'd likely not remember at all. 
"Mijo?" Was heard by Rex, causing him to look up to see his Father standing at his room's doorway. The tall man stood there with a worried look on his face. More then likely he heard Rex's scream. "Mijo? Did something happen?" He had asked Rex.
The young lad rubbed his eyes a little before answering his father "I-I had a nightmare…. I was in the ocean a-and it was dark…. And I think there was s-something in the water" he couldn't manage much more of an answer afterwards.
His father let out a small sigh, before coming into the room and sitting on the side of Rex's bed. "Papa….?" The younger Rex questioned his father concerningly.
Rex's father lowered his head for a bit before raising it back up "I'm sorry you've had to deal with that dream mijo…" he then went silent for a bit. Rex got a look of worry when his father went silent. "But…. That's a dream you're going to have to deal with from now on…."
Rex then had a look of fear and shock! "Why do you say that?!" Rex asked. 
"Because…. I've dealt with the same thing…. My whole life…" when his father said that, Rex was mortified. "Tu abuelo too, y tu tias y tio….. and you're little sister will probably have to deal with it too" he finally explained. Now Rex was even more confused and scared.
"How does that happen…?" Rex asked his father. Does everyone have that dream?! 
His father was still silent for a bit, before telling Rex "No… just our family… we don't know why but this has always happened…." Rex then lowered his head as well. "But it won't be a huge issue Mijo. You'll get used to it, we all have. Just becomes a small thing. You learn to leave with it." His father said while patting Rex's back in attempt to cheer him up.
Years later, Rex is in chaldea having that nightmare again. The first time since he's joined Chaldea. 
"MASTER!" was heard by Rex, waking him up again. Before him he saw, Quetzalcoatl. She looked so worried all of a sudden. "Master… are you ok? I-I had this feeling something was wrong…" she asked Rex.
Rex went silent for a moment before finally telling her "I-I… had a nightmare…" he said awkwardly. "It happens occasionally" 
"Oh pobrecito! I'm so sorry you've had to deal with that!" Quetz said while walking towards him, arms open for a hug. She embraces Rex, warmly and softly. All of a sudden, Rex felt safe. Rex hugged her back with how happy he felt thanks to the embrace.
"Q-Quetz…." Rex said quietly while still wrapped in Quetz's arms. "Can you stay with me tonight?" His cheeks flushed a bright red when he asked this.
Quetz looked curiously at Rex for a moment, before her face brightened up. "Of course! I'd love to master! Anything to help you feel better!" She said while tightening her embrace.
With his face still flushed, Rex thanked her. "Thanks so much Quetz! You're… so amazing!" 
Eventually the two found themselves sleeping together, Quetz's arms still around Rex, tho not as tightly now. 
Then Rex found himself in another dream. This time, he was looking through the eyes of…. Something. He couldn't tell what exactly at first… but the sight was familiar. Water all around, skies devoid of anything at all, and no land as far as the eye can see. It was the same place as the recurring nightmares…. But different this time. Who's eyes were these? Is this the monster he always dreaded in said nightmare?
Then all of a sudden, the thing looks up into the sky and Rex can barely make out a blurry black and gold figure in the sky. Rex can feel some kind of tension thanks to whatever was up there. Then another blurry figure appeared, this time green and red. The tension only raises, until Rex can see that whoever's eyes he was looking through started to charge towards the black figure! 
Then Rex had woken up suddenly. He looked around a bit, it was still night and Quetz was still in bed with him, sound asleep. "What… was that…? I've never had a dream like that before…." He had thought to himself. He took another look at Quetz and felt…. Safer. "Whatever it was… I can think about it another time…."
A/N: and there's the new story... I hope you guys liked it! It's kind of a step to lead to more down the line.
@hasspartacusdoneanythingwrong @hasbbdoneanythingwrong @chaldeamage-neo @exmeowstic @grievouslyxorvia @starry-sky-imaginarium @littleminxthings @panyum
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mollyolikeme · 3 years
Any Way The Wind Blows SPOILERS
Okay. Here are my ramblings in no particular order. Proceed if you care and/or dare. They a lot.
- I am emo shit. (I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again. Brilliant.)
- Honestly the ‘break up’ is important even though it HURTS
- Holding the wand together. I CRY. Knocking foreheads. STAP.
-The first real snowbaz conversation during the make-up. Was just …......… FAN-TAST-TIC. Just real conversation and being patient and listening. Like they were both being so SOFT and UGH!
- Fuck yes the emotional intimacy!
- The first night in bed… like simons trauma and love and how they interact and how he can’t cross the lines right away but wants to and he’s just trying to process NEVER having to ever make a decision for himself and think about his own emotions in his life. Boy thought he was never gonna grow up. He thought he was gonna be dead! UGH. He just. Can’t handle the emotions and I FUCKING RELATE!
- Snowbaz hunting that first time and the conversation about simons sexuality (no label!) and further talking about how Simon thought (but really never thought!) about his relationship with Agatha
- The fact Simon wanted to JUMP ON baz and never thought past that
- Simon telling baz he would let him drink him. Yup. Good boy. Good bois.
- The mutual OBSESSION they have for each other!
- NANDOS! Yes sir.
- Penny and Shepard. Penny and Shepard. Penny and Shepard.
- Penelope deserves SO much. She is such an amazing friend/family to Simon AND to baz. Ugh their LOVE for each other.
- I think Shepard is v good for her
- YES bitch get him out of that engagement!
- Shep reaching slowly for penny and then penny just moving his hand to reach her cheek. I CAN NOT!
- KISS HIM! You go Penny! GET. IT.
- IKEA trip. Just get out. That’s my dream for them.
- every damn time Snowbaz goes to lady Ruth Salisbury’s. I love it!
- I love lady Ruth! Like YES grandmama you are an open minded and smart powerful woman!
- Smith smith Richards can accept my foot in his ass. I agree with Baz’s reactions. Like yes son.
- I get simons too honestly. For him as a character, as the guy that he is, ya know.
- Smith smith is a HILARIOUS and TERRIBLE name.
- LOL. What a scammer though eh?
- CULTS! Why is it ALWAYS cults these days!!!
- The whole bring the magic up and then burn it out thing smith does. Like fuck you. Why do you think your special because you made up a new spell?! Lots of people do that!
- The kind of first time?!?!?!?!?!!?!?! MY PRECIOUS BOYS. YOU DESERVE THAT AND MORE IM SO HAPPY!
- Fuckin GET. IT.
- The conversations the communication! KEEP IT UP MY GUYS!
- They just love each other so COMPLETELY. Despite everything and especially INCLUDING each other’s ‘flaws’ (I weep with joy for it)
- Honestly the Britishism’s in this book were prime!
- GREAT Watford action. Simon being Simon like ‘nope imma lie to keep my people safe’
- His people then being pissed at him. lol yup
- Fuck you smith you deserve to be embarrassed by Simon!
- You look like a fool because you ARE a FOOL!
- GO PIPPA! Spell em like you see em! LIAR!
- KAY. The character growth for all of our mains …….. you guys I caaaaaant, stop it! (Don’t ever stop. Keep improving yourselves you guys are magical beauty’s)
-omg and AGATHA. girl you get your fucking story how you like it. this is about you now! your life is your life and you get to do what you want with it! Herd goats and just chill! uhuh uhuh!
- Simons true nature just being protective boy to people who are assholes to him. Yes sir you are too precious.
- V interesting that rainbow gave us an open ended thing with smith. Like at least somewhat. I’m assuming the coven will be like ‘yea you are a fraud and we will not have you around people anymore’ but also she leaves it with him still being delusional and like ‘I chosen one. Uhuh dat me’ … ya fuckin’ knob. You aren’t it Smith!
- ALSO WOAH WOAH WOAH! On the MF SLY Nico (good for Fiona. Marry your angry boy. You deserve it. Whatever it is.) being like ‘you can’t be immortal only drinking animals’………………
- That is a BOMB!
- OUR BOYS CAN LIVE AND DIE HAPPILY EVER AFTER!?!?!? You are fucking kidding me! THAT IS ALL I EVER WANT IN MY LYFE! (Healing healing healing emotional healing)
- Beautiful addition with the Excalibur sword to give us the Simon Salisbury reveal. Just Beautiful. Thank you thank you thank you Rainbow. I think that is exactly as we need it. Like obviously a lot for Simon to work through. And he and baz LITERALLY have that conversation (‘it’s too much.’ ‘It would be too much for anyone’) I REALLY appreciate that scenario as the reveal. Like Ruth already knows all the important things about Simon and now they can just be a supportive and CONSISTENT presence in his life. BAWLING IM BAWLING.
- And Simon has his sword!!!! Yes boy! You look good with it! Baz thinks you’re Hot! Because you ARE!
- Okay but also the moment it hits Simon (and baz) that he killed his father…… noooooooo. POOR THING. (Crying real tears. Crying real tears in the park reading. It’s true.)
- Yes that is the pet name and henceforth will be the ONLY pet name! (Actually baz should keep saying love because I SWOON)
- my thoughts are Simon is gonna keep his wings.
- Like he likes them and so does baz and honestly everyone does. I actually love that every time anyone who is important to Simon thinks about him without his wings they get a bit sad about it.
- I think he’ll keep them.
- I like that they left things with the nownext like….. those Vegas vamps will probably fucking kill them, let’s not get involved. And then literally didn’t talk about it. HA. (Fair enough. Not their problem.)
- Our baby’s get normal lives now!
- Like normal for them
- But they get to GO ON! ITS AMAZING!
- Penny and shep are getting his passport and moving to LONDON! They gone be cute cute cute together and it’s LOVELY
- MY BOYS (crying crying crying crying crying)
- I can just picture Simon doing Sunday night dinners at the Salisbury’s and coming home with HEAPS of take home leftovers for his week because grandmother Salisbury would NEVER let him leave without it
- He’s got an uncle! And probably/maybe cousins!? Sweet baby aaaaaahhhhhhh!
- Daphne at home again. THANK HEAVENS!
- I really enjoy that baz calls her mum. I think it’s so soft and important on so many levels because she did raise him.
- every time each of them comments on how sexy the other is.
- Simon thinking about Baz keeping his wand in a holster on his wrist. And it being dead sexy without his shirt on. FUCK. ME.
- Okay okay okay but MORE physical intimacy!!!!
- Like Clothes. Get rid of em. Don’t need em. Confident with where things are going. Check. Communicating consent and checking in. Fuck yes check. Sexy sexy sexy. Check. Kissing kissing kissing. Check. (I’m dying just about here) (get it my sons)
- What does Simon say? Just like ‘do you trust me’ ‘yes’ ‘can I touch you’ ‘yes’
- (I’m dead)
- (Me being dead) AAAAAHHHH
- I LOVE the on going ‘is this what people do?’
- That makes me feel so many things.
- Simons like ‘we just get to keeping trying and working and being close and trying and working and making each other happy’
- These. Boys. Have. My. Heart.
- They have it they have it they have it they have it
- okay better leave it there. I need to READ. THIS. AGAIN.
- LOVE ❤️
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cynergy-laughter · 4 years
Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All! Headcanon #14 (Unprovoked)
Content Warning: Fake Bl**d, Graphic images, scary pranks.
So since it’s getting closer and closer to Halloween, I thought it would be fun to see the brother’s reactions if MC was a makeup artist, but not just any make up artist, an expert Halloween makeup artist, creating scary faces, zombie looks, fake blisters and gory effects. And a bit of a prankster~! So here is our Mischevious!MC Makeup effects artist~!
Lucifer: He knows you were into make up, you came to class with a full face done before. But when it got closer to Halloween, he found out what your specialty make up was... you walked into Lucifer’s room, holding your right eye, and said there was something wrong with your eye. Lucifer, being the good Devildom host he is, offered to look at it, and see if you should go to a doctor. Good thing no one else was around, cause when you removed your hand, you revealed you had a plucked out and hanging eyeball! Lucifer would never ever admit he was scared, but his “Oh my God!!” was so loud, he almost fell onto his bed. You couldn’t even hold it in and started wheeze laughing immediately. Lucifer was confused and still in shock, but then realized when he see you take the eye off and revealed your real eye under the latex. Lucifer had half a mind to end you right there, cause how dare you surprise him like that. Although he was impressed that you had that much talent, it looked so real. But don’t ever do that again.
Mammon: He was just minding his own business, counting his bills he had made from selling his brothers possession when he heard a slow knocking at the door. He walked over and opened the door, and slightly jumped when he saw you wearing a zombie mask. He tried to play it cool and yanked the mask up and off your head, only to reveal the same exact details of the mask, except with more realistic blisters and graying decaying flesh, and you growl loudly and lunge at Mammon, whom screamed and fell backward, frantically crab walking backwards fast. You tried walking toward him but then started laughing as you saw Mammon crawling on his back. Mammon growled and started to walk out the room with a blushing face, and a tear around the corner of his eye. You stopped him and hugged him tightly. “I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry...” was said on repeat as he held him close while he tried to get away from you, but then held you back. From then on, you don’t do scare pranks on Mammon, cause you felt so bad. But later, Mammon said he wanted to do a scare prank with you on the others.
Leviathan: You were spying on Levi, watching him play a game from a far. You saw he was playing Hellcraft, the Devildom equivalent of Minecraft, and noticed that games’ creeper was a lot more scarier than the human’s version... you decided to play a prank. You went into the bathroom and began doing your make up, dark violet, black, red pixelated colors, and they blended in pretty well without really blending thanks your make up color mixing skills. And then you put black contacts in your eyes to complete the look. You make it back to his room, and started sneaking up towards him at his computer. You reach out your hand to tease his neck, making the noise you heard creeper’s make. Levi was slightly annoyed at the neck tease, swatting at his neck a bit, but wouldn’t budge at first. But then after you did it a third time, he turned around in his chair with a, “MC, can you please leave my neck al-AAAAAHHHH!” He screamed and jumped back so far his chair fell backward, as you hissed harshly. He legit thought it was the cursed version of the game, where if you cheated, or trolled, an enemy from the game ambushes you from behind. Needless to say you were laughing, and apologizing, Levi was blushing mad and frightened, but he later he was impressed that you even got the red streams coming from the Hellcraft Creeper’s eyes right.
Satan: Satan is not easy to scare, by any means. In fact if you were to scare him, you’d probably be in more danger. Satan seemed like the kind of person who would punch a haunted house actor. He’s intelligent enough to know a prank, especially when he can recognize a Mammon prank. I mean, Satan is the King of pranks. But you realize in order to prank Satan, it would have to take some real skill. And it most especially wouldn’t be easy, because it was Halloween, he knew it was Halloween, everyone knew it was Halloween. You decided to not prank him, but instead show him your make up skills. You knocked on his door and walked in backward, with Satan more confused than ever before. “Just promise you won’t freak out, this is just make up...” You revealed your face, showing that you looked like part of your brain and skull showing in your forehead, as well as some bone showing on your neck. The sound that Satan made was a mix between an exclamation, a scream, and “oh wow” followed by, “how did you do that?” He says this opens up a whole new avenue of prank ideas, and that you truly are an artist.
Asmodeus: You had borrowed a bit of Asmo’s make up to set up this prank. It was a contour palette, and you had set action on your face. Later, you start knocking on the door frantically, hiding your face with a scarf. Asmo opens the door and you walk in fast, “Something went horribly wrong!” You said as you paced around the room, and Asmo asked what was wrong... You claimed, “I think I had a severe allergic reaction to your contour palette I borrowed.” Poor Asmo thought it was something as bad as a rash. Asmo told to show it, and that it couldn’t be that bad... as soon as you revealed the face that looked like it was burned through by acid, Asmo screamed. The cheeks where the contour and shading would looked like they were burned through with acid, and bubbling near where it stopped. The shriek you heard could wake up every banshee. He started apologizing constantly, until you revealed it was a prank. Asmo was half relieved, and half angry about the fact it was a prank. Of course, your make up was just amazing, so realistic... but don’t ever do that again.
Beelzebub: You pranked Beel after pranking Belphie, for which he offered to help. Belphie texted Beel that he had a surprise for him, that it was a special dish that he and you, naming you specifically, made for him. Sweet baby Beel has no idea what was coming. There was a covered dish on the kitchen island, which was covered by a red table cloth, and Belphie offered him the first bite, that MC had put their whole being into this lunch. Beel, absolutely loving your cooking, takes a fork and a knife and lifted the cover off, revealing your golden brown bald head, with grill marks on your cheeks, bubbling blisters on your chin and forehead, and an eyeball popped out and garnished with a toothpick. Beel shrieked and looked at Belphie in horror. “Belphie, what did you do?!” He shouted. “I know, you’re right, I should have left them on the grill a little longer.” Beel looked ready to either breakdown or scream again, but then his stomach growled. “... I... I dont want you to get into trouble, maybe I should get rid of the evidence...” that’s when you stood up from the fake island and reassured him it was a prank, Beel screamed again when you got up, and fell onto his back, meanwhile Belphie fell on his back laughing at what Beel said, and then at his reaction to MC getting up in panic. You decide to never prank Beel again, especially since he couldn’t even face you for the rest of the month, which is when you showered him with full size candy bars begging for forgiveness. Belphie as usual put the blame fully on you.
Belphegor: You had taken a nap with Belphie, and for the first time, you woken up before him and went to go to the bathroom... to do your make up! You decided to do a bit of impersonation makeup with a touch of freaky. You made your face look like Lucifer’s face, but then you added a red snake eye contact into your right eye and a snaggletooth fang to your mouth. You got back into bed with your face, and fell back asleep, with the covers over your head, and cuddling Belphie. You woke up to screaming and being pushed out of the bed by a frightened Belphie. You were surprised, but eventually started laughing as you got up and smiled at Belphie, revealing your red eye and fang, and Belphie threw your pillow at you, blushing and crossing his arms. “That was not funny!” “It was a little funny...” “No it wasn’t!”
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mimiplaysgames · 3 years
Terraqua Week Day 1 (Weak Spot)
Summary: We all have to make peace with the past. (In which Terra returns in Xemnas’s body and I scream SIZE DIFFERENCE.) || Word Count: 8,319
Read on AO3
A/N: AAAAAHHHH I’m so excited that we’re doing a whole other @terraquaweek !! I have to apologize ahead of time, my fics this year are super long and super packed, but I’m pretty proud of this collection and I can’t wait for y’all to read! I can’t wait to hear what you think! <3
When Time Takes You For Granted
Terra looks so different. 
No matter—Aqua has to fight. She can’t hold back when he summons red sabers of light from his palms, can’t falter when he hammers them against the staff of her Keyblade, can’t blink when canyon dust is kicked into her eyes, can’t be fooled by his face because this man is not Terra and couldn’t ever pretend to be.
He opens his arms to conjure a fatal blow—but he underestimates her speed. She’s grown up fighting large men. He is no big deal. 
The man with Terra’s face withers when she strikes his midsection. One arm grips his stomach to hold himself together and he brings his other hand up. Dark tendrils evaporate from the leather of his gloves. 
“As you wish,” he says to her, richly voiced, smooth as a river stone. “Friend.” He staggers to his knees, groaning as he flickers away.
“Terra!” Ven calls, too fast for Aqua to hold back. The man still wears that same black cloak that marks him as a member of the Organization.
The man shivers when Ven shakes him awake, a quiet “Aqua? Ven?” escaping his lips. He huffs out a hoarse chuckle that clutches out of pain, with a voice that sounds like a morning at the summit of a mountain. “Ven, you’re so short.” 
There he is.
“Terra.” Aqua rushes over. “Can you hear me? How do you feel?” she asks, checking for signs of physical injury, a refusal to use a limb, the inability to breathe. 
His breath stutters. “Aqua?” There he is.
“I’m here.”
He pants, opening his eyes—now blue again, his hair dark again, there he is. He jerks forward as if desperate to find her, but it’s like he can’t see her. In a drunk and feverish whimper, barely with the strength to sit himself up, he stumbles back. “Aqua. Aqua, I have to tell you something.”
“Don’t worry about that,” she says, checking his temperature with the back of her hand, “just rest.”
“No, I have to say it,” he mumbles. “I have to. I didn’t last time, I didn’t and look what happened—”
“Okay,” she whispers. “Go ahead.” 
He pauses, moaning, “I’m sorry. I love you.”
Ven bursts into a fit of hysteria. “Perfect timing, Terra. Ten out of ten.”
But Terra seems unaware, straddling between the drift to sleep and the fight to stay awake. He nods as if to confirm, mumbling to himself like a baby.
Aqua stares at him, her heart itching to hear it again in case she misunderstood. She has daydreamed of this moment—not like this, anything sweeter than this but genuine all the same—and yet it comes to her like a splash of ice on the face. Terra is older. He has more pronounced cheekbones with less elasticity in the skin, folds of dimples and knowledge when his lips twitch, a thicker jawline, a stronger nose. A glimpse of the future, his long brown hair stretching past the shoulders, oily and excessively gelled up for ridiculous bangs. Aqua brushes his cheek with her fingers.
She should have said something years ago, too. 
“What’s going on?” a voice calls out. Riku’s. He skids to a stop when he sees them. “Is that Xemnas?”
The man Aqua fought never introduced himself, but he sure liked to talk a lot. Whoever he was, he’s not relevant anymore. “He’s delirious. We need help picking him up.”
“Wait a minute,” Riku says, approaching them with a smidge too much caution for Aqua to appreciate. “I’ve been fighting Terra all these years?” 
“Xehanort,” Aqua says quietly, wrapping Terra’s arm over her shoulders. She shuffles her knees. He’s too heavy. “You’ve been fighting Xehanort.”
Riku nods. It’s his way of apologizing. “Well. That sucks.” He offers to take the other arm. “Xemnas was the leader of the first Organization. A self-inflated piece of work… I didn’t know who he really was. I didn’t recognize him.” He pulls a smile to his face and nudges Ven with his elbow. “Sora and I made sure to give him a hard time.”
Aqua wants him to stop talking. 
Footsteps approach them, crunchy with the sound of sand and dirt, and Aqua braces herself for what’s to come. Riku whips around to prepare an explanation, but it’s none other than Kairi. 
She sees them with wide and round eyes. Brings her hand to her mouth. “Riku?” Kairi says specifically, asking him questions with her eyes in a private language Aqua can’t understand. 
He shrugs. “What do you want me to say?”
Kairi sits on her knees, her skirt too short to cover them from the dirt. “This poor boy. It’s not fair.”
Aqua purses her lips. Ven stares past everyone else. 
“We’re all getting punished,” Kairi continues like the sting of knowing that after all is said and done, Sora is gone somewhere and here are Aqua and Ven picking up their own brittle, little pieces. “Look at him.” 
Riku sighs. “I have space in my Gummi ship for him. But we need to be quick about it.”
Kairi gasps, wide-eyed. “That’s right.”
Aqua doesn’t want to ask why. Ven does it for her. “What’s up?”
“We can’t let the others see him,” Riku says.
Too late. Roxas appears on the other side of the clearing, heavy in breath. He’s sweet and gentle even when it seems like his mind is a distance away. He looks exactly like Ven but nothing like Ven, a grimness to his smile and a thoughtfulness to his speech like he’s seen and knows too much. 
Roxas frowns. “What are you doing?” 
“We’re helping him,” Aqua says as a matter of fact, flexing her ankles to stand up with Riku, shouldering half the weight. Terra stumbles on his feet, mumbling something about not wanting to step on any mice. “This is Terra, by the way.”
Roxas stares. “Why?” he asks accusingly. 
Aqua stammers. How this boy who has been ripped away from his own friends could ask such a thing— 
“Come on, he’s our friend,” Ven says. 
“You call him a friend?” Roxas points at Terra. “Do you even know what he’s done?”
Xehanort. What Xehanort has done, but Aqua stops herself from snapping. She says softly, “Terra would never—” 
“What if Terra saw what happened? What if he knew? Is he the type to be okay with that?”
She glares at him. No answer comes to her, except when Xemnas called her a Friend.
Kairi steps forward, arms out like a barrier. “He needs medical attention. We don’t have to talk about this right now.”
And they won’t have the chance. Xion slowly comes up behind Roxas. They’re both dressed in the same black cloak that Terra wears like it’s a mark, a forced tattoo. She has her hands cupped into each other, bringing them to her chest like they’re a shield. 
“Roxas?” Xion asks. She looks terrified.
“Forget it,” Roxas says, turning over and tugging her by the elbow. “This is dumb. We don’t need to care or be here.” 
Aqua refuses to fight this battle, not when Terra is wheezing and flinching as if he’s being crushed under mineral and earth. 
“Kairi,” Riku says solemnly, “just guide us back to the ship.” He says to Aqua, “If it’s any consolation, I think he would’ve done something if he knew.” 
Aqua nods, choosing to create solace out of his delicate comfort, if only to find the strength to drag Terra across the desert.
It’s a laborious but peaceful walk, what with Kairi talking about healing potions (I’ve learned some during training, maybe I can make Terra one?), and Ven excited about the first meal they’ll have together as a trio again (Pancakes, Aqua. Pancakes.), until they find Lea standing in front of the Gummi ship. He has his hands in the pockets of his cloak, and Aqua wonders if he’s concealing weapons. 
Lea is a double-sided coin. One side a mask with a running end of jokes and playful jabs designed to hide the other, steely and scrutinizing. 
“I promised myself I would never see Roxas that upset again,” Lea says, as if to blame them for breaking it. “I’ve never seen Xion that upset.” That brand of Lea-lilt in his voice, the one he uses every time he spits out Got it memorized?, is gone, and Aqua admits she respects him more for it. Lea nods over to Terra. “Shouldn’t we leave the trash where it belongs?”
“You’re really going to ask that when you’ve been pining all this time for Saïx?” Riku snaps. 
Lea laughs. “You might as well shave my entire head and tell people I’m ugly.” He chills over. “I’m no saint either, but don’t compare us to”—he points at Terra, not Xehanort or Xemnas or whoever—“him. You want to know what I think of Xemnas? He doesn’t deserve an ounce of the worst. The core of rotten fruit. The smell of ass after a trip to the bathroom. The pits of the ocean where all the fish shit clump together and the bloat of dead flesh float around.”
“Don’t mind him,” Riku tells Aqua and Ven. “He likes to exaggerate.”
“I like to make a point.” Lea steadies his breath, hot petrol on the verge of exploding, letting the steam lose pressure. “I like to tell the truth when it matters.”
Aqua glares at him. She doesn’t know Lea that well, and doesn’t know what matters of truth are supposed to mean. But she holds her head high. Her truth screams from the inside of her head. 
“Terra would never,” she announces. 
Lea scoffs. 
Ven trips on dragging fabric. They’re taking some of the Master’s old robes to Terra, who can’t fit into any of his own clothes anymore. The castle at the Land of Departure is stiff and quiet, like a long-lost stranger. Home isn’t home but a dream, a memory, a trip through aged photos.
“I don’t think this is going to work,” Ven says in a sing-song voice.
“The Master was a large man,” Aqua insists. 
“Yeah, but Terra’s bicep is bigger than your head now.”
That’s true and… not something Aqua wants to think about—his body though, it’s impressive—not if she wants to hide the blush in her cheeks. Terra is huge now, the crown of her head reaching the base of his diaphragm. He’s so broad that if he hugs her, she’d disappear into the flesh. 
Aqua and Ven turn the corner and enter Terra’s room, who has a towel wrapped around his hips. He’s fussing with the wet roots of his hair.
“So much grease,” Terra complains, scratching his scalp with the pads of his fingers. “What the stars was this guy thinking with all this hair gel?”
Aqua stares at the wood of his dresser—not at how sculpted his muscles are (more than ever, actually). Not at the chisels and grooves on his back as he breathes and moves to grab a robe from the rumpled stack is Ven’s arms.
“That one will look nice,” Aqua says, eyeing the ivory color of the robe Terra chose.
“Might,” Ven corrects. “Might look nice.”
Terra snorts. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’re bigger than a rhino.”
He laughs. He sounds the same. “All the more to terrorize people with,” Terra says and it wretches at her chest. 
“Glad to know you’re still an idiot.”
Terra slips his arms through the sleeves, pulling the robe over his shoulders and across his chest. It’s not flattering. The seams are stretched, the threads exposed, and it wears on his shoulders so tightly that the muscles form hills under the fabric. 
Ven points and laughs. “I told you. No one listens to me.”
Aqua pulls the robe off Terra’s shoulders when he slouches into his chair. She tosses it with the rest of the Master’s unfittable artifacts onto Ven’s arms. “Can you take care of these? I’ll stay and help Terra.”
Ven eyes her. With a knowing grin. Like an imp that should be slapped. “Do what? Put his pants on?”
Terra gapes. “What?”
“You’re obnoxious,” Aqua says to Ven.
“You’d miss me if I wasn’t,” Ven says with his nose high to the ceiling. He leans forward, the imp smile stretching to reach ear to ear, curled upwards. “But Terra would like it, wouldn’t he?”
Terra coughs and clears his throat. “Ven, get out.” He waves his arm—and a crash explodes before Aqua can understand what happened. Everything in his room—his shoes, the coat rack, the lamp by his bed, his pillows, books from the shelf, dirty laundry that hasn’t been washed in a decade, dust collected from the same amount of time—fly at Ven. The comforter in particular is what knocks him over.
“What was that?” Ven squeals, sitting up from the rubble. “What was that?”
Terra’s lip quivers. He stares at his hands. “I don’t know.”
“It’s okay,” Aqua says, bending over to stack books in her arms. “Ven, get a broom and some rags. We’ve got some cleaning to do.” 
Ven trips before heading off, like he couldn’t wait to get out. Aqua has a feeling he’s going to bug her for details later. 
“I’m so sorry,” Terra whispers, balling his hands into fists and shoving them into his lap as a preemptive measure. 
The Organization’s cloak sits thrown on the floor, still dusty. Aqua pads the excess off. 
“Don’t worry,” she says, pulling cheer from somewhere inside to lighten the mood. “I’ll sew you a new robe.”
Terra won’t look at her. He mumbles her a word of thanks when she hands his dirty cloak over.
“Leather can’t be scrubbed like everything else,” she explains. “I’ll clean it later.”
“It’s fine,” Terra says, holding it in his giant hands. He doesn’t move to put it on, and instead stares at the large mirror hanging over his desk in front of him. Aqua stands by his side. She’s tall, but she never once considered herself as thin, her frame skeletal by comparison. 
By comparison, she hasn’t changed.
Well, she has. Her smiles are not the same. 
Terra’s hair is messy, now with much more for her to brush her fingers through. She doesn’t try. “I don’t remember any of these,” he whispers. 
The scars. Knicks in crossed-over patterns across his chest and biceps. A rippled scorch mark by his elbow like a crater, a gouge on one side by the stomach, a deep ravine on the other, near the ribs. More on his back, a textured map for nowhere to go. 
“Not a single one.” His voice cracks. 
Aqua caresses his shoulder. Those scars are not stories he needs to hear. “What do you remember?” She actually doesn’t want to know, in case Roxas was right. 
She wants to be relieved, but she isn’t. “Nothing at all?” In twelve years?
Aqua wraps her arms around his shoulders from behind him, aware of how he tenses at first and relaxes after, a puzzle piece fitting in exactly the right spot. “Where were you?”
“I don’t know.” He sighs, leaning his head onto hers. “I wasn’t anywhere, I… I don’t want to talk about it.”
“That’s fine.” Twelve years of nothing and twelve years living with nightmares; there’s not much to talk about. She traces a divot on his shoulder. “I know this one.”
“Yours,” Terra says. When he smirks that way, he looks the same as he always had.
“I stabbed you with a wooden sword.”
“My wooden sword.” He brushes his fingers on the scar. As if he’s reminded of something, Terra frowns. “I was just a kid.” He studies his skin on the reflection, pulling on his face with his fingers, watching the way the skin ripples, the sharpness of cheekbones, the dips and dimples that didn’t used to be there. There are thick streaks of silver underneath the outer layers when he brushes his hair back. He never asked for this. “Can we get rid of every mirror in the castle?” he whispers.
Aqua lets him go. The way he asks makes her want to try memory alteration, to slowly erase what haunts him so he doesn’t have to deal with harsh reminders or sudden blows to the mind. She forces herself to smile—if she shows distress, it would only upset him more. There is nothing they can do about the past and there won’t be a mention of what it’s robbed from them.
“Maybe just the one in here. I’ll help.” 
Terra stands up and takes one of his old, simple cotton shirts that he prefers when he goes to bed while Aqua tests the bottom part of the ornate frame. It won’t budge, heavy as lifting a boulder. 
“I look ridiculous,” she hears Terra say. The shirt is as tight as second skin, what used to sit on him loosely now gripping for dear life across his upper stomach, his belly button exposed. 
Aqua purses her lips, heat to her cheeks. “Do you remember waking up?”
“Where?” He’s layering the cloak over the scandal. 
“At the Keyblade Graveyard.”
“No,” he says. She’s known him for years. She can tell he’s sincere. “Why?”
“Just wondering how far your memory goes,” she says, playing serious. She’ll have to figure out a different way to bring up that conversation. “I can’t lift this alone.”
“Not a problem.” Terra grabs his side of the mirror and lifts it off its hook like it’s a single piece of paper.  He clears his throat. “Um—wow.”
“That’s impressive,” Aqua says, and Terra blushes purple. 
Aqua makes it back home in time for lunch, and finds Terra sitting on the bar that splits the kitchen from the dining room, wearing his cloak with the zipper open, no shirt and leather pants. It must be blistering hot in those considering the sunny weather. He’s complained about having to sleep naked. 
She presents him with several bags on the counter. Rolls of fresh cotton shirts and pants for lounging, nylon for sparring and wool for the winter. He splits a warm grin when he feels how soft they are. It almost brightens his deep dark circles. 
“I also found these gorgeous fabrics,” Aqua says, showing him the silk she means to make him a new robe in that same ivory color, with embroidered, rust-colored strips that she’ll use for the borders and trims. “This will look good with your armor.” 
“Let me show you what I’ve been working on.” On his lap are a set of the Master’s old hakama. Terra is attempting to tailor it…all through hand sewing, the needle swallowed by his thick fingers. The threads are bunched up and knotted over, if they don’t skip some parts. “What?” he asks. She must be making a face. “It’s ugly isn’t it.”
“Nothing that skill can’t help,” Aqua says, taking the pants from him and not apologizing for anything.
He taps the counter with his fingers. “Riku told me about Xemnas.”
Aqua stops the urge to groan, folding over the fabric carefully and pretending that name doesn’t boil her blood. “What did he say?”
“Xemnas was a telekinetic.” 
That explains some things. “Okay.”
“Apparently he could lift entire buildings.”
Aqua snorts.
Terra leans forward. “Hey, you can’t blame me for the back door.”
“But it makes sense.”
Terra has blown open said door. He has also destroyed historical statues and windows that are difficult to replace. He has even ripped a tree from its roots when he practiced his powers outside. The more he gets scared of these abilities, the more destructive he becomes. Terra’s body is not entirely sane on its own either—he’ll step on pebbles, on glass barefoot, and he can’t feel a thing. 
“Can you answer Riku for me?” He pulls the Gummiphone from his pocket, the device smaller than his palm. “The buttons are too small. I’m thinking of asking Chip and Dale to build me a custom-sized one.” 
She takes his phone, the screen smudged with his round fingertips, larger than her nails. “Are you going to stop training your new powers?”
He flinches. “They’re not mine.”
“Well...” she says gently, cradling his phone in her hands. It’s warm from his touch. 
“Not that I can control them.” He huffs, frustrated enough to crack the counter in half if he tries. 
“Why don’t you show me how far you’ve come?”
He glares at her. 
“The oranges.” She points to the kitchen on the other side of the room. Oranges, pears, and apples sit in a wooden bowl by the sink. “Pick one of them up.”
“That’s a little too much to ask for.”
“One tiny orange?” She smirks. “You can balance it on your pinky.”
He scoffs. “You talk as if you like me like this.”
Aqua clears her throat, suddenly deep in a trench that she can’t climb out of. “You can’t help what happened to you, but you can help yourself.”
Terra rolls his eyes. “Yes, ma’am. Stars, it’s like being in class again.”
“I’m pleased with that. Try sliding the bowl over.”
Terra leans his elbows onto the counter and opens his palms, his fingers curled like claws. What surprises her is how fast the bowl responds, like it’s channeling an emotional reaction, immediate and neurotic. It rattles, as if it weighs several tons under an ocean. 
Aqua looks over at his furrowed concentration, sweat glistening as though he’s wrestling instead of picking up fruit. “What’s stopping you?”
“I don’t know what’s going to happen.”
She smiles. “There was a day when we didn’t know what our Keyblades would look like. That was exciting and terrifying at the same time, remember?”
“You sound like the Master.”
“I take that as a compliment.”
Terra grunts. “Fine, I’ll try harder.” Though he doesn’t have to prove anything to Aqua. Ever.
Terra waves his hands to the right and—disaster.
The bowl flips over and crashes into the fridge. 
Plates and mugs burst out of the cupboards, shattering when they hit the floor. Pots and pans soar, crossing the entire kitchen and slamming into the grandfather clock, destroying the glass casing and tearing apart the inside as gears sputter to the floor. 
The clockface nearly lands on Ven’s head when he enters with a glass of water in his hand. He freezes. It cracks when it hits the tile. Forks, spoons, and other utensils spin past him and stab the wall, the knives wedged into it. 
“Ven!” Aqua calls, running to him. He’s fine. If anything, he’s shivering from shock. 
“Ven,” Terra starts, scrambling up from the stool but he flicks his hands too quickly. The water from Ven’s glass splashes him on the face. “Stars, I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t,” Ven says, wiping his face. “Worry about it.” He inhales. “You nearly impaled me.” 
“I’m sorry—”
“Sit,” Ven says, pointing at Terra. “On your hands.”
Terra does as he’s told, slumping his shoulders over as if to shrink. But it’s a parody, an elephant hiding behind a palm tree, a giant monster puppy rejected.
Ven looks over the destroyed grandfather clock—it was one of the Master’s newer ones, who developed a fondness for them late into his life. “This one was a stars-damned eyesore, anyway.”
Aqua is dressed in her shorts and shirt, preparing for bed when she hears another crash, this time a dull crack, breaking apart right outside her bedroom. 
Terra is carrying a door handle, still attached to shards of wood. He is furiously shivering, wearing the new clothes she bought for him.
“Terra, are you okay?” she asks gently.
With effort, he calms himself, the handle shaking in both of his hands, a hole in his door the only other thing amiss. “I can fix it.” His undereye circles are getting awfully puff, his voice broken by static. 
“You should really get some sleep,” she says, stepping out. 
He sighs forcefully, as if to ask her to stop. “I can’t.”
She nods. “It’s hard for me to sleep, too.”
“I can’t help but feel like my body is going to sleepwalk without me knowing.”
“I don’t think it would.” She smirks but it doesn’t comfort him. “I take rounds around the castle sometimes. I would notice if you’re a zombie.”
His lips quiver, and he squeezes the handle as if to snap it on purpose. He doesn’t. Terra turns to her but stares hard at the floor. In a voice so quiet that he sounds like a small boy, he asks, “Can you stay with me tonight?”
Her heart jumps, trying to wretch itself out of her chest. “Terra?”
“I want to sleep. I can’t. I think it would be easier if…” He fiddles with the door handle, a shy boy unable to speak. “If you were with me.”
Aqua smiles. He’s braver than her for asking. “I’d feel safer behind a locked door. Come in.”
On her desk is her sewing machine, the pattern of his new robe designed, his measurements already taken, the fabric put together in pins and ready to be weaved with thread. 
But there is a mirror in her room, and when Terra enters, he stops in his place. 
“I’m sorry,” she says, moving to pull one of her bedsheets to cover it. 
“It’s fine,” Terra says, but she’s too fast, balancing out the coverage. He slouches on her chair and leans back with a grunt. His fair falls behind him like a cascade. It’s always been wonderfully thick and dark. Aqua indulges this time, brushing it with her fingers, tempted to braid it. He audibly relaxes, and says, “Riku told me what happened in the Graveyard.”
Aqua swallows. “What did he say?”
“How Roxas and Lea reacted.” He gets quieter the more he speaks, words slipping into weak whispers. “To me.” Tears drip out of his eyes, running to his ears and down his neck. He sniffs. “Xion is terrified of me and I don’t know how to live with myself.”
“It’s not your fault, Terra,” she says softly, lightly rubbing his scalp when she sweeps his glorious hair, brown and silver like silk on her skin. It soothes him. 
“Kairi said the same.”
“Kairi is wise.”
“She wants to find a way to get us all together.”
“I think that’s a great idea,” Aqua says, and he groans. “Let me figure out how to set that up. I’ll coordinate with her.”
“I don’t think that will end well.”
“We should try. We all have things in common and have faced similar hardships. We need each other as friends.”
“But look at me.”
She does. He’s beautiful. “I’m looking.”
“What am I going to do?” Terra has always been too sensitive for his own good. Aqua thinks about who she’d possibly call to help me. “They’ll never talk to me.”
“You’re already trying your best.”
“Aqua, I’ve been a beast since I’ve been home.” He rubs his thumb and fingers together. A body that fails him. 
“Terra, please, you’re fine the way you are.”
“Two more grandfather clocks under my belt and all the vegetables in the garden in my pocket,” he reminds her.
“Let’s try one more time,” she says, taking his hand. “I think if you could outwin your powers, you’d feel better.”
“Your room is too immaculate for me to mess with.”
“Not my room. On me.”
“Why would I do that?” Terra stands up. 
“I think if there’s a parameter that you’re forced to work under, you’d improve the way you want to.” 
Terra pauses. “And put you in danger?”
“If that’s what’s going to work.”
“I care too much about you to do that.”
“I know you love me,” Aqua says, startling herself. She shouldn’t have said that, especially now that he’s staring at her wide-eyed—but they’re best friends. Of course he loves her. Of course it’s the most natural thing to say. There’s not much more to imply. “You won’t hurt me.”
“Intentionally,” his voice croaks, looking everywhere around the room except at Aqua.
“What do you want out of your training, Terra?”
“I want to feel less like a freak.”
“Here I am.” She widens her arms. “Hit me with your best shot.”
“What if I fling you out the window like a rag doll?”
“You won’t.” Now she’s nervous he will.
“Or burst your skull open?”
“Then don’t.” Aqua swallows.
Terra sighs and runs a hand through his hair, the silver glistening from the light of her ceiling lamp. 
“Be gentle,” Aqua suggests.
Terra hesitates, one step too far behind necessary confidence. She takes both of his hands in hers, and he gives her a feathered squeeze in return. 
“Promise me you won’t break,” he says.
“Promise you won’t break me.”
He blinks back tears when he holds her waist, his hands a hearth through her thin shirt. He’s about to pick her up but he lets her go instead, intentionally widening his hands as if pulling strings. As though gravity has shut off, the air around her loses all weight. Her feet lift off the carpet and she’s suspended above her dresser, her limbs moving slowly as though she’s underwater. Terra trembles from so much concentration. He’s worried, delicate with her, lifting her up like a cloud drifting over a mountain, her desk distant like it’s inside a doll house, her bed too small for a body to sleep in.
She gasps. “Wow.”
Terra wrestles with a smile but every muscle is engaged as though he’s picking up a boulder. 
“You’re doing wonderful,” she says. When he looks up at her, he cries. “Now put me down. Gently.”
It’s like she’s asking him to drop that boulder, all collateral be damned. He groans, a vein throbbing on his forehead. He’s hesitant at first but he exhausts when he finally relaxes. The threads that hold her snap. Aqua falls. Terra catches her by her bare thighs. 
“You did so well,” she whispers, holding onto his shoulders. Dust collects on the top of her door frame that she’d never notice otherwise. “You’re so tall,” she laughs.
He sighs. “I’m so tired.”
“Oh, you can put me down.”
His arms stutter when he slides her off him, and he plops onto her mattress, the adrenaline making him tremble. But he smiles. That’s the most Aqua could ask for, and yet that’s the thing, for some reason, that unplugs the dam. 
“I know what it’s like,” she starts, resting a hand on his head. “I wish it never happened. I wish I didn’t have to meet Xemnas, or that I fell into Darkness. Or that anyone hurt you. We wasted all those years.”
“Don’t say that,” he says softly, tucking her hair behind her ear. “You came back the same and you can redo all that time. Enjoy it.”
“But you?”
Terra sighs. He’s aged. He lays on her mattress, knees sliding off the edge and feet firm on the floor. “I’m okay. I’ve made my peace.”
When she settles next to him, she has to curl her legs in, fitting right into his side, her head on his shoulder. She relaxes to the way he strokes her hair. Peace shouldn’t have to be made. It shouldn’t be bargained for, it shouldn’t be difficult to win in a twisted game. But it is for most people, isn’t it? It is for anyone who’s been betrayed, who has suffered misfortune, who has been robbed or tortured, who has been fractured into pieces with no reason to justify it. 
Terra and Aqua have kissed before out of curiosity, years ago. It left her wanting more. And the wanting has led to yearning. And the yearning lingered on, Aqua choosing to wait for the right moment, for the right hour, for the right occasion, letting it all slip her by each and every time for the most mundane reasons. Terra and Aqua have napped together in the woods, in the shade of a tree after hours of sparring, shoulder to shoulder, one of them promising to wake the other before they’re late for their lessons. 
“If I ever get up in the middle of the night...” Terra starts. 
“Where is this conversation going?” 
“And I’m not actually awake—”
“That’s not going to happen.”
“—and I’m walking around like a zombie—”
“—please hit me as hard as you can.”
Aqua chuckles. This shouldn’t be a joke at all and yet what else is there left for them to do? “As you wish.”
“Promise me you’ll wake me up. No matter what.”
“Of course.” Aqua nuzzles her face into his shoulder, feeling the way his pec curves over rock-hard muscle. “Always.”
They’re in the study, where some of the most outdated books in the castle find their home, for decoration more than anything.
Terra has new suspenders and hakama pants. The robe she’s designed for him, ivory with rust-colored trim, has one proper sleeve. The other is more of an open cape that curls under his armored arm, pinning at his shoulder like a shawl, made to show off the metal, burgundy and shiny. He’s elegant, tall and intimidating, respectable and warm. 
“I love it,” he says.
“You almost look like the Master,” Aqua says.
“Do you think he would have liked it?”
“I think he would have been proud.”
Ven knocks on the door frame, holding up an Okay gesture. “Nice getup.” 
Terra smirks. “It makes me look less scary.”
“Are you going to throw away the black cloak?”
Aqua flinches, pinching the robe and straightening it, though not because it needs it. 
“I’m still thinking about it,” Terra says. “It depends on how today goes.”
“Speaking of,” Ven says, and Aqua sighs. “Aqua, he’s here.”
As though all breath has been sucked out of the air, they fall quiet. The crackle of the fireplace snaps. 
“You doing okay?” she whispers to Terra.
He nods, but his skin turns green. 
“Just relax and get comfortable,” she says.
Ven follows Aqua to the entrance hall, where their guest has welcomed himself inside. Isa stands with a poise that demands to be matched with a level of professionalism. Aqua crosses her hands together and keeps them to herself.
“Thank you for coming,” she says. When she messaged him to be a mediator, she wasn’t sure what to expect. Lea and Isa may seem to be opposite but they are two peas in a pod that way. Lea is a book of riddles, one page contradicting its own backside depending on which version of him shows up that day. Isa’s book is blank.
“I appreciate your invitation,” Isa says, though an instinctual tick deep in her stomach tells her that appreciation was a difficult word for him to use. 
“Hey there.” Ven waves. 
Isa raises his eyebrows. “Hello, Ventus,” he says… and nothing else.
Ven glances at Aqua and blares a tight, awkward smile. “Okay. Well. I’ll leave you to it.”
After Ven leaves, Isa breathes, like he’s been holding it. “I suppose the rest of this visit will be similar.” The grin on his face is sudden whiplash for Aqua, his strict posture now with blurred edges. 
“In what way?” Aqua can’t quit the habit of letting go of her hands.
“Roxas usually wears a scowl. To see the same face greet me so warmly, it was quite the surprise.” 
“But a welcomed one.” His intense green eyes drill a hole into her. “Believe me when I say that I’m more than happy to come here and see him for myself, though it puts me in a fickle position with my family.”
Aqua brings her hands to her heart. “I think Sora would want us all to get along.”
“If that’s the angle you want to approach this with, I’d say you have a moderate chance of convincing them.” 
She nods and leads the way. “He’s excited to meet you.”
Isa doesn’t reply. Terra is waiting on one of the lounge chairs in the study, telekinetically spinning pages on a book floating in front of him. He snatches the book as they approach him, and drops it on a nearby desk. 
Terra doesn’t say anything. Neither does Isa, who sits himself on a comfortable chair opposite and crosses his legs. Aqua, not knowing where to go or what to do with her hands, stands by Terra. She’s hoping for an amicable meeting, anticipating an interrogation.
Isa smirks and it’s not exactly inviting. “Shall we skip the pleasantries?”
Terra nods like a dog scolded. “I’m glad you’re here,” he says with a shaky voice. 
Isa hums, interlacing his fingers as he stares—rather studies Terra with scrutiny. “Do you remember me?”
Terra shakes his head, choking on a cough. “You’re asking the wrong person.” 
“Are you certain?”
“I know of you.”
“What do you know of me?”
“You’re with Lea.” Terra licks his lips and balls his hands into fists. He only gets this way when he’s being tested, when he wants to get every answer correct. “You’ve had a complicated history with Organization XIII.”
“Complicated,” Isa repeats. 
“You were a Nobody.”
Isa smirks coldly, much like how Aqua would have imagined from the stories she’s heard about Saïx. “We were brethren.”
Terra hangs his head. “I don’t know much else.”
“How is that possible?” 
“I don’t know. I resigned. It was so painful not to. I was nowhere. Nothing to have, nothing to see, nothing to hear. I waited for an opportunity for it to stop hurting—” Terra croaks. “And I woke up.”
Isa uncrosses his legs and anchors his elbows onto his knees, cupping his chin into his hands. “You’ve no memory of the command to manipulate Sora into vanquishing Heartless for us?”
“Why wouldn’t he?”
“To gather enough energy to summon Kingdom Hearts.”
“That doesn’t make any sense to me.”
Isa sighs, and Aqua swears it sounds like anticipation. “And the scar on my face?”
The way Isa asks demands an explanation, and Terra—sweet, sensitive Terra, whose eyes grow hollow—can’t handle the implication. 
“No. I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He grits his teeth, staring at the armrest. Aqua stops herself from speaking and holds his shoulder. There isn’t anything for Terra to be sorry for. 
Isa closes his eyes, trembling. After a moment, he jams his thumbs into his eyes and stills, silence befalling all of them, settling among the gentle presence of the fire and the movement of the clouds outside. 
When Isa sits up, eyes glassy but kept together, he summons a smile. Softly, he says, “You look nothing like him.”
Terra, at a loss for words, nods meekly. “Did you keep it? The black cloak?”
“Of course not.” Isa scoffs. “We burned ours.”
Terra offers no condolences or congratulations. He smiles, exhausted. 
Isa stands up. “Please don’t tell me you enjoy white wine with red velvet confections.”
Terra recoils, popping into a laugh as though he’s cracked under the pressure. “That sounds like it tastes awful. I don’t drink. I don’t like losing control of my body.”
The sound of Terra’s laugh shocks Isa. “Sensible.” He addresses Aqua with a look. “I must go. This has been… rather cathartic, and I’d prefer to release it in private.” 
Terra bolts out of his chair, reaching out to cradle one of Isa’s hands in both of his. 
“Thank you,” Terra says, and though Aqua is behind him, she could hear the tears. “Please come back whenever you feel comfortable. I’d love to have your company.”
Isa nods, turning over his shoulder for the door.
The abrupt exit leaves Terra pleading Aqua with his eyes. “Did I say something wrong?” he whispers, slapping his forehead. “I couldn’t honor his experiences. I should have figured out a way to remember.”
“That’s not your burden to bear. It wouldn’t help you anyway,” she whispers back, gently gripping his elbow. “I’ll be back.”
Aqua trails Isa back downstairs, skipping steps. It’s as though he’s in a hurry to get back home. 
“Isa,” she calls. When he stops, she almost trips on herself. Her hands return to their crossover position. Something about Isa makes her so self-conscious, it’s indescribable how he can unravel her like this. “I wanted to thank you again for taking the time to come here.” 
His eyes are pink. “I will tell the others there is nothing to fear.”
“Of course. Lea is unbearably stubborn, but he is intelligent. He already knows Terra is not to be blamed. He simply hasn’t buried his demons yet and that is his responsibility.”
Aqua sighs, relieved. “I needed to hear that.”
Isa doesn’t smile. Instead, he traces a finger across the X-shaped scar over his nose. “Terra and I are forced to face our mistakes in the mirror for as long as we breathe. If we are ever to forge a new life from the ashes, we would need to throw our transgressions into a pyre.”
“I think your presence makes him feel less alone.”
“I want to apologize, Master Aqua.”
“For what?”
Isa considers his words. “Lea and I have lost so much of our youth to a worthless cause. It is not natural for us to enjoy freedom. We expect a harsher punishment to catch up to us any day now, to steal more time from us. Perhaps we deserve to live in fear of that every day. I certainly do.” He watches her. “I can see the story you’ve endured this past decade in your eyes. It’s horrific.” 
Aqua stays quiet.
“And Terra,” he continues. “He will age and die long before you and Ventus. I’m so sorry for that. The rubble we’re left with, it is such a weight for us to bear.”
She wipes a tear from her cheek, too proud to let them continue. “That’s why we need to make the best of it.”
Isa smiles; this time it’s warm. He holds her bicep. “I agree.”
“Will you and the others join us for dinner? Terra speaks for all of us, we’d love to have you around.”
“Bribe Lea with an extravagant experience and he will surely say yes. The children will follow once we assure them.”
Aqua nearly jumps to hug him but she keeps herself composed. Instead, she bows to him. His eyes pulse open.
“That was not necessary,” he says.
“You need to understand how deeply I appreciate this.”
“Lea was right. You old-fashioned wielders are certainly an odd bunch.”
On her way back to the study, Aqua breaks into a sprint, desperate to fly so she could get to him as fast as possible, see his face when she delivers the news.
Terra sulks by a window. Before he could say anything, Aqua jumps and throws her arms around his neck in a clash of grunts, her legs dangling. 
“They’re going to join us for dinner,” she says. She can’t tell if she’s the one who’s trembling or if it’s Terra. Because her arms are wrapped around his neck, she drags him down with her when he relaxes. He rests his forehead on hers as he leans over her, his hair falling around her like a curtain. 
“Stars,” he whispers. “It’s happening?”
She smiles into his cheek. “He wants to bring everyone with him.”
He squeezes her by the small of her back. “We’ll have to invite the others too. Riku and Kairi. Naminé. It will be a feast.”
At the sound of his own words, Terra straightens out, and their fleeting moment of excitement vanishes as quick as it graces them. He nervously clutches a handful of his hair. “Wait, how soon are they coming?”
“Is something wrong?”
“I want to wear it in a ponytail.” He brushes his hair up, exposing the silver near the scalp. “Do you think it’s possible to dye it?”
That’s what makes him so insecure? Aqua stands on her toes to fiddle with the hair. “Come on. It’s a little tedious, but it can be done.”
Aqua snips the necessary plants from the garden, and after grinding them, she dumps the blend into a mix of water and animal fat. Terra slips his robe off and bends over the kitchen sink, letting her sweep the dye with a paintbrush and pinch it across the strands of his long hair with gloved hands. This is the tedious part, separating his hair into thin chunks and being diligent enough to leave nothing untouched. 
“It won’t last for long, right?” he asks, shifting his weight.
“I can find a spell to seal it and make it last longer.” She nudges him to turn his neck over so she can work the other side. In this direction, he can look up at her.
“This feels like I’m cheating.” 
“I think we all cheated. We all came back by some star’s blessing.”
Terra frowns. “When Isa wanted to know if I remembered anything, I felt like I was playing a rigged game. Like I had gotten away with it so easily when he’s stuck with them on his own.”
“Bend your neck forward,” she says, and he follows so she could brush the dye into the back of the scalp. “Well, Isa doesn’t blame you and no one should. And you do get away with certain things.”
Terra flinches but she keeps her hold on him. “Like what?”
Aqua pinches more of the dye into the hair at the neck, wrapping a towel around his shoulders. He will have to pass the time needed for the color to sink in. She can’t wait until he sees it for himself in the mirror. She can’t wait until he smiles more, until he can walk with seeded confidence. 
“You can stand up,” she tells him, instructing him that it will take almost an hour for the dye to settle. She pulls out her gloves and considers an answer to his question. “You get away with what you say sometimes.”
Terra gapes. “Did I offend you?”
“No.” She smirks. This has never been the way she daydreamed it would go—she had prepared a scenario where they would talk about it under the stars in a clear night, in the spring where the flowers have blossomed. Not with yet another shirt that they’ll have to replace.“You told me you loved me that day in the Graveyard.” He doesn’t flinch. “And you don’t remember saying that either.”
The bowl of dye rattles and Aqua catches it from falling over, spilling the excess into the sink and rinsing it. “Terra?”
“Uh.” The cupboards shake as if about to spill open. Terra grabs the knife block and throws it into the fridge, just in case. “Well.” He splays his hand over the handle and burns it with a fire spell, molding the metal together so it can’t burst open. “I’ll fix that later. Um. It’s—” He tips over the fruit bowl so nothing will fly out in different directions. He can’t look her in the face, taking deep breaths. “I mean. It’s not—it’s not a lie.” 
Aqua waits a moment, afraid another word is going to make the oven explode. “I should have told you the same.” She bites her lip. 
“What are you saying?” The burner grates of the stovetop blow up and hit the cupboard over it. “All this time, I could have known?”
“Maybe you should have done something about it.” 
“I’ve been driving myself crazy wondering how you felt. Ever since we came back home.”
“And you said nothing?”
Terra stares at her. “You know what—I’m not protecting you from the oranges.”
“What are you doing?” She chuckles.
He flips the bowl back and waves his arm, five oranges punching her on the arm that she’s using to shield herself.
She stumbles as the oranges bounce back from the floor and arc over to hit her again. Terra squeezes his fists and the oranges unpeel themselves, sputtering juice all over her face, a tart taste filling her mouth.
Aqua laughs and runs into the dining room, ducking behind the table.
“Get back here,” Terra calls. He rushes into the dining room, clumsy enough to be caught off guard when she charges at him. 
Aqua has to jump higher, kicking off his chest to flip over. The goal is to slam her foot across his face—the best sparring trick in her arsenal. Terra catches her by the ankle but his balance is tested when she bends her knee to throw him off. He’s stronger, a tight grip on her calf. They both fall onto his back, a tower broken in two and collapsing on itself.
Aqua rests her head between his chest, giggling so much that her chin digs into his thorax. 
Terra groans, his soaked hair leaving brown tracks over the tile. “You got some on you.” He rubs a thumb on her temple where it meets the base of her hair. “Hmm, you’d look good as a brunette.”
“In your wildest dreams.”
“If one can come true, then you never know.”
Aqua holds herself up on her elbows. Terra is so large, he’s a mattress in the middle of the dining room floor. Streaks of dye draw across his cheek. They leave what look like slashes across his neck. It’s going to take some scrubbing power to remove them. She sweeps some of the hair off, not caring about the stain it leaves on her fingers.
The next move is natural. A touch of lips to lips, careful and giddy, puckered and softer than she expects, two hands on her back and a powerful jaw under the grace of her fingertips. 
Ven opens the door and gags. “Ugh, all the stars in hell, could you do that in your room?” He turns on his heel and stomps off. “I’m too young for this.”
Aqua snorts into Terra’s mouth and he spits. “I’m sorry,” she says.
Terra licks his lips of juice. He leans up for more. “You taste tangy.”
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chocafe · 4 years
under the mistletoe — bang chan
summary: “you know how my family keeps on setting me up on horrible blind dates? well, to make them stop, i told them that i was in a relationship and now they all want to meet this mystery person so… can you pretend that you’re dating me and come to my family’s christmas party?” genre: fluff, bulletpoints, friends to lovers, fake dating au
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[txt] chan: guess what
[txt] you: what????
[txt] chan: you know how my family keeps on setting me up on horrible blind dates? well, to make them stop, i told them that i was in a relationship and now they all want to meet this mystery person so… can you pretend that you’re dating me and come to my family’s christmas party?
[txt] you: okay
[txt] you: WAIT CHAN WHAT
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“you should be glad that i’m your best friend.” you sigh aloud as the two of you discreetly stood right in front of chan’s relative’s house. “not everyone would easily do something like this.”
in response, chan clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth and states, “why are you lying? i know you’re here just for the free food.”
“i’m also here for the free desserts.” you mumble underneath your breath, agreeing with his truthful statement
as you were about to knock on the door, chan swiftly grabs a hold of your hand with a concerned look appearing upon his face. “wait! let’s rehearse everything one more time.”
“ah!” you pull your hand away from the wooden door. “we’ve been dating for─”
“five months.” chan abruptly interrupts
“yes, five months. the reason why i’ve never met your family is because─ um. it’s because i’ve been just so busy with life and our schedules never match up with one another?” a hint of confusion lingered at the end of your sentence.
a deep breath escapes chan’s lips. “try to say that with confidence if anyone asks you during the party.”
knock knock knock
the moment the door opens up
the two of you are straightaway greeted by chan’s aunts and uncles who were more than excited to meet you!
perhaps, they were more thrilled to see you than to see chan . . .
“how did you two meet?”
“how long have you guys been going out for?”
“what made you fall for our little boy, chan?”
“is chan a good boyfriend? come on, you can be honest with us!”
questions after questions after questions after questions
you were absolutely glad that you had chan besides you
because you were not prepared for any of these questions ! ! !
“everyone, chill out! you all might scare y/n by asking so many questions.” chan chuckles to himself, wrapping an arm around your shoulder (you know, to make everything look like that you both were in an real relationship)
just by chan’s small comment, the two of you were able to dash away from all of the endless questions that you two were unable to answer
because let's remember
the two of you aren’t even dating to begin with
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“y/n, meet my cousins!” a wide grin stretches across chan’s face. “the one on the right is jisung and the emo looking one on the left is chang─ OUCH!”
“the name is changbin. i’m definitely not the emo one here.” changbin introduces himself, disregarding the fact that he had just punched chan in the stomach
“you guys, don’t be afraid to befriend one another.” chan adds in, still in an endearing amount of pain. “y/n, i’m going to leave you with them for a short moment, is that alright with you? i just need to quickly say hi to some of my other relatives that i haven’t saw yet.”
“that’s more than fine, my darling!” you exclaim in a tone filled with dripping honey and sweets
is what chan, jisung and changbin all simultaneously thought to themselves
maybe changbin wants to punch you too just by hearing those words slip out of your mouth
within a minute, chan disperses into the party and you’re left with his fellow cousins
“so…” you’ve never felt more awkward in your life than you did within their presence. “what do you two do for fun?”
“we talk shit about chan for fun.” jisung jokes while squealing through his set of laughers
“wow, i guess the three of us have something in common.” you utter to yourself
“i can’t believe you’re dating a loser like chan.” changbin’s voice sounds harsh, which slightly confused you to the core
did he truly believe that chan was a loser?
or was he just joking around in an odd manner?
you had no clue, but saying you were triggered by his words would be an understatement
“loser? i mean, sure, he says some pretty weird things sometimes, but i truly think he’s far from a loser.” the tone of your voice quickly shifts alongside with the mood of the situation. “chan is such a responsible person and i personally really enjoy spending my time with him. he makes me happy, it’s as simple as that.”
“uh, y/n, we were just joking around.” the two boys respond back in slight shock. “there’s no need to be serious!”
you’re over here like oh shit i didn’t notice how serious i was getting
“i’m an idiot?” a mysterious voice questions you as their breath hits the roof of your earlobes
sometimes, things are too good to be true
and you felt that quote hit you right at that moment
“am i supposed to be flattered that i’m being called an idiot?” chan asks once more, but in no way was he serious
“out of all times, you just had to come right at this very moment?”
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every party tends to get chaotic after a few hours in
the two of you fully acknowledge that after this hectic christmas party filled with infinite questions
it felt as if the whole party revolved around you two
“i didn’t know you had this many family members. let alone, i didn’t know that every family member of yours had a question pre-planned for us.”
the both secretly hid in the empty hallways, filled with no one, except the bodies of you two
“i’m sorry.” chan wants to tell you that everything will become easier from there on, but that surely will be a flat out lie. “i didn’t know that everyone would put you right in the spotlight. if i knew this, i would’ve taken more time to plan everything out, but i didn’t. once again, i’m sorry for putting you through this situation.”
chan’s head falls down, almost resembling a pitiful child
“hey, don’t worry about it!” you lightly hit his arm in a playful manner. “we’re friends, so i don’t mind doing things like this for you. even though it’s hectic, i do find this sort of fun.”
just by your encouraging words, the ends of chan’s lips slightly move upwards in relief
“well, if you think that way then i’ll thank you for everything instead of apologizing.” he reaches for you hand, interlocking them together, as he pulls you down the hallways. “let’s get back to the party. if we’re gone for too long, everyone will start to question us.”
on a winter day, there was no need for you to crank up the heater
because chan’s hands were possibly warm enough to heat up your entire body
“before we leave, i just want to tell you something.” you pause, pulling chan back into the hallways. “i don’t think you’re an idiot! i’m sorry abut before. i was just joking around with your cousins and─”
you suddenly stop mid-sentence as you felt chan ruffle his hands throughout the top of your hair
“y/n, i didn’t take any of that serious. however, i do appreciate the fact that you’re apologizing for such a small thing.”
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by the time you two walk back into the party
the loud voices of chan’s relatives infiltrate your guys ears
“stop right there!” jeongin yells in demand
confusion i am CONFUSION
“look what we have here!” minho says in excitement as he circles you two like a predator. “we have a couple walking underneath the mistletoe!”
your head shoots up and your eyes lay upon only one thing in the whole entire room
which was the mistletoe you and chan were currently standing underneath
you’ve never kissed your best friend before and you had no idea that today was going to be the day that you overcome that mission
“you guys can’t enter the party unless the two of you kiss.” 
jeongin is scary for a small little teenager, you think to yourself
“oh my god! i’m so excited, i seriously thought chan was going to be single for his entire life.” minho, on the other hand, is more thrilled than you could ever be
and you’re the one who’s supposed to be kissing chan
“don’t be scared.” chan whispers, only wanting you to hear his voice
he was right
there was no need for you to be scared
and before you knew it
you and chan were kissing underneath the mistletoe
chan’s kiss wasn’t the same as those movie stars you see in those international netflix films you binge watch
instead, his kiss surprisingly felt like home
and everything around you (including chan) just felt absolutely right in that very moment
you’re not sure if your heart was racing because of the kiss you shared with chan or because you ate waaaay too many sweets at the dessert table
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“AAAAAHHHH I ATE SO MUCH!” you gushed out, resting a hand on your stomach
“man, you really weren’t lying when you said that you were coming just for the food.” chan nonchalantly comments. “oh yeah, i forgot about the reason why i brought you outside”
chan’s hand vaguely searches throughout his pocket for a tiny box that only he was aware of
“here’s a little present for you.” he places a box within the palm of your hands. “merry christmas, y/n!”
you’re almost shot dead by chan’s warm smile (that happens to be much more brighter than the sun)
but you won’t let him know that
“chan, i can’t accept this!” you attempt to give the gift back, but chan wasn’t taking no as an answer. “i thought we agreed that we weren’t going to get each others presents this year?”
“well, i lied.” chan laughs to himself as if it was nothing. “listen, i’m thankful to have you in my life, so can you please accept this gift?”
in response, you nod your head in agreement
however, this isn’t going to stop you from buying a gift for chan in return
within the box was a necklace made exactly to fit your peculiar taste
it was more than you can ever imagine
“chan, i love it!” you immediately wrap your arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. “can you put it on for me?”
“w─ why do you want to wear it so quickly?” he stammers over his words due to the sudden embrace
“because i like the gift, idiot.”
and i think i might also like you too, idiot
chan hesitates to lock the necklace around your neck
if you were to tell him to do this exact action a week ago
he wouldn’t hesitate
nor would he even bat an eye
however, this time felt so different compared to the other memories you two shared
somehow, he manages to wrap the necklace around the nape of your neck
did you always look this lovely? chan ponders to himself as he watches you admire your new gift as the cold winter breeze brushes by
“um, l─let’s head b─back inside!” chan speedily grabs onto your hand, pulling you inside the lively house
without a single thought, you noticed how chan constantly kept on fumbling over his words
instead of questioning it, you come to the conclusion that maybe the wind was causing him to do such a thing with his speech pattern
in reality, it was all because of you
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“look!” the sound of your voice instantly catches chan’s attention as the two of you continue to hold hands. “it’s another mistletoe right above the entrance.”
chan releases a deep sigh. “my family is filled up with a bunch of hopeless romantics. why do you think i had to lie and say that i was in a relationship?”
“well,” you pause for a second before proceeding on. “do you want to walk underneath it?”
chan’s mind: JDOIJFPW292-?F900RI?/!<39/?????????
“you can say no. chan, i don’t mind.”
“wait, don’t think that way!” shades of pink begin to fill up chan’s cheeks. “i would actually love to walk underneath it once more with you.”
once again, the two of you found yourselves standing underneath the mistletoe
but this time
no one was chanting for the two of you to kiss
instead, the two of you voluntarily kissed
finally accepting your guys true feelings for one another
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skippyv20 · 3 years
WINDSOR ANON AND PG…… “Sydney, the children are coming dowyn this afternoon and we’re all going ouyt to choose what Christmas 🎄 tree to cut dowyn. …… “ but sir, it’s a tad early” … “ no Sydney we’re only CHOOSING it” THAT AFTERNOON … “Noooooo Gan dad thiiiiis one” … “Louis, it won’t even fit in the drawing room,far too tall” … “This one, his one” … “Ahhh yes Charlotte that’s more like it” … “where’s George?… “ I’m up here Gan dad” …” good grief,get dowyn George” … “ Gan dad , I can’t I’m stuck
Thank you😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
Tuesday November 17/20
Entertainment purposes
🎄🎄🎄❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️THANK YOU WINDSOR ANON ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄
NOVEMBER 17/2020
GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦 🇬🇧 🇦🇺 🇳🇿 
Thank you dear PG!  Such fun!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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avecorviidae · 3 years
Fic: mainlining the spiraling spherical truth of the universe
Fandom: Fallout 4 Rating: T Relationship(s): Male Sole Survivor/Nick Valentine, Male Sole Survivor & Shaun Word Count: 5012
Ao3 Link
Toby descends into the Institute to find a son that's old enough to be his father, and despite that, still looks at him with a very careful sort of vulnerability as he walks with him through the pristine white laboratories, introduces him to his heads of staff, shows him orderly living quarters and serene recreational areas, looks at him sidelong like he's always waiting for Toby's reaction, like he wants him to be proud.
And there's a part of him that wants to pull his son close to him, and tell him, yeah, it's fantastic, this thing you've built, I'm proud of you, I love you.
But Toby knows what the Institute does. He's been smuggling synths out of here with the railroad for months, and they're fucking terrified, gun-shy and shaking, watching over their shoulders for the coursers that will surely, inevitably come to reclaim Institute property. and the way Shaun talks about the folks above ground - so dismissive, as though the towns and cities and communities and bonds, the buildings and the families and the love and the art that people on the surface have created, don't matter because it's not pure, not clean,and he just as much wants to grab Shaun by the shoulders and shake him, go, don't you know that I'm one of those people? That you ought to have been too? That it's beautiful up there? That in the face of all this awful fucking shit, I've found people that have, against all odds, refused to be anything but kind?
So Shaun says, "What do you think of my home? Of everything I've built here?"
And Toby says, "I'm sorry. This wasn't what I wanted for you. This place, it's beautiful, but it's not the world I'm from. It's not a world I can ever be a part of. And you can run your lungs dry justifying every awful thing I've ever seen the Institute do by saying it was a mistake, or for the greater good of mankind, but I'm sorry, kid, the mankind you've got down here isn't any better than the mankind I’ve got up there. I love you, and I am so fucking glad I’ve found you, but I can't support you with this. The things you do here - it's gotta change."
"Please," Shaun says, "Father, let me show you- the work we've done down here-"
And Toby just shakes his head, and says, "I've seen the work you've done. I’ve seen the people it's hurt. That's enough for me."
There is a hard, tight hug, and some tears, and Toby leaves the Institute with his son's permission and blessing, and in the seconds before Toby relays out, they look at each other with hard, tight eyes, and Shaun's got a look about him, stubborn and angry, and Toby, with a sinking sense of dread, thinks, that's my boy,'cause if he's a bullheaded little shit, then he got that from Toby and not a damn place else.
“Aw, hell,” Nick mutters, as soon as he finds it. “Guerra? Think you might wanna see this,” he calls over his shoulder to the other room of the abandoned house, where Toby and his terrifying friend had been digging through cabinets looking for unexpired food.
Eli appears in the doorway a moment before Toby does, hand already drifting to the holster at her hip. “Christ,” she says softly, as soon as she looks down, sees the baby sitting on the filthy floor at Nick’s feet, gnawing happily on its chubby fist. It’s about the fifth word he’s ever heard her say, he thinks, and definitely the one with the most feeling behind it.
“Nick?” Toby calls, as he rounds the corner, “Everything alri- Oh. Oh.”
In a moment flat he’s crouched on the floor, waving fingers at the little one’s face to catch its attention. “Hey sweetheart,” he says gently, all bright and smiling. “What are you doing alone all the way out here, huh?”
Pointless question, really. Toby knows as well as Nick does that there’s no good answers to it. Whoever the kid was with before was either dead, or ought to be dead for deciding to leave it behind.
Toby grabs it under the arms and scoops it up, tucking it snugly against his hip. It makes a hiccupping, surprised little noise, looking at Toby with wide, guileless eyes.
(He oughtn’t call the kid an it, really. Most of the humans he knows have been nice enough to do him the courtesy of a pronoun, he can at least return the favour.)
“Okay, sweetpea, it’s okay, it’s gonna be okay.” He’s talking to her in a low, sorta sing-song voice, swaying gently, and it’s right around then that Nick remembers that Toby’s got a kid. Well, it’s not as if he forgot, it’s practically the first thing the guy says to half the people they meet, I’m looking for the man who took my son. But this is the first time Nick’s looked at him and really understood what that means. ‘Cause it’s gotta be some paternal instinct, right? The way he comforts her like he’s not even thinking about what he’s doing, like it comes as easy to him as breathing.
She’s been alone long enough to be soiled, so Toby sends Eli off to look for a metal washbasin, pours some of their purified water in there, warms it over the fire for good measure. Grins when he dips her little feet in there to let her test the temperature and she starts to giggle and kick, splashing him right in the face. She seems delighted with the bath in general - Nick guesses he would be too, if he’d been waddling around in a stinking diaper for however long. (He sometimes gets - phantom memories, he supposes, of what it’s like to have a human body. Sometimes feels a strange nostalgia for the sensation of hunger, or genuine, non-battery-related exhaustion. He has never once missed the ability to excrete.)
Toby’s only got eyes for the kid, all attentive and careful as he cleans her off, and Nick finds himself making an awkward sort of eye contact with Eli, who shrugs slightly, expression as blank and unreadable as it’s ever been. She’s sat herself down cross-legged on the rug, ostensibly relaxed, but Nick’s travelled with enough mercs, knows she’s one of the smarter ones, knows how carefully she’s positioned herself, sat between Toby and the door, rifle across her lap, angled towards the open window. It had used to make Nick nervous, how careless Toby seemed, like he’d never been taught to watch his own back. Guess he gets it better now, the idea of having someone that you trust enough to watch your back for you. He feels safer these days, walking into a room full of strange humans, with Toby at his side, fending off any synth-averse sentiments with a truly aggressivedegree of cheeriness.
“Are you old enough to talk?” Toby asks, to absolutely no response from the babbling kiddo. Still, she’s clearly charmed with Toby, like just about everyone is, and she’s watching him with big, happy eyes as he chats at her. “Can you say... Toby? To-by?”
She laughs, and Toby snorts, swipes a little booger from under her nose, and Nick’s struck again by how unthinkingly he does it, like it’s just second nature to him. “Alright, maybe that’s too hard. Let’s try... Can you say aaaaahhhh?” He goes all dramatic with it, roars like a little deathclaw, and the kid laughs, delighted, and copies him, screeching with all her tiny little lungs can give.
“Awesome, sweetpea! And look at those teeth! You’ve got a whole bunch! Think you can handle some tato stew?”
She’s got no idea what he’s saying, of course, but she’s very agreeable as he lifts her out of the water and pats her dry with one of his clean shirts, dresses her as best as he can given their limited supplies.
Feeding babies is, apparently, a spectacularly messy process, but Toby seems inexplicably delighted to have half of a perfectly good meal splattered down the fronts of him and the kid.
“We’re, what, five hours from Diamond City?” Toby says, eyes not leaving the kid as he waves a spoon enticingly in front of her face, trying to coax her to open her mouth.
“Six, if we take the long way around Hangman’s Alley,” Eli says, almost making Nick jump out of his circuits. She says it real neutral-like, almost careful, makes no mention of the fact that they’d packed for a week out in the wasteland, a job for Nick’s agency, nearly halfway from here to Sanctuary, with no plans to turn back.
“Six,” Toby repeats. “Okay. We’ll catch a few hours’ sleep here, set off at dawn. Someone in the city will be able to take her in.” The kid finally takes her spoonful, only a little of it dribbling down her chin this time. There’s an odd, hard set to his face that makes Nick some weird sorta mix between nervous and sad, a kind of seriousness that doesn’t often touch Toby unless it’s something to do with Shaun, or the gal that Kellogg killed, his life before. Makes Nick almost want to rest a hand on his shoulder, say, look, she’s sweet, but you know you can’t keep her. not now, not here. she ain’t a lost mutt that you’ve found in an alley, and she can’t be what you’re looking for, not when you’re still following leads on your boy. But Toby knows that, doesn’t he? It’s why they’re heading back at dawn. Why he’s going to knock on the schoolhouse and ask around for any families that’d be able to care for a kid her age, why he’s holding her so close on his lap now, his nose and lips pressed into the dark, downy hair on her head. He knows, maybe better than any of them, what he can’t have.
Despite that - Toby does go back. Gets a message on his Pip Boy from Shaun, asking if he would like to visit, for coffee. They sit in a careful, studied sort of silence at the table, Toby sipping on the freshest fucking coffee he's had in 200 years and feeling conscious of the fact that he's probably leaving dust and various other wasteland detritus all over Shaun's bright fucking white chairs
"I just-" Shaun starts, shakes his head. “You're from before. When everything was pristine, when humanity was striving forwards. We're doing that, here, now, looking to the future. How can you support the people up there, stuck in the filth and ruins of the past?"
Toby leans back in his chair, sighs. "Forward isn't necessarily a straight line. Sure, back in the day, we had working air conditioning and fancy vending machines, but the way I was- the way I am- was illegal. It was an unkind fucking world, and all the shiny trinkets didn't do a whole lot to hide that people were paying a few hundred bucks a month for medication that they needed to live. Down here—you’ve got the science down, I won't deny it. Clean food and water, medication, synthetic life. The kind of shit we read comics about when I was a kid. But up there? Shaun, they've made art. You can't walk thirty feet in Diamond City without hearing someone playing guitar, there's murals on old billboards, I once met an old church choir made up entirely of ghouls. Here, you're taking care of the body, but Shaun, humanity needs a soul."
The kidbot - Toby can't bring himself to think of him as Shaun, despite the fact that he's got Toby's eyes and freckles and smile - steps into the room with something in his hands, freezes in the doorway when he sees Toby sat at the table.
"I was just-" he starts, looking back at the door like he's thinking of bolting.
"It's alright, don't mind me," Toby says softly, waving the kid in.
"What did you need, Shaun?" Shaun says. Fuck, that's going to get weird fast.
The kid shuffles his feet, something guilty about his face. "I was trying to make my remote control car go faster, but I think I broke it." He holds the little shiny red racecar up to Shaun and Toby for inspection. Toby's actually got a similar one back at the house in Sanctuary, blue paint fading to an off-green, some rust gathered around the wheels. He'd managed to fix up a little motor in it to make it go one night, and he and Hancock had spent half the night racing it against a rat. Good times.
Shaun peers over to inspect the car with a distant sort of interest, but Toby can see where the kid's gone wrong. He's always been good at that shit, fiddly little stuff to do with his hands. Besides, his dad taught him his way around a motor back when he lived out west and they had the truck, and he fixed garage doors for a while when he and Val were trying to get on their feet in Boston.
"Give it here?" He holds out a hand for the car, and the kid hands it over. It takes him a couple minutes of fiddling with the multi-tool he keeps in his coat pocket, but he returns the car with a perfectly functional suped-up battery, and the kid grins when he sets it down and sends it careening off out of the room and down the hall, says, "Hey, thanks!" and runs off after it.
The door slides closed behind him, and Toby finds that he's smiling softy after him, and when he turns back to Shaun, he's looking at him oddly. Do you think you would be capable- Shaun had asked, that first day, Of loving a synth? As though it were a human?
Toby knows he is, as surely and intimately as he knows every crack and tear along the seams of Nick Valentine's face, knows the whirring and clicking of machinery under the skin when he's lying with an ear to Nick's chest, the black metal of his spindly hand tapping an arrhythmic beat on Toby's shoulder.
"Don't you know what you've made, with synths? the Gen 3s, they have free will, they feel.They're feeling for the first time, it's incredible."
Shaun tuts dismissively. "They're just machines. They cannot feel. The Gen 3s have some errors which seem to cause them to behave... erratically. The defects, they are violent and dangerous, and cannot be allowed to roam free."
Toby raises a single, skeptical eyebrow. Shaun wilts, just a little, and Toby realizes that he's just given his son his first ever I’m not mad, just disappointedlook. What an exciting moment in his parenthood journey. "Yeah," he drawls, "so violent and dangerous that they desperately run away from the coursers that want to bring them back to be dissected, and go looking for help and shelter, usually blending in peacefully into human settlements in an effort to live a normal life and find a purpose. Real terrifying. Shaun, jesus, this is what I'm talking about. You've created people, and you have the chance to care for them, to guide them into being a person, and you're treating them like defective equipment! Up there, at least, they can find community. They can find home."
You’ve never personally met the General of the Minutemen.
Which, like, you get it. He’s this big important guy, right? Dragged the Minutemen out of ruin and obscurity singlehandedly, spreading goodness and justice wherever he went, and you’re just a farmhand from fuckoff nowhere. You and your folks joined up with the Minutemen because it was your best shot at protection from the local gangs of raiders and other assorted scumbags that tended to make your lives miserable, and all the righteous justice and fun uniforms and shit were just a bonus. Still, you believe in it, right? And you’re grateful. So when the radio call comes through that Garvey and the General want to retake Fort Independence, set up a big fuckoff stronghold, yeah, you want to get involved. You’re twenty-nine and pretty much the most exciting thing you’ve ever shot is a real sad looking radstag, so you’re pretty excited at the prospect of some real action.
When you roll up to the diner across the wharf from the old fort, there’s a few campfires burning all around it, sleeping rolls and tents and scattered packs, folks sitting around on upturned cars and half-rotted benches, cleaning rifles and gnawing on jerky and passing around canteens. Preston Garvey, the biggest bigshot the minutemen had before the general came along, greets you at the door of the diner with a big smile and a clap on the shoulder, tells you to make yourself comfortable, introduce yourself to your brothers in arms. apparently the general’s travelling from pretty far west, and he’d had to detour south to rendezvous with an ally of theirs, so it’d be a few days yet before they mounted the attack on the fort.
There’s folks from all over the commonwealth here, and all sorts. Salt-of-the-earth farmers like yourself, hoity-toity Diamond City types, rough mercenary-looking people, all breaking bread and listening to the radio, singing along to the same five fucking songs, and you’re right there along with them, sipping whiskey and drunkenly drawling Johnny Guitar into the shoulder of one of your comrades.
The General arrives near sunset, and if Garvey hadn’t greeted him as such, you’d never have guessed it. You’re not sure what you expected – maybe a big buff blonde guy waving the star spangled banner, maybe someone more like Preston Garvey himself, big tough freedom type – but it wasn’t the unassuming kid who pulls Garvey into a brief, warm hug, grinning wide as Garvey claps him on the shoulder. You wouldn’t put him at older than twenty-one, and he’s small, got this kinda delicate look about him, all freckles and big puppy eyes and bouncy, curly hair in a cute little ponytail at his neck. He looks soft, and you’re pretty fuckin’ sure that he’s not really the General. Like, okay, maybe he’s got the title, but it’s cause somebody’s his daddy, right? Something like that. Anyways, he’s just some ditzy, pretty kid who smiles at folks and tells them everything’s gonna be okay, and Garvey’s gotta be the real brains of the operation, the one who does all the bloody, dirty work to make it happen.
The attack is being mounted at dawn, and when y’all are gathered round for the strategy meeting, you figure Garvey will take point on explaining everything while the kid smiles and nods along. Still, he seems to have half an idea what he’s talking about as he points to things on the map of the fort, asks questions about fortifications and potential choke points, takes shit into account when Garvey or one of the other more experienced vets chimes in with an idea. It’s just weird to see, you guess. This bright-eyed, smiley kid squatted on his haunches, his pouty, round face all serious as he stares down at a war plan. Fuck’s sake, he’s still got baby fat clinging to his cheeks, he looks younger than your baby cousin.
The plan, such that it is, is not the most complicated thing you’ve ever heard. There’s a bunch of slimy monsters holed up in the fort. You and your comrades will storm the fort, and shoot the monsters. Simple enough. Some of you will be scattered around outside, taking the high ground and moving up to the turrets once the towers have been cleared, to provide ranged support and catch any little bastards who try to escape down the hillside. You’ve all got a nice little stockpile of frag mines to take care of the egg clutches. Gross. You reckon it’ll work, though.
“Gonna let y’all go to catch some sleep before we get this started tomorrow,” the General says, addressing his little crowd of soldiers as a whole. “But just wanted to say one thing, so listen up. If you find yourself shit out of luck tomorrow – if you’re cornered, run out of ammo, get too scared, too tired, too hurt to keep fighting? Run. Scram. Get the hell out of dodge. I know it’s the coward’s move, I know it doesn’t make for a good story, I know it feels like deserting. I know you probably joined the Minutemen because you believed in it, believed in what we do, and you’re willing to die an honorable death doing it – and I’ll be honored to fight and die alongside you. But in the end, that’s just a big old castle with a bunch of mirelurks crawling around in it, and that’s not worth dying for. The fort is a symbol, and in my eyes, no symbol will ever be worth more than people. I’d rather each and every one of you ran away from it screaming and lived to tell the tale, than if we managed to take the fort, but at the expense of half of you getting gutted by some overgrown crabs.”
It is the weirdest damn speech you’ve ever heard, and the weirdest part of it all is, you’re pretty damn sure he means every word of it. He’s looking around at you all like he’s trying to remember faces, nervous sort of energy to the way his fingers tap tap tap on the stained yellow paper of the map at his feet.
“Besides,” he says, smiling ruefully, and you realize that this kid’s carrying an exhaustion that’s older than the fucking war, “If y’all keep on dying, people are gonna start saying that we’re called the Minutemen on account of us managing to lose another man every minute.”
They keep irregular coffee dates. Fuck if Toby knows why Shaun keeps inviting him. Fuck if Toby knows why he keeps coming back. Maybe it's the same reason for both of them. Shaun is his son, and Toby loves him, wants to know him, even if he hates him half the fucking time.
The Railroad's suspicious of his intentions, and he has to smile his way into a restricted lab and bring them back some stolen synth research to convince them that he's still on their side, despite getting cozy with the Institute's director. Desdemona's angry that he won't commit to destroying the place from the inside out, but... he's talking to Shaun. It's philosophy and ethics, and even Toby's got to admit that the serene quiet of the Institute is a good place to do it, and Toby brings him little oddities he's found along the way, comics that survived the old word, photographs and holotapes, even shows him some of the sketches he's done of the folks he's met above.
Toby starts bringing toys for the kidbot. They're nothing near as shiny and pretty as the ones he's got down here, but he seems to still love the scuffed up Nuka-Cola van Toby had found in a ruined comics store, goes wide-eyed and amazed when Toby hands it to him.
It's a peace that wasn't meant to last, of course. Most of the Minutemen settlements at this point are informally doubling as Railroad safehouses, Dez and the rest delighted to have farms to send newly-escaped synths to, places where they're guaranteed jobs and work and purpose, and folks who will look after them and check up on them like they're family.
Preston flags him on the radio, lets him know that there's been reports of coursers at five different settlements across the Commonwealth. They're going after the escaped synths, and they're more than willing to kill any humans that get in the way.
Nick gives him a dark old look, that, "We've both seen two hundred years of the world going to shit and you and I both know this doesn't end well"look. They recall everyone to the castle, it's the most fortified place they've got, the best shot they've got at defending their people. They all arrive within a couple days, plenty of them with coursers on their tails, and Eli dispatches them with quick, clean shots, the respect that one hunter shows to another. For days, the coursers keep coming, and Toby's people are getting tired. Shaun's not responding to any of his efforts to contact him on the radio, and with grim finality, he lets Preston prepare the Minutemen and the Railroad to invade the Institute and take down the Commonwealth's boogeyman, once and for all.
It's surprisingly quick work in the end, Toby using the access Shaun gave him to relay his little army inside, and they make quick work of the synths that patrol the halls. Ss soon as alarms start blaring, all the humans in clean Institute whites panic and scram, which makes Toby's job a hell of a lot easier. Place the detonator on the central reactor, ignore the frantic ticking of his Geiger counter and the vague feeling that radiation might be making his teethbuzz.
He tells Preston to issue the evacuation order, get as many people and willing synths out as quickly as they can, and he and Nick trek up through the eerily empty halls to the director's quarters.
Shaun's in some kind of biobed, skin ashy and face gaunt, eyes half-lidded as he watches Toby step softly into the room. the kidbot's sat on the floor at the foot of the bed, curled around himself and shaking, and as soon as he sees Toby, he darts up, wraps arms tight around Toby's waist. Toby keeps a firm hand on his back, comforting as he knows how to be, in a situation like this. He meets Shaun's eyes.
I didn't want it to come to this, is what neither of them say, but both of them mean, when Toby blames him for the death and pain the Institute's wrought on the Commonwealth, when Shaun spits back that Toby is destroying his life's work. But what's done is done.
"...You'll take the boy?" Shaun asks wearily, looking at Toby's hand, still keeping the kid close to his side.
"Of course," Toby says, rough with feeling, "Yeah, of course. We're taking everybody, everyone we can get out. We'll take you, too."
Shaun shakes his head. "No. I want to rest now. I don't want to live to see the destruction of my home."
"Neither did I, but I managed, didn't I?" Toby snaps, then shakes his head. That was, well. Mean. Even for him. "You wanted progress. You wanted to move forward. You don't always get to choose the direction that goes. You don't just give upwhen you lose."
Wordlessly, Nick hefts the kid up against his hip, and Toby guides his son to a wheelchair near the bed, pushes him back down the sloping halls to the relay point, where the last party is getting ready to leave, waiting only on their General. Preston and Dez give him hard, unreadable looks when they see who he's pushing, but they've both got the good sense not to say anything, especially with Nick hovering over his shoulder and Eli quickly returning to his side.
Later, much later, they return to Sanctuary.
The kid wants to be called Callum. He read it in one of the comics Toby gave him. Toby had helped him to set up a bedroll and a lantern in the upstairs nook of Toby and Nick's home, had tucked him into bed wearing a soft shirt of Toby's that went down to his knees, hugging the bedraggled teddy bear he'd left the Institute with to his chest, and Callum had said, softly, "Night, Dad,"and Toby had smoothed a hand over his soft, perfect, synthetic hair, and said, "Night, kiddo."
At night, Sanctuary's strung up with lanterns and cooking fires, soft orange glows from inside the windows of the carcasses of old homes, flickering lamps in garages and driveways. It's more crowded than usual, on account of it being something of a celebration, the end of the Institute, and all. There's most of the Minutemen from across the state, the Railroad HQ, and the Institute evacuees, scientists, citizens, and synths all. Deacon and Hancock are arm wrestling, and they've drawn... quite the crowd. The Institute evacuees are slowly, surely mingling with the Commonwealth scum, who are meeting them with only minimal suspicion, and mostly good-natured heckling about the ugly white clothes. Someone's playing Johnny Guitar, obviously, and the soft strumming mixes with the gentle, constant murmur of a hundred or more voices laughing and talking and singing.
Toby finds Shaun on the outskirts of the celebration, his wheelchair parked in the dim driveway of the house that he was supposed to grow up in. Toby wonders, vaguely, if that's a coincidence. He's avoided this house, since he woke up. Maybe he's more like Shaun than he's wanted to admit. He's wanted to move forward.
Toby sits beside him on the concrete, follows Shaun's gaze to further down the block, where Preston's got an arm around Desdemona's shoulder, making some kind of triumphant speech, most likely.
"So," Toby says eventually, with a strange sort of serenity. He's got a thin layer of dust and sweat on every inch of his skin, and his fingers probably smell like battery acid from the plasma cell ammo, and his lip is still tingling from the little shock he'd gotten when he kissed the open circuitry on Nick's cheek. He's aching and stinking and exhausted, and he's never been happier. "What do you think of my home? Of everything I’ve built here?"
Shaun sighs softly, and after a long moment between them, says, "I don't know this world. but I suppose I'll have to take after you, and learn to adapt."
He stands, puts a hand on Shaun's shoulder, squeezes. "That's all I can ask for."
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Gif credit @stilinski-ortiz-dolan
Requested on wattpad.
I hope you all enjoy.
Happy Reading Dollies.
Taglist: @ilovetaquitosmmmm. @twistnet. @baylishh. @myangelreyes. @nocturnalherb16
It was the perfect day to clean up outside after a crazy week of storms. The yard was a wreck and the house looked like a tree with all the leaves surrounding it, so you grabbed Taza and the rake. You put him to work on the yard and you would gather the leaves once he was done piling them up.
"You should get one of the guys to come clean the gutters, there's tons of leaves clogging it". You telling Taza.
"I'll do it. Those pussies won't get on a ladder. They're to scared". Taza laughed as he raked.
"Okay but I want them done before another big storm hits".
"Alright. They'll get done". Taza nodded.
That was two weeks ago and now the weather man said there would be another big storm the next day. Unfortunately Taza was with the club and you were by yourself, so you were going to do it. Getting the ladder out of the garage you put it up close to the house and started walking up it. You had to climb high since your arms were short and well you were a short person so it was harder than having daddy long arms aka Taza here to do it.
Sticking your hand into the darkness that was the gutter you pulled out a blob of yuck. It was gooey and black.
"Please don't find a dead animal. Please don't find a dead animal". You kept saying to yourself as you put your hand back into the gutter.
It took you a hour on one part of the gutter, beside cleaning it out you gagged and heaved. Squealing as you thought you felt a snake turned out to be a stick. Taza was seriously going to make this up to you.
Now you were on to the higher part of the house, you were close to the top of the ladder and you still couldn't reach the gutter so what did you do? Climbed on the roof of the house. Big mistake, huge.
Everything was going good until the wind started to pick up and it started to pick up fast. It knocked the ladder over and the trash bag flew off the roof. You were stuck. But it got worse when you looked down to the ground. Your head felt dizzy and you started to panic. The ground felt millions of miles away, scrabbling to the top of the roof you didn't want to be near the edge.
The inner drama queen wanted to cry and scream but the tough badass in you said to shimmy down the drain pipe but the cautious and not wanting to die said to call your husband.
"Hey babe, what's up"?
"What"? Taza chuckled on the other end of the phone.
"I'm up on the roof. I tried cleaning the gutters but the wind started up and the ladder fell over. Now I'm stuck".
"You crazy woman. I'll be there in a minute. Stay away from the edge". He said and then hung up. You sat with your knees to your chest waiting for your knight on a Harley to get you down.
Hearing the roar of motorcycles coming down your drive way made you smile. You couldn't wait to be on solid ground again.
"What the hell woman"? Taza asked with his arms open and pointing at the mess you were in.
"I'm sorry. Theres a storm coming and they say it's not good to have your gutters full of leaves".
"After you get down there will be no more news. It gets you in trouble".
"Fine, please just get me down".
"Why didn't you just jump"? Riz asked a very stupid question.
"Me, jump? First I'm afraid of heights and then I'd probably break a leg or something".
"Why get on the roof if you're afraid"?
"I wanted nice gutters". You yell with a sigh, Taza was not moving fast enough.
"Hey Y/N, arent you supposed to be under the house with your feet sticking out instead of on top of it"? Coco making a Wizard of Oz joke, making everyone laugh even Taza.
"I'll show you the wicked witch when I get down there. I'll get you and you're ugly friends too".
"What did we do"? Angel asked. Riz and Ez nodded in agreement.
"You laughed".
"I think you should keep her up there". Angel pulled out a smoke.
"I think you should shut up". You scooted towards the edge when Taza put up the ladder. He walked up the ladder holding out his hand for you to take. You held on to Taza as he brought you down, kissing his lips.
"Thank you. Thank you". You said between kisses. "My hero".
"It wasn't that bad". Coco and Angel both said.
"Well you're right. That's why I'm going to share it with you guys". You said sarcastically handing them gloves and the trash bag from the ground.
"Get on the roof and finish it like I asked Taza for you to do it in the first place".
"Really. Who's the wicked witch now, bitch"?
"Still you". Angel said going up the ladder.
"Yes I am. But at least I'm not cleaning the gutters. I wouldn't get that on your skin, you may need a tetanus shot afterwards". You say as Coco put his arm into the gutter.
"This fucking sucks". Angel groaned.
"Then you should have shut up and just helped me down. I would have hired someone to do it but no that big mouth of yours gets you in a whole lotta trouble". You say with your hands on your hips with a laugh.
Taza, Riz, Ez and you watched Coco and Angel argue about the gooey slush. It was quite a show.
"You're getting more on my side". Coco protested.
"Dude, just fucking shut up and get it done". Angel was mad, he stuck his hand into a part of the gutter and pulled back with a scream. Waving his hand around. Coco was trying to grab his hand to see what happened, Angel caught a mouse trap and it snapped on his fingers.
"Aaaaahhhh, I hate you". Angel growled pointing at you, you sat there with a smile.
"You love me and you know it". You say sly, Angel stuck out his tongue.
Coco was finishing up on the last part near a tree, when he grabbed something big. His eyes grew as he pulled it out. It was a mummified squirrel. He threw it to Angel to throw it away and of course Angel missed and it smacked him in the face.
You gasped covering your mouth, the guys laughed as Angel was about to kill Coco.
"I'm done. Fuck this shit". Angel climbed off the roof and hit the ground. He threw his kutte to Ez and started stripping his clothes at the front door of the house, going into take a shower.
You looked at Taza who had the biggest smile on his face. "I think he really does hate me now".
"It's okay. I'll get him to do something he hates then he'll forget all about hating you".
"Awe, you really are my hero". You leaned over and kissed him.
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mysterylover123 · 4 years
My Hero Academia Chapter 275: Too Many Kacchan Feels
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A dust cloud! Thank god for small mercies, he still hasn’t seen who it is!
(later: 3...2...)
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Aw he’s actually worried about Midoriya? You did adopt him back in the internship arc, didn’t ya? Keep those two doofuses safe, Endeav. They are your youngest son’s boyfriends, after all. 
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1) Thank you for finally breaking out the protective mode, Deku. 2) Ah, there’s the Kacchan I know and love! He was being so nice last chapter it was almost too much. 3) Did Deku just say ‘Bastard”? Gotta wait for Viz to know for sure. 4) DAT FACE IN PANEL 4 WOW.
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Wow, that 4th wall break. And yep, back to the insults. There you are, Kacchan. Thought we’d progressed too fast last chapter, but now we’re back. Still room to grow. Thank god, actually, cause if you two had just sorted out all your shit, that’d be like signing Bakugou’s death warrant.
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That face (the upper left hand corner, for clarity). Yeah Deku that face haunts my sad dreams too. And I can’t even begin to sum up the number of feels in that bottom panel but please, Kacchan, you have a plan? Do tell.
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1) TSUN-TSUN PROTECTIVE BAKUGOU YAAAAAS. 2) He knows him so well. 3) Deku is going faster than him for once.
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Deku is going faster than him and bb Deku flashbacks and more confidence and more DVK2  reminders and aaaaaahhhhhh
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THAT MAN HAS A TRIO OF DYSFUNCTIONAL BOYFRIENDS TO LOOK AFTER SHIGGY DON’T GO KILLING HIM (Or maybe do so no one else important has to die. Sorry Endeav but you are a character I’m prepared to deal with losing)
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Thank you for reminding us about AFO’s Infinite Tsukoyomi, Deku. That bottom image would’ve resulted in a panic attack otherwise. Also....”GIVE IT TO ME, IZUKU MIDORIYA” OMG SHIGGY KNOWS NO TAKING IT BACK AAAAAHHHH
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This. I agree with every single thing that Gran is saying. Stop them before they die and end this series on a complete downer Gran.
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What Shigaraki are you watching? “can’t beat everyone” ssssyeah right.
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dissolves into a puddle of feels
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THAT TITLE. 2ND ENCOUNTER. OMG. Thank you Aizawa, for being the actual 2nd encounter for Shig. Also in the lower left hand corner: BREAK?!?!!?!?!?!!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
OMG this arc is making me so tense. Like wow please nobody die. We’ve had 2 deaths in this arc already isn’t that enough?! Please be playing by Naruto rules here Hori! Nobody important in the MCs dies until the very final arc (also please don’t be the final arc). I think Internet posts are actually making me more paranoid than I’d be based on the last two chapters, though, because my gut response to these two has been mostly “FYEAH WONDER DUO PLZ BEAT HIM, WORK OUT YOUR SHIT AND LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER AS THE HERO DUO YOU WERE ALWAYS MEANT TO BE”. Also this chapter was open season on my Bakugou-related feels. making me realize more and more how much I love him and want him to survive. Please let this series be following DBZ rules where the Hero and Rival are both basically immortal. Also BakuDeku is still very much OTP. Like that’s news.
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omigiry · 4 years
Midnight Memories
something about the weather - 200 followers event
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request:  hey hey hey! happy 200 followers! can i pls request a stay at home during rainy days platonic date w/ tooru, koshi, tobio, kenma, atsumu, shirabu, semi and keiji pls. im good with a sweet fluffness. #settersquadismylife ~anon
ry’s notes: Thank you for requesting! Writing this request made me miss hanging out with my friends :’(. I hope you enjoooyy ~  ♡ ♡ ♡
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The rain poured and echoed on the walls of your apartment. You were bumped out because of the sudden rain your plans got cancelled. You were planning to hang out with the boys but due to the heavy downpour you all agreed to cancel and move it for the next day, but sadly the weather wasn’t looking good either. It’s been three days and the sky isn’t clearing up, you laid in your bed glaring through your window as the sky becomes even darker. 
With nothing better to do, you decided to just sleep for the rest of the afternoon. As you get comfortable in your bed your phone vibrates.
Semi: Open the door
Your eyes immediately widened and quickly got up to welcome Semi in. You thought it would only be Semi since he’s the one living near your place as well, but the rest of the group was also there.
“(y/n)!” Oikawa greeted and enveloped you in a hug.
“What the??” You opened the door wider and one by one they started to welcome themselves in your apartment. “You should’ve told me that you were going to visit. I could’ve prepared for you guys.” You said once everyone of them settled on the couch and the others on the floor.
“Well, we decided to surprise you since you were all pouting at the group chat about how the rain won’t stop.” Sugawara said as he, Akaashi, and Shirabu unpacked the foods they brought.
“By the way we ordered pizza.” Atsumu filled in. 
“And also staying for the night.” Shirabu added.
You felt touched by their gesture. “You guys.” You weren’t sure what to say so you just acted like you were crying and wiped the non-existent tears. 
“We don’t actually have anything planned for the day, we just crashed in your apartment, it was starting to get boring as well staying at home.” Oikawa said and turned on the television and connected your game console. The guys made your place their hang-out place after classes, so you all decided to chip in to buy a game console for you and Kenma brings his games for you guys to play.
“Such, sweet human beings. If only you could act like this everyday.”
“Yeah, no.” Shirabu said. As much as they love you, the banter within the group was still there. There’s not a day when one of you doesn’t try and attack each other. 
Your quiet apartment finally felt lively again. You helped Sugawara and Akaashi to make some snacks as the others crowd the living room and watched Kenma beat Atsumu in a 1v1 game. 
The pizza had arrived and you set up the coffee table by bringing in the snacks and the drinks that they bought. 
“Let’s watch some horror movies.” You suggested, it was the perfect atmosphere to watch some good horror movies. The thunder is the background as the heavy rain darkens the sky. Horror movies weren’t your usual pick to watch with them, since you all like a good action movie and each one of you getting riled up from the intense scene, but you wanted to switch it up a little since there’s no new action film out yet.
“Some of the horror movies aren’t good though.” Kageyama stated. 
“I’m sure there’s something.”
You scanned through the suggestion and you’ve come across a thailand horror/thriller movie, the poster looks intriguing and it seems scary enough. “How about this one?” All of them agreed and you clicked play.
As the movie begins all of you were comfortable and chill thinking that it wouldn’t be that scary.
“How scary can it be?” Were the last words uttered.
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“AAAAAHHHH!” You didn’t know who screamed anymore but it wasn’t coming from just one person. You were clutching Akaashi’s sleeves tightly and hiding your face. 
Atsumu, Oikawa, and Semi had their hand covering their faces but would peek through it when it got quiet. Kageyama, Kenma, and Shirabu would avert their eyes whenever a jump scares come. Kenma was already starting to feel goosebumps rise on his arms. Surprisingly Sugawara and Akaashi were the only ones who could watch horror movies well. But Sugawara would yell at the characters to not go in a certain room or the decisions the character should have made. 
“YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE WENT THERE! NOW YOU’RE TRAPPED!” Sugawara yelled and you wanted to take a peek to see what got him so worked up. When you did, it was at a jump scare and you’d flinched and shrieked, snuggling on to the couch more. 
Akaashi was narrating the scenes telling everyone that the jump scare is over and that you can look at the screen again. There are times where he would tease all of you making you look at the screen in time for a jump scare just to get a good laugh. 
After the movie, you guys felt all hot from all the screaming and heightened adrenaline from the horror movie that you all felt like you just did a 10km sprint. 
“Goodness!” You said as you fanned your face to calm yourself down. 
“This will be the last horror movie for the day.” Kenma said as he picked another movie, this time it was an animation.
The pizza was barely touched and it got cold already. You took the initiative to reheat it and Shirabu helped clean up all the scattered snacks on the floor. 
After the second movie, everyone got bored from watching and decided to play card games. Semi pulled out a deck of cards and played slapjack.
“This is not fair, your hands are bigger than mine and would probably squashed mine.” You whined. It was not an ideal game for you especially if all of them are guys. 
“Sucks to be you then.” Atsumu teased.
“I should’ve kept my nails long so that you’ll get scratched while playing.” You bit back. 
For the rest of the night you were all yelling at each other as you play games. Everyone was getting competitive including you. Since you were the only girl they would always let you team up with Kenma. 
You ordered dinner since you didn’t have enough ingredients and the energy to feed 8 growing boys. Things were starting to get calmer and you all moved the couch aside and brought out the thin foam mattress for them to lie on. 
You were all just jamming out to some songs as Semi plays his guitar. Your phone gallery was filled with them singing and also bantering with each other. The feeling of loneliness was long forgotten from the minute they barged in your apartment, and it was a perfect day that filled you with warmth despite the cold rainy season. 
Oikawa also raided your bathroom and suggested that you all put face mask sheets on. 
“You’re going to pay for this. Face masks ain’t cheap, especially this brand.” You warned him.
“That’s mean, it’s only once in a while.” Oikawa pouted.
“You’re not special, sweetie. Pay me with food.”
When everyone starts to get drowsy most of you end up sleeping on the makeshift bed and sprawled out.
Since you were the only girl, Akaashi took the leverage to wake you up before you completely fell asleep and to tell you to go to your room and sleep there. You nodded even though you weren’t clearly understanding what he was saying, he helped you out and tuck you in, leaving your door slightly open and went back to the living room to join the other guys. 
Everyone dozed off at 4 o’clock in the morning.
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TAGLIST: @rivetrastuff​
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snowthefirst · 5 years
Lunch Date
Hello, everyone! I’m here with my second Edeldetta piece. This time, it’s light-hearted fluff. Takes time during White Clouds, so no spoilers. The fic itself is below the cut. So enjoy, everyone!
Lunch Date: An Edeldetta one-shot
As the future Emperor of the Adrestrian Empire, Edelgard took pride in being able to keep her emotions in check. No matter what happened, Edelgard did not let surprise or fear ever show on her face.
So even though Edelgard was feeling nervous, at least no one could tell… at least that’s what she thought. “Edelgard, is there something amiss?” Hubert asked.
“No, nothing for you to worry about. I am merely going to go eat lunch.” Edelgard answered.
Judging by the way Hubert’s eyes narrowed, he didn’t buy this. For as much as Edelgard valued Hubert, and trusted him with anything, this was one occasion where it would be better if he did not involve himself. “Please, Hubert. I want us to enjoy the time we have at this academy. So take this as my request for you to take time for yourself.” Hubert bowed. “Very well. I will attend to other pending business. I hope you enjoy yourself.”
At the very least, Hubert’s words were sincere. So it was with a smile that Edelgard left towards the dining hall.
* “I can’t do this. I can’t do this. I can’t do this! I’m going to embarrass myself in front of everyone-!”
“Bern, calm down. Nothing bad is going to happen to you.” “That’s easy for you to say, Dorothea,” Bernadetta said nervously. “You’re so kind and popular. You probably go on da- on da- on da-” Bernadetta couldn’t even say it, and she could feel her face go bright red. At this rate, her entire body would just spontaneously combust.
“Sure, I’ve been on dates before. But you’ve snagged a date with quite the catch,” Dorothea said, winking. “Most people would kill for a chance like this.”
“Oh no! Is that what’s going to happen? I’m going to be assassinated in the dining hall?” Bernadetta cowered underneath her desk. “I don’t want to die!” Dorothea winced. “That was the wrong thing to say. Bern, this is a once in a lifetime chance for you! I know you feel scared now, but you’ll feel worse if you don’t go.”
Hearing Dorothea’s words, Bernadetta remembered how this happened. This morning, she happened to notice that the lunch meal in the cafeteria was a favorite of both her's and Edelgard's. Her legs moved before her brain had a chance to catch up, and she was in front of Edelgard. “Edelgard! Later, if you’re not busy, do you want to have lunch with me?” Bernadetta asked. “I mean, if you aren’t already dining with anyone else! Or want to dine alone.”
“No, I do not believe I’m dining with anyone.” For some reason, Edelgard seemed flustered. “I’ll dine with you. So, I’ll meet you here after morning classes, Bernadetta.” From there, Bernadetta attended her classes, then headed straight to her room, where she screamed into her pillow until Dorothea arrived. “Edelgard is just so strong and amazing,” Bernadatta said to Dorothea. “I admire her, and I want to be more like her.” “How adorable! Oh, but imagine if you managed to capture Edelgard’s heart during this date,” Dorothea said teasingly. “It would make for quite the story! The shy, small Bern wooing the future Emperor-”
“Okay, that’s enough!” Bernadetta said, feeling embarrassed again. “I don’t want to keep Edelgard waiting, so… I’m going to go!”
“Go get her, Bern!” Dorothea exclaimed.
As Edelgard walked into the dining hall, she noticed that Bernadetta was entering at the same time. Edelgard could feel butterflies in her stomach as they approached a table.
This is rather silly. Bernadetta is a classmate, and we are sharing a meal because she asked me.
Once they were seated at the table, a member of the staff brought them their meal: Saghert and Cream. The food did have an immediate effect of brightening the mood. “I admit, it is not often that I indulge myself like this,” Edelgard said in between bites. “And to have you for company is welcome.”
“You’re just saying that! I’m terrible company,” Bernadetta said. “Still, I’m glad you decided to humor me.”
Edelgard sighed. “I am not humoring you. I genuinely wanted to spend time with you. We are friends, are we not?”
“Really? We are? I have trouble believing that. You’re so capable, Edelgard!” Bernadatta exclaimed. “And I almost wasn’t able to leave my room to eat with you. I’m pathetic…” “No, I would argue the opposite. Knowing the difficult circumstances that you have endured, I imagine it took a lot of courage for you to do this,” Edelgard said. “That resolve is admirable.”
“A-admirable?!” Bernadetta started blushing. “I mean, it’s true that I really wanted to do this. But, my reasons woud probably be considered selfish.” “Selfish? How-?” Before Edelgard could finish her question, a voice cut in: “Ah, I see you are enjoying a fine meal, my rival!” No, not you! Not now! But despite Edelgard’s glare, Ferdinand seated himself at their table. “I was looking to challenge you to prove my superiority,” Ferdinand said. “I will wait for you to finish, so you are at your best.” “Ferdinand, if you’re going to start with your nonsense, could you at least wait?” Edelgard asked. “Out in the battlefield, your foe won’t-” Ferdinand noticed Bernadetta. “Greetings! If it’s not too much trouble, will you bear witness to our match?”
“Match? Like, a real, violent fight? What if I get caught in the middle? Aaaaahhhh!” Bernadetta screamed.
“Woah, what’s going on over here?” Casper asked, rushing over. Then he noticed the food. “Are we having some kind of eating contest?” “An eating contest? That sounds like an excellent idea, Casper!” Ferdinand said. By this point, Bernadetta was hiding her face in her hoodie.
“Please take this elsewhere! I am eating a meal with Bernadetta, and she wants quiet!” Edelgard’s words were ignored by most people, so she was about to give up. Then she saw Bernadetta, who was looking at Edelgard with wonder on her face.
So Edelgard decided to take a chance- while Ferdinand and Casper were discussing the terms of their eating contest, she grabbed Bernadetta by the hand and lead her out of the dining hall.
Once they were out in the courtyard, Edelgard said, “Bernadetta, I apologize. I wanted our meal to be pleasant for you, but instead you ended up being overwhelmed.”
When Bernadetta didn’t immediately answer, Edelgard looked at her- the other girl’s face was bright red, and she was staring at their linked hands. Edelgard felt the butterflies return in her stomach. Partially to distract from this, she asked, “So what was it you were going to say earlier?” “The reason I decided to do this is because I wanted to have time alone with you, Edelgard. I’m sure you have so many important things to do,” Bernadetta said quietly. “If I’m bothering you, I can-” “You are not bothering me.” Edelgard smiled. “Really, I was enjoying my time with you. And I’m glad you decided to ask me to spend time together.” Bernadetta opened her mouth a few times, but no sound came out. For a moment, Edelgard feared that she had fainted. Thankfully, Bernadetta found her voice soon after.
“In that case, maybe we could try this again later! I heard that the dining hall is going to serve Peach Sorbet for dessert,” Bernadetta said, ���I’d like to eat some with you.”
“It would be my pleasure.” Reassured that Bernadetta was in a better mood, Edelgard finally let go of her hand and turned to leave. “Wait!” Bernadetta searched for something in her uniform. Then she took out a square of red fabric. “I made this for you.”
Edelgard took the fabric curiously, and unfolded it. This fabric turned out to be the crest of the Black Eagles, lovingly knitted with exquisite detail. Under the crest, Edelgard’s full name had been embroidered.
“This… this is incredible,” Edelgard said, her eyes wide with shock. “This is what I meant earlier, Bernadetta. You are better than you think you are.”
“I’m glad you liked that. Okay, I think I’ve had enough of being outside for right now. See you at dinner!” Bernadetta walked towards her room.
Edelgard decided to head to the training hall, and was surprised to see Hubert there. “Hello, Edelgard. I decided to spend my time honing my skills,” Hubert said. Then a small smirk graced his face. “I clearly see that you did enjoy your meal.”
Looking down at the embroidery in her hands, Edelgard said, “Yes, I did. In fact, I could see such occasions happening frequently in the future.”
It had taken everything Bernadetta had to not scream into the sky on her way back to her room. Even still, she could feel her fingers trembling.
Dorothea showed up to walk beside her. “So, Bern. Ending off your date with handmade gift. Even I didn’t expect that level of cunning!”
“Dorothea, if I think too hard about what I just did, I’m going to explode,” Bernadetta said in a shaky voice.
“That wouldn’t do at all.” Dorothea put a comforting hand around her Bernadetta’s shoulder. “But seriously, I’m happy for you. You deserve to be happy.” Edelgard is so patient to me. Dorothea is so kind to me. What did I do to deserve them in my life? Even with her heart still beating rapidly in her chest, Bernadetta could feel a small smile on her face. She had Dorothea as a friend. She had her next meal with Edelgard to look forward to later.
Bernadetta found that for the first time in a long time, she was happy with her life.
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