#harmless confessions only please
just-a-speck · 1 year
random harmless confession game
ill go first.
i have never joined a single IG live ever. never plan to either
ps: please reblog, also tagging @laut-ke-buddhu-ghar-ko-aaye @hell-lit011019 @vellibandi @mainsamayhoon @bambioleo @mirchi-wali-maggi @milli-meter-senti-meter @damnn-dorothea @bookish-alone @seriouslyalexanderlightwood @shanti-ashant-hai @yehsahihai @chandrayee @pulihora @shut-up-rabert @morally-gayy @paleodictyoptera @astrocatfizziks @akidev @stayin-alivee @kaagazkefool @sanskari-kanya @twenty-first-century-ki-laila @mohabbaat @chanda-chamke-cham-cham @ and everyone else as well
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neptuneiris · 5 months
Behind the Scenes (05/05)
Behind the Success
pairing: actor!aemond × fem!reader
summary: you and Aenar finally meet Aemond's family, closing one chapter of your life and starting a new one with Aemond in it.
word counter: 8.7k
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it's here!🥳
I've finally finished the chapter and I'm so excited for you guys to read this!
and how is it possible that another story is going to end soon? because if you didn't read my previous message, there will be an epilogue, so it's not yet the definitive goodbye for this little family we have created🤭
also before reading I want to thank you for your support and please leave me your opinion, lately the comments have gone down and I wish to read you🙏🏻
oh I also want to make a small clarification before you reed:
in the second chapter it is mentioned how aemond at the end confessed everything to his family in a desperate attempt to find Y/N. but let's forget that hehe🤭 let's pretend that aemond never told them so you can enjoy this chapter and the light drama you are about to read.
now read and enjoy, ily all!
warnings: slight angst, aemond's family melting our hearts when they meet aenar.
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Aemond immerses himself in the world of acting with the same fierce dedication with which he confronts his characters on screen. Every move, every word, everything is carefully rehearsed and executed.
Each project is a challenge, an opportunity to explore new roles and demonstrate his versatility as an actor.
The hustle and bustle of the film set fills the air as he immerses himself in his role. The bright lights illuminate his face, conveying the intensity of his character as he delivers his lines with palpable emotion.
But when the bell rings, as well as the director's shout of "cut!" is heard, Aemond is Aemond again.
Behind all those shots, scenes, interviews and awards, no one knows that Aemond is a father, at least no one outside his close circle. He only confided the news to a few close co-workers, some production people and his older sister, Rhaenyra.
He managed to persuade some rumors after some people at first saw him entertaining Aenar in the nursery on the set, because even though there is nothing wrong with it and Aenar is his most precious treasure and a pride of his life, he knows it is better to protect him from the public eye.
And now that Aenar has his own nanny at home, sometimes even then the whispers would start to get too much and he would make sure that some member of the production crew, known for their ability to spread harmless gossip, would plant the idea that it was simply a close family friend of the child they had seen him with.
And in the midst of all his work and everything he has to do, Aemond finds the precious time to be with his son.
Aenar, a whirlwind of laughter and childlike energy, fills every space where the two are together with light. Games, stories and hugs become routine and Aemond cherishes every moment he can spend with him on his days off.
He even reduces his own working hours and focuses entirely on filming his scenes, also attending one or two interviews per month, in order to have more quality time with Aenar, who is more important than having to please the press at every moment.
And as he balances the intensity of the job with his responsibility as a father, Aemond fights for to rebuild the trust you once placed in him.
Every gesture, every conversation, was an effort to demonstrate that he is fully committed to getting things right this time. Every encounter with you, he demonstrates a quiet determination to making amends for past mistakes.
With carefully chosen words and acts of genuine support, he tries to show you that he understands the pain he had caused and is willing to go out of his way to regain your trust.
And you accept this, because you see how he makes an effort to open up more, to share his thoughts, his fears and his hopes. But above all, you see how he is making an effort with Aenar, which is the most important thing.
And you also see how parental responsibility has changed his perspective and maturity. But still, Aemond knows that rebuilding trust takes time and forgiveness is not something that can or should be rushed.
Even if you decide never to forgive him, he's okay with that and is getting the idea from now on that you only allow him to be close to you because of Aenar and only because of Aenar.
So in the meantime, you immerse yourself in your own workday.
The makeup and wardrobe trailer is a world of constant motion and productivity in any given area, though your mind is always on Aenar and also on Aemond.
And even though you both carry separate jobs at the same place during the day, you both manage to create a balance between your jobs and raising Aenar.
Evenings were for you and Aenar if Aemond didn't finish recording at the same time as your shift ends. And almost at dusk is when Aemond comes from work and devotes every minute of his free afternoon to Aenar.
Instead if you both finished your shifts at the same time, you both spent time together with Aenar.
However, the nights brought calm.
Once Aenar fell asleep and before Aemond retired, you and he find your own space to talk, share thoughts, talk about work or more importantly about Aenar. And today just happens to be one of those nights.
You finish cleaning the kitchen, while Aemond is sitting on one of the stools, with a cup of coffee in his hands, looking out the large windows to the back garden, thoughtful.
While he has in front of him the IPad with the image of the camera in Aenar's crib that records him sleeping, attentive and making sure he is well.
"I've been thinking a lot lately," he says, breaking the silence in a soft voice, catching your attention.
You watch him from the sink, setting a clean, dry dish in the drainer, then drying your hands with a clean cloth.
"About what?" you ask him softly, attentively.
And he takes a moment before answering, thinking very carefully about his words and what he means, not wanting you to misunderstand him in any way.
"On Aenar and... us."
He confesses and you lean on the other side of the island that separates you both in front of him, giving him your full attention.
"At first..." he starts to say, slightly flustered, "You didn't want me to hide him from the world and I-I... well, I obviously disagreed with you."
He says and bites the inside of his cheek, lowering his gaze, feeling embarrassed.
"But now... I think it's not fair to him that no one has any idea that I have a son. It's also not fair for anyone to know that you're the mother of my child."
His gaze again meets yours and a sense of understanding envelops both him and you.
"Now things have changed," Aemond continues, his tone laden with sincerity, "And I know that you and I are n-not together but... maybe... I can announce the news, only if you want me to."
Silence fills the kitchen in its entirety for a moment, as Aemond holds his breath at your possible response, honestly feeling terrified to expect a bad reaction from you.
But none of that crosses your mind, on the contrary, you just digest his words. But your silence is what causes a mixture of expectation and anxiety in Aemond, who holds his gaze with yours, nervous.
And finally, with a serene sigh, you go around the island that separates the two of you and approach him, placing one of your hands on his shoulder gently and in an attempt to comfort and reassure him, instantly feeling his whole figure tense, while he watches you with his big healthy wide eye and his prosthetic eye remains the same as always.
"Aemond," you begin to say in a soft voice as he watches you completely attentively, "I always wanted you to recognize Aenar publicly, that was what I wanted most at first. But now...
You pause for a moment, thinking about your meditated words, as you sink for a second into your own thoughts and what you really want to say, as Aemond watches you intently, waiting for you to continue.
"I understand your world more now," you continue, "And, honestly, I can't blame you for not agreeing with me back then, only in this," you make clear, "Recognize him legally would have been the right thing to do and... enough," you say holding back the sadness in your tone of voice.
But Aemond catches that break in your voice, a moment of your vulnerability that makes him feel a sharp, simmering ache in his chest, as if every word you utter drops a weight on his shoulders, with shame again invading him, but this time with a mixture of deep remorse and regret.
A barely audible sigh escapes his lips, lowering his gaze, ashamed, feeling the burden of his past choices and he wonders amidst the brief silence if he will ever be able to fully redeem with himself.
But he doesn't have much time to think about it, as you gently squeeze his shoulder to bring his attention back to you.
"And now I understand that the press and people's opinions can be very dangerous and destructive," you say softly, "And I don't want that for Aenar, at least I don't want to deal with that yet," you confess, "I want him to grow up a little more and we can both enjoy his early years without having to worry about it."
An expression of surprise and also longing crosses Aemond's face, still watching you intently, processing your words.
"Are you sure?"
You place a soft smile on your lips.
"Very," you assure, "I just want him to grow up in a calm and safe place, without falling fame on him nor all this attention being so young," you explain, "I have no problem with it, but also your opinion counts."
"No, I-I... I want the same for him too," he agrees with you, nodding, with all the pressure and anxiety he felt being replaced by a mixture of gratitude and relief.
And you nod back at him, smiling softly in his direction.
"But..." he says with a slight urgency in his gaze and concern in his tone, "I just want you to know that when the time comes, I won't do it for attention or to be relevant."
He says seriously, softly and honestly.
""I'll do it because I know it's something I have to do, for him and for you, as in the beginning maybe it should have been. But for now I just want us to enjoy these moments and, when the time is right, make that decision together."
The room fills with the honesty of his words and you can feel the sincerity in each of them, as a sense of calm envelops you both and you share a soft, complicit smile.
"Sure," you nod to him, feeling a warmth wrap itself all over your chest.
Your gaze moves away from his for a moment, focusing on the iPad screen where Aenar is shown sleeping, while Aemond can't help but focus on the features of your face with an intensity that can't go unnoticed by you.
Deep longing is reflected in his gaze, with a palpable mix of regret and sadness that is projected beyond mere facial expression. And he feel that weight on his body and chest again, a burden he can't help but feel.
His healthy eye glides over your face as if searching for answers in every line of expression and in his gaze, you can perceive the longing to repair the irremediable, the need to know how much he regrets the decisions of the past.
He starts to want to say, his voice laden with regret, but you turn your gaze to him and stop him.
"Aemond, we have already talked about this."
"But I'm sorry... I really am," he insists, with pain in his gaze, "And I know an apology isn't going to fix it, I know that, neither is anything else but... I am really sorry and you don't know how much I hate myself for everything I put you through."
"No," you shake your head, "There's no need for you to keep apologizing," you tell him softly, "It won't do either of us any good to keep bringing up the mistakes of the past. Nor will it serve you to keep punishing yourself for what has already happened," you say as tactfully as you can.
His expression reflects a mixture of gratitude and frustration with yourself.
"Yes, I know, I understand," he murmurs, lowering his gaze, "It's just... I feel like I have to say it."
"Aemond, what matters now is this, how we move forward from here now that we've both learned and grown. Aenar too," you add, "And that's all that matters."
He nods slowly in your direction, his gaze showing a mixture of appreciation and relief, even with the remorse within him, as you both then sink into a moment of silence, letting the unspoken words echo in the air, but you both know those words, they just don't need to be said.
The relationship dynamic between you and Aemond since then takes a new path, a less tense, more bearable path of total trust. And this is not lost when the two of you are together in Aenar's presence.
Until one day, on your day off precisely, Aemond after work, comes to you telling you some unexpected news.
"I told them."
You turn fully towards him, giving him your full attention, understanding but at the same time not what he really means.
The living room starts to feel tense, while Aenar completely oblivious to it continues to play on the floor with his toys, but you focus on his gaze, where there is a charge of confession in his eye and you notice his whole body in a position of determination but also nervousness.
"Come, sit down," you tell him in a soft voice, pointing to the couch, while at the same time getting up from the floor to take a seat next to him.
And he almost with a defeated expression and posture, does as you say, letting out a sigh.
"What happened?" you ask, watching him intently.
He inhales deeply, looking at Aenar on the floor, who is the only one who can make him feel a little calmer, as well as your presence next to him.
"I told them about everything that happened," he confesses to you, "Our relationship, your pregnancy, my team, the decision I made in the beginning, everything I caused and how much I hurt you," he says as he feels his heart knot, "Everything. Everything that happened from then until now... and Aenar."
His words leave a weight in the air, as you anticipate how bad and difficult that conversation must have gone with his family to see him this way, so serious and tense.
"And how did they react?"
Aemond closes his eye, lowering his gaze, his posture reflecting the emotional baggage he carries with him and how bad it definitely went with it.
"Just as I expected. Obviously they were disappointed in me."
He says without much emotion, but with slight pain in his tone
"My grandfather couldn't believe it and was shouting how come I kept all that from them. Hel was very shocked, Aegon and Daeron too. And mother said a few hurtful things, started crying and telling me how I could keep these things from her," he exhales deeply, "Rhaenyra and Daemon were the ones who helped me calm things down a bit, but still my grandfather and mother were upset with her for knowing and not saying anything."
The tension of what happened feels palpable, as if he is reliving his family's every reaction, with the heaviness of disappointment and pain reflected in his expression, as you beside hom, share the weight of that difficult moment.
You are both silent for a moment, only hearing the sounds of Aenar playing with his toys.
"I'm sorry," you whisper in his direction, placing your hand on top of his, as if trying to somehow ease the pain he feels, "It must have been very difficult for you."
"No, Y/N," he observes you instantly, speaking to you in a soft tone, "You don't have to apologize. I deserved this and I'm not saying it to cause pity or play the victim," he adds with earnest sincerity, "I'm saying it because it's true. This is the least I deserve after everything you had to go through because of me."
You decide not to say anything at this, just offer him your silent support, while he again seems lost in his own thoughts for a few long seconds, where neither of you say anything.
When suddenly, Aenar emits an infectious giggle, instantly attracting both of your attention.
His small hands hold a toy with enthusiasm, his smile and the tenderness he conveys bringing brightness to the living room and the state Aemond is in, who smiles softly at the scene, watching him with complete adoration.
He sighs and rises from the couch, moving towards him, holding him gently, needing the sensation at that moment of holding him in his arms.
Aenar squeals with excitement and joy, placing his small arms on his chest, moving energetically in his arms, smiling big at him with his blue eyes completely filled with a glow.
The scene makes you smile softly, especially when Aemond also takes one of his toys and begins to play with it in his arms as he starts to walk slowly around the living room, talking to it in a honeyed tone and causing Aenar to babble incomprehensible words but full of happiness in his tone.
And when Aenar entertains himself with his father's silver hair, Aemond speaks again, turning to you to observe you.
"Despite everything, they want to meet him," he says, watching Aenar in his arms, "And they also want to meet you, my mother more than anyone else."
And this also completely grabs your attention.
"Hmm," he nods, "But I didn't tell them yes or no," he lets you know, "I wanted to consult it with you first."
"But is this good or not?" you ask, looking to find positivity in the situation, "Or do you think they shouldn't know him yet?"
"Of course they should," he tells you softly, "I owe this to them, also to you. But as I tell you, I didn't know how you would react if I told you they would meet him soon, I wanted to check with you first."
You place a reassuring smile in his direction.
"Aemond, for me it's perfect for Aenar to meet his grandmother, his uncles and aunts. It's a great opportunity and will definitely be good for him," you assure him.
"Yes, it is," he nods, unconsciously beginning to imagine the moment, "They can come or we can go to them, whichever you decide."
"Either way is fine with me," you shrug, "When might that be?"
Aemond thinks for a moment before answering.
"We could arrange it next weekend. Sounds good?"
You nod with a reassuring little smile.
"Sounds good."
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The Targaryen—Hightower family decides to come to you.
When Aemond gives you the news, even though at first you were totally fine and had no problem with it, inevitably knowing it instantly makes you nervous.
You've never met his family before, not even when you and Aemond were a couple for obvious reasons. And even though his family isn't involved within the entertainment and film industry, you've still heard enough about them to feel slightly intimidated.
About Alicent Hightower, Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen more than anyone.
The uncertainty of how they will perceive you, especially after disappearing from Aemond's life without warning and also how they will treat you, that's what worries you the most.
But the fact that they will be coming to your house relieves you a little. Fortunately you won't be interacting with them in unfamiliar terrain and you're sure that the presence of Aenar, his toys and Aemond will go a long way to reassuring you.
"Do you need help?"
Aemond appears behind you, while you find yourself cleaning everything you can from your living room and Aenar, as usual, is sitting on the carpet with all his toys around him.
"I'm just cleaning up in here, then I'll go clean the kitchen."
"Don't worry, me and this little handsome will clean the kitchen."
He walks over to Aenar and takes him in his arms, who is already dressed in an outfit too cute for the occasion and smells like baby soap from the previous bath you gave him, ready to meet his family.
Aemond goes with him to the kitchen, sitting him in his perch, keeping an eye on him while at the same time starting to clean up.
You start moving some of Aenar's toys, organizing his play area a bit, to create a more orderly and cozy space in the living. You also mop the floor and arrange cushions.
Aemond washes a few dirty dishes and cleans all the shelves, also mops and spreads your favorite Lavender scent, which besides smelling amazing, calms your nerves.
You also ask him to help you tidy up the dining room while you clean the bathroom, wanting everything to look clean and spotless, while Aemond takes Aenar in his arms again to let him play in his play area and he watches him closely from that new distance.
"Maybe I should have cooked something?"
You walk over to him, slightly concerned.
"What? No," he turns to you, instantly, "Y/N, they're coming to meet Aenar, not to eat."
"I know, but..." you explain, nervously, "I thought maybe it would be a good idea to have something prepared, out of courtesy and.... I don't know. Won't it be rude of me if I don't have anything to offer them?"
"Of course not, you don't have to," he clarifies, more serious but with a soft tone, "If you want to have something prepared, let it be some drinks, nothing more."
Still you watch him hesitantly and worriedly.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, very sure," he assures you, "In fact I'll prepare them. You rest and take care of Aenar. I'll finish cleaning up everything else."
"No, I-I-
"Rest," he repeats, interrupting you, placing a hand on your cheek gently, "I know this may be overwhelming, but they will come to meet Aenar and you too. And you don't have to put too much pressure on yourself. Everything will be fine."
Her warmth and understanding manage to comfort you a little, making you stop feeling so tense little by little.
"Now rest, okay?" he says softly to then walk past you and head towards the kitchen, not taking any argument back.
It's clear that he wants to lighten your load and make sure you feel comfortable about all this that's about to happen, with his actions conveying reassurance.
And finally after a while, you are ready and waiting in the living room with Aenar, playing with him, while Aemond is sitting on the single sofa and who a few minutes ago let you know that his family is on their way.
And after a few more long minutes, Aemond now lets you know that his family has already passed through the security gate that leads into the private neighborhood.
Knowing that fills you with nerves again, but Aenar's babbling as he hands you his currently favorite toys distracts you a bit.
"Are you okay?"
Aemond asks you from where he sits, watching you intently and noticing the tension all over your face and body, while you try to look completely calm and relaxed.
"Yeah, yeah, just... a little nervous," you say trying to place a genuine smile on your face as you distract yourself by touching Aenar's toys, "Who exactly is coming? Other than your mother and siblings," you can't help but ask.
"My grandfather."
You watch him expectantly, waiting for him to tell you more, but he doesn't.
"And that's everyone?"
"Well, Rhaenyra said my nephews wanted to come too, my uncle Daemon with his daughters too but I asked them to wait a little longer," he explains to you slightly concerned, "I didn't want you to feel nervous and overwhelmed if my whole family invaded your house. And Aenar sure would have felt scared too."
You bite the inside of your cheek and he rises from the couch to walk over to you, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.
"Hey, don't worry, okay? It's going to be fine. They're excited to meet you and Aenar."
You release a long breath through your nose, placing one of your hands on top of his, feeling your shoulders especially start to feel less tense.
"Yes... thank you," you tell him with gratitude in your gaze, appreciating his support.
And then the doorbell rings.
Aemond gives you one last reassuring glance, assuring you that everything will be fine, then turns and heads for the door to greet them, as you rise from the couch and take Aenar in your arms.
The tension in your shoulders gradually dissolves as you hold your baby in your arms, replaced by a sense of calm, as you watch the front door intently and finish mentally preparing yourself.
Aemond opens the door gently with a warm smile on his lips and the first to enter is his mother, Alicent Hightower, in a beautiful, elegant green dress, followed by who you assume is Otto Hightower, his grandfather.
His mother wraps her arms around him and leaves a loving kiss on his cheek which Aemond reciprocates, as he also greets his grandfather, who watches the entire interior of the house with an inspecting gaze.
Behind Otto enters Rhaenyra, who embraces Aemond.
"Thank you for coming," Aemond says to her, leaving a kiss on her cheek.
"Of course," she smiles at him, leaving a soft kiss on his cheek as well before pulling away from him.
"You guys too, thank you," she says to Aegon and the rest of her brothers, "Come on in."
Both brothers, Aegon and Daeron, embrace him, speaking words of assurance, leaving Helaena at last, who throws herself into his arms with obvious emotion, smiling with joy and longing, as Aemond leaves a kiss in her hair.
Then Aemond closes the door and before heading towards you, who are still standing very still near the couch with Aenar in his arms, his whole family finally notices you and especially the child in your arms.
"Thank you for coming, all of you," Aemond repeats as he turns to you, "Let me introduce you to Y/N," he points to you, "She works on the same recording set I am currently working on as well."
You put on the best friendly and kind smile possible, as Aemond takes Aenar in his arms so that you can meet his family. And the first to address you is Alicent, with her stunning elegance and a soft smile on a warm face.
"Nice to finally meet you, my dear. My son has spoken so much about you."
The tension almost completely leaves your body, feeling grateful and relieved by the welcoming tone of her voice, evaporating your fear about how everyone, especially her, would treat you.
"The pleasure is mine. I'm happy you're here."
You reach out your hand to her and, pleased, she takes it. But she takes you by surprise when she pulls you closer to her and wraps you in a gentle embrace, definitely not expecting that.
You freeze for a moment, then, a little hesitantly, return her embrace, grateful for the affectionate welcome. And when you both part, she has a smile that denotes sincerity and cordiality, then points you to Aemond's grandfather behind her.
"This is my father, Otto," Alicent introduces you as he watches you with an appraising expression, "He has also heard much about you and was very pleased to come here."
And though his look is somewhat... intimidating, you don't let that invade your nerves.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Hightower," you tell him in a soft, polite voice, extending your hand to shake with his as well.
"The pleasure is mine, Y/N," he replies in a low, polite voice, shaking your hand briefly.
"And this is Rhaenyra," Alicent points you to the woman who is just as refined as she is and shares Aemond's same characteristic of silver hair, as do the rest of his siblings.
She smiles towards you and gracefully approaches, then embraces you in greeting mode, as does Alicent.
"It's nice to finally meet you," she tells you cheerfully, "Aemond told me so much about you and of course your little one," she tells you as she gives Aenar a loving look.
"The pleasure is all mine. Aemond also spoke a lot about you and was very excited to meet you," you tell her, as she holds your hands in a gentle grip.
"Well here we are," she tells you without wiping away her smile, then looks behind her, turning her attention to the rest of Aemond's siblings, "Oh and they are my siblings," she gestures you towards Aegon, Daeron and Helaena, who have friendly glances in your direction.
Aegon steps forward first, extending his hand.
"I am Aegon. I hope you're not feeling overwhelmed with so many silverheads invading your home."
"No, no, not at all," you laugh softly, taking his hand, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Aegon."
Daeron is next, greeting you with a friendly smile.
"Hello, nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Daeron. Aemond told us a lot about you and Aenar."
"Pleasure to meet you, Daeron," you say, noting the sincere camaraderie emanating from both brothers.
And finally, Helaena gives a few towards you, with an expression of pure excitement on her face and hugs you effusively.
"At last we meet!" she exclaims happily, "I was so excited to see you."
"Oh," you respond to her hug also a little surprised and with gratitude, "It's nice to meet you. Aemond has also told me a lot about you.".
"Good things, I hope," she says with a smile, pulling away from you.
And gosh, you can just see how much her sisters and brothers resemble Aemond. Their beauties are otherworldly and even Alicent is truly beautiful, as much as Rhaenyra is.
"And this..." begins to announce Aemond with Aenar in his arms and a radiant smile lighting up his face as he approaches the center of the living room, where his entire family watches him intently, "This is our son, Aenar," he says with pride in his voice, finally introducing his son.
Everyone's gaze focuses on the baby in Aemond's arms, who oblivious to the situation, watches them back with his huge bright blue eyes curious and expectant, while you place a small smile, anticipating the magical meeting of your little one with the rest of his family.
Helaena, visibly moved, can't hold back tears and tries to calm herself, with happiness, longing and nostalgia in her eyes. Aegon smiles with pride and Rhaenyra with adoration.
And meanwhile, Daeron, Otto and Alicent barely finish processing the reality of having Aenar in front of them.
Until Alicent steps forward gently, his eyes and gaze shining with curiosity, slight surprise, longing and adoration as he watches the little one, his newly presented grandson.
"Is that my grandson?" she murmurs in disbelief with tears beginning to form in her eyes and a hand on her chest.
Aemond, with a warm smile, nods at the question.
"Yes, Mom," he gently observes her and seeing her condition, looks at her with complete understanding, "Do you want to hold him?" he offers, carefully extending Aenar to her, sharing in the joy of her holding her grandson.
Alicent, tears streaming down her cheeks and visibly moved, nods in a touched nod with her gaze reflecting all her emotions, joy and awe.
She takes another step forward and reaches out her arms, where Aemond carefully places Aenar in her arms, who now watches him adoringly and with a mixture of happiness and emotion reflected in her gaze.
Alicent can't help but let out a couple more tears as Aenar babbles and watches her with great wonder, moving his small hands to her brown hair, starting to play with her curls, making her laugh softly in the midst of her tears and all the emotions she feels.
Aemond watches his mother tenderly as she enjoys her first encounter with her grandson, while you can't help but feel moved as well and wipe away a few tears that have escaped your eyes, watching the moment with emotion and nostalgia.
"My little Aenar," Alicent whispers, tenderly kissing his forehead, cradling him in her arms.
Aemond, still smiling and holding back his tears, diverts his gaze to you and you watch him back, where you both share a small smile and a silent complicity, both feeling the same way and recognizing the happiness this moment has brought to your lives.
And then Helaena approaches together with Daeron towards her mother, to watch Aenar and share the joy of the moment.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" comments Helaena, smiling, as Daeron watches him with a small smile of adoration and strokes his silver hair tenderly.
"Absolutely beautiful," whispers Alicent, her eyes shining with tenderness, not taking her eyes off him for a second.
"He's lovely," Rhaenyra comments with her soft little smile.
And then Alicent lifts his gaze to Aemond.
"And he looks exactly like you, darling," she tells him tenderly, recognizing the familiar features on Aenar's face and creating a moment full of emotion and family connection.
Aemond, touched and grateful, smiles at his mother's words.
"I think he has a little bit of both," Aemond replies, sharing a proud look with you.
Aenar physically by hair and eyes resembles Aemond, but some features of his face he definitely inherited from you and you can't help but smile in his direction.
And then, within the next few minutes, the whole family continues to make affectionate moments with Aenar. Helaena being the most excited is the one who now holds Aenar tenderly in her arms, leaving a couple of loving kisses on her cheek, while Rhaenyra approaches her to observe Aenar with a motherly gaze.
The imposing figure of Otto Hightower stands watching with satisfaction the scene unfolding in front of him, especially as he sees the happiness and excitement of Alicent and his grandchildren.
He doesn't say much, but his presence exudes a sense of quiet approval and though he doesn't show it, he honestly feels proud of Aemond, this reunion of his family and the arrival of a new member to it.
As Aegon approaches towards Aemond with a friendly, warm smile, placing a hand on his shoulder where he shares his gesture of brotherhood and pride.
"Congratulations, brother," he tells him sincerely, "He is beautiful and a mini version of you."
Aemond nods gratefully, the smile on his lips and places one of his hands on top of his.
"Thank you, brother. I appreciate it."
Now it is Daeron who takes Aenar in his arms and carries him to his play area, followed by Helaena, Rhaenyra, Alicent and you.
Helaena also takes a seat on the carpet with Alicent and the three of them start playing with him, who shows his enthusiasm and fills the living room with his giggles, melting the hearts of everyone present.
The atmosphere definitely becomes livelier and warmer, transforming into a special moment for everyone, where both you and Aenar feel completely comfortable and happy.
And as a few long minutes pass, Aemond watches all the interaction, happy and completely pleased, seeing how you converse with Rhaenyra and the rest of his family is totally entertained by Aenar.
Even his mother asks to have her picture taken with him and slowly begins to fill a new photo album of her grandson on her phone reel, completely enchanted with him.
Such a sight and such a moment couldn't make him happier, being a moment he needed so much and couldn't be more proud of. And how could he not?
His watching his son integrate into his family. And you are definitely getting along great with all of them.
Aegon stands by his side, sharing the gesture of complicity as they watch Helaena and Daeron make sounds with Aenar's toys that make him laugh and squeal with happiness.
Absolutely beautiful.
"So..." Aegon begins to say beside him, catching his attention, "You're going to show him to the world?"
He watches him intently, as Aemond holds his gaze for a second to look back at Aenar with an affectionate gaze, smiling softly.
"That's what Y/N would have wanted at first, when she got pregnant," he says softly, remembering those painful moments, "But no, at least not yet," he replies, turning his gaze back to his brother, "We talk and want to give him a normal childhood as much as possible."
Aegon nods with understanding, listening to him with full attention, then lets out a sigh, watching Aenar.
"The world is going to go mad when they find out, little brother," he says with an amused smile.
"I don't care," he says with a shrug, "All I care about is him."
Aegon smiles warmly again, acknowledging Aemond's priority as a father and he couldn't be prouder of him. He may be the older brother but Aemond...he's the one who matured first, always cleaning up his shit and making sure everyone was okay.
And even though when Aemond told them about this, about you and Aenar, it turned out to be a complete disaster, Aegon is glad that right now his family is responding in this way, loving you and Aenar.
"And what happened to Criston?"
He decides to ask you, curious and attentive, as Aemond takes a moment and exhales deeply, he too being a person who brings back horrible memories of the past.
"I fired him," he replies with a disinterested wave of his hand, "And his entire team too," he adds, "That's what I should have done in the beginning with him."
"And he threatened you?"
Aemond lets out an amused smile, remembering those days as well.
"Yes but I hired a lawyer and they made him sign a confidentiality sheet," he explains, "He couldn't do anything against that."
Aegon nods, pleased to hear those words, as you both turn your gaze back to the family, where Aenar's laughter still echoes throughout the living room, Aemond smiling lovingly as he watches his mother assail him with soft kisses.
Your soft laughter catches your attention as well, watching you with almost the same adoration and love as he watches Aenar, watching you converse with Rhaenyra where you both let out soft giggles at whatever it is you are talking about.
And he can't help but watch you extra longingly, wistfully, happily and longingly, loving to see the smile on your lips and the look of joy you have, his perfect and beautiful Y/N.
He honestly doesn't know what would have become of him if he had never seen you again. He'll probably still be sunk in his misery, regretful and trapped. But with each passing day he thanks the Gods for this, again and again, this second chance.
And Aegon doesn't take this unnoticed, the way his brother is looking at you.
"You really fucked things up with her, didn't you?"
His words break the spell he was under and he bites his lips, averting his gaze from you, beginning to feel ashamed and also with that guilt simmering in his chest.
"Yeah," he replies in a low murmur.
"You still love her."
Aegon tells him watching him intently with a complicity and understanding, not asking any questions, as he is making a statement, affirming it.
And Aemond again speaks the truth, neither denying it nor hiding it.
"Never stop doing so."
Aegon lets out a long breath, honestly feeling bad for him, to place his hand on his shoulder again.
"Brother, we all make mistakes," he tells him softly, "People fuck up and fuck up badly. I'm sure you get that from a person like me," he points to himself, still speaking in a serious tone, "And the important thing is to learn from them and move on. And I'm sure she's seen that in you."
"No, Aegon," he says softly, shaking his head, "What happened between us was different and... unforgivable," he says with the slight pain in his tone, "This is all happening only for Aenar and his well-being."
"So you don't plan to do anything about it?"
"I don't know," he says regretfully, letting out a sigh, "Things are complicated. And with everything that happened surely Y/N doesn't feel that way about me anymore. Besides what really matters is Aenar and I want to be a good father to him."
"I understand that, brother. But maybe all is not lost and all you need to do is try," he tells him in an encouraging tone, "Life is unpredictable, you know? And who knows... maybe Y/N still has feelings for you."
Aemond grimaces.
"I don't know, bro. I don't think so."
Aegon decides to say no more, just nods, for after all, he understands the complexity of his situation. And inevitably, though he shouldn't, with the words he has spoken to him, Aemond feels a small glimmer of hope.
Meanwhile the inside of your house continues to fill with laughter and conversation as everyone enjoys family time. And in the middle of it all, Alicent notices you going to the kitchen for a moment, this catching her attention and being the opportunity to talk to you.
So, giving her attention away from her grandson since she arrived, without saying anything to anyone, she discreetly follows you into the kitchen.
As she passes through the frame, she sees you arranging the drinks that Aemond prepared for them on a tray, wanting to offer them. But when Alicent's figure entering the kitchen catches your attention, you immediately turn to her.
"I don't intend to take up too much of your time, my dear," Alicent hastens to speak with a small smile on her lips.
"Oh, yeah, yeah," you nod immediately, "Do you need something?"
"I just want to talk to you," she answers you softly, "And it's nothing bad, I just... want to thank you for welcoming us into your home," she says, showing the sincerity in her look and tone, "I honestly haven't felt this happy in my life in a long time. And meeting Aenar has definitely made me very happy," she pauses a little, "Thank you."
"No, no, you don't have to thank me," you reply, with a soft look, "It's a pleasure to have all of you here. And you have made Aenar very happy too."
"No, I really do thank you," she insists with a soft tone, "Your home is beautiful and definitely an excellent place for Aenar to grow up."
"Oh, thank you," you smile kindly at her, "Actually this house was bought by Aemond. He must have told them or at least you, I suppose."
"Yes, he did," she nods, "He also told us how much you refused at first but I understand you. It must have been a very meaningful but very overwhelming gesture for you."
You nod with understanding, biting your lips.
"Yes," you murmur, "Yes it was. But I only accepted for Aenar," you hasten to clarify, "I didn't do it for my own convenience, whether for money or fame. I accepted for Aenar, so that he could have his father in his life and together give him the best."
"Yes, sweetheart," she advances towards you and takes your hands between her gently, "I know," she assures you, "You don't have to explain anything, everything is more than understandable."
You let out a long breath.
"Thank you," you tell her sincerely.
"It's okay," she smiles softly at you, "And listen, I-I... I really don't want to make you uncomfortable nor do I want to make you feel bad, in fact Aemond asked me not to talk to you about this but..." she looks at you with some tenderness and longing, "I just want to tell you how very brave you are, Y/N."
You shudder at the sweetness of her unexpected words, feeling a warmth run through your chest as a mixture of gratitude and longing flashes across your face, suddenly feeling completely vulnerable.
"I didn't blame you for deciding to run away, no one judges you for it."
She lets you know by telling you in a soft voice and as tactfully as possible.
"As much as I would have loved to have met you sooner, Aemond's decisions were terrible and I can't imagine everything you had to go through on your own," she says with slight shock and sadness, holding your hand tighter, "Your pregnancy, living in a new unfamiliar place and trying to make it on your own."
You bite your lips, feeling a sharp pain in your chest and tears begin to form in your eyes, but you gather your strength and try not to let them fall despite the memories of painful moments.
Her words resonate with genuine understanding and her warm touch brings you a comfort you didn't expect but definitely needed.
"Yes," you whisper, feeling the lump in your throat, "It was very scary and very difficult," you confess, "But Aenar made every sacrifice worth it."
"Of course," she murmurs, with a sympathetic look.
"Oh and... it must have been hard for you too," you say, remembering, "In those days seeing Aemond so sad and desperate must have worried you a lot. It even almost put in danger his career and you had no idea about me and what had happened."
"Yes, that was very scary too," she nods with a sad smile, "We didn't know what had happened, he pushed everyone away, even Helaena and... I couldn't stand to see him like that, but he wouldn't accept our help either," she explains, "But now, just like me, I've never seen Aemond so happy in his life."
Her tone is genuine and you hold her gaze with appreciation and understanding, feeling completely grateful for this pleasant acceptance and welcome by Aemond's family.
And in that moment you can feel, as Alicent does, how your connection grows stronger in your shared understanding of past challenges and new hope.
"You are a strong woman, Y/N. And I also want you to know that regardless of the circumstances between you and Aemond, I want you to know that you are part of our family now and we are here to support you."
You feel a happiness and relief course through your body, grateful for her words and her total understanding, as you nod in her direction.
"Thank you, Alicent."
And Alicent unable to contain herself, wraps you in a hug full of tenderness that you reciprocate, with the atmosphere filling with a sense of mutual acceptance and support.
And from there, the rest of the afternoon is spent sharing laughter and creating special memories.
Aegon plays with Aenar while Daeron and Helaena join in the fun, making your little one laugh with every quip and funny face that Aegon especially makes.
Alicent and Rhaenyra also join in, creating a connection with Aenar and showing him affection, while Aemond and you watch it all sitting together on the couch, each with a smile on your lips.
Until the visit comes to an end and the family says goodbye with expressions of gratitude and affection. Helaena is the one who insists on exchanging numbers to stay in touch, while she along with Alicent and Aegon promise to visit again soon.
It's a bit hard for Alicent to want to let go of Aenar, but eventually she does and then Aemond and you finish picking up and sorting all of Aenar's scattered toys.
Until it's also time for Aemond to leave.
"Thank you for this day. It was amazing and better than I could have hoped for. Even mom loves you more than she ever loved me."
You smile in his direction sincerely, laughing softly.
"It was nothing, Aemond. It was all very nice. Your family was very kind and Aenar had a great time."
"Yes," he murmurs as he watches his little boy adoringly and then turns his gaze back to you, "Still, thank you... for everything."
You see the intent in his gaze, also in his body, the way he fights it, catching your attention and being a bit amused at it, then moving towards him and wrapping your arms around his neck, hugging him.
Surprised and definitely not expecting that, Aemond doesn't take long to reciprocate your embrace, a little hesitantly at first but he does, slipping his arms around your waist and pulling you close against him.
A sigh escapes his lips as he closes his eye, feeling that warmth in his body and that almost happiness at the sensation of having you close again.
He had missed it.
The embrace conveys a mutual support and understanding, also a kind of affection that Aemond can't quite decipher.
But honestly at that moment he doesn't mind and allows himself to enjoy and seize every moment of this feeling, knowing that he may not be able to have you again soon in this way, before you both part and he drives to his apartment.
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Regular visits from the Aemond family to your home become a pleasant daily moment. Each encounter brings laughter, love and a sense of family unity.
Aenar, with his contagious laughter, becomes the center of attention, further strengthening family bonds.
The bond between Aenar and his relatives grows stronger over time, so his extended family becomes fully involved in his growth and development. Laughter and play fill the halls of your home, creating precious memories.
Eventually you also meet the rest of Aemond's family as well as Aenar, like Daemon Targaryen, who is definitely a bit more intimidating than Otto Hightower. But once Daemon feels confident, he's the coolest guy.
You also meet Aemond's cousins, the twins Baela and Rhaena, Daemon's daughters, who are extremely kind and sweet to you.
And you also meet Rhaenyra's sons, Jace, Luke and Joffrey, where eventually she also introduces you to her youngest children, Aegon and Viserys.
Your relationship with each member of the Targaryen-Hightower family develop into genuine friendships. Helaena, Rhaenyra and Alicent become confidants and allies to Aenar's shared upbringing.
The complicity between the women in the family is supportive and builds a safe and loving environment for Aenar and the rest of the children.
Until, on occasion, you decide to take Aenar to the majestic Targaryen-Hightower mansion. The incredible residence becomes a second home for him, who explores every corner with curiosity and becomes familiar with the new walls.
Aegon, as the older brother he is, becomes his second protective figure. Together they share adventures through the mansion's extensive gardens and enjoy playing with Legos blocks or his plastic carts.
With Helaena, she connects with Aenar through her charm and utterly beautiful aura, always playing with him, carrying him in her arms and telling him fantasy stories with gestures and figures.
And with Daeron, Aenar loves it when he watches his favorite cartoons with him. Also eventually Aenar becomes his weakness, as he always fills him with more toys and always thinks of him to give him everything that makes him happy, even food.
And when Aenar cries, Daeron is the first of the siblings to come to him, slightly concerned and immediately wanting to make him feel good.
Meanwhile, your relationship with Aemond, while not resuming the romance of the past, transforms into a serene, enjoyable and respectful one. Aenar's upbringing becomes the main point of building his future and lacking nothing.
Although memories of the painful past persist, both have learned to cope and accept it, in order to move forward.
And eventually, in a significant moment and one that lasted hours of conversation between Aemond and you, also one that was an arduous process of documentation and much waiting, a culmination of a stage of your life is realized that further solidifies the unique connection between Aenar, Aemond and you.
A recognition that brings with it a clear message of commitment and love for the future of your family. The significant moment when Aemond asks for your permission to legally recognize his child and you allow him to do so.
It was not something you had to think about too much, as Aemond has shown you so much and the emotion in his eyes through his tears when you said yes, only further confirmed the fact that you were not making a wrong decision.
And everyone in the family celebrates when Aemond's last name is added to your son's name and he is finally named Aenar Targaryen.
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general taglist:
@imaegonstargaryenswife0 @bellstwd @gibbsgirl7 @toodlesxcuddles @imsoshygirl @croatianprincess @gemini-mama @a-little-roony-mara @mysteris-things @zenka69 @at-a-rax-ia @fan-goddess @duds31 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @eternally-passionate @bellaisasleep @ttkttt @aemshaircare @mellowdreamlandpost-blog @noodle81937 @mooncalvin @queenofshinigamis @n4tforlife @vexladin @dixie-elocin @wotcherpeak @watercolorskyy @shiny-trashs-blog @strangersunghoon @elysian0612 @skzenhalove @iloveallmyboys @cakescupcakesminicookies
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mournings-stars · 4 months
Hello hello! I’d like to request some platonic into romantic headcannons on an Alastor x fallen ex-exorcist/exterminator reader please :>
Small background: Reader fell for whatever reason and maybe a few days to a week (or even months-) afterward they end up striking a deal with Alastor, where they’ll be under his protection (because as skilled as they are it wouldn’t matter much with the entirety of hell on their ass) but he gets a pretty good portion of their power in return or maybe something else that you think Alastor would take.
Gender neutral reader pls
I’ve only read one fic or two with this concept and I am on my hands and knees for more lol
If you prefer a different writing format or feel this is too specific or OC-ish please please please feel free to change anything! I’m not very picky ^^
Thank you for your time and have a good day/night!
okay i LOVE this concept — i think it be the slowest fucking burn in the world tho like
you were never one of adam’s favorites, as you had the tendency to spare demons who seem harmless, but covered it nearly everytime
during this last extermination, however, he was trying to catch you fucking up the plan, so the minute you skipped over someone, he had lute launch her weapon at you
i doubt he’d let her kill you or anything, but he definitely just left you there for the demons to finish off, probably pinned to the ground with lute’s spear in your wing or something before he called all the other exorcists back (and he made sure to leave your halo so even if you did change clothes people knew what you were)
luckily (not really) you’d be in cannibal town, so before anyone could get to you, alastor’s probably just walking around like nothings happening (LMAO) and sees you
i doubt he’d make it known he saw you, like he’d definitely keep humming merrily down the street until he saw you struggling to get away from him as quickly as possible and tearing your wing even more
“my, my, let’s calm down, shall we?” he’d laugh and take the spear out of your wing. “isn’t that better, little bird?” but he’d say that while literally pointing the spear at you so don’t feel too safe
you’d definitely get defensive and shoot into the air with your weapon, ready to kill, and i think after seeing you still attempting to fly with that damaged of a wing (like its fucked up), he’d be impressed enough to drop the spear he had with a very big grin
“you’d better hide, little bird”
and you’d take his warning to fly off, quickly snatching lute’s weapon with yours in case you needed to defend yourself
he would literally just smile and watch you leave before continuing to hum and walk down the street
it’d probably be like a solid three days of hiding and having to fight for your life before the damage to your wing really messed with you and you had to force yourself to find a good hiding place
maybe you see charlie on the news and notice that no one seems to want to go to her hotel, so you force yourself to fly all the way there like a week after her horrible interview (ep 1) and practically collapse at the front door
of course you recognize vaggie and of course you practically run over and hug her despite the spear pointed at you… and of course that means vaggie either may or may not have to confess depending on if you pick up that no one knows or not (off the concept but im sparing chaggie heartbreak)
“who the fuck is this?” would be the first thing you hear from a spider demon and you’d have to explain what you were and hope they didn’t kill you — which, duh, charlie wouldn’t that let happen
“hello again, little bird,” would make everyone shut up because… how does alastor know you??? of course, he doesn’t answer their questions, just says hello and moves on like it’s all normal
your first day would totally be catching up with vaggie, probably breaking down because you needed to get back to heaven and had no way there
i think exorcists probably have a little bit of angelic power, but they probably can’t create portals without that power being given to them or something which means you have no way home and no where to go
vaggie and charlie of course tell you to stay, but once anyone shows up they’ll know you’re here and all of hell would be coming to the hotel to try and get to you — and you didn’t want to ruin what they had going (even if it was small you thought it was a great idea) so they probably give you a change of clothes, something more hellish, and tell you to stay until you have somewhere else to go
that would probably give alastor the perfect opportunity to talk to you privately and offer his protection
you wouldn’t take his offer at first, but once pentious shows up and the overlords somehow find out that charlie is hiding an angel in her hotel (vox and his stupid drones) you dont really have a choice
i dont think he’d ask for any power in return, but i do think you’d owe him a favor each time he has to protect you
vox would probably give subtle hints in all the programs he runs, so alastor would have to protect you very often
that meant if he ordered you to get rid of someone, you did it — whether that meant by the snap of your fingers with holy light (which they could potentially survive or respawn from) or killing them with your exorcist weapon was totally up to him sometimes, he just asked that you create a bouquet of flowers for his room
usually the people he had you “take care of” were repulsive enough, and you never minded creating things with your abilities, so you agreed to what he asked with ease
it’d be a little time before who he instructed you to “take care of” slowly shifted to anyone who wronged you
of course, he’d still protect you, but if he didn’t own their soul and he didnt have an angelic weapon, he couldn’t ensure that they wouldn’t come back, so he asked you, “do you think they’ll come back for you, little bird?” if you were unsure, or knew it was likely they’d come back for the person that ended up being the reason they had to go through the painful process of respawning, he’d tell you to just kill them
it’d probably come to a point where he stopped asking for favors, made sure you were alright, and told you to focus on what you needed to do while he “did his job”
i think eventually you’d find a place you think could be safe and once your wing is totally healed up and alright you’d say your goodbyes even though you weren’t that close with anyone but vaggie (also i feel like niffty would be down to talk to u about her bug battles or some shit)
anyway, when you go to say bye to alastor, he definitely cashes in his favor with a simple “hmm, no” cus he sees no reason for you to leave??? like so what everyone else’s lives are in danger by you being here… you’re safer here
so you’d stay, and it’d definitely make charlie happy because if she can get an angel back to heaven that’d prove she could actually do this
you’d be pissed at alastor for a while, but slowly, it seemed like demons understood that by coming for you, they were fucking with the radio demon (and we all know how that goes) so after a few months you were finally left alone
in that time you’d totally help spruce up the hotel while slowly forgetting why you wanted to go back
but every once in a while you’d have a very prolonged sadness about the situation… heaven was your home after all, and even if you liked the hotel, you could never leave because the minute you stepped outside, there was a line for your head — you were trapped there (like a bird in a cage — hence the nickname)
i think even though everyone likes having you there, vaggie would eventually bring up lucifer (like he can literally open a portal…)
but immediately alastor is not fucking having it and he cashes in another one of his pent up favors, saying that getting back to heaven through a fallen angel was the dumbest thing you could do if you wanted it to look like you were the one wronged in this situation (he has a point i fear)
i think this is where you kind of accept that you’re not going home and maybe just give up because 1. you can’t go to the heaven embassy since you’d just be met with adam and 2. the only person that could get you contact wasn’t a good option
i think now would be when alastor recognizes how much you want to go home and finds himself feeling bad?? for keeping you, but he just wants you to get home safely and surely
still, once he sees that you literally wont leave your room and have contemplated taking your own halo he compromises to let you try going to the heaven embassy to see if you could get a meeting with anyone but adam
you said it wasn’t possible, but he insisted “i can’t have you looking so upset all the time, birdie” he’d say while using his hand to squish your cheeks into a smile just to make you laugh
so you’d go — i think you’d totally get there safely but once demons see an exorcist angel coming out of the heaven embassy, you have to fight the minute you step out of the building
you can 100% see holy light from the hotel, so the minute alastor sees a golden beam he’s out the door
you can handle your own, so you fought them off, but i’d imagine you get injured and that’s what really makes alastor realize he’s falling for you cus he’s seething
even just a minuscule amount of golden blood on you had him tearing apart any demon who even looked like they’d been near you
i hate to say it but i don’t think this would be a happy ending — reader loves heaven even though they hate being an exorcist and alastor knows that so he’d definitely keep his feelings hidden and if you showed any signs of feelings for him he’d be terrified because an angel falling, literally falling because thats what would happen to you, for someone like him would never get you back home
obviously it’d come to a point where he doesn’t want you to leave, but at the same time, he’d never keep you
if i did end up writing an actual fic of this it’d probably end on a bit of a cliffhanger ex. reader getting accepted back and being hesitant with alastor’s last favor just him saying, “if you want to stay for anyone, don’t,” and letting you decide whether or not to go back
OR reader being accepted back but still having to be an exorcist, so the next time they see alastor is the finale where adam would 100% put them against him
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koipaper · 2 months
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Pairings: Yandere! Abbie x Beloved (Yours/Your/Yourself)
Fandom: Fundamental Paper Education
Trigger warnings: Yandere behavior, Paranoia, Overthinking, Obsessive behavior, Worshipping, an OOC headcanon near the end, Manipulation, Guilt tripping, Probably OOC in general hhghd.
A/N: Despite being alive for only a few seconds, Abbie has become one of my favorite characters from Fundamental Paper Education.
‣ Stated in the introduction, Abbie is shown to be timid and the least intelligent in the class, as well as easily frightened in the animation as well. Him being a yandere is rather tame then most others.
‣ You're a student that had enrolled not long before Claire shows up, you never really noticed Abbie until you were paired with him for a partner project. Abbie was stressed and paranoid, what if he annoyed you with always asking for help? What if you just let him fail his part and he dies just like the other students here?? Oh gosh, he was terrified.
‣ The project was a take at home project, so you both agreed to exchange numbers and meet up at your house to get it done in time. Abbie arrived not a minute late, hands shaking like a leaf from his overthinking on the way there. You both greeted each other and sat down on the pillows you set up above the carpet so you both don't get sore. Abble couldn't stop worrying though. Almost everyone who has tried to help him has given up and left, what if your no different? However, to his surprise, you were very patient with him and even offered to work on the things he didn't understand.
‣ The rest of the night was fun, you both got to know each other a bit and you managed to finish the project within two hours. Abbie had told you that he wasn't smartest in the class, how usually his friend Engal would attempt to aid him but would fail because he was just too dumb to understand. So, you decided to help Abbie pass all of his assignments by doing it for him to save him from trouble. You already had his number, so you could just send him the answers before anything major like a test so he could write it down and pass. ‣ He agreed, and from then on, you both became best buddies! If only you knew that your little act of kindness caused an obsession to brew from the young man... ‣ How I write Abbie, his yandere traits would be Obsessive, Pathetic, Worshipping, Harmless, Dependent, Anxious, Clingy, and Tame. ‣ He sees you as a angel that was sent by heaven to aid him during his time at this wretched school, there was no denying it. He often praises you for how smart you are, as well as how kind and patient you are with him. He wants it all to himself... No one but him should be gazed apon with those loving eyes but him. You don't want him to feel like your abandoning him do you? ‣ Seen in official art, he was holding what seemed to be a love letter while Lana was pulling on his cheek teasingly. So maybe he writes love letters that he might one day send to his beloved to confess. These letters are his way to vent his feelings about you, since he gets too anxious to ever give them to you. ‣ SPEAKING OF ANXIOUS, I feel like Abbie would be in a constant state of paranoia that eventually you'll get fed up of helping him with his work. He'll die without your help! You don't want him falling to the hands of Miss Circle, do you?! Don't leave him, please! ‣ Abbie is quite obsessive when it comes to his crush on his beloved, he fantasizes about you, being in your arms, being able to kiss you, calling you his, he cannot wait! However, this is why he writes in a diary to prevent him from confessing too early. He'd die if you found out about his crush on you. ‣ Lana is no help either. If anything she more or so encourages Abbies crush on you (of course, she hasn't seen what lies beneath his lovey-dovey rambles about you, so she assumes that her best friend is just experiencing a normal crush.) If you ever come to her about Abbies strange behavior, She would shrug it off, saying that maybe he's just trying to show how appreciative he is that you stuck around. ‣ A bit OOC here (or just a personal headcanon of mine), Abbie's rather touchstarved, so affection by you feels like a high to him. Just a simple hug? He melts into your embrace. A small peck on the cheek? He's turning into putty as we speak. Holding his hand in the halls so you can get through a tough crowd? His face is flushing at the feeling. Even if the gesture is small, it fuels his obsession like wood to a fire place. He takes whatever he can get although, so there's that... ‣ Although, secrets can't stay secrets forever. You were invited to Abbies house to do another project just like when you first met. And you got curious and began snooping around his room when he went to get a drink for the both of you. Inside a drawer, you find a book labeled "DIARY: PLEASE KEEP OUT". You thought that maybe a itty bitty peak wouldn't hurt anybody, so you decided to read. ‣ Inside the first few pages were filled with words beyond words about you, mostly his thoughts about you. It was cute at first... until it started getting creepy.. The pages would be just word after word about how much he fantasized about you, how he felt every time he felt you were getting tired of him, and how he couldn't live long without you in his life before Miss Circle or any other of the teachers would kill him. He needed you, he wanted you, he would do anything just for you to be his. ‣ Before you could even react, a hand slammed the book shut causing you to yelp in surprise. Abbie stood before you, water in one hand and the diary in the other. His face was hard to read.
‣ His eyes were shaped like pinpricks, and tears were formed in his eyes, on the brink of spilling if you even dared to run. (His face is a ref to this.)
‣ "You didn't... You didn't see much, did you..?" He asked, his voice cracking and ready to break. Surly you didn't see much right?
‣ He hopes you didn't.
‣ He prays you didn't
‣ After all, he doesn't want to lose the only one who was patient enough to stick by him and his lack of intelligence. He NEEDS you to stay.
‣ He'll die without you, remember?
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circeyoru · 3 months
Reader from the yandere Alastor series with cursed cat Alastor. I said what I said.
It's js being a cat doing a cat things with a hint of chaos and destruction but like Alastor it's super clingy with reader and has a small rivalry with Alastor js because
To those that have no idea what this is talking about, check out {Unwanted Soul}
I saw the cursed cat thingy!!! It's so cutely cursed honestly!!! But love it the same!! (I was wondering if some of you would send in asks about this with Yandere!Alastor and here you guys are)
If we add the cutie cat into the mix, there's more trouble. But! Here's the kicker! Cause Reader's/you're a fan of animals. Cats definitely included. So you'd be hugging the little creature whenever and wherever you can! The moment you got the hint that the cat was okay with you touching it, you got it in your arms.
Now, the cat's just another version of Alastor, right? So naturally, the cat is clingy to you. You don't even mind too! There are certain situations where Alastor can't come close to you, but you allow that cat to do it? What's more that cat is a version of him? Look at that smile! It's grinning and taunting Alastor!
Depending on the time period, there are different reactions:
After your arrival to the hotel, you got a guardcat with you when you're wandering the hotel. It will ward off Charlie and the others whenever they try to approach you or ask you things. You let it and say its harmless. Alastor's pleased that you were covered when he wasn't around, but when he's around, he didn't expect the same treatment done to him! Back off!
After your confession, yeah, Mimzy's getting a bunch of bite marks and not the sexual type. It's logical that Alastor's more possessive and obsessive after you were firm and confident enough to directly confess to him. But that cat was still clinging to you and let you it! Hello? Alastor's right here! Don't pay attention to that copy of him! Pettiness all around, Alastor's battling against his tiny cat version and you're enjoying it.
In terms of the chaos and destruction the cat brings, you're surprisingly lenient to it. You're already lenient to Alastor, defending the demon. But it was a whole new level for the cutie. You'd even fix the broken things the cat did. You didn't scold it? Why??? You only did when it broke/ate something of yours. You really gave the cat the cold shoulders and Alastor was being a big tease about it. "Oh, My Darling isn't letting you in? Then who am I to let you in."
In general, it's all fun and games until you got mad at its actions.
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halemerry · 10 months
hii first of all, i absolutely love your metas on GO s2! your breakdown of the last few minutes of ep6 was really insightful and i love you for your meta about aziraphale and his role as a protector - it is a very astute look into his character and motivations which not a lot of people acknowledge in their theories/speculation after s2.
more to the point of this ask: this is something i've been mulling over and is the only thing that still doesn't make sense to me in ep6. why is crowley so nonchalant, or at least not noticeably worried, about the metatron showing up to the bookshop (a space he is very protective of) and taking aziraphala away for a talk after aziraphale has already been threatened by micheal? throughout the whole season crowley has been extremely protective over aziraphale and is very much aware of the real danger he is in (re: the book of life). this is also right after crowley has returned from heaven and has learned what the metatron was willing to do to gabriel to ensure 'institutional integrity' and that much bigger plans were afoot. i find it hard to wrap my head around his calm demeanor when the metatron enters the scene and takes aziraphale away, even if it's supposedly for a harmless talk. i wonder if you have any thoughts/speculation about this?
(opps this got too long and rambling). i would love to hear your thought but ofc please don't feel pressured to answer :) love your posts about the season and i look forward to reading more from you. have a lovely day!
Hi!! Thank you so much! This ask has had me by the throat basically since you sent it. It sort of touches on some things I already wanted to write about so forgive me if this spirals a bit.
So in a lot of ways I think this is a question that can have a one word answer. But since I do wanna talk about the way the show gives us this answer I actually want to start with Nina. Specifically I want to start with the thing she tells Crowley as Aziraphale’s off with the Metatron.
“You’re the hard bitten one that can’t trust anyone ever again and Mr. Wherever He Is is the soft one that still believes in magic people being basically good and all that."
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I’ve talked a little bit about this line before in my meta about the build up to the Confession here because I think it’s important to view from the perspective of how it preps Crowley for the following conversation he’s about to have. But, aside from that, I think it's really important because it's wrong. Nina is describing herself here, not Crowley. She’s projecting her own issues onto him and Aziraphale in the way that she perceives herself relating to them. Crowley himself is actually the one that calls out her trust issues for what they are explicitly. 
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Nina doesn’t trust and she sees herself in Crowley far more than Aziraphale both in demeanor and aesthetic so she assumes he doesn’t trust either. But she has it backwards. Because Crowley isn’t hard bitten as much as someone who tries very hard to be perceived as such. And, most importantly in this specific context, Crowley actually trusts quite a bit.
And he nearly always has. Even as far as back as the Starmaker.
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Just look at the way that the Starmaker and Aziraphale both talk about interacting with God. Aziraphale is nervous, anxious and pretty much immediately clocks that what the angel that would become Crowley is saying is going to get him into trouble. But the Starmaker? Even upset about the information he’s been given, he remains confident in the fact that it can’t hurt to ask a few questions. He trusts there to be no consequence for expressing an objection. He trusts that his opinion is valued. Even if he ends up wrong here there’s no inclination at all that he thinks his words will be taken inappropriately. And even the Fall itself doesn’t burn this out of him.
We see him trust Aziraphale, the cherub who was supposed to be guarding Eden from things like him, not to smite him on sight. And trusts him enough to not only have a conversation but express his own worries about his own actions. He then approaches Aziraphale like a friend at the Flood and makes no attempt to censor his horror at what is happening there.
Job is the first time we see Crowley act in a way that implies mistrust between them. This is the first time they’ve met since the Flood which I suspect is contributing to his reluctance to be honest with Aziraphale here. They fall into their roles and then very rapidly fall out of them. The fact Azriaphale reaches out to Crowley here is important. As is the moment where Crowley asks Aziraphale if he’s sure. After Aziraphale more or less agrees to be all in something changes. Crowley is surprisingly honest about his view on the world, mostly trusting Aziraphale not to use it against him. He places himself in front of a host of angels, trusting that Aziraphale would not expose him. And then later he’s even more honest, admitting to Aziraphale he’s lonely in an attempt to show solidarity.
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The entire Arrangement could not exist without them trusting each other. Crowley’s pushing at Aziraphale’s boundaries is a constant exercise in trusting that Aziraphale will come around eventually - or that he at the very least isn’t about to weaponize the treacherous things Crowley is saying against him. As early as 1601 we see Aziraphale voicing active concern for Crowley's well being. We then see Crowley actively trust Aziraphale with both their safeties in 1941 - whether it’s trusting Azriaphale to save them from the bomb about to drop on them or trusting Aziraphale’s trust in him to not accidentally discorporate him during the bullet catch. They even explicitly talk about their mutual trust in this year during their shades of gray conversation.
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During Armageddon Crowley shows up trusting that Aziraphale will help him fix this and once Aziraphale agrees never once seems to consider the idea that Aziraphale would hide anything from him (even when Aziraphale is actively doing so).
He also critically knows that Aziraphale tried to reach God and got himself discorporated as a consequence. And likely specifically knows that Aziraphale talked to the Metatron and came away from that conversation realizing that Heaven would not help him. It's worth noting whether Crowley knows this bit or not that in this conversation Aziraphale not only explicitly questions the Metatron's authority but also uses the conversation to extract information from the Metatron.
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Aziraphale leaves this conversation with an active lie to the Metatron and attempts to call Crowley to tell him everything he knew. He then continually chooses Crowley over Heaven. They pick their own side and help stop the world from ending.
And then, all season, Aziraphale keeps proving that the trust Crowley has always had in him is well earned. Aziraphale, even more than Crowley himself, brings up ideas of 'us' and 'our side' and 'our car'.
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Aziraphale openly talks negatively of Heaven. Not only does he agree with Crowley's disbelief that Heaven managed to stay in charge sending people like Muriel down, but he even goes a step further, implying that they perhaps never had control over earth in that way.
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He also, most critically, immediately and without hesitation, tries to turn down the Metatron's offer to even have a conversation. Aziraphale, who has also just brought a group of archangels to order, reaffirms his lack of interest in Heaven right then and there in front of Crowley. Right when the Metatron has reaffirmed the threat of the Book of Life is out of play.
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Crowley trusts Aziraphale. He always has. And more than ever lately Aziraphale has given him proof that he doesn't have to worry about where he allegiances lay.
But. It's also worth noting. I don't think Crowley is as chill as he maybe seems like he is. Yes, he's sprawled out and speaking casually here, but to some degree this is a bit of posturing. He's playing it cool and also not encroaching on the control Aziraphale has managed to wrangle on this situation. But he also doesn't just let them wander off either. As soon as they hit the door, Crowley is out of the chair and walking to the front of the shop to watch them leave through the window. He's keeping tabs as they walk away.
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He then banishes Muriel and promptly starts to clean. Now I'm always a little wary to mix Book and Show canon, but I do think his cleaning of the bookshop (as well as him carrying around stacks of books while babysitting Jim) are manifestations of Book!Crowley's tendency to want to stress clean. He's keeping himself busy and gets done too quickly then promptly glances at his watch before throwing himself into the chair with a frustrated noise. He's anxious and stressed the entire time Aziraphale is out of his line of sight.
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In other words, Crowley's not actually as calm as he's presenting himself to be. He's trying to take that nervous energy out in a way that doesn't conflict with giving Aziraphale agency. Because he trusts his angel. And that in part is why it hits him so hard when it all blows up in his face.
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
Hi can I request yandere romantic Itto (genshin impact ) with a kitsune female darling please , who recently joined his travel group , hcs please 🙏
Sure! I hope I get his character right :) First time writing him so I hope you enjoy the concept idea.
Yandere! Arataki Itto with Kitsune! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Possessive behavior, Jealousy implied, Some stalking, Kidnapping mentioned, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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I like this pairing as the only kitsune Itto has met is Yae Miko.
Kitsune are not that common anymore, so seeing another one in Inazuma is a surprise to Itto when he meets you.
Even more so when he finds you, a young kitsune woman, asking to join his gang.
He thought you'd want to be around Yae Miko more than anyone else.
However it seems the Oni's mischief has attracted you.
Itto's antics are very harmless, but as a Kitsune you adore harmless fun.
As a result you become a friend to the Oni, showing intrigue in traveling with him.
Itto is very kind towards you.
He's loyal and sometimes competitive with you when it comes games you play together.
Itto isn't malicious, he also isn't really the smartest.
Meanwhile you're kind, loyal, and mischievous... along with being cunning.
Itto's obsession with you isn't anything overly manipulative.
It's more like Itto adoring you and wanting to please/impress you.
He follows you around, stunned by your beauty as a kitsune.
He didn't think he'd feel all warm towards you.
But here he is... feeling fuzzy as he interacts with the kitsune woman who has probably just caught his heart.
When you leave to go do your own thing, Itto finds himself trying to follow you.
He doesn't want to leave you for long, at first just out of curiosity.
Although said curiosity grows into infatuation the longer he lays his eyes on you.
Everything from your ears, tail(s), and piercing eyes attracts him.
There's no doubt you're smaller than him too, which makes him want to just squeeze you against him to feel your fur.
Itto for the most part can be a yandere whose controlled.
Especially in this case, since kitsune are cunning.
Itto loves everything about you.
He loves your playful nature, like when you sneak up on him to pounce on him.
Itto is smitten by you, his feelings are as strong as him.
While he can easily be controlled by the kitsune he adores, he can also get the upper hand.
If you considered leaving him for too long or not reciprocating his affections... he may just catch you off guard.
If you slip up a little and underestimate him...
He may just hunt you down and trap you for himself.
Despite me thinking he'd be a himbo, he's possessive.
If he really wanted you all for himself... he'll find a way to trap you.
After all... you can't leave his gang now!
He's loyal... Kitsune should be loyal too, right?
So why do you try to leave him?
Itto doesn't want to hurt you, he wouldn't dream of it.
But he just... loves you so much.
He loves you to the point he feels it's fate that you met.
You're both youkai, too!
Which must make you perfect for one another in his mind.
Itto can be such a sweetheart, especially when he confesses to you.
That is unless you tried to run from him... then he's more of a beast than you thought.
So if you stick by him, Itto can be a yandere who just wishes to please you and cling to you.
But if you don't... he ends up keeping the sweetheart demeanor... all while locking you away where no one can find you.
He has such a smile on his face, telling you he loves you, all while you have a chained collar around your neck.
You may be able to outsmart and control him at times...
But if you play with his heart too much, he may just decide to trap you like the fox you are... just to keep you as his pretty kitsune forever.
"Thought you could outsmart me, huh? My pretty little kitsune... can't you see we were meant to be together?"
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wholoveseggs · 5 months
Secret Santa
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~Five days of Fluffmas~
Elijah faces a nerve-wracking challenge when arranging a secret Santa gift for you. A surprise unfolds during the gift exchange, leaving Elijah in a panic. Yet, he discovers that sometimes imperfections make the most perfect moments.
1k words - No warnings, no smut! just pure fluff.
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Secret Santa
Elijah felt a little frightened, an odd sensation making him jittery and unable to stop himself from nervously adjusting his cufflinks. The task at hand was simple, yet navigating it was an extremely delicate matter; a single mistake could ruin everything.
He approached Rebekah, who was quietly humming to herself as she wrapped Christmas presents. She gave him a warm smile, pulling out a chair and gesturing for him to join her. 
Opting to stand, he tried his best to sound nonchalant. "Rebekah, dear, who did you get for secret Santa?"
She gave him a curious look, a sly smirk forming on her face. "Isn’t telling you going against the whole point of it?"
Elijah chuckled lightly, feigning casual interest. "Well, one could argue that a bit of harmless curiosity won't hurt anyone, especially during the festive season."
Rebekah raised an eyebrow, clearly amused by his attempt at subtlety. "Oh, Elijah, you're not fooling anyone. You just want to know who got y/n," she laughed.
He sighed in defeat. It was true, but it seemed he was incapable of being inconspicuous when it came to you. "Let's say I am, hypothetically of course. And since you are in charge of it, couldn't you give your brother a little clue?" He begged, shamelessly hoping his sister would go easy on him.
"Why does it matter? You are getting her a gift either way; she's your girlfriend after all," she teased.
"Because-" He stopped himself mid-sentence, knowing his flustered reply would only prompt further ribbing from his baby sister. "Look," he sighed again, trying another angle, "I just need to know who drew her, so I can make sure they give her a good gift,"
"Now why would I do such a thing? It goes against the rules of exchange. And are you saying we are not good gift givers?" Rebekah tilted her head at him, seemingly relishing in his agony.
Elijah didn't want to tell Rebekah the truth, but he knew his sister well enough to know that she would find some way to wheedle it out of him if he did not confess.
"If I tell you why, you must promise to keep it a secret," Elijah leaned in towards his sister, watching her intently for her response.
"How very scandalous of you, brother," she smiled in anticipation.
Elijah trusted his sister would never betray his confidence. More than that, she would understand and support him in his endeavor. Still, it was humiliating. He felt so stupid, wanting everything to be absolutely perfect.
"I'm making plans to propose to her during the holidays, and I just want to make sure nothing goes wrong. That is...," he cleared his throat awkwardly, "If she says yes, of course."
Rebekah looked surprised and thrilled. With wide eyes and a large smile, she jumped up and hugged her brother. "Oh Elijah! I'm so happy for you!"
Releasing him from her embrace, she pulled back and patted his chest affectionately, tears brimming in her eyes. "She will definitely say yes, no woman would resist you, especially my dear, sweet, handsome brother, whom I love very, very much."
Elijah couldn't resist smiling back. His heart was pounding, unsure if it was from relief or anxiety, but either way his sister's words calmed him immensely. "Thank you, Rebekah. Your blessing means a great deal to me."
"Show me the ring," Rebekah urged impatiently, giving him a serious look. “Do you have it on you?”
Pulling the small box out of his suit pocket, he revealed a beautiful diamond engagement ring, glistening under the warm lamplight of the living room.
"Elijah," Rebekah let out a wistful sigh, her eyes shining at him with approval.
"Now, can you please tell me who drew her name for secret Santa?" He asked, hopeful.
Rebekah wiped her eyes, fighting to regain her composure. She pulled out her phone and brought up the exchange list, "Well, it wasn't me, nor was it Freya… oh no,"
Elijah groaned, cursing his luck. "Niklaus.”
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Elijah hoped his brother would be in a good mood tonight, and more importantly, willing to cooperate.
As usual, his wish went ungranted.
"Why on earth would I trade with you?" Klaus questioned him, as if he had just asked him to donate his own kidney. "Do you think I won't get her a good gift?"
"Well," Elijah searched for the right words to say, knowing this was a dangerous minefield to navigate, "It's not that. It's just..."
Klaus raised his eyebrow, giving him a challenging look. "It's just what, brother?"
"She's my girlfriend, and I want her to have something special," Elijah admitted.
"Oh don't worry, Elijah, I'll give her something special," he laughed, patting his shoulder condescendingly.
Elijah gritted his teeth. His brother was being intentionally obtuse, but he did not wish to resort to violence, especially so close to Christmas.
"Just don't give her anything inappropriate," he emphasized the word, knowing full well Klaus would just do what he wanted anyway.
"Inappropriate, how?" Klaus looked at him incredulously.
"Anything that would ruin the festive atmosphere," Elijah was growing more and more annoyed with his brother, who was clearly enjoying the situation a bit too much.
"Ruin the festive atmosphere? How could I do that?" He was playing dumb, but Elijah would not give him the satisfaction.
"Niklaus, you know exactly what I mean," he warned, giving him a stern glare.
Klaus smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. "Don't worry, Elijah, I'm sure it will be perfectly, appropriate."
Elijah's instincts told him this was not going to go well.
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Elijah held onto you tightly as you sat in his lap, snuggled up close together, listening to the sound of Christmas music softly playing in the background. He nuzzled into the crook of your neck, inhaling the scent of your perfume, his heart skipping a beat. He couldn't wait for you to be his forever. The rest of his family was scattered throughout the living room, talking, drinking, and enjoying the holidays.
"It's almost time to exchange gifts," you said excitedly. "I hope everyone likes what I got them."
Elijah tensed up, nervous for what would come next. He had tried desperately to get his brother to reconsider, but it was no use. His attempts had been met with nothing but amusement, and in the end, it seemed it would have to remain a surprise.
"It should be starting soon, yes," Elijah replied, doing his best to keep his voice calm.
"I got Kol, which was a bit of a challenge. He's hard to shop for," you laughed, resting your head against Elijah's chest.
"Ah, well, I'm sure whatever you got him, he'll appreciate," Elijah stroked your arm affectionately.
You both watched as Kol was given a small, brightly wrapped gift, and unwrapped a bottle of scotch. His face broke out into a huge grin, giving a big thumbs up.
"Whoever got me did good," Kol raised his glass to toast his mysterious benefactor.
Elijah watched as each person gave out their gifts. There were plenty of smiles and laughter, everyone seemingly pleased. He was happy to see his family enjoying the festivities, and hoped his gifts would also bring them joy.
You got up and grabbed two packages from under the tree before settling back into Elijah's lap.
"It's our secret Santa gifts, open them up," you urged him.
Elijah unwrapped his gift carefully, revealing a new tie. It was dark gray with a subtle pattern woven into the silk, very stylish and expensive.
"Oh, it's lovely, thank you," he smiled, genuinely impressed.
"That's from me," Rebekah chimed in, looking very pleased with herself.
"It's great, thank you," he nodded to his sister, grateful that someone understood the importance of proper decorum.
"Now, let's see what mine is," you smiled, pulling out a small rectangular package.
As you removed the wrapping paper, Elijah could feel his nerves growing, hoping his brother would have some mercy on him and not give you anything too embarrassing.
He held his breath as you lifted the lid, revealing a small, black velvet box. Opening the box, you gasped at the sight of a stunning diamond ring.
You looked to Elijah, a questioning look in your eyes.
"Is this from you?" You asked, unable to hide your surprise.
Elijah's eyes went wide, unsure how to react. His brother had truly outdone himself, and he was utterly speechless.
Klaus, on the other hand, was laughing hysterically. "I'm afraid this is my gift, sweet y/n."
"But...it's an engagement ring," you looked back and forth between the two brothers.
Elijah could not deny it was a lovely ring. In fact, it was nearly identical to the one he had picked out for you. A sudden rush of panic shot through him and he reached into his pocket, searching for the small velvet box, only to discover it was not there.
His brother must have pick-pocketed it from him when he was distracted.
"Ah, well," Klaus gave a mischievous smile, "I thought it would be a wonderful gift, given that I was told not to give you anything inappropriate."
"This is an engagement ring," you repeated, your eyes darting around the room.
Elijah wanted the floor to open up and swallow him whole. How could his brother have done this? What was he supposed to do now? He couldn't very well propose this way.
"I-I, ah," Elijah stammered, his mind racing.
"You're not going to ask her to marry you, are you?" Klaus gave a dramatic sigh, putting his hand over his heart, feigning surprise.
You turned to focus on Elijah, his usual composed demeanor gone, replaced by a man who looked as if he were about to faint.
"Elijah," you cooed, lifting his chin gently so that you could look into his eyes, "Are you trying to propose?"
Elijah could only manage a nod. He wanted this moment to be perfect, and now it was ruined. He didn't know what to say, or even how to look at you. 
"Yes," you whispered, smiling at him.
"Yes?" He repeated, not quite believing his ears.
"Yes," you said, leaning in to kiss him softly.
Elijah was stunned. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he settled for kissing you back, feeling his body relax.
"Congratulations!" Everyone cheered, rushing forward to offer their best wishes.
Elijah couldn't believe it. After everything that had happened, you still said yes. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and he held you close, feeling happier than he had ever been.
He pulled the ring out of its container, throwing the box in Klaus's direction, and placed the ring on your finger, finally ready to make his dreams a reality.
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roomsofangel · 1 month
chapter two
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synopsis you and wooyoung have been best friends for as long as you could remember, always overcoming everything in your friendship even after a few bumps in the road and confessions in the past. you could always trust that no matter wooyoung will always be there, right?
wc 1.9k
chapter warnings scene where wooyoung is intoxicated but its only mentioned, he’s asleep through most of that scene tbh.
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there was certainly subtle signs, you realized in retrospect, that you had simply been oblivious to. little things, perhaps, that seemed harmless at the time, but were in fact an ominous portent of what was to come. and then, the massive punch to the jaw which would knock you into reality. it was as if all the warning signs you had missed were glaring out at you now. you had to accept the truth, the cold harsh truth that jung wooyoung was no longer someone that you could call at two in the morning just because you needed a voice
jung wooyoung was no longer the one you could listen to for hours on end, and not get bored. he was no longer intertwined with you.
and you were afraid. you were completely and utterly afraid more than anything your mind could fully comprehend at that moment. wooyoung was all you knew, all you wanted to know, and this sudden revelation threatened to overwhelm you with fear. the possibility of losing him was insurmountable. you desperately wanted to cling to his every word, latching onto the hope that somehow this would all turn out alright.
but deep down, you knew better.
you weren’t sure why you stayed.
seonghwa breathed a sigh of relief when he opened the door and saw you standing there. “finally, you're here,” he said, his relief evident in his voice. “he’s on the couch, he didn't even make it there himself. i had to drag him after he passed out on the floor.” he sighed again as he led you inside the familiar home, your gaze taking in the surroundings as you tried to assess the situation.
you frowned as the imagery in your mind clashed with the reality in front of you. wooyoung was there, passed out on the couch, curled up in a blanket. his lips were slightly parted, and soft snores were coming from his mouth. everything about this sight reminded you of the old wooyoung, the one you had fallen for. it was as if this sight was frozen in time, the only disturbance being the slow rise and fall of his chest indicating his breathing.
every part of you wanted to linger here, to simply stay in this moment with wooyoung. as if this was proof that he hadn't changed, that deep down the same man was still there. the small motions of his body were like comfort to you in this dark time. all you wanted was to stay here, to observe him as he slept, and forget the world outside.
“he was drunk off his ass,” seonghwa broke your thoughts
"but when is he not at this point..?" you heard him mutter, shaking his head as he leaned against one of the walls, arms folded over his chest. you glanced at him, suddenly acutely aware of your own ache. you felt as if you were responsible somehow, as if you played some part in the pain wooyoung was in right now. your heart squeezed tight in your chest, feeling like it didn't fit inside of your body.
just a little longer. that’s all you needed, just one more moment of denial. could you really let go of the last vestiges of innocence that made you happy in this situation? maybe just for one tiny little moment longer, you could pretend everything was okay. you wanted to beg the universe to let you have that just for one miniscule second.
sighing, you took the first step towards wooyoung, gently shaking him. “woo.. come on, let’s go..” you said, trying to wake him up. the exhaustion in his demeanor was almost palpable, like a thick fog hanging over him and covering his eyes.
“go away..” he mumbled, his words slurring ever so slightly as he tried to turn over to get more sleep. he was intoxicated, although not to the same extent that you had presumed before. however, he was still not in a state of coherent thought, and he was still clearly not lucid enough to carry on a proper conversation with you.
you could hear seonghwa sigh from behind you, "i’ll help you get him into the car," he said calmly. he pushed himself off the wall and walked towards you, and a sleeping, grumpy wooyoung who was groaning about the fact you two cared about him so much. why was he being this way? when had he become so closed off and resistant to your care?
you frowned, "thank you, hwa," you whispered. he gave you a small nod in reply, understanding the situation. you struggled to keep hold of wooyoung’s left side, having to bear his weight as he resisted your care while seonghwa had control over the right side and was doing his best to help support most of it.
it was difficult to get down the long hallways, especially while trying to keep wooyoung propped-up and steady. yet, determination was what made the two of you succeed in getting him in the backseat eventually. after all the effort, you had finally managed to lay him down, though you couldn’t help but worry. the entire trek to your car had left you exhausted, anxious, and filled with a strange sense of relief yet regret.
“you sure you’ll be able to handle this?" seonghwa asked, looking at you with an expression that was full of uncertainty and hesitation. you could see the debate going on in his mind, as he debated whether he should let you go or not.
"it's wooyoung." you said the answer that you thought he needed, almost as if you were trying to convince yourself of anything. the two of you remained in a stare-down, your heart racing faster the longer he doubted you. it seemed like he was on the verge of saying something else, until he finally gave you a small nod and backed off.
he sighed, looking back at the backseat one last time and catching a glimpse of a passed-out wooyoung through the window. he repeated your words, "It's wooyoung," with a more sorrowful tone in his voice. he was concerned about you, knowing just how deep your devotion to wooyoung was. he knew that you'd do anything for him, go through any lengths to ensure his safety and comfort, regardless of the risks or consequences.
he also knew that it wasn't a healthy dynamic, and he couldn't help but worry about you. he was caught between caring for your well-being and letting go of the fact that he couldn't always protect you. it seemed like it was one or the other, and both options terrified him.
"i’ll text you when I'm home, okay?" you tried to reassure him once more, leaning slightly against your car as you spoke. your hand on the roof of the car, you looked at him one final time, wanting to assure him that everything would be okay and that you'd be careful.
seonghwa looked at you a bit longer, "you better." he said back to you with a softer tone, as if he was hoping you would, for his own sanity's sake. he wanted to believe that you would be careful and keep yourself safe, despite the fact that he knew the answer could be far different. it was something that he could never truly grasp, just hope that you'd choose the better option.
getting into the car, you settled in and started to put your key into the ignition. "are we going home?" you heard wooyoung’s muffled voice as he shifted in his seat and moved, laying his head on his arm. he had a slight squish look to his face, and his lips were parted from the way he was resting, looking almost like a pouting child.
you glanced at him through the rear view mirror, adjusting yourself before humming. "yeah, we are." you said, giving one more final look at seonghwa who stood at his front door, watching you with a small and worried expression. he remained on his front lawn, standing firmly as if he wasn't sure of what to do with the current situation.
he stood there, looking back at you for a few more seconds before stepping back, his hand lifting in a little goodbye gesture. though, you couldn't see his expression, you got the sense that he was struggling to hide his worry. he tried to smile and wave as you started to drive off, but the tension was palpable. you felt his gaze on you even as he was no longer in sight, and you couldn't help but worry about him as well.
the next morning, wooyoung woke up, tangled in his bedsheets as he felt a pounding headache and his heart beating rapidly. he wondered how he got here, remembering how he stumbled to seonghwa after getting into a fight at the bar. he recalled seonghwa scolding him for being reckless, and he recalled the fight itself, as well. all he could think of was your face, and the disappointed look on it. even in his half-drunken state, his mind kept going back to you.
he glanced over at the two pills sitting on his nightstand, the realization suddenly sinking in as he froze. he could recall you and seonghwa trying to lift him out of the car and you crying as you drove him home. he remembered pretending to be asleep, trying not to hear your sniffles and cries as you drove. the pills on his nightstand were a sobering realization, and he remembered now what had happened last night.
he took the pills as they were, not chasing them down with water, and he pulled himself out of bed reluctantly, staggering with half-open eyes as he walked to the living room. he searched around hoping to find you, his feet dragging on the floor with every few steps. he was still in a half-drunken state from the night before, but your presence or even just a glimpse of anything that would belong to you would have brought him some comfort.
"yn..," he called out, his voice rough from the previous night. he coughed a bit, walking around as he tried to look for any sign of you. he was slowly becoming more alert and attentive, though he hadn't quite reached the clarity that would give him the ability to see clearly just yet. he stumbled around a bit, trying to stay focused on trying to spot you.
then he saw you on the couch, curled up in a small blanket with your soft and peaceful snores leaving your parted lips. you had seemingly fallen asleep unintentionally, and the remote was still in your hand as the television remained on. he couldn't help himself, standing there for a moment as he watched you rest, seemingly more peaceful than he had seen you be before. it almost made him feel guilty, knowing that you were only unhappy when he was around.
it almost felt like all time stopped, as he realized that all he had done was make you sad. he could see the hurt and unhappiness that he had caused you, not wanting to think about the fact that he was the one who had caused it. it was a sobering realization that he struggled to face, as he felt all of the guilt come crashing down on him.
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
hii! may i request a skz scenario where they accidentally leak their relationship with reader (also an idol) ?? love ur work btw !!!!!
skz when they accidentally leak their relationship with their s/o
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genre: angst af like you guys aren't ready, tad bit of hurt / comfort too, idol! reader
word count: 1k
warnings: so angsty ahah slayyy
pls like and reblog if you enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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"do you trust me?"
it was a question you never thought you would have to think about when it came to chan. but now, with the paparazzi outside the hotel you both stayed at last night, it was hard to say. there was just so much uncertainty.
speculations about your relationship rose very quickly and now, in this situation, it was one photo away from being revealed.
but you did trust chan. so you nodded. he took you by the hand firmly and guided you outside the hotel lobby, where you were both greeted by the paparazzi.
and with one swift movement, your lips were on his. you were shocked at chan's choices but you melted into his touch while the cameras flashed around you.
they had broken him. and he didn't care. no more hiding anymore. and that's how he wanted it.
lee know
he was on a live stream when it happened.
just the usual catch-up with stays. something he has done hundreds of times before. nothing much. no pressure... right?
he was showing the stays watching something on his phone until he accidentally swiped to his home screen. which happened to be an exclusive, never seen before picture of you and him together. it was a candid photo seungmin had kindly taken at the time. a very cute, aesthetically pleasing and well-thought-out couples photo. and now, everyone had seen it.
"oh uhh," minho turned his phone off immediately when he realised. "anyway, i'll have to be off now. bye, bye."
he ended the live abruptly, his eyes wide and his breath quickening. he had never been so careless before. what had he done?
"are the rumours true? can you confirm, officially, that you are, in fact, dating y/n?"
changbin was expecting this question. but that doesn't mean he wasn't still underprepared and absolutely dreading it. for such a confident man he had never felt so nervous and unsure about a situation before.
but he had to do what he had to do.
"i am."
there was a collective gasp that filled the room, not only by the interviewer but also the by audience.
"and i am the happiest man i have ever been. and i plan on continuing this happy life with them for as long as they'll have me," he looked at the camera with a serious gaze, "no matter what."
hyunjin was very bad at hiding the fact that he had much affection for you.
it was so clear. the way he gazed at you in reality shows. the way he pined after you during award ceremonies. he wore his heart on his sleeve when it came to you because you were the love of his life. how could he not?
he was a naturally private person but for him, it didn't feel natural to hide such an overwhelming amount of love. it was only a matter of time before the truth came out.
"i'm so sorry y/n," hyunjin barely whispered, "i couldn't keep this secret any longer."
the tears started to collect in his eyes.
"i need to love you freely."
"oh shit."
one drunk night and this happens. headline news: 'han jisung caught kissing kpop idol y/n.' and that someone was you. his partner. his not-so-secret lover. his soulmate. his everything.
he can't believe he had let this happen.
he stared at the phone in disbelief and ran his fingers through his hair, the anxiety bubbling in his chest.
he wondered who would kill him first. his manager? chan? even you? this relationship was secret for a reason. for many reasons, in fact. the questions and thoughts and worries flooded his head until he felt dizzy.
what was he going to do?
'felix is dating y/n??'
that's all felix saw. every social media platform he went on, there that question was.
a harmless playlist he made for you. a playlist confessing his love and absolute adoration for you that was somehow leaked.
the tears spilt from his eyes and his bottom lip quivered uncontrollably.
"lixie, don't worry," you hummed to him as he curled into you. for both of you, it was an anxious time. but you had to be strong. at least, for him.
"i'm sure everything will work out alright. it always does." you wiped a tear away from his freckled cheek and cupped his face in your hands.
at least he still had you.
there was a lover's duet you would sing for each other's ears alone. it was your song. just meant for the two of you.
but you sounded so sweet together. so good that you just had to record the duet together officially. after much persuasion from the other members, you both finally gave in to the thought. and it was beautiful and raw and emotional and everything seungmin could ever dream of in his ideal relationship.
and all of that joy and love was being taken away when someone leaked the duet online.
the speculations started, and seungmin slowly felt like he was sinking. his privacy, his intimate feelings, and his precious thoughts of the one he loved most had all been exposed.
it was an accident.
it was such a reckless and unfortunate accident that jeongin could never ever forgive himself for. how many times had he been told to make sure that every picture he posted was perfect? without fault? avoiding any suspicion?
and yet one photo he posted of himself on bubble slid under his eagle-eyed radar. he thought it was harmless, but soon he was being spammed by fans. 'who's that in the reflection of the mirror?' 'who is that person with you jeongin?' 'is there something your not telling us??'
he couldn't breathe. he felt trapped in a helpless abyss of dread. and there was nothing he could do.
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unrequitedloveletter · 9 months
Hi! Could I request an Aaron Warner x fem!reader where reader is always flustered when Aaron flirts with her and one day she flirts back with Kenji. Aaron is frustrated (and obv jealous), he didn’t know it was a joke between them and he confronts her about it. This time she’s the one teasing him cause he’s jealous and then LOVE CONFESSIONNN
Thank you!! And sorry if it’s too long
So Am I- A.W x fem! reader
All right, hi! Again, I am so sorry about how long this took and I hope you like it in spite of that.
As I did with your last request, this is a headcanon/fic combo--I wrote out the headcanons first and then turned the confession into a fic because writing it that way is just easier on me when my motivation is somewhat lacking lol
Fic type- this is fluff with angst but only if you squint
Warnings- none!
Okay, so!!
You and Kenji are exactly the kind of friends who flirt but like,, platonically
it's never anything too serious--at most, it's typically just stuff like: "Lookin' good, L/N!" or just random compliments, the occasional wink here or there
also, on another note, Kenji is definitely the type of person to either bring up or agree to marry his best friend if they're both still single at 30
it's lighthearted bantering that you guys do for the hell of it, and it generally gave you both a bit of a laugh so it brightened the mood significantly while you were with him when things got bad at Omega Point and stuff with the Resistance
when Aaron flirts with you???
it's not platonic (you're in love with him)
it's never platonic (he's also very deeply in love with you)
you ALWAYS, ALWAYS get just a bit flustered around him
kenji teases you for it RELENTLESSLY too because he finds it to be the funniest thing in the world??
"C'mon, Y/N! Warner saying that your eyes look nice in the sun can't just be platonic. He's in love with you and he's flirting! Flirt back and let me officiate your wedding."
"Did Warner flirt with you again??" He asked one time as he caught Aarons back fading from view as he walked away and noticed you standing there, a loving look in your gaze as you watched him go. "Oh, shit, Y/N. You are in so deep."
Warner doesn't really know that you and Kenji flirt platonically, so when he does hear that for the first time, this is how it goes:
"Lookin' good, L/N!" Kenji called out as the two of you passed each other in a hallway, Kenji likely going to visit Castle while you were in search of his daughter.
"This from you, Kenji? You look flawless."
TO YOU, that was where the interaction ended--a bit of harmless flirting, words of encouragement to keep one another on your feet.
whereas warner?? warner was like "Okay, gotta confess my feelings now and see where that goes."
He, however, is a gentleman who finds you in your room that night, and the confession goes as well as Aaron could've hoped--better than that.
Aaron finds you in your room, back against the wall, blanket tossed over your lap and a book in hand. A candle had been lit to keep the room lit well after you were meant to have been sleeping, and when you saw him enter after knocking and you'd said it was fine, you gave him a grin and set the book in your lap.
"Hi," you greet. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," Aaron says, closing the door behind him as he steps into the room. "I have something to talk about, is all."
You glance at your book, and Aaron has to fight a grin as he watches you grimace at the cover.
"This book sucks anyway," you tell him, nodding. "Say your peace, please. Anything to distract me from this god awful prose."
Aaron laughs, and your heart gives way to a funny little flip.
"I love you," he says, figuring it best to just rip the bandaid off. "I'm in love with you, and I have been practically since we met. I was content to just wallow in it forever but you and Kenji were flirting and my insecurities got the best of me, so here I am, pouring my heart out like some fool in a romance novel."
"Aaron," you say, laughing a little as you say his name. "Kenji and I aren't romantically involved, I promise. We flirt from time to time but that's just been something we've done all our friendship--it's kept spirits up in the worst of times because we find it hilarious. I'm in love with you too, and I tended not to engage with your flirting because every time you flirted, my heart kicked off into a racing pace and I almost forgot how to breathe."
Aaron can't help the way that his eyebrows raise or the surprised expression on his face, which makes you laugh and in turn makes his heart race just a bit.
"Do you want to stay the night?" You ask. "We can talk, maybe go to see if theres any tea left in the kitchens."
Aaron steps forward, takes your hands and sits down beside you on your bed, glad that he'd decided to change into sweatpants and a shirt before coming to confess his feelings.
"Kenji is going to lose his mind," you say, laughing a bit as Aaron wraps an arm around your shoulder and you let him pull you close. "He's been telling me to get on with it for a year at this point, to confess my feelings, but I've not found the strength. I was afraid I wouldn't adequately be able to put it into words."
Aaron presses a kiss to your forehead, laughing just a bit in turn.
"I didn't do so much better," he comments. "Glad I did it though."
You hum, pressing a kiss to his jaw. "So am I."
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Could you please write a fluffy one shot of rosekiller coming home together after a night out?
Quiet footsteps divulged from messily loud, giggling bodies. The pair headed up the stairs,careful and inaudible as they went. Sneaking back into the dormitory, Barty let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding as the door shut. Regulus was spending the weekend with James.
Peace, Evan thought as the began to unbutton his shirts collar.
"Relax, Rosier. Just got me here alone and you're already taking your clothes off?' Barty half-smirked as he grabbed a T-shirt for himself, tossing one over to Evan. The pair changed quickly, Barty not failing to look longingly in Evans direction the whole time doing so.
Still covered in party glitter and half-wreaking of cigarette smoke, the pair climbed into bed beside one another, as friends would, of course. With a few quick swipes of his wand and an overly-complicated mantra of a spell later, a muggle T.V. before them Barty snuggled up closer to the other, some shitty reality T.V. show the pair had started weeks ago began playing as this happened.
Evan half-breathed a chuckle, his arms wrapping around Bartys waist, pulling him in, less than focused on the television.
Bartys head nestled in the nape of Evans neck, sighing as he found that spot. The spot he always ended up in. His spot.
"Bee.." Evan started. He was met with a responsive "mm?" But he said nothing. He didn't have to. He was sure his silence said enough. As even exhaled, carding his hand through the others hair, Barty would make some sound caught half between frustration and total nirvana, utterly content and entirely distraught.
"I love you."
"Not like that. I think..I love you more than that."
Barty only snuggled closer as he confessed his ugly, dark secrets. The silence was defeaning as he did, finally broken by another less-than desirable confession.
"...I think I love you, too. I'm in love with you. I mean, in love with you."
Barty didn't lift his head, but Evan felt some sort of lazy kiss pressed to the nape of his neck. He smiled. It was barely something, but it was everything to him. He layed there content, exhausted and in-love, kissing in the top of Barty, his Bartys, head.
"We're fucked, you know that?" Evan chuckled, pulling Bartys head up just to kiss greedily all over his face. It was certainly done in a harmless enough fashion but it in all reality was a silent mantra of mine, mine, mine, as he did so. Barty giggled throughout the whole process, his head made it's way eventually to rest on Evans chest.
The pair fell asleep in each other's arms that night, rather than shamefully separating back into their respective beds as usual, too afraid that if daylight touched their skin whatever they once were would perish. That it would bring forth Shane to their entire being if they so much as were caught in each other's wave of existence by a roommate or two.
Shame had long since dissipated as they lay there, soft hyms as their breathing, a calm dormant on their faces. Idiots in love, as cliche would have it. But two best friends, too far separated, forever united, as the story would turn out to be.
Fucked, they repeat. But that really was their truth. Too long apart, now forever together, even if in spirit. Lovers in this universe, enemies in the next. The world was evil and cruel, but for now they had this. Eachother. Comfort in one anothers presence and lord, if that isn't a soft life than what remains to be?
The daylight came and the room shone with light. Barty woke up, his chest not any heavier with shame than it usually would be. Seeing himself cuddled up to Evan Rosier brought forth no feeling but joy and this, he could say, this was love.
And the story book can close. For now it will. Two idiots utterly in love, newly navigating it. Even if they had known, even there always had been love, now confidently they could say it. And now confidently they would remain. And isn't that beautiful? The unlovable being meets the insufferable boy, and they care for each other just the same. Literacy cannot define that. They stayed tangled in eachother for the majority of their day. Brevity does, as it turns out, wait for the gentle. For the murmured "Good mornings" and the loving glances and the messy kisses.
Perhaps the universe is kinder to those sunkissed and rose-bound.
That's it! Hope you enjoyed!!
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wondermilka · 1 year
Parallel Lines
Pairing: Kaedehara Kazuha x FEM! reader
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Sypnosis : You have harbored romantic feelings for your childhood friend Kazuha, even though you know he has feelings for someone else. Despite that, you wanted to confess your love to him. However, an unexpected twist arises when you start experiencing a strange disease, coughing up flower petals.
TW: Hanahaki Disease, angst, unrequited love, rushed ending, not proof read, reader dies(?)
You and Kazuha were inseparable. He was your only best friend, you have known eachother since you were in your diapers. He's the only one who's ever seen real side of you and never judged you for being you.
Your parents trusted him enough to come over and have sleepovers. Hanging out with Kazuha? Sure. Going swimming? No problem. Going to a party? Don't even need to ask as long as Kazuha was with you.
You've had a huge crush on him. You didn't realize it until back on middle school when he comforted you while you were crying because you got bullied.
He was always there for you. He'd be the one to make you laugh when you were crying. He'd be there to cheer you up when life's not going well. He was always there.
You always thought it would be just a harmless crush, not until a new girl came to your school. You saw kazuha's eyes when he first saw her. You never saw those of his whenever you were together.
"What's with that face zuha?" you ask.
"Oh, it's nothing.. There's just this one girl who's been constantly on my mind ever since I saw her," he replied.
His eyes softened and glimmered while he was talking about this girl.
A pain struck your chest, and you felt like you were going to throw up.
"Hmm, let me guess, is it the new girl? I forgot her name though..."
His face turned red as you mentioned the new girl, making it obvious.
"I- Ugh Fine! Yes it's her- just don't tell anyone okay?!" he confessed stuttering.
"Your secret's safe with me" you gave him a playful wink
"Thanks Y/N. You're the best friend ever."
Right. I'm just a friend to him.
Weeks went by and he gained up the courage to approach her. And it went well, he had built up a relationship with the new girl, it hurt to see them together.
You sat alone during lunch, wondering whefe Kazuha is. Of course he was sitting and having lunch with her.
You had no one to talk to during class because his attention was always on her.
How pathetic it was to see yourself like this.
Now you find yourself in the bathroom, experiencing stomach aches and constantly throwing up for weeks. You're well aware that it's the Hanahaki Disease, considering the petals of flowers that accompany your vomiting.
You love Kazuha, but you know you must suppress your feelings for him, or else it will be the cause of your demise.
Were you truly going to die in such a manner?
Another plan canceled with Kazuha. He's prioritizing her over you.
You understand that it's best to keep your distance from him in case he starts noticing your declining health.
You've been avoiding him at school, always attempting to come up with excuses to escape. In fact, you even avoid sitting at the dinner table whenever his family visits, just to avoid seeing him.
"Y/N. We need to talk."
There's no running away now. He has you cornered inside the classroom.
"I'm sorry, Kazuha. I really need to leave."
"Enough with your excuses. Why are you avoiding me, Y/N?"
He can't deny that he has been noticing the way you have been acting; Everytime he glanced at you, you were coughing.
The dark circles beneath your eyes suggest that you haven't been sleeping well. You have also lost weight. Have you not been eating properly?
You remained silent as the silence enveloped both of you, making it unbearable.
The atmosphere felt heavy and... cold. "Y/N, please talk to me. I'm worried about you."
"There is nothing to discuss, Kazuha." Your voice had a serious and chilly tone, yet the pain and cracks was not left unnoticed.
"I know you're not fine. Please, Y/N... Don't push me away. I have always been there for you, haven't I?"
Tears streamed down your face as you struggled to suppress silent sobs.
"I'm inlove with you, okay?!?"
His eyes widened.
"And I understand that you only consider me as your friend, so it doesn't matte-..."
Before you could finish speaking, your legs gave way, and you collapsed to the ground.
Your breathing became constricted. It was painful.
Petals and blood began to escape as you coughed uncontrollably.
"Y/N! Are you alright?" Shock formed in his eyes as he recognized the petals. It was Hanahaki Disease. He was the cause of your illness.
On the verge of losing consciousness, Kazuha swiftly held you in his arms.
"Y/N, please don't leave me!" he shouts while tears stream down his face.
As you fade away, the last sound you heard was his desperate plea for you to stay conscious, accompanied by the comforting sensation of his embrace.
A/N : First post. Thoughts? : )
Similar to parallel lines, our paths were destined to be close but never to intersect.
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cdragons · 8 months
Blood & Pain - Druig x Hecate!Eternal Reader (Kaetlyn) Oneshot
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Pairings: Persephone!Eternal Reader & Hecate!Eternal Reader, ft. Sephia x Ikaris, and Kaetlyn x Druig Word Count: ~3.5k Summary: A lil' oneshot to show how Druig and his wife got together, and what way to show that than with hot and heavy SMUT! Warning(s): SMUT (if you are under 18 DNI), some angst if you squint, mention of bullying (sort of), slight mention of blood, knife conjuring, Druig is obsessed and we love that, I just really wanted to write something to get me into the Halloween Spirit Notes: This a surprise oneshot to my wonderful beta reader, @valeskafics! She is in the middle of midterms, so I wanted to gift her a lil' oneshot to thank her for all of her help and encouragement! She is an incredibly kind and patient human and one of the best and most incredible fanfic writers for HOTD, GOT, and the Ewanverse on Tumblr! If you love any of Ewan Mitchell's works or are a fan of GOT/HOTD, I highly recommend checking her blog out! You will not regret it! Also, the BIGGEST thank you and shout of love to @ethereal-athalia my good man in the storm, I have never clicked so well with someone on this platform when it came to crazy ideas, and thanks to her, I can write out my ideas and share them on this site!If you want to read more from this AU, please click on this masterlist!
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No matter how the rest of the team believed, what ideas his own children liked to conjure, how the tale was spun by generations -- Druig did not fall in love with his wife at first sight. He knew who you were, Kaetlyn, a fighter who could manipulate the shadows of every living being. You would later the mother of surgery and modern medicine- and even beyond that, a scholar and pioneer for feats of magic that remain untouched even by the greatest of the Supremes in the Mystic Arts.
He couldn’t remember the time he first realized that he loved you- he only knew that when he recognized it, he had fallen so deeply that he could no longer remember what it felt like not to be in love you. You were everywhere. There was simply no place left on this planet where Druig would wander that you wouldn’t be there beckoning him to you.
It was almost shameful how long it took for him to fall in love with you in comparison to how quickly you adored him. It had taken him over 100 years for you to fully gain his attention, and another 200 years for you to wait for him to confess his reciprocation. 200 years of clever banter and harmless flirting that shifted to longing gazes and lingering touches, until you finally had enough of his lame patience and reluctance. You dragged Druig to a secluded area- away from the Domo and humans alike, and took his face in your hands and forced his lips to yours. One kiss become two, two became five, and soon you and he had joined together in an explosion of passion that would bind you to him for the rest of eternity.
The sun had long set, and stars and moon glittered in the night. The two of you were as naked as the days you were born. Your need to have each other was beyond a matter of lust, it was primal need. Druig had torn your clothes without any thought- he starved for you. Any barrier that separated your body from him was flung away. Your skin glowed in the moonlight, every curve and line of your frame gloriously highlighted for his eyes alone. His lily-bloomed skin laid under you, ready for anything and everything you would give him. He still remembered the words you whispered to warn him all that would come as a result of your love.
“Druig, I must warn you,” you whispered. Druig kissed you across your collarbone, and you tugged on his hair to gaze into his eyes. “I can be very selfish- I will have all of you, or none of you.” 
He could feel your wet center throb with each wince that escaped his lips. “You already do, my love,” he whispered back, silently pleading you to let him continue. “I swear you do.”
He craved you. He desperately wanted to map his tongue and lips across your body; he wanted to memorize the feel of your skin, the smell of your sweat, the taste of your cum. Whatever you gave him, he wanted it all.
Pushing him to lay on his back, you crawled forward to hover your soaked cunt over his cock. “I’m selfish- relentlessly so, any other woman that catches your eye will feel no end of my wrath.” You lowered yourself only enough so that his tip could paint its precum on your clit, the corner of your lips curled into a cruel smirk in response to the strangled moan he let out. Your body trembled from the sheer delight you felt at witnessing the surly telepath whine so pathetically from your touch.
“Please,” he begged, “please angel. Let me feel you- I need it- I need you.” Druig could feel his eyes filled with tears from the overwhelming pleasure that would fill him. “I want to touch you, please-”
Druig’s whimpers were brutally cut off as you placed a finger over his lips.
“Shhhh- not yet,” you breathily whispered, “you need to earn your pleasure, my love.” Your pupils dilated seeing him take your finger in his mouth, and used his tongue to suck on it. “I need to know if you understand what it means to love me, and have it in return.”
Before Druig could respond, you lowered yourself further- until he filled you to the brim with only a single thrust. You were so taken back by the sheer size of him that you felt your climax wash over as every part of you trembled from the intense euphoria.
“By Arishem,” you thought, “how is he so big?”
You wanted to make him beg, to drown him in so much pleasure that it would hurt. Whatever pain you inflicted on him now, it was nothing compared to the torture you experienced in having to wait for him to admit his feelings. You lost count on the number of times you pleasured yourself at the thought of the man beneath you. So many times, you wanted to sneak into his bed, and wake him to witness the maddening effect he had on you. But having him inside you was better than anything you could imagine.
Gripping his shoulders, you lifted yourself until only his tip remained-before slamming your hips down to his- repeating this motion until falling into a rhythm that was accompanied by a song of wild moans and gasps. Everything about this man- the aquamarine shine in his eyes, the glowing pallor of his body, the tone and strength in his muscles- screamed the image of perfection to you.
“Druig, Druig,” you could only cry out his name- as if it was the only word you knew, “I love you, I love you, I love- FUCK!” You screamed out at the feel of his hips moving to meet yours, and before you could blink, he shifted your positions so that you would be laying on your back as he caged your body with his frame.
Druig couldn’t take it anymore, it tormented him to not take you without abandon. For so long, he dreamed of having you like this- warm, teasing, and his. You called yourself selfish, so what? Druig knew what it meant to be selfish, to want to possess and devour every part of you until there was nothing left for anyone else to take or see.
You must have blind to not see his desperation for you. How could someone so bright and brilliant not understand that he would gladly let you tear him limb by limb if it meant to be loved by you.
To have you under him like this- writhing in ecstasy, crying from exquisite pain, your soft curves molded against his hard frame- it was as if this was his true purpose. It was not to assist in humanity’s evolution, but to belong to you as you would belong to him. It was to have you like this at every waking moment- filling you with love, and overwhelming you with desire.
As he continued to slam his hips against yours with reckless abandon, he trailed his lips down your throat, sharply nipping your collarbones, until all that he could reach were your heaving breasts that moved in tandem with his thrusts. He was so enraptured by your presence that when you peaked once more on his cock, his rutting only grew more relentless and rougher than what you thought was possible.
Stars, he loved the way you screamed his name. He wanted everyone to know it was him who made you mad with elation. He wanted the whole world to know that you, Kaetlyn- gloriously headstrong, brilliantly beautiful Kaetlyn- the wielder of shadows, and master of the darkness and night, was begging for his cock like a common whore.
“Look at you,” he snarled- jaw clenched so tightly that his teeth threatened to break from the pressure, “what were you saying m’darling? I could have sworn that you were trying to get me to beg- but look at you now.” Your head thrown back as your hair sprayed around you like a beckoning halo as you babbled nonsensically, legs wrapped around his torso to minimize any potential loss of distance, your wickedly sharp nails cutting into his skin to leave vibrant trails on his back as blood leaked from the wounds. “You can’t get enough of me, can you?”
Your only response was whimpers and cries, so Druig decided to be a bit cruel, and slowed down before pulling himself out and stopping completely. The loss of your warmth was complete agony, but the consequence was well-worth the pain at the sight of your immediate reaction.
“DRUIG!” You cried out in pain. You tried to move yourself to feel more of him, but the smug bastard had pinned your torso down- and your body was still recovering from the overstimulation of your previous orgasm. Still maintaining his grip, Druig towered above you in order to gain a better vantage point. Staring down at the aftermath of his onslaught, he almost came right then and there. You were the very likeness of desired perfection- tears had leaked from your eyes and were trailing down your face, your flush travelled down to the tips of your breasts, and there was not a corner of your body that wasn’t covered in marks left by his teeth.
“Please, Druig, please-” you begged him, “don’t stop! I need you!” You felt you were dying from his loss, you felt so empty. It was like you finally felt complete, and when he pulled away it was as if all the air in your lungs were completely snuffed out. You couldn’t bear the pain- it was tearing you apart. You tried to pull him down to get him to kiss- you needed his love; nothing would ever be enough- not when it came from him.
Your soul craved his.
Crystalline blue eyes softened momentarily before steeling once more to grip your hips even tighter, Druig barely lowered himself- just enough to mix his throbbing tip’s precum with your slick. No matter how much he adored you -- however much he wanted to give in to you-- he needed you to admit that you were his first.
“Open your eyes,” his rasp sent chills to run throughout your entire body, “and see what you do to me.” When you looked into his eyes, you were taken back by how dark they had become- that beautiful pale hue had minimized into a thin ring from how dilated his pupils had become. It wasn’t just lust that swam in his gaze, but also mania and lunacy. His piercing gaze, along with his heaving breaths created such a stark contrast to the calm and collected mask he showcased to everyone- humans and Eternals alike. Druig looked less like the usual apathetic god everyone thought him to be, and more like a raging terrifying beast that fed on savagery and only cared to fulfill his most primal urges.
You have never seen such a magnificent and enthralling sight before, and you prayed to the stars above that this time would not be the last.
Druig could hear your thoughts, and he didn’t care how insane he looked. He wanted you to see all that you did to him- how you engrained yourself into his very soul and being. You called yourself infatuated, but he was obsessed. And as aware he was of his own delusion; he didn’t ever plan to stop.
Fuck Arishem- fuck anyone and everyone who would dare keep you from him. He didn’t care the lengths he would have to go to keep you by his side. Let them paint him the villain- it was all worth it if it meant having your love.
“Tell me.” He pleaded you, “please, my angel- tell me your mine. Let me in, I want all of you and only you.” His eyes held so much love and trust that it took your breath away, and it made your heart swell with so much adoration for the man that caged you between his arms. There was only one thing to say, the only thing that mattered that would seal a vow between you both for the rest of eternity.
Summoning all your courage, leaving behind all your bravado, letting all your insecurities to be put on display, you whispered, “Yes.”
Immediately after you condemned your soul to his, Druig speared himself into you to the hilt with a single thrust, and pressed his lips to yours to drink in every one of your throes of passion. Setting off at a relentless pace, it was not long until another brutal climax sheared through your body. With each push, Druig’s cock hit that spot inside you – resulting in stars to bloom around you as your mind was clouded in lust. With each thrust of his length, tremendous stimulation tearing through your walls. The sound of skin-on-skin surrounded the area around you, creating a forcefield of bliss that could not be intruded by anyone but the two immortal beings engaged in their act of fervor. The only other sounds that could be heard were the gentle whispers of the night breeze, along the soft chirpings of the crickets.
Feeling his cock throbbing, Druig knew that he was reaching his limit. However, he refused to finish without you going over the edge with him. Setting an even more ruthless pace, he could feel the trembles that ran throughout your body as he fights to hold control over himself, and not releasing himself deep inside you. Only being able to get a few more thrusts in, Druig viciously cursed as he let out a snarled cry – the loudest you have ever heard from him. With one final push, he came deep inside your cunt, painting your walls with his cum as you felt his warmth flooding inside you. The sensation of the thick ropes of cum engulfing your cunt triggered your final climax, and you felt the evidence of your indescribable pleasure that washed over you mixed with his thick cum that overflowed within you to the point where it leaked out of your core.
Refusing to part, the both of you let yourselves bask in the bliss-filled bubble that was the aftermath of your lovemaking. But as happy as you were, dread filled your mind as you realized what you had done. You knew how the others saw you. How Kingo and Sprite liked to poke fun at your darkness, how Ikaris would voice his doubts of your ability to protect with ill-hidden snarks to Ajak, even the humans would whisper in fear at the sight of you soaked in deviants’ blood in the aftermath of your many onslaughts. It was bad enough that they looked down on Sephia for how she so faithfully remained at your side, you couldn’t let the man you loved be dragged down as well – it would have been too much.
No matter how Druig liked to present himself as cool and indifferent to human conflict – you knew that it was far from true. You’ve watched him for centuries, and there was no one else on the world whose soul was as gentle and carried more love for humanity than even Ajak and Sersi. You couldn’t let your own selfish desires bring his ruin, you refused to let that happen.
“This was a mistake,” you forced yourself to say as you faced away from him to locate your attire, you couldn’t bear it if he saw how much it killed you to say it, but it needs to be done, “I never should have let it go this far.” You crawled on your knees to reach your tunic, “Let’s just forget this ever hap-”
A vicious growl cut you off as Druig’s hands grabbed your wrist to the point where you were sure bruises would show tomorrow. “Don’t,” he snarled, “even try to insult me by suggesting to pretend that this never happened- that we never happened.” Pulling you back to cage you in his arms, Druig buried his face into the crook of your neck- as if imprinting the scent of your skin to his memory in fear that you would disappear before his very eyes.
Leaning forward to whisper in your ear. “How could you ever think for a second that I could possibly go on with my life after finally having you? Tell me angel, how do you expect a man to simply live on weeds after finally partaking a drop of ambrosia?”
Your heart melted at his words, but you could not let yourself be swayed. “Druig,” you started, “you don’t understand the cost of being with me. You deserve someone who is kind and warm and-”
Druig forced you to look into his eyes. “Stop. Don’t you dare let the words of those idiots make you see yourself as less than the perfection you are. Do you know what I see when I look at you?” His eyes softened for what he was about to ask next. “Let me show you, my love.”
As his pale blue irises glowed into a golden hue, making him transform into a sight akin to godliness, you opened your mind to his, and what you saw shook you to your core. You saw scenes of yourself travelling through your shadows, taking down dozens of deviants with only a few arrows from your quiver, as well as the aftermath of you standing alone in a field of mangled corpses dyed with black tarlike blood. You saw yourself as the humans did, embodied darkness that killed with cold precision and controlled beings with their own shadows.
But soon you saw moments that you had forgotten, moments that you believed were private. You saw yourself sneaking away at night in the cover of darkness to watch ghosts roaming aimlessly, along with the pity in your eyes from hearing their sorrows. You saw yourself in your room at the Domo, surrounded by scrolls from topics ranging from rare spells to hand-drawn diagrams of the human body. You witnessed the smile spread across your face when you helped a spirit finally reach their peace to the other world. You saw the time Ajak approached you to ask for your assistance in delivering the children from expectant mothers in the village. You saw yourself come outside the tent to hand over the child of your first delivery to the father, who thanked you with tears in his eyes after being informed that both the child and mother safe and healthy. You watched yourself stare in shock of his praise before seeing the child reach for your finger, and let yourself feel the disbelief that flooded you at the sight of pure innocence staring back at you.
“You call yourself selfish and unkind,” Druig’s voice brought you back to reality- his eyes returned to that familiar blue, “but that couldn’t be more untrue.” He softly pressed his forehead to yours as he continued. “Would a selfish person spend night after night gathering impossible texts to study for an unnamed spirit to finally reach peace? Would someone unkind research every possibility in order to ensure that a mother could hold her child? How could you let someone as pathetic as Ikaris and Sprite taint your own views of yourself so much? Kaetlyn, I was a coward for waiting for so long to tell you my feelings, I was selfish in thinking of my own pride and dignity was more important than your strife. But still you loved me, and I could not be more grateful for your existence for that.”
Tears ran down your cheeks as you felt all your walls crashing down, how could someone so frustratingly wonderful exist? If this was all a dream, you never wanted to wake up. But just to be sure, you took a stone that just fit into the palm of your hand and transmuted it into a silver dagger. Holding it just above his heart, you warned him one final time.
“Druig, no matter what sweet words you whisper, I am selfish. I could kill you now without hesitation. I could cut you and cause you so much pain that you would beg for death. Do you still wish to remain by my side?”
Staring back at you with only ardent love and unfiltered adoration, Druig grasped your hand and dragged the blade’s tip across his chest. Thin trails of dark red life leaked from the wounds, but there was no indication of pain. “If loving you is pain,” he whispered as he wiped the blood from his wound with his finger, only to smear it across your lips, “then let me bleed.” He repeated those same words a year later, when he married you in a private ceremony after the two of you sneaked away from the village’s harvest banquet.
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Tagging: @valeskafics, @ethereal-athalia, @aphroditesmoon, @3vergr3en, @its-actually-minicika, @fivebefore21, @asa-do-your-thing, @hypnoticmistake, @blog-100, @tacorice, @prettyvintageafternoon, @deanthomaswhore, @angelnyx, @henesseyhaven, @xcharlottemikaelsonx, @sunphyre, @beananacake, @atomwritez, @vikingqueen28, @getawaycardotmp3, @redheadspark, @heliosphere8, @bambiandbam, @americanprometheuss, @chaoticdetectivewidow, @mazerunnermarvel, @bryandechartisasmolbean,
Let me know if you want to be tagged! Have a happy October! Please be kind, and leave a like/comment/reblog!
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barsformars · 8 months
g - pure fluff
p - wooyoung x f! reader
w.c - 1023
t.w - none
c - you help out at wooyoung’s brother school carnival and get mistaken for his parents.
a.n - idk what inspired me to write this but i think its quite cute and i want a love like this frfr
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it’s two in the afternoon on a saturday and you somehow find yourself in an indoor sports hall surrounded by parents and their elementary school children for their school induction carnival.
“so why am i here again?” you leaned back to whisper into wooyoung’s ears, smiling at the group of young teachers walking past your lemonade stand as they gushed about how they weren’t aware kyungmin parents were this young and beautiful.
“please give lots of love to kyungmin!” wooyoung waved at them with a bright smile which was reciprocated with even bigger smiles and head nods. “seems like kyungmin’s going to be popular,” wooyoung commented. the teachers weren’t the only ones, other parents seemed to share the same sentiment.
you pushed wooyoung’s fringe to the side, clearing his view as he sliced up more lemons. he surely is very handsome, and so you said, “i think you’re the one they care about.”
he laughed under his breath, creasing the corners of his eyes and revealing his dimples clearer than ever. “well, kyungmin is lucky to have such a good looking brother,” wooyoung added on.
you pouted upon hearing that as you pointed at the badge you had pinned on your shirt — ‘kyungmin’s mom’. wooyoung reasoned that they didn’t have time to get it reprinted since his parents had urgent matters to attend to. they felt bad pulling out last minute since it was also on volunteer basis and the school needed as much support as they could get. you had suggested writing over it but he whined that it would be ugly, and also harmless even if they mistook the both of you for his parents.
“i feel like i’m committing fraud,”you confessed softly, “this is the first time the parents are meeting each other, and we aren’t even actually them.”
wooyoung was about to lean in for a peck when a customer arrived at the stall with her daughter, ordering two cups of iced lemonade. he quickly puts on his million-dollar smile, his voice laced with honey as he sweetly makes small talk. “what class is our pretty jihyun in?” he asked, his gentle eyes shifting from her name tag to her little face.
you did your part by pouring the drinks and covering the lids before passing them to wooyoung, who very swiftly wrote a cute note on the cups while still holding the conversation.
“kyungmin eomma, your husband is so sweet, you’re so lucky!” the lady called out to you. you awkwardly thanked her and you can already see the weird faces wooyoung was making at you from the corner of your eyes.
once the lady and her daughter had walked away, you pushed his cheek towards the other side. you didn’t want him to notice how your own were starting to flush. you didn’t want to admit that you enjoyed having wooyoung being referred to as your husband, especially not when neither of you have ever brought up tying the knot yet.
“so i was going to say that you’re basically kyungmin’s honorary mother at this point,” wooyoung said softly from behind you, his hands resting on the side of your hips. he attempted to peek at your face but you shunned, flustered. you still turned to face him, reminded by the fact that this was not the best place for public displays of affection.
“why are you blushing so hard?” wooyoung questioned, genuinely surprised. he had started to think you were getting immune to his ways of affection.
you cupped your face with your hands, wanting to gauge just how red you were — you were burning hot. it did not help that wooyoung was guessing what exactly got you feeling this way, and getting it on the second try.
“you like it when people call me your husband?” he teased. wooyoung knew you long enough to tell that you meant a ‘yes’ despite you pushing him away again. “do you want to be referred to as my wife?”
you shot him a look. it doesn’t hit the same.
“alright, i’ll settle with a one-sided marriage then,” wooyoung joked. “you have yet to proposed though, by the way.”
“would you want to marry me?” your gaze locked with his. if he was serious about it, you would be down for it too.
“of course,” wooyoung replied without hesitation, reaching out to take your hands in his. “i was just kidding earlier on though, i want to be the one proposing,” he clarified.
he had been thinking about bringing this topic up for quite some time but the two of you have been too busy pursuing your own careers. but wooyoung realised that if he kept letting that excuse stop him, it would never happen till he retires. he’s not going to make you wait that long, even if you were willing.
you swiftly checked your surroundings before sneaking a peck on his lips, “thank you for always wanting me in your life, i feel very loved.” you may have refused his initial invitation to help out at the carnival with him but it didn’t mean that you didn’t appreciate it. you were always the first person on his mind, and always the person he chooses to go to regardless of the matter.
“and thank you for wanting to be with me, i love you, lots,” wooyoung replied before engulfing you in his arms. he couldn’t wait to live out the rest of his life with you, going on exciting adventures or staying at home accompanying each other in silence or doing simple things like slicing up and juicing lemons in an elementary school’s indoor sports hall.
“you know what they say about making lemonade when life throws you lemons,” wooyoung said as he suppressed a smirk.
“what do you do then when life gives you love?”
you slapped him on the shoulder and lightly shoved him to the side. “this is not the best place for that kind of jokes, woo!”
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wonryllis · 3 months
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( NOTES ) I WILL KEEP ADDING MORE AS I FIND NEW GOOD ONES!! as you can see i seem to have a certain taste for historical and transmigration aus lmao but they're legit all really good i swear i'm super picky when it comes to these things especially with the art style so trust me my recs all have good art if not bombastically fantastic! IM OPEN TO NEW RECS PLS SUGGEST SOME GOOD ONES!! 📌 - very good , 📌📌 - must read , 📌📌📌 - haven't read then die!
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LOVE LIKE CHERRY BLOSSOMS: modern school setting, male lead helps fem lead to score points with the guy she has a crush on and they end up falling for each other, kinda bad boy x good girl, there is also a side couple whose story is absolutely cute, the fem lead's bestie x male lead's older cousin. art and plot is realllyy good. completed, 92 chapters, happy ever after ending. 📌
HIDDEN LOVE: modern, brother's best friend, age gap (5 years i think) fem lead falls for her brother's best friend at first sight, her one sided crush goes on for years until she gets into uni and they both stay in the same city and start hanging out together. he slowly falls for her and boom they get into a relationship!! super cute and art style is top notch(i find the brother so much hotter honestly), ongoing i think. 📌
ONCE MORE: high school love reunion kinda, used to like each other due to misunderstandings couldn't confess and later reunite as teachers in their high school. adorable story full of fluff. tomboyish fem x popular guy. the second lead couple is to die for, cute girl x tsundere guy, she's a teacher too and guy is fem lead's childhood friend. completed, 156 chapters, happy ever after ending. 📌
PHARAOH'S CONCUBINE: isekai, royal/historical au, girl is a history major and like really fascinated with ancient egypt so her brother gets her an ancient relic (a snake bracelet) which gets her sucked back 3000 years in ancient egypt and the powerful pharaoh ends up falling deep in love with her. literally the best thing ever the plot is the most interesting and connected in a circle one i have ever read my all time favourite the top one! there are a lot of heart fluttering scenes but also heartbreaking scenes and it's just so damn good! READ IT NOW!! completed season 1 (around 70 chapters) for further seasons there's only novel so far which is in chinese. FAVOURITE!!!!!!.📌📌📌
HOW TO GET MY HUSBAND ON MY SIDE: transmigation, royal/historical au, girlie wakes up in another body who is like set to be the villian of the novel so for the sake of survival portrays herself as a harmless character and throws herself at her husband at any chance to make him think she could never do anything evil to him because she loves him a lot. there's so much fluff and heart fluttering moments but there are some incidents which are kinda angsty but it's worth it! male lead is smitten, crazy over his wife!!! and he's hot! super hot! the best married couple duo ever! he's so protective of her it's crazy. ongoing! one of my favourites. 📌📌📌
YOUR MAJESTY PLEASE DON'T KILL ME AGAIN: transmigation, historical/royal au, girlie wakes up in a noble lady's body in a novel where the male lead is a ruthless ruler who kills all family for the throne, so she becomes his maid/lady in waiting and ends up winning his heart lmao first as a friend when they're literally kids and more as they grow up. plot is interesting becuz girl is always under the threat of being killed by the prince where as he doesn't really have those intentions and just actually treasures her sorta? ongoing.
ACTUALLY, I WAS THE REAL ONE: rebirth/going back in time?, royal/historical au, fantasy, fem lead is killed by her father, the emperor when another girl appears and claims to be the real princess and he believes her because she looks more like the late empress than the fem lead. before her death she finds out she actually is the real daughter. when she opens her eyes she's back years before and this time tries her best to prove the fact she's the actual one, male lead is like not decided between two guys, one is a hot blond magician helping her and the other a head royal knight. ongoing.
I BECAME THE WIFE OF THE MALE LEAD: transmigation, fantasy, historical/royal au, fem lead wakes up in the body of a really power girl with magic, the villainess. does her best to change her role and it starts with saving the male lead and becoming his friend but oh god he ends up falling for her so hard and girlie is so oblivious. they're a power couple in terms of strength like her magic powers are undisputable and the male lead strength and skills in sword fighting are exceptional. they both are a pair of beauties and male lead is hottttt!! the fem lead's so called father is also super hot man. really interesting storyline with twists, ongoing. one of my favourites. 📌📌📌
MY SECRETLY HOT HUSBAND/MY HUSBAND HIDES HIS BEAUTY: transmigration, historical, fantasy au, fem lead wakes up as the bride of the powerful demon hunter duke known to hide a hideous face behind a mask, she helps him get rid of the curse of family, and helps the dukedom grow and have a name in the kingdom. husband wife who are down bad for each other. completed, 109 chapters, happy ever after ending. one of my favorites. 📌📌
NO PLACE FOR THE FAKE PRINCESS: foretelling fantasy?, historical/royal au, fem lead reads a book where she's the villainness and the fake princess turns out the book shows future events if she continues to live the same way so she changes her attitude and gains the love of her father by being an obedient and capable daughter so when the real princess arrives she will not be killed by her father and get the chance to run away to live a peaceful life but when the time comes and she elopes her father goes crazy trying to find her because he loves her and the same goes for the male lead!! ongoing.
SECRET LADY: reincarnation, transmigration, historical/royal au, fem lead could see ghosts in her original body and even after reincarnation as a noble lady of a powerful family she can still see ghosts, these ghosts help her know that the second prince is going to be assassinated so she offers to help him under a guise of a poor maiden. she falls for him while he has always loved her but because of a curse in the royal family their love faces many obstacles. super amazing plot, really really interesting. ongoing. one of my favorites. 📌
WHO MADE ME A PRINCESS: transmigration, royal/historical au, fem lead wakes up inside a novel in the body of the only princess of the cruel emperor who hates her because the empress died giving birth to her. originally the princess is killed by him but the fem lead tries her best to change the story and her father's feelings towards her by being an adorable daughter who apparently loves her dad a lot. the male lead is a renowned magician like the best one from legends and also the son of a duke, she doesn't choose one by the end but it is heavily shown who she prefers. really great plot, so many twists and turns but so worth it! completed, 125 chapters. happy ending, one of my favorites. 📌📌
BEING A WICKED WOMAN IS COMFORTABLE AND PLEASANT: transmigration, historical/royal au, fantasy, magic, fem lead enters the body of the villianous and decides to live comfortably by using that role and collecting more money and as said living comfortably without disturbing the main couples. (it's a reverse harem for the original fem lead of the novel but now girlie takes her place) she is known as a stupid person not knowing how to use magic but as a person from modern world magic formulae become his forte and she literally changes so many things and becomes an icon. ongoing.
THE VILLIANESS IS A MARIONETTE: transmigration, historical/royal au, fem lead wakes up in the body of the villian's sister who is known as the her brother's (villian) puppet, she decides to change it all by changing her behaviour towards him and gaining his favor and affection trying to make him the puppet, this gets the male lead, a powerful duke who previously hated her and she had been forcing herself on him romantically(the original character) ends up falling for the new her. plot and art and characters are to die for. ongoing. one of my favorites. 📌📌
BABY TYRANT: transmigration, historical/royal au, after dying the fem lead wakes up in the body of the beloved princess of a powerful empire. now she has everything she's wanted but it's hard to accept and with people trying to undo the prophecy of her birth her father makes her the emperor oh god, also the male lead is a like a demon or something i don't remember. ongoing.
INTO THE LIGHT, ONCE AGAIN: rebirth, new family, historical/royal au, fantasy, magic, fem lead was previously a princess who was killed by her own family because another sister falsely accused her of trying to kill her. betrayed by everyone she loved and thought who loved her, she wakes up as the beloved princess of the neighbouring kingdom where her new family loves her to death, with the help of her brother and the male lead who is the light king, she embarks on her journey of revenge against the evil sister. ongoing. one of my favorites. 📌
THE SIREN: BECOMING THE VILLAIN'S FAMILY: rebirth/travelling back in time?, kinda historical au? but not, fantasy, the fem lead is one of the last surviving sirens, her father sells her to the emperor who cages her makes her sing till death. before dying though, the male lead goes on a killing spree and kills everyone in the palace and rescues her just because no reason no he doesn't love her at that point. upon going back in time she tries to change things and this time ends up as the male lead's wife and he falls for her hard. ongoing, the art is everything literally the best ever you either hate it or love it, and the plot is sooo good too, ongoing, one of my favorites. 📌📌📌
FOR MY DERELICT FAVORITE: transmigration, rebirth/travel back in time?, historical/royal au, fem lead wakes up as a noble woman background character in her favorite novel. however after watching her favorite character die of heartbreak she kills herself and when she wakes up she's years back and this time makes sure to help her favorite character live a happy life and move on from the past, by becoming his wife and getting him justice. fan x idol couple lmao she's crazy about him. ongoing. 📌📌📌
SERENA/SELENA: somewhere between modern and historical au, marriage of convience, arranged marriage, the fem lead loses her parents and brother in an accident and then later on married off to a guy of opponent family by her grandmother who passes the family business to him. enraged she's determined he plans to destroy her but later the truth comes ot and they fall in love and oh she takes over her family business a girl boss!! both play hard to get, stubborn characters, enemies to lovers, age gap (5 years) art is so damn good you'll drool, ongoing, one of my favorites. 📌📌📌
I TAMED MY EX HUSBAND'S MAD DOG: rebirth/travelling back in time?, historical/royal au, fem lead lives a miserable first life because of her husband who indirectly kills her father, cheats on her, and basically ruins her life. after going back in time she makes sure to do everything to take her revenge and this time she finds and makes allies with her husband's pet like right hand man who is also the male lead, they end up falling in love!! age gap but not much ig i don't remember, ongoing.
I'LL BE THE MATRIARCH IN THIS LIFE: rebirth/travelling back in time?, not kinda historical?, fem lead watches her grandfather die and leave the family business to ruins by handing it to her brothers while she was the most capable one but he realised it too late. after rebirth? she makes sure to make him aware of her skills from early on in childhood so that she can succeed him and take care of the family business herself, her skills from handling the affairs in past life gain her lots of advantage including supporting the second prince who'll become a ruthless king in future by becoming his friend and who also ends up falling for her. ongoing, one of my favorites. 📌
CRY, EVEN BETTER IF YOU BEG: somewhere between historical and modern?, age gap(6 years i think), enemies to lovers kinda?, red flag male lead, he's crazy, so after girlie's parents die she ends up living with her uncle who works as a gardener for the male lead's family. he comes home very summer and everytime they have encounters which screammm red flag but i still love the story. he loves making her suffer. anyway ongoing, one of my favorites.📌
I CAN'T WAIT TO EAT YOU: modern, office au, one sided enemies to lovers, the male lead's parents die in an accident because of fem lead's dad when they're both kids so he hates her while girlie has no idea. later as grown ups she works in his family company. events lead to them interacting with each other falling in loveee yay. ongoing.
AGE OF ARROGANCE: historical/royal au, marriage of convience, the knight commander fem lead marries the crown prince to get the resources to rebuild her region and help her people live well. while he agrees so that he can build up a support group for his succession to throne against his stepbrother. they make a deal to help each other but end up in love. ongoing.
I WILL SEDUCE THE NORTHERN DUKE: isekai, historical/royal au, fantasy?, fem lead finds herself in a different world after falling off a cliff while filming(she's a star actress) things happen and she makes a deal with the northern territory duke to play as his lover for certain reasons while he helps her stay in this world. really really fun story. ongoing.
STAR DREAM IDOL PROJECT: modern, survival show, revenge, and slight but visible romance between contestant and judge. fem lead is the secret daughter of a famous singer (mom, parents are separated) after her mom's death she participates in a famous survival show under a guise to chase her dreams as an idol along road of revenge involving her public power figure father. the romance hints at her and the blunt famous singer judge who keeps criticising her skills because he believes in her exceptional potential. ongoing. 📌
A SIGN OF AFFECTION: modern, college au, opposites attract, real wholesome just fem lead has been deaf since birth and meets male lead on the subway, he somehow makes her feel so warm and different and it's like love at first sight for her. he learns sign language for her and falls for how cute she is. a simple and pure love story? ongoing, anime has 12 eps and really good too. 📌
SEASONS OF BLOSSOM: HAMIN'S FLOWER: modern, high school au, major character death, summer love? so fem lead and male lead are two opposite kind of students at school ml is popular and a topper while fl is kinda average and very interested in arts and painting. for a long while they meet up in the art room during lunch because fl does not have friends and spends the break painting while ml wants to escape the fake people have some time alone. they become friends and ml realizes he really likes painting because it makes him feel free so during summer break he joins her art club outside school and they have their romance? phase after his parents find out he stops and things happen and he commits suicide. fl after years comes as teacher in the same school and through his younger brother finds the truth which is heartbreaking and finally gets her closure. completed, there's a kdrama on this with the same name highly recommend checking it out, though prepare your tissues. 📌📌
ETERNAL LOVE: hidden love brother's story, modern, kinda like frenemies to roomates to lovers?, i don't remember much fem lead and male lead are classmates in high school who used to not be fond of each other and later as adults things happen and he becomes her roommate because his apartment is like undergoing renovations or something? there's some misunderstandings and miscommunications but it's a really good read though the art is changed in this from hidden love. ongoing.
BRIDE OF HABAEK: fantasy, god falls for human sacrifice au??? do not remember much i read it long back but like the fem lead is offered as bride sacrifice to the water god and thrown into some well or something and when she wakes up she's in his realm and he's like a child? he also has his adult form but around her he's in child form and she does come across him in adult form but does not know it's him. i don't remember more details but it's slow burnnnn and interesting pretty different from the kdrama. ongoing or completed? no idea but there's a hella lot of chapters and it's black and white.
GIRL AND HER GUARD DOG: first of all this is not for everyone help,, pls don't judge me for liking it (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠) modern, she falls first and he falls harder trope, age gap like 5 years. fem lead parents die in an accident and she is brought to her grandpa's house whose a gangster and he gets one of his beloved men to take care of her. later when she grows up and goes to a distant city for school that man(male lead) follows becuz he's worried she might get in danger alone and enrolls as a student too through connections.
MY IN-LAWS ARE OBSESSED WITH ME: historical/royal, travelling back in time/rebirth, contract marriage, magic/curse. fem lead is killed by her family and husband for father's inheritance by a mysterious poison and when she wakes up again she has travelled back to two months. to protect herself and her inheritance she offers the powerful duke of the kingdom a marriage contract for one year but during that time her actions make her in-laws fall in love with her, everyone just adores her and refuses to let her go after a year. oh and male lead, the duke's family has a curse and she's immune to it somehow? ongoing.📌
will elaborate later on!
broken ring: this marriage will fail anyway 📌📌📌
flirting with the villain's dad
obsidian bride 📌
why are you obsessed with your fake wife 📌📌
i will be queen in this life
the world without my sister who everyone loved
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