#sokka x oc
astra-kamari · 1 month
The sword master
(A series)
part 2
Sumary-The gaang runs into a camp in the trees…
Pairings- Sokka x oc, jet x twin
A/n-sorry it’s late, not my best work but it’s something. Who knew getting the characters to talk to each other would be so hard.Ive been thinking about making a prequel about Constance and Jet, about when their parents died and maybe some in-between….thoughts?
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I was standing in the tree, waiting to attack the fore nation camp site. I wanted to just get this over with, but we had to wait for the right moment.
And then the right moment came. Three people wandered into camp, two water tribesmen, and some kid wearing bright clothes. I looked across the clearing to Jet. Time to shine.
I jumped and took two soldiers out on landing. I turn and slashed at a third. I hear a yell and take out two more coming at you.
I looked over to Jet, who smiled at the random trio, “Down you go.”
I sigh, always the showman he is. A Fire Nation soldier yelled, “They're in the trees!”
The Duke lands on top of the soldier and turns his helmet around to blind him, before riding him around while laughing. Longshot launches arrows at the soldiers while more boys come out of the trees.
I look over to see the girl and the bright colored one fighting the soldiers. The water boy holds up his boomerang and yells as one approaches him, but gets stoped when Jet takes him down first.
“Hey, he was mine!” The water boy yelled
Jet laughed, “Gotta be quicker next time”
You turn back to the soldiers in front of you, taking down the ones right in front of the water tribe girl.
Pipsqeack falls out of the trees and easily take down two soldiers as I took down two more, causing this soldier's spear to hit another soldier, who was going to battle the water tribe boy, in the head, making that soldier also fall down.
The boy looked at me angrily, “Man!” He cried as I disarmed two more soldiers he was going for.
Jet disarmed another soldier and runs up to the water tribe girl.
Jet and smirked at her “Hey.” Oh you really hoped that wouldn’t become a thing.
She said looking completely lovestruck“Hi.”
The bright colored one looked around Amazed. “You just took out a whole army almost single-handed.”
I walked up and rested my elbow on Jets shoulder, “single handedly?” I questioned as i raised my eyebrows.
The water tribe boy spoke. “Army?! Pfft! There were only like, twenty guys.”
Jet looked over at me before introducing himself. “My name is Jet, and these are my Freedom Fighters. Sneers, Longshot, Smellerbee, The Duke, and Pipsqueak.”he said pointing to everyone as he introduced them. Then he turned to me, and ruffled my hair, did he know how long it took to braid this? “This is Constance, my little sister” he smirked around me.
“By two minutes” i mumbled while shoving his arm off.
The water tribe girl stuck her arm out, “Im Katara, this is Aang, Sokka, Appa, and Momo” she says pointing each person out.
I looked over at The Duke who was laughing with the Aang “Ha ha! Pipsqueak, that's a funny name.”
Pipsqueak lurked over them in a threatening manner; using a low, growling tone of voice. “You think my name is funny?”
Aang looks taken aback for a second before replying in an upbeat tone. “It's hilarious!”
I looked over to Pipsqueak, still looming forward with a frown on his face. He suddenly starts laughing, The colored one and The Duke following suit. Pipsqueak pats the Avatar on the back in a friendly manner, though the hit was hard enough to knock him flat on the ground. The Duke stops laughing and looks down at Aang sprawled on the ground before his feet, face flat in the dirt, though when he raises his head and continues laughing, so does The Duke.
I look over at Jet to see Katara approaching him. “Umm, thanks for saving us, Jet. We're lucky you were there.”
Jet laughed, “I should be thanking you. We were waiting to ambush those soldiers all morning. We just needed the right distraction, and then you guys stumbled in.”
Katara Eyed Sokka. “We were relying on instincts.”
Jet looked at me. “You'll get yourself killed doing that.” This was a common debate between us. Jet plans, while i go with my gut.
“Im still alive aren’t i?” I said as i glared at him.
Sokka looks at Katara and Jet disdainfully as The Duke and Pipsqueak look through the barrels. The Duke touches a jelly-like substance on his finger and sniffs it.
The Duke- “Hey, Jet, these barrels are filled of blasting jelly.”
Jet smiled “That's a great score.”
Pipsqueak Holds up a wooden box. “And these boxes are filled with jelly candy!”
I laugh, “Also good. Let's not get those mixed up.”
The Duke- “We'll take this stuff back to the hideout.”
Aang looked at us with wide eyes, “You guys have a hideout?”
Jet laughed “You wanna see it?”
Katara, Very excitedly yells “Yes, we wanna see it!”
Jet smiles at her and we walked towards the hideout.
We stood on the forest floor, i turned and smiled to the group.
Jet- “We're here.”
“Where? There's nothing here.” Sokka said while looking around.
Jet laughed “Hold this.” He says as he gives a rope to Sokka.
Sokka looked skeptical. “Why? What's this do?” He Screams as he is pulled up into the branches. I laugh and grab a tope flying into the trees, backflipping onto a railing.
I look down as Jet grabs Katara and they rise up through the tree together in a “romantic setting.” I would never understand my brother. They come to a landing on a wooden platform in the trees. I look up as Aang is zip lining through the trees.
Aang While passing through with Momo. “Nice place you got!
Katara, It's beautiful up here!”
Jet sighed “It's beautiful, and more importantly, the Fire Nation can't find us.”
Smellerbee lands next to me. “They would love to find you. Wouldn't they, Jet, Con?”
Jet Smirking “It's not gonna happen, Smellerbee.” I jump down and start leading them through the trees.
Katara As Aang zips by again, “Why does the Fire Nation want to find you?”
I look up and laugh “you could say we’ve been causing them a little trouble. See, they took over a nearby Earth Kingdom town a few years back.”
Pipsqueak - “We've been ambushin' their troops, cutting off their supply lines, and doing anything we can to mess with 'em.”
Jet- “One day, we'll drive the Fire Nation out of here for good and free that town.”
Katara- “That's so brave.”
Sokka looks around sarcastically “Yeah, nothing's braver than a guy in a tree house.” I laugh, looking over to him.
Katara- “Don't pay any attention to my brother.”
Jet- No problem. He probably had a rough day.”
Katara- “So, you all live here?” Sokka slows to walk next to me as Katara and Jet “flirt”
Jet- “That's right. Longshot over there?” I look back to Longshot and The Duke walking not making a sound. “His town got burned down by the Fire Nation. And we found The Duke trying to steal our food. I don't think he ever really had a home.”
Katara- “What about you?” I stifined but kept walking as Katara and Jet come to a halt, didn’t want to hear this story again.
“The Fire Nation killed my parents. Me and Connie were only eight years old. That day chan-“
i ran ahead, Jet talked about it freely, but he wasn’t the one who watched them die.
I heard footsteps behind me, i turn and see that Sokka had caught up to me.
“You ok?” He seemed to be genuinely curious.
“Yeah, i prefer not to talk about our parents, Jet talks about them all the time.”
“Oh” he looked at the ground, i realized this was probably pretty awkward for him. We continued until we were almost to my favorite balcony.
I turned and stuck my arm out. “We never properly introduced ourselves, I’m Constance”
He smiled, “im Sokka” he says shaking my hand.
I smiled back, something about the smile was infectious.
“What are you all doing here Sokka?”
He looked a little taken back, “what do you mean?”
I turned back to the balcony and sighed, looking at the view. “I’m sorry, I just-.“
To be honest I was worried, I knew Jet was planing something bad. He wouldn’t fill me all the way in, but he wanted to get rid of the fire nation for good, i was worried about that town that was right by us. I turned back to him and smiled.
“I’m sorry…You all should leave soon.” Like ripping off a bandage, i high-fived myself on the inside, Im gonna need some help to kick out the cute guy.
Now he looked sad, and i immediately felt guilty. “Yeah…we are going to leave tomorrow morning”
“Listen, its not like im forcing you out, i dont know if you noticed but my brother can be a little….”
“Persuasive.” We sat in a comfortable silence for a while. “Its getting late, we should head to dinner”
He sighed, “yeah, they’re probably wondering where we are…”
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juliaswickcrs · 2 months
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moodboard :: princess mira of the fire nation
"You're the princess of the fire nation, the niece of the fire lord, and you tried to kidnap aang with your psychotic cousin, give us one reason why we shouldn't hate you!?" -Sokka, Book Two
tag list: @bisexualterror​ @foxesandmagic @iron-parkr​ @jvstjewels@camiemendess@a-song-of-quill-and-feather @arrthurpendragon @villain-connoisseur​ @starcrossedjedis​ @drbobbimorse​ @noratilney​ @stanshollaand@kingsmakers @astarionbae​ @darth-caillic @mystic-scripture@aliverse @misshiraethsworld @asirensrage @eddiemunscns
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carbondioxda · 10 days
Instincts and lovebirds (p.1)
Sokka x firebender!OC
c/w: swearing!! this is my first time writing an oc x canon so this may or may not be the worst thing you’ll ever read??, basically Sokka and Zuya making fun of Katara’s crush on Jet. This is also pretty long by the way. Written in third person and I usually avoid using adjectives that have informations regarding looks but I want you to have an idea of how Zuya looks like.
a/n: first time writing in the atla universe<33, english isn’t my first lanuage, please tell me if I make any mistakes
also just like in my previous posts, my way of writing dialogue might be different than what you’re used to.
I haven’t introduced my oc Zuya on this page at all, so maybe I’ll do it in a separate post. I hope you like her.
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This whole encounter was weird. First, Sokka swore on his instincts that they all should walk instead of flying on Appa and then suddenly they’re being saved by a bunch of kids from being ambushed. Yet somehow, even though they were saved, something didn’t feel right. Zuya felt as if they were still ambushed or captured in some way. It was plainly uncomfortable.
Jet, Smellerbee, Longshot, Pipsqueak, Sneers and The Duke. They didn’t seem like a usual vigilante group. More like, wild children mixed with pirates. Zuya noticed some dirt on their necks and hands, they must’ve hardly ever bathed. Only Jet seemed to vaguely know what hygiene is. Even if Sokka’s instincts proved to be incorrect, right now the bad gut feeling he had was shared with his friend, Zuya.
- Psssst. - the brunette hissed to Sokka, while Jet’s friends were looking through the fire nation’s supplies.
- I’m right next to you, idiot. - he hissed back, but louder. - If you wanna talk shit about them I’m here for it, just don’t hiss like a wild animal. - the boy crossed his hands, looking at his friend.
- Okay, okay I just wanted you to get the goddamn hint.
- I know what you’re gonna say. - he begun.
- They look suspicious as hell. - they both said at the same time. Zuya tried her best not to point it out, so that he wouldn’t feel too special about guessing what she had on her mind. That would get into his head. Everything goes right into Sokka’s head, actually.
- Katara doesn’t think so. - Zuya choked out, pointing her head to the girl’s direction. Katara was thanking Jet for their help. Sokka seemed to run out of ideas on commenting this whole thing. He rolled his eyes. - I mean, it’s nice of her to thank him but her voice is high pitched and she’s kinda getting red.
- What? What do you mean? - Sokka squinted his eyes to see better, as if that was supposed to help in any way.
- Seems like your sister has a little cruuush. - Zuya teased, twirling her dark hair around her finger to mock Katara.
- Hell no, why this freak of all? Why couldn’t she perhaps, I don’t know, have a crush on Haru?
- We were in that village for two or three days, it’s better for everyone that she didn’t.
- We’re not gonna be here much longer either.
- It’s best if none of us has a crush. Any kind. It would only slow us down.
- Same thing! This whole Jay, or whatever his name is, isn’t all that. Just look at him. What the hell is that in his mouth? A straw? Grass? Is he a cow? - Sokka tried to come up with a creative insult.
- You’re just bitter because your life-saving instincts didn’t work. We should call them life-ending instincts, cause you know…cause we were ambushed.. - Zuya giggled. Sokka’s glare was digging into her. Even if he wasn’t very intimidating, she wasn’t going to test his limits right now. - No, but seriously. We should get out of here before we even have the chance to meet those guys closer. I know the type of mr. nonchalant, it’s not gonna end well. It’s for Katara’s own good.
They followed the group, because Katara and Aang wanted to see their secret hideout. It was pretty obvious their spot wouldn’t be on the ground, given that the trees were the tallest they’ve seen and tents or houses would be too easy to spot. However, Sokka didn’t really think about it.
- Soo, Zuya, right? Are you from the Earth Kingdom? - Jet asked. She was in the same attire she left her village, Kyoshi. She was taken in by the village’s members when she was just a young child, nobody really expected her to grow up to be a firebender.
- Yeah, I’m from The Kyoshi village. - she replied.
- Are you an earthbender?
- Actually she’s- - Katara begun.
- A non-bender! Just like Sokka. - Zuya corrected her quickly. The rest of the gaang didn’t question it.
- A, nice to know. Explains a lot. Hey, you two, grab those handles. - Jet suggested, turning to the ,,non-benders”.
- What does this thing d- - Sokka was cut off, being plunged into the air. Zuya couldn’t react in time, sharing the fate with her friend and soon grabbing onto the thick branches for dear life.
- Look, shit, look! - Zuya tugged on his arm.
- What?! - he asked, just now getting his head out of the leaves. She grabbed his chin and pointed him to look down, where Katara and Jet where smoothly flying upwards to the hideout. - I’ve had enough, we’re getting out of here as soon as possible. - he commented.
- They’re having their movie moment in there. - she said, noticing how Katara’s face is constantly red from all of the blushing. - How cute.
- You seem to be having a moment too. - Aang startled them. They didn’t notice him flying up. It slips their mind that Aang can literally levitate.
- A moment? We’re having a moment of hanging onto a tree branch. - Zuya said loudly, still recovering from the Aang jumpscare. Sokka turned away and climbed onto the wooden plank attached to the tree that led to the hideout.
They caught up with the group and Jet showed them around, talking about how amazing his ,,freedom fighters” are in being a pain in the Fire Nation’s ass. Sokka looked like he was in agonizing pain the whole time, and even more when they sat around the fire. That’s when Jet did his whole inspiring speech.
He sat down, separating Sokka and Zuya from Katara and Aang.
- Hey Jet! Nice speech.
- Thanks. By the way, I was really impressed with you and Aang. That’s some great bending back there.
- He’s great, he’s the avatar. - Katara explained. - I could use some training. - she was blushing again.
- The avatar? Nice. Very nice. - Jet seemed to be so pleased about that fact, it made them pretty uncomfortable. Sokka’s instinct must’ve worked at that moment.
- Sorry, but we need to leave tonight. - he said, cutting their conversation short.
- Yup, we should’ve left earlier, we can’t slow down. - Zuya added to back him up.
- Sokka! Are you kidding, I needed you for an important mission! - Jet whined.
- What mission? - Sokka’s ears perked up, even if he didn’t get too excited. A mission was enough for him to be convinced, knowing him.
- Tomorrow, we have to do a patrol and make sure The Fire Nation doesn’t attack or anything. - Jet tried to bribe him. - You could use a good night’s sleep for once.
- True. We’ll get to the North Pole, Sokka, let’s just use this occasion. - Aang spoke up.
- Only for one night. We can’t stay longer. - he gave in. - I’m going to sleep now, if you don’t mind. Me and Zuya stayed up all night to guard the supplies. We’re tired, right Zuya?
- Right. Exhausted.
- You can go to the hut on the left. - Jet said. - Goodnight!
- Goodnight. - Sokka spat out, before taking Zuya by the wrist and leading her away from the group.
- There’s no way you agreed to stay just to go on a mission, Sokka. - she hissed at him again. - It’s not even that important!
- Oh shut up, I’ll finally do something for once. Maybe they’ll give us some supplies for that.
- They won’t give us shit.
- Let’s just go. - he said, entering the small hut they were given to sleep in. They tried their best to ignore how annoying the newly met people were and just got ready for bed.
- Why did you tell them you’re a non-bender? - Sokka suddenly asked, when Zuya was brushing out her long hair. She usually wore it in two long braids, but this evening was a good occasion to brush it all out and distract herself.
- Gut feeling. They hate the Fire Nation.
- You’re not from the Fire Nation though?
- And how would they know that? It’s better to tell them the short version instead of explaining myself. I’m not planning on using fire here anyway.
- Good point. - he put his hands behind his head and laid down. - I’d love to see you firebend the hell out of them, though. - he added with a smug grin. It made her smile.
- Maybe I’d do that if I could firebend better. I only know a few moves. I think I might’ve noticed something. Sokka? Can you braid my hair?
- Yea…what did you notice? - he positioned himself behind her. Gran gran taught him how to do Katara’s hair when their mom died, he never really forgot how to do it.
- All of the ,,freedom fighters” have strange outfits. They’re so mixed. Jet has parts of the Fire Nation attire mixed with the Water Tribe’s clothes, or The Duke? He has everything in green and yellow, traditional Earth Kingdom colours.
- So, what are you saying?
- I’m just saying…don’t get into any trouble tomorrow. - she sat while he braided her hair. - Or your outfit might be worn by one of them soon.
- Thieves are the last thing I wanted to encounter. Still, why would I get into trouble? I’ll just pretend to be their friend or somethin’- he asked, already aware why exactly.
- You know damn well why. You’re going without us on that mission, don’t try to act like a smartass.
- I won’t. I’ll try to, at least.
- Promise me you won’t. I don’t wanna have to run to save your sorry ass again.
- Again? Excuse me. - he tugged her hair on purpose.
- Ow! Yes, again. If I wanted go count all of the times where I had to drag you out of someone’s hands I’d run out of fingers. - she grabbed his hand to stop him. Sokka scoffed at that. - Can I braid your hair too?
- No, my head is pounding when you do my braids, they’re too tight.
- I’ll be more gentle? - she smiled, just as he was finishing her own braids. He sighed.
- Just this once. - he finally agreed. - Don’t make them so tight.
- I’ll try.
- You don’t look exhausted. Is Sokka hitting on you again? - Katara asked when she entered the hut with Aang. She was in a good mood, who wouldn’t be if they found themselves a love interest?
- Not today. - she pretended to be let down. Or she wasn’t pretending.
- Just for the record, I’ve never done that. Focus on hitting on Jet, Katara.- he insisted.
- Stop moving so much or else I’m making the braids tight.
- You can’t deny it. Back in Kyoshi, Omashu and when pirates tried to take us. - Aang counted on his fingers and then shoved them into grumpy Sokka’s face. - And that one evening?
- You forgot the boat thing. - Katara reminded.
- Right, boat thing too. - Aang smiled like the cute kid he is.
- It wasn’t intentional. My charm is unbeatable, what can I do about it? Happens on it’s own.
- All of you should go to sleep. - Zuya said, carefully making small braids on Sokka’s head. She finished up and for the rest of the evening, thankfully nobody brought up the topic of Jet and his friends.
Zuya was abruptly waken up by Sokka, right when he came back from the mission. Katara and Aang must’ve already gone somewhere.
- Wake the hell up Zuya, they’re psychos! - Sokka shook her by the shoulders.
- Stop shaking me! - Zuya’s green eyes were barely open and the boy was still blurry in her vision.
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dangergays · 1 year
we all know about the red and blue gays what about the sun and moon gays. sunshine and dark goth gays. gays fucking love celestial aesthetics i am living proof
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cherri-rice · 2 months
My Avatar: The Last Airbender oc💋
Her name is Akira.
Age 17
She was born in the Fire Nation but left and went along with Gaang after she found out she was 9 weeks pregnant. Her son’s name is Zion. He is currently 2 years of age.
Made by Bing Image Creator*
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imagines--galore · 7 days
||The Thread of Fate|| Part Sixteen
Summary: Soulmate AU. They say the Thread of Fate connects you to your one true love. It may tangle. It may stretch. But it will never break. Wrapped around your little finger it tightens when it feels your soulmate is close and loosens when they are far. And becomes visible with the colors of your soulmate’s Nation when you finally fall in love with them.
Pairing: Zuko x OroraOC (ATLA)
Rating || Genres || Warnings: T+ Romance. Adventure. Allusion to death, but nothing graphic.
Previous Chapters - Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen, Part Fifteen,
A/N: Thank you for much for all those people who left their remarks for the last chapter. You have no idea how much it means to me!
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The bird sat on the window ledge, twittering as it discovered the flowers that were sitting prettily in a vase. It hovered over the biggest one, dipping in it's long beak and drinking from the nectar it found there.
A slight disturbance from beyond the window ledge had the bird flitting about, annoyed at having it's lunch disturbed, before he flew off.
Inside the apartment Zuko groaned as his eyelids flickered. His entire body felt like he'd been kicked around by a Komodo Rhino. And his head, Spirits he felt like his head would split open any moment. His eyes felt too hot for him to open, the act hurting him almost physically.
"You're burning up." He heard his Uncle's voice echo through the darkness. The sound of water dripping reached his ears before something cool was pressed to his forehead. "You have an intense fever. This will help cool you down."
Zuko's only response was a low moan. His throat felt like it was on fire. Despite his entire body protesting, he tried his best to sit up, his arms trembled with effort. "So thirsty." He croaked, his voice weak even to his own ears.
A set of hands pressed against his shoulders, gently pushing him to lie back down. "Orora will be returning with the water soon." He hadn't even finished his sentence when the door slid open and the young waterbender girl walked in, lugging a bucket of water beside her.
"Is he awake?" At the sound of her soft voice, Zuko forced his eyes to open slightly. Despite his blurry sight, he could see as she approached him and was at his side. Placing the bucket of water next to him she tipped some water into a cup using a ladle. He felt her gently hold the back of his head as she brought the cup to his lips. "Here, drink."
As soon as he felt the cool liquid touch his lips, he drank greedily. But it wasn't enough. Pushing aside the now empty cup, he grasped the bucket of water and all but threw the water down his throat. A lot of it trickled down the side and on the mat he was lying on.
"No! Zuko don't!" He wasn't even halfway done when the bucket was snatched from his hands and thrown to the side. Loosing whatever strength he had, he fell back onto the mat.
"You can't drink that fast. Your body is too hot to take in all that cold water." He heard her. Even through the haze of his fever, he could imagine the disapproving look in her eyes. He wanted to answer back, to argue with her, but all that came from his lips was a cough which soon intensified, prompting him to curl into himself and turn to the side.
On either side of him, his Uncle and Soulmate glanced at one another, worry and anxiousness clear in their eyes.
Stuffing the last of her purchase in her bag, Orora quickly paid the vendor before she began her sprint down the dirt path. The mid-spring sun shone down hot and unrelenting. Sweat lined her forehead as she weaved her way through the slightly crowded streets. With how fast she was running it was no surprise that by the time she reached the apartment there was a stitch at her side and she was panting heavily.
But that didn't stop her from bounding up the stairs and bursting into the apartment. "I got everything Master." She managed to say as she tried to catch her breath. Iroh looked up from where he had been wringing a wet cloth sitting in the middle of the living area. Her frantic blue eyes landed on the figure lying next to him.
"Is he any better?" She asked, her voice soft as she closed the door behind her and placed her bag on the table before coming to sit on Zuko's other side.
Iroh shook his head, even as she reached out to place a gentle hand over his forehead. Orora pursed her lips. "Is the water still cool enough?" She gestured to the small bucket that Iroh was using. Her Master nodded. "It is, though we might need to change it in a little while."
She removed her hand, so that Iroh could replace it with the wet cloth he had been wringing.
Her worried gaze assessed Zuko with the eyes of a Healer.
He was shivering, despite his body being hot to the touch. Sweat lined his forehead and neck, and she was sure it covered his chest as well. Iroh had taken off his shirt a long time ago so he would be more comfortable, and covered hims with a blanket. His breathing was deep and hoarse, as if the very air hurt his throat.
A lump formed in her throat but she quickly pushed it down. This was no time to be distressed. She was a Healer, and she would do her job properly.
"I'll start making some broth and tea." She said, standing up and moving to the table where she began to take out all manners of ingredients. "They had a merchant come in with new stock, so I was able to get fresh ingredients."
Taking out a small white paper packet, she unfolded it to reveal some leaves. "The next time he wakes up, try to get him to take this tea." She said, already bending water into the small teapot and placing it atop the stove. A small clicking sound followed as she used to spark rocks to make a fire. "Its a remedy that is tried and true. We used it up North whenever someone had a high fever." She continued, as she pulled out a jar of honey. "Add some honey to it, and he'll feel much better."
Iroh's voice had her straightening up where she stood in front of the stove. Gulping back her nerves, she turned her head to look at her Master. He smiled at her in a gentle and reassuring manner, though his eyes shone with worry as he glanced at his nephew. "I know you are worried, but he will be fine my dear." He reassured her, seeing the film of unshed tears in her eyes.
"He was in a far worse condition after the Agni Kai with his father." She tried not to flinch at the old man's words, but couldn't help herself. "He pulled through it, and he will pull through this ailment as well."
Heaving a shuddering breath, the young girl closed her eyes briefly to compose herself. She nodded. "I'm sure he will Uncle. After all," Her gaze turned soft as she trained an affectionate smile towards the feverish Prince. "He's much too stubborn to be brought down by a simple fever."
Iroh smiled in approval. It would not do to have Orora feel dismal about Zuko's current state. It was important that she remained optimistic, and not let her worries effect her abilities as a Healer. Iroh knew she would never forgive herself if she did not do her job properly. His young pupil already had a hard life, and a harder one still up ahead, and Iroh did not want her to make it even more difficult by putting herself down.
Fate was a funny thing, he mused. He lost his son, and yet he gained two children of his own. Both of them with a desperation to be loved and accepted.
As he ran the wet cloth over his nephew's forehead once more, Iroh's resolve to be there for his two charges resolved only harder.
He would never abandon either of them if he could help it.
They'd both been disappointed by enough adults in their lives.
He was dreaming.
It was a dream.
He was the Fire Lord, sitting in the throne room of the Fire Palace, a platoon of soldiers standing at attention in front of him. The fire burning behind him cast an ominous glow about the room, strange shadows flickering and dancing as if to the sound of the flames itself.
There was no scar on his eye.
On each side of him there were pillars, and even as he stared straight ahead, he could see the two dragons circling around them out of the corner of his eyes.
One Red, one Blue.
Even if it was a dream, he could sense their raw power, the heat of the fire they were created from. And yet, he stared straight ahead, not even blinking as the Blue Dragon began to circle around him.
"It's getting late." The Dragon spoke. Zuko recognized his sister's voice. "Are you planning to retire soon, My Lord?"
Zuko stared ahead, undeterred. "I'm not tired."
But the Blue Dragon did not move away. "Relax, Fire Lord Zuko. Just let go. Give in to it. Shut your eyes for a while." The voice continued to whisper, and Zuko could feel his eyes begin to shut as he finally began to give into the exhaustion he felt.
"No, Fire Lord Zuko!" The Red Dragon growled in his Uncle's voice, as it neared him. "Do not listen to the Blue Dragon. You should get out of here right now." The Dragon urged. "Go! Before it's too late!"
But the Blue Dragon was not deterred. "Sleep now, Fire Lord Zuko." It whispered one last time before both Dragons disappeared.
Suddenly, the entire room, along with the soldiers crumble into nothing, leaving Zuko to sit on the Throne where he had been, with nothing surrounding him but utter darkness.
In front of him, twin lights blinked and the Blue Dragon appeared. "Sleep." It growled, slowly nearing him. "Just like Mother!" It opened it's maw, showing row upon row of razor sharp teeth, as it closed in rapidly.
Zuko tried to move out of the way, tried to fight back, but he was frozen in place. All he could do was watch the dragon draw nearer.
But then it disappeared.
And he saw a hooded figure in front of him. "Zuko!"
He recognized his voice. He wanted so badly to call out to her, and say that he was there, but no sound would come out of it.
His mother sounded just as frightened as she looked as she lowered her hood to look at him with helpless eyes.
"Help me!"
He had almost held up his hand to reach out to her, but then the floor opened up beneath him and he fell through, his cries echoing in the unending darkness that surrounded him.
The tea had steeped enough, so she quickly brought it over to Iroh. Silently, she spooned some honey into a cup, her eyes flitting to Zuko who was starting to stir. Iroh poured the tea.
"You should know that this is not a natural sickness, but that shouldn't stop you from enjoying tea." The Prince sat up, his body still trembling with the effort.
"What's happening?" He asked, his voice sounding just as weak as he looked.
"Your critical decision." Iroh replied. Orora gave him a confused look. "What you did beneath that lake. It was in such conflict with your image of yourself that you are now at war within your own mind and body." He urged Zuko to drink more of the warm liquid Orora had prepared.
"What's that mean?" It seemed even the briefest of conversations was enough to have him coughing. He quickly laid back down, his entire body jolting with every cough.
"You are going through a metamorphosis, my nephew. It will not be a pleasant experience, but when you come out of it, you will be the beautiful prince you were always meant to be."
Wasn't he already beautiful though? Orora wandered, pouring some more tea in case Iroh needed a cup as well. "But Master why now when he helped free Appa? He saved my life at the North Pole, wouldn't that have been against his image as well?" She asked, curiously.
Iroh hummed. "I suspect my dear, that when he saved you he did so unconsciously. He went ahead and did what was instinct for him because you are his soulmate, even though he did not know it at the time."
Adjusting Zuko's blankets the Dragon of the West continued. "When he freed the Bison, it was a conscious effort on his part, which is why his body is warring within itself."
Orora pursed her lips, her blue eyes flitting to look at Zuko's face. He'd drifted back to sleep.
Another dream.
He was at the North Pole.
He was at the bridge where he had fought Zhao.
The moon was still red where she hung in the sky.
And in front of him, halfway down the bridge stood Zhao.
Holding Orora captive.
With a finger aimed at the side of her head, the tip of it alight with a vicious flame.
"No!" The cry ripped through him from the very depths of his being. He stumbled forward, his arm held out as if to reach Orora. But then he found them being held in place by two armored Fire Nation soldiers. Zhao only smiled cruelly.
"I would do the world a service by getting rid of such watertribe filth." He growled. Zuko's eyes met hers. She stared back at him, blue eyes full utter terror, cheeks stained with the tears that were rapidly falling.
"Zuko." She called out, her entire body seemed to tremble.
His heart stopped.
She sounded scared.
She sounded so scared.
"What would your father say when he finds out your soulmate is nothing but a commoner? A waterbender no less." Zhao sneered, looking at Orora with a disgusted look on his face.
He pressed his finger closer prompting Orora to whimper in fright as the flame burned closer to her skin. "Don't!" Zuko shouted, struggling against his captors. They didn't so much as flinch.
"Better that I take care of her now, then let your father deal with such filth."
So saying, he threw Orora to the side. Zuko saw her hit her head at the edge of the bridge, the skin above her temple splitting open, bright red blood escaping the wound and trickling down her beautiful brown skin. She slumped to the floor, barely conscious.
"Orora!" He struggled again, growling viciously, as she weakly lifted her head to look at him, her blue eyes already lifeless and dull.
Zhao raised his hand, a bright yellow flame burning wickedly in his palm, ready to strike.
Ready to kill.
Orora pursed her lips.
"Its been hours. His fever should be coming down now." She hummed, looking at the shivering Prince. Her eyes darted to the small bucket of water that Iroh was still using. She scowled.
"It's not doing enough work." She stated, standing up. Without a backward glance she was out of the apartment, and marching down to the community well. Standing next to it she reached down with her arms, calling to the water that flowed underground and pulled up a huge bubble of water.
Circling her arms in the air in graceful strokes, the determined waterbender slowly made her way back up the stairs. She shifted the shape of the bubble whenever was necessary. Her brow creased in a frown of concentration as she focused on carrying the huge bubble up to the apartment.
Once inside she slowly walked to the washing area behind a decorative screen. Her arms lowered as the bubble of water settled into the large wooden tub. The water lapped gently against the edge before it settled. Without so much as a break in her stride, she quickly walked back to where Iroh was sitting.
Understanding what she was about to do, he had already pulled Zuko up, resting one arm over his shoulder to help his nephew to the tub. Orora took his other arm, trying to be as gentle as possible.
The Prince barely stirred as they half carried, half dragged him to the now full tub. With Orora holding him from under his arms, and with Iroh lifting from his feet, they managed to lower him into the cool water.
"Let me get a pillow for his head." Iroh said, quickly grabbing the pillow Zuko had been using and placing it under his nephew's head where it rested at the edge of the bath tub.
Beside him, Orora took a deep breath.
She raised her arms, palms facing downwards, her fingers relaxed and at level with the bath tub. The water began to glow as she allowed her Healing Abilities to flow through her body, to the tips of her fingers and into the water.
Her arms moved in a constant push and pull motion. The water followed her movement, back and forth along Zuko's feverish body.
Iroh stood beside her, watching on with utter fascination as his pupil concentrated on the task at hand. Never once did she falter in her movements, or lost concentration. The water continued to glow. Iroh wasn't sure how her abilities would heal Zuko since it wasn't a physical ailment he suffered from, but he was not about to stop Orora from trying.
"I shall go and prepare something to eat for both of you." He said, resting a hand on her shoulder. She gave a slight nod of her head in confirmation, her gaze never wavering from the face of the Prince as he continued to breath hoarsely.
All around him.
Nothing but darkness.
He was ten years old, his face buried in his arms, trying not to cry but failing. Even his firebending wasn't working. He felt weak and useless.
Exactly how his father made him feel.
He looked up, only to see a vision of his father standing above him, ready to strike and burn him.
Azula was born lucky
His father's voice echoed around him, magnified a hundred times over.
You were lucky to be born.
Over and over, the words continued to repeat in his father's hateful tone. There was no stopping it. No getting out of the nightmare. No one was coming to help him.
No one.
No one.
Something flickered.
He opened his tear filled eyes.
A blue light flickering.
Flickering where the thread was tied around his finger.
His lips parted in surprise as the flicker became a continuous glow and slowly grew in length, snaking away from him and into the darkness.
The voices around him had begun to muffle as he turned his attention to the glowing string.
"Well, are you going to follow it?"
Zuko blinked and he wasn't surrounded by darkness anymore.
He was on a beach, the setting sun casting a warm red glow, bathing the sky in a gorgeous orange hue. The surf lapped gently at his feet, and he could feel the sand between his toes. There was no denying what this location was.
Ember Island, where his family used to come for vacation when they had been significantly happier.
But all of this wasn't what had his heart lurching in his throat.
It was actually the sight of his cousin standing just a few feet in front of him, smiling and very much alive.
Zuko couldn't help himself. He dashed forward, kicking up sand as he went and enveloping Lu Ten in a fierce embrace. The older prince chuckled, returning the hug.
"I've missed you too, Zuko." He spoke, affection coloring his tone as he smiled at him. "You've grown so much." Lu Ten added, stepping back from the hug to look at him properly. "You'll be as tall as I was."
Zuko pulled back only to star at Lu Ten who chuckled. "Yes, I really am gone Zuko, this is just something your mind has come up with."
Finally gaining back the ability to speak, Zuko voiced his thoughts. "I don't understand, what're you doing here?" He asked to which Lu Ten ruffled his hair playfully. "I'm here to guide you back home."
Stepping aside, he pointed to a building a little ways down the beach. Zuko frowned. "But, isn't home the Fire Palace?" He asked. Lu Ten smiled and shook his head.
"You'll know the meaning of the word home on your own Zuko. But for now, follow your string." He nodded towards Zuko's finger which still glowed blue. Raising his hand, Zuko realized the string was actually leading him towards the house.
He glanced at his cousin.
"Aren't you coming with me?"
A sad smile pulled at his cousin's lips as he shook his head. "I'm afraid not. You have to finish your journey on your own Zuko."
Feeling his heart clench, Zuko nodded reluctantly. "Un-Uncle misses you. A lot." The mention of his father, Lu Ten sighed deeply, his own eyes filling with a sorrow that even Zuko felt. "And I miss him. I wish our time wasn't cut short so soon, but fate had other plans." Placing a hand on Zuko's shoulder, Lu Ten continued.
"I am glad he has you Zuko. You are a great comfort to him." Zuko pursed his lips, looking crestfallen. "Can't you come back with me?" It was a childish question he knew, but he couldn't help himself.
Lu Ten shook his head sadly. "You know I cannot. But you can go back. You have to go back." He smiled. "Father can't loose a son a second time."
Trying hard to hold back his tears, to no avail, Zuko hugged his cousin, trying his best to commit his presence and his scent to memory, even if it was a dream. It was a good long while before he unwound his arms from around his cousin, who had been returning the hug with just as much heart and soul. "Be true to yourself Zuko, and always follow your own path." So saying, the former prince of the Fire Nation stepped away. "Take care of him for me little cousin. Now go! There is someone waiting for you!"
One moment he was there, and the next Zuko blinked and Lu Ten was gone.
He allowed himself a few moments to process what had just happened, before he turned his attention to the string that still glowed on his finger. Looking up at the house in the distance, he began to walk towards it.
And though it looked like it was a lot further down the beach, it didn't take him long to reach. As he drew closer, he saw a figure standing at the top of the stairs that led up to the entrance.
A figure dressed in the calm yet beautiful blue of the Water Tribe, with a red sash tied around their waist.
The person turned, and smiled at him.
And Zuko felt the whole world stop.
"What took you so long?" She asked, looking so beautiful as she stood there with her hair so much longer then he had ever seen. Her gorgeous brown skin glowed in the setting sun, and her eyes looked like the very light of the stars was dancing in them. Zuko stood at the bottom of the steps, mesmerized by her. Orora held out a hand, the hand that glowed with her own string.
Her glow was red, of course.
"I've been waiting for you." She said, her voice soft, beckoning him to her. Watching her standing there, looking at him with such trust and adoration, her hair swaying gently in the breeze, Zuko didn't hesitate to take the last few steps towards her, his hand held out in front of him.
The moment their hands clasped together, fingers intertwining, he pulled her in for an embrace.
One that had the last remnant of darkness leaving his soul completely.
She had no idea how long she continued her Healing Session. All she knew was that by the time she was done, his body had stopped shivering and he didn't look as flushed as before. Her arms ached when she finally stopped. Her feet ached from where she had been standing for so long.
Very nearly slumping to the ground, Orora quickly caught herself on the edge of the bath tub. Her Superiors had warned her that using her Healing Abilities for so long would take a toll on her. Tiredness and hunger, two things that could be taken care of easily, but it didn't stop the body from feeling like it had been drained of it's very essence.
Iroh who had just changed Zuko's mat and blanket, patted her shoulder. "That is quite enough, my dear. You go and eat the food I have prepared. I shall finish getting him out and dressing him in dry clothes."
Too tired to even speak let alone argue, Orora shuffled her way out to the living area. There on the table was a bowl of hot soup. Spooning the warm broth into her mouth, one bite after another, she felt the exhaustion she was experiencing begin to settle into her bones. She had over-exerted herself. It would take time for her to recover properly.
It didn't take long for her to finish her meal and chase it down with a cool cup of water. By the time she was done, Iroh had already helped Zuko back on the mat. How he'd been able to lift his nephew was a mystery to Orora, but she couldn't think properly right then.
Instead she stumbled to Zuko's side laying down as she did, her head feeling just as heavy as her body. While Iroh moved to get a blanket and pillow for her as well, Zuko stirred slightly.
"Orora." He called out softly, his voice still hoarse from coughing.
She reached out to gently take his hand in her own. He opened his eyes halfway as he turned his head to look at her laying beside him. With whatever strength he had, he squeezed her hand.
"You're alright." He whispered in that same voice, though relief colored his tone. "You're here."
Orora was too tired to contemplate on what he was saying. Instead, she smiled at him and returned the squeeze with her own.
"I'm here, Zuko." She whispered, and her words seemed to reassure him that she was, indeed, fine. His eyes closed, and he went back to sleep, his breathing easy and no longer labored.
The young waterbender had been too tired to notice just how cool his hand felt as she too drifted off to sleep.
It was how Iroh found them a moment later. Asleep next to each other, holding hands.
The thread between them flickering with color for a good long while.
Tag List - @wavesofchaos​ @violet-potter​ @rennysketch​ @emma-andrea1 @lovesammikinzz @fuzzyfestcat @msrawog @notsaelty @lust-for-pan @aces-tattooartist @jinxxangel13 @lotr-got @bitterspoons @realrintaro @gatorgirl151 @inutheangel @heartfully10 @lucaaahhh @juniper-july19 @anuttellaa @gfksz @bussyvussy @punksnotdeadbutiam @ablofftoneverland-blog-blog @slut-for-menn @vyliie
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wildwallflower24 · 5 months
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Me waiting excitedly for my favorite author to post the fic I requested
(But also patiently because I respect that fic writing takes time and that authors have lives outside of Tumblr)
(Seriously though I love and respect every fic author on tumblr, and I hope you’re all having a wonderful day)
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crowentity233 · 1 year
My Avatar MasterList
FireLord Zuko
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The Dragons Keep *Finished*
Summery: You are a firebender named Ayushi, who has been accepted to guard over the royal family as a kyoshi warrior. You end up guarding Zuko through his travels to visit the sun warriors. The mission, protecting the newest dragons, begins.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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Summary: Darkness is hovering over the city. Dae is one of many struggling to survive in the city without any control. Police have exhausted all efforts to save the city. The Avatar saves Dae after being captured by Bolin and Mako. Dae, a master swordswoman, then follows the group to save her spirit friends in the city.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
*Not completed*
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Mako x Earthbender reader
You being touch starved for years suddenly have an intense crush on mako after he put himself in danger for you and the safety he provides following the attack. You both keep your relationship under wrap from the krew. You both don't want to deal with everything that follows them finding out.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
*not completed*
288 notes · View notes
Yin and Yang
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Balance is a key aspect in the world, so why shouldn’t the Avatar have an opposite?
In a world where Raava and Vaatu merge with humans, the Avatar and the Daimon try to keep the peace between the four nations.
Aang and Hua are the current incarnations, but wake up 100 years in the future.
How will these two learn all four elements in one year and defeat the Fire Lord?
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In the beginning, they were two spirits.
One of light and order.
The other of darkness and chaos.
Raava and Vaatu.
Looked into eternal combat.
Never a winner, only a short victory over the other.
No one, not even themselves, could imagine to exist in harmony together.
Then one day two humans touched the spirit's very essence.
A young man named Wan earned Raava's trust and loyalty, while a young woman named Qi saw more than evil in Vaatu, showing him kindness and compassion.
The Spirits fused with their chosen human, creating the first Avatar and Daimon.
Wan and Qi worked all their life to restore balance in the world.
They were Yin and Yang personified. 
When one pulled, the other pushed.
When one walked, the other followed.
When one lost their way, the other found them.
It was so simple to fall in love with each other.
The love born between Wan and Qi changed also the ancient spirits in them.
Something which seemed so impossible had come true.
No longer enemies, but allies, even friends.
In every lifetime after Wan and Qi, the Avatar and the Daimon were always the opposite of each other and often also lovers.
Each Avatar and Daimon together tried to bring balance between the Four Nations and the Spirit World.
It was their eternal quest, but they didn’t have to walk this way alone.
Because their other half would always be with them…
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Frowning Aang looked at his mentor and guardian Monk Gyatso.
“What is it Aang?”, the elder man asked his young charge. “I know you aren’t happy with being the Avatar, but I hoped that you would feel better to know that there is another one like you. Someone who will understand you.”
Aang just frowned deeper, crossing his arms.
“I don’t like that I already have a supposed Soul Mate…It seems like I don’t have any control anymore over my life…It sucks being the Avatar.”
Gyatso tutted him gently, rubbing affectionately his bald head with the blue arrow.
“Oh my young pupil, it may be true that nearly all Avatars and Daimons were a couple, but there were a few who were just friends and completely happy with other people. You can decide if you like young Daimon Hua this way. Meet her and become her friend, more the Elders doesn’t want from you.”
The young Avatar nearly snorted at this. 
Yeah, right.
If it would go after the Elders he and the Daimon would be wed now.
At twelve years!
His childhood couldn’t end sooner for the Air Nomad elders.
He felt like crying.
He just wanted to play with his friends and goof off with Gyatso.
Was that too much?
Why did he have to be the Avatar?
“So her name is Hua, huh?”, he mumbled loudly enough, so his mentor could hear him. “Flower for an Earth Kingdom girl seems fitting. She is an Earthbender right?”
“Right, the Daimon Cyle is the opposite of the Avatar’s. Together you two will learn the four elements to become a fully realized Avatar and Daimon.”
The boy signed loudly and slouched down in his seat.
“I don’t think I will like someone who is my opposite, I mean, she probably doesn’t like to make jokes or play pranks.”
“Don’t be so sure Aang.”, said Gyatso amused. “You know opposites attract, but having things in common is good too. Just give her a chance, alright?”
In the Lower Ring of Ba Sing Se, the newly informed Daimon Hua hugs her mother, father and little brother tightly.
She wants to cry, to scream, to beg.
She wants to stay home.
She doesn’t want to be the Daimon.
All her life she and her family had struggled to make a living in Ba Sing Se.
Hua had used her Earthbending from a young age in any way to earn money for her family.
And now she would be stripped from them, brought before the Avatar of this era, and expected to work with him (even to fall in love with him!) and also to learn all the elements and somehow bring balance and peace to this world.
No, she doesn’t want to, but she knows it’s good for her family.
If in Ba Sing Se the Daimon or Avatar is born and comes from the Lower Rings their family then gets raised into the Upper Rings and becomes a noble family.
Something an Earth King some hundred years ago decided to make the city look good in the eyes of the other nations.
No peasant from Ba Sing Se should be a Daimon or Avatar. 
Yes, her family wouldn’t be anymore, hungry, cold or sick. They would be getting taken care of.
Only Hua had to pay with her freedom, with the power to decide her own faith.
It was unfair.
Why her?
She only ever wished for a simple good life.
She wasn’t greedy.
So why her?
Why her?
She kisses her brother's forehead, promising him to write as much as she can.
Somehow deep down Hua feels like this is the last time she will be with her family…
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My grandmother used to tell me stories about the old days: a time of peace when the Avatar and the Daimon kept the balance between the Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation and Air Nomads. 
But that all changed when the Fire Nation attacked. 
Only the Avatar and the Daimon mastered all four elements; only they could stop the ruthless firebenders. 
But when the world needed them most, they vanished. 
A hundred years have passed, and the Fire Nation is nearing victory in the war. 
Two years ago, my father and the men of my tribe journeyed to the Earth Kingdom to help fight against the Fire Nation, leaving me and my brother to look after our tribe. 
Some people believe that the Avatar was never reborn into the Air Nomads and that the Daimon was never reborn into the Earth Kingdom and the cycles are broken, but I haven't lost hope.
I still believe that, somehow, the Avatar and the Daimon will return to save the world.
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whitakerrr · 2 months
Imprisoned on Zhao’s war ship, Sokka and Zuko have to work together to survive. They are not very enthusiastic about this prospect.
And they argue.
A lot.
Greatest Zukka series I’ve ever laid eyes on, but beware, while it’s never explicitly gratuitous, these boys are in for a ROUGH time. Very dark subject matter, handled with delicate precision and equally impressive characterization. I’ll be honest, I don’t usually get super invested in OC’s, but I love these guys just as much as the main cast. Especially Shen <3 <3 Heed the tags, and be sure to read War Crimes first. The sequel, War Games is much longer and still blossoming, but every word is well worth it. I cannot WAIT to see what happens next. Thunderous round of applause for @lovelyelbowleech
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astra-kamari · 28 days
Pt2-the sword master
Part 1 , Part 3
Summary-constance gets the chance shes have been waiting for, a chance to do good.
Pairings- Sokka x oc, Jet x twin
Tag list-ask to be added or removed
@ginger-swag-rapunzel , @bay7let ,
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Me and Sokka quickly made our way back to the main area.
Sentries were keeping watch on several different upper platforms while we joined the group at a banquet table. We started eating and i looked up as Jet stands on the table.
“Today, we struck another blow against the Fire Nation swine.” Everyone started to cheer. Katara and Aang were smiling while Sokka glared at everyone, until we made eye contact and his eyes softened.
“I got a special joy from the look on one soldier's face, when The Duke dropped down on his helmet and rode him like a wild hog monkey.”
The Duke, without his helmet, climbs up the table. He marches on the table with his arms in the air.
“Now, the Fire Nation thinks they don't have to worry about a couple of kids hiding in the trees. Maybe they're right.” He smirks as very loud and long boos are heard.
“Or maybe ... they're dead wrong.”
Everyone around started to cheer, i sighed and looked to the trees. If only they knew what Jet really did around here.
Katara looked at Jet with googling eyes and i had to stop myself from laughing “Hey, Jet, nice speech.”
Jet smiled and sits down next to Katara, across from me. “Thanks. By the way, I was really impressed with you and Aang. That was some great bending I saw out there today.”
She looked down and blushed, “Well, he's great. He's the Avatar. I could use some more training.”
Jet looked over to Aang “Avatar, huh? Very nice.”
Aang smiled, “Thanks, Jet.”
Jet started to get the look on his face, I glared at him as a warning. “So I might know a way that you and Aang can help in our struggle.”
“Unfortunately, we have to leave tonight.” Sokka starts walking away as i kicked Jet in the shin. He turned to glare at me and i shook my head no.
Jet did it anyway. “Sokka, you're kidding me! I needed you on an important mission tomorrow.”
Sokka turns around, looking unsure. “What mission?”
Jet smiled and started to explain the plan to Sokka, pulling him away from the table.
I looked over to Aang and Katara who were laughing along with Pipsqueak and The duke.
“So how long have you been traveling?” I asked trying to spark a conversation.
“A month or two now.” Katara said smiling at me.
“Really, and i hear you water bend?” I say smiling back at her.
“Yeah! Well sort of..” she says looking down. “I’m slowly teaching myself how. We are going to go to the north pole so me and Aang can learn more.” She says slowly looking back up and me.
“Thats so cool, how soon do you think you all will leave? You’ll have to go soon to make it there..”
“Dont worry too much we won’t leave so soon, we would miss seeing all of you!” She says looking over at Jet.
“Hey Constance?”
I hummed in response.
“Does Jet like hats?” She says almost to herself as she walks off.
Well there goes that plan, maybe i could convince Sokka to get them to leave. Its not like i wanted them to go, i was actually quite intrigued by them and Sokka was..interesting. Its just not safe for them to stay, not when i knew Jet was up to something.
Jet and Sokka had left early to go take care of their mission. I walked out of my cabin to see Aang and Momo are playing with the ziplines again. He leaps near Sokka. As they came back into camp.
Aang was so bubbly and happy you’d assume he was high, “Sokka! Look what The Duke gave me!” Aang pulls a small pellet from his bag. With a sly grin, he tosses it next to Momo, where it explodes with a pop. Momo puffs up, startled. He hisses and lunges for the bag. Momo sits on Aang's shoulder and tosses several pellets at his feet. Aang dances about wildly.] “Ow! Quit it!” I couldn’t contain my laughter as i snagged the pelts from Momo.
I looked at who Sokka is oblivious to it all. He's sitting with his back to the trunk of a tree and staring at the ground, glaring at me. What’d i do to him?
Katara walks up to us, “Hey, Sokka. Is Jet back?”
Sokka glared harder, if that was possible. “Yeah, he's back. But we're leaving.” I smiled at them, turns out i wouldn’t have to do much convincing.
Although Aang looked sad and i started to feel bad for the kid, they probably didnt have much time to joke around. “What?”
“But I made him this hat.” Katara mumbled as she shows a cap made out of stitched leaves with a flower on top.
Sokka looked at her. “Your boyfriend Jet's a thug.” Then he turned back to me, “are you like him? You think mugging people is fun?”
Jet did what? I cant say im surprised, just really disappointed. I knew something was up when he refused to tell me where him and Sokka were going.
Sokka kept going “He's messed up”
Aang looked around nervously, “He's not messed up, he's just got a different way of life, a really fun way of life.”
Sokka turned to him angrily, “He beat and robbed a harmless old man!”
Katara crosses her arms doubtfully. “I wanna hear Jet's side of the story.” And she runs off, Aang quickly following her.
I looked back up at him, “I’m sorry about my brother. Please tell me you didn’t let him go to far?”
His eyes softened, “There wasn’t much i could do, but i stopped him from doing to much harm to the old guy.”
“Thank you.”
We started to follow where Katara and Aang had run off too.
Sokka looked up and cleared his throat, “is he always like this?”
I looked down, “Yes. He pushes things too far. All fire nation people are bad in his mind. I try my best to keep him out of trouble….but you see how well thats working out.”
“If you didn’t have to look out for him, what would you do.”
“Its hard to think of a time where i wasn’t watching out for him, but i would want to start over. I would want the war to end, help however i could, and then go start over in a new place.”
Sokka nodes thoughtfully.
“Why don’t you leave?”
I looked up shocked, “leave? Why would i do that.”
“He is holding you back, I’ve seen you fight. You could make a difference.”
“How would i even leave, we are surrounded by fire nation, how would i even begin that conversation. ‘Hey Jet, wanted to let you know your only family left is ditching you.’ For some reason i dont think that will go over well.”
We walked in silence for a minute. I took the time to collect my thoughts.
It’s not like i hadn’t thought about leaving before, i actually thought about it quite a lot. I just don’t know that i could leave my brother, for all that we had been through..it felt selfish. We were all each other had. But Jet kept going farther down a path i couldn’t follow, i didn’t want to hurt innocent people, if they were fire nation or not. Maybe i should leave….
“You could come with us..”he whispered. I almost didn’t catch it because i was so caught up in my thoughts.
I stopped walking and looked over to him, He looked kinda nervous.
“You mean it?”
He smiled almost in relief. “Of course i do. You could come with us and help end the war, you could get the chance to start over like you wanted.”
I realized i was exited, i didn’t care what would happen, this was what i was supposed to do.
I smiled at him, “when do we leave”
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deimagines · 5 months
Her Falling and Her Legacy *Part 3 ( A ATLA and LOK Imagine)
Been away for so long cuz of college. But I am HERE! and I am not leaving! Part 1/2/
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General Iroh II arrives at the Air Temple and Zuko has a dream.
Ba Sing Se
100 AG
Y/N smiles happily that her mooncakes have come out perfectly. It was the first time she had made them, and she was proud of how they turned out. She even gave them a little dragon design on it, circling a jasmine flower.  
She took a careful bite to taste the flavors and smiled.  
“Mmh, not bad!” She says to herself and makes a small plate for her and her roommates. She just wished that Zuko would wake up soon. 
After Zuko released the Avatar’s flying bison, he became sick.  
Iroh said that his aura is changing drastically and was the reason for his illness.  
She sighs in worry but puts on a brave face before placing the plate on the kitchen table.  
Iroh took one and tasted it. A smile was presented on his face. A clear sign that he was happy by the taste. “Incredible! You have outdone yourself, Y/N.”  
“Thank you, Iroh. It’s my first time making these.”  
Zuko entered the room and Iroh presented the mooncakes to him.  
“Look, nephew, Y/N made mooncakes. Try one!”  
Zuko looks at the hopeful gaze on Y/N’s face over his uncle’s shoulder and takes one.  
After taking a bite, he hums lightly. “Pretty good.”  
“Really?” She asked, worry washed away.  
“Yeah. Really good, actually.” He takes another bite.  
“Maybe we should add them to the menu of our tea shop.” Iroh suggested.  
“Okay, but only I get to make them, I don’t want anyone stealing my recipe.”  
“Deal!” Iroh finalizes their ‘business’.  
Northern Air Temple
171 AG
Tenzin watched his pupils, yet again, with frustration.  
It had weeks, but he still has ye tot manage to shape them into the ideal air nomads that he and his grandfather had dreamed of for as long as he can remember. After the close call with the bison herd from getting stolen by animal traffickers, if Kai and the other airbenders hadn’t interfered, he had expected they would at least become more serious about their training. 
He winced as another was hit and out of the spinning paddles. 
Not a lot, but at least a little.  
He sighed once again and continued to watch until one certain pupil caught his attention.  
 At least one of them had expected those expectations.  
“Don’t just stand there, Rookie! Be the leaf!” Meelo orders her as he pointed at the gates with his chest puffed up.  
She looks down at him and then back at the paddle with a steady gaze. She watches as they spin and spin and then something just clicks. 
“A leaf. . . I get it.”  
She took her position and started moving her feet and walked onto the course, eyes closed.  
Tenzin watched in tense, nobody had done it the first time with eyes closed before.  
Yet she did the impossible, and moved like Meelo has instructed, like a leaf. But it wasn’t just dodging, it was like she was dancing. Like the leaf, she redirected any impacts that she stumbled upon her way through the grates and let the wind guide her to safety.  
She finally arrived at the other side, unharmed and lowers of hands together.  
The others looked at her with amazement and envy as whispers broke out. 
“She’s amazing.”  
“She makes it look so easy.”  
Bai-La was an incredible pupil. The most attentive, the most graceful and hard-working student that he has ever had the closest joy to have. 
Other than the poor man that he had to demonstrate to shave, Bai-La was the only one who willingly volunteered to have her hair shaved. Technically, she asked for a half-shaved look to not lose all of her hair. He hesitated, but she was the only one who volunteered.  
She passed every test and breathing exercises as well as understanding his lectures and stories, excluding.  
If she kept it up, she would be at the same level as his children and Korra.  
And . . . another thought had haunted his mind ever since he saw her eyes.  
Y/N. The girl who would’ve been the Fire Lady.  
Zuko’s first love.  
Though he was not sure if it was just a coincidence, Bai-La's eyes and face were the exact copy of the girl who would’ve been his aunt.  
Everyone knew the story. How Y/N The Gentle fought and aided future Chief Sokka, his would-be wife, Suki and future Chief of Police Toph to stop Fire Lord Ozai’s invasion.  
Only Y/N was sacrificed for the cause.  
His mother once told him of how broken Zuko was when he heard of the news of his beloved’s demise, but he had to remain strong as he was the next Fire Lord. He managed to find happiness in Mai, but even she knew that she couldn’t compete with the girl who had stolen her husband’s heart, their respect for each other is unreal.  
In fact, the now Fire Lord, name, Izumi was half of Y/N’s name, Y/N Izumi, to honor her in memory.  
Which brings him to another situation. 
“Alright everyone, that’s enough for today. We’ll continue tomorrow after our morning meditation.”  
Most of them sighed in relief and even went on their separate ways in groups or alone. Bai-La jumps done and lands on her feet gracefully.  
As she was about to leave, Tenzin stopped her.  
“Just a moment Bai. There’s something I want to talk to you about.”  
“Yes, Sifu Tenzin?” She looks up at him.  
“Follow me.” He says, and they made their way out of the training grounds.  
They reached one of many balconies of the temple and he took out an envelope from his robes.  
“Here.” He hands it to her. “Letters from your family. I’m sorry I couldn’t keep my promise of bringing them here, but the letter that you sent to them was most helpful.”  
Bai-La smiles gratefully and bows to him. “Thank you. These mean more a lot to me than you can think of.” She opens one and immediately begins to read.  
Tenzin nods. “I’m glad. . . there is something else that I need to bring up.”  
“Yes?” She looks back up at him.  
“As you know by now, our situation with the world leaders have been a little. . . strained with the idea of airbenders being back to society.”  
“You mean President Raiko?”  
Tenzin didn’t reply. “Our first impression was not . . .impressive, per say. Two days from now, General Iroh will come visit by to write a report on our activities and how fair we are doing.”  
“You mean spying?” She teases lightly.  
“Yes.” He couldn’t help but to comply with her humor. “But General Iroh is a good man. The one he’s working above him, however.”  
“No need for more explanations.” She raises her hand to stop him. “But I still have yet to understand what it has to do with me?”  
“Well, other than Kai and my brother, you Bai-La have the greatest potential out of all the other airbenders. In fact, you’ve become a sort of prodigy. Which is why I want you to be a representative of the airbenders once the General arrives to build his report.” 
“I don’t know what to say.” She says in surprise. “I am . . .”  
“Just don’t get it to your head.” Tenzin teases as he places a hand on her shoulder. “You should prepare, the General will be here next week.” 
“Yes, and thank you, Sifu Tenzin.” She bows with her fist connected to her palm.  
He returns it and they began to walk away until Bai notices something. 
“Is that an old oven?”  
Tenzin looks over his shoulder and sees a familiar oven that brought up wonderful memories.  
“Why yes, the air acolytes use it, but they’re a little old fashion these days. I used to make cakes with my father here once, Bumi did not like them.” 
“Were they that bad?”  
A secret smile made its way up to the corners of his mouth. “Not exactly.”  
“Well, then, can I use it? I would love to make some mooncakes or some sweetbread.” She had sparkles in her eyes as she explained. 
Tenzin raises an amused brow. “I don’t see why not. Here, let me show you a recipe my father taught me.” 
Bumi was happily taking a stroll until something fell from the sky.  
His head was suddenly covered in frosting and cake bits. He shouted at the sky in anger, knowing exactly who was responsible. 
Tenzin and Bai-La looks down from the balcony and they both laugh. They then bow to each other. 
“Your aim is perfect, my bright pupil.”  
“Thanks, Sifu Tenzin.”  
The Fire Nation.  
The winds brushed his hair wildly as he stood there in the courtyard where the fountain lay, the exact one from Ba Sing Sae. The one where she took him there by accident.  
Cherry blossom petals suddenly fall from the sky. Where did they come from? He doesn’t know. 
His eyes widened and he slowly turned. The wind blowing through his hair as the owner of the voice that had called out to him was full in his sight.  
There she was.  
Young and beautiful as he remembered.  
Her dress was the one she wore on their first date. 
He felt his youth coming back as he suddenly morphs back into the young lad he used to be when they were still together.  
He ran to the other side of the fountain, where she was and crashes her into a hug. She let out a giggle as he twirls her around until he settles her back to the ground. Her head burry on his chest as he hugs her.
“I missed you.” He whispers into her hair.  
“I missed you, too.” She muffles into his chest.  
“This is another dream. Is it?” His tone of content did not waver.  
“I’m afraid so.” She confesses. “But it’ll be over soon.”  
His hold on her tightened at those words. This dream always ended the same way. He begs her to stay longer, but she always says no.  
“Please. Just a little longer. A minute even.”  
“You don’t understand, Zuko. It will be over soon.”  
He frowns, this was different. He pulls away to look down at her. “What will be over soon?” 
She raises a hand to cup his cheek, her thumb caressing the edge of his scar.  
This was different too.  
But he didn’t care, he leans into the touch and grabs it to kiss the palm of her hand.  
“You’ll see.”  
He suddenly wakes up.  
He sat up and looked at the morning sky from his open window.  
It has been days since he arrived at the Fire Nation to protect Izumi. She was reluctant to take the decision, saying that she didn’t need any protection, but he insisted. She has only heard of Zaheer and the Red Lotus, never seen them of what they are capable of.  
His hands clutched the silk duvet as he imprinted the words of his first beloved. 
It’ll be over soon.  
But what did she mean by that? 
Bai-La sighs as she wipes the sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand after setting the last batch of mooncakes on tray. She smiled at her grandmother’s signature design on the treats as fond memories began to unfold. She looks at the ready mooncakes that were packaged in boxes. At the sight of it, there was enough for a whole fleet. Which was what she was going for.  
Ikki was there too, sitting near the baker on a rail of the balcony munching on a cake that Bai had given her. “Mmh! This is the best mooncake I ever tasted.” She pauses. “Don’t tell my mom I said that.”  
Bai only smiles. “I’m glad you like them! It’s my grandmother’s recipe, never changed and never left eaten without a single crumb behind.”  
Ikki looks at the number of mooncakes. “But why are you making so much? Is there a party? Are we having a party? Is it someone’s birthday?”  
“Nope,” Bai answers quickly to cut off any remaining questions that the little girl has. “These are for the Air Acolytes as a thank you for helping us settling in the temple and for the Fleet of the United Republic of Nations as a welcome present.”  
Ikki looks at the many boxes. “That’s a lot of mooncakes.”  
“Ooh!” Meelo made himself known. “Mooncakes! Score!”  
He was about to touch the ones that were already packed but Bai lightly taps his hand with a wooden spoon. “Apbububu- No touchy. Those are for the Air Acolytes and our guests tomorrow.”  
Meelo rubs his hand in dismay, but his mood suddenly changed when a plate of mooncakes was in front of his face. 
“These however are for airbenders.” Bai smiled.  
He gladly takes one and takes a bite. His eyes sparkled as his tastebuds sings his mood. “Whoa! It’s like I’ve been taken to Flavor Heaven!”  
He then takes more and more to stuff in his mouth, but Bai pulls that plate away from him as she laughs. “Hey! Save some for the others, Little Sifu.”  
Little Sifu was a nickname she had given him since she started her training, Meelo didn’t seem to mind since the word Sifu is being used directly to him.  
“Alright, since you two are here. Mind helping give these out till’ dinner time? I’ll put in a good dozen of mooncakes for you once we’re done.”  
“You trade in a hard bargain, lady.” Meelo comes by and takes a few boxes with Ikki.  
“But the temple is so big. How are we gonna take these to everyone by dinner? I’ll be tired from all the walking.”  
“Who says anything about walking?”  
Ikki and Meelo shared a look.  
An air acolyte was done cleaning the windows, when suddenly, he hears the familiar sounds of wind whistles.  
Before he could look behind, three figures passed by him, and he felt something in his hands. He looked down and was surprised to see a white box in his hands with a sweet aroma coming from it.  
He squinted to the culprit that gave him the box and see Bai-La with the airbending children on air scooters with other boxes balanced on the top of their heads.  
“Thanks for your hard work!” Bai shouted.  
The air acolyte raises a brow but opens the box, nonetheless, he takes out a mooncake and smiles to where the benders headed before taking a bite.  
Like Bai had hoped, they managed to deliver the mooncakes to every acolyte at the Temple by dinner. Some were surprised but mostly happy by the thoughtful treats.  
Everyone finished their meals and the airbenders were surprised by Bai’s mooncakes waiting for them.  
“So, this is what the commotion was about within the acolytes.” Tenzin said as he takes one.  
“I wanted to thank them for helping us settle in the Air Temple.”  
“How thoughtful.” Pema complements as she takes a mooncake as well. She noticed the design and admired it. “What a lovely touch.” 
Bai smiled. “Thank you, it’s my gram-gram's signature.”  
“These are delicious!”  
“I know right!” Ikki was happily eating them.  
Bai sat in her seat as she was being thanked and asked for making mooncakes again from airbenders and acolytes alike. One even asked for the recipe, but she shakes her head.  
“Sorry guys, family secret. My grandmother would haunt me if shared the recipe from outside of the family.”  
The mood in the room changed drastically after hearing the comment.  
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, Bai.” Tenzin apologizes. 
The young woman only smiled and shakes her head again. “It is fine, Master Tenzin, it was a long time ago. . .” She fiddles with something that tied around her neck that Ikki seemed to be the only one to notice.  
“What that?”  
Bai pulls it up a bit to show it. It was a half pendant that shined brightly in the light.  
“It’s an heirloom, it belonged to my grandmother once, before she passed away. “  
“Pretty! But where’s the other half?” Ikki tilted her head. 
“I don’t know, my grandmother never really explained it to me.” 
As Bai tries her best explain the mystery, by mere sight of the necklace, Tenzin was suddenly pulled into flashback, a memory that he had almost forgotten.  
When Lord Zuko was telling them the bravery of the only fallen friend during the war.  
Y/N the Gentle.  
The portrait the Fire Nation Palace displays for her honor was made with as much detail as possible, the beautiful smile and kindness showing in her eyes. But what really stuck to young Tenzin the most was the necklace that the young girl was wearing around her neck.  
One that took a similar resemblance to the one that Bai-La has in her hands.  
And if he remembered the tales that Iroh had told him when he became older, Lord Zuko had the intension to marry Y/N after they brought peace to the Four Nations. But that promise was taken away from him when Y/N sacrificed herself to save his uncle and Toph Beifong.  
He frowns at the sight of the necklace as the possibility ran through his mind.  
After dinner, he stood up and announced that he had something to take care of in his study.  
Once there, He rummaged through the bookshelf until he found what he was looking for. He opens it and flips through the pages until he stops at a chapter where the first page shows a picture of the same portrait, he’s seen in the Fire Nation Palace. He takes a small magnifying glass from his desk and moves it around the portrait until it stops to the model’s neck.  
A pendant around the girl’s neck gave him the clue he needed for his question.   
Tenzin and the acolyte elders watched as General Iroh’s fleet had docked the port on a blimp. The General himself was walking down the ramp and he saluted.  
“Greetings, Tenzin.”  
“General Iroh, it is good to see you.” 
They shake hands.  
“You as well.” 
“I’m sorry you have to be put up with this assignment.”  
“No trouble at all. It’ll be a short visit, but at least me and my men have a time to relax, away from Republic City.”  
“And the President.”  
Iroh smirks. “Especially.”  
They began to walk and catch up, they have not talked since their ordeal with Unalaq. Once they reached the outskirts of the Temple where they were airbenders training on top of the poles. Iroh and Tenzin, and Iroh’s first mate, who was taking reports and writing them down on a clipboard, watched as they all worked through their training, some have fallen but few have managed to stand their ground on top of the poles. 
“As you can see, they have a long way to go until they become proper airbenders.”  
He winces as another pupil falls.  
“Very long. Also, if you have the time, there’s something that I need to discuss with you.”  
“What-” Before Iroh could even finish, a voice call from above. 
“Look out!”  
One of the pupils jumped with a powerful gush of wind by accident and suddenly fell on the General himself with a loud thud.  
“Ow.” Iroh croaks as the pupil gets and apologizes repeatedly and bows many times, knowing who exactly he had dropped on as Iroh turns to his back. 
A gasped was heard from above.  
Suddenly, a sound of soft wind was heard, and a pair of legs was delicately floating down to the ground with airbending and lands in front of Iroh. He looks up to see that it was a woman close to his age. 
The stranger leans and offers her hand.  
“Are you alright?”  
He took it and almost froze when he looked up and caught her eyes with his own. They were so bright and beautiful.  
But his admiration was brief when she tugged his arm up and he snapped out his gaze and stood.  
She was a short woman with long hair, yet the side was shaved off, it was styled in a very delicate way as well as edgy.  
He clears his throat, remembering his manners. “Thank you.”  
She smiled as Tenzin came to her side. 
“Iroh, this is Bai La, one of the freed airbending prisoners from Ba Sing Se and finest pupil in the temple.”  
“Hello.” She bows. But when she straightens her posture back, she moves her hair away from her face when a breeze passes by. 
Iroh then had a look of realization but was able to hide it from the woman before him. A look that Tenzin had predicted.   
“I hope you and your men are hungry. The air acolytes and I prepared a welcome dinner in honor of your visit.”  
“Yes. Thank you.” Iroh could only answer as his mind was plagued with possibilities because of her face.  
“Hey, Bai!” Kai from above calls for her. “I thought we have a bet going on?”  
“Coming!” She turns back to the General. “See you at the dining hall.”  
She then jumps with the help of airbending to set herself back on top of the poles.  
Tenzin finds himself back at Iroh’s side.  
“She’s. . .” He hesitated, yet Tenzin knew already what the Crown Prince was going to say.  
“Yes. Exactly.”  
Iroh had returned from his military training from the Northern Water Tribe. His mother took him on a walk, and they suddenly found themselves in the hall where all his forefathers and mothers portraits hanged, including the heroes of their nation. 
His mother, who suddenly stopped at one specific portrait that which she had mentioned was one of her favorites because of the story behind the person’s cause and bravery.  
Yet, she had surprised Iroh then with a single sentence.  
“You know. . . I used to hate her.”  
Iroh’s eyes widened a bit as his mother confesses.  
“When your grandmother Mai told me of Y/N, I grew angry at your grandfather, wondering why he could ever disrespect the woman who gave birth to me. Whispering her name in his sleep and she cried every time.” 
She closed her eyes and opened them, filled with wisdom, yet despair. “But she explained to me that on the day of Sozin’s Comet, when Y/N was lost, he became a broken man, almost unrecognizable. That’s when I knew that I couldn’t hold on to that anger anymore, especially on a brave woman who gave her life to save the world.” 
Iroh places a hand on his mother’s shoulder. “I‘m sorry you had to go through that, mom. It must’ve taken a great deal of strength to accept it.”  
She smiles and looks up at him. “Thank you, my son.” 
They both continued to look at the portrait. Admiring the woman who could’ve been Fire Lady. 
The general continued to watch Bai as she jumps from one pole to another circling with Kai to see who can stay the longest.  
“But. . .are we even sure?” He asked.  
Tenzin whispers to him. “Look around her neck.” 
Iroh squints and sees what Tenzin is referring to watch for. It was a pendant, broken in half. A pendant he was all too familiar with.  
“We can’t know for sure. Have you talked to her about this?”  
Tenzin looks at Bai with a conflicted gaze. It was clear that she had become his favorite student. He tried to keep all equal feelings for his airbenders but Bai was a kind and bright being that had the potential to become one of the greatest Airbending Masters.  
“I just don’t want to overwhelm her.”  
“You might now have a choice.” Iroh states in a calming manner. “With things going on at Ba Sing Se and the Red Lotus, there might not be a chance to tell her. Or . . . him.” 
Tenzin looks back and watches as Bai laughs to whatever Kai was saying. Lord Zuko was  
“No, there might not be.” He sighs. “I’ll arrange a private meeting with her. Will you join us?”  
Iroh nods as he continues to gaze Bai. “Of course.”  
@treestarrrrrrrr @mayxsx @nani-nani-nani @lifesanenigma @letsthedogpackandthecats @evelyn-4034 @serenityhvl @fandomsfanman @shoxji
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friedchickenluver · 9 months
ugh, i gotta write smut…
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matcha-kisses · 1 month
Broken Promises • Zuko x OC
Table of Contents:
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the-air-nomad · 10 months
Fire lily
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           You were the daughter of one of the world's most ruthless pirates. In his youth, your father had been Fire Lord Azulon's right-hand man and had led the fire nation's navy to victory. He had conquered the most important port cities of the Earth Kingdom. Following a political dispute and an Agni Kai that your father won with great difficulty, he chose to betray the Fire Nation. Many powerful men of the navy joined him and formed the Ruby Claw, a ruthless and greedy crew that generally preyed on fire navy ships and sometimes Earth Kingdom ships. 
          You inherited cunning, intelligence and hatred for the Fire Nation. This very hatred made you start a suicidal fight with more than 50 enemy ships. You led your men to victory but you were seriously wounded and taken prisoner. The 3 remaining ships immediately set off for the Capital to surrender you to the Fire Lord. On the way you lost consciousness due to blood loss. You woke up with a bad headache. You got up from the bed you were sitting on and laughed at the stupidity of those who captured you, what idiots! They didn't even tie your hands! Then you looked at the room you were in and froze. Furs and wood, blue and brown everywhere, those idiots lost you to a crew of water tribes! Now you understood why your father said that without his iron hand the fire nation's navy would not have been able to withstand even some wooden ships.You got out as easily as you could on the deck trying to beat the dizziness and the headache. You didn't get to analyze the ship and the crew very well because the captain appeared in front of you instantly. You got scared and almost hit him in the face but you calmed down quickly. The man was not much taller than you and he looked extremely worried. 
Hakoda: are you ok miss? You were unconscious for 2 days. You were captured by the Fire Nation, do you remember how or why? 
Y/N: 2 days? I feel like I haven't drunk anything in ages! I don't remember for sure how, I think an idiot managed to hit my head on the deck. They probably wanted to organize a beautiful public execution for me. You know, the presence of the Fire Lord, the sages and all that. It would have been a real honor to know that I will be executed by a coward who hides behind his 14-year-old daughter.
 Now both the captain and the crew members who heard your little speech looked at you terrified. You chuckled and grabbed the first bottle of alcohol you could find then drank it all in one gulp. 
Y/n: Oh! where are my manners, if it can be said that I ever had any. I'm Y/N, Y/F/N's daughter. Thank you for saving me from those coal heads. 
Hakoda: I am Hakoda, Chief of the Southern Water Tribe. There is no need to thank us, the enemies of our enemies are our friends. Also, I couldn't have sat and watched you die at the hands of those monsters.
 Y/N: how sweet of you.
 You notice another water tribe ship approaching you. A tall man steps down from the side of the ship and hugs Hakoda. You looked at his arm covered with burns, sighing. You hated the Fire Nation more every day, those bastards deserved every robbery and attack you led against them. Someone had to give them a taste of their own medicine. Your train of thought was interrupted by your new savior who introduced the man as Bato, his best friend. You were invited to dine with them and listen to Bato's stories. It seems that Hakoda had children and that they were traveling with the avatar. So goodbye chances to have a good time with the handsome man next to you. Why are all handsome men taken and you only attract idiots like Zhao?! If that tin head tries to offer you the honor of marrying him one more time, I swear that one of you will die in agony, and it won't be you.
Bato: I don't mean to be rude but are you a firebender? only that the style in which you tie your hair, your name and your clothes are common in the Fire Nation.
 Y/N: good observation, yes I am a firebender. I belong to a noble family but my father betrayed the Fire Nation before I was born. Now I fight the Fire Nation in a less traditional way.
 Bato: how do you mean less traditional? 
Y/N: I'm the captain of the Rubin Claw.
 The two men laughed heartily for a few moments then realized that you were as serious as possible. Hakoda looks at you in absolute terror.
 Hakoda: Don't you think it's a bit dangerous? You could die for La's name! The Fire Nation is ruthless! 
Y/N: oh! Seriously? I didn't know that at all! 
 You point at Bato's arm unimpressed. Hakoda sighs deeply and goes to his mattress to sleep. 
Y/N: not that I don't think he's cute, but what's the deal with him? Does he have a savior complex or am I too irresistible? 
Bato looks at his friend knowingly.You notice that the taller man is lost in his thoughts. You look at him with a raised eyebrow.
 Y/N: Listen Bato, I know I may seem rude and uncaring but I really like your friend. He is different from all the men I have known.
 Bato: why do I have the impression that you only knew pirates and captains of the Fire Nation Navy? 
Y/N: ok ok. You got me. But I was serious when I said that I like him. I want you to be honest, do you think I have a chance with him? I know he has children but you haven't mentioned anything about a wife or girlfriend. 
Bato: His wife died a few years ago in a raid, we don't like to talk about her because her death is still an open wound. 
Y/N: I'm really sorry, good people don't deserve to die or lose their loved ones like this. Please send your condolences to the children, I know what it's like to lose your mother at a young age.
 Bato: I will Y/N, I will. 
You went back to the cabin where you woke up and quickly fell asleep. You were woken shortly after sunrise by some urgent knocks on the door. You opened the door only to see Bato looking panicked. You went out on deck and noticed that the water tribe ships were surrounded by your own ships. You grinned dangerously when you saw Akain, your right hand and also your half brother, coming towards you. 
Y/N: what took you so long to find me son of a rattlesnake?
 Akain: I would have found you sooner if you had stayed on the fire nation ship and we have the same father little viper. 
Akain playfully hits you on the head and Hakoda immediately comes towards you. Your brother looks at the water tribe man amused. You roll your eyes and put the firebender back on his ship telling him to wait for you. You return to the watertribe ship and hug Bato. You notice that Hakoda is trying to convince you to give up being a pirate and you laugh briefly. You pull the captain into a passionate kiss. He is frozen for a few seconds and then he responds to your kiss. 
Akain: so when you told me that you befriended the watertribe captain, did you mean friendship with benefits? 
You break the kiss and pull away from Hakoda blushing furiously. 
Y/N: I'm ashamed that we have the same blood, you mentally retarded idiot! 
You return to your ship and kick your brother because he collapsed from laughing so much. While your ships are moving away you look at Hakoda who seemed to want to swim to you. 
Hakoda: You can't kiss me and walk away like that! 
Y/N: Then come and get me my love! 
You giggle at his disappointed look and at Bato who tries to hold him in place. You hope that you will see each other again someday and that maybe, just maybe, you will be able to continue what you started without your annoying brother bothering you.
Let's say you had a big surprise when you snuck into Boiling Rock to help your brother escape and that Hakoda will not lose you again. This world is far too dangerous for a fire lily like you.
Although I do not own the characters from avatar the last airbender, this work belongs to me! I sincerely hope you liked it. please rate it and leave a comment! follow me to see my next posts! Don’t forget that the request are open💖💖💨
You can buy me a coffe if you want to support my work :  buymeacoffee.com/TheAirNomad
this work is for : @mochminnie​  . I hope you like it!
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published-ink · 2 months
Chapter 1 preview of Avatar the Last Air Bender stories I've been thinking about writing. This sample is unedited and leaves a lot of room for improvement/ interpretation so please leave feedback or comments if you like it or not lol.
This will eventually turn into a OC/reader insert (possibly with a love interest) but for now I want to focus on world building.
Warnings/mentions: death, war/fighting, blood PSA: I do not own any of the original characters from Avatar (I know that’s obvious but l've seen other people mention it so l thought | should too)
Enjoy :)
Water. Earth. Fire. Air. In the old days, there was a time of peace when the Avatar kept balance between the Water Tribes, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and Air Nomads. But that all changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar mastered all four elements. Only he could stop the ruthless firebenders. But when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years have passed and the Fire Nation is nearing victory in the War. Some years ago, Fire Nation soldiers lead siege against the island of Sora. A horrific battle full of smoke and bloodshed took place leaving many in ruin. Yet one thing gave the elder leader of this quaint trading island hope, the revelation of a Partisan. The mystic idea of a Partisan to the Avatar's had not been recalled upon since the reign of Avatar Kyoshi and her partisan, Rangi. The role of being Partisan is a Phenomenon that can only be reviled by who is granted the role."
Chapter 1: Smoke
Great gusts of smoke gushing out of windows, sails and boats burning like flags of defeat, the cries of humans blowing like fierce wind through angry mountain tops. No simple trading island could survive a attack like this. The Fire Nation and acute protocols when it came to even simple mentions of the peaceful Air Benders that once glided through the world. So when fisherman left Sora Island Thursday evening to dock in Fire Nation territory in the early hours of Friday, they hit the nail on a coffin of many innocent lives.
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