#with him it's like he's skipping half the “we don't know each other” conversations while also claiming not to befriend people quickly
dinotoaster · 28 days
one would assume that someone who regularly gets called a slut for how much he sleeps around would be smart and uncomplicated about it. apparently one would be wrong.
#still pissed at could-have-been-fuckbuddy#because my dude could you just have a tiny bit more self-preservation?#like he was fun and all but he also got way too invested way too quickly and I do not understand why#like I have people that I care very much about that I haven't met often but with those I actually talked and connected#with him it's like he's skipping half the “we don't know each other” conversations while also claiming not to befriend people quickly#he assumes a lot and doesn't realise that his assumptions aren't facts i think#like I can guesstimate what kind of issues someone has but I won't actually act on those guesses or treat them as truths???#this boy is too trusting#back to lusting after people twice my age#that's somehow way more sane#and a lot less complicated#it's a shame really because it would have been nice to have someone simple and easy to talk to to fuck and hang out with for a weekend#every now and then#but he seems so committed to being all emotional about it and I'm just... not nearly as invested? he doesn't matter to me beyond being fun#I THOUGHT THIS WAS GOING TO BE AROALLO ON AROALLO FUN TIME BUT MY GUY DECIDES THAT HE ACTUALLY IS ALLO#which is fair and I'm glad I could help him figure that out#but also means now I gotta worry about him being way too invested since that's apparently where this is going#brb tattooing “CAUTION: DO NOT TRY TO DATE THIS PERSON - THEY WILL BREAK YOUR HEART” to my fucking forehead#local aroallos where are you and why aren't you my friends and/or fuckbuddys?
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 2 months
Do it for Him | Do You Even Love Me? | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: Voicing the thoughts that had been on your mind for so long leaves you broken and regretting every decision you've ever made. Pairing: Daughter in law reader x Father in Law Jungkook (Yändere) Word Count: 1.1k~ Warnings: An argument and some explicit language (kinda but not really) a/n: This is a hypothetical situation and is NOT what happens in the story. Oc and Jungkook don't end up together and I'll be writing another bonus chapter about how everything ends but this is simply a longer drabble that I just decided to make into a bonus chapter since I think some of you would be interested in reading it 😁 P.s. Requested by an annon 💜 (also written in one sitting so ignore any mistakes lol) Series Masterlist
"How was your day today?" I ask half heartedly, wondering if he'll actually speak to me like a human being today or skip to having sex again like he's done almost every time he's come to visit lately.
"It was fine but I don't want to talk about work since it looks like someone's been missing me huh?" he taunts, taking my want for interaction with him as a sign of an insatiable hunger he wishes I shared.
"I did miss you but I missed being with you, not just sex" I say, pressing on his chest to keep some space between us to show I'm serious and want to talk about this.
He stops and waits for me to continue but his eyes don't leave my body for a second.
"When I told you I loved you I didn't mean for our life to end up like this" I say, referring to the way we've been living for the past year.
"What's wrong? Did you need something else? You have my credit card and I told you before that you didn't have to ask me for anything. If you want it then get it. It's the least I could do for my beautiful Angel" he says while caressing my face but I take a step back, not letting him put me under his spell again.
"I'm not talking about money Jungkook. I'm talking about how I told you I didn't want to live as 'The other woman'. You told me you were going to get a divorce and let the children and I move in with you. Not just have you pop by at this separate house you have us living in" I say. 
He turns around and heads to the kitchen, gulping down a glass of water and placing the cup down on the counter. "I told you I would take care of it" he growls out while leaning both hands against the sink, clearly not appreciating the topic of conversation when all he had been looking for was a quick fuck.
"You told me that a year ago and from what I've seen you've been lying to me this whole time. Have you even filed the papers? You know that neither of you love each other so what's the point of keeping this whole charade going?" I say, following after him and standing my ground, not letting him drop this.
He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, trying to center himself so he won't blow up on me like he has in the past. "These things take time Angel, plus going through a divorce would make my company take a big hit and might ruin some of the relationships I've built" he tries to explain but I'm not having it.
"If your company is all you care about then maybe all of this was a mistake" I say, turning around to walk into my bedroom with him following lazily behind me.
"You know I care about you too Angel" he says, leaning in the doorway while I've decided to plot down on the bed, running my fingers through my hair and trying to figure out if any of this was a good idea.
From the looks of it to any outsider this whole relationship was bound to go up in flames sooner or later. My life wasn't supposed to be like this. Was I really that naïve to think that somehow things would change if we were actually together? Did I really think that he was capable of loving me too?
"No I don't know that. I know that you love my body and that you love having sex with me and the idea of being with me and stealing me away from your son but I don't even know if you actually love me. Y/n. Not Angel, not the mother of your children, not the daughter in law that you took advantage of, just me" I spout off everything that's been on my mind and I can see that he starts to more or less assess our relationship and I really hope I'm going to get the answer I'm hoping for.
"You knew who I was when you first met me. You knew who I was when you married my son and you definitely knew what you were getting yourself into when you left him to be with me. I'm not this loving and kind husband that you want me to be and deep down you know that too. Do I care about you? Yes, I do. Do I love you? I don't know. I don't know if I do and I don't know if I ever will and if that's not good enough for you then be my guest, say the word and we can end this right now" he says and every condescending word that falls from his lips is like a knife through my heart.
I choke back a sob as my eyes glass over leaving him rolling his eyes, clearly not having the patience to deal with this today. 
"Seems like you've got some stuff to think about and from the looks of it I've got some business to attend to" he says, hinting at the headache it's going to be for him to go through with this divorce. 
He strides over to the bed where I'm sat with my head down, trying and failing to hold back my tears and picks up my chin. "Just remember who you're dealing with Angel okay? It will make all of ours lives so much easier if you stop thinking that you can change me" he says, caressing my face again, driving the knife deeper. 
"I am who I am and if you can't accept that then I think we have some hard decisions we'll need to make here" he says a wipes away a few of my tears before tapping underneath my chin twice and walking away. 
"Where are you going?" I ask, getting up and following him out, my vision going glossy. "It seems you're not in the mood that I thought you might be in so I think it's best if I go. Give my love to the children" he says over his shoulder and walks out, leaving me speechless and beyond heart broken, mourning the life I had with his son all over again and missing the feeling of loving someone and being loved in return. 
"What have I done?" I whimper, sinking to the floor and sobbing, wishing that I could take it all back. That I could start over and never get mixed up with this family no matter how in love I was with his son. I never knew that a love that was once so pure would be traded for one that is so devastatingly one sided, wrecking my life beyond compare and stealing what little pieces of me I had left. 
Read series from the beginning
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apomaro-mellow · 6 months
Wrong Number 8
Eddie and Steve threw a few more axes, Eddie getting unnecessarily close to fix Steve's form many times. There was a point where Eddie didn't even need to fix anything but if Steve was letting him touch, he would. After about half an hour more, Robin took Steve into the bathroom again. Eddie knew he was the subject of the conversation. He just didn't know in what regard.
He skipped over to Jeff. "Ain't he a peach?"
"Got an ass like one", Jeff offered.
"Just utter perfection. Don't go oglin' him too much though. I might get the wrong idea."
"He's all yours Eddie. I don't even think a crowbar could get between you two right now", Jeff said.
Steve came out of the bathroom with Robin and it was decided that Robin would head on back to the apartment, taking Steve's car.
"You're letting Robin drive?", Eddie asked with a raised brow. He remembered Steve remarking quite a bit how his little birdie had two left wings, so to speak and how it took her about five tries to get her driver's license because she'd been so nervous behind the wheel.
"She can make it", Steve said confidently. "And it'll give us some time to ourselves. And I'll need someone to drive me when the night's done." He stepped closer to Eddie and Eddie closed the distance even more. It was like they were magnetic.
"Drive you home?"
Steve smiled, hearing the hopeful tone in his voice. "I was thinking your place, actually."
They were nearly nose to nose now and Steve barely even noticed Robin taking the keys from his pocket. Eddie couldn't stand being that close and not kissing him so he did just that. The only thing that made them stop was Jeff shooing them out just as a kid's birthday party came in. Couldn't have them doing all that in front of children, after all.
Eddie led Steve to his van. "Your chariot, your highness", he said as he opened the door for him.
Steve got in and looked around, taking in everything that was Eddie. Eddie practically ran to get in on the other side and turn it on.
"So, where to?"
"I could eat", Steve said. His stomach was still fluttering with how new everything was, so he didn't think he'd be eating much, but he could put something in his stomach.
Eddie took them to a little restaurant and Eddie admitted to being nervous to and not wanting to eat much, so they agreed on just some appetizers.
"I feel like I'm about two seconds from vomiting. In a good way!", he added quickly.
"A little worrying that you've been letting me kiss you all night with that knowledge", Steve grinned. He reached out across the table and held Eddie's hand. "I can't believe I can just touch you."
"You can do more than touch", Eddie said, kissing his fingertips.
"Is this...are we...?" Steve's gaze turned down.
"Are we going too fast? We just met today but-I mean normally when I meet a guy, I'm not all over him like this but with you-"
"Sweet thing", Eddie beamed. "I've been courtin' you since you sent that first text."
Steve chuckled. "The very first one?"
"Well maybe not when you thought I was still Misty. But I don't consider this a first meeting. How can I when we already know so much about each other?" Eddie knew how Steve was before bed and right when we woke up. Steve knew which tattoos had meaning and which didn't.
"So I'm not...you don't think I'm being too much?", Steve asked.
Eddie shook his head. "Baby you could crawl in my ribs and it wouldn't be close enough. I've been trying to drink you in all night, haven't you noticed?"
"I might've noticed a few sips here and there", Steve got warm as Eddie kissed up his wrist. Only the table standing between them got in the way of going further. But it was very easy to imagine Eddie's lips having nothing in their way.
Eddie's eyes had been closed while savoring Steve's skin but when he opened them they were dark with desire. "What do you say we-"
They had time for dinner dates (which they'd already done) and eventful outings. Right now the things they wanted to do required privacy. Eddie was on his best behavior, trying to take the quickest route back to his place. Steve was doing every naughty thing imaginable, short of unzipping Eddie's pants and giving him road head. He stroked Eddie's thigh, kissed his neck, licked in his ear, played with his hair.
And even when Eddie gave him a soft reprimand, lest they crash, Steve found ways to torture him.
"So mean, not letting me touch you", he said, squirming in his seat. He started rolling his hips like he was grinding the air and Eddie thought he was going to lose his mind.
He pretty much screeched to a stop and tore both their doors open. Once Steve was out, Eddie pinned him to the side of the van, devouring his mouth and pressing their hips together. He was already fully tented in his jeans.
"You knowmmm", Steve broke off in a moan as Eddie released his lips to start on his neck. "You have a van. You could've just pulled o-oohhh-off and had me back there."
"A pretty thing like you?", Eddie smirked. "You deserve a bed, princess."
With that clear goal in mind, Eddie took Steve up to his apartment. Steve had just enough time to take in sights familiar from past video calls: the guitar, one of the many band posters, and various mugs hanging in the kitchen before Eddie was pulling him into the bedroom. Eddie sat on the bed and Steve slid easily into his lap.
Eddie groaned at the weight on him. "Got a present for me, big boy?", he asked, hands going behind Steve to squeeze his cheeks.
"Sounds like you already know."
He did. Touching Steve so much gave him a little preview. But it was still fun to unwrap it later. He did just that, unbuttoning and then unzipping Steve's pants to see the flash of purple lace.
"You like?", Steve asked. He didn't need to though, Eddie's face was easy to read.
"Oh baby, I like. I like very much." Eddie helped Steve out of his shirt, kissing the skin that was revealed to him and then helped him out of his pants.
Steve stood before Eddie who was still sitting on the bed and put his hands on his shoulders. Eddie's hands went to his hips, touching the lavender material almost reverently. He showed restraint, not immediately diving in, but just for a second. He tried going in for a taste but Steve put a finger to his forehead, stopping him.
"Your turn."
He went around Eddie and laid across the bed, waiting for him to get on with it. Eddie was a whirlwind of clothes being torn off his body and Steve laughed as he hopped into bed with him.
"You moved like the Tasmanian Devil", Steve smiled.
Eddie put an arm around Steve's waist and pulled him in close. "Well you make me go-", then he made a bunch of incomprehensible babbling noises. "Please don't kick me out of bed", he said once he realized what he did.
But Steve had been smiling the whole time. Then laughing. Then petting Eddie's hair and bringing him in for a kiss.
"Sooo, you're not turned off?", Eddie ventured. Steve was kissing his jaw now, but he had to ask to be sure.
"I always thought Taz was kinda cute."
"I'm more of a Bugs Bunny guy myself", Eddie said.
Steve smirked as he reached down to grasp Eddie's cock that had been sitting between them, weeping and neglected until now. He leaned in, whispering hotly as Eddie's curls tickled his cheek.
"What's up, doc?"
"Holy shit", Eddie gasped out as Steve started to stroke him. "That shouldn't be so hot."
"Life's full of surprises, isn't it?", Steve winked.
Only about two years later, before all of their friends and family in their best formal wear, would Steve admit that he knew Eddie was the one from the first time they made love. Because he made him laugh the entire time.
"It wasn't only because I made you laugh, right?", Eddie would ask during their third dance of the night.
"I was only laughing so much because of how funny, brilliant, romantic, and sexy you were that night", Steve said.
Steve was wearing a golden yellow tuxedo with black accents, while Eddie was wearing the reverse. It was fitting, given that of all the pet names Eddie gave him, 'honey' probably came up the most. Honey, sweet thing, sweetheart, and even one time sugar tits. Eddie was obsessed with telling Steve how sweet he was.
"And to think, this wouldn't've happened if that girl gave you her real number", Eddie mused out loud. "Her loss. Her incredibly, massively huge loss."
"No", Steve smiled, bringing his hands to Eddie's face to give him a sweet kiss. "I think I got the right number."
1 year ago...
[10:33 am] If these kids ask about boba one more time I'm gonna turn myself into wild garlic and find a field to disappear in.
(11:17 am) 💍? tonite? (11:18 am) We could order from that new Taiwanese place too (11:18 am) I promise no boba (11:37 am) cmon Steve i've never had food from taiwannn i wanna try it
(12:52 pm) Honey?
[12:53 pm] There is NO way that you're proposing to me through a text right now
(1:01 pm) What? Shit no! Wait not no but no I was asking if you wanted to watch The Ring tonight? The one about the cursed video? (1:03 pm) Stevie? (1:03 pm) Baby? (1:04 pm) Shit you're working now. (1:04 pm) Pls dont be mad? And pls come home after work
Steve did come home to their now shared apartment and Eddie had been waiting on his knees, one of his own wings on a tiny pillow that Steve didn't even know they had. Eddie had babbled about wanting to plan for it more and talk about it more and getting an actual ring and making the proposal special but how he'd known for a while now that he wanted to marry Steve and it was in such an anxious rush that Steve's ears only got part of it.
His heart got all of it.
"On your feet, Taz. Yes, I'll marry you."
Eddie shot up and gathered Steve in his arms, spinning them around in a whirl. Eddie definitely tried to get them to fall on the couch when they started to lose their balance but he miscalculated and they hit the floor instead, one of Eddie's legs catching on the coffee table.
Despite the pain, Steve was giggling. "I knew we should've taken that left turn at Alburquerque."
Eddie groaned at how his leg smarted. "That's all folks."
Yaaay! Thank you for another one! If you liked the lil tidbits of Steve's job here I'm planning a teacher au soon so be on the lookout for that :)
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railingsofsorrow · 5 months
do you need me?
[spencer reid x reader]
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summary: the one where emily's death takes a toll on you. based on the prompt “don't come over, I can handle it.” from this prompt list.
pairing: s.reid x gn!reader
w.c: 3.5K
warnings/content: mentions of skipping meals; grief; mourning the loss of a friend; jemily (implied); blood; non-graphic descriptions of violence; character death (mentioned/not the MCs); addiction; intoxication; survivor's guilt; crying; unhealthy coping mechanisms; this is... heavy, be aware.
A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! I wish that we all have an amazing 2024. here's the blurb you voted for. hurt/comfort at its best <3
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❝ it did not kill me and it did not make me stronger. it simply was and always will be scorched upon my heart. ❞
— d.j
You don't know who took Emily's death the hardest. Pain is not something that can be measured or compared, people deal with it in different ways. Some are quieter in their grieving, others are loud. And although each one of your teammates knows how to compartmentalize their feelings, there was a fog in their eyes, a heaviness in their shoulders more than usual. Things you could relate well after all that has happened. You wish you didn't. You wished all of that was just a strange and far-off memory.
JJ was different — you noticed it during one of your night outs.
Penelope had forced everyone to hang out after a case, to relax. It had been a few months after what happened to Emily and the team was still... sore. Rightfully so.
Hotch and Rossi left earlier, leaving you, Derek, Spencer, Penelope and JJ at the bar. The only ones who weren't intoxicated were you and Spencer. You were pretty sure the conversation Penelope and Derek were having in their own little world was not PG-13, anyway.
“Do you think she's alright?”
Spencer asked, casting a look towards JJ. It's been half an hour she was nursing a glass of water — you had purposely brought her this one since she'd lost count of her shots —, staring at it with her stare unfocused.
“She will be.” You had said and when he told you he was leaving, you asked if he wanted a ride home. You hadn't drank anything but orange juice. He refused it, hugged you and, before he left, he demanded that you'd let him know once you got home.
You ended up being JJ's designated driver that night.
It was when you first saw a crack through the mask she had put on. Emily and JJ shared a deep bond. You knew their friendship wasn't just friendship, even before Emily had revealed to you that she had feelings for the blonde a while back. When Emily was gone, you saw how JJ took it hard. Not that everyone else didn't as well, but the love from each person in the team carried for Emily was different from the love JJ had for her.
Between the gibberish she was mumbling in the passenger seat of your car, she let escape a faint “I miss her”. Her voice cracked and your heart ached.
“D’ you think...” She muttered as you were helping her into her bed. “D'you think she miss— a hiccup — misses us?”
You refrained from saying that dead people cannot miss anything. Instead, you waited for her to fall asleep, placed a cup of water and aspirin on her bedside table before leaving her apartment.
She pretended nothing happened in the next day and you did the same.
You thought JJ had it worst, until Spencer showed up at your door at 3 a.m craving for something he hadn't touched in three years.
Again, pain is not comparable. One does not hurts more than another; people deal with their hardships in life differently, even if they have gone through the same life-changing event.
Some let it show, others just know how to hide it better. You no longer knew if you were the former or the latter through the eyes of your friends.
The current case you were working on had rendered you mentally exhausted. A victim had been taken hostage and for two days you tried to negotiate with the unsub, but to no avail. You almost had it. Almost. When you thought you had succeeded in releasing the woman, she was shot right in front of you.
She died in your arms and there was nothing that you could have done to prevent.
Or was there?
There was nothing that you could have done. You have heard that before. Countless of times. People tried to inject that into your head as a way to make you feel better. And they have their best intentions, you do not doubt it. But it was no use if you couldn't bring yourself to believe these words.
This was just one of those days, when you didn't know how to cope with that overbearing sadness that crippled your mind.
There was nothing that you could have done. There was nothing that you could have done. There was nothing that you could have done. There was nothing that you could have done. There was nothing that you could have—
You flinched, startled at the voice. As you came back to reality, Spencer turned up in front of you.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.” His face twitched into a grimace.
You cleared your throat, placing your stuff in your bag. You were so distracted that you didn't realise you had been holding the bloodied shirt you were wearing in the morning; you shoved it inside carelessly. I'm gonna burn it.
“You didn't,” you said. “What's up? I thought you had left already.”
Spencer leaned on the door, fingers playing with the strap of his satchel as he waited for you to leave the room. He followed you to the corridor, an unspoken silence that said a million things. His fidgety hands weren't just mindlessly stimming, he was nervous.
Everyone else seemed to have left, meaning the bullpen was fairly empty. You wondered how long you stayed frozen reminiscing as the minutes went by.
“I was waiting for you.” He responded as soon as the elevator doors closed.
You turned to him with widened eyes. “Why? I'm sorry I kept you waiting—”
Spencer quickly waved you off, “It's alright.” He gave you a soft smile. The one you felt warm inside. “I just wanted to know if you were okay.”
“Of course I am.” You replied and you really hoped the tight smile you gave him was convincing enough for him to not question further. You weren't sure if you'd be able to not crumble down completely if he asked again.
“Are you sure?”
Damn, Spencer.
Yes, everything is good. I just need to get home, take a shower and have a good night sleep without interruptions.
Everything is good.
You don't know how many times you repeated that until he walked alongside you to the parking lot.
Arriving home was all that you needed to let your armour aside. God you were so tired. You didn't even reach your bedroom before the tears came like a waterfall. Falling into your couch, with no strength to stand, you finally stopped fighting against the sadness and let it lead you for the time being.
It's hard trying to be strong all the time, isn't it? Not admitting you need someone to be there for you because you only know how to be there for people. You tell them it's going to be okay. You let them be vulnerable. You say it's okay to not be okay.
Why can't you treat yourself the same way you treat the people around you?
You count every raindrop falling down your window, it helps you focus on reality. It was grounding and a few minutes later you have stopped sobbing your heart out.
It was raining hard outside. When you open the window, the cold slips right in and you stay there, enjoying the wind pushing your hair back.
You dial a familiar number tonight. And you don't hang up after two rings. You think about doing it in the fourth, but the person picks up, apologizing before they say hello.
It actually makes your lips twitch slightly. You don't smile, but you feel like doing it after crying so hard.
“Spencer.” You say through the phone interrupting his incessant apologies for taking too long to answer, your brows creasing after you hear how strange your voice is. “You don't have to apologize. I was the one who called you at one a.m. Why are you even awake?”
“I was reading. Lost track of time. I— have you been crying?” Well, shit. Too much for thinking he wouldn't notice through the phone.
“Why do you ask?” You ask rather pathetically. Why did you call him? Why did you bother Spencer at one a.m when he could be sleeping? You should feel sorry for yourself. “I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called—”
“I was thinking about you.”
Your breath hitches. You close the window and sit back on the floor and you feel like crying again, you don't know why. Maybe it's his voice. Maybe it's the fact that he makes you feel everything that you're allowed to feel.
He takes your silence as his cue to continue. “I know how much you love thunderstorms so I...” he trails off as if he's uncertain about what he will say. “I remembered you.”
Spencer could take pride in saying he knew you better than anyone else.
He recognised the sound of your voice was different when your were excited about a particular topic and when you were discussing a case at work. He knew you brushed your hair behind your ear when you felt shy, but the same action could happen when you were uncomfortable. It heavily depended on the situation.
He was aware of your odd behaviour by the way you kept on touching your index finger throughout the day. The week, actually. Spencer could tell you were bothered by something, he could tell you were deeply upset. You skipped breakfast and you never had lunch with them. Not that past week.
And judging by the dark circles around your eyes, you weren't sleeping well either.
He saw himself in you a month back.
See, Spencer was the kind of person who didn't like being vulnerable around anyone. If anything, he mastered the act of not communicating his feelings, he just expected them to disappear, which didn't happen but he was getting better at understanding that.
After Emily's passing, the only one he opened up to was you. And it was the hardest and best choice he ever made. You made him feel seen. It was so easy to talk to you about anything that he didn't notice until a few days ago that you were a very good listener. Not that he didn't notice that before, no, it was not that. But you just listened. You comforted. You held.
Spencer was really concerned about your coping mechanisms, because he knew he didn't have the most healthy ways of dealing with things. He hoped you were better than him. He hoped you didn't let it build up until you were suffocating.
So when you called him, he wasn't lying when he said he was thinking of you. His lie laid on the reading part, he was trying to fall asleep but his concern was keeping him up.
I'm here for you too. He wanted to say. Please, let me be here for you.
“I know how much you love thunderstorms so I...” He sat down on the bed, shifting until he found a comfortable position. “I remembered you.” This is what he started with.
Your ragged breathing through the line cut off his rational thinking. So you have been crying.
He called your name softly.
“Hi. I'm here.” You say, forcing out an exhale.
“Talk to me.” He pleads.
He hears a faint sniffle, “I'm here, Spencer.”
No, you're not. You're far away.
“I'm here too. You know that right?”
“It's been a hard week.” You admit through your shaky voice. “I just needed to hear your voice.” You cut him off quickly. “I know that I saw you a few hours ago, but I—”
“Do you need me?” He was the one who cut you off this time. He couldn't bear you explaining the reason you called. You could call him as many times as you wanted. Every five minutes, every second. He wanted to tell you he missed you when your shift was over for the day even if he spent the entire day by your side, and that you never ever could bother him because he cherished your company. He wanted you close. And he just wanted you to be okay now.
“... It's one a.m, Spence.” There is some shifting through the line, sounds like you were moving around. “I— I can handle it. It's fine.”
“Do you need me?” He repeats, shuffling out of his room to the living room. He couldn't care less that it was one a.m. He found his coat hanged and didn't wait for your answer to put it on. Really, Spencer should have done it sooner.
He's half way on tying his left shoe when you breath out in resignation. Your voice much closer to his ear as if you were telling him a secret you should be ashamed of. “Yes. Yes, I need you.”
He let out a hum, standing up to grab his car keys and sprinted out of his home to go to yours.
“I'll be there in ten.”
You lived twenty minutes away from him, but he'd make in ten. He wanted to see you. More than anything, he wanted to tell you everything that you hadn't heard when you were too busy comforting people instead of yourself.
He stops short before knocking on your door, deciding on sending you a text to let you know he was there so you wouldn't be startled at the noise. He didn't get to click send as the door was yanked open. Your bloodshot eyes and swollen lips are the first thing he sees.
“Hi.” He says, slipping his phone into his pocket. As soon as he did that, your arms envelope his shoulders which caused him to let out a sound of surprise, but he quickly recover and wraps his own arms around you, squeezing your shaky body against his. “Hi.” He utters into the croak of your neck, his hand trailing up and down on your back gently. “I'm wet because of the rain,” he apologises halfheartedly. “Sorry.”
The laugh he hears through your sobs might just have made his day.
He was cold immediately after you slips out of his arms. You pull him inside your place and shut the door, claiming you would be back with a towel despite his protests that he didn't need it.
Spencer lost count of how many times he visited your place. He knew every corner of your apartment, every place you left books that you keep losing when you didn't found them on the shelves, every painting and drawing you had on the walls. The ones he happily convinced you to put on because you made them and they were beautiful, you just didn't believe it.
The two of you spent long hours on your couch, either reading a book and saying your favourite quotes out loud or just watching bad movies and TV shows to pass the time.
He'd ramble on and on about the inconsistencies of any plot and you'd engage in his refutations until you'd disagree and some bantering ensued.
“Here.” Spencer turns around to see you offering a towel for him to dry off. The middle of your forehead furrows slightly, he feels the need to smooth it out himself but he refrains from doing so. “It's dangerous to drive when the weather it's like this. I'm sorry that I made you come all the way here for nothing.”
“Nothing?” He shakes his head as if it's the most absurd thing you've ever said. “You're not nothing.” He accepts the towel and what he recognizes is a jumper of his he must have forgotten a while ago.
When he's completely dry, he walks to the kitchen where you had ventured off to make some tea.
Two mugs are placed on the kitchen counter, the smell of camomile slowly filling the room. You are lost in your thoughts again, mixing the honey in your tea with a spoon for forty-three minutes, your gaze unfocused. Lost.
His fingerstips trails down your wrist to your hand, proceeding to take one of your hands in his, thumb running across your palm. “Can you please look at me?” He requests softly, head tilting until you have no choice but to meet his eyes. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“It” are a lot of things. But he doesn't know if you feel comfortable enough to talk about all of them tonight. He'll just follow your lead and respect your time.
“I don't want you to see me like this.”
He feels your fingers tighten around his hand and he squeezes back as a form of reassurance.
“Like what?” He can't help but ask. Vulnerable? Human?
“You could never be weak in my eyes.”
This time, he does smooth down the frown between your brows with his thumb, surprised that you don't reject his touch but welcome it by leaning into his hand.
Neither of you drink the tea. Instead, you move back to the living room, settling down on your couch. You end up cuddling, which wasn't strange because you have done it many times before. Now it just feels more intimate. His hold never strayed from yours. This time, he listened. He comforted. And he held you.
“I'm used to blood, we see it all the time.” you carry on, speaking directly to his chest as he looks down at you. “But I... My hands. There was just so much of it and I couldn't, I couldn't save her.” Your fingers play with the straps of his jumper to distract yourself.
There was nothing that you could have done.
“She knows you did everything you could.” Spencer reassures. He was well aware that you weren't just talking about the victim that you had lost today. “Wherever she is right now...” He lifts a hand to cup your face stroking your cheek with the utmost care in the world. “She knows.”
Your bloodshot eyes study him carefully, searching for any indication that could make you not trust anything he just said. He knew how hard it was to believe that you had no fault in the loss of a friend. Maybe if we had gotten there sooner... Maybe if we had figured everything out sooner...
A little bird told him once that you can't dwell on the past for long or else you'll be stuck in it. And those words — your words — helped on his healing process. He hoped he did the same to you now.
You were laying on his chest, one of your hands positioned right where his heart laid as your other arm involved his middle. His arm wrapped around you as his fingers were trailing up and down your back in the way he knew calmed you down. Spencer felt the most rested he hasn't felt in months and he wasn't even sleeping.
“Tell me if I'm making you uncomfortable.”
He shook his head in response, finding that statement completely absurd because it was not possible for you to make him feel uncomfortable. He's not a fan of PDA, but he found that he didn't mind it with you. So he lowered down on the couch, moving your body with his to be more comfortable, lips grazing your temple in a soft kiss.
“You're not.” He says brushing your hair away from your neck. Your eyes were shut and he could feel your breathing evening out. “Try to sleep a little.” He let out in a whisper to not disturb your peacefulness. He knew you needed it.
“Don't go.” You croak out, tucking your nose in the croak of his neck, breathing into him.
The corner of his lips quirk up. “I'll be here when you wake up.” He promises as thunder rolled outside. Fluttering his eyes shut when you have finally dozed off, he ignores the warnings in his head about sleeping on the couch and how bad it is for one's neck.
No, he could deal with that tomorrow. For now, he would just hold you.
❝ all I know of strength, I have learnt from breaking. ❞
— sahiba
taglist: @lilyviolets
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jenaurr · 2 months
you never cared for love. being in a relationship seemed too exhausting, too vulnerable and messy. you were okay with watching your friends fall in love from afar. as long as they were happy you were too.
and yet, everything changed after a project you had with a random partner for your statistics class.
na jaemin was someone you've heard of before. he was kind, smart and incredibly handsome. the last person you'd expect yourself to fall in love with as deeply as you did.
you remember perfectly the exact day when he went from a project partner, to a friend, to a crush and to what you call now your boyfriend.
"alright, i say we share the subjects of the presentation equally and then we meet again to put everything together, is that okay?" you asked with a small smile.
"yeah sure, that's fine by me. the only problem is that i kinda suck at statistics so it may take longer than a few days to finish all this." he says while checking his parts of the project.
"oh that's okay, i'm doing quite well in this class so i could give you my number if you need any help with something! you kindly offer, something that later became one of the best decisions you've ever made.
mark sat back on the sofa with a tired sigh in the apartement that he shared with three of his best friends, after one of the bost boring lectures he's had that week.
"dude i swear this teacher was a grim reaper in another life. how can you suck so bad at teaching at yet have the nerve to judge your students like that is beyond me" he complained to the other two.
"what did he say again? I told you you should've skipped this morning, who else other than you wants to see his bald ass head at 9 in the morning? said donghyuck while playing a game on his phone.
"there was barely anyone bro, the only person i knew was y/n. she was his victim today, I felt so bad for her."
jaemin was barely paying attention to the conversation, still half asleep , but hearing your name had better effect on him than any other coffee he's ever had.
"what do you mean, what did he say to her?" he asked, now fully awake
"he read her essay and pretty much called it shit in front of everyone. I can't imagine how awful that must be, especially for someone who takes their studies as serious as her" answered the oldest of the group
jaemin didn't waste a second after hearing that, got dressed as quickly as he could and ran to the nearby bakery to get you your favorite pastries and of course, a bouquet of flowers to cheer you up.
"oh jaemin, it's nice to see you!" says chaewon while letting him in the apartement she shares with you, her best friend. "y/n is a little bit down right now so I'm glad you're here, I have a class in a few minutes."
"thanks chaewon, don't worry, I'll try to make her feel better. I hate not seeing her happy" says your kind friend
"hm I wonder why" she shot him a teasing look "I'll leave you to it then".
jaemin made his way to your room, knocked twice and waited for your permission to come in. when you gave it to him, he opened the door and his gaze immediately found yours.
"what are you doing here, jaem?" you asked him while sitting up on your bed. your plan was to rot in bed for the rest of the day. being someone with huge academic validation, it was never easy for you to receive criticism towards your work, so on the rare occasions when it happened, your mood would be down for the entire day.
"what do you mean what am i doing here? my favorite statistics partner isn't her usual happy self and you thought i wouldn't come cheer you up?" he says while taking a seat on the bed " here's your favorites. for now i can only give you this but if you want i'll gladly give a punch or two to that asshole."
he brought you your favorite pastries and flowers? how did he even know they were your favorites, you couldn't have mentioned this more than once in the months you've known each other.
"jaemin you didn't have to do this!" you exclaim, feeling something you couldn't quite name yet.
"of course I did." he says while looking softly into your eyes "now move over, I plan on staying here for the rest of the day and I'd rather be comfortable" he lay next to you and started to look for a something to watch " what kind of movie are you feeling? I'm in the mood for comedy or romance."
"romance.." you say while staring at his pretty face, in a seemingly different light than you did before
"chaewon please, the last thing i want to do is see him today" you nearly cried while saying this to your best friend. ever since that day when jaemin surprised you with your favorites, you've noticed that you feel different around him. he's no longer a friend to you and you don't want to feel more things for him, so you avoid him as much as possible.
"y/n please stop feeling so scared about this. jaemin is an amazing guy who could make you so happy. why would you run away from this special something you have with him?" huffed the blond haired girl
"what if he doen't feel the same way about me,huh? then what? i just make a fool out of myself and ruin what we already have!"
"if you think that he doesn't ike you back you must be the actual blindest person on earth." she says while rolling her eyes "do all your guy friends treat you the way he does? i don't think donghyuck, mark, jeno or anyone else does!" she starts rumming through your closet despite your protests "i don't want to hear it, you're coming with me to the party! besides, you don't even know if he's going to be there."
you catch the outfit that she nearly hit you in the face, not forgetting to glare at her despite appreciating her efforts to get you out of the house.
"alright, we're going but i better won't have to drag your drunk ass out of there!" in spite of your original reluctance, you start getting ready.
"this is definitely the last party we're going to together" you mumble, not even on hour later while running after your lightweight chaewon.
"need some help getting her home?" you hear a deep voice ask behind you.
"shit jeno you scared me" you say, clutching your chest " i actually do though" you answer, offering a smile to one of your favorite friends
"sorry y/n" he return your smile "you don't have to worry about her, i'll take her home, you enjoy yourself here" he says while giving you a pat on the back
"are you sure? i don't want to ruin your night" you say
"yeah of course! i was planning on going home anyway. also, i think a certain someone wants to talk to you." he says, obviously pointing to his best friend.
"is it too late to ask for a ride home too?" you ask him with a desperate look in your eyes
"yes my friend, it is. he's already coming here. but don't be scared alright, i know you worry a lot but you two are good together." he says, already making his way to chaewon
you take a deep breath, already dreading the conversation you're about to have.
"hey you, it's been a while. i was starting to think you hate me or something" jaemin says with an unsure smile on his face "are you okay with going somewhere else? i missed you and i want to talk to you about something"
there he goes again. saying things that you wish he would stop saying, because you fall more and more for him
"yeah sure" you answer, trying to calm your nerves
you two drove around for a few minutes while listenig to music from a playlist that you made for him a while ago. you already knew where he was taking you. there was a park nearby where you two spend a lot of time together. he once called this his favorite place to go to with his favorite person. you tried to avoid how your heart fluttered when you heard that.
"so, are you going to tell me why you've been avoiding me lately?" he asks after sitting on the blanket he always keeps in his car
" i haven't been avoiding you, jaem. i've just been super busy with uni and work." you answer, trying to seem as convincing as possible. "you said you wanted to talk about something, what is it?"
there were a few second of silence, so you decided to take a look at him. he was already looking at you, love pouring out of his eyes
"jaemin.." you whisper
"i love you" he says
you could immediately feel tears in the back of your eyes
"i have for quite a while now. i can't tell you the exact moment i realised it, but i can tell you that i'm sure of it. everything feels so different to me now. there isn't a single moment of my day where i don't think about you. i know how scared you are of being in love, and i don't blame you. i've never felt like this before. i've never had someone consume every single thought of my brain the way you do" he pauses, takes a look at you and then takes your hand in his " i think the reason why you avoided me was because you feel it too. and i want you to know that even if you aren't ready for something more than the friendship we have, i would never hold that againt you. never. i'm happy with whatever you give me as long as i have you in my life"
you take a deep breath while squeezing his hand "it's so hard for me to put into words what i'm feeling for you because a few months ago it seemes like the most foreign concept to me,loving someone forever. i don't know how i would be like in a relationship, but if it's anything like watching bad movies with you , or staying here in this park talking about anything that goes though our minds, i want to try it with you."
at that, he offered you his beautiful smile that makes you weak to the knees, and pulled you into a hug.
"i'm pretty sure that i can love you forever, y/n" he whispered in your hair
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aita for ghosting 2 of my closet friends?
TL;DR: 2 of my closest/longest friendships ive had were ended by me stopping any and all communication, either unprompted or prompted. i dont feel any urge to talk with these people again, and i do not want to rekindle these friendships.
i (19ftm) have had only 2 friendships were i would consider the other person a "best friend". the first one was when i was in middle school (12-13). this other person, we'll call K(at the time 13F). now back in middle school i was what would be considered as the cool kids say: Cringe. super obsessed with undertale AND homestuck, a big 1-2 punch.
i met K through our homeroom class, and we really hit it off well. she was funny, great at art, and also loved undertale (she was the one who actually got me into homestuck, but thats besides the point). we hung out constantly, always chatting and swapping art tips, that sorta thing.
when i moved schools in 7th grade we became distance friends. not long distance bc we lived 30 min. away from each other, but we didn't get to see each other everyday anymore. eventually we started dating, but i didnt really feel content w the relationship at the time (i didnt know i was trans/gay yet lol).
one day i told her i was taking a break from social media/discord for a while until i sorted myself out, and then i would be back. i never spoke with her again after that and i felt like shit for years for ghosting my at the time girlfriend. i didnt take the break with the intention of ghosting K, it just kinda happened. she deleted her discord and i don't remember her tumblr so i have no way of communicating w her anymore. we knew each other for about 3-4 years, and dated for about half of that.
my other friend we'll call T(ftm). I met T my freshman year, when i was 14. T is 2 years older than me, so he was 16 at the time, a sophomore. T and i really hit it off well, and we hung out all the time after school, and talked over discord daily. he did a lot for me ill be honest, and helped me through an identity crisis when i realized i was trans and also gay.
however, when T graduated he started to drift away. i was still a junior at the time but we stayed in contact the best we could. i started driving so i would visit him in his apartment on weekends. however things really nose dived my senior year. i was 17-18 and all my friends had graduated, so i was already feeling pretty alone.
i kept trying to find comfort in T but he just kinda faded away. he found a new friend group of ppl closer to his age and they started hanging out more. i knew some of these people from our school, and was even friends w one of them, but for some reason he insisted on keeping me separate from them.
things boiled over when our mutual friend from this new friend group decided to throw a halloween party, but had to cancel last minute. time skip to november 1st and im picking up T to go rollerskating, and to my surprise he hops in my car out of breath and says "sorry it took so long, i was cleaning up after a halloween party!" and went on about this party he threw the night before with all his friends from the other group. T explained to me that he didn't invite me bc "i wouldn't know any of them".
i was pissed. really pissed. i stopped making plans to hang out with him, but to my surprise so did he. we stopped chatting daily, and the last time we spoke was april of last year. i sent him a final message in may trying to spark another conversation but he never replied. so i gave up. i stopped talking to him.
then i realized the pattern of me growing extremely close with someone only to ghost them. i know T basically ghosted me but i also stopped putting in the effort so i feel i still hold some of the blame. even when i last saw T in person i avoided him like the plague, and i just pray that if we do see each other again he does NOT recognize me.
What are these acronyms?
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williamrikers · 11 months
how (not) to write an office romance
okay so i am livid with rage after watching step by step episode 11 and i will say some very unkind things about it so if you loved the episode, please scroll past this.
in this post i will be comparing pat and jeng's romance on step by step to gun and cher's romance on a boss and a babe, and show all the ways in which the relationship in step by step, for me, fell flat.
yes, i am aware that we are dealing with two completely different genres here. abaab is a cute little comedy show (for the most part) while sbs takes its setting super seriously and tries to say something profound about homophobia. however, they're both at their core office romances with similar set-ups and obstacles, which they tackle completely differently.
the reason i am writing this is that, to me, pat and jeng do not feel emotionally resonant as a couple, and therefore the whole show is falling flat for me. i want to compare and contrast them with gun and cher, who are one of my favourite bl couples to date because of how they were presented to us.
now, pat and jeng had a nine-episode slow burn while cher was kissing gun in the second episode, so take what i'm about to say with a grain of salt. BUT. cher and gun were built up over time as a couple and we could see them grow as individuals as well as together, while all the most important couple moments of jeng and pat got lost in one of the many time skips (if they happened at all).
the thing that bugs me is that by episode 11 of sbs, we are told that jeng and pat have been together for a few months. but nothing -- NOTHING -- that we are shown on screen supports that. they don't treat each other like two people who have been together for a while. they don't even treat each other like they know each other well. they do not have a single normal conversation with each other. gun and cher, on the other hand, are shown being domestic with each other, over and over again. they talk about difficult emotions with each other. the moment cher lets his mask of happiness drop and starts crying in gun's arms is one of my favourites in film history because 1) it's just really STELLAR acting from book and 2) it shows how far they've come as a couple, how much trust they've developed between each other, how close they've grown. on step by step, pat is still looking at jeng exactly the same way he was in the first episode. WHICH HE SHOULD NOT BE DOING. if they've been sleeping together for half a year, he should not be looking at this man like a deer in headlights. maybe this is an issue that stems from ben being a very inexperienced young actor, but imo it's also a writing/direction issue. if jeng and pat were in a balanced relationship, i would expect pat to call jeng out on his bullshit. like for example, telling him in unmistakable terms that pat was trying to tell him about his resignation, and that jeng was unwilling to hear it. (cher would have had a field day with that one, if gun had ever stooped so low.) instead, pat just apologizes, like he has no say in the matter. GIANT RED FLAG!!!
now, cher as a character is set up to be rude and brash and he doesn't care about his job at all, basically, which is one of the only ways this kind of office romance works well: because cher negates the inherent power imbalance of the setting just by virtue of being himself. gun and cher as a couple never feel imbalanced or like gun has more power, even though he is older, even though he is technically cher's boss, even though cher calls him "boss" for like, the whole first year of their relationship. they do, in fact, have several conversations about that in canon, and gun spends months trying to get cher to call him phi in what i like to call the Great Pronoun War Of 2023. it was a form of flirting between them, and a cute quirk of their relationship, and not at all a form of power imbalance.
now, on step by step, pat calls jeng "khun jeng" repeatedly. even when it's just the two of them. even after we had scenes of him calling him "p'jeng" and -- in one memorable moment -- just "jeng" without any honorific (!!), in episode 11 it's khun all the way down. and it's grating. at work, sure, pat is trying to be professional, but in private? no, it rubs me the wrong way. especially since jeng never returns this level of formality, he never calls him khun pat. (this would still be a bit weird but i could accept it if it was done well like on manner of death for example.)
and there's no reason for this given on the show. we don't really have a sense of what they even call each other in private (and i absolutely refuse to believe that pat calls him khun jeng when they're in bed together). now, with gun and cher, we know exactly what they call each other at which point in their relationship. they discuss it! it changes several times! gun goes from pom to phi, then for a while back to pom and then back to phi for himself, all according to what is happening between them in the story and what it means for their characters. they start out using phi/nong during sex, then much later also use these pronouns when they're just hanging out.
sorry for ranting about pronouns for so long but i do think it's a good illustration of this issue: i have a very clear sense of how gun and cher treat each other in their relationship. i have a clear sense of what they might do when they're spending time together, how they might banter or joke around, how they might comfort each other when they're sad.
i have absolutely no idea what a normal day in the life of jeng and pat even looks like. i don't even know how they normally address each other in private, and i have even less of an idea what they're like as a couple. is there flirting? banter? what do they like to do together outside of having sex? what do they like about each other?
i can answer all of these questions for cher and gun. their relationship is given adequate space on the show for us to see what draws them together, and what keeps them together once they've found each other. we know why they like each other. we know how they make each other's lives better, we know how they spend their time, we know why their relationship is important to them.
cher is not romantic at all, in fact, he is the opposite, he ruins every single romantic moment by making a stupid comment like he's getting paid for it. but he is incredibly loving. the combination is absolutely fascinating as a character trait and gun comments on it on several occasions, and it's clear that gun loves cher the way he is, stupid comments and all.
when jeng and pat are together, are they romantic with each other? do they have shared jokes? do they, like, have fun together at all?
these questions keep haunting me because literally nothing about their relationship has been established in any way, and as a result, i find myself not invested in their love at all. at this point, i'm sort of hoping for pat to stay single because the show hasn't shown me a single scene of pat and jeng just. being happy together. you know. the core thing a relationship should be about? (i'm with yok kinnporsche on this.)
what exactly will pat be missing about jeng during the upcoming two year time skip? i don't know. does pat know? do the writers know? what exactly does jeng bring into pat's life that he can't get anywhere else, besides his dick? how does jeng make pat's life sweeter, how does he make pat's life easier, how does he make pat's life brighter? i have no idea. and at this point, i am starting to think that the writers have no idea, either.
anyway. the main plot of abaab was a mess and i won't try to defend it but the relationship between cher and gun was beautiful and deep and we got to see exactly how these two fell in love and why, how they changed each other's lives, how they made each other better, how they learned to be each other's comfort and happiness.
and without that? well, i don't need to watch people working a terrible job that doesn't make any sense. i can just go to work for that.
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chenyann · 2 years
Missed kiss💋
Rook hunt 🏹
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All you wanted was to get to class so you give your friend a kiss on the cheek to let you go but Rook has other plans!
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Ahhh! It's finally done^^ft.brother like deuce
This is a sfw,fluff,bit suggestive? It kinda shows/talks making out. The rough draft got alot of love so thank you very much♡ I'm happy yall seem to like my ideas ~yako♡ épouse-moi means marry me Mon ami means my friend Je ťaime mon ange Means I love you my angel
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                  [ Nrc courtyard 12:21pm]
That is what you and Rook are;Friends. Nothing more nothing less,yes he could be romantic at times and make you blush,coo at you,take care of your skin routine,care for you when you're ill and call you mon amour.But it's just in a platonic sense….right?
You sit there pondering if yall are just friends,knowing very well your love for him is blossoming its wings like forget-me-nots and starting to take flight with the other doves who found love.What did that mean..? Why did he say that and didn't tell me….?
           (Flash back)
              [Pomefiore lounge 7:48pm]
"épouse-moi'' Rook said ``In the middle of one of yalls nightly conversations."huh? What does that mean'' you asked with curious eyes, similar to a curious baby deer when they first learn how to walk.``Nothing mon ami'' Rook said with a smile…warm…his smile felt like when you're basking in the sun for the first time in a while,its rays tickle your skin and settle down on a good patch of skin.He leaned down to his tea cup and takes a sip,you do the same as him and bring the tea cup to your lips.You can feel the tea trickling down your throat,it's warm and it's florescent taste lingers in your mouth as he starts talking again,moments later your had forgot those words he said and talked about little nothings to pass time, while basking in each others presence.
[NRC courtyard 12:30pm]
You sat there oh so elegantly looking like you're deep in thought. not really you were just sitting there normally.Every little thing you did Rook found elegant;as gentle as a dogwood petal falling in a pond, your skin radiating  the sun, with that cute little pout on your cute Lil face while you're stuck in thought.Rook wonders what you're thinking about,perhaps you're thinking about home,perhaps the weather,or your school work,maybe you're thinking about him..?He jokingly put his hand on his forehead and he waved himself some air with flicks of his other hand at the thought of you thinking of him.
"Rook" A stern voice called out as he watched you."oui?Roi du Poison." Rook said as he laid his eyes on Vil,he looked Rook up and down and sighed "you're staring at the prefect.It's rude to stare too long." Vil said as he moved his hands to his hips."Apologies Roi du poison,but trickster is so eye-catching don't you think?" Rook said as he put his hand on his forehead,Vil wasn't having it though,he crossed his arms and spoke once more."You can stare later Rook,I'd rather not be late"
"Très bien, Roi du Poison I shall look later." Rook said with a fake sigh and looked back at you "farewell mon ami." And with that he skipped behind vil and happily followed him.
[Nrc courtyard benches 12:36pm]
You snapped out of your thoughts when a fuzzy gray blob plopped on your lap."Y/n the great grim has been looking for you all day! And all you were doing was spacing out!?" Grim huffed and stared at you then at a figure right by you,you looked at the person taking a moment to realize it was one half or the adeuce duo."oh hey deuce what's up?" They boy gave you a worried look and spoke up.
"Y/n I've been trying to get your attention for 5 minutes now…are you okay" you look at deuce and feel guilt banging in your stomach.. For five minutes? I should have at least heard him…. "I'm sorry deuce I was spacing out what did you need?" You said offering the boy a smile to reassure him you're okay,he gladly took the smile and returned it."We got Ace to wait for us while we get you to come to lunch ." You pondered back and frowned, you almost missed lunch too and they made Ace wait because of you…actually Ace deserved it because we made us wait 30 minutes to get to lunch too..
"Oh I'm sorry for the wait let's go" you said as you got up from the bench with grim in your arms and deuce by your side, but you couldn't shake the feeling that you were being watched.
                       [Lunchroom 12:37pm]
"Finally you were gone for so long that we only got 13 minutes til class" Ace said with a frown,sebek was going on about how he should eat his lunch quickly so he can be with his Waka-sama,Jack was eyeing you likely to see if your not looking well without asking,Epel was the only one who spoke up.
"Ya actin' Like ya ain't the one who made us wait 30 minutes 'cause you got in trouble with ya dorm leader."epel let his accent slip but he paid no mind it's likely he just wanna fight so you sat down with deuce and grim,eating the food deuce got for you.  
                     [Lunchroom 12:56pm]
Jack was the first to excuse himself,leaving the table with a kicking and screaming epel with him,next it was sebek who left saying he has to guard his young master to his next period.Leaving the boys who were there since day one, the adeuce Duo and grim…
"Hey y/n you okay? you're spacing out again." Deuce asked, pulling you out of your thoughts."im fine deuce" you pause to think of a different topic"hey when is our next class?" you asked with a smile deuce returned it Ace gagged "hurry up lovebirds" deuce frowned "Ace dude that's gross bro we see each other as siblings." Ace looked shocked for a moment then just turned away "our next class is crewel and it's at 1:00" deuce said as you took your phone out.
"One-o-clock?" You asked,deuce smiled and shook his head 'yes'.You showed him your phone at first there was nothing to offer of the ordinary,your lock screen of a sleeping grim,  a few messages from deuce when he wanted to find you,game notifications,class notifications and- that's when he saw it.
In big numbers read 1:17pm,deuce scrambled to get his phone out and without a doubt his phone read 1:17pm. 
    Yall were late to class, even worse crewels class,Trein would at least give you a warning or extra homework that wasn't really hard,Vargas would just make you do 1 lap in the field and the other teachers didn't care that you were late they just wanted you to attend class.
[Nrc hallway 1:18pm]
Y/n wasn't at the courtyard,the cafeteria or at ramshackle. Rook thought as he let out a huff "where is my mon amour at?" He put his hand to his forehead while walking down empty halls,the Pitter patter of hurried steps echoed in rooks ears.
Ah…Monsieur Heart and Monsieur Spade! Perhaps they know where my mon amour is. Before he could ask, a familiar figure was caught in his line of sight.
"Mon ami!" He latched his arm to your wrist ever-so-gently.The sun grasping you with its eternal warmth,gently showering you with its rays.A star like you can't compare,but what if you are not a star but the sun's lover? The moon…perhaps you only saw yourself as a star because you're scared….eyes that blossom like flowers in spring meadows…the moon needs the sun like how the sun needs the moon.
In the end the sun always comes back y/n….
[Nrc hallway 1:22pm]
You felt a hand wrap around your wrist and gently pulls you in,resting against a firm but soft torso like how you feel when resting in a meadow.A hard ground but the soft flowers tickle your skin ever-so-slightly touching you,you snap out your thoughts when the person speaks.
"Mon ami,I've been searching for you!" It was  Rook who was speaking,you would have loved to stay and chat but you didn't want to get chewed out by crewel."I'm sorry Rook I'm in a rush" you said as you tried to wiggle out his grasp."But mon ami-" he was cut off by your friend "hurry up y/n" Ace yelled ,but Rook didn't yield in fact he held you closer.
"Yall just go on without me okay!" You yelled to your friends "your funeral y/n!" Ace yelled back while picking up grim, it was deuce who was less happy about it but he compiled."okay be careful y/n" he yelled as he scattered with Ace and grim.
"Rook, I really need to go. I'm about 20 minutes late to class" you said as he loosened his grip on you,but never letting you fully go.The way his green eyes bore into your own made a shiver run down your back. His stare was so captivating that for a moment, you almost wanted to skip and stay with him.Yall sat in comfortable silence until an idea popped in your head "If I give you a kiss will you let me go?"
Rook looked taken aback for a moment and had a giddy smile on his lips."Oui" he said Rook’s eyes were pretty much illuminating the hallway by now, his eyes were so bright even brighter than the sun.
You lean forward towards him, you hold his face in your hands and give Rook a peck on the cheek. Mwah 
"non non mon ami you missed"
Rook said with a sigh and frowned looking at you."What" you stare at him like a deer in the headlights "what did I miss?" You asked,With the gentleness of a feather, and speed of an arrow he kissed you.Capturing your lips in his,Finally he let your wrist go but you wanted to kiss him a little longer.Its likely Rook wanted the same because the hand that once held your wrist snaked down to your waist,his other hand travels to your head supporting it.
Once he finally pulled back five minutes later to gaze into your eyes cheekily, you shot him an angry glare.
"Très bien mon amour!But next time I won't stop to let go" he said with a smug grin,you turn your back to him with a huff and walk off to crewels class forgetting you're even late. As you turned the corner you heard the huntsman one last time "Je ťaime mon ange!" 
The warmth that was on your lips lingers in your mind,such a strange huntsman who would love the moon so much as to kiss it?At least I know the sun loves me just as much as I love him.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 months
The Curse of Oenone (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I'll be honest with you sometimes I hate this fic bc it makes me sad and I can't skip reading it bc I'm the one writing it -Danny Words: 2,129 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Kid Kingdoms (Acoustic)' -by Surfaces
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XII: Weird Flex but Okay
They walk into a gift shop where Frank gets a stash of new shirts—he had to leave New Rome in a hurry, after all—and Percy calls Ara to a corner of the shop.
"Look at this." There is a rack of kids' backpacks just like her T-Rex, except these are all sea creatures.
"That's you," Ara points at a jellyfish at the top, its eyes are mismatched and half of its head is pushed in.
As they make their way out, Ara spots a shark-shaped hat and grabs it. When Percy catches up with her and sees what she's holding, he raises a brow. She puts the hat on. "Leo collects hats."
"Weird hats," she clarifies.
Percy stares at it. "Weird hats for a weird guy. Makes sense."
Kate holds a light conversation with them, casually mentioning she's Phorcys's sister, so apparently, the nerd-looking girl is an ancient goddess, and Ara, the daughter of Olympus, is wearing a shark-shaped hat in her presence.
Percy keeps glancing at the exhibitions as if waiting for something to jump out of them. Ara's never seen him this worried while surrounded by water. When they reach the back of the Aquarium, they notice is packed with mythical creatures.
"This isn't right," Percy speaks under his breath.
The animals look malnourished and groggy like they're sedated. There are two Nereids in one of the tanks, and they don't even look up from their game when Percy walks by, which is alarming, cause all the Nereids love Percy.
"How can you keep them here?" Her brother asks Kate with anger.
"I know." She sighs with disappointment. "They aren't very interesting. We tried to teach them some tricks, but with no luck, I'm afraid. I think you'll like this tank over here much better."
"Holy mother of goats!" Hedge exclaims. "Look at these beauties!"
Ara turns the corner and stops. Her feet backtrack until she crashes against her brother and she points at the tank with a shaky hand. "Percy..."
"Are those—?"
"Telkhines?" Kate beams. "Yes! The only ones in captivity."
"But they fought for Kronos in the last war! They're dangerous!" Percy pulls Ara behind him.
"Well, we couldn't call it 'Death in the Deep Seas' if these exhibits weren't dangerous. Don't worry. We keep them well sedated."
"Sedated? Is that legal?" Frank asks.
"I don't think anything about this place is legal," Ara mumbles.
Percy keeps a hand on her shoulder for the rest of their walk to make sure she stays close, and just this once, Ara lets him. This place is freaking her out, it's quiet and dark and full of monsters.
"Hello!" A man appears out of a dark corner. Ara yelps and Percy yanks her back. To put it in the vaguest, most generous description she can think of, the guy looks like a humanoid crab. "Visitors!" Each word is blasted out of the speakers around them. "Welcome to Phorcys's Follies!"
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"Do you think it gets old with time?" I ask Percy. 
We've been doing our homework in the living room, and I'm getting pretty bored.
"What thing?"
"Fighting monsters," I explain, rolling my eraser across the table. "Do you think it stops being thrilling as you get older?"
"It's getting pretty old already," he huffs, eyeing his pen with a scowl.
Percy's had to do most of the fighting so far. I get why he says that, but I roll my eyes anyway. "Well, I hope never to get bored of it like with school."
He snorts. "Why do you like going on quests? We're always getting hurt, you're always almost dying."
I laugh. "I can't snub on the cool stuff that happens to me, but I am sorry that most happen at your expense. If I could, I would change things to be the one protecting you, because I like fighting."
Percy nudges my side. "Now that you're learning to fight, we'll do it together. We'll protect each other, right?"
I smile. "Yeah."
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"—THE MAP IN CHARLESTON," Frank startles her.
"But enough boring educational stuff! You've paid for the VIP treatment. Won't you please let me finish the tour? The three denarii entrance fee is nonrefundable, you know."
"Afterward, can we ask questions?" Percy inquires.
"Of course! I'll tell you everything you need to know." Phorcys claps and a new tunnel opens ahead of them. "Walk this way!" 
Frank leans closer and whispers as he mimics the god's posture. "Do we have to—?" 
"It's just a figure of speech, man," Percy replies. "Come on." 
"Hang on," Ara looks around. "Where's Hedge?"
Frank and Percy look at her. Her brother answers to her question. "He left with Keto, about two minutes ago." She stares at him blankly. Percy rolls his eyes. "You spaced out, didn't you?"
Ara shrugs and resumes her walk. "Gods talk too much, I can't help it..."
"The Greatest hero of our generation, everyone," her brother taunts her.
They walk until they reach a new empty tank. Phorcys stands in front of it proudly. "Beautiful exhibit, isn't it?"
"What do you keep in here?" Frank asks. "Giant killer goldfish?"
"Oh, that would be good! But, no, Frank Zhang, descendant of Poseidon. This tank is not for goldfish."
Frank backtracks when the god addresses him directly. Percy moves forward. "How do you know Frank's last name? How do you know he's descended from Poseidon?" 
"Well... It was probably in the descriptions Gaea provided. You know, for the bounty, Percy Jackson."
Percy draws out his sword and points it at the small god. "Don't double-cross me, Phorcys. You promised me answers."
"After the VIP treatment, yes," the god agreed. "I promised to tell you everything you need to know. The thing is, however, you don't really need to know anything. You see, even if you made it to Rome, which is quite unlikely, you'd never defeat my giant brothers without a god fighting at your side. And what god would help you? So I have a better plan. You're not leaving. You're VIPs—Very Important Prisoners!"
The god vanishes faster than they can attack him, his voice echoes from the speakers surrounding them. 
"You see, Mother never trusted me with big assignments, but she did agree that I could keep anything I caught. You two will make an excellent exhibit—the only demigod spawn of Poseidon in captivity—and the daughter of Olympus to fight them every day! 'Demigod Terrors'—yes, I like that! We already have sponsorship lined up with Bargain Mart. You can fight each other every day at eleven AM and one PM, with an evening show at seven PM."
"You're crazy!" Frank screams.
"Don't sell yourself short!" Phorcys replies happily. "You'll be our biggest draw!"
Ara hears a loud thud and turns to see Frank crashing against an invisible wall sealing the exit. Percy's hand is against the tank's glass and she can see the outline sinking into it, which means soon they'll be swimming. 
"We won't cooperate, Phorcys!" He shouts.
"Oh, I'm optimistic! If you won't fight each other at first, no problem! I can send in fresh sea monsters every day. After you get used to the food here, you'll be properly sedated and will follow directions. Believe me, you'll come to love your new home."
The crystal begins to crack. Percy can help Ara breathe but it would take some of his power away and eventually drain him, meaning she'd die. She spots a treasure chest from which bubbles are constantly coming out and feels slightly relieved, that's a good source of oxygen.
"I'm the son of Poseidon!" Percy claims. "You can't imprison me in water. This is where I'm strongest."
"What a coincidence! It's also where I'm strongest," the god chortles. "This tank is specially designed to contain demigods. Now, have fun, you three. I'll see you at feeding time!"
Her brother grabs her just in time before the glass shatters. The first thing she notices is that Percy's holding his breath, he holds her unmoving, and Ara slaps his cheek lightly to help him react.
"Hey!" It sounds like she's talking inside a box, but the boy snaps his eyes open and takes a sudden breath. Ara stares at him worryingly. "You okay?"
"Frank," he replies, holding Ara to keep her breathing and then turning around to look for the boy.
Ara pokes his shoulder and points up. "There."
Percy scowls at the giant Koi fish above them. Judging by his microexpressions, he's talking fish with Frank. Just another Tuesday for them. 
Percy shakes his head. "Frank's stuck as a Koi fish. Any ideas?"
Ara looks around the tank. She swims up—taking Percy with her—and touches the celestial bronze at the top. She closes her eyes and concentrates, starting to glow orange.
"The glass can stand low and medium force impacts, which is what we can generate underwater—at least Frank and I. But Phorcys thought of you as well, installed propulsors inside the tank that force the water to flow in separate directions at all times. Must be reinforced with magic so you can't rig it..."
She swims back down, pressing one hand against the glass, then seizes her T-Rex and opens it, fishing out a water bomb.
"We need something to optimize our strength, or get someone to hit it from outside at the same time we do. The glass wouldn't flex correctly and it'd crack, we could target the weak spots with Riptide and Almighty afterward."
Percy stares at her for a moment before replying. "So... in short?"
Ara places the bomb in his free hand. "Well, do you see anyone outsi..." 
Her question is left unfinished when Hedge and Keto enter the amphitheater facing them. Ara and Percy share a look and realize they're thinking the same thing. 
"Get his attention." She orders.
The girl drops Percy's hand, immediately feeling the pressure and coldness of the water around her. She holds her breath and swims towards the treasure chest. In the meantime, Percy grabs one of the giant marbles that they've got lying at the bottom of the tank. 
Ara dismantles the treasure chest so she can reach the plastic tube, she tugs it out and then takes a deep breath from it. Now she has an unlimited source of oxygen. She turns to see Hedge holding a conversation with Percy via wild gesturing.
Ara swims taking the tube with her, the currents making it harder to move since her cloak keeps dragging her around... Her cloak! She can clock in on another blessing, this feels like the right time to pray. 
Percy points at the glass and then lifts three fingers. Ara takes another breath from the plastic tube and then takes the water bomb from Percy and presses it onto the tube's end. She prays as she lifts it above her head with both hands.
Her body lights up a teal color. Ara's stomach sinks weirdly, she activates the bomb and lets go of it so the air from the tube throws it further away, the water swirls around them all in the same direction.
Percy smashes a marble against the glass and Frank—now human—pushes his whole body against it at the same time that Hedge kicks the crystal.
Several cracks spread across the surface and Ara locks eyes with her brother, knowing exactly what's next. She can feel the pressure building and pushing them against the glass, and so they press their hands against the cracks and force the water to escape through them at such speed that the wall explodes at once.
All the cuts she gets heal by the time she's back on her feet. She picks up her T-Rex, soaking wet and with the stuffing coming out. She spots the shark hat a few feet away and picks it up, coughing and trembling.
"Pan's pipes, Jacksons!" Hedge coughs. "What were you doing in there?"
Percy grabs him by the neck and starts running. "Phorcys! Trap! Run!"
Alarms blast around them. Percy glances at the trapped creatures with concern but Ara urges him forward. "Later, Percy! Don't stop!"
Phorcys voice booms out of every speaker. "Jackson!"
They don't know to which Jackson he's yelling, but it doesn't matter much. Phorcys must be desperate to activate some other trap because all kinds of special effects are happening around them. Ara catches her reflection in one of the tanks, the shark-shaped hat neatly placed on her head.
"Ha!" A sudden surge of adrenaline runs through her, Poseidon's blessing doing its job.
Percy looks at her, he gives her a hesitant smile at first that turns into peels of laughter as they keep running. For just one moment, it feels like they're kids again, exactly like the old times.
Ara spots a fire alarm and triggers it, causing panic among the visitors. She yells out confusing instructions so they run in every direction, distracting the staff so they don't go looking for them. She's not sure all the workers are monsters, but she won't leave it up to fate, they love messing with her and her brother.
They leave the Aquarium in one piece, but they continue to run, Percy and Ara laughing all the way to the Argo II.
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Next Chapter –>
@siriuslysirius1107 @ask-giggles1303 @asnyox-the-hoarder @im-planning-something-look @bandshirts-andbooks @coolninjapaper @thewaterlily @whenisthefall @1randomcomic @you-bloody-shank @sunflowergraves @owlalex44 @taylordaughter @typicalsolangelolover @writingmia @espressopatronum454 @slytherinnqueen @orbitingpolaris @obxstiles @ellipsisspelled @thepixiechicks
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lpdwillwrite4coffee · 7 months
Okay y'all. This is the story of how I owe $17,000 to the guy who propositioned me during family night at a local brewery and now I'm committed to bringing sensible wine options to his house for Thanksgiving.
Our tale begins like most do - panic crying in the living room while my house floods. Because of a freak polar vortex like day in February, my old drafty house and the rust bucket of a boiler in the cellar created a horrific one-two punch that ended in me nearly freezing to death in my own home and almost all of my heating pipes cracking and leaking, flooding my first floor and basement. It was terrifying, beyond stressful, and most importantly to this story, expensive.
After 2 and a half months of living in a hotel, battling insurance companies, daily anxiety attacks, and having 4 grand of insurance money stolen by my bipolar, narcissistic mother, I hit my absolute fucking limit. Friends of mine who are much better off financially than I have ever been in my life offered to help me out of the dark, lonely, and cold hole I'd wound up in. Three text messages and a lot of tears later, I was in possession of a check for $17,000 and had an official start date for construction. Praise Dolly.
A hop, skip, and a jump through time and we're now in July. I'm paying my friends back in monthly installments and trying not to crumble from the knowledge that it will take me 4 or 5 years of consistent payments to get out from under this loan. But at least I have heat. It's the little things I guess.
My friend, let's call him Mitch, and his wife, who unfortunately shares my name but for this we'll call her Lucette, are kindly checking in on me and inviting me to coffee/dinner/drinks to hang out. Things seem like they're back on track to being normal.
Lucette gets a new job that requires a ton of travel, so I don't see her as much as I do Mitch, but that doesn't bother me, as Lucette and I were never particularly close and spending more than an hour of time with her makes me feel like a dirt poor 19 year old who showed up to a nice dinner party in paint stained jeans and a ripped band tee. We are not energetic or socioeconomic equals.
One weekend, Mitch and I get drinks just to catch up, and he tells me that him and Lucette have made the decision to try out ENM (ethical non-monogamy). They've been married for 7 years, have had a bit of a dry spell due to pandemic close proximity, and there's just the general vibe that they want to try new things. I get it! And I'm encouraging. Life is too short for bad sex, I tell him, and he's thankful I'm not judging them. We have a good laugh about it all - particularly the bit about them seeing my profile on Feeld, as they have one too - and after another beer, I go home.
This is probably the part of the movie where the music changes, warning the viewer that some event is looming and possibly dangerous for our protagonist. If only life had such a soundtrack I could hear.
Throughout the summer and into September Mitch and I see more of each other and I take notice of the uptick in chill weekend day drinking and texts. Nothing about it feels off or motivated by anything other than being bored and wanting to hang out with a friend. And because I know about his ENM journey, I think there's the appeal there of getting to speak freely to someone who won't wrinkle their nose and make jokes about bringing pineapples to neighborhood BBQs. In a stunning change of mental pace, I don't overanalyze it. Perhaps this was a mistake.
One morning I wake up a text from Mitch cancelling plans. I'm secretly thrilled - I didn't want to shower that day anyway. But I can also tell something has gone horribly wrong on his end, but he doesn't say what, so I just "yeah, sure, let me know when you're free next" my way out of the conversation.
When we do talk next, he tells me why he cancelled. Lucette cheated on Mitch during a work trip. They'd established rules within their ENM arrangement that she broke. And she broke them loudly, multiple times, and with her iPad still logged in and left on the kitchen counter in full view of Mitch. Horrible words are said, declarations of 'the best sex of her life' are sent to several group chats, pictures are seen. It's bad.
Mitch is unwell. I comfort him as best as I can and he tells me that he and Lucette aren't pulling the divorce lever yet, but he's still heartbroken and scared he's going to lose his marriage. I feel awful for him. I offer to buy him another beer. He shows me the texts he saw. It's officially A Lot.
From that day on, I become his "my wife cheated on me with the guy she told me not to worry about" therapist friend who he can unload on and get sympathetic words in return. I've been imprinted on by the depressed baby bird hatched by infidelity and low self-esteem. It's not the first time, and I'm certain it won't be the last.
Tell me, how's that soundtrack only you, the audience, can hear? I bet it's tense and full of cello.
A few weeks later, I get a head cold. It's not the end of the world but it's annoying. I'm fevered, stuffy, exhausted, and I have not a drop of soup or broth in my home. Mitch sees my Instagram story about being sick and offers to bring me soup. "Aww, that's so nice of you, thank you." "Of course! I'll go get it and be right over." "Awesome! Just text me when you drop it off." Thirty minutes later my doorbell rings. My dogs bark their heads off. I'm a little annoyed. The bell rings again. I see Mitch's car in my driveway. I mutter to myself about why he didn't just leave it on the steps as I go to the door. I look disgusting and I'm flushed with a solid 100.2 fever, but I guess I'm having face time with Mitch now. I open the door and he hands over the soup almost immediately, but with an odd look on his face. I thank him and ask what I owe, but he refuses for me to pay him back. I thank him again. He doesn't make a move to leave. I tell him I'd invite him in but.... *gestures widely to the PJs I've worn for 3 days in a row and the broken capillaries in my nose and the dogs still barking behind the second entryway door* He smiles awkwardly and says it's okay. He still doesn't leave. "So... how are you, Mitch?" His shoulders slump. "I'm not doing great."
Ah. There it is. Mystery solved. My time has been bought with soup and he's lingering to collect on it. So I lean on my door, sniff back a disgusting level of mucus, and brace myself for whatever is about to be said. Turns out, Lucette couldn't stop texting the Best Sex Ever guy and possibly is fixated on him due to some weird aging hot girl nonsense. Mitch tells me he and Lucette are separating. She's sleeping in her home office. The mess got messier. I tell him I'm so incredibly sorry, this is awful, etc etc etc. He stays for 20 minutes to tell me all of this and get as much of a pep talk as I can muster while trying not to sneeze directly in his eyes.
In the interim, I've gotten several strangely loaded texts from Lucette, telling me she's glad Mitch has me and that she knows he values my friendship and advice on things. Alexa, play "She Knows." But I keep things as vague as possible, because I don't want to shove myself even more in the middle. I didn't choose to be imprinted on, but I can choose not to encourage a more permanent bond. Call me a wildlife rehabilitation center.
Being sick takes me out of commission for a while, and I have to reschedule multiple things, including getting beer with Mitch. That doesn't deter him from messaging me of course, but I don't see him for a couple weeks. When I'm feeling better, I tell him we should check out a brewery we've never been to before and we set a day.
This is probably the part when the audience yells as the protagonist not to go. Don't get in the car. Stay home.
Ah, to not be a participant in the narrative.
I get to the brewery and immediately I notice 2 things: 1, it's family Sunday Funday, and 2, the vibes around Mitch are........uncomfy. I turn into a socially anxious motormouth. I can't stop talking about literally everything that doesn't matter, including the child at the table next to us playing a solo game of Uno and the 80's music playlist. I order my beer and finally force myself to chill tf out. Maybe I've picked up on a vibe that has nothing to do with me. Maybe he's just feeling weird. Maybe I'm just insane. All of these options are valid.
Halfway thru our drinks, Mitch brings up the odd texts from Lucette. "I think I know why she was being weird with you." "Oh? Why?" I sip my beer and wait. He says, "So, back when Lucette and I decided to open up our marriage, we had a discussion about who we'd see ourselves dating..."
Hey audience, how's that music crescendo?
I blink. Mitch gestures with his beer. "And obviously, your name was at the top of my list."
And because I'm the definition of smooth, I practically shout, "REALLY???" so loudly 5 people turn around and look at me. Mitch doesn't even look away from me. Instead, he stares deeper into my eyes and asks, "Do you ever see that becoming a possibility?"
Me. Dating Mitch. After months of supporting him through a painful, messy separation that hasn't even really become official. After knowing way too much about his sex life. After all the sad boy memes and depressed 1am texts he's sent. After being forced to read his angry, sexually charged break up poetry in front of him 2 beers in at the bar.
I verbally flounder for a painfully long 12 seconds while watching that little girl beat herself with another Uno Reverse card, and finally land on a gentle but firm rejection of the idea. I don't have a chance to mentally process all the messed up parts to this messed up puzzle in the moment but when I get home it starts to click.
They had that conversation in the spring. Around the time that I had to borrow the money in the first place. And while I don't have proof, I can almost guarantee that Lucette vetoed Mitch's suggestion of bringing me into their situation, and now that they're breaking up, he feels like he can take a swing at it (pun? unintended?)
Which means that every single interaction, every single conversation and hang out, every single dollar bill I borrowed is colored with the knowledge I now possess which is that Mitch, for however long, has wanted to fuck me. He's wanted to fuck me so. Goddamn. Bad.
Audience, I bet you're the star at your optometrist's office with all that 20/20 vision. I'm honestly jealous.
No wonder Lucette was sending probing texts with the energy of "I know you know, and now you know I know." No wonder Mitch attached himself to me like a duckling trying to cross a busy road. No wonder both of them were so earnestly checking on me when I first moved back into my house. NO WONDER MY SUBCONSCIOUS MIND HAD BEEN SCREAMING "YOU'RE IN DANGER GIRL" FOR WEEKS.
And before ALL of this, Mitch had organized Thanksgiving at his house since Lucette would be out of town, and one of his friends created a list of what people can bring. I signed up for wine, since it means I don't have to cook. And when this entire thing came to a head, I started to write an "I'm bailing" text to Mitch. But before I could pull that trigger, our mutual friend messaged me to say how happy she is that I'll be there and that she's missed me.
So now, after finding out that Mitch has wanted to get his dick in me for months (if not longer) without even considering the power imbalance of me owing him SEVENTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, I have to pick out a sensible red and white wine and show up at his house at 2pm on Thursday.
Audience. Reader. Friends. I am.... stressed. And in serious debt.
And apparently hot enough to possibly instigate an argument between spouses.
Cue the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving song. This year I'm grateful for autonomy and friends willing to come up with a code word in case I need to escape quickly.
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Alien Storytime (From Another World Pt.2) 👩🏿💚👨👽
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Alien Jake "Hangman" Seresin X Alexa (Black Female Reader)
Warning: Just Fluff, Kids Being kids, Jake Being In Love, Alien Stuff, And That It....
It's been 3 or 4 years that you found and met Jake when that jet crashed in your garden that night, however even though at first you was hesitant because he is a alien with beautiful human features and you didn't believe that aliens didn't exist till now but once y'all getting to know each other little by little. You are starting to fall in love with him. So now, years later, Jake is still in the navy, y'all have already gotten married and have two children together....
So one day, while you spending time with the kids at the park playing around, one of them ask you can tell a storytime but you told your child to wait later because you don't want people look at you like you crazy if you telling them where their dad is coming from.
So later on that night, after the kids are tucked in for bed, now it's okay for you to tell them a bedtime story that how you & Jake met for the first time....
Alexa's Narrative The Story:
"Okay so what a upon a time, that night in Texas, a young woman who live by herself and just relaxing with a beautiful garden of her in her grandfather's ranch then all of sudden a giant light ball came from the sky crashing down onto the garden in a large explosion so she got up, went outside to check it out what going on, so she called out and no one responded till a someone moan."
"Then what happening mommy?" The child asked
"Then, she ran to the hole and she slipped inside, and met a sight that a man was wrapped up like a ball, holding himself together while he continued to groan and whimper in pain but it's make her heart skip a beat in worry. As she went closer look, and she knelt down besides him that a hint of fear of her beating heart that she called him making sure he okay and then all a sudden he jump out and crawled backwards, then he asked to the young woman where he is and she told him that we on earth and also she told him that he in Texas, and he responded that he from a another planet that not earth. So she took him in, and they started to have a conversation about where he from, and they made a deal that if he fixed her garden up, she would help him to get home.
So as the weeks go by little by little, the woman & the alien are getting to know each other, understanding about their lives, she showing him how to live on earth, showing him good food, having fun but also know how to drive too as well, the more they spending time, the more they starting to fall in love with each other because they enjoying their company.
So later on that night, the woman & the alien are laying down in the garden (where they like to enjoyed their free time at), while they enjoying spending time together watching the stars, she feel like she knows that she get back to the navy because her vacation is about to be over soon and he have to go back to his world but the alien's mind made up that he want to stay on earth because of the woman he fell so in love with showing him some things that he never seen before. So after all the brief arguments of back & forth, the alien said those three words: I love you. And that made the young woman's heart skip a beat the way he said it to her with the nervousness he had in his body. Then she ran into his arms and embraced him. And they finally kiss. So they went to the navy together and yes he got to become a pilot and they live happily ever after.
After Alexa tells the story, both of the kids are asleep now, but it's didn't hit you that the children she told the story to was your's & Jake's kids. Y'all have a boy & a girl, both of them are light-skinned, they are half alien, and yes, they have green eyes (which they glow in the dark, just like their father's). So afterward, you went to the living room and revealed that Jake was sitting down on the couch waiting for her.....
"Hi," you smiled at him
"Hi, my sweet, pretty girl," he responded while he smiled towards her
"So how your day with the kids though while I'm at work?" He asked
"Our day was good, but I did tell them a story, though."
"Really, what kind of story are you telling them tonight?" He curious to know
"Ohh, I'm just telling them that how mommy & daddy how we met." She said with a little smirk.
"Well, I'm glad I didn't regret staying on earth and spending the rest of my life with you, my darlin'." He smiling at her.
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A/N: Sorry the story take long (once again), just to make sure storyline is right in the sequel and also by the way this story is taking place after "From Another World" 👽💚👨🏼
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lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here bestie and I'm sick of attempting to organize my life in boxes so I'm taking a salt break, because while I wholeheartedly agree that the S4 premiere was infinitely better than any other season premiere (excluding S1 of course) I have some issues, especially regarding the Malex storyline. I mean the scenes were fantastic and Tyler and Vlamis always take any trash their given and take it to the next level (Michael's face when he heard the gazebo break was pure 😭😭😭😭😭) but a lot
of things about it pissed me off. The fact that the other couples got soft/cutsie storylines buy Malex got the angsty/almost breakup storyline (let Malex be happy writers, we are TIRED), the fact that they regressed Michael to his S1 mindset (also writers stop ignoring entire seasons of development for characters to push dumb plots), the fact that the amazing interaction between Michael and Dallas was undercut by the fact Michael did NOT take his advice (writers I know you don't  remember events between episodes but that conversation happened 10 minutes before Michael saw Alex ffs). However I want to talk about most egregious offense, which is basically there is NO WAY Michael Guerin would have broken the gazebo using the scenario they gave us. First of all, you cannot tell me that when Michael learned Alex had a precious childhood relic he built with his Mom (you know that would hit him hard) the first thing he did wasn't immediately go to his workshop  build an indestructible alien glass case for it, go back to Alex's, put the gazebo in the case, and then install earthquake proof/tornado proof/ everything proof shelving to put the case on. And then he would fix, the garbage disposal. Any other scenario is bullshit. Next, even if we buy that he addressed the disposal first, there's no way Michael, professional mechanic for half his life, sat at a rickety table where his soulmate's precious relic was, equipment spread out  everywhere like a college student with their first tool set they bought from CVS, fighting a screwdriver when he could use his TK, and with a wrench placed precariously (like comically so) above said childhood relic. I mean, we got that sad little Michael face (again 😭😭😭😭😭) which was soo much, but I still call bullshit.
This is late because of vacation reasons but I’m always down to be a salty bench! So, watching the episode the first time the scenario was more believable because Vlamis fucking sells it. NO ONE is our here doing the glassy eyes/kicked puppy look like him (except for Oliver Stark). But mostly I think, as always, RNM is still suffering from the way they dragged things out with Malex originally. Using stupid side relationships for drama instead of addressing the ACTUAL reasons these two were kept apart, and the trauma responses they have much earlier on ends up with now having to revert one of them (usually Michael) back to The Before Times. And yeah, healing isn’t linear and of course something like moving and getting everything he ever wanted is going to be triggering for Michael! But since we didn’t ever get to see him and Alex really digging in and addressing this stuff before now, it feels almost like an endless cycle of Michael spiraling and Alex brushing it off. Season 3 really did them dirty by refusing to address the elephant in the room (season 2 and m*ria) and having them at each other’s throats until they were magically back together without really hashing things out. And that *might* have worked if they decided they wanted to be together and then hashed things out later, but they didn’t. It was just sort of brushed off as “they’re together now, aren’t you fans happy?” And yeah, I’m happy they’re together but the compelling part of their story, the healing and catharsis got skipped over so it’s never going to be as satisfying as it should have been.  
Also, again as always, they forget their own mythology! We saw Michael take apart and put together an incredibly intricate handmade clock full of tiny cogs and springs and alien parts! You’re telling me he couldn’t fix that gazebo good as new? Or, like you said, that he wouldn’t have made an indestructible case for something so precious to Alex? Or moved it out of the way? Or used his powers to help fix the disposal? And I will absolutely buy him being too flustered and upset to think straight for this whole thing! It does make sense that at least SOME of those things could have happened. The argument can be made on how this all makes sense, and what Michael’s state of mind was, and how his trauma responses make what happened perfectly logical, however at this point after ALL the crap they have thrown at Malex and how they keep undercutting their own narrative, and keep regressing the characters (LITERALLY Echo’s every conversation is a flavor of the same argument), it’s a lot harder to want to give any leeway. 
It was also definitely frustrating that Echo got a “when is the best time to propose” plot, while Malex got an “I immediately fucked up and Alex is probably going to kick me out and hate me” plot, but again, Echo are also still having the same basic conversation they always have so it’s not like it’s that much better for them? *deep sigh* the wasted potential for this show will never fail to frustrate me. 
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jaassmmmiinne0420 · 2 months
Here’s my story from wattpad hope you enjoy it 🩷
I've been reading a lot of Dolan twin stories and, since i'm a fan of the Vampire Diaries, you'll notice references to the show; that's why they may seem familiar
Hi my name is Emily Ruiz I live in New Jersey, I'm 18 years old and a senior in high school. As an only child, I often am home alone because my mom, a travel nurse, and my dad, a pilot, are frequently away for work.
A little about myself: I'm 5'4 with brown eyes, glasses, and brown, mid-to-long hair, plus a sprinkle of faint freckles on my face. My body is fair; I'm not too skinny but do have a little belly. I have fair skin and enjoy parties now and then, but i'm mostly a homebody and a total movie fanatic. I love all kinds of music— a good song is a good song to me. I sometimes wish i had a sibling but my best friends Rosa and Megan are like family. We've been inseparable since the 3rd grade.
They Meet
I can't believe it's finally my senior year! It's such a bittersweet feeling -- I'm totally ready to be done with school, but it also feels like just yesterday I was heading off to my first day of first grade. But anyway, I've been debating whether to dress cute or comfortable since, unfortunately, I still have to go to school. I've decided on a plain black semi-cropped shirt with some olive green cargo pants and my trusty black high-top converse. For makeup, I'm keeping it light, totally clean girl aesthetic of me, and I slicked my hair back into a bun. After texting Megan, one of my best friends, to let her know I'm ready, I head downstairs to the kitchen to grab a granola bar and one of those breakfast to go drinks. I hear a honk outside my house it must be Rosa and Megan, my two besties.
*skip car ride*
It's like scene from a movie we all stand together in front of the school. Rosa says, "Well, here we are again," and Megan adds, "Yeah, but this time we're seniors." I chime in, "And we're going to rule the school!" with a laugh. It's so cool that the three of us have four classes together. " Ms. Morgan must have learned from the past three years not to put us in all the same classes" I joke "Yeah given all the times we had to be separated but still kept talking to each other" Megan adds with a laugh. After we say our goodbyes, I head to my first class of the day. While studying my schedule, I accidentally bump into someone. " Oh I'm sor-" i cut off " No trust me it's my fault" he says with a gentle smile "Yeah I had some fault not looking up and all" I playfully say. The bell rings signaling it's time to get to class, " Well I better get going" the stranger says I nod and give him a little smile before I leave as I'm walking away I turn back around to see him still looking at me I face forward I begin to think, who was that?
I get to my first class, trying not to think about the guy I bumped into. I couldn't help but wonder why I've never seen him before. So, I decided to text the girls about it.
Me - Hey guys, you'd never believe what just happened
R🌹- What !?
M🩷- What!?
Me- I just ran into this really cute guy 🤭
M🩷- How cute😗?
Me- Okay, first dibs, and based on looks i'd give him a ... 8.5
R🌹- Em I know it's not any of my business but what about dean?
Dean. My ex boyfriend of two and a half years. We had a challenging relationship, and even though we broke up, we would still talk about getting back together. But this past summer, something changed, and i couldn't stay in that forever
Me- I don't know, I gave up on that. I still love him but i just can't do it anymore.
R🌹- You know i'm just looking out for you i just want you to be happy Em so tell us all about this 8.5 .. based off looks
Me- There's not much to tell. We bumped into each other in the hallway, said sorry and went out separate ways
M🩷 - Well if you see again and we're with you point him out
R🌹- yeah and if we're not try to sneak a picture 🤭
Lunch finally arrived, the girls texted me saying they're in the cafeteria. I texted back saying okay, but I had to use the bathroom. As I walked out of the bathroom, I hear a thud.. please don't tell me I accidentally hit someone with the door, I ran outside to see my victim. He groans while holding his head "Careful with that!" he says " I'm sorry, but what do you have against the door?" I ask as I try to hold in my laughter " Apparently my face" he laughs as I help him off the floor and then I realized it was the guy from earlier this morning "We have to stop meeting like this" I joked, he just looks at me weird " Damn how hard did I hit you?" I asked while touching his head "We met?" he asked confusingly " Yeah we bumped into each other earlier this morning" I say trying to jog his memory. " Hey are you sure you're okay?" I concernedly asked " Yeah I'm just gonna head to the nurse thanks tho" he says as he walks off rubbing his head. I see Rosa and Megan coming my way " Hey Em! Who was that?" Megan asked, I explained what happened and they just start laughing, " But I must've hit him pretty hard because he didn't remember us bumping into each other" I added " I'm not surprised you probably gave that poor guy a concussion" Rosa teased. I roll my eyes as we walk to the cafeteria as we're sitting at our table I can't seem to get this guy out of my mind, I felt bad I kept thinking how he must not like me because of how many times I already hit him and it's barely the first day. School finally ends and I still haven't seen him I genuinely wanted to apologize, the girls and I make our way back to my house we hang our for awhile until they both get called home. We say our goodbyes they leave and I close and lock the door, I head upstairs to my room take a quick shower put on a big t-shirt and shorts and put on a movie and caught myself falling asleep.
Authors Note : Did anyone catch the grease reference 😂 anyways this is kind of my first story hope you guys liked it lmk if y'all want more xoxo J🩷
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katsukikitten · 4 years
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Aight yall know the rules. 18 PLUS. Minor DNI, this was written for and helped to be dreamed up by @kingkatsuki who is always down to simp over Bakugou with me. Drummer!Bakugou x kindagroupy fem reader. Warnings include lots of smut and impact play. 💋🐱
Welts and bruises were hardly seen beneath the black swirling ink that snaked from a thick wrist all the way up a banded arm to nestle itself just barely over a normally guarded heart. Your fingers grip at drumsticks as you look over a certain hot head, unsure of your relationship status other than the fact that he used you to bring himself down from the height of the show. 
Just like he did a month ago at a meet and greet. Glaring at your stupid rare band shirt that featured him instead of his band mates. "No one gives a fuck about the drummer. It's why I'm the fucking drummer so I don't have to deal with mindless extras."  
To be honest it was his first time seeing that shirt since production, signing all 70 in existence half heartedly. You recall how agitated he was, obviously forced to this meet and greet when normally there were rumors that he never shows. He twirls his drumstick in his large fingers to keep from exploding as Kirishima, Jiro and Denki entertain the snobby VIPs. You had been lucky enough to win your ticket in a radio drawing and even though Bakugou wasn't talking much, not that you expected him too, it was nice to be there. 
Nice to have his garnet gaze cutting into your skin even if it was just harsh glares. It takes Kirishima a minute to figure out just why Bakugou hasn't left yet. His own glistening rubies roaming the small group of five until they land on you. The devil settles himself in Kirshima's skin as he stands, a rare and cocky smirk adornes his lips. He sits next to you, practically on top of you and your cheeks flush from the closeness of your second favorite band mate. You can smell the linger sweat from the show, musk and dark pine needles tickle your nose as you swallow desire whole. Choking just a bit as he leans closer. His calloused digits finger the hem of your shirt, pulling it away from your body a bit to inspect it more closely. 
"Ah, that's a sight to see." He chuckles, eyeing the shirt that has a shirtless Bakugou in action, sticks raised as he sits over his precious drum set, "This is from one of our first real gigs." 
"I know. The drumming interlude while Jiro rested her strained voice was so energizing. After that amazing show I had to buy a t-shirt of my favorite member! But they didn't have any at the show. It was hard finding this." Suddenly Bakugou's gaze becomes too much, leaving you feeling hot and bothered as the room seemed to smell like spiced caramel. What little ease you felt by Kirishima was devoured by the brooding blonde sitting on his throne of well worn leather. Gulping, you turn to face Kirishima a bit more as he chuckles again. 
"You don't want sour puss as your favorite. How about I make you a deal huh?" The room goes a little quiet as the other VIPs feign interest to hear. After a moment you nod a bit nervously fighting to keep your gaze on Kirishima. Meanwhile Bakugou tongues his lip ring with irritation.
"Why don't we trade shirts? I'll give you mine for yours?" He says, large hand gripping at the fabric at the nape of his neck. Pulling it off in one swift motion, setting it gently in your hands. The fabric a bit damp from the show, tingling pine masks your senses as you grip at the black fabric. 
Would it be rude to turn down a rock star? 
Just as you're about to find out the blonde stands, all eyes wide and set on his godly figure. His abs peeking out from beneath his infamous sleeveless and tattered black denim vest. 
The same one you wore now. You remember how he dragged you from the room and showed you just exactly who your favorite band member. Not knowing he played right into Kirishima's hand. 
Even now he still gets possessive when Kirishima comes too close. Pushing the guitarist and side vocals harshly away as Bakugou comes to close to you, cornering you against a sidewall backstage. 
"Hey Brat. Are you flirting with fire engine again?" His face says pissed but his tone is all tease. He nips at your ear before gripping your hair to tilt your head, exposing your neck to him. He licks a stripe up the column relishing how you taste before leaving a gasp inducing bite. Pink indents and a beautiful bruise bloom in his wake. Absentmindedly his thumb swipes over the mark gently. 
"Did you hurt yourself Suki?" You ask softly, hands having discovered just how raised those welts were. He watches the worry stain your features, pulling your bottom lip into a delightful pout. He leans down to your face, pulling at the jutting lip and giving it a small bite. Your skin erupts in heat, surging through your body until it settles in between your legs.  He pulls back, giving you his signature arrogant smirk. 
"Oi, don't get so worked up Princess. I'll show you how I got them after this set." He takes the drumsticks from your grip giving you a final, searing kiss before he makes his way on stage. Always the first to get the crowd hyped up as everyone else got situated. 
Anyone who had seen the same set of songs performed twice weekly for a month might have used the word bored to describe how they were feeling as they waited for the band to finish. 
But you were not like most people, see these 90 minutes that sometimes stretched into two hours was equivalent to a strip tease for you. Always having to shift your weight with the passing of each song, trying to get some friction for the heat that he caused at your core. His ash blonde hair would become darker, losing his spiky nature as it drooped from the weight of caramel scented bliss, the stands sticking to his skin causing him to push it back, exposing his forehead. His black shirt would darken as well, agitating the hot head as it clung to his muscles, sticking to skin and trying to throw off his rhythm. Between a song he places one of his drumsticks in his mouth, letting his large hand tear at the shirt until he can shed it off as if it were a second skin. 
The crowd always roars with excitement as the camera zooms in on him. On his dark eyes and glistening pecs. The ink of his arms and just barely over his pectorals sends a jolt of electricity through you, mouth salivating as you remember them hovering over you the night before. 
You clench around nothing, underwear becoming uncomfortable in your pleated skirt as you pull the well worn denim closer to you as you wait. 
Finally the show ends with Jiro giving all of her love to the crowd, to Kirishima and Denki rifting notes off of corded strings as Bakugou guides them with his ever steady beat. Slamming onto the symbols, foot bass and the drums, sweat flying from him as he moves. 
"Until we meet again!" They scream and the crowd echoes back their famous saying. 
Bakugou practically runs off stage, damp with caramel bliss as he rushes to you. Hunched over so he can scoop you up, giving you a twirl as he hoisted you into the air. Banded arms resting under your ass. 
"Did you see me out there, kitten?" His voice is rasped as he pants, laced in rare and genuine excitement. His skin sticking to your skirt and shirt as he brings you down to your black converse. He kisses you hungrily, gasping between kisses trying to catch his breath as he clings onto you with shaking fingers. 
"I'm always watching, king." You reply between swipes of his tongue. 
"Skipping the meet and greet again Bakugou? Manager Todoroki won't be happy." Kirishima comments, his voice softer than normal, his own dyed hair sticking to his skin. 
"Fuck him. It's an hour from now anyway dick head. I'll be in later." Bakugou growls back, as you push hair from his face to better see his eyes and his forehead. He lifts your giggling form again as he takes you back to his room. 
Neither of you hear Kirishima's comment to Jiro. 
"Have you ever seen him so in love?" 
The darkness of the room and the smell of you are soothing to Bakugou, his body still a live wire from the show as he tries to get a second wind so he can please you. He knows what his performance does to you, having come back to you soaking through your panties. Just as you were now, still his endurance was tested this week with three shows in a row. 
"Maybe you should-" 
"No." It comes out as a growl as he slowly begins to strip you of your clothes. Leaving you in nothing but his favorite skirt, he pushes you to lean over the futon, flipping up your skirt so he can see your bare sex. 
"God you're such a dirty slut." He sees your sex and thighs glistening with your slick, he lets his fingers collect your essence before swirling over that sensitive bud. 
"F...fuck Katuski." You cry out, hips bucking against him already before he leans over your body, his hard on poking your through his black jeans. 
"Still wanna see how I got these bruises baby?" He pants, even fingering you was taking effort but he wanted, needed to see you panting, begging beneath him. 
"Y..yes yes please!" His fingers still working as he's pressed against you, the coil in your stomach snapping as you see stars. Shaking beneath him as he puts you through two more. Slick pulling away from your sex in strings causing him to lick his fingers dry, holding eye contact with you as you shudder. 
Eye liner already starting to smudge as your mouth falls open into a mewl. He reaches for the wooden sticks in his back pocket. He removes one, the stick nicked and scuffed in various spots from the intensity of tonight's show.  He rubs your ass with his large palm before letting a harsh smack land on your supple cheek. Repeating the process until your cheeks glowed bright red. He lets the smooth wood run across your burning ass before he tests it with a light whack. Trying to remember how it felt against his own skin wanting to keep the damage at a minimum.  The precise impact causes you to jolt and whine. 
"More, I need more." You cry again and again as he let's the wood impact on your tender cheeks. Alternating sides while rubbing where he just hit  
"Yea? Such a greedy slut." Getting lost in your begging he brings down the drumstick a little too harshly, his mind hazed from the lingering show and from the pull of you. The stick snaps in half causing a bruising welt to rise at an alarming rate. Growling he tosses the stick aside, coming down to kiss and bite at your ass tenderly. You push your hips in the air. 
"Katsuki, baby. Please, please fuck me." You beg as tears fall down your perfect cheeks. 
"Fine, but." He pants slowly freeing himself as he lets the head of his cock stretch your sentence, "But only to cockwarm." 
"Noooo!" You whine, squirming as he plunges himself into your velvety walls, already setting a slow pace just to feel you clench against him if anything. 
"Please, please King. I want more. I need you to fill me, Katsuki, please." 
"I'll fucking give it to you brat." He snaps, the sight of you was too much.  Peering over your shoulder, eye liner smeared, hair sticking to your face as your mouth formed that perfect O. He throws caution to the wind and gives in to instinct, to you. 
He sets a harsh pace, his body shaking from exertion as he pounds into you with sloppy haste. Being much more vocal than usual as he grunts and groans allowing your tight cunt to pull him in. The sounds of your arousal echoes through the room as your feet come off the floor, squeezing your thighs around Bakugou to keep him close. Slowly you become limp letting him fuck into you before tensing as he hits that damned spongy spot. Causing stars to catch in your vision and the sounds of his groaning send you over the edge. 
"I'm gonna-" But you never finish it as a scream rips up your throat causing your voice to go hoarse. Your spasming cunt sends the hot head into a groaning tangent. His hips pistons into your soaking heat sloppily before they stutter. His hands gripping at your hips, body shaking the way yours normally does after a heavy session. He pants your walls in ropes of delicious hot cum, the action causing you to whimper.
In what feels like too a short time to Bakugou but the perfect amount to you, he withdrawals from you. Watching you twitch as his seed slips out. Gently he pushes it back in, before gathering some on his digits determined to make you cum a few more times until he is ready to go again.
Bucking and crying trying to squeeze your thighs to shut him away but he spreads you out until his fingers pull something special from you. Body so tense that if touched wrong you might shatter. 
And shatter you do as a silent scream escapes your lips, a clear liquid squirting onto his inky arm and black clothes.
"Ah, kitten I wanted you to squirt on my cock." He coos, rubbing slow sensual circles to bring you down slowly. Rubbing your ass, sure to check on your battered cheek, damning himself for losing control. He lifts you up, turning you to face him as you cling to him, arms crushing him to your smaller frame. 
"You okay Princess?" He asks, peppering kisses atop your head causing tears to burn your eyes. You choke out the question you had been meaning to ask since that first night. 
"What am I to you?" Your voice shakes as badly as your body, as if you were freezing from a chill. He tenses beneath you and you think you've crossed the line. Before you can backtrack he pushes you away from him to grab your chin. Leveling your face to his as he stares into your soul. 
"My fucking everything." He growls out, voice worn from overuse, "How else can I show you?" 
His thumb wipes away a few stray tears as you process what he has said. 
"I gave you my lucky vest didn't I?" You giggle at his question, nodding in agreement. He pulls you into a hug, eyes glaring at the clock. 
"Stay." He commands rushing to the sink to dampen a rag in warm water. He starts with your face, clearing it of the black eye liner. Slowly making his way down your body until he gets to your sticky sex. Wiping away his essence and yours before pressing a soft kiss to your hair line. He tosses the rag into the sink and rummages through your duffle bag returning with the shirt that started it all. A kiss is pressed to the black fabric before he slips over your head, sliding his lucky vest onto your strong shoulders before he adjusts your skirt. Twirling you in a mock dance to check for stains on your skirt, when he sees none he dresses himself pressing a water into your hand. You bite your lip thinking he's going to leave you here. 
"Sorry but you gotta come with me to the meet and greet since you've got this on." He tugs at the black denim causing you to giggle. Relief floods his aching body as your lips curl into a bright smile. 
True to his word Bakugou slips into the long meet and greet with you in tow an hour and a half after he started. 
"Here's your fucking sticks kid." He says, shoving a set of drumsticks into some snobby kids hands. The man scoffs with a retort. 
"I paid for the ones you used tonight. These ones are brand new." 
Bakugou narrows his eyes at him, leaning in close as if you share a secret but he speaks at a normal volume. His face suddenly changing to a cocky, knowing smirk. 
"Guess I broke tonight's pair kid. Tough fucking luck."
He sits in his normal spot, away from others. Pulling you onto his lap, reminding the room that he was taken. 
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tawaifeddiediaz · 3 years
how about "I see you still have my shirt" ?
KATE thank you for the ask hehe <3 I'm slowly catching up on these so
simping softness prompts
[AO3 Link - like home]
Word Count: 3328 words
Warnings for this: teeny bit of sickfic vibes and a vague allusion to a child who's been abused (not at all graphic, it's a one-paragraph retelling after they get back to the station) [yeah i don't know why i can't just write straight fluff but here we are]
Buck was clearing out his closet when he found the first one.
At first, he didn’t recognize the beige-green shade, or the weirdly straight shape of the T-shirt. It felt strange when he put it on, too — a bit too tight across his chest and shoulders, but still falling loosely around his waist.
“That’s weird,” he murmured to himself, walking over to the bathroom.
He didn’t exactly remember buying an Army T-shirt, nor did he even know if he’d been around any place where he could get it for free. The only military service T-shirt he had was an old one from his SEAL try-outs, and that was in tattered at this point. Buck would be surprised if it still fit him after all these years.
Buck twisted around to look at the back, his mouth falling open in surprise as the air left his lungs.
DIAZ, it read boldly, each letter emblazoned between his shoulder blades.
It was Eddie’s shirt.
Suddenly, the flimsy fabric held a significant weight against Buck’s skin, settling in place as if it was meant to be there. There was an asinine hilarity to how quickly Buck went from throwing the shirt in the donation pile to stuffing it back into his closet, for his eyes only.
It wasn’t like there was anyone else who could find the shirt sitting among his own and trace it right back to Eddie, but suddenly, Buck felt the need to keep it private, for himself.
His heart skipped as he traced the four letters with his eyes, twisting back around to look at the faded letters across his chest, wondering how many times Eddie wore the shirt without really thinking about it, never as anything sacred.
The army was his best friend’s least favourite topic to talk about. Save for a few casual conversation drops, Eddie almost never talked about the army as if it were something personal to him.
Perhaps that was the same nonchalance that led to this shirt getting mixed in with Buck’s stuff, without being missed.
If Buck had to predict it, he would say that Eddie forgot this shirt when he went back home after the quarantine they’d spent at Buck’s apartment. He’d found a pair of socks that ended up being Chim’s, and an earring of Hen’s a few months after. Albert’s stuff still showed up from time to time, randomly shoved into forgotten drawers, or stuffed down the couch cushions.
But that had still been a year and a half ago. They’d lived lifetimes in that time, between the leaps their lives took, only to tangle them closer together.
Buck stared at his reflection, standing in Eddie’s shirt. There was a certain intimacy to unknowingly sharing articles of clothing that kept them from being too vulnerable, but it burned something fierce to have this piece of Eddie without the rest of him.
Eddie had broken up with Ana three weeks after the shooting, and to Buck’s knowledge, he hadn’t dated anyone else since. Every time Buck asked, Eddie always shrugged and said he was waiting for the right time.
It had been a few weeks after breaking up with Taylor that Buck had realized that this...thing...with his best friend wasn’t as platonic as he’d wanted to think it was. They always seemed to be skipping through hurdles at some points, while slowing to a snail’s pace at others. Always daring the other to make the first move, always trying to catch the other slipping
The thing was, Buck knew Eddie was waiting on him. It was in everything Eddie did for him — from as small as grabbing Buck’s favourite cookie when he bought his coffee in the mornings, to bigger things like using words Buck needed to hear when he was feeling down. Eddie had never been a man of words; he was a man of action, through and through, and Buck knew it better than anyone that Eddie went out of his way to make him feel like he was loved. And he did it without the expectation of anything more.
Buck wanted more, but he wasn’t ready to risk what he had with Eddie and Christopher yet. He knew, without a doubt, that it would be worth putting everything on the line, but sometimes, it was hard to believe that he got to have this. Buck knew Eddie was it for him, and that realization was scarier than anything else he’d learned about himself over the years.
He was working on it, but he wasn’t there just yet.
Buck slipped the shirt off with all the care of handling something delicate, folding it carefully before walking over to his closet. He set the shirt on the top shelf for easy access, apart from all his other things.
Eddie hadn’t asked for it in over a year, so Buck assumed it was okay if he kept it.
Maybe one day, Buck would find the courage to give it back to him, along with all the other things he’d been holding back from.
For now, though, this was enough.
The next item to join his grand stash of one shirt was a sweater.
“You’re going to drive me insane one day,” Eddie commented as he came back, cough medicine and thermometer in hand.
“Not my fault,” Buck rasped, struggling to sit himself up. Eddie took him by the elbow and helped him sit against the pillows. “You try babysitting a preschooler.”
“I’ve done my dues,” Eddie snorted, filling the cap up to the line.
Buck had to laugh at that. “Done my time, paid my dues.”
“Shut up.”
He paid for the quip with bitter, sticky medicine that made him feel like his throat was being glued shut. Buck shuddered the whole way it went down while Eddie only shook his head at his antics. “I hate that medicine with everything in me.”
Eddie ran the thermometer across his forehead, grinning as he turned the screen to show Buck the blinking numbers. “99.2. Not bad at all. Your fever finally broke.”
“Thanks, Doctor Diaz,” Buck said as sarcastically as he could manage, closing his eyes as he drifted. He wasn’t delirious from fever, but his body ached something fierce and he still felt cold from where Eddie had pushed all of the blankets off him in an attempt to break his fever.
It worked, but Buck was cold.
He had hardly reached for a thick blanket before Eddie was on him, taking it away in favor of a thinner fleece one. “Eddie, I’m freezing.” He was a little too far gone to care how whiny and nasally he sounded.
“Wait, I might have something for you.” Buck watched as his friend walked over to his dressers, rummaging through until he pulled out a sweater. “Put this on.”
It was a plain black sweater, but as Buck pulled it on, Eddie’s scent engulfed him, embedded into the thick wool. The sweater was clearly meant to be oversized, because the sleeves went past even Buck’s fingers.
He burrowed as much as he could into the warm material, feeling his body relax into the mattress at the familiar smell. Most of Buck didn’t even care that Eddie was watching him, but the small part of him that did mumbled out a thanks, drifting between sleep and wake.
As he gave himself over to unconsciousness, Buck thought he felt Eddie brushing his fingers through his hair once, just before the door clicked shut.
Buck pressed his face into Eddie’s sweater, and smiled in his sleep.
Sweatpants were next, along with a long-sleeved shirt this time.
This time, it really wasn’t his fault. He and Christopher were just trying to open a can of pizza sauce. It wasn't their fault it went off like a bottle rocket.
Buck and Christopher stared wide-eyed at Eddie, who was staring right back at them. Buck was sure they looked like victims at a crime scene, with pizza sauce smothered all over them. There was even some in Buck’s hair, though God knew how.
“How…” Eddie trailed off, sighing. “Okay, don’t move.”
“Do you think he’s mad?” Christopher asked as Eddie dashed out of the kitchen, looking up at Buck.
“Nah, it was an accident,” Buck told him, knowing it to be true. “Why’d it explode like that, anyway?”
Christopher shook his head. “I don’t know, but it’s messy and feels gross.” He went to rub his eye but Buck caught his wrist before he could smear tomato all over.
“You got that right,” he cringed. Buck felt disgusting . It would take forever for them to stop smelling like garlic and Italian seasoning. Not to mention the sabotage to their dinner plans — Buck felt worse about that , far more than about the colossal tomato disaster Eddie’s kitchen had become.
Eddie came back with a trash bag, holding it out to them. “Those clothes are as good as gone. Might as well dump them now. We’ll clean the kitchen after you two are clean.”
They dutifully stripped down before Eddie took Chris into the hallway bathroom, calling out behind him. “Buck, you can use the shower in my room. There’s clothes on the counter for you.”
Feeling a little more than naked standing in Eddie’s kitchen in just a tank and his boxers, Buck cut through the hallway to make a mad dash for Eddie’s room. True to it, Eddie had set out a pair of sweatpants and another shirt.
It took some good scrubbing before Buck felt confident enough that he didn’t smell like pizza sauce. By the end of it, he’d used probably half of Eddie’s body wash, a good amount of shampoo and almost all the conditioner.
He made a mental note to replace them later.
The sweatpants were too short on him, coming an inch above his ankle. Still, they were passable, and more importantly, clean .
Buck threw the shirt on, pushed the sleeves up and made sure he smelled human before leaving the bathroom.
Eddie and Chris’ voices were still coming from the bathroom, so Buck decided to start cleaning the explosion in the kitchen. There was sauce all over the counter, floor, cabinets and stove. None of it managed to get on the stretched out pizza dough, because of course not.
Buck was in the middle of scrubbing the second cabinet when Eddie and Chris came back.
“Oh, you didn’t have to do that,” Eddie said, grabbing another rag to start wiping the counters down. “I ordered pizza, by the way. Figured we’d avoid another accident.”
“It was for the best,” Christopher nodded solemnly, walking over to the pizza dough. “What are we going to do with this?”
“We could turn that into garlic bread,” Buck suggested, turning towards Eddie. “Wouldn't take more than a little butter, garlic and salt.”
Eddie shrugged. “You two are the chefs here. Anything sounds good to me.”
They did end up making breadsticks, and when the pizza came, they ate cross-legged in front of the TV. It was cozy, sitting there in his boyfriend’s clothes during their normal movie night, with his favourite kid in the world tucking into his pizza across from him.
Eddie drew Buck in for a quick kiss as they settled on the couch together, Christopher curled into Eddie’s side. “You look good in those.”
Buck looked down at himself, thinking of all the other clothes that were Eddie’s, reserved for that top shelf in his closet. “You think so?”
His boyfriend nodded, dragging a thumb along the sleeve. “Yeah.”
Christopher shushed them loudly when the movie picked up, effectively ending the conversation. Buck couldn’t resist grinning at the kid’s antics with Eddie, but also a little bit because he still hadn’t told him about the clothes he kept tucked away.
Those were safe. Now that they were dating, Buck felt better about slipping into bed wearing something that once was Eddie’s. The sweater still smelled of his boyfriend’s cologne, and Buck tugged it on whenever he needed a pick-me-up, or whenever he missed him on the rare days he spent alone at his loft.
Buck wondered what Eddie would think about the stash — not that he was thinking of telling him just yet. Maybe one day, but for now, Buck was content to have two more articles to add to it.
It was entirely Eddie’s fault that these clothes never got back to him.
In general, Buck kept it to himself.
He didn’t tell anyone how much he actually liked wearing Eddie’s clothes — how safe they made him feel, how easy it was to ground himself with the scent of Eddie around him. He didn’t tell anyone how wearing the sweater Eddie had given him, while he was caring for Buck in a way no one but Maddie had, made missing his boyfriend a little more bearable. Especially on shifts Eddie worked without him, when an unease would grip Buck and not let go until he knew Eddie was at home again.
Some days, though, it was all he could think about.
Buck rummaged through their locker, looking for the jacket that belonged to Eddie. Eddie, who wasn’t on shift, and had no idea of the thoughts racing through Buck’s mind right now.
Finally, he found what he was looking for, shoving his arms through the sleeves and zipping it all the way up, as if the thin fleece could stop the bone-deep chill from spreading through his chest.
“Buck?” Bobby’s voice came from the entry of the locker room just as Buck sat down heavily on the bench, as if his strings had been cut.
“You doing okay?” Bobby asked gently, sitting next to him.
Buck thought about it.
His hands were still trembling, and he didn’t think he’d be warm again. He wanted Eddie so much his heart hurt with it, his brain wouldn’t shut up for five seconds and the weight on his chest still wouldn't let him suck in a full breath.
“No,” he answered honestly.
Bobby didn’t push him to talk after that, only sat there in quiet support. Buck was more grateful than ever for it, because the words came tumbling out of him anyway.
“I hate the things we see on this job sometimes.”
The admission snapped through the air like lightning, straightening the captain’s back as he listened carefully.
Buck continued only after tugging the sleeves of his jacket over his fists, hiding as much of himself behind the jacket as he could. “I know the world is a cruel place, but G od it’s exhausting to see it all the time. Because my brain just keeps wondering what life even is, why some people are dealt the hands they are and on those days, it’s so much harder to see the good in the world.”
“We could sit here for centuries and not know the answer to that, Buck,” Bobby replied gently. “But there is good, even on the days it’s harder to see. It doesn’t go away.”
Buck absently picked at a thread, thinking about Eddie and Christopher. He couldn’t see them, but he knew they were there, and they weren't going anywhere. “Yeah, you’re probably right. It’s just...so hard to see.”
“The kid will be fine. I spoke to the hospital, and they said she’ll make a full recovery.”
Buck had been first to reach her from where she’d been stumbling through a neighbourhood. She’d been half-delirious from exhaustion, clothes dirty and hair mangled. There were bruises and cuts littered past the grime, and Buck’s heart had nearly given out once the pieces fell into place.
Hell, he had frozen. Hen had pulled him away while Bobby and Chim quickly began treating her.
“Why don’t you go lie down for a bit? We’re off calls for the next hour, get some rest.” Bobby hesitated for a bit, before gesturing towards Buck’s phone. “Maybe talk to Chris? It might help you feel better. Eddie, too.”
Buck gave his captain a grateful nod, standing up on creaky legs to go to the bunks. Hen and Chim were already in there, both of them with headphones in. The solemn mood clung to the air, pressing it a little heavier in Buck’s lungs.
They gave him questioning looks, and Buck gave them tired smiles in return as he crawled into the next empty bed, closing his eyes. It was easier to pretend that he was back home in Eddie’s bed with Christopher snuggled between them if he didn’t have his eyes open. He didn't want to talk about this with them over the phone, so he simply slid his phone underneath his pillow and curled into himself.
The jacket smelled strongly of Eddie and home and everything Buck loved, so he buried his nose into the fabric, finally letting a few tears slip when no one could see him.
No one mentioned how the fit of the jacket was too snug to be Buck’s own.
It all came out a year after Buck found the first shirt.
“Do you really need all of this?” Eddie teased as he moved around the loft with another box. Buck laughed from where he was packing the side table.
“Yeah, I can’t roam around naked all day.” He instantly held a hand up as Eddie opened his mouth. “Nope, don’t.”
Eddie’s laughter rang out in the almost-empty apartment, and Buck smiled at the rich sound as he turned back to his task.
“Oh, what’s this?” His voice sounded faraway. Buck craned his neck to look into the closet, his heart nearly stopping when he saw Eddie reaching for the top shelf.
Eddie pulled out his old army shirt, and Buck froze like a deer caught in headlights. “So...I see you still have my shirt.”
He’d been caught out, so Buck decided to just own it.
“Yeah...about that.” He walked over and reached up for the other pieces of clothing he’d collected over the past year. “I kind of...forgot to return them.”
Eddie looked at the pile in disbelief before bursting out laughing. “I thought I lost these things.”
“You did. They’re mine now,” Buck scoffed, smiling against his boyfriend’s mouth as he bent to kiss him. “You’re still not getting them back. Losers weepers, Eddie.”
“Very second-grade of you.” Eddie wrapped his arms around Buck’s waist. “Well, it’s a good thing you’re moving in then. More for you to steal.”
“I’m just borrowing with no intent to return,” Buck corrected. There was an important technicality there.
“You can have all of them if you want. But I’m stealing one too.”
Eddie really thought he was gonna get off scot-free for doing the exact same thing. Buck held him in place, raising an eyebrow. “What about the three hoodies of mine that are already in your closet?”
It was his boyfriend’s turn to freeze. Buck burst out laughing at the doe-eyed look.
“They’re comfy!” he defended.
Buck pointedly looked at the pile of Eddie’s old clothes. “Yeah, and so are these. So it’s settled. We keep it all.”
“Pretty sure that’s what moving in together means,” his boyfriend nodded agreeably, pulling away to survey the pile.
They made quick work of filling the rest of the boxes together, Eddie’s gaze softening as Buck told him about why he wanted to keep these few articles of clothing with him. In return, Eddie told him about how it was easier to fall back asleep after a nightmare if he had something that reminded him of his life now.
This time, when they rearranged the dressers to fit all of Buck’s stuff, they didn’t draw clear distinctions between whose clothes were whose. It was unspoken, that virtually anything in the closet was free game, so long as it came back to the same place, where it belonged.
The next time Buck went to pull a warm sweater out, it smelled like them — like home.
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deexchanel · 3 years
New York
Word Count: 2,655
Pairing: Avengers x BlackFem!Reader. Justice League x BlackFem!Reader but more specifically Clark Kent x BlackFem!Reader.
Warning: Arguing, mention of miscarriage, angst.
Summary: After not being in contact for so long, someone decides to make a visit.
A/N: The title has nothing to do with the one short. Oops. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy!😁 below is Y/N’s outfit for the first half.
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A long day after helping the team on their mission, Y/N wanted some pizza. It was around 10 p.m. when she decided to leave the tower. Tony was asleep in the chair, Steve was asleep on the couch. Natasha and Bucky were on the floor watching a movie. Thor was rummaging through the refrigerator, he was watching the movie as well but stopped to get some snacks.
Loki was in the library reading a book. Peter was on patrol so that’s why she felt safe with being out so late. “Loki I’m leaving to get some pizza okay?” He closed his book, preparing to stand up.
“Alright, I’m going with you.”
Y/N placed a hand on his chest so he could stay sitting. “ I want to go by myself Loki. I’m going to be perfectly fine, Peter’s patrolling right now.”
Loki sigh trying to push down his overprotective feeling. “Alright, just be careful. I don’t want anything to happen to you.” Y/N hummed kissing his forehead, she then walked to the living. Everyone in their same position except Thor was now back on the floor.
Y/N kissed each of their foreheads, “I’m going to go get some pizza. Anyone wants anything?”
Natasha shook her head,“ No, be careful though. I really want to pause this good movie to save your ass.” Y/N rolled her eyes playfully, grabbing her purse from the hook.
“Bring me back some pizza? I’m rather hungry.” Thor said with his eyes glued to the tv.
“You’re always hungry Thor. Bring me some too. Better yet, why don’t I just come.” Y/N heard shuffling from behind her. She wanted to take a peaceful by herself to get pizza, is that too hard to ask? “No Bucky, I want to go by myself. I can handle it.”
She turns around to see him looking at her hesitantly. “You sure Y/N? I don’t mind coming-”
“I got it, really. Go enjoy the movie Bucky. I’ll be right back.” Y/N cut him off, walking out of the door. Bucky stood there dumbfounded, “Is she acting weird or it’s just me?” He pointed to the door, looking at Natasha and Thor.
“She seems alright with me.” Natasha shrugged and Thor didn’t reply.
Y/N took a deep breath hearing the new york life sparkle in her ears. Taxis coming and going. The roar of the subway beneath Y/N’s feet. Everyone talking but still being able to hear your own conversation.
Lights flashing brightly, babies crying, the homeless constantly asking for money. The smell of 1,000 vendors, many selling gyros. Broadway fans going insane when their favorite cast member walks out of the stage door. People of every race, color, and religion.
“Finally,” Y/N mumbled after a good minute of walking, she arrived at the pizza store on the corner. She ordered and stood in line for 15 minutes then left with 5 boxes of pizza. Stopping at the park, Y/N sat on a bench eating pizza enjoying the night air.
Y/N was happy with life but sometimes a person just wants to be alone. A little part of her misses the old lifestyle she had. Bruce, Barry, Diane, Victor, and Arthur. She missed them so much, especially Clark but he was the last person she wanted to see.
They were old lovers, at one time there wasn't a thing Clark wouldn't do for Y/N. Time skip, Y/N found out she was pregnant but due to stress from Clark, she miscarried. No one knew because of the genuine smile she held on her face. He was probably so caught up with Lois to not notice that she'd been gone for a year now.
She loved Clark, Y/N was his best friend. Lois came into the picture and he dropped everything just for her. Heartbroken, Y/N came to new york searching for happiness. She found it in the avengers who she now calls family.
Today was the anniversary of her baby and she just wanted to be alone. She was alone when it happened so she rather be alone now. Y/N stared off into space not even hearing someone land beside her. You read right, land.
The deep voice took her out of her gaze. Y/N turned to see Clark in his superman attire. Shocked, she could barely get anything out. "...Clark??"
Clark's face held worry," Y/N..." Y/N furrow her eyebrow confused cutting him off.
"What are you doing here Clark?"
"I can't come to see you now? Y/N I haven't seen you in months."
"Clark I don't wanna talk about that right now. I want to know how did you know I was here??" Y/N stood up, placing her unfinished pizza in the box. She couldn't even enjoy alone time without being bothered.
"Bruce's been track you this whole time Y/N. Come home, we miss you. I miss you." He reached out for her hands. Surprisingly Y/N let him grab her hands. She shook her head.
"Clark I can't just leave. I have a life and family here. You have Lois now, that's who you need. Not me."
Clark looked down," She left me Y/N. Lois said me being superman was too much."Y/N sigh knowing how to hurt he was. Yes, she was mad at him but sometimes not everything needs a reaction. Keeping it calm, she gave him a hug.
"I'm so sorry Clark, I should've been there for you."
Clark held her close smelling her wonderful smell of lavender. "It's okay Y/N. I know this life is treating you well."
Y/N could feel that it was getting late. "Clark I have to go, but I do have to ask you something." He pulled back glazing into her brown eyes.
"What is it Y/N?"
"Tomorrow evening bring the team to the tower. I want everyone to meet each other. I'll cook! It'll be so much fun."
Clark looked at her with hesitation, "I don't know Y/N.."
Y/N gave him the puppy dog eyes, "Please Clark? You get to see me in a nice outfit." He smiled giving in.
"Oh alright."
"A little bit of this," Y/N murmured pouring grated cheese on top of the macaroni. She placed it in the oven, closing the door with her butt. Dinner consisted of steak with tarragon mushrooms with a side of macaroni. Y/N had been in the kitchen all day while the team did their overview with Fury for missions they have done.
"Smells amazing in here Y/N! What you make?" Steve's voice came from behind while she grabbed plates out of the cabinet. "Food Steve. You'll see when it's dinner time and if you don't mind, can you help me set the table?"
Steve nodded his head with a smile, "Sure I don't mind Y/N." The two joked around while they set the table. Clark and everyone were to be here in about 20 minutes. When she got home from the park last night, Y/N told the avengers about this evening dinner, and boy it was some weird faces.
She didn't know who was harder to convince, Tony or Steve. Maybe because they had been on the team longer. Once finished Y/N ushered Steve to go get dressed. She was so caught up with finishing the meal, that she didn't check the time. "Fuck!"
It was 10 minutes until Clark and the rest got there. She was nowhere near ready. "Y/N why aren't you ready?" Tony asked in disbelief when he walked into the kitchen. Y/N pulled at her hair.
"I know, I know! I was too caught up in finishing the steaks. Can you watch the food so it won't burn? please?"
Tony sigh,"If that makes you get dressed faster then I'll watch it." He opened the lid, the food smelled amazing. "Yeah hurry up, this smells good. I'm ready to eat."
"Thank you!" She kissed his cheek, rushing past so can get dressed.
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"Y/N they're here!" Steve called up the stairs. Y/N hopped around on one foot trying to put on the other boot. When it finally slid on her foot, she stood in front of a mirror taking a deep breath. She wanted all her favorite people to come together and be her support. To make her forget about the pain she went through a year ago yesterday.
Y/N walked downstairs with all eyes on her. Clark's mouth was agape from how good she looked. "Arthur! Diana! I've missed you guys!" Y/N hugged her with passion.
"Me too. You look beautiful." Diana hugged her back. Y/N moved towards Arthur giving him a hug. "Thank you."
"Yeah you look too good, don't make me have to beat anyone up from looking too hard." Thor snorted which made Arthur glance at him for a second. Y/N moved to Bruce.
"I hope you're doing good Bruce other than Barry getting on your nerves."
"Hey!" Barry said in defense.
"I'm good, just missed having you around."Bruce expressed which kinda shocked Y/N because he wasn't so open. She then gave Victor and Barry a hug. "I've missed you, two knuckleheads, together."
"We've missed you too." Victor smiled.
"What are we eating, it smells so good in here," Barry said excitedly. Y/N laughing gesturing towards the dining table. "We're about to find out, let's eat!"
Everyone cheered a bit sitting at the table, you know they didn't mingle but sat on the opposite side. Y/N walked over to the stove trying to bring the food to the table but Natasha stopped her.
"I got it Y/N, go sit down. You've been on your feet all day, I can bring the food to the table." Natasha grabbed the glass casserole dish out of her hand. She wasn't lying about her feet hurting but Y/N wasn't going to admit it.
Y/N sigh, "Fine, I'm bringing the champagne to the table though." She hurriedly grabbed two bottles of champagne before Natasha could protest. She definitely needed a sip before dealing with two rival heroes.
There were conversations here and there but most of Y/N. She had all her favorite people in one room. Dinner was running smoothly until...
"So Y/N, Clark told us that you were coming back to stay permanently. I'm excited to have you back." Barry used his knife to cut the steak. Y/N didn't know who to look at crazy him or Clark. She could feel the hard glaze from Bucky.
"What's speedy boy talking about Y/N?" Tony asked tilting his head. Steve sat down his knife.
"Yes please do explain."
"I uh haven't said anything like that. I had planned on visiting, it wasn't official." Y/N scratched her arm out of nervousness from all eyes on her.
"I knew I wasn't going insane. Y/N wasn't going to go back permanently, she's not that crazy." Thor chuckled drinking his champagne.
Victor glanced at him sideways."What's that supposed to mean? Y/N wouldn't be crazy if she came back permanently. That's honestly the perfect decision if she does."
"Guys.." Y/N trailed off but was ignored by everyone. "Y/N is right where she belongs. Do I need to say more?" Loki wiped his mouth with a napkin.
"If she wants to come back permanently then she can. Y/N's only been with you guys for what ? a year? She's been with us forever so you know who she's going to choose." Arthur leaned back in the seat.
"Sure fish boy." Tony let his smart mouth get the best of him. Y/N took a sip of her champagne to calm her nerves.
She was ignored again. "Y/N is coming with us and that's final. That's the only reason why I came to this wretched place was for her." Clark crossed his arm and Bucky narrowed his eyes at him.
"She's not going anywhere with you. I stand on that."
"Barnes right, you think I was going to let her leave with you after what you did? That's really funny." Natasha chugged the rest of her champagne down. Y/N winced at what she said.
"Guys please."
"Does that matter? Y/N is coming whether you like it or not." Bruce said setting his fork down. Diana nodded in agreement.
"I don't have to anything. Just know I'm not going down without a fight?"
"You people are so petty and tiny." Thor laughed using his fingers to indicate how small they were.
"If Y/N doesn't want to leave she isn't going to leave. it's her decision." Steve sat forward in his seat. They were getting louder by the minute.
"She isn't going, you weaklings," Loki growled sitting forward in his seat as well, not taking eyes off Arthur. Both Clark and Bucky held an intense stare.
"We should go few rounds." Tony stood up and so did Bruce.
"Let's do it then Stark."
Y/N chugged down the rest of the champagne. "Stop." The argument between them grew louder. "Stop!" Y/N stood up placing her hands on the table, no one noticed.
She slammed her hands against the table. "STOP! JUST STOP IT!" Everyone stared at her in shock.
"ENOUGH WITH THIS! I brought you altogether because I wanted support. I needed support."Y/N gritted through her teeth, tears welling in her eyes. "The one time I step out, you all can't even put your petty egos aside. I don't care who I'm staying with and I don't fucking know why it's an argument. I just wanted it to be a normal night."
Y/N lips trembled as she cried, "I can't hold on to this no longer. I was pregnant before I left Clark. I lost the baby. I lost it the day I went to find out the gender." Clark squeezed his eyes closed, his heart broke hearing the news. "And I hate myself so much for even letting myself stress so much that I lost it. When it happened I was alone. I didn't have you, Bruce, or Diana. I didn't have no one. I came to New York heartbroken."
She looked at the Avengers, they held a sad face. Natasha's cheeks were coated with tears."You guys mended my broken heart. You made me feel welcome and I don't know how I could ever repay you." Y/N wiped her tears.
"But I can't deal with this between all of you. I'm leaving so you can have your big ego contest."
She slid the chair back, walking to the elevator. "Y/N!" Bucky called for her but she ignored him. "Shit!" Clark curses under his breath getting up from the chair. Tony shook his head at him.
"Leave her be Clark. She probably went up to the roof or to the park for fresh air."
Y/N sat in the chair at the airport. She was only going out of the country for a couple of days just to clear her mind. Bruce and Tony have been blowing up her phone none stop. She was tired and waiting on her flight to be called. "Ugh, I'm so tired." She mumbled rubbing her temple. She got up going to the bathroom.
It was oddly quiet until she heard panicked screams. "What?" She murmured looking over her shoulder. Parademons were everywhere. Y/N scrambled to grab her phone trying to be quiet. She slid down the wall, covering her mouth trying to contain her breathing so she wouldn't be heard. The vibration from her phone caught one of their attention and she didn't know.
Still scrambling, Y/N declined the call somehow. She knew she was fucked, tears raced down her melanin cheeks as she held her breath. The parademons appeared beside Y/N, one inspected making sure she was the right one. It snatched Y/N up and she screamed.
The two teams were either sitting around or cleaning up. Clark stood in front of the wet dishes drying them off while Bucky cleaned them. He froze hearing Y/N scream in his ears. Diana noticed and instantly spoke up.
"What is Clark? What's wrong?"
"Y/N's been kidnapped."
Omg, I feel like this is so weird😂😂😂. I am going to make a part 2 I just gotta think about how it's going to go. I have a busy weekend ahead so I won't update until Monday.
Yk i had to make Y/N damsel in distress 😉. Clark is her lover but Bucky does like her. This is kinda a part 2 of Vacation. I love Marvel and DC so why not put them together 😁!
I hope you guys enjoyed this weird post even though the title has nothing to do with the plot of the story, I just couldn't think of anything 😂😂.
Stay slutty my friends 💜
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