#it's insulting to sam honestly. why do his fans want him to be the most pathetic baby of a character. fanon sam i don't know her
angelsdean · 6 months
seeing a post abt how sam's early seasons anger is justified given the circumstances of his life + childhood trauma, and the post itself was fine, but then there's tags / reactions where people (samgirls / deancrits) will apply such a double standard when it comes to dean expressing any form of anger. sam's anger is good and righteous and makes sense given the circumstance, but then they'll look at dean who has also experienced a traumatic childhood + the trauma of parentification + all the trauma from being trapped in a literal horror show + hell trauma / michael possession trauma and think, "oh dean angry? dean yelling and not reacting properly to his compounding trauma? abuser! villain! controlling! bad guy!" like, everything they say to justify sam's anger and reactions to trauma also applies to dean. and why is it always a competition with samgirls / deancrits? sam does not have the monopoly on trauma / autonomy issues!! and if you think so you're really missing the point of this show. it's the trauma and autonomy issues show! it's the fighting for free will show! it's the, people trying to do their best in a world where it is far too easy to do your worst show! they all (dean, cas, sam, jack, etc) grapple with these issues and experience similar traumas. this isn't the trauma olympics show.
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murdockmeta · 10 days
hi, im new here (not to dd just to the tumblr sphere— why does everyone seem to hate zdarsky/checchetto? i really enjoyed the first part of zdarkys run and i adore checchetto’s art + design, so idk what i missed that makes everyone who comicsposts dislike it so much??
hm. this isn't the easiest question to answer. there's a LOT of different reasons as to why people disliked that run.
tbh I'll admit the first 20 or so issues of v6 are kind of okay. not impossible to read. it goes downhill fast after that, tho. very very downhill.
here's this post by @/xycuro-illuminati that does a good job of explaining why so many people disliked the run. here's my post on the ableism in zdarsky's writing. trust me you aren't the first person who's asked this question before
i'll give you a more general answer of my own opinion, tho
zdarsky's writing misses what most consider to be crucial points of Matt and Elektra's characters. with this, he entirely obliterates their characterization and that really pissed a lot of comics fans off.
i would consider volume 6 to be the beginning of the MCU-ification of dd. it is clear that at that point, some higher-ups were pushing for daredevil comics to become more like the show. the show was a MASSIVE hit and they wanted to cash in on that. so, they had the writers start shifting the comics and the characterization around to fit the show better.
this is where the problem lies. it is insulting, honestly, to ignore the past 50 plus years of writing for matt's character to shift it into something that will be more palatable to live actions fans just so marvel can get a good payday.
the most glaringly noticeable part of this is - the catholicism. the live action show makes a big deal out of matt being catholic when this was never really the case in the comics. while matt being religious and catholic are present in matt's background in the comics, it's not even close to being a big part of the character.
one of the main things that makes matt so compelling as a character is his morality, his integrity. he upholds his moral code relentlessly because he believes it is the right thing to do. he believes everyone deserves a second chance no matter what. in zdarsky's run and in the show, matt's reason for upholding his moral code is tied to his religious beliefs.
here's a good post on the origins of catholicism being related to matt's character and how it differs from the show and why it is such an injustice to tie matt's morality to his religion.
it's really really hard to articulate every single thing that's wrong with zdarsky's run while also giving you a thorough explanation.
i could tell you about how zdarsky's original plot was focused around matt's guilt when he accidentally kills someone but... matt's killed people before. he killed someone in his very first issue. ever. he was chasing after the man who was responsible for his father's murder and scared him so badly the man had a heart attack and died.
all of zdarsky's plots and subplots are all things that have been done over and over, he just writes it worse.
i could tell you about how shitty checchetto's art is. he can't draw women. or fat people (foggy fans deserve reparations). toward the end of the run he gets ESPECIALLY sloppy. he whitewashed kirsten and sam.
i could tell you about how zdarsky wrecked elektra's character. he completely ignored her origins and the character development she's had over the course of decades of writing just to slap some random retconned backstory onto her.
theres so. many. things.
i got into the comics through the show. when I started reading the comics I honestly perceived comics matt and show matt as two entirely different characters because they just felt so incredibly separate from one another. it is not that there are zero similarities, but their reasons for WHY they are the way that they are diverge wildly from each other
i dont know how else to put it except to say this. when I read zdarsky's run, I do not feel like I'm reading about Matt Murdock. it doesn't feel like matt, it doesn't feel like daredevil. it feels like an entirely new character that I do not know.
to fully explain to you why i feel that way would take a damn book. i realize that my answer isn't at all comprehensive and some parts are probably confusing but it is impossible to pick a start and end point. that's just not matt. that's it.
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eisforeidolon · 1 year
The issue with people upset by the prequel is that it’s basically a wound that keeps getting picked at every time another OG Cast member joins the show and Jared is still not there. I have to be honest, I don’t like Jensen as quite as much as I did before the prequel situation, BUT I still enjoy seeing him in stuff. Honestly, I don’t see how the finale made the situation any worse. No one truly thought Jared would be in it. Sam was the reason for Dean turning up again at the end. It could have been worse. I think people are allowed to be upset about the show, but Jensen didn’t newly kick their puppies.
I get that to some it feels like a slap or a throw away line about Sam, but it would have been worse if he wasn’t mentioned at all. Jensen could have asked Jared to make a cameo and maybe he said no. I don’t really think that happened, but I can’t, and don’t want to, waste any more energy being upset by a show , or the behind the scenes of a show, when I’ll never be able to know the full true story anyway.
I think Jensen truly has made a mistake in how he handled the not-really-a prequel, and I don’t think he came off looking great from a personal or professional POV. But, he’s also gotten more visibility with The Boys and an ABC show. So, it’s not like he’s destitute now or something. I don’t think he’s in any danger of not working.
People have lost the art of seeing nuance in people and situations. It’s all black and white. Jared is a monster. Jensen is the devil. Jared is my sweet meow meow. Jensen is perfect. Most people aren’t all good or all bad, and sometimes they can do crappy things while still being a decent person at their core.
Can people just chill the F out?
I wish, but I don't expect it to happen.
I have no interest in defending the prequel generally, not least because I don't understand basically ... any ... of the decisions made in doing it. Like my reaction to nearly all of it has been, "But why, though?". So someone not liking Jensen anymore or liking him less than before over it? Eh, fair enough.
However, still going on about how Jensen is an evil backstabber trying to "erase" Sam literal years later when he sorted it out with Jared in a day is just ... something else. Including acting offended all anew because there really wasn't - IMO - an obviously better way to bring Sam into that finale without a Jared appearance he may not have wanted or been able to do for any number of reasons. As much as certain Jensen stans and hellers are trying to deny it, the underlying motivation for Dean was explicitly said to be protecting Sam. Like I see no real difference between acting like it's some pointed insult Dean went on an adventure without Sam and acting like it was some pointed insult Sam lived longer than Dean in the finale.
Likewise trying to insist all Jensen's other projects are laughable failures and he's clearly desperate for work because ... obviously nobody would choose to do more than one thing after doing the same show for 15 years! There are plenty of other actors both more and less successful than Jared and Jensen, so the obsession with continuing to pit them against each other when they clearly aren't following the same path anymore is just ... silly stan bullshit.
Yes, being the lead of a weekly show and an EP of that show and another is impressive on any network. Yes, The Boys is a buzzy streaming show and even a supporting role on ABC means new audience and networking opportunities. Sneering at either is ridiculous. Both of these guys could probably retire tomorrow if they wanted off SPN money, but lucky for us? They're still creating things for their fans to enjoy - but for stans, that's not good enough. One of them has to be crushing the other because their not!fave is an unforgivable terrible horrible no good very bad person that will get his just desserts if they just talk enough shit. 🙄
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woundlingus · 1 month
can i ask why you hate wayward sisters?
First and foremost, because I know a lot of people feel this way about wayward sisters, it’s got nothing to do with a general disinterest in seeing a woman led cast in the supernatural universe, believing that there cannot be a Supernatural without Sam&Dean, and nothing to do with not wanting success for the girls and the pilot.
I was really excited when they first announced it because I was a huge fan of Jody and Donna and their gaggle of hunter girls, personally my favourite was Alex- maybe because she’s a little Sam coded with wanting to go to medical school and be normal and I’m just really captivated by her origin story as vampire bait. The bitterness came later when it was all for nothing because it never got picked up, behind closed doors it was likely already slammed down by The CW because we know from interviews the president has said he doesn’t think people would care about a show without Sam and Dean, and then to add insult to injury they aired one more wayward sisters relevant episode after the fact.
Most people think of wayward sisters as that one episode, the true pilot episode but that’s not really the case,
You have Patience; where they kill off a very beloved season one character, Missouri, for the character development of a character who would never be relevant again which is both a waste and lazy writing because why should I care about Patience grieving when I don’t even know her? There’s nothing driving a connection here between me and this character other than a one hit wonder from the early days and then they just kill the only interesting thing about the girl before it has time to blossom into something better and tragic.
Then it’s The Bad Place; which is the introduction to Kaia- because every girl we don’t know need their own episode apparently. We didn’t know Sam and Dean and yet they made a perfectly captivating pilot episode where it explored them enough as characters to make them interesting right then and there… but I digress. This is Episode NINE, and Jack only now makes his return to the screen because he’s relevant to move the plot of a different show along. And again, like Patience I just don’t care about Kaia’s struggles because I do not know her as a character, they’ve just thrown her at the audience already laid bare as if that’s meant to make her interesting when it’s made her so flat with no intrigue.
THEN, it’s Wayward Sisters. I just hate the premise of this being an AU thing, like the girls have to go away lest whatever insane bullshit the writers want to throw at them is going to conflict with the world ending drama of the Winchesters. There is nothing particularly interesting about the bad place, it’s an empty forest and sometimes there’s spooky noises in the background, it’s just purgatory with a different colour filter.
Then it fails, and then it’s ANOTHER WAYWARD SISTERS EPISODE! It’s Donna and her niece who never became plot relevant enough for anyone to remember she’s supposed to be in the gang! At least this one is fun because Sam is going to get sold on the black market I guess?
This was the mid season finale in a show that is very clearly entering its last stages of life. They used nearly the entire front half of season 13 to pitch a show that never happened. Could you imagine the kinds of interesting things that could’ve happened in all that time? Maybe something relevant to Jack, or Mary, since those are two characters I want to like very badly and I just can’t sometimes because they weren’t very interesting in season 13. Because they didn’t get a chance to be before they were thrown away. Jack is the big plot, he’s there, then they throw him away, then they bring him back for another show and use that show to throw him away again.
Also, honestly? I don’t really like the girls, but not how you think. It’s nothing to do with being a woman hater, I know it sounds like that when there’s absolutely nothing interesting about some of the male characters I like (*cough* Asmodeus and Loki *cough*) and yet I’ll make huge elaborate headcanons and adore them, but it’s the being a woman myself that makes them harder to stand. A guy being a loser? Whatever. Those women being characterised as motherly angel saints who have a gentle and tender blooming WLW relationships and they’ll coyly hold hands and be chaste lovers, but don’t forget they’re GirlBosses, and they all dress in flannel because they’re just so super tough! But also they all have to wear a full face of makeup to fight vampires! It’s different, because I’m watching that and I know there’s not a hint of irony in it and the writers have written them like that not because they’re being lazy or they’re hacks, but because that’s how they actually see women, that’s what they think women want to see. When a guy character sucks he just sucks, when a woman sucks I can see the misogyny that went into writing her and I don’t want to look. Jody and Donna are Sam and Dean’s peers and I think maybe even younger than them and yet they’re motherly and tender through the horrors. Claire hasn’t had a moment of peace since she was like five years old where she was possessed by an angel who knew her mind couldn’t comprehend consent and used her to kill people, then took her father again and tore her family apart, and then they just take all the teeth out of her bite and make her snappy and quick witted instead because there always needs to be plausible deniability about whether or not a character might dislike the Winchesters because they’re just the specialist little boys ever! It’s the potential that upsets me, it’s that we could’ve really had a female led hunting show and it failed from the jump because they were not writing interesting and complex characters, it’s the same grief I have with Mary that they’ve taken all the complexities about being a hunter and the horrors of what you have to do to survive and they’ve taken the teeth out of these women to make them flatter and more placid characters out of I guess fear of upsetting the male characters? Fear of letting a woman take up space and be loud? It’s not like they can’t be those things and also interesting, Jo and Ellen were interesting, the writers here just don’t care for the women and their relationships they’re writing, they’re just throwing shit at paper and hoping to make bank off women.
It wasn’t one episode and I’m kinda just bitter, it was four episodes about people we never really see again in a season filled with a LOT of things that were insanely interesting to me if my entire blog doesn’t give that away, I’m a little crazed about s13. It was just a massive waste to think about the characterisation time and plot development and relationship building that could’ve been done for characters that actually mattered this season, especially when this is the one where they’re actually going to have Michael V Lucifer. You’d think that would be a bigger deal than it was.
In a season filled with so much already, they dedicated four episodes to a show that doesn’t exist, and the vast majority of plots in the main storyline suffered for it by being incomplete, jarring, or lacklustre.
At least Jensen had the balls to make The Winchesters stand on its own two feet, I guess I have to give him respect for that. Could you imagine if the finale to the show was his back door pilot?
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mittensmorgul · 3 years
it’s a bummer to see you can’t enjoy the ending. I hope someday you can come around it it. It wasn’t perfect but it didn’t nuke its integrity. i think the heart of the show really shines through and it’s a shame that it’s not being appreciated bc there’s so much shipping drama 😣
Hi there!
I... first of, I really need people to understand this... the travesty of the finale for me has almost nothing to do with “shipping drama.”
Yes, I see the wild conspiracy theories flying around, and I’m honestly concerned for some of those folks and hope they can find a way to make peace with this in whatever way they can, because we aren’t likely to ever get a better answer than that this is legitimately the ending that Dabb thought was best, despite years of us seeing the best of his writing choices and guiding Sam, Dean, and Cas to grow past the roles that Chuck would’ve forced them to fulfill, and that at the end it fell flat because he couldn’t actually come up with a better ending than “this was always their destiny, free will is a lie, and these characters had nothing outside of the revenge quest they’d been raised for since birth and manipulated into over and over for the entertainment of a vengeful god.”
I can see how “surface level” viewers would feel that this one basic narrative point was satisfying, that Sam and Dean had grown beyond their own hopeless cycle of self-sacrifice that had driven the narrative for so many years. The fact that they both acknowledged that they should allow their stories to end in that way was satisfying... but only in the shallowest and most detached read of the narrative. Like, is this really the ONLY thing these two characters learned in the last 15 years? If so, that is BEYOND depressing af.
And even THAT message lost all narrative weight when the two of them were once again reunited in death, as if nothing else had ever mattered in their lives. As if neither of them had ever outgrown the codependency that had driven so many of those previous self-sacrifices and refusals to let go of each other even in death.
So yeah, in the absolute most basic sense, I suppose I can see how casual viewers or people who aren’t actually invested in these characters could find that at least narratively coming back to a starting point.
But narratives don’t actually work that way, and that’s not the point of watching fifteen years of story develop in between.
This story wasn’t JUST about Sam and Dean needing to accept that death might be okay actually.
This story was also about free will, fighting for humanity as a whole but also their OWN humanity and self-identities. In Dean’s case, the absolutely transformative growth from feeling like nothing but a hammer, a killer, a tool to be used. And then less than an episode and a half later, after finally accepting that truth into his heart and using it to defeat the original creator and reclaim the story of his own life for himself... he gets pied in the face after flippantly talking about his destiny and having no choice, and then three scenes later he literally dies impaled on a great big nail... like a hammer...
So I would kindly ask folks who feel satisfied by that shallowest possible takeaway of this episode, and maybe invite folks to look just under that surface. Try to understand why loads of us will NEVER feel satisfied with this ending, and why it truly does feel like the most hopeless version of the story. Like even in defeating Chuck, they could never be allowed to own their own stories and what happened to them after that point was just a twisted version of the “destiny” that drove Chuck’s entire plotline for them anyway.
Please understand where we’re seeing this as horrifically painful irony rather than some beautiful circular narrative about letting go.
For a lot of us, the shipping stuff would’ve been the cherry on top of the sundae. We would’ve been happy with a scoop of plain vanilla, though. We would’ve been happy for anything that honored the journey to freedom, and the choice at any sort of a different life of their own making than literally falling back on a nail fighting off one of John’s unresolved hunts and a vampire who had literally never been named in canon before, yet who Dean instantly recognized somehow... 
but sure, for those of us who felt that “the heart of the show” was all the stuff that the finale actually erased-- that “family don’t end in blood,” and that this was actually not a show about just two brothers but the love of their found family and coming to terms with the choices they actually HAD made for themselves versus the narrative that Chuck kept centering them in DESPITE what they would choose for themselves, the finale basically told us no, everything you ever found of value in this story actually meant nothing. It told us that Chuck’s story for them was their only truth in the end, and their only freedom was to be found in death.
Please, I am begging people, stop trying to gaslight us that this was some beautiful ending. Maybe think for a second that “your read” of the narrative that allows you to find peace with the ending is not what we saw and loved about this story for the 326 episodes leading up to this finale.
And please try to understand that we were not wrong to see the entire narrative through this lens. Because we were literally validated IN CANON, and told that we understood the depth of the story and the characters just fine, actually. There’s literally ONE episode of the entire series that burns it all down in a bewildering pile of wtf. And that’s #327. That throws that entire read out the window to well actually us all back into Chuck’s literal ending... This was literally the ending Chuck wanted to force them to enact for him, and it’s what ended up happening even after they defeated him-- the ultimate Big Bad of the entire series should’ve been defeated, but instead he pulled off one final victory over the entire story.
Becky: No. You can't-- Chuck: I did. Becky: Y- This is just an ending. Chuck: Yeah. I don't know how I'm gonna get there, but I know where I'm goin'. Becky: B-But it's so... dark. Chuck: But great, right? I can see it now -- "Supernatural: The End". And the cover is just a gravestone that says "Winchester". The fans are gonna love it. Well? Becky: It's awful! Horrible. It's hopeless. You can't do this to the fans. What you did to Dean? What you did to Sam? Chuck: There, see? It's making you feel something. That's good, right?
Dean: Well, what now? You're not gonna dust us. Chuck: Oh, yeah? Why not? Dean: Because you're holding out. For your big finish. Yeah, we know about your galaxy-brained idea, how you think this story is gonna go. Sam got a little look into your draft folder. Chuck: Sam's visions -- they weren't drafts. They were memories. My memories. Other Sams and other Deans in other worlds. But guess what. Just like you, they didn't think they'd do it, either. But they did. And you will, too. Dean: No. Not this Sam. And not this Dean. So you go back to Earth 2 and play with your other toys. Because we will never give you the ending that you want. Chuck: We'll see.
And even in DEFEAT Chuck thought he understood these characters, thought that having rendered him powerless they would finally take their revenge and kill him, but they didn’t, because he never actually understood these characters at all. And the story he tried to force them into from day one was never about THEM, it was about HIM. 
And then Dean gets like two whole days of freedom and choice and is apparently incapable of making any of the choices that don’t throw him immediately back into Chuck’s favorite story. Like none of that resolution in the previous episode meant anything at all. He even SAYS it in the finale:
Dean: Yeah, no. I think about 'em, too. You know what? That pain's not gonna go away. Right? But if we don't keep living, then all that sacrifice is gonna be for nothing.
And then two scenes later the show gives us the Nelson Muntz HA HA and Dean is no longer living, and Sam is left to carry on as a shell of himself and wander off into Blurry Wife Land to devote any even remotely content moment of the rest of his years to raising a  Replacement Dean to fill the void, and is never able to pick up the pen to write anything better of his own life than Chuck would’ve dealt him in the first place.
So I’m glad that top-layer takeaway is sustaining and enough for you. It wasn’t, and will never be enough for the rest of us.
What was actually real in all of this? We were.
Until we weren’t.
And that’s honestly a shit message to be pushing on people in the wake of it all. So please stop.
I should actually thank you for the kind intent with which your message is phrased, but that doesn’t make it feel less hilariously awful. Though I chose this one to reply to as the least insulting of all the messages currently in my inbox on this subject. So thanks for that, at least.
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anika-ann · 3 years
3+1 (Un)Wanted Mistletoe Encounters
Type: One-shot, Reader Insert               Word count: 4200
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary:  Kissing under the mistletoe is one of the most famous Christmas traditions; so obviously, it is not Christmas without it at the Tower.
Unfortunately for the occupants, you are not fond of the tradition – at all. 
...or are you?
Warnings: cliché trope, pushy Pietro, discussion of dub-con I guess, language, fluff
A/N: Idea born from this video where John Mulaney says: “If any decoration needs to be MeToo’ed…” and goes on.
Beatiful divider by firefly-graphics
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You were no Grinch.
In fact, you actually liked Christmas and the Holiday season, you enjoyed both giving and receiving and you appreciated when people found time to spend it together, whether in their own family circle or with their chosen one.
But. There was one significant ‘but’.
And with this being your first Christmas with the Avengers, Sam Wilson was about to learn about the said but first-hand, because that sweet kind-hearted dumbass with a sass streak walked right into it.
Quite literally.
December 23th, you woke up well-rested, got breakfast, wrapped several presents and were on your way to hunt down a lunch in the communal kitchen, when a voice stopped you in the doorway, where you nearly ran into Sam. Nearly.
“Ah-oh,” he hummed, a shit-eating grin spreading on his handsome face and you stopped dead in your tracks, frowning at the ominous sound.
And then came the fateful words: “You’re standing under a mistletoe.”
You see, here was a thing; the tradition of hanging a mistletoe and meeting people under it by chance as an excuse to get a kiss from someone was… stupid. Downright idiotic. Pushing people into something they didn’t have a chance to back out from. Forced affection.
Yeah, that was not happening even if Sam was a real swell guy and you did find a newly hung mistletoe above your heads indeed as you briefly looked up to check if his words were true.
“Okay. And?”
His eyebrows rose in surprise, his tone turning slightly wavering.
“…And so am I?”
“And?” you continued, crossing your arms on your chest defensively, already preparing a rant that would hopefully spread like wildfire and ended this dumb tradition altogether. Or well, at least spread around the Tower so no one would ever try to corner you again.
“Really?” Sam deadpanned and you stared right back at him, your face probably displaying precisely how you felt; unimpressed.
“Yes, really,” you emphasized and pointed up at the offensive plant for a good measure. “This is a stupid concept, objectifying people, women especially. It’s about people being forced into showing affection they might not even feel. It’s bordering on a damn dub-con if not non-con.”
Sam blinked a few times, instinctively retreating as he felt you heating up. He raised his hands in a no-harm gesture to show he got your point.
But you were already on roll and you glimpsed Tony in the kitchen, so you thought that there was no harm in him hearing your speech too, just to make sure that the smug loveable bastard of a billionaire got the message as well.
“It’s like all those poor kids being asked why don’t you give your granny a hug before we go and a kiss to your granddad— well, it’s because I don’t want to and it’s my choice to give affection to someone! And now this thing, this is the tip of the iceberg, really, the last fucking drop- it needs to be Me Too’ed, I swear.”
You found yourself panting as you finished, your hands on your hips now – not that you realized you had put them there – and your belly hot and angry for some inexplicable reason; maybe it was the fact that it was Sam, amazing, friendly and understanding Sam Wilson, who had to go and point this stupid poisonous plant out for you; and have the audacity to ask for a kiss.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” he apologized sincerely, voice kind and without any hint of hurt or mockery. “It won’t happen again. I see that you might have a point in this.”
All the fight instantly left your body, replaced by warmth of friendship, mingling with a shiver of shame for your quick judgement and outburst. You sighed, easing your posture and offering and apologetic smile in return.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make a big deal of that-“
“No, it’s fine. Like I said, you’re kinda right.”
“Damn right I am,” you hummed, feeling the corners of your lips rise automatically as Sam chuckled and shook his head at your antics.
But hey – you were right. You were not sorry for that.
Still snickering to himself, Sam sidestepped you in the door and patted your shoulder.
As you continued your path as well, you would swear you heard Tony mutter under his breath that you were a Grinch.
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“Hey! Don’t I get a kiss?” Clint called out a complaint as you met both stepped into that damn doorway at the same time.
As he pointed up, all you could do was to sigh, close your eyes and count to ten.
It had only been like four hours maybe; perhaps the word hadn’t gotten to him yet that you were not a fan of making out with random people – even if they were family – just because it was Christmas; or as Tony had put it, that you were a Grinch.
Personally, you thought that his insult had been inaccurate; you had given it a thought. Maybe you were more of a Scrooge. Perhaps you should tell him next time you saw him, just to see his face; Tony did pride in his ability to come up with witty nicknames.
You almost spitted out Bah, humbug now, just because.
“No, you don’t,” you said flatly instead, causing Clint’s jaw to quite literally drop as he looked at you with indignation and horror in his eyes.
“But--- but- mistletoe!” he stuttered and you sighed, deciding to explain it to him too – patiently.
“Why should some stupid plant tell me when someone is worth my affection? Someone who allegedly deserved it by simply standing under the same plant as me, no less? Get. Out. Not happening.”
You winced a bit as you registered the snappy tone you used.
Well. Half of the task of explaining it to him patiently went right, you’d call that a success, you supposed.
The poor archer just blinked, staring at you dumbfounded and mildly hurt; as if you had just told him that Santa Claus was nothing but a trick. Phew, as if you were that heartless…
Just-- logic. In fact, you had given this tradition a generous amount of thought since your last encounter under it and you figured out where it came from, historical inaccuracy be damned.
“I mean, where did the idea even come from? I bet it was just because some dude saw another guy mouth-to-mouth a girl, who happened to eat some of this poisonous parasite, may I add, and she was dying, so he gave her rescue breaths before continuing CPR. And the dude thought, that’s a great idea! Let’s make this a habit, just without the poisoning! Yeah, no. You’re not getting a kiss, Clinton,” you finished, satisfied with yourself as you managed to sound calmer this time.
Also, you were kinda proud of yourself for coming up with this story; it seemed very likely.
“That’s, uhm… an interesting take on history,” Clint hummed, watching you with uncertainty and hesitance and your heart stumbled in your chest as you guessed he was about to say something… cheeky, and outraging, in his cute brotherly way. “I need a hug at least tho.”
There we go.
“Nice try.”
You smirked and sidestepped him to be on your way and almost bumped into Steve, quickly shooting him a smile and disappearing out of sight before a silly idea about him and the stupid plant could form in your head – that would be bad and highly inappropriate, as was your crush on him, not to even mention your feelings—bah -!
“What did you do to her?” you heard the sweet supersoldier ask, a hint of accusation in his voice. Your smile widened, heat rising to your cheeks. Always so chivalrous; your heart could fucking melt.
“I asked for a hug after she refused to give me a kiss under a mistletoe,” Clint ratted you out, still hurt and honestly confused.
You stopped in your tracks as you rounded a corner, chewing on your lip guiltily.
Poor Clint; perhaps you had gone too hard on him… he couldn’t have known. You had to be kinder about it next time – after all, you might have been with them for almost a year now and they made you feel like you fit despite being so-so late to the Avengers party, but all of you still had things to learn about each other.
“Ah, you haven’t heard from Sam. Sorry,” Steve’s voice reached your ear, a notch kinder than before, compassionate even.
Compassion; another quality of Steve’s that you loved-
Bah, HUMBUG, that is not that, the L word is a bit much, that is not what’s happening-
“Wait, you knew- oh… Yeah, a heads-up would be nice,” Clint grumbled and made a pregnant pause, the sign of another prefect line coming. You held your breath in anticipation. “So are you gonna give me a hug or should I just get coffee, aka the hug in a cup-“
You held back laugher and swallowed the fondness for the good-natured archer before you could rush back and give him the damn hug.
“Coffee’s always a safe choice,” Steve replied and you thought you heard a chuckle and a grunt, unable to supress a giggle as you jogged away before they could notice you were still within hearing range.
Clint’s following monologue faded away as you walked.
“Nobody likes me. Nobody. I’m gonna die alone, surrounded by people who are too emotionally constipated to give a man a damn hug…”
Yeah, maybe you should give him a hug next time you saw him… no mistletoe though.
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You truly believed that that would be the end of it; after all, a day had passed since the first incident, the incident that was left without a kiss, and you doubted anyone was out of the loop at this point.
That was stupid of you. Naïve even. You jinxed it.
You were just after light breakfast, ready to get a little work out in – complete with tacky remixes of Christmas songs prepared to cheer you up – when the supposedly fastest man in the Tower, and possibly the whole world, pretty much bumped into you.
And he had to bump into you just as you were walking through that fucking doorway with that fucking plant which you were supposed to put down right after the encounter with Sam, dammit.
But no, you didn’t want to ruin everyone else’s fun; in fact, Clint had taken it his personal mission to meet as many people as he could under the mistletoe to get a kiss… or a hug. Wanda hapilly shared affection with others, either kissing their cheek of hugging them. People were having fun.
So, obviously, you let it be, confident everyone knew better than to corner you.
No good deed ever went unpunished, especially in the Holiday season.
Pietro grinned as he spotted you, downright delighted, and spread his arms almost as if creating a cage around you, leaving very little room to escape.
You did not like that.
“A kiss for a guy who caught you under a mistletoe?” he hummed warmly with a sprinkle of cheek and despite his cheery demeanour, you couldn’t help yourself and rolled your eyes.
“In your dreams, Maximoff,” you huffed, trying to duck under his arm, only for him to move it so quickly it was only a blur to you.
Quick to move, slow to take a hint. Yep, that kind of behaviour had Pietro written all over it… Okay, now you were being mean, but he was being an ass, grinning wider and adding a wink to the mix, so it was only fair.
“How did you know? I thought it was just my sister who was telepathic?”
“Pietro, leave her alone,” Wanda spoke as if on cue, eyeing her brother with a frown from her spot behind the counter where she was trying to figure out a recipe for a special Christmas pastry from her old country.
A hint of a pout appeared on Pietro’s lips as he reciprocated Wanda’s gaze; unfortunately for you, he was still aware enough of you attempting to escape his cage, so far without using force; though you were inclined to violence should it be necessary.
“What?! It’s tradition! I thought Americans loved that!”
“Well, not all of us, so-“ you explained with a sigh, catching a glimpse of Steve as he now looked up from his spot on the couch where he had been nestled with a sketchbook for the past twenty minutes.
“I could kiss you before you even notice,” Pietro argued smugly, his expression earning a wolf-like edge as you glared back at him.
Well, it seemed your workout was just about to start, you thought, as you balled your hand into a fist, subtly testing the readiness of the muscles of your leg, prepared to kick the damn man-child to his shin or worse.
“She said no.”
Both your and Pietro’s heads snapped to Steve, who was watching the other man with intense displeasure, all complete with the mildly adorable wrinkle on his forehead – a sign of disappointment and irritation – and a voice that carried the gravity of a Captain’s order.
Which in this situation stirred something in your belly, warmth swelling in your chest as he rushed to your rescue; one not needed, but still appreciated. You didn’t react to Steve’s words aside from giving him a quick grateful smile and shooting Pietro a childish told-you-so look.
“She doesn’t have to do things just because it’s considered a tradition. Leave her be, Pietro,” Steve added, less snappy and simply requesting from the speedster to have a tiny bit of respect for your wishes.
Pietro was most definitely pouting now, but he dropped his arms and released you, still blocking the doorway.
“This is ridiculous,” Pietro muttered under his breath, only for you to hear and you gritted your teeth, irritation spiking again.
“You are being ridiculous. Now move or I swear I’ll slap you.”
“I’d like to see you try, Eagle.”
Oh, we’re doing nicknames now? He could use your title earned by being fast and occasionally deadly all he wanted, flattery would get him nowhere at this point.
“Wouldn’t even see it coming, Speedyboy,” you challenged, chin raised in defiance.
It was ironic, really, how much everyone seemed to insist on following this stupid tradition, even with you. At this point, it was practically everyone but Steve; everyone but the one person you’d be willing to kiss – mistletoe or not, though the plant would at least give you an excuse.
But nope, you just had to get stuck in the doorway with this moron instead.
“Ooookay, you two,” Natasha sing-sang, as she was approaching you from the corridor; you completely missed her arriving, that was how much Pietro irritated you. “Maximoff, move, you’re blocking the doorway. And if you corner her like this again, I’ll kill you in your sleep and you’ll never see that coming,” she promised, voice icily serious despite the twinkle in her eye.
You had no doubt she would deliver just what she promised.
Which was exactly why you leaned over to kiss her cheek, earning a brilliant smile from her and a light brush of her lips against your own cheek.
“Thanks, kotenok,” she hummed just as Pietro gaped and complained.
“That’s so unfair.”
You smirked at him, throwing the smugness he had treated you with right back at him as you went to walk away.
“I give affection to whoever I want and whenever I want. Let your super quick brain process that. Happy Holidays.”
You completely missed the slow smile that spread on Wanda’s face at one point of the whole exchange.
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You decided to stop walking through that damn doorway altogether – just in case.
But at the moment, no one was around, so you made an exception since you considered yourself safe. Though main part of the feeling of security was that you didn’t think there was anyone left of the Tower tenants (who didn’t pay rent at all, somehow) who wasn’t aware of your opinion on the dumb tradition. No one who would be stupid enough to try.
Yet, when you glimpsed a large figure about to walk through the doorway just as you were few feet from it, you halted in your steps, letting them pass first.
And then there was a gust of wind, a warning coming a second too late and a harsh push to your shoulder from behind.
“Running through!”
You, the newest addition to the Earth’s mightiest heroes, Eagle, known for her quick reactions and not losing her cool easily, only managed to yelp in fright as you were knocked over, unable to hold onto anything and falling straight to the ground.
Two strong hands caught you and pulled you back up before you could hit the floor and you gasped, head spinning from the swift movements-- only to blink your eyes open to meet the prettiest pair of eyes you had ever seen; determined, kind, compassionate, loveable. And so damn blue despite the drop of green in their irises.
Your heart was trying to beat its way out of your ribcage as Steve instinctively pressed his chest against yours, holding you close and secure, grasp firm but careful.
Your gaze couldn’t but wander all over his face as you found yourself in such close quarters with him, his own eyes and his lips – gosh, those lips – working as magnets, always alluring your gaze to linger.
“You okay?”
Mesmerized, you watched those lips to move, barely comprehending what he was asking. His voice was warm; honey sweet and rich in spice, delicious, causing your stomach to flip pleasantly, your heart stammer.
It might have taken you a while to stutter out a reply, but no one ever needed to know about that.
“Uhm… yeah. Thanks-- thanks to you… thank you.”
Steve graced you with a small but no less meaningful smile. “Of course.”
Torturously slowly – as if he didn’t want to let you go any more than you wanted him to – he helped you stand straight and let go of your arms.
The moment you lost his touch, you lost your sanity too. You must have.
Before you could change your mind – or to think anything through – you leaned back to him and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. And perhaps on instinct, you kinda aimed more for the corner of his mouth than the cheek.
He felt warm now too – the tips of his ears turned red in an instant and you, with horror, finally realized what you had done; and just how good it felt to finally show at least a little of what you had been trying to ignore and hide for so long.
Despite his apparent surprise and mild embarrassment, his smile widened a fraction, turning pleased.
“What was that for?” he asked lowly, gaze intense as he studied your face, a hint of a glow in his eyes, something brighter than hadn’t been there before. Hope, maybe?
You certainly hoped. Because you just made an ass of yourself, having acted without thought… and it never felt so good and so awkward at the same time.
Your brain had never been so quick and dumb to come up with a poor excuse either.
“We’re…. we’re under a mistletoe?” you offered reluctantly, your lips still burning after the brief contact with his, head once again nearly spinning due to the proximity – was it just the dizziness or was he leaning in closer?
“I thought you didn’t follow that tradition,” Steve hummed with a grin slowly spreading on his face and through the fog of lovesickness, it finally dawned to you.
You had done exactly what you scolded Sam, Clint and Pietro for – you just went and kissed Steve, no questions asked, no consideration of his possible discomfort.
God, you were such an idiot!
See, that’s why you have banned yourself for as much as imagining kissing Steve and meeting him under the mistletoe! Because when your brain went down that road, it stopped working altogether!
You swiftly retreated a few inches, horrified.
“I—I don’t. I mean. I-- I-I’m so sorry!” you blurted out, words spilling from your lips as the panic rose in your chest. And yet, there was warmth, a pleasant feeling coiling in your belly, breaths coming out short as Steve seemed to erase the distance you had created, his gaze studying you, landing on your mouth. “I shouldn’t have done that! What was I thinking—gosh, I didn’t want to make you-“
You stopped as Steve’s lips kept erasing the distance and ended up a breath from touching yours, tempting, his eyes shining bright with a simple unspoken question. You instinctively licked your lips, heart stumbling in your ribcage.  
“---uncomfortable. Yes, please-“
And then he was kissing you, a little smile playing on his lips as they danced with yours, sweet and soft, hand moving to your nape, thumb caressing the side crook of your neck, drawing a content sigh from you as your eyes fluttered shut, letting you sink into the kiss you had been craving for almost a year.
Your hands sought out his shoulders as he cradled your face, gentle and guiding so he could take more and all you wanted was to give it to him, give him everything he asked for and take it from him too.
Your toes definitely curled in the thick fluffy socks you wore when his fingers squeezed your nape briefly before he withdrew – as if he once again didn’t want to let go for something so boring as oxygen. You wholeheartedly agreed with that sentiment, dizzy from the blissful turn of events.
As you inhaled nevertheless, you were grateful that Steve stayed close enough for you to breathe in him, relieved and delighted smile on your face as you licked your lips, savouring the sensation.
When you met his gaze, you saw nothing but fondness; and your heart could melt.
Steve liked you too. Steve kissed you like he meant it. Now you could die a happy woman but you rather not. You’d rather kiss him again if he was willing.
“Still sorry I did it without asking first,” you whispered an apology even though you were not sorry at all since it led to this.
“It’s okay. I just hope it wasn’t just the tradition that pushed you into kissing back.”
You chuckled and then chewed on your lower lip when thinking of a propriate retort, not missing that his eyes followed the action. Oh, he definitely liked to back, okay. Why had you never kissed before, again?
“I only give affection to whoever I want, whenever I want,” you threw back at him, the words that had a whole new meaning in contrast to when being told to Pietro; not a turn-down, quite the opposite in fact.
And you leaned in, greedy for at least one more kiss, Steve just watched you with a smile, eyes flickering to your lips.
“That’s good to know.”
He didn’t sound like he complained at being at the receiving end of your affection whatsoever.
Maybe, mistletoe wasn’t so stupid after all…
Three rooms over, the red-haired witch was smiling widely as she, thanks to her mental powers, caught a glimpse of what was happening in the kitchen doorway.
“It worked,” she announced, blinking to fully return herself to the present. “Nice work this time, brat moy.”
Pietro scowled at Wanda and couldn’t but wonder about the plan she had orchestrated and asked him to execute.
“How did you know, sestra?”
Wanda just shrugged.
“I had my suspicions before. But when you ran into her the last time, I checked her mind to see just how uncomfortable you made her,” she explained, giving one more scolding glare for his inappropriate behaviour. But well, it led to this and he helped now, so… he was good. “She literally thought she wouldn’t mind being under the mistletoe with the Captain.”
“Lucky bastard,” Pietro muttered, expression only half-sour.
“Shush. Be happy for your teammates. You just flirt anyway.”
The speedster pouted, but didn’t protest; he in fact was happy for the two members of the extended family him and his sister had found. And he indeed was only flirting, enjoying your reactions, talking back and teasing. It was all good fun and he did wish you and the Captain well…
“Well, yeah, but now I won’t be able to do that or to look at her twice. Not without Captain having my head,” he grumbled and Wanda nodded with a grin, not feeling all that bad for him.
It wasn’t like he had his heart broken – more like had his ego tickled; and he had been needing some of that for a while.
“That’s true. Looks like you gotta be faster with the next girl you get your eye on, brat.”
The speedster gasped, shocked at her audacity. “I’ll show you fast-!”
Wanda laughed as she used her powers to freeze him on spot to get a head start.
Now, the Holidays felt truly happy indeed.
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S.R. Masterlist
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Thank you for reading!
If this fic feels like it’s written differently, then I guess that’s fair… I tried to make the style more drabble-like and failed epically, because I just cannot write short and without too many feelings :D
Happy Holidays to you all! May you be given love and affection!
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If the Spit Hits the Fan (Glee) Part XV
Follows pt I, pt II, pt III, pt IV, pt V, part VI, pt VII, part VIII, part IX, part X, part XI, part XII, part XIII and part XIV.
Being Sebastian's boyfriend really isn't that much different from being his friend. They do a lot of the same things, and talk about the same stuff, only now there's hand-holding and kissing and cuddling with it. Apart from the touching though? Nothing really changes much.
Which kind of makes it sound like how it was with Blaine.
It's not though.
Sebastian will hold his hand in the hallway without worrying about being seen. And yes, Dalton is different from McKinley – so, so much different, and safer – but Blaine even hesitated to hold Kurt's hand in the choir room, surrounded by friends.
Sebastian kisses him in a way that never leaves Kurt doubting there's attraction, and has to stop his hands from wandering too far on a regular basis – yet never making Kurt worry he won't stop.
Sebastian makes Kurt have to stop himself, both from allowing it and from doing his own wandering. They're still too new to go there, no matter how much Kurt's hormones sit up and beg every time Sebastian touches him. (They'll get there, Kurt's sure, just... Step by step, and not yet.)
Sebastian reaches out for Kurt without looking – sometimes seemingly without thinking – to pull him close, and always makes a space for him.
And when Sebastian sings, it's with Kurt, or for him, not at him.
It's a far cry from scheduled make-outs and avoiding even PG13 levels of PDA and being made to feel like his boyfriend is more interested in his own hand than in Kurt.
It's amazing.
There's a rainbow rose hanging on Kurt's door on Valentine's day. He and Sebastian have been dating for two days – a day and a half, if he was to be picky – and Kurt knows from last year's insanity that there's not a flower shop within two hours of Vesterville that carries rainbow roses. They have to be ordered special, and with a lot more warning than two days.
Kurt's not the least bit ashamed about how he squeals, or how he turns on his heel and kisses his boyfriend (!) for long enough to be a little dizzy afterwards.
This isn't to say that Sebastian is a perfect boyfriend. He's not. Then again, neither is Kurt. He's working from romantic movies and the examples from the New directions, and of course from his time with Blaine. Neither is a good road map. Romantic movies have so many flaws Kurt don't really want to examine, and a lot of his favorites are set too far back in time to be useful as guidelines. The loves lives of his old glee mates are...well. They're flawed too, when seen without rose-colored glasses and envy.
As for his relationship with Blaine... Even if he's not counting how it ended that relationship was so very less than perfect, and honestly it was both their faults. Kurt's not without blame, he knows that and can admit it without somehow pretending what Blaine did wrong never happened.
So he's trying to learn from his mistakes, and other people's mistakes, and he does his best to communicate with Sebastian – who does the same in return.
Also, no one can say that they don't argue. They definitely do. They have from the beginning, and they're both opinionated passionate people, so why should they stop now? Their relationship has changed – they themselves haven't.
It's just that they manage to argue in a way that works. That doesn't makes Kurt pull out his claws to eviscerate Sebastian, that doesn't scare Kurt, or make him give in to “preserve the peace”. That, right there, was one of the things that had sent his relationship with Blaine down the wrong turn. When he'd first told his dad that he'd begun dating Blaine Burt Hummel had told him never to go to bed angry with his partner. He'd meant to sort out arguments and disagreements, but Kurt had interpreted it as needing to back down and push down his anger or hurt. With Sebastian he doesn't.
They argue, because that's who – and how – they are, but they do it in as mature and healthy way as they are able to, being teenagers. And they apologize if they step over the line. Not Kurt apologizes, regardless, with Sebastian pouting until he does, but both of them.
If Kurt had to, he'd call it damned near perfect. Instead he'll just say it's good, and he's happy.
That's never something to look down on.
The week of Regionals is weird. Kurt's never felt as prepared or as calm with a competition approaching, which is rather telling. The rest of the Warblers are a different story though. Kurt has made it clear that his primary goal is to beat the Troubletones, and his friends are feeling the pressure. They even ask if Kurt and Sebastian won't reconsider singing 'Human Nature'.
“Look, guys, I'm honored, really, that you would trust me, us like that. But I want to win more than I want that solo. And even if we ignore the fact that Ohio doesn't seem ready for a gay duet, I really do think the setlist we have is stronger as is. The Troubletones have a great presence, and both Mercedes and Santana are awesomely talented. However, everything about the Troubletones are built around them. The rest of the girls are background and dancing. If we go on with a number that's the same they are going to win, for no other reason than that most people find girls prettier and nicer to look at.
“But if we go on as an actual choir, for a show choir competition? We'll win. I'm sure of it. We've worked so hard with our songs, and I wouldn't change a thing about our setlist.”
And it's true. They have an amazing setlist, and everything flows in a way that makes Kurt feel practically professional, and he's not giving that – and its chance to win – up to stare longingly at Sebastian while singing a song that exposes them to the core.
No. Kurt's going to have quite a lot more time in the spotlight than he'd expected when turning down a proper solo. He's going to sing with his friends, and his boyfriend, and he's going to show McKinley what it means to be a team onstage.
The Troubletones are just as amazing onstage as Kurt thought. They've done a good job picking their songs, and Mercedes still has the best voice he's ever heard live. Santana's not quite as talented, but give her the right song – which these are – and she'll blow your mind. Their choreography showcases the girls poached from the Cheerios without making Mercedes look too far behind, and their clothes look good.
Kurt would vote for them any day, even with Rachel being given a place in the background, except this one. This is going to be his day. He meets Sebastians eyes as they line up and nods.
'I want You Back' does exactly what it's meant to, namely getting the audience in a party mood. As the last notes flows into the first from 'Man in the Mirror' the mood shifts and Kurt feels his own shift with it. His solo feels a little raw, because in no way can he sing those lines without being reminded of all the crap he's gone through over the past 6 months.
“...a willow deeply scared, somebody's broken heart and a washed out dream...”
Well. His heart might have been broken, and his dreams about Blaine did wash out. But he's got new dreams, and his hearts healed, and no matter the scars he's whole where it matters. And even if he wasn't? He's looking in the mirror, and he's changing.
They bring the party back with their last song, giving their all transforming the sounds of 'Beat It' to sounds that can be reproduced by the human throat. The dancing is the most demanding Kurt's ever done onstage, and he knows he will definitely be beat after. But they look and sound awesome, and that's all that matters.
Or maybe not, he ruefully thinks as he sees Finn on his feet, jumping up and down and whooping as the Warblers are proclaimed the winners and Rachel looks like she's been pelted with eggs again.
“You stole our songs!”
Of course. All Kurt wants to do is get on the bus, go back to Dalton and celebrate. Okay, shower, then celebrate. So naturally Rachel is waiting to ambush him. Well, that's not going to go the way she's probably thinking.
“Really? Really Rachel, you're going there? You know very well that we didn't steal anything. Oh, I know that there was a suggestion that the New Directions do Michael for Sectionals, but I also know that you were the one who refused to accept it.
“You really blew it there. Michael is a great choice for Sectionals or Regionals, what with the Ohio mindset, and I'm pretty sure you would have won with the setlist the guys suggested. I'm not surprised you put a stop to it though.”
Rachel draws back, looking first shocked, then insulted, then finally like an angry goose, complete with hissing sound. He's not letting it touch him though, lets it run over him, one might say, like water over a goose.
“There are no songs in Michael Jacksons discography that's a given for you, no certainty that you'll be featured. And in the end, that's what mattered, wasn't it? Not that the New Directions won, but that you won. You wanted to beat the Troubletones, didn't you? Wanted to show that you were better than Mercedes, wanted to prove that her beating you when auditioning for Maria was just a fluke. Wanted to prove what everyone knows, that's she's every bit as good as you, and sometimes better, is wrong.
“Well, congratulations. You got what you wanted in terms of the setlist and the spotlight, but you fucked up everything else. And not just for you, but for everyone.”
An expression of pain flies across Rachel's face, and he pushes the knife in a little bit further.
“We weren't as blind though. The minute Finn told me about the Michael setlist I knew it was a winner. As did the other Warblers. I asked Finn first, and Sam and Puck. They didn't think we needed their permission, as you didn't use the songs, but they gave it any way.”
Kurt looks at Rachel, looks at the way she's still fuming, still refusing to see any other side than her own. It won't matter what he says – she'll keep ignoring any and all arguments against her. Once he might have tried harder to make her understand, but as things are he just wants to leave. His boyfriend's waiting and that makes Kurt out of time to spend on his former friend.
“Your loss, our gain.”
He starts to leave, but thinks better of it. He's got one more jab in him.
“Oh, and Rachel? Don't worry. Going to Nationals is a privilege, and we won't waste it. We've already gotten started on a setlist.”
It's petty, but. So's she.
That evening the Warblers celebrate as thoroughly as a bunch of uniformed boys in a well-staffed boarding school can. This means that it's late when Kurt drags Sebastian to his room (unlike him Sebastian's in a single), but neither of them is under the influence of anything but happiness.
That's important to Kurt as they tumble into Sebastian's bed while kissing, because he doesn't want there to be any doubt in Sebastian's mind that when Kurt pulls off his shirt and then goes for his fly it's because he wants to.
Having Sebastian stop him is frustrating, to say the very least.
“Hey, what are you doing?”
It's only the fact that it's Sebastian, and that he's shown himself trustworthy in so many ways over the past months that stops Kurt from storming out.
“I thought we... You know?”
It's so hard to say, to open himself up like this, years of being told he's a predator, or ugly, or plain wrong getting just as much in his way as the fact that he's never done this, and the only time he's been even close wasn't even about him.
Apparently he's going to have to use his words regardless, because Sebastian's not taking the opening.
“I thought we could have sex.” There. Words. Consent. Door wide open.
And yet Sebastian's still not taking the opening.
“What's the hurry?”
Kurt pulls back a little, hurt blooming.
“No, no, don't. Talk to me, okay? I'm a bit surprised I guess. We haven't even been dating for two months yet, and I know this is new for you.”
“So? It's not like I'm waiting for marriage.”
Kurt knows he sounds a bit snippy, and he has sort of been waiting – not for marriage, but for something, some feeling of more. He's got that feeling with Sebastian, so what's the point of waiting any longer? Everyone else his age (or so it feels) is having sex so why can't he?
Some of it must bleed through because Sebastian gets that “aha” look, and nods a bit.
“Look, regardless of what I might have said or implied when chasing Blaine, I'm actually not the whore of Babylon. I have, however, rounded a few bases and enjoyed them. I think you'd enjoy them too, and I would love to find out first hand. But that doesn't have to mean we go straight to fucking.” Kurt blushes, because he might be ready to do it, but those words...
“So. I'm not going to push, and I'm not going to rush. I am more than interested though, I'm just happy to take it a bit slow. To build up to every step. As far as I'm concerned you've earned that.”
Sebastian's looking so earnest it kills Kurt annoyance, and then lightning-quick it's replaced by a vicked look than makes him shiver all over.
“I wouldn't mind showing you the first of many, many bases now though. How about it, babe?”
Kurt doesn't mind either, neither then nor the next day.
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jawritter · 4 years
Broken Me...
CH. 1
Summery: The Dallas Convention couldn't have come at a worse time for Jensen. His world fell apart earlier that morning, but was expected to just act like everything was normal. You and a friend were at the convention for her birthday. Life hasn't been that great for you either, but a forced meeting on stage changes two worlds. Will you be able to put this broken man back together again...
Series Warings: Cheating, shitty marriage, Danneel is a bitch, I unfortunatley have to put that as a warning because some people tend to get turnt up about it if you don’t... Smut, Crying, Suiside Attempt, brief discription of suicide attempt and recovery, depression, hints of self loathing, language. I think that’s it... Suicide Trigger warnings will be placed over each chapter!
Chapter Warnings: Cheating Danneel, Depressed Jensen, Emotionally hurt Jensen, Language, I think that’s it...
pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Word Count: 1797
A/N: BINGE READ TIME!! As always all mistakes are mine! Please do not copy my work! Feedback is gold!! Hope you all enjoy this one!!
Want More? Check out my masterlist!!
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Jensen pov:
"Yeah I'm well aware this is partly my fault Danneel there's no reason to drive the point home, but I wasn't the one fucking one of my employees was I?" 
Jensen was reeling, he couldn’t believe this was happening, he couldn’t believe what he had seen, it all felt just, not real...Like some strange out of body experience or nightmare that he just couldn’t wake up from..
Then as if to add insult to injury, here she was on the phone with him, trying to make it out like this was all HIS fault... 
Like he was the one bouncing on the dudes dick when she came home from work, and not the other way around. 
He just wanted to see his family, his kids, his wife, maybe even play with the God damn dog a little before leaving for the hotel before the convention started tonight. You would have never convinced him of what he was going to find when he walked through that front door the way he did today, not in a million years. 
The raw and unforgiving reality of it though was that it was real, he saw it with his own eyes, and just like that, his marriage was over. It was almost too much for him to take all at once, and the longer he heard her make one excuse right after the other to try and play the victim, instead of the cheating whore that she was, the more angry he got...
"All that time I was gone you weren't the only one that was lonely!! You weren't the only one who wanted to be close to someone!! I WANTED TO BE CLOSE TO YOU!! I HAD MY DAMN PICK OF ANYONE I WANTED!! I SPENT WEEKS PLANNING THIS TRIP SO I CAN HAVE JUST A FEW HOURS WITH YOU!! I'M DONE DANNEEL WE'RE DONE!!" 
Hanging up the phone before he could say anything he might regret, or anything she might be able to use against him in court, Jensen threw his phone across the room onto the hotel bed and shoved his hands into his hair, trying to get a hold of his frustration. 
 He started trying to talk it out with her, he really did, but the longer he was on the phone with her, the more his temper got the best of him. By the time he got off the phone with her, his face was red, and he had a knot in his stomach that made him feel like he wanted to vomit, and he was pretty sure that his blood pressure was at stroke level the whole time driving from Austin to Dallas…
He only had about three hours to get myself together before the rest of the cast and crew would arrive to get their rooms, and start the convention…
He was supposed to perform tonight for the Saturday nights special like he always did… So he had to get himself together before that started, and he had to take the stage in front of all those fans..
Thank God the hotel staff let him check in early. So he didn’t have to go to his parents to face them, or drive around Dallas for three hours because he was in no shape to be driving around right now. 
Jensen didn’t have time to get drunk before the show tonight, or to sober up in time for it to start anyway, so he paced around his room trying to control his rapidly beating heart rate. Because right now he either felt like he was having a heart attack, panic attack, or both…
His mind was reeling with questions. 
“How could she do this to me? I made sure she wanted for nothing. I loved and supported  her the only way I could. I don't understand why she did this. I was faithful, even when I had every opportunity not to be I was faithful. This isn’t fair. Did she ever love me at all?”
A knock on the door disturbs him from my thoughts, and he glared at it a moment, thinking about ignoring it until he heard Jared yelling through the door. 
"Hey J!! Are you there? I got here a little early, and they said downstairs that you were already here!! Let's get a drink before everyone else gets here!!" 
A drink did sound pretty good, and if there was any he trusted it was Jared. He'd known Jensen the at his worst, and at his best, and he was always there when he needed him. 
He had a right to know what happened. 
Jensen grabbed his hat and shades before walking to the door, leaving his phone on the bed, he didn’t want to talk to Danneel anymore, he’d said everything he had to say, and if anyone wanted to find him that bad they usually called Jared. 
Steading his nerves before he opened the door to join Jared for drinks he couldn’t help but feel like this was going to be a long convention. 
Your POV:
"Come on Y/n!! Put that damn guitar down!! The concert starts in one hour, and I want a good seat!!" Y/f/n yells at you from the hotel bathroom.
Rolling your eyes you sit your guitar back into its case, and put it in the closet so that housekeeping or whatever wouldn’t just see it laying around and take it. 
It was your most prized possessions...
Music was your life... 
It's what kept you going, what got you out of bed in  the morning, and the last thing you thought about before you went to bed at night.
Most importantly it was there for you when no one else was… That much you had learned the hard way…
 "Don't you think getting there an hour early is a little extreme?" You complain, turning around and checking your makeup in the mirror and grabbing your phone, and slipping it into your back pocket.
"Look you have no idea how crazy these people are that come to these cons, and I want to be so close to the stage I get sprayed with spit when Rob starts to sing." She says matter of factly, pulling her purse over her shoulder, and meeting you by the front door.
"Yeah because that's what a totally sane person would say about their seating arrangements." You mumble, rolling your eyes and shaking your head as you open the door. 
The girl had it bad for Rob, which honestly was a nice chance, most girls were here for Jared, Jensen, or Misha.. 
You were more interested in seeing Jensen tonight yourself. The way his voice washed over you when he sang! Ugh there's nothing else in this world like it. It always rolled over you like honey, but burned slow, like a shot of the best top shelf whisky..The man wasn't human. 
He was a damn God, and deserves to be treated as such. 
The two of you rode the elevator to the first floor laughing, and talking about music. There were two guys in the elevator when you two got on, but you didn’t really pay them any mind. One of them smelled like he'd had more than one drink, and they both seemed to be trying to blend into the back wall of the elevator, not wanting to talk to the two of you.
"If they call for a fan to come up on stage tonight you should totally go sing with Jensen." She said, elbowing you in the ribs. Eating herself the best bitchface you could muster.
"No way dude, I'd never get past the first line. I'd freak out, and make myself look like a complete, and total idiot.." 
The shorter one of the men in the elevator smirked at the ground at your conversation. There was something familiar about that smirk........
You were about to tell him it was rude to eavesdrop on other people’s conversations, when your friend spoke up again..
"Come on Y/n for my birthday PLEASE!!" She begged, giving you puppy dog eyes worthy of Sam Winchester. 
"No way. He's not gonna want to sing with someone like me.” You say, trying to brush her off.. 
“What would you even want us to sing?" 
The two of you exited the elevator, and you had all but forgotten about the two men following you just in ear shot. 
"Hmm.... I don't Know........ How about.... Picture, by kid rock and Sheryl Crow." She said, all but bouncing as you joined the already forming line outside the doors leading into the hall where they were about to have the concert. 
She loved that song, even though it was overplayed and overdone.
"That song is so damn old Google probably can't even find the lyrics to it anymore." You tease her.
She just rolls her eyes and sticks her tongue out at you.
“It’s my birthday, so I pick the song! I didn’t say you’d have to like it”
The doors were opened before long, and the two of you made your way through the doors into the large room the concert was being held in. Leaving early had paid off. You were center stage, front row. Thanks to your friend’s media pass and gold tickets too, but you weren’t going to point that out. 
Y/f/n was jumping up and down in her seat with excitement, and you just couldn’t burst her bubble.
"Did you see those two guys that were in the elevator with us?" You asked, as the two of you watched the other fans filter into the room. 
The smile that one guy did sure did look familiar. You wished you could have gotten a better look at his face better, but they were both wearing shades and ball caps; keeping their heads down like they didn’t want to be bothered, and you didn’t want to stare at them, and make them feel uncomfortable.. 
"Yeah I saw them, probably just two dudes here with their girlfriends." she says shrugging you off as she sets up her camera for tonight. You don’t know why you cared so much, not like it mattered anyway who they were, or why they were here, there were a lot of strange people that went to these conventions, and they probably were here with their girlfriends, but still that smirk…
You shoved the thought of the two strangers in the elevator aside, you were about to see “The Jensen Ackles” sing. Honestly if you could have known you were going to die when he walked off stage. 
You'd die happy. 
Just cause you were that close to that beautifully sculpted, almost inhuman body, and voice that could melt you like butter. 
Tag List: @deanwanddamons​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @thecreatiivecorner​  @aflamboyanceofgays @imabitch4jensen​​ @rvgrsbrns​​ @bi-danvers0​​ @onethirstyunicorn​​ @i-love-superhero​​ @akshi8278​ @alanegaming @magssteenkamp​ @lemondropirwin​ @squirrelnotsam​ @hobby27​ @spnbaby-67​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @defenderrosetyler​ 
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datawyrms · 4 years
The thrilling conclusion. (may not actually be thrilling/a conclusion) Part 1 and 2 respectively. Why was she actually doing this? Standing outside of FentonWorks and it’s eye searing sign in full ghost fighting gear, preparing to knock on the door. It had to be a trap, the ghost kid must have done something to the ghost hunters to make them want to help it. ‘Wanting to talk’, as if. Yet here she was, blundering right into the obvious bear trap anyway. Danny still hadn’t returned to school, even though Sam and Tucker had been acting like they knew where he was, so they had to be in on it too. If Phantom thought he could use her friend against her, he’d have another thing coming. Several very painful things, even. She clenched her fist hard to stop the slight tremor before knocking on the door.
Jack always struck her as more of a brick wall than a man, towering and orange as the door swung open. He looked puzzled for half a second before beaming. “HA! I was right, you did show up! See Mads, she totally did!” He seemed more like an excited puppy than anything, neck craning back to talk to his wife.
“Yes Jack, I see her.” Maddie still had the hood of her suit up, adjusting the goggles as she peered out to their doorstep at the teenage ghost hunter. “You did come to talk, right?”
“Course she did! He’s gotta trust his friends more, like I do!”
Even with her face obscured, Maddie clearly wasn’t a fan of the ‘trusting friends’ line, lips pursed before patting the boisterous man on the back. “How about you go let him know sweetie, while I let her in?”
“Great idea! I’ll even get some discussion fudge!” He zipped away faster than Valerie thought he could manage, the oppressive positivity swept away with him as the blue jumpsuited hunter crossed her arms.
“You don’t have any weapons? We have more than enough ourselves if you’re worried about your safety.”
“I won’t do anything if that ghost doesn’t.” It was hard to keep the disgust out of her voice, watching them act like this. Maddie had always struck her as the more reasonable Fenton, yet she seemed far more worried about some ghost than Jack did, for all his positivity.
“That isn’t what I asked. So I’ll repeat it. Do you have any weapons on you? If you do, just hand them over and then we can talk.”
She was talking like she was more of a threat than that monster in the basement! Whatever that ghost did, it must have been powerful. Maddie Fenton, worried for a ghost she’d gladly spoken about cutting open in the name of science only a month ago. It felt like she’d walked into bizarro world. Maybe if she waited long enough a white rabbit would run by screaming about the time.
“I didn’t bring any weapons. Even though I should have.”
Maddie watched her for a long moment, as if trying to see past the mask and figure out if the red suited ghost hunter was trying to lie. With the smallest sigh, she stepped aside to allow her into the home that doubled as a laboratory. “Follow me. You’ll be perfectly safe.”
She doubted anyone could be perfectly safe in a lab with a portal to another dimension filled with ectoplasmic fiends in it, adding the most dangerous ghost that liked to play ‘innocent’ just made it worse. She wouldn’t be alone down there, judging by the snippets of conversation that were floating up the stairs.
“-not gonna eat that, just take it.”
“Aww, but it’s the good stuff!”
“You need to try-” Jazz stopped speaking at the sound of footsteps on the stairs, turning to glare at the ghost hunter.
Phantom barely even reacted, only the eerie green eyes flicking towards the entrance. Apparently he was too busy sitting comfortably in what looked like a recliner they’d brought down for the ghost to bother with more than that. It just seemed off, having a ghost looking so grounded. “Left it to the last day, huh?” The confident grin didn’t reach his eyes, and even that vanished after a few seconds, like it had been more of a habit than wanting to act like that.
“Only because I know you’re up to something.”
“Yup. That’s me, plotting evil deeds. Maybe next time I won’t get punched through a wall!” He had the energy to roll his eyes, but didn’t cross his arms like she expected him to. “You can go guys, it’s just a chat. Probably.”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea-” Maddie’s concern was sickening, watching someone she could respect sometimes just fawning over a playacting ghost.
“I’ll be fine. This is between us.”
“Sure thing! Oh, if you have any symptoms just yell and I’ll be right there kiddo.” The huge man mussed the ghost’s hair, grin wide despite how wrong it looked. “I totally thought of a new approach, so just sit tight!” He was halfway up the stairs by the time he finished talking, not that the distance made him any less audible. Maddie hesitated a moment longer, but followed the loud love of her life.
The only unjumpsuited Fenton seemed to disagree. “I’m not leaving.”
“Yes you are Jazz!”
“I don’t care if she stays, ghost. You can quit stalling.” Valerie interrupted before the two of them could make her wait for ages with some pointless bickering.
Instead the redhead rounded on her. “He has a name. Use it.”
“Jazz, I really don’t care. Just go already.” He looked almost as irritated as she felt . “I just want to get this over with.”
“I don’t trust her not to do something.”
Didn’t trust her? Over the destructive white haired menace? That was just insulting. “You said you’d talk, so start explaining” she did her best to ignore Danny’s sister, it was probably just whatever the ghost was holding over their heads making her act like this.
“Won’t help if you don’t actually listen for a change.” His eyes narrowed, but more at Jazz than Valerie. “You don’t need to hear this Jazz. Okay?”
“If you think I don’t, I definitely do.” She scowled right back, acting as if they were a bratty younger kid than a ghost that could rip her face off. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“Fine! Whatever, be stubborn. Can’t do anything about it.” His eyes seemed to glow more strongly before the ghost slumped back more in the chair. “So what do you think I did then? Since you keep trying to bother my friends.”
“There’s no way you got the Fentons and those two on your side without leverage. Sure, some kids actually buy that hero crap, but the Fentons don’t.” Only having a finger to point at the ghost made her feel unprepared.
The glowing teenager looked bored. “So you think I’m a kidnapper.”
“I know you did something to Danny. The timing matches up too well. So out with it.”
“Or what, you’ll kill me faster?” He seemed to freeze up after the words were out, smacking himself in the face. “Habit. I didn’t do anything, but it’s going to be hard to explain.”
This was such a waste of time. “Because it’s all made up nonsense?”
“It’ll sound like it! But it’s not. I can prove it.” the ghost stopped as if he needed to catch his breath. “At least I think I can. You left this really, really late.”
“You’re getting off track.” Jazz spoke up before Valerie could say something similar but with far less charitable phrasing.
“Right. Just trying to figure out how to say it.” A gloved hand rubbed at his forehead, brow furrowed as the ghost muttered. “You know what ghosts are made of, right?”
“Ectoplasm and bad attitudes. Duh, anyone in Amity could tell you that.” What was this, quiz time? Some sort of ‘How long can I annoy the ghost hunter before she shoots and makes me look good’ plan?
His shoulders barely move, a negative effort shrug. “Close enough.”
“It really isn’t! Ectoplasm might be what a ghost builds their body out of but-”
Phantom cut her off, leaning forward with the air of absolute exhaustion. “Jazz I do not have time to explain the specific inner workings of ghosts to someone who hates me right now!”
“It’ll help with the next bit, but fine. Go ahead and get all confused.” The redhead sat back, arms crossed.
“Thank you.” Green eyes shifted to find Valerie again before the ghost continued. “Thing is, I’m not all ectoplasm.”
“Is that why you’re extra obnoxious? Have some dirt mixed in there?”
The ghost actually laughed. “Probably!” He did hold up a hand while the laugh subsided, apparently having something more to add. “Not all dirt. But you got the important bit. I’m not a proper ghost, exactly.”
“I don’t run some endangered petting zoo, ghost. So why should I care?” Though it did explain the hunter ghost that was always after the obnoxious white haired creep.
“You should care because right now, I’m doing the whole ‘post human consciousness’ thing completely wrong.” He was watching her closely, a strange look on that dead face. Dread, anxiety? It didn’t look right on his face. “In that I’m not post human. Yet.”
Maybe the ghost was just trying to see if he could get a funny reaction. “Sorry Phantom, you look really dead to me.”
“Oh I feel real dead! But nope. Ah- I said I can prove it, don’t start yelling.” he muttered the last bit quickly, eyes flicking away from her obvious disbelieving glare. “Probably. Hurts. Gimme a sec-”
“I just wanted an answer to what you were doing, not this inane story.”
“Inane story very important answering that.” the ghost didn’t seem to even notice he was just dropping words from his sentence, more focused at staring at his own hand.
Jazz got up, hovering over the ghost as if deeply concerned for the absurdity spouting spirit. “I can back you up, you don’t need to prove it.”
“She’ll never believe it without seeing it. Which is why we’re doing this at all. Before I can’t.”
“Mom and Dad are still working on it, they’ll figure out a way to fix it.”
“No they won’t Jazz! I want them to, but they won’t! Not with how they explained it.”
“You’re just letting the worst outcome seem like the most likely one.”
“No, I’m actually understanding what they mean and being realistic!”
Honestly, this entire little exchange felt like something private she’d barged in on. She gave a loud cough, which seemed to startle both of them, heads jerking to look in her direction. They almost looked related, being that in sync.
The psychology lover recovered first. “Urgh. Just say it out loud, you’re obviously struggling.”
Which snapped the ghost boy out of it. “And you’re obviously not helping!”
“So what, you threatened the Fentons with a really bad comedy act?” The ghost winced at the angry rebuke, but she wasn’t done. “I get you being obnoxious, but dragging Jazz into it? You’re pretty sick.”
“He’s Danny.” There was no amusement in her voice, no hint of the concerned smile she kept giving the ectoplasmic pest.
“Jazz!” There was a genuine note of anger, and the temperature seemed to dip as the ghost glared at the one that didn’t want him blasted out of existence.
“I don’t really care what you call him, that doesn’t answer-”
Jazz cut her off, ignoring the cold glare being thrown at her. “It does. Danny isn’t missing, he’s right here.”
“You managed to trick the Fentons into thinking you’re their kid? What did you do to Danny?” Valarie rounded on the ghost, hand reaching for a weapon that wasn’t there.
“Nothing!” His hands were up even as his eyes stayed fixed on the elder Fenton child. “I told you she won’t believe it!”
“Nothing’s happened to Danny. This is him. Only grumpier.”
“You can’t honestly think that thing is your brother!”
“Wow Jazz, you managed to get me called a thing. Great assist, keep it up.” Phantom was muttering, settling back as if he planned to just take a nap. “If you keep this up, maybe she’ll shoot me!”
“You could try standing up for yourself, Danny.”
“Oh no, you dug this hole. You lie in it. I’d say your grave, but I have dibs in that department. Twiceover!”
She was going to punch this ghost. Even if the creature could just phase through it. She wanted to clobber it for whatever THIS was. “So you killed Danny, and took his place. That’s what you’re saying?” At least she had the satisfaction of the ghost looking like it wanted to vanish as she stepped forward.
“Hey, I didn’t say anything. That was Jazz.”
“No! Danny’s always been both. I’ve known for a while, but he had to tell Mom and Dad. That’s why they’re suddenly fine with Phantom.” Jazz insisted, trying to look Valerie in the eye. “He isn’t missing, and hasn’t done anything to us.”
“Danny is not a life ruining monster. I don’t care how convincing that thing seems to you, that ghost is NOT my friend.” Danny was sweet, big hearted and a bit of a shy little dork. Phantom was nothing but a snide, cocky creep that insisted you should just forget anything that made him look like the scummy ghost he was. They were nothing alike.
“And this is why I just wanted to make things quick.” The ghost seemed to fold in on himself, not looking at either of the humans in the room. “You can hate me all you want, just let me explain.”
“There’s nothing to explain! You aren’t Danny.”
“He is. It explains everything. Think about it logically. Danny goes ‘missing’. He tries to fix the problem himself, but he can’t. We convince him he has to tell our parents. He finally does, and even though Danny is still ‘missing’ they stop saying things like a ghost kidnapped him. Because we know where he is.”
“Or he’s still missing and you’ve bought some nonsense story to feel better about it when this ghost probably just tortured him for information.” Jazz didn’t back down from her snappy response, but did seem to be at a loss.
“Hey! I do not do torture. That’s literally everyone who isn’t me.” the ghost sounded offended, shaking his hand as if trying to get it to do something. “Anyway, this is going to suck. I blame you Jazz.”
“Excuse me for thinking friends of yours can be logical with the truth in their faces!”
“Nah. I get to say I told you so for a change.”
Valrie planned to make the two quit their pointless bickering, but words died in her throat as a set of rings appeared near the ghost’s wrist. It wasn’t an attack she’d seen the menace use before and she was already settling into a fighting stance to combat it. Yet it stayed around the ghost, slowly down his arm. It seemed a bit much as a way to take off a ghostly jumpsuit, but she preferred that first thought to how the ghost changed as it swept over his face.
Black hair, blue eyes. Her friend’s face, Danny’s face set in a grimace of pain as the rings snuffed out, a boy that looked pale and sickly while struggling to breathe where the blight of a ghost had been.
“Yup. Sucks. Ow.” Danny wheezed, eyes unfocused even though he knew the two of them were still there.
Jazz was there in seconds. “You need to switch back. Mom said-”
“S-she’s gotta know it isn’t a trick first.” the boy insisted, and his voice was right. It was Danny’s, without the horrid echo or slimy snaps the ghost made.
Yet it had to be a trick. There was no way her friend had been a lie. Just some rotten ghost who’d gotten close to her as some sort of joke. A ghost that had tricked her after making sure she knew he was nothing but a monster in one disguise. “Who are you.” The question was weak.
“Just Danny. Been this way since the accident.” He looked like he was going to say more but was cut off by a coughing fit, flecks of ectoplasm making his pale skin look even closer to dead as it splattered on his hastily raised hand. “That’s new.” His laugh set her teeth on edge.
Her brain wouldn’t work. It was impossible, it couldn’t be true. She didn’t want it to be true. She’d liked him well enough before. This-she wasn’t sure how else she could take this. “So why are you telling me now.”
“I wanted you to know while I could still prove it.”
“Why? Did you think this would help you? Think I might pity you if you look sick?”
“No.” Blue eyes looked away as the rings returned the ghost to the chair. “I told you so you’d leave my friends alone. Since I don’t think I’m going to stop being missing.”
He’d revealed his nasty trick, but wasn’t mocking her about it, or lording over her with it. It didn’t fit. They couldn’t be the same person. You couldn’t be alive and dead at the same time! She wanted to choke him, but also wanted to help. She hated this, she hated him for making this complicated. “Stay missing?” The sickness had to be an act, right? Like how he pretended he was a friend.
“Yeah. I got lucky in the accident. I wasn’t quite a ghost, and not exactly a human.” Phantom wasn’t looking at her as he spoke, apparently preferring to stare at the wall. “It was a balance thing, I guess. I didn’t really notice at first. Like the obvious I did, the whole having ghost powers thing, being able to switch back and forth.” The rambling didn’t stop even as he started scratching at the back of his neck. “I didn’t notice even as a human I needed ectoplasm to keep my heart going, or as a ghost I could use more than just ectoplasm to keep my energy up. I need both halves, I can’t survive without both.” He hesitated again, getting a reassuring hand on the shoulder from Jazz. “Problem is I managed to get that balance screwed up. Ran myself ragged fighting ghosts, didn’t get enough sleep, basically coasted on my ghost half to keep functioning. And I’m a strong ghost now, I guess. Too strong for my weak human body to manage anymore. So I’m basically eating myself alive and falling apart. It’s great. This is when I have a quip about work life balance or something, but I’m too tired to think of one.”
“He wasn’t hiding this out of maliciousness you know. He was afraid.” Jazz was frowning as she watched how the ghost hunter hadn’t really relaxed, still stiff and angry looking. “He couldn’t even make himself tell Mom and Dad until we basically forced him to.”
“She doesn’t care, Jazz.” he grunted, still not looking, “But you know now. So you don’t need to go after anyone to find out what happened. It’s self inflicted.”
It was too much. The whole thing was absurd. What could she even say to something like this? To have the world invert to show ugly stains you didn’t see before? They would need to talk again. About this. About what he actually was, or wasn’t. Now though?
She could only leave without a word.
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Alex ze Pirate “Mini Review” 1: About Male Abuse
Alex ze Pirate is in my opinion the WORST “comic” series Dobson has ever written up until this point (date for archives: June 2020). Sure, I agree with people that his “hot take” comics on Star Wars Fans, political issues and virtue signaling for the sake of making brownie points are worse overall cause they are uneducated propaganda that give insight in how much of a loathsome human being driven by spite he genuinely is, but Alex “offends” me as someone who enjoys fiction. It may not be the worst thing ever written, but it just does so many things wrong in terms of storywriting, storytelling, presentation and creating fictional characters, I can’t help but wonder what went wrong that Dobson even remotely thought this thing would be a “successful” comic series to establish him as a creator. Cause I can tell you, having read the likes of Don Rosa’s work on Disney, Hilda, Cleopatra in Space, Spirou, Asterix, One Piece (of which I will talk a lot in my next few posts) and many more, I can confirm by comparison that Dobson’s pirates as a published comic would have only one use on the public shelves: alternative for toilet paper during the COVID-19 epidemic
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 Believe me, I would love to write an in depth analysis of everything wrong with Alex ze Pirate, from the lazy artwork up to even the publication history of this trainwrack. But doing so would take a lot of time and there is one individual part of this I think deserve at least extra attention. Something that in my opinion embodies quite well a lot of things I consider wrong with this comic. So before I am going over Alex in its entirety (and believe me, the day will come) let me just talk within the next few posts about one certain aspect and story of the comic, that genuinely got me to loath this comic to the core: Sam the Cabin Boy and “his” own individual story Dobson drew in three parts around 2010.  
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For starters, lets talk who Sam is: Sam is one of the main characters in the comic and actually the first person who joined Alex and Peggy in the initial pages of Legends, the “original” form of Alex ze Pirate.
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See, back in 2004, Dobson released Alex ze Pirate in form of a single comic volume called “Legends” which features Alex trying to recruit a crew. The thing is around 78 pages thick and based on what I saw pretty terribly paced. For comparison: When Luffy in One Piece got his crew together, he spend multiple volumes and at least three minor story arcs to get Zoro, Nami, Sanji and Usopp to join him. All while also giving us good insight into the kind of people his new crewmates were (especially Sanji’s and Nami’s backstory got to me), defeating the likes of Buggy and Captain Black, meeting Dracula Mihawk and defeating one of the biggest bastards Eichiro Oda ever created in form of Arlong. What is the story how Sam joins the crew? An orphanage organizes an auction and sells kids off. Which I assume was even illegal in pirate times, so kudos for already showing us how despicable the world of Alex ze Pirate is to begin with and how much it deserves to be nuked in some sort of alien invasion.
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 Sam also doesn’t really get anything to do when he is introduced, just helping Alex escape on a small boat. Which is weird because he does not know her at all, she is just some stranger who bought him off and has no means to keep him in check, so why even bother following her and not let the mob get rid of Alex? 
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Anyway, I wish I could tell more about Sam’s involvement in Legends, but I don’t have really more than some scans of it in the beginning and near the end. So I don’t know his involvement in the rest of the volume. I also can’t say how he plays out in volume two, because that does not exist at all. Cause for reasons I will never understand, Dobson just abandoned the idea of telling a “coherent” and ongoing story with Alex ze Pirate and instead went to his colored one page comics/strips with it, turning it into what some people called “Garfield with Pirates” (which I consider a genuine insult towards any newspaper comic out there, even something as Boondocks). And the first thing we see of Sam in “classic” Alex ze Pirate?
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 The perverted dwarf of the crew showing of his shota underwear so that Alex and Sam stop bickering who is the cutest, leaving him embarrassed and humiliated.
 Which kinda sums up his role in the comic to a t. Cause this is what Sam is: He is the buttmonkey of the crew. And honestly, I would not have a total problem with Sam being a buttmonkey, if a) he wasn’t it all the time, b) he would actually do something to deserve any form of humiliation and c) if the other characters in this comic itself would not be some of the biggest assholes I have ever seen, who get away with abusing the poor lad.
 See, here is the problem: In a crew featuring a choleric homophobic soulless ginger
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 A black rat person who wants to fuck the ginger even without her consent
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 A furry abomination that has the same brain wavelengths as Chris Chan 
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And a perverted dwarf who tries to impersonate Happosai from Ranma 1/2
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 Sam is the only decent person in the entire crew. He works hard, he even questions the morality of his friends at times, he is honest, he is not perverted, almost good to the point of childish innocence and he has a very humble “goal” which is he wants to own his own piece of gold. Not even a big pile of treasure, just one single coin would be enough for him.
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 So he is likeable and relatable. In fact, if anything goes by, he may have been one of the most popular ones in the comic. And yet he is the one who gets constantly abused by “fate” and his friends, because as Dobson would say it, he is supposed to be the buttmonkey. There is just one problem: People do not necessarily like buttmonkeys.
I can primarily speak only for myself here, but I hope what I have to say resonates with others too. See, I get it: A character who is the butt of a joke can be fun. Like Daffy in Duck Amuck. But there is a fine line where a character being humiliated for the sake of a joke is fun (and perhaps even deserved because of his own shortcomings or deeds/actions that make the humiliation sort of kharmic, like lets say Johnny Bravo) and a character being humiliated to the point it feels disproportional, unfunny and mean spirited if not outright sadistic, can be crossed. Take Meg Griffin from Family Guy for example whose only “purpose” for existing within the last 12+ years is to get shat on by her family and the writers. People have no idea for a plot with her, so what do they do? Have her father physically and emotionally abuse her, fart in her face for what is supposed to count as a joke and then add additional insult to it by acknowledging that they are only doing this, because they have no other idea for her and think abuse is fun. Let me just tell you from experience, it is not.
And that is essentially what Sam is: He is the Meg Griffin of Alex ze Pirate, used by his creator as the butt of very unfunny jokes, even if he does not deserve any of the things said or done to him. Want to see some examples?
 How about the description Dobson gives Sam within the introduction of one of his volumes, showing how little Dobson as the creator even cares for him.
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Why is he called an unworthy “slob” if he is the only one who actually works? Shouldn’t a slob be someone like Dobson, who can’t even take care of himself anymore? Also the confirmation that he was kidnapped at the age of 16. And as we have no clarification how much time passed between Legends Vol. 1 and anything afterwards, that means that in a way Alex is a child abuser.
And now, here some examples by the rest of the cast. Like Uncle Peggy framing him for all sorts of his perverted actions and even trying to kill him for no apparent reason?
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Alex trying to kill him with chicken pox…
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…Destroying all his worldly posessions which is hilarious because he is a poor orphan…
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…Essentially describing him as worthless because he was born with an Y-chromosome…
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… doing the kind of thing Dobson claims women would never do to man, using their sex appeal to hurt them…
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…forcing him to do some unnecessary and rather petty work for her in a physics defying manner (seriously, the way he holds the axe does not compute with how he swings it. Try it out yourself)
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… stealing his food and just being a cruel sadistic cunt to him just because it is fun.
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Which is “funny” in so far as that there are a few comics indicating she would jump his dick and ride it like a little pony if she could.
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 By the way, Talus and Atea are not better. None of them calls Alex out on her bullshit on average, Atea uses Sam to trigger traps in one story arc…
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And Talus, the closest to a “friend” he is supposed to have, once for no apparent reason made him dig through his litterbox
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And don’t get me even started when the characters decide to gang up on Sam, to the point he gets sexually harassedor is called to be less worth as a human being than the dirt you find in your belly button
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Fuck’s sake, even in fanart everyone gangs up on him, even the freaking big bad of the story everyone is supposed to hate or be afraid of
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 Bottom line, Sam is an abuse victim played for laughs in this comics. And just to clarify, I do not think this was Dobson’s intention. But if the character is undeservingly the butt of jokes for the majority of over 120 strips, it turns nasty. The way Sam is treated, I just find disgusting and indictive of just how unlikable any other character in this comic is to the point I do not want to see this being turned into a proper “franchise”. And I assume others were disgusted by it too, cause Dobson eventually decided to make a story more or less addressing the treatment Sam receives, while also attempting to prove that deep down the assholes with starring roles in this trainwrack care for him. How did this play out? Well, I am going to talk about it, so likely not well. If you want to see the details, grab yourself some popcorn and take a toilet break before we tackle part 2 of this thing.
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gothamangelwings · 3 years
Okay, so I wasn’t sure if I was going to say anything about this, but I have to, for my own sanity. Excuse me for my rambling (especially about Castiel) and repeating myself, which I probably will do in this post.
Truth is I only got into Supernatural a little over a year ago. I just kept avoiding it over the years. I think when it was in it’s 7th or 8th season, I thought to myself “oh this should be ending soon. I’ll just wait til its over and watch it then” That did not happen. Jump to last year when I heard about the Scoobynatural episode. I love Scooby so I had to watch. And I loved it. And I really loved Sam and Dean. But I also couldn’t stop thinking about the guy in the trench coat with the deep voice named Castiel. Did very little research to find out he’s an angel. That’s all I wanted to know. Went to netflix and started watching the show from the beginning. By the time I got midway thru season 3 I was hooked. I started buying the dvds in bunches. Watching as much as a I could a week. When I got to season 4 I was Cass on the cover of the boxset and said “that’s him! That’s the angel! He’s in the season!” I actually didn’t know he would show up right in the beginning of the season but when Dean was at that gas station and gas started shattering I thought. That’s him isn’t it? That’s Castiel. Misha’s actual entrance on the show is the best in history. I do love Sam and Dean but I’m not going to lie and pretend like Castiel isn’t my favorite. Because he is. I adore that awkward angel. He is the reason I happily kept watching and brought all the dvds because I knew Misha was still working on the show. He is the reason I will buy season 15. I started shipping Destiel in season 5 but when I re-watched the series (Yes I watched it twice in less than a year. One over a period of several months the other over a few weeks before the show came back after hiatus.) I saw moments in season 4 that i missed the first time around.
So yes this finale makes me cry and not in a good way. although there are a few saving graces.
Let’s begin.
First let me start by saying I do not in any way blame the actors. Especially Jensen. He said he thought the ending was bad and had to be talked into it. Dean/Jensen deserved better. I blame the writers and producers and The CW
Second, repeat after me:
Cass is in heaven with Dean
Cass is in heaven with Dean
Cass is in heaven with Dean
Cass is in heaven with Dean
Now speaking of Castiel, who I mostly want to talk about before addressing the rest of this mess. Castiel/Misha deserved better. There really is no reason Misha couldn’t be in the final episode unless there was something on his end. Although seeing that he recently went to California to shoot a something for Amazon and took West to the Winchester House. He can definitely travel. But if there was some reason on his end, then okay, fine then. However that doesn’t excuse the way the handled his character in these last two episodes.
Yes in 15x19 Dean demands Chuck bring Cass back. Dean remembers Cass’s words when Chuck calls him the ultimate killer. Yes, Dean runs to the door when he thinks Cass has just called him. Instead in was Lucifer. What a slap in the face to the fans and an insult to Misha after that beautiful confession of love.
But the end of the episode. Jack becomes God and no one says “What about Cass?”
Now 15x20. Sam brings up Castiel and Dean is just like “move on“. No, That is not Dean. No matter what Dean cared about Castiel, to the point that being without him in the past led him to depression. i understand he doesn’t want Castiel’s sacrifice to be in vein. But come on. There’s living on and being happy and then there’s acting like the guy didn’t matter. Again, no. That is not Dean. Not after all the development those two have had. I know Dean wasn’t always perfect when it came to Cass but he did care. What happened to “We lost everything. Now you’re going to bring him back” What happened to the purgatory apology and admitting his anger issues. And so much more.
Again Castiel is in heaven. Jack got him out of The Empty. But they could of made it more clear. ( I swear, if they are leaving this up to interpretation....) Because I see so many people who have “conveniently” missed what Bobby said and insist he’s still in The Empty. Or just want to say “well that’s not what he meant. Cas is still dead, he just meant his influence on Jack” or some shit like that.(Now that I think about maybe influence isn’t the right word to use with this fandom lol)
Anyway lets say that Misha could not in anyway be there for filming. YOU CAN STILL ADDRESS HIS CHARACTER PROPERLY AND GIVE HIM A SATISFYING ENDING. In fact you barely have to change the scene between Dean and Bobby just add a few more lines.
Dean: “So Jack did all that?”
Bobby: “Well Cass helped”
Dean: “Wait, Cass is here?!”
Bobby: ‘Yep, Kid got him out.”
Dean: “Well where is he? Can I see him?”
Bobby (smiling): “Now calm down ya idjit. He’ll be back soon. Had some business to take of. But he is planning to stick around here with the rest of us.’
Dean (smiling, happy because he’s getting a second chance): Good. He belongs with us. With me. (takes a drink) It’s just too bad...
Bobby (knowing he’s talking about Sam: “Don’t worry he’ll be here shortly...”
Scene plays out as normal but instead when Sam and Dean are reunited. Dean tells him “Let’s head back, Mom, Dad, Bobby, and Cass are waiting for us. Along with everyone else we loved and lost when we were alive.”
Or... a few scenarios with Castiel there (even for a few moments)
1. When Dean dies (yeah we’ll talk about that) Jack sends down Cass to take him to heaven. Dean leaves his body. Watches as Sam falls apart and then hears “Hello Dean” turns and there’s Cass to guide him to heaven and also let him know Sam will be okay and will live a happy life”
2. The scene with Bobby starts the way it did but instead after he says “Well Cass helped” he points behind Dean.
Cass: “Hello Dean.”
Dean: “Cas! Aw, it’s good to see you. You have no idea.”
They embrace. Maybe the say something about the confession maybe they don’t but at least they’re together and we know that they have time to talk.
Episode continues as it did but again Dean tells Sam that Castiel is here waiting for them.
3. Episode plays exactly as it did. Except at the very end after Sam and Dean reunite on the bridge...
Cass: “Hello Dean. Hello Sam”
Both: Cass!
The three hug. Dean a bit longer.
Dean: “Well look at that. Team Free Will back together again. This time forever.”
In any scenario Castiel is living in heaven with the boys. Him and Dean eventually talk about what happened. In my canon Dean returns his feelings but even if he can’t it’s okay because Dean does care about Cass. And Castiel’s happiness was just in being able to say it. Either way they’re together along with everyone else they love and will be waiting for those who haven’t arrived yet.
Also Cass finally gets his guinea pig. Because he deserves it.
Moving on the other problems which I won’t go into full detail in like I did Castiel.
Dean’s death. The ever loving fuck was that? A nail?! I get that they finally get to call the shots in there own lives now but come on! A nail. And this is what a few weeks after defeating Chuck. Who, if he wants to can have a happy life. You know when Cass heard about this he rolled his eyes. Like “Really?!”
Ewwww that forehead touch. I know for most people it’s just a sweet final moment between two siblings as one dies. But we all know this is fuel for the Winc*sters and b*bros. I mean come on now. You’re afraid to have Dean even acknowledge Castiel’s feelings but a forehead touch that can and will be taken out of context as romantic between two brothers is fine and dandy. I was watching this with my Mom and even she was like “That forehead touch,,, why.. just why...”
Funny thing about my Mom. (Sorry not sorry going back to talk about Cass for a moment) She has been watching SPN with me this year but honestly only (not even) half paid attention. She has a habit of always looking at her phone even when it’s something she wants to watch. Two weeks ago after 15X18 I asked “Do you believe Cass’s confession was romantic?”
Her response. “No, they’re just friends. Angels aren’t supposed to feel romantic love.’ We get into a small argument.
A few days later...
Me: “Misha confirmed it was romantic.”
Mom: “Oh, well that settles it then. I just was taught that angels didn’t feel that kind of love.”
Me: “Yeah but your forgetting a few things. 1. Cass isn’t like other angels and 2. This is a fictional tv show not the actual bible.
Mom laughs: “Good point, Guess I didn’t think about that.”
Me: “Y’know people are actually saying  that Cass can’t be gay or bi because Dean isn’t.”
Mom: “That’s stupid. One has nothing to do with the other. Even if Dean doesn’t feel the same way that doesn’t change Castiel’s feelings.”
Jump to the last few days.
Mom: “Cass is going to show up in the finale. He and Dean will be reunited! Maybe he’s one of those people in the masks being controlled by The Empty. Or maybe there will be a scene in the barn where Dean is on the ground about to be stabbed and Cass saves him in the knick of time!”
Mom after the finale: “That was terrible. Very disappointed. They really couldn’t get Misha for few minutes. They better not use covid as an excuse with all those people on that bridge. Everything about this episode felt wrong” (she said that about 15x19 too). (Grabs her phone to look at twitter) “Misha is crying. This episode doesn’t deserve pie.”
We brought pie. We did not eat it.
Moving on.. .yeah yeah the wig on Jared was awful. But who cares. What I want to know is who is the mother? Is it Eileen? I hope it’s Eileen. It better be Eileen.
The barn. Why? Why that barn? Did they really think no one would notice. I get reusing sets and locations as completely different places. But that just hurt.
Did we need so many songs with no dialogue being spoken. I mean yes Carry On was a must have but so much time could’ve been spent talking about other characters during the other songs .
And again why are they trying to make Dean look bad. It’s not his/Jensen’s fault it’s the horrible writing of these final two episodes. Why did they not take to opportunity to talk about Castiel’s confession. Yes I’m  back on Cas again. I warned you. Also he’s probably the main reason you’re reading this anyway, so yeah...
I would like to believe a conversation happened off screen but the way Sam and Dean acted it doesn’t seem like it.
Again would it be so hard. Two scenarios
Dean: “Before Cass got dragged into the Empty he told me...
Sam: :Told you what?”
Dean: He told me... he told me he loved me.”
Sam (smiling): “That’s not news Dean,”
Dean: “No Sammy. He really loved me... like... you know..”
Sam: “Again, not news Dean. How do you feel? “
Dean (hesitates): “ I think... no, I know I love him too. He’s the only man I’ll ever love.”
Sam: “Well you know technically Cass really isn’t male... so...
Dean: “Oh please Sammy. Could you imagine Cass in any other body? Especially a chicks. It would be so weird.”
Sam: “Good point.”
Dean: “Besides, he was perfect the way he was.”
Dean: “Before Cass got dragged into the Empty he told me...
Sam: :Told you what?
”Dean: He told me... he told me he loved me.”
Sam (smiling): “That’s not news Dean,”
Dean: “No Sammy. He really loved me... like... you know..”
Sam: “Again, not news Dean. How do you feel? “
Dean: “I can’t return his feelings. I see him as a man and you know I’m attracted to women.”
Sam: “Alright then.”
Dean. “But y’know...”
Sam: “Hmmm?”
Dean: “I still miss him. I wish he was here with us.”
There were so many easy ways to fix this and they did nothing. Did they not think 15x18 would have a huge impact. I really hope the writers are kicking themselves for this. Funny, by ignoring Castiel and his feelings they actually brought more attention and love to him and Misha.
I really don’t know if a rewrite and reshoot for the dvd release is possible. Has that ever been done, I feel like it has but I’m not sure. But if it is. Fix it. It only took a few weeks to film these last two episodes. I’m sure all the actors can come back to film for a few weeks. Once there are less Covid restrictions of courses. I know there’s been talk about a possible movie. That could fix it. As long as they bring back the angel in the trench coat. Or how about a bonus episode for the dvd 15x21 where everyone is gathered in heaven. Sam, Dean, Cass, Bobby, Mary, John, Kevin, Charlie, Eileen, Jo, Ellen, Pam. Even Crowley and Rowena because why not. Oooh and Meg too because she did sacrifice herself for them and also I just love her.  Anyway they all gather and talk about old times. Perfect excuse for an old fashion clip show. Funny/heartwarming banter in between. Make Destiel canon at the end. Another possible way to fix it is do a comic book season or even just a few issues to flesh out the ending in heaven. Just fix it.
At least we have fanfiction.
If there are any positives to take away it’s this:
1: Castiel is in heaven with Dean. They are together. They have a second chance.
2. It was said only 30% of the fanbase would like this ending. Like many people I assumed that meant a Destiel ending. Cause I thought out of the whole fanbase shippers were in the minority. Nope turns of the the Winc*sters/B*bros are the 30%. Destiel fans, Cass fans, Misha fans are part of the 70% who hate this. Though why you would want to only please 30% of your fanbase is beyond me.
3. Sam was able to live a long happy life without being codependent on his brother.
I absolutely hated the last two episodes and how this show ended. Again the only saving grace is knowing Jack got Castiel out of The Empty and he and Dean reunited in heaven. But no matter how much I hated 99% of the ending. I still love this show and all it’s characters. I will happily go back and watch it over again to relive the good, funny, sad, bittersweet moments. The final 90 minutes of the series is not going to ruin that for me. I love Sam and Dean but Castiel is my favorite and I will happily go back and enjoy everything about his character. I am not going  to let this ruin Supernatural for me. Next summer I am going to my first SPN Convention and I can’t wait. I may have only discovered the greatness of Supernatural a year ago after avoiding it for so long but I want it to stay apart of my life. Like I said I only got into Supernatural a little over a year ago but this hurt my heart so much I only imagine how those of your who’ve been here for over a decade feel.
I know this was very, very long and I probably actually forgot some things I wanted to say. But I’m tired.
Cass and Dean are in heaven together. I believe they are canon 💙💚
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mycarlydotcom · 4 years
The Issue With The Relationship Pairings of iCarly:
If you were a fan of iCarly, you are very much aware of the passionately fueled "shipping" war that went on between fans while the show aired. Diehard fans planted their flags in the ground and went to bat for the pairing they respectively “shipped,” and boy were they fervent about it. There were the Creddiers, who believed Carly and Freddie should get together; and in opposition to them were the Seddiers, who believed the same about Sam and Freddie. Now, I’d be remiss not to mention that there was also a third camp of fans as well; those who did not support either pairing ending up together. The divide in the audience was real, with all sides vehement about their position, but regardless of which camp you fell into, there was always one MAJOR constant, and that was the show’s failure to choose which direction they wanted to go in, and sticking to it.
Now, before diving deep into this topic, I feel it pertinent to acknowledge which camp I fell into for the sake of transparency, and to hopefully avoid any personal bias. I was, and still am, a full fledged supporter of Sam and Freddie. They stole my heart from the very beginning, and to this day my mind will sometimes venture off into cheesy, mushy thoughts about this pairing. I love them to death, but just because I am what would be deemed a "Seddier," doesn't mean I'm ignorant to the opposing beliefs. I fully acknowledge that the Carly and Freddie pairing has a lot of merit to it, and so does the idea that neither pairing should’ve been endgame. I’m not here to argue in favor of Sam and Freddie right now, I’m here to discuss why the way the pairings were handled was problematic to the show.
As the “shipping” war between fans reached all time heights, the show unfortunately got lost in trying to please everyone at once. This resulted in a mess where both pairings were constantly being teased while still trying to leave the narratives ambiguous enough to not scare off people who didn’t support either one. It ultimately lead to no commitment in any particular direction for the show, and left many fans feeling like they never got closure.
Closure, if there was one thing that mattered most to me as a fan, it was closure. I honestly would have been okay with the opposing pairing of Carly and Freddie being endgame as long as my desired pairing would have been given proper closure. I also would've been okay with neither pairing being endgame, so long as both received that closure. Unfortunately, that was not what anybody got. What we got at the end of the series was an unspoken love triangle left ambiguous, and it rubbed many fans the wrong way.
As you know, towards the end of iGoodbye, Carly and Freddie share a kiss before she leaves for Italy with her father. This moment, by all means should please the Creddiers, as it is the last bit of romance we see between any characters in the series, but unfortunately there is an asterix beside it. It is proceeded by a scene where Freddie asks Sam if she “wants to get back together,” and even though we are not afforded a response by Sam, we are left to infer that these characters are still harboring feelings of love for one another.
So, what are we left with? Carly kisses Freddie, her best friend’s ex-boyfriend, after Sam spends a majority of the episode being a great friend to her; so much so, that Spencer gifts Sam an expensive Motorcycle because in his words, she is “a great best friend" to his little sister. It really doesn’t paint Carly in a favorable light. Then we have Freddie, who willingly kisses Carly just hours after implying he still has feelings for Sam. This is after Freddie spends most of Season 6 being cold to Sam, despite telling the poor girl he loved her before their break up. To our knowledge, Carly is unaware of all the aforementioned about Sam. So Freddie is also painted in an unfavorable light, as he juggles two girls unbeknownst to him doing so. Lastly, we have Sam. Poor Sam gets left out in the cold, as her ex-boyfriend that she still cares about and her best friend she’d do anything for (as displayed in this episode) kiss behind her back. She never finds out, she gets strung along, and then just leaves without any formal goodbyes to anyone besides Carly. 
None of the character’s are given closure here, and everything is left ambiguous. Leaving things open-ended can be fine if done properly, but when you leave three different potential outcomes (Creddie, Seddie, or neither) all open-ended like that, it just muddles the story. It becomes an ambiguous mess where nothing gets settled, and it’s insulting to the audience.
There was a complete lack of commitment by the writers when it came to these pairings, and it ultimately left a blemish on this beloved series.
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prince-of-elsinore · 3 years
29. What are your views about the racism, sexism and homophobia on supernatural?
Oo you gotta come in with the contentious question, huh, anon? 😂 Tbh this feels like a three-part question, because they're all separate issues. But in general, I take the show for what it is. I don't go in expecting it to be super woke (especially in early seasons--the culture has changed a lot since 2005, thank goodness). So I sort of turn off part of my brain to enjoy the show. There are aspects I get vaguely annoyed at, but when it comes to seeing the show as regressive or progressive, liberal or conservative, I actually don't think it fits neatly into either category. That said:
--racism: I think the show fails most on this front. There have been some great recurring characters of color (have I mentioned how much I love Rufus? And Kevin?) but they are astonishingly few and far between for 15 seasons. I don't get mad that the core characters (Sam, Dean, Crowley, Cass) are all white dudes considering it was accidental on the part of Crowley and Cass, who were supposed to be short-lived (though there's also something to be said about fandom attachment to white male characters they can slash and woobify. Excellent article: https://stitchmediamix.com/2020/03/28/migratory-slash-fandoms-focus/ ) But there were many missed opportunities to introduce/bring back characters of color. I wish they'd done more with Cassie, but I also sort of worry they would have messed up pretty badly. Also, considering all the various and sundry villains of the show, I'm not upset about getting complex, layered ones like Gordon (one of my fave antagonists) and Billie, but considering the overall shortage of characters of color, it does throw the balance off. The optics are not good. All in all, I don't think the show is overtly racist, but then, many things that are not overtly racist can still contribute to white supremacist culture. It could easily have done better in this regard.
--sexism: The way I feel about Sam, Dean, Crowley, and Cass all being guys is is similar to how I feel about them all being white. I like Jack, but there's a perfect example of a missed opportunity to add a core character who wasn't a white dude. That said, there are a good number of really great, dynamic recurring female characters. From my understanding, part of the reason some early ones (Bela, Jo) didn't stick around was actually because fandom hated them? Which is dumb. Idk. Anyway, I think the 'female characters always die' argument is sort of moot because everyone dies on supernatural. Jody and Donna are rare exceptions to that rule. Honestly one of the things that interests me about supernatural is how it comments on/plays with/challenges notions of masculinity, so if I wanted a show about women I would just go elsewhere. So, ditto to what I said above: I don't think the show is overtly sexist, but many things that are not overtly sexist can still contribute to patriarchal culture and misogyny (by not interrogating the dominant culture). I just think that overall, the show /mostly/ avoids truly harmful narratives and matches up with what I expect of media from its era. Could always do better, but it's not the worst.
--homophobia: Tbh, I feel like the show is surprisingly non-homophobic. There are canon gay characters with very sympathetic treatment and multidimensional characterization. I don't think it's homophobic in and of itself to have two straight male leads. Particularly post-classic spn made obvious efforts at inclusion, but even classic spn wasn't terrible in this regard--perhaps mostly through its silence on the issue, which isn't great, but it also means the show ages better than a lot of shows from that era that went for cheap homophobic jokes (and boy, are there so so many of them). Some people argue Dean is homophobic but I honestly don't buy it. The only thing I can think of is him calling Sam gay as a teasing insult, but that just honestly doesn't bother me. It was before 2010, he's a macho dude teasing his little brother. I don't think it really reflects whatever he actually thought about gay people. I think Dean is actually a great barometer of shifting societal attitudes in this way. At that time, gay as an insult like that was still pretty common, but in the following decade it became apparent to most people why that's not cool, and I think Dean grew with that too. There's no way later-season Dean would use that insult. Anyway I could go on about Dean and the homophobia arguments but I won't lol. Overall, I think the show does better with lesbian and gay (sadly no bi or trans) rep than with the other issues above, because it manages not to perpetuate harmful stereotypes.
Wow, I know this got long, but hey, they're complex issues that deserve thoughtful answers! I'm always a fan of digging into media to look at the implications and how it reflects the culture of the time, and if you dig into spn, there's plenty that's "problematic," and it's worth discussing. But I don't usually find cause to outright criticize the show on these fronts, and partially that's a matter of managing my expectations.
Thanks for the ask!
Ask game
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thebadchoicemachine · 4 years
4 am unpopular opinion time
It’s been quite a while since my SuperWhoLock days were in prime.
Looking back, Dr. Who still holds a special beloved place in my heart. 
Supernatural’s hold has faded as it dragged on but I still look back on it with warmth. 
Sherlock however... well... I’m pissed I wasted so much of my time with it, delusionally waiting to have it all click and telling myself I like it.  
I realize BBC Sherlock sucks. The show is awful for reasons I won’t go deep into because I want to focus on the character but to summarize: queerbaiting, a drag, goes nowhere, butchering good characters in gag-inducing (sexist) ways just to prop up Sherlock more, pretends to be smart but had no real story, the fucking “sleuthing” was stupid as hell, etc. Basically, an insult to the original literature and insulting in general. 
Sherlock himself? The worst part of the show.  He is a boring, desolate, asshole, Gary Stu of a character. He doesn’t even actually use deduction (just magic BS wild theories that are of course right, not because he’s smart but because he’s Sherlock). He is never wrong. He is never corrected or confronted and if he is it’s framed like he’s right anyway or he never cares. He never changes face. He never evolves. He is never anything but perfect, one note, in control, magic, master of the fucking universe, shell of a character, Sherlock. He’s just infuriating and I have no idea why everyone loves him. I have no idea how I even stomached him enough to watch the show twice. Definitely a terrible case of “genius character written by dumb people.” I’m honestly glad that he was never said to be aro and/or ace in canon (as much as they hinted it) because god knows we need an awful stereotype like that around.
I was always more of a casual fan of the show, never saw it as worshipful. I really only delved into the fandom in SuperWhoLock crossovers and even then I found I liked it better when Sherlock took a backseat to the others and John (John was usually great). Why? Because he took over and undermined everyone else, you know, like a Gary Stu! It’s one thing to have HIS show and HIS world revolve around him but it’s another when his very presence twists these other worlds around him too. Why do Sam, Dean, The Doctor and his assistants have to suddenly know less about their fields of expertise than a man who spends his life disproving their existence? 
You know the MOST infuriating thing? When people write him in a better way and they’re chastised for it. When people write Sherlock as a, well, a character (who has reactions and flaws and maybe takes a MINUTE to be even a tad taken aback or not 1000% on top of everything every second) but then are criticized for writing him too out of character. 
I- you- wha-
I’m just saying that if your character having flaws and NOT being perfectly stable in every situation no matter how unpredictable/jarring it is is considered “OOC” they’re probably not as good a character as you think.
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dickytwister · 4 years
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66. staring at the other’s lips, trying not to kiss them, before giving in
quinjet rides are the worst. only window’s the windshield and it’s all clouds and rain and a whole bunch of nothing to look at, the space feels too narrow too soon and it’s way too easy to trip on his own feet while changing than it would be in any other mean of transportation — and maybe that’s just in his head, maybe he just doesn’t enjoy the concept of being thousands of feet up in the air when he knows what it’s like to fall, but he’d much rather be in a train right now, or a car or a boat. hell, he’d walk the distance separating him from wherever fury’s sending them if it meant not having to sit in this god forsaken jet again.
sam’s presence helps, though. being alone, all the way up here… he never feared heights as the winter soldier, fear was not part of his programming, but now, all healed up (or as healed as it gets) and independent, he probably would have pissed himself had he been the only one in there.
sam is… well. he’s not like steve. he’s not careful, he’s not hovering over him with every single step he takes, making sure everything is fine whenever he so much as flinches. not that steve’s worry isn’t appreciated; it is, it really is, after all these years, it feels nice to be the one being protected for a change. it just gets overwhelming, sometimes, and wilson seems to get that. he doesn’t intrude, doesn’t ask, but it’s in his eyes whenever he sees bucky bite his nails and it’s in the halfhearted insults he throws back when they argue. he’s not gonna pry, but he’s not absent, either, like he is now, sitting on one of the seats, adjusting his uniform, not looking up but still opting for a posture that’s open enough for bucky to feel comfortable instead of like a burden. 
there’s a reason why steve chose him to become the new cap. not only is he good with words, what with the whole counseling thing he did back then, but he’s also great with non-verbal communication. he knows exactly where to put himself in a room to make it as non-threatening as possible, he knows when to put a hand on his shoulder and when a simple nod suffices, but, most important of all, he knows when all that’s needed is a smile. 
any smile from him is a balm to even the most terrible wound bucky could have. soft, plump lips, stretched into a warm or mocking or reassuring grin. it’s enough to beat whatever trauma he’s been through — not enough to heal, but enough to forget, for a while, for the few seconds where his gaze is trained onto his mouth and his mind is occupied with thoughts that have nothing to do with assassination and torture. more like—
“you could at least pretend to be listening,” sam huffs, and maybe bucky was deeper in his thoughts than he initially thought because sam has moved from his spot and is standing right in front of him, arms crossed, looking up in a way that makes bucky feel smaller than him. “if this mission fails, i’m blaming you.”
oh. right. the mission. the mission fury gave them. the mission sam’s been summarizing for the past five minutes, explaining in detail how they’d get in and do… whatever they’re here to do. he hasn’t been listening and it’s even harder to now that sam’s this close, that he licks his lips in frustration, that he exhales harshly enough for bucky to feel his breath fan over his chin. he wants to listen, he knows he has to, but some tasks are simply impossible to accomplish, even for a deadly assassin like him. 
so he stares. again. he stares as if, if he looks at them long enough, they’ll move against his own instead of forming yet another string of nonsense. he wants nothing more than to lean in, capture sam’s mouth with his own, make him shut the hell up about this damn mission which he still has no idea about and just taste him. he’s confident in his theory that sam’s lips are softer than any dame’s he’s ever dipped in a kiss. having them on his would be like a miniature version of heaven, probably. 
he’s not about to do that. there is something there, lingering between them: sam is standing too close already, sits too close, too, whenever they have to go through a meeting together, leaves his hand on bucky’s shoulder for a second too long when he touches him, and bucky is too eager to let him do all of these things for it to be a banal companionship. but talking about it requires courage, and bucky is fresh out of that, at least when it comes to a pretty bird guy.
“earth to bucky,” sam says. he sounds just a little annoyed, yet the way his mouth shapes bucky’s name is what makes the dam break.
he doesn’t actually mean to go that fast, metaphorically as well as literally. as it is, he’s too quick in his haste to steal sam’s mouth in what he intended to be a passionate kiss and ends up just… bumping his head against sam’s forehead. deadass. 
“what’s that? are you feeling okay?” of course, sam would worry. bucky has been unresponsive for the past ten minutes and seemingly has lost his footing. 
“i… yes? no.” a sigh. sam tilts his head to the side, listens closely, but his eyes dart to bucky’s mouth and it gives the latter enough of that courage he’s been lacking to spill it all out. “my aim was off. i was trying to kiss you.”
a moment passes. complete silence takes its rightful place in the quinjet, only accompanied by the constant buzzing of the motor and the beeping from the consoles. bucky’s forehead is still next to sam’s, his cheeks are probably redder than the shield’s stripes and he thinks maybe falling off a train wasn’t that bad, considering how fucking dreadful this whole situation is. 
figuratively, this time, he took a leap of faith. 
god, he hates falling. 
“you could’ve just asked,” sam shrugs. there’s an eye roll in his voice and, when bucky turns his head to the side to take a better look at his face, he sees the eye roll isn’t only in his tone. “would’ve made this way less embarrassing for you.”
sam pulls him in before he can protest and, honestly, it’s not so bad. he smiles and kisses back, wraps his arms around sam’s waist and keeps him close. 
he was right about one thing, at least: sam’s lips are the softest. 
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meteor752 · 4 years
MCU Hogwarts headcanons
A while back I did this with Lotr, and it was fun, so I will do it with the MCU now too. And no, I will not do a long ass post going over every fucking year because that would take such a long time, and I don’t bother.
And again, this is my opinion, you are entitled to yours, but I’m not interested in yours so screw it.
Tony: Ravenclaw, Pureblood. Kind of a slacker when it comes to classes, and basically sleeps his way through most of them, but still gets top scores on essays and tests. May be a Pureblood, but he don’t give a shit about your blood status. Addicted to sweets and coffee. Don’t approach him, he will start to gush about that kind Hufflepuff within five minutes. Is trying to find a spell that will make him taller because he smol. Ravenclaw chaser. Patronus is a Raven
Steve: Hufflepuff, muggleborn. Is one of those Hufflepuffs that is all sweet and stuff, but can fuck you up if desired too. A fan of dueling. Is there if you need to talk about something. Doesn’t know what’s going on around him, ever. Is really good at Herbology. Often pets the plants cuz he’s soft like that. Is totally in love with that snarky Ravenclaw boy. Hufflepuff keeper, Quidditch captain and prefect. Patronus is a bald eagle (Yes I did that)
Thor: Gryffindor, Pureblood. Stans everyone around him. Come to him if someone would insult you, he will beat up the person and then give you chocolate frogs. A huge effing nerd tbh, and really likes the Holyhead Harpies. Is shamelessly dating his adopted brother (YES I SHIP THORKI NO I WILL NOT APOLOGIZE). Amazing at weather magic. Wants to become an animagi. Patronus is a Labrador.
Natasha: Slytherin, Halfblood. Adopted and raised by an auror. Is in one of those stereotypical Hufflepuff-Slytherin friendships. Really good at potions. Everyone is either scared of her or in love with her, or both. Is a faithful girlfriend though. Is honestly though a real cutie. Makes fun of everyone. Just needs a hug. Slytherin beater. Patronus is a cheeta.
Bruce: Ravenclaw, halfblood. Werewolf. Not the boldest person in the world. Can snark back if needed to. Would rather not though. Is basically good at every subject. Used to get bullied, before Stark started snarling at everyone that came close. They are basically best friends. Fancies that loud gryffindor girl, but has no idea why. Ravenclaw prefect. Patronus is a frilled lizard.
Clint: Hufflepuff, muggleborn. Adopted and raised by an auror. Is in one of those stereotypical Hufflepuff-Slytherin friendships. Is trying to find a spell that will make him hear better. Really defensive of other disabled kids. Teaches them ways to use magic to make life easier. Is honestly just a huge mess. Constantly flirting with the stiff Hufflepuff girl. Goofball to the max. Likes flying. Hufflepuff beater. Patronus is a hawk.
Loki: Slytherin, pureblood. Was revealed to be adopted when he was ten. Has met his biological family once, and would rather not do it again. Master at illusion magic and the dark arts. Crossdressing icon. If you’re looking for him, he’s probably in the library studying something forbidden. Has taken the odd hufflepuff girl under his wing. Slytherin seeker. Patronus is a viper.
Bucky: Slytherin, muggleborn. Tired mom energy. Went through a goth phase in his third and fourth year, and is very embarassed by it. Lost his arm in his second year in a hydra accident. Loves his creepy girlfriend to bits. Friendly rivalry with the Hufflepuff boy that often hovers around his best friend. Bisexual Disaster at it’s finest. Slytherin beater. Patronus is a wolf.
T’Challa: Slytherin, pureblood. Probably the kindest person you will ever meet. Is often found at the top of the astronomy tower, watching the sunset. Recently found out about his cousin that’s attending Ilvermorny, and is trying to form a friendly relationship. Rumored to be from a royal family in Africa. Slytherin Prefect, Slytherin keeper, Quidditch captain and Head boy. Patronus is a Panther.
Rhodey: Gryffindor, halfblood. Childhood best friend with Stark. Has to drag him away from trouble constantly. Is the only one with a single braincell. Has often tried to combine small muggle devices with magic. Has often failed ar combining small muggle devices with magic. Aromantic icon. Is close to hexing his friend if he won’t stop babbling about the kind Hufflepuff boy. Gryffindor prefect and chaser. Patronus is a pigeon.
Stephen: Ravenclaw, muggleborn. Was so focused to learn everything about the wizarding world that he did it in the span of a single month. Was almost put into Slytherin. Kind of wants to be put into Slytherin because that Stark kid is getting on his nerves. Aims to be the next Merlin. Really good at charms and ancient runes. Has tried and suceeded multiple times to sneak into the restricted section in the library. Helps Loki to guide the odd Hufflepuff girl, so he won’t corrupt her in some way. Patronus is a Parrot.
Hela: Slytherin, Pureblood. Transexual queen. Goth lesbian to the max. Will protect her younger brothers with her life. Has a wolf as a pet, for some reason. Really fascinated by ghosts and Inferius. Basically really into death. Is often found talking to the thestrals. Hopelessly in love with her best friend. Might be a future dark lord, who knows. Patronus is a Unicorn.
Brunnhilde: Gryffindor, muggleborn. Butch lesbian and proud. Is not impressed by you. Has a firewhisky problem. Honestly just wants to chill with her BFF and do nothing. Constantly sneaks into the forbidden forest with her, just to skip class. Very oblivious. But is still relatively good at DADA and an amazing dueller. Gets along with her Best friends younger brother, who admires her a lot. Gryffindor beater and Quidditch captain. Patronus is a Pegasus.
Maria: Hufflepuff, muggleborn. Adopted and raised by an auror. Is one of the few Hufflepuffs that isn’t just a kind softy, but a pretty focused student. Gets along with Rhodey relatively well because she too has a couple of braincells. Is trying to become an Auror like her adopted father. Could this Hufflepuff boy stop flirting with me I’m trying to study. Hufflepuff prefect and head girl. Patronus is a lark.
Peter: Gryffindor, Halfblood. Literally the sweetest boy you will ever meet, oh my god how are you this innocent. Just a huge adorable nerd. Everyone loves him. Is best friends with the snarky Ravenclaw girl. Care of magical creatures king. Trans boy. Deathly afraid of spiders. Gryffindor seeker. Patronus is a Wren.
Shuri: Ravenclaw, pureblood. Smartest person in school, and is not afraid to show it. Constantly talks back to teachers. Has gotten a lot of detention because of it. Often does not do her homework though, as she’d rather do her own magical experiments. Gets a lot of detention because of that as well. Bisexual mess. Totally crushing on the soft Hufflepuff boy that she took a liking to. Ravenclaw seeker. Patronus is a panther.
Sam: Hufflepuff, halfblood. Prefers flying on his broom to walking, so he is doing that as much as possible. Sometimes he just flies around on his broom in the halls between classes. Proudly dating the kind Slytherin boy, and wants everyone to know about it. Is actually not a bad student, despite popular belief. Hufflepuff beater. Patronus is a Falcon.
Wanda: Hufflepuff, Halfblood. Was raised in muggle society, as she was abandoned by her Wizard father. A tad bit odd, but really powerful. Is one of the best students in the school at Non-verbal spells. Can do a few tricks with just her hands as well. Is mentored by a Slytherin boy and a Ravenclaw boy, who just can’t stop arguing with each other. Hufflepuff seeker. Patronus is an Augurey.
Pietro: Gryffindor, Halfblood. Was raised in muggle society, as he was abandoned by his Wizard father. Is always late in someway, so is always rushing around everywhere. Accidentally got his hair dyed white during transfiguration his second year, and he ended up liking it so he kept it. Is trying to create a spell to make him faster so he won’t be late all the time. Gryffindor chaser. Patronus is a Fwooper.
Darcy: Gryffindor, muggleborn. The only person who has beaten Thor in a duel. She just tazered him halfway through. Is that one student that refuses to use quills because why would I when pens are much easier? Never wears robes, always wears muggle clothing. Sassiest at Hogwarts. Omni and proud. Doesn’t bother to learn to pronounce a single thing, which has resuled in a couple of incidents. Shamessly in love with the shy Ravenclaw boy, and is constantly flirting. Patronus is a Hedgehog.
Vision: Ravenclaw, muggleborn. Grew up in an orphanage with his older brother Ultron, his older sister Friday and his younger brother Dumme. All four are wizards however. Is not close at all with his siblings. Grew up without any real human connection, so is really bad at emotions. His friend Wanda is teaching him though. Is really bad at social cues. Has a thing for shiny things, especially gems and jewels. Patronus is a crow.
Scott: Hufflepuff, muggleborn. Accidentally shrunk himself in his first year, and no one will let him live it down. Got a good friend from the whole thing though. Is just a big fan of the wizarding world though, and admires everyone. A human puppy. Introduces himself to everyone, in hope of making friends. Really likes to look at and draw bugs. Has more than once used the Engorgement charm on bugs, just to get a better look at them. Patronus is a bumblebee.
Hope: Ravenclaw, pureblood. Made friends with the boy that shrunk himself, just to figure out how he did it. He somehow managed to rub off on her, and in her later years she is a lot more snarky and joking. She regrets it everyday, but it’s too late because that boy is now her boyfriend and she will protect him until the very end. Is often in the glasshouses studying rare insects. Ravenclaw prefect. Patronus is a wasp.
I decided to stop here, because I literally could have kept going for ages, but I didn’t want to do that. Maybe I will make a part two involving the Guardians and a couple of other faces, I can do whatever I want.
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