#i just remember they were surrounded by mountains and there was a pond somewhere
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3. Jack & Mayka Conservationist & Linguist Photographed by Matt Horwood Tell us something about yourself that nobody else knows. Mayka: Before reading a new book I always read its very last page just before I start from the beginning. And, in case you were wondering, I've never been less surprised by the ending. By the time I get to the end I've already forgotten what I've read!
Jack: I’m a pretty open person, so there’s not a lot people don’t know, but maybe… I occasionally eat raw garlic while preparing dinner, apparently it’s good for you!
What do you enjoy doing in your own time?  Jack: My main hobby is wildlife watching, with a focus on birds. I love to spend the day out on a new reserve and see what wonderful creatures live there. On a rainy day you’ll usually find me inside playing punishingly difficult video games.
Mayka: In my free time I usually do various things including; going for a walk in the countryside, spending time with friends... etc. But occasionally when inspiration strikes I love sketching and painting beautiful creatures. Especially beetles.
Tell us a bit about where you are from and what impact where you grew up had on you. Mayka: I am from a tiny isolated mountain village in the south of Spain. I grew up surrounded by nature which allowed me to understand the importance of what earth has to offer in a very intimate way. I am not only talking about food and other resources but also activities and lifestyle. My vision of the 'modern' world is full of wonder, I remember the first time I went in a lift!!
Jack: I grew up in a semi rural part of North Wales, so have grown up surrounded by natural beauty. Growing up around such easily accessible natural splendour has given me the start I needed to get into nature-watching as a full time interest.
If you had to pick one thing, what are you most passionate about?Jack: Seeing new animals, I love experiencing a behaviour or action from an animal I’ve never seen before, be that the hoot of an owl, or a grass snake swimming across a pond. I believe there is so much value in the observation of the natural world, both for science and personal well-being.
Mayka: Having studied Translation I've developed a great passion for not only languages but also different cultures. For that reason one of my greatest challenges in life is to influence people around me and make them reflect about the importance of cultural awareness and diversity.
What makes you angry?  Mayka: Once again, having a background in languages and communication, I find particularly infuriating when issues are not addressed properly due to the fear of sounding politically incorrect. I read somewhere that what is not talked about does not exist... and I wish there were more accurate ways of talking about and describing social issues such as male violence against women.
Jack: The destruction and over exploitation of the natural world around us. It angers me to think of the sheer abundance and diversity of wildlife the world and more specifically the UK, used to hold, and the reasons that it’s not like that anymore.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?Jack: Easy! More wildlife, more land given over to the protection of species, more money and thought put towards causes that help relieve biodiversity loss.
Mayka: I am a fervent believer in the importance of education as a means to tackle many (if not all) of the world's inherently social problems. Including the impact these problems have on the environment.
Do you feel connected to nature and/or wildlife and if so, tell us a bit about when you first found an interest or felt connected. Mayka: I feel connected to nature since as long as I can remember. One of my first memories is digging out a nest of worms with my bare foot in an attempt to climb up a little hill just by my parents' house. Not the most popular creature but I have always been drawn to invertebrates. They are just so different to us mammals. 
Jack: I definitely feel connected to nature, and I have been from a young age. My mother always encouraged my interest in animals when I was a child by finding me biological field guides (‘I used to just look at the pictures). One strong memory I have is visiting RSPB Conwy as a child and being encouraged to find ‘mini beasts’ by one of the volunteers. After finding a ladybird the volunteer explained it’s life cycle and how it fits into an ecosystem and it’s importance to other organisms. ***
Dywedwch rywbeth amdanoch eich hun nad oes neb arall yn ei wybod. Mayka: Cyn darllen llyfr newydd rydw i bob amser yn darllen ei dudalen olaf un cyn i mi ddechrau o'r dechrau. A, rhag ofn eich bod chi'n pendroni, dwi erioed wedi synnu cymaint gan y diweddglo. Erbyn i mi gyrraedd y diwedd dwi wedi anghofio be dwi wedi darllen yn barod!
Jack: Dwi’n berson reit agored, felly does dim llawer o bobl ddim yn gwybod, ond falle… dwi’n bwyta garlleg amrwd o bryd i’w gilydd wrth baratoi swper, mae’n debyg ei fod yn dda i chi!
Beth ydych chi'n mwynhau ei wneud yn eich amser eich hun? Jack: Fy mhrif hobi yw gwylio bywyd gwyllt, gyda ffocws ar adar. Rwyf wrth fy modd yn treulio'r diwrnod allan ar warchodfa newydd a gweld pa greaduriaid hyfryd sy'n byw yno. Ar ddiwrnod glawog byddwch fel arfer yn dod o hyd i mi y tu mewn yn chwarae gemau fideo anodd iawn.
Mayka: Yn fy amser rhydd rydw i fel arfer yn gwneud pethau amrywiol gan gynnwys; mynd am dro yng nghefn gwlad, treulio amser gyda ffrindiau… ac ati. Yn enwedig chwilod.
Dywedwch ychydig wrthym am o ble rydych chi'n dod a pha effaith gafodd lle cawsoch eich magu arnoch chi. Mayka: Rwy'n dod o bentref mynyddig bychan yn ne Sbaen. Cefais fy magu wedi fy amgylchynu gan natur a oedd yn caniatáu i mi ddeall pwysigrwydd yr hyn sydd gan ddaear i'w gynnig mewn ffordd agos iawn. Nid yn unig yr wyf yn sôn am fwyd ac adnoddau eraill ond hefyd am weithgareddau a ffordd o fyw. Mae fy ngweledigaeth o'r byd 'modern' yn llawn rhyfeddod, dwi'n cofio'r tro cyntaf i mi fynd mewn lifft!!
Jack: Cefais fy magu mewn rhan lled wledig o Ogledd Cymru, felly rwyf wedi tyfu i fyny wedi fy amgylchynu gan harddwch naturiol. Mae tyfu i fyny o gwmpas y fath ysblander naturiol hygyrch wedi rhoi'r cychwyn yr oedd ei angen arnaf i fynd i mewn i wylio natur fel diddordeb llawn amser.
Pe bai'n rhaid i chi ddewis un peth, beth ydych chi'n angerddol amdano fwyaf? Jack: Wrth weld anifeiliaid newydd, rydw i wrth fy modd yn profi ymddygiad neu weithred gan anifail nad ydw i erioed wedi’i weld o’r blaen, boed yn hŵt tylluan, neu’n neidr laswellt yn nofio ar draws pwll. Rwy’n credu bod cymaint o werth mewn arsylwi’r byd naturiol, o ran gwyddoniaeth a lles personol.
Mayka: Ar ôl astudio Cyfieithu rydw i wedi datblygu angerdd mawr nid yn unig at ieithoedd ond hefyd am ddiwylliannau gwahanol. Am y rheswm hwnnw un o fy heriau mwyaf mewn bywyd yw dylanwadu ar bobl o'm cwmpas a gwneud iddynt fyfyrio am bwysigrwydd ymwybyddiaeth ddiwylliannol ac amrywiaeth.
Beth sy'n eich gwylltio? Mayka: Unwaith eto, gyda chefndir mewn ieithoedd a chyfathrebu, mae'n gynhyrfus iawn pan nad yw materion yn cael sylw priodol oherwydd yr ofn o swnio'n wleidyddol anghywir. Darllenais yn rhywle nad yw'r hyn na sonnir amdano yn bodoli… a hoffwn pe bai ffyrdd mwy cywir o drafod a gwahaniaethu ar faterion cymdeithasol megis trais gwrywaidd yn erbyn menywod.
Jack: Dinistrio a gor-fanteisio ar y byd naturiol o'n cwmpas. Mae’n fy nghythruddo i feddwl am y doreth ac amrywiaeth o fywyd gwyllt y byd ac yn fwy penodol y DU, a arferai ddal, a’r rhesymau pam nad felly y mae bellach.
Pe gallech chi newid un peth am y byd, beth fyddai hwnnw? Jack: Hawdd! Mwy o fywyd gwyllt, mwy o dir yn cael ei roi i warchod rhywogaethau, mwy o arian a meddwl tuag at achosion sy'n helpu i leddfu colli bioamrywiaeth.
Mayka: Rwy'n gredwr brwd ym mhwysigrwydd addysg fel ffordd o fynd i'r afael â llawer (os nad y cyfan) o broblemau cynhenid ​​​​gymdeithasol y byd. Gan gynnwys yr effaith a gaiff y problemau hyn ar yr amgylchedd.
Ydych chi'n teimlo'n gysylltiedig â natur a/neu fywyd gwyllt ac os felly, dywedwch ychydig wrthym am bryd y daethoch o hyd i ddiddordeb gyntaf neu pan wnaethoch deimlo cysylltiad. Mayka: Rwy'n teimlo'n gysylltiedig â natur ers cyn belled ag y gallaf gofio. Un o fy atgofion cyntaf yw cloddio nyth o fwydod gyda fy nhroed noeth mewn ymgais i ddringo i fyny bryn bach ger tŷ fy rhieni. Nid y creadur mwyaf poblogaidd ond rwyf bob amser wedi cael fy nhynnu at infertebratau. Maen nhw mor wahanol i ni mamaliaid.
Jack: Rwy'n bendant yn teimlo'n gysylltiedig â natur, ac rwyf wedi bod ers yn ifanc iawn. Roedd fy mam bob amser yn annog fy niddordeb mewn anifeiliaid pan oeddwn yn blentyn trwy ddod o hyd i ganllawiau maes biolegol i mi (‘Roeddwn i’n arfer edrych ar y lluniau yn unig). Un atgof cryf sydd gennyf yw ymweld ag RSPB Conwy yn blentyn a chael fy annog i ddod o hyd i ‘bwystfilod bach’ gan un o’r gwirfoddolwyr. Ar ôl dod o hyd i fuwch goch gota esboniodd y gwirfoddolwr ei gylch bywyd a sut mae’n ffitio i mewn i ecosystem a’i bwysigrwydd i organebau eraill.
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moonavem · 2 years
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He was the first human I saw.
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sp00kworm · 3 years
I would love a Bram Strokers Dracula, where the reader is 21st century going on a college trip to the castle. She gets to stay in his room and he watches her, slowly falling for her and her love of literature. Then there’s a ball? where he re-emerges and woos her.
Pairing: Dracula x Female Reader, Vampire x Female Reader
Part 2 
A restoration trip to a dilapidated castle from the time of the Persian empire. Before that – your teacher had gloated in the class. You tugged your suitcase along and shouldered the weight of your backpack with a grunt before you looked up through the gate at the tall, crumbling structures.
“Part of it is in working order, with electricity and water. It gets cold but its completely safe. The other half is partly beyond saving. We want extra hands helping out with the library. There are scrolls which need a delicate touch, or they will turn to dust. That’s where you come in.” You nodded at the lead with a small smile, “Don’t look so glum!” he cheered, “Its saving history, after all.”
You tuned out his talking as your small group entered the ramparts, stepping through the iron bars and in through a heavy, new door. It smelt of freshly dried wood still. The inside was lit with new electric wall lamps, but a few candelabras were still in use, dripping wax into small holders. Everything was made of dark, grey stone, and the walkways lined with rich red fibre rugs. The portraits were restored and bright with colour. You tried not to gawk as the man lead you all to the rooms for your stay.
“Your room is the last one, but probably the grandest.” he announced as he opened another large door, revealing a grand room with a large four poster bed, covered in sheer fabric and lit with candles and electricity. The walls were covered in maps and old paintings of the surrounding countryside, but the new glass in the windows kept out the cold mountain air, “You’ll need to get the fire going but there’s kindling and wood for you. It was said that this was where Vladimir himself slept, but it seems to be just a myth from what documents were left.” The door closed behind you and you didn’t remember saying goodbye or registering the man leaving. You turned from the door and stood your suitcase up, looking around at the circular room. You were in the corner tower.
“Amazing…” You whispered as you felt the new cotton sheets and let free the silk curtains, “Its all a bit much for a stay as an overrated librarian.” You laughed as you opened your bags and headed to the wardrobe, unaware of the eyes watching you from the rafters.
 The vampire watched as you left for dinner and observed as you came back to clean and go to sleep. You dragged a book with you wherever you went. The titles were unknown to him. He was tired. Dracula curled into the rafters, hiding his face behind his leathery wings as the light burned his pupils. It was too bright. He listened as you blew the candles out before turning himself out of the stone and hanging from a wooden beam. Asleep. He slipped over the silk and watched again, his eyes drooping. The door opened and he slipped back up the rock.
“Master is she not enough?”
He looked and saw his latest follower. He opened his mouth and snarled.
“She is?” The lead architect hummed before jumping back to the door as a claw slammed near his face, “Is she, not right?”
“Get out of my sight.” He hissed before he slammed the door closed and rushed back into the rafters to watch you jump and squirm with the cold.
 The next day, you entered the room with an old fable scroll. A woman had written it for a child. A horse who lived in the stream wooed women before dragging them under the water and eating them. A young boy took the creature’s shined pebble necklace and had the beast for his own, until his daughter took the necklace and ended up in the creature’s grasp. She wasn’t seen again until the full moon came, and she rode the creature, bare, through the stream and into the ponds and lakes beyond. He knew it well. He remembered not understanding if the daughter was happy. It was a strange tale, but you smiled as you wrote it from the scroll and into a large book. The date and catalogue number were somewhere, but you seemed to take no notice as you started cleaning the parchment. He pulled his wing back over his face and settled in to sleep, listening to you singing softly.
 Days. For days he crawled through the roofs, watching you clean, hum, read and catalogue. You had a talent he was in awe of, and he was quick to ask about you. His follower obliged. A student. He could not believe you were a student at this age. Times have changed, or so he was informed. Women were not beholden to men. He laughed, a shrill noise which echoed in the bowels of the castle, shaking spiders and rats from their hiding places.
“Women are a challenge, master. They do not fall at a man’s knee anymore.”
“Did they ever, my child?” he asked with a hiss, “Women are a treasure to be found and looked after, lest they become scorn and curse your soul.”
The vampire laughed again as his disciple rushed away to excuse the noise and to lick his wounded pride. Dracula slipped into a coffin and buried into the soil before the follower returned. He leaned over the coffin with a bag, and Dracula grinned before sinking his teeth into him.
 “Ah, it appears he had family business to attend to.” Your teacher hummed at the letter, “But we can continue the work. A replacement is making their way here.”
“That’s odd.” You whispered as you returned to the library, “He seemed so keen to translate those books.” You rushed back to your workstation and looked down at the table. The ink was spilled and with a cry you grabbed for the papers, holding them up. The ink flowed off them like oil on the surface of water, and you gasped at the face that was revealed on the plain piece of parchment. It was a dragon, curled around itself. A family crest. You looked at it in wonder before laying the paper down and looking at the book it had come from. A cold hand laid on your shoulder as you turned, and you jumped as a man stood behind you.
“Dracul.” he whispered, “The dragon.” His hand laid over your eyes before you could utter a sound and blackness took over.
 “My love?” A man asked as your eyes opened, “You are going to be late.” The same man uttered again.
“Late for what?” You roused slowly and looked up. A silk canopy hung above you. You were back in your room, “What happened?”
A man sat at the bedside, his face sharp, angular and pale, with eyes that shone like a cat. The dark brown eyes softened. Dark hair fell over his shoulders in waves as he sat on the bed. Sharp nails curled over your shoulder.
“I have waited a long time.” He whispered, “But now, we can dance. Like the stories.”
“What is…” He leaned over and placed a kiss on your lips. The scent of iron clung to him and you pushed at his shoulders before fangs grazed your lips.
“You were brought here for me, but I will show you wonders of which you have never seen.” he reached for the bedside and pulled out the book you had been writing fables in, “A story like no other.”
You looked at the fangs in his mouth and realised who he was, “Dracula…”
The vampire smiled and leaned over you, pressing your hands back to the cushions before his fangs punctured your skin.
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
naruto moves into the forest of death bc loving that place is in his blood
I see this, I love this, it begins a long time before Naruto is born and it goes a little bit like this:
Hashirama never fully recovers from the fight with Madara.  Not really, not fully, not in the ways that truly matter for a man and a shinobi.
He keeps a strong presence for the village and those who would seek to do Konoha harm but to those closest to him, to those who know the man behind the titles and the legend, the differences are stark and grim.
Hashirama spends more and more time in the forest, spends days and nights out amongst the trees and the flowers and the sprawling roots, pouring more and more of himself into all of it as he goes.
Tobirama argues with him about his distraction, about his distance, about his decision to pass the mantle of Hokage onto Tobirama who never really wanted it but wears it now because he must, because Hashirama asked.  Because Tobirama has always done all he could do to make whatever Hashirama wanted into a reality.
Hurt and hurting Tobirama’s words and accusations are cold and cutting, because that is what a life of too much war and too little peace has made him in moments like this, when fear and love rides him hard, and unlike Hashirama he’s never been able to slip more than a fraction of that mantle.  But, most of all, Tobirama is desperate not to let his beloved elder brother slip through his fingers like so many others have in the past.
They built the village Hashirama and Madara dreamed of to stop the death and the suffering so why is Tobirama’s beautiful and lively brother seemingly so determined to fade away.  To go where Tobirama cannot follow?
He doesn’t understand and if there’s one thing Tobirama truly hates in this life it is not knowing.
But Hashirama just smiles at him, reaches up to pull him down so he can press a kiss to Tobirama’s forehead, and then drifts away back into the trees.
Mito watches her husband just as closely and sees what Tobirama, her brother in all the ways that matter, sees.
Hashirama, once so vibrant and alive, is ... diminished.  Fading bit by bit.
But, unlike Tobirama, Mito keeps her silence.  Words have not been necessary between her and Hashirama for years now.
Instead she follows him into the forest when time and her duties will permit it, sometimes even when they do not.  She watches him breathe new life into a forest that already teems with it.  Watches him eradicate sickness from saplings, watches him push them to grow until they are towering monoliths with bark as hard as iron.  She watches him run calloused, battle worn fingertips over flower petals and leaves with the gentle sort of reverence that he’s always touched her with in their quieter moments, in the times when passion and lust and heat were not necessary. When only love was.
She loves him all the more in those moments, in these moments of fading light, even when she knows that he is leaving her.  Going somewhere she cannot follow, not with her duties, not with what she carries.  Not yet.  Likely not for decades to come.
“Mito,” Hashirama sighs to her one night when the fireflies are thick and the trees sway down to meet the both of them.  “My beloved Mito.”
“Husband,” Mito murmurs back as she always does, one hand smoothing over his hair where his head is resting in her lap.  “My foolish husband.”
“I cannot give you back the sea,” Hashirama whispers once the silence has grown thick and heavy around them.  “I cannot return you to the whirlpools and the eddies.”
“You took neither from me so they are not yours to return,” Mito tells him sternly, lovingly.  “My choices were and are my own, you wood brained idiot.  They have never been yours to carry.  If I wanted the ocean I would simple go to it.  But Konoha is my home now.”
“My fierce fire-pearl,” Hashirama smiles then, soft and small.  “My beloved ocean rose.  I would bring the very sea here to meet you if I could.  Or I’d pester Tobirama into doing it for me.  But instead I give you this, an ocean of trees, a sea of leaves and flowers as wild and untamed as Uzushio’s itself.  Here you will always be safe, here you will always find me.”
“I will never need to find you,” Mito tells him, the hand laid atop his chest clenching just a bit in the battle silk above his heart.  “You will not go where I cannot follow you, you know better by now.”
“Of course, dear,” Hashirama smiles.
They both know it for the lie that it is.
They both know he’s already leaving.
And when he loves her there, pressed down onto a bed of soft clover and surrounded by trees that seem to sing, Mito tangles her hands in his hair, raises her hips to meet his own as steadily as the tide, and weeps.
Mito is a widow no more than a month later.
Tobirama does not weep but the skies do it for him, monsoon like rain washing over Konoha the moment he feels Hashirama’s living and present chakra signal fade away into nothing.
For three days and nights there is only rain, water rushing down streets and swelling the rivers and lakes.
The villagers pray for sun.
Tobirama mourns.
The trees of the forest sway and sing.
Years pass and Mito wanders the forest in her free moments, hands trailing over tree trunks and vines alike, fingertips ghosting over flower petals and slowly unfurling buds.
As she walks she whispers or rants or sometimes sings, telling the forest her days, her nights, her triumphs and her failures.
And always, always, the trees hum and sway and sing back to her in welcome, in safety.
In love.
Tobirama wanders the forest in his free moments, leaving streams and ponds in his wake as he goes.  He pulls fresh water to the surface, cleanses stagnation where he finds it and ensures that it does not return.
‘Refuge,’ Tobirama thinks as he pulls water from the air and the ground as he breathes his own form of life into the forest his brother had loved and nurtured like a child.  The forest he had tried and failed to hate in his grief.  ‘Let this be a refuge, let this be a place of peace.’
He does not speak to the trees that feel so like his brother and yet not.  Does not talk or argue or scream or rage or beg.  He keeps his silence now as he had not then.
But the trees sing back regardless.
Hashirama had always known all of the things Tobirama could never bring himself to say.  Had always been able to read beneath and between and around whatever Tobirama did.
His forest is no different.
Far too soon Tobirama is gone as well and Mito is alone in a way that has far too little to do with the number of people around her and everything to do with her heart.
More years pass and her isolation, her loneliness, only grows.
She is one of last of a quickly dying breed, one of the few who truly remembers life before the villages.
She aches for her husband, for her brother, for her family.
Sometimes, in her darker moments, she even aches for the burden she knows she will pass onto another.
And now she aches for the Clan she has lived long enough to see destroyed.
When Uzushio falls Mito takes to the forest as she always does these days.  As she has for years and years now.
She does not rage.
She does not weep.
Instead, kunai in hand, she bleeds.
Uzumaki blood and life force flow out onto rich dark soil, is pressed onto iron bark tree trunks and splattered over flowing vines and unfurled leaves.
Seals flow from her bloody finger tips, are pressed into the ground with every whisper quiet step she takes.
“Shelter,” Mito half begs, half demands to the forest that has been her companion for so long now.  “Uzushio has fallen.  Hashirama, my love, my people are slaughtered and scattered and lost.  You said you would give me the sea if you could, you said this forest was built for me as much as it was for the village.  So let this be a shelter. Let this be a place of safety for those who truly need it.  Let the Uzumaki blood find home and hope beneath these branches as I long have.  Let them know your love as I do.  Should they come, let them stay.”
And all around her the forest hums and sways and sings.
Mito, bloody hands pressed against the trunk of the colossal tree that Hashirama had once made love to her under, laughs.
And then, finally, she weeps.
Time passes, the village moves forward, and so many, too many, forget things that should never be forgotten.
The forest grows darker, the trees, with their tunneling roots, grow more imposing, the animals more vicious and wild.
The trees stop singing.
Instead they rattle and shake and hum in what some would swear is anger.
Naruto has always liked plants.
Has always liked the green and growing things that can be found almost everywhere around the village.
Trees and flowers and vines don’t hurt him.  They don’t call him names, or throw things at him, or spit and stare and hit.
Plants are kind. Plants are safe.
And there’s far too few things or places or people in the village that Naruto can truly call safe.  Not for him.
Chest aching, Naruto swipes at the mess of blood and tears smeared across his face as he pushes himself to go faster, to run harder.
He just wants to be away.  Away from the name calling and the hitting.  Away from the hurt.
He barely even pauses when he hits the fence littered with warning signs he can only half read, just scrambles up and over it without even breaking his stride.
Naruto might not be good at or for much of anything but he’s always been good at this.  At running and climbing and finding his own way.  It’s not much but it’s all he has.
The forest is dark and gets darker the deeper he runs.  The trees grow thicker and taller as he goes too, grow bigger than anything Naruto has ever seen besides the Hokage Mountain.
He runs until he can’t anymore, until he collapses at the base of a tree even bigger than the others he’s seen in the forest.
Chest heaving, tears welling up in his eyes again, Naruto presses his bloody hands and face against the thick bark and cries.
Around him to forest goes still, goes quiet.
“Please,” Naruto whispers, unsure of why he feels the need to talk to trees when not even people want to listen to him. “Please help.  It hurts. It hurts so much.  I don’t want to go back.  Please.”
And even as exhaustion rips and claws at him, forcing black in around the edges of his vision, Naruto swears that, for a split second, the tree he’s leaning against almost seems to sing.
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cinebration · 3 years
Water-breather (Din Djarin x Reader) [Request]
I saw that at your request were open and was wondering if you’d do a mermaid au of din djarin x female mermaid reader ? — Requested by anon
Fun fact: Star Wars has an actual mermaid-like species known as Melodies. They are native to Yavin 8 and are known in the Legends “canon” of Star Wars.
Warnings: creature violence
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Gif Source: djarsdin
The Mandalorian hadn’t expected to chase his bounty clear to Yavin 8, a tundra moon orbiting a gas giant. His bounty, a human by the name of Cornelis Offkin, had taken a beating from the Mandalorian’s Razor Crest, forcing the man to crash-land on the arid moon near the purple mountains ridging the surface.
Din didn’t have time to appreciate the dry beauty of the place. His bounty was somewhere here, his tracks plain in the scanner built into Din’s helmet. He followed the illuminated footprints through the dense wood at the base of the mountain range, rifle slung over his back, blaster at his hip. Strange, cloying smells wafted up into his helmet as he stepped on dense underbrush.
As he neared the base of the mountain range, Din slowed beside a small pond, confused by the footprints he was seeing. Offkin had seemed to stop, then spun around quickly, scattering dirt and detritus. Then a mad scramble deeper into the trees before sprawling to the ground.
Din scanned the area. Had Offkin been attacked? The ground beside the bounty’s footprints had been smoothed by something that had either remerged or entered the still pond. The surface of the water remained smooth.
Din reached for his blaster.
Water sprayed in all directions. Din glimpsed green-black eyes and large fangs before he was on his back, half in the creature’s mouth. Rearing back, it dragged him off the ground easily. Pain lanced up Din’s thigh, excruciating. Stifling a scream, Din tried to pull free his blaster.
The serpentine creature tossed its head back, opening its jaw wider. Din felt himself slipping further into the creature’s throat. He had never considered that he might die to a creature rather than some bounty. At least he knew the fate of Offkin.
An ear-piercing screech blasted the Mandalorian’s ears. The serpentine creature writhed, hissing.
Din glanced up to see huge wings spreading from behind the creature. Oh great, it flies, he thought.
A giant beak peered over the top of the creature’s head, followed by the predatory eyes of a raptor. Din caught his own reflection in the volucrine creature’s pupils before he was suddenly falling.
The serpentine creature rose above him, borne aloft by the avian animal.
Din hit the water hard.
Din gasped for air, choking up water in his helmet and inhaling it in again. Sputtering, lungs screaming, he shoved the helmet up a fraction and spewed the water out and down his chin, breathing air. It burned in his throat, but he sucked it up greedily, only distantly noting the musty mildew smell and taste of it.
When his lungs stopped aching, he breathed easier and took stock of his surroundings. Dimly lit by bioluminescent plants, the cave in which he sat appeared endless. Stalactites hung down from the ceiling, reflected vertiginously in a dark pool to his right.
Eyeing the water warily, he slowly rose to his feet, checking his weapons. Everything was where they were supposed to be. He tried to make sense of how he had arrived in this place, the last thing he remembered being the water engulfing him.
The stalactite reflection rippled. He tensed, ripping out his blaster from its holster. The ripples slowed near the edge of the pool. Din aimed, ready to kill.
A head tentatively emerged from the water, humanoid. Din found himself staring into your eyes as your chin lifted above the waterline. In the bioluminescent light, your face was limned in soft green.
“Hello.” It was all the Mandalorian could think to say.
“Hello,” you echoed. Your voice sounded like a trickling waterfall.
“What is this place?”
“Okay. How do I leave?”
You shook your head. “The reels are out. They hunt.” You spoke in Galactic Basic haltingly. “Not safe.”
“I have to get back to my ship.”
“Wait here.”
Din frowned. He wouldn’t be able to collect the bounty on Offkin, which meant he needed to find a new bounty as soon as possible. He couldn’t wait around losing credits. “How did I get here?”
“One of young ones found you. Brought you here to safety. The reel was not alone in the water.”
He pictured the serpentine creature writhing in fury and pain above him. Shivering, he suddenly remembered the wound in his leg. Glancing down, he found it wrapped in some kind of plant, covered thickly in a dark paste. The latter smelled atrocious, but the wound felt cool, his leg flexible.
“How long do I have to wait?” he asked.
“Sunrise. Reels and avrils sleep.” You made a motion with your hands, imitating wings.
Sighing, Din sat back down, trying to think his way out of the problem. The snake-like thing—the reel, he corrected—had caught him in the water. Looking around the cave, all he could see beside the smooth rock walls was water.
“How do I get out?” he asked again. “How did I get in?”
You patted the top of the water’s surface, sending ripples across the water. “Through lakes.”
It took him a long moment to realize what you meant. One of your people had dragged him through a system of underground lakes to this hidden cave. The only exit was through the reel-infested water.
Sighing again, he leaned up against the rock behind him and gently massaged feeling back into his wounded leg. He felt your gaze on him trying to bore through his helmet.
She may think it’s my actual face, a little voice inside him said.
“Why here?” you asked, propping your arms on the shore of the pool. He watched in disbelief as something crested the surface of the water behind you: a fin.
“I was…tracking someone. The reel got him.”
You frowned but nodded. Din was mesmerized by the fin, watched it slowly move back and forth like a woman moving her legs.
“Rest. I come later to take you to your ship.”
“Thank you.”
With a smile, you pushed back from the edge and slipped back into the water, your fin flashing. Din thought about it for half an hour before sleep took him under.
He wasn’t confident about being dragged through interconnected lakes. He didn’t have a water-breathing apparatus built into his helmet, and he wasn’t sure he could hold his breath long enough.
When you reemerged from the water, the water hovering just below your collarbone and no further, you hefted up a handful of blue-green algae.
“What is that?”
“To help breathe in water.” You mimed placing it over your mouth and nose. “Breathe little.”
Anxiety slithering up his spine, Din took the algae and turned away, lifting the helmet to plaster the slimy material over his mouth and nose. His heart stuttered in his chest, telling him he couldn’t breathe through the pond scum. Fighting it, he resettled the helmet over his head.
He found you had searching a hand from the water, reaching for him. Hesitating, he looked into your deep eyes, looking for deception. He found only an open and honest expression. Taking your hand, he let you lead him into the water. The chill sent a shiver through him as he went deeper into the water, his clothes and armor weighing him down.
You held onto him easily, wrapping your arms around his torso. Panic seized him again as you kicked hard, sending you both careering through a hole in the cave wall beneath the water. He blinked against the burn of it in his eyes as you maneuvered through the tunnels connecting the lakes.
He fought the urge to breathe despite the ache in his lungs. The algae stayed firmly in place despite the water sloshing up under the helmet. He felt stuck in a fishbowl, watching as the world rushed by, dragged along in a current with you acting as pilot and rudder.
At last, he gasped in a breath. No water entered, only a small puff of oxygen pulled off the slimy algae. He held his breath again, focusing on the feel of your arms around him, trying to lose himself in the comfort of being held for the first time since…ever.
Then you were breaking the surface, emerging into a sunlit glade. Kicking gracefully over to the shore, you pushed him onto the ground. Din turned and yanked off the algae, breathing fresh air. The Razor Crest stood a little ways off, its surface gleaming dully in the morning light.
“Safe,” you assured him, gesturing up at the sky. “No avril.”
“Thank you.”
You nodded. “Travel safe.”
He almost laughed. “I try.”
You flipped back into the water, your finned tail arcing behind you. The light glittered off your scales in a flash of brilliance.
Din didn’t leave until the water returned to stillness. The image of you disappearing beneath it would haunt him for years.
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evolutionsvoid · 2 years
Had another instance of finally remembering a dream, and it was a doozy. Sadly there wasn’t anything too crazy monster-wise for me to draw something up, but the whole setting and experience I had just needed to be written down somewhere. So here we go!
The dream was of me working at a research station on a mountain range, one that felt like it was somewhere in America. Our station wasn’t at the top of the mountain, but more of halfway up. The place we stayed at was surrounded by walls, and the buildings were kind of dorm style, with everyone having a small room, but everything else being community space (shared kitchen/living room etc.). There was a road to our little compound, but it was dirt and very long. Our station was small, we had only about a dozen people there, but at the time of the dream I knew every person there. The main reason that this dream stood out to me was because I felt like a completely different person. There were no “huh, this is weird” or “wait, this isn’t real!” moments. I was a field work technician there, and had been for months. This was just daily life, waking up, meeting with the other techs there during breakfast and then going out on research excursions. I knew all these people, we had worked together for awhile now. There was a deaf girl I was good friends with, we had been on the same team for multiple excursions at some point in the past. There was a point we were talking while preparing dinner. Don’t remember the details of the conversation, but it was pleasant. Regardless, all of us were up here on the mountain because we were doing research on whatever the hell was happening there.
The mountains we were stationed on were called “The Smokey Mountains,” and they were home to some sort of anomaly. From a certain elevation upwards, strange occurrences and changes showed up on these mountains. The higher you went up, the stranger and more messed up things got. Despite being up high, there were flowing rivers and ponds, trees growing where they shouldn’t, and the whole mountain was riddled with man-made tunnels and bomb shelter-like construction. At some point in time, the government had come in and tried to do something to the mountain, thus they made all these tunnels. But the anomaly caused issues and they abandoned it, leaving behind these empty spaces. The constant debate amongst our team was if this anomaly existed before or after the government tinkered with the mountain. Weather changed rapidly and wildly, strange creatures roamed the mountainside, and there was a bizarre aura to the whole mountain. It was our job to go out each day and observe what was happening, and return to the safety of the walls before nightfall.
My dream had me go out on three separate excursions, some more memorable than others. The first one I recalled was going out to the rivers and ponds that sat a little lower on the mountain than our camp, and watching the otter/seal creatures that swam in the waters. The only thing I really remember was that a pair of tourists had hiked up to the same pond I was at, to see these beasts. We chatted briefly and I recall pointing out that one of the larger creatures was playing and chasing another smaller one. One of the hikers cut in to say “I don’t think he’s playing,” just in time to see the larger one (turned out to be a male) get a little randy with the smaller one (turned out to be a female). Embarrassment ensued, and we all kind of left.
The second trip had me going out to check on a smaller station we had set up higher on the mountain. It was just a shed and some measuring equipment  surrounded by more walls, and I went up to make sure it was working properly. Once I opened the gate, I found that the local mountain man and his horse had set up camp the previous night within the walls. I don’t remember his name, but he was a fellow that had stayed on the mountain most of his life, regardless of the danger and anomalies that were present. He had black overgrown hair and a long black beard. He was a serious fellow and a survivalist, he knew how to make it on this mountain by himself. The horse he traveled with was just as hardened and serious, never showing fear or nervousness, always calm and careful. I got talking with him for a bit, but then he pointed out that we weren’t alone. He turned my attention to a rock outcropping a little higher up the slope. What emerged was a large gorilla-like creature whose skin was made of stony pieces. The rock ape was gray in color, and had come out to sun itself. All three of us remained still, hoping that the giant wouldn’t notice us and we could slip away. Unfortunately, it discovered our presence and came bounding down the slope at us. It leapt over the walls and went after the fellow’s horse. It grabbed the animal like a toy and ran about the compound. The horse barely reacted, just going limp, while his owner advised me to keep calm and not chase after the ape. Running and yelling would only rile it up more, and it could take it out on his horse. Eventually, the rock creature grew bored. Before it left, it bit one of the horse’s back hooves off and then dropped the animal. It bounded over the walls and disappeared into the wilderness. By the time we were sure it was gone, the horse had gotten back up and limped over to us unfazed. The mountain man said that his horse would be alright, and that he would make a prosthetic for its missing foot. I was sure he knew what he was doing, as he had lived up there for so long. We parted ways at that station, and I headed back to camp.
The last excursion was the most eventful and most remembered one, and that was where things got even more interesting for me. For this one, I was paired with our research lead, and we were hiking up the mountain for observation. After a bit of climbing, we got to a place to stop and rest. We thought the coast was clear, but suddenly another stone ape appeared from a hidden cave. This one was black in color, and was much more aggressive. It spotted us and started making threatening motions with its arms. We started to back away slowly, but we weren’t fast enough. The large beast yelled something out, and then a large shadowy panther came bolting out of the cave. The ape sicced this huge cat on us, and we had to flee. I saw that the cat was targeting me, so I jumped off a sheer cliff and grabbed at a tangle of vines on the way down. I hung from the side of the cliff as the dark creature shot over the lip and plunged down just past me. It fell into a pond far below, where the water boiled and hissed. Eventually what emerged was a regular sized black cat, that bolted out of the water and vanished into the forest. Though the threat was gone, I had no way to get back up, so I climbed down and did my best to find safety.
What happened after I got down, I don’t know. All that was apparent was that things had gone sideways and I got in quite the mess. My pack was gone, my wallet and phone were missing and I was pretty banged up. I stumbled through the forest looking for help, only to suddenly find myself before a walled off resort. I had somehow gone quite far down the mountain to wind up here. One look at the place, and I instantly knew who they were and why we all hated them. This resort had been built lower down the mountain for tourists to come and stay so that they could see all the weird creatures and anomalies. A long time ago, the research station had argued that the resort was too close to the mountain and was in danger of the anomaly. The resort claimed they were perfectly safe, and since nothing terrible happened publicly and the resort brought tons of tourism, no one stopped them. But I had recalled many conversations around the dinner table and during excursions where we were certain the resort was still within range of the anomaly and that it was only a matter of time before tragedy struck. I entered the resort and sought out the front desk. I remember seeing families playing in the courtyard, and children riding these personal-sized hot air balloons to see the mountain and its weird inhabitants. It was a happy scene, but one I knew would someday go sour.
I eventually found the front desk, while also noticing some of the brochures. There was a bunch of stuff about tours and hikes, and I saw that my research station was a seven mile hike away. With it being later in the day, there was no way I could hike that far and make it back before nightfall, and no one walked that mountain at night. Another detail I had spotted was a mention of another rock ape that was spotted on the mountain. This one was said to be white in color and had blue growths on its body. There was no picture, but it was made out to be the star of the show. Regardless, I headed to a receptionist, when a realization hit me: They are going to think I am sick. The anomaly of the mountain caused some kind of sickness or condition in those who stayed upon it. The higher you went up, the stronger its effects. What this sickness did, I never found out, but I knew my team didn’t have it. We somehow had a way to ward off these effects, but I knew that these resort folk wouldn’t realize that. The resort was supposedly built far enough away to be safe from this sickness, but everyone was sure they weren’t. Guests didn’t stay long enough to feel the effects, and who knows what they did to the employees. With that thought in mind, I went to a receptionist who was behind one of those clear sneeze guards, in hopes that she wouldn’t freak out with a barrier between us. I explained my situation and asked for a ride back to the station. She said “no” and suggested I hike the way back. I was in no shape to hike and wouldn’t make it back in time, so I started to haggle for a ride back. Last thing I recall from the dream was trying to win this woman over into giving me a ride back by telling her how cool it was up there and how awesome my coworkers were. I just remember sweetening the pot with things like “My friend, _____, makes her own arrows! And _____ knows all these martial arts! And my one coworker, ______, does these really great drawings!” It was like I was trying to win her over with a talent show. I felt that I did secure a ride back to the station, but that was where the dream ended.
This dream didn’t have much in sakes of monsters, but the setting has really stuck to me, as well as the person I was. It felt so real, so lived in. I had been there for months, knew all these people and had these memories. I had friends, experiences, conversations from the past. And it was all atop this bizarre mountain that no one could explain, but we were adamant in figuring out. Makes me wish you could continue dreams, because I really wanted to see more.   
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midnightmoonkiss · 4 years
Sweet Temptations
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Izuku Midoriya X Reader
Summary: The rain certainly provides the perfect atmosphere to nap in.
Category: Fluff
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: It was raining a few days ago when I was taking a nap, so I decided to conjure up a self indulgent fic >~<
Just To Clarify:
Izuku is your fiance
you both live together in a house in the mountains
commute to work is probably a pain but oh well
The sprinkle of rain pitter-pattered gently on the roof of your shared home, dribbling off of the sides and thumping against the flat, smooth rocks strategically placed beneath.
Though it was faint, the splashing of its drizzle in the koi pond just beside you could still be heard, even through the paper shoji dividing the two seperate spaces. The fresh yet blissfully familiar earthy scent of it seeped in through an open, wood-framed window not too far from where you sat, rain splattering noisily onto the vibrant red maple leaves just outside of it. The sweet sound molded together with the soft jingle of chimes swaying in the light breeze to create a beautiful melody that soothed your soul more-so than any show ever dreamed of doing.
Downpour was always best in the spring, the cool atmosphere welcoming it with loving arms. It always gave you a good excuse to stay bundled up on the plush couch, sipping at a freshly made cup of herbal tea. 
The wide TV just in front of you idly played something you couldn’t quite remember the name of, becoming more of background noise as your eyes always seemed to travel back to the droplets lazily flowing down the foggy glass of the window, dripping down onto the wet frame.
Surely the water would seep inside soon, traveling slowly down the wall just to puddle on the tatami mats, but the fresh air it provided was too good to pass up for something so mundane. 
Besides, it would take a long time for that to actually occur.
Days like this were the ones you found yourself loving the most.
A day to relax your bones stiffened by adult duties, letting the sounds of nature wash over your tired being. 
A day to not have to worry about anything.
No responsibilities, chores are already taken care of, work all done.
There was absolutely nothing of any importance that needed your immediate attention.
The lack of work wasn’t the only good thing on this fine day, though.
It was the peace and quiet.
A perk of moving into a home a ways away from the bustling city was the relative stillness, as well as the much-needed privacy.
That, and being surrounded by wildlife.
The place was a traditional Japanese home, or similar to it as the realtor had said. Surrounded by trees, flowers, well-placed stones, and babbling brooks. 
Living in a house like this was always a dream.
Perhaps thats why you were able to convince your lovely fiance to live here.
Tatami floor mats cushioned your near every step, the woodwork filling the interior the house becoming a sight for sore eyes every time you happened to notice the beautiful craftsmanship.
Everything was pristine.
New, yet held that comforting sense of tradition you always wanted.
A place where you could build a life with your handsome husband-to-be.
Yawning, you placed your tea cup onto the coffee table before stretching out on the couch you had lounged around on for far too many hours, arms rising high above your head. A satisfied groan left your lips the moment your back popped, the sickening crack being far louder than you had originally anticipated.
Boy, was your posture in true shambles.
The bone king quaked at your very feet.
You snorted at the thought, hopping off and stretching your legs out for a moment.
A quick press of the button turned the forgotten television off with a jingly bleep.
No point keeping it on when a new quest had opened up for your curious soul.
The quest of: Finding Izuku and annoying him.
Honestly, who would you be if you spent too long willingly away from him?
His sheer presence was far too calming and therapeutic for you to ever even consider such a foolish option.
Or perhaps you were just as love-struck with him as you were when you first had met.
Besides, knowing him, your big man probably desired your company as much as you suddenly did his.
So, grabbing your cup of tea, you slid your tan slippers on over your Christmas-themed fuzzy socks, wrapping your cozy (F/C) blanket around your shoulders before setting out on your little adventure.
It was around noon, the sun high in the sky shining as brightly as it could behind a plethora of darkened clouds. He always seemed to like reading around this time, his internal clock making his fingers itch for something to grab and run his eyes over.
Oftentimes his fingers swept through news articles on his phone or turned a delicate page of a random book that previously caught his brilliant green gaze at that old book store at the edge of the city that felt, in many ways, like a home you never knew you needed.
The store's calming ambience was the key inspiration for the fairy lights and various decorations scattered about your home, especially that kotatsu that sat in the middle of your living room.
Your feet padded gently on the tatami as you made your way around the house, first checking his little office hidden away in the back. It was hard not to cringe at the state of it. Papers were scattered everywhere and overflowing from the poor trash bin, random maps sprawled out on the desk, notebooks filled with notes and ideas to the left of his old, squeaky chair. It was a mess. Did he ever clean this place?
You were tempted to do so yourself for a split second, before realizing everything was in a specific place for a reason. A reason unknown to you, but known to him, as he explained sorrowfully the one night you did clean his office. He was a messy boy, forever and always. At least with his work. His mind ran too fast for his hands to keep up half the time, resulting in.. chaotic messes only he could comprehend.
Blinking, you slid the door shut with your foot, sipping at your drink as you carried on your search.
The house was quiet, save for the ever-present pattering of rain against it, giving no real indications of his true whereabouts.
Typically you could rely on his persistent muttering to swiftly locate him, but today was as silent as ever. No doubt the atmosphere got to him as well, making him want to relax somewhere and listen closely to the soft rainfall whilst doing whatever he pleased.
Humming, you checked each and every room you came across upstairs first, looking for the man you loved oh-so-much.
As time ticked on and minutes flew by, you found yourself getting pouty, fingers thrumming against the now empty mug as you continued searching.
Where on earth could he be? Sure, the house was a bit big, but you had already managed to cover the entire upstairs floor and the majority of the bottom. Calling out to him would be easier, he’d no doubt reply in that cheery tone that graced his voice whenever he spoke to you, but you wanted to find him on your own. Surprise him to a degree.
His senses were sharp, and he’d hear you the moment you came a few meters near him -  no matter how quiet you were, but that wasnt going to stop you from trying to surprise him.
Plus, calling out his name didnt quite seem appropriate. The still, chilly air would be ruined by your voice, and you couldn’t help but subconsciously want this search to go on until you yourself found him with your own eyes, and not use his voice as an aid.
After checking a few more rooms, you sighed heavily, head thumping against the wall as your resolution crumbled beneath your feet.
Was it really worth it? Being silent?
You weren’t even a ninja or some vigilante, you were just a bakery owner who never needed to sneak around, especially their own living space.
With a huff of aggravation, you walked to the kitchen. Holding an empty mug was pointless and served no purpose other than getting in your way, so naturally you decided to get another drink.
Oh, what to choose?
There were so many options to choose from other than tea.
Well, not really. More like, an endless amount of tea and three other things. Probably. 
Coffee? No, no, even if you were feeling a bit sleepy, now was not the time for a caffeine high.
What about hot chocolate?
Yes! Absolutely! 
This cold weather certainly called for a nice, hot cup of a sugary sweet, chocolatey drink to warm your tummy and renew your resolve.
As you were mixing the cocoa powder into your warmed up cup of milk, watching with childish glee as the dark brown swirled with white for a moment until it mixed into a nice tawny brown that reminded you of delicious brownies, a distant noise caught your attention.
Your head instantly perked up, eyes flying up to peer out the large window in front of you.
Rain continued to pour softly down onto the wet and muddy ground, momentary water halos forming as they splatted down onto the darkened pathement.
A car zoomed past, throwing muddied water up onto the far away end of your driveway.
So it was a car.
It was hard not to feel disappointed at that, partially because you had hoped it was Izuku giving away his location by accident. 
Though he could be quite loud at times, that man had the power to be quieter than a kid told to wake their parent up in a bit to do chores.
With a discontented sigh, you placed the spoon into the sink, sprinkling some tiny marshmallows into your drink before walking off to continue the man hunt.
There weren’t too many places left inside for you to check, and you managed to do so in only a minute or two.
Truly, you were dumbfounded.
Where could he possibly be?
Did he take his car and go somewhere?
No, no, he would have told you if that were the case, and you would have seen him exit the front entrance as well.
So where?
You stopped in your tracks, being slapped upside the head with sudden realization.
Of course he wouldnt be inside huddled away like a lonely hermit on a day like this, no, he’d enjoy it! Breathe in the earthy fresh air as it enveloped him. 
He loved the rain far more than you did, so it made sense.
You smiled, taking a big sip of your hot chocolate as you suddenly knew exactly where he was.
It was hard to say you didn’t feel like a complete idiot for missing something so simple as you walked back to the living room.
There was always one place he liked to hang out at during a nice day.
On the engawa hovering over the koi pond.
You stopped just in front of the shoji screen, excitement already sparking in your system.
You rocked back and forth on your feet as you took a breath to calm your racing heart, the goofiest smile etched upon your face.
Your fingers dipped into the slots used to open the door, 
“BOO!” You screeched like a banshee down at the man relaxing on a cushion by the edge of the wood, glasses tipping off his nose as his focused eyes stayed glued to the book in his hands.
“Ahh!” He playfully shouts in response, a smirk upon his lips as he notices your exasperated state slinking down onto your knees on the polished floor with a look of utter defeat upon your cute face
“I was trying to scare you..!”
Came your complaint, eyes boring into his own as you pouted.
“I was scared. I screamed!” Izuku chuckles, shoulders shaking as he couldnt control that goofy smile of his.
If he was trying to look convincing, he was failing horribly.
You huffed at his antics, he was far too cute to even pretend to be mad at.
You should have known better, though, trying to scare the number one hero in his own home was like trying to scare someone who knew you were coming from a mile away.
Plus, you knew that before you even realized where he was.
It was to be expected of such a talented guy.
After sliding the shoji shut to keep the warmer air in, you crawled over to him. His upper back rested comfortably on a wooden support beam as his legs sprawled out in front of him, a leather book perched on his lap.
“So, what are you reading?” from the looks of it, it seemed to be an older book of sorts, the pages a yellowish-white and the cover boring no text.
You were now sitting beside him on your knees in what would’ve been shoulder to shoulder if he wasn’t so much more taller than you, sipping at your drink once more.
It was simply too good to resist.
“It was described to me as a ‘classic’ at the store. It’s a book filled with multiple fairy tales, each having a sort of.. theme or moral told in ink at the end. There's got to be at least twenty or so in here..” he spoke with enthusiasm, eagerly showing you the one he was currently reading.
“‘The Little Mermaid’?”
It grew increasingly rare for children to know the tale of The Little Mermaid, or at least, the adaptation of it that was shown on a screen. It was a fairly old film, one you remember your grandparents speaking briefly about with joy, but still a very beloved one. A joyous little tale of a red-haired mermaid seeking the love of a prince. How cute.
But why on Earth was he reading a children's book, then?
Not that you’d ever judge him, it was just that his taste was generally more.. Sophisticated. To a degree, of course.
“Yes. But this is the original one. The true tale of ‘The Little Mermaid’, the one filled with pain and gore.”
“P-pain.. and gore?” Well now that certainly didn't sound like a children's book. Is that why it's called a classic?
He hums, thumbing through a few pages, “It’s kind of inspiring. Each step she took felt like she was walking on glass, but she never gave up on being with her prince. I think, at least, I haven’t really finished it yet.”
“Are all the originals that horrifying?” you looked down at the book with disbelief, certainly not expecting each dream-like fairy tail to revolve around a horror story.
“Some are worse, some are better, but it’s a nice read.” he shrugged, going back to his original place in the book and nudging his glasses back up on his nose.
They always did make him look so gosh darn cute.
His eyesight was as perfect as the sky was blue, but for reading? He needed glasses. They were those cheap kinds found at bookstores, but damn if those black frames didn't pull his handsome face together.
He looked so attractive, even in this dulled lighting.
You’d expect someone to look gloomy when it rains, the shadows casted by the caliginous sky and stormy clouds bringing out the sadness buried deep within someone's soul and causing them to frown. Something mystical yet scientific. The rain always brought misfortune and sorrow, but Izuku has and forever will be that sun that never stops shining brightly no matter what. That optimism despite even the toughest situations always affected the way he looked, and boy did he always look irresistible. Even in this rainy overcast, he still smiled and sparkled with enthusiasm
Just another thing to love endlessly about him
You couldnt tell, but you were currently staring at him with lovestruck eyes and the dopiest smile that ever existed plastered on your chocolate coated lips.
Izuku found himself grinning along with you as his face stayed forward, peaking at you from the corner of his eye.
Your mug of hot chocolate was seemingly forgotten as you hugged his large, muscular arm, an act he certainly didnt mind if the light flush on his cheeks were anything to go by.
“You’ve got a chocolate moustache, princess.” The boy pointed out, lips pressing into a thin line to push down any giggles rumbling in his chest.
“W-what! Really?” oh, how embarrassing. How the hell did you get it on yourself? You weren’t a kid, only kids got those, right? Oh dear.
Just as you were about to wipe it off with your blanket still draped around you, Izuku turned, gently cupping your cheek and gazing deeply into your wide, (E/C) eyes.
Oh man.
His eyes.
Up close, they were the most beautiful thing you ever did see.
Age certainly did affect them, but not in a negative way. No, they were still as captivating as ever, but now there were tiny specks of brown you’d only truly see if you were this close to him, but god did they bring those eyes together. It was like staring into a forest coated in morning dew and shimmering with the blinding light of the sun.
Addicting. You’d certainly be the first to say you could stare into them for hours and never get bored.
“Here, let me.” his tone was softer than ever, yet held a bite of playfulness.
Eyes slipping closed, you nuzzled your rosey cheek into his scarred palm, an act the man you loved couldn't help but find utterly adorable and innocent.
Honestly, you were expecting him to wipe it away with his thumb or something, but the moment you felt something warm and wet lick across the top of your lip, you erupted with laughter.
“Eww! Izukuu!” you nearly choked on the words from how hard you found yourself laughing, weakly pushing his face away.
“What do you mean ew~” That teasing tone he always seemed to use on you during moments like these resurfaced, “i’ve done much ‘grosser’ things to you than just licking your lip, darling.” 
Face burning from embarrassment, you whined loudly as he gingerly pulled you into his lap, your thighs on the sides of his own, placing the book down beside him just so that he could hug you close to him.
It was impossible not to relax instantly into his comforting embrace, the blanket previously doing next to nothing to protect you from this chilly air, but his body was like a heater in itself.
So, so warm.
“You’re forgiven.” you mumble against his neck, unintentionally sending sweet shivers down his spine.
“You s-sound tired..” the bashful man stuttered in that cute way he always seemed to do when flustered, hand idly rubbing up and down your blanket clad back.
“Mm.. just a little.” You didn't even realize how tired you were until you had a chance to sink into his warmth. Perhaps searching all over the house for the past half hour wore you out more than you’d like to admit.
Plus.. the calming rain certainly wasnt helping.
It was much more intense out here than it was when inside, the splatter of it hitting the pond not as muffled as before, mainly due to the fact that the pond was so close you could reach out and touch it if you so desired.
Which you didn’t.
Because then you’d get wet.
The sheer thought of getting cold water on your warm skin made you cringe, huffing through your nose just to nuzzle it into the crook of his neck.
Breathing in his scent was like being slapped with all the good things in your life.
He always had a bit of a musky scent. It was hard to tell if it came from his sweat or just natural scent, either way- it wasn’t all that bad when paired with his shampoo and conditioner.
Always one to use, for lack of better words, green scents. Planty scents. Scents that made you just want to bury your nose in his dreamily soft, fluffy green hair and stay there all day, carding your fingers through the locks just to hear his satisfied hum.
In a short conclusion, not only did he radiate manliness, but he also smelled manly.
Isn’t that what his friend, Red Riot, would say? Manly?
It was hard to describe him as anything but that.
He certainly grew up quite a bit after his years at UA, growing taller and becoming even more buff as he got to work on the field more. Age 18 was certainly a convenient time for him to have a growth spurt. And here he was now, 25, littered with scars you always pressed loving kisses to whenever you got the chance, and as handsome as ever.
But he knew you liked his scent, because you would often tell him that. Especially when he got out of the shower. It was actually hard for him to get dressed because you were clinging onto him, enjoying the lovely smells as he desperately clutched at his towel and whined.
It was very easy for him to compare you to a baby sloth, something that always clung to another. It was cute, and he always adored the attention, something he lacked growing up.
Even now, he knew exactly what you were thinking as you sighed happily. Your body seemed to slump against his, fitting into his arms like the puzzle piece he had always been looking for. He’d be damned if he ever lost it.
Pressing a tender kiss against your temple, he smiled the moment he noticed your breathing slowly getting deeper.
“Falling asleep, hmm?” he whispered, “I guess you do nap around this time.”
As expected, he didn't quite get a response other than a simple hum.
You really were too cute.
But he couldn't blame you anyway, it was the perfect weather and place to take a nap.
It wasn't often he was able to nap with you, so you must be inwardly jumping for joy as his heartbeat and soft thumps of rain against the roof lulled you to sleep.
You always felt so.. protected and safe in his hold. And that wasn’t just because he was a hero, no, it was something more primal, like whenever you were in his arms you were always drowning in the feeling of love and safety.
Maybe it was something more than that, but you were far too tired to actually come up with any logical explanations.
So instead, you finally let yourself drip into dreamland in the warm embrace of your beloved, letting gentle chimes swaying in the wind and the relaxing sound of rain be your guide.
And Izuku?
Well, he went back to reading his book, using your lovely ass as a place to rest it.
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Victor’s R&S - So-called Disparity (Eng Translation)
🍒This R&S (“所谓差距”) will not be released in EN or any server as it’s one of the cancelled R&S which came with the Dream Heart Lake gacha event!🍒
This is a full translation, so you can follow along with the narrator if you want to!
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Summary: Goldman recognises that the gap between him and Victor isn't actually that large - it simply spans the Amazon River.
Cancelled Victor R&S:
> flashback 
> six out of seventeen
> paradise on earth
[ Chapter 1 ]
Goldman entered that university as the third highest scorer in his entire province. Before that, he always felt like students who jumped off buildings in high school were mentally weak, and were making a fuss out of nothing. It was only after entering university that he knew how blessed he was to be a frog in the well.
Goldman has always had a pretty good mentality. A normal person would require a semester to get used to the psychological gap of being a big fish in a small pond instead of a small fish in a large pond. However, Goldman only needed two weeks - to be more exact, thirteen days, to adjust. 
In his own words, it was something like this: “There is sky above the tallest mountain, and there is land under the deepest sea. This is very normal. I’ll never do something which puts me at a loss like jumping off a building. I, Goldman, have an eighty year old mother and an eighteen year old girlfriend--” before he could finish speaking, the neighbouring scholar snatched the reins of the conversation.
“I couldn’t tell at all. Just because you say something, it doesn’t mean it’s true. Show me a photograph!” The air in the surroundings of the dormitory, which was originally full of pretension, was altered by Goldman’s words.
In a sense, Goldman had a talent for being a “coordinator”.
The first time he heard of the name “Victor”, Goldman had experienced life as a university student for a month.
“Do you know the guy from 207? The one from the economics department... I can’t remember his name right now, but he’s the one who dresses very stylishly and always has a group of ladies running behind him.”
“Ah, I’ve seen that guy before. I think his surname is Gu. What about it?”
Goldman continued cutting voting slips for the student union, but his ears had long since developed a mind of their own, eavesdropping on the two people engaging in idle conversation. 
“He seems to have invested in a business run by a few third year students, and they even promised to return him thrice the principal amount in a month.”
“It’s obviously a trap.”
“Let me finish. I originally thought so too, but that guy actually bought a new car!”
“Could his family be wealthy to begin with? Come to think of it, being able to buy a car means the amount he invested as a principal sum must have been quite a lot.”
“Who knows. Anyway, he has been advertising for those third year students recently.”
“Are you stirred?”
“I am, but it was a recruitment for an intern assistant. The opportunity to earn thrice the amount is gone, tch tch tch.”
“If you think about it, If we could learn how to earn thrice the principal amount, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to be an intern.”
“It’s not rare to see such businesses come to a premature end halfway. What if you end up wasting your time if you can’t prove that you did an internship there?”
“That’s true. Also, I’m not even certain what it is they do... it feels a little weird and scary.”
The speaker didn't mean it, but the listener heard it. That night, Goldman knocked on the 207 dormitory, and heard the name “Victor” from the man whose surname was Gu.
Even though he just experienced the blow of seeing a Gold Olympiad medal in the room of this scholar, Goldman was not to be trifled with. If other people didn’t dare to test the waters, he won’t be the first one to stupidly try.
Which is why in the following year, Goldman adopted a wait-and-see attitude. 
[ Chapter 2 ]
Goldman interacted with Victor in person in his sophomore year, after he thought to look for an internship.
At that time, the newly established company which was still in its incubation stage was not Goldman’s first choice. But as a full-time sophomore, it was difficult to guarantee the prerequisite GPA in order to receive an offer from the top 500 companies. Which is why decided to try knocking on the doors of the new company.
At first, what went through Goldman’s mind was - if this company was unable to develop, he’d just go somewhere else. After all, there was still time to find other internships.
In the end, halfway through the interview, Goldman realised that the issue wasn’t whether he wanted to join the company, but whether it was willing to give him a fighting chance. Those who fluently recited their prepared lines and rehearsed repeatedly said that they failed to be accepted into the small company called “LFG”.
In actuality, Goldman’s self-introduction was cut short not even after thirty seconds, by a sharp-eyed man with short black hair.
“I only have one question. What will you do?”, with an emphasis on the word “you”.
Goldman noticed that when the young interviewer asked this question, the other interviewer had a hand to his forehead.
In just two seconds, Goldman was left dumbfounded. However, as a student leader from the student union for such a long time, he reacted quickly after a slight pause, and started talking grandiloquently about his experience of attracting financial support for businesses.
This was an experience Goldman felt proud of and thought could prove his capabilities, which was why he was full of confidence as he talked about it. 
He didn’t expect that... it wouldn’t be enough to satisfy the interviewer, who, at a glance, looked like he wasn’t good to get along with.
“I’m asking what you, Goldman, will do.” It wasn’t even a question this time. Separated across the table, Goldman could easily sense the other party’s brimming impatience.
“Ah, Goldman, don’t be anxious. What Victor means is that if you weren’t endorsed by the school, do you think that company would still support you? And what is the reason for that?”
Thanks to the other interviewer, Goldman’s interview could continue. 
When Goldman left the company, whatever impression he had of that “saviour” was merely an outline - his short hair was dyed brown, and he looked pretty easy to get along with. Apart from that... he couldn't remember anything.
The thing he remembered was that sharp gaze, that impatient tone, and that emphasis on “you”.
Oh, so that’s Victor. 
Always observant, one moment didn’t slip past Goldman: the interviewer with the genial expression looked at the CV on the desk before calling his name. 
But Victor didn’t.
On hindsight, Goldman wasn’t sure how he managed to pass the interview. Perhaps it was because Victor chose based on impressions?
Just like the moment he met Victor in person - even though he was stunned by Victor’s aura, there was a sense of expectancy and admiration in his heart. 
Vice versa - Did Victor also experience something back then - a shred of “good feeling” which explained why he allowed Goldman to pass the interview?
But Goldman would never have the courage to verify the answer to this question with Victor.
Even more so when the reputation of LFG grew, causing Goldman’s courage, which wasn’t very large to begin with, to shrink even further.
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[ Chapter 3 ]
In the year of his graduation, Goldman had a few choices:
One - pursue postgraduate studies in his major as the top of his class. Two - accept one of the offers from the world’s top 500 firms. Three - continue staying in LFG and working together with Victor.
Goldman eliminated the first option - he was in no mood for further studies. Back then, the reason why he entered the country’s top university was to find a good job in the future. Now, since he already had the second option in front of him, doing a postgraduate wouldn’t mean anything to him. 
Goldman had a long struggle between the second and third options. He even specially called his parents in his hometown to seek their opinions.
“Being a trainee is essentially meant to train me to become part of the management in the future. If I go to that company, I just have to work hard and one day, I’ll make it big.”
“Mm, and a large platform means a stable job, and a broadened view. As for the salary... it’s around this amount at the start.”
“If I stay at my current company? I’d probably continue getting scolded by my boss every day. Although the prospects aren’t bad, it might close down anytime.”
“Boss? Oh, actually, he’s a senior who’s older than me by two years. I’ve interacted with him for two years, and he’s all right, just that his temper is a little bad.”
“How do I have a bad temper? Mum, you have no idea that compared to him, your son is piteous little sheep who hasn’t even learned how to hurt someone!”
“And I wasn’t mistreated or bullied. Your son’s skin is tough like iron! It’s not like you don’t know it. Also, I'm not the only one who gets scolded by him. If he only scolds me or can’t tolerate me, why would I follow him? Your son isn’t that silly.”
“Anyway... I feel that following him has enabled me to learn quite a lot of things. I’ve also thought about it - to use my youth to give it a try, and if I really can’t do it, I’ll find another job.”
“My classmates from different fields? They’re either inheriting a business, or going overseas for advanced studies, and can’t give me any advice at all.”
“I’ve been so worried these two days. Mum, which one should I pick?”
Talking garrulously on the phone, Goldman was best described as “a baffled person on the scene.”
[Note] The first part of an idiom is used here - “当局者迷,旁观者清”, which loosely translates to “The person at the scene is baffled, but the onlooker sees clearly. It refers to how outsiders tend to have a better perspective on matters.
He was completely unaware that he had already made an important decision during his discussion with his mother. 
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[ Chapter 4 ]
Although Goldman had indeed made a decision after graduation that only a hot-blooded youth would, he wasn’t the type of person to get frenetically excited over something.
As a man, he even allowed himself to wallow in a gloomy mood for a few days each month. This “dejection every month” became all the more inevitable when his understanding of Victor gradually deepened.
At the very beginning, he wanted to learn things from Victor, and from LFG. Honestly speaking, Victor did teach him how to get multiple returns on a principal sum in a short period of time, and he was also exposed to the many rules of the market. But there were still many things that he just couldn’t get a hold of no matter how hard he tried. 
For example, strategising. For example, structuring.
The gap between himself and Victor... how should he put it, it wasn’t that large - it simply spanned the Amazon River. Even though the gap wasn’t as frightening as the Mariana Trench, it was still a distance that he couldn’t cross through sheer hard work. 
How did the proverb go? All roads lead to Rome, but some people were born in Rome. Whether it was Victor’s thinking or his vision, these were things Goldman couldn’t learn.
Sometimes, he felt discouraged when thinking about it. Despite being born into a good life and having handsome features, Victor was still so hardworking. In that case, was there even a point for a normal person like Goldman to work hard?
On one particular day, when he was harbouring such a dejected feeling, he accidentally spilt coffee outside Victor’s office. To make matters worse, Victor was sitting in the office, witnessing the scene of the coffee being overturned.
Goldman was certain that he would get chewed out by Victor: Just like the time when he made a mistake and missed an underselling opportunity, had an incorrect financial leverage, and pasted wrong labels on documents, etc...
Or maybe he’d hear a clicking of the tongue, or receive a glare. But he never expected that this time, Victor’s response only comprised of four words: To err is human.
“Boss, are you talking to me?” At that time, Victor was not yet LFG’s CEO. 
“...who else? Would I be talking to myself?”
Oh, it’s that familiar tone and familiar taunting, there’s nothing wrong - that was what the junior thought.
“Boss, are you in an especially good mood today?” At that time, Goldman was not yet as overcautious as he is.
“...I guess so.” A pause followed. When the senior opened his mouth again, it was uncertain whether it was an invitation or not. “The company going public is something that is more or less done discussing. When the time comes, I’ll need a CEO assistant.”
Such a light tone caused both parties to involuntary think of what happened during the interview a few years ago.
“...if you do that again.” his gaze was cast towards the mess on the floor. Victor’s tone was as calm as always. “I’ll do an external recruitment.”
Only after three seconds did Goldman understand what Victor was saying.
In just three seconds, the Amazon River became the limpid, clear stream outside his old home.
In this mirror-like stream, Goldman suddenly saw himself clearly:
Actually, Goldman had never sought to possess Victor’s air of a monarch.
To him, it was enough to be acknowledged by such a “king”.
After three seconds, apart from “dejection every month”, this little assistant had another motivation to press on.
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Other cancelled R&S: here
Lucien’s cancelled R&S (by other user): here
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audreyandherocs · 3 years
Thea's Cave: Chapter 1
The roars of the dragon pierced the air and trembled the ground and void. It soared through the sky as exploding towers set it off. Endermen littered across the muted yellow land, some getting in the way of the dragon’s onslaught and the players that ran across.
A girl followed her two brothers across, tired but the energy of adrenaline and the fear of death fuelling her.
She heard yelling as arrows after arrows shot across the air and into the dragon. Puny swipes of their swords slashed across the dragon as it tried to swoop down at them.
There was a yell of command and the girl looked to the side to see her brothers readying their arrows. They were almost out of food and resources in general. Weapons on the verge of breaking.
The dragon was on it’s last health but so were they.
It was their last stand.
None dared of them dared to die for they feared what would happen.
The dragon’s roar drew their attention once more as it begun to swoop down to them. Jaws begin to open to fire its dangerous breath.
One last look to their siblings before they pulled their arrows. The dragon came closer and closer, TnT ready to go off to ensure their damage.
Arrows flew and then there was a bright light. They heard crumbling and cheering then yelling as the light grew brighter and brighter. Not long after all they could see was light then there was nothing but darkness.
Words flew down that went for what seemed like forever and as they drew a close. The girl felt her eyes grow heavy with fatigue as she closed her eyes and there,
She was surrounded by the darkness and void.
Everything was warm and weightless, the girl slowly coming to consciousness every so often before slipping back into the void.
Time passed by and knowledge was whispered to her. How, she couldn’t remember. She didn’t bother to.
Then she remembered hot flashing pain. The roar of the end dragon. Yelling for her name. Desperation. She fell and fell into the cold end of the world, then she felt herself drop onto the ground.
The girl opened her eyes and white light flooded her vision. She yelled in pain, immediately closing her eyes with hands flying to cover them. Spots danced in her eyes and she curled herself onto the grass, ensuring her protection from the light.
‘Wait…grass?’ the girl thought. She flinched at her own thoughts, her own voice in her own head. Sensations begun to hit her all at once with realization. The girl opened her eyes, seeing her shadow on top of the plains of grass. Her hands felt the soft, prickliness of the weed. Smells of soil and chlorophyll filled her nose, tingling her.
She got to her knees and looked at the world she was inhabiting. There in front of her, were not darkness and void, but the familiar, long lost sight of the blue skies.
Wind brushed against her face, as if to caress her in comfort.
The girl realized, where she was and no longer was.
There was so many sensations going on and even as she closed her eyes, she could sense the world around her.
She was here.
Faintly, she knew she should be moving but at the same time, she wondered if this was a dream. As the sun moved, something old and forgotten popped from her.
‘Gather wood’
She stood up, her legs shaking while they shuffled onto the ground. There was no urgency in her as she wanted to savour everything.
This could very much still be a dream after all.
She gathered the wood, feeling the bark and flesh of the plant crumble before converting the mere few blocks into a crafting table. She made a wooden axe, before continuing to cut down the tree with more efficiency.
She relished as she swung and swung, feeling the wooden axe chip at the wood.
More wood was gathered, and she saw something red drop from the crumbling leaves. She looked and saw apples among the sticks that had fallen.
Somewhere in the static of her mind, she was surprised at the fact that there would be sticks and apples from the trees. She gathered them up and put them in her inventory before realizing a detail.
Oak Wood.
‘It’s not just…wood? There’s other types of wood?’ she thought as she looked at the oak saplings.
A childish glee and excitement to search for other saplings started to kindle as she took her crafting table before making her way forwards. As she walked among the land, an old instinct took over.
She picked at the stone to obtain cobblestone and achieved [Stone Age] as she crafted better tools and weapon. Her efficiency grew as she gathered coal and immediately made torches for the inevitable nightfall and the dangers it would bring.
She was in the zone before she found herself in a small self-made cave she dug into the side of a mountain. She had set up a little nook for herself as she placed the door in place as she saw the sun setting.
The furnaces behind her crackled as she had two going: one for smelting some iron ore she had mined, and the other for meat.
At some point, in her zone, she had found some animals. She killed any animal she could for food and sorted through the bounties. She had quickly made a bed with the wool of the sheep and cooked the mutton in the furnace. She still had chicken meat, pork, and beef to cook next.
One of the furnaces stopped kindling and she moved to check on it. The mutton was cooked and she took it before replenishing the coal and cooked the next meat.
As the furnace added further light to the small cave with the torches she placed here and there, she felt…secure. Though the darkness should be familiar to her, the darkness she knew and the darkness she was in now were two different things.
The darkness she knew was warm and weightless with no threat of monsters. The darkness she was in now was pretty and cold, with monsters in every corner.
She learned that the hard way, a start reminder of the reality around her. As she gathered as many resources as she could, getting a lay of the land, she noticed the mobsters. They were familiar as she charged.
As she brought her sword down to attack them over and over again, she had gotten scrapes. She relished the adrenaline pumping through her body and the little nicks she got, but also hated the pain it came with it.
Trudging back to her temporary base, there was a voice in the back of her head yelling at her. It was not her voice among the static but something different…both unfamiliar and unfamiliar.
‘Out in the world mate, you’re going to need armour. These guys might not be hostile to you but I’m worried for you when you need to fight hostile mobs-‘
The voice was both concerned yet hopeful, as if he was planning for her. She didn’t remember who the voice and memory belonged to, but…she felt happy to remember something from that person.
As she sat on her bed, she sorted her materials and prepared to make a leather armour with the help of the material book that seemed to stick with her. As she finished the last piece of armour, she went to put it on before finally noticing the piece of clothing article on her. It was very different from her main clothes, as it almost looked like a cloak. It was slightly singed and damaged but seemed more or less usable. It was light and radiated some sort of energy, but where she got it, she didn’t remember.
But it was important in many ways.
The night went on and she slept in the armour she had made fulfilling the advice of the voice. She drifted off into the darkness and she tried to relish the familiarity of it, wrapped in the cloak underneath the blankets.
In a blink of an eye, she was quickly woken up to the light filtering through the small window of the door.
There was disappointment and excitement at the same time before she pulled herself out of bed.
Muscle memory kicked in as she survived, gathering resources.
Survive for what?
This thought stopped her in her step. She just stood there as she breathed.
The motivation that was fuelling her now was the experience. She was enjoying the sensation and the renewed exploration. But now, as she grinded, she realized what was her goal?
She didn’t know who she was entirely. Her memories were slowly resurfacing but none that would solve her mysteries. She didn’t know why her memories were so far away. Something told her she had done this before, the few memories attesting to it, but it was all so new yet familiar as if she had gone back to a place, she hadn’t been for 10 years; all the new amongst the old.
She was surviving yes, but what was she living for?
Did she want to go to back to the void and darkness? Did she want to live to see the world?
She knew she needed her memories back.
Who was the voice that popped in her head every so often, an accent that was familiar. Stories told by that same voice. Stories of a world much like this but so personal.
‘I promise you mate, I’m going to fly you out of here and I’m going to show you how much the world has changed and everything it has to offer.’
She looked up at the sky and she closed her eyes, feeling the sun warm her skin and the wind going through her hair. She imagined wings flying and then she looked below her. By her feet was a small pond of water and her face was reflected back at her.
Her face was there but it was unfamiliar. She knew then and there that that appearance reflected back at her wasn’t her original one. Her ran her blackened hand through her messy hair, sending particles in the air.
Pink (glowing) eyes looked back at her as she blinked, a name on her tongue. She turned back to her cave as she prepared to pack up.
As night came and went, she stood outside of the little cave that was her home for a short time. Her inventory was sorted with her meager belongings (they were just material) but precious all the same.
She then turned away from her home to head in a direction and leaving the cave behind.
There a sign marked her existence, with the words: “Thea’s Cave”.
<Next Chapter>
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spaceguybob · 4 years
Oniwaka in the Mountains - Date scenario / Fanfiction - PART 2
Oniwaka kept his word through most of the time and kept holding your hand throughout the walk. Only to let go when there was a challenging part of some sort that required both hands on the ground or the supports. But immediately after you were in the clear he would find out your hand with his. Oniwaka didn't say much, but you caught him glancing at you a few times always making him smile slightly in content. Having spent so much time with him you were able to read his face and catch those minuscule changes. And you swear that he was a bit more possessive than usual. The Oni seemed prepared for any eventuality, his shoulders tight as rocks, his head checking every direction and listening to any sound or noise. Thinking of that you realized what was the familiar aroma you could smell in the air before. "You know you are not very effective in hiding if you wear perfume. I could smell it for a long time." "Who said I was trying to hide?" Oniwaka answered still busy listening to the surroundings. "It was a gift from you so I wear it every day as a sign of gratitude." He continued stating in a very matter of fact way. Without saying a further word you gently squeeze his hands and continue the climb. After a while you notice a change in your surroundings, thinking this must be the influence of one of the world collisions a bright orange building catches your eye. "Look! Quickly! Oniwaka come on!" You suddenly pull the Oni by the hand and begin power walking to get closer. "Hey! What are you? We need to be careful! Slow down!" But before he can protest any further, you reach the building you saw which reminds you very much of the Kumando Kodo waterfall shire you have seen in geography classes. In fact, to your surprise, there was a small valley surrounded by many waterfalls dropping down to a river with ponds surrounded by blooming peach trees. "This must be the place Zao was talking about." You say quietly with awe turning around to take in the view. The air felt like it was shimmering thanks to the water droplets. Oniwaka didn't say anything regarding his surroundings with raised eyebrows. "This is just like the Crimson Mountain and the Valley of Dancing Cranes. " You can barely contain your excitement babbling things to Oniwaka who follows you cautiously down a path leading to the valley below. "The what? Has somebody hit your head a few times too much?" The Oni sighted. You turned around to him with a grin on your face. " I've been watching recently this old movies collection about Kung Fu and warrior monks and Ronins and all sorts of amazing mystical fighting. There were dragons and demons, and the fights were just out of this world. And there is always one elder monk who teaches everyone and he is the master of wisdom, who is tough as steel but incredibly kind and generous." A whole waterfall of words spills out of you. The truth was you spent a lot of time talking to Krampus and you shared your love for action movies, especially when you were depressed and sad it was a sort of relief. "Kung Fu and Warrior monks huh? That's just stu-" Oniwaka started but you interrupted him with a gentle cough. "I was thinking about you watching that". You clear your throat embarrassed. The Oni behind you did say anything else but you are sure he puckered his lips. " Ehhh... I just wish I could be half as amazing as those warrior monks in that movie." You say quietly embarrassed as both of you reach the valley. There is a specific kind of quiet in the air, undisturbed, gentle. The waterfalls drop into a large lake which then separates into a few large streams and connects several small ponds. All surrounded by an orchard of blooming peach trees. The path has been carefully covered with decorative stones, and small bridges were connecting it up to an old fashioned small house. Probably a sanctuary guesthouse. As you turn to Oniwaka to say something you see him take off his white hoodie and pass it to you. "Hold this for me, will you?" He adds with a wink and walks to the water crossing. Then completely unexpectedly he performs a perfect backflip then performing a pole vault and another jump and another, all of this in front of you with a grace of a dancer, then to stop almost I'm the middle of the lake on one of the flat stones sticking out of the water performing a perfect staff balance pose for a couple of seconds then to slowly, with a circling motion of his legs, jump down on the surface of the stone. His movement was so perfect and beautiful with a promise of deadly strength. "Today, I will reach you the way of the three-headed dragon. You will know the true meaning of fear. Come now, you have much to learn." Oniwaka's low voice beams with an echo through the valley. Like a true child at heart, you are you can't stop yourself from shouting "OMG that was amazing! How did you-!" The Oni keeps his zen position with a mysterious half-smile on his face. "Uhmm... How are you going to come back?" You ask loudly concerned as the water looks quite deep. "Shut up! I'm meditating on my next move." Oniwaka growls in return making you only laugh. You patiently wait for him to find a way back to the shore, Oniwaka managed to perform more acrobatics getting just the reaction he wanted from you. While you try to return his hoodie he responds "Keep hold to it for now, for me. I'm wet and need to refresh myself when we get to the guesthouse." You hold tightly to the material wrapping it neatly when Oniwaka wasn't looking or you thought he wasn't you burrowed your face in the warm smelling material. Only for a few seconds not to get caught. The stone path leads straight to the guesthouse, surrounded by a small decking overlooking one of the ponds. The inside was refurbished and had all modern amenities. It was simple and very clean looking. "This is... Nice." Oniwaka pondered. "I'm surprised, I thought it would be more Spartan." You enter through the sliding door, finally taking off your backpack which started feeling heavy on your shoulders. "So this is what they call a Tranquil Zone. Zao has said it works like a safe house but it covers a certain area which would be this valley. " " I know what a Tranquil Zone is." Oniwaka cuts in slowly, he circles the rooms opening doors and cabinets, performing a full inspection as if there were supposed to be ninjas hidden somewhere. After a few minutes, he comes back to you. "It looks safe. There is plenty of food. You go relax now and I will prepare you a meal." "Hey, not so fast." You weren’t going to let Oniwaka boss you around. "You said you need to refresh yourself so you can start with that. I've made food before I left. " The Oni have you a challenging look, putting his hands on his hips. "Is that so? I can easily have my way with you." "I can't relax if you won't." You look at him without a sign of caving in. "Please? For me?" "You know that doesn't-... Sigh ok fine! I can't believe I'm letting myself be pushed around by such a little creature." Oniwaka ruffles your hair and walks to the bathroom. In that time you take out the food you prepared before leaving and move it to a small fridge in the kitchen section. On a small window overlooking the sink, you notice an envelope that says "To my mountain friend. From Zao." Curious you open the Letter and start reading. "My dear friend, I'm glad you have arrived at the guesthouse. My hope is you will enjoy your time here in your beautiful surroundings. Your friend was very persistent asking many questions about your trip. He requested if you two can be left alone without anyone interrupting. I agreed, in exchange, I advised him that if he keeps making you sad I will show him the peak of the black mountain and what lays below it. Enjoy your stay. Zao" You read the letter three times, slightly smiling each time, then for it to drop going back to one line - Oniwaka specifically requested for us to be left alone. Yes, you remembered Zao mentioned he would join you for some time to make sure everything is alright. With the letter in hand, you go into the bathroom and without knocking you open the sliding door. "Oniwaka Houzouin what did you tell Zao?" You say loudly. Oniwaka was standing in front of the bathroom mirror shaving ande has just finished and turned around surprised. He was naked from the waist up which made you kind of lose your words. The Oni grinned seeing your confused look and grabbed your t-shirt pulling you into the bathroom and then pushing by the wall. You always forget how big Oniwaka is and now he was towering above you with his huge body. Both of his hands next to your head, with nowhere to run. Well maybe if you tried really hard. "I was making sure we are undisturbed." He breathed heavily into your ear. " I told you earlier, there are some really bad Oni around that may carry you away to the woods if you aren't careful.  "Oh really," you say looking into his eyes. There was something wild in the way he looks at you. "Yea, but there is this one Oni that's the worst out of them all. " He picks your chin up with his hand. "And this Oni is not worth a broken coin. Are you sure you want to spend your time with a monster like this? What if I decide to take whatever I want from you. There is nobody here to save you." "You are here to save me from all of the monsters. " You say quietly embarrassed. "Didn't you listen to what I just said?" He grumbled louder. "Just shut up and kiss me." You say impatiently. Oniwaka looks at you for a split second with a wild sparkle in his eyes and reaches out for your lips. "I'm a monster. You know that and you keep coming back for more." He pulls away breathing heavily. His self-doubt is worse than ever. "I've been told every monster has a week spot. I'm trying to find yours..." You add carefully not to put oil into the fire. Oniwaka looked into your face sitting in his hand. "You are my weak spot. I feel in love with you." "Then you are not a monster anymore. You are my Oniwaka, my. Do you understand?" "Your Oniwaka. I'm yours." He repeats quietly to himself, shocked or embarrassed even. His muscular frame shifted closer to you, almost squeezing you to the wall. Now there was no way or place to run, and you could feel the heat of his body and your own emotions rising to your face. "The things I want to do to you, the things I want... They are so bad." He leans forward to your ear. "I want you so bad." Without a word said you get up on your toes and reach to kiss him only to be swept up in his arms and his lips greedily tasting yours.  You don't know when Oniwaka turned on the shower, but his huge arms lifted you and carried under the stream of water. You giggled in panic trying to remind him you are fully dressed but he ignored your pleas silencing you with his lips. It was the longest shower of your life. 
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noonaduck · 4 years
SeXd (sex ed) pt.9
Pairing: BTS OT7 x reader genre: Fluff,smut,slight angst, non idol Au Warnings: cursing Words: 2372 A/N:  If you wish there was some smut clap your hands! -claps-  Summary: Y/N is a woman who is inexperienced in anything when it comes to relationships and sex. Luckily her friend Jimin along with his six other friends decide to show her what she has been missing.
Msg me or send ask if you want to be tagged. I won’t tag you if you ask in comments. 8. < 9. > 10. 
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Okay...Things were rather awkward. You were sitting on living room couch scrolling mindlessly trough your phone when Namjoon entered the room eating an apple. The juice spurts when he bites the flesh of the fruit and some of it slides down of his chin, he is so lost in his thoughts that he hasn't noticed you yet. You try to become one with the couch but of course Namjoon would notice you and freezes in middle of his second bite.  An awkward grin rises to his face and he sits on the opposite side of L-shaped couch.
''Hey Joon.'' You sift awkwardly and try avoid his eyes. You are sure that he knew what had happened between you, Hoseok and Yoongi just few hours ago. You had left the two men to sleep in your bed and when you had left a empty space between them in your bed they reached for each other in search of warmth. You had taken a cute picture which you thought would be handy in the future. You dressed lazily in pair of sweatpants and loose t-shirt when you left your room and felt relieved when no one was in sight. You had been able to enjoy your own company only for a little while before Namjoon had came inside eating his apple.  The air felt awkward around you, after all you had had sex with someone else even after he had expressed his interest towards you. ''So you Hoseok and Yoongi?'' Namjoon doesn't hesitate and puts the cat on the table bluntly. ''What do you mean?'' ''So are you guys dating or are you dating one of them now?'' Namjoon asks his whole body stiff. ''What? No. I don't honestly know what I was thinking that I slept with them again. Still I don't regret it even though things are turning more complicated.'' You confess and bury you face to your hands. ''I don't know what I should do.'' ''Hey Y/N, it's okay. You aren't in responsible of our feelings.'' This time Namjoon's voice is gentle and you look to him from you hands. ''But now I have three men telling me that they are interested in me. I will end up hurting  someone no matter what.'' You sniff. Now that you were talking about the situation it was quick to take over of your feelings and soon you found yourself sobbing in Namjoon's embrace. ''Shh, everything will turn fine.'' Namjoon shoos you stroking your hair in calming manner.
''What's going on,  Y/N are you okay?'' Jin's worried voice comes from the stairs and he hurries  in and  sits next to you on couch. ''She had sex with Yoongi and Hoseok and now she is having melt down because of it.'' Namjoon explains while you squeeze hem of his shirt in your hands and hide on his neck. ''They did what?!'' Jin's voice is rather cold and his posture straightens on your side. ''I thought that the whole sex thing was one time thing... at least I hoped so.'' Jin mumbled the last part so quietly that you weren't sure did you hear him correctly. You pull yourself up in Namjoon's lap and face Jin who's face is emotionless while he squeezes his hands tightly in fists. ''Are you mad at me?'' You ask with raspy voice. Great, you had now made even Jin go mad. Y/N stop thinking with that thing between your legs and focus! Even though you aren't virgin anymore you don't have to go overboard. You are lecturing yourself in your mind. Jin takes a deep breath and exhales big puff of air. ''I don't know who I am mad to at the moment. I don't even understand why I'm mad. I think that I need to go to get some fresh air and calm down.'' Jin smiles to you but his grin seem rather forced, he pats your shoulder gently and gets up from the couch disappearing from the backdoor. ''I think that I need time for myself as well.'' You tell quietly and get up from Namjoon's lap. ''Thank you for comforting me.'' Namjoon doesn't answer and instead nods with small smile. You leave the living area and head towards the stairs. Your plan  is to hide in to the home office because Yoongi and Hoseok has taken over your bedroom. You have to walk past the master bedroom where Jungkook and Taehyung are currently staying and the door is slightly ajar. You can't help yourself and glance towards the open door. What you see makes you gasp and your eyes widen in horror. Taehyung is only wearing a towel covering his body and its hanging dangerously low on his hips while he dries his hair with another towel and doesn't notice you before you make a surprised sound. Taehyung looks up when he hears the air leaving your lungs and his whole body halts. His torso is covered with nasty scars and burn marks crisscrossing on his light skin. ''Get lost!'' Taehyung's surprised face turns one of in anger and he hurries to slam the door shut. You look the closed door with loss at words and just by then Jungkook happens to come up from the stairs and sneak behind of you while you keep staring at the door in your thoughts. ''What are we looking at?'' Jungkook asks curiously and tilts his head towards the door. ''Oh Jesus! You scared me to death.'' You tell and press your chest calming yourself down. ''It's nothing...So whats up?'' You glue fake smile to your face and Jungkook seems to buy it.  It's not my place to ask about Taehyung's scars at least not form someone else than himself.   ''Nothing much I was about to get my camera from the room and take some photos.'' Jungkook shrugs his shoulders and reaches for the door handle. ''Wait!'' You yell hastily and Jungkook stops in confusion. ''I actually wanted to talk about something with you.'' You let the words out before you can think anything else keeping Jungkook from entering the room. ''What is it?'' Jungkook asks curiously and you rack your head through for ideas. ''Uh, can we talk somewhere else?'' You are trying to buy some time and Jungkook lets go of the handle. ''Okay, where do you want to talk?'' ''How about outside? It's beautiful weather and I haven't seen much of our surroundings. ''In that case I know a great place where we can go. Let's meet by the front door in five.'' Jungkook's face lightens up. ''Why in five?'' ''Because I really want to get my camera.'' Jungkook smiles blushing. ''Um, okay. See you soon.'' You are quick to agree and take few steps back towards the stairs and when you hear the cursed door opening you sprint in to run and down the stairs. In the end you weren't able to stop Jungkook stepping in to the master bedroom. ~ You have changed in to comfortable shoes and pulled a oversized hoodie over your clothes. You are tapping your foot impatiently on the floor when Jungkook arrives with a black camera hanging on his neck. You have no idea about cameras and their qualities but you can clearly see that its an expensive one. ''Ready to go?'' Jungkook asks excited. Jungkook has changed into similar outfit as yours, you note to yourself, he is wearing baggy grey sweatpants with oversized black hoodie and snickers. ''Yep. Ready like a scout.'' You tell jokingly making a honor for the man when you step out of the door. Jungkook chuckles lightly at you and shakes his head. ''Where are we going?'' You ask curiously when Jungkook leads you towards a treeline in the backyard. ''You will see soon.'' Jungkook tells and takes your hand in to his without a much thought when you are walking little bit too slow for his liking.  A small blush rises to your cheeks and you hope that he doesn't notice. Soon you find yourself in the beginning of a narrow path that leads deeper in to the forest and towards the mountains. You are sure that without Jungkook you would have missed that the path even existed. ''Me, Tae, Jimin and Hannah, our old um... friend, used to play in these woods when we were younger.'' Jungkook tells while he leads you along the path. '' We even had our first try with an alcohol here. I remember how Tae's grandma was so pissed when we arrived her home drunk like a cuckoos and when Jimin puked right in front of her feet.  She let us sleep it of and when we woke up we all were suffering from the biggest hangover ever.  At least this time Jimin was able to reach the toilet on time. We heard a long lecture about risks of using alcohol when we are underage and we had to clean the whole house as a punishment. Luckily for us she didn't tell our parents what we had done.'' Jungkook chuckles fondly to the memory. ''Who is Hannah? I don't think that I have never heard her name before.'' ''She isn't around anymore.'' Suddenly Jungkook's voice becomes wary and he decides to change the subject. '' I hope that you don't mid about some walking, to be honest it takes at least twenty minutes to reach our destination.'' ''I can manage.'' At least I have more time to think about what I'm going to say... You two fell in comfortable nature and you admire the nature around you, how the trees are getting their buds and how the plant starts rising from the ground and reaching towards the sky. Soon you and Jungkook reach a spot where the path parts in two directions and Jungkook gestures you to follow him for the right path. ''What is on the left?'' You ask curiously. ''There is a cliff, there is a quite nice views actually but I can show it to you some other time. It's not much further from here.'' Jungkook tells and soon your ears reaches a distant sound of rumbling. When you get closer the source of the noise the sound gets even louder. The path makes a sharp turn around a large rock and then you see it. You have arrived to a pond where a small water fall hits the cliff rushes on the pool. ''Its so beautiful!'' You yell excitedly and spin around your hands raised on your sides. You hear a small click. ''This was Tae's, Jimin's and mine’s safe haven when we wanted to escape the world. I'm glad that you like it.'' Jungkook tells his voice almost shy. You spin towards Jungkook and see him holding his camera at his hands, so that is what the clicking sound was about. ''I don't only like it, I also love it.'' You tell smiling so hard that your cheeks starts to hurt. ''So what did you want to talk about?'' Jungkook asks and you stop on your tracks. Yeah you had to make up something quickly... You can only blame yourself from your next words. ''I think I'm turning into nympho.'' When the words slips out you can see in low motion how Jungkook eyes turn wide like a plates and his mouth hangs open.
''Ca-care to repeat that?'' Jungkook shutters his face turning bright red. You would laugh because how ridiculous he is looking if you weren't also blushing from head to toe. ''Uh, I mean how I can otherwise explain that I can't stay in my pants and make things more complicated than they had to be. First Hoseok tells me that he has a crush on me, then Namjoon and even Yoongi suggested something like that.  Even after those three confessions I had sex and even more specially threesome! I have never acted so stupid before.'' You ramble fast and try avoid watching Jungkook's face. Jungkook is only little bit older than you and a man you had make out with. For God's sake you should shut up!
''Y/N look at me.'' Jungkook's voice is too calm for your liking and you raise your eyes to meet his. ''I don't know much about women and umm... but when I had my first touch with sex I was even worse than you, always thinking about it and always looking for a hook up where ever I could and I was fifteen for fucks sake, a teenager! You are young adult who had never had even kissed a guy before you met Jimin, so its more than understandable that you have...urges.'' Jungkook coughs and continues. ''Besides I don't think you are nympho or a slut or whatever you think you are. If you were a guy I would have probably came and pat your back for the amount of laid you had lately. '' You watch Jungkook with surprise and maybe even little bit of admiration. You never knew that Jungkook could be so wise.  You had always seen him as a goofy friend, a friend who you had make out but still, who hated losing and liked to drink unhealthy amounts of banana milk. It's like someone has pulled a curtain in front of you, instead of a boy you saw a young man that was more complex than you ever knew. You feel your heartbeat rising and with a small spur of courage you lean closer to Jungkook and press your lips to his. The kiss is so quick that its more like a peak. ''Thank you.'' You tell softly and look Jungkook's face where dreamy look has found it place. Jungkook had made you feel better even when you didn't have a plan to open up for him. ''You are welcome, maybe we should start heading back or we get beating from Jin missing a dinner.'' Jungkook tells and rubs his neck awkwardly. ''O-okay.'' Jungkook's sheepish behavior is affecting to you too and you walk towards the villa in awkward silence. When you start to see the house revealing itself behind the trees Jungkook suddenly stops you by pulling you from your shoulder.  You turn around and look at him curiously. ''Y/N, I think that I like you too.'' Jungkook confess but before you had time to progress the situation Jungkook has ran away from you and towards the house.   You walk the short way back alone your restless heart consuming your thoughts.
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tags: @lylanie12 @hopeivx @vannilacake @mina-messed-up  @lonely-hufflepuff @soularbangtan @all289854 @hobitoons @vanessalovesonedirection @bbjel @doki-do-ki @yoongleskitten @chaitaewithkookies @hellosweety94 @exochanyeoltao @brokencrownqueen @hitit-thesecond-audition @kookiemonstersugatea @treetops68 @mylittlestrangeandsweetworld @lanu-la @d-noona @serendipity-secrets @recs-by-raamish @jojolovesbangtan @fanficreblogaaaa @creepysweet  @elpanvibe @kassandravictoria @kpoppower @golddaengguk @barbikatherine @hisunshiine  @nosnakeuthankyou @babymochichimmy @ranmin10 @yeontanie21 @uhmtf
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fraink5-writes · 3 years
From Darkness Into the Lantern Light - Chapter 9
We’ve finally reached Liyue Harbor--woooo!!
Thanks to @leio13​ for helping Zhongli and Childe’s journey get this far!
Summary: Once upon a time, there was a cold-hearted queen. Although the Tsaritsa, as she was called, possessed her own divinity, she coveted the powers of the other Archons. Aiming to steal the Geo Archon’s gnosis, she sent her strongest warriors to Liyue Harbor. But just when Rex Lapis was almost defeated, he escaped to another vessel, that of a powerless baby, and was swept away to a hidden tower for his protection.
Many years after the great fight, the young and ambitious Harbinger, Childe, arrives in Liyue to grant the Tsaritsa’s desire, but, on his search for the Geo Archon’s gnosis, he ends up tangled in a mysterious man’s dreams to see Liyue Harbor’s Lantern Rite.
This chapter can also be found on Ao3 here. Without further ado, please enjoy!
The sun peeked over the horizon, glazing over Ajax’s features in warm, golden light. Zhongli lightly poked his cheek. “Good morning, Ajax. It’s time to get up.”
Ajax groaned, rolled onto his back and finally opened his eyes. “G’morning.” Then he sprung up. “You’re right! We have to get going! We should have gotten through more of the plains yesterday…” He gritted his teeth.
“It’s all right. I enjoyed yesterday’s conversation.”
“No, it’s not! I absolutely won’t let you miss this—this is your dream, isn’t it?”
Zhongli smiled just a little. Seeing the lantern rite had always been his dream, but, now that he was close, his feet were heavy. If only he had a few more days…
Ajax, however, would not wait. “Come on, let’s go!” He waved, beckoning Zhongli as he started southward.
Zhongli hurried after Ajax. Any extra time would be wasted alone. If he could not buy time, he had to be sure to use it wisely. 
Ajax and Zhongli ducked through a large complex of ruins, avoiding any nefarious groups or monsters. After they had definitively steered clear of the millelith towers, they joined up with the main road again at the base of giant stairs. The two columns of stairs had such grandeur that Zhongli would have assumed they led directly to Liyue Harbor had Ajax not suggested otherwise. 
After three flights of stairs, there was a flat stretch with a couple of buildings and a prominent statue. The statue depicted a powerful but thoughtful figure. Although the man exuded the energy of a king, his features were obscured by a draping hood. As Zhongli studied the statue, his heart ached. He stared at his own empty palm as though he held his own cube. Perhaps the man in the statue was also looking for the answers to an unknown question.
“Zhongli?” Ajax’s fingers coiled gently around Zhongli’s left hand.
“Whose statue is that?”
For a moment, Ajax’s face was pensive in the silence. “That must be the god of this land.”
The god of this land?
Before Zhongli could ask another question, Ajax tugged his hand. “Come on! There’s an even better view right up ahead!” Zhongli cast one more nostalgic glance at the statue before letting Ajax drag him up more flights of stairs.
At the top of a cliff, Ajax gestured widely. “I present you… Liyue Harbor!”
Zhongli gasped. In front of him, the city of Liyue rose up like a stone staircase from the sea to the mountains. Its curved green and orange roofs glistened under the morning sun. In front stretched long wooden docks where dozens of boats with impressive sails bustled. The animated cries of people and birds drifted in the wind right to Zhongli’s heart. As he stood before the city’s grandeur, his earlier hesitation made way for the warm comfort and inexplicable pride which swelled in his chest.
A light squeeze on his hand pulled Zhongli from his feelings. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Ajax said. “But it’s even better up close!” He led Zhongli down the hill, but when they approached the bridge, he changed directions, going right into the hills. “Sorry, we can’t go through the main entrance. Not two suspicious figures like us.”
The city was almost tangible, kept out-of-reach only by Ajax’s gentle hand. Nevertheless, Zhongli followed him without objection on their improvised path around the city’s natural moat. Eventually, they came upon some ruins, at which point, Ajax led him down a stone path and across a wooden bridge.
"There—a perfect good-for-nothing!" Ajax exclaimed with a smirk. He pointed at a nearby millelith sitting atop a rock with a vacant stare. "Let's hurry!" With that, he and Zhongli darted past the millelith and a few other absentminded guards. 
When they stepped into a stone plaza, Zhongli halted. Between a curved colonnade and a bouldered wall, a tiled path snaked across a pond of lily pads. Tall stairways stretched in either direction by the entrance. 
Ajax made another large gesture. “Welcome to Liyue Harbor.”
But Zhongli’s excitement was quickly interrupted by a yank of his hair. He whipped around to see a mother consoling her crying child. “You have to be careful, honey.” She scooped up her child before stepping dramatically over Zhongli’s ponytail. A subtle frown surfaced on Zhongli’s face as he reeled in his hair.
“Don’t mind her, Zhongli.” Ajax nudged Zhongli softly. “Hold on, I have an idea. Let’s move somewhere less crowded first.” Taking Zhongli’s hand again, he pulled him up the staircase on the right. 
The stairs opened to another plaza, this one surrounded by towering buildings. Ajax pointed to an old woman by an unassuming table. She was watching over a cluster of pink and blue flowers. Ajax approached the table first. “Excuse me, madame, are you, by any chance, selling these flowers?”
“Oh, no.” The woman frowned. “I am just watching over them. But, if you would like, I can sell one to you.” She examined Ajax up and down. “Hmm… for you, I can give you a glaze lily for 5,000,000 mora.”
“What?!” Ajax jumped back. “No way! That’s ridiculous!”
“It’s not unreasonable at all.” Zhongli chimed in. “Glaze lilies are extremely rare in the wild. Nowadays they grow almost exclusively in Liyue Harbor.”
Ajax stared, his mouth agape.
“My, my.” The old woman smiled. “You are quite knowledgeable—oh.” She paused and looked at Zhongli pensively.
“Is something wrong, madame?” Zhongli asked.
“Oh, nothing.” She chuckled. “I was just noticing what remarkable amber eyes you have. They remind me of a friend of mine.” Her gaze was expectant.
“I’m sorry, but this is actually my first visit to Liyue Harbor.”
“Of course.” The tiny frown was quickly wiped off her face. “You see, I am a very old lady. My friend has actually been dead for years now.” She tended wistfully to a glaze lily.
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Oh, don’t be. I’m happy to be reminded of the memory, and happy that such cultured people are coming to this old city. I suspect the glaze lilies will be blooming happily in the near future.” She picked the glaze lily from the grass and offered it to Zhongli. “Here, why don’t you take this as a gift? In honor of my friend.”
“Thank you.” Zhongli tentatively took the flower, a spell of dizziness washing over him.
“Hold on.” Ajax plucked the flower from Zhongli’s hand. “Wear it like this.” With light fingers, he tucked the glaze lily in Zhongli’s hair by his ear.
Zhongli clutched his now throbbing head. His vision faded in and out as he squinted at the floor. “I’m sorry, but… I think… I need to sit down… for a bit…”
“Of course.” Ajax wrapped his arm around Zhongli’s waist and guided him to a nearby ledge to sit. “Take as much time as you need. I’m going to finish up some business with that old lady, but I’ll be back shortly. Holler if you need me.”
Ajax left to go talk to the old woman. Despite the short distance, Zhongli couldn’t make out their conversation, which sounded vaguely like an argument. 
Zhongli’s focus was rapidly disappearing as though his thoughts were being dragged from reality. Invasive images crawled all over his brain, threatening to explode. 
“Zhongli?” Ajax’s voice pulled Zhongli from the scenes which nearly consumed him. Countless flowers were practically erupting from Ajax’s arms. “Are you feeling any better?”
“I’m sorry. I do not know what has come over me.”
“It’s alright.” Ajax sat down on the ledge next to Zhongli. “It’s your first time in such a populated area. It’s only natural to feel overwhelmed.” He unfastened the clip and tie in Zhongli’s hair. “Let’s just sit for a while.”
Zhongli nodded, but he feared what would happen to his mind if he continued to do nothing, yet, at the same time, he felt too weak to move. Sure enough, the moment he let his guard down, his headache flared up. He contorted.
“Shh… it’ll be okay.” Ajax whispered from somewhere behind Zhongli. “Just try to calm down.” His fingers began dancing lightly across Zhongli’s scalp. Then they pressed deeper into a tender massage. Their patterned movements eased the stress from Zhongli's skull. As Ajax’s hands gradually combed through the length of his hair, Zhongli closed his eyes, letting himself slip into an artificial bliss. He made a selfish wish: that for the rest of the day—their last day—he could forget what his body was trying so desperately to remember, that he could spend the rest of the day like this, with Ajax and without another care in the world.
“Done!” Ajax danced in front of Zhongli with a huge grin on his face. Zhongli cautiously reached back with one hand to examine Ajax’s handiwork. From the feeling of it, he had done up all of Zhongli’s hair into a giant braid with interspersed flowers. “That should deal with the length problem. If only you could see yourself right now!”
“Thank you.”
“Ah—sorry.” A deep blush had covered Ajax’s face. “I got carried away. Are you feeling any better now?”
“I’m feeling fine. Thank you.” Zhongli stood up with a little twirl, trying to catch a glimpse of the silk flowers and glaze lilies in his hair. "How did you get all these flowers, anyway?"
"That old lady turned out to be not so unreasonable after all! After a bit of bargaining, she gave them all away for free!"
"Perhaps we should return some of them."
"She said it was okay! More grow all around Yujing Terrace, anyway," Ajax grumbled.
"Liyue Harbor is one of the only places glaze lilies grow. I would love to see one."
"Let's find one of these rare flowers then!"
Zhongli and Ajax strolled along the grassy borders of the terrace until they spotted a blue flower.
"It's not even in bloom now…" Ajax looked apologetically at Zhongli.
"How surprising—glaze lilies are supposed to thrive in joyful and peaceful environments." Zhongli pursed his lips.
"The old lady implied something like that too... Hers looked fine. Maybe this one is just a dud."
"There is another way to make it bloom—singing."
Ajax's jaw dropped slightly. "Huh?"
"A pleasant tune should encourage it to open its petals." Zhongli lightly cupped the drooping flower in his hand and softly began a small tune he remembered from somewhere.
"Flower gleam and glow
Let your power shine"
The stem perked up. Rings of beryl and azure petals danced concentrically around a sunlike core. Warm traces of hazy memories wafted in its fragrance. Although it swayed happily in the reminiscent breeze, one dissonant wind would be enough to knock it over.
“Would you like to try? I’m certain we could find another closed blossom.”
“Ahaha… no thank you.” Ajax scratched behind his ear. “How about we have lunch? Unfortunately, the best eateries are on the other side of town at Chihu rock.”
“That shouldn’t pose a problem. ...Unless you are already hungry?”
“Nah, let’s take our time!” Ajax offered his hand, which Zhongli accepted. “When we get to the main street, keep your eyes open for any place you want to visit.”
The main street was a wide, stone boulevard ornamented with a canopy of colors: red bridges, orange leaves, yellow lanterns, green tiled roofs and the blue sky. Casual laughter and the calls of rickshaw drivers echoed up and down its length. To the left, a giant golden fan plastered above the doorway and a humble waitress beckoned guests.
“Which restaurant is this?” Zhongli asked.
"Oh that's Liuli Pavilion."
"Then that must be Xinyue Kiosk." Zhongli pointed to the building across with an equally ostentatious carp sign above its door.
"Yeah—how did you know that?"
"After you indicated this was Liuli Pavilion, it was a simple deduction. The two restaurants are well known as the flagships of Liyue's culinary traditions: the Li and Yue styles. The primary differences between the two styles are the approaches to flavor and the sources of the ingredients. The Li-style cuisine values rich flavors, and its ingredients come primarily from the mountains. On the contrary, the Yue-style cuisine prefers light flavors. The central ingredient to Yue-style dishes is seafood. The two traditions have been competing for centuries without a clear winner. In fact, the owner of the Liuli Pavilion purportedly established his restaurant across from the Xinyue Kiosk in order to compete directly."
Ajax nodded haltingly.
"Given this opportunity, I would greatly enjoy tasting both styles from the finest chefs in the nation."
"No can do—sorry! In order to even think about eating at one of these restaurants, you need a lot of money and a reservation half a year in advance."
"That is quite a shame. To think that the ordinary citizen cannot taste the peak of its culinary tradition."
Suddenly, Ajax’s face lit up with a grin. “Never mind those places.” He yanked Zhongli’s arm and began dragging him in the direction from which they came. “Come with me.” He pulled Zhongli up a flight of tucked away red stairs. “I would be a terrible guide if you only saw Liyue from the street level—” then another flight—”aaaand…” When they finally reached the top of the stairs, he gestured grandly at the store in front of them. “TADA!”
Zhongli’s breath stopped momentarily. Before him were tables and shelves stacked with innumerable books and scrolls.
“You like reading, don’t you?” Ajax nudged Zhongli’s side. “This is Wanwen Bookhouse. Why don’t you take a look around?”
Zhongli couldn’t pass up the opportunity, but he didn’t know where to begin: the highlighted selection of the Lantern Rite, the selection of books on Liyue Harbor, the books on other regions Zhongli might have passed through on his journey with Ajax or even the tiny self devoted to books on Snezhnaya, Ajax’s homeland? Zhongli decided to skim through the shelves in that order. Although he was an avid book reader, many of the titles in the store were unfamiliar. He made note of their titles with the hope of returning to them at a later time. By the time he reached the Snezhnayan section, whose books all had ominous titles, Zhongli’s list had racked up at least 100 titles. He figured it would be better to ask Ajax about Snezhnaya, however.
When Zhongli found Ajax, hiding in a corner out of the shopkeeper’s view, his nose was deep in a book: Rex Incognito. Zhongli immediately added the book tothe list of unknown titles to investigate. “What are you reading, Ajax?” Zhongli whispered, hesitant to interrupt Ajax’s concentration.
“Oh, this?” Ajax glanced up. “It’s about an antiques shop owner trying to sell a jade plaque to a skeptical customer.”
“I was under the impression you aren’t interested in such stories.”
“You’re right; I’m not.” Ajax snapped the book closed. “What about you? Did you find anything you want to buy?”
“Yes, in fact, there are so many books here that I have yet to read—” Zhongli sighed—”But it would be impossible to buy even one of them.”
“I can buy them.”
“Thank you, I appreciate the offer; however, I can’t bring such evidence back home with me.”
“Ah…” Ajax frowned briefly. “Shall we get going then?”
Zhongli and Ajax crossed a bridge into another system of elevated walkways. Other couples dotted the path, just chatting and appreciating the view. Zhongli lightly tugged the sleeve of the fast-paced Ajax. “Look.” Zhongli gestured at the sea which stretched out below them.
“It’s a great view, isn’t it?” Ajax leaned against the railing next to Zhongli. “So many colors. The view in Snezhnaya is nothing like this. It’s all white. It’s a great backdrop though.” He grinned.
“Do you miss it, your home?” Zhongli thoughtlessly wrapped his arm around Ajax’s waist.
“Yeah… Of course. There isn’t a moment where I’m not thinking of it. But it isn’t so bad. I’m used to travelling a lot. And I love the adventure! And, you know, my siblings also like it when I send them back souvenirs.” Ajax laughed to himself. “What about you, Zhongli?”
Zhongli stared silently out at the scene before him: the rhythmic maritime traffic, the steady ripple of the sea, the light blanket of grass atop the rocky hills, and the endless cobalt sky. The caress of the ocean breeze, the calls of merchants, and the scents of imported spices embraced Zhongli. But it was impossible for him to disregard the chains of his obligations. “I don’t know,” he muttered. “No, actually, I—” Although he was so far away, he felt the stifled air of his tower in his throat, choking him. “I should head back soon.”
“What are you saying?” Ajax laughed. “We only just got here.” His hand slid around to Zhongli’s waist and held him in place. 
Zhongli let himself smile just a bit. Even if the sounds, scenery and even time faded to white noise, at that moment, Zhongli felt extremely present. He was at home.
Ajax entertained Zhongli with stories of the many landscapes he had seen on his adventures until he was interrupted by the grumble of his own stomach. “Ahaha, we should find a restaurant, shouldn’t we?”
Taking each other’s hands, Zhongli and Ajax raced across the stairs and elevated platforms, dipping and ducking out of the eyesight of guards. Even when they reached the street again, they didn’t stop, not until they had made it across a wooden bridge. “Welcome to the heart of Liyue Harbor: Chihu Rock.” 
Chihu Rock did not possess the same grandeur as the other parts of the city Zhongli had seen. The streets were narrower, and the buildings, with their wooden frames and blue tiles, were more compact. But in place of opulence, it was overflowing with energy. Potted flowers and fiery leaves danced as the wind glided from one storefront to another, picking up delicious fragrances as it went. Water bubbled in fountains and skipped through street-side canals. People filled every empty spot, chatting at restaurants and bargaining with vendors.
Upon arriving in Chihu Rock, it was not difficult to find the restaurant they were seeking, Third-Round Knockout, situated right by the fountain plaza. They sat at a table by the story-teller and ordered the legendary fermented rice balls. 
“And now, let us hear the story of the Yaksha, whose flute you might hear tonight during the Lantern Rite,” the storyteller began. The ensuing story was extremely disturbing, and it lured out Zhongli’s earlier headache. As a result, he decided early on to tune it out.
Conversely, Ajax, his chin resting in his hands, was completely enthralled in the action story. His lips wore a permanent grin, except for the occasional muted gasp. His focused eyes sparkled as if the sun of a distant story world shone within them. 
So engaged was Ajax that he didn’t even notice lunch’s arrival until Zhongli gasped. How closely they resembled Xu Liushi’s description: compact rice-ball islands in a sea of wine.
“Woah.” Ajax blurted when he finally looked down. “I think that’s pushing the definition of ‘fermented.’”
“It’s little surprise this tavern has built up a reputation.” To Zhongli, that could only be a good thing. A restaurant with a poor image would not survive, especially not without an official name. He dipped his chopsticks into the bowl without hesitation. The sweetness of the rice balls perfectly balanced the bitterness of the wine. Of course, the wine itself possessed a subtle mix of flavors that it would be pleasant to drink alone. 
As Zhongli savored the piquant interplay of tastes on his tongue, Ajax stared reluctantly at the bowl before him. His right hand twitched. 
Ajax laughed softly. “Busted again, huh? I wonder if they have spoons here...”
“Let me help you.” Zhongli stood up with the same determination from the morning before. He stepped behind Ajax and, leaning over slightly, steadied the chopsticks in his hand. “Hold it like this instead.” Each word fell warmly on Ajax’s neck as Zhongli urged his fingers into the right positions. “The trick is to only lift the top chopstick.” He opened and closed the chopsticks with a squeeze.
“Okay, I get it,” Ajax said hastily, but when he attempted to pick up some rice, his grip slipped with the top chopstick dipping into the wine and the bottom falling from position. He scrambled to right them. “It’s fine, okay? That was just bad luck.” Despite his confident claims, he fumbled through his second effort. And his third.
“Your grip—”
“‘Needs to be firmer’—I know! I just can’t focus.” 
Zhongli had been so concentrated on Ajax’s hand that he had failed to notice the vermillion glow of his face. “I’m sorry.” With a faint burning sensation tingling on his own cheeks, Zhongli retreated to his own seat. “Shall I ask the waitress to bring a spoon?”
“No way!” Ajax pouted, his gaze fixated on his chopsticks. “As with any weapon, I’m going to master this.”
“A hero who wields chopsticks? That would, indeed, give your name much renown.”
Ajax’s laugh rang out. “Just watch.” 
Sure enough, as he ate, Ajax’s grip improved, and gradually the amount of rice that fell back into the bowl decreased as did the intensity of his focus. By the end of the meal, they had resumed a pleasant conversation.
After they enjoyed their meal at Third-Round Knockout, Zhongli and Ajax hurried to meet Suling’s cousin, Master Zhang, at Hanfeng’s Ironmongers (“If we get there too late, he won’t be able forge you a quality polearm,” according to Ajax), then they meandered around Chihu Rock, stopping by a toy seller, and finally, they ended up at the docks. Zhongli had promised Ajax that he would handle all the dealings with the Millelith. So, while Zhongli, dragon kite in hand, talked to the soldier named Yong’an, Ajax hid inconspicuously amongst the crowd. But no amount of hiding could keep the three cats from finding him. 
Then, once Ajax had seemingly adjusted to the playful scratching of the cats, he was surrounded by three children.
"Mister." a bespectacled boy pointed at Ajax. "Are you a pirate?"
Ajax blinked. "A pirate?"
Zhongli, who had been holding the attention of the millelith with a fascinating discussion of trade at the docks, quickly said goodbye and maneuvered closer to Ajax as discreetly as possible.
Another boy, this one in a hat, chimed in, "Lulu said that she saw your portrait being carried by a soldier who was talking about Captain Beidou!"
"Mm, mmm." The girl, Lulu, nodded eagerly.
Zhongli tensed up. He inched towards Ajax in case they needed to escape. Before resorting to such a desperate reaction, he fielded a question of his own, "You know Captain Beidou?"
"Captain Beidou is the coolest pirate ever!"
"Whenever she comes to Liyue Harbor, she always plays with us."
"She was here just earlier."
"But she said she was busy…"
"Will you play with us, Mister Pirate?"
The three children stared at Ajax with wide eyes. Ajax threw on a toothy grin. “Arr, I’ll play wit ye! But, ye should know, I’m not a part of Captain Beidou’s crew.”
“You’re not…?”
“No, mateys! Me sails with the Cygnus Fleet!”
The children passed glances amongst each other before Lulu announced, “We’ve never heard of it.”
“Arr, not yet! But ye will! One day the Cygnus Fleet will surpass even Captain Beidou’s Crux Fleet!”
The children gasped with varying degrees of acceptance.
“Are you the captain, Mister Pirate?”
“Me? No. The Captain’s sent me to spread his name far and wide while he searches the seas for recruits.”
“But you’ll play with us?”
“Arr, a pirate always keeps his word. But, ye best be careful—ye ne’er know what a pirate may take!”
The boy with glasses pouted. “Are you one of the bad pirates?”
“Captain Beidou would never take from us kids,” the other boy added on.
“Avast! What should ya have me do, mateys?”
“Hmm…” Lulu conferred with her friends before answering, “How about, cleaning?”
“Aye aye! But, be careful what ye wish for.” Ajax’s voice dropped to a serious tone. “By the time this ship is finished, it’ll be so clean it’ll look like me plundered the whole thing!”
“Yay!” All the children cheered. They led Ajax to their ship and handed him a broom, which quickly came to serve many other jobs besides a simple sweeper, including a makeshift peg leg and a polearm for fending off imaginary, bad pirates. 
Ajax moved about the ship so gracefully and so playfully that Zhongli found it near impossible to imagine that he had a malicious bone in his body. Despite his affected pirate accent, each laugh chimed naturally like a bell in a gentle breeze. Rays of sun illuminated his smiling face and cast away the darkness that had lingered in the depths of his eyes. Although neither a pirate nor a Liyuean, Ajax appeared right at home. 
“Avast! Look at the time!” Ajax called out when the sun was low on the horizon. “Shouldn’t ye be headin’ home, mateys?”
The kids nodded their heads with reluctance. “Will you be back soon to play more?” Lulu asked. All three children peered up at him with fragile hope glimmering in their large eyes.
“I don’t know.” Ajax frowned. “A pirate’s heart belongs to the sea. He knows not where the tides may take him.”
Although the children also frowned, they seemed to accept Ajax’s reason as they soon left, calling out their bye-byes.
“Zhongli!” Ajax scrambled over to where Zhongli had been waiting and squeezed his hands. “I’m sorry to have left you alone for so long—but I still have a few more things to do. Do you—”
“Go ahead. I don’t mind.” 
“I’ll be really quick.” Ajax flashed a smile, but his eyes betrayed his regrets. His hands lingered in place.
“You should have more than enough time before the lanterns if you actually start now.”
“Right.” Ajax squeezed Zhongli’s hands again before taking off. “I’ll be right back!”
Time… The sun was a similar height in the sky as when Zhongli and Ajax set out that morning. They had had a quite full day, but was their time spent wisely? What would happen after nightfall? The next morning? Zhongli watched mournfully as the sun slowly descended towards that uncertain horizon.
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perspective-series · 5 years
Lilliputian Perspective (2)
By: @arc852 and @hiddendreamer67
Warnings: Slight fear, lying, and stealing.
(Check the reblog for the links to any future chapters)
Logan followed along slowly, noting that his hypothesis was correct. He often found himself having to pause for the Lilliputian to go further. Logan sighed. This would have been so much easier if he could have carried the man properly, but Logan agreed with the sentiment of not starting a riot. 
“Do Lilliputians have names?” Logan asked, deciding to pass the time with his endless bout of questions. “Or are you a collective who all refer to yourselves merely as ‘lilliputians’?”
 “Of course we have names,” Roman replied. “But why on earth should I tell mine to you.” For all he knew, the giant could somehow use it against him.
“Well, I shared mine.” Logan reminded him. “In my culture, it’s customary to have an exchange of names when you meet another person.”
 “Well, maybe I don’t want my name associated with some beast,” Roman replied.
“I don’t think you understand how naming conventions work,” Logan explained. “Your name is still associated with yourself regardless of if I have that piece of information.”
 Roman groaned. “Fine. It’s Roman. Happy?” 
“Roman,” Logan repeated, ducking under a low outcropping branch. “Do you have a last name as well?”
 “I might,” Roman said, smirking a little as he maneuvered around a rock.
“Ah.” So, Roman was one of those secretive types that believed keeping others in suspense about personal details would increase their value as a mysterious individual. Logan had never been fond of secrets as they tended to just get in the way of the truth. “I suppose Roman will just have to suffice for now, then. So what sort of person are you, Roman? Where are you employed?”
 “Oh, I run my...own business,” Roman said. He wasn’t sure if he should tell this giant what he actually did. People didn’t tend to take it well.
“You’re an entrepreneur?” Logan sounded impressed. He had not expected the dark-clad figure to be a man of business, but then again looking at his surroundings Logan remembered it all resembled a bit more of a renaissance era. Perhaps this was a world that was behind the times as well as shrunken down. “What is your business, then?”
 “I...aquire things to sell them.” Yeah, that sounded professional enough, right? Besides, he wasn’t technically lying.
“A tradesman, then?” Logan frowned for a moment. Was that the correct term? 
 Roman smiled. “Exactly.” Roman continued on for a few moments. “So, do you do anything other than terrorize innocent villages?” 
“Well, for starters, I have not done that.” Logan reminded him. “Nor do I plan to in the future- hence this wretched crawling.”
 “Fine, fine, you definitely do not terrorize villages, got it.” Roman still didn’t believe him. “Then, tell me, what do you do?”
“I’m a scientist,” Logan said. “An explorer, one might say. Recently I have taken to boarding ships and traveling to distant lands in order to discover strange and fascinating creations, of both flora and fauna alike.”
 “A scientist?” Huh, that was not what Roman was expecting. “Well, with the way you talk, I’m not really surprised.”
“What is peculiar about the way I talk?” Logan asked.
 Roman was about to answer but realized where exactly they were. “Oh, we’re here.” He thought it had been farther away. Or maybe he just got so into talking that it didn’t seem that long. Huh.
Logan peered over the hill, leaning over the lilliputian to see the freshwater pond. It was perhaps not the most sanitary of sources, but given the size of this island, Logan considered it would have to do. If only he had his disinfectant with him when he was tossed into the sea.
Perhaps the bacteria will be too small to do any damage. Logan joked to himself in his mind, maneuvering around the hill to get close enough to scoop some up in his palms.
 As the giant began to drink the water and his eyes were off of him, Roman began to inch away. This was his chance. To escape this giant and never have to see him again. And he wouldn’t get caught up in his ramage, which Roman was still half sure was going to happen. He just had to be careful about this.
Logan carefully raised the water to his lips. Whether or not it was infected with bacteria became of little consequence as Logan felt the soothing sensation run down his throat. All too soon he had gulped it down, only to quickly be followed by several more handfuls as Logan fought to quench his thirst.
 Okay, it was time. Logan was fully distracted and it was time to go. Roman turned and started to run away.
As Logan was about to reach in for yet another handful, he spotted movement out of the corner of his eye. Acting on his quick reflexes, Logan dove forwards and reached his arm out to block Roman’s path.
 “Ah!” Roman cried as yet again his path was blocked. “H-hey!”
It was strange, but it felt much odder to be constricting Roman’s escape attempts now that Logan knew his name. “Please don’t go.” Logan pleaded gently, trying to remain civil. “I still need your help.”
 Roman looked up at the giant warily. “My help with what exactly?” He asked.
“Well quite honestly, everything,” Logan admitted sheepishly. “I do not know the lay of the land and I can’t exactly go exploring as I normally would without starting an island-wide panic. I have no idea where I could take shelter for the night, and I am completely lost as to where I could find a sustainable food source especially considering everything’s diminutive stature.”
 “Look, I have a life I need to get back to. I can’t be babysitting some giant beast. Besides, if I’m found with you, I’ll be blamed right alongside you. Why would I put myself in that position?” Besides, whether or not he was blamed for that, if he was found, he was going to jail no matter what. 
“Well, then perhaps you should assist me before I manage to blow my cover and let your name slip.” Logan threatened.
 Roman’s eyes widened. “Wait, what?” Roman groaned. “Ugh, I knew I shouldn’t have told you my name.” Even without a last name, if his name was mentioned, especially with a description everyone would know it was him.
 “Fine. You’ve got me. I’ll help you, I guess.” Roman muttered.
“Thank you.” Logan seemed pleased with Roman’s begrudging compliance, sitting back to return to the pond. “I do apologize for the inconvenience, though. I hope you can return to your business soon.”
 “Yeah, whatever,” Roman said. The only good part was that stealing didn’t have a schedule. He could go a couple of days without doing it. It was probably good to lay low anyway. 
 Roman crossed his arms and leaned against a tree, watching Logan. “So, what do you want me to help you with first?”
“Shelter would be ideal, so I can have somewhere to set up a permanent camp.” Logan took another drink. “Although I doubt there are many options for someone of my size, especially far from civilians.”
 “Actually...I might know a place.” Though...that would mean giving up his own hideout. But if it was their only option then he really didn’t have much of a choice. “There is a large mountain not too much farther from here that has a giant cave at its base. It should fit you perfectly.”
“Intriguing.” Logan finished one last gulp of water. “A cave would certainly be ideal. Which way is it?”
 Roman sighed. “Follow me, I’ll take you to it.” At least he knew for sure that no one ever came this way. It was why he chose it as his place of residence, after all.
“Perhaps you can point me to it.” Logan corrected, noting the way the Lilliputian was heading was hidden from the civilization by a growing mountain range. The natural structures were taller than Logan himself, and the human was willing to risk standing even at a crouch. It would certainly hasten their pace. With this in mind, Logan grabbed Roman up in his fist once more.
 Roman yelped as he once again found himself in the giant’s grip. “Hey! I can walk!” Roman yelled, glaring up at the giant as he tried to push against his fingers.
“So can I.” Logan stood up, dusting off his knees which had accumulated quite a bit of debris from his crawl across the beach. “And I have longer strides.”
 Roman groaned. “Well, a little bit of warning would be nice at least.” He muttered. He then pointed in the direction of his home. “Anyway, the cave is north of here. Just keeping going that way and you shouldn’t miss it.” The sooner they got there the sooner he would be put down...hopefully.
Logan headed in the direction Roman pointed, agreeing with the statement that it should be hard to miss if it was truly to his scale. Logan had to be careful to watch his footing, as several of the smaller mountainous trees threatened to trip him as though they were nothing but tree roots themselves.
 Roman made the mistake of looking down as Logan walked and he quickly averted his gaze. He didn’t think of himself as one afraid of heights but even this was too high up for him. “You are...very tall.” Roman couldn’t help but say out loud.
Logan actually chuckled at that notion. “Among my own kind I get that sentiment as well.” Logan Gulliver was not an overtly tall man but certainly had a slightly taller than average build. Regardless, the idea of being truly giant was still quite unnerving. 
“What about you?” Logan asked, taking a moment to once again look down at Roman. “How do you compare to your countrymen?” Logan had assumed most Lilliputians were of Roman’s size, but perhaps he was diminutive even by Lilliputian standards. Or more bizarrely, tall for his kind.
 Roman shrugged. “I’m a little above average,” Roman answered. He was fairly taller than a lot of people but he also regularly came across people his size or taller. Logan definitely fit into the taller category.
“Are you really?” Logan was indeed surprised by that fact. “It’s hard to imagine a person smaller than yourself.”
 “Well, it’s hard for me to imagine someone taller than you, so I suppose we are in the same boat,” Roman said back. Roman looked ahead of him, pointing as his home came into view. “There it is, right over there.”
Logan looked up, spotting the cave in the outcropping. It was well hidden away from the weather, a bit hard to find even for the human surprisingly. A sturdy limestone structure, likely created ages ago when sea levels were higher.
“I see.” Logan crouched down, maneuvering through the rocks to look into the cave. He was pleasantly surprised to find it tall enough that he could stand, and even likely pace a few long strides back before the roof of the cave began to angle down. Regardless, it was more than he could have asked for given the miniature nature of this strange land.
“Yes, I think this shall do nicely.” Logan murmured, inspecting the outer wall with his free fingers.
 “Well, I’m glad you like it,” Roman spoke and then looked down, wincing as he took notice of all his things. “Just be careful where you’re stepping.” Thankfully he hadn’t stepped on anything coming in but he would definitely have to move everything around in order to better house the giant.
Logan paused, just a few steps in. He looked at his feet, eyes widening at the assortment of tiny furniture and trinkets scattered about the cave floor. Logan took a moment to process this, crouching down to get a better look. “...what’s all this?”
 “...I live here.” Roman revealed. “This is all my stuff.”
“Oh!” The dots began to connect in Logan’s mind. “Why do you live all the way out here? Surely it’s a long way from town.” As he spoke, Logan set the Lilliputian down near the collection of items, feeling a bit out of place as he hovered.
 Still not wanting to reveal his true occupation, he shrugged. “That’s how I like it. Not much of a...people person.” Well, he was, but others weren’t fond of him. Roman started to gather some of his things to move to the corners of the cave.
“I would argue that living out here you would be the exact opposite.” Logan offered. “Are you certain you’re a businessman? You seem more like a hermit. I don’t imagine it would be physically possible for you to make your way to the market often enough to earn your wages.”
 “Trust me, I make plenty. Now stop questioning my life choices and help me move this.” He pointed towards his bed, figuring he could use the giant to his advantage a bit.
“Where do you want it?” Logan asked, lifting it by the sides with both hands. It would be easy enough to lift with a single hand, perhaps even pinched between his fingers, but Logan felt it rude to not treat Roman’s belongings with respect.
“Just set it down in the corner over there,” Roman said, pointing to the spot he meant. “And that should leave you plenty of room.”
“Plenty being relative,” Logan commented, but he placed the bed there just the same. “So, if this is what I assume to be your home,-” (Logan would assume it to be merely a treasury if not for the furniture as well) “- why did you offer to let me take up residence here as well?”
 Roman sighed. “It’s the only place I knew that was hidden away enough and that could fit your giant self,” Roman said. “Just don’t go reading into it.” He mumbled.
“I’m actually reading into quite a lot.” Logan glanced around once more at Roman’s assortment of items, sitting with his back against the wall and his knees tucked up. “You never told me what sort of business you operate. I’m beginning to suspect your line of work has more nefarious origins than you implied.”
 “What?” Roman stayed calm, Logan didn’t know anything for sure, after all. “And why on earth do you think that? Because I keep my things together like a dragon hoard? Well, sorry if I’m a little unorganized. Doesn’t make my business any less professional and legal.”
“No, I think that because you live alone in a cave away from civilization with a strangely abundant amount of gold. You also seem particularly keen on not sharing personal details and staying out of the eyes of the law.” Logan looked Roman over once more. “Not to mention, your wardrobe gives you the appearance of an ominous ruffian.”
 Roman took a step back, glaring at the giant. “Well, I think it’s quite rude of you to be accusing me of such things when I am so graciously helping you out.”
“I don’t mean to offend,” Logan explained, knowing Roman correct. “Social graces have never been my specialty; I am often quite blatant with my observations.”
 “Well, if you don’t mean to offend, then let’s drop it and focus on the next thing I can help you with, hmm?” Roman suggested, hoping Logan would go along with it so he could keep his thief status hidden a bit longer.
“Alright, lets.” Logan agreed. It did not bother him morally what Roman’s background was, as frankly no matter his origins Logan could not see him being a threat and frankly Logan had very little room for pure morals in his company when his options for a guide were so limited. 
“Where can I find something to eat? I’m famished.” As if to accentuate his point, Logan’s stomach chose that moment to give a low growl.
 Roman winced at the noise, taking a few more steps back for good measure. “...Look, I’m willing to do a lot of things but leading people here to be your lunch isn’t one of them.” Roman admitted. He only assumed he wasn’t being eaten because he was actually helping the giant.
“What? No!” Logan’s eyes widened, horrified by Roman’s misinterpretation. “No, you have mistaken my intentions entirely. That idea is positively revolting to me.” Logan gagged slightly at the thought. “I meant sustenance that you eat, not yourself. Have you been under that assumption this whole time? How truly barbaric.”
 “Well...yeah. But good to know I was wrong.” Roman thought for a moment. “I think I know of a way to get you enough food. Just stay here, I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He started walking towards the cave entrance before pausing. “You aren’t...allergic to anything, are you?”
Logan was surprised to hear Roman even knew what allergies were- perhaps this race was more advanced than Logan assumed at first glance.
“No, I am not,” Logan assured him. “However, how could you possibly hope to bring back enough food yourself? I appreciate the effort, but…” Logan let his sentence trail off, his mind’s eye picturing Roman attempting to drag a regular dinner plate over and failing to move it an inch.
 “Just trust me, I know what I’m doing.” He waved as he started walking again. “See you later.”
Logan wasn’t sure he particularly trusted Roman, but he did not have many options. It was likely that Roman would return eventually for his belongings, and if he did not Logan could always take the risk and go looking for sustenance himself. In the meantime, however, Logan was still feeling exhausted. He crawled towards the back of the cave, stretching himself out across the cool, slightly scraggly surface. The human winced, his stomach once again growling loudly at him that it had not been fed and sending hunger pains out.
“Be quiet.” Logan murmured at it, trying to ignore it in favor of getting at least a little rest.
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 5 years
Unforgettable Memories ( Daryl Dixon x Reader )
Summary: Y/N Grimes is Rick’s younger sister. You used to be in the military and have enough PTSD to last a lifetime. With Shane’s help you created the quarry camp and came across the Dixon brother’s in the woods. You bought them back to camp, but after that everything changed and you were still trying to figure out if that was a good thing or not. 
Pairings: Daryl Dixon x Rick’s Sister!Reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: Blood, guts, language (just usual twd warnings) 
Chapter 4-
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It didn't take long, but you and Glenn eventually had a makeshift plan in place to get Merle. You had about four backup plans in case of emergencies, but you were pretty confident your first plan would work. 
"Is this kind of stuff you used to do in the military? Strategize plans and stuff?" Glenn asked after you finished explaining everything to him as he stared at you impressively and you shrugged.
"Sometimes." You replied, placing the rocks back on the corners of the map so the wind wouldn't blow it away. You stood up from your chair and turned around to find Shane driving back into camp after filling the buckets in the back of his jeep with water.
"Water's here, y'all. Just a reminder to boil before use." Shane shouted, parking the jeep by the other vehicles as he shut the engine off and climbed out. 
"Wish I would have thought of driving down to the lake with the buckets instead of walking and having to do multiple trips yesterday." You commented, walking over to the jeep as you grabbed one of the buckets, Glenn, Amy and Andrea grabbing the others.
"I always told you when we kids that I was the smart one." Shane replied with a grin and you rolled your eyes unable to stop yourself from laughing.
"Is that right? I do recall you paying me to do your homework and keep in mind I was in two grades below you. So, who was the smart one?" You asked, raising your eyebrow at Shane as he shook his head with a chuckle, but that chuckle quickly disappeared as Carl's voice cried out for help across the other side of camp.
"Mom! Dad! Help. Aunty Y/N!" Carl screamed, your eyes locking with Shanes for a split second before you slung your rifle off your shoulder and into your hands as you took off sprinting.
"Carl!" You yelled, jumping over the string of tins you had set up along the perimeter as you saw Carl run into Lori's arms and you sighed with relief, but kept running. Carl was safe with Lori and the others, but whatever he saw was clearly enough to spook him, so you kept running with Shane and Rick, a few others from the group close behind.
You reached a small clearing between the trees and bushes to find a walker bent over a deer eating it's flesh. You quickly scanned your surroundings, making sure there weren't any others before you slung your rifle back over your shoulder and pulled out your knife. But, before you could stab it, Rick, Shane, Glenn, Dale and Morales all began to beat it with baseball bats, crowbars and pitch forks.
You had to stop yourself from laughing at their attempts to kill it. You were pretty sure they all knew how to properly kill one, but wanted to take their frustration of this new world out on something, so you stood back and let them do what they needed to do. But, as Dale finally cut the head off with his axe you gasped in shock when you spotted two of Daryl's bolts sticking out the deer.
A million scenarios began flooding your mind, did he shoot at the deer and then lose it? Was he still tracking the deer and the walker bet him too it? Did something happen to him and he never got to finish the deer off? No, Daryl was smart. He was careful. He was fine. He had to be.
"It's the first one we've had up here. They never come this far up the mountain." Dale commented as you, Rick, Shane, Jim, Glenn and Morales stared at the now headless walker on the ground. He's right, this was the first walker you've seen at camp and Carl was the one to find it for God's sake. Soon this quarry won't be safe anymore, you're too close to the city. You told Shane that when you started setting up camp here, but nobody would listen to you.
"Well, they're running out of food in the city, I told you guys this would happen." You muttered glaring over at Shane before you heard a branch snap behind you in the woods. You quickly spun around, raising your rifle in the direction of the footsteps as Daryl suddenly walked out. He froze for a second when he saw all the guns on him before you lowered your weapon with a sigh of relief. His eyes glanced over at you for a moment before he spotted the deer on the ground.
"Son of a bitch. That's my deer! Look at it. All gnawed on by this... filthy, disease-bearing, motherless poxy bastard!" Daryl yelled kicking the walker and you threw the rifle over your shoulder as you watched Daryl in amusement.
"Calm down, son. That's not helping." Dale suddenly said and you sighed, that probably wasn't the right thing to say.
"What do you know about it, old man? Why don't you take that stupid hat 'n go back to 'on golden pond'." Daryl shouted taking a few steps towards Dale before turning back to the half-eaten deer on the ground. "I've been tracking this deer for miles. Gonna drag it back to camp, cook us up some venison. What do ya think? Do ya think we can cut around this chewed up part right here?"
"I probably wouldn't risk that." Shane commented watching as Daryl pointed to the bite marks over the deer's body and Daryl sighed.
"That's a damn shame. I got some squirrel... 'bout a dozen or so. That'll have to do." He replied motioning towards the squirrel he had tied over his shoulder with rope.
Suddenly, the head of the walker Dale had decapitation began to move, it's jaw snapping as it groaned. "Come on, people. What the hell?" Daryl questioned as he raised his crossbow shooting one of his bolts through the walker's eye. "Stomp it's brain. Don't y'all know nothing?"
"I'll help you skin those squirrels, it'll be quicker with more hands." You suddenly said looking over at Daryl who stared at you for a few seconds before giving you a small nod as the two of you began walking back to camp.
"Merle! Get your ass out here! I got us some squirrel! Let's stew 'em up." Daryl shouted as you walked into camp and you sighed. Shit, he was not gonna take this well.
"Daryl, just slow up a bit. I need to talk to you." Shane called from behind you as you both turned around to find him and Rick walking towards the two of you.
"About what?" Daryl asked in annoyance as you took a small step closer to him, in case he decided to try anything on Shane.
"About Merle. There was a... There was a problem in Atlanta." Shane began explaining before Daryl cut him off.
"He dead?"
"We're not sure." Shane admitted and you rolled your eyes. Yep, that was probably the worse answer he could have possibly given.
"He either is or he ain't!" Daryl growled his anger starting to rise, but you knew it was just a shield for his sudden worry about his brother. Daryl seemed to get angry quickly, but you saw the real him. You saw how he would put up this protective aggressive shield to block people out, but you saw right through it.
"No easy way to say this, so I'll just say it." Rick suddenly said walking past Shane towards you and Daryl as you shared a quick glance with your brother warning him with a stern stare to take it easy.
"Who are you?"
"Rick Grimes." Your brother simply answered causing Daryl's head to quickly snap around to you beside him with a questioning look. He clearly remembered that your last name was Grimes from when you introduced yourself that day you met him and Merle.
'Brother.' You mouthed not saying it out loud as you nodded towards Rick before Daryl looked back at your brother.
"Rick grimes, ya got somethin’ ya want to tell me?" Daryl questioned, his tone backing down slightly after realising he was your brother, but you knew things were about to turn ugly once he heard what happened to his own brother.
"Your brother was a danger to us all, so I handcuffed him on a roof, hooked him to a piece of metal. He's still there." Rick explained and you could see Daryl replaying those words over in his head trying to make sense of what he just got told.
"Hold on. Let me process this. You're saying ya handcuffed my brother to a roof 'n ya left him there?!" Daryl yelled and you didn't miss how his hands turned to fists by his side. Shit.
"Yeah." Rick nodded, not bothering to justify his response as Daryl threw the rope of squirrels towards your brother as he tried attacking Rick before Shane pushed him out the way. There was no point you trying to stop him, you could easily stop Daryl if you wanted to. All your training from the military came in handy sometimes, but you knew he might not forgive you if you decided to deck him in front of everyone given the circumstances.
"Hey! Watch the knife!" T-Dog suddenly shouted from somewhere behind you as you watched in panic as Daryl pulled his knife out. But before you could step in, Shane quickly grabbed Daryl from behind, stopping him from attacking Rick as he held him in a chokehold.
"You'd best let me go!" Daryl yelled, thrashing in Shane's grip, but he couldn't get free.
"Nah, I think it's better if I don't." Shane responded and if you weren't mistaken you thought you could hear a hint of amusement in Shane's voice. Why the hell would he be amused by this? Daryl just found out his brother was left on damn rooftop to die, how is that even remotely amusing?
"Choke hold's illegal." Daryl muttered under his grip as you took a few steps towards the three men.
"I'd like to have a calm discussion on this topic. Do you think we can manage that? Do you think we can manage that?" Rick questioned crouching down in front of Daryl, but Shane wouldn't loosen his grip.
"Shane, let him go." You ordered, but he didn't loosen his grip. It was clear Daryl was done fighting, for the love of God just leave man alone. "I said let him go!" You repeated a little bit louder as you crossed your arms over your chest and Shane finally released his old on Daryl.
"You don't tell me what to do!" Shane hissed as he stormed passed you and you rolled your eyes. You may be like brother and sister, but he still got on your nerves. 
"What I did was not on a whim. Your brother does not work and play well with others." Rick began to say, not hearing what Shane had said to you as he spoke to Daryl.
"It's not Rick's fault. I had the key. I dropped it." T-Dog admitted causing Daryl to glance up at him from his position on the ground.
"Ya couldn't pick it up?"
"Well, I dropped it in a drain." T-Dog replied as Daryl slowly stood himself up, throwing a handful of dirt at the ground.
"If it's supposed to make me feel better, it don't." Daryl mumbled trying to keep his voice stern, but you could hear the slight break in his tone.
"Well, maybe this will. Look, I chained the door to the roof... So, the geeks couldn't get at him... With a padlock. It's gotta count for something." T-Dog added.
"Hell with all y'all! Just tell me where he is so that I can go get him." Daryl said as he began to walk past you before you grabbed his arm causing him to suddenly tense, instinctively balling his hand into a fist to hit whoever just grabbed him before he realised it was you.
"Easy tiger. I'm going with you. Glenn and I already have a whole plan set up, we'll get Merle back." You said releasing his arm and catching him by surprise as he stared at you, not knowing what to say.
"You aren't serious about-" Shane began to say, but you shook your head knowing exactly what he was going to say.
"This ain't up for discussion. If someone had left Rick up there on that rooftop, they'd be lucky if they were still breathing. So I'm going to help Daryl get his brother back." You stated glancing over at Daryl who gave you an appreciative nod, but you didn't miss the slight glimmer of tears in his eyes before everyone began walking off, half of you getting ready for lunch the other half getting ready go back into the city.
You sat beside Daryl, sharpening your knife while he cleaned his arrows when you heard Shane and Rick walking across the camp. "So, that's it huh? You guys are just gonna walk off?" You heard Shane question as you looked over at them. "Could you throw me a bone here, man? Could you just tell me why? Why would you risk your lives for a douche bag like Merle Dixon?"
"Hey, choose your words more carefully." Daryl called out, glaring at Shane.
"No, I did. Douche bag's what I meant." Shane replied, glancing over at you and Daryl before turning back to Rick. "Merle Dixon. The guy wouldn't give you a glass of water if you were dying of thirst."
"Shane." You muttered, sending him a warning look and he sighed shaking his head.
"What he would or wouldn't do doesn't interest me. I can't let a man die of thirst and exposure. We left him like an animal caught in a trap. That's no way for anything to die, let alone a human being." Rick stated as he began to walk away before Lori spoke up from her chair around the putout campfire.
"So, you, Y/N and Daryl, that's your big plan?" Lori questioned as you stood up and walked over to the group of them.
"Actually, I'm going to. Y/N and I have already made a plan. We'll be in and out and back before nightfall." Glenn explained, glancing over at you as you nodded.
"That's just great. Now you're gonna risk four people? Huh?" Shane asked, looking directly at Rick.
"Five." T-Dog added, stepping forward as Daryl scoffed.
"My day just gets better 'n better, don't it?" He muttered.
"It's not just five. You're putting every single one of us at risk. Just know that, Rick. Come on, you saw that walker. It was here. It was in camp. They're moving out the cities. They come back, we need every able body we've got. We need them here. We need them to protect camp." Shane rambled, but before you could respond and tell him about the bag of guys you were also going to grab, Rick beat you to it.
"It seems to me what you really need most here are more guns." Rick replied, looking over at you before turning back to Shane.
"Rick had a bag of guns, it's still in the city." You commented as Shane stared at Rick in disbelief.
"Six shotguns, two high-powered rifles, over a dozen handguns. I cleaned out the cage back at the station before I left. I dropped the bag in Atlanta when I got swarmed. It's just sitting there on the street, waiting to be picked up." Rick explained and for a second you thought that Rick had managed to convince Shane that this run into the city was worth it, but of course, Lori had to open her mouth.
"You went through hell to find us. You just got here and you're gonna turn around and leave?" She questioned and you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration. It wasn't up for discussion. Merle was out there and you guys needed the guns, what more was there to discuss?
"Dad, Aunty Y/N, I don't want you guys to go." Carl suddenly said from beside Lori, looking over at the two of you with worried eyes.
"To hell with the guns. Shane is right. Merle Dixon? He's not worth one of your lives, even with guns thrown in." Lori added and that was it. You couldn't keep your mouth shut for any longer.
"If it was Rick or Shane or Carl or me, handcuffed on that roof, you would want a group to go back and get us. Why the hell is Merle any different? He might be a pain in the ass sometimes, but he's apart of our group and we don't leave anyone behind! You never leave a man behind!" You snapped, staring at Lori before Shane spoke up again.
"This isn't Afghanistan anymore, Y/N! What if something goes wrong at camp? You guys are taking all but two of our guns and most of our best fighters? Do you want to leave us defenceless and-" Shane began to shout before Rick stepped forward.
"Then Y/N will stay." Rick said, instantly stopping Shane in his tracks as he stared at Rick in confusion, the same way you were right now.
"Wait, what?" You questioned.
"Y/N is probably the best fighter in the group. If something goes wrong at camp I am almost certain that she'll be able to handle it, especially with you here to back her up." Rick explained, staring at Shane who seemed to stop and consider what his best friend was saying before he nodded, but you shook your head. They needed you in Atlanta, you had to help Daryl get his brother back.
Rick took a few steps towards you as he grabbed your shoulder gently. "You told Glenn the plan, he has the map you marked. We will be fine, I need you to stay back and watch the group. I need you to look after Carl and Lori. Can you do that for me?" Rick asked quietly and you sighed, glancing over at Daryl who seemed to have stopped cleaning his arrows and was now staring at you, but you didn't miss the small nod he gave you.
"Fine. I'll stay." You sighed, not happy at all with the sudden change in plans, but you had to admit, Shane was right and if you staying meant Rick and the others were still going to go and get Merle, then it was worth it.
While Rick and T-Dog tried persuading Dale to lend them his bolt-cutter, you made your way over to the white delivery truck where Glenn was sitting in the drivers seat and Daryl standing in the back waiting impatiently for the others.
"Hey." You called out, catching Daryl's attention as he walked to the end of the truck as he crouched down so he wasn't talking down to you and you smiled softly at his action before you pulled your assault rifle off your shoulder and held it up to him. "Take it. If you come across a herd or something, you're gonna need it. Do you know how to use it?"
Daryl nodded, slinging his crossbow over his shoulder as he inspected the rifle. "Ya sure ya don't need it?" He asked, looking away from the gun as glanced over at you.
"I have my handgun. You'll need it more than me, just be careful, alright?" You said and Daryl nodded again as you gave him a small smile before you turned around to find Rick walking away from Shane, reloading his pistol with bullets that he must have gotten from Shane.
"Get Merle and the bag and you guys get the hell out of Atlanta, okay?" You asked, walking over to Rick as he holstered his gun before looking over at you with a small nod.
"We'll be back soon. Take care of them for me." Rick replied, pulling you into a quick hug as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
"Always, bro. Stay safe." You whispered as pulled away with a nod before he walked over to the truck and climbed in. They better come back in one piece, you thought to yourself before you turned around and figured you might as well do something useful for the rest of the day. 
A/N- Link to my masterlist in my bio. 
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I have loved writing this fic so much and the next chapter will be up in a couple of days. Until next time, stay safe everyone and have a great day xx
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elfrootaddict · 4 years
GROWING PAINS - Chapter 1/6
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DESCRIPTION: Change. Growth. Hard truths. As the Inquisition’s Lady Herald, El’lana must step-up and help establish the orders’ influence. Many lessons are learnt and life-altering decisions are made.
SERIES: Halla & Wolf
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The month of Firstfall has come around once again in Ferelden and the locals of the Hinterlands are lucky enough not to experience the full-blown, snowy winters of those back in Haven. Nevertheless, the massive expanse of rocky hillside still experiences the icy chilled winds from the Frostback mountains, reminding the locals that no corner of Ferelden can ever truly escape the country’s infamous winter temperatures.
With Liliana’s scouts guiding their path, the trek to the Hinterlands was easy enough to accomplish. Lana, Cassandra, Varric and Solas were able to get to their destination with relative ease and good speed.
During the day, the conversations between the companions were sparse and polite. Each one trying to save their energy for the long journey they had to make each day by foot. By nightfall, they would quietly share their  rations over a small inconspicuous fire, so as to not get any unwanted attention, and then head straight for their tents to get a good night’s rest for an early rise.
And even though nobody wanted to stay up in the freezing night’s sky and talk, neither one of them quite knew what to say to the other in any way. With the diverse range of cultural, religious and somewhat mysterious differences between the unusual party, neither one of them quite knew how to break the conversational barrier in the first place.
Therefore, all they could focus on was the one thing they all have in common - to seal the Breach in the sky. And so it is this reason, and this reason only, that Lana the inexperienced Dalish, Cassandra the devout Andrastian, Varric the charming rogue and Solas the esoteric mage, have come together to seek out the potential help of Mother Giselle. A Revered Mother of the Chantry who has insisted on staying in the Hinterlands to help the refugees caught in the middle of the mage-templar war.
Lana and her companions eventually reach the top of a wide, flat outlier of ground just below the rocky plateau of Lake Luthias. They then catch a glimpse of an Inquisition tent nestled amongst the trees and the group simultaneously release a sigh of relief as they realise they have finally reached the Upper Lake Camp.
Lana finds herself admiring the inconspicuous camp, and feels its location is perfectly situated. As she catches her breath, Lana starts looking around the snuggled campsite and decides to take in her surroundings;
On the left, against the embankment of the plateau are massive boulders running all the way along the side and into the distant forest. To Lana’s pleasant surprise, she notices a small waterfall running into a large, shallow, crystal clear pond with lush green lily pads, and spindleweed scattered all along the water’s edge. However, on the right and several paces away from camp, lies a death-defying edge that overlooks almost all of the northern Hinterlands.
Having lived all her life amongst nature as well as helping the Keeper decide on a new place for when her clan needed to move, Lana finds herself impressed by such a good location for a camp. She even feels somewhat proud of this young, virtuous organisation spreading their influence so quickly and putting their words into action. Which isn’t something Lana is accustomed to, being Dalish.
As proud as she is to be Dalish, Lana knows that the only thing her people have ever truly accomplished is to merely talk about the past and preserve their magic. There has never been an expectation to actually do anything to improve their lives. Just simply ensure they do not forget.
And while she may wholeheartedly agree that preserving the little knowledge her people have left to remember is excruciatingly important, she has nevertheless always itched to do more than just talk and preserve the past.
Suddenly a young, plain dwarf with soft freckles to match her auburn hair, and striking green eyes, walks towards Lana and her companions cheerfully, “Lady Cassandra, I’m glad to see you’ve all made it. Welcome to the Upper Lake Camp. I’m Scout Harding.”
“It is a pleasure to meet you Scout Harding,” greets Cassandra as she extends a polite bow to the dwarf. “Is it the war we’re hearing down below?”
“I’m afraid so. The mage-templar war has spread far. We believe the templar’s strong hold is just west of here, near the river. They’ve probably found a good flat area to build camp somewhere upstream which is tucked away and off the main road. The mages have been sighted directly north. I’m assuming they’ve found one of the caves nearby.”
“Maker, you seem to know alot about this area.” quips Varric with an impressed chuckle.
“I grew up here,” explains Scout Harding proudly. “As a kid I would always go exploring and I haven’t quite stopped since.”
“Well then,” adds Cassandra with a sincere sigh of relief.  “I can see why Liliana has put you in charge of these scouts. It's a pleasure to have you on board. Let me introduce the rest of the team,” and turns to face each companion as she calls out their name, “This is Solas. A mage who has proven not only to be helpful, but cooperative since the day the Breach came into the sky. This is Varric Tethras. He’s…” Cassandra pauses as she tries her best to find polite words to describe the man who has only made her life hard and strenuous. “A rogue. He’s excellent with his bow.”
“Her name is Bianca,” adds Varric defensively. “And she’s more than just a bow. Don’t mind Cassandra miss Harding, we just have a bit of history. Don’t we, Seeker?”
Cassandra groans and rolls her eyes before moving on, “And this, is mistress Lavellan. The Herald of Andraste.”
“It is an honour to meet you, Herald,” remarks Scout Harding with a respectful bow as Lana steps slightly closer to the front of the party. “I heard rumours that the Herald was an elf, but I didn’t quite believe it. Until now, of course.”
Lana’s cheeks flash to a soft pink, “Oh?”
“Please, don’t get me wrong!” cries Scout Harding apologetically. “I’m not saying that it's a bad thing. I’m just saying you’re a bit of a surprise.”
Lana releases a soft smile and laughs, “Trust me. I’m more surprised than anyone.”
Suddenly a scout approaches the party in a hurry, “Lady Cassandra, there is a letter here for you.”
Cassandra tales the letter from the young scout. “Thank you,”  and turns back around to regard her party. “Excuse me, please. I’ll be back shortly.”
“Of course,” adds Scout Harding and turns to Lana with her piercing green eyes. “In the meantime, you should know that the mage-templar war is very close by. We’ve already had a few strays from both sides try to infiltrate this camp but luckily we’ve managed to hold them off.”
Lana slowly turns around to see if Scout Harding is actually talking to her. She may have the mark on her hand, which will help close rifts, but she is in no way shape or form able to handle the responsibility of making decisions regarding the Inquisition. She’s just the Dalish elf. Isn’t she?
“How eh…” mumbles Lana eventually as she clears her throat. “Bad is the fighting?”
Was that the right question?
“It’s pretty bad,” answers Scout Harding with a heavy heart. “The valley below is where most of the fighting happens, and sometimes all the way through the night. A lot of people have had to leave their homes because of it. Everything is destroyed.”
Listening to Scout Harding’s story makes Lana’s heart ache as she imagines what she would be feeling if this was happening in the Free Marches, “I’m sorry this is happening to your home, Scout Harding. This must be really hard for you.”
“Thank you for saying that,” murmurs Harding with a sincere smile. “And yes, it isn’t easy seeing this place desecrated with such violence. Forcing hundreds of innocent people to leave the homes they’ve had for generations. Luckily, we’ve got the Inquisition though, right? Hopefully we’re going to set things right again.”
“Yes,” murmurs Lana with a gentle smile. “I hope we can.”
“Would you mind following me, Lady Herald?” asks Scott Harding. “I can show you the lay of the land before you head down there tomorrow.”
“Of course. Lead the way.”
Once Scout Harding turns around and heads towards the forest, Lana quickly spins on her heel to regard Solas and Varric behind her. With wide, panicked tricken eyes, Lana suggestively begs them to come along with her. The two men turn to each other and share a quick smirk amongst themselves at Lana’s reluctance to take lead, and proceed to follow along at a respectable distance. Remaining close enough to hear what Scott Harding has to say, but not too close that Harding would be addressing all three of them at once.
One way or another, Lana is going to have to realise that with her mark and divine title bestowed upon her, people will look to her not only for hope but for guidance, too. Whether she likes it or not.
Now several paces in the thickets of the forest, Harding, Lana, Varric and Solas eventually reach a clearing that looks out onto the Hinterlands below. The setting sun illuminating the sky with bright pink and orange hues.
“Do you see that hill in the east?” begins Scout Harding. “Just beyond it you’ll find Mother Giselle in a tiny village. The village is tucked away, so you shouldn’t come across any fighting,” Harding pauses and looks up at Lana with concern. “But you never know, so keep your staff close.”
“How do we get to the village from here?”
“Well, you have two ways from here but I would suggest the second; leave camp the same way you entered but stick east. You’ll pass Calenhad’s Foothold on your left which will then lead you all the way down a path that will head north, and at the end of that path will be the village. It won’t take you long to get there and this way you can avoid entering that valley below us.”
Lana looks out to the valley and hears the faint cries of dying men and the smell of burning wood, “Thank you, Scout Harding,” mumbles Lana eventually. “You’ve been really helpful.”
“You’re welcome,” remarks Harding as she offers a sincere, respectful bow. “I’m going to head back to camp. We already have a tent ready and waiting for you and your party as well as a warm meal by the fire. It’s one of my mother’s actually - the recipe - you’ll love it I’m sure.” and turns to leave, disappearing into the trees behind them.
Varric and Solas notice Lana continue staring out onto the valley below and decide to give her some space, and turn back to unpack.
As Lana glazes out, she can see small flashes of magic light up the almost dark valley below. If she didn’t know any better, she could have mistaken them for small fireworks being used in some kind of celebration. Perhaps for a wedding or—
But it wasn’t a wedding or some other abrotary celebration the people commune over here in the South. The undeniable sound of battle and cries of dying men and women are just far too hard to ignore. Templars killing mages and mages killing templars.
No. Not killing . Murder. It’s simply cold, blooded murder.
“Herald, I believe there was more Scout Harding told you?”
Cassandra walks up to Lana’s side and notices her distressed and distractive gaze over the horizon, and realises that Lana is in no mind to talk strategies. The true horror and panic in young Lana’s large, lavender eyes is impossible to ignore, and Cassandra finds herself sympathising over the naive, inexperienced elf.
Cassandra takes in a large breath before exhaling, looks out towards the horizon, and changes the subject to the real matter at hand, “I have found that war usually does not determine who is right - but only who is left,” murmurs Cassandra as she solemnly turns back to regard Lana and pauses. “You haven’t killed anyone before… have you?”
“Is it that obvious?” murmurs Lana as she finally breaks her gaze and looks down towards her bare feet wrapped in leather.
“Not unless you have seen that look upon your face many times before,” admits Cassandra with furrowed brows. “I had months of training before I killed someone for the first time. When I was still a Seeker, I saw many of my fellow brothers and sisters go through the same vigorous training as I did. They were always so confident in the confines of our Order’s walls, but when the day came for them to put their training to use, they all had the same look in their eyes that you do now.”
“And... did they do it?” murmurs Lana still looking towards the ground. “When it came down to it?”
“They did. The months of training takes over your need to run in the other direction. You almost feel as if you have no control over your own body anymore, and you are simply doing what you have been trained to do many times before. Strike down your enemy or die trying. It was as simple as that.”
Lana looks up at Cassandra with fearful eyes for only a moment before turning her gaze back down, “I don’t think… I don’t think I can do it... if it comes down to it. I can’t take another person’s life,” and pauses for a significant amount of time before looking fiercely back at Cassandra with her voice trembling. “I won’t. I won’t do it.”
Cassandra drops her head as she releases a loud, heavy sigh, “Then you would rather be the one who dies? Instead of the person trying to kill you in return?”
“I… I don’t know.”
“I understand that life as a Dalish has provided you some kind shelter, and I can see that your Keeper took great care in ensuring your clans safely, but you are no longer within the confines of your clan, Herald. Those mages or templars will not hesitate to kill anyone they deem a threat.”
“I know. It’s just…they’re people. Their lives matter. And I don’t want to be the one responsible for taking their life,” Lana turns to meet Cassandra’s subtly surprised expression, “Oh I know, because I’m Dalish and an elf I’m supposed to think we are above everyone else in Thedas, right? Well, I wasn’t raised to think like that. The Keeper always taught me to respect all living creatures in this world. From the worms in the earth to the birds in the sky. You humans or dwarves may not believe in my gods, and yes we have a messy history, but that doesn’t mean you don’t matter. We all matter.”
Cassandra drops her head and sighs, “While I appreciate the sentiment, Herald,” and points her finger to the valley down below. “But that won’t stop them from trying to kill you. Not everyone can afford the luxury of sticking to their morals in times of war.”
The two women break eye contact and gaze back out towards the horizon once again. The sun is almost completely set and the stars are beginning to shine peacefully above, completely undisturbed by the chaos down below.
With the posture of an experienced soldier, but with a heavy heart, Cassandra turns back to regard Lana carefully, “You are the Herald of Andraste, and only you can seal the rifts. You simply cannot die. You are far too valuable to allow yourself to be killed over your morals - however virtuous they may be,” and before walking away completely, she turns back around to meet Lana’s gaze and sternly murmurs. “If you will not kill another to save your own life, then do it to save the thousands of innocent people across Thedas who rely on you. Do it for them.”
As Lana watches Cassandra disappear into the night, she turns back around towards the horizon and notices how quiet it has suddenly fallen. There are no more flashes of magic or cries of dying templars or apostates. Just deafening silence.
Which could only mean one thing - everyone who was fighting is either dead or dying from their wounds in the cold, winter night. Praying to whomever they believe in to offer them a peaceful passage to a better afterlife, and swearing curses on those responsible for their demise.
The dying people haunt Lana’s mind as she imagines them now lying alone, choking on their own blood without a single loved one by their side. Their final resting place being a battlefield that is littered with who knows how many grotesquely cut down or burnt corpses.
Did they have a lover? Children? Parents? Surely not all of them are vicious monsters everyone claims them to be?
Lana takes a deep breath and decides to head back to camp before it gets too dark. The sound of Harding’s mother’s meal is exactly what she needs right now, and could use some conversation over a warm fire to distract her mind over tomorrow.
As Lana reaches camp, she notices the number of soldiers and scouts helping the Inquisition, and if it came to it, would perhaps even sacrifice their lives for it. They have all chosen to help close the Breach and restore order by leaving their loved ones behind. Everyone in this camp is willing to sacrifice themselves to ensure the safety of Thedas. How could Lana not do the same?
They do not have a mark on their hand to close rifts, and yet here they are. They aren’t called the Herald of Andraste, and yet here they are. For all she knows, Lana also might not be the only one here who hasn’t killed before, and yet... here they are.
Realising the extent of choices and sacrifices made by the very people surrounding her, she begins to feel less remorse over the deaths of the people down in the valley who are only spreading more chaos. Suddenly, her empathy towards their deaths begins to fade ever so slowly as she imagines the destruction they have left in their paths.
Are these not the same people who burnt down and slaughtered innocents in pursuit of their cause to seek justice? Are these not the same people who attacked innocent farmers, merchants and children who did absolutely nothing to justify the defilement of their land and home? And are these not the same people who left hundreds of others destitute and turned into refugees?
Lana’s heart and stomach begin to turn over the conflicting nature of war - who is right and who is wrong? And that is when Cassandra’s wise, and truthful words return to Lana’s mind:
War does not determine who is right - only who is left.
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Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 
Halla & Wolf Series
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innerclouds · 4 years
more requests
Munday Descriptive Asks
Send me one of the options below and I’m tell you all about it.
   Describe where you live (i.e. mountians, city, forest, town, etc)
Mountains, one side of the range is fire bald, the other is worryingly dry. Further down the valley is an actual ghost town with rotted away buildings plus a few still liveable ones scattered here and there. There's a creek and some horses. There's also a trillion mosquitos. And ticks.
   Describe your bedroom (what color are the walls? Is the bed against the wall or in the middle of the room, etc)
Small, brown paneling walls that crave human flesh and blood and will flay you with their sharp groove edges. Very low ceiling which still bothers me especially since there used to be a ceiling fan for some reason, now it's just the lighting fixture. One of the bulbs needs replacing. Bed is tiny and against the wall because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to fit my desk and the bed in. There's a very narrow path in between leading to the door and the "space that shall not be named" which is the closet. Walls are covered by weeb scrolls.
   Describe your home (Is it big, small, comfy, modest, messy, clean, etc?)
I live in a shoe box, also known as a trailer. It is not very comfortable but I try to keep it as clean as possible.
   Describe a current friend of yours (without naming any names! Just adjectives!)
Workaholic, bundle of stress, slayer of v*gans, needs more vacations.
   Describe a childhood friend of yours (without naming any names! Just adjectives!) 
I don't have any of those.
   Describe what is to your left
Giant computer tower, mug of pens/pencils/scissors, computer speaker, kuroshit figurines, floor fan on blast.
   Describe what is to your right
Stack of kuroshit books, more figurines, desk lamp.
   Describe what you see out the nearest window
Window AC, neighbor's.
   Describe what is in font of you (other than any electronics you are using to read this)
A stack of two notepads, a tube of lip balm, glass of water, can of ginger ale, giant wall scroll.
   Describe what is behind you
Bed. Cat sleeping on the bed.
   Describe how you sleep (side sleeper? back? one pillow, two? how many bankets? stuffed animals join you? Another person? etc)
Side switcher, two pillows, one body pillow.
   Describe a hobby of yours other than roleplay
Cooking, (formerly)drawing, throwing money at gachas, triggering people with my mere existence.
   Describe your dream home
House in the sticks, farm land enough for a hobby farm, pond/lake/river or a combo of all three, forested surrounding, somewhere cooler temp but not frozen. Big kitchen, skylights, big bay windows, green house, farm garden, fireplace, hardwood floors, cellar, large bedroom and queen sized bed. Lots of critters.
   Describe your dream trip/vacation
Burgerstan's hat or land of the rising sun.
   Describe something out of your childhood (a favorite toy or plaything, your elemntary school, a childhood home or pet, the first time you tried a food, etc)
I had a stuffed cat named Maggie, I still have her.
   Describe a recent memory of yours
Got heatstroke at work. Fun times.
   Describe a childhood memory of yours
I remember being harassed at school for liking things that were deemed wrong by my fellow students based on gender preferences, confused and hurt I sought out my grandmother for help and advice. Unsure of how to help she told me to simply tell them "Thank you" for their criticism, claiming it would confuse them and they'd leave me be. Grandma, I love you, but it did not work.
   Describe a dream you had once (wild, silly, inappropriate, nonsense, realistic, etc just talk about something you remember from your sleep)
I still question to this day the old man in the balcony office above the theater stage, what happened to his game of chess for the pieces to be strewn across on his desk and the floor and why can I never interact with the long haired cat that's in his company? Why can I never fully see what's on the stage from the balcony arches and why is it always night outside the windows so dark that I can't see the stars?
   Describe your favorite food (and the first time you ever had it, if you remember)
Chicken lo mein, what's there to describe? It's chicken and noodles prepared by the gods and made even more perfect by drizzling hot and sour soup mixed with soy sauce onto. Truly manna from heaven.
   Describe something you might do/feel/see during your favorite season
Go for walks but never really do.
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