#Old Man Wizard
corvid-khaos · 7 months
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fionna and cake but simon drops increasingly wild anecdotes about his life
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eldritch-ambrosia · 7 months
Do you ever think about how for almost 1000 years there's this story about a King named Arthur with an old man wizard advisor named Merlin and then in 2008 (and onward) it got rewired to where we're writing fanfiction and making art and edits of them kissing?
If you told someone 20 years ago that you wanted to see King Arthur and Merlin kiss they would've thought you were crazy.
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kingcael · 9 months
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Simon my guy
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sepezzz · 7 months
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merlin fanart?????? in 2023????????
more context for these in the tags
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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Ray Bolger (The Wizard of Oz)—i had such a huge huge crush on him in college i gave a presentation on him and my teacher was like "what was that about" and i didnt know how to convey i was horny for the scarecrow from the wizard of Oz
Johnny Weismuller (The Tarzan movies)—no propaganda submitted
This is round 1 of the bracket. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage man.
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call-me-cosmic · 1 month
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Gandalf is Gan-done
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littleliterarylesbian · 2 months
Dear, James -4
| part 1 part 2 part 3
Harry has seen his Papa in many states before, whether he remembers them or not is different, but he knows he was there.
He has never seen Papa as angry as he is now, clutching at the front door, rage rolling off him in the form of magic, causing the ceramic key and trinket holder near the door to crack and the wood under his feet to splinter. He can see how Papa is clutching at the door so hard his fingers turn white as he peaks into the front hallway.
Papa told him to stay in the kitchen, to continue eating, but he didn't listen, shoveling in the last of his cereal so it didn't get soggy in the milk before he carefully walked to the front door. Harry can't see who's past the door, Papa has the door mostly closed and his body in the opening. He wants to know so badly, he itches for it, but Papa always said that curiosity isn't a good thing. But Papa is also very angry right now, and maybe Harry can get a kick in before he's sent to his room...
"I heard of what happened... Mr.Black" The voice of the stranger paused between the words oddly, and Harry watched as the wood on the door started to peel from where his Papa was gripping it.
"Sadly I still insist, you have the wrong house. Please get off my property." Harry can see how Papa's jaw clenches, and well, Papa is wrong, he is a Mr.Black, and he did also get fired from his job recently. It was upsetting, but as Papa said, they still had enough money so that Harry could have seven children and those seven could have seven children each and they'd still be comfortable for life and then some.
He doesn't want to have seven kids though, but that's not important.
"I don't believe I am ever wrong," The voice said, and Harry wrinkled his nose. Apparently Papa has the same reaction because when he opened his mouth to speak, the stranger spoke again.
Harry is glad they have magic, as the ceramic piece by the door finally shattered, keys and rings and one of his mini plastic dinosaur from several years ago that he keeps forgetting about scattering along the surface of the hall table.
"You're son is very like you, despite appearances." Shit. Caught. He tried to shuffle back to where he wouldn't be seen, but Papa turned his head too quickly, a glare being pinned on him, and Harry couldn't help to shuffle in place before rushing up to his parent's side, holding the back of Papa's shirt. He's been caught already, why not ride it out?
"Get off of my property." Harry nods enthusiastically, frowning at the old man in front of him because his Papa is right and the man needs to go.
Though the stanger's beard is very long, it's funny, the grey compared to the colorful... something or other that the man is wearing. He still isn't welcome hear though.
"I have a job opening for you, Mr.Black." The man says and Papa rolls his eyes, groaning, giving up all pretenses of pretending. Harry would have kept with it though, if he was Papa, just until the man gave up.
"Oh? What a coincidence. I just get fired from my job as an astronomy professor and suddenly you're here, telling me you can solve my problems." Harry has to fight down a smile at his Papa's tone. So sassy.
The stranger raises an eyebrow, and Harry can feel the anger flare again, so he tries his best, leaning against Papa and he thinks it works. He can't feel it much anymore, but Papa is still so angry.
"I wouldn't know what you are implying Mr. Black."
"Really." Papa doesn't ask a question, keeping his glare and, personally, is Harry was in the strangers position he would have already been sent up to his room.
"I believe it would be best to talk about inside however." The stranger smiles and Harry can't point it out, he's never been too good at that, but it doesn't feel like a nice smile. Harry doesn't know how that's possible.
"How about you go and suck the dick of the lover you left rotting in prison again." Harry should tell Papa to put a coin in the swear jar, but he holds it in. It can be excused just this once he thinks. Papa deserves a swear once in the while.
The stranger doesn't say anything, just staring and staring until finally Papa bites out a "Fine." and lets the man in.
Harry would have just shut the door on the man, but oh well.
The stranger walks in like he knows where to go already, and after a few seconds Harry is surprised that the man does, walking right past them and going to the sitting room. Papa sighs and turns to Harry.
"I thought I told you to stay in the kitchen."
Harry shrugs, "You were taking too long."
Papa sighs and rolls his eyes, but still kisses the top of Harry's head as he passes while Harry hangs back, looking at what Papa will have to fix later, because despite Harry having a wand already and knowing how to use it, Papa says it's just for emergencies, and a few peeled pieces of wood, a cracked photo frame, and a broken ceramic is probably not an emergency. He bites his lip, but still turns to follow the older two into the sitting room.
When he gets there, Papa is on one side while the stranger is on the other. There's almost like an invisible line across the room and Harry doesn't hesitate before standing next to Papa.
"Did you get the letters?"
"Harry isn't going to Hogwarts."
The man raises an eyebrow as Harry looks up to his parent with a puzzled expression. He knew he wasn't going to Hogwarts, that's not what he's confused about, he already has most of his stuff for Beauxbatons anyways. What he doesn't understand is why the man is bringing it up.
"We need an astronomy professor, and with your recent gap of employment, I thought we could come to a conclusion Mr.Black."
"I'm perfectly fine where I am."
It's silent for a second before the stranger sighs, shaking his head, "I heard that another Mr.Black and a certain Mr.Potter are quite distraught as of late."
Harry watches as Papa stands up straighter, and he can't help the uncomfortable bubbly feeling in his stomach because Papa clearly doesn't like this man, and suddenly he's bringing up people who Harry knows he's related too. They've always been sensitive subjects when it come to his parent.
He looks down and tugs an arm away from being crossed against his chest and holds that hand. He thinks some moral support could help, but Papa still crumbles the same, letting his other arm drop and pushing his shoulders back as he stares at the man.
"What about them?"
Harry knows that his papa still cares about his brother and his ex, but Harry doesn't. He's never even met them for Merlin's sake, they never even bothered to visit or see either of them despite how lonely Papa has been.
Yes, they still have Aunt Pandora and her wife Aunt Lily, along with their daughter who is Harry's best friend, but Harry knows that Papa still misses them, from how he gets caught staring at the letter writing supplies late at night, how even after all this time Papa will stare at a photo album that Harry once managed to sneak a peak into only to see the so called family that left the both of them to fend for themselves. And Aunt Pandora. She was also in the photobook.
The stranger purses his lips, and Harry squeezes on his Papa's hand. "It seems they recently got a letter that was quite disturbing. Left them both in shambles, my dear boy."
Papa wrinkles his nose, but apparently let's whatever comment he had saved up go.
"A letter from the name Regulus Black."
"That's not new." Papa sounds bored, but Harry can tell by the sudden slight squeeze on Harry's hand.
"Ah, my boy, but it is. See, apparently they miss you. I've seen them for years, and despite everything now is the time they seem quite torn up."
Papa lets out a breath of air and Harry watches as his free hand clenches. He's almost tempted to reach over and hold that one too, but then he wouldn't be able to frown at the stranger. Somethings are a higher priority then helping his papa. Like discomforting this random old guy. He doesn't seem to be fazed, but Harry swears it's working.
"If they regretted it, a letter would have sufficed instead of you coming here."
"They believe it's been too late for far too long. I thought I'd go out of my way."
"I'm still not taking your shitty job, I'm fine right here. I can find another if needed."
The stranger walks closer, "Can you truly, Mr.Black?" The way he says it means something that Harry either doesn't know or hasn't caught onto yet, but one look at his parent and it seems like he's the only one, face paler then normal, eyes slightly wide as he stares as the other man. A noise of confusion escapes him and Papa's head shoots down, looking at him for a second before turning back.
"I can, I know I can."
The stranger smiles a little, like something Papa said was funny, and now the weird feeling in Harry's gut traveled up to his chest. What does the man mean? Why is he hurting Papa in their own home? Sure it might not be physically, but that's not the only way someone can hurt. He knows that, so why doesn't the stranger? Is it because that is what he is? Nothing but a stranger?
Papa's jaw clenches and his eye twitches in a way Harry doesn't think he's seen before, "What did you do?" The stranger doesn't answer though, smiling the same weird smile as he has in the past before speaking himself, already moving out of the room.
"I'm sure you'll make the right choice my boy."
Papa is still standing there as the front door shuts and Harry finally asks the question that has been on his mind since he saw the man.
"Who was that?"
| part 1 part 2 part 3
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resident-gay-bitch · 2 months
Part 5 of random Pinterest images that remind me of my fav marauders characters (that I won’t draw because I suck at drawing but you totally can if you want please!):
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sleepy-bear-tm · 9 months
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Line up to see the biggest disaster duo in the game
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canaryinacoolmine · 9 months
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So having a bubble butt is just a core part of who Simon is, magic or not 🍑
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subzeroparade · 11 months
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@tinygigas and I at it again with the Wizard of Oz x Bloodborne collab/crossover.
Wondrous beautiful whimsical delightful new additions here including This Particular Joke as well as Micolash as the Wicked Witch of the West, and more of the whole gang here and Gehrman and Laurence absolutely miserable about it here.
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danila-golmanov · 10 months
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Old man
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sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 2 months
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Recall the tale of Icarus.
Choose to be Icarus.
Linda K. Hughes, Text and Subtext in "Merlin and the Gleam", p.166 /// Alfred Tennyson, Merlin and the Gleam /// BBC Merlin, The Last Dragonlord (2x13) /// Natalie Wee, Patroclus Dreaming /// Hozier, I, Carrion (Icarian) /// BBC Merlin, The Wicked Day (4x03) /// Hozier /// Natalie Wee /// BBC Merlin, The Disir (5x05) /// Alfred Tennyson /// Hozier /// BBC Merlin, The Diamond of the Day: Part 2 (5x13) /// Natalie Wee /// Alfred Tennyson, The Passing of Arthur /// BBC Merlin, The Diamond of the Day: Part 2 (5x13) /// Hozier /// Alfred Tennyson /// Natalie Wee
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pepperpixel · 11 months
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Betty and magic man art!!!! Cuz!!!! Look me in the eyes and fuckin TELL me these two were not a fucked up / death spiral / make each other worse duo… you CANNOT!!! THEY ARE THE SAME!!! THEY UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER!! IN A WAY NO ONE ELSE POSSIBLY COULD… and! I just rlly wanted to draw them ghghg- cuz! I think there whole thing is interesting! Complicated as hell! Yes! But also interesting! Also made an extra meme thing w em too:
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#adventure time#betty grof#magic man#normal man#king man#at magic man#adventure time magic man#doodles#THIS GUYS FUCKING NAME… bane of my existence…#I wanna like. scour the internet for any old fan content of him but it’s SO DIFFICULT… cuz of his stupid fucking name!!!#but uh. yeah anyway… THESE TWO ARE SO INTERESTING TO ME IM SORRY#cinematic parallels… they are dealing w the same fucking shit.#they can see themselves in each other… but they hate themselves…#it paradoxically makes them both viscous w each other yet also having this solidarity and understanding!!!#and I love that!!!!!#i wanna kno wtf they were doing together when they weren’t on screen!!!! how did they meet!!! what got them to first work together!!!#it’s so interesting!!!! I kno I keep repeating that but it’s cuz it’s true ghfh-#ignore the lil bar at the bottom of the meme image it’s from my phone ghg#I guess they probably first met and stuff cuz of Betty’s research into wizards and stuff actually.. that mystery has been solved ghgh#but STILL… I wanna… I want more of them interacting they like scratch an itch in my brain idek how to describe it ghg#also if… any of the words or tags in this post make no sense… it’s cuz I wrote all this after drawing for like 8 hours straight..#also I refused to turn my music off while trying to write which. didn’t help ghgh-#I stand by the fact that these two have an extremely interesting dynamic that I want to see more ppl talk about tho!#I just. feel there’s a chance I probably didn’t articulate my thoughts on it well on account of my brain being mush ghghg#also n regards to the ‘make each other worse’ thing. I actually think after U Forgot Ur Floaties magic man is actually trying to help Betty#he just fucking sucks at it gHG- but he is trying!#I kinda think betty is trying to be nice to him too honestly… like even tho bringing up trying to save margles is actually SUPER fucked up#I think it IS betty trying to be nice to him.. like ‘ur my friend! I’m gonna save my guy. we can fuckin save ur guy too…’ like!!!#these 2 are both trying to be helpful in there own ways but they both are fucking dog shit at it ghgh-
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renthony · 1 year
Maybe I'll write today. I've had zero spoons lately, but today hasn't been too bad all things considered.
I want to actually share these homemade blorbos with y'all. I think you'll like them. I just have to get shit actually written.
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perceive the disco wizard
as he ponders his disco ball orb
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time taken: somewhere between 19-20 hours
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