#im so tired and my whole head hurts and im coughing which makes it hurt worse
mattmurdocksscars · 10 months
Guess who got strep for the first time in fucking years.
Thats right.
This bitch.
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knockout-stan · 2 years
That Dreadwing fic was amazing 🥺♥️!! Could you do something similar with wheeljack and/or starscream?
yo i got this ask on aug 6th and its the 31st im so sorry this is so late qwq hence why i call them “suggestions” and not “requests” cuz idk if im gonna even FOCKIN write. I only wrote it with Wheeljack for now but I may do Starscream (just a dif universe Starscream) at another time. wheeljack DOES call reader doll in this and that's like the ONLY implication of the reader being “femme” I try to write my readers as gn as possible but I couldn’t see Wheeljack calling his s/o any other nickname doll is just too perf. 
ANYWAYS. roll film. no tws there's no vomit like last time.
word count: 1,158
TFP!Wheeljack x sick!(kinda)femme!reader
You struggled to hoist yourself up on the passenger seat of Wheeljack's ship. A little more than usual, which was odd. You pushed the thought from your mind as you looked out the front window.
"Another energon mine?" You asked.
"Yep. Gotta mark this one on the map for later use." Wheeljack answered, punching in some buttons on the side.
"Y'know...I'm down to steal a cube of energon from one of these places for you." You commented, turning to face him.
He continued inputting coordinates. "Heists are pretty dangerous, doll. Sure you're up for it?" Wheeljack asked. He was worried about you getting captured, but he wasn't a controlling lover by any means.
You were about to assure him, when a gust of wind picked up outside, causing the ship to tilt slightly. Wheeljack was quick to steady it but you, not so much. You shifted your stance to catch yourself but unfortunately, your knees gave out causing you to land with an 'oomph!' on the large metal seat you stood on.
You tried to laugh it off but were thrown into a string of nasty coughs. You covered your mouth to catch any germs and phlegm and turned away from Wheeljack, preoccupied with this coughing fit.
"You alright, doll?" Wheeljack asked with concern.
"Ugh. I don't feel alright." You answered after you were done. The familiar and indescribable feeling of malaise began to settle in your body. You were tired before sure, but after that coughing fit, you were now exhausted.  Your body began to ache and your arms felt weak.
"Hm. Better get you to the Autobot base. The other humans will know what to do." Slowly, the ship lifted and began to soar through the air.
You wanted to retort and say you could take care of this yourself, but instead, you resigned to rolling your eyes and laying down in the passenger seat.
After a quick WebMD diagnosis from Jack, Raf, and Miko, you all reached a consensus. You had the flu.
"I know I'm sick and everything, but do I really have to be in the hospital bed the whole time?" You spoke out loud to Wheeljack once the base had emptied out.
"Makes me think the flu is a lot worse than it probably is," Wheeljack responded, masking his worry. He had yet to familiarize himself with common human occurrences like annual illnesses.
"Trust me it's not. Lasts for a week, tops. As long as I take care of myself, that is." You reassured him, changing the position of the damp towel on your forehead. You unknowingly sighed in frustration.
"Something else on your mind? Other than that rag?" Wheeljack asked.
You shook your head absentmindedly. "It's just... I hate that this is happening right now. Like it couldn't wait? I just absolutely HAD to get sick right as I'm suggesting a way for me to contribute?"
"Well- I mean- Like I-" You stammered a bit. "I mean, I was hoping to do a tiny little energon heist as a way to be helpful to you... Sometimes I..." You stalled, afraid to put your strife into words.
With a bitter and defeated sigh, you continued. "Sometimes I feel guilty for not contributing and helping you. Sure I'll go in and take pics and record stuff but I get this feeling I should be doing more for you."
"____, you don't need to do more." Wheeljack seemed sad as he spoke. It hurt him to see you put so much weight on yourself.
"But I want to." You rebutted.
"It wouldn't be fair of me or anyone else to put that pressure on you. So don't go doing it to yourself. Having you around is all the help I need from you. You and your pretty doll eyes remind me why I keep fighting those 'cons. The only thing I expect of you is just..." Wheeljack lifted one of his hands to graze the side of your face. His metal digit was rigid and scratched up from over the years of fighting and tinkering, yet he was so gentle with you.
"Stay with me for as long as you want. And stay being my doll." Wheeljack's expression softened into a gentle smile, with lovesick eyes that met yours. The bitter feeling in your chest bloomed into a giddy, shy feeling. You hid your face in your hands in embarrassment, hiding your reddened face.
Wheeljack scoffed at you endearingly. "Geez, you got me all soft now like the other bots." He quickly glanced behind him to check for any others. After making sure the coast was clear he began to mass shift into a smaller form, easier to hug and kiss.
One of his servos wrapped around your torso, while the other one gently pulled your hands away from your face.
"When you get better we can still do that heist if you really want to. For the purposes of having fun and ticking off the 'cons, of course." Wheeljack met your eyes with that oh-so-familiar gleam of excitement.
"You make me feel better already." You spoke just above a whisper, your face inches from his. He smiled in response, his spark fluttering from holding you so close.
"Well not really. I still feel congested but... Y'know what I mean." You chuckled and Wheeljack laughed as well. You met his gaze and spoke again. "I'm sorry that our adventures are put on hold because of me." You smiled sadly at him.
Wheeljack shrugged. " It's not your fault. Plus, a rest stop doesn't hurt every once in a while. We can watch some of those movies you're always talking about as you get better. Just rest up and stay cozy for me."
"Oh wait there's actually a movie I've been wanting you to watch!" You squirmed out of Wheeljack's grasp and grabbed your laptop from your bag. The laptop landed with a soft plop on the hospital bed and you started typing in your password.
Wheeljack faced the screen but watched you during the entire process. You probably didn't realize the grip you had over his spark, and your quiet mumbles as you guided through web pages were so cute. He was in love, with you, and every detail of you.
Little did he know, you could see his lovesick eyes staring at you through the reflection of the laptop screen. On impulse, you turned your head and gave him a quick peck on the lips and turned your head back to the screen.
"There it is. Ok, I'm gonna press play." You spoke and you scooted over to give Wheeljack some room to sit. He opted to instead lift you up and sit you down in front of him.
"How's this?" Wheeljack asked. His voice was low and close to your ear. You knew he was doing this on purpose and you almost wanted to scoff at him. You decided to lean back into him.
"This is nice." You answered, a smile on your face.
"Yeah. It is." He replied.
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rommahh · 3 years
Love On Tour…Actually
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{Im sorry for how late this was. I went to the show Friday and honestly, it was the best day of my life. I had a little PCD which made me super unmotivated but I’m back. I love you all, R}
You woke up a little grumpy, you won’t lie. You didn’t like waking up alone especially on a show day. It made you uncomfortable to be left to your own devices without any structure or schedule. You understood that Harry was a busy man but it would’ve been nice to receive some text so you could plan your day accordingly.
Sitting on the couch in the lounge of your hotel room, you chowed down on leftover pasta while watching Netflix on your iPad. You had yet to receive a text from Harry even though you had texted him hours ago when you woke up. It was hard to tell if he was ignoring you out of anger or if he was simply just lost in track. Either way you felt dejected.
On the other hand, Harry hadn’t even noticed that he iced you. He was busy running around Nashville trying to get things ready for tonight’s show. He bought you a new dress and shoes, and got the ring fitted. It was hard to figure out your ring size but he end up measuring your finger when you were passed out asleep in bed last night. When you slept, you slept and he knew that would be the perfect time to measure your finger.
Harry was so busy that morning, that by the end of his errands he realized he didn’t even have time to go back to the hotel before rehearsals. He was sporting a small cough and his vocal chords felt overworked but that’s all apart of tour.
Pulling his phone out of his back pocket as he walked into the arena, he dialed your number quickly. He had people trying to talk to him but he paid them no mind.
“Oh? Would you look who’s here?” Harry’s head shot up to the sound of your voice. There you sat on his dressing room couch, arms crossed over one another as you glared at him. Your gaze burned through him and he could just tell he was in trouble.
“Hello lovie.” Harry rasped.
“Harry you sound like shit but here you are up and about running around. You should’ve slept in this morning.” Scolding as you stand up to walk in front of him. Harry could feel the anger radiate off of you but you hid it well. He melted into your hands that cupped his warm cheeks.
“I had a lot of errands to run and I didn’t want to wake you. Also it’s just a sore throat from singing and traveling- comes with being on tour.” He mumbles dropping his head into your neck. You caress the hairs on the back on his neck and massage the tense muscles.
“You’ve got to think about yourself more, Harry. You have a show to put on but you can’t put on your best show if you’re not at your best. I am not happy with you at all.” Even though your words were scolding him, you held him your arms in the most soothing way. That’s what Harry loved about you, you cared for him like no one else could (aside from his mom). You could tell him off with your harshest words but he’d always feel your love from miles away.
“You’re right love, sorry for not keeping in touch today.” You hum in acknowledgement. You both pulled away from each other when his driver walked in with Harry’s abundance of bags. “Thank you, sir.”
“What all did you buy?” You ask walking towards the bags. Harry’s arm shot out in front of you making you stop. You looked up at him in shock. “Fine be secretive.”
You huffed before making your way back to the couch. Harry rolled his eyes at you, making way to his shopping bags. Plucking the bag from Nordstrom he plopped it down on the table in front of you.
“I just didn’t want you snooping at some other stuff. I bought you this, for tonight.” He sat down beside you, thighs touching leaving no room between you two.
“Im not trying to be mean. Just a little peeved that you left this morning without telling me. You also have a cold and I wanna take care of you since you won’t do it.” A hand rubs his forehead luring his eyes shut.
“Sorry baby, I thank you for caring so much.” He whispers sleepily.
“Im always gonna care for my bubs.” Kissing him on the lips, your turn your attention to the bag. The small grey bag had light tissue paper covering the product within the bag. The tissue falls to the floor as you dig into the bag. A silky champagne dress, folded neatly to decrease wrinkles, sits in the bag. The dress was soft and you knew it was loose enough to give you the room to dance. Soft snores escaped the boy beside you- the exhaustion evident on his face.
You pull the dress out of the bag and walk over to where his outfit of the night hung. The dress was hung beside his to be steamed for later. Turning around, you smile at the sight of your curled up boyfriend. Your heart hurt knowing that in a few minutes he would have to go rehearse.
Harry sleepily went through rehearsals sitting in a chair the whole time. He knew his stage cues and performance, he only had one more thing to rehearse but it required for you to not be in the room. He gave one look to Jeff to signal him to get you out. Jeff made up some excuse saying that he needed help with some social media post for the show.
Before the show, there was a catered dinner from some local restaurant. Harry ate a light meal of fresh vegetables and a sweet iced tea which has grown on him having lived in the states for some years. You ate grilled chicken and fries enjoying the free food. The two of you ate alone in his dressing room- wanting a moment of piece before the crazy.
“How are you feeling?” You ask Harry. He shrugs, he was more nervous than anything but you wouldn’t understand why if he had told that to you. He felt floaty. Tonight would be a game changer, a step in a whole new direction. This is something he’s wanted to do for years now but it’s finally happening, and he’s scared.
"Im ok, a little tired but what else is new. I can't wait to sleep all night and cuddle with you." He grabs your hand from across the table. you squeeze it, frowning at his revelation.
"I don't like that you're so tired." You worry, his hand squeezes yours in reassurance.
“Im ok, it’s all apart if the job.” He looks down to your bare ring finger, thumb brushing over the empty spot. Your nails were done in your favorite way, some funky pattern you found from Pinterest all painted on short coffin nails.
“I love you Harry and I’m so proud of you. I know that these years put us both in a bad place mentally but I’m happy of where we are now.” Harry could almost tear up to your words. They settled into his mind, resonating. He was making the perfect decision and you solidified that ideal.
Harry didn’t know how they did it. A show every night, a new state everyday, a new country every few months- he was burnt out. He was tired of shared tour buses and the lack of autonomy. Last nights LA show was amazing, the crowd was amazing, the energy was amazing- so why did he feel so horrid?
He walked around in The Grove, security guards walking in front and behind him. He wanted a peaceful day alone but here they were. Fans watched suspiciously trying to decipher if it was Harry or not. His hat and sunglasses were obviously not the disguise he thought they would be.
As the whispers got louder, his heart started to flurry more. Panic seeped into his veins as he looked for an escape. Bolting in the Barnes and Nobles- security guards close behind- Harry asked for the employees to close shop just for a moment. Harry only needed a moment to get a car near by to escape to. Feeling overwhelmed, Harry hid.
In between the historical fiction and romance aisle is where he sat. Head between his knees, trying to catch his breathe.
“Are you ok?” A voice asked from above him. His head whipped up in shock. Standing there was you, three books clutched between your arms. Adjusting your dress you dropped down to the floor in front of him.
“I-im fine, tired but fine.” He replied. He looked different than he did the night before, you thought. Last night, he was energetic and full of life and now, now you saw a boy whose exhaustion overpowered him.
“You here for any books?” You were just trying to change the subject, something you did with yourself when you had panic attacks.
“Oh no, I don’t-“ he stuttered shaking his head. You smiled at him before pulling a book from your stack. The fault In Our Stars, your new favorite.
“I love this book, one of my favorites. Heard a movie is coming out too so that’s fun.” You joke. Harry’s relaxed slightly, you nestled closer to him. Opening the book, you began reading, your gentle voice calming Harry.
At the start of chapter four, an interruption pulled you both away. Harry’s security guard told Harry that a car was waiting and the perimeter of the store was clear. Harry nodded telling the guard to give him five more minutes.
“I guess this is it.” You mumble closing your book. Harry nods but makes no move to leave. Something clicks in him as he looks at your face again.
“You were at the concert last night, meet and greet?” He muses.
“Yeah, One Direction is my favorite band. My friend bought our vip tickets for my birthday. Best night ever.” You say quietly, scared that he might think that you’re some obsessed fan.
“Oh, well I’m glad you enjoyed the show….so why didn’t you freak out today or- or expose where I was?”
“You’re a human being, just like me. You get nervous, frustrated, and sad just like me. You get panic attacks just like. Who am I to treat you differently?” Your words did so much for Harry. “Now don’t get me wrong, you’re my favorite in the band, but I don’t idolize you nor do I wish to be in your position cause I know it must be hard.”
“It is. Hard, I mean, really really hard. I love my job but I’m tired.” The silence you two shared burned a connection between you two. “This may be weird but could I have your number? I like talking to you and I wanna hear more of this book.”
Placing your hand made bookmark in the book, you closed in and gently placed it on Harry’s lap. “Have it. I have one at home and if you still want to talk about it- I’ll give you my number.”
Harry stills as the book sits in his lap. “I want to talk to you about the book.”
After exchanging numbers, Harry was urged by you to go. Walking side by side to the door, you were separated by his security.
“Harry, don’t let this keep hurting you. Find the joy and grasp on to it.”
You turned out to be his joy. Calls every night after shows and different books being read together, you both gravitated towards each other. Everyday was a new day to grow closer together. He invited you to more concerts, paying for every ticket because he just needed to be with you.
The show was going beautifully. Harry looked amazing in stage in all white and most fans were captivated by your outfit too. It worried you to see Harry so exhausted on stage but you knew he would stick it through like he always does. Proud was an understatement in your eyes. Harry made you more than proud.
You stood in the back of the watermelon pit at the end of the aisle where his stage stopped a few feet away. Jeff stood beside you like he normally did but he was acting suspicious. You two never stood on the side of Harry’s exit but this is where Jeff said you’d get the best view tonight.
Harry sang his final ‘we’ll be alright’ before doing his stage stroll and bows, but instead of finishing in the middle of the stage- he went down stage to the place he normally exits to at the end of the night. You watched in confusion, along with the crowd, as he walked down the steps to you. The crowd erupted in screams as the lights focused on where you were standing.
“What are you doing?” You asked with large eyes of shock. You felt your heart stop in your chest. The crowd getting louder by the moment. Harry walked closer to you, one hand digging into his pocket while his eyes focused on your face. You couldn’t place what was happening but you’re eyes welled with even more tears nonetheless. Jeff was to the side with a huge smile and his phone out to capture the moment.
“Y/N, my love, my light, the best thing that has happened to me,” he didn’t have his mic on so the crowd couldn’t hear him but you could hear him perfectly. As if you two were the only ones in the large arena, you could only see Harry. “From the moment I met you in the bookstore, I knew you were meant to be in my life. Somehow you took me from my darkest place and guided me to my lightest.
I know our lives have been hard but we’ve always found a way to be alright. I want that for the rest of my life. I want you to be by my side for the rest of my life, so will you please, my love, marry me?”
You gave him no time to answer as you yanked him up by his arm. You wept as you exclaimed loud yeses, yeses that could be heard by a few fans who screamed in excitement igniting the rest of the crowd to scream. Harry picked you up in his arms, throwing one arm out to wave at the crowd before bounding backstage.
“Oh my god Harry!” You exclaimed as he set you down. He only had a few minutes to talk so you kept it quick. You pulled his face down to your kissing his lips. This kiss pulled you both deeper into each other.
He pulled away making you whine. “I gotta go back but I promise you’ll get it all tonight. I can’t believe you said yes. I love you so much.”
Harry’s energy multiplied by 100 going back on stage. He even went as far as to explain what watermelon sugar was about. Remembering when the song was made, it made your legs clench together- a pulse overwhelming your lower regions.
Looking down at your hand, you could feel yourself tear up again at the ring he bought you. It fit perfectly in your hand, you remember him measuring your hand that night even though he thought you were asleep. The thought of your future made your heart swell. A future with new music, a wedding, a nice house, and babies made your heart swell. This was something you couldn’t wait for.
Harry found his joy in you but he never knew about the joy he was to your dark life.
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24hlevi · 3 years
can i just say that i've just finished reading that angst headcanons/imagines/scenarios or whatever it's supposed to be called about the boys reacting to y/n dying and i'm just...i'm just a sobbing mess.
it's well-written so 1000/10 for that, but whY MUST YOU ATTACK MY HEART IN THIS MANNER???? i love your work, but my poor heart ack-
btw is there any possibility to ask for a request for a same scenario but for kazutora, mitsuya, and hanma? like for kazutora's part, imagine if it wasn't yknow who died but its y/n 🥲
omg you’re so nice first of all thank you 😭 and OMG YES
TR Boys Reaction To You Dying Pt. 2
Tokyo Revengers Boys (Kazutora, Shuji, & Takashi) X Gn!Reader
Genre: Pure Angst
Warnings: Swearing, Suicide (kind of? it’s what happened to baji did so idk what to label it as 🤷‍♂️)
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Hanemiya Kazutora:
All Kazutora could think was that it was all his fault that this happened. He was too caught up in his own world that he didn’t even know what he was doing anymore. He didn’t even know you had shown up to the fight until he stabbed you instead of Baji.
“Y/n?” Kazutora asked, dropping the knife immediately when he saw you standing between him and Baji, blood dripping onto the ground below you. He completely froze, not knowing what he had just done or why he even did it. “Baby, are you okay?”
You held onto the stab wound, coughing up blood as you looked at your boyfriend. “I just wanted you…to stop.” You choked out before collapsing to your knees.
Everyone had stopped and was watching you by now, shocked that you had even protected Baji from both sides when your whole body landed on the car below you. Spitting blood out of your mouth, you laid on your back, staring up at the blue sky that was dusted with white clouds.
You heard multiple people yell your name, but you couldn’t even tell who it was until you saw Kazutora kneeling beside you. “Y/n! Keep your eyes open, okay?!”
You shook your head from side to side, raising your hand to put it on Kazutora’s face before quietly speaking, “Give it to me, the knife.”
“What? Why? Look, Y/n you just gotta stay awake okay?” Kazutora spoke fast, clearly freaking out on both the outside and inside, not even caring about the gang fight anymore.
“Hand it over, Kazutora.” You said his full name which caused him to go quiet, staring down at you with saddened eyes before handing you the knife that already had your blood on it. “Thank you, babe. I love you.” You told him.
“I love you too, Y/n.” Kazutora said to you.
You bundled up your shirt at the top, putting it in your mouth so you had something to bite down on before plunging the knife into your stomach and twisting it around, then pulling it back out and dropping it.
Kazutora wrapped his arms around you and held you close to him as you lived your last moments, and he couldn’t even say anything. “I’m sorry, Y/n. I always will love you.” Was all he said after you died.
Kazutora then took the blame for killing you, resulting im him ending up in jail again but he wasn’t angry about it. He was just sad. So sad that he didn’t even try to get out of jail and get back into the gang life. He just sat around, continuously saying,
“It’s all my fault.”
Hanma Shuji:
Shuji swore that he would never allow you to get hurt while he was away doing gang activities that he didn’t want you included in. That’s why he always had someone beside you and a bodyguard to make sure you would always be safe. But even then, it didn’t work.
It was half past 1 in the morning when Shuji’s phone rang while he was with the other Valhalla members, beating up some random other gang member. Shuji stopped punching the other male, standing up straight and took his phone out of his pocket and opened it, answering. “Yes?”
Shuji’s breath hitched when he heard your shaky and quiet voice, and he immediately knew that something was wrong. “Y/n? Where are you, darling? Is something wrong?”
“I’m…at home. B-But someone..got in.” You tried your best to reply, but it was coming out shaky and slow. 
“I’ll be there in five minutes. I promise, baby. Okay? I love you.” Shuji told you before turning around and looking at everyone, taking the phone away from his ear. “Kazutora, you’re in charge until I get back, understand? As for everyone else, just do what you’re told.” He said to everyone, proceeding to then walk out and make his way onto the streets when he started to sprint down the different roads. 
Now he was just making sure that he made it to your place in five minutes like he said he would, which usually he would be able to do easily, but he was more determined now that he had heard something had gone wrong whilst he was away. Upon reaching your place, he saw the front door opened already and he quickly rushed inside. “Y/n?! Baby, where are you?!” He called out as he started to run through every room in the house. 
He finally made it to your room where you laid on the floor, a puddle of blood beneath you as you were taking shallow and slow breaths. “Y/n!” Shuji yelled out your name, going over to you and kneeling down beside you. He grabbed you and lifted you up, holding you in his arms as he checked for your pulse. When he felt it he let out a sigh of relief but it was very weak and barely noticeable which made him realize he probably only had a few more moments with you. 
“I’m sorry, Y/n. For not being here when I should have. I’m so fucking stupid, I should have just stayed here with you. I’m sorry, darling. I’m sorry.” Shuji said to you, his voice cracking halfway through as tears welled up in his eyes.
You looked up at him and smiled lightly despite you dying in his arms. “It’s okay, Shuji. Don’t...blame yourself. I still love you.” You had never seen the boy cry before, that’s how you knew that he did really love you, that he wasn’t just saying it so he could manipulate or get things from you. 
“I love you too.” Shuji whispered out. 
Soon enough, your head went limp and your eyes were stuck open, all of the life drained from your face as blood dirtied the floor and Shuji’s clothes. “Y/n? Y/n? Wake up, please.” The boy pleaded to your now deceased body, but he knew that he wouldn’t be able to get you back. Not ever again. 
Shuji became what you would have never wanted him to become, a terrible person who killed anyone if they even looked at him the wrong way, and most importantly, one that drank all of his feelings after the day was over, crying to himself over your death still. 
Because he would never get you back. And he regretted that the most.
Mitsuya Takashi:
Takashi was the most important person in your life, just like you were to him. He had told you on multiple occasions that he wanted to be with you forever. And he thought it would really happen. Boy, was he wrong. So, so wrong. 
You two were walking down the busy street, eating street food while going inside stores and just admiring the night scenery. Everything was going perfectly normal, until it all changed within a few seconds. 
“Hey, babe?” Takashi said, looking over at you.
“Yeah?” You repled. 
“Do you wanna get married some day in the future?” 
The question that came out of your boyfrien’s mouth shocked you, and you didn’t know how to reply. You both were still teenagers, how the hell were you supposed to know? “Only if it’s you I’m marrying.” You aswered with a smile. 
Takashi smiled back and pressed his lips against yours before pulling away quickly after. “Same here.” He told you. 
Suddenly, car tires screeched on the black cement road and one zoomed around, an all black van. It’s windows opened and guns pointed out of them before they started to fire. Takashi quickly wrapped his body around you and covered you with his, not even caring if he would end up getting killed because of it. 
After the car drove off, Takashi looked at you and asked in a frantic voice, “Y/n, are you okay?”
You looked at him, then down to your side, shaking your head as you spat out blood. Takashi’s eyes widened as he yelled out your name, but you had collapsed onto the ground, grabbing at your abdomen where the gunshot wound was, blood beginning to soak through your clothes and onto the sidewalk below you. 
“No, no, no. Y/n! Stay with me!” He yelled, taking his phone out of his pocket and about to call the polce when you grabbed his hand, stopping him. “What?”
“Don’t. It’s okay.” You told him, a small smile on your face. 
“It’s not okay! I can’t lose you! We-We just talked about getting married some day!” The boy continued to yell.
“Maybe...in another life, we will.” You spoke barely above a whisper, your vision starting to darken and turn blurry. “I love you, Mitsuya Takashi.”
“I love you too, Y/n.” Takashi replied to you but you didn’t respond. “Y/n?” He reached his hand over and shook you gently, and when you didn’t move he looked at your face, then realizing that you were gone. He sat on the ground, and put his hands over his face, beginning to cry. 
Takashi cried and mourned over your death everyday, despite people telling him to move on. He just couldn’t. He would never be able to find someone he would love like he loved you. He knew that. So that’s how it remained the rest of his life. Lonely, and depressed. 
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bakugohoex · 3 years
uwu hcs for jean and eren with a s/o who’s bold in giving affection but gets easily flustered when they’re the one receiving it 😗
“now whose the flustered one”
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paring: eren yeager x female reader, jean kirschtein x female reader
cw: implies nsfw, kissing, heavy flirting, fluff
word count: 2400+
a/n: sorry for the lack of content, but i hope you guys like this, im trying to get through all the requests before i go on hiatus but hope you like it any comments will really benefit, also i didnt read it properly but its a headcanon sort of, idk sorry im tired 
summary:  in which giving affection to the boys always leaves them swooning but as soon as they do it to you, you become an entire mess in front of them
↞ back to attack on titan masterlist
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eren yeager
You had known Eren since day one of the cadet corps, both meeting one night out on the barracks. You had seen him around whilst in the cadet corps, but you talked to Sasha and Connie a lot more than you did him and his two friends who always seemed to follow him around.
But the one encounter late at night had bloomed a friendship where you both became closer than anybody realised. Now two years later, on the brink of graduating and joining the survey corps you and Eren were partnered up to spa with the boy, the consistent teasing and flirting for two years flowing out from your mouth.
“Aww is Eren not able to beat a girl.” You mock going in for a punch, he dodges but cocks his head backwards in a laugh.
Looking at your much shorter frame, he goes in for a punch himself, “I’m capable of beating anyone Y/n, that includes you.”
You’re the one to laugh this time, arching your back to miss the swing of his fists, “maybe you’re going easy because you like me, it’s fine a cute boy like you, I might let you win.”
He blushes but tries to hide it with his fists raised, “like you, I could never.” The back and forth continuous on, everybody in their own worlds except Armin and Mikasa, the latter being annoyed at how you hit him.
“Come on Eren, aren’t you going to try harder.” You tease before you feel him grab your arm and flipping you to the ground, he stood on top of you his feet planted beside your waist.
An idea popped into your head as you quickly grab his arm dragging him down on top of you, you heard Mikasa shout his name but you both ignored it. His body on top of yours, you smirk feeling his hands on the sides of your body. He encased your body in his own and you leant up to meet his ear.
“Baby if you wanted to get me in this position, all you had to do was ask.” You kiss the side of jaw the blush on his face evident. Mikasa and Armin had come up to you both, confusion at how you both just stayed there.
The flirtations had been a common occurrence, you weren’t just naturally flirty with everybody you happened to have a soft spot for the boy and maybe a teensy crush. And the only way for you to let it out was through teasing and flirting which he seemed to enjoy a lot.
“Eren are you okay? Did she hurt you?” Mikasa speaks worriedly grabbing the top of his shirt to get him up, his cheeks visible to everybody.
You laugh getting up yourself, “Mikasa I’d never hurt the pretty little thing.” His eyes flash, widening at how easily you can flirt and tease at him, evidently a rush had gone somewhere else with how he grabbed his jacket from the floor covering his lap.
“Eren you shouldn’t put dirty things on your clothes.” Mikasa spoke about to grab it.
“I’m fine.” Eren muttered back, he watched as you walk a way a grin on your face at how at ease you were.
It wasn’t till after you all got back to the barracks that he could sort the downstairs problem and all he could imagine was you. A happier grin on his face he joined everybody for dinner, the bread being stale and the food being grim to say the least but the first thing he notices was how you, Jean, Marco, Connie and Sasha were on the table with Armin and Mikasa.
He shrugged it off grabbing the food and going to the table, “where were you?” Mikasa questions ready to give her his seat, but he instead sits beside you. You hadn’t noticed him listening to Sasha about food and hunting a smile on your face.
“I had to sort something out.” You nearly jump out of your seat at the sound of his voice a laugh echoing through your ears at how close you both were. His arms touching your own.
“Sort something out yeh.” You muttered lowly, it was barely audible but Eren heard and as much as he loved the flirting, he needed to give you a bit of your own medicine.
He moved his face towards your ear, his hot breath fanning your ear. “You created a problem for me, so I had to sort it somehow…” his voice becoming even more quieter, “how about next time you help me yourself?”
You had watched the boy grow, watched everything for two years and now at the sound of him knowingly flirting back, knowingly acknowledging something was there. You heart fluttered and a heavy red scattered across your cheeks, you felt warm and in heaven.
He moved his head ready to start a normal conversation with everybody else, nobody having paid attention except Mikasa who always kept an eye on the boy. For her sake, you hoped she didn’t like him because you knew you were not letting him go. “Now whose the flustered one.” It was audible enough and your head spun out how he knowingly knew that you were blushing at his comment.
You could barely speak; he expected a response but was instead brought with your wide eyes and flabbergasted face. “i…i…”
No words came out and with Jean on the other side of you trying to gain your attention you stayed frozen. “Did someone break Y/n?” Jean mutters, Marco laughing at how dumbfounded you were.
“I…I’m fine.” You seethe out trying to cover your face with your hair, “I need some air.”
You weren’t trying to get away, but you felt embarrassed, they had known you for two years as a major flirt even more than Ymir was to Historia but the way you had easily got flustered over a proposition. It was humiliating to say the least.
You rushed out, moving past the people. You had been holding in a breath that you quickly let out, the warm air hitting your skin, you leant against the building, looking up at the stars before you heard a cough beside you.
You turn and see Eren, the boy looking down before meeting your gaze. “I shouldn’t have said that and I’m so…”
Interrupting him, you began to speak yourself, “you don’t need to apologise, I just didn’t expect it I thought you didn’t know of my feelings towards you.”
He smiles coming closer to you, he brings his hand to your jaw making you look up at him, your back pressed against the wall. His other arm against the wall trapping your head, “Y/n you’ve been flirting with me for two years you really think I’m that unaware of anything.”
You tried to turn your head away, but his grip made you face him, “I thought your only focus was killing all the titans, or you liked someone else and were trying to let me down easily.”
“I’m not a dick to lead a girl on for two years Y/n, I needed to get over some stuff and then everything happened, and we’ve nearly finished this whole thing and I realised in a couple days we’ll be in the survey corps and fighting titans and I might not have another chance to say this. But I love you.”
The last three words were a whisper, but it was all you needed for you to grab his hair pulling his face closer to yours. He closed the gap in an instant, his hand removing off your jaw and onto your waist, it was a sweet kiss, filled with love and lust. His tongue licking your bottom lip for access, which you allowed, soft moans came from you both. Hoping nobody would see but that was the last thing on Eren’s mind as he relished in the way your tongues moved together. It was as if you were both made to fit into each other. It was a needed kiss and the turmoil the would come made it even sweeter.
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jean kirschtein
The survey corps was the worst place to ever flirt ever. You and Jean had only just finished training and you were both thrown into the deep end with the first scouting mission, of course you and Jean had unhidden feelings, but it was always just flirting. Heavy flirting especially from you but just flirting.
The female titan being uncovered made everything become even more chaotic and finally when you both had gotten some sort of peace in where the main base of the survey corps were. You were spending it with your friend hoping no more disorder would come.
You sat at dinner, chewing at the bread as you leaned against Jean. He would often let you lean against him just to know that you were there, and to everybody you acted like a couple but you both knew that neither of you had admitted any feelings. You talked between yourself as the others had left themselves before it was just the two of you. They knew that once you two were deep in conversation nobody was every going to break past the two of you. Which was evident as you realised everybody had left.
“Where did everyone go?” You gestured to the empty dining area.
Jean looked around, you both had been in your own world, talking about everything you two possibly could, “they must’ve left.” He shrugs grabbing the glass of empty water. “You drank my water.”
“I was thirsty.” You try and gain sympathy, but he rolls his eyes at you.
He drops the glass looking at you again, “I wish I spat in it.”
“Gross but if you’re into that.”
“You’re terrible Y/n, I hope you know that” He mutters shaking his head, you had still been leaning against him but as you stretched, he knew what was coming.
“Come on pretty boy, let’s go on a walk.” You gesture about to stand up.
“Pretty boy, really.” He mutters but you could sense he had a thrill from hearing the words.
You pout standing up and putting your hand out, “would you rather me call you horse face?”
The nickname Eren had given him a plague on your tongue, he whipped his head to face you. Taking his hand in yours, he was a lot taller than you, but you liked the height different, it made you feel safe. “If you call me that I’m never talking to you ever again.”
You laugh at the boy before speaking, “I don’t need you to talk, just little moans will do it for me.”
He always admired your boldness, both your feelings there but never told to each other. It wasn’t like you two had even kissed yet and this had been going on for two years now. Of course your flirting always left him a mess, many nights along in his room thinking of you. Sometimes you came too close to him your breath on his neck, or it was how in your normal clothes you left a couple buttons shown to see your visible chest. Or even better how you said bold words that to anyone would only be reserved for a couple.
He knew how outspoken you were but you both had just not gone down to talking about your feelings. He himself never went to the extent you did but he loved watching you flirt with him and even make him jealous occasional by touching Eren’s arm.
He knew if in a relationship, you doing that would make him fuck you in an instant but right now he couldn’t do shit. He could only watch you flirt with  him, you both had arrived outside, the breath of fresh air hitting you both.
You saw some of your friends, seeing Connie try and fight Sasha for some meat presumably. You dragged Jean the other way, wanting him all to yourself. “You’re awfully quiet, what happened am I too pretty that you’ve gone quiet?” You giggle pulling him along the narrow alleyway, he admired how you occasionally looked around to make sure he was still following even though you were the one holding his hand.
Finally getting into the open area, you sat on one of the steps waiting for him to join, you undid a few buttons. His eyes fixated on your hand movement, “I don’t bite you know, unless you’re into that.”
A blush creeped onto his face, he shut his eyes to surpress it but to no avail he became a mess under your words. He sat beside you quietly, trying to think of what to say before an idea popped into his head, “a pretty girl like you shouldn’t be spending so much alone time with me, I might ruin you.”
“Ruin away.” You taunted back waiting for a comeback, he smirked facing you your head rested against his shoulder whilst looking up at his face. He was a pretty boy, you could imagine him ruining you, you had been known back in your town as timid and quiet, but it was really because nobody really took an interest in.
But Jean, he was perfect having come up to talk to you and as time went on you grew comfortable enough to stop being timid and be the loud outspoken person you are today. And it was all down to the hot head.
He touched your thigh rubbing is fingers up and down, a friction making you tense up. He had never gotten this close, never done this before but you liked it. “I bet you’ve spent countless nights thinking about me, you enjoy taunting me because it gives you a thrill, but both of us know that when we’re alone you’re just a hot mess…” He paused taking a breath, “just for me.”
You knew he was right, the nights tossing and turning not able to sleep, with thoughts of him touching and kissing you. Your cheeks erupted in a flush on embarrassment. You were the one to get shy this time, he grabbed your face, moving his lips closer to yours whilst speaking, “now whose the flustered one.”
He edged closer and closer before you closed your eyes and kissed him softly, the fireworks that erupted inside of you made you melt under his touch. He guided the kiss with his hand, making sure that you were comfortable but satisfied by it all, it deepened with his hand grabbing your thigh to bring you closer. You could almost feel his own thighs beneath him, his teeth tugging at your lip to gain access for his tongue. You obliged with ease, the movements of both your tongue perfectly balanced with soft moans erupting from your mouth. You felt dazed but enjoyed every second of it, because you had finally gotten the kiss you had dreamt about.
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jamilelucato · 4 years
Your Embrace
Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
1. @witchglow​ hey love! congratulations on your followers! 🥺💗 can i request fred weasley x reader on which they are on the grimmauld place is not have beds for all so they have to share the bed, then they end up hugging or something like and the other day they wait and are super embarrassed, but in the end the two admit that they can share the bed whenever they want (im sorry if it got confused 😿) thank u, stay safe 💗😼💖
2. @whizbangs-78​ congrats on 1.5k followers!!! could i request a fred weasley x reader with the one bed trope pleaseee??? thank youuu c: also if you're requests for this are closed feel free to ignore thank youu c: congrats on the milestone, again!!
A/N: since the requests were very similar, I decided to combine both of them, hope you two like it! again, I can’t seem to write short fics.
Send a request! ||  Harry Potter Masterlist ||  Musical Hogwarts Series
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It was late in the night when Professor McGonagall fetched you and all of the Weasleys to go to Dumbledore so you could all take a Portkey back to Grimmauld Place. The Professor said something had happened with Arthur Weasley; so all of his children, you and Harry were taken away from Hogwarts. 
It wasn’t the protocol getting you to travel too, but since you were awake when Professor McGonagall showed up in a hurry and told you to fetch Ginny, you managed to convince McGonagall that you would’ve to come with the Weasleys.
When finally there, nobody was able to stay still. 
Fred and George were desperately trying to convince someone to take them to St. Mungo’s, even though Sirius repeated that it was not the smartest thing to do. The best was waiting inside of the House of Black even if it was not easy.
You noticed Fred and George weren’t going to let Sirius have a moment of peace — if there could be one at this point — so you requested a tour around the place since it was your first time there.
Reluctantly, Fred and George walked you around the house.
“He’s gonna be alright, come on; you both know it,” you said while walking through some sort of music room — it had a piano at least. “Your dad’s tough.”
George sighed but remained in silence. It was Fred that spoke.
“You can’t be sure of that. ”
You sat down in the piano, running your fingers carelessly over the musical instrument. Thankfully, the sound that came of that wasn’t loud.
“I can’t, you’re right,” you lamented, gulping.
Fred and George stared at themselves — they were in opposite corners of the room — and then they looked down at you in the piano stool.
“Sorry I was rude,” gasped Fred, stepping closer to you.
He was already taller than you, but with you sitting, the difference started to actually hurt your neck.
You shrugged in response. Fred knew you weren’t mad at him, he didn’t need to hear you say it. However, for just a second, he gazed down at you, locked in your eyes. Those moments were happening with more frequency, and that kinda worried him. He was sure he was being too obvious, and you would soon realize you saw him as more than just friends.
But you were too worried about your own obviousness towards fancying Fred to notice he liked you as well.
George looked around the room, trying really hard to not make a sound and interrupt the moment. He knew how much his twin fancied you. He suspected you desired Fred too, but he wasn’t sure yet.
You fake coughed, totally ruining the moment on purpose. Gosh, if Fred finds out I like him, he’ll never talk to me again, you thought, turning to face the piano.
“Do you guys know how to play?” you asked, running your fingers over it once again.
Fred and George exchanged looks before bursting in laughter.
“Do you take us for pianists?” George asked back before laughing again.
You should have paid more attention — they seriously didn’t look like musicians. Even so, you three squizzed yourselves in the one stool and attempted to produce music. Each of the twins sat in one of your sides, and you had to concentrate a lot to act normal with Fred’s proximity. You two were practically breathing the same air. 
George’s here too, you freak, you thought, biting your inner cheek.
At ten past five in the morning, after a dozen attempts to play Für Elise — you three couldn’t even pass the third note —, Mrs Weasley stopped by the house.
As soon as Fred and George heard the doo, they jumped out of the stool.
“ ‘S gotta be mum,” said Fred. All the calm he had gained with playing the piano with you disappeared.
“Let’s see her,” said George and they walked away of the music room without waiting for you.
You sighed, closing the piano fallboard before getting up and heading out. 
Of course, you were worried about their father, but you were also very, very tired. They were sleeping when the Professor fetched them, but you had been wide awake by the fireplace trying to finish a book you were desperate to know the end. Now, you couldn’t care less.
When you got to the kitchen, Ginny, Harry, Ron, Fred and George were around Mrs Wealsey, analyzing every word she had to say.
“We can all go and see him later,” she finished saying. It was probably a phrase that had started before you got downstairs, but there was no need to hear more — if they could go see him, it meant he’d be alright.
Fred turned his face around, looking for you, and when he found your eyes, he pressed his lips together tightly. It was his way of saying he was sorry again because you actually turned out to be correct.
“Oh, y/N, my dear, I didn’t know you were here too,” said Mrs Weasley, interrupting your discreet moment with Fred.
“Yeah,” you said, having no idea of what to say beyond that. It was weird and unexpected your presence there. Not even Hermione was there, and she was always around Ron.
You didn’t spend much time with the whole Weasley family; just Hogwarts time with Fred and George. Sometimes, you’d share trips to Hogsmeade with Ginny, but that was it.
“The more, the merrier!” said Sirius, getting up from his chair with a tender smile.
“Sure hope you think that, Sirius, ‘cause we might stay for Christmas,” said Mrs Weasley, clenching her jaw.
Sirius chuckled. “If you promise to cook.”
“Of course!” smiled Mrs Weasley, and Ginny giggled in the back.
Breakfast was served, and it was weird eating it before having slept, but nobody seemed to care. It wasn’t as good as Hogwarts’ feasts, but you didn’t mind. The fact that you were actually there — headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, organization you only heard Fred and George mention — made the details unimportant.
“You five should sleep after eating,” said Mrs Weasley, who was up behind the chairs where Fred and George were sitting. “We can visit your dad later.”
Fred seemed about to protest when his mom touched his shoulder softly, but it was a clear warning for her son to not complain, and so, Fred shut.
Harry joined some minutes later, after a long conversation with Sirius Black — who was, to you, an honour to meet. You knew that, although the Ministry was painting him as a villain, he could only be pure of heart, so much Harry spoke well of the man.
“Fred, honey, would you mind sharing your bed with George?” asked Mrs Wealsey when she noticed that her boys had finish eating. “There won’t be an extra bed for y/N, I’m afraid.”
Fred snorted, annoyed, and said: “Mum, George can’t sleep still; you know how much he moves around!”
George didn’t even bother being offended — he knew his twin was telling the truth.
Mrs Weasley puckered her forehead, thinking an alternative through. Ginny couldn’t share the bed with you — the youngest Weasley had already gotten upstairs to her bed and was probably deep sleeping right now. Ron was never pleased with sharing, and she would never bother Harry, who was being a dear just help Arthur Weasley being rescued.
“I suppose you and y/N could share it then,” said Mrs Weasley, noticing that was her only option left. She concluded you and Fred would be too tired to try anything under her nose. She was only half right about that, though. “Take my bed that is bigger in the other room, and I take your single.”
George sighed with the thought of sleeping in the same room with his mom like a toddler.
You and Fred, on the other hand, couldn’t stand to look at each other. Every time you tried, you would feel your cheeks turning red, and you would look away.
However, neither of you complained to Mrs Weasley about it, scared to lose an opportunity to be closer to each other. After helping with the dishes, you both headed, side by side, to the mentioned room.
Fred cleared his throat as you lay with your bellies up, taking extreme care not to touch each other.
“Thanks for earlier, with the music and all. It was a great distraction,” Fred said, turning just enough to see your face.
Oh, how gorgeous she is! he thought.
Your hair loose over the pillow, his big hands rested over his abdomen, your faces blushed with the closeness... 
You turned to face Fred before replying. “My mum used to play me songs in our guitar back through the first war,” you said, biting your inside cheek, suddenly embarrassed fo sharing such a personal memory. 
Fred knew that your father had died in the first war, you two had talked about it before. But it was never something that caused you pain — you were much too young when he died. It was the days when growing up, seeing the neighbours’ kids with their fathers and you having only your mom — that was when it started hurting. And that was when your mom started playing music to calm you.
“I find it quite relaxing,” you said.
“I sure was relaxed with you,” Fred said before blushing, ashamed with his unexpected confession. 
You gulped, unsure of what to say or do. You decided it was best to remain silent because Fred probably felt relaxed with all of his friends.
There was nothing left to be said, and Fred really needed to sleep if he wanted to see his father later, so you returned to your first position — facing the ceiling. You never knew, but, without your eyes staring deep into his, he was finally able to fall asleep.
On the other hand, it took you a couple more minutes to travel to the dreamland. Knowing that Fred was closer than ever before made you feel more awake than if you had slept all day. Of course, that was just a false sensation your subconscious tricked you with — soon, you were sleeping too.
“Come on, love birds! Mum wants us to come now!” yelled a voice, pulling the blankets away from you.
“Be more gentle, George,” advised another voice.
“Come on, you two!” shouted the male voice again.
It toom you a couple of seconds to finally open your eyes and take a glimpse of who owned the voices that were disturbing the most peaceful nap you had ever gotten.
Ginny stared at you with a wan smile while George held in one of his hands the cosy blanket that was once over you. But their faces were hiding something, and it was just when George smirked to you that you decided to sit up.
Fred was thinking of doing the exact same thing as you, but he was having more trouble with it since you were practically all over him.
Yeah, that’s right.
The cosiness and warmness didn’t come from the blanket — it came from Fred Weasley.
He was still laying with his belly up, but over his abdomen, you had arranged yourself, in some sort of embrace or hug. So, obviously, you blushed right away — your whole face redder than the Weasleys’ hair.
Fred was blushing too, but since you had hidden your face over your pillow — the exact one you clearly didn’t use to sleep — you weren’t able to see.
“Get out,” he muttered with grinding teeth. George pretended to be angry and walked away, tossing the blanket over the bed with no caution. Ginny took one last glimpse around before whispering for you two to not be late.
Fred sighed before taking the pillow over your head.
“They’re gone,” he said with a sad smile.
“I’m sorry for... well, wherever was that. I probably am a sleepwalker or something; I swear I didn’t place myself over your chest on purpose,” you said, biting your lip and facing him with hope in your eyes — hope that he would believe you were not a maniac.
Fred wished you had done that on purpose because that had been the most comfortable he had ever felt in a bed.
“Don’t worry about it. Sorry about my siblings,” he said, finally getting up. “I’m gonna see my mum and make sure we’re going to St. Mungo’s too.”
“We?” you echoed the word out loud, but he had already left the room, and so, he didn’t hear.
You were planning on going with the Weasleys, sure, but you didn’t know they wanted you there as well. Well, at least Fred did.
You gave Fred a few minutes to get downstairs before you. When you got there, everybody seemed to be waiting just for you.
“Sorry for not waking you up earlier, dear. You both looked so relaxed,” said Mrs Weasley, stepping towards you. She held you by your shoulders. “I prepared both of you sandwiches, so you can eat faster.”
She let your shoulders go and grabbed one sandwich over the table — the second one was already half-eaten by Fred Weasley in the other corner of the kitchen. You were too embarrassed thinking that even Molly saw you hugging Fred in your sleep to say something other than thank you.
“Your trunks are here too,” the woman mentioned, with a small smile. Fred finished his sandwich, so you hurried to finish yours. “Tonks? Mad-Eye?”
With Mrs Weasley calling, both of the mentioned walked in the kitchen and Ginny rushed to Tonks, hugging her tightly.
“Nymphadora?” you asked, almost choking on the last bite. The short pink hair was the essential clue for you to connect the surname to the person. You just didn’t call Tonks Tonks, it was a childish habit, but it was unforgettable.
“Don’t call me...! Hey, it’s you!” exclaimed Tonks, as soon as Ginny freed her and ran to your side, hugging you. “You grew up, Merlin!”
You let out a hearty laugh while struggling to breath. Tonks finally freed you, but still stayed by your side. You knew each other because you were neighbours for a while, and often your mother alone could not take care of you — Nymphadora always offered (for a sickle a day) to babysit.
If it was up for you and Tonks, you’d have stayed the day talking, but Mrs Weasley kindly reminded there was a place you needed to be. 
The trip to St.Mungo’s was, to say the least, embarrassing. Every time Fred would lock eyes with you, your cheeks would turn red, and it felt like everyone knew how you too slept. Together, tightly, legs intertwine... Yeah, you had to fight yourself to not remember those things.
Thankfully, you and Tonks got a minute to talk when the family walked in with Harry to see Arthur Weasley. She told you everything about her job and how she liked to now be a part of the Order. “Sure Dumbledore will ask you to join when you come of age,” she even mentioned with a nudge of shoulders. 
The Weasleys trooped back into the corridor. Tonks glanced at you, but she already knew you weren’t going to come in, so she went in with Mad-Eye and closed the door behind them. Fred raised his eyebrows towards you — he wasn’t seriously expecting you had something to talk with his father, right? — but then George suggested to listen behind the door, and everybody was distracted for a moment.
After that espionage, Harry Potter started acting odd as ever, but definitely not more than you and Fred. Ginny and George would look from Fred to you, and then they would giggle. Somehow, that was making matters worse.
Back at the headquarters, things still weren’t easy.
“Ginny, would you mind sleeping with y/N?” whispered Mrs Weasley in what she hoped was a tone you wouldn’t hear, but you did. You stepped away as quickly as you had stepped in, and turned around, desperately trying not to overhear that conversation.
So Fred asked to not sleep with you again. That was presumable but still unpleasant. 
Ron asked for your help to decorate the house for Christmas, and you accepted gladly, hoping the task would take your mind out of Fred.
Ron was worried about Harry — he seemed to think whatever Harry heard Mad-Eye talk upset him. You agreed and added that Ron should just give Harry some time, without pushing him.
Ginny joined to help, and as soon as Ron went to the back to get a stair, Ginny rushed to your side and elbowed you.
“So, don’t know if you heard, but I told mum I wouldn’t sleep with you,” she said with a smile.
You almost dropped the ornament in your hand.
“So you can sleep with Fred again, duh!” she kept the smile on.
“Hm, Ginny, I’m pretty sure your brother doesn’t want that to happen again,” you said, avoiding to look at her happy face. “He asked your mum to change the place I was sleeping in.”
“What? No, y/N! Where did you get that idea? Mum’s the one trying to part you too,” Ginny laughed at your ridiculousness. “She thinks you two are secretly dating and she can’t let ‘Fred make her a grandma so early’.’’
Your eyes widened as you slowly turned to face Ginny, but first making sure no other Weasley was around.
“Her words, not mine,” added Ginny quickly and she burst into laughter staring at your silly face.
“Good Lord. I hope you corrected her about my relationship with Fred,” you sighed, pressing a hand over your heart. “I completely forgot she had gotten a glimpse at us this morning,” you whispered, just to yourself really.
“Why would I correct her? He wants you, you want him. Just a matter of time ’til she’s right” said Ginny and she started running away from you because the face you made was positively scary.
When decorations were up, and Christmas spirit was finally in the house, it was already time for bed again. Fred and George had gotten upstairs before you because you pretended to be really interested in Mrs Weasley’s knitting. The truth was you didn’t want to face Fred again.
You sighed, giving up in your fight. You should face Fred once and for all. Speak the truth, walk away and sleep in the couch downstairs.
But when you got into the room, and you saw his face, you just froze. He was laying on the bed with his belly up and his eyes closed — for a moment, you thought he was sleeping, but then his breathing wouldn’t be completely unregulated.
“Fred?” your voice was too high, and you ended up scaring him. He jumped up, sitting down immediately. “Sorry,” you muttered, sitting down in front of him.
You both breathed hard. Fred seemed to want to say something, but you would never know because you interrupted his half-open mouth with yours.
You kissed him in a rashed and inexperience way, after all, he didn’t expect that. And, honestly, neither did you.
Fred suspected that either you would ignore him forever and pretend that the nap shared in an embrace never happened or that you would hit him and kick him out of the room. Feeling your lips on his was a more fanciful idea than any he has ever had.
It took Fred a little while to get rid of the shock, but when he realized that you were kissing him because you wanted to, he gave in, pulling you by your waist and sitting you over his lap. He smirked in the middle of the kiss, causing you to let a slight giggle out. Your hands went from his cheekbone to his hair, and you played with it with pleasure.
“If I knew the way to your heart was napping with you, I’d have done it sooner,” Fred whispered, breathing hard when your lips were away from his.
You smiled, “you got to my heart way before you slept with me, Fred Weasley.”
He squeezed your waist, pushing you away just enough so he could see your face. You blushed when your eyes met.
“Good to know that,” he smiled too. “ ‘Cause I’ve been thinking all day that you were ignoring me, that you hated me... ”
“I thought you were ignoring me!”
You two giggled at your stupidy.
“Sorry for kissing you out of nowhere,” you sighed, slowly placing your hands on his shoulders.
“You are welcomed to do it anytime you want,” he said, looking down to your lap still over his.
“Like now?” you smirked too. “Because I feel we lost too much time sleeping today...”
“Y/N, I’ve been thinking exactly the same thing,” he susurrated and smirked, pulling you closer to his chest and kissing you harder than before.
And this time was just perfect.
“So how was last night?” Ginny asked as soon as you steeped in the kitchen the next morning.
You could have stayed in bed curled in Fred forever — you sure wanted to— but you knew that if Mrs Weasley had any more reason to believe you and Fred were together, nights in the same bed would be over.
And so, doing the things you did last night would be way harder to achieve.
“What you mean?” you asked, grabbing a mug of hot cocoa.
“Please,” Ginny rolled her eyes. “See that look in my brother’s face? Last time I saw him that happy was when he got a new broom.”
You turned your face insignificantly to see Fred, who was sitting at the end of the table, eating some sort of bread with Geoge right next to him.
You frowned slightly to Ginny, who rolled her eyes more time.
“Good Merlin, I won’t be able to be two meters near you two, will I?”
You giggled and tried to hide your smile with the mug. Fred heard the sound of your laugh and instantly turned to your direction. His eyes wandered your whole face, and he fixed them in your mouth. He licked his lips before smiling and blink, and then he turned to his twin as if he was paying attention to George all along.
When your heart started beating again, the rest of the Weasleys and Sirius Black had gotten to the kitchen too.
“Where’s Harry?” Ginny asked Ron, but he shrugged. Harry was going through his own problems. “Well, anyway, pay up, will you, Ronniekins.”
“What?” he looked at Ginny, “wait, what?” he looked at you. “Couldn’t have waited one more night, could you?”
Ginny smiled when Ron tossed her a sickle.
“You guys placed a bet over Fred and me?” you whispered to the red-haired girl.
“Sure I did, and I won,” Ginny smiled while you rolled your eyes. “If it makes you feel any better, Fred lost. He said you would never like him back.”
Your eyes went from Ginny to Fred across the table, and for a minute while you looked at him, you forgot his entire family was there, and you sighed like a girl in love. Well, that was what you were anyway.
When you and Fred finally got time alone, you gave him a sickle.
“You should never have bet against us,” you said, placing the coin in his hand.
“Never doing that again,” he promised with a soft smile before pulling you close one more kiss.
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lovelyshawnn · 3 years
Sick Little Games
George Weasley x Reader, Draco Malfoy x Reader
Y/N and Draco were known as the ultimate slytherin duo. When she catches him in the act of infidelity, she makes it a goal to hurt him back as much as he hurt her. What starts as nothing but a sick little game, turns into something more with another red headed boy.
“what would malfoy think if he knew i was fucking his girl right now?” george grunted in my ear, hips thrusting into mine while my back was pressed against the prefect bathroom’s cold stone wall. my legs were wrapped around his waist, sultry moans tumbling out of my mouth as he fucked me senseless. his words only intensified the pleasure as i gripped on to his biceps for support. he could feel my wet pussy clenching around his throbbing cock, signfying that i was close to coming.
“what would your little boyfriend think if he knew how well you take my cum?” i let out a whimper as his thick cock hit my gspot, making my vision go completely white. “fuck y/n,” he grunted as his pace quickened. i let out a string of curse words, toes curling in pleasure as he rubbed my clit with his long slender fingers as we reached our orgasms together.
his movements slowed and eventually halted, cock still balls deep in me as he placed loving kisses all over my face. he slowly released me from his hold, planting my feet back on the ground before completely removing himself from me. with our chests still heaving, we transitioned from standing by the bathroom’s windows, to the warm bubbly bath. this was common thing for us, so naturally we were able to establish a routine. sneaking out of the dorms late at night to see each other, satisfying our thirsts for each other before taking a dip in the bath to relax and cleanse ourselves of our sins.
george’s hands worked its way down my neck and shoulders, rubbing out any knots while he gave me little pecks on my forehead. i smiled my first genuine smile of the day. i was constantly dragging myself throughout the day, in and out of my classes, plastering a fake smile until the clock struck a certain time at night where i would meet up with george. “so why are you still with that git anyways?”
i rolled my eyes at his choice of words. i considered not even replying at all, but one glance at his concentrated face with that accusational eyebrow raise, and i knew this was something he wasnt going to drop again.
“he loves me,” i sighed, shrugging my shoulders.
“he loves you? is that why you caught him fucking pansy parkinson in the forbidden section of the library?” georges hostile tone rang in my ears.
it was supposed to be our date night. draco knew how stressed i had been with all our recent exams, and how much i needed a break. my sweet, loving boyfriend of almost 2 years proposed we have a date night full of snuggles and snacks to relieve my stress. after getting dolled up and waiting in our slytherin common room for over an hour, i came to terms with the fact that he wasn’t going to show up.
the silly thing was, i really tried to make excuses for him. blaise had strolled past on his way up to his dorm and asked why i was sitting there all alone. “just waiting on draco,” id say passively, in which he’d give me a pitiful smile before heading up. i thought, maybe he just got caught up on some of his prefect duties. or maybe he took a nap and overslept. or maybe he even got detention for the day, but he would never forget about me, right? surely he couldn’t forget about his own plans that he made.
i’d grown tired of sitting there all alone, letting my thoughts eat me alive. so i grabbed my book bag and decided to head to the library to get a head start on some homework. walking deeper and deeper into the dark library, thats when i heard it. the faint gasps and moans coming from a high pitched female voice. “ugh,” i thought, “who wouldn’t even have the decency to go to a private spot?”
i rounded the corner, my eyes almost bulging out of my skull as i took in the sight in front of me. a bright platinum head of hair stuffed into the crook of pansy parkinsons neck, as he fucked her on one of the library desks with her skirt hitched all the way up. they had been so into it that they didnt even see me. what gave it away was some stupid lamp falling over as i rushed out of the library, tears in my eyes. athough they stopped at the sound indicating someone was there, they never knew it was me.
my vision was blurry, tears streaming faster down my cheeks as i ran away. i wasnt sure where i was going, but i knew i had to be as far away as possible from that complete and utter asshole. from the second i saw him til now, a million feelings coursed through my body. i was devastated, devastated that the man i loved for 2 whole years had been lying to my face. how long was he unloyal for? was this the first time? these unanswered questions made me transition from grief to rage. i was infuriated that he took me as some kind of fool who would never find out about his cheating ways. i had been so caught up in my emotions that i didnt notice where i was going, smacking face first into a very toned chest.
“Woah! Y/N? You alright there, love?” George’s voice was impossible not to recognize. “Oh, I-I’m sorry,” I gasped before turning around to leave. His warm hand clasped around my wrist softly, tugging me back as one of his hands lifted my chin up so that he could inspect my face, and most importantly my blood shot eyes.
“You’re crying,” his voice was a lot softer than i’ve ever heard it before. with him being a gryffindor and me being a slytherin, i was used to the rude remarks he’d yell at us in the hallways. him and his lovely twin have always made my life here at hogwarts a living hell. as of recently, he went from constant bullying to the exact opposite. he was always throwing complements my way as loud and obnoxious as possible. and i knew he did it just to get a rise out of his most hated slytherin of all, draco. draco was always a possesive boyfriend, not wanting any guys to look at me. but having a weasley complement me out of everyone else would’ve drove him absolutely mad.
however, what started out as an excuse to piss off draco, had turned into something else. george couldn’t help but notice how my eyes were a lot browner than he remembered, a certain twinkle in them whenever i got excited talking to my housemates about something. he quickly found himself feeling jealous as malfoy walked through the halls with his arm around my shoulder.
of course, i was oblivious to all of this, which would’ve explained his soft tone. “I’m fine,” I sniffled, wiping my tears off with the sleeve of my sweater and avoiding direct eye contact. “Come with me,” he wasted no time, dragging me down the corridor before i could mutter a response. he led me to the prefect bathroom, opening the doors for me as i took in the beautiful mosaics.
“how did you even get the password?” i asked suspiciously to the troublesome boy.
he shrugged, “turned percy’s hair blue and wouldnt change it back until he’d tell me,”
i let out a snort, which i was quick to cover with a cough. only he could make me genuinely laugh after figuring out the man i had loved so deeply, didnt love me back enough to keep his dick in his pants. i turned away from his gaze, but he saw it. he took pride in being able to cause that gorgeous smile, but he was nice enough to not tease me about it tonight. he’d definitely bring it up another day, though.
“so, whats wrong?” he asked, arms crossed as he leaned against one of the porcelain sinks. i let out a sigh, debating on whether i should tell him at all. he was supposed to be our rival, afterall.
“draco cheated,” i stated. georges face softened, all traces of humor dissipating into thin air. “i’m sorry y/n,” he started, “that bloke doesn’t know what he’s got.”
for the first time that night, i looked up at him and saw the look he had in his eyes. the lingering gaze around my figure, the softness in his facial features, the way his eyes bored into mine with a sense of longing.
that was when a lightbulb when off in my head. ill admit that im not proud of what my next thought was, and it was definitely one of the most slytherin things i have ever done, but it was worth it. i wanted to hurt draco. i wanted him to feel as bad as i did, and i wanted revenge.
i strode over to his leaning frame, making it a point to swing my hips in the process. my lips formed a pout as i spoke to him in a low voice. “if he doesn’t know what hes got,” i trailed my fingers from his shoulders down to his chest, “who will?”
my lips got incredibly closer to the shell of his ear. “you?” i asked, cupping his buldge with my hand. he let out a barely audible whimper, eyes staring back at me like a deer in headlights.
i left a gentle kiss on his neck, “tell me if you want me to stop.” george shut his eyes for a split second, contemplating his morals. he weighed his options and outcomes. on one hand, he’d be able to piss off that spoiled brat malfoy, which would give him enough satisfaction to last him the rest of his life. on the other hand, he’d finally get to know what the taste of his crush’s lips were like. it was a win win situation. fuck it, he thought before closing the gap between us, lips moving in sync as the kiss became increasingly passionate. his hands roamed all over my body as i ran my fingers through his hair.
it was an amazing night, full of multiple orgasms that left me struggling to walk properly. george was certainly thicker than malfoy. the day after was when the feelings of sadness, regret, and confusion came sinking in. as soon as i woke up and left my dorm, there he was. in his perfect green uniform that perfectly matched his perfect porcelain skin. dracos head was held high, not a care in the world as it was obvious he completely forgot about our date night and had no idea i caught him and pansy red handed.
i walked past him, not even batting an eye in his direction as i made my way to the great hall. “y/n!” he called out, quickly catching up to me, “whats wrong?”
i rolled my eyes, “you forgot our date.” his eyes immediately widened as he realized his mistake, cheeks blushing like a tomato as he recalled where he was instead of the date. “darling, please forgive me. i’m so sorry, i just got caught up in my studi-“
i halted my steps, not wanting to listen to his bullshit excuse, “i forgive you.” he looked at me with bewilderment, “y-you forgive me?”
“of course,” i gave him the most convincingly sweet smile, “its not a big deal at all!”
his shoulders relaxed in relief at my words. oh, what a stupid boy. what a stupid, stupid boy. the only reason i was “forgiving him” was because i was going to hurt him back, a lot worse. he held my hand in his as we continued our stroll to the great hall, him lifting my hand up to plant a kiss on my knuckles.
right when he had done that, i locked eyes with a familiar red head from across the corridor. he smirked as he watched me, noticing the way my steps were slightly different than normal. it was the same shit eating smile he wore last night as he made me reach my 3rd orgasm, face buried between my legs and licking up my juices as if his life depended on it. i bit my lip as the flashback played in my head, instantly making me feel lightheaded again.
draco and i took our usual spots at the slytherin table, everything seemingly normal until the owls arrived. a letter had been dropped into my lap.
unravelling the parchment, there was a faint message scribbled across in black ink. “same time and place tonight?”
there was no name or any indication of identity, but i knew exactly who it was. luckily from where i was sitting at the table, i had a clear view of george. as i looked up from the letter, i instantly made eye contact with him, him giving me a sly wink before regurning to eat his mashed potatoes. he didnt need an answer, he knew id come back after the night we had togegher.
“whos that letter from?” a voice snapped me out of my haze. i jumped slightly before tucking the letter safely into my robe, “oh, it was just mum.”
“whatd she say?” draco questioned, slightly suspicious as he recognized me hiding the letter.
“she asked how you were, shes having dinner with your parents this weekend,” i said while gulping down my goblet of juice. draco seemed convinced at that answer, dropping his suspicions rather quickly, “oh thats right, mother was telling me about that.”
it was ironic, really. we were seen as the picture perfect duo. the slytherin prince with none other than his slytherin princess. we had the world in our hands, both coming from wealthy pureblood families. even our parents were over the moon at the news of our relationship blossoming, instantly talking about our plans for marriage in the future. but were we willing to throw that all away for these sick little games?
hi guys i know i usually write shawn fics but ive been into hp recently and wanted to give it a try! if u guys rlly like this one, id love to make a part 2 n finish the series (: pls lmk and give feedback! 🤍
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drazzilder · 3 years
A Hellish Encounter
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Art credit goes to @stormcallart
By Drazzilder
You're an escaped test subject from a United States testing facility. You have been on the run for years when one day you meet the man that can change everything.
Chapter 1: Regret
The soft sounds on the morning are suddenly interrupted by the harsh noise from the alarm clock. A large hand tiredly aims for the off button which is found after a few attempts. The man attached to that hand wakes up begrudgingly with some groans and cracking joints. He slowly gets up to get ready for the day, heading toward the bathroom. As he enters, he sees his reflection, but he doesn’t hold on it long. He can’t stand the sight of himself. The man in the mirror may be Endeavor, but Enji doesn’t like what he sees. He should be happy on his 40th birthday but he can’t stop his mind from racing. He hurt his family; his first son died from his own power, his youngest was scarred by his mother, and the rest of his children where mentally neglected and abused by Enji himself. Enji’s wife, Rei, couldn’t handle the stress and guilt from everything and ended up in a mental institution soon after hurting Shoto, but by then it was so bad that she took her own life two years ago.
Enji sees all of this when he looks at himself in the mirror. It affects him so much that looking makes him sick to his stomach. He quickly looks away and gets ready for the day.
Coming into the kitchen, Enji sees Shoto, getting ready for school with the help of the nanny Hina. Fuyumi and Natsuo already left for school. Hina is the fourth nanny they have had in 2 years. She has been there the longest because she knows no one else will stand the family and someone needs to be there for the children. Plus, she is the only one who can actually stand up to Endeavor and is not afraid of him. She knows he would never hurt her.  When Hina looked at Enji, the look on his face made her stop what she was doing.
“Everything ok Mr. Todoroki?”
“I’m fine…” he answered in a gruff tone, letting her know that he didn’t want to talk about it.
“Im off to school dad, are we still training this afternoon?”
“Good, and yes we always train on Wednesdays!” Sounding more annoyed than anything.
They finish up breakfast and getting their things ready for the day. They soon left the house and went to their final destinations. Enji made it to his agency and meet his secretary.
“Sanji, after I’m done with today’s paperwork, where is my patrol going to be today?”
“Sir, you will be taking the northern end of Tokyo”
“Very well. Thank you Sanji”
“Happy Birthday.”
Sanji is the only one to acknowledge the day let alone tell you happy birthday. She has been working for you for years and knows almost everything that has happened. Enji knows he can trust her with anything so of course she would be the only one to wish him a happy birthday. Enji quickly finished up his paperwork, at least quickly as he could. He squinted and moved the papers so he could read everything clearly. “I’m going to need glasses soon” the man thinks to himself but is to stubborn to actually go get them. After this. is done, he takes a quick lunch and heads out for his afternoon patrol of the city. He does a few heroic acts here and there, but overall the day seems to be quite boring. He is kinda glad because all he wants to do is go home and sulk. That is, until Sanji called.
“Sir, there is a bomb threat at Shibuya crossing!”
“Why are you calling me? Just send some of the sidekicks to handle the bomb.”
“Sir, he is asking for you and the whole crossing is being held hostage. The man has a dirty bomb, please!”
“Alright, I’m on my way!” He says as he rushes off a full speed.
As Endeavor arrives, he assesses the situation, and it’s not ideal. There are hundreds of people on the ground face down, the other hero’s and police and in a standoff with the lone assailant in the center. The man is dressed in tailored suit. Everything is fitted perfectly, not even a single strand of hair is out of place. How he managed to hold everyone hostage quickly becomes clear as he is voicing his demands.
“Ah! Endeavor, I was wondering when the number 2 hero would show up. Be careful what you do, as you can see, I am wearing this fetching bomb vest with matching dead man switch! See how it brings out the green in my eyes. Oh, I almost forgot, the rest of my ensemble is filled with anthrax, one of a kind thread thread makes this silky smooth lining. Plus, shoulder pads are coming back into to style this season, so why not make them special! As you can see, if anyone makes any wrong moves, all of these people will suffer because of you!” The man finishes his speech with an evil laugh. Endeavor knows that he can’t do anything which is just making him hotter as his flames grow brighter around his face. The villain takes one quick look at Endeavor. “Better watch your temper” he quips, “we wouldn’t want to get all hot under the col…..” The villain stops.
Everyone looks almost in shock as the villain has stopped completely. He can still move his eyes and blink but he is completely immobile. No one moves because they are afraid what ever is happening will end just as suddenly as it started. That is until one person gets up and starts walking toward the villain.
You are frail looking, very thin, eyes sunken in, bags under your eyes. Wearing tattered clothes with matching long shaggy hair, representing the years you have been on the street. Your eyes are the most startling part of you as your left eye is completely white with no sign of a pupil and the other is black with red glowing iris. You look at Endeavor and just say “Stand back” in a weak voice. You are so tired but you can’t just sit back and let people get hurt. As you walk closer to the villain, his eyes show more and more fear. He now knows it is you holding him still. Once your next to him, you place a hand on the bomb vest and give it all your attention. As this is happening, the other heroes are yelling their concerns for your safety. “Sir, it’s not safe” “You need to step back” “Sir are you alright?!” All of these go over your head as you are concentrating on the task at hand: saving these people.
Suddenly, the bomb vest starts to glow a little, just enough for Endeavor and the other heroes to notice. A flash of light and then darkness again as everyone notices the bomb is gone. Just as fast as the bomb disappeared, a large explosion happened overhead. “Was that the bomb?” “Did he teleport it away?” “What happened?” Hero’s rush to the villain and detain him. Endeavor approaches you because in his gut he knows something is wrong.
“How can this man have a teleportation and a body controlling quirk?” He thought as he gets next to you. Suddenly, you cough up some blood and collapse from the effort you put out. Everything was too much for you in the state you were in. Your body could not give anything more. Endeavor catches you and he looks right at you as you try to reach his face while barely being able to say “Help me…” as you pass out completely.
Next Chapter
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shu-sakamaki · 3 years
Shuu Sakamaki unhealthy and spicy headcanons (I can't hold back no mo', me need to share them)
(PSA : This is purely fiction and it's mean to stay that way, if someone in real life is acting that way towards you please seek help and leaves asap, be safe out here)
- His love is overbearing and intense. This man has been in depression for centuries and you're the first and only person that he truly loves, his whole being is filled with you an you only, which can sometimes be too much. For example, I see Shuu in love with a special look in his eyes, an intense crazed-look especially when he stares at you and can leaves sometimes uneasy. Yes, he stares A LOT and follow every movement that you make, not in a mean way, he's in love.
- Not only he's been suffering for most of his life but also vampires are known to be extremely possessive creatures, so Shuu would NOT understand many "humans like things" that you wanna do such as going out with your friends without him and he will not hesitate to guilt-trip you to make you understand his perspective. Like, "why do you wanna go so bad with other people? Am I not enough ?" or "Well, I, only need you." which leads most of the time to you canceling plans or bringing him with you and he WILL monopolizes you, like you really thought you were going out with your friends ? How cute. This man has no boundaries and literally don't care.
- About boundaries, yeah...its uhm..pretty hard to talk to him on this subject. Shuu is by far the most understanding vampire of them all and this is saying something, but that doesn't mean that he'll be easy to convince, especially when we know that he doesn't like to receive orders. If you tell him that sometimes you need time for yourself or to see other people, he'll grow offended and cold and you'll be the one feeling bad because "he has suffered so much, please don't ask him to be away from you, he can't handle it."
- Sex is a weapon and Shuu knows it damn well. How many times he used sex to makes you too tired to do anything (like going out with other ppl) and clings to you like his life depends on it. We know that blondie like sex but, lord have mercy, it only grows stronger when he's with his S/O, like are you breathing okay ? Can you walk ? This man can spend a whole ass week non-stop in bed (R.I.P that pussy ayyeee) he stops to not affect you physically.
- Shuu is a protector like admin explained but also since he has huge PTSD because of the death of Edgar, he would not tolerate seeing one scratch on you. The moment he feels that you're unsafe somewhere or the slightest danger, he's locking you up. You ain't going out till he get rid of whatever is putting you in danger(mind you that can be ANYTHING, you're allergic to bees and there's one bee outside ? Miss gurl go back in the house before he locks you up for good.) Yes, he is willing to isolate you from everything and everyone if he feels like the world is too dangerous for you. He saw many humans dying in front of him, you are so delicate and fragile, he won't risk it. And this is where you need to be careful, do not make him think that you're in danger or you're never seeing the outside. Again, his love is really pure and intense, he would never wish bad upon the one he adores, but his mind is built a certain way, which can be really hard to understand. He will also take care of you and do a lot of things that you can do on your own, it's not that he's infantilising you but plea-se let him take care of you and put his mind at peace.
- Shuu is also really observant and because he have strong senses, he can feel and smell everything, the littlest mood changes or switch in you, he's looking up at you and putting his head on your lap, all up in your face "what's on your mind ? What's going on ? Is something bothering you ? Tell me please." Or if you're sick, cough once he will go "Huh ? Lay down I'm going to make some tea."
- He's possessive but also slightly obsessive, he wants to know everything about you, even the atrocious cringy stuff that you've done. Shuu is a vampire, "cringe" or "embarrassing" stuffs are obsolete for him, if not, it's only making him adores you more. He's obsessed, boy is listening to your moans when you're not here, what do you expect. He is also really open and a lot more vulnerable when he's in a relationship with you and will tell you everything that goes through his head and he's expecting you to do the same.
- Because he tells you everything, you know most of his story and what he's gone through, so it's really hard for you to be upset by his actions because you know that you're the only thing keeping him stable and happy and because you love him you don't want to hurt him in anyway so you let him do whatever he wants.
- Hickeys, teeth marks, nails line, everything, this man is covering your body with his presence (with love only, of course) and he love to takes you out on dates after when you wear a pretty little outfit showing your "decorated" neck to the public, he feels a wicked sense of pride when the flirty waiter look at your neck and see big purple splotches everywhere, symbol that you're completely his and if you want to hide them he'll pout and will be slightly salty and look at you like "wHY ?!".
Me is done, have a great day everyone, especially admin, I hope that everything will turn out fot the better, I'm sending prayers and good energy towards you. ❤
Y'all see this...? All this? Me. Perfectly and canon me.
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((...Dont be proud of it. And thank you honey!! So so so much!!!!!!!! Waaah thank you!!! I LOVED THIS. It is my new bible and Im rereading it forever!!!! I loved it! THANK YOU!!!!!!
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@sicktember Prompt # 27: Blankets
Title: Sick Day Spells
Fandom: N/A
Based on an ask box prompt. The prompt: “It’s all well and good until the cleric gets really sick.” 
What does a party of adventures do when their cleric is forced to take a sick day after a battle? Featuring a Halfling Rogue, a Dwarf Fighter, an Elf Sorcerer, and a Human Cleric.
(Author’s note: Holy crap this was fun to write, and I’m thrilled with how it came out! I can’t believe it took me so long to write a D & D-based story. This is the first time I can say with confidence that you will almost certainly see these OCs again. I loved them way too much to let them go. And there's three more people here for me to whump in all ways magical and physical. So keep your eyes peeled for them again soon!)
They say pride comes before the fall, but most people like to think that applies to everyone except them. Still, perhaps the adventuring party should have kept their pride in check, or else watched more vigilantly for the possibility of falling. 
The party of four were riding out of the village they had simultaneously saved and partially destroyed. True, they had fought off a school of necromancers that were terrorizing the local area and destroyed the necromancers' constructs, but the fireball they had used to wipe out the zombies had also wiped out the entire market and half of the residential district. Still, collateral damage was to be expected, and the slightly-singed foursome were in high spirits as they left the smoking town in their wake.
Their calamity came from a very unexpected source, and it started with a sneeze. The party always traveled in pairs of two, with the fighter and the sorcerer in front and the cleric and the rogue in the back. This meant that Filius and Kandry were generally surrounded by a cloud of dust while on the road, but they didn't usually mind, both being the hearty sort.  
Today though, the dust began to make Filius sneeze even before they'd left the town. After two sets of three sneezes nearly back to back, Lorellyn turned, looking at him with concern.
"Are you all right, Fil? Your cold is still bothering you, isn't it?"
"I suppose. Honestly I'm so tired I barely notice it right now. I just want to get back to camp and sleep for a day or two," said the cleric, congested and hoarse, trying not to cough.
"Well yeh certainly earned it. It seemed yeh were everywhere at once ou’ there, throwin' out healin' spells left an' right, an' destroyin' th' zombies in droves, plus flingin' necromancers here an' there with tha' mace o' yourn," Gundor said.
"He's right. We couldn't have done this without you," Lorellyn said earnestly. "You're the hero of the day."
Filius smiled tiredly, but before he could reply, a sickly green bolt of energy hit him in the back, making him spasm. He froze, then slowly his eyes rolled back in his head and he slumped forward on his horse. 
The other three jumped into action immediately. Kandry leapt off of her mount and onto the back of Filius’ with flawless acrobatics, somehow managing to prevent him from falling off of his horse and take control of the steed immediately, though she couldn't reach the stirrups. 
Lorellyn whipped around, immediately shooting a firebolt from her palm, aimed at the bush from which the offensive spell had come. The dry bush caught fire immediately, causing the pair of tiny goblin mages hiding inside it to run out shrieking, heading toward the smoking village. Gundor was already off of his mount and chasing them down with rage in his eyes, ending them with his axe before they knew what hit them. 
Gundor and Lorellyn were at Kandry's side as soon as the threat was eliminated. The halfling was anxiously checking Filius over for visible injuries.
"He's burning up!" she cried. "What did they hit him with?"
"It was a wimpy Ray of Sickness. I saw it out of the corner of my eye," Lorellyn said, taking over assessing the cleric. "Those mages were barely second level. I'm surprised they were able to hit him at all. There's no way this is just from that. There's something else."
"Well can't you figure it out?" Kandry snapped.
"I'm trying! But divination is Filius' specialty, not mine!" Lorellyn snapped back. 
"Let's jus’ get ‘im back ta camp. We need ta get off th' road. We're too exposed, an' distracted ta boot," Gundor said, looking around worriedly. "Yeh can look ‘im over there just as well as here."
The other two quickly agreed. They hastened back to their base, with Filius slumped in the saddle in front of Lorellyn, and Gundor leading Filius' horse behind his own. 
The ride was somber, the high spirits from their successful battle all but forgotten. Filius had a raging fever and was dead asleep, unable to be woken, but seemed to be in the throes of terrible nightmares, for he writhed and cried out the whole time they were moving. Whenever he would yell, it would send him into an awful coughing fit that left him panting and sweating. Lorellyn tried her best to soothe him, but she was clearly distressed, especially when it seemed to have no effect, and she had tears in her eyes most of the trip.
Arriving at their camp, they made a makeshift stretcher for him from a blanket, gently carrying the tall man to his tent and laying him down on his mat. They lingered at his side, unsure how to proceed.
"Why don't you do a healing spell on him or something?" Kandry snapped at the sorcerer. "There's got to be something we can do!"
"I don't have any spells left after that battle," Lorellyn hissed. "I need to rest my magic! And anyway, sorcerers can't do healing spells. Our magic is too chaotic. Bad things would happen if I tried. Do either of you have any healing potions?”
"I never waste time with that. They're too heavy to bother with. You all always carry them... Or Filius takes care of it," Kandry mumbled. 
"I gave mine ta th’ villagers tha' got hurt in th' blast," Gundor said sheepishly. "Filius planned ta brew some more, so I wagered I wouldn't need 'em."
"Some adventurers we are," Kandry groaned. "We can't even take care of our cleric."
Lorellyn wrapped Kandry in a hug, which the halfling immediately tried to wriggle out of, but the elf was stronger. 
"We'll figure something out. It will be fine," Lorellyn said bravely. 
At that moment, the party heard a commotion on the highway, with many people screaming and yelling loud enough to be heard at the camp, though they were well away from the road. The three healthy members of the party gave each other worried looks. Lorellyn attuned her hearing to better assess the situation while Kandry and Gundor waited breathlessly.
"It's a green dragon," Lorellyn gasped after a moment. "Something angered it and now it's flying around, attacking randomly. It's already killed dozens of people." 
"It's all well and good until the cleric gets really sick," Kandry groaned, covering her face.
They didn't have time to make any sort of plan, for immediately they heard the sound of running footsteps approaching their camp. A young man with wild-looking eyes dashed into their midst.
“Adventurers!” he gasped. “Have you heard? There’s a dragon terrorizing us! We need your aid to defeat it!”
Gundor stepped forward. “We hadn’t heard o’ this trouble. O’ course we’ll do what’s necessary in this time o’ danger.”
“So you’ll come? We must go right away!”
“Give us time ta make our necessary preparations. Leave us fer now.”
The lad nodded, hurrying away again. 
Gundor, Lorellyn, and Kandry shared a look. Without a word, they quickly began to break down their camp, hastily packing their things and snuffing out the fire under cover of Lorellyn’s disillusionment cantrips, and taking full advantage of Kandry’s stealth. In minutes they had packed their belongings on their horses and were heading in the opposite direction of the main road, deeper into the forest. Through it all, Filius remained unconscious, mumbling and sweating and weak with fever. 
After another hour or two’s ride, having hidden themselves deep in the forest, Kandry found a secure cave in which they could hide out. The party was in no shape to fight a dragon right now. Here, they wouldn’t be in danger, or be run out of town for not assisting with the dragon. Gundor secured the perimeter while Lorellyn attended to the sick cleric, laying him out gently on his bedroll once more and bathing his sweat-slicked face with a wet rag while Kandry saw to the rest of the camp preparations. The cool water slowly brought Filius to consciousness, with much coughing and trembling. However, wakefulness did not bring awareness with it. He looked around dully, his eyes heavy-lidded and fever-bright, but seemed to take in little of what he saw. He closed his eyes again wearily without acknowledging his companions hovering over him worriedly. Shivers wracked his body.
“ ‘m so cold,” he coughed. “Thirsty….” 
Kandry rushed to get him a mug of water while Lorellyn snatched the blankets off of each of the other bedrolls and brought them over, covering him in all of them. They seemed to have no effect though, and he continued to shiver violently. Gundor built up the fire frantically, but it took a while to catch, and the smoke only made the sick human cough more. After drinking two mugs of water, Filius fell back asleep, which was somehow both a relief and a worry to his friends. His fever never changed, neither going lower nor higher.
“I’ll run ta th’ village ta get ‘im some kind o’ potion,” Gundor murmured over supper. “I can’t watch ‘im suffer like this.”
“And risk being seen, or worse attacked by a dragon?” Kandry scoffed. “After all the trouble we went to to find this place and stay hidden? Please don’t.”
“She’s right,” Lorellyn said. “That’s at least two hours' ride, and one of us will be left alone and vulnerable. At least wait until morning, when our health and spells are back up. If he’s the same or worse, then go. We’ll see how he does through the night.”
Once night fell, with nothing else to do, the party tried to sleep, rotating 6 hour shifts keeping watch, as usual. However, even when not on guard duty, the party members found they couldn’t settle, and kept lifting their heads to shoot worried glances at their cleric, or make sure he hadn’t worsened. Gundor had had the first watch, and when it came time for him to rest, he settled on his bedroll, but then tossed and turned for a long time. He was usually snoring like a bear within moments of shutting his eyes, so this had the ladies on high alert. Finally, the dwarf got up with a huff, picked up his bedroll and carried it over to Filius’ side, dropping it there. When he lay back down, he was close enough that his shoulder touched the cleric’s. The dwarf then pulled a corner of one of the blankets over himself and rolled to his side, pressing up against the human, and immediately falling asleep with a weary snore. 
Lorellyn had the second watch, and she kept shooting tender, but envious looks at the sleeping men. Filius never woke, but he seemed to sleep more peacefully after Gundor had joined him. As soon as her watch was finished, she followed the dwarf’s lead, pushing her bedroll up against the other side of the sick human, sliding under the blankets, and resuming her meditation. 
Kandry was not so easily swayed, and tried to ignore the thoughtless sharing of germs happening behind her as she took her turn at the watch. However, when no one was looking, she surreptitiously slid her bedroll around to the other side of the fire, placing her closer to her companions.
Had Gundor and Lorellyn been aware of their surroundings, they would have noticed that in the wee hours of the morning Filius began to sweat profusely. He had hardly moved after the other two had settled in with him to share their body heat, but he began to mutter and toss a bit once more. Finally, just as dawn was creeping over the horizon, he woke with a gasp, sitting bolt upright with a hacking cough. Lorellyn and Gundor were instantly awakened as well, and Kandry was at their side in an instant. Filius tried to catch his breath, pushing his sweaty hair out of his eyes. 
“Where ‘m I?” he croaked. “What happened?”
Lorellyn leaned over to press the back of her hand to his forehead, then his neck. “We’re safely hidden in the forest. Are you alright? How are you feeling?”
“Awful,” Filius groaned. “Sick. How long have I been asleep?” He yawned hugely. 
“Almost a day,” Kandry said, pressing a mug of water into his hands. “You scared us half to death. You got hit with a Ray of Sickness and you just… passed out.”
“I did?” he said worriedly, looking confused. “I don’t remember that….”
“Yeah. Did you have some poison in your system too or something? I’ve never seen Ray of Sickness do that,” Kandry said accusingly. 
“Not that I know of. Might have to do with me already being sick when it hit me. Just exacerbated everything, made it worse temporarily.” He coughed roughly into his shoulder, wincing, then downed the mug of water. 
“Well your fever is much better,” Lorellyn said happily. “Let’s hope you’re on the mend now!”
“I’d be on the mend faster if I got some whiskey,” Filius sniffled, looking meaningfully at Gundor. The sleepy dwarf readily got up and shuffled to his pack. Finding what he was looking for, he returned with an amber-colored bottle and handed it to the cleric, who took several unceremonious gulps. 
“Good ta have yeh back, mate,” Gundor rumbled happily, reclaiming the bottle and taking several swigs of his own. 
“What are you all doing over here anyway?” Filius said after a moment, yawning again. “This cave is plenty big enough for all of us.”
“You were freezing, so we shared our blankets with you,” Lorellyn said.
“Really? You mean you slept here all night?”
“Tha’ we did. ‘Twas a mighty fine night’s rest, too,” Gundor said. “Matter o’ fact, I could use some more shuteye if it’s all th’ same ta you lot.” With that, he lay back down right where he was, pressing up against Filius once more and closing his eyes. The cleric looked surprised, though not unhappy with this development. 
“Some more rest would be nice. Filius, are you able to put up some protection spells so we can all relax for another day? I hate to ask so much of you--” Lorellyn began.
“No, it’s fine,” he said, coughing chestily. “I can manage.” He grasped his talisman of Njord and closed his eyes, his brow furrowing. After a moment, an opaque barrier appeared over the cave’s entryway. No creature, magical or otherwise, would be able to pass through. Looking exhausted now, he lay back down alongside Gundor and shut his eyes, a tiny smile appearing on his face as the dwarf shifted cozily against him and Lorellyn too pressed closer. 
Lorellyn was also grinning. “Come join us, Kandry.”
The halfling rolled her eyes. “I don’t cuddle.”
“I don’t either, but here we are,” Filius mumbled, almost asleep. “Just call it team bonding.”
Kandry almost declined again… but it really did look very cozy to be surrounded by blankets and pillows and teammates. With a little sigh, she shuffled over and slotted herself in, with Filius’ long legs on one side of her, and Lorellyn’s on the other. 
They spent the rest of the day just like that, sleeping and eating and talking, content to take a day to simply enjoy each other’s company as they let their cleric take a sick day.
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sicjimin · 3 years
Hi! If you're taking request I have one :) Yoongi with a really high fever but doesnt tell anyone and almost passes out during dance practice which worries the others
A.N : aaahh im sorry this taking too long T.T i hope you like this one & meets with your expectation! the idea is so .. interesting i love it!!, and sorry for the lame ending ......... T.T
TW : slight emeto, fainting
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Yoongi knows his body was about to give up when he had already been sleep-deprived for the past 3 days, and in addition to that, their concept photos yesterday was involving contact with water and in the middle of winter wind. But he didn't expect that his body will give up in a literal meaning , and in the middle of dance practice, which causes panic from the members as they hovering over him.
Let's retract back —
Yoongi wakes up this morning, already acknowledge that he had a fever latching on him when he's still shivering under his blanket when the air conditioner is off. His assumptions are proven true when the world is tilting the moment he tries to get up and walk to the bathroom, his muscles feel achy, and the wooden floor becomes too cold for his feet. He half-conscious walking to the bathroom, freshens his pale face before rummaging the thickest hoodie he had, and go down to the kitchen where the rest of the members already clattering loudly. The first thing Yoongi sees is Jimin, who's currently putting the coffee pot on.
"You look like shit." Seokjin comments as Yoongi glares at him through half-opened eyes which are barely visible with his blurred sleepy eyes. "I feel like shit", he mumbled as he shoves down few bites of toast that Seokjin prepared, gulped down his daily iced americano before walk away and settled on the couch, resting his already exhausted body for a few minutes before they need to go.
Someone plopped beside him, but the mild thumping on his head didn't let him to open his eyes. That's too much effort. "Hyung are you okay? You look pale"
Yoongi only hums as an answer, letting silence seeped between them before he huffs a warm breathe and stands up as he heard Namjoon calling them to go. He ruffles Jungkook's hair, "I'm fine. a little bit tired" before he walks behind the other.
It's Jungkook.
It's 2 PM now, he has one hour before he needs to get up for dance practice. He let himself succumbing the sickness in his body, his teeth clattering as he trying his best to cover himself with a padded jacket and curled his body smaller in the darkness of his studio. The medicine took longer to kick in. He didn't know how long it had had already been since he's tossing and turning on the couch until someone knocking on his door, calling him that its time for practice.
The rest of the day went like a blur for Yoongi as he's too busy fighting his body to not completely shut down. He managed to go through some interviews as scheduled, downing a bowl of porridge that he requested to the staff as lunch with rice is way too heavy for his upset stomach and bitter tongue, take some medicine, and working few parts of the track before his head spinning.
Two knocks
One knock
Yoongi still didn't have it in him to get up. Then he heard the passcode ringing in and the door opened. He groans when the light blazing over his head for a minute before someone that barging into his studio quickly apologize and turning it off again.
Three knocks
"Yoongi-ah! What's wrong? Are you sick?", Yoongi didn't manage to answer any of that train of questions before a cold palm touching his burning forehead. He unconsciously whines when it goes away. It feels nice. " Oh my god, you're burning up!!"
"Hyung", Yoongi rasps, few coughs slipping as he tried to sit up. Seokjin quickly offered him water from his table. " Gosh, Yoongi. You're sick! Why are you even here? Let's go home!", Seokjin tugging his hand, while his other hands start collecting Yoongi's belonging. "Hyung .. i already took meds. Let's go to practice. I will go home with you guys after that"
Seokjin stops turn to Yoongi and give him a stern look. "What if your fever gets worse?" Seokjin asks, voice firm. "No, it wont hyung.. Please don't worry.. let's just go with the others to practice". Seokjin sigh, before reluctantly nodded.
They both headed out, Seokjin hands firm on Yoongi's shoulder as he is afraid the younger might trip on his feet if he let it go. They are greeted with the loud sound of music blaring echoes the room, he could see the other already do some stretching. Yoongi huff, before he drags himself to do the same. " Are you sure you can practice?", Seokjin asks once again. His eyes still trailed over the younger with worry. Yoongi nods, pushing his masks higher so the others couldn't see his pale feature. "Just, don't tell the others hyung. I don't want them to worry", he murmured. Seokjin didn't answer, but settled to stretching beside him.
The first round of practice went well, despite the aching in his muscle and thumping in his head getting worse, Yoongi manages to do it. He ducked his head down, almost groans in pain as he pants for air. It hurts.
"Water?", Yoongi opened his bleary eyes and meet with Seokjin's red face that also panting, with cold water on his hand. Yoongi gratefully accepts, sighing in relief when the liquid seeping down on his throat. "How are you doing?", Seokjin asks, gaining a shrug from the younger, " At least i'm sweating"
Seokjin rolled his eyes, " Don't force yourself"
"I won't"
In the second round of their practice, everything went downhill for Yoongi. He feels faint with every step he takes to dance. Every time he tries to move his legs he feels like it’s going to fail him and collapse underneath him. He can feel all the blood leaving his body as he moves. Not to mention how it's getting hard for him to catch his breath, the thumping in his head gets more prominent, almost lapping with the blaring sound of music. He didn't know when exactly he stopped on his feet, stared blankly on the floor that starts spinning under his feet . The whole room was now spinning around him, the lights seem to have faded out of focus, only a black hole was staring right through his eye. His sight slowly blurring, vision getting blurry. His breathing becoming heavier, he tries not to fall on his feet or knees but fails miserably. He doesn't know which one of the members screaming his name before it all goes black.
When Yoongi came back into consciousness, there was a throbbing pain on his head that made him want to groan in pain. He was feeling dizzy from the movement and could barely open his eyes. His ears felt numb, it sounded muffled but he tried to listen to them. What they were saying.
"Hyung!" A voice says. Yoongi flinches and tries to turn his head away, the loud ringing in his ears makes him nauseous. It hurt so bad.
"Hyung! Are you okay?!" Another voice comes and this time he tries to open his eyes, blinking at first, until he can see properly and get his bearings. Yoongi sits up, immediately leaning against something for support and then falls again. He can feel hands on his shoulder, supporting him.
"Hyung?! Hyung what happened? Do you need help?" A third voice. Yoongi doesn't want to look at who it is, he doesn't think he can stand without falling again and he isn't about to risk that. So he lies there, resting his head on the wall behind him.
"Dizzy .. " Yoongi mumbles to himself. Someone touches his cheek, gently moving his hair out of the way. With a hand on his forehead, checking temperature, Yoongi flinches and instinctively leans away from the touch.
"Min Yoongi what did i told you! Gosh, your fever getting worse", Seokjin exclaims. Yoongi heard everyone else talking again, with Seokjin shouting something about getting home. He didn't know. He wants to sleep.
" Yoongi, don't sleep. Can you move for me? We're going home", Seokjin asks, panic clear in his voice. He nods, then he feels himself being lifted up by the arms. He manages to open one eye just enough to make out the blurry shape of the surrounding, as he drags himself out, leaning most of his weight to Seokjin that holding him. Walks to the car feel way longer than Yoongi liking. Nausea that settled deep in his stomach now become worse as his inside jostles with every step he takes.
"Hyung", he croaked out, " Can we stop? i feel sick"
Before he knows, he already lurches forward along with his breakfast and his lunch earlier, soiling the green bushes under his feet. His throat burns, his eyes sting with tears, a burning sensation on his tongue. "Shh Yoongi.. it's okay. Everything is fine. Let it all out," Seokjin said, soothingly, though he did seem concerned. Yoongi can barely see through the tears streaming down his face. He squeezes his eyes shut when another stream of his stomach content gurgling up and rushing from his lips. His mouth was dry, but he could only focus on making sure that nothing would come up his throat, "I think I'm done", he rasped out weakly, not caring if it came out scratchy or wet.
He woke in the morning with a groggy feeling, feeling much better than yesterday had. When he rolled over, he saw 6 others figure scattering on his and Seokjin's room, with Seokjin sleeping on his side. He tried to shift his position when something wet fall over his forehead, a damp cloth. " Hyung? You're awake?", Hoseok raspy voice seeping through Yoongi's ears. He watched the younger yawn and stretch his body before plopping himself beside him.
The ride back felt like hours, even Yoongi spent most of it with sleeping. Once they got home, he stumbled into his room, falling face first onto his bed and letting himself finally fall asleep before he could hear any more of Seokjin trying to coax him into eating anything.
" Yeah I am", Yoongi managed, still feeling groggy, " Why are you here, isn't everyone have schedule today?"
"They come rushing yesterday and didn't want to leave you until you wake up, they said", Seokjin rasps as he collects himself.
"Yeah, you're scaring us hyung, and Seokjin hyung completely ignored us when we ask! So we just crashed here", Hoseok whines, " Are you feeling better?"
Yoongi bites off smile that wants to erupt from his lips, "I guess? not as shit as yesterday", he mumbled, almost yelps when a cool hand touching his forehead out of nowhere.
"At least your fever already breaking down", Seokjin hums before stand up, slapping Hoseok lightly on its way, "Wake up the others, i will make Yoongi something to eat"
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beann-e · 3 years
No I don’t think Denkis dumb I just think he wants to help so much that he loses the ability to make good, normal, smart decisions.
What I mean is — here let’s take the other day for example when he overheard you telling kirishima you were out of energy.
He meant well really or at least that’s what you tried telling yourself while you were burning up from the inside out at the attempted electrocution that was taking place in the middle of the classroom.
Kirishima screaming at denki to let go only for him to short circuit and dumb himself out so much that you both had to wait for him to return to normal to figure out why he just attempted murder in front of the whole class
“ well I thought I could give her some energy “
“ why would you think you could share energy “
he rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment “ well actually now that I think about it I don’t know I guess I just really wanted to help you “
you sighed as kirishima shrugged his shoulders moving to look at bakugou who sat in the desk across from him.
Kirishimas eyes begging for help that bakugou was reluctant to give only giving up on his repeated no’s when you looked at him and smiled softly.
Your eyes told him you were kidnapped by kirishima and being held against your will as his friend similar to himself
Bakugou scoffed as he turned to denki “ oi assbolt whyd you electrocute shitty hairs friend “
“ hey I thought we were friends katsuki “
“ you call me katsuki again and i’ll ri—“
“ woah let’s um let’s calm down—so um denki bro whyd you do it “ kirishimas voice came out in an uncomfortable cough pushing you into his chest trying to shield you away from your recent assailant and your newly made enemy
“ well I overheard y/n saying they were out of energy so I thought I could help in a way— I-I screwed up it wasn’t my place “
“ so you fucking electrocute ‘em“ bakugou screamed now interested in his idiot friends thought process
“ look I don’t know ok “
“ well denki I hate to be mean but you’ve been doing weird stuff like this for weeks and I -it’s sweet but“
you laughed “ i’m getting kinda tired of getting hurt in the process of your help “
His face went downcast
“ oh fuck this — just tell the loser you’ve got a crush and move on “
Your eyebrows raised as you sat staring at the ground letting bakugous words register first before you spoke but the class understanding them before you
“ oh wow dude not cool “
seros voice came out in a laugh “ if he did have a crush on ‘em chances are out the window now “
“ I-I think he may still have a chance y/n seems“ Dekus voice was soft as he stood in front of the mess unfolding “ they seem nice they’d think about it before they said no, right y/n”
He smiled as he moved a bit closer but quickly falling on his face as bakugous small laugh took over the room before he pulled his foot back under his desk slowly
bakugou scoffed “ your one to talk about thinking seeing as though your dumbass just walked in front of my desk thinking I wouldn’t do something “
“ s-sorry kaachan “
“ what the fuck ever “ he moved to look at you
“ the hell are you gonna do shitty airhead —we’re all invested now “
your voice had failed you as you looked to kirishima who was not trying to be in the middle of this right now
his eyes quickly darting away from yours as you called out for help with your own.
He knew just how fucked up this situation had turned neither of you were expecting this.
“ well don’t be an asshole y/n say something“ bakugou laughed “ you got this dude over here pissing himself in fear “
your ears perked up as you heard a calm voice enter into the conversation
“ well Bakugou how about we not scream at them“
you threw your head to the floor as todoroki spoke “ this isn’t even our business in the first place everyone is just being nosy right now “
he moved over to you standing behind you “ though I would like to know what your thinking “
he rubbed your back as he squatted next to your desk “I guess you could say I agree with Bakugou i’m a little invested in what you’ll say next — seeing as though a lots on the line right ? “
your heart clenched at his words as you bit your lip the screams and echos of peoples voices coming in your ears and never leaving
You couldn’t figure out what to say or at least what to mean when you said it
much less how to say it
Which is why you sat shaking as someone’s small touch made the words tumble out of your mouth as you grabbed the persons hands
You stood up as you faced everyone dropping your grasp on Todorokis hand before you screamed
“ I don’t— I— I can’t because—“
Your voice was drowned out as the bell rang it’s noise moving through your head
Your body moving in a heat of adrenaline as you grabbed todorokis hand and yanked him along with you out of the classroom
“ y-y/n I— this isn’t you being very nice to someone who just confessed to you “
You both stopped in the hallway as he stared down on you his eyes capturing you in a look of curiosity “ why are you looking at me lik- “
“ he’s gonna hate me-i didn’t know he felt that way—maybe my own advances were wrong i-i’m sorry“ you said lowly as you looked up expecting to see a different look than the basic one you saw on the males face
“ i— shoto why dont you care “
his face went straight in confusion“ I-Im not understanding what you mean my love “
“ shoto we “
“ you could have simply said no —what’s the problem here“
“ it was a love confession “
“ that you could have said no to “ he laughed
“ my love your taking all of this too seriously— I simply said I dont care if people know but their nosy so let’s keep quiet — your the one who keeps dragging things out into daylight and making them obvious and hurting people“
“ how was I suppose to just tell him no “
“ did you want to tell him yes “
“ well no but “
“ then your not just telling him no your saying no because you don’t want to date him “
he smiled as he kissed you softly “ and because you have a boyfriend “
Your hands moving to hold him tightly in a hug as he laid his head in the crook of your neck.
The clacking of shoes on the floor sounding from hallways down from the both of you as anxiousness and sadness radiated from the spot someone stood
So , no I don’t believe Denki is dumb seeing as though he was smart enough to not ask you out because he was the only one who caught on to your underlying messages with shoto
No, I don’t believe he’s dumb because he’s the only one who darted out to look for you after the bell to bring you your favorite eraser you’d worn down and to care for you even though he knew someone would already be there with you.
I actually can’t say if I think Denki is dumb or smart because he’s the same one who’s crumbled up in a ball on the floor in love with a person he’d never be able to have
Seeing as though his quirk wasn’t compatible with yours which is why you two didn’t get paired up on the day you first met for quirk training
Which is also why he got cut off by his own partner when he tried to talk to you seeing as though your were the new kid
The new beautiful kid
And todoroki was the partner — he envied— the one he envies
The one who took his place as the guy kissing you in the middle of the hallway taking your breath away with a small thumb rub across your cheek
Denki Kaminari is neither smart nor Dumb
Denki Kaminari is just an intelligently naive respectful guy in a one-sided battle with himself who got caught up in a diagnosis of an idiotic sickness made up of stupid emotions he can’t seem to let go
or to put it simply
Denki Kaminari Is stuck in a unrequited love affair
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stargaze-issei · 4 years
Ngl, Ive been feeling very sick and Im kinda scared i have the virus... Breathing is a struggle and I wanted to request smth where bakugou, todoroki and shinsou (separately) help reader out!
please, if you feel sick take all the precautions needed! i understand the fear of getting sick, my country is going through a sanitary crisis right now ): i send all my love to you, sweetie! i hope you like this<3
also, i took descriptions from what i found on the internet about shortness of breath due to corona, let me know if i made a mistake!
— 𝐚 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 + 𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮, 𝐭𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐮
bakugou katsuki.
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in the middle of this situations, you were relieved to have someone like bakugou around. he was a fast thinker, most of the times, and helped you ease your anxiety. still, usually he was feral as normal, but whenever he saw you having any trouble, he'd leave everything aside and focus on you, only you. the uncertainty of you having or not that nasty virus was stressful for the two of you, but until you had some answers, he did his best to keep you at calm. katsuki had no symptoms, so he couldn't understand what you were going through, but it hurt him to see you suffer, both physically and mentally. he'd make you warm tea, because he read that it help with sore throats, cook easy to eat meals, so you don't struggle eating. despite of the danger of being near you, if it turned out you were infected with the virus, he won't stop kissing you, cuddling you, touching you in general, he knew it made you feel better and that was worth everything, and, staying a six feet away from you now wouldn't help at all.
"katsu, ka-" he was in another room while you laid in bed, too tired to move, your voice was so low that he thought it was his imagination.
"y/n? are you-" when he saw you fighting to breath normally, he rushed to your side. it wasn't the first time it happened, and probably wasn't the last, so he was already familiar with what to do.
even if he wanted to succumb to fear in those times, he knew he couldn't do it. from what you described, you chest felt so tight, that air barely could get to your lungs, every inhale was like pieces of glass going down your throat. adding the anxiety of not breathing, making it even harder, was a vicious cycle. katsuki placed his hand on your back, moving it slowly but consistently from your shoulders to the center of your hips, with his free hand, he cup one of your cheeks and focused your eyes in his.
"i know this hurts, but please, try to breath with me" his tone had discovered a new level of sweetness, leaving behind all his screams and swearing. "it's okay, it'll be over in a few minutes, just do it with me" with soft words, he stayed by your side for as long as you needed, trying to take your mind off that immeasurable pain. it always hurt, but those occasions were considerably stronger than usual.
once you feel better, he would lay right next to you, putting his warm hand in your throat, whispering how badass and amazing you are, how much he loves you and admires you for bearing that kind of pain.
todoroki shoto.
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he has troubles expressing his feelings through his words, instead, he does it with actions. it's obvious he worries about you, how couldn't he? you're his whole world, the moment he sees you struggling, not just with breathing but anything in general, runs to your and tries to help you. he has a hard time understanding how you feel, but seeing you in pain is enough to get his own anxiety going. todoroki remembers when his dad trained him, how sometimes he felt his lungs were about to collapse and nobody could help him. he didn't want to be so powerless when it came to you. 
he usually asks you what to do to make you feel better, otherwise he would be clueless. since he's in no pain, most of his daily routine is modified to be all about you, even though you tried to stop him because it made you feel like a baby he had to take care of, he did it anyways. 
"shoto? is dinner ready?" todoroki had volunteered himself to make you every meal of the day since you told him your body ached.
"yes, seat a little, please" he had made you soup, a special recipe he learned from fuyumi, she said it cured them from any desease, he hoped it'd do the same to you.
in the middle of bed, he placed the tray which contained two full bowls, and gave you a soft smile before thanking for the food. you were eating, slowly but consistently. todoroki had a hidden talent, cooking. you felt an itchiness in your throat, so fastly left the bowl in a steady place avoiding spilling it. shoto got on guard immediately. you tried telling him it was okay, but the cough was only getting harsher and harsher. no air went in, and too much air got out.
"water, i'm bringing water" with your hand, you stopped him. better not waste any time, you couldn't swallow in that condition. it was pure desperation, even todoroki knew that.
he moved around the bed, helping you get your legs out the blankets. your throat felt close to tearing apart, it hurt so bad. affraid, shoto did all he could think about. both of his hands travelled to the back of your neck, positioning it where air was easier to get, his fingers did small circles in your skin. little by little, the attack calmed. you weren't feeling like eating anymore, so he cuddle you in his arms until you fell asleep. he shouldn't let you know how scared he got every time something like that happened.
shinsou hitoshi.
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he knows what it feels like, at least at some level. shinsou has had more than one panic attack in his life, so he understands the desperation of not being able to breath properly. but has no way of knowing what you feel, physically speaking, and the darkness killed him. all he had left to do was research, and he did, he gather every piece of information he could find, about what you felt, how could he help you, what environment was better for your help. sometimes it was stressful, to keep everything in place, make sure you were okay, but it was worth it. he helped you feel better, he made you feel better, and that was all he needed.
at nights, he'd sleep holding you, always ready if suddenly you started to struggle while sleeping. you noticed how big the bags under his eyes had gotten, even though he refused to take a nap, you managed to convince him. you made fun at the fact you basically copied his quirk, gaining a annoyed yet sweet look. hitoshi went to bed, and when he woke up, you were okay and nothing had changed. after that, he started to relax a bit, which relaxed you as well.
"babe, are you okay?" he hadn't heard you talking or laughing at the tv show you were watching, shinsou wasn't worried, but it was a habit to check on you, specially on that condition.
"can you come, please, hitoshi?" even when he was a few meters away, your voice was extremely low and drowned. fast like a lighting, he went into your room. "it's– i– it hurts".
"let me go get–" before he could leave, you grabbed his hand. he understood, you didn't want to be alone. so he placed himself behind you, moving his arms around your shoulders, resting his head in the space between your shoulder and your neck. his nose brushed your jaw, making you feel his breath in your chest.
there, under his touch, everything slowed down, easier. he helped you to get through all the obstacles in front of you, even when both were under that immeasurable pressure.
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I Am Leaving The League RPC. If you still wish to keep in contact, Message me for my Discord. If Not, this is goodbye.
This drabble is the final drabble to appear on this blog. Due to the constant hate being spread around, the fact that I've had to see some of my friends leave because of this toxic community, and the fact that many people have made me feel uncomfortable to be on here, I am leaving the League RPC for good.
I apologize for anyone who loves my Morgana, and to anyone who truly wished to interact with me, regardless of my forced strictness on the blog, but unfortunately, people want to hurt others and drive them away from something that makes them happy, and I am saddened to include myself into that group. After 4 years of being on this website, and being in the League RPC, I've had enough of constant bullying, hate, toxicity, callout posts, vague posts, etc etc etc.
People need to learn to LET THINGS GO. But instead, they’re childish, and only want to drive those they hate away just to feel some sort of victory out of the whole thing. People like this are the true reason this community is toxic, and they’re the reason no one feels safe anymore nor want to be on this website.
So to those I know for a fact don’t like me, do yourself a favor: Grow Up and stop acting like this is high school. If you can’t let shit go with me, especially after 4 years since the incident, you’re the problem in this community, and you’re the petty one in this whole situation. I’m leaving on my own accord, not because of you.
And this goes for everyone, this isn’t High School and we shouldn’t be shoved into Cliques like it is one. All of this hate and shit, is from people who still think this is High School, who enforce cliques and if you’re part of a certain clique, it’ll either make you or break you, and that in of itself is toxic. This is a HOBBY, it’s not a job we get paid to do, it’s not a place to gossip and bully others just because you don’t like them. There is a BLOCK feature for a reason.
I’m not gonna say much else, as it has already been stated many times by other people who feel the same way as the rest of us who just wanna come on here and RP for fun. To those of you, I appreciate you and everything you bring to this place, even if we’ve never talked or interacted before.
To all of my friends I have made, you all know where you can find me. I will be on Discord with my League muses for you and anyone else who wishes to still interact with them. If that is the case, hit me up in my IMs and I will gladly add you as well as make a private server for us both to RP in. If not, well, it’s been a fun time.
The drabble will be under the cut, as I want to leave it an option for anyone to read if they wish, if not, then this is it.
The Fallen Angel
Nothing could be done of the events that have unfolded, nor could anyone stop her from the end that would approach more rapidly than she had anticipated. One moment she had finally found a life worth smiling about, and then the next it all seemed to come crashing down all at once.
Blood soaked hair stuck to her paling face, her body aching at each motion she made in an attempt to get up, only to fall back onto the ground. Above her she stayed, golden wings of fire lighting the darkened sky as rain poured around the Angel’s broken and bloodied body. The hole in which her sister’s blade had struck her continued to ooze with blood as it soaked into her torn dress, dripping onto the ground below as the once green grass turned red.
Was this the final end of her? It would appear so, given the circumstances of her survival and with her sister watching from high above, Kayle would make sure no one went to aid her, to save the only protector who stayed. Who cared for those that others shunned away, who gave people hope when all was lost. She was their redeeming Angel, the mages Protector, their savior from the cruel world around them.
She did her best to save them all, but in the end, there was nothing anyone could do.
Blood spilled from her mouth as she coughed, as memories of her life flashed through her head. Her life before becoming an Aspect, how her father smiled as he doted upon both of the girls as one parent should. How she watched the dismay in his eyes when she picked up her blade, only for it all to crumble around her when he died, and Kayle fleeing to join their mother upon the mountains of Targon, leaving her to hide herself away and keep from those who seeked her out, only helping the worthy when she could.
She closed her eyes, if only for a moment as tears slowly rolled down her cheeks. She could feel her own life fleeting as her breathing seemed to become labored, feeling her heartbeats slowing. It took all strength she had left to keep her eyes open, but it was becoming a struggle. The more blood she lost, the more she found her life leaving her, disappearing into the next life.
She could have sworn she felt something brush against her, a hand or some other form of creature. She couldn’t look, her head unable to turn to see what exactly it was. Out of the corner of her eyes, however, she could see tufts of pink fur brush past her, large horns upon its head as she once more felt whatever it was brush against her hand. She couldn’t stop the small smile that appears on her lips as she did her best to brush cold fingertips against his fur. Almost instantly she could hear a small ‘bork’ through all of the rain, as Baby crouched near her as he watched his Mama pass away. It hurt, to see that she would be leaving behind her small companion she called her son. Who stood by her side and kept her company through the many years of her life before today.
She didn’t think he would be the one to outlive her in the end…
She couldn’t keep her eyes open, as she looked up at the sky as her son licked her hand slowly, Morgana found herself beginning to feel tired, her breathing becoming even slower as her eyes slowly closed. The moment she did, she could have swore she heard the sound of her father’s voice echoing within her mind, telling her it was finally time to leave. She didn’t want to, she wanted to stay and fight for the freedom of Demacia, for the freedom of Mages, for those she considered friends. To at least say goodbye one last time. But it was too late, and she could do nothing but wait for the inevitable.
She had a good life, whether one saw it that way or not did not matter to her. She got to enjoy as much as life as possible, watch as the world changed and grew with the times. She met some friends along the way, people she enjoyed to visit when she found the chance to. She wondered how they would find out about her death, and who would end up caring for her son, if they even bothered to come and look for him.
She sighed, unable to open her eyes as she was sure it was time to finally let herself go. Tears continued to roll down her cheeks as she kept a smile on her face, her life leaving her body as her hand would go limp, falling to the ground beside Baby, who simply let out a cry as he could tell his Mama was gone.
The Winged Protector, the Veiled One, the Fallen Angel, was gone.
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brelione · 4 years
Defender (JJ Maybank X Reader)
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Warnings:Canon Rafe,Canon Barry,Violence,short.
Request:Hello, can you do one with JJ when his girlfriend is in some kind of danger and he is very worried about her? A bit angsty and fluffy❤️You’re the best!!!
JJ woke up at two in the afternoon to a call from you.He smiled, wondering what you were calling him for.Sometimes you’d call him to tell him a fun fact or about a really funny joke you had just heard.
The others werent awake yet and he wasnt planning on being awake for a couple more hours, wondering why you would be awake at this time.Half asleep he answered the phone,his smile quickly fading.
 “What?”He asked, wanting to make sure that he had heard you properly. “I have no idea what to do, like they’re still there.”You whispered,glancing outside your bedroom window to see Rafe and Barry standing there, both of them holding pistols as they waited for you to answer the door.
You knew what this was about, that they were probably hoping JJ or the other pogues were there so Barry could have his money back.Your bedroom door was locked, hoping that they wouldnt kick the door down.
 “Alright, just stay put im on my way.”He whispered through the phone, scared that if he talked louder Rafe and Barry would break in faster.You stayed still, hiding under your windowsill as far from your door as you could be.
You couldve called the cops but then you’d have to explain why the two men were here in the first place and what your boyfriend had done which would do more harm than good.You did your best to keep your breathing under control, knowing it wouldnt help to be gasping and sobbing the whole time.
He got on his bike, figuring that it would be faster than John.B’s shitty van, speeding to your house with his heart pounding in his chest, tears pricking at his eyes.If you got killed it would 100% be his fault.He couldnt let it happen,picking up the speed, thorns slashing at his ankles but he couldnt care less.
Barry kicked your door in, shouting for you.Rafe hoped he wouldnt be forced to kill you.You were one of the few pogues he wasnt absolutely disgusted by and he didnt want to make that list any shorter.
 “Come out, come out wherever you are!Cant hide from us forever!”Her shouted,chuckling right after.Rafe was shaking, knowing that Barry probably wouldnt hesitate to shoot you.JJ skidded across the grass of your backyard,jumping off the bike with his hand on his gun,hurrying around the front of the house to see that the door had been forced open, cursing.
He wouldve texted or called you to ask if you were okay but luckily he thought about it, knowing that your phone would ring and give away your location to the two intruders.He tip toed through your house,finding Rafe in your kitchen.JJ was careful as he came up behind the older boy, getting close enough to press the cold barrel of the gun against the back of his head. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?”JJ whispered,knowing that he had power over Rafe at this moment.Rafe went to turn, only for JJ to kick him to the floor, foot on the boy’s back and then gun to his head, Rafe’s gun falling from his hand.
 “I-Barry is upstairs-he knows that you took his money.”Rafe managed to squeak out, the bottom of JJ’s shoe pressing further into his spine.JJ leaned down, grabbing Rafe’s gun. “Get the fuck out and dont come back, ever.I will blow your fucking brains out, understand?”JJ asked, stomping down on his spine to prove his point.
Rafe held back a shout, nodding, running out as soon as JJ removed his foot.He now had two guns which meant that now he was more powerful than Barry.Speaking of, he could now hear the sound of all the other doors being forced open.
He carefully made his way up the stairs,Rafe’s gun in his hand now because it seemed more powerful.He saw Barry approaching your door, praying that you had barricaded it.He was shaking slightly, knowing that he had the upper hand since Barry hadnt seen him yet.
He ran at full speed towards the man, slamming him to the ground.It was all kind of blurry,everything happening quick as JJ’s hand pressed into the brunette’s throat, lifting him up before slamming him back down, blood coming from his cheekbone,temple and lip.
He was nearly unconscious when your door flew open to reveal you holding a metal baseball bat as you prepared to bash someones head in. “If you ever come back here I will fucking kill you.”JJ shouted,shaking Barry by the shoulders.Barry was to dazed to even look at the blonde,his head rolling to look at you instead.
 “You got yourself a defender, huh?”he chuckled, coughing blood.You glared down at him,stomping on his hair and making him hiss in pain.Barry got up, stumbling out of your house, the blood not stopping.
JJ let out a sigh of relief, looking up at you.He took the bat from your hands, hugging you tight. “Fucking hell, (Y/N).Im sorry.”He muttered,squeezing you so hard you thought your ribs might break. 
“Its fine,JJ.Im fine, everything is fine.”You whispered,fingers combing through his hair.He was just lucky that he had arrived before Barry got to the right door, silently thanking the universe.
He insisted on taking you back to John.B’s, claiming that you would be safer there not that Rafe and Barry knew where you lived.You held onto him as he drove the bike,head on his back.He had gone slower on the way back, not wanting you to get your ankles slashed by the same thorns.
He had to explain the situation to the rest of the pogues, all of them outraged by the situation.They had lectured him about taking the money, “I knew we shouldnt have taken that money, I told you this would happen!”John.B exclaimed, becoming frustrated. 
Pope and Sarah a lot more concerned about how you were doing mentally and physically after it, Pope asking if you were hurt at all and Sarah apologizing for her brohter doing something so terrible.
You told them that you were perfectly fine, not understanding why they were making such a huge deal of it. “God, I hate my brother.”Sarah groaned,resting her head against her palm.Kie rolled her eyes, looking over at you.
 “Thats what you have to say?Rafe tries to kill (Y/N) and all youre worried about is what it has to do with you?”Kiara sighed, making JJ smile. “Uh oh.”He mumbled into your ear, kissing your cheekbone lightly. 
“Shut up!”Sarah shouted back,John.B smacking his head against his seat. “Guys, seriously?”He asked, looking between the two girls. “Oh, as if you’ve been helpful!What are we gonna do now that they know where she lives?She cant go back there!”Kiara exclaimed, making JJ sit up.
 “I agree there, that’s why I think she should stay with you for a while. I mean think about it, your parents like her best, right?And you guys have that fancy ass kook security so they cant get to her there and you two get to have fun sleepovers.I see this as an absolute win.”JJ agreed, his hand somehow ending up on your knee.
Nobody really protested it, agreeing that it was probably the best option they had. “I’ll just find a way to sneak in at night.”He whispered into your ear.Kiara bit the inside of her cheek, thinking about it.
She would be lying if she said it wasnt a pretty good plan, nodding. “Yeah, okay.”She agreed, pretty sure her parents would be fine with it.They liked you mainly because you were a girl and you were quieter than the others, they couldnt really complain about you much.
The rest of your day was spent pressed against JJ’s chest on the living room couch, kisses being placed on your forehead and neck. “I love you.”He repeated over and over again. “Love you too.”You muttered, his constant touching making you tired. 
“Im sorry that Barry tried to kill you.”He muttered, sounding so serious that it made you laugh. “It’s fine...”You mumbled, still kind of shaken up over the whole situation. “Nope.”He replied, kissing you gently. “But i’ll make it up to you, promise.”He held up his pinkie, twisting it around yours.
@nas-marie-loves-u @28cnn @sexytholland  @yuxsh06   @ifilwtmfc  @cherryobx @poguestarkey @n1ghtsh4d3-67  @poguestyleskye @judayyyw  @sunwardsss @meaganjm @sarcasticsagittarius1998 @jj-fic-recs @homophobicclownmoviestan @jj-iz-bae @natalie-kate-98 @negativity4you @nxsmss @ofmaybankheart @broken-jj @joshy-obx  @curroptbunnie @outerbnx-stiles​ @angelreyesgirl100  @hannahhh-marie @sadnessrehab  @outerbongs​  @copper-boom​  @httpstarkey​ @teenwaywardasgardian @drewswannabegirl​  @simonsbluee   @jiaraendgame  @khiaraaa-in-spacee​  @on-socks-off​  @abbiesthings​ @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless
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osamiiya · 4 years
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Pairing: Kaminari Denki x Reader, mentions of Bakugou x Reader
Type of fic: Angst, Hanahaki AU
TW// Mentions of blood, vomiting petals, mentions of surgery, death
Summary: Hanahaki Disease; an illness born from unrequited love, where the victim's throat slowly gets filled with flowers, sometimes coughing up petals, or even worse full flowers covered in blood. The only ways to treat it is to get surgery in which you forget all of your memories and feelings disappear along with the petals, or to have your feelings returned. If neither is chosen the victim's throat will become filled with flowers causing them to suffocate and die.
Length: 1.8k
A/n: The way that this has been sitting in my drafts, and it probably the longest thing I've ever written. 🤡
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Growing up, Kaminari thought you would end up together. "I'll marry you y/n." He would laugh, front teeth missing, electricity sparking around him. Kaminari eventually forgot about this incident, but it still acted subconsciously on his mind in whatever he did.
The two of you spent almost all your time together, from birth to the hero exam, eventually getting into UA.
"Y/n!" He called, slightly out of breath as he stumbled next to you, tie crooked and coming undone, the other people at the bus stop stopping to stare at the bright haired boy that just barreled in disrupting the peaceful atmosphere that had been created as a product of the previous quiet, the only sound the birds chirping away in the sky, the still, cold spring morning nipping away at your nose.
"Denki." You sigh as he flashes you a playful grin. You move to fix his tie, not consciously aware of how Denki heated up slightly, chest puffed out as his heart sped up.
You looked up at him through your lashes as he cleared his throat, an eyebrow raising in question.
"I wasn't late." He looks proud of himself, like the meeting time wasn't thirty minutes ago.
"If you say so, Denki." You dust his shirt off, trying to get rid of the wrinkles and lint before smoothing your own uniform out, breathing out shakily.
"Nervous?" He nudges you with his elbow, drawing a giggle from out of you.
You look at him, challenging as the bus comes to a screeching stop in front of you, doors opening with a pshh.
"With you by my side? Never."
A couple months pass by, everyone busy to improve in the class and with the threat of villain attacks.
At this point you've moved into the 1-a dorm, comfortably sitting in the common lounge, phone sat in your hands as a movie plays in the background.
What you weren't expecting was a certain blond haired hothead sitting next to you.
You cough nervously and slight a little, flustered in the presence of the boy you're starting to harbor a crush on. In no way would you call it love, no way. He was just a phase.
Mentally nodding to yourself, you smile at him as he nods back at you, leaning into the couch, throwing his arm across the back.
You inhale and exhale deeply in relief as Denki comes in, the atmosphere going from tense to playful as he teased you and Bakugou about, as he says, "A blossoming relationship with the two strongest in the class."
You miss the way his eyes flash with disappointment, too absorbed in the fact that your crush wasn't outright denying his attraction to you in a disgusted manner.
Denki then uses his butt to nudge in-between the two of you, Bakugou grunting in protest as you just rolled your eyes, smile plastered on your face as you made room for your best friend.
"What are we watching?" He asks, looking at you and then Bakugou before the TV.
"Some romance movie, It got boring so I went on my phone." You shiver slightly, someone must've messed with the thermostat.
Both boys notice, but Bakugou is quicker in taking his sweater off and offering it to you, refusing to meet your eye as Denki's eyes widen, hands paused on the hem of his sweatshirt, before slowly taking them off and watching the exchange happen in front of him.
The movie ends quicker than he'd like, although the two of you did snicker and Denki made jokes in your ear about the characters and plot, sometimes even about the background character's hair.
His heart pangs, but he chalks it up to jealously, usually Denki gave his sweater to you.
Denki Kaminari's pride dosent allow him to admit that he stole glances to you as the movie continued, watching you snuggle into his sweater, breathing in his scent.
Denki's chest fills with disappointment everytime you look over to Bakugou to see if he found it amusing too, smiling brightly when you do catching him smiling slightly.
By the second movie Denki decides he can't take anymore and claims he's tired and heads to his dorm.
By your third year Denki's become a third wheel.
It was always Bakugou this, Bakugou that.
He had come to terms that he liked you in his second year, but unfortunately the day he was going to tell you he was met with you running down the hallway shrieking about how Bakugou asked you out.
Denki remembers how he felt, his throat itched and his chest hurt.
When visiting Recovery Girl, she only frowned and teared up slightly as she told him he had the early stages of Hanihaki disease and still had time to get it treated, at the expense of all his memories and feelings of you, beautiful you, or die of heartbreak.
He refuses with a pained smile and grabs his bag, slinging it over his shoulder as he trys not to tear up. Making his way to the boy's bathroom where he finally let it all go. He wasn't loud, no, his tears were silent as reality came crashing down around him.
He could never forget you, his whole life included you somehow. All of his birthday parties, his first kiss he had with you because "Denki, I need to get ready what if a boy kisses me and I'm a bad kisser."
He had made his mind up already, he was going to die.
He didn't leave the stall, feet propped up on the seat as he tucked his head into his knees, feeling them get soaked with tears.
'Oh God, Oh God. How do I tell everyone?' He shakes his head, if he told you he knows you would blame yourself.
It's later that night that he explains everything to Aizawa, sobbing into his teachers arms, shaking with the fear of dying. Aizawa let a couple tears loose too, his student, only in his second year, already sentenced to death over something he couldn't control.
And it was at the end of second year when the first petal was coughed up.
He was texting you, and it was when you send;
'I think I really love him Denki.' That the itch in his throat turned into pain, like needles scratching his insides as his chest and stomach burned.
He only made it to the sink, throwing up bloody petals, body heaving with exhaustion.
They were yellow, ironic right? You had told him your favorite colour was yellow, that it matched his hair and reminded you of him where ever you went. How utterly ironic that what used to be a comforting reminder turned painful in an instant. Reminding him that he would, in fact, die soon.
But Denki continued to go to class, even as his body started deteriorating and he frequently ran out of class making it to the toilet just in time to throw up more bloody yellow petals. He was as determined as ever to act like nothing was wrong.
Kaminari Denki would not cause burdans and pain to his other classmates, they had enough to worry about as it is.
In third year it got worse, he was unable to attend class, hunched over his dorm toilet as he heaved and heaved.
The class was told that Denki had contracted an illness and would get better soon. Aizawa knew that wasnt the case. In fact, every UA staff member knew about the unfortunate boy that fell in love too early.
You made an effort to visit his room, stopping outside his closed door to talk with him. Aizawa forbid everyone from going inside, Denki had told him that he didn't want anyone to see him like this, especially you.
At this point, living was exhausting. He hoped, wished for death to take him, but it refused. Letting him suffer at the edge for God knows how long as his parents and teachers begged him to get the surgery.
And he finally agreed. You see, the longer you have the disease, the less likely of a chance you have to live through the surgery. It was something like 10% when he was rolled into the surgery room on a cot, too weak to walk himself in.
You joined his family at the hospital, his mother wanting you there just in case you were the last thing he saw.
And you finally looked, Denki's eyes which used to sparkle with mischief and playful flirting, were dull, glassy, and unfocused. Almost like he didn't know what was going on.
He was thin, all the muscle that he had built for the hero course had withered away, leaving him almost literally, skin and bones. His skin was paler than it usually was, the healthy glow gone and replaced with sickly yellow tinge.
His hand shook as he waved, finally catching eye of you. And that's all it took for you to break, Denki's mom pulling you to her side crying with you, whispering comforting words into your hair.
"What's up beautiful?" He smiles thinly, lips chapped as he attempts to comfort you.
You sob harder, not knowing how to look at him in the eye while he was in this state.
Denki glances at his mom before continuing.
"Don't worry about me. Im strong y/n, you know me. Just give it a little time and I'll be back on my feet, running through the halls to get you to tie my tie."
He's trying to joke, of course he would. Selfless Denki, who was scared out of his mind of death, was comforting you and making sure you weren't scared on his behalf.
"I'll see you in a bit, I promise." With that he turned away from you, coughing up a yellow flower, wet with blood.
Denki's mom shielded your eyes, she knew he didn't want you to see him like this. Or worse, hate yourself for the feelings he couldn't control.
Denki never made it out of surgery.
The flatline echoed in your head, head filled with cotton, not even registering the screams of Denki's mom next to you.
The haunting screams of a mother who just lost her son.
You didn't attend school the rest of the week, barely talking and sleeping. The picture of Denki alone and scared as he took his final breath too much to bear.
His funeral was held later that month, a beautiful ceremony that all of his classmates, friends and teachers attended. You stood holding Bakugou's hand as tight as you could to keep your hand from shaking, grounding yourself.
It's only later that night, as you read a letter from Denki, words messy and shaky, explaining what had happened that you feel it.
A full scratch in your throat that led to coughing, and then shock as a bloody yellow petal sat heavy in your hand.
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