#upcoming writer!
ofswordsandpens · 5 months
this very well may be premature, and I would love to be proven wrong by the upcoming episodes, but my most honest opinion? This adaptation is shaking out to be perfectly fine. It's good. I wouldn't call it great. Its actors of a lifetime being wasted on an extremely sanitized, watered down version of the Lightning Thief. They've cut out too much of the absurdity and silliness, as well as anything that's too scary or foreboding or violent. It's mostly faithful to the source material, and has some standout moments, but as of now, it's been a largely low-energy and low-stakes portrayal of a story that is high-energy and high stakes
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chuunai · 5 months
yikes well this is next on my list but might take a while to write because I want to write a LOT for this sooo OvO
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Interact with this post if you wanna be tagged when I eventually post it !!!
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fortanuvasyama · 7 months
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It really is like the cherry on top of the shitstorm he's going through rn lol
okay SO there's a series (that i think just technically wrapped up?) called THE JOKER: The Man Who Stopped Laughing. Basic premise of the story is that there are two (2) Jokers who are trying to kill the other; I'll call them Joker A and Joker B. Jason appears intermittently throughout the issues, but the important part right now is Issue #12 (which came out on on the seventh of November, so like six days ago) and which takes place after the end of Gotham War.
Joker B finds Jason, who is still under the effects of the fear-adrenaline thing Bruce did to him.
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Joker B wants Jason's help to kill Joker A and seems(?) to be disappointed by the fear-adrenaline thing stopping Jason from doing.... anything, I guess.
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So he gasses him. With Joker Gas.
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Everyone's interpretations of this will be different, BUT given what Jason does in the rest of the issue (i.e. chase down a train, hijack a jetpack, take control of a blimp, crash that blimp into the train in a desperate suicidal attempt to save Gotham from destruction)
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whereas during Gotham War he straight up couldn't even run because of the fear-adrenaline link
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(not pictured: me screaming i knew it!!! in despair)
it seems that the Joker gas DOES negate the paralyzing effects of the fear-adrenaline problem (I wouldn't consider it a fix though).
Joker does note that it will wear off fairly quickly.
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I'm sort of speculating that Jason now has a constant Joker-smile, but Jason's face being completely in the shadows for the rest of the issue makes me more confident in that theory. PLUS that's how Joker Gas has worked in the past.
(And don't worry, after Jason crashes the blimp into the train and sends the whole fiery mess into the river, Rose fishes Jason out of the water and resuscitates him.)
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And we still don't see Jason's face, soooooooo... idk I think my theory holds some water! (pun intended lol)
I hope this helps!
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mysterygrl20 · 2 months
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April 4, 2024 | Battle of the Writers Q1
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chaoticsnowflake-ao3 · 2 months
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sinclairmaxwellao3 · 3 months
A sneak peak of a Solar x Alt. Sun story that I'm working on in between everything else xD
'‘What are you doing, my light?’
The whisper echoed through his servers while he worked, the sound so vivid and imprinted upon his soul that, in his distracted state, he forgot that it was an impossible thing. 
“I'm working on reprogramming the-” Solar’s voice trailed off, his chest feeling suddenly cold and empty. 
The owner of that voice would never call him ‘my light’ again. His Sun would never speak again at all. 
His Sun…
All he had left were these…these intrusive memories now. That was all he had now. Nothing more than memories. 
His fingers flexed on the keyboard, the memory of Sunny's hand in his own a near physical thing. 
Would Sun be happy at the life he was building here now? No doubt he would get along with the others. He and Earth would have been instant friends. They were both so…so sweet and unassuming. His Sun had never wanted to see anyone hurt. 
‘Not even you.’ His mind offered cruelly. It sounded suspiciously like his Moon. 
He was the reason Sun was-
The voice that cut through his mental anguish took him by surprise, his body jumping backwards from the computer as if it had shocked him.
There in the doorway was Sun.'
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macrolit · 3 months
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monsieuroverlord · 6 months
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Marvel released some spicy previews for March 2024, continuing the Fall of X!
It includes the ongoing X-Men, Dead X-Men #3, Resurrection of Magneto, X-Men Forever (The Jean Grey/Phoenix-focused line), Cable, X-Force, and the ongoing Sabretooth War in Wolverine!
source here
Wolverine #45 written by Victor LaValle and Ben Percy, art by Geoff Shaw, cover by Leinil Francis Yu
"X marks the spot! The treasure hunt is on as Sabretooth picks up on the trail of an item that will turn the tide in the war on Wolverine! But as the best there is regroups with the remnants of his allies, it’ll be a race against time for the good guys to uncover a LOST weapon that could prove to be their LAST HOPE! And that’s if Orchis and the Stark Sentinels don’t get them first!"
Wolverine #46 written by Victor LaValle and Ben Percy, art by Cory Smith, cover by Leinil Francis Yu
"Brain changer/game changer! Wolverine’s memory has been altered, erased, restored, forgotten and destroyed. This time, if he can’t get his head on straight, Sabretooth will do far worse than that! The most diabolical chapter of SABRETOOTH WAR yet…and you thought those early issues were violent?!"
X-Force #50 written by Ben Percy, art by Robert Gill, cover by Daniel Acuna
"The final battle against Beast in the landmark 50th issue! X-Force confronts Beast with their secret weapon. A final reckoning. Not a dry eye in the house. TARGET: BEAST finale!"
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juanabaloo · 11 months
i see a lot of y'all excited for the SAG AFTRA strike and the WGA strike. bring that energy to the UPS Teamsters if they strike in august. UPS posted a profit of nearly $14 Billion in 2022. so yeah the UPS company can pay.
do what the unions ask you to do. so for WGA and SAG AFTRA that means don't boycott / cancel your streaming services yet. (as of 07/13/2023)
(this blog is pro union and pro labor. the only union that's trash is any cop union, obvs.)
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f-smutt-fitzgerald · 5 months
Thought I'd give another update just in case anyone was thinking I might be dead: Don't worry, I'm not!
Sorry for dropping off the face of the earth there, I just sorta fell out of things there. I hope I'll come back to writing TWST fics/fics in general and engaging on here more someday, but to be honest, with my chronic ADHD/Depression combo, I sorta have a hard time keeping up with passions, interests, and hobbies.
My New Year's resolution is to work on my passions more and try to be more of an active member in my own life as well as the communities I want to be a part of, so if all goes well, you'll see more of me here soon!
I hope you're all doing well, I really do miss the heck out of you guys! Here's to a bright and passion filled 2024!
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polarisbibliotheque · 6 months
Ok, so hear me out.
Vergil casually pretending to seriously read, headphones on, drinking his tea and looking so so serious... While internally pining for his beloved human what the hell is wrong with me I'm stronger than this petty thing called 'love'
I mean, the original version by Chris Isaak ALSO has some major Vergil vibes, but I have already accepted this man as a full fledged goth in my heart and nothing will make me believe he doesn't listen to goth music.
(The Chris Isaak version is when he's casually holding his beloved's hand and starting to slow dance ever so slightly as if he does that every single freaking day, his s/o just staring like 'are you ok? is this what demonic fever looks like...? do you need HELP?!')
Meeeeeeanwhile, Dante, in the other room, blasting out loud
Aaaaaand just dragging his s/o to dance with him in a very ridiculous way, knowing all the lyrics by heart and YES THIS MAN IS HERE FOR THE MEMES.
But really. Raspy vocals, distorted guitars, heavy sound. Apart from the memes, Dante would sing this with his very soul, in a very rock n' roll kind of way.
But what about Nero, I hear you ask.
Boy's frying in his room covering Kyrie's favourite song in his own way (distorted devil trigger vocals included)
Vergil can play the drums? Dante can play the guitar? Well, congrats. Nero can do both. At the same time even. What sort of power is this? His freaking devil trigger and too much time without going on a hunt to calm his nerves down, old man.
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eve-rose-author · 5 months
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The cover to my novel Rage of The Barbarian, illustrated by Alaina Elliott @ lane.scribbles on instagram.
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dazais-guardian-angel · 8 months
Y'all, I think I've figured it out. Operating on the assumption that the finale is indeed an alternate timeline from the manga, then someone could have written on a page of the Book to rewrite reality to lead to the events of the finale sometime during season 5's events. In other words, this would explain the INCONSISTENCIES with things that were established or at least heavily implied/assumed prior and in the manga: Chuuya being a real vampire and not in control, nothing being planned, Dazai giving sincere speeches, Dazai really being shot and saying his "last words", Fyodor's hand not being injured, soukoku not killing Fyodor while in Meursault because they literally couldn't and Dazai needing Sigma to discover Fyodor's secrets because of that, Fukuchi's goal not being one that relied on Fukuzawa being alive since he clearly intended to kill him, etc etc too many more to count
Events and explanations in the finale feeling so contradictory and out of place, and characters feeling so ooc and not acknowledging any discrepancies, makes perfect sense if you consider that, up until a certain point, this was our canon timeline — until someone rewrote the ending of the arc with the Book, starting with Fyodor injuring his hand...! We only have one example of the Book being used to majorly rewrite reality in the manga, and when that happened, the main players — the ADA members — were aware that reality was changed, even though they did have memories of the new rewritten reality. BUT, Nikolai was unaware of this during that scene, and so also were all law enforcement because of the clause written on the page accounting for that, so what if the same thing could happen in this instance, to prevent all our characters in the finale from being aware that things had changed? We literally saw someone writing Nikolai's dialogue for him; imagine someone doing that during Dazai's final speech in the episode, and during all the rest of it! I don't know who this would be, but possibly a mysterious third party who got a hold of a different page from the Book somewhere and wrote things to turn out this way, because they wanted the ADA to win against Fukuchi and Fyodor? Maybe even because... this is the only way they can win?
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Remember Atsushi asserting this plan, and how silly and too simple it sounded? What if someone else ended up doing just that, writing their own simple outcome for the ADA to win (as a narrative of course, which is probably why it had to start with the major catalyst of, again, Fyodor injuring his hand)? Additionally, if that's what happened, maybe the ending of the finale is a sort of side effect to the Book being used improperly in this way, leading to a destabilization of the timeline or a mishmash of other timelines into the anime one, leading to the alternate Fukuchi and Akutagawa we see there?
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hiro--aoki · 7 days
How do the writers of Tumblr do it? I will never underestimate y'all again. This is hard, what.
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ode2rin · 15 days
to all the lovely ppl asking to be added to the kaiser mini-series taglist, jus wanna say that i see youuu and you've been added dw !!! and that i apologize for not replying i almost slapped myself for typing a "this is noted" and nearly sending it as a reply ._. i fear i brought home the horrors of capitalism that day ._.
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