#It was just too late in the month for the actual burning piece ok?
luvsfics · 4 months
ok so slytherin boys and female / nb reader royal au 😩 (separately?)
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Different royalty tropes that I think fit with the slytherin boys!
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DRACO MALFOY — servant x prince
“Good evening, my prince.” You said as you began to make up his messy bed, as he had just awaken from a long night of council meetings with his father and lords that resided in the kingdom.
“Evening, sweet girl.” He said with a smirk as he tugged on a robe to give him some modesty as he was only wearing sleeping shorts.
He poured himself some wine and sat down beside his fireplace and watched as the flames flickered and burned the wood.
“How was your sleep?” You asked, fluffing out the pillows before organizing them on the big bed.
“It was fine, though that council meeting was exhausting.” He mentioned.
“Well, it will prepare you to be king.” You added. You picked up some of his dirty clothes off the floor and tossed them in a linen basket to clean.
He only huffed at your words. During your affections, he would mention how he didn’t think he would be a good king, how the people loved his father too much.
You set the basket on the bed and stepped towards the man in the chair. You stood in front of him and watched as he looked up at you, his blue eyes meeting yours.
You sat yourself down onto his lap, taking his face into your grasp, “you will be a good king, I know it.”
“When I am king, I will marry you.” He said, pressing a kiss onto your palm.
“You cannot marry me, I am merely a maid.” You said with a saddened expression, your brows furrowed.
“That doesn’t matter to me, the only thing that matters is my love for you.” He placed a hand over yours.
You smashed your lips onto his, his hands traveling down to your hips to pull you closer. If only he could become king quicker so you both could be each others.
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MATTHEO RIDDLE — arranged marriage
“Hello, husband.” You said as you walked into your husband’s rather large office. He was studying books and accounts of other lords in the country.
“Hello, sweet wife.” He said as his attention stayed on his studies.
You approached the back of his chair, you hands found their way to his shoulders. You began to massage his tense shoulders, he let out a huff, tossing the pen down and relaxing into the chair, letting you work your magic on his sore muscles.
You both had been married for a few months are he had courted you for a few months before that. Your family was wealthy and as was his, that’s why your fathers had decided on the marriage.
You had become good friends and grown to care for each other. That had blossomed into love soon after the marriage ceremony, making both of your families proud that the marriage wouldn’t be a fail.
“You must come to bed with me, it is late.” You said as you rubbed out a knot in his muscles.
“I will, my love. I just have to get this done.” He said before picking up the pen again.
You took your hands away and pulled him from the chair. It took you a minute to actually get him out of the chair but you did.
“Our fathers would be quite upset if you weren’t giving your wife the attention she deserves.” You smiled.
“You love using that against me,” he said as he pecked your soft lips, his hands trailing down to your hips.
You only smiled as you pressed another gentle kiss on his lips.
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THEODORE NOTT — princess x stable boy
“Good morning, princess.” Theo, the stable boy, said with a wink. You approached him as he was brushing one of the many horses the stable held, as your family could afford so many.
“Good morning to you, Theodore.” You said with a smile. You move towards the basket of carrots behind the man, grabbing one for the large brown horse.
You bring it up to its mouth, offering the carrot as a treat. The horse takes the vegetable and chewed it up into small pieces. You pet the top of the horses muzzle.
“She likes you.” He said as he stared at you, his thoughts telling him you were the most beautiful girl he had ever come across.
He continued to brush the horse, with a smirk on his lips as you gazed at each other.
You turned around, looking to see if anyone was nearby. Thankfully, the stable area was empty, leaving the two of you alone.
You stepped closer to him, “I have missed you, Theo.” You shyly played with your fingers.
He took one of his fingers and tilted your head up to look him in the eye, “I have missed you too, sweet princess.”
“We have not had a lesson in a while,” you pointed out.
“Perhaps we should have one soon.” He said, pressing a soft kiss on your lips, remembering the times you both shared falling in love.
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BLAISE ZABINI — princess x knight
“Come back, princess!” Your personal knight, Blaise shouted as you ran through the halls of your family’s castle.
You giggled at the sound of him huffing and picking up his own feet to chase after you.
You raced through the corridors as the men in armor ran after you, you liked this game of cat and mouse, it excited you.
“Princess!” He called out down the hall, his exasperated expression only made you giggle harder, your dress flowing behind you in the wind as you ran.
You found your way to a small and empty hall, which overlooked a Great Lake, a beautiful sight to see in the sunset.
You panted as you saw the sun reflecting off of the gorgeous waters, the mountains in the background giving the view an everlasting beauty that you have never seen before.
“Princess, you must not run from me.” Blaise huffed, hands on his hips as he began to scold you.
Before he does, your lips smash onto his. Since the halls were empty, you could show your affections without judgment.
His hands gripped your waist and pulled you in, pressing himself into you and your lips touched in the most sensual way before slowly pulling away.
“You are…such a pain!” He cried.
“But you love me,” you smiled.
“That, I do.”
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LORENZO BERKSHIRE — princess x baker
“I’m in need of pumpkin pasties, treacle tarts, sandwiches, and pumpkin juice.” You said as you read off the list you had written earlier on parchment.
Enzo wiped off his hands with a rag after he had finished washing them, “anything else, princess?”
You shook your head, handing him the piece of parchment before grabbing your basket that you brought with you. You scanned through the shelves full of fresh fruit like apples and berries, picking out the best looking ones for your picnic with your friends.
The Berkshire’s were bakers for the castle, they baked every pastry and sweets for events and whenever the royal family wanted.
What your parents, the king and queen, didn’t know is that you and the bakers son had a secret relationship you had hidden away.
You felt a pair of lips on your neck, startling you. A pair of strong arms crept around your waist and pulled you against their chest.
“Enzo!” You giggled at the ticklish feeling of his lips on your skin.
“You’re supposed to be baking my sweets!” You said as you playfully pushed his face away from you.
He huffed, “but you are the sweetest thing in this room.” He smiled as he spun you around and took your chin into his grasp, placing a delicate kiss on your soft lips.
“You charm me, my love.” You smile.
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milequaritchsslut · 1 year
His sun girl
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Summary: He loved you, but he had to let out at some time…
Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x Dead Reader
Warnings: Alcoholism, death, blacking out, crying, depression, isolation, sadness, loneliness
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He sat in his room most days, alone with his thoughts and the dim lighting that he allowed to stay on. He wasn't one to talk about you anymore, you were in the past. But so was he—it was like he was stuck without you. Almost like someone paused his movie and never turned it back on after you died. Yeah that's what it felt like—just that. He had no control over moving on or staying put in his agony. It wasn't like he wanted to move on either, he was ok with sulking and rotting away in his apartment alone.
He loved looking at your pictures—it gave him some sense of comfort, knowing that he still had small pieces of you with him. He loved you more then you could've ever known, he adored everything you did. Even when you weren't so amazing, when you would come home drunk and yell at him. You had promised that you would've stopped—he begged you to keep that promise. But like they say once a cheater—always a cheater. And sadly you led yourself to your own demise, you had one too many shots that night. Collapsing to the ground and laying unconscious—he rushed to the hospital when the paramedics called him. Worry and sorrow filling him as he realized he was too late—you left him before he could even say goodbye.
He sobbed into his hands-falling to his knees next to your hospital bed. Tears streaming down his rosy cheeks and staining his clothing. His heart was smashed onto the ground, the pieces scattering and spread around the room.
It seemed his world was taken from him that day-what had he done so wrong? All he ever did was love and care for you gave you all he had left in him. But it seemed it was your time, time to let you go—even though he desperately didn't want to. But that wasn't really his choice was it? No it certainly wasn't—so he didn't move on. He stayed put—replaying that day in his head for the last 7 months and crying and wailing for you to come back and just let him tell you how much he loves you. That's all he really asked for—was that he could've just told you how much he loved you.
That he would've torn the sun from the sky itself if it would've made you happy-or maybe you wanted a scorching hot star? He would've flown into space and grabbed one—letting it burn his hands to a crisp, but that would've been ok. Because it was for you, and if it made you happy then his pain didn't matter.
He remembers that you liked the sun, you bathed in it every day. Even when you got sunburnt you still went out and enjoyed it -he called you his sun girl. You acted like the sun too-always so ready for the next day and excited. You were the brightest star in his sky—the only one really. You were the reason he got up in the morning and the reason he had a smile on his face. The second you left-so did that smile, that smile you loved so much and adored. He lived in anquish and sorrow now-no light shining through his life. Nobody saw him smile—actually nobody really saw him at all. He never went out—he never ate—he never went on missions—he never did anything. Not without his sun girl
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Taglist: @jennieskimichi @addictiontowardstheinternet @rawegggohan @raaaaainn @horror-cassettes @adrunkskeletonsduck @nejirehh @222a1yssa @beiroviski i @lana-4life @ladyfairenvale
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bunniesghost · 1 year
'*•.¸♡ This Feels Nice ♡¸.•*'
Simon “Ghost” Riley X Reader
Warnings: Abusive Parent, accidentally cutting yourself with a knife, almost having a panic attack, Fluffy reader, Fluffy Simon
Summary: After a month of moving into an apartment that you were supposed to be sharing with a roommate that you have only seen once. You’re woken up by the sound of knocking at the door in the middle of the night. It is your roommate. You get to know more until you see someone who you wished to never see again. Simon tries to help you calm down.
A/N: omg y’all are so nice!! Thank you for enjoying my first piece of work!! Hope y’all enjoy this next chapter!! This is obviously a slow burn so buckle up. ALSO THIS WILL BECOME A PREGNANCY AU SO IF YOU DON'T LIKE THAT TROPE, YOU SHOULD STOP READING
After moving out of your childhood home, you have never felt so much relief. You could tell you were so much happier and your friends did as well.
Going out more to have fun instead of just
going out to be out of the house where your mom was.
You have also really enjoyed your new hobby of decorating the apartment. Not going too into your style to not make it seem like you took over Simon's space.
Simon. Someone you haven’t seen since you first moved in. You kept thinking that something happened to him but you became his emergency contact, and haven’t been told anything. You did find it weird that he didn’t have one. Does he not have family or friends? Maybe you could ask him that next time he comes home.
If he ever did.
You tried not to worry about it. Instead you tried to make his home seem like an actual home and not some place of rest when he’s not on deployment.
It was getting late and you were done scrolling on your phone. Adjusting yourself in a comfortable position to fall asleep. You closed your eyes and went to sleep.
Bang Bang bang
You opened your eyes wide and alert.
“Oh my god, I need a knife.” You whispered to yourself
You got up from your bed, sliding your slippers on and walking carefully to not make your steps heard.
Walking into the kitchen and going straight to the knife block and grabbing one of the big ones.
Bang Bang Bang
You jumped with the knife in hand. Almost dropping it.
Oh my god calm down
You make your way to the door and tipi toe to look over the peephole.
Oh, it’s Simon
Embarrassed, you put the knife behind your back. And unlocked the door. You push back the door and he walks in.
“Welcome home.” You say in a quiet voice.
He hummed a response.
He took off his coat and boots and started walking to his room.
You just stare at his back descending. You Decide to put the knife away feeling silly that you thought someone was going to harm you.
As you move the knife from your back, you end up sliding it against the bottom of your bicep and make a small cut.
A small squak comes out of you and Simon stops in his tracks. He just stands there and you behind him with eyes wide, scared of him turning around to you just holding a big knife.
He doesn't know if he should turn around or just keep walking.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding when he kept walking and went into his room.
Great now you have to take care of a cut.
You wake up to the sun shining through your windows, something you haven’t seen in a week since it’s been raining. You get up to get ready for school. Doing your morning routine now at 7am instead of 5am, since you have time to actually enjoy your home now.
As you walk into the living room you see Simon washing some dishes. Ones you bought since he only had a set of one.
“Oh, Good morning!”
“Morning” he said, not looking at you.
You grab your keys and start to open the door.
“Are you not going to eat breakfast? Simon asked
“Oh I’m meeting a friend to go to a cafe.”
“Oh ok.” Simon said before turning on the water again.
“Bye!” You said before closing the door
“So he’s finally back?” Asked your friend
“Yeah, we haven’t really talked much but he asked about me eating breakfast before I left.”
“Oh so he cares, ok I’m not worried then.”
“Don’t start with this could be a love interest for me because I don’t know him.” You told your friend he always wanted you to find a love interest.
“I mean it’s a sign that someone cares about your well being when they know you haven’t eaten.”
“Please don’t start with your major scientific facts. Let’s finish up so we’re not late to class.” You told her finishing your smoothie.
It’s around 4pm when you come back home. You and your friend went shopping and you found a cute Ghost plushie. Another addition to your plushie collection.
You find Simon sitting on the sofa, reading a book.
He puts it down to look up at you.
“Do you like the decorations? I hope I didn’t go overboard with them?” You asked Simon, wanting to know what he thought of you taking over his space.
“Um..it makes it seem like a home.” Simon told you. Talking to you with eye contact.
“That’s what I was going for!” You told him with big eyes, clearly proud of yourself.
“Yeah, I like it.” He said, going back to his book.
“Wanna see what I bought? It’s a ghost!” You not finish with your conversation with your roommate that you barely know, You pull out the plush from your bag.
He looks up with big eyes and then calms his face when he sees a Ghost plushie.
“I fell in love when I saw him!” You look at the plush with a smile.
“Him? You use pronouns with inanimate objects?” Simon asks you with a confused face.
“Yeah, I see them like my babies.”
Simon just stares at you.
“What?” You tell him with a confused face.
“Ok…what are you reading?” You ask him, walking closer to him.
“Just some book that I want to burn because its writing makes no sense!” Simon said clearly getting mad the more he talks about it.
You take the book from his hands and read over the cover.
“This is a romance book! I didn’t expect you to be a romance reader.” You said with a shocked face.
“I’m not, someone recommended it to me and I regret taking advice from him.” Simon said as he put his hands over his face.
“Well, do you wanna do something to get your mind off it?” You’ve been meaning to check out the park across the street from you.
“I guess. What do you have in mind?” He asked you, getting up.
“We can go on a walk in that park across the street. Or something else if you don’t want t-“
“Sure.” He cut you off as you started to back track.
“Oh ok, let me change so we can go!” You started walking to your room.
You put on a comfortable outfit and open the door. You find Simon coming out of his room too, with a jacket on and a black balaclava.
“Is it that cold outside?” You asked, wondering if the weather went down that fast, since you were out.
He didn’t answer you.
You and Simon got to know each other while at the park. Going around the big park 3 times before finally going out, into a coffee shop.
“So do you have a girlfriend?” You asked him after you ordered.
He got tea.
“Really? You’re honestly attractive so I assumed that you did.”
Simon tensed up at that but you didn’t notice.
“Do you have any siblings?”
Simon sighed
“Their not in my lif-“
“Can we go.” You blurted out really fast. Trying to hide behind him.
Simon looked down at you when he saw a scared look on your face, staring at something. Someone.
He looked over at the direction you were looking. A middle aged woman who was walking up to the counter with a man.
Simon didn’t ask any questions and just started walking towards the door. You made your way behind him trying to hide behind his big body.
As you were walking out the door now up front when you passed her, the barista called your name.
You stopped in your tracks. Simon pushed you out the door frame and let the door close. He went back for the drinks. Then back to you.
You weren’t anywhere in sight. Till you came behind a pillar.
You looked small. Fist closed and up on your chest. You look distressed.
“S-sorry..” you apologized with a shaky voice.
“Don’t apologize, let’s go home.” Simon handed you your drink.
You saw your mom. You panicked and wanted to just disappear.
When you got inside the apartment, you just stood there. Unsure what to do. Simon slid off his coat and looked at you.
“Do you wanna watch a movie to think of something else?” Simon asked cautiously.
“Um….sure..” you just wanted to sink in your bed and cry, but you wanted to try different methods to cope.
You went to your room, to change out of your clothes. Changing into some fluffy pajama pants with a cute design on them. Just put on an oversized shirt and your slippers and walked out. Simon was in the living room with the lights off, as he was getting blankets out of the blanket basket you got. Fluffy blankets being pulled out, that had more cute designs on them.
You walked up to the sofa and sat down. Simon put a blanket over you, which surprised you. He then handed you your Ghost plushie. You didn’t realize you forgot to grab it again.
“What happened to your arm?” Simon asked out of nowhere.
“O-oh I accidentally cut myself on..a sharp object.”
How were you supposed to tell him that you had a knife behind you when you opened the door for him.
He hummed back a response.
He sat down at the other end and started scrolling.
This felt nice.
You decided on watching Howls moving Castle.
This felt really nice. Honestly really liking that he suggested doing this.
You look over at him, face bare now with no balaclava on.
He slowly started to move his eyes to the side to look at you.
You looked back to the screen, now face flushing red for getting caught.
This Felt Nice.
Reblogs and likes are appreciated! Let me know any feedback!
@hao-ming-8 - @yourmom3-5
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broke-art · 1 year
Monkey King's daughter (magic)
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You set the spell book down. It didn't look too complicated. It was only a glamor spell. Just an illusion. You could do this.
With a deep breath you summoned your magic to your fingertips and concentrated on the apple atop the table about two feet away.
If the spell worked correctly it would look like a peach to anyone other than you. Not so hard. And harmless.
The magic spilled from your fingertips and swirled around the apple for a moment filling the room with a golden glow.
A small smile touched your lips. Then the magic turned to an angry orange and your eyes widened. Instantly, you dropped your focus but it was too late. With a massive boom your magic exploded outwards throwing you back.
You screamed as wood splinters flew at you and covered your face. In an instant a shadow loomed over you shielding you from the debris.
After a few seconds you slowly lowered your arms.
Monkey king frowned down at you. Annoyance etched across his features.
"Y/n-" he growled only to drop the tone when tears filled your eyes.
"I'm sorry." You whispered as frustrated tears slipped down your cheeks. "It was supposed to be simple. It was supposed to be easy." Frustration gave way to disappointment. "Why can't I do anything right?" You whimpered curling in on yourself.
"Hey! You do plenty right." Monkey King soothed hugging you gently. "It was one little mishap, kiddo. That's nothing to-"
"One?!" You scoffed pushing away gently. "Dad, I've lit the house on fire  four times, had 8 explosions this week, and I nearly killed two monkeys." The tears burned much more now as the panic set in. "and the explosions just keep getting worse! Dad I'm dangerous." You cried feeling his tail curl around you protectively.
"Whoa now. That's unfair, chimp. You're not dangerous. I can handle a few explosions. And most of the monkeys are immortal anyway."
You rubbed the back of your hand over your eyes.
"Can't you teach me anything?" You begged hopefully looking up at Monkey King.
He recoiled some with a nervous smile.
"Oh come on kid don't look at me like that. I don't know magic."
You sniffled and hugged your knees. Maybe you could just forget about your magic and push it aside. But that felt like cutting off a piece of you. But you supposed if it protected your family, it would be ok.
"Maybe it's best if I just don't use magic."
Monkey King frowned.
"Chimp, no. You love magic. That's part of who you are."
You shook your head.
"It's too much of a risk."
Monkey King chuckled.
"Nonsense you'll be back at it within a month."
You shrugged.
As the weeks passed Monkey King began to notice y/n grew extremely quiet. Explosions ceased, and each time he entered her room he couldn't find any of her spell books that normally filled the shelves.
About three months passed before he gave up.
"Y/n we have to talk." He began when he found her reading a random book in her room.
Silently, Y/n placed down the book and offered him a smile.
"I think I know someone who can teach you." He grumbled.
With a small gasp y/n perked up excitedly.
So she had been wilting. Too bad he didn't have any way to force this teacher to actually help them.
"Buuuuut I don't think he will agree." Monkey king confided. His heart felt as though it would shatter at the way she wilted.
"Well who is it? Maybe I can help!" She chirped.
Monkey King hesitated. Maybe bringing this up had been reckless. It was just, he hadn't seen her smile in so long. And the silence was so unlike her. He wanted his little chimp back. But now if he dashed her hopes, it would be even worse after he'd given her hope.
"Nah, don't worry, kiddo." He ruffled your hair making you giggle and push at his arm. "I'll figure it out."
That night, after y/n fell asleep, Monkey King slipped out of the hut. There was one place you could always count on finding his mimic wanna be a dark dojo hidden away in the city's depths.
Jumping on his cloud he pitched his weight forward. The movement shot him toward the city.
Macaque flicked through the pages of the old worn book of shadow magic. He had memorized every page around a century ago. But he had nothing else to do at the moment. And he didn't feel much up to creating mischief. Absently he created different shadows  on the walls. Thinking of different stories he could regale his fans with in his shadow plays.
Just as he stood to stretch his ear twitched. Catching onto a whistling sound. Summoning his violet staff he took up a defensive position when Wukong kicked a hole in his wall.
A sardonic grin tugged at his lips.
"Well well well look who it is. How's it going, Wukong?" He mocked with a dry chuckle.
"I need a favor." Sun growled folding his arms.
"Ohoho a favor huh? And you think I'm gonna help you?! Classic Monkey King." He turned away.
"I'm not just asking." Monkey King stated firmly.
"So you're demanding? Aheh. Not a chance." Macaque summoned his shadow portal.
"No, I'm bargaining."
Macaque paused tilting his head a bit.
"Do my ears deceive me? Did you just say a bargain?!" Macaque chuckled looking over his shoulder.
Monkey King never bargained. He was desperate.
Oh he could use this.
"I'm listening." Macaque turned folding his arms and raising a brow with a smirk.
Monkey King felt his insides roil. This was a bad plan. A terrible plan. If he made this deal he'd have to deal with this arrogant jerk forever. That was the moment his mind flickered back to the past month.
He decided then that it was worth it. You were worth it.
"If you'll teach Y/n magic, properly, until she is content, I'll give you a peach of immortality."
Macaque's eyes widened and his mouth fell open slightly.
A peach of immortality?! Wukong had to be bluffing.
Macaque analyzed him carefully. But Monkey King looked serious as ever. Determination sparking in his golden eyes. So he wasn't bluffing.
"You're serious?!" Macaque laughed. "You really are an idiot."
Monkey King rolled his eyes.
"Yes or no, Macaque?"
Macaque paused.
That was it? No backhanded comment, no posturing, no lie about having other options?! Macaque almost couldn't believe his luck. Wukong was basically out of options. And more or less at his mercy.
That was the moment he truly considered the offer. A peach of immortality was tempting. He had tasted death before, suffice to say it hadn't been pleasant. He'd avoid it as much as possible. But immortality was forever. There was no going back after that first bite.
All he had to do was teach a kid some magic parlor tricks. And suddenly the ability to destroy Monkey King was a very real possibility.
"Alright." Macaque agreed with a grin.  "But I got a few rules of my own." What was a little torture between enemies? He'd make this as unbearable for the Monkey King as possible.
Monkey King's eyes narrowed but he didn't object.
"First you aren't allowed to sit in on lessons."
Wukong bristled and Macaque grinned knowing he must have struck a nerve.
"I can't have you distracting this Y/n, who ever she is." Macaque dismissed any argument that might slip from Monkey King with the simple statement. "She'll need to focus. Second, she has to do as I say. Or I can't teach her anything."
Macaque could have swore he saw murder alight in Monkey King's eyes.
"And last but not least," Macaque added with an evil little smile leaning forward, "I'm gonna need access to flower fruit mountain."
You stretched with a yawn as sunlight spilled into your room and birds began singing outside your window.
You dressed quickly and headed outside to find something to do while Monkey King would begin training M.k.
Only you never made it farther than a few steps outside the hut.
A black Monkey stood not four paces away with a malicious grin his arms folded across his chest.
"You must be Y/n. Funny, I don't recall you ever having a kid Monkey King." He scoffed shooting your father a look as Monkey King stepped past him.
"There's a lot you don't know." Your father fumed as you hid behind him.
"Dad." You whispered. "What is he doing here?!" You couldn't keep the panic from your tone as your eyes flicked to him then back to your father.
Monkey King sighed and pulled you aside.
"He's here to teach you magic, chimp."
You peered over your father's shoulder.
"But I thought you said-"
"He's dangerous. I know I know it doesn't make any sense." Monkey King finished for you. "But he knows his way around a spell. And if he so much as looks at you wrong I'll kill him." Monkey King said the last part loud enough for macaque to hear. Though from what you knew of him, he likely had heard every word regardless.
The black monkey scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Come on, I don't have all day ya know."
You looked at Monkey King then at Macaque.
Monkey King nodded so you walked over to Macaque albeit hesitantly.
"So, you're my new student." Macaque smiled in a way that made your stomach sink. "Why don't you show me what 'cha got?"
Lessons that day were particularly violent eruptions since you hadn't practiced in so long. But Macaque seemed to understand your struggles almost instantly.
He dropped the sarcastic smile and seriously began teaching you how to concentrate, what to focus on, what spells to use, and how to preform them.
Days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months as you studied under Macaque. Each spell became slowly less violent. Until one day.
You placed an apple on the table top as Macaque instructed.
"Good, now step back and try that glamour spell again." Macaque urged stepping back a few paces as well.
You sucked in a breath and focused on the apple imagining it as an orange. The magic spilled from your fingers but you concentrated on the image in your mind's eye.
The apple seemed to morph then changed color taking on the appearance of an orange.
You gasped in excitement.
"I did it? I did it!" You cheered looking at Macaque.
He grinned.
"Good job, kiddo."
You raced over and hugged him tightly in excitement.
"Thank you thank you thank you!" You cheered before releasing him and rushing over to the apple. "I've gotta show, Monkey King!"
Macaque watched you dash out of the hut on your way to find your father with wide eyes. Y/n hadn't even noticed the way he'd gone rigid when she'd hugged him. Too caught up in her silly little victory.
A small smile tugged at his lips. Over the months he'd grown something of a soft spot for the kid. She was like M.k. pure hearted, kind, and sweet. He honestly couldn't bring himself to hurt her, even if it meant upsetting the world's worst father and mentor.
You raced to the hut spotting your father critiquing M.k.
"Dad!" You yelled.
Monkey King bristled and dashed towards you creating a sonic boom with his speed.
"What?! Did he hurt you?!" Your father panicked looking over you. "If he hurt you I swear-"
"Dad." You laughed cutting him off. "Look! I did it!" You cheered offering him the apple.
He stared at it a moment before smiling in confusion.
"Uhh that's great, chimp. You found an orange."
You laughed once again.
"No dad, look closer."
Monkey King rose an eyebrow at you then his eyes shone gold as he refocused his attention on the apple.
Eventually a slow grin spread over his lips.
"Hey! You're first glamour!" He cheered ruffling your hair. "Great job, Chimp."
You giggled excitedly.
A few weeks later:
You waited outside the dojo on a bench as you studied the most recent spell books Macaque had given you. This week was all about shadows and how to manipulate them.
He had introduced the topic with a shadow play then told you he wanted you to make your own.
You were thrilled. But this particular week Macaque had needed to grab something from his dojo. After begging Monkey King to let you come, he'd reluctantly agreed.
So, you swung your legs happily as you scanned the pages.
"What an interesting book." Someone mentioned from behind you.
You looked up to see a man in a finely tailored suit with a lopsided grin.
"Um...thanks." You responded awkwardly. Slowly, you closed the book and edged away.
"What's a beautiful young lady like you doing out on a park bench all alone?" He asked his tone polite but off kilter.
"Uhm just waiting for my uncle." You explained as the man circled the bench to stand Infront of you.
"Oh how delightful." The man's eyes shone a chilling blue. "We wouldn't want you to be left all alone now would we?"
Something inside of you screamed for you to run. So you glanced around looking for somewhere you could take off to.
"Actually-" you began but the Man grabbed your wrist.
"The lady bone demon would be delighted to keep you company. Oh and she'll be needing that book."
You gasped and attempted to rip your hand away spying Macaque stepping from the dojo as the man tugged you against his chest.
"MACAQUE!" you screamed as blue mist swirled around you.
A panicked and almost fearful look sparked to life on Macaque's features just before he lunged for you.
"Y/N!" He yelled.
But before he could reach you the world around you faded to black.
Macaque caught himself with a skid that ripped up the ground at his boots. And growled as he realized Y/n was now a prisoner of the worst demoness he knew. He couldn't hope to take her on without help.
Fear exploded in his gut as he looked in the direction of flower fruit mountain.
And Monkey King might just kill him first.
*Whew that's a doozy I think I'll leave on a cliffhanger til I finish requests. Don't worry I only have a few more. 😈. Anywho this was a combination of requests. From ARandom_Reader and  ikissedjo  so you have them to thank for the inspiration for this lovely arch. Let me know if you want a part two after I finish requests.*
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lyranova · 2 months
ooo lyra what about 4, 16, 24 for the ask game?
Hiya Tam! Of course, and I hope you enjoy 🥰~! Also I apologize these are all OC content, tbh that’s all I’ve been writing these days 😆!
4 with dialogue i'm proud of
This is from “Fractured Diamond X” which is an unreleased chapter for “A Fractured Diamond”! Someday I’ll actually be able to post it 😔.
“ Now I need you to listen to me; I’m going to go downstairs and help your father, now you’ll probably hear a bunch of frightening noises but I don’t want you to panic ok? It’s just me and your father taking care of things. After we’re finished all of us are going to go on a trip, we might even go to the Capital.” Idalia tried to sound cheerful, but instead it was a mixture of cheerful and sadness. “ I need you to do something for me ok? I need you to stay in here until your father and I come and get you, do not open this door for anyone! Even if you know them, do not open it. Do you understand?” She watched her daughter slowly nod her head, she smiled softly before kissing her forehead.
“ No matter what happens, your daddy and I love you so much. You’re the best thing to ever come into our lives, and I’m so grateful to have you as my daughter. My little diamond.” Her voice cracked at the end as new unshed tears began to pool in her eyes, Idalia cleared her throat before placing another kiss on Neva’s head and gently pushing her into the small cupboard. She closed the door and the magic barrier went back up. Idalia quickly turned and ran out of the bedroom, she could hear banging and loud noises float upwards from downstairs, she hoped she wasn’t too late.
16 from a recent piece i want to brag about
The way I haven’t written much of anything in over a month let alone anything I want to brag about 😭 *shakes fist at school*! But I guess this little snippet that’ll be in “Children of the Future: Shadows of the Past” is one I really like!
Her grey eyes stared into his as the two stood there looking at one another. A glimpse of her true feelings bubbling to the surface.
She loved him, and he loved her, they loved each other…
But in completely different ways.
She loved him as one would love a romantic partner, while he loved her as one would love a good friend or sibling…they both knew this.
But never spoke of it. It was like an unwritten rule between them. They recognized each other's feelings, but didn’t acknowledge them. If they acknowledged it then that meant they would have to talk about it.
And neither one wanted to talk about it.
Maybe it was because they were afraid their teamwork and dynamic would change if they did, or maybe…they were afraid their friendship would change…
This unspoken feeling between them was fine, at least for now…
They were fine….
24 that makes me go "huh...i wrote that?!"
I know I already answered this, but I’m gonna answer it again, and I’ll give you a different answer 😁! This little bit started out as an incorrect quote, but it was just so good that I had to include it in “Children of the Future” chapter 32!
Discordia Helheim, formerly Faust, had raven black hair that was partially up in a low side ponytail, and she had the signature Faust bright blue eyes. She gave everyone a small smile.
“ Welcome to Lumi, I apologize that I’m the only one here to greet you. My husband is ill at the moment and cannot join us today.” Discordia said, Nacht smiled at his cousin.
“ I’m sure you had something to do with his ‘illness’.” Nacht said, and Discordia chuckled.
“ Just like you had something to do with Morgen’s death?” She asked with a smile of her own.
There was no denying two things; that Nacht and Discordia were indeed cousins, and that they almost despised each other.
“ Um Nacht,” Gimodelo started as he peaked over Nacht’s shoulder. “ Would you like some ice for that burn?”
“ Be quiet Gimodelo.” Nacht muttered as his eyebrow twitched again.
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daz4i · 3 months
ok ok rather than make a bunch of annoying vent posts i'm just gonna put everything on my mind all in one post to let it out 🔥 you absolutely do not need to read this, this is honestly so ridiculously long. my brain better feel clean for like at least 2 days after this fr
i knew i was gonna crash after this week and i think this is it 🥲 i was so tense for literally a whole week (even more tbh, bc i was preemptively scared of how much i have to do too) and i think the adrenaline drop kicked in after the peak of this one (aka being in a big social event. haven't been to one of those in literal years)
also. my parents have been sick this week and i think i maybe have contracted it too? 😭 if that is indeed the case it literally kicked in in the last like hour of the event, i was perfectly fine beforehand bc i avoided being in the same closed space as them when i could (aka kept my distance or made sure windows were open around me all the time jic). bc suddenly my whole body hurts like it hasn't in a long while. tho that might be the adrenaline crash too who knows 🥲 ig i'll see how i feel when i wake up
i have not been creative in awhile and i can feel my brain drowning in gunk lol. technically i tried writing songs a couple of times lately but they came out so bad i can't finish them. or anything. and i feel like shit abt failing to create literally anything. and i keep seeing people be creative and make so much or sharing their work fearlessly and it's always so much better than mine too that i'm burning with jealousy that i can't turn off (and can't channel into my own creation bc well. it comes out shitty! so the cycle not only continues but in fact gets worse each time). every time someone tells me i'm good it feels like they're lying to make me feel better or bc they love me so they're. biased and see everything i make as good bc it's me, so i can't count that. every time *i* feel like smth i made is good there's some glaring imperfection i don't know how to iron out so i start hating the whole piece. i don't know how to become better when every time i try to practice i end up wanting to claw my own eyes out as punishment for being so talentless and dumb
(the dumb thing too is. oh my god this is gonna sound so silly but. i try to make myself feel better by solving puzzles or trivia or riddles etc bc these are things i'm usually good at. but lately i can't be proud of myself for succeeding at any of them, and i keep beating myself harder for every time i fail or don't do as well as i used to, bc it feels like i'm failing at the only thing i'm supposed to be good at. also i just generally keep doing stupid things lately esp when it comes to my time management or taking care of my body in various ways, i keep forgetting things which is smth i almost never do, i struggle to get through conversations with others bc i trip over my words or make mistakes constantly, generally i'm just being stupid in various ways)
right now i am. so anxious. about so many things. here let me just make it into a list starting with very small to. probably still small but it feels big to me
1. this is so silly but. i am literally too tired to put small earrings back in after changing them to long one for the party. and i'm scared the holes will close up in my sleep. but this is literally so much work 💔 idk if the holes haven't healed properly or if i'm using the wrong metal so i keep getting infections bc it's been A While (two years. apparently. maybe more??) and they haven't healed yet. like i said a silly thing to get stressed over but i am. very tense
2. i don't know. if the people i knew in the party actually didn't recognize me or if they ignored me on purpose. bc i stood next to some of them while my besties were talking to them too and they didn't even say hi (or like introduced themselves the way others that i didn't know have done). one of them was literally my bestie for a good few months a few years ago and even tho i grew a beard i. don't think i changed THAT much??? also i don't think it's hard to make the connection abt who i am given how tight this community is. someone i haven't talked to since like 2015 bc we had beef recognized me even. so how come they didn't. i met one in a con recently and she did recognize me so. h. did i do something wrong. did someone say smth bad about me. i don't know i don't understand social rules enough to figure it out 😭
3. this is another thing abt that tbh 🥲 while it was very fun and a super cool event, it did remind me very painfully of why my social anxiety is so bad 😭 i felt like i made 10 social errors per minute. i didn't know what to say half the time so i just smiled or laughed and i think that made me seem creepy idk. a lot of people were very nice and i think i did mostly fine with them but also maybe not. idk. i am definitely overthinking things but what if i'm right. it's not that out of the question. i am known to fail social interactions there's a reason why i do my best to avoid them
4. and this is kinda bringing me to a thing i have on my mind a lot recently. bc i'm doing the recovery thing. and a lot of people - friends family and professionals who help me there - tell me i am capable of more than i think or admit. and i get WHY they think that bc i *am* doing a lot compared to the literal nothing i've been up to for years. but i am very much pushing outside my limits, which is why i'm constantly feeling like shit lately i think (not that i was doing great before but. yeah). it probably seems mostly effortless bc i just do them without beating much around the bush but that's only when i mentally prepare myself days or even weeks ahead (for reference, i'm talking about things like. being in public. or taking a bus). or the work i do for projects that... honestly idk how i'm doing that either. i am the laziest person ever and i have no ability to concentrate yet i managed to sit down and do work and do it well and learn text by heart and research and write for hours and ??? it does not feel like myself. but it also kinda does bc i need to very forcefully push myself into it and berate myself for hours until i actually get up to do anything so. it's not smth that comes naturally to me. i don't consider myself capable of things. i'm just very good at pretending i'm unbothered (up until i start crying uncontrollably at least lol) so ppl think i am. unfortunately. bc then they expect me to do more. or they pressure me into it then get disappointed when i can't do it (ig that's the core of it for me... i don't want anyone to develop expectations about me, bc i know i won't be able to meet them, at least not long term. so i insist i can't do anything, bc sometimes - often - i really really can't. i don't wanna be judged by my best. feels false to even call it that tbh. but that's bc it's so rare, it's the best for a reason, the absolute peak i can get to, as pathetic as it is. bc the problem is, when this is already beyond my limits, i literally can't go further, but that's what they want me to do 💔)
5. god. this is also a small thing probably but the accidental lie i mentioned. for context i am giving a lecture abt p5's mythology in the next con, that's the thing i was working on lately. anyway when i signed up i gave background information about myself, and to make myself sound more fitting for the job i said that i learned the topic in [university that specializes in said topic] bc i did - just. 2 classes. that's it. i was telling the truth there, technically (most of my knowledge on the topic comes from independent research, but the classes i took did help with that too, as in i knew where to look for info and things to look out for) (also for reference i'm gonna be fr. i did not finish these classes. social anxiety got to me and i was scared to go to anything outside zoom lessons which weren't an option anymore unfortunately)
ANYWAY when they told me i got in they sent me a "revised" bio which was just what i originally sent them, so i said okay. but now the whole thingie was posted and i can see my bio there and. they said i graduated from [uni] and used language that implies i have a degree in it, probably to make me sound more credible, but it's not true!!!! 😭😭😭 the thing i said was definitely embellishment but it WAS true enough that if asked directly about it i could spin it somehow ("oh i haven't finished yet" "yeah i took a couple of classes when i could to enrich my knowledge") but this. makes it so much harder
chances are i won't be asked bc why would anyone ask abt that. but ever since i started writing the script i was so stressed about people calling me out for being wrong abt info, so i even added a disclaimer of "these are old texts that have many versions that vary according to location or were changed with time uwu if you know a different version of this story that's probably why uwu" and "due to the time constraint i'm giving a very simplified and short version of this topic uwu" bc given that i'm talking a lot abt judaism. to a mainly (or most likely, entirely) jewish audience. it's enough that there is someone who is religious or previously ultra orthodox in the audience that if i make a mistake they could point it out. and then i'll start panicking and lose my train of thought and fuck everything up while i'm already so stressed as is and-
so like i've been super stressed abt all that^ until now but that misinfo in my bio is raising the stakes for me 😭 bc now what if someone who went to this uni and majored in this topic calls me out on never seeing me there. or they can tell the info i'm giving isn't smth that's taught there or isn't the way it's taught there. this is such a specific and unlikely fear but i can't not stress about it because TECHNICALLY it's possible, it COULD happen even if that's not too likely
6. all of this is while i'm also struggling with bureaucracy around that art program i'm signing up to, idk if i'll get in yet or not bc i need some files to be approved and idk if they would, and idk what i'll do if they don't. or what if they do! i'm honestly so scared to start it, idk how i'm gonna go from nothing to waking up early and driving an hour 4 times a week to be active and around people for a few hours. tbh i don't think i can, but also if this gets approved then i have to, so the government's money doesn't get flushed down the toilet bc of me.
7. all this shit has a major impact on my physical health 🥲 not getting into details bc that's def tmi territory but. i'm fighting for my life over a certain stress-caused medical thing for weeks now. only other time i had it was when the war originally started so naturally i was extra stressed then, but like, this is to give you a reference for how majorly stressed i am now. my regular pains are flaring up more often too which makes things harder to handle as well (like, stressing abt not doing enough work, bc i'm literally in too much pain to do anything but lie down. or being scared of the plans i have for the week bc what if these pains catch me when i'm outside or with people. how am i supposed to push through them. what if they catch me when i'm in public and i have to sit down in the middle of the street. what if i'm with people and i'm holding them back from doing smth bc of that. etc etc)
8. ofc all this is happening during the war and i keep seeing things i really don't wanna see from ppl in my country and the west 🥲 and it's like, the mix of guilt over this happening at all, and the frustration over feeling like i have nothing to do about it, and fear about how things are gonna escalate in either direction, and seeing friends from other countries posting things i agree with but can't condone full heartedly bc well. this'll hurt me directly, as selfish as it sounds (tbf, when i say hurt me directly, i'm talking about me and my loved ones' lives being endangered), but also seeing said loved ones talking about things i can't agree with morally, yet can't fully refute either because life is. complicated. i have a lot more to say tbh but i'm too tired to acknowledge every single facet of every single related issue which will open me to a lot of hate so. best to leave it here. unfortunately
idk where to put this. sorry for the sudden topic change. it feels bad to be stressed over that but, there is a guy who i know likes me like a lot. i think i'm like exactly his taste and he's always so excited about seeing or talking to me. one of my besties - or maybe more. idk - really wants us to get together bc tbh it'll probably be good for both of us, and y'all know how desperate i am to be loved lol. but i can't bring myself to like him the way he likes me 💔 he's fun but i have a hard time with one on one interactions so i can't really progress things and tbh, idk if i'm currently in a mindset where i even should, given all that^. also i know for a fact i can't handle an actual relationship, and i'm scared i'll disappoint him or drive him away if i'll be my real unfiltered self, and ik i need to be obsessed with someone to get attached this quickly but i can't force it either. and to put it more directly... i'm perfect for him and his taste, but not the other way around 🥲 (tho tbf idk what my taste even is. i identify as aroace for a reason). i don't wanna string him along but i think i already kind of am 😭 i like him but not as much as he likes me, but what i probably like here even more is the feeling of being liked. and that makes me feel like a dick. i also feel guilty for not liking him the same way ig even tho ik it's stupid bc it's not like i can control it. and yet
so yeah this is. a lot of shit. all at once. both silly and not silly at all. my brain is in constant overload. i get violently suicidal every time i have a moment alone with my thoughts or when i see anything that reminds me of that. bc all this stress makes life feel so impossible - it IS impossible - that i can't handle the thought of it, but half of the things that cause me stress are supposed to be for the purpose of distracting me from how stressful everything is. so. what the fuck am i supposed to do about all that. how am i supposed to live like at all
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hanzajesthanza · 2 years
this is actually a very old headcanon back from when i headcanoned regis was a capricorn and also had a birthday*, but i like to imagine angoulême putting 429 candles on a cake and almost burning beauclair palace down, and it’s ironic because he’s the only one of them invulnerable to fire so he has to put it out as an emergency—
it would start with a brainstorm/share-out pressured by angoulême of when everyone’s birthdays are
cahir: mine is actually august 31st. … geralt and milva: [look at him from across the table] cahir: … yes, during the bridge 😅 i mean, i spent the last one in prison so… this was a lot better
geralt: i dont do birthdays. no, not for any spiteful reason, not because of any personal hatred towards them or poor past experience. it’s as simple as this. i’m a professional, people don’t expect me to age. people hire me to be a supernatural being. they don’t hire men who are born just like any other old man, who demand to take the day off just because— dandelion: [just walked into the conversation in a frilly bathrobe] it’s june 21st. geralt: … dandelion: [grabbing a piece of bread and is now sitting down and eating it, speaking with his mouth half full] and he’s going to be 56 this year.
milva: well. mine’s early december, but don’t— no, don’t start shouting “we missed it, we missed it.” i celebrated it very well, on my own. as i wanted to. dandelion: what did you do milva: went into the woods and hunted everyone: … geralt: maria, you do that every day. milva: AND????
geralt: while we’re all going, then, dandelion’s is june 9th. everyone: … ok geralt: [staring at him triumphantly, nastily, like “SEE I CAN TELL EVERYONE YOUR BIRTHDAY TOO” but no one cares, because only geralt was embarassed by dandelion telling everyone his birthday and age]
i haven’t listed angoulême’s birthday but it’s late march/early april because she’s an aries, i think it would be funny if her birthday was april 1st (because comic character + unfortunately her biological family treated her like a joke), but also it would be sad because stygga occured in early march so angoulême was so close to seeing another year but didn’t make it
anyways with the general idea of this is angoulême asking geralt if vampires celebrate birthdays (because she wants to surprise regis she’s not just gonna go and ask him) and geralt dryly responds “not in any diagrams i ever saw in kaer morhen” (the mental image of a serious life-or-death witcher class doing a book on vampires and there’s like a diagram of them like 🥳🥳🎁🥳🎂🎉🥳🥳🥳)
and asides from regis like
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after the fire is put out he’s like :) cake and they’re all very curious now like so DO you celebrate birthdays or— and he’s like “well not usually but this cake is good” and angoulême observes “i think that piece is still on fire a bit actually” and he’s like “[mid-biting cake on fire] its good”
* as for how the headcanon doesn't work anymore... actually i think it’s funnier if he’s like “i dont think i have a birthday” or "guys, my birthday was in october. we past it two months ago..." (since i headcanon him as a libra)
here’s my solution to the dilemma of how he both has no birthday but is also a libra: he still has no birthday, but attests that “october is his favorite month” or some other vague bs. and it makes sense that he’d like october, because october is a month of transitions — between fall and winter (at least as we can see in their journey, in that jaruga belt region’s climate) — he also leaves fen carn at the end of october and returns to dilingen — and for the elves it is the end of the year/beginning of the new year...
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Day 27: Burning
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Warnings: Captivity, restraints, suicidal ideation/attempt (by magical exhaustion/to escape torture)
... as in “I wonder if there’s a less painful way for me to die than what’s coming for me”, followed - to no one’s surprise - by “guess not”.
This is part of a series. If you haven't, I suggest starting at Day 1.
Previous | Masterlist | Next
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By the time Damien opened his eyes again, the fever had gone down. He seemed to be alone. The lights were gone as well, and he found himself staring into suffocating darkness. Everything was quiet. He had no idea how long he had been sleeping — or been unconscious, really. Everything hurt. The shallow rising of his chest aggravated the wounds littering his torso. Every breath burned in his throat. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to speak. He didn’t try.
The taste of this disgusting brew still lingered in his mouth, which was slightly better than the taste of bile and blood. He would have liked to drink a bit of water, though. There was no way for him to see if they’d left him some. As he weakly moved his left arm around, as far as the chain and the ache in his shoulder allowed him, he found nothing.
Just as well. Perhaps he’d be able to sleep until the morning. If only he could find rest. If only he could push the thought aside that the queen was coming back. If only he could forget the feeling of the belt, cutting off his air, and the pain, and the panic.
But he couldn’t, and he still found himself awake what was probably an hour later. Nothing had changed. It was still completely dark and quiet. The only thing that had changed was the beating of his heart, which had picked up its pace by a considerable amount. Every time he swallowed, he felt the leather around his neck, squeezing the life out of him. As so often during those last days, he wished they had just let him die. How many chances had there been since his capture? Every one of those would have been a better way to go than to be hanged in public.
But as always, he had managed to avoid all the better options, aiming unerringly for the worst. Almost blown up. Almost bled to death. Almost died from fever. Almost starved and almost suffocated. Almost, almost, almost. He wasn’t even good enough for death to have some mercy.
A quiet sob left his lips. Damien shifted closer to his chained hand, so he could feel for his neck; feel that there was nothing but bruised skin. No leather, no rope. But there would be, soon. He sobbed again, the sound scratching in his raw throat. It wasn’t even the worst way to die he could think of. But it was so tangible, so close, it filled him with terror.
Not for the first time he wondered if he’d take another way out, if there was one. Not that he could think of any. There was nothing within reach, nothing he could use. No weapon, nothing heavy or sharp. Just the chain around his wrist, and the bucket, if he was lucky.
He’d heard tales of mages dying when trying to use their powers against morlit; the very material the shackle he was wearing was made of. Damien wondered idly if there was any truth to the stories. He hadn’t even tried to use his magic. He had known it wouldn’t work, and there was no reflex in him to try. Fancy images had never been something that could save him, while a headless teleport could kill him. 
Perhaps he should try.
It was curiosity more than determination that made him reach for his magic. Light. A light would be nice. Damien concentrated on what should be an easy trick. Nothing appeared. The shackle grew slightly warm. Other than that, he didn’t feel different. 
A small illusion like a light was barely worth the name, though. He could try something bigger. Turn this cell into a nicer place.
A green meadow perhaps, with warm sunlight and fluffy clouds.
The metal around his wrist grew uncomfortably hot.
With a few trees, casting shadows, and a soft blanket for him to sit upon.
Weakness washed over him as his magic poured into the endless void of the shackle.
The air would smell of grass and flowers, not like the dust he had grown used to during those last years.
The shackle was almost burning him now. Damien clenched his teeth, holding on to the image.
A book in front of him. Laughter in the distance.
He wasn’t sure if he had his eyes closed or not. The darkness around him was spinning so fast, it made him feel sick.
Footsteps on a sandy path and a little stream bubbling behind him. It was too hot. Too hot. A bowl of fruit next to him. Little bits of strawberries and peaches and plums.
His magic was no longer drawn into the void, the void was drawn into him.
Damien screamed.
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Tagging: @villainsvictim @whump-in-the-moonlight @dont-touch-my-soup @teamwhump​
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miyarii · 3 years
Pairing: Atsumu Miya x Reader, Kiyoomi Sakusa x Reader
Genre: Angst
Warnings: cheating ;-;
Summary: He still remembers it all. How he hurt you. But now that doesn't seem to matter to you. At least not anymore, when you've moved on. And he is left behind to pick up the pieces of his own broken heart. Maybe he deserved it.
Note: i saw that someone requested a part 2, and i immediately read through the fic again and realized holy shit, they were right. this is vague. this is bad. oh gosh, i hope i delivered it somewhat sufficiently. i don't think i did. well, i need to improve more >-< i'm tagging @multi-fandom-fanfic for this since they requested for a part 2. i hope it lives up to your expectations ^o^
part 1 | part 2
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He couldn't sleep.
There were bags on his eyes, and his appearance was messy and unkempt. He looked at the clock on his bedside table, watched as it turned 2:13 A.M. 7 months later, and thoughts of you still plagued his mind.
Well, it was only fair. He deserved it.
He stopped seeing her after you left. He remembers it all. Even in his drunken haze, he remembers all of those times he let himself be stupid. Him texting you he wouldn't be coming over for the night. The feeling of her skin on his, her coy giggles as they danced around, soon ending up tangled in each other. Her stupid little kisses that spurred his recklessness on. Him excusing his wrongs, his guilt, by saying he was drunk. And repeat.
He thought he loved her all those times, only to regret it in the mornings. Fucking stupid, and he hates it. How could he even think of loving another, when you were already there?
He missed you. So damn much.
As if his body had a mind of its own, he picked up his phone, already scrolling trhough his contacts to call you. Just when he was about to press call, he stopped. He didn't have the right to do that anymore. Instead, he opted to read your last messages to him. For the nth time.
'Goodmorning, Atsu. Did you sleep well?'
'Hinata-san's texting me. Are you still asleep?'
'If I find out you ended up drinking at some bar and got shitfaced AGAIN, I will kick your ass.'
'I have to go to work. Can't drop over your place rn. I'll just tell Hinata-san you'll be late, ok? See you later <3'
'I love you.'
The last brought him to tears.
I love you too, he meant to text back. But at that time, he was too busy trying to stop her from kissing his face all over. With a heavy heart, he willed himself to at least get enough rest for today.
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"My girlfriend's in the shower. I'll just tell her I have people over today. Make yourselves at home."
"Ya' have a girlfriend, Omi-omi? How long?"
"Yes. We're still new, but I can see myself with her for a lifetime. Now shut up." He was in disbelief. Kiyoomi actually had someone. How did he manage to keep it under wraps?
Immediately, Bokuto and Hinata started chatting about random topics, volleyball, food, their favorite matches. He only listened halfheartedly, too engrossed in looking around Kiyoomi's apartment.
And then he saw it. A neat, framed picture of Kiyoomi and his girlfriend, the man sporting a small genuine smile..... and your bright one matching his. His whole world stopped.
Fuck him.
You stepped out of your shared room with Kiyoomi, already smiling and ready to greet your guests. The moment your eyes landed on him, your smile faltered. He only stared at you, hoping that you will see the longing hidden behind his gaze. He missed you so much.
Then it hit him again. You were with Kiyoomi, not him.
Kiyoomi, being the observant person he is, noticed the quiet exhange between you. His brows furrowed, and he leaned over to whisper something in your ear. You froze before whispering back, and he watched as Kiyoomi's brows rose in confusion, and then his face morphed with an expression Atsumu couldn't quite define. Atsumu felt something stir in him, but he quickly tampered it down with another reminder that Kiyoomi was your boyfriend, not him.
You looked back over to the three of them, and smiled. "Hello. My name's Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you." Hinata looked at you with surprise, him being the only other person to know that you were with Atsumu before. Bokuto only smiled, unknowing of the atmosphere surrounding the group. "Hi, Y/N-san! Nice to meet you too, I'm Kotaro Bokuto."
"Do you guys want anything to eat? I can pull something up." You looked at Kiyoomi, who in turn looked at the others.
"Nah, we're all good! We just came over to discuss tactics for the upcoming match," Bokuto answered, still quite oblivious to the scene unfurling in front of him.
Atsumu blinked.
'I can't tell you to love her more than I did you... because I know there is no one in my life who I will love more than you.'
'You deserved my love, Atsumu. It was me who didn't deserve yours.'
Was that just a lie?
As he watched you laugh with the others, nuzzle up to Kiyoomi every now and then, seemingly oblivious to his eyes burning into the two of you, he knew that you weren't lying. You wouldn't be able to love anyone more than him, but you certainly could learn to love someone just as much. And you didn't deserve his love. Because you deserved the love of someone better.
Well, he thought, it's only fair. I deserve it.
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
Lucky Me (Sequel To Unlucky)
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: Fluff
Summary: You aren’t always born with luck. Sometimes, you meet people who bring it to you. In short, they are your lucky charm.
Requested: Yes, but not in a typical way. A big thank you to all the wonderful people who read, liked, reblogged and commented on part one - Unlucky.  
@susceptible-but-siriusexual  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @hacker-ghost  @itsminniekat  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  and many more ❤❤❤
They are the reason this story is being written. What was originally supposed to be an elaborate one-shot turned into the most liked piece I’ve ever written. I can’t thank you enough, guys. You are amazing and I hope you like this one just as much or even more than the previous. Love you ❤❤❤
I’m grinning at my reflection in the mirror as I put on a pair of earrings. My face is already touched-up with a little make-up and my hair is looking on point. I can almost see my own reflection in the shine of excitement in my eyes. I take in my upper body via a quick once-over in the full body mirror opposite me, and I finally relax my muscles that I didn’t ever realize I was tensing.
“OK, now I’m ready.“ I say as a form of encouragement as I reach behind me for my phone that’s sitting on my bed.
You might be wondering where I’m going? Who I’m going with? What’s the occasion behind this many preparations and pampering?
The answer: Nowhere. No one. Nothing. I’m literally not even going to leave my house.
It might seem ridiculous to someone else, but to me, to my hypnotized mind, it’s perfectly reasonable to be getting so amped up over a FaceTime call. Yeah, you heard me correctly - a FaceTime call. 
Well, you see, this isn’t the first time we FaceTime, but it will be the first time we’ll see each other’s faces. I wanted to level the field so I didn’t let him on to what I look like, where exactly I live, etc. Basically, he only knows my name, which I am still prepared to call unfair, considering I don’t know his real name. 
A brief backstory to my first ever real interaction with Corpse: I was introduced to him by my friends. They are the ones I always turned to with all the scary shit happening in my life. Often times they didn’t know weather to comfort me or laugh at my curse. My friends suggested I start sharing it to a youtuber named Corpse Husband. You see, I love YouTube narrators and I’ve always been a fan of Mr. Nightmare and I, to be perfectly honest, always kept the idea of sending him my stories in the back of my mind. Nevertheless, I bit the bullet and checked out on of this Corpse Husband guy’s videos. And then another. And another. And before I knew it I was having a marathon after which I was too paranoid to get online, walk home alone at night, leave my curtains open etc. It wasn’t all thanks to the stories themselves. A lot of the fear factor these stories strike with should be credited to the way they are read. Let me tell you, this guy had it all figured out with the reading. Not sending him my stories would just be wrong. So I did, I sent him my first ever creepy encounter which was with a stalker from my high school and it took me only two days to forget about it. It only crossed my mind when my friends blew my phone up, demanding I watched Corpse’s new video. I kid you not, I got more scared by the story when he read it than when I lived it. That’s what settled it for me - I decided to send him each and every story.
And then one day, out of the blue, my life changed for the better in more ways than one. It got turned completely upside down, like a rollercoaster, and I just had to hold on and enjoy the ride, embrace the adrenaline rush and excitement, knowing full well that I chose to get on and there’s no way I can get off halfway through. 
I’m being too metaphorical. He sent me an email. He freaking reached out to me. And I was posed with a rough choice. Took me a minute, but I chose to reply to him, I chose to trust him, and I couldn’t just leave him on read one day simply cause I chickened out. Yes, I’m unlucky and these things don’t happen to unlucky people. I mean, they do, but they are nightmares disguised as a dream come true. I’ve lived all my life cautiously: if something sounds too good to be true it’s either not as good as marketed or not true at all. If it’s dark and late and there are no people around, FaceTime someone. If your Uber driver’s sketchy, cancel the ride. I take all the precautions and I still find myself in the worst situations. Or at least...
My thoughts are interrupted by the ringing of my phone. A simple ringtone I hear every time he calls me. A simple sound that causes me butterflies when I hear it and ultimate devastation if the caller ID doesn’t read the name I want. It always gets me excited, probably more than it should. This time is different, however. It’s scary almost. I’m nervous, anxious, scared, hesitant - all things I never feel when I’m about to answer his call. 
With shaky hands I pick up the call and find myself looking at the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. Now I know why I would have never initiated this meeting, because I know what color my face is right now. I know my voice has let me down before I even attempt to speak. I know I look like a mess. I know my obvious crush is showing.
Corpse initiated this meeting. He said he was getting too curious and he wanted one of his best friends to see him and for him to finally see her. It’s been about seven months since we first started texting and I haven’t let out a single peep about it to a single soul. It’s just between him and I. We are each other’s safe space away from the rest of the world.
“Thought you weren’t gonna pick up for a second there.“ His voice is not as confident as other times when we’ve talked. His trying to hide his own nervousness and all I wanna do is hug him and tell him he doesn’t have to. I kept telling him over and over again that we don’t have to do this if he’s not sure that he actually wants it. I even offered to show him what I look like, not expecting to see him in return but he declined, saying it was now his turn to even the field.
“I was in another room.“ I manage to say, my voice only shaking a little.
We spend a few moments just looking at each other. Admiring one another. For someone who prefers digital interaction, I am surprised to realize I wish he was actually standing in front of. I wish I could hug him. A long hug of comfort, mutual understanding and hidden feelings.
He lets out a short laugh, shaking his head which causes a few strands of hair to fall over his eyepatch, “I’m sorry...It’s just-...Fuck I’m stumbling.” He chuckles nervously, “I just...can’t believe you are real. You are a real person. And the most beautiful person I’ve seen. That’s corny, isn’t it.” He looks away from the screen, his face now a shade of red. “But I mean it. I’m embracing my corniness. You are beautiful, Y/N. Not that I’m flexing or anything, but I’m lucky to have met you.”
I laugh, feeling my eyes stinging from the tears that have suddenly formed. I don’t want to let them fall, but I don’t have much say in that. “Well, mister Corpse, I can’t begin to compare. I mean...that hair! I still cannot believe it’s you. You are not just a deep voice in my mind. You are....you are...”
“Everything you imagined and more?“ he jokes, making my whole body heat up. “I told you you could trust. I mean, if the hair doesn’t confirm I’m who I say I am, I don’t know what will.”
“Actually, I never tried to imagine what you looked like. I knew those visions...I knew they didn’t matter. Faces don’t matter to us, Corpse. I think you realize that.“
And just like that, all I’ve been keeping hidden is pouring out. I don’t try to stop it - you can’t stop a hurricane with bare hands.
“I never needed a face to imagine us. I always saw as talking on the phone, playing Among Us. Reading scary stories to each other on Discord. I never needed a face to imagine your company. To imagine what we could be...“ I trail off, letting the first tear slip down my cheek.
The most sincere look appears in his eyes, “Fuck, I wish I could hold your hand right now. Never mind, I wish I could hug you, Y/N. Hug you and not let go for a long time.”
I laugh halfheartedly, my chest burning from the intensity of this moment’s intimacy, “I can always tell you where I live.” I’m only half-joking. I really want to see him in real life, not just through a screen, but even this call is out of his comfort zone, let alone a physical meet up.
He surprises me yet again, “Saturday. I’ll bring the take out, you pick the movie.” he says with a smile that is literally saying ‘you didn’t see that coming, did you?’
“How are you sure I don’t live in a different state, or a different continent all together?“ I tease, making an attempt to put my composure back together.
He smirks, “I pay way more attention to your stories than you’d think.” I laugh, shaking my head as a pointless method of fighting the pesky tears that he has 100% noticed by this point. “By the way, just because we’re....” he thinks for a second, “in a weird zone between friendship and...something more, doesn’t mean you have to stop sending me stories. I absolutely love reading them for my audience. They love em too.”
I just realized I am yet to tell him the crazy miracle that has happened. “Well, the thing is...I don’t have any.” His eyebrows shoot up in shock which makes me laugh, “Yeah, I know, it’s crazy. Since the day we started talking I have not experienced a single scary thing. Deadass. I swear on my life.”
If I wasn’t so head over heels for this man already, the baffled expression on his face would definitely send me falling for him. He’s just that adorable. “Wow.”
“I know right.“ I nod, “Seems to me you have enough luck to share with me.“
His eyes light up at that comment, showing just how meaning full it is to him.
“You’re my lucky charm, Corpse.“
“I will never be more proud of any other title, Y/N. That I can promise you with no hesitation.“
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drippingmoon · 2 years
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a 2021 year of writing
First of all, many thanks to @ecwrenn for hosting this lovely event 🥰 this will be my piece, and I'm looking forward to hearing from you and other writers too.
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First bits are always the hardest to accomplish, whether it be tumblring or writing. This was no exception 🤣 but also as it happens, it always gets much easier later on.
This will mostly be me ranting, expressing some gratitude, sharing some facts and all in all babbling haha. I even put a checkpoint somewhere in here. Hope it's enjoyable enough to read 😊
It was my most productive year, writing-wise. Perhaps it is because I joined tumblr, but I was actually able to focus on my wip in the long months between summers, and my enthusiasms for it never waned (as might be obvious from my word vomits🤣, this included).
I write only during summer, for university-related reasons. Or at least that's what I call them. I'm pretty adept at finding polite excuses for not writing, but at the end of the day, that's a bad habit I can't shake off. So it was probably my fault that my last wip, The Snow Spirit, ended up discarded after it burned me out so bad I thought I'd never write again. I often ended up forgetting about my writing and what I wanted from it, and... it damaged everything, when I went back to it. Like if I can set it aside for almost a whole year and not sparsely look back on it, was I even a writer anymore?
Anyway, things changed. My relationship with 'quiv is much different than what it was with Spirit. It's much easier to write, considering that it's fully indulgent and the exciting plot beats come sooner rather than later when my enthusiasm has slipped.
So, it wasn't the case here. What with the tag games, getting in touch with you, seeing your enthusiasm for your projects and in turn reminding me of my own... I have a lot to thank you all for 🥰 for this year to have turned out this well, I'm very grateful for you all.
So last year, in the early months of autumn, before I joined the writeblr community, I was finishing the first draft of Aquiver, Aglow, which some of you might now as my main and only wip.
...I don't actually remember when I joined hahaha. Those two months look the same to me. And also, my life at the time hadn't been the happiest. Actually, until late May my memories are all jumbled, so I'm also using this event as a chance to straighten some stuff out. I might mix up things, I might've forgotten. I hope not.
I didn't know what I expected when I joined the community 🤣 I just knew I needed to get in touch with other writers to get my mind off stuff. I was very lucky at the time to have been received very warmly by some special people. I owe you a lot and if you're reading this, I hope you know who you are ❤ I've never been as grateful to discover a community as when I talked to you.
To be honest, tumblr wasn't my first attempt at doing so. I'd actually been active on Wattpad for some years before the adds thing came on, and it didn't go too well. It was also an attempt to see if I could survive on social media without it making me feel actively worse about writing in general. Needless to say, it went incredibly well 🥰
*For reference, some of my longest comments back then had been to ask if: 1. my mother tongue was English and 2. was I going to add romance because my plot was missing it. The answers were no and no, and though that's beside the point, I felt like getting this off my chest. It was incredibly disheartening back then to finally receive feedback and have it be of that nature, but whatever.
One thing I've observed, it's kind of a writerly rite of passage for everyone to start believing more in their writing and themselves, than random comments. It's a shaky foundation, but I'm also proud of myself for not being dependant on approval as I was back then. I honestly love writing, and will keep doing so even if maybe someday I'll get my wip roasted via anon or something 🤣
Chazzawrites challenge
Okay, I'm 90% positive this took place in February 🤣 but I wouldn't swear on it. I was also a lurker back then.
It was also when I first properly started interacting with you guys. For this reason alone, because I know how many things can be changed during events, I've planned on never missing out on one.
For those who can't remember or haven't participated, it was your typical 31-day-long challenge, whereby we had to answer to one writing-related question per day. Sometimes it wasn't easy to keep up, as some questions went into the rambling realm of introduce a wip or what's your favorite part of writing or how do you relate to writing action, description, dialogue, or something along those lines.
While it was very fun to answer all those questions, there wasn't much interaction, especially between people who weren't mutuals. That is, until towards the end of the event. When we had to tag a favorite writeblr, and explain why.
Then someone simply decided to write what many of us were thinking. That yeah, what was the point of one such question if one of writeblr's main problem was that people tended to keep to their closed off cliques, and even if it was an open event, no one really came to know another? I have to say, when it turned into general appreciation, outright skipping and actually having people pop up in the comments, it felt like something was changing, moving, and I was there to witness it.
It wasn't that grand, but you felt the spark, and it was incredible. Suddenly you felt you had common ground with those people, and it wasn't as hard to reach out anymore. There were only a few days left, but it those few days I made my first row of mutuals that I'll never forget ❤
And, somehow, it'd also proven to me yet again that, most people are waiting or maybe secretly hoping for the other to make the first move. Everyone likes being surprised, especially with heartfelt feedback. And it's not that terrifying to be the one to make the first step.
After all, how many times have I found myself smiling so hard my cheeks hurt because a writeblr I'd never interacted with before chose to send me a message, or a reblog.
(Which reminds me, if by the end of this or anytime during you wanna scream at me or ask something, this is me encouraging you to.)
I stopped lurking after that 🤣
Underwing challenge
This took place in April. I simply did tag games and asks till then haha, no point in bothering you with that. And I can honestly say I've been very lucky to be able to participate. Once more I met some incredible people, and saw again some very dear others I'd befriended in the previous challenge.
I was one of the adopters, so I asked people questions on a kinda daily basis. This was very helpful, I can say it's taught me quite a bit because at one point I was making up questions I would've never thought about otherwise. And seeing the angles from where others tackled the issues, getting to see them gush over their writing, world and characters... it was one of the most beautiful experiences I've ever had 🥺
My only regret is that I didn't also participate as an adoptee. Would've been thrilled to answer those questions too 🤣 but then again, I wouldn't have had as much time to ask, so it is what it is. Some incredibly kind people went rogue anyway and made my day by popping up in my askbox 🥰
Once again, if you happen to be reading this, I'm eternally grateful to you ❤
I don't think it will see a revival this year, but in case it does, I don't have to think twice about it to know I'll be on board.
The summer months
(Doing one of them commercial breaks. You're halfway through! What to bribe you with... ah yes, there's a cat gif at the end 😊 cheering you on)
This is where things get a bit long (as if they hadn't already been hahaha). So, what happened? Last summer, I managed to finish draft 2 of Aquiver, Aglow (lemme bask in that victory some more...
...there we go. Basking complete 🤣) I'd actually wanted to finish a draft 3 too, but, uh, things got a bit too long. Many changes to the story took place, but that was kinda to be expected, since I threw in every single idea I'd had over the years. At one point I was very exhausted because it only kept getting longer, and I stuck to my plan of writing one chapter a night no matter what.
*It was practically hell in some days when I kept churning out words and they were all the wrong words and I kept comparing it to my first draft and lookee, you've really managed to make it much worse.
(Now, months later and with a clear, rested head, it's not that tragic anymore 🤣 but yeah, talk about things falling short of expectations. Good thing I can't remember what they were anymore^^ 🤣)
But to see the end result, and how things added up, how some unexpectedly ended up being better than I'd imagined, it was very much worth it ❤ I love writing so much I don't have enough words to express it 🥺🥰🥰
As some sort of confession, I actually started writing 'quiv as a dedication to someone very dear. Also as a way of mentally preparing myself for some things to come. Naturally, it's much changed since its early days, but it'll never forget those roots. So when I'm joking that it's my no-plot-only-feels wip, I'm also talking about how, in it, I wanna safekeep some sentiments and ideas that are pretty precious to me. And as a tribute.
Oh, oh, and one unexpected development, was that I actually wrote the lullaby I'd planned on tackling separately. I cried while writing it, and it's got more plot in it than my entire wip 🤣 it's obviously in much need of rework since: 1. I've never written a lullaby or anything in song/poem format before lol 2. it was still out of its cradle before its time...
But it means a lot to me. And since I'm also writing this and I suddenly got the urge to share the idea behind it, even if it's somewhat of a spoiler. Sometimes I don't care about that haha
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So it's called Statue On Your Brow. Not a very traditional or clear name for a lullaby, I know 🤣 but the idea behind it is this:
There's a statue in a graveyard, or anywhere. That statue rests on someone's grave, perhaps on cold earth, separating the departed, beloved one from the mourner by a few feet of dirt. And this statue, the mourner's brought to resemble the one who's currently resting in the afterlife.
But it's not meant to represent the one who's dead. Even if it has their shape, it's not them. It could never be. It's the one who keeps visiting the grave, it's the shape of all their aching feelings which want to see them again, which desperately want to fold themselves into the shape of them.
The statue is there, on their brow, to keep them company. For all the hours in which the mourner can't sit by the grave, can't hold them. Can't weep for them. In all those hours, the statue of the mourner shall keep them company, if they're beneath. If they're not, it's still an eternal reminder that they're missed, they're beloved.
Whew. This was... something to write. I had to take a break after writing this, and my fingers are still shaking a little. It means a lot to me, and I only hope to do it justice in one way or another, when I arrive to its final form. It's not the only lullaby in 'quiv, but it's by far my most beloved.
Oh yeah, lullabies. Why that chosen form of song 🤣 well, because they're all aimed at the dead, and come from mourners. And they all wish their loved ones to rest well.
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To depart a little from this subject, I also have another dedication to make. To that one lovely person who sent me an entire playlist and basically boosted my whole progress towards the end, you've helped out so much back then ❤❤
*Also. For the record. So there was this song, with a great soundtrack, light but expressive, perfect for my scenes at the time. Yet I innocently pay attention to the lyrics for the first time, and realize how expressively christian they were and oh my gods my best friend was laughing so much it was making me laugh, I barely got the chapter finished that night. It's one of our favorite stories now. That my non-religious ass had been passionately replaying this song going 'it's all about you Jesus, it's all about you God'. While my face was:
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*But yeah, I was asking for it since I somehow decided to write about angels and also touching the subject of (some form of) religion. Now I'm told I write Bible fic 🤣
After that, my writing progress petered out. This was to be expected haha, the summer ended. I think I managed to get 50k worth of notes (draft 2 was 200k), but again, I wouldn't swear on that and it's not important.
Except that I got so many ideas I wanna test out
Mostly I got a bit too busy. Posted tag games now and then, but my newest format is of posting an excerpt every weekend. I'll be taking a break on this too after this week, since I'll get started on reading my draft, which I absolutely can't wait for 🥰
My plans looked a little different in the beginning. After finishing draft 2, I wanted to go back to Wattpad and post it on there whilst editing to speed the process up a little. But after the recent changes, yeah, no chance.
So I'm doing my thing again and I'll be fully rewriting it this summer once more, since I can. And I'm also waiting to see if maybe some new, better writing website pops into existence.
I really wanted to see how it'd fare on Wattpad and use it as a sort of beta reading, but I'll see what I'll do about that. Any kind of talk about publishing just puts a damper on my spirits, so I'm not in a hurry to sort things out.
I'm also very much hoping I can conclude the drafting process with draft 3, and I'll finally be getting to the editing stage and slowly making my way to the final version ❤ but that's still a distant dream.
And those are also my hopes for this year. That by the end, I'll be able to write that dedication that's been weighing on my mind ever since I began. That would make me happy.
Wrapping up
If you've made it this far, your patience is pretty incredible haha<3 but huh, this was actually incredibly cathartic to write. I was expecting it, but it's a very sweet feeling to see it bear fruit.
Now I'm going do address some stuff from Aye's list since I, uh, ended up kinda meandering as I tend to do.
Works in progress count: just one. Aquiver, Aglow, which I've been talking about endlessly hahaha, I love it that much. I don't think there's a point in my adding a summary here, since I have the intro pinned to my blog (which I've reworked by the way)
(Yeah, basically evil angels have wiped off most of humankind. One of them tries to figure out what to do with the remains of the world, while having her beliefs slowly changed by a human child, whose love catches her unawares)
Okay, I could probably add Icy Penumbra, my next series about one misguided touch wizard who made a deal with a dragon and they both wanna end the world.
Unluckily for the main character who's got to stop them, they're also the politest company he's been around in years. It also doesn't help that Ptarmigan's the one who blinded Asp and tries to keep that a secret, and he was also the previous Haw to Diahra, who also blinded him in one eye.
That's because, to make a contract with Diahra, one must promise him a lie they'll strive to make reality. And Ptarmigan was the first to fulfill his lie. It's brought him nothing but guilt and grief.
For reference, Asp's current lie is to free Diahra. As he's currently the last dragon alive, forever chasing the sun to stave off the curse that killed his kind. A curse of frost spreading over their wings, encasing them in ice and having them plummet to the earth and shatter.
*If that didn't convince you, how do trenchbards sound, cartographers of the rifts and trenches at the end of the world, because it's very much flat, and many other quirky worldbuilding stuff I'm very excited about?
I, uh, have it pretty much planned out, for once. Well, generally. Which is more than I can say for all of my other wips, 'quiv included, which still doesn't have an outline. Yay me 🤣
NaNo: haven't participated, not my thing. Tried it once, it kicked my ass lol. But I love cheering you guys on<3
Reading and book recs: to my eternal shame, since I got started on 'quiv, I haven't read that much, or, should I say, at all. But my eternally favorite series is The Tawny Man trilogy by Robin Hobb. It meant a lot to me, and the writing style is so deep and rich with the characters' thoughts, I've never meet better developed characters since her books.
I remember the summers when I would read 100 books:') my best years are far behind me, y'all 🥺 plus these days I can't even be bothered to search for books because that takes time and investment and I'd rather think about 'quiv.
But enough with my moaning.
Okay, this actually marks the end of this long... *squints* shopping list salad with everything. Hope you've enjoyed the cat at the top as much as I have:)
I don't have to think much about what I want from now on. To keep interacting with all you beautiful people and discover your incredible thoughts, and slowly finish Aquiver, Aglow.
What more could I want ❤
So see you all next year, too! May you achieve all your writing dreams, and may we all keep enjoying this community we have here ❤
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rudystopit · 3 years
i don’t know what demon came from hell and possessed me when writing this but it’s darker than my other stuff. this is more angst than smut i guess. i think i’m going to write another one for iida with a breeding kink that more lighter.
warnings: sexual abuse, nsfw, choking, slight breeding kink, eating out,
wc: 4k
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every Saturday, you and your husband iida go to the farmers market to shop for food or other things. you two walk side by side with hands locked together. you pull him around and he smiles at your huge grin. you swing your arms as you walk to the little market.
it was warmer that day so you wore a cute sundress while he wore a polo and shorts. he watched the skirt of the dress flow around your beautiful body. he just watches you look around for the best veggies and ripe fruit.
you’ll catch him staring and you’ll ask him a question which he won’t respond to. you lightly punch him and he’ll snap out of his daze. he smiles and apologizes. you tell him to go over to the bake goods and pick out a dessert for the two of you while you drag some summer squash and peppers.
he pouts as he goes a looks at the cookies and cupcakes. he waits for the old women to finish talking with another customer. he points to the two he would like, pays and turns back to you.
the guy sitting on the back of the truck was flirting with you. you smiled and laughed at his jokes. he shyly smiles at you. he cracks a joke and you touch his shoulder.
iida storms up to you and snakes his hand around your waist. he pulls you closer. he glares at the man. you turn to iida.
“hey honey, did you know i used to go to school with him?” you laugh and turn back to the guy. you pay for the veggies as iida quickly pulls you away from the man.
“ooh let’s get the apple cider doughnuts! they smell amazing!” you close your eyes and inhale. the sweet smell of warm dough, apple and cinnamon swirled around you. “please tenya!!” you grab his arm and hug it. he looks down at you.
“yes of course,” he smiles down at you. you two stand in line and talk about what else you need to get and which buildings you still needed to look in. “i think we should have curry for dinner, hun,” he tucks a loose piece of hair behind your ear.
“ok! i think we have everything for that! do you want to get some extra potatoes? wait! what did you get?!” you look down at the bag.
“chocolate chip,” you glare at him. “what? you like chocolate chip?”
“i can make those at home! you’re supposed to get something new here.... but they do look pretty good,” you mouth watered.
the line moves and you two ordered your doughnuts and apple cider. iida’s phone rings and he steps away. the doughnut guy started making small talk with you.
“beautiful day isn’t?” he asks.
“yes! it’s so nice to finally get out!” you smile. “have a lot of people come here?”
“oh yeah. they’re pretty popular around this time! i swear one guy ordered like 15 this morning,” he laughs and turns to pour the ciders. he turned and handed them to you. “boyfriend?”
“husband,” you smile and grab the drinks.
“you look so young!” he compliments you. you blush and turn around to see iida scowling at the man. you hand him the cider with a sweet smile.
“thank you,” he takes the cup and brings it to his lips.
“be careful! it’s a new pot!” the guy yells.
too late, iida had burn his mouth. he took the cup down away from his face and stood there stoic. the guy handed the bag of doughnuts to you. you link your arm with iida’s and started to the venters.
“you want to cry. don’t you?” you laughed.
“that’s so hot. it’s like lava. why is it so hot??” he looks at you. you laugh at your husband. you two walk to a stand full of movies. you take a few bites of your doughnut. you melt into the warm apple taste. iida picks up a movie and shows you.
The Mask, “hmm never seen it,” you say and look down at the movies. he shuffles around and picks up another. fatal attraction. “sounds scary,” you say. he moves behind you at the other table. you hear him pick up another. fear. “is this you telling me you want to watch a horror movie when we get home?” you ask. he chuckles and tosses the movie back on the table.
you walk away from the booth and to a table full of rings. he hugs your shoulders and puts i his head on yours. you pick up a cute little ring and hold it up to his face. “cute” his chin digs into your head. you put the ring back and head to the car. iida laces his fingers with yours as you two walk.
he stops and looks at some fruit which causes you to get jerked back. you look at him and then at the fruit. “we should get some,” he says. he pulls you closer and you hug him. he looks over some apples and strawberries. something catches your eye. you release your husband and walk over to a booth full of boxes. you look through them, you bend down to get a closer look at the small trinkets.
iida turn to look for you. he see you bend over and some guys looking at the view. he drops the fruit and rushes to you. he grabs your wrist and drags you to the car. he glares at the guys. he rushed to the car, his grip not loosening.
“tenya!” you try to pry his hand off your wrist. “what is your problem!?” you yell. he walks you to the door and opens it. he lets go of your wrist and lets you get it. he slams the door and makes his way to his side.
he quietly gets in and puts his seatbelt on. his hand grip onto the wheel. he just stares forward.
“what was that about?” you yell.
“keep your voice down!” he turns to you. his expression only coming off as angry and demanding.
you turn to the window and put you seatbelt on. you just watch the scenery. once he had driven out of the busy parking lot, his hand comes to rest on your thigh. his thumb rubs circles into the fabric of the dress. you tilt your leg away from him. he moved his hand back to the wheel and drove silently the whole way home.
he pulls into the driveway with a scowl. he parks the car. your hand reaches for the handle. he quickly locks it. you glare at him. his hand reaches for your hand and you pull away.
“y/n!” he yells.
“no tenya! what was that whole... whole.. tantrum you pulled at the market!” you yell waving your arms around.
“you kept flirting with guys!” he yells. you fell silent. he looks at you. “you were flirting with the vegetable guy, the apple cider guy and you purposely bend over so those guy to watch,” he says.
“you’ve got to be kidding me, tenya,” you whisper. you fingers rub your temples. “you’ve got be actually joking right now,” you say, squeezing your eyes shut. “tenya,” he looks at you. “what is this?” you hold out your left hand.
“your wedding ring,” he answers.
“what does it mean, tenya?” you look up at him.
“that you’re married,” he answers.
“now, who am i married too, tenya?” he looks at your question confused.
“me?” he shyly answers.
“so why would i flirt with guys i barely know?” you pause. “hell why would i flirt at all?” you yell.
“i don’t like your tone!” he yells.
“unlock the door,” you whisper.
“no,” he huffs.
“open the fucking door, tenya iida. or i swear to god i’ll break it open myself,” you slowly say.
“not if you talk to me like that,” he crosses his arms. you look at him dead in the eye. you press the unlock button on your side of the car and he quickly grabs your arm. you push him off and make your way inside. he slams his door and chases after you. “y/n!” he yells.
you unlock the main door and slip off your shoes. you walk to the kitchen and unload the bags. you hear the door open then slam then heavy footsteps to the kitchen. you ignore him as you put away the vegetables and other goods.
“y/n,” he whispers. you stand up and look at him.
“yes, tenya,” you sneer. he pleading face drops to pure anger. he walks closer to you. you back up till your back is flush against the fridge. he hand comes up and creases your face. you inhale and try not to move away. he quickly turns away and slams his fist into the counter. you exhale the breath you were holding.
with a blink of an eye, his hand was around your throat. his eyes look like they were deciding either they wanted to kill you or fuck you till you couldn’t think. your eyes, glossed with tears, held a pleading look of desperation. you loved tenya but sometimes he would get so jealous, he would stop thinking and end up hurting you in frustration. you thought you could let it slide but it’s been 5 years and it’s only getting worse.
“i... i want a divorce,” you struggle to say while tears flow over the sides of your cheeks. his eyes turned to pure unfiltered rage. his hand fell to yours and with that he dragged you to the bedroom. you dug your heels into the floor. he turns and grabs your upper arm. you try to run the other way. his hand slips and you fall to the floor. you try to scurry away but you feel his large hand grab you hip. you’re lifted off the ground and swung over his shoulder. you kicked and screamed for him to up you down. you pleaded that you were sorry and that you don’t want a divorce.
he throws you onto the bed. you curled up hoping he wasn’t going to hurt you. he grabs your chin and forces you to look at him. tears streamed down your face as your husband looks down at you with eyes full of anger and disgust. he feels you tremble underneath his touch. he scoffs and pushes you back onto the bed. you start sobbing while holding your head.
he wasn’t always like this. you guys head fallen in love in high school and dated all through college. he proposed a few months after graduating. you guys were young and in love. but after the honeymoon and he went to work, he started coming home stressed and angry. he would take it out on you. it started off as snapping at you or getting frustrated at small things. it didn’t escalated till his father died. after the funeral he was so disoriented and frankly drunk, that he slapped you around. you figured it was grief and stress. you let it slide, hoping it was a one time incident.
one day after he got home, he went to shower with you. you weren’t feeling well and weren’t in the mood for sex. you kept pushing him off you. he grabbed you by the hair and forces you to suck him off. you cried silently while his dick destroyed your throat. you didn’t stop crying till he had left for work the next morning.
you put up this facade of a loving couple in public. people think you two are perfect for each other and that you guys are what true love is suppose to look like. you did love him. that’s why you wanted to stay with him.
at first you blamed yourself. you rationalize that you started it. you gave him attitude and this is how he’s reacting to put you back in your place. you were the one starting the fights and this how any rational person would react. ‘he’s fixing me’ you would repeat over and over in your head as he would pound you into the bed.
he grabs your arms and pins you to the bed. he switches his grip as one hand moves to slide up your dress.
“tenya,” you whisper. his hand moves your panties to the slide.
“tenya,” you say. his fingers push their way through you. he licks his lips as his fingers trace over everything inch of you.
“tenya,” you yell as tears made rivers out of your cheeks. his grip on your wrist became unbearable. his fingers twist inside of you.
he doesn’t answer. his heavy breath hitting your face. you close your eyes as he starts thrusting his fingers. it hurt, the speed, the force, everything hurt. you let the tear speak volumes for you. he didn’t care. he sees you as his little wife. the love of his life. his first love.
his thumb moves to rub harsh circles into your clit. the pleasure in the pain. the worst part about all of this. you can’t control how you body reacts to him. his fingers move at lightening speed in and out of you. you feel your core tighten as he grazes over your sensitive spot. the knot forming against your will. you know in a few seconds it will come undone and he’ll be satisfied.
you open you mouth as the wave of ecstasy cashes into you. just like the drug, after the high, only the original feels remain. he continued thrusting his fingers into you. your legs trembled. a whole in your chest expands and your eyes shed the last tears.
he removes his finger from you. you roll onto your side as he moves around the room. you figured he was going to change to go run. he usually ran after to clear his head, then he would come back and apologize.
you close your eyes and try to sleep. you hear him get undressed and you hear the dresser open then close. you try to steady your breathing as he walks by you. you bite your lip to not make a noise.
you feel the bed dip. ‘he probably putting on his shoes’ you think. ‘he’ll leave and i can be alone.’ then his large hands grip onto your hips. you scream and try to turn onto your back to kick him off. but he holds on.
“stop fighting y/n!” he yells. you stop. you’re paralyzed in fear. he lift your hips to his. you feel him drag his tip through your folds. you close your eyes as he pushes his way through. you bite your lip to not scream. his size stretches you out. you grip onto the sheets. he bottoms out and instantly start thrusting. you clench your jaw to not scream in pain. even though he’s going slow, the pressure is unbearable. you’re still sensitive from before and he just is huge.
you knuckles are turning white as he slides out then slams back in. his hand caressing your ass. his hand travels down to your lower back. he holds it there as he slowly exits and snaps back in. his fingertips dig into your hip. you let your body go limp. you give him the control. he snaps back in. he hear him grunt softly each time.
you release the sheets as the pain fades away. the time before he snaps back in shortens. each time he ruts back in you flinch. he feels you clench around him. he smiles and quickens his thrusts. his hand starts roaming again. he massages the flesh of your ass. he lick his lips as he stares down at your body.
he loved you. he doesn’t know how to show it. correctly. he has been in love with you since freshmen year. when he saw you walk into the classroom with your friends. he can still remember the day he asked you out. may 7th. the flowers were blooming and his heart was beating so fast, he thought it might explode. he couldn’t believe it when you said yes. he felt like he was dreaming.
he feels like every time he’s with you. dreaming, peaceful, home. which is what clouds his judgement. he can’t control his burst of anger from work. he has to keep it cool there or else he’s fired. but at home, he feels safe but he’s so frustrated that anything sets him off. he knows it. but he isn’t willing to change.
tenya continues to drill into you. your body feels like it’s on fire. his hands burning you with every touch. you lay there, numb. your fingers play with the sheets, trying to ignore everything. you look up at the photo on your nightstand.
you in your beautiful wedding dress. your hair falling in stunning ringlets. the biggest smile you’ve ever had. and tenya. he stands next you with his arm around your waist. he’s lean into you. his eyes shut from laughing and cake on the side of his face. you had taken the first slice and smashed it into his glowing face. his smile was one you’d always remember.
a tear slides down your cheek. who was the man above you?
“god y/n, you make me feel so good!” he moans out. another tear falls to the bed. the man above you was supposed to be the one.
‘he’s fixing me’ you think. you think about your first date. he took you to a cute park and he had made sandwiches. you two had laughed the whole time and you felt sad when it was over.
“fuck y/n, i can’t wait to fill you with kids,” he moans out again. a tear add to the pool. the man above you wasn’t the sweet high school, who was too shy to even look at you.
‘he’s fixing me’ you repeat. you think about buying your first place together. a cute little apartment, close to the college. he put on some old love songs and grab your hands. you two dance in the empty apartment for hours. you had wished that every night there was like that one.
“damn i’m almost there!” he grunts. thur the tears you try to think about the wedding. how handsome he look. how nervous he was. his face stayed pink the whole week after it.
his thrusts become harder. you squeeze your eyes shut. they burned with salty tears. his nails digging into your sore skin.
‘he’s fixing me’ you repeat again. you’re reminded yourself about your first fight. he came home late and he had forgotten to pick up something from the store. you were tired and moody so you snapped and told him that he was never reliable. he yelled back that it wasn’t his fault. it wasn’t but you hated him yelling at you. you two had a screaming match till he got into the car and disappeared for the night.
you stayed up waiting from him to come home. it wasn’t till 10am the next day when he came back home stumbling and smelling of liquor. you hugged him tightly and started crying. he told you he was fine and that he was sorry. he wiped away your tears and kisses your forehead. he joke about being starving. you cooked him breakfast and went to bed together.
“you’re all mine,” he moans as he comes in you. the man above spoke the truth but it stabs you like a knife. how can he love you while he hurts you?
you lay there motionless. your eyes are flat and red with tears. ‘am i fixed?’ you ask yourself. ‘thank you for fixing me’ you close your eyes and fall onto your side. tears continuing to create oceans. you feel him lay next to you with his arm draped around you. he squeezes you closer to his chest. his breath on your back made you shiver.
you look at the picture again. you curse at it mentally and closed your eyes.
you dreamed that you were floating in the ocean. you’re eyes are closed and the salty water pricked at your wounds. there’s no land in sight. you’re breathing is slowly and almost relaxing. you swing your arms around on the surface of the water. you open your eyes to see birds flying in circles above you. you hold your breath and let yourself sink into the blue abyss.
you felt like nothing. absolute weightlessness. all your emotions, pains, bagage floats away in the soft current. you let yourself fall deeper and deeper into the salty ocean.
a force grabs you by the stomach and pulls you down. you open your mouth the scream but your lungs fill with the unforgiving water. the once beautiful light blue sky started to feel like a distance memory as you pulled deeper into the darkness.
you jerk wake. you sit up and bring your knees to your chest. you hear the shower running. you check the clock on tenya’s side of the bed. 9:30. you try to hug yourself tighter. you started to notice all the bruises. they littered your body. your wrist were a greenish yellow. your upper arm was purple, you bet your hips had small purple dots and you look at the mirror across the room. a faint handprint wraps around your neck.
your bit your cheek to try not to cry as you get up. you swing your legs off the bed and stare at the floor. you bit harder on your cheek as you force yourself to get up. you feet hit the cold floor. you push off the bed and stand. your legs feel wobbly. you room feels like it’s spinning. you grip onto the end table, knocking off the picture. the picture that will haunt you forever.
you slowly stumble to the kitchen. “water,” you could barely say. you made it to the bright kitchen. you squint and walk to the sink. you grab a glass and fill it.
your hands shake as you bring it to you lips. the cold water flowed down your arching throat. you closed your eyes and finished the glass. you quickly filled another. you water to the cabinet and pulled out the bottle of Tylenol. you untwist the cap with shaky fingers. you shake up a couple and pop them into your mouth. then the cold water. you finished it in one go.
you slam the cup down as you look up at the ceiling. you hear a door shut and soft footstep coming to you. you felt his hand snake around your hips. he wraps his arms around you. he pulls you close to his chest. his head snuggles into your neck. you squeeze your eyes closed as you bit your lip. you held back you tears as he kisses your shoulder and neck.
“good morning, beautiful,” he says in a low tone. he moves away from you and opens the fridge. “eggs?” he asks searching the fridge.
“hmm? yeah sure?” you say walking away from him. you walk into the bathroom. you shut the door quietly. you lean against the door. you release the breath you didn’t realize you were holding. you move to the sink and stare at the clean white sink. you turn on the water and cup your hands. you watch the cold liquid spill out over the edge. you bring your face to your hands and rub in the cold water. you turn the sink off.
you breath and look up at yourself. you stare at a tired, beating, puffy eye version of yourself. “fuck you,” you whisper. you go to turn on the shower and the handle was warm due do tenya’s. you twist the handles and sat on the toilet. you lean forward on your knees as you bring your hands to your face. flashback of the night before flash in your mind. you felt his hands on you again. you see the photo and his eyes. those eyes filled with a fury so red hot, it burns deep into your memory. you push your hair back as you take a deep breath. you stare at the wall for a few seconds before standing again.
you slip off the disgusting sundress. you pull off your panties. you instantly threw them away. you wanted nothing to remind you of that painful night. you step into the shower. the warm ran down your sore body. you wrap your arms around yourself as you stand there, staring at the tiles.
you here the door creek open. tenya’s head peers in. “you want any eggs?” he asks.
“um. no i’m good,” you answer, not really listen to what he says. “thanks,” you to finish. you close your eyes and listen to the door close shut and his footsteps fade away in to kitchen.
you sink to the floor. the water running down your back. you close your eyes as you listen to the water.
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lumoshyperion · 3 years
I hope this is ok, but do you have any recs for canon compliant post cc scorbus? I like long but one shots are ok too. Thank you very much.
Ahhh, I must admit I'm a bit behind in terms of Cursed Child fics - particularly canon compliant ones, as my favourites have always been AUs. I've also been reading mostly fics from other fandoms lately, and before that I just didn't have the time? And I had a long fic rec list saved to my drafts, but it was a rookie mistake not having a backup because now it's been lost along with my old blog 😭
But I've put together just a couple of fics and anyone who has their own recs is more than welcome to suggest them! Either on this post or through my ask box, and I'll share whatever you rec! ❤
The Quietly Series by starlightpeddler Albus and Scorpius aren't sure what they're doing when their relationship starts to change, and they discover the complexities of balancing a relationship and keeping secrets while immersed in Hogwarts where nothing stays quiet for long. As they find their footing in uncharted territory, Scorpius finds out he bears a heavier burden than just the Malfoy name, and Albus realizes some things are more important than his life.
It's Tea Time Series by ellizablue Ginny Potter estimates it will only take three days into the Weasley-Potter family holiday for Albus to act on his feelings for his best friend. Albus estimates it will only take three days for him to die of embarrassment. And Scorpius, well. Scorpius is just glad to be there with Albus in the first place.
We Had Found the Stars by gobstoneswithhector Albus is just trying to get through Fifth and Sixth Year without imploding from the growing feelings he has toward his best friend. A post-Cursed Child, episodic slow burn about mending relationships and finding happiness.
a perfect heart's length away by trolleybitch Once the dust has settled after their fateful trip back in time to Godric's Hollow, Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy return to their fourth year at Hogwarts, but not everything falls neatly back into place. Memories of the suffering they witnessed won't be easily forgotten, their relationships with their parents are tricky to navigate, and their friendship is under more strain than ever. They find that sometimes, writing letters is the best way to express the things that are too difficult to say out loud.
sun sinks down, no curfew by dustyspines Albus and Scorpius never actually thought they would make it to the end of their seventh year in one piece. Except now they have and the entire wizarding world is waiting to see what the two of them do next. Nobody really expects them to take a month-long trip around Europe to escape from their impending future. But, Albus thinks, they've never had the simplest of lives, so why would they start now? A month away from the hustle and bustle of life at home is exactly what the two of them need after their recent escapades and perhaps, Albus thinks, it'll give him time to try and work out when Scorpius started to look so pretty in his eyes.
Christmas Isn't Cancelled by starlightpeddler Albus Potter isn't doing well after the events of Godric's Hollow. In fact, he's doing very poorly, and it's up to those who love him the most to help him through it. Even Scorpius can't seem to cheer him up, and it will take a Christmas miracle to break him out of this rut.
Magical Months by hogwartsahoy September is always the start of a new, fresh year for Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy. Told through the point of view of others close to them over the entire seven years at Hogwarts, each September brings a chance to start anew and grow for the two Slytherin boys, who grow closer and closer to each other as the years go by.
Conversations for a Rainy Day by SunshineScorpius A collection of ficlets following the conversations between Scorpius and Albus that take part on rainy days. A.k.a. SUPER soft boyfriend snippets.
petal-pink by the almostrhetoricalquestion In the middle of the night, some of the Slytherin Sixth Years swap Albus Potter’s shampoo out for hair dye. Pink hair dye. The consequences of this prank knock very politely on the window into Scorpius’s whirring brain, and, when he refuses to lift the latch, they proceed to batter it down and force him to face the truth. Albus Potter is extremely pretty, and Scorpius is a fool for not paying more attention to this fact.
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mcufox123 · 3 years
Table 5 (Chapter 2)
Summary: What happens when you become close to a certain Avenger?
Warnings: super slow burn
A/N: I am loving writing this story. I am already almost finished the next chapter. If you have any suggestions I am open!
Chapter 1. Chapter 3 Chapter4 Chapter5 Chapter6
“Viola!” she said as she put a plate of pan-fried chicken with a garlic broth on top of a bed of veggies. You cut into the chicken and ate it with some of the veggies. It was delicious and you moaned as the flavors swirled around your mouth. The sound made you wonder what it would sound like if she moaned your name. You quickly snap out of the thought though.
“This is amazing, wow.” You said as you eagerly bit into another piece of the chicken.
“It is the least I can do.” Wanda said as she cleaned up the few dishes she used. She pulled up another barstool next to you to sit and finish her glass of wine. You cut a piece of chicken and put it on the fork and held it up for her to try. She bit the chicken off the fork and also moaned in delight.
You both sat and continued talking while you finished eating and you both finished the wine.
“Well, I think it’s about time for me to face the disaster I have created. Thank you for tonight, it was really a lot of fun and I’m happy I was able to hang out with you.” Wanda said while finally getting up to leave.
“Thank you for cooking me my dinner. It was amazing. I had a lot of fun too!” you said while getting up and walking her to the door. “Can I give you my number in case you ever need to get away from all the hero business and just cook?” you asked her bravely.
“Yeah, for sure I’d like that!” she said while taking out her phone and handing it to you. You typed in your name and number before handing her back the phone. “Y/N Y/L/N, thank you.” She said while smiling. She reached up and kissed your cheek before walking out the door.
You smiled at yourself and hoped that would not be the last time you saw her.
The whole next week the beautiful woman who cooked you dinner stayed on your mind. You continued to wonder if that is the only time you would ever get to see her.
About a week later you are getting ready to open the restaurant when you get a text from a random number.
Hey y/n its Wanda from last week. I was wondering if you needed someone to make you dinner again tonight?
You smile at your phone as you answer yes with what time everyone should be out of the restaurant. That day you are as giddy as a little kid on Christmas. You are whistling and actually having fun conversations with your employees.
Your night flies by as you are constantly busy with orders. At around 11 pm the last guests finally leave. You clean up your station quickly as you see your workers start to leave. At around 11:30 you see her walk to the front door, and you rush over to open the door.
“Wanda, it's good to see you again!” you say opening your arms for a hug. She’s quick to move towards you and accept the embrace. It lasts longer than a normal hug as she holds onto you. After a minute she pulls away and clears her throat.
“Are you hungry?” she asks excitedly to which you nod, holding the door open for her to make her way to your station.
“Very, I’m excited to see what you’re going to make.” You say as you walk to your cabinet to grab a bottle of wine and walk back to sit on the barstool.
“I’m going to make a classic Sokovian dish. So, we will not be drinking wine tonight, we will instead drink like Sokovians.” She says while pulling out a bottle of vodka. You laugh but agree. The conversation starts off light as she goes over her week and what she did. She tells about the mission she went on and the charity event she had to go to. You could listen to her talk all day.
She’s midway through making her dish when the tough topic comes up.
“I talked to Vision too.” She says averting her eyes to stare at the dish.
“How was that?” you asked cautiously sipping on your vodka.
“It went really well actually. He knows me so he could understand a little bit and we agreed it was better if we were just friends.” She said continuing to stir the pot.
“That’s good then, right?” you ask, trying to read her.
“Yes, but I feel bad, like the past two years have been a big waste of time.” She says letting out a sigh.
“I don’t think so. Everything happens for a reason ya know.” You say while shrugging your shoulders. “Do you think you learned something from being in that relationship?” you ask her.
“Yeah, I think so. I think I noticed after it ended though.” She said while looking at you.
“Hey, that’s ok though!” you say reassuring her. Your night continues with light conversations until the food is placed in front of you.
You taste the food and moan again as the flavors danced on your tongue.
“How? How are you this good of a cook? You’re making me question my own cooking abilities.`` You say eagerly going for another spoonful.
“I don’t know, I guess you have to step up your game y/n.” she said in a teasing manner. You both continued to talk and drink the vodka and eventually you started to feel its effects and you think Wanda did too.
“Do you want to know what I learned from my relationship with Vision?” she asked, catching you off guard as you finished up your food.
“Sure.” You say, making sure not to push her to say anything she doesn’t want to.
“I learned that I also like women.” She said while taking a sip of vodka.
“How’d you figure that out?” You asked as your heartbeat quickened at your excitement.
“Well, I think I’ve always known but when he was down on one knee, I just had an almost ah ha moment. I don’t want someone to have to take care of me, I want to take care of someone else. And I'm not saying men don’t have to be taken care of, but women understand, and they are beautiful, and their bodies are amazing, and I want to explore them further.” Wanda said, rambling on. With every word she said you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach and your want to touch her and make her feel good grew.
You stood up to take your dishes to the sink before you could do anything you would regret.
“Women are beautiful, I’m happy you’re exploring this part of you Wanda.” You said wanting the conversation to end before you would explode.
“Yeah, me too. I should get going, it's getting late.” Wanda said in a disappointed tone. You couldn’t read her but decided to just ignore it as you walked her to the door.
“Are you free Monday? I don’t have a mission so I could come cook you dinner again if you wanted.” She said turning to face you.
“Monday sounds perfect to me!” you said as you wrapped her in a hug before she left. She kissed your cheek then walked out the door.
The next couple months continue with Wanda coming every time she can to cook you a meal. Your nights always hold the best conversations, and you look forward to the attractive girl from table 5 cooking your dinner. Your texting becomes more frequent, and you find yourself missing her when she’s away on missions.
As her visits become more frequent you find yourself starting to fall in love with her. The way her nose scrunches up, the way she pulls her hair back when she’s cooking, the look of concentration on her face as she’s cutting something, the way she talks about the team like they are her family, the way she cares about people, all of it all of her.
You decide tonight is the night you are going to work up the nerve to tell her how you feel. It’s 11:30 sharp and you see Wanda stroll in from the back door. You decided that tonight’s drink of choice would be Margaritas after Wanda had informed you that dinner tonight would be tacos for taco Tuesday.
“Hey there darling!” she said as she hugged you. You had grown used to Wanda’s pet names after she claimed to give them to everyone she was friendly with.
“Hey Wanda! I made us margaritas tonight, mango frozen and there is plenty more to make.” You say as you walk around to the barstool as Wanda prepares herself to start cooking. By now she knew where everything was in the kitchen.
The usual thing happened. You talked about your days since the last time you saw each other, talked about random things like where you would live if you could move, and you talked about all the new drama with Avengers. Tonight’s topic was about how Yelena recently moved into the compound, who was Natasha’s sister.
Wanda put the dish up for you to eat as she walked around the station to talk to you more.
“Yeah, Yelena is awesome, and her hair is amazing not to mention she’s hilarious.” Wanda went on and on about her. It was nauseating to you.
“It sounds like you have a little crush on Yelena.” You say continuing to eat your food trying hard not to be annoyed.
“For sure no. I already have feelings for someone else, just trying to figure out if they do too.” She says eyeing you to gauge your reaction.
“Ah well that’s amazing. I’m so happy for you.” You say trying to hide the way your face fell while quickly getting up to put your dish in the sink.
You couldn’t see but Wanda had hurt written all over her face.
“Yeah, they are this amazing person, they care about me and make me feel like the happiest person in the world.” She gets up sounding angry. In truth she was angry because you couldn’t see it was you.
“Good. Ya know what? Why don’t you go cook dinner for them then, they are probably curious where you sneak off to almost every night.” You say your as your anger rises. You held yourself up on the sink to keep from looking at her.
“You’re so infuriating you know that.” She says in a soft voice looking at you from across the room.
“I’m so infuriating? I love you Wanda and I didn’t do anything about it and now you have another person.” You look up at her with tears in your eyes. You see her staring at you dumbfounded and you wish you could hide under a rock.
“You are the person I’m falling for, you idiot. You’re the only person I will stay up to make dinner for, no matter how tired I am going to be the next day. I love spending time with you, I love you.” She says while coming closer to you and cupping your cheeks.
“You do?” you ask her not believing her.
“Yes, Y/N, I love you.” She said, bringing her forehead against you.
“I am an idiot then.” You chuckle as you bring your mouth so it's ghosting hers, too afraid to go in for the kiss.
She isn’t however and brings her lips up to kiss you. Her lips are soft, but she is putting so much passion into the kiss. You are quick to reciprocate your own feelings in the kiss. You both pull away when you need a breath, keeping your foreheads against each other’s.
“Wanda, would you want to be my girlfriend?” you asked looking into her eyes, not afraid anymore about the doubts that ran through your head. The woman you love, loves you back.
“Of course, Y/N.” and you kissed her once more. After that you grabbed her hand and walked back to your abandoned margaritas to finish your night together.
After that night instead of looking forward to work, you looked forward to the meal you would share with your beautiful girlfriend afterwards.
@b0mbdotc0m @yeetus-thyself @ineedafinghug
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angellesword · 3 years
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Description: You and Jungkook were best friends who were in love with each other. What would happen when Soojin, your half sister who you’re trying to impress, told you she’s in love with Jungkook too?
“Would you believe me if I said that I was scared of everything too?”
Genre: childhood best friends to lovers, family drama, angst, fluff, slow burn, pining, slice of life au.
Pairing: Architect!Jungkook x Architect!Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings/Note: manipulation, homophobia.
Song for this chapter: Home - Edith Whiskers
*** THERE ARE ERRORS and I still have class! I’ll try to edit this chapter later. :)
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Jungkook had been calling you nonstop since last, last week, unfortunately there wasn't any response from you.
It wasn't like there was an emergency. Your best friend just missed you so much that he felt like he couldn't breathe.
"Jungkook! You need to wear this blue tie!" Especially now that Soojin was always by his side.
He was the type of person who needed a lot of time and space alone because he was a shy and soft boy at heart. However he had limits too. Jungkook got cranky when he was being forced to do things he didn't like.
"I bought this for you. Just wear it already!" Soojin pulled Jungkook's sleeve, forcing him to wear the blue tie to match her blue gown.
Jungkook groaned, crossing his arms. He was really, really starting to get annoyed.
He hated ties, be it a bowtie, bolo tie, or skinny necktie. It didn't matter what kind because he fucking hated all of them.
He felt like he was being strangled, restricted—like he had no freedom to do what he wanted.
Ties were suffocating.
Soojin was suffocating.
Jungkook suddenly regretted agreeing to be her date for tonight. He didn't realize that Soojin would be so...concerned about what they would look like on the red carpet.
Castle Architectural Firm was throwing a party to celebrate the construction of the luxury spa, mainly because this was the biggest project of the company for this year.
Aside from this, Taemin wanted to invite prospective clients, shareholders, and some architects who were interested to work for him. He was basically hitting two birds with one stone.
Three birds actually. This party was also for the employees, a simple way to show them that the company appreciated their efforts to help the firm grow.
You were invited too, and the first thing that came into your mind was to ask Jungkook to be your date. It had always been like that between the two of you, sadly you received a text message from your sister.
[7:52pm] Kim Soojin: you gonna attend the company's party?
[7:52pm] you: yeah i guess so..
[7:55pm] Kim Soojin: well don't tell that to JK. he might ask you to be his date. that CANT happen coz i wanna go with him.
[7:56pm] Kim Soojin: i'm also gonna confess to him so don't ruin this for me ok???
[7:56pm] Kim Soojin: i'll tell you when it's okay for u to talk to him again.
For some reason, you felt your heart sinking. You didn't have a choice but to tell her a lie.
[7:58pm] You: it's cool! i already have a date anyway.
[7:58pm] Kim Soojin: i'll tell JK that! see you at the party! love you sis 😘
You lied. You didn't have a date and you doubted that you could find one. The party was happening tomorrow night. You couldn't find a date in less than twenty four hours.
Perhaps it was better to go alone.
That was the plan: to go alone; however, the heavy feeling weighing you down was too much to bear.
You didn't want to be alone, so you called Yoongi.
If you were the type of sister who couldn't say no to Soojin, Min Yoongi, on the other hand, was the type of friend who couldn't say no to you.
"You know it's your fault I'm not getting dicked down tonight, right?" Yoongi sounded annoyed, but you knew deep down he was pleased that you chose him to be your plus one tonight.
Okay, fine—this was a lie.
Yoongi wasn't exactly thrilled when you told him to prepare his three piece suit since you wanted him to pick you up four hours ago.
Because of you, he had to cancel his first date with some grindr dude he had been gushing over since last week.
You wanted to say "come on! He'll give you another chance if he really likes you." But you couldn't because life was not a fairytale and people who used grindr were mostly looking for a quick fuck, not a serious relationship.
"Sorry, Yoongs," you heaved a deep sigh, feeling guilty. "I'm just scared to be alone," was what you said, explaining that you needed him because if he was by your side all throughout the party, the guests wouldn't have the chance to show you their fake sympathies.
The last thing you needed was for people to remind you that you fucked up, that you failed because you were not as smart or as strong as Soojin.
Yoongi felt like his heart was being cracked open because of your confession. It wasn't your intention to hurt him—you swore you weren't manipulating him through using your greatest fear.
It just so happened that Yoongi knew exactly how you felt. He understood it because he used to be like you.
He used to be scared with the thought of being surrounded by people and realizing that he was still alone.
Because those people didn't come to see him or to be with him.
They were there for someone else.
As it turned out, Yoongi was at this party for someone else too.
It wasn't intentional. You guessed the world where you lived was simply small.
'V' was the name of Yoongi's grindr date. Tonight you found out that Kim Taehyung, your older brother, was also known as V.
You weren't really close with Taehyung, mainly because it had only been less than three months since you met him. As mentioned, he spent his whole life abroad.
Taehyung didn't even know you existed until five years ago. Sin-ae didn't want  anyone to know that her husband cheated on her and so she told Taemin that you could only live with them under the condition that you would keep your mouth shut about your real relationship with the Kims.
But in the end, your siblings found out. Taehyung was the last one to know because according to Sin-ae, her third born son was sensitive. She didn't want him to worry about someone like you.
You weren't a threat. In the eyes of the public, you were just an orphan—one of the charity cases of the Kims.
Everyone in their family treated you like you didn't exist. Namjoon and Seokjin barely looked at you.
They even leave the room if you were around.
But Soojin wasn't like her siblings. She treated you like her sister. She talked to you, ate with you, and sometimes played dolls with you.
She wasn't always nice, but it felt good to be acknowledged, to be called as her sister—to make you feel like you belonged to their family.
You wanted Taehyung to treat you the same way Soojin treated you. Perhaps he could like you if you proved to him that you could be trusted.
Taehyung hadn't told his family that he was gay. This was the main reason why he stayed in New York for so long. He was afraid to be himself because he knew that his family wasn't gonna approve with this.
They wanted him to find a beautiful wife and to manage their other businesses. The Kims didn't only focus on architecture. Their family also tried their luck in industries like engineering and painting. As a matter of fact, Sin-ae recently opened her own museum. Taehyung was currently working there as a curator.
He would probably be focusing on that museum because his other siblings were taking different paths. Soojin was the sole heir of Castle Architectural Firm. Seokjin and Namjoon waived their rights as heirs in the mentioned company since Taemin already funded their engineering firms.
"You sure you're gonna be fine here?" Yoongi asked, hesitant to leave you alone while he spent time with your brother.
"Of course. Go, Yoongi. You've done enough," assured by you.
The party was almost over anyway. You were sure no one was going to bother you anymore. You had also done your part as an employee. You attended, ate, and drank wine.
Maybe it was best to go home. It was getting late and you felt cold. You didn't bring a shawl.
You trembled, thinking that it was because of the cold. Little did you know, Jungkook's dark gaze was sending shivers down your spine.
Of course he saw you. He had been watching you ever since you stepped inside this ballroom.
He was a little upset with you actually. How could you stand there looking so beautiful without even glancing at him?
Did you forget about him? Didn't you want to be his best friend anymore? Why didn't you reply to his text messages? Why did you bring Yoongi? And why were you letting Yoongi leave you alone?
Who was going to take you home?
It was like something in Jungkook snapped. The little voice inside his head was right. He should be the one to take you home tonight. He wouldn't allow you to drive because he saw you drinking wine. He wasn't comfortable with you taking an uber. He trusted Yoongi to bring you home, but he was nowhere to be found now.
He needed to step in. Yes. Yep. This was the right thing to do.
Jungkook was about to go near you, but Soojin caught his arm.
"Jungkook, I'm cold..." Soojin embraced herself, lips trembling.
"Oh. Here," he didn't hesitate to give her his jacket. Jungkook was sweet and caring. He would always give what he could.
"Thanks..." Soojin blushed, batting her eyelashes at him. "Can you take me home now? I'm tired..."
It was wrong to say that he never hesitated because right now, he was. He wanted to drive Soojin home, but...
Jungkook turned to look at the place where you were standing a few breaths ago. You weren't there anymore. He missed the way you stared at him as he handed his jacket to Soojin.
He couldn't miss anything from you anymore, so even if it physically hurt him to lie, he bit his tongue hard and then he told Soojin that he couldn't bring her back to the mansion.
"Why not? I'm your date, Jungkook!" Soojin's demeanor instantly changed.
She was no longer batting her eyelashes. She was glaring at Jungkook, too annoyed to say more.
"I know...but I promised to drink with Mr. Wang tonight. You know how much your father wants him to invest in Castle..." More lies.
It worked. Soojin couldn't protest. He was right. Mr. Wang was an important person and Jungkook couldn't turn him down. It was so hard to convince that old man to attend this party. This was probably the only chance Jungkook had to convince Mr. Wang to become an investor.
"Fine. But I want you to escort me to my car. I still need to tell you something." She didn't wait for his response, already walking away.
Jungkook sighed as he followed her, but not before looking back to where you were.
It didn't change the fact that you were gone.
"What did you want to talk about?" Jungkook arched his brow after handing the ticket to the valet worker.
Soojin inhaled deeply, suddenly regretting her decision to do this sober. She should have at least drank wine to calm her poor nerves.
But she wanted to be strong. She didn't want Jungkook to think that she was pouring her heart out just because she was drunk.
She wanted to do this right.
So heaving a deep sigh once again, Soojin stared at his face.
"I like you, Jungkook..."
She tried.
She really did try to be as genuine as possible. Her voice was soft, yet strong. She had been practicing saying these words for so long.
It should feel good, right?
But...why was her stomach turning upside down? Why was Jungkook's expression so thoughtful? Too fucking thoughtful that she could feel his rejection in her mouth.
No. This couldn't be right. Maybe he misunderstood?
"I-I mean it...I like you. I like you so much and it's not in a friendly or brotherly way. I like you as a man, JK..."
It didn't make anything better. Jungkook's eyes were still dead. He was still looking at her the way he looked at everyone—the same boy who was respectful, sweet, but determined.
"Soojin..." Jungkook licked his lower lip and then he bit it. Heartbreak was written all over his face.
Soojin could feel it.
She could feel her heart breaking into a thousand pieces.
"I don't like you like—"
"Just think about it!" Soojin cut him off before he could finish his response.
"But I...." Jungkook tried to say something again, however he trailed off.
His face softened. Soojin was looking at him using those desperate eyes. Besides, it wasn't like he could freely speak his mind.
Soojin cut him off again before he could say more.
"Monday." Her jaw tensed. "You have until Monday to decide. I'm giving you this weekend to think, huh, JK? Please..."
"Okay." Jungkook agreed because he didn't know what else to say.
It was a good thing that the valet worker arrived, saving them from the awkward atmosphere.
The uncomfortable air didn't deter Jungkook from examining Soojin's car, looking for any damage. He didn't like Soojin the way she wanted to, but it didn't mean that he wanted her to get into an accident or something.
"You didn't drink, right? Call me when you get home, okay?"
Soojin nodded.
"Thanks, JK. See you soon..." She kissed him on the cheek before getting into her car and driving away.
When he couldn’t spot her car anymore, Jungkook finally let out a sigh.
"Excuse me? Where do guests wait while waiting for their ride?" Jungkook asked the same valet worker. The latter was happy to assist, telling him that guests who didn't bring their cars were waiting for a cab or uber at the second entrance.
Jungkook rushed towards that direction, hoping to see you.
He saw you.
He saw you standing there, still shivering because of the freezing wind.
Jungkook frowned. You were wearing an open-back gown, exposing your skin generously. There was no doubt that he loved you in this dress (you looked ravishing) but then he didn't like that you were trembling.
And so he hugged you from behind.
You yelped, struggling to get away from him.
"Ow!" Jungkook shrieked when you managed to kick his leg. "Calm down, tiger. It's just me. Damn!"
You immediately stopped moving when you heard your best friend's voice. Three seconds later, you were pushing him away again.
You succeeded since he didn't expect you to struggle once more.
"Jungkook. What the hell? It's not cool to scare me like that!" You were still shivering but this time it wasn't because you were cold.
Your heart was beating erratically because of fear. Jungkook really scared the shit out of you.
"Sorry. I just noticed you're cold and I didn't want you to get sick..."
"I won't get sick because I'll die of a heart attack. Seriously, Kook. Don't sneak up on me like that again!"
Jungkook pouted. This boy really pouted his lips, sulking!
He knew he was wrong, this was why he was acting all cute. He even attempted to embrace you again just to prove how sorry he was.
You put a hand on his chest though, stopping him.
"I'm fine. Promise..."
It didn't reassure him. His lips just protruded more.
"The hug isn't for you. It's for me," he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. "I miss you, tiger..."
Your heart melted because of the softness and sadness apparent in his voice. Tears welled up in your eyes.
"Miss you too, bud..." You tapped his back, an attempt to comfort him.
Jungkook only groaned. He acted more like a baby when you make him feel as if it was right for him to act the way he was acting now.
"You're lying. Why didn't you answer my texts and calls if you really missed me?"
It was easier to lie when you weren't looking at his eyes. Jungkook knew this so he broke the embrace, staring at you.
You refused to meet his gaze.
"I'm busy with work, Kook."
You expected him to understand, regrettably he only hissed, rolling his eyes.
"Yeah right. I visited you in the office. Fran said you're out with your friends." Jungkook sounded bitter. It wasn't like he hated that you're spending time with other people but not with him.
He wasn't asking much. He just wanted you to tell him you're okay, or that he didn't do anything wrong. He wanted your assurance because frankly, this was the first time you spent two weeks without talking to him.
What did he even do to deserve this?
"Y-You visited the office?" Was all you could say. You didn't know that. You thought he was busy at the construction site. Soojin too. Both of them hadn't been back in the office ever since the construction began.
Your sister even told you that she and Jungkook were staying at a hotel near the site. They couldn't go home since they were busy reviewing the progress of their project.
"Don't be surprised. You know I can't go a day without seeing you."
If he's trying to melt your heart, you wanted to congratulate him because he succeeded.
"It's why I'm here right now, you know?"
You didn't. "I didn't...." You said.
He scoffed.
"Because I want to see you, dumbass." He ruffled your hair. "Come on. I'll drive you home."
You didn't move.
"I'm waiting for my uber, Kook..." It was too late to cancel now. It took you long to book this ride since no driver wanted to go to this place. The security was at a high level. It was a pain in the ass to get past the gate.
"Besides, aren't you supposed to be with Soojin?” You panicked for a second. “Who's bringing her home?" 
Shit. You forgot that you weren't allowed to talk to him. Your sister would be pissed!
"Soojin already left. I told her I can't drive her since I have to meet a very important person..." He was staring into your soul.
"Mr. Wang?" You asked only because you saw him talking to the old man a while ago.
"Nah," he grinned. "It's you..."
"Oh." You weren't sure what to say.
He ditched Soojin because he wanted to see you. It was cool. Awesome. Heartwarming even. But what were you supposed to say? Thank you? Fuck you?
Fuck you because Soojin would definitely hate me once she found out that I was meeting you behind her back?
You hadn't had the chance to think of how to respond when Jungkook spoke again.
"Soojin confessed to me tonight..."
There was a lump in your throat, still you managed to say "nice. What did you tell her?"
It was difficult to act happy when your heart was breaking. Fuck. Why were you feeling this way? It wasn't like you didn't know that this was happening.
"Nothing much." He chuckled.
He fucking chuckled like he was fucking happy.
You hated it.
You hated it because you didn't have the right to feel the way you did.
You wanted the ugly, green monster to leave you alone.
"She didn't really give me a chance to speak." He shrugged. "She only told me to think about it. I have an ultimatum though..." He laughed again and it irked you more.
"I have until Monday to decide..."
He stopped speaking after that. You didn't say anything for a while too.
You let silence engulf you.
Seconds later, you found the courage to speak.
"Do it." You said bravely.
Jungkook creased his forehead, silently asking you to do what?
"Date her." You swallowed thickly, avoiding the pain dancing in his eyes.
"You should date her, Kook. She's nice, pretty, s-smart..." She was whole too. She could love you, she could fill the hole in your heart.
I couldn't.
Because I was broken.
"What?" The laugh he let out wasn't like the other ones. He sounded sad, like he couldn't believe what he was hearing, like it was breaking him.
"You want me to date your sister?" He repeated, making sure that he heard you right.
It was hard to nod your head and smile.
"Yes." But you did anyway.
Silence welcomed you two once again.
The wind blew harshly. It became unbelievably cold. The defeating silence didn't help.
You wanted to curl up and die.
"Will it make you happy?"
You turned to look at him. To really look at him.
You didn't know what he was talking about. He could see it in your face. He knew you were confused.
"If I date your sister—" He spoke again. "Will that make you happy?"
You couldn't hesitate. Not now. Not when Soojin needed your support the most.
So you said what you didn't want to say.
"Yes..." And then your heart cracked.
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acklesterritory · 3 years
That Kind of Love Never Dies_Chapter 1
Hey guys, Now that more voted to split my fictions in 2 parts, I'm back with the first part. I hope you like it. Don't forget to leave me feedbacks. I'll always appreciate them. Love you all.
This is for writing event @tvdspngirl314
My quote is "That kind of love never dies"
Dean x Reader series (just 2 parts)
This chapter words: ~5k
Series warning:
Angst, fluf, smut, angry Dean, hurt Reader, hurt Dean, there's some more but I hate spoilers so I insist on "Angst & Hurt"
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It all started with a stupid argument at home. What was it? Three months ago? Sam couldn't remember the exact date but after years, it was the first time this awkward coldness between Dean and Y/n had started to build. He could remember the first time he and his brother came across Y/n like it was yesterday, they were hunting a very nasty creature who used to kidnap young and lonely women at night, then got them wrapped in ropes and ties on a bed in a warehouse to rape, torture and feed on their blood until the victim either died or accepted to turn into one of his kind.
Sam could remember the helplessness in people's eyes too. The pain of the victims' families, the frustration and anger on cops' faces when no one could find the criminal yet, even after the sixth missing girl.
"Sammy, he just kidnapped another girl. And I think I know where he's gonna take her. Let's hunt this son of a bitch."
When Dean was saying that, Sam never expected him to fall in love with the woman they would save that night. Well, unfortunately they weren't fast enough to prevent any harm to the girl. When they arrived and Dean killed the nasty creature, Y/n was almost dead. The monster had already raped her, tortured her … and when he felt the hunters enter the place, he drank almost all of her blood, to gain more energy to fight. So as always, Dean was up to blaming himself. Of course only in his own eyes, not anyone else's.
"Call Cas to come home. Tell him it's an emergency."
Dean told his brother when he finally could get Y/n out of those ropes. And Sam knew he was right. At that point, no one could save Y/n unless God or his angels. Maybe she was not so lucky coming across a nasty supernatural creature like that but she was lucky enough that Cas arrived just on time and healed her. However, angels can only heal physical wounds. But Y/n was hurt much more than that. She couldn't just move on from the things that the bastard had put her through. Even after Cas tricked her brain to forget some certain things, she still had bad nightmares and had this dark shade of hopelessness in her eyes. Soon, she started to eat and talk less and less. And Dean just couldn't let her go. He really wanted to fix all of that for her but she kept shutting him out… until the depression hit her. It was so bad that Cas felt the need to tell them to prepare themselves for her death. Because after all those days and unlike everything else in their lives, The Winchesters were already used to her presence around them; like the way a lonely person can get used to a wounded cat more and faster than anyone else.
"I'm not gonna hunt until I'm sure she can live her normal life." When Dean stated that, Sam really thought he was joking. But after a few days he started to believe it. Dean truly would do anything to keep her alive. From cooking vegetables to laughing at his own dad jokes in front of Y/n to make her smile. That was when Sam started to feel that they can be more than a random hunter/rescued victim relationship! It felt like his brother had finally found his motivation in life: "Saving Y/n."
Gradually Y/n started to respond to this special attention from Dean with trust and smiles. Soon they became a power couple that could motivate each other so easily that sometimes Charlie would call them out. And honestly Sam had no problem with it. In fact Y/n had become his other sister.
"My God, Dean! You're burning up!" It was two day after a werewolf hunt in which Dean had got hurt. At first it was just some scratches on his arms and chest. Yet as the time passed, more symptoms started to appear: headache, pain, fever, cold sweat, even nose bleeding and before they could figure it out, Dean fell unconscious. Apparently the claws of the werewolf were poisonous. However Sam wasn't sure. The only thing he got no doubts about was the fact that it was already too late. Dean couldn't make it to the hospital. So either Sam had to do anything possible to save him or Cas should've picked up his God damn phone.
"No. no, no, no, no. Dean … Dean!!!"
That was when Sam got to hear Y/n's helpless cry and see her true feelings. She was already in love with his brother.
Luckily, unlike typical love stories; no one died that night. Sam's antidote worked. And Dean opened his eyes an hour later.
"Sammy … Y/n?" As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Y/n grabbed his face and put her thirsty lips on her beloved hunter's, letting the tears stream down on her face… and then his.
"Never do that again." She begged, breaking the kiss, her trembling hands holding Dean's face so she could look into his eyes.
Sam couldn't stop his smile remembering how cute they were. Y/n literally had Dean wrapped around her little finger, to the point he accepted to teach her how to hunt and soon she was part of their team too. Until … a few months ago. After two years of them being constantly close to each other, Sam could tell something was off when Dean started to go out without eating breakfast with Y/n. Of course she got suspicious after the third time and that was when their endless arguments started.
"Why don't you just tell me what's wrong?"
"Because nothing is wrong, Y/n."
Actually there was. Something was VERY wrong. Anyone could tell that just by the change in Dean's eyes whenever he wanted to look at Y/n. Day by day he was getting more quiet and cold. Now they didn't even eat pie together or watch movies late at night. And Sam couldn't ignore his brother being grumpy or drunk on hunts, not anymore.
"Ok man, I've had enough. You either tell me what's wrong with you or next time I won't make any excuses so you can leave Y/n out of our hunt plans. I'm serious, Dean, I'll tell her the truth." He finally said, when they were alone in the impala, on their way to do their next hunt.
"She wants more."
"Yeah. Sometimes it's like she sees more in me. She thinks we can have a different life. There's no need for any saying, I can see it in her eyes whenever we accidentally come across some family at a diner that try to feed their kids or people's wedding photos whenever we go to talk with some witnesses or whoever during the research! Sometimes she even looks up wedding dresses or kid stuff on the net!" Dean blew his anger out of his nostrils and sighed, shaking his head.
"Wow." Sam couldn't find the proper word to say but he couldn't hide his surprised face either.
"What?" Dean gave him an annoyed look.
"I mean …" Sam chuckled. "… are you telling me you're actually angry with her for imagining the things you always dream about?!"
"Sam …"
"No, really. I'm just curious. What's wrong with you, man?" Sam asked genuinely, waiting for an answer.
"What's wrong with me?! You think something is wrong with me just because I'm the rational one in this relationship; who's actually able to see the difference between a dream and the reality?"
Yeah, anyone could take that earnest speech, but not Sam. He'd seen and knew enough about his brother.
"What's the reality? Aren't you and Y/N living that dream life already?"
"What?! No. No … that's not the same." Dean shook his head.
"Really? How is it not? It's been two years, Dean. You two are constantly with and/or around each other. Always worried when the other one is in trouble and still looking at one another like there is nothing in the world that can make you happy as much as this relationship. So … excuse me if I won't buy your pretty speech; man ." Sam said, Rolling his eyes.
"Ok, let's say you're right but ... is it gonna be like that forever? With all the supernatural crap that we have to take care of … and the constant danger and chaos in this hunter life we have… I …"
"You what?" Sam asked when Dean didn't finish his sentence. He was lost in his thoughts, staring at this unknown point in the depth of the road. Finally he blew out his despair.
"I just can't let her fall for the things I know I can't provide for her. It's not fair, Sammy. It's not fair to lock her up in this dark life with me just because she loves me … especially while I know there is a whole bright future out there waiting for her."
"Here we go, the old Dean's self-doubt" Sam thought to himself as he took a deep breath before finding the best words to wake his brother up from this nightmare
"Yeah, I know but I don't think it's your call. If Y/n wants to go to hell with you instead of living in heaven with someone else, it's her choice. Not your responsibility. Right?"
Dean shook his head while his lips curved up a little to fake a smile but he never answered or said anything about that conversation ever again. He kept his silence for like three weeks … until someone new showed up: "Gary Smith". A tall man with the most stylish haircut and the most perfect teeth and smile.
They saw him for the first time at their hangout bar, as the new bartender who almost jumped in Y/n's way as soon as they entered the bar.
"Oh my God, bunny! Is this really you?" He said, pulling her in his embrace. Like she was the long time missing piece of his beloved puzzle!
"Bonny? You're wrong. Her name is Y/n." Dean said, pretty annoyed by the way Gary tightened his arms around Y/n's little shoulders, making him chuckle.
"No, uh … it's just a nickname." Y/n said as soon as the guy let her go.
"Yeah, actually the most fitting nickname that I could think of. I mean … you have to agree. She got the most cute little ears in the world." The guy explained, chuckling and pulling on her little star earring. Well, if Sam wanted to be honest, he had to agree with him. He never paid any attention to it before but now that Gary mentioned it, he could tell Y/n's ears were truly small.
"I see … So … I guess this means you were close friends?" Dean said, already hating the way Y/n e's blushed with hearing her old nickname.
"Uh … well, no. Actually more than that." The guy grinned, ruffling his own hair while he was awkwardly laughing and looking at Y/n. Just like a proud embarrassed teen!
"We used to date." Y/n said.
*oh* Sam tried his best not to let that stupid grin sit on his lips but Dean's frown and his sudden heavy silence didn't let him do so.
"Yeah. We are kinda each other's first. Like … you know? prom date." The man added, giving Y/n a wink while Dean's gaze was still locked on his large arm around her shoulders.
"Yeah. It's been years, Gary."
"I know. But believe me, bunny. you still look the same." He said, bending to put a kiss on her right cheek.
Dean would kill him. Sam just knew that. Because his brother's eyes were already burning with jealousy.
"By the way, don't you wanna tell me who these gentlemen are ?" The guy asked Y/n, giving her his softest smile.
"Of course. This is Sam and this is Dean. My colleagues who are my friends now. I live in their place."
After they met, everything got even more complicated. Y/n, the girl who was still trying to get old-happy-days Dean back suddenly stopped whatever she used to do. No more complains, no waiting at nights to see Dean before going to bed, no more effort to get involved in hunts, no nothing. And despite what Dean had claimed before, it was making Dean even more frustrated. Day to day he and Y/n were getting colder towards each other and there was nothing he could do to fix it. That was what made him even more furious. Sam already knew all of that and he still had to live with both of those grumpy faces. So last night when they began to fight, he could see this was coming: Y/n left the bunker after Dean let some hurtful things out of his mouth, just because he didn't know how to deal with all the heartache anymore. He now was convinced that Y/n didn't love him anymore. Yet the next day after drinking whatever strong drink they had, he begged Sam to come with him. Apparently Jodie texted Dean about Y/n being in her place for that night. Just to make sure that her crazy step son won't sell his soul over a tracking spell! So Dean almost begged his brother to be there with him, cause Dean believed that as much as Y/n didn't care about him, she still respected Sam and cared about him. Like a little sister and her elder brother.
So here they were, In Jodie's living room, in front of her and Y/n.
"Considering your sleepy eyes, I think we caught you at bed time, huh?" Sam asked, checking Y/n's obvious eye bags.
"Who says that? I'm totally good, Sam."
She said with a small smile, looking much more in control and stronger than before. So Sam knew it was a lie. Y/n Just had made her peace with what had happened last night. The realization۹ kicked Dean in the gut. Y/n always used to be stronger and bolder when she got hurt.
"I'm gonna make some coffee for us. Why don't you guys take a seat till I come back?"
Jodie interrupted, to ease the heavy and sharp silence that suddenly had fallen over all of them.
Y/n gave her a smile.
"Of course."
It was so fake. Her smile didn't even curl her lips completely. She was still badly hurting.
Sam swore in his head when he looked over his brother who sank silently into the nearest seat at the end of the table like a broken shell that he was too . One of Dean's hands was in the pocket of his jacket, the other formed a fist on the table. Sam was sure Dean knew it too. He knew everything was almost past saving. "Almost". Sam tried to stick to their small chance.
"So …" He cleared his voice before he put some (semi fake) hope into his words."You're … you're gonna come back home today or did Alex and Claire made you promise them otherwise?" He laughed and tried to make it funny but the truth was he asked this for Dean's sake, knowing he already was struggling to find the words … to let Y/n know how much he wanted her back … to ask her to come back.
"To be honest … I don't think I can live in the bunker anymore." Y/n said and as Dean's head snapped up to look at her in horror, she raised her hand to stop his (likely) protests.
"I applied for a job 3 weeks ago and to my surprise they called me this morning to tell me I'd actually got it."
No one had to ask it. The question was already hung in the air. She snored mockingly in her nose. "Perfect timing, right?"
She moved her gaze from her interlocked fingers on the table to Dean's eyes.
He didn't answer, he didn't move but he got tense. Still staring back at Y/n.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Sam asked, once again saving Dean from asking the question he was itching to ask with some other words that for sure couldn't be nice.
"I wanted to but I didn't think I could actually get it and even if I did, I never figured out how to tell you. Besides, I never considered the "move out" option before..." She looked at Sam for a second before she turned her gaze on Dean. "... But I actually appreciate that you bring it up. I think now I can take the advice. I'm gonna move on."
Sam's heart dropped in his stomach when he heard those words. Because he knew what this meant. It felt something like having to watch Dean get stabbed in the heart.
"Is this … because of that Bartender?" Dean asked, staring deadly at Y/n with his bloodshot eyes. He was already chewing on his bottom lip. And Sam knew a heavy storm was on its way to hit them.
"I don't want to answer that question."
"Why? Because you can't just simply say no?" Dean scolded and Sam could see how it pushed on Y/n boundaries.
"No. Because it's not your fucking business and it's not Gary's business either. But at least he knows his limits."
*well, fuck*
"By "limits" you mean when he drools on you just because for God knows whatever the reason, you started to wear leather jackets when we go there?"
*Oh, fuck* Sam thought to himself, watching Y/n rise from her seat.
"You think … you really think that I …" she laughed nervously and Sam could tell she would punch Dean in the face if she wasn't a sweet, super nice person.
"How you can even …"
"I can even what, Y/n? Are we now going to pretend like I'm a blind man who can't see how you got attracted to your ex again? Did you really think I couldn't see how your hands were shaking when his filthy face lighted up by seeing you for the first time after all these years?"
Sam wanted to interrupt him or at least leave the room but everything was happening so fast.
"So what? Why and since when you care about my private life?"
"Since you stopped drinking bunker's beers just because you rather drink those crappy poisonous cocktails he makes at the bar!"
Dean was on his feet now as well. And despite his will, Sam couldn't stop his smile. He never saw his brother this jealous before. It was fun.
"Poisonous? … You … of all people, you are the one who says this? cause as much as I know, you're the one who puts dormitives in my guest's food so the poor guy gets tired and can't spend his time with me!"
"Yeah, because your poor guy is not welcomed in MY PLACE!" Dean yelled, punching the table with so much power that made everyone almost jump out of their skins.
"Dean!" Finally Sam interrupted but as soon as he stood up, someone rang the doorbell and Sam could hear Jodie welcoming someone inside.
"Guys … I know it's not my place to interfere but you two really need to sort things out somewhere private … of course that's when both of you can be much calmer than this."
"No, we have nothing to say or to talk about, anymore. Your brother was clear enough when he said he wants me to move out, so I'll move out. And that's it."
Y/n declared, looking at Sam to resist any eye contact with Dean, probably to make him even more crazy.
"And that's it? You wanna ignore that part where you were too eager and ready to accept that suggestion and leave the bunker instantly like your pants were on fire?!"
Dean retorted while Y/n was shaking her head like she couldn't believe him.
"Whose pants are on fire?" Jodie interrupted as soon as she re-entered the room with the coffees she'd made, this time a man was with her. Y/n's guy. The famous bartender.
*Oh, No!*
Sam sighed, closing his eyes for a second so the guy couldn't read his face.
"Obviously not mine." Dean hissed through his teeth, looking first at the guy and then at Y/n with such a disappointment and rage that no one could ignore.
"Hey, what's wrong?" The guy asked, choosing the worst spot to stand on: right next to Y/n.
"My typical life I guess. Nothing's new." She mumbled in reply to him but her eyes were still on Dean.
"No, nothing is wrong with your life, Y/n. It's about your choices. That's what's wrong with you. As always." Dean said bitterly. As sharp as a knife, as cold as ice. Sam could see how it drained color from Y/n's face.
"You better watch your mouth, buddy." The Gary guy warned Dean and Sam could tell that if it wasn't for the sudden thud sound that stole everyone's attention, Dean would throw a fight right there. But …
"Y/n!" Jodie almost screamed. Y/n was laying on the floor, seemingly unconscious.
"Oh, God." Sam said as Jodie rushed to her.
"Y/n? … Y/n can you hear me?"
As she sat next to her, Gary's fingers already were on Y/n's carotid pulse point. So Sam couldn't stop himself from looking up at his brother, who was still standing where he was. In shock.
"Oh, shit!" Gary's worried voice made Sam check Y/n's pale face again but Jodie was the one to dare ask the question which was on everyone's minds.
"What? What's wrong?"
"Her pulse ... too faint." He said before turning to Dean: "Is she bleeding?"
"Bleeding?" Dean blinked and mumbled in confusion.
If it was up to Sam, he'd ask *What bleeding?* & *Why are you asking this from my brother?*
"Oh my. You still don't know. Do you?" Gary sneered.
"Know what? What's happening?" Jodie was freaking out now and Sam actually felt the same. He didn't like the way this stranger pretended like he knew her better than them. However what happened next was much more unexpected. And … rude!
To everyone's surprise, the guy reached out to Y/n's jeans and drew his hand between her legs but before anyone could react, he spread her legs open so it could be possible for everyone to see that big red stain there. Then he raised his hand. It was all wet and red in blood!
"She's having a miscarriage." He revealed.
Sam's gaze instantly caught Dean's ... Burning. Dean was burning inside with his heavy silence.
"Don't you worry. It's not mine." Gary added more fuel to that hell with such a mocking tone, staring right back at Dean's eyes.
Now Sam could feel it. The storm was there: rising in his brother's roar!
Before Sam could've moved any muscles, Gary was already pinned to the wall, Dean's hands on his now-ripped-out collar.
"Dean, no!" Sam jumped in, trying to catch his brother's arm before his fist make any contact with the guy's nose but all he could do was changing the direction of the punch which landed on Gary's shoulder, making a painful cracking sound.
"I said no … Dean, stop it." Sam had to literally cage Dean in his arms so the furious man couldn't tear Gary apart.
"Get off me, Sam. This son of a bitch has to learn his place."
"Enough!" As Dean just broke himself free, Jodie's scream stopped everyone in their tracks.
"It's enough!" Jodie warned all three men, pointing at them one by one.
"You want to fight? Not here. Not in my house!"
"But ..."
As soon as Dean opened his mouth to protest, Jodie cut him:
"And you … you should know Y/n is pregnant with your twins. So … you'll be a responsible man who will try his best to save them or you can get the hell out of here and never come back!"
"What?" Sam was too shocked to suppress his reaction while Dean couldn't even find any words to say. His confused look darted between Jodie's face and Y/n's figure while his parted lips kept moving without making any noise, just like a dying fish on the shore!
"I promised her not to tell anyone but it was a promise under normal conditions, not this." Jodie sighed, struggling to keep her emotions under control. Sam saw the worry in her frown. Like a real mother, worried for her children. However it was nothing in comparison to his brother's blank eyes and pale face.
"Dean, It's ok. We just need to take her to hospital. … it's ok, man. I promise."
He had to grab Dean by his jacket, as his brother was struggling to process all of these in his head.
"Come on, man. We got no time. Do I need to do this alone or you'll …"
"Get the car, Sammy."
It was just a simple sentence. Yet it had enough power to make Sam's heart sank. Since Dean had put the car keys in his hand saying that, Sam couldn't stop thinking about that tone. Dean never had called Baby a "car" In years. And Sam had never heard that crack in his voice since their Dad's death.
"You ok?" He finally let himself ask, two hours after they arrived at the hospital.
"I want to be." Dean closed his eyes and put his head against the cold wall, letting the dim light to darken the shadows under his eyes.
"I'm sure she'll be good. She's strong, Dean. You know that."
He smiled and Sam looked away not to watch him. He knew that smile. Dean used to give him that, whenever everything was gone so wrong that Dean couldn't promise him anything good. Like when both of them were still kids. Hungry, cold and all alone in a rusty motel room where John had left them on their own for a one day long hunt but then a heavy snow had crashed the roads and kept them apart for half a week. So Dean had to wash the dishes and do the laundry in the motel to rent the room for another day and provide some snacks so they wouldn't starve to death. But after three days, the hotel managers didn't want them to be around. And Sam could vividly remember that smile on his brother's face when he asked: *Where should we go then?*
"You were always such a father material. You know?"
Sam admitted with a broken smile on his face.
"You were always responsible, kind and caring with me as a kid. And I can't imagine anyone who deserves to be a father more than you."
Dean took a deep breath and opened his eyes without looking at him: "But I don't want ... I really can't, Sammy."
All, it certainly wasn't the response Sam had expected. He used to believe that Dean would never turn down any chance to start a family with Y/n. Especially after everything in the world was back to normal.
"Are you kidding me? You always wanted this."
"No …" Dean finally turned his gaze to meet his brother's confused eyes. "No, Sammy. Not like this. I don't want to raise another kid without his mom. I'm not that strong anymore."
Dang. Once again Sam's heart dropped in his stomach. Dean was really helpless.
"Mr. Winchester?"
Dean was on his feet as Sam just realized the doctor's presence.
"It's me."
Sam prayed for any good news as doctor took a glance of Dean and fixed his glasses on his face …
"To be continued …"
tag list:
@jay-and-dean @adoptdontshoppets @akshi8278
The next and also ultimate chapter will post on Sunday, April 25. Thanks for reading.
Feedback are always appreciated.
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