#(because uni and I currently work on another writing thing)
lieutenant-amuel · 2 years
I remember some time ago you mentioned you're going to introduce new characters in the next chapter of your Gabe fic. If that's not a spoiler, can you tell us who they are? Btw I'm excited for the update!
Thank you for this question and keeping your interest in it ❤
That's a bit spoiler-y, actually, but I'll give you some general information.
I'm going to introduce three new characters: one of them is related to Valerio, as she (yes, that's a woman) knew him before he got to Gabe's school (which means she knows about his scars and his past~); two other characters are related to each other, they're sort of a duet and will be very important for the main plot. They're also women because I need more important female characters who are not dead in my fic, lol.
Thank you again!
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weltato · 6 months
Writers of Tumblr, listen up! This has probably been said before but I'mma say it again:
Do you feel like you're procrastinating on your current fic by writing down another one because an idea struck you at 2am? No you're not.
Do you feel like you're procrastinating on your current fic because you've been doing school/uni/job work? No you're not, that stuff is more important than how many socks Deku wears on any given day.
Do you feel like you've been procrastinating on your current fic because you just haven't had the energy and all you want to do is binge YouTube videos and eat ice cream? No, you're not, take care of yourself!
Are you down because you've got three WIPs open and can't think of how to fit some scenes together? Don't bother, just keep writing the fun and interesting scenes.
If writing is a fun hobby for you, don't make your fun hobby into a chore.
If writing is your job, don't turn your job into a chore.
We as humans work better when we're enjoying what we're doing - just think back to when you were in school: what lessons do you remember the most of and which ones did you enjoy?
As Star Trek keeps telling us: time isn't linear, it's relative. So why do we have to write things in linear order? No one ever really told us to do that, school systems just assumed it. They said "write a beginning, middle and end, in that order" because it was the easiest and most streamlined approach.
But this is your fic or your book or your assignment, you don't have to write it that way. Write it in the way that the ideas come.
If the opening is hard, write the big fight at the climax. If the connection is eluding you, write the scenes it's supposed to connect between and see what happens. You'll get there, I believe in you <3
At the end of the day, please enjoy writing! Enjoy reading too! If you have kids or know kids, encourage them to read! Little kids especially have a tendency to copy what older people do, so show them books you love.
Don't feel bad because you haven't updated a fic in months. You've been letting the ideas cook and they just have a really long cooking time. Re-read some stuff and maybe some ideas will come up. Listen to music, watch your shows and films, read other books and fics. Go for a walk, even - you can get inspiration from anything.
WIP owners: I believe in you. You can do this! They might sit there and taunt you, or beg to be finished, but if you can't do it right now then you can't do it right now and you should take a break. Save it, close it, do something else. Come back to it when you're ready.
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xjustakay · 8 months
(9/1) prompt: school — 963 words (uni/college au; mentioned sexual content) @jegulus-microfic
Regulus has been in the library for all of twenty minutes when his two best friends find him. Barty drops down in the seat beside him, Evan taking up one of the chairs across the table, but Regulus doesn’t look up. He’s busy reorganizing his lecture notes into a proper study guide, he doesn’t have time for whatever they’ve turned up for.
Of course, that does nothing to stop them from being a nuisance anyway.
“Did you hear about the big start of semester bash that’s happening tonight?” Barty asks, spinning one of Regulus’ highlighters obnoxiously on the table in front of him.
Regulus smacks his hand down on it when his eye twitches. “Heard about it. Don’t care.”
There’s a beat of silence and a quick glance upward tells him that the two idiots he’s associated himself with are exchanging a look, all lifted brows and dangerous smirks.
“What?” Regulus snaps.
“Your brother’s hosting,” Evan notes casually.
Barty leans uncomfortably close, draping an arm over his shoulders. “With Potter.”
It’s a test of his poker face, one that Regulus manages to pass this time as he continues writing and only offers a noncommittal hum in response.
“Nothing?” Barty jerks back abruptly. Regulus hopes he falls off his chair.
“We know he’s screaming on the inside,” Evan snickers, taunting.
Regulus drags his tongue along the inside of his cheek for a moment, eyes down. “Actually, unlike some people, I care about school.”
“We’re only three days into the semester, get over yourself,” Barty replies.
Rolling his eyes, Regulus finishes his current bullet point before setting down his pen and leaning back in his chair, arms folding across his chest.
“So what’s your angle this time? Run around the party gathering bets on how many drinks until he and I disappear for the night?” Regulus glances between them both.
“It’s worked well enough before.” Evan shrugs.
“I hate you.” Regulus sneers when Evan only shrugs a second time, looking smug.
Barty laughs, knocking a fist a touch too hard against his shoulder. “It’s not our fault you two are so fucking predictable with each other.”
It’s unfortunately not even a far off assessment, and Regulus hates it even more that Barty’s right. 
They’ve got this dance they do around one another down to a perfect routine, him and James. It started nearly a year ago, a Halloween party instead of a back to school one. James had looked entirely too fucking good in his stupid excuse for a costume —a cowboy in denim cut-offs and a tasseled vest without a shirt underneath, so much of his glorious tan skin on display for Regulus to marvel at. 
Four drinks into the night and James’ black cowboy hat was dangling off the back of his neck from its string, his head thrown back while Regulus was on his knees with his mouth working eagerly around James’ cock.
It’s been a cycle of similar instances since.
Regulus isn’t stupid, he knows their larger group of friends are aware that they’ve been hooking up, tiptoeing around anything more than all the sex they’ve been having in the last year. It’s his own best friends that have made a fucking game out of it, though. Because they’re rotten and aggravating and want Regulus to murder them one day, he’s convinced.
“Well, too bad for the two of you that I won’t be going.” Regulus sniffs, picking his pen back up.
Because the universe is clearly working against him, it’s at that precise moment that Regulus’ phone buzzes on the table, a photo of James half-asleep and grinning lazily at him in bed taking over the screen. 
Barty positively cackles when he notices, much too loud for the library. Regulus swats him on the back of his head when he passes by to exit temporarily. His things are left behind with his friends as he hurries out the library’s front doors, answering his phone the second he’s outside.
Immediately upon the phone being pressed to his ear, James asks, “Are you coming tonight?”
There’s an insinuating joke that Regulus could easily make, but he scowls to himself when he realizes how much like his brother it would be to do so.
“Wasn’t planning on it,” He mutters.
“Had a feeling you’d say that,” James replies, chuckling. A brief pause follows, the lift of Regulus’ brows going unseen. “What if I told you I’d make it worth your while?”
“That’s sort of the issue, isn’t it?” Regulus snorts.
“You didn’t think it was an issue when we were fucking around half the summer before school,” James counters.
Regulus’ nose wrinkles faintly and he looks down as he scuffs the toe of his shoe along the cement. “Barty and Evan are planning to collect bets again.”
“What else is new?” 
He can practically see the carefree shrug of James’ shoulders as if he’s standing in front of him.
“I can fuck you this time instead, is that a good enough reason?” James offers, only half-joking. And it’s… tempting, Regulus can’t deny that, but he doesn’t say so. When he stays quiet, James lets out a heavy sigh. “Come on, please? I want to see you, Reg.”
Somehow that’s what does it. 
A sickening swoop in his stomach, a stutter and skip of his heart in his chest. God fucking damn it, he really is predictable, so deep in whatever this is. Regulus rubs his free hand over his mouth like it might wipe away the smile threatening to appear. Taking in a deep breath, he finally relents with a quick ‘fine.’
James clearly pulls his phone away from his face to let out an enthusiastic ‘yes!’ but Regulus still hears it distantly, shaking his head, lips curling upward as his smile wins.
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simplestudentplanning · 5 months
22 Reasons To *NOT* Drop Out of Uni
Edit: I noticed that some of these reasons seem superficial, but I created this list with the intention of helping non-intrinsically motivated people feel like uni isn’t this huge obligation they have to do (even when it is). It’s supposed to give them a reason to wake up in the morning feeling excited for school. Some people just aren’t motivated by reasons like, “to learn new things,” or “to change the world,” because those reasons aren’t personal to them. They have to feel like they’re not wasting their time doing this 4-year process. This is especially true for people that were forced to go to school due to their parents, outside expectations, and other similar reasons! For others, that aren’t forced to go and truly want to expand their knowledge, sometimes just have bad days and need a little extra motivation to get them going!
It's finals; I get it. We're all burnt out and/or discouraged, but sometimes we all need a little reminder of why we're doing this.
You can read these as affirmations, write them in your notebook, or say it out loud. Whatever works for you, just do it.
Some of these might work for you, some might not. Just find a reason to keep going when you feel unmotivated.
Note: I will be updating this post occasionally, so feel free to drop some suggestions!
I will finish my degree so I can be the first _____ in the family.
I will finish my degree to get my dream job.
I will finish my degree so I can make MONEHHH.
I will finish my degree so I can provide for my family (current or future).
I will finish my degree so I can live my dream life.
I will finish my degree so I can show everyone who ever doubted me that I did it.
I will finish my degree so I can make my family proud.
I will finish my degree so I can make _____ proud.
I will finish my degree so I can make myself proud.
I will finish my degree so I can be a role model for kids.
I will finish my degree so I can destroy the patriarchy.
I will finish my degree so I can show little girls that you can be a successful [insert job title] as a woman.
I will finish my degree so I can show little boys that you can be a successful [insert job title] as a man.
I will finish my degree so I can show kids that you can be a successful [insert job title], regardless of your gender.
I will finish my degree so I can say "I told you so" to _____.
I will finish my degree so I show my [role model/mentor] I did it.
I will finish my degree so I can prove everyone wrong.
I will finish my degree so I can prove everyone right. (This is for you people who have families with high overachieving standards.)
I will finish my degree so I can make Karens feel stupid when they ask me a question about the field I studied.
I will finish my degree so I will never have to work in fast food/retail again. (This is for you my poorly-treated customer service peeps.)
I will finish my degree so I can be the breadwinner and will go home to my spouse wearing a pink apron saying "I love cooking for my [insert future job title] with a 6-figure income <3.
I will finish my degree so I can provide for my seven [or insert another number] cats.
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hella1975 · 2 months
a post about fic updates! so the fics im currently juggling are dog teeth, tams, and of course, taob. my original plan was to start posting the second installment of the dog teeth series by sometime in april, bc it's the fic im most into atm and i already have the first chapter done, i just want to bank another one or two because once i start posting it i want to KEEP posting it with regular updates, hopefully every 2 weeks like with kaiein. HOWEVER this will put my atla fics on a back burner. april is a good writing time for me (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE) bc i have the entire month off from uni to prep for may exam season, and i always want to write when im procrastinating my degree. which is. it's own thing im sure i'll graduate it's fine i'm fine. so if i focus on dog teeth, neither tams nor taob will get focus until like. june. which is par for the course with taob but im NOT happy about doing with tams.
SO my thought process was i can either be normal about this and just accept it's literally my final year at uni and im trying to graduate and it doesn't matter if updates are slow on ANY fics, or i can do my usual and implement an insane deadline that i somehow always make by the skin of my teeth. can you guess what i went with?
and thus i present unto the crowd my tentative plan: have the next taob chapter done by middle of april (im aware this is quite hand-wavey but it gives me a month to work with, so in my head this means anything between april 10th-20th), have the next tams chapter done by the end of april, and dog teeth can follow.
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WIBTA for agreeing that my friend may need to work on their confidence for the sake of keeping a job?
(🕴️👔📚 <--- just so I can find this)
Genders are irrelevant, I'm 19 and my friend "Sam" is 20. Idk if this may be relevant but for for a bit of context we finished school in the same year as each other after our A Levels (so at 17 and 18 respectively), and neither of us are/have plans to go to uni/college.
After school, I had managed to get a part time job that was fixed term up until the end of that Christmas period, and about a month or two afterwards I'd been lucky enough to land a full time job (though I've since left that and moved to my current job). During this time, one of Sam's family members had some health issues come up so they put off any job searching to be a carer for this family member and signed up to claim a carer's allowance so they could still be getting some income. After a little while, the family member's health began to improve and Sam said they were going to be looking for jobs again, though they were still a carer for the family member, and so I started offering help with things like sorting their CV/interview prep/etc, and Sam had then gotten a job similar to my first one, part time retail, though their job had been listed as a permanent position while mine had been fixed term.
However, after a couple of months (I think it was two or three months off the top of my head) Sam came to me and said that their workplace had let them go, citing that they lacked the confidence for the job. Okay, no massive biggie, Sam took it in their stride and still had the caring for their family member to fall back on while they looked for other work, so we'd each silently chalked it up to teething problems (hell, I know I had issues with my confidence when I started any of my jobs). They did get another job not too long after that, this time as a carer in a nursing home, great! Whenever we caught up on how things were going, Sam always said they enjoyed it but did occasionally mention that their line manager had commented that they seemed to need to build their confidence a bit in their role. Again, could easily have been teething problems, so I had offered a few tips that I'd picked up on from my experiences to help build their confidence.
As of writing this, Sam texted me yesterday saying that they'd been let go from this job/hadn't passed the probationary period because their confidence was still lacking in their role (may be worth noting for a bit of context here that when I then asked about it, Sam said to me that they hadn't had any 'actual' feedback about this being an issue, not sure if it's exactly relevant as that might be a separate issue though).
Given that this is the second job that Sam has lost due to not having enough confidence, I want to say something to them about working on their confidence in work, even if they go down the "fake it till you make it" route just to help them out with securing a job in future, and I don't want them to have to be stuck with references from their now-previous employers that boil down to "we had to fire them because they were unconfident" which could potentially cause quite a few issues for them when applying for new jobs.
I haven't said anything yet, as I don't want to overstep anything with Sam and come across as a pretentious ass because I just want to be able to help my friend out but I don't know if I'd be the asshole for agreeing/pointing out that they'll need to work on their confidence for the sake of future jobs, so any feedback would be much appreciated!
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criminology anon again. It is such a cool major and I get to learn a lot of cool things. Currently have an internship with an investigative team of detectives so pretty hyped about that. If you still need ideas, you would write about maybe the reader coming back from working on a case and it didn’t end the way she wanted it to so Jack takes care of her?
Loved your response to my last ask I ate that up !
Ah, so glad you enjoyed! And congrats on your internship, that's so amazing! I personally had the most draining day in uni so writing some Jack comfort was absolutely what I needed. That's also why it's definitely longggg, and it has some Luke in it too (platonic). Enjoy <3
(to make this blurb mild for all, i did not go into any details on the mentioned case)
Jack Hughes x Criminology!OC, Luke Hughes x OC
It had been a day.
Scratch that, it had been a week.
A week of being in another state, a week of meetings, a week of assisting on the investigation.
All for it to end like that. God it has been tearing at my insides since we walked out of that precinct.
Kev tried to help. She's been at this for a years, but talking to her on the plane made it clear that even for a veteran like herself this case was hard.
All I have been able to think about is coming home. And now I'm stuck outside the door, unable to take out my key and even unlock it. I don't want to bring this inside, home is my safe place and after everything I just can't help the feeling of unsettled energy sitting on my chest.
"Crim, you're back!" Luke's voice is what shakes me from my own head space, the nickname he gave me when he first found out my major making the slightest smile come to my face. I'm still tense, but I can't help but turn to face the kid as he takes long strides down the hall, his arms wrapping around me as both our bags fall to the floor. "We missed you around here."
"I miss you too, Kid," I whisper, tears already threatening to spill.
"What are you two doing in the hallway?" Jack's voice interrupts our hug, and I guess I missed the door opening because he's standing there, dazzling sleepily in grey sweatpants and the shirt of my alma mater on his body, having gotten it my freshman year. As if sensing my question, he smiles softly. "I heard both your bags hit the floor. You two are loud."
"You are so not one to talk," Luke groans, grabbing both of our bags and shoving past his brother with no real fire. Poor boy.
I'm still in the hallway. He's standing inside the doorway. And it's now that our eyes fully meet, his shoulders falling.
"It didn't go well," It's not a question, he knows simply from how I'm standing what the answer is. "Come here baby," He coos, taking my hand and pulling me into the apartment, closing the door as we move towards our room.
The lights are low, only the Christmas lights I strung up around the edge of the room during the holidays being left on as he coaxes me to sit on our bed. He doesn't say anything, ask any questions, just moves around the room in silence as he goes to his dresser, grabbing a pair of sweat pants and one of my favorite hoodies, his favorite hoodie, from his drawer and bringing them over.
"Here baby, how about you put these on and I'll go grab the ice cream and we'll see where we left off with New Girl, yeah?"
"Thank you," I thank, him kissing the top of my head with a smile before walking back to the door.
"You don't have to thank me for doing exactly what you do for me after tough games," His voice vibrates back into the room.
And it's with slow hands that I peel off my business casual and pull on his sweats, pulling my hair from where it was sitting on the top of my head.
Two knocks later, I'm already leaning against the headboard of the bed, quilt pulled up high against my chest.
"J, you don't have to knock to come in our room," I can't help but chuckle, although it's Luke's curly head that pops in first, his hands holding 3 soda's as Jack trails in, a bowl of popcorn and a bowl of chocolate strawberries in hand.
"Someone felt left out and wanted to join us," Jack explains, curling into my side as Luke throws his lanky body at the foot of our bed. Jack's lips meet the side of my head again, wrapping his arm around me. "He noticed how upset you were earlier and wanted to be sure you were okay," Is the explanation he whispers in my ear, my heart warming.
"Thank you for all of this," I whisper, Luke too distracted by the remote to notice our conversation.
"I'm just glad you're home, I missed you," He responds, shoving a handful of popcorn in his mouth.
"I miss you too, babe."
"Hey, I'm here too," Luke grumbles, having rolled onto his other side and looking pouty. "Did anyone miss me?"
"Always Kid, always."
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skiyoosmi · 7 months
if fate permits
⤷ chapter thirty one: treachery
prev < masterlist > next
marga's notes. sorry this took years to post i was dead (inside) jk lol pls blame my uni for burning me out
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Perhaps, I was too ambitious to think this would be a plain sailing journey. How ironic, it's the exact opposite of what is happening. Doubt and confusion presents itself as soon as I decide to fight our fate. My mind only has perplexity and skepticism. How could it not? I mean, what do you even do when somebody claims to be your fated one but your soul rejects the notion?
The sound of the television's static travels to your ears as Kiyoomi scrolls through his phone to find a good movie to watch for the night, accompanied by the sound of your mother chopping the ingredients of your family's dinner from the kitchen, albeit somewhat muffled. Your fingers remain hovering over the laptop's keyboard, unsure if you should still continue writing when once again, various things distract you, most of them unwelcomed. As if on cure, your phone chimes for the nth time, signaling that you've received yet another text. You only let out an exasperated sigh and pick up the device, reading the message.
[7:15] Hajime: Hey, wanna vc? Just ate dinner, hope you did too :)
For some reasons you don’t know, Iwaizumi just can’t leave you alone from the moment you got off the plane, went outside the airport up until now, where you’re spending your time with your father and brother after being away from them for so long. It was heart fluttering at first, really; how excited he was to see and to be with you. However, some things are just too much sometimes, especially when all you wanted to do was watch said movie and catch up with your family. It was peace: something you craved for as of the moment because in the back of your mind, you knew that the following months would become chaotic.
The gray screen gets filled with vivid colors when Kiyoomi finally finishes setting up a random romantic comedy movie. Quickly typing out a response, you hit the send button. 
[7:17PM] You: That’s good to hear. We already ate as well. Currently watching a movie with ‘Omi and Dad right now so I won’t be able to reply after this. Have a good night :)
[7:19PM] Hajime: Ah.. okay then. Good night, soulmate <3
You pause to read his last message before finally turning the do not disturb mode on and lightly tossing the phone to the side. Heaving yet another sigh, you catch the attention of your brother who was sitting beside you.
"Do you not like this movie? We can change it if you want, it hasn't been that long anyway," your brother suggests, an eyebrow rising when you shake your head. Your dad was long asleep by the couch he usually relaxes on, probably fatigued from the week's work. You turn to your brother's gaze.
"No, just thinking…" you trail off, "what do you think of Iwaizumi?"
Kiyoomi merely shrugs, “eh, he’s fine.”
You huff, “at least give an effort to think about it more. I’m asking a serious question here, you know?”
The frustrated expression on your face causes your brother to ponder over the query a bit more before sighing, “this is difficult. We’re not even that close for me to comment on him. But he looks decent, like he can take care of you.”
His brows furrow when he perceives the slight disappointment on your face, almost as if you were expecting to hear him say negative things instead, “what’s up with you?”
“You really think he’s good?” you lightly say, eyes wandering as if lost further in your own thoughts. He hums, “yeah, something like that. But then again, you don’t need him to take care of you. You can do that yourself, and even if you can’t, you have me, or Osamu.. And his brother, Atsumu.”
He takes note of the way your face subconsciously lights up at the mention of the blonde’s name. Instinctively, it’s always him. 
“O-okay,’’ you stutter with a light blush. 
He ignores it though, it’s a topic set for another time and goes to ask instead, “mind filling me on why you suddenly ask about Iwaizumi-san?” 
Your somberness returns and once again, you look confused, doubtful, “well, he said he was my soulmate…”
Kiyoomi’s eyes widened, as if he couldn’t believe what he heard.
You don’t notice it as you continue to ramble on, “and I don’t know why but I just find it difficult to believe him and I feel guilty about that. ‘Cause I try to think about it, he doesn’t have any reason to lie to me, right? Especially since you yourself said he was a good guy. But, ugh, this is so complicated.”
“Come again?” He asks through gritted teeth, his fists starting to clench in anger. You look at him oddly, which turns to a glare in a second, annoyed that he wasn’t fully listening, “I said… I find it difficult–”
“No, not that. The one before that.”
“Ugh, I said Hajime told me he was my soulmate before. You know, the one I can’t remember? Well, at least that’s what I thought but apparently, he thinks it was a malfunction with the soulmate system. Because I can clearly remember him as my friend and yet, he insists that maybe the system distorted my memories or something like that,” you finish talking, expectantly looking at him, lurching backwards when you see his reaction, “Hey… you okay, ‘Omi? Okay.. I’m sorry. I know I wasn’t supposed to search for him anymore nor entertain soulmate stuff.. but you know how impo–”
“Let’s not talk about it anymore,” he abruptly stands up from the couch and quickly makes his way upstairs. You scramble to get up, “hey! Where are you going? Omi! You said you wanted to watch this movie…”
You only hear his bedroom door close as a response. 
“Geez, what got up that weirdo’s ass? So much for a movie night.. one falls asleep right away while the other has very bad mood swings,” you mutter under your breath, shaking your head as you go back to the living room, picking up your phone and trudging upstairs to your bedroom. You unlock your phone and see messages from Osamu and another from Hajime. 
[7:30PM] Samu: Tomorrow. Here at our house. I don’t accept a no. Good night ^_^
[7:35PM] Hajime: Oh, by the way, do you want to go out tomorrow? (:
“Sorry, Haji. Don’t really want to disappoint Samu,” you whisper as you type out replies for the both of them, the guilt of not minding if you disappoint Hajime instead becomes a fleeting thought.
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Before you can even raise your fist to knock, the familiar wooden front door opens widely and you are welcomed by the sight of your gray-haired best friend. He pulls you in a tight hug and mumbles curses as he buries his face in your neck, “You took too long… way too long, idiot.” 
“It was only a few years, you dramatic ass. Never took you to be a clingy type of friend,” you hug him back with the same tightness before letting him go and walking inside their humble abode. He excitedly leads you to the living room, “wait here. Let me just get my brother.”
“Uhh… what?”
“Oh! I forgot to tell you, we’re going out with him. You know, like what we used to all do when we were–” his eyes widened as if he remembered something before lightly coughing and continuing to speak, “I mean… like what we both used to do, you know? But this time, with him. It’s been a long time since he came home too… and this could be a chance for you two to get closer to one another.”
He finishes rambling, internally praying you don’t catch the nervousness in his voice due to his slip-up a moment ago. He curses when he sees you slowly nod. With so many years of knowing you, Osamu already knew from your expressions that you caught even that minor mistake, how you’re currently scrutinizing each and every word they all speak ever since you came back and how you’re starting to get suspicious about everyone around you.
He doesn’t know if he should thank or curse Kiyoomi for giving him a heads up about your plans to find your soulmate. It makes him so conscious, so nervous he might accidentally tell you that the very person you’re trying to find is his dearest twin brother.
At the present, however, he only gulps and prays instead that you just pretend you didn’t notice anything. You do exactly that when you shrug and tell him, “alright then. That’s no problem for me.”
“G-good,” he says a little too loudly, mentally slapping himself to get it together, “I’ll… get Atsumu now hehe.”
You narrow your eyes at his weirdness, shaking your head before bringing your phone out to check your socials. You hum with interest as you open a message from Hajime.
I like to believe that I’m trying– that I enjoy the idea of being his soulmate, that I look on with favor to partaking in this play pretend, this fantastical theatrics of trying to work things out the way they are– me as his fated one, him as mine.
[9:09AM] Hajime-kun: Good morning, soulmate :) I’m a bit bummed we couldn’t go out. Anyway, enjoy your day with Osamu. Hopefully, it’ll finally be my day tomorrow?
[9:10AM] You: Good morning, Hajime-kun. Sorry again about that hehe but sure, I think I’m finally free tomorrow haha 
[9:12AM] Hajime-kun: Great! Also, I told you to drop the honorifics. You feel so distant when you use it *sadly sighs*
[9:13AM] You: Silly. I just respect you that much, okay? 
You hear multiple footsteps coming down so you quickly type out another message for him.
[9:14AM] You: Anyway, I have to go now. See you tomorrow.
You type out the word soulmate at the end of your text, only to delete it as soon as you pull on your heart. 
But I’m no actress. It’s all treachery. Whenever I try to give him  a chance, I feel like a traitor. It’s almost as if I was betraying someone, like I’m unknowingly breaking somebody else’s heart, my soulmate’s heart, somebody who my heart believes was not him. So I step back and hesitate, maybe I should just stop this. To prevent any more complications, to not feel guilty towards anyone, not to you and not to him. 
Before you can drown deeper in your thoughts, the twins come into view. You give Atsumu a shy smile as a greeting, feeling your heart skip when he returns the gesture. Osamu looks back and forth at the two of you and thinks, I guess the soulmate system really is a scam, huh? Even fate can’t handle these two. So obvious.
He rolls his eyes and scoffs, “What are you two? High schoolers? You could do better than those shy smiles.”
You both awkwardly chuckle, both cursing the gray-haired lad in your minds. 
“Fine, fine. It’s nice to see you again, Atsumu-san,” you genuinely smile and Atsumu’s heart skips. So pretty, he thought.
“It’s also nice to see ya again.”
Welcome home, YN, the blonde thinks with relief and solace filling his soul.
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“Waah, it’s been so long since I came here,” you exclaim as your eyes take in the view of the very familiar and busy street market of your hometown. Atsumu looks at you fondly, hands itching to just grab yours and pull you to his arms while you stroll around the area but his thoughts don’t let him get too far as his twin calls him. “You’re too obvious, boy. You look like a lovesick puppy,” Osamu snorts, hands in his pockets as they watch you excitedly talk to the stall owners, “she wanted you to look at her that way for so long, yanno? Too long.”
“Yeah… I still regret that,” Atsumu sadly smiles, “Nothing much I can do about it now. Our fate’s passed.”
“Or so you think,” his twin shrugs when the blonde looks at him with confusion, “YN… even without her memories of you, is still YN. It’s funny, actually. Even fate couldn’t control her. Even after all that has happened, she still wants to find you. So don’t be a coward, Tsum. You don’t need to ask the world nor the gods for a second chance. YN… she’s giving it to you herself already, even without you asking.”
Atsumu looks at you once more, heart painfully throbbing at your smile as you call the both of them over to where you are. 
“She doesn’t realize it, neither do ya but… she still looks at ya the same way as she did before,” Osamu finishes as he pats Atsumu’s back before walking to you.
“Hey! You two walk so slow,” you comment, pointing to the stall in front of you, “they have ice cream there. Want some?”
“I’ll get it,” Atsumu says as he brings out his wallet.
“I’ll have mint chocolate,” Osamu says. You open your mouth to say your order but the blonde beats you to it.
“Vanilla with chocolate drip and those colorful sprinkles on top. Your favorite, right?” Atsumu says without looking up while he tries getting some coins out. You and his twin become silent, shocked at his familiarity. Osamu internally screams at his twin, this idiot! 
On the other hand, you freeze. How did he know such a very specific detail about you?
Realizing what he just said, Atsumu stops as well, the gears in his head turning to think of an excuse, “Uhm… that was weird for me to know, huh? It’s just that Osamu complained so much about it when I was abroad. Guess it just registered in my brain hehe.”
Nice save, he thought.
“Oh…really? Haha, that’s… interesting to hear haha,” you awkwardly laugh.
“Yeah… anyway, I’m gonna–” he gestures to the stall before practically running to it.
As soon as you thought he was already far enough from the two of you, you grip Osamu’s arm and pull him closer to you and threateningly ask, “This is a question that requires an answer if you want to live through the day– who was Atsumu’s soulmate? Why is his thread also cut off?”
He yelps and stutters, “W-what? What soulmate… I have no idea!”
You tighten your grip on him, “Oh, please, Miya Osamu. I know you have an idea.”
He gulps, “I-I swear I don’t. We never knew because Atsumu couldn’t see the thread.” 
You weren’t fully satisfied with his answer yet you had no choice but to let go of him as you see Atsumu coming back. You look at Osamu with a stare that tells him you were definitely not done with the said topic yet. God, she can be scary sometimes, the lad thinks and shivers in fear.
The blonde hands you your ice cream and smiles before looking around, eyes stopping at another stall.
“Oh, look! They sell waffles there, I think? I remember it’s also your favo–” he stops talking before correcting himself, “I remember Osamu saying it’s also your favorite, am I right?”
“Oh… uhh… yeah, you’re right,” you watch them argue with their eyes, frowning. 
“I’ll buy it this time!” Osamu squeaks out, rushing off and leaving you two.
“He’s so weird,” you comment as you stand beside Atsumu, giggling when he agrees.
“I know right. The gods know how much I’ve put up with that ass,” he shakes his head before sighing, “But he’s put up with me so much as well and probably more… humbled me for so many times already. I’ve made a lot of dumb decisions in my life, yanno? But for some reason, he’s the one always anchoring me, bringing me back and reminding me I could try again,” he pauses and says thoughtfully, “that it’s never selfish to take a second chance at things… or the people I love.”
You look at him and find him already looking at you, melancholy swimming deep in his eyes. You feel another painful twist in your heart and find your eyes welling up. A tear falls down which makes you gasp, hand reaching up but Atsumu beats you to it, his palm was already on your cheek, the pad of his thumb wiping the lone tear. Realizing what he has done, he starts pulling back his hand, “sorry. I should’ve asked for your conse–”
He halts when you wrap your hand around his wrist, placing it back.
“You know, Atsumu-san. Looking at you hurts like hell,” you start, closing your eyes as you feel more tears coming down, “whenever I look at you, my heart does this painful thing where it almost feels like I’m about to have a heart attack. It’s excruciating but… it makes me feel so alive, so full at the same time. It makes me think– what if… what if you were my soulmate and I just forgot?”
You open your eyes and sadly chuckle, “I think I’m weird like Osamu too.”
You bring down both of your hands and intertwine it, “Sorry for this.”
Your heart skips yet again when he grips your hand tighter after squeezing it, all while mumbling, ‘it’s okay… I think.”
However, there's also a chord of restlessness that sits within me, eager to fill the gaps in my mind even if the universe and our fate is against doing so. Maybe, this is a taboo. Something that must remain unexplored, untouched. The complexity of it all must be left unknown, for ignorance is a bliss, they say right? Unfortunately for them, for me, and for you… the gravity that pulls me towards him is too great, too satisfying to not acknowledge. So, how can I, a mere personification of hope, not consider that blonde hair and amber eyes to be the house of the soul I’m searching for?
Treachery? Betrayal? A traitor to my soulmate? None of those matters. 
Not when you make me feel different, Atsumu.
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chaotic-archaeologist · 2 months
Hi! I'm currently doing my MA in archaeology (European Prehistory specialization) and I love it. I always thought I'd get my Masters and dip, but lately I've been seriously contemplating getting a PhD. I love learning and studying my topic and I'm having so much fun at my uni and suddenly starting my working career at 22 doesn't sound very appealing anymore. However, the idea of applying to a PhD program is very overwhelming (luckily where I want to apply has a pretty cohesive sign up step by step), still the idea of funding (especially) and having to write a proposal and possibly getting rejected from the place I've spend the last three and half years walking around is very overwhelming. How can I have that be not so overwhelming to the point of giving up bc if sounds like too much? Do I need to worry about funding that much? Is it expensive?
(I tried to find your advice masterpost before sending this ask to check if you'd already talked abt it, but I couldn't find a working link, sorry)
Thanks in advance :D
Hi dirtling,
First, here's a link to my advice master list—sorry that wasn't working for you. Our blue hellsite is fickle like that.
From what you say, it sounds like you have a great attitude for starting the journey to a PhD. Ultimately, the love of learning and a dedication to the field are the most important parts. The application and the proposal and the funding are daunting for everyone, but they are doable. I find that breaking things down into bite sized pieces and establishing your sense of self worth outside of academia are critical.
Now I feel the need to point out that my experience and advice come from a uniquely American viewpoint, and may not be applicable to European schools at all. Europeans please feel free to chime in with your own advice!
The very first thing you should do is talk to your advisor. Please send them an email right now if you have not already done so! Your (potential) advisor is going to be your champion in any sort of application process going forward. If you want to continue at the same university you're already at, your advisor is the single best person to help walk you through that process. Even if you wind up going somewhere else, you're going to need to make inroads with another advisor at a new program.
Finally: grad school is expensive (at least in the United Stated). However, many programs will have tuition waivers and assistantships that they offer their grad students because if everybody had to pay for it, nobody except the very rich would be able to afford to go to grad school. Exactly how affordable it is depends on the cost of living in your area and how much the school pays you (and whether you're able to work outside to supplement that income if need be).
Honestly, I think you've already done the hard part by getting into (and nearly completing) a Master's program. That's a great step towards proving to PhD programs that you have what it takes, and it should give you a decent idea about finances. What are yours like right now? How about your peers? I would imagine there isn't going to be a vast amount of difference from a MA to a PhD, and in the US a PhD is sometimes cheaper because they're funded while MAs often are not.
There will be differences from a MA to a PhD. Doctoral students are going to be expected to take on larger magnitudes of their own research and function more independently, but a good advisor and program should help you through that process. Again, the key is to take things piece by piece. Start with talking to your advisor and maybe the graduate program director. Take a look at that step by step guide with them and break it into separate tasks you need to do.
Don't psych yourself out about this too much. One thing at a time.
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nepenthean-sleep · 11 months
griddlehark fic recs, part 4
hello and welcome to part 4 which is locked behind a community label because tumblr sucks. as a general rule i do not recommend smut because one person's sexy can be another person's squick and vice versa. nevertheless: i have some M and E rated fic recs (not all of them are smut, btw). please remember to check the tags before reading a fic.
with that being said: this fandom has some incredible writers and i'm very happy to share the below fics with you guys. tumblr usernames have been added if i could find them (sorry for the notification!). here is part 1, part 2, and part 3.
Flinch M - InverseAlchemist oneshot set after the pool scene in gtn. a beautifully written fic in which gideon and harrow share a bed for warmth (a classic) and harrow spirals a bit about it. there is so much longing.
So Familiar a Gleam E - silverapples short oneshot, harrow nova au featuring kiriona gaia. nova has a dream about kiriona and its just as disconcerting and interesting as you’d think.
turn you inside out (lick you like a crisp packet) E - valancytrinit / @valancietrinit long oneshot, modern au. a first of many wonderful fics from one of the best griddlehark writers in the fandom. gideon and harrow are roommates and gideon has a really bad 48 hours that culminates in a really good morning. this fic is an excellent balance of chaotic and angsty and sweet.
knife to a gunfight E - dryrsheet two chapter modern au. they were roommates! they were roommates sharing a bed! gideon is extremely oblivious in this one and the irony is delicious. also has one of the lines of all time:
“Okay,” Gideon said, “I need you to act like I am actually as stupid as you pretend to think I am and explain why in the fuck you want me to do that.”
hand to heart i swear M - corpsesoldier / @corpsesoldier short oneshot. harrow heals gideon’s stigmata. i very badly want this to be a thing in alecto, but i am happy with this fic version right now. this fic is superb and i love everything about it.
you're still the one pool where i'd happily drown E - valancytrinit / @valancietrinit long post-ntn speculative multi-chapter, completed. i love everything about this fic. i was literally hanging on every word when i read each chapter for the first time. the writing is incredible. there is a shower scene that is legitimately fucking shakespearean. additionally, i absolutely love the way that harrow’s mental health is portrayed in this fic as someone who struggles with similar conditions.
illbringthestrap69420 liked your post E - imalwaysstraight / @nooomagnus long multi-chapter college/uni au, currently unfinished. the enemies to anonymous tumblr mutuals to lovers fic. listen. this fic is an incredible experience for dramatic irony enjoyers. this fic is like dramatic irony: the fic. i love this fic so fucking much. another fic that has kept me on the edge of my seat while reading.
Bid My Blood to Run M - winterkill / @thebrimmingheart short oneshot. another fic where harrow heals gideon’s stigmata! the banter in this fic is wonderful. again, i really hope there's a scene like this in atn.
Let Me Hold It Lightly M - downjune / @itstartledme short oneshot set during htn. a classic ‘harrow sees gideon in her dreams’ situation. very tender and bittersweet.
Wormian E - BonesforTime long oneshot, postcanon au/spec. harrow works through some religious trauma. ok full disclosure: my favorite thing about this fic is the way it’s written. when i first read it, the prose had me completely fucking bewitched. the fic gets more speculative towards the end, and as it was written pre-ntn there’s some pretty big discrepancies with current canon. regardless, the fic itself is extremely well written and compelling.
east of the sun, west of the moon E - zealotarchaeologist short oneshot set during htn. another dream situation, this time featuring harrianthe and harrow/the body. the writing here is exquisite.
let's drink to feelings of temptation not rated - overnights / @televangelists long oneshot, modern bartending au. gideon gets hired at camilla’s bar and harrow is not having it. there’s women who hate each other. there’s customer service shenanigans. there’s ianthe in a grocery store. it’s a very solid modern au.
Mors Vincit Omnia M - WalkingDisaster / @four-for-fidelity long multi-chapter modern au, currently unfinished. a murder mystery where gideon is a witness in an investigation and has to assist forensic scientist harrow. it’s really well written and the mystery is very fun and macabre! it is currently unfinished but i am excited to see where the plot goes.
grab me by my ankles (i've been flying for too long) E - valancytrinit / @valancietrinit long oneshot, college/uni au. harrow is a competitive diver and gideon is a mechanic who ends up carpooling harrow to diving practice. there is a truly astounding amount of dyke drama going on here and it is excellent. the dialogue is incredible as well.
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 1 month
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So... I fucked up.
TLDR: I made a post that sounded creepy, people were concerned, I deleted post and clarified that I was not, in fact, writing RPFics of minors. Thank you commentors.
Timeline: On Sunday I got the idea to write a Hermitcraft AU where the Hermits with kids did a "take your kid to work day" thing and let them play on Hermitcraft. There was gonna be an egg hunt, and chaos was gonna ensue. It would take place in a Minecraft is IRL AU as well where the server served as a sort of military/research base or something. Like the Antarctic research base IRL.
However, as evident by the first screen shot, I very poorly worded it and several people commented on the original posts telling me not to write about the Hermits children.
IDK what else to say except that I never intended to do that. I worded that very poorly. Like, very, very poorly. I deleted the posts after taking these screenshots on mobile because they do come off as weird at best and creepy at worst. I reached out to the people who commented telling me not to write about the Hermits kids and clarified the situation with them prior to deletion.
The only reason I didn't get around to deleting the posts earlier was because by the time I realized how creepy it was on Monday I was traveling back to my Uni after break, and I had no time. Tuesday, I had two labs and had to begin studying for two exams on Friday, and I had work as well. Today is the first day I've had time to sit down and actually do stuff that isn't school/work related.
So, what was I attempting to do? I was trying to figure out which Hermits had kids and about how old said kids were (like if they were grade/middle/high school/adult was what I was going for), so I could come up with characters (either from my own OC backlog or create a new character) who would be their kids in the AU and then write the AU from there.
Prior to asking this question I did already know that a couple of the Hermits (Tango, Bdubs, and Skizz) had kids. I also knew that Skizz specifically had a college age daughter because of his Hermitcraft video that came out around the time I made the post. I, however, am one person and there was no way I was gonna be able to go through and eliminate every Hermit on my own, so I decided to ask Tumblr.
Another reason I deleted the original post was because someone gave me some very specific ages for some of the Hermit kids and I honestly do not know how they got that information but after realizing how weird my post came off and seeing that, I didn't feel 100 percent comfortable keeping it up. Obviously, that information is somewhere on the internet, so it's more likely whichever Hermit revealed that info was okay with it going public, but since I don't have time to verify, I don't wanna risk it being leaked.
I want it to be known now that I do not and will NEVER EVER write RPF. As a genre I think it's interesting, but only when done in a historical context. Or a parody context, because fuck politics. I have never and will never write RPF outside of maybe including real presidents, politicians, world leaders, and celebrities in realistic fiction, if you'd consider that RPF. If I continue work on the Hermitcraft IRL AU thing, which currently is not likely due to time constraints coming up, I will let everyone know. Thank you to everyone who did help me with research and who brough my original posts oddness to the forefront. Love ya'll.
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So I just wanted to come on here to say something real quick.
I am so grateful and thankful for the people who, at one point or another, followed this blog. I've made some wonderful mutuals and made a couple of lovely friends along the way of just having fun with this blog because I had seen "incorrect quote" blogs since I was in middle school and had always had a blast reading them.
I started this blog when I was 18 and just finishing up my first year of uni, feeling really lost and like I just didn't know where I was going in life, in all honesty, I kinda hated where I was even though I had been accepted into one of the top universities in the world and had already made amazing irl friends. I had no reason to be unhappy, but I wasn't happy with myself, and I felt like I wasn't good enough to be there.
Starting this blog and writing fanfiction for this show helped truly ignite my love for writing and made me think that maybe I might actually be good enough to get through the rest of uni (which I did with top grades lol). It made me more confident in my work as a writer and helped improve my writing because I was always working on it.
I'm 24 now, I graduated from my bachelor's almost two years ago, and I'm currently working on getting my master's degree.
You know, part of me sometimes wishes that I had never even heard of this show because the finale truly has been nagging in the back of my mind since it aired. However, the other part of me is thankful that this was the thing to light that fire and get me to start writing for fun. Even if I look back on the older stuff I've written and wish I had written things differently, I don't regret it because it made the better writer I am now. So I guess the harcore obsession I had with this show at one point eventually paid off, just differently than I thought it would lol
I also want to be clear that this isn't meant to be some sort of tearful goodbye or that I'm signing off from the blog. I'll sometimes post here and there like I do now if something does come to mind to me. I still have a lot of fun with this blog! I just really wanted to come on here and say why I am still here (sometimes) and how much I appreciate all of you (even the silent followers).
Thank you for giving this blog a chance!
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loupy-mongoose · 7 months
I know you're hiperfixiated on the lindens currently, but I wanna ask, do Lav and Nicodemus still hang out from time to time when they dream?
And are you okay with people writing fanfiction of your work? I know fanart is okay but I wanna make sure writing is as well x3 consent is important folks, even in sfw settings!
(I also wanted to add fanart to this but I botched Akoya Dx traditional is not my forte and I'm in uni lmao)
Apologies, but I'm gonna skip answering that first question. :3
It's... kinda hard to say, now that I'm thinking about it. The idea of reading it is... uncomfortable to me.
Like, hypothetically, on the one hand, I feel like there's big potential that seeing my characters written by another person would grate on my soul in a way, just because the other person doesn't have the same understanding of the characters'... well, character that I do. I get that it's all in good fun and just meant as another form of art, but... Idk, I'm just really protective of my characters...
But on the other hand, if someone writes something that I really like and would love to be in the story, then I'd feel really weird about asking if that can be made canon. Both because I'd be asking to take claim on another person's writing, and because I didn't come up with that element myself. (Which, admittedly, I do have a case of important story elements coming from another person--not from a fanfic, but from their dream they shared and gave me permission to implement. Not to mention a lot of other things people have given me the ideas to do. But I don't want that to be a regular occurence. ) But if I decide not to ask about it being canon, then I feel like I'd have the regret that it can't happen at all, because that would be stealing from the fic writer.
I guess I'll say that if anyone really wants to write fanfiction, go ahead, but don't count on me being into it. ^^;
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barbiebraganca · 1 month
when did you join ? what made you join ? what do you remember from the plotlines that were current at the time ? where were you in life when you joined and where are you now ?
right at the beginning of 2016, around feb or march. i had just finished high school and took an off year to prepare for uni admission exams. i needed something to take my mind off studying for it and my friend julia suggested i joined her on tumblr rping. i had no idea what that was but she helped me through it and we joined another group together. at the time i also developed a bit of a thing for royals and made my character in that group an undercover norwegian royal, on some princess diaries bullshit. but looking up things for that group i decided to search norwegian royalty on tumblr and found the blog for a character in vik. olav if i'm not mistaken. i started stalking the group and got really interested in it and mentioned it to julia who told me she'd been here before and would join with me if i chose to so we brought barbie and biel. then the group closed and i completely gave up rping until one random day many months later i logged into tumblr again god knows why and there was a message from martha, she told me the group came back to life and i decided to rejoin. and here i am, haven't left since.
which characters have you written over the years ?
ffs, let me see if i can remember all of them: ayo, bruce, barbie, toni, leon, sergi, silje, ilija, zoey (silje's draft), pedro, noémïe (poor thing lasted 3 seconds), ionie. i feel like there's more, i just can't remember.
what is your favourite plotline that you've been part of ?
the zulu & the southern africa conflicts. even all of us applying together that day was such a moment, i loved every bit of it. i had so so much fun writing ayo even if he was one of those characters it is impossible to write filler threads with, i still felt so much joy when i got a notif that someone replied to him, even if the entire reply was someone hating on him hard.
what about other people's plotlines ?
it's impossible to pick one when you've been here from the start and have seen countless amazing ones but the english plot was truly a wonder, even the murder mystery event was fucking incredible. anything involving russia and the romanovs as well was so well thought and made so much sense when you put the pieces together you just can't help but love every bit.
who is your favourite character from the ones you've played ? why ? what made you love them ? what made them so fun to write ?
favourite to write i'd say ayo, for the same reasons i mentioned on the plotline question but if i had to choose only one to keep playing forever it would either be silje or ilija. i feel like those are versatile ones that i could go in different directions with if i'd wanted to. the one i had the most fun writing though was pedro for sure.
if you could relive a plotline, which would it be ?
the invasion in greece and i think everyone who was here for that would say the same thing. that was our most iconic event and for a reason, everyone put 150% into it and it worked out so so so so well we didn't even imagine the outcome it would have, we just wanted to traumatise everyone a bit but received the best event in hshq in return.
is there a plotline that you'd edit now if you could ?
i don't think there is, especially because i don't think i remember even half of them but even then everything was fun and a joy to write about so i probably wouldn't change anything.
what's a plotline you wish you would have been able to finish before closing or just write more of ?
the ones that never happened. e mentioned some of the things we planned and didn't happen on the timeline post but i assure you that's not even the beginning. at times we'd plan an entire year of events in advance and come up with a full story, reasoning, plot drops for it but when the time to have them came we forgot all about it and change everything to something we'd put together in 20 mins instead of the plans we spent days working on. even the cruise ship they were supposed to be stuck in was an idea we had so much fun coming up with and it didn't get to see the light of day.
what is your favourite ooc memory ?
every honesty hour chaos was such a fun time to be on the dash, or whenever something big would happen ic and there would be 100 ooc posts reacting to it on the dash and the jokes were the peak of comedy. but i'll always have a soft spot for the soletsky silent thread bc icb we actually had 40+ notes on that, it was priceless. the word lunch is stuck with me forever. AND that one time i got kicked out on this exact date a couple years back.
where can others find you if they want to get in touch ?
i won't delete the tumblr app from my phone just yet so if you want to send me a mssg, i'll be checking it every now and again. same with discord, i'm there under barbielandwired and we're not deleting the hshq server so we can still have that in case anybody wants to pop into the chat and catch up. i'll give you my socials too if anybody wants that, we're all friends here. i've known u lot for 8 years.
what else would you like to say ?
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marvelandponder · 1 month
15Qs and 15As!
Thanks for the tag, Marvel, this sounds fun! Tagging: @smallcrystals, @digikate813, @eddiescorner, and @bevinbrand if she feels like it :) Don't dox yourself on the 'where were you born' question tho, y'all. We're better than that. Are you named after anyone? Two people! My Uncle Stephen and my Nana (maternal grandmother). My brother was named after my dad's high school best friends
When was the last time you cried? I think the last time was a couple weeks ago watching anime. I love a good cry, I've embraced that that's how I express a lot of emotions
Do you have kids? Nope! I'd like to someday, but all in due time.
What sports do you play/have you played? I'm not a team sports kind of girl anymore, but I played soccer as a kid and really enjoyed that.
Do you use sarcasm? Usually only obvious sarcasm. Bevin and I will often use excessively obvious sarcasm with each other to express love. A little linguistic game we play with each other. We never enjoy spending hours and hours on the phone together. So unlike us! Where would you get that idea?
What is the first thing you notice about people? First thing? I feel like my anxiety is charge of that: looking out for how friendly they seem, what they laugh at (if they do), how approachable they might be. I had pretty bad social anxiety disorder from like 14 - 22ish and human beings tend to do the social thing once or twice.
What is your eye color? Hazel! Looks brown but up close you can see there's a lot of green around my pupils, too.
Scary movies or happy endings? My media diet is heavily skewed towards happy endings but every now and then, nothing satisfies like a good tragedy.
Any talents? People know I like the writing thing! I'm also learning to draw now and picking up guitar again for the first time since before uni!
Where were you born? A hospital about... 30 - 40 minutes away from me? I don't live in that city anymore, and haven't since I was 3, but we stayed in the same general province!
Don't dox yourself, folks!
What are your hobbies? Writing, drawing, guitar, going for bike rides or walks. Geeking out by myself or with friends! I'm also starting to learn some German and pick up a few more cooking skills.
Do you have any pets? Nah, wish I did. My living situation doesn't allow for it. But my dad has a dog who I love so much and get to visit! And my sister has two cats who used to live with us that are excellent cuddlers.
How tall are you? Uhhhhh I think 5'11? To use ancient Tumblr Lingo: Tol, not smol
Favorite subject in school? In Elementary - Middle School, it was English, because reading and writing. In high school, Psychology, Legal Studies, Guitars, History, or Writer's Craft
Dream job? Cool question, I'mma over-complicate it! For my career, it's either one of two things: Creative and/or helping people. Add another axis onto that: Stability vs. freedom. I like stability. It helps me feel happy and builds self-esteem to build stuff up. So since most of the creative jobs I'd be down to try have a lack of stability (and often crappy working conditions), I decided to start with stability and helping people! My current job is actually the goal I set for myself to get into in 5 - 10 years. So. Whoops! Got in early! I can't stay beyond this year (covering a mat leave) but wow has it been good experience. And it's cool shit that I like to think supports people in building something good for themselves.
Not a ton of creativity though, and so what's cool about life is that the time horizon isn't just right now, forever. The job I'm in now is a dream job of mine based on the criteria I set out (stable, treats me right, and helps people), but I have other dream jobs I'd like to also try out!
For example: I'd like to become a published author! And I'd also like to learn storyboarding to maybe try being a storyboards artist someday, or some job in animation.
What I like about the job I have now, too, is that I still have enough energy in and around my job to have a life outside of it. So I can build the creative skills that'll lead to cool stuff and opportunities down the line.
Having multiple dream jobs I think is realistic. And just kinda fun to not only achieve one thing, but look forward to what else I can do!
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uglypastels · 5 months
Last year I did a course in novel adaptations in uni and honestly, while the course itself was put together horribly, it did leave me with some info that makes consuming media much more bearable.
Adaptations of a story are inherently a different story. No matter how accurate or not. They could be a word for word reenactment of the words you once read on a page, it's not the same thing. And it never will be.
Each media product is the result of people working on it together at a certain point in time. With books its a smaller team, but you have a writer, an editor, proofreaders, designers, publishers. They all create something that eventually is seen as a cohesive piece. Something that is there to tell the story those people wanted to tell with the influence they had in their contribution.
And the same goes for other media; writers, directors, actors, editors, etc. They all work together to create something. This might be inspired by a previous work, but they are not making the same product.
They adapt it to a new setting, a new media, a new era, time, place, point of view, whatever.
With the Percy Jackson show, because of course this is what made me want to write this but it goes for anything, one can go into the details of what they changed or what was left out, I can't lie that i sat on the couch unphased as i noticed them skip/change things, but what should always be asked in these situations, or i should rather say, what is much more interesting to consider, is WHY. Why were changes made?
It could be a budget issue, it could be a solution to overcome format differences between paper and screen, or even the specifics of a studio or streaming service. Simple logistics of things (i.e. could percy really jump off the st. Louis arch and survive?) The storyteller might have decided to vocalise a different point of view, emphasise a new aspect of the story, address another topic that they recognise in the plot. Were they influenced? By whom? Who was "in the room" to make the decisions- since 1 person could make the difference on how things come to be. When was it made (since everything is a product of its time)? Current trends/tropes, social issues, discussions? What is their vision of the entire piece of work?
You might not agree with those choices, fine, but i doubt if it was completely up to you that you would make a 100% "accurate" adaptation everyone would agree with. I'm sure there would be dialogue changes, pacing differences, biases towards characters and wanting to make them more/less vocal, casting choices that might not be fitting the discriptions exactly but the actor is perfect to you. You were influenced by things you entire life, brave of you to assume you wouldn't have an effect on anything either.
I mean, just look at fanfiction...how accurate of an adaptation is any of that? But we still eat it up every day, don't we?
People learn, grow and adapt, and so does their work. You do not make a book the same way you make a show or movie, and you dont make any of these the same way now as you would 20 years ago, so it is impossible to expect them to be the same.
And maybe it's for the best, since now you get to enjoy the stories and characters in multiple ways, from different perspectives.
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