La ira i la ràbia són sentiments negatius ( de cara a altres persones, situacions de la vida quotidiana, decisions futures... ) que les podem torbar tots els dies. A part d'aquests sentiments que els trobem dia a dia també trobem les xarxes socials. Aquestes són aplicacions d´entreteniment, d´informació, de publicitat... però també les podem gastar per a fer enfadar a algú, per a burlar-nos d'algú que ens ha fet algo roin i ficar mentires d´ell o ella. 
Quan algú ha tingut un conflicte amb algú mol recentment i molt greu el que vol és bengar-se del que li ha fet ell o ella, ja que en eixe moment té molta ira o ràbia, a aleshores recurreix a publicar a internet coses falses d´eixa persona per a que la gent vega lo roin/roina que és. Per lo tant açó es diu: “ GUERRA DIGITAL“. 
UNA “ GUERRA HÍBRIDA “ és una teoria d´estratègia militar en la que s´utilitza tot tipus de medis i procediments. Per exemple una Guerra híbrida, que desgraciadament tenim actualment i de fa ja bastant temps és la de Ucraïna, aquesta guerra és híbrida perquè gasten tot tipo de mitjans per tal de protegir-se dels russos. 
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Una morraleja que han tret de les xarxes socials és: quan es tracta de difondre informació, la ira és més potent que altres emociones. A questa morraleja el que vol dir és que a l´hora de difondre algo per les xarxes socials l´impuls de ficar algo roin sempre anirà abans que alguna altra emoció. 
Aquesta informació la he buscat a
En la següent imatge podem observar com un home esta davant del ordinador amb molta ràbia cridant, perquè segurament haurà trobat alguna cosa per les xarxes socials d´ell que no li ha agradat o que no és veritat sobre ell. 
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minimstories · 1 year
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tata-tiscon · 2 years
A stirrup is a closed loop of reinforcement made of rebars, that is used to hold the main bars together and provide lateral support to the main structure. Tata Tiscon Superlinks are made of high strength ribbed TMT rebars manufactured using automation. They are readymade stirrups manufactured using strict quality control to ensure consistency, quality and accurate dimensions.
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tsubaki94 · 6 months
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Ectober 23
Tecnus and Magic
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ecoharbor · 21 hours
📍Chicago, USA 🇺🇸
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bernard-the-rabbit · 4 months
Realizing i have to actually write about my characters if I want to make something with them and make people interested in them and I can't just play with them in my mind
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arcadestims · 1 year
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90s/2000s internet & PCs | Please credit me if you use my gifs   (^_^)☆
Credits: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
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netzieart · 6 months
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Hello I'm going through another bout of Dottore-induced madness This time I've been stuck with this idea for a modern AU mostly centered around the Sumeru cast??? And well. Zandik is there too. In this deranged conceptualization, "Zandik" is a collective of 20-ish androids with a hivemind-like connection — if you've played Alhaitham's story quest, it's something like that, but with a greater degree of individual freedom. So yeah about the same as the canon but with less breaking of the geneva convention One of the segments likes to play chess with Nahida and..,,. loses to her a lot Yes I know that none of these words are in the bible
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kitapkokansevgili · 2 years
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karlrincon · 2 years
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Hubble vs the James Webb Telescope Same area of the sky.
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they went wrong in my opinion trying to make angel the sexy hero the charming badass when actually he is at his best as the awkward father figure the overprotecting well-meaning old man
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lomcovakaviation · 2 years
@lomcovakaviation @lockheedmartin-blog
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gr4v3c0r3 · 2 months
Some people are literally falling for AI scams right now & paying (or nearly paying) exorbitant amounts of money because they received a call with a voice that sounds Identical to their loved ones, and yet there are still people out there that treat screenshots of messages and posts in a Google doc on a callout about some transwoman like it's fucking gospel
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aesthetic--mood · 1 year
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Barbara Gordon "Oracle" Aesthetic
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rushitechnews · 8 days
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ChatGPT is an AI developed by OpenAI that's designed to engage in conversational interactions with users like yourself. It's part of the larger family of GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models, which are capable of understanding and generating human-like text based on the input it receives. ChatGPT has been trained on vast amounts of text data from the internet and other sources, allowing it to generate responses that are contextually relevant and, hopefully, helpful or interesting to you.
Where can be used this ChatGPT:
ChatGPT can be used in various contexts where human-like text generation and interaction are beneficial. Here are some common use cases:
Customer Support: ChatGPT can provide automated responses to customer inquiries on websites or in messaging platforms, assisting with basic troubleshooting or frequently asked questions.
Personal Assistants: ChatGPT can act as a virtual assistant, helping users with tasks such as setting reminders, managing schedules, or providing information on a wide range of topics.
Education: ChatGPT can serve as a tutor or learning companion, answering students' questions, providing explanations, and offering study assistance across different subjects.
Content Creation: ChatGPT can assist writers, bloggers, and content creators by generating ideas, offering suggestions, or even drafting content based on given prompts.
Entertainment: ChatGPT can engage users in casual conversation, tell jokes, share interesting facts, or even participate in storytelling or role-playing games.
Therapy and Counseling: ChatGPT can provide a listening ear and offer supportive responses to individuals seeking emotional support or guidance.
Language Learning: ChatGPT can help language learners practice conversation, receive feedback on their writing, or clarify grammar and vocabulary concepts.
ChatGPT offers several advantages across various applications:
Scalability: ChatGPT can handle a large volume of conversations simultaneously, making it suitable for applications with high user engagement.
24/7 Availability: Since ChatGPT is automated, it can be available to users around the clock, providing assistance or information whenever needed.
Consistency: ChatGPT provides consistent responses regardless of the time of day or the number of inquiries, ensuring that users receive reliable information.
Cost-Effectiveness: Implementing ChatGPT can reduce the need for human agents in customer support or other interaction-based roles, resulting in cost savings for businesses.
Efficiency: ChatGPT can quickly respond to user queries, reducing waiting times and improving user satisfaction.
Customization: ChatGPT can be fine-tuned and customized to suit specific applications or industries, ensuring that the responses align with the organization's brand voice and objectives.
Language Support: ChatGPT can communicate in multiple languages, allowing businesses to cater to a diverse audience without the need for multilingual support teams.
Data Insights: ChatGPT can analyze user interactions to identify trends, gather feedback, and extract valuable insights that can inform business decisions or improve the user experience.
Personalization: ChatGPT can be trained on user data to provide personalized recommendations or responses tailored to individual preferences or circumstances.
Continuous Improvement: ChatGPT can be updated and fine-tuned over time based on user feedback and new data, ensuring that it remains relevant and effective in addressing users' needs.
These advantages make ChatGPT a powerful tool for businesses, educators, developers, and individuals looking to enhance their interactions with users or customers through natural language processing and generation.
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originalsdesigns · 5 months
Lindos robots de colores se venden en tienda vintage
Cute colorful robots are sold in vintage store
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