#i love you guys (platonic) but you are getting involved in some stuff i simply do not want to see
cavefairy · 5 months
i dont want to have to unfollow so many people but. yeah. its about to get to that point
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chronicbeans · 1 year
" what's the Pascal's triangle? SOCAHTAH? what's that? "
" literally satan's children idk what to tell you "
and the reader becomes their lil teacher idk abt human things 🥰🥰🥰
thx lizard 🦎🦎
Omg this is so cool! Thank you so much I am so glad I could make you happy by doing something as small as writing fanfiction!
Just a quick heads up, I feel like my high school experience was probably a bit different than most people's, because I took a health/medical career center. Basically, I only had three core classes at the end of the day with the morning ones all being taken up by my health/medical class. So, because I am basing this off of my experience (due to it being all I know), it might be a bit strange to most who didn't take a career center!
Wally and the Gang with a High School Student Reader (Platonic fr fr)
📖 So, you somehow ended up getting the Welcome Home gang involved with your school work. Now they keep you up all night asking you what a "Bermuda Triangle", "War", and even what a "Demand Curve" is.
📖 You better hope that they don't find any of your anatomy or biology homework or textbooks. The thought of them asking absolutely ANYTHING involving those topics is humiliating on its own! You don't want to end up explaining the human body to a small little puppet. Or big dog puppet. Or ANY puppet!
📖 Once, Wally had asked you what "these" were while pointing to a picture in your medical book that showed the organ systems. When you explained, halfheartedly, about how they kept you alive and were inside of your body, his pupils just dilated. Right as you turned around to go back to your homework, you were horrified when his first question was "I wanna see them! How can I see them?"
📖 Frank will be interested in your science books, especially if they include stuff about ecosystems. He knows butterflies are in there, somewhere, because some of the pictures include them. Mostly very low on some big chain. When you explain about how that is a food chain, you are shocked to see him cry for the first time about how his butterflies are being eaten. Apparently the books in Welcome Home never told him that. Then again, the show never included any animals besides insects and the animal neighbors as far as you remember.
📖 Sally wants to know more about this "Shakespeare" guy your English class keeps talking about. He made plays, right? He must be a pretty swell guy! Can she meet him? Oh! And can you teach her more about the planets and solar system?
📖 Basically, every neighbor will have a specific subject they show interest in. Sally, Barnaby, and Eddie will love English. Howdy would like math, simply because he has no idea how this "money stuff" works or why it is so important. Poppy and Julie will like home economics, Poppy for the food science and Julie for the clothing. Home would also like home economics because they are literally a Home. Frank likes science, specifically for the animals and butterflies. Wally would love anatomy and any medical classes because he wants to learn more about YOU.
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officialeggsuprise · 6 months
Ok so a bit into my brain for the doctor who au:
Obviously all the different iterations of vash we have seen so far are his different regenerations, 98 is one of the youngest regens and therefore seems way goofier. I think the different stages of max can be different regens, like the spilt black and blonde to all black hair are 2 different regens. And stamp is the most recent and he’s depressed. And he’s The Stampede, vash has a gallifreyan name built into his name so like pop off.
Wolfwood I want to be the Jack character, having known and traveled with vash, getting killed, being brought back and then getting stuck like that. I like the idea of him being from the future and being a time agent too since jacks backstory does involve having a brother so I think he slots into that role p nicely.
So Meryl I had a very fun idea for, stamp Meryl is vashs newest companion and he thinks she looks familiar but doesn’t look that much into it because he’s hurting rn and just wants to not be alone. Meryl grew up on stories from her grandmother of space fairing adventures fighting aliens and saving people, her grandmother who was an insurance agent later became a journalist and inspired her to do so. Yeah her grandma is 98/ max Meryl, but I’m gonna change her name to Myrtle for the sake of not having 2 Meryl’s but Meryl is like the spitting image of her grandma as that happens sometimes, but she is shorter and styles herself differently. She’s in college to be a journalist before getting swept up in the stampede.
So 98/ max Meryl aka Myrtle did the whole bad wolf thing and is the reason woowoo is now immortal, it was an oopsie ok. But Myrtle, woowoo, and Vash were just besties, no romantic feelings here (because I want the stamp trio to be the ones for that and imagine dating a guy your grandma also dated that’s fucking awkward) ((plus I read 98/max more platonic between vash and Meryl vs. stampede where they feel more romantically inclined))
Nai I was going back and forth on keeping him as The Master or making him The Lord since he’s constantly referred to as lord knives and shit. But yeah he’s taking the place of the master here WITH NO SUBTEXT WE ARE NOT DOING INCEST HERE. They simply both looked into the time vortex and got fucked up in different ways with vash running and never stopping and nai going off the deep end, though now the ending of the time war is going to be a little different.
Rem is here but she is taking form as the tardis, I love the episode where the doctor gets to meet the tardis, OBVIOUSLY NOTHING HERE IS ROMANTIC EITHER THE TARDIS IS MOM-ING HIM HERE, it’s so bitter sweet and makes me sob. That means he’s not going to call her sexy I hope we are all ok with that shdhdbfjdbdhbr.
Roberto is gonna be a companion and also happens to be Milly’s uncle and the journalist Meryl is shadowing. He gets tied up into all of this when meryl comes back from an adventure and accidentally brings some of it with her to him and he’s kind forced to come along. Will he die? Good question.
Milly is Meryl’s college roommate and I’ll have her join the crew later on, kind of like in stampede how we haven’t seen her yet but she’ll be on the tardis you better believe it.
Brad and luida are older companions that are now apart of unit and help vash when he needs it, think like Martha and Mickey types but again more parental toward the doctor, left on their own and still help when they can.
Let’s talk about the fucky stuff I wanna do with timelord twins:
Vash and Nai are special since they are twins, they are constant reflections of each other and always regenerate together, as if there were some cosmic force making sure they were never out of sync, they’re always fatally wounded at the same time. They can also feel one another, like a tether that constantly connects them, they don’t just automatically know where the other is but they can always feel the other’s presence as if they were standing side by side at all times.
Now the time war:
In my mind Vash would be fully black hair trimax for this regen (outfit would be different but I would need a post to go over all the fits) and Nai would be almost fully black hair but with that little tuft of blonde. Nai convinces Vash that he just wants the war to end, that he didn’t want to be a soldier fighting in this endless war, and he needs vash to tell his where the vault is and help him get in there because there is something in there that can save them all, Vash at his wits end believes Nai and gets him in and they take the moment, Nai convinces Vash to wait in his tardis for him but the conscious of the machine appears to Vash and not Nai in an attempt to stop Nai, Vash and Nai fight, Nai cuts off his arm and gets to the machine before Vash and the moment is used, Vash (who’s punishment if he uses the machine is to live) ends up in the tardis on the verge of regeneration watching as both Gallifrey and Skaro are destroyed. And as he begins to regenerate he can’t feel Nai anymore. He regens into stamp Vash, though his arm is still missing, like a reminder, every scar he earned in the war as well still marking his body and for the first time in his life he is truly alone. And when he looks in the mirror he sees that his eye color is now that of his brothers, gone is his typical seafoam green, now they are frighteningly blue.
Anyway I will be writing a fic sooooooooooo if y’all wanna know more like outfits and timeline stuff I’d be down to share.
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noxiatoxia · 9 months
i cant NOT ask about a ship chart for hikakao regardless of what everyone knows about your feelings on hikakao
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still failing to get a bingo duhhh.......regardless. we all know that im feral about those twins. twincest numero uno and all that.
The one space I put a * on is one I didn't feel like I could fulllyyy mark because it's a tricky subject. Because tbh i have not really seen many serious character studies for hikakao. most people who write for hikakao do it for yaoiz or for a dramatic (usually unrequited) love story, WHICH IS FINE BTW, I love twincest yaoi as much as the next guy and im also a sucker for angst, but the fact is I've not come into very many cases where people try to dissect their relationship and so it's hard for me to concretely say "Hey, I don't really agree how they're portrayed in the fan base"
That being said, there areee hikakao tropes I'm not a fan of & don't agree with, such as Kaoru hating haruhi out of jealousy (not saying he would be incapable of being jealous, just that i don't think he'd ever hate haruhi, he likes her a lot guys), Kaoru being very emo depressed (yes he is depressed/anxious and tbh I think the main issue here is less people write him with depression but more that people who write it tend to write it in a very uh. .. wattpad style if you know what i mean. which again is fine, fanfic is an outlet, but i just dont agree at all with that portrayal), hikaru being generally ooc (iykyk) and prob some other stuff i failed to mention. however a lot of this seems to be more of an old school ff.net issue, as i see it less and less on ao3, which is nice, but still.
It doesn't really help that I have a very specific outlook on their relationship that doesn't neatly fall into society's per-defined labels for a "romantic relationship" or "platonic friendship" or even what it means to be siblings. And a lot of that - how i view their relationship - is shaped by the way they themselves grew up. they have a very complicated history and even in their present, it is showing an era in their adolescence that includes a lot of change both to their lives and their outlook on it. such things will lead to an equally complicated relationship that can't really be described simply as "they are in love <3" like yes i think they are soulmates. no i dont think they are romantically involved. yes i think they fuck. no i dont think they consider themselves in a relationship or even "friends with benefits" (ironic considering i marked that spot but i did it out of simplicity bc that's how it comes off a lot of the time ...) liiike they are each other's most important person in the world. they love each other so much. but idk if they're in love y'know. of course, i love reading and even writing stories where there ARE romantic feelings involved, because different interpretations and AUs are fun, but speaking from a strictly canon pov, i think whatever they feel for each other can't really be described as romantic or platonic or familial, it's just love, plain and simple.
sometimes i like to think despite fucking his brother on the reg hikaru considers himself straight. kaoru is the exception, he doesn't count, family discount or whatever .
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rockybloo · 11 months
I hate when people go to people and compare their ocs to others. Noticing it isn't really a crime, but telling them to their face is p rude. 1. Good chance they already know and had their own little chuckle about it 2. Wrong, their oc was first/happens to be from the same art style or 3. You often start encouraging the idea that all characters have to be perfectly different forever if anyone wants to make an oc or they'll always be in the shadow of popular media.
Please stop doing that guys. The artist put love into this character for them to be seen as they are, don't undermine that by implying stolen character designs.
Anyway all this to say that I love your work <3 All your designs are very unique and watching them grow with your attention is very amazing. I am placing the most platonic of kisses on all your ocs heads who would let me.
It's def one thing if an artist themselves state their basis for a character, like me stating how Tokyo Mew Mew is the inspiration for Sweetheart and Bitterbat or how Danny and Sawyer and Hercules and Meg are big influences on Jack and Nana.
But it's a completely different thing when someone drops a comment unprompted about how "Your OC looks like [insert a character here]" and nothing else. It just seems so dismissive in my eyes when there is a WHOLE ASS new character to get familiar with and learn all the cool new stuff a creator has with their OC.
I know there's some artists that don't mind but I def do because I think it's one of the rudest things you can do to a creator (that doesn't involve straight up insulting them). Especially when it's a character that the artist didn't even know existed or is something their original character predated by literal YEARS.
And thank you! 😭 The OCs who are chill with platonic pecks on the head are thankful. The ones who aren't simply offer hi fives and hand shakes.
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swans-recs · 2 years
THIS PIECE IS NOT MINE!!! I was asked to reupload this by my friend @jexnrey as she no more wishes to be part of the writer community but she still wants people to be able to read this. PROOF
If you're interested in my Kaz stuff, it can be found here.
pairings: kaz brekker x fem!reader, platonic!nina zenik x fem!reader
warnings: the normal six of crows shenanigans.
summary: you were simply a crow and nina's closest friend, but kaz doesn't understand why he feels the need to be near you or protect you when you can protect yourself; he is closed off and unreadable, and he couldn't articulate his feelings properly, until you were hurt on the job.
author’s note: kaz is so hard to write—forgive me for this i tried so hard 😭 i read soc carefully & read fanfics about kaz to take some inspo, but enjoy this trash cus i don’t! do not translate or paste this on another platform strictly everything belongs to me, do not claim it as yours, do not plagiarize, thank you.
word count: 2.1k
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KAZ BREKKER DID not make mistakes. He was a thief, not a fool, the Dregs’ leader, and Ketterdam’s most notorious man. He had a sharp intellect and was astute; no one ventured to cross him out of fear, or they were rational enough not to.
His plans were meticulous, and if something went wrong (which was unlikely), he had hundreds of backup plans ready to go. And everything went well, but there was a glimmer of realization that Kaz had made the biggest mistake of his life. It was bothering him, and he had a nagging feeling of uneasiness.
If he had merely noted when he met you—charming and intriguing—when he visited the House of the White Rose to inform Nina about a job; he should have simply ignored you when you passed him in the hall without a second glance, but Kaz had been effectively intrigued.
Nina told him that you were her closest friend and the one person in the White Rose who kept her sane. Nina was cautious, with a guarded gleam in her eyes and a reluctance that could get you killed in Ketterdam, when Kaz inquired whether you had any skills.
Nina had given Kaz a sharp gaze and said, “Recruiting her in the Dregs is dangerous.”
“Nina dear,” Kaz drawled. “It’s dangerous everywhere in Ketterdam. And I think your friend would appreciate getting out of here every now and then.”
Nina told Kaz about your bewitching qualities with a little more trepidation. You were charismatic, a pretty face and a cunning smile that could tempt wealthy merchants to give you kruge and a wise convincer. Nina also mentioned that you had good combat skills. Kaz Brekker had smirked at the time, his thoughts racing. He was well aware that he needed you on his team.
That was his very first mistake. You were good at your work—you did a brilliant job and Kaz knew you were a terrific addition to the Dregs—but as the days passed, he began to have an underlying feeling inside him that he quickly dismissed whenever you were there. Kaz often wondered if he should have heeded Nina’s advice about not recruiting you in the Dregs, but he’d been blinded by his curiosity, and he bitterly regretted it.
He recalled one mission in which they were meant to spy on a handful of Pekka Rollins’ men. Kaz remembered how meticulously he had prepared for this; he had gone over blueprints over and again until his eyes were weary, but he would not rest—never. Kaz was scrupulous with his plotting especially since it involved Pekka Rollins.
When there’s a lovely girl around and they’re inebriated, men are simple to seduce. So, of course, your main task was to play the inquisitive girl, allowing men to reveal their drunken secrets while you sat, looking pretty. Despite the fact that you were skilled in this vicinity, Kaz didn’t like the plan, but he needed Inej on the roofs and Nina by the door, so you were left as an option.
As he saw you woo one of Rollins guys, he felt a prickling sensation inside him. You were dressed in a velvety white dress that accentuated your contours; you stood out in the darkness of Ketterdam, and you shone brightly. Kaz may not believe in Saints, but he was convinced you were one by the radiance of your smile and dress.
He despised seeing you sitting on a drunk Dime Lion man’s lap, and Kaz noticed you looked uneasy, so he fought the impulse to smash the man’s head with his cane until his skull cracked satisfyingly. He reminded himself that this was a job, and he needed to do his part. Despite your unsettled expression, he could see your ears perk up, and that’s when Kaz recognized the man had begun to speak.
Kaz watched you giggling and touching the man’s forearm while drinking your drink; you were playing your part wonderfully as usual. And it all happened very quickly; when the drunken man leaned close to you, another man approached him to stop him, and Kaz realized the man knew who you were.
The man had said something to the inebriated man, and the latter had suddenly sobered up, and Kaz realized chaos had occurred. Because of the drink you drank, you appeared tipsy, but Kaz could see how your eyes flared in terror and your gaze immediately darted to him.
Kaz had set out on foot to get you, but Nina had beaten him to it. Nina had grasped your wrist and pulled you away in alarm before the man could grab you. Shots were being fired, and Kaz could see Jesper rousing his revolters to fire back at the men who were shooting at you and now at Jesper.
Kaz was so concentrated on the men and the bullets that he missed you limping in Nina’s arms as he pulled his own gun. Nina wore a worried expression on her face and was essentially bearing half your weight. And Kaz could see it: there was blood on your abdomen that was obvious and evident through the white of your dress. As Kaz focused on you, gunshots faded into the background, and he was startled out of his reverie when Jesper told them to leave.
He didn’t normally listen to Jesper because he was the one who gave the directions and commands, but now his feet followed Jesper’s, his leg jerking in pain as he hobbled, yet his step was swift. He remembered the blood on your adobem, the way Nina’s eyes widened, and he was filled with dread. It was terrifying. Since Jordie, he hasn’t felt like this in years.
Kaz knew Inej was close behind him, quiet and concealed like the Wraith she is, as his Crows hurried to the Slat. As you limped beside Nina, Kaz could see you being held by her, and he turned to Jesper, a sensation inside him that he didn’t want to convey.
“Run after Nina,” Kaz ordered coldly. “Help her with Y/N.”
Jesper didn’t need to say anything else as he ran to Nina, and when he caught up with both girls, he grabbed your waist and helped half of your weight as Nina and Jesper carried you to the Slat. Kaz despised hearing a hint of fragility in his voice, but Jesper didn’t seem to mind.
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It didn’t matter to Kaz if Nina could hear his rapid heartbeat. Kaz saw that the others were watching him as his eyes swept you laying on your bed with Nina mending your wound. Even though your face was pale and your breathing was unsteady, you were alive, Kaz was not soothed. Despite her concerns, Nina had been firm, requesting medical equipment from Matthias, who had followed orders.
Kaz isn’t concerned about the Rollins information right now; all he wants is for you to be alright. He remembered your eyes widening in panic and searching for his first. He swallowed a lump in his throat and shook his head, focusing on you instead. And there was so much blood, Kaz gripped his cane tightly in his fist.
“Heal her,” he murmured.
Nina gave him a cold stare. “I’m trying, Kaz, but there’s just too much blood.”
“I don’t care,” Kaz said icily, his gaze matching hers. “Zenik, heal her.”
Inej had left, but not before praying to her Saints for you to be well. Jesper walked away as well, noticing the gloom in Kaz’s voice and Nina’s gaze. Matthias was retrieving more medical supplies, creating a tense atmosphere with only a feverish Kaz, an anxious but indignant Nina, and an alive yet barely Y/N.
“You should leave, I’ll get to you once I’m done,” Nina remarked as she resumed working in your wounded abdomen.
Kaz stood firm in his position. “I’m not going anywhere.”
With a shake of her head, Nina replied, “Your heartbeat is distracting me.” Kaz noticed her hand quivering. “I can sense your nerves, Brekker, and it doesn’t help that I’m worried about her as well.”
He was terrified; he had shown vulnerability, and Nina had noticed. She knew he cared about you, and he had never experienced anything like it with anybody else. When Inej was stabbed, Jesper was shot, or Matthias, Wylan, and Nina were hurt, Kaz’s heart didn’t rush as rapidly. It was always you who made his heart race with nerves and a need to protect you if you were harmed.
When Kaz glanced at your hand, palm up, he felt compelled to grasp it. Not Jesper, who had brought you to the Slat, or even Nina, who stroked your hair away from your face every now and then, but he should be the one holding you and aiding you. But Kaz knew that idea alone was impossible; he couldn’t think about it without shivering with distaste, so he stayed, a safe distance away, with a tremendous desire to hold you.
Nina fixed her gaze on him. “I assume she’ll be a little hazy when she wakes up, so don’t ask her any questions about the information.”
“I don’t give a damn about the information,” Kaz remarked indifferently.
Kaz despised the mischievous glimmer in her eyes as she shot him a shocked glance. “Kaz Brekker not caring about the information that’s about Pekka Rollins? Somebody pinch me.”
He gave her a skeptical look as he rolled his eyes. “Keep her alive by doing your work, Nina dear.”
Nina shrugged her shoulders, but her eyes were gloomy. “She’s not dead Kaz,” she said with a shake of her head. “Since the blood loss, she’ll be unconscious, but she’ll be fine—she usually is.”
Kaz nodded in agreement. What Nina said was right; it was not uncommon for someone in the Crows to be hurt—it happens all the time, especially during heists and jobs—but the jobs were mostly successful, and Kaz had been blunt in assigning you the safest task (charming people) because a selfish part of him wanted you to be in the middle of the job so he could keep an eye on you.
But, despite his composed demeanor, he seemed to crumble everywhere around you. Perhaps you had charmed him, as you had charmed so many others, by bewitching him with your entire being, causing his black heart to seek you out. When you were around, there was always an inflicted desire within Kaz, which he had always disregarded until now.
Kaz wanted to kill the man who had touched you, as well as track down the person who had shot you. He remembered your bright eyes dampening in fear and a brief tremor of despair as you realized you’d been caught, then blood splattering across your white dress and Nina’s worried expression as she carried your limping weight.
Nina snarled, “You’re doing it again.”
With his dark eyes, Kaz looked at her. “What?”
“I know you love her and all, but I need to focus, and your heartbeat is incredibly distracting right now,” Nina rambled.
Kaz stilled as he heard the word he didn’t want to associate himself with. “In Ketterdam, love is neglected; it is reserved for the weak.”
Nina surprised him by laughing. “What are you doing right now? Whenever Y/N is hurt, you appear weak—you’re in your vulnerable form.”
Kaz wanted to kill Nina by saying things he knew were true, but he was ignorant and stubborn to accept it. Nina gave him a knowing look as she cleaned, healed, and wrapped a cloth around your wound before kissing you on the forehead and leaving Kaz alone with you.
Kaz strolled over to where you were laying after a few moments of contemplation. He examined your flawless face, which, despite seeming pale and near death, was nonetheless lovely. Kaz paused for a while before raising his gloved palm to your cheek and tucking the errant strand of hair away.
He sat down near your bed, putting his disgust aside. Despite the strong temptation, he did not grasp your inviting hand. Kaz had stayed by your bedside the entire night, never leaving your side. Nina had stopped by every now and then to change your bandage, but she had said nothing about Kaz’s overstaying or even asked him to leave.
When Nina was treating your wound, she had said, “You should rest, Kaz.”
Kaz gave her a sidelong glance. “Don’t tell me what to do.”
Nina may have been right, but she was also wrong. Kaz did not believe he was capable of love, yet he had a great desire to be with you. To be in your company, to receive your gorgeous smile, and to simply be in your presence. And this time he wasn't going to ignore it.
And again, this piece is not mine! It was written by my friend, read the info above the fic. Do not ask me for part 2's or ask to be tagged into my Kaz taglist etc, I did not write this and the person who did wishes to not be part of the writer community anymore, but the original piece has been deleted with her deactivated blog so she asked me to reupload.
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angry-geese · 3 years
Fluorescent Adolescent
Itadori x Reader x Sukuna
Warnings: sfw. platonic/romantic (interpretable). some minor swearing. mostly fluff. mention of violence. poly (sort of). Gn!Reader
Notes: Yuji and the reader have a movie night together. Sukuna decides to tag along
Nights at home were rare.
There’s not a lot of downtime when studying to become a sorcerer. Gojo was always sending you off on jobs that his students were very much not ready to handle. The line of work doesn't really follow a set schedule. Curses rarely exorcise themselves.
You haven't even graduated and you already wanted to retire.
You wanted to do something to celebrate your time off. Yuji suggested a movie night. You had nothing else in mind, and it sounded nice. The two of you thought about inviting Nobara. Movies weren't really her thing; she had other plans anyway. It wasn't often you got to hang out with just Yuji.
Gojo side-eyed you when you asked to borrow a movie. Your first mistake was asking him. The last time you borrowed one from him, the disc had been switched out with a porno. It took Yuji quite a while to figure out what was wrong. Nobara couldn’t pause the thing fast enough. Whether he forgot, or he did it on purpose, you’ll never know. You have the sneaking suspicion he meant to do it. When you gave it back the next day, Gojo never questioned why Yuji couldn’t look him in the eye.
Maybe that’s why Nobara passed on this one.
Eventually you settled on a horror movie. You're not quite sure what it was about. It looked gruesome. The cover had fake looking blood all over it. Despite being a jujutsu sorcerer, you were a wimp when it came to things like this. In the heat of the moment you could deal with it, but when it came to movies you were squeamish. It didn't matter how many times you told yourself that it wasn't real.
In the other room, the microwave beeps. The smell of burned popcorn fills the room. He likes his burnt; you can't stand the stuff. Two bowls had to be made. Both with a healthy dousing of salt and butter. Not the powdered stuff either; the real kind.
"You're going to miss it!" You call out.
"No I'm not!" Only a moment later followed by: "maybe I am!"
Yuji flings himself over the couch, just in time for the movie to start. Popcorn spills over the sides of the bowl, onto the couch and floor. He shouts "five second rule" before popping one into his mouth. Immediately you tackle him. He’s a bit stronger than you, and easily struggles free. It takes you nearly sitting on him to stop him. You have to pry the rest of the floor popcorn out of his hands like someone fighting their dog for an item it shouldn't be eating.
"Are you going to stop?” You ask. “Or are you going back for more the second I let you go?"
Weakly he nods.
The moment you let go of his wrists he’s lunging past you, reaching for it. In one swift motion you have him under you, pinning him to the floor.
The movie starts off with a creepy looking scientist, and two women stranded in a forest. You admit defeat, and collapse on top of him.
"Man I got hit so many times over this one," he offhandedly mentions.
His response is a grunt.
If he says something out of pocket, it's best not to acknowledge it. He could write an entire novel about his life and barely scratch the surface. It’s almost impressive at this point.
It intrigued you, though. There were about a million questions you had for him. Asking one only brought up a hundred more.
The first thing you learned about Itadori Yuji was how he was Sukuna’s vessel. The second thing you learned was that he was going to die.
You were told not to get attached. Against almost everyone's advice, you did. So did many others. Yuji was truly strange. He didn't have the look of a man given a death sentence.
You often wonder how you'd react in his situation. Maybe you'd go to your death with a lot less grace. But there's no way of knowing until it happens. You like to think you'll go out in a blaze of glory.
Your interactions with Sukuna had been few, and only in passing. Aside from stories, you don't have much to say about him. Generally you aren't around when they switch. The one time you were, they didn't stay switched for very long. It still made you wonder. Since they shared domes, could Sukuna see everything that went on in Yuji's daily life? How much control did they really have over each other?
Sukuna would often switch out with Yuji while he slept. You expected that. He was unpredictable, and a bit of a prick. He's the king of curses after all. What more would you expect from a demon? Strangely enough, he never did anything. It wasn’t a proper switch, more like a particular hand or leg was taken over. Sometimes he'd knock things over, or hide Yuji's things, but he was never much more than an inconvenience. The guy could be a menace, sure, but he wasn't nearly what you expected.
He lays his head in your lap. Instinctively your hand finds his head, gently carding through his hair. It's strangely soft. It feels nice between your fingers. Sometimes you wonder if he dyes his hair, or if it's naturally like that. Come to think of it, you've never seen a baby picture- or even a childhood photo.
It's almost horrifying how quickly Yuji began to doze off. You sat there the entire time in wide-eyed horror. Maybe a bit of disbelief. If he feels the way your legs tense underneath him, he says nothing about it. He's snoring in no time. He can't help it, your hands feel so nice in his hair.
Unfortunately, you had caught Sukuna's attention too.
Nothing went on in Yuji's life without Sukuna listening in. Every little detail about his day to day life was known by Sukuna. Most days he didn't care to listen in. Unless there was a fight, or something to piss off, he wasn't interested. He was the first to realize how fond his host was of you. Immediately he started plotting all the ways he could hurt Yuji with you.
That plan was cut short.
He's not sure when it happened. Slowly you became worth something to him. Your strength was promising. If you continued on your path you could prove to be a truly frightening sorcerer. He found your will to fight impressive, albeit naive. At first it was a reluctant respect. You had promise. He could use that. Either against your or against other sorcerers, it didn't matter to him. You'd work in his favor eventually.
There was one moment that stuck out. One where his feelings went from a general distaste to fondness. You were fighting a curse, of all things. Although it didn't hit hard, it could shrug off a lot of damage. It wasn't particularly strong, but it was tough, and smart, proving to be a pain in the ass to everyone involved. With a snap of his fingers he could have exorcised it. But he didn't. Watching you two fight it was much more entertaining. If his host was killed, he'd simply bring him back.
Something went wrong. He's not quite sure what. The moments went by like shots out of a badly filmed movie. One scene. Then cut. Then the next scene. Then cut.
You're clinging onto his arm, asking if he's—Yuji—is okay. You weren't even hurt, but you were soaked in blood.
His feelings for you weren't disgust, or hatred, or even pity. It was something much worse. If he was capable of liking someone, it would be you. Sukuna could never imagine himself feeling this way for a human.
He hates that.
The affection he feels isn't love in a proper sense, but that's the only word for it. A creature like him isn't capable of love. He's the king of curses, he'll never lower himself to the level of humans. He'll never view you as more than a pet, but he cares for you in some sort of way.
Sukuna's affection comes out as bullying. Well, as much as a lone mouth can bully someone. You've learned to tune him out or brush him off. He's harmless around you. Yuji seems to keep him on a short leash. His bark is far worse than his bite. At least to you. You really can't say that for any unfortunate bastard that decides to piss him off.
Jokingly, you began referring to Sukuna when talking to Yuji. It was only to make him roll his eyes. Everyone hated when you did that, because usually Sukuna would respond. You tried to see how long you could get him to talk before he realized you we're screwing with him. It usually took a while.
Yuji's snores have gotten awfully quiet. The movie is less terrifying than you expected, but it makes your stomach churn. His eyes are open when you look down. They aren't Yuji's; they have a different look in them. Sukuna’s eyes have no humanity in them at all.
Both sets of Sukuna's eyes are focused on the TV. You're not quite sure when they switched. He made no show of it. One second he was Yuji, the next he wasn't. His hand rests on your knee, his thumb gently rubbing across your skin. He feels a bit colder than Yuji. You can’t help but wonder if it’s a curse thing or just a coincidence.
You try not to stare for too long.
"This is boring." He says. "You find this scary? Let alone entertaining?"
He doesn't like seeing you distressed, even if it's directed at something that isn't real.
"Yes, thank you," you say.
Maybe if you keep scratching his head he'll stop talking.
"Why do you like these? Clearly you don't like being scared." He says.
"Keep talking and I'll stop playing with your hair."
His sharp nails dig into your skin. "No."
"Then I suggest you stop talking,"
He sulks. It’s almost impressive how quickly you get him to back down.
He's a bit like a cat; the second your arms are tired and you need to rest, his fingers are digging into your skin. He doesn't want you to stop. The moments where he wants affection are ones where you can't—or don't want—to give it to him.
It's almost a competition between him and Yuji. His host is always so open with how he cares for you. You’re very affectionate towards each other. You’re affectionate towards all your friends. He finds it sickening. He wants your attention to be on him and only him. Yuji is only competition. Unfortunately for him—and you too, let's face it—they're a package deal. Sharing isn’t exactly a skill he has.
He shifts so he's sitting up, his head resting against your chest. Your heartbeat drops off for a second, before picking up in pace. You rest your chin on top of his head. Your hands find his hair, brushing it out of his eyes.
It's not long after his breathing evens out.
His head nods, eyes half shut, gaze still on the tv. You're so warm, he notes. He doesn't remember human contact feeling this nice. However hard he tries to fight sleep, it's no use, he can't stay awake for much longer.
For now, he would settle on sharing you if it meant he could have moments like this.
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smelted-applejuice · 3 years
Heck yeah man! Platonic husbands just bring so much serotonin! So here's my first request for that. ( I've been craving angst for them im so sorry! ) ( p.s. i already requested this to one person but I have zero idea if they are gonna do it so here it is yeee boi! ) How about the platonic husbands went out to go get something for foolish for the mansion and they left reader ( maybe they are like a kitsune with five tails and are like thirteen) to stay at home with Michael and they come back to basically a bloody scene as Reader and Michael were attacked so Reader had Michael wrapped around in their tails in a protective manner so that he wouldn't get hurt in which reader took all the wounds and stuff and reader is literally knocked out bleeding while Michael only has a few bruises and small cuts.
So sorry for being descriptive. I just have a lot of ideas in mind. Lol
Pairing(s); Platonic Husbands x Reader (PARENTAL), Micheal x Reader (SIBLINGS)  Pronouns; she/her  Desc; [YourName] protects her brother from a random intruder.  TW: Blood, fighting, entry without consent, memory loss, 
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Requests are open!  -
A few weeks ago, Tubbo and Ranboo had taken in a fox hybrid they found in the woods. [YourName] was knocked out and not dressed for the cold weather, but waking up in a warm house around strangers scared [YourName]. Due to how hard she was knocked out, faces became fuzzy in her past life, and names no longer existed. Fear was an understatement, Ranboo and Tubbo were unsure if the hybrid even knew how to speak for the first few weeks. It wasn’t until she croaked out a sob fear and spilled her guts out to Ranboo and Tubbo. Ranboo held the teenager while Tubbo gently rubbed her back, both worried for her. [YourName] explained how faces were fuzzy and she couldn’t remember anything about her family- she was scared and Ranboo understood that feeling. After evaluating [YourName] to make sure she was truly okay, Ranboo talked [YourName] through her anxiety and became a father figure toward her.
Ranboo learned [YourName] was thirteen or fourteen, half fox, and loved a variety of berries. She seemed like the breed Fundy was, so he would have to hunt Fundy down and get information about his habits and how he reacted to certain scenarios- but Tubbo and Ranboo were excited to have another child in their platonic lives. [YourName] and Micheal were already close from the weeks prior when [YourName] silently sat with him while he played or ate. [YourName] was seen as the perfect child to add to their little family dynamic, Micheal would now have a protector and comforted both the platonic husbands when they left. Many trips were taken before this upcoming one, so what would make this trip so much different? Maybe a few more nights would be spent out, but [YourName] seemed okay with staying with her little brother for a while longer.
“[YourName]!” Ranboo called his daughter down, Tubbo sat in the twisty chair spinning as he also waited for the girl. [YourName] came down the ladder and looked at her fathers, “Yes Dadboo?” she with her hands behind her back. Tubbo smiled at her nickname for his husband, “We need to head out for a few nights, you can watch Micheal by yourself, right?” Tubbo asked. [YourName] nodded with a proud smile “Of course, dad! No reason I can't.” she said with confidence. 
Tubbo and Ranboo watched with smiles as [YourName] trotted back upstairs after hearing Micheal’s oinks for attention. “We got lucky, Ranboo.” Tubbo said with joy, Ranboo nodded emitting a happy enderman like grunts “We sure did.” he confirmed. The happy giggles from both their children could be heard from the room above them, and all that was felt was warm and fuzzy. 
“LEAVE HIM ALONE!” [YourName] yelled, ignoring the seething pain.
Tubbo and Ranboo stood in front of the doorway, Micheal stood with his older sister. He let go of her hand to give his fathers hugs with [YourName]. “We’ll be home in a week, behave and be safe.” Ranboo said pressing a hand into [YourName]’s head and ruffling her hair. Micheal squealed with joy when Tubbo did the same for him. 
The two stepped back, letting their fathers finally leave. Their trip could take them longer than planned, so food was stored in a freezer in that case. [YourName] guided her brother back upstairs where she’d tend to his needs for the next few days. Everything went smoothly and how it usually would go, well, until it didn’t. 
[YourName] was in the kitchen prepping beans and rice for her and Micheal when a crash was heard upstairs. She turned the oven off and rushed upstairs to see a hooded figure going right for innocent napping Micheal, “Step away, now.” [YourName] hissed quietly. The figure looked up, its face covered in a black mask. 
The figure looked shocked to see another person in the house, so [YourName] took this chance and acted on her need to protect Michael and attacked first. She cringed at the thumping noise and the hard feeling of this random person’s hands roughly fighting to strangle her. The squeal of fear from Michael didn’t help the situation. Her head would get roughly shoved into the wooden floor.
She heard Micheal’s footsteps race around the room for a hiding spot, thank goodness Ranboo and Tubbo managed to teach him that. [YourName] ended up kicking and chi blocking one of the figure’s legs and arms. She had enough time to find a proper weapon but paused in her tracks when she heard Micheal’s panicked squeals. She spun around and went full-on anger mode, her tail stood up and her ears were pressed against her head “LEAVE HIM ALONE!” she yelled ignoring the seething pain in the back of her head. The figure simply laughed and brought up the dagger toward poor Micheal. [YourName] launched forward and bit the man’s arm causing him to drop Micheal, allowing the child to rush away. Now it was just [YourName] and this mysterious character, “What do you want from us? Why do you want to hurt Micheal?” [YourName] asked angrily. The figure didn’t say a thing, just remained silent as it made its next move. Its move would involve [YourName]’s tail getting slightly bent in a direction it simply shouldn’t and multiple stab wombs. Now, the figure hadn’t done what it wanted to, but watching [YourName] bleed out while protecting Micheal was a sight Ranboo wouldn't like either. So his job was done, and he left with no words, a note, and no other actions. He stared at [YourName] holding Micheal behind her and left. The following morning is when Ranboo and Tubbo came back. [YourName] had passed out by now, but was still protectively holding Micheal close. Micheal had some of his sister’s blood on him, but hearing his parent’s voice, he squealed and oinked for assistance. This whole experience last night was so traumatizing he hadn’t slept a wink, he wanted to make sure his sister was alright first. The loud noises hadn’t woken up [YourName], which worried the little guy even more. All the ruckus had definitely gotten Tubbo and Ranboo’s attention, so they rushed up the ladder and were met with the horrifying sight of blood on the floor and trailing toward [YourName]. Micheal got out of his sister’s grasp and rushed forward toward Tubbo and Ranboo, doing his best to explain what happened last night. It didn’t process either parent, they only knew so much of the language their son spoke and was learning more- but his panicked tone told them everything; [YourName] was risking her life for their son. Ranboo was first to step forward, going to check on [YourName] who was luckily still breathing. “Go… go get Phil. Take Micheal with you,” he said in a deadpan-like voice. He was shaking, anger was oozing out of him, he began to glow. He relaxed when he heard Tubbo’s voice confirm he was leaving with Micheal. [YourName] was in her father’s arms as she slept peacefully after her battle. It didn’t help when Ranboo found a note placed neatly on the nearby table. “I warned you.”
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gaawachan · 3 years
Critical Role 135 Discord Convo (Topic: Shipping?)
Some pre-convo context: This conversation meandered a bit so there's a lot of stuff that may turn up in other conversations later; it was really late and so a lot of things were only briefly touched on.
Me: You know... people are gonna freak out if LoB doesn't just cave and romance Essek at this point. If he wasn't planning on doing so then his roleplay during the past few episodes is gonna cause backlash, I think.
Sibling: I think he was on the fence and then Matt was like, "Okay, I have to push this because I currently have plans to make Astrid a victim of Trent and/or the big bad of Caleb's arc."
Me: Certainly feels that way, lol.  Matt's definitely the one that's been doing the pushing post-boat scene.
Sibling: Pretty much-- Matt has kept Essek near Caleb for every moment that he can
Me: (Caleb did tell Essek to stay close, lol) But in the past couple of episodes Liam's gone back to reciprocating. If he isn't planning on shipping it, he shouldn't do that.
Sibling: Despite Lucien's eyes. Oh for sure. I think he is though. Why else would LoB post stuff like *examples of LoB's twitter activity*? He doesn't egg on Astrid/Caleb shippers lol
Me: That's true.
Sibling: Plus, Essek is purple.
Me: Of course we weren't in the fandom when Vaxmore happened and then dropped, so we don't know if Liam did the same thing with that ship.
Sibling: God I hope not... C'mon, give us a bit of beeg yoshi
Me: Having watched half of season 1, I can say that there was way, waaaaaaaay less tension and such between Vax and Gilmore. Vax liked Shaun a lot, and Shaun was in love with Vax... but they had nothing in common, they didn't have any real theme/plot/setting/interest ties or anything. Just a vanilla relationship, like, they went out on lunch dates.
Sibling: It's funny because OTHER non-shippers came onto that ship-positive trend and started talking about Vaxmore and how more "real" it was. And I'm like, I feel like slow-burn romances are far more "real" than people hopping on each other as soon as that they get a chance (COUGH COUGH BEAUYASHA I'M SORRY COUGH). Don't disparage lunch dates, btw; there's nothing gayer than that.
Me: No, don’t get me wrong, I was actually about to post that "I can see why people like that because it feels realistic" The bigger problem with Vaxmore was simply that they didn't see Gilmore very often.  I think Liam would have been more interested in continuing that ship if Gilmore had not been... well, the Pumat Sol of the campaign.  Just not very relevant.  This isn't the case for Essek; he is THE npc of this campaign, basically. He's more involved than any other NPC in either season. Side note: if C1 and C2 had happened concurrently, I'd have totally shipped Gilmore with Mollymauk.
Me: Lol
Sibling: Essek and Caleb have many interests in common, and Liam has CANONIZED Caleb's attraction to him, both intellectually and physically. They have expressed a desire to spend time together, platonically? to improve their craft. They have worked to improve with each other, speak with each other in a way that they don't with others-- not even people they're supposedly closer to. Essek has had a turn of his morals BECAUSE of Caleb's actions... What do other ships in this season have? Caleb and Astrid; they have shared misery and a past that stains ALL of their interactions. Maybe there is love left, but it would need a TON of work, and she is never onscreen long enough for that to be established. There's not really any tension aside from the viewers' "is this a villain" tension. Not even the dance felt good, it was transactional and there to hide information being exchanged and then they LEFT. Caleb and Eodwulf; Caleb said his forearms were hot, lol? But Eodwulf has even less time than Astrid, and hasn't even really piqued the rest of the cast's interest, in spite of Caleb's history with him. Caleb and Jester; Might have worked if JESTER WAS EVER INTERESTED IN HIM. AND SHE NEVER WAS AND STILL ISN'T. She was smitten with Fjord the moment she started projecting him onto Tusk Love lol. Caleb and Nott; I'm not touching this one Non-Caleb ships are like: Fjord and Jester; Sweet, predictable, pretty much how I pictured it being when it became canon. Jester being exactly the same and Fjord being openly affectionate. Maybe some priorities being changed around. Beau and Yasha; I'm NGL, I feel like they're together... because they're lesbians? And not because they actually have much in common aside from that? It's sweet, but if we're speaking purely from a like... chemistry standpoint? This one falls on its face. But, no, I'm sorry. Just because Caleb isn't literally devouring Essek's face whenever he's on screen  (though he slobbers like he wants to whenever Essek uses Dunamancy), doesn't mean that the ship is "invisible". It's invisible to people who are only used to overt ships I guess But I'm sorry, I need to go back through and make a "Caleb slobbers over Essek doing magic" compilation. Because it doesn't exist yet, and yet it happens all the time lol And people are like "where attraction" RIGHT THERE, GUYS
Me: Speaking of Jester, actually.  Jester's funny because early on she actually did tease/flirt with Caleb quite a bit... but then she stopped doing it.  When?  I'd say it happened right around the same time Caleb started having feelings for her, imo, after their waltz, when he said Astrid's name.  Jester and Fjord were caged together in the Sour Nest and I think that, followed by the Fjord/Avantika arc, really sealed the deal for where her interests went.  Also, Jester and Nott wrote that letter to Astrid, so by that point I think it's pretty safe to say that Jester not only was not interested in Caleb; she wasn't even interested in teasing/lightly flirting with him anymore. Also Caleb eyescrews Essek a lot... so yeah what are these people smoking?  Even LoB, who has been wishy washy about the ship, has been pretty upfront about Caleb's interest in Essek.
Sibling: I don't think Widojest people want Caleb to be with someone happy and who makes him happy. Essek is not a happy man but Caleb's mood certainly seems to brighten whenever he shows up.
Me: I mean, there IS chemistry between Caleb and Jester but the issue is that the two characters view each other completely differently. She just doesn't see him that way. The other half of the equation is that Caleb tends to treat Jester as being more than just the cutesy trickster and a lot of the other cast members haven't really shown that? They tend to undermine her a lot actually. It's most obvious with respect to the Traveler. Caleb actually respects her relationship with Artagan. Other members of the group just hate him and have made it clear to her that they feel that way.  That includes BOTH Fjord and Beau. Like if you compare the conversations she had with Fjord and with Caleb on Rumblecusp, it's night and day, but it doesn't matter because she just doesn't view Caleb as a prospective partner at all. She tends to frame their relationship in the same way several of the characters in the party frame their dynamics with Caleb. "I want to help him but I have no idea what the fuck to say or do."  She'd still above average compared to the group at doing so but that's because of her mother's influence, not because she has feelings for him. Ngl, if I WERE to ship Caleb with someone other than Essek at this point I think I would pick Jester just because they have a mutual respect for each other. Oh oh here's an example. Okay, so Caleb's room for Jester in the tower right? It's very similar to her childhood room, but he deliberately "adults" it up, because he respects her as an adult. What was Fjord's gift to her in Rexxentrum? A child's toy.  A unicorn statue. And that's cute and all, but... uh...
Sibling: A little infantilizing?
Me: Yes exactly, and it's the same way he behaves about her relationship with Artagan. One could easily argue that Fjord treats Jester sort of like she's the pixie girl stereotype, but that's just surface-level stuff about Jester. You'll notice that Fjord and Jester's conversations tend to lean cutesy and immature, but when Jester talks with Caleb, it's very often a thoughtful and deeper conversation, so I DO see why people ship it.
Sibling: I mean, but that's my problem with it. Maybe it's better than Fjorjester, but Liam doesn't lick his lips every single time Jester breathes too hard.
Me: Lol. Personally I think that part of the problem is that 1) Travis isn't comfortable with doing romance, and Fjord is awkward af, and 2) Jester/Laura has tried to get him to talk with Jester on a deeper level and it hasn't really been successful, and she's let some opportunities slip by, but Liam rarely passes up the opportunity to have a deeper conversation with other players, so he ends up having more serious conversations with Jester simply because Liam seeks out those conversations.
Sibling: Well Liam loves character romances. It's why his second character left as many options open to him as possible lol. It's the stark difference between Liam and Travis. Travis is only comfortable romancing his wife fictionally lol. Liam loves the way you can reexamine a character and reshape their ending with those choices and I think he's way more willing to just go "screw it, my character is horny AF for this wizard boy, what are you going to do Matt?" "my character is also horny for my party member, but it's probably unrequited, but I'm going to stick with it for character depth"
Me: Seriously though  go back and rewatch the Rumblecusp conversations Jester had with Fjord and with Caleb.  You could SEE it in Jester.  Fjord was NOT saying anything she wanted or needed to hear.  I thought she actually looked pretty hurt.
Sibling: Oh, I remember being like "well that was deflating" and it's why she kept asking people. She's looking for answers, and pretty much everyone pussyfooted around it becawuse she's such a cuwuty.
Me: Yes, props to Caleb for stepping up, even though he didn't give her the answer she wanted either. That's precisely the problem with her dynamics with other characters. They're too busy fawning over how cute she is and trying to shield her to get to anything much deeper.
Sibling: Whereas Caleb thought of her as a woman- someone he really liked, from... like super early on.
Me: Oddly the end result is that the non-stop shielding of Jester has inhibited Laura's ability to grow Jester as a character. Which has to be frustrating as a player.
Sibling: I think it probably has been. Especially because I think she wanted to explore how being in a romance would change her. She even hinted to that way earlier: "That's not at all how love is depicted in the books we read..." "You mean the porn books we read?"
Me: The character is rarely challenged and hasn't really been forced to change.  She has changed in that she's matured from experience, but it's subtle and it isn't really acknowledged much. Nothing screamed this more than the climax of Traveler-con, where she was staring down the barrel of a monumental life-change and her cutesyness somehow convinced the planetar to be like... "fine, bye." Even MATT regretted that decision in the Talks afterward.
Sibling: Oh for sure! She just gets everything and you know what sucks? I think LAURA wanted Artagan to be taken. It would have devastated Jester but it would have forced her to change.
Me: Well actually, Laura said that she was going to offer to worship the Moonweaver instead of the Traveler if it meant she'd spare him punishment. When she said that, Matt's whole face just dropped; he was so upset that he wasted that opportunity, but that's the cost of treating Jester like she needs coddling. It's like... bro... she ax murders people... come on.
Sibling: She burns people to death with sacred flame and gets people lost in the woods by messing with road signs.
Me: She's been tortured and barely shows the trauma of it at all (can't believe that went unaddressed btw)... She can handle pushback... Like again, Caleb. Early on she butted heads with Caleb because she's a spoiled rich kid, but you'll notice that after offending him like that?  She never did it again.
Sibling: Because she's a good person capable of introspection and changing her behavior to help people.
Me: It's a small thing but Jester actually became a better person precisely because Caleb didn't handle her with kid gloves.
Sibling: That even ties back to her dropping her flirting when "Astrid" was brought up.
Me: Yep
Sibling: ... Shadowgast is still better.
Me: Yep. I don't hate widojest and I think that of all the jester pairings it's probably the best, but of all the Caleb pairings Shadowgast is best.
Sibling: I mean, Shadowgast is best even by virtue of like... who else would you pair Essek with that he could still stick around the party for? He's only interested in Caleb lol. That's not to say he doesn't LIKE the rest of the cast, but back to the deep conversations thing...
Me: I've seen some people shipping Widojessek, lol.
Sibling: There's really only one person (and one group chat) where he had those sorts of opening up moments. Poor Fjord- just got a GF and people are already cucking him.
Me: Lol. Oh, man... Caleb and Essek really need to talk about the assembly. Specifically Caleb's past and what Essek's dealings with them were like in more detail.
Sibling: Matt tried to lol and Caleb was like "yeah okay i got plans, but also paper"
Me: Essek needs to be more direct because Caleb doesn't WANT to talk about it.
Sibling: He can't, he's a wizard. No melee attacks, emotionally or verbally.
Me: Well, the issue is that Essek prods at Caleb's goals, which are nebulous (so Caleb really can't give a satisfactory answer, and he also can't answer without talking about his past first).  And when he prods about Caleb's past, he's too indirect.  He needs to directly ask about Caleb's past FIRST if he wants more information about Caleb's goals.
Sibling: The next time they're in the tower (which I fear won't be for a while) Essek literally needs to be like "I'm drowning in guilt, you need to tell me about what I was involved with so I can manage it" He'd probably give him a few crumbs lmao.  If Essek makes it about himself, Caleb is less likely to close up.
Me: Yes, that is exactly how Essek needs to frame it. "I don't have a full understanding of the nature of the people I gave power to.  I know now that they're more terrible than I thought, but not exactly how. I think that in order to fully grasp what I have done, I need to know more about them." It's pretty blatant bait but Caleb would probably be convinced by it anyway.
Sibling: Oh for sure. Caleb can't exactly run away from that either; he's too chicken to flee from conversations. He freezes and either spills or clams up.
Me: At this point, there's really no GOOD reason to NOT tell Essek about his past. There's nothing to lose from it, and a decent amount to gain; it could turn Essek actively hostile towards the Assembly rather than keeping him cowering in Eiselcross.
Sibling: He's uncomfortable with it (trauma will do that) Doesn't want to get sidetracked (Essek told him not to) Haven't had a good time to do so (no privacy) Doesn't want Essek to distance himself from him (most likely)
Me: This is true, but he's already told the people who he least wanted to tell (Jester and Caduceus) ... Actually, my suspicion is...
Sibling: And neither of them pulled away from him-- eh? Me: ... that Caleb doesn't want to tell Essek because he's worried that Essek will, well... uh, treat him like a child. Caleb was so young, and telling the story of his past also means admitting that he's 11 years younger than he appears. And there is some amount of Caleb's view of his past that is irrational and he chafes viciously whenever someone tries to downplay his culpability by pointing out his age at the time.
Sibling: I think he already has. Don't try to tell me about how not patronizing that "Young Man" line was lol. It was meant in good faith but... I think Caleb does the abuse victim "the idea of ever being young and vulnerable again is terrifying" thing pretty convincingly. It's also sort of a rewind back to his respect for someone who seems outwardly childish, but is an adult whose choices need to be respected.
Me: There is another matter which... Well, Caleb is slowly coming to terms with his status as a victim (veeery slowly) but I think if Essek were to learn about his past, and taking into account their different cultural perspectives on age, Essek might have a hard time not reacting more in line with Beau/Nott's initial reactions to the full tale.  Beau said she thought it was nothing to be ashamed of (and Caleb started laughing hysterically) and then Nott just full-on denied that any of it was his fault (which is completely at odds with his own belief), and since Essek's gut reaction to hearing the story is probably going to be something like "Trent is a baby torturer" ... That's not an easy thing for Caleb to stomach.
Sibling: And yes, Essek will absolutely have that reaction because at that age humans are still fetuses to him.
Me: This brings me to my final point. Caleb may be worried that Essek learning all of this and thinking that way will damage Essek's ability to see Caleb as his mirror. He may view it as a threat to the life-line he threw Essek that night in Nicodranas.
Sibling: And then it's not about bettering each other... It's about Essek being alone again and Caleb being alone.
Me: However, Essek's insistence that he is sure nothing Caleb has done could compare to what Essek has done does mitigate that risk significantly.  It's just a matter of whether or not Caleb can see that and Essek can be pushy enough to get him to crack.
Sibling: I know Essek has it in him. He can forsake his country's precious artifacts to an opposing nation, he can push his BF to open up to him about his problems. Caleb, on the other hand, has been exceedingly fragile... since you know... GOING BACK TO THE ASYLUM, so I don't know if he's in a state to have that discussion, but if they don't have it soon, by the time Essek talks to him again Trent will probably be dead.
Me: Caleb is pretty blatant about his compartmentalization and deflection.  He feels it's necessary in the current circumstance with the Tomb Takers, but somebody really needs to step up after Lucien's taken out and talk to Caleb about this stuff.  Essek would be ideal because Caleb could benefit the most from Essek's perspective, I think, but really... anyone other than Veth is better than nothing. Going back to the Asylum was very obviously a severe triggering event and NO ONE TALKED ABOUT IT. Like, jfc, guys, Beau is right.  She asked if Caleb was even capable of working alongside Trent, and Caleb said yes (if he thought it was necessary), but we all, WE ALL know that he can't.  Not after that disaster.
Sibling: Especially because both Veth and Jester saw him go straight into "OH GOD WE'RE GOING TO DIE, HE'S HERE AND WE'RE GOING TO DIE, I'M GOING TO KILL HIM BEFORE HE HURTS ANYONE" and they were like "he can probably handle this"
Me: He was already borderline in that headspace BEFORE Trent showed up.
Sibling: And then afterward, he went straight into a dangerous self-destructive spiral. Like... I know we've said this before but thank GOD for that failed persuasion check.
Me: That nat 1 was poetry on so many levels. On a meta level the sheer luck of it was a delight, but within the context of the story I think it was great that Essek is just like... "No.  I am not crossing this line, not even for you."
Sibling: It worked narratively, meta-narratively, and saved Matt from having to draw up a bunch of ambush situations made by Volstruckers when Trent inevitably backstabbed them.
Me: Can you imagine poor Matt trying to play the Tomb Takers, Trent, Astrid, Wulf, and Essek... AND Charlie/Devexien?
Sibling: He already forgets to play Essek, and he only had a few NPCs to deal with.
Me: Even purely from a gameplay standpoint, can you imagine all the loot they Nein would lose in Aeor if they had brought scourgers with them? What if they found that dunamis machine?
Sibling: EXACTLY.
Convo ended here, but I had some more thoughts.  It was just too late to keep talking.  For example, I like FjordxJester and BeauxYasha.  I think they are actually complicated relationships but they just haven't really had the room to be deeply explored/examined, for example.  I also did not go into nearly as much detail about my thoughts on VaxxShaun as I would have liked to mostly because that ship wasn't the point of the discussion. ... oh god how do I even tag this?
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stinkystark · 4 years
Civil War // Avengers
Pairing(s): Stark! Reader x Avengers (Platonic)
Summary: You get hurt during a fight set in Civil War which brings everyone back together.
Word Count: 1.7K words.
Warnings: Blacking out, stupid dad, cursing.
A/N: This was requested! I looove platonic! Avengers x reader fics, so this was fun to write. For some reason, this fic just would not post. It kept giving me errors, so sorry for the long wait. I have more fic ideas, some of which are smutty, so there’ll be more posts. Enjoy this one first! <3
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Steve had always been extremely protective of you. Even though he and your dad, Tony, were often seen bickering and having heated arguments, Steve had a soft spot for you. He knew that Tony was often careless and paid too much attention to himself, so he felt like he had to keep an extra eye on you.
You loved Steve for it. He liked you, he thought of you as his daughter. However, he had the tendency to be unreasonable and going too far with his dad-speeches. You were still a teenager, after all, you didn't have to listen to the adults all the time, Tony once said that to you. Bet he regretted that as you got older.
"You can't. It's final." Steve pointed his finger at you, a stern look plastered on his face.
You, Steve, Sam and the mysterious ex-winter soldier were in some old car Steve managed to fix. You were in the backseat next to Barnes. You had tagged along with the guys to get him to safety and, honestly, you did a great job. You managed to beat the crap out of heavily armed police men, all while being shot at. You expected Steve to be proud of you. You thought he would take you with them to the airport and get that freaky fake German guy. Yet, he was ranting on about safety and you being too far away from your dad.
"You are not my dad, old man." You crossed your arms. Sam let out a chuckle and looked away.
"I am responsible for you right now. Your dad has no idea you are with us. How many times has he called you?" Steve said with a raised voice.
You shrugged your shoulders casually. "Don't know. I put my phone on silence after the 30th call."
"Y/N, listen to me. You were nearly killed just now. You are not going with us. Your dad is going to have a heart attack." Steve ranted. He sighed deeply.
"He doesn't have a heart. Besides, I was able to help myself just fine. Barnes saw it, right? Tell him." You nudged his metal arm. He looked like he really didn't want to be involved, but he had to. In the short period of time where you met him, he didn't seem to bad. You actually thought he was pretty badass. He seemed to have a liking for you, he would sneak a smile your way, even when he looked as pissed as can be.
"I- uh. I don't know-" you kicked his foot. "I mean- yeah, no, I think she should go with us." He nodded. A smirk made its way up to your lips, looking at Steve to see his disappointed face.
"Oh, come on, she's just a kid. Her dad needs her." He went on. He sighed and looked out the car window. A vehicle approached and stopped in front of the car. "There's our stuff," Steve said and got out of the car.
A pretty blonde got out of the other car. You smiled to yourself. You were in for a show. "Bet they are gonna kiss." You lifted your head to watch it unfold.
"5 bucks," Bucky said in a low voice.
Turns out, you won 5 bucks. Barnes looked defeated as he handed you the money. When Steve got back in the car with Sam's wings and his shield, he turned to you once more.
"You are going with us to the airport, but not on the jet, you understand?" He said sternly.
"Sure. I'll convince you along the way." You smirked. You relaxed in your seat while Steve started the car and drove off towards the airport. The car was silent, everyone seemed to be deep in thought. Your mind started drifting to your father, wondering what he was doing at that moment. You grabbed your phone. 57 missed calls. Your stomach turned. He would be so mad to find out you were not on his side and saving Bucky.
You understood why he would want to sign the Sokovia Accords to some extent. He felt guilty for the lives he took. You knew how much stress and tension he always dragged with him, it was logical. But, as much as you tried to tell yourself to stay on your dad's side, you couldn't. The Avengers were brought together to save lives, even if that includes taking some. You had to fight and every saved life was worth it.
It didn't take long for you and Steve to start the same argument again. While you all stepped out of the car, you and Steve were bickering non-stop. Once at the airport, he gave up. He finally agreed to you doing the mission with them. A trip to Germany didn't even seem that bad to you.
Right when you were about to cheer, an alarm went off. "What is it now?" You sighed. Steve began to look really worried.
"The airport is on lockdown. It's time to suit up. Buck, you take her, I trust you." Steve said. He grabbed his shield and helmet and began to run. You quickly shoved the 5 bucks into Bucky's hands and ran after Steve.
He was now face to face with Tony. You appeared next to Steve and crossed your arms. "Hey, dad."
"Lord, Jesus. Y/N, what the hell were you thinking? I called you a hundred times and now you decided to show up next to Cap. Steve, I swear to god I will kill you." Tony screamed. His face was flushed red from anger.
"I tried to tell her-" Steve spoke but was cut off.
"You could've been killed, for christ's sake. What were you thinking, hanging around that psycho." He ranted to you.
"If you're talking about Barnes, he's not a psycho. He is actually pretty funny and helped me kick some ass. I'm not dead, dad." You sighed.
Tony turned to Steve. "How fucking dare you? You really aren't gonna let this go and now you involve my daughter in this?" He sighed. "Fuck it. Underoos!" He suddenly yelled.
Cap's shield was whipped out of his hands, which were now tied together by webbing. A spider-looking guy jumped down on top of a van, Cap's shield in his clutch. "Hey, guys." He exclaimed happily.
The boy looked at each of you before his eyes landed on you. "Oh, I- I didn't know there were gonna be girls here." He stammered, to which you rolled your eyes.
Steve lifted his arms and then you knew some shit was about to go down. The webbing was shot off by an arrow you immediately recognized, Clint's. The fight was on.
Steve and Tony were busy slaughtering each other while the spider guy went for you. You managed to kick him a good amount of times, but he simply wouldn't stop talking. It was frustrating you to the point where you couldn't focus enough on the fight.
In the distance, a shot that Tony fired at Steve, bounced off of his shield and in your direction. You didn't saw it coming but it hit you right in the head. Spider boy added some more hits to that and before you knew, you blacked out.
"Ah, fuck." You grunted. You clutched your head in pain. It felt like you were hit by a bus. You carefully opened your eyes but the painfully bright fluorescent lights weren't helping at all.
"Y/N, you're up." A voice spoke beside you. You slowly turned your head to the side, pain stinging through your body as you did. In a chair next to your hospital bed sat Natasha, her hand holding yours tightly.
"Nat, what-" You questioned what the hell she was doing here. She was, as far as you could remember, very much on your dad's side. "Why are you here?"
"It's okay. We're done. The fight is over." She whispered. "Your dad has decided not to sign. He didn't want to say it but he knew he was wrong."
Finally. You were so worried the Avengers were officially breaking up, you were really happy that wasn't the case. The door to the room suddenly swung open to reveal a very worried looking Tony. "Speak of the devil," Natasha muttered.
Tony hurried to your side. "Are you okay? Do you feel out of breath? How are your vitals? God, where is that goddamn nurse when you need her?"
"Dad, dad, I'm fine. Just a bit of a headache and some bruises." You sighed. "I'm glad it's over. I missed you."
Natasha took Tony's watery eyes as a sign to leave the two of you alone. Tony held your hand. "This is all my fault. I can't believe how stupid I've been. I put you in so much danger all for a stupid contract that is bullshit anyway. I-I'm sorry, Y/N." You were genuinely shocked. Your dad has never said sorry. He also never admits that he was wrong.
"I forgive you." You smiled. He exhaled in relief. "Oh, are you okay? Are the others fine?" You hurried to sit up, but a sharp pain behind your eyes held you back. You groaned and sat back against the pillow.
"They're alright. They are actually here outside, but I didn't want them to disturb your beauty rest." He laughed and ruffled your hair. You swatted his arm playfully.
"Well, let them in already."
Tony called for the rest of them to greet you. When Steve and Bucky walked in, Tony swiftly left the room. Behind them were Natasha, Sam and Clint. They all dragged chairs around the bed or, in Sam's case, just sat on the bed next to you.
"Clint!" Your eyes shone when you saw him. He hurried to engulf you in a bear hug, but still careful not to crush you. You missed him, even though he wasn't gone a long time.
He let you go and sat down on the bed by your feet. Your eyes drifted to Bucky who was sitting in the back, his hair covering most of his face. He looked up at you when he felt your eyes on him. A smile couldn't help but appear on his lips. You gladly smiled back. "You can keep the 5 bucks." You winked.
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hyperfixationtimego · 3 years
IDK IF YOU MEANT JUNKO IS HER GF AND BEST FRIEND BUT!!! Celeste/Kyoto friendship, they’re both man haters 💜 /j
I remember a game night thing back then, Clue reinvigorates Celeste’s interest in murder mysteries and she honestly impresses Kyoto when she tricks Togami into revealing his cards (mainly questioning his truthfulness/credibility)
After that, Kyoto and Celeste try to find videos, games, and books of murder mysteries to solve, but with Celeste able to figure out who’s lying and Kyoto’s detecting ability, they’re unstoppable. Junko likes to nitpick the murder mysteries too, even though she likely has no idea who the murderer is.
After a while of their regular things being too easy, one day they walk into the kitchen area to find Chihiro and Sonia (again no idea if this is in character but her cosplayers are always cute) putting some fake blood on Ibuki. Makoto is upsetting the area, like knocking over the knife holder and such. They’re super confused, until Makoto says (very unconvincingly) “:O someone killed Ibuki!!! you guys gotta figure it out”
That becomes the new regular thing, like every other week they make a new murder mystery for the two and they have to solve it (including the fact that some stuff will be inaccurate, and just how the group thinks it would happen). Peko isn’t that fond of it, but she’ll do it if Chihiro gives her the 🥺 look, and both Miu and Leon absolutely love the chance to play characters (I forgot her name but if Peko does it, Tsumugi/blue hair will do it too, she just prefers to be the victim) - queer eye anon
and yes yes they are 😌
and also !! legit 👀 like. it pisses Togami off to no end (seriously, how did she do that?? how could he be tricked so easily???) but Kyoko’s like “,,,,,oh my god,,,,,,,,such manipulation,,,,,,,such incredible deductive skills,,,,,”
long story short kirigiri develops a squish (platonic equivalent of a crush) on this weird mean goth bitch and just starts hanging around her more often until eventually Celeste is like,,,,,,,,,fine, if I simply MUST adopt you as a best friend, I suppose I will, seeing as I have ABSOLUTELY NO CHOICE in the matter :)
so they start spending more time together, and Kyoko’s usually the one who’s like “hey I found another murder mystery thing we could try-” to which Celeste’s response tends to be more lighthearted “oh, very well, if I absolutely must-”
It’s incredible - no piece of mystery media stands a chance against them <3
also a little off topic and might be a bit ooc, but I think we should all consider buzzfeed unsolved!kyoko and Celeste because that just seems goddamn hilarious to me ndndbdbdbddbd
and BDBSB YEAH THEY’RE SO SWEET?? Makoto came up with the idea, but Sonia and Chihiro are absolutely essential to the operation as a whole.
Sonia’s interest in serial killers provides a necessary take for the psychological perspective of real life cases, so they know for certain it’ll be stimulating for the detective of the two, meanwhile Chihiro’s brainpower allows for both creative and logical placement of clues, red herrings, and more!
Plus, all three of them are absolute sweethearts that most people have trouble saying no to <3 (they’ve even gotten Byakuya to participate once or twice! Celeste and Kirigiri were both delighted and bewildered!)
THEY ALSO GET OUMA INVOLVED BECAUSE HE’S THE ONLY ONE THAT EVER GIVES CELESTE ANY TROUBLE IN DECIPHERING LIES FHSBSBDBSBS (she usually gets it right on account of her own luck, and if she gets it wrong, It tends to be either salvageable or ambiguous enough that she can pretend she was right and nobody can tell they were ever on the wrong track)
Miu pretends like she needs fujisaki, nevermind, and naegi to beg her for her participation, but she’s honestly more than willing because!!! She gets to yell and be loud and have fun and play weirdos!!!! And sometimes she even invents new things for practical effects, just ‘cause she can! And she knows it makes her friends happy!
Leon’s a pretty good actor until Celeste stares him down - then he immediately either loses his nerve or fucks something up ❤️
and dhsbsbdbsbdb Peko!!!! Peko and Fuyuhiko get involved because a) chihiro gave them both the 🥺 face, as you said, and b) fuyuhiko,,,,,,,thinks the concept,,,,,,,,is fun,,,,,,,👉👈 but shut up he’d never admit that!!!
Tsumugi makes costumes!!!! And totally loses herself in the roles!!! She gives the BEST performances, and Celeste and Kyoko are often left sitting there like “wow ok” because hdbdbdvdvdvdvdvddv????
They get Nagito involved a lot, both due to his luck and the fact that he’s very easy to convince (and often comes up with more cool ideas for the scene of the crime/evidence/general concepts!) though, if he’s involved, then Hajime needs to be as well, becauee everyone can only take maeda’s self-deprecating bullshit for so long until they need someone to shut him up hdbdbdbdb
Hiyoko acts like she thinks it’s dumb, but actually really wants to be included 🥺 👉👈 so mahiru takes it upon herself to “force” her into helping
Sakura and Hina love to help however they can! :D I don’t rlly have anything specific for them, I simply think they’re very cool and would be very eager to help because they love their friends <3
Sayaka is INCREDIBLE when it comes to thinking up “murder” plots! Motives, manipulation, the likelihood of certain actions being taken.....+ due to her high intuition, she’s able to discern what types of things kyoko and celeste prefer during their little games! She also provides insight into emotional response for the actors, which helps to make it a lot more immersive!
Mikan gets very very very nervous as a performer and is usually very unreliable in that aspect, but she gives pointers on whether or not certain wounds would be enough to kill a person! She also provides emphasis on vital organs and helps with anatomical accuracy!
Gundham adores being able to give monologues, and the three in charge of everything do their best to give him macabre, weird roles so he can speak and confuse the two girls to his heart’s content ❤️
if they ever need to talk to chiaki during an investigation, they usually need to wake her up, or get her to stop playing a video game (which she’s not supposed to be playing!!!!) in order to interrogate her (she also forgets a lot of the details and evidence she’s supposed to give them shdbsndbsnsb)
she also likes to give chihiro ideas for plots and things, though mostly uses her games as inspiration !
Shuichi and kyoko are friends so he’s like “yyyeah okay I’ll do it” and so by the same token, Kaede is automatically (and emphatically!) involved as well
Kirumi gets involved because if it’s a request, she’ll do it 💛 plus she kinda loves being involved with this stuff ngl jsnsbsn meanwhile ryoma is like this is dumb but if it’ll make u guys happy then I guess I have no choice
Maki’s pretty difficult to convince, ngl, but if kaito pesters her enough, she might drop by to give her two cents on some of the most plausible and effective methods of getting rid of evidence, as well as what she would do if she were in the position of the murderer (makoto and co. are like wow maki thank u very cool we are absolutely terrified)
shinguji makes it a point in the anthology to embarrass himself at the drop of a hat for his friends’ benefits regarding things like this, so they’re obviously in hbdbdbd plus they love being able to study kyoko and celeste’s behavior while working on each “case,” because without a doubt they are two of the most interesting specimens of human thought patterns and processes he’s ever SEEN <3
since it’s for the sake of two girls, Tenko’s very excited to do whatever Sonia or Chihiro asks of her (she’ll do things that Makoto asks, too, but it takes some convincing....) and Himiko.....isn’t a particularly convincing liar to begin with, but her experience with stage trickery comes in handy pretty often! (though they have to practically drag the information out of her shdbsndn)
Angie agrees to participate on the grounds that all of her characters get to bring up and endorse Atua. she gets picked for murder victim quite a lot bsbssbdb
also highkey 👀 the canon cases get re-enacted at some point (for the first game’s third case, they actually let Celeste be in on it as a little treat for Kyoko! it was absolutely bonkers and they both had literally so much fun!!!)
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fytheuntamed · 4 years
How much of the novel do you think was Mxtx's actual outline for the story, how much was to keep the audience engaged, and how much was the request of her readers? I'd say most of the explicit romance stuff was to keep the audience. Whenever wangxian need to be physically intimate alchol was involved because she knew the ml would never do those things on their own and she needed a excuse to write it. Which imo is bad writing if you can't get the ml in your romance to be intimate without alchol.
Well there’s certainly a lot to unpack here, anon, but I’m afraid my ability to respond is quite hampered by a few things: I’ve only read a portion of the MDZS novel and I haven’t read any of MXTX’s other novels, MXTX’s initial intended audience was readers in China (which I am not), and I don’t know MXTX, so I can only guess at her intentions. That being said, I will share a few of my thoughts on the matters mentioned in your ask.
I think that with any story that is heavily plot driven, as opposed to a more slice-of-life story, the author has to have a fairly well thought out outline for the story before they begin writing, or at least before they begin publishing. Absent this, it’s inevitable that the story will become full of plot holes and loose ends. While the plot aspect of the novel may not be perfect (plot holes that exist in the drama don’t necessarily exist in the novel), the most common complaints I’ve heard about it weren’t plot related, leading me to believe the plot of the novel must be fairly cohesive. Reading your ask, though, I get the impression that what you’re asking about isn’t the plot plot, but rather the dynamic between lwj and wwx. Did MXTX make wangxian a couple to boost readership? Again, I don’t know MXTX, so I have no real way of knowing what her intentions were. That being said, I’m leaning towards no. My guess is MXTX just wanted to write a story where two guys are in love, and it probably wasn’t for any deep reason other than that she wanted to. I won’t get into the reasons why, as that would be a whole other post, but lots of girls really like writing mlm stories.
I want to stress again that I don’t know how the platform on which MXTX published the novel works, therefore I don’t know what level of communication existed between MXTX and her fans on said platform.
As for the physical intimacy between wangxian, again, I don’t think she wrote it just because she wanted to please the fans, but rather I think she probably wrote it because she herself wanted these scenes to exist. Was she also aware that readers were hoping for such scenes? Of course! (Assuming she read fan comments). I think it’s very standard practice in many countries, regardless of the medium, to include one (or multiple) scenes in which the main couple have their first time together. If you’ve properly written and developed the relationship between the couple, depicting them being intimate in this way with one another should be quite gratifying to readers. Now I don’t mean this in a, “if they haven’t boned, they aren’t really in love” way. I simply mean that such scenes can be used to show a deepening of the couple’s bond, which for readers who are invested in said bond, is really nice to be able to witness.
as far as novel!wangxian are with physical intimacy, i think their novel dynamic does rely more heavily on some classic tropes that didn’t make it into the drama because of censorship. Things like lwj’s possessiveness and jealousy that existed far more heavily in the novel couldn’t make it into the drama, as these were deemed to be too obviously non-platonic to make the cut. I think MXTX wrote lwj throughout the story as a man who is very repressed due to his upbringing, so I honestly don’t think it’s too surprising that she made him drunk during such intimate scenes. Putting aside whether it’s good writing or not, as that’s a can of discourse I don’t particularly want to get into right now, I don’t think it’s that lwj wouldn’t want to do such things with wwx while sober, but rather that he wouldn’t allow himself to do such things while sober (at least initially when he isn’t sure of wwx’s feelings for him). So in this case I don’t think it’s a case of bad writing in terms of inconsistency of characterization, as one could easily understand why someone like lwj would be hesitant to act in such a manner while sober. It would be one thing if lwj had been raised in a clan that was all, “follow your heart and your dick, go be free,” and still needed to be drunk to get intimate, but that just isn’t the case here. again, i’m not getting into any of the discourse surrounding their intimate scenes because i think i’ve already touched upon the matter in a previous post and said what i wanted to say on the matter.
in conclusion, because this post has gotten far too long: i don’t know MXTX - none of us do - so we can only guess at her intentions. i don’t know how large or small a role her Chinese fans played in shaping the story, but my guess would be MXTX wrote the story as she wanted to, not as her fans may or may not have wanted her to. i also want to say that because wangxian’s relationship is the backbone of the story, i don’t think it’s something she could have slapped together haphazardly in the middle of the story. their love story is so interwoven with the plot that i would be very surprised if MXTX revealed their relationship was simply an afterthought or the wishes of the fans. finally, in my opinion, novel!wangxian’s intimate scenes, putting matters of consent aside, do appear consistent with MXTX’s characterization of lwj as someone who is both possessive and repressed. whether fans prefer this characterization of lwj or the drama’s characterization of lwj is between them and themselves.
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b-rainlet · 4 years
Just want to say I love your blog. Your TUA content is lovely and I can't say what a breath of fresh air it is to find another Luther champion. The fandoms treatment of him, istg, some of the most ludacris nonsense I've ever had to read. Especially love how you point out he's ALWAYS been so sweet and selfless when it comes to Allison and her personal happiness. Anyway I saw you say you seem confident alluther will actually happen. I sure hope so, but why do you figure? The antis are so loud.
Awwwww, thank you anon, you’re so sweet! Yeah, this blog is on 24/7 loving Luther lockdown! I feel like the antis are easing up a little bit after S2 aired because most of Luther’s scenes were used as comedic relief and the faves he was clashing with (Diego and Vanya) seem to have a better relationship with him now, so it’s not as bad anymore, but I have to admit I never ever go into the main tag so I can’t be 100% sure. 
Maybe you should try looking through the ‘Luther Protection Squad’ tag to find some more like-minded people? I swear there are more of us out there!
But to come to the Alluther question: 
I know that the antis are loud and I’ve noticed that most of them have counted S2 as a win for them, talking about how Allison ‘moved on’ and how Alluther won’t happen but I disagree (and I will now launch into a rambly post about why lmao).
All of this is based on the assumption though that they will be somewhat consistent in their writing regarding Alluther and S2 taught me that that isn’t very likely, so maybe I’m completely wrong and Alluther will never ever be mentioned in S3, but based on what happened so far, I could see them as an endgame couple. 
I mean in S1 they were a pretty big plot point so I don’t think I have to say anything about that but even though the Alluther scenes have been toned down in S2 they were there. 
Let’s see what antis would say about why Alluther won’t happen: 
Allison is married
And? Allison has been married before and still mentioned comparing every man she ever loved/dated to Luther. Allison has been married and she has had a kid with another guy and still Alluther was going strong. 
Not to mention that the end of this season has made it very clear we won’t see Raymond again.
Raymond (and Sissy) are temporary love interests for this particular season and both of them cannot leave their timeline without majorly fucking things up - at least according to Five, but the whole timetravel rules can change at the drop of a hat - but more importantly, both of them had a talk with their respective lovers about wanting to stay in their timeline. 
So unless Allison will return to the 60s (which doesn’t seem likely tbh), Raymond is gone for good. 
 Raymond was her true love tho! Like Klave!
I don’t think antis actually word it like this but I’ve noticed how all of them hopped onto the Almond train immediately and keep gushing about how good and cute they are and that’s great! You can ship what you wanna ship! But I think a lot of the love for this ship has to do with how it prevents Alluther from happening. If Allison is deeply in love with this wholesome man, she can’t ever like her brother. 
But tbh….I didn’t buy Almond. For two people who are happily married they crumble and burn awfully fast. 
And tbh, I was thinking about making a post about this so I’m gonna add this rant here but I just wanna preface this with the fact that I don’t hate them and I don’t hate people who ship them, I’m just….using this opportunity to poke some hole into their relationship. 
I think it would’ve been more believable if Raymond and Allison would be in the early stages of dating while all of S2 goes down. Think about it.
They are married? After one year? I mean, as far as I know, Allison has been in the 60s for about two years - since Luther was the first one who arrived and he spent 3 years there??? But I am not fact-checking this, so correct me if I’m wrong - so she had time to get used to being there, adjust to having no voice, meet Raymond, fall in love with him and get married to him. 
And considering she could already talk again it must’ve have been a while before she started talking to/dating Raymond? I don’t think a wound like that wouldn’t take a while to heal but with this show’s consistency, maybe it did. 
I was actually hoping Allison would stay mute for a while longer but alas
So, they got married pretty fast imo, and you could argue that it’s the 60s but 
Allison isn’t from the 60s
Allison just got out of a bad marriage. There’s like, a year?? maybe?? between her first marriage and her second one and tbh, I don’t think Allison would get married again so fast, tying herself to someone again almost immediately, especially if you consider what getting married in the 60s means for a woman and her personal freedom (it’s hinted at with Sissy but not with Allison and even though Raymond was probably a good husband who let her have her freedom and her say in things - as we can see with their movement - it’s still the 60s. Women couldn’t earn their own money. They couldn’t even spend any money without having to ask their husband. They were basically property of their husband and I can’t believe Allison would immediately jump back into being married, no matter how nice and good the guy is). 
“That just means it’s true love! That’s why their marriage may seem rushed!”
Yeah true love. I also keep secrets from my true love.
I mean, I understand that Allison couldn’t start talking about time travel or Raymond would’ve started thinking she’s crazy or something - and maybe would’ve sent her to a mental institution as is his right as a husband, so good idea getting married! - but she didn’t mention stuff like “I had a child.” or “I lost my family.” either and those are vague enough to not raise questions.
I mean, she could’ve lied! She could’ve said Claire is dead, which considering the apocalypse was what they were escaping is true!
She could’ve talked about how she had a family, but they kinda lost each other - maybe talking about how they all moved away and she doesn’t know where they are now, even though she misses them terribly. 
I mean, I simply can’t believe that she had to grief for her own child all on her own and she didn’t even tell her husband (and she couldn’t even properly be sad about it since Raymond and her lived together, so she probably didn’t have many moments where she could think about the future and the things she lost without the possibility of being walked in on). 
And how much it would’ve meant if there would’ve been a scene of her crying over Claire when she thinks she’s alone, but alas.
Then there’s also the whole added drama to their relationship. Which was btw, so unnecessary.
@showwriters: Why do you establish a relationship you obviously want to be viewed as full of love and instead of letting it be the steady rock the character can lean on during all the already ongoing chaos, you add drama to it and let it fall apart as a side plot which immensely suffers from not being shown/explored enough. 
I mean, we already have relationship drama with Vanya/Sissy and that relationship feels more natural because their obstacles are outside forces and not...one of them distrusting the other. 
You know, I get why Raymond is suspicious, I totally do! I just don’t think it makes the relationship believable. 
Once again, if they would’ve been in the early stages of dating and suddenly Allison’s weird brothers appear and she seems to be in cahoots with the cops, I would also think ‘???’ and it would’ve made perfect sense for Raymond to be confused and distrustful and not want to talk to Allison. 
But they’re married. They’re married and they vowed to love each other in sickness and in health and yet Raymond immediately jumps to ‘Allison is a spy’.
The woman you love enough to marry. That’s your first thought. Okay. 
(And if you wanna compare that to Vissy...Vanya suddenly drives off in the night to meet her family and disappears for a while and she apparently did something to Harlan and now he’s behaving weirdly and has powers….and she’s talking about taking Sissy and him to the future…..and yet….Sissy trusted Vanya). 
And tbh, I was done with their whole relationship the moment Allison spent the whole night calling every single hospital, trying to find out whether her husband was in one of them - was even alive - in tears and close to breaking down because the last time she saw him they were both involved in a riot and the possibility of him being in jail or hurt is very high only to find out…..
…..he had a meeting with their group without telling her because he doesn’t trust her. 
And what? He couldn’t have called her to at least tell her he’s okay and he’s gonna stay somewhere else overnight because shady shit did just go down that they need to discuss but he wants to be alone for now? That’s the bare minimum and yet he doesn’t do that. He doesn’t even call to make sure she is okay since running away doesn’t mean she couldn’t have accidentally been dragged into a brawl and hurt. 
Once again: They are married. 
So tbh, all I got from this relationship is the feeling that Allison simply didn’t wanna be alone in this new timeline and that isn’t an explicit point against Alluther. 
Okay, but….Allison moved on! So she still won’t get with Luther!
Did she? Did she really? I don’t think so. I mean, one of the first things we get from Allison aside from ‘She’s married’ is ‘She looks at the moon so often, her husband notices and gets her a book related to that’. 
That’s one of the most blatant ways they could’ve said: ‘She misses Luther.’
And Luther only. Not the whole family, Luther. If they wanted to somehow make this platonic or familial, they wouldn’t have taken the character she is canonly interested in romantically (which she is and has been since S1, no matter what antis say). 
I mean, if they only wanted to show ‘She misses her family’ they could’ve added a scene where she listens to the kid next door playing the violin or sees a boy in schoolboy shorts or maybe mistakes someone for Diego or whatever, endless possibilities. But they didn’t. 
They made it very clear she misses Luther and I don’t think she had a scene that shows her missing any of her other siblings in such a way (which is btw paralleled by the scene where Luther mistakes someone for Allison, which is also the only scene where he’s shown thinking about one of his siblings to the point he thinks he sees them - as far as I remember). 
But that’s probably only a coincidence, right?
Then there’s them meeting for the first time. I mean, they hug and the rest of the world disappears.
They took the time to shoot/cut this scene in a way that, when Allison and Luther hug after years of not seeing each other, everyone else isn’t in the shot anymore and it’s just them. Because they tried to make this as platonic as possible. 
(In comparison, Allison and Diego don’t even hug. And Klaus and Allison do hug and it’s a happy moment but there is no romantic music and it’s more focused on them being happy to see each other and not framed as a romantic scene. I mean, I have no clue regarding things like ‘motifs’ and ‘scenery’ but just watch those two hug scenes back to back and you know what I mean). 
Then the scene proceeds and they talk and sit down and Luther mentions her marriage and Allison tries to apologize. 
Just think about that. She doesn’t outright apologize but she does try to explain why she got married by saying how hard it was and is only stopped by Luther telling her he’s glad she wasn’t alone. 
How….how can you read that as a platonic convo between brother and sister? Just replace Luther with Klaus. Why would she feel the need to explain herself and seems guilty about being married? Is it because it implies she gave up on finding her family? If so, that would be her reaction with every sibling but she is explicitly like this with Luther. She tells Klaus she’s married too, and in that scene it’s definitely a ‘siblings catching up’ moment and it’s a happy moment and she doesn’t seem apologetic about being married. 
She is with Luther. 
Because they both know that there’s something between them and has been for a long time, to the point that Allison is visibly jealous when Luther has other relationships (his one-night-stand in S1) and this is the second time Allison has turned towards another man instead of waiting for Luther. And that’s why she tries to apologize. That’s why she tries to explain that she couldn’t know whether they - whether Luther - would ever show up, so she tried her best to move on - but she didn’t really, hence the moon scene. 
(This is also the scene where Luther could’ve been angry with her - and she probably would’ve thought he’s in the right - since during the days leading up to the apocalypse it seemed like they were slowly working towards being together - even if the kiss never happened, there’s still the phone booth scene which is basically Luther confessing his feelings - and now she once again leaves him standing alone, waiting for her to possibly return to him. 
But he isn’t, he just tells her he’s glad that she wasn’t alone. Because he is the actual embodiment of a gentleman and this world doesn’t deserve him). 
And this is just what I remember from watching the season once and then not really engaging with it, I can’t understand how antis can see those scenes and come to entirely different conclusions. But I guess, you really only see what you wanna see, huh?
But, but…...Incest is disguting! Even their siblings think so!
They don’t. They really don’t. There’s a gifset on tumblr somewhere compiling the scenes in S1 that show how chill the sibs are with Alluther, but let’s disregard those and just focus on S2 since they changed up a lot from the prior season and antis seem to think S2 was them finally saying ‘No Alluther’. 
I guess there’s the hair salon scene where Vanya, Klaus and Allison talk about relationships and Klaus lightly teases Allison for liking Luther. 
Now, he mentions Allison crushing on their brother in the same sentence where he talks about Vanya and her ‘Farmfrau’ and unless I missed it, he doesn’t change his voice. He doesn’t suddenly sound completely disgusted, or like he wants to vomit or whatever people think, so either, he thinks Vissy is as ‘disgusting’ as Alluther, or, he thinks both are simply relationships his sibs are interested in pursuing and he teases them about them like a sibling may do. 
And then you have Allison’s reaction. 
She doesn’t go: ‘Oh yeah, that was gross, what was I thinking’, she doesn’t make a face or disgusted noises or what, no, she tries to defend herself and her feelings. 
Which tells us: 
Despite popular belief to disregard Allison’s say in the Alluther relationship, she wants the relationship and she is obvious enough about it their siblings know (and Klaus makes it a point to say ‘Allison is into Luther’ and not ‘Luther likes Allison and Allison tolerates it). 
Alluther is brought up while they talk about current relationships, implying Allison still feels this way (especially because the way she reacts doesn’t make it seem like it’s a long over relationship with no longer relevant feelings. But again, I watched the season once and I don’t remember everything that was said. I think this is telling enough though). 
So..tell me again how everyone thinks Alluther is disgusting?
By now anon is thinking: ‘What is the point of all this rambling?’ 
And yeah, I am sorry for going way too into detail but I just wanted to make it clear that if the writers were intend on killing Alluther off in S2 - like antis believe - then everything I just mentioned wouldn’t have happened.
(And that’s without even mentioning the cpr scene). 
Alluther did get reduced but it didn’t vanish even though they decided to completely erase other things (like Claire and Eudora who are barely or not at all mentioned or things like Kliego being very close). 
This would’ve been the best opportunity! They re-meet in the 60s and Allison is happily married and takes the time to tell Luther he should move on. Or both are single and Luther tries to ask where they’re standing and whether she would like to try with him and she goes ‘This would be a mistake’ and that’s it.
(I am making Allison the one who ends things because it would be ooc for Luther to just end the possible relationship after waiting for Allison for years and there needs to be some consistency even in the mess that was S2). 
But! This didn’t happen!
Alluther is more or less back where it was in S1. Allison isn’t in a relationship anymore and won’t get back with the guy and Luther loves her no matter what. And the cheek kiss seems to leave them both on a hopeful note of finally getting together. 
So unless they use S3 to once again redo the show, it feels like Alluther is set up to be endgame. Like, I am getting ‘star-crossed lovers’ vibes where you’re just waiting for them to finally get together - because they just belong - but things keep getting in the way.  
You could compare it Diego/Lila in that regard, I think it’s pretty obvious those two are gonna end up together too. 
I have another ask about how they could get together, where I will definitely ramble more, but this shall be it for now. I hope it was halfway consistent. (And doesn’t have too many typos, I’m too lazy to check).
Also the formatting is shit but idc, I spent like two hours on this
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theotherackerman · 3 years
My Mind Turns Your Life Into Folklore
My Mind Turns Your Life Into Folklore
COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Any recognizable elements belong to Attack on Titan.
Tuesday, January 19th
 song: epiphany-taylor swift
chapter twenty-two: epiphany
Zeke was working at his desk when he heard his brother’s voice down the hall. It must have been time for Eren’s appointment. Zeke had been too involved in the paperwork he was doing to even realize the time.
His last patient had been a wreck.
More so than normal. Everything was in order now.
At least Zeke had hoped.
Zeke remembered the words Pieck had said to him. Maybe Zeke already had the family he had longed for.
But he still had unfinished business with one part of his family.
He looked over at the picture of his mother on his desk.
Dina had got the short end of every stick. Her family had mostly passed away by the time she had married Grisha and the living family…
Well, they wanted nothing to do with her.
Zeke thought of Levi.
His mother had been cast out due to being pregnant while Zeke’s mother had been cast out for marrying a man she loved.
Zeke made peace with Grisha, at least in his head.
But his mother’s family?
The ones who abandoned her?
Those he wanted revenge on.
Now he had the perfect opportunity.
Well, at least he thought he did.
He still had a lot of things to get in order before he could.
“Have you read the file yet?” he heard Levi’s voice behind him. It caused Zeke to jump.
“How did you get back here?” Zeke asked as he turned around. “Also I thought Mikasa was bringing Eren.”
“I walked through the door. How else would I get back here? It’s snowing. She doesn’t like to drive in the snow.”
“Right. Parents’ car accident. You mentioned that.”
“So did you read the file?”
“No,” Zeke sighed before standing up and closing the door.
“Why not? You’ve been bugging me about it long enough,” Levi said before taking his usual spot and sitting down.
“Because I know there’s going to be a lot of shit in there from the Reiss family about my mom,” Zeke said before sitting back down at his desk.
“It’s not an opinion. It’s only only facts in there. What would Kenny do with an opinion?” Levi huffed.
“I do not know!” Zeke yelled. He sighed and then took off his glasses. He ran both of his hands down his face before putting his glasses back on.
“Are you doing okay over there?” Levi asked after a moment.
“Yes...no….maybe. I do not know right now. I am worried about Eren. I am worried about my friends. I am worried about that damn file. It may have more information that I am not ready to know about the shitty Reiss family. My mother was the only surviving Fritz. Now she’s gone and the Reiss family couldn’t even be bothered to care about her passing. Just because she married Grisha. Her entire life was ruined by that man.”
“But she did love him.”
“Unfortunately for everyone involved, she went to her death loving him. Have you read the file?” Zeke asked as he looked at Levi.
“Yeah, there’s some very interesting things in there. You should give it a read,” Levi said before he stood up. “And Eren’s fine. He’s better than the last time I saw him. I’d say something if he wasn’t.”
“Yes, I suppose you would.”
“Read the damn file.”
“I will. I will read it this week.”
“Good,” Levi said before he walked out of the door, closing it behind him.
The snow was picking up as Mikasa watched it fall. She still hated the snow. She hated driving in it more than anything. She had been surprised when Levi had told her he was taking Eren to therapy and not to worry about it. After feeding the dogs and taking them on a walk, she had begun her daily chores. They hadn’t taken as long as Mikasa would have liked.
So she sat in the sun room watching the snow. She was worried about Levi and Eren’s return. She was worried if Sasha and Historia had made it to the indoor farmer’s market safely.
“Stop staring at it,” Ymir said before poking Mikasa in the shoulder. “Historia and Sasha are fine. I’m sure Levi and Eren will be back soon.”
Mikasa simply nodded.
“Still having writer’s block?” Ymir asked as she sat down in a chair.
“Yeah, unfortunately.”
“Maybe you just need a break. You don’t have to write a song everyday, you know.”
“I know it’s just...it’s the way I can get my feelings out, you know? Better than a real journal. I can make allegories and no one will know what I’m talking about.”
“I disagree. Some of us know who your songs are about.”
“Really? Then how many songs have I written about you and Historia?”
“I dunno. Like six.”
Mikasa smirked.
“Wait, is it more?”
“But I thought you knew who my songs are about.”
“Did you write a song about all of us?”
Mikasa nodded.
“How many?”
“A lot.”
“Okay, what song is about Levi and Hange? Because there’s got to be at least one I’m guessing.”
“There’s a few,” Mikasa said before she moved over to her keyboard. “There’s a few just about Levi though.”
"Really? You should play one of them,” Ymir said before she moved over and sat down on the piano bench in front of the keyboard.
Mikasa sat down next to her and began to play.
The song sounded melancholy.
“ {lyrics redacted due to copyright}. ”
Ymir’s father had been a soldier like Levi. It wasn’t something she spoke on very much. She wondered if her father had felt like that. She couldn’t remember much about him. Had what he saw been too much for him in the end?
Mikasa and Ymir hadn’t realized that Levi and Eren had returned. They didn’t know that they were in the living room, hearing every word.
“ {lyrics redacted due to copyright}.”
Eren made his way over to the sun room.
It was a good thing as Levi had started to tear up. He looked at Sawney and Bean. Both were sitting there, wiggling.
Sometimes Levi wondered if he had done right by Mikasa, as every parent did. But to have seen her grow, to see her music grow with her. He was proud of her.
He had ideas of who all the songs were about. It wasn’t rocket science for him to figure out. He and Hange had even made a guessing game out of her music.
“Eren! How long have you been here?” Mikasa said as she stopped playing the piano.
“Just got in with Levi.”
Levi wiped the tears away before making his way over to the sun room with the dogs in tow.
“What are we doing for lunch, brats?” Levi asked as he leaned in the doorway.
“It’s your turn to cook, Ymir,” Mikasa reminded her.
“Alright, so what are we ordering?”
“Hey!” Ymir countered.
“Go see what Annie wants,” Levi said as he walked out of the sun room.
The Blouse family farm stall at the indoor farmer’s market was doing very well. In fact, due to Historia’s personality, they were doing much better than they had in previous years.
Sasha didn’t speak much about the year with the drought where they almost lost the farm. Connie’s family had helped so much. She would never be able to repay his family for all the help they had given her family.
This year, the winter crops were doing great, they were preparing for spring corps.
Things were looking up for Sasha.
In fact, Niccolo had finally got the guts to actually call Sasha for once.
And it didn't go well.
In fact, it went in a completely bad direction.
They had been chatting about how Connie was searching for something to take on his date with Ruth Kline. Somehow, Sasha had let it slip that Connie had put a lot of effort into their dates especially after he had taken her virginity.
"Wait, Connie was your first?"
"Uh, yeah. Why does that matter?" Sasha asked.
“But you’re still friends…”
“Yeah? Is that a problem?”
“Is that a problem? Yeah, it’s a big fucking problem.”
“Wait, why? I thought you liked Connie! I thought you guys gamed together.”
“Yeah, we do but that’s besides the point.”
“Please inform me of what the point is then.”
“He’s your first. That’s special, right? That means something. He means something to you.”
“Well, yeah, he’s my best friend. Look, I really don’t like what you’re saying right now.”
“I’m just saying that there’s something there. And you could be tempted.”
“Tempted? What because I can’t control myself? Because I’m not loyal to a relationship that has been nothing but sexting and far too little conversation? Let's not forget that you forgot to tell the name of your band and that Eren was in it.”
“How was I supposed to know that you knew Eren?”
“Gee, I don’t know. The photos on my Instagram? The photos on Facebook? Oh, wait. That would require you to take an active interest in what I actually do.”
“I take an interest in what you do!”
“Then why do our conversations only revolve around sex, band stuff, and your culinary career?”
“Well, that’s because...you don’t really do much.”
“Excuse me?”
“Wait, that came out wrong.”
“This conversation is over.”
“Sasha, wait.”
“No. Fuck off, Niccolo. Don’t call me.”
Sasha hung up on him, not wishing to hear anything else. She sat down on her bed, frustrated by the whole situation.
Sure, there was a part of her that understood that Niccolo was just jealous.
But there was literally nothing for him to be jealous of!
Her relationship with Connie was nothing more than platonic now. She loved Connie. She truly did and no one would ever come between them.
They had fallen out of love after high school. It hadn’t been a bad break up or even slightly messy.
Some relationships just run their course and they’re over.
That had been Connie and Sasha but despite that, they had stayed the best of friends. Something that would never change. No matter who they dated.
Niccolo though….
Sasha had hoped that he would step up.
Take her on a real date.
Spend time with her.
But he hadn’t.
Then his jealousy right now?
That wasn’t something Sasha was willing to put up. Her friends came first before whatever romantic partner came along.
If Niccolo didn’t like that, then he was free to leave.
At band practice, everyone noticed the change in Sasha’s mood.
She didn’t have to say anything. She just wasn’t her normal perky self.
“Alright, spit it out,” Ymir said after they finished playing an older song.
“What?” Sasha asked as four girls stared at her.
“Something is bothering you,” Mikasa spoke up next.
““Yes, no. I don’t know. Things aren’t going with Niccolo,” Sasha said.
“Why?” Annie asked.
“Well, there’s the whole we can barely talk to one another in person factor. Oh and he doesn’t like that I’m very good friends with my ex,” Sasha sighed as she leaned up against the wall.
“Does he not realize how small of a town this is? I mean Annie’s ex is building our studio and Armin doesn’t care,” Historia said as she crossed her arms across her chest.
“I guess not. I’m just not going to talk to Niccolo for a few days. Connie and I were years ago! He just happens to be one of my best friends. He’s been seeing Ruth Kline, you remember her? She was in our geometry class. She doesn’t care that Connie and I are still friends. Niccolo should trust me, right?” Sasha crossed her arms across her chest.
“He should. Maybe you’re right about not talking to him for a bit,” Mikasa said.
“I am. I’m not going to let him bring me down. The farm is doing well. We’re getting a studio.”
“There’s my Sasha!” Ymir yelled as she moved behind the drum set and wrapped her arm around Sasha’s shoulders. “But seriously, say the word. He’ll be dead.”
“Ymir, you can’t solve everything with violence,” Historia said as she rolled her eyes.
“Says the girl who saw me at the supermarket and punched me in the face,” Eren said as he leaned in the doorway of the sun room.
“Okay but you kind of deserved that,” Historia defended.
“Yeah, no. You’re right. So who are you killing?” he asked.
“Considering your friends with the enemy, we cannot reveal our plan to you,” Ymir replied.
Annie rolled her eyes, “it’s Niccolo. He freaked out because Connie and Sasha are friends.”
Eren frowned. “Weird. I thought he knew that. Either way, I’m not getting involved but if you want me to talk to him, Sasha….”
Sasha shook her head. “I’m just going to give him some space and then we’ll go from there.”
“I thought you’d be more of a wreck after therapy,” Annie said as she looked at Eren.
“Huh? Oh. No. I’m good. Magath seems to know what he’s doing sometimes.”
“He was even okay directly afterwards,” Mikasa chimed in.
“Thanks for your confidence.”
“No, it’s just...when I went to therapy, I used to feel emotionally drained afterwards,” Annie explained.
“You went to therapy?”
“I did too. It’s a shitty little thing they force you into when you’re in foster care. So they can say they’re taking care of your mental health. It’s mostly just a therapist who doesn’t want to be there and asking you a shit ton of questions without actually listening to your answers,” Ymir said before she began just playing random chords on her base.
“Yeah, pretty much,” Annie said with a shrug.
“I had to go for a while after my parents died. It wasn’t too bad,” Mikasa shrugged.
“If you get a therapist that actually cares, you’re lucky. The ones assigned by the government...it’s clear they hate it there,” Ymir said before she stopped playing.
“Try being in the military,” Levi called from the living room.
“Does Zeke get paid by the military?” Ymir asked.
“No. He just specializes in PTSD,” Eren explained.
“Why that of all things?” Sasha asked.
“I don’t know. His mentor did too. He’s really proud of Zeke. His name is Tom Ksaver and he had a pretty messed up past from what Zeke told me.”
“Alright, Jaeger. Get out. We’ve got to practice,” Ymir said before playing her bass again.
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black-streak · 4 years
Waiting for the Worms - Nobody Home
Part 7
Warnings less? In effect here? But still be aware of course. Condensing a lot for the sake of timelines matching up and consistency in pacing. (Okay, so maybe I have Mari's entire plotline figured out and am mostly playing Jason's by ear, call me out on it)
Closed list of nice people who I regularly hurt for amusement: @northernbluetongue @thethirdwheelfriend @shizukiryuu @theatreandcomicfreak @michellemagic @karategirl119 @moonlightstar64 @my-name-is-michell @mystery-5-5 @zalladane @queen-of-the-trash-planet-tm @miraculousdisapointment @dorkus-minimus @jardimazul @allthebooksandcrannies @g-arya @worlds-tiniest-spook-pastry @persephonescat @mycupisbroken @luciferge @18-fandoms-unite-08 @dawnwave16 @alwaysreblogneverpost @kris-pines04 @mysteriouslyswimmingfan-blo-blog @weird-pale-blonde-person @you-will-never-know-how-i-think @kokotaru @naclychilli @slytherinhquinn @clumsy-owl-4178 @ladybug-182 @darkthunder1589 @evil-elf16 @dast218 @lysslovsanime @emilytopaz @naoryllis @iloontjeboontje @thepeacetea @danielslilangel @finallyaniguana @i-like-fairytail-and-stuff @vixen-uchiha @yuulxd @bleeding-heart-romantic @magic-inthe-stars @st0rmy-w1th1n
Jason woke up screaming to the sight of bright glowing green, only to snap back into the bedroom as Sabine burst in through the trapdoor. The petite woman ran up the stairs and collapsed beside him, throwing warm arms around his shoulders, tugging him down into the crook of her neck.
"Shh, shh honey, it's alright. It was just a dream, you're okay, I'm here."
He stiffened at first, only to melt into the embrace, meeting otherworldly blue eyes behind her. Tikki seemed to shake with concern, wanting to come to him, but unable to in the presence of his parental figure. 
Sabine pulled back a touch, stroking his head in gentle motions, meeting his eyes and guiding him through concentrated breaths until hia had evened out.
"Do you want to talk about it, sweetie?"
A wobbly smile broke on his lips at the sweet endearment as he shook his head and fell back into her embrace. He'd never adjust to being so thoroughly cared for and loved and supported, even if she didn't realize it was all directed at the wrong person. God, he hated lying to her. About where he was during akuma attacks. Why he stopped being friends with most of the class. Why in the year after her death, he had stepped down from most of Marinette's class responsibilities. About who he was and what he meant to her. He hated letting this wonderful, loyal, fierce woman think he was her daughter. 
Flashes of the toxic green flashed behind his closed eyes along with flowing red, reminding him why he woke in the first place.
Accepting the kiss on the cheek and reassuring Sabine that everything was okay, he waited until she disappeared down the steps and towards her own room, door firmly closed behind her before turning back towards Tikki.
"Are you okay, Jason?"
"Yeah… might be spending too much time with Plagg. Dreamt I was drowning in his eyes," he joked.
"That's awful, no wonder you were screaming," she tagged on, hoping to lighten the mood.
"Oh yeah, absolute nightmare."
"You're okay though."
"Yeah," he breathed out, turning over and feeling the kwami curl up on his hip and slowly fall back to sleep as he stared at the wall until morning.
Occasionally, someone worked up the nerve to ask him out. 
Whether because her physique appealed to them or his personality drew in a rather specific type. Usually, guys who thought they could tame him. Girls who wanted his aggression directed in passion. Saw her body and his anger and guilt displayed in a rather intimidating, distant contenance. Never one to start a fight, but quick to end one with a verbal lashing. Otherwise friendly when approached, but never the one approaching. Some thought him shy, others knew better and saw the fire within. All were turned away.
It made Jason sick to his stomach to think of dating these people with her body. To show affection and know he was using her body in that manner. And moreover, he couldn't stand the idea of ever being with someone who wasn't her. Sure, he knew many people dated around before meeting their soulmate or were only platonic with their other half and sought romance elsewhere, but none of them were in his position. None of them were living inside a dead other half's body, pretending to live their life. Surely if they were, they would feel the same. Not that he planned on sharing.
As it stood, he became a known heartbreaker at school.
He dreamt of flashing blades and splattered blood that night. He screamed himself awake once more. He wasn't sure why. It's not like he didn't risk his life everyday since he was ten. Something about the dreams got to him though.
Sometimes he forgot he wasn't her. This life he lived, this lie became his truth for just a moment.
Nothing epitomized this as much as the absolute defeat of Hawkmoth.
Jocular came up with the idea with the help of Fievel. The two came up with a strategy of using illusions and prodding mice to draw akumas further and further towards the outskirts of Paris, making stops along the way to toy with the angered victims until they did something reckless. Serval and Ladybug made sure to stay completely out of sight to ensure that Hawkmoth knew that his goal would not be reached with this line of action. Nimbus jumped in if the akuma came too close to any of the others to knock them off their feet and give the others a chance to create distance. If Hawkmoth's signature purple symbol glowed around their face, they knew they were still in range. Once the akuma seemed to go absolutely off the rails with no interference, they ended the battle quickly and marked the spot on a map of Paris. Once they made their first mark, they went slightly to the right of the previous fight, waiting to make the next mark and leading the following battle to the right of that until, like clockwork, they made a complete circle. 
With the circle complete, they took their map and drew a line from one point to the one directly across the map, until eventually they found the exact center.
The Agreste mansion. Oh, the irony.
The battle went surprisingly quick after that. They waited until they defeated an akuma close to the mansion, so that the Moth miraculous would need to recharge before it could activate again. Nathalie, who previously wielded the peacock, stayed out of the altercation, too sick to attempt anything. With Gabriel unable to transform yet and his assistant unable to fight back, they made quick work of apprehending the man, bringing the police into the atrium of butterflies and showing the underground garden that held his list wife. With a few threatened words whispered into his ear by Ladybug and Serval, Gabriel transformed in front of the police, allowing them to take pictures of everything as evidence of his actions. He also admitted his guilt into a tape recorder, to be used in court. Of course, they were all careful not to let any of the kwamis be seen by civilians throughout the arrest.
Finally, with the two adults arrested with their bodyguard and Adrien taken into custody for questioning, the heroes all disappeared into the dark night, the battle over and won.
They met back up in their headquarters, Fu's parlor. Luckily, throughout the years, the old master had never been found out, despite a handful of close calls. Mostly due to the group threatening the man back into hiding every time he considered getting involved. Still, the place became their haven. A place to relax and regroup without the fear of being overheard. That night, the group celebrated their victory, emotions haywire in a swirl of grief and anger and misery and elation and pure relief, letting everything flow out, the release long overdue.
Up until this point, the hunt of Hawkmoth over the last two months had kept Jason so busy that beyond the nightmares, he nearly forgot that they weren't celebrating with him, but with who they thought was Marinette. The constant use of false names and codes had helped further disillusion him. 
Now though, they hollered and sobbed and laughed together in their exuberance and they all congratulated him as their leader, as the one freed of the most responsibility, as the one who had battled from the beginning. He thanked them and rejoiced the end of an era. And then he went to her home.
He slipped in through the balcony and dropped into bed, the transformation sliding off as he went. That wasn't really his battle to win. His enemy to defeat. He knew that. She would've been happy to know that their team protected Paris. Broke it free from Gabriel's reign of terror. That they won. He wished she could've been there to see it. To take down her enemy herself. This was supposed to be her victory. He fell back into depression, knowing she'd never get to witness his defeat.
That night, he dreamt of shrouded figures. Of defending himself from multiple enemies. He dreamt of proud jade green eyes watching at a distance. 
It hurt so badly to let her dreams slip through his fingers. Muscle memory and basic knowledge from reading her old books on sewing led to an adequacy when mending old clothes, adding buttons, or customizing his own things to fit further to his style. This however, did not translate into her creativity and ability to take a concept and transform it into an original design.
At first, this raised suspicion and worry amongst their friends and family, but as time passed, they accepted that perhaps the inspiration had moved on. Jagged and Clara had shown their acceptance and support and told him if he ever got back into the game, to contact them first. Both protested and fought valiantly at first, but after a long conversation where he revealed that he simply couldn't bring himself to create the way he once had after losing his other half, the two had showered him in affection and backed off. The full truth was tragic, but the half truth was enough for them all.
The team had sensed the change since the beginning and upon finding his dwindling willingness to create, they thought perhaps moonlighting as ladybug drained it from him. Probably explained why he worked better with Plagg nowadays despite his attachment to Tikki. He allowed them to believe what they would as long as it meant not pushing him to design anymore.
He took to studying more, reading on any subjects that caught his attention at the moment, enjoying the freedom of no longer having a villain to fight. He kept up training with the team and her old martial arts classes. He also added in kickboxing for the hell of it. It became a wonderful outlet for his aggression without taking it out on his teammates.
Sometimes, on busy weekends or on breaks, he helped in the bakery. It was during one of these times that Tom brought him in to help develop a new flavor, that he found a love of creation again. Something about working side by side with Tom, discussing how different spices and fruits played off each other reminded him of early afternoons spent with Alfred. When tears sprung to his eyes at the thought of the older butler, Tom immediately drew him into a hug, asking what had made him cry. Jason gave a watery smile and simply said he had missed this.
After that, her parents started using him in the baking process more, allowing him to taste taste and make his own creations with their guidance. He was a decent baker, good enough to keep up with them and offer new takes on old classics, but they soon discovered that he truly came to life with cooking.
It was soon afterwards that he took over making dinner every night, releasing some of the pressure from Tom and Sabine to find time in the midst of shutting down the bakery. It also eased some of his guilt towards the two to have a way to pull his own weight within the family.
It had been about eight months since he first dreamt of toxic, luminescent green. It still visited him in his nightmares occasionally, engulfing him in horrific clarity. Sometimes he asked Plagg about it, only to be met with concerned, nervous eyes. Once he teased the little god about corrupting his soul, only to see a flash of fear quickly shroud itself in a huffy, put off demeanor. Plagg hissed at him and gave him the cold shoulder for three days after that. He never teased the kwami about the nightmares again.
Sometimes the dreams still held flashes of silver and red, dripping blood off steel, of shrouded aggressors. Of proud jade green, watching him at all times, assessing him, observing and glinting with a hidden glee.
It was a couple months after the two year anniversary of her death that something changed.
He dreamt of jade green eyes, staring up at him from a much lower height than the last set, coming closer, looking curious and guarded, yet hopeful.
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shadowtrooper1414 · 4 years
Hey, guys! I know I don’t post my own stuff often, but I wanted to share this over here for people that may or may not be keeping an eye out for it. This fic was inspired by this post, asked by @rosytheribbiter over on @delimeful‘s page. I’m not entirely sure how I did, so please be nice to me. (Also, if enough people want me to, I’ll make an angstier follow-up that is all from Virgil’s POV)
Ao3 link for those of you who prefer that
Ships: Platonic DRLAMP (but can be read as vaguely romantic) tw: blood, injury, minor swearing, talk of dueling, gross mention of eyeballs (because Remus), sympathetic Remus and Janus - let me know if anything else needs to be tagged!
Being a figment of the mind was a unique thing. Roman, Logan, and Patton had never had long-lasting injuries. Any wounds they did get would vanish sooner rather than later. Most of the time, it didn't even hurt. It made sense for them - they weren't real, after all. Even with eating and drinking water, it was unnecessary. Uncomfortable, if one doesn't do it for a while, yes, but it wasn't required to live. Obviously, at first, the other sides had assumed Virgil was the same as them. However, they noticed certain things about the anxious side, the closer he got to them.
Virgil always took a sharp breath when someone stubbed their toe, or he winced when one of the others grazed the stove. He would hide away when Roman came back from the Imagination with injuries. He kept his hands in his pockets the morning Logan spilled some scalding coffee on himself in a half-asleep state. No amount of coercing could get Virgil to remove his jacket the day after Patton ran his arm into a doorframe, despite the hundred-degree weather.
On top of that, Virgil had always been wary of injury, even when they were kids. It was assumed that it was an Anxiety thing - a Paranoia thing, at the time, really - but the Light Sides were unsure if that was really the case.
It took an unexpected turn one evening. Virgil was busy helping Patton with dinner while Roman was in the Imagination with Remus. Logan had been sitting in the community room reading when he heard a loud crash and a surprised gasp from Patton.
Logan stood quickly, book forgotten, and made his way to the kitchen. When he entered, Patton had corralled an exasperated-looking Virgil into a chair and pulled his jacket off. One sleeve of his purple long-sleeve shirt was slowly turning a dark reddish color, along with a patch on his back.
"Patton, really, I'm fine," Virgil said with an eye-roll.
"Kiddo, you're bleeding!" Patton exclaimed. "You are certainly not 'fine.'"
"What appears to be the problem?" Logan asked, announcing his presence. He eyed Virgil for a few moments. "Do you need any medical attention, Virgil?"
Virgil swore under his breath before pushing himself up, grabbing his jacket from the table. One hand was pressed firmly to his stomach. "I'll be fine. Just... I need some space."
Logan gently grabbed Virgil's arm as he tried to brush past. "Are you sure you are alright, Virgil?"
Virgil seemed to not process Logan for a second, as if he hadn't even noticed him before, then shot him a smirk. "Sure am, L." He carefully pulled his arm away before continuing to the stairs, which he half-stumbled up.
Logan looked to Patton with a raised eyebrow. Patton furrowed his brow, exceedingly concerned.
"Should we check on him?" Patton asked.
Logan paused for a few moments. "I'm... unsure."
Later that evening, Roman came back from the Imagination, Remus in tow. Both were boasting about the "epic" duel they'd had with each other. It took a few minutes of no questions from Patton, and no statements about the event's absurdities from Logan before either twin realized something was wrong.
"What's up, Padre, nothing to congratulate us on?" Roman asked, vaguely teasing.
Patton blinked, then shot Roman a half-grin. "Sorry, just thinking about this dueling day!"
Logan let out a groan while Roman furrowed his brow. "Dueling - like... grueling?"
"Yeah, not my best, but..." Patton trailed off to shrug. He shook his head. "Anyway, who won in your duel?"
"I got impaled, so technically, Romano Cheesy over here won," Remus said, shouldering Roman a bit roughly. Roman winced a bit.
"Yeesh, careful with that shoulder," Roman half-whined. "You can't even remember that you mercilessly slammed your mace on it."
"Whoopsie, my bad," Remus said unapologetically.
Throughout the exchange, Logan shot Patton a careful look. Patton furrowed his brow, then looked to the twins.
"You two... got hurt?"
"Yeah, but it was no big deal," Roman said. "They're already gone."
"Can't say the same for ol' Virgie, though," Remus said, sounding a bit unhinged. A heavy silence fell over the room before Remus said. "Hey Calculator Watch, pass me those eyes. I want to put them in my pasta."
"Eyes..?" Logan asked, gazing at the table where there were, indeed, eyes. An entire jar of them. Unperturbed, Logan slid the container across the table. "Remus, what did you mean by 'can't say the same for Virgil?'"
Remus hummed distractedly, pouring the eyes all over his spaghetti. "What? Oh, it's nothin'. Don't mind me."
Roman shot Logan a puzzled glance. Logan shook his head and mouthed, "Later." Roman shrugged, seemingly satisfied with that. Logan, however, was starting to string together the pieces of this worrying picture.
When Virgil came down, his shoulders tense and back slouched, Logan very carefully kept his questions and thoughts to himself.
Logan decided to confront Janus about it at a later date. It took a while before he could get the tricky side alone, and the answers he got... weren't exactly straight - pun completely unintended, Patton.
"I was wondering about Virgil," Logan had started one early morning - it was before even Patton got up.
"Do not go on," Janus had replied, putting together a hot cup of tea. "I just hate sharing things about people."
Logan waited a few moments, cataloging every strange event involving injuries and Virgil. "You noticed it too, have you not? The way he hides after one of us gets hurt, or when he covers up his reaction to a minor cut or burn. Even in the way he is wary about injuries, it is... strange. And I feel like it means something."
Janus hummed softly, sipping his tea. "Well, it is not the first thing he has hidden from you three, I will give him that." He side-eyed Logan. "Why do you ask?"
"The other day, during dinner preparations, he fled the kitchen after suffering from two large wounds that could not have come from anything in the kitchen."
"And why do you think I would know what is wrong?" Janus asked.
Logan hesitated. "You... knew Virgil. Before he came to us. He had to have trusted you at some point - more than he trusts us, at least."
"Well, he's definitely not doing it because he's concerned about you," Janus deflected. "I would most certainly ask, he'd love that."
Logan sighed. "I suppose you are right, Janus. I am simply... worried about him."
Janus let out a slow breath through his nose. "Logan, let Virgil come to you. He will, in time."
Logan nodded despite his frustration with that answer. There was some shuffling from the hall before Virgil entered. He looked halfway between bewildered and exhausted. He gently bumped Logan's shoulder before resting his chin over it. 
Virgil gazed at Janus carefully before closing his eyes. "Hey, L. Jan. What're you two talking about?"
"Oh, you know, the sky, space, the ozone layer," Janus said. He looked at Logan. "This was definitely not a pleasant chat, Logan, I most certainly did not enjoy it. I would hate to have another one sometime." With that, he half-sashayed out of the room. Logan watched him go, contemplating his non-answers.
"Did he bug you about anything, Lo?" Virgil asked sleepily.
"Not at all," Logan said. "I had been the one to seek him out. I had some questions for him, is all."
Virgil hummed, leaning further into Logan. "As long as he didn't bother you."
Logan smiled softly at Virgil. "Of course." He continued about his morning with Virgil literally half-asleep on his shoulder the whole time. He supposed he could postpone his investigation for a little while.
The next couple of weeks passed, and Logan cataloged every out-of-place behavior Virgil exhibited when one of the others were injured. A burn here and there from Patton, some bruises from the twins adventuring in the Imagination. There was even a paper cut from Logan at some point - Logan had only seen it for a few moments, and it could have easily been dismissed. However, it had been too similar to the one he had gotten.
The next time Logan was able to document a significant injury, however, was an average Sunday afternoon. Roman and Virgil were cuddled close on the couch, debating about something or another when Remus and Janus entered, the latter limping.
Patton immediately jumped up from his place on the floor, concern on his face. "Janus is everything alright?!"
"Everything is just fine," Janus drawled, face set in a grimace. "Absolutely nothing happened."
"He fell down the stairs in the Subconscious while we were checking on the Other," Remus noted cheerfully. He plopped himself down next to Virgil. "Twisted an ankle. It'll fade eventually but probably hurts like a bitch."
Logan noticed Virgil glance down at his own ankle and wince. The anxious side cleared his throat and made to stand.
"It's getting kind of late, I should go to bed," Virgil said conspicuously.
"It's 2 PM," Janus deadpanned, moving to the couch. He gently pushed Virgil back onto the sofa, to which Virgil glared at him. "You will be going to your room."
Remus leaned into Virgil, grinning when Virgil grimaced. "Awe, c'mon, Virgie! It'll be like old times!"
"Yeah, sure," Virgil said, rolling his eyes.
Logan gently cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the three not-quite-bickering sides and the confused Light Sides. "Virgil, if I may..?" He carefully gestured to Virgil's ankle.
Virgil tensed, going pale, before looking to Janus. When Janus nodded and moved to sit on the couch armrest, Virgil sighed and rolled up his pant leg. The ankle was slowly swelling to a dark purple color.
Roman furrowed his brow. "Virgil, did you get hurt?"
"Not... exactly?" Virgil asked more than answered. He heaved a breath, fisting his hands in the sleeves of his hoodie. "More like... I took Janus's injury? I'm used to it, though. It's been happening since Thomas was a kid, so it's really no big deal. When any of you get hurt, it... ricochets to me." His voice had gotten tight and quiet near the end, and Virgil was hunching into himself. "I can deal with it myself - I usually do. Well, I did." He shot Janus and Remus a meaningful look.
Logan hummed. "So it is as I thought, then." At Virgil's surprised look, he continued. "Those few weeks ago, when you were seemingly injured out of nowhere, I decided to... try looking into it. As best as I could, anyway. I did my best not to pry into anything personal."
"Virgil, why didn't you tell us?" Patton said, seeming to just now find his voice.
"I... didn't want to make you worry," Virgil mumbled.
"You very much did not succeed," Roman said, tone gentle despite his words.
Logan stood. "If you would allow us to assist you, I will go get the first aid kit from the bathroom."
Virgil hesitated before sighing with a nod.
"Oh, I'll go bake some cookies while Logan patches you up, kiddo!" Patton exclaimed, quickly racing to the kitchen.
"Hey, RoRo, let's build an epic blanket fort," Remus said, jumping up from the couch. Roman quickly followed him, setting up the furniture so the fort would have good structural integrity.
Still perched on the couch's armrest, Janus shot Virgil a smirk. "Totally didn't tell you so."
Virgil ducked his head, face flushing. "Shuddup." And maybe lowering his head also allowed him to hide the soft smile on his face.
And that's how Virgil ended up in the middle of a cuddle pile, ankle bandaged and iced, with a Disney movie marathon running for the night.
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