#good bye dragon inn
enterfilm · 2 years
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BU SAN (Tsai Ming-liang, 2003)
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darubyprincx · 2 years
Oli Orionsound being a Guy TM with Sausage. It’s. Full vibes of Oli knowing a bit too much and being delightfully confusing with Sausage being just :)?
"Sausage!" Oli crowed, sauntering into Sanctuary and garnering polite stares from the street-goers, which he politely ignored in return. "I'm so glad to see you alive!"
"Who- what? How do you know my name?" asked Sausage, turning around. There was no recognition on his face, but that didn't stop Oli.
"We're old buddies, remember?" asked Oli, pushing his way through the crowd and spreading his arms wide. "It's me, Oli!"
"Well, whoever you might be, welcome to Sanctuary!" greeted Sausage, somewhat baffled but still determined to give... whoever this was a welcome greeting anyways.
"Oh, it's so good to see you again," prattled on Oli happily. "After I took a break from Afterlife, I came back and you were dead apparently! I found my way up to Heaven, but you were asleep, and then I got pushed off the edge by some goddess, and I fell down here and got myself going and beat the dragon!"
"Wait, the dragon was you?" asked Sausage.
"Yeah," said Oli. "I have the egg over at my place! I'm gonna eat it soon."
"Eat the egg?"
"Trust me," said Oli confidently. "It has a lovely aftertaste. Nice and savory. I'm gonna go look around for an inn now! Bye!" He skipped off, leaving Sausage to stand there, still holding his shulker box, feeling like his head had been dunked in vinegar and rattled around a good bit.
"What a strange man," he muttered, and went back to fixing a lamppost.
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lamentingocean · 10 months
Seongtae: a total asshole. But hes pretty scary when you think about how powerful he is and the way he commands. But we are bros and we do talk...sometimes.
Me: what a good response! Next is hongshin. What do you think about him?
Hongshin: I do study martial arts with him and the way he executed the Plum Blossom Technique back then makes me fascinated of him even though half of the stuff that he does doesn't make sense. But he's pretty reliable too.
Me: unexpected of you hongshin. White tiger. What do you think of him!
White tiger: well. He's strong from what I see. But it's annoying how I got to be the one to deal with his madness and the fact that he almost killed a bunch of cloudburst disciples mainly because of the women issue. he's crazy from what we can all agree on. But he's neat.
Me: I think he's hot. Nachal Dae. What do you think of him.
Nachal dae: why...I didn't deserve to die from multiple bonks to the head. He's stupid and a bad leader. the afterlife isn't fun anyway.
Me: skill issue. The elder dragon king. What do you think of him?
Elder dragon king: fucking bitch. I got cremated because of him. But he's powerful I can admit. but he's exactly like me once you think about him further. So I think he's a adversary not to be messed with. But he can join the afterlife with us from how little I care.
Me: your old and of course your going to die by dementia. the kid from battle pavilion. What do you think of him?
Kid from battle pavilion: I like him. I know he's a psychopath but he does care about people and willing to protect the weak. Like he gave me money from whooping the butt of the currently top fighter in the arena. And told me to give it to those that are on the ground. So yeah I like him very much.
Me: such a sweetheart.
Ok guys I'm tired so I'm going to end it here. If you want more then stop by my inn for more skits. BYE!!♡♡
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sekhisadventures · 1 year
Weapon Repairs
Wingrest Embassy, a Couple Hours After the Primalist Attack
What was once a ruin had become the de-facto entry point into the Dragon Isles proper for all the representatives of the Alliance and Horde. Buildings were being refurbished, braziers relit, and the Embassy was coming to life for the first time in living memory. Both the Explorer’s League and the Reliquary had already set up shop and while there was still a tiny bit of suspicion among some of their ranks of the other, by and large they seemed quite eager to work together for the greater good of discovery and knowledge.
Among the mixed ranks, two vulpera walked side by side. Sekhi, the shamanistic musician, jabbered excitedly at her long-lost friend Jeemjazo, who had reappeared after the defeat of the Primalists who attacked the Reliquary’s landing site… much to the former cabin boy’s annoyance and embarrassment.
“Its just so crazy that we met up again here! I mean, our whole caravan 'n a few others are in Orgrimmar now, we left Vol’dun and are travelling the whole world!” she yipped, “What're th' odds that we’d meet up on th' Dragon Isles? What were ya doing those ten years?!”
“Look, I just… I wound up with a pirate crew, they all died when th' ship crashed, 'n I left. Okay?” grumbled Jeemjazo as he padded through the embassy. “Nothing. Else. Happened. We sailed around 'n… did pirate-y things!”
Jeemjazo’s eye twitched and he grumbled under his breath. All those years of dreaming of leaving Vol’dun, then ten years of outright torture and abuse as Saltfang’s cabin boy… and all he had to do was wait for his people to join the damn Horde?! He felt like kicking himself.
From behind him came a faint gurgling sound, an incoherent stream of fish-like bubbling noises and warbling as the baby murloc he affectionately called Murgly Jim said something to Sekhi.
“Huh, he says you were really happy that your captain was dead though… I mean, it doesn’t sound like it was ‘just pirate-y things.’” she murmured.
Jeemjazo sighed, his ears folding back, “Well it WAS! Look, I’m gonna go bed down fer th' night. I’m freakin’ wiped out Sekhi. Nice seeing ya again, good BYE.” he nodded firmly, padding into the Inn and glancing over his shoulder. “Whose side are ye feckin' on Jim?” he muttered.
The murloc just giggled, in it’s murloc-y way.
Sekhi whined a bit as he left, but she was just happy to know her friend was alive. She glanced around, then spotted the scribe’s table. Well, she had promised her mother she’d write regularly after she’d basically vanished for two years herself, and this would be quite the bit of news to share with the caravan! She padded over and bought a scroll, quill, and some standard black ink, then found a convenient bit of rubble to form a makeshift table, and got writing.
“Dear… Ma…” she murmured aloud as her quill scratched it’s way along the parchment, “We made it… to th' Dragon Isles… and… you’ll… never believe… who I found…”
As Sekhi penned her letter however, Galdia was wandering the embassy looking for someone in particular. “I really don’t want to ask some light-user but…” she grumbled, fingering the hilt of what was left of her sword. She was able to gather both halves, but a broken sword was a broken sword…
But, happily, she did know a guy… still, it had to be someone who used that sort of power.
She saw him, talking to some others of his people, then sighed before calling out, “HEY! STEELHAMMER!”
From the group of dwarves, a head with a mane of silvery-white hair and a huge bushy beard looked up as Dareley Steelhammer heard her call. “Eh? Oh, er… hoy Galdia. Whatcha need lass?” he asked.
Galdia frowned… a Paladin. She had to ask a Paladin for help… it could be worse, at least he wasn’t a vindicator… she’d rather find a new sword than ask one of them, but… “Look, you know blacksmithing, right?” she asked.
Dareley snorted, “Lass, ye think me name is just a fun little play on words? Th’ Steelhammers have been blacksmiths in Ironforge fer generations!” he nodded firmly, “… er, why tho?” he asked, raising one bushy eyebrow at her.
She sighed, “So, there was an ambush at our landing site ‘n…” she unsheathed her sword, holding it out, “… one of them had really fuckin’ good armor.” The sword had been a claymore, almost as long as Dareley was tall before… but now it was broken right along the middle. “The rest is in the scabbard.”
Dareley whistled, taking it carefully from her and looking it over. “Whoof… that’s… aye that’s a bloody thing. Pandaren make too, not easy ta break. Those pandaren make their things ta last.” he muttered as the two dwarven smiths he’d been talking to nodded in agreement. “Hm… cannae just fuse the halves back together. Too fragile after bein’ broken. It’d just snap all over again.” he frowned.
Galdia grimaced, “… well…” she put her hands on her hips, “What about… if we just made a new sword? Like, a smaller one?” she asked.
Dareley looked up at her, “Oh? Like a longsword? Aye, we could manage that I suppose. Heat it up, lengthen whats there, sharpen the edge…” he murmured, “Hmm… pandaren make tho, not me specialty. I dabbled a bit back in th’ day, but I ain’t an expert…”
“Well, what about Jaie or Zhan-min?” she asked, shrugging, an edge of desperation in her voice. She really did not want to give up on that blade.
Dareley glanced up at her… he could tell the sword wasn’t just a sword to Galdia, but he didn’t say it aloud. “Jaie is a jewelcrafter lass, she dunnae how ta forge anythin’ but rings ‘n th’ like… but Zhan-min…” he looked around, then spotted the shirtless beer brewer, “HOY! ZHAN-MIN! C’MERE LAD!” he called out.
The pandaren ambled over, looking at the sword and whistling, “Wow… is that yer Red Crane Sword, Galdia?” he asked, “Those things’re forged down in th’ Karasang Wilds, gotta be able ta stand up ta all sorts o’ nasty critters… they don’t break just from overuse.” he frowned, “Clean break too, what the heck did ya’ll hit with it?”
Galdia sighed, then explained the events of a few hours past, the attack on the landing zone, and the draenei who shielded himself with a carapace of living stone. Zhan-min looked troubled by that, he’d heard a few people talking about ‘primalists,’ but mostly it had been kept under wraps by the Alliance and Horde leadership out of fear of starting a panic after so long at peace.
Dareley however looked very troubled, “Elemental magic users… hrm… that brings back some memories, bad ones too…” he frowned, “Did any of ‘em say anythin’ about th’ Twilight’s Hammer, or anythin’ about ‘Twilight’ in general lass?” he asked.
Galdia shook her head, “No, just something about these ‘Incarnates.’ We tried to interrogate one, but Nitika couldn’t use her powers on him. Said it was like his brain was on fire or something.” she replied.
Dareley actually relaxed a bit at that, “Oh, well then… thought we’d be havin’ th’ Twilight’s Hammer Cult ta deal with. I swear we stomped down Cho’gall, Deathwing, ‘n all th’ others ‘n we’re still dealin’ with th’ odd cell here ‘n there…” he shook his head, “But I’ve never heard o’ these ‘Incarnates’ before.”
Zhan-min nodded, “Still, misusin’ th’ elements… I don’t like that one bit.” he frowned, “Well, if we gotta deal with that kinda crap we’d better get ya'll a proper weapon again!” he nodded at her, taking the blade and looking it over, “Hm… Mostly did tools back when I was workin’ at th’ Stormstout Brewery, but I can probably help Dareley with th’ metal. Ya’ll think ya can handle th’ actual forgin’?” he asked him.
Dareley snorted, taking a smaller hammer from his belt, a blacksmith’s hammer, “I can forge a proper sword outta that or I ain’t a bloody dwarf! Galdia, go take a rest fer a bit, we’ll get ta work on this but it’ll take us some time lass.”
Galdia grunted but nodded at that and walked towards the inn herself. She hated waiting, but she couldn’t fight without a weapon…
… well, okay, she could fight without one. She could fight better with one though, and she’d need one to fight anything bigger than another orc. She was a Warsong, not an idiot.
As she walked in she passed Nelen, who was sitting at a table discussing some notes he had with someone else. A tall elven man in luxurious purple robes decorated with silver.
“… so yes, you see my concerns here! It wasn’t just the Dragon Isles that were uncovered. I think that the island revealed itself for a reason, and that reason is related to what I saw in my leygraph!” he exclaimed.
The elf looked over the notes he’d taken, comparing them to those from his bestiary on proto-dragons. “Hm, yes indeed… a troubling thing most assuredly Magus Fullmoon.” he replied, “Well well, I came here hoping to find something useful for my own studies, but if I encounter something that gave off this sort of aura rest assured I will most certainly pass news along as soon as I am able.” he nodded, his bald head shining under the lamps of the room.
Nelen smiled at him, “Thank you, truly. I don’t know what the fel did that, but we need to stamp it down fast before it causes a panic among the Alliance and Horde. The Dracthyr showing up in Stormwind already got people riled up when they found out they were connected to Deathwing after all.”
“Indeed, Orgrimmar much the same… ah, but I must be going. I have business in the southern reaches of the isle.” said the elf as he stood, “A pleasure meeting you.”
“Indeed, you as well… er…” he paused, “Sorry, terrible memory for names.” muttered the worgen.
The elf chuckled, “Ah, but a mind can only hold so much and you are clearly a learned man for such a short-lived people. Nyloc Athel, of Suramar, at your service.” he smiled, shaking Nelen’s hand before heading to the door.
Nyloc looked around, then gestured with one hand as a manasaber seemed to appear from nothingness, the Nightborne climbing atop it. He had the knowledge he needed, the seat of the Bronze Dragonflight was in this ‘Thaldraszus’ area… well, time to see what he could use there.
Nelen gathered up his books, feeling rather cheerful. He’d always lamented how the poor relationship between the Nightborn of Suramar and the Night Elves under Tyrandae and Malfurion had driven a wall between them. A race that had mastered Arcane power to their degree could teach them so much! Truly, the armistice was a blessing for all Azeroth. He looked around, then headed out into the half-ruined, half-rebuilt embassy grounds before walking over to the representatives for the Dragonscale Expedition to see if any odd jobs had cropped up. After all, a mage had to earn coin if he wanted to eat.
As he did Sekhi walked past him and slid a rolled up scroll into the mail bag that would head back to Orgrimmar come the next morning. She wagged excitedly, Jeemjazo’s mother would be so happy to hear her son was still alive!
And further along the path, Laurelgosa, back in her humanoid guise of Laura Brightflame, sat alone as she processed what had happened with the Primalist attack.
She barely remembered most of it… but she knew one thing. Hearing that crash of thunder and lightning aimed at her and brought back one of those fragmented memories from before her sealing. She muttered under her breath as she turned her stave over and over in her hands, “Did… did I fight Raszageth? I…” she screwed up her eyes, remembering bright flashes, screams, a horrible whispering, and then… darkness… then sighed long and hard, “… nothing.” she frowned.
She wondered if she should bring this up with Nitika… the tauren woman seemed to have some power when it came to minds, and she had come off as nothing but friendly and caring on the voyage over… perhaps if she asked for help, she could do something.
And slowly, day turned into evening and into night. Work was done, food was cooked, and the sound of rebuilding, hammering, sawing, and the like filled the air as the long-abandoned Embassy was slowly restored piece by piece… a little bit more every day.
The next day, around noon, Dareley called Galdia over to the forge and presented her with two things.
“We couldnae save all th’ sword, but we could use th’ rest o’ th’ metal fer somethin’ else.” he nodded, pulling a cloth off a table to reveal a long scimitar-like sword, about as long as Galdia’s arm, with a pattern of pandaren scrollwork on the back, along with a sturdy shield of wood over a metal back, a stud in the middle, and it even had the red symbol of the Horde on the face. “I know yer used ta a claymore lass, but a sword ‘n shield is about what we could manage with wut we had ta work with.”
Galdia looked them over, picking up the shield first, sliding it on over her left arm, then lifting the sword and examining it… then taking a couple steps back and swinging it through the air, chopping rapidly as if an invisible foe was before her. “Hrm… light, but not TOO light… good edge… yeah, I can work with this. Good job.” she grunted.
He nodded, “Damn right it is lass! A dwarf always stands behind his work when forging is involved!” he grinned.
She looked at it again, then at him, then back at it. “… hey… could you, um… show me how to do this stuff?” she asked. “I mean, I did some stuff back on Draenor, but… it was mostly workin’ with scrap and whatever we could steal off the Lightbound.”
Dareley looked up at her, nodding slowly. He had heard about what had happened to Yrel and the draenei there, though he didn’t want to believe it… and he knew asking a paladin like him must have been hard for her. “Hrm… aye, I ain’t ever taught no one afore… but I suppose I could show ye a thing or two.” he replied, picking up his hammer. “First, ye need a good bit of ore. Always get more than ye think you’ll need, there’s always some bits of crud in ‘em that ya gotta work out…” he began.
Galdia put the shield down and slid the scabbard for her sword onto her belt, then sheathed it, before nodding to the dwarf. She hated how powerless she’d felt to fix her broken blade, and if he could teach her how to do that in future… well, she could look past him being a paladin for that. Maybe, it wouldn’t be easy, but she could try.
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manic-i · 2 years
Adiós, Dragon Inn
Good Bye, Dragon Inn es una película Taiwanesa de 2003 dirigida por Tsai Ming-liang. La película trascurre en un viejo cine de Taipéi que va a bajar la persiana para siempre esa misma noche. Como última proyección se va a pasar La Posada del Dragón, una mítica película de artes marciales de 1967.
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Esta película se encuadra en de género arte-cine que se le ha denominado “slow fim” (cine lento o cine contemplativo) que se caracteriza principalmente por tomas largas con pocos elementos que distraigan la mirada y con muy poco o ningún diálogo. Se trata de un cine donde el director traza un puñado de pinceladas y deja que el espectador termine con su imaginación llenando los huecos e hilando la historia.
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En Good Bye, Dragon Inn nada está puesto al azar. Desde los créditos del inicio que nos muestran una sala llena de gente en un pasado. A la soledad y tristeza del presente. El primer plano nos sitúa en una calle vacía frente a una taquilla donde nadie hace cola y una persistente lluvia. Un chico se cuela en el cine, parece que resguardándose de la lluvia. La taquillera en ese momento estaba en otro sitio, pero no creo que de enterarse le habría importado. Es coja, camina lentamente por los pasillos vacíos. 
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La sala de cine está casi vacía. Es su último día y a nadie parece importarle. El chico saca un cigarrillo, no encuentra el mechero. Tendrá que pedirle fuego a alguien. Pero conseguir fuego no es tan sencillo, principalmente porque él no fuma y lo que realmente quiere es compañía, De qué manera si no, cuando estaba en el baño, no aprovecha para encenderse el cigarro con el mechero que tiene en frente. La taquillera está cocinando un mochi. Picotea un poco. Luego lo parte por la mitad. Guarda la mitad en una bolsa y la acompañamos de paseo por los viejos pasillos de un edificio al que el tiempo no parece haber tratado bien. Observamos como arrastra su cojera por esa escalera que parece no terminar nunca. Deja el medio mochi en la sala de proyección y vuelve por donde ha venido. 
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La taquillera, a parte de la taquilla, también se encarga de la limpieza. Comprueba los baños, algunos retretes tienen la puerta cerrada. Hay gente que trabaja en ellos. El viejo cine ahora es un punto de reunión para homosexuales, chaperos y prostitutas. La taquillera patrulla los pasillos del cine. Me recuerdan un alma en pena condenada a vagar llevando unas pesadas cadenas. Es precioso el plano del rostro de ella iluminado por decenas de lucecitas mientras mira la película por detrás de la pantalla. 
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El chico deambula en busca que alguien que le de fuego y al final parece encontrarlo, pero es rechazado. La taquillera vuelve a la sala de proyección, el proyeccionista no está. Solo un cigarrillo encendido indica que anda cerca. No ha tocado el mochi. Se lo vuelve a llevar. Una chica fantasma asusta al chico que huye aterrorizado (no es realmente un fantasma, simplemente se le cae el zapato y tiene que ir a por él). Hay fantasmas en el cine (como le dice el japones al protagonista en un momento). Las luces se encienden, la sala se queda vacía. 
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Un abuelo y su nieto, lo viejo y lo nuevo, abandonan el local que ya no podrá fascinar la mirada de otro niño. Dos viejos actores han ido a verse en esa pantalla por última vez. 
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La taquillera da un último repaso al edificio. Recoge sus cosas y se marcha dando otra oportunidad al mochi. El proyectista termina por llevárselo. Ella escondida observa cómo se marcha. Luego ella, bajo una lluvia torrencial se va caminado despacio mientras, detrás, el edificio exhibe el cartel de La Posada del Dragón.
Una maravillosa película que de una forma pausada, casi sin que nos demos cuenta, nos transporta al mundo hipnótico del director.
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Good Bye, Dragon Inn (Tsai Ming-liang, 2003)
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adscinema · 2 years
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Good Bye, Dragon Inn - Tsai Ming-liang (2003)
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vidioten · 3 years
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Good bye dragon inn a.k.a. Bu san (2003), Tsai Ming-liang.
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catch-the-wind · 3 years
when reader is sick hc's p2
here's a link to part 1 uwu
so i'm still brainrotting over this and i would like to date almost every character rn~ i probably won't add more to this unprompted but if anyone wants a part 2 just shoot me an ask! <3
tags: gn!reader, xiao x reader, zhongli x reader, ningguang x reader, beidou x reader, kazuha x reader, amber x reader, keqing x reader, venti x reader, scaramouche x reader, thoma x reader
this man is so awkward goodbye
he’s really popping into the kitchen of wangshu inn like mr. smiley yanxiao i need an order of almond tofu and uhh whatever the hell it is sick people eat
asks cloud retainer if there’s a medicinal thing she’s created and hey can you fix my s/o
meanwhile his s/o is like xiao- xiao- XIAO- it’s a COLD i’ll SURVIVE, stop leaving me to find solutions and just come cuddle
so xiao cuddles <3 he’ll read to his partner but it’s likely he’s also just sitting there in silence holding his s/o
he likes the companionship, doesn’t talk much. comfy silence all around
his partner probably falls asleep on him at some point but he’s okay with it
he probably watches his partner while they rest and he’s super frowny because he hates seeing them in pain :(
but also the gentle forehead kisses while his partner rests <3
he tells zhongli that he needs time to be with his s/o while they’re ill. he makes it sound like his partner is dying which is...overdramatic but also he just wants to dote on them and make sure they’re okay
he asks verr goldet what things a sick person might want while his partner rests and then he tries to kinda sorta subtly ask for help getting them
tries to dote on his partner subtly but he’s so grumpy all the time LOL
n e ways he gives his partner smooches and cuddles and that’s all that matters uwu
he doesn’t even have to really say it to hu tao, she just knows he’s about to ask for a few days off. he does ask, ofc bc he’s following the protocols of social etiquette
he goes to his partner’s home or they’re in his for the entire time they’re sick
has a shopping list of foods for a sick person, also gets tea
has no mora to purchase anything on his shopping list so he hits up tartaglia LMAO
tartaglia comes w zhongli just to visit zhongli’s s/o
hu tao also comes to visit zhongli and co but he’s so wary of her because is she about to pull a prank- really she just brings him some tea he likes and wishes his s/o well <3 she probably sings to them too but it’s a little creepy if you listen to the lyrics LOL
this man is not reading his partner stories, they’re getting histories, pov morax. he knows so many little details that are lost in time but are kept safely in his memories
the man works out, tell me otherwise. he may choose his own body and he knows he has cake but the man works out and trains. he’s a god of WAR and he keeps himself in good shape. n e way he works out in the living room or backyard while his s/o is sick and he trains w just a shirt and pants and he’s so pretty aHEm i think my asthma is acting up again hang on
okay but muscles rippling and you can see it through the clothes that aren’t even that tight BUT BRO WHY ARE YOU GRUNTING SO MUCH PLEASE NO ONE ELSE DOES
would probably get his partner toys and such and one of them is a little dragon <3 give it smooches every day
he’s distracted when he answers hu tao or the adepti because he’s thinking ab his partner instead
the frown on her face when she finds out PHEW
she takes her partner’s temperature with the back of her hand and she’s all frowny all day. ganyu is lowkey concerned bc what’s the matter with lady ningguang-
her partner stays in ningguang’s home and she’s working from home for a while <3 there are millelith guards and members of the qixing popping into her home office and even beidou once or twice. bei is also worried ab ning’s partner, but she’s doing the hearty slap on the back and the “get well soon!”
ningguang ordering food from wanmin and xiangling personally delivering it <3 xiangling and guoba are both showing up with some hot soup and guoba is there for cuddles pls he’s so cute
ningguang will read to her partner, probably tells them about her day and entertains small talk until they fall asleep
she cooks some of her qiankun mora meat and tries to make her partner soup <3 the millelith and the qixing have never seen their tianquan in a kitchen working before but she would only ever do it for the people she loves
keqing is in the corner quietly shipping while munching golden shrimp balls goodbye
i think ningguang respects ganyu too much to force her to run around for stuff but ganyu probably likes ning’s partner enough to do it anyway
ning and cuddles and temple kisses and she won’t give her partner smooches on the lips :( but she’s soft for them so they get cheek kisses and spooning them to sleep
she stays at her partner’s place while they’re sick because the crux might make them feel seasick instead
but she goes back and forth to the crux to get her things and take care of business and such. her crew probably loves her partner so they have things for bei to bring back <3
bei doesn’t even leave her partner’s town but she’s got sango pearls, cecilias, qingxin, cor lapis jewelry, dendrobiums (even though those are like. blood flowers. they’re pretty it’s fine) and many many fruits
xiangling comes by with food for bei and co and sticks around to hear beidou telling her partner stories about her time at sea
beidou is. she’s so buff okay. she carries her partner in and out of the room and to the living room or kitchen or brings everything to her partner and you can see how defined her muscles are bye i’m in love with her
we already know bei learned to cook a little bit from xiangling but beidou is absolutely learning to cook more while her partner is sick. xiangling is there giving her cooking lessons while beidou’s partner watches <3 bei with that look of concentration and she’s so quick with the knives too i’m- okay but her spoonfeeding her partner?? *chef’s kiss* ;)
beidou puts too much pepper in a dish and it deffo clears sinuses LMAO but she tried and it actually does taste very good if you can handle your spice 🤷‍♀️ i cannot so find me with a gallon of milk later
n e ways beidou cuddles her partner to sleep and falls asleep as soon as she knows they’re resting <3 many cuddles and many kisses, even if they insist not to because cooties will get u sick bei 🥺
visits bubu’s pharmacy to get her partner’s medicine herself but also has remedies from other places too! zhongli deffo helps her with some other gifts for convalescents so it’s historically, traditionally and socially acceptable
is so worried omg
wherever his ass is, he’s going to his partner as soon as he finds out they’re sick. he’s so frowny and worried it’s almost cute but also,,,kazu it’s a cold, it’s FINE
he goes to collect qingxin and sweet flowers and stuff himself and makes his own poultices and soups and such <3
he shows up at his partner’s home with arms and buckets of flowers and herbs as soon as he possibly can. bei understands if he has to go tho, she gives him leave uwu
makes his partner soup and dried fish and gives them many smooches <3 they are not allowed out of bed LOL they just have to stay there and wait for him to dote on them
many many cuddles and smooches. he plays leaves and grass and recites poems for them he’s so cute <3 sigh, this man plays grass and i’m out here simping
also comes bearing gifts from wherever he was last tho. if he was on the crux, he’s probably got gifts from beidou and the crew even if they don’t really know kazu’s partner, they just know he’s happy and that’s what matters. if he’s not on the crux, his boss probably gives him leave and a gift or smth even if it’s just like a tea or a bottle of wine or smth
he’ll cuddle and be a blanket. but he’s also got fabrics that beidou picked up in inazuma and he uses that as a blanket for his partner <3
will tell his s/o stories of his childhood, his time wandering, his time with the crew, his work. anything they want to know or have questions about, he’ll tell them.
forehead kisses, temple kisses, holding his partner’s hand and pressing a kiss to the back of their hand ugh i love him
deffo gets sick because he can’t deny his partner smooches on the lips smh. and then it’s his partner’s turn to play nursemaid
the crew from the crux probably drops by to check on kazoo man and co. they bring some regional delicacies and blankets and their best cold remedies with a slap on the back for kazu and a gentler pat for his partner. like w ningguang’s partner, bei probably gives kazu’s s/o a hearty slap but it’s not enough to hurt them
anyway i’m in love with him
she’s so worried she’s such a sweetie omg
she goes to her partner immediately and fusses over them before they have to gently tell her that they’re fine
she goes to collect sweet flowers and stuff and goes to ohm, albedo and barbara for help making medicines and such
doesn’t want to leave her duties unattended to but jean also knows that amber wants to be with her s/o so she tells amber that she has fewer duties for her <3
jean tells kaeya to go make sure amber is doing okay and doesn’t need help or anything so he drags ohm, diluc, albedo and lisa too LOL
lisa was planning on going anyway, she just used diluc to carry her books w this opportunity <3 albedo is just treating amber’s partner w meds and potions and things and lisa takes a peek at that too
she’s so sad she doesn’t have ohm’s super cold skin so she can’t be a human cooling pack for her partner </3 but she gives them many smooches on cheeks and foreheads and temples
barely resists giving her partner kisses on the lips bc she still wants to go to work but also wants to give her partner what they need and sigh. it’s a struggle for amber
she wears pajamas and cuddles with her s/o <3
cooks her partner some (fully cooked!!) meals, not her specialty steak. but she makes soup and goes to good hunter and gets good hot food there too
wants to take some time off to help her partner feel better but also doesn’t want to leave work. ningguang probably sends her home at some point because she’s fretting and working and stop feeling so bad keqing, you have sick days
she still goes to work but she’s just taking marginally shorter days sigh, she goes home early instead but brings work home so she can do it while sitting with her partner
wears leisure clothes when at home with her partner but the fact that she has clothes she doesn’t use for work is shocking LMAO the cat ears stay tho ;) catgirl always
ganyu comes by with keqing’s work, some wanmin takeout and a card and gift for her partner <3
xiangling hears that keqing is home with her partner while they’re sick and brings food over to keqing’s. she’s got extra golden shrimp balls for keqing. AND AGAIN. GUOBA CUDDLES ❤️❤️❤️
keqing feels so bad for not doing as much work, she’s making herself almost as sick as her partner </3
ningguang comes over one night with beidou while keqing is doing work in bed while her partner is resting and she sees keqing stressed as all hell. she just gives keqing some food and tells her to actually rest. soft!ning and bei being moms god i love them
okay but keqing tucking her partner in with a sweet kiss before retreating to her work in the corner, the lamps turned to the lowest they can possibly be because keqing refuses to leave her beloved but can’t not do work
keqing trying to cook food for her partner that isn’t meant specifically for survival but for taste is so cute. she’s trying to cook golden shrimp balls and soup and stuff and she’s not bad at it! she took a single night of giving her s/o hot tea and some wanmin soup before she learned the whole cookbook so she can be the one to cook for them <3
he brings his partner wine u cannot tell me otherwise
he goes to diluc’s. not the tavern but straight up dawn winery and asks diluc if he can get a bottle of wine for his s/o and please please please he’ll go fight some of those slimes for you, please? with the big 🥺 and staying outside diluc’s window to beg bye
diluc just gives him the wine with a glare but won’t make venti do the commission <3 venti legit says “thank barbatos” and gives diluc an ~ehe~ before he gets ready to glide away. he turns around and asks diluc if he’s sure he can’t do the comm but diluc just glares at him all broody~
diluc comes by to check on venti’s partner too bc where does venti live- venti is just camping out at his partner’s place for now and feeding them and giving them wine and diluc just kinda goes a little pink but glares while he says “get well soon” and leaves a windwheel aster from near the winery
venti makes soup and many vegetable/fruity foods because “they’re good for you! have some wine with that ehe”
jean comes by at some point with barbara to check on venti and co. they’ve got other foods and some hydro healing for venti’s partner <3
ohm comes over to see his friend and brings him some medicines, food and wine. he gets to witness the anemo god get all soft and squooshy for his s/o it’s so sweet
he uses anemo to entertain his partner with some gentle breezes playing through leaves <3 but he also plays his lyre for them and gives them smooches in between and during songs because he’s a god ofc he isn’t gonna get sick, pay the bard with kisses. and where’s his gratuity :( 😗
he doesn’t read to his s/o but he does tell them stories with a musical accompaniment. sometimes his partner will fall asleep so he just smiles so softly and tucks them in and continues playing his lyre at the window while they sleep <3
but also brushing his partner’s hair back and giving them a kiss on the forehead please i love my beloved kinnie
n e ways venti forehead smooches and playing the lyre for his s/o <3 no cough meds ehe, just dandelion wine and whatever ohm gave him (that was, in fact, the cough medicine)
bro this dude looks like he CANNOT be assed but he really cares <3<3
his work schedule doesn’t change but he’s going to his s/o’s home super often with soup and food and medicine and extra blankets
even to his partner, scara looks broody but he always looks like that LOL
tartaglia finds out where scara is going and he brings food and toys and stuff too <3 scara later has to read one of the kids books tartaglia brought and he refuses to voices but it’s very sweet anyway
scara probably asks sandrone if his doctor brother can get him some good cold medicine but would never admit that he asked ohm for help LOL. ohm shows up anyway and finds out <3
can and will cook soup but that’s all you’re getting from him. the takeout he brought is most definitely not something he made, no sir’am he would never do something as soft as cook for them. soup doesn’t count, it’s oboiling water with some added flavor, shut up tartagalicious he’s not soft
will give his partner kisses only after he thinks they’re asleep. refuses to give them any affection besides a headpat or two and maybe one hug when he shows real concern. his partner isn’t quite yet asleep one time and then feigns sleeping when they hear scara’s whispered “i love you” and he presses a kiss to their forehead 🥺❤️
he takes off his hat inside the house but will go around with a blanket around his shoulders to mock his partner smh. the blanket is on his head like a hood and he fake sniffles with an almost derisive laugh but he gives his partner a real smile at the end <3
9/10 times will never admit that he’s soft unless it’s a Very Serious Moment but he’s a squishy dood for his s/o and his s/o only
will not read or sing to his partner but he’ll sorta cuddle if they ask very nicely and many times. it’s just kind of him sitting next to them and they kind of have to muzzle before he’ll move his arm for his own comfort LMAO
will bring his partner gifts and food, a few flowers but he’ll just claim he’s delivering it from someone else with a look of fake disgust </3 maybe like two of those are actually from other ppl and not him
when his partner is actually feeling really sick, he won’t be a big smol meanie and he actually looks so concerned~ his partner means a lot to him and he doesn’t want them to feel sick or in pain so he’ll cuddle them unprompted and rub their back, run his hand thru their hair, soft forehead and temple kisses and “i’m here, baby” and “i love you” and falling asleep with his partner tucked under his chin <3 he’s actually so sweet bye 😭
thoma feels so bad when his partner is sick. it isn’t even his fault but he feels so bad because he wants to protect them, even from tiny little germs 😭 i’m sorry u can’t be my immune system thoma it’s FINE
he asks to take off work and ayaka just kinda sighs but smiles and waves a hand to dismiss him bc yes ofc you can, simp
ayato just laughs when he sees this LMAO BYE
thoma’s partner stays at his home, in his bed or a guest room (idk if he has his own place or stays w the kamisatos as their literal live-in maid but anyway)
his partner gets his care, any doctors or caretakers around ritou, the medic from the crux, the kamisato family doctor- this man is using some of his favors for medicine and then cuddling his s/o, ugh i want to date him sm
both kamisatos come by with some food for thoma and co but poor ayato can’t even keep his grin contained, poor thoma is conditioned to be nervous ab what ayato feeds him LOL
he’s cooking for his partner, legit gives them a list of options and an “anything you want, my love?”
cuddles his s/o even tho they might protest but it takes like 0.2 seconds to stop protesting bc that man is comfy
tells his partner stories about what it was like back home in mondstadt and his journey to inazuma and why he’s there as well as his stories about all the different kinds of people he’s met
taroumaru coming w kozue to the kamisato estate to get some hot tea to thoma 🥺 and the cuddles and nuzzles from this great doggo for thoma before he turns to his partner too 😭 straight up jumps in the bed and licks their faces a little before nuzzling in for a hug
n e way thoma gives a lot of hugs and kisses and cuddles and i think he’s hella touchy-feely and misses home and treasures his partner even more because of it
my beautiful red shield ❤️
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teansouprmyjam · 3 years
Heeeeeeeeeeey so I’m actually posting this:) 
I wrote a lil self indulgent fic about Fenris and Hawke saying goodbye before Inquisition because I love them and I think they’re neat.
This is the first time I post a fic so I’m kinda nervous lol but here you go, u can read it below the cut or on ao3 (though I must say there are extra notes on ao3) now bye
maybe,,,,,,,,, reblog? I’ll give you a bowl of soup if you do, I promise.
Chants of Farewell
Wordcount: 2338
Summary: Branwen Hawke finally steps out of hiding after Kirkwall's rebellion in order to answer Varric's call to aid the Inquisition. Unfortunately, that means she now faces the task to bid Fenris farewell. Although she should be used to parting with loved ones, she's grown deeply tired of loss. (song recommendation: https://youtu.be/h-FjAISGyWQ)
They had run from Kirkwall a long time ago, once they finally made it to Cumberland. Before, they’d been running aimlessly, trying to escape the consequences of Hawke’s support of the mage rebellion. She could try to escape the Exalted March but the persecution which ensued within the Marches was, funnily enough, much larger than the orders of a woman a sea away from Kirkwall.
The name Hawke could be heard in every corner of the Free Marches. Some time ago, Branwen would’ve reveled in that, even found it reassuring, renown as shield to her magic, but those were different times. Now there were both angry nobles and priests putting a price on her head and the heads of those associated with her. Somehow, it felt fitting. Everything did collapse around her, even back in Lothering.
Fenris had walked beside her. He followed her into a rebellion he had no reasons to fight for and followed her after that, travelling from city to city, to desolate villages and camping in the wilderness. He’d stood with her when all others had forsaken her. He said there was nowhere else for him to be, as home was not a thing he would know if not beside her. And as much as those words warmed her beaten chest, when she stroked his hair as he slept in her arms in the long hours of the night, she realized she could not make him run, not anymore. He’d spoken of a journey he would eventually like to make, of a task that was perhaps too big for him, but she saw the intent behind his eyes; he knew himself capable of it.
And so when Varric sent his letter from distant Skyhold, Branwen did not ask him to follow and Fenris did not push to do so –not more than once-. It was a bittersweet thing, to decide to part ways while still holding hands near the fireplace of a shabby roadside inn.
But they still had some time after that. The closest port was in Cumberland, as was the Imperial Highway. Furthermore, that was the seat of the College of Magi, and although it would be almost entirely abandoned now that the circles had rebelled, Branwen wanted to see it and perhaps lend a helping hand to any remaining mages. And thus they journeyed to Cumberland, having agreed upon splitting up once she’d embarked a ship to Ferelden, then Fenris would start the long trek north.
The journey from Cumberland to Jader would be a short one, nothing like the one she made more than ten years ago when she first left Ferelden. And yet it seemed like her destination was a world away when she stared at the waters of the Waking Sea and her lover stood a few steps behind her.
The cold morning breeze was picking up, disheveling her hair and ruffling her cloak. Kirkwall’s port paled in comparison to Cumberland’s. Whatever bloodshed it may have seen in the past was hidden past the cobbled roads and the ornate facades of the towering buildings lining the streets. The statues there were not a warning but a memoir to Nevarran’s venerated ancestors, still a show of power but cloaked beyond a curtain of solemnity, much alike the entire city. Even the College, a palace that once belonged to a Duchess, displayed busts of every Grand Enchanter there’d been. But despite the opulence, it was as much a prison as the Gallows. And now both of them lay empty.
She shivered at the thought and hugged herself as she turned her back to the sea. There stood Fenris still, grimacing against the wind, his white hair seeming to glow in the morning sun. The captain had given half an hour to say her goodbyes as they made the last preparations before setting sail. But all she’d done was stare at the horizon in hopes of slowing time or stopping it altogether, while Fenris waited her stubbornness out in companionable silence.
After studying his face while avoiding direct eye, she finally spoke:
- I do not like goodbyes- her voice raised slightly to be heard above the wind and wandering seagulls.
-Then let’s not say them- he answered back, his voice croaky. They’d barely shared a word since they begrudgingly disentangled themselves from their blankets earlier. They’d woken before sunrise, having slept little, and Fenris had asked her to stay like that a little longer, eyes closed, holding each other trying to soak in their warmth. The memory alone was almost enough to bring her to tears.
-Wouldn’t that feel like cheating, though? - Branwen joked with a light chuckle which he answered in kind as he nodded. Her eyes softened at the sight of his small smile; the first time she realized how deeply she’d fallen was when she noticed how much she loved to make him smile.
- I never knew you were one for following rules- He said sardonically as he took a step closer, extending his arm to tuck a dark curl behind her ear.
- What can I say, - She laughed as his arms came to rest at her sides – I am a changed woman- She beamed her brightest smile at him despite the sting growing behind her eyes. He laughed as well but his gaze remained trained on her for a moment and then cleared his throat.
- If not a goodbye, perhaps we could make a promise- Fenris suggested, immediately looking to the side.
Branwen tilted her head trying to read his expression but his now longer hair obscured his face.
-I’m listening- She said trying to hide her smile, almost forgetting how to breathe with her curiosity clearly piqued by the rare sight of Fenris being coy.
-It may be silly- He mocked himself – But I could do with the reassurance that you will at least try to be safe – Branwen raised an eyebrow at that and Fenris fumbled for words to explain himself– Not that I believe you can’t take care of yourself. You’re clearly a capable woman- Fenris sighed as she tried to stifle a laugh, yet in his exasperation there was fondness. Then seriousness glazed over his face and he continued speaking, still a little breathless.
– Hawke, what I meant is…  I do not know how long we’ll be apart but I do know I can’t live without you forever- He trailed her features with something alike wistfulness in his eyes and then gathered himself, deepening his frown with resolution – That’s why if you can’t say goodbye, then just promise you’ll come back to me. That’s what I propose; it’s all I can ask-.
Branwen couldn’t say the word “propose” in his lips didn’t mess with her already conflicting feelings. It was, however, the candidness of his words that rendered her speechless. She’d faced armies, with him at her side, and though she bore scars without counting, she felt then that no battle could break her except his absence. Fenris, never the wiser to her thoughts, stared at her expectantly. She managed to nod at his words while trying to ward off tears before speaking again.
-A promise of reunion, then? - Branwen said, her voice strained by the lump in her throat.
-If you will, yes- Fenris smiled through the words and Branwen thought at that moment, with the sea wind ruffling his hair, his eyes glistening and his smile broad and so painfully honest, she’d never witnessed a more beautiful sight.
-Then I promise, Fenris- She started, trying and failing to hold back a sob – that I’ll come back to you, as soon as I’m able to –then she smiled with trembling lips and added, just like she did when he’d made a similar request back in the Gallows – If you promise me you’ll do the same-.
He smiled again, somehow even brighter than before, and looked down –I promise- He said, his voice now low, the shadow of a smile still present at the corners of his mouth, and gazed back up to her– I was always yours-.
It was at that point, with her heart hammering in her chest and the port nearly disappearing from her vision entirely, when Branwen realized how badly she wanted to kiss him and how badly she’d miss his lips. The twenty minutes she wasted scowling at the sea, she should’ve spent them kissing him. She should’ve kissed him all through the morning. She should’ve never stopped kissing him, not from the moment they’d shared their first kiss.
She was so dazed by the intensity in his eyes and her own longing that she almost missed the grizzled captain waving at her, calling out that the ship was ready to set sail. And like that her time was over. She looked frantically between the captain and Fenris, pulling at his cloak in a futile attempt to go back a few seconds, when they spoke nonsense and time slowed around them. She whined in frustration as Fenris hurriedly pulled her in for a kiss.
It was a messy, desperate thing. She cradled both sides of his face as he held her close; one arm around her waist, the other hand tangled in her curls. It was less of a kiss and more of a hopeless effort in bringing each other as close as possible before parting for good.
-I love you- He muttered in between last-minute pecks, nearly stumbling as Branwen took a step back for support.
-I love you too- She sighed to his lips and pressed one final kiss, taking another step back towards the ship, revealing the sight of Fenris’ reddened eyes, brimming with tears. She could barely feel her own tears rolling down her face if not for how warm her eyes felt.
She pulled his arm from its lock around her waist and gripped his calloused hand in her own. A red cloth tied tightly around his wrist called her attention. It was the one she’d given him all those years back, when they shared their first night together. She smiled at the memory; they were so young and melodramatic back then, when a short conversation would’ve been enough to save each other the heartbreak. Just a small clarification and maybe those three years would’ve been easier for both of them. But that was so long ago… and somehow he’d kept the handkerchief intact. It struck her then, as she caressed the red cloth; she had nothing of his to remember him by... Although, maybe that wasn’t entirely true. “I am yours”, he had told her and so she was his. Despite the fact she did have gifts of his in her rucksack, she could not remember at the moment, yet that fact alone tempered her heart and gave her the courage to look back up.
A lonesome tear made its way down Fenris’ cheek, which she swiftly swept away with her thumb. Where it travelled, she placed a featherlike kiss, making his breath catch in his throat. Then she pulled back.
- See you soon, then- She said through a smile, the hope in those words so bright, so hot, they felt emblazoned in her chest.
Her grip on his hand loosened and then she let go entirely, taking a few steps back while holding his gaze, memorizing that sight as devotedly as any faith could allow, before finally turning and striding towards the ship. She sensed the sailors’ eyes on her and recognized they must’ve found their display quite entertaining. It’s not often one gets such a moving spectacle this early in the morning, they should tip us! She thought to herself as she cleaned the remaining tears off her face.
The captain awaited her near the gangplank. She nodded an apology to him, which he answered with a knowing smile as he offered his hand to help her board the ship. She was about to take it when Fenris’ voice startled her.
-Hawke! - She snapped her head back in time to see him running towards her and almost literally sweeping her off her feet as he embraced her once more, his arm around her back the only thing keeping her from falling.
And when he kissed her, properly this time, Branwen felt her chest break open, a deafening tide both surging from it and making it cave inwards under its weight, blinding her senses to everything- everything but him. All she could feel was his hair falling on her eyes, the skin on the back of his neck burning under her hand hotter than any fire she’d ever wielded, his lips both a pledge and plea against hers, and his scent. Maker, she prayed, perhaps for the first time in years, don’t let me ever forget his scent. She wanted to remember, even if it meant losing all else, even after her eyes had failed her, even with the taste of blood filling her mouth, she’d refuse to forget, even if she forgot herself.
They continued kissing as if it were an exchange of vows, repeating their promise in hushed whispers among sweet nothings, startled from their reverie only by the cheers of the few sailors that acted as audience.
Thus they finally parted, voicing promises to write each other over the increasingly loud waves as she boarded the ship. Before it set sailed, Branwen extended her arm over the railing, and took his hand in hers until the movement of the ship made his fingers slip from her grasp. And as it made its way into the sea, she smiled and waved at his silhouette ‘til the green of his eyes blurred with the emerald waters. Only then she let grief settle in her ribcage and well at her throat.
- You young lovebirds are a light in this darken’d time- Spoke the captain a few steps behind her, seemingly sensing her sorrow – Maker bless the two of you-.
Long was the silence before she broke it, her hand clutching the front of her cloak.
- If he but listens, I shall return-.
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btsmosphere · 3 years
When You Know | KSJ x MYG
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~summary: Seokjin and Yoongi aren’t just neighbours. They are enemies. Well, either that or they were destined to be in each other’s arms, but Yoongi can’t see that happening (nor can his cat). Let their friends try all they want, but they’d have to weather storms together and stand back to back in battle before Yoongi would look twice at Jin... Jin x Yoongi ~word count: 3.3k ~enemies to lovers, soulmate au (you have the name of your enemy AND your soulmate tattooed, without knowing which is which), neighbour au, crack, humour, fluff, angst if you squint? Rating: pg13 Warnings: swearing, that’s it :) ~a/n: welcome to my first mxm fic! This is for a special occasion as it is the wonderful @eternalseokjin​‘s birthday!! To celebrate Dean’s birthday over at @thebtswritersclub​ we were sent a bingo card and a challenge to include everything on it in one fic. Our regular mxr content will resume soon, but this has been super fun to write, even if the outcome is -ahem- quite chaotic. So, enjoy, but don’t ask me what’s going on here. I don’t know, and the characters certainly don’t either...
At the end of the fic, I will include what was on my bingo square, in case anyone wants to know, and some basics about d&d for those who (like me a few weeks ago) know nothing about it, but I promise you don’t need to know this to read the fic!
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“You’re not serious.”
“I am totally serious.”
Namjoon’s straight-faced response matched Yoongi’s exactly, leaving the two in a sort of staring contest. Seeing no change in the other, Namjoon cracked first, slumping back into the sofa with a sigh.
“Yoongi, come on. It’s not that big of a deal-“
“Why would I want to do it?” Yoongi grumbled.
“it’s just a bit of fun-“
“Then go and do it with Seokjin. I’m sure you’ll have a great time playing wizards, or whatever the fuck-“
“That’s the entire point!” Namjoon threw his hands up in frustration, “we will all be playing, you and Jin included, and we will have a great time.”
Yoongi wasn’t sure if he had ever been threatened with having fun before. Staring back at his friend, his expression remained guarded. Eventually, he sucked at his teeth, turning his eyes away from the younger man.
“Fine,” he bit out.
“Thank you,” Namjoon huffed, pushing on his knees to stand up, “we’ll start at 5 on Sunday, but I’ll get here earlier. Jin will bring food to make up for the trouble.”
Following Joon out to see him off, Yoongi’s brows furrowed.
“Wait- what trouble? And what do you mean you’ll get here-“
“You’ll be hosting. Okay, bye!”
The door was shut in his face before he could protest any further. Cursing Namjoon for knowing him so damn well, Yoongi stomped to the kitchen and soon began scrubbing the teacups to within an inch of their life.
He’d heard of dungeons and dragons before. Well, vaguely. It hadn’t occurred to him before to pay attention to Namjoon whenever he spoke about it, because surprisingly enough, he hadn’t expected his friend to suddenly whip it out as a method of forcing him and Seokjin – his mortal enemy – to bond.
The whole mortal enemy thing wasn’t even an exaggeration.
What else were you supposed to think when the new neighbour, whose name happens to be printed on your wrist, tries to turn your cat over to the authorities on their first day after it launched a ‘targeted attack’ on their pet sugar gliders.
Yoongi was yet to meet the mysterious V that graced his other wrist, but he knew for sure that Kim Seokjin was his enemy. He could not be soulmates with someone who thinks it’s okay to leave a pair of sugar gliders by an open window and not expect a cat to see them as a tasty meal.
When they had learned each other’s names, and of course connected them with their tattoos, an icy silence fell between the neighbours.
Every now and then, Yoongi would get a reminder of the fact his mortal enemy lived next door. Like this morning, when Seokjin’s wheely bin had blown over and spilled rubbish onto his lawn.
Yes, that man’s evil knew no limits.
And if Yoongi would have to endure his friends’ attempts at reconciling the two of them, in his own house, then he was sure of one thing. He was not going to eat Seokjin’s cooking. It was probably awful, anyway.
That Sunday, at precisely five minutes to five, Namjoon arrived. Yoongi’s eyes widened in alarm at the bulging folder held under his arm. He really had come prepared. Yoongi had barely spent twenty minutes scribbling down some things about his character. Well, except when he had to read all about the different class choices… and then when he needed to select the perfect traits… and picking his spells was quite tough too…
“Are you excited?” Namjoon grinned as he set his stuff down, but then he faltered, “…I did tell you Jin would bring food, didn’t I?”
“Can’t remember,” Yoongi muttered.
He slouched over to the sofa while Namjoon shrugged, grabbing a bite from the nearest bowl of snacks. The table was littered with them, and Yoongi would never admit just how early he had got up that morning to start cooking.
Jungkook turned up next, and of course the brat would instantly wolf down the tub of popcorn rather than the bites Yoongi had been slaving over.
Seokjin’s was the last knock on the door, and a timid one at that. Although it may have had something to do with the food his arms were laden with.
As Yoongi opened the door (Namjoon had shoved him towards it before anyone else had the chance to respond), he couldn’t help but feel the slightest bit guilty. It seemed his neighbour had worked just as hard as him on preparing it all.
But still, more of a grimace than a smile showed on his face.
“This way,” he spoke through gritted teeth.
His guilt was short-lived, irritation setting back in as Seokjin invited himself into the kitchen to put down his things. Jungkook bounded after him almost instantly, the pair’s loud greeting audible from the next room.
Turning away bitterly, Yoongi sat in the empty seat between Namjoon and Taehyung, determined to keep his distance from Seokjin.
In time, however, he came to regret this decision, if only because it put Seokjin in full view of the eyes Yoongi so desperately wanted to roll when he announced he wanted to attempt to charm his way to free dinner at the first inn they got to. His reason? His stupid elf claimed to be ‘worldwide handsome’.
The infuriating smirk on his face as he declared this (and then proceeded to pass his roll, because of course) left Yoongi with little doubt this arrogance was nothing but a projection.
After introducing themselves, Yoongi slumping back in his chair the whole time, he let the others take the lead as they set off to find monsters, or something. A pointed look from Namjoon prompted him to pay more attention.
In fairness, he had been a bit creeped out when Taehyung announced he had named his character ‘V’, but he tried his best to listen to the adventure as Namjoon described it. And so they went along, the supply of snacks steadily dwindling as they made their way through some ruins.
The scene was quite vivid, until-
“That’s cat food, Jungkook!”
“Urgh, gross,” Jimin groaned as Jin pried the bowl away from the sheepish-faced younger.
If it had been anyone else, Yoongi would have returned the fond-but-exasperated look they were all well practised in, given the nature of their younger friends. As it was, he ducked his head, scribbling nonsense on his notepad.
It would be a lie if Yoongi said he wasn’t quite proud of himself for solving a riddle to get them into the final room, and getting the final hit on the hellhound inside. And maybe, just maybe, he was a little excited for their next game.
Shutting the door at long last, Yoongi paused for a moment.
Screw Namjoon and his good ideas.
Clearing away the dishes, Yoongi couldn’t help a glance out the window to watch as Seokjin let himself in to his own place, his own stack of plates in his arms. Not that he would ever admit it, Yoongi hadn’t been able to resist just one bite…
Well, it turned into a lot more than that. Maybe Seokjin was a good cook after all.
But that was just one redeeming quality. Best not get ahead of himself.
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Yoongi was in trouble.
It had only been a couple more weeks, but he knew that much. As they sat around his table, he caught himself laughing along to Jin’s jokes. And look, he was already calling him Jin! No, he had to stick to Seokjin, the evil neighbour, his enemy.
If he got fond, he would only be sorry later when Jin – Seokjin – did something to remind Yoongi of what a terrible person he was.
Shame all of this seemed to slip his mind the moment Jin came around again.
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“The slope is steep, with rocks falling where you move your feet. You can still hear the song, though, and you are certain it’s coming from inside the dark opening you can see at the bottom of the path.”
“No. Absolutely not,” Yoongi was the first to speak.
“Are you kidding? We just spent like an hour trekking over here specifically because of that music,” Taehyung was next to chip in, jabbing his finger into the table.
“It wasn’t an hour,” Yoongi rolled his eyes, “Joon told us it was hour, it was what? One minute?”
A high pitched giggle from Jin was overtaken next by Jimin.
“No, I can feel the weariness in my bones! It won’t be complete until we hear the song!”
“We’ve been hearing it all this time! Aren’t you guys sick of it by now?” Jin retorted.
“No! Joon specifically said it’s the most beautiful music we’ve ever heard,” Tae insisted.
“I don’t give a shit if there’s a chorus of angels in there, my dexterity is not gonna let me get down that cliff,” Yoongi folded his arms to punctuate his argument.
“Ugh, fine, well I want to go down with V,” Jimin said.
The two factions that had emerged looked expectantly towards Namjoon.
“Okay, so V and Christian want to go down and Genie and Suga want to stay here. Anyone else?”
“Yeah, I’ll go down,” Kook shrugged.
All heads turned now to Hobi. Unease written all over his features, he glanced between the two groups.
“Come one, don’t be boring, hyung!” Jimin elbowed him.
“Yeah, come with us!” Kook bounced in his seat as Taehyung switched on the puppy eyes with a string of ‘pleeeease’s.
Cracking under the force of the youngers’ begging, Hoseok laughed and agreed.
Folding his arms, Yoongi leant back in his chair, more than ready to be a bystander to whatever the hell the others were about to get themselves into.
The others of course had an irritating success rate, somehow making it down the cliff without plummeting to their deaths. Not that Yoongi would ever wish death upon his own party members. Of course not.
It would have been funny, though.
Anyway, despite his aversion to following them, Yoongi admittedly was a little curious about the mysterious music they had followed here.
“Stepping inside the cave, the party hears the music louder than ever, ringing in their ears as it bounces off the rocks, making its source unclear. However, it doesn’t offend your ears. The cave extends further into the cliff, and you follow the sound further in. But as you take a step, a great groaning drowns out the music. Behind you, the mouth of the cave shifts, everything around you going black.
“Those of you at the top of the cliff stumble back from the edge as they see the path crumble away into the sea from the shaking of the earth.”
Namjoon sniggered softly at the silence that followed.
Staring at him with comically large eyes, Hobi and Tae looked terrified. As Yoongi watched, Tae slowly turned his head, a smirk turning the edges of his mouth underneath puppy eyes.
“Come rescue us?” he asked sheepishly.
Before Yoongi could respond, Jin was cutting him off.
“Well, that was a fun detour! Where was it we were heading again, Yoongi?”
Yoongi had been preparing to be mad at Seokjin, but his glare dissolved quickly into a snort.
“Yeah, that demon up the road needs seeing to,” he agreed, creating instant uproar from the others.
“You can’t leave us!”
“Justin’s scared of the dark!”
However, Jin’s squeaky laugh as he revelled in the others’ pain was all Yoongi could hear. Then Jin leaned closer.
It was all Yoongi could do not jump from his seat when Seokjin’s voice spoke in his ear.
“Shall we leave them?” he was barely containing his mirth.
Feeling rather like he was plotting a prank in the back of the classroom, Yoongi grinned and agreed with a nod. He didn’t quite trust his voice to function as Jin’s breath tickled his cheek.
“We’re leaving!” Jin declared, sitting back in his chair, satisfied.
Before any more chaos could erupt, Namjoon continued with a smirk.
“Okay, so Suga and Genie carry on their previous path, away from their friends and the cliff…”
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This was officially getting out of hand.
First of all, Yoongi couldn’t believe how eagerly he was anticipating the weekend, when Seokjin and the others would come around.
Particularly worrying, however, was the way Yoongi had to restrain himself from going to see Jin before Sunday rolled around. It was as if that writing on his wrist was staring at him. The more he tried to look away, the later he would find himself sat up at night, glancing between his wrists and what was written there.
Surely, if Kim Seokjin was his enemy, he wouldn’t be dying to ask how he makes his ramen taste so good. Or how his day was, or any trivial thing, just to be able to have Jin’s eyes on him and his voice in his ears.
Second of all, he had no idea how their campaign had devolved into such utter chaos.
Since the party split, the others made friends with the sirens they found in the cave, and ended up at a drinking party with some demons while Yoongi and Jin were nearly killed by one some miles away on the surface. The demons had apparently taken a particular shining to V, as a tiefling, which resulted in the group they abandoned somehow siding with the very demons they were trying to kill at the start.
Last Sunday had seen Yoongi and Jin going out of their way to find random things to beat to death in the forest, trying to get as many points as possible to face off against four members and goodness knows how many demons.
Yes, this had got rather out of hand.
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Two old foes stand face to face on a precipice. Around them, fire blazes. This battle has ravaged the very land they stand upon, whipped the air into a frenzy.
Admittedly, they can barely remember what started this feud. Rumour has it these two great powers were friends, once. If that was so, it was a long time ago.
V stands, battle-worn, waiting for his adversary to make a move.
Suga looks at the body of his fallen companion.
“I’ve only got one spell slot left.”
“Use it,” a whisper returned.
“Aren’t you dead?! Stop talking to each other!” Jimin exclaimed, finger pointing accusingly towards Jin.
“Okay,” Yoongi cut in before they could start arguing, “if this hits, I can take him down. But there’s a fat chance of that, with his AC…“
Trepidation filled him as he looked across the table to Taehyung, a small but unmistakeably victorious smile already on his lips.
A dry chuckle came from one side.
“It’s been a good run,” Jin clapped him on the shoulder.
“Are you accepting defeat?” Joon prompted.
“No…” a hand ran down Yoongi’s face, “I’ll give it a go…”
“There’s no way! If you succeed…” Jin laughed, “if you succeed, I’ll kiss you.”
A quiet round of laughter went around the others, too focussed on the dice in Yoongi’s hand to pay it any mind. But Yoongi could no longer concentrate on that. What did Jin just say?
He couldn’t mean that.
There was no way he would kiss Yoongi. Was there?
All he could hear was the slow drumming of his heart rushing in his ears. The breath caught in his throat as he reminded himself to raise his hand, dice cupped inside.
It wasn’t just the defeat of V he hoped for as it rolled off his fingers, dropping onto the tabletop.
The faces flipped over, every eye trained on it. Around the table, there was no sound. Even Jungkook had stopped munching his popcorn, mouth hanging open.
Round, round, round…
Yoongi caught a glimpse of 20, the magic number, right within reach.
A small thud, the dice settling. A number glared up at him.
All the air left his lungs, deflating as he stared at the number. For a second, the table remained silent as everyone came to terms with the roll, the only sound the tapping of his cat’s paws-
When Yoongi turned to find his cat leaping onto the table, it was already to late to grab her as she dashed across the surface. As she went, her paws caught a bowl of snacks, Joon’s notepaper, the dice. Hobi exclaimed with shock, several yells going up as everyone snatched their own stuff out of her way. Jungkook had dived after the snacks.
“Hey!” Yoongi shooed her as he stood up, watching her dart out into the hall.
“Oh my god…”
The small mutter from Jimin caught his attention. Looking around, Yoongi found him staring at the table and followed his gaze to the crime scene. In the centre of which, the dice still lay.
But now, a different number was displayed.
Yoongi’s jaw dropped. It was 20.
“That’s not fair!” Taehyung cried.
“Shush Tae, Jin has to do what he promised,” Hoseok teased, nudging a very red-eared Jin.
“Yah! Hey, I-I, that’s-” Jin spluttered, mouth seemingly fixed open as his cheeks warmed, growing defensive.
As Yoongi watched, Jin only stuttered more under the teasing cries erupting from the other boys as they egged him on with an array of ‘go on’s and ‘you said you would!’
“I-I-“ his eyes flickered over to Yoongi’s.
And despite the jeering and laughter in the background, neither of them looked away. Jin’s lips remained parted, ears pink with embarrassment, protests lodged in his throat.
Yoongi stepped forwards and kissed him.
The distance between them closed in the blink of an eye, Yoongi’s hand flying to Jin’s jaw as he pulled him in, turning his back to the gasps and cheers of their friends.
But they didn’t hear it. Not when their lips were pressed together like this, lighting fireworks in Yoongi’s stomach until he felt like sparks might fly out of his fingertips, the ones he was trailing down Jin’s neck, the ones pulling at the small of his back to bring him closer.
The others had gone quiet.
By the time he groggily pulled away, Yoongi seemed to have forgotten what the world looked like. Were his feet even on the ground?
In what was probably a mirror image of his own face, Jin stared back at him, eyes wide and those perfect lips round with shock. Jin’s fingers trembled as he brought them to his mouth.
“Holy fuck.”
“U-uh, guys,” a small voice from behind them did little to snap them from their trance.
“That was-“ Yoongi breathed, words escaping him.
“It’s you, you idiot!” a grin broke onto Jin’s face.
A laugh left Yoongi’s throat, taking him by surprise.
“It- really?”
“Did you not feel that too?”
Eyes still not leaving the beautiful man in front of him, Yoongi realised. Jin was completely right. Everyone had always told him how it would feel, when he kissed his soulmate. Like butterflies, or a flame, or like the world turned golden.
But through all the different feelings people described, there was one common thread. When you know, you know.
“You’re my soulmate.”
It wasn’t something he had to question, the words leaving him as easily as air.
“You’re my soulmate!”
And then he was wrapped up in Jin’s arms, his lips captured once again, euphoric feeling surging through his body once more.
“Come on, guys…” Namjoon’s groans were completely ignored.
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Taehyung was still a bit put out that V had been slain at the last hurdle, but it hardly seemed fitting to be angry about it anymore, what with his two friends falling in love in front of him.
Everyone left together after the revelation, and pretty swiftly at that, deciding to leave them to it. And for once, Jin wouldn’t be leaving with them, even if he would only be one house away.
Smile never once leaving his face, Jin turned to Yoongi after shutting the door.
“So, what are we going to do about my sugar gliders?”
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Thanks everyone for reading!! Reblog if you liked it xx
Taglist: @aianloveseven​ @preciouschimine​ @kb-bangtanenthusiast​
Okay, for anyone interested, my bingo card contained: dungeons & dragons, neighbours, enemies to lovers, namjoon, yoonjin, cats, fluff, music, soulmates And here are some dnd basics for those who want them: you have a dungeon master or dm (Namjoon here) who tells a story. The others play as a character and choose what they want to do in the given situation. There are scores that dictate how good your character is at certain traits, and you roll the dice to see whether you succeed in your choices. That’s really all you need to know for the purposes of this fic, but you can ask me any questions too!
Lastly, I have to give another HUGE happy birthday to the amazing writer and friend and person @eternalseokjin​!! I hope you have the best day, you really deserve it! I’m so glad to have met you and of course played dnd together in the net! Lots of love xx
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magicalsalamander · 4 years
Flowers that Speak Poetry
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Pairing: BTS Seokjin  ⇆ Reader
Genre: Fluff | Angst | Smut | Alien | Childhood friends | Tattoo artist |
Summary: Butterflies are one thing, but flowers and butterflies bring prosperity. The Butterfly, a servant to the Flower Inn, home to Anemonas of Anisum, was your home and it was all you knew. However, home for you lied across the yard into the next. In the shadows, Jin painted with needles on bodies, but for you, he painted with brushes butterflies on your skin. Like the butterflies, your heart fluttered when you were with him, but he always called you a child and treated you often as such. However, will your heart always be able to flutter when another offers to buy you from the Inn?
Warning: Rated Mature; explicit language, war imagery/mentions, species-ism(?)/racism(?) -alien vs humans, mentions of alcohol and consumption, slavery, prostitution, tattooing is illegal, trafficking, bullying, abandonment, insecurity in body image, death of minor charactors, it’s alien, dom/sub implications, possessive behavior, soulmates(ish), virgin reader, unprotected sex, fingering and riding.
Words: 25.6K
A/N: Story inspired by the story Mademoiselle Butterfly by Ogura Akane but with its own twist. I’ve read this story when I was younger, and it’s been a favorite for a long time, so I wanted to pay homage to it. I really recommend you read the story after you read this, please. I’m sorry for the delayed release AND GOING UP UNEDITED. Header image edited by me, but I don’t own the photo. Thank you for reading!
masterlist | moodboard
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Unceremoniously the wooden screen door slid open, rattling gently as you peered inside inconspicuously. You had heard shouts, even from within the Flower Inn, and felt the tickling need to check it out. Within the living room, the man lying, who had been making a hideous face in the light of pain, startled as he caught you suppressing a laugh. “HEY! Who are yo-ugh!” Grunting at the pain you giggled harder at his inability to complete his thoughts. “Brat, don’t laugh!” He finished that shout with a yowl as the needle pricked him deeper. You covered your mouth suffocating another chuckle.
Ironically the appearance of the customer was exactly as you predicted. He was burly, older, scared from civil battle, maybe not from the capital because of the slight tone in his scream. Human men were always the type to wail like a woman in labor while getting tattooed.
The tougher they are on the outside the weaker their inner heart is.
With a heavy sigh Jin pressed down on the man with his free hand harder, knee jerking to hold him but pausing. “Please don’t move.” The man whined grumbling unsavory words underneath his breath relaxing for a moment before Jin continued to poke the remaining ink of the needle into the outline.
You glanced at the tattoo as Jin turned and dipped his needle tipped stick back into black ink. “Don’t disturb me. I’m in the middle of work right now, Butterfly.” You already could imagine the lighthearted glare he wished he could’ve spared over his shoulder at you. You blatantly disregard the warning tone and carried on as if he hadn’t spoken. Lowering your white canvas apron, you had been using as a makeshift coat, you shook off the droplets of rain on the porch then slipped it back on knotting it in the front. You smoothed out your linen navy skirt, before you placed a docile hand over your chest and bowed forth dramatically. You softly apologized to the customer in your sweetest tone then you relaxed against the doorframe.
Heavy rain fell off the black clay tiles of the roof creating a sporadic cascade of water. The stone steps leading up to the porch were stained a dark grey as water pooled on their surface. The dark wood of Jin’s home appeared darker, but the white walls even brighter as the grey clouds looming over dispersed light. Borgo was archived by old buildings built from when the first humans settled on Anisa seven hundred years ago. You had heard that humans, your species, came from a planet called Earth. The planet itself was gone, but the few human languages spoken was the only true remainder of old Earth on Anise. Guerrian was quickly replacing the old tongue with the new regime’s customs.
Jin was a man of his work, requiring peace and quiet—then there was you. He was used to your shenanigans, they never phased him anymore; fourteen years of familiarity tends to create a tolerance for chaos. He raised a brow expectantly at you, but you held his gaze as you further relaxed against the doorframe, slumping into your spot in spite. You might even grow roots there if you so felt like it. Sighing heavily, he rolled his eyes, he returned to his work receiving a hiss as he began tattooing again. A small smile pulled at your lips in your small victory.
You took a deep breath in, falling into a natural rhythm you had with Jin. The crisp, autumn air was causing the tip of your nose to inflame in response to the chilled, wet air. It was refreshing compared to the air within the Inn. Something about this air was completely different from just over the fence. Even the way the rain hit his roof was different. You smiled at the tree that sat in Jin’s yard as most of the leaves had turned auburn. It was as if they had absorbed the molten heat from the previous summer and it left a scar in place of the once vibrant green. It was all we had to hold from the blistering summer as it had long past and it only reminded you that winter was quickly approaching. You wondered if Earth had similar seasons like you do on Anise.
Turning away from the yard you asked habitually. “Can I get one next Jin?”
“No.” Short and sharp.
You chuckled under your breath.
For now, you were content to sit and watch his wide shoulders that narrowed to his waist as he meticulously worked on the tattoo. Jin’s work was always incredible, to think it came from him poking a needle in and producing a masterpiece. A dragon, so Jin called it, curved around the man’s back with the face of the beast between his shoulder blades. You remember seeing the dragon piece in his sketchbook and having to ask him what that was. Apparently, it was an ancient Earth beast that used to roam. He had proven it with an old book he had that his grandpa had left him that had all types of creatures that used to live on Earth.
You changed your mind after that, you were glad you didn’t live on Earth or ever saw it.
It was when the man shifted his head, burying it in his elbow suppressing groans that you noticed his hair was cut short. It was a fresh cut. Would this man’s tattoo heal in time? Your chest squeezed at an even more churning though. Would Jin ever have to cut his hair short too? The large tattoo meant that he feared the red letter more than the needle. You knew it though, the fear was inevitable, weren’t all young men when they neared thirty? If they lived long enough to see it that is.
You brushed the thoughts away, physically dusting yourself off with shooing sounds to accompany it like you were warding off evil. It was no use worrying about that when there’s no letter in hand.
Jin finally spared a glance over his shoulder, the customer sighing in relief for a short break. “Butterfly.”
You froze, the look he gave you had your heart doing somersaults; his gaze wasn’t unique or uncharacteristic, it was simply him existing, but his cordial calmness gave him this ethereal command. Butterflies within your stomach fluttering to their content enticed by the honey tone of his voice. His black hair was parted but the strands curved and hung off his forehead outlining his honey skin. The long, lilac robe made that went to his knees if he stood was made of silk, the white collar that formed a V from the crossing of the lapels framed his neck. His black pants accompany the ensemble made of the same material of his robe. He told you his outfits were traditional. It was what his grandpa wore, so would he.
You couldn’t help the tinge of heat that rose to your cheeks as he called your name again and you met his raised brow.
For sure he had caught you staring.
“They’re calling you.”
“No, they did’n—.” Your lips formed a pout, although the motion didn’t clog your ears as you wish they had been.
From next door, the Flower Inn, Cherry was out in the yard shouting, “Butterfly! I can’t believe I’m standing in the rain for this girl! Butterfly!”
Your shoulders sunk.  
Cherry’s voice grew louder, “BUTTERFLY! I swear to the gods if you are at Kim’s and not doing YOUR CHORES—!” Her booming voice sent a shiver down your spine and you were at attention immediately not caring to hear the rest of what she had to say. There was only one Anemona you feared and that was Cherry… second to the Mistress, and if she found out you were here…
You shot up from your spot!
“I’ll be back later Jin!” You paused struggling to pull your apron back over your head. ”Bye Mister! Come back safe!”
The man receiving the tattoo found it upon himself to chuckle and waved at you as you scurried across the yard holding up your skirt to keep it from getting wet while still holding your apron over your head. You hopped over the fence with slightly struggle nearly tripping as your skirt caught on a branch of a bush. They could hear murmurs between you and Cherry as you shouted, “I’m okay! I’m good—no, I didn’t trip Cherry. All good! Ah, wait, Cherry! Stop pulling me, I’ll come willingly—!” Resounding giggles filtered through as you wiggled out of her grabbing your ear. You ran towards the Inn with Cherry shouting about you running off again.
The man rested his head on his forearm chuckling lightly. “She’s cute. Is she an Anemone?”
Dipping his needle in the viscous ink he let it drip off like his smile. “No, she’s a child.”
The customer laughed, “A child? She looks ripe to me.”
He winced, convulsed in pain, then shouted colorful profanities he couldn’t understand.
Jin finally moved his knee up and gently placing it on the man’s lower back only using only some strength. His black eyes evolved as his pupils bursted orange. “YAH, I said don’t move! How many times do I have to tell you. Don’t make me tell you again!” He dug his knee in a bit for emphasis.
The customer whimpered burying his face further into their elbow.
Fits of giggles were loud through the screen doors as loud grunts and boisterous drunk laughter followed. You dropped the serving tray back in the kitchen staring longingly outside the kitchen window. The cooks were busy with their backs turned and other servant girls were on route. You eyed the fresh pastries on the table and quickly slipped a few onto a napkin and tucked them away in your apron pocket. They were so warm as if you had put a warm stone in your pocket. The thought alone made you shimmy in place.
Quick on your feet you dashed out of the kitchen. You peered down the hall waiting for signs of stirring, but quickly you realized it was clear. The multicolored lanterns hanging from the ceiling were bathing the hall in warm light and flickered as you sped by. You crept down the hall down towards the servant’s quarters; your newest escape route after getting chewed out by Cherry. Your feet were light on the polished wooden floor that was so glossy it twinkled thanks to your handiwork. A small smile pulled your lips imaging the smile from Jin when he takes a bite. Should you have swiped more?
Eyes widening you plastered yourself in a crevice against the wall behind a dresser as an Anemona stumbled out of a hosting room with a customer. The customer’s cheeks were red and high in happiness as he drunkenly laughed. His pupils were dilated and red, all the same, but you missed it in his sudden movement. In a blink of an eye he had her pressed up against the wall on the other side of you. They shared a lasting kiss, sounds emanating from both of their throats and your cheeks would’ve flushed if it was the first time you had seen it; being twenty-three you had seen more than a pure eye could handle over the past decade and some. You waited for them to stumble down the hall towards her room. You sunk further into the shadows as the dresser jostled as he stumbled. In a husky laugh he pressed her up against the wall breathing hotly on her neck. Curiosity got the best of you as you leaned over gripping on the dresser as you peered over. Your eyes widen as big as saucers. You recognized her, one of the thirty Anemona that worked at the Inn, but what was her name? Was it, you scrunched your brows…Daisy? No. You wrestled through the countless names, but none felt right. You weren’t close to anyone though. Cherry was the only one you spoke to regularly. Well…spoke to was a loose term around these parts.
You slunk back as her eyes flickered about his face. He attempted to whisper but instead spoke loudly. “Let me buy you, Lily.”
She twirled the hair at the nape of his neck with well-manicured fingers, “What can you give me Sir?”
“I am a Guerra of ranking! I can give you anything. Get you out of this Inn, of Borgo, and into my palace.”
She giggled. “Palace? You live in the palace?” He hummed sinking into her neck and taking a loud sniff. She pets the back of his hair, “Buy me then. I want it all.”
He growled full of lust, “But first let me see you in your room.”
She giggled taking his hand as they raced by you, his figure appeared like a large shadow in his haste as they whisking away upstairs towards the second and third floor rooms. You couldn’t remember which one was hers. At some point so many women had passed through these walls that you didn’t bother learning their names. Especially when a man would moan it in ecstasy. You knew they were all going to be bought by someone. You sighed heavily when their footsteps disappeared. Third floor, they went to the third floor.
You may not have known her name, but you knew of her. Had seen her face countless times. You knew she was in love with the boy who worked in the kitchen, the one that made the pastries. You caught glimpses of them when they thought they weren’t being seen. After you leaned against the door one day, catching him with a dreamy expression after she left the kitchen. You struck a deal with him; he’d make extra pastries just for you as long as you kept his affair a secret. Suddenly the pastries in your pocket didn’t feel so warm. You couldn’t lift your gaze as you stared at the floor feeling almost paralyzed. In this world, your world, moments like these you’re reminded you have a debt to pay. There wasn’t room for choice. You had a debt to pay just as much as everyone else.
Anise was a planet you used to call home until it was torn apart. It was constantly at war as you had heard from the whispers of elders and retold stories of their parents. Years ago, your father never returned after he was forced to cut his hair short. His red letter on the table as his hair surrounded it. He joined the army to fight in the uprising against the Guerra, quietly leaving that night. It was your mother, two siblings and you until your town was affected by the war. Guerra were known as true warriors, a fearless and fierce race. No one knew of them; galaxies far and wide had never heard of them until they began integrating and conquering planets. Quickly they became the feared from the edge of the universe, but what was even more unnerving that they looked human like.
You remember in flashes the night when they came to Silva, of them in packs, tall, ominous shadows with red pupils, swords and fist a light as you huddled under the window with your family. You remember seeing the flames reflected in your mother’s eyes, before it felt too warm where you hid.
Your mother took you and your siblings and escaping Silva, but in the new town your mother grew a debt despite working herself to the bone trying to feed you and your siblings. You were the oldest. Clearly you can recall the warmth of her hand, the grey sky, and the damp soil as she walked you through the town of to the merchant. With tears streaming down her face as you pleaded with her, she promised to come back for you. She promised, but promises were never forever.
The merchant took you to Anisum, the capital overtaken from the humans by the Guerra a hundred years before you, even though you put up a fight. She was going to come back for you, but how was your mom supposed to find you if you were in Anisum? You don’t remember much besides the hunger pains, the cold nights in Winter as you sat in back of the horse drawn cart next to other young human girls and boys. The cart pulled up next to places across the capital and into nearly every district. The kids dismounted as the merchant bargained with the shop owners or people. You were the last in the cart. In the district of Borgo, the merchant pulled up an Inn, the Flower Inn, the building silhouetted in darkness from the twilight hours, but from the windows of the three floors emanated light. The entrance door clanked open as the heavy doors swung open and the Mistress stepped out onto the street. The merchant nodded and she quirked a brow. Your head was tipped back her index under your chin as she looked you over. She said nothing about your runny nose or tears slipping from your eyes. Her gaze was chilling as it was unreadable and stoic, yet you couldn’t stop crying. Quietly she turned and placed a few coins in the merchant’s hand, then the merchant shoved you out of the cart. You struggled to get up, your weak knees and limbs were tired. The wheels of the cart turned as the merchant left. The Mistress went inside and your elbow was yanked until you stood. You gazed at the person picking you up, although at the time you had no idea, it was Cherry, a human who just a few years older than you. “Come inside, it’s cold. There’s much work to do.”
You nodded wiping your face and you followed her inside Flower Inn.
Although at the time you were none the wiser, but you grew to realize where you were sold to. Borgo, the city of the forgotten, where the humans are of the servant class and the Guerra gain pleasure. It’s the only district between the divided land of humans and Guerra where both species roam freely. The Flower Inn was no stranger to pleasure, entertaining and catering to Guerra and wealthy human alike, as long as they had money they were welcomed.
The sound of giggles brought you from your memories. Your eyebrows knitted as you sighed at the reality of the rhythmic thumping coming from the ceiling. You’re going to have to do extensive laundry after the amount of council members that decided to visit tonight to celebrate something you couldn’t bother to remember. Emerging from the shadows you crept down the dimly light hall until you snuck into the shadows again and slipped outside. Chirping from nightcrawlers greeted you in symphony and the cold night air had you shivering instantly. You looked up to the night sky the two moons shining bright in the east and the third, just a small after image, in the western sky. Feeling a chilled breeze, you pulled your arms tighter around you uselessly. The night air always dropped towards freezing, temperature dropping dramatically as soon as the sunset. You worked fast across the yard as you made your way into the neighboring yard, breath near visible. The tree in his yard was your guide as the green leaves glowed golden softly. The midrib and veins of the leaves had a bioluminescence, coming to life at night from the stored solar energy during the day. It was the only tree in Borgo that did that, it was like it was alive. Like his tree, scattered warm light was visible from the frosted glass of his screen doors and windows. You instinctually smiled, he was still awake. You nearly jogged up to his porch, kicking your shoes off before you climbed up onto the porch leaving your shoes on the stone steps. You opened the never locked door without prompting finding Jin sitting in front of a table on the floor painting another sketch. Warmth instantly embraced you like you were sitting in front of a furnace.
“Jin, I’m home!” You teased.
“Aren’t you supposed to be working right now?”
You sighed slipping down next to him. “Thanks for the welcoming. It’s great to see you too Jin.” When he didn’t humor you, you continued on a small rant resting your chin on the table. “They’re already drunk. At this point those men are searching for something else besides alcohol. I could hear the coins dropping form their satchels with every fake giggle.” You rolled your eyes, “Tell me Jin, are men that simple that a single laugh can empty a man’s wallet?”
He laughed at that breaking his concentration, causing you to smile at the squeaky sound. You quickly fished out the goodies that were still steaming. “I brought you some Junq tarts.” You handed him one before you took one.
He grabbed your wrist faster than your eyes could process his movement as you brought the pastry to your lips. His hand was stained black from his ink. Your eyes flickered from the treat to his with your mouth still wide open. He glared at you, “Did you eat, or did you skip again?”
Your mouth clamped shut as you blushed. You tried ignoring his question by still attempted to bring the pastry so sweetly calling your name to your mouth. His grip on you tightened almost painfully as he plucked it out of your hand setting it away from you, including his. He’s learned from experience. You whined defeatedly rubbing your wrist dramatically. “Fine. No. It got too busy I didn’t have the time.” The Mistress had informed you and all other staff an hour before the arrival of the Guerrian government officials. To say you were busy was an understatement, and your stomach grumbled loudly against your will in convenient timing. A pastry wouldn’t kill you, but Jin always wanted you to eat properly. He laughed as he got up, adjusting his silk, blue robe taking the treats with him as he went to the kitchen to prepare you a meal. He grumbled, “Now I have to start a fire.” You longingly stretched out your hand as you watched him take the treats away.
You were nearly drooling when Jin had placed food in front of you. You looked to him with gleaming eyes and thanked him for the meal. That was another thing Jin was great at. He could cook a delicious meal out of the simplest ingredients. His meals were worthy of being served at a royals table. You moaned at the first bite of food as the bite of braised meat and rucke grain nearly melted in your mouth. He gazed at you with a smile before he picked up his brush and began painting again. You nearly shoveled the food in your mouth choking on how delicious it was. He patted your back, “Slow down, there’s more in the kitchen. No one is going to take your food.” Your cheeks flushed as you sipped on water clearing your throat. You nodded and began asking him about his day. You ate slower, keeping conversation with the background being accompanied by soft hum of distance music from the Inn.
After nearly licking your plates clean, not leaving a single grain of rucke, you rolled over onto your back snatching a cushion to rest your head on. You watched Jin as he carefully dragged his brush on the paper, his eyebrows scrunched in concentration. You felt content, you could fall asleep. Fighting off sleep you sat up, all be it slower because of your full stomach. Softly you called to him to gain his attention, “Jin~Jin, Jin-ie.” You held out your wrist and forearm for him. “Draw something for me.” He sighed taking your hand gently into his, the stains of ink only randomly on the tips of his fingers. His long, slim fingers grazing over your soft skin almost medically, but you brightened thinking how delicate he always was with you. His hands were always warm, but it was just something that was always true for him. Your heart was racing, and you tried your best to suppress it.
“The usual?” You nodded.
He dipped the brush and began carefully painting. It sent a small shivers down your spine as the cool ink touched your skin.
You had met Jin fourteen years ago when you were nine and he was thirteen. The house was originally owned by his grandfather, but he had passed six years ago. Jin took over the family business, continuing to practice although tattooing was considered illegal; In Borgo, anything went, as long as the officials who cared didn’t catch you. Customers still came.
The first week at the Inn, Cherry pushed you out the entrance tossing you a satchel of coins with a list of things to pick up from the market. Feeling lost you trudged your way towards the street following the makeshift map Cherry had drawn out for you. Confused at the simple line drawing, you paused when out of the corner of your eye you caught a glimpse of movement coming from the house across the Inn. As you peered over the fence like a bandit, you saw a boy sitting on the porch hunched over a floor table. He looked to be very concentrated in what he was doing. You couldn’t help your curiosity as you wanted to see what he was doing, but you underestimated the strength of the fence. It collapsed forward into his yard and you screamed, faceplanting into grass and bushes. Startled he dropped his brush and rushed over to you helping you up, nearly fishing you out of the bushes. He laughed once he realized you were okay. You forgot about your pain as you were surprised by the sound of his laugh. It was unique and it reminded you of when you polished the floors. Your face had blade of grass and dirt stuck to it. He crouched down then brushed it off. You felt like a brief zap of static shock zip through you at his soft touch. When your eyes met his, your heart skipped a beat, his near black eyes were captivating. He was handsome and if your face wasn’t flushed before it was then. Immediately you wanted to run from embarrassment, but he introduced himself with a full smile. After a confession of why you were lurking at his fence, he showed you what he was working on. It was a sketch of a butterfly. Your eyes lit up and immediately. He watched you carefully as you turned to him holding the paper. “It’s beautiful.”
Butterfly…it all started with a butterfly.
After persuasion and consistent pestering, you wanted a picture for yourself. Instead of giving you a sketch Jin would practice painting butterflies on your arm. A simple design his grandfather gave him to do over and over again. His grandfather always emphasized the basics; a foundation was important. Over the years it became more intricate as Jin became more skilled, but it was always a butterfly for you. You would come back to the Inn and the other girls began calling you Butterfly. Your real name was to never be spoken at the Inn, it was to be forgotten, erased…except Jin knew of it. He was the only one that knew you were Y/N Y/L/N, Butterfly.
Just being by his side…you were happy.
Your forehead was nearly resting on his. His scent was surrounding you like a warm embrace, a mix of the smell of ink and something floral. He looked up and your faces were only inches apart. You held his gaze, his eyes full of unspoken adoration. Your eyes dipped to his lips as he licked them, wetting his lower lip with his tongue. You missed the rose gold color blooming in his pupils as he closed his eyes. He pulled away placing the paint brush back onto the holder. “There.”
You hadn’t realized you were holding your breath until you played it off by checking out his drawing. Had he thrown another log into the oven? It was two butterflies that were fluttering towards you. It was beautiful. You looked up and Jin was already watching you, eyes black but with glimmers of gold that must’ve reflected from the lantern on his table. Your eyes flickered to his lips again before you looked down at your wrist. Surely were imagining what you were feeling just now.
“Thank you Jin.”
He hummed, flicking his eyes low as he waited for all the emerging and existing color to drain before letting go.
A smirk bloomed on your face, “Now, about the Junq treats.”
He laughed, a devious expression setting on his features as he looked up. You knew that look. You saw it coming before his comment. “What do you think held me over in the kitchen while I cooked for you.”
Your jaw drop, “No. No you didn’t Jin! You didn’t! You didn’t eat them all.”
He stuck his tongue out at you.
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Muted sliver of silver and golden light peeked through the door as you cracked open one of the sliding doors. Jin was sound asleep on his floor futon mattress with a single arm strung out from his thick, pink comforter. Pink due to a mistake you had made, but that wasn’t for discussion. The back of his hand stained black from dried ink with splatters on his forearm. Like a serpent it slithers back into his comforter as he groaned in protest when you opened one door completely letting in the bright afternoon light into the once dark room. Particles of dust floated through light that illuminated him before you pushed both doors open. He flipped over on his futon away from you, covering his face back into his pillow and pulling his comforter over his head. Tussles of his hair was still poking out like weeds.  
“Kim Seokjin, it’s noon already! Get up.”
He groaned, voice husky from sleep. “Nooo.”
You left the doors purposefully open, letting in the cold air even though it was causing goosebumps to rise on your skin. The cold was one of the only way you found you could rouse him from sleep, Summers were always more difficult and you had to get creative then. He groaned tucking himself deeper into his comforter on the futon, weeds disappearing. Your nose scrunched at the strong smell of alcohol. You picked up dishes and empty bottles of alcohol before you dropped them off where they belonged. You knew he had his friends over the previous night. It was rare that all his friends could visit. When he had told you they were coming you were excited. As usually he rolled his eyes at you mumbling to himself. The six of them always treated you like a sister and brought souvenirs from their travels. You were too busy the previous night working. Correction. You attempted to sneak out but were caught red handed by Cherry. You were monitored for the rest of the night and had to help clean up all the hosting rooms as well as punishment.
You really needed a better method.
With your hands on your hips, you poked at his back with your foot nearly rocking him. “Yah! Get up. It’s noon! You have to get up.” He just wiggled with your shoving. Frustrated at the lack of progress you got on your knees attempting to yank the blanket off. “Jin, wake up! You have to start the day. Don’t you have customer’s today?”
Suddenly he rolled onto his back and grabbed you, wrapping his arm around your waist. With a late scream he dragged you down onto the futon next to him. His very warm breath tickled your face as he moaned. “Sleeeeep.”
Your face heated and your heart was beating fast. You swallowed as you tried pushing against his firm chest. That was something interesting about Jin you had never seen him exercise, yet from the glimpses you got of his arms during the summer, he was built and toned. He slowly began slumping over you holding you down. He was heavy. He nearly was laying on top of you as he held you within his embrace tighter. He didn’t budge as much as you tried. You felt like you were going to combust from your heart alone, but was he running a fever? You froze as he tucked his head into your neck. His lips were grazing your skin. He huffed hot air onto your neck. “Sleeeep, Butterfly, pleaasse.”
He lifted his head up from where it was tucked in your neck pouting. You couldn’t help the chuckle as you cupped his cheek stroking just under his eye. He made a sound that was akin to a purr. Even when he just woke up he was still handsome. He blinked sleepily at you and you saw a flash of yellow in his eyes. It happened so quick you nearly missed it, but you couldn’t second guess it.  
“JIN!” A booming voice interrupted as the door opened. The man gasped closing the door immediately, “Sorry! I didn’t know you had someone over!”
Jin inhaled deeply before he got up, mumbling angrily, “No one will let me sleep today.” You laid their blinking hand still in the position it was stroking his cheek. You hadn’t even realized you had cupped his cheek. “Jimin, it’s okay. It’s just Butterfly.” You winced. Your hands slowly curled and lowered to your chest. It shouldn’t have hurt; he always called you a child and treated you like one. You brought your knees to your chest before you sat up.
Jimin opened the door again and peeked inside his brown hair making an appearance first. His eyes formed half-moons with his short smile as he greeted you and you politely returned it. He was one of the six. Jin was an isolationist, but somehow, he had a close tight knit group of friends. Out of all of them, Jimin was the least you knew about. He was enigmatic only coming in and leaving as far as you were aware.
“Why are you here Jimin?”
“I have an appointment.”
Jin raised a brow, hair still a voluminous bird’s nest. “What?”
Jimin chuckled, eyes turning into halfmoons. “Ah, you’re finally showing your age if you can’t remember last night. Lay off the partying old man will ya.”
A playful growl bubbled in Jin as he yapped neck elongating to spit out a monologue. Jimin continued cutting him short, “I’m actually late, but I knew you’d still be asleep. You agreed last night that you would finish my tattoo.”
Jin grumbled, rubbing his face to dispel sleep, going along with it. “Alright, alright, let me get set up.” He looked over to you, “Butterfly, can you make some tea for us?”
You nodded and made your way over to the kitchen. You missed the glance that Jimin gave you as you walked past him.
You sighed as you brewed tea, his words echoing in your mind. The way he was looking at you earlier had your heart fluttering, but now it was flatlining. You were just a servant at an Anemone house none the less. Jin…was different, it was evident in his facial structure. He was gorgeous and he could have any woman he wanted. Of course, he wouldn’t want a, a—child like you.
When the water was boiling you dropped in tea leaves and watched them sink. Standing there for a moment you let it steep. Placing cups on a tray and the kettle you brought out the tea. With practiced ease you maneuvered like you always do at twilight hours. Jimin was already sitting in the cleared room at the floor table. You placed the tray on the table and began serving with both hands. Jimin stared at you as you poured him tea as well as an awaiting cup for Jin. He couldn’t help admiring your gentleness.
“Thank you Butterfly.” You looked up at him with a smile that didn’t reach your eyes that had him returning it.
“I’m taking my leave.” You gathered the skirt of your dress as you closed the porch door behind you without sparing a glance.
Jin came back in the room with jars of ink and tools. Jimin raised a brow as he sipped loudly at his tea. “Is she okay?”
Jin quirked a brow not catching on as he set up his inks and needle. His eyebrows scrunched in contemplation before settling, “Mhmm-yeah, why?”
Jimin shrugged, setting his tea down. “I guess it’s just been a while since I’ve seen her.”
It was quiet except for the ceramic clinking and the tapping of tools as Jin maneuvered.
“You know Hoseok has his eye on a girl in that house, but you know how his parents are. They’re trying to push a girl from the upper side, some sort of alliance thing.”
Jin hummed as if to say he was listening, but his head was still throbbing lightly from the hangover sitting in. He looked around and sighed in relief seeing the tea cup as he took a large gulp.
“—it’ll only be a matter of time before she becomes an Anemona.”
“What?” Jin questioned tuning in to Jimin’s chatter, setting down the empty cup.
“Butterfly. It’s only time before that Mistress makes her one too. Human women are now becoming a commodity. The human population is dwindling and the Uppers are seeing to it by buying them.”
Jimin shrugged, “That’s a shame—she’d earn a lot if she did. She’s grown up really well. Maybe I—.”
Jin glared at him, burgundy tinging within his pupil, “Don’t you dare. I know what you do with women.”
Jimin chuckled his nails clinking against the ceramic cup. “Why not? She’s grown and can decide for herself.”
Jin glared, opening his jars more intensely than necessarily. “She’s a child! she doesn’t need you and your playboy ways to taint her.”
Jimin laughed nearly falling over. “Child? When are you going to stop using that excuse. I mean Jin, do your eyes work properly? She’s far from being a child anymore.” Ignoring the glare sent his way, Jimin continued, but near mumbling it. ”Honestly, she’s prettier than any of those girls in that house, you know it. She could open her own Inn if she wanted.”
“Why don’t you buy her then?”
Silence answered Jimin back as he had expected. Jin curling his sleeves up to his elbows. “Alright, ready. Lay down.”
Jimin eagerly removed his jacket and shirt exposing the crane tattoo that was partially done on his back. Jimin settled down excited. Jin wondered for a moment how he wasn’t hungover, but then quickly he remembered Jimin’s tolerance level was unmatched. He can’t even remember what happened last night. Humans could always consume fermented drinks as if it was their job—especially Jimin.
After mapping out the rest in his head, Jin dipped the needle into black ink swirling it around for a moment. He moved over to Jimin, pressing down harder than necessary and stabbed into his skin. “OU-OW-OWOWOWCH—shhh---HHH!” Jimin cried out, teeth clenched and lower lips wiggling.
Jin shrugged, smacking his friend’s arm as if he hadn’t put extra force into the prick. “Don’t move.”
Jimin glared at him before yelping again. “JIN! THAT HURTS!”
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You hung up the last of the laundry as you hummed a tune Jin had been humming recently to keep yourself awake. You hadn’t slept well last night as nightmares had clouded your dreams with shadow men with red eyes and images of your mother being pulled away by them disturbed you. It all was in flashes and you can’t remember much of it, but each time you closed your eyes again it played again.
You hummed louder to yourself.  
Snowflakes fall down
And get farther away little by little
I miss you (I miss you)
I miss you (I miss you)
How long do I have to wait
And how many sleepless nights do I have to spend
To see you (to see you)
To meet you (to meet you)
You smirked at the thought of when you had caught him mindlessly singing it as he cooked dinner for the both of you the other day. Yoongi had been working on producing the piece and had come over to show it to Jin weeks before, you just happen to be there. You wiped the sweat from your brow, the sun was beaming down strong in the sky. All the ice had melted, and the flora and plants were anew—spring had arrived.
You paused as you picked up another clean piece of bedding then shaking it out. You felt their stares before you met their upturned chins as Anemonas walked by. You stared wistfully; they were gorgeous with dresses made of silk like fabric that you were sure was expensive and hair carefully done so that there wasn’t a stray strand. They looked like they’ve never cleaned or worked a day in their life. They walked with poise and grace that only high tiered Anemona could ever poise. It almost seemed like they were gliding across the floors. They were beautiful and your hands were calloused.
They smirked and near snorted when they caught you staring. You turned away continuing to adjust the fabric, but your ears were still alert. You barely picked up the whispers between them.
“That’s the one that bothers the artist? How pitiful.”
“Doesn’t she know her place?”
“You think he uses her?”
“Have you seen him? He’d never go for her. You’re more suited for him.” They giggled as they kept walking.
Your expression flattened but you worked to keep your face neutral as if you hadn’t heard their remarks. You had swallowed all those feelings, even Jin’s, and let things return to normal. You could swallow your feelings if it meant you could keep being around Jin. As they passed you turned back around and hung up another blanket.
As long as you could be next to Jin, you were happy. That’s all you need.
As you were about to place the remaining last clip you heard stomping coming from the hall. The Mistress was in her slip, it was rare to not see her fully dressed. You watched curiously as she nearly jogged down the hall, her face angry and for once you were glad it wasn’t you on the receiving end of that expression. You laughed at the thought. You turned back and hung up the rest of the laundry still carrying the melody.
Passing by the edge of the cold winter
Until the days of spring
Until the days of flower blossoms
Please stay, please stay there a little longer
An hour before sunset you were in the kitchen sorting and polishing cutlery. You were talking to pastry boy as he was sneaking small bits food to you. Lilly may not be here anymore, but he still gave you treats. As you popped in a treat savoring the sweet flavor, the kitchen door swung open. Clattering from other various staff sounded as everyone shook. You nearly choked as the Mistress gaze searched the kitchen instinct to run kicking in. Her fiery gaze landing on you. On reflex quickly you swallowed the treat as if your life depending on it. She strode up to you, small, slim figure cutting through the crowd like a knife. Her long black hair flowed wildly around her pale face, but the motion couldn’t compare to her wild gaze. “Come with me now!”
Just when you thought you had evaded her wrath for a day. You wiped off your shaky hands on your apron and bowed, “Yes, Mistress.”
She looked around the kitchen to wide eyed staff, “Get back to work.”
Silently you followed her to her office. She nearly collapsed into her wooden seat but still attempted to do it gracefully. On an exhale, “Butterfly.”
You stood in front of her desk kneading the dirty skirt of your dress. What had you messed up so bad that you were being called to her office? You quickly recalled all recent events. Was this about you stealing pastries? No, you do that all the time. Or was it when you accidently walking in on the couple? Look, you hadn’t eaten and you were a bit tired, they should’ve locked the door. On second thought, maybe this was about you–.
“You shall serve tonight.”
Her statements cleared your thoughts. Your head whipped up jaw slack. “Mistress? I-I believe you are mistaken. I’m not a—.”
Her nostrils flared, “Silence.”
You sealed your mouth.
“An honorable guest has requested you, and this is an offer I cannot refuse. I owe his father a great deal of a favor. You will serve.”
She stood up, face softening as she saw your eyes gloss over. “Butterfly, you are no longer a child.” Your hands scrunched in the skirt of your dress tighter. Those words clung to you like oil. So much was happening your mind was racing a million miles per hour. You’ve watched for years and could probably do it all blindfolded, but that doesn’t mean you wanted to. You didn’t want to.
She began to slowly step closer to you, speaking much softer than before. She played with a loose piece of hair as she tilted her head almost. “Oh Butterfly.” Your eyes lifted until you met hers until they lowered again. “Do you remember that night that I bought you?”
You nodded once.
“I saw something in you, and I only invest in potential. All my girls are of the highest standard. Now I expect to reap those investments back. I saved you, so now save me this favor.”
A knock at the door sounded with two older retired Anemonas coming in after. They were the ones who took care of the styling and dressing of the girls. With a wave of the hand the Mistress commanded, “Get her dressed and ready.”
With a minor bow they surrounded you grabbing your elbow. You felt defensive tightening up. “Come along dear.”
You wanted to argue, but what could you?
You had a debt to pay…just like everyone else.
You didn’t argue as they washed your body with luxurious soaps that made you smell as the others did. You didn’t argue as they twisted and pinned your hair in a specific way. It was as beautiful as you had seen on the others. Or how they painted your face to their liking, red lips being the point. You slipped on the tight slip, then into the silk burgundy skirt that had gold embroidery skillfully woven into it to appear as highlights when the fabric moved. Pulling it up you realized the skirt had two slits in the front just apex at the top of your thighs creating a panel in the front. The bodice was a halter that followed the design of the skirt as they laced you up from the back as you held the bodice up. Finally, with a last heave the dressed forced you to stand upright, they tied it off in a large bow. They finished it off by adoring you in golden bracelets, anklets and hoop earrings, which felt like shackles to you despite their statement of luxury.
As you sat at the vanity staring at your reflection the Mistress came in, she was similarly dressed in her own gown. From the vanity assorted hair pins were displayed. Humming under her breath in approval she picked up a gold pin with a ceramic multi petaled flower at the end. From the flower were string chains of pearls and a butterfly. With ease she slipped it in your hair then placed her hands on your shoulders softly. “You look beautiful, Butterfly.”
You couldn’t recognize the person in the mirror. It was you, but it wasn’t at the same time.
“You will serve Mr. Park tonight. He is the son of the Guerrian Collation Ambassador for Human government. Treat him well.”
Your stomach sunk even further. This person was so high ranking why would they want you? Your eyes slowly looked up to her, “Yes, Mistress.”
Anemonas came into the room and they paused nearly crashing into one another as they stared at you. You wanted to curl in upon yourself, but your dress didn’t allow you. One who you recognized from the when you were doing laundry earlier. Her eyes scanned you, what you didn’t realize was stunned in surprised before she quickly hid it. You hadn’t had the chance to learn their name, nor would you want to. Her voice was clipped, “Hurry girl, he is here now.”
Your legs feel like jelly, but somehow stiff as you walked. You had little practice in the stilted shoes they wore, but that wasn’t why your limbs were stiff. Walking down the hall brought a new feeling to you. A door slid open as Cherry stepped into the hall before pausing. Her eyes widened, “Butterfly?” You held her gaze before you looked back in front of you. She stepped out into the hall watching as you descended the stairs to the first floor. She clenched her fist and quickly turned down the hall.
The girls ushered you and hissed harshly at you. “You cannot mess this up! Do you realize who he is? You! Cannot! Mess! This! UP! Do you hear me?”
How had they known his face? Apparently, he had been here before, but why had he requested you? Had this person seen you serving drinks before? Why you? Why you! You tried to be as discrete as possible, a no name servant among the Flowers. So…why you?
As you had watched Cherry done before, you swallowed your nerves as you steeled your face. Passing the first host rooms the people within were already laughing as their shadows danced on the paper screen door. Night had settled comfortably in the sky, three moons just near peaking. You counted the seconds that passed with each clatter of coins falling from the adjacent room. The laughs being the refractory period between drops. The lanterns above didn’t feel bright enough to guide you forth suddenly and you were running on pure instinct. Pausing at the last room you waited in front of the screen door. Your hands were trembling as you assumed stance that you’ve seen a million times.
The girls opened the sliding doors in unison, and you took a stable step forward that even surprised yourself. “Thank you for having me tonight, I’m Butterfly.” Slowly you raised your head to increase the tension. Playing coy was always the game. At the other end of the table as they lower a ceramic shot glass from their thick lips, his eyes were brazened as his chin jutted out knowingly, the sharpness disrupted by his big smile. He was sitting alone in the room, the largest room available, with a buffet displayed before him. Your eyes widen as you realized who Mr. Park was.
Jimin…was a son of the ambassador? Your mind rattled through memories, although few, that you had spent with him. He had never acted mighty, never flaunted his wealth around you all. How come you never noticed before? It explained so much at the same time, the enigmatic nature especially. Snapping out of your stupor at this moment he was a customer, not Jimin. Softening your eyes into something you had seen the other girls play. “Good evening, Mr. Park.”
He laughed, eyes forming half-moons. When you still didn’t move, he saw the conflict in your eyes. He urged you closer to him with an open hand. “Please, Butterfly, call me Jimin—it’s just me.” With a smirk that revealed his white teeth there was a glint in his eye. “I don’t bite.”
“If that is what you wish.” His eyes roved over you as you strode over to him. The panel of your dress somehow remained perfectly in front of you, but you felt vulnerable with your legs and arms exposed. You shuffled over to him and sat down on a cushion next to him.
He chuckled again, completely amused by you. “You look like a doll dressed like this.”
Jimin was a handsome man, any girl would be lucky to be his suitor. However, he…he wasn’t Jin. You’ve never thought of him as anything more. You felt neutral towards him, this must be how the other Anemona felt. Remembering their words, you automatically put on a face hoping the hollowness was concealed. You giggled covering your mouth with your hand. He smiled lowering your hand from your mouth, “Don’t cover it. You’re beautiful.”
Your eyes widened, he was so close to you, faces nearly touching. Your mind flashes back to when Jin had his face this close to yours two moons ago; how your hand reached for his then, but your hand now remained trained at your side. He wasn’t warm enough.
You sat back, “Would you like me to play you a song Jimin?” His eyes lit up. You entertained, keep conversation, played an instrument, all be it not as well as he was when he took it from you. He blamed it on Yoongi for your lack of ability. It was odd, you felt comfortable but something in the back of your mind was niggling at you. He drank, but very little, when you asked why he confessed, “I want to remember my time with you. I want to remember it all. Does that bother you?”
You suppressed the flush and shook your head. He laughed as he had been all night. Yet, his eyes were sincere and full of adoration. He took your hand and held it gently in his as he looked down at the exposed skin of your forearm with a soft smile grazing his lips. “Did Jin draw that?”
You wanted to pull back realizing that your skin was still stained. You nodded. He grazed the faint butterfly with his finger.
“I always ask for a real one, but he refuses every time. He says I’m too young.”
Jimin huffed, forcing air from his nose to suppress the snort. “But we are the same age and I have one of his tattoos.” Your heart winced at that, it’s true. Another reminder of how Jin saw so little of you, how he didn’t see you the same. Jimin continued seeing your expression have fallen slightly, “A Butterfly shouldn’t be kept in this cage, when her wings are so beautiful.” It’s quiet as he carefully transverses the image. “I want to buy you, Butterfly.”
You tensed up under his delicate touch. He smiled at you dropping your hand to your lap, “Of course, I won’t force you. I never force my women; you must know that. I am man, no feral Guerrian.” He smirked at his own joke, but you sat there stunned, missing the insinuation. The wind had been knocked out of you. This was far from anything you had imagined would happen tonight. He tipped your chin with a crooked finger forcing you to look at him. His eyes were full of adore. “I’m serious, Butterfly. Think about it. I’ll be back tomorrow by noon for an answer.”
He got up and adjusted his clothing, “Thank you for tonight Butterfly, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He walked out of the room and you sat there dazed. Minutes must’ve passed before you got up but stumbled on your feet. You clutched the table, food nearly untouched as you focused on breathing through your nose. You kicked off the annoying stilted shoes. Never in your life did you think you were going to be bought. You got up, feeling better with your feet touching ground.
You flung open the screen door jostling Anemonas who had been lingered outside the room as you came out. They rushed up to you when they found their ground. “Butterfly! What happened? Why did he leave?”
“You didn’t make him happy did you? No man leaves happy without going upstairs at least once.”
Another asked, “Did you scare him away?”
Cherry pushed through the crowd coming up to you and instantly pulling you into an embrace. She held you tightly as your hands loosely reciprocated. She pulled away but still held you with shaky hands. You had never seen her upset, but you missed the look of concern. Your mind couldn’t focus. “I’m so sorry Butterfly. I tried to convince her to pull you out. She said he requested you. I tried even asking Hos-,” she sealed her lips cutting herself off. Her grip tightened again, “What happened Butterfly?”
You felt like the walls were closing in.
“Butterfly, answer me! Talk to me!”
Over the chaos you answered all their questions. “He wants to buy me.” You couldn’t motivate yourself to have an ounce of happiness in it.
Nameless girl of the hall was the first to speak, “Park Jimin? He wants to buy you? Yeah right.”
Cherry shot her a glare silencing her as the Anemona rolled her eyes. You nodded.
The other girls shrieked in excitement, “Congratulations Butterfly!”
No. No. No! This wasn’t what you wanted at all.
You pushed out of Cherry’s embrace and past the small crowd. Their excitement and happiness died out when they realized you weren’t excited like they were. “Butterfly! Butterfly!” Cherry took a few steps after you before she stopped. She sighed, she knew exactly where you were going, but this time she didn’t have the heart to stop you.
Your feet gained speed as you jogged faster and faster towards an exit. There’s only one place where you know to go.
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Your feet were freezing, but you didn’t mind the numbness as you ran across the yard and into another. Oddly you felt unclean, tainted and disloyal as you could still feel Jimin’s light touches on your skin and see his smile behind your eyes. Your feet were gaining traction, but the weight of the material of your dress weighed you down. It felt like you were running through water to get to him. Your hair restricted movement and the makeup made you feel stiff. The tree was faintly glowing, the recently fallen leaves in his yard still barely pulsed. You reached the familiar porch with the warm amber light flickering from inside.
You slid open the door and opened your mouth to speak but immediately clamped it closed. A woman was lounging across his floor completely nude from the waist up with her back to you. Her back was covered in a partial tattoo, art you recognized. She turned over to look at you, chest on full display and her face was just as gorgeous as her salacious body. A smile bloomed further solidifying her beauty. “Wait your turn, sweetheart.”
You blushed and suddenly the sliding door slammed closed nearly clipping your nose. Jin pressed in behind you hand still on the frame sealing the door shut. “Get out!” He was seething. “Who the fuck do you think you are coming into my house.”
You recoiled back at his tone and words. He had never yelled at you before. You turned around slowly. Her body clearly still in your mind as you came face to face with his chest. His robe was loose as he wasn’t wearing an undershirt, splatters of dry ink was on his collarbones. You swallowed as you looked off to the side.  
His eyes widened as far as they could stretch. He hadn’t realized it was you on his porch, he thought it was someone trying to sneak inside. It wouldn’t be the first time an Anemona from the Inn had tried to. “Butterfly?”
You hadn’t heard him call your name too engrossed in your thoughts. Gorgeous was the only word that came to mind and the tattoo that was on her back was eerily familiar. You couldn’t help to compare. She was a woman to him. Your lower lip began to tremble as tears were beginning to build in the corner of your eyes. You dipped your head. You couldn’t bear to look him in the eyes. Your voice wasn’t as stable as you spoke. “I’m sorry for intruding.”
He heavily sighed removing his hand, but still standing close to you. “You know not go in when I have clients.”
When you hadn’t responded he called your name again, but you refused to look up. He knew something was off, he curled his finger and placed it under your chin. You slowly raised your head, eyes still downturned. He stepped closer nearly whispering your name full of concern. “Butterfly, look at me.” Taking a second you finally raised your eyes. His breath caught in his throat. He couldn’t bring himself to look away until the hair pin poking from your hair caught his eye. A small golden butterfly was dangling amongst other jewels. A small smile was tickling at his lip before his eyebrows furrowed. His eyes traveled down to the dress you wore, your figure was on full display teasingly by the tight fabric. Your bare legs exposed; the slits dangerously high that almost your entire hip was out. It had him feeling some type of way as he felt his eyes warm as he devoured your being. Why? Why were you dressed up like this, like an Aneomona? A snarl in throat was barely audible at the thought of someone else besides him seeing you like this. Had someone? The threatening sound blooms as  his mouth opened to ask when a breathy voice inside called him. “Jin, Darling?”
The tears you’ve been holding back were threatening to break again. Of course, of course he had someone else. Held someone else. His words that he had always told you ring in your ears, those girls, as well as Jimin’s recent ones. The veil was pulled as you saw the landscape clearly. You were a child to him. He had never looked at you otherwise. You were mistaken all those times. It was only you who had been feeling this way towards him. You had been trying to hide how much it hurt you, but this was undeniable.
You bowed your head, not daring to look up as a tear slipped down. It stung, but you couldn’t bear to wipe it. “I’m sorry.” You raced past him your long dress caught under your feet as you stumbled and caught yourself on the tree. The fallen leaves pulsed brightly as you disturbed them before they looked like falling stars settling back down. Heaving you collected the skirt of your dress and disappearing into the shadow and the dark night as you ran off.
He jogged forward, bewildered as he stood at the edge of the porch as you disappeared. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
Heaving a sigh, he hesitated, something pulling within him to go after you. He turned around grumbling under his breath in a different tongue. He opened the door and closed it behind him with a bit of force. The lantern hanging on the porch swayed on the closing of the door until the wax tipped and the light went out.
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Nauseum swirled in your empty stomach, but you couldn’t bear to eat. Jimin would be coming soon. Your mind was foggy yet chaotic with many incomplete thoughts. You felt torn mind and heart; your stupid heart wanted to see him while your mind told you not to. However, you weren’t one to listen to the latter. Standing up on sore feet you make your way through the halls, girls you passed in hall looked at you with envy. You didn’t pay them any mind as you let your feet carry you with the muscle memory. Your feet crunched in the grass as you walked. You paused, the ground under your feet cold, you swallowing thickly, what if she was still there? Would she still be there? You had never seen someone come out of his room before last night. Your stomach churned with all the maddening thoughts. You swallowed it again though. That was none of your business. You were going to respect it, even if you didn’t like it. He was still Jin.
As you entered Jin’s yard your eyes widen, the porch door was already open. Your eyebrows furrowed; he was never up this early. It was always your job to wake him up. You paced slowly with your hands folded in front of you as you peered inside. Jin was sitting at his table already sketching with a steam cup of tea. You crept closer and sat on the edge of his porch. You knew he knew you were there, but he said nothing to acknowledge it. She wasn’t there.
It changed nothing though.
Sitting alone with yourself last night you realized a lot of things. You were twenty-three and if you ever wanted anything for yourself you couldn’t depend on Jin for the rest of your life. You couldn’t watch him be with someone else. You couldn’t watch him smile at someone else. You couldn’t watch him…love someone that wasn’t you.
The Mistress was right and this is how you’ll pay her back.
You were going to leave your childish self behind, even if that meant leaving him behind.
You crawled up closer and sat against the door frame taking a deep breath, holding the feeling before it slipped away. You couldn’t be sad. You didn’t want tears to be the last thing he remembered you by. One last time you asked. “Will you give me a tattoo Jin?”
Without looking up from his paper, “No.”
You smiled, a genuine laugh bubbled and lasted until your stomach began to hurt. In a way that was an answer you wanted. Maybe you didn’t want a tattoo to remember him by, but those words that he’s always told you. Not treating you any differently.
He finally looked at you with an odd expression of concern. Why were you laughing? None the less it made him smile.
Catching your breath, you turned away from him and gazed out at the yard, the morning light flooding and the dew sparkle on the grass in the garden was quite beautiful. Rays of sunlight filtered through the leaves of his tree creating a beautiful distortion on the grass.
He bathed his brush in the ink as he stared at you. You were too quiet. You had been off since last night. It sets his spine straight as he remembers what you looked like last night. The way you looked had replayed in his mind all night as he worked on that woman’s tattoo, even after he kicked her out.  “Butterfly?”
Your eyes had become glassy without realizing it and you wiped at the tears that were forming. You smiled wide, “Ah. Sorry, just remembered something.” You recounted, “Remember when we first met and how I broke your fence? And somehow you let me still come around even after that?”
Placating his earlier feeling he chuckled recalling the memory. The image of your once smaller being coming into mind. He stared at you for a moment, then taking a sip of his tea. You were still you. That thought made his smile widen. Nothing had changed since then, that was still the routine.
Feeling brave you looked over your shoulder enticed by sound of his laugh like a butterfly attracted to a beautiful flower. You took in that moment where everything feels like it was going in slow motion and you could count the lashes on each of his eyes. He was ethereal, almost too good for this planet, as he is. His features handsome, golden in the morning light.
You turned away from him. “Jin, I—someone bought me.” The confession spilled from your mouth like vomit.
His brush stilled on the page, ink pooling as the paper soaked it up willingly as he stiffened. You looked over your shoulder, quietly waiting for him to say something. You both held each other gaze. His eyes narrowed before he began painting again. In a tone too casual, “Don’t joke around Butterfly.”
“I’m not. I’m leaving today.” You didn’t know how to handle it from here, truly not even having expected yourself to have the gull to come over.
“Butterfly,” Jimin was making his way over towards you crossing the yard. He was dressed smartly in clothing you had only seen worn by wealthy humans. He was showing his true colors now that you knew. Jin furrowed his brows at the appearance of one of his best friends. Normally he would be glad to see him, but something felt off at his appearance. He had no appointments. Jimin was all smile as he came to stop in front of you. His eyes near sparkled as he greeted you. “Good morning, Butterfly.” He then turned towards Jin who was just watching. “Morning Jin, you’re up early.”
Jin nearly tossed the brush at him, even making the gesture. Jimin flinched out of reflex before Jin put down his brush. Seeing Jimin wasn’t just stopping by he stood up and walked until he stood at the edge of his porch right next to you. “What are you doing here Jimin?”
Jimin’s smile bloomed further crinkling at the corners. “I’m here to hear Butterfly’s answer.”
His eyes narrowed at Jimin. Your heart was pounding hard in your chest. Jin questioned, a low undertone of a growl in his voice. “Answer?”
Jimin stepped closer to you, his polished shoes crunching under the grass as he shifted on his feet. He grabbed your hand gently. “What is your answer Butterfly?”
You paused purposefully waited for something, an objection, a scoff, a laugh, anything. It was silent. It was silent except for the thoughts within your head screaming for something yet, the silence from him was louder than any scream, any thought you had. You resisted looking at Jin. You already had your answer. You decided this. You wanted this. You wanted had to do this. You wanted—this. “Yes.”
Jimin pressed a quick kiss to your hand, his plush lips soft. Your face and body heated up to a near sizzle. That was something you had never expected.
Jin’s visage was rumbling beneath barely containing control at the simple gesture from Jimin. He looked up to Jin before meeting your eyes. “We should be on our way Butterfly.”
“Let’s go home Butterfly.” Nodding you took his hand and slipped off the porch.
You paused, “Goodbye Jin.”
He said nothing staring at you as you realized he wasn’t going to say anything. You turned expressionless, matching his. You let go of Jimin’s hand  going back towards the Inn.
Jimin and Jin stared at one another, a certain tension in the air. Jimin’s face suddenly softened as his smile returned as he bowed to his friend before he followed in your direction.
Jin watched as the wind blew by messing up his hair, wisp of his bangs covering his eyes that had turned red. His hands clasped behind his back speckled like they were stained with dry ink.  
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The steam from his cup was flowing freely from the cooling tea. He found himself glancing up at the clock on the wall. His fingers rhythmically drummed on the table. He looked up to the clock again and found the small hand had only moved a minute. He had even left the screen door open. He had finished all his clients for a day. His wrist was sore with how many clients he had been taking on. He debated if he should cancel all his clients for the following day.
He checked the clock again and realized yet only another half a minute had passed. He heaved a sigh.
What was keeping you? Where you busy? Had they finally scolded you for the last time? He knows that you found a new route as you recounted your story of it in full detail. His customer had to hear the story that day too, but somehow, they were engrossed in your story. He laughed brushing the hair out of his face. He pulled at the strands, when had his hair gotten so long? You would trim it for him. Maybe he would ask you to trim it for him ton—.
It hit him hard when the sound of the clock ticking drummed in his ears, the memory hitting him.
You were gone.
You had been gone for weeks.
He sighed heavily as he stood up and went to the kitchen grabbing liquor. On his way back he opened the porch door, his body running too hot even for his comfort. He gripped onto the doorframe as he stared at the tree in his yard. It no longer glowed, it had been fading and fading until tonight, it no longer glowed. It was spring it was supposed to be thriving. He placed his hand over his chest and rubbed it in a circle, eyes turning amber. He sat down opening the bottle as he set up his ink block and opened his sketchbook to a new page. He took big gulps of the fermented amber liquid as the rucke flavor covered his tongue.
He had seen you at the marketplace. He had seen you with Jimin as you were perusing the shops. He found himself watching disregarding the shop owner trying to bargain with him. You had nodded along to something Jimin had said. You chuckled as Jimin raised a hideous dress to you then holding it up to him with a brow raised. He had never seen his friend so friendly with a woman. Jimin normally never was seen out with a woman, especially during daylight. The distance between you two was too close for comfort. Speaking of clothes, you were wearing a new dress, not the normal blue canvas one you always wore. Your hair was shinny and were well taken care of, rather than your normal tied up and messy, carefree taming. You were almost unrecognizable, like that night you came to him when he was working. By your gait he knew it was you. He could pick you out of a crowd of a thousand if given. It was almost intrinsic, you. 
He took another gulp of the beer, feeling looser as the liquid cooled his being. His eyes grew similar in color to the liquor as it filled him. He dipped the brush in the ink letting the black ink drip into the block. The way Jimin placed a hand at the small of your back and leaning into you played over in his mind. Swirling his eyes grew darker taking on a red hue before it morphed into hot iron.
Violent strokes scrapped across the page as the hair of the brush made a resounding slap as it hit the scroll canvas. His hand working sloppier as his hand got in the ink of the canvas blending in with his changing hand. Stroking forward, gliding it around as if on autopilot he created. He hooked the brush on the stand as he blinked blearily at the sketch. The alcohol already running heavily through his system. Exhaustion took over him as the buzz was shutting him down. He slumped over hand holding the paper as he sleep overcome him. His lips smacked.
He had painted a butterfly.
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You stared at the starless sky having spent the evening watching the sky turn from your windowsill daybed. The three moons had all shifted into the east sky nearly overlapping one another You felt restless. You weren’t allowed to do much, if anything. Jimin insisted he had servants to do things. He was confusing, had he not bought you to do the same? You were having a hard time adapting to his way of life and expectations. His life was completely different from what went on in Borgo. Tall, pristine white buildings with black tiles filled every street in the heart of Anisum. The roads were paved with stones versus the dirt you were used to. People used their given names. You hadn’t realized Anisa, the whole world was…so large. The heart was different as people were more standoffish and selfish, but the same could often be said of Borgo. But there you knew people, there was a sense of community even though everyone was different. Even those who came in from neighboring planets held this air of stature. It was the first time you had seen others from different planets as they government didn’t allow them into Borgo. You saw starship stations, things you had only heard rumors of existing. Of course you had seen them in the sky, but they were so much larger in person and up close. Beings of all skin color, stature and shape filled Anisum.
There was so much, but it felt hollow. This wasn’t home.
There was an ache that comes and goes, always returning in quiet moments.
Knocks sounded at your door and you sat up straighter. “Come in.”
Jimin entered and shut the door behind him with a winning smile on his lips. You matched it in greeting. He strides over to where you were, hands clasped behind his back, a habit he had when he was in front of other officials, but this felt mischievous.
“Someone’s in a good mood.”
He sat next to you gazing out the window. “The moons are beautiful tonight, what’s not to be happy about?”
Quietly you nodded. You enjoyed Jimin, he had been nothing but hospitable. He was sweet to say the least. You found out you had a lot in common with him and found yourself build a friendship. Yet, you didn’t feel…
“Are you happy Butterfly?”
Your cheeks heated and you tried swallowing the truth. He had been watching you this entire time you were lost in your thoughts. “Yes, I’m quite happy here.”
He laughed, face contouring comically. That was something you appreciated was he never put up the same pretense around you he had with others here. “Butterfly. I can see your unhappy.”
Waving your hands, “No! No really I’m—!”
“Butterfly, Butterfly, calm down! It’s okay, it’s okay!”
You hung your head in shame. You couldn’t look at him. You felt guilty admitting it even to yourself. You should be happy. You have everything now. All…you…ever…wanted.
Jimin leaned forward elbows resting on his knees. “I want to do something for you. Will you let me?”
You quirked an eyebrow at him in confusion. You weren’t one to deny him feeling burdened by his kindness. You didn’t like the way the feeling from earlier intensified, he was up to something. “Okay.”
He smirked up at you with a sly smile. “You won’t regret it. I promise.”
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His chest was rising and falling slowly as he draped his arm across his face. He wanted to pull up his comforter but in his drunken stupor he had only managed to lay his futon down last night. He had slept with the porch door open his body was feeling overwhelmed by an odd fever. His body was tingling with restlessness setting his joints steely. It had made him snappy and alcohol had been a hasty solution to the agitation in his veins. The slight hangover was still drumming in his head and the unsettling feeling in his bones returned. He let out a heavy sigh.
A shadow casted over him and a laugh tickled like a clear bell in his ears. His arm that was draping over his eyes fell away. He let your voice soak in, your words, the way your eyes meet his and didn't turn away. You were smiling down at him, a halo of light behind you. “Jin, it’s noon.”
He kept staring at you. He blinked closing his eyes for a few moments before he opened them again. You pinched his cheek and his face scrunched. “Did you drink too much again? I warned you not to drink so much.”
“What are you doing here?” Were the first words out of his mouth.
You pouted your lips then it fell into a smile in your signature tease. “I want a tattoo.”
“No.” He grunted, rolling over.
You quirked a brow eager for the challenge. “Today, I’m a paying customer.”
You hummed nonchalantly, unaffected. “The ones you drew for me never lasted; I want this one to last.”
He sat up on his side and pushed off walking towards the kitchen. You grabbed his hand before he could get out of reach. “Jin. I want this.” You tugged, Please.”
He pulled his hand out of your grasp. “No! No matter how much money you give me I won’t. You…you, you’re a –.”
You finished for him, “Child?” Instantly you felt defensive.
He had the semblance to look embarrassed. “Yes...a child.”
You had been doing a lot of thinking in the past few weeks; amplified last night since Jimin implanted this idea in you of what you’d say to Jin when you first saw him, but this had been something you had been holding in, wanting, for a long time. A breeze blew by shivering the leaves of the tree in his yard and it carried hints of Jin’s scent. Floral but inky, yet the accompanying scent of alcohol was distasteful. You scoffed, frustration finally bubbling to the surface. “Over and over again you’ve called me a child and told me not to get involved! But you know better than anyone else that I was never allowed to act like a child.” Ironically you were feeling flushed as he kept eye contact. “So, don’t get involved, treat me like everyone else —a customer. I’m not the Butterfly of the Inn anymore.”  
Your chest was heaving slight as you released all your suppressed emotions. He sat there for a moment before he got up. His blue robe billowing about him as he walked away. The silence always hurt more. A pang of hurt filled your chest. This wasn’t how you wanted it to be when you saw him again. You wanted to him to see you differently. See that you had done things on your own. You sat there, hand hanging in the air. Footsteps returned back lightly thumping on the floor into the room as he stood in the threshold of his kitchen with his jars. Your brows furrowed then it struck you why he was there.
“What do you want?”
You smiled eyes lighting up. Your stomach was doing somersault in excitement. “You know what I want.”
He nodded setting down his supplies and sorting them out. “Where? On your arm like always?”
You shook your head taking in a deep breath. “On my back.”
His face was neutral, but his ears were a burning red. He cleared his throat. He took a moment before he nodded. Your fist clenched on your lap in excitement, it was finally happening.
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Your heart was beat so fast. Your pride suddenly was asking to be swallowed. You had never been nude in front of others despite seeing nudity your whole life. Especially in front of Jin. You hadn’t really thought of the real implications of what getting a tattoo on your back entailed. Your hands were feeling sweaty.
“Did you changing your mind?”
You bristled at his question. You weren’t going to change your mind! Taking a deep breath and in a single motion you pulled your robe down and let it pool at your hips, while still clutching your hands over your bare chest with your sleeves. You decided to forgo an undershirt today wearing a thicker robe coat to compensate, but you wore a skirt as the robe wasn’t long enough to be a dress.
His jaw clenched as he tried to not clear his throat at the sight of your bare skin. He closed his eyes for a moment allowing the color to diffuse.
“Lay down.”
You carefully maneuvered and you laid down on the futon. It was quite eye opening how vulnerable and nervous you were feeling. When you settled, he only then moved. You flinched at the unexpected feeling of his large warm hands on your bare back. You both lacked to comment on your reaction. With his index he started at the top of your next and with his thumb of the same hand marking the end point, he inched his fingers counting how many he stretched. It was a simple touch, but it had your shoulders moved closer together as his index and thumb met at the small of your back. “Relax Butterfly.”
You nodded resting your face on your forearm.
The ritual began as you heard him open up the ceramic jars. The scarping of his wooden wire whisk as he mixed the ink fast then slow lifting at the end as he checked the consistency of the ink as it dripped off. The sound of fabric crumpling as he rolled up his white sleeve of his undershirt forgoing his blue robe. The first prick had you hissing through your teeth. You finally understood his customers wholeheartedly. He chided you, “Stay still.” A sound akin between a whine and aggrievance answered him, surprisingly putting a small smile on his face at your reaction. Your hand clenched and fisted the futon underneath you. He found it oddly endearing. Eventually you fell into his rhythmic pricking and the pain dulled out and was tolerable. He was gentle with feather light touches and pricks. Hours passed as he quietly painted you.
His needle was set on the table closing the session. “Done.”
You felt immensely sore, but immensely content at the same time. Carefully sitting up you carefully held your robe over your front as you looked over your shoulder. He was already staring at the four butterflies that flew up towards your neck starting at your lower back in varying sizes. You realized that was the first time you were truly seeing him. No pretenses as you looked at one another. He looked different. His tan skin somehow darker although you were sure he sat inside all day. His eyes having this shade under them that wasn’t there before. He looked ill. While he was tattooing, he must’ve dropped ink on himself, his hands were stained heavily, fingers nearly completely stained black. He was normally a clean worker, never or rarely staining himself. His eyes looked different, almost as if they had a golden hue like the setting sun. He stared at you, but they remained there with noticeable difficulty. Before you could inquire on his wellbeing his gaze tore away from your spine as he moved to close the jars piling them on the tray. His voice was strangely thick, “Clean it well.”
You twisted around facing him fully. “I’ve missed this.” You scooched closer to him stopping just short of brushing your knees to his. “I’ve missed you.”
Proximity was vital to him now as the fever within him returned. A cramp settling in his stomach at the dulcet tone of your plea. “Butterfly—.” His voice had depended as pleaded with you. The fact that he didn’t pull away made you believe in your favor. You ignored distance, holding the front of your robe together with one hand as you reached forward, hand instinctually wanting to cup his cheek. It felt like you were imagining things as you thought Jin was leaning towards you as well. Your fingertips grazed his cheek and the feeling washing over him in local pleasure but his stomach swirled stronger in contrast.
The spell was broken as knocks sounded at the front door before followed by echoes of it sliding open. Jin’s whine were concealed. “Butterfly! Are you done?” Jimin’s voice echoed down the hall.
The feeling disappeared from the air as Jin turned away from you. You didn’t answer Jimin as you stared at Jin who collected his stuff. He got up and the air had dramatically cooled around you as he began walking away towards his storeroom. You pulled your robe back up feeling vulnerable again. His blue robe crumpled on the floor reflected the light beginning to illuminate softly from the leaves of his tree outside. Your words had him pausing. “I have no more excuses to see you anymore. I can’t pretend I miss the Inn. I can’t make detours to this street from the main market without it being more obvious. Or say I want to see Cherry without glancing over and hoping your door is open.”
The tree outside shivered as the wind passed by.
Night was coming soon.
His footsteps continued.
Tears fell from your eyes, but as quickly as they fell, they dried. You tied the knot of your robe tight around your waist. You pulled out the satchel of coins and dropped it on the cleared table not caring to count or ask how much. Slowly getting up on sore legs as you walked towards the front door. Familiar pain can still made you nauseous. As you turned down the corner of the hall Jimin was waiting for you at the front door, hand extended out to you.
Eyes rimmed red and with the saddest smile you walked towards him with your own hand extended.
He sees it all, especially the way you don’t pull away or recoil this time when he holds your hand. There’s no reluctance or hesitation and somehow it makes his hold much looser this time after he can see the dullness behind your eyes. This wasn’t the reaction he had expected. He had thought this would be the answer. “Are you happy now Butterfly.”
“Yes, thank you.”
Jin appeared at the door silently, you hadn’t noticed but Jimin had. Jimin glared at Jin upset at the outcome. He couldn’t believe he was standing there after so calmly when you were clearly upset. Why was his friend so stupid and blind. Jimin neutralized his expression and it turned coy. It was his last coup before he gave up trying. Jimin stepped closer to you, near face to face as he leaned in to whisper loudly into your ear. Daringly he placed a hand on your hip as he pulled you closer to him. “Will you let me see it later Beautiful?”
You nodded not hearing his request despite his proximity and touch. Your mind was elsewhere.
Eyes glinting, his hand was still on your hip. “Let’s go home Butterfly.”
Your feet felt planted as if they had been molded, but uprooted as Jimin gently pulled you alongside him going towards the tall gate. You took a breath then a step towards. Your head swam with regrets, why couldn’t it all turn back to how it was. Maybe you still were a child yearning for him even after such clarity. The ink in your skin didn’t make you a woman. You were still you and he still didn’t want you. They say once bitten, twice shy, but I think for it's more like forever shy. Tears built in the corner of your eyes again, you felt stupid.
You reached the gate Jimin pushing it open until you were jolted by a sudden tug and onset heat. Jin twisted you around pulling you out of Jimin’s touch vicariously pushing Jimin away. You were face to face, a breathtaking sight as his figure towered over you. His eyes were fiery red, pulsing, replacing his black irises. His face feral with something wild you had never seen his gentle feature morph into. He seethed, “Don’t.”
The subtle smirk that Jimin had sent you had been the last straw. He had been holding back, composing himself for so long. He allowed Jimin to mess around, even buy you from the Inn, telling himself you were better off—safer that way. The last thread holding his senses together snapped as unadulterated anger filled him. The tattoo he had just given you was so intimate—his—and it was only his to see. You…you were only his, and all of you was for his eyes only.
You stared wide eye at him. “Jin…your eyes.”
You saw his face shift into horror as he realized he had let himself slip. He dropped your hand like he had been burnt. He brought a shaky hand up to his face as he began to stumble backwards rapidly. His eyes flicked to yours petrified. You blubbered, “Seokjin, you—.” He turned on his heel and ran back into his home, stumbling before he disappearing down the dark hall.
Your mind raced completely bewildered by the situation, yet as a sense of familiarity settled in. Those eyes. Flashes of those eyes. You had seen them in him before, but you had brushed it off as a reflection of light, the sunset, anything but…what you think it is. Those eyes belong to only one thing, the same ones that were outside your childhood home, the ones in your nightmares. You had thought it was just that though, a figment of your childish imagination, anything but real. But they’re just human like…weren’t they?
Jimin got up from the ground and jogged over to you. A heavy sense of guilt in his stomach, Gods, this wasn’t how it wasn’t supposed to turn out.  “Butterfly.” He shook your shoulders when you didn’t answer him. You blinked and looked at him.
Jimin looked at the house then back to you, “Listen Butterfly. I’m sorry Butterfly I-I—I.” You scrunched your brows, did Jimin know? What was going on.  “I just didn’t expect it to happen like this.” He pointed towards the house. Frustrated he grunted and he ran his hand through his hair, really, he didn’t expect this nudging to come this far.
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Yoongi’s cup of rucke was sitting just out of reach next to him as his fingers pressed the keys of his lap piano. Jungkook and Taehyung had taken it upon themselves to freestyle a song with slurred lyrics that weren’t lingual. Alcohol being the influence had all seven of them giddy, giddy too after seeing eachother after a while. After the meeting they brushed away all the blueprints. They had gathered around the floor table that was filled with empty and partially filled bottles, glasses, and plates Jin had prepared. Jin only hosted gatherings because of his ability to cook and the other naturally decided on their own his home was the epicenter of their gatherings. Taehyung had brought new ink for Jin in his recent travels in the system. Namjoon had brought political gossip what was going on in the higher courts. Jin, along with everyone joked upon a cheer cutting Joon’s monologue short about the shortcomings of the government. He thought they had closed the meeting already. Jin held up his cup, “To the next King, Namjoon!” Simultaneously despite the others partially listening cheered along.
Namjoon blushed mouth gaping like a fish. “Guys-alright, alright, I’ll stop. I’ll stop! But don’t come complaining to me when you can’t fuckin’ keep up next meeting!” The man absolutely blushed nearly dropping his ceramic cup of alcohol from snorting and dismissing the cheer. Even Hoseok, who was calmly laying on the floor as the first few sips had already rendered him chill, suddenly sat up and clanged his glass along with everyone else. The cheer didn’t diminish just to taunt him. It enticed them to sip more. It had always been chaotic when all of them gathered.
The porch door was propped open letting in the breeze and aerate the room full of men alike. Over the music of Yoongi was playing there was a light under hum of music coming from the Inn. When the room quieted Jin smiled at the siren like call. His ears were red, skin had been crawling with patches of ink and from his chest a light glow emitted shining through his shirt, robe long ago discarded and Jungkook was wearing it. He had been partially shifting all night. “Butter~~fly”
Jimin rolled over, hearing the murmuring coming from Jin. As he listened closer, he could hear the name Jin was mumbling. The urge to tease overwhelming him as he propped on table next to him. Jin rarely drank, only when they came over, usually too busy to bother with it and the effects.
“Jin, where’s butterfly? Why isn’t she here?”
Jin blinked slowly as he huffed out an answer, “Cherry probably.”
Hoseok’s ears perked up at the mentioning of the name before he slumped back down onto the floor.
Scooching closer to Jin, he unnecessarily whispered. “Hey, hey Jin!”
“Hmmm?” Jin’s eyes had closed, his brain signaling slowing down as the alcohol flowed through his system.
“Did you tell her yet?”
A shout of howls around the room picked up as a betting game had picked up. The arguments of who and what were the rules always took up the most of the time before the game even started.
He hummed scrunching his face not hearing Jimin clearly. “What?”
Jimin spoke loudly, “Did you tell her about you—you know?”
Jin’s head shot up, eyes fiercely glared at Jimin, pupils turning ember and suddenly sober. “No!”
Jimin pouted, clearly tipsy as well, and senses not picking up on the change in Jin. He scoffed, annoyed. He had been watching Jin for the longest time. He had known him since they were young. It was painful watching the two of you run circles around one another. You were painfully obvious, but painfully oblivious to the obvious. Jimin was naturally whiny when he was sober, but alcohol tended to intensify it. “Why won’t you tell her, she’s going to find out soon enough?”
“No!” His fingers gripping hard and scratched the surface of the table. Anger bursted like a flame, but his focus was still fuzzy, as he racked his brain for the right response. “It’s too dangerous.”
“Oh come on Jin.” Like a candle sparked Jimin got up using the table as a stabilizer.  
He stumbling towards the porch, passing the others who were slapping down cards and calling out counts. Yoongi was still playing his piano, although the beat had slowed down significantly. The others payed him no mind. Jin kept his eyes on him. A coy smirk pulled at Jimin’s lips, a single brow arched in taunt. “If you won’t tell her because your too pussy to do it. I’ll do it. It’s easy. Watch.”
Jimin had pulled open the porch, “Butterfly, I hope you hear this, Jin’s a—.”
Jin was up within seconds as he dashed forward and spun Jimin around pinning him to the wall. The force was hard enough that the wall shook. Jin’s pupils were dilated and irises completely red. A black veined hand was wrapped around Jimin’s throat. “Don’t. You. Dare!” He seethed the command through his teeth.
The room had grown silent all of them staring before instantly sobering. Taehyung, Namjoon and Jungkook stood up, black veins and red eyes emerging in all three. All three gathered the strength to pull Jin off Jimin. Although Jimin never lost his smile through the ordeal, laughing. He had dangled the bait and Jin caught it willingly. Jungkook was the strongest of the group, but Jin’s strength rivaled his often. The other two supported by maneuvering them off Jimin safely. Barking but not biting immediately the alcohol his Jin’s system hard as he slumped into Jungkook’s arms mumbling like a child. Taehyung held onto Jimin as Namjoon ordered Jungkook to lay Jin down, “He’s had enough.”
Taehyung supported Jimin as he brought him back to the table checking on him. Jimin waved everyone off, he was fine, Jin would never actually hurt him. Jostle yes, but never hurt. Hoseok checked him over before rubbing a knuckle to his head, “Ai-gu, you know better than to tease him about Butterfly when he’s drunk.”
Jimin giggled drunkenly as he brought his liquor up to his lips. “Are you guys tired of it too?”
He looked around and all of them had the same hesitant expression. “I don’t like secrets.”
Yoongi grumbled as his playing picked up again. The tip of his fingers dark too, but they began receding into his usual pale skin color. “Children in men’s bodies, all of you.”
The lot of them laughed.
Jimin’s eyes shifted over to Jin who had been haphazardly laid on his mattress already fast asleep. An idea popped in his mind, the fun wasn’t over.
Jimin held up his shot glass, “Cheers!”
Glasses clanked, “Cheers.”
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Your mind was racing, all the denial, all the fears came to life. ”J-Jimin?”
“There’s a lot you don’t know, Butterfly.” Jimin was uncharacteristically unkept and bent out of shape as he raced to explain.
The stake felt like it had dug deeper in your chest hearing that. Fourteen years…fourteen years and you never noticed he…wasn’t quite human? Guerra were human though, right? The eyes made you believe different. The images you had seen in your youth made you feel that you had just seen the surface. You had never imagined that he was…one of them. How….how had…you not known?
Who was Jin really? What…what was he?
Jimin had expected Jin to stop him the day he bought you, but Jin did nothing, as usual complacent when it came to you. He didn’t mean for it to come to this confession, just—a confession. He ran his hand through his hair a few more times before running his tongue over his lips. He held your shoulders, pleading with you, “Butterfly, I’ve made a mistake that I shouldn’t have. I just…I just didn’t want to see you in that Inn anymore either. You belong here. Here with him. Not with me, not at the Inn, here you belong here. I could see it, always have, the look you both give eachother. He’s scared right now, more than you are and he needs you. You’ve always wanted answers, now it’s here in front of you.”
He spun you around until you were facing home. Jimin pushed you forward again. “Go.”
You regained traction before you face planted and with a step forward you walked back towards home. With a hand on the doorframe you glanced back and Jimin nodded assuring you. You were trembling you didn’t know what to expect. A loud inhuman groan that sounded like a growl echoed from within. You turned around ready to run but Jimin stopped you turning you back, “Don’t be afraid! He won’t hurt you. He’ll never hurt you.” Holding onto that you took it to heart. Jin had never hurt you. You took a shaky step forward before you found your feet walking you inside. For Jin, you could do this for Jin.
The atmosphere felt different as you carefully walked forward hands trembling. You had seen that color in his eyes before but ignored it. The time Jin had pulled you down with him coming to mind as you saw specks of gold and red in his eyes. Maybe you did on purpose, the truth was heavy. The dark wooden floor echoed the sound of your footsteps in the near empty hall, the tall white walls felt endless. Deep shadows had settled in, but you knew exactly where to go. Standing at the sliding door of the main living room you could hear the sounds rumbling from within. Your hand reached for the ajar door. You needed answers, you wanted answers despite your churning stomach. You pushed open the rest of his main room door and stepped inside. He was heaving in the far corner of his room, nearly engulfed in the shadows.
An unsettling growl erupted from his throat. “GET OUT!”
You swallowed the fear that coursed through you at the unfamiliar hostility, physically refraining from stepping back like you had wanted to. This was still Jin. He was still Jin. You weren’t going to run away now. You closed the door behind you. “Jin, please.”
He growled louder turning slightly exposing his face that was still partially obscured by the shadows. He began turning and exposing himself slowly from the shadows. His white shirt was soaked through in sweat despite the temperature dropping rapidly as he turned around. Black strands of hair were stuck to his exposed forehead as his head was tilted back exposing his neck, lips parted as he heaved. His eyes were feral, red and fully dilated, as his brows knitted, and you could assume from frustration. He didn’t want you to see him this way as it was difficult for him to maintain eye contact.
“Are you alright?” You struggled to keep your voice stable
“You need to go now!” He commanded. The room because of him felt smaller than you remember, despite being in here not long ago. It was as if his being was an extension of the shadows as it crept the whole width of the room. His jaw clenched trembling with restraint.
“No, I’m not leaving.” You stated with confidence you weren’t sure. “I can’t, I can’t keep turning away and taking no for an answer.” You swallowed the words almost stuck in your throat. “Who are you? Why…why didn’t you tell me? Is this…is this why you kept pushing me away?” Tears began pricking at the corner of your eye.
The coal in his eyes returned with a sense of vulnerability accompanied by a ring of gold before it dissolved. He was silent, but you weren’t going to allowed it. You were tired, tired of rejection and being left in the dark. You tried reaching for him, “Please, Jin.”
“STAY BACK! DON’T COME ANY CLOSER!” He tossed his head back with a vicious snarl. Moment by moment he began to look wilder and more deranged as he shivered backing further into the corner. “Leave!”
“Jin your scaring me.” You retracted your hand back holding it to chest as if it would protect yourself. Jimin said he wouldn’t hurt you. You knew Jin wouldn’t hurt you.
He heaved strenuous breathes, imploring you, “You should leave.”
He appeared to be in a lot of pain and it was concerning. Reason caught up to you. Should you get Jimin? Jimin would know what to do. But you didn’t want to leave, what if he collapsed. “No. Let me get Jimin, he can help.”
At that he faltered, and he let out a high-pitched whine. “NO! Don’t go near him!” He couldn’t control it anymore. It was taking over. He had been resisting it for so long, trying to hide this part of himself from the world—from you. But you-- were the trigger. His knees caved and buckled until he collapsed knees spread hands in front of him for support. “I can’t—I can’t control it any—!” He let out another high pitch whine that turned into another vicious snarl. His nails scratched at the floor scrapping and causing curls of wood to coil in its trail. He sat up with flinging his head back as his spine arched. His bones began cracking and snapping as they reformed and elongate. You watched in horror as his skin shifted and his physique grew and filled out. His shirt tore as his already wide shoulders and chest expanded; pieces were hanging by the thread. His pants ripped at the outer and inner seams but remained on in his kneeling position. The sound of cracking and snapping had stopped; his already tall height had increased by at least another foot. His muscles grew and shoulders were impossibly wider to accommodate for his shifting into a giant.
Moonlight illuminated his kneeling figure that poured in from the frosted panes as night finally settled in. His name sat on the tip of your tongue just when you thought it was over. Instantly his tan skin then erupted in dark spots like ink soaking into a canvas. This part seemed to not be painful as he made no sound of protest. It began at his fingertips until it simultaneously became one and replaced his skin color with a color akin to charcoal migrating up his hand and forearm; it paused at his elbow and through the tears and holes in his shirt you could see the dark color began to branch off like veins over his upper arm as it trailed up. It looked like armor but engrained in his flesh as it settled.
Hidden under his sleeves it reappeared, creeping up his neck like veins. The pigment crept up his neck and over his jaw and marked half his face in an uneven crawl of black pigmented veins. At the same time his chest glistened as his torn shirt billowed around him as the veins began to trail on his chest towards his heart. Over his heart under his skin a circular patch began to glow white hot as Jin let out a guttural groan. It morphed and looked like molten fire was underneath and the shadow veins began encasing around it connected the fire to the rest of his body. It pulsed alongside his heartbeat.
Jin’s jaw suddenly unhinged open in a silent scream. From the pulsing core in a single hard pulse the fire like molt spread the molten glow replacing main shadow veins that were adjacent to major veins. Large strips over his arms were filled until it ended at the tip of his middle finger on both arms. A similar fire vein began creeping up his neck next to his jugular, over his jaw and up over his eye until it stopped at his hairline. It appeared like a molten scar down his face.
He had fought off the shift so long, only allowing small episodes, but he hadn’t shifted fully in years. It was overcoming him in such a powerful wave he had never experienced before. His sweaty black hair hung in tendrils front of his eyes as he heaved. The shift was complete.
This…this was your answer. This…was what a Guerra truly is. This was Jin.
This whole time you thought you had imagined that, a child’s rendition of a Guerra, a monster. You had thought they were only human like, but in all truth you were unaware of what made them different. This being hiding under a sheep’s skin. It was simply an apartheid to you. A giant shadow with glowing red eyes. The fire, the heat, it all made sense. You had seen them before and it wasn’t your imagination. Jin was…the word slipped from your lips. “Guerra.”
His head lifted eerily slow until his eyes met yours. When he opened his eyes blearily one was glowing red and the other, the shadowed was gold like the vein.
“Are you afraid?” In a strained voice he asked. “Want to run now? Now that you see the monster that I am.”
You shook your head side to side hands clenched at your chest. In all truth you weren’t afraid, not like you were earlier. The imagination and unknown were more terrifying than the truth. You knew the history, what they had done to your family, but that…that wasn’t Jin. He was still Jin. “No.”
Parroting you, “No?”
You slowly walked towards him despite the soft growls he emitted with each breath. In this form his senses were heightened and he could hear your heart beating hard in your chest. His nostrils flared as he took in your scent. His senses heightened in this new form. It smelled so sweet and enticing. He remained still fighting his baser self. You slumped down onto your knees in front of him. From this close up he looked even more formidable as if he had manifested from the cracks of Anise. Sweat began beading at your hairline from the heat he was radiating. “I’m not going anywhere. I don’t care that you’re a Guerra. I just—you lied to me. You never told me about this. Why? Why did you hide this from me?”
He shook his head, growling under his breath in an attempt to scare and evade you.
Feeling bold you reached forward placing your hand over his.  The simple touch had him shivering as he attempted to control the feeling of power thrumming through him. The inky skin felt calloused at contact, but oddly smooth when your smaller hand twined over his hand. His growling ceased as your simple touch had him slumping slightly forward towards you and it eased the tension in his being; tamed in an instant by your simple touch. You had so much control over him and you didn’t even know it.
His voice was deeper than you were used to as he spoke. “I had to hide it from you Butterfly. I’m not the only one Tae, Kook and Namjoon are Guerra too. We all have to hide it because of me—because of my family.”
You controlled your expression regardless of how much that additional fact hurt as much. They had hid it from you too. You kept quiet waiting for him to continue. When he reopened his eyes after taking a moment of silence, they sought yours in an act of bravery; pain swirled with the burgundy and it gripped your heart.  
“The Guerra used to fight in wars against the Titans to protect the universe—even humans. We are peaceful people, it’s in our blood to be protectors. Papa had told me that we were until the new rule took over and our race became…murderers. Invading planets, colonizing and destroying isn’t how we were supposed to be.”
You sat back on your feet trying to take your hand back but he didn’t let you. He tightened his grip around your hand and you returned the feeling to assure him you weren’t going anywhere.
“My family were personal guards for the royals for generations, but when my father saw that humans were being killed senselessly he couldn’t support stand by the regime anymore. It wasn’t who we were, Guerra—we don’t hurt. We don’t hurt unless someone hurts us or our loved ones.” He voice shook hurrying his words and making them almost indescribable. His thumb was running over the back of your hand in an act of self-soothing. He licked his lips before he began, knowing what he was about to say would probably hurt you, “The war.”
Your hand squeezed his back at the mentioning like he expected. His hands itched pull you into him, protect you from the truth, but for now he had to be content holding you like this; because you may not want to much longer. His head tipped down and his long, black hair curtained over his face. “Our parents…started it.”
Your eyes widened impossibly. Panic settling within you as the painful grip his eyes wrapped around your heart squeezed. “Jin, what? What are you saying?”
He shook his head, strong voice pulling your attention back center, “Listen Butterfly, I know this is a lot, but I need you to listen. You wanted to hear it, and I’m telling the truth.”
“Tell me.”
“Kook’s dad was also a guard with my dad and they both worked together to gather evidence against the regime. His mom was a maid in the palace and would sneak letters to Joon’s dad who worked for the universal courts. They were building a case against the regime.”
“My father found out the regime had been planning a genocide. A full take over Anise to erase all the humans. My father had Kook’s human mother spread the word amongst other palace maids and it spread quickly outside the palace. Kook’s dad was a Guerrian guard too and called his friend, Joon’s dad, who was a member of the universal courts and told him of the conspiracy. They warned people, but it was too late, the war had started and they captured my father. They killed my father and Kook’s…my mother died sacrificing herself to save me and Papa. This house was my mom’s house before she was sold off to the palace to work. Tae’s family was upper Guerrian, an old friend of my parents, who were entrusted to help us escape the palace and come here.”
The face of your mother comes to mind. The face of your father you had lost to the red letter. Your siblings. The ones who came in for tattoos. So many people had been lost.
“After the war the courts made it illegal for Guerra to shift to protect the humans, but there was so much….destruction, so much pain left. It’s not how it’s supposed to be.” He slipped his hands from yours as he looked at his hands with detest. He clenched his fist and the core on his chest brightened. “The war may be over, but its not for me—for us. There’s another uprising soon and the regime plans to strike again. The regime still has plans and if they found out, that a Kim and the others involved in the coup had survived then they would come for me—and you if you were with me. I’d be killed on the spot.“
Tears flowed freely as you sobbed. It explained so much and filled so many gaps. Your heart ached immensely you had no idea he was holding in so much. There was so much you had no idea about, yet the underlying emotion of fear was present. You could lose him, there was another war on the horizon. You could lose him like you lost everyone else. You could only whimper his name.
He sighed and smiled as he wiped your tears. You were too kind with a heart that was too big. It was something he had always loved about you. His hot hands cupped the side of your face, they were so large it curled around the side of your head. “I did this to protect you. You are not safe with me, Butterfly.”
You leaned your head into his touch with your hand going over his and the other on his wrist to hold him to you. You hadn’t realized how much he was holding in and how painful it must’ve been. He had the others, but you know the loneliness he must’ve felt not having his parents and to suddenly carry such a heavy burden. You didn’t have words for how badly you felt for him, but you knew you felt so much. You felt brazen and nothing mattered anymore that everything was out now. “I love you Jin. I don’t want to be without you.”
Hearing the words he feared the most he pulled away from you. In the haste of his motions his torn shirt fell off him like scraps further exposing his shadowed body. Molten veins were pulsing faster along with his core mimicking his heartrate, but the most intense radiation came from the scar like vein that transverse his face. They were glowing at you as his expression scrunched. “You don’t get it! I can’t drag you into this. They’ll kill you too Butterfly. They’ll kill you!” He stood up and your face barely came up his knees. His torn pants were hanging loosely around his waist, and you could see more of the veins shadow and molten on his body through the rips. Shifting on his heels he began backing away from you. He felt the need to defend his one last secret he had been guarding carefully with his whole soul for years. His tone flat, “Leave. Leave and don’t come back.”
His words were like a catalyst causing you to stand up. There was much to fear in life, but you were exhausted letting it be the ultimate hurdle. You were afraid of the future, but a future without him was terrifying. He backed up with every step you took forward to maintain that vital proximity. “I don’t care!” You shouted over his rambling. Tears streamed down your face again. “Don’t, don’t make me leave again. I can’t do it again. None of this scare me, nothing scares me more than not being with you. I don’t care that you’re a Guerra, or that I could be in danger by being with you. None of that compares to the pain of being without you! I was miserable at Jimin’s. I couldn’t—can’t stop thinking about you. Everyone, everyone threw me away, even my own family, and the only time I’ve felt like someone cared was when I was with you. Don’t… leave me too…please. I love you.”
Each declaration chipped away as him like he was taking bullets. You could see his face soften as his resolve was crumbling. It was minute but you caught it, you knew him like the back of your hand. It was the same one before he always caved and did whatever you asked. You moved forward going on your tippy toes as you grabbed onto his shoulders and yanked him down to you forcefully. Your lips met skin, but it wasn’t his lips. You had missed his lips and had planted your lips against his chin. You pulled away sitting back on your heels but your hands were still on his shoulders. You head dropped as disappointment overwhelmed you. “Ha, I’m still a child after all.”
He tipped your chin back, his red eyes meeting yours with so many intense emotions love, sorrow, adoration, and fear. You were fearless, always doing whatever your heart desired. You were braver than he could ever be. He was afraid just as much as you were, but here you were jumping into his truth with no gripes. He held you there, held you in his eyes as if the world was within yours. With each second that passed, his feelings of guilt and remorse began to leave him. “No.”
He dipped down capturing your lips in a gentle press hoping to convey all his thoughts. All air left your lungs and it kicked your heart into overdrive. He gently moved his lips against yours and you could only describe his mouth against yours as a furnace. You were unsure of what do as you had never kissed before. Coming to your senses you began moving your lips against his plump lips softly and hesitantly. Skinship was casual between you too, but this level of intimacy was new to you. A low, drawn out groan that held a mix of relief, happiness escaped him as he felt you reciprocated. His hand that was under your chin shifted as he gently cupped your neck. Although you didn’t want to you pulled away for air overwhelmed and unprepared.
“Butterfly,” he whispered huskily against your lips. The air around you grew warmer if possible and heavier around you, and it felt familiar yet new with the desire that began to well within you.
He dipped down and picked you up as if you weighted nothing, his strong arms barely flexing in the motion. Earlier he had to strain and lean down and hunch over to meet your lips. You naturally wrapped your legs around his narrow waist. Jin’s body had always felt overheated to you, but it meant safe and security. It had your body heating up with arousal. He mumbled to himself almost, “You’re so small—so precious Butterfly.” You wanted to refute, you were quite average for a human, but he gave you no such chance.
“Jin—mpf!” He chased your lips this time with unrestrained desire and furiously that had you gasping and glad he was holding you securely to him. Your nails scratched unwittingly against his thick neck and tangling your fingers in his wet hair causing a long, low groan to rumble from deep in his throat. The vibrations sent desire thrumming through your veins. If this was what kissing was like you were upset, you hadn’t done this sooner. His tongue poked out and swept over your bottom lip before he took it between his teeth. It had you moaning tightening your grip in his hair that had him reciprocating the sound. He had greater lung capacity than you and it was evident in the way his voracious kissing never let up. Everything was happening so fast, but you were willingly falling in. You escaped his lips and when you pulled away there was a borderline animalistic growl he released. You couldn’t help the chuckle you released at his sound. You rested your forehead against his and holding his cheek. Teasing him back, “So precious.” He lightly tapped your thigh catching onto the gest. You pecked his lips as you giggled, “I’m not going anywhere.”
Your breathes mixed and he was staring at your puffy and bruised lips. Prideful that it was his doing. “Mine.” His hands tightened on your legs and slid up your tights trusting you to stay put. He gripped and kneaded your hips and you gasped at the possessive touch. A wave of heat went up your spine as you shivered, calling his name. A smirked pulled at his lips, he liked the way that sounded. His lips continued as he kissed the corner of your mouth moving to your jaw. His mouth trailed down until he pressed searing, sloppy kisses on your neck suckling and leaving marks behind. A needy whine that melted into a moan left your lips as he scrapped your hypersensitive flesh with his teeth.
He panted against your neck, unable to hold back his thoughts. “This is wrong.” Despite his protest his tongue poked out tasting your skin. He showed no signs of slowing down or stopping. Your hands squeezed his muscular shoulders holding onto him tighter. You felt small and vulnerable against this expansive figure. You whispered into his ear as you leaned forward. “If this is wrong then I don’t want what’s right.”
He pulled his face from your neck and met your eyes with a look you had seen customers give Anemonas—lust. You knew he saw the reciprocal want there. “Gods, you’re going to be the death of me Butterfly. Do you know what you’re doing to me, what you do to me?” He rested his forehead against yours pecking your lips, all for himself so he wouldn’t succumb to the ravenous urges. He had surrendered fully to you. He adjusted you in his arms pulling you closer. In the action your chest brushed up against his and your crotch pressed against his member that had been forming. You mewled tucking your face into his neck at the arousal it sent through you. He chuckled at the cute reaction. He knew you were a virgin. “We don’t have to do anything.”
You shook your head, “I want this. I’ve waited for you long enough. I want all of you.”
He was back on you. He kissed you deeply weaving one of his calloused, inky hands on the back of your neck so he could deepen the kiss further. Night had settled in encasing everything in darkness with the lanterns unlit in the dark room, but you both hadn’t noticed the change. He was radiating a bright copper light from his being. It was enough to cast a mood light as if he was a lantern burning. You didn’t realize he was moving too lost in the feeling of him. The futon was still laid out from your session. Carefully he sat down with you straddling his lap, the whole time he was aware of your back. The skirt you wore had ridden up so far it was exposing nearly all your lower half. He chuckled when you whined as he broke the kiss, the irony. He teased nosing around your temples then neck taking in your scent that was getting sweeter. “You couldn’t stay away could you, Butterfly? You couldn’t listen to me huh?” You mewled as he squeezed your hips. His hands trailed up falling in the dips and curves of your body.
When his hands began to caress your sides, you felt as if your heart was beating outside of your body. It drummed manically, alive only to the sensation of his touch. How long had your body craved for this? Imagining what it would feel like to have his hands on you like this? Even his touch above the material of your robe was enough to suffice and have you feeling manic internally. You felt him everywhere, his palms burning their way to the skin. Over your robe his hands cupped your breast, thumbs rubbing over your nipples. They hardened under the motion. Your thighs squeezed around his muscular ones as you moaned. Your arousal was building as you felt your core stirring.
“I’ve thought about this before.”
Something in your stomach flipped. “R-really?” You stuttered as his warm hands kneaded harder. He kept his eyes on you while he kneaded and pinched at your nipples watching your reactions.
He chuckled lightly, “There’s so much I want to do you.”
“I want to touch, kiss every inch and hold all of you and feel you bare against me.” You had never heard lewd words coming from his mouth before.
You wanted that too. You reached up and undid the knot of your robe and let it fall from your shoulders. You held your hands over your chest, what if your chest wasn’t too his liking?
As if he could hear your thoughts, “Your beautiful my little human.”
You flushed at the nickname and pulled your hands away from your chest, trusting him. You allowed the sleeves to completely fall off you, robe forgotten. He went for your waist instead of grabbing at your breast like you expected. It was always what the men at the Inn did. They always groped at them as if they were drowning, but Jin held your waist still so gently. The looked mesmerized as if he had never seen a more beautiful sight and it had your heart skipping a few beats. “Beautiful, Butterfly.” Your eyes met, and you felt no shame, only love.
“Touch me.”
His hands caressed your abdomen with featherlight touches, although the slight callous to his hands were a welcoming friction. His fingers cupped your breast fully spilling into his welcoming hands. He massaged lightly and pinched at your nipples. Light pleasure traveled into your lower half filling the reservoir. His mouth accompanied his hands. His tongue delicately brushed against your right nipple. Your back arched into the feeling. His tongue felt hot as he teased it around the nipple before his lips encompassed it and he suckled. He took his time tasting you as he moved to your other breast when he felt the other had been marked enough and nibbled to tenderness. He looked up to you and his blazing, wild eyes had you moaning, he looked like he wanted to devour you.
It didn’t sound real to his ears the soft sounds of your moans and mewling. It had him wanting it more, and louder. He released your breast with a soft pop and his mouth was lightly glistening with his own saliva. While holding your unfocused gazed in his he trailed one hand down your navel finding your center over your skirt as he cupped you. You gasped, “I want to see all of you.” He had his hands dipping into the waist band of your skirt and tearing it along with your underwear. It ripped like wet paper as he tossed them somewhere in the room. “Jin!”
You whimpered instantly surprised by his strength again. In that moment you were reminded you were with a Guerra. You tried closing your legs but because of your position it didn’t allow you too.
“Don’t care, need you.” He didn’t want to afford having you moving off him. He inhaled taking in the scent of your arousal and his eye color deepened from red to a blood orange. “Gods, you smell divine.” He whined, suddenly pleading with you, “Please, butterfly, let me touch you. Please.”
You couldn’t resist, as much as you felt shy you wanted to feel him. You wanted it too. You nodded. He shook his head, “Say it. I need you to say it.”
“Touch me Jin.” You got out breathily. He groaned, enjoying the sound of it coming from you.
One finger dipped between your legs and ran up and down your slit. His touch was hot and it didn’t take him long to switch to two fingers coating both of his hands in your slick. “So wet for me little human.” You flinched every time he ran his fingers over your clit. He was so Intune with you as he quickly picked up on your reactions and what had you mewling as he swirled his fingers over your clit in a circular motion. His other hand had trialed back up and was groping at one of your breasts in time with his other hand. His mouth latched onto your neglected breast biting softly at the nipple before he suckled it to soothe the ache. You were drowning in euphoria at his simple touches. “So sensitive.” He commented out loud unaware he was even speaking. You moaned as he played with your body expertly.  You had a moment of wonder. How did he know how to touch you so well. How did he know the female body so well when you hadn’t seen or heard of him having any partners? You pushed against his shoulders as your breast made a resounding pop out of his mouth. You combed his hair with your fingers, “Did you?”
He looked up, breathing hot air over your nipple unwilling to part with your body. You resisted the urge to flinch at the tingling feeling. Gulping, embarrassed by your insecure feelings. “Did you…with her, that woman that night?”
He was lost in the furrows of lust it took him a moment to register what you were asking. He laughed sitting up straight finding your eyes level with him. You hated that he was laughing, but he placated you quickly. “No.”
He spoke honestly, “I’ve laid with women before, but I never enjoyed it, not like this. Nothing will ever compare to this, to you. I never loved them. It was to rid myself of my urges for you. I never wanted to hurt you. I only want you.”
Oddly, you didn’t care that he had others, because right now you were here—and going to be forever. You froze in his lap, did he, did he just say he loved you?
Tears pricked at your eyes again, “You love me?”
He smiled, “I do.”
You didn’t know what to do with yourself, you were bubbling over with happiness as a stray tear fell. You pressed your lips to his and he returned the gesture eagerly laughing lightly at first at your excitement. Your bare chest pressed together and it felt so good feeling his bare skin. You felt like melting. His head tipped down exposing his thickened neck as he moaned. The veins on his neck looked like rivers of fire and deep canyons in where the shadow veins took place. You wanted to kiss it like he had yours. Your lips pressed gently over his and it had his eyes rolling back. The fire river like veins that trailed adjacent to his jugular were sensitive. His hips twitched rubbing against your bareness and it had you clutching at his shoulders tightly as you moaned louder than you had before. He made a similar nose under his breath. Egged on by the sound you kissed his neck generously until his skin was damp. You were surprised that despite the change his skin tasted like skin. Although there were hints of smokiness to him now along with his natural floral scent.
He allowed your hands to trail around his chest and large shoulders feeling his skin. His skin felt so soft until you reached the inked skin that felt slightly calloused. One thing that always had struck you odd was that Jin never had any tattoos, now you understood why. His bare torso was a sight to behold and the shadow and molt designs were predatorial. You let your hand trail down his chest and settle over his crotch. A strangled noise left him. He let you experiment and run your hands over the bulge. “Let me see you too. I want to see you Jin.” You were curious, you had seen human male client’s nude before on accident, you wondered if Guerrian anatomy were similar. You assumed as much since their non shifted form was human-like. Just from the outline you already had an idea he was large. “Please. I want to make you feel good too Jin.” You were too cute to resist.
From underneath you he used his hands and ripped his pants apart and tossed the flaps around. He wasn’t wearing undergarments. His length was standing erect against his navel. When you finally saw it you felt a mix of emotions thrill, anticipation and fear. The length and thickness was intimidating, but his large size must be normal for a Guerrian. Surely, he was much larger than the males you saw at the Inn, but that may have been down to your inexperience. His cock was just a bit darker than his natural skin color, but at the thick base the inky pigment ombred into his skin color. On the shaft smaller capillaries of fire ran up the shaft to the tip. Two, large, adjacent shadow and molten veins ran on the underside of his cock leading to the bulbous tip and disappearing into the slit. The tip was leaking thick fluid that was almost gelatinous.
Late at night when service was done sometimes the other servant girls would stay up and talk in your room. Some tips and trades were exchanged that weren’t recipes that they had gathered from Anemonas. Pulling from your bank you grabbed the base of his cock and your fingertips barely touched and it already felt heavy in your hands. It swelled slightly growing firmer in your touch.
“Ah-fuck, Butterfly!” You retracted your hand thinking you hurt him. His cock made a resounding slap against his stomach as you let go. He grasped your wrist, “No, don’t stop, it’s okay. It-it feels good.”
You nodded grasping him again and his expression scrunched. Your small hand felt great, even though your grip was loose. It was you touching him and that already had him on edge. He felt like he could cum any moment.  
“Is this good?”
He groaned, nodding, gods, you were so innocent and it made him wan to defile you even more.
You ran your hand up and down the shaft using the precum that had leaked over the tip to coat him in his own esscence. Out of curiosity, you brought up your fingers coated in his precum to your lips and wrapped your lips around his fingers. The salty, bitterness that greeted your taste buds was a harsh contrast to what you had imagined. The girls always in the throes of it had moaned how good they tasted. It wasn’t bad, just unexpected. You are swallowing every little drop of precum from your fingers.
He lost it as if awakening the feral Guerrian part within himself he had been controlling. He grabbed your hand as it reached for his cock again. He grunted, huffing through his teeth, “Next time.” You whined trying to reach for him again, his grip tightened on you. His eyes were blown out wide, “Butterfly. Next time.” He kissed your pouting lips. “Right now, I want to feel you.”  
You shifted over his crotch, but his hand found itself between your legs again. You looked at him questioning. “I need to prepare you to receive me.” You blushed at your eagerness then nodded in understanding. Switching back to one, his finger circling your entrance carefully. You could hear yourself, sticky as you coated the pad of his finger, and you fidgeted, wanting more but still feeling nervous. On cue, he slipped the digit inside you. Your velvet walls squeezed around the intrusion and you winced. His fingers were smaller than his cock, but way bigger than your own fingers. You whined, but he pressed kisses to your lips gently pulling you in a passionate make out. His finger began moving deeper within you and he swallowed each of your noises. “If you can’t take my fingers how are you supposed to take my cock, little human?” You panicked thinking he wasn’t going to put it in you. “No, Jin, I can take it. I can take you.”
He smirked, but underneath he was also a bit concnerned. You were so small compared to his current figure. If he was in his human form there was only a small difference, but he couldn’t shift back now. You grinded against his hand sending a wave of pleasure overriding the pain. The dulcet sound encouraged him, to continue prepping you. This time your walls accepted him sucking his finger in with a desperate need, locking him in placed. He explored you a little, dragging and rubbing inside you, trying to stretch you for what was to come.
“Let me add another finger.” You nodded as you felt him pull his digit out and press another finger up to your twitching entrance. He pressed in and the initial sting hurt as well as the push inside. He rubbed your hip with his other hand in soothing circles. Shifting his hand around he pressed at your clit with his thumb rubbing similar circles. You moaned into the touch as his fingers began to sink into your cunt. He began pumping his fingers into you and the reserve you had been building was soon becoming too much. You had no idea this could be so pleasurable. The woman at the Inn never bragged that sex was this great, always stating it was dull at most.
“Jin? Jin somethings happening, something’s coming.”
He captured your lips increasing the pumping of his fingers and circling around your clit. “Come for me Butterfly, come all over my fingers.”  
Your walls clenched around his fingers and suddenly you were bursting, creaming all over his fingers. He slowed his pace down a bit until you whined. Both of your eyes were blown out and unfocused already despite him still not having his cock in you. The pleasure was already so good. Your scent of arousal had flooded the room and it was making his brain hazy. He pulled his fingers out of you and popping them into his mouth. He groaned at the sweet taste of your essence. It was like junq and cream. It was just as sweet as the rest of you. “My fucking gods Butterfly you taste so good.”
You were panting body still twitching over him. Oddly you didn’t feel exhausted but you wanted more, you wanted more of him. As if he could sense it he captured your lips pressing you for a lasting kiss mixing your tongues. You could taste yourself on his tongue but you didn’t mind it. “Butterfly, I want to lay you down, kiss every inch of you. Taste every inch of you. But for right now, I want you to ride me.”
You nodded and with his help you hovered above his tip, letting him settle against your opening. He moved his cock against your slit collecting your previous cream. “Do you want my cock little human?” He asked still keeping a seductive tone, but he was worried, holding your hips in place.
“Yes, I want this.”
You took his cock from his hand and brought it up to your entrance. You were trembling slighty but you pressed down letting your hips fall. His fingers were definitely smaller than his cock, but you were glad he prepped you. He watched you letting you take him at your pace. The sting burned and you felt like you were going to rip as you kept taking in his tip. With the head in you paused chest heaving at the tight fit. You struggled, feeling a little foolish. He was strong as he was supporting your whole body weight with a single arm while he leaned back on the other to get a better look at you. He groaned at the way he watched your pussy suck in his cock and it disappeared in you. You paused with just the tip of him in. You were so tight holding him in a vice grip. He felt like a young Guerrian again, he felt like he could come at any second but he fought hard against it. With encouraging words to distract himself and to help you slowly you sunk fully onto him to the base. His cock was so hot, hotter than the rest of his body and it was throbbing within you. Unable to resist anymore he pressed his hips upwards sinking further into you until his whole cock was in you. You cried out loud back arching as you could feel him all the way in your stomach.
You felt heavenly. He pulled you closer to by the waist and encouraged you to wrap your arms around him. The slight motion had you whining but he hushed and assured you. His lips found yours, unable to resist, as his tongue and yours moved against one another.
“You don’t belong in anyone else’s arms but mine.”
You squeezed at his shoulders.
You nodded and with the help of his hands on your hips he dragged you up to the tip of his cock. On the drag down moans tumbled forth from your parted lips, mouth dropped open at the intense pleasure. His grip on your hips tightened as he helped you repeat the action and soon you were riding him. You were fucking him  He moaned your name. Hearing him use it in this context set your body alight. He proved to you just how much he liked what you were doing, no matter how inexperienced you were by being vocal. You hadn’t expected that from him as he was normally quiet and introverted.
“Turn over for me.”
Carefully you twisted in his lap and the noise his cock slipping out of you was sloppy enough with the mix of both of your juice it had a flush rising to your cheeks. You allowed him to move you so that your back was facing him. Gently his fingers moved over your freshly tattooed skin. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the center of your back, one for each butterfly. You were gorgeous in his eyes, nothing could compare to you. “My Butterfly.” He kept moving you until you were on all fours, ass up and bent just right for him. With his other hand he brought his cock back to your entrance and pressed inside you. It had you moaning at the new feeling and it felt he was going deeper inside you. Slowly he maneuvered so you could get used to it before he was pounding into you. You felt encompassed by his large being. Your elbows collapsed under you as your face was on the mattress. You turned around looking over your shoulder. He looked delirious as he pumped himself into you. It had your walls clamping down on his length. He grunted losing himself in the pleasure.
“Gonna cum Butterfly?” You nodded. He reached around your front fingers finding your clit. It had you mewling and squirming. He pressed down onto you nearly laying himself over you as he kissed your shoulder.
“My good little human. Mine. All mine.”
You couldn’t hold it anymore as you came. His cock swelled slightly, molten vein within you brightening as he neared his end. A high pitch whine escaped you as he increased his pace. “Jin! Oh my gods, Jin!” He thrusted harder and deeper inside you. He was lost in the pleasure. His pace was becoming sloppy as he came coating you walls in his thick cum. He twitched above you as he kept cumming, filling you fully with his seed.
You whined as you collapsed underneath him. His cock slipped out of you, but you both didn’t care about the mess. He fell next to you on the mattress, both of you were heaving. Turning you over carefully onto your side so you were face to face with him he brought you into his chest with his hand draped over your waist. You were beyond sweating and overheating, but you didn’t care. You wanted to be in his embrace. Your hands rested on his chest. He dipped his head down and your lips lazily worked against one another.
Pulling away, you blinked sleepily. His eyes were trained on you with a similar soft expression.
“I love you.” In a raspy voice that sounded heavy with sleep, he confessed.
You giggled pecking his lips. “I love you too.”  
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You blinked as light shined in from the porch resting the urge to tuck yourself back into the comforter. You turned over onto your side sitting up, pushing the hair back from your face. Inhaling deeply fresh air. You look towards the source of light that ultimately woke you up coming in from the porch. You promised yourself it was only going to be a short nap, but the sky outside was already darkening.
Jin’s wide shoulders were hunched over as you could see one of his arms moving. You crawled over towards him. He had set up station on the porch as the weather had gotten much warmer. When you reached him you wrapped your arms his waist plopping your chin over his shoulder. You peeked his cheek, “Hello.”
He hummed twisting his head around to peck your lips quickly. “I didn’t want to wake you, you were sleeping so good.”
You groaned but it was endearing to him. You planted your chin back on his shoulder. He held your hands tightly still. His black inked hands with the fire veins exposed freely as he worked.
“Something came for you.”
You perked up at that. He let go of one of your hands and dug into his robe coat pulling out a letter. He held it between his fingers. “It’s for you.”
You lit up at the sight of the letter. Had Cherry written you? You wondered if her and Hoseok had finally tied the knot since they moved from the city. You crawled around front and sat yourself in his lap and he wrapped his arms around your waist. You flipped it over a few times, it had your name on it but it was addressed from a place you didn’t recognize. For sure this letter wasn’t from Cherry.
“Who’s it from? Are you sure this is the right Y/n?”
He propped his head on your shoulder like you had earlier. “It’s right.”
You pulled at the side seal and dug your finger in ripping it open. You pulled out a letter and quietly read it over. He tightened his grip around your waist as you were the quietest you’ve ever been. Your eyes grew bleary and tears began to slip down your cheek. You turned around in Jin’s lap, hand shaking, “How? How did you?”
He smiled wiping your tears from your eyes. “I had to do a lot of research, but I found her. I sent her a our wedding picture. She sent her blessings and this letter for you.”
You were ugly sobbing as you pressed your face into his shoulder as you wrapped your arms tightly around him. Your mother hadn’t forgotten about you and was very proud of you as she wrote in her letter. She was proud of all you had done for humans and Guerrian alike. In the letter she said she had tried looking for you but wasn’t allowed into the capital all those years ago. She never stopped thinking about you. With the liberation and breaking of the apartheid after the two-year war a few years ago, she was finally free to come to the capital and she wanted to meet you. Your siblings are doing well. There was nothing about your father. But this letter, that’s more than you could’ve ever asked for.
He held you tightly in his arms. When your tears dried you leaned back and pecked his lips. “I-you’re—I-I love you so much.”
He smiled and captured your lips with his, “I love you too.”
You smiled clutching the letter closer to you. Shyly you pulled back holding out your forearm. “Paint one for me?”
He took your arm and pecked the skin, “Anything for you Butterfly.”
The ink was always cold, but his warm hand was enough to counter it. With a last stroke he painted a butterfly on you. You held your arm up to the sky that was painted in an array of colors welcoming the sunset.
Everything was alright.
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Copyright 2020 by magicalsalamander. All rights reserved.
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cupcakecoterie · 3 years
@true0neutral - Hazel, half-elf cleric
@fauxfire76 - Darvin, human bard/sorcerer
@miaaoi - Froseth, dragonborn monk
@hyperewok1 - Remi, human paladin/warlock
@lindira - Clarity, tiefling rogue/warlock
Marion - Ava, human ranger
Brian - Barnabus, minotaur fighter
I’m a little behind on posting these; it’s been a rough little while for a lot of reasons. Still, better late than never! So, in order:
After their day to themselves, they met up at the local sushi bar to say their good-byes to Corri and Amell, discuss their days, and plan for their various upcoming doings up north.
Hazel was in awe of the fish in the fishtank-walls of the sushi bar. Darvin was hugely impressed with the fishtank-walls as well.
Alisaie and Remi gave Corri and Amell some cookbooks - chocolate recipes from Toothsome, Things You Can Do With Tortillas, and the Monster Menu (which is an actual thing which you should totally get if you play D&D). Alisaie has a copy of the Monster Menu for herself, and she got Hazel the Things You Can Do With Tortillas book for the two of them to share.
Once Corri and Amell headed back towards Belarys, the party discussed what they did with their respective days to themselves. That was fun.
Then they made plans as regards how to tackle the Silver Vault, dividing up the various areas of research and still understanding that they would not possibly be able to cover everything.
They also discussed what order they should tackle the dragons sitting on Baronsvere. They’ve decided on Varydel (the white in Grey’s Inn) first because if they don’t get rid of him by spring, Grey’s Inn will end up ice-locked during the spring planting season, and the mercenaries they intend to throw at Castle Blackcrown as a distraction would probably appreciate a less harsh winter march than through a winter caused by a white dragon.
The following day, they went to Puzzled, the toy-and-game shop that’s largely educational toys but also has “the world’s most extensive Build-a-Bear”. Ava was looking at building a plush penguin for Dawn. Alisaie, not knowing that Ava was looking at it as a gift for someone else, made Ava a plush penguin. Butterscotch is now using Ava’s plush penguin as a pillow. Froseth bought many word puzzles and games for Farideh; Darvin and Barnabus bought jigsaw puzzles for themselves and the family (Darvin found a particularly fun one which was a 3D glass-effect-plastic puzzle of Egref’s Shrine of Pelor; both of them found puzzles of both the Quickflight Diminutives and the current Cupcake Coterie). Clarity bought a 3D puzzle of a manticore’s skeleton. They had fun.
They split up a bit after that, with Remi, Ava, Clarity and Hazel hitting Izzat Lane. Remi had some test runs to determine the full range of the Awakened Scalesplitter. Apparently it grants resistance to dragon breath weapons, but only dragon breath weapons, and also that the resistance stacks with whatever resistances the armour provides (to a point; stacking too far is not something I’m going to do).
Ava went along to try to find some way to help her get over her fear of fire. She got sent to a lady who does Interesting Things With Mushroom and got ... effectively strawberry-flavoured fantasy Valium to let her function through the fear; it apparently only works as much as it needs to to let her get over the fear with a bit of help, and will only be strawberry candy when she can deal with the fear on her own. Hazel got this lady’s randomly-flavoured mushrooms. Because Hazel gets all the weird things.
Alisaie went with Froseth, Barnabus and Darvin to pick up her new shirts. That worked out well, and Froseth and Barnabus now have an idea of where to go if they want something specifically tailored for a non-humanoid physiology.
They did an overnight trip to Al-Zorhai, now that Darvin can cast Teleportation Circle once daily. They ended up in a back room at the Tipsy Pixie hired for the purpose, and came out in the break room set aside for the Tipsy Pixie’s staff. Alisaie got a lot attention for the wings, and even more attention when they heard she was married. Emile’s comment: “What is it with you Crestwinds, coming in and marrying the girls here?” Alisaie’s response: “Well, look at her! She’s a snack!” Emile basically gave the whole group food, lodging and a night with people on the house, as a wedding present.
We covered most of that in the following session, and that’ll be posted soon-ish.
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loreofthekidults · 4 years
fruit snacks & wonder bread | lee chan
focus: dino
words: 1.7k
genre: stranger things au / high school au / dnd au? / fall themes
description: More stranger things au for the beautiful fall season! This is a continuation/addition to the fic with Jeonghan from week one, but can be read independently. Just piling onto this svt x stranger things universe hoping things make sense. Anyways made it in the nick of time for week two of #caratrevival, whew! This week’s themes were Dino and the lyric « Here’s the baton, man ». Enjoy, and let me know what you think!
(Quick note, I went a bit ham with the dnd game at first because I miss playing, but I tried to edit the scene to be as simple as possible so hopefully it’s not too confusing for non-dnd players. To all dnd players, BSS are all bards and that’s canon.)
“Don’t forget to say your thank you-s and excuse me-s!” 
“And remember to wash your hands and clean up after yourself!”
“And also share your snacks with everyone!”
“I know, I know,” Dino swept an armful of fruit snacks off the kitchen counter into his backpack as his mother stood beside him with hands on her hips. “And I know, don’t be too mean to Seungkwan, yup, got to go now!” 
Dino rushed out of the kitchen to the back yard and tugged on the door handle to the shed. His bike was leaning against the wall in its usual dusty corner beside the rakes. After retrieving his bike, Dino hurriedly waved to his mother seeing him off through the parlor window. As he reached the line where the grass met the asphalt of the driveway, the garage door grumbled open to his test.
The dingy Ford Station Wagon thrummed to life and slowly backed out into the sunlight. The windows rolled down, and the scream of the electric guitar paired with the bass and snare heartbeat of Prince’s When Doves Cry flew out into the air. Dino’s older brother Jihoon glanced at him in passing as he reversed down the driveway. His friend Wonwoo sat in the passenger seat and nodded at Dino in greeting. 
“Where you headed?” Jihoon asked him nonchalantly while twisting around to see if he was going to hit any trees.
“To Seokmin’s. We’re starting up a new campaign.” Dino kept pace next to the car as it crawled down the driveway.
“You guys still play Dungeons and Dragons?” Wonwoo pushed his glasses up. Dino could feel the gentle mockery in Wonwoo’s piercing gaze. 
“Yeah, we do. What bingo session are you senior citizens off to join?” 
Jihoon snickered and shook a finger at his younger sibling. “What a smartass. Who’s DMing this time? Your campaign sucked last time, hope it’s not you again.”
“You have poor taste in adventure. And Seokmin is.”
“Good. Well have fun, then. Remind Soonyoung that we’re meeting later. And tell him not to be late again.”
“Where are you guys meeting?”
“He’ll know.”
“Come on. Tell me.” 
“Bye Channie.” Jihoon gave Dino a curt look before changing gears and turning onto the road. Dino bugged his eyes out at him in retribution. 
“See ya, Dino.” Wonwoo raised a hand in goodbye. 
They think they’re so cool. Dino smirked internally as the two drove away in the ugly wood-paneled car. Reaching into his jacket pocket, he pulled out his headphones, attached it to his walkman, and pressed play. The falsetto of Michael Jackson’s Beat It filled his ears. Hopping onto his bike, Dino pedaled furiously in the opposite direction.
Seokmin’s house, only a short 15 minute ride away, was located in a general northern direction from Dino’s home. In between were lengths of forest and hills, and driveways dotted here and there. The schools and hubs of Plediestown were on the other side of town, so this part of the woods was quiet, with only families and farms going about their lives like happy smurfs.
The autumn air had chilled the air and shriveled leaves were sprinkled across the grounds. Another, more attentive person would have better appreciated the gradients of red, burgundy, pumpkin orange, and mustard yellow foliage of the forests around them. The neighborhood contained snapshots comparable to Bob Ross landscapes. But to Dino, this was nothing new to admire, it was just home. 
Like Nuest Court, where the houses of the cul-de-sac were clustered together at the bottom of a large hill with the massively old oak tree. It wasn’t just a scenic view, it was where all the kids in the neighborhood went sledding in the winter and played manhunt amongst the fireflies until the summer sun disappeared. 
Dino zoomed past the hill, the oak tree standing majestically as ever. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the movement of a figure strolling under the tree.
Is that Minki?? What was he doing here? 
Dino blinked furiously. It had been years since the boys of Nuest Court had left town together to follow their dreams in the city. If one of them had returned home, it would have been the buzz of the town. Turning his head, Dino squinted at the lean figure . He had shoulder length black hair, loose-fitting white shirt, thin—honk. HONK.
Dino screeched to a halt and twisted his bike sharply towards the curb. A car drove around Dino, and he saw Seungcheol giving him a happy wave in his sky-blue marching band uniform through the driver’s window. Even with the windows closed, Dino could hear the guy giggle his ridiculous giggle as he passed.
Dino turned his gaze back towards the oak tree atop the Nuest Court hill, but the figure was no longer there. 
Oh well. Dino merely shrugged and went along his way. He’d hear about any new visitors sooner or later in this small town. 
By the time Dino was pedaling up the driveway to Seokmin’s house, he had all but forgotten about the possible Minki appearance. The garage door rose as he neared the house, and Jeonghan appeared, donning the same ridiculous blue uniform as Seungcheol. Dino threw his bike onto the grass beside their perennial bushes and rushed into the garage, swinging his backpack at Jeonghan.
“Hey Jeonghan. Nice outfit.”
The older boy dodged his attack and called after him, but Dino was already two steps in the house and purposely ignoring him—he hated being babied by Jeonghan. The warmth of the house tickled his cheeks, and he lightly plodded down the familiar stairs into the even toastier basement. 
“Eyy Dino!” Hoshi yelled, jumping up from his chair. Vernon raised a hand in greeting. Mingyu and Seungkwan were in the midst of an argument over who’s dice were prettier, so Dino plopped down next to Seokmin, who gave him his trademark sunshine smile and high-fived him.
It wasn’t long before the group huddled seriously around the small table and quickly descended into the magical realm of Seokmin’s imagination.
“The party leaves the inn well stuffed and equipped with shiny new weapons.” Seokmin’s eyes widened dramatically as he narrated the story and built the world up around them. “You all head towards the edge of the forest where the old wizard said the gate to the Noir dimension is located. There is no sign of any life, but there is a stream of gurgling water and trees lined the shoreline. In the shadows of the woods, three—”
“Can I attack the stream?” Hoshi interrupted. 
“Why in the world do you want to attack the stream, Soonyoung? It’s not going to do anything,” Seungkwan rolled his eyes and sighed in frustration. 
Hoshi stood with one foot on his stool, his chest puffed out, and his imaginary sword in his right hand pointed towards the ceiling. “Because I can!” he laughed mightily.
Mingyu groaned and swiped his hand through his hair impatiently. “We’re not even going to get to start the quest today,” he muttered. 
Vernon smiled and shook his head, used to Hoshi’s goofy antics. Seokmin laughed heartily, clearly enjoying this turn of events. 
“Ok! Roll to attack!” Seokmin declared.
Hoshi took his d20 and dropped it into the center of the table. “Oyyyy, Nat 20!!!”
“You successfully attack the river!” Seokmin screamed. “Hoshi slices at the water, and you can hear a soft gurgling sound eerily similar to the word ‘ouch’.” Hoshi religiously followed the words of the Dungeon Master and mimed poking his sword at an imaginary river.
Mingyu doubled over cackling and managed to fall off his chair. Vernon was shaking Seungkwan’s shoulder in glee as they both guffawed incredulously.
“What a waste of a nat 20!” Dino exclaimed, but he was struggling to breath from his own shrieks of laughter, too. 
Seokmin suddenly slammed his hand on the table, startling everyone into silence. His face grew serious and he looked at everyone with a sinister glare. “Little did you know, the water began to shine and part. A glowing ring with a dark center appeared out of the water and a freezing wind blew out of the circle. Roll for investigation check.”
They each rolled in turn and Hoshi—and only Hoshi—failed the check.
“Alright,” Seokmin rubbed his hands together mischievously. “Everyone but Soonyoung realizes this is a portal to another world. You know, probably the portal you guys were looking for. Soonyoung, on the other hand, thinks it’s a really cool blow dryer and sticks his face through the glowing portal.”
“What do you see in there, Soonyoung?” Dino asked, only half serious. 
“I don’t know. It’s really dark, hahaha.” 
“Do we have a torch or something?” Mingyu asked.
“I got one. Here’s the baton, man,” Vernon pretends to hand Hoshi the imaginary light source. 
“Suddenly, you hear a terrifying ROAR!!!” Seokmin howled at the top of his lungs. Seungkwan hugged Dino in fright.
“And with that, Soonyoung is pulled into the other dimension and the portal closes.” Seokmin sits back down and smiles sweetly at the party, waiting for them to react. They all just stared back at him in shock.
“Dude!” Hoshi broke the silence. “Am I dead?”
“Nope!” Seokmin stated simply and chuckled a bit embarrassedly. “I just didn’t plan for you guys to discover the portal this early, so I needed to get you guys back on track first.”
“But I’m stuck in the other dimension now? Separated from the party???” Hoshi squished his cheeks in despair. 
“Don’t worry. You’re fine.” Seokmin laughed and patted his friend’s back reassuringly. “You guys wanna take a quick snack break?”
“Yes please.” Mingyu stood up immediately. Dino peeled Seungkwan off of him and poured his hoard of fruit snacks onto the table. 
Hoshi slumped into the sofa dejectedly. “Guess I’ll just sit here and watch you guys play then.”
“Oh right, Soonyoung!” Dino called out as he climbed the stairs to get some more food. “Jihoon said to not forget to meet him and Wonwoo for something. He didn’t tell me where, though. Just make sure to be very late.”
Dino reached the top of the stairs and turned towards the kitchen.
What the—”HEY!” Dino shouted. The rest of the boys clambered up the stairs and peered into the doorway behind him. 
An unfamiliar boy stood beside the counter stuffing his face with wonder bread and the leftover chili. He was dressed in a wrinkled white hospital gown that reached mid-thigh and thin pajama pants with dirt smudges all over. His long jet-black hair hung limply, and as he reached his hand out to grab another piece of bread, the kitchen light shined down onto his thin forearm. Along the inside of his wrist, the inky numbers stood out against his pale skin: 008.
Dino gasped.
“You’re the Minki impersonator!”
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maggyme13 · 4 years
Child of Water
AN: My entry for the myths-and legends-writingchallenge of @writing4inspiration
My prompt was Kelpie- with Bucky Barnes.
Warnings: Asshole Thor, fear, angst
Hope you like it and please let me know what you think!
  You loved water.
Everything about it made you calm and relaxed.
It did not matter if you walked alongside a river, swam in it or simply bathed in some. You always felt your energy restored and your mood lifted after it, and you knew it must have something to do with your heritage.
You were a Kelpie, a water horse, with an old scotish heritage. Your Gran had come to the USA after the second World War; she had fallen in love with an American Soldier – your Grandpa and soon after had became pregnant with your mother, aunt and uncle.
Though only the females of the family carried the ´Kelpie-Gene´, and they all were beautiful to a fault. Not that you were ugly, on the contrary, you would be considered very well looking as well. But not as beautiful as your sisters. You were taking after your father, not only in your looks, but in your mind as well.
Other than your mother and sisters, did you love the city and the excitement of things happening. Not like the calm rural live all of the others in your family loved in upstate New York.
You on the other hand were working at a museum, in the department for medieval history as a tour guide. And whenever you would teach a group of school children, you would tell little fables and stories about all different kind of creatures. They all loved the Stories with Nessy. Whom, trusting your Gran, was a very kind elderly woman who loved to mess with people. She was over 250 years old and  still very well in health, what means that she would be playing pranks on tourists and Scots alike for at least 50 more years.
Apparently she was living near Dumnadrochit ( a little village right at the edge of the water), owning a little Bed and Breakfast called “Nessy´s Inn”, where her sons were working as well.
And yes, there had been attempts on both women´s sides to get one of the Sons and you together as a couple. A water horse and dragon, your bloodline would have been so very strong. ´Unfortunately´ both of the boys were gay and therefor not interested in you.                                                                                                                        
That did not keep them to invite you to every family festival ever: birthdays, Christmas , everything.
One of those festivities was that weekend: your Grandmothers 168 Birthday and she had invited you to her home in upstate NY. This is why you were currently taking a stroll at the lake your whole family lived at. It was in the middle of nowhere, with the only neighbors being the famous Avengers three miles away, though a part of the lake was still on their grounds.
You could not care less, for you had seen them a few times already: Captain America was often coming to the museum to stroll through the changing art displays; Spiderman (you knew was a Highschool kid) had been at the Museum with his school a few times, and whenever he had been there, Tony Stark would visit and spend a few thousand to a hundred-thousand dollars in donations for new displays. One time, he had installed a whole holographic room about Dinosaurs in one night; without anyone knowing about it.
You had simply known about it, because you had forgot something in your office and surprised him mid action.
“My boss will go his opening rounds at 6:30 am. He will be here at about 6:47 am. If you make him scream like a girl I will  tell no one I saw you here; including your wife, who´s number I have from your last benefits auction here at the museum”, you had told him, to what he nodded a yes and the two of you went on your merry ways.
And yes: your boss screamed like a girl; high pitched and long, when a T-Rex appeared out of nowhere and roared right behind him.
It was like a scene from Jurassic world.
You still smiled whenever you thought about that.
The day was sunny and warm and the water kept calling for you, with every step alongside the shore it got louder, to a point where you could not ignore the pull anymore and you jumped into the water and became one with it.
It spend you warmth and energy and soon you changed and became a Waterhorse, a Kelpie.
With a loud shout of joy you breached the surface and galloped along the shore. Over sand and stone, stick and bush, into a lush green field, and through the sunlight.
You ran and ran. Your light coat shying silver in the light, with your hair almost being black, though in reality it was the color of algae, and your coat that of sea-foam.
A sudden loud BANG pulled you out of your mind and you rose on your hind-legs, screaming loudly in panic.
You knew, as a Kelpie, no normal weapon could kill you, but it still would hurt; and you did not like pain.
“Whoa whoa whoa. Calm down, calm down. See no harm done...”, a man shouted with a calm voice and your whole attention went towards him at once.
You where still buckling, stomping your feet; not yet knowing what to do and what happened.
A man stepped closer, his hands risen and his step thoughtful: he did not want to scare you even further.
“Where do you come from? I didn´t know Stark has Horses in this compound. Nor that there are farmers around who do. And your coat, I have never seen a beauty just like you.”
He was handsome, with his dark hair and muscular body; that must you had to admit.
“Shhh, calm down. I don´t want to hurt you. I just want get a good look at you.”, he hummed and you slowly allowed yourself to calm down.
The only thing now on your mind was to find out who he was.
“You are soo beautiful. I wished you would allow me to ride you, I know it won´t happen, but may I pet you? No-? It is alright. Maybe one day you will allow me. But now I have to leave. Please stay save.”, he smiled at you, even waving you good-bye.
You neighed in response before running off on your own.
Maybe I shall return tomorrow.
And you did; five days in a row you returned to that field. And five days in a row you met that mysterious man.
On the third day he introduced himself as Bucky, and you allowed him to gently pet your nose. Though that was everything you allowed him to do.
It did not matter to him, your presence alone seemed to be enough for him and he seemed more and more relaxed around you and even told you about how his days went and about his past before the war.
He grew on you, and decided he could be trusted and allowed to pet you more or even ride on your back.
It would not come to that unfortunately: When you returned to the field the next day, Bucky was already there, talking to a big blond man you knew as Thor.
You slowed your steps, curious and careful of the new situation.
Why is the Asgardian here?
“She should be here any minute. I promise you, there is no horse like that.”, you heard the soldier exclaim, “Ah there- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”
His shout of confusion was accompanied by a flying and sparkling ax, thrown by the god, hitting you on your left shoulder.
Had it been lower, you were sure your leg would have been severed.
Fearing for you life (and not without reason!) you ran back from where you came ( you had make sure to never take the direct rout back to your grans), the would screaming in agony.
His ax was one of the few weapons that could cause you and other supernatural beings harm.
Shit shit shit shit shit shit shiiiiiiiit! How could I be so stupid? I need to leave, to disappear. He will kill me. Kill us!
With a last jump you entered the river that would lead you back home to NY, where you would pack your things, quit your job and disappear from this side of the world.
“WHAT DID YOU DO`?”, Bucky roared in anger, pushing the man he thought to be a friend to the side.
“I saved your live. That was a Kelpie, a Waterhorse, known to kill men by dragging them into the water drowning them.”, he stated with finality in his voice.
“This horse, it took me days to earn its trust. If it wanted me dead, don´t you think it would have waited this long?”, Bucky hissed.
“I don´t know. But I am better save than sorry, friend. Now, I think Steve is waiting for us.”
Grumpy and hurt, the soldier followed the god back to the compound. He felt sorry for you and hoped you would be able to survive that injury, though he was almost sure  he would find you bled out once he followed the path of blood you left behind.
Four hours your travel back took. Four hours of pain and itching from a healing wound.  You knew it would scar and take days if not weeks to heal properly- leaving a scar behind- but at least you would not bleed to death. That was a plus and the water helped you heal.
Your first destination was the office of the dean of your museum to quit. He was sad. But when he heard you had to leave because of family reasons, he was very understanding and promised you a job should you return. You thanked him and left.
Only to run into a certain teenager.
“Ms (y/n) what is wrong? Why are you injured? Is your Gran alright?”
“Hello Peter, my Gran is right, thank you. I had a…. misunderstanding with a neighbor of her. I am sorry. But I have to leave.”
“Oh, Okay. Will you be doing our school tour next week?”, he continued with a frown.
“I am sorry. But I just quit. Personal reasons . But I bet the one who will take my place will do it just as good. Bye Peter, stay save.”, you smiled sadly.
“Oh, ohm. You too.”
Tears fell down your cheek, you had to make a call you never thought you would make.
“Ms Nes. This is (y/n), I am Eleanor (y/ln) granddaughter. Can- can I come over and stay with you? I I have nowhere else to go and I need to leave the states.”
“Of course Darling. Will you come on your own, or does one of my boys have to get you from the airport?”, the warm elderly voice of the Loch Ness Monster answered through the phone.
“I, I was thinking about asking one of your cousins to fly me.”, you answered.
“Oh Sweetheart. I - one of my Sons will come and get you. Ruaridh is already in the States. I will call him and he will take you and get you straight to us. Pack a bag with your essentials and most important things. Everything else we can get here.”, she continued and you thanked her with a sob.
One hour later, a tall redhead with long hair and beard knocked on your door.
“Ma send me. Come on little foal, let´s get you to safety.”, he smiled, though his eyes hardened once he noticed your wound, “No one can hurt ya at our little Ness. Call me Roo.” “Thank you, Roo. We- we can leave.”, you smiled with pure sadness in your eyes.
“WHAT DID YOU IDIOTS DO?”, Tony Stark boomed before he had even entered the living room of the compound. He was angry and every little Avenger looked at each other confused.
“Why did Peter just call me, to tell that his favorite Tourguide at the museum quitout of personal reasons, all the while having a heavily injured shoulder?”
“I don´t know. And why should we have done anything to her. We don´t even know her...”, Sam wilson piped up.
“Because she told her boss before she had some problems with her Grandmother´s neighbors. WE are her Grandmother´s only neighbors. So: WHAT. DID. YOU. DO?”
“The only ones out of the compound were Barnes and Thor. Ask them.”, Natasha Romanov finally stated.
“Mr Odinson and Mr Barnes had been in a little situation with a horse this morning. MR Odinson threw his ax at the horse, which ran away. Its front right leg was cut and had it been deeper, it might have been severed.”
“Thank you. Find her. I think there is someone who needs to apologize. And get a medic team ready.”
“Boss. I already did so after you received the call of Mr Parker. There is no trace of her location. She disappeared. I will widen the search and let you know once she is found.”
“Thank you, FRIDAY. And tell Odinson I want to speak with him!”
You were living with the Ness Family for a month now. Helping in their Inn by taking care of drinking orders and cleaning rooms.
Ms Ness was away on her usual ´I play tricks on tourists´-tour and you had the whole Inn for yourself.
It was a beautiful night, clear sky and a barrage of stars to be seen. That´s one thing you loved about the highlands; the stars were much more plentiful than in NYC.
So beautiful and yet so sad. I wished I can go back to Gran and the others.
“So this is your true form.”, a deep silken voice spoke from behind you and cold fear washed down your spine.
They had found you.
Slowly, very slowly you turned around only to see the God of thunder standing a few meters away from you in the open front entrance, lightened by the moon from behind.
“I have to admit you are not bad looking, but far from the beauty of those I have met in the past. You are not a pure one I assume?”, he mused, taking a step towards you. You mirrored them and took the same amount back.
You had just stood a meter away from the door leading to the kitchen and knew that you could flee if you reached it fast.
“Please, I will leave. Up to the Isle of Skye or one of the islands with no man around-”, you breathed, hoping he would let you life.
Suddenly he was distracted by something outside and you bolted through the kitchen and towards the Water.
“MS NESS! ROO!”, you shouted, to far away from the water to turn without pain in your still injured shoulder, “MS NESS!”
Footsteps closed in from the right of you and you felt the warmth of a body getting closer.
“NO!”, you sobbed when said body crashed into you and you immediately began trashing around, hoping to get free and reach your saving grace.
Screaming and sobbing you kicked, and even bit at everything you good reach.
You were in full survival mode.
“I don´t know who ya think ya  are. Bat ya should let the lass go.”, the calm but demanding voice of Roo spoke from the right of you and you stopped moving.
“And I don´t know who you are, mortal, but this has nothing to do with you. This-”, Thor answered from above you.
“Ya sure? This is oar Ness. Oar water and oar reich. You are a mere visita, Son of Odin. And we don´t like family or friends being hurt. And that you already did enough. So leave before Ma gets really angry.”, the younger Dragon chuckled.
“And who shall you be?”, Thor demanded to know.
“That is not of your concern Thunderboy. He is my son, and she is like a daughter to me and you are the one that injured her. Making her flee her life and yet you came after her. “, a deeper version of Ms Nesses voice spoke and when you opened you eyes, you saw her head six meters above the shore line; staring at the God , with her teeth bared, “So if you don´t want to wake the wrath of a Dragon of the Blood of the Sea, you better get up and leave. She is no concern of yours.”
“What the THOR! THE F?”, Bucky´s voice suddenly called from the direction of the Inn, “Get off her! We are here to apologize and not to scare or harm her even further!”
“You are all fooled by her blood!”, the God Roared.
“No. you are the one not thinking straight. Or is Loki a monster just because he was born on Jotunheim? I believe you think different of him than stories suggest.”
“Have it your way. But do not call for my help when she shows her real face. “, with these words the God of Thunder got of your body and stepped away, only to disappear in a rainbow beam of light.
Roo was at your side at once.
“Are you a´right lass?”, he whispered, all the while checking you over for injuries.
“Yes, this time he did not use his ax against me.”, you nodded still shaking in fear.
“You claimed you came to apologize mortal.”, the dragoness hummed, her eyes now locked onto the metal armed soldier.
“Y-yes, Ma´m. After the incident at the compound, we were informed that Ms (y/ln) had quit her job – heavily injured if I might add. But when we tried to locate her she was gone. Stark finally found her earlier this morning and so we came to ask for forgiveness. Thor does not share our view. Tony had her background checked years ago and Parker really likes her, just as Pepper.”
“It is easy to ask for forgiveness. If she would have been hit further down. She would have lost her arm. Now, tell me how we shall now there won´t be coming any further harm to her?”, Ms Ness asked.
“You cannot, for to be tied to us, to the Avengers is dangerous. But I promise you we will do anything in our might to keep her save.”
“That is not enough son. Leave and never return for her For if one of you do, you will face three angry Loch Ness Monster. Come d(y/n) lets get you back inside and into a warm bath.”
It had been two months since Bucky had returned to the compound after his visit to Scotland.
Everyday he would return to the field where he had met you all these weeks ago. He felt bad, knowing you must have been living in fear for your life, maybe still were and he hated Thor for causing it. You had never caused any harm, and trusting Steve and the others who met you, you were a pure and kind soul.
Oh how he wished you had believed him. But he understood why you didn´t. He had the same problem of trust after what had happened to him for all those years.
“I am sorry I could not keep you from harm.”, he whispered into the wind, his eyes closed.
“Then make good for it by not letting it happen again. Because then I won´t return and you will face more than just the Line of Loch Ness. We are far more than you might believe.”, your voice danced in the wind. Not filled with fear but with a promise,  “ And next time keep a better eye on your youngest. The cold and windy highlands with there little houses is no place for a Spider of the Big City.”
His eyes snapped open realizing he was really hearing your voice and not imagining it.
Only for them to look into the blue ones of your Kelpie-form.  
“Hello Mr Barnes.”, Young Peter Parker called from your back, “Are Mr Stark and Ms Potts angry?”
“No. We di- when did you leave? And how did you do it without raising an alarm?”, the soldier almost shouted atht eh teen.
“I might have stolen an jet?”, he mumbled.
“You did WHAT?”
“It was totally Shuri´s idea!”
You chuckled, nudging the man with your snout.  “Can you ride? The boy need food and something warm to drink. We came up the river and the air is cold these days.”
“Ye-yes I can ride. But-”
“No but´s. Dragons have a keen eye for the pure hearted, why do think they always went after the innocent and naive virgins? Ms Ness said you are one of those pure hearted. So I thought to give your promise a try. And, I really miss NY.”
You noticed his eyes linger on the scar Thor had left.
“It will never really heal. But at least it does not hurt anymore.”
“I am still sorry.”, the soldier mumbled.
“Then be it. Now get this teenager back to the house before Mr Stark starts a 3rd Worldwar over finding him.”
With one swift movement Bucky got on your back, and once satisfied he would not fall of, you ran to where you thought the Compound must have been.
So what do you think? DId I get the Prompt and Creature honour?
REBLOGS and comments are appreciated:)
Thank you very much.
@jadepc​@pacifyhxlsey​ @thankyoukarenclifford​
@thankyouforanonymity​  @punkrockhufflefluff​
@scarletraine @buckycaptspideypool  @markusstraya @graveyard-groupie @markusstrayya @randomgirlkensy @the-soulofdevil
@yknott81​    @banner-and-bucky-are-life​ @forext20​ @dyanlzbb​  @so-finster-die-nacht @emmii4​ @bitchwhytho​ @ladyofmyst​   @jilldsumner​ @momc95​ @appreciating-fanfics​
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Ruby Eyed Woman P2
Hey loves! 
Here is Part 2! 
Read Part 1 here!
Warnings: Blood, sexual thoughts. 18+ Only. 
Notes: Please do not post my work other places. Thanks! 
Let me know if you would like to be tagged! :)
Geralt x Reader
Preview: She is one of few women Witchers that walk the earth with extraordinary talents. When the white wolf lays eyes on one of his own kind, things start to change around him.
Grabbing the keys from the man watching the inn, you twirled them on your fingers. Geralt following you to the room you had upstairs. Opening the door, it creaked loudly. Two beds laid in the front, a bathroom off to the side and a small area with a pitcher of water. “Well, lets get some rest.” Stretching your arms out, it was obvious you had over done it with the magic. Taking off your armor, you laid it on a chair next to the bed on the left. Lighting a few more lights, the candles illuminated the large room. “How much do I owe you for the room?” Geralt looked around surprised at how gigantic it was. “Northing.” Sawyer walked in, sniffing around a bit and then jumping on the right bed curling up in a ball. He fell asleep with in minutes. Petting his head you continued to take off your boots. “Do you get lonely?” Geralts harsh voice spoke, setting his sword aside. “Depends. I have Sawyer and Lily for company. If you mean sex, at times yes.” Geralt coughed a bit at your blunt answer. “Well then, not exactly what… I meant..” He laid down on the bed across from yours, watching as you tucked yourself in. Sawyer got up, stretching a bit and got close to you, laying against you. “How long have you had Sawyer?” Geralt asked, watching as you pet the dogs head. “Since he was four weeks old. Unfortunately the farmer that had him, did not treat him well since he was the runt of the litter. I seen the farmer chasing Sawyer with a pitchfork and intervened. Sawyer ran straight to my arms and we have been together ever since. He is now two years old. 
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Lily and I have been together for four years. Similar story. She was in a bad situation so, I took her away from it. We have all been a very close family ever since.” Geralt nodded and looked at the ceiling above him. “What was the worst fight you have ever been in?” “Hah. . probably when I had half the guards come after me in Cintra. Because I refused to stay and protect the queen.”
 Geralts eyes narrowed a bit. “So you are the Red Ruby Demon.. Makes sense now.” Geralt chuckled a bit. “The knights in the surrounding areas talked about a red eyed woman who took out some of the strongest knights.” “Strong? Please. I felt bad.. I begged them to quit coming after me. I didn’t want to keep going at them. After the fifty plus I had to just run. I was exhausted and annoyed.” Geralt chuckled louder. “Spoken like a true Witcher Y/N.” Hearing a creek at the door, you stood up quickly grabbing your sword. The door locked was broken and a woman appeared. Holding your sword up, Sawyer had jumped up growling at the door. Seeing a beautiful woman at the door you took a step forward. “Mage.” You muttered looking her up and down as your eyes shone red. “Stand down, I am not here for you. . I am here for him..” Geralt walked in front of you, holding his hand up. Sheathing your sword you took a step back to the bed sitting down. “Yennfer, what is it?” Geralt looked at the purple eyed woman who had intense eyes fixated on you. “Don’t worry, there is nothing between us. I helped him with a hunt” You spoke grabbing your armor, sliding it on. “Where are you going?” “To get my own room..” You spoke calmly nodding to Yennefer. The purple eyed woman could sense something different about you, sending chills across her skin. “Powerful..” She mumbled as you walked past her.
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         Getting a new room you fell on the bed closing your eyes immediately. Sawyer getting curled up next to you once again. “You know, it nice being surrounded my own kind for once, but that woman looked like she wanted my head on a pike. I am too exhausted to fight.” Sawyer laid his head on your leg, closing his tired eyes.
         Sensing someone in the room you kept your eyes closed. “ezeerf” You spoke opening your eyes. You seen the woman from last night frozen in her tracks. Geralt next to her. Sighing putting your hand down, they shook their head calmly. “What the hell are you two doing in my room..” you mumbled exhausted. Sitting up, rubbing your eyes. “We need your help with a mission.” Yennefer spoke quickly. “Why me? Your strong. He is strong what is the problem?” “First of all, I apologize for barging in last night.. It was rude. Second of all, a few people are setting out to slay a dragon.” “No.” You spoke calmly. “What?” “No. I do not slay dragons.” Yennefer looked at you shocked. “ It pay..” “Money is not everything mage.” “Please, Y/N.” Geralt looked to you, his eyes pleading. “I will go to protect, not kill.” “Excuse me? Why not..?” The mage stood in your way as you got up. Her eyes piercing into your skull. “There is not many left.” Shrugging pushing past her you grabbed your swords and items. “I am heading down, where is this “dragon?” You used air quotations. “Follow us.” Geralt said calmly. He could tell you were keeping your distance. There was not much of a wall around you till Yennefer showed up.
Getting to the stable you untied Lily and hopped on her. Feeding her a breakfast of veggies, you also handed some to Roach. “Alright, lets get going Lily.” Sawyer walked up beside you. Waiting for Geralt and Yennefer you looked around at the people near you. They stared with wide eyes at the mage that was next to the Witcher. Eyeing a few of them, they looked away quickly. “Let’s go.” Yennefer spoke as she sat on Roach, Geralt walking next to the horses. “Hmm” you nodded running off ahead of them. The aura around those two had way to much going on.
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A few hours of walking, Y/N was silent. Listening to everything in the forest. From the small mouse running between moss covered fallen trees to the snakes slithering over the boulders. “Stop.” She urged jumping off of Lily.  Grabbing her sword, she hurd crying not far away. “Mom, it is an injured animal” Sawyer spoke to you taking a step forward. Nodding quietly, walking around a tree you seen an injured bird. It was not much older than a month old. Looking further into the distance your seen its mother dead. Unsure from what you gently grabbed the animal. Holding it delicately, you walked back up to Lily. Setting the bird on the saddle, you grabbed a small pocket knife, slicing a piece of fabric off your shirt, revealing your stomach. Geralt watched as you carefully wrapped the tiny birds wing. “We are wasting time we need to go.. The party will leave at dawn tomorrow.” Yennefer spoke with urgency. “Then go.” You mutter calmly, attending to the small bird. “Fine, Geralt lets go.” Yennefer walked ahead a bit. Geralt stood amazed at how you held the tiny creature with such care. “Geralt, go ahead. Ill catch up eventually. Be careful Something is in the woods.” You nodded to him to go on. For some reason, Geralt felt a ping to his chest. Worried he was not going to see you again, as if you where saying good bye to him. His eyes narrowed a bit and turned to follow Yennefer.
An hour passed and you had not caught up to them. Geralt was getting concerned. “No need to worry about her, she can handle her own. She is very well known in towns I have been through. I have ran into her before. . She doesn’t know it was me she saved from an assassin that came after me.” Yennefer sighed a bit. “I wasn’t going to say anything to her. She. . . She can defiantly hold her own.” Fumbling with the reigns on Roach she looked to Geralt with a slight smile. “Hmm” Geralt thought back to the werewolves. She held so many shields at once and took out a few of them. It was impressive, he had to admit.
Geralt watched as the fire roared, continually looking at the path in the woods waiting for you to appear. Hearing a branch snap his senses honed into where it was coming from. He seen Sawyer first, walking out in human form. “Sawyer, what is..?” Lily walked out of the line of trees seeing you slumped on her. Blood matting her fur that he could only guess was yours. “Geralt.. Help her.. I have a few minutes left.. we have been looking for you everywhere. We got ambushed by some elves. Intel they realized who she was they stopped,. There was at least 75+ of them.. They mistook her for an enemy. They went after Lily and she took a sword to the chest.. It is shallow but it wont stop ble..” Geralt watched as the man turned back into a dog. Yennefer walked out of her tent seeing you. Geralt ran over slowly lifting you off of Lily. “Yennefer, grab Lily and get the bloody harness off her..” Yennefer nodded seeing the small bird asleep in a pocket of the saddle. Gently grabbing the bird, she laid it on some leaves, helping Lily.
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Geralt laid your unconscious body on a bed of leaves he was using for his bed. Seeing the front of you and the cut, he was stunned at how you where still alive. “Shit..” Yennefer spoke seeing your body. Running into her tent, she grabbed some herbs and started to crush them with a white marble mortar and pestle. Chanting something in elder, she took the mixture and rubbed it on the wound. Grunting anxiously at the pain she was as gentle as she could be. “I will need to apply this every hour. The pain will ease soon. We need to make sure she doesn’t turn over and keep her warm. Can you move her closer to the fire Geralt? Her body is going to fight this mixture, but if she stays warm it will heal her by sunrise.” Geralt looked seen your face contort in discomfort. Your eyes opening slightly. “SAWYER! LILY!” You screamed, quickly moving to get up. “Stop! You will make it worse..” Geralt grabbed your shoulders gently pushing you to lay down. Sawyer ran over licking your face with his wet tongue. “Mom, are you ok? I didn’t know where to go, I smelt Geralt and we ran here..”  “I am ok sweety.. Just.. sore… and exhausted..” your words fragile and weak stirred Geralt. He watched your breathing go slower than Witcher normal. Looking at Sawyer he watched the dog go back towards Lily. “Sawyer can I change you human… Someone needs to look after Lily and the bird…” You muttered weakly. “I can do it.. you shouldn’t be using you energy reserves. I have some extra feed for Lily. What does the bird need?” Geralt asked leaning down in the leaves picking the sleeping bird up. “To.. be kept warm..” another nod and Geralt put the bird close to you, wrapping it in a cloth like nest.
The sun peaked over the ground near the trees. He looked over to you gone. Yennefer walked up a hill walking to grab your satchel hanging on a large lower branch of a willow tree. “She didn’t leave and she is ok. She is still sore but needed to wash the blood off. I am helping her.” Grabbing your spare clothes Yennefer walked back down a path and go in the water with you. “Why do you hate me?” Yennefer asked abruptly. “I don’t.” Closing your eyes you finished washing the blood out of your hair. Standing up slowly, water dripped down your chest and into the water. “Unfortunately that is going to leave a scar on your beautiful body.” Yennefer frowned slightly at the thought. “Far from beautiful dear.” She shook her head helping you out of the water. Wrapping a towel around you she walked up to the campsite. Geralt looked over to see you dripping wet in a towel. He would be lying if he was not having perverted thoughts of Yennefer and you naked in the river. “Pervert.” Yennefer smirked looking at Geralt. Shaking his head he walked to the horses feeding them their breakfast.
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