#my take on the of course trend for seb
obsessed-with-stardew · 2 months
he’s sebastian, of course…
- he’s sebastian, of course he’s gonna be awkward around the cute new farmer
- he’s sebastian, of course his smoke breaks last at least an hour
- he’s sebastian, of course he won’t let Sam win at pool this time
- he’s sebastian, of course he’ll accept room temperature raw fish from a total stranger
- he’s sebastian, of course he’s secretly wearing cute froggy socks
- he’s sebastian, of course he’ll tell you something is better alone when he really wants your company
- he’s sebastian, of course he’s hoping you’ll stop by while he’s working on his bike
- he’s sebastian, of course he’ll let you be the sorcerer in the RPG even though that’s his favorite
- he’s sebastian, of course one of his desk drawers is full to the brim with the frozen tears you keep bringing him from the mines
- he’s sebastian, of course he’ll let you borrow his hoodie if you’re cold
- he’s sebastian, of course he’s in his feels at the beach on rainy days
- he’s sebastian, of course it seems ridiculous to picture himself living on a farm, even if he has been thinking about it lately
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vro0m · 1 year
Height fact checking - 2023 edition
Dear all, do you remember this?
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Back in 2022, when the only good grill the grid video came out, I decided to factcheck the height the drivers claimed to be with this grid photo of them through complicated and absurd calculations.
The whole thing was kinda shit because they were walking and had fluffy hair in the wind and it was highly inaccurate.
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It's time for round 2!
It took me hours to correct the perspective the best I could. Then I applied the same logic than last time which was fiding a px/cm ratio based on one of the drivers to infer the others' height. It got complicated. I had to do 2 series of measures because the ones on the platform are further away than the ones at the front. You also want to pick someone towards the middle of the photo as a benchmark because they're least subject to lense deformation but for the lower rank it meant not seeing their feet and in the upper rank, I saw on another photo angle that Guanyu was standing back compared to the others. In the end, I used Valtteri and Max as benchmarks. I used lines based on the platform and relative position of the drivers to get an idea of where their feet were and get a base to measure from.
Here's what I found :
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You can tell I did not correct the perspective well enough because there are consistent error trends as you move further from the middle, although the green lines tell you that the platform measures pretty much the same thing from one side to the other. The results are way more accurate than last time but it's still just a silly little fun thing so don't take it too seriously!
Detailed comments under the cut :
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Max was used as a benchmark so I have no comments about that. Sergio measures 173cm as he said. Last time I found him to be slightly taller than that. Once again, I argue that Seb is wrong, whatever he thinks, Charles is indeed 180cm.
On the platform, you can tell Guanyu was indeed standing back as I said, because he appears smaller than he is and what I found last time. In 2022, Lando seemed to be much shorter than he actually is but he had a weird position. It seems correct this time. Of course Piastri wasn't there last year. I found online he's listed as measuring 178cm. I found 177 which is not far off. Valtteri was the benchmark so no comments about that. In 2022 he was positioned on one of the side which means more probability of him being in a weird perspective which probably explains the off measurement.
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Now that's were it starts to get tricky. On the ground rank, George and Lewis seem to have accurate heights. In 2022, Lewis was the benchmark which explains the neat 174cm. In 2023 he is ~174cm EVEN THOUGH he's standing on his tippy toes. Yep. He is. If you look carefully at his right foot, you can see his heel is not on the ground. Silly short king.
But on the upper rank, we start to see an error trend. Lance is the right height, he seemed way taller in 2022 but it might just be down to fluffy hair. Alonso is a weird case because he's 1cm taller than he claims AND that was also the case in 2022. He might just be wrong about how tall he is lol. And then we see both Alpha Tauri boys are pretty much 1cm taller than they claim. That's probably down to perspective issues. It's kinda weird that they only affect the top rank and not the bottom rank but then again, Nyck and Yuki are further left than George and Lewis so it might be because of that.
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And here we have issues.
Bottom rank : Carlos +1.5 ; Pierre + 2.75, Este + 1.25. In the video, one of the tall drivers said the tall drivers have terrible posture. My bet is if Este was standing straight his measurement would be even more off and we could see a clear trend of people gaining cm the more to the right of the picture they are. That's down to me not correcting well enough despite my efforts rather than them lying. How do I know?
Because the same thing happened on the top rank : Hulkenberg +1 ; Magnussen +2 ; Alex +2 ; Sargeant +1.5. We find ourselves with a similar case of people gradually gaining centimetres the further right they are. Sargeant is a weird anomaly. Either
he's shorter than he claims to be and the difference is closer to 2 or 2.5,
he's standing closer to the camera than the others are, but it's difficult to say because we can't see Alex's feet although when I look at the Haas boys feet compared to his it doesn't really seem to be the case
something is really really weird with the perspective being warped like ���️ this even though the lines around them are straight? 🤔 Seems weird to me.
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Anyway here's a summary of the errors trends :
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Conclusion : the height claims are boringly mostly accurate.
The end ✨
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amyreads · 7 months
I had some questions if that's alright with you.
1. What inspires your characters appearance and sense of fashion? All of your characters have such great character designs.
2. Would you say there's a difference in genre between what you like to read and what you like to write or is it the same?
3. And last but not least, what are your favorite genre of IFs to play? Is there a specific genre or type of ro/trope you enjoy?
Of course! I love these kinds of questions! Long post warning!
1. What inspires your characters appearance and sense of fashion? All of your characters have such great character designs.
Thank you so much! I worked really hard to get them to fit a vibe that felt perfect for me. I really wanted them to be fashion-forward since a lot of being fame and being visible is being on top of trends. Characters like G have stylists so G is very trendy. The characters are also very expressive not only with their music but their clothes. None of the characters are very shy when it comes to their sense of fashion was is exciting because I love describing outfits. I know some authors find it tedious and 'amateur' which I kinda see why since it's a bit juvenile but I love love love it.
For G, I was inspired by 80s rockstars with long curly hair as well as Cher in the 70s haha I knew I wanted G to have a very prominent detail and it's their long (straight, in their case) black hair. G's tattoos are sort of a mark of their growth as an artist. When they first started, they were essentially 'pure' in the sense that they had no tats and were very young. As they grew older, the tats also grew in number. Touched by fame. SO poetic /j G is very flamboyant and they are very experimental/adventurous with their clothes.
This goes for Victoria. As a model and actress, she's very fashion forward. She prefers dresses over pants and that's kind of her brand haha ! Her red hair and the fact that her stage name ends in Valentine made red her brand, and she takes advantage of that. Branding is very important for her and G, so it helps when you have that *thing* that reminds people of you.
For Seven, the infamous (lol) bandana was something that just came to me. I also wanted Seven to have a "staple" look and I just think it looks cool! Again, it's very reminiscent of the old age rock stars. If Seven were a cartoon character, the outfit they wore at the party (industrial shirt/red and black striped undershirt) would be their "everyday outfit" I think. It really shows their personality; Seven's oversized, messy look reflects them in a way. The fact that it looks deliberately disheveled but Seven worked hours to look good is very telling of who they are. Seven likes to pretend they don't care but we all know that's not the truth!
August has a very calming quality to them. Very grounding. In a story where the ROs are all messes, August's penchant for silence and calm shines. Their colors are a nice brown, green, beige. Very neutral and low-key. They wear a lot of sweaters and cardigans and linen pants because it's comfortable and cozy. Their clothes reflect their personality the most. Kinda reminds me of pajamas in a way!
Orion is pretty self explanatory. While everyone else considers BOTB and everything an outlet for their creativity, Orion sees it for what it is: a job. He dresses professionally to set him apart from the band and everyone else. He's there to work. He's very clean-cut, and very neat so it shines in his clothes.
Seb is well, I wanted Seb to be very unassuming and just normal hahaha. Everyone else dresses really stylishly and I wanted Seb to be really low-key. It's obvious he has no desire to be in the spotlight and that shows with his plain, basic clothing.
2. Would you say there's a difference in genre between what you like to read and what you like to write or is it the same?
Hm, up until recently I used to only read fantasy. I think one of my first if games was Choice of Rebels, among a few others. Writing fantasy is what helped build up my skill. All I've ever wanted to be was a fantasy author until one day...I just started hating it. I hated writing fantasy. I LOVE LOVE reading it, but I hate writing fantasy. I don't know why. I think it's because I fail to convince myself. My suspension of disbelief is very strict when it comes to my own writing, while another writer can convince me of anything in fiction so as long as it makes a lick of sense. It's weird!
I still love fantasy as a reader but I don't think I could ever write it. I do want to try one day though!
I'm more strictly slice-of-life nowadays, aside from Body Double. I think it's easier for me. I love romcoms. I love romance, which hasn't changed. I find it funny that I'm not very romantic in real life but romance is like a baseline requirement for me in stories.
One thing that stays the same is that I love angst. Reading and writing it. I don't like fluff, it makes me cringe. (There will be fluff in Infamous aha). I don't like power fantasies or any of that. Ah, I don't know!
3. And last but not least, what are your favorite genre of IFs to play? Is there a specific genre or type of ro/trope you enjoy?
I'll read anything! I don't have a favorite, I don't think, but I do love urban/modern fantasy. A mixture of slice-of-life and fantasy is the sweet spot for me.
Specific type of RO I like are the emotionally unavailable/closed off ones or the mean ones haha. I do not like easy romances. I like working for it and I think when an RO doesn't want my character it makes it so much more fun and the payoff is so much more satisfying. I need yearning...longing. I need slow burn!
I know there are readers who like playing games where the MC is important loved but I'm not a fan. I like my MC being a regular person that's treated accordingly depending on the character and the story. I don't want my MC to get special treatment or to be powerful just because they're the MC. It has to make sense to me. For me, the ROs should have a greater purpose that goes beyond just romancing the MC.
I get a lot of flak for making the MC an underdog in infamous, but MC is not meant to be the most important person in the room at the start of the story. They need to earn it, which I think feels better.
My favorite RO from any IF game is Nash so <3 I guess that says it all hahah
I hope you liked my answers! This was really fun for me lolol
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formulacherry · 2 years
Ok Cherry! The differences between a Carlando vs. Maxiel wedding. Go. C/M anon 🍒
i’ve been sitting on this ask for 3 days so obviously i went over the top with my response
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max and daniel’s wedding would be super chill. definitely still extravagant but in a comfy and casual way and most importantly it would be FUN.
i feel like they’d have it on the farm in perth at sunset and max would have to talk daniel out of using like a sheep or something to be the ring bearer “cmon maxy it’ll be funny!” “daniel i am of course not having a sheep at my wedding.” (they use their nephews and niece instead, much to max’s relief)
one of their friends would officiate. maybe seb or someone that watched their relationship blossom from the start. they’d definitely write their own vows and they’d be a combination of really sweet words and dumb jokes and jabs at each other. daniel would be like “i love your ass and what you let me do to it” and both their mothers would let out a horrified gasp from the front row while max just furiously blushes.
their wedding photos would be really jokey; them grabbing each other’s asses and jumping on each other’s backs and stuff and the photographer would be so over it. but then when they thought they were done they’d be leaning into each other like they always subconsciously do and share a quick kiss and that’s when the photographer gets the money shot. it ends up hanging above their fireplace back in monaco.
they’d do a bunch of traditional cringe wedding things too. like come up with a hashtag that they make everyone use (it ends up trending #1 worldwide) and they’d play games that has everyone in hysterics. they’d make two bouquets specifically so they both have one to throw. (daniel aims for lando. max aims for carlos. no one fights them for it.) daniel would insist on trying to remove a garter from max’s thigh with his teeth which proves extremely difficult to do whilst max is wearing suit pants.
they’d have so many of their friends and family there. everyone who they love would make the trip over. all the drivers they’ve ever shared the grid with would be there, including the ones from before max’s time and after daniel’s. maybe they have someone like lando MC it so he can just tell embarrassing stories about them. everyone is happy. there are notable absences (eg: jos. maybe zak because max is still holding a grudge even if daniel is over it) but everyone is having such a good time that they barely give it a second thought.
their first dance would be so sweet and they’d just be laughing and kissing the whole time. there would be absolutely zero skill involved and would mostly just be them swaying together. max would twirl daniel around and then daniel would try and dip max even though max is significantly bigger. no one can take their eyes off them.
the food would be a serve yourself buffet type of situation. with like mini pizzas and sliders and stuff. just good wholesome food that everyone devours. the cake would have multiple flavours and they’d have something like donuts to go with it. they’d end up chasing each other around trying to smush it into each other’s faces.
they would have an obscene amount of alcohol. reds, whites, champagne, beer, spirits galore. they’d probably be really cringe and have a signature cocktail named ‘the maxiel’ and it would be gin and tonic mixed with honey served in a red bull can or something ridiculous like that. all the guests would be hammered, especially the grooms.
the night would end with everyone barefoot on the dance floor (martijn would DJ), daniel would be shirtless and everyone would be jumping around screaming the lyrics to bad wedding music while max and daniel are kissing in the middle of the crowd without a care in the world.
i don’t even think they’d have a proper send off because they’d also host an after party for the guests who wanted to keep going and they’d be up and partying well into the next day.
when they finally fall into bed together at like 3pm they’d just look at each other and be like ‘fuck. we finally did it.’ and they’d kiss a bit and then pass out wrapped around each other and sleep for 16 hours.
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ok firstly, i think carlos and lando elope. i reckon they’re planning this huge, extravagant wedding and it’s stressing them both out and one day one of them is just like: what if we just.. got married today? so they call a couple of their closest friends and do it on a boat or something idk but they don’t even tell their families and it’s casual and fun and suits them perfectly. they both cry reciting their vows and everyone else who is there would be crying too.
onto the actual wedding. i think it would be much more formal and classic and traditional. with the ceremony in a church maybe, or like some nice gardens. i think their mothers and sisters would be the masterminds behind the whole thing and carlos and lando would just go along with all their ideas. i feel like it’s not at all what THEY would’ve chosen, they’d want it more casual, but their wedding ends up being more of a show and they’re ultimately fine with it because at the end of the day they just want to show their love to the world. they’d probably have a bunch of important people there. CEO’s and friends of their fathers and stuff so they just want to make a good impression, and if that means having it be a little stiff then so be it.
lando would definitely sneak into carlos’ room before hand and carlos would be like “aye, mi amor. you know it is bad luck to see each other before the wedding!” and lando would shrug and be like “we’re already married so figured it doesn’t matter.” laughing. kissing. sex. just time spent together before they have to go and perform for everyone waiting outside.
they’d use pre written vows, but it wouldn’t matter because they already said everything they needed to say to each other on the boat. carlos would start crying during his anyway which would make lando cry and everyone would be cooing from the audience. their first* kiss as a married couple would be through huge smiles and tears, holding each other as close as humanly possible.
their wedding photos would be absolutely STUNNING. maybe they’re using some of them for an article in a spanish magazine or something (‘our exclusive look inside the CarLando wedding!’) idk but they’re gorgeous. posed perfectly and they both look beautiful. they’d definitely struggle to choose which ones to use and would end up having a different one in every room of the house. (their favourite photos are still the candid ones their friends take throughout the evening though)
the reception would be less stuffy than the ceremony but still incredibly formal. caco would MC which would make things a bit more casual (daniel would be put out and they’d have to explain that without even seeing what he would’ve said, they know it would not be appropriate for this kind of wedding.)
the food would be michelin star but also kinda boring. three courses. a choice between chicken and beef (carlos suggested chicken and fish but lando was horrified. “carlos i’m not having FISH at my wedding!) and it would be served to them and stuff. the cake would be super rich and decadent and they’d cut it together and lando would smush it into carlos’ face even though they agreed they weren’t going to do that. (he then wipes the icing off carlos’ lip and pops it in his own mouth, sucking on his finger. carlos can barely contain himself and lando has to tell him that “no, we can’t leave yet” and carlos would straight up whine.)
they’d have so many friends and family there. there would be mclaren team member reunions and stories swapped about them. so many claiming they knew they’d end up together and that it was obvious from the start, how lando was ‘so obvious’ in the way he looked at carlos. which would have lando blushing and carlos pulling him close for a kiss.
they’d spend the whole evening trying to have a moment alone together but they’d keep being separated by different people needing different things and eventually carlos would be so fed up that he’d grab lando and drag him outside and behind the venue. they’d end up having their first dance as just the two of them. carlos humming some song under his breath while they hold each other close and sway together. it’s perfect. completely perfect.. until caco interrupts them and tells them they have to do the real one in front of everyone now. some choreographed thing that lando feels ridiculous doing but carlos is surprisingly good at.
the send off would be extremely welcomed. everyone waving them off into the night with well wishes and sparklers. by the time they’d turned out of the venue they’d both let out such a huge sigh of relief. shrugging off their jackets and undoing their bowties. they’d probably stop at mcdonald’s drive thru or something on the way home in their fancy ass car. lando would be leaning out the window to place the order. “carlos baby, do you want fries? yeah my husband wants fries!”
when they finally make it home and into bed they’d be so exhausted but sated and happy. they’d crawl into bed and have slow, lazy sex with carlos whispering “mi amor. mi esposo. te amo.” the entire time.
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sweetmage · 1 year
For the flowery oc asks 🌹
Celestine - Rose, Lily, and Wisteria!
Hi! :D Thank you sooo much for the question(s) 🥺💖
For Celestine:
Rose - What is your OC's favourite form of self-care?
Well, for starters, she is certainly the “I’m just going to lock myself in my room for the next three weeks because my face hurts from fake smiling and I’m one nobleman’s ~hilarious~ tale away from committing a homicide” type. She isn’t shy per se, but she is easily overwhelmed by social interactions and does not enjoy the rigid guidelines of noble society so she likes to stay in her room, the parlor, or in the garden a lot. She also enjoys reading as well as lazing around in her smallclothes (sometimes lying on the rug by the window to bask in the sun like a cat).
I could also see her taking occasional trips to the seaside for her physical health as well as to enjoy the solitude, simple living, and lack of responsibilities for a short while. Come to think of it, I believe there’s a dialogue line where Sebastian says he hasn’t been to the sea and only knows the Minanter River (which, iirc, he implies is not that impressive). So it would be nice for them to go together on occasion. (kinda wanting to write a little fic about this now 😌)
Lily - What is your OC's love language?
Hmm, I think it depends on the time period. As far as giving goes, much of her and Seb’s early relationship was founded on her straightening him out and training him into being at least a serviceable leader. Of course this was only out of a sense of obligation at first, but over time she developed a personal investment in his success and watching him heal. So at that time I would say the primary one for giving was acts of service.
When things stabilized, however, I think she trended more towards quality time (which is also the way she receives love). She is incredibly introverted and tires easily from socializing, but she has a very small group of people (primarily her husband and a cousin that she is very close to) who actually have a recharging effect on her. It is my personal HC that her and Seb both have quality time as a love language so they mesh well in that regard!
Wisteria - Does your OC have a skill they'd like to learn? What is stopping them?
I think she’d quite enjoy fencing. She is relatively familiar with the bow, but only because she was trained in archery since childhood, though she has never used it practically in any way. If she could go back and get into fencing instead, I think she would. Since none of her loved ones know a thing about it, however, the idea of interacting frequently with an instructor she doesn’t know is a pretty big barrier.
She spends a lot of time in the garden or staring out the window so I think she might have a passive interest in gardening. However, he doesn’t actually know a thing about it other than watching the professionals tend to it from afar so she’d be hesitant to meddle with it and risk damaging the aesthetic arrangements, killing plants, or introducing something invasive. Perhaps she could start indoors with a nice house plant though 🤔
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imaginesmai · 5 years
Sebastian Stan- Wired Autocomplete Interview
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Requested by anon. I know this is not exactly what you asked for, but since I saw your request I had this idea, I’m sorry! I couldn’t really write it any other way... I hope you like it! Besides, it wouldn’t be my blog with a tiny bit of angst.
Plot: fans watching your interview with Sebastian are going to get more than what they bargained for.
“Hello! This is Y/N Y/L/N, from Capitan America: Winter Soldier”
“And this is Sebastian Stan, doing the wired autocomplete interview!”
The bright white light that was in front of you was turned off, and you heard someone from behind the cameras to cut for a few minutes. The introduction was done, and they wanted to make sure it looked good before going on with the main part of the interview. Whispers started filling the room and you dropped the happy fake smiled you had on your face.
Sebastian’s arm, that had been sprawled on the backrest of your chair, fell down, and he moved a few inches to his left. Your stylist gave you thumbs up from the other side of the room, signalling that he didn’t need to redo your hair or make up. So you got stuck those five minutes before the interview with the person who you didn’t want to talk.
Your happy and cheerful attitude had already disappeared, and you decided that your shoes were the most interesting thing in that room. More interesting than your boyfriend, who was sat beside you and didn’t have the courage to look at you in the eye. Not after that the previous night argument.
“Hey, um, h-hi Y/N”
You looked up to see a teenage girl with big helmets on, her hair up in a small ponytail. She was wearing the identification of the interview, so you guessed she was part of the crew. Smiling sweetly at her, you nodded.
“So, uh, could we take a picture?” she asked, fingers playing with cords of the headphones. “Or not! I don’t want to invade you, I-I know this is not exactly professional but, I’m such a big-“
“Of course!” you interrupted her rambling and got up. For the occasion, you had chosen a beautiful blue dress with white flowers, and you were glad you did. Because your other option was the old pyjamas bottoms and torn t-shirt from your best friend.
“That’s-That’s so cool” she giggled, taking her phone out of her pocket. “Thank you so much, this-this is the best day of my life.”
“Don’t worry” you said, smiling at her. “Maybe we could ask my manager to take the photo”
“I’ll do it”
You turned on your heels to see Sebastian with a tight smile, offering a hand to the girl. He got to his feet too, and took a few steps backwards to take a good photo. It was the first time you really looked at him since last night, and he looked awful. Tired eyes, bags under them and chopped lips. He seemed more like a homeless man than a famous actor. All of it because the stupid argument.
You had had it before. Actually, you had had the same arguments since the second month of your relationship, and you had been dating for two years already. Neither of you liked to argue about it, but you couldn’t reach an ending point. While you said it was time to make public your relationship, he was against it. Bad publicity for you, too much stress, the press being too pushy or not being ready for it. You had heard all type of excuses by then, and none of them convinced you that what you had with Sebastian had to stay hidden.
The flash hitting your eyes made you blink in surprise, and Sebastian lowered the phone with a small smile on his face. He looked at the photo for a few seconds, and then gave the phone to the girl. She melted in ‘thank you’ and ‘you’re so cool’s before leaving giggling and jumping a little.
Back in your seat, you folded your hands in your lap and fidgeting with the ring. As if he was testing the water, his hand itched closer to you. It was his fingers moving a little; up and down, as if he was tapping in a table, only that each time they moved closer to your leg. You were almost touching, so in a few seconds, his hand was resting on your knee, and you took that as a peace offering. Sure, you would have to talk about it later, but for the interview it was alright.
You put one of your hands on top of his, feeling how they were much colder than yours. On the contrary of what people used to think, his hands were as cold as ice. You put your fingers in between his, and he had to swallow down a smile. For the first time since he met you, he didn’t care about people watching you linking hands. Last night he had been too close to lose you.
“We start in five!”
Some people started running behind the cameras, trying to get everything under control so that the interview could start. The girl who had asked for the photo had the white tabloids in her hands, ready to be handed out to you.
You squeezed his hand one last time and gifted him with a small smile, letting him know that it would be alright.
Sebastian’s laugh filled the room when the next question was revealed; what does he uses on his hair? Your face as you read the question changed from happiness and joy to complete horror. You looked at him with wide eyes, wondering why someone would wake up and ask themselves what does he do with his hair. Joking for a few minutes about how his hair should be something protected at all cost, you continued with the next question.
If you were being honest, you were having a good time. Interviews usually got boring after the third in a row, since all of them asked the same. You liked doing them, though, but that one was being your favourite so far. And Sebastian, without a doubt, your favourite partner.
“What… God, why are this things so difficult to peel off?” you whined, trying to get a grip on the white cover.
“To answer the question, is Y/N Y/L/N a diva? Yes, she is. She needs someone to peel off this things because she doesn’t want to mess up her nails” Sebastian teased, looking straight into the camera, and you slapped his shoulder playfully.
“I can’t stand you”
“You love me”
Yeah, you loved him. You wanted nothing more to than to kiss him right there, and to stop the gossiping about him dating fans who he took photos with or his cousin that came to visit once a year. You forced the thoughts out of your head, not wanting to be seen annoyed or disappointed in the interview.
“Finally” you chuckled, when the paper came off. “What was Sebastian’s first film?”
“Oh, God” he closed his eyes and a faint blush covered his cheeks. Sebastian laughed and looked at you briefly. “You know it?”
“What? It was some teenager shameful comedy?”
“No, I-“ he cut himself before saying the name of the film, and you looked at you with raised brows. “You know it! I told you the last time we were playing Mario Kart!”
A few laughs were heard from the crew behind the camera, but you didn’t mind them. Playing Mario Kart with Sebastian could end in two ways. First one, each one of you in either side of the couch with scowls in your face and aggressively sneaking glances. The other one, video game long forgotten in TV and you riding him in the couch. You rarely payed attention to what he talked about.
Blinking confused, you tried to remember what his first film could had been.
“That-That one with the witches, and so?”
“W-What? What witches?” Sebastian laughed, not bothering to hide the way he was starting at your thoughtful face. You scrunched your nose and resisted the urge to nip at your finger.
“You know, that one where you’re the bad guy. With, with spells and black eyes and those things. There is also, like, a scene with a pool? That’s the only thing I remember, you were shirtless.”
“The Covenant?” Sebastian asked, as if he was not entirely sure what you were talking about. It was common of you to gush ramble about his ‘shirtless scenes’, saying that they were worthy of an Oscar. “I can’t believe you actually said witches.”
“What? I thought you were one! All black, mean.”
“I’m, I’m gonna ignore that” he turned his face towards the camera, his smile not disappearing. “Actually, that was the second. First one was Tony and Tina’s wedding. Small role, nothing important.”
“Nothing that you do is small” you looked at the camera with a small scowl. “He’s the diva”
Two questions later and you had finished his third panel. Sebastian had moved slowly from his seat and had wrapped his arm around your shoulder once more. His arm was touching your back, nothing that the camera could see, but enough to set you in a comfortable state where could set the anxiety and nervousness of being in an interview aside.
His head was in a slightly lower position than yours, and while you waited for your third panel, he propped it on your shoulder and left a quick kiss there. Even though there wasn’t skin, showing, you stuttered with what you were saying and almost dropped the car to the ground. Giving him a pointed look, you placed the panel your lap, and waited for him to start peeling the white papers.
As the rest of them, the first ones was innocent. That type were covered completely asking mostly about your whereabout in that moment. If your best friend lived with you, your next projects and how many pets you had had.
“Alright, next one” Sebastian said, bending forwards to rip the cover. He was, by then, resting his head on your shoulder, and the blush was permanent in your cheeks.
“I’ve seen grandpas faster than you”
“Whatever you say, kid”
The age different was not much. Only a few years, but enough reason to tease each other endlessly. Something changed on Sebastian’s face, as if he had just remembered an important fact. Quickly, he recovered and threw the paper to the side.
“How to seduce Y/N Y/L/N?” Sebastian frowned as soon as the words left his lips. “What kind of freak as that? Who still use ‘seduce’?”
You let out an awkward laugh at the question, uncrossing and crossing your legs. Your fingers tapped on the white board as Sebastian kept talking.
“And-how many people ask this to become trending?”
“Seb, maybe you should-“
“Here is a tip for that”
A small sigh left your lips, knowing that he would say something sassy. Sebastian was not the jealous one; you had to admit you were a little bit more jealous of him. He trusted you and knew you could handle yourself, that you were loyal to him. Still, there were special occasion, like that one, where he didn’t like that fans thought you were available and tried so hard to get you. Then, Sebastian would come up with a sassy comment, making everyone go wide eyed and leave the topic, him looking just like a protective friend.
Certainly, you didn’t expect his next words.
“Just find another one, cause she’s actually taken. And I don’t like sharing.”
The remark that you were going to make died in your tongue, and you looked at Sebastian surprised. Behind the camera, they didn’t hide their shock; they whispered, giggled and you swore you heard someone curse. But you were too busy looking at Sebastian with a open mouth, that he quickly sealed with a small kiss.
His lips closed around you and, after being hit by a sudden wave of cockiness, he even bit your lower one while he tore away. The only laugh that was heard came from you stylist, who you had tired out too many times with talks about Sebastian and your hidden relationship.
“Yeah, so” Sebastian said, his face still close to you. “Y/N Y/N/L can’t be seduced because she’s already with me”
He turned back to his seat and, with a sweet and innocent smile, told the camera that ‘that was all’, saying goodbye for the both of you, since you were too busy staring at him with wide eyes and shaky smile.
That’s how you seduce Y/N Y/L/N.
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marauder-exe · 4 years
Roommates- Sebastian Stan x Reader
Request: sebastian stan & reader are shooting a movie together in atlanta &his place gets flooded so they become roommates. at first he only sees her like a little sister since shes much younger than him (22) but then started seeing her differently while living together but doesnt realize it so he does nothing. then during the press tour and premiere for the movie fans noticed how he would look at her all the time &it got them trending in social media forcing him to finally admit his feelings to her 🙈
Word Count: 1.6k
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Your eyes shot open as you heard the incessant loud knocking on your apartment door. You sleepily got up from your bed and headed towards the door. You groggily it wondering who the hell was knocking at 3 in the damn morning! To your surprise, it was Sebastian Stan. You and Sebastian had become fast friends a few months ago. You had been hired as the cool best friend in a new movie that was being made in Atlanta. Sebastian was the lead, so you would be spending a lot of time together, which you didn't mind. And soon you were close, closer to him than anyone else, and it was amazing. But why was he at your door at 3am? You were hoping it was some sappy declaration of love at 3am like you see in the movies, but you knew it wasn't, he only saw you as a sister. “Seb? What are you doing here? Come in come in” You rushed him in, turning on the lights. He had a lot of stuff in boxes with him. “Is everything alright?” He was cold and shivering. You sat him down on the sofa then you got up and went to the kitchen area, turning on the kettle. “Uh, one of my neighbours did something, not entirely sure what, but he ended up flooding the entire floor of apartments. So my apartment and a lot of my stuff got ruined, and I have nowhere to stay.” He explained. You returned to the sofa with two hot chocolates, Sebastian's favourite. “Of course you can stay here Seb, you can stay in my room” You sipped your hot chocolate and lay a hand on his arm. “I couldn't take your bed, ‘m already staying in your house, ill just take the couch” You gave him a look. “Seb” “(Y/N)” You sighed. “Fine, but I'm gonna get you lots of blankets alright” He nodded as you got up to go to the cupboard in the next room. Sebastian looked around your apartment. It was quaint, cute, full of life. You had many things hanging from the walls. Posters of some movies you've been in, certificates from childhood, even your graduation. You had graduated from a top drama school with a scholarship last year, coincidentally on the same day as your 21st birthday. It was a wild, drunken night. He smiled at the memory. Soon enough you returned with a heap of blankets in your arms. Sebastian immediately rushed over to help you with the big ball of blankets. He dropped them on the couch as you took a deep breath. You tiredly giggled and lay your head on his chest, sighing. “You sure you're alright? You did just lose your entire lively hood in water” You looked up at him. “Yeah ill be fine” He waved it off. “As long as Ive got my best girl ill be fine” He smiled down at you as you smiled back. “Come on, let's get to bed, you've had a long day” You said your goodbyes and went to bed. You stared up at the ceiling. Sebastian was living with you now. Damn. Eventually you drifted off into sleep.
You awoke a few hours later to the smell of fresh pancakes coming from your kitchen. Honestly, Sebastian was something else. You jumped out of bed, wearing shorts and a vest top, slipping on your socks. You walked into the kitchen, the smell getting stronger. You spotted Sebastian with a spatula in his hand near the oven. “Alright love, fancy a pancake?” He smiled nonchalantly. You rushed over to him and placed a huge kiss on his cheek. “Oh my gosh I love you!” You sat down at the table, chomping down on the pancake, as you heard him throw his head back in laughter. “Its the least I could do” You mumbled something inaudible because of the pancake in your mouth and he laughed again. “Slow down, (Y/N)” He said as he slipped into the seat next to you with his own pancakes, you just gave him a smile. “So, any news on your apartment?” You asked, gulping down your pancakes. He nodded his head, taking a bite of his pancake. “They called an hour ago, they said there's a lot of damage and they wont know anything until next week” You nodded along. “Well you're free to stay here as long as you need” He smiled at you. You went to put your dishes away, and for the first time all day Sebastian actually looked at you, and you were beautiful. You were laughing at something random, and he felt butterflies in his stomach. Actual butterflies. He swore that only happened in movies. He had only seen you in a sisterly way up until now, now he was seeing you differently.
“Seba! Come on!” You shouted towards your room. Sebastian came rushing out in his 3 piece suit. “Damnnnn, Sebby got game!” You both laughed. “Do I look okay?” You questioned, giving one last glance in the mirror. “Of course, you look beautiful” He gave you a kiss on the cheek “Now come on! We don't wanna be late for your first press tour!” Sebastian rushed you into the car before you set off. Sebastian had been living with you for the past 6 months, and tonight was the press tour for the new movie you guys were in. Your first press tour, and you where glad it was with Sebastian. You made small talk, talking about how excited you were for your first press tour while Seb stared at you in admiration. He was glad he was with his best friend at her first press tour. The car came to a holt outside the hall. You stared outside at the huge hall, a starstruck look on your face, Sebastian looked over to you, wonder struck, and laughed. He loved seeing that look on your face. The same face you made the first time on set. He opened the car door and jumped out, making his way around the car to open your door for you. He held out his hand and you took it. “Ever the gentleman, Seba” You cooed. “Only for you” he responded, dragging you into the venue. There was paparazzi everywhere, cameras flashing constantly. It was a dream. Sebastian grabbed your hand and you flushed, looking down. He flushed as well. “You ready Sebby?” “Ready (Y/N/N)?” You both nodded and pushed open the doors. You heard a chorus of questioning interviewers, and paparazzi shouting you over. ‘Here (Y/N)’ ‘look over here Sebastian’. You stared up at him with a gigantic smile, finding he was already looking at you, he had an arm wrapped protectively around your waist. “Im so happy” You whispered. “Me too, smile for the camera” A smile reached his eyes and he looked back toward the cameras.
You and Sebastian barged through the doors to your apartment, kicking your shoes off and collapsing on the couch. You both let out a deep sigh, exhausted from the press tour. “That was one hell of a day” You sighed. “Your telling me” He chuckled. “i don't know about you but im ready for the biggest sleep of my life” You nodded in agreement as he took of his tie. He lay on the couch with his arm around you, too tired to move. Thats how you both fell asleep, for the next 12 hours, in each others arms. Until you were rudely woken up at 11am by your phone buzzing, Sebastian stirring and opening his eyes. “’mmm you alright, love?” His sleepy voice was heaven. “Yeah, my phones blowing up though” You said with furrowed brows. “Dude you and Sebastian are trending on twitter!” You read out the message from your best friend. “Guess the press tour photos are released” He chuckled. “Lets see whats trending then” He sat up to look at your phone. You opened up twitter and number one on trending was ‘AviPressTour’ which was no surprise, but on number two trending was ‘SebastiansCrush’. You gave him a confused glance. “What?” He asked, and you let him see your phone as you clicked on the hashtag. Your screen became filled with heartbroken teenage girls, and pictures of Sebastian lovingly staring at you, with a hand around your waist. One was entitled ‘i want someone to look at me the way Sebastian looks at (Y/N), you smiled at it. Sebastian gulped as he looked at the screen. Man he hated twitter. The top news story, ‘Is Sebastian Stans new boo only 22?’ It made you feel intimidated and uncomfortable. You knew Seb wouldn't like you like that because of your age. “Wo- woah, thats- thats crazy-” Sebastian stuttered, face red. No? He couldnt like you like that. Hell Sebastian didn't even knew he liked you like that until 2 minutes ago. Suddenly, every time he looked at you he felt like he was going to burst if he didn't kiss you. “Sebastian?” You questioned tentatively, turning to face him. He gulped. “Yeah?” “You like me, don't you?” You asked quietly, as if it was a secret never to be told. He stared at you, the same way he did last night, still in the same tuxedo and dress, day old makeup on. You looked as beautiful as ever. Without even thinking, he grabbed you and kissed you, its like his body had a mind of its own. You moved against each other, fitting together like puzzle pieces. You broke apart breathing heavily. “Yeah” He breathed. You stared at him quizzically. “What?” “Yes I like you” He spoke quietly, not daring to pierce the thick air with his voice. So you kissed him, as passionate as he kissed you, and smiled. You both lay against the couch, limbs tangled into each other. Bliss.
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vro0m · 1 year
vro0m’s rewatch - 166/310
2015 Brazilian GP
And that's another pole for Nico. Is that the wind shifting? Well most of the time he doesn't convert them into wins but… We'll see.
The broadcast opens with Simon saying everybody is in thought with the people affected by the Paris terrorist attacks and it's a real slap in my face because I didn't see that coming at all. The drivers are wearing black armbands. 
About Nico's pole, Brundle thinks pressure's off and that's both why Nico is performing as he is and why Lewis is not up to par. But Simon says Lewis definitely would fight for every pole and every win even though the job's already done. He also says they've seen Lewis irked by that. Hill says even though he's said it didn't affect him it absolutely does. 
The grid lines up at such : Nico, Lewis, Seb, Raikkonen, Hulkenberg, Kvyat, Valtteri, Massa, Verstappen, Sainz. 
Unbelievably, Alonso is on his third engine of the WEEKEND. That's very very bad. Of course he'll start dead last. It was the occasion of that famous photo of him relaxing in a chair in the sun. Skysports even made a little slideshow of the best memes that came out of it.
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They interviewed Nico. Brundle starts by saying it was a roller-coaster year, he kinda went missing, and now he has 4 consecutive… Then he corrects himself : this will broadcasted on Sunday, by then he might have 5 consecutive poles, so he can't say that on tape. Nico asks if he can give him some advice. "Just… Say five." (and he was right but Jesus Christ being more humble wouldn't hurt).
Anyway Nico says qualifying was a big weakness this year, Lewis always beat him, and he's happy he got better. He says in their internal battle starting 1st and still being 1st in the first corner is a big thing and he thinks it was key to Lewis winning the championship this year. He says in the previous year, qualis were his forte and he wasn't as good in the races so he tried to turn that around a bit this year and he didn't quite get the compromise right. 
Brundle asks about his mind management after Austin and before Mexico. He mentions the cap gate thing. How did he put that behind him before Mexico? Nico says Austin was very tough, because he lost the championship and it was painful. He says time heals and Brundle points out it was just a few days later, so he adds the racing emotions don't last. In Mexico he had a new motivation. He says some things Lewis said after Austin were also additional motivation to come back and beat him. 
Brundle asks if the friction they see in press conferences and in general is real. Nico says it's Hollywood and chuckles and then kind of brushes it away saying it's up and down. "A bit of everything." Brundle asks if it's uncomfortable when they're back together in the team quarters, do they look away from each other? Nico says it's "quite easygoing"... "Not much to it… Not many conversations happening," they chuckle, "But other than that, it's easygoing." 
Brundle brings up the incidents in turn 1 in Austin but also in Suzuka and asks if that's a conversation that did happen. Nico says in Japan it was hard, on the limit, but okay whether Austin was a step too far. He says it was handled by the team and they moved on. He says he needs to put these things behind him, he can't dwell. 
Brundle asks if he thinks he's doing better now that pressure's off. He says pressure’s not off, it's always there. Has Lewis dropped pace at the end of the season or did Nico find some? Nico says you can't pinpoint it to one guy or the other. It's trends. But he doesn't focus on them or think about momentum or things like that, he just takes it one race at a time. 
Is he convinced he can win next year, that he can beat Lewis to one of his championships? He says he's definitely ready to fight for it again. He's gutted about this year and how he lost it and happy that he'll have another opportunity the next year, which he's sure will be the case because they'll again have a great car. They need to keep an eye on their rivals, he cites Ferrari, they're gonna be a threat. He hopes they won't improve too much and they'll still be able to dominate. "And then I'm very sure it will be a great battle again between Lewis and I." 
You know there's one thing I feel the need to point out : most often than not when Lewis is asked about Nico he gets defensive (see Austin for example) VS. Nico is basically always fine talking about Lewis. I think the way they talk or don't talk about and admit or don't admit to their rivalry says a lot about their characters, the way they perceived it and each other, and the way they experienced it. I think it perfectly hints to Lewis not wanting to hear about Nico again after the facts VS Nico not minding the relationship as much. But then again I haven't seen 2016 yet so I might see it differently afterwards. 
And the cars are on their way to the grid. There's a big black cloud floating its way to the track… and Sainz has stopped in the pit lane exit. 
It's another short circuit so it's a 71 lap race, which I don't like. The winner started on the front row for the last 7 years so I also don't expect it to be fascinating. 
Formation lap. 
Sainz I believe is gonna start from the pits. 
And they're racing! 
Ooooh if the two Mercedes didn't touch it was very very close, but Nico is ahead. A couple of cars go wide shortly after. Yellow flags in sector 2, for Sainz, who's stopped again. No power. At the end of lap 1, Nico still leads followed by Lewis, Seb, Raikkonen, Valtteri (+2), Kvyat, Hulkenberg (-2), Massa, Perez (+?) and Verstappen (-1). It's double yellow flags now as the marshals are on track trying to push Sainz away. It's weird, as the journalists point out, that we're not getting a VSC. Ricciardo already pits, he's P19 anyway. 
It's lap 10 already and the standings are still Nico, Lewis, Seb, Raikkonen, Valtteri, Kvyat, Massa up in P7, Perez up in P8, Verstappen back in P9, and Grosjean in P10. Hulkenberg just pitted and so Massa is now called in, it's gonna be a chain reaction. Valtteri pits, Kvyat pits, Verstappen pits, pit pit pit pit pit. The Ferrari mechanics are out, it's for Raikkonen, they're reacting to Valtteri. Nico is called in. Seb as well. And Lewis is then in the lead, 21.7 seconds ahead of Nico… This might be close… He pits. Ohhhh. Nico is still ahead. Suddenly, a couple of laps later, Lewis is just half a second short. Nico must have made a mistake? His engineer says : "Lewis is trying quite hard." The journalists say it's basically code for he's using a different engine mode. 
It's lap 20. Behind them the order goes Seb, Raikkonen, Valtteri, still. Then Hulkenberg is back in P6, followed by Maldonado, Kvyat, Massa, and Perez is in P10. Lewis warns Bono his tyres are not gonna last. He's still less than a second behind Nico. A bit later, Bono says the deg looks low on all cars including themselves. Lewis is still closing in on Nico. He's attacking now! All the while complaining it's impossible to follow on this track lol. Crofty and Brundle are wondering if Nico has some issue that's making him slow as he is, but Ted said Mercedes said he didn't complain about his brakes or anything. Lewis drops back. On the radio he's begging to be put on another strategy even though I think Mercedes doesn't allow them to change strategy during the race. He says he's faster but can't overtake. Not broadcasted, he says : "Guys you need to come up with some other solution I’m telling you." But Bono answers (broadcasted) : "Lewis the only other real option to protect the P2 and try and go for the win, is to stretch this stint long and just put us on a tyre offset at the end. Still be on the same tyre but just different tyre age." 
On lap 30 Lewis is 3 seconds behind. Then it's still Seb, Raikkonen, Valtteri, Hulkenberg, Kvyat, Massa, Perez, Verstappen is back in P10. Crofty reminds us that in China, Nico accused Lewis of backing him up into Seb and putting him under threat and ruining his race. He's wondering whether he's doing the same thing. Verstappen overtakes Perez as does Grosjean. Beautiful move. Brundle says that's why Verstappen will become world champion at some point, the confidence he has on track. Yellow flags in sector 1 but it disappeared. Seb pits? Weird. He got softs. Nico pits for mediums. "It's hammertime". He pits and he's out behind Raikkonen who didn't come in yet, but ahead of Seb. That's not good, to be stuck behind Raikkonen. Nico is told they're going plan B. He asks what happened to Lewis and if his tyres degraded. He's told yes but this time the stints will be shorter. 
Lap 40, it's boring as all hell, nothing to say. Lewis is closing in on Nico slightly. Seb is called in again already, back to the mediums. Nico is called in immediately in answer. And now it's Lewis' turn… 
It's lap 50. The standings didn't change. Ross tells Nico there's a lot of traffic to get through and they want to keep that gap to Lewis. Nico asks if he's stopped and he's told yes, he's 2 seconds behind him. The gap is down to 1.5 in the traffic. 1.4. "Lewis is trying hard Nico so his wear will be the same as yours if you push at the same pace." Lewis sets the fastest lap. 1.2. Come on, give us a real fight. 1.1. They're clearing backmarkers left and right… Lewis loses half a second lapping Grosjean… Suddenly he says he's damaged his floor! On a replay we see he locked up badly overtaking Grosjean. 1.5. "Don't talk anymore," Nico tells his engineer. He's under pressure. Lewis is reassured the aero looks fine. But he's losing time again. 
Lap 60, we're finally nearing the end. Nico, Lewis, Seb, Raikkonen, Valtteri, Hulkenberg, Kvyat, Massa, Grosjean, Maldonado. Lewis lost a second to Nico. I'm so over it lol. Lewis says his tyres have gone off but it's not like it matters anymore, there's 2 laps left. 
It's the end of the race. 
Nico wins ahead of Lewis and Seb. 
Let's hear Niki. So Nico will be second in the WDC standings. Unbelievable performance, couldn't have done better he says. Lewis second place, "he will think about all this but very good race." Nico has been awesome this weekend like the previous one. Suddenly his brain switched "and off he goes". These things happen to drivers, sometimes you fight with yourself and once you get free in your head, off you go. Ted asks if now that Lewis has won the championship he's lost the need. "Maybe he lost the need, nevertheless he's still fighting, you can see it every lap. Now in the moment Nico is better." 
The cool down room is very noisy and we don't hear anything. Oh lol apparently it's moustache guy who gets to be on the podium with them. Lewis and Nico didn't interact at all.
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Wow, even the champagne moment is boring. Only Lewis is spraying, the other two are just drinking. 
Brundle is doing the podium interviews. Nico says he didn't have any issues and doesn't really know what Brundle is referring to when he asks about that time he was really slow. Brundle says he needs to do what he's doing now earlier in the year so he can have a chance at the championship. Nico sarcastically thanks him for the advice. "I couldn't figure that out myself." Brundle asks how he can do it. Nico says he is pushing now as he was at the beginning of the season. 
Lewis is pissed actually. Short sentences as always when that's the case. He says he had the pace but you can't overtake here. He says he killed his tyres trying to follow Nico and adds that it's a shame because it's a great track but you just can't get close enough to race, unless you have a huge advantage on the guy in front and F1 is about the fine line so you can't get close enough to be able to fight. The crowd is singing. Brundle says he was on radio asking for a different strategy but can't do that within the team, is it frustrating? "Well I mean…" he says on a higher pitch. "I'm here to race." He says when they're both doing the same thing it's kinda like the order has been set from the beginning. Which is why he's pushing for another strategy, for taking risks, but they ask him to look after the tyres "and I'm like 'no, I'm racing'." He thinks that's what people wanna see. (It's interesting because he rarely criticises the team. But also he's right because both championships have been settled, I feel like they could afford to take more risks then but I also understand they don't to preserve the inner dynamic between their drivers. Also it’s not a problem to Lewis when he’s winning, of course.) He says as he said he couldn't get close enough and so it was relatively boring following in a tow. Brundle says Nico has the upper hand at the moment. Lewis says Nico has been driving fantastically well and he did a great job in quali (cut to a wider view of Nico seemingly kicking his feet lol) especially the last few races.
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"Last race he drove fantastically well, today no mistakes, so he did good." 
Alright. Post race then. It's really not a great broadcast so far in terms of content. 
Ted talked with Paddy Lowe. They think the fight was great but Nico had it under control. Ted asks if Nico was nursing anything when Lewis got close. Paddy says nothing more than the tyres. He says they were aiming for a two-stop race and were pushed to a three-stop by Ferrari. "Or rather by Sebastian." So ultimately the tyres had a lot more in them that they'd envisioned but until then, Nico was saving the tyres as a 2-stop strategy would have required. (It makes sense.) Of course he asks about Lewis wanting a different strategy and why they didn't let him do that. Paddy says in the end they did but the 3-stop wasn't the best strategy so it wouldn't have helped him to move to a 3-stop at that point. (But didn't he ask for another strategy AFTER they moved to a 3-stop? Oh actually no, it was about 10 laps earlier. My bad.) He said with the need to shadow what Seb was doing, it was fine, because they were all on the suboptimal strategy, then. But they couldn't do that just for Lewis and not Nico. It wouldn't have been right. Ted asks again whether Lewis winning the championship means he's lost the need. Paddy looks at him like he grew a pair of balls on his forehead. He shakes his head and starts answering before Ted even gives him the mic. "No, not at all." He bursts out in a short chuckle like it's the most insane thing he's heard all year. No, he really wanted to win here. As he walks away he still shakes his head a last time with the same baffled expression. It's so funny lol I love this weird little guy. 
The journalists are questioning Mercedes’ approach of keeping everything fair between their drivers. Simon wonders if we've been robbed of a more interesting race. Hill says Lewis is right and the driver should be able to call the shots, because the same situation gives the same results. 
Listen. Although I agree, weren't they also saying last year that these drivers were out of control and that the team was supposed to control their drivers? Actually wait, no, it was Eddie Jordan I believe. But my point is : yes it's boring. Yes it means the second one can't really win. Put that in the balance with what kind of internal turmoil it could cause for them to change strategies in the middle of the race. From the team's point of view there's no way that's worth it. They got 1-2s most of the year this way. If the second driver were to try risky strategies that's 1) potentially more opportunities for close racing between their two drivers and thus more opportunities for friendly crashes 2) more chances that the second strategy doesn't work and they don't get a 1-2 3) most likely increased tension between them. But then we're back to what I was saying about the two championships being settled anyway so they had leeway to try more risky things at this point. 
They ask Toto about it. He says first of all having difficulties to follow the cars is nothing new. In terms of strategy, he says although it's exciting for the fans to see him push the way he did, it destroyed his tyres in the process and a three stop strategy when he called for it would have dropped him behind Vettel, losing him P2. Then he goes on to say exactly what I said. If you start splitting strategies you're creating a very bad controversy inside your own team. First of all one might get the right call and the other the wrong call, then you have to explain why one got one strategy and the other the other. Then you have to look at your competitors : you don't wanna risk the team result, the 1-2, to Vettel who's in P3. But Johnny says then also exactly what I said : does it matter now though? The championships are settled and it would be exciting. They wanted to choose their own strategies, it might not work out for them at the end of the day, but shouldn't they be able NOW to have a little bit of fun? Toto says that the fan in him says yes absolutely. "Be a fan!" Johnny interrupts him. But Toto continues : from the inside, "do we wanna create a precedent?" and find themselves having to solve this next year, why then yes, why now no, why in this race and not this one, and then they have to mediate between the two of them. "Unfortunately my position is a bit boring." 
(That brings me back to the ask controversy in which one of you said Mercedes manufactured the rivalry and created it from within etc.: isn't this proof that, on the contrary, in 2014 things heated up so dangerously that in 2015 they were already aware and cautious of how explosive that dynamic was? And that they were very much trying to mitigate it?) 
Hill says that if that was a championship deciding race then it means they are deciding who's winning it because they're not letting the second driver take a chance. He says although he understands why he's doing that and that it's the right decision, it's a problem for the sport. Toto says he's right and if it was the championship decider they might very well decide to leave it to them to choose strategies. He says they would definitely consider it because they don't want to decide the result from the pit wall. (Mmmh yeah… I’m not too sure I believe that…)
Finally Simon says Lewis mentioned the team warping towards Nico in the past couple of races and asks if from his point of view it's been an overt thing that they've been trying to help him get the second spot in the WDC. Toto refutes it. Nico didn't need any help. He says he sometimes finds himself in the position of a football trainer, they've been as strong as they are because they've kept the whole group together, it's not just the drivers. And if you have one guy pissed off every race because he's P2, you have to manage it and that's what they're trying to do. (So that sounds like “yes they did” to me but okay, whatever Torger.) They discuss it and sometimes laugh about it and it's okay. 
Interestingly, in his postrace interview, Nico says they had to move to a three stop strategy because Lewis fucked his tyres driving the way he drove. He says it with a bit of a snide tone too, almost laughing. He says he himself was controlling the balance between tyres and pace. No mention of the pressure the Ferraris put on them at all. No mention of Seb pitting early. The journalist says he's already said he's not doing anything different but still that's the Nico they wanted to see earlier in the season so what happened? He says that's the Nico he wanted to see too but maintains he didn't change a thing. 
Lewis. She says a lot of people were rooting for him as he was closing that gap but still the win eluded him there. Why? He says same as it did last year.
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First of all he didn't do the job in quali and you can't really do anything else on this track. He has a slight smile.
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He says he did everything similar to last year on the track and– and Nico did a fantastic job and didn't make any mistakes, he adds quickly. She says the gap got way bigger very suddenly and asks if it was the tyres dropping off. He says the tyres dropped off and he thinks he might have damaged the floor a little bit. She says we didn't see an incident, what could have caused– The kerbs, he interrupts. She says Nico seems to be building confidence and Lewis said he'd done the job but surely he's a racer and he's gonna want to win the last race and fight all the way. Ohh he's angry. "Yeah well I mean it's funny how journalists always– they take one little thing and run off with it. It's not that I said that my job's done for the year that I don't, that I'm not trying. I came with the same fire and desire to win this race than I've done the whole year long. And trust me I did everything that was possibly in my ability today. I used every, exhausted every skill and bit that I had out there to try and get by but I just couldn't so um... Yeah. Nico did a great job, and, you know, I move forward and with the last race there's still another shot." She says quali in Abu Dhabi must be really important for him now. He hums. He says not particularly. He started second last year and had a good start. He thinks it's a track where there's not a big difference between the sides of the grid. So maybe there's an opportunity there. 
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musette22 · 4 years
I work in PR so here's an insider's take: All press is good press and often bad press is better. If they had just done an interview, would we still be talking about it, would their names be trending, would there be this much debate? All exposure is a plus for PR, not matter the context, as long as they stay on the right side of the law. Fandom has a short memory, so since no major news agency has picked up on it (e.g. "SS/CE SLAMMED for travelling...") they have pulled this off successfully 1/5
The identical Europe trips are either because a) they’re real relationships and it’s pure coincidence (doubtful), b) they’re on their way to work in Europe anyway (possible) or c) Although travelling is tone deaf, if you need to be seen maskless and frolicking outside with a stranger, going to a country where there is a much lower covid rate and doing so is within regulations is both safer and better optics. If Seb had done this in the centre of NY the reaction would possibly have been worse 2/5
Also, travelling to a European GF makes the relationships seem more real because it’s a significant thing to do right now. It adds a “star-crossed lovers separated by covid” narrative that a lot of celebs are playing on. The identical timing is very beneficial for Seb – he is less famous so got less coverage, but he has successfully hitched himself to Chris by doing it at the same time and is getting a shout out in bigger articles about Chris. I can’t imagine this wasn’t planned 3/5
It’s important to be aware that this will have 0 negative effect on their careers or reputations – not just because there has been no evidence of them clearly breaking rules (you don’t have to wear a mask while eating dinner or swimming in the ocean guys, come on) – but because, and don’t take this the wrong way, fandom doesn’t matter in the long run. They have millions of followers and at most a few hundred people are complaining. Most don’t even know about this. 4/5
Directors, producers etc. will either never find out, or won’t care, because they’re rich privileged men too and will probably have done the same thing. Sometimes the hate in the tags can seem like their career is in jeopardy but they’re shouting into the void. Even if all of them never spend a penny on SS/CE movies again, it would not hurt the boys in any way. Overall, the PR is little clumsy and tone-deaf but ultimately very successful, and I’m fascinated as to where it will go next 5/5
Thank you so much for sharing your insight! Much appreciated. I definitely agree with you for the most part, particularly about how fandom is just a small percentage of the target base for these guys’ managements, and how the  negative aspects of this will be forgotten soon enough and not actually affect their careers in the long run (except for positively). Assuming both cases are PR and not coincidences, I feel like saying it’s definitely PR to benefit their careers while also saying ‘most people don’t even know about this’ is a bit of a contradictio in terminis. Also, I think the outrage over the fact that (particularly Seb) is holidaying sans mask might be a little bit more significant than that and could actually lose them some hardcore fans, but like you, I definitely don’t think any of it is harming their careers in terms of securing roles or contracts or anything. 
The thing about how the romantic narrative of being reunited with European girlfriends will make people coo, and the fact that this kind of thing is more palatable when happening in Europe than in New York or LA or Miami or wherever in the US right now definitely makes sense too, I’ve thought that from the start as well. Also add in the convenient fact that it’s much easier to make these relationships believably peter off after a while due to the fact that it’s hard to maintain long-distance relationships and it makes even more sense. 
As for the part where you say the fact that this is happening simultaneously is because being hitched to Chris’s name it gives Seb’s story more visibility and clout; I can see that that would be the case, definitely, but I personally feel like there’s more to it than that. I’m not debating that’s true, but to me it seems more like clever spinning of a tricky situation into a to a convenient one (of course, I could be wrong, but that’s how it comes across for me) than fully premeditated. And yes, as an Evanstan shipper I am of course biased lol, but even if I try to put that aside for a moment, it doesn’t feel like a completely satisfying explanation to me. 
First of all, there’s still the question of why Chris is doing this, why like this, and especially why right now (I know there’s several possible explanations but none of them have me convinced yet). Then there's still also the fact that both Chris and Seb have been single and not linked to any women for quite a while, and they both suddenly have 'girlfriends' (which is good PR but also conveniently proves they're straight, which is especially important considering the long stretches of single-ness ‘at their age’, which in itself is quite interesting) at exactly the same time. While I could well be wrong, there’s something to that part of the whole situation that I think is definitely significant, though I still can’t put my finger on exactly why. In any case, there’s definitely more to all this than even we (as in, us intense fandom folk) are seeing, but in what way exactly still eludes me 🤷🏻 But yes, like you, I am also fascinated (and a lot apprehensive) to see where this goes next...
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dailymolliarty · 5 years
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The Mouse and the Spider by I’m Over There: Jim Moriarty gets bored. Molly Hooper gets lonely. They’re just two planets revolving around the brilliant sun that is Sherlock Holmes, drawn in by his gravity. And his light. But everybody needs distractions… 
Song as Old as Rhyme by @wherestoriescomefrom:  Hush, the wind is blowing hard. Be quiet, child, sleep soundly - Or the Dark One will steal your heart. [Beauty and the Beast AU]
Nameless by @wherestoriescomefrom: The first name was expected - even welcomed. The second, on the other hand, left much to be desired. And Jim would never understand what it was about it that was compelling. [Soulmate AU: On one hand, the name of your soulmate, on the other - your enemy. Molliarty.]
The Rose Point Manor:  A young woman struggling in an unjust society takes a break from the theatrics of pretending to be her male counterpart, Mark Hooper, and decides to relax at the quiet but foreboding Rose Point Manor. There she comes to a realization that something far more sinister lurks there than at her morgue back home - Victorian AU
We’re Ancient History:  When Molly Hooper had begun her scientific expedition, she never knew her time on the dig sites would unearth more than the dead.
Forget Me Not:  “This melancholy London - I sometimes imagine that the souls of the lost are compelled to walk through its streets perpetually. One feels them passing like a whiff of air.” What happens when two lost souls find each other? Are they still forgotten? - Amnesia!AU
Capture My Good Side: “Photography is all about secrets. The secrets we all have and will never tell.”
Deus Mortis: "You can hide from the devil, but he’ll always find you.“ - Victorian AU
Face Value: “I’m not sure how to describe this nonsense, basically Molly looks good in a moustache and Jim notices.”
Not a Body Farm: Molly really should’ve known better than to download FarmVille on a criminal mastermind’s cell phone, even if it had been a hilarious joke at the time. Since one day she wakes up in a bed in some random farm in the middle of nowhere, and the deed to the property in her name.
Oh God, Not the Westwood!:  In which timid Molly Hooper must hide a heinous crime from a man who likes to watch a murder take place while drinking his morning coffee.
Life Preserver: “Missing you comes in waves and tonight I am drowning.”
Midnight Edition: The Bittersweet: Pop-rocks can be unpredictable. In an instance, a delight to the senses, or startling painful the next - smut
The Bittersweet:  Even delicious things can be sour, at another glance.
Third Date Syndrome: Long bouts of silence and awkwardness on first dates are inevitable, and for the hundredth time Molly wished she was exempted from it.
We’ll Always Have St. Barts: “I wish I didn’t love you so much.” - Casablanca AU
Apex: Molly Hooper thinks fondly of Jim from IT, but can’t get enough of Jim Moriarty - contains smut~
The Parting Glass: After Reichenbach, Molly Hooper is drowning. She receives a package, request and tradition from a very dead Jim Moriarty. She receives nothing but burdens from a very alive Sherlock Holmes.
Rust and Stardust: “The last long lap is the hardest. I shall be dumped where the weed decays, and the rest is rust and stardust.” - Jim is a ghost, and wouldn’t it just figure that he haunts Molly Hooper.
Wild and Precious: “Doesn’t everything die at last, and too soon? Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” - How Molly fell in love with a ghost, and tried not to waste her life beside him. She failed. - settled in the same universe of Rust and Stardust
Release: Written for the prompt “Jim fucking Molly so hard and so good that she can’t even get a full word out, only moans and half-uttered curses “: In which Jim surprises Molly after work - contains smut~
A Love Outside of Time: There’s a lot of strange happenings at 2945 S Willow Street, shrieks and screams and moans that have terrorized the neighbors and left the house unsold for generations. Can the great paranormal investigator, Sherlock Holmes, exorcise the spirits living there?
Gifts Given and Received: Sherlock ruined Molly’s Christmas gift and Jim is determined to make her holiday better. - ASIB AU, contains smut~
Cabernet Sauvignon: Written for the prompt “Jim’s ready to propose, but wants the event to be special, and so he hides the ring in Molly’s wine. Molly drinks it down too fast and chokes on the ring”: A fluffy slice of life, where Molly makes Jim’s life just a little less lonely.
Power Dynamic: Molly can’t help trying to control the insanity that is Jim Moriarty. A framework for his mind to lean on, a collar to hold him together, a mistress to keep him mostly sane.
Asphodel: “When you need slightly-less-than-legal magic substances, you seek out ‘Moriarty’s Special Imports and Fineries’. A new branch of Necromancy, pathologist-in-training Molly Hooper returns a set of counterfeit goods and receives a job offer in return.” - Fantasy AU
Her beast feature: “As he studied her from afar, Jim thought Molly’s best feature was her neck. He really didn’t anticipate her reaction to Sherlock beating a dead man with a riding crop.” - Molly x Jim, PWP, set at the beginning of A Study in Pink
Junior: So what’s a beleaguered pathologist to do when the UK’s Most Wanted turns up to visit her cat?
Mr Sex: Jim doesn’t ask her what she likes or what she needs; it’s not necessary. But he asks her what she wants - contains smut
Sunday Afternoon: Sleep with Molly Hooper:  Molly canceled their date at the last minute, but no one messes with Jim’s precisely organized calendar and gets away with it.
Why Don’t You Do Right?:  Seb arranges for Molly to get an extra special, early birthday present. Jim gets to learn something new about Molly. And Molly discovers one of Jim’s deepest secrets.
Club Calavera: Downing five zombies doesn’t give Jim the liquid courage he needs to ask Molly a very important question. It only makes him forget that he and Molly are already together.
Happy Birthday, Jimmy Boy: Jim’s never had a good birthday. Molly’s determined to buck the trend. - contains smut
It’s A Nice Day For a [White Wedding]: The wedding of James Moriarty to Molly Hooper can be nothing less than a momentous occasion. In his speech, their best man recounts some of the juicier bits of Jim and Molly’s journey into matrimony.
Cold War: She had to admit Jim was creative. Who else would think to kill three ice cream salesmen from different towns and attach a one-worded note to each corpse, forming the sentence, “Ready to concede?”
My Persuasion Can Build a Nation: In a world where Eurus had a best friend growing up, she doesn’t go to Sherrinford, nor does she turn out as unhinged as she did in canon. However, she’s still Eurus, and her brothers absolutely forbid her from meeting Jim Moriarty. She’ll just have to fix that, won’t she? Also: Matchmaker!Eurus ftw.
What Sober Couldn’t Say: “(11:23 pm) Drinking again(11:24 pm) And since it makes me too sad to go on my blog anymore thanks to you, I figured it’s only fair you become my new place to vent(11:25 pm) You’re probably not receiving these messages anyway so no harm no foul(11:25 pm) Right?” - Molly drunk-texts Jim over the course of several months.
I Wanna Feel Like I Am Floating: “Now the question is…" He vamp-flipped them over so she was lying down and his body was pinning hers. “Should I tie you up and make you take it, or are you going to be a good little vampire and let Daddy have his way with you?” Jim & Molly’s journey: blood-sharing edition.- Vampire!Molliarty AU, s-m-u-t.
Coffin Shopping: Sebastian could only imagine what the other, mostly ancient customers perusing the store must be thinking of the couple in their thirties, bubbling with laughter and fooling around as they ran about in search of the perfect coffin.
Come To Daddy: Jim failed to see how Molly’s physicality could ever not be arousing. The size of her lips did nothing to detract from how amazing she was at sucking cock. The size of her breasts made it no less fun for Jim to cup them in his hands, tease her nipples into hard peaks, suck on them until she squirmed and made those delightful little sounds. - smuttish ;)
Intention: A take on how the brief but unforgettable office romance between Jim from IT and Molly from Pathology began and how it just might become more than just a simple office romance.
An Exchange: Jim Moriarty comes across a familiar face and realises, from just one exchange, that it is not merely Sherlock Holmes that connects them, but a connection of their own.
A Beginning: Jim Moriarty tries to make sense of new waves of sentiment as his office romance with Molly Hooper transits to become something more.
Interruptions: Molly Hooper is made to face a stunning revelation about Jim Moriarty, but it is her reaction that stuns him most.
An Enemy’s Gift: In the pursuit of his greatest enemy, Jim Moriarty makes an unexpected discovery.
On Fanfiction.net:
Life: James Moriarty is in trouble, so much trouble that he fears for his life. He soon learns, however, he has absolutely nothing to fear, not with Molly Hooper around.
Spiders: Molly and Jim have a casual chat laced with hints of their plans, revealing a side to Molly that both surprises and seduces Jim.
(Re)kindle: Jim Moriarty is perplexed at the lasting impression a certain Molly Hooper has left on him. When his rekindled fascination with her meets an unexpected obstacle, an animosity is ignited.
Other fics:
- The Demon I cling to
- The Anatomist
- What Slinks Unseen (one-shot)
- Safety in Small Numbers (one-shot)
- Heart Shaped Buttons  (one-shot)
- I.O.U (in progress, Season 4 AU)
- A change of clothes (one-shot, smut)
- The Uninvited House Guest
- Home is where (one-shot)
- Danse Macabre (one-shot) mine
- Lay your body next to mine (one-shot, mine, smut, dark themes)
- Symmetry (one-shot)
- Kisses for the Devil (one-shot)
- Descend (one-shot)
- Death and the Maiden
- The Number Is (one-shot)
- The Devil’s Own (warning: dark themes)
- Reality of Innocence (warning:smut)
- Gifts (one-shot)
- Thanaptosis (warning: dark themes)
- Pulse (one-shot)
- Yorick’s grin
- Hades (one-shot)
- Gay (warning:smut)
- Oaths, affidavits and Other Lies
- Brain Drain (one-shot)
- Counting Days (one-shot)
- A conversation starter (one-shot)
- Spinning Tornadoes (one-shot)
- Secret Veins and Arteries (warning:dark themes)
- Watching the world burn (one-shot, smut)
- Death and the Maiden
- Unloveable
- Sweet Dreams (one-shot)
- Frozen Feelings
- Forever and Always
- I will burn the heart out of you
- Choke  (one-shot)
- His Dark Mistress (one-shot)
- He saved the last dance for me
- Exsanguination (one-shot, very kinky smut)
- Almost Anyone  (one-shot)
- No Space between Us  (one-shot, smut)
- Brain Drain  (one-shot)
- Between the bars  (one-shot, smut)
- Troubleshooting  (one-shot, smut)
- Falling  (one-shot, smut)
- Knots in this noose of mine  (one-shot)
- Glass shatters softly  (one-shot)
- Victor, meet spoils (one-shot)
- He kindly stopped me  (one-shot)
- Blow the House Down (one-shot)
- The answer is one  (one-shot)
- Strings  (one-shot)
- Heartbeats in the Dark
- The Fox (one-shot, smut)
- Bad Romance
- Lion and the Lamb (one-shot)
- Red Song in the Night
- The Rules Are (one-shot)
- Molly Mine (one-shot, smut)
- Restless Things (warning: very dark themes + Johnlock)
- Intention (one-shot)
- At the End of it all (one-shot, smuttish)
- An Incorrect Deduction
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samsonet · 4 years
Silver Dreaming (3/6)
Do Not Disturb shuts off automatically at six in the morning. Raihan regrets this when he’s woken by the sound of a million text messages.
There are rules when it comes to messaging. One of those rules is that you don’t text people before nine a.m. unless it’s an emergency. Raihan glances at the notifications and finds nothing urgent about them. He’s not in the mood for this right now.
He leaves his phone on the bed and heads into the hallway. There’s a pot of coffee ready, and the scent fills the air like petrichor.
Nessa probably made it, like usual. She’s the best.
When Raihan arrives in the living room, coffee in hand, he finds Nessa doing her morning stretches as she usually does. Her hair is tied in a loose bun. She’s wearing the t-shirt and sweatpants she’d brought over last night to sleep in. She looks normal, like she’s not a supermodel and gym leader in her day jobs.
(Sonia is nowhere to be seen. She’s probably still asleep. No need to wake her; university doesn’t start again for another two weeks.)
“Wanna join me?” Nessa asks, pushing her legs into a perfect split.
Show off.
“You know I can’t do what you do.”
“You can do something basic. Don’t you stretch before you train?” She looks up at him, her eyes calm and deep. “It might be the last time we get the chance, Rai. Please?”
With a sigh, he gulps the rest of his coffee and sets the mug out of the way. Then he sits across from her and pulls one arm in front of his chest.
One, two, three…
Nessa says, offhandedly, “Milo taught me about thinning the other day.”
“Milo… taught you… about thinning?”
She rolls her eyes. “It’s a gardening thing. When you’ve got a bunch of seedlings together, sometimes you have to uproot some so the others have more space to grow.”
“Ah. So you’re saying that it might be time for a certain golden flower to get uprooted so a certain water lily has space, right?”
“It’s not like that, it’s — I mean…” Sighing, she pulls up one knee and pushes against her leg. “You leaving would really shake up the league. I stayed up last night thinking about it. I’ll be fine, I think. I’m flexible.”
You’ll be more than fine, Raihan thinks. You’ll thrive.
Being flexible her thing, the way weather is his. It’s how she wins battles and how she wins at life. She moves through any situation like water, and his absence won’t make that any different.
He pulls up his leg, copying her pose. One, two, three...
She continues. “I wanted to be Hulbury’s gym leader since I was six years old. I wanted to be a model from the time I was fifteen. I wanted to be close to Sonia and Milo and you since the day I met you all. And I get to have all of that, because I’m flexible.”
“And now you’ll get even more. Congrats, Ness. You’ve earned it.”
She leans forward, stretching her back. “Did I, though?”
Come on, Ness, don’t say it like that.
“Aw, are you having doubts? Come on, it’s supposed to be my identity crisis here.” He says it with a grin, like it’s all a joke. But Nessa isn’t laughing.
“You wanted to be champion when you were a kid, didn’t you? Instead, you ended up a gym leader. You’ve just been treading water for the last ten years. I always knew you’d be heading to a bigger pond someday — to a place where you could really stretch your legs. I would just be taking advantage of that.”
Treading water. A bigger pond.
The league is supposed to be a place where dreams come true, if you’re strong enough, if you’re good enough. Everyone’s dreaming of something as they step in the stadiums.
It’s been a long time since Raihan has really thought about his own dreams.
What does he want? Not as the gym leader of Hammerlocke, not as the potential champion of Alola. Not as Leon’s rival or as Nessa’s friend.
What does he want?
To beat Leon?
To have battles where he can fully show off what his Pokémon can do?
He’d wanted to be Galar’s champion at one point, sure, but his goals aren’t as concrete anymore.
He wants validation. Adoration. Respect.
Will he get that in Alola? Does he honestly get that here?
Nessa leans to the side, almost bent over double. Raihan tries the same. He’s pretty sure he heard his back pop.
One, two, three...
“I think you should go,” she tells him. “Thin out the dandelions. Make some space for the golden flowers to grow like they’re supposed to.”
At seven-thirty he can’t pretend to be asleep anymore, so he checks his phone and gets ready for the day.
Piers was right about how quickly the news would spread. On Chattr, the words Hammerlocke and Alola Champion are trending. All his accounts are getting pinged.
It feels like everyone who’s ever had his number has sent something. His mum is mad that she had to find out about this from social media. Gordie and Milo give congratulations. Kabu and Melony ask if he’s really going. The reporters he’s given his number to — the ones he usually depends on to set the narrative he wants — are asking for a comment.
He apologizes to his mum and copy/pastes a “No comment as of now” to the reporters. He’ll reply to everyone else at lunchtime.
A new message pops up. It’s from Camilla.
Angry fans outside the stadium. Disguise?
He’ll take her word for it.
Raihan digs through his closet and brings out The Outfit.
It’s a league staff uniform, complete with a hat and sunglasses. Every gym leader has a couple of these uniforms, specifically tailored for them. Nobody looks twice at a lowly staff member, after all.
Raihan puts it on, tucks his hair under the cap, and slouches a little to hide his height. He puts his usual clothes in a duffel bag.
Passing by Nessa in the living room, he waves goodbye.
True to Camilla’s text, there is a crowd outside the gym. They’re chanting something, but he can’t quite make out what it’s supposed to be. He spots a sign reading OUR DRAGON TAMER and another that reads YOU BELONG TO HAMMERLOCKE.
Nobody seems to notice that their dragon master is standing there among them.
Raihan catches the attention of one of the fans, a young teen with an orange bow in her hair.
Making sure his sharp tooth doesn’t show, he asks: “What’s goin’ on?”
“You haven’t heard?” She stares at him with wide eyes. “Raihan got scouted by the Alola league! He’s leaving by the end of the year!”
“Really? That’s news to me. Has he confirmed it himself?”
“Well, no, but it only got leaked last night. Still! He’s leaving! Can you believe it? Like, I don’t have any problems with Alola — I’m half-Alolan, myself, actually — but it’s like, don’t they have any strong trainers there? Why do they have to take our gym leader?”
As much emotional distance Raihan tries to keep between himself and his fandom, there’s something about the sincerity in the girl’s words that makes him pause. He was born and raised in Hammerlocke, after all. He’s its representative, its guardian. The people here have watched him grow; some have even grown beside him. One could say he’s like a brother, almost—
A blond woman gestures passionately in his face.
“Right?” She doesn’t seem to realize (or care?) that she’s interrupting a conversation. “They’ve got to have a hundred good trainers over there, but Leon only has one rival! What are we supposed to do without him?”
He sucks in air through his teeth.
He may be Hammerlocke’s older brother, but his family will always be more enamored with the cool kid from down the street.
“I’m sure you’ll be fine,” he says, and pushes through the crowd toward the gym.
He takes his time changing in the locker room.
It would be a lie to say that the fans’ words didn’t bother him. Leon has been part of his life ever since he was a kid; when Raihan does interviews, it’s only a matter of time before he gets a question about him. Their rivalry is a big part of Raihan’s public image, maybe even the biggest part. The weather manipulator, the fashion icon, the selfie-obsessed influencer, the history geek — all are forgotten in favor of the label Leon’s rival.
He loves Leon, but there’s resentment there, too. That resentment came years ago, when Raihan realized that there was nowhere in Galar he could go to get away from Leon’s face.
Alola, on the other hand...
Alola is a warm region. There, they have an endless summer. Even when it rains, the sun is still shining. He’ll be happy there. He will.
Even if he has to leave two of his most trusted partners behind, it would be worth it, right?
It had to be.
Finally, Hammerlocke Gym Leader Raihan emerges in full uniform.
That’s the signal for his gym trainers to acknowledge him, so they do. Sebastian gives him the day’s weather forecast for the Wild Area. Camilla passes along a message from the gym’s sponsor. It’s all normal, routine things.
They’re in one of the training rooms when he decides to tell them.
“Yes, Leader Raihan?”
“Can you do me a favor?”
And good old Aria, cautious as ever, says, “That would depend on the favor.”
She’s always been the sensible type, even from her earliest days at the gym. Out of the three, she’s the most skilled and the most dedicated. Raihan doesn’t play favorites, so he can admit that.
“I would like to ask you to care for Sandaconda and Duraludon for a while,” he says. “I can’t bring them to Alola.”
His trainers look at him with near-identical expressions of anxiety.
“I… Of course I will care for them,” Aria says. “I presume you are… truly leaving, then?”
He puts his hands in his pockets. There’s a weight on his chest, but even with deep breaths, he can’t dislodge it.
“Yeah. Yeah, I think I am.”
Sebastian rushes forward and hugs him. He’s got tears in his eyes. Seb’s always been sentimental like that.
Raihan allows the hug, gently patting his back.
Then, cautiously, Camilla and Aria join in the hug, too. It’s unprofessional of them, Raihan thinks, but in this case, it’s forgivable. They’ve been a part of his life for years. It’s natural that he’s going to miss them.
He doesn’t try to comfort them. He’s not sure he can, honestly.
What he finally says is, “I’ll have to tell Alola’s chairman by tomorrow. Keep it quiet for now, okay?”
The rest of the day passes quietly. Solemn, almost. Everyone’s acting like he’s going to die. Even his phone doesn’t provide a distraction: his notes are full of people tagging his accounts in the hope that he’ll give them the smallest hint of what he’s doing.
On the way home, he stops by the grocery store and buys a Pinap berry. He poses with it in front of the gym and takes a selfie, posting it with the caption Tropical.
Then he sets his phone to Do Not Disturb and lets the internet do its thing.
Hours later, Raihan is woken by the sound of someone pounding on his door.
He blinks, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and reaches for his phone to check the time. It’s one in the morning. Whoever’s knocking, they had better have a good reason for waking him up.
Raihan pulls on some trousers and shambles to the door, opening it up to find —
The champion of Galar looks like a mess. He’s wearing his usual uniform but without the cape. His hair looks ruffled, but less in the sexy windswept way and more like he’d just been thrown out of a hurricane. He looks tired.
Leon pushes inside the flat, because Raihan has never been able to stop him, and asks “Is it true?”
“What are you doing here so damn early?”
“It’s the only time I’ve got in the next three days. Is it true?”
“Is what true?”
“That you’re leaving. To be the Alolan Champion.”
Raihan locks the door and leans against it, holding his arms loose at his sides. “I haven’t officially decided. But it looks like it, yeah.”
“Why didn’t you ask me first?”
“Wasn’t aware I needed your permission, mate.” He laughs, casually, like it’s more of their mid-battle teasing.
But Leon seems to think differently.
“Well, then,” he says, gritting his teeth, “if you believe you’re champion material, then why don’t you prove it right now and battle me?”
And Raihan says —
Well —
This seems to leave Leon speechless. He draws back, golden eyes darting toward Raihan’s face and then just as quickly looking away.
“Why not?”
“Mate, it’s one in the bloody morning. My partners are tired. I’m tired. And what are you thinking of getting from this, anyway? Do you think that if you beat me, I’ll change my mind? Because we both know I’m going to lose.”
“You might win this time,” Leon mumbles, but it’s half-hearted and they both know it.
Raihan sighs. “How about this, mate. Why don’t I get us both some water and we can sit down and talk about things, like adults?”
He steps forward, toward the kitchen. Leon follows like a lost Yamper.
They’d left the Leon Jar out earlier. Raihan quickly palms it, sparing a glance to make sure the man himself didn’t notice it. When he gets to the kitchen, he shoves it on top of the fridge.
At last, he sits them down in the living room. They’re on opposite sides of the same couch. “So. You have a problem with me leaving?”
Leon wrings his hands. He doesn’t show that kind of nervousness in public, Raihan notes absently. He can’t. A champion has to be confident and alert at all times. But he wrings his hands, now, when they’re alone, when Raihan is the only person who can see it.
“I don’t… Rai, be honest with me. Am I boring you?”
“When we’re battling. Am I boring you? I-I try to come up with something new every time, to challenge you, but if it’s not enough we could — we could do something else. I could talk to Rose, ask him if we could try doubles for our next match—”
This makes him stop. He looks up, and his golden eyes look very lost.
Raihan sighs. “Leon, it’s not about you. This was entirely my decision, alright? I’m not dissatisfied here, I just — I want...”
He wants his own kingdom. He wants to use Z-Moves again. He wants Leon to be happy for him, to stop staring at him with that expression.
Curse his beautiful eyes.
“I wanna spread my wings a bit. Try something new. It’d be nice to live in a more relaxed region, you know? Maybe I’d get to battle without having being treated like a feral Obstagoon.”
“You don’t have to battle like that now. We could come up with something—”
“And maybe I’m tired of being second place. You ever think about that?”
Leon grimaces. He hangs his head, and the brim of his hat covers his eyes.
Raihan really doesn’t know why he’s upset. Leon is the one who wins, after all. He won Chairman Rose’s approval. He won the champion title. He’s won every battle he and Raihan have ever had since they were teens. He’ll be fine.
So why isn’t he acting like it?
“You are leaving because of me.” Leon holds up a hand to cut off any interruption. “I mean, I hear what you’re saying about wanting to get stronger. I want you to get stronger too! But it’s just — I’m the reason you feel so restless here, right? Because I’m the champion, and you have to always hold back to make me look good. I couldn’t figure out a way to fix that, a-and now you’re leaving. Just like Sonia did.”
It takes a special kind of conceit to expect a rival to stay close forever, even if they never win. It takes a special kind of conceit to blame oneself for their leaving.
But maybe part of it is Raihan’s fault, for letting things get this far. For diving headfirst into their rivalry, for acting as King Leon’s greatest knight. Being champion means you’re limited in who you can spend time with. It’s not like Leon has any other close friends.
Raihan moves forward, pulling Leon into a hug. His rival hugs back, tightly, like he’s afraid Raihan will leave right this minute if he lets go.
In a year, maybe, they’ll meet again, champion to champion. Maybe they’ll have an exhibition match. Maybe Raihan will even win. Either way, if he leaves, their relationship will never be the same.
He pats Leon’s back, rubbing small circles like he’s comforting a kid brother. “Listen. It’s not like you’ll be all alone. Oleana’s planning for Nessa to be your new rival. You like Nessa, right?”
“She’s okay.” There’s a pout in his voice. “She’s not you, though.”
“Give her a chance, yeah? And, you know, it’s not like Sonia left you, either. I literally saw her yesterday.” Two days ago? Another reason not to have conversations at one in the morning. “She’s following her gran’s footsteps. If you told Rose you were studying Dynamaxing, you could probably see her whenever you wanted.”
“I’ve tried that. She won’t battle me.”
“She’s a grad student, she doesn’t have time for that. There’s more to friendship than battles, anyway. Why don’t you ask what she’s studying? Maybe she’s got info about some Pokémon you’ve never seen before.”
Leon hums an acknowledgement, but doesn’t say anything. Raihan lets the conversation lapse.
They hold each other, quietly, sharing their warmth.
In the silence, Raihan’s thoughts turn to Professor Kukui. A guy that obsessed with moves and leagues has to be a strong trainer, right? He fought Lance, after all. He must be tough.
Is he as tough as Leon?
He thinks about asking for a battle. Just a practice match, just a way to test the waters. Testing himself, to see if he really is champion material. See if he can put up a good enough fight.
“Huh? Uh, yeah?”
“I think I’m done. Thank you.”
Leon lets go. Raihan lets him go, lets him pull away, lets the sun slip out of his hands.
His (soon-to-be-former?) rival stands, one hand smoothing over his hair.
“I know you said you don’t want to battle, but can we go to your stadium anyway? Charizard is going to miss Duraludon. I want them to have a chance to hang out before you guys go.”
Leon doesn’t know, does he.
Raihan makes a mental note for Aria to let Duraludon train with Leon.
He says, “Let me get my things ready. Then we can go.”
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buckys-beach · 6 years
Dialling Daddy- Tom Holland
lol I’m so bad at keeping up to date with requests, but I am doing more so please take this as an apology present xx
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Imagine: When doing a live streamed interview with a wheel of ‘punishments’, your punishment doesn't seem too bad, until your are forced to ring your Dad, only it’s not the Daddy everyone is expecting
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Word Cont: 1286
Warning: none?? daddy kink?
“Hello, and welcome everyone. Today I’m joined with some of the Avengers cast!” the obnoxiously loud interviewer announced to his live streaming audience. 
“For those of you who live under a rock, we are with Robert Downey Jr aka Iron Man, Anthony Mackie aka Falcon, Sebastian Stan aka The Winter Soldier and finally Tom Holland aka the amazing Spiderman!” He near enough screamed, you winced to the side of them, off camera- luckily. As you caught Tom’s eye you sent a supportive smile his way, just managing to resist the eye roll.
The boys all chorused in a polite hello, Tom eager to get this finished so he could spend the rest of his day with you.
“So, today I’m going to be asking you all questions regarding The Avengers cast, whoever gets the answer correct is safe. However, if you choose the wrong answer then you have to spin the wheel of punishment” The interviewer, Gary you think his name was, turned to reveal a rather large wheel that had punishments waiting for them to do with just a spin. 
You gazed up at the board, spacing out the interview behind you, focusing on reading some of the ‘punishments’. ‘Let the player on your right tweet something off your account’ that one’s funny you mused, ‘ring you last texted person’, ‘read out your last text’, ‘call your parents’ and so on, some of them were completely pointless though, like ‘jump up and down for 10 seconds’. Drawing your attention back to the interview you watched, just admiring how far your boyfriend had come.
“Who has been voted the cutest Avenger” Gary questioned,
RDJ immediately answered, “well obviously it’s me, have you seen this face” to which he posed at the camera, causing the three men next to him to fall into a fit of giggles.
“I reckon they think it’s Tom” Seb replied, throwing an exaggerated eye roll with Mackie joining in on it as well. Yes, you though, here we go. You loved nothing more than watching Anthony and Seb take the piss out of Tom, it was just hilarious.
“You are correct!” Gary beamed, but before he could continue, Anthony began talking,
“That’s only because you guys don’t know the real him” he pointed accusingly at the camera
“Oh come on guys” Tom interjected, with a smile playing on his features
“Tom’s a little asshole” Anthony declared, Seb doing a knowing ‘hmmm’ by his side. You suddenly erupted in laughter, Tom let out a small ‘hey’ whilst being comforted by RDJ
“It’s true, everyone knows it. Isn’t that right (Y/N)?!” Seb shouted to you
“It’s true!” you called back, obviously joking
“You’re meant to be on my side darling” Tom tried to defend himself and act serious, but because of the smile on your face, he can’t help but crack.
“Oh man that stings” RDJ laughed.
Gary’s head whipped to you, and upon seeing a way to get more views, he jumped out of his chair and pulled you over to the rest of them.
“And here we have (Y/N), Tom’s girlfriend for? How long has it been now guys?” He directed the question to you two.
“Almost two and a half years now” Tom hummed, sending you a loving smile, which you automatically mimicked. Anthony made gagging noises in the back ground,
“God these two are already making me feel lonely” Seb stated, giving you a quick hug
“They make me feel so old!” RDJ joined in with Seb
“Shut up guys, you’re just jealous” You fired back, happy to joke with these guys as you were all close friends now because you always came to visit Tom on set. Your boyfriend took your hand and pulled you onto his lap, due to the lack of chairs.
“Well that’s not fair if they are a team, they have the young people knowledge” Anthony interjected
“Well then (Y/N) and Tom can’t be on a team, or help each other, it’s every man for themselves!” Gary joked, sending accusing eyes towards you and your boyfriend
“As if I’d help her” Tom quirked, to which you responded with an over dramatic gasp and pinched his leg, emitting a loud ‘owww’ from him.
“Serves you right” you sent a smirk in his direction. Both of you locked eyes, unable to pull away from each other’s gazes, however you are immediately interrupted
“God, it’s started already” RDJ despaired
“What?” Gary asks, intrigued
“They just get stuck in their own world with each other, it’s really difficult to get them to break it up” RDJ explained
“Yeah, she’s the master at distracting him” Seb spoke, causing both you and Tom’s cheeks to turn a deep shade of red
“Guy leave us alone! Let’s get on with the game” Tom tried to change to topic, which Gary was more than happy to get back to his game.
About 20 minutes later Gary finally asks you a question, instead of trying to dig into Seb’s and Anthony’s love lives, which he’s been doing for far too long.
“So (Y/N), here’s your question…” you heart got a little faster for some reason, probably due to not wanting to face one of those stupid punishments,
“How many minutes of screen time does Tom get in Infinity War?”
“I don’t even know that!” Tom squealed, almost causing you to fall off his lap. The other three were snickering due to the difficulty of your question
“Honestly, I have no clue” You answered. Gary’s smile widened, and now you could see he gave you an impossible question on purpose so you had to do a punishment.
“Well then, give the wheel a spin”
You walked over to the stupid wheel and gave it a halfhearted spin, the punishments were whizzing around. Until it finally landed on …
‘Let a cast member call one of your parents’ how is that even a punishment? You thought, your Dad would love a phone call from RDJ!
“Alright then hand over your phone to one of the cast, Tom is excluded from this though” Gary added
“Here you go, have a nice call with my Dad” you joked, passing on your phone to RDJ
“Hey, why not us?” Seb and Anthony both gasped
“Guys I would never trust you to speak to my parents” You laughed, Tom joining in
“Okay guys, back to Robert calling (Y/N)’s Dad” Gary was obviously desperate to get this footage.
“SIRI, call Dad” RDJ spoke to the phone, of course, too lazy to go through your contacts. You don’t blame him though, ever since Tom became more well-known you both have added many many names to your contacts
“Okay, calling Daddy” The automated voice replied.
Before you or Tom could even process what was about to happen, Tom’s phone, very loudly started going off. His face erupted bright red and tried desperately to turn it off before anyone noticed. But of course, he managed to drop the phone, and Anthony, thinking he was helping, picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID.
“(Y/N)’s calling?” it took everyone a minute to work out what was happening, until RDJ, Seb and Anthony all began to howl with louder, resulting in you and Tom not being able to look anyone in the eye.
“Oh my God” RDJ managed to wheeze out
“Well folks, I think that concludes our interview with the Avengers bye” Gay turned off the camera, with a fake apology adorned to his face.
“Oooo Daddy Tom” Anthony choked
“We are never gonna live this down” Tom whispered in your ear, causing you both to fall into giggles as well.
And sure enough, later that night it was trending all over twitter.
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A, D and M (all the alters in the system)
Jim Sebastian James Richard
A: Aptitude
1. what are your oc’s natural abilities, things they’ve been doing since young?
I still am young. I don’t know, drawing? I was formed at age 20 and not discovered until the body was 30, I was 33. There was no young. (Really I just can’t think of anything). What? Splitting into 10 personalities in my life isn’t enough? Killing? I started at 10.
2. what activities have they participated in?
Art! I always done the art classes and things at school! Helping James kill I suppose? Name a computer/electronics club school had and I was in it. Astrology related things and like maths, sciences.
3. what abilities do they have that they’ve worked for?
Writing, I like to think I can do well with it. Silence and stealth. Living with these three. Taking apart and putting a computer back together. Running a large business that covers the world.
4. what things are they bad at?
Adult stuff, all of it. Being quite when a perfect opportunity arises. Also, living with these three. Coping, not being clusmey, people skills. To steal Jim’s, people skills. Staying calm.
5. what is their most impressive talent? Going to answer these about each other.
Brother is actually really funny and kind, I consider that a talent. Richard is really good at drawing and painting. Jim can calm down anyone in a panic, even James. Sebastian’s is not knowing when to put his foot in his mouth.
D: Decoration
1. how would they decorate a house if they had one under their name?
Very colourful and bright. Cozy and warm I would hope. I don’t know, modestly with what I already have, more modern I guess. Like Rich, cozy and warm, maybe a little more old fashioned. I’m not too much for modern. Expensive, high end, modern. Black whites and greys, maybe a little red.
2. how would they decorate their child’s room?
Maybe like nature themed, cute little forest animals, like Bambi or something, cute little rabbits. I think that would be cute. I don’t know, basics, blue or pink and brown, go well together, I’m sure the kid won’t care. Cartoons for kids, like Winnie the Pooh maybe, pastel colors, cute. Space themed, stars, moons planets. Darker colors, better for sleeping and calming.
3. how do they decorate their own room?
Bright, colorful, I would say a little childish I guess but comforting. Not dark, not bright. It’s more on the empty side, bed, dresser, a couple pictures, basic. Light enough, there’s quite a bit of blue and grey and white. Quite a few plants as well. Dark, black and red. Very little light. There’s a space painting.
4. what type of clothes and accessories do they wear?
T-shirts Jeans, button downs. I may own a skirt or two. Old jeans solid tee’s I have a leather jacket. I normally go with Sebs but like French tuck, underwear showing, a nice necklace, bracelet or watch. Well tailored suits. Typically Westwood.
5. do they like makeup/nail/beauty trends?
Yesss!!! Nope. Nails, fine. Other than that not really. No, hair perhaps? Bashed is forgetting he spends the most time on hair
M: Maternal
1. would they want a daughter or a son?
Umm either really. Son if I had to. Daughter, at least one a son wouldn’t be bad. Son? I guess. Wouldn’t mind a little girl.
2. how many children do they want?
Maybe two in the distance future? None. Two or three would be nice I think. Depends on who the mother is. One, maybe two.
3. would they be a good parent?
Yes, I’d do th best I could, anything for the kid. If I was in the situation I’d make sure they were safe I guess. Of course I would be, I’m a caregiver, that’s what I do. Make sure they’re safe and happy and healthy. I don’t have a kid yet but already I’d kill anyone that tried to hurt them.
4. what would they name a son? what would they name a daughter?
I don’t know! I haven’t thought this through, I’d try to make it something I think sounds cute. I’d let the other parent name them, I haven’t considered a crotch goblin before. I have a list that it might be fun to narrow down with the other parent. I don’t know, figure it out together? I just now started thinking of this.
5. would they adopt?
Yeah, I wouldn’t mind that, really adoption or one of the others having a kid would be the only way I’d have one, being ace and all. I guess, it would be weird to say no. I was adopted and yeah, I’d love to get another little kid or more out of a place like that. Yeah, I suppose, like Rich there’s only two options, I can’t have kids of my own.
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coffee-with-bucky · 6 years
Top 10 favourite characters from any show or movie and why
I was tagged by @bendy-cumberbatch :) Thanks for tagging me 💖
1. Bucky Barnes (Marvel)
Oh boy, I could write an essay about Bucky. If I had to sum up the reason as to why he’s my #1 is because he’s such a complex character. During Captain America The First Avenger I was drawn by how loyal he was to Steve and then after seeing him in CATWS my heartstrings were pulled. Seeing him be a completely different person as the Winter Soldier and then slowly become himself again or what’s essentially left of him after Hydra showed how resilient he is. And man, did I empathize with him. Just looking at his character over the course of all of the movies he was in ultimately made me more fascinated with Bucky.
Also, I have to mention Seb’s amazing acting! Sebastian did a fantastic job of portraying Bucky. The little details that he put into his facial expressions blew me away oh my god. The part where Zemo was saying the trigger words, Seb’s lip was trembling and you can see the fear slowly appearing in his eyes. I still get shivers down my spine whenever I see that scene.
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2. Loki Laufeyson (Marvel)
Funny how I fell for the side characters huh? Anyways, Loki is pretty much neck and neck with Bucky. I couldn't help but fall for this angsty emo LMAO. I honestly can’t come up with words as to why I love him so much but his character arc is what sold me. Oh and I love his dramatic ass. 
“YOUR SAVIOR IS HERE!” That line made me laugh so hard when I watched Thor Ragnarok the first time oh my god. And Tom Hiddleston is outstanding. He fits the role to the absolute tee. No one can play Loki as perfectly as Tom. Everything from his actions, his facial expressions, the tone in his voice and his beautiful eyes :D 
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3. Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds)
My precious baby boy 💖 I got into Criminal Minds around season 5-6 and Spencer immediately became my favourite character in the show. He's socially awkward and I can definitely relate to him LOL. And Matthew Gray Gubler is so talented, quirky and adorable!
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4. Jennifer Jareau (Criminal Minds)
She’s a badass need I say more? 
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5. Sherlock Holmes (BBC Sherlock)
I was super late to the Sherlock trend. And by that I mean I didn't watch Sherlock or get into the fandom until last year LOL. But regardless of that I absolutely love Benedict's take on Sherlock and the entire series is great!
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6. Raven (Teen Titans TV Series)
She holds a special place in my heart because her and the rest of the characters in Teen Titans are one of the reasons why I have a love for superheroes. Also when I was 5 years old I played heroes and villains with the boys in my class and I pretended to be Raven. I even shouted her mantra LOL Azarath metrion zinthos!
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7. Peter Parker (Marvel)
I love this nerd and how witty he is. I thought Andrew Garfield played the role well but when Tom Holland arrived I was super impressed. And how can you not love Tom? He's such a cutie 💖
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8. Lucy Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Her innocence is the purest thing I've ever seen and she was so adorable in the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. She's also the first one to discover Narnia out of everyone in the Pevensie siblings. Without her, they wouldn't have stumbled upon the wardrobe and mark upon their adventures in Narnia.
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9. Peter Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia)
Peter Pevensie is the first character I looked into for character analysis when I was younger. I just love analyzing characters traits and arcs LOL. I was intrigued with his shift in character in Prince Caspian. His main flaw in the movie is that he wanted to maintain leadership and his high king status. With Caspian as another alpha male it caused conflict- yeah you can see I get way into this LMAO.
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10. Natasha Romanoff
And another badass to add to the list!
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Tagging: @buckyisthepuresthuman @whitewolfbumble @tooturntspooky @buckychrist @httpmassiveflirt @justanothermarvelfangirlll 
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My First Week in Nepal!
Why does it take me so long to start journaling when I arrive in a new country? It’s pretty frustrating-- makes it harder to recall the days. Might as well give it a go. New country, new journal.
First impression of Nepal: the weather. It’s so nice and finally feels like spring. I met Hannah, Fran, and Jeremy in the van at the airport. They were all very friendly, but not like they are now. Not that they seemed fake or anything of that sort, but first greetings are always different. I feel as if nobody is who they truly are the first time you meet them.
I’ve come to enjoy everyone thus far. We met Fergus on arrival at the hotel where Janella, Ellie, Lottie, and Simon already were. We were given our rooms and then went wandering around Kathmandu. It is similar to Sri Lanka as far as the streets go (crowded spaces and pressure to walk straight in order to avoid being hit by a car). Buddhist flags hung everywhere-- blue, red, white, green, and yellow. We walked around for about an hour, the shops were quite cool. There are many hippie-style clothing shops and some art shops as well. That night we had dinner, some went out, and of course, I went to sleep.
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On Sunday, the whole group went on a walk to a square that is supposed to have neat architecture, but we didn’t end up going in because it cost money. So we walked around some more instead. I found a wonderful embroidery patch to add to my collection and a fun headband! After lunch, we went to a Buddhist monkey temple with a complete view of the city. There was a lady who gave me a candle to put at the alter type thing, and I thought “why not?” . So I did. But after, she insisted I pay for the candle-- a detail she failed to mention beforehand. I should have seen it coming though. I didn’t want to be scammed so I said no-- which led to her cursing me. I think. I’m not entirely sure what happened.
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After that event, we went to a Hindu temple-- Pashupatinath Temple. It was the one Michelle had told me about from her time in Nepal. She had said that it was families held funerals, but not the ones that we are used to. And sure enough, there were funerals going on. It was a confusing thing to watch. Even though we were on the other side of the river that ran through the site, there was a clear view of the obviously personal events taking place. The bodies were wrapped in an orange cloth and their families were standing around them while they said goodbye and cremated the body. We were told that it was okay to watch, but it felt wrong to make a tourist attraction out of the loss of somebody’s loved one. The gloomy sky and stillness in the air made everything feel even more heavy. I began praying, but came close to tears. What could I pray for? This person died a Hindu, not with the God I know. They were not at peace, at least by my religious standards and all I wanted to do was cry. They went an entire life not knowing Jesus. But I’m sure they would say the same for me and my lack of Hinduism. To top it all off, there was a monkey running around with only one hand. Not my favorite spot.
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Monday was an early morning with a three hour bus ride through the mountains to go river rafting. My raft, the group-titled goat boat, had Jeremy, Hannah, Ellie, Archie, Janella, and Shawna in it. It was a fun time. At some points we would jump into the river from the raft and go swimming in the chilling water. Coby started a trend of flipping out of the rafts-- which is more difficult than you would expect. Toward the end, we hit a big rapid where Janella fell out, Shawna barely stayed in, and the rest of us fell into the middle of the raft. It caused the type of laughter that inhibits your ability to speak. Boy did it feel good to laugh like that. We passed under some bridges high suspending bridges along the way and drifted through the refreshing nature and mountains.
There was another long bus ride after rafting to our hotel in Chitwan. People went out and did some yoga and Zoe and I stayed in and called it a night.
Tuesday was another early morning. We were scheduled for a safari, but to get there we had to take a little canoe across the river-- a great start to the day. My group for the safari was a fun time. We had Ellie, Lottie, Fergus, Kieren, Archie, Fran, Hannah, Freddie, and Simon. There were rhinos (my first wild rhino sighting), a deer, some monkeys, crocodiles, and plenty of birds. Sadly, no tigers. The first few hours were fun, but then I just got tired and a bit bored.
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After lunch, we went on another canoe journey where we saw more crocodiles and birds, and Hannah picked up a water cabbage pet-- Bobby. We got out for a jungle walk where we saw many more deer (which for an animal that is common back home, is still beautiful). There was also the absolute largest bee nest I’ve ever seen. It was hanging off the bottom of a tree and looked liked a camel hump. We sat in the grass and watched a rhino for a while which was really peaceful with the clear sky and fresh air.
Later that night we went to a culture show which was pretty decent, everyone’s favorite was the elaborate peacock dance. At the end most of us went up on stage and learned a dance, and oh my goodness was Coby entertaining.
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Wednesday. My least favorite day of the trip. It consisted of ten hours traveling in a bus, for which a total of three of those hours we were completely stopped. I was losing my mind! There was a small waterfall on the side of the road which cooled us off a bit, thankfully since the bus was so enclosed and hot.
Thursday was our first day of volunteering in Pokhara. I went to the farm that is run by the children’s home. In the morning I was turning soil and in the afternoon I was, or tried to, move stones. By stones, I mean great slabs of rock that were probably the same size as most arms. Not quite as strong as I used to be. The baby goats at the farm are purely amazing. Roger is my favorite. He jumps a lot. They’re much much smaller than I was expecting-- and softer too. After the work we had to walk down the cliff in the rain, which was nerve wracking and very cold. But we made it. And created a memorable experience.
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Friday was the fun run that about half the group participated in. I went to the orphanage with Ben and Seb which wasn’t bad. But there really wasn’t much to do. I painted a smiley face on a wall, watch kids play cannonball, and watch a Hindi movie that I did not understand for nearly an hour. Since it was a school break, there weren’t that many kids at the orphanage and not a whole lot to do. I would have enjoyed it more if it felt like I was needed or was helping in some way, but I felt like the kids were entertaining themselves for the most part.
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That night was the big Nepali new year celebration. We went out to a bar and I had a drink and danced a bit. After, we walked about two kilometers to a festival and along the way I made friends with a dog. We stayed until midnight in a big crowd of people dancing to some random Nepali artist. On the way back Zoe, Jeremy and I got a pizza and we got back to hostel around 1:30 in the morning. It was a pretty solid night. Some drama, but not enough to put a damper on anything. Happy New Year Nepal!
~a letter from juliet
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logicalstansadvice · 3 years
Being Sebastian's fan makes me feel a constant knot in my stomach, and not the good kind. I follow him on IG and his tags on various platforms, and aside from pics from movies all I see is name calling.
From old, ugly, corpse, small dick, serial cheater, pandemic killer, racist, cultural appropriator, religion mocker and now pedophile, due to some funny memes about his I,Tonya character that he liked in 2017. Memes made by fans. Memes that were jokes. They want to cancel him on twitter again on account of those 2017 memes being supported by his current action of dating a 10y younger woman (she's 29, not a child, and they called her a whore numerous times but apparently now they are concerned for her "innocence").
I don't know how much of this I can take. Myself and many others are affected by the haters, trolls, however you wanna call them. I still wanna be his fan but it makes me sick everytime I see something about him.
What is your advice to me? I don't get why his team of 10 people or how many they are don't do smth about it. His actual fans are affected by all the hate and some might leave. I know he doesn't care about fans anymore, but still.
Anon 2: implying Sebastian’s fans are scared shitless of him or of anything for that matter.>> People need to understand that not everyone is engaged in hatred, that many of us have life outside of fandom. Seb is just an actor to entertain me, I don't care what he is doing right now because I have a life. I'm more concerned about my family, my friends, the things I do on a daily basis, with the real world than with Seb. I can call him out once, but I won't be focusing on it all day, I have priorities.
Anon 3: / Funny enough they didn't call him a pedo then in 2017, right? When all the fan memes were circulating and he liked them and everyone knew he liked them. Yet now, all of sudden, they remember he liked those memes and wanna cancel him again. There is already the #isoverparty going around on twitter. Saying he's a pedo and using ale as proof for it. Ale! The 28y old woman which they were calling a whore up until 2 days ago. There's comments on her new agency pic where they said she puts cocks down her throat for career privilege. And now she's a child? After they slammed her? What the hell is happening mods? I'm in the fandom since GG days and it was never this bad.
Anon 4: / No there was not. The fandom went crazy since last year. I'd say it has to do with him having a new gf but he had those too before and the reactions weren't quite like that. I mean they never threw him a cancellation party until last year. And by the looks of it he's getting another one soon, for liking some fan made memes in 2017, lol. So I don't know what the fuck is happening with this fandom but I'm starting to suspect some foul play behind the scenes. Someone seems to really be out to get him. There's only a handful of people who start the shit, and of course the gen z sensitives offended by everything follow that trend like sheep. It's very easy to get youngsters riled up via sm these days.
Some of us have been here since before GG and as someone’s star rises, the more attention someone gets, good and bad. It’s clear that these children (and mean that by behavior not age) have nothing else going on in their lives, have nothing of real substance to do and can find nothing wrong with Seb so they’ll pick on any little thing and twist it to their fucked up logic.
Take the advice of Anon 2 - have a life outside of this fandom world. Focus on other interests, your job/school, family/pets etc and separate his work from his fans. You will be much happier for it!
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