#'Eye Pain' is secretly cursing me! I swear! *shakes fist and all that*
funyiipp · 1 month
I'm in art block AND creative rut hell, currently. So I don't have much to say other than hello and these are the only things you're gettin' for now.
I'll start with the thing that's been consuming my time the most; I had to redo "Eye Pain" (name change pending)'s first page... AGAIN. But this time it was only partially because of a quality issue. It was mostly because I realized during page 2's draft that my original concept was far too out of my wheelhouse to work. Not to mention that Lionel has undergone slight design changes (which you'll probably notice in the WIP provided below) and I very recently obtained new brushes, meaning I would have to go through redrawing this page again. So here it is; partially unfinished.
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The only other thing I have is this one random drawing of Wallace that I had larger plans for and then quickly got disgruntled with so I just left it at this point. You can have it.
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As you probably know now, Wallace and his respective AU are made by @lizaisdrawing
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Crashed Dates (Day 2: Scarecrow)
Marinette grins at her boyfriend, swinging their intertwined hands back and forth as they walk around the pumpkin farm. It was so nice, finally being able to go on cute dates like this. They’d first started dating while he was in Paris on business, around a year ago. Sure, he’d made trips to Paris and she’d made a few to Metropolis, but it was different now that she had moved to Gotham. Now they were able to go on random, unplanned dates, instead of dates that had been planned for weeks. He was definitely worried when she first told him she was moving to Gotham, but she had reassured him that it would be fine. (Not that she had a choice in the matter, Tikki had informed her on her last trip to Metropolis that Gotham was sick, that it was calling out for help and that as the Guardian, it was her job to help it). Gotham was….interesting, but she’d settled in just fine in the two weeks she’d been there.
And so, when he had called her out of the blue to tell her he found a place he thought she’d love, she made sure she had enough layers and jumped at the chance for a day with him. So far, the day had been absolutely perfect. They’d drank hot apple cider, ate warm donuts, taken a trip around the farm on the hayride- everything was great. But for some reason, her amazingly stubborn boyfriend didn’t want to go into the corn maze. 
“Please! You’ll be my favorite person in the whole world.” She begs again, her grin quickly switching into a pout. She keeps pouting, leaning against his arm, until he sighs.
“Fine, we can do the maze.” He says and she cheers, standing on her toes and tugging him down slightly to give him a quick kiss. 
“You are the best!” She says, over enunciating every word. He just grins, giving her another soft kiss. 
“If we get lost, I’m calling the Demon Spawn to come get us out. Pretty sure he has a tracker on my phone.” Jason says, letting her tug him along towards the maze. She just rolls her eyes, grinning. 
“You know you’re secretly touched that he cares enough to track you.” She teases as they near the entrance of the maze.
“Yeah, yeah.” He grumbles, glaring at the scarecrow situated at the entrance of the maze. Marinette raises an eyebrow. 
“You have a problem with men made of straw?” She asks, legitimately confused by his reaction. 
“Geeze M, I knew you were new to Gotham but I forget how new.” He says, pulling her closer. She melts into him, still confused by his reaction, but happy to be close. As they walk through the maze, frustratingly running into deadends, Jason explains Scarecrow. Marinette decides that he’s number two on the list of villains she never wants to meet. Joker is number one. (Joker is also number one on the list of villains she wants to meet, but that’s because she’s always wondered what it would look like to cataclysm a psychotic clown). She’s just about to suggest they call Damian and utilize the tracker that was, undoubtedly on Jason’s phone, when the screaming begins. 
“There isn’t a haunted house here, is there.” Marinette says, her face pale. She wasn’t ready to be a hero again. She’d only defeated Hawkmoth a year ago. Just before meeting Jason. She didn’t want that part of her life again, not now. 
“No, no there’s not.” Jason says, eyes glancing around wildly. Marinette’s heart breaks at the panic on his face. She knew that, despite his tough guy appearance, he struggled. A lot. He had nightmares, constantly, mostly of the time Joker had kidnapped him (hence the whole, cataclysm Joker thing). Pushing down her own fear and doubt, she tightens her grip on his hand and squares her shoulders. 
“Come on.” She instructs, tugging him behind her as she darts through the maze, determined to get out. She stumbles over a rock and lets go of Jason’s hand in time for her to fall into a larger clearing. She curses as she falls, her palms stinging. 
“What have we here?” A voice says. Marinette sits up, staring up at a man in a scarecrow costume and suddenly, Jason’s fear, or rather, dislike, of scarecrows makes more sense. So much more sense. She glances around and lets out a sigh of relief. She’d let go of Jason quick enough. He wasn’t caught up in this. Hopefully, he could call his father. She wasn’t sure if the rumors about Bruce Wayne and Batman dating were true, but Batman was always quick to interfere if it was a Wayne or Wayne adjacent involved. 
“A girl who’s a little pissed that you crashed her date.” She retorts, standing up and brushing her stinging palms off on her jeans. She’d have to get the blood out later, which would be a pain. Better than having the blood on her palms mix with the dirt that also now covered her hands. 
“You’re either very brave or very stupid, little girl. Let’s see how you deal with my newest strain of fear toxin.” He says, and she lunges towards the man, not willing to go down without a fight. Almost immediately, a sharp pinch on her neck has her stumbling back away from the man as she tries to take in her new surroundings. 
She was back in Paris, but it wasn’t the Paris she had left. The city that was healing. Instead this Paris was underwater. Buildings were toppled over, and the moon was in pieces in the sky. She was back there. A place she hadn’t seen in person since she was fourteen, a place that had haunted her nightmares for ten years. She inhales sharply when she sees him. Chat Blanc. But instead of fear, she’s just angry. This isn’t real. It can’t be. Adrien Agreste was Chat Noir. And Adrien was….turning, she realizes that she can almost see him. Out of the corner of her eye, she can almost see Scarecrow, watching her. Waiting for her to react. Anger coursing through her, she charges the man, tackling him all the way to the ground. She pulls back her fist and punches him, repeatedly. 
“How dare you! How dare you use his face like that! You son of a bitch!” She screams as she hits, the roaring in her ears blocking out all other sounds. She keeps her focus on feeling the man she’s hitting, because the second she lets her focus wander, she gets sucked into her surroundings again. The way the sky just looks wrong. The odd haze over everything. And now, the corpses floating in the water closest to her. Adrien. Maman. Papa. She’s not scared, she’s pissed. Sure, those were her biggest fears and that’s definitely why she was seeing them all like that, but she’d already seen it. She’s lived it. They were gone, not coming back. And she sure as hell wasn’t going to fall down and break about it. Not when some asshole with fear toxin was running around randomly injecting people. Suddenly, something is wrapped around her and she’s pulled up. She kicks frantically, trying to get out of the steel grip she’s trapped in. She had to- what did she have to do? Another sharp pinch in her neck makes her eyes droop sleepily. She struggles again, barely able to hear the voice calling her name as she succumbs to the darkness.
Jason Todd feels like a major prick. He watched his girlfriend trip and instead of helping her up, he uses it as a distraction to try and call B. How the fuck was he supposed to know she tripped right into the Scarecrow? He’s cursing himself mentally as he rushes towards the ambulance. Replacement had texted him. 
Marinette was injected. At ambulances near front of farm
And Jason felt like shit. She’d never forgive him, not that he deserved it. He’d left her with one of Gotham’s biggest villains. His heart sinks when he sees the blood on her, and the oxygen mask attached to her face. Fuck. He’s almost to her, when one of the asshole cops stops him. 
“Excuse me, sir, you can’t go over there.” He says and Jason scowls. 
“Like hell I can’t. She’s my girlfriend, let me through.” He says, and the man shakes his head. 
“Family only.” He states. Jason’s about to argue, when a hand lands on his shoulder. 
“I still need to get a statement from Mr. Todd, if you’ll excuse us.” Replacement says, leading him away from the cop. 
“I left her.” He says, the second they’re far enough away. Tim frowns.
“What do you-”
“I mean, I left her. She tripped and instead of checking on her, I was a complete and total asshole and left her so I could call B to get his ass over here and solve the goddamn problem.” Jason says, feeling like even more of an asshole now that he’s said it out loud. 
“Did you see Scarecrow?” Replacement asks. Jason scoffs. 
“Of course not! You really think I would’ve left if I had?” He asks with a glare. 
“No, I don’t. So stop blaming yourself. I literally peeled her off of Scarecrow, she was beating the crap out of him. She’s gonna be tired and scared and confused when she wakes up. Just be there-”
“Jason!” Her terrified voice echoes out and Jason turns, sprinting for the cot he’d seen her on a minute ago. She had ripped the oxygen mask off her face and was looking around while arguing with the paramedic. 
“Ma’am please-” “Marinette!” Jason calls, and her face relaxes as she leaps off the cot and launches herself into his arms. He holds her as she shakes, sobs wracking her body. 
“I saw them.” She mumbles once she calms down a little. He frowns. 
“Saw who?” He asks. 
“My parents. Adrien. Their bodies.” She says, and suddenly, Jason has another name to add to his kill list. Being a complete asshole to all of Gotham, sure. Making his girlfriend see the bodies of those she’d lost? Nope. Now the bastard better hope he didn’t meet Red Hood in an alley. 
“God, Mari, I am so sorry. I’m so sorry I left.” He apologizes, his heart aching when she pushes him away. She frowns up at him and he winces, certain she’s about to break up with him. 
“Left?” She asks and he nods. 
“When you tripped, I swear, I didn’t know Scarecrow was there.” He says. 
“But you got Batman here.” She says and he jerks back. How the hell had she figured it out? When did she- “I know Bruce said he isn’t dating Batman, but honestly, I think he’s just in denial.” She adds. 
“I- what?” 
“Batman always comes when anyone in the Wayne family is in danger. Like, so quickly. And I know that Bruce says it’s just a bunch of rumors, like the whole ‘the butts match’ thing? But I also think that Batman is head over heels for Bruce, and your dad is just kinda clueless.” She rambles. Jason just laughs before pulling her into a deep kiss. She was okay. They were okay. He pulls back and grins at her, until he notices the blood again. 
“Shit, that’s a lot of blood.” He says, taking her hand in his to try and find the source. He glances at her face and raises an eyebrow at the blush that had taken over her face. 
“Oh, um, it’s not mine.” She mumbles. 
“Then who-” “Apparently I beat the hell out of Scarecrow. In my defense, that fear toxin sucked. And I was kinda pissed.” She says, frowning down at the blood on her hands. Jason takes one of his hands and gently tilts her chin up so that she’s looking at him again. He grins at her, giving her a short, soft kiss before pulling back. 
“I love you.” He says, and if the kiss she gave him in return meant anything, she felt the same way.
Permanent tag list (open): @maribat-october-rarepairs @stainedglassm @kittenmywaythrulife @laydeekrayzee @doll246 @queenz-z @deathssilentapproach-blog @literaryhiraeth
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aliteama · 3 years
S/O with a demon curse technique
Inumaki Toge
♡ Please he get’s so scared watching you regenerate, the first time you lost a limb or a vital organ he swears his heart stopped, If it’s a small cut he thinks it’s so cool watching it heal quickly and vanish as if nothing happened.
♡ When he finds out you’ll eventually live on forever or at least until you die he gets a little sad so please let him in on the demon reversal! Get’s so smiley at the thought of spending his life with you.
♡ Uses you to play pranks on the others, like he’ll have you 
♡ Finds the whole concept of demons fascinating and can hear you talk about breathing techniques for days on end, gives you his best puppy eyes so you can teach him proper breathing forms.
Peering down at the stinging in your chest laid a gushing hole located little too close to your heart, dull pain flowing rushing to your veins as your cells rushed to heal themselves.
“Blast Away”
In an instant Inumaki was by your side placing pressure on your wound despite you insisting you were fine, crimson covering both your dark uniforms and seeping into the fabric to create an uncomfortable feeling. It wasn’t exactly ideal to be covered in your lovers blood and no matter how many time he had seen you get punctured like a pincushion the prodding thought of you dying crawled into his head and remained there.
“Toge I’m fine! just need a little time to heal is all” grimacing towards the curses remains you watched it turn to dust, “how annoying” agitation swimming in your mind at the fact that you managed to get hurt by some silly curse.
“Leaf Mustard?” shaking hands cupped your cheeks, they were warm and painted in blood yet the gesture was appreciated. 
“Yes, I promise I’m ok”
Gojo Satoru
♡ If you can’t go into the sun he’s going to be gifting you different umbrellas to match with all your outfits, he got you guys those matching clear one’s as well because he likes to walk side by side and bump you with it.
♡ Gojo knows you can protect yourself but he can’t help but worry about what the elders would do to you considering their so old-fashioned and fear the unknown.
♡ Once he finds out about your demon abilities he will not leave you alone, going to be sparring with you constantly because he heard you mention a demon slayer mark ONCE and it’s all he’s thought about.
♡ Probably asks if he’ll turn into a demon too if you bite him.
♡ Slipping into the shade you watched the sun rise from the horizon, turning the cool toned sky turn warm, stretching an arm forward to meet the light and watch the skin boil you retracted whatever wasn’t burned away and let yourself regenerate.
“Weather says sunny skies all week long” a teasing grin appeared on Gojo’s face as he stepped into the shade with you, an arm hidden behind his back held a not so hidden umbrella.
“Were going somewhere”
“Just a little outing”
Holding up the umbrella he got down on one knee and presented it to you as if it were a sword, “A stunning red for my stunning date” swiping it from his hands you gave his head a soft whack at the cheesy line before undoing the velcro and watching a vibrant red pop up.
It really was a stunning shade of red, it contrasted the pale blue in his perfectly and made the white of his hair stand out “You use it” shoving the umbrella into his outstretched arms you saw the smile he bit back.
“I know I’m hot but I don’t get burned like you”
Rolling your eyes at his lame quip you made your way back inside to grab the faded blue umbrella you always found yourself reaching for, “I like this color of blue”
“Hmm, is it because it reminds you of me?”
Itadori Yuji
♡ Loves training with you because your strength is on par with his and he doesn’t have to worry about hurting you.
♡ Once said there’s a demon under his bed and he felt so bad and kept apologizing because he thought he offended you.
♡ Thinks your the coolest and keeps bragging to Sukuna about how he’s not the only one who can regenerate anymore.
♡ Ok all demons have sad backstories so if you ever tell Itadori yours he gets so sad like he’ll think about it for days and become super cuddly around you because he want’s you to know he’ll make this life better for you.
♡ Sweeping a leg under your opponents your watched him loose balance and fall back, swinging your sword over your shoulder you pushed the hilt into his stomach, “you loose.. again”
Letting out a loud whine Itadori pushed your sword away and rolled back onto his feet into a fighting stance, fists clenched and eyes honed as he charged at you once more. Inhaling a sharp breath you countered his strikes and aimed for any openings he left, when Itadori said no going easy he meant it. Dirt flew up as his body collapsed downward with a yelp “Your really strong!”
“So are you Yuji!”
“I think I’m done for today! I’m hungry..” placing a hand over his rumbling stomach Itadori looked up at you with excited eyes, “You don’t need to eat right? That must be really cool!” 
Pushing a hand out for him to grab you pulled him up like nothing with a grin on your face, “I could always eat humans!” tugging his arm to your lips you bit down on the soft flesh gently before releasing him with a loud laugh at his shocked expression.
“It’s not funny! I really thought you might want to eat me!” 
Throwing himself onto you Itadori clung to your body and let himself be dragged while you walked back to the main campus “Can you carry me?” with curious eyes you leaned down and let Itadori jump onto your back as he lout an overly excited ‘woah.’
“AH! Your way crazy strong! I wanna carry you next!”
Nobara Kugisaki
♡ Nobara loves watching you open your sword and see it regain it’s color, would never admit it but she secretly hopes you break it so she can see if a new sword means a new color.
♡ You once told her that her sword was forged from the strongest material and she tried to smash it with her hammer, she made a dent at most.
♡ She thinks your regeneration is super useful and doesn’t worry about you too much but get’s a little sad at the fact you can’t go shopping with her out in the day.
♡ Loves to hear you talk about everything you’ve seen come and ago for however long you’ve been around, likes to talk about development and never get’s tired of hearing your voice.
♡ If you’ve killed people Nobara isn’t going to hold it against you and she’ll try to put herself in your shoes so you don’t have to tackle everything on alone.
♡ Tall buildings illuminated by late hour offices and blinding street lights filled your vision, in awe at the lively night life, people passing by with their children and cars honking loudly in traffic. A firm hand held your and guided you around with ease as if she’s been here a hundred times, which she probably has.
If it weren’t for her you’d have been left in the crowd wandering aimlessly in and out of shops, insisting you go shopping with her Nobara paced around all day until the sun went down to drag you out into the bustling city. Stopping outside packed stored and peering into windows of little shops she was overjoyed at finally getting to spend time with you, nighttime was her favorite time as it meant you could travel to and from without worrying about the sun rays damaging your skin.
“Oh! That jacket would look really cute with the boots I got!” hauling you into another shop you sat outside the dressing room while Nobara laced her boots and slipped a neon jacket over her shoulds, “How do I look?”
“Amazing as always” with soft eyes you watched her give you a spin and show off the bright designs that littered the sleeves before switching out her shoes and shrugging the jacket off.
Radiating with joy she bought her items before letting you decide where to stop next, “Ah, I’m not too sure since a lot of places closed already”
Guilt knocked at your heart, if it weren’t for your technique the two of you could travel as far she wanted whenever she wanted without having to hide from the sun.
“I don’t mind though, as long as I get to spend time with you I’d be happy going anywhere”
Wrapping herself around your arm Nobara pressed a loving kiss to your cold cheek that seemed to gain some warmth at the affection given, “Are you sure?”
“Of course I am! Now let’s go”
As long as it was with her anywhere was fine.
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whumpasaurus101 · 3 years
Arthropod Day
Did I say I was going on a posting break? Yes. Am I using my poor bebe Asher and writing him more than any other of my oc’s? Yes. So, in conclusion, I couldn't resist Nemi’s ( @brutal-nemesis ) Arthropod Day and decided to write this EHE.
(also i would like my medal for barnacle whump tyvm (-even….. Even though it's not the focus….but uhh.. shhhhh)
CW death mention / worms.. Idk if that's a warning but you're getting one anyway XD / alcohol / drowning / past death mention / emeto mentioned / cursing
Asher sat up with a fright as he was awoken once more by a nightmare. He rubbed his eyes as he yawned and stood up. As he washed his face in the bathroom, he heard the bedroom door being opened. The minute Asher saw Rodger, he started to chortle, “HAH!!! Oh my- oh my god!!! You look like an- HAHAH you look like an idiot oh my god!”
Rodger scowled, “What are you talking about?! This is my fishing outfit!”
“FISHING?!?” Asher howled from laughter, “Oh Rodger…. Rodger, honey, you look….” Asher burst out laughing. “Hey! That's enough from you!” As Rodger pointed his finger, his yellow, rubber dungarees squeaked, making Asher snort as he laughed more.
Rodger was quick to slap Asher across the face, “Shut up!!! Now get dressed, you're coming fishing with me.” Asher rolled his eyes, “Oh fuck no, not happening, nuh uh.” “Asher if you don't get dressed right now, I swear to god I will drown you in the fucking lake when we get there.” Asher knew that he would actually do it. “I'm not going fishing with you.”
“Pass me another worm, will ya?” Asher grumbled and silently passed a worm over to Rodger, “This is dumb.” “Well so are you, now shut up before you scare away the fishies!” Asher rolled his eyes and sighed, sitting back in the small wooden boat. They were in some sort of lake, a big one. There were stones and rocks at the bottom, some closer to the horizon than others.
Asher watched as Rodger sipped at a beer, “Isn't it a bit too early for that?” Rodger looked at him with an eyebrow raised, “No, not today.” Asher’s eyebrows furrowed, “What do you mean?”
“You know, for a person who asks a shit ton of questions, you never ask the right ones.” Asher was now doubly confused, “Wh-what?”
Rodger scoffed and chugged the rest of his beer, shaking his head, “Never mind.”
“No, no, if you feel so strongly about it, do tell.” Rodger crushed his beer can in his fist and growled, “Just drop it.”
Asher grumbled but didn't push Rodger. Not yet.
Rodger felt a tug on the fishing rod and he started reeling it in. Asher watched -secretly intrigued- as a fish suddenly splashed out of the water. It danced around, desperate to be put back in the water. Asher watched as Rodger smiled at how desperate to fish was. “Sicko,” Asher grumbled. “What did you say?” Asher gulped, “N-nothing.”
“No, no, if you thought you were so funny, please, be my guest!” “Rodger, it's fine, just leave it.”
“No! You wanted to say something, say it louder!”
Asher was scared, his heart was pounding and a sudden ringing in his ears appeared, “Rodger, please, just drop it!” The fish was soon forgotten as Rodger lunged forward and dunked Asher’s head into the water. Asher was caught in surprise as he was only allowed a quick gasp before his head was plunged in the water.
Asher heaved in breaths as his head was lifted out of the water “R-Rodger please! What the fuck is wrong with y-” His head was shoved straight back into the water. He made the mistake of inhaling as he was underwater. Big mistake.
His arm quickly rushed behind him to slap Rodger, desperate for any air. He coughed under water, making his lungs weaker. He couldn’t breathe. He was going to die. And what a fucking way to go. A fishing trip. Wow-ee…
Rodger finally lifted him up and threw him across the boat. Asher coughed up water and groaned. He had whacked his head off of the wooden boat. He still heaved in breaths, coughing and spluttering -those didn’t really help with getting his breath back.
When he looked up, he saw Rodger sitting back down and fucking fishing again, as if that whole scene hadn’t just happened. Asher lay there for a moment, feeling weak. He took in several more gulps of air, trying to relax himself. He then clutched his stomach and slowly stood up, using the boat as a support. His weight affected nothing of the boat, he tried to ignore that.
He silently sat beside Rodger, watching the fishing rod’s line bob up and down in the water. He reached into the cooler and handed a beer to Rodger. He chuckled and took it, “Thanks.” He looked at it for a few minutes before sighing, “My uh, my dad passed away. Today…-” He sighed, “Today’s his anniversary.” Asher sucked his teeth, keeping his eyes glued to the water, “I’m uhm, I’m sorry to hear that I-”
“Oh shut up. I don't want your fucking sympathy!” Asher instantly shut his mouth, “Sorry.” There was silence. The boat softly rocked in the water, the sound of the water hitting against it. Birds flew up in the blue sky. There were tall dark trees that loomed over the water. Causing a cold breeze to appear. Asher shivered.
“You know, we weren't even that close. He barely spoke to me even. But somehow I miss that fucker. He’d go for ages not talking to me and then he’d bring me out fishing. I never understood him.” Asher didn't know what to say. Last time he opened his mouth, Rodger shouted at him. He decided to stay quiet.
Rodger looked at Asher, “What? You finished talking suddenly? Finally decided to shut up for fucking once?” Asher gulped, not knowing what to do. “Nothing?”
“I-I don't know what you want me to say!” Asher whined. “For fuck sake, you truly are useless! You know, I'm sick of you! I really am. You know what?” He quickly grabbed Asher by two fistfulls of his shirt and threw him into the lake, “You can make your own fucking way home.”
So the rocks that were mentioned earlier… yeah, turns out they were closer to the surface than they looked. And guess what else had decided to cling onto them, fucking barnicles. His head whacked against one of the rocks, the barnacles cutting his head along with the injury. He tried his best to kick himself up to the shore but he couldn’t see anything. The water was a mucky brown.
As he kicked more helplessly, dirt filled his vision. That’s when he felt something on his leg. Something sharp. He let out a cry underwater and used his arms to help him up.
Once his head went above water he gasped, “R-RODGER!” The world was spinning, his leg was on fire. “R-rodger -FUCK!” His head went underwater as his arms couldn't keep him up. Rodger cursed under his breath,he grabbed Asher by the shirt once more and hauled him into the boat.
Blood trickled down his leg which caught Rodger’s attention, “Let me see your leg.” “Well there’s not much to fucking see with all the blood,” Asher snapped through clenched teeth. Rodger rolled his eyes and grabbed Asher’s leg, lying it on his lap. He then looked to his side and saw his beer can.
He quickly poured it over Asher's leg, keeping a tight grip on it, knowing full well how much Asher would fight him. “OWWWW!! WHAT THE FUCK?!”
“Oh, would you calm down! It's just as good as rubbing alcohol, now let me have a look.” He used an old rag to wipe clean Asher’s leg and chuckled, “Blue crab.” Asher’s eyebrows furrowed, “What?” Rodger sighed as if it was obvious, “You got pinched by a blue crab.” Asher took a few breaths before yanking his leg back and sitting up quickly -instantly regretting it as the world spun for a few moments. “B-but why does it hurt so much? How did it even pinch me? I-”
“You must have angered it when you were kicking your legs like an idiot.” Then Rodger saw the blood on Asher’s shoulders and sighed, “You know what? I cant put up with you. Especially today out of all the days. I'm dropping you to Alicia’s” “But-!”
“Ap-bap-bap-bap. I don't wanna hear it.”
Asher slumped and folded his arms as Rodger turned the boat’s engine back on and the boat smoothly travelled across the lake. Rodger saw Asher shivering and silently handed him the oversized hoodie Asher liked. “There’s uhm, there should be a bandage roll in the bag if you wanna put it on your head until Jack can patch you up.”
Once Asher put on the hoodie, he quietly opened the bag and took out the bandage. He wrapped it around his head, making sure it was tight enough to help.
He sat back once more and closed his eyes. “Hey, I need you to keep your eyes open, alright? Just in case you have a concussion.” Asher groaned but nodded. He lay on his stomach and looked at the water which shot out from the motor of the boat.
That night, Asher and Jack were cuddling on Jack’s bed. Jack softly combed his hand through Asher’s hair as he slowly nodded off to sleep. Alicia came in, making Jack’s heart jump. “Please, let him sleep.” He was shocked when Alicia nodded, “Just wanted to check up on you guys.” Another shock. What was going on with her?
“Uhm, we’re good.” Alicia smiled, “Good. Here are some painkillers if he wakes up in pain. And Jack?” Jack looked up. “Love you.” Jack gulped, “L-love you t-too.”
Taglist: @likeit-or-whumpit @milk-carton-whump @appy-polly-loggies @yesthisiswhump @as-a-matter-of-whump @happy-whumper @myst-in-the-mirror @tears-and-lilies @heathenwhump
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thatweirdoleigh · 3 years
Frozen Love
Prompt: “I’m going to take care of you, okay?”
Oneshot / kinda based on daydreams about an oc 
Procrastination is a bitch, but here you go!
Little editing. WE DIE WITH PRIDE. Sorry if this is scientifically impossible. or just impossible to read.
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, implied Hypothermia, some swear words Feel free to @ me if I missed any.
Italics represent thoughts
Kol x Reader
Her tears felt like fire against the freezing air. It had happened. He did it. He finally fucking did it. Her boyfriend, now ex, had finally snapped and showed his true colors. Her bloodied lip and quickly bruising face a testament to his cruelty. He confessed that he was cheating and that he liked it. He called her a worthless excuse for a lover, then threw her back out in the snow without so much as a coat. The winter temperatures had continued dropping below freezing for the past several weeks and as shivers raked across her spine, she quickly realized she would surely freeze if she didn’t pull herself off the ground.
Ok Y/n where can you go?
Taylor is already stressed.
Dave will be angry.
Klaus will outright kill me if I go to Cami or Marcel.
With a groan, y/n pushed herself off the brick wall and up from the ground. Her stomach twisted in knots, as she resigned to her fate. Pulling out her phone only to find it dead, she cursed at the sky. Damn it. And so she walked, vigorously rubbing up and down her arms, hoping to whatever god would listen that she was going the right way.
 Kol groaned as he stripped off his coat. Tugging a hand through his hair, he informed his brothers that he was going to go shower off the blood and then crash, and that he wouldn’t be joining them for there celebrations. Klaus only waved his hand, mumbling that there wouldn’t be one, he himself being eager to join his very pregnant wife in bed.  
Although neither party were on particularly friendly terms, Marcel and the Mikaelsons were not actively trying to kill one another. This however, did not persuade a group of extremists from attacking the Mikaelsons in the name of “freeing Marcel from their compulsion”.  Marcel was not compelled.
They were exhausted. This was the 4th attack in a week and it was only Wednesday. So Kol trudged up the stairs, careful not to track mud across the carpet (Rebekah would have his head), stripped his clothes and got in the shower where he allowed the hot water to relax his aching muscles.
 Kol opened his eyes, consciousness slowly swimming back to him, as shivers ran down his spine. After having scrubbed off all the blood in the shower, Kol had gotten in the tub figuring he deserved the joy. Must’ve fallen asleep. He acknowledges. The water now cold, Kol gets out, and dries his hair but not after putting on gray sweatpants and his favorite sweatshirt, the one that y/n had gotten him for his birthday. His lips involuntarily curl into a smirk at the thought of his best friend and secret crush.
Regardless Kol yawns and flops onto his bed relishing in the warmth of his room, grateful for the modern invention of indoor heating.
I’m hungry. Should probably go eat s’mthin.
Just as sleep starts to wrap around Kol like a warm blanket, the door bell rings.
He frowns against his pillow and listens intently for the front door, trying to figure out who would be here at this ungodly hour. He is rewarded with a familiar voice pleading with something he can’t quite place, “Please Kol, just open the door”. Y/n?
And so Kol makes his way out and into the entryway, exasperated and sleepy, trying to figure out why his best friend would grace his doorstep at this time of night.
“This better be good” he said playfully as he swung the door open. However both his mood and face dropped quickly as he saw the state of the woman he loved. Her eyes were glossy as if she could she right through him, her eyelashes were clumped together where her tears had frozen, her lips and nails were a concerning blue, complementing the purple and black that marred across her cheek and she was shaking as if a gentle breeze could push her over.
“The hell? y/n?” he pulled the door wider, shock and panic starting to take hold.
“Sorry” she murmured, seeming genuine in her apology, “didn’t know where else to go”. And with that she collapsed into his arms.
  When y/n woke up, it was not with a sudden gasp from her usual, frequent nightmares, or with the same clarity that one had after a good night’s rest. No, when y/n woke up her senses swam back like molasses. The first thing she notices is, its warm. She is wrapped in something warm and soft. Blankets, she concludes. The second thing she notices is the taste of copper and how thick it feels in her throat. Kol. gave hes blood i guess….Kol. She hums his name gently as she gets the vague feeling that she is forgetting something.
“Y/n?” Following the voice, the next thing she notices is the body pressed against her back. She hums again as she rolls further into its warmth. Her eyes flutter open and she is greeted with the face of her best friend and the man she has secretly loved while her boyfriend messed with her mind, filling it with lies. Lies claiming the she could never be loved. She smiles, “Kol”.
           Pulling her closer to his bare chest, y/n now wearing his sweatshirt in an attempt to keep her warm, Kol gave a breath of blessed relief at the sound of her voice, “you had me worried, you were so cold, I didn’t think you were breathing.” He gave a half hearted chuckle. Y/n hummed happily as she snuggled backwards closer into the warmth of his body. Kol shuffled the blankets higher over her shoulders and took and careful breath.
“So do you wanna tell me why you appeared on my doorstep half frozen and bruised, without a jacket, in the dead of the night?” His words had an edge to them that he hadn’t intended, as he desperately tried to push away the image of her face marred by black and blue.
y/n stilled, suddenly wide awake, as her memory of tonight’s events came back in a flood. The pain, the heartbreak, the cold, all of it.
“y/n?” She choked back a sob, as the hatred of her boyfriend’s words starting echoing in her mind.
You’re useless and a waste of my time. Guess I was wrong, you can’t be loved. Not even by me!
The crash of the beer bottle was jarring but what was more jarring the punch thrown shortly after the bottle hit the wall.
His fist was in her hair now as tears streamed down her face. “Let me go!” she begged. “You’re hurting me. Let me go! Please!”. The door opened and she landed in the snow, as she was thrown out into the icy cold. “AND DON’T COME BACK YOU USELESS BITCH”. The door slammed shut.
“y/n!” Kol was now hovering over top of y/n, desperate to break through her distress. She took in a sudden breath and then a sob as she clung to him. Kol swore under his breath as he started rubbing up and down her sides and legs trying to get her to calm down.
“hey, hey. Its ok. I’ve got you. I’ve got you. You’re safe. I’ll take care of you. I’m going to take care of you okay?”
Another breath, “Okay”.
Several minutes passed before either spoke again. Y/n because she was to overwhelmed to speak and Kol because he was terrified he would scare her again. As y/n’s breathing evened out Kol laid back by her side and wrapped her leg over his hip as he pulled her closer to him. The intimacy of the gesture caused y/n’s guilt to bubble through into the silence.
“I’m sorry.” Kol was taken back by this.
“For what? Crying? Princess, Its OK, I shouldn’t have asked, I should have just let you sleep and then waited to talk in the morning.”
Y/n’s throat swelled tighter at the sincerity in his voice. “F-For being weak. For being a coward. For showing up on your doorstep at ass o’clock at night!” She said thickly.
Kol pulled back to look her in the eyes and he saw the pain and anguished guilt in her eyes, and all he could think of was how much he wanted to make it all go away.
“Baby girl, I love you, but you’re scaring me. What’s going on? Why were you outside? Why didn’t you have a jacket? How and where did you get the bruises from?”
“J-JJ kicked me out for being home late. A co-worker volunteered me for overtime. H-He hit me and confessed he was c-cheating.” She explained her tears were flowing freely now.
Anger flashed behind Kol’s eyes, and he pulled her tighter against him, like he was using his body as a shield from the outside world.  “I’m gonna kill him,” He vowed lowly. “How dare he. How dare he fucking treat you like that”.
Y/n froze, not because of Kol’s vow, that was to be expect of any Mikaelson, but because of something else Kol just said.
“Wait, you love me?”
Now it was Kol’s time to freeze. His anger quickly over-taken by shock and the fear as he realized his slip up. He avoided her eyes in shame.
“y-yeah” his heart stuttering, “yeah I do. “ he whispered.
“Oh thank god. “
And then she kissed him.
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zero-rider · 4 years
A grim knight in the world
He didn't know why that new wolf-knight themed Grimm scared him, but at the same time it gave him a sense of familiarity. It was concerning for him, he was surprised by the hound when it took Oscar in Atlas, but this new Grimm scared him more than the first beowulf he saw when he was still untrained and on his way for his forged transcrips for Beacon. It didn't help the fact that he made him retreat from Atlas before he could enact the plan were he had fight Salem and endure so his friends could escape Atlas alive, maybe it was a bad idea, since he was talking about a freaking magical and inmortal old hag with probably TOO MUCH free time and an enormous grudge against his husband, who was in the body of a prepubertal boy... yep, normal as eff
But he was rambling right now
After they leaved Atlas, he, his team, RWBY, Qrow and Penny fought with the Grimm wolf knight him more than once, he always retreated with just a wound and followed them to everywhere, it was almost like he knew where they would go. It was curious that the knight Grimm always aimed for him only and occasionally Yang and Oscar, but in the end, he was always the target. Not Nora, not Ren, not Ruby, not Oscar or any other in his group, him. It was even curious that the Grimm knight tried to cut Cinder's head when she was about to kill Ruby and Penny in their way to Vacuo and he could only watch from afar, he and Ruby could swear that his topaz eyes changed to a deep saphire when he helped her to stand up. He was also skeptical about the identity of the humanoid Grimm, he called himself Alexandrine Arc, whose name was of his great-great grandfather, man whose history was as lost as Blake in a mall with only blond people and whose weapon was a sword and shield combo, not a great sword similar to his own after the upgrade in that village in anima
But again, he was rambling thanks to the nerves
it didn't took him too much to put two and two together and reveal the mystery of that humanoid grimm after some fights and some small chat with him when they crossed swords, it was clear to him who the masked man was, but he needed to be sure before jumping that bridge. That's why he made a plan for that in three simple steps, Step 1; wait for his ambush and made him bring Grimm or Salem's henchmen to distract the group. Step 2; find and make him follow him to a far away place to talk freely without breaking the mind of his friends. And lastly, Step 3; confront him. This plan was also a failure, the grimm knight sure as hell knew partially what he planned but followed his lead just to humor him. And when he finally got him alone to talk in a vast death forest in the frontier between Vacuo and Vale? Well, that was complicated
"... Alexandrine, that's not your name, Isn't it?" aske Jaune, whose sword was being sheathed on his shield, the grim knight only watched "i know your name... your true name..." that got an angry reaction of the grimm
"SILENCE!" he raised his sword and dashed to the blonde, who didn't move an inch, and when the name was said, he stopped, took a deep breath and cleaved his sword on the ground
"Jaune Arc... that is your name" the Grimm knight growled, his long sword changed to how it looked before, gold guard and a shining silver blade took the place of the stylish design on the blade and the bat wing looking guard. It was Crocea Mors again, looking as new as the day he got it from that blacksmith time ago "what happennd to you to leave you like this?"
"it was my fault... i made a dangerous wager and i lost, everyone died!" in that moment, the wolf mouth of his helmet open wide and leaved his head to reveal his face. Ashen white and long hair with only one blond fringe, tired red eyes with black sclera and veins popping out from his eyes and standing out on his bone white skin.The face and those words were enough to make him sheathed his sword on his shield sheath for an explanation
"plan?... then, that mean-" before his mind could go to think the consequences of his plan, his Grimm twin confirmed his suspicious
"yes, our plan failed, Salem won" he avoided his gaze, anger was found in his voice while he clenched his fists "they died... by Salem's word and by my own hand" this time his eyes moistened
"you... what..." tears came from him too, first was Pyrrha, now he had to lose all his friends too? and the worst of all, he was their executioner? "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!? DID YOU LOSE YOUR MIND!?" Jaune clenched his hands and even readied to fight with his fists, but the other Jaune didn't flinch
"lose my mind? how could i not?... all our life seems to be cursed by the twin gods, our family is tied with Salem and Ozpin, Remnant killed my family with reasons based in fear for the hypothetical power they could have. And after killing all my friends while i was not in control of my body, while she made me the general of her Grimm... my sanity, it died with them" he looked how his Grimm twin took his version of Crocea and give it back his dark form, only to be sheathed in a black, red and white sheath he generated with some weird looking black liquid
"did...did you also killed Ruby?" he knew very well the answer, and wondered if he was secretly a masochist for wanting to feel that wound in his heart, more tears hanged from his eyes as he downed his gaze to the dirt. As for the Ozpin and Salem being his many great grandparents, he just shoved it in the most deeper part of his mind, right now he needed his mind clear to try to understand his evil twin and his motivation, as dumb or inconsistent as they could be
"... i did, she said that she was glad to meet me at Beacon, that i was the best friend she could ask along with Penny... that she loved me... and then, she died with a smile on her face" that moment got a sad smile on his ivory face, even in her dead she looked so radiant and brave, not scared from him after their second meeting as huntress and Grimm. He only lamented the outcome and cursed that gift from his ancestor
"so?... you want my place don't you?" he asked, Jaune thought it was obvious. Both of them were family of a pair who didn't knew about couple therapy and killed possibly one, two or three of their daughters (not four, since his existence proved that one survived), so he wanted to kill him or made him take his place as the Grimm wolf knight
"in that your wrong, i came here with a task and a choice to do, those are, your world or mine?" Grimm Jaune circled him while he looked warily at his actions, how he calmed and was confused by his words
"mine or yours?" he was confused, but with the more information he had from his twin, the more he was lost at his reason to be there
"Salem stole the brother gods magic and gave me the choice to throw away everything in order to bring a dead world back to life i must sacrifice another self... That's the task i have. When someone of another world die, someone from this world is saved, in those terms, i must decimate your world to save MY world"
"... " he was lost of words, was he really that bad when his partner died or that only applied to his twin? either way, he was bound to stop him "you truly lost your mind"
"if it bring back my family, my friends... and Ruby. Then it's a price i'm willing to pay" Jaune knew he was serious, he was him after all, and that meaned that it would be a pain in the ass to fight against himself
"then i will not let you" he unsheathed his sword and pointed it to his twin, who was not amused by his answer
"just think about it for a moment, you can bring back Pyrrha, Clover and all the people who died by Cinder and Salem's hands. All this sorrow and pain can be avoided!" he opened his arms and looked around the dead grey forest they were
"if by destroying this word means that many more can be saved... then i will have to pass"
"let me say this again, you can save RUBY by doing that!" now his patience was giving up, how dared him to let his team die like that!? to let Ruby die on his arms!!? even his hands were shaking from pure anger at himself
"i know, but i would be saving your Ruby, not mine" that sounded as he didn't care about them, he did care, but those were the dead ones, the ones who were alive were fighting and succeeding to beat the small battalion of Grimm his twin brought with him
"so that's your answer? didn't we said that if our dead bringed time for RWBY's victory, then so be it!? why change that now!?" it was ironic, he disliked Salem, but right now he saw the resemble with her in his twisted version of him. it made him shiver just thinking about the process to make him look like the crazy inmortal ex-wife of Ozpin
"because that would make MY team and MY Ruby very sad, and that is something i can't allow" he did ready this time, he took his stance and prepared for the inminent fight with himself. That took the ‘you are your own sworn enemy’ thing to a next level on his mind
"and here i thought that you would understand since i am you" the Grimm looked at himself with a betrayed expresion, one that later passed to be an angered one "you will regret this!"
"i'm already regreting being me, being an idiot who didn't thought better" he ran at himself, semblance activated, shield up and sword ready for a strike
"what's done cannot be undone" his twin did the same, not before covering his face with his wolf helmet and unsheated his sword mid way to his human version
with the great sword on his right hand, he swinged his sword at Jaune, who got the cover with his shield and later did two opposite slashes at his Grimm version, the wolf knight dodged without moving to much and later crossed his sword with himself. After couple of seconds later, both of them took distance and ran at each other again
"HAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!/HOOOOOOOOOHHHH!!!" their part concluded with Grimm Jaune’s sword hitting Jaune's shield while the human one was preparing to parry his attack
Far away from the border of Vacuo and Vale
"so in the end i win despite Ozma's silver eyed pawn and my family on his side... this war has become more interesting" Salem laughed, watching the battle of his two descendants(one more perfect than other, in her opinion) from a seer Grimm in the comfort of her castle and surrowded of her minions, with mixed reactions from all of them
Watts was amazed from a scientific point view, and wondered if the process was the same as Cinder. Tyriand laughed and watched amazed the little huntsman he was interested, along with Neo. Mercury and Emerald while amazed too, they were actually a little scared about the Grimm twin of Arc. Hazel was wondering what to do about him, he was his queen child, so he was probably untouchable, but he was also Ozpin’s child, se he wanted to repay him with the same coin... what to do, what to do. And lastly, Cinder, she was pissed and hoped for both to die in a draw. It was understandable on her words, the guy not only give her a scar on her left eye in Heaven, but also tried to cut her head to save that damn red child
"watch carefully everyone, since he is my successor, the future general of my army and the key of my victory along with the maiden powers" everyone nodded, and waited for the end of the fight, if there was an end to this battle
To be continue
Part 1
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vikingsagine · 4 years
A Shield-Maiden’s Wrath - Bjorn x Reader - Part Two
Summary - After finding out Bjorn has cheated on you, the night that all the Ragnarsson’s were nervous about finally arrives. Time for your sweet revenge....
Warnings: SWEARING! ANGRY AND PREGNANT WIFE!! VIOLENCE! REVENGEEEE is a  bitch. Or is that Karma? Either way, it’s a bitch.
I did enjoy writing this, it was fun. Part One and Part Three if you want to read it. This is basically just something fluffy in a weird way. Hopefully, satisfying and justifying to the ex wives of Bjorn Ironside and just some brotherly love.
@soleil-dor​ @abonelessgod​ @sadbutatleastsassy​ @youbloodymadgenius​ @ivarthebloodyking​
Hvitserk is nervous. They were all nervous. 
He scanned the herd of people, tearing away at the piece of chicken in hopes to ease the rush of anxiety. If Bjorn knew he flapped his gums, breaking the promise he made, Hvitserk was sure his oldest brother would not be afraid to ‘settle’ things. Then of course, he could already imagine that you would stick up, biting into Bjorn to argue it wasn’t Hvitserk’s fault. Which would cause more strife, barking back from one another and ultimately, he would be to blame. 
Ubbe is more cautious.
He kept his light blue orbs from flickering between the oak wooden doors then to Bjorn, sitting innocently. Unaware of his targeted predicament. All four of them swore not to warn Bjorn of your knowledge because a, they would all remain out of their soon to be hurricane of a temper and b, none wanted to face yours or Bjorn’s wrath. Instead, Ubbe stood closely next to his older brother, not even thinking about drinking or eating. Too agitated and paranoid. 
“What is wrong brother?” Bjorn broke his chain of thoughts and caught him off guard. Quickly recovering from his momentary surprise, Ubbe forced a crooked smile to his lips. More so reassuring himself that everything is going to be fine. “You seem tense, relax. Drink. Eat.” 
“I’m not hungry.” Too quickly he answered, too fast. Bjorn stared at him skeptical as to why he seemed so stiff. Watching out for something. Then it dawned upon him.
“Oh I see.” This caused red flags to go off in his mind, the gears going crazy. Zooming and whirling. “You are looking for someone, aren’t you?” Ubbe clenched his jaw and squeezed the cup in hand. Clenched it so hard, he could feel it dent under the pressure. “That blonde girl, Margrethe. It is alright, I won’t tell your Mother.” He instantly relaxed in his seat and let out a skittish chuckle, quickly turning to the cup of mead for calm. 
“You could say that.”
Sigurd decided to remain ignorant. 
Instead indulged himself in his people, strumming away at the strings of his ute and filled the air of a joyous melody. He laughed and sang, finding pleasure in the company of friends and strangers. All seemingly serene, almost perfect. Yet, he could not ignore the arc of his stomach. Almost sickly as if he ate something bad or drank too much. Nauseous and sick. He knew deep down, even with hopes of peaceful tranquility for the rest of the night, it will soon be thrown to the air. Destroyed and burned. So, Sigurd kept dancing, grasping the last few moments of this bliss. 
Ivar is on edge.
He is not afraid, looking forward to the oncoming festivities that night. He could recall your last controversy. Bjorn verbally abused you over your pregnant state and how you shouldn’t be fighting or using a weapon however, your free-spirited morals did not take it so well. One thing led to another, things were thrown around by your hand. His brother’s voice boomed so loud, he was sure other town’s could hear. Which led to Bjorn’s departure and eventually, Ivar found him screwing one of the servants. Beautiful but rather, daft. Anyone stupid enough to even consider having sex with his older brother; a married man and soon-to-be Father, has a death wish. 
“Brother, are you sure-” 
“Ubbe, stop.” Bjorn cut him off, pressing the woman close to his side. He knew it was very dangerous to be playing around with the chance of his wife walking into those very doors. Of course he knew it would cause his possible death but something about the thought was exciting. “It is far too late, Y/N will not come. Hmm?” The great warrior leaned over his knees and nudged his little brother. 
“Sure.” Ubbe pressed his lips together and stood up. He knew he should’ve said something, hinted at least a little, warned Bjorn or even motioned that you knew. But there was the side that secretly wanted this, curse it be. 
My brother, I hope you are prepared, the Gods will not be on your side tonight nor will I. By the Gods, you brought this upon yourself.
Two shields of wood smashed wide, slamming against the walls and shook the hall like thunder had struck. Young men and women alike froze in their happy state and awed with wide, scared spectacles. Like a nightmare come to life, they stared. 
You stood, a raging and fuming beast. In all the glory of your shield and sword and arrows and bow. So dangerously true. Coated in leather wrapped around breasts and a bulging stomach; never a pregnant woman seen so chilling. To cause dread. Your eyes glowed vibrantly, black ink surrounded the skin and smeared the corners of your eyes. Paint ready for war. Hair is so beautiful, thick and heavy. Twisted in mending lace. A true shield-maiden ready to demolish their enemy. 
The hall in complete silence. 
You pulled an arrow back and pointed the tip of it towards your target, your prey, your next victim. Another face to tear into. 
“You.” Like a deep rumble of thunder, the sound of your voice bounced from the walls, calm and steady. But there were those that could hear the hot rage, pure and unfortunately real. “And you.” With a darting eye, you glared and aimed the weapon towards the slave girl who was pushed aside and shaking in fear. 
One, two, three steps. 
Bjorn did not budge, holding your gaze with as much passion. His pride and ego and name too much to set aside for the benefit of his wife. Instead he sat and analysed every move of your body, predator eyeing predator. Everyone else disappeared. He could do the obvious and apologize for his doings, beg for forgiveness, admit his wrong and fight for your favor. But, where would be the fun in that? 
“My love I have been waiting for you.” Bjorn smirked and poured a cup of mead to hand it over. “Drink.” The cup was knocked out of his grasp as you shot the first winged spear.
 ‘How dare he.’ You thought. Just the sight of your beloved husband made every cell in your body boil. And then to see the whore he so desperately fucked because of his lack of fulfillment, for his own pleasure. The next arrow landed right next to his head, almost slicing his pale flesh. 
“I see you found out.” Bjorn gripped the arrow planted, threw it to the ground and huffed. “So who told you? Ubbe? Sigurd? Hvitserk? Ivar?” He motioned towards his brother’s; who were now out of the way just like the rest of the people. They all backed up, leaning against the walls to be out of both of your range. Ivar sat in the perfect position, out of the way yet close enough to adore the sight. 
“Do not bring them into this.” You hissed and watched as he took slow steps down the few rows of stairs. “This is your fault. You. Bjorn Ironside. My loyal husband.” Words like venom, another arrow whirled through the air and stopped him in his tracks. 
“Please, we can talk about this.” Another arrow.
“Calm down.” Another.
“You have to understand that-” Arrow.
Bjorn lost all patience now, growling out of annoyance and bored into your being. Pregnant. Strong. And very, furious. Without warning you drew your sword out and dove it straight for his head, in hopes to decapitate that handsomely deviled face. “You cheated on me!” Another swing. “You filthy pig.” Stab. “You animal.” Following him up the steps, you kicked the table to knock him over. 
“I love you.” Bjorn muttered and ducked, dodging the oncoming fly of cutlery and food. Desperately searching for a shield. 
“You love me? You love me so much that you shove your cock into the cunt of a fucking whore!” Finally reaching his axe, he met your sword that buzzed with your fire. He could feel the emotion burn into his body but still, he did not fear it. Instead intrigued, guiltily enjoying your passionate emotion. “You shame me and you humiliate me and you betray me.” You kicked him over, knocking him on his ass and managed to scratch the surface of his chest. 
“I wanted sex and every time I tried, you were in pain.” This added more fuel to the fire, sparking up that heat that burned at your core. You were sure your child also fueled that pit of flames, angry at their Father. 
“Because I am pregnant.” He rolled over to his side and jumped to his feet, re-directing each one of your desperate attacks. “With your child. Tell me, did you fuck that slut before you fucked me?” There were so many questions that filled your head. So many emotions that stung your heart. “You aren’t a great warrior, not a man. You’re just a fat piece of meat thinking with the blunt tool dangling between his legs.” You grabbed a fistful of Bjorn’s hair, wrapping his braids around your hand like shackles trapped to you. Then dragged him and shoved his head against the pillar. “How many times did you screw that bitch?”
“Nine, maybe ten times, give or take.” He gave you a cheeky smirk, playing with your emotion. You heaved him back and smashed his head onto the floor. “It wasn’t my fault.”
“Not your fault! Think so much with your dick that you just fell in her loose lips.” With a fury you growled and punched him in the jaw, followed by a barrage of slaps and claws. “Couldn’t even wait for three months and deceive your own lover! Couldn’t control yourself longer than two minutes! And then you lie to me! All those late nights, you left me alone, cold, miserable while you get your fill!” You grabbed the ruffs of his head and slammed it against the ground. “Then you force your brothers to lie to me. Hide like a rat, a slimy sloppy snake. Drag them into this because you wanted sex!” All you could see is red, nothing else. You. Him. And red. “And humiliate me, making me look like a fool! I defended you, stood up for you, made excuses for your bullshit. And this is how you repay me?!” Bjorn caught your hands and gripped them so hard you thought they would bruise. 
“Now you know how I felt when you let that merchant’s son bury his tiny little cock in what is mine.” With one swift move, he flipped you over and drove his hips into you. It only pushed you that much further and you spat in his face. 
“I do not belong to you, I only belong to myself!” You wrapped your legs around his waist and drove him into you then snapped your elbow up, striking his face. “We weren’t married then either! I hardly knew you!” 
“Even still, you knew I wanted you. You fucking knew it!” With your form now on top, you tried to dig your nails into his eyes and gouge those pretty blue orbs out. The ones you love so much. So piercing and so hard to read. But now, clear as day. “And I know you saw me!” For a split second you were surprised, wavering you from your confident outburst. Bingo! Just like that Bjorn trapped you under his form, holding both your wrists in place. 
“That was five fucking years ago you piece of shit.” You growled, struggling against his hold. “Bringing things up like a bitch. I always knew you were a bitch, a weak, weak man.” You cooed, slithering your knee between his and dug it up. Bjorn groaned and rolled off of your body before collapsing. It would have been sweet that he still took note of your pregnant belly but, considering the situation you didn’t give a fuck. “Besides, he fucked me in ways you couldn’t. He pleasured me better than a weak man like you ever could.” You couldn’t help but smirk, a smugness filled your bones. 
Bjorn jumped to his feet, dragging the axe along with him and met your stance. Ready to unleash your storm of resentment. The clear primal glare behind his piercing orbs sent shivers down your body, now clearly ready to settle things. 
“You want me back Ironside, you better fight for it.” \
You tossed your weapon from left to right hand.
 “Earn me.”
“What do you think is going on in there?” Hvitserk broke the tension, drawing his knees to his chest and pushed himself into a more comfortable position. 
“Maybe they’re finished.” Sigurd shrugged, pulling at the stings of his ute while his brows furrowed. They all looked at each other, hopeful until they heard a loud cluttering sound followed by a loud groan of their older brother, cue a sigh. “Never mind.”
“Maybe we should-” 
“Don’t.” Ubbe cut Hvitserk off, knowing fully well where he was going. He did not want to lose a limb or an eye by stepping back into the hall, now a battlefield. Another crash sounded from behind them and he shivered, feeling pity for his older brother. Bjorn in an unfortunate predicament of not being able to fight back like he usually did because of their child, which made Y/N even more dangerous. A force to be reckoned with. “By all means go back in there and you try to break them apart but, I will not come to your aid.”
“Why did you have to drag me out of there? I was enjoying myself.” Ivar frowned a little, remembering how Ubbe and Hvitserk practically hauled him out. 
“I’m sure you were.” Ubbe spoke and folded his arms over his chest. “But I am not losing another brother tonight.”
“Don’t be absurd, Y/N wouldn’t have hurt me.” Ivar argued back.
“You would have hurt yourself. Wouldn’t be able to crawl away fast enough.” The crippled glared at Sigurd, who was now smirking. But, he did not get angry this time and just rolled his eyes, over his shit. “I think I won the bet.”
“No way, I said she would attack during the feast first. All of you owe me.” Hvitserk intervened, not really caring about the sack of silver or gold. But instead the glory of beating his brother’s at least once. For the one that started the bets most of the time, he didn’t seem to win a lot. 
“Everyone knew that, even the town’s people.” Sigurd intercepted and made Hvitserk huff. They all snapped towards the wooden door as they shook slightly, followed by the sound of your shouts and the sound of Bjorn’s voice, filled with as much passion. 
“I predicted all of it.” Ivar seethed, halting their bickering. “I said all of that, so I win.” 
“No, you also bet that they were going to end up fucking. That does not sound like pleasure.” Sigurd quickly corrected, pointing to the hall. “I should get all of your money.” 
“No.” Hvitserk denied.
“Yes, I claimed she was going to arrive in battle armor. Not anyone could have predicted that.” 
“Yes but, I bet what all three of you said. It’s me.” Ivar hissed.
“I’m older than both of you, the money is mine.” Hvitserk attempted to pull all of the bags of coins but Sigurd and Ivar were on him, pulling and thrashing. Ubbe rolled his eyes and clearly was over their bullshit, always the one fixing things. But this time, he did so differently.
“Be quiet. Shut up. Stop!” The four boys all froze and listened intently to a soft sound whispering amongst the wind. Coming from inside the hall, less violent or brash. Then their faces fell,  knowing what the hell was happening and sunk on their asses.
“See, I win.” Ivar hummed in victory, snatching each one of their filled pouches of gold and silver. For once, thankful to both yours and Bjorn’s endless cycle. Tiresome and annoying but at least, consistent and committed. 
“Where do you think that thrall went?” Sigurd raised his eyes in curiosity, the only one seemingly interested. Hvitserk shrugged and Ubbe just stared at the sky.
“Do you have to ask stupid questions?” 
“She probably ran away.” Ubbe concluded lazily. “I don’t blame her, I would too.”
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“I should tell him but, he doesn’t deserve it.”
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“If Bjorn finds out I told her, I’m so dead. I’m too young to die. I’m still a virgin. I don’t wanna die a virgin. Why? WHY? Maybe she won’t come, maybe she’ll just forget about. MAYBE SHE - oh nvm.”
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“I’m just gonna pretend I know nothing. Ignore my problems. Yeh, this is better. ”
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“Oh yeah, he’s screwed.”
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“oh.......fuck. I’m too sober for this shit”
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holylulusworld · 5 years
Root of Evil
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Summary: Months after the incident Steve and the others are back at the Avengers’ tower. Under prohibition they can ‘save the world’ again. Seeing you with Tony makes Steve furious…
Pairing: Nomad!Steve Rogers x Reader, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Dr. Strange, Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson, Bucky Barnes, Bruce Banner
Warnings: angst, possessive Steve/slightly OOC Steve, talking about mind manipulation, guilt, comforting, fluff,
This is the 3rd and last sequel to: Hard lesson to learn and Only Mine
 The next day’s Steve won’t leave your side. He doesn’t touch you, not in a sexual way but he seems to cling to you. Afraid to lose you he snuggles into your side or brings you onto his lap.
“I can’t lose you, can’t let anyone get close to you,” Steve whispers in the conference room as Tony looks at the scene with worried eyes.
“Care to explain?” Tony asks looking at you in Steve’s arms. “I told you to stay away from her and now you are holding her tightly. Did you use force, Rogers?” Tony is clenching his jaw and you know if you tell him about the pollen and what happened that night he will attack Steve.
“No…” You whisper as your body starts trembling. “She’s mine, Stark. You can’t have her. Y/N loves me, and I love her.” Steve’s voice goes lower now, a warning hidden behind a smile.
Tony’s eyes meet yours and he can see the fear mixed with helplessness in your Y/E/C orbs. You don’t want to let Steve down, but you are afraid of him at the same time.
“Steve, can we have a word?” Natasha asks as Steve tightens the grip on you, not wanting to let you go. “Steven Grant Rogers let Y/N go and follow us,” Loki says and Steve looks at the Asgardian, lessening the hold on you.
Slowly sliding off Steve’s lap you look at Loki who seems to search Steve’s face. “I think this little witch over there should check Captain America. Something seems to be off with him. I can’t fathom the problem, but I feel a dark aura surrounding the golden boy.”
“Dark Aura, brother?” Thor rumbles as Wanda carefully touches Steve’s forehead. “Steve, relax. Show me what happened…” Wanda whispers as she uses her powers. She starts shaking, gasps escape her lips and Loki needs to steady her shaking body before she falls to the ground, exhausted.
“Something is wrong inside of Steve. There is something inside of him…something dark trying to suppress the ‘real’ Steve.” Wanda whispers as she looks up at you. “The real Steve is sorry…”
Everything turns black for Wanda as Steve’s eyes focus back on you. His hands ball into fists as he storms toward Tony who tries to bring you out of the room. Steve grabs Tony’s shoulder, dragging him away from you.
Tears slip down your cheeks when Steve raises his fist to hit Tony, but you get between both men, shaking your head. “Please, Steve, stop this insanity. Whatever it is you are hiding or what is tormenting you, let us help you. I still love you…” Pleading you move your hand to his heart, shaking your head.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me. All I know is he wants you…he gets you.” Steve groans as the pain in his head gets worse and the ‘other’ Steve tries to take control again.
“Steve? Steve…” His eyes darken and the grin on his face tells you he’s is not Captain America. 
“Hello, Darling. I was waiting to get hold of you for so long. Stevie fought against me so hard but little redhead over there distracted him long enough.” Steve wants to get hold of you but Bucks storms into the room, vibranium handcuffs in his hands he looks at Thor and Tony so both men grab Steve’s wrist to hold him in place as Bucky handcuffs his friend.
“I don’t know what’s wrong punk, but you will never hurt Y/N again. Tony, call Bruce. I’m afraid something happened during a mission around six months ago. I lost contact with Steve for two days and when he returned, he was different. Like something inside of him got wiped out…” Bucky explains. 
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Natasha yells as Steve tries to break out of the handcuffs. “These won’t hold me. Y/N is mine…only mine!” He gasps. Spit is running down Steve’s chin as he’s looking at you with wild eyes.
“I thought I imagine things. With everything going on I believed Steve needs a break. I didn’t want to bother one of you for nothing but after Y/N left it got worse. I wanted to talk to him, but he said it’s stress or anything else.”
Steve is struggling against the handcuffs, trying to get close to you he gets stopped by Thor dragging him away.
“You are mine…no one can have you…mine!!” Steve yells as the Asgardian brings him out of the room. “Mine!!!”
“Anything yet?” You ask as Bruce checks Steve’s vital functions. “All I can say is he didn’t get poisoned or drugged. I’ll make a complete scan of his body now. We will see if anything unusual is…holy…” Bruce gasps at the sight of a strange device nestled in Steve’s brain.
“What’s that?” 
“I can’t tell so far. I need to inform Doctor Cho, Tony, and Steven Strange. I think I’ll need their help and advice. This thing might have caused Steve’s change of character…” Bruce stammers rushing out of the lab as you look at the monitor, letting out a shaky breath. Maybe it wasn’t Steve hurting you…
“How is he? Did you get it out?” Bucky asks glancing at you sitting on the floor next to the lab, not moving a muscle.
“So far, we can tell we were able to remove the device. Tony is checking it right now along with Dr. Strange. It’s a weird little beast, a mind manipulating machine combined with ‘mystic powers’ according to Steven.” Bruce explains as you look at your hands.
“Was Steve able to make decisions?” Your voice is broken, meek as both men look at you.
“It was influencing his morality and some other functions. I guess Steve couldn’t control much in his life. He was fighting it, tho. The influence got stronger but in clear moments he was able to suppress the influence.” Tony explains entering the room with Steven.
“A magnificent device. Never saw something similar before.” Steven swoons and you glare at the man you barely know.
“Magnificent? Steve hurt me and he did something a few days ago the Steve I knew would’ve never done. This thing is a monstrosity, nothing else.” You curse.
“Y/N, Steve is awake. Good thing he’s healing that fast.” Bruce says helping you up. “Steve is asking for you the whole time. Please.”
“I don’t know if I can face him yet.” Lips quivering you look at Bruce who is nervously biting his lip. “He needs this…Y/N…”
“I’ll try…”
On wobbling legs, you slowly open the door as Steve drinks your shaking form in. Pale and with red eyes you walk toward the bed.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry. I tried anything to stop him. He was obsessed with you. I couldn’t…” Sniffling Steve gets out of the bed but the moment you flinch away he stops in his tracks. “They said everyone has a weak spot, you are mine. They wanted me to hurt you…please forgive me. I can never make up to you what I did…” Steve’s hands want to touch your face but he’s afraid you will flinch away once again.
“Why did you…?” Not meeting Steve’s eyes, you glance at his naked feet as he slowly walks toward you, closing the distance.
“I always wanted you, Y/N. I wanted to touch you. I fought so hard but then he said these words and you followed his order. I thought I can gain control, but I couldn’t. I’m sorry our first time was like this…” Ashamed Steve looks away, reaching out for your hand.
“I wanted it to be special with candles and all. I had this plan on my mind. Then the Accords happened and anything else. I got caught during the mission and now…I lost you. Please at least take my apology.” Steve’s hands are shaking when you place one hand onto his heart, feeling it started to race.
“What happened during this mission, Steve?” His eyes meet yours and he needs to compose himself before he starts talking.
“Bucky and I wanted to infiltrate a hide-out of former Shield agents secretly working for Hydra, but it was a trap. I entered the building and suddenly I felt week and fell to the ground. The last thing I saw was a boot hitting my face.”
“Steve…” Gasping you grab his hand, slightly squeezing it. “Tell me what happened…”
“I woke up in an odd chair. Almost like the one they conditioned Bucky in. I thought they want to do something similar and let my mind wander to…you.” Now Steve’s eyes fill with tears. “I didn’t know they wanted to find a weakness. I fell for their trap and the device got activated. After that, I was barely able to control anything. I fought against the other Steve’s control. For a few moments, I was able to break out of his grip…”
“The moment you said these words to me…” 
“I thought if I hurt you enough you would leave but he took over control and wanted you on the bed to punish me for misbehaving. I swear I wanted to make him stop, I wanted it so badly…” Steve closes his eyes, as a cold shiver runs down his spine. 
“That wasn’t you, Steve. Bucky had no control back then either.” Your words should soothe Steve, but he breaks down, kneeling he moves his arms around you. “I’m so sorry, Baby Girl. I never wanted to hurt you. What I did a few days ago…” Voice cracking he tightens the grip on you, not realizing you started moving your fingers through his messed-up hair.
“We will find the people doing this to you. No one does this to one of us…” Tony states walking into the room, meeting your tear clouded eyes.
“I’m guilty, Tony. I hurt Y/N, I used the stuff they gave me or rather the other me to make her obedient. I used her, Tony. I couldn’t control the need I felt close to her. All these years of denial, he made it go away by taking what I always wanted. There was a moment I wanted to give in only to have her in my arms. I was weak…” Steve chokes on his words as you don’t stop moving your fingers through his hair. 
“I could’ve fought him harder…”
“Steve, the device was one tricky beast. Every other man would’ve fallen under its influence even more. Not even able to hold back for a moment.” Steven explains. “It’s a combination of technology and mystic energy. You didn’t stand a chance. Try to make it up to her.”
“Well said, Dr. Strange. Do you want to explain the functions to me again?” Tony points toward the door, trying to give you and Steve some privacy.
“Sure, Mr. Stark. Let’s have a look at this devilish device once again.”
Days passed and Steve tried to keep his distance. Only glancing at you now and then he wants nothing more than saying he’s sorry again, but he knows – nothing can change what he did.
“Talk to her, Stevie. Y/N knows it was that thing making you do these things. Just stop tormenting yourself.” Bucky sighs watching his best friend pining for you. “Y/N always wanted to be with you. Give it a try.”
“She must hate me, Buck. I used this stuff. I had sex with her knowing she’s not able to say ‘no’…” Steve looks at his hands, shaking his head. 
“Steve, not you, that thing in your brain made you do this. It strengthened the want, the need to have her and suppressed your morality. Y/N knows that by now. Talk to her, dummy.” Bucky shakes his head as Steve watches you from afar once again.
“I can’t…”
Your eyes drift toward Steve as he fumbles at his bike. He tries to repair something. Grease smeared all over his hands he silently works at his bike, avoiding to look at you as you pass by, carrying your groceries.
“Steve…” Your voice calling his name makes him look up at you with these stormy blue eyes you always loved so much. “Y/N…”
“You shaved…” There’s a chuckle in your voice. “I like it. Could you lend me a hand? I got three more bags in my trunk…”
“Sure…wait…” Stammering Steve drops his tools to run toward your car, moving his arms around the bags to rush to your side. Smiling.
“Follow me, donkey Rogers…” You tease as the tall Avenger follows you like a lost puppy.
Natasha elbows Bucky seeing Steve carrying your bags toward your apartment. “Why did you buy so many groceries?” Steve asks looking into your bags while walking.
“I want to cook and thought I could invite someone.” You say and Steve silently sighs. “Lucky guy…”
“Hmmm…I will not let you eat at my table with all this grease smeared all over your clothes…” Stunned Steve stops in his tracks as you unlock your door letting him walk in first to place the bags onto your kitchen counter. “Seven…clean…” You order and he nods eagerly, a shy smile on his lips.
One minute to seven Steve stands in front of your door, straightening his clothing he looks at the flowers in his hands. Realizing this is the wrong gift he silently curses as you open the door.
“Sorry…I’ll get something better.” Steve stammers but you take the flowers out of his hands, opening the door wide, walking with it to let him in. “Come in. Dinner is almost ready.”
“Can I help with something…anthing?” Nervously chewing at his lower lip Steve looks at the table but there’s nothing left to do. 
“You could open the wine for me, Steve.” Your voice is soft, soothing in his ears and for a moment Steve is staring at you as if he’s in trance. Just drinking you in. Your hair softly framing your face. Pouty lips, the most Y/E/C eyes he ever saw.
“Steve? You with me, Cap?”
Snapping out of his trance he nods, smiling shyly. “Sorry, I was just…”
“Thinking about the hot sex with had last time you were in my apartment?” You blur out and Steve gasps at your words, trying to hide the way your words affect his manhood.
“Steve, if we want to become friends again we should try to get past these…incidents. I know it wasn’t you doing all these things and I know you tried to protect me. Let’s have dinner and forget everything else for a while. I’m so tired of all of this.”
“I want to but I always remember the way you were…” Steve trails off, trying to hide his emotions once again but you cut him off, grabbing his hand. “Say it, Steve.”
“I can’t forget the way you felt underneath me - the second time not the first. I wanted you so badly and he took what should’ve been mine. For a moment…I let him have control and stopped fighting him…” Steve admits.
“You wanted me?” Glancing up at Steve you can see the guilt in his eyes as he nods.
“I’m sorry. Maybe if I fought harder…”
“Steve.” When you wrap your arms around his body Steve is taken aback. Not expecting you to want him being close he tries to stand still to not scare you away. “You know for an embrace it needs two people, Rogers.” His arms wrap around you slowly to press you close to his body.
“I’ve missed you…”
“Missed you too, Captain. How about we eat the food I cooked or rather tried to cook and we can watch a movie.”
“Sounds like a plan…”
Your eyes grow heavy as you watch Steve stretching his legs out. “You can lie onto the couch if you want to…”
“We could share it…” Steve offers lie onto the couch, leaving enough space for you. “Sorry…I guess you don’t want to…”
“It looks comfortable…” You mumble getting up from your armchair to snuggle next to Steve, letting him move his arms around you. “Feels good…”
“It should’ve always felt this way. I’m sorry…”
Turning around you poke a finger into his chest, glaring up at Steve. “I swear if you apologize one more time I’ll never talk to you again. I’m trying here…okay. It’s hard not to panic close to you but I want to feel safe again. Now let me snuggle closer and cut the crap.”
“All you want…” Steve sighs as you rest your head onto his chest, grabbing his biceps. “I love you…”
“About damn time you admit it, Rogers! Now let me sleep a bit. I’m tired. Cooking this rubbish I called dinner was exhausting.”
“Can we try…” STeve whispers as you are close to falling asleep.”
“I love you too, Steve. We will try…now let a girl sleep…”
Steve’s eyes light up as he feels you pressed against his body. A few minutes later you are fast asleep and he listens to your heartbeat, closing his eyes.
“I’ll make it right…promised. My try to keep my distance was the root of evil. I’ll never lie about my feelings again.” Steve’s words make your heart swell as you tighten the grip on his arm. “I want you to be mine…my love…”
“I’m yours…” You mutter in your sleep and a smile appears on his lips. You are his girl…
  All works Tags
@yolobloggers, @meganywinchester, @shikshinkwon, @miraclesoflove , @mogaruke, @shatteredabby​, @soryuwifeyxx, @letsdisneythings, @i-love-superhero
Hard lesson to learn Tags
@yn-the-reader​, @thisartemisnevermisses​​, @stupendousshepherdloverpony​, @yeetibeatmymeat​, @shadowcatsworld
Marvel Tags
@stuckys-whore​​, @notyourtypicalrose​​, @voltage-my2dlove​​, @thedoctorscamanion , @officialmarvelwhore​​, @randomgirlkensy​​, @juniorhuntersam​​, @lumar014​​, @doctorswife221b​​, @badboysdoitbetter2​​​, @sister-winchesters99​​, @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​​
Steve Rogers/Chris Evans Tags
@hhiggs​​​​, @roonyxx​​​, @stylesismyhubs​​​, @multisuperfandom​​, @mrspeacem1nusone​​
778 notes · View notes
joy1579 · 4 years
RFA discovers MC is secretly a neko girl (mc hides that she has cat ears and a tail as well as some catlike tendencies)
so these things just keep getting longer and maybe I should change them to like legit-ly written scenarios but I’m lazy and this one was already formatted this way so, yeah sorry guys. 
oh also I have a master list now. I try to update it every time I post something! Master list
Elated. F***ing loves you. You give him opinions on all the cat related businesses.
-        The first time he saw you he knew you were the one for him
-        You were dressed so nicely in an ankle length skirt and sun hat
-        Elizabeth the 3rd was curious about you from the start
-        He had never seen her so interested in a stranger before
-        As you stayed with him though he noticed some strange things
-        He never saw you without some sort of head covering even though you didn’t seem to enjoy wearing them
-        You also knew what Elizabeth the 3rd needed before she even mewed. As though you could tell what she wanted from the smallest flick of her tail
-        One day he came home to you curled up on the floor near the window and part of him panicked
-        He rushed to check on you but stopped short the second he saw you hat half off
-        A tan cat ear twitched slightly in some unknown dream as your chest your rose slowly with your breath
-        He cursed his ever so slightly shaking hand as he reached to stroke behind that cute ear
-        He would never admit to the flutter in his heart as you mewled softly at his touch before stretching lazily
-        You yawned and looked around as you woke slowly
-        The second you saw him though you jumped back
-        He saw you relax a bit once your eye’s met his
-        But he motioned to the top of his head, a smirking just a bit and you lifted your hand to mirror his movment
-        That’s when you felt your ears free and exposed. You start to panic all over again and in a second his arms are around you
-        “MC it’s okay calm down” he says lowly
-        “no no its, it’s not, Jumin you can’t say anything okay! Not to anyone! I don’t know what will happen if this gets out but, it won’t be good. you know that right? This is a secret.” You said shaking in his arms
-        he squeezes you tighter and you feel his lips against the top of your head
-        “your secret is safe with me. You are safe with me.” He whispers into your hair as though those words were all that mattered in the world.
-        For you, they were.
-        The next moment you were hugging him back and purring thankfully as you nuzzled into his chest “Thank you Jumin”
-        The next time he came home you wore shorts and went hatless. You looked so much more comfortable since your ears and tail could move freely
-        All his hugs include ear scratches that make you purr and close your eyes happily
-        You squeeze your way into his lap when you want attention and he doesn’t think he’s ever been happier.
shook. Legit worried because do you need a vet or a doctor. Doubles down on his studies just in case.
-        You tell him after the RFA party You knew, KNEW he was the one so you had to tell him.
-        As the rest of the RFA is cleaning up you offer to drive Yoosung back to the hospital
-        At a stoplight on the way you tell him and show him your ears
-        He passes out. You panic and floor it to the hospital
-        They assure you he’s fine but you stay until he wakes up
-        “MC I had the weirdest dream.” He tells you. You try not to laugh as he talks about how you had the cutest cat ears he had ever seen.
-        You lift your hat up just enough for him to get a peak of one of your ears and wink at him
-        His heart rate jumps and you start to think maybe you shouldn’t be teasing him when he’s in such fragile condition
-        But the way he splutters and turns red is way too cute so you lean down to kiss his lips
-        “this, this isn’t real.” He says “this is too good to be real” you laugh and assure him you’ll be here until he wakes up again.
-        He holds your hand as the pain meds pull him into sleep while he mutters about what a funny dream this was.
-        The next week is comprised of you teasing him with sneak glances of your ears or tail only when he’s sleep addled or just a little buzzed on pain meds
-        You have to admit the constant praise of how cute, soft, and pretty your ears and tail are is, nice. Since most people never saw them it was nice to hear what he thought of them.
-        Even if he was still convinced it was just his imagination
-        Then he was sent home and you decided to REALLY tell him what was going on
-        “is this cuz of all my dreams MC? I didn’t think you’d take it this far!” you sigh and take his hand to feel your ear twitch
-        You have never seen him so red he’s gone beyond his normal panicked spluttering and into silence
-        You’re actually starting to worry now because he’s been standing there silently doing his best impression of a goldfish for a while now
-        “Yoosung?” you ask tail flicking anxiously
-        “it’s real?” he manages as his fingers begin to slowly scratch at your ear
-        You’re a little distracted by his scratching but you try to explain anyway
-        “you can’t, um you can’t tell anyone though okay Yoosung.”
-        “huh why” he asked looking at your ears in awe bringing another hand up absently to pet your hair
-        But the petting was getting really distracting now and you had to stop the urge to purr though you couldn’t help your instinct to nuzzle your head into his hands
-        “I don’t” you really were trying to focus here but people didn’t scratch your ears often since they were always hidden “people won’t” you lost your train of thought again as his fingers curled under your ear to stoke through your hair again
-        You jerked away immediately glaring at him ready to scold him for distracting you
-        But when you met his eyes you could practically see stars in his eye’s
-        “MC did you just purr? Because I was petting you?” he asked looking happier than you’d ever seen anyone look in your life
-        You shake your head before chuckling at him “you’re lucky I love you”
so many questions. Tests what cat traits you have. Cat puns. Understands your secrecy.
-        You had no medical history. That was weird.
-        Home birth, home school, home job. home EVERYTHING.
-        Your record was sparse to say the least. So he checked you out on the apartment CCTV
-        Even your clothes seemed to hide you away. So of course he was curious
-        He dug deeper, found your social media and while he enjoyed learning about your interest’s and he certainly enjoyed the memes you posted it didn’t give him anymore solid info to go off of.
-        So he kept checking the CCTV to learn more and then he saw you in your pajamas he was embarrassed and started to look away. He may be a hacker but even he had limits. But then he saw them
-        Cat ears and a tail how cute he didn’t know you liked cosplay you hadn’t mentioned it on social media
-        But how did you make them move like that. he had to know so next time you two met in the chat he asked
-        He’s confused and watching you scramble on the CCTV to cover your ears and tail
-        you exited the chat right away and called seven
-        “seven you can’t tell anyone. I swear this is really bad! You shouldn’t know about this. What the hell were you thinking spying on me like that.”
-        He sobers up hearing your panic and anger
-        After a moment of calming you down and promising he’ll straighten things out on the messenger he hangs up
-        Then things happened and he was there. answered the door and locked eyes with him
-        He hadn’t meant to ask but before he could stop himself the words had tumbled out of his mouth
-        “Can I see your ears” and his face was red because he was supposed to have better self-control he knew this was a sensitive topic for you
-        But you nodded and once the door was shut you slipped you hat from you head
-        Saeyoung’s hand was immediately reaching out but he stopped short at the sight of your clenched shut eyes as though you were ready to be hit.
-        He could recognize that face anywhere, braced and ready to take whatever blow was coming
-        “sorry I should have asked may I touch them”
-        You nodded sharply still tense but he saw you unclench your jaw and flex your finger out of there tight fist
-        His fingers gently skimmed across you left ear and moved behind it to scratch there the way he knew cats enjoyed and you purred before you could stop yourself
-        Your hands shot up to cover your mouth and your face burned
-        Saeyoungs eyes where wide and you could see his blush clear as day
-        Then his arms where around you and you were pulled tight against his chest
-        After that he made it his mission to see just how catlike you were
-        He tried lasers, no effect unless you were really drunk Cat nip, you liked the scent but no more than anyone else might like the smell of flowers. He was too afraid to test the whole cats land on their feet thing but just judging by you balance he assumed you could probably do that.
-        When you felt down he called you kitty cutie and pet your head. He loved you.
wants to make it work. Lays off dissing Elizabeth. Really doesn’t want to tell Jumin why though.
-        You tried not to fall for him, tried to push him away
-        He was allergic to cats, he was allergic to you
-        The first time you went to meet him you took precautions
-        You showered twice as long, brushed your hair ears and tail extra so you wouldn’t lose a single strand
-        You tied your hair in a tight band and hid it in your hat with your ears you even tucked you tail away in the shorts you wore under your long skirt
-        But he was still sneezing like crazy
-        You felt awful, and you were sure this relationship would never work.
-        So you told him
-        You tried not to cry, you didn’t want to make it harder on him, and you tended to sound like a mewling kitten
-        Then you saw the hurt in his eyes and he wanted a reason and he was holding your hand and you could hear the hurt in his voice
-        And you were crying. The second you started you knew the jig was up his eyes where wide now and he was pulling your free hand away from your face
-        “MC how did you make that sound?”
-        You shook your head and removed you hat to show him
-        “are those? Are those real?” your ears folded downwards mournfully in response giving him his answer even as you nodded “and this is why we can’t see each other?”
-        “I tried to make it easier! I brushed my ears and, and” you took a shuddering halting breath “I tried so hard”
-        He took a deep breath and pulled you into his arms “we can figure something out”
-        “I can’t do that to you your miserable look even your face is swelling!” you cried
-        The next time you saw him at the RFA party you kept him at an arm’s length. You had taken all the precautions but you knew it wasn’t enough so you kept your distance
-        Every time Zen approached you, you made an excuse to dart away
-        Until he cornered you
-        “don’t avoid me” he said sternly “if you don’t want to see me that fine but don’t avoid me because you think you’re not worth me sneezing”
-        You were blinking back tears you would not cry again you told yourself
-        “I don’t want to hurt you”
-        “I’ll buy medicine, we’ll get air-filters, there’s even shots I could get. I love you. Allergies can’t change that”
-        Slowly you two found what worked. He saw an allergy specialist once a month, you had filters in every room, you showered twice a day and brushed yourself morning and night.
-        He even signed up for an experimental new treatment that was doing winders for him
-        The first time you nuzzled your head into his neck and purred his name he knew he made the right decision
-        No amount of pain in the world would make him give up that moment
-        He still claimed not to be a cat person saying you were the only exception
-        And you had to admit you were okay with that
confused but calm. Asks you how you keep fur off your clothes. Learns, slowly to be okay with the stray hair here and there.
-        You tell her the day before the café opens
-        She’s pretty sure this is a prank by seven but then you show her your ears (it’s easier than trying to free your tail from your long skirt without flashing her)
-        She was quiet, then she stood and began to walk away. You honestly started to panic.
-        She did hate watching Elizabeth after all you had thought it was only because of the extra work and cleaning
-        But maybe she had some other reason for hating cats
-        “Jaehee?” you called shakily “I, I’m sorry. I should have told you sooner but I thought, well I thought it wouldn’t be this big a deal. I know you like things neat and tidy and sometimes fur messes that up but I promise I can clean up after myself. I know all the secrets and I’ll take responsibility for the extra cleaning. I, I really like you.”
-        By this you were fighting desperately not to cry
-        Then she turned around with two cups of coffees
-        “MC I’m not mad. I just need some time to figure this out” she said strolling over to set one of the cups in front of you
-        “I suppose we won’t need hairnets for your ears since you keep them in your hat.”
-        You smiled at her. You knew this was her way of accepting you.
-        She took a sip of her coffee and you couldn’t help yourself. You reached across the small table and took her free hand in yours
-        “well to be honest I’ve given it some thought and maybe I could learn to make latte art? they could be catpuccino’s” you joked and to your delight she chuckled
-        “You’ve spent too much time with seven, but that is a good idea”
-        As time goes by she becomes more and more comfortable with your cat characteristic.
-        You won’t admit she finds your cat naps in the sun to be cute, but she’s got a folder on her phone dedicated to pictures of them
-        She admires how carful you are with Zens allergies and is thankful you’re so understanding.
-        You hum while you make the cat latte art and she thinks it’s cute that you sound like a cat when you do (she thinks it also might boost sales but that’s just a guess)
-        She secretly revels in the fact that as much as Jumin loves cats you chose her and sided with her in the messenger
-        She asks if you can talk to cats. You think it’s because she has a few choice words to share with Elizabeth the 3rd
-        You explain that while you can understand cats more than most people it’s not like talking to people it’s more like reading body language and tone
-        She shakes her head and mumbles “yeah that makes sense, it’s just a cat after all”
-        You give Elizabeth a bit of the cold shoulder anyway
-        As you two grow closer she starts to absently pet you while you watch Zen DVD’s
-        When you start to purr she’s so surprised she misses her favorite scene
-        She’s so flustered as she rewinds you can’t help but giggle and kiss her on the cheek
-        Which absolutely does not help her calm down at all
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trashfor-imagines · 4 years
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If There’s Light There’s Hope | 7
Bakugou x Fem!Reader (BNHA)
Summary: U.A. High School was your dream. You wanted to save people. You never expected how wild your journey would be and you certainly never expected a hot headed boy to play as large of a role as he would. Warnings: Swearing. [1] | [2] | [3] | [4] | [5] | [6] | [7]
Since the newscast of Endeavor defeating that Nomu, everyone was visibly studying and training harder to become heroes. Bakugou’s kidnapping was secretly your motivation for working harder than before. You could never tell anyone. It’d be a giant blow to your boyfriend’s pride and make him feel de-mascluinized. You knew it was a huge weight on him and no one had really helped him work through his feelings. Every day you did your best, but there was only so much you could do on your own.
Luckily, you understood pride. In fact, you hadn’t forgotten about the rematch you wanted against him. You were just waiting for Aizawa to conduct a sparring lesson. Both you and Bakugou had approached your teacher asking if you could fight each other, but your requests were consistently rejected. And despite Bakugou insisting that you should just break the rules if you really wanted a rematch so bad, you weren’t having any of that and you let him know quickly what was up. If you two were going to fight, you weren’t getting placed under dorm arrest for it and missing classes because of him.
It was a Friday when Aizawa announced that after lunch the class would be performing 1-on-1 battles. You could barely contain your excitement, practically buzzing from your seat with energy. Unfortunately, you were dejected as Aizawa explained that battles would be chosen at random and then follow tournament style where winners faced each other. A fight between you and Bakugou just couldn’t be easy, could it.
For the first round, the bottom 12 in the class fought and the six winners would move on to fight the top half of the class and thankfully that didn’t include you thanks to Bakugou’s tutoring. For your first round you had to deal with Mineta, who only made it because he had a BYE round from the luck of the draw. That little perv managed to stick one of his balls to your elbow and you got stuck to the ground while trying to slide away like a baseball player from his grabby hands, but you managed to palm his face and blast him, knocking him out and sending him flying into Iida’s arms. In the second round, you faced off against  Tokoyami who’s a total badass in your opinion. Dark Shadow was a nightmare. It was only because of your new super move and equipment updates that allowed you to store enough energy to win, but dousing Dark Shadow in bright blasts until he was too weak and catching Tokoyami off guard with a physical attack combo when he was blinded by light was the right strategy.
“Ready to do this?” you chirped, sending Bakugou a flirty wink before settling into a fighting stance.
“Hell yeah.” He wore a confident sneer.
“Remember, don’t hold back.”
“You don’t have to remind me.”
Aizawa sighed and crossed his arms, “Go ahead and begin.”
Bakugou let out a blast with his hands, rocketing himself at your figure. With quick thinking, you barely missed him with a rolling dodge, feeling the heat from his quirk lick at your skin. As he shifted to make another run at you while you were still on the ground, your hands extended toward him, firing off a powerful two handed blast that sent you both flying backwards in opposite directions.
He was faster to recover, so you turned and ran to create some distance. Noticing he was closing in, you pulled off a round-off at the last moment, serving him with two kicks to the chin before blasting him again when your feet touched the ground again. The two of you were relentless sending kicks and punches, bolstered by your quirks. Your match was a demolition man’s dream.
Unlike your other matches, there wasn’t time for shit talking. Instead it was filled with grunts and screams. The two of you were too busy keeping up with one another’s movements. You knew that if you started talking, you’d slip up and you figured he thought the same. He was never one to be quiet in a fight. It felt good to know he was taking this as seriously as you.
You thought you could gain the upper hand until both of your hands locked with his own. You could feel the heat from his smoking gloves. Quickly, you attempted to send a blast to counter him, knowing that you couldn’t pull your hands from his locked grasp, but his quirk’s functionality was quicker than your own and your blast wasn’t large enough, so you were sent flying across the training field, your arms blackened by soot and possibly singed skin, but you couldn’t think on it or your stomach would turn. Luckily your hands and arms still worked, confirming with a few small sparks you released, before you ran head on to serve your boyfriend tenfold for that move. Timing it, you sent a flying kick in his direction, using your quirk to propel your velocity and up the impact damage. It slightly pained you to see his expression as specks of blood few from his mouth, but you couldn’t stop; not when he wouldn’t either.
During that split second as you observed the blood leave his lips, you felt his hands lock around your ankles and a vicious smile instantly lit up his face. With a twist of his body, he spun around twice before releasing you, sending you flying high upwards above him and the rest of class. As you felt your body fly, you evaluated your current position and calculated your next plan of attack, absorbing as much light as you could in the process. It was bad, you still hadn't managed to fully overcome your quirk’s side effect so you needed to end this quickly. With a twist of your body, you free fell head first toward your boyfriend, hands glowing and ready as you counted down in your head.
With a battle cry, you pointed your hands at him and released your super move: Celebration. A flurry of lights continuously reigned down upon him, whistles and whirring sounds screeched and rocketed through everyone’s ears. You couldn’t see him anymore, but you knew you were hitting him. It wasn’t until the last moment when a hand emerged from your lights and the smoke that you realized  that hand’t been enough.
His hand blindly made contact with your face and he lit you up, blasting you parallel across the ground. You had barely opened your eyes when he ran up on you, swinging his fist. His knuckles skimmed your cheek, thanks to your quick thought of turning your face aside. A tree stopped your forward trajectory; a blessing and a curse. You didn’t have time to think, pulling yourself away and running back toward your classmates. You could see them talking about your fight, but you couldn’t understand what they were saying. All you knew was that you were extremely irritable and-
Were those your parents with Aizawa? Shaking your head, you blinked rapidly, the images of your parents fading away. This wasn’t good at all.
A rough yell from above you broke your wandering thoughts and you tucked into yourself rolling onto your back and raising your hands to blast him in the chest. You managed a shaky kick up and gathered as much energy into your hands as possible, running at Bakugou as fast as possible. He dodged your first punch and you managed to miss his as well. Your second punch landed and you used your quirk to blast him in the gut, but he suffered through it and locked your wrist in a viselike grip. Before he could punch you, you threw your free fist first at his face, but he caught it with his free hand and took your second blast.
It was this moment, with your faces so close, that you realized the gap between the two of you. You definitely did a number on him, but despite how much his arms must have ached, you were in the midst of a heat stroke and wouldn’t last much longer.
“Don’t be a jerk and hold back.” Your lips moved before your mind even comprehended what you were saying.
“Suit yourself,” he growled out. A head butt with two large blasts to your torso finally took you out. You could hear your classmate’s cries of disbelief as you lie on the ground motionless with your eyes closed. “Hey get up or they’ll think I killed you.”
Opening one eye, you guessed your expression must have really been something considering the way your boyfriend looked down at you. You were absolutely spent. You needed to get water in your system and cool down your body safely, ASAP, and you were pretty sure you were bleeding in a few places. Exhausted, you asked him to help you onto your feet. You wanted to throw up from your change in perspective, bracing against his strong shoulders and taking deep breaths as he walked you over to your classmates. Aizawa checked you over.
“Bakugou! She’s your girlfriend!”
“How could you be so brutal? You should have held back some.”
“Not cool!”
“Fighting like a villain again.”
You gently squeezed Bakugou’s hand, feeling some heavy emotions radiating from him. He pulled his hand from you, growling and turning away, getting ready for the final match against Todoroki. “She’s my girlfriend, not a weakling.”
Now that made you smile. It didn’t feel so bad to lose; you trusted he wasn’t holding back. Your eyes were gentle and seemed to sparkle as you caught him side-eying you. You smiled at your classmates. “If I thought Bakugou held back at all, I’d definitely break up with him.”
“Well congratulations, he didn’t. Your prize is a visit to Recovery Girl,” your tired eyed teacher spoke, motioning to Iida. As class rep and the fastest, he was told to take you to Recovery Girl’s office for treatment. She was shocked to see your blotchy red skin and beaten so badly - you had never had to visit her before outside of regular physicals the school had students do.
Iida got out of there as quickly as possible. The jerk could have stayed in solidarity. You had to sit through her tirade on being safe since you were just a student, knowing your limits, and getting help when you know you needed it. Her rant was so incessant you wondered if getting healed by her quirk was worth losing your hearing and mind over. In the end you were instructed to finish a gallon of water to rehydrate and rest for a few more hours until you recovered from your exhaustion.
For a few hours, you’d been sleeping soundly when you turned over, blinking awake. You froze momentarily before relaxing, realizing the head of blond hair belonged to your favorite King Explosion Murder. Sighing softly, you reached out and ran your fingers through his hair, surprisingly soft. Biting your lip, you held in your laugh as he nuzzled into your touch.
The door to the office opened and Recovery Girl walked in. She gave you a knowing look, glancing down briefly at Bakugou before scuttling off to her desk. “That young man showed up right after you fell asleep. Quite the quiet type isn’t he.”
Quiet type?
You merely smiled at her. “Am I allowed to leave?”
The petite woman scuttled over to you and checked your temperature quickly. “Seems fine. Remember what I said to you today. Know your limits, you’re still a student.”
“Yes ma’am,” you acknowledged, turning back to your slumbering boyfriend. You pressed your lips to his ear and gently whispered, one of your hands rubbing his back to wake him up, “Katsuki, wake up; let’s go back to the dorm.”
He stirred and ruby eyes blinked sleepily at you. His usual pout settled onto his face and he pulled away, getting to his feet, hands shoved into his pants pockets waiting for you. Lying back, you stretched your limbs in relief before you slipped out of bed, pulling your shoes on. You offered your hand to Bakugou, but when he didn’t accept, you simply played it off, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear before leading the way back to the dorm.
As the two of you walked the long path back to the dorm, you slowed your pace until you stopped, letting him pass you by a few steps.
“What’s going on with you?” you asked. He stopped walking, but didn’t bother turning around. You continued speaking, watching as his shoulders tensed and raised with every word you spoke, “Bakugou, seriously. Tell me what’s wrong, I’ll listen to you.”
“Would you shut up already,” he spoke, his shoulders dropping as he hunched over. His voice held no animosity, but it was evident something wasn’t right.
You were stunned for a moment, until you realized what he actually said to you. “Hey! Don’t tell me to shut up! Stop being a jerk and tell me what’s going on. I’m only concerned about you.”
“Then don’t be.”
“You idiot,” you yelled at him, swinging your hand down toward the side of his neck for a swift karate chop, but you didn’t make contact with his neck.
He easily caught your hand in his and with a simple motion pulled you toward him, turning in time for you to collide against his chest while his arms wrapped around you tightly. “Yeah, I am an idiot.”
“Bakugou,” you spoke into his chest, voice muffled.
“I lost against Icy-Hot. I was too busy worrying about you,” he admitted, his fingers gripping you a bit more tightly. You tried to escape from his embrace, but he only clung tighter to your form, trying to prolong this moment just a bit longer. “I can’t let that happen any more. I’m going to be the Number One Hero one day so I can’t get distracted. I’ve decided we’re over.”
At first you weren’t sure you heard him correctly, but you knew better than that. You heard him loud and clear. How dare he? How dare he blame you for losing? How dare he try to make this decision on his own? You felt your body begin to shake, angry, and without a second thought you managed to pull back enough to slam your face forward towards his own. His arms released you in shock as he reached up to grab his nose. Stumbling back a few feet, you placed both hands over your forehead, tears falling from your eyes. You weren’t sure if you were crying before or after the headbutt, but you didn’t think it really mattered anymore. You couldn’t even look at him now that you were free.
“You’re a coward! Why don’t you just think about getting stronger instead of coming up with shitty excuses for losing? Don’t blame other people for your problems Katsuki. If you want to break up then fine, we’re broken up, but just remember that you wanted this and you’re a moron to ask for it.” You couldn’t bare to stick around, quickly making your way to the dormitory.
Yaoyorozu was the first to run into you. You really must have been a sight because she dragged you off to the bathroom, forcing you to sit on the counter as she tended to your forehead. You were thankful she didn’t ask you any questions and left you alone after neatly applying a square bandage to your forehead. How embarrassing. By the time the two of you left the restroom, Bakugou had returned and Kirishima was pestering him about how he got his bloody nose.
Somehow, everyone in 1-A knew the two of you were over by the time homeroom started the next day.
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Your writing is phenomenal! How about fem!reader x Mondo, and reader is patching Mondo up after he got into a particularly nasty brawl with a rival gang? 💖
This is an awesome prompt! Thanks for the request! Sorry if it’s a bit short, I ran out of ideas at the end, but I had a lot of fun with it!
Tender Care-Mondo Oowada x Reader
You hummed to yourself as you prepared dinner for you and your boyfriend, Mondo Oowada. You smiled as you chopped the vegetables for the stew you were making, thinking about how lucky you were to have him as your boyfriend. He was so protective of you, and though others thought he was intimidating and tough, he was so soft and kind around you. He was actually so sweet, but that was a side only you got to see, and you had to admit you kind of liked it that way. It made you feel special.
You were starting to get a bit worried. Mondo usually got home about an hour ago, and if he’s ever running late he always calls you. You knew he was capable of taking care of himself. He’s not the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader for no reason. But you still couldn’t help but feel a bit of concern.
You jumped at the sound of something colliding into your front door. You turned to the source of the sound and slowly made your way there. You stopped in front of it when you heard the sound of someone fumbling with the doorknob. You swallowed nervously as you crept closer and looked through the peephole. You breathed a sigh of relief when you saw Mondo, but your face quickly contorted into worry when you noticed him holding his side. You flung the door open, causing your boyfriend to stumble forward. You rushed forward to grab him, stabilizing him enough to keep him standing.
“Mondo!” You cried, and started to lead him to the couch. Your boyfriend had his arm around your shoulders as you gently gripped his sides, trying your best to hold the much stronger and heavier man up. You reached the couch and carefully sat the biker down, Mondo letting out a quiet curse as he did so. You sat beside him and looked him up and down. He had a black eye, and was bruised everywhere on his body. His jacket had multiple tears in it, and you saw blood on his face, as well on his hands. But what concerned you the most was the large red stain seeping through Mondo’s white undershirt. Your worried eyes shot up to Mondo’s face. “Mondo, what happened?!”
“Rival gang…came outta nowhere.” He grunted out as he turned to look at you. “They got the jump on us and…well…” You felt tears begin to form in your eyes as your worry increased. Mondo noticed and cursed under his breath. “Shit. Babe, please don’t cry. I-I’m ok. Really.” He forced a smile and reached a hand out to cup your face. He brought you closer to his own, placing a light kiss on your lips. “You know I hate seeing you cry.”
You pulled away from him, the tears continuing to form. “But look at you!” You whimpered. “You look terrible!” You stood from the couch and began heading quickly to the bathroom. “Let me go get the first aid kit!”
Mondo held a hand out to try to stop you, but winced when he reached too far and hurt his shoulder. “Motherfucker.” He sighed and leaned back on the couch. Man, he hated worrying you. You already worried enough about him being in a gang, so him coming back looking like this must have you on the verge of a panic attack. He had considered staying over at one of his gang members’ places so he could rest up a bit before coming home, but he knew you’d just worry about why he didn’t come back. He shook his head as he glanced in the direction you had gone. “Fuck, I don’t deserve that girl.” He muttered to himself.
“I got it!” You called as you ran back into the living room holding a red box. You sat beside your boyfriend as you placed the kit to the side and opened it. Before you took anything from it, you looked Mondo up and down. “You…you may have to take your shirt off.”
Mondo grimaced. “Shit, I was hoping you wouldn’t ask that.” He sighed as he carefully shrugged off his jacket. He grabbed the bottom of his shirt and started to lift it, before cursing loudly in pain and gripping his shoulder.
“Mondo!” You exclaimed, your eyes widening.
“I’m fine, I’m fine.” The biker insisted through gritted teeth. “One of those bastards got a few good swings in on my shoulder.”
“You need to go to the hospital.” You told him, though you knew what he was going to say.
“No, Y/N.” Mondo responded bluntly. “Nothin’s broken, and I ain’t dyin’. So I’m not goin’ to a hospital.”
“But they can take care of you better than I can!” You argued.
Your boyfriend gave you a smirk and grabbed your chin. “Babe, no one could possibly make me feel better than you could.” He pulled you into a kiss, which you returned.
You pulled away shortly, then made your way to Mondo’s shirt. “Let me get this for you.” You said quietly, having resigned yourself to the fact Mondo wouldn’t go to a hospital. You carefully pulled it over his head, though he did clench his teeth when he had to raise his arms. As you tossed the shirt to the side and looked at your boyfriend’s bare chest, you almost passed out right then and there from pure stress.
There was a large gash across his stomach. Your head immediately shot up to look at Mondo, your mouth open to speak, but he beat you to it. “No hospital.” He said sternly.
“Mondo, this cut is dangerous!” You informed him.
“We stopped the bleedin’. It just needs to be treated and bandaged.” The gang leader shrugged off your concerns, much to your agitation. “We woulda done that at the time, but we didn’t have the supplies.” He gave you a small smile. “It’s not as deep or bad as it looks, I swear, babe.”
You gave him a skeptical look before reaching into the first aid kit. You took out some peroxide and dabbed it on a cloth. You looked up to Mondo, who was looking down at you. “This might sting a bit.” You warned him.
He let out a laugh. “Baby, look what I just went through today.” He shook his head, a smirk on his face. “I think I can take a little sting from some peroxide.”
You sighed at your boyfriend’s stubbornness. You loved him to death, but he insisted on keeping up his tough guy act even around you. You placed the damp side of the cloth on Mondo’s cut, and you heard him hiss as he stiffened. You carefully ran the fabric across the wound, watching as it started to bubble up.
Mondo’s fists were clenched tightly, and he was gritting his teeth, doing his best not to show any weakness as you continued to treat his wound. He relaxed a bit once you had finished disinfecting all of his cuts. His previously tightly shut eyes opened as he watched you place the cloth and peroxide back into the first aid kit. You pulled out a roll of bandages and began to wrap it around your boyfriend’s middle. “You really are an angel, baby doll.” He muttered, a soft smile forming on his face.
You glanced up at him and returned it, your eyes still full of worry. “Well, someone has to deal with demons.” You teased through your shaking voice.
Mondo smirked and let out a chuckle, though you noticed he winced part way through it. “Oh, I’m a demon, am I?” He reached a hand out to you and gently grabbed your chin. The two of you locked eyes for a moment before Mondo released you, allowing you to return to your work at bandaging his wound. “If I was in better shape I’d pin ya to the couch so we could test that theory.”
You felt your cheeks flush at that comment. Even in situations like this, Mondo always kept his cool. Of course you knew he was secretly raging on the inside, but he did his best to keep his anger in check around you. You sighed as you ripped the bandages and placed them back in the first aid kit, closing the kit as you did so. You stood and looked the biker up and down. “Alright, I just need to get some ice for your eye.” You turned and went to the kitchen where you grabbed an ice pack from the freezer. This wasn’t the first time Mondo had come back with a black eye, so you always kept an ice pack cold in case he came back with another one. You returned to your boyfriend and handed him the ice, to which he held against his eye. You then grabbed his other hand with both of yours and pulled. “You need to get to bed.” You told him.
Mondo sighed as he stood, stumbling a bit and having to lean on you for stability. “Man, fuck that other gang.” The gang leader mumbled angrily. “I just wanted to come home to my beautiful girl and have a nice meal. Now I made her have to play doctor.”
You rolled your eyes. “I wouldn’t have had to play doctor if you would have let me take you to see a real one.” You pointed out.
Mondo locked eyes with you as the two of you entered your shared bedroom. “Babe, you know that’s only as a last resort.” He reminded you. “If I, the leader of the most well known biker gang around went to a hospital, police would be called, I’d be arrested, there’d be a whole ass scene-.” He shook his head. “Not worth it unless somethin’s vitally injured or I’m dyin’.”
You sighed as you slowly sat Mondo down on the bed. You knew he was right. You just wished it could be as simple as taking him to the hospital.
Mondo looked at you and frowned. “I know bein’ with me ain’t easy. I told ya that when you agreed to be my girl.” He reached up and grabbed your face with both hands. “I fuckin’ love ya so much, Y/N.” He breathed as he looked deep into your eyes. “The only thing I want is for you to be happy.” He dropped one of his hands and used it to rub the back of his neck. “And…if that means you leavin’ me to go be with someone who has it easier…”
Your eyes widened as you felt tears begin to form in your eyes again. You smashed your lips against Mondo’s, taking the biker by surprise. You carefully placed your arms around his neck, being sure not to touch any injured areas. Mondo eventually relaxed and deepened the kiss, placing a hand on the back of your head to push you closer to him. Eventually you pulled apart and buried your head in his neck. “You idiot.” You whispered. “I don’t care how difficult it is being with you. I said as much when you asked me out.” You placed a kiss on your boyfriend’s neck as you continued to speak. “I love you more than anything in the world, Mondo. I wouldn’t trade anything for that.”
Mondo choked back tears of his own as he wrapped his arms around you. “But seeing me come home like this…I know it hurts you. I know you just want a normal life.”
You pulled away from his neck and instead pressed your forehead against Mondo’s. “Seeing you injured hurts me because I love you. I worry about you every second of the day that you aren’t home because I’m afraid you could get killed. Because I might lose you.” You smiled as a tear fell. “But this is normal for us. And honestly? I really wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Mondo smiled at you. “You really are too good for me.” He told you quietly before closing his eyes and pressing his lips against yours once more.
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sparkie96 · 4 years
"I would never doubt you" Chreon
(Spoiler alert this takes place during the Umbrella Leon AU)
He tried his bonds once more and huffed out of frustration, giving a defeated sigh before reclining in his seat. Leon looked around at the fancy and oh so interesting interior that was the interrogation room of the BSAA Headquarters. He had just come back from an assignment with Neo-Umbrella; a bittersweet dinner with Director Derek C. Simmons. A man he wasn't supposed to be working for to begin with, but he missed his window of opportunity and he was not dragging Sherry or anyone else down with him. Not again. 
He had been on his way back to his hotel when he had been grabbed, bagged and bound before being tossed into the back of a truck. 
At first, Leon contemplated his captors, wondering just who was ballsy enough to grab him in broad daylight like this. It wasn't until he heard Jill Valentine's voice in the truck did he realize who caught him. The only question was...why? 
Well, actually that was a lie. He knew why...and his other question was whether or not Captain Beefcake was going to be here. He hoped so...he and Chris were supposed to start their new life together...but he had been "arrested" by "United States Officials" after the ambush and separated from Chris, Sherry and their escorts. Luckily, they had made it out...but Leon was back to playing errand boy for the very organization he had tried to get away from. 
When he tried to reach out to Chris, he had been barred. He then volunteered to take the assignment in Edonia, but a woman who looked and sounded like Ada, but was not Ada, pretty much told him to fuck off. She had heard about his romps with Chris and told him that if he wasn't so appealing to their employer, he would have been one of her pet projects. That and he was apparently still on "probation" so he wouldn't be allowed any assignments like he was used to. 
So, angered and heartbroken, Leon had no choice but to let the woman go and no way of even warning Chris and his men of the threat that was coming. He even tried to reach out to Sherry secretly, but his letters had been returned, big red "Return to Sender" stamped on the front of each and every one. 
He had been alone and cut-off...isolated...until now. 
The door to the interrogation room opened and Leon nearly jumped for joy when he saw Chris, "Holy shit! You're alive! What happened? Where's Sherry?" 
Almost two years...it had been almost two years since he had last seen Chris or Sherry. Almost two years since he had seen the people he had considered to be his family.
The man looked annoyed with him, slamming a file down on the table and startling Leon in the process. The smile melted from the agent's features, replaced by a look that was a mix of concern and confusion.
"Chris?" Leon asked, reaching for the man despite the cuffs.
"That's Captain Redfield to you, fugitive." The man snarled, "Especially after what you did to my men." 
Leon furrowed his brows in confusion. Fugitive? "What are you talking about?" 
Chris scoffed, opening the file and throwing pictures at the younger. Pictures of places and people he didn't recognize, "Don't fucking play dumb with me! You caused all of this! You and that bitch!" 
Leon gave a look of offense, but tried to contain his emotions as he looked over the photos. He didn't know this place...nor did he know these people or recognize the mutations of the monsters. A new virus perhaps? And what the hell was all this? Was this what happened in Edonia? He hadn't heard details about it. 
He shook his head, "I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about." 
Chris slammed his fist on the table and stood, getting in close and scaring the agent, "Don't fucking lie to me! You and that Wong bitch killed all of my men, killed innocents all across Edonia and then attacked Jake Muller and Agent Birkin's plane!" 
Leon's eyes widened in shock, frozen in place as a cold, sickening feeling washed over him. Agent
...Birkin? He slowly shook his head, feeling like he was about to have a panic attack. No...no, no, no! Sherry...she was supposed to be safe with Claire! She wasn't ever supposed to be involved with any of this ever again! 
His stomach churned as Chris told him angrily what had happened, showing Leon a photo of someone who looked remarkably like himself with that not Ada woman. Leon felt so confused, shaking his head fervently. No, that wasn't him. He had never been to Edonia! What the fuck was this?!
"You told me back then you wanted to change!" Chris hollered accusingly, "You wanted out of this life! But then you fucking disappear for nearly two years and then pull this shit?!" 
"Chris, this isn't me!" Leon protested, "I didn't...I don't know what this is! Please! I've never even been to Edonia!" 
"Then who the fuck is this?!" Chris exclaimed, showing a picture of the imposter, "You telling me that this isn't you? Cause, it looks like you to me!" 
"It's not! I swear!" Leon argued, "Please, you got to believe me!" 
"Why should I?!" Chris hollered, throwing the picture at him, Kevlar gloved hands angrily gripping the table as the bigger man invaded his space, "You fucking promised and then this shit happens! You killed innocent people and good men!" 
"I did not!" 
"I fucking saw you with my own eyes, Kennedy!" 
"Chris I would never…!" 
The agent was speechless, unsure of what to say. What could he say? He didn't know what the fuck had happened nor did he know what was going on. He knew he never stepped foot in Edonia, but Chris knew what he saw, and there were even photos of this mysterious doppelganger. He didn't believe Leon and Leon didn't know how he could protest his innocence. 
"I trusted you…" Chris said, calming and sitting back in his seat, "I fucking poured my heart out to you and gave it to you...and then you disappeared. And when I finally see you again, you betray me and kill everyone I trust..." 
Leon felt like his heart was breaking in his chest as he looked up at the man he loved. Those eyes that used to look at him with love now cold and looked upon him with hatred. His composure was wavering, feeling like he was about to break down and beg for forgiveness. He reached for Chris's hand, but the man pulled away, hurting Leon even more. 
"I don't know what to say…" Leon confessed, "I know I wasn't there...but you know what you saw…" 
Chris studied him, as though contemplating something. What? Only the man knew. 
Leon cleared his throat, "You want justice for your men...and whatever happened to Sherry and this "Jake" person. That's understandable." 
Chris leaned back in his seat, not replying, but simply watching. Leon looked down at the floor, trying not to cry. 
Leon looked up at him through dark locks, "I would never doubt you or your judgement. In the end...I know you'll do the right thing." 
Again, he was met with silence, but he could see it in the man's eyes as they softened. He was slowly breaking through the stoic and cold exterior. Before either could say or do anything, a young man wearing a scarf came in and informed Chris that they needed to move out soon. Their flight to China would be leaving later on, but they needed to go over the briefing with the team and prepare in the meantime. 
Leon looked between the two before settling his gaze on Chris, the man giving a nod and thanking "Lieutenant Nivans" before packing up the file and standing. 
"Wait!" Leon protested, pulling at his cuffs and reaching for Chris as best as he could, "Please...I need to know about Sherry. Is she still alive? She's okay, right?" 
Chris merely looked down at him, not saying a word but turning back to Nivans, "Have Parker and Quint escort this man to a cell. I'll question him more and we'll figure out what to do with him when we get back." 
Leon shook his head, crying and screaming for Chris as two men entered in and Chris left. The bigger man undoing and adjusting his cuffs until his arms were bound behind his back, despite Leon's thrashing. They held the struggling man by his arms, Leon calling for Chris and begging for him to come back, insisting he could help. 
They had passed a room filled with soldiers and desks, passed through several corridors and made their way down a long hallway filled with cells. Leon waited and then stumbled, making it seem like there was something wrong with his leg. When the big guy, "Parker" bent down to check, Leon had headbutted him. The man stumbled back, cursing in Italian while holding his nose in pain. 
The shorter man, "Quint" tried to get a hold on Leon, but the agent kneed him in the groin. When the bald man doubled over, Leon kneed him in the face, knocking him out. Parker reached for him, but Leon got into a crouch before sweeping his leg, knocking Parker's legs out from under him. He knocked him out as well. 
After bending and twisting until his arms were in front of him, Leon retrieved the key to the cuffs from Parker, "Sorry, boys...but I need to find my daughter and prove my innocence to the man I love, and sitting in a cell counting my days isn't going to help me do it." 
Once freed, he bolted down the hallway, reaching an emergency exit. He flew through the door and ran. He didn't know what the fuck was going on...but most likely he had been set up. For What? He still wasn't completely sure. 
One thing he did know what that he needed to find Ada. The real Ada. No doubt she would catch wind of this, especially if there was a nut job parading around as her. Together, they would get to the bottom of this. Then he would go to China and help Chris before something bad happened. 
But first, he had to make a stop in Tall Oaks where his hotel was and get some supplies. 
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captainchrisfics · 5 years
We Have Today
About: After he’s gunned down on a mission, a first-person pov narrator tries to take care of her super soldier boyfriend. Of course, being Captain America helps with the whole not dying thing, but Steve could never get away that easily without a good reprimanding. And I could never end a fic without a good kiss.
Word Count: 2,807
Requested By: Anonymous. Thanks for sending this my way! I had the absolute best time writing the dialogue in this one, it was a lot of fun writing my take on a trope I love too. I’m always accepting reqs if you have any more. Hope you enjoy!!
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“I cannot believe you sometimes, Rogers,” I snapped at Steve, scoffing out of frustration. Exactly what I needed right now, while entirely exhausted from battling far more Hydra agents than we anticipated, was a boyfriend with bullet holes scattered throughout his bicep and shoulder. “Thinking your whole body can fit behind that dinner plate of a shield,” I continued to chastise him with a shake of my head as I tore at my suit, ripping some fabric to apply pressure with while we waited for our ride. 
We got what we came for. In fact, the tech was safely buried in the bag slung over my shoulder. The job was done. Almost. 
There was one rogue Hydra sniper left hidden away at the top of a tree. Steve spotted him first and responded so quickly, as if it were an instinctive reflex, that he barely considered what he was doing by jumping in front of the already-aimed gun. It’d been pointed at me. I returned fire successfully, but Steve was still hit. To say the least, today just wasn’t ours. 
He looked far less heroic laying on the forest floor in a crumpled heap of more red than usually accompanied his white and blue. Steve wheezed as he inhaled, though he seemed fine enough to give me one of those frustrating crooked grins as he said, “It’s never failed me before. I mean, look at me,” he tried to spread his arms so I could get a proper view, but all I saw was the way his face contorted with pain. “Pretty damn good for pushing a hundred.” He coughed before allowing his star-spangled piece of vibranium to clatter to the ground. 
“Dear, you look like Swiss cheese,” I countered sympathetically as I stuck a knife between his lips so Steve could bite down on something instead of busting my eardrums in 3... 2... 1...
I pulled the cloth taught around the worst of his wounds in an attempt to stop the bleeding. Steve’s screams still managed to be blood-curdling despite his grinding grip and, with as many horrors as we see in this line of work, I knew it wasn’t a sound my subconscious would allow me to forget any time soon. 
Steve’s rolled his eyes to the back of his head as hurt washed over him in waves, holding a hand to the bloody hole penetrating the left of his chest like a mirrored pledge of allegiance as he took deep breaths in and out. Prickly tears burned my eyes, but I did my best to fight them off. A torrential downpour wouldn’t help anyone right now. 
“C’mon doll, don’t be so harsh,” he paused to wince and for a split second and I allowed myself to feel the heartbreak of watching him in pain. “You’re still ripping your clothes off for me after all.” I chuckled some of the heaviness out of my chest to alleviate the oppressive weight in between my ribs. 
I didn’t have time for Steve’s jokes, though, I was too busy focusing on keeping him from running out of time, period. I tried to elevate the wounds in an attempt to keep his blood at the mercy of gravity so I hauled Steve up to a sitting position against a tree on the outskirts of the field our jet was set to land in. Now it was just a waiting game. 
I wasn’t sure if the super soldier serum made him at least a little impervious to wounds like this or if Steve was putting on a bit of a show to lessen my worry and even maybe boost his own spirits, but I had a bad feeling it was the latter. “You’re a lot of things,” I told him, hoping it would help to play along as I searched the compartments of his toolbelt for something useful until I found a spool of gauze. “Bulletproof apparently isn’t one of them.” 
Steve laughed from his belly at first, a welcome sound to my ears, until it turned into an affronted cacophony of grumbled curses and sullied coughs. I started wrapping up the rest of his injuries to the best of my ability, but I wasn’t a triage doctor, to say the least. On the bright side, however, I also heard the aircraft that descended before us, whipping about my hair so much I could barely see it until it slowed and Nick Fury stepped out.
I helped Steve stand, wrapping his arm that wasn’t littered with gunshot wounds over my shoulders for support as we walked to the ship. He hissed a breath through his teeth with each step, trying to breathe through the pain and chipping away at my resolve. 
Fury opened his arms to welcome us on board with a snarky quip on the tip of his tongue. Shooting him a look maybe more deadly than the weapon I brandished, I shoved the bag into his chest with enough spiteful vigor for him to know it wasn’t worth it. Nothing could be worth this.I left Steve to be treated by an actual medical professional (and by that I mean some Stark tech that still managed to amaze me) while I cleaned up myself and it seemed he’d be fine. 
I met Steve in the onboard bathroom an hour or so later. His major wounds were patched up, leaving me, a damp washcloth, and a mediocre first-aid kit given our circumstance to finish the job. Nevertheless, Steve still looked a hell of a lot worse than I did, having taken the brunt of every beating, jumping in front of the fist of every bad guy aimed at me so I walked away with little more than a scratch while he sat there looking like he’d been through the wringer.
Steve sat on the sink’s counter and slouched down as far as he could so we were almost eye-level. He’d taken off his suit for the procedure and kept it that way evidently, sitting before me in a red-splattered white tank top. I was patting at his bloody lip with an ice pack in the hopes to lessen the swelling as he said, “Don’t people bond through trauma?” Steve’s words were slurred, but I didn’t know if it was because of blood loss or some kind of treatment from the AI. “Good thing, huh, since the whole being from different centuries tends to complicate things.”
“Being a dumbass doesn’t help,” I chided, maybe applying a little bit too much pressure since I elicited a wince from him, though that could’ve just been from my harsh tone. The time for his wise-cracks was long gone. Sure, I could deal with it as a coping mechanism when we were both worried he was about to drop dead, but right now? When I was turning myself into a pretzel so I could properly clean all his cuts and ice all his bruises without so much as grazing the holes from bullets that went in one end of my boyfriend and out the other? Not the time to be talking about how we’d be better for him almost killing himself.
Steve’s eyebrows knitted together as he jutted out his puffy bottom lip. “What’s wrong wi-“ he started to ask, but the answer was already tumbling out of my mouth.
“It was stupidly impulsive of you to jump in front of me like that. To act so indestructible... it isn’t like you,” I lectured. “Correction, it actually totally is and it’s the most frustrating thing.” I pressed the ice pack to his mouth with maybe a little too much fevered force as I ranted, causing Steve to grunt out of discomfort or protest. I kept ranting anyway. 
“I hate when you do that, you know?” I dropped my hands to my sides, staring at Steve with wide eyes to convey how exactly tired of his shit I was. “When you try to save the day by putting yourself in danger. Giving me a heart attack. Acting all heroic.” I couldn’t stand looking at him anymore as his face shifted from concerned to smug with a supposed understanding so I reached for a q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol and began scrubbing at the small open cute sprinkling his cheeks like freckles.
Steve winced at the disinfectant’s sting. Usually, he complained about my doting, claiming his enhanced healing would take care of it just fine, but I liked the tenderness of getting to clean him up too much to let him have his way. And, secretly, he did too. “It’s part of the job description, actually...” Steve said under his breath with downcast eyes. He swung his legs a little so his heels bounced off of the sink’s cabinets, acting every bit the chided kid he felt like. 
“And to treat me like some inexperienced lackey incapable of taking care of myself?” I jeered with a scrunched face. Steve had a bad habit of treating me like an endangered civilian on missions. Hell, even if I burn my hand on the stove, you’d think someone just told him World War III was knocking on our front door. 
Don’t get me wrong, Steve always had everyone’s backs. He would lay down on the wire for any one of the Avengers any day of the week, he never wanted to see anyone hurt either. In fact, it’s one of the things I loved most about him. However, there was a line thinner than that wire between keeping each other out of the line of fire and literally jumping in front of it. 
“It’s insulting, to treat me like I’m not half the soldier you are when I’m just as much a part of the team as everyone else. I had the shot until you jumped in front-“
“Well, dammit, so did he!” Steve snapped, slamming his hand against the countertop so hard I could almost swear I heard it crack under the pressure. “And you aren’t just everyone else on the team,” he said, quieter now. It was almost eerie after how loud he’d been only seconds before, going from strained veins in his neck to a soft, glassy look in his baby blues. Without him even saying it, I knew the difference. I love you, his eyes told me. I couldn’t stand to lose you.
“And you’re not some fucking self-sacrificial lamb,” I shot back with angry narrowed eyes. “You’re my whole world,” I insisted, shoving a pointed finger into Steve’s chest just over his heart. “You don’t get to just jump into unfriendly fire in front of me like that.” I could feel the tears I’d been pushing down this whole time rising with a new ferocity, like a current I’d been fighting to swim through for so long my body was about to give out. It became obvious I couldn’t take Steve on, too.
“You don’t get to decide that, love,” he said just above a whisper, though I could hear him clear as day given our proximity. He wrapped his fingers around mine jutting into his pec until I allowed him to hold my hand, probably against my better judgment. “You’re everything that makes mine go ‘round. It’d be over my dead body that I’d stand by and allow someone to hurt you,” Steve vowed with a profound seriousness I didn’t expect, striking me right in the heart so hard it felt like I could count the seconds between when it started to beat again.
“It almost was, Steve. You don’t know how it felt...” I spit out the words which tasted like vinegar, burning my throat like acid. I stopped prodding his scratched cheeks, dropping the q-tip along with my gaze. If I stared at his face, broken from the inside out, I was worried that current would turn into a tsunami. “My stomach dropped so fast it felt like it fell right out of me. How’d you feel if the roles were reversed and I was bleeding out at your feet, huh?” I squeezed his hand, reassuring myself that Steve was still here to hold onto. Thinking about how he almost wasn’t. We came close a lot, in our line of work, but it never got any less terrifying.
Steve let go of my hand to caress my cheek, rubbing his thumb under my eye. I hadn’t realized I was crying until he started wiping away my tears. “Doll, for a few split seconds, when I saw him about to pull the trigger with you in his crosshairs, they were.” He tucked his heel behind my leg and pressed against the back of my thigh, urging me to step closer to him so I did. “That feeling, that heart-wrenching desperation and brain-short circuiting,” he paused, taking a deep breath as he tucked his arms under mine, interlocking his fingers at the small of my back, “That’s why I did it. And I’m willing to bet my shield that if I was in his line of fire, you would’ve done the same.”
I wrapped my arms around Steve’s neck and leaned into him, far too tired of fighting and way too in love with him to stay upset with him when he was right. In a heartbeat, I would save him without even so much as a thought. I’m not a big enough hypocrite to hate Steve for doing the same.
I pressed my cheek to his chest, neither of us caring too much about how the wave of tears I couldn’t keep bottled up behind a dam any longer soaked through his shirt as they spilled out of me. “Still…” I exhaled, relishing in the sound of his beating heart. It was comforting, to have near-tangible proof that he wasn’t going anywhere any time soon. “I don’t know what I’d do if…” I failed to finish the sentence, overcome with emotion. I could barely stand to think it, let alone say it out loud.
“I know, love,” Steve paused to press a long kiss on top of my head. “I don’t either.” His hands moved in gentle circles at the base of my back, soothing me as I felt like every other bit of me rattled. He spoke with vulnerability only total honesty could offer. “We don’t have to worry about that now, though. We may not at all. We only ever know we have today and I’ll be damned if we don’t make the most of it. Or if you spend another second of it being mad at me,” he half-joked, causing his chest to rumble with a barely-bitter chuckle.
I pulled far enough away from his embrace to look at him, trying to engrave it on the inside of my brain. The tenderhearted look in his eye, the soft curve of his rosy lips as one side was tugged up a little more than the other, the concerned creases in his forehead, and the blush pink of his cheeks burning through his faintly developing bruises. I watched his eyes flicker from mine to my lips, his long lashes just barely brushing against the swollen apples of his cheeks. 
I leaned in to kiss him, closing the distance slowly until our chests pressed together with every breath before our lips met as if we were each other’s oxygen tanks, unable to survive without one another. Steve gathered my cheeks between his strong hands, fingers just barely grazing my hair. He tucked it behind my ears before tracing his fingers down the curve of my body, stopping once he reached my hips, where he rested. Exactly what we both needed. 
Mine stayed at the nape of his neck, pulling Steve closer to me as if he possibly could be. We parted to breathe, chests heaving unevenly. I pressed my forehead to his, brushing our noses together, as I whispered, “You smell like rubbing alcohol. It’s nauseating.” 
Steve’s chest vibrated with laughter as he rocked my lips again. He dropped his head to the crook of my neck as his chuckle died down. “Your attitude isn’t much better,” he said, looking at my with those baby blues and a spark that melted my heart on contact. “You should be nice to me. I almost died you know?” Steve’s familiar cocky smirk returned as his eyes drifted down again, watching as he tangled our fingers together and undid the knots. 
I rolled my eyes before stealing another quick kiss. As quick as it was, kissing Steve still felt like every bit the Fourth of July fireworks display it had the first time. He was a firecracker through and through, one that wasn’t near ready to fizzle out yet. “Please don’t remind me,” I sighed, taking his hands in mine and holding them tight, not quite ready to let him go anytime soon.
Tags: @patzammit​ , @thegetawaywriter​ , @coffeebooksandfandom​ , @captainsteveevans​ , @intrepidandabitcrazy​ , @super100012​ , @spilledinkindumpster​
If you’d like to be tagged in my future fics please reply to this post :)
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missmeikakuna · 5 years
Chad and the Incel Chapter 10
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Rated: M
Fandom: Original Fiction (but inspired by the Virgin vs Chad meme)
Relationship type: Male/Male with a bit of Female/Female (the lesbians are adorable, btw) and unrequited Male/Female (in other words, the guys are bisexual).
Description: Chad is, well, a Chad, or at least he looks like one. He’s got his sights set on the cool nerd Becky and enlists the help of her shy incel ex-friend Noah, offering to help him get the gorgeous girl (Stacy) he desperately wants. Noah is reluctant to help, believing that he will be stuck in inceldom forever, but Chad’s interest in his life gives him hope. When their plans go awry, they start turning their romantic attention towards each other.
Content Warning: Given the subject matter, you can guess that this story has dark themes in it, such as suicide and self-harm (plus the mental health issues that often cause them), sexism, slut-shaming homophobia, biphobia and transphobia. There is also swearing and some mentions of sex but nothing too explicit (hence the M rating as opposed to an Explicit rating).
10th Post: [Experiment] (POLL) Should I end it all?
Noah didn’t show up at school, spending all day in bed.
Chad tried messaging him but got no response. As he made his way to his locker during lunch he even tried to call him, but the mocking dirge of four gradually quieting beeps played on the phone.
‘What the hell?’ Chad asked his locker with a hiss. He added, ‘Noah, don’t ignore my calls,’ despite no one being there to hear him.
His shoulders jumped when he felt a slap on the back.
‘What’s up? Hey, where’s your ugly friend?’
Chad whipped his body around and grabbed Tyrone by the collar. ‘Who are you talking about?’ he growled.
Tyrone’s shoulders dropped. ‘Y-you know. Whatshisname, with the weird shirts and the glasses.’
‘Fuck you. You know nothing about him. Absolutely fucking nothing!’
Tyrone held his hands up like a soldier caught by the enemy. ‘Woah, c-calm down, dude! You on your p-period or something?’
Chad raised his fist but didn’t punch Tyrone, opting to drop him instead. ‘You’re not worth it. You’re a pathetic piece of shit who clearly needs glasses himself.’
Now it was Tyrone’s turn to grab Chad by the collar, albeit with a weaker grip. ‘Nobody calls me pathetic. Nobody.’ It took a crack in Tyrone’s voice for Chad to notice that the tiny boy was blinking abnormally fast. ‘And what’s your problem? You were spending all that time with whatshisface and I let you even though you were supposed to be my friend. Why? Because you seemed happy around him. You had this stupid little Grinch-looking grin on your face whenever he came into the room.’
Chad instinctively touched the ends of his lips with his thumb and pointer finger. ‘I did?’
‘Yeah.’ Tyrone let go of Chad’s collar and rubbed the back of his own neck. ‘Look, uh, s…s…’ He took a deep breath before squeezing out what he wanted to say. ‘Sorry for insulting the guy. You know me. I run my mouth a lot sometimes. By the way, what was with the part about me needing glasses?’
‘Nothing!’ Chad croaked as he swiftly turned away from him.
Tyrone shrugged his shoulders. ‘I’ll, uh, leave you to calm down or whatever. I wouldn’t worry too much about the guy. I’m sure he’ll be back tomorrow. Probably spent all night watching whatever he watches.’
Noah did not, in fact, come back to school the next day. Or the day after that. Whenever his mother tried to get him out of bed, he screeched at her to get out of his room.
He was tempted to use his phone to watch YouTube to pass the time but he kept reminding himself of one word. ‘Cope’. Instead he lied down and thought about everything that had gone wrong in his life, from never having had a girlfriend to Chad finding his incel forum account. Though he refused to admit it even to himself, the latter caused an even greater sting in his heart.
After hours of thinking, he mustered up the motivation to stand up and grab his phone. He put up a post to the forum.
Rotcel2003- (POLL) Should I end it all?
It’s over for me. It was over for me as soon as I was born with this deformed face. And now the one girl who I thought I could be with has found this account and is mocking me for it. Should I just end it?
He checked the poll several hours later and became a mess of tears at the results. He was right.
Yes- 102 votes
No- 28 votes
Someone commented an alternative.
Islavistalol- Go ER and kill everyone. Get revenge on the girl who mocked you. Foids deserve the bullet.
He envisioned Chad’s dying face. He had done this in the past with the girls who rejected him or simply didn’t notice him but, for some reason, this time he felt pain more powerful than any pleasure he could feel at the concept of revenge. There was no way he could even attempt what the infamous Elliot Rodger did.
He added one edit to his post. 
It’s decided. Goodbye, everyone.
Chad was reluctant to check the forum again. He’d already made enough of a mess. However, as he secretly looked at his phone during a boring class,  he gave in and saw Noah’s final post.
‘Shit,’ he murmured as he stood up.
‘Is something wrong, Mr Beaufort?’ the teacher asked but Chad ignored him and raced out of the classroom. ‘Hey, what are you-’
Chad searched through his scrambled mind for a place Noah would commit suicide. Sweat ran down his entire body and his throat felt dry and sore as if he had just screamed for ten hours. His heart felt like it was trying to escape out of his chest and he panted like a wolf in the middle of the desert. 
He got into his car and sped away.
He first stopped at Noah’s house and banged on the front door. When no one answered, he took a few steps back and kicked the door open. Noah was nowhere to be found.
He tried the train station but there was no sight of Noah. He went to a bridge where suicide was common and couldn’t find him there either.
He took out his phone and looked up advice on stopping someone from committing suicide. He only skimmed it, barely able to concentrate as memories of Noah flashed before his eyes. One thing that the boy said stuck out.
‘I’d spend the rest of my life here if I could.’
A thorny bouquet of different curse words tumbled from Chad’s mouth. He turned his car around and rushed to the local library with intentional graffiti.
As luck would have it, the door had a ‘closed’ sign attached to it.
Chad repeatedly slammed his hands against the clear doors and, when no one was there to open them, he looked around. He ran around the library until he was behind it, his heart pounding in his ears.
He saw him, dipping his toes into the lake. Chad shivered even though he wasn’t touching the water himself. 
The boy turned his head, tears in his eyes. ‘Leave me alone,’ he spat. ‘I don’t want to fucking talk to you.’
Chad stepped towards him, careful not to step too close and scare Noah even more. ‘But I need to apologise. I get it. I was shitty. Real shitty.  I shouldn’t have tried to meddle so much. But don’t drown yourself over me! I’m not worth it!’
Noah moved out of the lake and stormed up to Chad, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and giving him a murderous glare.
‘You think it’s ‘cause of you? You fucking narcissist. It’s not all about you. I’ve spent years of my life trying to get a girlfriend, and for what? So she can spread her fucking legs for some piece of shit like you? Everyone on that website you fucking spied on me on is right. It’s hopeless for someone like me. I look like shit, and even if I just looked average, girls don’t want an ‘average’ guy. No, they only go for the top 20 per cent of men. Do you think that’s fair, huh? Huh? And don’t try to explain it away by saying, ‘Just have a less shitty personality,’ like you know what oppression is. Fuck off!’ He shoved Chad away.
Chad touched Noah’s arms with shaking hands. Noah’s glare softened at his touch. ‘I don’t know about ‘oppression’, per se,’ Chad said. ‘But I do know what it’s like to be treated badly because of something out of my control. It’s something I’ve tried to keep hidden, so I don’t know what I’d do if I was in your shoes and people found out the truth. That’s why I’m really sorry.’
Noah pushed Chad’s arms away and started walking back towards the lake. ‘I bet your secret’s something small like, ‘A girl rejected me once so I had to go with one of my thirty other options’.’
Chad took a deep breath. ‘More like, ‘I confessed to a guy and got my ribs kicked until they broke and I had to go to the hospital’.’
Noah turned around. He said nothing. He just repeatedly opened and closed his hands as if he was trying to hold onto the air. The wind blew and he wrapped his arms around himself, shivering. Chad stepped closer.
‘And besides, you don’t look like shit,’ he said. ‘I’ve told you this before. You’re hot.’
When Noah put his foot in the water, Chad felt a painful bolt of electricity in his veins telling him to run forward, but he reminded himself of the consequences of trying to rush this. 
Noah sighed. ‘Do you think I want to hear that from you? Guys want everything. They’d fuck a walking table if they could. Hearing stuff like that from a guy isn’t the same as hearing it from a soft, feminine femoid…’
Chad had to tune out when Noah started describing the ideal woman. He pictured Noah having sex with a woman and felt like he was going to vomit.
‘… so I don’t want to hear it from a degenerate like you.’
‘You just told me you’re a faggot.’
Chad felt like slapping himself when his blood started to boil. How could he want to punch someone who was on the verge of suicide?
‘I’m not a faggot,’ he murmured with his head down as he shoved his hands into his pockets. ‘I liked Becky, remember?’
‘I bet that was just a cover-up.’ The more Noah explained, the weaker his voice became, as if his own mind was already arguing with everything he was saying. ‘You just wanted to cope with your degeneracy by acting like a normal person so you could bang a bunch of other Chads behind the scenes. Knowing you it worked. You probably get to sleep with ten men a night just like a femoid. And me? I get to spend the rest of my life not knowing the love of a woman. Or maybe you’re really straight and you’re just coping with Becky rejecting you so you pretended to like me. You wanted to convince yourself you’re happy when you’re really miserable.’
Chad took another step. ‘Is that last bit how you feel... about yourself?’
Noah released a single quick laugh. ‘I’m eighteen for Christ’s sake. Guys half my age are already having sex.’ Chad winced at the thought. ‘If these are the best years of my life, I may as well die now. No femoid is going to wake me up with a kiss and tell me the kids are already up, excited for their Christmas presents. No femoid’s going to cook my favourite meal when I come home from work upset at my boss. And no femoid is ever going to tell me she found this goofy-looking tie and thought of me so she bought it. If I stay alive, I’m going to be a virgin at fifty and everyone’s going to look at me like a worthless waste of space. Humans are supposed to reproduce, right? What’s the use of a man who can’t do that? I’m going to die alone. I just know it.’
Noah submerged his ankles in the water, then his shins. Chad grabbed his arm. ‘What’s your favourite meal?’ was the only question he could come up with in such a short amount of time.
Noah bit his lip. ‘Meatloaf,’ he whispered, looking away from Chad. ‘I know it’s normie shit but Mom makes it with this weird spice that makes it ten times better. I’d… love to ask her what the spice is so I can tell my future wife and she can cook it for me.’
‘You can’t do that if you’re dead.’
After Chad said that he rubbed the back of his own neck. ‘Look, I really hope this doesn’t look like I’m insulting you, but I don’t see the logic in what you’re saying. It seems like you’re taking one thing that’s happening now and convincing yourself that it’s the end of the world. The steps between you not getting laid right now and you dying alone don’t seem to connect. And it’s not like you’re a virgin anymore since we, you know….’
Noah stepped further into the water and Chad pulled him back. ‘Wait! I didn’t mean to… I’m sorry. I’m not trying to, you know, downplay what you’re feeling right now. It’s just that it doesn’t seem very rational and I know you’re the kind of person who believes in logic and reason.’
‘I’m not… rational? I’m very rational. I understand more about the world than some Christian who probably tries to pray the gay away.’
‘That may be true, but right now you’re not acting very rational. It’s like someone’s possessed you and put these thoughts into your head against your will. You’re not really like this, Noah. I know you’re not.’ 
Chad wiped the tears that were beginning to surface in his eyes. ‘And, to be honest, I’d like to wake you up with a kiss and tell you our future kids are already up for Christmas. I’d like to learn that meatloaf recipe and make it for you after a hard day’s work. I’d probably skip the middleman and ask your mom directly. And I’m probably not good at picking out ties, but I could buy you one if you wanted me to. I’m sure by then I’d know you well enough to know which one to pick. 
‘Actually, you know what? It doesn’t matter what I want right now. You’re right, I’m a narcissist. Even if we never got together and I saw you going out with some chick, I’d be happy enough. I’d survive. Even if we never had sex again and I never had sex with anyone else, ever, I’d be okay. Even if I’m fifty years old. If someone looked at you funny for being a fifty-year-old virgin, you know I’d punch their lights out.’
Chad lowered his hand from his tear-stained face and smiled at Noah, pulling him just a little bit closer. He himself stepped closer, trying his best to ignore the coldness circling his feet as the water seeped into his them through the holes in his socks. Noah’s eyebrows shot up and his eyes grew several sizes, his lips pursed and his limbs stiff.
‘You see, even if you don’t get a girl, you’ll still have friends, family and all that good stuff,' Chad assured him in a soft but firm voice, brushing his fingers against Noah’s cheek. 'You’re not a waste of space. It’s just whatever’s possessed your mind telling you that.
‘Look, I’m not too good at talking about this kind of thing. I’m not even sure if I should really be arguing about this with you instead of just listening to you. Maybe you should talk to someone who, I don’t know, gets paid to listen to people going through what you’re going through. They should have better advice than me. Please, just talk to someone about this. 
‘And not that forum. I know I don’t know what I’m doing, but I sure as hell know more than those idiots who told you to kill yourself. It’s not like they’re people who have gotten out of your situation. It’s like going to a support group for alcoholics run by someone who’s still an alcoholic and hasn’t gotten help themselves.’
Noah’s mouth opened but he didn’t say anything. His eyes moved from side to side as he contemplated what Chad said. Tears spilled out of his eyes and made his cheeks sting. His nose started to run and he put on a tiny smile. He looked into Chad’s eyes. When he realised that his fingers were still on his cheek, he pushed them away and stepped back. He gasped when the wet earth underneath him started to shift, pulling him into the water. He instinctively reached for Chad’s hand and inadvertently dragged him down with him.
Both were surrounded by pitch black. Noah closed his eyes, tears joining the lake water. Once the shock wore off, Chad looked up at the surface, which had a light he could just barely see. He wrapped one arm around Noah’s waist and when he did so, Noah opened his eyes as if waking from a nightmare. The two swam up together.
Loud gasps for breath echoed throughout the area. Chad hauled Noah onto land and Noah, in turn, pulled him up. They lied down, shivering, on the grass. They breathed heavily as they looked at the sky.
‘I think I should take you to a hospital,’ Chad suggested.
‘Why? I’m not injured.’
‘That’s good to hear. But, I mean, you’re still injured in the mind.’ Chad took his phone out of his pocket and tried to turn it on but the screen remained black. ‘Shit! So, I was on a website that said people who attempt suicide have to go to the hospital, even if they’re not physically hurt.’
‘So I can be shipped off to a madhouse and feel even worse?’
‘Not really. They’ll just check up on you and keep you safe for a night or two. Then we can find you a therapist.’
Chad’s eyes went all over the place. 'Well, yeah. Like I said, even if you don’t want to date me, we’re still a team. I won’t try to meddle too much since you know how that turned out, but you can always talk to me if you don’t like the therapist or whatever, and we can switch ‘em.’ He stood up and held out his hand. Noah hesitated but took it, and as soon as he stood up he started sobbing loudly into Chad’s chest. His shoulders relaxed when Chad put his arms around them and patted his head. 
The two walked like this, with Chad still holding Noah close and whispering words of encouragement into his ear. Chad helped Noah into the car and drove him to the hospital while Noah relayed to him the various reasons he attempted suicide. Chad knew most of this, but he listened anyway.
When the doctors took Noah away, Chad sat in the waiting room with knees that repeatedly bounced up and down. He looked around him and felt fear strike his heart when he noticed how plain and lifeless the white walls were. Was this the right environment for Noah?
This fear clawed at his heart for a good half hour until a doctor called out to him and took him to Noah’s ward.
‘You should feel proud,’ the doctor said.
Chad raised an eyebrow. ‘I’m supposed to be proud? What was I supposed to do? Let him die?’
The doctor chuckled. ‘I suppose you’re right.’
‘Am I really allowed to see him this early?’
‘He wanted to see you. He said he’d attempt suicide again if I didn’t let you in.’
Noah’s face was already fresher, though his eyes were still red and puffy. He gave Chad a small smirk.
‘Do I look sexier now in a blue gown?’
Chad sighed in relief. ‘Please don’t tempt me. You’re doing surprisingly well if you can joke like that.’
Noah scratched his cheek. ‘I thought about what you said and you were right. That forum just made me worse. I… I feel like a class-A moron.’ He let tears escape from his eyes.
‘You’re not a moron. You just got sucked into it.’
Noah wiped his eyes and raised his head at the doctor. ‘Uh, can Chad and I speak privately?’ The doctor nodded and closed the curtain. ‘Can you come here?' he asked Chad, who obliged. He held his arm up and, after a few seconds of curling up his fingers, cupped Chad’s cheek. 'Thank you for putting up with me.’
‘I’m not ‘putting up with you’. People don’t just ‘put up with’ the ‘people they love.’
Noah averted his gaze. ‘Love, huh?’
‘Uh, well, um, I meant… I meant to say ‘like’ but I just blurted out that word and I didn’t mean to come across as creepy or too forward or anything like that, uh, so…’
Noah choked out a laugh, his smile like that of someone who had been shot by an arrow that just missed a vital organ. He shifted his hand until it was under Chad’s chin, pulling him a tiny bit closer. 
‘Why’d it have to be a guy?’ he grumbled. ‘I never saw my future self liking, or loving, or… whatever... another guy.’
A big, dumb smile adorned Chad’s face. Noah slowly and tentatively pulled him even closer and brushed his lips against his. As he closed his eyes he initially envisioned smoke, but the image quickly evaporated. The kiss was fleeting, but it was enough for now.
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feel199x · 5 years
✧༺♥༻∞ french girl ∞༺♥༻✧
highschool!au, enemies to lovers, artistic(ish)!reader
a/n: i made this just clown jeongin after that vlive. i’m not as sorry as i should be. i promise i have no bad intentions though! also this is a one-shot and not a series like the rest of my works  ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆
warnings: uhh cursing? mostly because, and i say this with love, Jeongin definitely curses at his bandmates
It wasn’t that you hated Jeongin, it’s that he hated you. You weren’t sure why, because you had never interacted before entering high school- but the boy seemed to go out of his way to torment you. And today, today was no different. It was the holiday season, so you thought- hey! maybe he’ll get into the holiday spirit! maybe a christmas miracle will happen and scrooge mcscrooge face will give you a break! But no. You could’ve put up with the little brat for the rest of senior year, except for the fact that the both of you had to organize the annual christmas party for the grade. You begged, pleaded your homeroom teacher to have anyone but you do it, but to no avail. So here you were, stuck with Jeongin after school, planning a christmas party.
“Are you just gonna zone out or are you going to help me cut the snowflakes?” Jeongin cut your way through your thoughts, glaring at you. You narrowed your eyes at him and peeked at his snowflakes. “At least mine are turning out nice,” you retorted, “can’t say the same for you.” He raised his eyebrows.
“Oh yeah?”
You nodded.
“Well you remember that one time-” You groaned loudly and audibly so you couldn’t hear whatever unfortunate memory he was about to bring up. “Why do you hate me so much?” You asked, “I don’t even know you!” He scoffed. “You’re the bane of my existence,” he answered, “That’s why.” You crossed your arms. “Sounds like a load of horseshit to me,” you said, “Who knows? Maybe you’re secretly in love with me.” He slammed his scissors down, making you jump. “I have to go.” He grabbed his backpack, and left without another word. You slid back into the library’s chair and closed your eyes, trying to rub the impatience out of your by rubbing your temple. You opened your eyes, sighed, and continued to cut snowflakes and fixed Jeongin’s messy half of the work until you had enough snowflake streamers.
You had fallen asleep in class the next day, exhausted from having to finish yesterday’s preparations, and having to do homework upon that, but at least today you hadn’t had to put up with Jeongin’s teasing. As you walked into the library, with paint and a banner, you didn’t expect to find hot chocolate sitting on the table. Jeongin had already started with painting the letters on the banner, and didn’t greet you as you walked in.
“Is this for me?”
“Do you see anyone else-,” he cut himself off and paused, “Yes. I’m sorry for making you do my work yesterday.” You smiled, maybe the grinch’s heart had grown a couple sizes overnight. “Maybe you don’t hate me after all,” you teased, “But Jeongin...I hate to break it to you but your letters are completely uneven.” He grimaced, just now noticing the uneven shaping of his letters. “It’s not that bad,” he muttered, “No one will notice.” You pulled the banner to your side, holding it up so he could see his work clearly. He crossed his arms in defiance, and frowned. “It’s not like you could do any better!” he said, “What are you? Van Gogh?” You picked up the hot chocolate and sat down. “For the sake of peace, I’m gonna ignore your heinous insult,” you responded, “And here I was, about to offer to help you.” He turned to face you, an eyebrow raised. “Help,” he paused, “how?” You shrugged, starting to work on your own banner by mixing the paints on a palate you had borrowed from the art room.
“I guess you’ll just have to ask to find out.”
He scoffed, focusing his attention back on his banner. “No way,” he said, “No way in hell.” You nodded, dipping your paintbrush in a deep violet color. “I guess you’ll just have to explain to the teachers why orange is a winter color.” He looked in horror when he realized that he had accidentally put his paintbrush in bright orange paint. He tapped his fingers impatiently on the wooden library table. “Fine,” he said quickly, “Can you help me?” You pouted and tilted your head. “I don’t know..”
“I swear to fuck I’ll throw this paint brush at you.”
You surrendered using your hands to block your face. “Joking! Just joking,” you defended, “Just come by the art room during lunch and I’ll help.” He put his paintbrush back down, and stared in distaste at his work. “But for now,” you said, “We’ll just have to start over.” The pair of  you spent the rest of your meeting in relative peace, as much peace as you could be with Jeongin and paint anyway. That day, you left with paint all over your face and clothes, but much to your liking (and Jeongin’s disliking), he left much worse.
 You were weirdly excited to help Jeongin with his less than average art skills, because you had never had the chance to share your admiration of art with someone else. Or rather, teach them to admire it. “Why are you even helping him?” Seungmin asked, “He’s been mean to you since junior year.” You stared at your best friend for a while before answering and shrugged. “Tis the season I guess.” He shook his head and grabbed you by the shoulder. “If he’s mean to you, I’ll beat him up.” You raised an eyebrow as he added, “With my words.” You gently took his hands off your shoulder. “Minnie, I’ll be fine,” you comforted, “He’s like a sarcastic teddy bear.”
And lunch slowly came around, and ten minutes into the break time, you were worried that he had blown you off. But Jeongin happened to finally come around, sitting across from you nervously. “You’re gonna have to sit next to me for this,” you told him, “I don’t bite.” He grumbled something under his breath before kicking his backpack to the stool next to you. “You probably suck.” he commented. “Maybe,” you threw back, “But then why are you here?” He sat quietly as you grabbed the paint and some canvases.
“This is pointless,” he muttered, “I suck.” You nudged him with your elbow. “You’ll get better,” you comforted, “No one’s Bob Ross on their first try.” The both of you were watching a Bob Ross tutorial on your phone, pausing to follow along the best the pair of you could. “Oh shut up,” he said, “This sucks.” He had accidentally let the green watercolor seep into the sky he was painting, making it a messy tie dye of color, and was close to giving up on the painting. “It actually looks pretty good,” you offered, “You just have to be more patient.”
Your Bob Ross meeting continued for a few weeks, and within that short span of time, Jeongin’s art had improved significantly. And so had your relationship. “So the holiday party is coming up,” you mentioned, “Are you excited?” He was putting popcorn on a string carefully and gently, and suddenly made a face of disgust. “Absolutely not,” he responded, “After we finish these decorations I never want to hear anything about winter or christmas ever again.” You snorted. 
“I’m going to start calling you the grinch”
“The grinch will shake in his boots under my grand power.”
It continued like this for a while, playful banter every day for a few weeks. It was your last official Bob Ross meeting, but today you weren’t following a tutorial at all. Since Jeongin had improved by a significant amount these past two months, you thought it would be a good test of his skills to draw a portrait. Of you.
“Hey, c’mon, why not?” you pleaded, “It can’t be that bad!”
He crossed his arms, avoiding your gaze. “Because it’s weird!” he retorted, “I don’t want to stare at your face for an hour.” You pushed a canvas towards him.
“I’m gonna paint you too, dickhead.”
He hesitantly obliged. “Paint me like one of your french girls,” you teased, “Make me look nice.” He groaned, holding his paintbrush in a tight fist.
“I’m going to stab you with the soft end of this brush.”
It continued in silence for a bit before you heard Jeongin mutter under his breath: “You actually look cute from certain angles.” And you froze, stopping mid stroke as you painted Jeongin’s hair. You didn’t know what to do, because to be honest, you’d never expected to hear those words out of his mouth. So, you ignored it. Granted, you thought, it might’ve not been the nicest of responses but then again, you weren’t sure if he had meant for you to hear it. It’s not like he said it loud and clear anyway. The rest of the lunch period continued in a growing uncomfortable silence, until the bell rang loudly, interrupting your painting session. “Let me see,” you said, “Before we leave for class.” He shook his head. “No, it’s not finished.” Jeongin pulled the canvas closer to his chest and left in a hurry, almost dropping the contents of his backpack on the floor of the art room. “You’re gonna get acrylic on your shirt!” you yelled after him, “It’s not fun to take out!” You sat in confusion in the art room, even after the second bell had rung. Head in your hands, and with helplessness you admitted that maybe, just maybe you had a tiny crush on the boy.
Yeah, no. It wasn’t tiny at all. It wasn��t like you were smooth with your previous crushes, but with Jeongin, you were a visible, utter mess. And as Seungmin noted, your interactions with Jeongin grew more and more painful. As the grade holiday party and dance grew closer and closer, your crush on Jeongin grew more and more unbearable. “You haven’t said anything all day,” Jeongin said, “Who are you and what did you do with my bum, ____?” You threw a paint tube at him. “Shut up,” you mumbled, “Maybe I’ve finally outgrown you. Became more mature.” He scoffed at your comment, finishing the snowman cut out that was made so your peers could take silly pictures. “I doubt it,” he said, “You’re a baby.” You don’t know why, but you blushed at the comment, glad he couldn’t see you from behind the cut out. “Do you have a date?” you blurted out before you could think, “To the dance, I mean.” He poked his head from the hole in the snowman cut out. “Why?” he teased, “Are you interested?” And before you thought twice, you said:
And before he could say anything, you flew to the library doors and sprinted home. Your heart was in your throat as you flopped on your bed. Seungmin wasn’t much help either, laughing at your misery from the phone. “You mean you ran?” he asked between laughter, “Like, literally, ran?” “Yes,” you yelled, though a bit muffled from your face having been buried in a pillow, “I did! I never want to see him again.” Seungmin was laughing so hard he began to cough, sounding distant from the phone. “At least you can focus on your grades now,” he said, “Plus, it’s not even that big of a deal. The dance is in two days, and we’re seniors. And how do you know he’s not interested?” You screamed into the pillow for a bit, it’d be worse if he was interested because that meant dates and a relationship and that made your heart want to burst.
“He’s not,” you said finally, “He hasn’t even sent a vaguely threatening text since I saw him.” Seungmin sighed heavily on the phone. “You’re an idiot,” he huffed as he ended the call, “A one brain cell having, Grade A dumbass.”
Jeongin hadn’t texted you all night, and pretty much ignored you throughout the entire school day. You thought he was upset about having to finish the final decorations, and had tried apologizing about it- but he always seemed to be busy or in the middle of a conversation with somebody. So during lunch, you escaped to the art room. You felt messy, and so was the current painting you were working on was messy too. Your hands were covered in paint, and the table was splattered in a rainbow of paint dots. But slowly, you were beginning to relax, the memory of yesterday starting to slip from memory. That was until Jeongin appeared in the doorway.
“H-hey!” you stammered, “I’m really sor-”
“Shut up,” Jeongin cut you off, “I’m going to do the talking here.”
He held a coffee cup in his hand, and a canvas in another. Avoiding your gaze, and opting to stare out of the art room’s window instead, he handed you the canvas and coffee cup. You took the canvas awkwardly, holding it with an elbow instead, and getting paint all over the warm cup. Nervously, he took a paper out of his pocket. It was different to see Jeongin like this, nervous but trying to appear confident and in control. Even if it was for a few moments, you decided that Jeongin looked soft in the winter sunlight. Appearing almost angelic and it made your heart flutter, your palms becoming sweaty.
“___, I’ve decided that you’re not that annoying,” he paused, looking up into your eyes, “You’re cute and you match my humor, so you should go to the dance with me. As my date.” You put the coffee and dropped the canvas you had yet to look at. Before he could protest, you wrapped Jeongin in a hug. And before you could protest, Jeongin pecked your lips. “You got paint on my shirt,” he said between pecks, “You have to pay me back in kisses.” You laughed, as he picked up the portrait he was working on previously. “And you didn’t even look at my masterpiece,” he stood next to you and showed off his work, “What do you think.”
“I think even Bob Ross would give up on you.”
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shownuslaugh · 6 years
Pairing: Leeteuk x Reader
Summary: Neither of you really understand the definition of teasing
Warnings: Daddy kink, the tiniest bit of degradation, biting, spanking, Teuk’s got a purity kink, rough sex
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Leeteuk huffs out an annoyed breath and slams his hand down on the table making you jump slightly in your chair. When you look up at him he’s fixing you with an even stare, face completely expressionless. Your blood turns to ice in your veins.
“Teuk?” No response from your boyfriend.
“Oppa?” Again, nothing.
His tongue darts out to swipe across his lower lips as his gaze travels from your face to your chest. He’d told you exactly what to wear to dinner and you followed his rules to the letter. Your dress is tight in all the right spots, complementing your body in all the right ways. The fabric is a nice shade of blue that makes your skin look beautiful.
“Daddy?” You ask.
You see him breathe in as his eyes flutter shut. His shoulders are rigid and his back is straight. His knuckles are turning white from his grip on the edge of the table. Everything about him, about this moment, screams danger.
Finally his eyes open, and he tells you in a calm tone that doesn’t reflect his tense body language, “If you bite that damn lip one more time, you’re going to regret it.”
“But I wasn’t-”
Leeteuk raises a brow, his mouth falling from a small smile to a deep frown. “Are you talking back?”
“Really? Since when does telling me you aren’t doing something that you clearly are count as not talking back?”
You shut your mouth and look down at your food. “I’m sorry, Daddy.”
“No you’re not.” He tilts your chin up with the tip of his steak knife. His head tilts to the side while he watches your pupils widen. “But you will be.”
Those words echo around and around in your head for the rest of dinner. For the rest of drinks at a bar near your shared home. For the rest of the walk home. Your mind is so preoccupied with anticipation that you don’t even register the fact Leeteuk is already snoring lightly beside you until you look over and find him curled up under the covers.
You curse at him under your breath, annoyance suddenly filling your body from top to bottom. How typical of him to make promises but not deliver. It’s his specialty if you’re being honest. Leeteuk is incredibly talented at making your body sing with excitement only to let you down in the most horrible of ways. If you didn’t know better, you would swear he does it on…
“Hey!” You smack Leeteuk’s shoulder, irritation bleeding into your tone. “Wake up!”
Leeteuk grumbles but opens his eyes anyway. “What?”
“Do you do this on purpose?”
“Do what on purpose?” His voice is deep and thick with sleep. “What are you talking about?”
You roll your eyes and scoff. “I knew it.”
“If the only reason you woke me up was to irritate me with nonsense, congratulations. Now let me go back to sleep.” Leeteuk turns over on his other side, presenting you with his back.
He should’ve known better.
He knows you can’t keep your hands or mouth off the muscles in his back. It’s an almost addiction of yours. Every single time his shirt is off, you can’t help but run your fingers over his shoulder blades, dipping and tracing them over the delicate curve of his back until he’s a shivering mess beneath your touch. It’s honestly the closest you ever get to seeing him lose control.
“Teuk,” you call out in a soft voice. “I’m being serious. Do you tease me on purpose?”
Leeteuk sighs and rolls over on his back. “I’m not teasing you. I’m punishing you.”
“For what?”
He sits up, grabbing your wrist and tracing the blue veins with his thumb. He doesn’t look away as he says, “I give you rules, you break rules, you get punished. It’s the way our relationship has worked since the beginning. If anyone in this room is a tease, it’s you.”
You yank your wrist away. “I don’t tease you.”
Leeteuk pushes the blankets off his body and pulls you on his lap. Your legs straddle either side of him, exposing the embarrassingly wet spot on your panties to him. He looks down with what’s arguably the best poker face you’ve ever seen on anyone in any given situation.
“Do you know,” he begins, “just how powerful you are?”
You shake your head in confusion. “What are you talking about?”
His hands trail up from your waist, over your arms, across your shoulders, to rest at the base of your neck. He pulls you forward and slots his mouth against yours. His lips work roughly over your own, demanding more and more from you with each second that passes.
“You,” Leeteuk says into the kiss, his minty breath fanning across your face. “You absolutely ruin me.”
“It sure doesn’t seem like it,” you pant out.
Leeteuk smiles at you indulgently, showing his perfectly straight, perfectly white teeth. “Oh, baby, you have no idea, do you? Mmm, I’ve been so terrible to you, haven’t I? Do you want me to show you? Do you want me to prove to you once and for all that no matter how much I might look otherwise, you’ve got me right in the palm of your hand?”
You manage to swallow despite the large lump in your throat. “Y-yes.”
A low hum vibrates through his chest as his teeth nip at your bottom lip. “Does Daddy need to make his baby girl feel better?”
“Yes.” You grind your hips in desperation, craving the feeling of him pounding mercilessly inside you. “Daddy, please?”
“Will you do what I say?”
“Anything you say.”
Leeteuk nods, satisfied with your answer. He moves his hands from the back of your neck to the front of your shirt, slipping it off your body in one smooth movement. You gasp when he bends his head and takes one of your sensitive nipples between his teeth. Leeteuk holds you closer as your nails dig into his shoulder blades, working his mouth over your chest and leaving bruises the shape of his teeth in his wake.
“Get on all fours,” he tells you.
“But I want-”
You don’t even get the full sentence out before Leeteuk’s hand comes down across your ass. You jump up on your knees from shock and he hits you again, this time even harder than before. He squeezes your bright red ass cheek in his large palm, gritting his teeth as he hears you cry out. The way your face screws up in agony has his cock as hard as a rock in his boxers.
“Get. On. All. Fours.” He emphasizes each word with a painful smack. “Understood?”
You scramble to do as he says but secretly hope you didn’t do it fast enough for his liking. The sting might hurt, but the pain is delicious. Leeteuk always knows exactly what to do to make you a drooling, horny mess.
The mattress shifts behind you as Leeteuk lines himself up with your entrance. Your body jerks when his tip teases your soaked entrance. A high pitched whine escapes your mouth and you fall forward into the matress, pushing your ass back towards him, presenting yourself fully. He traces a finger up your slit, collecting your juices before popping his finger in his mouth. Leeteuk’s eyes fall shut as he groans at the taste that floods his mouth. You’ve always been the sweetest of his girls, only made sweeter by the fact you came to him completely pure.
Leeteuk smiles at the memory.
“Do you remember our first night together?” He asks her. “You practically begged for my cock. You begged to be my baby girl if only for that night.”
You suppress the shiver that runs through your body. “Yes… Daddy, please stop teasing!”
“I thought I was teasing you earlier?” Leeteuk clicks his tongue and shakes his head. “Make up your mind, baby girl. Am I teasing you now or was I teasing you before?”
“You…” The words won’t come out. Your mind goes completely blank as Leeteuk grips your hips and buries his cock inside your silky soft pussy. “Daddy!”
Leeteuk’s mouth falls open and he throws his head back while he adjusts to being inside you. You’ve never taken him all in one go before. He’s always had to slide in inch by inch so you didn’t get overwhelmed and had time to relax. Now, with your walls clenching around him, he wonders why the hell he ever did that. Your body can clearly take so much more than what he’s been given.
Maybe it’s time for him to up his game?
“Say it again, baby.” Leeteuk snaps his hips forward in one harsh movement. “Who am I?”
You whimper as his pace quickens to a punishing speed. The only sound you can hear is his harsh breathing and skin slapping against skin. You push hair out of your face only for it to fall back in its previous place as your body sways in time with Leeteuk’s thrusts.
He repeats himself one more time. “Who am I?”
“Daddy!” You grab the bedsheets in your fist and bite down on your lower lip until you taste blood. “Oh… fuck…”
Leeteuk looks down between the two of you and watches his cock pump in and out of your pussy with wide eyes.
“Ah,” he moans. “You’re taking me so well, baby girl.”
By now you know the appropriate response to a compliment from Leeteuk is, “thank you Daddy.”
He pets your hair softly. It’s a stark contrast to his opposite hand’s grip on your hip. His breathing grows ragged and his pace becomes unpredictable. His eyes are still glued to the spot where the two of you connect.
“You’re such a good girl for the rest of the world, aren’t you?” His question is rhetorical, but you still nod your head anyway. “Such a good girl in public but my baby girl in private. You’d do anything for my cock, wouldn’t you? I bet I could make you get on your knees in the middle of a church service if I just asked.”
“I…” You nod your head. “Yes, Daddy.”
Leeteuk moans. “Fuck… you’re such a horny little slut… you just couldn’t stand the thought of going to bed unfucked so you woke me up…”
You grab his hand that’s all tangled up in your hair and drag it down your body to your clit. Leeteuk gets the hint, circling his thumb roughly around your clit in perfect sync with his thrusts. You moan loudly only to be cut off abruptly when his sharp teeth sink in the flesh of your shoulder. He licks at the wound, kissing it gently.
Leeteuk’s hips stutter as you clench around him, reaching your own orgasm. He pants heavily in an effort to keep his own orgasm back, but it’s really no use. The second he feels your juices flood around his cock he cums deep inside you and pumps you full of his cum. The two of you collapse on the bed in each other’s arms, a sweaty, satiated mess.
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