#idk if i should change her name honestly like it's not like i'm making money so why does it matter lmao
aeb-art · 3 months
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old oc sketches i still like
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jewishcissiekj · 3 months
hi let's talk about her
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Honestly I have so much to say about her. so much. so here's some of it
-Asajj was last seen in canon in the Dark Disciple novel. Where she died. I would never recommend that book to anyone so if you haven't read it yet please don't. In short, after becoming a Bounty Hunter in The Clone Wars she grew out her hair, got a cool yellow Lightsaber and for some reason teamed up with Quinlan Vos to try and kill Dooku. They didn't manage to do it. And Asajj died (was fridged) trying to protect Quinlan. The Bad Batch will not contradict that, as was said by the creators. So this is just a summary for anyone who hasn't read it because I wholeheartedly believe that book is bad
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-I have not watched a single Bad Batch episode in my life. As a disclaimer. I started the first one, watched their TCW arc and saw memes screenshots clips and spoilers but I do not know this show. I will watch it now that Asajj's there tho
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-She does not have the same outfit anymore! It's a change, and we haven't gotten a clear look at her new design so idk how to judge it yet. Might be to look less recognizable, but it has a very different vibe than any of her prior outfits. There's a leftover shoulder pad and probably some other stuff from her last design but I feel like they kinda clash with the new one and tbb's design language in general. The Bounty Hunter look has a very TCWish feel to it and this one is a sharp turn in another, much more casual direction. I'm not inherently against it but I guess we'll see how it looks in action soon
-In my opinion the hair looks like shit. I don't think she should have hair ever. I don't understand why she can't be bald. Why is she bald when she's evil and has hair when she's a padawan (good) and when she is "redeemed"? guess we'll never know. It's a leftover from the cancelled Dark Disciple TCW arc design (and the Dark Disciple cover and promotional material ofc) and it's bad if you ask me but to each their own and if you like it good for you
-Her Lightsaber!!!!! Same case as the hair in terms of irl development but I like it so much better. The yellow just fits her character and it's pretty. Would love for her to find another one and get back to dual-wielding (I know that won't happen)
-The bag and pouches make me so happy as a design element do you think she carries a (tooka) cat in there
-Now, visually she looks great and the animation style is smoother and nicer than TCW (as is the quality), but what about the direction the character's going in? I didn't like her being dead before, but I felt like it was somewhat better than her being shoved into being a cameo character in new content. If you can't touch her after a certain point, you also can't mess her up. But I do wonder where they're going with her. A few questions:
-Asajj in canon is a directionless character. Also, a partially nonsensical and inconsistent character in her choices and storylines. I've talked about it a lot but in short she just feels messy. What's her purpose in life? Her motive? Her origin story doesn't really make sense, even. She's a Bounty Hunter, sure, but why? If all she wants is revenge on Dooku and maybe money (which was pretty much the case in Dark Disciple), what's she doing after the Empire? And more importantly, why?
-Obviously, the question I haven't asked yet because I don't like it: How the fuck is she alive? Nightsisters have a weird relationship with death but seriously, how?
-She's a Force User after the Rise of the Empire now, so what does he do about that? Is she founding The Path? Fucking around and finding out? Making a not-Jedi-not-Sith order with other force users she finds? Is the Empire after her? Do they know she's live?
-What about her girlfriend? Is Latts Razzi safe? Is she alright?
-Why is she in The Bad Batch show? Are we making her into a cameo character or is there a purpose? Why'd they bring her back? For fun? What is she doing after the show? Floating in dead space? Cameo-ing? Will we have a book?
-OK enough for tonight but if we see Quinlan Vos in the show I'll become violent (/neg). We probably will (he might just get mentioned idk).
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honestly why not make the sharmas a british indian impoverished gentry family living in somerset? there's clearly other south asians in england and the ton, the show could still show their culture and customs, but the voyage from india alone brings up a few issues. idk maybe kate had some suitors in somerset? but the timing was bad and she turned them down because her father just died, mary was still grieving, and edwina was like 10. since women were expected to leave their families to join their husbands, maybe none of her suitors had the money/accommodations/willingness to take her mother and sister in, so she chose to stay and take care of them instead. she becomes frustrated with these men and the idea of marriage, dashing her previous romantic notions of love matches like her parents or her dad and mary. being a naive 18 yo suddenly in charge of managing the household she didn't make the best financial decisions at first which made things worse, then asked the sheffields for help not realizing the extent of the situation with mary and her father (because she was so young when mary and her dad married, and they sheltered her from the harsher stuff the way she does with edwina now). now make it so that mary was absent in the first years but stepped up later (and show it!) and feels guilty so she's the one who asks lady danbury for help. kate actually tells mary about edwina's dowry thinking it was a good idea until mary fully explains what happened with the sheffields years ago and now she feels guilty. they get a proper mother-daughter character arc addressing their shortcomings and guilt. edwina becomes more aware of their financial situation and picks anthony (the rich titled suitor who cares about family so yay maybe he'll help them all?) because she (misguidedly ofc) feel like a burden and wants to repay the sacrfices kate and mary have made - edwina and kate both have proper character arcs revolving around duty to family for women in the era, which also serves to parallel anthony's arc about duty for a man. now there's a cohesive theme about duty vs desire for the season through multiple characters. and actual commentary building on s1 on marriage being how women survived in the era due to the lack of other options (edwina is not a golddigger 🙄 and kate's deal with the sheffields for edwina to marry a man of english peerage is a pretty typical goal for the women of the ton? the bigger issue is that they're terrible people whose love for family is conditional)
idk this is just me rewriting the sharmas in the show, trying to give them a proper backstory and spitballing ideas for character development, combining parts of the book and show, ofc it's not near perfect. i'm just coming up with possible alternatives to make sense of what the show was trying for but missed by a mile because of messy writing 😬 also me caring more about the female characters and women's relationships with each other more than these writers do 🔪
bridgerton is really lucky for the actors, they really sell their characters and work with what they're given, but even the best can only do so much with garbage writing holding them back
Yeah, I agree. They should have just come from Somerset. In s1, I think one of Daphne's suitors in the ton was played by a British Indian actor and had an English name as well (I think it was Lord Hardy). Then there was Lucy Granville, who had an English name. The changes to Sharma's backstory and Bridgeton's whole colour-conscious casting bring up many uncomfortable colonial implications. I cringe any time someone suggests Anthony visit India. Dorset was bad enough. We are just lucky he didn't mention yoga or anything about having a spiritual awakening when visiting India. Not to mention we all know what English aristocrats were up to when they visited India. Hopefully, next season the show and Anthony will stay far away from the topic of India.
Yeah, the season would have benefitted by having a theme related to all their subplots. I think it felt like there were more subplots than s1 because they didn't relate to the main plot. The subplots like the Ponzi scheme, Prudence, LW, Eloise and Theo, and Queen were all intertwined. Whereas the love story was completely separate from everything else that was going on. I also wish that Sharma's story arc explored women's lack of options and how vulnerable they were without a male relative/guardian. Making Kate's role align with Anthony was dumb. The books and the show seem to take the stance that wanting to marry for love = good debutante and marrying for money = bad debutante. And a lot of fandom seems to have internalised this, which is unfortunate. Honestly, I think it would have been fun seeing the Sharma's scheming to bag a rich man.
I think a large part of this S2's success is because audiences are desperate for romances with two good actors and great chemistry to match, which Jonathon Bailey and Simone Ashley delivered.
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yaoipaddlestar · 2 years
What do you think of the new champion roadmap?
Omg I have sorta mixed feelings!!
I'm kinda excited for Asol changes? But the fire breathing while flying things puts me off a bit I'm not going to lie. I wonder what the dps/mana ratio is going to be. And I wonder how they're gonna fit the fire breath in juxtaposition to his ultimate? I'm assuming that's changing too but I wonder into what. I hope they keep the star/supernova theme that his abilities have now bc I think it's a rly cool concept. Moreso than just... dragon breathe fire and fly. Tho tbf I'm not particularly engaged in the Asol changes bc I played him once ever and sucked so bad I've never tried again lol
I'm sooooo excited to see K'sante!! I don't play a lot of top lane bc im bad and I hate fighting top laners but I also love playing top laners (that's why I throw games with Camille supp /j) so I genuinely cannot wait to see him. The concept of his weapons sounds really cool and I wonder if his ultimate is going to be something that empowers his weapon for a short time (almost like jayce? But with a limited duration + longer CD). I loved the art they showed for Nazumah and I am so ready to learn more.
I'm honestly not looking particularly forward to the new darkin champ bc I cannot stand assassins (got my ass handed to me by a qiyana tonight ����😭) but I also go bonkers for darkin lore so at least there's that 🥴 I hope this new one is a lady! I'd like to see another rly buff woman in this game but idk if they'd use that kind of frame for an assassin. One can dream
I'm cautious abt the other possible midscope changes bc the fella in the video (forgot his name) mentioned Neeko and I love neeko as she is rn but if they found a way to play further into her shape-shifting I think I'd be super into it. Also from one Rell player to another I wouldn't mind her getting a few tweaks. I love her kit but her MS and lack of solo-utility hurts as a chronic kill stealer. With champs like Leona and Naut I feel like they pose more of an individual threat to other laners but Rell is much, much more dependent on her ADC and I wish you could have more fun with how you build her (never tried it but id love to see rell with the kinds of builds you see on a tanky Morde or Gwen. Riftmaker + demonic embrace + thornmail + spirit vasage) but she just often feels too weak to entertain the idea. Maybe I should try it out before I knock on it tho. Or build her w/ sunfire instead of evenshroud
Excited to see the ixtal champ too! I don't have any particular feelings bc I don't play many enchanters and they revealed so little but as long as its not the sequel to Yuumi its cool.
I'm also super excited for the fright night skinline. The urgot and Renata skins 😌👌👌. Makes me think of nightmare before Christmas (probably as intended) and I just aaaah. The more I play the harder and harder it gets not to spend money. Holding out rp for that new Camille skin atm 😏
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jentlemahae · 8 days
well to be fair we've been saying for months that whoever is posting all of seunghan's business must HATE riize so maybe it is mhj 🤷‍♀️ ngl a lot of stuff i've read is definitely fans making shit up (i'm sorry but the lsf hate train was not started by mhj, it was bcs of their vocals) but there are a lot of other ones that have potential to be true. it's a fact that she has been leaking private info about artists, trainees and employees and think of the amount of hybe idol scandals that have come out in the past year. hybe was able to sweep things under the rug for years by paying off dispatch but in the past year specifically there have been so many all of a sudden, so i actually do believe some of it. and honestly i don't think it's impossible that she had something to do with seunghan's scandal. maybe it's not super likely but it's also not super impossible, ykwim?
and yeah idk what she means when it comes to *** either. i'm looking back at her work for shinee and exo at the time and i just don't see it. if bh did take "copy" anyone for ***'s concept, it's bigbang. so many bgs were directly inspired by bigbang in the early 2010s: bap, blockb, *** (all beginning with b for some reason) and mhj had nothing to do with bb or yg so wtf is she talking about????
this isn't going to be the downfall of hybe at all but it could have a big impact on nj bcs a fifty fifty situation could occur. ofc investors want nj as they're insanely popular but rn it seems like nj want to stick with mhj over hybe so that's where the problems would arise. mhj has been sharing trade secrets (majorly illegal btw!!!) and i doubt investors would want to work with her after that
i mean the seunghan stuff looks like it was leaked by someone who knew him irl so i kinda doubt it had something to do with mhj, and anw this kind of accusations feel a bit too slippery slope to me ? we have what we have and it’s already bad enough and it’s pretty much confirmed, i think we should just stick to this
YESSS i was also trying to think of what exo were doing at the time and i simply don’t see any stark resemblance ? but *** were definitely inspired by bb back in the day (and i never saw yg crying and whining about that lol)
and yes this could have negative consequences for nj, especially if they decide to choose the stupid option and follow mhj out of hybe. if they stay, they may experience set backs with copyright and stuff, but they’ll get a new creative director who can follow mhj’s path and get things back on track. if they leave, i think mhj will still be able to find investors despite her own reputation if she attaches her name to nj bcs who wouldn’t want to bet money on nj ? but even if she does get investors, i don’t think it’ll be quick to get things organized for a new company, get all the copyright approvals (i think nj would have to change group name), get prepared for new music ….. i think it will take a while for nj to cb, which might be negative for them and their momentum
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ebbarights · 1 year
living+ liveblog under cut
had a good day then a bad day then went for a run and now it's a good day again. let's see if this changes things
logan jumpscare omg
okay i didn't fucking miss him lmao. disregard previous posts
he's against powdering his face because that's gay
literally googled lorene scafaria yesterday bc she directed hustlers and her name sounded familiar only to realise i know her as bo burnham's partner kms
barefoot swede tw
matsson with his affected lisp maybe you should hang out with roman instead of shiv who's too good for you
i have skarsgård stockholm syndrome (lol) bc i've seen him in soo many things lately
the first meeting me when i lie
TWEETS AND DRUG RUMOURS glass houses ken
a friend sent me a roman fancam the other say bc i told her he's my favourite character and it kind of annoyed me a tiny bit bc. that's not what this is but also. lbr. it's exactly what this is
roman facial tic comeback!! honestly my favourite thing kieran does
i want someone to do a hug counter per episode/season when this is all over this one is off the charts
shivyyy :'((((
roman you're not ready to fuck. you never are and i love that about you
why does she give him advice about grief tho. 'it just hasn't hit you yet'? she's right but that's a really weird thing to say to a stranger
sidenote i have german subtitles on this episode because i was eating and they're the only ones available and. everybody is using like. the formal you? and that's so weird. i don't think they should do that. they're all using first names
the segregation comment should be so telling for those guys who think roman is actually right-wing. he knows shit about all ideologies he just doesn't give a shit!! (that would be very bad irl but in the show i think that's an important distinction)
roman you can't just fire people because you brought it up
is ... the presentation that day? and kendall wants to build a house? dude do you know anything about anything
who is tk. shiv lore unlocked
i used to play something like bitey with a friend in school but with. i think it's called indian burn in english? don't think that name's okay but idk what else you would call it
why is greg there
kendall looks exhausted
roman with the you're fired is like a little kid who just learned a new trick
oooh no i know that gerri outfit i know what comes next :(
this conversation hurts but also this is lifeblood to me
oh so it wasn't your dad will wash you away it was the money. that's such clever editing
roman's on such a power trip it's crazy. maybe post-grieve a little that'll make you feel better
the way he immediately regrets it and his mouth when kendall says he shouldn't is actually killing me dead
tomshiv wouldn't survive a day in a trailerpark
kendall sounds so sad when he talks about the clouds
kendall baby you're so manic and the sibs totally know it
roman pulls him out of it straight onto the other side and then leaves him alone with it that's horrible. i get it but it's horrible
is the fingers to the forehead thing a grounding technique
it's still so crazy to me that their dad just died. like JUST died. and now they have to do shit like this because the company's toast otherwise. something capitalism something humanity etc
maybe i'm an idiot but why would the guy ask him about matsson's tweet that he obviously hasn't seen?
somebody stop this how long will kendall talk about the tweet this is on l to the og level
literally laughed out loud when roman showed hugo that matsson deleted the tweet
roman in the car 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
(though the people who said roman was seriously genuinely for real horny listening to that make me fucking angry. necrophiliac believer bullshit)
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xhda1449x · 1 year
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I posted 6,921 times in 2022
That's 3,417 more posts than 2021!
136 posts created (2%)
6,785 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,095 of my posts in 2022
#kingdom hearts - 407 posts
#kain - 135 posts
#cz - 120 posts
#rin's textposts - 101 posts
#ace attorney - 99 posts
#the owl house - 98 posts
#sonic - 95 posts
#gdg. no i won't elaborate - 59 posts
#tw unsanitary tw they're going to hell - 50 posts
#sso - 39 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#but i kinda want to move there again when i have the money for it. being closer to a forest than to a street where cars regularly go through
My Top Posts in 2022:
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this is what I get when I show someone aitsf. Not complaining though I just hate that they’re not wrong
68 notes - Posted August 6, 2022
I love that feeling when I complete one (1) task and all of the sudden I’m a neurotypical healthy individual with no issues whatsoever
86 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
Crazy ex girlfriend changed me in many ways
Like, I've only seen like two people talk about this but the episode names? The evolution from "Josh!" to "Josh?" to the chaos of season 3 to season 4's open ended titles??? Amazing.
The fact that it's a musical is also kind of integral part of the plot? I like musicals as they are but having the songs be essentially Rebecca's inner monologue and her interpretation of things to show how she sees the world??? Perfect. And it's linked to her development too.
Also I really like how it's both real and exaggerated, it's very fun to watch, even if the plot gets heavy. And when it gets heavy it's kind of really well done??? I still rewatch That One Scene from Josh is irrelevant. every few days. It makes me emotional even though I know all the lines and just... Dammit it's great
I honestly can't pick my favorite season, though maybe 4 since it's kind of the best season for Rebecca, idk I really enjoy seeing her get better after the mess that was season 3 (in a good way, it's probably my second favorite season)
The characters are all great too. Even the ones that only appear in one episode are very neat, and I don't even mind not seeing them more because I feel like they do have a life outside the plot.
Idk this was meant to be a "hahah, I'm now naming my chapters like CXGF episodes" post, but I can't go too long without praising the show for everything. It's just that good and everyone should experience it
140 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
I'm definitely biased as a big fan but damn, some people really don't get KH huh. And I don't mean they don't understand the plot and worldbuilding (though sure they don't get that either), I'm talking about how they're like "KH isn't about anything, there's nothing to really like about it aside from the combat and music, most people are probably in it for the nostalgia and the story isn't really a story anymore, because it has no interesting character arcs or ideas, basically KH1 and 2 were good but Nothing Else Was" and like... Okay... I don't know how to explain my exact problems with this kind of criticism but to me it feels like They Don't Understand KH. I don't know where I was going with this
640 notes - Posted May 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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i had to
2,132 notes - Posted March 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sugamamacustard · 3 years
Feed Me
Pairing: Alpha! Keiji Akaashi X Omega! Reader, Alpha! Wakatoshi Ushijima x Omega! Reader, Alpha! Rintaro Suna x Omega! Reader
Genre: Fluff
Request: Ooooo what about when Alphas 🐘 ( maybe akaashi, ushijima, rin and kuroo) find out that their omega has not been eating enough like (their only eating little things like granola bars or fruit) so their upset that they had to find out through someone else and they scold them for that but then their told that they have gain some weight and that gets them even more upset because they think their perfect etc.
Summary: Some times, people do things because it’s what they think is best. You don’t tell your alpha about some weight gain you’ve noticed, and try taking care of it yourself because of this.
Author’s Note: Hey, you. Yeah you. The beautiful person reading this? You are perfect. You are worth it. Your feelings are valid and you shouldn’t feel bad about having them. You are so amazing, and even if I don’t know you, I am so proud of you. You are so strong for making it so far. Keep going. Never change. :) Also your nice comments? Literally my dose of serotonin
did I mention my OC one or twice? Yes. Am I sorry? No. Also, idk if anyone is curious, but Yuka doesn't actually go to Shiritorizawa but whatever.
Requests: Closed!
Buy me a coffee?
Trigger Warning: Mentions of (Semi?) Starvation.
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Keiji Akaashi
➵Now, Keiji is pretty on top of omega and significant other care.
➵ Like, weirdly so. It's honestly kind of creepy?
➵ In an endearing way.
➵ He always says 'Bokuto-Kun prepared me in a way.'
➵ Honestly, he loves doing this for you too!
➵He loves caring for you so much.
➵ Like I firmly believe Akaashi's love language is acts of service.
➵ So things like bringing you food, leaving sweet notes in your locker, helping you with your homework.
➵ He lives for doing these things.
➵ Especially feeding you snacks and things.
➵ It made his inner alpha purr because that meant he was caring for you. Providing for you.
➵ Being the very thing that made him worthy of an alpha.
➵ Prove that he could continue being the alpha you needed and wanted.
➵ Unfortunately, there were downsides.
➵ Your hips had the beginnings of small love handles, a little more chub on you tummy, thighs a little squishier.
➵ Let's not lie, Keiji absolutely adored this, by the way.
➵ I also think one of his biggest kinks is praise
➵ He makes sure you know how loved and how perfect you are.
➵ It's sometimes hard to believe him though.
You hummed an acknowledgment at Keiji's call, typing the final words to your essay before turning to look at your beautiful alpha- Sometimes you questioned how you hooked him. His gorgeous emerald eyes shining with love and adoration.
"I'm gonna go run and pick up some supper, what would you like beloved?" He came up to squeeze and massage your shoulders, leaning down as he pressed a small peck to your temple, your purr a sweet melody to his ears.
You swallowed behind your purr, trying to hide the small panic in your eyes. Your mind instantly flashed to your reflection this morning, how you pinched your hips with a frown. You already had been slowing down on the snacks, and fast food made you shiver.
"I-I'm okay for now, Keiji. Thank you though." You smiled, nonetheless, holding Keiji's cheek in your hand. He quirked a brow, frowning slightly before nodding lowly. Another peck was pressed to your cheek before he left, ordering your favorite from the diner he took you to for your first date.
"Beloved, I'm back." Keiji called, once more tearing you away from your essay; you were always thankful for the distraction though. He set down the take out bag, taking out the top box and handing it to you before shrugging off his jacket.
"Keiji? I said I was okay-"
"I didn't believe you. Now come on, you need to take a break and I'm touch starved." The raven didn't even look behind at you before pulling out his own box, dragging your rolley-chair to the bed. He pulled his sweater over his head, handing that to you as well before giving you a sweet peck.
His eyes locked with yours. Your breath hitched. So many silent words swam in his eyes, asking you, demanding you, to tell you what was wrong.
"I just- I've gained a little weight lately and-"
"And? My love, you are just as gorgeous as the day I met you. Nothing is wrong with a little weight, even if I think you're foolish to think you've gained weight. Never think otherwise. Even if you do, let me know, my job as your alpha and boyfriend is to make sure you feel as good as possible no matter what."
He slipped the sweater over your head, rehanding you your meal that he took from you momentarily, running a hand through your hair.
"Your my beautiful omega. Nothing should keep you from your happiness."
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Wakatoshi Ushijima
➵Unlike Akaashi, Wakatoshi is little more...Hesitant (In a way) when it comes to omegan care.
➵ He never really learned how to? Ya know?
➵ Both his parents were alphas, and he was never around omegas consistently enough to learn.
➵and it's not like you were a volleyball that he could use the same techniques to up-keep.
➵ He also couldn't ask his team.
➵ Well, he could, but only one other person on his team had an omega. (It was Satori and his advice, though helpful, could only go so far.)
➵ He was doing good though, especially with you holding his hand through the entire thing.
➵ The first time he noticed something was up was when you didn't show up to lunch-- texting him a picture of you in the library, tongue poking out as you held up a peace sign to assure him you were okay.
➵ When he brought it up to Satori, who had his own omega (A small, but fiery brunette named Yuka) leaning on his side as she played some sort of phone game on his phone (Mama's slusheria? He thinks?) .
➵He explained he didn't know what was going on with you while Satori listened with a hum before giving him a sad smile. "Sorry I can't help you further Ushi-waka, but as you can see-" He slid his unfinished lunch towards Yuka, who popped one of the Dango skewers into her mouth without looking up. "I'm not very familiar with the problem."
➵ He offered his help as much as he could nonetheless.
➵ He slowly began to pick up on smaller things, locking them in his steel trap.
➵ Like a good boy :)
➵ He put hours of research into omegas after this (not that he hadn't previously). Keeping strenuous notes beside him.
➵ They were colorful and highlighted :)
➵ And he followed the advice that 'Mommy Luna-boo' posted on the blog he found like a goddamn Mantra. ('Sometimes Omegas need a little more love! Their bodies, especially during high school years, will change a lot! They may feel a little down! As an alpha, make sure you remind them how beautiful they are!')
➵She was mother Theresa and he was her follower.
➵ Well after he followed you.
➵and after he made sure you were feeling better
Walking into your dorm room, Wakatoshi set down a small bag filled with goodies. He set it down on your bed as he sat down as well, watching you carefully.
When you gave him a small smile with a quirked brow, he took a deep breath, remembering everything Tendou had coached him through.
"Have you been eating enough lately?"
You sucked your tongue at the question, shuffling your shoulders. Truth be told you had been missing out on a few lunches after noting a few extra pounds you hadn't noticed earlier. You never meant to worry him, that was never your intention, but it seemed the world was working against you. You had no clue where to go from here. If you told him the truth that would do nothing but worry him, but lying was never good in any form of relationship.
Your hesitance to tell him was more than enough though, as his larger lands encased your own, holding them tightly.
"Why?" His tone wasn't accusatory nor was it angry in the slightest. Genuine curious if anything. If he could get to the bottom of the root of the problem, he could prevent it from happening in the future. Right?
"I- I just...Noticed a few extra pounds and-"
"That's it?"
You looked up to him with a tilted head, like a lost puppy. "What do you mean that's it?"
Pulling you closer, Wakatoshi effortlessly pulled you onto his lap, using one hand to dig through the bag beside him while the other wrapped around your hips. He pulled out a few of your favorite snacks laying them out in front of you.
"That's, in my opinion, a silly thing to worry about. If you feel that's a big problem, I can offer my services to you in any way you wish-- whether it be support or as help, it is my job to be there for you." He nuzzled your scent gland, voice rumbling against your shoulders.
You purred in response, leaning back onto your alpha.
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Rintaro Suna
➵ Suna is a lot like Akaashi in the sense that he has incredible observational skills as an alpha.
➵ His eyes are like sniper scopes.
➵ The minute something is wrong, he's on it.
➵ Like he looks aloof but he's not.
➵ He had notes.
➵ So hiding something from him is not easy at all.
➵ But you two most likely ended up together because you gave him a run for his money.
➵ You made him work at being an alpha.
➵ And he loved you for that.
➵ It did come back to bite him in the ass though.
➵ The only reason he heard about this was because the betas at Inarizaki were loud mouths.
➵ Honestly he learned so much tea from them.
➵ Like this third year was sleeping with a first year because she planned on baby trapping him and-
➵ It was wild.
➵Though most times it was nothing more than a source of entertainment for you and him to laugh about.
➵This time the gossip was actually useful.
➵ He wasn't thrilled they were talking about you, but provided some very useful information.
➵ And he was set into action.
➵ typing a few things onto his phone he set out to find you.
"Rin, I said I'm not hungry-"
"I know and I'm making the executive decision to ignore you."
He squinted his eyes at the carefully written instructions in front of him, sending a silent thanks to Atsumu's mate Haruka. (;)) She had written a step by step instruction sheet to making Onigiri while also dropping off all the ingredients (Pre-prepped). The only reason she didn't make it was because Suna's alpha, no matter how much he trusted her, wouldn't have let it near you.
"Look, Y/N. I love you, you know that. You know a lot of things, you're my smart little omega. So you must also know this isn't good, right?" Sliding a plate of, albeit mediocre, onigiri towards you, Rintaro focused his gaze on you.
"You know this, eh?"
You swallowed before grabbing one of the triangles, nibbling on the top in an attempt to appease your alpha. His sharp gaze still focused on you, making you shiver as he rounded around the counter. He turned you around so you were facing him, his hands holding your hips.
"You know this."
You wilted under his expectant gaze, knowing what he wanted from you. "I know this."
He smirked, leaning to take bite from your snack, licking his lips as he did. "Good omega."
"Rintaro that's mine!"
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rayroseu · 2 years
Hey hey!!^^ thank you for the message to my ask!
Honestly, I thought the same! I don't think their mother would teach Saeyoung in a kind way. I think she would be annoyed and yell at him quite a lot-
The more I think about this, the more I have headcanons sSJDHAHDH what if she got frustrated with Saeran cuz he was learning slower than Saeyoung and basically targeted him more since he was "useless" and whatever horrible names she called him.
I think she would also teach them so she can demand them to stay at home, otherwise their dad will get them ;-;
The more I think about this I get even more ideas hELP- but I feel so sad thinking about it T_T
I like to think they read books, fairy tales and more together, haha! I now headcanon that Saeyoung taught Saeran and helped him learn more than his mother ever did. I also like to think this as a way for their bond to be more stronger ghhh..
Can you image Saeran crying from all the yelling and later on, Saeyoung gently helps him learn words or other stuff he should know? SJDHAJDHAHDHANDHAJDHAJHS
The many many scenarios I have for this game.. I'm obsessed lol-
YOU'RE WELCOME✨ AND SAMEE idk why but this game still manages to squeeze inspiration despite any fatigue💀 Ive been playing since 2017 then stopped for awhile and i actually thought i was out of my mysme phase until it slapped me hard again and i cant get out of mysme heavenpit now :')
uhh your headcanons..!! 😭😭 crying,,, yesss i love love scenes where saeyoung takes care of saeran,,, its like the best precious thing ever it makes me cry TT i also imagine that when saeran gets tired of the teaching and stuff and he don't want to "learn/study" the language from saeyoung's notes and fairy tale books, saeyoung helps him draw and talk about things he found outside that he thinks saeran will like..like cats clouds flowers and stars TT
i also think that saeran probably loves books with illustrations since he can just vividly daydream about them..!! heckk, sometimes he'll be much more engrossed in fairy tale pictures than the story since its so pretty and "can a world like that actually exists..?" he'll probably think 😭
for mother choi i also thought about her not teaching saeyoung about math so he wouldn't try to outsmart her when he's out buying stuff for her,,, i mean im pretty sure the amount she gives to saeyoung is enough so that there'll be no change but what if when she's too drunk and saeyoung "steals her money", she doesn't trust that so she makes sure that they're "stupid enough to be useful(?)" AUGHHH this makes me so sad as well-😭😭 plus plus saeran getting scolded because he was "slower" than saeyoung?? 😭😭😭 thats so likely...so likely to happen and so likely to make me sob :''')
i wonder if saeyoung helps him learn lighter words instead of what their mother is yelling at them-- like from first hearing hate, slow, ugly, stupid, useless, good for nothing... saeyoung teaches saeran words like pretty, kind, nature, ocean, color(s) like pink/blue, redhead, twins, and brother :'') stuff like that cuz he doesnt saeran to take his mother's words as "him" when he's the exact opposite of her harsh words so he'll be teaching the more positive and bright ones!!
TBHH Bless saeran's ae i can see these brothers happy and free😭💝💞
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rein-ette · 3 years
Howdy! I'm going to ask your awesome question back at you ;) what do you think of England, both as a character and as a country? Do tell me all of your feelings towards the grumpy man 👀
Short Answer:
To borrow a phrase from my favourite writer/historian Barbara Tuchmann, if Canada is the country of my birth, England has always been the country of my heart.
Long Answer:
I actually fell in love with England the country a long time before I even knew England the character, but Hetalia certainly reinforced my infatuation ten-fold. I can't say when or how it started because I think I was pretty young (I remember my mom making me take notes on Greek and Roman history when I was like, 7, and uh, let's just say my obessession with Europe only grew after that). It's also kinda difficult for me to parse why I like the country because it's been a constant in my life for so long, but I'll try my best.
I think it might have begun with my fascination with WWII history. There's this Chinese idiom -- 乱世出英雄 -- which kinda encapsulates why the world wars and British history in particular so enchanted me. The literal translation of it would be "heroes emerge in turbulent times" but I think a better figurative approximation is the phrase "for darkness shows the stars." The world wars, British participation in the world wars, and British history in general has many, many dark episodes and in many ways exposes the worst of humanity. But I think it's also true that British history also brought out the best of us -- exposed the "heroes", so to speak. I refer not only to household names like Churchill but also the commanders on the ground, the suffragettes, the workers in the factories, and naturally the common soldier. Of course this is not a phenomenon unique to British history, but it was through British 20th century history that I first fell in love with history in general, so it holds a bit of a special place in my heart.
From a more objective perspective, Canadians are really steeped in British culture, ideas, and history, even if we don't realize it. I mean, most of the ideals we embrace, such as the rule of law or constitutional monarchy, as well as the things we celebrate -- the abolishment of slavery, for example -- stem from Britain. One cannot teach Canadian history in school without learning British history, and when you consider that Canada's massive sacrifices in the world wars also played a defining moment in its national identity, it's really no wonder that many still feel a kinship with the UK. Plus, like I mentioned in the response to needcake's ask, a lot of being Canadian is trying to differentiate ourselves from Americans, and one primary way we do that is by pointing to our loyalty to England and shared monarch.
I'm not sure if this is really obvious from the other side of the pond, but Queen Elizabeth also, like, plays a really insidious role. Idk if Aussies or Kiwis feel this way, but we really love Queen Liz and can't imagine a world without her on our money and all our fancy buildings and occasionally making her speeches. I was an air cadet as a teen too! We had to play God Save the Queen for closing parades every night, and I remember thinking, gosh, one day we'll have to sing God save the king, and they'll have to change all the lyrics and coins and bills and what not, and that's really weird.
But yeah, besides the history and the environment in Canada, I also follow British politics to some extent? It's not as common as following American politics here (if you talk to Canadians ab the American president it's not uncommon to hear people say "why did we elect him" etc.) but it isn't rare either. I mean, I read the Economist (no i'm not 10 billion years old) and I've done courses in British politics, read British authors, a lot of people like British actors and films and shows...the culture is just really widespread, I guess. I also have close friends who lived/live in London...oh, and I went to a British international school when I was young for a year. That might have played a role too. I should say here that I've never actually been to England in person so I can't comment on what its actually like, but it feels so familiar that sometimes I honestly forget i haven't been. I hope to actually study in London soon, actually, so if you have any advice/warnings, hit me!
Alright, onto Arthur. I just? Really? Love him? In particular I really admire his pragmatic worldview, even if I don't always agree with the conclusions it leads him to. When it comes to knowledge and analysis, he's someone who refuses to turn away from the truth, no matter how incovenient. Yet when it comes to his own emotions he's the complete opposite. That mix of cynicism and then escapism to relieve the emotional burden of his own cycnism is just...fascinating. I also really admire his intelligence in general, as well as his work ethic.
Perhaps what I love the most about Arthur, however, is his spirit. I mean, he's just so alive. Whether he's furious or devastated or overjoyed, he's someone who lives life so intensely, so fully, with such fury. When I write Arthur, that's often the feeling I try to capture: someone who cannot help but see all the suffering in life, but someone who cannot help but fight on, regardless. In a strange way, Arthur embodies hope at its most irrational. As Samuel Beckett wrote in the Unnamable, he's someone who is always telling himself: "You must go on. I can't go on. I'll go on."
Absolutely no one asked for fruk, but I'm just gonna seize this chance to throw out a little headcanon. I think this intense, somehow mortal quality of Arthur is what first captivated Francis. As I've written about a bit before, Francis to me has the most "eternal" feel out of the all the nations. He loves humanity and life as a whole, whereas Arthur lives like every second counts. For someone like Francis, who just adores beautiful, wild, transient things, Arthur is like mortality in a bottle -- so utterly enthralling that once he tasted it he could never get enough. Unlike Joan or other real humans, however, Arthur has proved far more durable to wear and tear :P
My final thought on Arthur is that he has so much contempt for fate, its actually both funny and admirable. If I may quote Tuchmann again, "no man ever lived who was less willing to be the victim of events." Arthur's someone who simply refuses to be bullied, even by grandaddy destiny itself, and I think we all love him for that, a little.
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retvenkos · 2 years
first of all, i can already tell you that i know heather and ray are going to get together at some point, but that's a big disrespect to bishop who is RIGHT THERE having SUCH best friends to lovers vibes for no good reason. i don't think there will be a ~love triangle~ so much as disappointment on bishops part (and lol probably heather. why would you choose ray????) but bishop deserves better i'm already calling it.
also, uhhhh,,,, heather sweetie I know you're the Bland Female Protagonist that we can all project onto but please get some kind of personality,,,, the sibling bond with your sister can only do so much.
secondly, can i just predict right now that somehow dodge is related to one of the kids who died in panic the year prior - maybe they're siblings or cousins or something - and he wants revenge. i saw him escorting a crying woman at the graduation ceremony, he seems very intent to win panic, and i have a feeling they're going to try to hit us with a ~twist~ motivation because he's very light skinned, and nO oNe WoUlD eXpEcT iT— but i come from a mixed family and the diversity in skin tone and features that you can have between siblings is vast, alright? idk how to account for the last name difference, but 'dodge mason' sounds very fake name-y to me, so who knows? maybe he doctors official documents in his spare time.
(also, i guess half-siblings and adoption are fair reasons for his last name difference, his light skin, and his anonymity in the town, but it feels like a cop out to me.)
third, i know we should be rooting for heather to win, but i'm rooting for dodge since i have that theory about his relatedness to the fallen. also, uhhh,,, dodge has personality asdfhjhgfdsdgh.
fourth, not gonna lie, i think dodge is making the ~moves~ on natalie and he's doing it strategically for a reason but i honestly don't know what reason it could be. it's most likely not heather-related, but he wants to be close to her for a reason
!!!!!! maybe it has to do with how her dad is a police officer! maybe he wants connections with the police for some reason! idk.
and speaking of,,,, uhhh,,,,, natalie's fine. i don't like or dislike her. i think she made a pretty quick change in judgement when she forgave heather with very little reasoning. i would forgive heather too since she clearly needs the money, but natalie was pissed like 'there's only enemies in panic!!!!!! there's no together!!!!!!!!!' and then, just,,,, immediately changes her mind?? idk. i would like to see that conflict stew (and who knows? maybe it is and she just has a killer poker face. maybe she'll lash out at some point. idk though... but she is an aspiring actress, right? i hope we get some theatre kid energy out of her asghjhgfdfgh.)
oh, also, heather has some kind of dog whispering abilities (mentioned offhandedly but has to have purpose) so i bet you that's going to be relevant to panic later on. they're gonna sicc dogs on them or something and heathers going to have some kind of ~magic touch~ idk
also, i know i mentioned how fake-y dodge's name sounds, but i also like how it implies a lot about his character. he's good at evasive maneuvering. he can dodge well, but it also implies he gets into a lot of fights - rather than flight, he holds his ground and dodges until it's time to strike. also, the surname mason has a connotation connected to strength. interesting....
oh, and, the name bishop really strikes me as someone who is level-headed and far seeing, but also someone strategic (bc of the chess connection, lol). idk if that's going to factor into any plotline he has (please say he's not just the best friend without depth character) but i have hopes he could be pulling massive strings.
also,,,, isn't it a thing that the heather plant is known to grow where there's been bloodshed on a battlefield? did i just make that up or is that a thing? because if so..... then even the name heather, which is just ~soft and feminine~ might have some kind of implication........ also, i think it has healing properties so hmmmm......
lol, i'm stretching with name connotations but i just think names are neat!!!!
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british-bombs · 3 years
Tumblr media
( TO BEAT THE DEVIL ) An introduction.
FORMAT: teleplay / novel
GENRE: horror, coming of age
LOGLINE: An interning demon drives a pair of twins cursed with obedience and honesty to kill their cult leader.
THEMES: Trauma, sexual abuse, domestic violence, victim blaming (particularly self blame), peer pressure, redemption, internalized homophobia, and religion.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Sexual abuse, violence, domestic and otherwise, manipulation, and death
Carmine can taste it. They're hiding something. Humans have such a silly smell about them, turns an overwhelming shade of sweet when they've made a demonic deal. All four of these children have. He just can't figure out what, and more importantly: why.
It keeps him on the surface longer than he should be. Long enough that Lilith sees it fit to send him a fucking trainee? And if that wasn't insult enough, the trainees one of the eternal teenage know-it-alls.
He's already got four annoying toddlers to trail, and now there's one tugging his hand in the new generation's approach to soul-catching like Carmine isn't one of the best employees they've had since the turn of the century.
And somehow, to make it all worse, the trainee is good at it. And if Carmine wants to keep his spot at the top of the food chain, he's going to have to get the soul of that dumb bitch who's running the joint.
But, of course, the kid gets him murdered??? And then has the nerve to figure out how what those toddlers managed to stick their syrupy, grubby little hands in. What gives?
But two can play at that game. If he can't get the dead guy's, then he can have the next best thing.
Jesse has lived just under seventeen years, but he's ready to check out. Or he was. But of course, some selfish bastard had to come along and say you can't ever act on those thoughts again! Don't think like that!
And then the hole kept getting deeper.
Six feet deep, to be exact. He's got blood on his hands and no matter how fucking good it felt to cut off the air supply to the God who stole his innocence, it's probably not going to feel very good to watch his mom suffer through a highly publicized trial with headlines like CHILD MURDERS HIGH PROFILE BENEFACTOR!!!
Oh. Well. Billy did say if he really got in that deep, he could always strike up a deal. His soul, everything wrapped up in a nice little bow, sweet as Easter Sunday. But until then? Yeah, he's content to live in a stupid fucking Sherlock Holmes novel.
JESSE NIX: A soon-to-be seventeen-year-old saddled with the curse of obedience. Unlike miss-lucky-Ella-Enchanted, he wasn't told to give away his mommy's locket. No-siree. He was told to give away his virginity. In his opinion, the only appropriate payback is a life. Maybe, one day, if he really snaps, he'll dig up Pastor Dallin's corpse and chop his dick off. Really stick it to the man. If he doesn't go to prison first, anyway. (spotify playlist)
NANCY NIX: Also a soon-to-be-seventeen-year-old, though saddled with the curse of honesty. It's really not so bad. That is, until she stumbles across the sight of her dearest little brother covered in blood for no reason he can push through his metal braces. She refuses to believe he did it on purpose. If only she could convince the cops without sounding like a nutjob. (spotify playlist)
BEVERLY PINES: A seventeen-year-old cursed to feel the pain of those around her. It makes for some fun family dinners with a sadistic mom and a missing dad. Distance nulls pain, but she can't ever seem to make it past state lines before her mom gets wise and breaks one of her ribs. Oh, well. She's got a bone to pick with psychos like her mom. Apparently, Pastor Dallin was one of them. She doesn't think she could stomach the pain of killing someone, so next best thing, right? (spotify playlist)
CLARICE ANDERMANN: Also a seventeen-year-old cursed to be constantly in motion. It's honestly not that bad. She's Yale bound! Perks of having endless energy for everything to cheerleading to debate contests, though she can't imagine her heart's going to keep up like this. It's already hanging on by a thread. That thread is named Beverly Pines and like hell she's letting it go to prison for nothing. (spotify playlist)
BILLY: An annoying fuck trapped in a seventeen-year-old's body. No curses. The opposite, in fact - blessed with a silver tongue and a keen sense of deduction. It takes him all of two hours to put together (almost) everything about Jesse Nix. He just didn't think he could push the repressed little fuck to murder that quick. (All the more power to him, though. Prison always makes people desperate and paranoid, AKA: an easy mark.) (spotify playlist)
MAVIS EVANGELISTA: Former housewife turned grieving widow turned revered prophet. If she got a little help from someone downstairs, then who's to know? They love her all the same. Now, she really, really wants to see how far she can push them all. (spotify playlist)
CARMINE: Just a helpful guy, passing through. Really doesn't need anything, just a little pledge, is all! And then? Then, you can have everything you want, fame, money, power, love. The sky is your limit. The water's fine! (Ignore the piranhas, they'll wait till you're dead to eat your face, just a little bit.) (spotify playlist)
- all of these characters have equal importance within the story.
- personal tag system for story stuff is '#tbtd' and character tags are just first name (ex: '#jesse')
- this is kind of really fucked up. the only reason i wrote it was cause i was thinking damn ella enchanted really is NOT fucked up enough. like i don't think the author of ella enchanted went dark enough. a locket? that's it? a bitch move. i'm taking it to straight murder and sexual abuse
- jesse transgender, no character straight except evil people
- i'm not entirely sure how tag lists work but i think i get the gist of them?? idk if you want rb or ask or something </3
There were moments, where she was reminded just how different this voice was, how violent.
She had found Lynette, making off with her makeup that she’d spent her own allowance on. Mavis doted on her and, from what she’d seen of other families, everyone else looked upon their little siblings with contempt, despising the burden they dragged along with their existence.
But Mavis adored Lyn. When she'd been born, her mother had come home with a tiny thing bundled in pink fleece. Mavis had taken to Lyn on sight, thinking Lynette’s headband adorned with a baby blue bow was the universe’s way of telling her happy birthday! as reparations for the ones her mother had missed while she was enduring her week long stay at the hospital.
But that mindset was a disease, one that had finally caught up with her. Had Lynette not become her burden? She was nineteen, busting her back day and night so Lynette wouldn’t have to, that she might avoid the life that Mavis had lived in those blissful six years where it was her and her alone.
Had her mother not tampered down her birthday celebrations since Lynette’s was so very close and they couldn’t afford double anyway? Had Lynette not deprived her of the teenage experiences she heard her classmates speak of, going out and tasting alcohol for the first time while Mavis followed a ten year old Lynette house to house so she could complain of a stomach ache after she’d devoured all the candy on the walk back home?
And now this! Stealing her few precious items, the few things she bothered to save up for, few things she bothered to keep hidden. For what? It wasn’t as though she was ever going to have the courage to ask a peer of her’s out. She was a thief.
One Mavis had made the mistake of taking care of. She should’ve embraced those stirrings of resentment, should’ve left Lynette to her own devices since Lynette didn’t appreciate anything, or even half of what Mavis afforded her. She should’ve left her out in the cold that Christmas. How could anyone have known? It wasn’t as though corpses could talk--
She had let Lyn take off with the whole case, as if to remind herself when she woke up the next morning what she had considered, how vile the thought was.
Lyn had never done anything unforgivable to Mavis. Mavis didn’t suppose she ever could. It was no fault of Lyn’s she didn’t understand what it was like to live with their father. How could she? It was a topic off limits to Lyn by both Mavis and their mother. After all, a child born blind doesn’t know until it’s pointed out to them.
And yet, she found guilt hard to summon. She did, but the speed at which it came, the strength, made her uneasy. What had happened to the girl she was? Lyn had been her world. What had changed?
Then, dully, that other voice, entirely of its own volition, said You did.
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bitxhmoonrising · 2 years
My ACOTAR Review (sorry if it's not what you expected)
TW for SA AND ABUSE - because for some reason that wasn't something the author felt like they needed to warn people about???
I decided to go ahead and finally read this book. After years of seeing it online, and the mixed reviews, I'm finally going to pick it up and give it a try. (Its just going to be in a point form list)
1. The first four chapters are weird, I have a hard time believing Feyre cannot read when they lost all of the money at 14, she should be able to read. She came from a very rich family, one in which the mother wished to marry off her daughters, and even if she did not like Feyre, education would be an important factor in marrying her off, it means they are wealthy. It's very hard to believe this fact, but I can look past it.
2. The relationship between the sisters is hilarious, it honestly reminds me of my own with my 4 other sisters. We used to call each other smelly and ugly, and said the rudest shit and I liked for once that I saw this in a book. Though, I think the author wanted them to be 'evil', but it just came off as more realistic then anything. And funny, honestly.
2.5 the father is an abusive POS. Clearly these 3 girls have been emotionally abused by both their parents to some extent.
3. I find myself rolling my eyes at her narration, she is very whiny. Hopefully that changes as her character develops or I'm not sure I can stand 5 books of this.
4. Do you expect me to believe, that Feyre would choose Tamlin, WHEN LUCIEN IS RIGHT THERE?!?!?! their relationship is so boring, to the point that I believe they wont end up together because the author was so lazy with it.
5. Tamlin sending Feyre away was probably the best thing he could do for her. I'm actually surprised the man could admit to her that he could not protect her instead of pretending, though Lucien's reaction makes me think there is something bigger about Tamlin's love confession. . (Ok, coming from finishing the book, the reasoning wasn't that climatic). Also, Rhysand can fuck the fuck off, slimy bitch.
6. Ok, Feyre and Nesta 🥺🥺 they are so cute. Though it seems Nesta character has gone through a bit of a change since the first four chapters. Nesta admitting she wasn't capable of taking care of the family like Feyre did such a big thing for her (but like, I'm also on the train that oldest siblings are not parents, because that's toxic thinking imo, and they are close enough in age for it to not bother me, idk.)  Feyre teaching Nesta to paint is so wholesome, it has my heart exploding.
7. Something happened with Tomas and Nesta, it was bad. I just know it. BUT NESTA GOING INTO THE WOODS FOR FEYRE HAS ME WANTING TO FAINT!! THE LOVE SHE HAS FOR HER.
8. I hope we get to see Nesta and Feyre together again at some point, I love their weird relationship. Me and my second youngest sister, who reminds me of Nesta, have a very similar dynamic and I see us in them. There love is one declared through action, not words. It's unspoken.
9. 100 pages of info dump and we are at he mountain.
10. NOT CLARE BEDDOR!! Also, why did Rhys even give the name??? Either the guy is truly evil, or a moron. Thankfully, Tamlin has some sense about him to keep his mouth shut and not let on how much she means to him because this Rice boy would happily fuck them over. I feel like the author is trying to make me like him, but I don't.
11. The answer is love (I'll delete this if I'm wrong).
12. WHY WAS THERE NO TW FOR SEXUAL ASSAULT IN THIS BOOK?!?!?! I DID NOT WANT TO READ THIS!!!! Rhysand can die and I hope he does. The entire drugging and assult scenes were disgusting and hard to read AND THIS IS A YA BOOK!!??!
13. Tamlin has a stone heart????
14. Wtf was this book?
My review
Feyre is ok, nothing I haven't read before. Think she should run away from all these men (including their abusive father) with her sissy's, but she wont. How she cannot see any red flags is beyond me.
Tamlin, meh.
Rhys, gross. Nothing he does makes sense.
Lucien, to good for this world. Must protect at all costs.
Rating: 3/5 because I wasn't horrible. Will still read second book.
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5secondsofdrama · 4 years
Just gotta say it's nice to find fans who are OG and also a similar age to the boys cos fr I feel like the majority of the fam are like 14-16 (18 tops) and I'm out here the same age as the boys like ... Ahaha. And I do think it gives a different pov of their music to be their same age. Like, SGFG is my favourite, but ofc it is "immature". Nonetheless, a good half of the SGFG songs they could still perform today and it wouldn't sound weird for a mid 20s to perform (eg SOAU, V, OS, C22) 1/?
Like, dgmw, I adore JBH, but it's whole vibe is so teenage that I would have thought they would have dropped playing her by now (likewise with SKH...) Heck, even their early stuff they could still play and it not be weird (the exception of the obvious being like 18, KMKM, LB) but fan faves like WAYF or IYDK I don't think would be weird for them to play. They could also change the songs up a bit, too to make them sound more mature. Idk, it seems a waste if they plan to shift fully away. 2/?
They have a catalogue of what, over 100 songs? And seem to want to move away from all their early stuff when so much could still be played today. Yb is a great album, it's matured and you still have alot of SGFG (and even their 2014 EPs) vibes in there. So I'd say it's objectively my fave as I can understand the direction they took to mature to get there. CALM however I can't stand. It feels so try hard. I'm all forcreative expression but honestly can't stand the tinny RnB mix acoustic style 3/?
The mainstream complaint of the boys back in the day was that they were a boy band who were try hards to not be and to be punk rock when they aren't punks cos they don't have that edge to their attitude that punks do. But now they're very obviously trying sooo hard to be mainstream people don't seem to pick up on that. The whole RnB vibe when let's be real, it doesn't suit who they are at all. 4/?
Last one I swear sorry but I was just thinking about all this before I went to sleep aha. They claimed CALM was genre bending when it just doesn't work to be (while Yb was more so and actually worked) and also as tho that's unique to them when you have artists like Post Malone, YUNGBLUD and MGK out here executing genre bending incredibly well but that blatantly isn't their aim, they just make music they enjoy. Wish 5SOS could just reflect and do the same instead of being try hards.
Ok so, I think this last one goes with this grouping but I’m not sure? It’s not numbered and I technically already answered it but I’m throwing it in here anyways.
There are a lot of younger fans, I try not to judge them too much bc I was pretty young when I started listening to the guys, even tho I’m closer to their age. This being said there are definitely 15 year old fans out there being super problematic and immature on twt and everywhere else. The fandom was toxic way back when too tho, and there are people in their 30s, and mid twenties out here acting like immature disrespectful brats. You can find 16 y/os who are respectful of others, they may still have some growing up to do but I don’t think it’s fair to group alll younger fans into one category and all older fans into another. As I mentioned there are some pretty poorly behaved older fans out there, who flaunt their behaviour, as immature as it is. I think overall maturity is majorly lacking across all facets of the fandom. You’re lucky when you can find small pockets of it.
When we were on ST people liked to call us all sorts of names and sent us hate. And would turn around and say that we were so immature and hateful to Sierra. Reality is that we’ve never stooped that low, and we never will. We don’t post hate, we don’t send it and we don’t promote it.
As for age changing how people experience music, I tend to agree with you. There are certain songs that are attached to young experiences of mine. I think self-titled is the most immature, Amnesia makes me think about my high school heartbreak. I can’t relate it to my current life at all. I don’t really think SGFG is that immature, a part from the name. I think they just had a lot of other influences. I disagree that JBH has a teenage vibe to it. I would say for songs like Money, SKH, and Hey Everybody, or Gotta Get Out, Social Casualty, Reject etc. But JBH has more of an undercurrent of mental health than a need to break free of social constraints put in place by school and parents.
I fully agree that they should play more of their old stuff they have some amazing lock ass songs. Ones that didn’t become massive hits, but the majority of people that buy their records and come to their shows are fans that have been around awhile. They have it in their head they need to appeal to a bigger audience. Whether that’s a then thing or that’s soemthing management is imposing we can’t be sure. I feel like overtime they’ve grown less appreciative of the fans.
People have said if they didn’t evolve their sound they wouldn’t have survived, and I think some evolution is important but I don’t know that an outright complete genre switch is necessary for them to remain successful. Youngblood was a change from their punk pop roots, which we embraced and it was good but it was different. Why they felt the need to entirely shift from that seems so strange to me, and almost unnecessary? Maybe they are having an identity crisis. Even if they had stayed pop punk forever I think they would have been fine. As you mentioned the fanbase was always so strong behind them and a lot of the fans will blindly buy whatever they put out. I’m glad we got YB, I don’t understand why they could have just evolved form their rather than doing whatever the hell they did. Overall, I agree with a lot of what you had to say. And if also like to add I miss the punk vibe and the damn lip ring, grumble.
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Jac & Jude
Jac: I know this is probably weird Jac: or just an unwelcome sight, my name in your inbox Jac: but if/when you have some time to spare, I'd like to talk, if you're willing Jude: whatever you heard I didn't do it Jac: We could workshop that but no, that's not what it is Jude: 🗨 about what then? Jac: Um, if I've gotta summarize it in a message Jac: the past 2-ish years? Jude: bit late to start 🗨 now but if you wanna not be 🤐 Jac: That's okay if you want it that way now but I can offer you explanations, if you want that too Jude: 10/10 opener Jac: Thanks Jac: though if you're saying it's as believable as your 'I didn't do it' I take some offence Jude: ⚽️ 🏀 🏈 ⚾️ 🥎 🏐 🏉 in my court is top for novelty value alone Jude: power might go to my head 🤯 Jac: get your kicks where you can, honestly Jude: 😜✌ Jac: You'll let me know then? Jude: [lowkey ages later] Jude: 🗨 if you still wanna Jac: Okay Jac: I appreciate it, hopefully you will too Jac: that's all I want really, so, obviously I'm the one that owes you whatever you need to hear but if you wanna give me an indication of where to start, it might be easier for us both Jude: idk where it even started Jac: for me, I'd say when I started to be friends with Savannah, at the start of transition year, and it really got real at the end of that year Jac: but maybe before I was slacking too, that's definitely possible Jude: it ain't a job Jac: no, I meant that it is work though, maintaining good relationships and being a decent sister, work that I wasn't putting in Jude: I've always been hard work for you, soz like Jac: It certainly wasn't your fault Jac: or what I was trying to allude to Jude: 🗨 or not goes both ways Jac: Okay, you can think that, you don't have a lot to suggest otherwise, I see that Jude: you talk to Jess cos he does your head in less than me, since forever Jac: In general, me and Jess have more in common than we do, I think Jac: but I didn't talk to him for the whole first year either, and I only did at all in the second because he did me a favour in a way I couldn't Jac: but I might have to go back to explain that in a less vague way Jude: go where you wanna, it's your 📖 Jude: I'm 👂 Jac: I'm not telling it for me Jac: but alright, I'll just do it Jac: so, Amelia was in love with me, it wasn't reciprocated, and she couldn't be my friend any longer, I lost her Jac: then what happened to Isabelle happened and I lost her Jac: and also Savannah at the same time Jac: and what happened to Is fucked me up, as well as the shit people were saying about it, about me around it Jac: it all got on top of me, I didn't cope with it, I took that out on a lot of people, you were one of them Jude: nowt I don't already know Jac: Right Jac: well I didn't know you knew that, so I felt I should tell you Jude: everyone knows about the 😍💖 Jude: I missed Sienna too & there's no way what happened to Izzy wouldn't fuck you up Jac: okay Jac: well it was rough, for a time there, and I didn't really have anyone to help me deal so I did some bad and stupid shit that didn't just affect me Jude: yeah Jac: and I'm sorry about that Jac: for however that affected you, at all Jude: alright Jac: and I only talked to Jesse because something really bad happened and he was there so I had no choice, really Jude: what was it? Jac: I don't wanna make you feel bad Jac: just to say how bad it was, like I'm being dramatic or whatever Jude: you can't just drop that something really bad happened & then not tell me ?? Jac: I had to have an abortion Jude: fuck Jac: I know that's a lot Jude: idk what to say Jac: You don't have to say anything Jude: ??! Jude: yeah I do, we can't just leave that there Jac: You don't have to like, try to make me feel better though Jac: I can talk more Jac: it was last christmas time Jac: and yeah Jac: it was the hardest thing I'll probably ever have to do Jude: Christmas Jac: yeah, great timing, right Jude: who was it? do I know him? Jac: no, it was some guy at some party, complete accident Jude: I'm never hooking up with anyone ever Jac: I wasn't being as careful as I could've been Jac: I was on the pill, I am, but I was sick so Jude: if it happened to you, it could definitely happen to me Jac: no, I wasn't being safe at all, I wasn't like me Jac: you wouldn't do that Jac: not like you shouldn't be careful yourself, of course, but I'm not trying to fear monger Jude: why? Jac: because I didn't feel well Jac: or like protecting myself from bad stuff Jac: but it was a wake-up call Jude: are you better now or what? Jac: I'm trying to be Jac: I wasn't trying at all back then Jac: but I am now, and part of that is reaching out, so you really can ask anything Jac: if you want to Jude: I don't think you should go if you're not Jac: I think University will be good for me Jac: I have stopped doing a lot of the things I was already, and I'm trying to do more things that I should again Jac: the fresh start, getting to do what I want to do, that's been keeping me going Jude: but it's really far away Jude: what if Jac: I don't want you to worry about me like that Jac: I'm not about living like that now Jac: if I had to stay here, I'm not saying I would go back, but leaving is a good thing Jude: you were though & you're not gonna have anyone to help you deal there, that's why you said it got bad before Jac: I still don't have friends here Jac: I have a better chance to make new ones when we're all new, you know Jac: but it was all the stuff that was too much that made it all happen Jude: it feels like a 🥉💡 Jac: Why? Jude: cos you said it was the only thing keeping you going so if it goes wrong Jac: but it's not going to go wrong Jac: you know academics have always been where I'm most comfortable Jude: yeah but Jac: I worked really hard for this, and I've always wanted it Jac: I can swap Universities, if I need to do that Jac: and I would, if things weren't working Jude: promise Jac: I promise Jac: I don't know how I'll reassure you on this, apart from getting there, and then checking in Jude: then do that Jac: I will Jude: okay Jac: I'm not going to go back there Jac: I want to be better, and that's half the battle, right Jude: true Jac: I have to get out of here Jac: you'll feel the same when your time comes too Jude: it's not bad for me here Jude: I get why you wanna leave & Jess has gotta for the ⭐dom but I'm all good Jac: you want to see the rest of the world too though Jac: not stay here forever Jude: I'm not gonna 👀 sod all from a lecture hall Jude: & a basic bitch gap year ain't no mood Jac: I'm gonna be in Edinburgh, a whole new city to explore and make home Jac: you have to go somewhere you wanna be Jac: and then you'll have good money to see enough of the world and not have to do it with pretentious gap year people slumming it in hostels Jude: I just don't know where I'd wanna be Jac: you still have time to figure that out Jude: but I won't have my pick like you Jude: not 🤓 enough Jac: you can still pick a city, lots of bigger places have lots of different Unis Jac: even if the Uni isn't like ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Jac: the place can be Jude: you're right, I've slummed it on loads of school trips & it's still been 🥇 Jac: and I'm not calling you stupid, you can get into wherever you wanna, with the work Jude: tah, don't be calling me thick 🤣 Jac: just so you can't call me out later, of course Jude: probs won't be going to Spain though I ain't getting any 🏆 in that class Jac: you usually get a year abroad if you want it Jac: still chance for some sun, sea and sand Jude: 😝 Jude: can't be tamed, the teacher'd be fuming to find out I'm in Barcelona loving the 🎨 Jac: you can fluff your first year Jac: get it out of your system 😏 Jude: yeah? Jude: I thought that was a rumour to 🎣 out dickheads Jac: I think if you totally tanked it, they might wanna get you gone Jac: but I don't know if they technically can Jude: watch me test it 😏 Jac: 🙄 Jac: 🤞 you change your mind in these interim years Jude: they'll be like oi you piss off & I'll be like nah mate!! 😜✌ Jac: 😂 Jac: good luck with that Jude: I've got this Jac: No doubt Jude: you can still have kids later if you want, can't you? Jac: It shouldn't have had any effect, like that Jac: I don't think losing a baby does, usually, unless it goes really badly and that didn't happen Jude: yeah, you're not Amelia's mum Jac: yeah, I'm clearly fertile Jac: so unless the karma is I'm not later Jude: thank god Jac: I don't know if I'll ever want to do it again Jude: idk if I want kids either but we might Jude: like ages from now Jac: yeah Jac: It was just a lot to go through Jude: did they knock you out to do it? Jude: that must've been scary Jac: I took the tablets Jac: did it at home Jude: here Jac: yeah Jude: shit Jac: I told Jess, so he stayed with me Jude: I'm glad Jude: he's the one I'd tell too Jac: Poor him Jude: I do tell him stuff, I'm sure he's gutted about it Jac: I just meant it's a bit rude of us to put it all on him Jac: I'm sure he isn't gutted Jude: yeah but he won't be around for it soon Jac: you can still talk to him Jude: nah, he'll be proper busy 🤠🎤🎵🎸 Jac: you can still blow his phone up Jac: he'll get back to you Jac: beside, you have friends too Jude: I can handle it, I've got mates, mum & dad & obvs me Jude: he's earned a break Jac: yeah Jac: no doubt he'll be grateful Jude: for sure Jac: 👍 Jude: I mean from me, not you Jac: no, I know what you mean Jac: I've put him through enough Jude: nah, I have Jude: you were really going through something Jac: Are you okay? Jude: yeah Jac: Good Jac: like you said, you can handle it Jac: not going to start demanding you tell me things Jude: it was just a weird time Jude: is Jac: yeah Jac: I know Jude: I didn't know what to do & like I always know about myself Jude: things ain't usually confusing Jac: I'm sorry Jac: for making shit harder for you, you didn't need that Jac: a lot of it was too painful to talk about Jac: like, I couldn't Jude: & you don't have to, not to make me feel better Jac: I wasn't intending to make you feel shit Jac: but I also didn't do anything to go out of my way to do the opposite either Jude: you made loads of people feel shit, I'm not special Jude: or probs even top 5 Jac: I did Jac: it was easier Jac: than questions and concern Jac: for me though Jac: not you lot Jude: you can't be selfless all the time Jude: everyone's a selfish dickhead when they're 💔 Jac: I didn't have to be quite so selfish Jac: that's a lie, I did feel like I had to at the time, or I wouldn't have done it Jac: but that doesn't excuse it as alright Jude: it wasn't alright Jude: but none of us are saying it is Jac: it means you get to react how you wanna now Jac: even if that ain't alright either Jude: bit late to 🥊 Jac: you could try it Jac: you needn't think I'm just gonna take it though Jude: I got my own room out of it, if I do a OTT 🚪 slam you'll get the point Jac: you get your own room regardless now Jude: & this time I can actually chuck your shit out without mum or dad having a go at me Jac: if you want Jude: it'll be gone soon as you have 👋 Jac: that's fine Jac: I have the things I need Jude: I won't ask you to help me start the wall mural as a bonding activity, you're alright Jac: would be counterproductive Jude: yeah you'd only fuck up my artistic vision Jac: naturally Jude: if Amelia weren't so in love with you she might've bothered to teach you how to 🖌🎨 instead of being convinced you were 10/10 as you were Jac: I'd hate to steal your thunder Jude: the competition'd be a right laugh Jude: I wouldn't mind it Jude: how you get better anyway Jac: It's one way Jac: I've always been peerless so I wouldn't know but Jude: 🙄😏 Jude: when Sav left, she gave you a 🏃 for your 💰 before that Jude: 🤓🥇🏆 Jac: True Jude: I wonder where she's going Jac: Bath, probably Jac: unless she changed her plans Jac: or got into Oxbridge Jude: that 1st bit don't sound like something she'd do Jude: maybe her Catholic school was top notch though Jac: I doubt her dad was going to risk sending to another shithole Jude: I don't get why he sent her away at all Jude: there's gonna be lads like that at parties a few hours from here just the same Jac: Yeah well, it was a convenient excuse for what he probably wanted to do anyhow Jac: and I doubt she was allowed to go to many parties after that, wherever she was Jude: he's a twat for not caring what Sav & Sienna want, I wouldn't let him tell me nowt Jac: you wouldn't have much choice Jude: 😬 Jac: clearly their mum didn't argue loads for them to stay so Jac: that's that Jude: yeah but he could've stayed closer & still had them live with him Jac: well there's no point pretending he isn't a twat, for the sake of this convo Jac: maybe he had a job offer, I don't know Jude: 🤷🏼 Jac: anyway Jude: ?? Jac: I don't know Jac: is there anything else you wanna know Jude: does it get any worse? Jac: no, that's the worst Jude: then you can tell me if there's anything else Jac: I mean, it wasn't so much what I was doing or did Jac: you know the rest, the drinking and partying and obviously the sex Jude: it was a bit hard to miss Jac: yeah Jac: it was what it was Jude: I don't blame you for wanting to go, you won't get a fresh start here after what all that was Jude: you were my sister before far as the 🗨 went now I'm yours Jac: well, I want to go anyway, always have Jac: I don't care what people think Jude: good job none of us are that bothered, with Jess blowing up an' all Jac: you can't be responsible for what people say about anyone but yourself Jude: I know Jude: dunno if the other two have their heads round that yet though Jac: well I'm sorry for what people might think or say about you because of me Jac: we're all going to have to make changes, because of Jess' lifestyle now Jude: there ain't no might about it, they do 💭 & 🗨 Jac: then I'm sorry Jude: don't bother being, it don't matter if you are & people have always 🗨 bollocks Jude: if it ain't you it's Jess or mum being a model, whatever else there is Jac: well I still am Jude: I can't change your 🧠 Jac: just because people talk, doesn't mean I have to give them more to talk about Jude: you won't be, you'll have pissed off to do your psychology degree, getting to just be you somewhere else Jude: like I'll get to just be me if I go far enough away too Jac: Yeah, that's generally why people do it Jude: even if Jess gets well famous in the next couple of years, still a common enough last name Jude: I should be able to do my own thing Jac: exactly Jac: private profiles, the whole deal, it's just what you'll have to do Jude: not gonna wish he fucks it, that'd be a bit rude Jac: Of course not Jac: it doesn't mean it won't be hard Jac: people already know you're related, you've been at gigs and stuff Jude: something else I can handle Jac: doesn't mean you can't feel a type of way about it Jude: it's what he wants to do Jac: Yeah Jac: but how do you feel about it? Jude: idk nowt's really happened yet Jude: it might get weird Jac: Yeah Jac: I get you Jude: I don't wanna be famous & especially not just for being his little sister Jac: yeah, I'd hate that as well Jac: people speculating 'round here is bad enough Jude: but maybe it'll help with my 🎨 Jude: not being a total unknown Jac: maybe Jac: but you wanna know you earnt recognition for your ability, not who you're related to Jude: all I know is if people start asking for 📷 I'm gonna have to look 11/10 every day Jac: 🙄😂 Jude: even for school! oh my god that'll be knackering Jude: I'll have to get up early Jude: tah for that, Jess Jac: people at school already have loads of embarrassing pictures Jac: at least you'll know where they've come from Jude: my mates won't do that, so yeah I'll know WHO they've come from Jac: you never know Jac: it changes people Jac: and not just the person it happens to Jude: what so I've gotta keep my 👀 on everyone? UGH Jac: I'm not trying to be dramatic Jac: but you hear about it Jac: people selling you out, for their own fame or 💶 Jude: you're not wrong, I'm just not chuffed to have to walk on 🥚 Jude: be a right laugh that will Jude: but whatever I ain't gonna whinge to you Jude: that'd be a bigger pisstake after everything you've just said Jac: can't say I blame you Jac: you can talk about whatever you want Jude: to loads of other people, not you Jac: if that's how you want it Jac: not because you think you can't Jude: it's how it is, you've got a lot on Jac: You can still talk to me Jac: regardless Jude: changing the habit of a lifetime of you telling me to NOT, that's like another fresh start Jude: so nah, not really Jac: that is what I'm trying to do Jude: & I'm here for you if you want but I don't need it from you Jude: like I don't need Jess to rush back from gigging how we said earlier Jac: Alright Jac: that's how we'll go forth then Jude: 👍 Jac: See you later then Jude: 👌✌
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simpinforyoongi · 4 years
Hey that's my water! ~ Shy!Jungkook x reader
Tumblr media
Pairing: Jungkook x reader
Genre: fluff?? A bit of angst mAYBe like 0.002%, attempted humour but like, IDK how to make things funny ok don't attack me
Summary: Jungkook finished all your water while kinda confessing and you just ask him to give you time to get to know him. (and you're hoping that he doesn't change his mind)
{Note: This is my first imagine on Tumblr and I'd really appreciate any feedback and comments and notes. Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy it!!}
{p.s guess where the picture is from!}
Don't look. Don't look. Don't look. Don't look. Don-
You peek at the confused boy to your right who sighs for the umpteenth time in the past hour.
Focus y/n focus . It's your finals.
You look back down to your half finished paper and start writing again, but not before taking yet another sneek peek at him.
You know, seeing such behavior of yours, one would think that you're crushing on this cute boy, Jungkook.
Well, it's not fuLLY wrong, I mean, he's kinda cute,ok. But its not quite true either.
Well its just, its hard to resist such a baby face and honey-sweet charms, okay?? And the fact that you're a hoe for shy boys isn't helping at all
I'd say you're giving exams a run for their money when it comes to being avoided by Jungkook.
I mean the guy hasn't held eye contact with you ever for more than half a second!
That day when you bumped into each other? Nopity. One second he was there with books sprawled across the floor and the next second he wasn't. He didn't even look at you!
Then there was that time when the only seat available was next to you and the rest were near his "fangirls". Its fair to say he shared his meal with squirrels that day.
And then there was that day when the teacher had asked you to explain something to him since she was in a hurry and you were the only one left in class. That was probably the only time he directly talked to you.
By "talk" , I mean the low "yes" when you asked whether he had understood or not. That's it.
Those were the only times when you interacted. In the past year.
And that last time was like 4-5 months ago.
Weird, considering the fact that you share a good number of classes with him. Well maybe he's just too shy, don't stress over it you dumbass.
You put your pen down and stretch out. One gets stiff after sitting in the same position for so long you know.
15 minutes are still left on the clock.
Jungkook still seems to be writing.
Your eyes linger on his face for longer than you'd like to admit.
Ok but like
he has a sharp jawline.
Slice my throat with that jaw please
But still those chubby soft looking cheeks? Howww?? Then there are those doe eyes that hold the soft chocolate brown orbs.
Oh how you'd love to stare at them for hours on end. And tangle your fingers in the soft brown locks that are hiding his forehead. Your eyes wander down to the sweet brown pools of caramel that I mentioned a moment ago and you can't seem to avert your eyes from his.
He's looking at you.
You instantly turn back around and stare your paper with such intensity that if looks could burn, the flimsy piece of paper would've been long gone by now.
Well that's an amazing way to initiate contact. Great job!
Since that creepy eye contact, you didn't even dare look at his general direction
Unknown to you, he was smiling since he caught you staring at him with a hint of a dreamy smile.
He thought you looked cute with blood rushing to your cheeks.
He should try to make you flustered more often. Actually he should've tried a lot of things.
But him being a wimp is getting in his way of even looking at you nicely.
After revising your paper, you hand it in and head out.
Walking to the entrance, you make a list of all the delicious food you're gonna eat and get fat now while binge watching all the dramas that had to be kept on hold due to exam season TT
The sun suddenly seemed brighter and the sky seemed bluer.
you put in your earphones and settled on a favorite after much thought.
Ah life is sweet
And then it isn't
As you neared the entrance, a group of boys caught your eye. What surprised you more than them staring at you was the fact that Jungkook was one of them.
They immediately went back to talking amongst themselves.
Anyyyywaaaayyysss its time to PARTAYYY
So there you were, minding your own business, skipping along the song and mouthing the words.
You know, beautiful life.
But this peace didn't last long when your tranquil venture was interrupted by heavy and fast footsteps behind you.
Oh shit what if its a kidnapper. Oh shit oh shit oh shit
Instinctively, you looked behind.
Oh wait it's Jungkook. Hah not a kidnapper.
Oh wait
What if he's here to talk about the weird eye contact.
He stopped right in front of you and you swore your heart would leap out and break dance in front of you any moment now.
He glanced behind him at a black van.
Oh wait maybe he IS here to kidnap me.
Good as long as the weird eye contact isn't brought up.
He looks back at you and you're like ????
He says hey
You say hi
And then you're just standing there.
He again looks back at that kidnapping van and this time some of those boys from earlier stick their heads out and give him a thumbs up and you're again like ????
"So ummm.. hehe.." Jungkook looks away from you and your hoe-for-shy-boys side is just really to jUMp out of your skin and on him
"hey you tryna kidnap me or something" you smile, trying to ease his extrEMely visible tension thats being emitted from him in squiggly Iines like those in cartoons and stuff
but you're like honestly confused???when he keeps opening his mouth and closing it like a fish trying to breath in air
and as cruel as it sounds but you haTE it when someone interrupts your music sessions and its not an exception this time either,
even though the reason of interruption is extremely pretty and you're entertained just by looking at him
"oh um... well..its just.."
"You know what nevermind Jungkook. I'll do the rest"
you look to your right and
its one of those boys
and boYY HE'S just as pretty as Jungkook if not more and you'd think you're drooling but actually you're quite a composed lady so you just normally very un-creepily look at him.
Composed lady my as-
"Hi I'm Namjoon. I'm Jungkook's friend. And I'm just here to-"
"Hobi cAlm down you're not calling yourself that"
"hiii excujje meee I'm Jimin nice to meet you y/n"
"jimin calm down and get insi- TAE DON'T PUSH JIMIN LIKE THAT"
"GoddAMnit I'm being sqUISHED you guys let me breath-"
"ah sorry hyung but its y/nnnnnn"
"thats not an excuse to FRIGGIN KILL ME Jimin!"
"i said I'm sorry hyung but come out meet y/n"
"wait but let me breaTHsjnxxn hoBIII"
"umm we're really sorry. Please gimme a sec" and then he was like guys get the frick in or I'll personally kick your asses to the moon and it was supposed to be a whisper but you heard it lolol
So you're standing there like.. ok hi nice to meet you all Im y/n and wait how exactly do you know my name again???
"Jungkook talks so muc-"
"aaAAAHHHA BBBBSHHH ye ye i told them about you haha ye ye that's why they know" and he's like furiously sweating and stuttering and you're like waah ok ok calm down I don't want you having a heart attack or something good god
"Anyways, hi I'm Namjoon and I'm a friend of Kookie here" he smiles and OH THOSE GOOD FREAKING DIMPLES SOMEONE DROWN ME IN THEM
"kindly ignore these savages here" and you find that really funny so you're like "lolol that's fine XD XD haha" and smiling and all
The rest of them introduce themselves and by the end, your name just sounds unreal because of all the "hey I'm y/n"s and did i mention each of them is like.. a freaking living masterpiece?? and like so so sweet, except the Yoongi guy, he's a bit quite but you can't judge because you're like that most of the times too but you're an amazing person and so might be he .
then you ask them why they are here
"so actually, we're here because," he looks at Jungkook, "Jungkook is a coward."
"well you seem like a sweet girl and we decided we'd get Jungkook to ask you to hangout but he is of course a coward and thats why I had to pipe in to save him because Jungkook really likes you a lot an-"
"AAAAAAAAABABABA BALAKLAVA CHOCOLATE CAKE BANANA MILK yes hyung I'll handle this you leave" and he's just pushing all of them back in the van like a sack of potatoes despite their protests and then they just...take off??
What the-?
"um..ijustwannaaskifyouwannahangoutsometimemaybeifyouwant" his eyes are closed and nose is crinkled and you just wanna SQUISH SQUISH SQUISH HIS GHADDAMNED FACE
"uh what?"
"i..i just wanna..askifyouwannahangoutsometime"
"umm?? Sorry could you please speak a tad slower??"
and he seems like he's suffocated now, like his ears are just red and sweating even more and honestly he's worrying you now
"dude you okay?? You seem really red. Here have some water" Dude. Yes. You're cool unlike those fanfic girlies with their blushing and stuttering. You're a complete badass actua-
He takes the bottle from your hand and gulps everything down and you're just like hey thats my water! but you gave it to him to drink so you can't really say anything
and okay he really seems like a fish who just got dropped in a bowl of water after being on land for 3 days
yea wait that won't work he'd die so like
he really seems like a fish who got dropped in water after being on land for like 3 minutes
So ok he seems human now
"yes you were saying?"
"Uh...do you..um.. would you wanna hangout sometime? If you're free that is.. only if you want to though" and he's like blushing a little and just so cute and you just nsndnfnfkwk
But you're also like OoO
"i-i mean d-dont worry its not like a date or anything i mean if you want it can be a date but i don't think you want that so like its just normal two people hanging out and its just like I really like you you're really cute and i just wanna hangout and just-" he takes a deep breath
"uhh.." you look down.
He just kinda confessed to you so you're kinda ?!?!?!?! right now but you also don't like dating and stuff because? Why would you waste your time on someone when in the end you're gonna just get your heart broken and like, yea that might not happen but you'd just rather sleep
But like, this weird voice at the back of your head says that you should go for it even though you're breaking your rules but like rules are made to be broken you know but you're also scared but you really don't wanna say no to him cos
well you kinda maybe a little bit like him ok?
"uumm.." your brain still can't form coherent sentences
"it's ok. Don't worry." He says and you look up and he has this sad expression and you're like NXNFFDND DON'T BE SAD PLEASE HEAR ME OUT but of course you say that in a more composed way
Ms. Composed lady
"no Jungkook that's not what i mean um.. actually.." so you explain how you think its a waste of time and stuff and you also explain that you really really really wanna get to know him more
"so..can you give me some time? Please?? So at least I can have you as a friend if you don't like me anymore later??" and he seems to be thinking and you blurt out the first thing that comes to mind
"I'll take you for ice-cream!!" and that seems to convince him
"and banana milk too??"
And the sweetest little smile dawns on his lips and he's just nodding his head and you're just UwU
"but you finished all my water though."
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