#'i know sweetie and i respect your freedom of expression
i think that in small tightknit communities, all residents should receive a coupon book on their bday that allows them to commit [x] number of nonviolent crimes per year
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we have all eternity (to love the dead)
As a child, Katara had always dreamed of meeting her soulmate, of being swept off her feet by some dashing stranger, of hearing her name fall from their lips like snowflakes fluttering down from the pink sky above. She’d found solace in this perfect person, and she’d used their unlimited potential to distract herself from the horrors of war ever surrounding her icy home.
The day Katara learned she didn’t have a soulmate, she’d wept for hours.
For Katara and Aang, fate works in mysterious ways.
(Written for Day 7 of Kataang Week 2021: The Sea & The Sky/Soulmate AU, hosted by @kataang-week. Read here on AO3 or continue reading below.)
Soulmates were everything a person wanted and more, or so the legends told. As a child, Katara had always dreamed of meeting her soulmate, of being swept off her feet by some dashing stranger, of hearing her name fall from their lips like snowflakes fluttering down from the pink sky above. She’d found solace in this perfect person, and she’d used their unlimited potential to distract herself from the horrors of war ever surrounding her icy home.
Sokka had teased her about it, her tendency to drift into dreams, but she knew he longed to meet his soulmate, too. As such, his barbs never dug deep.
The day Katara learned she didn’t have a soulmate, she’d wept for hours. Her mother’s words of comfort had fallen upon uncaring ears, because what did it matter that a rare few were born without soulmates, what did it matter that she could lead a happy life without one, what did it matter that she had such a unique opportunity for freedom in her passion, why, why did it have to be her? How was that fair?
Deep down, Katara suspected she’d always known. The name of one’s soulmate was the first word spoken on a child’s first birthday, oftentimes the first word they’d ever say. Sokka had known the name of his soulmate for as long as Katara could remember, and he would express his excitement about meeting her on only the quietest of nights.
Yue, he’d say, breathless, the word but a whisper slipping from the tip of his tongue. Have you ever heard a more beautiful name?
Katara would always giggle in reply. No, Sokka, I haven’t.
Sokka would then stare up at the star-dotted, moonlit sky, his face and body washed over with a pale silver glow. You know, I bet the moon doesn’t even hold a candle to her.
Every time, Katara would rest her head on his shoulder and agree. Every time, Katara was unable to offer up a name of her own. The signs were there, they’d always been there, the nagging terror that on her first birthday she had been—
“You were silent, sweetie,” her mother had told her on her eighth birthday, holding Katara’s face in her hands as Katara screamed and cried like a child whose future had been ripped away from her. To eight-year-old Katara, maybe it had been. “But Katara, listen to me. Just because you don’t have a soulmate doesn’t mean you won’t find love.”
“Yes it does, Mom,” Katara had sobbed, shaking her head and trying to pull away from her mother. “It means there’s no one out there who’s perfect for me!” Years of fantasies, years of hopes and dreams, the possibility of freedom and the end of this war were gone, destroyed, torn to pieces, and there was no putting them back together.
“Shh, sweetie, I need you to take a deep breath,” her mother had crooned, thumbing a tear from beneath Katara’s eye. “I need you to listen very closely to what I’m about to tell you, okay?”
It had taken a minute, but Katara remembered that she’d managed to do as instructed, because even—or perhaps especially—at her lowest points, she would always turn to the advice of her mother. When her sobs had faded to quiet hiccups, her mother continued.
“I know it hurts to not have a soulmate, Katara, and it is more than okay for you to let yourself feel that hurt. But in some ways, I promise your life is better this way. Do you want to know why?”
Katara had nodded, doubt riddled in her bones.
“Because without a soulmate, sweetie, it means you get to have a choice. Some soulmates are destined to end in destruction or pain, others in tragedy, but you, Katara?” Her mother had placed a gentle, teary kiss to Katara’s forehead. “You get to choose if that love is worth it. And the power of choice is something hard to find these days.”
At the time, Katara had barely processed those words, instead letting her mother pull her into the tightest of hugs as she began to cry all over again. It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t fair, it wasn’t fair.
But what was truly unfair, Katara now knew, was just how right her mother had been. Some soulmates were fated to end in destruction, in pain, in tragedy.
A week later, the Fire Nation navy had taken her mother’s life before Katara’s own eyes. That same day, her father had lost his own life, his spirit shattered and torn apart into a million little pieces that might never find their way back together. Not another week had gone by before he’d left. Left to fight, he’d told her and Sokka, but Katara had never been so certain.
Now, eight years later, Katara could only watch in unspoken horror as the life faded from Princess Yue’s delicate body, her form slumping weakly against Sokka’s chest as he buried his face in the fur of her coat and screamed. There was no return from such a sacrifice.
Katara found Aang later that night, after the Fire Nation’s navy had been turned away from the Northern Water Tribe when he’d channeled the might of the Ocean Spirit. He was sitting atop an icy railing, feet dangling off the edge, either not cold or uncaring of the North Pole’s frigid nature. Katara joined him, resting her elbows on the same railing. Together they stared out over the city, up at the moon, away into the stars.
Aang sucked in a sharp breath, and Katara suspected she knew what question was headed her way. “They were… They were soulmates, weren’t they?”
Katara nodded. She didn’t need Aang to specify to know the two star-crossed lovers he was referring to. “They were.”
Aang grimaced, eyes closing as he exhaled slowly, a reaction of distress and defeat. “Spirits. Poor Sokka.”
Katara nodded again. She’d tried to get her brother to talk about it earlier, but… he needed time alone. As much as she wanted to be there for him, the way silent sobs had been wracking Sokka’s body spoke for itself, and she’d let him be. Which was how she’d ended up out here, night nearing dawn, standing at Aang’s right.
“You know,” she said after a pause, bitterness seeping into her tone before she could stop it, “for all the eternal bliss soulmates are supposed to bring each other, I don’t know of any two in my life that have ever been lucky enough to be granted a happy ending.”
Her mother and Yue, sacrificing themselves for the sake of others, leaving her father and Sokka behind to mend gaping wounds in their hearts that no stitches could close. Gran Gran’s husband had died long before Katara was born, yet she knew now that her grandmother’s soulmate had never been someone in the Southern Water Tribe but instead a stubborn man on the opposite end of the world. And yet all that time, all those years, her grandmother had held on to Pakku’s necklace, passing it down to Kya and then to her.
Tragedy, destruction, heartbreak.
Aang nodded glumly. “I know what you mean.”
Katara blinked, wincing as his words sunk in. Aang was a kid a hundred years out of time—spirits, of course he understood her sentiment. How callous had it been, no, how egregiously cruel had she been to even mention it?
But it was too late to take the words back.
“Monk Gyatso never told me who his soulmate was,” Aang continued before Katara could apologize. He was staring up at the moon but, Katara suspected, seeing something else entirely. “Just that… they could never be together. And Bumi—”
“The king of Omashu?”
“—yeah, him.” Aang swallowed hard, shaking his head. “I remember that his soulmate was killed in an earthbending accident before either of them turned nine years old.”
He stopped there, but Katara could tell there were words still hidden behind the cloak of silence. Aang’s own soulmate, presumably, a person now lost to time. And seeing as Katara had been the one to bring it up, it was only right she offered to share his burden, too.
Katara placed a hand on top of Aang’s. A beat passed, and he turned his hand over, palm upwards, before gently lacing their fingers together. “Tell me about them,” Katara whispered, and a ghost of a smile flitted across Aang’s lips.
“His name was Kuzon.”
Soon Aang was regaling her with stories of all the mischief they’d gotten into together, how once upon a time it had been only natural for an Air Nomad to have a best friend from the Fire Nation. They’d protected a dragon egg from poachers, taught each other the dances of their respective nations, stayed up until sunrise seeking out their own constellations in the stars, and now—
“And now,” Aang whispered, his grip on her hand slackening as his shoulders fell, “it’s been a hundred years. I don’t know…” He trailed off, but Katara heard the final word, unsaid though it may have been.
What fate had met Kuzon, if he’d missed Aang after he’d vanished, if they ever could have been something more than what they were.
“I’m so sorry,” Katara said, and she was.
Aang nodded. “Thank you.” His voice was hushed, fractured, heartbroken when he added, “I’m sorry, too.”
And she knew he was.
Katara gave his hand a gentle squeeze, moving closer to Aang’s side. Their shoulders brushed, and her heart fluttered for a reason she couldn’t quite and maybe didn’t yet want to discern.
“I don’t even have a soulmate,” she admitted after a pause, keeping her eyes glued to the stars. They glittered the same way every night, didn’t they? Unchanging. Permanent. “Naturally, I was devastated to learn that as a child. I cried so much they could have made a sculpture with my frozen tears.”
Aang chuckled at her attempt at humor, or maybe just at her dry tone, but hearing the warm sound made a smile tug at Katara’s lips all the same.
“My mother told me that I was lucky, in some ways,” she continued. “Without a soulmate, she said that I’d get to choose if the love I pursued was worth it.” Katara licked her lips, hesitant, but powered through. “I—I know it’s not exactly the same for you, Aang, with what happened to Kuzon, but if it helps at all—”
“Don’t worry,” Aang said, and he smiled at her as he turned around to jump off the snow-coated railing. “I understand what you mean.” He gave her hand a final squeeze before releasing it. “Thank you, Katara.”
For a moment, all Katara could do was stare. In front of her stood the most powerful bender in the world, able to channel the might of ancient spirits far more powerful than any mere mortal could ever dream to be. This was the man who would end the war and bring peace, harmony, love to the four nations for the first time in a hundred years. But all Katara saw was…
Her best friend.
And in his eyes was a silence, an ache, an affection so deep it rivaled—no, it reflected her own.
You get to choose.
Katara met Aang halfway, wrapping her arms around his shoulders while he closed his own around her midsection, embracing each other like it was the last hug they’d ever share. He fit so naturally against her, like a puzzle piece Katara hadn’t known she was missing.
And if Aang inhaled a shuddering breath to hold back tears, and if Katara hugged Aang just a little bit tighter in return, well… that would stay between them and the moon.
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mapleleafssss · 2 years
Vites mortiferum (Albedo x GN!Reader)
Chapter 1: Animus Perditus
Summary: A new light peaks over the horizon in a symptomatic manner. What shall it bring to you?
⚠c/w: webtoon content, rushed at a point, lots of time skips
a/n: Albedo will be speaking in this at the very end, btw :))
Previous: Prologue Next: Chapter 2
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"Oh, this would look nice..." Lisa muttered to herself at a purple piece of clothing. "But I think I'll pass. I'm going to Mondstadt, anyway."
You looked away from her, then looking up at this one outfit that caught your eye. It had a dendro-green theme to it, and it look quite comfy. (couldn't find any pictures so imagine it to your heart's content.)
Having not realising that you stared at the outfit too long, you felt a hand on your shoulder, which made you flinch.
"I see your eyes gazed on this outfit here? You've got an interesting taste, sweetie." She said with a smirk. "I'll buy it for you, alright?"
"E-Eh?" You stuttered. "You don't need to waste anything on someone like me-"
Lisa grabbed the outfit and sized it up to your body. "Sweetie, down-talking yourself like that will get you in a tough spot someday. Maybe in a tougher spot than you are in right now." She stated, and you have to admit, she was right.
"Alright sweetie, after I buy this for you, I'll take you out to eat. How 'bout it?" She smiled.
After Lisa bought the outfit, you put it on. Surprisingly, it was very comfy. The food she brought you was good too, but you didn't show it. You weren't going to let her kindness get to you. Not yet.
You looked out the window of Lisa's dorm room. It was raining, which was pretty rare in Sumeru. But for once, at least you weren't out in harsh weather. It's been days every since you've met Lisa, and so far, she's been treating you... fairly well. At this point, she's someone who you can trust. Even to the point of telling her your secret.
"Y/n, I have someone you should meet." A familiar voice spoke, making you turn your head. Lisa walked in with a white-haired scholar, you assumed.
The scholar hummed with his fingers on his chin. "You must be the one infused with the Archon Residue, am I correct?"
You nodded. "Yes... I am."
"I'm here to treat your... problem." He said as you got up from the window. "The treatment will seal the residue in your body. But do know that if it awakens again, your consciousness will be taken over completely. I've only done it a few times."
"A... few times?" You muttered as you thought to yourself. You wondered who those people were.
"I'll do it I guess..." You replied. "If it does something, it should be worth it."
Since it was 8 am, the parasite will be at it's weakest point. You decided that you'll do it today. The torment of that voice inside of you head was going to end.
When it happened just then, it felt like all the negative energy flowed away from you; despite the pain you felt when the seal was casted.
1 week later...
"We're almost at Mondstadt. They'll be all set for our arrival." Lisa looked back at you, who was trailing behind on the bridge. "I'll be a Librarian for the Knights. It's something!"
You let out a small stutter. "T-That's good for you. But..."
What were you going to do there? You're still not much a people person yet. The only person you've gotten comfortable to was Lisa, not anybody else.
"Hm? You need to say something, sweetie?" Lisa stopped to face you, with a curious expression.
Shaking your head, you looked at her. "Ah, it's nothing. Let's get going if we're close to Mondstadt." You replied.
City of Freedom, 'ruled' by the The God of Freedom, Barbatos. Lisa had told you about the nations and their respective Archons a few days back. You weren't particularly fond of those Archons, either. In fact, you're not even sure if you like them or not.
You don't even have one of those visions, why should you care?
Both of you soon arrived at Springvale, where some hunters resided.
"This is Springvale. Remember what I told you about it, sweetie?" Lisa spoke to you, having a mini trivia on you.
"Springvale is where most hunters are resided. If I'm correct, Calla Lilies and Philanemo Mushrooms are often found here." You replied, saying what was on your mind subconsciously.
Lisa giggled. "Very good! Now, let's get moving."
The city in front of you was huge. The brick walls had the Church peaking up in the distance. Oh, how well you knew that there was going to be a lot of people there.
"Hello, Guards. I'm Lisa Minci, here to be the Knights of Favonius Librarian. This is Y/n here next to me." Lisa spoke in a formal manner.
The guards saluted. "Welcome, Ms. Lisa. We welcome both of your arrivals. Let us guide you to the HQ."
The... HQ?
As you followed the Guard, the afternoon light was already out. Not many people were out, but there was enough people out to make you insecure about yourself. You couldn't help but feel violated by the feeling of being stared at.
"It'll be alright, sweetie. Just let me do the talking, alright?" Lisa spoke with a hand on your shoulder. "We'll be meeting the Acting Grand Master."
The feeling in your chest... You forgot what it was like to have a caring mother again.
1 week later...
You went to visit the KoF Library, both for the books and to talk to Lisa for a bit. Lately, you've been having a desire to actually do something with your life instead of sitting around like a low-life.
Right as the door creaked open, Lisa's eyes darted straight at you with a gentle smile.
"Ah, I figured that you'd be visiting me, sweetie." She spoke as she raised up from the chair.
You walked up to her desk with a tired look. "Lisa, do you have any suggestions on something that could take up my time? I haven't really done anything."
Lisa pondered to herself as she hummed. "Well, you could study some elemental topics. I have a few books in here that may be of interest for you."
Something then clicked in Lisa's head. "Speaking of books, Cyno, the scholar who treated you, sent you some books about herbs. It may get you started on something."
"I'll try..." You sighed.
Lisa looked under her desk, letting out a 'aha' as she found the stack of books. She lifted it up on the table, but when she did, they looked like some kind of ancient books from way back then.
With your mouth agape, you let out a breath of disbelief. "Miss Lisa... These are the books...?"
Lisa nodded. "Yes, quite much. I took a quick glance at the contents and all I can say is that scholar sure knows what is in each book. They're very detailed, as such."
Many things happened in your first few months in Mondstadt. Surprisingly, you got into herbs within 3 weeks. Lisa would often find your face in a book about herbs when she got home. Everytime Lisa was close to having a elemental breakout on her face (after she got her vision), she would use this ointment you made that worked awfully well.
A year later, your skills in Herbology were near perfection. You started getting used to using a bow as well.
You aimed the bow and arrow at the target in front of you, working on the precise aiming. One eye was open while the other was closed.
"I'll hit it this time." You muttered to yourself.
Releasing the arrow, it flew just a little off the middle. You sighed to yourself in disappointment as you grabbed another arrow. Setting it on the bow, you pulled back and...
Why was there a green smoke surrounding the tip of the arrow?
Out of confusion, you removed the arrow from bow's hold. The green effect disappeared before you put the bow up again. But the green effect came back again.
"What the..?" You muttered.
Taking a risk, you shot the arrow into the target expecting nothing to happen. But vines burst out where the arrow was and crushed the wooden target in pieces.
With wide eyes, you took a quick double take while noticing a vibrating object on your waist. You looked down to see a glowing, green orb with a heart.
It was a Dendro vision.
1 week later...
"You what?!"
Lisa laughed at your reaction in a teasing way. "Master Jean opened a new role in the Knights of Favonius-- Herbalist, if I recall." She explained. "I told her about you, and she seems quite interested in you and your skills."
"Really..?" You questioned her.
She nodded with a hum. "Of course. Personally, I think you have all the qualities to be a knight of Favonius."
2 years later
With a focused face, you examined the list of herbs needed for an ordered ointment from a consultant you're working with. This was one of your last orders for the day, as well.
"Frozen mint..." You muttered to yourself with a finger on your chin.
The door to your lab opened. Amber, the outrider of the Knights, came in with some more orders.
"Hello, Y/n!" She said cheerfully with a handful of papers. "Man, I didn't know you were the talk outside of Mondstadt."
You laughed at her struggle to put the papers on the table. "I'm not surprised... Thank you for bringing them up to me, Amber. I appreciate it."
She gave you a bright smile. "It's no problem! Despite us being about the same age, I very much look up to you. Lisa always speaks very highly of you."
"Of course she does. That's our Lisa, alright." You said with a gentle smile.
Amber saluted with a arm behind her back. "Well, Outrider Amber will be heading off. Catch ya' later!"
You waved back to her before turning back to your work. It was about 5 in the afternoon, so you had some time to head to Dragonspine for some Frozen Mint.
So you headed out as soon as you could. When you got there, you started looking for some Frozen mint. They're scattered, so it should be easy to find up in Dragonspine.
At the side of your eye, you see the Fatui Members. Though you weren't sure if they would recognize you, you decided to not get involved. So you had to hide behind a few rocks to get past. What are they doing in Dragonspine, anyway?
Shrugging that aside, you were away from the Fatui camps. The thought immediately left your mind as you began to look around.
A bush rustled a few feet away from you, making you cautious of your surroundings. Instead, a snow fox walked out, looking up at you as if it was expecting something.
So you crouched down to the tiny creature, holding your hand out. It didn't hesitate to lean into your touch, rubbing against your skin/glove.
A small smile grew on your face, feeling a sense of peace.
Ah, peace...
"I sense that you're well attuned to nature."
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honeykami · 3 years
family headcanons - first year boys
the freedom i get to have is wonderful
these are mainly for the people who families we don’t know about
he has 2 moms and a plethora of sisters like so many that it isn’t even funny
so he drinks his respect women juice everyday at every hour on the dot
he’s the oldest!!
though living with that many women and being the oldest has caused him to go soft on almost all girls
he knows that they can take care of themselves but he doesn’t give them his all which bakugou calls him out for
he can’t help it!! but he definitely gives his all when he’s fighting mina (he knows she can handle it)
he probably ends up with a bunch of kids and they would deadass be almost all boys and one girl who is the youngest and essentially the angel because she isn’t bad or rowdy
definitely his princess “dad! you said you didn’t have favorites!” “i dont! out of you boys...”
scold him for that! no favorites!! (though you have a favorite too out your boys and let’s just say dad takes second place)
mom + dad and too many siblings to count (12? most are twins though)
he’s a middle child like perfectly in the middle; 6 older and 6 younger - 4 older sisters (2 twins), 2 older brothers (twins), 3 younger sisters (1 twins), 3 younger brothers (triplets)
so poor thing needs lots of love
his older brothers prank him all the damn time and has no problem doing it when his friends are over
his older sisters always wanna test out their makeups on him or give a whole wardrobe redo
his twin set of younger sisters demanded tea parties every thursday but when he went to the dorms he felt out so he would face time them and have it while he did hw (he even bought himself a tiara and boa)
his younger brothers are who has the same quirk as him so whenever he comes home to visit he always shows them some of the new stuff he learned
when he has kids he’s only wanted one of two despite his large family
he might think he wants a quiet home but he found out he likes it loud so he has like 5 kids and all girls and they will beat you up even if dad says no
2 goofy ass dads and when i say goofy i really mean it and an older brother
they both are his dads but his older brother used to have a mom (does that make sense?)
this boy was raised hearing bad pickup lines
now to be honest his behavior towards women didn’t start till like puberty and it wasn’t bad
like the stuff he does is pretty tame compared to m**nta 🤢 cause denki knows boundaries and when to stop
he absolutely looked up to his older brother for everything and still does
so whenever his brother calls or face times he immediately picks it up even if he was talking to someone else he does not care no one comes before his brother
he deadass would probably want an army of kids (that’s a joke dw) but he’d probably have like 3 and i want them to be triplets
those 3 on their own are crazy lil boys
so add their father into the mix and you are set for disaster (your house has plenty of burn marks from denki + the boys using their quirks)
he definitely has his kids annoy bakugou at any given chance
2 dads one strict one soft one
adopted and youngest out of 5
i mentioned already that he became a hero because his oldest sister was but then got injured too badly to continue
but with his brothers aka the other 3 he roughhouse with and they tend to break plenty of thing when they do
strict dad has major anxiety cause of this and is on the brink of choking one of them
soft dad does give a glare though and tells them to roughhouse outside
they used to play pranks on each other (mainly on tetsu) but now he’s at the dorms so they just send their pranks to him
i mentioned that he goes over one night a week to eat dinner with his family!!
now he’s like kirishima and has a bunch of kids and their first kids were born on the same day 😒 “bro!” “bro!” “no way!” “yes way!”
but he has the opposite though all girls and one boy
he is a jungle gym for them and lets them do whatever as long as they don’t get hurt
so we see who the disciplinary in the house is
single mom who works as a nurse
he absolutely loves his mom and has no problem with being the only child and left at home a lot
he actually liked it a bit but he loved it more when she was home because she would find him videos and articles about eraserhead and he’d just be obsessed with all of them
“sweetie there hasn’t been any new stuff, you know that” “i don’t care! i wanna see the video again!”
when he started to train with aizawa he went home and immediately told his mom who was laughing at the way shinso was expressing his excitement which isn’t often
if he has kids it’s definitely be one girl and she is constantly stuck to him and also dressed in cat onsies “babe can we put her in something else” “no”
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xeo-kunsatan · 3 years
Dissatisfied One shot +14 (Part 2)
This story contains sexual themes, gore, Domestic abuse themes, Suicide, cigarettes use, bad words and prostitution references. If you are sensitive or underage please don't read this story.
8:00 pm
???: Son.. Son!
Bradley: Father?...
It was one of my father's camera larvae.
Betrayus: can you please come?
Bradley: what's wrong Dad?
Betrayus; We need to talk...
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Bradley:.. uh?.. okay.
I escaped from round house as i used to do while Quartzy was following me and keeping me safe to go to the labyrinth and then go through a portal to the netherworld.
Now there, My Father was waiting for me, his Expression was different, he seemed worried..
Betrayus: Son we need to talk...
Bradley: What's it Dad?..
Betrayus: I respect your privacy .. but with all respect.. you have nothing to do selling your body like this, You are still so young And this is absolutely not sexual freedom.
Bradley: I know...I can't avoid it..
Betrayus: first Bradley if you needed money or something, you most told me..
Bradley: But i Don't want to bother you...
Betrayus: *pets him* C'mon my shiny Ruby.. it's not a bother for me, i am your father and it's my duty to give you all you need.
Bradley: If i were death.. my life can be better here.
Betrayus: Honestly yes, but Bradley you have a life and all you can do is enyoi and experiment for more things, suffering is not just the only thing is you will have, more wonderful things would be waiting for you.. i am sure it would be.
Bradley: It's strange to hear you saying this.. even when you want to take over Pac world.
Betrayus: Well yes, but i want you to enjoy it before Id destroy it.
Bradley: Sounds reasonable.
Betrayus: Second and very important, what you are doing for your emptiness is wrong.
Bradley: I know.. i just can't avoid it.. I'm just trying to felt filled but not.. i really don't know what exactly i need to feel less pathetic that i already am.
Betrayus: Selling your body with people who treats you as shit will not fill your emptiness
Bradley: And then.. what the fuck you think i need!?
Betrayus; I don't think so.. Bradley what you need is love and support.. and you know what's another problem.. you already have love and support.. from me, your sister, the netherworld.. and not just the netherworld.. maybe it's incredible but you have it from your cousins, even when they tried to separate you from them and of course from your best friend and your dog, and believe me.. you have enough with it, it's just thing about having time for it.
Bradley: I didn't.. think about it.. I'm sorry Dad
Betrayus: So please Bradley, stop selling your body for Money nor even to make you feel filled, here you have all you need.
Bradley: Okay okay Dad, I will try..but hey a good side is that i have a better way to insult my classmates.
Betrayus: Ok you're a Goddam genius and all me, when i was from your age i used to sleep with others and the next day when they pretended to don't know me i used to make fun of them related with their bodies's features.
Bradley: *chuckles* you can't be serious
Betrayus: Really, It was so funny, even a good way to bother my awful brother.
Bradley: Okey
Betrayus: Remember son if you need something, you can tell and i can give it to you, like new clothing so you can have new clothes and not just your sister's clothing.
Bradley: It's not that bad that i inherited my sister's clothes, they are so cool and warm, she had a really good taste in dressing..
Betrayus: All from me and your mother
Bradley: By the way, where is she this time?
Betrayus: In Pacopolis scaring people with Blinky and Inky, both are having fun, also she took my champagne bottle.
Bradley:*chuckles* oh Man
Betrayus: That's my boy, i love to see you smile, so cheer up son.
Bradley:*sighs and hugs Betrayus* i love you Dad..
Betrayus: and i love you too my son, now go before Stratos founds out that you escaped from home.
Bradley: Alright Dad.
I left the netherworld, Quartzy was waiting for me to then walk together to our way to The round house.
During the way, i found out that Bryan, Lexy's boyfriend was laughing next to a girl while they were cuddling up, i didn't helped to feel mad by it and Quartzy was growling at it too.
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Bradley: Hey Smallhead!
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Bryan: Huh! Me!?
Erika: Eh?!?
Quartzy: Grrrghh...
Bradley: No.. i was talking with the stone behind you..
Bryan: Alright weirdo...
Erika: Ignore him, sweetie
Bradley: You don't catch the sarcasm, right?
Bryan: Now i see you better, Bradley or i mean..The Play-Bunny, you don't have a Dick to eat or something?
Quartzy: *thinks* "Don't make me bite you"..
Bradley: Didn't you had a Boyfriend to be loyal?
Erika: Wait what!? You have a Boyfriend?
Bryan: E-Eh!? No i can explain!
Lexy: Explain what!? About you cheated on me!!?
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Bryan: Lexy!!? What are you doing here!?
Bradley: How did you found us?
Lexy: Biscocho have lost and me and my father are looking for him...and i heard all..
Erika: Eh!? Bryan you told me that you were straight!
Lexy: You told me that you would never disappoint me!
Bryan: I-I..
Bradley: You disgusted me from the start.. now i know i wasn't wrong..
Bryan: You awful slut! *Starts hitting Bradley*
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Lexy: Brad!!
Quartzy: Grhhh!! *Bites Bryan in his leg*
Erika: *attacks Lexy* How dare you to take my man!?
Lexy:*stops her* It was my Boyfriend!
Bradley: *defending himself* I am not guilty about that you cheated on my friend!
Bryan: And you judge me? You are the one who is sleeping with all the boys in maze high
Bradley: At least i don't have a partner to be unloyal..
Bryan: Shut up!! *Throws Bradley against the wall, breaking one of Brad's Badges*
Quartzy: Ok.. so you choose to play dirty..
Bryan: What the-
Bradley's right fist temperature was getting higher without him noticing, he hitted Bryan's face burning his face in the process.
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Bradley: Holy shit.. your face..
Quartzy: :0..
Lexy: Qué?..
Erika: You monster!! I'm leaving!! I will call the police right now!.
Bryan: Aargh!! Please!! And call the ambulance!! My fucking face!
Mitzy: Oh no you don't..*pushes Erika to the road just in time when a car was passing by to then crash her* you're safe now.
Bryan; Erika!!
Lexy: a la puta madre [Holy Shit] A Talking doll!!?
Mitzy: Hehehe
Bradley: Mitzy what the fuck!!?
Quartzy: *thinks* what a chaos
Blinky: We saved you butt your majesty~
Inky: a "Thank you" would be nice.
Bryan: Ghosts!!! Ugh! It's not over yet!! *Leaves*
Bradley: Guys thank you so much, but Mitzy what the heck!?
Mitzy: Don't worry she would be fine~
Quartzy:*sniffs Erika's corpse* ...
Inky: Be careful your majesty, the cups would pass by
Lexy: Ok Bradley.. thank you for defending me and giving that jerk a lesson but.. *takes Bradley's Hand* Run!!
Bradley: I'll go!..
Quartzy: *follows them*
Lexy, Bradley and Quartzy quickly ran away to meet up with Martín.
Martin: Lexy, you came, i finally found Bizco-.. Bradley? What are you doing here?
Bradley:*panting* long... Story
Quartzy:*thinks* a really burning story...
Lexy: Bizcocho! *Hugs the big fat cat* Dad.. my boyfriend cheated on me.
Martín: He what!!??
Lexy: But don't worry, Bradley gave him a lesson, he deformed his face with a punch.
Quartzy: *thinks* Honestly he looks better with that new face hehehe
Bradley: My fist was in fire Lexy.. i don't know why..
Martín: I think i know, please give me your right hand.
Bradley: B-but.. what if i hurt you sir..
Martín: Dear, I'm a chef, i play and work with fire.
Bradley: if you say so...*gives Martín his hand, his palm was covered with tiny flames*
Martín: Bradley, You have powers.. and *shows him his badge of his same hand* your uncle and Grandmother have hided that from you for really long time.
Bradley: What!?.. what do you mean?
Martin:*takes off that badge from Bradley's right hand* do you know what is this?
Bradley: Uhh.. the Badge my grandmother wanted to not take it off, don't think i didn't had my suspicions about it.
Martín: I'm glad that you already suspect about it, this is a badge used for powered Pacworlders so they cannot have problems with their powers, mostly related with stress, some of this Badges used to be to force that, Pacworlders to hide their powers *turns on the badge again* this shit is easy to repair..
Bradley: Are you telling me that.. all this time i.... Oh no... Oh no...
Lexy: Bradley?...
Quartzy: *Thinks* Not again.. not this..
Bradley: Now it was sense... I finally know why my Grandmother and uncle treated me like that... Now i understand why did they used to separate me from my cousins... It has sense.. I'm an actual monster.
Quartzy:*cuddles with Bradley*.. Hmm *Thinks* No Bradley.. you are not a monster.. quit telling that.
Bradley:*takes his badge and puts on it* I'm sorry Mr Martín.. Lexy..
Lexy: Bradley.. no..
The Round house Limo have arrived
Stratos: There you are!, You will be punished by escaping from home!..
Bradley: ..sorry...
Lexy: No Bradley! Wait!!
Martín: With all respect Mr president you..
Stratos: Nope!..
Quartzy: Grrrghh!! *Attacks Stratos*
Stratos: Argh!!
One of the bodyguards shoots Quartzy to make her leave alone Stratos.
Bradley: Quartzy NO!!!
Bizcocho escapes scared by the shoot
Stratos and his bodyguards take Bradley to the Limo and drived away without.
Martin: Viejo conche su madre... [Bitch]
Lexy: *sees after Quartzy* Oww no.. Bradley...
Lexy: Oh shit is alive!!
Martin: *takes off the dart* it's not an actual bullet.. it's a Dart
Quartzy: *thinks* Ok I'm a little unlucky with shootings.
Martín: what a relief she is alive *holds her* let's take care of her while she recovers.
Lexy: Oki Doki.
9:49 pm
Stratos have seended Bradley to the Round house jail as a punishment.
Stratos: You cross the line young man.. I told you million times to don't go outside in the night, anything you want to say?
Bradley: You killed Quartzy..
Stratos: don't avoid my question..
Bradley: You killed my dog..and you left her behind as a trash..
Stratos: I didn't killed her, my bodyguards actually shoot her with a pacifier Dart.
Stratos: You would be here all the night and the rest of the next day..*leaves*
Bradley:*sighs* If you already consider me as a monster.. i would give you a real monster *Takes off his right badge*...
His hand started burning again but not with more strength.
While that Betrayus have watched everything with full of rage.
Betrayus: My Son have finally discovered his powers and a part of the truth.. Dear brother you will pay for this.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Hopefully this is where I place my request ^^ So I was wondering what if Kai was almost Angel's 'one that got away?' Like Kai agrees to be in an arranged marriage to someone else because he thought Angel didn't like him back. Angel doesn't confess until the 'Speak now or forever hold your peace' part of the wedding and they run away or something? How about making it a Mafia au? Or would that be too much? Anyways have a nice day! I love your work!😁
First, I am SO SORRY-
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"An arrangement marriage?" The man asks in shock at the elder sitting on his desk with a furrow on his eyebrows and nodding.
"Between the mafias. It will serve as a bridge for both our sides." Pops looked up to him with a serious expression "If you wish that much to repay me for taking you in, marrying with this woman would be a pleasure. Sakura is a perfect model of a housewife and is already warned of your... preferences. So try to cause a good impression."
"You can't honestly be serious about this." He asked with venom dripping on his tone of voice "How can an arrangement marriage can take us out of the shadows and give us back the respect the yakusa deserves?!"
"Is one step forward my boy." He sighed before getting up to fold some papers "I am quite shocked you are acting this way though. If there is something on the way of it you know I wont pressure you... Like (Y/n)?"
His breath caught on his throat at the mention of your name... oh... Pops knew how he could be cruel sometimes.
Years of yearning one and only touch of your smooth hands... run his gloved fingers through that hair that always somehow the scent of it get through his masks...
You were like a drug to him. He wanted you in all possible ways... yet he was a man of honor. He was sure you wouldn't like a once street rat and now a yakusa thug. A man whose was known of only being cruel and unforgiving... and germophobic.
Whose was he trick when all those sleepless nights all he could think about was you and only...?
"Chisaki." His thoughts were snapped by Pops serious voice "Well?"
"... no." He sighed and looked dead in the eye of the elder "There isn't any issues. We have nothing, so the arrangment can proceed." The words he just said made him want to vomit... and he was surprised at the sorrow and dissapointment look at hearing his words before nodding.
"Very well."
Days passed by with him ignoring you... it pained him, but it was for the best... until he was obligated to dispense you on the day of his suffering... because he was getting ready to marry a woman he didn't love...
Kurono almost dropped his drink as Irinaka shouted at you running out of the house, crying your eyes out as both mens interlocked looks before following you.
They actually found you curled up on a tree on a nearby park as Kurono sighed and made himself comfortable next to you.
"Let me guess? 'Oh! The only love of my life wont ever accept me and bla bla bla!" Iribaka tried to immitate your voice with a dramatic hand on his forehead before falling onto the ground with a curse due to Kurono only kicking him hard enough with a scowl.
"What's up?"
"A-Arrangment-! M-m-mariag-KAI!" You sobbed and clinged to Kurono as the man only lifted his arms up in awkwardness before tapping your back with a 'there there'
"Must be talking about the marriage of Chisaki and Sakura, arent ya?" Irinaka cringed through teeth as Kurono dropped his mouth on a 'O' shape as you nodded, still crying.
"Then why the fuck are you crying for?!" Irinaka shouted and made you yelp as Kurono scowled at him.
"Shut up haird bastard!" He pointed a finger at him before looking back at you "You like Kai dont ya?!" He grabbed onto your shoulder and shaked you a little as you nodded trembling a bit.
"Want to be with him?!"
"HaVE A HugE FaT AsS CRusH oN THaT BaStArD?!"
"For crying out loud Irinaka YES!" You shouted as he finally stopped shaking you and stared deep in your eyes.
"Then fucking show him. Get the courage out of ya ass and go after the man you love for fuck's sake." You and Hari only stared with wide eyes at the man before he muttered out a 'what?'
"Is rare seing ypu give a good advice for a change." Kurono muttered before mimic sent him the middle finger as you wiped the remaining of your tears out of your face.
"Thanks Mimic..." you smiled as he helped you up.
"Yeah. Good. Now let's go because it's almost time of the 'I do.'"
"WHAT?!" You shouted in horror as Mimic and Kurono dragged you to the car as fast as possible.
"They already said it!" Kutono shouted as Irinaka was almost dying of having to hold the man up to see the fucking window.
You shouted curses at them before barging in on the church and getting all the attention, on time to get the attention of Kai's face of disgust at the woman on his side trying to kiss him.
"I OBJECT!" You shouted at the top of your lungs as Kai looked at you as if you were a dead coming back to life.
"Who do you think you are?!" The woman scowled, clinging to Chisaki's arm before he snatched his arm to walk towards you as you meet him on the middle.
"What are you doing in here?!" He whispered shouted at you as you gulped to get the words out of your mouth.
"You always talked about how marriage was only suppose to happen when the feelings are true! You dont love her, dont you?" You asked and catched the look of his eyes before the woman grabbed his arms again and stared at you.
"Sorry sweety, but we were MADE for eachother. And since now you are a bit late, boohoo!eave us alone!" You narrowed your eyes at her before Chisaki snatched his arm in disgust as some hives appeared on his skin.
"Honey?" She cooed disgustingly as Kai narrowed his eyes at her.
"Kai... I..." you tried to speak as the feeling of hot tears started to gather on your eyes before you closed them "I love you! I always had! I love you more than you will ever know... but.. if you dont love me back is okay... I just want you to be happy..." you opened your eyes only to stare at the ground, hearing Sakura's laugh.
"Oh would you look at that! A lil dirty thing in this world falling for a yakusa and powerful man?! Give them a lesson honey for interrupting our wedding ~" She laughed as she tried to grab Chisaki again only for him to scowl at her.
"For you information, dont ever call me this unless you want to be found on seven different countries all at once." He growled, causing the whole church to gasp at his actions as Pops only burried his face on one of his hands "And second of all. I was a street rat you freacking sick."
The woman gasped with tears on her eyes as you snorted before feeling Kai's slender finger slitting your chin up to look at him, causing warm to spread on your facem
"Was that true?" He asked in a low tone who made you melt as you nodded.
"All of it." You whispered as Kai soften his gaze only to be interrupted by the woman's crying and whispers and dirty looks at both of you... he cursed himself mentally before seing the proud look Pops holded on his face. He waved his hand at the entrance of the church... mouthing the words of his freedom to him.
'Go. Be happy my son.'
He smiled as he grabbed your hand and took you put of the church. The parents of the lady he was suppose to marry coming to Pops with a angry look as the elder hold onto a serene smile.
".. what can I do? My priority always was my subbordinates accommodations, my morals and now..." he showed at the door Chisaki just left "My son's true happy ending with someone he always loved, not one he just met."
"He shouldn't be considered your son after this disaster and dishonor he just made."
Pops just shook his head at the man's words before smilling.
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chocolate-parfait · 4 years
Sorry for not specifying! Um, i’d like Leonardo, Le Comte and Arthur please!
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Don't worry! It's just that I wanted to make sure I was writing it the right way instead of answering with something unrelated,,
Forgiving MC - ikevamp headcanons (Leonardo, Comte & Arthur)
After Arthur's shocking revelation about the residents' identities, you were calmly strolling back to your room but took the wrong turn and ended up in the library. There, you unexpectedly met Leonardo, but the tiredness from your journey was starting to affect both your memory and your already weary body. As you wanted to get back to sleep as soon as possible, and you just couldn't remember the man's name, you blurted out "Excuse me mr. Vampire, do you perhaps happen to know where my room is?". The renaissance man is stunned. Aren't you afraid of him? Aren't you frightened by the thought he could jump on you and eat you whole? Apparently not. He shows you to your room and bids you goodnight with a curious smile on his face. The next day was surely going to be full of surprises
Just as he thought, when Comte proposed the idea of you and Leonardo becoming "compagni provvisori", neither of the two purebloods would've ever expected the proposal to be rejected, and for what reason? Because you weren't afraid of vampires and therefore didn't need any coverage! The Italian man lets out a hearty laugh and eyes you amusingly with a certain twinkle in his eyes; usually people live their lives commanded by their fears and even he has fallen prey to them many times, but your lightheartedness is something he finds very peculiar, rare and even unexpected coming from someone as small as you (he could fit you in his pocket!)
You're certainly a bold little thing, aren't you! You piqued his interest and now he's going to stick to your side 24/7, whether you want it or not. He says it's because he wants to know more about this little human, but that's not all there is to it as he's going to keep a close eye on you and the other residents. You may not care at all about vampires and their diets, but are you aware of the dangers you're exposed to? He makes sure to let you know in a very teasing way while glaring off anyone who wants to try anything funny on you, knowing you would never stand up for yourself
He'd also like to know the reasons behind your lack of fear. Did you experience something that made you that way or are you genuinely like that? Over time his curiosity grows stronger and little by little he starts developing feelings for you. Your shy, blushing face whenever he teases you and your pure heart that would forgive him even the worst of crimes; he can't help but feel tremendously protective of you
He had prepared himself to explain you about vampire hood in the calmest way he could master, going as far as offering you a separated villa outside the city, but when the moment actually came for you to know the truth, you weren't bothered by it even in the slightest bit. The only thing that flustered you was the idea of a mansion all to yourself paid by a total stranger
When living for a long time one comes in contact with countless different types of people and situations, but it wasn't everyday that someone stumbled into his life knowing about his real identity while fearlessly staying by his side at the same time. He finds you very odd, and most things have stopped surprising him a long time ago
As he keeps an eye out for you, he warns the other vampires not to do anything inappropriate with you, but he doesn't necessarily force you to stay by his side. Au contraire! If you want to spend more time with this golden gentleman, you'll have to do it of your own will, as he'll always respect your freedom and let you do whatever you want
After your relationship starts blossoming, you'll often find him chuckling at the irony of the situation. How did someone as kind and pure hearted as you end up with someone like him, a supernatural being that had nothing to do with innocence and naivete at all?
Your forgiving abilities will be of no use against him as you won't ever hear an impolite word coming from his mouth directed to you. On the other hand though, he might take action versus anyone who tries anything on you (Shakespeare I'm looking at THOU), even if you don't really care. No one will hurt his chérie and escape untouched!
When finding themselves in a new environment, most people have trouble sleeping and so did you during your first night at the mansion. You went to the kitchen to get a glass of water, hoping it would help you relax a little. There, you found Sebastian and Arthur talking about getting some blood stains off the writer's shirt. Your first reaction was politely asking the blue haired man if he was injured and if he needed any help, to which he responded with a low chuckle, eyes darkening with mischief.
"These stains, you say? Oh my dear, the blood isn't mine~"
Are you a serial killer or something...? Is what first crossed your mind, but you kept quiet and waited for him to finish his explanation. Visibly amused by your confusion, Arthur added "Tonight I had a rendezvous with a pretty little skirt, you see. Oh, you should've seen her expression when I bit her! Us vampires really have something extra when it comes to foreplay in the bedroom~"
"Oh, so you're a vampire?" "Just like everyone else in this mansion, sweetie" "Ok, cool. Didn't know they existed" you said as you moved to get yourself a cup of water, leaving the two men standing dumbfoundedly while staring at you with wide eyes. "Y-you're not surprised...?" "Why would I be? If you wanted to kill me you would've already done so. Then again, I don't really care that much" "Then I shall give you a visual representation!" and he bit you.
This caused an uproar in the house as Comte started lecturing EVERYONE on sight and forced Arthur who, on his part was actually feeling pretty guilty, to apologize. He wanted you to be aware of the real dangers of living with a bunch of horny vampires, but he could have never predicted that you would brush it off as an accident and forgive him as soon as he stepped foot in your room.
He feels frustrated and confused in front of your behavior. Why can't you understand that your life is in danger? Are you that naive or do you really don't give a damn about your own safety? His uncontrollably growing interest towards your oddness make the two of you grow closer together, and just as he starts figuring out this mystery you represent, you too get closer to his real, vulnerable heart
Your ability to not hold any grudges against people or the past is something he truly learns a lot from. It's a skill he needs in his life and you inspire him to do better; your presence is healing to him, and he can't help but wanting to be always with you. With time, he's finally able to get over his past, forgive himself and forget his regrets. Despite all the teasing, he's very grateful for having had the chance to meet you as you quickly became a key component to his life
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twstdreams · 3 years
@seawater-aurelia-writing here you go! I hope you like it, sweetie! You’re so adorable so I have two matches! This is literally just me rambling about how you’re sweet and I think you’d be cute with these characters.
Your match is ….
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Lilia Vanrouge
Why I think you’d match well:
You emphasize an understanding partner being essential for the relationship, so I think that Lilia would be a great match for you! Even outside of your relationship, being understanding and respectful is something Lilia applies to his life. His wish is for humans and fae to live together in peace and that’s not something that could ever be accomplished without mutual respect and understanding. This is reflected in his advice too, when he advises Malleus “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”. It’s not that Lilia doesn’t have his own set of beliefs or a deep-rooted attachment to the Valley of Thorns, but he’s mature enough to use that as a basis to understand others and respect differences. Your relationship is no different! He respects that you’re your own person and meets your honesty with his own. You might not match on everything, no one does, but he’s willing to listen to understand, rather than to refute.
And you don’t need to worry at all, Lilia is far from the controlling type. If you’re about to do something dangerous, he’ll probably intervene but people learn through experience and he’s not one to dictate your life. He doesn’t stop Malleus from quarrelling with his classmates, Silver from falling asleep anywhere and everywhere, or Sebek from his zealous lifestyle so I couldn’t imagine Lilia trying to nitpick your actions. If you ever want to go to him for advice, he’s glad to help though!
Your mom friend tendencies fit well into Diasomnia, they could all use someone who cares even if you don’t explicitly state it. Lilia, out of everyone, notices your caring actions and appreciates the little things you do. Your sarcastic and passive aggressive tendencies and ability to hold a grudge aren’t really shocking to Lilia. Malleus too can be passive aggressive, until it blows up into full aggression, and no one is as spiteful as faeries. Lilia can be more mellow in comparison, though it’s not to say he never provokes someone either.
Things you do together:
Lilia adores metal, so you guys won’t be listening to the same music, but you both let the other ramble about their love of their respective genre. Lilia loves it when you attend his Light Music Club shows, especially because he knows you wouldn’t attend normally. Your enjoyment of medieval and renaissance is endearing to Lilia and he’s more than happy to let you know what a lot of things were like firsthand! He has plenty of knowledge about what was popular back then and paints vivid pictures about everyday life with his plenty of tales. If you ever want to incorporate more renaissance into your life, Lilia fully supports you! Since you like sewing your own clothing, he might give some ideas of how you can combine modern fashion and fabrics with a medieval flare.
Lilia can cook but you might be in the infirmary if you eat it. At the very least, you’ll be washing your mouth out with water. He has fun cooking with you though! You might just need to accept whatever comes out is a closer to weapon, but it is chaos incarnate. If you cook separately, the rest of the Diasomnia family will actually try it too! Lilia thinks it’s interesting how you like growing your own food, especially when ingredients are so readily available. He enjoys getting to eat fresh produce with you.
You’ve gained a gaming partner! Lilia has tons of fun gaming and Silver can attest to many game nights. He naturally has his preferences but you both take turns playing the games you like. It’s best when you’re both interested in the same one, though! Feel free to sleep when you need to though, you and Silver can take turns because Lilia needs next to no rest.
Travelling together is nothing less than an adventure! Your travels will consist of both doing things together and separately. One day you might go exploring old architecture hand in hand, imagining what it must have been like in its prime and you two planning what you’d do if you had the place to yourselves. In the morning, you two explore a farmer’s market and enjoy the local cuisine. Then in the afternoon, you two split up with you on your way to check out the fashion and fabrics unique to the region while Lilia might be attending a festival that’s trending right now. Finally, you both meet up for a cooking class that creates regional dishes and enjoy your creations for dinner.
Love Language:
Lilia isn’t one to lay on empty flattery, but you know when he compliments you, it is sincere. He’ll probably pick up on how much you appreciate confirmation and tries to incorporate it into his actions. Sweet texts, always remembering to thank you for your efforts, and he even shows you songs that remind him of you. Lilia might not always initiate physical affection, but he makes sure to return it whenever you do! Your hugs will never be rejected and many gaming sessions include some cuddling or other touch which reminds you of his presence.
Your second match is …
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Silver is more mellow, so it balances out your excitable and eccentric nature well. You bring energy and colour into his life and he brings patience and cool vibes.
Silver is blunt and straightforward, so you don’t have to worry about him lying. The fact that you are generally honest too helps with the communication between you two
However, if you get upset, you’ll have to tell him directly. Silver isn’t one to read between the lines and sarcasm flies over his head a lot. If you do open up, Silver is willing to work with you to come up with solutions
Silver is another one who believes it’s best not to be overprotective or controlling, so your freedom is never in jeopardy
He thinks your varied interests make you intriguing! He feels like he could discover more about you every day. Silver mostly trains and sleeps in his spare time, but he listens attentively whenever you talk about your passions.
If you make him risotto, Silver will eat it with great appreciation. He never gets sick of it, so you could make it all the time and each bowl will spark a smile on his face.
You two have cooking sessions together too! Silver’s fencing will always be better than his cooking, but he has a solid grasp on the basics and you two work well to create scrumptious vegetarian dishes.
You also game together too! Sometimes Lilia joins in as well and you’re all gaming while snacking well into the night
Hikes become a common occurrence for the two of you. It’s good exercise for Silver and you find it endearing the way all the little animals approach him. There’s long stretches of silence but throughout it all your hands will be linked
You trip a lot, Silver can nap anywhere at any time, so people are a little worried but you both make it work
If you express to Silver that you appreciate words of affection, he’ll be diligent in incorporating it into your everyday lives. It’s shown through daily compliments, and he even writes love letters and cute notes once Lilia prompts him too
If you ever want to cuddle and nap, Silver is free. He feels bad about idle sleeping, but when it’s purpose shifts to providing you comfort, his mood changes to a brighter one
Other possible matches: Trey Clover
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arkitiore · 4 years
RK1K & number 20 please!
20: Things you said that I wasn’t meant to hear
Thank you for the prompt! I hope you like it! I started out with the intention of writing something really angsty for this but did a 180 pretty quickly and have come to deliver you tropey fluff instead <3
“I just don’t understand Markus, since when has facing difficult conversations ever been an issue with you?”
Markus runs a hand over his face in annoyance. They had been going in circles now with this conversation for almost half an hour, with him trying to drop the topic at every opportunity that presented itself and with North stubbornly ignoring his attempts.
 “It’s more complicated than that and you know it”
North snorts at his response and folds her arms across her chest, making sure it was obvious that she was laughing at him rather than with him.
 “Your crush is more complicated than securing the rights and freedom of an entire species?”
”It isn’t just a “crush” North” he retorts.
 She raises an eyebrow.
“Then what is it then?”
Markus fails to answer immediately, mouth opening and closing silently for a few moments before deciding to leave it stubbornly shut as his gaze drifts from Norths eyes towards an unfocused spot somewhere to her left.
Her tone takes on a warning edge and she narrows her eyes at her friend.
It takes another silent moment of opening and closing his mouth for the RK200 to finally respond
”I…I really think I love him. I mean, I love all of you don’t get me wrong but, this feels different than that”
”Hm…” She takes a moment to consider this, pursing her lips ”Sounds like you should just tell him then”
”I can’t”
”Why not?”
Markus flails his arms in a circle before he can stop himself and his voice raises involuntarily.
“Because it’s more complicated than that!”
North lapses into silence. The circular nature of their conversation having once more made it another three hundred and sixty degrees around. She readjusts her tactics before resuming the inquisition.
”I've already told you! I can’t just walk up to him and…”
”no, no that's not what I’m asking” She cuts him off sharply “I’m asking why do you love him?”
Markus blinks at her for a moment, mouth slightly ajar in a wordless stare. It takes him over thirty seconds to come up with a response that he feels could adequately convey why he feels the way he does towards the RK800. When he does, the four words that escape from his lips feel like a cop-out, a placeholder for everything he can't bring himself to say but nonetheless they seem to smoothen the interrogative frown between Norths brows into a soft, almost overwhelmed expression that he doesn’t think he has ever seen on the other androids face before.
This is why he is so surprised when she promptly pivots in her steel-capped boots and exits the office without another word.  
At least that roundabout of a conversation had been broken.
Trying to express his feeling to North while also trying to convey the reason he could only express his feeling to North - as opposed to the other relevant party - had left him feeling drained and slightly upset that he couldn’t be as assertive about his feeling towards Connor as she expected him to be, as he was about every other aspect of his life. It took him six and a half minutes and one hundred and fifty milliliters of thirium before his circuits felt steady enough to sit down again at his desk and resume working his way through the frankly massive backlog of tasks on his agenda, and barely six seconds after his ass had hit the chair for North to burst back into the room announced.
This time with Connor in tow.  
The RK800 looked about as confused as Markus felt startled by the sudden intrusion, his left wrist held firmly in Norths right hand. Having obviously been all but dragged up to the office by the smaller android. 
“Right” She began “Connor sit down”
He complied immediately, perching himself delicately in the chair on the other side of Markus’ desk, knees together and hands resting in his lap as his eyes darted between the other two people in the room.
”Did I do something wrong?” He queried, still dividing his attention between North and Markus.
”No sweetie” North answered while patting the RK800 on the head only slightly patronizingly. “I’m just sick of both of you and need to intervene since no one else is going to”
Markus’ thirium pump began picking up speed as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a miniature wireless speaker.
”I wanted to play you back a little conversation we had” She said sweetly,  glancing with a smile from Markus to Connor.
Markus’ thirium pump now felt that it was about to malfunction and possibly catch fire in the middle of his chest, she wouldn’t, he thought, but then again this was North. He was about to interrupt her and possibly snatch the device off of the table and drag her bodily from the room when he was instead beaten to the chase by Connor.
He spoke with a quiet, tense edge to his voice but the word was surely intended to be spoken as a warning. His pale hand began reaching out towards the speaker, but North was closer. She snatched it out of his reach, holding it above her head as she mentally “pressed play” on the recording.
”Why do you love him?”
Markus was now absolutely certain that he was going to suffer some sort of serious malfunction. Could an android have a heart attack? a stroke? Was he about to spontaneously develop the ability to form a massively fatal blood clot out of his own thirium just to escape from his office and his obviously sadistic friend who was apparently hell-bent on ruining his life? There was an odd quality to the recording, like a distorted echo, the words coming out not quite in sync with themselves. Had Markus not been in the midst of a complete nervous breakdown he may have taken the time to ponder this.
He may also have taken the time to register the pure horror that had also befallen the expression of the android seated across from him. Connor looked about as ready to hit something/ burst into tears and flee the room as Markus was to welcome his inevitable spontaneous shutdown. However, neither android had time to execute their swift exits from their situation/ earthly life before the recording continued playing. In the same…odd…echoing tone. But this time there were definitely two distinct voices reciting the words.
”How could I not?”
It dawns on both of the androids simultaneously that the odd, echoing quality to the recording did not, in fact, come from any sort of distortion or corruption but was present because they were listening to two separate conversations in which North had asked them the same question…and they had answered the same? 
The two RKs finally tore their gazes away from the offending device in Norths hands and towards each other, both now wearing the same, soft, overwhelmed expression that Makus’ had seen painted on North's face barely ten minutes ago.
The WR400 returned the miniature speaker to her inside pocket, smirking slightly as she observed the lovestruck, goldfish-esque expressions that had overtaken her two friends as each tried to figure out what to say next. In truth the speaker had been solely for dramatic effect, she could have easily sent audio files of their respective conversations to the other party or played the recordings directly from her own vocal component, or she could have simply just told them. But that wasn’t how North rolled.
”Well boys, I’m going to leave you to it, I don’t want to be privy to anything that you two get up to in this room after this” She announced without further ado, savoring the brief, mortified expressions on their faces.
She swung the office door open before either had a chance to formulate a comeback, hesitating just long enough once past the threshold to see the gentle smile creeping up the corners of Markus’ lips as his focus returned to Connor before the sight was secreted away behind the closed door.
She loved her two idiots.
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saeyoungs-sunflower · 4 years
A Piece of You: Chapter 4
Pairing: Zen x MC
Synopsis: After the death of his sister, Zen is entrusted with raising her daughter. Six years later and MC has settled into RFA, but she just wants to be back on the roof with the love of her life like she was two years before. But dealing with teenage years, dragged out engagements and a lot of unsaid feelings, you start to lose a piece of you. Or, perhaps, find a piece you had that had been missing the whole time.
Warnings: None!
Song: Things You’ve Never Done - Passenger
⇦ Previous Chapter
To be honest, Zen was not having a good day.
Although, he wasn’t having a particularly bad one either, it was just…a day. He aimlessly wandered through the convenience store, idly picking things off the shelves and chucking them into his basket, a gaping emptiness inside him that he couldn’t label as anything other than boredom, and he wasn’t even sure it was that. He had done this routine enough times that he didn’t even need to think about what he was buying anymore, his muscle-memory guiding him to each isle and each section.
On second thought, perhaps he really was just bored. He had the week off work and Gi was at school during the day, and to top it all off, the RFA chatroom had been dry as hell lately. Not even Saeyoung was logging in that often to start drama or blabber on about physics for half an hour. Zen was in desperate need of something, anything to do.
“Hyun, sweetie! How are you doing today?” the older lady at the counter beamed.
The creases of her face were enhanced at the sight of Zen approaching, a kind glint in her eye and a gentle spirit to her. Zen couldn’t help but return her warm smile as he lifted his basket onto the counter, “I’m well, thank you, So-yi. And yourself?”
“Same as ever,” she winked, making Zen chuckle, “How’s our little Gi? Still a little terror?”
“Oh, don’t even get me started. You know she got in trouble last week for hiding her teacher’s keys in the fish tank?”
She guffawed, and Zen chortled despite himself, “That’s a smart little girl right there. Sounds just like her daddy.”
“More like her mother, actually…” Zen’s voice trailed off, his smile faltering a little as the light behind his eyes diminished ever so slightly, but enough for the woman to detect.
So-yi had been the owner of the local convenience store since Zen had moved into the area, and from the moment she laid her eyes on the broken man, the broken child, she knew she would have to look out to for him. When he stumbled in at three in the morning requesting liquor and cigarettes, she would sneak a packet of aspirin and a sandwich into the bag as well. Then when he came in to buy diapers and baby wipes, she would slip some cookies in. Little by little, she started to see some colour in his cheeks and a honesty in his smile as he wished her a good day. She was the only person in his life who knew him when he was Hyun, and stayed to witness him become Zen. She was the closest thing to a mother that he had, and he the closest thing she had to a son. It was perfect timing, for the both of them.
So-yi promptly changed the subject, “Have you seen this?” she said, handing him a flyer from the stack that stood proudly next to her. It appeared to be advertising some jazz band playing at a nearby bar, for one night only. “I’ve seen them before, real good music, I’ll tell ya. Came in last week asking if I’d be willing to sell some tickets here, and you know I’m a sucker for jazz. They’re playing tomorrow night, I think you’d enjoy it.”
Zen considered it for a moment. Gi was going to be with Jaehee tomorrow night - by her request - so he’d just be home alone anyway. And maybe…if he asked…
“Sure, sounds like a fun evening,” he looked down to his feet, his shoelaces suddenly very intriguing to him, “Can I get two, please?”
So-yi’s smirk widened, and she didn’t even bother to hide it, “Planning to take someone special?”
He returned the grin in amusement, “Calm down, So-yi. It’s not like that.”
She handed Zen the tickets along with his bag, shooting him a mischievous look, “Mmhmm, okay then. Well, I can’t wait to hear all about it.”
Zen rolled his eyes playfully, “There’ll be nothing to hear about. She’s just a good friend,” he called over his shoulder, waving her goodbye as he left the store. Her smile grew wider.
Oh to be young, So-yi thought to herself. Oh to be so naive.
Zen pulled up to the school just as kids in tutus started to filter out the doors, darting towards open arms and stumbling into their parent’s embrace. He smiled fondly, getting out of the car and making his way to find his own little monster.
Zen didn’t even have time to turn around when Gi threw herself at him, almost toppling him over, though he managed to save himself with an outstretched arm before he smacked against the concrete. He clutched his chest in feign defeat, crying out dramatically as Gi clambered off, “Oh, the beast has slain me. I will never recover, I am mortally wounded!”
“Dad, stop, you’re not at work right now,’ she tutted, crossing her arms, “Such a drama queen.”
“You’re no fun,” he teased, and she stuck out her tongue in response. “How was ballet?” he asked, grabbing her hand as he started to lead her back to the car, only to be stopped by a tap on his shoulder.
“Excuse me, are you Gi’s guardian?”
Zen’s mouth twitched as he swivelled around, carefully watching Gi in the corner of his eye. She seemed unfazed. Good. “I’m Gi’s father, yes. Is there something I can help you with?”
“Oh yes, of course. My mistake,” she said flatly and turned to the young girl, “Gi, why don’t you go and play whilst I have a quick chat with your dad? It’ll only take a moment.”
Gi looked to Zen and he gave her a subtle nod, an indication for her to go. She ran off excitedly, and Zen started to feel a tad defensive about the situation, “So, what did you need to talk to me about?”
They sat down on a nearby bench in the playground, the teacher crossing her legs and her chin stuck out. She eyed him, almost scrutinisingly as she began to talk, “I wanted to talk to you regarding some…concerns I have about Gi’s progress and behaviour.”
“Right,” Zen began, attempting to keep his expression neutral, “What are these concerns exactly?”
“Well, whilst we always value enthusiasm and freedom of expression, her energy could be considered as, how should I phrase this…uncivilised at times. Of course, we want to encourage our students to embrace their passions, and we want her to continue to dance.
He clenched his jaw and counted to ten, trying with all his might to stay calm. It wasn’t working, “Okay. With all do respect, if you feel that her dancing is, as you say, ‘uncivilised’, then isn’t your job to teach her the ‘correct’ way of ballet?”
If she was caught off-guard by Zen’s bluntness, then she did a brilliant job of hiding it, “There’s only so much we can teach her, Mr Ryu. And any how, we believe that the problems are rooted further than just her lessons.”
“I want to know exactly what you mean by that.”
“Ballet is about grace and precision, there is a femininity to it, whereas Gi currently demonstrates a rather wild and boisterous approach. Gi is at an age where her behaviour is heavily effected by her environment, and therefore we feel that this behaviour may have something to do with her slightly wilder upbringing and life at home-“
Zen had stood up now, fists clenched and breaths staggered, “This is ridiculous, Gi is six years old. If she enjoys to dance, then for Christ’s sake just let her dance her way. This isn’t the Royal Ballet. She is a child.”
“A child with incredible potential, Mr Ryu,” she explained evenly, which did nothing to calm Zen’s vexation, “I wouldn’t have said anything if I didn’t think it mattered. Gi is not like any student I’ve taught before. She has an immense athleticism, and with some discipline, I have faith that she will go far with her ballet. She is capable of great things.”
“I’ve heard enough, you lost me when you brought her home-life into this. You have no right to make comments on her ‘wild’ upbringing. Does she have a typical upbringing? No. Because guess what, it’s pretty damn hard to achieve ‘normal’ when her mother is dead and her biological father is nowhere to be found. Mind your own damn business,” he spat, already walking towards Gi, picking her up and storming to the car.
The drive was eerily quiet, only the sound of Zen’s heavy breaths could be heard as Gi silently watched out the window, blissfully unaware of the event from just before. Zen’s hands were gripping the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles were white, and his teeth were gnawing on his bottom lip in an attempt to prevent himself from shouting his anger at the top of his lungs. He was absolutely fuming.
It had gone from ‘just a day’ to a bad day real quick. He needed to calm down.
He needed to call her.
The coffee shop was bustling when MC joined Zen, relief instantly washing over him as he caught a glimpse of her through the glass door. They ordered their drinks, and they settled down at a little table in the corner, Zen’s hands still shaking slightly as he placed his cup down.
For the first few minutes, MC remained quiet. She knew by now that when Zen needed to talk, he really needed to think. So she sipped on her coffee whilst she patiently waited for him to gather his thoughts, and prepared herself to give him her undivided attention. He needed to be heard, so she needed to listen.
As soon as he opened his mouth, the words came tumbling out in an exasperated mess. MC was pretty experienced with Zen’s emotions at this point, but today she could tell that something had really hit a nerve with him. He was passionate with his explanation, but MC also clocked a despair in his voice, an ache in his eyes. Zen wasn’t just angry, he was hurt.
“She just…like what does that have to do with anything? Who has a meeting about a student’s home-life when the child seems perfectly happy at school?” he asked defeatedly, his fingers fiddling with the handle of his cup, “Why can’t they just let her do ballet her way if that’s what she wants.”
MC nodded along, reviewing the situation as she took another sip of her drink, “Well, is it what she wants?” Zen eyed her curiously, so she continued, “You said that the problem was that she is incapable of being elegant and graceful when dancing, but is she incapable or is she unwilling?”
Zen looked down into his now empty cup as he considered MC’s words. He had sat in on many of Gi’s classes, and whilst she always seemed satisfied after class ended, she seemed…frustrated during it. Zen always thought it was because she couldn’t get the moves right, but now he wondered if there was something else at play, “I guess she does always appear discouraged during her lessons, like she’s being held back. But she adores dance, it’s all she talks about. She always says that she likes to move with the music, but ballet just seems too restricting. She’s tried other kinds of dance but she likes how ‘pretty’ ballet is…”
“Has she ever considered figure skating?”
Zen quirked an eyebrow. MC chuckled, “Figure skating. She’ll get to use her power and athleticism so she won’t feel held back, but then she can still incorporate the elegance and ‘prettiness’ of ballet. There’s an ice rink that just opened nearby, you should let her give it a go.”
“I don’t know…I don’t know if it’s best to just stop it all together.” MC gave him a glare. “I just don’t want her to end up like her teacher, MC. She’s so..odd!”
MC placed down her cup and leaned forward on the table, waiting for Zen to focus on her, “Zen, I think it was odd that she brought that up as well, but don’t you think she did it because  she was desperate? Because she knew that Gi was special? Can you not at least let her try it? You never know, she might surprise you.”
Zen sighed, recognising that MC was right. She very well might be a natural, and even if she wasn’t, as least she tried. “Okay, I’ll bring it up with her. Thank you, MC.”
MC merely smiled and dipped her head, clearly not understanding how loaded that ‘thank you’ was.
They continued to chat casually for a while, when Zen quickly had a realisation, “Oh! I meant to ask you, are you free tomorrow night?”
MC’s face dropped a little, a response that was small enough to go unnoticed anyone, but not small enough to go unnoticed by Zen, “I’m sorry, I have plans with Chul tomorrow night.”
Of course, how could he forget? Obviously he couldn’t just assume that she would available any night of the week anymore. She was in a relationship. She was busy.
The dull ache he felt in his chest surprised him, a disappointment that he couldn’t have anticipated. This was the first time that she had other plans, that she didn’t have time for him. Had he taken her company for granted? Had he taken her for granted? Was this, after all they had, the beginning of the end?
But, the end of what, exactly?
“Ah, no worries,” Zen replied easily, his acting skills being put to good use, “It was nothing, just wanted to hang out. How are things going with Chul anyway?”
“Good,” she responded, a smile playing on her lips and her eyes regaining a bit of their usual glimmer, “Really good.”
“I’m glad,” he said and felt a pang of guilt, because Zen didn’t like to lie, and he certainly didn’t like to lie to MC. But he was going to have to get used to it.
The following evening Zen went back to the convenience store, his best shirt on and the two tickets in hand. So-yi watched him curiously, a melancholic expression on her face. Zen walked up to the counter, “Would you like to come with me?”
She smiled sympathetically at him as she mentally connected the dots, “Of course, sweetie. I get off my shift in five minutes. I’ll meet you outside.”
And so they strolled to the bar together, So-yi holding onto Zen’s arm as they laughed and sang through the street. Not many men his age wanted to spend their Friday night with a little old lady like her, but Zen wasn’t most men, which made So-yi’s heart ache a little more for him. He deserved the world.
She didn’t ask about the girl, because she knew that, even if he hadn’t realised it yet, she was someone special, and she had said no.
She’ll come around, So-yi thought.
They always do in the end.
“Saeran, come look at this.”
Saeran strolled over to the couch, milkshake in one hand and a soda in the other. Chucking the can to Saeyoung he sat next to him to get a good view of the laptop that was balanced on his twin’s knees, examining the screen as his eyebrows furrowed, “What is this?”
“I-uh…may have done a background check on Chul.”
Saeran sighed, giving his brother a pointed look, “You know MC told you not to. She’s gonna kill you.”
“I know. I know I wasn’t meant to but I just wanted to be sure and-“
“Wait, is this a criminal record?”
Saeran studied the document, taking in every detail, and his heart dropped when a certain set of words caught his eye.
“It says in his notes that he got into a fight at a bar,” Saeyoung added gently, cautious of Saeran’s reaction, “In his statement he said that it was self-defence-“
“They’re together right now, correct?” Saeran said smoothly.
“Um, yeah. MC said they were going ice-skating, but why do you-“
“I’m going out. I’ll be back in an hour.”
“Saeran, you can’t just go and interrogate or beat up the guy. We don’t even know what happened.”
“I’m not going to, I just need to see for myself that he’s okay for MC.”
Saeran didn’t wait for Saeyoung’s reply, instead he just put his hood over his head and marched out the door, missing the look of pure defeat on his brother’s face.
It took him less than half the time it usually took to reach his destination, but as soon as Saeran walked through the automatic doors of the ice-rink, he started his search.
They weren’t in the lobby, and they weren’t in the cafe, so they must still be on the ice. He managed to sneak his way onto the rink without going to the front desk, because of course he could. Saeran had no idea how much longer MC and Chul were going to be there, and he definitely didn’t want them to catch him in the foyer. So, sneaking in it was.
Which, though he would never admit, he found more fun anyway.
After only a few seconds of glancing over the other skaters, his eyes landed on the couple. He was moments away from marching over to them to have a little chat with Chul, but was halted by one thing.
MC’s face.
Saeran had never seen her face so bright, so glowing. Not even when she bought her new apartment, not even on her birthday. Not even when she was with Zen.
Her smile met her eyes, free of restraint and absolutely beaming. And Chul looked the same way, but he was completely enraptured by her, as if he was hanging on to her every word like she was a lifeline to him. They looked happy. They looked in love.
And nobody, especially not Saeran, would ever make that look on MC’s face disappear when it was as rare as rubies. Who was he to judge a man based on his past, anyway? Saeran didn’t know Chul’s story, nor did he know the Chul in front of him particularly well, but he would give him a chance, just like MC had given Saeran a chance.
He’d tell Saeyoung not to worry, but to keep a watchful eye. Because yes, Chul gave MC a spark that had nearly died out, but when there is a spark sometimes it’s hard to see the smoke; and when there’s smoke, there’s fire.
Masterlist || Next Chapter
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hinaaspanda · 4 years
Vocalized Feelings
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Paring: Garage band leader! Donghyuck x Retired choir member! reader
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Word count: 8012 
It was Saturday again, the clashes of symbols and guitar strings wrapped up in a melodic harmony ringing into your ears as you woke up. It was Saturday again, and that Donghyuck kid hadn’t left your mind for a week.
happy bday @aquinoa​ !!!
You didn’t need a calendar to figure out that today was a Saturday, nor did you need a clock to tell you that the time was early noon. All you needed was the noise of drumsticks bashing onto its respective kit, the most definitely unneeded feedback of guitar amps, and a terrible late-morning attitude. And that’s the exact reason why you loudly let out a stifled grumble as you flipped off the covers that once encased your legs, and immediately stomped down to your garage. 
Entering the cold, barren, unfinished walls of your garage, you scan onto the exact sight you expected to see.  6 figures scattered all over the place. Three plopped onto the couch, Mark and Jeno tuning their various guitars and basses, as your little brother, Jisung, watches them with full intent swelling from his eyes. You glance to the left, meeting the eyes of an overly excited Chenle, waving both his hands as he screams your name and an apologetic Jaemin, clutching onto his drum symbol, indicating that he’s genuinely sorry for all the volume. You didn’t however, know if the drummer was referring to the band as a whole, or the pianist beside him. 
Your eyes scan further as you finally link them with the vocalist of this garage band, Donghyuck, an irked expression painting across his face. You watch his eyes roll to the top of his head, utter disgust oozing out of him the second you trot down the few sets of steps, heading over to sit with your brother and his bandmates. Although, you never saw his purely bothered face, since you’ve learned to just ignore him. 
The fact that he hated you was always head-scratcher for both you and the rest of his band. His little mutter of anger towards you, the grumbles of annoyance whenever you walk into a room, it never made sense to you. It’s not like he was jealous of you, he couldn’t have been. Sure you were part of the city’s greatest youth choir, a choir that, to your dismay, was terminated just last year--but it shouldn’t affect him, he’s the face of his own band after all.  
Or maybe that’s why he always looked at you with the cold eyes of someone who wanted to slit your throat. The fact that he had a team of his own, a backbone to lean onto, complete with their own published singles and high chances at stardom. Maybe he wanted to taunt you with it, laugh in your face with the members of his band. Pin you down, the words “look at me now” spat onto your embarrassing figure. Maybe he wanted to prove his worth, or he’s already concluded that you weren’t worthy enough for him.
While your mind wandered off into overthinking land, a certain, turmoil filled body, sauntered over to the very couch you sat on, shadowing you from the lonely light bulb that shined all its might around the inner walls of your crowded garage.
 “Well, well, well, the infamous Park Y/N finally awoke from her terribly long slumber.” Donghyuck held a hand to his hip, judging you for the sleep clothes you didn’t bother to change out of. “Now tell me, why did the gremlin run out of her little cave to come here? We’ve got work to do here, you know” The passive-aggressive vocalist crosses his arms, earning miffed groans from the boys and a stellar eye roll from you. 
“Piss off, Hyuck, Y/N’s my sister, stop insulting her like that or you guys won’t have anywhere to practice,”  Jisung spoke up, a section of your heartwarming just a tiny bit at your little brother’s defensive words. As you shot a gracious smile at your only family in the room, a stifled chuckle escaped from your left.
“And we wouldn't wanna switch practice places, now would we?” Mark challenged, Donghyuck immediately growing mute as his elder shot him a knowing, sly smirk. You overlooked it, however, as you shot up, faces just inches away from his.
“You’re right, Donghyuck, you do have work to do!” you jabbed at his chest with a single finger “You need to learn how to stop being such a nuisance to everyone you meet!” 
Taking a step back, Donghyuck sent you a sinister grin. “I’m sorry sweetie, but ‘Donghyuck’ is only reserved for close family and friends, so it’s ‘Haechan’ to you.” 
“I’d rather die than ever be close with you”
“Go for it, baby. No one would miss you” 
“Neither of you ever know when to quit it, huh” The spare door right from the garage bounced open, and a furious, brunette boy emerged from the once empty door frame. “Both of you, seriously, shut up sometime? I got good news for us and I don’t want this embarrassing conversation ruining it” 
“Renjun!” Chenle beams with joy as the exhausted figure hustles forward, a laptop in hand, before squeezing into the couch, in between you and your brother. You and Donghyuck mutter under your breaths as you retire to your former spots within the garage floor while Renjun, sensing your discrete actions, grumbles in defeat as he whips open his laptop.
“I got in contact with this studio, SM, they said they like your guy’s stuff” Renjun continued, not sparing anyone glances as they jolted in a positive surprise. “You guys might even get a single”
As the members with instruments encased in their hands jump in pure joy, Renjun quickly turns his attention to you. “...But you guys need a girl to sing with you, that's their one condition” 
As if on cue, everyone’s (minus Donghyuck) heads whips to your overtly shaken figure, hands tucking in between your legs, and sweat beginning to pool from the top of your forehead, pupils shivering in fear, you barely even dared to continue Renjun’s sentence.  
“...You’re not really saying that--”
“Please sing with Hyuck, Y/N!” Chenle, definitely the most spontaneous one in the group, rushed to kneel in front of you, has clasped together in a praying formation. “Your voice is amazing!”
Your heart couldn’t help but feel a little light once the orange-haired boy uttered those words, the same way Donghyuck couldn’t help but scoff in disbelief. And your heart couldn’t help shatter once you uttered your following reply. 
 Despite evading the room the minute every band member chased you around with pleading eyes, you couldn’t help but be filled to the brim with guilt, strings of your disgrace spilling out and binding you to the pavement as you sulking continue your way towards the bank’s clear glass doors. It was Saturday, and by definition, errand day. A day you truly dreaded for its repetitive manor, complexity, and most definitely the mundaneness of it all. Lifelessly stopping at the counter of the bank, just to visit the supermarket moments after. It was a necessity, of course. But there was never an errand day that you didn’t greet with a wholehearted scowl every morning. 
Errand day, something you knew would happen, much to your dismay. And everything would’ve stayed the same, if it weren’t for the overly confident, egoistic, and prideful figure with the voice of an angel, panting in exhaustion as he tugs harshly onto your jacket sleeve. And if you were being completely honest, a sparkle of joy pooped through you after seeing this main vocalist dishevelled.
“Park--wait up--fuck” Donghyuck spat through, hands gripping his thighs in a failed attempt to straighten his figure. Rouch exhales escaping his lungs when he finally succeeded in fixing his posture. Your eyebrows knit together as he neglected to drop your wrist out of his grasp. If any stranger were to mistakenly glance at the two of you right that second, it would look like the climax of those Korean romance dramas your mother loved so much. You didn’t give him a slim chance to continue his probably useless tangent as you tilt your head to the side in annoyance. 
“If you came all the way here just to throw another insult at me, then you can save it!” You snap. Swatting your hand away from his surprisingly strong clutch. A clutch even he seemed to forget he held so tightly. “I don’t wanna hear it.” 
“Park, just listen to me”
“I’m busy, Donghyuck”
The now angry idol-wannabe huffed a loud sigh, as he forced a hand between you and the glass doors, loudly calling out to your freedom. The freedom you couldn’t grasp at, not with the peculiarly toned forearm clasped onto the door handle, rendering you unable to move. You swear, you saw this exact scene plastered onto the t.v. just last week. 
 “Sing with me, Y/N” 
Was he kidding?
The vocalist stared at you with full intent and the most earnestness you’ve ever seen in someone, as he fully rejected the staring strangers from inside the bank, the bank you wanted nothing more than to be inside right now. “For the single, sing with me” 
 He sounded so forced, yet so nonchalant, it almost sounded attractive, if it weren’t for the literal flare burning through his pupils. You simply crossed your arms, the bank audience swiftly minding their own business, not wanting to witness what they thought was a couple seconds before a break-up. 
“They got you on this, too, huh? How much did they pay you to say that?” Donghyuck quickly retorted, shooting you a stare that only said “I’m serious, Y/N” straight to your face. 
“Well, whatever” you continued, eyes stuck to the gravel before you. “Why chose me, anyway?”
“Um” eyes traveling to the sky, praying they wouldn't come in contact with yours. “Well..”    
All 7 boys, scattered across the garage floor, winced as you slammed the secluded door shut, not baring to watch you dash away in utter fear. Every band member let out their share of aggravated sighs and grumbles, a worried Chenle fast pacing around the pattern carpet that laid below them. All while Renjun, and an equally worried Jisung massage their temples in an effort to calm down their nerves. 
“I’M SORRY GUYS I WAS THE REASON SHE LEFT I SCARED HER OFF AND I--” a panicked pianist was shaken in the hands of the band’s drummer as he set him down, placing Chenle on the couch, snuggled in between the their guitarist and bassist. 
“You didn’t scare her off, Chenle, she’s just a wuss” Donghyuck tapped his foot in a comical effort to look as equally annoyed as the other members. Yet deep down, both he, and the rest of the boys behind him, knew he hated watching her leave for another, unsuspecting reason. 
“You can drop the act, Hyuck, she's gone.” Renjun clicked away at his laptop keys. “Stop pretending you hate her already, you suck at acting”. A giggling Jisung loosens up on the couch, legs crossed in a comfortable t-formation as he turns to Donghyuck. 
“Yeah, Hyuck, just tell her you like her, already. My sister could really use a boyfriend” Jisung was more than lucky that Donghyuck dropped that heavy mic cord to the ground just moments prior, or else he would’ve gotten a concussion right that instant. 
“Shut it, Jisung” He snapped, concealing the true fact that he was nothing but ecstatic to hear the news. 
Donghyuck didn’t know what led him to practically spit on your face the minute he first met you, despite his automatic admiration for your voice, a voice that felt like honey to his ears. He never knew why he acted so cocky, so immature around your presence. Was it because you were part of the city’s most esteemed youth choir of its decade? Was it your bubbling, harmless personality that he always felt the need to brutally tarnish.  He could never tell. But when your soft voice was replaced with harsh insults made to rebuttal his, the vocalist’s heart couldn’t help but snap in half.    
“OH, I KNOW! Chenle jumped up from his sulking position on the couch, gaining the attention of the two guitarists beside, along with a inner-monologuing Donghyuck. “Let’s get Hyuck to ask her!” 
Heads whipped towards the orange-haired boy’s idea as he continued his radical idea. “Think about it, Hyuck was the only one who didn’t ask her yet, and if she knows that the whole group wants her in then she might say yes!” Various members of this esteemed ‘neighborhood garage band’ began to nod their heads in agreement. Everyone except Donghyuck, of course. 
“And…” Jeno wiggled his eyebrows, cocking them at the now flustered face of the band. “Hyuck can spend some more time with Y/N”
Donghyuck already knew that this was their ulterior motive all along, but hearing it out loud just threw pity at his heart. But his own friends didn’t even give him a chance to argue, as he felt the palms of Mark and Renjun force him out of the same door you escaped from. Yet he couldn’t feel his feet change directions, because deep down inside, Jeno was right. He did wanna spend more time with you. God he was such an idiot. 
Of course, Donghyuck couldn’t tell her all that. Sure, he was an idiot, but he wasn’t stupid, he knew that much. That was why his reply to your question was, nothing close to stellar. 
“Your voice is...ok, alright? And you’re like the only girl we know around here so… just take it ok? And take the compliment, too, it's the only time you'll ever get one of those” his words wandered off as you let out a sigh, the corner of your eye telling you that, judging by the whole new set of customers lined up at the bank counter, you’re kdrama-esk stay in front of the glass doors lasted longers than you had desired. Looking up, locking your eyes with his, you sigh once more. 
“Fine, just so you can shut up.”
You swear, you were just one tier behind a professional singer, but all this singing equipment and technology trapped in a room equally confusing, all of it made you nothing but a nervous wreck. It didn’t even matter that you’ve  already stayed in that room for 4 hours straight, everything still sent strong shivers up your spine. 
Donghyuck, on the other hand, looked unsurprisingly calm, of course. He's gone through this exact same process countless times before. Singing your heart out, just to let it get tweaked, tuned, shuffled in a different state, never enjoyed a voice in it’s originality. You never really understood it, hence why loitered in the corner of the glass room, shaking like a wet mammal emerging from the cold water. 
You were just baffled that Donghyuck hasn’t said anything to you about it, anything at all, actually. The 8 of you drove to the rented recording room with a pair of cars earlier that morning, the heavy instruments hauling together in one vehicle, while your 7 figures squeezed into another. You already knit your eyebrows at the mere fact that Donghyuck took his cramped seat right next to yours, no one taking a grain of notice. Who would know just how weird it would get the minute your shoe’s clicked against the driveway pavement. 
4 Hours in, with Jisung sound asleep on your lap, other members sprawled across the couch provided, and an unusually calm Donghyuck uttered out his last lines in that milky voice of his. You’ve already taken your turn, only remembering how easily distracted you got by Donghyuck and the admiration glittering in his eyes. Eyes that strongly contradicted the tone of his voice just moments prior. 
You find your eyes glued to the vocalist trapped in the glass room that always stumped you, the vocalist that, starting today, would confuse you more than any recording room could. His composed pupils linking with your skittish ones. You thought back to the car ride, his breath hitched as he planted his vision on the trees and buildings passing by. How he barely spared you a glance, let alone a cheap insult. Was he finally done through with it? Has he finally grown past the phase of finding simple fat jokes funny? Your mind wandered, and you wish you wandered a little bit more so you wouldn’t have noticed the pink tint creeping onto his cheeks as he closed the door to the recording room, his eyes still planted onto yours. 
“Thank you very much, sir.” Renjun shook the hand of the man behind the recording stand, other members of the band following his lead as you shook Jisung awake. But everything you touched, you did so halfheartedly, as the thought of a certain prideful vocalist couldn’t escape your mind. 
Huh, that was weird.
It was Saturday again, the clashes of symbols and guitar strings wrapped up in a melodic harmony ringing into your ears as you woke up. It was Saturday again, and that Donghyuck kid hadn’t left your mind for a week. Too many questions passed through your mind, you didn’t have the motivation to scream for joy the moment Renjun burst through the door, showing the band the email. An email that was practically lined in gold for the other viewers, and email giving them directions to a small coffee shop across town, and approval for an upcoming gig. 
“Let’s celebrate!” Mark howled, earning other loud screams from their designated dolphin boy as the 6 of you immediately grabbed your coats and headed to the nearest building that served purely mediocre fast-food. 
“Save some for us!” Jisung, chanted through the garage door, both him and Chenle dreading the table behind them that overflowed with unfinished highschool homework and completely finished bags of chips. 
6 milkshakes and 6 stuffed stomachs later, the garage band sat around you, giggling at what you thought was the email you ate out for, as you shuffled away to the washroom. But as Donghyuck would put it, “You’re always wrong, Y/N!”. 
“What am I gonna do?” Donghyuck gripped the strands of hair residing at his front scalp. “I almost blew my cover back in the recording room!”
As if on cue, Donghyuck’s seemingly useless remark earned a groan from the rest of the band mates, and especially the band manager, digging his fingertips onto his temples, giving him the much overdue head massage he needed due to Hyuck’s stupidity.  
“You could, I dunno, tell her the truth?” Jaemin sipped from his remaining milkshake, receiving that infamous empty- straw crinkling sound just seconds later. “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, right Jeno?” The bassist only nodded silently, earning a pleading groan from the vocalist in question. 
“Hey man, we’re already helping you and everything, poor Sungie’s gotta deal with our bullshit in his house every week just so you could get a chance with her. We don’t have any other reason to practice there, you know.” Mark stirred the striped straw. “Even Renjun, Y/N”s bestfriend in highschool, mind you, became the manager to our dumb garage band just to help your odds” 
Donghyuck stared into the popping bubbles of his pink milkshake, his guilt mirroring the bubble’s movements. He knew about Jisung, your little brother, but he never even thought about Renjun. All his friends, trying harder than he was, all to not get cock-blocked. God, how stupid was he. 
Apparently, he was stupid enough to forget you even left the table for a bathroom visit, as he almost spat out the last of his milkshake as he watched you emerged from the dim-lit room. Earning giggles from the other boys.
You missed singing, you really did. The memories you cherished singing alongside the 30 vocalists, awaiting the audience’s standing ovation, you craved for more than anything.  Sure, it sounded a little too self loving for your liking, but anyone could agree that you guys deserved. That’s why, when the Harmonics Youth Choir finally shut down due to an untimely accident, it surely left a broad hole in your heart.
Especially now, right after feeling the thrill once again at the recording room, the sensation of letting out notes and melodies gripping onto your heart, never letting go as you sent in the application email. This wasn’t all your idea, though. This scheme was given to you in a fully wrapped package of taunting and disbelief of your true abilities, and handed to you by no one else but the egotistical vocalist, Donghyuck. 
“I heard there was an opening for this new choir downtown” Donghyuck clicked away at his laptop as he took his break at their weekly practice. The phrase ‘new choir’ caught your attention faster than a fly to the scent of rotten food. You shuffled towards him, reluctant and half expecting for him to revolt at your presence. But you truly didn’t care when the chance to shine under the spotlight of a stage was upon you once again, and you would rather die than miss the chance to grasp it. 
“They look pretty serious, though” Donghyuck scrolled through the choir’s website nonchalantly, angling the screen so you could get a better view. “I don’t think you’d fit in at all” You knew he was kidding, partially at least. Nevertheless, an arrow of hurt shot through your chest as you stood up, spine straightening with the smallest ounce of pride left in you. 
“Are you even hearing yourself, Donghyuck?” You jabbed your own chest, concealing your genuine hurt. “I was a member of Harmonics, I’d fit right in!” 
“Uh huh, yeah, what happened to your esteemed choir, again?” he didn’t even spare you a glance as he exited out of the choir’s website Opening another window filled with gruesome battles and skimpy female armour, he proceeded to ignore your defensive figure, keeping all his attention on that dumb video game. You, however, couldn’t care where his attention was facing, as you had a point to make, and an argument to win. 
“You’ll see, Donghyuck, I’ll make that choir, and you’ll be the first to see it. In fact, you should watch the audition, then you’ll see how great I am!” 
Donghyuck couldn’t help but recite the words ‘you’re already the best’ over and over again in his head. He didn’t have any other choice, really. He couldn’t say it out loud, of course, he was too prideful for that. Or maybe too much of a coward. He couldn’t tell. 
“Whatever, I’ll watch just to prove you wrong, Park” Of course he couldn’t say no. He truly was a coward. 
You didn’t even notice the proud, stunned expressions that coated the rest of the band member’s faces as you trotted upstairs, ready to write another, responsive email to a certain choir company.
A tired, fatigued Donghyuck rang your doorbell two days after your last interaction. Despite his reluctant character during then, he still, to your surprise, offered to give you a ride, knowing full well of your father’s disappearance to another city in the name of his job. After an awkward, silent, 30 minute hell of a car ride, the two of you threw his car doors shut, and entered the grand church building. 
You stood in the middle of the rented church stage, various chandeliers and crystals covering your view, as you faced the three judges of this audition. The three obstacles left in your road to stardom, and the three obstacles blocking you from your chance to prove yourself right. 
“Miss Park Y/N, Auditioning for the part of Alto” The somber toned middle seated judge read straight off of the application sheet, before barely glancing up at you.  “You may start whenever you’re ready.” You closed your eyes, softly beginning to hum the words of Donghyuck’s single. It only made sense to choose what you chose, it was the song that gave your heart the inspiration to impulsively act on it’s dreams. 
Donghyuck’s world stopped as he sat in his lonesome three rows before the judges, the single frame of you singing staying frozen in his mind. Your voice felt like honey trickling into his ears, as he sat in awe, not bothering to keep that fake scoffing expression on his face. He felt weak to the knees. Your voice, your appeal, everything, it all made him almost want to drop the act and tell you the truth. 
But you could only handle one earth shattering truth at a time, right? 
The middle judge raised her hand up, signally a stop just after a couple of lyrics spilled out of your lips. The two judges coupling her sides all kept their cold expressions as you trembled in fear. You anticipated their impending responses, although, deep down, you already knew exactly what they were going to say. 
“That’s enough, Miss Park”
“Wait, I can--”
“That won’t be necessary. Now, can you please step off the stage? The next contestant is waiting” The left judge uttered effortlessly, not sparing a glance at you as you stalked backstage. Donghyuck roughly followed you, jolting the plastic table the three judges hid behind, before shooting those judges a very irritated glare.  
“Please assure your girlfriend to not take this personally, it was a tough decision” 
“Bullshit, you didn’t even listen to the full thing” Donghyuck spat, earning the wide eyes of the three judges who sat below him. He didn’t even care what their response was as he spurt towards the doors, the doors you had already burst out of with pure rage. 
Donghyuck cursed at himself for feeling just the slightest bit giddy at the judges assuming those two were closer than friends. He scanned you through the car window, a flame burning in your eyes. You two clearly need to reach the level of “friends” first. 
The rest of the drive was silent, or at least restrained, as your huffs and puffs of anger could be heard from Donghyuck’s side of the vehicle easily. You would rather die than look at him right then. You were surprised that he hasn’t laughed right at your face yet. But whether he hurls another one of those prideful scoffs at your direction or not, one fact still remains, he was right. You’ve stayed out of touch with the whole concept of singing, that the only thing keeping you sane were the lyrics of a single written by the vocalist with a grudge against you. How pitiful were you? 
And to think, you truly began to believe that this demon, this evildoer, began to have feelings for you through a simple set of flushed cheeks. All those times he stained your mind, none of that mattered. All Donghyuck wanted was for you to fall to the ground, pride and ego brutally shattered. That was why he brought that stuck up, cold-shouldered choir. Just to watch you get rejected.  And it worked. You were bruised, broken forever,and it was all thanks to him. 
“I hope you’re happy Donghyuck. You were right” You murmured just loud enough for his ears to perk. You couldn’t see his expression, but you were sure he was a smirking, evil mess. 
Donghyuck watched you swiftly pass him, his sulking eyes defying your assumption once again. 
The neighborhood garage band’s practice room fell into a tense silence as  you slammed the garage door shut, stomping up to your room. Everyone’s eyes, despite already becoming aware of the situation, still mirrored the ones of innocent puppies ready to be adopted. Except for Hyuck’s, of course. His overflowed with guilt, burning up with an anger that could only be pointed towards himself. Donghyuck fell into the cushions that decorated the couch, earning pats and shoulder rubs that were laced with empathy, empathy that he couldn’t reciprocate. His palms ruffled the strands of his hair, gripping onto them in stress as Renjun scooted towards him. 
“Don’t blame yourself, Hyuck, she just really missed singing” Renjun angled himself to face the remorse-filled vocalist. “Anyone would, with that choir” 
Donghyuck let out a heartfelt whine, his back-scalp collapsing onto the couch backframe. “I got her all excited about singing again, I couldn’t help it. I kinda got excited for her, too. How was I supposed to know they’d be so picky with their contestants!” Hyuck rose to his feet, bewilderment rising through his veins. “Their rejection’s all bullshit, anyways! Her voice is amazing!” 
“Then tell her” Jisung twiddled his fingers, not even sparing the distressed vocalist a glance “Tell her that her voice is amazing, tell her all the compliments you want to”  
“You know I can’t do that, Sungie” 
“Why?” A certain flame echoed in his booming voice, starling the already traumatized older band members. “Is it ‘cause you're a coward? It sounds like it! How else do you think it was gonna turn out? Pretending to hate the person you’ve loved since highschool, of course she’s gonna hate you back! Now you better clean this shit up, and I don’t just mean this dumb audition. My sister’s amazing, ok? And she doesn’t fucking deserve this.” 
Jisung, with a fury of his own, stalked into his own home and away from the band members that resided in his garage. Mark, the band’s leader, took it upon himself to call for the two Park siblings that escaped his grasp, praying they would come back, but it was no use. Donghyuck truly felt like an idiot, and a coward. 
Your pillowcase felt damp as you lightly pressed your cheek against your newly shed tears. Everything seemed...useless now. Your sulking figure couldn't lift itself from the cozyness of your plump mattress, string of sorrow binding your limbs tightly against the bed’s fabric. You laid still, your world turning to stone as you tuned in to the quiet chirps perched onto the roof just below your window. The tiny squawks sent you into a calm abyss, one that you haven’t visited in a while. With all this song recording and impulsive acting, everything grew hectic, never giving you a chance to breathe. 
You didn’t know how your consciousness was able to do it, but Donghyuck still stayed trapped in your mind the whole time. 
You were definitely brimming with anger when you thought of him, but the thought of his smile, even if you only saw it after one of his smug insults, still stained your mind. And you hated it. And that was why your expression was nothing less than relieved when it was just your little brother who peeped through the small crack your door created after his knuckles clicked against it in a soft knock.
A soft smile wiped across his face, his eyes painted with a calm appeal, as he shuffled into your room, friction from the carpet swiping against his cotton socks. With a tilt of his your little brother simply suggested. 
“I don’t care, Jisung, I’m not gonna sing with them at the concert” Your eyes watched the various cars pass by in a blur, trying desperately to avoid contacting the pleading pupils of your brother. You trusted him, the blade of betrayal impaling your heart. You whole-heartedly believed that Jisung invited you to this milkshake bar to free your mind, get rid of all the thoughts about those 6 boys that roamed freely within the inner workings of your garage. Instead, he simply induced your brain with more thoughts of him, luring you in with the taste of a strawberry milkshake. 
“C’mon Y/N, It’s gonna be a small gig, the venue maxes out at 50 people.” Jisung gave his weight to the surface of the fast food table, gripping his ice cold glass with his fingers that were dipped in anticipation. You sunk into the lush, red 
seats, finally sparing your brother a glance. 
“What are you gonna gain from this, anyways, it’s not like you're in the band anymore, anyways.” 
Shit. You followed Jisung’s hairbangs as they dropped before his eyes, most likely concealing his growing hurt for the words that effortlessly flowed through your careless mouth. Why would you say something that stupid, when you knew full well of the complicated truth. The truth of your brother's resignation of the band due to a harsh wrist injury. All Jisung wanted was the satisfaction of growing old and succeeding with his garage band, but when the rookie drummer finally grew fixed of his wrist damage, the first thing he saw was his supposed drum-kit, standing before the new addition to the band, Jaemin. Although the old and new drummers came to converse on friendly terms, you knew your brother more than anyone else, and you knew he would never get over his replacement so quickly. 
“It’s fine, Y/N, it’s not ‘cause of that” He vigorously waved his two hands in an effort to change the subject. “We just wanna hear your voice again, that’s all” His calm voice sent you away from your current state of overthinking, as you took another sip of your pink tinted milkshake. Although his choice of words led you to ponder a little more. 
“Yeah! Hyuck especially. Mans literally gets weak to the knees when he hears your voice. He loves it so much, you don’t even know, Y/N. But not as much as he loves you lmao--wait-” 
The straw fell limp from Jisungs lips, the whites of his eyes spilling out of their sockets as he finally pondered just how much he messed up. It’s funny actually, how quick he caught his mistake AFTER he made it. 
You swear, you could’ve exploded right then and there. 
“Hyuck--he--what?” A sentence couldn’t even form in between your quivering lips. “You’re kidding right? Sungie? Please tell me this is a joke” 
Jisung could feel the ember of his existence about to extinguish as you used that Nickname on him. A nickname that only escaped your mouth when you were either terribly angry or terribly drunk. Jisung swiftly closed his eyes, praying that there was at least an ounce of alcohol in that milkshake of yours, you were a lightweight afterall.
“I--er--no” Jisung’s head downcasted, attempting to hide from your incoming wrath. “Donghyuck likes you, a lot actually”
If it weren’t for the fact that he was your brother, you would’ve spat on his face with the remaining milkshake in your mouth, unable to be swallowed as you sat in pure shock.  
“How long?”
“...Since highschool, actually” 
The glass mug encased between your fingers shivered in fear. After all this time, all the taunting, all the times he scoffed at your mere existence, that was all from…affection? It was all an act towards grabbing your attention? He didn’t actually despise you? And on top of that, he loves your voice, the voice he only labelled as “ok” in the past? What was with him, couldn’t he had just said something, instead of saying the complete opposite of his feelings? 
But apparently, you found that attractive, and everything else clicked. A lightbulb finally glowed a bright amber as you connected the dots. You finally figured out why this prideful vocalist couldn’t escape your thoughts all this time. 
As your little brother, shaking in fear by your--apparently menacing-- presence, continues his tangent on how letting them stay at their garage even after his untimely injury was just a ruse to get the two of you together, you shoot up from your seat. 
“Oh my god, Jisung, I think I like him back”
“Excuse me, what” 
A sense of urgency shot down your spine. “Change of plans, I’m gonna sing with them.” 
“THANKS FOR THE MILKSHAKES, JISUNG, I GOTTA GO TAKE CARE OF SOMETHING” your voice violently hurled through the glass doors of the milkshake place as you ran past them, alerting the commoners that innocently roamed around. 
“It looks so full” a stifled Chenle murmured towards the band manager as he gripped onto the stage curtains. “God, ok, is it hot in here or just me?” 
“It’s fine, Chenle, everyone else is nervous too” A calming Renjun sent a soft hand onto the cusp of the pianist’s shoulder. The rest of the band loitered around the cramped stage rear, the echoes of various audience chatter ringing in everyone’s ears as they shiver in anticipation. Well, everyone except a certain sulking vocalist perched rather uncomfortably on the wooden make-up chair. 
  Donghyuck’s heart felt numb to everything else but the brutal beatings of guilt. The issue only arose just hours prior, of course the regret still lingered, staining his once proud, upright soul. Jisung was right, he always had been. He should’ve let go of this stupid act when he got the chance. He should’ve taken your hand in his, letting a soft kiss from his lips fall onto your dazed face after nervously stammering sweet nothings to you. He should’ve sprinkled you with compliments every chance he got, showed his pure excitement when you do something as simple as enter the room, or even chant your name half as animated as his pianist always did. The thought of your name trickled into his head. The name that he refused to refer to you as, always going for the rough tone of “Park” instead. All in the name of that dumb ruse, truly used to prank his heart. 
“Y/N” He let out a soft murmur under his breath. It felt sweet against his lips. “Y/N.” He scoffed at himself. Maybe it was a good thing you decided not to sing with him, you wouldn’t get to see how pathetic he’s become.
“Y/N?” Renjun’s yelp at your disheveled figure standing at the door, drove Donghyuck straight to reality. His head whipped in response, the wooden chair collapsing under the sheer weight of Hyuck’s speechlessness as his sitting figure fell straight to the ground. Renjun stammered out another shaken response. “What are you doing here?” 
“Sorry Junnie, I’ve changed my mind. Can I still sing with you guys tonight?” You could practically see the heavenly wings raising his once lifeless body as the rest of the band members produced luminescence from their beaming smiles. A riled up Renjun scrambles towards your feet, slamming a hand to your shoulder. “OF COURSE YOU CAN Y/N NOW GET OVER HERE WHAT THE FUCK.” After being vigorously yanked into the dressing room by your highschool best friend, you migrate over to the still-faced, wide-eyed vocalist laying frozen against the tile floor. 
“Donghyuck I need to--” 
“Curtains up at 5, get into your positions” A man donning a large black headphone set, gripping a brown noteboard in his hands yells in a robotonus tone before shooting a deadpan look at you. “You there, are you with the band?”
“Uh, yes?”
“Then get into position! Can someone get this girl a mic?” he croaked into his headset’s mic, with a mic falling into your hands just moments later. 
Amidst all this chaos, with Renjun pacing back and forth, Mark and Jeno simultaneously tuning their guitars,  Jaemin dropping his drumsticks onto the ground, and Chenle loudly greeting a sweaty and panting Jisung resting against the doorframe. You tilt your head, never noticing how your brother followed you over here after you burst through those doors at the milkshake place. Before you could greet him, however, a tight grip landed straight onto your forearm.  
“Y/N, wait--” before Donghyuck could even grab your attention. The lights on the other side of those maroon curtains finally dimmed.
“We’re on in 10 seconds” a robotic voice bombed through the band's now trembling figures. They stood before the closed set of curtains, anticipation riling through them. 
“Now, please give a warm welcome to the neighborhood garage band; NCT DREAM!!”
The curtains fell into each other smoothly as what seemed to be a million faces staring back at them. A blinding spotlight shined onto the 6 figures ready in their positions. Spilling a lifetime’s worth of confused feelings would have to wait for now. 
“You guys were amazing!” Renjun and Jisung practically said in unison as they watched the stage performers saunter backstage, Jeno pushing the maroon curtains back as your 6 figures retired back into the coffee house’s dressing room. Sweat dripping down your foreheads as you panted away the shockwaves that traveled through your bodies through the duration of that evening concert. As everyone else let down their instruments and settled down in various places of the cramped prep room, a certain vocalist began to stalk in your direction.
You studied Donghyuck’s image. His eyes glowed with determination, the disgust and repulsion that stained his expressions, and that were apparently all fake, weren’t found beneath the whites of his eyes, unlike before.  They looked blank, like he was simply being pulled to you by sheer force. Like you were a captivating magnet, and he was just a mere, insignificant paper clip, ready at your disposal. 
Donghyuck, on the other hand, wasn’t just a blank minded zombie lusting for its next meal. Something awoke in him, like a switch hidden behind cobwebs everyone reluctant to switch it on. Exhilaration zooming through his veins, nothing else mattered to him. Nothing else except your cute face trapped snuggly in his two, sweat filled, shaking palms. 
The vocalist did think about at least consoling you about the question you had for him before what could only be considered as their best concert, like, ever, but your innocent, curious face had him melting to his feet. His composure flew away the minute you stared back at him, eyes glossy and cheeks as rosy. Sure, he was an idiot, but he was an impulsive idiot, and right now, that helped his odds more than anything. 
Roughly, due to the immense amount of feelings bottled up in  the weakest material you can think of, Donghyuck cupped the sides of your face, smushing your lips together in an ecstatic kiss. Gripping onto each other like your lives depended on never letting go--although, at the time, it felt like exactly that--you pulled him closer, chests against one another as you tugged on his loose shirt collar.
 As Hyuck’s stomach began performing flips just below the fabric of his shirt, and as your knees grew weaker, the two of you slowly detached, earning the gasps and full on screams from their fellow bandmates, the bandmates that they simultaneously forgot existed, and the bandmates who estatically witnessed a very much anticipated kiss. The two of you, too scared to look down at the couch, set at the perfect angle to watch your most recent romantic endeavour, finally glanced down at the wide eyed spectators, all at the edge of their seat waiting to see what will happen next. 
“What are you guys waiting for?? CONFESS” The finally stress-free manager jumped up to his feet, a demanding index finger pointed at your flustered figures. The giddy pianist followed Renjun, his whole arm shot out in front of you. “OR BETTER YET??? KISS AGAI--” Chenle’s words were quickly disrupted by the swiftness of Jaemin’s hand as he nodded silently, giving you a signal to talk again. 
Donghyuck found his breath hitched as you turned to face you. He put all of his effort into kissing you, so he kinda forgot about what to do after. But after observing your calm, not wanting to beat him up, soft expression that glowed onto your face, alongside those pink tainted cheeks, he figured out that, well, you already kinda knew. 
“...heh, hey?” Donghyuck picked onto the skin on his wrists, waiting for them to grow red from the pain. Cringing from the awkward tone of his voice, you spoke up.
“I know, Hyuck” 
“Wait what”
You shot him a slightly aggravated glare at his ignorance. Did he not just experience that same kiss you did?
“You’re just that bad at acting, Hyuck” Jisung croaked behind this highschool drama confession. Donghyuck most definitely would’ve given your little brother the greatest jab straight to the head, if it weren’t for your angelic smile presented before him. 
“I like you too, Donghyuck. Unless, I’m not close enough to call you that” Donghyuck chuckles to himself, remembering that very interaction back at your garage just weeks prior. Swiftly, his hands drop to your waist, his eyes locked with yours as he pulls you closer to his chest. 
“Yeah, you need to get a lot closer” The two of you exchange giggles while your supposed judges fake puke and groan at their vocalist’s flirtatious words. The two of you stay comfortably, his hands softly lounging around your waist as you stay snuggled against his chest. The silence washing over you as your face grows sober. 
“Why’d you lie about it?” you distance yourself, just get a view of his face, glistening in the backstage spotlight. A sigh escapes his lips as he glances towards the sky. 
“I dunno, I was dumb, jealous of your talent, dumb, desperate for attention, did I mention dumb?” he flew off into a meaningless tangent, his fingers gripped onto the fabric of your shirt. “I was an idiot, Y/N, I thought this was just some stupid crush, but you’re so much more. God, and I probably hurt you so much during that whole dumb thing, didn’t I?”
“It’s fine, your insults are pretty weak, anyways”
“Oh wow, ok, I see how it is”
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding”
The vocalist glanced down to his feet, his eyes reaching back to you right after. “Can we, ya know, start over?” 
You plant a feathery kiss against his cheek, summoning the red hue that stayed for the rest of the night. “Of course, Hyuckie”  
“Miss Park Y/N, I am afraid you have to leave, as you are the cause of the main cause of our vocalist’s distraction.” Renjun stated in a deadpan, robotic tone. An arm, raised and pointing to the direction of the door while his foot rapidly tapped against the carpet. Sometimes, you couldn’t tell if the manager was messing with you or 100% serious with his supposed rage. 
“I live here, Renjun” you subtly snapped back as Hyuck, who was perched on top of your lap for the most peculiar reason, snaked his arms around your waist. According to your vocalist boyfriend, he got to sit on your lap cause he was ‘more famous than you’. That dummy. 
“I’m taking a break, Junnie, go bug Jeno or something. I’m busy with, um” He scans the figure trapped underneath his grasp as Hyuck continues to formulate his poorly thought-out excuse to spend more time with you. “Vocal exercises, yeah, that.” A disapproving sigh slips out of Renjun’s lips, heading over to the guitar and bassist duo. Once the two of you were alone, Donghyuck’s eyes once again fell onto you. 
“How’d you find out about my feelings, anyways? I refuse to believe my acting was THAT bad.” His head slithered into the crook of your neck. 
“If I’m being completely honest, It was Jisung” 
Donghyuck shot up, mic wires and lyric sheets falling to the ground of your garage. “WHAT?”
“Yeah, he went off, exposing you so much. He didn’t even realise it until after he said everything lmao” 
“Hey guys I brought snacks” Jisung slipped through the garage door, bags of chips in his hand. Hyuck sent your brother a narrow glare. “You’re a dead man, Park Jisung.”
You watched Hyuck as he sent himself flying towards the not-so innocent boy, the various chips dropping to the ground. Your brother did kinda deserve it though. You glanced at the ripped up calendar on the wall of the barren garage, your eyes landing on the little Saturday square. You smiled to yourself. Usually, you hated Saturdays, for their errands and boring chores, But this one in particular, seemed to be alright. 
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Just because Eddie can’t enjoy the day doesn’t mean he’s going to take it away from his son. He’d do anything for Christopher, that’s no secret or surprise, and if that means spending the evening dealing with his flashbacks alone, he’s more than okay with that. Christopher deserves to have fun like everyone else- he deserves good food and a bottle of soda and a blanket spread out on his school’s football field while he watches their firework show. Buck agreed to take him before Eddie could even ask because he always knows. At some point, he’s going to have to do something about how much his heart aches every time Buck does something that makes their lives better without a second thought.
“It’s not a party without s’mores,” Buck says seriously, throwing a bag of jumbo marshmallows into the cart. They’re going to be eating at the school when they go, not long into the evening, but the s’mores are a treat for when they come home after the fireworks are over. Buck said this morning that it was important that Eddie get to be a part of something today, and hip-checked him as he flipped a pancake. “I promise I’ll teach you how to make the best ones, Chris.”
All the supplies, including skewers, are together, which makes the grocery trip a little easier. Unfortunately, however, that’s the seasonal section, which Eddie would do anything to get out of. It’s too much. The flag is printed on everything, from paper plates and napkins to apparel with a silhouetted solider on it, alongside a cursive “God Bless the Troops.” Eddie kind of wants to buy it just to light it on fire, but that’s a waste of money and time. Burning things isn’t going to erase his trauma or his anger. He glares at a hat emblazoned with “USA.” It reminds him of the recruiters at his school who promised that college would be so much easier after he served. 
Buck glances at him as he considers a bag of candy. There’s worry written all over his face, but it’s gone almost as soon as it appears, and Buck says they need to go to the snack aisle right away. Christopher nods seriously and walks alongside his cart, fast enough to get them away, but slow enough that Chris has no trouble keeping up. At the very end of the aisle, however, something catches Eddie’s eyes. Ear plugs. They’re probably not that great, since they’re $5 on an impulse buy rack, but they’re better than nothing, so Eddie throws them into the cart as well. It’s not a big deal. Buck doesn’t make it one.
Most of the people in the store are dressed patriotically, wearing red white and blue if not outright flags. Shiny head pieces sway with the motion of their walking, flag patterned shorts stand out bright against the mostly beige color scheme of the floor and walls. It’s a little too much. Eddie pointedly doesn’t look at any of them, instead watching Christopher debate the merits of getting pringles instead of ruffles.
He flinches when something touches him, only to realize a moment later that it’s just Buck. His hand is light on Eddie’s hip, just touching as a way to bring him back to the moment. He’s safe here. These people don’t understand, but it’s not up to Eddie to make them, and he’ll be back home in twenty minutes, anyways. He’ll spend a few hours with his boys and it’ll be fine.
For the rest of the shopping trip, and probably the day, he’s quiet. It’s hard to put his feelings into words. Everyone is celebrating the country, regardless of the flaws inherent to its system, and using the military to do it. With them, Eddie is still the pawn he was overseas. Participating in a game he didn’t want to play, hurting people and watching his friends die for a cause he doesn’t know anything about, and left with bullet wounds in his skin, PTSD, and the faces of soldiers who will never open their eyes again. There’s nothing he could say that would feel enough to express all that in a succinct, non-confrontational way, so he processes it to the best of his ability internally. Frank would be proud. He doesn’t engage with those who give him and his clear stormy disposition a look, nor does he look at the red, white and blue mass-produced cupcakes that Chris begs him for. He says no, but mollifies Christopher with the promise of licorice.
The checkstand line is long, so Eddie picks Christopher up and holds him on his hip. He’s getting a little big for it, doesn’t usually give in to being carried anymore, but walking around the store can take a lot of energy and he’s clearly getting tired now. It makes Eddie feel a little better, too. He’s at home, he has his son, and he has Buck, who insisted on footing the bill for the snacks since “I promised Chris we’d get them, and you paid for the tickets to the school show, Eddie.” It’s almost alright.
But then they’re paying, the checker bagging up their snacks and making polite conversation. She doesn’t work late nights, which is when Eddie usually has a chance to do his shopping, so he doesn’t recognize her off the bat. She’s friendly enough though, laughing at a joke Buck makes until she picks up the ear plugs from the belt. With one look at Christopher’s child-size crutches in the cart, then at him in Eddie’s arms, she smiles in that patronizing “oh a special kid” way. 
“The fireworks too loud for you, sweetie?”
“They’re for Daddy,” Christopher corrects cheerfully,
She gives Eddie a weird look, but doesn’t comment on it. instead, she finishes up scanning their items and returns her attention to Buck. “Your total is $34.67, would you like to round up to $35 to support our troops overseas? Every five dollars sends a home cooked meal to a soldier in Iraq.”
Buck looks at Eddie, the way he always does when it comes to these things. They talked about it, once. How most active-duty military funds are a scam. Eddie shakes his head. 
“They don’t allow non-rations. Don’t.”
The checker seems irritated now.
“What’s your problem, man? Do you like, hate America?”
Buck jams his card into the reader to finish this interaction quickly. 
“I hate people profiting off the images of soldiers, who are usually just cogs in a machine that serves to hurt innocent people because the government said so.”
Now the person in line behind them decides to join in, and Eddie wishes he could have just kept his mouth shut for once in his life. But that’s not the way he was raised, and this is a touchy enough subject to send his self control out the window. 
“The troops fight for your freedom, son. Show some respect.”
Eddie turns around and narrows his eyes at the old man, wearing a tacky flag shirt. He feels a little cornered, can’t wait to get out of here, but he also knows exactly how satisfying it’ll be to open his mouth, 
“I’m a fucking vet, man. I know what I’m talking about. You wanna talk about respect, I served overseas and nearly died getting my friends to safety more than once. Shut your fucking mouth.”
Chris cheerfully pulls dog tags out of his own little striped tee shirt. Eddie gave them to him shortly after they moved here, as though it’ll erase their painful connotations. Christopher has always thought they’re cool, and shows them off gleefully without really getting how tense things are at the moment, 
“He has a silver star,” Chris adds smugly. 
At that, Eddie leaves before things can escalate more. He needs air. His chest is hurting and this is exactly why he hates going out today, of all days. None of these people ever know what they’re talking about, what they’re really glorifying. What their fucking fireworks are doing to everyone they allegedly care so much about. 
A few minutes later, Buck joins them. They sit there quietly on the bench for a while before Eddie decides to get up and go to the truck. He doesn’t need to defend himself, he thinks bitterly. Buck isn’t mad, Christopher isn’t mad. But it still sucks that this always happens when he says no to donating to those bullshit projects. 
In the truck however, Buck holds his hand over the center console, and gives him a reassuring smile that helps his shoulders feel a little less tense.
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shadowsfascination · 3 years
Sonamy YAAU - Irreversible [Chapter 15 - B]
Impatient and restless as ever a blue hedgehog footed in circles through a dark cave, trying to make up his mind. He would sit back on a flat rock and toss up a red emerald only to catch it again. Then he would rise up and start walking again. The resolution that had landed inside him to proceed and indeed go through with this red emerald stuff was gone when he woke up this morning- highly unnerved by a vivid dream. One that had awoke all kinds of questions in his mind that he wasn’t able to shake off. And it wasn’t like him to be this unnerved. Having come to terms about his feelings for Amy had robbed Sonic of his care-free signature attitude. It was extremely annoying for him because he felt like he couldn’t face this problem the way he used to face all the other issues in his life. Running away wasn’t an option because Mobius needed him to fight the oppression from the A.R. and talking to Amy about it wasn’t either. If anything, he didn’t want her to find out. He’d be humiliated but most importantly: nothing would be the same if she knew.   Talking to Tails about it last night was highly uncomfortable for him enough. Neither of them had ever had dated someone before so they shared the lack of experience there. And even though Tails was a couple of years younger than Sonic, he still didn’t take any interest in girls or kissing and everything. It appeared to Sonic that Tails might have a different reason for that than he himself; a girlfriend would slow him down and rob him of his freedom… So he thought for a very long time, until he now had found a new interest in Amy all of the sudden. The dream of last night, in which Amy returned his feelings, kissed him with her rosy lips and chose him over Shadow was proof of that. Immediately he felt guilty for even the tiniest bit of desire to have her instead of Shadow, who he now had come to deeply respect. The swirl of feelings of hope, joy, guilt and surprise overwhelmed him. He had never had dreams like this one before and it had made him doubt what to do.   He shook the upcoming thoughts off, tossed the emerald up once more and caught it with ease and confidence: he was going forth with the plan. He had to get over this! “Sonic? Are you in here?”   Of all the times, why now? Why her? Sweet chaos! You gotta be kidding. It was almost completely dark in here, so maybe if he kept really quiet, she’d go away.. How did she know where he was anyway?   His wristwatch caught his eye and he drew a long and heavy sigh. His location was on and so his marker was trackable for anyone in his friend list- including Amy of course.   “Sonic! I need to talk to you! It’s urgent!” Her voice was drawing near and he heard the tiny chunks of stone crackle under her shoes while she was stepping closer to him.   “Are you in here? I can’t see a thing!” Suddenly he was blinded by the spotlight she turned on and he almost never felt so embarrassed before- as realization dawned that he had yet to explain why he was hiding in this dark cave, ignoring her. To make things worse his tongue felt tied. Sonic swallowed: “A-amy! What brings you here?” He smiled at her in discomfort while in search of where to put his hands in a way that wasn’t unnatural, but failed. Where on Mobius did he leave them before? “Don’t act so casual with me.” At least she thought he was being casual.   “How else would I act?” She looked at him with a worried expression.   “Please don’t go through with it.”  The blood in his hands and feet seemed to draw away. His hands got sweaty and his stomach twisted and churned. He clenched the red emerald in his hands, tiring his fingers from the cramp. She knew! “Is this why we barely seen anything from you for the last weeks?” He remained silent.   “Why didn’t you just talk to me? I thought we were friends!”  “It’s not easy to talk about you know. I’ve never felt anything like this before. And, I… I didn’t want to jeopardize our friendship! It would’ve been for the best. And besides, guys don’t really talk about these things much anyway.”   “It would only have worked if I were totally oblivious about it.” “You weren’t, then?” “I suspected something because you were acting so strange in the cave when Shadow took me home. And then afterwards you didn’t check in on me?! That’s so unlike you.” “I know. I’m sorry.” “I started to think that you didn’t care! But then it dawned to me. That you might care too much after all.”  A quick flashback of his Chaos Engery Transfer in the cave passed by in his mind.   “Did you share that vision with me then, back in the cave?” “I did,” she confessed. “My memory was a little blurry at first, but I regained it later.” “We’ll need a new plan than.” Sonic sat down and leaned with his back against the cave wall. Amy sat down next to him and it made him nervous. She placed a hand on his knee. She asked him what he exactly felt for her and he told her everything: the fear of suddenly losing her, how he thought of her as amazing, kind, strong and brave and that he didn’t see a future without her in it. How he suddenly was filled with love at the moment he transferred his Chaos Energy to her and how he didn’t know how to act. The fear of ruining their friendship and how annoying it was that he didn’t know what to do. How he lost himself in it and how it led to this stupid Chaos emerald legend-thing. And then there was Shadow, who was more of a friend to him now than he had been a rival. He didn’t want to be a burden to anyone, so he tried to get rid of this ridiculous emotional rollercoaster that he was placed in without approval. Amy nodded while she listened to him.   “Sweetie, I knew you loved me. I don’t know though if it’s a romantic kind of love.” “What?” He eyes widened with the possibility of and escape.   “I mean: are you attracted to me?” “How would I know?” “Do you want to kiss me?” He looked deeply into her eyes, heating up in distress of not knowing.   “Ames, you’re gorgeous, but it doesn’t matter if I do. You’re with Shadow and you’re happy. Right?” “I am… And I can’t believe I’m gonna say this but, Sonic, I’m not the girl I used to be. I’ve been trying to catch your eye for so many years… Even though my love for you was a great part of my strength, it’s been also exhausting. I just gave up at some point. I didn’t believe you would ever want me like this… And I got older, more serious, focussed on my studies and became less clingy, haha. Then Shadow and I became a couple. He is amazing and treats me so well. He’s secretly such a gentleman.” 
“I get that. It’s just too late, isn’t it?” “I guess. I just don’t want to open that book again, Sonic.” “Kind of ironic. I’m never late.” “There’s a first time for everything, right?” “True. How did you know what I planned on doing by the way?” “Tails told me. I dragged it out of him. He feels horrible. You should go see him.” Sonic looked at her in annoyance, unsure if he cared at all at this point and in doubt who he blamed more: Tails or Amy. “Anyway: I’ll just have to get over this...” He said with a regained confidence and calm heart. It didn’t hurt that bad after all. ”Can you help me with that?” “How?” “Maybe you could go back to being a crazy obsessed teenager again? That drove me far from you, didn’t it? Or I could ask Shadow about all the things he doesn’t like about you. Oh! I can think of one thing already: you’re a hothead.” “Are you aware that you’re still talking?” She snarled at him, trying to hold her temper, squeezing his hand so tight that it hurt.   “Ah! Okay, I get it.” The two of them giggled at each other and suddenly burst into inexplicable laughter. For the first time in weeks the air felt cleared and the vibe between these two friends was like it always had been. He looked up to her and then rested his head on her shoulder, heaving a sigh.   “I’m sorry I got us into this mess.”  “It’s okay.”  We’re cool?” “Always.” 
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ninjakasuga · 4 years
Sonsal Celebration Year 2, Day 7
On the seventh day of the Sonsal celebration hosted by @boundforfreedomsonsal we have the prompt of peace. Something I’m sure many of us would have loved to have seen the Freedom Fighters get to enjoy when their respective series came to an end. Sadly the screw-ups of Archie Comics, Ken Penders well being Ken Penders, and a little of Sega’s own mishandling caused us to never truly see Sonic, Sally and Co. have their day of peace canonically. Luckily we fans can fix that.
“...It brings me great pleasure to formally announce the end of the war started by Julian Kintobar, aka Dr. Robotnik, and perpetuated by his counterpart Dr. Eggman. Any and all allies of the two Empires created by these evil men have also been dealt with, leaving no one seeking to resume their mantle. Not only has this long, and difficult conflict finally over-.” Pausing in her speech, Sally took a lungful of air, but her smile never waned, as she also purposefully dragged out the pause to reign in the audience more. “All the nations of Mobius, be they any species of Mobians, or Humans have signed a hopefully lasting peace accord to not only end any potential future conflict but bring all the peoples’ of Mobius together as they never have before.” Despite prepping herself to keep her emotions in check, Sally found her eyes moisten but she kept a straight face, save for the smile widely forming as she couldn’t hide her joy. “We don’t have to live in fear anymore, and our world is truly free from tyranny. Everyone gathered here or not, thank you for your contributions. Now… LET’S CELEBRATE WE ALL EARNED IT!!”
At Sally’s last words, the crowds gathered before the stage in front of Castle Acorn hollered and cheered. After ten-plus years of living in fear of an evil scientist and his armies; the planet Mobius was free at last. Watching her people be happy made Sally’s heart glow with a warmth she didn’t know she needed. Bowing her head she turns from the podium and walks over to where her friends waited for her; especially a certain Hedgehog with a matching wedding band on his finger just like hers. As she wiped her eyes Sonic took a few steps to meet the distance, instantly his arms were around her for a hug and their lips met for a quick, but sweet and loving kiss.
Once it broke, her dear childhood friend, lover, and husband all rolled-into-one flashed one of his well-known grins. “Way past speech Sal.” “I started to nearly cry at the end.” She giggled, rubbing her eyes some more. “You’d think after all my practice I could have nailed it better.”
A familiar hand rested on Sally’s shoulder, with a soft southern drawl reaching her ears. “Aw heck Sally-girl, so you started to mist a little. Nobody will blame ya’ I mean fer’ Pete’s sake you did just announce the end to a nearly thirteen-year war we’ve been fighting since we were kids.”
Bunnie’s husband, Antoine moving to stand beside his wife, and as always holding her hand, gave a nod with his own smile. “Oui, as my dear beloved put it, no one would be zee upset at you being over the joy with the war’s end.”
Moving over a young two-tailed fox wrapped his arms around Sally’s waist, giving a squeeze before looking up so his gaze could meet Sally’s. A smirk mirroring Sonic’s adorning his face. “I think what we’re getting at Sally is, you did great, so don’t think you messed up the speech for getting misty-eyed.”
With a loud, merry chuckle Rotor merely crossed his arms as he walked closer himself, the old gang gathering once again. “I think I’m going to have to stand by the others in saying you did great Sally. Personally, even after my stint as a council member, I’d have choked up half-way through that.”
Unable to help herself, Sally giggled, enjoying the banter as she looked at her husband and friends with a playful smirk. “What is this, pick on Sally after her speech day?”
As if on cue, Nicole materialized from a nearby emitter, and reached over to pet Sally’s head. “Maaaaybe, we all just love you and wish you still are too hard on yourself. Your speech was lovely, to the point, but also if I may add, the start of the tears I think helped the audience accept this was ‘finally’ over.”
Looking at the faces of her dearest friends, Sally internally acknowledged they were right, and simply held her arms out. “Freedom Fighters… one last group hug? As a team?”
Without a word, the band of friends all formed a group hug with Sally at the center. A multitude of emotions coursing through each of them as their bond as friends and Freedom Fighters held them together and steered the course of their lives as much as the war that forced them to grow up so fast. One by one, not an eye was dry as happy tears began to leak from everyone and their mutual holding of one another tightened but never enough to cut off oxygen.
“D-do you think now that the fighting’s over we won’t see each other much anymore?” Murmured Tails in a soft voice as the thought crossed his mind. It was one that briefly flared when they first thought they won after Robotniks’ defeat. Of course, now things were so different than it was back then. He had his parents whom he was still making up for lost time with. Rotor still had family in the Tundra waiting for him. Sonic, Sally, Bunnie, and Antoine were married and could now start their own lives. Nicole was probably gonna be busy since she now had a bio-nanite living body and could have her own life beyond the administrator of the city and the nanite colony.
Reaching over, Sonic ruffled the head-fur of the fox he deemed his little brother affectionately. “Heck to the no there li’ bro. We all might do our own things for a bit but we ain’t gonna just treat the other like strangers.” Eye twinkling he eased from the group hug to wrap his arms around Tails and give him an affectionate noggie. “Plus don’t forget you’re big brother to Manik and Sonia. That means you’ll see us plenty since Sal and I are also on tap babysitters from time to time like you are.”
This seemed to assure the fox while smiled and wiped his eyes, his expression much cheerier now. “Heh, good point, us big brothers gotta help teach the li’ sibs right?”
“That’s the spirit!”
Giggling, Bunnie smiled at the scene of brotherly love and looked over to Antoine, a crafty, yet loving gaze sent his way. “Now that we know no boogie-man is gonna pop outta th’ ground. I’m all for enacting our plans for extended second-honeymoon Sugah-Twan.”
At the mention of this idea, the coyotes’ eyes twinkled as he held up his wife’s hand and kissed her knuckles. “Oui, oui  my love, I am how do you say..? ‘All-in’ on this idea.”
The rabbit’s own eyes sparkle with love and plans, lots of future plans. “Maybe we could start planning for our own li’ brood?” When her husband’s only response was to blush but nod his head vigorously, Bunnie laughed and leaned in to kiss him. “I love you, ya’ you big sweetie!”
“Going for kids already?” Inquired Rotor with a raised eyebrow, and a smile.
“We’ve been discussing it a lot, and frankly being a Mom is something I wanna be, so why not?” Bunnie giggles, her cheeks flushed as she rubbed her belly longingly. “I got all mah parts flesh again, and we don’t gotta fight, so dreams and rest of our lives here I come!”
“Speaking of extended honeymoon’s…” Sally walks over and hugs Sonic from behind. “That sounds like a wonderful idea.”
Nodding, Sonic rested his hands over hers around his waist. “Yeah, we didn’t exactly get to have one. Just a long weekend to ourselves.” Rubbing his chin, Sonic began to ponder on where they could go. With the planet free now, sans any areas in need of rebuilding the sky was the limit.
Then a thought hit him, with a grin he urges Sally to follow him. The two make their way over to another group of friends who were like they had been, celebrating. “Yo Knux’!”
Hearing his nickname, Knuckles the Echidna looked away from the discussion he was having with Vector and Julie-Su. Spying the Hedgehog and Squirrel-munk coming his way. “What’s up Sonic?”
“Can Sal and I borrow your island for our proper honeymoon?”
“Excuse me?” His spines bristled mostly on reflex to anyone mentioning doing, well anything with his island.
Knowing how easy it was for Sonic to antagonize Knuckles without trying, Sally interjected. “What he means Knuckles, is could we visit Angel Island and just… have our honeymoon there? We’d stay out of the way, we’ve just never, been there without some crisis going on. All the different biomes and vistas just scream to be explored and enjoyed.”
“Plus given it flies over the planet the views off the edge are gorgeous.” Quipped Sonic, who now clapped his hands together and bowed his head humbly. “C’mon Knux it’s the perfect place for newlyweds to get lost and have a good time.”
Covering her mouth, Julie-Su snickered. “Oh, you bet it is.”
Picking up on this, Sally smirked widely. “Oh? Maybe you can give us some tips?”
Running with the topic, Julie kept on still smirking widely if her cheeks were now a bit pinker. “Well, not per se Knuckles and I’s make out spots but I can recommend some. Although one mutual spot I must, ‘must’ recommend is this tiny waterfall that has a small spot where an overhanging rock creates this gap big enough for two people to stand inside without being constantly pelted with water. Hmmm..” Her cheeks brightened and her body fidgeted with the memory. “Nothing like standing under the falls with your man behind you, wailing-.” Putting a hand over his ears, Vector turned away, loudly and in a very grumble-y voice chanted. “La-la-la-la I can’t hear youuuu!”
“Walkers alive Julie!” Knuckles exclaimed his muzzle beat red as he gently grasped his girlfriend by the arm. “I don’t think anyone needs to know those details!”
Both Sally and Sonic snicker, and yet also mentally filed away this idea and would get the exact location from Julie later. Refocusing, Sonic reached over to pat Knuckles on the shoulder. “So joking aside, whaddya say Knux? It’s your call but it’d be a way-past cool favor. You know we won’t disturb anything nor go where we shouldn’t.”
“Please? We’ll owe you and Julie.” Sally added, trying to sweeten the deal with the cute-eyes routine and a pouty lip.
After just staring at the two with his usual impassive expression, Knuckles let out a long sigh but then smiled. “What the heck, sure. Consider it a done favor anyway since you guys helped bail me and the island out a number of times-OW!” At a sudden pinch, he looked at Julie. “What was that for?”
“They were gonna owe us a solid and you dismissed it? Knuckles, honey, my one and only…” She cups his face, and pinches his cheeks. “You always accept being owed a favor back! Think about the possibilities!”
“Ow, ow, ow sorry!”
Laughing, Sonic waved a hand. “Consider the favor still on, and thanks a million!” He insisted, figuring he should offer if to help Knuckles out of his situation with Julie in thanks for letting them stay on Angel Island.
“You won’t even know we’re there! Promise!” Sally quipped, giving both Echidnas a hug. “Thank you so much!”
Rubbing his nose, Sonic couldn’t help but smile as he looked around at his friends and the gathered crowds all celebrating. It took a long time, and probably more sacrifices than he would have liked, but finally, they had peace.
He closed his eyes, saying a silent prayer to the fallen, those he knew and those he didn’t. He wasn’t a religious sort but the departed were owed respect. He hoped they could rest easier now, just as those still alive could now truly live their lives to the fullest.
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najatheangel · 3 years
Hello!!! ✨ And here I am again!!hahaha I can't, I really love your ships!!
Can I have a written ship this time? With Nct 127, Exo and Got7, please? 🌸
Here is a description of my personality!
I'm really shy and extremely awkward. I'm not good at expressing myself talking, I speak in a low volume, I get really insecure because of it, and it takes me sometime to open up, so people need to be a little patient to get to know me. Sometimes I fear I'm a pushover because of my shyness and akwardness, although I try my best to not freeze at social interactions ahahha. I have a great fear of hurting people with my words and my actions, so I think a lot before I do something. But I'm actually friendly, I'm always smiling while talking, and I accept everyone with my whole heart. I never judge people, and try to understand every point of view. When I'm comfortable enough, I'm really goofy, playful and unintentionally funny. My friends say I'm an adorable cute little person (but weird and random too). I'm naturally quiet, a good listener,sensitive,kind, understanding,calm and open minded.I always try to be positive. Even though I don't speak much in a discussion, people always ask my for my opinion, and take the things I say seriously. I like making people's life easier and happier, so I'm usually silently doing little daily things for them. The feeling that I'm useful to someone keeps me going. I'm really grateful for everyone who likes me. I prefer to be around chill, fun and simple people, because my mood gets easily influenced by the mood of the people around me. But I'm always up to help everyone. I'm a really simple person, that enjoy simple things. My hobbies are drawing,crafting,painting and cooking (I'm specially into arts). I enjoy reading too, specially detective books. I like staying home, but I don't mind going out with friends to get some food or taking some night walk. I love animals, of all kinds. Hate mean and rude people, conflict, prejudice, injustice. I'm loyal to my friends and family, and value them a lot. I need to be friends first before falling in love. But once I'm in love, I'm selfless, and give my everything. But I enjoy my freedom and privace, so I don't like too jealous people, who want to control everything I do. To me, trust is the most important thing in a relationship.
That's it!
Thank you so much again!
I hope you're doing well! Stay safe, healthy and happy! ✨
Hello love it’s nice too see you again my dear. It was nice getting to know you more. You seem like a very sweet and angelic person. Sorry for the long wait my dear here’s your ship. 😊💫
From NCT 127, I ship you...Taeil
Positive Side: The next Sun & Moon 2.0! Both of your personalities favor and work so well together. When you first meet NCT 127, Taeil was the first member that caught your eye, because of his shining presence and his sense of humor that made you smile so much. After months and months of getting close as friends, it developed into a wonderful love story. The members helped him set up a mini concert at your house singing your favorite sing with backup vocal line Haechan, Jungwoo, Doyoung and Mark. Since Mark is apart of every unit. You’ve gladly accepted his invitation whole heartedly and the rest was history. As far as hobbies, this man will do anything as long as you were apart of it. He would be a big supporter of your artwork and would even ask for a private art class so he can make a portrait of you. And Win win lol. He would even look up art project ideas with you on pinterest and start creating things with you along with Dreamies. Taeil can also be very adventurous by walking with you to the bookstore to buy detective books or take midnight walks at the park. Lastly, when you have your moments he would be the first to knock at your door and not leave your side until he made you smile. He is an affectionate person and would cry with you while cuddling you when you pour your emotions out to him whether good or bad. Although this man is small and acts like a precious baby sometimes, he would be saving all his love for you. 
Negative Side: Once you both started dating, it was still a long yet hard process to adjust to. Whenever it came to dealing with the haters that didn’t support your relationship, it would get to your head sometimes and you would be afraid to get too close to Taeil sometimes so it won’t cause confrontation with the media. One time the small amount of harsh comments led you to ignoring his phone calls and he caught you crying alone in the bathroom which made him upset. He tried to run to you to hug you, but you wanted to deal with this problem alone so he wouldn’t suffer with you. “I’m alright Taeil.” As patient as he normally is, he wanted to respect you by giving your privacy until you felt like you truly needed him. At that point he just sighs and walks in the living room. “Okay, just let me know if you need anything.” 
But...: Later that day you’ve realized it was for the best to confess to Taeil what emotions you’ve kept inside about everything involving your relationship. At the end of the day he was someone you can trust with all your secrets and can get you through this situation. After having the talk with him, he was so understanding and relieved that you finally wasn’t afraid to depend on him anymore. He gave you the tightest hug and the most passionate kiss that night reassuring you that everything was going to be okay as long as he was around. “No matter what part of the world I am, I will always run back to you.”
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From Exo, I ship you with...Suho
Positive Side: This man is trying to make you his wifey for lifey. You both share the same goals when building friendships with people, being sweet, taking care of people around them and helping those who are in need. The devolopment of your friendship was so fast, but just like Taeil, becoming a couple was one hell of a ride. Deep down you both loved each other, but wanted to wait until the time was right and you both knew for sure the feeling was mutual. He would be the ultimate gentleman when your going out together, always going to art exhibits with you, taking millions of photos cause your his masterpiece ;) and even attempting to dance with you in public along to their music at the grocery store, but ends up feeling second hand embarrassment. I would too lol, still cute tho. He hardly feels awkward doing those things and just embraces it. He’s even suprised you with your first baby kitten and you both name him Buttercup. Lastly, you both share strong loyalty with each other no matter what. Overall this bond is too powerful and would be hard to tear apart.
Negative side: Suho would also find it hard to separate from you sometimes because he loves being with you most of the time. As far as dealing with your emotions, he wouldn’t want you to hide anything from him whether good or bad. He expects you two share everything together in the beginning of your relationship including thoughts, but it wasn’t that easy. Suho for the most part was understanding, but another part of him couldn’t stand leaving you alone to deal with those problems.
But...: Suho learned that he can’t pressure into speaking from your heart until the time was right. He also learned that he can’t baby you so much, because your his woman not his child or sister. Once you’ve started opening up more to him, he felt like the happiest man alive and gave you the tightest hug shedding tears. “You don’t ever have to deal with this alone, that’s what I’m here for. You got that?” The more comfortable you both communicated about your emotions, the easier it was to release instead of keeping it inside.
Anddd I’m deceased 😭😭👏🏽
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From Got7, I ship you with...Youngjae
Positive Side: I remember shipping you with him before visually, but personality wise I ship it 10x harder. First of all, two shy innocent angels falling in love is straight k-drama vibes I’m getting. The more confident you’re around each other, the more flirty you two love birds become. He would always share home cooked meals with you, tell funny stories about how he’s always goofing off with crack7 and have heart to heart talks about any insecurities he has amongst himself. This bucket full of sunshine sometimes have his cloudy days as well and can relate to you in that sense which balances out. If one person was feeling down, the other lifts that person’s spirit up and encourage them to think positively. Youngjae would admire how you would take care of the other members and his cutie baby pup coco. Your the love of his life and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Negative Side: The only problem I can honestly think of is when your both having a bad day, you both tend to keep it to yourselves and not bother the other person about it. You both handle confrontation the same way, but it either can go good or bad. Youngjae on the other hand is worse at dealing with his emotions, because he doesn’t want to be sad infront of you and tends to lie only so you won’t worry about him so much. Once you find out either way your hurting for him and start “It’s not a big deal sweetie, it was just a few hate comments.” “It is a big deal Youngjae, I just can’t sit there and let those mean people do that to you. It’s disrespectful.”
But...: In the end, you don’t want to leave each other wounded and left alone to deal with the pain, so you come into his room leaning your head on his lap rubbing his thigh in silence until he was ready to talk. Even silent treatment would work for you two as long as you were next to each other, anything was possible. What makes it even better is that he’s not upset for too long and attacks you with warm hugs and pepper kisses your cheeks. “What would I do without you y/n? I feel so much stronger and better with you here beside me”
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Out of everyone, I ship you with...either Taeil or Youngjae. Again couldn’t decide 😣
@thechoppersan My friend I hope you enjoyed this ship and it made you smile. Feel free to come back anytime angel. 😉☀️
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mileycfan4eva33 · 4 years
Fandom: SVU
Title:Epitaph Song
Chapter: 1 Down South
P O V: Amanda Rollins
Billy's Diner
Loganville, GA 2020
(A/N: Thank you as always for the readers who take the time to review, favorite or follow. As usual I own none of these SVU characters just my original characters. All others belong to NBC, Dick Wolf and Wold Ent. Jessie, Billie do not exist in this fic, I am still deciding if Noah dose or not. If you have a preference as to if you want Noah in it or not hit me up reviews motivate me.)
"Oh, Air Condition, thank God! It's hotter than a roasted pig on a skewer out there." Olivia Benson's laugh is light and airy as we enter the restaurant. "Oh, Amanda, I love your expressions, don't ever change. Seriously your southern drawl is so cute. Don't ever lose it."
"No worries, Olivia; it's been nearly ten years since I moved to New York. I haven't lost it yet." "Thanks again for coming down south with me. It means a lot."
"Your welcome Amanda, are you feeling any better since this weekend?" Shaking the soreness out of my weary bones I feel a yawn snaking up my jawlines as I try to fight it off to no avail, the yawn is relentless in its attempt to escape.
"A little thanks I am still tired and nausea I don't know why I slept all weekend, yet I still feel dizziness not as much as this weekend, but I am still weakened almost as if I am drained of all energy." Sliding into the booth, I lean back against the cool plastic backboard. "I'm sorry for calling out on you this weekend, Captain."
"Amanda, please, stop don't worry about it your health is too important don't apologize." "I am sorry, Liv, not just for this weekend, but now we're both away from NYC."
"Because your dad passed away, Amanda, we're not here on vacation. Kat and Fin understand, and Chief Garland sent two detectives to help out, SVU is covered. Please take some of this concern and apply it to yourself; you lost your dad. I know you haven't been close to him in years, but he is still your dad, give yourself the allowance to mourn, Amanda. Don't hide your emotions down and pretend that everything is perfectly fine."
"I don't think it's hit me yet, Olivia. I just don't feel anything." Olivia's hand slips over my hand as we lay them on the table, waiting on the waitress to come over to us. "It will Amanda, I don't know when sweetie, it may take weeks, days, months, but it will hit you. I just want you to know that I am here, honey, whenever you want to talk."
"Thank you, Liv; I appreciate this jester I know we haven't always been close, but I love the friendship that has been built over the last four years." "As do I Amanda. I love the trust that we've built within each other, the respect. Where is the waitress?"
"Liv, it's the south; we take our sweet time with everything, ain't no rushin' in the country life."
"You ever miss living down here, Peach?" "Honestly, Liv, there are parts I miss like my family, friends. I miss the comfort in knowing there is always someone here who will have your back. What I don't miss is everyone knowing everyone else business."
"Is that a true thing? Everyone else knows each other's business?"
As if God was given me a clue incomes Betsy Jane Rose "Oh, my bless my heart Amanda-Taylor Rollins, is that truly you?" I pick my head up, gritting my teeth as she comes flying inside the restaurant arms wild "Betsy Jane Mary-Sue it sure is, wow child it's been yonders since you've rolled back into these parts."
"Oh, I am so sorry about your daddy, such a shame bless your heart honey-bee."
"Oh well, how sweet of you, Ms. Betsy, so very kind of you thank you, how did you hear about my daddy's passing per se? We didn't put it in the Tribune or online."
"Oh, Sugar, you know how these things work, Lord, who needs that dingy old paper when we gave word of mouth. Has it been that long Darlin? Surely you remember the good old Betsy-Jane- Mary-Sue train."
"Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit. Oh Amanda, let me enlighten you wow New York City has slapped you silly, child. Anyways So Mary-Jo Higgins oh heavens I was born at night, but not last night! Duh, of course, you don't know who Mary-Jo Higgins is, well back in our days of youth she went by Mary-Jo Robins, so any who baby, Mary-Jo is now an RN."
"That's a Registered Nurse, by the way." "Yes, Ms. Rose, I know what an RN is."
"So yeah Mary-Jo works a that's Loganville Medical Center where your daddy was brought to by the Ambulance. So Mary-Jo was there when he passed bless his heart so Mary-Jo well you know good ol' Mary-Jo never could keep a secret so of course, she told her Mama who had to run down to the Salon to say to Ms. Sue who of course told the whole Salon."
Both of us laugh, "How did you find out, darlin?"
"Oh, you know this little thing called HIPPA they like to notify the Next of Kin, and since my parents you know divorced many moons ago, that would make me the eldest child his next of kin, since he hasn't gotten to remarry yet."
"Speaking of kin-folk dear, where is that sister of yours? She straighten her life out yet? Kimberly coming on her own?"
"No, Ma'am, I'm afraid she ain't gonna make it, you know the whole being in jail thing it kind of puts a cramp on a person's freedom. Thank you so much for coming over though, I sure don't want to keep you."
I don't give her a chance to answer quickly, sliding back into the booth turning to Olivia. Just as our waitress comes over. "good afternoon- honey pies, what can I get you ladies?" after we order, I lean back as Olivia starts to laugh, unable to hold in her amusement over Ms. Rose any longer. "So that's how news travels down south Captain." eagle eyeing Betsy across the room, I can already see she's on her cell phone. "Well, the whole damn town will know I am back soon enough." "that has to be frustrating, Amanda." "Oh, Liv, you ain't got a clue. Every day dealing with women like, is there any doubt about why I got out of here faster than a bat out of hell."
I stay silent about the other reason I left Georgia as soon as I was old enough my sexuality there's no room for differences here in the good old south. No way could I tell Olivia this though she has no idea I am a lesbian. "So, is your Mom coming?" "Lord, no Liv she's up in NY taking care of Mason, Mama said she was sorry the son of a bitch died, but she dumped his ass years ago, let his new hussy handle the affairs."
"My dear new sister, who I haven't even met yet. She's handling everything as per my dad's living will."
"Amanda, I am so sorry." "Don't be Olivia, I am fine." "Of course you are." I don't reply not because I don't have the response in me but because the doors burst open and a vast mass of people come pouring into the already packed diner.
"Amanda! It is true! You are back!" Tommy Jake Edwards "TJ" calls out "Yo Ms. Betsy Jane was right boys. Good Ol Rollins is back in town." there are rumblings from the entire group of men "Liv meet the former jocks of Loganville High School Pyro Red Devils who ruled LHS's halls from 1996-1999."
"Rollins, how can you sneak back into town and say nothing? Yo, Rollins, that is rude! I thought we were your boys!"
"Bump that T-rolls, I am pissed forget these clowns, I am your cousin! Uncle Jimmy is my kin-folk too. Where's my love?"
"Hey, Jensen, I just got back into town like literally ten minutes ago. I'm sorry it's been crazy these last few days. My head is still spinning. I haven't told anyone yet, sorry, truly."
Jensen's arms wrap around me tightly. "No worries, cuz. I got you. I am sorry I know you and your Pa wasn't close but damn it still sucks." "Thanks, Jensen, yeah, it does."
Coming out of his hug, I'm met by his brother Blake who I hug as tightly. "Yo boys will catch you later going to hang with family." the rest of the crew waves blowing me kisses as Liv, and I make room for these two. "Hi. I'm Olivia Benson, Amanda's boss, and friend."
"Oh honey-child we know who you are, we've heard all about you now haven't we Blake?" "Oh, yes, Yes, we have well let us introduce ourselves since Miss. Amanda has the manners of a pig. I am Blake Yankee; Jensen is my twin brother; our Mama is Amanda's dad sister."
"Were you three close growing up?" "Oh, tighter than chili papers, Mama, us, and our uncle TC's kids, our cousins Alonso and Scottie, are coming in tomorrow." "They called us the Rollin- Yankee-Terrors." Sipping my sweet tea, I groan, remembering all the names the seven of us use to get growing up. "don't tell her that she is my boss."
"Oh relax Junebug, it ain't like I told her about the time you put laxatives in Ernie Reynaldo's cornbread when you were ten and locked him in the outhouse for the whole day and told our teacher he ran away to the circus."
Olivia laughs so loudly. I feel my temperature rise in my face. "You what?" my face buries into the palms of my hands. "Yo, boy, that was nothing. Remember when we were twelve, and Kyle Kane told Manda she was uglier than a burnt barn, she took his pants and underwear while he was changing and threw it into the river."
Both boys bang on the table laughing, shoving each other as Olivia arched an eyebrow in my direction "Oh, yeah I do, she let the anger seethe inside all week till Saturday when the whole town was gathered for the annual fishing competition. When Kyle's dad was with the reporter for Atlanta news, Kyle comes walking bare-ass naked; the entire town saw him walking his little dude swinging in the breeze. Kyle was grounded for months. "
My embarrassment only increases as I lay my head down, groaning while all three laugh. "Oh, God, even as a kid, Amanda, you were a rule-breaker and a little shit-head." I feel Olivia's hand stroke mine laughing as she hangs her head down tears running down her face, which a lovely rose color.
I only pick my head up when the food arrives, feeling my whole body shiver and jolt as I lean back, smelling the greasy food. Reaching for the ketchup, I pop a fry in my mouth. I still can't shake this feeling of being drained or the tightness in my head.
"Oh My." another voice pops into my world as I see Mr. Jason Axson and Mrs. Janet Axson coming in with their two kids Christopher 17, Savannah 14. her voice cuts through the air. "How are you, Sugar?' "I am just peachy; thank you, just enjoying dinner with my family, here."
"Oh, of course, we don't mean to interrupt. You could use the food; obliviously, you are mighty thin sugar. Your daddy was right; they are working your tail to its bone up there in that big city unless you are sick again, darling."
"No Ma'am, I am right as a peach as I said, but I am trying to enjoy my dinner." "Yeah, Janet let these nice folks eat; worry about our own family; I do apologize, Miss. Amanda lovely to see you again, we shall pop in at another time."
Olivia's eyes stare right into mine. I know she's wondering about the "Are you sick again" line my face flushes as I look down, avoiding her eyes and the question. Another part of my past she has no idea about, My stomach rolls as I think about all the secrets and pressures I have on top of me, none of which Olivia needs to add to her plate.
"I need to use the bathroom, I'll be back, excuse me." getting up I start to head there, of course, a two-minute walk becomes ten as I am stopped by multiple people offering their condolences. My back hits the wall just as another wave of dizziness hits me; I do everything inside of me not to show it to anyone, I can see Olivia's eyes on me from across the room. Yet it isn't Olivia who catches my attention, rare I know.
This time, Savannah's voice so young, scared, and nervous. I am standing right next to their table as I hear Savannah say. "Mama, Daddy, I have something to tell you." Savannah's beautiful emerald eyes glisten as she stares at her parents. "I am a Lesbian, and I plan to come out this weekend at the prom."
Savannah's courage freezes me. I am forty and don't have the courage she has at fourteen-years-old. I can't think fast enough to react before her mom is out of her chair, smacking Savannah across her face. "You are not gay! Stop your lying, you fifthly whore! Who put these lies in your head? You are a good girl, a good baptist girl. Take it back!"
"No Mama, I can't I won't because I am gay, and yes I am a good girl, I am a baptist and MVP for the last two years in all the southern regions. I will play at college, and I will go pro, and my sexuality won't stop me from doing any of that."
"Fool, of course, it will, but you won't have to because you are not gay!"
"Mama, I am please just listen to me. Stop being such a bitch."
Her dad jumps up, grabbing at Savannah as I react, finally racing towards Savannah as Jason starts yelling. "Don't talk to your mother that way! Ever! No daughter of mine will be a sinner! I could deal with you being pregnant, not this! This is unforgivable. You either get over this phrase you little slut or you are OUT OF THIS FAMILY! Let's go now, Christopher, Janet leave her."
I hurry towards Savannah, who is trying with her whole body to remain strong as her family walks out. I know her face is stinging from the assault, but it's nothing like the pain in her soul. The rest of the restaurant sits there, not offering to help just turning to their families. My hands connect to Savannah's as I help her sit down "Sweetie, I am so sorry that your parents reacted to you."
"It's okay, ma'am, I excepted this. It was so so stupid-crazy to even except for any different outcome."
"No honey, it isn't it's not crazy or stupid to except unconditional love from your family; that's what parents are supposed to do. Of course, you wanted to tell them living in secrets, hiding who you are, it's exhausting. The if only or what-ifs or the I should have's, they take their tolls."
"It's 2020, not 1990 times have changed; maybe the south should catch up." My hands rub Savannah's back softly. "I'm from here honey, so I get it baby-girl I know how scary accepting your sexuality is, I know how painful it is to hold this all inside, to feel as if you ain't normal simply because you don't feel fireworks when the popular jocks kiss you."
"I knew that when I was thirteen, I felt it already I was great to hang out with boys all day when it came to playing ball, or telling dirty jokes or pulling pranks, but when it came to who I was attracted to sexually or emotionally, guys they just didn't do it for me. I could feel myself gravitating toward girls in ways that I didn't with boys."
"Don't let your sexual identity label you or define you—whether it be as lesbian, bisexual, asexual, or another term—how you choose to label yourself is not based on a checklist. You can still be everything you just told your parents; you can play any instrument you want to learn, you can be the best damn softball player this world's ever seen."
"Savannah, I started figuring it out at thirteen, but I didn't let myself act physically until I was 16, I kissed a girl at a party for the first time, and it was magical. Everything flowed so naturally, my body just knew what to do. I reacted to her in a way that felt right—the way I had always envisioned the first kiss to be. I tried saying I was bisexual for a quick minute and even had sex with several guys to prove that I wasn't an abomination the way the church, my family, and everyone else in this town always said gay people are. Still, I could feel myself gravitating toward girls in ways that I didn't with boys."
"Did your family accept you?"
"I don't know I never told anyone I was too scared. It was a different time back then before it got better or internet support. There were no Gay pride parades even now at forty living in NYC, a place filled with cultural and sexuality differences. I am still living in that small-town mindset. I can't tell anyone. I can't even tell the woman who I am madly in love with who I know is so accepting of people. Because I am still afraid that even with an open mind as beautiful as Olivia's, I am afraid she'll reject me."
"Savannah, I know this feels like the end of the world right now, it's not I am right by your side. I will support you; you can stay with me. Will get through this together."
"Thank you, Miss. Amanda. Thank you so much. I think you should tell this Olivia lady how you feel. Even with my parent's rejection, I feel such a weight off my chest; I feel as if I can finally breathe."
"Amanda, maybe you should listen to Savannah, she seems like a brave young lady, and I love women who are strong in body, mind, and spirit. You have a very sexy strong body, and I know your mind is sharp, so if you get some balls Amanda and tell me how you feel face to face, I think we might be able to make a beautiful connection, of our minds, souls and our bodies." Olivia's voice completely freezes every sense, emotion and body function inside of me. I can't speak, think, move or even breathe.
Did she just hear me confess my deepest feelings for her?
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