#wich I can relate to-
architectural-sims · 9 months
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Henford Hall -December, 18:39PM
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broken-glass-puppet · 10 months
Hello! I'm doing much better now! I'll try to write a bit tomorrow, requests are open :D!
I apologize again for not writing but I really needed a break from all social media!
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neo-xolotl · 8 months
going insane about worm man again
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calowlmitygoddess · 10 months
did the mistake of going into lae'zel character tag and once again baffled by the fact people are capable of feeling extreme negative emotions over a character.
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velnna · 4 months
If you don't mind me asking, wich one of your characters do you relate the most?
At this point there isn't a character I can point to as being very close to me overall, but I do think I dumped the most into Jeoan back in the day
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millytherat · 4 months
Reading through @badaziraphaletakes inspired me to make a post about reasons:
Why people tend to choose Crowley of Aziraphale, and, consequently, think Aziraphale is bad
This might be a long post, i'll cover some topics and i might get all over the place at some point! But please be patient! Can i get into it?
Inversion of values
When first watching Good Omens, you might expect a strong inversion of values, that Heaven is bad and Hell is good, angels are the oppresors and demons the victims
It is mostly religiously (religious trauma) motivated, aka "christianity is a fucking bullshit" motivated, to expect seeing the ones who calls themselfs good (Heaven, who we interpret as Christian religious figures) be actually bad (wich, in real life, they tend to be) and, the ones they cast out as evil and sinful (Hell, wich we interpret in this case as anyone the church calls sinful, like the queer comunity) to be good and innocent and just different, it makes us feel emphatic for them, even seeing that they are, indeed, bad
I believe some people just dont want to accept it, they want to believe the angels are inherently bad and the demons just questioned their bad ways
But they arent, if anything ALL angels and demons are naturally good and innocent, "oh but Gabriel!" He was naturally good, we saw it, the same with Michael and Uriel too, they're all just tainted by the strong grip Heaven demands for them to have; in episode 1 season 2, we see both Crowley (as starmaker) and Aziraphale being totally innocent and adorable, they're good by nature, no one in the story is actually evil
When this inversion of values we wish for isnt fulfilled, it might cause an annoyance, i know a lot of people who dont accept it, and just make it up because... well is expected!
This was originally taken from a post of "Bad Aziraphale Takes"
Crowley is "more queer" than Aziraphale, at least thats how people see it as, in fics too, how many times Crowley gender is explored, with pronouns and labels and identities? While the more i saw for Aziraphale was a vulva or they/them pronouns, and never in a human au! Aziraphale is depicted and seem as a cisgender male
I have seem even people saying Aziraphale have internalized homophobia! I- how??
Found them! @theelastword made an ask on the "bad Aziraphale takes" blog that inspired this bit <3 thank you love
Need for a villain and favorites
As we saw, people that hate Aziraphale choose to see Heaven as evil, as the villain, and that is also followed by many people who dont hate Aziraphale! Well, might i say that... we dont have a real villain in Good Omens? The angels arent evil for wishing to follow what they believe to be God's plan, nor for deminishing humanity- but i'm getting ahead of myself here!
The need to see Heaven as inhetently bad, the big bad villain, makes people see Aziraphale, going back there "freely", hurting Crowley's feelings, saying Hell/demons are the bad guys (wich they ARE?? There is not an inversion of values!) As him being evil, as him going to the side of the villain instesd of choosing Crowley, going back to CROWLEY'S abusers, not his, not theirs, Crowley
I do believe humans have a natural need to have favorites, when you're a kid is always "wich caracther of this cartoon am i?" and later is always "wich do i relate to more? Wich do i like more?", and people choose Crowley for all those reasons above and probally some personal ones too
So! As a small conclusion:
People choose to prefer Crowley, they choose to see Crowley as better because he's a "good demon", he's the victim that fell from Heaven and hates Hell, he's the queer caracther, he's kind and genuine and helps Aziraphale and have a car he loves
Because of the idea that Aziraphale is: A) opposite to Crowley; B) an Angel! (The abusers! The bad guys! The evil!); C) a BAD angel for that matter, he's selfish and mundane and comes across as rude to Crowley (because he acts so fucking autistic too!); people tend to DISLIKE Aziraphale, small simple minded people, but people nonetheless
I know the whole post is a bit over the place, it might sound confusing here and there, but i really wanted to put all this together to try and understand why people hate Aziraphale
I though maybe this can give a small input on why people think like that, it sures helps me to understand how they think that and what they mean by their terrible takes! I guess is mostly them being naive
Oh! You know how in the 2000's the media was demonizing femininity by having blond, pink, feminine villains in their high school romances? How we, to this day, tend to see feminine girls as fake, vulgar, naive, etc? How most teen girls go through a "not like other girls phase" because of that?
Same principle! Is the same reason for why they see Heaven and Aziraphale as evil
I hope someone can appreciate this lil silly thoughs put together <3
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tempvstas · 7 months
Hey, I wish to request the (platonic) dorms leader with GN!reader who as random burst of energy? I have adhd and when I'm on sugar or caffeine I have like a 15 minutes where I raise hell, sing horrible songs, say jokes that could probably make me go to prison, I would just run around, just doing chaotic things until 15min later I would sleep like a dead. I always bring my younger siblings with me on "adventure" wich is just me playing in mud even tho they didn't ask for anything but peace. Thanks a lot!
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Content Warning(s): none
Character(s): GN!Reader(no pronouns mentioned), Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, Azul Ashengrotto, Kalim Al-Asim, Vil Schoenheit, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia
Authors Notes: omg you're like me frfr, the ADHD zoomies are so real HAHAHAHAHHA
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Riddle Rosehearts
Your energy is a lot for him to handle and he can feel a headache coming on
You remind him a lot of Ace with your random bouts of energy and such
Keeps all sweets out of reach of you, he doesn't want to cause you to go on another sugar rush only to crash soon after
He's your impulse control lol
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Leona Kingscholar
You're like a feral cat lol, he'll pick you up by the back of your shirt and hold you like that until you chill out.
You remind him of Cheka, annoyingly endearing.
If you rouse him from his nap, he'll glare at you from a distance away, his ears twitching from all the noise.
Please do not the cat :]
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Azul Ashengrotto
As if one Floyd wasn't enough now he has two to deal with.
Please spare him, there's only so much he can handle at a given time LMAO
His hair is already gray but you're just giving him more lmao
nono please do not touch his stack of very important papers. yes arson is fun. what are you doing NONO DONT PULL OUT A MATCH-
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Kalim Al-Asim
omg ADHD buddies, rip Jamil you will be missed
You two are perfect for each other, he'll sing along with you, laugh at your dumb jokes, literally the perfect duo friendship :]]
you are not allowed to sit next to each other, the professors make sure you two are as far away from each other as possible lmaooo
when the two of you zonk out after your adhd zoomies Jamil can find you passed out with your head resting against his shoulder and his cheek pressed against the top of your head.
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Vil Schoeheit
will not tolerate your zoomies, this man will try to straighten you out like he did with Epel(does it work tho? we'll never know)
would pick you up by the back of your shirt like Leona, but instead he has Rook hold you under your armpits where you dangle like a cat
he can feel a headache coming along LMAO
has Rook herd you around whenever you come by pomefiore to commit crimes
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Idia Shroud
has Ortho handle you because he cannot handle your energy. he's secretly happy to see you and Ortho getting along tho
he likes you better after you've crashed and passed out /j
relates to you on things like hyperfixating on things that are interesting to you and if you have any shared interests he will gladly talk to you about it for hours.
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Malleus Draconia
he thinks you're amusing, you remind him a lot of Lilia and is happy to see the two of you getting along with your antics.
he doesn't understand what you mean by "YOUR MOTHER" whenever you bicker with Sebek, but he watches in amusement as Sebek gets all riled up.
he sees himself in you when you get excited about what you like, it's the same way he gets when he talks about gargoyles
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mrsoftthoughts · 20 days
Will Solace headcanons
- He's TALL
Like, really REALLY tall, at least for his age, this boy is like 1,82 ( smt like 6'0 with ⅔ of an inch I think?) at the age of fifteen and always has been the kind of kid who was at the end when the lines where from height order.
-The kind of person that gets red like a tomato
He looks like Tinkerbell whenever he gets flushed, especially but not exclusively when he is mad or has been laughing too hard.
-He is the embodiment of a social introvert
He likes spend time with his family and Friends, but he gets drained very easily, sometimes if he can avoid being surrounded by more than a few people or none at all, he isn't hesitating on taking that chance, and for that, he used to love when the cabin was empty of with just one or two of his siblings instead of the little battalion (Ofc he only could find that comfortable when the emptiness just means that all the others were at their daily activities and no that he, Austin and Kayla were the only one to fill the place until a new arrival.)
-Ok with PDA in public spaces if he's dating a girl, but sometimes he is kinda more reserved and discreet if his partner is a boy
Hear me out, he knows that there is nothing wrong with him or his relationship with a person of his same gender, but he has heard the things that some intolerant people are capable of and sees the consequences of it in some summer-only campers (and back at his home too, Remember that this boy is from Texas of all places) and he is terrified of the mere tough, so he's very wary of where or how much PDA displays towards his partner.
-His relationship with Naomi is great, but not really" Mother and son" like, but more "cool rich older friend/sister and bestie/younger brother"
None of them seem to realize or acknowledge that this isn't necessarily a good thing or that can be directly a problem due to the fact that Naomi has this little "eternal teenager" síndrome which is certainly not the best rely-on figure for an ACTUAL teenager.
-Kinda related to the last one, but he was partially/mostly raised by his grandparents
Naomi still being there, but she never quit her musical career which grew exponentially during her pregnancy, so sometimes she was out for a kinda Long time, They're this little southern older and kinda wealthy couple who absolutely love their grandson ( of which they were convinced that was the second mesias or something like a miracle at least due to his really weir birth conditions) Mr, Solace is guilty of wills star wars obsession
-This boy was literally indetectable during his ELEVEN months of gestation,
Naomi entered the hospital thinking that it was a digestive problem and ended up with a baby (that surprisedly for a newborn is pretty, like almost perfect to the point that feels beyond humanity) that looked like this guy whom she had met the past year in a trip to Austin, except that he and her cut the relationship way long before that what a normal pregnancy should be, her family end up convinced that was some kind of God's will and that's why they aren't bothered by Naomi having a child without being married or even in a relationship
- Igaf on what canon says, even if Will isn't usually a fighter, he, like any other demigod has a weapon, o well three
He has a bow, not his preferred one tough, his reaction is a bit too slow so forget about shot at a moving objective, Wich means that is useless when it comes to combat (and even in the archery range he is average or straight up sucks if their siblings are fair comparison), but that leads us to his preferred one for the last year's
Remember that shotgun that is just randomly in the armory? Well, he has his version of it, a Rifle, which is kinda restricted of in use because he can't use that thing for everything, the bullets are one-use-only which is kinda impractical and the mist wouldn't do shit to cover it up ( since that thing is already one of the disguises for the swords in this universe) and how tf are you supposed to explain that a minor has a hunting weapon in a big city?? Yeah- but his aim shines with that baby though
Sadly it has been slowly replaced while Will learns how to use his photokinesis and fulfill his dream of having his own light sable ( Why we are sleeping on the fact that this is just the best weapon to give a star wars fan capable of manipulating the fuckin light?!)
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itskattkm · 8 days
The air in my lungs
Chapter 8
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Cairo Sweet x Fem Reader
Summary: A stroke of fate changes you and leads you into the arms of Cairo Sweet. Will she be your downfall or save you?
Warnings: 18+, SMUT, Grief, Injuries, Smoking, Trauma, anxiety, sexual content, student x teacher mentioned, harm, blackmailing, bad grammar
A/N: for my Cairo lovers. I’m sorry for not updating so long. Much is planned and the fic will be long! I wanted this chapter to be longer but since a few asked for new updates her it is my dears🧡 I’m having some days off now and hope to get some new chapters done. Have fun.
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The pressure of the dash was massaging your back when you sat in the whirlpool with closed eyes and your head leaned back resting on the edge. When you entered the pool house you didn’t saw the whirlpool immediately, only when Cairo showed it to you. It was actually right beside the pool, in a corner and covered by many of plants. “You like plants and the color green right?” You asked. They were so beautiful and you wished you would now what they all were called.
Cairo was right by your side and watched you inspecting the plants “I do… I also like bugs, beetles and spiders” you laughed and sighed looking at her “spiders?” Cairo nodded and shrugged her shoulders saying “yeah…”. You grinned wide and shook your head. This made Cairo curious “are you afraid of spiders?” She asked teasing. You looked serious at her but your eyes were still showing the joy you felt “I hate them… but somehow they love me. I could call myself spider man… or well spider woman” this made Cairo laugh.
You sat up and turned towards her “I’m serious! They follow me everywhere and I find them in the craziest places without even trying. It’s like an instinct. I look into a direction? Boom there’s a spider… the house is empty? My bedroom is their hotspot… even my car. I once jumped out of my car while trying to drive, because of a spider”
Cairos eyes widened and she tried to hold her laugh back “seriously?” You smirked and nodded “I was about to shift the gear to start driving. But a spider was sitting on the gear lever and then I just jumped out… making the car choke off” Cairo looked at you speechless wich made yourself giggle when you leaned back beside her.
“I already found three different spiders on those leafs” you said and pointed out with your finger into one direction. Cairo furrowed her brows and turned to look into that direction. And there she was. A Yellow garden ball weaver spider. Cairo was impressed. “Well… I love them” she said teasing and looked at you. You grinned “so my instinct maybe brought me right into your arms then? Or your attracted by my presence like the spiders”
She smiled wide and watched the spider crawling away “but why do you like them? And what’s about the color green? I see it everywhere. I know you have a green bag pack… headphones but this mansion? It’s like you’re living that color out…” you said curious and looked softly at her.
“Well green stands for things like harmony, stability, hope and nature in general… It always makes me feel relaxed and calm. Green is a color that is often underestimated. A lot of people always go for the colors red and blue when it comes to things like logos or colors of clothes. But green is a color that people don't think about much, and I like that. It's a nice and relaxing color. It just makes me feel so calm when I see it now. It's just that simple!"
Y/n nodded and said in a calm tone “it really is underestimated. Did you know that our human eyes see 50% green, blue 25% and red 25%?”
This made Cairo smile and chuckle slight. She nodded and appreciated the fact that you showed interest and tried to have a conversation about her interests.
“And the spiders?” You asked again while putting your hand on her thigh.
“They make me feel safe. They make me feel like I can relate to them. When people see spiders.. they are always scared and they always try to kill them or stay away from them. But when I see a spider I feel like I can trust it. Because I am the same way. I am a mysterious type of creature that people want to destroy." You looked at her with pure admiration and smiled about that comparison.
“I won’t kill you… I promise” you said a bit joking while moving your thumb in circles on her knee. The corners of her mouth quirked up, leaning in slowly “I really appreciate that”. Turning towards each other. The warmth of the water making your body feel so relaxed and comfortable in the moment.
Cairos body came closer and closer, you could feel her presence getting intensive. Her eyes were switching between your eyes and lips till they just remained at your lips. You were moistening your lips unintentionally, felling the heat coming from her body when she sat down in your lap. Her hands moving slowly and smooth on your shoulders just to hold your neck. Stunned. that was your reaction to that. You couldn’t even react properly cause in the next moment you felt Cairo pulling your hair so you would lean your head back, you did and her lips met yours. Fierce she made you almost gasp for air with the amount of passion she was using. It didn’t took her long to explore your mouth with her tongue and a soft moan escaped you.
Your hands rested on her hips. Pulling her closer, feeling a pulsing between your legs. Your body’s merged and you could smell the scent of vanilla, coffee and burned wood wich hit your nerves.
Lips found their place on Cairos pulse. You inhaled deeply, brushing her cold and soft skin with them. You were trembling. Her scent making you fall into a haze where nothing else mattered anymore. Just her.
Cairo felt your wet lips on her pulse, a shiver went down her spine, making her grind on your lap slowly. Breathing heavy you felt like something was missing. She reached out for your jaw and held it tight in her hand. You could see a flicker in her dark eyes, showing you the lust she was feeling. You felt so intimidated by her that you almost felt dysfunctional.
Still holding your jaw in her hand, she kissed you hard. Her saliva moistening both your lips before she bit into your lower lip. Quite sounds were leaving you, making you feel like you could explode by every touch. Her hand moving down your chest, going their way through your breast and resting on your stomach. She was caressing your body, moving herself as close to you as possible while her hips kept moving into your lap.
Your face was still held by her with the other hand. It was interesting how she was taking out all the air of your lungs but also managed to keep you breathing. Cairo was holding the band of your underwear and pulled slight on it wich made you twitch. She smiled seductive, feeling good about the fact how she made you react. “Relax…” she whispered into your ear before placing her lips onto your pulse, feeling your heart rate going up. Your head fell into the back of your neck and Cairo began to move her lips along your throat.
Soon both your bikinis were lying on the floor somewhere near the whirlpool. Cairos body rocking into your thigh while her hand began to explore you in a more private place. You were breathing heavy, feeling so much pleasure that your mind couldn’t handle it. It kept shutting down just to come back with a need of more.
“Cairo…” you whispered heavy when she bit slight into your neck. Satisfied Cairo licked along your pulse before penetrating you with the full length of her two fingers. It made you tremble slightly, you felt your walls get tight around her fingers wich made it hard for you to stay quiet. “I Wanne hear you say my name…” she whispered luring and moved her fingers slowly out “again…” they moved back in “and again” then she angled her fingers which made you moan.
She smirked satisfied and gave your lips a light bite before going deeper wich made your jaw turn stiff and you only manage to say her name with a breaking voice. Cairos grin turned wider and she kissed you hard, her tongue getting lost in your mouth before she whispered teasing “what? Can’t you handle me?”. Your head fell back again and a brief “fuck…” escaped the back of your throat. Cairo making you curse already. Then her movements became faster and you could feel her eyes watching every reaction she could get from you while placing open mouth kisses along your jaw and neck. Tasting your skin with her tongue.
Like this wasn’t already killing you, she kept grinding on your tight. You couldn’t really feel her wetness due the water but you felt her clit moving over your skin again and again which made you even more turned on.
“You’re killing… me…my dear” you panted which made her smile almost evil before she moved her fingers even deeper. Her knuckles touching your cunt. You arched your back, craving for more. Cairo felt you getting tighter around her fingers, she began to move in a slow pace now, turning her fingers while doing so. You felt your clit throbbing, getting so tight it was almost too much. Sitting up you pulled your hand around Cairos neck kissing her deeper almost in a starving way. You were breathing heavy like you were taking a long run. Your heart was pumping so much blood through your body you felt like you couldn’t breathe. That’s what she made you feel like. You moistened your lips brushing them over the skin you could reach above the water. The effect Cairo Sweet had on you was crashing down on you like hard rain. No matter how hard you tried to keep your defenses up, keep those feelings deep inside of you away and hidden… she managed to get them all out. You had no control. One moment you felt nervous and shy, the next you forgot about it all and became a pool of desire and longing. This woman was your weakness and you were sure she could bring out things of you… you wouldn’t recognize yourself.
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micia-posts-stuff · 3 months
Spoilers for Spy x Family chapter 96
(Part 2) Now let's talk about the dance and the thing.
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Damian blushing hard is always funny and adorable, look at him! The poor boy doesn't know what to do with all these feelings! Also it's interesting that we get yet another instant of Anya shivering when she perceives his feelings towards her. We saw it happen first very early on, in the chapter where she had to apologize for punching him, and we saw it recently in chapter 88 when they were in Henderson's office. It's a recurring thing at this point, wich makes me think she'll understand what it is in the future, not any time soon, but for now she still perceives that something is there.
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This is so cute, the boy is having a whole flashback to them holding hands (there is also the light novel but it's not included in the events of the manga sadly). He was so nervous of being so near her and holding hands, he wants to dance with her but he's also totally panicked, so precious!!!
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Yesss goofy dancing!
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Look at his expression!!!!! The little smile when he thinks of Anya's family! The yearning for something similar and the hint of sadness because he knows he can't have it. SOMEONE GIVE THIS KID A HUG. HE'S SO SAD. And the way he opens up to her! Like tell me they're not friends! Tell me he would say that to anyone! You can't! This closeness they have, even tho it's unconventional, it's so important to him. This is very similar to the scene after the bus hijacking. Anya has officially been established as someone he opens up to. Even though he still thinks Anya is after his family (and he's right), he also understand there is something different from other people. And even after he denies what he just said telling her "he totally wins because he learned from a pro" Anya understands he was being sincere before and that was just a way to cover up how he really feels. And it would have been sooo easy for Endo to just make her be angry at that comment, but he didn't and I'm so happy, because this moment is very important. Because it's an honest moment between them, where they really open up to each other, wich bring us to...
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Listen. Being a Damianya shipper, I was obviously looking forward to this chapter. But no amount of hype could have prepared me for THIS. I'd never have imagined we would get one of THE reveals, but I'm totally here for it. First of all I KNEW IT WAS GONNA BE HIM YESSSS
Second the fact that happened not only during their dance BUT DURING THE CASQUÈ, chef kiss, straight out of of fanon, amazing, incredibile, show-stopping. (Also on a two pages panel!!!!!)
Third and most important, the fact that it happened. As people pointed out this doesn't help Anya's mission in the slightest, in fact it puts it in danger. Anya has tried to hide this secret from anyone. But NOW she tells HIM. This is not a high stake moment, a moment where she confesses out of necessity. No, she tells him now because she saw he was being honest with her, because he was showing her his feelings, because he really touched her. And she told HIM because she knows he would be able to understand her, because she saw through his facade. She has been starting to see how similar they are a while ago, but it was highlighted particularly during the bus hijacking. Not only, as underlined in the quiz, they both love their fathers and are doing everything to impress them and for them to love them, but she also can relate to his loneliness, because of her life before the Forger family. When he said "your family...sounds nice" She saw in him the same thing she felt back then. That's why she decided to tell him, because she knows he won't reject her, like she's afraid other people would. And in these months she was also able to see his true self underneath the facade and yes they always end up fighting, but she is clever enough to recognize his sincerity when it really matters. She has learned to know him and decided to trust him with her biggest secret.
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And Damian obviously doesn't believe her ahah. I mean I don't think anyone was expecting otherwise, it's only logical. BUT a couple of things. First of all the first expression he made, he maybe didn't believed her after thinking it over, but for a moment the thought was there, the suspicion has definitely been planted in his head. Second, this wasn't just a slip-up by Anya, it may have come out naturally in the moment, but she definitely ment to tell him. If it was a slip-up she could have easily played along with Damian and say something like "yeah I was joking, it was a line from my cartoons" But no she doubled down! She got angry that he didn't believed her and called her dummy, she definitely wants him to know! This is important because from now on she can act with the notion that she told Damian. Like if she needs him to know that someone thought about something, she can tell him! Even if he doesn't believe it, she told him already so it's just a matter of having him trust her. I don't know if she'll try to convince him or if something will come up later where they'll need to work together using her mind reading abilities, but I hope he'll believe her sooner rather than later because it would be so interesting! Imagine all the shenanigans they can go through together if he knows of her mind reading abilities! Imagine the struggle of hiding his crush once Damian finally admits his feelings to himself! It would be such a cool dynamic! I do understand Spy x family has the tendency to always return to the status quo and that's fine, it's a slow burn, but now something major has ctually happened! It would be kinda lame for this massive thing to change nothing about the story and be swept under the rug. Like it's fine if some little moments don't change things too much but this is THE MIND POWERS REVEAL! It needs to have an impact.
Now I'm really interested in seeing their povs. I want to see if Anya will regret telling him, since she was so worried that people might discover her powers. Maybe this could finally lead into Anya's backstory. And I really really want Damian's pov, because as soon as we see him seriously thinking about it he will have to realize it's true. He already had his suspicions and there are not many other explanations about the knowledge Anya has. Plus if he doesn't realize it now based on the past, he'll have to realize it in the future when Anya relies a bit too much on her powers, wich is something that happens fairly often. Like if something like old maid happens again, there's no way he won't think about what she told him.
And last but not least
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Endo usually uses these little boxes to show us the actual progress of the mission. He has put friendship to ??? before, so he could have left it ambiguous if he wanted to, but he didn't. He confirmed this was an important progress in their friendship, despite Damian not believing her and them arguing at the end. Wich makes me a bit more hopeful that something will come from this.
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padsmoony04 · 1 year
For the very obvious reason that there aren't many fanfics or stuff related to Jack, I've decided to share with you how I think he is like, so i hope you enjoy it :)
Disclaimer: sorry if there are any grammatical error, english it's not my first lenguaje. Remember most of this is made up.
Jack Champion it's like...
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First things first, he's a theater kid. He has said it in a few interviews so I'm going to a assume that he probably (most likely) also like musical theater and that goes to the other theory wich is that he likes Hamilton, and it's also most likely that he has a couple (multiple) of the songs in he's playlist.
I wish I could also said that he's a swiftie, but I big part of me says that he's not a fan, but what I do think is that he does likes a few song's, like the mainstream one, for example shake it up, you belong with me, etc, etc, etc.
He's a fan of old school rock or old school music, like the beatles, queen, Fleetwood Mac, Michael Jackson and anothers. I meanly assume this for the fact that he's favorite song it's lest groove.
A true gentleman and no one can tell me other wise, that boy was raised by he's mom and he's mom alone, so I just know that he's sweet mother teach him how to be respectful to women and to treat them as equals.
He's a little dorky, but in a cute way. I mean have you seen the interviews..? Lmao.
Jack very confident: do you know what blowing a raspberry is? 😏
Bailey laughing her ass off: that's the definition!
Jack: What?...
Bailey: That's the definition..! *still laughing*
Jamie: But I still don't know what it is! 😀
The way that I have seen how he's friendship with Trinity is, I'm going to say that he's a really gentle boy and honestly really sweet.
Also he does a lot of dad jokes or better said bad jokes. I mean, I saw a video of him when he was younger saying "do you know why the chicken cross the road?... to prove it wasn't chicken!".
He's very carismatic but I also feel that he has a shy side.
He loves to cuddle (something that he also said).
I have a theory that he's the type of boy that, when he has a crush, he does a lot of silly things to make he's crush laugh.
He didn't like scary movies until he was sixteen, but that doesn't mean he can get scared easily with some of those movies now.
My next assumption is that when he likes something he turns it in he's whole personally (and no, I'm not projecting wdym?)
He's a Scorpio, so I just know for fact that he doesn't have patience, like at all, and also he has a short temperament.
Loves dogs and cats, but I feel he's more of a cat person.
He definitely had that fase where he used to film videos for his "YouTube channel" like almost all 2000's babies did.
Cookie lover, don't ask me why I think this he just gives me the vibe.
Obviously he's a marvel fan, and he's favorite superhero it's Spiderman (and something tells me that when he got the role for spider he's brain associated the word immediately with the superhero)
He's Favorite holiday is Halloween.
He also gives me the vibe that he's a ride or die type of friend.
Definitely the one how's always joking around in he's friend's group.
When he gest nervous he laughs.
A completely softie.
Nature lover.
He said that when he gets older he would like to settle down and have a family of his own, and live close to nature in a really calm place.
He prefer small towns rather than big cities.
He gives the impression that if he gest a girlfriend/boyfriend (to not assume directly what he's attracted to) he would follow them averywhere like a little puppy.
Probably would like to post things about he's partner, but not too much to not over share with the internet.
Also a little bit clingy as well.
He also looks like he would used the pet name "baby" a lot.
He cursed almost all the time, but like unconsciously, it just comes from him naturally. And when he's not supposed to curse and can find himself to stop doing it he would cover he's mouth with both of he's hands (something that it's really cute if you picture it).
Even though he's carismatic, he would get all shy and smiley when someone gives him a compliment.
Anyways! I think that it's it! Hope you guys like and enjoy my little theories about the lovely boy Jack Champion <3.
If you have more ideas about him don't be afraid to share it, I would love to know what theories you have about him.
And again, sorry if there are any grammatical errors :)
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About this blog and story 🌟
Ello im Yuri he/him (idc)
Dacky is my artist name call me by one of those names 😌(Rain my Internet persona name)
Want to know more about me? check out my second blog were I post fanart or answer more personal questions that aren't related to my story (⁠・⁠∀⁠・) Down here 🔽
Rules for This blog !!
I only answer questions about my story s or characters on this blog.
No wierd/ inappropriate interactions or comments
Be cool😎
I respond to comments but no wired ones
No Nsfw
Anything that isn't strictly about my story will be talked about on my second Ac
Do Not Steal 👊
Sry not personal anymore
If u want to use my art ask and tag/mention me
Fanart is appreciated 💖
And I'm open for ideas or tips with my oc world meaning:
if you have an ideas for characters that fit into my world tell me :D
if you have polite and constructive criticism tell me
If you want to tell me something about my character that could be changed tell me
:) please remember be nice
Now my world Hoshino🌟
Hoshino 🌟
In this world select few have abilities. called Hoshi. Those energy powers are energized by light and dark souls depending on your soul type, wich range from mind dark light time growth heat liquid spirit and some more rare types like love song or electrical
if you pry to the stars that apear once a year on a special day called: death star day. A soul with does power's is born. That person can access those powers with a special necklace that stores most of it✨ The necklace is able to take energy from other objects or sorces like Hoshi a creature made purley from that power. people may also use Hoshi powers without a necklace resulting in bigger access to energy but a higher risk of losing ot to.😗
the legend explains how this happend🌸
the main character is named ponia and she and her friends go to fight against many dangerous people or creatures in this world and meet other people 🌸🚶
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these are the more important people
the evil team against ponia is called:
the fallen angels. they want to bring back the legends and ponia is a big part of that💀
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she also has a twin called nagisa that i made with a friend of mine and changed to fit into the story. the twin plot is apart of the legend
im going to post more of the story laiter in form of manga or animatics. maybe also essays or stories
heres a quik comic i made a bout the day before the story starts with ponia still having long messey hair 😄
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ahhhh so cringe
Here are all the characters that are in this universe :
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resident-gay-bitch · 2 months
Help me! Indians and/or James Potter lovers help me out!!
im a big fan of Desi James and i'm writing a fic at the moment and i want to include affectionate language (pet names) from all of my characters national languages and have been digging for some Hindi terms of endearment for a while and am a little lost.
a lot of the searches are coming up with words but not specifying which Indian language it derives from, and I just don't want to like mix languages and be stupid and inconsiderate about it.
anyway, so far i have "Jaan" or "Meri Jaan" which I understand means "life" or "my life" wich is fucking adorable, as well as "Mera Pyaar" (I've seen a couple of different spelling variations of this so please correct me if it's wrong) which i understand means "my love".
both are very very sweet, and i will be using them! however, i've been looking for terms more like "sweetheart", "pretty", "cutie", "handsome", "baby", and stuff like that. you know, terms that can be used a bit more casually, in the earlier stages of dating / sleeping together, before the love and devotion happens!
anyway, any help would be very appreciated. any terms of endearment you know, any extra information you can give me, anything at all that relates to Desi James that would be helpful for me to know is so appreciated!
also any headcannons you have about Desi James would be awesome! especially ones that like involve his culture and stuff like that. id really like to write him well and give authenticity to his character that i don't naturally just have. i am doing my research where i need too, of course, but if you have little things about him that i could simply just adopt or learn about would be so awesome because like, i wouldn't even know to search for a lot of little things i bet.
anyway, thank you!!! i'll love anyone that helps me out so so so so so so much!!
edit: if he were to say "star" or "starlight" or "starshine" or "pretty star" something about stars to someone as a term of endearment (or just affectionately) how would that be said / spelt? i hopped on google but there are so many translations and i don't know which would be correct in this context and im helpless! thank youuuuuuuuuuuu <3
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da-bees · 2 months
Undertale AU Characters as Flowers
So i got hyperfixated on flowers meanings and it has taken over my life so here is my favorite little guys as flowers
Flower meanings are based on the flower and then its color, so like red roses mean something different than yellow roses, but both relate to love. Also differnt cultures have different meanings for flowers. This was a nightmare to reasearch, lots of conflicting info.
(Note that some flowers seemingly have confilcting meanings, this is cause often their meanings can be affected by what other flowers are around them, like in a bouquet and shit. Also i will not accepting criticism :) )
Anyways lets go!
Ink - Marigolds
So marigolds represent joy, excitement, creativity and Energy, while also being associated with grief, despair, and mourning. This fits Ink very well, he a very bright person while having one of the fucking sadesst backstory like ever. Also they are assocatied with protection and I think that fun with his protecter of the multiverse thing.
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Blue - Bluebells & Blue Dahlias
Bluebells represent resilience, strength, overcoming adversity, growth, along with humility, constancy, gratitude, and kindness. This feels kinda self explaintory cause Blue is a very power dude and a very kind person, so bluebells are perfect for him
I picked blue dahlias mainly for their symbolism of standing out from the crowd, though its other meanings also apply, change, strength, fresh start, inner strength, positive change, and commitment. Cause like out of the whole mutiverse of Sans and even other swaps Blue managed to fight along side some of the most power people and holds up against people like Nightmare and Error. He is truly unquie to the other swaps and i wanted this flower to represent that. Can you tell i really like Blue. (Also ignore that true blue dahlias dont exist, truly wild that one can find flower meanings for a flower that doesn't exist, there are blueish green dahlias :P )
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Dream - Yellow Chysanthemums & Purple Hyacinths
Yellow chysanthemums represent happiness, joy, celebration, the sun. light, friendship, and optism, along with neglected love, sorrow, rebirth, and protector. This fits really well with Dream cause on the surface he is a sweet cheerful guy, literally the embodiment of postitivity but he also feels a lot of grief and guilt for what happen to his brother. Which is further emphasized by the purple hyacinths, wich repesent sorrow, regret, and a desire foe forgiveness. Also by complete accident his flowers are yellow and purple, like how he and nightmare were when they were kids.
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Nightmare - Astrantia, Black Dahlias, & Black Roses
So the astrantias reprsent passive, cause like they represent strength, innocence, courage, magic, and protection, along with assocaitions with stars and the night sky. It represents all he couls have been if not for what happened. very sad
Now for the black dahlias and roses. Black dahlias represent betrayal, saddness, change, beauty, power, and negative emotions. Black roses represent death, despair, hatred, revenge, mourning, loss, rebirth, tragedy, regret, elegance, and mystery. these represent who is becomes after his corruption and the "death" of passive, he's angry and hurting and he lashes out at those around him. He feels betrayed both by the villagers and by Dream, but he is also mourning who he was and his brother. Also he's hot and powerful so like.
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Anyways ill do the rest later cause its like 2:30 and im tired.
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lacedupforyou · 1 year
Hii!! I really love your hc wich Genshin! And I love the fluff you add to the storys! So, if you dont mind, I am going to request a yandere abyss price Aether (my baby boy) with a reader who just got captured (people have mixed opinions on how abyss prince would act, and I really look forword to your hc!)
Thank you for reading my request, and if you dont feel like replying, its fine, I understand.Have a nice day and make sure to drink enough water! <3
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The Princess | Yandere Abyss Prince Aether |
| Sorry for the long wait! Should be fully active 5/9/23 | Enjoy! Thank you for your sweet words. :)) |
For this ask reader is a pyro sword user.
~ Suggestive Content, I'm nobody's parent but this will contain slight nsfw at the end. If there is a part 2. That will probably be NSFW. I have other works if you do not wish to read that, or request a separate fic.
You were a friend of Lumine's. Traveling with her after she had saved you from an encounter with Dvalin. You met her in mondstat but traveled with her everywhere! Helping her along the ways and doing what you could. You, Paimon, and Lumine, Were great friends. Traveling from Liyue to Inazuma, to Sumeru. You were almost a guardian to the prince.
Of course the prince of the abyss had seen you traveling with his sister. He became interested. Even after his journeys he had not noticed your compassion, your bravery, your loyalty. Of course he spent more time watching you with his sister. The way you protected her, Gathered things with her, and slept at night. He was obsessed.
Of course, he kept wanting more. So he had an abyss mage steal a few strands of your hair. He spent time sitting on his throne admiring it. The way it shined.
He always felt himself wanting more. to feel the warmth of your skin on his bitter heart. So, While traveling fontaine, He had 2 abyss herald's kidnap you.
You were in the streets of fontaine, Checking out the shops, the goods, the commissions. When the world suddenly became empty abyss. It was blue and empty, You cried out for Lumine and paimon but you were not in fontaine anymore..
The abyss herald's had shown up and though you were a vision holder you were out-numbered. The abyss herald of frost fall had frozen your body up to your shoulders. You tried to melt everything but you were worn out and exhausted. The cold making you drift off into a sleep.
When you had awoken it was to a post your arms around your back tied to a long pillar, You were sitting with your legs out You had felt hands on your cheeks, You looked up to see the prince of the abyss..Examining you? He was stroking your hair like you were some pet for his amusement. He held a serious expression but it seemed to be at ease.
"Who..Are you?" You finally broke the silence.
"The abyss prince. Your prince. You will learn, I know you will. Stay quiet. I need..this."
You felt your face redder as the man kept examining your face. You noticed you were in different clothes. White robes, Instead of your normal wear.
"You- You changed me-? Or did the abyss heral-"
"Yes I did. What of it?" He spoke bluntly.
You were dumbfounded. You were in a huge hall with purple tints. You struggled in your restraints and shouted at the prince telling him to release you and that he was crazy.
He harshly grabbed your jaw. "Watch your tongue, I shall cut it off if you cannot show some obedience to your king." That got you quiet. You noticed his features. They were so similar to Lumine, It was eerie.
"I can tell what're you are thinking. Yes I am related to them. But we are very different. Hold still."
His arms unhooked the cuffs but kept them on you behind your back. He lifted your body bridal style and walked to his throne, Sitting on it and sitting you in his lap still bridal style. You were stricken with fear. Where was your vision? Lumine must be worried. Would they come for you? What was he going to do with you..?
The hall was empty, Quiet. You were in your wave of thoughts until you felt his hand snake to your inner thigh.
"My princess.. I've watched you for so long.. I won't let you go. No matter where you go. I'll drag you here. You're my princess. Forever."
(Part 2? Request it! I need to know people want more lol. I haven't wrote NSFW yet but I hope it will be good if requested. Sorry for the days of silence on my part. Remember to shower and do some self care <3.)
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clarichoupie · 1 year
Until dawn kinnie bingo !
After many hours of discussion and editing, here is a fun idea to see wich Until dawn characters is your biggest kin !
(All this according to official information or headcanons of many fanfictions that I read since a few years ^^)
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Oh and of course the pronouns can change, you don't need to have the same gender as the character to see yourself in them! ^^
Anyway, I'll probably do this for the other supermassive games... (if I have the courage)
And tell me which one is your biggest kin, it interests me to see which character are the most relatable! ♡
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