#Red Love
mon-petit-coeur-noir · 12 hours
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chaos-kittn · 1 month
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orchideenunkraut · 4 months
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amoremylove · 5 months
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444vampireluvv · 5 months
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🫀🍷🩸 𝐚 𝐯𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞’𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
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reallysngss · 2 months
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Psyche and Eros are central characters in Ancient Greek mythology. Psyche is symbolized as beauty and the human soul, while Eros is known as the god of love and passion. The story typically begins with Psyche being subjected to the jealousy of Aphrodite due to her beauty, and Eros falling in love with her. Eros defies the laws of the gods by secretly loving Psyche and visiting her at night. However, one day Psyche becomes curious about his true identity and, upon lighting a lamp, becomes enchanted when she sees Eros' face. This event leads to Eros fleeing and Psyche embarking on a quest to find him. Eventually, with the intervention of Zeus, Psyche and Eros are reunited, and Psyche is elevated to the status of an immortal goddess. This story explores themes such as the power of love, jealousy, and the human spiritual journey.
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Psyche ve Eros, Antik Yunan mitolojisinde önemli bir hikayenin ana karakterleridir. Psyche, güzellik ve insan ruhu sembolü olarak tanımlanır. Eros ise aşkın ve tutkunun tanrısı olarak bilinir. Hikaye, genellikle Psyche'nin güzelliği nedeniyle Afrodit'in kıskançlığına maruz kalması ve Eros'un ona aşık olmasıyla başlar. Eros, Psyche'yi gizlice sevdiği için tanrıların yasaklarına karşı gelir ve onu görmek için geceleri gelir. Ancak, bir gün Psyche onun gerçek kimliğini öğrenmek ister ve bir lamba yakar, Eros'un yüzünü gördüğünde ise ona büyülenir. Bu olay, Eros'un kaçmasına ve Psyche'nin onu bulmak için uzun bir yolculuğa çıkmasına neden olur. Sonunda, Zeus'un müdahalesiyle Psyche ve Eros tekrar bir araya gelir ve Psyche ölümsüz tanrıça statüsüne yükseltilir. Bu hikaye, aşkın gücü, kıskançlık ve insanın ruhsal yolculuğu gibi temaları ele alır.
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7wallpapers · 1 year
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ᵕ̈ like or reblog if you save ᵕ̈
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natsuki-bakery · 5 months
Leon x Ethan ship stimboard
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╭ with themes of nature and red !╮
♡ / ⇆ if saving | credit if using
╰ read my dni b4 interacting !! ╯
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dumblr · 2 years
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scarscardsandink · 2 months
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maayybbe · 2 years
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mad-maximoff · 1 year
𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝟑
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Chapter Sum: Addy really wants to look good for university. She decided to go tanning. Lizzie wanted her to cool down and relax with her next door.
Warnings: Language (like usual lol), of age/underage drinking (depending on where you're from), fingering, making out, consent (we love a consensual queen <3)
Word Count: 3,625
Red Love Masterlist
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"Kiss me hard before you go...summertime sadness. I just wanted you to know, that baby you the best."
"I got my red dress on tonight..." I laid down on my towel on the grass under the hot August sun. My plan is to tan. I wanted to look hot for university. Like every girl does obviously. I want to look mature. I didn't want to look like some kid that shouldn't be there. However, no one from my high school got accepted into NYU so I get a fresh start.
I was shielding the sun's rays with the book I'm currently reading, 'My Year Of Rest & Relaxation'. My sunglasses weren't doing justice. The tan oil I was using smelt god-awful. It made my skin tingle with every lather I applied. I think perhaps I'm allergic. Time will tell I guess. I sported the new bathing suit I got in the city. It looked like the infamous pink Dior bikini but who could afford that on a university student's cash? I think I bought it wrong, however. The top was too small for my boobs and the bottoms were too big. I wasn't thinking about it much, I was trying to keep my mind on my tan and my book. However, that wasn't what I was thinking about. I was trying to piece together what happened the other day. Did Elizabeth touch me? Maybe I was hallucinating? It was my first high after all. I remember Lizzie hit Hallie for some reason then grabbed me and dragged me home. Everything else was a damn-near blur. I saw her in double vision the entire time. My head felt as though my brain was unhooked and just swam freely around my skull. It was a floating sensation. 
There was a little breeze throughout the backyard. It cooled my tingly skin. The breeze sent goosebumps all up my thighs making them shift around above my towel. The sensation went away as the wind died down. My phone rang out of nowhere, I wasn't expecting any calls. All I wanted to do today was read and get tan, why am I always being bothered? 
"Hello?" I answered sitting up and putting a place in my book. 
"What's up bitch!!! Whatcha doing?" It was Hallie. She sounds very happy, considering what happened 2 days ago. 
"Nothing much really. Just tanning. What's up with you?" I sat hunched over running my finger along the spine of the book just listening to Hallie's voice. 
"About the same. Just got off work. Had an early shift this morning. Are you doing okay? I forgot to call you after that whole fiasco with your crazy milf. Did your mom notice? What did you two do when you went home? Did it involve a certain cherry popping?" She giggled softly trying to not be loud. You could hear she was getting in her truck.  
"Oh my fucking god Hal, nothing like that happened! I think that it is. Mom wasn't home, and Lizzie did feel bad about hitting you. She told me. She just got overprotective that's all." I shifted my body to lay on my right side, putting all the weight on my arm. 
"Overprotective I can tell, but she came for me like a bull out the pin. I thought she liked me. She went nuts!" Her truck engine started and I heard a lighter flick on. 
"You realize why she went nuts. Your scrawny ass couldn't lift me up. She probably thought I needed help and you were doing nothing. But I know you were trying your best. Plus you're more like a bull than her! Haha! Remember when I had to sneak into the bar to come pick you up and you had a biker dude in a headlock just because he stole your seat?"
"No! That wasn't just that! He touched my ass too remember? And when you came in I had him in a headlock then bashed him over the head with a bottle." She laughed.
"Yeah, with the most expensive bottle in the damn bar might I add!" I snorted shaking my head over my best friend's antics. 
"Hey! It was the stupid bartender's fault for putting a 500-dollar bottle out where people can grab it. It wasn't tequila so I was fine breaking it. Do you want me to come over later? We can binge-watch movies again." 
I switched to put her on speaker. Just waiting for her to hang up. I love Hallie dearly but some days I just want to be alone. I don't need her constantly calling and asking to do things. I love hanging out with her in all but damn, doesn't she want to be alone too? She has a boyfriend, why doesn't she hang out with him? 
"Maybe Hal. I'll see how I feel." I huffed adjusting my glasses. 
"Uh-huh. Okay hun, I gotta let you go. Jamie's calling me." 
"Okay Hal, talk to you later." I hung up a little too quickly but I know Hallie won't take it personally. I hope.
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I proceeded to try and finish off the chapter I was reading. My mind was being distracted, I kept hearing sloshing noises. I turned behind me seeing no one else in the backyard. I sat up looking in the other direction to the fence, Lizzie's house was on the other side. I saw a little shadow that turned out to be moving. It was Lizzie, or so I hoped. I couldn't see her fully. She never had anyone over. 
"Miss Addy? What on earth are you doing sitting in this August sun? It's 104 degrees out." Lizzie hung over the fence resting her chin on the wood. Her hair was dry and wavy. Her glasses covered most of her face with a brown tint. 
"I'm tanning. I don't think it's working honestly." I stood up meeting Lizzie's gaze. I stepped forward walking to where she was. I tried to straighten my back sucking in my stomach. Lizzie's hand reached out to my bikini strap pulling it away from my skin, letting it go to flick my skin. 
"Hm? I think it worked. You have some colour. You're really warm sweetie. You should come and take a break. I have the pool fixed. Why don't you come and relax with me." Her hand rested on my shoulder. Her hand was coldly damp. It soothed me for a little while. "Oh I don't want to burden you, it's the weekend after all. It's your days off." I really wanted to join her, but I didn't want to cramp her style. "Honey, I'd be delighted if you joined me. I'd love company, especially your company." Her thumb grazed my tan skin leaving my body. "Alright, Lizzie. I'll be happy to join you then." I felt a smile creep along. I was ecstatic, this would be the first time we would hang out. I opened the latch on our fence. My mom got it installed last summer, she and the girls would come over sometimes for drinks so she thought it would be easy access. I've never been in Lizzie's house or her backyard. It was neatly lawned, with stone lining the hot tub-sized pool in the middle with a gazebo covering the pool. My jaw almost dropped seeing what Lizzie was wearing, a burnt orange bikini. She looked immaculate. I've never seen Lizzie in anything like this. I've seen her in shorts and stuff like that but nothing like this. Her olive skin was accented with an orange colour. She was hot. 
"Would you like a drink, Miss Ad?" She flung open the screen door stepping into what looked like her living room. Her glasses came off resting on her head, her eyes looked tired. But her smile made you think otherwise. "I'll drink whatever you are Lizzie." I beamed back twisting a ring on my index finger. "Haha! You can't tell you are underage or anything. Don't say you want whatever I'm having. You'll for sure get ID-ed at the bar. Now, how about we try this again? What would you like?" Her arm leaned into the door. Her hips tilted showing off her soft hips. "Champagne if you have it. If not then a screwdriver." I awkwardly laughed off her comment still twisting the ring on my finger. 
"Champagne it is honey. Now, was that so hard? Go on, go sit in the pool. I'll be there shortly." She left from my sight. Like a good little pup, I darted over to the pool dipping my feet into the pool. It was then that I realized I was tan, the white underbelly of the pool showed my light brown skin. It was cold at first, but it felt nice actually. I sat on the edge of the pool letting the water hit my kneecaps awaiting Lizzie's return. 
"I thought it would be easier for us just to have the bottle." Lizzie returned with a bottle of champagne and two wine glasses. "Is that Dom Perignon?!" I was surprised to see her bring out such a fancy bottle. "For someone that isn't 21, you sure know your champagnes. What? Don't like it?" She joked planting down next to me feeling the soft hairs on her thighs graze mine. "No, no I've never drank it. I've just seen it on tv shows and movies. You shouldn't open a nice bottle just for me." Lizzie nudged me cracking the seal and popping off the cork. "Don't say that! A pretty girl deserves the prettiest bottle. Plus if it's your first time drinking champagne, I'd like it to be something nice and not shit bottles you'll drink in university dorms." She poured the glasses full handing me my glass. Her nails were neatly painted in a milk bath look. Her nails were trimmed short with a little white left over. As for my nails were sloppily painted in black with cracks where I'd chewed off. I'm trying to quit this nasty habit I've done for years. 
I took in a hefty sip almost finishing off the glass. I heard Lizzie's laughter seeing her glass fog up from her breath. "It's not a shot, did you even taste it?" She nudged me again this time she sunk deeper into the pool. "Come on Addy-baby, come in." Her hand landed on my thigh rubbing inwards. I jimmied myself lower feeling a little ashamed that I chugged my glass. "I'm sorry, a force of habit. I go to small parties. They don't serve actual drinks, just shots." Lizzie's hand grasped mine pulling my glass closer to her chest and pouring another glass. "Well then let's teach you how to drink an actual drink." Her glasses fell off her head landing on the bridge of her nose. It startled both of us, but it let out giggles of Lizzie and me. "Cheers Miss Addy, to our lovely blossoming relationship." Our glasses clinked together staring into each other tentatively. "Cheers," I smirked feeling her thighs shift against mine under the water. 
"How are you feeling since the last time I saw you? You were in pretty bad shape." Lizzie's lips pursed on the tip of the glass, sipping slowly. Which made me feel 10 times worse about my first drink. I mimicked her action sipping slowly; she was right. I didn't even taste it. It tasted like what I imagined. Sweet and full of bubbles. Like what gold would taste like. Fancy.
"I was okay, you were right. I just needed some water and crawled into bed." I turned my back placing the wine glass behind my back on the ledge. "See! Told you, take my advice baby. You were a total mess. You're friend didn't do anything but stand and watch." She huffed spinning the liquid in a circular motion. "Hallie was trying her best before you came. I'm heavier than her, she couldn't possibly lift me without help." My hands dipped into the water letting the rest of my body sink into my shoulders. Lizzie's body turned completely pressing a button on the pool, there laid little jets at our feet. It was becoming a very relaxing afternoon after all. "Yeah sure, if she had any weight on her head she would know not to let you hit the ground. You're not heavy Addy, you're very sexy." Lizzie's thigh crossed on mine laying it gently. I felt her, I felt her crotch through her bikini bottoms. Oh god, stop it! Stop thinking about that!  
I blushed again simply brushing her compliment off. "Come now Lizzie, I could lose a few pounds around my stomach. It's sad when I look down and my belly is bigger than my tits. I wish there was a way to transfer my fat to my boobs. Hahaha!" I joked sitting up straight looking down through the water. Lizzie's whole body moved onto mine. Her arm draped around my shoulders as her other hand laid directly on my belly. "Shut up now, I love your cute tummy. You're healthy, and your chest is perfect." Her hand fondled my stomach, her thumb rubbed above my navel where the top of my belly ring was. Her touch was faint under the water. I knew she was touching me, but it didn't feel like it. 
"You're probably the only one who thinks that Lizzie, so thank you for trying to make me feel better." Her body shifted once again now floating in front of me. Her hips were at my kneecaps, I parted my legs allowing her to come closer to me. Her face was half an inch away from mine. She took off her sunglasses throwing them to a ledge. "I'm the only one you should care about Addy." She bit her lip before her lips met mine without warning. It was blissfully maddening. She was rough. I couldn't possibly take control of her. God I wish I could have the courage too but I melted at the feeling of her holding me down. Her mouth was so dominating. She was rough on my lips but, her tongue was soft with every touch of mine. God, she was magical. It was everything I dreamt she would be. There it is again. That familiar touch I once felt while I was high. I knew I wasn't imagining it. She did it again. Her hand that once rested on my stomach climbed its way to my breast again. Squeezing it in its full form. Someone who finally made me feel beautiful, made my body feel beautiful. We took a breath out together, you could make out a tiny sigh Lizzie let out before she reattached her lips to mine. My throat let out a small moan, buzzing through my vocal cords. Lizzie didn't think I notice she slipped her balm under my bikini top grasping my breast bare. Fuck! Fuck! She's touching me! Me!! Oh god, stay cool! I didn't stay cool, however. I almost jumped out of my skin. I leaped back breaking our kiss momentarily. Lizzie had a confused expression plastered across her face. "Hmm? What's the matter? Are you okay?" Her grip around my breast loosened still not leaving its spot. My look must've startled her, I didn't know what I was showing. "I-I'm sorry Lizzie. You just caught me off guard. I didn't know what you were doing." Lizzie gave a tiny pout still biting down on her bottom lip. "Oh I'm sorry honey, would you like me to continue? I should've asked. I got a little out of hand." My brain shut off. It felt as though I was in a dream at this moment. My body reacted in some way I never knew I'd do. My hand pressed against Lizzie's as it was still under my bikini. "P-please. I'd like you to continue." I haven't stuttered in years like I was. I had speech therapy when I was small to better my speech. Sometimes it will slip here and there. "Good. Good girl..." With that, she leaned in. This time, I leaned with her. She tasted sweet, not sweet like the champagne. Tasted like vanilla and mint. Smelt strong like wood and floral. She was everything and more. Her other hand crept around my thigh, that part I felt vividly. Even under the water. It was heightened by 100. 
I felt so bare underneath Elizabeth, her warm complexion looked like she was wearing sunscreen with tiny gold flakes. Her brows were brushed and filled in, with light mascara. Nothing clumped on her like it would happen to me, I'd hide it with false lashes.        
 God, she's beautiful. She was warm and inviting, she made me feel very comfortable around her. 
"You're so beautiful Liz-..." I parted my lips against hers feeling her bottom lip graze mine. Her hand forcefully squished my breast warming my stiff nipple. Moving my nipple ring in circles. It frightened me; I have never had anyone touch me in that way. Yes, I was pierced so someone did touch me, but not in a sexual way. Not in the way Lizzie was. "Shhh..you're even more lovely Addy. You want me to touch you more?" Her body switched positions. Sitting directly on my lap leaving space between our bikini bottoms. I nodded pushing my head back to her lips. Her forehead met mine stopping me. "Use. Your. Words. Yes or no?" Her voice was stern and hot next to my ear. I nodded again breathing in shallowly. "Yes please..." My hands lay on her narrow shoulders caressing her collar bone. Lizzie unstuck her forehead to mine continued to press her lips onto mine dipping her tongue into my mouth again. She invaded my personal space, it wasn't like I didn't mind it. Lizzie can invade my space anytime. She was invading other places too, her hand was still laid on my thigh creeping up onto the flab where the string to my bottoms was. Her hand traced down the lining of my bottoms until she reached the middle below my belly button ring. Her nails dug into the cloth pushing down. 
Oh my god...I've always dreamt of this! God...Fuck!
I felt as though I jumped again, but in reality, my hips just bucked. She giggled unclenching her other hand from my boob pushing on my shoulder. "It's your first time, isn't it? I can tell. Your face is so red..and you're soaked-..fuck Addy..." Her middle finger dove deeper inside awaiting a reaction as she pulled out. My hands left her shoulders clutching her slim waist. She wasn't fat, her body was perfect. She was like the goddesses I'd read about in Greek books, and she was touching me. Just me. No one else around. Her thumb grazed my clit, pushing her middle finger back into my pussy. Lizzie laughed seeing my reaction. I tried to look away from Lizzie's face. Her forehead stuck to mine making my head lift. "Be a good girl Addy. I'll make you cum if you're good for me. Hm? Will you be a good girl for mommy?" I would have came right there. Mommy? Did she really say that? I never thought Lizzie was into that. I couldn't think much of it after her hand increased her speed into me. "Y-y-yes!" The warmth of the hot tub and Lizzie's breath hit me like I was going to suffocate. 
"Yes, what?" Her finger slowly slipped out of my folds too easily. My hips bucked, I was begging at this point. I didn't know what to say, does she want me to say it? I guess so. Maybe? "Yes, mommy..." Her lip curled to one side catching her teeth on her bottom lip. "Good. Good girl." Her fingers dove in deeper than before, I could feel myself clench around her middle finger. 
"Oh god...I'm gonna-oh!" Lizzie's other hand pressed my shoulder against the wall of the hot tub. It stung for a moment but I didn't mind for a second. "I know darling. I know. I feel it too." She pumped in and out of my pussy. I have never touched myself in such a way, I dreamt of her touching me. Just never thought it would escalate this quickly. "Oh, Addy. You look beautiful like this. Melting in the palm of my hand ready to cum. Go on then. Cum for mommy." 
There it was. 
I have came before, but not by another person. It felt a million times better when it was someone else doing it. To tell you the truth, I felt somewhat dirty. Like we've done something wrong. I'm over 18 and so is she. I liked her and I hoped she liked me as well. So why did I feel this way? Her hand left from underneath my bottoms leaving it empty. She was happy. So was I trying to catch my breath. 
"God you look so cute. You want more champagne?" 
"No. I'm...I'm...I think I hear my mom." I caught my breath lifting myself out of the water. Lizzie looked startled. "I didn't hear anything Ad." 
"Yeah, she's in the kitchen. I can see her in the window. I have to go. Um...thanks for the...drinks. See you later." I hopped out onto the cold grass. The grass wasn't cold, I was just in hot water. I felt like I was running, probably because I was. I slammed the fence door running into the back door. 
What the hell was I thinking? How could I? What if my mom saw us? Oh god! No! That was wrong on so many levels. I can't do it again! 
Lizzie was right. I did get some colour.
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xrubyradleyx · 11 days
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Justa simple tanktop 🥰
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amoremylove · 8 months
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ebrubektasoglu · 15 days
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