#idk why but I’ve been crying for almost an hour
Little edit(????)
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3xiles · 17 days
Sweet lies part two
Pairing •Toji x gn!reader
Warnings• Angst!, Cheating, suggestive (they like lowkey make out), manipulation, UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIP!, Cursing. Lmk if i forgot any!
Word count • 1079 words
A/n • I had this pre written ever since i put out the first part but was so hesitant on posting it LMAO! Enjoy! Masterlist is pinned!
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You knew life after the honeymoon phase was rough but nothing could’ve prepared you for the drastic switch in you and Toji’s relationship. About two months the after you guys got married is when you realized the mistake you made. Your days went from him coming home from work and showering you with affection to him coming in with an inaudible hello. You were confused on what you could be doing wrong. He was coming home to a clean house with food on the table, a bath prepared and you all dolled up for him, just how he liked it. This went on for months and throughout those months he’s just been coming home later and later. The man who was once coming home every day at five now walking through the front door as late as ten at night. It didn’t bother you until your 26th birthday.
You woke up excited to celebrate your first birthday as a married woman. For your birthday last year Toji went all out so you couldn’t help but let your expectations be high! Toji wasn’t there when you woke up, which was normal because he usually leaves extremely early in the morning. You spent your day pampering yourself to the max, expecting to maybe go out later. Soon enough five o clock rolls around. You sit pretty and patient on the couch, telling yourself he’s just running a little late. You wait… and you wait.. sending text after text to your husband every hour.
Y/n: Hey babe coming home soon?
Y/n: Toj idk what you have planned but i’m super excited! see you soon❤️
Y/n: Hey is everything okay??
Y/n: Hello?
Y/n: Toji it’s almost 10 where are you?
Y/n: Toji?
You send your last text with tears falling from your eyes. You hate to think he forgot your birthday. It can’t be. He just got caught up in something. It has to be. You check the time one last time. 11:03. You then tell yourself you need to go to bed. As you stand up from the couch the door opens and the man you’ve been waiting for finally shows. You do nothing but stare at him, tears mixed with mascara running down your puffy cheeks. “The hell happened to you?” he says, taking off his shoes, tie, and blazer. He begins to unbutton his shirt, purple marks adorning his chest. That was in that moment when something in you just… snapped.
“Toji, what is today?” you slowly walk towards him. He shrugs, scratching the back of his head. “Look doll, i’m beat. Can we talk tomorrow?” he begins to walk towards the stairs that lead to your shared bedroom “No. Absolutely the fuck not.” oh crap. did you just say that? he stops in his tracks and turns to you. “Excuse me?” Shitshitshitshitshit what do you say? why did u say that? “Toji i asked you a question. What. Is. Today.” you keep up the tough girl act, too deep to back out now. “Y/n.” he walks closer to you but you back away “Toji today is my fucking birthday. Today is my birthday and i’ve been home all day thinking my ‘husband’ was going to at least come home on time but you were out fucking some bitch!” You begin to yell, crying harder than you were before. “The fuck are you talking about?” You weren’t stupid, you knew he was cheating but who were you to say anything. You were nothing without him. You didn’t want to ruin things. You can’t lose him. “Toji, i know you’re seeing someone else but i at least thought you would have some type of respect or decency to not do this to me on my fucking birthday.”You’re falling apart in front of him.
The silence is strong. He walks towards you and wraps his arms around you, holding you close. “Things just haven’t been right with me, i don’t know why i do the things i do. You know how much you mean to me baby, i never want to hurt you.” i never want to hurt you. Those words replay in your mind. He brings his hands to hold your face, wiping your tears with his thumbs. “You know I love you and only you, right?” you wanted to yell at him. You wanted to kick and scream but something in you made you believe every word he was saying. Instead of doing any of those things you just nodded. Shame rose in you but it all started to fade away when his lips connect with yours. You know this isn’t right, this isn’t healthy but that doesn’t stop you from wrapping your arms around his neck and letting his hands wander. “I’m so sorry baby.” his lips travel to your neck. You try to hold back sounds but he knows just what to do to get it out if you. “Gonna let me show my girl how sorry i am?” you just started at him. not wanting to say yes but you didn’t want to disappoint him by saying no either.
You have to draw a line somewhere. “I think i just wanna go to sleep…” Removing your hands from him and stepping back. His looks confused but he doesn’t press further. Is it bad that part of you wishes he did? You wished he would’ve showed some kind of kind want, not just wanting to fuck out of pity. You know why he didn’t tho, he already got his fix of pussy for the night and it didn’t come from you. What a shame.
That night you couldn’t sleep, you were up all night silently crying. Is this really what your life was? You had lost yourself in this relationship. Your 26th birthday was a wake up call. The next few days were rough, he was just coming home later and later. Not to mention he wasn’t even trying to hide his affairs, He started to be careless. Not bothering to cover the scratches or hickeys that covered his body, leaving his phone open when you could see messages from the multiple girls and having panties and various other items in his car that didn’t belong to you. It’s like he was trying to hurt you, but isn’t that what he said he never wanted to do?
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sleepanonymous · 1 month
Okay so. I have so many people to respond to and I promise I will, just not tonight. I wanted to give a quick update about the ritual below the cut (because I know some people like going in not knowing the setlist.) Again, typing this all on my phone so my apologies for heavy typos and any incoherence.
As a preface I just got back to my hotel, showered quickly, absolutely fucking sobbed in the shower for like two minutes, and I’m now eating uncle ben’s ready rice straight out of the bag because I don't have a fork or spoon. If that doesn’t scream hot mess idk what would.
First things first: the security/staff at Arizona Financial Theatre are all amazing. Literal fucking angels. Two of them hung out with us in line all day, letting us go inside to use the bathroom and refill water bottles and the guys at the barricade were so friendly and chatty and also handed out water. Literally everyone was so helpful and friendly and nice and they deserve all the good things in life.
Second: Empire State Bastard really wasn’t clicking with me until I saw them live. They’re an absolute vibe live plus the drummer and bassist are both babes. The band were constantly thanking us for showing up early and listening to them (tbh the venue was only half full until about 10 minutes before Sleep Token went on). Literally seemed like such humble and chill dudes.
Third!!! I almost don’t even know what to say about Sleep Token. There’s sooo much I could literally rant for hours but I also need to sleep so I can drive to Albuquerque in the morning. I recorded 5ish songs I think? Mostly the TPWBYT songs but I did get the summoning too. No idea if the footage is any good but we’ll see tomorrow. I made it a point not to have my phone out after finding out the setlist because there was no way in hell I was missing TNDNBTG live while on barricade. Maybe I should preface this next bit with I one hundred thousand present realize this sounds delusional of me, but everyone on the barricade had their phones out and Vessel fucking focused on me because of it. He was singing one of my favorite sleep token songs directly to me! There’s literally nowhere else he could have been looking! he was on the edge of the stage looking straight down at me and we were pointing at each other and I’m fucking dying reliving it because I was singing so horribly and cringy back at him. Like I’m so sorry vessel but my life was changing in that moment. I became a new woman the second you pointed at me.
I kept my phone away for the first several songs tbh and he kept coming back to stand in front of me but never made such heavy eye/mask contact (until Euclid). I actually almost feel like I disappointed him when I did pull my phone out to start recording because he practically avoided me after that. its actually why I decided not to record Euclid, though I knew it was coming and it was the song’s debut. AND IT FUCKING WORKED!! He came back around and was singing to me again, same stance, same obvious eye contact except this time I was literally Ugly Crying™️ at him. Tears were streaming, I had one hand holding onto the barricade for dear life, and the other clamped tightly around my mouth ugly crying. Even my buddies and the security were concerned that’s how bad it was.
In all honesty I can’t pretend that it wasn’t “scripted” like the band hadn’t planned every move on stage beforehand. They first and foremost are performers and Vessel literally sings to every girl on the barricade right in front of him. But it also felt so special and I feel so bad for breaking down like I did 😅🤣😭😫🫠
Okay I need to stop ranting, I’ve been up for 20 hours and this is most likely incoherent anyway. I love all of you and I hope everyone who’s able to get barricade this tour gets to experience the same thing I did🖤🖤🖤
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oreowooyoung · 5 months
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pirate!jongho x stowaway fem!reader drabble
warnings: mentions of blood & injuries
rating: 14+
note: i’ve never seen a specific pirate jongho fic written and i thought why not try and write smth myself :,D idk if this is actually good i kinda just threw words down and hoped for the best lmao… i’m not super good at writing lol- all and any feedback would be appreciated <3 if enough people enjoy it i might continue it :3 (i know i left at an awkward spot ;-;) so plz let me know what you think <33
do not copy, translate, steal, or revise my writing!!
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your head spun. you were dizzy and your vision was blurred. everything hurt. you knew you should probably try and stop the blood coming from the sword cut on your arm, but you were just so tired. you were in a safe enough spot. (as safe as you can be stowed away in an unknown vessel) you were hidden between two large crates with a rough cloth you had found covering your body. i’ll just rest my eyes for a moment… you thought to yourself taking deep breaths to try and calm your thundering heart. that moment turned to a few hours. 
you woke to the sound of heavy footsteps coming down the ladder that leads into the room you’re in. the one you fell down trying to get down earlier that day. earlier that day or yesterday… you can’t remember… everything just feels so fuzzy. you try to keep your breathing quiet as you hear the footsteps get closer. you shift slightly and barely keep down the cry that builds in your throat from moving. everything hurts and it just the smallest move made you want to go back to sleep that instant.
 “can you check how full the water barrels are? im gonna check the crates” a man’s voice asked, it was deep but soft and if you weren’t in the situation you are in you might’ve wanted to hear him talk on and on. the footsteps came closer to your hiding spot and u held your breath hoping he’d not look to closely and see you. “yah the extra blankets fell again” he mumbled to himself, annoyed, as he grabbed the rough cloth off and revealed your hiding spot. “WOOYOUNG! COME HERE NOW” the man yelled as he grabbed your arm pulling you out from where u had been sitting. you were unable to hide your cry of pain when he pulled you to stand. you barely could, the world was spinning and your knees almost buckled after putting weight on your right foot. the other man, wooyoung, ran over quickly after hearing him call. “what the hell jongho-“ he stopped himself after seeing you. you were sure you looked terrible, probably covered in blood and barely able to stand on your own.  “looks like we’ve got ourselves a stowaway.” jongho said. “and a girl too” wooyoung added. your heart felt like it was about to fly out of your chest, you hands were shaking and you tried to control your breathing “m’sorry-“ you rasped out, your voice scratchy and strained from little use. you whimpered in pain when jongho started to pull you towards the ladder that led out of the storage room. wooyoung was just watching, shocked. “come on woo, she’s obviously injured and we need to take her to captain.”
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pansy-picnics · 3 months
No idea if they would since they all live in a castle but how do you think the uknighted parents each would deal with empty nest syndrome?
ukd are very adamant on giving their kids the freedom they never had growing up, so as long as they’re managing their own duties they’re basically free to do whatever (though eugene can be a Little overprotective sometimes he means well). of course bc ilmari’s adopted and isn’t of any royal blood they end up being the first to leave the nest… i’ve already discussed that vaguely here, so this time i’m gonna talk more abt ryder!!
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being the eldest of the twins ryder is technically supposed to take on the throne to corona, and people have a LOT of high expectations from him, especially other nobles/those who were….less than pleased with rapunzel’s approach to ruling. he’s basically seen as the “light” of corona and has been held on a pedestal since he was very young, which leads him to repress himself and puts a lot of strain on his relationships for many years- especially with alina who’s often left in his shadow (and he doesn’t mind it per se!!! but he does feel like her life is pretty directionless, and she’s always been rather dependent on ryder bc of it).
all this to say, eventually on their 18th birthday everything boils over and leads to a nasty fight between the twins. they both kinda realize that they need to grow up and branch out in their own ways- and ryder in particular realizes that he rlly just needs to get Away for a while. so going to help edmund in the dark kingdom seems like a pretty good way to gain some new perspectives!!
after all the pressure she was under herself, rapunzel understands this more than anything…..but that doesn’t make it any easier for her (or cass and eugene, for that matter) to accept. :’3
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idk if any of you guys watched steven universe future, but i think they’d all be like this final scene like. ALMOST WORD FOR WORD LMFAO
in fact as soon as ryder even suggests the idea to rapunzel shes awkwardly slipping out of their painting session and running to cass and eugene in TEARS and they cry for a good 3 hours but obviously they want to be SUPPORTIVE and STRONG for their BOY!!! so they pull themselves together and when he brings it up again at dinner they’re like. “omg thats great!!! ^_^” and ryder is just like ?????????
and ryders almost a little hurt that they seem so unfazed so he tries to prod them like. Aren’t you guys upset. but they don’t budge. and so obviously right at the end as he’s saying goodbye to everyone and they’re STILL nonchalant abt it he just bursts into tears like “WHY AREN’T YOU GUYS SAD IM LEAVING :(“ and IMMEDIATELY the three of them all jsut run to him BAWLING
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ryder rlly enjoys his time in the dark kingdom actually. obviously edmund and the brotherhood have a Lot of flaws in their approach to ruling….but that’s not rlly what ryder needs anyways. i think they’re very goal oriented and focused on what they can do as a unit rather than what other people think of them, and that’s a lesson ryder definitely needs to learn. not to mention he brings a lot of color to the place (both in a literal and metaphorical sense).
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alina pretty much stays in corona tho…which her parents certainly aren’t complaining about. i think he really needs some time to stand up and take on more responsibility without ryder stepping in for him. the twins wont be taking on the thrones anytime soon, but i think when they do, they’ll end up switching- so ryder will be the king of the dark kingdom, and alina will take on the role as queen of corona. alina’s always had deeper ties to her kingdom than ryder did…not to his fault, but the pressure he’s had put on him just made it hard for him to focus on the things that Mattered, yk? he’s ended up being very stuck in his status, while alina has been a lot more down to earth and has always felt a closer connection to the public, if that makes sense… :3
but ryder and ilmari still visit all the time, and ilmari will take over the library one day too…like, raps, cass and eugene haven’t been Perfect parents by any means, but they’ve never failed to make sure their kids know just how strong, capable and loved they are. even though it hurts to see them go (and poor alina definitely has to deal with their theatrics and coddling for YEARS while her older siblings are gone), it’s very clear that no matter where they go, their kids will always know their home is with them, yk??? they love their parents so much and it just makes me so emo😭😭😭
additionally, i think uknighted dream kind of do some equivalent of fostering long after their own kiddos leave the nest… the three of them do a lot of community work, they have a lot of programs instilled for struggling families and kids alike. they end up helping pretty closely with a lot of the orphanages, not only with funding but also by putting in their own work. they visit a lot, come to tons of events…they end up forming a lot of bonds with the kids individually, or occasionally take them in when there isn’t anywhere else for them to go.
sometimes they know these kids for years, sometimes only for a few weeks…but they always try to stay in contact with them regardless. and even when that isn’t possible, they never forget about any of the kids they’ve met….so by the time they’re all old and grey, they basically have hundreds of pseudo-kids and grandkids all across the seven kingdoms, and in a way, their nest never really feels completely empty 🥹🫶
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cryptid-moone · 1 year
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No I’m serious he needs a good cry and a hug from his parents why did they just never mention the-
OK OK so my thing is, why did the game just brush over the like- 32 hours (give or take im making half this shit up) Wilbur spent fixing the timeline??? Like yeah I get it’s supposed to be a goofy fun silly game but ??????? I’m 100 percent sure no 13 year old would be completely anxiety free during all this like Wilbur was 🤨
Anyways more hcs but this time is just Wilbur:
•he’s actually closer to Talulla than Lazlo
Idk I feel like they bond pretty well as the dramatic(er) family members, plus talulla seems like that cousin who just vibes with the younger kids in the family
•”I’ll put all my feelings right here, then I’ll die.” He’s the gifted kid burnout
No because he was fr willing to run around alone in lava ass city instead of asking his parents for help, if that is not some “I need to be independent” thought train. Plus as the gifted kid/sibling I look at this kid and think to myself, “you’re a burnout 🤨”
• He was/is a bolt mega fan
Penny was his celebrity crush before captain time travel, she’s low-key the reason he’s so, adventurous and “cool” (he is cool but ok that’s a whole persona)
•he angry cries (see picture)
No because I’ve said this like 10 times but, how did he:
1. Almost die in a pyramid
2. Fuck up the time stream (1)
3. Fight multiple iron giant head ass robots
4. Help civilians around magma city
4.5. Fight mega Doris (that bitch)
5. Go back in time
6. Witness his future father interact with his present time family without anyone besides him and CARL knowing the truth
7. Watch Carl DIE
And be completely chill????? Rubs eyes omg
Anywho the game soundtrack is fire I think there should’ve been an extra cutscene where he gets to hug his parents and just be happy everyone is alive HAHAHA
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whyse7vn · 1 year
[ ot7 x reader ]
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tae: i jusT fellll heaD first onto the floor
y/n: LMAO
did someone record it
tae: not sure
should i do it again and record it for you?
y/n: no it’s okay
where did you fall from?
tae: kitchen counter
y/n: are you having fun?
tae: yeah
y/n: good
tae: head hurts
y/n: shouldn’t of fell
tae: what if i died
y/n: that would of sucked
tae: i wouldn’t be able to tell you i died
y/n: i’m sure someone would tell me
tae: no
y/n: no?
tae: ¿
y/n: ok tae
tae: i’m soh ok
y/n: i didn’t ask if you were ok i just-
i’m glad
tae: thanks
thinking about the instagram thing rn
y/n: what instagram thing?
tae: wHen i followed gennie by accident 😓
y/n: you mean jennie?
tae: that’s what i said
y/n: that was so random why are you thinking about that rn?
was so long ago i am very much over it love
tae: i can think what i wanna think
omgggg r u mad at me rn ?!
y/n: no i’m not mad
tae: goof
thank you
i’m going now
i have things to do
y/n: ok have fun love
tae: i was born 2 fun
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y/n: um
yoongi: why is it unknown
why don’t they know who said it
y/n: i have no idea
yoongi: let’s find out
y/n: how are we going to find out
yoongi: i’ll ask everyone here and you can ask people on the street
y/n: i feel like that would take a long time
and what if someone lies to us?
what then??
yoongi: omg
ur so right
but i cant take it i need it know who said it
y/n: i love you for what you are all that you’ve been and all that you will be
see look
i said it
problem solved
yoongi: omg you cant do that
y/n: just did
yoongi: NO
y/n: why?
yoongi: you didn’t say it
y/n: i think i did
yoongi: it’s not your quote
y/n: how do you know
it actually is my quote i am claiming it
yoongi: YOU CANT
y/n: WHY NOT
yoongi: CUZ I KNOW
y/n: yoongi
yoongi: what
y/n: it’s my quote i said it i made it up it belongs to me
yoongi: i cant accept this
pls leave me alone for the next 2 hours
y/n: why 2 hours?
yoongi: because that’s when i’ll be over it
y/n: how do you know that
what if you’re over it in the next 10 mins
y/n: omg
clam down i say!
idk if i like drunk you tbh
yoongi: i am not drunk
being drunk is a mindset i don’t partake in
y/n: i think you’re wrong
yoongi: i have never been wrong in my life
y/n: you were wrong about the quote…
yoongi: i’ve decided not to speak with you anymore
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jimin: heard you fucking with namjoon now 🥱
y/n: for the last time jimin i will not give in to ur little role play fantasy
jimin: always knew you were a little slut
y/n: just imagined you saying that irl and almost threw up
jimin: cat got your tongue?
y/n: ew
cringing so hard rn
jimin: who knew you were so ….
y/n: jimin what
jimin: how ironic
y/n: ????
jimin: splendid
jimin: is this not hot?
y/n: no.
jimin: oh
y/n: you just said words
jimin: did my words not make you wet?
y/n: did the opposite actually
jimin: oh
y/n: yeah
maybe you should stop drinking
jimin: happy new year
y/n: fuck off
jimin: i deserved that
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jungkook: hay
y/n: no you are not ugly
no i would never leave you for tae or ironman
yes we will be together forever
i would still love you if you were a worm
i don’t care that you cry during sex
i think your sock collection is cute
your eyes are pretty
it’s okay you left me with bam today
no i am not hungry
i am in my bed rn
yes i will wait up for you
you do make me happy
it’s okay that you are a crybaby
yes i love you too
jk: how did yoju kno i was gonna ask?
y/n: you literally said hay instead of hey
jk: sjo?
y/n: ur spelling always sucks when ur drunk
and no it doesn’t bother me
also you ask me the same questions every time you are drunk
that also doesn’t bother me
jk: OMjfG
Ur like insane 😧
like thaTs so freaky bae
ur a frek
freak 😈
dijdt mean the naughty y emoj
my fault
y/n: it’s okay
jk: lejt me turn auto corrected on
y/n: why is it off?
jk: sjo i can fell smart
wairttt here
y/n: waiting
jk: dojne
wtf why isn’t it work
sorry for shouting
y/n: it’s okay bby
jk: send nudes
y/n: so now you can spell??
that’s crazy
i’m sick of being nice to you tbh
jk: L
+ radio
y/n: 😐
jk: rate my rizz 1-10
y/n: i won’t
jk: why ☹️
y/n: ur gonna end up crying
jk: would you still love me if i said uwu
y/n: you literally do say that
jk: okay???
hope off my dick bro
omg play the ping pong
they are broke yk?
y/n: hyuna and dawn?
jk: i literally just said that?
y/n: fuck y-
go back to your little party
jk: are you made at me
mad mad mad
y/n: no
just want you to have fun
jk: i am having fun
i am talking to you
wtf is thijs not fun for you???????????????????
y/n: it is
but i want you to have fun with your friends bby
jk: oh o k
what if i start a meth lab
y/n: what
jk: sorry
i donr even know what meth actually is
i wanted to look call
y/n: when are you coming home
jk: what even is home
like when you thjnk about it
what i s a home
y/n: …
jk: you freaky?
y/n: …
are you ok?
jk: can you come get me pls
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hobi: WHORE
y/n: oh
hobi: SLUT
y/n: hello??
hobi: 🥰
y/n: thanks?
hobi: *🤬
y/n: oh
hobi: did i make you cry?
y/n: no
hobi: BITCH
y/n: are you trying to make me cry?
hobi: shut the fuck up 🤬🤬🤬
y/n: ….
do you need me to pick you up?
hobi: no
NO .
y/n: what do you want then
hobi: FUCK YOU
y/n: you are so lucky you are drunk and not at home
hobi: 😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜
y/n: bitch
hobi: ur mother
y/n: don’t make me come there
hobi: cum
y/n: don’t try me happy feet
y/n: or what?
hobi: calling ur birther
y/n: you called her a bitch i’m sure she’ll understand
hobi: go away
y/n: thought we were having fun :(
hobi: love u
y/n: love u too
come home soon
hobi: ok
i lied
i hate it there
y/n: fine don’t come come
hobi: wtf why would you even say that
y/n: go away
i don’t have the time nor energy today
hobi: ur mother has no time or energy tbh
y/n: tbh ur about to be single
hobi: tbh i never liked you anyways
y/n: how about you leave me alone
hobi: how how about you DIE
y/n: omg????
hobi: blue hour!
y/n: txt hates you
y/n: and won’t
omg sorry the australian slipped out of me
happens sometimes
it’s like my hidden super power
by day i’m humble korean man born and raised
by night the auzzie takes control
i’m like venom omg
this that pink venom
this that auzzie venom
get em get em get em
me in blackpink when
y/n: never i pray 🙏🏽
hobi: :/
cuz it’s you ur the one that i want
y/n: L
hobi: is for the way you look at me
look at us doing a little duet aren’t we cute 🥰
y/n: bye get home safe
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jin: just leaked your nudes
it’s okay because you looked good in them
jin: they saw bae 😓😓😓
y/n: THEY???
jin: the guys saw your tits bae 😰
y/n: HOW ??
jin: ur tiddies are my lock screen
but don’t worry i ate the polaroid
y/n: WHAT????)/)/
jin: i ate it
jin: so they couldn’t see
y/n: why would they see the polaroid?
jin: after seeing some of you they might want more
i couldn’t have that
and they know i keep the polaroid in my wallet z
y/n: how do they know?
jin: cuz i told them
y/n: why would you tell them?
jin: so they wouldn’t take it
y/n: but you ate it because you thought they would take it?
jin: yeah
y/n: 🤨
something ain’t right there
jin: everyone thinks your hot tho
y/n: they think i’m hot because they saw my tits ?
jin: no it’s because of the video
y/n: ?????
jin: the one i showed them last week
y/n: LAST WEEK???
jin: yeah
are you mad 🥺?
y/n: i’m going to beat the fuck outta you
jin: that isn’t legal
y/n: you have 10 minutes to get yourself home
jin: oh
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namjoon: i cant see straight rn
but that’s okay
y/n: is it?
namjoon: what if we had kids rn
y/n: LMAO
moving on
it was so cold today
namjoon: i’ll keep you warm
y/n: thanks
namjoon: i am a rapper
y/n: you are
namjoon: do you think i’m good at it
y/n: i think you’re the best at it
namjoon: woah
y/n: fuck you
i lied you SUCK
namjoon: aw man
y/n: get better
the first 3 words of arson ended ur career tbh
namjoon: mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
tbis is real upsetting yk?
y/n: should of took my compliment and left
but you had to call me a freak
namjoon: i take it back
would you still love me if i was jungkook?
y/n: what
namjoon: would you?
y/n: um
i guess so?
namjoon: so ur a cheater
good to know
y/n: what
am i high rn or are you?
namjoon: i don’t do coke?
y/n: what
namjoon: shut the hell up
y/n: so it is you
thought i was going insane for a second
namjoon: i’m not even real
y/n: sucks
namjoon: ikr
y/n: who have i been kissing on this whole time then?
namjoon: probably jungkook idk..
y/n: does jungkook make you feel insecure or something??
why are we talking about him rn
namjoon: i might as well kms i cant belive you just said that to me
don’t look at me don’t speak to me don’t perceive me at ALL
y/n: yikes
forgive me 🥺🙏🏽
namjoon: it’s too late
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namjoons and jimins ones flopped so bad but it’s okay. as you can tell got a bit carried away with jungkooks one 🤭🤭. you should know by now my shit is never proof read!gc stuff soon 🙏🏽 ALSO FEEL SOSOSO FREE TO GIVE ME IDEAS OR REQUEST PLS I FR NEED THEM LOVE YOU ALL XOXOX
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poppyseed799 · 6 months
Since I mentioned how Martyn saved Last Life for me, I think it’s time I finally make my Martyn Appreciation Post that I’ve been meaning to make because the fandom is too mean to him sometimes.
Once upon a time, I discovered a series called 3rd Life. I watched it because I had watched Grian many years ago and figured “sure, I’ll see what he’s up to now.” The premise was very interesting and the episode got me hooked. The second episode came out and I watched Scar’s, it was so funny I subscribed despite never knowing anyone except Grian before 3L. I watched the series as it came out, always watching Scar but branching out to see the other POVs too, because I was invested in the whole story. And of course, how could you watch 3rd Life without watching Martyn, the hand. His editing was great, he added so much to the enjoyment of the story with just editing.
And then suddenly, (I think this was the first instance but I could be wrong) he had almost died and there was a voice telling him it wasn’t his time to die yet. I watched Scar first as always, so I knew Martyn would survive, but the editing made it feel like he wouldn’t until that voice came and “saved” him. I wasn’t expecting anything like that at all. What was that voice supposed to be? Why wasn’t it the right time for him to die? Fans all talked about it of course. Back then, it was called the “voice lore”, cuz that’s all we really knew. A voice. This voice lore gave fans even MORE to talk and theorize about, which is always great in fandom spaces. The series went on, the voice coming back sometimes as we’d try to figure out what was going on. It wanted him to kill Ren, but he never did. He couldn’t, because Ren had died and Martyn fell shortly after.
The 3rd Life finale was fantastic. I cried. Like actually I cried, and despite not writing often I even wrote a little retelling of the cactus fight mere hours after watching the finale. It was that inspiring. I was crying as I wrote. Eventually, I got around to watching Martyn’s POV of it, cuz how could I not? It was amazing, a totally different side of the war, a very tragic one at that. Of course, Martyn died. I knew he would, I watched Scar first every time. But I wasn’t expecting what would happen after he died. His character falling in a dark void, some speech about always fighting, even if you have nothing to live for. It made me cry. Yes, I cried a lot in my time in the life series. It’s great that a series could make me feel that way. Anyways, I cried at that speech. Then it ended, and the voice returned. It wasn’t very happy with Martyn. I was actually legitimately worried for his character. Until that point, I had been imagining afterlives for all of the characters (yes I cried at Scott’s finale too). Happy afterlives for them, since I loved the characters so much. But when I saw that last bit of Martyn’s finale, I was worried he wouldn’t get a happy ending like I wanted for all of them. But of course, my feelings aside, this was lore. Why wasn’t the voice happy? What was it going to do?
I went on twitch and found Martyn streaming, talking about 3rd Life. I watched and learned so much behind the scenes stuff. I’m just going to bring up this point now: Martyn’s interactions with life series fans is part of what makes him and his lore so great. But more on that later.
Then Last Life came out. I was so excited, I actually recently dug up my old DMs with my sister from when I found out about it, apparently I was a couple days late to realize it came out lol. Not sure what I was doing, I also don’t think I knew there would be a second season, even though I know I watched Grian’s finale where it said there would be. Idk maybe I forgot. Anyways… I was OBSESSED with Last Life. Completely and fully invested. My birthday was during its run and all I asked for was my family members to draw wizard Scar. But anyways the point is Martyn. The voice returned! And this time… there was more! Martyn was acknowledging the voice. There was a secret shadow group formed, and we learned more and more about the voice but not enough… yet.
One of my favorite parts of Last Life was when Martyn was… hallucinating? Jimmy and Mumbo were alive and he did Mumbo’s intro. It was well put together, disturbing, sad, and also a great teaser for the episode when he uploaded that Mumbo intro compilation. Then he runs and has an argument with the voice before finally giving in. Like… wow. What was that lol. It was awesome! Martyn’s character has always had such… character. He’s merciless and willing to betray, yet also loyal and empathetic. It feels like he would be a sweet guy and a nice friend if it weren’t for the circumstances. I love c!Martyn so much, he really feels like he has feelings even tho he’s just real life Martyn’s OC he roleplays as in minecraft.
But now, that famous Last Life Finale. Martyn dies (in a very bad way I might add) and the same thing that made me sad last time happened again, but worse. The voice was upset with him. This time, to his face, and VERY angry. That end speech is one of my favorite parts of the life series EVER. I want to have it memorized. It explained so much, was so powerful, just vague enough that you might not understand at first but could easily figure out with a bit of thinking what they’re referencing. And since that day, it was no longer called voice lore. We knew what the voice was now. It was now known as the watcher lore.
Now, to be honest, I think I actually first experienced this legendary speech from a stream. I was just absorbing the Last Life finale (which was disappointing for me personally but that’s a different post) when I saw Martyn was streaming an explanation of his lore. I watched it, and it was amazing. I got to learn what everything meant, little bits of trivia and behind the scenes, all that! It honestly saved my slipping enjoyment of Last Life. I had never watched EVO, but the great thing was you didn’t really need to. If there was something you didn’t understand, you could ask other fans, or just ask Martyn. That’s one of the best things about the watcher lore! The guy writing it is very open to discussing it with fans so you can understand it better, show him your theories, learn behind the scenes and all that!!
I just don’t see how people could hate it so much. Out of all the life series creators, Martyn interacts with the fans the most. Not even in an uncomfortable way, he seems to understand fans and fandoms well. Here on tumblr if you’re interested in his lore you can just shoot him an ask and he’ll likely answer! He’s planning on making an explanation video for his lore too, which will be really helpful. It’s the most interactive part of the life series (aside from the new “suggesting secrets for secret life” thing), of course the fandom will obsess over it!
It’s just disheartening to see people diss it so hard just because they think the fans are annoying. First of all, most posts that talk about that reek of cringe culture, second of all, have some respect for the hard work Martyn puts into this!!! There’s no reason to drag him down just because his work inspires the fandom more than you’d like it to. I’ve seen people say it’s just fan service. First of all, I don’t see a problem in him seeing fans talk about watchers a lot and think “let me give them more to work with!”, especially when second of all HE WAS PART OF EVO, I’M PRETTY SURE HE WAS ONE OF THE WRITERS FOR IT. He has full right to continue the watcher story. Also people don’t seem to realize the lore has existed since 3rd Life? Probably because we didn’t know it was watchers back then. But still, he didn’t randomly see watchers and go “I’ll do that”. Before the watcher reveal I think I saw watchers in the fandom like twice? Because Grian made the series. It was mostly just AUs anyway. So yeah. Martyn wasn’t like stealing fanon lore for clout he just wanted to use watchers and we went “that’s so cool” and went insane.
Within the series, the lore isn’t as overbearing as people claim it is either. Once again stop dragging Martyn down for gripes you have with other fans. There wasn’t even ANY in double life. In Limited Life, it was just a few rhymes and such, which was still awesome! His finale also added more to the lore, was very cinematic and cool. Lots of work put into it.
On that subject I also made it to the Limited Life Finale Stream!!! Explaining the lore and answering questions and giving behind the scenes information!!! It was great! Other members of the series helped him with his finale which is cool. He gives us tons of stuff to work with all the time, lore to theorize on, he just gives so so much to the fans. It’s no surprise at all that we love his lore.
Just… most hate I see is so misdirected towards Martyn. Don’t hate him because he made an incredible story! I stand in front of him with a sword and a shield and say “he is not your enemy! Everything you’re complaining about is because of the fans!” So you turn around to fight the fans only to see I am also standing in front of them with a sword and shield. But that is a conversation for another day.
Basically, Martyn lore so good he is great for the fandom and I cried ten million times while in this fandom. In a good way.
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moonflowerchanniesgirl · 11 months
Not Yet Spring
Not Yet Spring
Pairing: chan x fem reader (established relationship)
Genre: angst, comfort, healing
Warning: talks of depression, healing, loss of close friend, mental health struggles, implied loss of friend due to suicide,that incredibly disrespect comment during Chan’s vlive, reader curses, reader threatens violence ( does not act upon it)
Summary: Chan struggles after losing a friend and you try your best to help him.  Healing is never easy and grief sometimes never goes away but the two of you do your best for each other.
( same pair as in Winters Frost and Winter Breaks but can be read alone) 
Word Count: 1.6k
Authors note: this is not an accurate representation of stray kids but an interpretation based on an idea that stems from them.
This is the same pair from Winter breaks and Winter frost but this can be read as a stand alone 
This makes references to the tragic passing of Chan’s friend but I do not name him out of respect. 
This was so hard to write but I tried my best. In all honesty the best thing to do would have been to get the reader to help Chan get a therapist but after previous dealings idk how much I trust therapists in Korea. If you are struggling, healing is hard and takes time, take all the time you need and try your best to heal in healthy way.
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“Come here ye?” Immediately at those words your false face of composure crumpled up and you dived into Chan’s arms. He gently patted the back of your head as you sobbed into his shoulder. Your loud cries almost echoed in the otherwise silent studio. Chan was silent but you felt the little tremors that indicated he was also crying. As the tears left you, so did your energy and soon enough your loud cries became soft hiccups muffled by the wet fabric of Chan’s hoodie.
When you first heard the news you didn’t believe it. You didn’t know him personally but you had greeted each other a couple times before. You remembered the shy smile he gave you before he and his band mates were whisked away by their manager. They were bickering and laughing about something that you couldn’t quite make out. You were once again hit with the reminder that you would never know what someone was going through just by looking at them.
“How are the boys handling it?” You asked as you pulled slightly away from Chan to look him in the face. You gently wiped at the tears on his face with your sleeve. 
“They’re all together right now comforting each other and I’m having them check in every hour. I already got management to cancel our next few schedules so everyone has time to process and mourn.” Chan choked a little at the word ‘mourn’ and you felt your heart clench painfully.
“How are you handling it?” You asked as you reached for his hands to take them in your own.
“I’m not sure, I think I’m still in shock? How… can he … just be gone?” For the first time in your life you saw Chan look utterly lost and you squeezed his hands.
“Why were you still alone in the studio Channie?” You had thought Chan would have made his way back to the dorm to be with the boys when you called, you didn’t expect him to say that he was still in Chan’s Room all alone. 
“I was here when I heard the news and then I guess I’ve been busy calling the boys and calling our managers and…”
“You haven’t had a moment for yourself to process things yet?”
“I didn’t want to go back to the dorm before I figured out how to be there for the boys and be strong.”
“Oh Channie,” you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him in the strongest hug you could muster. “You don’t always have to be strong, it’s so hard to be strong about losing someone.”
It is,” Chan whispered as you felt his arms wrapped around you. “It’s not fair,” he said ever so faintly.
“It’s not,” you agreed. It wasn’t fair that someone so young and bright was no longer someone that you both could ever meet again. Chan’s shoulders shook more and you held him tightly in your grasp scared that any moment he might slip away. 
“I wish there was something I could have done, something I could have said.”
You understood how Chan felt, those were the same feelings you felt when you lost someone close to you. The fear and guilt that stemmed from wishing you could have changed things so that they would still be here with you. There was nothing you or Chan could do to change what had already happened and you understood how soul crushing that was.
You held Chan as he cried himself to sleep and you gently positioned him so he laid somewhat comfortably on the sofa. You wiped the remaining tears on his sleeping face and just sat on the floor watching how his chest rose and fell with each breath. 
Your phone vibrated in your pocket and you took it out to see Han calling you.
“Hello?” You answered softly, careful not to wake Chan.
“Noona? Are you with Chan Hyung right now?” Han asked and you could hear from how  hoarse his voice was that he had been crying.
“Yeah, he’s taking a little nap right now, when he wakes up I’ll take him back to the dorm.”
“Okay that’s good, we wanted him to come back as soon as the news broke but… we knew he needed time to… process,” Han said and you could almost picture him shaking his head. “Is he okay?” 
“Everything is still a little raw but I’m with him,” you didn’t want to just say that he was okay and trivialize the pain that he was feeling. “How are you guys doing?” 
“A lot of crying, bring some packs of tissues when you come over because we’re running out. But we… are a bit lost, a bit confused and just majorly sad I guess.”
“It’s hard to process but remember you guys need to take care of yourselves.”
“Yeah we know, Minho Hyung is already ordering the others around to help him make soup. Take care of Chan Hyung.”
“Of course.” 
“When does it start to feel real?” Chan asked suddenly as you were driving him back to the dorms.
“Sometimes it never does, like there are still times where I think that maybe it was just a horrible prank and at any moment he’s going to show up at my studio to work on a song together. Other times it’s too real, so real that I don’t know what to do with myself. The emptiness never quite gets filled.” You and Chan knew that you didn’t always  handle the pain and sadness you felt in the healthiest way but you wanted nothing more than to help Chan with his pain. “A lot of times I remind myself that even if he isn’t physically here, the memories of him will forever be with me.” 
“It hurts to even think about… anything.”
“I know and for a lot of people the pain doesn’t lessen, you just kinda grow numb to it. I don’t believe time heals all wounds but it does help dull the pain.” You placed your hand on his knee and gave it a squeeze. The rest of the drive was silent, you glanced at Chan every once in a while to see him simply staring into space. 
“Channie I know you love your fans but I swear to fucking god that I’m going to punch the one that asked you that right in the fucking face.” You were seething in anger as you pulled Chan into your chest, the two of you lying on his bed. You had watched him go live for Chan’s Room from a corner of his actual room, out of view of the camera. Things went really well until you heard Chan read out the question “were guys close?”
“I guess I never really mentioned it so they didn’t know,” Chan mumbled into the fabric of your hoodie.
“They had no right asking that and you had no need to justify your sadness,” you tried to hold yourself back but you could feel the angry tears slide down your face. 
“Baby why are you crying?” Chan asked as he slid up so his face was next to yours and he pressed his forehead into yours.
“Because you won’t cry for yourself, you carry the weight of the world and everything unfair on your shoulders like you think you need to and that you deserve to. You don’t Channie, you don’t,” you turned around because you knew that if you kept looking at him you would fully break down. You felt his arms encircle your waist and faintest kiss on the back of your neck. “If you apologize because I’m crying right now I will punch you in the face along with that fan,” you lightly threatened through your sniffles.
“You know me so well, what did I do to deserve you in my life,” Chan spoke quietly with a soft chuckle at your threat.
“You did nothing but exist and that was enough to draw me to you.”
“I love you,” he said as he gave you a soft squeeze.
“I love you too.”
“It really doesn’t get easier,” he said suddenly as the two of you were in the studio trying to workshop a song for the next stray kids album. The melody was soft and almost nostalgic in a way you didn’t know how to describe in words.
“It doesn’t,” you agreed, knowing what he meant.
 You wished that he had more time to himself to work out his emotions and to just be sad but he didn’t. The boys had their comeback and they were already trying to put together another album. They could only push back and cancel so few things before the company and some of the boys got anxious about timing. They were at the height of their careers and nobody on the team wanted to take too much of a break in fear of that height sliding down. There was only so much you could do or say to convince Chan of anything otherwise so you spent your days just by his side. Making sure he ate his meals and at least put his phone away at a sorta healthy hour to try and get some sleep. Sleep didn’t come easy to either of you but at least the two of you could cuddle and talk about nothing and everything all at once.
“It hurts less but it still hurts,” he sighed as he closed his laptop and leaned back in his chair.
“Take all the time in the world you need Channie, as long as you’re not hurting yourself or others then there’s no wrong or right length of time it takes to heal.”
“I wish one day I would wake up and it just stops hurting,” Chan said as he leaned his head against your shoulder.
“I can’t promise that, but I can promise that one day you’re going to be able to remember their smile and the happier memories more clearly than the painful ones,” you turned to give him a quick kiss on the head as you felt his body relax into your shoulder.
“I really hope so.”
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cruesuffix · 1 day
Welcome back to another wonderful addition of…
Ranking the Crüe fits!!
todays photo is: the gen swine era photoshoot!!
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(side note: they all look so good here like it’s almost unfair)
Lets start with Vince
ok, the barely buttoned up black shirt is cute PLUS THE NECKLACE IS SO 00’S SLAY NGL like he looks like a sugar daddy here…I’ll let you decide if that’s a good thing or not. I give both the shirt and the necklace a 10/10
HIS HAIR I know everyone calls it a karen cut and all but I’ve always thought it was cunty, like ok cuntatron 3000 let’s work! like it works for him I think we need to just give it a chance here. the hairs getting a 7/10
the pants aren’t noticeable, but they still compliment the outfit so it gets a 5/10
I’m deducting points for no shoes…NO ONE WANTS TO SEE YOUR CONCRETE GRIPPERS VINCE!! 0/10 I’m uncomfortable
sunglasses are a bit ugly ngl 0.5/10
All in all, Vince’s outfit gets a 6.5/10
Next up…Nikki
chaotic little outfit going on here
did he really need fifty necklaces??
it’s giving 00’s rapper with fifty bling chains on his neck…
I think he has a mesh top under that really weird looking leather jacket he has on…both of them are getting a 5/10
the chains are getting a 3/10 cause I think they’re too distracting
I hate those bug eyed looking glasses he’s wearing…that’s getting a 1/10 for me
LOVE the pants, I think the white really stands out since everyone else refuses to wear anything but black pants 8/10
why isn’t Nikki wearing any shoes I’m crying did he and Vince have an agreement not to wear shoes that day?? Docking points for that 0/10
Overall, Nikki’s outfit gets an 7.9/10
Next up we have Tommy
ok here’s divatron 9000
LOVE THE JACKET OMG it’s quite similar to Mick’s but I love that he paired it with a white top, that whole ensemble will get a 9/10
the pants are crazy tight wow, literally his legs look like sticks here…still it looks great on him so I’ll give it an 8/10
I will say the little combat boot looking shoes also work with this outfit, plus I love combat boots so I’ll give them a 7/10
THE HAT I usually hate cowboy hats, but…maybe it’s the pose in this photo or something but he’s serving severe levels of cunt here it’s actually evil… the hats getting an 8/10…I swear I’m not biased.
I don’t really care about the shades especially because I can barely see them under his hat so it gets a 6/10
And Tommy’s outfit score is…9.5/10!
Finally, we have Mick…the man of the hour
now, we know Mick loves to keep it lowkey, which is why his outfit has the most impact
personally I like his jacket a bit more than Tommy’s, only because it looks a bit softer, and pairing it with a black shirt makes it stand out just a bit more….it’s a 9/10 for me
the pants aren’t very remarkable, but then again neither is Vince’s….6.5/10
the shoes kind of looks like Tommy’s as well (same stylist I fear) but there’s obviously a heel so I’ll give it a 7.5/10 for the slayage
the shades on his head kind of look cute, like awww cute hair accessory idk it’s getting a 7/10
there’s necklaces you can’t really see because of his hair so I’ll deduct a point 5/10
And our final results for our old man are: 8.9/10
this has been another thrilling episode of ranking Crüe fits…I know I haven’t posted one of these in so long I feel so bad lol. I really want to do more of these because this band as had some…interesting fashion moments in their career and it’s the whole reason I’ve started this account. it’s just really fun having a laugh about these guys.
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baby--b4t · 21 days
hey man it’s fishies again !! been having a hard time feeling small recently so i’ve been thinking about this little scenario for comfort :3
despite being a caretaker for many children, it’s been a WHILEEE since she had to take care of someone younger than the age of five. so she’s a little clueless(idk if that’s the right word) when it comes to taking care of her regressor who’s usually around 0-2 when they’re small :)
theres no specified character so im assuming youre talking about arlecchino? im not all caught up with genshin stuff but ill try my best >:D she would seem so lost at first and just pat them on the head
“just uhh… do whatever babies do, i guess?”
(fic under cut <3)
Arlecchino was a force not to be messed with. It made sense who so many would fear her very presence. She was a Fatui Harbinger, for gods sake. Who wasnt scared of the person so many children called ‘Father’?
Somehow, Arlecchino was faced with a regressor that regressed past her usually seen age range. She was no stranger to age regression, finding it a nice way for the orphans to let go of their inner child, but she wasnt very used to specifically babyspace.
“Hello, little one.” Arlecchino crouched down in front of where you sat. You had been sitting in the corner for the past half hour, crying and pushing away most who approached you. She gently reached out and used her thumb to delicately wipe away some tears. “You seem quite small, no? Hm.. Lets get away from this noisy environment.”
With that, Arlecchino hoisted you into her arms. It was no surprise that someone like her could carry you so effortlessly. She glared at those who dared to judge you as she brought you towards a small room she made into a quiet room. Since she knew others regressed as well, the ‘Quiet Room’ was for littles and those who were overwhelmed. It was a place to calm down and feel safe.
“Here we are.” Arlecchino said softly, setting you down on a nearby play-mat. She studied you for a moment before crouching down in front of you again. “Can you… Speak?” She asked. Her tone wasnt judging or harsh, but rather soft and curious. She was met with some whining from you as you had tried to cling onto her again. “Ah, youre the clingy type, I see.” She chuckled, sitting down and shifting you onto her lap. Her hand idly brushed through your hair.
“Hm.. What do little ones like you need? Its not like you come with instructions.” Arlecchino thought aloud. She looked around the quiet room for something that may help with your upset mood. A green pacifier caught her attention. She knew all of their pacifiers and teethers were cleaned regularly, so nobody would spread germs. She picked it up and held it towards you, trying to catch your attention.
“How about this? The other little ones seem to like chewing on everything, even each other.” Arlecchino chuckled slightly. She watched as you moved to take the pacifier into your mouth, adjusting to it before squeaking excitedly. The excitement in your body language told Arlecchino all she needed to know. She gently brought a sea themed blanket close to you, wrapping it around your shoulders.
“That little pacifier can be yours for the day. Maybe you would like to take a nap with it. How does that sound?” Arlecchino knew from past experiences that meltdowns and tantrums often took a lot of energy out of her littles. Almost all of them needed a nap after one or at least some time to lay down and regain their energy. There was a small protest, but the swaying motion she started with you started to convince your brain otherwise.
A small yawn escaped you, nearly making you drop the pacifier from your mouth. Arlecchino laughed softly as she saw the momentary panic on your face as you thought you were going to drop it. She stood up carefully, keeping you firmly in her arms.
“Why dont we just lay down then, hm? Just to relax for a while.” Arlecchino walked to a rocking chair over in the corner. She was sued to the routine of rocking one of the younger littles in her lap after a tantrum or meltdown, so it was no surprise how easy it was for her to sit with you in her arms in the chair. The gentle rocking motion, her hand rubbing circles into your back, and the soft rumble of her chest when she spoke were all aiding the weights pulling on your eyelids. They felt so heavy and droopy, causing you to rub them a bit.
Arlecchino felt as your little face nuzzled into her shoulder. She let you get as comfortable as you needed, not interrupting your movements. It only took minutes for her to feel your breathing soften and your body relax. You were fast asleep, taking a nap your body and mind desperately needed. She let out a breath she didnt know she was holding, letting her own body relax a little bit. She knew she would be here for a while but that didnt matter. What mattered was that one of her youngest littles was feeling better than they did before she found them.
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insomanic-fanfication · 11 months
Could I request an ask on how the batboys (Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian) react to male!reader resorting to drugs after a traumatic event and trying to stop his addiction for them? Like he tries to change for them and even goes as far as to try and tie himself to a chair kind of like the scene from tua with Klaus. (Idk if you do this but I’ve just been thinking about this for a while 😭)
Yes! I do asks along with requests! This is just the first one I have received. I hope this was what you were looking for when sending this ask! CW: Hard Drug use mentioned, a bit of ableism (mostly out of naivety), mental health issues, panic attacks, Reader triggers PTSD.
__________________Answered Ask Under The Cut_________________
Dick Grayson:
Dick doesn't have much personal experience with drug issues, But he's not blind to why someone would feel the need to resort to them. However, he would be very hurt if you thought you couldn't talk to him about your problems. It won't be anger or disappointment, not towards you, but towards himself. He would feel like he failed you in a way. When you tell him you've been trying to stop, he will do everything he can to get you what you need for your recovery. Will be your number 1 supporter. Will also comfort you as much as he can when you do relapse, telling you, 'It's okay, listen to me, look at me,' cupping your face with his hand, his caring blue eyes looking into your teary ones, 'Don't say that, please. You're not back to where you began. That progress wasn't for nothing.'
Jason Todd:
Jason would have a panic attack; he would try to keep it together but couldn't stop his breathing from quicking or the Adrenaline induced by fear. He couldn't; he couldn't lose someone to drugs again; it would break him. Would pull you into a bear hug, his grip almost suffocating, to try and ground himself with tears rushing down his face. When you tell him you're trying to stop, he would also try to help, but more as a guiding hand. He knows it's something you need to do yourself. Will stay up with you all night, holding your hair or loose clothing as you're throwing up. Kissing your forehead for reassurance while you're venting about the things that caused you to start. 'You're not weak for trying to cope with drugs; it's just a part of human nature.', gently holding your hand so you can't scratch yourself. 'Let's focus on how strong you are right now. You realized you didn't want to use them anymore, and you're trying to get better.'
Tim Drake: Tim hasn't had much experience on any side of drug usage. However, he has experience on the mental health side. The feelings of worthlessness, just wanting to escape from your own head. Just wanting everything to be okay, at least for a second. He would do hours of research, analyzing every recovery case, trying to see which helped the most for the most people. It would help you find ways to cope with your mental health problems, so there's less likely a chance of relapse. If you do or something doesn't work, he will get so angry with himself, calling himself stupid, trying to see why it failed, and then doing more research. He would have you get rid of the rest of the drugs when you were ready, having you put the needles or other methods in the correct places. So you can feel that change within yourself, so you can feel more in control. 'I know that was hard, but you did it. I'm so proud of you.' hugging you firmly with his face resting on your neck as you cry, not in sadness but relieve.
Damian Wayne:
Damian, being the youngest, would need more understanding of the situation. 'It's simple!' he yelled, 'Just throw them away and stop using them!? You are in control of yourself; using drugs is just a sign of ill self-control and weakness.' Would throw away your drugs and the method of taking them right then and there. Forcing you to cut cold turkey. At some point, he would vent to Dick about your "Stupidity," and that's who sets the record straight with him. Explaining that isn't how drug addiction works. Dick would get you a medical check-up when Damian told him what happened. Seeing the seriousness, let alone silent boiling anger coming from Dick, would make him realize that he was being an ass. At that point, Damian would isolate himself in his room, disappointed in himself for hurting someone he cared about. He'd sit next to you, a person-size gap between you as guiltlessness fills him. 'I'm..' he paused, trying to find the right words, ' I'm sorry that I did that.' he would continue with eyes still looking towards the ground. 'I didn't understand the severity of the situation; you don't have to forgive me. I just wanted you to know I was sorry for my actions.' After that, he would have his family take care of everything else, and if you let him, he would try to be emotional support.
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Tags: @n0cturna1-m3 Thought you would like to read this, too, cause I know you love Jason Todd.
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lemonmatronics · 5 months
I just got done watching Out of the Past and I don’t think I’ll ever recover omg
I cried like 5 times and it took me an hour to get through cause I had to keep pausing to freak out and compose myself
I wanna ramble so spoilers below the cut since it’s like, actually a lot
So much in that episode got revealed it’s making me insane
Aja and Shana being the first Starlight Girls makes me so insane. Idk if they had ever mentioned that before and I just didn’t notice or forgot, but GOD that adds sm to the whole band’s bond. As well as adding to them working at Starlight too. They didn’t just work there because they agreed with the dream Jacqui stood for, Aja and Shana WERE the dream. That makes me sooooo crazy TEEHEEHEE
Also the reveal of how their mom died…ough
It explains a lot about Jerrica’s whole character to me tbh. Throughout the whole series so far I’ve been here thinking, “Wow, Jerrica is awfully patient and understanding with people. She’s barely ever mad at or super upset with people she cares about, and if she is it’s not for long”
and like…after learning that YEAH, Of course she’s like that! The last time she saw her mother she acted awful to her
What if she gets upset with someone and that’s the last time she ever sees them? It makes so much sense to me and makes what was seemingly a “flat and almost always perfect” type of character a lot more compelling. Not to say I didn’t like her before, I fuckin adore Jerrica, but that layer of extra complexity adds a LOT to her.
Speaking of Jerrica I loved seeing her grieve more. Both her and Kimber both seemed to have delayed reactions to each of their parents deaths, and sure that may have been accidental (most likely was), I think it’s interesting that big events and happenstances cause these emotions to bubble up later on. It’s gives a grounded layer of realism to their characters and I like that!
I also like that Jerrica used to kinda be a brat when she was younger. She wasn’t ALWAYS so thoughtful and acted like any kid and teen would to stuff happening around her, which again I like. It’s a realistic layer to her that adds a lot for me.
Onto talking about her mom more, the insight on both parents makes me nuts. Synergy being made with Jacqui’s voice and such drives me up the wall, that reveal floored me. But I like that it doesn’t change the fact Synergy is still her own separate being, she’s not Jacqui herself, only similar.
And the earrings being the last thing their father made…ohh makes me crazy. He wanted to give them to Jerrica personally…OOOH MAKES ME CRAZY….HE KNEW HE WAS DYING AND SPENT HIS LAST DAYS GETTING THINGS READY FOR HIS FAMILY…...OOOOHHHH MAKES ME CRAZY
And Eric Raymond…Eric when I catch you Eric. I’m going to kill that man I SWEAR DJJSHX Like I knew he was fucked up but OH MY GOD DUDE
Burning them in front of her!? Knowing it’s all she really has left of her mom voice!?
Slap was DESERVED. Her crying for her mom over the fire, her straight up reaching INTO the fire!? Should’ve beaten his ass.
Side note I fuckin love how much they slap men in this show. It’s not so much it loses its shock and impact when it happens, but enough to where you can say “yeah they slap guys a lot” and it’s true.
I also really like that The Misfits aren’t really active antagonists in this episode either. For multiple reasons.
The most they do is help Eric look for those tapes, and they don’t even know why they’re so important. Even after asking, and Eric is the one that finds them anyways so they don’t ever find out. And they’re left at that, no other appearance.
The Misfit’s rivalry with Jem is very petty and spiteful, as much as it may feel personal for them, it’s really not. It’s simply a band rivalry, an extreme one, but it’s formed out of very juvenile motivation.
Eric’s rivalry is not, his beef with Jerrica is IMMENSELY more personal not only because he used to be part of the company, but because he used to be a friend of the family. He knew this girl ever since she was a teenager, and she was ALWAYS a threat to him having full company control. And once she managed to kick him out the door any nice facade with her was over. She’s the reason he lost so much and depends so heavily on a band that treats him like shit (haha).
Their rivalry is infinitely more personal, and for such a personal conflict involving Jerrica’s dead mother, the woman that started Starlight, it only makes sense this would be a battle for him and him alone.
Additionally,, I just don’t think even The Misfits would go that far. Hell even Raymond with anyone else, but because it was Jerrica Benton specifically he had no issue burning her mother’s tapes right in front of her.
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kywaslost · 2 years
My R - Shinsou Hitoshi
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A/N: Is it day 6? I’ve lost count, but I think it is. Today’s character is Shinsou, as you can see. But this one is really sad, so there’s gonna be a few trigger warnings. Based off of the song ‘My R’. Idk why but I just get such big brother energy from Shinsou and I feel like he’d be so good at comforting people just because of his past and his experiences. I think this is the best thing I’ve written so far.
Warnings: suicide provention, talk of sh and suicide
Just as I was about to take my shoes off of the rooftop, there I see. A girl with braided hair here before me. I guess I’m not the only one going through it right now. Should I leave? Should I say something? A true hero would say something, would stop her from doing what she was about to do. But at the same time, a real hero wouldn’t do what I came up here to do. My teachers at UA have taught me otherwise, though. Always save civilians, then yourself. Put them first. That’s what I’ve always done.
Despite myself, I go and scream, "Hey, don't do it, please!" ‘Whoa, wait a minute, what did I just say?’ I thought to myself. Sure, I was going to say something, but I didn’t think it’d come out sounding so desperate. I couldn't care less, either way, really. I came up here to do the same thing she was planning to do. They really should lock the door to the rooftop. Afterall, this building was one of the tallest in town. I’ve heard a lot of people have been found here. A lot of heroes kept an eye on this building in particular. Luckily for me, I found the schedules of the heroes that patrolled this part of town, and it’d be an hour or two before anyone was near. Unluckily, for the girl in front of me, I was here. And I’m a hero in training. I have to help her. Always put others before yourself, that’s what I’ve been taught.
To be honest, I was somewhat pissed. I thought I’d be alone, that I could get the job done quickly. I had to do it now if at all. Dad and Papa were working; Aizawa was on patrol and Hizashi was at the radio station. I was listening to his show on my way here. I was left alone with Shinsou and Eri. I had told them I was going out to the store. They’d be expecting me back soon. This was an opportunity missed.
    The girl on the edge whipped around, eyes wide. She had been caught. She was scared. She was crying. I stepped closer. “Please, step back,” I said quickly. “Let me help you.” She hesitated, but eventually stepped closer to me. She sat down, and I sat down across from her.
    “You can’t help me,” she cried. “No one can!”
    “I’m a hero,” I reassured. “A hero in training. I think I can at least help relieve some of whatever you’re feeling right now.
The girl with braided hair told me her woes. You've probably heard it all before. “I really thought that he might be the one,” she confessed, sobbing even hard. Ahh, so it was because of a guy. She did look young, first year high schooler at the latest. It was almost always because of a guy. “But then he told me he was done!"
I continued to listen to her breakup story. About how she was accused of cheating but it was actually her now-ex-boyfriend who had been doing the cheating. But for some reason, all I could think was for God's sake, please! Are you serious? I just can't believe that for some stupid reason, you got here before me! She was still so young and innocent. She hadn’t seen what I’ve seen. Been through what I’ve been through.
“Are you upset 'cause you can't have what you wanted?” I asked. “That you couldn’t have the guy you so called loved?” She sniffled, wiping at her eyes.
She tilted her head to the side. “What do you mean? I guess so, yeah.”
“That’s not a reason to end your life,” I said quietly, taking her hands into my own. “You’re young and this is your first love. Trust me, it means nothing. He’s a young hormonal teenage boy. Give all of them a few years and then look for a boyfriend.”
I had heard her woes, her troubles and concerns. They were all so miniscule. ‘You're lucky that you've never gotten robbed of anything,’ I thought to myself. I had lost both my parents at a young age, going between foster homes until I got to UA where Aizawa and Hizashi took me in with open arms. That was only a few months ago. They already had custody of Eri and Shinsou by then.
“I'm feeling better, thank you for listening,” the girl in front of me stood. Her tears were mostly gone now, and she was feeling a lot better. The girl with braided hair then disappeared behind me and down the stairs. 
I checked the time. The heroes would be around here soon. I’d spent more time than I’d have liked talking to that girl. But at least I got to save one last life. Taking one last look at the view from the rooftop, I turned around and followed the footsteps of the girl with braids.
Shinsou and Eri were happy I was back, at least.
Alright, today's the day, or so I thought. Just as I took both of my shoes off, there was but a girl, short as can be. I sighed. Was this a sign? Maybe I should go somewhere else. This spot was more popular than I thought. But I was a hero. I needed to help her. I needed to be the someone I needed for myself. But I couldn’t keep doing this. Heroes have their limits. Mine just came much quicker than everyone else’s.
Despite myself, I go and scream, “Hey, wait!” She whipped around, much like the girl from the other day. I couldn’t risk going out two nights in a row. Someone would get suspicious. Shinsou would tell dad or papa. Or maybe they’d stop me themselves, asking for a family movie night. 
“Let’s talk,” I said calmly. “Please.”
The petite girl told me her woes, just like the girl with braids did. “You've probably heard it all before,” she said nervously when I told her that I was a hero. I left out the ‘in-training’ bit. She wouldn’t have cared either way. She went on, spilling her troubles out into the open air. 
“Everyone ignores me, everyone steals… I don't fit in with anyone here.”
I guess I felt the same way. Or at least I used to. Then I met Izuku and Todoroki. And then I had my found-family. I found a way out.
“For God's sake, please! Are you serious?” I said confidently. “You have so much more going for you! So much more to look forward to!” I took a deep breath. “I just can't believe that for some stupid reason you got here before me.” I told her about how I had once felt the way she felt. How I had very briefly considered a way out, just as she had. “I wish I could have gotten here sooner, but even so, I showed up just in time, right? 'Cause even so, you're still loved by everyone at home. There's always dinner waiting on the table, you know?”
"I'm hungry", said the girl as she shed a tear. “You’re right. The pros outweigh the cons here.” She stood with a sniffle. She smiled sadly down to me. “Thank you, hero.” I stood, too. She pulled me in for a quick hug. “Thank you so much.” 
The girl short as can be then disappeared.
And like that, there was someone every day. I listened to their tale, I made them turn away. I saved more lives in the upcoming weeks than I had in a while. So many, in fact, that even the pro’s noticed and lessened their surveillance on the building.
I was the reason these people got to see another day. I was the person they needed most in that moment.
And yet there was no one who would do this for me. There never was anyone to come to my rescue. To sit me down and talk about my problems, my emotions. Trust me, I’ve been here before. It’s how I first met Shinsou, believe it or not. I had made my way to the roof of the dorms at UA, almost ready to take that final step. But the purple-haired boy was there first. He was stargazing, enjoying the peace and quiet away from our classmates.
I didn’t say anything, just laid down beside him. We’d spoken a few times up to this point, but neither of us had anything to say. I just silently cried beside him, thanking All Might that he was there that night. He’s been my best friend since that night, in a way.
But here I am, kissing my dads goodbye, even giving Eri and Shinsou a tight hug before I left. I wanted them to know how much I loved them. I wanted them to know that this wasn’t their fault. ‘No way I could let out all this pain,’ I thought as the main door closed behind me.
    I made the slow walk back to the rooftop, enjoying the sounds of the citylife. There were still a lot of people out and about at this hour, people going home to their families or going out to dinner. For a brief moment I thought I saw one of the girls from the rooftop. It was always girls. How strange. I feel like we’ve all fallen from the same tree. 
I reach the top of the stairs. Can it be? For the very first time, there I see, someone with the same pains as me. I stepped onto the rooftop, unconsciously reaching out to the girl. 
Having done this time and time again, this time she wore a yellow cardigan. I walked across the roof, getting closer and closer to her. Was it raining?
    No, I was crying. But why? This was just another civilian needing saving. Why am I crying over this?
"I just wanna stop the scars that grow every time that I go home. That's why I came up here instead,” that's what the girl in the cardigan said.
Whoa, wait a minute, what did I just say? Was I the one to speak these words? I could feel them leave my mouth, but I couldn’t hear myself say them. I couldn’t hear anything, for that matter. It must have been the adrenaline. It had to be. I’d never say those cursed words aloud. I couldn't care less, either way, whether I said them or not. It was just me and the girl who looked just a bit too familiar. I wanted to run, to grab her hand and pull her back from the ledge. Or maybe I should let her go. If she were like me, no one could save her now.
But in the moment I just screamed something that I could not believe would ever be said to me.
"Hey, don't do it, please!"
She didn’t move. She didn’t even acknowledge that I was there. ‘Ah, what to do?’ I thought quickly. ‘I can't stop this girl, oh this is new.’ For once, I think I've bitten off more than I can chew.
I tried again and again to grab her attention, to latch on to her hand and to pull her away from the ledge. I was becoming the person I needed. I was putting her first. I was crying now. ‘But even so, please just go away, so I can't see,’ I thought. I cried even harder. I caught a glimpse of her tear-stained face. She was crying too.
“Your pitiful expression is just too much for me.” It’s as if I am talking to no one. She acts as if she cannot hear me. Needless to say, I need to stop her. I guess today is just not my day. None of these days have been. None of these weeks. This has to be a sign. We locked eyes.
She looked away from me and then she disappeared. But it wasn’t a ‘disappear’ like the other girls did, when they walked down the stairs and back to safety. The girl in front of me quite literally evaporated. I saw it with my own two eyes. She was there. I blinked. And now she’s gone.
“Well, there's no one here today, I guess it's time,” I said to myself. “It's just me, myself and I, and there is no one who can interfere.” I cried so hard I couldn’t see, and I sank to the ground. My legs hung off the edge as I cried into my hands. This was it.
“There’s no one to get in my way here,” I whispered. “This was it.”
Taking off my yellow cardigan, watching my braids all come undone, Shinsou watches. He stands in the doorway. I’m aware he’s there, yet I pay him no attention. How could I? I had gotten too far, but he was there to snap me out of it. He woke me up.
He shook me as hard as he could, seeing the symptoms. There was a particular look in my eyes, he had said. He knew how my quirk worked. What was I trying to do, he asked me. But I gave him no answer. He picked me up gently and carried me to my room. Then he called dad. He had to be almost home by now. Now he’d know.
I know you’re confused. To be honest, I am too. It’s a drawback of my quirk. I am confused. Y/N Yamada-Aizawa. Quirk: warped reality. I can imagine certain scenarios in my head and they play out in real life. I’ve stopped many villains this way, just by sitting nearby. I can imagine they run into a brick wall. Then it happens. It’s a nice quirk, really.
This petite girl, short as can be, is laying on her bed, waiting for her fathers. Shinsou watches anxiously from the doorway still. He doesn’t want me to be alone. He doesn’t want it to happen. He wants me here.
“That girl,” he chokes out. He’s crying now, too. “The one you were talking about. All those girls. They’re you, aren’t they?”
Oh, I never thought about it that way. I did have a feeling we all came from the same tree. Turns out I was that tree. 
Shinsou sat beside me on the bed, then pulled me into a tight hug. His tears soaked into my undershirt. I let him hold me until dad arrived. Until Papa was here.
This petite girl, short as can be, is gonna jump now and be free…
Except it’s into the arms of her brother. Turns out the person she needed was with her all along. Shinsou’s always been here. He’ll always be here. He’s always going to catch me. This is enough to keep me going. 
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stateswscarlet · 7 months
I just read the post about the anon giving advice about like getting a hobby and a life outside of the law and not being obsessed and stuff and it truly struck some realisation within me.
I spend hours, I mean HOURS daily trying to perfect my manifestation game. Like I’m OBSESSED I’m realising. I mean I kind of like it bc it’s literally one of my only “hobbies”. Like literally I’ve spent like 2hrs minimum perfecting my game, it’s almost 2am now and since 12am I’ve been focusing on my what I’m doing wrong and even journaled for like 30mins+. I’m admitting that I literally have no other life. Like I’m so lost and the law is helping me find the way (atleast that’s what i think).
I’m so obsessed and this leads me to feeling so lost and sad and overwhelmed. Sometimes I feel like I’ve lost myself so badly that I even cry and have a mental breakdown, but then I try to perfect my game and get back on track. Like this is genuinely my entire life rn bc I’m so unhappy with where I am at with my life in the 3D. And I guess I feel that my imagination is the only thing that I have control over in my life and everything else/3D is just happening to me with circumstances I don’t like. I think that’s why I am so focused on perfecting my manifestation game so that I can feel like I have control over my life and not someone else leading it for me or living in fear of someone else. Wow this really made me realise how much I hate my 3D and how I ‘escape’ to my imagination trying to perfect it, but again that is exactly how we manifest anything… we need to return to imagination regardless of the 3D so idk. All I am realising rn is that I AM OBSESSED with the law that I spent hours HOURS daily thinking about it and worrying about my state and all.
I thought I was finally getting somewhere with the law but I think I need to realise that I’m obsessing over it and ruining my mental health. But I don’t think I can stop bc I don’t want to and I want things to change (not necessarily the 3D, but within imagination). I’m so unsure with where I’m at in my life rn 😪
I don’t think this is really a question but just wanted to share how I was feeling :((
tbh i really really recommend you give yourself a much needed break away from all of this. delete tumblr, twitter, even from source material and give your mind a rest and space to actually think about other things. I feel like you’re too deep into overconsumption and its not even that you don’t know how to apply, bc I know you do, but its more so that you’re kind of relying on your manifestation hence why you’re so obsessed with it. I understand having unfavorable circumstances but see it this way: if you didn’t know about the law how would you be improving your life? How would your 3D be a little more manageable? It doesn’t need to be perfect obviously but you do need to actually live your life and not be escaping to the law to find comfort since you probably won’t be doing that if you had your ideal 3D (thats also where you MAY be going wrong).
give yourself a break for at least a month and see how you feel, then you can slowly incorporate shifting to your ideal state/fulfilling yourself because it feels good.
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mx-kay · 2 years
hiii!!! i just gotta tell you this scenario I’ve been thinking about!🥺
Dustin goes out into the woods (maybe to the picnic table Eddie was at with Chrissy) to clear his mind cause he misses Eddie so much. Dustin sits there crying out Eddie’s name, tears are pouring from his eyes as he thinks about Eddie, but poor Dustin is totally unaware that Eddie is alive and was turned into a giant, who of course is secretly watching Dustin from afar and his giant heart is breaking at the sight of Dustin crying😭
Hold On
Mini Giant!Eddie & Human!Dustin
Rating : T, SFW
Word Count : 2,621
TW : Several mentions of death, description of distorted body parts (not gore!!!), small mention of the Satanic Panic, very brief mention of self mutilation
Extra : I may have took a little creative liberty on this because I love vampire Eddie and also love when people give him a monstrous look that just happens to be mini giant sized. If you want one where he’s just a giant, send another ask in and I’ll write another version! Also, I apologize if this doesn’t flow very well. I wrote half of this while I was sick and Dustin was also really hard for me to write. Idk why, I think it’s because we’ve never really seen him grieve on screen so I had nothing to go off of. Hope he’s not too OOC. (Eddie’s design was inspired by l33chjar on TikTok, though more proportionate.)
———— 🦇 ————
It was around mid-April when the rumors started up.
Small towns were often known for how quickly gossip spread, and with Hawkins now dwindling population it was definitely no exception. The small handful of people who still dared to live there were quick to hear of the massive shadow now said to haunt the woodlands near the school. As if there wasn’t already reason enough to keep their kids locked indoors at all times.
As most rumors of this nature went, people couldn’t seem to come to an agreement on what it looked like. Some claimed it had an almost human appearance, despite its ink colored fur and ivory claws. Others would call it beastly, with sharp fangs and giant wings and glowing red eyes. Despite all the differing opinions though, one thing was always the same. The creature was massive. Easily over twelve feet standing upright. People claimed it was a sign that the devil was indeed in Hawkins, a few going as far as to say it was summoned by Eddie Munson through his ritual sacrifices.
Those who knew the truth about what laid beneath Hawkins were in just as much confusion on what it could possibly be. Demogorgons were definitely tall, but they weren’t that tall. The Mind Flayer was also a possibility, but even then there were details that didn’t add up. Other key details used to describe the creature were its glowing red eyes and giant pair of bat-like wings. Creatures of the Upside Down didn’t have faces, and the demobats were simply too small to be a possibility. Had they somehow evolved? Or was this an entirely new monstrosity they had yet to face?
No one was quite sure, and it put them all on edge.
———— 🦇 ————
Dustin knew he shouldn’t be here. Especially not alone. Not only had his mother basically banned him from going, Steve had also had several fights with him over going back. The woods near the school were a no-go zone, a place he should be absolutely nowhere near until they knew exactly what they were up against. Whatever was in there would more than likely not hesitate to kill or seriously maim.
Despite all this, the countless hours of hearing the adults of the group repeat it over and over and over, here he stood. Maybe a yard away from the tree line. The sun was slowly sinking behind the trees, casting him in a dark shadow and causing him to shiver. The spring weather was still clinging to the air, meaning it was almost cold in the shade. Maple seeds laid scattered in the grass as the evening birds sang. It was peaceful.
God this was a bad idea, he knew it was, but he was here anyways. He had to be. Eddie’s memorial was here, one Dustin had set up himself. Were they really expecting to keep him from visiting? “I’m never going to hear the end of this,” he muttered, already picturing Steve’s rant when he got back. Honestly, they probably should have expected him to come here. He wasn’t quite known for his keen sense of judgement after the whole Dart incident.
Taking a deep breath and shaking out the nerves, Dustin took a step forward. “Into the Death Star.”
———— 🦇 ————
Never in his entire life did Eddie Munson think he would hate trees as much as he did right now.
Well, maybe life. Was he alive? He still didn’t quite know the answer to that one. He quite vividly remembered not being alive for a moment, of shaky hands gripping him tight as Dustin cried over him. Pretty soon after everything went black, though, he’d sat up in a terrible coughing fit and feeling like he was having the absolute worst hangover. His entire body felt as if it’s been pulled inside out or something of the like. For a moment he simply had to relearn how to breathe.
It was only after his brain seemed to finally reboot that he noticed the physical changes. He had thought the feeling of wrongness was just the thick air of the Upside Down surrounding him, not his entire fucking body now stretched out like a piece of taffy. His already gangly limbs were now abnormally long and ended in black fur and sharp claws. That wasn’t even as bad as the new appendages he now sported, the large pointed bat ears and massive wings and whipping tail.
He didn’t quite have a definite number for the amount of panic attacks he’s had since his “rebirth”.
After crawling his way out of one of the massive cracks now tearing through Hawkins, Eddie’s first instinct was to find the rest of his party. When something as big as this happened, it was never good to have the party separated. With a little trial and error — or just him figuring out his now heightened sense of hearing and smell — he found himself in the woods surrounding Hawkins High. It seems most of Hawkins was now situated in the gym after losing their homes to the “earthquake”. It took all of his willpower not to run out and hug his uncle when he first saw him exit the building, even more so when he saw the necklace currently around his neck. Eddie’s necklace, the one he used in the Upside Down. Dustin must have grabbed it from him specifically to give to Wayne. God, they probably told him he was dead. Everyone either thought he was a murderer or dead.
He wanted to tell everyone he was alright. Well, alright as he could be after coming back to life looking like the demon everyone thought he was. Point is, Eddie hated that he couldn’t tell them he was alive. There were just too many people that could see him. The close calls he’d already had were enough to keep him farther back from the school. There was just never a good chance to get anyone’s attention without alerting the whole town. So he kept to the woods.
Woods meant trees though, and branches that just loved to snag as his new pair of wings. They were cool in theory, but actually having them was torture. “I’m gonna start purposefully tearing off branches at this point,” he grumbled to himself, tail lashing slightly behind him and nearly hitting the picnic table. That was an odd feeling as well. It was like having a second, more flexible spine connected to his ass. Uncomfortable. He wondered if it would grow back like a lizard’s if he tore it off, but knew he really probably shouldn’t test that theory. He needed it for balance anyways, with his legs now far more resembling an animal’s than normal human ones. Jesus, he’d already had to deal with body dysphoria before the incident, this was not helping.
A branch snapped up the path leading to the picnic table.
Eddie froze mid-step in his pacing, ears swiveling as his head turned in the sound’s direction. Shit. Shit. He’d been so lost in his head that he hadn’t heard the approaching footfall. It was close too, a quick but heavy step that seemed to have a purpose. God, Jesus, he was so fucking screwed. What if it was a hunter? Someone who’d come specifically to see if they could take down the mighty beast lurking in the high school forest? What if they had a gun and shot at him? What if it didn’t miss? He couldn’t breathe, his brain fuzzy with panic. Turning, he scrambled into the woods, flattening himself to the forest floor and, for once in his life, praying to anything out there that he wouldn’t be spotted.
The person entered the clearing the moment he stilled.
———— 🦇 ————
Dropping his bag, Dustin sat at the table with a heavy sigh. There were only a few things scattered over the top, moved from their original spots by the forces of nature, but he quickly placed it all back in the center. It wasn’t much. A bag of DnD dice and a few figurines, a handful of guitar picks, a Hellfire shirt, and a few other things. Most of it was placed here himself. It wasn’t much, but it was the best he could do in these circumstances. It hurt that he couldn’t do more.
“Hey Eddie.”
He liked to do this when he was alone here. Talk, act like nothing ever happened and Eddie was sitting right across from him. Pretend it was all ok.
“Sorry I haven’t been around. Steve went all mom mode and wouldn’t let me come. I think they’re all overreacting, we all know the Upside Down creatures hate fire. We could just burn whatever son of a bitch that’s in the woods.”
He looked back down at the backpack he’d brought with him. It wasn’t a flamethrower, but he had brought a lighter and a can of hairspray. He wasn’t stupid enough to not come at least somewhat prepared.
“Good news, Max is awake! She’s always complaining about how much her legs and arms hurt. Mostly just doing it to annoy us and boss us around, but everyone’s giving her a pass on that one. I think everyone’s just relieved she’s okay.”
He stopped for a moment, staring down at the pile laid out in front of him.
“She uh, she asked about you.”
The room had gone quiet as Max had questioned where Eddie was. Even if no one had immediately given her an answer, the silence said enough. They could tell it hurt her, even if she acted nonchalant about it. She wasn’t the only one. Everyone in the Hawkins group was mourning in their own way.
He could feel his eyes start to burn. “Jesus,” he sniffed, trying to wipe the tears away. It didn’t seem to help. “You know, I told Steve one time that if he died, I’d die. It was back in the secret Russian base I never got to tell you about. I think that-” he voice cracked. “I think that applied to you too.” He might not have physically died, but he didn’t feel alive either. Grief killed. He could feel something in him had died that day, was maybe still dying. His eyes burned, his throat burned, his chest burned. It burned and ached and ate him inside and left him feeling empty and hollow and dead.
He sobbed, “Why did you do it?” He’d asked himself that question so many times it felt like a personal mantra. “You could have climbed up and we could have covered the gate or hidden or something. We could have figured something out! Steve said don’t be a hero and you said you wouldn’t and then you did, and that’s bullshit! Bullshit! We have a rule in the party, friends don’t lie, and you broke it. You broke it and I hate you for it!” The yells tapered off into full body crying.
He was angry and hurt and almost missed the soft croaking sob from farther in the woods, “I deserve that.”
Dustin froze. He sniffed, trying to wipe his tears from his face. God, that voice. That voice, it sounded like … no, not it couldn’t be. There was no way. No possible way. “…Eddie?” The call was small and tentative, almost like he was afraid of being caught saying it. Like someone would jump out and laugh at him for even thinking of the possibility.
There was a moment of silence. Maybe he was just hearing things. Finally lost his mind from this.
There was a loud shuffling noise in the more shadowed part of the woods across the table from him. Dustin shot up from his seat, mouth gaping before he rushed to get around the bench. “Holy fucking shit, Eddie, is that you?!” he yelled, sprinting for the trees.
Something large snapped up in the shadows, quickly followed by Eddie’s voice, “Woah woah woah woah, hey, stop for a moment! Don’t come any closer!”
The frantic and frankly frightened sounding cry was confusing enough to stop him in his tracks. “Eddie, what…” The question went unfinished.
There was a sigh and a sniffle, “First off, you really need to watch your mouth. Don’t think Mama Harrington would like it too much if he caught you saying that.” Dustin rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to reply but was cut off. “Second…second, is…” He paused for a moment, almost sounding choked. “I’m not the same, Henderson,” he finally let out, “I think those bats might have done a little more than take a bite out of me.”
The admission hung in the air for a moment. A frown crossed his face, “What do you mean? Like, what, you’re a zombie now? Are you an Upside Down zombie?”
Something about that was funny as Eddie let out a soft snort of laughter, but it was quickly shot down, “No, no new affinity for brains.” He paused again before speaking, “Try blood.”
Dustin seemed to think on that for a moment before looking back towards the shadow in the woods he was sure was Eddie. “You’re a vampire?” he asked as if to get affirmation, but shook his head before Eddie could speak. “You know what, I don’t care what you look like, I’m coming in.”
The shadow sunk down into the bushes, “Henderson, Henderson, that’s not a good idea man-“
It was quiet again, besides his hiccuping breaths. Dustin shook his head, tears springing back up. “No, Eddie.” His voice was cracking again. “The last thing I saw you do was die. I watched you die and it’s been on repeat in the back of my mind ever since! So I don’t care what you look like, I just care about seeing you alive so I don’t have to keep seeing you dead in my arms!” The last sentence seemed to echo through the forest for a moment, clinging to whatever it hit. The silence was near deafening, the trees themselves seeming to hold their breath.
A watery laugh echoed back, “Glad to see you haven’t changed Dustin.” He took a breath, and followed with a much softer, “Just, don’t freak out. Please.” And then the forest seemed to move.
Dustin gaped at the now massive shape, instinctively taking a step back as it rose. “Holy shit,” he breathed out, his brain trying to process what exactly he was seeing. Two points stuck out from the top of the head, reminiscent of horns, as two wing-like shapes devoured the rest of the body in shadow. Red pupils seemed to glow from the depths of the curly halo of hair around its head. His head craned back as the form began to walk forward and oh shit that thing was huge and he couldn’t help a few more steps back and-
There was Eddie. Eddie, who he saw die and who was now here. Eddie, the closest person besides Steve that he’d ever considered a brother. Eddie, who now had wings and fur and claws and oh those were bat ears not horns and was that a tail and never mind it didn’t matter he was here and honestly looked like a kicked puppy and Dustin could help but let out a sob and reach up for a hug.
He instantly knelt down and pulled him close, though was careful of his sharper edges. He could feel Dustin shaking as he sobbed into him, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt. “I’m sorry,” Eddie whispered. He’d hurt the kid. Even if he’d been trying to save his life, he’d hurt him. “I’m so sorry.”
And for a moment, as the sun set, they simply held on.
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