#not until she accidentally uses her fear half on someone and kills them
chryzuree · 6 months
something abt how chrysi halved her powers to turn jacks into a fate, and something abt how she gave him the best parts of her magic when she did… jst like that cookie. kicks rock…
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pagannatural · 1 month
2.12 Night Shifter
-Although Dean is impersonating an FBI officer when the jewelry counter girl asks him what it’s like, his answer is a truthful description of his life: “it’s dangerous, and the secrets we gotta keep…but mostly it’s lonely.” This wouldn’t be anything wincest except that he looks guiltily over at Sam twice while getting her number. The theme of loneliness between them and the brothers’ yearning for closeness from each other has come up several times this season, most obviously from Sam needing Dean to open up to him. But Dean is feeling it too. Sam was hanging off of him drunk last episode and Dean walked away from him so it makes sense that he’s trying to get someone else in his bed, and clearly thinking about Sam while he does it.
-Sam lies to Ronald. In the past he’s been the one who wants to tell civs the truth, while Dean lies. Dean’s instincts appear to be right here, and Sam’s sour impression with Ronald becomes an obstacle moving forward in this episode. It serves to highlight that Sam is still just not as experienced at this. They’re both really good with people and have high interpersonal intelligence, just in different ways.
-Dean feels “naked” without weapons. He’s been living in fear since he was four so that makes sense but it’s so bleak.
-Dean takes control of the situation with Ronald and Sam looks scared for him, then miserable when he’s locked in the vault and separated from Dean.
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One of the bank employees asks “who is that man?” and Sam says “he’s my brother” as if that answers her question even a little bit. She wistfully says he’s brave and Sam looks even more miserable. He’s so sick of women fawning over his brother.
-a second scene of this woman fawning over Dean at Sam! I could watch this all day. Sam becomes increasingly perturbed with each passing moment. Listening to someone wax on about the person you’re secretly and wretchedly in love with but can’t have is terrible but especially when it’s someone who doesn’t even know them. He looks like he’s holding back on an emotion. Sam could just be irritated by the way Dean is overshadowing him, but I would expect him to respond by rolling his eyes or looking irritated rather than conflicted and sad.
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Sam looks up to Dean. He doesn’t admit it until later on in the series, but Dean is his hero. His hero and guardian and brother and the only one who can kill him.
-Sam bumps his shoulder against Dean’s on his way out of the bank vault. He didn’t need to do that, there was space. People like to accidentally touch their crushes. And right in front of the fawning woman, like a cat rubbing its cheeks against its human’s legs to mark him.
-Sam points out that Dean is wanted by the police and is visibly upset. I love that Sam is the one panicking about this. Dean is too but he’s trying to be brave and save face for Sam.
-oh this is where they walk up to each other like they’re going to kiss. They’re making eye contact as they get really close and Sam kind of half circles Dean, looking into his eyes. It has the same vibes as the scene from Silver Linings Playbook where the love interest is teaching the main character a dance and instructs him on how to walk to her like he’s in love with her. You can see Dean moving his lips telling Sam he knows who the shifter is, but no sound, making this moment feel even more private
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-the way Hendrickson says “there’s a monster in the bank” and then it cuts to Sam gives me chills
-Hendrickson mentioning that Sam is “the bonnie to your Clyde” makes Dean smirk. Sam is his wife. “That part’s true”. They could’ve said the butch cassidy to your Sundance or something but they went with a romantic couple and had Dean smile like aw yeah, that’s us, like he’s still so happy to have his baby back with him on the road.
-“they’re dangerous, smart, and expertly trained” god they really ARE. This show really earns their reputation.
-Dean is mid-action bringing a knife down on what he thinks is the shifter when Sam says in a near-whisper “Dean waitwaitwait”and Dean pauses to look over his shoulder. He’ll do anything Sam says. Sam’s gentle protest is more important than killing the shifter.
-Sam fights the swat team duo and wins. They escape and drive away knowing that they’re fucked and being hunted by the FBI. Their ascension from petty criminals to most wanted outlaws is so good because they are dangerous and fucked up and doomed and yet they’re together. I also love that Sam solved Dean’s problem by getting the uniforms and gear off of the two SWAT guys. He’s protective of Dean.
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sicksucculentz · 1 month
Bive is a lab creation!
According to Bive's wiki she was created in a lab accident. I was thinking about what life was like for her in her early years.
She was only the size of a guinea pig and confused as hell. She just...exists all of a sudden! She was clueless as a little baby and did not fear anyone, that fear had to be learned. Sadly she startled one of the staff trying to crawl up a leg. The poor female staff screamed and kicked her off directly into a wall. She thunked off the wall and flopped on the floor making the most pathetic screeching noise and curling into herself. The staff member that sent her flying felt guilty right away and broke protocol by rushing to this screaming little critter. She scooped up this tiny creature that looked like a worm on a string with spider legs and cuddled the critter close. She started cooing to baby Bive and gently petting along her back. It worked and she stopped screaming. The staff member stood up with a smile "I think we made something!"
She couldn't speak of course, she could only screech and wail. An ear splitting annoying noise that sounded like someone killing a rat.
The staff was very very pleased with their accidental creation and quickly treated her as a daughter. She of course did not have a gender so they honestly just picked one and it stuck. Bive ended up wanting to be a female later anyways so it worked out.
They weren't aloud to take her home because they would have gotten in trouble for 'theft'. Sense she was created in the lab that means she belongs to the lab in some messed up way so she was left at the lab in a large cage overnight. This way done to protect her from wandering and getting hurt somehow. At the start the cage was stuffed with lab coats so she had something comfy to sleep on. The next day blankets and such were brought in for her. She spent 3 years sleeping in that cage every night. Every morning she would screech and wail as soon as she heard that lab door open. She wasn't in pain or scared but she was excited to see the staff again and wanted to be held. She would stick her spider like legs through the bars on the cage and try to press her little face through the bars until she was let out to be fed and weighed.
This would scare the shit out of night guards when they did their rounds. Part of doing rounds was to check the lab. They would open that door to see a pair of bright white teeth and a mass of hair screaming at them as they opened the door. One guard was sent to the hospital because he had a nervous breakdown thinking he'd gone crazy and ended up having a heart attack. He was an older gentleman. He did end up getting to meet Bive on better terms about a week and a half later. He got to hold her and found she was only screaming at him because she thought he was there to cuddle and feed her.
She was not abused, not mistreated at all. She was very well loved, very well fed, well rested, and healthy. The only reason she got so big later in life was the devoted care of the staff.
She hated it when she wasn't being held. A staff member would put her down to go get some exercise or go to the bathroom or something and Bive would start to scream and chase after the staff member. She was a very needy baby and being capable of walking and running as soon as she was created didn't help
As she got older they set up a room in an unused closet. It was her own personal space that was comfy decorated. She began to show interest in things like murder mysteries and conspiracies and got a lot of books on those topics for her birthdays. She was often dressed in clothes the staff bought for her which was more often than not comfy clothes like sweats and baggy shirts. That's what she liked at the time. She got her first phone when she turned 15.
The staff spent years and year performing studies on her and tests. Of course she got used to it very fast and they don't hurt her. One of the first studies they did on her was to test and see what she would eat and what she shouldn't eat. They ended up having to end the test day pretty short because they found out the hard way she's lactose intolerant. They gave her some ice cream and she loved it at first but like 20 minutes later the poor thing was laying on her side in clear discomfort. The manager spent the day checking up on her every 30 minutes after giving her some of his own Pepto for her sour stomach. She got soup for the rest of her meals that day and she was fine around the end of the day. She did toot a lot though hahah! There's also an adorable picture of a large bulky male scientist veeeeery carefully using a small ketchup cupplet to gently poor Pepto into baby Bive's mouth. The picture is easy to find and Split has seen it.
Another test done with her was the water test, just seeing how she would react to water. They found she can't swim because her hair gets so heavy in the water and drags her down. When they pulled her out she looked like a drowned rat. Luckily she could handle a very small amount of water, enough to give her a bath without any issues.
Testing to see what food she would eat was interesting. It was found she was an omnivore and would eat just about anything. She hated hated HATED oranges though. They tried to give her raw meat to see how she would react. She did start to eat it but she quickly spit it back out, appeared she didn't enjoy that texture at all because she gagged and shook her little head!
She took to learned behaviors from those around her very quickly and different staff members worked with her a little learning to speak so she got introductions to a few different languages.
LOTS of pictures were taken. Many many throughout her life as she grew up. Often seen with the staff, being studied, playing, reading, birthdays, etc etc. She really made the staff feel fulfilled as parents and even more so for one woman that was not able to have children of her own.
It was pretty common for Bive to fall asleep during tests and studies. Staff would just let her sleep most of the time, other times they needed her to be awake. Tests were never done past 8pm and none before 10am.
Bive still visits the lab a lot to see the folks that raised her and meet the newbies that get hired.
There was a few times when someone new was hired on as an assistant lab tech when Bive was growing up and their little silly orientation was to see how they reacted to Bive. Shock was warranted but they were watching to see if the new hire treated Bive as a person and not just some unfeeling test subject.
Aged 18 she was given full freedom to leave the lab if she so wished to. She opted to stick around until she built up a little more money, she also just wasn't ready to leave yet. The staff are like deeply loving parents to her and the idea of no longer seeing them everyday was difficult for her.
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 5, Poll 5
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Mille Roper-The Arcadia Project
She has BPD, which is a rarely represented disorder as it is, and is also a quadruple amputee, and she's one of the best characters with BPD I have ever had the pleasure of reading about. She is also canonically bisexual!
GODDDDDD Millie she is one of my favorite bisexual, borderline, and amputee characters ever and when it comes to bi and BPD rep, she reminds me frankly of myself....I love her so much I need to reread borderline
Wen Kexing-Faraway Wanderers / Tian Ya Ke
1. The LGBTQ+ part: he is canonically a gay man. (Though he does not identify by this specific word due to being from, yknow, fantasy ancient China, he is very vocal about only having interest in men / not having interest in women.) He is also one half of the main (canon, mlm) couple in the book. 2. Disability part: he has complex PTSD, with dissociative symptoms being most prominent. It's not articulated as clearly as the gay part, but there's a lot of textual evidence. For example, for his bouts of dissociation, he has a clear trigger - thinking or talking about personal loss (mostly his initial traumatic event, brutal murder of his parents when he was a child, but at least once it was fear of losing his partner), - and there's a very distinctive way the author describes it: "far-off gaze", "blank" expression or eyes, being "in a daze"/"dazed" were all words used more than once in those situations. He also exhibits symptoms of depersonalization, especially in contexts of violence. The one that made it click for me was a moment when someone was striking to kill him while he couldn't defend himself, and he was described as being calm "as if the one about to die was not himself", but there are also smaller hints, like several times he is described as 'fighting as if he doesn't notice pain and exhaustion' - which I would not take as evidence on its own, but tied in to other dissociative moments of his... yeah. 3. Last thing, in case you aren't sure PTSD/dissociative disorder should count as a disability, I want to make my argument that it should, as it noticeably impacts the character's quality of life. Both continuously (he mentions, for example, sleep problems/insomnia - that clearly stem from his traumatic experiences) and at specific moments (like that time he started dissociating in the middle of the battlefield, nearly resulting in him getting killed........)
Okay, imagine a classical Chinese martial arts story. Young orphan meets a mysterious master, who imparts all his knowledge upon him; the boy trains hard and challenges various villains, until making it all the way to the final boss who was behind everything. Now, imagine if, in the very beginning of this story, the final boss accidentally ran into that mysterious master. And became suspicious of him. And began following him under pretense of falling in love with him at first sight. And then fell for him for real. And then they had adventures and also started co-parenting that young orphan.
THAT is the plot of Tian Ya Ke. And the final boss in question? Well, that's Wen Kexing I'm submitting! And yes, Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu - the aforementioned mysterious master and the main character of TYK - are a canon couple. Wen Kexing in particular is very, ah, out and loud gay. Gay and making it everyone else's problem even. So that's the LGBTQ+ part. (Also they are SUCH a couple. They're so funny! The whole circus! And then they do something and you are like oh yeah right. each of them is a villain of a different story. Good thing they decided to play house instead.) On the disability front, Wen Kexing has mental health stuff - to be specific, complex PTSD with signs of dissociative disorder. I'm not gonna describe his wide array of traumatic experiences on the form because it needs SO many trigger warnings, but the important part is how those impacted him. For example, he mentions having sleep problems/insomnia due to fear. (Which made the fandom lose our shit once we connected it to the earlier moment where he, in a vulnerable state, drags himself to Zhou Zishu's side and falls asleep on his lap. The! Trust! That! Shows!) He also dissociates frequently when thinking/talking about his initial traumatic event. Which is my favorite part of the portrayal of his PTSD because... you know how there's this trend in media with superpowers/magic when the character's trauma response is portrayed through their powers, like their powers going out of control? And TYK went 'yeah, no, when /our/ OP final boss has a ptsd flare up, he just dissociates like a normal person'. (and I, a normal person who also copes by dissociating, was like 'i owe u my life'.) Also, I think it's great that not all of his episodes are plot relevant. Like, in four out of five cases it's just something that happens (the narration / pov character makes note of it), and then the scene moves on - so it feels like a feature of his character, as opposed to a plot devise for creating situations. And the one case where it does happen in an action moment - when Wen Kexing gets revenge on the person responsible for his initial trauma and promptly starts dissociating in the middle of the battlefield, and someone else has to step in to prevent him from getting killed by other enemies - kinda highlights the disability aspect, imo. Like, it shows that PTSD creates barriers for him where a person without it wouldn't have any.
Anything Else?:
1. It's a Chinese novel, so character names are written down with surname first. So Wen Kexing = surname Wen + given name Kexing. 2. There's a live action adaptation of this novel, called Shan He Ling / Word of Honor, but it's uh. well. The portrayal of Wen Kexing's trauma and PTSD in it is. Bad. 'Completely butchered everything I thought was refreshing about it in the novel' bad. (please understand i hate everything about the adaptation and am barely refraining from infodumping about how much I deplore it here) So if WKX makes it into the tournament and none of the images I sent work for u, pls at least don't use the live-action version? He is practically a different character there!
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hibiscusangel15 · 1 year
Entity Horror Movie Rec List: The Eye
After re-listening to The Magnus Archives, I’ve become fascinated with the 15 Entities and digging into how they might reflect in other horror media. That led me to creating short rec lists for every Entity, starting with The Eye!
A lot of these movie recommendations deal with cameras, photography, witnessing terrible events, and unraveling tragic or horrific mysteries.
Rear Window (1954)
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In deadly danger...because they saw too much!
Rear Window’s premise is simple enough: A famous photographer suffers an accident after a shoot and is confined to his apartment to recover. To drive away the boredom, he constantly studies his eccentric neighbors. He’s then led to believe that the neighbor right across from him has murdered his wife.
To be honest, I almost didn’t want to add this to the list because the main character Jeff is a sexist asshole, but you can treat him more as a focal point than someone to root for. We see his neighbors through his lens and this voyeurism is what allows us to get invested in the mystery and the lives of his neighbors (through literal open windows into their day-to-day).
Even before he was confined to his apartment, he never really knew his neighbors. All he does is watch them and give them demeaning nicknames based on their attributes (i.e., Mrs. Lonelyheart for a lonely older woman on the ground floor, Ms. Torso for a dancer who entertains small parties in her apartment, etc.). Initially, he doesn’t even have much to go off of for the initial murder other than speculation.
A bit outdated as it might be, I still think this fits The Eye quite well.
It Follows (2015)
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It doesn't think. It doesn't feel. It doesn't give up.
It Follows is a more recent movie that I dismissed for a long time based on the premise: “After carefree teenager Jay (Maika Monroe) sleeps with her new boyfriend, Hugh (Jake Weary), for the first time, she learns that she is the latest recipient of a fatal curse that is passed from victim to victim via sexual intercourse. Death, Jay learns, will creep inexorably toward her as either a friend or a stranger. Jay's friends don't believe her seemingly paranoid ravings, until they too begin to see the phantom assassins and band together to help her flee or defend herself.”
It seemed like a blatant message against STDs or premarital sex just from that alone. After actually watching it, I can say that that’s not necessarily the case. One can argue for that, sure, but the characters are never shamed for having sex on-screen and I don’t feel it’s implied, either.
I also severely underestimated just how creepy and tense the movie actually is.
The unknown entity can look like anyone and will follow you until it destroys you. It pursues you relentlessly, not at a run, but an inevitable shamble because it knows it will get you in the end.
It sounds like the perfect entry for The Hunt at first glance, but what I think differentiates it from a Hunt story is that It doesn’t seem to take any joy from the hunt itself. It goes through its victims like its ticking off a list.
Rather, I think the entity revels more in watching its victims’ fear as it follows after them wherever they are. The main characters try multiple ways to escape it or kill it, but in the end, it doesn’t matter. It always knows where its victims are. It’s always watching.
Shutter (2004)
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The most terrifying images are the ones that are real.
TW: Rape; sexual assault
Shutter (2004) is a Thai horror movie about a photographer who begins to see weird things showing up in his photos after he and his girlfriend accidentally hit a woman with their car. It’s an interesting and well-crafted mystery with a great twist. By the end, you’ll find yourself seeing back and neck aches in a new light lol.
Just a head’s up, there is a rape scene in this movie in the latter half. Unfortunately, it is vital to the plot. I want to be upfront about that since some people might be bothered by it.
Everyone knows about J-horror’s famous long-haired, vengeful ghosts (The Grudge, Ringu, etc.) or K-horror’s zombies and demons (Train to Busan, Peninsula, The Wailing, etc.), but not too many people know about Thai’s horror scene, so I wanted to showcase it a bit. The Promise (2017) is another great Thai horror movie that I first saw on Netflix.
There is an American remake of Shutter, but I haven’t seen it nor do I ever plan to.
The Blair Witch Project (1999)
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In October of 1994, three student filmmakers disappeared in the woods near Burkittsville, Maryland, while shooting a documentary...A year later their footage was found.
Found footage movies feel ripe for The Eye. Most of the time, you don’t quite know who found and edited this footage in the first place (particularly if everyone involved is dead by the end). Depending on how you look at it, found footage can also strip away the boundary between real life and fiction to the point where you feel complicit in watching terrible events unfold. Much like The Eye and its Avatars.
Not the first found footage movie ever (The McPherson Tape came out earlier), but The Blair Witch Project was definitely one of the most popular (if not the most popular) horror found footage movies ever. Its success catapulted this entire genre into the mainstream, which is why we get movies like [REC], Paranormal Activity, Lake Mungo, The Taking of Deborah Logan, and many others that build upon this movie’s legacy.
One of the most fascinating aspects of this movie is the alarmingly large number of people who believed this movie depicted real events both directly after and long after its initial release. In fact, the actors were once listed as actually being dead on IMDB at one point.
The gif of Heather’s monologue in the dark is one of the most iconic parts of the movie. It’s heartbreaking and feels like the last confession of a person who knows they’re going to die.
It can be a lot of yelling and shaky cam, which some people might not like. That’s understandable, but if you can stomach that, then I do think it’s worth a watch. The mythology behind the Blair Witch (itself a fake entity made up for this movie) almost feels real and the way the forest seems to shift and trap Heather, Josh, and Mike can feel claustrophobic and genuinely eerie.
Noroi: The Curse (2005)
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“I want the truth. No matter how terrifying, I want the truth.”
Noroi: The Curse is a Japanese found footage movie that deserves more love. What at first feels like three different television broadcasts all come together to weave a haunting tale of what happens when you’re driven to learn the truth of a terrible event no matter the cost.
It’s unsettling and feels very genuine in its presentation of all these different broadcasts. It almost feels like unsettling lost media someone cobbled together into a documentary for the public.
You can find this movie on Shudder! They always have a wide collection of classics, new and indie horror movies, and tons of foreign horror movies to check out.
I hope this list at least peaked someone’s interest in these movies! Horror is such a huge genre that I love exploring.
I’ll definitely make more rec lists featuring movies that reflect the other Entities, but if you like this list and want more The Eye recs, I can make a second part, too!
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fyrefrostanimus · 5 months
That Slay the Princess X FNaF crossover but it's just me thinking about how different versions of The Princess would interact with anyone else but The Hero
Thinking about the Slay the Princess X FNaF crossover a bit more (as a placeholder, it'll be called "Chapter II: Mechanically Broken" until I either think of something better or decide it sticks). I've settled on Michael being the first person to actually meet The Princess after the two accidental multiverse travelers end up somewhere they obviously aren't meant to be.
Since The Princess is away from The Hero for a lot of the time and almost all of Chapters II through IV are on the table, it gives me some room to think of how each version of her would interact with people other than our favorite eldritch crow man.
Quick preface to all of these, but if I do decide to write this random AU into a fanfic or something, the only character The Princess could (not every version of her obviously) feel anything romantic for would be The Hero. It just makes more sense to me that way.
Anyone is also free to remove the crossover AU elements to this post and just use the characterizations I got for all of them! No need to even credit anything, this is general stuff.
Chapter II Princesses
The Nightmare
Like with a lot of other Chapter II Princesses, The Nightmare's Aura of Organ Failure doesn't work on anyone except The Hero. She's a bit surprised at this but at least there's other ways to spread fear out there.
As I just mentioned with fear, she wants to be feared. The Nightmare probably looks at pre-Bite of '83 Mike with a sort of awe that he has his brother so afraid he's crying on the floor half the time (not saying that's good, but she sees it as such).
She doesn't want to kill anyone for the sake of killing, but if it'll make her feared, she'll do it. Her Aura of Organ Failure may not work on most normal human people here, but The Nightmare can find a way around it should the need arise.
The Stranger
Still shaken from the whole "the universe collapsed and now I'm like 5 different versions of the same person all smashed into one entity" thing.
After that, it's each of them pretty act like The Hero and all the Voices: each considering all the options and choosing whatever seems best for them to keep their 5 melded heads (albeit they're probably much more functional since they each control part of the body and actively must work together).
Each Princess making up The Stranger has different views and experiences with killing. I'm not about to rattle them all off, if you've seen a playthrough of this route you'll probably be able to tell which is which.
The Damsel
I was actually considering having The Damsel be flirty, but since her adoration for The Hero is based on him trying to rescue her, it makes more sense for her to be desperately searching for her beloved.
She probably trusts people much too easily. Very naive, and a bit of a doormat. When it comes to anyone except The Hero, she's a bit more capable of questioning things, but it's still The Damsel in there: enough pushing and she'll probably agree. She's pretty much a big child.
The Damsel doesn't want to kill anyone, and it's not like she would know how to do so effectively if she had to.
The Witch
No "crushing everyone to death with roots" here, sorry. Pretty sure you'd enjoy the concept of someone you hate dying in a springlock suit, though.
Outside of her willingness to betray those she knows she can't trust, The Witch's probably pretty mischievous. It's purely my own thinking though, but showing us she could slip that chain off her wrist with a smug look on her face really made me think that.
The Witch would definitely kill those she believes will betray her. And if there seems to be no way to do so, she will find one.
The Beast
Being an intelligent-but-still-feral animal, she'd at least be willing to talk. But as soon as you're a threat, you're dead. The Beast also probably has a chase instinct so maybe don't run away from her.
The Beast can and would and could kill someone should the need arise. And that need is probably that she just got hungry.
The Spectre
While she can't rip anyone's heart clean out of their body outside of The Hero, her reaching her hand into anyone else's living body would probably have some effects. Could probably be fatal depending on which organ and what condition it was already in.
She's snarky and a bit playful. While she wouldn't call anyone outside The Hero "killer", The Spectre would probably find some similar name for another person. Plus, she hates being alone. Even if she's not trapped in the basement of the cabin in this universe, it's like she remembers what it was like in there.
Might be able to kill someone. Definitely could kill The Hero with her usual heart-crushing move, but not anyone else since she doesn't seem able to interact much with solid matter past that.
The Razor
Since The Razor doesn't change much throughout her many chapters, this will apply to all of them.
Don't even try to be friendly with her. All The Razor wants is your blood all over her sharp hands (and body, if she decides to reveal that). She doesn't care about competition as much, although the thrill of battle does get to her like it does with The Adversary.
A very one-note character. While The Stranger seems to be the true parallel to The Razor, I see some similarities in The Damsel in the way she slams into you and breaks herself in doing so during The Empty Cup. Her bloodlust is the only trait she truly has, and once she has nothing to hurt (and gets injured herself), she panics. The Razor is just so desperate to cause pain and death that she will self-destruct when she can't do so anymore.
The Adversary
She wants a fight. The Adversary is here to kick ass and get her ass kicked, and she's not leaving this mortal coil without both of those happening simultaneously (not like she can die).
She probably wouldn't just fight ANYONE, since she wants to push her limits. People she knows are weaker than her are probably safe unless she finds out they can't actually die. A bit impatient too, and irritable.
The Adversary could absolutely kill someone. She wants to as well, but only if it's someone she sees as worth her time.
The Tower
Her Compelling Voice won't work on anyone but The Hero, probably giving her an identity crisis bad enough to quickly turn her into The Fury.
Seems like the type to write a book. If she could accept not actually being a god then maybe she would (but that's not her character).
Demands respect, not knowing that's not how it works here. The Tower adores those who submit to her, but only as long as they do.
She doesn't like physical combat. The Tower would rather break someone down mentally than throw hands.
The Prisoner
Still could behead herself and have her head carried around. But since The Prisoner isn't actually chained to a wall, she'd be less likely to pull that move (she still has the heavy chains that restrict her movement speed though).
She's resourceful, and uses what she has to try and turn the tide in her favor. The Prisoner is mentally prepared for almost any situation, and after (what she perceives as) years of being locked up in a basement she's used to asking questions before taking action.
The Prisoner would definitely kill someone if they directly pose a threat to her, whether they mean harm or not. She'd give them a chance to drop the weapon, but if they refuse, she's not holding back.
Chapter III Princesses
The Wraith
She can't actually possess anyone other than The Hero, but she sure as hell will try to make your life agony if you piss her off. Which would be easy considering she can crush one's ankle with just a squeeze.
The Wraith is still definitely not kind to newly-met strangers, but she'll at least give them a chance to prove they won't try anything. Even after that point screwing up could be a death sentence.
Can and will kill someone if she wants something. The Wraith will take anything she needs in order to reach her goals, whatever they may be.
The Moment of Clarity
Think The Nightmare, but (probably: I am taking criticism for this, and I'm even rewatching ManlyBadassHero's playthrough in order to make sure I'm getting them right) more desperate for companionship.
Almost everything else carries over from The Nightmare. The Moment of Clarity still wants to cause fear, but being rejected in some way really affected her.
The Grey
Burned will be in orange, Drowned will be in blue.
She's overly loving, willing to do anything to make sure she and The Hero can be together. Just not in the obsessive yandere way. I'm pretty sure that, if The Hero found someone else, she'd either be happy that he's happy or switch to the Drowned Grey (which would mean it's not technically her).
I don't think she would want to kill someone (or, like with her leadup in The Damsel, know how). But The Burned Grey could probably pull the blade out of her chest if necessary.
The Drowned Grey is blunt and not much of a talker. Unlike The Den, who cannot speak, she simply chooses not to.
She'd kill you if she had a reason, usually a grudge. But the punishment would likely match the crime, so if you just spilled your coffee on her she'd probably just wake you up in the middle of the night with a splash of cold water. But she could also use the blade impaled in her chest.
The Thorn
The Witch, but barely trusts anyone. The Thorn would be overjoyed if she found someone she could actually trust.
Like with her being trapped in brambles, she tends to find herself in situations where she needs help to get out. Especially since she's now outside of her own universe and can be confused by so many more things.
Honestly, I have no idea if she'd kill someone. I would have carried this over from The Witch, but The Thorn just doesn't seem like the type to be able to kill if in that situation.
The Wild
I think they're pretty much the only one who doesn't interact with anyone outside of The Hero, since it's probably extremely hard for a path in the woods to talk or anything.
Probably likes riddles.
I am assuming so much here and it's mostly based of them being "a curious heart": seeing as The Wild seeks knowledge of at least a certain aspect, they just figure out other fun stuff along the way.
Seems pretty content with not killing anyone. Likely could if they wanted to, but The Wild doesn't mind just being a path in the woods (only talking about The Princess's half, it depends with The Hero since The Wild starts with them merged).
The Den
The Beast, but unable to be reasoned with. If you piss her off then good luck, you're on your own.
The Fury
She can't rip out the organs of anyone except The Hero (at least, she can't without a physical effort). Poor girl can't catch a break: first she finds out her god power of commanding a guy to do her bidding won't work, and now she can't even punish them for it?
She's very spiteful. The Fury doesn't forget, and she never forgives. Well, she wouldn't until she switches to another version of The Princess who has a different reaction.
She would probably kill someone over a minor inconvenience.
The Eye of the Needle
Everything from The Adversary carries over, but is increased ten-fold. The Eye of the Needle would probably be willing to fight more people with intent to kill and be killed.
The Apotheosis
Everything from The Tower, but add on that she's now cocky as well. She won't even bother trying to bend your will to stop your attempts to kill her: The Apotheosis would love to see you try.
Oh my god I'm finally done writing this. It took two whole days to finish as I rewatched a whole playthrough to refresh
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Muse list!:
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Name: Keith
Age: 19
Gender: male
Bio: Keith was once a completely normal human,however that changed when he met the lemon demon in week two,he was bitten by the lemon demon after he attacked GF,though the two survived the attack,Keith would start to become ill as his body began to ache,until he fully transformed into his monstrous and current form,when he first transformed he ended up attacking pico,permanently damaging his left eye,he soon after came to his senses and profusely apologized to his best friend. For a while,his monstrous form would have sudden feral outbursts and Keith often secluded himself in his room as a result,however after skid and pumps sacrifice,these outbursts stopped as Keith stopped secluding and isolating himself,though he hasn’t seen skid and pump after the instinct vanished,though he hopes to see them soon. Keith is mostly back to normal personality wise,he’s very optimistic and energetic but is more apologetic to pico for hurting him accidentally and in general when he does something wrong,even if it’s minor,he also has a massive hunger for meat,his favorite thing to eat now being rotisserie chicken,he tends to act like a dog more then human.
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Name: rose
Age: 19
Gender: female
Bio: rose is a half demon who used to hide behind her human form until the events of week 2,the lemon demon had bit and tore off her entire face,reveling her demonic and bloody skull face,thinking she was dead,Keith charged and attempted to attack the lemon demons his is how he got bit in the first place,with no other option,she unleashed her demon power and form and teleported herself and Keith away,despite her fear,especially since she had no face anymore,Keith supported her,saying that he’d love her no matter what,Keith ended up buying Rose a mask so she could walk out in public without drawing attention to her exposed face,she then changed her whole outfit to what it is currently even showing some of her demon features ,thorough Keith’s struggle she has stayed by his side,supporting him through his struggles,when pico comes over to visit she goes outside to hunt for the lemon demon like a bounty hunter,and she won’t stop until she strikes the lemon demon dead.
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Name: pico
Age: 20
Gender: male
Bio: after reuniting with Keith in week 3,pico and rose would see how Keith was getting aches of pain and ill and the two looked after him,when Keith transformed into his monstrous form and went completely feral,pico got his left eye permanently damaged as he was trying to calm Keith down,luckily he came to his senses soon after,for a while pico wore a bandage around his now blind eye in his daily life,suggesting to now being blind in one eye surprisingly quickly,however unknown to everyone,Keith’s scratch had magical venom in it and one day,pico transformed into a monster himself,luckily though,most likely cause it wasn’t a bite,or wasn’t from the lemon demon himself,picos mental state was not affected. Pico is surprisingly still laid back and chill but this whole situation has left his anger to fester,it dosent help that his now reptilian like instincts make him more aggressive when angry,he vows when he and the lemon demon meet again,he WILL kill him and make him pay for what he’s done,especially after what he did to the spooky kids.
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Names: skid and pump
Ages: 9 and 8
Genders: both male
Bios: skid and pump were once a odd combo of a skeleton and pumpkin child,but one day,that all changed. When they brought the lemon demon to Keith and rose they were locked in a closet and could hear the violent screaming of the couples struggle and their “friend” they felt guilty for bringing thier new friends to someone who tried to hurt them,but the next time they met,the couple quickly assured the kids that it wasn’t thier fault and they were good and ok,however when Keith became a monster the kids saw how sad Keith was thanks to his feral side so they decided to visit thier “friend” it took a few days but they found the lemon demon in a dark abandoned alleyway,they told the lemon demon what was going on with Keith and asked if there was a way he could help him. That’s when the lemon demon proposed a idea,he told the kids that he would remove Keith’s feral side if the kids gave something valuable away,the kids thought he just mentioned candy or clothes and even when he explained that wasn’t it,they still agreed to the deal and signed the lemon demons contract,the two were then knocked out by a strike of magical lightning and when they awoke they had discovered that what they gave away was their individuality,as they were stitched together and were just like conjoined twins,luckily though,their sacrifice wasn’t in vain,as the lemon demon kept his word and removed Keith’s feral instincts,the only person who knows about the kids sacrifice was pico and he promised not to tell anyone else the kids secret as they all knew if Keith found out,he would be crushed,it’s also why they hadn’t visited Keith,they didn’t want him seeing them like this,they also discovered that through synchronized fear or concentration,they had a newfound power to do demon like magic,including but not limited to summoning a large style,however they never use it,cause they have no reason too. Despite their horrible situation,the kids are still as bright,bubbly and cheerful as they were before becoming conjoined,most likely cause they always stuck together anyway and have a very good relationship.
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Set the scene here
The world she grew up on was . Lets just say not friendly to her or her mom
Theyre witches, like biologically. Not human. Theyre very similar to humans, but not actually human. The main difference is the blood, which unlike human blood is pinkish, kinda sparkly, and has magical properties. They can also see through time but those are person specific powers and not an overall thing like the blood
Lexax can see into the past (including other peoples pasts but only if shes touching them) her mom can see into the future
Lexax has tried to see into the future but her eyes temporarily exploded so she doesnt do that lmao
Before lexax was born her mom used a love potion on her dad and that cursed not only the relationship, but any child born out of it (meaning poor little lex)
Things go fine until lexax (then iris vae) turned 6. The people in the nearboy town got some kind of proof of what her mother had done, and . Well. You know the typical execution for witches right ?
With orchid (her mother) dead, the spell she had used on lexaxs father was broken. Because of this, he panicked, abandoned his poor already very traumatized child and fled the town.
With no one left to protect her, the kid had to learn how to survive on the streets, and FAST. And she did. Though not without consequences.
She became sharp, but bitter. Fear and rage drove pretty much her every action.
With her survival skills, she had to learn to steal . The theft, paired with no protection, had her getting beat fairly often. It wasnt until she was around 12-13 that it got Bad, but she could mostly patch herself up with the potions she could brew from her blood (the magical properties i mentioned)
Eventually, someone New showed up in the town. He saw this kid passed out from her wounds in the middle of the square, saw no one helping her, and decided "well damn clearly this kid has no one" and helped her.
When she came to, the man asked for her name. Trying to distance herself from the father that abandoned her, she gave him a new name she came up with on the spot. Axel.
He stuck around for a couple years, watching out for her, teaching her how to wield a weapon, teaching her how not to survive but to Live,
He taught her about worlds other than the one she lived in, about creatures called heartless, about keyblades
If you havent guessed already, the guy is xehanort
Except a much "kinder" version (to thsi day lexax doesnt know if it was an act she shed trust him or if it was real. Shell never get the answers she wants now)
When she was 14-15 ish, she came home to find her "dad" beaten half to death and fading fast. She was fully convinced he died in her arms, but when she returned from digging the grave, the body was gone. She didn't think twice about it, only assumed it was the townspeople taking away her chance at closure, like with her mother.
This was the final nail in the coffin for her to become fully closed off, bitter and angry and frankly would rather die than make any connections ever again
Not to mention is fully willing to kill, if it would protect herself.
Like 11 years later, heartless start popping up everywhere. While trying to take one out, she almost accidentally skewers some goofy lookin kid in a red jumpsuit with an oversized housekey.
Apparently, the townspeople had told the kid, sora, that she had summoned the heartless. Complete lies, she was the one who was keeping them at bay, but prejudice will have people believe anything.
It becomes clear pretty fast what happened, and sora and his friends end up growing really fast on her. A day or two after that, she and sora found themselves completely surrounded by heartless, with no end to them in sight.
She made sora run and leave her behind, sacrificing herself to hold back the tide so he could escape. She didnt stop fighting for a second, even as she watched them tear the heart from her chest.
When she came to, the heartless were gone, but strangely, so was all the rage and fear and sorrow she had relied on to keep her going for all those years. And for some reason, she ... didnt care.
For about a year, she went on like that. The townspeople largely left her alone now, as apparently she had been seen "die and come back"
It made them more afraid of her, but whatever worked.
Eventually, two men showed up at her house. One with a ponytail, and one that both, in a weird way reminded her of her "dead" father figure and also SUPREMELY creeped her out.
They offered her a way out, a new name -- lexax --, and a job as a weapon of sorts, and she took it. Anything was better than where she was.
She passed out when she agreed, and when she woke up, her vision was. Wrong. When she looked in the mirror, her left eye had been replaced. The new eye was red and had an x shaped pupil, and when she looked at herself, she could see every last one of her weaknesses. It was unnerving. Immediately she made herself an eyepatch to cover it, and changed up her appearance, a way to signify her new life. Her made her originally dark brown hair blonde, and shaved half her head. Why not right never too late for an emo phase
OH SHIT I FORGOT SOMETHING WHEN SHE WAS LIKE 15 SOMEONE TRIED TO KILL HER . They tried to burn her at the stake like her mom
She managed to kill her would be executioner and get away, but not without extreme burns on her legs and severe pyrophobia
ANOTHER THING I FORGOT at like age 16-17 for a few months she was able to go to the realm of darkness in her dreams. She ended up finding/making friends with/having a bisexual awakening over a girl there. One with blue hair and a keyblade.
But it wasnt long before she lost the ability to go there.
Anyway, her first day she gets paired up with some rehead guy. Something about "proving himself" after losing... someone. she was really not paying attention to anything that was being said unless it was being said to her directly
The guy doesnt seem too jazzed about it, but hey, neither is she.
They get their mission done, but last second get swarmed by a random hoard of heartless. It seems like theyll be fine, but then she realizes. This guy is fighting with *fire*. Lexax freaks out and bolts, so the guy has to go hunt her down
They have a little bit of a bonding moment, but shes not here to make friends so as soon as they get back she locks herself in her room
Over time, as much as she was trying not to, she ends up making friends with the redhead guy, along with the ponytail guy that originally came to get her, but ESPECIALLY demyx who is the only one who gets to be named here. Best friend privilege lol
Well. The main events of kh2 happen. Finding out about the demise about 2/3 of her friends but especially demyx, lexax goes a little. Apeshit. Initially she wasnt going to fight sora because he was her friend too, but after finding out he was the one that killed demyx, and being lied to abt him "being the one that killed axel" (she was purposely very much kept out of all the loops and lied to at every turn because that worked SO well with roxas and xion) (speaking of. She was made xv but no one knew why . If she tried to ask x*mnas he would just give her this look that really creeped her out until she left)
Anyway she vowed for revenge and hunted down sora when he went for his whole seige on tctnw
Problem was her whole rage thing made her sloppy. She ended up with a whole ass keyblade through her gut and was forced to hear soras side of the story as she laid on the ground half dead
Realizing how badly her head had been fucked with, she forgave him and wished him luck going forward, then forced him to leave her, since she wanted to die alone
Before she could die though she realized she had One healing potion left. It brought her back from the brink of death, but not by much.
By the time lexax had caught up with sora and co, the only one left was x*mnas. So, she does what any reasonable person does and shows up to the fight, claiming that bc it was just the two of them now that there wasnt an organization left for her to betray and she was just there to watch the fireworks. After all, she never fuckin liked him anyway.
In a show of power, he attacks her by surprise and force chokes her to death. She didnt get any words out but she Did flip him off on her way out
She comes to back in her old home, and while she cant use dark corridors anymore, she Does have a form of teleportation she can use, provided she has the right ingredients for the potion + has been where shes trying to go
So she goes somewhere she always thought was peaceful and calm, which, frankly, is something she fuckin needs at this point -- twilight town.
She also decides to keep her name and new appearance. If she came back, her friends might too, and it would be better if they could actually recognize her when they did.
Just a heads up beyond this point is when the romancy stuff starts to kick in bc she deserves love so much forever poor woman has experienced The Horrors for 27 years let her Rest (oh . Yeah . I should mention i hc kh2 to take about a year in itself. 6 ish months at the very least there was so much happening in it its the longest kh game by far) oh yeah also now that shes no longer a nobody the red eye is gone so shes just kinda normal now
Anyway shes minding her own business in her little house in tt and she hears a voice that she hadnt expected to hear again and quite literally falls out of her 2nd story window in shock. Dw she lands in the bushes shes fine shes survived way worse
But when she wrestles herself Out of the bushes, there he is, one of her friends that is Supposed to be dead
She had told herself that if she came back, they probably did too, but it wasn't much of a hope. More of a bandaid on the bullet wound that was the despair she was feeling over it
Anyway she sees axel (or lea now but how would she know that) and shes just. Standing there. Because thats all she can think to do . Shes in shock but she manages to say his name and he turns around and she just fucking. LAUNCHES herself at him in the biggest fuckin hug shes ever given
Yknow at least until her legs turn to jelly and she starts Bawling because no one has ever come back before
They catch up and then eventually the start of kh3 happens
Sora shows up and warns her the org is back but doesnt mention xehanort
No one knows her connection to him except xigbar who is keeping his mouth shut about all this because its funnier to just watch it all happen
Well guess who shows up in her house to try and sway her over to his side
Lexax feels Every Emotion At Once on finding out her long lost father figure wasnt actually dead. She goes to hug him but last second, surprising both herself and xehanort, FUCKING DECKS HIM GET HIS ASS LEXAX
All the joy she felt at realizing he was alive turned to rage in an instant when she realized that he abandoned her after he PROMISED he would get her out of that world, knowing full well the amount of danger she was constantly in
This turned to even more rage when she found out that technically he was xemnas and he fucking killed her
She went apeshit and kicked him out of her house, as she should
So then immediately he sent in xigbar, because they were friends so hes probably got a better chance at swaying her
Well shes overjoyed to see him too
But then something clicks about a reaction hed had to her in the past and she realizes. He knew abt xehanort the whole damn time so now shes pissed at him too
Not quite so much, he doesnt get decked, but shes mad nonetheless
This is when she officially joins up with sora.
But because of that, theres a last ditch effort from Daddy Issues to try and bring her over
And of course, its the most logical move anyone can use
Fucking. Remotely EXPLODE lexaxs left eye and have the red one grow back in its place ! It doesnt have its old powers anymore, but instead has a new function -- he can watch her every move, and she knows it.
Fucking scary right
Anyway she tells sora about this and he sends her to radiant garden because if anyone can help its the biggest emo nerd with the most lab unsafe haircut ever ienzo
Well. He cant help.
So lexax, being the badass she is, decides to take it upon herself and fix the problem.
By gouging out her own eye.
After this, she decides that xehanort needs to be dealt with, and he needs to be dealt with NOW. Fuck all his plans for whatever
So she sends a message not only to sora (by the way i forgot to mention her nickname for him, she calls him starboy :] ) but to lea as well that shes taking him on herself and if she doesnt contact them in like 10 minutes to assume shes dead
The element of surprise worked in her favor, but not enough to kill him like shed planned. Instead, she cut off one of his arms. Before she could get a second swing in, he got her in a move similar to how xemnas had killed her
But, learning from her mistakes, she had a teleportation potion locked in her teeth in case of this exact scenario, and was able to bite down on it and get herself out of there before she died, with only some heavy bruising around her windpipe
Lexax girlboss moments
Fast forward to the scene with everyone in the mysterious tower bc like hell she isnt getting involved in that (somewhere in there theres a reunion with demyx and now shes One Happy Lexax. Also he lives in her house now (meaning he just kinda showed up and she never told him to leave))
She and aqua have a whole pointing spiderman meme moment like "HOLY SHIT YOURE REAL???" and also she comes clean to everyone abt her ties with xehanort and everyone gets a little freaked out abt that, and rightfully so but its still a little insulting its pretty clear no one wants him dead more than her
During the whole fuckin battle sequence where Everyone Dies she focuses almost solely on keeping lea safe . She lost him once, no way in hell shes gonna do it again thats her Fuckign Boyfriend
When the maze shit initially happened, the L&L duo got separated, and lexax ended up fighting xigbar
During this fight, she manages to make a sort of whip out of tangible darkness. Xigbars like "dont you think youre getting too op lol" and lexax hits him with the "i had to take out my own eye i think i earned this" and it comes out. He had no fucking idea what she had been put through. And considering they are still friends, hes a little bit Shook about it
Like he hides it well but theres a certain air of horror to his reaction that you can tell hes a little fucked up over it
And, deciding he doesnt wanna fight her anymkre, just fuckin. Teleports her over to The Boyf.
She meant to stay by leas side during this and protect him, but as soon as she saw x*nmas she got Revenge Tunnelvision and went all out attackjng him and only him.
Her sword shatters in the fight, leaving her with just a jagged stump of metal to attack with . Fucked up
When x*mnas goes to attack lea, lexax goes a Little Bit Apeshit and tries to attack him with said jagged stump of metal, only for (in the most anime way possible) it to turn into a whole ass keyblade
But then she immediately catches saixs claymore in the guts and gets flung into the wall and left to bleed out in the dirt
Maybe dont wear a crop top to war next time, lexax
Fast forward to right before everyone care bear stares xehanort with their keyblades. Turns out, he had replaced his lost arm with one made of darkness, not unlike the whip lexax had made
Like father like daughter yknow
Well just to taunt him, lexax cusses him out and shows off her new keyblade, because the main reason he had left her was her inability to manifest one
Anyway fast forward Again to his Defeat Defeat
While the wayfinder trio is having their moment with force ghost eraqus lexax ends up clinging to xehanort and sobbing, saying that she "hates him so much"
All he can do is hug her back and say "i know"
Then following his Peaceful Fuckoff With His Ghost Ex, she has a full on breakdown. Screaming, crying, punching the ground. He hurt everyone so much, he hurt HER so much, why should he get to have such a peaceful happy ending???
She tells everyone she needs to be alone for a bit and fucks off back to her original world for a few hours, and comes back to her house in like the middle of the night
Cue the epilogue cutscene era
Lexax is genuinely so much happier now. Found family is the best drug out there /j
She doesnt live alone, instead in her house its her, lea, demyx, isa And xion
She tricked out the basement into the coolest room a 15 year old girl could ask for for her (with the help of the boys in the house + roxas) (demyx didnt help. but he did buy the pizza)
Shes happy and gets to have soft domestic moments and is jsut!! Not being traumatized for the first time like ever!!! Look at her go!!
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hournites · 2 years
TKV’s Stargirl s3 Bucket List 
- Yolanda’s hair down 
- Artemis and Beth backstory drama (bonus points if they were friends in elementary school)
- Starman being a fake
- Artemis being called out for being the most privileged ISA kid 
- The Fiddler Sr makes a reappearance 
- Beth flashback episode opener 
- Cameron accidentally freezing someone
- Cindy gets vetoed out/kicked out of the JSA
- the Gambler blackmailing Beth or people she loves as payback
- the Gambler is racist 
- Beth expulsion arc 
-  Jakeem and Mike break up 
- Jakeem being terrified of Cindy
- Mike terrified of Cameron
- Cameron unhinged for Courtney’s love after one (1) date
- Mahkent grandparents try to assassinate Courtney 
-  Confirmation that Cameron was and is being groomed by grandparents
- Beth helping Rick with the hourglass to parallel 2x03
- Beth saving someone with medic skills (bonus points if she uses her gloves and her suit’s may compartments) 
- Rick making blackout bombs for Beth to use 
- Rick holding Beth’s hand during a scary moment 
- Yolanda slapping Cindy in public as a treat 
- Rick gets addicted to Miraclo arc (Max. 3 episodes)
- Beth confiscating the hourglass until Rick gets sober 
- Artemis helping Rick through withdrawals (bonus points if she threatens to give him another swirlie if she catches him making miraclo again) 
- Dr. McNider coming to town and hating on Sylvester 
- Mafia Mike 
- Or at least Mike’s mom is confirmed to be tied to villainy 
- 70s Rick (Time Travel of the JSA confirms Jennie and Rick were perhaps not born in the year that they thought they were) 
- Sylvester acknowledging that he failed his sister and nephew real bad
- OR Sylvester not giving a single f*** that his nephew was murdered 
- the Gambler pretends to be good 
- Rick lives in the tailer park with the Gambler (and maybe Sylvester) and hates it 
- Ms Woods offers Rick a place to live/becomes a mother figure for him 
- Mike moves in with the Crocks 
- The Crocks kickstart Mike’s fruit arc 
- A frenemy exposes Rick’s crush on Beth 
- Someone does something to the diner (vandalism, arson, theft etc) to hit Yolanda where it hurts 
- Artemis switches sides like 5 times 
- Cameron dramatically flings off a scarf 
- Rick breaks into Cameron’s house 
- Cameron talks to Beth (he thinks she’s a safe way to learn about Rick) but this sets off Rick’s berserk button and it backfires 
- Beth’s parents make Beth a suit she cannot stand 
- Beth alters said suit when her old one gets somehow stolen or destroyed 
- Beth’s parents starting a POHAC (Parents of Heroes Alliance Club) 
- We get to meet Jakeem’s parents 
- Starman controlling or manipulating Courtney 
- Cindy asks Beth to help her with an experiment 
- Cindy uses the dragon staff again to set something on fire 
- Someone has a car crash or a near accident and Rick has a panic attack 
- Call back to Beth’s fear of heights 
- Another Pat & Beth undercover pair up 
- Yolanda and Rick spying on Cameron (bonus points if they get caught)
- Courtney wearing dresses and skirts specifically because she is in her Dating Season 
- The Shade only ever showing up in fights to help during teen gang wars
- Yolanda runs for student president again 
- Jakeem accidentally throws the JSA into an alt reality 
- Mike and Cindy become friends for real 
- Mr. Bones talking in rhymes 
- Jennie referred to as Jade (and gets a suit) 
- Nurse Love revealing that Yolanda and Artemis are metahumans 
- Jennie finds Todds and lowkey discovers she hates him 
- Todd injures or even kills the Shade 
- Pat and Barb have a romantic dinner date which the Crocks crash
- Beth in Rick’s car 
- A repeat of Yolanda’s chaotic texting 
- Homecoming episode 
- An episode where the entire JSA is giving each other the silent treatment and the ISA have to act as mediators between them 
- Rick being openly flirtatious with Beth on miraclo/the hourglass 
- Rick trying to ask Beth out for half a season but always chickening out/getting interrupted. Beth being the one to do it in the end. 
- Yolanda saving her parents 
- Alex Montez reappearance 
- Mr Bones or Nurse Love kidnapping Yolanda or Jennie for the Helix Institute 
- Or Yolanda’s parents discover Wildcat and actually get manipulated into sending her there 
- Todd vs Cameron showdown 
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redorich · 3 years
to those who carried on
A fic for @petrichormeraki​ and their Hermit!Tommy AU.
The hermits know Tommy as a quiet young man who is very sad and contemplative. The more time they spend with him (against his will, but they know he needs the company) the more they learn of the little details. His favorite block is cobblestone, he likes building towers, and apparently his favorite woman is the Queen. They don’t ask why he wears a smiley mask even though he never seems happy. They don’t ask why he hides important things in his ender chest. They don’t ask why he wears a shattered compass on a chain about his neck.
(Once, he died in lava and lost his absolute mind. He was so upset about the compass that he didn’t even mention the stack and a half of diamond ore he had on him. Xisuma ended up manually rolling back the server just so Tommy could have it back.)
As time goes on, the tremors in Tommy's hands grow lesser. His dull blond hair seems a bit brighter, his bruises fade quicker, he doesn’t look quite so skinny-- he spends his time serenely building, resource gathering instead of running and fighting. He has a sense of humor under all that trauma, which the hermits unfortunately find out after another massive-scale prank war thought to be instigated by Grian actually turns out to be Tommy's fault.
Tommy starts swearing more. Doc gets the stink eye from Stress for this, but Doc insists he’s never once sworn around the young man. (That’s an absolute lie, but it wasn’t anything Tommy hadn’t heard before. Tommy thinks Doc is remarkably unoriginal in his cursing. He does take note of the German ones, though.)
Inviting Tommy to PvP minigames can be touchy, they learn. He likes to fight, but he fights like an animal with nothing to lose. Grian once chanted, “It stays in the pit!” and everyone present had to spend the next five minutes wrangling Tommy’s soul back into his body from wherever it’d floated off to.
Tommy likes to glide with his elytra. He claims he’s never had one before, but he flies like such a natural that a few people have their doubts. On a dark desert night, with dark blue eyes watching the night sky, he confides to Cub that it reminds him of the way his dad used to fly. He hates rockets, though. He does not confide to Cub that it reminds him of what his brother did to his best friend. He says enough that Cub can guess, though.
Scar gets fed up with Tommy’s creeper holes and makes Tommy help him fix them. At first, Tommy has no clue why Scar is breaking out things like coarse dirt and birch leaves and making the ground all fancy, but he’s not afraid of a little hard work and Scar makes it fun. He learns a lot about terraforming that day, and awkwardly comes back a few days later asking if Scar needs any more help terraforming. Tommy still hasn’t built a real base, not by Hermitcraft standards, but the small hill he’s built his dirt hut near now has a very beautiful, if amateurish, waterfall. He doesn’t tell Scar about this, but Scar finds out anyway. Tommy wakes up one morning to find that someone has left a shulker box in his house. Instead of iron-gripped paranoia, he just feels wonder that someone would give him a gift-- to the hermits, a single shulker box is nothing. To Tommy, it’s everything.
The shulker box contains coarse dirt, birch leaves, and a silk touch shovel.
Tommy helps Xisuma mine a giant hole in the ground near bedrock, because he realizes that he’s never thanked the admin for getting him his compass back. Well, that and the fact that instamining with a haste two beacon and an efficiency five pickaxe is a novelty. Xisuma lets him keep the cobble, since everyone knows it’s Tommy’s favorite block, but also insists he keep some of the other blocks like andesite and diorite. He pats Tommy on the head and tells him to talk to Bdubs about building a house some time. Tommy nods. He's taken aback by how tall Xisuma is, completely contrasting his mild nature. He reminds Tommy of Wilbur, on one of his good days before... Before. Not Ghostbur, though-- the admin is much too alive.
Tommy waits too long, so eventually Bdubs comes to him. The man is silly and outrageous, playing everything for laughs and unexpectedly tender. Bdubs plays up how beautiful he thinks Tommy’s hideous dirt shack is, then offers to help him build a house that’s better. For Tommy, building a house means settling down, accepting that this is his home now. Bdubs doesn’t know this. Tommy builds cobblestone dicks while Bdubs tries to lecture him about depth and block variation. Nothing gets done and Bdubs feels like he might have failed, but come next week Bdubs is flying over the area and sees the dicks are gone; so is the dirt house. In its place is a spruce-and-cobble cottage nestled near the tiny waterfall. Off to the side, he’s made a cozy doghouse for his fox, Theo. Bdubs doesn’t know how close that fox came to being named Fundy.
He spars with False, and she very pointedly does not mention how his stances are uniquely suited to a piglin. There’s only one renowned fighter who’s a piglin, after all. It's Tommy’s story to tell, if he ever does, why he’s seen enough of the legendary Technoblade’s fights to pick up on his stances, yet he’s not experienced enough to know that they don’t suit him. Instead, False gives him different stances suited more for tall, skinny people like the two of them. She’s got blond hair and blue eyes just like him. (Not that she’d know. She’s never seen his eyes, hidden behind his mask as they are.) Every now and then, he imagines her as an older sister, and the one time he says so, she smiles. When Tommy’s at home, looking at his own distorted reflection in his waterfall (he’s improved it since he built it), he muses that their eyes aren’t the same, their hair colors are subtly off. It’s close enough, he thinks.
Stress dies from fall damage and Tommy goes out of his way to pick up her stuff, because the hermits do these things out of the kindness of their hearts. The thought never even crosses their minds to steal. It crosses his mind. He doesn’t do it. Stealing from Stress would be like stealing from Niki.
He shows up at Cleo’s base unannounced and demands to see the “cool shit”. He is appropriately enthused by the giant armor-stand-bugs. She tries teaching him her armor stand magic, but it doesn’t really sink in. It’s okay, she assures him, most people don’t have the knack for it. He does, however, learn that buttons make excellent decorations. He also learns how to braid hair, bribed by ice cream. He is terrible at it, to the point where Joe has to come by to help the two untangle her hair so Tommy can start again. Watching the two bicker over capitalism and six million armor stands and a whole host of other inside jokes he doesn’t get, he thinks he’s starting to understand what friendship is supposed to be like. Joe and Cleo don’t see him clutching his compass. He and Tubbo weren’t too far off from this, given their circumstances. Maybe...
Maybe Tubbo can be forgiven.
Tommy makes minigames of his own, ones that don’t just kill you and steal your stuff. He builds things that are pretty instead of just functional, brews potions with Stress and only calls them drugs once (again, upsetting her is like upsetting Niki. Best not done), and sets up chicken bombs above people’s bases instead of just lavacasting them. (As Grian saw the hundreds of chickens slowly raining down upon his mansion, he got such a peculiar look on his face that Tommy feared he’d fucked up. The shorter, stronger (much stronger oh god why is he so strong despite being so small) man nearly crushed Tommy’s lungs in a hug, proclaiming how proud he was of Tommy. Tommy was proud of himself for not accidentally murdering Grian out of reflex. Was this what healing was like?)
Yes. It is what healing is like. Tommy knows this because that wound gets ripped open again. Tango shows him how to build the most obnoxious redstone-powered noise machine the two can think of. Tango digs a small pit, and asks Tommy to throw down his axe. Suddenly, Tommy’s in Logstedshire again; it’s not Tango asking, it’s Dream. His hands don’t shake when he tosses his axe into the pit, followed by his sword and his armor. It isn't until he’s placed the TNT down that Tango grabs his wrist and asks him what he’s doing. Tommy’s eyes clear enough that he can see past the blond hair and freckles. Tango isn’t green, he’s red. He's shorter than Dream, and his worried eyes are unhidden. Tommy shudders, then tells Tango everything.
Tango has no pity for Tommy, just understanding and sympathy. He doesn’t push Tommy to talk about it, but when Tommy’s done telling his story, Impulse and Zedaph show up. They all pretend that Tommy’s voice isn’t hoarse, that they all didn’t conveniently happen to look away when Tommy took off his mask just long enough to wipe his eyes. The men bake a cake together, fool around with honey blocks, and don’t talk about it.
Tommy knows very little about redstone, considers himself more of a builder and a fighter than an engineer. Still, Mumbo’s living base is inspiring, and Tommy often hangs around the man’s industrial district just to watch Mumbo work. Mumbo knows that Tommy hasn’t purchased a day pass, but it’s nice having someone around to talk to while he works. It’s not like Tommy is stealing anything. (Tommy totally steals from Mumbo’s industrial district storage system. The man’s farms are so efficient that he doesn’t even notice, so Tommy assumes it’s fine. What Mumbo doesn’t know won’t hurt him.)
Lava still isn’t his favorite thing in the world. He stays far away from it, instead of imagining what it would be like to hurtle towards it. Ren doesn’t really notice this, but he does notice that Tommy doesn’t seem to like his mustafarian base. On a spur-of-the-moment whim, Ren whips up some absurd plotline in which he is a lone weary traveller seeking refuge at Tommy’s base from strange alien overlords. The two have fun together, and the young man cracks more absurd jokes about it than the hermits have ever seen him do. When Ren leaves a week later to return to his own base, Tommy keeps being absurd, if a bit more subdued without someone to play off of. He builds a shrine to the “prime log”, which grows more elaborate each day. Beef and xB pretend to be his acolytes, despite having no clue what a “twitch prime” is.
They can’t see his face, but the smile in his voice is a far cry from the despondency he once wore like a heavy cloak. He is so much more animated and alive, full of motivation. He builds an entire island in three days, and hand-delivers an invitation to each and every hermit for his beach party. Everyone shows up, even those with packed schedules (Iskall) and those with introverted tendencies (Etho). Tommy is nearly moved to tears when they show up in groups of twos and threes, as though he hadn’t expected anyone to come. There aren’t enough chairs for everyone, but there is more than enough cake to go around. Tango brings drinks, Impulse brings meat to barbecue, and Zedaph makes an elaborate jump-powered grill. Keralis brings way too much confetti and several handfuls of cheap, obnoxious party noisemakers. Stress brings Tommy a crown made out of alliums. It shines far less than his brother’s gold crown, and it’ll die in a few days, but he wears it all night and keeps it in his ender chest until it withers away.
He spends five days teaching himself to make flower crowns. Even his best attempt is awful, nowhere near as pretty as the crowns Stress makes, but when he gives it to her, she takes off the one she was wearing and wears his until it falls apart.
He dies fighting a creeper on Grian’s behalf, and doesn’t even panic, because he trusts that however many times he dies, no matter how stupid or ignominious or revolutionary or important, Xisuma will always let him respawn.
He spends a grand total of nine diamonds to buy a single plot of land in the shopping district. He builds a cute little bench facing the sunset, with warmly glowing street lights on either side and a small garden. At the end of the bench he places a jukebox, and buys every single disc that Beef’s music shop sells, including Pigstep. He sits on the bench while Mellohi plays and watches the tiny silhouettes of his friends flying in the evening sky. Tommy looks alone on that bench, even if he seems happy, so sometimes other people stop by to sit with him. Scar declares the bench area a public park, since everyone likes it so much, and refunds Tommy his nine diamonds straight from the throne.
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anarchiststories · 2 years
aphrodite and ares.
c!technoblade x reader
summary: a piglin with stories and a warrior fall in love and learn what the consequences of love and war truly entail. wordcount: 3.9k notes: ty for requesting this! since i wrote so much, i made it a separate post haha heres where the ask was if anyones curious
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Technoblade loved Greek mythos, and it wasn’t a secret to anyone around. He often referred to you as “my Aphrodite,” and you would respond by calling him “my Ares.” Not a soul looked down on either one of your loves or power, and for good reason.
The piglin man was known as a fearless warrior, after all. He’d fought in more battles than any other living soul (perhaps not Philza) and knew his way around a battlefield to the point where anyone who saw might have thought of him as a dancer.
You were Technoblades greatest fear and companion. He taught you to fight, to bargain, to win, to love – practically everything you knew he taught you.
It;d been a while since you and Technoblade had begun your relationship, but Technoblade decided that it’d been too long for you to be known as simply his partner. You deserved a title, a name.
In his pocket a small, dark red velvet box. The inside was a silky cream-white, soft enough to be crushed by that of a butterflys touch. There was a ring inside: it had a golden band with a beautiful alexandrite stone with an oval cut and small white quartz wings on each side.
Tonight, he was going to ask you to stop being his partner.
Tonight, you would become Y/n Blade, betrothed to Technoblade.
He was confident you’d say yes; why wouldn’t you? He gave you a roof that you called yours, he warms you every night, he helps you cook meals – he even wants to begin a family with you!
He can recall warmly how you would cuddle into his broad chest, smiling as he read you a different mythos story every night. The last one he read was the tragic tale of Eros and Psyche, the forbidden lovers. He often said Eros blessed him with you, which always got a good giggle out of you.
“Eros is the god of love and son of Aphrodite, mkay? He’s also known around as Cupid.”
He was met with an acknowledging hum into his chest.
“And there was a woman – Psyche – and people used to say she was so pretty that she rivaled Aphrodite. Yeah, I know, crazy. So, Aphrodite hears this and gets mega pissed off and forces her son, Eros, to give her a potion that’ll make no man love her or desire to marry her.
“Eros, being the mama’s boy he was, gave Psyche the potion. But, since this is a tragic tale, Eros accidentally shoots Psyche with one of his arrows. Now, remember, this is Cupid; so what happens? They fall in love.
“Psyche had two older sisters who weren’t half as pretty as her, and she had to watch them get married and she was like “Am I just too pretty or something?” So, like every other Greek protagonist, she goes to the Oracle. You remember the Oracle, right? Okay, good.
“So Pscyhe goes to the Oracle and asks what to do and the Oracles like “Wear black, go to a mountain and stay there until someone who lives you picks your sorry ass up.” So, she does just that. Now, little does Psyche know, Eros asked this other god, Zephyrus of the Wind, to help get Psyche off the mountain and to Eros’ palace where she’d be aided by a buncha servants.
“Now, since Psyches human, she’s curious. She’s never even seen her husbands face but she knows he’s an amazing partner. One night, she got too curious and took an oil lamp and a knife, just in case, to try and see her husbands face.
“So she looks at him and is like “Wow, my husband is Eros, a literal god.” And a drop of oil from the lamp is just so swooned by Eros’ beauty that it wants to be closer and wakes him up. Now, imagine this: your wife is standing above you with an oil lamp and a knife. Little scary, yeah?
“Psyches now heartbroken because Eros left, so she tries to kill herself, but literally nothing will let her die. She tries drowning, but river nymphs take pity on her and wash her ashore. Aphrodite, being the almighty petty woman she was, gave Psyche three trials to try and get Eros back: first was to sort a mountain of poppy seeds, chickpeas and lentils into three piles. Second was to get fleece from a man-eating golden sheep. Third was to go into the Underworld and get Persephone’s box which had something that would make Aphrodite even more beautiful.
“She gets help on the first two and goes onto the third one. She gets the box and is instructed not to open it. Since she’s human, Psyche opens the box and finds out there’s no magical makeup; it’s just a curse for eternal sleep. Eros finds out and breaks out of the prison that his mom had him trapped in to try and get Psyche back.
“Turns out, magical love arrows are good revives. Eros takes Psyche to Zues and asks to be married and Zeus is basically like “Oh yeah, sure, look now you’re immortal.”
You were fast asleep on his chest, breathing even and content. Techno smiled, kissing your temple with a soft hum. This is what he’d wanted his entire life; you by his side in a warm home, telling stories. Maybe a couple of kids laying with Steve, tangled up in a group of limbs.
He glanced down to Carl, eyeing the way the horse was deadest on the home. Technos heart skipped a beat, afraid that Carl had noticed something that he hadn’t until you popped out of the door, welcoming them both home with a warm smile.
Techno hopped off Carl, opening the latch to his stall and guiding him inside. The piglin shut the latch, turning back to the door and opening his arms for you.
“Hello, darlin’.”
“Welcome home, baby.”
He pulled you in, kissing your cheek with loving eyes. His eyes always had that look that told everyone that he was just oh so in love with you. He’d venture the entire Underworld to save if you had to.
“Dinner’s ready. It’s your favorite; stew with sheep, onions, cabbage, potatoes, and turnips.”
His heart warmed even more, hugging you even tighter. He chuckled, kissing your face all over as he listened to you giggle. “Let’s go eat, Techno. Before it gets cold.” He groaned, not wanting to let go of you before reluctantly letting his arms fall to his sides as he followed you to the dinner table.
You placed down two wooden bowls filled with stew and sat beside your lover. He’d carved your entire silverware and plateware out of spruce trees right after you moved in. Once you both finished eating, you took the bowls and spoons to the sink, going to wash them before Techno stood up. He rested his head into the crook of your neck, pressing into your skin as if he was trying to savor your scent.
It made him happy to see you relax against his touch. He was your stone, the place you could go and not worry about anything, and that’s how he wanted it to stay for the rest of your lives.
You would constantly reassure him that you weren’t going anywhere, but you didn’t have the ability to see into the future and know where your fate laid. And gods, did Techno wish you did.
Not even a week later, the two of you stood in the snowy plains of the Arctic, fighting against a horde of mobs that came from gods know where. Techno was fine, he always is, and normally so were you but today you stood weaky. The blade between your hands was wobbly and chipped and he swore that it dug into your palms ever so slightly.
It worried him, and your safety was the only thing on his mind. He mindlessly cut through mobs, striking down zombies, skeletons, and even enderman with ease. While his back was turned, he heard you get cut by something – an enderman, he guessed – and fall in pain.
Fear overtook his mind as he cleared out the remaining mobs, dropping to his knees and holding you against his chest. He tore off some cloth, applying pressure to the wound in your stomach while his other hand wrapped around yours, engulfing it entirely. His eyes softened at the way you weakly curled your fingers around his, as if trying to prove to him that you were still strong.
“Oh, my love, don’t shed tears for me. I’ll always be here with you, in your heart, you know that-“
“You’re not dyin’ here, sweetheart. Trust me.”
With a soft shake of your head, you slowly lifted his hand to your lips. Techno noticed your weak attempt and helped, lifting his hand. You pressed a warm kiss to his palm and then his knuckles.
“If I come back, let’s get married, yeah?”
He let a dry, sad laugh escape him as he fished out the little box that’d been sitting in his pocket for the last week. “I think you mean when, darlin’…”
“Oh my gods, Techno-“
“Marry me?”
“Yes- a thousand times over, yes…”
He slipped the engagement ring onto your finger, giving your forehead a sorrowful kiss as he watched your eyes begin to close. He wanted to tell you to keep your eyes open – to stay awake. He wished he had, but that would have only prolonged your death.
He kissed the top of your head, cradling you against his chest as he whispered a soft ‘come back safe’ under his breath as he felt your body go limp against him. He let a pained scream tear through his throat, grasping your body tightly as he stood up and began to make his way back home.
You were going to return home – despite just losing your last life, he knew you would – and we was going to treat you like a divine goddess when you did.
You didn’t think limbo would be this… lively.
By some power, you’d gained the ability to drift into others limbos. Most of them weren’t able to respond to you, which you weren’t surprised by since they were dead.
There aren’t many that you can truly recall, per se. Schlatt’s limbo stood out like a sore thumb: it was a childrens birthday party, with Schlatt sitting at the front of the table wearing a little party hat. He stared at a cake that seemed to be fresh out of the oven.
You quickly deduced that he couldn’t do anything but sit there and wait. The two of you had a short conversation, mostly about how long had been in limbo and how he was feeling. You asked if he knew where the exit was, remaking that you did have to leave. He understood, pointing you in the right direction and watched you walk away with solemn eyes.
You tried to talk to Tommy. Really, you did.
The poor boy was left in a tunnel, unreachable despite your best efforts. You could hear him crying, screaming – but nothing in this world let him leave. He could barely even move.
Wilbur was the easiest to talk with.
You stayed with him for what felt like weeks, telling him what had happened in the real world since he had died. He was absolutely fascinated by it and kept leaning in to hear more and more. Even if it was just about you and Technoblade, he was invested.
Eventually you told Wilbur about the engagement. He had a right to know, you would be his in-law soon enough.
He engulfed you in a hug, congratulating you on the engagement. You could tell he wanted to ask when the wedding was, but unfortunately, you were both a little bit dead as of the moment.
The two of you chatted for another moment laughing back and forth as you told him stories. He listened with such intensity, seemingly invested in every story. He even asked questions about the others, about Techno, Phil, even Tommy, which warmed your heart.
Your latest story was cut short by the sound of a man sobbing.
Wilburs face carried a new expression, one that shook you to the core. It reminded you of Dream: a maniacal, crazed smile that was bloodthirsty.
You turned to see Ghostbur standing on the edge of the platform, reaching out to save him. Wilbur grabbed the back of your shirt, holding you back as he shook his head. The man walked forward, pulling the ghost to the floor with a look of disgust.
Wilbur stepped onto the trains platform, laughing with his back turned as the doors slid closed.
The roar of the train as it left was deafening as it passed and it didn’t help the pain that pounded alongside the headache you’d gained. You could feel Ghostburs pain as if it was your own.
You turned, reaching out to comfort the poor ghost. He flinched before leaning into your embrace, the tears that started streaming down his face making steam to float off of his skin as he sobbed into your collarbone.
Techno hadn’t left the home much after your passing.
He often stood at home, caressing the ring that matched the one he put on your dying finger. It’d only been about a month, maybe two, since your death, and yet he still acted as if one day you would truly return.
Tommy got revived not too long ago you died. Techno still hadn’t seen him nor had he opened his door to anyone except Philza. The thought of seeing Tommy made his stress levels skyrocket, worried that the child get hurt again or worse, lose his life for a fourth time.
Phil tried convincing Techno to let Tommy in, to let Tommy help him grieve, but the piglin refused. He shut himself off entirely, mourning you the only way he knew how: work.
In piglin culture, when one of their clan passes, everyone mourns together. It’s one of the most important respects that a piglin can give anyone, is to grieve for them. Back in the Nether, piglins would shit themselves in or work themselves to death to craft golden items for the fallen to take with them so they never felt pain again.
Technoblade had never worked with gold that much, but he would do anything for you.
He’d crafted more than enough gold for you, but since you were his partner, his betrothed, you needed more; you deserved more. More items to take with you so you wouldn’t be hurt.
So you wouldn’t forget him.
His worst fear was that one day you’d get revived, but you wouldn’t recognize him at all. That was why he was doing this – making gold for you to remember him by.
Technoblade let Tommy inside once.
The boy wandered around, commenting on the different pictures Techno had hung around. He stopped on one of you, remarking on how you looked so similar in limbo.
That caught Technos attention immediately. It had Technos attention, as well as the Voices.
The Voices were extremely protective of you. They didn’t like anyone even just looking at you, much less speaking of you. They would swarm in Technos head, chanting their demands louder and louder until it overwhelmed him to the point of no return.
Tommy nervously glanced to the hybrid, confirming what he had said to be true. The larger man sighed, relieved to know that you were at least living in some sense. That’s why you didn’t have a ghost version of yourself – you didn’t havea limbo! He understood now.
Techno stood up, immediately suiting himself up with a plan. If Tommy was alive, then that meant that Dream had a power of some sort. A power he was going to utilize for his own gain.
The blonde teen reached out, calling to the man he once stood beside and called a brother. “Techno, don’t, it’s unstable inside the prison. It’ll collapse and trap you inside and you won’t get out. Trust me, it’s not safe.” The piglin stared at him before sighing, rolling his eyes and tossing his weapons into his inventory.
“Fine. Tell me what I should do then.”
With that, the piglin walked back and sat down, running his hands into his hair. He was going to get you back no matter what, he just had to figure out the safest way to do so. Not his safety, he knew that he was safe.
He worried for your safety first and foremost.
Months had passed and you still hadn’t been revived. Techno missed you more and more with every day that passed. The side you slept on was colder than the iced lakes of the Arctic, causing even him to shiver at night. He missed your embrace, your loving stare, even the annoying way you poke him at night to get his attention and get him to hold onto you.
It hurt to a point that not even he could withstand anymore.
Wilbur had been revived, he knew that much. The revived man had visited Technos home, knocking on the door and calling out to try and get him to open the door. He heard Phils voice, telling his son to leave the piglin alone to mourn.
So, Dream was able to revive two people. That meant this wasn’t a one-time-use situation. Interesting.
He kick himself free from the bed and onto his feet, dressing himself as quickly as he could. This was it – he was going to get you back.
An eye for an eye, a favor for a favor.
Wandering limbos was much more boring than you’d ever expected.
You’d been through what you believed was four to five different limbos over and over again, but they started to get dimmer and dimmer. They dimmed to the point where you couldn’t orient yourself with where you were or what was happening.
Wilbur’s limbo had disappeared a while ago. Only Ghostbur remained there and time never truly seemed to move. The only thing that did move was a bright blinking light that dimmed sooner and sooner.
Tommy’s limbo was gone completely. As if it never existed in the first place, it was simple non-existant.
Schlatt’s limbo still existed. You often visited him, offering him company. He would ask you the same questions every time, and you gave him the same answers every time. You knew all he wanted was to return to the present, to see the people he considered friends just once more.
Currently, you were in the middle of making your rounds, walking towards Ghostburs limbo when everything suddenly blackened. It felt like Tommys limbo but a lot… warmer. You opened your eyes only to be met with an unwelcomed face: Dream.
Quickly, you scrambled backwards, having your back met with the icy cold obsidian as you tried to stay as humanly far away from him as possible. The blonde man laughed to himself, leaning back. He pointed a finger at you, grinning maniacally. “Why… why’re you…”
“I revived you, Y/n! You better thank Techno when you see him.”
“Thank Tech- what do you mean?”
“He traded in a favor – a deal, if you’d like – to revive you. Speaking of Techno, he should be here any minute now.”
The two of you turned to look at the gate of glass and netherite, one afraid and one overjoyed. Dream glanced over to you before shoving you behind him. He covered you with his body, blocking anyone from seeing you.
He grinned, talking to someone outside the gate. You thought for a moment; you knew that voice. You knew that voice very, very well.
It was Technoblade.
Dream wasn’t lying. Technoblade was breaking Dream out of prison.
There was an explosion and then Technos voice, clear throughout the ringing that came after the explosion. “Where are they, Dream? You were supposed to revive them.” The blonde prisoner laughed, shoulders shaking with his laugh. “Oh, right, them.” He reached behind him, grabbing your hand and twirling you around. He held you out for Techno with a grin.
Technos eyes widened, expecting someone who most definitely wasn’t you to stare back at him. It was you – you were alive. The two of you both ran to each other, Techno lifting you into his arms with a smile and laugh. He pressed a few kisses to your cheeks, relishing in the feel of your skin.
Dream rolled his eyes, waving his hand as if to gesture the severity of hurrying up the reunion. You wanted to hit him as hard as you could, but he did have a point. The alarm was going off and the three of you had to get out as you could.
Techno gave you both armor and weapons, tossing down some potions and dragging you both into lava. You questioned your lover on what his plan was with this breakout. His response was quick and simple.
“Get Dream, get you, get Ranboo, get out.”
You nodded, not allowing your brain the time to process what you’d just heard. You were still getting used to being alive. Again.
Techno used some TnT to blow through walls, silently urging it on to blow up faster as he pearled into the next room with you and Dream quickly following behind. You stared at Connor, baffled at the fact that he was in the prison. He waved hello to the three of your before Techno declared that he was going with you. The piglin tossed down some armor for him, almost identical to the ones you and Dream wore.
For the third time, he blew a hole into the wall of the prison, grabbing Ranboo and tossing him into the group of escapees. The rush to get out of the prison was apparent and Dream trying to leave Ranboo behind was most definitely not helping.
You clenched Technos hand, relishing in the fact you were alive with him, glancing around the prison as Techno escorted the two of you out.
As soon as you were out, Techno pushed you in the direction of Phil, whispering that he wanted you to stay with the winged man until Techno came back. You agreed, whishing him good luck and to promise he’d come back. He gave you a cocky grin, replying. “Well, I did promise to marry you, didn’t I?”
You stood back with Phil, waiting in silence for your lover to return. The blonde man laid an empathetic hand on your back, trying to offer whatever form of comfort you needed. He understood the pain you felt better than anyone, reuniting with your partner and then being torn away.
It practically broke his heart in half.
Phil sat beside you, rubbing one of your arms as the two of you waited. Techno and Dream rode in, with Techno swiping you onto his horse and holding you tightly.
You went through the portal, holding onto him until you returned back to the familiar snowy landscape. He rubbed your arm, helping you off Carl before demanding Dream returned the armor.
Dream stared at him before tossing down the armor and running off. Techno sighed, enveloping you in a hug that you most definitely needed. He pressed a gentle kiss against your temple, mumbling softly how much he missed you. You were definitely glad to be back, especially in your lovers arms.
He was your Ares, a strong warrior that couldn’t be stopped by even the smallest mouse. In return, you were his Aphrodite, a being so beautiful that no warrior could stand before you except the one at your side.
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© anarchiststories 2021. do not copy, steal, or translate my works, under any circumstances.
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chainofclovers · 3 years
Ted Lasso 2x10 thoughts
“No Weddings and a Funeral” is like being hungover but also coming out of a hangover. Having a terrible cold but also feeling better and appreciating every breath that comes through your nose. Embarking on an organizational project and accidentally falling into a photo album and crying about the pictures and organizing almost nothing tangible but making a few things more clear in your brain.
So much of this episode is about the AWFUL POINTLESSNESS OF DECORUM. How loud is too loud when you’re drinking stolen wine and shrieking about sex in a church right before your father’s funeral? How should you feel--thirty years later, as an accommodating, anger-averse person--about having been too angry to attend the funeral for your father who killed himself? What expression should you make when you show up really late to a different funeral? Why must you wear uncomfortable shoes just because someone died? What happens in your mind between standing up to give a eulogy for a man you’re still angry with and choosing to Rick Roll your mom and everyone else as an act of complicated love, humiliatingly incomplete until someone else starts to sing? Should you worry about your therapist seeing your normally tidy flat in a full-on state of depression mess? Is it okay to be offended that your boyfriend is so uncomfortable about death that he can’t stop making morbid jokes? Should you care about other people caring that you’re crunching an apple in church or squealing with joy to be reunited with a friend you’ve not seen in awhile? Are you obligated to explain your behavior if your kid doesn’t understand how you could stay with someone unfaithful? How far behind the counter should you sink when your [undefined relationship person]’s mother has just let you know she can see your dick through your underwear? Is a funeral reception an okay place to find a hookup? Is a funeral reception a decent spot for a break-up? Is a funeral reception a good time for a love confession when you know the person you’re confessing to is happy with someone else? And who do you make eye contact with when you can’t look directly at the person asking you if you’re okay when there’s so, so much about you she doesn’t know yet? Even if--for this tiny little moment within a vast swath of many okay and not-okay moments--you’re honest when you tell her that you are?
I fucking adored this episode because it answers all these questions very simply: Show up. Show up for yourself. Show up for your friends. Try not to harm yourself. Try not to harm your friends.
I love that this episode is about the messiness of adulthood and the things we bring with us from childhood and that it takes place partially in Rebecca’s childhood bedroom, and in Ted’s childhood memories. Dwelling in those places (whether physically or mentally) isn’t an automatic recipe for regression, but it does get everyone closer to the things that made them who they are, to the unresolved and half-buried parts of them that still make them tick today.
Forever obsessed with every single detail about Rebecca’s childhood bedroom.
Forever obsessed with Deborah’s decision to Rick Roll herself every single morning of her life.
Forever obsessed with Rebecca’s decision to Rick Roll her father’s funeral as a way to not have to make up a single word about her father and to do something very vulnerable and kind for herself and her mother and everyone.
Forever obsessed with Ted’s decision to Rick Roll Rebecca Rick Rolling her father’s funeral.
Forever obsessed with an entire found family backing it up.
I love that it is Isaac’s leadership that ensures every single member of the team attends the service for Paul.
I am very, very interested in Jamie’s love confession to Keeley because I do think it will spark some reflection in Keeley but I do not think it’ll go the cliched love triangle route.
Each scene with Rebecca and Sam struck (for me, a human being sharing a subjective perspective on the internet) the tender-awkward-beautiful-stressful chord I was hoping it would. I think it’s wonderful that Sam is honest with Rebecca about how difficult it is to keep their relationship a secret, and I love that Rebecca has a million mostly-unarticulated reasons for why she’d much prefer the secret to continue. I like that Sassy, Keeley, and Nora respond to the revelation as friends; they might be tempering their judgments in part because they’ve all gathered to bury Rebecca’s dad, but I don’t think their reactions would’ve been that different even on a happier occasion.
While there are a million and one different reasons why a continued relationship between Rebecca and Sam could cause serious ethical problems, I really love that when people share big news on this show, the people who care about them generally react by trying to see why the person is doing what they’re doing. Doesn’t mean they shouldn’t also hold each other accountable, but in my book it’s OK that Keeley’s first reaction was to feel happy that her friend is having some fun.
Also everyone has been making weird judgment calls this season, and this episode felt like a moment of real breakthroughs in terms of people telling the truth about things that happened to them and leaving themselves open to honest responses from others.
September 13, 1991. It’s so tenderly, beautifully, overwhelmingly meaningful that there’s still so much Ted and Rebecca don’t know about the things they have in common in these parallel lives they’re leading. The scene between Sarah Niles and Jason Sudeikis is so beautifully acted, and so is the scene between Hannah Waddingham and Harriet Walter. The way they intertwine to communicate that Ted and Rebecca basically lost the ability to trust their fathers simultaneously, from an ocean away? In the hands of lesser storytellers, it would feel too perfect a mirroring, but here it feels heartbreakingly imperfect. All the things they still don’t know. All the questions they try to ask each other. All the things they don’t dare ask yet. And then the storytellers are holding a candle up to all of it and letting the audience bask in the glow of this connection even if Ted and Rebecca can’t fully understand it yet.
I am so proud that Rebecca and Deborah were able to embark on the beginnings of a conversation about the ways Deborah and Paul’s relationship might have resembled or not resembled Rebecca and Rupert’s. It feels possible that they could get to a point where Rebecca truly internalizes her mother’s pride that she broke a cycle by leaving Rupert, and could maybe even understand why her mother made the choices she made. I love that in the final scene, they’re still relying on their old mother-daughter conversational patterns—the frustrations, the snippy shorthand, the passive-aggression. Mothers and daughters!
I am also proud that Ted—albeit via a joke about Sharon charging him for the house call—indicates that he understands the value of Sharon’s work. He’s changed a lot, all in realistic ways for someone who loves learning and really does want to meet people where they are and appreciate them. I’m very moved that instead of putting himself in a real harmful situation by showing up to the funeral on time at any cost, he did what he needed to do to take care of himself and accept care from someone else. And then Sharon’s suggestion that he think about things he loved about his father? And the way he’s able to share a positive memory of Rebecca’s own father at a time when she really needed it? Gosh.
Awkward, undecorous transition from 1991 to present-day incoming...but SASSY! She’s just, like, a whirling dervish of loyal friendship and not giving a fuck and penis size discussions and being casually, delightfully cruel to Rupert, who so deserves it. Rebecca was going on a real face journey when Sassy goes off with Ted at the end, and I’m sort of *eyes emoji* about all of that, but I continue to feel like Sassy is the most imperfectly wonderful friend-from-the-past kind of person and I love everything she and Nora get to do in this episode.
Keeley saying “That baby is whack” might be my favorite line in the episode? Maybe the whole show? Not really but really.
FUCK YOU, RUPERT. Bex and Diane, y’all are fine. And I truly feel for Nate...whatever scheme he’s getting suckered into. Whatever insecurity Rupert is preying on. I want Nate to go to therapy, too.
I feel like it was an unpopular opinion at the time, but I loved Rebecca’s 2x1 revelation about vulnerability and fear of getting hurt and needing to let someone love her. Sassy doesn’t always word things in the most nuanced way, but I think there’s a real possibility that she did ask Rebecca to really consider what it means to feel either safe or unsafe with a person but to know that in either circumstance, that person could end up causing her pain. Standing in that closet with Sam, managing to make it clear that she’s not asking for a break because she knows he will hurt her but because she has to figure out how to be with a wonderful person who could cause her pain...the growth, man. Makes me emotional.
I emerged from this episode feeling, of course, stunned by all the amazing parallels and revelations and beautiful acting and Rick Rolls and just, everything. I also emerged feeling sad/raw/tender because messiness and decorum and growth and coping mechanisms and death and dramatic irony and not knowing things about people and not knowing what you don’t know...it’s a sad, raw, tender place to be.
To quote a guy who got a whole sitcom (lol) named after him, life is real hard.
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milkteahood · 3 years
Hello! I've been thinking about this for a whole week and I need to get it off my chest or I'll explode. This might be worded strangely because I can't explain it, only imagine it so I'll try my best. 😊
After the whole killing Miranda thing, Karl and his s/o move away from Romania, and after taking some time adjusting to their new life, have a baby. Now, I headcanon that Karl is afraid of going to the doctor because of Miranda's past experiments on him, and is especially deathly afraid of needles. Him using them on other people? That's just fine. But when it's pointed at him? Someone's gonna get hurt and it's not gonna be him.
So when his precious little ray of sunshine has to get their first vaccine shots, he's a nervous wreck, almost as if he was the one getting poked at, but tries to hide it. He knew it was good for his baby's health and he wants nothing more, but why did it have to be through painful shots? How is there not vaccine juice they can drink instead, dammit?! Obviously his s/o can tell he's getting worked up; he's tapping his foot, cooing at their baby to keep himself distracted, snuggling them close to his chest, almost like he's protecting them from the doctor's and their scary needles. His s/o tries to distract and calm him as their baby babbles happily in his arms.
The nurse comes in and Karl immediately goes into full Dad Mode™. Have you ever seen the cute video of the dad who's scared of needles comforting his baby son while he gets his shots? This one -> https://youtu.be/lqAUMsqiFxI (I hope that actually leads to the video), I think that's how he'd act. He's not even thinking about how he looks, he probably looks ridiculous but that's in the very back of his mind. His only thoughts are about protecting his baby from any and all pain, so he doesn't really care, as he cradles them and rambles non-stop encouragement and praise, not leaving their side for a second. When the nurse is done, Karl immediately scoops the baby up, seemingly more relieved than they were, holding them close and cooing about how strong they are.
His s/o would've chuckled a bit in wholehearted amusement at his heartwarming scene in the doctor's office, but the display of their lover and baby was just too cute and they didn't want to break Karl out of whatever protective instincts he was under. During the pregnancy, he was so scared that the persistant thoughts telling him that he will be a horrible father would be true, but, even if Karl himself didn't see it yet, his s/o knew their baby was safe being watched by his loving eyes and cradled in his protective arms.
I couldn’t open the link, but I can still imagine how that would go, so I hope you like this 💕
“My love, it’s just a vaccine” Y/N told Karl
“But it’s gonna hurt! I know it will! People used to scream when I did anything to them!”
“That’s because you used to do experiments on them. This is a vaccine. It’s completely safe”
Karl would not bulge. He knew the vaccine was mandatory, but he couldn’t see his princess go through anything inconvenient. They have been waiting outside the doctor’s office, ready to be called in any minute. His daughter was playing with one of the buttons from his coat, giggling and nibbling on it.
Some children would cry while getting their vaccine, which would freak Karl would even more. No matter how much his wife tried fo reassure him, he still tried to convince her to leave. He tried his best to stay calm, sometimes wishing he’d have his daughter’s chill. She did not care, too focused on ripping off that button. But Karl cared. Flashbacks of Miranda’s experiments came to him.
Him as a child, tied to a table while Miranda stung him with yet another needle. He never knew what was inside them until it was too late. He remembers screaming and crying, begging Miranda to stop. Telling her that it hurts. That he can’t take it anymore. But she never stopped. She always used to call him her brave son. And now, whenever he’d accidentally sting himself while working, he would flip the whole room. There was a particular fear rooted in trauma he couldn’t get over. His wife placed her palm on his knee, when she noticed he was tapping his foot.
She knew about his fears and traumas all too well. Y/N has been the first and only person he has even opened up to. She also knew he loved getting his hair played with when stressed. Looking down she noticed he was holding their daughter very protectively, and deep down, she hoped her child wouldn’t cry, for if she did, Karl would destroy the entire hospital.
The baby was looking up at her father curiosity. She was yet to discover why he wasn’t happy at the moment. When she frowned at him, Karl got stopped in his tracks.
“Why is she doing that?”
“Because she can sense how uneasy you’re feeling” his wife chuckled.
Some relief washed over him at that. He has always been scared of being a terrible father. For a moment there he thought his daughter hated him. Some forehead kisses later, and his daughter was a giggling mess once more. That eased Karl’s stress, and he began playing with her in an attempt to distract himself.
At some point he stood up and started playing airplane with her. The parents around found it endearing. Everyone thought he was being so considerate, not wanting his daughter to get scared, but in truth, he was the one that was scared. His daughter was happy, and that’s all that mattered. But he knew it wouldn’t last long. He knew the nurse could come out any second to call them in. And he was right, for it didn’t take long before he heard her call “Mr and Mrs Heisenberg? Please come inside”.
Karl shot another desperate look to his wife, hoping they would just leave. It was not too late yet. They could just walk out. What would the doctor even do? No one ever dared stand up to Karl. Well, except one particular person that kicked his ass, but that’s another story for another time.
As they walked inside, Karl was holding their daughter and his wife could easily sense he is feeling nervous. The doctor has been nothing but kind, reassuring Karl’s wife that fathers are usually the sensitive ones about this. In an attempt to make them laugh, by cracking a few jokes, the doctor earned a giggle from the little one. Karl, who was ready to throw that person out the window the second they came near with the needle, smiled. He smiled at his daughter smiling, and he smiled at the doctor for getting that out of her.
“You seem nice. Why are children crying?” Karl asked a little skeptical
“Well, the sting does hurt a little. And they’re children, not only it hurts, they also sense their parents’ discomfort. It’s a lot to take it for a baby, but it goes away rather quickly” the doctor explained
Karl did not like the doctor mentioning pain one bit. He was now even more reluctant to give them his daughter. But he had to and his wife was encouraging him to. She has always been supportive of him and she was doing a great job at being the emotional support Karl desperately needed.
When the doctor prepared the shot, and proceeded to approach, Karl froze up in place, and his wife needed to rub his back and reassure him that she’s right there and she’s not going anywhere. He couldn’t take his eyes away from the needle. His entire body was screaming at him to do something. The only constant thing was his wife’s palm on his back. Up and down, then kissing his shoulder.
He was broken away from his trance when he heard his baby girl cry. He was about to rip the doctor in half, before his wife stopped him.
“And that’s all!” the doctor said, cold sweat breaking as they made eye contact with Karl.
“Oh thank you so much” Karl’s wife hurried to say before dragging her husband out. She knew any more minute spent in there and Karl would totally kill the doctor.
Karl easily managed to get his daughter to stop crying, but his wife had to do a lot of convincing for her husband not to resort to murder. In the end she ended up calming him down by holding his hand on their way back home, with the occasional cheek kiss.
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It’s very ambiguous
Pairing: Loki x reader (gender neutral)
Summary: You have finally come to age; your soulmate mark draws itself in your skin. You can't figure out who it connects you with, but, oh dear, you can only hope and wish it is to him. But Loki won't make it easy for you to find out. Will you both overcome the pride and fear that would involve your love?
Word count: 4.6 K
Warnings: a bit of angst. (English is not my mother tongue and it’s my first time writing fanfiction in english, so forgive me if there’s any errors, and feel free to correct them!)
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Sighing at your reflection, you stared for the Norns know how long to the fresh image that drew itself in the side of your abdomen.
You thanked it was easy to hide; saving you endless mockery from your friends if they saw that. The vivid portrayal of who you loved the most, in the most ambiguous drawing you could’ve ever gotten. How ironic.
What the Heavens would that mean, you asked yourself at least five times until the impatient knocking on the bathroom door pulled you out of your thoughts.
“Hurry up, we’re late”, said Sif. You knew she was already all dressed up for the Ball, and she would kill you, seeing you were still on your robes. You opened the bathroom door slowly, with burrowed frows. You couldn’t hide it, as much as you tried to. “Oh, for God’s sa…” she started complaining, but stopped as soon as she realized you were in a terrible state of mind.
“I got it”, you explained after she made you get out of the bathroom and sat you on the edge of the bed. “I got the mark. Impossible to guess”.
“Don’t worry about it, you’ll know who they is when the time is right”, said she, comforting you and eyeing the outfit you’d chosen earlier. “But crytime is over. Guess what time it is now. Yes, you guessed right. The Ball”.
The last thing you wanted to do in that moment was to dance; or to stay in a chair drinking wine the entirety of the night, for that matter. You didn’t need another reminder of your frustrated attempts at making him notice you. And you knew he wasn’t the one (if he were your soulmate, it would’ve already happened years; no, decades ago). But you still couldn’t help but falling in love at every little smirk, every little comment, every little thing he did. Dear, you were lost, completely gone in love.
That’s why you knew you wouldn’t find your soulmate for a long, long time. At least not until your crush for Loki had finally gone away.
“I’d rather stay”, you stated, and she rolled her eyes.
“Well, I want to go, and I can’t go alone. Please, at least do it for me”.
“Why would you want to go? Ever since we’re on age of being asked to dance, we have only gotten invitations from… well, anyone except them. And in the Balls we can’t even be their friends”.
“We can be friends, if they talk to us first we can talk back”.
“Yeah, we could, but they don’t talk first. They never do”.
Both of you were completely lost for the princes. But, unlike you, Sif had a chance with Thor. She was graceful, divine, a wonderful woman; a whole Goddess, an amazing warrior. There was no question Thor would sooner or later find love in her friend. But you… why would a prince like Loki lay his eyes on you? Romantically, he never showed a single trace of interest in anyone, much less someone in his friendgroup. You were the closest to him, yet he never said a thing.
He probably knew you drooled over him. He must have noticed how you looked at him in the library when he read to you, how you always defended him from everyone else’s mockery, how you intentionally pretended like you didn’t know any better in spells so that he could help you out. How your heartbeat raced when he fell asleep on your lap. He must have noticed, yet he said nothing.
She finally managed to convince you to go, with the condition that if you weren’t asked to dance at all, or even talk, you’d go back to your manor early.
You got in your best clothes, and undressing the best attitude possible, you both arrived at the palace and entered the ballroom as quick as your feet let you. The ambient was marvelous. Subtle lighting, most of them by candles. The golden details that characterized Asgard so well were everywhere. Both King and Queen were sat in their thrones, waiting patiently for the rest of the royal family to arrive before giving the annual speech and getting the party started.
“Do you think they’re not coming?” asked Sif as you got comfortable in your seats, eyeing the entrances.
“They can’t miss it, they’re sort of the hosts”, you said, “but… well, I don’t know. The other day after training, Thor mentioned something about this year being particularly difficult for them”, you added in such a low whisper that Sif had to pull closer.
“What did he say? He didn’t mention anything to me”, she whispered back. You two looked like you were merely gossiping, if it weren’t for the lack of giggling that would usually follow.
“He said… he said something along the lines of ‘we’re expected so much more than before in these dances, they’re more than just for fun now’, and, Sif, I think he meant…”, but she abruptly interrupted you.
“Courting? Oh, for the Norns, they’re not expected to choose a partner now, so soon, aren’t they?”.
“Soon? Sif, they’re already at each other’s throats for who’s becoming King, and they have been for a while”.
“They’re not exactly competing, anyways. You don’t have to worry about this. It’s not like Loki’s the one winning” said she, earning a subtle kick in the leg. “Auch!”.
“Would you stop being so hard on him?”.
“You know I’m right!”. 
“You know it hurts him. If you think so, at least keep it to yourself, Sif”.
You could’ve kept lecturing her if it weren’t for the sarcastic clapping of the Queen upon seeing the arrival of her sons. You read the ‘you’re late!’ on her lips and the apologetic looks on their faces. But nothing of that distracted you from admiring how marvelous Loki could get sometimes. Just when you thought he couldn't look any better, he outdid himself. You let out a sigh and Sif laughed.
“You’re staring”.
“And rightfully so. Look at him”.
But no matter how much you looked at him for the whole evening, you couldn’t get even a gaze from him. He didn’t even eyed you from the distance. You would’ve even gotten actually mad at him if it weren’t for the fact that he wasn’t looking anywhere. He didn’t seem like he was avoiding you; he was actively staring at the floor, with the saddest look on his face. And Thor looked pissed off.
“There’s a story in there and I will ask for as many details as possible once Loki spills the beans to you”, said Sif, elbowing you.
“I don’t think he will. Look, it looks like more than a fight. He looks so upset”.
You could only wish you were brave enough to break the stupid rule of the royals approach first so you could take his hand tightly and comfort him in whatever he was going through. As you always did. As he always let you.
The music played for three hours. Everyone was on their feet, dancing away, drinking away and chatting away, as one should in a Ball dance. Everyone except you and certain dark prince you didn’t even bother staring at anymore. You gave up looking for his attention an hour after the dance properly started, and it did nothing good to your pride to have been trying for that long anyways.
Sif got her chance, of course. Thor took his time, but after long he gave up with whatever quarrel he was having with his brother and approached her decisively. You were past pissed. Disappointed. After another sip of your wine, you couldn’t resist and stole a glance to Loki’s seat. To your surprise, you met his gaze. The God of Mischief was staring at you, and he apparently has been for Gods know how long. He quickly dropped his head and went back to looking at the floor, now with a completely red face.
You soon realized he was even more upset than before, as he watched Thor and Sif dance. And then you understood. Everything fell into place. Of course. Of course he liked Sif. Who wouldn’t. That’s why he fought with Thor. That’s why he was so worked up. You didn’t even need to read his mind to confirm it. 
You waited, still holding your eyes on him. You waited for another half an hour, but your patience was already on thin ice and he didn’t look like he would do anything more, anyways. So you did what you should’ve done hours ago. You got up and left.
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“No, brother, you can go, I’ll let Mother know I’m staying”, said Loki from his room.
He could hear Thor’s patience shatter in pieces from the other side of the door.
“Don’t be ridiculous, we can’t miss the Ball. Father will kill you”.
“It’s not my problem”.
“I think it is quite your problem, brother”. Loki sighed. He wasn’t in the mood for his mockery. Thor sensed it and lowered his tone of voice, insisting. “Tell me what it is, Loki. I promise I’ll try to help out”.
But he only scoffed and locked the door, to start pacing around the room, feeding his anxiety even more. He covered his arm with his palm and tried his best to make it go away. It’s just an accidental illusion. I’m making it out of nervousness. I need to make it go away, he kept saying under his breath. But it didn’t go away. It wasn’t an illusion.
“Oh, FOR THE NINE REALMS”, he kicked his chair as a sudden burst of anger ate him alive.
“Loki, let me in!”, insisted Thor. “I’m going in”.
“You can’t help me”.
“I might, if you just tell me what is it. You love the dances. Come on”.
“I do love dances, Thor, I’m not particularly fond of the weight this one has on us; not this year” he growled from the floor, knees on his chest. “Not with what I had planned, I can’t do it now” he whispered. Thor pretended like he didn’t listen to that last bit.
Loki had been circling around the idea of asking you to dance for the last few months. It was all he wanted; to caress your hand and gently hold you by the waist, to move at the pace of the music, to feel your heart on his chest, his rising heartbeat with every breath you took. He wanted you, and if that wasn’t possible (and he was sure it wasn’t) he wanted to dance with you all night long.
But now, he would have to court you and marry you if he did. And, of course, it was what he wanted. It was definitely all he wanted. But he knew you wouldn’t. And he wouldn’t risk your beautiful friendship over anything in the world. What if he lost you forever? He could never bring himself to lose you, in any form or way.
“Brother, let me in. Or get out of the room. We’re late”.
“You’re late, Thor. Must I repeat myself? I’m not going”.
“I’m kicking the door”.
Loki sighed, and waited to hear Thor’s intense footsteps get closer and closer to the door to open it just in time and see him land on his face. Thor got up off the floor with blood on his nose.
“It combines with your crimson cape, brother, no need to worry” said Loki mockingly.
But Thor paid little attention to his silvertongue. Instead, his eyes were fixed on his arm. Then, he understood exactly why he was acting so terrified. Loki covered his arm as soon as he realized, mortified, but it was now too late and Thor had already seen it.
“Do you need any other reason to invite them to dance with you?”, he said with a grin of pride.
“It's not them. I’m certain”.
“How are you so certain? It’s such an ambiguous drawing, and you haven’t seen theirs!”.
“They doesn’t even have a soulmate mark yet. They told me the other day”.
“You didn’t have one at that time either, it must have changed. Come on”.
Loki sighed and put on a long sleeved outfit, while letting Thor rant about how much he was sure you’d reciprocate his feelings. And Loki couldn’t say anything against it, because it would only bring ruin to everyone; to spill the obvious secret that haunted him everyday.
The fact that you lusted over Thor.
And it hurted him like anything else, because he knew even though you didn’t say anything. He knew he was the lesser prince. The one that gets looked over. The shadow in his brother’s spotlight. The always-prince, never-King. It hurted like Hell.
But there was nothing he could do about it. And now he had a mark that linked him to the Norns know who, but he only had eyes for you.
Because you were always there. You were the one to defend him against his own insecurities, and everyone else’s accusations. The one to laugh the loudest at his jokes, the one to hold him the tightest when you were in fear, the one to call him first to anything. And you were perfect. But you, for obvious reasons, didn’t think the same of him. You thought the world of him, but not in the way he wished.
And he wouldn’t even get to see you happy from someone else’s love, because his brother didn’t even have eyes for you. The idiot of Thor could not see your brightness, and Loki wondered how could anyone not fall in love with you.
“You need to try, Loki, you’ll never know if you don’t risk a little”.
“A little? To you this is a little? Do you have any idea what would happen to me if I lost them forever? If the person that I love the most leaves me because I just decided to stop hiding my feelings?”, yelled Loki, completely angered.
“Ah, there it is. If I decided to stop hiding my feelings”, repeated Thor, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes.
“What is that supposed to mean?!”.
“You are afraid; so incredibly afraid of letting anyone know you fully. That is your problem, Loki. They’ll accept you no matter what, because they already know you. You think you’re hiding, well, you’re not so good with this little lie of yours”, said finally Thor, tired of biting his tongue about it.
“You know nothing about their feelings”.
“I know enough”.
“Believe me, you don’t. And you don’t get to say a word about my love life, or anything about this situation, for that matter. You don’t get to make light of my situation, as you do with everything regarding me. Now, leave. Me. Alone”.
They continued fighting about it until one of their tutors had enough of their unpunctuality and came to look for them. Both entered the ballroom still highly upset at each other and said nothing about it all night. Frigga knew exactly what they were talking about, and didn’t make too much of a fuss about the delay in their arrival.
Loki tried to not look at you in the entirety of the night; avoided all the eye contact he could with anyone, specially you. He was too afraid you’d choose that exact time to practice your special abilities at mind reading (since you’ve done this at previous dances, when Loki didn’t approach you), and if he didn’t see you, you couldn’t do it. Because if you dared reading his mind you’d only find yourself. And in those little moments he got to glance at you, while you were distracted with something else, he sank in sadness, because all he wanted was to embrace you and dance with you. You looked as fantastic as you always were and more. You looked especially excellent. And it didn’t go unnoticed to him that you looked annoyed. From the eye-sided glances he got to steal from you, he saw you staring at the seat he and his brother were in. You were expectant. You wanted to be taken out to dance. And Loki’s suspicions about your crush on Thor only got reassured when he asked Sif for a dance and you looked the most annoyed you’d ever looked in ages.
You left the dance early. After about ten minutes Loki decided to go after you. Outside of the ballroom you could still be a friend; that was the whole point of swallowing his feelings. He wandered the palace until he heard fireballs collapsing against the huge walls of your typical training spot, but he lingered his entrance to observe you in an incredibly angry state of your magic.
“You’ll set the palace on fire” said a gut-wrenching familiar voice. Of course Thor was there. Of course Thor would get earlier to comfort you in something that he destroyed.
“Then so be it”, you answered with a crack in your voice. Loki didn’t mean to invade your privacy, but he couldn’t help himself but to listen.
“I know why you’re upset. Believe me, it upsets me too”.
“You have no idea what upsets me”, you answered, and Thor chuckled. Loki could sense that Thor was thinking about how similar you and Loki were. You threw another fireball against the wall.
“Let me guess”.
“Enlighten me, your majesty”.
“You didn’t get to dance with the man you like”.
“You know nothing about the man I like”.
“When will you all stop treating me as if I were blind? Come on, why won’t you tell me? I’m your friend. I know you’re burning up in love and you still think you don’t have a chance because… because what? Because he’s the prince of Asgard?” said Thor. You stopped your magic and stared at him with teary eyes.
“Because the prince of Asgard I love, is in love with Sif. And there’s nothing I can do about it” you answered. Loki’s heart broke. Hearing you admit your raw feelings to Thor that way, and Thor not even understanding you were talking about him.
“What makes you think he’s in love with Sif?!” insisted, still clueless.
But Loki didn’t need to hear any more of that. He ran through the halls of the palace until he got to lock himself in his room.
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“What makes you think he’s in love with Sif?!”, Thor asked, and you scoffed. You lowered your gaze to the floor, trying to make the tears go unnoticed. They didn’t, and Thor hugged you tightly.
Thor was almost like a brother to you. You grew up together, but it was more than that. You were always for each other. He never had to ask about your love for Loki, he always knew. And you never had to ask about his crush in Sif; it was transparent. So you both supported each other. You didn’t even bother telling him how she felt about him, it was bound to happen. Now, you and Loki, on the other hand…
“He is, you can’t deny it”.
“I’m denying it, I assure you”. You wiped your tears away and touched your mark over your clothes. He smiled. “You got the mark, didn’t you?”.
“What is it?”.
“Ugh, it doesn’t matter. Maybe I should just forget him and start looking for my soulmate. If the mark showed up today, then it must be for something. There has to be a reason”. Thor nodded, still smiling. “What are you so happy about, dumbass? My heart’s broken".
“Nothing. You keep on looking. Can I see it?”, said he, patting your back.
“It’s too ambiguous, you won’t guess it”.
“So I expected”.
“What’s that supposed to mean? Do you know anything?”.
“Nothing whatsoever”.
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You got in your fighting position. Loki bent down in his seat, focusing on the next fight. He was sure you’d win; he has been teaching you new moves and you completely mastered them. And your rival didn’t know any better, anyways.
One kick from your opponent; you avoided it and threw a punch. Another kick. Another punch. The rival grabbed your leg, making you lose your balance and almost fall down, but you used that impulse to push him away and get him to the ground. He got up and started using magic. A blue light shone around him and started getting closer to your feet. You closed your eyes and focused intensely; soon, water drops started emerging from the tips of your fingers. They quickly transformed into a stream of water that wrapped your opponent from head to toes, making his electricity magic attack him, instead of you. Loki smiled.
Your rival pushed further his strength and one of the electrified waterjets hit your leg. You fell to the ground with a scream. It hurted, a lot. Loki gasped and Thor had to grab his shoulder to remind him it was just a training fight. For his tranquility, you got up on your feet soon and started using your magic again.
An aura of sparks and wind formed around you while you closed your fists, extremely concentrated. Your opponent waited without attacking, but behind the shield of his armour. Loki saw Thor smile proudly; this was the part he taught you. For your fire side of your powers, Thor was the one to train you thoroughly. Loki sighed, frustrated because you haven’t yet shown what Loki had taught you with such enthusiasm. He still observed you with attention.
“This part is awesome, look, brother”, whispered Thor in his ear, which only made him angrier.
“I’m sure it is. They is awesome. And wait until you see what I taught them”. Thor chuckled.
“No need for jealousy, Loki. They’s all yours”. Loki rolled his eyes and directed his attention to the fight again.
The sparks and wind grew bigger and bigger around you, circling your whole body. Once the sparks became fire, you directed your whole energy to your opponent, sending him against the wall. If it weren’t for the gigant fire-proof shield, he would’ve gotten completely roasted.
You put your guard down, and as you did so, the wind and fire around you dispersed. Loki got to see you again once the magic flew down, and realized you had your clothes slightly lifted up. He tried not to look out of respect, but Thor gasped, and that drew his attention directly to what surprised his brother. And it did not disappoint. Loki’s chest got as tight as it has ever been. His breathing became irregular and unsteady, and his face got completely red. You didn’t notice your shirt had lifted up, so you didn’t realize what was going on. You got closer to your defeated rival and shaked his hand.
“You win. I see you’ve been well trained”, he said.
“I have”, you answered, and directed your gaze to the princes who were watching the fight. You walked closer to them to chatter, as you always did, but Loki got up fast and ran out of the training room. Thor told you to follow him, and Loki heard your footsteps behind him for the entirety of the hall, until you two got to the gardens.
Loki was shaking. He didn’t want you to be there. He didn’t want you to see him that vulnerable. And you knew it, so you didn’t get closer than two meters apart.
“Loki”, you said after a while, behind his back. “What’s wrong?”.
He turned around, face still red. He was usually cold, but at that moment he was burning up inside and out. Maybe he was burning out of love for you. Maybe out of anger, for being so pessimistic and making himself a martyr when his brother was clearly right. Maybe out of rage to himself, for waiting so long to make a move and losing so much time lost in his own head. But you were still standing there, concerned. And he had to say something, because you still didn’t know anything.
“I saw your mark”, he stated. Now you were the one with the red face.
“Oh… I, I don’t, uh…”, you stuttered, and he got closer to you. He grabbed both of your hands and you looked at him in the eyes, clueless. “I try not to give it that much attention”.
“Why?”, he asked. “It’s your soulmate. The person you’ll love the most”.
���I already love someone” you said, in a burst of confidence. Loki swallowed in nervousness. Your hands started to get sweaty. “I… ugh. Sorry. I don’t want to say…”.
“Who? Tell me, I’m your best friend”.
“I don’t want you to be”, you finally said. “It’s you, Loki. It’s always been you. I don’t care about this stupid soulmate mark, because I know I’m in love with you and I always have been”.
Loki stayed silent, which only made your anxiety increase. He finally looked at you in the eyes and formed a subtle smile.
“I thought you loved Thor”.
“What? Why would I…?”.
“I heard you after the Ball; you said the prince you love was in love with Sif”.
“Yeah, you”.
“I’m… what? I’m not… I’m not in love with Sif, darling”.
Your heart stirred, and you weren’t sure if it was because of the pet name he just gave you, or the fact that you got it all wrong. He wasn’t in love with Sif?
“I’m sorry, did we both think…?”.
“We’re idiots, apparently”.
You both laughed. That was it; that cotidianity, that normality that felt, even in the most embarrassing and intense moments, completely fine. Because you were, before anything, friends.
You hugged him. He returned the hug and caressed your neck and back with one hand. You felt his heartbeat rise, and from that position, he whispered in your ear with that beautifully deep and raspy voice; “I saw your mark”.
“I don’t care about it. I don’t want to ruin our friendship, ignore my feelings if necessary. But my heart only beats for you”, you whispered back. He sank his nose on the crook of your neck and felt his mouth form a smile against your skin. You shivered and felt warmth in your stomach.
“I don’t want to ignore your feelings”.
“I love you”, you said once again, regretting it in that instant. You couldn't stop your words from falling out of your mouth. You felt like you sounded desperate.
“I love you too, my dear”.
You, in shock, looked at him in the eyes. He kept smiling, and putting a strand of your hair behind an ear, placed a small kiss on your red cheek.
“I don’t know what to do next. I like being your friend”, you said. “And I don’t think we’re meant to be. I got a mark, and you haven’t, so it’s obvious we won’t end up together anyways. And I want you by my side for all my life; even if it’s just as a friend, you know? I don’t want to lose you”. Loki chuckled at your rant. “What?”.
“What makes you think I didn’t get my mark yet?”.
“Well, I… I don’t know. Did you?”.
“What does it look like?”.
He smiled.
“It’s very ambiguous”, said he, sarcastically.
“Hard to guess, is it?” you chuckled, realizing what was going on. Loki lifted his sleeve, uncovering an identical soulmate mark to yours.
“Hard to guess, yet so obvious”, he said. He grabbed your waist and neck and both melted in a long, desired kiss. You sank your fingers in his hair, caressing his scalp. “Yours?”
“It’s very ambiguous too, you know?”.
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sleepwalkersqueen · 4 years
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(Ignore this post, it’s just fucking... headcanon fluff.)
- Let’s just imagine... what it’d be like, if Enji had been a wholesome dad!
[Calculating 16 years back in the canon: Enji was 30, Toya was 9, Keigo was 7 (Rumi was 11) ]
- Enji saved Keigo from an abusive home, but when the HPSC notices Keigo’s bloody potential and wants to buy him... Enji just - adopts Keigo.
- Rei was angry about his sudden desicion: Because they already had huge responsibility with their other children! - But then she saw the tiny malnourished child who just escaped the abuse, without a home or anyone to turn to- and her heart just snapped. 
- Tiny Keigo knew he wasn’t wanted, so he made himself smaller and bowed to her. - But Rei just fell to her knees and hugged him really, really close.
- Toya next to them was like: “Yeah... actually, I wanted a dog - but a bird’s fine too.”
- The whole family went shopping to buy a bunch of wing-fitted kid-clothes. Kei’s just happy to have clothes and’s still too shy to ask for anything specific so fucking Toya ends up deciding what he tries on. Fuyumi next to them is like: “Tou, That’s just black. There’s no color- Wait- I think thats a mini-skirt, what the- What do you want with the lipstick!?” - Enji has to bring half of the clothes back.
- Enji starts to read guidebooks about therapheutic parenting for Keigo, but ends up overwhelming all of his kids with love and attenttion. He talks with Keigo that its okay to cry when he feels like it, but Keigo still just swallows everything down and is scared to make noise.
- Rei and Enji made sure Keigo’d eat and sleep enough, helped him preening his wings and constantly reasurred him that his accidental lil chirps are nothing to be ashamed of.
- But in the first month, instead of playing with his new siblings, Keigo constantly helps with hard work in the house and gardens without getting asked and doesn’t stop until they tell him to. Toya asks him about it at night. Keigo admits that he loves this place more than anything and is horrified of being tossed out again, so he tries to be worth their money.
- Toya punches him (softly, with love) in the face and tells him that he’s part of the family, even if he’d burn down down their house.
- Keigo feels like a stone falling from his chest, but the fear just doesn’t go away. One day he helps Enji do the dishes and he breaks a plate. And his whole world just cracks with that plate. He’s starts trembling and is like- “You can hit me and all, but please don’t toss me out!”
- Toya heared that and he’s like :O And Enji’s like >:O
- And then Toya stares at his father, grabs a plate and smashes it to the floor so it breaks. He grabs Keigo’s hand and screams: “If you wanna punish Kei, you gotta punish me too!”.
- Enji just hugs both of them, holds them really close: “Kei, we won’t ever toss you out, we love you and you’re a Todoroki now. That was just an accident. And Tou- I’d never hurt one of you!” - Touya’s like: “I know, I just wanted to smash a plate”
- After that Enji takes a day off and they all just play in the gardens. And one moment, Keigo just stops and looks at them laughing about a really bad joke he just made and he thinks: “Woa, I’ve a family now!” And he’s so happy, he starts crying. It’s the first time he cried since a long time, and it’s because of joy.
- Enji isn’t the no. 2 hero, since he spends more time with Rei and his kids. So he moves between 2nd and 4th place in the rankings, but he really doesn’t care. 
- He is still a kinda-dick to the public, but he actually talks about his family, when you ask him about them. (”Yes, my family is way better than yours. Are you blind?” *Pulls a picture out of his wallet* “Just look at my amazing sons and this pure-hearted angle of a daughter. Now out of the way, my wife said I should grab milk on my way home.”) And when he comes home can’t but smile when he sees Rei and his kids. He is really proud of them.
- Enji helps Natsuo with his homework and he makes soba with Fuyumi, plays referee for a sparring-match between Keigo and Touya. But neither of them accepts their limits or defeat, escalateing their fight until it get’s so heated, that Enji has to put a end to it, because he can’t see his kids hurting each other like this. So he let’s them fight him instead, forcing them to team up, and even though he just fakes defeat, he sees their potential.
- The kids are super scared sometimes that he doesn’t make it home after a huge fight, but Enji always returns to read the bed-time story before giving good-night-hugs, So they don’t have nightmares.
- Shoto is born and he’s allowed to sleep in his parents bed. So the other siblings want the same and they fall asleep in a puppy-family-pile. Enji sleeps half on the floor that night.
- Natsuo sees in a TV documentary that male baby-chickens get often killed instandly after they hatch... And so he freaks out, cries and hugs Keigo, like wanting to protect him. - They need the whole night to reassure him, that Keigo is in fact, not a chicken.
- One day the kids should help move some boxes up the staircase to Enji’s study. - And Keigo’s is like: “We can do that later, right guys? Let’s go see what’s inside first, play with it and then try if we can make it look like we never opened it. That’ll be fun!”; And Toya’s like: “Fucking finally” - Inside were reports about unsolved crime cases in the city. Toya and Keigo talk about it the whole month. They decide that they wanna become heroes together. 
- Enji “trains” with Fuyumi, Natsuo, Toya and Keigo - But it’s actually just goofing around and playing villan-attack. (So they know what to do if someone tries to harm them, but he always watches so noone gets hurt.) Toya and Keigo are the only ones to take the play seriously, since they want to become heros for real.
- Enji tells Toya that there’s no need for him to become a hero, if he isn’t fitted for using his quirk. Toya thinks about this, but works out extremly reffined techniques where he uses his fire more defined to avoid burns.
- Toya and Keigo constantly fight about who’s the strongest. (But they are careful not to seriously hurt each other and instandly stop when the other is down. They also teamed up, when a guy in Natsu’s class stalked and tried to bully him. There isn’t much stronger in this world than their big-bro-insticts.)
- Natsuo always cares for their injuries and then Rei gives the two household chores as punishemt.... - And then they fight about who should do the dirtier work.
- Later they met Rumi hanging around in the dangerous parts of the playground and started a fight about a last soda-can. Rumi just obliterated both of them. (since she is 3/6 years older.)
- Toya and Keigo go to UA and both win the sportsfestival first place in their year. They sparr and work-out together with Rumi. They go to different agencies during their internship and try to out-do each other in solved cases.
- They were supposed to babysit Shoto once. The kitched burned.
- Toya becomes a top ranked hero and the todorokis have a big family dinner twice a week. They always cook together and everything is chaotic but in the good way. 
- Toya pierces Keigos ears, because Keigo lost a bet. They start a big fight about it on the stage of the Hero-billboard-charts, live on TV. (- But they do team ups on every big mission to keep their backs safe. They’d litterally die giving the other cover.)
- Enji always tries to get team-ups with Toya, but Toya always dodges. (Because it’s kinda fucking embrassing to work with your dad, who has your baby-pictures in his wallet.)
- They are super fucking happy and nothing will ever change that.
EDIT: If anyone feels like writing this into a fic or something... I’d kiss ya feet and read the crap outta that!
EDIT 2: Like, really man. I need that fluff.
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Into The Unknown, Part 1
... I have no self-control do not perceive me
Marinette stared at the pile of bright red, yellow, and green clothes on the ground. It was all she’d done in the five-ish minutes since she’d portaled onto the scene. Just… stared.
It wasn’t like there was much else to do, anyways. Red Robin was currently beating the absolute fuck out of the person that had the audacity to disintegrate his brother right in front of him. It wasn’t like she could even fix it because the witch had been out cold before she had been able to pull Red Robin off to get a hit in so she could use her lucky charm.
So, she stared.
It was weird. She could almost feel a person inside the clothes but… maybe that was the residue or the ashes or whatever gets left behind when you zap a person out of existence? She didn’t really want to check, to be honest. Gross.
Eventually, though, she hesitantly leaned down and brushed her hand over it, trying to find the energy and get rid of it because it was really uncomfortable --.
… oh hell no that pile of clothes did not just fucking giggle at her.
She narrowed her eyes and carefully lifted up the bottom of the shirt, only to yelp and fall back. She scrabbled on the gross Gotham alley ground until her back hit Red Robin’s arm and he was forced to pause or risk hitting a meta (which would not have been good for his health).
“What?” He hissed.
She swallowed thickly. “That’s a child.”
“... what?” Red asked, all the anger bleeding from his tone in his confusion.
“We let Batman’s kid turn into a baby,” she whispered… then, it sunk in more. “We let Batman’s kid turn into a baby.”
He straightened on top of the thing that was really more bloody pulp than person at this point. “What do you mean ‘we let Batman’s kid turn into a baby’?”
But she didn’t really get a chance to answer because the baby chose that exact moment to be sick of being suffocated under all the armor and pushed it off.
Red Robin gulped. Because, yep, that was Robin as a baby. Batman was going to kill them.
Except he wasn’t going to kill them. Because Batman doesn't kill. No, Batman would find something even worse and that would suck.
The baby -- Robin? Should she still call him that mentally? -- giggled at their pain. Like an asshole.
They were so fucked.
He’d let B’s favorite kid get turned into a baby. Was there a way to get unadopted? Because if there was it was totally going to happen. Or maybe his dad would just cut him off because he was 19 now and could just get kicked out.
No. Nope! Not going to happen. No. He could fix this.
“Okay. Okay okay okay. We need a plan,” he heard himself saying.
Ladybug scoffed. “We? I was barely even here, this is on you.”
“Leave me alone to deal with this and I swear to god I will tell B that you did it.”
She paled. “You wouldn’t. No way.”
“Yes way. So, help me think of something.”
The baby giggled and started crawling over and both of them averted their eyes because, unfortunately, the child did not get baby clothes to go with his random transformation. Baby Damian didn't seem to care as he reached them and started climbing on Ladybug since she was closest. At least it wasn’t him. He did not want to see his adoptive brother’s… ew.
Ladybug made a gagging sound and then quickly summoned a lucky charm. She kept her face turned away as much as her neck would physically allow as she fumbled her way through swaddling the child in a polka-dotted blanket.
And then her shoulders slumped a little. “Great. Great. This is… great,” she muttered, picking up the bundle o’ baby.
He let himself look down now that it was safe.
“Alright, we need to go to another dimension where time moves faster,” Ladybug said after a few seconds. “And then we wait for him to age… fifteen-ish years. Best way to not make Batman notice.”
“... what about us? We also age.”
“Huh…? Oh. Right. You’re human.” She pulled off the glasses she was wearing and blinked a few times before handing it over. “Congrats on your upgrade. The tiny horse god is named Kaalki. She likes cake.”
“The tiny --?” He let out the world’s manliest screech as his eyes landed on the floating bug horse hybrid thing holy shit no no no no no the sci fi movies didn’t prepare him for this shit.
Kaalki looked a little offended but then her eyes landed on the baby and she gasped. “Aw, baby humans are always so cute.”
“Great, Kaalki, you take it,” said Ladybug.
Kaalki did try, to her credit. It just so happened that the approximately one-year-old baby was a lot bigger than the… whatever she was. Tim was refusing to believe that this was a god. Too many implications. He already had something to have a breakdown over, he didn’t need another thing right now, thank you very much.
Tim rested his head in his hands but he had more things to worry about than the blood that he was accidentally streaking through his hair.
“Okay. Okay. We can go to another dimension and try and raise him. Maybe we can make it have a ratio of one month here for every year there so any differences could be blamed on that.”
“Ya!” Said baby Damian. He probably didn’t actually know what was going on but he sure seemed excited so that was cool.
Ladybug sighed and nodded. “Great. You get food and money and clothes and I’ll take this lady to the cops… and I guess I’ll watch the kid until you get back because your dad cannot know.”
They shook on it.
This may be the dumbest idea that she’d ever had, and that was saying something. She didn’t know if she could trust Red Robin on this one, they hardly ever worked together. What if he just left her alone with this kid and let her try and figure this out on her own?
No. He wouldn’t do that. He was the last person known to be with Robin. Robin going missing would be bad for him, too. And, besides, she was pretty sure that he was a duty-driven person based on what she’d heard, she just had to hope that he saw this as his duty, too.
She turned the baby in her arms to get more comfortable as she waited for him to (hopefully) come back.
Part of her wanted to try and find someone from this world to reverse this but she didn’t know any outside of her, Adrien, Alix, and (now) Red Robin. Not on a personal level. Not enough that she knew for sure that they wouldn’t blab to Batman about it.
So, no, this is what she was doing.
But she had things to do. So, she pulled out her yoyo-phone-hybrid-thingy and wedged it against her ear.
“Chaton,” she said the moment he picked up. “You’re alone, right?”
“Uh… yeah?”
“Great. I, Ladybug, relinquish the Miracle Box and name Chat Noir the new guardian.”
“WHAT --?!” He didn’t get to finish as a box dropped on his lap and knocked the wind out of him.
“Just for, like, a year and a half. Sorry. Bye!”
She hung up and closed the yoyo, hooking it back to her belt and ignoring it when it started buzzing again.
She looked down at Robin, who was squinting up at her. She returned the squint. Why was this baby so quiet? She didn’t get it. Surely, he should have been crying at this point.
“Do you still… remember things?” She asked, hoping against all hope that maybe he had retained his memories at the very least.
Robin smiled at her, but it was the blank-eyed baby smile that meant he wasn’t really understanding her. She bit down a curse.
Great. So, she’d not only gotten a baby but she’d gotten a fucking weird one. Great.
Tim left a note for his family saying that he, Damian, and Ladybug were bored and were going dimension hopping. His family would probably be suspicious but, hey, at least it wouldn’t be his problem for a good fifteen years on his end.
And, yeah, he knew this was probably one of his dumber plans but… it wasn’t the dumbest. And he was always one to commit when it came down to it. One time he had faked being shot and dealt with crutches for an entire year just to convince Vicki Vale that he wasn’t Red Robin. He had no fears that he couldn’t see this through.
Ladybug, though? A total mystery. She did nearly everything on a whim as far as he knew. She hopped from city to city fighting crime for absolutely no reason outside of boredom and made up all of her plans on the fly. No, he was a bit concerned about her ability to keep doing it.
So, he went as quickly as he possibly could. There was no rhyme or reason to what he was grabbing. He was just… putting stuff in there. There was money and three watches to help them move between dimensions, yes, but there was also a fanta orange and a copy of Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy and exactly seven pairs of socks.
… yeah, he had the necessities. Probably.
He nearly got out the door before he realized he was still in his crime-fighting gear and he quickly shucked it all off and tossed it into the tub so the blood wouldn’t track any more than it already had. He did not need to avoid Batman’s wrath only to end up on the receiving end of Alfred’s.
He pulled on the first hoodie and jeans he could grab and looked around to make sure he hadn’t left anything of importance.
Okay. Now he was ready to go.
Marinette was awkwardly bouncing the baby when Red Robin finally showed up.
… not that she would have recognized him if she hadn’t felt Kaalki hovering in his pocket. In her eyes, he was just a random white guy wearing shades in the middle of the night.
She glanced up at him and gave him an awkward smile.
He smiled back and held out two watches. Neither fit baby Robin so she prepared herself to choke out a literal baby holy fuck what even was her life.
“Which dimension should we go to?”
“Preferably one without miraculi,” Marinette said. “I don’t want to know what happens if there’s two of the same god in a dimension.”
He nodded slowly. “Probably best if Batman doesn’t exist, either, he’d probably notice my existence.”
“... so… no heroes at all?”
“Looks like we’re going cold turkey,” Red Robin said in a tone that was probably supposed to be joking but just came out flat.
She pushed herself to her feet and waited as he scrolled through the millions of dimensions.
Finally, he came upon one and she added the coordinates to her and Robin’s watches.
She readied Robin’s watch against his neck and tried to ignore the kid’s sudden squirminess.
“3… 2… 1…”
They were gone in a whirl of blue light.
@nathleigh @peachmuses
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