#like sure dude but also this is our fifth year of college
silvensei · 4 years
In This Mad Machinery
A human and an android swap bodies, resulting in identity crises, existentialism, philosophy with the boys, and fun!
Detroit: Become Human | gen | 20k | rated T | introspective comedy/sci-fi
Chapter 3 (2.5k words) | [AO3 link] | [first] | < prev | next >
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A bell chimed above the door as it swung open. A portly woman turned around from the counter, a practiced yet warm smile and greeting at the ready. When she noticed who her new patrons were, she paused and propped a hand on her hip. “Well, look what the cat dragged in!” she teased amicably. “Hank Anderson! Haven’t seen your face ‘round here in ages!”
“Sorry, Bel. You know how life gets in the way,” Connor said, parroting Hank’s briefing from the car. “Is the usual still on the menu?”
“Aw, hon,” she laughed, “joshing as always!”
Connor smiled. He had no idea what that meant.
Fortunately, she turned her attention to the other member of his party. “As much as it’s good to see an old favorite, new faces keep the business going. Name’s Ysabel.”
Hank waved. “Connor.”
“Well, Connor, want a menu? It’s just your typical array of diner classics, but with enough pizzazz to knock your socks off, guaranteed!”
“Oh, no, thanks, ma’am, just a coffee for now.”
“Two cuppa joe and a patty with the fixin’s.” She waved them off and adjusted her apron. “You boys go make yourselves comfortable, y’hear?”
She left for the kitchen. Hank ushered Connor into the diner proper, over to the rows of red booths with black and white marbled tables. With windows on two sides, natural light filled the space. Only a handful of other tables were occupied, people chattering amongst themselves. It wasn’t terribly spacious, but in the way that it felt cozy rather than claustrophobic.
Hank settled in a corner booth, his back to the wall. “She seems nice,” Connor commented, sitting across from him.
“Bel? She’s more than nice. She’s probably the closest thing to an angel I’ve got.” His head turned to look out the window, letting Connor notice a momentary bout of erratic flickering in his LED. “It doesn’t matter who you are or where you’re from, but she still makes this place seem like a mother’s kitchen. Just home recipes abound. And to top it all off? She don’t take shit from no one.
“One time—” he laughed, “—One time, ages ago, Jeffrey and I came by for lunch just pissed off. An easy drug bust flipped right around and left us with nothing, sending us right back to the drawing board. One officer was so furious she quit that morning. So we came in here, fuming, cussing up a storm, just miserable bastards looking to drown our frustrations in some good ol’ comfort food; it was too early for booze, but hell, did we come close. Bel came over with absolutely not the right thing, like soup and salad or something. I’ll admit, I was a bit of a hotheaded prick back then—”
“‘Back then’?”
“Watch it, boy,” Hank warned with a grin. “Anyway, I snapped at her, saying I wasn’t in the mood to deal with this, we didn’t want this, how hard was it to grill a fucking burger, I didn’t even have my coffee yet, and so on, and she shut me up by throwing a glass of water in my face. It was nearly empty already and didn’t have ice, but it was enough to do the trick. Then she said, ‘If starting over is so easy, why don’t you kids stop bitching and suck it up?’ Then she walked away.” Hank rested his chin in his hand, the smile still on his face. “It was the literal smack to the head that I needed. She gave us the soup n’ salads on the house as an attempt to get us to eat healthier. The coffee was free, too, but it was mostly hot sauce to get back at me for yelling at her.
Connor’s own smile had only grown. He wasn’t entirely sure why; it seemed like an involuntary response. “If that’s not the definition of a guardian angel, then I don’t know what is.”
“What can I say? You really do need a friend around who’s not afraid to knock some sense into you.”
Connor leaned back, sinking into the red cushions. This was comfortable. Natural light diffusing through the windows; fun conversation with the white noise of other discussions over quiet music he couldn’t place; the ever-present aroma of a kitchen hard at work; a pleasant warmth from the sunlight (without the radiation). He would like to come here again.
With such fond memories, though, why hadn’t they come here before in the six months Connor had known him? He decided to ask.
Hank continued looking out the window. His expression shifted into something Connor couldn’t interpret, but the brief red light gave him some clues. “It just seemed a bit boring to bring an android to a restaurant, y’know? You don’t really eat and all….”
“You boys gossiping over here?” joked Bel, sliding two mugs of coffee onto the table. Connor jumped; he hadn’t heard her approach. Or maybe his ears did, but his attention was focused elsewhere. Bel laughed. “Late nights at the bar making you jumpy?”
“Ah… not so much anymore,” Connor improvised. “Some late nights on the job, if anything.”
“Oh, I’d bet. Between homicide and android rights cases, you two are probably set on work for the next couple years.” She fished around in the pocket of her apron.
“Where did you hear about our casework?” asked Hank.
Bel found her target and deposited a couple small cups of thirium into the bowl of half-and-half creamers. “All over the news, hon! You’re really paving the way for androids in the work force. Setting the bar pretty high, too, while you’re at it.” She smiled before whisking off to other tables.
“As nice as ever, that Bel,” Hank commented. He inspected one of the thirium cups and asked, “How is this compared to plain old creamers?”
Connor’s hands hovered around his mug. He lacked his infrared temperature sensor, his unfamiliar tactile senses only told him ‘hot,’ and he couldn’t even remember what a fourth-order differential to estimate heat loss through radiation looked like. He’ll just give it a minute or two to cool. “I’m sure thirium doesn’t taste pleasant, but because the android program recognizes it as essential to mechanical function, it won’t register the taste. It’s just used like a nutritional benefit.”
Hank’s nose scrunched for a moment as he regarded tainting his sacred drink. Then he shrugged, poured one in with a stir and downed a gulp. He stared past Connor, eyes narrowed as he critiqued the taste. There was a smattering of yellow in his LED. “Mmmmm,” he soon hummed. “0.12 calories.”
A snort of laughter caught in Connor’s nose, which turned into a short bout of coughs. The tickle it left in his nasal cavity was completely alien. “Shit,” he choked out. Hank was much better at containing his reaction to just a smirk. “I don’t like how involuntary that was.”
“Hah. Welcome to the club.”
“And hot off the presses!” Bel swept over to them once again, setting a platter in the middle of the tabletop. “Did the onions myself! It was such a treat to break out the cheddar patties again, too; they just go to waste when you’re not around.”
Connor sat mesmerized. He and Hank had gone to many—if not most—burger joints in and around Detroit, but the hamburger in front of him was the tallest, most layered sandwich he had ever seen. Two burgers, flecks of cheddar dripping from them, overflowing with caramelized onions, roasted peppers, mushrooms, slices of some other cheese, lettuce, pickles—is that macaroni? A sharp kick to the shin snapped him from his trance long enough to thank Bel and send her off. “Lieutenant!” he hissed. He leaned forward to keep his voice down, regretting the full whiff of that savory, melty scent he got. “Do you know how many calories are in this?!”
“With this head of yours, I do now, yeah. And no way am I telling you, impulsive programming be damned!” Hank set a devious grin in his borrowed expression; this mischievous image of his doppelgänger made Connor uncomfortable. “Give it a try. I can guarantee it’s delicious.”
He knew he shouldn’t. It was unhealthy, grease-laden, and caloric. As if the burger wasn’t enough, the bed of beer batter waffle fries that coated the plate with accompanying cups of barbecue sauce could’ve been a meal on its own. It also smelled incredible.
It was technically a command from Hank, he realized, but without a HUD of objectives, it was nothing more than words. Nothing binding about it.
But it smelled so good.
He picked up the burger, leaving in the steak knife skewer holding it together. Before he could second-guess himself, he took a bite. There was a crunch from the brioche, a different crunch of the onions, then too many to distinguish, each with its own flavor that he had no previous reference on which to base any categorization, but together, it was splendid.
His instinct was to isolate and analyze each individual component, but without his tech, it was just a bombardment of information. By the time the taste stopped overwhelming his senses, half of the burger was gone.
Hank was swirling the coffee around in his mug, expression dripping in ‘told ya so.’ “A goddamn culinary masterpiece, right?”
Connor took another quick bite (getting mostly onions and macaroni) before he replaced it on the plate. He wiped off his hands on a paper napkin to buy processing time. “Lieutenant,” he said. “Hank. I still disapprove. But I understand now.”
“Fuckin’-A right!” Hank took a bite out of a waffle fry. “Listen, I get that you guys don’t need to eat, but it wouldn’t kill ya every now and then. CyberLife at least could’ve built in better taste buds. All I’m getting is calorie count and salt content, not any of the finesse.”
Trying a fry for himself, he noted the tang that he deduced as saltiness. Though not the main dish, they were also quite good. He took another. “It’s not vital to androids’ function—”
“And it’s not ‘vital’ to come and eat out like this. It’s just fuckin’ delightful.”
That is true. Much of his existence these days isn’t spent out of necessity. He didn’t have to pet Sumo, but it made him happy to do so. Munching on a third fry, he realized that humans were the same, except with more of a sensory benefit, like the fluffiness of Sumo’s fur. Why weren’t they the ones with compulsive programming? It seemed like they would need it more, what with all these distractions that can physically affect their mental state. “Ohh…,” he realized, “no wonder addictions are such an issue.”
“Now— hold on, now, how’d you jump to that conclusion? Like, yeah, but—” Hank’s LED began blinking. He flinched from something before raising his eyebrows. “A call from Jeffrey. Now this’ll be interesting.” He hesitated before he looked around the room. “I, ah, should probably take this elsewhere, ‘case it’s on the down low.”
“Tap the temple to answer,” Connor advised as Hank slid out of the booth and went to the door.
Connor crunched another fry, one that was extra crunchy. He should probably pay Bel soon and get a box for the rest, should they have to leave in a hurry. If only he knew how much two coffees and a—shit.
He picked up the untouched coffee. It was barely warm now. Unhelpful one-track human brain. Can’t even set a reminder in the background. He took a sip. It didn’t warm him or anything, but it tingled his tongue in a sort of dry, sharp way. Coffee was bitter, right? He didn’t think it would be this bitter, but Hank did like his coffee black. Despite complaining he couldn’t taste much, Hank’s mug was completely drained.
He spotted Bel this time as she approached. “Could I get a box for the rest of this? It sounds like we might have to leave soon.”
“Always off to save the city, you two are. I’ll get this all wrapped up in a jiffy!”
“And how much do I owe you?” Connor asked before she left with his plate. He was pretty sure Hank’s wallet was in his left pocket.
Bel cocked a grin. “Hon, has it really been so long you don’t remember?”
He paused. “Got two coffees this time.”
“Oh, silly me, that’s true! How’s an even ten bucks sound, then?”
Connor couldn’t help a small frown. “That seems a bit low….”
“Nah, call it a ‘welcome back’ discount.” Her expression lost its teasing edge, becoming something warm. “It’s good to see you again, Hank.”
While he liked the woman, if the conversation was going to turn sentimental, he wasn’t sure how well he was going to keep up his act. “It’s good to see you, too, Bel,” he replied before bringing his cold mug to his lips, hoping to end it there.
“And I hope you kept your talent for parenting.”
Connor almost choked. “What?”
“You were always a good father.” Bel was looking over his shoulder, off down memory lane. “Cole was the brightest kid in the county. But while more tragedy has befallen you than I would wish on anybody, I still hope Connor’s lucky enough to be in the same kind of care.”
“No, sorry, Connor’s not my son, he’s a detective—my coworker—not to mention an android.”
“Which means he might need it most, eh, sugar?” She shifted her weight and her gaze, looking back at him. “Sure, he looks what, twenty-five? Thirty? But isn’t he a new model? He probably ain’t even three yet, and he’s been deviant for way less than that. A father figure to show him the societal ropes sounds perfect to me.”
He felt like a process or ten had stalled. Fortunately, Hank returned to the table, so Bel took his plate and left with no more than a wink.
“Jeffrey wants us at the office today,” Hank said. Connor blinked and took a breath, trying to not focus on Bel’s inanity. (RK800 androids were the most advanced—hot off the production line immediately—he didn’t need—)
“Specifically, he wants me,” continued Hank, “so technically, he wants you. Said it shouldn’t take long.”
Connor cleared his throat. “So why didn’t he call me directly?”
“He did. A few times.”
Startled, Connor quickly dug out Hank’s phone. The screen lit to two missed calls, one new voicemail, and some new emails. “Oh….”
“Not so easy when it doesn’t directly invade your brain, huh? Now can you forgive me for not texting immediately?”
“I thought we were supposed to be unraveling the secrets of existence, Lieutenant, not dissecting your communication and dietary habits.”
Hank laughed. In Connor’s opinion, it didn’t sound right with his voice, but it made him smile nonetheless. “So, are we both going or just me?” he asked.
“I dunno, what else am I gonna do?”
Connor hummed. “It’s Saturday, right? Markus might be home.”
“Markus? As in rA9 Markus?”
“If CyberLife keeps this up, he’s bound to hear about it sooner or later, so why not tell him now? He usually checks in on his human on the weekends.”
Hank shrugged. “Might as well, I guess. Gives me something different to do. Where’s he live?”
“Around. Don’t ask me, you’re the one with the GPS today.”
Bel returned once more and set a cardboard box on the table. “Well, boys, it was my pleasure!” she boomed. “Y’all better come back soon, alright?”
“Thank you, ma’am,” Hank said with a smile as he stood. “Wonderful coffee.”
“Aw, c’mere!” She pulled him into a hug, something that didn’t fluster Hank at all. When the embrace broke, she held him by both shoulders and said, “Oh, Hank, he hugs like you already!”
The real Hank’s eyebrow twitched. “What…does that mean?”
“Nothing, nothing!”
Connor avoided their eyes until he found a ten and some ones in his wallet and handed them to Bel. He picked up the box and used his free arm to give her a quick hug. It was warm. Nice. “Thanks, Bel.”
[next >]
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on your side
genre: au (while I don’t like the term ‘au-fic’ at all imagine the two characters are in college together and in their early twenties.) angst and some fluff as well.
about 5k words
it’s entirely different than anything I have ever published and I really love it. please let me know what you think and stay safe during these wild and often scary times. 
read more here: my stories
photo: taken from instagram, previously taken by somebody from the movie AWC, which also inspired me (kinda) to even write this.
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They started arguing pretty much the second the car door fell shut behind them and even ten traffic lights, countless of turns and getting honked at twice, didn’t stop their heated exchange of words. Harry’s hands held on to the seat tightly, an attempt not to touch her thigh like he normally would, while hers curled around the steering wheel until the white of her knuckles showed. It wasn’t uncommon for them to fight. They had never been one of those couples who didn’t call each other out on their bullshit or who tried hide anger when there was reason to feel it. However, this was the first time that they weren’t on their way home, where their argument could be settled in private. Instead, Harry and Y/N, both infuriated with each other, were on their way to a party. With one generous rotation of the wheel, Y/N parked Harry’s black car in the last free niche on the street of the frat house. The vehicle gave an unpleasant sound and Harry closed his eyes, his nostrils flaring. Before he got the chance to complain, Y/N swung open the door, stepped out and threw it shut hard enough to know it would set him off. 
“Jesus fuck!” Harry shouted, opening the passenger door and stepping out, too. 
She waited long enough to press ‘lock’ on the keys once he was out, then she walked away. With quick strides he caught up with her, and had he not been as angry as could be he would have probably felt hurt at her for not waiting up like she would have any other day.  Walking next to her he turned to look at her profile, trying to catch her eyes, but she refused. 
“Would you mind not taking your crazy out on my fucking car?”
“Oh, so you do care about that then. Good to know,” she snapped back. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Y/N halted and so did he. They were standing on the pavement, one house away from where there could already be heard the dull sound of music blaring and a good meter of distance between them.  Any other night they would be standing there, too. Only not to deliver a few more blows before pretending to be alright while their friends were around. On any other night, Harry would have taken advantage of the warm weather, by letting his hands roam across Y/N��s bare arms. She would have given him a kiss or two and made him a laugh at least as much. He would have reminded her for the fifth time (at least) that she looked beautiful. There wouldn’t be any distance between them, let alone one entire meter.
“There is one thing I’ve been hearing clearly through all of the bullshit you’ve said today,” Y/N hissed, her lips barely moving and her hands curling into tight fists by her side, “which is that you don’t give a fuck about me.”
“Oh my god.” His throat bobbed as he swallowed thickly, his head falling back before snapping forward quickly, “You’re being such a lunatic!”
Wind picked up some of her hair and pushed the loose strands into her eyes, breaking the angry stare she’d held with him and for a moment, Harry could have sworn she appeared to be younger. Then she brushed the hair off with shaky hands and back she was, angry and exhausted. 
“You’re a dick!” Y/N squealed, 
“Well, clearly we could go on,” he snapped and rolled his eyes, “but our fucking friends are waiting for us so do you think you can manage to avoid me for the next few hours so we can at least settle this at home?” 
Y/N crossed her arms over her chest, hiding her cleavage which he had tried not to stare ever since she’d put on the blue dress. That damn dress. Focusing on it now it only irked him further. She knew how much he loved it when she wore this particular piece of clothing. It had spent the night on the floor of his bedroom or over the back of a chair often enough. He was certain she’d put it on specifically to spite him. 
“Fine, let’s go. But since you’re unhappy with my parking,” Y/N stepped forward and reached up, pressing the hard metal of Harry’s car keys into his chest, “you get to be the designated driver tonight.” 
Her fist lingered on the fabric of his black T-shirt. Feeling her touch him momentarily paused his thoughts. All anger was forgotten, as if the wind had picked it up, too, and carried it far away. Harry whimpered and her lips parted, their eyes connecting without any trace of hurt in them. Then his hand found hers and she dropped the set of keys into his palm, snapping them both out of their brief moment of peace. 
“I don’t want to see you right now,” Y/N stuttered, blinking rapidly until her eyes turned darker again.
“Don’t come look for me later when you’re drunk and feeling sorry,” Harry replied, before he stepped around her and walked towards the frat building.
Y/N lost sight of him the second he stepped inside. Despite still feeling angry with him, she couldn’t stop herself from briefly wishing he wouldn’t have left her alone. She didn’t like being left alone at a party. Neither did he, for the matter, but she refused to feel guilty for sending him away. Y/N drew a shaky breath and stepped inside, instantly greeted by the smell of alcohol, smoke and pot. A big banner had been hung from one side of the hall to the other, wishing everybody a cheerful start to the new semester. Underneath mingled numerous students, all of which held drinks in their hands. Already Y/N recognized a few of them from some of her classes, she didn’t feel like talking to them however. To her luck she spotted a few friends of her in the first room she entered and was quickly greeted with hugs and kisses to her cheek. 
Dena, a girl Y/N had grown close with through sharing an equal distain for their econ teacher, pressed a drink into her hand and smiled. “You look like you need at least two of these.”
Y/N smiled sadly. “That obvious, huh?”
“Well, you didn’t cheer in delight upon seeing us like you should have so,” said Clara, another friend Y/N had made whilst talking badly about her teacher.
“Oh, yeah, I’m sorry.” 
Dena nudged her. “Also, your boyfriend stormed past us earlier so we expected something was up.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” Clara asked.
Y/N shook her head and took a long sip from her drink. It tasted of a mixture of beer and vodka, which on any other day she would have refused to drink. “I really don’t.”
“Great. Then let’s just cheer to us.”
The two girls raised their own cups and waited expectantly for Y/N to do the same. Dena grinned at her and cleared her throat. 
“To us, the coming semester, which we will fucking ace. And-” she paused, looking at Y/N, “to knowing when to kick your boyfriend’s ass. Cheers!”
Harry stood by the unlit fire pit in the lounge area, where the chairs had been pushed aside to create a dance floor. A scowl was deeply etched onto his face and he had yet to smile genuinely. He blamed the alcohol he wasn’t allowed to consume for how poorly he was feeling, but he knew even if he had drowned his veins in liquor, it wouldn’t be until he’d feel her touch him that he would be in a better mood. He stood back watching with a few of his mates, who were all except one, very drunk, as some freshmen clumsily turned the dinner table into a bear pong station. Matt, the only sober one left, had tried to get him to talk about why his mood was so sour three times already, receiving no answer each time. Harry rolled his eyes upon feeling him nudge his shoulder again.
“Where’s your girl?”
Harry shrugged. “Don’t know.”
He’d been cursing her short height since turning around and looking for her in the crowded hallway thirty minutes ago. She’d slipped past him without him noticing, and while he was too proud to go look for her properly, it annoyed him that he wasn’t able to casually spot her whenever he scanned one of the many rooms that had been turned into a club. He especially didn’t like it since he knew that she was drinking. Blindly he felt for his phone in his pocket, ensuring for the tenth time that its volume was turned up. Should she call him, he wanted to be sure that he wouldn’t miss it.
“Didn’t she come with you?” Matt pressed on, either oblivious to Harry’s annoyance or simply indifferent to it.
“Doesn’t mean she can’t wander off on her own, does it?” Harry replied, his voice rough. 
He’d never really liked Matt. Actually, he’d liked him a lot once. They’d even considered becoming roommates in their second year. He’d liked him, up until he’d gotten together with Y/N and noticed the gleam in Matt’s eyes the first time he’d introduced her to him. Their friendship dissolved fast after.
“I’m sure she can. She’s always been good at enjoying parties, hasn’t she?”
Harry didn’t reply. Once more his eyes scanned the room frantically, detecting every single face in hopes of recognizing the eyes to the one he loved.
“Dude!” Eric, a tall and broad looking bloke who’d just become team captain to the football team, stumbled into Harry’s side, knocking him back. 
“Sorry! Shit,” Eric laughed, doubling over, revealing that he was clearly drunker than he should have been, “I’m sorry, mate. Wow, I need to lay off a little.”
“No kidding,” Harry replied, but smiled when Eric slung a heavy arm around his shoulders. The unmistakable smell of alcohol fanned over his face as Eric talked, and his nose scrunched up. 
“You’ve been wearing a look as depressing as Matt’s sex life-”
“Hey, fuck you, Eric!” Matt snapped, unamused.
“-and I intend to fix that. C’mon.”
Harry didn’t fight it as the taller guy dragged him away, out of the lounge and into another room further down the hall. He certainly didn’t mind getting away form Matt. Regardless of them having been friends once, Matt was the last person he wanted to be around when he was having a rough time with Y/N. The smoke was thicker in this room and the music a little quieter. There were less people dancing and more sitting around on the couches and chairs. A few stood by the wall in small groups and some, the ones Eric was walking towards, were standing opposite a dart board. They cheered upon seeing the two guys approach, making more noise than anybody else in the room.
“You’re on my team and you’re gonna help me win, yeah? M’taking advantage of you being sober as a stone. Your aim is probably better than any of theirs.”
Harry laughed and nodded, accepting to be involved. “I’ll try my best.”
The first dart arrow was thrust into his hand by a guy named Kyle who appeared to be on the same team. Half an hour later and Eric was grinning from ear to ear, writing their leading score numbers onto a makeshift writing board that was really just the coffee table. Something the guys living in this house would be happy to find in the morning.  Y/N watched him. Despite being intoxicated, or perhaps because of how intoxicated she was, she noticed every muscle of his back move each time he raised his arm. Her heart fluttered whenever he laughed and she felt a heat grow at the pit of her stomach whenever he leaned his head to the side, revealing the back of his neck to her. And above his neck was his ear, which hid a spot right under his hairline where he liked to be kissed. Y/N’s lips parted at the thought and her toes curled.  He hadn’t noticed her when entering the room. She didn’t blame him though, since she’d successfully hid herself behind Dena and Eric’s big body also worked wonderfully as a shield. Despite anything she’d said before the party, she was immensely relieved to see him. The vodka-beer mixture which she’d learned had been invented by Clara, was disgusting but also got her drunk faster than she had expected. Or intended. Another round of cheers erupted as Harry scored another point for his team. 
“Not fair. You won’t give them as much as a chance to win.” 
A chill rushed down Harry’s back at the sound of the honey sweet female voice behind him, and Y/N, too, froze in place. Slender fingers touched Harry’s arm, caressing the skin despite being less than welcome to. Upon turning around he was met with Silja, who’s face wore a smile equally sweet as her sly voice. Though standing by the opposite wall, Y/N swore she could hear Silja as if she were standing next to her. She would always be able to detect her voice, especially if the words she spoke were directed to Harry. 
Dena followed her friend’s gaze and raised her brows. “Haven’t seen her in a while. I thought she dropped out.”
“Would have been too nice,” Y/N growled. 
She’d never actually talked to Silja herself and she surely didn’t intend to. Before getting together with him, Y/N had been mostly oblivious to who was genuinely interested in him and who she imagining to be. Only with Silja there had never been any doubt. Even before Harry had become hers, she’d felt a bitter taste collect in the middle of her tongue whenever the pretty brunette girl tried to talk to him. Once her claim on him had become justified, she disliked Silja and her upfront behaviour all the more.
“Hey, you know you don’t have to worry about her, right?” Dena said quietly, reading Y/N’s expression, “Harry has rejected her what, three times already? Even before he was with you. He’s not interested in her.”
“I know. I’m not worried about that,” Y/N said quickly, stepping around Dena to get a better look at her boyfriend and the girl that had yet to remove her hand from his arm, “I trust him.”
“Doesn’t make her less of a bitch,” Clara grumbled, also staring at them intently. 
The three girls watched Harry turn to look at Silja. He gave her a tight lip smile before he stepped away to make room for the next player, conveniently shrugging off her hand in process. To their dismay, Silja followed him.
“I haven’t seen you this summer,” she complained in an uncomfortably high voice, that was laced with feigned displeasure, “Where were you hiding?” 
Harry sighed, wishing Y/N would find him already, and rested his back against the wall. The last thing he needed for this party to become worse were the advances of the woman standing before him. “I wasn’t.”
Their summer had been great. They spent it looking for a flat to move into together. One weekend they’d taken the train out to the ocean and spent two days in a pretty bed and breakfast, where nothing distracted them from each other and everything, even their sheets, held the faint smell of sea salt. He wasn’t about to tell any of that to Silja though. 
The girl pouted, smudging her lilac lipstick at the corners. “Didn’t you miss me at all? Not even a little bit?” 
She smiled. Her neck moved to the side as her eyes mustering him. “You and your attitude. I really missed that.”
Harry let his head fall back and for a moment Y/N forgot to eye the girl hitting on her boyfriend and instead stared at his throat. She longed to kiss him there, too. The darkened expression taking over his relaxed face quickly brought her attention back. Thinking about kissing him had made her miss the words Silja had said to upset him. 
“You’re wasting your time missing me.”
At last, Silja’s smile dropped. “You’re still with her, then?”
“Yep,” he replied shortly. 
 “Fine,” Silja pushed the long brown locks off her shoulder and crossed her arms, “maybe if she fucked you right you wouldn’t be such an asshole all the time.” 
“Fuck off, Silja,” Harry snapped, pushing himself off the wall to instantly tower over her.
“Harry! Your turn again, mate.”
Without giving her as much as a second look, Harry turned away and followed Eric’s call. Dena’s hand rested on Y/N’s shoulder, squeezing her gently whilst smiling at her. Y/N exhaled loudly and relaxed. She didn’t doubt Harry’s capability of getting rid of Silja. She’d also truly meant it when she’d said that she trusted him. But after their argument she wasn’t so sure that he didn’t want to receive some affection tonight, be it from anybody. While she would have hated it, simply entertaining Silja’s flirting wouldn’t have been cheating. A warm feeling overtook any worry left in her body upon watching him turn Silja away. He didn’t bother look at her again but walked back to his friends to resume the game, treating her like she wasn’t even there. He didn’t even give Silja the satisfaction of remaining angered by her words. Giving up her attempts, Silja walked away and left the room quickly, her cheeks slightly rosy in embarrassment. 
“Remind me to kiss him later for that,” Y/N said, her voice holding more love for him than she would usually let on whilst angry. 
Clara laughed. “So you’re not mad at him anymore.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me that I was or I might still be.”
“What were you two fighting about anyway?” Dena asked. 
Y/N took another long sip from her drink, before remembering that she’d wanted to not drink any more for the night. Oh well. 
“He didn’t come home last night. Without notifying me. He fell asleep at stupid Rick’s place and neither of them bothered shooting me a text or ringing me about it. I spent all night worried sick.”
Y/N’s expression hardened at the thought of waiting up for him. She’d paced around the living room of their new flat before settling on the couch, vowing to stay awake until he returned. She’d had half a mind not to call his mother or sister, not quite worried enough to ask them. 
“I didn’t see him until an hour before coming here ‘cause I had to work today. So we didn’t have time to properly fight about it.”
“Didn’t he say he was sorry?”
“Sure he did, as well as stating that I was overreacting and not his mother.”
“Ugh, men,” Dena grumbled, then she changed the subject, “Let’s get refills in the kitchen!”
Harry got bored of the game after the fifth round, but stayed to play until the team he’d joined won by a margin. Then he politely excused himself from playing another round. Though she’d told him she didn’t want to see him, Harry really wanted to see Y/N and he figured over an hour of distance sufficed for her to calm down. Maybe she would even allow herself to be happy about him finding her. He strolled around the room, then went looking in the hall and finally searched the lounge. If only she were a little taller, he thought once more. All of sudden he heard a loud shout. It wasn’t one of the usual party hollers, it was one that held no joy at all. With swift strides Harry crossed the room, turned left in the hallway and entered the kitchen. This time he didn’t have to search to see her. Y/N was sitting on the counter, her legs dangling down and her hands curling around the stone surface. Across from her was the kitchen table on which all of the different liquor bottles had been placed. It was also where the single shout turned into several. A guy Harry hadn’t ever seen around campus before stood next to a broken bottle of vodka. His hand curled into a fist and his face was red. Opposite him stood Dena, a girl Harry barely knew beyond her being a friend of Y/N. Next to Dena was a guy named Dylan, his face painted with guilt and worry. 
“You fucking broke my shit!” the stranger shouted. 
Y/N flinched. It wasn’t Dena who’d pissed off the wrong guy, but Dylan who had tried to make a drink for them. She didn’t feel any less involved if the guy were to be shouting at her. The second the bottle had broken and the tall stranger exclaimed that it’d been his, Y/N had felt fear curse through her. She hated it. She hated how a man shouting was so scary that she froze in place.  Just like she always did when afraid, her eyes began to search for Harry. Heavy like a wave and equally overwhelming was the relief when she saw him lingering in the doorway.  Their eyes met. Y/N visibly relaxed. She could read the question in the look he was giving her and she eagerly nodded. There were so few people scattered around the small place, Harry had no trouble reaching the counter.  Once in arms reach she held out her right hand, whimpering when his fingers slotted through hers and holding on tight. Any anger towards each other was forgotten the moment their skin touched. Y/N gave a determined pull until he stood next to where she was sitting, her legs touching his waist. Harry didn’t say anything, but he allowed her to let go of his hand to instead hold on to his shoulder. His own settled heavily on her thigh, relishing the feeling of her bare skin. He didn’t complain when her fingers curled tightly around the fabric of his shirt, nor did she mind how intimate it felt to have his hand on her naked thigh. His eyes quickly scanned her face, waiting for her nod, confirming that she was alright. Y/N smiled gently, relief mirroring in her eyes. Harry returned her smile. His heart clenching when he noticed the faint veil of alcohol before her eyes. Ever so slightly, their heads leaned towards each other, then his nose softly touched her forehead.
“He didn’t do it on purpose,” Dena said defensively, “and these bottles are for everybody to use.”
Harry shifted closer to Y/N but removed his nose form her hairline. Unwillingly he turned his attention back to where the argument grew. The stranger’s head, figuratively doubling in size by the minute, was red and looming over Dena like a balloon hovering in the sky. He had to admit it was impressive that Dena, equally short as Y/N, refused to back off.
“I wasn’t asking you! You and your friend better figure out how to replace my drink and you better do it fast!”
“Mate, lay off a bit, will ya? They didn’t do anything on purpose,” Harry interrupted, his voice calm and steady, “Why don’t you just grab one of the ten other bottles and leave ‘em alone?” 
The stranger, slightly shorter than Harry, turned to look at them. Y/N tightened her hold on his shoulder. She was mentally preparing herself to jump off the counter and at the stranger’s throat instead, should he as much as try to pick a fight with Harry. Noticing her shift beside him, Harry’s hold on her intensified.
“Leave them alone?” the tall guy snapped, “that was twenty fucking quid he broke!” 
“Bit embarrassing that you’re whining about twenty quid,” Harry said, wearing a smug grin, “and picking a fight like some kind of neanderthals who found out somebody’s pissed into his cave.” 
Dena giggled and so did Y/N, along with some bystanders who’d gathered to watch. The bloke narrowed his eyes, first at Harry, then at the girl sitting beside him. 
He opened his mouth to speak, but Y/N interrupted him. “Quit looking at me and spare me any sexist bullshit you’re about to say.” 
The guy rolled his eyes, then smiled. “You’re pretty for a bitch.”
Y/N’s hand yanked Harry back by his shoulder equally fast as he’d pushed off the counter to lunge forward and at the guy. The movement caused him to knock against the counter uncomfortably. She didn’t let go and didn’t move, despite Harry’s enraged breathing getting louder.  
“Fuck you!” Harry shouted, eyes wide. 
Anger oozed out of his pores and heat settled in the small kitchen. Calm and collected only a moment ago, he was all the more scarier now that he was enraged. Scary enough to make the stranger take back a step. Y/N loosened her hold on Harry’s shoulder, sliding her hand down to press against his back instead. She rubbed his spine gently, hoping to ease him by letting him know she was okay. 
"You need to leave,” Y/N stated, her voice calm.
“Definitely,” Dena agreed, her eyes trained on her friend before finding Harry.
He didn’t return her gaze, his eyes remained on the tall blonde. They stayed put until the guy lowered his empty cup to the table, the movement slow and deliberate. He clearly didn’t want it to look like he was leaving because he was told to, so he took his time. But finally he turned away, before at last leaving the kitchen and hopefully the party all together. 
Harry shuddered upon feeling Y/N’s nose against the shell of his ear. “I’m fine, Harry.”
“What a wanker.”
“A fucking wanker,” Y/N replied, her smile practically audible in her voice. 
Harry turned around to face her, all of his attention returning to where it belonged: her. His eyes looked into hers intently, reading every answer to all of his unspoken questions.
“Are you alright?”
“Yes. Are you?”
He nodded. “Did he try anything before I came?”
“I noticed him about zero-point-five seconds before you arrived, Harry. I’m fine, I promise.”
Her hands gently took hold of his face. The fingers of her left hand traced along his jawline as tenderly as one would the rim of a glass in hopes of eliciting a sound. That’s how Harry sometimes felt when she touched him. Like she was being as tender as she could possibly fathom to be. 
“Does that mean you’re gonna go back to being mad at me?” As he spoke, Harry moved closer. His hands rested on each side of her hips, allowing his body to get closer to hers as he leaned forward.
Y/N laughed and shook her head, their faces so close they almost touched. She enjoyed the warmth of his breath fanning against her throat. 
“Are you? You were at least as pissed off as I was.”
He shrugged, then playfully nudged her nose with his. “No.”
“Then I think I’ll let it go, too,” she answered, faking to be coy, “For now, you still owe me an apology later.”
Harry laughed. “That’s fair. Promise to mean it this time, too.” 
Her eyes narrowed. She took hold of his chin, holding him still so she could kiss him without giving him the chance to deepen it. The feeling of his mouth slotting with hers, be it as briefly as it was, ignited her like nothing else could. Any remaining worry was pulled from the corners in her body where it had hidden, and was thrown out not to return. Harry took over. All of the space inside her that could belong to an emotion, now belonged to him.
“I knew you didn’t mean it earlier,” she breathed accusingly against his lips. 
“I meant it a little,” he said, curling his hand around her wrist to pull away the hold she’d taken and he kissed her a second time before she could complain. 
Despite their desperation their teeth didn’t clash together, nor did their noses unintentionally bump. They’d kissed too many times not to blindly meet each other without missing. His tongue glided along her bottom lip, hers pushed his aside so it could trespass into his mouth. Frantic hands held on to her hips and her thigh, eager fingers remembered to be gentle as they settled on the back of his neck. Harry moaned and Y/N pulled away.
“Thank you,” she whispered, just enough space between them so she could speak. 
Harry’s kisses trailed down from the corner of her mouth to her cheek and her jaw, his lips warm, wet and determined. He allowed one kiss to last a little longer, followed by a small lick to her earlobe.
As satisfied as could be as long as they weren’t alone, he raised his head to look at her again. “What for?”
“Being on my side even when we’re fighting.” 
The smile gracing her features was so genuine he could have melted, just like her words were spoken with more love behind them than he could detect. He smiled and willingly moved his head to the side, so she could kiss below his ear. The heat in his belly grew and he let her know by squeezing her hips.
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lovelyirony · 4 years
"a single thread of gold/tied me to you" for ironhusbands?💛
If there is one thing that James Rhodes cannot stand, it is “love at first sight.” In his professional and personal opinion, there is no such thing. It is simply a concept that Disney invented so they could make cutesy stories about princesses finding their princes immediately and give people hope about love, but in the end it is all about the money. 
“You’re a cynic,” his sister Jeanie tells him over breakfast. She flings a stray Cheerio at him. “You are a cynic and you’re never gonna date someone because they’re going to think you suck.” 
“People are going to date me and realize that I’m a good, realistic choice,” James responds, sticking his tongue out and stealing a drink of her orange juice. “People are going to date you and you’ll be disappointed because you watched too many romantic movies and you let it taint reality.” 
And then he’s in college. 
Surprisingly, he doesn’t meet Tony Stark for two years despite the fact that every single year, they live in the same building on different floors. He has had to evacuate about twenty different times because Tony cannot stop himself from doing experiments in his room. 
The third year, James is an RA and required to live with one of the residents because of “experimental tendencies.” They don’t elaborate on why he’s stuck with a roommate, what the tendencies are, or who he is. 
“You’ll know,” comes the email from the coordinator, and he has never wanted to curse so badly in an email before, but here he is. 
But he’ll deal with it. Just like how he’s going to deal with everything this year. 
He thought he would get the room to himself for a little while before everyone moved in and brought everything and he would check them in. 
But no. 
There’s his roommate, lounging on a bed, and grinning. 
“Simply enlightening to meet you, James. They told me I could come back if I had a trusted roommate.” 
“And they stuck you with me?” 
“Well they were going to stick me with some dude who got the email, and then immediately transferred to Dartmouth. So I think you were the second option.” 
He hates life, maybe just a little bit. 
Tony wants to do things. Which is fine, but he isn’t really in the mood to have the conversation of the fact that he can do things, but he doesn’t want to do them. He has to focus on being an RA and preparing for the Air Force. 
“Why prepare for that when you could be living?” Tony asks, lounging on Rhodey’s bed. 
Oh yeah, that’s new too. Rhodey. Apparently, “Jim,” “James,” and “Rhodes” were unacceptable nicknames. 
What is acceptable is Rhodey. And of course, the “honey bunches of oats” and “loveliest RA of all time in the history of MIT” and “sugar-puff” and “sweetness overload” 
He’s responding to all of them, by the way. 
Rhodey didn’t think his mental health would get this bad by the beginning. He had actually scheduled it to be around October. 
And then the students come. There are nervous freshmen, the sophomores who don’t say anything as they move in and get settled, and the returning juniors and seniors greet Rhodey and Tony with familiarity and laugh about the posters that Rhodey’s worked hard on. 
“So, we’re having joint-RA’s or something?” Miles asks, throwing his comforter over his bed. 
“No, we’re not,” Rhodey says, hoping his expression is somewhere along the lines of not-showing-emotion. “Tony’s just...” 
“I’m simply too exhausting for Housing to deal with anymore, so I have a babysitter,” Tony says with a wink. “And who better than our lovely Rhodey?” 
“Don’t call me that.” 
“Still no.” 
Miles snorts. 
“This year should be good. Tony, you gonna pull any fire alarms this year?” 
“Rhodey has expressly banned experiments in the building, unfortunately,” Tony sighs. “It’s like he doesn’t want everyone to bond over having to leave at two in the morning...” 
“Nothing says bonding like hating a rude wake-up call,” Rhodey says, and Tony nods. “We’ll let you get all moved in, Miles. Remember that floor dinner is at six!” 
“You got it!” 
Rhodey gives Tony a look. 
“You know, I can do this on my own.” 
“Aw shutterbug, I’m not gonna let you.” 
“Are you really this intent on following me around?” 
“Well, what if I want to overtake your position next year? What if you tragically get a raging headache and it’s up to me to know what to do? What if your mother kidnaps you and never lets you come here again?” 
“I’m sure the college kids will be fine,” Rhodey stresses. “And I’ll still have access to email and the groupchat, genius.” 
Tony just laughs. 
“Alright, okay. I gotta go get some shit for my new class. The teacher sent out an email stating that the textbook is mandatory, and we have to do book work. This feels like eighth grade all over again.” 
Rhodey snorts. 
“Is it for Professor Casper?” 
“Yeah, did you have him?” 
“Yeah, you don’t need the book. You can find it online for free, and he never collects the book work. It’s a waste of time to get the book.” 
“You’re an angel-and-a-half, love of my life,” Tony says. “And for that, I’ll snag an extra pudding for you at the dining hall.” 
“Is it vanilla or chocolate this time?” 
“Chocolate with cookies in it.” 
“Oh my god, seriously? Already?” 
“Guess they must have had a jump,” Tony teases. “I’ll see you at dinner.” 
Tony has a specific way of getting people to open up and actually talk with others that Rhodey envies. 
If Tony wasn’t so hellbent on convincing the group that if Miles and Kamala create a distraction, they could totally sneak out one of the pictures of the mascot. 
“We are not doing that the first week,” Rhodey says. “Maybe the last.” 
“It’s a beaver,” Tony whines. “Who’s gonna miss it, a Canadian?” 
“It’ll be the floor bonding activity,” Gwen says, finishing off her fifth (maybe sixth) slice of pizza. “Better than talking about your feelings about the campus or whatever.” 
“We’ll convince him soon,” Tony whispers conspiratorially. “Also, who here is a freshman? I have some advice regarding the math classes and which teacher you want...” 
Rhodey does have to admit, that sometimes it’s easier to have Tony around, who is so willing to stay up until the late hours because of some stupid drama or to help Peter at his chemistry homework and also ease his anxiety about leaving his Aunt May all alone. 
Tony isn’t all wild and crazy as stories have led him up to be. 
"I wore out all my crazy freshman year after going to two frat parties and deciding that no one knew anything about how to have fun,” he declared. “I mean, come on. Why have beer pong when you could quiz people about obscure fashion facts?” 
Rhodey snorts. 
“Don’t make that the next game night. Hey, what do you think about having a movie night this Friday? I’m thinking something not scary, we’ve been doing a lot of those.” 
“It is October, what do you mean not scary?” 
“Some of our residents don’t like scary,” Rhodey reminds him. “Honestly, I think we could do with a bit of Halloween fun.” 
“Hocus Pocus? Double Double, Toil and Trouble? If you want to be slightly scared of old women and clown parties, I’d recommend it.” 
“You weren’t scared of clowns beforehand?” 
“Of course not, I wanted what they have; the ability to fit eighteen people in a car.” 
“Couldn’t you just gut the car?” 
“Not the same effect, honey-pie. Not the same effect.” 
Miles and Peter both end up lobbying for Hocus Pocus, with little to no competition other than a promise that the other choice would be shown later on in the semester. 
They’ve shoved all the chairs together and multiple people have brought out their own chairs, and Tony saves a seat for Rhodey under the premise of “Rhodey organized it, he gets a seat.” 
It’s a tough squeeze, and Tony and Rhodey get all tangled up together. 
Tony smells like expensive cologne and coffee, and he grins up at Rhodey and maybe the lights from the TV aren’t bright enough, but for a moment his heart skips a beat. 
Well. Shit. 
When he goes home for Thanksgiving break, Tony seems a bit...sad. 
“What, your mom cook the worst turkey in the world?” he jokes. 
"Sure,” Tony says, eyes unfocused. “Yeah.” 
"Dude, you okay?” 
“Yeah,” Tony says, turning. His smile brightens, eyes crinkling. “Why wouldn’t I be fine, buttercup?” 
Rhodey gives him a look. 
“I’m gonna call you when I get home, okay? You better answer.” 
“I always answer to you,” Tony says, and damn Rhodey’s mind shouldn’t be going where it is. 
Rhodey waves, gets in his car, and thinks about how Tony most likely has a problem on his mind, how he should probably not room with him, and his Aunt Ada’s green beans. 
God, he loves those green beans. 
Tony is alone for Thanksgiving. Jarvis and Ana got an opportunity to visit Aunt Peggy in England, and he knew that they hadn’t seen her in two years. He didn’t want to be selfish, have them stay just for him. 
So, it looked like deli turkey sandwiches were in his future. If there’s still some soda in the fridge, maybe that too. 
He sighs, and turns towards the lab. Dum-E’s not even here, as he didn’t fit in the travel car, so Tony let him loose on the floor to “keep guard” over the dorms and make sure that no one broke in or stole the cords that he knows he accidentally left in the common room. 
The odd thing is, he had almost told Rhodey. Almost let him know that he’d be alone for Thanksgiving, but is that weird? That’s weird, right? To tell people your emotions just...it’s so messy. 
They have to deal with it, you have to deal with the fact that they’re dealing with it, and then other people know that you both are dealing with it and it’s just a whole mess of epic proportions, you know? 
Rhodey finds out on Thanksgiving, when they’re doing the parade on the TV and there’s a new snippet on the gossip channel when they go on commercial break. 
Howard and Maria Stark, vacationing off the Mediterranean Coast. 
“It’s reported that Tony Stark has preferred to spend his time in the vacation home,” the news reporter said, her smile wide and placid. 
“Tony’s lucky,” Mama says, wrapping golden yarn around her fingers as she works on another sweater. (A small one, a tiny one. It’s for the new baby in the family for Christmas.) “He tell you about it?” 
“He’s not there,” Rhodey says numbly. 
“He’s not?” Dad says, eyes raised over the newspaper. 
“He didn’t tell you, did he?” Dad asks. 
“No, no he didn’t.” 
“Well then. Next time he’ll come with us.” 
Rhodey nods. 
“Clear it with his parents if they’re not spending time together.” 
“Got it.” 
Rhodey’s Thanksgiving is...nice. He can’t stop thinking about Tony going alone. 
So he calls him. It’s two in the morning, he might be asleep, and Rhodey’s not sure if he got the “eight” in the last four digits right or not. 
“Howard’s out, who is it?” comes a sleep-addled voice. 
“Good thing I’m not looking for Howard, Tones.” 
“Rhodey? Why are you calling me?” Tony asks, and Rhodey can imagine his eyes lighting up and that’s...that’s something. 
“You spent Thanksgiving alone, I wanted to see how you were.” 
“Aw, checking in your residents?” 
“Checking in on you.” 
Tony stills for a moment at the phone. 
Besides Jarvis, no one had ever really checked in on him. 
“Um, I’m fine?” 
“You sure?” 
“Yeah. I mean, it sucks to be alone on Thanksgiving, but I don’t really like any of the foods that people usually have, so I’ve been fine. I ordered wraps from my favorite place.” 
“Good to hear, good to hear.” 
There’s a silent pause for a moment, the one where they both try to find something to say. 
“Listen,” Rhodey says. “If you’re ever stuck for a holiday alone, you’re coming with me, okay?” 
“I don’t want to intrude on your family,” Tony says softly. 
“They all wanna meet you. Jeanie says she can kick your ass at ice hockey!” 
“You guys can actually play ice hockey?” 
“With limited degrees of success.” 
“Oh, now that I gotta see some time.”
They come back to college, and Tony is back to his usual antics, greeting everyone who comes through the elevator with a shower of shredded paper. 
“Welcome to Winter Wonderland! Next stop: suffering through finals!” 
“Ugh,” Kamala groans, “stop it. Stop making me think. I have to memorize Byronic poetry. Do you know how boring that is?” 
"Speak for yourself, I have to build a wooden chair,” Riri whines. “Who works with wood these days? It’s so old-fashioned.” 
“Create the most bitching chair alive,” Tony says. “And I’ll help you with the necessary tools. Your professor isn’t expecting much, mainly just that it can support the weight of two people, you’ll be fine. Kam, Byronic poetry is not that bad, you will be good. We will bake cookies.” 
“Can we even bake cookies? I thought our floor got banned from kitchen usage,” Peter says. “Hey Rhodey.” 
“Hey kiddo,” Rhodey says. “First of all, yes we are banned from the kitchen. Second, we’re only banned and get in trouble so long as they know we’re there. And since more than half of us are nocturnal creatures and I am willing to wake up to help, we can bake cookies.” 
There are cheers around the room, and Tony mocks offense. 
“You don’t trust me to help the future youth?” 
“Given that we’re not allowed to rent out any more equipment from the front office? Yes.” 
“You wound me, darling.” 
“Only as much as kitchen equipment goes, sweetheart.” 
Tony grins. 
“Aw, you missed me.” 
“Yeah, I did. Now come on, you gotta help me with a billboard about the movie night this Friday. We thinking a romantic comedy or something mildly terrifying but probably won an award?” 
“Mildly terrifying!” Gwen calls from her dorm. “If we watch two people falling in love I’ll choke! We’ve been doing it all year!” 
“We’ve only watched, like, three rom-coms?” 
Gwen rolls her eyes, as if he’s missed something completely obvious. 
“You don’t get it. I’ll try again later. Hey, are we doing floor dinner tonight?” 
“They’re serving pizza sandwiches, so obviously,” Tony says. “We will feast like kings.” 
Christmas is a festive time for Tony. He loves it, and goes overboard with decorations. Rhodey lets him, because you can’t stop Tony once he loves something (and Rhodey is kind of. Fond of him). 
Pepper comes up from the fifth floor, whistling. 
“Damn, Jim. I knew you would do a good job with decorations, but not this good. Is this...did you buy a miniature village? How was this budgeted?” 
“It wasn’t,” Rhodey says. “Tony’s really into Christmas and the floor convinced him that the theme should be Christmas Village. He’s been crafting identities for each villager instead of studying for any exam. The craft store employees know him by name now.” 
“Well, we all have our vices. You two seem to get along well. Housing is pleased that he hasn’t blown up anything yet.” 
“If they try to serve cheese ravioli again, he might.” 
“That’s a problem for Dining,” Pepper reminds him.  
“Still, it’s abominable. Where did they get them, bottom of the Hudson River?” 
She snorts, adjusting her shirt. 
“Probably, but hey. They still got eaten, even if that one freshman threw them all back up at the entrance.” 
“It was payback, they were vile.” 
Tony waltzes into the lobby, arms filled with glittering tinsel. 
“We are not letting you hang that,” Pepper says, gaping at it all. “Do you know how hard it is to get rid of tinsel?”
“We’ll manage!” Tony says. “Also, are you free at six-thirty?” 
“No, that’s when we’re getting dinner on my floor, what do you need?” 
“Just that little tidbit of knowledge,” Tony says, looking down at his phone. 
A message buzzes from the groupchat, and Rhodey glances at it: 
We are a go for the real Christmas tree. I have the vacuum, and a believable lie. Rhodey’s gonna tell us when the RA on duty is gonna come so we can hide it. 
Rhodey looks at Tony, grinning. He smiles right back. 
“Is there some weird roommate telekinesis I’m missing here?” Pepper asks. 
“Yes,” Rhodey says. “We’re discussing dinner plans.” 
Another text from Harley: 
I’m already picking one out with Peter. I have good taste. When is the ornament-making party? 
Pepper looks at them. 
“You’re planning something that I probably would have to disapprove of. I’ll tell people I got your floor watched tonight.” 
“Pepper, light of my life, my absolute sunshine? You’re the best,” Tony says, grinning. “Rhodey-darling, help me with tinsel?” 
He can’t say no. Simple as that. 
That is how tinsel gets strung throughout his hair as he’s watching Tony climb onto chairs that shouldn’t be climbed on to hang it from everywhere. 
“People deserve to have a good-looking Christmas,” he says. “Besides, I wanna win the decoration contest.” 
Rhodey laughs. 
“Okay, okay. I think we got it in the bag.” 
Later on in the week, Tony can be seen flitting about from room to room with help and jokes to lighten the mood. 
Rhodey has to admit, being an RA with Tony around is...nice. Better than he thought. 
And maybe he has feelings. He’s not going to say anything about it. After all, they’re roommates. He also isn’t allowed to have a relationship with anyone on the floor, regardless of anything. 
It doesn’t mean every RA follows it. God knows Sharon’s snuck down to the fourth floor to see Sam near-about every night, and her residents usually keep it a pretty good secret. 
Still. There’s also everything else to consider, and the fact that he doesn’t even know if Tony likes him like that. 
He doesn’t have to focus on it. 
At least, not until the week of finals when he’s dying and Tony’s made him peppermint hot chocolate and sits on his bed, just about an inch away from his notes for his history class. 
“Do you remember what you told me on the phone?” Tony asks softly. 
“You up to compete against Jeanie for this year’s ice hockey championship?” Rhodey asks, smiling. 
Tension releases from Tony’s shoulders. 
“Only so long as you’ll have me.” 
“Always, genius. Always.” 
After the last resident leaves for the holiday and Rhodey checks in with those who are staying, he and Tony hit the road, dragging suitcases behind them. 
“Are you sure I’m allowed?” Tony asks. “I can always find a hotel along the way...” 
“Mama wants to meet you, I keep telling them a ton about you,” Rhodey says, laughing. “They told me they want to hear your side of the great Glitter Debacle.” 
Tony laughs. 
“You mean the truth?” 
“Uh, I’m sorry, how are you going to convince them that green glitter was needed? And that you could clean it out of carpet?” 
“Determination and grit?” 
Rhodey laughs again as they pull onto the highway. 
After a couple of hours, they make it to Rhodey’s home. His sister comes out, hugs for both. 
“Good to meet you Tony,” Jeanie says. “I’ve heard a lot, and I think we’re going to get along awesomely after I tell you every single embarrassing thing that Jim’s ever done.” 
“Only if I get to share stories too,” Tony teases, grinning. “Aw, they call you Jim?” 
“What do you call him?” Jeanie asks. 
“Jim-Jam, angel-dear, sugar-puff, Rhodey. You know, the usual.” 
Jeanie snorts, taking one of Rhodey’s bags. 
“Calling you the first one from now on.” 
“Tony did you have to let her hear any of those?” Rhodey asks, exasperated in a teasing manner. 
“Of course I did,” Tony sing-songed. “Now after you, I’m sure your mom is waiting to hug the living daylights out of you.” 
It’s not until Rhodey gets all settled in and Tony is downstairs competing with his dad in a round of chess that Jeanie sits on his bed, the intention to annoy. 
But it’s...different. She looks at him. 
“You love him a lot, don’t you?” 
Rhodey stills. 
“You wouldn’t have told him he could come here if you didn’t.” 
“You’re right.” 
“I’m always right,” Jeanie says, flipping braids over her shoulder. “Nice of you to finally realize that I’m the smart one.” 
Rhodey doesn’t say anything as she saunters out of the room. 
He makes the decision not to tell Tony. 
If it goes wrong and if Tony says no, he doesn’t want it to be an awkward family event but more importantly, the most awkward rest of the year ever. He can say it as they’re moving out, and that’s that. 
He tells Jeanie as such. 
“I thought you didn’t believe in love,” she says as they’re preparing the soup for dinner.” 
“I don’t believe in love at first sight,” Rhodey says. “I do believe in love. There’s a difference.” 
There’s a hell of a difference. 
First sight, you don’t know everything. The second, third, fourth, fifth, and so on? Oh you learn so much more, and they become that more important. 
He learns that he doesn’t mind picking up tinsel, so long as Tony is laughing and singing along to all of the worst Christmas songs ever, and maybe. Just maybe he could picture looking at Tony underneath the fairy-lights that they hung in the dorm room for all time. 
Love is terrifyingly exhilarating, even when it isn’t supposed to be. 
Rhodey did not think his heart would race so much as Tony listened to his Mama talk about her wedding china, about the utter disaster that his father was. 
“He forgot his tie,” Mama said, smiling. “Oh my lord, my mother had a cow about that. I thought he looked kind of dashing.” 
Tony’s eyes drift towards the wedding pictures, which are slightly shaky, but everyone had such wide smiles. 
It’s a far cry from the publicity photos from the Stark wedding, Rhodey remembers the solemn expressions, the stuff tuxedos. 
“I love it,” Tony says softly. He looks at Rhodey across the table, setting down the final plate. “Tell me more, Mrs. Rhodes.” 
“Call me Mama, honey, Mrs. Rhodes is for people I don’t like that much. I think you’re gonna be my new favorite.” 
“Even over me?” Jeanie says, grinning as she kisses Dad on the cheek. “I’m your favorite.” 
“You’re my favorite until now,” Mama says. “Don’t think I don’t know that you skipped out on setting the table because Tony was here and graciously offered.” 
“It was nothing,” Tony says. “Just happy to help. Thank you for letting me stay at your home for the holidays.” 
“We’re always lucky to have guests,” Dad says, setting down the main dish. “Now let’s eat.” 
Family dinner is a brand new concept to Tony. He’s had maybe four or five of them, and the majority of which were staged for some holiday shoot or some “celebrating American values” shoot. 
It was awkward, weird, and he didn’t get why. 
Now, he does. Jeanie has been steadily moving mashed potatoes away from Rhodey’s plate, and Mama caught her eye and winked, distracting him with talk about his college major and news about the neighbors. 
Mr. Rhodes watches it all with a careful eye and a lax smile. 
After dinner, they play cards. 
It should be boring, but Jeanie puts on an old record and Rhodey keeps trying to count cards, and Tony didn’t think you could count cards in a game of Spoons. 
“You can’t, he’s just a try-hard,” Jeanie stage-whispers. 
Jeanie laughs, rolling herself out of Rhodey’s grasp as he chases her around the family room. Tony leans back into the couch, and shouts with surprise as Jeanie trips Rhodey into the couch. 
His body twists, and Rhodey’s facing him on the couch and they’re close and with the fire roaring in the fireplace and the Christmas lights outside shining through the windows, it’s almost magic. 
It is magic, but Rhodey is kind of terrified of that. 
Tony breathes in, breathes out. 
“Hello sugar-puff,” he says. 
“Hello genius,” Rhodey says, a smile on his face. 
The night does not get much sleep. 
Tony doesn’t sleep anyway, but Rhodey finds that quite often he can’t sleep without some softly-playing rock in the background, doesn’t matter if it is a highly-questionable AC/DC song. That and Tony softly murmuring about his plans, and it’s like a personalized lullaby. 
Rhodey cannot sleep. Tony’s in the guest room, and he can’t sleep. 
There’s a soft knock on his door. 
Tony’s there in shorts and a t-shirt that’s probably expensive, but he’ll never say if it is or not. 
“Can I...I can’t sleep.” 
“Get in here, Tones. I can’t sleep either.” 
The bed is a tight squeeze, but they make it work. 
Rhodey whispers until he drifts off to sleep about Christmas and school and everything else. 
Tony watches with quiet eyes, interjecting with his own stories occasionally. 
They fall asleep tangled up together, and Rhodey doesn’t mind it one bit, not as he pulls Tony in closer. 
Waking up is bittersweet, honestly. Rhodey has Tony in his arms, and that’s...that’s perfect. He thinks this is going to be the best thing that’s ever happened in his lifetime. 
“It’s too early, darling,” Tony groans. The light from outside is already peeking through the blinds, and he has stuffed his head right back into a pillow. 
“Jeanie’ll be here soon to bother us for Christmas breakfast,” Rhodey says. “And unless you want her pouncing on the bed and landing on wrong everything, we better get down there.” 
Tony smiles sleepily, stretching. 
“Thanks for letting me sleep in your room, honey-bunch.” 
“No problem,” Rhodey said. “Missed the constant AC/DC and late-night discussions about robotics.” 
“Not like I did much talking, Mr. Sap,” Tony teased. “Or was it me who mentioned that they had a favorite plate for dinner?” 
“Listen, it’s superior and you did not once interrupt that story to complain. I think I did a great job explaining it.” 
Tony laughs. 
“I’m gonna go get dressed, okay?” 
“Not until after present unwrapping,” Rhodey says. “We stay in pajamas.” 
“I’m cold,” Tony whines. 
Rhodey chucks his sweatshirt at him. 
“Then here you go.” 
Tony’s eyes light up as he shrugs it on, wiggling as he brings it up to his nose. It shouldn’t be that cute. But it is. 
“You are the light of my life.” 
Rhodey laughs, rolling his eyes. 
“Maybe. Now come on.” 
They head downstairs together, and they both get swept up into the speed of things, with Jeanie racing around the house and telling Tony that he got treats too, they just didn’t have a back-up stocking. 
“Hush,” Mr. Rhodes says, handing Tony a carefully wrapped gift. “After breakfast, we’ll go ahead and open it.” 
He smiles, and Rhodey thinks it’s the best thing he’ll ever see. 
Christmas gifts, Rhodey thinks, are his new favorite thing to see Tony interact with. 
It’s painfully obvious that he’s never really had any personal gifts, anything that reminds people of himself. He carefully unwraps the paper, careful not to rip it. 
“You nerd,” Rhodey says, grinning. “Come on, show us what you got.” 
Tony laughs as he opens a box with two coffee mugs from the rest of the family, emblazoned with “Rhodes” on one cup, and the other being a simple red with gold trim. 
“They’re perfect,” he says. “Thank you so much.” 
“You’re feeding his coffee addiction,” Rhodey answers. 
“Like you aren’t doing the same,” Jeanie teases. “You made him his cups of coffee this morning.” 
“That is because I have trained him well,” Tony says, grinning. “Rhodey, here’s my present to you, open it.” 
He’s nervous. 
Both of them are, but Tony especially so. 
He told Rhodey once that he’s not good at shopping for other people. He tends to have the phrase “go big or go home” permanently circling in his mind, and it can lead to...complications. 
(Rhodey remembers the overhaul of his closet for his birthday, complete with a visit from a rather well-known designer.) 
Inside is a beautiful jacket. It’s all patchwork, artfully sewn together with embroidery thread spelling out “James” at the lapel. 
“I commissioned Janet,” Tony says, smiling softly. “She wants you to still walk in her fashion show, by the way. Says you’re a model.” 
Rhodey snorts, shrugging on the jacket. 
“You helped with this, right?” Rhodey says. “I can see it in the gold thread you got on the sleeves.” 
“I may have had some creative input.” 
“I love it,” Rhodey says. “Now here’s mine.” 
Tony breathes, and Rhodey wonders if this gift will be enough. He feels a bit stupid, it doesn’t seem like that great of a gift, in retrospect- 
It’s a puzzle. 
A puzzle of their favorite cafe and restaurant to go to at MIT. It was in a shop window, and Rhodey could tell that Tony would love it. 
On top is a scarf, since Tony gave away his last one to another student in their philosophy class. 
“I love it,” Tony breathes, tackling Rhodey in a hug. “I love it, I love it! We have to do the puzzle after this.” 
Mrs. Rhodes sends her husband a look. 
Yeah, Tony would be around for a long time. 
They set up the puzzle on the floor of Rhodey’s room, clearing away any luggage. It’s silent for a while, Tony moving around the pieces and Rhodey looking for edge pieces. 
They work closely together, side by side. 
Rhodey can’t stop staring. 
He should be able to. He’s stopped himself before, but now? 
Sunlight is coming in through the window, playing around Tony’s fingers as he nimbly picks up puzzle pieces, and this is the eternity that Rhodey wants so badly. If he died right now, he thinks he would choose for Heaven to look like this. 
“You okay?” Tony asks, eyes looking up. He took his contacts out, and now he’s just in his tortoiseshell glasses, the ones that he secretly likes more and Rhodey loves. 
“I’m in love with you,” Rhodey blurts out, because he can’t stop thinking about how beautiful Tony is and how much he loves him. 
He realizes that this could very well be considered a mistake. Because they still have to live together and drive back together and it won’t be the same, and the residents will notice no matter how well they both act--
Tony pops his head right under Rhodey’s chin. 
“Kiss me?” 
That’s all it takes. 
They mess up part of the puzzle, but that’s okay. They find they don’t mind it too much. They can work on it later, when Tony’s done getting Rhodey out of his new jacket and Rhodey works his hands underneath Tony’s sweatshirt. 
Mama takes one look at them for dinner and grins. 
“Jeanie, you owe me a night of dish-washing.” 
“Mama!” Rhodey hisses, embarrassed beyond belief. 
Tony just cackles, and elbows Rhodey out of the way so he can get to his chair at the table. 
“Couldn’t have fooled you for a second, could we?” Tony teases. 
“Not at all,” Mama states proudly. 
Rhodey rolls his eyes and squeezes Tony’s hand under the table. All will be well. 
When they both get back to college, none of their residents are surprised, at least not until they have to have a “knocking before entering” policy put in place after one particular late morning. 
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
Jake meeting Amy’s brothers trough the years (partnership/relationship)
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- We know how he meets David in canon, but I think he met him before at family gatherings but never really interacted with him because Amy'd just maneuvre away from him all the time
- the first one he meets is Julian, the second youngest. Julian actually lives in Brooklyn too, and Julian ends up in the drunk cell of his sister’s precinct, something she will never let him forget for the rest of his life, probably (at least he thinks that’s what she told him while he was lying on the bed in there, when the uniformed officer that had recognised his last name had brought her in). But once he’s sobered up in the morning, he’s let out to sign the last paperwork by some dude named Peralta, and he hands him a cup of coffee the way he loves to drink it, which must be Amy’s doing, so she’s probably forgiven him. So Julian makes extra sure to watch this Peralta, listen to the jokes he makes about how he’s “always wanted to book a Santiago into his paperwork pile”, but “got the wrong one”. They meet again two weeks later, when Julian’s pub crawl brings him to Shaw’s. Amy tries to hide so her brother doesn’t notice her amidst her squad, but Jake invites him to sit down for a moment, buys him a beer he definitely can’t afford to pay for later, and he and this pug-looking little guy next to him ask Julian for embarrassing Amy stories. He definitely delivers. He gets Jake’s phone number after that evening, not for any improper things, of course, just to check in on his sis without her noticing and maybe, maybe grill Peralta a few times about his intentions. He’s seen the way he looked at his sister. He sees the way he looks at his sister at Nochebuena too, the first year her new boyfriend is invited. That’s when Julian scrolls through their text chat, noticing that it has become seemingly endless, filled with snapshots of Amy and sneaker sale signs and adorable dogs they both see on the streets of Brooklyn, and adds Jake to the Santiabro group chat.
- the second meeting is actually with a set of brothers: Alonso, fifth-youngest, just two years below Amy, and Jorge, the third, 2 years above her. They’re the only ones free, aside from their parents, to attend a ceremony for Amy and a group of other officers that responded to a distress call and earned themselves a medal. Jake introduces herself as ‘Amy’s partner’, and they both know what that means in cop-speak, but they also know that Amy talks about him far more than about anyone else in her team. Alonso, recently divorced and still bitter about it, is not too happy about that, either, while Jorge, Amy’s supportive adult shoulder in their household, is mostly concerned (and ever so slightly intrigued - Jake seems nothing like any of the guys she’s ever brought home). Jake makes an acceptable first impression in his dress blues and with his good behaviour dialed up to 11 with his Captain watching him, but he definitely wins far more when Amy finally comes down from the stage and gets pulled into a bearhug and a quick princess twirl before she can even say hi to her brothers.
- the third meeting goes to Benedict, the youngest, when he gets into the New York University and Amy offers to help him move into his dorm, showing up with Jake on her heels. Benedict was expecting Teddy, that dull piece of human toast, but maybe Teddy isn’t quite so into carrying heavy boxes and making ridiculous “our boy’s so big already, in college, can you believe it, Ames” jokes. Jake seems to enjoy both. Benedict also gets Jake’s number - for emergencies, since he’s now Santiago No 3 in Jake’s “hometown”, so if anything ever happens and No 1 and 2 are not there to help, Jake obviously feels like he needs to step up. He’s bombarded with questions about the academy after Benedict’s first half-term, has to promise not to tell Amy, and waits another year while Benedict fights through the NYU before he helps him fill out the academy applications he’s finally decided to print out. He’s already Amy’s boyfriend by then, so he has to tell her, he says, and she’s not as angry or worried as Benedict thought she’d be. Maybe Jake is a good influence on her in that way.
- the fourth meeting seems the most important, at least to Amy. No one in her family knows about Jake as... well, her Jake yet when he shakes Matteo’s hand. (In another sense, they all know him as her Jake only, sometimes forgetting he’s a cop too and actual co-worker instead of just her best friend.) Matteo’s closest to her in age, only a year above her, and they’ve been mistaken for twins during most of their teens. He’s her counterbalance, her partner-in-crime, her accomplice and confidant, and he’s the first who gets to hear the title “Jake, my boyfriend”. He knocked on her door for dinner at their favourite place for whenever Matteo visits, and Jake was the one to open the door, so an introduction seemed necessary. Matteo changes their reservation to 3 people on his phone, and Jake can’t even try to protest before ‘the twins’ pull him into an Uber. It turns into one of the best evenings he’s had with the Santiagos so far, because Matteo is Amy’s twin, in all his manners and interests, and if there’s one thing Jake loves to talk with and joke with, it’s two Amys. They hug each other goodbye after dinner and two separate Ubers to Amy’s apartment and Matteo’s hotel, and Matteo says “I think I’ll see you around a lot, Jake” instead of the curt “see you” that Teddy got, and Amy kisses Jake long and thoroughly once their Uber drives off.
- the last meeting feels like Victor Santiago all over again. Alejandro, the oldest of the family, has refused to hear a single good thing about this Jake, not when he was Amy’s co-worker, not when he was her friend, and especially not now that he’s her boyfriend. He’s not good enough for ‘his little girl(sister)’, and he never will be. No matter how nice and friendly he is to all the tias and abuelas at this family party. No matter how helpful he is with Camila in the kitchen and the dining room. No matter how well he chats with the other Santiabros already, who all seem to know him and be on his side (well, sans David, of course. David doesn’t pick sides, that would be unfair). So when he finally finds him alone on the porch, dipping out for a ‘non-smoke, but Santiago break’ as he’d jokingly called it, Alejandro doesn’t wait for pleasantries or attempts any smalltalk. “Amy has been hurt in the past.” He says straight into Jake’s, frankly, mortified face. “By her co-workers and work. By her so-called friends. By her ‘partners’.” Jake definitely hears the hateful inflection in that last word. “So if you add yourself to that list of people who hurt her, I don’t think I need to explain exactly what my brothers and I will do to you.” “I’d get to myself first, to be honest.” Jake replies with a nod. “And I think I would do more damage than all seven of you combined.” It seems the stereotypical answer a boyfriend should give, right behind “Get in line behind her best friend Rosa”, but there’s a sincerity and hurt in Jake’s eyes that surprise Alejandro. He’s still not good enough, obviously. But he might be good.
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tbzhours · 3 years
be my christmassy
kevin x you x eric, high school au, fluff 
[summary] the Christmassy dance is coming up and with both having a crush on you, eric and kevin try to show their love for you. who will you choose? [words] 5.4k  [a/n] are you still feeling christmassy? ♡ i didn’t know who you should end up with so there are two endings for this fic! also, there’s a lot of college talks in here so bare with me; enjoy! 
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It’s usually exciting during this time of the school year because of the annual Christmassy dance. you would hear cheers randomly throughout the week of successful proposals for current and new couples. You honestly loved it, except the glittery decorations around the school that tend to stick onto you and your stuff. Other than that, it also meant that a lot of things are going to happen unexpectedly, like the snacks that keep appearing on your desk since the announcement of the dance. 
You and Eric had the same homeroom when another cheer was heard from the door. You were on your way to the class when you got stuck from the crowd. It was probably the fifth time this morning that you took a sigh then you made a detour, taking the longer way. 
“So, have you thought about who you wanted to ask to the dance?” Hyunjae started after their gaming discussions after hearing the cheer. He smiled excitedly at them then Juyeon answered him. 
“I’m asking my girlfriend out today. My teammates are helping on the field.” Juyeon revealed but Hyunjae slapped his shoulder. 
“At the game?” Hyunjae was surprised when he argued. “Dude, you don’t even need to do that. She can already assume you would go with her to the dance.” 
Jacob shook his head, looking at him without an expression, which slowly turned into a sweet smile. “You don’t know love at all, Hyunjae.” 
Eric wasn’t listening when they bickered, whispering a few names of potential dates then Hyunjae called Eric out, who was caught off guard thinking how he should ask you to the dance. All eyes were on him as he had his mouth open, trying to find words to say. 
“I have someone in mind. Not really sure yet.” Eric didn’t sound promising when he looked up and tapped on his chin. His friends shook their heads. 
“Anyway, if you can help out later, the surprise will be during halftime.” Juyeon mentioned then he pointed at them. “Don’t be late.” 
That was when you walked in, face full of annoyance like you went through a lot trying to get through all of the people in the hall from that successful confession. Eric’s eyes widened as if there was a bubble in his mind when he saw you.  
Eric walked away from the group to the empty seat next to you and sat down when he slid into it. It was a smooth move when you noticed him there. 
“Hey (Y/N), you wanna come watch our team play today?” Eric asked, almost whispering. You thought it was odd because obviously the whole school would go see them. He was on the football team like Juyeon so before you could greet him like the usual, you chuckled. 
“Of course I am. Everyone will.” You turned away from him to see the snack on your desk. You smiled and set it away inside your bag with a whisper of “I’m gonna eat that later”. You didn’t realize Eric heard it and it made him blush. His smile got smaller as he wondered if he got caught staring when you looked back at him. “You’re playing tonight?” 
“Yeah! All because of you.” Eric straightened up from his seat and his fingers fiddle in gratitude. “Thanks for helping me with physics.” 
“I’m glad.” You remembered how hard that class was but you did pretty well in it so you didn’t mind helping Eric study all week last week during your lunch time. “It would suck to not see you on that field.” 
“Thanks for always coming to our games too.” He, once again, felt the need to appreciate you for all of the things you’ve done for him even though it was just a favor. 
“Hey, I’m not the only one supporting our school team. The whole school is going to go see the game tonight.” You chuckled. “We have to win.” 
Eric nodded with a smile. His cheeks were burning up when he repeated your words, “We have to win.” 
You showed your fist to him and he was confused. “For good luck.” 
Eric pounded back at you then you got your textbook out to check the reading for one of your classes today. He admired how cool you were as his friends watched the whole scene and knew who he was going to ask to the dance. 
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One of your classes after homeroom was a beginners piano class. Kevin was an student assistant for the class since he knew how to play the piano and took all of the advance classes already. 
There was about four minutes left until the bell rings when you came into the class early. Kevin turned to you from the teacher’s piano at the front of the class and he waved a hand at you. 
“Hey (Y/N), you’re early again.” He sneaked a smile, watching you set your things down at your assigned chair then you walked up to him. 
“Yes, I need to be here early so I can practice for a minute.” You sounded like you were out of breath. You sat down beside him and smiled. “The new melody last week.” 
“You want to try it again?” He asked and you nodded. He motioned his head to the keyboard for you to give it a go. “Go ahead.” 
You focused hard as you played the melody, though it was slower than it should be. His head nodded along each note. 
“By the way, do you need practice for the upcoming test?” He asked, his nod still complimenting at how your fingers pressed against each key. 
“I might, depending on how well this melody sounds to you.” You smiled, trying to not laugh because you could feel how long you were stretching the sound. Seconds later, you finally finished playing and you gave Kevin the side look. “Well?” 
“You’re a fast learner.” He started but you covered your laugh with your closed mouth so there were muffling breaths coming through your nose. “What? I think you did great!” He blurted out, almost laughing. 
“How so?” You asked with curiosity. 
“I’m just surprised at how fast you memorized the melody.” He had a cocky look on his face but it was a pleasant one. 
“Of course I am, I can recite all of my essays for the college applications right now.” 
Kevin held his palm at your boldness. “Hold your horses, I don’t want to think about that when we’re gonna have a test on Friday.” 
“Christmassy day!” You cheered with thrill. “Besides, you’re going to ace it anyways.”
“No, it’s going to be hard to grade everyone.” Kevin cried. You forgot he wasn’t taking the course and you giggled quietly to yourself as if you face-palmed yourself. He sighed and complained, “And all of this Christmassy fun is getting in my head. I just want it to be Friday already.”
“Same.” You agreed. “Except for that test.” 
You both laughed together as the room filled up with students and the bell rang. 
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Later that night, you went to go watch Eric’s game with your friends. It was a little chilly but you had a warm coat and winter necessities as you followed your friends though the seating bleachers. It was already dark as the floodlights through the field lit up. The cheers were loud and in unison. When you found your seat, you saw Kevin with his friends, who were sitting in front of you. 
“Didn’t know you’d be here.” You said before you sat down. 
“Same?” Kevin had a judging look on his face, still turned back to you. 
“I watch the game every year.” 
“Uh, I knew that.” 
You bursted a laugh when he turned to the front and it got quiet after your nonchalant bickering. He was smiling after hearing you then he turned back to you. 
“This is going to be fun.” Kevin gushed, keeping his hands inside his coat pockets.
“Right. We’re playing against our rival school.” You explained. “Interesting how we get to see them play for our last year.” 
“I have a feeling our team will win.” Kevin smiled. “We got a good team this year.” 
He was right. Once the game started, your school team already scored more points than the opponent. You noticed that Eric was a really good runner. He was always near each end to get ready for a catch. Sometimes, you caught him looking at you after the ball touched the ground. You admired how well your team always played every year because you could tell they put their every ounce of sweat from practice into the game. Maybe that’s why you always go watch the winter game. 
Halftime quickly came as both crowds chanted in unison. Then all of a sudden, some of your school’s team members walked onto the running track in front of your school bleachers. They all had balloons and flowers, and you didn’t see Eric until you saw that he was holding onto a big teddy bear. Juyeon suddenly popped out behind them with a big ‘Will you be my sunshine?’ sign and sunflowers in his hands. 
Juyeon shouted his girlfriend’s name and asked, “Will you be my sunshine at Christmassy?!” 
Everyone looked around, asking where she was. Juyeon shouted her name again then when she came down, all of the crowd cheered. Juyeon walked up to her as they hugged and kissed in front of everyone and the cheers got louder.  
“I thought they’re already dating?” Kevin’s eyebrow rosed, smiling when he looked back at you. 
You shrugged. “I guess it makes it a little more special that way.” 
“I want that.” He suddenly confessed then he saw your judging face. “What?” 
“You want someone to ask you to the dance like that?” 
“I have big dreams.” Kevin chuckled. “I wouldn’t mind all of the balloons and cute stuff, except with an audience this big. Gives me chills.” 
Kevin shivered and you did the same. “I agree.” 
You both shared smiles before he asked you, “You want some hot chocolate after this?” 
“That sounds nice.” 
Eric saw you on the bleachers as he headed toward the bench where his team was at. He waved with his whole arm at you with the teddy bear still in his other arm. Your smile bloomed bigger as you waved back. 
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“I never knew about this place.” You were amazed after you and Kevin sat down in the cafe. 
“You can almost say, it’s my secret place to go to.” Kevin chuckled, fixing his long strand of hair. He ordered the hot chocolate and turned back to you. You took a last glance at the antique wall behind the barista before you turned to meet his eyes. 
“The music’s nice.” You commented and he watched how your lips curled into a grin. “And it’s really calm in here.” 
“That’s why I love it here.” He smiled then he groaned. “It just sucks that I might not be able to come back here after we graduate.” 
“That’s right. The closest music school is like two hours away.” You recalled as you chuckled. “That really does suck.” 
“Right?” Kevin sighed then he gave a tiny glare at you jokingly. “I’m still mad at you for only taking piano just to fill an elective credit.” 
“Hey, I’m enjoying the class.” You argued back, still grinning. You rested your chin onto your fist as you set your elbow on the table. “Besides, I think I’m getting better at playing than you.”
“Yeah, and that’s stressing me more over all of these applications.” 
“How is that going for you?” You genuinely asked when the hot cocoa was served. You both thanked the barista and you looked back at him with a smile. 
“Applied for a few music schools already. Still have a few left before acceptances come through.” Kevin held onto his hot cocoa and smiled cheekily at you. “You?” 
“I’m on the same boat.” You sighed and took a sip of your drink. Luckily, it wasn’t too hot so you could drink it warmly. 
Kevin remembered about how stressful it was for you already about applying for colleges because it was about choosing your dream of studying out of the country or staying and finding a new dream. He assured you, “Whatever you choose, I’ll support you.” 
He took a sip of his drink and chuckled when he saw the foam on your upper lips. 
“You want to be santa so bad, huh?” Kevin tried not to drip any hot cocoa from his mouth when wiped your lips with a napkin. 
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Later that night, you were getting ready to sleep. As you rested on your bed with the lamp on by your desk, you scrolled through your feed before looking at the stories at the top. You watched Juyeon’s story and saw how he proposed with sunflowers for his girlfriend like how you saw at the game. You smiled at how sweet it was before Eric appeared on Juyeon’s next story. Eric was seen practicing his lines to ask someone out for the dance while his team were taking a break from the game. You chuckled and turned to your side. You thought it was kinda cute as you sent the story to Eric. 
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You set your phone down and went to sleep. 
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The next morning, you drove a little late to school because you didn’t hear your alarm. You were rushing to school, trying to drive fast and luckily, you made it in time but you still ran as if you were late. 
You caught Eric by your locker but when you tried to come through the crowd, he stopped you by the wrist. He was gentle as he came close to your face to whisper. “Sorry you can’t use your locker yet.”
Eric smirked then he pulled you into the crowd to see the whole scene. 
Younghoon, someone you knew from all of your math classes, asked someone from your homeroom out to the dance so you had to wait. He was your math study buddy after you both unexpectedly took the same classes during your first year together. He was always talking smart so it was funny to see him standing by the lockers next to the formula letters of + U = <3, in which he was the letter I at the left. 
You didn’t know he would have such a big crush on one of your classmates. 
Your classmate came by and the two were obviously in love. They didn’t hesitate with their answer and hugged him right away. 
You cheered with the crowd, not realizing how Eric’s been holding your hand ever since he pulled you into it. Once the crowd scattered and Younghoon and his date walked away, you made your way to your locker quickly. You opened it, letting the + sign stay stuck on the door of your locker as you set some things away. 
Eric was watching your every move after leaning onto the locker on his back beside you. He tried not to laugh when he asked. “Why are you in such a rush?”
“I woke up late so I feel like I’m gonna be late to everything.” You confessed, still scrambling your things back and forth. 
“Well, you look fine, except this.” He fixed your hair to the side and smiled. It must have been from running too much. “There.” 
Your eyes met and you found yourself blushing a little. 
Eric’s eyes bloomed before he grabbed something from his pockets and handed it to you. “And here.” 
You gave him a laugh and took the snack from his hand. “So you’re the one who’s been giving me all of these snacks?” 
“Uhh did I get caught?” He tilted his head then you nodded at him. He quickly changed the subject, talking too fast that you couldn’t stop grinning. Eric started to walk backwards as he suggested. “Do you perhaps want some hot cocoa? I heard Younghoon’s homeroom teacher is making it for his class. They have marshmallows too. The big ones. Yes? Okay, I got you. I’ll be right back.” 
You could see his rosy cheeks before he turned and ran through the crowd. You shook your head and focused back onto your locker. You set his snack down on the top shelf and smiled as you shut it. 
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During lunch, your friends asked if you were planning to go to the dance. It was already tomorrow and they were shocked that you didn’t have a date yet because it’s your last year already. 
“You should make it the best.” One of them said. 
Then another added, “I thought you were the one who’s always asking first.” 
You didn’t feel like joining in the conversation but if you had to explain, it was because you had one potential date last year. It’s funny because this year, you have two people in mind. You weren’t sure who you wanted to go with since you are pretty close to the two. For a second, you thought this was harder than doing your applications. 
“Well, at least you’ll get a card tomorrow, from I know who.” One of them teased. 
Ah yes, tomorrow was the day where a card and a chocolate rose get sent to people from their secret admirer by the student council. It was going to happen during your class before lunch. That was when you knew how loud the cafeteria was going to get with the guessing game tomorrow. 
You shrugged after getting playful eyes from your friends. 
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You were walking alone in the hall after your teacher asked you to do an errand for them since you were done with your in-class assignment. Kevin was there but you didn’t see him because you were lost in your head while the printer was going. 
“(Y/N)?” You heard Kevin by the front desk. 
You looked to your side and almost jumped. “Did you have your head down or something? I forgot you have library duties.” 
You both chuckled softly in the silent room. Kevin stood up as you picked up the papers and walked to him. You set the papers down on the table between you both when you continued. 
“Must be nice to be in here where there’s no chaos.” You joked. Then you looked at the space in front of the computer screen he was sitting in front of. “What are you working on?” 
“Nothing.” Kevin’s lips twisted to the side with his eyes panicking where you were looking at. He shuffled the papers and tried to explain. “Uhh, it’s more like... I’m just making cards for some of the teachers before the break.” 
“I should do that too.” You nodded as you didn’t see the beads and strings under the cards. Your lips bloomed when you continued, “Anyway, aren’t you excited for tomorrow?” 
“I am.” He mused. “I can’t believe it’s going to be our last dance before we go to college.” 
“Same.” You sighed, “Time goes by too fast.” 
Kevin shrugged with a cheeky smile. “Next thing you know, we’re gonna be walking down with our gowns.”
“Noooo~” You groaned with your head down then you quickly got up. “Wait, I mean yes because you owe me a homemade cake.” 
“You still remember that?” Kevin was surprised because he made one for your older brother, who was also his friend. He graduated last year and Kevin dropped by your place to congratulate him with it. 
“Duh,” you pretended to be annoyed but you smiled after. You remember fighting with your brother just to get a taste of it. “I can still remember the taste. It was that good.” 
“Then I won’t forget to do that for you when we graduate.” 
“Thanks. I’ll let my brother know you're still a baker and you’re doing great.” You let him know then it got quiet with just your smiles. A few seconds went by before you picked up the papers and chuckled awkwardly. “I better get going.” 
Kevin grabbed some things on the table and handed them to you before you could make it to the door. “Here take some chocolate, just in case we don’t get any tomorrow.” 
Your eyebrow heightened as you assured him. “I’m sure you’ll have at least one secret admirer.” 
Yeah, you too.” You both exchanged smiles and before you walked out of the door, you turned back just in case. “Good luck tomorrow.” Kevin whispered, “With the test.” 
You could almost see him winking before you walked out. 
Right then, you saw Eric in the hallway quietly, as if he didn’t want to get caught skipping class. 
He didn’t even see you until the door of the library opened. His eyes widened. Good thing you didn’t open two seconds later because he would have hit the door. You shut it as he slowed down. 
“Where are you going, Eric?” You asked. You joined his walk while he tried to avoid your eyes. 
“I-I’m just helping Haknyeon with his date. You know, for the dance.” He chuckled awkwardly. 
“You’re always the wingman.” You laughed along and turned to him. “Will you ever do an event for your own date?” 
Eric blushed nervously and he hummed a weird sound. “O-of course. It just hadn’t happened yet.” 
“Well then, good luck with it.” You smiled at him when you stopped by the door of your class. It was just down the hall from the library. “Have fun being a wingman again.” 
“Thanks.” Eric smiled as you walked into your class. 
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When you got home, you were conflicted over who to ask to the dance that you had decided it would be fun to go to the dance with your friends instead. 
You set some things back into your bag when the night got deep. You check one of the side pockets after remembering about the chocolate Kevin gave you, then you realized he gave you a bracelet too, as promised from a while back when he got into making bead bracelets. You remembered him making some for his friends and since your older brother got one, you wanted one too. You quickly sent a text of it after getting ready to sleep and thanked him for remembering. 
When you went back to your feed, you saw that both Eric and Kevin made a post. 
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You liked both posts then you set your phone down and closed your eyes to sleep. Your heart was beating so fast that you didn’t know what tomorrow would be like. For sure, it was going to be a busy day. 
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It was the day of the dance and the school was festive with all of the cheers and sweet giving and exchanges throughout the hall and classrooms as your heart was still rushed in excitement. 
You briefly saw Eric in homeroom but he left early to be another wingman for a friend’s proposal. He made sure to meet eyes with you with a smile before he left the room. 
As for Kevin, he seemed super nervous during your piano test. You gave him a big pat on the back when you both walked out of the class and complimented how great he did. 
“You still look nervous.” You commented, you peeked at him. 
“I do?” He moved his head back and scoffed with a confident smile. “Well, I’m not.” 
“I believe you.” You smiled, trying not to laugh at how funny he looked. “See you later. Hope you get something.” 
The secret admirer cards. Kevin just remembered. Actually, it’s been on his mind all morning. It’s just that he was one of your secret admirers and you were standing right in front of him where you both needed to part ways in the hall. He nervously smiled. “Right. You too.” 
You both parted, smiling away and when you got to your locker with only a minute left to get to your next class before lunch, Eric came by, shouting your name. A few students looked and some shook their head from being used to him shouting with his friends. 
“What are you doing? Shouldn’t you be in class already?” Your eyes were wide and your lips were opened in surprise. You couldn’t help to chuckle at how nervous he looked.
“I know. I just forgot to um…” He tried to think of something and blurted out, “Say hi to you.”
“Hi~” You played along then you rushed your locker exchanges and closed it quickly. “Better get going. I’m gonna be late to my class too.” 
“Take a run! You’ll get there in no time!” 
You didn’t know why he was encouraging you to run in school because it wasn’t allowed but you played along with a laugh. You took off and waved your hand at him. “You too! Bye!” 
You finally got to class right when the bell rang. Once you sat down, the announcement came on about the secret admirer cards. It was taking a while since the deliverers had to stop by each classroom. You tried to stay focused in class but it was really hard to, and when there was a knock on the door, your teacher walked to it and started to pass the cards to the correct receivers. 
For you, you got two.
card 1 i adore  how your mind speaks how your eyes shine, and especially how passionate your dream beats against your heart. if there’s room for more, will you be my christmassy?
card 2 roses are red violets are blue how about christmassy? at your side i shall be. (meet me at the parking lot at lunch?)
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                           who stole your heart? 
                              card 1   /   card 2
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badass-at-fandoming · 3 years
Catch up on Part 1 here!
Where we last left our RB2: Secret Lesson heroine, she'd witnessed a breach in the Masquerade. A man who was Very Clearly A Vampire was delicately munch-munch-munching a lady's neck. Dorothy does what I suspect I would do if I found out vampires are real: she faints.
When she wakes, Jay, Theo, and Andrew are debating what to do with her. There's a lot of back-and-forth so let me summarize. The Russell Brothers are elder vampires. Like, Andrew is the "baby" of the family, and he was Embraced in the 1600s. As the years wore on and their powers grew, their connection to humanity lowered to an intolerable degree. They don't recognize humans as "people" anymore, just blood bags and playthings. Part of the problem is they're insanely powerful. It's hard to take humans seriously when one movement of the blood and they fall for your supernatural charisma, or follow any command, or break apart. For the VtM fans in the post, Andrew is most like a Vollgirre Toreador, Theo is most like a Gangrel, and Jay is like a True Brujah with some bonus Dominate.
Their parents, the Duke Edumund Russell and his wife Monica Russell, are understandably worried about them. They convinced their adopted sons to attend a human college so they could interact with others and regain their humanity. Except the Chancellor of the school ordered the brothers to keep apart from the other students. Usually, when the brothers feed, they wipe the human's memory afterwards.
But they don't WANT to erase Dorothy's memory because Dorothy is interesting. She resists their powers! She doesn't turn into a yes woman around them. She told them to fuck off! Being told to fuck off is unbearably attractive. 😂
Dorothy goes home to sleep off all these revelations, except who does she run into but Lars! Today's already been stressful, but a best friend returning from being ghosted is the just the cherry on a shit cake. Lars explains that he ghosted her because Kane was going through something. But. Um. I'm 99% sure he was busy turning into a werewolf. Dorothy makes it to her dorm room and face-plants into her bed, hahaha.
While Dorothy is asleep, she has a wet dream about Andrew. I'm not saying Andrew used Auspex to give her that dream, but he definitely used Auspex to give her that dream. Dorothy also finds him holding onto her fifth story window sill by his fingers, which is a little suspicious, haha.
Dorothy lets him in because what else are you going to do. After she left, the brothers told the Chancellor and their parents about the Masquerade breach and their wish to let Dorothy keep her memories. Now, Andrew explains, Dorothy could leave the fate of her brain to the Chancellor's arbitration...OR she could use this super cool loophole. Vampires' partners are allowed to know of their supernatural status, no matter the partners' species. So Dorothy and Andrew should fake date!!!
Dorothy is like...okay, this is insane, right? This is insane. She tries to let Andrew down gently and mentions that if she hadn't had such a horrible first impression of him, maybe things would be different. Andrew seizes onto this excuse and takes it very literally. He uses some Koldunic sorcery to transport him and Dorothy to another country that's across the international date line. So, technically(!!!) he met her hours before their first meeting. Omg, dude. 😂😂😂
But they have a really cute daaaaate. He takes her out for breakfast. Dorothy is majoring in Psychology and he's majoring in Fashion. As a human, he was an Italian painter and best friends with Artemisia Gentileschi. Ya know, the one who made this killer painting of Judith slaying Holofernes:
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[[Image ID "Judith Slaying Holofernes" by Artemisia Gentileschi, painted between 1620-1621. The painting depicts the climax of the Bible story of Judith. After gaining access to the Assyrian general Holofernes' tent, the beautiful Jewish widow Judith and her loyal handmaiden decapitate him, which forces the would-be conquerors to leave Israel. Artemisisa depicts the bloody decapitation, using herself as a model for Judith and her rapist as a model for Holofernes]]
Eventually, the couple return to school, and Andrew is very eager for Dorothy to say she'll be his girlfriend. Dorothy point-blank asks why he's so adamant about this. They just met! Andrew confesses to the incredibly unsexy reason that he bet his brothers it would only take him 24 hours to make Dorothy his partner.
Unsexy!!! Dorothy storms off to find Lars and, hopefully, a sympathetic ear. He's on the school sportsball team, and she finds him in the gym...except she walks in on him planning a date with Eliza! WTF, LARS. Andrew comes running up, and before we can think thinky thoughts, Dorothy lays one on him. Andrew later describes it as a "tongue punch" and offers Dorothy kissing lessons asdfghjkladkfa. Lars and Eliza see and go "ew" because they are weak little babies about PDA. And that's how Dorothy starts fake-dating a vampire lol.
A few days pass. Andrew asks Dorothy to meet him at the Chancellor's office, so they can make their case that Dorothy should keep her memory. Andrew looks a little pale(r) than usual, but he distracts her with kisses. Sidenote: Andrew is the best kisser. After kissy kiss, the pair meet Theo, Jay, and Chancellor Dmitri inside. Theo says vampires and humans shouldn't romance one another. Jay argues that Dorothy should be allowed to keep her memory because she's interesting in a scientific sense. He wants to study her, haha. Nerd. Andrew cites the loophole, saying he and Dorothy are dating. Theo gives him a side-eye. 😒
Dorothy has other plans. She rips the Russell brothers a new one. They're a mess! They're disrespectful! They're impulsive! One made me orgasm in class, one forced me to time travel, and the last won't look me in the eye because I'm not "worth his time." They are the WORST and that's why I should be the one to beat some manners into their brains.
The Russell brothers are in awe of Dorothy's declarations. No one has (verbally) kicked their ass in a century. Chancellor Dmitri is equally impressed. He assigns Dorothy to be their therapist. adfgjkhl;l;kdjfasj W H A T
Dorothy protests that she's only 20! She hasn't even finished one semester of her psych major. But Chancellor Dmitri insists, and the brothers insist, so Dorothy has little choice. Andrew is so happy he swoons like a Victorian maiden, and Theo has to walk Dorothy home.
On the walk home, Dorothy asks Theo why he wears his meanie pants all the time, which gives him an opening to unleash his Tragic Backstory. In the 1500s, he was in the Spanish Navy. One day he returned home from a long voyage to learn his entire family had been slaughtered by werewolves. Like, when he left he had a wife, children, in-laws, parents, and grandparents. When he came home, he had no one. Theo swore vengeance, found a vampire to Embrace him, and killed a shit ton of Spanish werewolves. Once his vengeance was complete though, he sank into a depression that he's never really gotten out of.
Dorothy is like "Thank you for that shockingly dark update. See you tomorrow." 😂 Theo is like "what," and both he and I discover that Dorothy's first lesson plan is to bring this depressed old man to an amusement park. Theo is very skeptical, haha. But! Through the sheer power of being outside and roller coaster discombobulation, they have fun! Btw, going outside, walking, and riding roller coasters can ease depression symptoms. Nothing like launching yourself at speeds high enough to leave orbit to get that serotonin flowing.
At the end of the day, there is one ride left: the ferris wheel. I didn't realize ferris wheels were a romantic trope, but they must be. They keep popping up in these romance games. Usually I ride them so I try to find our car in the parking lot lol. Unlike my ace ass, Dorothy is not immune to the charms of the ferris wheel. And Theo is so Sad and has an Animal Magnetism and oh no the cabin shifted and our lips fell together! For 20 minutes they fell and couldn't get up.
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[[Image ID Royal Blood 2: Secret Lesson, Theo Russell CG 1, Dorothy falls into Theo's lab while they ride a ferris wheel, and a surprised Theo catches her. Theo has short brown hair and green eyes. He wears a striped blue button-up shirt and basic black slacks, while Dorothy wears a white blouse and indigo skirt with a lighter flower pattern. The couple look surprised and in wonder, presumably because they just kissed]]
As soon as the ride is over, Dorothy and Theo's brains are full of question marks; swiftly followed by guilt. This element frustrates me. The player cannot avoid becoming Andrew's girlfriend, and their fake-dating contract always contains a clause to be exclusive, unless both parties agree to a non-monogamy situation. The player can choose to not kiss Theo, but Dorothy still feels immense guilt for the "crime" of thinking Theo is attractive. This thought crime guilt doesn't sit well with her character. Yes, she's only 20, but she's otherwise a very mature, old-soul 20 year old. She's certainly far more mature and sensible than the men around her. The narrative holds together if Theo and Dorothy really do cheat/kiss, but it feels forced and inorganic if the player chooses to remain faithful.
It's an example of the narrative vs otome game mechanics fight I talked about in the first post. Somewhere in the game's development process, it was decided that a cheater/loyal variable would take resources better spent elsewhere. Better to force the plot point that Dorothy feels guilty for cheating. It's one less thing to code and discourages players from feeling locked in to Andrew's romance, which otome players don't like.
Or I'm totally wrong. Maybe the author just wanted to include the infidelity trope in Theo's romance, and the moment just lands awkward.
Regardless, the scene changes. Mean Girl Eliza doubts that Andrew and Dorothy are really dating. The only solution is for Andrew to speedily appear and kiss Dorothy in the most obnoxious and public way possible. All over campus. Repeatedly.
Embarrassed by so many good kisses, Dorothy is like i NEED to LEAVE and declares she'll have her therapy session with Jay today. 😂 She asks Jay to take her somewhere he feels comfortable. Jay gets it into his head that for Dorothy to be comfortable and/or fall for him, he should take her somewhere she feels comfortable. Dorothy likes Andrew. That must mean Dorothy likes places Andrew likes. So he takes her to a jazz bar at like 6pm on a Tuesday asdfghjkl; Dorothy smells a rat, and is like "Jay...I've known for like 2 weeks and I know this isn't you."
Jay is low-key like "babe, take me now," because it is SEXY to FIGURE OUT PLANS. Even sexier is when Dorothy explains that she wants to get to know Jay, not Jay-cosplaying-as-Andrew. Jay has to buffer like a computer, hahaha. Eventually, he leads her to his "secret hideout," which is a little-used reading room at the college:
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[[Image ID, Royal Blood 2: Secret Lesson, Jay Russell CG 1, Jay and Dorothy sit on the floor a reading room. Bashful, they face each other close enough to boop foreheads. Jay cradles Dorothy's hand to his cheek. He has blue eyes and blond hair with hints of a dark-brown undercut. He wears an overlarge, dark blue sweater over his jeans and white T-shirt, while she wears dull orange jeans and a blue, purple, white, and orange striped T-shirt.]]
These dudes... Can you believe this is only Episode 6.
Link to Part 3!
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keanureevesisbae · 4 years
The Tran-Cavill Grandkids
Henry = 79 / Olivia = 70 / Vanessa = 47 / Elodie = 40 / Heather and Chloe are 36
Olivia: We have 8 grandchildren. It has been sixteen years since I first became a grandmother, but I still have to get used to it.
Henry: I love being a granddad. I love everything about it, especially when they all come over and we have seventeen people over.
Oliver (16)
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Olivia: Oliver is Chloe’s and Joon Ki’s first son and our oldest grandson. Chloe was still in college and scared out of her mind when she found out she was pregnant. I stayed over in her dorm from her twenty fifth week of pregnancy to the thirtieth, since poor thing was suffering from a lot of panic attacks and because of their different schedules, Joon Ki and her friends couldn’t be there for her. I forgot how disgusting those dorms were. After that, she took online classes, because she was really fatigued and uncomfortable. She stayed at our place again up until the birth.
Henry: When Oliver was born, my life stopped for a moment. I was officially a granddad. I mean, I always knew I wanted to become a father, but a granddad… I never really thought that far into the future. But Oliver is such a wonderful young man. Takes his job as the oldest grandchild very seriously.
Olivia: He comes over a lot, since our house is on the route when he goes home after school. He helps us with some chores or just comes over to drink some tea with us. Oliver even offers to do groceries for us every Saturday.
Dylan (14)
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Henry: Dylan is Vanessa’s and Trey’s first son. We were delighted that we were going to be grandparents of two boys. However, it was pretty hard for Vanessa and that absolutely broke my heart. My poor girl was in a lot of pain and discomfort and there was nothing I could do about it.
Olivia: Vanessa became dehydrated pretty early on in her pregnancy, forcing her to quit her job. I actually quit my job too, because I realized that I needed to be there for her. 
Henry: Finally, after all those years of her saying that just because I am rich, doesn’t mean she should stop working. 
Olivia: Anyways, my poor baby was really out of it and I moved in with her and Trey for a while, because they obviously needed to prepare a lot for the arrival of their little boy. So Henry and Trey decorated the entire nursery, while Vanessa and I tried to come up with a birth plan, me telling her about the whole giving birth thing and how scary it can be. We even went to a few therapy sessions, simply to put her mind at ease.
Henry: However, Dylan was born ten weeks too early and it was a trying time for all of us. We spend so much time in the NICU. Thankfully the entire family stepped in to help Vanessa and Trey out. Dylan was a pretty weak baby, also really tiny and had troubles eating. Though he was sick and tired pretty often, he grew out to be such an amazing kid, who understands the limits he has and despite that, still manages to participate in certain sports. We are so proud of him. 
Megan (9)
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Olivia: It took five years before Vanessa got pregnant again and thankfully this pregnancy was easier on her. We were so excited when we found out she was pregnant with a little girl! Our first granddaughter. Megan is such a bright young lady. When she was four, she saw a picture of Henry having a tea parties with her aunts when they were around her age. The next time she came over, she brought a dress and her cups and saucers and forced Henry to partake. 
Henry: I thought those days were over, but I’m a push over and I couldn’t say no to her. Megan is such a happy go lucky kid, with the most infectious giggle. I remember when she was a baby, she started to giggle and didn’t stop. Nowadays, she can just stare at you, before bursting out in a fit of giggles. She also forces me to dance with her, but thankfully every Tran-Cavill girl tells her that it’s for the best that I don’t dance.
Jake (8)
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Henry: Jake is Chloe’s second second and that is one special kid. He was already dancing in the womb, according to the sonographer. I think he was only two months when I was playing some music in the background and Jake was in his seat. He started to move his arms right on the beat!
Olivia: He is now going to dance classes and I have to say: that kid knows how dance. He can appear to be a bit more introverted, isn’t really in your face when they come over to visit. All in all, he is a pretty timid kid, but the second he hears music or is on a stage, he dances his heart out. So amazingly talented! When he visits, he always gives us little previews of the dances he taught in class. 
Kiki (4)
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Henry: Heather was never the type of woman that dated. She was always more focused on her own career. It did shock me when she told us that she got pregnant and that she had to tell her boyfriend about it, since we all had no clue that she was even dating someone. Not even her own twin sister knew! 
Olivia: What a fucking doorknob that guy was. Heather wanted me to join her, when she would tell this Tom dude she was pregnant. Turns out she really is a daughter of mine, because she found herself a man that is the spitting image of Wesley, appearance wise and personality wise. He got so mad when she told him and even had the audacity to tell Heather that she got knocked up by someone else. He really wasn’t hiding the fact that he was an idiot, because he told my sweet Heather all that, when I was right next to her! Long story short, I broke them up, slapped Tom in the face and threatened to kill him if he ever sought out to her or the baby.
Henry: That’s my girl.
Olivia: But Heather is a real trooper and manages to take care of Kiki just fine. Thankfully we love her dearly and didn’t kick her out, because she got pregnant out of wedlock (like my parents and brothers did). We are the go to baby sitter for Kiki and it’s so much fun to pick her up from school. It reminds me of the times that we would pick up our own girls from school.
Henry: Kiki is such a happy go lucky little girl. She is a ray of sunshine and we are so lucky and grateful that she is in our lives and that that idiot Tom is not. I fear the day that I run into him, because I will throw him in front of a bus. Accidentally of course.
Olivia: Henry, honey, remember: you’re nearing the ripe age of eighty. What if you break a hip or your wrist?
Lewis (14)
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Olivia: So, Katie, Elodie’s wife, used to teach English in Secondary school, but after she lost her job, since her school had to close, she became a substitute for three months at another school. That’s where she met nine year old Lewis. According to her, he was a shy kid, but every day after school, he’d linger around the classroom and talked to Katie. He would help her out with cleaning up, make his homework and often they would walk out of the school together.
Henry: Unfortunately she had to leave after three months and according to her, it was pretty hard leaving Lewis. Two weeks after she left the school, she got a call in the middle of the night. The principal of that school informed her that Lewis was removed from his home by the police. The neighbors called it in, since they heard the abuse going on. Later on, it turned out that Lewis was the victim of abuse on a daily basis. He lingered in Katie’s class room to postpone the moment of going home to his father. He was in desperate need of someone who would take him into emergency foster care.
Olivia: However the only person he wanted to stay with, was Katie, so she and Elodie took him in. It was supposed to be for a week, but a week turned into a month and after a nasty trial, they officially adopted Lewis on his tenth birthday!
Henry: I remember him coming over for the first time. Maybe it was a bit mean to let him meet everyone at once, but despite his nerves, he managed quite well. Now we know Lewis as such a hardworking young man, who desperately tries to help others and makes sure that they can reach their full potential.  
Stella (8)
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Olivia: Elodie and Katie got into foster care a whole lot more seriously after they adopted Lewis and three years ago, they had to foster Stella, who had lost both of her parents in a tragic accident and there wasn’t anyone that could care for her. I remember Elodie and Katie having a bit of trouble with Stella, because she would lock herself up in her room and not talk to anyone.
Henry: It was hard, but Lewis swooped right in and the two of them had such long conversations. I think it was because of him that Stella opened up to her moms, but also to the rest of the family. She and Lewis are definitely partners in crime. She is quite something. Very mischievous and sneaky. She loves to scare people, hiding behind doors, but she doesn’t do it to us (thankfully), because she is afraid will scare ourselves a heart attack. So considerate. 
Olivia: In a lot of ways she reminds me of Vanessa. She is very eloquent and uses fancy words to throw you off guard. I love taking her out with me, because, just like Vanessa, she “whispers" something to you (most likely she’s gossiping), but the people she is talking about, can always hear it. I know I shouldn’t condone this, but I love the faces of the people when they hear Stella say: ‘Grandma, why is that woman wearing those shoes? The straps are too tight. She looks like a ham.’
Henry: You allow that? You should discipline her.
Olivia: I have been raising kids since I was twenty three and I always made sure to discipline them. Now that I’m a grandma, I can let it slide for a few times.
Charlotte (2)
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Henry: And last but not least, little Charlotte. They fostered her since she was a year and officially adopted her six months ago. We don’t know exactly what happened to her, since she was abandoned at around nine months. No one actually knows what her exact age is, let alone her birthday. 
Olivia: It’s such a shame that something this horrendous could happen to such a precious little bean. She is, despite the things that happened to her, a lovely young girl, who kind of reminds me a lot of Elodie. A bit shy, a bit quiet and not a smiler.
Henry: Definitely not a smiler to strangers at all, but when she does… She’s so precious. Lewis and Stella are really good with her as well. These two were made to be older siblings. I can’t wait to see what kind of girl Charlotte becomes!
Olivia: We are so blessed with our beautiful grandchildren and it’s my goal to become at least a hundred years old, so I can see every single one of them at least graduate!
Henry: And I want to hold my great-grandchild, so yeah, I agree, my love. We should become at least a hundred years old.
Taglist: @thelastsock​ // @flhorah​ // @sausagefest1996​ // @laufeysodinson​ // @xxxkatxo​ // @memoriesat30​ // @henrythickcavill​ // @crimsonrae​ // @henryobsessed // @madbaddic7ed​ // @summersong69​ // @lyrafraiser​ // @peakygroupie​ // @coldmuffinbanditshoe​ // @mary-ann84​ // @thereisa8ella​ //@crazyandanonymous4u // @xuxszx​ // @emmaofgreengabbles​ // @jimmypagesandbrianmayshair​ // @onlyhenrys // @omgkatinka​ // @oddsnendsfanfics​ // @speakerforthedead0 // @agniavateira // @gearhead66 // @chamomilebottom // @diegos-butt // @yoyoanaria // 
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ickle-ronniekins · 3 years
I met James, my fiancé, at work. I was 20 years old, home from college for the summer and working at a bakery in town I had worked at since early high school. He was friends with the owner’s daughter, and came in to get a treat one night with her and his little brother. I was also really good friends with the owner’s daughter, since she’s only 1 year older than me, and so when the three of them came in, we were all hanging out. It was a couple of minutes after closing, and we all talked while I was cleaning. We hit it off, I thought he was cute, he and his little brother left, and I hardly thought more about it.
A couple of days later, I’m out with Emma, the owner’s daughter, for breakfast before we each went back to college (it was late August at this point). She tells me that James, my now fiancé, but then the man I had just met a few days before, had texted her asking for my number multiple times. I laughed it off, was flattered, but declined when she asked if she should give it to him. I never gave out my number unless I like REALLY liked someone, and I knew he went to a different school a 2 hour drive from mine, so what was the point.
Another week goes by, and Emma is texting me that James will not stop asking her about me, and it’s crazy because they’ve been friends since high school (like 5 years at that point) and she had never seen him this interested in a girl, or interested for more than a hookup. But still, I say no, I don’t want his number.
I go to visit her at college a couple of months into the semester, a little before Halloween. James’s school was about 30 minutes from Emma’s, and when he heard I was going to visit her, he begged and pleaded for her to let him randomly show up (👀) because he could not get me out of his head. So he does, I’m shocked but not displeased because he’s super handsome, and again, we hit it off and have an awesome time just hanging out all night. Finally he gets my number. Three weeks later, we’re dating, deciding to do semi long distance. Two weeks after that, he tells me he knows it’s incredibly early, but he loves me and knows I probably don’t feel the same (I tell him I don’t, but I can tell I’m already falling) and that he just couldn’t stand for me to not know a second longer. One month later, i tell him I love him too. He looks like a kid on Christmas morning, he was so damn excited. Three months later, he tells me he wants to marry me, I say i want to marry him too, and he proceeds to jokingly call us engaged in private just to see me blush for the next few years.
A few months after our fourth anniversary, he proposed. It was small, and over the initial lockdown period last year. He cooked me my favorite dinner, and set up his apartment with candles and a sweetly set table. He brings the food out, insisting I not help and he does it himself. Before he sits, before I can eat a bite, he gets down on one knee.
He tells me he’s loved me since the moment he saw me. He always thought love at first sight was a hoax until he met me, and felt like he was looking an angel in the face on that warm August evening so long ago. He told me he has spent the last four years dreaming of this moment, and that he wants everything with me. He wants to be silly trying to bake like I can in the kitchen, and dance to the old jazz he doesn’t like but knows I love. He wants to have children and pets and complain about how much yard work there is to do, but then come inside after doing it, give me a kiss, and have it all instantly be better. He told me that he had no idea what the pandemic would bring or what life would look like but that the only thing he knew for sure was that he refused to walk through it without me at his side. And then he asked if I would marry him.
I was crying so hard, I could hardly do more than nod and try not to completely jump his bones. It was perfect and sweet and wonderful.
The only thing I would change is that I wish he waited until after dinner, because I could hardly eat a bite, I was too busy smiling to worry about chewing.
We just closed on a house last week, and we get married November 6th, on the fifth anniversary of when we first started dating.
i mean i asked y’all for your love stories and you delivered
this is just about the MOST adorable thing i have ever heard. HIS WHOLE PROPOSAL IS LITERALLY A DREAM I MEAN... dude should write a book tbh. why can’t a man speak like that to me? tell me that he’s been dreaming of years for the moment he could propose to me? omfg. i’m actually weeping right now.
also “jump his bones” GIRL I AM CACKLING
there is something so special about this story. i think when people are “looking” for the one, or are at least “on the lookout” for them or whatever, that when they meet someone, they kind of jump to the conclusion that “this is the one!” but in your experience, you kind of just went on like, “okay cool, he’s cute” and didn’t think about it again. i think that makes your story SO MUCH SWEETER because you didn’t know. you weren’t hit with this whopping realization like some people are. your love story gradually unfolded AND HERE HE IS, ABOUT TO BECOME YOUR HUSBAND
i am crying big, fat tears rn. like, more than you can even begin to understand.
congrats on your house, congrats on your engagement, congrats in advance on your MARRIAGE, congrats for making me violently cry into the pieces of chocolate i’m eating to ease the pain of loneliness LMAO
no but honestly, this was so beautifully wonderful and adorable and i’m deep in my feels. sending all of my love to you and your future husband. you’re a lucky one, sweet anon x
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purplerayne17 · 3 years
Can’t Dance-BKDK
Katsuki, 25-year old chemical engineer, has begun dating one of the analysts that works in his building. They guy was a total nerd, but he was perfect for Katsuki: hot, smart, adorable—not that he’d admit this just yet.
On one of their last dates, Deku—Izuku—the emerald-eyed cutie—admitted they had gone to the same high school—Katsuki was mortified! How had he never noticed?
Deku said it was fine, that he had kept a low profile on purpose to be able to focus on his studies. He said that the only time he actually went out was to meet his friends, whom Katsuki was meeting today.
Katsuki was not nervous, not one bit. He was awesome, no doubt about it, but this was important to the nerd, so he’d try to be—ugh—pleasant.  He wondered what sort of friends the nerd had to have him meet them at a dance club—this didn’t seem like the nerd’s scene. Luckily, Deku had thought of their friend groups as a whole meeting, so his idiots would serve as buffer.
“Hey, you made it! The guys are inside already!” Deku chirped as he jogged to reach him.
“Hah? You think I’d ditch you?!” He answered on instinct, but the moment his eyes fell upon the greenette all was lost. He felt the air leave his lungs, as he took in the white sneakers he had gotten the man; skin-tight, ripped black jeans;  the almost see through white shirt and black jacket with bunched up sleeves to reveal the muscular forearms... Bakugo Katsuki was suddenly very thirsty and the smirk on his lover’s face let him know this was evident.
Leaning in for a hug, the cheeky shit asked, “Like what you see, Kacchan?” Letting a warm breath fan over Katsuki’s ear, leaving a trail of goosebumps on its wake.
He hugged back and his brain decided to work again and managed to say something halfway smooth. “Wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.”
The nerd stepped back, taking him by the hand to lead him inside and giggled. “Good. I can’t be the only one restraining myself here.”
‘Who is this confident fucker?!' Izuku Midoriya was usually shy and cute in public, an adorable mumbling mess. Sure, he was a dominant monster in bed, but never in public. Katsuki should have seen this as a red flag as to what was to happen inside, but at the moment, he was too turned on to care.
The club was packed and Katsuki could already feel his shoulders tense—he’d never liked crowded places, too much could go wrong. However, it seemed the nerd had planned for everything because he had rented a private area on the second floor for their “squads”, as they called themselves.
As soon as they walked past the entrance, Katsuki’s red-headed best friend, Eijirou, spotted them and ran over to wrap them in a bone-crushing hug. “Bakubro, you made it! Mido-bro, thanks for getting him to come out today!”
Izuku beamed at the small praise and went over to the table to join the rest of their friends. Katsuki, reminding himself not to cause a bad impression, suppressed the urge to make a scene, pocketed his hands, and went to sit beside Izuku, draping his arm casually over his boyfriend’s shoulders.
“So, guys, this is Kacchan! Kacchan, this is Shouto, Ochako, Shinsou, and Iida.”
“’m only Kacchan to you, Nerd,” Katsuki said, turning them to the others and giving a sharp nod to acknowledge them. “Name’s Katsuki Bakugo. Nice to meet you.”
His own friends gawked openly, “Dude, did you hear-?” “Did he just say-?” “Midoriya, you broke him!” “Bro, was nice!”
Izuku snorted and took a swig of his beer while his nerdy friends laughed and expressed their pleasure in meeting him too.
Katsuki wanted to throttle his so-called squad. Couldn’t they just be normal for once?! He almost, almost let out a whine at this. This night was going to be terrible. He needed a drink, so he snatched the bottle from his boyfriend’s hand and gulped what was left of it.
His displeasure must have been evident, because a short-haired brunette, Round Cheeks—yes, he already forgot her name—put a hand on Katsuki’s shoulder and said, “Don’t worry; Izu already told us you’re a little rough. As long as you make him happy, you don’t have to worry about faking it.”
He wasn’t sure if to feel relieved or threatened by that, but Izuku had his hand on Katsuki’s thigh and his thought process became compromised once more.
The group was hitting it off—they were one their fifth round of shots, they had no choice but to hit it off at this point—and some were starting to drift off into the dance floor. 
Mina had already dragged Kirishima two songs ago, Sero went for the bold move of asking Iida—apparently he has a robot or a daddy kink— who also dragged Ochako along; and Denki, being Denki, was starting to pull both Shinso and Shouto into the dancefloor when all of the sudden, the song changed, and Izuku’s eyes lit up.
Panic surged through Katsuki’s body. He’d told the nerd he went to parties all the time in high school and college; it was part of the jock’s image after all, but he had conveniently left off the part that he NEVER danced.
Before he could react, Izuku grabbed him by the hand and began to guide him down the stairs, but Katsuki, in a last-ditch effort, pulled back and kissed deeply Izuku, grazing the other’s bottom lip to request access, hoping to distract him.
Izuku of course was smarter and lovingly pulled away, tracing along the blonde’s features with his thumb.
“What’s wrong, Kacchan?”
Katsuki felt himself flush, giving a nervous chuckle as he rubbed the back of his neck, completely avoiding the greenette's gaze. This was so embarrassing! “Oh, um, I can’t dance” Better to admit it and avoid suffering.
But of course, being the sunshine that he is, Izuku smile broadly and took his hand once more. “Oh, is that all? And here I was, getting worried.”
Due to his current confusion because: 1. His boyfriend was overly confident in public; that had never really happened. 2. He was not deterred by Katsuki saying he couldn’t dance, and 3. Those pants on Deku left nothing to the imagination; Katsuki let himself be dragged to the dancefloor without much fuss.
Once there, Deku grabbed both of his hands and said, “Even if you can’t dance, just hold my hips while I roll them” and as he said it, he turned around and ground to the beat, the greenette’s plump ass grazing his crotch, that had Katsuki on the verge of a heart attack. All he could do was swallow and nod.
As the song continued, Deku brought a hand to caress Katsuki’s face and told him, “Relax, babe. I won’t mind as long as you don’t stop.”
With a wink, Deku turned around and continued to dance. Katsuki was awestruck at the man before him, dancing with a confidence that just added to his usual radiance. The shock at this revelation was so much, he whispered “What the fuck?”
“Oh, come on Kacchan! Don’t just stand and watch; follow me!”
And ladies and gentlemen, Katsuki tried, but he was fucking stiff.
He was usually a cocky, over-the-top competitor type, but this was just too much. Deku noticed the nerves though and brought him close, as the song shifted to something slower. With a sultry tone, he breathed, “Being all anxious won’t do you any good, cause I don’t have any plans of stopping.” Then he bit his lip in contemplation, and nodded, making a decision Katsuki was completely alien to, while he brought them chest to chest, stealing a mind-numbing kiss.
“You just gotta move in my direction; I’ll teach you.”
In the background, he could hear his friends hollerin’ and calling his name. But he drowned them out, because who the fuck can keep a straight train of thought—no pun intended—when Deku is dropping and twerking like it’s nothing?!
After two songs, Katsuki had had enough. He dragged Deku to the bathroom and locked the door.
“What the fuck, Deku?!”
Izuku eyed him with nervous eyes, searching for answers, freaking out because he had no idea what had enraged his boyfriend.
“What did I do, Kacchan?”
“You’re a nerd! We’ve never been partying, and you said you only went out to meet your friends during high school and college. Why the fuck can you dance like that?!”
At this point, Katsuki was clearly frustrated and confused. Now he can admit his words didn’t make much sense, but he was caught off guard at the moment; can’t really blame a guy.
Izuku’s big emerald eyes widened and then something clicked. He doubled over laughing, only increasing Katsuki’s frustrations.
“What the hell nerd, just answer me!”
Gasping for breaths between his laughter, he attempted to calm the blonde. “Oh, oh Kacchan is that-is that what was worrying you?” Another wave of laughter.
“Are you making fun of me? Izu, I thought you trusted me, but you’ve been lying to me!”
“No, no, no! Kacchan, I haven’t lied at all. I did only go out to meet my friends, but it was to a dance class! I could’ve sworn I told you about it on our second date.”
Their second date was the time they went to the amusement park; the first time they made out. No wonder he didn’t remember! There were more pressing, memorable, matters at hand, after all.
Then, it was like Izuku had flipped a switch. He got closer and wrapped his arms around Katsuki’s neck, bringing their lips together briefly, before nipping along the blonde’s jaw and neck, making him bite back a moan. With an almost animalistic growl, Deku whispered into Katsuki’s ear as his hands made their way down the engineer’s body.
“Why? Were you a little jealous, or just upset I haven’t shown you everything I can do?”
Katsuki snapped, caging the greenette against the wall, he bit playfully at the other’s shoulder and asked, “Oh, is that so? Care to show me what you’ve been holding back, Deku?”
But just as he smashed their lips together, the door swung open, startling them and making them scramble to cover their evident arousal.
“What the fuck Pikachu?!” Bakugo seethed.
‘Damn it! So close!’
Denki rushed into a stall, apologizing when he was already inside. “Sorry Bakubro, can’t hold it in!”
“I thought you’d closed it!” Izuku looked at him with panic in his eyes, hands still smoothing over the dark jeans to put everything back in its place.
Katsuki, still fuming at the interruption, hissed, “I did!” Looking towards the stall and wondering how the hell the other blonde had broken through.
Draping a hand around his boyfriend’s shoulders, moment clearly gone, he began to chuckle at Izuku’s embarrassment as he led him back to their area. 
That reaction was more like the nerd he knew. Although confident dancer Izuku had him with a constant hard-on, he has to admit he loved how cute his boyfriend could be when he was flustered. His sexy-ass moves would have to wait until they got back to one of their apartments, but that night was one he’d never forget.
Just having a day where I couldn’t get this song out of my head xD (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNZrc_XvF30)
Now on Ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/29592402 
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sunsetcurbed · 3 years
you showed me faith is not blind (miracles happen)
Pairing: Alex/Willie  Words: 4,279  Rating: T Chapter Warnings: none  Chapter: 9/11 read on AO3 
Chapter Summary: Alex has the personality of a shut-in, but the mind for bettering the lives of the common people. That's what his country needs.
But… can he?
Princes, kings, rulers… they're born. They're not made. And that's what his grandmother is trying to do. She's trying to make him one. And it's not like she's doing poorly, per se, but… he's Alex. He wasn't born to rule a country.
Weeks pass. Time blurs by Alex and he just barely keeps up with it. Julie and the Phantoms plays a large company's winter holiday party, Willie attends more lessons with Alex (this, Alex particularly enjoys as Willie is tied to his chair at dinner for posture like Alex had been at the start of lessons), his dad stops talking to him again once he finds out Alex is dating Willie, and at school they've just finished finals and started on their break today. In the past two weeks Caleb has approached Willie twice more when he's out around Hollywood. They've been brief. Just exchanges of Caleb asking how Willie is, and then asking how Alex is, but Alex knows Willie is put off about it. Alex is too, and becomes even more so when Wednesday the 15th, six days before the Ball, Willie texts him again.
(17:59) Covington just legit sat and had tea with me and started talking with me and flat out asked if you were gonna accept the crown or not
(17:59) "It's killing us all, is he gonna accept or not? Do you know?"
(18:00) So not only does he lack manners and discretion, but also patience lmao
Alex tenses his jaw and clutches his phone tight in his hand. He raises his arm as if he's going to throw it, but then lowers it back down, slowly. He lets out a long breath and texts Willie back quick, telling him to get home safely, and apologizes for Caleb. Then he tosses his phone to the side and looks back to where his band is sitting. He was just about to get up to join them so they could work on some harmonies, but he wanted to check his phone first. Now they are all staring at him and he is frozen to the spot.
"Sorry," he murmurs.
"What's up, buddy?" Reggie asks cautiously.
"You, uh, remember that Covington guy we showed you and warned you to stay away from?"
"Yeah?" Julie asks.
"He's been going after Willie the last few weeks. He had tea with him today."
"What?" Reggie frowns. "Why?"
Alex sighs, not really wanting to get into it but also knowing his friends deserve the explanation. "Caleb is next in line for the throne if I choose to decline. And… he wants it. He's trying to get information out of Willie. About my decision."
There's a minute long pause in the room. No one has anything to say to that. He didn't really expect them to. It's a shitty thing, and it's a shitty thing that can't be changed or stopped. Willie's already being tailed by two security every time he goes out in public for safety, but he's told them not to interfere unless he motions to them. He's yet to feel threatened enough that he's had to. He's been handling it incredibly according to his grandmother and security though—giving enough information to keep Caleb from getting angry, but not enough to give anything away. Still, it makes Alex's blood boil. That Willie is in the situation in the first place to 'handle it incredibly.' God, he fucking hates Caleb Covington.
"You remember what I said last month?" Reggie's voice cuts through Alex's thoughts. Alex looks up. He frowns, shakes his head. Reggie smiles. "Even if you move, become prince of some country, we'll still find a way to make this work. We're a band."
The way Reggie says 'band' doesn't sound like he's saying 'band.' Not even close. No, because the weight behind the way Reggie says 'band' is the weight behind the way many people say 'family.' Alex can hear clear as day in Reggie's tone that Reggie is calling Alex and Luke his brothers and Julie his sister. That Reggie is calling this band his family.
Luke stands up from the couch and swings his guitar onto his back. "Yeah man, look," he says, "I'm sorry for how I reacted that day, but even if you—even if you choose to be prince you're still our drummer, y'know? It might complicate things, but Reg said it. We'll make it work."
Alex blinks the welling tears out of his eyes and clears his throat. "Well—I'm not. I-I can't, you know? That's not… I'm not. It's just not who I am."
"But it kind of is, now," Reggie argues. "I mean aside from the argument that you could redefine their monarchy to fit who you are, you… you've been in those prince lessons for over a month now and you've made serious progress with your social anxiety. You… you don't just have a prince's title anymore. You are a prince."
"He's right," Julie agrees. "You've made so much progress in just over a month, and you'll have so much more time to grow into this role. I think this is your thing, you just haven't accepted it yet. Don't write it off yet. I don't want you to regret it down the line."
"Where is this coming from?" he demands. "I thought you guys knew I wasn't going to accept."
"We knew for like, the first few days," Reggie says, "because you told us. But after that you never mentioned it again, but you talked about Beasiga a lot. So we like, kinda started to doubt it a little."
"I think I know more about Beasiga than the US at this point," Luke grumbles, grabbing at the guitar strap across his chest. "But yeah, dude. You literally just said 'if' not 'when' a minute ago. And if you were serious about giving it up, you could've just told Willie to tell that Caleb guy that you were stepping down and then Caleb would leave him alone."
That is a thing Alex could have done.
But Alex really, really isn't sure if he wants to renounce his claim, and now he's even less so.
Alex swallows around the lump in his throat and looks away from his friends. His eyes fall on his hi-hat, and he thinks: they're willing to make it work if he accepts his role as prince. His shoulders feel looser, his head feels clearer, his heart feels lighter. He's not sure how they'll make it work, but he's positive that they can find a way. Which makes his decision a whole lot harder now. In the start, there had been a lot of reasons that he had been ready to reject his role as prince, but over time, more and more of those reasons had fallen away until only a few remained. Today there had been two main reasons remaining: the band and his anxiety. After this talk they're having now, only one of those remains. And even that one has been slowly falling away the better he became at coping.
The further Alex delved into the Beasigan world over the past month and a half, no matter how reluctant he had been at first, the more he loved it. He was fascinated with his country's history, he was eager to theoretically be a part of solutions to problems the country faced, he was in love with their culture. And the more he envisioned being a prince, the closer he stepped towards the role. His etiquette lessons had changed him in small but meaningful ways, he was more confident in himself due to the therapy and coaching both, and, watching his grandmother, he was struck that he could do much, much worse than to aspire to be like her. He is confident that he could be a better ruler than Caleb—policy wise, anyways. Caleb has the personality of a public figure, but the mind of a conqueror. Alex has the personality of a shut-in, but the mind for bettering the lives of the common people. That's what his country needs.
But… can he?
Princes, kings, rulers… they're born. They're not made. And that's what his grandmother is trying to do. She's trying to make him one. And it's not like she's doing poorly, per se, but… he's Alex. He wasn't born to rule a country.
"Do you think I can?" he asks
"Buddy, you definitely can," Reggie says. "You've got this."
"Apart from being cheesy and saying that I think you can do anything," Julie smiles, "I really think you can do this, Alex. I think you think you can do this too; you just don't want to admit it because you're scared."
Alex doesn't know if it's that he's scared, exactly, but he's just… he really doesn't know if he can do this. There's so much to it and Alex wouldn't even know where to begin. No, he wouldn't be all-powerful, so he would be helped along, would be more of a voice than the voice. But even that was daunting. What if he wasn't up to snuff? What if he made a fool of himself? What if he did something that hurt the country? Is he willing to take those risks? Again, he asks himself: can he do this?
"In third grade you were the last of us to make it all the way across the monkey bars," Luke says. He's staring at the notebook that's in front of him but then his eyes flick up to meet Alex's. They're intense and Alex feels himself sitting up straighter under his friend's gaze. "But once you made it across, you could do it faster than me or Reg. And then in fifth grade when we started school band, you got a satisfactory on your report card for drums for the entire first year. Fucking look at you now. When you asked me to teach you guitar, you couldn't get the strumming patterns right for forever. Now there isn't a song you can't play. You got a thirty on the ACT, which was great. And you did it as a sophomore. But you wanted to do better. So you studied, went back, and took it as a junior and got a thirty-four to get your pick of colleges. … And then your grandma shows up. And calls you a prince. And that's the thing you decide you can't do?" he asks. He scoffs and shakes his head. "No. You can. You have been. Dude, you are."
Alex stares at Luke, completely stunned. If he's being completely honest, he didn't expect Luke to support Alex in this—didn't expect Luke to be pushing Alex towards being a prince. Sure, Luke had already agreed with Reggie, had already said that they'd find a way to make Alex being a prince work with him in the band, but Alex wasn't entirely sure if he was serious or not. Apparently he was. Very.
He carries Luke's words home with him that night and thinks on them as his family eats dinner, and as he plays MarioKart with Ava and Austin, and as he gathers up his dirty clothes for his mom to do laundry. As he brings them to her, he draws in a deep breath. When he reaches her, he lets it out.
"Oh!" She spins around, dropping the laundry basket in the process. "Oh, sweetie, you scared me."
"Sorry," he says.
"It's fine," she shakes her head and leans down to grab the basket. She starts loading the washer back up and twists to look at him. "What's up?"
She hesitates with her next handful, and then stops loading the washer entirely. "Yeah?"
Alex draws in a deep breath and starts. "I've been—thinking a lot lately. You told me to keep my mind open at the start of this and while I didn't originally, it… I opened it up after a while. And now I've been thinking about… about accepting my role as prince." One of his mom's hands drifts up to her chest and she sucks in a breath. "I haven't made up my mind. I… I really haven't made up my mind. I have no idea how the hell I'm going to make up my mind, and how I'm going to do it in six days. But… but I wanted to ask you. If I do… do you think I can?"
His mom looks off to the side and the hand on her chest presses down and rubs over her heart. She blows out a breath. "Well… that's a heavy question." She looks at him and tilts her head. "I think… I think probably. I… I don't think you could have done it before those lessons your grandma gave you—"
"Oh, not a chance," Alex snorts.
His mom smiles. "Right. But I think now you probably could. I mean, no one really knows if they can until they try. I think you could try."
Alex smiles and thanks her, and turns to go back to his room.
"You don't feel like you… have to do this, do you?" she asks.
"No, Mom. I don't. If I felt like I had to there wouldn't be a chance in hell I would be considering it."
He retreats to his room and opens his laptop to put on Netflix. He barely pays attention to what he puts on, and pays even less attention to the screen while it plays.
Prince lessons the next day start in the morning since there's no school. Alex makes it until lunch before he breaks.
"You… you know I've been considering accepting my role as prince," Alex states. His grandmother nods. "I've not come to a decision. But I wanted to talk to you about it anyways."
"All right," she says, putting her fork down. "We can absolutely do that."
"There are a lot of reasons I am considering taking my place as prince. I'm sure you know most of them. But there are a lot of reasons I'm wary of it as well. My band—they say we'll make it work, but we haven't actually figured out how we'll make it work, and I don't want to give that up. And, well. My anxiety. It's gotten better, I've developed coping mechanisms and I'm sure over time I'll develop more, but as of right now it's… I'm really, well, anxious about it. And… well. The main one, and the thing that has been pestering me all f—freaking night. I-I—" he looks down at his plate, nerves getting the best of him. "I don't know if I can. The band told me I could, and my mom told me I probably could, but… I don't know how I'm supposed to know if I can."
"Alexander," his grandmother says immediately. He looks up at her and finds her smiling at him. "I have… watched you study century old texts, memorize policy after policy, research Beasigan law. I have seen you change the way you hold yourself, develop coping strategies for anxiety, step into who you are in ways that you never thought you could before this last month and a half. And I have seen your ideas for the future of your people, seen your care for your people, seen your heart for your people. I don't think there is anyone who can do this better than you can."
"My people?"
"They've just been waiting for you to arrive," she tells him, and Alex knows that she's speaking of the people of Beasiga.
He bites down on his lip and looks down at his chicken.
His people.
He… really likes the sound of that, actually.
The next few days fly by quickly, too quickly for Alex to really process. It's mainly because he's stressed, like, majorly so. He still hasn't come to a decision by Monday. He's at Willie's at his grandmother's suggestion, trying to decompress and relax, but it's not… it's not really working.
They're lying in Willie's bed watching a movie, but Alex isn't even sure what movie it is. Willie's head is pillowed on Alex's chest and Alex is running his fingers through Willie's hair. Willie's got one hand tucked underneath Alex's shirt, rubbing his side with his thumb, twitching his other fingers every once in a while, brushing against the side of Alex's back. It's nice and quiet and Alex wants to stay here forever but.
But the ball is tomorrow.
The ball is tomorrow and he still hasn't made up his mind.
For days now he's been asking people if they think he can do this. Obviously the band, his grandmother, his mom… but also his limo driver, also Tasha, also Alden and John and the security guards managing the consulate doors and a few of the other staff he'd gotten to know. He'd even emailed Mrs. Harrison and Principal Lessa. He'd texted a few of his friends from school that he mainly talked to in class. The overwhelming majority have been yeses. Alex doesn't know how many of those are genuine yeses, and how many just don't want to hurt his feelings. Not that his feelings would be hurt, because he's the one constantly telling himself that he can't do this. A few people, like his mom, have said 'probably.' They've backed up their reasoning, though. They've said that no one really knows until they do something. They've said that Alex-before-prince lessons wouldn't have been able to but Alex-now probably could. They've said that as long as he keeps his head on straight. There haven't been any nos, but again, people might just not want to hurt his feelings.
He hasn't asked everyone though.
"Willie?" Alex whispers.
Alex waits for a long moment. He's scared to ask, because he doesn't know what he wants Willie's answer to be. He wants Willie to be honest, but he desperately doesn't want to hear Willie say that Alex can't do this. Also more importantly, he doesn't know what he'll do with Willie's answer. What if Willie thinks he can? Will that influence his choice?
Willie shifts his head on Alex's chest to look up at Alex, and he realizes he's taking too long. He draws in a deep breath, making Willie's head fall with his chest, and asks, "do you think I can do this?"
"The speech at the ball? Yeah, Alex, you'll be fine. You've been doing really great with your anxiety," Willie assures him, squeezing his side.
Alex sighs. "No. I mean, thanks but, I—being a prince. A king. Ruling a country. Do you think I can?"
Willie flips so he's on his stomach, his arm curled around Alex's waist. He shimmies up the bed until he's face to face with Alex and looks him in the eye. "Man, I don't know," he says, and Alex's heart starts to drop. "All I care about is whether or not you're willing. That's the important part. That's the part that's gonna make a difference."
Alex blinks.
So, he has to be willing.
… Well, is he?
The short answer is he doesn't know.
The long answer is that, first, Caleb Covington is next in line for the throne and Alex (and countless others) doesn't want him to take the throne. Alex is the only one who has the opportunity to stop him. By taking his rightful place as prince and eventually king, and then by eventually having a child, Caleb would no longer have his claim. Second, Beasiga is a country with strong ties to many countries around the world. It didn't survive for over three hundred years, over one hundred of those without an army, by being anti-social. Alex would have an opportunity to impact not only Beasiga, but also the world. It wouldn't be anything revolutionary or that would create world peace, but if he can take even a single step towards making even one country a better place for even one group of people… he thinks the entire thing would be worth it. Finally, Beasiga is full of people he cares about, even if he's never met them, and he wants to make their lives better. The people in the country are passionate and full of life and Alex can tell that just from hearing and reading about them, just from news stories, just from social media. He wants to make a difference, wants to leave a mark.
After that though, he has to think of the life he'd be giving up. Even if they managed to make things work, what are the chances he'd ever get to go on tour with the band? Slim to none. Security wouldn't hear of it, and he wouldn't have the time to leave for six months. Willie said he would stick with Alex, but what if things got too hard? What if the pressures of royalty were too much for Willie and he didn't want that anymore? And his future kid—kids? His mom and biological dad had hidden him from the royal world because they wanted him to live a "normal" childhood. What would a royal childhood mean for any children he'd have? One of them would grow up to be ruler of Beasiga one day and would be feeling the same pressure he is right now. They'd also be wondering if they could do it. Or—or maybe not. Maybe he was right when he said that rulers were born. Maybe the fact that he was thrown into this at such a late age is the reason he doubts himself so much.
And then—then he thinks… he can recite many Beasigan policies and when and why they were developed, he can quote multiple Beasigan laws and tell you when and where they were passed, and he can discuss Beasigan history back to before the start of the country. And he's proud that he can do that and he likes that he can do that and he wants to learn even more about Beasiga. Over the last month and a half he's prepared for this. And it's not like he's going to become king next week, just prince. He's still got plenty of time before he becomes king. He'd have time to graduate college before he becomes king, and in that time, he could learn plenty more about Beasiga's policies and laws and history, and even its people and culture and architecture and so much more.
But… he's scared.
There it is, he admits it now. Julie was right again, no one is surprised.
He's absolutely terrified.
Stepping into his role as prince means giving up the life he's known for sixteen years and accepting the life he's known for one month. It means giving up the life he expected and taking on the life he… well, that he couldn't have even dreamt up. And it means accepting something about himself that he really, really didn't want to accept.
That he is, in fact, a prince.
Being a prince, later king, makes him separate from everyone else. It makes him somehow more untouchable to a certain group of people—actually, to most people. It takes away his normalcy. Beyond that, it puts him on a pedestal and in a spotlight and illuminates all of his flaws, all of his mistakes, all of his missteps and setbacks and failures.
A prince. Could he be that?
He technically is, whether he likes it or not, but… if he accepts it, well… There'd be no going back. Is he willing to give up this life for that?
In economics, they learned about opportunity cost. It's the concept of what you miss gaining by opting for a different choice. For example, by going to school, a person is gaining knowledge, but the opportunity cost is that they're giving up a few extra hours of sleep. If they choose to go out with friends rather than study, they gain time with friends, but the opportunity cost is the hours they could have spent studying and the potential grade they could have gotten had they spent those hours studying instead. As Alex thinks on it, he wants to laugh. Those examples are accurate but they seem so insignificant compared to his situation. What's the opportunity cost if he decides to become a prince? What is it if he doesn't? All he knows is that there are two things that Alex can't sacrifice in his choice. There are two things that he will not allow to be his opportunity cost. His band and…
Alex blinks up at Willie, who's suddenly even closer than before, and it doesn't take much at all for Alex to lean up and close the gap between them. Willie kisses him back, opening his mouth under Alex's lips and sighing. Alex presses back into the kiss, and slips a hand into Willie's hair and guides him deeper until they're both lost in each other. Alex feels his heart fluttering, hears their shaky breaths between kisses, and tastes traces of Willie's toothpaste on his breath. Willie has been with him through this all, and has pushed him not to do what he thinks he should do, but what he wants to do. Alex wants Willie, yes, but what he really wants… he wants Willie to be beside him in Beasiga.
He pulls back.
"I'm going to be Prince," he whispers.
Willie smiles. "Yeah?"
There's a long pause in the room, the only noise being the sound of whatever movie is playing in the background. Willie is staring at Alex, flicking his eyes over parts of Alex's face, searching for any sign of hesitation. He settles on Alex's eyes and gives Alex a weighted look.
"Love you, Prince Alex," Willie says, and then they're back to kissing, and Alex feels like these are the two best decisions he's ever made.
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nikxation · 4 years
If You Give a Mothman a Loan
Huge thank you to @birdgirlamp for commissioning me to write a fic by donating to WHO (if you want more information, see this post). Sorry it took so long to get this out, but here it is! Hope you enjoy!
Word count: 2359
Characters: Stanford Pines (pre- and post-portal), Fiddleford McGucket (pre-portal), Wendy Corduroy (post-portal... obviously)
~ ~ ~
It’s three months into Fiddleford’s stay in Gravity Falls, and the skeleton in the closet (or the portal in the basement) is slowly looking less and less like just a bundle of messy wires and half-finished structural supports and more like the behemoth of a machine it’s meant to be. The raw stock for the exterior plating should be here any day now, the first of the two power transfer beams is online, and every day is another day closer to their end-goal.
He’ll hand it to Stanford Pines, this is some of their best work yet.
He still remembers the day he arrived and Ford showed him the initial drafts. He’d thought the size was overkill, that the hollowed-out basement beneath the house would just become a room with decent acoustics for him to practice his banjo playing away from his old college roommate while the real machine was built somewhere less cold and damp.
Boy howdy was he wrong.
Now, every time he walks in the room, he feels the thing like the presence it is, towering stories tall, looming over him in a way that he would almost consider menacing if it weren’t for the fact that it’s just a machine.
He’s got blueprints and prototyped miniatures of literal death bots.
So why would the interdimensional portal in the basement put him on edge?
It shouldn’t.
So he shakes the thought away and gets back to work.
An unsuccessful system test led to the time-shift circuit on motherboard seven incinerating again. If he were the kind of man to actually keep count (which he certainly is), he’d know it’s the fourth time in the past week this same part has crapped out on them.
It’s also the reason he’s gonna finally stop out-sourcing these parts and just start making them in-house from now on. He’s about sick of replacing them every five minutes.
That’s what brings Fiddleford to where he is now, with his upper body shoved halfway inside the portal’s support structure and crammed between God knows how many electrical components. His arms have just started to cramp in their rather unnatural position as he pries at the burnt-out part to replace it with a newer one that will hopefully hold out against the power output better than its predecessor.
Ford’s sitting in the control room, supposedly running through some of the math again to double-check that they didn’t miss anything.
The “supposedly” is only because, for the past twenty minutes, the man has been prattling on like Fiddleford’s grandma at Sunday family brunch. He can only hear the occasional snippet from his position (quite literally) inside the portal, and as far as he can tell, he thinks he’s talking about either his most recent research outing, or something about preacher scouting. He wants to lean towards the former, but with the new stories he’s found about a so-called “velocipastor”, he can’t rule out the latter. Either way, the man hasn’t stopped talking long enough to breathe, let alone re-run equations that use relative space-time physics with integrated fourth dimensional calculus.
Fiddleford just doesn’t have the heart to tell him that he really can’t hear him.
He snaps the ribbon cable off the still-smoking component (after the first time it blew, he learned to bring heat-resistant gloves in here with him) and is rather glad to see it’s still intact. Rewiring is a day-long project he’s glad to not have to do again. He maneuvers his hand back out into open air and tosses the old piece somewhere into the room before getting to work mounting the new one.
Ford’s voice echoes from the next room over.
“… extra funds… exploring… investing for…”
Bolting the circuit down turns out to be easier the fifth time he has to do it, and he’s about to start running a simple, probably non-exploding test to make sure the new part is integrated correctly when he hears—
“… so I gave Mothman a thousand dollars…”
And that, of all things, stops Fiddleford in his tracks.
“Come again?” he yells. He had to have misheard because he swears he just heard the man say—
“I ran into Mothman in the woods yesterday,” Ford says, all too nonchalantly, “and they told me they were starting up a small business and needed an investment, so I gave them a thousand dollars from my excess funds with a verbal agreement that they would pay me back within the year.”
… So he didn’t mishear him, that’s for darn sure.
The fact that the Mothman is real is surely weird enough. But he’s lived in Gravity Falls (and known Stanford Pines) for long enough that it doesn’t really surprise him too much. No, that’s not the part that brings him to wiggle himself out of his position inside the portal’s underbelly just enough so that he can meet Ford’s eyes in the other room.
“You gave Mothman… a thousand dollars…” Fiddleford says slowly.
“To help kickstart their new business, yes.” It’s so casual, like he doesn’t even register the inherent absurdity in what he’s saying.
“And that business is?”
“That’s the stupidest scam I’ve ever heard.”
Ford sputters, his face aghast for a moment. “I did not get scammed by Mothman!”
“You did.”
“Did not.”
“Do you even know what mothballs are for?”
He pauses, his mouth snapping shut, his face turning the slightest shade of red. Fiddleford can see it from the next room over. “No. I always assumed they were some biproduct created by moths during reproduction or something.” Fiddleford lets his head fall back, bonking on a bar of the steel framework behind him.
“Stanford, they repel moths,” he says. “You just let a bunch of moths convince you they’re starting a business making the thing they hate. That’s stupider than the time my neighbor tried to convince me his cat could see God. And you have three PhDs!”
“Four now,” he says quietly, and Fiddleford levels him with a single raised eyebrow.
“You’re gonna go back, find that over-glorified insect, and get our money back. Or so help me, I will never do another grocery run for as long as I live here.”
“Oh come now, that’s hardly fair. You know I hate going into town.”
“Then you better hurry along and find him.”
“You honestly believe the actual Mothman is pulling a con.”
“People lie, Stanford,” he says, finally ducking himself back into the machine to finally run the diagnostic on the new circuit. “Even cryptids and aliens probably from another dimension.”
There’s a moment of silence, but it’s broken a few moments later by the sound of a chair scuffing on the floor and footsteps ascending the wooden stairs out of the basement.
Fiddleford snorts, shaking his head and getting back to work.
~ ~ ~
“So, like, the Mothman,” Wendy says, keeping pace next to him as they make their way back into the woods, the sun’s last rays just starting to slip behind the trees. “The actual Mothman. He’s real?”
“As real as any of the other anomalies in this town,” Ford says, adjusting the strap of the bag slung over his shoulder. He’d heard the cryptid had come back into town again shortly after Wierdmageddon, and after his first attempt at getting his money back a few weeks back (second if you count that time over three decades ago) went sour, he decided to bring back-up this time. But with Stan still out of commission and the kids rightly wanting to stay with him, he was hard-pressed for options. That is until the cashier girl piped up and said she’d do it for ten percent of whatever they recovered.
Ford negotiated her down to eight and a half. She drives a hard bargain; he can see why Stan hired her.
“Dude, that’s sick,” she says.
“I mean, I hardly think they’re ill or anything,” Ford says. “As fast as their moths die off, they re-introduce new ones to the population through some sort of reproductive mitosis—”
“Nah dude, it’s a phrase,” she cuts him off. “Means, like, ‘that’s awesome’.”
“Ah, alright.” Ford pauses to check the anomaly scanner on his watch, the little white blip flashing on the screen. “I’ve never been exceptionally ‘with it’ when it comes to slang, so you’ll have to pardon my misunderstanding.”
“You’re fine, Dr. Pines,” she says. She kicks a loose rock off into the brush. “I’m pretty sure Stan doesn’t understand half of what I say either.” Ford hums an affirmative, intently watching the small blip on his watch, confirming that it is, in fact, slowly moving in their direction. After a few seconds, he drops the bag he’s been carrying with a thwump, a bit of dust swirling up from the dirt.
“We’re going to set up the trap right here,” he says. “We have probably ten minutes until the Mothman comes through here, so we’ll need to act quickly.”
“You got it boss-man.”
It’s a fairly simple net trap, one that they make short work of assembling. Ford had already built the majority of it to bring out here, including a magic-imbued mosquito net that should contain the Mothman’s consciousness so long as they catch the majority of their moths.
He made that mistake last time, the Mothman managing to escape in the couple moths that his trap missed.
“So, you really were in, like, a different dimension for a bunch of years, right?” Wendy asks as she spreads some leaves and twigs over the net.
“Multiple dimensions,” he says as he carefully sets the trap’s trigger pole. “I travelled through thousands of them in my thirty years away from this one.”
“Dude, that’s nuts.”
“It was… pretty sick,” he says, shooting her a wry grin. Wendy groans.
“Well,” she says, “you just confirmed for me that I was right to never teach Stan slang, so thanks for that I guess.”
“Glad to help.” With the trap finally set and ready to go, he pulls the last item out of the bag: the bait, which he flicks on and gently sets down against the trigger.
“That’s a flashlight,” Wendy says, the statement almost a question.
“Indeed, it is.”
“Is it, like,” she says, waving her hands slightly, “I don’t know, magic or something?”
“Nope,” he says, backing off and giving the trap one last look-over. He has to hand it to the girl, she knew what she was doing.
“You’re serious?”
“Entirely,” he says. “It doesn’t take much to attract them. Back in the eighties, they used to hang around streetlamps and windows all the time. It’s a wonder they’re still considered a cryptid considering how blatantly out in the open they—”
He hears the tell-tale sound of fluttering insect wings, not too far off, but loud enough to make him pause. He glances in the direction and then down at his watch, the blip on the screen almost on top of them. Quickly, he motions to Wendy to hide and then does the same himself, crouching behind the nearest tree and peering around the side to watch.
It’s rather quiet for a few moments, the darkness starting to settle into the pines, the lit flashlight a lone beacon, just the sound of the pine needles whistling in the breeze and the far-off humming of the approaching cryptid. But that low hum gradually gets louder, turning to a white drone of hundreds of small wings beating in tandem.
A familiar dark shape emerges from the underbrush. Humanoid, but just barely. Ten-feet tall with two enormous wings sprouting from its back, two large yellow eyes reflecting the scattered light of the flashlight in the clearing. Their entire shape feels blurred at the edges, like someone drew a line of charcoal and smudged it, the hundreds of moths that make up their body shifting and moving amongst each other in a din of small beating wings.
The Mothman.
Ford hates to admit that the thought still sends an excited shiver up his spine.
They emerge into the clearing, glancing around and taking an immediate interest in the flashlight lying on the ground. They approach it slowly, cautiously, glancing around as if waiting for the ambush, eventually making it onto the net before moving to bend down to pick up the flashlight.
They stop.
Ford holds his breath.
“Stanford Pines,” a voice says, the sound a high whine broken up and mixed with soft clicking. The Mothman stands back upright, snapping its eyes right in his direction. Immediately, Ford’s mind starts swirling with potential fallback options to try to turn this in their favor. “Surprised you’re still alive after last week. Really think we’re stupid enough to fall for—”
“Suck mothballs, lamp licker!” Wendy screams from across the clearing, the Mothman whipping around just as a projectile of some sort (is that an axe?) flies out of the underbrush and hits the trap’s trigger dead-on, sending the net shooting upwards and capturing almost all of the moths above it. A shrill screech fills the air from the now-dangling mass of moths, but Ford is too busy gaping at the cashier girl as she emerges from her hiding spot.
“Nice shot, Wendy!” he beams, shaking off the shock and coming out to join her on either side of the now-enraged Mothman. She shrugs, retrieving the axe from off the ground and sliding it back into her belt loop behind her back.
“No biggie. My dad enters me into the annual axe-throwing competition every year. I’ve won the last 5 in a row.” Ford, having not known anything about this girl before today, is rather stunned. He certainly was not expecting that from the teen, let alone the nonchalance over it. “But anywho,” she says, turning her attention to the writhing mass in front of them. “About that money…”
~ ~ ~
About two hours after they left, Ford and Wendy arrive back at the Mystery Shack, Ford heading to the back of the house to find Stan and the kids, Wendy collecting her things and heading back out to go home, a crisp one-hundred dollar bill tucked into her pocket.
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moccahobi · 4 years
Written in The Stars [Hoseok x Reader]
Warnings: Cuss words
Summery:  Hoseok had always been big on supporting his friends. Thus it came as no surprise that he ended up spending his free time at Namjoon's latest buiseness venture: a little dessert cafe. He didn't expect to fall for the cute barista who always worked when he was there though the.
Word count: 7k words
Genre: Slice of life au; Cafe au
Author’s Note: Thank you so much to @kyub for making the banner and @heyitsmeee2, @jung-hoseok-s-airplane, @jiminful, and @elenasgotyourback​ for betaing. This fic took so much out of me! I had one idea than the next and the main time I had to write this was during school. Oof! I am glad I did it though! Big shutout to @bangtanscenery​ for orchestrating and creating this project! It was soo fun!
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Hoseok sighed from where he was seated in the all too cliche cafe. Namjoon had just opened it up so Hoseok was trying to fulfill his role as a supportive friend by eating there, but it just wasn’t a place he was into. The place was beautiful. He could tell Namjoon and his business partner had quite the eye for design. The wall behind the register was painted in chalk and the menu was written in large swirling letters across it. They had picked a light and natural wood tone for the tables and booths that complimented the dark grey of the metal chairs which were all  all seats upholstered with a rich navy blue and embezzled with glittering gold rebites keeping the cushions to the furniture. It was an ethereal kind of look that undoubtedly drew in the crowds. 
Looking around, Hoseok’s eyes landed on a large astrology chart sprawled out on the back wall, similar in handwriting to the menu, painting a story with the chart. He only noticed it because Namjoon had a passion for astrology and he would often gush about it to Hoseok who would listen to almost all the times that they met up. To top it off, the ceiling was painted in an all consuming shade of black, mimicking a galaxy with its streaks of white, here and there, which glimmered like actual stars (although Hoseok could admit that the ceiling was almost a piece of art). Aside from the heavy reliance on a theme, it was a dessert cafe. Hoseok liked sweets. Namjoon loved sweets apparently. Almost every food was doused in sugar and it was almost overwhelming just how sweet it all was. They all sounded amazing and cavity inducing (especially the french toast and ice cream combo), and Hoseok was tempted to try them, but he couldn’t handle all that sugar in one sitting. He’d need someone to help and he didn’t have someone to help him today. The only thing Hoseok could handle was the Black Hole coffee (americano with a little sugar) and a Galaxy bagel (it was just a plain bagel with some sugary cream cheese). Hoseok felt a little more like Yoongi, the resident grump of his friends, sitting in the cafe with such… unsweetened foods. 
Of course Namjoon’s cafe had some savory food and Hoseok wanted to try them some other time, maybe with Yoongi.The main thing Namjoon sold was dessert though, and to support Namjoon, Hoseok had to have one of the desserts. 
What wasn’t a shock about Namjoon’s cafe was that he co-owned and ran it with someone else. Hoseok didn’t know who it was yet, Namjoon having not told him yet but from what Hoseok knew of the current set up, they were manning the counter with two baristas. From what Namjoon had said about his business partner, they were much more focused on what they were serving as well as the astrology side of the cafe work than any of the real business. It gave Namjoon exactly what he wanted: the business side of things and a partner to share the possible debt. Hoseok had finally managed to visit today, their fifth day open and if he had to list the things that he did like,  he’d have to start with the ceiling and then mention one of the baristas:
They took his breath away the second he entered the store. They smiled broadly and greated Hoseok and for a second, he forgot that he was at a local cafe and not a family run restaurant back in Gwangju. The world slowed as he looked at them and all Hoseok could think about was the warm feeling of returning to his mom’s friend’s restaurant after his post-school program and eating kimchi and rice. 
The trance was broken the second she turned to take someone’s order and Hoseok slowly came back to reality. He wasn’t in Gwangju but he was about to have a wonderful meal in a shop owned by a friend. 
Hoseok had only been in the cafe for half an hour and he could already say that he was starting to develop a small crush on the barista. He didn’t mean to and he didn’t dare think about actually asking her out… it just happened. She was a pretty woman doing her job and Hoseok was an attention starved small business owner who was entranced by her caring attitude. Hoseok was stressed and tired. Plus, he was finally feeling better after his last relationship. There wasn’t this constant longing nestled deep inside him at the thought of the end of his last relationship anymore, and he might finally be at a point where dating was ok to do again.
That is what he brushed it off as. 
Hoseok didn’t want to think of the alternative. He just got out of a relationship a month ago and was still recovering even if he felt like he might be better now. Sure it might have been a mutual agreement based on his best interests and their best interest, but that didn’t make it any harder. Hoseok still missed the nights when they would spend the night in their apartment and snuggle close while watching cheesy shows or when they’d force him to stop working on pottery for a day and instead grab food at one of the food trucks. He missed the companionship but by now, he didn’t know if he missed them.
He might.
There wasn’t a real way to always tell though. The two went everywhere together. Every place that Hoseok went to now conjured memories that danced and pranced around in his mind. This cafe would be different though. There were no ghost memories dancing around. It was new and he could work effectively and happily. 
At some point while Hoseok was finishing his food, Namjoon came over and joined him. The two had barely had more than a handful of conversations since graduating college, both too busy to make time for the other as small business owners (well this was Namjoon’s second business venture, the other supplying him a good source of money to fund him and the cafe). That was how life was sadly but with this cafe open so close to where Hoseok lived and worked that now they might have a chance of having long and winded conversations again.
“Do you remember watching stars on our old apartment’s rooftop?” Namjoon asked at one point, a soft and content smile on his face
“Somewhat. They were nice. Cold, but nice.” Hoseok lied while taking a long sip of his coffee.
Namjoon had always loved the night sky, so much so that he would drag Hoseok out three times a week just to look at the sky. The man could name every constellation and phase of the moon off the top of his head. It was an amazing skill. Hoseok didn’t have that same passion though. Sure, the night sky was nice, awe inspiring at times, but most nights Hoseok would return from work exhausted and all he wanted to do was go to sleep. Those nights when Namjoon and Hoseok would go onto the roof and look at the sky were mostly filled with Hoseok drifting off in the cold. 
Hoseok did it though and Hoseok would do it again in a heartbeat because it made Namjoon happy. 
Namjoon smiled broadly, “That was kinda the inspiration for the cafe’s decorations! My co-owner, Y/n-ssi, really likes astrology so she added some of the more… magical elements.” 
Hoseok chuckled and looked around with a small smile growing on his face as well,“I am glad you enjoyed those nights so much. Do you still make time to go out and look at the stars?” Hoseok asked before taking a long sip of his coffee.
“No.” Namjoon snorted, his smile much larger now, “I am a working man. I barely have time to eat, sleep, and breath. Let alone gaze up at the stars.” 
“You should make time, Namjoon-ah. It isn’t healthy to work all the time.” Hoseok chastised, taking special care now to scrutinize Namjoon’s face.
He looked very similar to the young twenty year old Hoseok once knew but there was more evidence now of stress and wear-and-tear. Frown lines and bags etched in his face. When was the last time Namjoon took a break from all his work? Hoseok didn’t know the answer. He did know though that he was no better than Namjoon. This was his first real break in a week or two.
“You sound like Minjae.” Namjoon laughed.
Hoseok winced instead, “Sometimes we need someone to look after us, Namjoon-ah.”
“I am sorry, man. I didn’t mean to-”
“It is ok, dude. I am over her.” Hoseok said, carefully watching Namjoon process what Hoseok said.
He still looked stressed, his frown lines growing as he looked at the table instead of Hoseok. Namjoon had set up Minjae and Hoseok and his pride was undoubtedly wounded when the two decided to end it. Namjoon also barely had time to check in with the two so his own memory was probably a little foggy.
“ Anyways, we should try to go camping sometime… or go to some sort of museum for stars. Bet we could stay there for five hours before they’d kick us out.” Hoseok proposed, watching as Namjoon smiled, his frown lines becoming ghosts as he looked back up at Hoseok again as the previous stress left him. 
Namjoon snorted in laughter, “I would love to look at the stars with you again, if that is what you’re asking.” 
His eyes lit up as he started to speak animatedly, “And we can make s’mores and grill some beef. Oh my god! I haven’t had beef in sooo long. It would be so good!”
“I think we would have to go camping to do that, Namjoon-ah. I don’t know if a museum will allow us to start a fire and cook stuff there.” Hoseok laughed.
“Well then, looks like we will be going camping.” 
“Yeah. Looks like we will have to plan that soon.”
A comfortable silence filled the two as they looked out at the bustling cafe, nothing left to talk about. They were both running their own stores, Hoseok had his pottery shop and Namjoon had the bookshop and now this cafe. The two did the same work just in a different setting and neither felt the need to talk about it. Shortly after their conversation died down, Namjoon had to go back to work. He mainly worked in the backroom but there was almost more work to be done.. Hoseok didn’t mind. He understood the struggle. Namjoon leaving actually left Hoseok excited as he could finally start reading the latest book he grabbed from the library. Giddily, he tapped his feet against the floor and quickly pulled the book out of his bag and started to read. The soft and sure feeling of the hardback book grounded him as he started to be carried away by the words. Distantly, he registered people moving around him as life carried on but he didn’t care one bit. The tension rose in the story the further he read and soon enough he found himself tightly gripping the book as more and more problems arose. Time passed at an unknown rate to Hoseok as someone new sat near him or left or readjusted. He barely noticed any and all changes that happened around him, too absorbed in the world he held in his hands (which he was somehow only a third of the way through). That was until he noticed someone sit across him at his table. They said something that he didn’t quite hear or understand and he quickly tried to get to a stopping point so converse with whoever it was (probably Namjoon back to bother him more).He looked up in shock to see the cute barista from earlier, smiling and taking a bite of her sandwich. You were the last person Hoseok expected to see sitting with him. Maybe an old friend and very possibly Namjoon, but you? A cute barista he barely said one word to? Nope. 
You blushed and started to speak, a hand covering her mouth to hide the food you were eating, “I hope you don’t mind me joining you for my lunch. I noticed you talking to Namjoon-ssi earlier and you’re reading one of my favorite books and I thought that it could be cool to meet and talk to you. I am Y/n by the way.” She smiled brightly and nodded lightly at Hoseok.
Hoseok laughed quietly and blushed himself before nodding with a smile, “I am Hoseok. Why is it your favorite book? Oh! And no spoilers! I just started the second part.” 
“Ah! A bunch of good stuff is about to happen! I am warning you!” You laughed before taking a sip of your drink. 
As you did so, Hoseok looked at what you brought with you, namely your lunch box. Hoseok knew that Namjoon built into the budget a small meal for each of the workers during their shift and it struck Hoseok as endearing that you brought your own food instead of eating the sugary sweets offered in the cafe. It was smart too. The sweets probably wouldn’t be the healthiest to eat daily and you could eat more if you packed your own food. 
“I really enjoyed the story. It just… it traps you and doesn’t let you go. The author is really good about that in general with her works. I have read some of her other works and they’re so good!” You said, your eyes glued on the book splayed on the table and not Hoseok.
“I am learning that now.” Hoseok laughed, “This is my first time reading one of her works and I definitely want to read more of her stuff. I specifically enjoy how she is associating certain aspects of her world with different textures and feelings. ”
You nodded excitedly as Hoseok kept talking, your cheeks full of food as you ate. His heart fluttered endearingly as he watched you eat and talk about the book, your eyes wide and cheeks flushed with excitement. Time was moving almost as quickly as when he read the book and he enjoyed it. There was something fun about talking about a book with someone. He hadn’t done it since high school (Minjae was always more of a movie or show person and he did other things with other people). Until now, reading had been an  activity he’d done alone. He found himself smiling and laughing more with you than he had in awhile. Maybe there was something fun about talking about books with others that Hoseok had been ignoring until now.
Maybe there was something magical about you. 
Maybe it was how your eyes drew him in and kept him there. He didn’t fully know. 
The fun didn’t last too long though. You came to talk during your lunch break and lunch breaks were short. It didn’t help that as they talked more and more, he started getting inspiration on some new pottery and he knew that he would need to start working on them soon or he might lose the idea (that or he’ll lose the inspiration).. Just to be safe, he excused himself after you finished eating your sandwich and made his way to his shop. He tried to ignore the image of you nodding and smiling sadly as he left that bounced around in his head but it was heard. You simply looked so adorable and he wish that he didn’t have to leave.
In fact, he thought about how he left Namjoon’s cafe in a rush  many times over the following week. Regret stewed inside him the more time he dwelled on it and didn’t return to the cafe. He should have risked the idea for talking with you (his new creation barely sold so it probably wasn’t worth losing a conversation). He should have stayed longer. He should have asked you for your number. Then maybe he might have been able to ask you out to meet up (and maybe call it a date). Plus, if he had gotten your number then he might have had enough courage to reenter the shop instead of standing outside of the shop like an absolute buffoon every time he passed it. Like he was currently doing right now.  Inside the shop, people were bustling around. A group of children had gathered there after school and were drinking some sort of milkshakes. People were simply sitting there and working. Friends were meeting up. You were working away behind the counter.
He was standing outside like a loser.
He wished that he had the gall to go in and order something (as well as as for your number) but all he could do was watch you flutter around behind the counter as you worked hard, his own heart fluttering and stuttering as he watched you work. Why was he chickening out? He didn’t have this issue when he officially asked Minjae out but with you Hoseok could barely manage to gather up courage to ask for your number. Maybe he wasn’t actually ready for a new relationship. 
But he couldn’t stop thinking about possibly having one with you. Hoseok was so confused. Friends could ask for numbers too. It wasn’t inherently a romantic action. Hoseok liked the idea of it being a somewhat romantic action. 
He didn’t have the courage to go in today sadly. Hoseok didn’t know when he would have the courage to.
With a disheartened sigh that seemed to cling in the air around him, Hoseok turned around and sat at the bench in front of the cafe. It overlooked streets that were surprisingly empty save for a bus or two. He watched as a couple walked hand in hand on the sidewalk across the street, dopey smiles on their face as they looked at each other. 
A pang of jealousy bubbled up in his stomach as he stared at them. The two looked so happy and content. He wanted that. He wanted that with someone who wanted similar things out of a relationship (unlike Minjae).  Hoseok could be the man across the street holding hands with a romantic partner if he just asked someone out.  
“Crazy seeing you here, Hoseok-ssi.” Your voice shocked Hoseok out of his thoughts, making him jump and turn around to face you. 
Your hair was frizzy from a long day of work but your eyes shone brightly, almost saying that you enjoyed every minute of the hard work you did. Hoseok understood that drive. Your navy blue apron complimented what you were wearing underneath too, over all you looked undeniably cute. You took Hoseok’s breath away. Even if you had coffee stains and looked like death, you would have taken Hoseok's breath away.
“Y-y-yeah! I… Uhhh… I was enjoying the view.” Hoseok managed to stutter out, turning red as he kept stuttering.
“Oh really? Street views are nice… Yet, I had hoped that you might have been thinking about coming into the cafe. Guess I was wrong.” You laughed, sitting next to Hoseok on the bench and taking out your lunch box, this time a dinner tucked neatly into it. 
Hoseok spent a few seconds to look at the tattered lunch box. You must have had it for a while as there were scratches and dents on it that only came with time and repetitive use.
“I-I… well… I might have been thinking about going inside.” 
“And what made you decide to not go inside? Did you want an actual dinner?” You laughed before putting some of your food into your mouth.
“Oh… Uh… no… I just… decided not to. Nothing against the cafe.”
“Ok. And how is the book going?”
“Uhh… It is going decent.”
Hoseok was kicking himself. Just a minute ago he was fantasizing about going on a date with you and thinking about how cute you were and now he could barely finish a sentence! How was he supposed to even possibly ask you out when he couldn’t even get out more than a four word sentence and you were carrying most of the conversation? 
He was handsome, damn it! 
He was a catch! Yet here he was getting flustered by a barista… what has he come to.
You weren’t just any barista though… You were a cute and interesting barista who liked similar books to him.
“Why’d you decide to come outside and eat instead of eating inside?” Hoseok finally asked, trying to push his nerves aside. 
“Oh! Well… It’s hot and stuffy. Plus, you’re here. That helps.” You said quietly and from the corner of Hoseok’s eye he noticed you blush as you gently brushed your shoulder against his. 
A fluttering in Hoseok’s heart made his response get stuck in his throat. What was that supposed to mean? Was she interested in him too? How was he supposed to interpret that?
He cleared his throat and spoke, “Yeah… You’re pretty cool too, I guess.” 
What is all he could say?
How lame!
“I mean, I think you’re cool. I just don’t know you much yet and don’t want to say something that might possibly be wrong… I don’t think you might not be cool though! I just-”
Your laugh interrupted Hoseok and struck him into silence. It was a melodious laugh that he could listen to for hours on end and never get bored. 
“I am glad you think I am cool, Hoseok-ssi.” You said, turning towards Hoseok with a broad smile.
Hoseok’s heart was beating wildly now. Its erratic heartbeats weren’t ideal earlier when you were simply sitting next to him but now? How was he even supposed to focus with you staring at him intently? Especially with your lips looking like the perfect place for his own lips.
Unintentionally, Hoseok started to lean towards you.
They really did look wonderfully soft. 
What was he thinking about?
You were practically a stranger! Even worse: you were Namjoon’s employee! For all he knew you were trying to use Hoseok to get a better pay.
But Namjoon paid his employees well… and most didn’t have tons of room to grow with the work as it was a small cafe. 
“I enjoy your company too, Y/n-ssi.” Hoseok said with a cough as he turned to face the street again. 
All of the sudden he was very focused on how hot he was feeling. It wasn’t summer but the heat was… present. He was probably blushing and sweating from the heat. Nothing else.
“Even if we have a conversation like this? Where we’re both awkward?” You asked with a strained laugh, leaning into Hoseok.
You had stopped eating.
“Uhh… y-y-yeah. I am having fun. Even if it doesn’t seem like I am.” 
“So… would you enjoy my company if we… went on a date, Hoseok-ssi?” You asked slowly, your voice devoid of all laughter.
“Oh. I. Yeah! Totally.” Hoseok’s voice cracked and he leaned back and coughed to try to cover it up, “I mean… It’d be cool, I guess. Yeah. That would be nice.” 
You giggled, “Wonderful. How does… Tomorrow at seven in the evening sound? We can meet up here and then go somewhere close by.” 
That was so soon.
He could make it though.
“Yeah. That works.” Hoseok nodded, trying to ignore the incessant vibrations from his phone that was sitting in his pocket.
“Are you going to take that, Hoseok-ssi?” You asked with a small giggle, already going back to eating your food.
“Oh. Yeah.” 
He quickly grabbed his phone and looked at who was calling. It was Jisoo, one of his employees.
“Hey… boss. I am sorry but uhh… I can’t make it to my shift. I have been vomiting nonstop. I think I have food poisoning. I am about to go to the hospital. I tried asking Jinyoung but apparently he is currently working and can’t do any more overtime. I am so sorry.” Jisoo spoke hurridly.
Hoseok winced at the connotation. He only had two employees aside from him and this meant that he would have to go in and keep the shop open until ten tonight. Five hours more of work and he needed to leave soon.
“Don’t worry, Jisoo. You didn’t intend to get sick. Take care.” Hoseok said before hanging up and looking over at you, “That is sadly my signal to go.”
You looked like a kicked puppy in that moment, a sad gaze growing as you looked up at Hoseok, “Ok. See you tomorrow.”
All while he walked away, he wished that he could turn around and spend the rest of your break together. He felt like an ass for leaving right after agreeing to a date but his shop needed him. It was the curse of a shop owner and it was a curse that Hoseok had chosen. 
Of course, what he hadn’t realized until he got to his shop and Jinyoung had left was that he completely forgot to get your number once again. 
He was such a damn idiot at times!
Now he couldn’t text you to fill the time that he was forced to work. He also couldn’t get any more information about your date. Would it be formal? Casual? Where were you going to take him? Should he get a gift for you? 
It’d make sense that the two of you would be going on a date after your shift because otherwise why would he meet you at Namjoon’s cafe? 
In the end Hoseok fretted all throughout his shift and the night about what he could possibly wear for his date tomorrow. Everything felt wrong and he had no idea what to do. Everything he did and tried on felt like not enough. Nothing felt right and for the first time in a while, he didn’t know what to do. First dates were hard and he didn’t know how to prepare. 
He shaved and just barely missed twenty nics and even took a longer than normal to make sure that he wouldn’t stink during the date but what was he supposed to wear?
Despite his panicking and fears, Hoseok somehow managed to calm himself down to restlessly sleep that night and was even able to work in the morning. After work though, he was back to panicking. Somehow Hoseok managed to settle for wearing a simple pair of light blue jeans, one of his favorite large shirts with a smile on it, and his long tan jacket.
His whole afternoon bleed into itself and eventually Hoseok found himself sitting on the bench outside of Namjoon’s cafe, a single sunflower held loosely in his hands as he waited for you (he got it at some point between changing into his current clothes and coming here but he didn’t know if he could manage to pinpoint exactly when he had).  He barely had enough sense to wear his jacket for when the sun set and it got cold (or if he had to hide in it if you ended up taking him to some fancy restaurant). He would feel so underdressed if you did.
Why would you though?
From what Hoseok understood, you were just coming off of work so you probably wouldn’t want to go to some fancy place. Plus, working in a cafe wasn’t going to get you too much money, even if one’s employer gave them a living wage. You’d probably be a little pressed for money. 
If that was an issue though, Hoseok would be more than happy to pay but he wouldn’t care either way. 
It also probably wasn’t Hoseok’s place to pry at this time either.
In a last ditch attempt to make sure he was ready for the date, he quickly tried to check his breath with his hand, only getting blasted with air in his face instead. How was he even supposed to check his breath with his hand? 
Had his hair got messed up on his trip here?
Had they even agreed to meet here? Maybe you said a different place instead? 
Just to check, he looked inside the cafe and didn’t see you there. It was almost seven so maybe you were in the back? Maybe he could just text Namjoon to make sure you were off at seven. Hoseok didn’t want to overstep yet. 
“Are you looking for someone in there, Hoseok-ssi?” You asked from beside him, scaring him to the point that he jumped up and almost dropped the sunflower in his hands.
Once he managed to get his bearings again, his breath was taken away by how etheral you looked. There was almost no way that you had come from work, Hoseok was sure of that. Your hair was beautifully and simply styled and your outfit… Hoseok loved every bit of it. His heart fluttered slightly as he looked you over again (barely noticing the reddening blush growing on your face). You looked so good and for the umpteenth time that day, he questioned his own choice in clothes. He might be really underdressed. 
Dress pants would have been better to wear instead of jeans. What was he thinking? He really goofed up.
“Y-You look wonderful tonight, Y/n-ssi.” Hoseok finally said, blushing lightly as you laughed quietly.
“So do you, Hoseok-ssi.” You complimented, a broad smile on your face as you stepped closer and looked down at the sunflower.
“I… Uhhh… I got this for you. I don’t know what your favorite flower is or if you even like flowers but I thought it would be nice.” He stuttered out, quickly giving the flower to you. 
You looked up at Hoseok with a small laugh before saying, “I love it Hoseok-ssi. Shall we get to the restaurant? I got a reservation for seven thirty.”
“A reservation! I guess it is really fancy, huh?” Hoseok asked, rubbing his neck nervously as he started to walk with you.
“No. Not really. It is just popular and I didn’t want to have to spend the night looking for somewhere to eat. I hope you like Haemul Pajeon (vegetable pancake), I got us a reservation at a small place that is just about three blocks down the street. They make wonderful food.” 
“I love the sound of that. How’s your day been so far, Y/n-ssi?” Hoseok asked, biting his lip to hide a large smile growing on his face.
Haemul Pajeon was one of his favorite foods… and Y/n was being so considerate. He was feeling so soft and mushy. How dare you make him feel so soft. 
He loved it.
“It hasn’t been the best. I worked the morning shift and… well there are always rude customers but morning people have such a strange breed of rude customers.” You had started rambulling, animatedly gesturing and talking about the rude morning customers.
Hoseok simply watched and listened as you kept going on, a content and fuzzy feeling washing over him as he kept waking next to you. Occasionally your shoulders and hands brushed as you expertly led the way to the restaurant while ranting and while it left Hoseok reeling, it didn’t seem to phase you at all. He could live with that though. As long as you were happy. 
In the midst of all your rambling about work, the two of you made it to the restaurant. It was at the bottom of a large building, the upper floors likely dedicated to apartments or business offices. Even from the outside, Hoseok could see a large mass of people jostling around in the restaurant. Large friend groups talking and moving around the restaurant drunkenly, couples draped over each other, and restaurant workers expertly weaving through the masses. 
It was obviously a popular place and it made Hoseok just a little nervous. How would you and him get to talk much when all that was happening around you two? Maybe it would be more of a people watching event? One where he only really talked when it came to theories about other’s lives outside of this restaurant. 
There wasn’t too much time to think though as the two quickly started walking inside. You only stopped talking after introducing yourself to the hostess. In the silence between you two, Hoseok looked around the restaurant. It looked different from the outside. Whereas earlier it looked as if it would be a party place, now that Hoseok was inside, he could see a semblance of organization to the chaos.
Despite both you and Hoseok not talking, there wasn’t a silence that fell. The whole of the restaurant was lively and filled with a soft amiability that Hoseok really enjoyed. 
“Alright. Your reservation is ready. Please follow me.” The hostess said, bowing slightly before turning around and starting to weave through the tables. 
Hoseok swallowed his nerves before he started walking in front of you (the three of you had to walk single file because the space was too small to walk side by side) and gently grabbed your hand from behind. People were bumping up against him as he quickly followed behind the hostess but his grip on you didn’t falter. He hoped that his hand wasn’t too sweaty and that he wasn’t gripping you too hard, but Hoseok was nervous and he didn’t want to lose you in the crowd (or let go of your hand yet). 
The table that you had reserved was tucked in a corner and overlooked all of the action happening in the bar. There was a small candle lit between the two of you that flickered gently in the soft breeze created by the fans above. Hoseok liked the spot.
“I just realized,” You started with a laugh once you sat down, “I talked the whole walk here. Silly me. I got carried away. How has your day been so far?” 
“I like listening to you talk so it’s ok. As for my day, it has been a good day. I didn’t make any more pottery, but I headed the shop and got some good work done there.” Hoseok started, a large smile on his face as he looked across the table at you. 
“Oh! So you’re one of Namjoon’s business friends?”
Hoseok snorted at that. Namjoon did have a lot of business friends at this point.
“Yeah. I think I might be Namjoon’s first business friend though. We met in high school and have been friends since. Back in high school Namjoon wanted to be an astrologer believe it or not.” 
“Oh? I wouldn’t have guessed!” You laughed, “So what do you do?”
“I am a potter. My shop is just two streets over from the cafe you work at.” Hoseok nodded.
“Own. Namjoon and I are co-owners. I run the front.” You corrected lightly, “How about we look at the menu?” 
“Oh. Yeah. Let’s look.” Hoseok nodded along, somewhat caught off guard.
You were the co-owner? It made sense, Hoseok thought as he opened the menu, you looked like she belonged in that cafe. Plus, you were closer to Namjoon’s age than the other baristas' ages. He should have seen it coming. 
After a few minutes of looking through the menu Hoseok spoke up, “So… have you figured out what you’re going to get?” 
“Yeah. I am thinking of getting Haemul Pajeon with a side of chicken feet. What about you?” 
“Uhhh… I think that I am going to get Haemul Pajeon as well but with a side of kimchi. I’m not too hungry today.” Hoseok laughed lightly thinking back to his two large stress induced meals earlier today. 
You snorted and laughed lightly before taking a sip of your water, “I get that. Plus, the Haemul Pajeon are quite large. They have great deals.” 
Shortly after you two decided, a waiter came by and took your order, and then Hoseok and you were left in amicable silence once again. He was a ball of nerves once again and he had no idea of where to go from here… He wasn’t this anxious when he started dating Minjae… why was it so hard with you? Maybe because he was genuinely interested in you from the start and he was scared of screwing it up. Maybe because he had just spent most of the day fretting over this date and now that it was here, he realized that he didn’t think over the right stuff. 
“So,” Hoseok coughed lightly, hoping to clear his throat some, “Do you come to this restaurant often?”
“Not really. I came here the first night I moved into the apartment complex above the cafe but since then I haven’t. I actually came here on my own and just sat at the bar and talked to random strangers. It is amazing to see what conversations one can have when they’re open to it.” You said with a smile as you looked over at the bustling bar space. 
“I can imagine. I haven’t gone to bars much so I don’t have such conversations often but I have never had a dull conversation.” Hoseok said wistfully, thinking back to some of the talks that he had when he volunteered to help the homeless back in Gwangju. He wanted to keep up the volunteer work when he moved to Seoul but it simply didn’t happen. He got carried away with his studies and his life and service work simply got put on a backburner.
“Yeah? I doubt that, Hoseok-ssi.” You laughed, “I can’t believe you’ve never had a dull conversation. Not even one with a boring professor?”
Hoseok laughed lightly and shrugged, “I mean, I guess you could count some of those conversations as dull. I guess I was more thinking about general conversations with people… not cardboard cutouts.” 
You snorted at this before taking a large sip of your water, blush rising quickly on your face. A sense of pride washed over Hoseok at your reaction. He had made you laugh. It felt good to make someone smile this much. 
“I loved most of my professors, don’t get me wrong. They were amazing, but oh my gosh. Ask Namjoon about Professor Gaewon who taught our Stat 240. He was such a snore.” Hoseok started animatedly, smiling as you laughed again, “Even for me and I double majored in Statistics and Business. Dude could put me to sleep in seconds. Lecture or not. I went to one of his office hours once and it was even worse.” 
“Oh really?” You asked with a laugh, raising your eyebrows and looking at him with a lopsided grin.
“Oh yeah! I wanted to know a little more information about some complicated statistic and the details and whatnot, nerdy stuff really. He got so excited but you couldn’t tell because he talked in such a monotone voice,” Hoseok smiled brightly before he started mimicking Professor Gaewon, “This statistic, blah blah blah. It is interesting stuff.”
You were laughing uncontrollably at this point and Hoseok couldn’t help but indulge in the butterflies that fluttered wildly in his stomach. This was amazing.
“Needless to say, I didn’t go to his office hours after that.” 
You nodded, “I didn’t have anything like that in college. I mean, I was also not a business major and didn’t have to take any stat classes but I mostly got a lot of very pretentious professors who had written books or wild professors who I loved. I didn’t enjoy the former.” You laughed lightly and shook your head, “They seemed to think that they knew everything. It was painful.” 
“Oh? What’d you major in?” 
“I double majored in Literature and History. I love it. Don’t use it much with my work but that is ok.” You said, coming to a stop when the waitress came with sides for the food. 
You and Hoseok slightly bowed to the waiter before turning back to each other and smiling. For a couple minutes, the conversation died down and the noise of the restaurant around you two filled the air as both of you indulged in the sides. Before you and Hoseok had time to continue conversing, the waiter returned and gave both of you your Haemul Pajeon and the two of you dug in All throughout eating, the two of you made comments about how the Haemul Pajeon compared to what you two had had in the past. 
Somehow, all the time in the restaurant blurred together and before he even knew it, the two of them were back at Namjoon’s and your cafe. It had closed by now, the windows dark and reflecting the party life outside. 
“Well… this was a great night, Hoseok-ssi.” You said, swaying forwards and backwards with a soft and happy smile plastered across your face. 
Hoseok felt giddy looking at you. How did he get so lucky to have you ask him out? 
“It was. I would love to do it again sometime.” 
“Yeah.” You giggled and bit your lip as you asked.
“Yeah.” Hoseok nodded, biting his own lip as he took a step closer to you.
You took a step closer to him as well, your smile growing as you reached out and grabbed Hoseok’s waist. He leaned closer at this and gently pressed his lips against yours, you quickly reciprocating. His hands rose to cup your face as the kiss got heated, soon enough tongues starting to intertwine. 
A moan left him as you broke the kiss, a sly smile spreading on your face, “You may have to work for my phone number first, Hoseok-ssi.” 
He groaned quietly and smiled, his hands sliding down your soft face to your shoulders, “Well then, can I get your number then, Y/n-ssi?” 
You took a step away from Hoseok and giggled as his hands fell to his sides, “Nope. Try again tomorrow… then I will consider. Until then, good night, Hoseok-ssi.” 
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gerberbabey · 4 years
debut | one | pope heyward w/ filipina!reader
the idea of the pogues in a high school setting is actual so fun so i kinda got carried away. i rlly hav a thing for writing the character pining for the reader rather than the other way around.
im basing this off of how my high school was cus idk shit about any other high schools lmao. also excuse volleyball terminology, i also very much miss volleyball
masterlist | previous | next
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warnings: cursing, like terrible writing, just filler stuff
one - ♫ I THINK by Tyler, The Creator ♫
It was already two weeks into your senior year and you were settling in nicely. At two weeks people were still switching around their classes making sure they wouldn’t regret the class they decided to settle into. You were satisfied with your schedule considering you only had 3 actual academic classes. 
For your last year you’d opted out of taking one least year of math or another year of science. You were a good student sure but you’d never been the best at maths or sciences. To the Pogues’ surprise Pope had a similar schedule, yet the only reason he wasn’t packed with AP classes was because he was signed up for dual enrollment with online college courses. 
“Dual enrollment helps clear GEs better than AP classes. I’m not saying I wouldn’t pass those AP tests but this way is easier,” Pope explained to JJ as they walked through the crowded halls of Kildare County High. Kooks and Pogues alike littered the hallways, separated in their own little groups and yet standing amongst one another. 
“Whatever you say Pope,” JJ shook his head. He and Pope had one class together this year and that was Intro to Drawing in the very beginning of the day.  
“Heeeey guys,” Kie greeted as she walked up to them, hiking her bag up her shoulder. Kie had opted out of a backpack this last year and had instead started using a tote bag which was only filled with her laptop, a single notebook, her pencil case, and other small personal belongings that had nothing to do with school. 
“You guys going to the game on Friday?” Kie questioned and Pope cringed as JJ groaned. 
“No Kie, we are not going to the football game this Friday-”
“Guys come one, first game of the season! Plus the environmental club is planning to work snack bar. All the money goes toward the Turtle Habitats and the Save the Ocean Foundation,” Kie plead. 
“As much as I love the turtles Kie,” the group stopped at Pope’s locker, “Our football team is garbage. Why would I subject myself to that?” 
“Ok I know that, but don’t go for the team,” Kie raised her eyebrows at the two of them, “Go for the turtles!” 
JJ shot her an “eeeh” sort of look and Kie huffed in annoyance. 
“Come on, if you could give me a whole other way to fundraise then please do,” Kie crossed her arms as Pope shuffled around the belongings in his locker. 
“You need help fundraising Kie?” 
The three teens turned in the direction of your voice and you grinned as you walked up to them, your teammate and other best friend Isabelle walking with you. Isabelle was tall, one of the tallest girls at school actually, and though they saw you two together frequently it was still kind of amusing to see one of the tallest people they new walking around with one of the shortest people they knew. 
“Yeah well, my club’s planning to do the football game snack bar but nobody goes to the game’s anyway so,” Kie shrugged. 
“You could fundraise at the volleyball game,” Isabelle suggested giving Kie a smile. Kie smiled back sheepishly as she shifted on her spot. 
“Are you serious?” she questioned, turning to you and you shrugged. 
“Well, why not? Wouldn’t hurt to ask our coach,” you stated and Kie watched as Pope closed his locker and turned as your hands reached up to fix the collar of the button up he’d worn over his t-shirt. 
“We have a game tomorrow, and then there’s a workshop on Saturday. If your club wants to try and fundraise during those, we can try and figure something out,” Isabelle spoke to Kie and Kie flushed for a moment before she nodded frantically and began talking over a few ideas that were already coming to mind. 
“And people are guaranteed to show up to the girls volleyball games,” JJ wiggled his eyebrows at you and Pope and you laughed as Pope reached up to whack JJ in the chest. You couldn’t help but note how weird JJ looked without one of his usual hats on. You figured it was because the teachers lost their minds over hats being worn inside the building. 
“So (Y/N),” Pope started and you and JJ looked at him. 
“So Pope?” you smiled and missed how JJ glanced between the two of you with a knowing look in his eye. 
“Am I gonna see your dress anytime soon?” Pope questioned and you rolled your eyes. 
“Pope I literally already told you that no one’s allowed to see it until my party,” you leaned against Pope as he shook his head.
“But I’m not just anyone,” he insisted and you laughed as the first bell of the day rang overhead. 
“Ok whatever dude,” you shoved at Pope and he playfully slapped at your arms, “Me and Isa have to go, I’ll see you guys later,” you bid and you gave Pope a hug and a kiss on the cheek before you waved goodbye to JJ and Kie. The three of them watched you two join the sea of students and JJ turned to Kie and Pope.
“Was I seriously just fifth wheeling?” he scoffed and Pope glared at him as Kie flushed at his insinuation. 
“Ok can I just get like...the color? Oh my-you never even told me the color!” Pope stared at you with wide eyes and you shook your head as you covered your mouth to try and keep your laugh from coming out. The two of you were in your second to last class of the day (You were both TA’s for the Intro to Film teacher and that usually meant goofing around in the back as the class watched movies all day), and Pope had not let the topic of your dress drop. 
In fact he had asked you about it for the past three weeks. 
“I can’t ruin it,” you whined and Pope leaned forward and groaned into your shoulder. 
“Telling me the color won’t ruin it,” he mumbled and you reached up to rub his back. 
“Yes it will,” you whispered back playfully and Pope groaned again as you laughed, “Oh by the way, I’ve been meaning to ask you...” 
Pope sat up and motioned for you to continue. 
“I don’t need to have an escort or anything, but I was actually wondering if you’d like to be my escort? For my party?” you weren’t sure why you were so nervous but you couldn’t get yourself to look Pope in the eye. You watched as your fingers played with the end of his shirt. 
You looked up at Pope through your lashes and he flashed you a wide grin. 
“I would literally be honored,” Pope pulled you into a tight hug before pulling back, “Also I would’ve been extremely offended if you didn’t ask me and I probably would’ve just been your escort anyway.” 
You laughed and quickly brought a hand up to cover it up as a few of the students in the room shot the two of you looks. 
“I wouldn’t even go through with the party without you,” you told him softly and Pope could feel his heart skip a beat. Sometimes he wondered what it would’ve been like if he had gathered up the courage to ask you out ages ago. Despite the bullshit he told his friends he knew that he was in love with you. He would always love you, but being in love with you was different. It meant so much more. 
“So that means I get to know the color of your dress right?” Pope whispered and your mouth dropped open in shock as a wide grin stretched across his face. You tried to stop yourself from smiling as you reached up to whack him on the shoulder. 
“No!” you whisper-yelled. 
“But how am I gonna coordinate with you-” 
“Drop it Pope,” you laughed as the bell rang to indicate the end of class. 
“Where’s Kie?” John B questioned as JJ and Pope walked up to him. Today was the first girl’s volleyball game of the year and they had planned on going to watch together. They only really did it out of support toward you but that obviously didn’t stop JJ from his usual flirting. 
“Her club’s doing snack bar or something, to help fundraise for turtles. Did she not tell you?” Pope asked as they walked into the gym together. There was music playing through the gym’s speakers and there was chatter and noise from every point. There was the sound of shoes squeaking against the gym floor and the sounds of volleyballs coming into contact with the floor, hands, the walls, etc. 
“Nah, I didn’t see her that much yesterday or even today.” 
“Yeah, where the hell were you anyway?” JJ questioned as he led the way up the bleachers. It was definitely crowded but the boys weren’t at all surprised, Kildare County High’s volleyball team was actually good, meaning they usually garnered a large audience of spectators. 
“I was at the counselor’s like all day trying to figure out how I’m gonna get enough credits to graduate,” John B sighed and JJ and Pope cringed. After John B’s dad disappeared in their sophomore year, the boy had taken a half a step back from his academic responsibilities to try and keep himself together and afloat. Then after Big John’s body was found at the beginning of their Junior year, John B had considered dropping out entirely. He missed a majority of that school year as a result of his grief, deciding that he felt there was no point for school any longer.
Yet with the surprising help of Sheriff Peterkin he had pushed himself back into finishing school. The school understood of course, but that didn’t mean it didn’t take a toll on his academic record. 
“I’m sure it’ll work out in the end,” Pope encouraged and JJ nodded, before the blonde clapped and looked around, eager to get John B’s mind off the matter. 
“Oh shit look there’s Quincy,” JJ pointed out and the trio made their way over the where a large group of other Pogues who had gathered up on one side of the bleachers. While some schools may have had senior sections or something of the like, their gym was separated by Kooks, Pogues, parents, and then any visitors from the opposing school. 
“Hey JJ what’s up man?” 
JJ dapped up Quincy and the two of them began talking about something or another as John B and Pope were greeted by the people around them. 
“Yeah (Y/N)!!” someone near them yelled, “You dig those balls!” 
The three boys turned to the court and watched as you shook your head and laughed but kept your focus on the court. You squatted down low once more and they watched as you warmed up, passing dimes for your setter to set. 
“Woooh (Y/N)!” JJ’s hands were cupped around his mouth as he yelled.
“Yeeeahhh!” John B yelled and was followed up by the student section of their gym, Pogues and Kooks alike, cheering for their team despite it only being in warm ups. 
Soon enough people had settled into the bleachers as the Varsity game came to a start. (Pope, JJ, and John B had yelled their hearts out at your introduction - “Number 10, Libero: (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!”. And JJ had pointed out where Kie was bustling over at the snack bar, charming people into buying whatever she pointed out to them). 
“Oh shit hey, I’m gonna go say hi to (Y/N)’s parents. I totally forgot,” Pope told his friends and the two nodded, waving him off. Pope mumbled “excuse me’s” as he maneuvered his way by people’s legs and tried not to knee anybody in the back of the head. He jogged down the steps of the bleacher and made his way to where the parents were all situated, watching the game intently. There was a bout of cheering and Pope glanced over to the court to watch you jump up in excitement as your team scored another point. 
“Hey Pope!” Pope looked up at that and smiled as your mom waved him over to where she was sitting with your dad.
“Hi!” he greeted, and leaned over as your mom stretched her arms up to give him a hug in greeting. 
“Your parents not here tonight?” your dad questioned and Pope shook his head. 
“Nah they couldn’t leave the store. They really wanted to come though. (Y/N)’s last first game and all.” 
“Ah well that’s alright, plenty of games after this one.” 
“Of course. Uh Mrs. (Y/L/N) how’s the party planning?” your mom rolled her eyes though he could tell there was no ill intent. 
“Stressful. All (Y/N) focused on was her dress and her guest list. Finding a place to even have the party was almost impossible,” your mom explained and Pope chuckled. 
“(Y/N) won’t even let me know what the dress looks like,” Pope told them and your mom laughed as your dad nodded. 
“She’s hid it from her dad too.”
“Won’t be able to see it ‘till the party,” your dad shook his head at that as Pope let out a surprised chuckle. 
“You ate that (Y/N)!” someone yelled and Pope and your parents glanced over at the game and watched you get picked up by Isabelle as your team cheered over winning the first set of the match. 
“Well I’m gonna head back to my friends,” Pope pointed over to where John B and JJ were sitting, now with the addition of Kie. 
“Of course, of course. We’ll be seeing you at our house later?” your mom teased and Pope shrugged as he laughed. 
He waved your parents goodbye and by the time he’d gotten back to his friends Kildare was already ahead in the second set. 
“Not working anymore Kie?” Pope questioned as he took a seat beside her leaving her between him and JJ. 
“Yeah we made shifts so it’s Marco’s turn,” Kie explained pointing over to the snack bar. 
“Was our volleyball team always this good?” JJ questioned and Pope scoffed. 
“Yeah you were just too busy staring at their asses to watch them play,” he reached around Kie to shove at the blonde and JJ batted his arms away. 
“Hey, you can’t exactly blame me!” 
“Gross JJ,” Kie rolled her eyes and the boy looked at Kie with an offended look before turning to John B as if to say, ‘are you hearing this?’. John B only shook his head at his best friend. The 3 Pogues chuckled at JJ’s expense before they turned back to the game. It was your turn to serve now and as you waited for the referee to blow his whistle John B reached up and cupped his hands around his mouth. 
“Do it for Pope, (Y/N)!!” 
Pope whipped his head over to John B as the students around them “oooh’d!” some of them shoving at Pope playfully. From the court he missed how you glanced up at where they were sitting, a grin on your face as the referee finally blew the whistle to let you serve. 
“Shut up John B!” Pope hissed and the brunette only laughed it off as Kie mentioned how Pope should’ve been used to this by now and JJ yelled. 
“For Poooope!!!!” JJ yelled as you served the ball. 
The Kildare supporters all cheered as you aced your serve and Pope flushed in embarrassment as you turned and pointed to him, riling up the crowd of students as those closest to him shoved at him once more. 
“Yes King!” someone yelled at Pope and he couldn’t help but grin as he pointed back at you. 
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Have you ever tried a colorful macaroon? Maybe you mean macarons? I’ve never seen a macaroon with food coloring before.
Do you say macaroon or macaron? It depends on what I’m referring to because they’re two different kinds of food.
Do you know what a macaroon is? Yes, they taste terrible.
Would you rather go to Paris or London? Both sound a bit too boring of a trip for me tbh, I’d rather go to other European cities.
Which national flag do you like the best? I’m not that into flags to have a favorite...I like how Nepal’s has a unique shape, though.
Name 3 celebrities people say you look like. Lucy Hale, Anna Akana, and a local celebrity you wouldn’t know about.
^Do you agree? I never saw myself looking like Anna but that’s actually the most common one I get, so I just might not know my face all that well. The only one that’s agreeable enough with me is the last celebrity I mentioned.
Do you know anyone who looks like Taylor Swift? No, especially not on this side of the planet.
Have you ever been betrayed by a best friend? Yes but that was like back in the fifth grade. I’ve been very selective of my friends ever since.
What color is the sweatshirt that you wear the most? Black.
Do you have a mirror in your room? No. I don’t really feel as if I need it.
What was the last thing you painted? I last painted on a paint-by-numbers kit, but it’s been a while since I took up the hobby. I want to get back around to it someday, but proably not any time soon as I find it a tad bit time-consuming.
Do you correct grammatical errors online? Not other people’s, but yeah I edit my posts whenever I catch a typo or grammar error. I also edit survey questions if they aren’t in proper grammar, just so other people who���d want to take the same survey won’t have to deal with it and point it out anymore.
What’s the last thing you made out of clay? I’ve only done pottery once, and that time I was taught how to make a vase. I wasn’t able to see the end result though since they still had to bake it and everything, and I was only staying in that town for a few days.
Do you go for days without washing your hair? No, I absolutely hate that feeling. My hair starts getting itchy after a day or so of not washing it and it feels irritating, so I feel the need to shower everyday.
When is the last time you had scrambled eggs and bacon? Maybe around a week ago? It’s something my parents make regularly for breakfast, alongside other local breakfast dishes.
Do you like bacon bits on your salad? I don’t really eat salad but sure, I’ll take some bacon in mine.
What is your favorite salad dressing? See above.
What is your favorite kind of soup? Not a big soup person either. I suppose I’m most enthusiastic about miso soup, if anything.
Do you eat a lot of soup? Not at all. I don’t think I ever purposely ordered it at a restaurant either; I only consume soup if it already comes as a freebie with my order.
Do you collect Mason jars to use for crafts? Nope, was never a hobby of mine. This reminds me that I have a mason jar filled with date receipts and love notes on tiny Post-Its from my last relationship, though...I literally can’t remember if I’ve since thrown it out, but I also haven’t seen it in a while...hm. I guess I’ll try looking for it later today and throw it away if I do find it still lying around in my room.
What’s a trend that you never caught on to? Remember when I said streetwear like, literally a month ago? Lmaoooooo I’m into it now. That’s why I’ll just skip over this question HAHAHAHA I always end up being obsessed with the things I swear off in the beginning :((((
What’s a trend that you haven’t caught on to yet, but you want to? Vlogging? It’d be nice to make a video or two of my own.
Do you type fast? Very. My co-workers recently started sharing this typing speed website that we’re all free to try out and so far I’m the official reigning champion haha. No one has beaten my WPM record yet.
Did you learn to type through a computer program for kids? Yes. I never adopted the ‘standard’ finger practice though; I type only with my index and middle fingers.
How many years were you homeschooled? I was never homeschooled.
If applicable, what’s a youtuber you would love to collab with? Louise Pentland.
Do you think you’re successful in life? Not quite there yet, but I’m comfortable with the way I’m working towards it for now. It’s nice to be doing things that I know will lead to something in the future.
What color is the tree outside your window? If you mean the leaves, then green.
What color is your rug, if you have one? (not carpet, rug) I don’t have one in my room but the main one we have in the living room is brown.
What do you take for pain? I take a Biogesic pill for headaches. If I get muscle sores/strains, I rub Katinko on the spots that hurt.
Which pharmacy do you use? I never need to go to those but I can always take a drive to the nearby Mercury Drug.
Do you reapply nail polish when it starts to chip? I don’t wear nail polish at all.
What is this month’s calendar picture? I don’t use a calendar.
What was the last thing you ate? Sushiiiiiiiii. I made a very impulsive and rash decision to buy THREE ORDERS of sushi yesterday. I hadn’t eaten all day and I also had a crappy at work, and my clouded judgment thought buying 24 pieces of maki was the way to go. I’m still in the stage of trying to convince myself I deserved it anyway.
What are your favorite things to put in tea? I don’t drink tea tea, but when I buy milk tea I always go for chocolate flavors. I also don’t like pearls in my milk tea.
Do you wish the Unicorn Frappuccino was a regular drink at Starbucks? I never go for customized drinks, so I don’t care at all about this.
Is there a coffee shop in your town that’s better than Starbucks? Possibly, but I may not have checked it out yet. For now, I like buying from Starbucks.
Do you frequent any coffee shops? Back in college I used to alternate between Starbucks and Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf; I’d go several times a week to either because coffee shops were the best place to study at.
What’s your favorite Lisa Frank character? I was never aware that there were characters lol. I thought it was only her.
Which Disney character looks the most like you? Raya for sure, but before her, I felt a big connection with Moana.
Did you go to Disney World or Disneyland as a kid? No, I haven’t gotten to go yet. It would be nice if my first time could also already be a trip with my own kid in the future :)
Do you live with a demon? Talk about creepy question lol. No.
Who has the best personality on youtube? Who cares? < I mean, same. I’m sure they all put up a show to some extent - I don’ think anyone would ever know the answer to this...but personally, those whose personalities I find really endearing would beeeeee Grace Helbig, Kelsey Impicciche, Kelsey Darragh, and Andrew Ilnyckyj.
What are some of your goals for this year? Stay employed, be better at my job, collect more BTS albums.
Does it feel like spring yet? We don’t have spring, so I don’t know what that would feel like.
What do you do to celebrate Earth Day? I don’t wait until April 22 to do something for the planet.
How do you celebrate Easter? I don’t.
Have you ridden your bike yet this year? I can’t ride bikes, haaaaa.
What does your bike look like? The family bike has some blue and grey on it. Not that I ever practice riding it.
What is your favorite place that you’ve lived? I like the house that we live in now. I like that we have a rooftop and that we don’t live with extended family.
Do you shop at Aeropostale? No, and I’m not sure we have Aeropostale shops here. The only reason we ever got Aeropostale items of clothing in the past was because relatives living in the States would occasionally bring home a box of pasalubong for us here in the Philippines.
What’s the last thing you wore from Aeropostale? Idk, probably a shirt. Have you ever been to a church that just wanted your money? Aren’t all churches like that? < Can agree and can confirm. My local parish has been undergoing a ridiculously extravagant renovation for years now and the thing is that the renovation is meant to be so fucking fancy they clearly can’t afford it, so they’ve been pooling money from churchgoers for years now as well. When we could still physically attend mass I used to keep myself from laughing everytime one of the church staff would come up on the podium and ask for money again.
Who is someone you are struggling to forgive, if applicable? I don’t struggle to forgive. I just don’t forgive. If someone does me wrong I just do my best to block them out of my memories, get into the mindset that they never existed, and live peacefully from there.
Have you ever had someone try to intentionally bully you to suicide? I don’t think so, at least not intentionally. My mom always did it unintentionally though, especially in my tween and teen years. She was always very harsh with her words and actions (she still is, but we don’t butt heads as often anymore). I didn’t have a very good emotional foundation mainly thanks to her and I had to claw my own way to get to be the much more stable self I am today.
What’s your favorite type of cereal? Sweet ones.
Who are your favorite kids that you’ve babysat? I never babysat kids outside of younger relatives.
Who is your favorite cousin? My eldest cousin from my mom’s side. I’ve always viewed him more as a brother than a cousin since we did live under the same roof for nearly a decade before my family moved to our own home.
Does one side of your family live in another state? My family is spread out everywhere, dude. I have relatives living in another town, another city, another province, another region, another island, another country. Idk about cultures but that’s generally how Filipino families are to begin with.
What states did your parents grow up in? I’m not saying that.
Do you want kids? If yes, how many? It would be nice. I just don’t know if I’ll ever be able to find someone I would want to marry and have a family with. It definitely seems bleak, but then again I’m 23 lmao. I’m not in a hurry.
What’s a craft that you’ve seen online that you don’t think will work? Most of the shit that that 5 Minute Crafts channel or whatever they’re called puts out.
What, if anything, are you severely allergic to? Grass.
Have you ever had an allergic reaction to an insect? Nopes.
How do you react to bee stings? I’ve never been stung and I hope that never happens to me.
Is there a good hospital where you live? I’m not so sure; I don’t take trips to the hospital frequently.
What’s your favorite kind of tea to drink in the spring? I never drink tea. Never been my...cup of tea? Hahahaha.
What are your favorite biblical names for girls? Elizabeth and Eden.
…for boys? Luke, Noah, Jacob, Seth.
What color nail polish do you usually wear in the spring? Again, I never put on nail polish.
What’s your favorite color that you’ve dyed your hair? I haven’t tried dyeing my hair either :( It’s something I want to explore, though.
Do you ever eat ice cream in the winter? We don’t have winter but yeah, I’m not opposed to having ice cream when the climate is on the cooler side.
How often do you wash your sheets? Every month or so.
What was the name of the biggest bully in your high school? No one got away with pulling that kind of shit in my old school.
^Did everyone hate her/him? -
^Were you his/her target? -
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halowastaken · 3 years
Why I Left (chapter8)
read it in ao3!
“You are kidding, right?” Peter just shook his head slowly “Kid I’ve offered you multiple jobs here, paid internships, you could be one of the board members if you wanted to and you know that. If you’re looking for a job, please, I beg you, work here” Tony insist “My answer is gonna stay the same” Peter says rolling his eyes “Peter I will literally pay you for doing what you already do. I don’t beg for absolutely anything and I am begging you” Peter raises an eyebrow “If I wanted to work in a bigass tech company, I would definitely work for Hammer Tech” Peter teases
He skipped school the next day. Spent the whole night coding. He figured it out. However at this point the coding would be considered as 'hacking' by experts. Peter Parker, a sixteen year old from Queens, managed to hack FRIDAY and Karen overnight with nothing else other than his laptop, a single can of redbull, and a broken heart. He didn't feel good but he didn't care. The only person that he fully trusted stabbed him in the back. There were lots of emotions involved. He feels like he deserved it, because of how bad he is, he also feels betrayed for obvious reasons, he is mad because he let himself be fooled by it, but right now? He was numb. He had just one goal and it was to make the code unbreakable. And he was gonna get there no matter what. After all Tony Stark was the guy that taught him how to code. It took time but he got there eventually. When the protocol is activated, every live information will stop till it’s deactivated. That way, nobody can track him or know his vitals or contact him. Like he is gone. Now it was part two of the plan. Peter is going to tell everything to Tony and then disappear. He had to wait till next thursday but it was just a matter of time. When Thursday finally arrived, Peter immediately went to the Tower right after school. He didn’t even tell Happy that he was gonna swing his way there. When he arrived there Peter opened his room’s door and changed his clothes. Then went down to the lab without saying anything to FRIDAY. Tony was predictable enough to know that he is in the lab “Mr Stark” Peter says announcing his presence in the lab. Tony just cringed when he heard Peter “Cut it out kid. You know you can call me Tony” Peter just rolled his eyes “There’s something important I need to tell you, Mr stark” Tony turned around and smiled. A really comforting smile “Sure kid. Just ask for anything. Consider it done” And that’s when it clicked. “I may not be coming here for a few weeks” Peter days looking down. Tony’s smile dropped “What? Why? What happened?” Tony asks “May said that because I am sixteen should start helping them financially so I am going to get a job” Tony blinked at Peter’s answer “I even have an interview tomorrow as a photographer for the daily bugle” “You are kidding, right?” Peter just shook his head slowly “Kid I’ve offered you multiple jobs here, paid internships, you could be one of the board members if you wanted to and you know that. If you’re looking for a job, please, I beg you, work here” Tony insist “My answer is gonna stay the same” Peter says rolling his eyes “Peter I will literally pay you for doing what you already do. I don’t beg for absolutely anything and I am begging you” Peter raises an eyebrow “If I wanted to work in a bigass tech company, I would definitely work for Hammer Tech” Peter teases “I am gonna pretend you didn’t just say that. But please kid. Working here will look beautiful in a college application. And you won’t even need an interview. I have had the paperwork in my nightstand for a while now. You just need to sign it” Tony insists “I don’t think you got the part of ‘helping financially’ you know?” Tony glares at him “If you want a million dollars the minute you can just tell me. You say a number, I’ll make it happen” Peter raises an eyebrow “Tony, I really don’t feel comfortable working for you” Peter says. That doesn’t stop Tony “Thirty dollars the hour for every time you come here” Peter’s eyes widened “Tony! That is a lot of money! As in ‘more than the average teenager salary’ a lot of money!” Peter says “I can make it more if you want too” Tony adds “You know what? I’ll sign the damn paper if you don’t do that and just shut up so we can finally finish that damn robot” Peter says and Tony ruffles his curls “I’ll go look for the paperwork” And that is how Peter got away with it. Peter knows Tony enough to know that if he was looking for a job, Tony wouldn’t stop till he accepted any kind of job offer. Also, he knows that Tony will start to suspect something if he accepted right away, so he played hard. Tony had become predictable. That’s what got him. When Peter came home the next day, he told Ben that he got a job and that he quitted the internship. He also hid the MIT sweater right next to where he hides his spidersuit. Nowhere to be found. And the code? Peter called the protocol the ‘sicko mode’. It worked like a charm. If Peter didn’t know better, he would say that Tony would be disappointed. Ben would also be disappointed. May would be disappointed. But he knew better. Tony really didn’t care about him, and obviously Ben didn't either and May is not around. Even if she was, Peter highly doubts that she ever cared. In school this whole charade was harder. MJ’s been skeptical since the beginning but she hasn’t taken action, but that means that Ned is on her side because Ned knows that MJ is always right. Actually everyone knows that. “I am just asking, ok? If there was something going on in your life, you would tell us, right?” Ned asks and Peter rolls his eyes “Yep. I am fine guys. I swear” Peter says for the fifth time just since they entered the cafeteria “Are you coming to decathlon practice then?” MJ asks and Peter sighs “I told you I can’t. Mr. Stark needs me in the lab” Peter says, you know, like a liar “You’ve gone to ‘the lab’ everyday for two weeks now. The team needs you, loser” MJ says frustrated. Peter knows that. He knows perfectly well that without him the team could lose. “I am sorry. I promise I will tell him that I need a break from the lab” That was another lie. MJ sighed “Forgive me if I don’t believe you” MJ says going back to her book “I forgot! My mom bought the baby yoda Lego set!” Ned said changing the subject “Dude! No way! How many pieces?” Peter says excited “A thousand and seventy three! We gotta do it soon!” Ned says getting more excited “You two are actual losers. That’s why nobody hangs out with you” MJ says without looking up from her book “You hang out with us” Peter says raising an eyebrow and MJ scoffs “Do I?” MJ asks. Sometimes she can really be weird. Peter still liked her. He has to admit that after Liz, Peter had a crush on her, but he prefers being just friends now. The last thing he wants to worry about was his lovelife Truth is today didn’t suck. At least school didn’t. Right after school Peter went to the alley and got changed there. "Hello Peter" Karen says and Peter smiles "Hey Karen. Initiate 'sicko mode' please" Peter says shooting the first web to the building in front of him "Sicko mode activated. All live connections were cut" Karen says making Peter smile in sign of satisfaction "Thanks dear. So, what do you have for me?" Peter asks "There's a woman being robbed two streets to the left" Karen informed. It was gonna be a long night. Patrolling at night was ten times better. Peter loved seeing all the lights at night ot New York. He could enjoy the beauty of the only place in the world he knows. And the people that lived there were not the biggest fans of Peter, but they loved Spiderman. They needed Spiderman. Spiderman was the kind of hero that you can reach out when you’re being mugged or something like that. Something in the friendly neighbor level. Even though Peter knew he could do more he prefers laying low till it’s necessary. While Peter was patrolling in the other side of the city, there was our favorite man of iron in the lab not really doing lab "So you hired peter but decided to not tell May" Pepper asked "I forgot! And I am gonna tell her, ok? She will be proud of him, as she should" Tony says grabbing his phone "Can you put it on speaker?" Pepper asks and Tony just smiles and does as she asks. It took awhile for someone to answer the phone and Tony was disappointed when someone did answer "Who are you and why are you calling this number?" Tony and Pepper looked at each other when they heard a very not so chill Ben “Mr. Parker. This is Pepper Potts. Can I please speak to your wife for a second?” Pepper asked before Tony could say anything “Is this some kind of joke?!” Ben asks almost yelling “Uhh no? We want to talk to her about Peter” Tony clarified. After a few seconds Ben just sighted “Whatever he did, I will talk to him later. Have a nice day” Before Tony could argue back Ben hung up on them Pepper and Tony looked at each other thinking the exact same thing. There is something going on.
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ravenbrenna09 · 4 years
the magic of betrayal scene 1
because I couldn’t get my Hogwarts AU out of my head, here’s the first scene of chapter one in Jana’s ‘season’. hope you guys enjoy! also, I wanted to include Lucas VDH somehow in this scene but it didn’t end up working out.
Note: characters that are depicted in college in s3 (namely Sander, Senne, and Noor) have been knocked down a year. so, while they should be in their seventh year with Jana, Zoë, and co. being in their fifth year, I bumped them down to sixth years so I wouldn’t have to rush to fit all of the first three seasons in their fifth year before they graduate.
Note #2: parts of this might change with my watching (and likely rewatching) of s1 before I finish the rest of the chapter.
“Don’t put me in your story!” 
There was a grin that spread across Robbe’s face, his phone in his hand, but Jana reached out, her hand covering the lens of his phone. Now that classes were out, their Care of Magical Creatures had been particularly draining since they were in the Forbidden Forest today, all of their technology was finally working again, the magical ban lifted immediately as their class had ended, allowing for the use of their phones and other technologies that they might’ve had on them. 
Ten years ago, Hogwarts had never been able to have any sort of Muggle technology, it did something weird with any electrical products, but with the Muggle world constantly growing, and the invention of social media and every social media app, the Ministry of Magic had to face the fact that students, specifically Muggleborns and half-bloods raised in the Muggle world, couldn’t be whisked away to an untraceable school without questions being arisen. And, somehow, they made phones powered by magic now, allowing them for use in the halls of Hogwarts as long as students didn’t expose the magical world.
They were strict about that. 
There was an entire department in the Department of Mysteries dedicated to the understanding of new and advancing Muggle technology and punishing Muggleborns that broke the rules by sending the rulebreakers to Azkaban (or, at least, that’s what their Muggle Studies professor, Professor Elwood, liked to tell them to make sure that they followed the rules). 
Despite the grin that formed on Robbe’s face, he pouted, pushing back a strand of his brown hair that had fallen in front of his face, “Why not?” He shifted the robes on his shoulders, the Ravenclaw robes getting a little messed up, his phone still in his hands. 
On Jana’s other side, Jens spoke up, a light laugh in his voice. “You look really good on camera.” There was a laugh from Robbe as Jana turned towards Jens, a Gryffindor like her and her boyfriend, giving him a look because she knew what he meant. Jens was handsome, taller than both her and Robbe, and the deep crimson red looked good on him, accenting the color of his skin. Spotting her looking, Jens’ lips quirked up in an all-knowing smirk. 
“He’s spoken,” Robbe spoke, drawing Jana’s attention back to the cameraman. Robbe was one of the youngest in their year, barely two weeks from being in the next year, and he had always been particularly close to Jana. The Ravenclaw was smaller than her, the blue of his robes standing out with their red ones, and his hair was getting so long that it could’ve been pulled back in a ponytail… or braided. Putting his phone in his pocket, Robbe ran a hand through his hair, brushing his long hair back. “Why don’t you want to be in my story?”
“I just don’t want to give unknown creeps the ability to stare at me is all.”
Jens nodded his head. “You’ve got a point there.” He reached out, grabbing Jana’s hand, pulling her in the direction of a tree along the edge of the Black Lake. Glancing behind her, she spotted Robbe’s equally confused expression as he followed after their steps. Arriving at his intended destination, Jens sat down in the shaded grass beneath the tree, pulling Jana to sit down beside him. 
Robbe followed suit, crouching down on Jens’ other side. “What are we doing? Aren’t we going to dinner?”
“Not yet,” Jens spoke, chuckling. He pulled his bag into his lap, placing Jana’s hand on his thigh, and opened his bag. It was a dark abyss, filled with books and a small pouch, only big enough to hold a quill or two maybe, which he pushed open wider. He stuck his entire hand in the pouch, which opened wider without the seam breaking, and pulled out a bottle that was three times the pocket’s size. Jana could identify it without Robbe’s low whistle.
“Where did you get butterbeer?” she asked curiously. The first Hogsmeade week wasn’t until another two weeks, but her mouth watered at the thought of butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks. It would be a lot different now that she and Britt weren’t… Jens handed over a butterbeer to Robbe, who thanked him with a grin on his face, before her boyfriend turned towards her. 
“Do you want one?” 
Jana shook her head. “No, thank you though.” 
“You sure?” 
“Yeah,” Jana remarked. She curled her legs beneath her, turning towards Jens and smiling up at him. “I want to get a headstart on our Charms homework. I don’t know what type of grader and professor Victoire, I mean, Professor Weasley will be, but I remember that she was pretty strict as a Head Girl. I do not want to get on her bad side so early in the semester.” 
“Sounds like more reason to drink,” Jens remarked, shrugging his shoulder. Robbe nodded his head, agreeing with his best friend. There was the sound of laughter moving towards them and the group of them turned, spotting Moyo walking towards them with his friend, Aaron, by his side. 
Moyo Makadi was another fifth-year Gryffindor that Jens hung around with. During the summer, Jana had seen him once or twice, but never long enough to do more than be properly introduced. As a result, Jana didn’t get along with him all that well. Moyo and Jens seemed to click, sometimes acting like they were alone when they were together, which is why Jana always tended to gravitate towards Robbe, who was similarly outcasted. 
Aaron Jacobs, a Hufflepuff, was a follower, tagging along and having a good time. Jana hadn’t met Aaron, officially anyway, until the train ride to Hogwarts where he shook her hand and gave her an awkward hug. The two of them had been in classes since they were eleven, but they had been outside of the realm each of them resided in and so they never talked. Aaron seemed nice, always trying to keep up with the conversation, but he was a little awkward, saying the wrong things without meaning to. 
“You guys want a butterbeer?” Jens questioned. 
Moyo laughed, grinning from ear-to-ear. “Yes please!” 
“What about you, Aaron?”
As the two boys sitting down, Jens fished out another two bottles of butterbeer and Robbe shifted to the edge of the shade to give them more room. Jana smiled over at Robbe, who sent her a half-smile in response, a silent thought passing between them. Jana turned towards him, trying to pull him into a conversation about their Care of Magical Creatures class. 
As she did, she spotted a flash of blonde hair. A sense of dread washed over Jana’s shoulders, but she turned anyways, finding a group of girls heading back up from the castle over Moyo’s shoulder. At one of the edges was Britt Ingelbrecht, one of her best friends, with her blonde hair straightened beautifully and her Slytherin robes resting on her shoulders. The other girls were giggling, laughing with one another, and Britt was grinning, smiling with them. 
But, as if sensing Jana’s eyes, the girl turned, her brown eyes finding the group of them beneath the tree. Her face shifted and changed, shifting from laughter to an unreadable expression. Without blinking, Britt sent a glare in her direction that made Jana want to hide, or advert her gaze, but she didn’t. When the girls turned into the school, Britt sent them a glance over her shoulder before she turned around. 
Jens spotted the glance and Robbe breathed out, raising his eyebrows, “Drama.” 
“Dude!” Jens reached down, slapping Robbe on the back of his head, causing a sip of butterbeer to spill over their jeans. Both Moyo and Aaron were ripped into laughter. Robbe hissed, wiping his hand over his jeans, as Jens pulled out his wand to vanish the liquid on his own. Jens turned back to Jana, whispering to her, “You okay?” Jana nodded her head but they all knew that she wasn’t. Jens raised an inquisitive eyebrow. “You sure?”
“I’m going to get some food,” Jana spoke up, pushing herself up on her knees and straightened her bag on her shoulder. “I’ve just been starving all throughout Care of Magical Creatures and all I’ve been able to think about is those chicken sandwiches that the house-elves like to make. I’ll see you inside?” Jens nodded his head, tilting his head up with a raise of his eyebrows, and Jana smiled at him, leaning forward to press a kiss against his lips. 
Moyo whistled and Aaron laughed. 
Robbe remarked, “Kissing so soon after the class is going to ruin our reputation.”
“Of course, you would think that,” Moyo laughed, shaking his head like he thought it was funny.
“I’ll see you inside,” Jens promised, pressing another kiss against her lips before he grabbed her hand. As she stood up, he braced her, pushing upward on their joined hands. Jana nodded her head, smiling over at Aaron and Moyo, who both waved, and Robbe grinned up at her.
Turning away from them, Jana headed towards the castle, listening to the group of four immediately starting to chat about something that she turned out. Immediately after stepping in the Entrance Hall, she was swarmed by other students, who were trying to get into the Great Hall as well, all eagerly talking with their friends about food or classes. Jana ducked her head down, following the current to the Gryffindor table. 
Jana claimed a spot at the end, her back facing the wall, and she glanced around. With all these people around her, their friends swarming around them, laughing, Jana felt lonely without the boys, without Britt… Her eyes found her former friend, who sat on the other end of the Entrance Hall, talking excitedly with the other girls around her, and Jana quickly looked away before she was caught again.
Piling chicken sandwichs on her plate and beginning to pour herself a glass of pumpkin juice, Jana glanced down the table, spotting the groups and friends of the other Gryffindors. Nearly three groups of people away from her, Jana spotted a platinum-blonde haired girl with bright red lipstick, Zoë. The girl was another fifth year, the two of them shared the same dorm since their first year. But, the two of them had had never really spoken outside of “Good morning”s and “Did we have homework”s because Jana already had friends, just in other houses. 
But, Zoë was sitting alone by herself, a textbook propped up on the pitcher in front of her, and Jana wondered, briefly, why Zoë was sitting by herself too.
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