#grace x fem reader
queentheweeb · 1 year
Grace Augustine X Fem Omaticaya Reader
A/N: You are 45 years old here considering Grace herself is 50
You have known Grace for years, you remember her young and fresh-faced just as you were when she first landed on your home. She was bright, curious, and wanted to know everything and anything she can about life here from the plants to the Na'vi, and Eywa herself. You were intrigued because you have never seen a human before and when she came out in her Avatar you were just as curious because she looked like you but, she had four fingers instead of three like you and she had what they called eyebrows. Her eyes and nose were smaller as well but, you were so intrigued that you looked over what would be considered imperfections. You remembered your first interactions.
"Hi," Your head was tilted to the side as you watched the Na'vi look-alike come alive and look at the plants, intrigued with the fauna and the insects and animals that wandered around. You were supposed to be out hunting when you first caught sight of her in those weird garments. you have never seen such garments before. They seemed they would get in the way of hunting, of trying to move silently in the trees. They will get caught on branches and twigs. 
"Hi?" She was even speaking a language you have never heard before and it seemed she caught herself because to your surprise she greeted you in normal Na'vi fashion 
"Oel ngati Kameie." Her accent was different but, you can overlook that. Giving a tentative smile you slowly made your way to her, placing your bow down so as to not spook her. You were curious as to what she was doing and she seemed as if her whole world lit up when you got closer to her. It seemed she was just as curious about you as you were about her. This can be interesting.
"Oel ngati Kameie" You ignored the way her smile made you feel at that moment.
That was the start of a long and beautiful friendship with her. Over the years you have watched her connect with the Tsahik and Olo'eyktan as they welcomed what we called dreamwalkers into our home. They did not seem to be a threat and were simply curious about our way of life. She had opened a school for everyone to learn English and you were there to help mediate the children and to help her translate the rare times there was a loss of translation. It was also the first time you saw her and you realized how complicated your feelings were about to get. 
However, all of that changed when the school was attacked by humans after Sylwanin and others destroyed their trucks and she as well as many children were killed. Sylwanin was the oldest daughter of the Tsahik and Sylwanin and per their order of them, all dream walkers were banished from entering the home tree and were to be killed on sight once in their territory. You were distraught over such a loss but, you couldn't bare being apart from her. You would volunteer to watch them, you would sneak off whenever you can to watch her and talk to her for a bit but, that was far and in between. The damage caused by the humans was too severe and therefore put a strain and hold on your feelings for her. Years went by and more humans came and the only time you even cared about one of them was when Jake Sully came and was declared chosen by Eywa. You were happy. You figured times have changed and one day your Grace would be able to connect with Eywa, come to the Home tree, and be able to see you. As time went by with teaching Jake Sully, you were informed of something spectacular by Neytiri herself
"Jake Sully has managed to convince my parents to let Grace come back." Your head had turned so fast that the beads in your hair clinked together to eye Neytiri who had a small smile on your face. You had seen her as a daughter and would always talk to her and Tsu'tey whenever you can. They were the only ones to know of your feelings for Grace and just how devastated you were that she was not allowed back to Home Tree.
"Are you sure? Ma Grace can come back? You promise?" You had dropped the bowl you were making in order to turn fully to Neytiri who let out a little chuckle at your eagerness.
"Yes, Sa'nuk. Your Grace will be here." You sent a prayer to Eywa before engulfing Neytiri in a hug and ordering her to take you to Jake Sully to personally thank him for this opportunity.
That was a while ago and you had re-connected with her and she brought a peace to your heart you never knew you needed. All of this did not last as Hometree was once again attacked by the humans but, this time they destroyed Home Tree completely. Your heart broke into a million pieces and you felt betrayed. You felt a deep sinking hurt and you were with Neytiri banishing Grace and Jake. It was their fault you no longer had a home and your Olo'eyktan was killed. You had prayed and prayed until Jake had shown up on Toruk and hope was brought upon the people once again. However, peace was not brought upon you when Jake informed you that Grace was dying. You felt as if you can cry going through the motions as Jake and Neytiri brought her body and her Avatar to the spirit tree. You knew there was a good chance that it wouldn't work and you had convinced Mo'at to allow you to be at the front. If anything, you wanted Grace's last face to be yours. 
"Ma Grace." You pet her hair as everyone chanted. "My sweet, strong Grace." You watched as she reached for a weak hand to hold the one you had on her face. 
"Oel Ngati Kameie, nga yawne lu oer...ma Y/N." You felt tears escape you as the words you longed to hear, begged for her to say escaped her lips as everything went silent. You waited with bated breath as her mask was removed and it was silent. Too silent. No movement. You felt your ears pin to your head, your hands shaking not wanting to accept that your Grace was with Eywa. Just as you were about to whimper her Avatar moved, your eyes focusing on her face watching as her eyes slowly opened, focusing on you. You sent a prayer to the Great Mother feeling a much bigger, much bluer hand guiding your face back down to hers. 
" Ma Grace." You brought your face down to hers pressing your foreheads together
"Ma Y/N." You knew everything was going to be okay. You will be pulled out of the Time of Great Suffering.
It's insinuated that we have the same ending as Avatar 1 except Grace lives here. This was a little different than how I usually write but, I think I did a pretty good job. Let me know what you guys think!
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deluluassapocalypse · 11 days
I desperately need crazy unhinged bossgirl woman and their pathetic man representation. And by that I mean intelligent, ambitious, unhinged, disgustingly educated but hyperfeminine, that knows how to fight magnifically and are mad science smart queens that would do what is needed to get what they want and need, and their husband/boyfriend supporting and following them around like lovesick puppies.
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jgracie · 19 days
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ the way they love in which i share some little things about being in a relationship with the hoo boys
masterlist | rules
warnings none!
percy ⊹ embarrassing yourself so the other isnt embarrassed alone. making sure you aren't overworking yourself. being compared to an old married couple. drawing on the other's schoolbooks when they aren't looking. everyone can see it but the two of you. insisting whatever he baked is good even though its burnt and probably bad for you. always buying two of everything. endearing nicknames. spending more time at his place than your own. getting random “i thought of you” texts followed by an image only the two of you would understand.
jason ⊹ tucking you in bed after a long night. memorising your skincare routine to a t just in case theres a day youre too lazy to do it. lovingly teaching you concepts you dont understand. whispered confessions late at night. promise rings. spraying your perfume on his things so he can have something to comfort him when he misses you. scrapbooks of your lives as teens for your kids to flip through when you're older. asking him to sleep in just one more hour. painting your nails his favourite colour. princess treatment.
leo ⊹ taking care of the other when theyre ill and getting yourself sick in the process. keeping a mental note of all your likes and dislikes. acts of service acts of service acts of service. making random little gadgets just for the sake of making the other's life the tiniest bit easier. dancing 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light. carving your initials with a heart around them on the trunk of a tree. spam texts. warm, feel good hugs. learning how to make dishes from your culture to remind you of home. messages in morse code.
frank ⊹ trusting the other more than you trust yourself. putting things on the top shelf just so he has an excuse to help you (and flaunt his height). mornings always spent together. giving the other the bigger half of whatever you're sharing. lighthearted competition. being proud of each other no matter what. physical touch. making eye contact from across a packed room. doing your hair better than you ever could. having movie marathons every night. knowing if you prefer gold or silver. watching all 146 tiktoks you send him in the span of an hour.
travis ⊹ incorporating the other's favourite music into your own playlists, no matter how different their taste is. shamelessly calling you "the wife". pictures of you in his wallet. pictures of you on his phone. pictures of you everywhere. arm tightly wrapped around your waist. piggyback rides. sleepovers. drawing constellations out of his freckles. your personal photographer and videographer. having his proposal planned from the age of 14. partners in crime. sweater weather by the neighbourhood.
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balletfilmss · 1 month
✸ pairing: jason grace x daughter of poseidon! reader
✸ synopsis: no, you’re not coming to your senses. even if it’s your father who’s telling you to
✸ warnings: none!
✸ notes: writing’s so weird…like it took me weeks to do my last work & i cranked this out in TWENTY minutes
idea from this post by @percabething!!
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“you heard me, yn,” said your father firmly, ready for you to take your leave and quit bothering.
as if you were the issue here. you’d been minding your own damn business when he just appeared at the lakefront, disturbing your date planning.
your boyfriend would be here any minute, and here poseidon was suddenly deciding to parent. and not only to parent, but to have the audacity to try and tell you who you could and couldn’t date, trying to slam the door on your whole world.
“this doesn’t make any sense!” you protested. “jason and i have been together for months, why is it now a problem?”
“i was hoping that your little summer fling would die out, but it seems that you’re persistent with this one,” your father said.
this one? as if you’d dated more than one other boy before him.
“now, like i said, it’s time for you to stop entertaining this relationship with zeus’s boy. i know you don’t think so, but i’m looking out for you. think about what this could do to your name! end it already, yn.”
at that, he began to walk back towards the water, trampling over your beautiful picnic spread and narrowly missing crushing your basket.
you ran after him, the sides of your unbuttoned cardigan blowing in the summer breeze as you followed him into the water, willing your dress to stay dry as you cried out, “my name? i don’t care about what it could do! jason’s the one i want, dad, you can’t do this!”
poseidon stopped in his tracks, turning to you. “i am the god of the seas and your father, yn, i can do whatever it is that i please. so do enlighten me, why, may i ask, do you think i can’t do this?”
before you could even think to stop yourself, you shouted the words at him,
“because, dad, i love him!”
at the confession, something in your father’s stormy blue eyes seemed to clear up. his face softened as he looked at you for a moment, wondering how the little girl he remembered had gotten so old in such little time.
you began to grow antsy at the silence that followed your words, suddenly aware of the swishing of the lake against your calves as time seemed to still.
finally, poseidon sighed, “very well then.”
you perked up immediately, eyes bright as you squealed, “really?!”
the god nodded his head, though hesitantly and said, “yes. make sure he doesn’t make me regret it. and make sure he knows that.”
your father pointed over your shoulder, his tone suddenly shifted from how it’d been just about three minutes ago. you turned to find jason standing on the bank of the lake with colored cheeks and his hands behind his back, waiting for you to return and not wanting to interrupt your discussion with your father.
from the look on his face, he had definitely heard you.
blood rushed to your face as you realized that your first “i love you” for your boyfriend had been screamed at your father, of all people. when you turned back to your dad, he was gone with the waves.
tilting your head back as you dramatically rolled your eyes at the theatrics, you tentatively spun back round to look at jason, a sheepish smile on your face.
without missing a beat, he joined you in the water, splashing up to his ankles and sending water flying everywhere as he giddily made his way to you.
immediately upon arrival, he placed both hands on your face and pulled you in, catching your lips in a hasty kiss he’d been waiting to give you ever since he accidentally overheard your conversation.
you pressed your lips against his as your head swam as much as the creatures in the water below, winding your arms around his neck and pressing your body flush against his.
when you only separated because of lack of oxygen, neither of you strayed far.
“you heard me?” you asked with a breathe, forehead pressed against jason’s.
he was wearing what might’ve been the widest grin you’d ever seen.
“i did,” he said, pushing a tendril of hair behind your ear. “and i love you too.”
smiling hard, you pushed your lips against his once more.
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theebubblegumbitch · 2 months
Innocence is Gone~
virgin!Ethan Landry x fem!ghostface!Reader
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Synopsis: It all started with a passing comment about poor Ethan dying a virgin... Lucky for him, you weren't gonna let that happen.
Warnings: ghostface!fem!reader, sub!virgin!ethan landry, unprotected penetrative sex (wrap it tf up), overstim if you squint, death/murder mentions, knife mention/use for intimidation
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⚠️You are responsible for your own media consumption. Please read responsibly. 18+ viewer discretion is advised.⚠️
"Am I gonna die a virgin?" was the question Ethan had openly posed towards the group during a discussion about the most recent Ghostface killings. Everyone else had shrugged it off as a funny joke, just awkward Ethan being himself, awkward. But you had thought he actually sounded legitimately concerned for that possible fate. You thought it would be best to try and offer some reassurance to the boy, to ease some of the tension and fear, and also to get any potential suspicious persons off your tail. "None of us are going to die Ethan, at least not for many, many years so don't even worry about that okay?" He looked at you for a second before nodding, still slightly anxious at the possibility of death, or maybe at the eye contact the two of you made for a fraction of a second. However, no matter the cause, it did make you feel slightly bad for lying to him.
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It was now about a week after that little interaction, and you were quickly approaching Ethan's dorm, with ghostface costume fully adorned. You had tucked a knife into the waistband of your pants, although you didn't plan on using it for more than intimidation. You had planned to kill Ethan at first as he seemed like easy prey to you, but now you thought it best to keep him alive for now. After all, you could still have some fun with him.
You had now made your way through an open window, both cursing and praising Ethan in your head for this helpful but incredibly stupid action. You were in his bathroom now, the fresh smell of his shampoo still lingering along with the steam on the mirror. "He must've just finished showering." You thought to yourself as you examined the empty room, making your way to the door. You went to twist the nob as slowly as possible so as to not alert the man of your presence yet. Upon opening the door just a crack, you saw Ethan standing next to his bed shirtless, luckily for you with his back towards the door.
You slowly opened it more until you could slip through, now taking the time to remove the knife from your waistband. You quickly made your way across the room and subdued the man, holding his hands behind his back, knife pressing ever so gently against his throat. "Good evening Ethan, would you like to play a little game..." Your modulated voice asked as you felt him slightly tremble in your grasp. "Oh my god please don't kill me! I don't wanna die I'll do anything you ask please just please..." He was begging you to spare his life incessantly, voice wavering as he spoke. "Oh no Ethan, honey, I'm not here to kill you. I'm here to help you with your little...problem." You whispered that last bit in his ear as you dragged the blunt edge of the knife along it.
He shivered. "W-what problem are you talking about? And you're holding a knife against my face so it sure feels like you want to kill me!" He was rambling like crazy, and you would be lying if you said it didn't slightly turn you on. Well, maybe more than slightly... "I can do away with the knife if you promise to be good. Can you do that for me Ethan? Can you promise?" You lifted the knife from his skin ever so slightly to show you were serious. "Yes, yes I'll be good I promise you, just please put the knife away!" He was almost whimpering now, and it made you comply to his request even quicker, swiftly tucking the weapon back into your waistband. “The knife’s away now pretty boy.” You whispered in his ear once again, using your other free hand to trace simple shapes onto his arm.
“O-okay now, who are you! And if you don’t want to kill me then, what are you here to help me with?!” He had eased up a little once he realized the knife wasn’t in your hand anymore, but he was still shaking, obviously very afraid. “Do you really wanna know what I’m here for Ethan?” You asked in your normal volume. “Y-yes I do.” That was enough for you as you clutched at your mask, slowly removing it. “I’m here…” You threw the mask down on the bed in front of him. “…to help you…” You let go of his arms and placed a hand on his waist. “…with your little…” You spun him around to face you as you pushed him down onto the bed. “…virginity problem.” He was gawking at you now, completely slack jawed. “Y/N? You’re Ghostface?? And you want to have sex with me?” Both of those things were true, but you couldn’t let him know about the first one. At least not yet. “No of course I’m not actually Ghostface! You can get this costume pretty much anywhere online.” You said as you messed with the long black fabric. You couldn’t wait to take it off for him.
“But…” you paused for a second to straddle his lap, watching him inhale sharply. “…I do want to fuck you pretty boy.” You leaned in and went to suck a mark into his neck before stopping yourself. “Are you okay with that Ethan?” You gazed into his eyes as he started at you blankly, slowing nodding. “I need you to say it Eth.” You placed your hands on his shoulders, ready to move off of him if he didn’t comply. “Y-yes please I want you.” Finally, you could have some actual fun with him. You placed a kiss on his cheek before removing your ghostface robe, leaving you completely bare except for you red lace underwear.
“H- holy shit…” Ethan gasped out as his eyes trailed your chest. He looked fidgety, and you felt his dick strain under your lap. He was what you can only assume to be painfully hard. You decided to lightly brush down on him with your core as a simple, but effective gesture to let him know you knew how needy he was. “Wow that was fast, do I really turn you on that much Eth?” You asked the flustered boy as you sucked dark purple marks into his neck, watching them bloom like bloody flowers. “Y-yea you do. I think you’re so hot y/n really I do, I’ve wanted you so bad for so long…” He started whining a little the more he rambled on. You wouldn’t tell him this, but it made you embarrassingly wet. “Holy fuck you’re so wet I can feel it…” Ethan had panted out as he experimented with grabbing your breasts. Well so much for him not knowing his pathetic-ness turns me on You thought as you felt his shy, shaky hands grow a bit more bold.
“Can I put it in now? Please y/n? You need it too I can tell just p-please I’ll be good!” The curly haired boy begged you as he buried his face in the crook of your neck. He was right, if you wanted him before, want couldn’t even describe what you felt now. “Yea pretty boy I’ll put it in, I’ll make you feel good.” You stumbled out your words as you hastily pulled the drawstrings of his pants, not even bothering to pull down his boxers before pulling out his achy cock. “Impressive Landry…” You purred in his ear. Maybe you should fuck econ nerds more often… You pumped him a few times in your hand before properly positioning yourself to allow him to slip in, a task made incredibly easy by your impressive arousal. You slowly eased down, the pair of you sharing a gasp as you hit the hilt. He was as deep as he could possibly be in this position and he loved it.
“O-oh my god… You’re so warm a-and wet and fuck!” You had started to move during his praises, gaining a slow and steady rhythm, but you were pent up, and it wasn’t enough. “Eth I know it’s your first time and all, but i’m about to fuck the ever-loving shit out of you. Kay pretty boy?” You panted out at him as you picked up the pace. You could tell you probably had him thoroughly fucked out already judging by just how awestruck he look. So much that he could only nod.
And that was all you needed. You picked up the pace more and more, hearing Ethan get louder and louder under you. “Nghh- Ah- FUCK y/n please you have to get off i’m gonna cum please.” You knew he was worried about the lack of protection, you also knew that you couldn’t care less. You were so close to orgasm that there was no way you were stopping now. “It’s okay cum in me don’t worry it’s okay hon.” You breathed out as fast as humanly possible, your mouth desperate to match the speed of your body. Not long at all after, you felt Ethan buck his hips up harshly into you, and you were filled with a sudden warmth, one you’ve never felt before.
Ethan was the first guy to come inside of you, and the thought of that alone led you to your peak. Strings of moans and curses flowed from your lips like silk as you slowed down before eventually going limp over him. You felt his hands snake around your waist and grip you tight, and you knew you got exactly what you wanted.
“Now you can help me kill Tara.”
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Author’s Note: IT’S FINALLY OUT!! my premiere Ethan Landry fic!! I hope you all enjoyed it cause I had sooo much fun writing it! I’d like to give a shoutout to some people who pushed me to get this one finished so without further adieu…
MANY THANKS TO: @taylormarieee @ivorysfilms @ethanlandrysrightballsack and @stickbodybighead !!! They were so supportive and kind and they are overall lovely people!!!
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©️theebubblegumbitch| All rights reserved. Do not repost, re-upload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own without permission.
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sharararararara · 5 months
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Paring: Percy Jackson x Child of Demeter reader
Summary: You were Percy's first friend, you were the only one who did not think he was weird. It was like you understood him, it was like you were like him. That was when you disappeared, leaving Percy alone with people bullying him. Percy promised that day that he would find you, no matter what.
Warnings: The reader is female(sorry) and angst.
Author's note: So I just realised that I was not writing for Percy so here it is!
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Luke was showing Percy around Camp Half-Blood. Introducing his friends to him, and showing what they do.
"I wonder what your friends back in your school would think when they found out that your missing," Said Luke to Percy, making Percy frown.
"I don't have any friends, I only have Grover," replied Percy, making Luke frown. "You don't have other friends?" Asked Luke.
"Well, I did have one but...she went missing," Said Percy as he looked down at the ground. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that..." Said Luke, as he did not say anything after that, realizing his mistake for asking him that question.
"She was my first friend, the only one who understood me for who I was. But one day she just magically disappeared, leaving me alone with the bullies," Said Percy, walking side-by-side with Luke.
"She sounds like a good friend," Said Luke, trying to lighten the mood. "She was, and I hope she's ok," Replied Percy.
"Oh! it's time for Lunch come on! You don't wanna miss it," Said Luke dragging Percy to one of the tables.
Luke made Percy sit down on the seats, "I'm gonna get food, I'll be right back," Said Luke as he walked away.
Percy gave Luke a simple thumbs up, before sighing to himself. He does not want to be here.
He felt like he did not belong in camp-half blood, he felt like an outcast.
If you were here, he would not feel so nervous, not so alone. He missed you, and he did not know what happened to you.
Did you get kidnapped? Did you move to another country or state? Did you run away?
He never really knew your parents, every time he wanted to meet them you always denied him saying that they were "busy" or "at work."
He never saw your parents since you always walked home. Once he asked to walk you home and you denied saying "Oh it's not that far" or "I can do it by myself."
He did not know why you were acting suspicious, but after a few years, he got used to not seeing your parents, acting like their just a ghost.
"You must be the new kid!" Percy snapped his head to the side, getting startled by the sudden voice.
A girl sat beside him, placing her food on the table. "What's your name?" She asked before taking a spoonful of her food.
staring"Percy," He replied as he looked at the rather cheerful girl. The girl froze. "Percy? Your name is Percy?" She asked before staring at him seriously, making him want to run away.
"Is there a problem with the name Percy?" He asked, awkwardly chuckling.
"N-no it's just..." The girl became quiet, before turning back to her food. "It's nothing, sorry I just uh...Your name just reminded me of Perseus, the one who killed Medusa," She replied, before taking a bite of her food again.
"Well that was where my Mom got my name, so I guess that makes sense," Percy replied, before looking down at his hands.
"Oh, yeah I remember...," said the girl. "What do you mean by "you remembered?" Percy asked as he turned to the girl.
"Oh uh- Nothing sorry- uh I need to go," said the girl before taking her half-eaten food and running away.
"Well that was weird"
Percy whipped his head to the right only to see Luke holding two plates of Mac-n-cheese.
"To be honest she reminded me of someone," he replied as Luke placed the plate in front of him and sat down.
"You know Y/N never really acts like that, I don't know why she was acting weirdly today," Said Luke as he took a full spoon of his food.
Percy froze, it's all making sense now. "Her name is Y/N?" Asked Percy, as he waited for Luke to answer his question.
"Yeah? Do you know her?" Asked Luke, making Percy widen his eyes.
"How long has Y/N been here for?" Asked Percy, "What-"
"Answer the question Luke," Said Percy, tightening his grip on his spoon.
"Oh uh- I think for 4 years?" Said Luke, getting a little nervous by the sudden change in Percy's behavior.
Percy was silent, too silent.
That was the same amount of years that you went missing for, you were here the whole time.
"She got claimed 2 years ago by Demeter," Said Luke, trying to break the suffocating silence.
"Sorry I need to go-" Said Percy before standing up, leaving his food behind.
"Well that was weird'," Said Chris before sitting beside Luke. "Yeah," replied Luke.
"I think he knows her," said Chris, stuffing his mouth with his food. "But Percy said that he did not have any other friends except Grove-"
Luke became silent, thinking about what Percy had said about his missing friend.
"Oh," Said Luke, realizing the situation. "I think I know what happened," said Luke, making Chris look up at him.
"What?" Asked Chris, obviously confused.
Luke explained everything to Chris, making Chris widen his eyes.
"Damn," said Chris, covering his mouth in shock.
"Yeah," Agreed Luke, "I hope he finds her."
"Yeah same," Replied Chris.
Shouted Percy as he entered Cabin 4, making your half-siblings look at him like he was crazy.
"Hello to you too," Said one of the boys awkwardly as he walked towards Percy.
"Have you seen Y/N?" Asked Percy, looking around the Cabin. "Hey- Slow down-" Shouted one of your half-siblings.
"Where is she?!" Shouted Percy.
Percy turned around only to face you, "What are you doing here?" You asked, obviously concerned.
"I need to speak with you," Said Percy, taking your hands into his. "I- uh ok?" You replied leading him outside.
You lead him somewhere private, somewhere far away from the rest of the kids.
You stopped walking as you turned to him, "What do you want to tell me so badly?" You asked, making him inhale deeply.
He exhaled, preparing himself. "I think you were my friend back in school," said Percy.
"So you found out?" You asked sadness in your eyes. "Why you didn't tell me?" Asked Percy grabbing your shoulders.
"I've been looking for you for years! And all this time you were here?" Said Percy.
"I did not know how to tell you, I'm sorry for hiding this from you," You admitted, looking down at the ground ashamed.
Percy widens his eyes, "No, no- It's fine, it's ok..." Said Percy. "Really?" You asked, hope in your eyes.
"Yeah, it's fine, as long as your safe then it's fine," Said Percy as he smiled, making you giggle.
"I missed you so much Y/N," Said Percy and pulled you in a tight hug. "I missed you too," You replied before hugging him back.
The hug lasted for 20 seconds. It felt good to be finally in each other's arms again.
You pulled away from the hug, "It's been a long time since we hugged," You said, giggling.
Percy chuckled, "Yeah, it has been a very long time," Said Percy as he smiled admirably at you.
"But do you know what else we've never done in a long time?" Asked Percy, slowly walking closer to you.
"What?" You asked, your eyes focusing on his. "Kiss," Whispered Percy, making you giggle.
"Percy we were 6 years old the last time we kissed! And the only reason we kissed is because we both thought that we were gonna be alone forever so that's why you bought 2 candy rings so that we can be "married" You replied, making him laugh.
"Ok, ok, How about a real kiss?" Asked Percy, moving closer. You giggled, "In your dreams Percy," You pushed his head away and walked away, giggling at his reaction.
"Okay fine, maybe we might not kiss now but we will kiss in the future," said Percy, making you laugh.
"Yah, yah, whatever," You said smiling as you took his hand into yours.
"I missed you Y/N"
"I missed you too Percy"
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ediewentmissing · 1 year
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allisluv · 29 days
this is definitely not inspired by a recent dream of mine
if you had a wet dream about finnick odair. GOD IF YOU HAD ONE ... the first thing you feel when you wake up in the semi-darkness of your room, your eyes squinting at his still sleeping figure, would be SHAME. you just feel miserable because you feel like you're like these capitol's citizens who are unable to see past his divine beauty </3
you go to get a glass of water, and wake up with finnick, half asleep, in the doorway, concern on his face. you don't want to tell him directly what is the cause of your awakening but we all know that he will manage to get the words out of you.
he does not blame you for a moment. "you should see my dreams about you", he says without a care and leaves you speechless. and then ... the dream becomes reality <3
he wears the most smug look after + says something like "i bet it was better than that dream"
— 🫀
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a/n: hi hi hi! i've never written smut before so constructive criticism is welcome just please don't be mean because i will cry (fr) thank you anon for your request + i hope this lived up to expectations <3
content warnings: established relationship, porn with a little dash of plot, oral (fem!recieving), praise kink, use of the phrase good girl, unprotected p in v (please wrap it before you tap it), lots of consent and finnick being cheeky as always. oh and not proofread for the time being
pairing: finnick o'dair x fem!reader
It takes a while for you to register your surroundings when you shake yourself awake. It's dark in your room and you have to squint in order to make out Finnick's sleeping figure next to you. His chest rises and falls in shallow breaths and you're relieved that you didn't wake him.
As the dream runs through your head like an old movie, you squeeze your thighs together to get rid of the ache between your legs. Shame bubbles in your chest and bile hits the back of your throat.
Wasn't this exactly what the people in the Capitol did? Got off to the thought of him kissing his way up their bodies? You bite the inside of your cheek until you can’t focus on anything other than the metallic taste of blood flooding your mouth.
You pull the covers back and swing your legs over the side of the bed, padding across the wooden floorboards in your bare feet. Flicking on the light switch in the kitchen, you grab an empty glass before filling it with cold water from the faucet.
A pair of warm hands sneaking their way around your stomach is the first thing that you manage to register in your hazy mind. Finnick presses a kiss against the shell of your ear before asking, "What’re you doing up this early, honey?"
"Couldn't sleep," you murmur, setting the glass back onto the marble countertop. “Did I wake you?”
Finnick presses a kiss to the crown of your head as his fingers trace patterns up and down your arms. “Your side of the bed was cold. Was wondering where you'd gotten to, that's all," he shrugs and turns you around to face him. "You gonna tell me whats going on in that head of yours? Was it a bad dream?"
You slide onto the countertop and Finnick's hands instinctively fall to your hips. "Something like that," you mutter. "It's nothing."
"Doesn't sound like nothing," he prompts, gently using his thumb and index finger to tilt your head towards him. Your gaze remains glued to the wall behind him but he angles his head to catch your eye. "I need you to use your words, baby, cause I don't understand."
You shift uncomfortably on the countertop, praying that he'll drop it, (which isn't likely to happen, because Finnick O'dair is the text-book definition of stubborn). "I didn't have a bad dream."
"Then what was it?" Finnick asks, his eyebrows knitting together in a blend of confusion and concern. Warmth creeps across your cheeks. "Oh."
You try to bury your face in your hands but his reflexes are quick and he catches your wrists in between his fingers. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about, baby. You should see my dreams about you," he grins proudly. "Why didn't you say something sooner, honey? Are you gonna let me take care of you?"
Goosebumps rise on your skin as your tongue runs over your lips. You nod without making a sound.
Finnick's fingers skim the lace at the bottom of your nightdress. He's teasing. "Gotta hear you use your words, baby." His hand trails higher and higher until he's tracing feather-light touches along the outline of your black underwear. "Come on, use your words for me."
Your heart beats against your ribcage as he leans down and presses a gentle kiss to your stomach. It's hard to think when your thoughts are consumed by him. He pulls your nightgown up to your hips, exposing your damp panties. His thumb toys with the hem. "Please," you whine breathlessly.
"Please what baby?" he peers up at you through his lashes. "You know I'll give you whatever you want, just need to hear you say it."
"Please fuck me."
He gives a satisfied hum and sinks to his knees in front of you. "Good girl. My gorgeous, needy girl. Am I gonna find you soaked under here?" His fingers work the soft material down your thighs. "Can I?"
"Please touch me." Your hips chase forward in search of his hand and he runs his fingers through your folds. Your eyes squeeze shut, hand balling his white shirt into your fist. "Oh my god."
He drops his hand and buries his face in your cunt, tongue easing you open as he tracks his way to your clit. Your hands find purchase in his hair and you tug hard.
"You feel so good," you scratch his scalp with your blunt nails and he moans into your cunt. Finnick reaches between your legs, his fingers feeling between your folds as he sucks on your sensitive clit. Familiar tightness was coiling in your core and, as if he could sense it, Finnick stood up.
You whined at the loss of contact but he swallowed it with a kiss. His warm hands smooth your hair out of your face and back behind your shoulders. He was always so gentle with you.
You threw your head back and he obliged by trailing wet kisses down the expanse of your neck. He hummed against your skin as you tug at the hem of his t-shirt desperately.
Finnick chuckles as you strip him of the thin cotton. You toss it to the side, not bothering to look where it lands. All you can focus on is how much you want him to fuck you.
Finnick kisses you lazily and pulls down his sweatpants and boxers in one go. You palm his bare cock and he twitches in your hand, hot and heavy. "Are you sure you're ready for me baby? I don't wanna hurt you or anything," he frowns.
You kiss the crown of his forehead and pull your nightgown over your head. The cold air nips at your bare breasts and Finnick's eyes darken at the sight. "I can handle it. Please, need to feel you."
Finnick grips your hips in his gentle hands and lines himself up with your entrance. His tongue slips into your mouth as he pushes into you with such force that the breath is knocked from your lungs. No matter how many times he fucks you, it always takes a while for you to accommodate to his size.
He presses gentle kisses to your nose and your cheeks before finally brushing his lips against yours once more. "You still with me, honey?" He brushes a hand across your forehead, wiping away the strands of hair that had gotten stuck from the sweat. "Being such a good girl for me, sweetheart. Always so good for me. Stretching me so well."
Your pain soon morphs to pleasure and as your hips cant forward, he thrusts to meet you. "Feel so full, Finnick," your nails drag against his bare back, no doubt leaving marks.
"Yeah?" Finnick smirks, lifting one of your legs and wrapping it around his waist. The angle drives him deeper inside you, and to make it even more impossible to string together a coherent sentence, he drags his tongue over your sensitive nipples. "Are you getting close, baby? Yeah you are, I can feel you squeezing me."
He kisses you slowly as he pushes his hips to meet yours again. Your mouth leaves his and you kiss along his jawline, moaning into his ear as he fucks you. "Finnick," you whine, clinging to the space between his shoulder blades. It's the only word you can think of. Your thoughts are consumed with him.
"I've got you, honey," he hisses as his hips slam into you. "Come for me. You're beautiful, baby. Come for me, I know you can do it, I'm so close--"
Finnick surges up to capture your mouth in a kiss as your orgasm washes over you like the waves outside your house. Finnick's hips still and you can feel his warm seed pumping into you.
Too exhausted to hold yourself up, you collapse against Finnick, who holds you close as you both come down from your high. Your kisses are sloppy and languid but you feel so warm, so full, that nothing else really matters.
You whine when he pulls out but it's not so bad when he's soothing it better with soft kisses and gentle caresses. He whispers that he loves you and offers to carry you to the bath but not before getting one smart remark in. "Bet I was better than in the dream, huh, honey?"
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phoenix-writer2 · 12 days
lipstick love
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synopsis: Percy loves red on you, especially on your lips.
pairing: Percy Jackson x fem!reader daughter of Dionysus
warnings: fluff, kissing, lipstick, Percy being Percy, make out (but no smut), love, no prof reading, writing on phone because my laptop died two days ago, if I forgot anything say it
Note: I love lipstick and Percy Jackson. So I thought I this could be good. Enjoy it♥️
Word Count: 1004
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Everyone knew that Percy Jackson's favourite colour was blue. If you asked one of his college mates or a complete stranger from his school, everyone knew the answer. But what nobody knew was that Percy also liked another colour. One that he had only discovered for himself a few years ago. And this time it had nothing to do with the sea, Sally's freshly baked biscuits or the colour blue in general.
Quite the opposite. The colour red was very different from blue. While blue was like the peaceful ocean, red was like a blazing fire. And the reason for this fire was none other than you. You who made Percy's world glow. You who gave him a reason to strive. Not to save the world, not to please the gods, no, just to be with you, to make you proud. And if he was really honest with himself, he would bring Olympus to his knees for you.
There were two sides of Percy. The one where he chased after you like a lost puppy and tried everything to get your attention by constantly saying your name and turning his sea green eyes into puppy eyes, the side where he brought you sweets and treats for no reason, and the one where he was sarcastic and cheeky. The side where he showed off your relationship, kissed you and pretended there wasn't a whole class watching. Whichever side of him it was, Percy didn't care what the people around him thought.
Red was a colour for him, which reminds him of you. He always says "I love this colour" whenever you wear it. But what he loved the most, was the red on your lips. He loved to smear the red and leave his marks behind. Loved to see your reaction after he was done painting his lips and your neck in red. He just adored the sign.
"Hey Darling, can you give me hairbrush?"
Percy was shaken out of his throughs. Your voice was like musik in his ears. Angels melody in the air. He was standing at the kitchen counter, when you came in, preparing a bowl of cereal.
You were dressed in a high waist baggy jeans and a black crop top. Your hair was messy and Percy knew you just had awaken from your nap. He looked to his right and saw the wooden hair brush laying there.
"Sure love"
He grabber it and tossed it to you. The objective almost hitting you on the head when you were still to sleepy to realize that it was flying toward you. But lucky enough did you catch it before you got a red hit mark on your forehead.
"So" asked Percy as he watched you how you tamed your hair. "Where are you going at this time?"
You pulled out a mini mirror from your pocket and an all too familiar red lipstick. You always wear it, so it had become your trademark. No y/n without red lips. Which, if Percy was completely honest, delighted him.
"Just to Annabeth", you mumble as you apply the red color to your lips. Percy watched enchanted as the color stuck to your lips. As if on automatic, he pushed himself away from the counter where he had been standing eating cereal and made his way to you.
You saw in your mirror only you and nothing else, so you didn't notice at first when Percy did get in front of you. While you were completely concentrated not to mess up your lips, Percy did get in front of you. He was a bit taller than you, around 3 inches. You didn't mind that because you liked to look in his see green eyes when looking up. Still concentrated on your lips, Percy took the little flip mirror and closed it. Now your attention was on him and only him and this made him happy.
You lowered your lipstick and put it back in your pocket to look at him. Your boyfriend had this shit eating grin on his lips as he looked at you with adoring eyes. You sighed.
"Darling", you began, but his lips were already on yours. The taste of see and salt stayed on your lips and a contented sigh escaped you as your arms wrapped around his neck and played with Percy's messy hair. Percy, as cheeky as he was, had made it his goal to spread your lipstick. Not just on your lips, but on his and your neck too. So when he moved his slightly chapped lips against yours, he transferred the red color to his lips.
His hands rested on your hips as he pulled you up and settled you on the counter of the kitchen. Your sweet sense overwhelmed him as he detached his lips from yours. You little disapproving noise escapes you and Percy smirked. He lowered his lips again, but this time on your neck. You sucked a breath as he began to spread the lipstick.
"Damn you Perseus Jackson, what would Dad say?"
Percy smirked against your skin. "Mr. D? He would turn me into a dolphin for touching you and kill me for making out with his only daughter."
That was no lie. Dionysus was short lived as he found out you and Perseus Jackson or, what he liked to call him Perry Johnson, were dating. Percy literally had to run from the god, while you calmed your father down.
While Percy picked your skin with kisses, you looked at the clock on the wall of your college department.
"Percy", you whispered. "I have to go"
With a little pout he take if from you, but the sign was it worth. All over your skin were lipstick marks from him. "Let's see what wise girl has to say to that", he smirked and pointed at the marks. You rummaging through your bag to find your mirror to see how bad it was. A goan escaped you when you saw the work Percy was very proud of.
"You're impossible", you scolded. Percy grinned again. "But you love me." you sigh again before smiling. "Yea I love you."
And with that your lips were on his again. Maybe Annabeth had to wait a little bit, bevor you showed up. But she already knew that because she knew Percy Jackson. So she waited without a care in the world and a book in her hands until Percy was satisfied with his lipstick smearing, which he called lipstick love.
Don't copy my work!
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How would Jason Grace spoil you? boyfriend hcs list
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author's note: ik i have an angsty jason grace prompt in my asks and i swear im working on it! But this idea just popped up on my mind and I've been thinking about it all night yesterday omgg. Let me know if you guys want a Leo/Percy/Frank version of this, I mostly write for Jason since he's my bbg but I might actually do the others this time since the idea is so cute!
I'll start off by saying, Jason is a selfcare supporter bf.
Okay so yk how the Romans in CJ have such high standards? They literally exhibit royal/regal energy, and are super fans of luxury stuff.
Jason despite being influenced by greeks would always be a roman. Whether he likes it or not, there will always be roman blood in him. So he makes these cute/simple ideas for dates/gifts but his execution is just pure sophistication. He's SO simple yet so fancy, and Ik they're contradictions but I promise I'll explain.
like this boy would make sure to run you a nice warm roman bath after you come back from a dangerous/tiresome quest to ease your muscles. Cute and simple right? Wrong. This man would buy all sorts of expensive bath perfumes, bath bombs, fragranted petals, etc to make it extra special for you.
See so this is what I mean when I say his ideas are cute, but executed in a very fancy way.
He LOVES spoiling you with self care products, like sheet masks, lotion, cleansers, hair masks, etc. like he simply does NOT care about the money, as long as his girl is taking care of herself?? That's all that matters tbh
This is mostly because Jason, as a kid soldier, never had any time for himself, the closest thing he's ever done to "selfcare" is probably take long baths + trim his hair lol
jason was blessed with his mother's ethereal actress beauty okay. So selfcare or no self care would have zero effect on him physically bc bro would still look majestic.
ANYWAYS he feels like his inner child just kinda heals when he sees you prioritising yourself and he admires it sm :((
would be ecstatic if you rope him into self care. He would be sceptical at first but then as you're applying a face mask on him he'd be like "wait this is actually so relaxing what" and you love the way his face muscles soften at that. Like he really deserves a break and some relaxation, you'd often trick him into using your skincare products intentionally bc he deserves self care.
once he felt so soothed with the lemon facemask he was wearing that he fell asleep on your shoulder and was all zzz 🥺
and would make sure to restock all your products if they run out.
he feels that the self-care has more of a mental and emotional effect on him rather than physical
Which is what matters to him
honestly?? He supports you if you want to wear makeup. Like he'd think you look gorgeous either way but if you like wearing lipgloss? So be it. You get any lipgloss you want he's paying. He just LOVES that you love yourself too :( and would do anything to make you feel comfortable.
This man loves investing on food. Again, it's bc he never even had the time to properly eat as a legionnaire :(
So he'd love to take you out to places and just munch on tasty food and talk. New Rome has bomb food okay. Bro just never got to eat them.
Lmao he's like everyone's grandma when it comes to food. "Have you eaten? You HAVE to eat!! I'll get you food! Go back to your room!"
would spoonfeed you soup if you're sick bc nuh uh you ain't going without eating hun 😤
hes the worried anxious mother hen bf okay fight me.
Food + selfcare = Jason Grace's love language
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snazzyturtles · 9 months
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bokuto x f!reader, nsfw, mdni
bokuto kotaro’s biggest fan catches his eye, and he decides he has to have you
wc: 7.1 k
tw: strangers to lovers, virg reader, anal tease, titty sucking, mating press, unprotected, creampie, implied squirting, bd/sp, bokuto is VERY straightforward and confident while reader is a blushing mess, pet names (klutz, sweetie, darling, baby, little fan), bokuto likes teasing sO much, he bites you like once but it’s not bad
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧
thinking back on it, you could have never imagined yourself in the place you are now. what started as tagging along with a friend to a random volleyball game one weekend slowly turned into a hobby. a habit. one you couldn't shake off or ignore, because you just kept feeling like you needed more, and one team filled that want.
the msby black jackals were an amazing team, filled with wonderful athletes that were great at what they did. hinata, atsumu, meian, kiyoomi- they were all incredible. you were a big fan, loving to watch them compete. but one player intrigued you the most- bokuto kotaro. he was an astonishing player, and while watching their competitions, you couldn't keep your eyes off of him. for more ways than one. 
after the game, you walked down and greeted him while he was walking away, meekly asking him to sign your shirt. he was cheerful, happy to see that someone admired him after the game. 
“of course!” he chuckled, “didn't know I had such gorgeous fans.” he gave you a friendly wink.
your breath caught, heart fluttering in your chest. did he really just say that?
“i... ah... th-thank you.” you stuttered out, a blush spreading your face fast.
he chuckled softly, “oh, you're very welcome.” his cheerful expression turned into a flirty smirk.
“and what's the name of my favorite fan?” he smiled.
your blush got somehow even deeper, ducking your head down so he wouldn't see your flustered face.
“… y/n,” you replied, low and quiet.
“y/n, such a gorgeous name.” his voice was smooth but playful.
you went stiff, almost forgetting to breathe. bokuto kotaro was complimenting you?
“i see we got a shy one?” he smirked.
“i... well…” you took a breath and looked back up at him. your voice was shaky. “n-not normally... i just-“
his expression was a playful grin, he looked at you in the eyes while speaking.
“oh what's this? you got a crush on the ace?” he chuckled softly.
lifting your head, you stared into his golden eyes, slowly nodding.
“i... um, yeah…”
his eyes widened and his voice became soft.
“o-oh well in that case, would you like to go get dinner after this, sweetie?” he smirked. “i think my favorite fan has just landed a date.”
your eyes flew open. his words caught you by surprise, not expecting that response.
“w-wait what? are you serious?”
“of course i’m serious. a beautiful fan like you couldn't be alone on a special night like this, right?” he chuckled confidently, looking you in the eyes- his voice was sweet and smooth.
“but... but won't you be busy? it's after the game, you have interviews and other fans to meet…”
he chuckled and stepped closer. “i’m willing to spare some time for a loyal fan.”
he grabbed your hand, his expression was cheerful. “i’ll pick you up in an hour then, how does that sound?”
you nodded your head quickly, “that sounds great.”
you gave him your phone number and address, suddenly so excited for what was about to come.
the hour passed quickly and there was a knock on your door. it was bokuto, dressed in a button-up shirt and slacks, his hair was neat and his eyes were sparkling. he bowed.
“good evening, y/n.”
your voice caught in your throat as you opened the door to your apartment. you whispered under your breath, “i... i didn't realize you were dressing up.”
he chuckled. “i have to look nice for my fan.”
you were standing in the doorway, wearing the jersey he signed earlier and shorts that you could barely see underneath. you were dramatically underdressed in comparison to him.
“um... make yourself at home, give me one minute i'm gonna go put on something better.”
when his eyes widened as he noticed your attire, his voice became a bit raspy. “oh, um… alright, sure.”
he stepped aside and sat down in a nearby chair to let you change. you blushed deeply, then practically ran to your bedroom to put on better clothes.
you were rushing so much that when you went to tug your shorts off, you tripped and fell on the floor, hitting the wall and yelping loudly.
bokuto heard the sound of you falling and came running in, his gold eyes darted around and they focused in on you.
“y- y/n?” his voice was shaky, he seemed concerned.
“are you okay?” he started cautiously walking over towards you. “i heard a shriek and a loud sound, are you hurt?”
“ow.” you said under your breath, gritting your teeth as you rubbed your knee. “i'm sorry bokuto, i tripped when i was changing clothes & hit my knee-“
mentioning that was all it took for him, and he immediately bent down and picked you up. bokuto held you in his arms as he examined your injury.
“this is definitely a bruise, you'll probably also have a bit of a limp,” he frowned.
“you hit your knee on the wall?” he looked at the wall and back to you. “how fast and how hard did you have to trip to do that?”
you covered your face with your hands, turning into his chest to avoid looking at his face. you were embarrassed.
“i was trying to change pants and it got stuck on my ankle, then i slipped… sorry i'm a bit of a klutz.”
bokuto sighed. “what an adorable klutz.”
he chuckled and looked down at your face, his eyes were sparkling. “you could use some ice, but i have a better idea.” he smiled flirtatiously and started walking to the kitchen.
“I'll cook you dinner, makes it a bit easier so you don't have to do much. how does that sound?” he gave you a gentle pat on your head.
“b-but... you came here all dressed up... you made plans for our dinner tonight...” you looked down at the floor, avoiding looking at his face as he held you. “i'm sorry i messed everything up.”
he chuckled and kissed your forehead. “there's no need to apologize, you can't help being silly sometimes.”
he placed you on a chair in the kitchen and started cooking. it was quiet for a while when bokuto spoke again.
“hey, y/n. can we talk for a second?”
you looked up at him from where you were sitting, a bit confused about his question. “yeah, what is it bokuto?”
he looked at you for a solid 30 seconds before speaking again.
“do you like me?” he paused for a second, “like, like like me?”
he said this awkwardly, his facial expression was that of embarrassment mixed with hope.
a blush crept down your body, spreading further in your embarrassment.
“i....” squeezing your eyes shut, you blinked and then looked up at him.
“yeah, i have, for a while now. i was one of your biggest fans for a reason, and now all that's happening tonight is kinda firing it a bit more.”
bokuto let out a sharp breath and turned around. he definitely wasn't expecting that answer. he grabbed a cloth to wipe his hands and face. his expression was one of happiness, excitement and surprise. “oh wow, really?”
he chuckled happily and his eyes were sparkling, a bright smile appeared on his face. “i-i thought you just liked watching me play volleyball, but no, you actually like me?”
you quickly nodded your head.
“that's kinda why i've been so awkward tonight... doesn't help that i fell while getting dressed, and so now i’m sitting in an oversized jersey & underwear while watching you cook.”
bokuto chuckled and approached you, taking off his button-up shirt to reveal a white t-shirt underneath. he placed his shirt on your shoulders and smiled.
“here, wear this, it'll make you look a bit more... presentable.” he smirked. “and as for you, you are an adorable klutz, it's just part of why i like you.”
as he laughed and went back to cooking, you felt his shirt on your shoulders. his warmth was radiating against your body.
you blushed when he turned away, tugging his shirt tighter around your shoulders. “you think i'm adorable?” 
then you realized what he said.
“wait... you like me?”
bokuto was stirring the contents in the pot when he heard your question.
“hm?” he turned and looked at you with surprise. “oh, i was supposed to not admit that, huh?” he was smiling cheekily. “i like you a lot.”
your blush somehow got even deeper. “but-but we just met for the first time tonight? right?? or...”
then your mind clicked, and a shock wave passed over you. you went to almost all of the msby games, always wearing his jersey number. he was bound to recognize you from that.
“do... did you recognize me from the other games?”
bokuto's expression became that of a flirty smirk.
“yeah, how did you get such perfect seats every game?” he chuckled.
“i always saw you, so adorable in your cute little fan outfit. i couldn't help but recognize you.” he walked over and sat next to you, putting his arm around your back. “so... how does being my girlfriend sound?”
“i... what?” your head snapped to look at him, you were confused and low-key freaking out.
“you-you want me to be your girlfriend? but we just formally met for the first time tonight, bokuto.”
bokuto's flirty expression and playful smirk returned, “yes i do.” he put his hand on your shoulder and looked you in the eyes, his voice was soft.
“if you think about it, we kinda have been dating for a while. we would both make each other's hearts skip a beat when we were at the games together. and we always wanted more of each other.”
he was so close up to you, breathing right onto your neck. his voice was soft and sweet.
“i…” your voice was caught in your throat, you couldn't think of what to say. his actions and words were throwing you for a loop, and it almost didn't feel like reality.
“t-that’s not dating though… that’s lusting over somebody-” you cut yourself off in the middle of your sentance, because while yes, that was what he did, that’s what you had done too.
bokuto was so close to you, his eyes sparkled, and you swear you could hear his heart beating. he was holding your shoulders, his voice was whisper-quiet.
“i know this is all a bit sudden... but you looked so beautiful tonight, so I thought…” he kissed you on the cheek. “why wait, right?” he chuckled.
bokuto put his arm around your waist, pulling you to his chest as placed you on his lap. “now you're where you belong.”
you stared into his gold eyes, with an expression of fright and yearning combined. you hesitantly nodded your head, slowly leaning closer to him.
he smirked in a flirty and teasing way and kissed your lips softly. “you're mine now, aren't you?”
you whimpered, wrapping your legs around his waist as you sat in his lap. it all felt like a dream. nodding your head, you whispered against his lips, “i'm yours.”
bokuto's eyes widened, wrapping his arms around your back. “well aren't you the bold one?” his voice was full of excitement and happiness.
“i guess this also means you want a more ... personal show after dinner...” his eyes became that of a flirty smirk.
you stared into his eyes. you had a rough idea of what he was implying, but you wanted to hear it from his mouth directly. “what do you consider a "personal show?”
bokuto looked directly at you and his tone seemed serious, his voice was soft and sweet. “my favorite fan...” he gave you a gentle kiss on your lips.
“you're getting a special show tonight... a one-on-one performance from the ace himself,” he chuckled and smiled, “just for you.” his voice was smooth and it made you blush.
you squirmed from his words. “can't wait.”
bokuto smirked as he stood up, lifting you with him. he started carrying you to the bedroom. “well, my dinner's ready.” his voice was flirty and his eyes were shining.
he made a beeline to the bedroom and locked the door, carrying you to the bed and placing you gently on it. you stared up at him, scared and excited, waiting to experience his next move.
bokuto bent down and gave you a sweet kiss on your forehead, his eyes were that of a flirty smirk, and his voice was soft.
“you're too gorgeous to not get a special show from the ace...” he placed your hand on his chest, staring down at you. “so, i should let you experience the ace in every way tonight.”
looking up at him, your breath was growing heavy in anticipation for his actions. he was being vague, and it made you both anxious and turned on about the idea of what might come next from him.
he started moving his hands to the bottom of his shirt, his eyes were sparkling with excitement as you watched his hands creep under the hem. his voice was soft and sweet. “you'll understand soon sweetie...”
you held your breath as you watched him peel his shirt up and over his head. he had quite possibly the most chiseled chest that you had ever seen. defined abs you traced with your fingers, and big pecs that looked like they could double as pillows.
when you touched his body, your cold hand became warm from his body heat. he chuckled as he threw his shirt onto the floor behind him, not caring where it landed. his bare chest was in front of you, and his arms looked like they could crush someone.
“so, what do you think of the ace's physique?” his eyes were glistening and his voice was teasing as he waited for your reaction.
“gorgeous.” you whispered, staring up at him while your fingers lightly trailed the crevasses of his muscles.
his pectorals were huge, your eyes immediately drawn to them. so defined and sculpted, you had secretly loved watching them as he played for as long as you could remember. but before you could only see the impression of them, this was your first time seeing them this close, in person and bare. he noticed you staring at his pecs. he was quite proud of himself for his physique, and he raised his voice while laughing.
“i'm glad you like them that much, you'll have the chance to see them a lot closer,” he chuckled and sat down next to you. “now you should get comfy. i'll give you a second to get rid of that shirt and i'll start the show.”
you stared at him, your breath catching in your throat from his words. you couldn't move. you didn't know what to do, your body still in anticipation, waiting for his next actions.
bokuto looked at you with a flirtatious smile, the corners of his eyes sparkling and his expression seemed one of happiness and excitement. he put his hand on your thigh, his voice was soft and sweet.
“i can help you get that off if you wish,” he smirked and his expression showed that he was enjoying your surprise and fluster.
your eyes wide, you stared into his and slowly nodded your head. “o-okay. thank you bokuto.” you whispered out, feeling on edge from not knowing what he'd do next.
bokuto gently took the shirt off of you, loosely holding onto the bottom hem as he lifted the jersey up and over your head. he stared down at your body, looking at your beautiful, smooth skin and you heard him give a subtle gasp of air in his chest.
he smirked, “you never wear anything underneath, do you?” he said with a soft and teasing tone.
your eyes widened. you had almost forgotten about that. your cheeks started burning deep red from the blush spreading. 
“i... not sometimes...”
you heard him snicker. “so that's why I see your chest bouncing so much when you jump in the stands at my games.” bokuto gently traced your collarbone with his fingertips.
“and i always thought that was how you were trying to get my attention.” he chuckled. “my lovely little fan, wearing nothing beneath her msby jersey... who knew?” he was smirking at you and his voice came out almost like a whisper. you could see how much he liked seeing you blush.
your breathing was shallow, unsteady- you were more flustered than you could have imagined possible for the night. the star you’d had a crush on for years was now sitting in your bedroom, both of your shirts off, and he was complimenting your chest?
bokuto put his mouth close to your ear and whispered into it. “is there anywhere on your body that's sensitive? or makes you feel flustered? I want to find every spot.”
he said it in a low voice as his mouth was close to your ear, making you shiver. you snapped your head to look at him, without thinking of your actions before you did them. your mouths pressed together, and your eyes widened when you realized what was happening.
bokuto kissed you and pulled you really close, his arm around your back and a hand in your hair. the kiss was so passionate and it felt like your heart was beating a mile a minute.
bokuto broke the kiss after a few seconds and leaned back. he was breathing heavily and blushing.
“i… i'm-“ he cut you off before you could apologize for your mistake.
“no need for apologies. i liked it.” bokuto chuckled, caressing your cheek. “now, let me have you like you wanted me to earlier... a very personal show just for you.” he looked at you with a flirtatious smile. he turned away and began taking his belt off.
your voice caught in your throat. his back muscles were heavenly, making you wonder how they felt.
his voice became more quiet. “yes, my lovely little fan?”
you saw him take off his belt and he hung it off the bed frame. he was now just wearing his pants... and those pants were so tight on him. they highlighted his curves and he knew you were staring at his ass, but you couldn't help it. his ass had been one of your favorite things to watch from the stands, and now that it was so close in front of you, you had the potential to look at it in full detail. his body was literally sculpted.
it was almost hard for you to breathe with how incredible he looked, not believing that this was actually happening. “you... you look so...”
he knew you were staring at his ass and he felt the urge to tease you.
“you like it, don't you?” he smirked. “i'm glad, i'm glad you like what you see. i worked hard on keeping this body in shape for you darling.”
you nodded your head. you did like it.
he smirked and turned around, his pants making a loud noise as they hit the floor. he kept his eyes locked on you as he made his way to the bed. he looked amazing walking towards you, and you couldn't help staring at him. his muscles flexing with every step, the low lighting made him look gorgeous. and then you looked down…
you noticed his lack of pants, and what was in their place. a set of grey boxer briefs, tight enough that it didn't leave much room for imagination. you could see the outlines and shadow of his cock, and it made your breath catch.
bokuto smirked as he saw where your gaze went. he was proud of himself and he made it known. he knew he had your full attention. he was very excited for his little fan to have this.
bokuto put his hands on his hips and he stood still, making sure you were able to get all the time you wanted to look. he was breathing heavily and you could tell he was anxious as well by how fast his nipples stuck out in excitement. he kept looking at you, he didn't want to stop looking at you.
he looked smug, but you could tell his nervousness wasn't going away the longer you two stared at each other. you stood up slowly, walking towards him.
bokuto looked down and saw you approaching, surprised by your actions. he put his arms out towards you and was waiting for you to come closer to him, his voice was soft and excited. 
as you stepped close to him, his arms closed around you, scooping under your ass and lifting you. bokuto smirked as he picked you up like you weighed nothing and he kept his arms around you. your legs were hugging his waist, your soft thighs brushing against his hips in a position that made him want to squirm. your arms were wrapped around his neck, his face so close to you that you could feel his breaths. he could kiss you easily.
“oh, you haven't fully earned that yet, darling.” his voice was flirty and he was making teasing noises. a whimper left your throat at his response, and you felt his cock twitch through his boxers under your ass. the sounds you were making turned him in, and he let out a loud groan.
“looks like you're very attracted to me,” he kissed you again. “but you want to see me more, don't you?” he kept grinning as he teased you.
you couldn't form full sentences, couldn't speak words, couldn't think. everything he was doing to you was so much.
bokuto chuckled. “that's okay, you really are attracted to me.” he kissed you again and started leaning down to lay you on the bed. “just relax. i’ll do all the work here.”
as soon as you were laid down, he began kissing your neck and your chest. whimpers and whines escaped your mouth as he started to work his way down your neck, kissing and sucking at any skin he could find. you were sure there would be marks the next morning. when his mouth found your nipple and sucked it, your body tensed and you let out a yelp.
as soon as you yelped, bokuto took his mouth away and turned his head to look at you. 
“oh, sorry darling.” his eyes were sparkling with excitement. “is this your sensitive spot?” 
he moved his mouth closer but he didn't make contact, he just purposely breathed heavy on it. the air coming from his mouth made your skin prickle and your back arch. he seemed eager to find your most sensitive areas.
you groaned, nodding your head with your eyes squeezed shut. it was sensitive, but it felt so good. “m-more. please bo.”
bokuto smiled and his eyes became more excited from your noises. he kissed your chest again in that same spot, sucking over your nipple and biting it lightly. he seemed very happy to hear your noises of approval.
“oh, you like it, right?” he whispered the word "right" in such a soft voice, and he seemed to be looking for an affirmative answer.
you nodded your head quickly, “uh huh.” it felt so good to feel his mouth on your body, like nothing you could have imagined.
bokuto let out a content groan as he heard your moans and he kept going, his tongue making circles, mapping your skin, soft kisses across your chest and tummy. his fingers lightly trailed over the marks he made, making you shiver. he was looking for more sensitive spots as he kissed your skin.
making his way down your body, it was obvious you becoming more sensitive the further he got. when he reached your panties, he looked up at you. without saying anything, he gave a slow kiss on top of the fabric, and you let out a deafening moan.
bokuto noticed and his mouth became more soft and gentle. your moan turned him on even more. he kissed you on top of your clothed mound again, and when he pulled his head away he was blushing.
“oh, i'll just take these off.” his voice was teasing yet soft. you looked into his gold eyes as he stared at you while removing your panties. when you felt the air hit your core you gasped. he was unpredictable, and your body couldn't keep up.
upon seeing your reaction, bokuto pulled your legs close to your chest and he put his hand underneath your back to lift you. this made you two face to face, your legs squeezing around his back. his eyes were sparkling as he looked down on you.
“i think i'll give you what you want...” he smirked. he looked proud of himself, making you feel embarrassed yet excited at the same time. the new position made your bodies closer, practically wrapped around him, and you could feel his clothed cock poking at your entrance.
he noticed your body shaking, lifting closer to him with each breath, and his boxers were tightening a lot. his eyes were sparkling and he smirked again.
“I'm gonna be honest with you, darling…” he paused and you could see his confidence and pride go up. “I wore tight boxers... just for you to get to see…”
“y-you did?” your voice was high-pitched and shaky. you couldn't believe it. he predicted that you’d end up like this tonight?
he smirked as he saw your surprised reaction. “yes, my little fangirl, i wore it just for you.” he pulled his boxers down a bit and your eyes went wide. you could see his pelvic muscles, and the start of his happy trail leading to his belly button. you felt your pussy twitch in anticipation.
bokuto's voice was soft as he giggled while looking at you. “you think i like to tease a lot? you haven't seen anything yet…” a whine left your throat at his response and actions. he was baiting you for him, and you wanted more.
“please bo...”
bokuto chuckled and you felt his breath on your ear. “oh? you're getting really needy...” he looked down at you with a soft and proud expression. his boxers were barely pulled down, just to taunt you. it was so close to you that you could swear you felt the heat.
you looked up into his eyes, and whimpered, “please bo... i’ll do anything.”
bokuto smirked, “so, you want me that badly, don't you?” his voice was soft and the look he gave you was exciting and jeering. he placed his hand on your waist, the other moving to your ass, squeezing it.
bokuto noticed that you called him by his first name, and it turned him on even more. “yes darling?”
staring at him, another whimper left your throat as you felt his body shift on top of you, hiking your legs further up and giving him better access. “please,” you breathed out, your words barely audible and under your breath.
bokuto heard you and he smirked, “your words are too quiet, darling.” he placed his ear on your mouth and listened closely. “you have such a cute little voice though...” his voice was soft, the hand on your ass slowly moving up and down.
your eyes were squeezed shut and your teeth were grinding. his hands on you felt so good, you couldn't help it. you kept slipping down his waist from how much you were squirming, your feet playing with the waistband of his boxers.
bokuto was very much enjoying seeing you so turned on. he liked this kind of teasing a lot. your grip on his hips tightened and it made him twitch. “what do you think you’re doing there, darling?” he was biting his lower lip. in response to your teasing, he decided to do even more. staring into your eyes, he slowly lifted one of his hands to his mouth, licking his thumb before moving his hand down.
a gasp left your throat as you felt his hand travel lower, and his thumb press into your asshole. the feeling burned, not used to being stretched there, and his hands were so big. you yelped when you felt him try to move his finger, pulling at the sides and wiggling his thumb around inside a few times before removing it slowly. staring at you, he shook his head. “too tight.”
bokuto was smirking when he looked down at you. he noticed you panting, your hole squeezing around nothing. “oh...” his thumb started teasing you again, circling the rim while he looked at you intently. “your body is very sensitive here, isn't it?”
you were whining loudly. you wanted him, but he was being such a tease it was almost unbearable. “koooo…pleaseee. i-i want you in me”
he leaned in close to you and whispered in your ear, “you do?” he gave you a playful and flirtatious kiss on your cheek as he put his mouth on your ear to speak, “but... you're so innocent... it could hurt...”
“w-wanna try.. at least,” you turned your head to look into his eyes. “i want you kotaro.”
bokuto was blushing and he moved to look you in the eyes. “so... you do want me like that?” he was giggling and he looked like he was proud of himself. he moved his hands up your body as he squeezed you hips.
“i think this is your first time, right darling?” he whispered in your ear.
you nodded your head, squeezing your eyes shut. “y-yeah.” 
he chuckled and you felt his lips kissing your neck as his hands went up your body. he placed his tongue on your neck as he sucked gently, before looking back up at you.
“well... if it's for me... okay.” he caressed your cheek, suddenly sounding serious “you want me to be your first?”
“y-yes kotaro.” you stared at him, breath quick from his kisses and licks.
bokuto placed his mouth on yours as he gave you a passionate kiss for a few seconds before breaking it. “i love how you look when you're like this...” he started biting your throat and your neck to tease you and make this extra special for you. after he was proud of the line of marks he made on your neck, he sat back on his heels to look over you. 
the only fabric left between the two of you were his tight boxers, and you watched as he reached his hands into the waistband.
bokuto noticed your eyes looking at his boxers and he smirked as his voice became more serious. “oh?” he looked back and smiled. “do you have your eyes on an award?” he was teasing you and he slowly took his boxers down to his ankles.
when his boxers fell down, a sharp intake of breath escaped your throat. his cock slapped his stomach when it slipped out, and you could see it fully now. it was long, so thick, slightly curved up. his sack was fat and swollen, looking like they were filled and ready to explode. it made your pussy twitch in anticipation.
“you're... staring... aren't you, darling?”
bokuto made a teasing smile and put his hands on your chin, his head close to your face. he kept looking at you to see how you would react to his body and to his words.
you nodded slowly, then whispered under your breath, “...so big...”
bokuto was blushing from your words, catching him slightly off-guard. he looked proud but not too arrogant, like he'd been waiting for you to tell him this. he moved his hand to place it on your neck, his fingers slowly brushing along it. “what if it's too big?”
your eyes slowly drifted back to his,
“we'll make it fit.”
“oh?” bokuto whispered and he smiled again. “well, we'll see.” he got on the bed again and put his body on top of yours. his arms wrapped around your waist and he looked you in the eyes. 
“you really want it, don’t you?” he was still teasing you and he kept up the flirty smirk.
“y-yes ko...” you whined out, desperate for him. “want it so bad.”
he leaned down, suckling on your neck again. your skin was already so tender there from all the bruises he left, but he wouldn't stop. you could feel his dick rubbing on your tummy and it made you moan.
bokuto made a soft groan as he heard your words and he slowly kissed your jaw. his lips were soft and playful, he knew exactly what he was doing. he continued teasing you.
his mouth left your neck and he got close to your ear again, whispering, “do you know what comes next?”
he put his hand on your thigh and he caressed it as you nodded your head quickly, your eyes squeezed shut. you were ready.
“please ko, please”
bokuto was biting his lower lip, he wanted you to enjoy this as much as you can. his hand kept teasing your legs and his breath was filled with excitement. “then, say it to me.” he whispered in your ear.
you opened your eyes, staring straight into his. taking a deep breath, you said what you had been wanting to say the whole night.
“fuck me, kotaro”
bokuto was stunned. you really said that. he heard every word of it and it pleased him. his body was touching yours as he played with your hair.
“well... if you say it like that...” he gave you another kiss, long and soft. when your lips split, he looked back at you. “i’ll make you scream my name.” 
he suddenly grabbed your legs, hiking both of them up and over his shoulders. he had you folded in half, and you couldn't do anything but stare at him. you squeezed your eyes shut, anticipating what was about to happen next. you could feel his breath on your face.
your body was now in a position in which he could use it to his liking. you felt like you were in heaven and you were somehow even more sensitive to his touch. bokuto smiled with a proud and taunting look on his face. “you're ready, aren't you?” 
he was going to make sure that this would be a moment you would always remember.
you nodded your head, giving him permission to do whatever he wanted. 
suddenly feeling a poking at your core, you looked down to find him aligning the tip of his cock with your entrance. he slowly pushed in, your breath catching in your throat as you let out a long whine.
it burnt as he pushed forward. you weren't used to something of this size, your fingers being tiny in comparison to how thick his cock was. he was reaching deeper than you had ever been able to do, and you were mewling from the pains.
bokuto was looking at your face, panting as he started rubbing your hand. he looked worried. “i hope... i hope you like it..”
“i... i love it, ko.” you whispered between staggering breaths. it hurt like hell, but you wanted a taste of his heaven. he leaned down and kissed you, slowly and passionately, trying to distract you from the sharp pains.
“do you?” bokuto's eyes were sparkling and his voice was softer than ever now. he caressed your cheeks and kissed you again, longer than last time. “this is only the beginning, darling.”
with those words, you felt him begin to move. he started soft, pulling out until just the tip was left inside, before slowly pressing back in. after he noticed that you stopped squirming as much, he gradually started gaining a pace until he was pounding into your pussy. you could feel his balls hitting your ass with every thrust, the tip ramming deep enough that it kissed your cervix. 
his groans were constant and loud, and you could see that he was staring at you whenever you’d open your eyes.
bokuto kept looking at you. your face was so cute to him in the moment, eyes squeezed shut and mouth hung open. you could feel the weight of the tall, strong man on your body right now, pressing down to hold you in place. his lips were kissing your neck angrily again between his moans.
“ah- ohhhh.” 
“k-ko?” your breath was panting as you questioned his noises.
“oh, i know...” bokuto could see you were becoming too sensitive and he was loving it. he kept moving, snapping his hips and kissing your neck. “ah... oh... ohhhhhh.”
your breath caught in your throat with a whine, hesitating before whispering out the next words to him-
“…..m-more ko. harder.”
bokuto was breathing heavier now and you could feel his heart beat faster as he jerked his head up to look into your eyes. it was like you had him in every single way, this is the most pleasure and euphoria bokuto had ever felt. “you’re just saying that now?” his voice was shaky and his eyes glossed over. he was sweating, his head was spinning and his body was filled with adrenaline that was about to burst.
he stopped for a second to breathe and calm himself, before starting back, with more force and speed than before. he was pounding into your sensitive spots, and it made you whine louder. you could feel a knot forming in your belly, and you knew you were close to finishing.
you whined his name out, almost as a warning to him. suddenly your pussy clenched and spasmed, squeezing him tight as you came around him. you were gushing, spraying around his cock and making a mess all over the sheets.
bokuto was smiling and he looked proud of himself. he could make you experience this for the first time, from him and only him. your squeezing was so tight around his cock, and it led him to the edge. his body began stuttering, his breathing was harder.
“b-baby i’m about to… ah..” it was almost a warning for you. “ohhhhhhh.” his eyes were closed, and he could tell he was about to finish.
his final grunt came, and a bite to your shoulder was the only warning for what was happening. his hips became faster, then suddenly stopped. you felt your center become warm, feeling him shoot his release deep in you, and heard him moan the loudest he had that entire night.
the room went silent, the only sounds you could hear were the fan above you two, his panting, and a few bird chirps outside. 
bokuto was still on top of you, caressing your face while breathing into your neck. you felt him pull out slowly, then felt his warm cum start to spill out of your pussy and drip onto the mattress. your breath caught in your throat. “i... you...”
bokuto was feeling weird, his body was shaking and he felt nervous. he didn’t mean to do that, but he tried to be brave and stay on top of you. 
“i... i made a mess...” he was blushing and it was visible on his face. he tried to cover it up by putting a proud look on his face again. “please tell me you liked it..”
your breathing was slow and shaky, trying to figure out what just happened. you couldn’t believe it. bokuto kotaro, you were his biggest fan for years, and now he had just released his cum inside you.
“i... i loved it, ko.”
bokuto’s breath caught. your words surprised and pleased him. he felt accomplished that you loved every second of that. he held a cute look on his face. “good…”
he kissed your forehead and your cheek, caressing your hair.
“now, you're not innocent...” 
he giggled at his own words. he was teasing you again, but his voice was soft and he held a smile.
you laughed back at him, he wasn't wrong. “yeah, i guess not”
this moment is like a dream for him and he just kissed you passionately again. when your kiss ended, he laid his head down on your chest, and you sat in silence for a minute before you spoke up.
“h-hey ko?”
he looked up at you, slightly confused.
“what happens to us when we wake up in the morning? you're still a big-time professional volleyball star, and i'm just a fan you picked up off the bleachers for a fun night...”
bokuto looked at you and his face went serious.
“if you want us to be nothing, then we can be nothing…” his voice was calm and his body was relaxed again.
“but...” he took a deep breath, as the thought flashed in his head. “...if you want to be more... we can be more...”
he looked like he couldn't believe he was saying this, that his mouth was speaking without telling his brain what to say first.
you looked deep into his gold eyes, took a deep breath, and then whispered, “what do you want?”
there was another long pause before he collected his thoughts and opened his mouth again.
“i-i want you… your voice, your eyes, i want it all..” he caressed your face and he had a slight nervous smile as he looked at you.
“when i wake up in the morning, when i close my eyes and i'm tired from practice, or when i want to escape the world's craziness, i want to imagine your face, your voice, your eyes. i want you with me all the time, i want you to be my love...”
you took a breath in, staring at him. your heart skipped a beat from his words. he wanted you like that?
“i... we can try that”
bokuto was looking at you and his face turned bright red. “really...?” 
it felt like his heart skipped a beat and was about to jump out of his chest.
“can i hug you now?” he was asking you, even though he already knew the answer was going to be yes.
you laughed, giggling at his reaction. “yes bo, of course you can.”
bokuto smiled happily and he hugged you tightly. it was a warm and cozy hug, him rubbing his body on yours to make it better. he sighed, and whispered out-
“i'm going to enjoy this...”
@tsukiran wanted me to tag her on this lol hope you’re happy
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v1olentdelights · 11 months
Just saw the Barbie movie, so a quick thought???
Spencer reid x reader There are no spoilers, but just to be safe, don't read unless you've seen the movie.
Spencer and you had finally had a day off, and though your work colleagues invited you to hang out with them, you already had plans.
"Do I really have to wear this?" Spencer complains about his pink sweater vest.
"Yes, Spence! I tried to make it as comfortable as I could for you. Everyone is doing it, and I want to as well. Plus, you can't say no to me, right?" You heard him huff and then shuffle around the living room. Presumably looking for his keys and wallet. Though they were in your room, so you grabbed them as you walked out.
"Do you know where my..." He trailed off as he saw your outfit. Pink, that was the first and only word that came to mind.
"What do you think?!" Passing him the keys and wallet you twirled about and smiled happily. He took longer than you expected to answer, and it made your heart drop a bit. Was this too much? You didn't want to go crazy, but you wanted to have fun.
But as he stepped closer to you, a smile grew on his face. He reached for your hand and spun you around before pulling you close.
"You are the most stunning Barbie I have ever seen." He kissed you all over your face causing you to pull back.
"Don't ruin the makeup, baby!" You rushed over to the couch to pick up your zip up before pulling him out the door.
Handing you a tissue from his pocket, you gratefully took it. Spencer then moved to rub your back gently.
The movie had ended, and your heart felt a little less heavy. All those years ago, you remember playing with your Barbie, all the places you brought her. She was your best friend, someone you confided in about all the trivial arguments you had with your mother.
Stepping out of the theater was almost worse. It felt like you were saying goodbye to part of your childhood again. But you leaned on Spencer, much like you always have, because he was your rock. He was your Allan.
Wiping your nose before quickly discarding the tissue, you kissed Spencer on the cheek, his nose scrunched up as you did.
"Thank you for coming with me, Spencer. That meant a lot." You could still hear the stuffiness in your nose. But he just looked down at you and smiled, something shining in his eyes.
"Of course, sweetheart." He returned the kiss with one of his own to the top of your head.
On your way out, you saw turns of pink going out and in of the theater. Though someone caught your eye.
"Y/N!!! SPENCER!!!" You heard the familiar heel clacking and the heavy boots scuffing the ground. Then you almost got tackled by Penelope without even getting a good look at her. She squeezed you incredibly tight. You could hear Derek patting Spencer on the shoulder.
"Did you guys just watch it, too?" Spencer questioned, though when Penelope pulled back, and you got a good look at her face, you could tell the answer. If you were the definition of pink right now, Penelope was double pink. And she looked gorgeous.
"You got dragged into watching it, too?" Derek chuckled. But you saw how his eyes were the slightest bit puffy. "I thought the ending was a bit... eh."
Yours and Penelopes heads snapped towards him. Then he looked like a deer caught in headlights. Spencer even looked a bit taken back.
"What?!" You and Penelope asked in unison.
"Well, I just mean, I wish they showed more with the mom and Barbie. You know?" He crossed his arms, not once breaking eye contact.
In a moment, the rage that had built in you dulled. That made sense. It ended perfectly in your opinion, and Derek's point was valid.
"Okay. You get a pass, Derek Morgan, that was a reasonable thought." Penelope announced. "Now, shall we go get some ice cream? It's the boys' treat!" She exclaimed as she linked arms with you. The boys laughed before following.
600 notes · View notes
saviorellie · 11 months
roommate!abby headcannons.
pairing : abby anderson x reader pov : second person, she/her pronouns warning(s) : none !! just fluff ! college abby obvi ! notes : you know roomie headcannons are my specialty
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roommate!abby was randomly selected by your uni
before you guys met, all you knew was her name. you didn’t look her up on instagram or facebook . you kinda just hoped that she was cool
(she was the coolest btw)
roommate!abby is just sooohdshksdhd sweet
she’s tough and nonchalant (and dare i say… a little mean) to everyone else
but she is putty in your hands
she has girls (and… men) falling to her feet around campus but she only has eyes for YOU
as soon as she walks in the door of your dorm, the furrow in her eyebrows goes away
roommate!abby always picks up your favorite food from the dining hall on her way in because she knows you’ll be too tired to go down there after your classes
if you have an 8am and abby doesn’t, she’ll wake up early anyway just so she can see you before you leave for the day
but god forbid you accuse her of having a crush on you???
“i thought you didn’t have an 8am class?” “i don’t i just have uh an um and uh [some bullshit reason]” “… right”
roommate!abby’s love language is acts of service 100%
from buying you dinner or remembering to put the ice tray back in the freezer because she knows you won’t drink water if there’s not ice in it
“do you wanna watch a movie with me?” is her favorite line
i feel like abby is alwayssss cold
she thinks it’s funny to put her cold on hands on the back of you neck or your face if you’re sitting on the couch together
or she’ll be like “ my hands are so cold
roommate!abby is soooooo obsessed with yousdjfdjfsdf
if you’re feeling sick, she is ready with ibuprofen or cold medicine and a warm bath on standby
if you’ve gone shopping, she basically begs for a try on haul and then forgets to breath when you show her
abby anderson kinesiology major (i’m right)
roommate!abby hatessss a party
she would much much much rather just spend the night getting boxed wine drunk with you in your little apartment :’(
she’s an affectionate drunk :’(((((
she has had to stop herself for confessing her love to you while wine drunk so many times
roommate!abby would 100% give you the sweetest little nicknames (she likes watching you blush)
"sweet girl" and "pretty girl" and "my star" when she's proud of you :,)))))
she lovessss putting "my" in front of a nickname, it's as close as she'll get to asking you out
she's sooksjdksj sweet :,((((((
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jgracie · 2 months
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masterlist | rules
percy’s version | leo’s version | frank’s version | travis’ version | luke’s version
in which in a world of boys, he's a gentleman
pairing jason grace x fem!reader
warnings reader is implied to not be a child of the big three + a greek
When Taylor Swift said, “in a world of boys, he’s a gentleman,” she was talking about Jason. That whole song is just about Jason
This man is so respectful and considerate and just really wonderful. He feels too good to be true! Which is why you don’t let yourself fall for him at first. He’s literally the most perfect guy you’ve ever met 
Meanwhile, Jason’s thinking the same about you. To him, you’re a breath of fresh air from all the rigidness and strict lines he’s been forced into not only as a Roman but as a son of Jupiter. Why would you want to be stuck with someone as boring as him?
So you just spent your days longingly gazing at each other when the other wasn’t looking while also avoiding each other in public spaces because both of you were slightly intimidated by the other’s gorgeous presence 
Your first proper interaction must’ve been orchestrated by Hera and Aphrodite themselves considering how adamant you two were on being 6ft apart at all times, and surprisingly, it was in the mortal world
You were spending the day at your favourite library because you missed it and liked to pretend your life was normal by blending in with mortals, and also because you had studying you needed to do since quests left ample time for schoolwork
Jason was there because he’d been cooped up at camp for as long as he could remember and wanted to see what life away from the Gods and their schemes was like, and what better place to figure that out than a library?
You breathed a sigh of relief as you finally finished the essay you’d been working on since you arrived at the library. It had been weighing on your mind for days but you couldn’t find time for it until today. As a reward for your hard work, you decided to get yourself a sweet treat (me too girl) before continuing your studies
Haphazardly packing up your stuff, you quickly got up, practically drooling at the thought of the new menu item you were finally going to get after craving for weeks
You were a little too excited. As you turned, you bumped into someone, dropping some of your papers
“Gods, I’m so sorry,” the person you bumped into said, quickly bending down to gather all your stuff
You knew that voice. You could recognise it anywhere
“Jason? What’re you doing here?” You said, suddenly feeling awfully hot for no particular reason
That was the day you really befriended Jason Grace. He decided to accompany you to the cafe you planned to go to, paid for your order and spent the rest of the day there with you. Away from all the craziness of demigod life, you and Jason finally got to truly know each other
After a while of getting closer, you two begin to date, and it might just be the most beautiful relationship known to man. The way Jason acted before you began dating was nothing compared to now. That was just the bare minimum
You literally never have to lift a finger around him as he insists on doing everything for you. He opens doors for you, pulls your chairs out and takes your coats off for you. If you’re on a quest and you need to sleep, he makes sure you always get the comfier place and takes first watch
He also always leaves you notes. Sometimes they’re notes of motivation, sometimes they’re small poems about how much he loves you and sometimes they’re just really random
Jason is a big fan of taking polaroid pictures with you. After Hera stripped him of his whole life, he’s always had a fear of waking up one day with the same feeling he had on that wilderness school bus, so he takes pictures with all the people he loves and keeps journals and has a box full of all the things that are important to him in case it happens
He keeps one in his wallet at all times to ensure his immediate remembrance of you if his memories get taken again
(As if he’d forget you in the first place. Hera would have to pry the memories of you out of his cold, dead hands)
Your siblings love him so much too! They were a little stressed at first because he’s a child of Zeus, the God notorious for breaking the hearts of his lovers and cheating on his eternal wife, but he showed up at your cabin door to pick you up for a date with a bouquet of flowers for the cabin and then walked you back himself, staying outside until the very second the door was shut and now they love him LOL
Sometimes you think they love him more than you because they’re always asking about him
You spend a lot of time at his cabin. He disguises it as just really wanting to spend time with you and while that is true, secretly it's also because the Zeus cabin gets super cold and lonely and is also kind of scary at night, even though he sleeps in the one space away from the gaze of his father
“Honey,” Jason says, wrapping an arm around your waist. The campfire sing along had ended which signified the end of the day, and all around you, campers were wishing their friends goodnight as they headed to their cabins. You suppressed a giggle, knowing exactly what Jason wanted from the tone of his voice
You hummed, giving your boyfriend a bleary-eyed smile as you waited for him to voice his request. It was cute how even though you’d done this many times before, he still got shy at the idea of you two sleeping in the same room, on the same bed
“Would you maybe wanna spend the night at my cabin? I missed you today, and I can’t even begin to imagine how hot it must be in your cabin, with all your siblings in it, y’know.”
“Are you asking because you missed me or because you’re scared of daddy dearest?” You quipped, unable to contain yourself as his face turned bright red
“I’m kidding, Jase, of course I’ll spend the night with you!”
Later on in your relationship, when he’s sure you’re the one for life, he shows you around New Rome. He grew up with a peaceful life in the city being the goal, so it only made sense for him to show you around
Loves the way you light up at everything around you. He’d known New Rome for his whole life and could draw a map of it blind, but you make it feel brand new
Is ecstatic when you tell him you also want to start a life with him in New Rome. The moment you utter those words he’s already signed papers for an apartment and is drawing punnett squares to figure out what your kids would look like (I hate punnett squares they are the bane of my existence)
You know the part in The Notebook where the girl’s describing the house she wants? That’s what Jason showing u around New Rome reminds you of
Years later, you reminisce on the way you’d avoid each other as you tell your kids about your lives as teens in your lovely house in New Rome because he definitely did not die <3
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balletfilmss · 3 months
✸ pairing: jason grace x fem!aphrodite!reader
✸ summary: it’s not your fault that your sister’s ex boyfriend is so stuck in your head that you can think of little else but him
✸ warnings: intense makeout but nothing more
✸ a/n: ik we’re all tired of the aphrodite reader, but it’s essential to the plot 🥲 anyways, justice for my man jason, he needs more fics
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You shouldn’t have been thinking about your sister’s ex boyfriend so much, and especially not like this.
Piper and Jason broke up two months ago and had both well since moved on. No hard feelings involved, just a little resolution that they were better off as friends.
It wasn’t a big deal. Really, it wasn’t.
You shouldn’t have felt so bad about how much you thought about him. He was just so captivating, so beautiful. You remembered every detail Piper had ever told you about him as well as every one you had learned on your own.
The curve of his lips and the pale scar scored through them. The flex of his muscles when he trained. Those glasses that made him look unfairly attractive.
Gods, it made you so upset that you weren’t supposed to be thinking about him like this, obsessing over the fact that you couldn’t have him.
Maybe Piper wouldn’t care. Or maybe, she’d be inflamed by the fact that you’d gotten with her ex boyfriend, friendly breakup or not. There was probably some girl code about this, right?
There definitely was, and your sisters would probably have your head if they knew you were busy breaking it.
You tried your best to stay away from Jason, you really did. If you just kept your distance, you could harbor the obsession in your own mind, keep it to yourself.
But of course, the son of Jupiter just had to notice it. Notice your distance. Notice you.
It was his fault, really, what was happening. He was the one who had approached you at the campfire, his mind set on getting an answer as to why you were trying to avoid him.
He was the one who’d followed you back to the cabins when you took off. He was the one who provoked you first.
It wasn’t your fault that everything just came spilling out. All your feelings and secrets, pretty much everything short of your guts, spewed from your mouth when you just couldn’t take the questions anymore.
This was going to hurt, you knew it would. You were prepared. And maybe, you wanted to get a little hurt.
But what you weren’t prepared for was that maybe, Jason Grace was just as obsessed with you as you were with him.
“I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it!” You had confessed, standing in front of the door to Cabin Ten. “You drive me absolutely crazy, Jay. And I’m probably just embarrassing myself, but you wanted an answer and this is it.”
Jason looked at your face and then down at the wrist he’d caught to stop you from going inside your cabin and that he was still holding onto. His skin was hot. His head was spinning.
He was standing really close to you. You let out a deep breath, preparing for a rejection that would be embarrassing as hell.
“Who says you shouldn’t?” He breathed out the question, a tempting little smile on his lips.
You looked at his lips. He looked at yours. You went for it.
You grabbed his forearm of the hand still holding onto you and yanked him forward. In a rush of adrenaline, you pushed your lips against his.
He responded immediately, hands gripping onto the sides of your waist as his lips mashed against yours feverishly.
You skin was alive with delight, your head buzzing with excitement.
You stumbled backwards and grabbed onto the doorknob behind you, the boy following blindly after you. You twisted it with one hand, pulling him closer to you by his arm with the other.
Nobody was inside, they were all still at the campfire and should be for another good hour.
You made your way inside somehow, hardly pulling yourself away from his captivity. On the other side of the cracked door, you looked up at him, a moment of hesitation.
“This is a bad idea, right?” You asked as you caught your breath, which mixed together with his.
“You think so?” he asked, pressing a quick kiss to your wet lips. Moonlight filtered in through the cabin windows and covered him in a beautiful glow.
“I don’t know,” you answered. Looking at him, nothing seemed like a bad idea. You knew he’d slept on the opposite side of one of these beds as Piper, you knew he’d once maybe loved her.
You knew all of that. He did too. But still, you couldn’t help it.
“Well I do. I know.” He said. The hand he had on you slid up your arm and over your shoulder, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. Damn son of Jupiter and his electricity.
He rested it against your cheek, warm and tingly against your skin. He stared at you like maybe he wanted to risk getting hurt too.
“I haven’t been able to get you out of my head for weeks.” He confessed, his voice husk. He trailed his other hand up your arm until it mirrored his other, now holding your face between his hands. You thought you just might die on the spot.
“Still think this is a bad idea?” He asked, face so close to yours that you could almost taste him again.
Even if it was a bad idea, it’d be fine.
“Not at all.”
He pulled you in this time. He held one hand on the side of your neck, the other on your face, and kissed you with ferocity.
You let him push you back until your back hit the door, closing it fully with a satisfying click.
You pushed your lips against his hard. No amount of close was close enough. You felt dizzy, lightheaded with bliss.
Your hands slid down his abdomen to the hem of his shirt and then, underneath. Your fingers pressed against his skin, sending shivers up his spine.
You could feel a smile tug at his lips as they moved methodically with yours, right beside where his scar was.
You’d always thought about what it might feel like, and now, you were rhapsodic that you had found out.
He forced his lips away from yours and began trailing sloppy little kisses from the corner of your mouth and across your jaw, lower and lower until his lips slotted against your neck.
You tilted your head back to assist, give him more room to roam. When it knocked against the wood behind it, he brought his hand up behind your head, carefully putting a barrier between you and the door.
He moved further down your collar bone, teeth and tongue and lips all heavenly against your skin.
One particular nip provoked a gasp from you, and your nails dug into the flesh of his abdomen, leaving little crescent shapes that would be there in the morning to remind him.
No sooner did you hear voices. Outside, there were footsteps crunching against the grass and the sound of voices as campers returned from the campfire. The one time they end early.
“Jase,” you sighed, your hands crawling out from underneath his shirt, much to your dismay. “People are coming.”
He pulled away from you, looking at you with disheveled hair, swollen lips, and beautiful as ever. He looked at you like you were the most precious thing on earth, smiling at the fact he had been allowed to lay hands on you.
“You kicking me out?” He asked teasingly, voice low and insanely attractive so that it was such a shame he couldn’t stay.
“I dunno, do you want to get caught?”
“Hmm, maybe next time.”
You suppressed a smile as you pushed him towards the window at the back of the cabin. “Next time?”
“Yep,” he quipped, pushing open the glass pane and letting in the summer air. It was almost like he’d done it before. “None negotiable. You’re stuck with me now, sweetheart.”
You breathed out a laugh as he ducked down towards the window. “Get out.”
The doorknob to the cabin twisted, and Jason pressed a chaste kiss to your head, whispered to you a goodnight, and then he was gone.
You could hear his feet hit the grass as the door swung open and in walked Piper and Drew.
“What was that?” Piper asked as you quickly slammed window shut.
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peachhcs · 30 days
something funny?
so high school au (emma grace x gabe perreault)
advanced french 2 and econ don’t mix. gabe has no idea what’s going on, but luckily emma does!
2.1k words
wooo first real fic of the au!! this was actually so cutie to write and if anyone has any requests/ideas for emma and gabe pls send them in! :))
au masterlist
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emma's gaze slid towards the dark-haired boy sitting beside her furiously scribbling down work for a class that most definitely wasn't for advanced french 2. the graphs and tables for sure screamed economics or something similar because she remembered very well doing those a few months ago before she graduated.
the blonde tore her eyes away from his work and tried focusing on the lecture at hand, but for some reason she just could not pay attention no matter how hard she tried. all emma could think about was the amount of work she needed to do once class was over while praying that a table was open somewhere in the library.
god knows everyone's trying to get ahead before the semester quite literally devours them. the professor started leaving her desk to mill about the classroom while she spoke and the boy beside emma hadn't even looked up once—too focused on econ.
the other thing was that emma was feeling gracious today, so she nudged the boy's leg so he'd at least look like he was paying somewhat attention when their professor walked by. his gaze shot to hers and emma just motioned towards their professor about to breeze right past them. gabe's head snapped right and he immediately hid his econ papers as the lady walked by.
"if you're not paying attention next time she walks by, i'm not helping you out," emma whispered. gabe's eyebrows rose, amusement on his features.
"jeez, okay. didn't ask for help in the first place," the boy shrugged as he returned his focus to his other work. emma studied him for a few moments trying and failing on getting the graph right.
an uncontrollable giggle left her lips at the boy's poor, poor attempt. his head snapped back in her direction, another eyebrow raised, "something funny?"
emma immediately shook her head despite the smile still tugging on her lips, "not at all."
"something must be funny if you're laughing," gabe sneered back. he's had a long day—being up since 6am for morning skate—and the last thing he needed was some girl he didn't even know making fun of him.
"i just think it's funny watching you do econ in an advanced french 2 class," the blonde shrugged lightly.
"it's not like i need to pay attention away. already know french."
emma blinked while the boy turned back to his laptop. why on earth was this kid in advanced french if he already knew french? "you already know french?"
"mhm. fluent in it, actually," gabe's cocky smile almost made emma wanna slap it off him.
"then why are you taking french if you already know it?"
"because i can and i want to. i think it's funny. do you know french already?" there went that stupid eyebrow raise again when gabe looked at her.
"i do, yes," emma mumbled.
"so why are you taking french if you already know it?" his little head tilt and stupid smirk didn't sit well with the girl. she didn't have time to respond though because the professor walked past their section again, eyes probably trying to find the culprits who were talking in class.
"see? didn't have to help me that time," god, he was insufferable already. maybe emma shouldn't have started interacting with him. life 10 minutes ago was a lot better than life now.
"don't you have time to do all this work later?" she didn't know what possessed her to keep talking, but something about this boy intrigued her as much as he frustrated her.
"not really, no. early morning skate then actual practice right after class. by that time it's late and i'm lazy," gabe shrugged and it all finally clicked for emma.
he was a hockey player. made sense now. no wonder why he never paid attention in class.
"don't you like get banned from playing if you don't keep up with your work?" emma didn't know that much about how sports worked here, but she knew if her brother didn't keep up with his classes, he couldn't swim.
"i keep up with my work, don't worry," gabe snipped a bit. this time emma raised her own eyebrow while trying to keep in another pitiful laugh.
"mhm, sure. tell that to your econ class."
the professor walked past their section again, definitely trying to catch emma and gabe whispering. the two watched her stalk by before heading towards the front again. the blonde's eyes were on gabe's homework again, working through the problem in her mind. she immediately saw his issue—he had the wrong numbers on his graph which messed up his calculations. it was an easy fix.
"your numbers are wrong," again, despite the boy's annoying attitude, she was still feeling gracious. her curiosity about him was too high not to help.
"on your graph. it's supposed to be by .02. that's why you aren't getting the right answers," emma pointed out briefly.
gabe studied what she just said and looked back and forth between his numbers and graph, slowly realized she was in fact right. "oh," he mumbled.
"next time i won't help you," emma smirked.
"not like i asked for your help in the first place," the hockey player mumbled as he started redoing his entire graph with the right numbers.
the two didn't talk again until the last ten minutes of class. gabe was still furiously working away on his econ homework while emma took occasional glances in his direction. she thought he was stupid for waiting until last minute to finish it, especially in another class.
he nudged her leg first this time and her gaze snapped to his, "hey. what else you know about econ?"
he probably had about ten more problems left with no finish in sight anytime soon. emma stopped another pitiful laugh wanting to escape her lips.
"a decent amount. why?" the girl raised her eyebrow.
"probably a long shot, but any chance you could help me out later? i really gotta finish this assignment it's already two days late and if i don't, coach will pull me," gabe almost begged, but his pride and ego were too big for that.
the look on his face and big, puppy dog eyes were hard to say no to for emma despite everything in her telling her no. she'd feel bad if she didn't, especially when his mistakes were probably easy fixes. if only she wasn't so nice sometimes.
"i can give you my number and you can text me. i'll be in the library for a few hours after class," emma motioned for his phone.
"really? you'll actually help?" gabe seemed surprised she said yes.
"i feel like i don't have a choice, plus econ is easy for me. you probably have stupid mistakes that are easy fixes," she started punching her number into the boy's phone.
"how long will you be at the library for?"
"i don't know. until 6?" a good three hours seemed like enough time for emma to grind out her three page essay.
"shit, i have practice then. any chance we can meet at like..9? i know it's inconvenient, but i don't have any other time," he was such a hard no. even if emma didn't know him nor did she even really care for him, she felt bad not helping.
"9 works. just text me," the blonde nodded.
a genuine smile painted gabe's lips as well as a somewhat relieved look, "thanks so much. i really appreciate it. i'm gabe by the way."
"emma," the girl smiled back.
man, she should've said no. emma didn't think he was coming. it was 9:15—fifteen minutes late—and no text or anything. she left to her dorm two different times and there was still nothing from the the boy. the only people in the library at this hour were her and the few who just didn't have a social life and completely studied their asses off at any second they got.
in some ways, emma was that person just a bit more dialed down. at least she didn't spend hours in the library.
she checked her phone again and nothing. a sigh escaped her lips because she really thought gabe cared a little bit somewhere inside of him to not completely flake.
when all hope seemed lost quick footsteps came up behind emma's table and suddenly, gabe's frame was beside where she sat.
"i'm so, so sorry i'm late. practice ran over and then my friends had to talk to me for..i'm sorry," his apologize was unexpected, but appreciated. emma managed a small smile.
"really thought you'd flake on me," she laughed.
"i was gonna text, but then i forgot. i'm sorry. i didn't mean to waste your time," gabe rambled on as he sat down and dug his things back out.
his rambling actually made emma feel a little bad, especially because he looked so flustered like he ran all the way here from the rink. "it's fine. don't worry about it. i'm here all the time anyway," she shrugged him off to not make him feel as horrible.
"i respect the pjs," gabe commented on emma's flannel pj pants and boston college swimming sweatshirt that was definitely tyler's that she stole.
"oh, thanks. had to be comfortable, you know?" the blonde flushed some. gabe nodded in agreement.
"i did a few more problems, but i'm still kind of..lost, i guess. i dunno. i don't really know how what i'm doing wrong," he pushed his paper towards her feeling semi-embarrassed he couldn't do what should've been simple calculations and graphing.
"let me see," emma pulled the paper closer. she scanned her his work trying to find what the issue could be.
"hold on, i get it. you're not multiplying the right things which i think is giving you the wrong numbers. trying going row x row," emma instantly saw what was wrong.
gabe did as told and five minutes later, everything made a lot more sense than it did before.
"oh, i get it now. i was calculating wrong," he mumbled.
"see? easy fix. the other answers should make sense now," emma nodded, smiling.
"how are you so good at this? i feel like i'll never truly learn econ," gabe's gaze met hers again briefly before they both looked away.
"oh, i don't know. i've always been good at like math and stuff," doing math had always been emma's strong suit. growing up her friends always went to her when they were stuck on a problem.
"i wish i had that kind of talent. it's never made any sense to me," the boy mumbled, smiling successfully after completing all the other problems. "does this look right?"
emma glanced the page over, nodding, "yeah, looks good. the graphs are the hardest part i think because if you don't get those, everything's wrong."
"thanks, i appreciate the help. sorry again for being late," gabe met her gaze again—his eyes looked flushed and tired like he hardly ever slept. that feeling of pity returned in emma's stomach the longer she stared at him.
"it's no problem, really," her lips pushed together into a small smile.
"do you think i could text you again whenever i need more help in the class?" the boy wondered as he packed his things back up.
emma studied him again. those books about the athlete looking for help from the smart, quiet girl was seeming a little too real at the moment. the look on gabe's face though said otherwise like he wasn't trying to mess with her. he looked genuinely interested in the help she could provide him.
"why don't we like meet every other day or something and i can like tutor you. maybe help you understand the class a bit better?" the girl suggested which honestly sounded crazy coming out of her mouth because did she really have time to be tutoring this hockey player? apparently.
"like for real?"
"yeah like for real," emma laughed.
the smile on gabe's lips reappeared when he realized emma wasn't joking with him, "o-okay. yeah, thanks. i'd appreciate that. is it okay if we meet at 9 then? i would do earlier but i like don't have time."
"yeah, 9 works."
"i promise i'll try not to be late, but i can't promise it," the two shared a laugh.
"don't worry about it. see you in class then?"
"yeah, see you," her and gabe left the table together, giving slightly awkward waves to one another as they went in different directions to leave.
it was safe to say both of them didn't stop thinking about the other all night.
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