#world views
jaixpetite · 1 year
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Do you like the Wyoming views? 🌄
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carciinogen · 2 months
Possibly Wrong, Possibly Hypocritical Advice from a 15 Year Old:
1. Always have hope. No matter how unlikely things may seem, there is always a chance. That's just probability.
2. In the words of the Doctor, fear is a super power. All that blood and oxygen racing around your body should serve to remind you of that. Never, ever feel bad, dumb, or weak for being afraid.
3. Be the bigger person. Letting anger win is easy. But you know what's really hard? Kindness. Kindness makes you strong.
4. Curiosity is key. Regardless of how things may seem, there are an infinite supply of interesting things in the world. Some of which are so absurd that they may completely reform how you see. Never doubt this, and always pursue that which holds your interest.
5. There are no bad animals. There are scared ones, hurt ones, and hungry ones, yes, but there are no bad animals. Predators do not predate out of malintent, only of the same need to survive we have. Human morality is subjective.
6. You, and everyone around you, are made of stardust. Remember this when you feel small. You are a feat of biology, a child of improbability, and a product of the same big bang that made the stars, the planets, and everything around you.
7. Never change yourself for others. People who judge benign interests, cultural background, gender, sexuality, and other traits are people oftentimes not worth your investment.
8. Do good, but only as much good as you feasibly can. If you can't fix the world's issues, there is no need to repent. You are just one creature. A magnificent creature, yes, but a creature nonetheless. Let yourself forgive this.
9. If you are ever scared of the end of everything, just remember; you always will have existed. And that is permanent. You always will have lived and changed and grown. And the wake your life left will have touched the world while it was.
10. What's the meaning of life? Why, to live it, of course! Eat that food you've always wanted to eat. Pet that stray cat. Live and love and experience. That is what life is for. The chance to be alive is the greatest chance that one can ever be given. Relish in this.
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flexingtyger99 · 10 months
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Christ the Redeemer
photo by Leonardo Sens
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orcasarepeople · 10 months
Orcas are socially complex creatures who orally pass down skills and ideas to their descendants. Led by a matriarch, they form strong familial bonds and will visit with family from other pods if the opportunity arrives.
Humans, as socially and culturally complex creatures, did not become as complex as we are in the present day until the advent of agriculture. Hundreds of thousands of years are lost to us simply because we did not possess the skills necessary to preserve our history and overcome environmental barriers until the current common era.
Taking things into a more speculative places, I don't think it's unreasonable to suggest that orcas, if given the means to preserve their histories and overcome their environmental barrier just as we have, could go on to form complex societies as we as primates have, though in their own Cetacea context.
We live on an amazing planet full of wonder and curiosity, and we share that planet with millions of other complex living organisms. The time to throw away humanity as the center of all things complex is coming. Other sapient creatures exist on this planet, and they are more like us than we are giving them credit for.
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syustu · 11 months
Wouldn't it be nice?
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bogexpert55 · 1 year
Размышления о концепциях гиперэкзистенциализма и постромантизма.
Размышляя о концепциях гиперэкзистенциализма и депрессивного постромантизма, я обнаруживаю, что меня заинтриговали общие темы, возникающие в этих, казалось бы, несопоставимых движениях. Интересно наблюдать, как и гиперэкзистенциалисты, и постромантики отвергают внешние источники смысла и цели, вместо этого подчеркивая важность индивидуального опыта. Это говорит о глубоком скептицизме в отношении способности внешних сил обеспечить истинное удовлетворение в жизни. Кроме того, оба движения, кажется, отражают отчуждение и отчаяние перед лицом современного мира. Будь то гиперрационализация и технологизация мира в гиперэкзистенциализме или индустриализация и урбанизация мира в постромантизме, оба движения, кажется, выражают глубоко укоренившееся отторжение от мира и его ценностей. Это отключение можно рассматривать как реакцию на быстрые изменения, происходящие в обществе. Интересно что эти два движения имеют схожие темы, несмотря на то, что возникли в разных исторических контекстах. Изучая сходства и различия между гиперэкзистенциализмом и депрессивным постромантизмом, мы можем глубже понять состояние человека и поиск смысла в мире, который часто кажется лишенным его.
Какой в этом смысл? В том что происходит…
Допустим постромантик, постепенно превращается в гиперэкзистенциалиста, вполне вероятно, что он будет воспринимать мир как лишенный внутреннего смысла или цели. Постромантист может видеть мир как мрачное и меланхоличное место, наполненное борьбой и страданиями человеческого бытия. По мере того как гиперэкзистенциалист закончит свой инкубационный период, он скорее всего прийдёт к выводу, что мир в основе своей абсурден и бессмысленен, не имеет внутренней цели или направления. Но также абстрагируясь можно сделать вывод, что это восприятие мира как бессмысленного не обязательно является объективной реальностью, а скорее субъективной интерпретацией мира. Хотя ему может показаться, что мир лишен смысла, в конечном счете это его субъективный опыт и интерпретация. Более того, вопрос о смысле бытия веками озадачивал философов и мыслителей, и на него нет простого ответа.
Иногда может показаться, что мир бессмысленен. Тогда важно оставаться открытым для возможности обнаружения смысла и цели, шанс обнаружить что то иногда заключается всего лишь в смене ракурса видимого что может привести к обнаружению границ а так же выхода за их пределы.
Reflections on the concepts of hyperexistentialism and post-romanticism.
Reflecting on the concepts of hyperexistentialism and depressive post-romanticism, I find that I am intrigued by the common themes that arise in these seemingly disparate movements. It is interesting to observe how both hyperexistentialists and post-romantics reject external sources of meaning and purpose, instead emphasizing the importance of individual experience. This speaks to a deep skepticism regarding the ability of external forces to provide true satisfaction in life. Additionally, both movements seem to reflect alienation and despair in the face of the modern world. Whether it is the hyper-rationalization and technologization of the world in hyperexistentialism or the industrialization and urbanization of the world in post-romanticism, both movements seem to express a deeply rooted rejection of the world and its values. This disconnection can be seen as a reaction to the rapid changes happening in society. It is interesting that these two movements have similar themes despite arising in different historical contexts. By studying the similarities and differences between hyperexistentialism and depressive post-romanticism, we can gain a deeper understanding of the human condition and the search for meaning in a world that often seems devoid of it.
What is the meaning behind all of this? It lies in what is happening...
Suppose a post-romantic gradually transforms into a hyperexistentialist. It is quite likely that they will perceive the world as lacking in internal meaning or purpose. The post-romantic may see the world as a gloomy and melancholic place filled with the struggles and sufferings of human experience. As the hyperexistentialist completes their incubation period, they are more likely to conclude that the world is fundamentally absurd and meaningless, lacking in internal purpose or direction. However, abstracting from this, it can be concluded that this perception of the world as meaningless is not necessarily an objective reality, but rather a subjective interpretation of the world. Although it may seem to them that the world is devoid of meaning, ultimately it is their subjective experience and interpretation. Furthermore, the question of the meaning of existence has puzzled philosophers and thinkers for centuries, and there is no simple answer to it.
Sometimes it may seem like the world is meaningless. It is important to remain open to the possibility of discovering meaning and purpose. The chance to discover something often lies in simply changing one's perspective, which can lead to discovering boundaries as well as stepping beyond them.
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gramarobin · 1 year
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rubiras · 2 years
A letter is unique because it announces what someone wanted or wants to say. there are different types of letters, as well as different recipients or writers. Sometimes there is no recipient present or someone we can respond to. Sometimes they are sad, sometimes they are happy. Sometimes they are empty because they don't have great sentimental meaning. An example of this type is the bills. Well, at least we don't call them letters anymore despite being inside an envelope. In these letters we are gentlemen and ladies who have a role to fulfill. To accomplish it we need money, and to have it, most of the time, we need to work. And, without realizing it, we end up having a goal that forces us to have more responsibilities that make us move forward and live. Maybe bills are secretly letters that, as much empty they are, make us have a purpose in life even when sometimes it seems like they're drowning us.
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liberty1776 · 21 days
Evolutionists Have Fooled MILLIONS About This
Evolutionists are working hard to spread their perspective on dinosaurs, and churches often fail to teach us the truth on this subject. In this presentation, Bodie Hodge teaches us the truth about dinosaurs according to the Bible.
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daylerogers · 1 month
My Room Means My Rules
She’s not quite eight-years-old, but she has thoughts, opinions, and convictions that would rival someone three times her age. Our daughter and her family living in northern Virginia reworked their home to offer their daughter a room of her own. Having shared a bedroom with her little brother due to limited space was a necessity. But Sloane’s parents worked their magic–giving up office space for…
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jamesvirgodo · 9 months
Once you realize how people perceive the world it’s easier to separate yourself because they will never understand you!
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jude-thedude98 · 11 months
They say, if it ain't broke don't fix it- will the whole goddamn system is broken so why the f*** aren't we fixing it these are questions in my head and I wonder why we sit and we read the Bible the Quran the Declaration of Independence these laws that were on that we will build upon it's still no changes.. when are we going to change it?
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gray8sstuff · 1 year
Guys if you think about it none of us could ever be that cool of an avocado because we are humans.
We’ve been humans our whole lives so it would be very difficult for us as humans to fit in with the other avocados because we do not know what it is like to be an avocado. We just do not have that super rad avocado experience. We would probably struggle so much to fit in with the cool avocado kids because we are not green and have no pit. Even if we did become avocados, turning into green little fruits, we still would no fit in well with those avocados of the earth because we have never tried to live that tubular avocado lifestyle. We don’t really know anything about the avocado social norms. Think about it. As avocados, what would be expected of us? Would we be expected to sit for weeks on a table in some lady’s kitchen? What would she do with our avocado selves? Cook us? Cut us? Put us in a taco? Mash up our insides to make guacamole? Peel off our skin? Put us on toast? Leave us to sit there on the kitchen table an rot, never used, never eaten? Would that be okay because we are avocados? Or maybe we would be in a bowl. What would that bowl be made of? Ceramic? Wood? Clay? Metal? Porcelain? Would we be alone in that bowl? Or among other fruits? Apples? Oranges? Lemons? Kiwis? Grapes? Is this mingling of clashing fruits even acceptable in avocado culture? Maybe not. But would the humans care? Maybe what avocados truly want is to be surrounded by other fruits. Is it what they deserve? How could we know? Or maybe in that bowl we, an avocado would be surrounded by vegetables. Would it be carrots? Brussels sprouts? Zucchini? It would be a surprise, would it not? Or maybe in that bowl, we would be surrounded by others of our avocado kind. Would this be pleasant? Or would it be suffocating? Would we feel crushed with so many avocados all around us? What if the other avocados made fun of us? Would we cry? No. Because avocados have no tears. Avocados have no eyes. Avocados cannot cry. could they even feel suffocated? Could they even feel crushed? could they even feel any emotions? Any feelings? Or are avocados completely without feelings? Do they have no brain? What do we really know about avocado anatomy? I know nothing about avocado anatomy. Do they have lungs? A brain? Feet? Toenails? Probably not. I think that’s for the best. Or maybe our avocado lives would be totally different. Maybe we would be like the avocados on the ground outside of the Sweet Frog. Maybe we would be trash on the ground. Dirty, just a skin. Maybe that would really suck. As a human that would probably suck. But I don’t know anything about avocado’s desires. Maybe being an avocado skin on the ground, or in the street, just outside of Sweet Frog, Starbucks, Subway… maybe that’s what they aspire to be. Maybe avocados live their whole lives, unripe, ripe, and rotten, just waiting, hoping that someday they can be an avocado legend like those avocados on the street outside of Sweet Frog? How should we know whether they do or don’t enjoy that existence? We don’t know. I don’t think we can know. And that’s why we can never be that cool of an avocado. We just don’t know how to be like the other avocados. Don’t know what they like, dislike, fear. Don’t what they feel, or what they dream of. How do they live? Maybe they just want to be guacamole. A topping on a burrito. A yummy delicious taco. Maybe what they really want is to be thrown. At clowns. at children. at little old ladies. At my catholic grandma Trudy. We truly just do not know. Because of this pathetic human existence which we live. Be humble, and try to empathize with an avocado once in a while because now you must realize that you, and none of us either, could truly really be that cool of an avocado.
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troncelliti · 1 year
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stimtickle · 1 year
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vbyoga · 1 year
"Your mind is the foundation for your reality. Build a positive one. 🌈"
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