#Best Bread To Buy At The Grocery Store
ricoydelicioso · 6 months
The Best Bread To Buy At The Grocery Store…And What To Avoid!
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chuckling-chemist · 10 months
The grocery store I work at currently has Some Guy At Corporate in charge of the music we listen to and not only is it the objectively the worst playlist any of us have ever heard and keeps literally no one content, I have learned through the high schooler cashiers it plays not 1, not 2, but at least 4 songs from the Disney Channel original movies Teen Beach and Teen Beach 2.
I literally cannot fathom it. The closest I can imagine is hearing High School Musical while shopping for groceries, but from what I remember not only was High School Musical mainstream popular you also did not hear it casually in a fucking grocery store. We were not subject to Getcha Head in the Game or I Don't Dance or Stick to the Status Quo and that shit has sequels and spinoffs and the one of them went into regular theaters. And yet, somehow, this Guy At Corporate heard 4 separate songs from whatever the hell Teen Beach 2 is and went "yeah that's grocery storecore right there"
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dokyeomini · 1 year
well there's nothing interesting in any of the restaurants here so what will i order next week alhslh
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z3rinn · 11 months
featuring : heartslaybul - octavinelle ! going grocery shopping is usually a mundane task, boring and usual. that is until the twst boys want to join you in your outing. you just hoped nothing would go wrong this time… for once… pt.2 !!
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Taking Riddle out grocery shopping is like taking a very well-behaved child out. He never strays away from you or the cart, and is oddly silent the entire time. However if you look closely you can see a small smile on his face.
He's never been to a grocery store before, due to his mom usually keeping him inside the house and getting them herself. So he can't help but be fascinated by the variety of things and contents of whatevers in the store. He definitely makes sure that no funny business goes on within the store though, he makes sure that everything he does is in order- it's kind of funny how stiff he is in a grocery store.
While out with Riddle, he will absolutely go to the mini bakery, inspecting the cakes, tarts, breads, and cookies. The aroma is enough to put a smile on his face. He probably picks up some ingredients for Trey too, and maybe for himself, if you'd like to help him in creating a tart that it?
10/10 he's so cute the entire trip and pays for you!! Consider it his gratitude for the strawberry tart you bought !
Trey probably needs to pick up some baking supplies while out with you, meaning that the two of you spend a lot of time in the baking aisle or in the mini bakery of the store. It gives him some inspiration when seeing all the different types of sweets and goodies around, perhaps he should bake some of them for you!!
Trey is always helpful, and it applies even more so at the grocery store. He helps store workers, random costumers, you. He tries the best he can, either by helping pick up grocery bags, or by carrying the slightly heavier stuff for you. Trey also walks around with the cart, going through aisle and aisle with you, never once complaining about being there for too long.
With him you don't really have to worry about anything either, he makes sure that you get everything on your checklist and that you don't buy unnecessary or unimportant items. It's kind of like going with a parental figure- or someone really calming.
10/10, man's bakes you a whole plethora of sweets- and going with him is one of the most calming trips ever.
Cater makes Grocery shopping an experience. You know those pictures of people in carts? Or the ones where you're standing in an aisle doing something stupid? Yeah that's him, one hundred percent.
It's always so fun to go out with him though, no matter what kind if shenanigans you get into. He for sure buys a few spicy instant Ramen packs while out, actually he just buys a bunch of spicy stuff in general- not that you're complaining of course. Maybe he'll even buy some actual ingredients to try and recreate his favorite recipes with you!!
Cater tries to help out as best as he can too, by helping out with checkout or carrying certain things! He also has a nack at finding pretty- or the most appealing looking foods- due to his magicam, he knows how to get good angles and can find some of the best quality foods there is. The pictures he takes can make that one package of strawberries look like the most delectable thing ever.
8/10 he's a fun guy to go Grocery shopping with!! And you get to make Ramen with him once you get back home!
As a contrast to Riddle- Ace is a big baby when going out Grocery shopping. He walks behind you, trying to annoy you in every possible way ever.
He purposely walks in front of the cart when you're about to move, has a grumpy face when being in the healthy section for too long, grabs a buttload of junk food- you don't mind but he'll share none of it with you. He does all of this with an annoying little smirk on his pretty boy face.
Although shopping with him has its downsides, he knows how to make it fun for you. He's the type to sometimes hijack and blast music into the store's speakers, dragging you along with him for a dance. He makes you sit in the carts basket, running around the store while pushing you. Does it make up for not sharing his snacks with you? Maybe. That cute smile on his face certainly does though !!
He's an annoying little shit but I love him for that. 6/10 just cause he's a stinky butt head <3 Oh and he does end up sharing his snacks in the end!
Deuce is one of the best people to go shopping with. He trails behind you, only ever walking off when he needs to get something. He probably knows this grocery store like the back of his hand even though he's only been there like once.
Deuce knows the best deals to get as well, going grocery shopping with his mom definitely helped out a bunch. He knows what to do during a sale- running and squeezing through crowds of middle aged women to get that last carton of eggs. Think of miyamura from horimiya!!
He carries the bags back to the car, no matter how much or how heavy. Deuce also tries to split the bill with you, there's something so domestic about it, and he absolutely loves it. He always has a smile on his face whenever shopping, especially when it's with his favorite prefect!! Honestly Deuce's perfect date is probably going grocery shopping then riding off into the sunset on his blastcycle.
10/10 he's a very helpful and reliable man, its cute. He's cute. And with him you'll never forget your eggs.
I don't know what possessed Leona to want to go Grocery shopping with you and not just make you or Ruggie do it for him, but let's say he goes because he needs something.
He walks quietly next to you, looking out for what he needs while walking through the aisles. Unfortunately, after he gets whatever he needs he's a total asshole. He complains about being there for too long, and how he'd much rather be napping then in a store.
It's confusing because it was his car that you took here- he could easily just go sleep in it- or straight up leave if he wanted. Well I guess he was being nice enough to not just leave you in the dust. You wouldn't be surprised if he just randomly decided to lean on you whilst you walk, or he might knock stuff over and over for you to keep picking up. He's quite literally a cat.
4/10 he's another annoying shit- but its not so bad cause he's hot. Well at least he pays for you- right?
Ruggie is probably tagging along with you because he needs to get something for Leona. And he has to be one of the greatest shopping companions to have graced this world. He points out some of the best products that are also cheap, and knows how to get good deals and haggle with store owners.
Like Ace, he also makes the trip fun, well for him at least. Ruggie's idea of fun definitely contains snatching some wallets or free food while out. If you're at Costco he will take more samples than humanly possible. It's pretty funny- if you forget about the snatching wallets part.
Ruggie will also pay for you- using Leona's wallet!! He tells you over and over that Leona wouldn't even notice your purchase of groceries- no mater you end up getting. The hyena also knows how to get the good stuff for cheap, real cheap. It's honestly kind of a life saver to go shopping with him- he helps with everything.
8/10- he somehow can haggle a grocery store worker so you get everything for cheap- although you wished he wouldn't swipe wallets when with you--
Jack is the Grocery man. He probably asked to join you just because he wanted to help out, no hidden motives or questions asked. He's so helpful it's honestly so sweet.
It's kind of funny to see a big beefy wolf man dragging around a grocery cart with a happy smile on his face. Honestly he just loves grocery shopping, its so him. He gets all the healthy stuff and protien shakes that'll help out with both of your bodies, he makes sure to leave room for some junk food in the cart though. Jack always helps out with the heavy stuff too, he carries the water cartons, soda, the eight cat trees you got just for Grim- It's like a mini workout for him!!
I can imagine him rushing when at self checkout, he's scanning those tomatoes like it's an Olympic sport. Oh- and he always gets some cactus seeds just in case !!
9/10 helpful wolf man for the win !!
It's honestly so confusing why Azul would want to go Grocery shopping with you, did he want to start a farmers market or something?? You doubted he had anything to gain from it either. Like- who goes Grocery Shopping for a scheme??? Azul.
Other than thinking he's gonna do something behind your back while walking around the store, he's a pleasant companion! He basically just sticks to himself the whole time, pointing out things he finds interesting, or things he'd never seen before while in the sea. He's very fascinated by the variety of human items and stuff in just one store. Azul does try to be helpful sometimes, like picking out things that would benefit you both for the right price. Something tells you that if he ran his own grocery store everything in it would be way too overpriced--
He has to be scheming though, you can see him mumbling to himself while looking at the pricetags for certain items, and that gleam in his glasses isn't helping clear him of that suspicion one bit.
6/10 he's honestly not that bad- but you just know for a fact he's plotting something behind your back.
Jade joins you on your endeavors to try and learn more about the surface. Of course, they have grocery stores down in the sea, but the things they carry are far more different from the things up here. He finds this a learning experience, like many other things.
Jade is they type to like a flea market the most, or an outdoor one at that. Being outside while shopping with the perfect is probably one of his favorite pastimes. He- like Azul- is pretty silent the entire time. He just enjoys being out in nature while exploring the vast marketplace!! If you're out at a flea market he might also try and haggle with the prices, well he wouldn't try- they'd just give it to him for cheaper because of his face.
He probably buys the two of you a bunch of mushroom including foods, and he probably buys some mushrooms just for himself. Perhaps they two of you can make some foods including them later, yes? That would certainly be a fun experience!
8/10 a very relaxing experience- a lot different from the others, but it's not like your complaining!
Floyd either tries to squeeze into the baby seats of a shopping cart or stands on the side of it, towering over like the giant he is, letting you drag him around with a silly little smile on his face.
He puts whatever he wants into the cart, showing off things that you definitely don't need. Matching eel phone charms? He's making you buy it. A gummy candy in the shape of shrimp? Well duh he needs that!!
When not clinging onto the cart he's running around the store like a madman. It's quite scary if you think about it- a 6'1 eel man running around a grocery store, bumping into people without saying sorry. He makes it his mission to scare you. Popping up out of nowhere and shoving stuff into your face? Sounds fun!! Sneaking his head into the aisles you're in and watching you from afar like a creep? That's his favorite pastime!!
5/10 its fun to go out with Floyd- but also a hassle. Be forewarned before you agree to go out with him…
Honestly- why did you even say yes to shopping with them in the first place??
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meowzfordayz · 18 days
NSFW Alphabet — Shinazugawa Sanemi
Author’s Note: technically didn’t finish this, but enjoy nonetheless. 😅 As w/ all headcanons, these are simply my opinions in this exact moment of writing, and are subject to change depending on the context/my mood! 😉
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NSFW Alphabet — Shinazugawa Sanemi
Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader
Word Count: ~1,100
CW: 18+NSFW, explicit language, Fem!Reader, spit
Aftercare? what they’re like after sex
Sanemi is sooo stern about aftercare, to the extent that sometimes aftercare feels not so caring. 😆 #soft dom vibes It doesn’t matter how exhausted you are; he’s coaxing you into a bath (or shower 🚿 ), watching you eat a full meal (full meal = at least one glass of water and a lil snick snack 😋), and making you brush your teeth. He’ll absolutely carry you from one location to the next, tenderly wash and pat dry your body, spoon feed you if you pout hard enough, and massage you to sleep 😴, but he’s not letting you pass out smelling of sex. 😒 “Dehydration is serious, my love, and I know you came at least once.” <— You definitely came more than once. 😌
Dirty Talk?
Sanemi’s generally quiet during sex—he’d rather listen to your pretty sounds than himself talking—but sometimes the most lewd things slip out from his mind to your ears. “Fuck yes baby, you like spreading your asscheeks while I fuck you, hm? Makes you feel extra exposed? Greedy? Bet you can feel how wet you are, what a mess you’re making.” He actually prefers when you talk to him, but not necessarily about sex. “What do we need to buy at the grocery store?” he asks nonchalantly, fixated on the sight of his cock inching its way into your pussy, slipping out and then farther in, becoming shinier and stickier with slick as his thrusts move deeper into your heat. “Seri-ously?” you huff, fingernails digging into his arms, unable to catch his gaze as he continues staring at his cock, “We n-need, we need eggs, milk, b-bread-” “I’m sure you’d like to be bread,” Sanemi interjects, voice tight with restraint, “Shit you’re so fucking gorgeous.” “You did not just-” “Shh darling, surely we need more than eggs, milk, and bread?”
Goofy? their sense of humor
Sanemi doesn’t like to be silly during sex, but it tends to just kinda happen anyway. 😅 Pinning you against the wall, one warm hand wrapped loosely around your neck, a muscular thigh nudging its way between your trembling legs? “Uh, Nemi,” you squeak, breath hitching as he nips at your collarbone, “I think I hit my tailbone-” “Seriously?” he grumbles into your skin, other arm slinking around your back to provide extra padding between your back and the wall. “Yes seriously,” you whine, eyes squeezing shut as he licks a hot path from the hollow of your throat up to the tip of your chin. “Shaddup,” he mutters, nose scrunching, “Gonna make me laugh.” “So my pain is funny to you?!” Groaning, he cracks a smile, exasperation expression meeting your petulant one as he shakes his head, “‘Course not, but I thought you liked when I shoved you into walls ‘nd stuff.” “Well yeah, but not when it hurts!” “Relax darling,” he purrs, sucking lightly on your cheek, grinning when you pout, “I’ve got you.” 😒😌😏
Hair? pubes maintenance
Unsurprisingly tidy. Sanemi has a weekly shave + trim schedule (for both his face and pubes). He’ll occasionally skip a week if you insist (sometimes a lil scruff is endearing ☺️), but he feels better knowing things are neat and maintained (for you and himself). Plus, since his hair’s so light, you might think there’s not a lot going on, but it actually grows quite fast 😅, and Sanemi absolutely notices when he starts shedding everywhere (even if you don’t).
No? turn offs
Sanemi would be hard pressed to be physically rough with you, but he’d also be hard pressed to disappoint you. He is capable and willing to explore more dangerous kinks—he doesn’t half ass anything—but best believe you’ll be negotiating and scripting scenes for days before he’s actually comfortable playing. “You really want me to spit on you?” he asks again, voice round with obvious concern, “If you don’t like it, then I can’t exactly take it back.” Your cheeks warm at his tone, eyes gentle as you meet his hesitant gaze, “We can always keep a cloth on standby. If I don’t like it, then you can simply wipe it off.” “That doesn’t address the potential psychological damage.” “Nemi, for me this is like… trying a new vegetable. There’s risk, sure. I might forever remember how much I hate zucchini, and how much it sucked to find that out. But I tried, and that’s what matters most to me.” “Your safety matters most to me,” he retorts, reaching across the dining table for your hand. Your fingers intertwine. You squeeze reassuringly. He cracks a faint smile, sighing lowly as he finally acquiesces, “Fine.” Grinning brightly, you lean in, cleavage visible as your breasts press into the tabletop, whispering conspiratorially, “Besides, I thought you liked claiming me as your slut? This is just another way to do so.” Eyes widening, Sanemi coughs loudly, face quickly reddening, unable to resist glancing at your tits as he mutters roughly, “I mean, yeah. I do. Of course I do.”
Sanemi loves the idea of toys, but they’re So fucking expensive, the hell?!, so you don’t (co)own too many. That being said, he’s game to utilize whatever toys you had prior to meeting him. 😎 Rest assured he’ll pull out the vibrator (always fully charged 😉) when his hands get tired (this man became ambidextrous for the sole purpose of being able to personally pleasure you for double the amount of time 🤯), his pace barely faltering as he toggles through the settings to find your favorite, thick cock twitching in your cunt when a warm gush of slick makes his movements even smoother. “Hm, is my cock not enough for you?” he murmurs teasingly, holding the vibrator steady and unforgiving against the hood of your clit, fucking the breath from your lungs with a satisfied smirk. You manage a loud whine in response, legs trembling while your back arches, hips greedily chasing the overwhelming sensation of your looming orgasm. “So beautiful,” Sanemi rasps, drinking in the sight of your scrunched face, your little gasps accompanying each of his punctuated thrusts, “So. Fucking. Gorgeous.”
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cursedlovesstuff · 9 days
Fixing Us. Part 4.
In the car, Nat’s mind raced with doubts and fears as she navigated through the city traffic.
Wanda sat beside her, scrolling through her phone, looking for recipes, but it was hard to ignore the storm of thoughts swirling inside Nat’s head.
“Stop overthinking, Nat,” Wanda said suddenly, breaking the silence.
Nat glanced over, startled. “What are you talking about?”
“Your thoughts are loud,” Wanda replied, not looking up from her phone. “You’re overthinking everything that could go wrong.”
“Because a lot could go wrong, Wanda. This is Y/N we’re talking about,” Nat said, gripping the steering wheel tightly.
“I know, which is why you shouldn’t overthink. It’s not helping,” Wanda replied gently.
“I can’t stop overthinking. What if she’s falling out of love with me? What if there’s someone else? What if she doesn’t trust me anymore?” Nat’s voice grew more anxious with each question.
“If she was falling out of love, she wouldn’t give you a chance to fix things. You’re Y/N’s blind spot; she still loves you and she’s still in love with you. If she wasn’t, she would have left by now,” Wanda said firmly.
“Maybe you’ll realize that when you stop pushing her away.”
“I don’t push Y/N away,” Nat retorted defensively.
“You push everyone away, Nat,” Wanda countered, finally putting her phone down. “When you get stressed out and when work gets tough, you shut down emotionally. You try to pretend everything is fine when you’re struggling. You lose focus and forget important things, and Y/N puts up with it.”
Nat remained silent, her knuckles white as she gripped the steering wheel.
Wanda continued, “She tries to get you to sleep, to eat, to train. She tries to keep you on schedule so you don’t fall apart. After so many years, I couldn’t tell you why she still tries to keep you from spiraling.”
Nat sighed deeply, feeling a pang of guilt. “I know I’ve been difficult. I know I’ve taken her for granted.”
“You need to show her that you appreciate her, that you’re willing to put in the effort to make things right,” Wanda said softly. “The reason why I’m helping you is not just for the sake of your relationship, but for the sake of Y/N. She deserves happiness just as much as any of us she has also had a rough life, especially after everything she has done for you.”
“Everything she has done for me?” Nat repeated, sensing there was more to that statement than Wanda was letting on.
Wanda’s eyes flickered with something unspoken, but she didn’t elaborate. “Look, we’re here,” she said instead, nodding towards the parking lot of the shopping center.
Nat pulled into a parking space, turned off the engine, and sat there for a moment, collecting her thoughts. “Thank you, Wanda,” she said quietly. “I don’t know what I’d do without your support.”
Wanda smiled warmly. “That’s what friends are for. Now, let’s get this dinner sorted out. We’ve got a lot of work to do.”
They walked into the grocery store, grabbing a cart. Nat glanced at the shopping list Wanda had compiled. “So, shrimp alfredo and garlic toast?”
“Yep, and we’ll need fresh ingredients to make it special. Let’s start with the seafood section,” Wanda suggested.
As they moved through the aisles, Wanda continued to offer advice. “Remember, it’s not just about the dinner. It’s about showing Y/N that you’re willing to put in the effort, that you’re thinking about her and what she likes.”
“I know,” Nat said, picking out a bag of fresh shrimp. “I just hope it’s not too late.”
“It’s never too late if you’re willing to make a change,” Wanda reassured her, placing a loaf of fresh bread in the cart.
As they moved to the produce section, Wanda picked up a bag of flour. Nat furrowed her brow in confusion. “Why do we need flour? Aren’t we just buying pasta?”
Wanda shook her head with a smile. “We’re making the pasta from scratch. It tastes better, and only the best for Y/N.”
Nat was impressed but also slightly overwhelmed. “Are you sure I can pull this off?”
“With my help, absolutely,” Wanda said confidently. “Let’s grab some fresh garlic and parsley too.”
They continued shopping, selecting the best ingredients. As Wanda picked up fresh tomatoes and heavy cream, Nat asked, “What are those for?”
“Homemade alfredo sauce. Trust me, it’s worth the effort,” Wanda explained, placing the items in the cart.
They made their way through the store, filling the cart with fresh basil, Parmesan cheese, and a bottle of white wine for the sauce. Nat’s mind was slightly more at ease as they checked off items from the list.
Once they had everything for the dinner, Nat wandered off to another section of the store, intent on picking up some of Y/N’s favorite things. She grabbed Oreos, her favorite chips, and some wine she knew Y/N loved among with other things.
As they checked out, Wanda looked at Nat curiously. “You really went all out with the extras.”
Nat smiled slightly. “I want to show her I’m thinking about her, not just with dinner, but in all the little things she loves.”
Wanda nodded approvingly. “That’s the right approach.”
After checking out, Wanda and Nat headed to the car to put up the groceries. Once they got into the car, Wanda gave her a reassuring smile. “Ready?”
Nat nodded, a mix of nerves and determination in her eyes. “Ready.”
As they drove back to Nat’s apartment, the weight of the evening ahead felt heavy but hopeful. Nat was prepared to do whatever it took to make things right, one step at a time.
Back at the apartment, Nat and Wanda unpacked the groceries. Nat carefully placed the fresh ingredients on the counter, feeling a mix of anticipation and anxiety. Wanda began to organize everything, setting out the flour, eggs, and olive oil for the pasta dough.
“Okay, first thing’s first,” Wanda said, tying an apron around her waist. “We’re going to make the pasta dough. It’s a bit messy, but it’s worth it.”
Nat nodded, following Wanda’s lead.
“Alright, Nat. Here’s how we make the pasta dough. First, make a hole in the center of the flour,” Wanda instructed, demonstrating with a mound of flour on the counter. “Then, we crack the eggs into it.”
Nat watched closely and imitated Wanda’s actions, cracking eggs into the flour. “Like this?”
“Perfect,” Wanda said with a nod. “Now, you gently beat the eggs with a fork, slowly incorporating the flour from the edges.”
Nat concentrated, her tongue peeking out slightly as she carefully mixed the eggs and flour. “This is harder than it looks.”
Wanda chuckled. “It takes practice, but you’re doing great. Keep going until it forms a dough.”
As the mixture began to come together, Nat used her hands to knead it into a smooth ball. Wanda added a bit of olive oil, showing Nat how to work it into the dough. “Now we knead. Press it with the heel of your hand, fold it over, and repeat.”
Nat followed Wanda’s movements, finding a rhythm in the repetitive motions. “How long do we knead it?”
“About ten minutes, until it’s smooth and elastic,” Wanda replied. “You’re doing really well, Nat.”
After the dough was ready, they wrapped it in plastic wrap and set it aside to rest. Next, Wanda guided Nat through preparing the shrimp. “First, we need to devein and clean these,” Wanda explained, showing Nat how to remove the shells and veins from the shrimp.
Nat mimicked her, quickly getting the hang of it. “This isn’t so bad.”
“See? You’ve got this,” Wanda encouraged. “Now, let’s season them with some salt, pepper.”
With the shrimp prepped, they moved on to the sauce. Wanda handed Nat a small knife and a clove of garlic.
Nat carefully chopped the garlic, as wanda prepared the pan with olive oil, waiting for Nat to finish. “Great job, Nat.”
After wanda put the garlic into the pan it wasn't long before the aroma of garlic filled the kitchen as it cooked.
Wanda added heavy cream and white wine to the pan, stirring gently. “We’re making the sauce now. Let it simmer and thicken.”
While the sauce simmered, Wanda brought out the pasta dough. “Time to roll out the pasta,” she said, grabbing a rolling pin. “Dust the counter with flour and roll the dough out thinly.”
Nat rolled out the dough, amazed at how it transformed. “This is actually fun.”
Wanda laughed. “Cooking can be therapeutic. Now, we’ll cut the dough into thin strips for the fettuccine.”
They used a sharp knife to cut the pasta into even strips, laying them out to dry slightly. Wanda checked the sauce, adding grated Parmesan cheese and fresh basil. “The sauce is almost ready. Just needs a bit more time.”
Once everything was prepped, Wanda and Nat cooked the pasta in boiling water, watching as it floated to the top. They drained it and added it to the creamy Alfredo sauce, tossing in the cooked shrimp.
After they put everything together in the pot, Wanda’s phone rang, pulling her attention away from their cooking. She glanced at the screen and her face grew serious. “Clint? What’s up?”
Natasha watched Wanda’s expression intently. After a brief conversation, Wanda nodded and ended the call. “Alright, I’ll be there soon.”
Wanda said washing her hands she turns her attention to nat "I have to go someone is trying to rob a bank across town"
"Do you need my help?"
"I think I can handel it but what I do need you to do is fix things with y/n".
“What am I gonna do without your help?” Nat asked, her worry evident.
“Relax, Nat,” Wanda said, giving her a reassuring smile. “Just let the food cook on low for the next 20 minutes.” She hurried to pull on her jacket. “Uh, I’ll send you the recipe for the garlic bread. It’s simple. Call Y/N and see what time she’ll be home.”
Natasha nodded, trying to absorb Wanda’s calmness. “Okay. I’ll handle it.”
Wanda squeezed Nat’s shoulder reassuringly before rushing out. Alone in the kitchen, Nat took a deep breath and began preheating the oven. She gave herself a pep talk, muttering, “You’ve got this. Finish dinner, make her happy, apologize, and talk. Be honest and open. Don’t push her away.” She grabbed her phone and dialed Y/N’s number.
The phone rang for about a minute until Y/N picked up. “Hello?”
“Hey, are you at work right now?” Nat asked, her heart pounding.
There was silence for about ten seconds before Y/N responded. “I’m just getting off and heading to the store. We ran out of eggs and flour, and I need to get something to cook for dinner.”
Nat smiled slightly. “I already went to the store and bought groceries for the week.”
“You did?” Y/N sounded surprised.
“Yes. When will you be home?”
“I guess I can be home in less than 15 minutes.”
“Great. I’ll see you in 15 minutes,” Nat says.
“Oh...okay,” Y/N replied, still sounding puzzled.
After hanging up, Nat started setting up the bed neatly, placing Y/N’s basket of treats and goodies with care. She then returned downstairs, set the oven to preheat, and nervously began preparing the ingredients for the garlic bread.
She heard the door open and close, followed by Y/N’s worried voice. “Nat?” ~
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coolpointsetta · 10 months
roy looks good doing everything. actually, he almost looks better than that when he’s doing absolutely nothing at all. coming home after a night out or spending the weekend at his mum’s and finding roy curled up on the couch with a book never fails to send that feeling into jamie’s gut.
roy looks good wearing a suit, he looks good wearing nothing. he looks good in the kit he wears for a charity match. he looks good while working out, while cooking, while cleaning.
jamie had always known roy was an attractive man. and he’d always thought that roy had looked his absolute hottest while dominating out on the pitch.
he was sorely mistaken.
roy looks his absolute best buying groceries.
saying it out loud, it sounds like the most unsexy thing in the history of the world, but it’s true! jamie was once an unbeliever, but he has seen the light.
grocery shopping for them is a very important time. jamie’s diet is still held within the boundaries that the nutritionist sets, but roy is a master of creating meals that are nutritious and delicious, so he needs very specific ingredients.
their routine is as follows: roy writes down what they need in the order that they’ll pass it in the store (“the store is organized the way it is to make more money. if we map it exactly right, we won’t be distracted” roy always says) while jamie keeps trying to add sweet treats like jaffa cakes or biscuits. roy always says no.
and there’s something hot about roy giving him a glare that only makes jamie want to tease and press more.
but after the list is made, they get in the car and drive to the store, and the entire way there, roy has one hand on the wheel and the other hand on jamie’s thigh, rubbing his thumb over his skin in a way that drives jamie absolutely insane.
(and if roy gets a blowjob in the parking lot before they go inside, who’s to say?)
but the hottest part of it all? the actual act of grocery shopping.
it’s hypnotic. jamie always finds himself unable to look away as roy walks through the aisles, adding items to their cart as they go. he inspects a loaf of bread, staring at it like he’s playing bad cop and this lump of flour is about to break the case wide open. he carefully turns over each piece of fruit, making sure they’re not bruised or already too far gone to do anything with. the way roy uses all five senses when picking something out; sniffing it, feeling it, sometimes tapping it to try and hear how ripe it is.
and don’t get jamie started on the way roy’s hips sway as he leans against the cart, pushing it along. because sometimes jamie has to stare down the closest produce just to get some of the thoughts out of his head.
jamie himself is utterly useless while grocery shopping, because he still wanders off and tries to add sweet treats to the cart, all of which are removed with a glare. which is extremely hot too. the glare that is, not roy taking out jamie’s favorite candies. that still sucks.
but there’s just something so…secure about going grocery shopping with his boyfriend. maybe secure isn’t the right word but it’s the one jamie has on hand. other words include happy, horny, delighted, and content.
and so they pay for their shit and they leave, passing on the plastic bags and using their reusable ones instead.
the one thing jamie insists on doing while grocery shopping however, is carrying every single bag inside in one go. mama didn’t raise no bitch, and these muscles aren’t just for show. and this would be relatively easy if he just let roy take a bag or two, but this is jamie’s time to shine, so he scoops up their reusable bags in his arms and walks their groceries into their house all by himself.
if roy reaches for something, jamie switches all the groceries to his other arm to take roy’s hand.
(and if jamie gets a quick blowjob before the ice cream melts? who’s to say? maybe roy finds grocery shopping with him just as hot)
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The Fuck Up Chapter 2
Summary:  Bucky fucked up.  A few times.  Will his best friend ever be able to forgive him?
Warnings: language, smut, mentions of war, injury, pregnancy
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Bucky didn’t hear from Y/N again for two weeks, the longest they’d ever gone without talking. He tried to reach out to her, texting, calling, video chatting, he even rode his motorcycle over to her apartment, knowing she would be home but she wouldn’t answer the door. He had sent in the re-enlistment papers. As much as he knew Y/N was right, he had made a promise. He would be fine, he knew he would.
Bucky received his orders a month later. Back to Baghdad with his military friend, Steve Rogers, assigned to his same group again. He was to ship out in another month. Y/N refused to talk to him, and he was becoming more desperate by the day just to talk to her before he left. As he was out grabbing some snacks the day before he was supposed to leave he saw her in the store, almost running up to her.
“Y/N!” He could see her visibly freeze at the sound of his voice and it hurt him. “Honey, please,” Bucky rounded her to look at her. She sighed heavily before meeting his gaze.
“Hey Buck,” Y/N said quietly.
“That’s it? Hey Buck?” he asked incredulously.
“I don’t have anything to say to you,” she said, her voice still quiet but firm.
“Stop calling me that!” she hissed, throwing the food she grabbed into her cart and walking away quickly.
“Why?” Bucky followed her. “Please just talk to me. We can go to your apartment and watch The Great British Bake Off again. I’ll give you one of those massages you love. Please just—”
Y/N stopped suddenly, making him skid to a stop. “What do you want me to say?” she asked, looking at him sadly. “You broke your promise to me. You re-enlisted. Becca told me.” Bucky hung his head, swallowing harshly. “I can’t keep watching you leave, Bucky. I can’t keep waiting to hear back from you and praying that you don’t die. I won’t do it anymore.”
“This is the last time, I promise,” he breathed, stepping closer to her.
“You said that last time,” Y/N said. “You lied.”
“I know, I fucked up,” Bucky said, taking another step closer until he could reach out and cup her cheeks in his hands. “I made two promises that I knew I couldn’t keep. But this is the last time. And I’ll come home. I always come home.”
“You almost didn’t,” Y/N whispered.
“But I will. I always do. Nothing can stop me from coming home to you,” Bucky whispered back, his eyes boring into hers. Y/N closed her eyes and shook her head. “I can’t…I can’t leave without us being good, honey.”
Y/N opened her eyes and looked at him again. Those big blue eyes were too much for her, she could never say no to him. She sighed again and pulled his hands away from her face but held his fingers. “Fine, you can come over, but just for a bit.”
Bucky smiled. “Great, I’ll meet you there.” He squeezed her fingers then went to buy the snacks he had. He hopped on his motorcycle and drove to her apartment, meeting her there and helping her bring her groceries into her apartment for her. They got comfortable, turning on the show and Bucky moving so he was behind her, rubbing her shoulders and neck. After watching the show for a while the tension started to lift between them.
“Why do they do that?” Bucky griped as he watched the bakers struggle with the proving times of bread. “They know it’s going to take forever, it’s fucking bread! They need to double the time for proving. But no, it has to look pretty!”
Y/N giggled at his complaining. “Says the man who can barely make himself anything.”
“Hey I try!” Bucky said, tickling her neck, making her squeal. “I made you that pasta thing and you liked it.”
“I did,” Y/N conceded. “And then you never made it again.”
Bucky laughed, pulling her back against him and looping his arms around her shoulders. He hugged her, his face nestling into the crook of her neck, breathing her in. They had always had a close relationship, which is why people thought they were dating all the time. He knew that his feelings towards her always had some kind of romantic undertone, but he had never wanted to push her towards anything she wasn’t ready or comfortable with, and the time had just never felt right to pursue anything. He had missed her these past few weeks, and he was going to miss her during this last tour. Y/N laid her head on his shoulder, making them almost cheek to cheek as she continued watching.
“You leave tomorrow?” Y/N asked quietly, a slight tremble in her voice.
Bucky shut his eyes, nuzzling her neck some more. “Yes,” he mumbled.
“Hm,” Y/N hummed. Her hands reached up and grabbed his arms around her, giving them a squeeze. “How long?”
“It’s a short one. Ten months,” Bucky said, his voice soft.
She hummed again, taking a deep breath. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you,” Bucky replied, his own voice starting to tremble. Y/N turned to him, looking into his wet eyes.
“Buck,” she whispered, then moved in his arms until she sat in his lap, hugging him around the neck as he held her. “Please come back.”
“I will,” he said, his hands rubbing up and down her back. “I told you, nothing can stop me coming back home to you.” He kissed her cheek, rubbing his face against hers. He couldn’t seem to get close enough to her today.
“I love you,” Y/N said, her breath tickling his neck.
“I love you,” Bucky breathed. She kissed his neck and it made him stiffen and quietly gasp. He had always kissed her in their friendship, on the cheek, the head, sometimes her hands, but she had never kissed him, until now. Y/N pulled away and cupped his face in her hands. She stared at him, like she was memorizing every part of his face. Her thumbs softly caressed his cheeks, the tips of her other fingers scratching his beard lightly. Bucky watched her carefully, shifting himself so his face was closer to hers. She didn’t try to move away and he took that as a good sign. His eyes darted from her eyes to her lips and back. “Y/N, can I ask you something?” Y/N nodded. “I know we’ve never…but could I just ask for one…kiss?”
Y/N’s eyes slightly widened as she inhaled a shaky breath. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea Buck,” she muttered.
“It’s probably not,” he agreed. “But…please?”
Y/N stared at him for another minute, her eyes flicking from his eyes to his lips. She licked her lips and nodded slowly. Bucky smiled and let her move on her own time. She moved forward, her nose bumping against his lightly, her eyes looking between his eyes and lips over and over again. She angled her head and softly pressed her lips against his.
Bucky tried not to react too quickly so as not to scare her off. He softly moved his lips against hers, his hands pulling her towards him firmly. Y/N breathed heavily against him, deepening the kiss as her hands moved from his jaw to the back of his neck, holding him to her mouth. Something about the kiss seemed to break down a wall between them, the fears and worries about this kind of intimacy between them crumbling.
The kiss became passionate, Bucky’s hands moving Y/N so she was straddling his lap and he kneaded her thighs and hips. Y/N ran her fingers through his hair, tugging at the strands as she opened her mouth and licked along his lips until he opened them and tasted her back. He moaned, his mind reeling at the fact that he was doing this, having this moment with her. Y/N whimpered at the noise he made and chased it with her tongue. Bucky’s hands moved to her ass, feeling her and pulling her more onto his crotch. She responded by grinding her hips against him, her hands traveling down his chest and stomach until she could lift his shirt. He helped her shrug it off of him and she scratched down his chest.
There were no words spoken between them as Bucky stood and they stripped each other of their clothes as they clumsily walked toward her bedroom. They were never far apart as they climbed onto the bed and he kissed every inch of skin he could reach. He wondered why they had never done this before. It felt so natural, so right with her, like breathing as he drove her to her first orgasm with his mouth, as she gripped his cock so perfectly, as he entered her and it felt like she was made for him. Every sound she made was like his own symphony, and he committed each thing about this moment to memory.
Y/N screamed as she came, sending Bucky into his climax as her pussy constricted around him. They laid together, panting breaths against each other's faces, Bucky rubbing his nose along her face and down her neck, not wanting the moment to end just yet. They still didn’t say anything as Bucky pulled out of her then pulled her into a hug as he lay next to her. His eyes drooped as he listened to her breathing even out, his fingers tickling her back slowly as he drifted off to sleep.
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lee-aveyourmark · 1 year
pov: you're doing grocery shopping with seventeen - maknae line
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∘.∙°. masterlist Warnings: mentions of food, alcohol, public affection
A/N: For legal reasons, some of this is a joke. I don't mean to undermine any of the members, so please don't misread my writing :)
mingyu Efficient. Knows what he needs to buy before entering the store, but is also flexible in changing his shopping list or meal plan if the store doesn't stock certain items. Is not afraid to ask store clerks where certain items are. Ends up inadvertently flirting with the aunties, and it takes a foreign hand on his bicep for him to quickly say his goodbyes and run back to you, whining and burying his face into your neck. Wine is a must-add to the cart. There's often a request from Seungcheol for a certain snack. Mingyu is reluctant in gratifying his hyung, and that reluctance quickly transforms into jealousy when you drop the requested item into the basket with indifference. Definitely needs you to hold his hand and stroke his hair for the next five minutes before the jealousy can dissipate.
the8 LIkes to shop at Chinese grocery stores as much as possible, since his culinary range is probably largely Chinese. You can often find this man in the tea section, browsing new leaves for his next tea ceremony and meditation session. There'll most likely be a mala-flavoured item that ends up in the cart. Enjoys introducing you to all the different spices frequently used in northern Chinese cooking and giggles at your cute pronunciation of their names. Also enjoys making conversation with the grandpas that compliment your relationship and- wait, is that Jun? You don't recall being told that he was going to be here. Oh, and now you're being sidelined and thirdwheeled as Jun drags Minghao to check out the newest instant ramen on offer.
dk Giggles, blushes and twirls his hair around his finger every five seconds because, omg, you're out buying groceries with him - how domestic! Absolutely adores taking photos of you doing literally whatever at the store - looking at items, picking items up, eating samples, pushing the cart - he's capturing it all. Tries so hard to control himself when seeing you strolling down the aisles in his oversized hoodie, but fails miserably as his lips make contact with your cheek. As our resident ray of sunshine, this man will buy food based on how cute the packaging is. I'm talking bright colours, funky fonts, and baby animal mascots. Will also choose the odd-shaped fruits and vegetables because they're "quirky" and he feels a little sorry for them.
seungkwan Is an absolute sweetheart to all of the elderly ladies slowly pushing their carts through the store. Makes conversation with them and helps them pick items off shelves that are too high for them. Also is super sweet to the children, complimenting them and playing with them. He's always closely inspecting the health foods on offer, but looks forward to seeing the pastries from the bakery next door to the supermarket. When you offer to buy him some, he adamantly refuses, makes the excuse that he was just browsing and then complains about his diet under his breath. The excitement lit across his face when trying the weekly cookie menu is something that you'll never get sick of, and you make sure to bring him grocery shopping more often.
vernon What is Chwe Hansol doing in the grocery store with you? Honestly, he's asking himself that too because this man has zero experience. The assistance he attempts to provide is based on information from the internet, and I'm talking about WikiHow articles on buying bread. Uses logic to the best of his abilities, helping to choose items based on price point. However, logic doesn't get him very far when you're asking him which brand would taste the best. Will internally freak out if you leave him in the queue to grab something, and will need a breather when you return to the line with the loaf of bread that you forgot. Always has music on, so you'll need to give him a good shake of his shoulder to grab his attention.
dino Our maknae can cook, but that doesn't translate into having sense regarding grocery shopping. If he can't track you down amongst the aisles, there's a high chance of him calling another member for help. Particularly, he'll likely call a 95-line hyung with the expectation of them fulfilling their hyung role. Alas, I'm not entirely sure if Seungcheol, Jeonghan or Joshua knows whether a three-dollar cucumber is a bargain or not. Is extremely confused when you're walking around slapping watermelons like Seungcheol would his ass amidst dance practice. Honestly, just very confused but also very curious and willing to learn lots on how to select the freshest produce so that he can impress you with a tasty homemade dish one day.
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rickktish · 10 months
A list of mutable batfam headcanons that live inside my brain:
Steph deserves to be 6’ minimum, preferably 6’1” or 2”
Bruce is constantly trying to balance his need to be at the same eye level or above the people he’s intimidating vs his need to do his funky little gargoyle crouch. His favorite thing about the GCPD roof is that it has lots of surfaces he can crouch on and still meet or look down at Gordon’s eye level
Tim and Damian suffer from “too similar to get along” disease and must either become best friends or despise each other until the end of time
Babs prefers light, natural toned makeup. Steph prefers pops of color and decent amounts of jewelry when she can get away with it. Cass prefers jewelry and no makeup at all
Jason’s comfort meals are all variations on soup served with bread for dipping
Jason is of the opinion that Fitzwilliam Darcy is an ass at the beginning of the book and it’s a good thing he decided to change himself so he could take his place as Best Fictional Man Ever. Dick, who read the book in order to be able to connect with Jason better, is of the opinion that Fitzwilliam Darcy has done nothing wrong ever and only needed to work on his social skills, meaning that it’s his improved ability to communicate that makes him worthy of Elizabeth Bennet at the end. Neither of them wants to listen to Tim’s analysis of what this says about their relationships with Bruce
Duke has never engaged in non-Alfred approved chaos. This is not because Duke seeks Alfred’s approval, but rather because their senses of humor are in perfect alignment and Alfred is always pleased to discover that he approves of Duke’s particular instances of chaos even after the fact
Damian never had stuffed animals growing up, but after being corrupted by Dick’s influence he can no longer sleep without a minimum of one in his bed
Damian collects posters and articulable action figures. His favorite ones are the ones that can stand on their own, which he uses for posing practice in his drawings. His favorite figure is of one of the characters in Cheese Vikings who has a zuko-esque backstory and a secret propensity for gardening
Dick always buys the most beat up box of cereal at the grocery store because he feels bad for them
Cass loves not only ballet, but other works by classical composers as well. She will unironically listen to the local classical station, and can identify the Borodin String Quartet by the sound of their instruments alone
Tim and Bruce watch and read Gray Ghost media in all its various forms and discuss it together as a bonding activity
Alfred and Jason’s shared birthday is usually celebrated with them making each other cakes, meaning that everyone gets to enjoy not one but two cakes for the day
Jason specializes in cheesecake above all other cakes, though he did make Damian a black forest cake for his birthday once right after he’d finished playing Portal
Literally everyone is surprised when they learn that Damian plays video games. No one has ever once looked at him and thought “yeah, i bet that kid plays console games” and he’s actually really insecure about it, but he also refuses to wear any kind of merch outside the house. He owns dozens of gaming and anime T-shirts but refuses to be seen as anything but completely neutral outside his own territory
Most of the bats wear drug-detecting nail polish at all times, though the base and reactive colors vary by the bat in question
Bruce and Dick have both had therapists straightup quit on them and are therefore reluctant to go back to therapy ever again
Duke’s favorite book is Walden Pond
Alfred read Lord of the Rings aloud to Bruce when he was a kid
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tiannasfanfic · 1 year
Reunited (Part 1/4)
Eddie Munson x Reader (Fluff)
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| Eddie & Steddie Masterlist | AO3 Link |
Summary: On a trip back to Hawkins, running to the grocery store for his Uncle Wayne results in an unexpected reunion for Eddie Munson and his long lost best friend from high school. As the friendship is rekindled through a series of late night phone calls, the two of you become closer than ever and long buried feelings come rushing back to the surface.
Rating: Explicit
Author Note: Afab reader, gender neutral pronouns. Rockstar/BestFriend!Eddie x SingleMom!Reader. Part 1 of 4. An AU where Henry Creel never happened. A slow burn romance with eventual smut, maybe some Hurt/Comfort for Reader.
CW: Talk of deadbeat dad’s; general discussion of life as a rock star; mention of hangovers (no details).
Word Count: 5,291
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Is that who I think it is?”
Eddie Munson’s body tensed slightly at hearing the unexpected voice calling out to him.
While going outside always came with the chance of being spotted and recognized, that didn’t make it any more pleasant when it happened in the middle of the supermarket.
But right as he was bracing himself to be all smiles and cheer as he was swarmed by a fan on the bread aisle at Bradley’s Big Buy, it dawned on him that there had been something familiar about that voice.
Eddie slowly turned around. Instead of looking into the face of an overexcited fan he didn’t recognize, he found himself looking at you, a face he did very much recognize.
Despite all the years that had passed, seeing you made his heart skip several beats and stir butterflies up in his stomach.
“It is who I think it is!” you said, the curious expression on your face morphed into an excited smile.
Eddie’s eyes widened. He opened his mouth to speak, but before any words of greeting could come out, he found himself on the receiving end of a tackling bear hug.
His arms wrapped tightly around you as he staggered backwards at the force of your body hitting his. Since this inadvertently pulled you with him, it caused both of you to be thrown off balance. There was a brief moment where you teetered and spun while still in each other’s arms, but then you both got your footing back and didn’t fall over.
Once you both were steady, you pulled back a little to grin sheepishly at him.
“Sorry,” you said, eyes sparkling as you met his gaze. “I guess I got a little over excited.”
“No, it’s totally okay,” Eddie said quickly, grinning back at you. “I can’t fucking believe it, it’s really you!”
Your grin widened and you hugged him again, without the tackle this time. Eddie welcomed your tight embrace and squeezed you firmly to his chest.
Even though Eddie was back in Hawkins for the holidays, he never expected to see you on the trip. While the two of you had been best friends throughout most of high school, he hadn’t seen or talked to you in years. There hadn’t been a falling out, nor were the two of you upset at one another. It was just one of those things that could happen with friendships, even close friends like yourselves. Life had a way of making people grow apart sometimes and, unfortunately, this was one of those times.
Back in 1984 after you graduated and he didn’t, the separation of your daily lives naturally put some distance between you two. The distance then grew as you saw each other less and less thanks to the demands of school and work. Once everyone in the band was finally out of high school, Eddie and the other members of Corroded Coffin moved out to California to focus on a career in music. By that point, the two of you had been living your own lives and hadn’t spoken in quite a while.
It took a few years, but eventually the guys were discovered playing at a dingy bar in Los Angeles. They signed a record deal, put out an album and began opening at concerts for the more famous bands with the same label. This naturally progressed to more popularity, which led to bigger shows and more money.
While they still weren’t as big as they wanted to be yet, they were doing very well for themselves, and were making steady progress in the music industry.
But, every year, the guys always kept their schedules clear from mid-December to mid-January in order to come back home for the holidays.
“So, what’s a big rock star like you doing in a place like this?” you asked, gesturing around the bread and cereal aisle you both were standing on.
If there was one thing Eddie did not feel like right now, it was a rock star.
Instead, he felt like he was in high school, meeting you for the first time all over again. He felt every bit as nervous and giddy as he did when you parked yourself in the empty chair next to him at the Hellfire table without even asking.
He could still remember your reply when, while trying to save face in front of the other guys, he asked you what exactly you thought you were doing there.
“Sitting down, what does it look like?”
That ended up being your spot for the duration of your time in high school.
Despite everything wonderful that had happened to him since then, that afternoon was still one of the greatest days of his life, as far as Eddie was concerned.
“Just doing a little shopping for my uncle, restocking his fridge up after my visit,” me said, chuckling as he gestured to his shopping basket, then he took a step back to get a better look at you. “Forget about that though, how the fuck are you? It’s been, like, fucking forever!”
“It really has!” you said, laughing. “I’ve been good. How about you? How have things been?”
“I’ve been great!” Eddie said, grinning at you. “I’m living out in California now. The guys and I finally made it big!”
“I heard!” you smiled brightly, then it was your turn to look him over. “You look incredible, by the way. The magazine photos don’t do you any justice.”
Not expecting the sudden praise, Eddie felt his neck and cheeks heat up at your words. He looked down quickly and cleared his throat, taking a second to compose himself before meeting your gaze again.
“Yeah?” he said, then decided to play it cocky for now as he grinned at you. “Been keeping tabs on me, have you?”
While he expected you to play coy and deny it like most people would, instead you looked at him like he suddenly turned bright purple right before your very eyes.
“Are you kidding? Of course I have!” you said in dismay, then started laughing. “Why wouldn’t I? It’s not every day a person can say their best friend is a rock star, you know.”
Eddie’s heart went wild at your words. A soft smile spread across his face, and he felt heat once again creep into his cheeks.
“I always figured you forgot about me at some point.” he said, a half grin on his face.
You looked at him with a baffled expression, then rapidly shook your head.
“Of course not,” you said, then smiled warmly. “I could never forget about you.”
Instead of blushing, Eddie found himself staring at you, his heart beating rapidly in his chest. You returned his gaze, smiling.
After a few seconds, the moment seemed to get a bit too intense for you both and you looked away from each other at the same time.
You cleared your throat before speaking again.
“Hey, listen, I gotta get this shopping done and get home, but I’d love to see you again while you’re in town,” you said, smiling at him. “Are you doing anything tomorrow evening? I can cook us dinner and we’ll hang out, just like old times.”
While the butterflies went wild in Eddie’s stomach at your invitation, he decided to cover his excitement by playing cocky again.
“You sure that’s a good idea?” he asked with a playful grin. “I wouldn’t want your husband getting all jealous that his wife is hanging out with a famous rock star.”
You laughed heartily at that, and he was reminded of how much he loved the sound of your laughter.
“Oh no, I’m not married,” you said, waving away his question with one hand. “It’s just me and my little man.”
At first, Eddie’s heart soared at your admission of being unmarried, but then he got confused.
“Little man?” he asked, tilting his head at you.
You visibly brightened at the question.
“Oh, you hadn’t heard?” you asked.
Eddie shook his head to indicate he hadn’t.
A big smile came to your face, but instead of answering his question, you reached into your bag and pulled out your wallet. You stepped closer and Eddie watched with curiosity as you opened it and flipped it open to the plastic photo holder all wallets had. Now that the shock of seeing you had passed, Eddie finally noticed how nice you smelled with you standing so close to him again. He couldn’t tell if it was your shampoo, soap or cologne, but it made his knees feel weak. Eddie forced himself to focus his attention on the wallet you were holding open for him to look at.
“This is Jesse,” you said, your voice filled with love as Eddie stared down at a photo.
It took a moment for his brain to reengage and process what he was seeing, but once he did, he couldn’t help but smile. It was a photo of you sitting in front of a Christmas tree holding a little boy on your lap. You both were wearing matching pajamas and had matching Santa hats, but while you were wearing your hat, the little boy was holding his with both hands and chewing on the fuzzy ball.
“Oh wow,” Eddie said, voice tinged with awe. “How old is he?”
“He’ll be two in June,” you said proudly. “So, a little over a year and a half now.”
Eddie studied the picture for a bit longer before looking back up at you with a smile. “He looks just like a mini version of your dad.”
You laughed and nodded at Eddie’s words, making him feel weak kneed all over again, so he lowered his gaze back to the photo.
“He’s definitely a character just like his grandpa,” you said, as you shook your head. “I guess that’s what I get for naming him after my dad, but I sure as fuck wasn’t about to name him after the sperm donor.”
Eddie looked up from the photo to you and tilted his head to the side. While he was curious, he also didn’t want to pry into a sore subject
“It sounds like there may be a story behind that one,” he said, leaving you an opening if you wanted to talk about it.
The topic didn’t seem to faze you though. You shrugged and looked up at him with an unbothered expression.
“It’s a tale as old as time, nothing too exciting,” you said. “My ex, Scott, split town when I was four months along. Last I heard, he was in Nebraska, shacked up with some older chick he found to be his sugar mama.”
Eddie blinked several times, his jaw dropped.
“You’re kidding?”
“Sadly, no,” you said, shaking your head. “And just a few days after our third anniversary too. Can you believe it?”
Eddie could not, in fact, believe it, and it took him a moment to think of a reply.
“Damn, that really fucking sucks,” he said. “Guess it’s true what they say. Sometimes you don’t ever really know a person.”
You nodded wisely, then smiled at him again.
“But enough about that dipshit,” you said. “What do you say? Dinner at my house tomorrow night?”
Once again, the butterflies flapped around in Eddie’s stomach at your invitation. But right as he was about to say yes, he remembered what was on the itinerary for tomorrow.
“Shit,” he said, then sighed. “I can’t. We’re leaving first thing in the morning to go back to LA.”
“Now that really fucking sucks,” you said, a twinge of sadness in your voice that made Eddie’s heart ache. “When will you be back in town?”
“Probably not until next Christmas unless something important comes up,” he said, sad about this fact for the first time ever, but then had a thought and he looked at you hopefully. “Maybe I could call you sometime though?”
You started beaming at him.
“I would love that!”
While you dug around in your bag looking for a pen, Eddie pulled a crumpled receipt from one of his pockets and smoothed it out as best he could.
“Call me at any time,” you said as you wrote your number down. “And I mean that. Between Jesse having weird hours and me battling insomnia, I’m usually up way late.”
“I can do that,” Eddie said, grinning. “My hours are usually weird and late, too.”
Rather than just write down your phone number, you also wrote down your address.
“Just in case something important ever comes up randomly and want to stop by,” you said, watching as he folded up the bit of paper and put it into his wallet with a soft smile on your face. “You’re always welcome over.”
Eddie blushed deeply, replaced his wallet back into his jeans, then pulled you in for one last hug.
The two of you stood there for a while, just quietly holding onto one another and enjoying the moment.
“I’m so glad I got to see you today,” you said softly, your head resting on his shoulder.
“Me too, sweetheart,” Eddie replied, turning his face towards you to kiss the side of your head. “Me too.”
When he felt a small shiver run through your body, Eddie feared he’d gone too far with the kiss. But when you pulled away a moment later, the smile on your face soothed his worries and made his heart skip a beat.
It was hard for him to watch as you pushed your basket down the aisle and away from him. But, despite that, he found himself unable to take his eyes off you. You looked back at him just in time to smile and wave right before you turned the corner.
Once you walked away from the aisle, you fully intended to finish your grocery shopping, but running into Eddie Munson had left you so giddy that you completely forgot a full third of what was on your list.
While it normally annoyed you to have to make another trip to the store, this time you didn’t mind.
Out of all the friends you had lost contact with over the years, Eddie the one you thought of the most. While you’d had a thing for the man since day one of sophomore year when you saw him acting like a jackass in the lunchroom, you never acted on those feelings, but the two of you had gotten very close during those three years of high school, easily becoming best friends.
But when you graduated and he didn’t, the two of you went from seeing each other every day to only seeing each other on the weekends. Then a new job cut that out when you had to start working on those nights. After that, the rest, as they say, is history. Life carried you both away from each other on separate paths until it decided to bring you back together again in the present.
In all honesty, despite the fact Eddie seemed just as excited by the reunion as you were, you really didn’t expect to hear from him again. You knew meeting him at the grocery store was pure chance during the one time of year he got some downtime to come back home. Once he left Hawkins, you knew it was time for Eddie to be a rock star again, living a fast paced, jet setting life.
And that was why when your phone rang a little after 2am just four days later, you nearly had a heart attack.
Since you kept the handset of your cordless phone on low in case of late-night phone calls, you weren’t too worried about it waking Jesse up in the next room.
However, despite the fact you frequently told people it was perfectly alright to call you at all hours, they very rarely did unless it was an emergency. Late night calls were not something you were used to.
In your panic to answer the phone, you accidentally knocked it off your nightstand and onto the floor. By the time you managed to get a hold of it and sit back up, it was on the fifth ring.
“Hello?” you said, feeling nervous at the response you were about to get.
“Hey sweetheart!” came a familiar voice from the other end of the line. “I didn’t wake you, did I?”
“Eddie!” you said, breathing a sigh of relief. “No, not at all! I just wasn’t expecting the phone to ring and my first thought was someone must be dead or dying.”
Eddie cackled with laughter, and you couldn’t help but join him.
“Nah, no Grim Reaper, just your favorite metalhead,” he said, and you could hear the grin in his voice.
That was what you called him back in high school after you bonded over your similar tastes in music. There weren’t too many metalhead’s back at Hawkins High in those days, but you once claimed he would always your favorite one no matter how many there were.
“I like that one much better anyways,” you said, grinning at the sudden trip down memory lane. “How’s life treating you out in California?”
“Good,” Eddie said, and you could hear him moving things around on his end of the phone call. “Busy, but good. We had to fly back out that way to New York right after we got home. Our manager sprang it on us last minute and we got stuck doing some appearances over the weekend. I just got home from the airport a bit ago.”
“Seriously?” you blinked a few times. “Wow. You know, that’s so freaky and weird when you get to thinking about it.”
“Why’s that, sweetheart?”
“Because of the distance,” you said, settling back into the pile of pillows on your bed. “Just a few days ago, we were standing right in front of each other. I could reach out and touch you, but now we’re almost on opposite sides of the country from each other. Hell, you’ve even been back and forth one more time across the nation since I last saw you.”
“Huh,” Eddie said, considering this for a moment before you heard him chuckle. “When you put it that way, it is pretty freaky and weird.”
He fell quiet for a moment, and you heard a few banging noises and grunting coming from his side of the phone.
“Sounds like you’re pretty busy over there,” you said.
“Just getting my luggage upstairs,” he said, sounding a bit out of breath now. “I literally just got home from the airport right before I called you.”
“And the first thing you did was call me?” you said, blinking in surprise. “Shouldn’t your girlfriend be the first person you call when you get home?”
“If I had one, sure,” Eddie said, and you heard him grunt as if he just lifted something heavy. “But since I don’t, the honor of first phone call goes to you. Hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all,” you said, grinning. “I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t about to have a crazed supermodel busting down my door thinking little ol’ hometown friend me is trying to steal her man.”
At that, Eddie cackled with laughter.
“Nah, don’t worry,” he said. “I tend to stay away from models these days. It would more likely be a porn star or stripper instead.”
“Now that’s even worse,” you said, playfully sighing with resignation. “That means I’m going to be drooling all over the place while getting my ass kicked. That’s just not fair at all.”
Now Eddie was really laughing hard, and you couldn’t help but smile at the sound. When he genuinely found something funny, he had that sort of laugh that sounded like it came from deep in his soul. It was amazing to listen to.
“Hey now, don’t sell yourself short,” he said, a playfully chiding tone in his voice, and you could hear him grinning. “You still look pretty fucking good to me.”
“Want me to let you in on a little secret?”
“Sure, sweetheart. What’s up?”
“There’s a huge difference between looking good and being in shape,” you said. “Trust me, those girls could kick my ass and I wouldn’t even care, cause they’d look so damn good doing it.”
Eddie’s laughter rang through the phone once again, which was broken off by a loud curse, followed by several loud, rapid bangs that gradually sounded like they were getting further away before stopping suddenly.
“Fuck,” he said, then started laughing again. “I just dropped my damn suitcases down the fucking stairs.”
“Were you trying to carry everything all at once?”
“Course I was.”
His laughter was soon joined by yours as he started picking his clothes up off the stairs.
The conversation flowed easily between you two, almost as if no time at all had passed. He asked about Jesse, and you talked at length about him. You asked about his trip to New York, and Eddie talked at length about that. The time really flew by once you started catching each other up on the last ten plus years that the two of you missed.
The sun was rising in Hawkins by the time you two finally got off the phone.
As nice as it was talking to him, you didn’t expect to hear from him again for a while, if ever.
Imagine your surprise when Eddie called you again the next night.
And the next night.
And the next three nights after that.
Then on the sixth night after that when Eddie called, he had big news to share.
“The opening band for White Zombie dropped out of their tour just three days before it starts, and our management scored us the gig!”
“Holy shit, Eddie, that awesome!” you exclaimed loudly, then clamped your hand over your mouth in horror, your gaze sweeping over to the baby monitor on your nightstand.
Eddie had been through this before when you’d gotten a little too excited and loud about something, so he stayed quiet while you listened for any noise coming from your sons’ room. When it became apparent you hadn’t woken Jesse up, you resumed the conversation in a much quieter tone of voice.
“Seriously, that’s fucking cool as hell, baby! I’m so proud of you!”
The slip up made you bite down on your lip and your cheeks burn a bright red. You didn’t mean to call him a pet name, but it happened sometimes when you were really tired or really excited about something and your true feelings were dangerously close to the surface.
Fortunately, if there was ever a time that Eddie caught exactly what it was you called him, he never commented on it. This time was no exception.
“Thanks, sweetheart,” he replied, and you could hear him grinning. “I wanted to let you know just in case I don’t get to talk to you for a while. We start preparations for the tour tomorrow and then head out the day after. I figure it’s going to be pretty busy and hectic.”
“Jesus, that’s really short notice,” you said, wincing at the thought of just exactly how busy and hectic that was going to be. “Why’d the other band drop out anyway?”
“They broke up.”
You blinked a few times in surprise.
“They broke up?”
“Three days before a big tour like this starts and they broke up?”
“Why in the fuck did they do that?”
“No idea,” Eddie said, chuckling. “Can’t say I really care either. They just handed us our biggest gig yet on a silver platter.”
Despite being warned by their management team about how much bigger this tour was going to be in comparison to the ones they’d been on so far, nothing could have prepared the members of Corroded Coffin for exactly how big. It had to be experienced to be believed.
And what an experience it was.
The next three months were a chaotic whirlwind consisting of being on the road in the tour bus, concerts, after parties, clubs, VIPs, hotel rooms and hangovers. Eddie would have lost track of which city they were in from one gig to the next had their manager not told him right before he went on stage each night.
By the time he finally walked back into his Los Angeles condo at the end of April, Eddie was elated by the whole experience, but exhausted and very glad to be home.
Despite the months that had passed, all of the debauchery that went on and the many women who passed through his bed, Eddie still remained single and unattached. And yet, despite that, there was only one person at the forefront of his mind when his plane finally landed at LAX.
Once he was back home and his bags had been brought inside by the driver, Eddie snatched up the handset of the cordless phone from its base and dialed the number he already knew by heart.
It was just a little after 5pm Los Angeles time, which made it just a little after 8pm Hawkins time. This was much earlier than Eddie had ever called you before and it took longer than normal for you to answer the phone.
“Hello?” you said after the seventh ring.
“Hey sweetheart!” Eddie said, then his brow furrowed a bit with worry as he continued on with what had become his customary greeting. “I didn’t wake you, did I?”
That would probably seem like a ridiculous question to anybody else given what time it was, but given the hours you kept, there was no telling when you might have some free time to try and get a nap in.
“Nope, just forgot the phone in the other room,” you said with a chuckle, and now he could hear you sounded a little out of breath. “Hang on a second, let me get back to the living room real quick.”
“Alright, sweetheart,” he said.
Eddie started carrying his luggage upstairs, listening to the background noise change on your side of the call as you moved from one room to another. Sesame Street was playing in the background, but the volume soon lowered, then he heard you make a soft “oof” sound that indicated you had sat down.
“I’m going to try to put you on speakerphone,” you said then. “I’ve never done this before, so if I hang up on you, call me right back, okay?”
“Will do, sweetheart,” he said, chuckling.
There was a rustling sound, then you pressed one of the number buttons on the phone, resulting in its accompanying touch tone blasting into Eddie’s ear and making him wince. After a couple of beeps, the overall sound of the phone call changed.
“Eddie, are you still there?” you said, your voice sounding further away but still clear.
“I’m right here, sweetheart.”
“Awesome, I did it!” you exclaimed, then your voice changed to a tone that was softer and just very slightly higher pitched. “See, Jesse? I said mama would figure it out eventually!”
A burst of giggles from a tiny voice rang out from your side of the phone, accompanied shortly afterwards by a few exaggerated kissing sounds.
Eddie stopped in mid stride halfway down the hall to his bedroom and burst into a grin.
That was the most adorable thing he had ever heard on his life.
“I take it this is the little man?” he asked, resuming his stride.
“Yup! This is Jesse,” you said, then your voice changed to the higher pitched one from earlier. “Jesse, can you say hi to Eddie? Say, ‘Hi Eddie!’”
At this point, there was some soft babbling from your end of the line, but no discernible words. Eddie felt his grin soften as you listen to you repeat yourself a couple of times.
“Is he talking very much yet?” he asked.
Now in his bedroom, Eddie dropped his suitcases and duffel bags by the dresser, then flopped down onto his bed, stretching out on his back.
“Quite a bit, yeah,” you said, and then he heard the sound of what sounded like a tiny plastic hammer banging on a wooden block from your end of the call. “Still mostly babbles, especially when he’s happy.”
As if right on cue, a burst of excited babbling came from your end of the phone.
“Yay! You did it!” you exclaimed, and he heard you start clapping.
Eddie smiled up at his ceiling, trying to picture in his head what was going on in your living room right now.
“So, what have you two been up to today?” he asked, tucking one arm behind his head to prop it up a little.
“Not a whole lot, mainly just trying to hammer square pegs into round holes,” you said, your voice filled with humor.
“Oh?” Eddie asked, confused for a moment then realized you were talking about actual shapes. “Oh! And how’s that been going?”
“Not well, I’m afraid,” you admitted. “We actually had a small breakdown earlier when we just couldn’t figure out why it wouldn’t work.”
“Aw, that’s never any fun” he said, and couldn’t help but pout at the idea of an unhappy Jesse. “Did everything work out okay?”
“Oh yes!” you said happily. “Once we decided to try the square pegs with the square holes, things started going much smoother.”
“That’s good,” Eddie said, smiling. “I’m glad to hear that, sweetheart.”
There was a pause in the conversation at that point, a small but comfortable silence, then you cleared your throat.
“Anyway!” you said, sounding slightly higher pitched, which made you clear your throat a second time. “How was the tour? Tell me all about it, Eddie!”
The smile on Eddie’s face turned into an excited grin.
“It was so amazing!” he said. “I swear, sweetheart, I never would’ve dream-“
The call went quiet on both ends of the call save for the soft singing of Big Bird in the background on your side.
“Eddie,” you said. “Ed-E. Eddie!”
“Eggy! Egg-E! Eggy!” Jesse replied.
Eddie couldn’t help but burst into laughter.
“It’s okay, I’ve been called a hell of a lot worse than Eggy before,” he said, chuckling, then he stopped and his face went blank when he realized what he said. “Sorry, sweetheart. I meant heck of a lot worse.”
“It’s okay,” you said, chuckling. “I really just watch the F bombs, but stuff like shit, hell and damn are okay.”
“Sounds reasonable,” Eddie said. “Put me in check though if I slip and start getting ru-“
“Shit hell damn!”
There was a moment of silence before both of you burst into laughter.
“Oh, he can say that but not Eddie, eh?” he said, a teasing and playful tone in his voice.
“Right?” you agreed through your laughter.
Closing his eyes, a smile came across Eddie’s face as he listened to you laugh. He didn’t realize how much he had missed it these past three months until now.
That three month stretch ended up being the longest he would go without talking to you.
With his schedule being what it was, Eddie never could guarantee when he would be able to call. Sometimes things would be relaxed enough that he could call several nights in a row, other times he would be so busy it might be a week or two before he had the chance to pick up the phone
Either way, it didn’t take him long to realize that you were the first person he thought of whenever he got some downtime.
And, after a while, it started to feel like Hawkins was further and further away every time he hung up the phone.
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Eddie Munson Taglist: @eddie-swhore
Story Taglist: @ali-r3n
580 notes · View notes
plasticfangtastic · 19 days
Cozy Corner Domaystic--Prompt: 3. Grocery Shopping, 18. Snow Day, 21. Road trip (sort of)
Charred Steak
A Butchlander fic
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Sypnopsis: Butcher is in charge of taking care of Homelander.
Tags: Fluff?, non-canon anything, partially-depowered Homelander, depressive, one-shot, not proof read i die like this.
word count: 1.5k words
This is the forth time he’s heard this song on the radio, one can only tolerate the same country cover before been driven insane but is better than nothing, their car only had an old stereo and he rather not drive in silence with this company, they’ve arrived to their cabin and found it more than just barren, ordered to stay out of sight and hidden until further notice so it was just functional not comfortable but at least it'll do, the snow was piling up and the sun had begun to set-- all Butcher wanted was anything in his stomach and a drink to warm him up, then worry about tomorrow and the road.
Leaving the cargo behind he headed to the nearest town over an hour away, in normal circumstance he wouldn’t dare leave this guy alone but now he can’t go anywhere, he’s bound to the ground like any other sad sod in the world should-- or at least for the most part, but he’s not complaining he himself doesn’t want to do anything, he’s rotting away on his passenger seat or the floor, the most he’s spoken this whole drive to the middle of nowhere America had been to complain about the amount of ads on the radio then over this song.
But Butcher pays him no mind.
This drive is short compared to the last few days, the song just an annoying reminder.
The supermarket is a little small, but he can at least take a breather in aisle dillydalling as he reads the ingredients and cooking instructions, he was no gourmand much less Gordon Ramsey so he would eat anything.
Homelander much the same--he had no taste for food not eating much either, losing weight to a worrisome degree even his bosses had ordered him to feed him, so he stuffed the trolley with a decent variety of things in hopes he liked something, he ignored the ringing on his phones, too exhausted to deal with the rest of the boys after such a long drive, just wanting to get back and eat.
He picks two packs of steaks seeing which was the best deal, he should buy the cheapest chuck knowing Homelander doesn’t deserve anything but dollar store steak but he puts the T-Bone on the trolley nevertheless, he can’t really brush away the image of Homelander’s distraught, how dead he was, after all these days bound together Homelander feel more like a husk dressed and bleached than his archnemesis.
Reading his shopping list he got he milk, the hot cocoa, enough water for a month, he got the bread, butter, canned chili and beans, too many cans that at some point he’s unsure if they will eat it all, toilet paper, frozen vegs and lots of steak, he shouldn’t be buying candies... Homelander seemed to despise anything with fructose unless its coke.
But he still throws a few in there.
Butcher almost wishes the snow buries his car and leaves him stranded if that meant he can stay away from the blond.
But he makes it to the cabin, he looks up and sees no smoke.
He ran as if his life depended on it, his mind only remembers the Homelander of the past, he’s gone and he’s fucked.
The door slams open and he’s taunting the air with his gun but all there is a mess hovering a dwindling flame, wrapped in a blanket and shivering, his foot sticking out and blue.
“You’ll get hypothermia that way… don’t you know how to keep a fire going?”
Homelander doesn’t reply, his eyes yearn to light up but he’s just there immobile on the ground and if his head hadn’t move just a second prior he would had thought it was a corpse. 
Homelander doesn’t move when Butcher fixes the fireplace again, but he will pretend to not have noticed that the man squinted and smiled as the warmth enveloped him, he catchest that odd look in his eyes as he touches him to put that poor foot back inside the quilt.
Butcher does his things, putting things away wishing he would help or talk but all Homelander wants to do is sit by the fire like a cat.
“They said on the radio that the snow storm is only going to get worse… we will be stranded so if you want anything I didn’t get at the shops you better speak up now.”
Homelander says nothing.
“You… whatevah…”
Homelander doesn’t do anything, Butcher can fix their temporary residency for a couple days without protest.
He looks at his watch and realizes that Homelander hasn’t eaten or drank anything for hours, he looks at the man grunting as he forces himself to care for him, picking him up from the ground and finally earning a response from the man, he looks at Butcher wincing at him trying to push him away but while there is strength that doesn’t match those thin arms, he’s still weak.
Dragging him up, the man looks away from him-- he looks more angry than ashamed
“I’m gonna make dinner. Be useful and set the table.”
Homelander stood there as Butcher looks back at him and for some disturbing amount of time Homelander stood frozen, but without making a sound he floats and helps him out, he moves smoothly and quicker than most but not in a manner that seemed natural for him.
“Is that… good enough?” His voice is so dry, it hurts to listen, he nods for putting a table wasn’t rocket science– what are you making?”
Butcher grins surprised to hear the bastard wanting to chit-chat.
“Steak and veggies.” He says bluntly.
“Better than slim jims and whisky…” 
He sounds normal for a second which gets Butcher to turn around, he much rather listen to this version of him instead of the corpse tied to him.
“You got milk but no whisky… Did you forget?”
Butcher eyes light up in horror, the snow so thick outside he knows it probably not a good idea to travel anymore not at this hour.
“You did get slim jims…”
“Is better if I stay sober if am s’ppose to be stuck ‘ere with you until I get my next orders.”
Homelander smile is more somber than Butcher wants to witness-- he can tell he's bullshiting him so his hearing isn't all gone, this situation is dire but he still looks at the disheveled blonde with a bit of anxiety, his suit long gone replaced by dark coloured sweats, missing a sock and a beard that's gone from scratchy to scruffy, Homelander has been docile for the most part, Butcher becoming his nurse bathing him, washing his hair, shaving that god awful beard... he’s been comatose for weeks, waking up and being no different than a vegetable, moved from coast to coast away from Vought and their minions, Butcher has gotten uncomfortably familiar with Homelander, so when he acts alive its great but it annoys him.
It was weird for Homelander to talk or move this much these days-- Butcher almost gotten accustomed to the potato sack, he can't tell if Homelander will act out but Butcher has learned some tricks to keep him tame.
He lowers the flame letting the steak sizzle and crisp and the veggies boil without supervision for a moment, as he maneuvers around Homelander to take a pack of Werther’s candy from the pantry, Homelander watchest him closely as he rips the candy open.
“You've been a good boy. Haven't tried to run in a whole week… thought you deserved a treat”
“Twisted ankles hurt so much more than I expected it… simpler to break them… what’s the point of running if it’ll hurt afterwards... don't get me started on sore knees."
“You won’t run anymore, right?” Butcher teases Homelander, pressing the cream coloured candy in-between his fingers lifting it towards Homelander’s mouth– you’ll be a good sweet boy for daddy and stay right where I tell ya to stay, right?”
“Is not like I can leave you.” He looks out the window– is also snowing quite a bit… we both can’t leave each other either way."
“So you’ll be a good boy and behave?"
“yes, daddy” He says mockingly.
Butcher presses the creamy candy on the blond’s lip his tongue stretching and catching those calloused fingers, Butcher knows he shouldn’t get to know him more, he hates the bastard, but as the man suckles on his fingers, remembering bittersweet memories-- Homelander is so sensitive to the pain, so sensitive to everything else too... he'll do anything not to feel pain but something else.
It was wrong, it was sick but Butcher found it cathartic, more cathartic than the bruise on Homelander’s neck... now a sweet shade of olive, his mouth watered at the thought of being trapped together.
Homelander smiled crushing the candy as Butcher’s fingers escape those sharp toothers, still sharp enough to rip bone clean, he knows well... he got the stiches to remind him.
“I don’t like well-done steak.”
“Youse get what you get.”
“You don’t like well-done either.”
The snow piles up, Butcher and Homelander eat in silence, the snow piles up outside, and the two stare at their plates in awkward silence.
Butcher smiles just a tad as the man can only muster a sizzle on the meat.
“See you do like it well-done, luv.”
“Gives it some flavor… you forgot to season it.”
“Butter and salt is enough.”
“Your people colonized the whole world for spices—
“Shut up and eat your steak!”
Homelander smiles, chewing loudly as Butcher wishes he’ll go back to being silent.
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baddiewiththebook · 5 months
-> Dating your best friend Eddie Munson might have been pictured differently in your head. Despite a blissful weekend, you’re met with a few bumps in the road; and, your friends slowly figure out that what you're doing in private crosses the boundaries between friend and lover.
-> eddie munson x you (she/her)
-> friends to lovers, secret relationship, angst
-> warnings - strong language and suggestive scenes [no smut]
[Part 4] [Part 5 - Coming Soon]
This is a sequel to One of the Boys
-> <-
“Do you think he has plans for that asparagus, or does he just need a friend?” Eddie’s head is tilted just to the right, while he studies the man across the aisles.
You plop five plump potato’s into a plastic sack provided by the grocery store, and hum a soft tune to yourself. Ignoring Eddie, you take the sack and drop it down onto the metal scale to imagine the price point.
When you move, however, Eddie is frozen in time. His eyes move past the displays of fresh lemons and limes, and over the apples and pears. A man is scratching his finger over the Saran Wrap tucking a set of asparagus in a tight film. Peering through Coke bottle glasses, he pouts his bottom lip and then puts the produce back.
“You’ve been watching him for a while?” You try to sound less irritated than you are. Shopping with Eddie got easier once you asked him to push the cart. In a way, this tethered him to you because he kept his hands busy and off of the shelves where he insisted on touching everything.
Eddie doesn’t mean any harm, after all he is just looking. Suppose he looks for a bit too long and he’s a bit distracted, then you’ll correct him with a sour sort of ‘come on, Eddie,’ like his uncle Wayne does sometimes. But, his uncle never buys fresh potatoes. Eddie has got no idea what you’ll do with those. When you told him you wanted to make dinner for him tonight, he thought the box of mashed potatoes was fine enough and the steaks in the back of the freezer had only been there a few months - or a year. Who can tell the difference?
You surely can.
When you suggested that he come with you to go to the grocery store, he saw the glee on your face. He can’t say no to you.
There’s something soft about the way you’re touching everything on purpose. You studied those potatoes like the man did with his asparagus, but when you got a little pouty, Eddie’s heart fluttered in his chest.
You’ve got one hand on the cart, so to him you feel connected even if you’re not holding onto each other. Guiding him in the right direction down the isle, he'll never get lost as long as you're there with him.
Eddie is damn near snoozing by the end of the laundry list of grocery items. There is only six, but that's six too many. You offer to buy him something sweet in exchange for his patience with you.
“Did you want to go to the little bakery? They’ve probably got chocolate cake or cookies,” you wiggle at the end of the cart.
Eddie straightens his back at this.
“Sure, but no chocolate,” he shakes his head. “I don’t like that stuff.”
“You don’t like chocolate,” you’re more taken aback than he imagined you might be. “But, what about the chocolate cake I made you for your birthday two years ago, and the cupcakes I made for your birthday this year! You said they were the best. I even kept the recipe!”
“Sweetheart,” he catches up to you, so he can wrap an arm around your shoulders. “How could I possibly tell you that I didn’t like chocolate when you’d spend all day baking for me? Hm? I really did appreciate the gesture. You know- among the thick layers of goo- oof!”
You’ve elbowed him in the side. Rightfully so! Smiling into the case of donuts, you make a beeline for the grinning worker behind the counter.
“Can I get a loaf of- erm, that one,” you’re not sure how to pronounce the name.
Eddie’s gone when you spin around with your bread loaf. Eyeing the treats, he aims for a small cherry pie. He pulls his hand back and shakes his head. Your boyfriend flicks his hair behind his ears because as much as he likes his hair, he does get hot sometimes. Boyfriend.
Eddie Munson is your boyfriend.
Have you said that out loud yet?
“The bread,” you announce like he’s memorized dinner plans.
Eddie shocks you, “steak next, right?”
Aisles of produce pass you by like time ticking on a clock. You’ve gotten everything on your list by now that Eddie clutches in your hand. Time wastes on because you don’t want to go home quite yet. You’re in control of the cart, and Eddie’s bounding between aisles to show you something ‘cool’ he’s found.
The cart slowly is taken over by snacks you haven’t planned to spend money on, but you do anyway because Eddie’s joy means more to you than a dollar.
Eddie pops a rope candy in his mouth, while you organize the cashier belt in line.
“Don’t forget the bags,” Eddie pulls some plastic bags from the bottom of the cart that you keep in your house. You reuse them as long as possible, and Eddie finds this endearing.
“Thanks,” you put them in the front of the groceries already stacked on the belt.
Eddie tosses a wrapped piece of chocolate onto the belt you hadn’t seen him grab from the shelves.
“I thought of you,” he taps the wrapper, before the belt sweeps the sweet away. “It’s got caramel. Your favorite, right?”
"It is," you sigh completely defeated that he knows more about you than you about him.
"My favorite is cherry," he swings the licorice in the air.
“Sir,” the cashier’s lips thin. “You’re paying for that, right?”
Eddie’s chewed through the whole package of candy by now, and humorously he’d like to imply that he’s not. But with you in mind, he hands the woman the wrapper without fuss. You wrap onto his arm like a child, and he places another kiss to the top of your head.
You’re paying for the grocery run today, but Eddie promises that the next time you’re shopping together that he will pay. The conversation floats past your ears because you’re just thrilled there will come a next time.
The van is waiting for you in the parking lot, where Eddie tosses you the keys to unlock the doors. He’s busy rummaging through the back trying not to rattle his band equipment, but he does use the inside of the drums to steady the dozen eggs.
“Are you buckled?” Eddie climbs into the drivers side.
You’re set in the passenger seat with the chocolate that Eddie bought for you. Using his thumb, he swipes at your chin where you’ve smeared melted chocolate on by accident.
“I’m buckled,” you tighten the seatbelt. “Do you want a bite?”
“No, but could you hand me the hamburger back there?”
You scrunch your nose. “How long has that been there?”
“Eh.. like a couple days?”
Laughter fills the corners of the van like a harmonious song. Well tuned - perfectly pitched.
-> <-
Eddie is an awful cook.
Finding your attention drawn onto the sharp knife in your hand, slicing potatoes into chunks, you’re not watching Eddie scrambling behind you. He’s got two spoons in his hands, but he scratches his head at what for. It isn’t until you’re gasping at the blackened smoke coming from the stove.
Flipping the carrots around in the pan, Eddie’s apologizing over and over. You reassure that the carrots still could be edible, but judging by the blackened bottoms, you both know well-enough to toss them.
You’re putting the potatoes into the hot water, only burning the tips of your fingers.
Eddie’s in control - er, sort of - cutting up new carrots. Following along what you did earlier, you bite your tongue at the massive pinches of black pepper and salt he’s added. Tablespoon or teaspoon? He’s got no clue!
“I’ll keep an eye out this time,” he holds a staring contest with the searing hot pan that’s still a bit too hot for the carrots.
You turn the burner down, and flick the carrots around until the smoke clears. Eddie groans, and takes over because he doesn’t like being micromanaged. It’s all in good fun, though. He does find being in the kitchen with you quite homey.
Eddie’s never had that feeling before. Last time he’s felt at home, no offense to Wayne, was when his mom found him hidden in the cupboards of their little house. Sure, life wasn’t perfect for the Munsons, but his mom always kept the court dates and the legal shit out of his eye the best she could.
When she died, a part of Eddie had too. He misses the warm hugs and kisses, the way she lets him lick the spoon when she makes cookies from the tube.
But, alas, if his life was perfect then he wouldn’t be here with you. Eddie finds himself feeling pretty perfect anyway because you’re there. You’re humming a tune to yourself, as you twist the timer to twenty minutes. Old and barely alive, the timer clicks on like a mighty oak.
“Twenty minutes until the potatoes are done,” you swirl around to Eddie. He knows the sigh coming from your mouth is less about the exhaustion from cooking, as it is dealing with him in the kitchen. “What should we do while we wait?”
Eddie places his hands on your cheeks, and brings you into his chest. Chest to chest. Heart to heart. Beating rhythms of your hearts pump between you two. You’ve got your ear to his breast imagining what’s dancing around in there.
Unintentionally, Eddie flicks the backing of your bra. A flame ignites inside you. Did he notice? Did he mean too?
Are you even prepared if the night falls that way?
You’re a bundle of nerves knowing that when that moment drops, and the both of you find yourself even closer than you are now that nothing could be the same. Going back isn’t an option. Swirling stars cloud your vision, as your breathing slows.
Eddie hums when your grip on his back loosens. He sways with you, while you’re drifting farther into your head.
Skies of warm orange and cotton candy coated pinks cloud your eye. Touching a garden of soft spring flowers. Ridges of the stone bridge. A kiss is pressed onto your forehead like a dew drop, raising you from your state of hypnosis.
“You still with me?” Eddie’s voice vibrates through your ears.
“Hm,” you hum. “Should we sit down?”
Eddie guides you to the couch where you’ll stay drifting into your own world with a blanket draped over your lap. You attempt to join him in the kitchen when the timer goes off, but Eddie raises his index finger and says,
“Don’t you dare.”
Then, your boyfriend wrestles with the oven to get the roast from it’s hot cage and plops too much butter into the mash. He winces when he puts the spoon to his lip, and tries to fend off your worry by telling you that the food is just hot.
Eddie sits next to you with two plates of food - one in each hand. He waits a moment for you to sit back up after sinking into the aged sofa, then lands the warm plate in your lap.
You’ve got no idea what you’re watching on the television, but right beside you is all the entertainment you need. Laughing heartily at Eddie’s cross expression, he sticks out his tongue at the well-done carrots.
“Don’t eat them,” he reaches for a glass of water. “They’re really awful.”
You nibble at the end of a carrot, and suck down your outward terror at how salty the vegetable is.
“It’s not that bad.”
They are indeed that bad.
Worse - even.
“You’re cute, but a terrible liar,” he pinches your shoulder.
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tags: @stardustingold @loves0phelia @ogoc-19 @hellfirenacht @blackholegladiator @alligator-person @eggo-segual @rustboxstarr @harmfulb1tch
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under the counsel of my royal advisor (bunny) i’ve come up with a reguri bakery au meet cute whatever and it is taking all of my willpower to finish my open wips before starting this but oh gosh i’m tempted. to stave off my cravings for pastry-themed fluff, im gonna ramble about it here. please feel free to encourage or dissuade me concerning this venture, whatever you’d prefer really.
- red’s lived in pallet town for all 19 years he’s been alive and has not once seen a new business open it’s doors
- out of nowhere, some fancy pastry chef from kalos sets up shop about five minutes from his home
- unlike the rest of the residents of pallet, red isn’t interested in the slightest. he doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth, and he buys his bread from the grocery store like a normal person
- unfortunately for red, his best friend and roommate leaf saw a post about them on instagram and has been pestering him to take her there for weeks. red finally gives in
- red may not be that big a fan of baked goods, but something does end up catching his eyes- namely, the baker behind the counter
- red starts going to the pâtisserie almost every day to buy something trivial that he doesn’t want just so he can spend a few minutes chatting up the kalosian twink who he learns is named green
- after about a week, green starts giving him baked goods that he didn’t asked for and not charging him because they’re ‘a gift’. red is king autism and doesn’t see that green is flirting with him
- eventually, green offers to teach red how to bake
- since green’s kantonian still isn’t all that good, he keeps saying incredibly suggestive shit to red about baking, like ‘do not have fear of being rough when he is not listening to you’ or ‘you must pound him harder’ about gluten development and red is just. trying his best to not get absolutely bricked up in the kitchen
- because in french our word for ‘it’ is the same as our word for ‘he’ (il)
- anyways plot blah blah blah they fall in love or whatever
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olieamr · 10 days
what do you think the Mercs would get at the supermarket?
IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I HAD A DRAFT AND TUMBLR THREW IT TO THE WOLVES 😢🙏 Spy: God, I don't know how to describe it but he would try his best to get normal things. Like, he lives a life of bloodshed constantly, so I think he would just buy regular groceries to try and stay sane. The other half of my says he would buy enough alcohol to satisfy Demo's wet dreams. Sniper: Jars. you can do a lot with jars. MEDICCCk!! In my head, Medic cannot cook. He's tried for Heavy's sake, but he cannot (for heavy's sake.) So, I think he'd just buy various things to preform his random lil experiments with and what not. I also think he's a nicknack collector so if he finds something funny he'd buy it. As for snacks, in my head he likes to snack. Once he moved to America, I think he started to like their chips n shit, so that's probably what he gets.
ENGIE I LOVE ENGIEEE: I think he's a grill dad. He would buy shit to grill with. Coal, those firestarter things, smoking wood, the works. I also think he would buy enough to feed the team if need be. Can you tell I think of him in a fatherly way. I think he and Heavy are the best cooks on the team, god knows what would happen to the kitchen if Solly or Pyro got in there. HEAVY !!! : Honestly, I think he enjoys cooking. More of a baker though, I envision him in that frilly apron with polka dots n' stuff LMFAO. I think he researches Medic's hometown meals and makes them for him, so he would buy ingredients for that. Of course he would also buy food for himself, such as bread, lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, deli meat, a tooth pick and green olives. :3 DEMO !!!! RAAHH: Beer. Like, he only buys alcohol and maybe some snacks. I love him so much.
PYRO <3 :
the guy ever. the silly. I think they would buy so much fire things its crazy. Like, the store clerks would look them up and down and ask "So.. looks like you're havin' a bonfire, right?" and they'd just nod. They also buy lucky charms. so much lucky charms.
Soldier !:
His whole cart would be red white n' blue. Anything with his pride flag on it he's buying it. By pride flag I hope you know I mean American flag. He also probably buys things he would want Engie to cook for him, he'd sheepishly hand the burgers to him and be like. "I want these cooked." and Engie would just smile and nod.
sooooo much caffeine. that man probably has enough kidney stones for five people. he also buys enough junk food to make a teenage boy go feral
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 8 months
Grocery Shopping with Finn!
Since @itsargyle wanted more grocery shopping with the YV boys!
He has a list. But he lost it in the car on the way there so he had to rely on memory. It didn't work
Don't let him near the gardening area of the store or he will try and budget some of the things into the list.
Best way is to threaten to take away his snack privileges.
Will stare at a product for a while trying to remember if he liked it (Projecting)
Depending how Sunflower is he'd be able to get all his food for at least a month. I feel like he stalks in bulks.
Before leaving the house he went through the fridge bc he hates being wasteful.
There's almost no left overs in the fridge but he does get bad veggies out of there.
He is easily swayed if you asked for a snack of some kind. He folds like a lawn chair.
Will just go down isles to check things out. If there's extra money he'll buy one new thing to try.
I feel like he wouldn't get a lot during grocery shopping since he grows his own veggies and can make his own teas and stuff. Mostly just necessities.
He takes around a hour and a half since he's always busy with Floral arrangements.
I feel like he'd go grocery shopping with grandma(? Don't fully remember been a minute since i listened to his playlist) and learned how to budget from her.
Prefers wheat bread (just a feeling)
Will buy those vegetable chip things bc he genuinely thinks their good (their alright ig)
I feel like he'd like jello and get a few of those as well.
When he takes too long looking at a product just decided for him or you'll be there for a minute.
Also make sure no one cuts in front of him for the cashier he's too nice to say something.
If your the one pushing the cart he might accidently walk to slow and get hit.
But when he's the one pushing the cart he hits things om accident.
Has gotten lost I the same grocery store he's been going to for a while. They keep changing where they keep things and it slightly annoys him (Projecting)
(Yall can add on bc I can't think anymore-)
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