#Seductive Speechcraft
curatoroffiction · 2 years
Seductive Speechcraft Midterms Part 3
Mammon's your partner, and he hits you with everything he's got.
This chapter ended up going a little deep because Mammon really doesn't seem like a good manipulator in my mind. I wanted to showcase his talent and strength as a demon, but also stick true to how I see him as a character. I had a lot of thoughts while writing this chapter, but I wanted to end it on a fluffier note, so I promise this isn't an angst piece. ----- First Chapter -----
Chapter 3: Mammon’s Magnetism
You return from your break and go to change out your book for a new prop. You think for a moment. You'd like to free-wheel this one, so you don't take a prompt. This time, you'll just play yourself. For that, you decide your prop of choice is going to be a water bottle. You move to stand up, beginning to stretch, and you motion for the teacher to call in the next student.
You hear the door open, followed by a high-pitched squeak, and a very familiar stammering. You glance up at the source of the sounds to see Mammon standing in the doorway. His face is hot with embarrassment as he sees who he has to seduce. You smirk and return to your stretching, pretending not to notice him. He admires you as you stretch and for a moment, forgets why he's here.
He takes so long to move that the teacher clears her throat, causing Mammon to jump into action. He comes up to you and whistles. You slowly look up from your stretching and give him a 'Really..? What the hell?' expression.
".. Did you just whistle at me?"
"Yeah. Y-yer.. Uh. ..." Your eyes catching his flusters him. "... Ahh fuck- I'm so sorry I'm jus' bein' an idiot."
You briefly remember you're supposed to avoid eye contact if you can, so you chuckle from his response and return to your stretching. "Y'know, this isn't a show. You're either here to talk, or you've gotta go. There something you want?"
"Go out with me." Mammon throws it out there, and you briefly wonder if he forgot the assignment. You pause in your stretching to size him up. He continues, putting his hands up like he's surrendering. "Look, I'm seein' that look in yer eye - Yer thinkin' that I ain't shit- But'cha see," He puts his pointer fingers and thumbs up in a square and closes one eye as he looks through the frame at you. "I've got a special ability that you don't know about."
You smirk softly, raising an eyebrow. You stand up straight now, no longer stretching. "Oh? And what's that special ability?" You cross your arms looking him up and down again.
"I can tell ya' the worth of anythin' just by lookin' at it. I've got a great eye fer riches."
"What's the worth of this, then?" You hold up your water bottle as a test.
"Priceless. Y'see, because, well..." He starts losing his gusto as he tries to force himself to say it. "..
It's touched yer lips."
He practically glares at you, like you're making him say this as a lost bet. You don't know if he's angry or flustered at a glance at his face, but you know by the way he's fiddling with his hands that he's definitely on edge.
You pause, soaking in his corny line and how angry he looked after having to say it. You bust out laughing and he gets loses his cool entirely, burying his face in his hands. You put a hand to your chest and double over as you just continue to laugh heartily at his attempt at seduction. "Okay well, we can cross off that you're cute. Are you actually interested in me? Or are you just playing games?" You calling him cute, you swear you almost saw smoke coming out of his ears. He shakes his head and tries to recompose himself.
"Alright, here's the deal - I see promise in ya'. I can see the worth of somethin' by just lookin' at it, and by lookin' at you, I know I'm lookin' at someone amazing." His demeanor shifts from embarrassed as you start to get a glimpse of a side of him you rarely ever see. He's over his initial nerves, and is now in the 'selling his grift' phase of trying to get your soul. "And someone amazing deserves a lot more than you got, yeah?"
You raise an eyebrow, now unfolding your arms to rest your hand on your hip. The other hand holding the water bottle. He has your attention, but does he have your trust? "And what exactly do you think I deserve?"
"Diamonds. Gold. You're carryin' plastic around to drink from, when it SHOULD be stainless steel! Or crystal!" He comes alongside you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, and uses his magic to conjure up imagery of said riches. It's obviously magic at the sight of it, the way the images appear out of nowhere. They sparkle and dazzle  and almost look like they're comprised of stars. "You're wearin' duds, when you could be covered in the finest clothes we've ever seen!" He conjures up an image of you in expensive lounge clothes, and his cheeks burn quietly at the sight. He pulls away from you.
You blink, a little starstruck from the idea of being surrounded by such expensive things. ".. Okay, so either I'm on drugs, or you're not normal. What the hell was that?"
"Just a taste of the kinda power I can bring to the table." Mammon shifts into his demon form, grinning. "You and me, we could be a team up for the ages. I'm a powerful demon, you're a human with one helluva soul, let me show you what you deserve."
You feel his magical influence for the first time since he started. Your mind floods with images of you clad in expensive clothes that fit you perfectly. Your favorite styles, you'd finally be able to wear them all. The images of expensive houses and finery, cars, every electronic your heart has ever yearned for. Every getting-rich-fantasy you've ever had begins playing in your mind. Every craft supply and hobby you've ever yearned for, every tool and machinery you've never had the money to get your hands on..
And you feel it, your heart aching with greed.
You want it all.
Mammon's influence is intense, powerful, and overwhelming. Even though you know it's a trick, and even though you know it's his influence, you can't help but feel.... safe. Like he'd never hurt you or lie to you. Every alarm bell in your head quickly quieted as you can imagine him beside you in stores, paying for everything you've ever even slightly fancied.
And the safety that envelopes you is a sense of financial security. A sense of independence. A sense that he might be bringing the power, but you're the one in control.
Mammon isn't the second brother for no reason. His power is overwhelming.
You can feel his grin as he looks to you with his dazzling blue-gold eyes. Like a promise that everything he's saying is true and more. You really have to avert your eyes, and the only way you can is to close them. You begin breathing carefully, trying to find some semblance of your own thoughts amidst the torrent of magic influencing you.
It's hard to regain your footing when he's so clearly swept your feet out from under you. You feel like.. just hearing him out will get you exactly what you've wanted in life. Every desire, fulfilled. Every need, met. Every hunger, fed. You manage to croak out a thought. ".. You've put me under a spell of sorts."
Mammon smirks. He can tell you're trying your hardest to recollect yourself, so he leans into it. What you thought was sweeping you off your feet was just a taste test. "I just wanted to show you what you can achieve if you work with me." You can feel his entire influence dripping away. The thoughts of riches no longer fill your mind as he steps further away, giving you a little distance. "You've got a soul, and I want it. I'd be willing to give you anything you want, put you in the driver's seat, make you everything you've ever wanted to be, give you everything you could ever want, just to get my hands on it. The deal's pretty sweet - You live your whole life the way you want to from here on out, me bankrolling the whole thing and pulling the strings to get'cha what you want, and then your soul's mine. .....” There’s a pause. As though waiting for you to speak, but when nothing comes, he continues; “Of course... " He continues to step away, slowly, his back turned to you. The second part of his influence begins to take its toll on you. "If you're not interested, I can find someone else with a shiny soul and give them a try."
And with every step, you feel yourself losing your grasp on that dream. Like if you let him get away from you, you're missing out on the chance of a lifetime. Oh this is a tricky influence. You think to yourself, as you can feel the way your emotions flurry in a panic in response. It reminds you of the kind of desperation you see when he bets- The desperation to have it all, and the fear of losing everything you have if you don't take that leap.
For one moment, he gives you a glimpse of the world, and then he slowly rips it away from you the longer you take to agree.
Your mind is screaming with the fear that you're going to miss out. That this is the only chance you'll ever have to get this. Everything you've ever worked for begins to turn to ash in your memories. You can see how palpably useless your efforts are when it comes to the fickle whims of the world. Hard work doesn't matter when you can lose everything in an instant, and people who've never worked a day in their lives can get everything just the same. You feel the futility of playing by the rules of the game. You feel a desire- No, an itch to cheat the game yourself. To steal everything you desire with your own two hands.
In contrast to the excitement you felt moments prior, this fear is the real danger to you in this moment. The fear of regret.
It's almost enough to make you forget that he's the one making you feel this.
You force yourself to turn away from him and begin to leave. As you do, his influence screams in your ear that you're losing out on the deal of a lifetime, that you're losing everything, that you will be nothing if you walk away. "Nice try. I think you went a little too hard on the sell though. I don't trust you."
Mammon turns to see you walking away and your words hit him heavily. His heart sinks and you can feel his influence completely remove itself from you as he follows after you. "Okay, I'm done with this test- I don't give a shit if I fail. ___? ___?? You don't really not trust me, yeah?? Awwh fuck I shouldn't'a gone so hard-" He starts muttering and you turn to look to him as his influence of fear completely washes off of you.
It takes a moment to normalize emotionally after that, but you relax as you're back to feeling like yourself. His magic no longer trying to pry you out of your shell, all that's left is the bubbling warmth of hearing your panicked friend who loves you deeply apologizing repeatedly.
You can't help but to smile as he starts panicking that he's hurt you or bothered you, checking you all over to make sure you're okay. Upon seeing your smile, he tugs you into a tight hug and buries his face in your neck, where you can feel the way he shudders against you. You give him a hug in return as he mutters repeated apologies to you, begging you to forgive him for doing what he did for the sake of the test. Patting his back, you laugh at him. "Mammon, Mammon, I was playing a part. I know you would never hurt me."
"GOOD BECAUSE I WOULDN'T. I'D RATHER FAIL THAN HURT YOU. FUCK THIS TEST, I'M NEVER DOIN' THAT AGAIN. FAIL ME, I DON'T CARE." He becomes almost aggressive towards the teacher with his words, but he's not leaving you, protectively scooping you in close, wanting to make you feel better.
You bubble with laughter as the demon clutches to you in a tight hug, refusing to let go. You look to the teacher who shakes her head with a small smile. It's cute, but it also means the scene is over.
Once you've helped Mammon calm down, and you've reassured him that you're okay, and that you're not actually upset with him, and he hasn't actually lost your trust, he's able to finally give some of his attention to the teacher, who clears her throat and begins going through her notes.
"___, how did it feel while you were under his influence?"
"It felt like I could see everything I wanted within my grasp, and if I let him leave, I'd lose it all. It felt very overtly manipulative." Your words make Mammon feel guilty, but you just gently give his hand a squeeze, reassuring him that you know he wouldn't ever actually try to hurt you like that. You're a sturdy person, and you knew he used his influence because that's what he was supposed to do for the scene, not because he actually wanted to manipulate you.
"Now, see, manipulation tactics should be light and less obvious. Mammon, you're going to want to work on not being so heavy-handed with your techniques. You want the human to doubt themselves. You want them to wonder "Is this my own insecurity?" rather than "Is he doing something to me?" You lost the soul because they lost trust in you, because your manipulation was too obvious." She nods with her notes, beginning to read through again. "Also, you'll want to work on your approach a lot more. It worked this time, but your attempt to engage the human leaves much to be desired, and could easily be off-putting if you're not careful."
Mammon scowls and looks off to the side. He doesn't even want to be here anymore. He just wants to pick you up and carry you away. His hand squeezes at yours, and you can feel the way he bounces in his place next to you, how antsy he is to get away.
The teacher continues. "___, good job on starting to avoid eye contact. Closing your eyes was a good last resort, but you'll still want to work on avoiding that altogether if you can. Overall, you were successful in seeing through his techniques of manipulation and successfully removing yourself. I understand that you don't have magic, so it's harder for you to block out the influences of demons, but there are still meditative techniques that can help a lot with bolstering your natural abilities to see through deception and re-ground yourself. I think for you, my only feedback is to just continue to strengthen your resolve and avoid eye-contact." She smiles and nods, motioning that Mammon can leave now.
Except Mammon starts pulling you with him. "We're takin' a lunch break!" He calls out to the teacher, who just shakes her head with a smile. She was going to have you take a break after such an intense scene anyway.
Mammon walks you to the cafeteria, where he buys you anything you want on the menu and sticks to you like glue. He's so terrified that you'll see his love and warmth as a form of manipulation after seeing him work hard in a grift for a human soul that he wants to remind you of who he is. You two go to sit in a nice secluded area by the garden, where he holds you as you eat, his face buried in your shoulder as he hugs you from behind. You know he needs the closeness too, so you don't mind letting him stay so close. You do make him eat too, though. You lean back against him and let him know that you can and will still lean on him.
".. I really am sorry."
"You've apologized a lot."
"Yeah, but, I never should'a done that to you.
You're not just some human-
you're YOU!"
"Mammon, are you forgetting that within two minutes of meeting me, you threatened to eat me?" Mammon sputters, shifting from burying himself in your neck to looking over your shoulder at your body language, nervously looking for an answer to the swirling questions in his mind. Do you see him as a monster? Do you see him as a threat? Are you scared of him now?
You just smile warmly and continue; "You've never tried to hide who or what you are from me. THAT'S how I know that your testing persona wasn't who you are. You are straightforward and loud and proud about your intentions. You always have been. I've never once doubted what you think of me or how you treat me. You're a bad liar."
You can feel the way his arms tighten around you as he hugs you. "... I don't ever wanna be the person who makes you feel worthless." He buries his head back in your neck as he mumbles against you. "... You're
too precious to me.." You can feel how hot his face is against your skin, how he hugs you. There's no magical influence with these words, it's just Mammon, showing you who he is and will always be for you. Showing you just how much you mean to him. His fear of making you feel like you're anything less than amazing is just enough to make him speak earnestly in a way he'd typically be too embarrassed to.
You decide to tease him a little. "I know. You're super shit at making people trust you." You grin, rubbing his forearms. "That's how I know that my trust in you is real, and I don't ever have to doubt it for a second. You'd have been too shitty at keeping it up if it was fake."
He grips you by your waist in a hug and blows raspberries against your neck because he knows you're insulting him, but he couldn't be happier with it. You laugh throwing an elbow back at him and you two grapple a little like that until you go back to cuddling and eating your lunches together.
It's hard for Mammon to peel himself away from you when it's time for you to go back to your midterms. He gives you one last big hug, squeezing you close.
Mammon's great at seduction, but terrible at manipulation. Manipulation may be something he's meant to perfect as a demon, but it doesn't seem like it's something he'll ever really get the hang of. Which is fine by you, because you prefer when he's more honest anyway.
Chapter End
- Chapter 1 (Setting The Scene)
- Chapter 2 (Satan’s Seduction)
If you enjoyed this piece, I have a continued series for it over here, and lots of other pieces of writing:
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During a study lesson with Satan about seductive speechcraft.
Levi : *tired* "What is love ?"
Alex : *also tired* "Baby, don't hurt me"
Byleth : *is a sloth demon* "Don't hurt me"
The three : "No more~"
Alex and Levi : *laugh like villains*
Satan : "... What the fuck ?"
Byleth : "They're just tired."
Satan : *frustrated* "I already told them that if they want to go, they need to seduce me."
Alex and Levi : *give Byleth the same eyes that Dia gives him when he doesn't want to eat his vegetables*
Byleth : "... If I seduce you for them, will you let them go ?"
Satan : *frowns then sighs* "Well, sure. And showing them may help them."
Byleth : *gets up and walks toward Satan* *suddenly grabs him by the hips, bringing him close* *lazily whispers in his ear* "Meow~"
Alex : *tries her best to not squeal*
Levi : *surprised pikachu face*
Satan : *blank* "... You two can go."
The best friends : *cheer then run outside the room*
Byleth : *gently releases Satan*
Satan : *still blank* "... Where did you learn that, Sir Byleth ?"
Byleth : *frowns a little at the word Sir* "You know you can drop the sir, right ? And to answer your question, I saw it once in an otome game."
Satan : "..."
Byleth : "But I remember that one time Lucifer said you have a cat obsession so I thought it was better to meow than saying "You naughty little thing" like in the game."
Satan : "... I see. It's getting pretty late. Maybe you should go before you get scolded by Barbatos."
Byleth : *shudders at the thought* "Yeah. You're right." *pets Satan's hair* "See you tomorrow at school." *leaves*
Satan : *waits to be alone* *groans, his blushing face in his hands* "Seriously ? A fucking otome game ? Ugh ! It's all Lucifer's fault ! He'll pay for this !"
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novorehere · 2 years
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The posts just write themselves at this point. I have nothing else to add.
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messysketchyobeyme · 3 months
Mammon fiddles with the tip of his pen, all too aware of your lingering gaze focused acutely on him. He stares at the blank sheet of paper in front of him, as he tries to ignore the way his cheeks light on fire. You're only sitting across the table from him, but it feels like you're much closer than that. Mammon tries to copy some of his notes down from seductive speechcraft, but he doesn't get too far before giving up.
Dammit. The one time he tries to study, and you're here distracting him!
Mammon clicks his pen a couple of times. "Stop..." he mumbles through his palm, "...stop starin' at me like that."
Your deep look of concentration dissipates. It's replaced with a small smile. "Ah, sorry, Mammon, it's just that you're very pretty."
He perks up. "I am?" Mammon clears his throat. "I mean, yeah, of course, I am. You're talkin' about the Great Mammon over here." Mammon points to himself with his thumb. That earns a laugh from you, which makes him beam.
"Yeah, you're pretty."
His cocky mask slips off immediately. "Oh, uh, thanks." Mammon scratches the back of his arm. He wants to ask you why pretty? Why not hot or handsome or any of those typical compliments? Not that he minds, of course, but he doesn't get it. His mouth suddenly seems dry.
You reach across the length of the table to pinch his cheek. Your smile is enough to stop him from swatting you away.
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obey-me-disaster · 10 months
Hey there! How’s it going? If I may, can I request some headcaons on the obey me brothers trying to seduce MC? Please and thank you!
These guys have to literally take a 'seductive speechcraft' class at RAD, in theory they should be good at seducing, in practice not so much
Warning: slightly NSFW
Obey me brothers trying to seduce MC
He keeps it simple. He doesn't see the point of doing complicated mind games when he knows that MC will choose him. That's not to say he won't try to win MC over or make them feel special.
Between Lucifer encouraging MC to be bolder when it comes to their advances and his confidence there isn't anything that could go wrong, in his mind at least.
He is often assertive in a way that would make MC feel like being swooped off their feet while still leaving room for them to refuse. He will make sure they know he will take care of all of their desires.
He often invites them over, either to his study room or the music room to spend some time alone together where he can be more forward.
Mammon is really smooth when it comes to flirting and seducing, just not when it comes to MC.
He is too caught up between being a tsundure and just being genuinely worried about making them uncomfortable by being too forward. Still, after a while he will get over some of his worries, he is MC's first man after all!
He is one of the most sought after models in the entire Devildom, he knows how to use his looks in his favour and how to get people's attention, especially MC's.
With how much time he spends with them, Mammon knows how to make MC feel like they are the only person that matters to him and to make them think about only him.
That also includes what words to say and in what way too touch them. Still, he always leaves it up to MC to decide if they want to take it further. He will let them take control so they could go at their own pace.
Tries to think of it like MC is a love interest in a video game, otherwise he would never be able to do it.
Tries to kabedon MC and it works at first, until he realizes how close the two of them are and panics.
Depending on the MC, his cringefail personality and being borderline pathetic and endearing at the same time would probably do the trick and seduce them imeanitworkedonme
Still, he has his moments where he can be more dominant! Especially if it would be in a virtual world, where he is more in his element. Sure, he would still be nervous but he would actually manage to flirt with MC.
To add to the previous point, he actually did that in a devilgram, where he lowered one of the sits in the car and told MC he could be in charge too.
Also I am sure he has at least 3 slutty cosplays. All he needs is a little bit of courage and he could use them.
A really by the book approach, the type of thing you would see in books. He has a lot of connections but most of them were not made by seducing other demons.
His attempts would be a bit awkward at first, feeling a little bit too stiff, but after observing to what MC responds the best he will start to get better at it.
Does MC respond better to words? Well he doesn't have high grades in seductive speechcraft for nothing. He knows how to get MC wrapped around his finger. Starting from innocent remarks to comments that would leave MC's imagination run wild.
Do they like physical touches more? He may be a little bit more awkward but nothing that MC would notice.
He is probably experimenting with new feelings too, cause seducing MC, someone he actually fell for, is way more different than his normal seductive speechcraft.
Literally the best, that's his whole thing. Sure he has his eyes to help him, but he has been a lust demon for a long time, he knows how to seduce someone without magic. And like Mammon, he knows how to use his body to get other people's attention towards him and his body.
Has the best combination of lingering touches that just leave you wanting for more and of words the can be left up for interpretation, really making MC think that they want Asmo even without all the seduction.
He knows just from looking at MC's slightest change of reactions when to stop or when to push forward. He knows how far he can go with exploring their body without ruining the sexual tension. He would get them so riled up that MC would be the one initiating anything. In his mind he is just giving them a little push.
He also loves to tease them throughout the day only to disappear, leaving them wanting for more. He doesn't need to even see to know that he is all they can think about.
I will be sincere, I don't think he really knows how to seduce people in the traditional sense. He would probably seduce MC by accident.
He would just call them in order to record his workout routine and when MC would get there he would be shirtless and sweaty, and they would have to sit behind a camera filming a shirtless Beel literally flexing his muscle
He would also lick food right off MC if they happened to drop some on themself. He literally licked wiped cream off MC's fingers in season 2.
He does all of these things by accident, and while he may be oblivious and not the best at seducing he isn't dumb. He will see how MC reacts and will start doing these things more often.
He would probably make them help him with his workout so MC could really get close to him to see and touch his muscles. post work out sex I am just saying
He really takes advantage off all the time cuddling with MC to see how far he can go when it comes to touching them, while still making sure they are comfortable.
It starts either with a hug from behind when MC is doing something else or with simple cuddles. His hands will start to wonder just slightly under their shirt or just barely over their thighs all while trying too see their reaction.
Everything he would say would be done so either with his face in the crook of their neck or as a whisper near MC's ear. It probably just be normal stuff at first, but the more he sees MC get into it the more he will start going about what he would actually want to do with them.
It's a really slow process but the little shit knows how to use his words and from what started as innocent cuddles it leads to MC doing nearly whatever he wants.
I also feel like he would go into their dreams and try to seduce them there too. This would led to MC having to seek Belphie out once they wake up from that dream.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Lucifer's Favor
I'm continuing my daily chat series, but it's a completely random order. I originally wrote a scene for one of Lucifer's Nightbringer chats, but it ended up being so angsty and sad that I decided not to post it. I wanted to write some fluff! So this chat is from the OG. Though if anyone actually wants to read the sad Nightbringer one, I'll post it lol just hit up the ask box.
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GN!MC x Lucifer
Warnings: Nothing that I can think of.
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LUCIFER: Could you come to the council room after class? I'm absolutely buried in paperwork. I just can't seem to catch up. I was hoping that you could help me feel better with your presence. All you have to do is sit beside me. Would that be possible?
MC: Are you sure you want me?
LUCIFER: Indeed. It has to be you, MC. Please head straight to the council room once your classes are over. And be warned that I won't be letting you go for the rest of the day.
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You stretched as the bell finally rung through the classroom, indicating the end of Seductive Speechcraft. You shoved Mammon, who was engrossed in his D.D.D. and didn't seem to notice the end of class. He looked up at you as you stood from the desk, then looked around at the other students already leaving the room.
"C'mon," you said. "Class is over."
You picked up your bag, slinging it onto your shoulder and heading toward the door.
Mammon scrambled to follow you. "Finally!" he said. "Man, that class is borin'."
You both started down the hall together, but Mammon stopped when you took an unexpected turn, headed toward the council room.
"Oi! Where are ya goin'? Home's this way!" he said, gesturing down the opposite hall from the one you were going down.
You paused and turned back to him. "I know, but I told Lucifer I'd go to the council room after class."
Mammon shuddered. "Why would ya do that?"
You shrugged. "He asked me to."
Mammon seemed to consider this for a moment. He frowned and muttered to himself, "Yeah, he's got a lot of paperwork…"
"You think I should just go home instead?" you asked.
Mammon waved a hand at you. "Nah. Go on, ya don't want to keep him waitin'!"
You nodded. "All right, then I'll see you later."
Mammon waved goodbye as you headed back down the hall. You smiled to yourself as you went. Mammon always wanted to be with you, but he understood Lucifer, too. He knew that Lucifer would be able to get through his piles of work easier if you were by his side.
You reached the council room door and found it slightly ajar already. You opened it further and stepped inside, pausing there in the doorway.
Lucifer was already seated at a desk that was absolutely covered in piles of paper. You grimaced at the towering stacks.
Lucifer looked up and saw you, a satisfied smile crossing his features. "Ah, MC. Thank you for coming."
"Of course," you said, moving across the room. There was a chair positioned on the side of the desk and when you sat in it, you were facing Lucifer. "Is this where you want me to sit?"
"Yes," he said. "As I mentioned before, all you need to do is sit beside me."
"All right," you said. "Then I'll sit beside you for as long as you need me to."
Lucifer smiled at you, his expression unusually soft.
As he resumed his work, you took out a textbook and began to read. The room was quiet, filled only with the sound of your breathing and the soft hssh of Lucifer's fountain pen. Occasionally you would flip a page or Lucifer would pull another item from one of his many stacks.
You were comfortable in the padded chair and in Lucifer's presence. He had asked you to come here to make him feel better, but you couldn't deny that being with him made you feel better, too. You sat in companionable silence for some time, each of you focused on your respective work.
A few moments passed before you realized you could no longer hear the sound of Lucifer's pen. You looked up from your book to see him staring at you.
When your eyes met, he smiled. It was a knowing, possessive smile that sent a little shiver down your spine in a good way.
You fidgeted a little, suddenly shy to be under his gaze. "Do you want a snack?" you asked, reaching for your bag. "I have some pastries Luke gave me earlier."
"I suppose I can take a short break," he said, as though he wasn't already ignoring the papers in front of him in favor of staring at you.
You pulled out the little bag of pastries Luke had given you, opening it and handing one to Lucifer before taking one for yourself.
As you nibbled on the sweet treat, you regarded Lucifer as he leaned back a little in his own chair. He looked tired as he ate the little pastry you had given him. He was good at covering it up when he was overtired, but you knew. After all the time you'd spent with him, you could tell.
You noticed right away when, upon finishing the pastry, Lucifer began to stretch out his fingers slowly. He paid extra attention to his writing hand.
You frowned. Certainly he was getting cramps in his hands after all this work. You finished off your own pastry, then held out a hand to him, determination stamped across your features.
Lucifer looked at your open hand, then looked up at your face. He frowned. "What is it you want, MC?"
"Your hand," you said.
Lucifer smirked. "Ah, I see. You should have told me sooner."
He put his hand into yours, gripping it tightly. You turned his hand over, fingers sliding beneath the edge of his black glove.
"What are you doing now?" he asked.
You didn't respond right away, instead slowly removing his glove, carefully pulling out every finger. You set the glove aside on the desk then took his hand in both of yours. You began to press your thumbs into his palm, massaging it gently.
Lucifer sucked in a breath at this action, which caused him to blush. He frowned again.
"Did you think I didn't notice the way you were flexing your fingers as though they were in pain?" you asked, eyes on your task. "I know you have a lot of work to do, Lucifer, but you really need to be more careful. You could really hurt yourself. What if you got carpal tunnel or something?"
Lucifer's soft laugh caused you to look up at him. "Do you really think demons can get carpal tunnel?"
You had to consider this question because it wasn't something that had occurred to you. "That really isn't the point," you said at last, continuing to massage Lucifer's hand, now working on each individual finger. "You were experiencing pain from too much work and that means you should stop for a bit. Whether you can actually get carpal tunnel or not isn't relevant."
You were taken by surprise when he pulled his hand from yours, turned it around, and interlaced your fingers with his. He stood up from the desk, pulling you up with him. You were now in close proximity and your eyes widened as your heart began to race.
He was smirking again as he reached up to brush your cheek with his other hand, still gloved. "I hope you know that you are the only one who would dare to scold me like this and get away with it."
You tried to calm yourself even as you felt the blood rushing into your cheeks. You met his gaze seriously. "I just want you to take care of yourself."
This statement seemed to genuinely touch Lucifer. His smirk fell away and he pulled you even closer. Your hand was still tightly gripped in his and his other arm circled around your back. "You needn't worry so much about me, MC. I will always be at my best as long as you are beside me."
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others in this series:
Mammon | Barbatos | Solomon | Leviathan | Simeon
Asmodeus | Diavolo | Beelzebub | Belphegor | Satan
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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betterfettered · 9 months
This is the part where everyone is nice to me because I haven't written anything like this before T T
Your yandere is your boyfriend's brother, and you feel alone when he creeps you out.
(Gn!reader x AMAB!yandere; I use "tit/ty" for the gn reader; please tell me if there’s anything else non-gn about the reader)(stalking)(noncon)(plus size reader 💖🫡)(18+ readers only please, mdni)[This is fetish content; rape and stalking are disgusting and inexcusable in real life.][edited dialogue to be gn!]
It wasn’t that you hated Beelzebub.
In fact, you thought that he was really nice. Perhaps that was the problem, though: he was very, very nice. Nice to the point that you often looked over your shoulder expecting him to be behind you, nice to the point that you felt anxious talking to other men because he may show up at any moment to abruptly end the interaction. It made sense for him to be so protective over you – he was your boyfriend’s twin brother, so naturally he felt close to you and wanted to see you happy. That was normal, you told yourself.
So why the sense of dread whenever he was around?
It was not possible to escape him, and you didn’t want to cause discord by outright rejecting his helpfulness, but it always left you feeling deeply unsettled. Just like when you’d taken a trip to the human world with the twins. On the train, you and Belphegor had squabbled for a bit about who would take the one open seat, but you pointed out that he would end up falling asleep and hurting himself if he stayed standing, so eventually he acquiesced and sat down.
You stood in front of him and watched as he fell asleep in less than a minute, his head lolling forward uselessly, and just as you were thinking that his gentle snores were cute, you felt yourself being pulled back so forcefully that you stumbled a little as Beelzebub’s barreled chest pressed into your back and his chin settled on top of your head. The arm that had pulled you back stayed wrapped around your thick middle, his fingers pressing into your soft tummy hard enough that you winced a little, while his other hand held onto the overhead strap. You grabbed his forearm to pry it off, but he did not budge in the slightest.
“Hey, what are you doing?” you asked. “Let go.”
He shook his head, his chin brushing back and forth on your head, before he tilted his head so he could see more of your face.
“No." You could feel his warm breath on your cheeks, his piercing eyes boring into you.
“Um,” you started, trying uselessly to pry his arm off again.
“I’m keeping you safe,” he murmured at your temple. “So you don’t fall over and perverts can’t grope you.”
You didn’t want to struggle and make a scene or hurt his feelings or be rude, so you just allowed him to hold onto you and keep you pressed tight to him until your stop was coming up and you had an excuse to grab Belphie and shake him awake.
There was also the way Beelzebub ­would not let anyone else sit next to you in class besides Belphie. You’d made friends with a very sweet underclassman during one seductive speechcraft class, and the two of you had cast childish spells on each other; you convinced him that he would love to clean your locker, he convinced you that you would love to write a newspaper entry for him. You’d been giggling with him and thought nothing when you happened to see Beelzebub who was watching you across the room.
The next time you saw the underclassman, he didn’t give you even a second to talk to him before he scurried away, and that familiar sense of dread settled over you when you saw the awkward way the boy moved, like each step pained him.
Beelzebub appeared by your side soon after, putting his arm around your shoulder and his large hand over your cheek, pulling you closer to him.
“We should clean your locker today,” he said.
Normally you would have joked about how he probably just wanted to plunder your things for snacks, but you felt weak imagining the small freshman boy being hurt for no reason. You felt weak realizing that Beelzebub had memorized his face, hunted him down, and threatened him over nothing. You’d just been talking to him about schoolwork. Was that worth him being hurt? Was that worth the suffocating sense of isolation you suddenly felt?
Your knees buckled, and Beelzebub’s arms wrapped around you immediately, his arm cinching into the cushion of your tummy and his other hand coming to cup the side of your face and hold your head upright enough.
“Are you feeling sick? What’s wrong?”
You couldn’t think of what to say or how to answer. You just wished Belphegor was here to send Beelzebub away. You shut your eyes as tight as they would go and wished over and over for Belphie to appear, even as Beelzebub promised to take you home and take care of you, even as he collected you in his arms, even as he kissed you on your forehead and promised that you were safe with him, that you didn’t need to worry anymore.
You kept your eyes shut as he carried you out of the school,
And through the winter air outside,
And up the stairs of the House of Lamentation,
And into his room, where he dropped you onto Belphegor’s bed.
For a second, he let you go, and your eyes shot open to look for an escape. You tried to sit up and he pulled you closer to him by your ankle, splitting your legs so he could stand between them.
“Beel, stop,” you said, and immediately regretted it, because he shoved his fingers into your open mouth, pressing a medicine pill onto your tongue. You didn’t even have time to properly struggle before he grabbed your shoulder with his other hand and leaned onto it with all of his weight.
You tried to tell him to stop again, but only managed to drool on your lips and his fingers while making incoherent gargles from the back of your throat. The noises coming out of you sounded like some kind of terrified animal, which was really embarrassing, you shrunk back into the bed and  clamped your teeth down on his fingers and gripped at his face with your nails, but he seemed completely unfazed.
“You need water to swallow it, so I’ll give it to you,” he said.
You tried to sit up to drink, but his other fingers closed around your jaw, and his hand pressed you down into the bed. This time, watching him suck water out of the bottle he always carried around, you really started to panic. Your hands calmed, and you rubbed them over his shoulders and up his neck and onto his face to earn good will.
You tried to say “Listen to me, please. I'll be good. Stop stop stop please listen don’t do this to me stop” but nothing could come out with the way his fingers had pinned your tongue, and as soon as he withdrew them he smashed his lips into yours pressing his fingers hard into your cheeks until you opened your mouth and he could push the water into it. The hand still wet with your spit grabbed your nose until you ran out of breath and sucked the water from his mouth just to try and get a chance to breathe.
He pulled away and licked up the entire side of your face, making you squeal. For a moment, your nails dug in, and then you tried to rub his face again gently.
“This isn’t right,” you chided. “I want you to stop. If you stop right now, we can both walk away and –”
You inhaled sharply, feeling his hands slip under your shirt. Panic overcame you again, and you punched him and kneed him and screamed and cried but that dazed look had come over his face, the same as when he could smell an entire hog in the oven and was thinking about eating it and only eating it.
Again, you grabbed his wrists to try and get his hands off of you, but this time you screamed for Belphegor, all the more frantically when you felt his hips push into yours. As though you were not wailing, as though you were lying still and allowing this, he shoved all the clothing on your upper body away and pressed his lips to your chest. You were sobbing by then, so he laid his head against your shaking body and licked up from your belly until he had your nipple in his mouth. His tongue traced up and down over and over as his hot breath spilled onto your skin.
He had just shoved his hands between your giant thighs to grope you when you heard the door open.
“Beel, what the fuck are you doing?” Belphie hissed.
“Belphie, help me, please,” you sobbed. You’d done everything you could to avoid a fight, and didn’t want them to argue, but you were at your wits end.
And help you he did. Belphie rushed over, grabbing Beelzebub by the shoulders and leaning back until he pulled him off of you, the both of them toppling to the floor. Belphegor shimmied out from beneath his brother, smacking his face to get him out of his trance.
“You’re being scary. What kind of welcome is that into the family?” he chided. Belphie kept him placated with rock candy from his pocket, shoving it deep into Beelzebub's mouth and tugging it back and forth to occupy his mouth
At that point, your belly felt like a void, like its emptiness was sucking you in hard enough that you would collapse.
You had wanted Belphie to realize all along, you’d thought your Belphie would rescue you from Beelzebub’s wandering hands.
“Try being sweet and gentle,” Belphie murmured. "You are coming on too strong."
Beelzebub only tried to stand up again, then focused his eyes on Belphegor’s glare and held still, despite how visibly hard his cock was getting in his pants at the thought of you. Belphie stood and then leaned over you and pulled your shirt back down.
At that moment, you understood that he knew how Beelzebub clung to you and grabbed you and forced himself on you.
 He knew it and he did not mind.
“I’m sorry, darling,” he sighed, kissing your eyelids when you started crying. “What’s wrong?”
You could only feel panic as you watched Beelzebub stand up and leer at you over Belphie’s shoulder.
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devildomditzy · 1 year
Pacts - Mammon x MC
part two of ?
haven’t read part one? start here!
done? finish the story here!
Tags: angst w/ eventual comfort, very small mention of blood/endangerment
author’s note + tag list at the end ❤️
“And so you see, that’s why it is vitally important that when practicing seductive speechcraft, you annunciate your words very clearly, and -
Mammon stopped listening to this lecture awhile ago. In fact, he wasn’t even listening to begin with, how could he? His mind was too focused on you - mainly the fact that no matter how hard he looked around the House of Lamentation, he couldn’t find you, no hide nor hair. After you ran off, he walked towards the house, decidely not running after you. Setting off at a slow pace, he figured he’d give you some distance, some time to cool off. Upon his arrival, he knew he’d be the last demon in this place you’d want to speak to, but nevertheless, you’re his responsibility.
“Oi! Mc! Open up! C‘mon we can’t be late, Lucifer will light both our asses up,” he chides, knocking at your door three times. He waits a bit, only to be met with silence. “MC, I know yer in there, c’mon!”, he raises his voice, annoyance rising with each word. Still, nothing. He sighs, swallowing his pride. He knows what he has to do-
“Listen, if this is ‘bout what I said earlier I…I didn’t mean..i mean..its just…h-how childish can ya be, huh? Not answerin’s gunna get us both in trouble! Now come out!”
-but try as he might, he can’t do it. Why apologize? To the human of all people? The one who had the audacity to do something that caused his pact mark to show up there. Musta done it to make me look stupid to the others, he thinks to himself. Their idea of a joke.
Tired of talking to himself, he reaches a hand towards the doorknob and twists, surprised to find it unlocked. The second born walks into the center of the room, shoving his hands in his pockets. “If yer hidin’, ya can come out now. I’m gettin’ real tired of this game!”
After a minute of no response, Mammon thinks he may really be alone in the house’s guest room. He bends down to peer under your bed, finding it just as empty as the rest of your room. He tried the wardrobe with similar results.
He peeks into your closet, only to find various outfits you had picked up when Lucifer made him take you to Majolish in your first days here. He spots a jacket hanging in the corner.
That stupid jacket. The one you looked great in but weren’t convinced yourself. The one you timidly asked for his opinion on. The one that brought out the color in your eyes and made you smile to yourself in the mirror and kind of matched his own. The one he told you looked as bland as the rest of the stuff in your arms and that you were taking up to much of his time with just by asking a question. He remembers the hurt on your face, it was the same face you made to him this morning. He stares at it a beat too long before making to leave the room. He begins to feel an unpleasant anxiety in his stomach, and he can only assume it’s thanks to your disappearance. ‘M used to them bein’ around is all. Gotta find em before Lucifer freaks.
Now if you had a human from another realm wearing a royal demon academy uniform possibly harboring negative feelings towards their great, all powerful and totally breathtaking bodyguard, where would you put them? Mammon continues to repeat this question in his mind as he searches through the HOL’s most trafficked hangouts. Unfortunately for him, there was no sight of you in the kitchen, the foyer, the library, the common area, any of the bathrooms, the conservatory, or anywhere for that matter.
Annoyed, he takes out his D.D.D. and clicks on your most recent text thread with him.
Mammon: This is stupid! Where ya at!
Mammon: You said you were commin’ back to HOL, so why ain’t ya here?
Hearing the unmistakable ding of your D.D.D notification sound, he whips around to see where the sound came from, before realizing the source of the noise sat abandoned in the backpack around his shoulders. Tch.
Wish this dumb pact worked both ways, he thought to himself as he ran a hand through his hair. Why’d they have to be so difficult…
Why’d I have to go n’ open my stupid mouth.
With no way to contact you and no idea where you could be, Mammon storms off back to R.A.D. If Lucifer was gonna kill him for losing his new brat, he wasn’t gonna give him another reason to revive and kill him again by not showing up to school.
Which brings him to now, nervously shaking his leg while hiding his phone under the table, just in case one of his brothers texts him about you, or says anything about you. It begins to hit him, as he hears his professor drone on, that you’re human. A stupidly soft, extremely fragile, totally marked as food by demons other than the council, human.
What if while you were running back towards HOL, you got lost? What if while you were running back towards HOL, someone took you? What if while you were running away from him because everything he wants to say comes out wrong, someone hurt you.
He can’t take it anymore. He abruptly stands, practically running out of the classroom. “Young man, where do you think you’re going?”, the professor calls out to him, but Mammon chooses to ignore them, slamming the classroom door behind him. He needs to find you, and fast. He needs to know that you’re okay. He needs to protect you, because Lucifer told him to. He needs to protect you, because he wants to protect you.
Pacing in the hallway, he knows what he has to do, but doesn’t know if he has the strength to do it. “Dammit!”, he mutters as he clicks on the chat on his phone that contains all his siblings minus Lucifer.
Mammon: Have any of ya seen the human?
Levi: Us? Weren’t you supposed to be watching them?
Asmo: Oh dear! Don’t tell me you ran them off already!
Satan: How did you manage to lose a whole creature, let alone one that can talk and communicate exactly alike us?
Levi: Lol
Beel: I haven’t seen them. I’ll let you know if I do.
Mammon: Thanks, Beel. At least one of ya are helpful.
Asmo: That’s sad! I was soooo hoping I’d get a turn to play with them <3
Mammon: Can it, Asmodeus!
Satan: Pulling out the full names? You must really be upset.
Levi: Can’t you just text them?
Mammon: I can’t. They...forgot their phone in their room like some idiot.
Satan: My my, stealing from the exchange student already, are we?
Mammon: I didn’t steal nothin’ from ‘em. They just don’t have their phone on them, okay!?
Levi: Have you checked purgatory hall?
Purgatory hall…
Purgatory hall!
How could he be so stupid! Of course! Where else would a human run to when demons have hurt them? To the angels!
He moves faster than he has in a long time, not since the fall, until he finds himself in front of the door to the angel’s and shady sorcerer’s shared dorm room.
A raises a fist to knock but before he can, the door creeks open to reveal a smiling Simeon. Damn angel intuition. Though he beams brightly, the smile does not reach his eyes. He looks a bit sad, and maybe even…disappointed? “Mammon. We’ve been expecting you.”, Simeon courteously bows his head.
“Yea yea hey to you too ‘n all that. Listen, is the human here?”, Mammon questions while nervously drumming his fingers against his thigh. Simeon’s expression softens at the mention of you. “Why yes, they are, but they have been in brighter moods before. Would you care to come in and speak with them?”
Mammon peers around Simeon’s form in the door frame to see you sitting on one of the common room’s couches next to Luke. The chihuahua pours you some more tea from a pot on the table as you wipe at your eyes. The puffy redness under them tells him all he needs to know. He’d made you cry.
In that moment, his mind screams at him. He was awful. He was a scumbag. He was every horrible thing his brothers and those money hungry witches called him combined and-
“Mammon?”, your small voice rings out. Simeon steps aside and gestures for him to enter the room. It takes his mind a minute to catch up to his movements, but after a brief stutter he enters, walking towards your hunched over frame.
Simeon is quick to follow him, calling out to Luke, “Why don’t we go see Barbatos? If he’s not busy, we can see about learning that new recipe you’ve been looking forward to?”
“Yeah!”, Luke excitedly cheers, face falling when he turns back to you, “But-but MC is so sad! We can’t just leave them like this! I swear when I find out who made them cry, I’m gonna give them the what for!”
You give a small chuckle at the little angel’s antics. It’s the same smile that makes Mammon’s stomach fill with butterflies. Gah!- He hates that feeling. He doesn’t know what to do about it. How to make it go away.
“I’m fine Luke, I swear. I just had a rough morning is all. Go with Simeon, I’ve got to get back to class anyway.”
Luke looks to you, then to Mammon, before landing on Simeon. “What’s he doing here?”
“Could ask ya the same thing, Chihuahua!”, Mammon laughs before ruffling Luke’s hat into his hair, much at the angel’s dismay.
“I am NOT a CHIHUAHUA!”, he yells, increasingly becoming more red in the face. Simeon brings a hand to his mouth to hold back a laugh.
“Come along Luke, let’s give them some space. Solomon’s out, so please lock the door behind you when you leave,” Simeon gracefully states while taking Luke’s hand, guiding him out of the room. Before he leaves, he turns and winks at Mammon in a not so secretively way, as you catch it too. The action makes Mammon growl, but pulls another giggle out of you. The sound makes the butterflies stronger.
Mammon awkwardly stands in front of you, almost willing you to speak, like he was the one owed an apology. He shuffles his weight side to side, from one foot to the other before cramming his hands into his pockets. You shyly look away from him, but still reach a hand out to pat the cushion next to you, motioning for him to sit down. Stupid human, still nice to me when ya supposed to be mad. Despite his thoughts, he takes your offer, tense as he carefully sits next to you like a statue.
You both sit in silence for awhile, basking in each other’s presences. He wants to say something, anything to break the suffocating atmosphere you’ve both created here, but he can’t find the words. How can he when every time he looks at you his mind goes blank and his heart yearns to spill.
“Listen, I-” “You know-”
“You go first, Mammon”, you yield, allowing the second born to continue.
“Runnin’ off like that in the middle of the Devildom is dangerous! It’s crazy for a lower level demon, let alone some ballsy human. What would I woulda done if all I found of ya was a pile of bones? A trail of yer blood? Huh?” I thought I lost you.
“I-I can handle myself just fin-”
“Clearly. Is that why you went and made a pact with a demon? One of hell’s lords? Cause ya can handle everything by yerself? Cause ya so big and strong by yerself?” I’m supposed to protect you.
“T-that’s not fair, Levi coerced me-”
“And then ya ran to the angels when you were upset? Whadda they have that we don’t? What can they do that we can’t?” What can they do for you that I can’t.
“You said our pact mark was a blemish-”
“It is! Who the hell would want the symbol of some good for nuthin’, money grubbin’ scumbag like me on their heart! It should be Lucifer’s, o-or Beel’s, or…someone else. Anyone else.” I’m not worthy of you.
“Mammon,” your voice shakes, but remains sickly sweet. You place a hand over top his. His face shoots up to meet your gaze. The butterflies are swarming like crazy.
“If you hate our pact that much, if you hate where the sigil formed that much, let’s ask Lord Diavolo how to break it-”
“NO!”, Mammon shoots up to his feet, running a hand through his hair to calm his nerves. He can hear a similar waver in his own voice. “No, no that’s not what I meant. Tch! Why doesn’t it ever come out right! I swear when it comes ta you i just-”, Mammon sighs, trying to calm himself down. His face is beet red, he just knows it and father, do you have to look at him like that? With a face full of kindness and concern and love for him, the expression that you only give him and none of his brothers and none of the angels and none of the royals and no one else but him.
“MC, do ya know what it means when a pact mark forms there?”
Author’s Note: Gaaaah!!! Thank you all so much for your response on this series! It’s been kinda insane! I’m really thankful for all your notes and I’ve read every tag that was left for me. You’re all so sweet! This should have at the very least one more part, so please let me know if you want to be a part of the tag list for part 3! 
Taglist: @someoneunkownforyou @fandomhell97 @crocrafts @dragonageoregons @furblrwurblr @youaskedfurret @simpinginthecorner @astarotha @glitterandgoldfinds @liminalimmortal @bestblob @crow-charlie @hauntedcatnerd @aprilwallflower @ungodlywoes
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koolades-world · 4 months
Behind the Scenes
All it took was the watchful eye of your best man.
“How was yer day?” Mammon took your bag from you as the two of you began the walk home from RAD together.
“Uneventful mostly, but not bad. The fact that you were there during Seductive Speechcraft today was more than enough to turn my day around.” You turn and smile at him.
“What’d ya mean?” He glanced over at you.
"Just a bad day. Having you at my side make it better." You try to deflect.
"What happened?" He reached out to grab your hand, which you took.
"A couple things." You avoid his gaze.
“What’s the matter, darlin’?” Mammon stopped you in your tracks by standing in front of you. He looks right into your eyes, and holds your chin in his hands.
“You’re so caring Mams, but I’m fine. Thanks for asking.” You place a hand on his arm, trying to continue walking. He stops you, holding you close.
"Ya've been havin' bad days for a while now. What's the root? Ya can't hide this from me." You sigh, realize the jig is up.
"There's been this demon at RAD who's been picking on me. Today he stole my Potions homework, shouldered me into my locker, and almost drowned me in the bathroom. Thankfully the professor let me off since I never forget my work at home, but next time I might not be so lucky." You admit.
"He what? Forget the whole homework thing, I'll kill the bastard. Who did this to you? You gotta tell me about this stuff. Where does it hurt? Tell me the truth." Silently, you lift one of your sleeves to reveal the bruise you got from being slammed into the locker and pull down the collar of your uniform reveal the outline of fingers on the back of your neck. You wince at the memory. “What were ya planning to do? Suffer in silence? Mc, I don’t tell ya enough that I love ya.” He cupped your face in his hands, speaking to you gently.
“Usually when this happens, I just use a spell to cover it since I'm not good enough at healing magic yet. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not telling you and I’m sorry for worrying you, but he…” You trail off, glancing around. “I don’t think I should even be telling you this.” Mammon looks at you, then around the both of you as well.
“Ya know damn well ya can tell me anythin’. Fuck him. If ya want, ya can wait until we get home.” Mammon knew whoever this demon was wouldn’t dare to both you while he was around.
“I want to wait until we get home.” You said. That was the only thing you had been sure about that entire conversation. Mammon, instead of letting you walk, opted to carry you, insisting it was for your own good. You couldn’t shake the feeling of paranoia, that he was somehow listening and that you said too much.
One you both arrived home, Mammon sat you down in the living room and called over everyone that was home. In a matter of minutes, Levi, Satan, and Asmo were gathered around you, concerned at how oddly serious Mammon had approached them. While you sat silently, Mammon explained. You could see the rage blossoming on Satan’s face, and the horror on Levi and Asmo’s.
“Sweetie, why didn’t you tell us sooner?” Asmo cuddled you in a similar way that Mammon did when he found out.
“I was afraid…” You search their faces for their reactions.
“What did he say to you?” Asmo asked.
“He told me he would hurt my family if I told anyone. Not you guys, my human family. I haven’t seen them in so long and I didn’t want anything to happen to them. I really miss them. He said it would be fun to…” You couldn’t continue. A silent tear makes its way down your face. Mammon wiped it away.
“You don’t have to continue.” Asmo pulled you in closer to him.
“What’s his name?” Satan speaks up for the first time. His face was a little red and his eye has begun to tick, but looked eerily calm otherwise. To the untrained eye, it may have looked like he was calming down, but that couldn’t be more wrong.
“Please don’t hurt him.” You begged them.
“Why?” Levi, who had also been silent, nervously asked.
“He must have a reason for acting the way he has been. He probably has a family, and friends. I don’t think he deserves to be hurt, just maybe talked to.” Asmo gripped you hand tighter at your words and swept some hair out of your face.
“We’ll see what we can do, honey.” Asmo exchanged glances with his brothers. “How about this? We take you to Purgatory Hall to spend time with whoever’s there right now while we go talk to Lucifer, Belphie, and Beel.” He asked you.
“Can’t it wait? What if he’s listening?” You pleaded.
“I can assure you if he is out there and dares to act on his threats, I will see to it personally.” Satan’s tick was stronger and more noticeable.
“Anyways, I trust Sol with my life! If there’s anyone I would let look after you, it’s him.” Asmo told you.
“Ok, if you’re really sure. I trust you. Thanks guys. Can I have a hug?” You rose from your stop to be swarmed by the four demons around you. They took care to not hurt you more. You felt safe in the middle of them.
All of them personally went with you to drop you off at Purgatory Hall. Simeon answered the door, and as soon as he took in the scene, his usual smile faded and called for Solomon. Mammon explained the situation, to which they promptly agreed to help. As Asmo transferred you to Simeon, you heard Solomon asking them to save him a piece. It send a sharp shiver down your spine. As soon as the door shut, their facades dropped.
“They never told us his name. Even if it means I have to check every student at RAD, I will. After all, there can only be so many who meet his description.” Asmo chuckled. Satan was still doing his best to hold in his explosive rage until they were far enough from Purgatory Hall.
“Levi, take Satan somewhere to decompress for a while. We’ll reconvene here once we find the others.” Mammon took out his DDD and began making the calls he needed. Asmo also took out his DDD to check as many Devilgram accounts as he could to see if anyone looked particularly guilty.
As soon as Lucifer found out, he practically flew out of the place to meet up with his brothers. It was easy to see the similarities between him and Satan at this point. Belphie and Beel weren’t far behind. It was rare to see them both so agitated. The three of them quickly went in to see you, to see for themselves that you were ok, and to ask for the name of who has been bothering you. After much coaxing, they finally got it. Lucifer made Simeon promise to heal you, and with that, they vanished again. You didn’t know what to think, and hoped they would adhere to their promise.
Once they found him, they didn’t know what to do first. Question him or get straight to what they were there for: to make him pay for what he did. Each of them had their own idea, that they would never dare tell you. While you were safe and sound at Purgatory Hall, the brothers were having the time of their lives. It was a side of them they would never let you see; the side of them that truly reveled in misery and pain.
That demon vanished.
About a week and a half later, he reappeared a changed demon. He apologized for everything he did and remained out of your way from then on. He seemed physically fine, but was a different demon altogether. He was much nicer, and quieter. His friends avoided you like the plague, afraid of something you didn't understand. In fact, after that, everyone treated you like gold if they didn't already. You weren't stupid. You knew the brothers did something but nobody dared tell you. It was a little uncanny as everyone outside your household was pretending nothing had happened in the first place.
But the brothers were kinder, if possible. They kept bringing you small trinkets and gifts, like flowers and anything they thought you would like. They checked up on you more frequently and took you out more frequently. They always made sure you had everything you wanted even if you didn't ask for it. They even arranged for you to see your family in the human world with one accompanying you, although you suspected the others were watching from a distance. It was still chilling to think about what they did to that demon to make them stop so suddenly upon their return, or where they even went, but you settled on never knowing what they did. You just took their gestures at face value and appreciated them for it.
The brothers were glad you were recovering from everything. Anything you refused to tell them, they got out of the perpetrator. Simeon was an amazing healer, and even Lucifer wasn't sure how he brought him back together, mentally and physically. You could never find out.
errrr i don't really like this </3 the concept was more fun but I can't scrap it after how much i put into it
i kinda wanted it more ominous with less words but i think I need more writing practice for that lol
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delusionalwings · 1 year
Omg I was thinking abt how the OB boys would be with an MC that has a beautiful voice. Like Lucifer would never admit hoe much he loves hearing them sing, Mammon would ask them to have a little concert so he can charge people even tho he thinks no one else deserves to hear their voice. Levi would want them to repeat his favorite characters voice lines, or the way Satan would love sharing them read books and how Asmo could sit and listen to them talk for hours. Ofc Belphie would want them to sing him to sleep and Beel would always invite them to his workouts, because sometimes he gets lucky and MC sings along to his music (he purposely plays songs he knows they like for that reason)
ohmigod buddy, you are so right! I especially love the mammon one for some reason. TvT LUCIFER IS A PIECE OF SHIT, ISN'T HE?! i would flirt with levi till he passes out XD. as someone who loves to read, i love the satan one ;-; asmo, yaassshhh let's get the gossip going. he definitely wants to become an idol with mc. he also starts a channel called "the voice of the devildom" or something where they ulpoad music videos. it's pro level. ah another day of belphie getting an excuse to be closer to mc ;) beel also loves it when you sing after he finishes eating. it's sweet.
mc would ace seductive speechcraft like a breeze if they have the confidence to say flirty lines-
i wrote for luci and some side characters TvT
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― synopsis -> when mc has a beautiful voice
― characters -> lucifer, diavolo, simeon, barbatos
― gender neutral reader
― headcanons
― warnings -> yandere content
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The first time he catches you singing, he hides his presence and gets lost in your melody. That is when he decides that your voice must be his alone.
“Hmm. Why would you stop? Did I give you the permission to do so?”
Unbeknowst to you, he sometimes hums the songs that you are fond of singing when presumably alone. He never admits that he actually enjoys those. He lets on that it’s all his scheme to make your life miserable.
That sounds like the call of the divine, the voice of the angels! What lovely music it is to the ears!
“[Name], could you say the prayers today too? After all, your voice seems to be formed for this reason...”
Whenever he faces a writer’s block or feels frustrated in general, he asks you to read to him. Your voice has a quality that helps him visualise better. If you read any of his recent works, you will find how he writes about prophecies in enchanting voices, sirens calling out to bewitch angels or even a whisper in the dark. Your voice calls out to him in more ways than one.
What beautiful voice you possess! After this discovery, he decides to update his schedule to include an hour of you singing human world songs. Daily. What can be better than experiencing human world culture by enjoying the voice of his love?
He is enthusiastic about holding festivals and nudges, almost subtly forces, you to sing in those. After all, the entire Devildom must witness your talents and realise how amazing the various realms are. What potential healthy bonds can hold!
Your voice reminds him of the soothing aroma of fresh tea. Even though the word ‘cunning’ perfectly suits Barbatos, he feels that you have a better claim to that title. You would speak innocently yet the words would pierce hearts. The moment you open your mouth in Seductive Speechcraft, even the Young Master is charmed.
Barbatos notices and knows that you do not have any ulterior motive but he can’t help but try to be on his guard and... ultimately fails. You are so cunning, aren’t you? Cunning and clueless... The things that you do to those around you and him. Can’t you see?
He has found that your voice helps his spirits to an extent where his efficiency improves too. How can he let you go after that? You will indulge him, won’t you?
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hyperfixat · 7 months
hai day two is here! support and engagement would really motivate me to help post and work on the rest of this stuff!
You don’t want to disappoint Lord Diavolo, you’ll make him look bad, make Lucifer look bad, make humans look bad, make the exchange students look bad, make everyone look bad. And you absolutely do not want that to happen, your sanity relies on keeping them pleased with you.
It wouldn’t be so bad if it weren’t for the fact that RAD coursework is so illogical and unfamiliar. You manage to get consistent B’s in class work, but you have to work hard on essays to avoid D’s. And you aren’t lazy, you can work hard, but the brothers make it so hard sometimes.
You constantly have to dismiss whoever comes knocking on your bedroom door, and keep your DDD on DND. There’s a huge essay due in a few days for Potions and Seductive Speechcraft, on the usage of theoretical love potions. It’s frustrating, and because the grade is going to count for both classes, you can’t afford to have anything less than a C. And of course because you’re no longer on the easier courses from your first year, it’s so much harder and less grace will be given for mistakes. It also means you have to write the full five-thousand words, rather than a two and a half thousand word essay.
There’s a knocking on your door, but you’ve made sure to let all the brothers know you’re working, so you ignore it in favor of flipping through the textbook Satan lent you, saying it had some valuable information for this combined course.
Eventually whoever was at your door gives up, but you don’t notice, in fact by the time you regain awareness of your surroundings, your hand is covered in little paper cuts, and you’ve flipped through two whole books, skimming for anything that you could add to the ungodly long assignment. Your body pops and creaks when you stand and pad over to the door, unlocking the magic deadbolt you installed for nights like these and swinging the door open to a dark hallway.
It must be rather late if the brothers have (mostly) all gone to bed. Before you step outside, you look down at the eve of your door, and smile while your heart melts, because someone left you a plate with a wrapped sandwich and a tupperware with some (presumably,) human-safe poison apple slices. With a warm feeling bubbling in your chest, you pack it away in your private mini fridge.
Now that the halls are dark, you have to rely on a spell Solomon taught you long ago, just a small ball of light for when it’s dark. You bite back a yawn as you shuffle into the kitchen, the reminder that you still haven’t changed out of your school clothes is stark as your medals jingle when you flick the light on. You manage to keep quiet and discreet as you pour yourself some imported human world spring water, but when you turn around you jump out of your skin at the tall figure in the doorway.
“AH! Lucifer!” you place a hand over your chest where your heart is beating out of its cavity. “I didn’t see you there.” A heavy sigh leaves you as you set the water canister down onto the counter.
Lucifer hums, moving into the kitchen and lifting the already dewing water container and putting it back on its shelf in the fridge.
“Oh, I was going to put that back-!” a sinking feeling sets into your stomach. Speaking of your stomach, a clenching growl of hunger runs through your abdomen.
“My brothers are concerned with how much time you’re spending in your room. Alone.” Crimson eyes bore into your own. “It goes without saying I dislike it as well. You haven’t had the time to visit me, I have grown used to your frequent visits.”
Before you reply, you take a sip of the cool water. “Sorry, I’ve just been working on the essay for the theoretical love potions. I can’t afford to get a poor grade on it this time around.”
Lucifer’s eyes narrow, “is that so? Perhaps I can be of some assistance.”
His gaze makes you shift uncomfortably, and you take another sip of water to clear the sudden dryness in your mouth.
“Yes! But I’m working on it, don’t worry, at this rate, I’ll be finished in time to entertain your brothers, my schedule will be back on track eventually.”
“I’m not worried about you entertaining my brothers, they’re grown demons. I’m worried about you. You’re human. You can’t keep going like this.”
“I’m doing fine, Lucifer, really. Besides I can take time to relax once this semester is over.” You let out a weak laugh, leaning back on the counter.
“You’re…” Lucifers lips turn down in a frown, “what’s the human world expression? Running on empty?”
“Thank you for the concern, but I’m really fine, Lucifer.” You walk over to him and reach a hand to cup his cheek and pull his head to a level where you can press a sweet kiss on his cheek. Before he has time to argue with you again, you make your way back down the hall to your room.
When you’re back in your room, you debate between the inviting allure of your bed or the stack of papers and books that you really should finish if you want to have time to hang out with the brothers. With a whole body sigh, you sit back down at your desk.
The next morning at breakfast, you’re dead tired.
With zombie-like steps you shuffle into the dining area, where most of the brothers already are. You have deep eye bags and your complicated uniform is poorly put on. You sit down next to Asmo and Beel, on both sides of you respectively, and blink at the assortment of foods available.
“Darling,” Asmo chides lightly, “your uniform is all out of shape.” He sets his fork down and pulls your torso to face him more than it does the table so he can adjust the straps and buttons and ties.
“Sorry, just a bit tired this morning.” You muffle a yawn and Asmo’s brow creases.
“Your eye bags…” he pauses his fiddling with your uniform, lifting a hand to run his fingertips under your eyes. “I have some concealer in your shade if you’d like some, okay? I can put it on for you if you’d like.”
“That’s very kind, but I’m good,” you say, turning your head away. With a hum Asmo returns to fixing up your uniform.
“Let me know if you change your mind, alright?”
“I will,” you say with a smile. “Beel, could you save me some of the Devil Zebra Bacon and some of the sweet toast?”
Beelzebub nods, and sets himself to work, loading your plate with the bacon and bread, along with some Shadow Goose scrambled eggs.
“Thank you,” you say gratefully.
“You seem awfully tired, MC,” Mammon points out.
“Ohh, were you up for the release of today’s Another Ridiculously Long Anime Title that Reveals the Whole Plot? Awh, we could have waited together!” Levi says as he walks into the room.
“No, no, just working on some schoolwork.” You let out a bitter laugh. “Would someone mind brewing me some Hell Coffee? I need something to keep me awake today.”
“Are you really fit to attend RAD after pulling two all-nighters in a row?” Lucifer asks skeptically.
You gape, how did he know? You were careful to be courteous of all the HoL residents.
“Nothing about you eludes me, little star.”
“Wh…whatever, I’m fine.” You say with an embarrassed flush, trying to pretend that everyone wasn’t staring at you. “Mammon, you wouldn’t mind brewing me a cup, would you?”
Asking him to make you a cup of Hell Coffee never failed to make him flush. It made his fondness to you undeniable, the bitter taste a clear sign he loves you. (Hell Coffee’s strength gets more intense based on the feeling of the brewer to the drinker.)
You are fine and doing perfectly well and okay.
You are fine and doing perfectly well and okay.
You are fine and doing perfectly well and okay, until you aren’t.
By the time lunch rolls around you feel dead on your feet, tiredness having long settled deep in your bones. Beel offered to help you with your tray, and it’s lucky he did, because right before you scan your student ID to pay, your legs give out and you collapse into a weak mess on the cafeteria floor.
Your vision comically fades to black, blinking a few times before you slump forward, face first into the linoleum.
You come to the feeling of a cool and damp washcloth on your forehead. A hum rumbles through your chest and you peek through your lashes at who is tending to you.
Blood red eyes flicker to your own; Lucifer. Your groan turns into a grumble and you open your eyes properly.
“Good evening, sleeping beauty.”
You can’t be bothered to tell if the light warmth in your face is from embarrassment or at being called a beauty by Lucifer.
“Mhm, what happened?” You prop yourself up with an arm and look around. You’re not in your room, rather Lucifer’s private chambers. The last thing you remember was being at lunch… any time since then comes up blank. Did he… carry you here? To his room?
Why were you here rather than your own room? To calm your fluttering heart you logic out that you likely would have been swarmed by the brothers if he left you in your own room. That and he wouldn’t face his brother’s teasing remarks for taking care of you with tender touches and soft words.
“I should have been more vigilant in scolding you.”
Huh?! Your heart stops; stomach drops, and the arm propping you up falters. No, you don’t like being scolded by Lucifer, you don’t like being scolded at all.
His gaze softens, “what I mean is, I could have prevented your collapse if I insisted you stop overworking yourself. It’s on me for thinking you wouldn’t be such a stubborn thing.”
“Sorry.” Your gaze flickers downward in shame. Lucifer tsks, and the hand holding the cloth grabs your chin and lifts your face back up.
“Now, don’t go apologizing, you need to focus on relaxing. We can work out a better schedule for you at a later time. You won’t be disturbed by my brothers for as long as you’re in my room, and your school work has been dealt with.”
Gratitude surges in your heart and you offer a soft smile to Lucifer, laying back into his bed. “Thank you… will you lay with me? Just for a bit?”
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curatoroffiction · 2 years
Seductive Speechcraft Midterms Part 2
Satan's one of your partners for Seduction Speechcraft Midterms.
Content Warning:
- Romantic themes (Non-sexual)
- Flirting
- Cheesy seduction
Fandom(s): Shall We Date: Obey Me!
First Chapter
Chapter 2: Satan’s Seduction
You move to grab a new prop from your bag, deciding to take a character prompt from the bowl of prompts before sitting yourself back at the table. Your character for this scene is designed to have an illness they can't cure, which modern medicine couldn't help with. This time, you're reading a medical textbook. You open the page to a random one and motion to the teacher that they can beep in the next student.
Whoever it is, they're taking their time to assess you from afar. They haven't stepped past the door. You begin reading your book, and you have to stop yourself from snickering as you realize you opened to a page on liver disease. This will be a fun scene if they try to ask about what you're reading like the last one. You're in a pretty great mood as you hear footsteps come up alongside you.
"Mmnh, the Merck Manual of Medical Information. That's a curious read. Are you a doctor?" The smooth voice is familiar and you look up to see the familiar lime-blue eyes of Satan.
You smirk and turn your head back to your book. "No, I just love a good medical textbook." Leaving it up to him to interpret whether you're joking or not.
"Sounds like you've got quite the hunger for knowledge." He smiles warmly, moving to take a seat at your table.
"Actually, it's more about how it's written. This particular edition was written to be read by folks of all walks of life, attempting to make medicine an accessible study to the common folk." You push the subject of the book. You want to see how well he can engage you in something you know he's not as well-versed in. It's a human realm book, and he's shown a lot of interest in learning about human texts before. It also pushes your character's narrative in an interesting way.
Curious surprise paints his face as he processes the challenge you're throwing his way. His smile returns once again, this time much more sure of himself as he playfully pretends to muse in thought, stroking his chin. "Hmn.. Would you say you're particularly passionate about making knowledge accessible~?"
"Oh yes, absolutely." You slightly put your book down, keeping your thumb inside it to keep your page, but now he has some of your attention. You begin studying him, now taking a moment to take him in. Your calculating eyes actually fluster him a little as he feels embarrassed, realizing that he's got a foot in the door. "... You don't seem like you're here to ask about my thoughts on this book, however. Out with it. What're you lookin' to get from me?" You've got a playful demeanor, despite your hard pivot into the subject matter of his approach.
Satan lightly taps your book cover, eyes locked on yours. "If you're looking to expand your horizons of knowledge, I've got access to libraries you've never even dreamed of." You can feel his magic tugging at your mind. The sense of ease. The comfort. The intrigue. The way it makes you want to ask more. The way it makes you feel like he's telling the truth.
You watch him for a moment, visibly curious. He knows he's got you, but before he can continue, you finally break eye contact. You scoff, opening your book once again, leaning back on your stool to read. "Something tells me that what you want to teach me is a little less studious, and a little more dubious." He's losing some ground, but that's fine.
He loves the challenge you're posing. He loves the way you side-step him. It makes him have to use his mind to think of ways to intrigue you. The demon can't help but to grin a little as he leans back, watching you, getting comfortable. "Dubious, certainly. I am a demon, after all. Though if medicine delights you, you're only scratching the surface with what that book can tell you.
"You glance to him and look him over, which earns him a skeptical chuckle from you. "Funny. I've actually heard that one before. I'm certain some might call you a 'demon', but I'm not interested in playing fantasy." You choose to ignore his comment about the medicine. It'll be easier to resist if he has to prove himself to you.
"I assure you, every word I'm saying is the truth. Would you like me to prove it to you?" He's keeping smooth, his voice is like that soft, gentle tone he usually only uses when it's just the two of you sharing late-night chats over books, which is to say he's very relaxed and in his element in this moment.
You raise an eyebrow, setting your book on the table, your thumb still propped inside to keep your place. Your other hand rests atop the one in the book and you give him the majority of your attention now. "Well now I'm curious. How does one go about proving they're a demon?"
He stands up and looks around before shifting into his demonic form for you to see. You feign surprise, now letting your hand forget your place in your book as he has your full attention. He smiles warmly to you, waiting to gauge your possibly scripted reaction. You lean against the table, the hand that was in your book now supporting your head as your eyes narrow in visible calculation.
".. Alright then. So you're a demon. What's got you interested in me, hmn?"
Satan shifts back into his humanlike form, once again seating himself at the table. "You've got one of the brightest souls I've ever seen. No doubt, it's honed from time well-spent studying and improving yourself. I want to strike up a deal with you for it." He's very straightforward in this portion of the conversation, which suits him well. It helps that as he speaks, his eyes are warm and gentle, his smile challenging you to find a flaw in his approach.
It makes him seem trustworthy and approachable, which is very dangerous. You can feel him layering in his magical influence as he speaks, helping you to feel safe, to feel light-hearted. As though this were a conversation about favorite music instead of the fate of your soul.
Once again, you feel yourself having to tear yourself to breaking eye contact. You unconsciously touch your face as you look away from him. ".. Sounds a bit too good to be true. I thank you for your offer, but you're just going to have to find someone else to sucker outta their soul.”
The smile once again spreads through Satan's lips. It's hard to contain his excitement. He knows he's got you. He's keeping a cool head though, and even when you steal glances at him, you aren't be able to tell how delighted he is to finally give chase.
"I hope it's not too presumptuous of me, but..." He begins, lacing every word with a glaze of honeyed allure. His magic is much harder to resist this time. You can feel as your senses are awash with the comforting influence. Your heart relaxes. Every word he says feels like a truth that you can and should trust. That he'd never hurt you. "You're passionate about medicine being an accessible study, you read with such fervency that I feel almost jealous of your book for getting so much of your attention.. I just can't help but wonder if it's all because you're searching for an answer yourself."
"..." Your silence and the way you stare at him speaks volumes.
"You've got the drive, I've got the tools, we can make that dream of yours a reality."
You give his offer serious consideration. Your job is to find the reason your character would say no to such a deal. "... You've got the tools, but your price is a bit too steep. I may spend the rest of my life working towards it, but I could also pave the way for others to expand medicine as we know it in the process." It takes a significant amount of energy for you to deny his sweetened offer.
He loves getting to play off of you. You're so different from the usual actors for these kinds of tests. This feels so real. So organic. He can't help but admire your dedication to the part. "If you're looking to pave the way for humans to grow in medicine, whatever you do with the information you learn through our deal is all your own. You can teach as many people as you like. Pass on ages and ages of medicine untapped by humans." Every word from his mouth feels like it's a brush stroke building a bigger scene in your mind. One of grandeur. Of greatness. Of answered questions. It feels like you're standing on the precipice of a legend in the making.
All you have to do is say yes."..." You begin to bubble with soft laughter. It diffuses the building tension of his magical influence building inside of you as you stand up. ".. Something tells me that if I don't go now, I'll find myself lost in those hopeful eyes of yours. ... You can consider me painted with intrigue, but I can't allow myself to make a judgement so rashly."
"Certainly. I'd never want you to regret this kind of deal." His warm smile melts your heart, making you really believe he's going to let you walk away. "How's this- Take however long you'd like to for thinking things over, and when you're ready to talk with me about it, you can use this." He places a page with his pact sigil on the table. "Draw this sigil in a circle of candles and speak my name out-loud. We'll pick this up where we've left things off."".. And what's that name of yours?"
"..." You feel a warmth in your chest. You've definitely fallen under his influence. It's intense. Unlike Asmodeus' charm, this is a type of magic that just makes you more suggestable. It can't control you, it's just capable of bringing your desires to the surface. Dangerous magic indeed. You knew he was talented in this class, you just didn't expect it to feel so... real. ".. Thank you then, Satan. I'll consider your offer."
You take your D.D.D out to take a picture of the sigil and turn to leave the 'stage' of the front of the room and your teacher begins applauding. You sheepishly return to the front of the class, the effects of Satan's speechcraft magic still tugging at your mind and heart.
"Ooh, top marks all around! Satan! You were perfect. You took it slow, you took it careful, you were deliberate. You took care to earn their trust before sharing how much they gave away about themselves. If that were a real moment on earth, there's a very good chance you'd have gotten that soul. You were smooth, you were warm, you knew exactly where to lace your influence so that it felt natural. ___? Did it feel as though he was just a very emphatic speaker?"
"Oh god yeah. That was intense. I had to expend a significant amount of energy to tear myself away from the scene, because it felt like infatuation bubbling to the surface, making me want to hear him out." You can't help but laugh. Satan's cheeks warm up as he hears your praise. He does think he's particularly good, but hearing that directly from you adds a certain layer of excitement from what would otherwise be normal marks for him in this test.
"And you, ___!" The teacher motions to you. "The way you chose to separate yourself when you realized you were outmatched by the strength of his magic, and that you couldn't fight it head-on, that was a brilliant display of your cleverness. In instances where your opponent is particularly strong or well-versed in Speechcraft, sometimes the only winning move is not to play. I'm also particularly proud that you didn't pick up the paper on the table. Any number of objects can be cursed to make you more susceptible or agreeable to demonic influence."
Satan raises his hand. "Is there anything I can improve on?"
"Yes yes- Improvements. Satan, I don't have anything to share in terms of ways you could improve your performance. You hit every note that you needed to, and then some. ___, you need to work on making little-to-no eye-contact. Though you may not be susceptible to charm spells at this time, there's no telling if that'll ever change in your future, and you should be particularly careful to cultivate healthy practices in magic resistance." You nod, taking in the feedback, and Satan smiles, watching how determined you are to get things right and improve.
The teacher motions that Satan can leave now, and you two give each other a warm hug before he goes.
After such an intense session, you end up needing to take a break, putting the midterms on hold for the other students assigned to work with you. It's no wonder, though, given that Satan's one of the seven avatars of sin. The fact that you could resist him nearly as well as you did was nothing short of amazing on your part.
Your teacher notes as much in her notes on your performance.
Chapter End
Chapter List:
- Chapter 1 (Setting The Scene) - Chapter 3 (Mammon’s Magnetism)
You can read the rest of this series, and other works, here!:
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devildom-moss · 7 months
Roses for You (1)
This had all started when you noticed a link between a book on the language of flowers you had borrowed from Satan’s room and the current lessons from your Seductive Speechcraft and Magical Potions classes.
In Seductive Speechcraft, you had just reached a section on the effectiveness of spells using non-verbal communication: enchanting glances, dance, and offerings. Meanwhile, in Magical Potions, the professor had been discussing the significance of using specific quantities when concocting potions; they had spent fifteen minutes just providing examples – including adding petals from two different flowers when using them for a love spell.
You couldn’t resist discussing the use of flower language – utilizing the type, color, and quantity of the flowers – to specify the magical intent of an offering as a form of seductive speechcraft. Asmo and Solomon listened intently. The same idea popped into both of their minds, and before you knew it, everyone was looking into color and number meanings, searching for the perfect combination to convey their feelings for you and try to put you under their spell. The only rule for their little competition to charm you? Only roses are allowed.
Will you be charmed by their attempts?
A Single Rose - Lucifer
Word Count: +500
You are (still) the only one / Love at the first sight
Lucifer took you out to dinner – smooth-talking, flirting, biting his lip, and giving you those bedroom eyes all night. You weren’t surprised when he invited you back to his room, either – especially with how he had been acting. He placed one hand on the small of your back as he led you through the door.
But once you were inside, his hand slowly slipped away, lingering as if he was reluctant to let go for even a second. However, Lucifer found that a dance without music was less romantic, and he stepped away to put the record on that he had set aside earlier that morning – specifically for this situation. To his recollection, the record he had chosen was the first one you had ever danced to together.
“Shall we?” Lucifer offered you his hand. The time between you accepting and Lucifer pulling you into his body was negligible. As you swayed with him, he felt that everything was going to plan. His eyes caught yours seductively, and he inched closer to your lips. “Close your eyes for me.”
You did as he asked and were rewarded with a gentle kiss that deepened as one of Lucifer’s hands came up to your cheek. When he pulled back, you were left wanting more – although, your want was nothing compared to his. Lucifer hid one hand behind him and took a step back before offering you his other hand. You raised a brow at him but placed your hand in his, nonetheless. As you did, Lucifer pulled a single burgundy rose from behind his back, bowing slightly as he did.
Accepting the rose, you admired its dark hue – a deeper shade of red than Lucifer’s eyes and almost as lovely. A deep red for a deep, passionate love.
“You really are such a gentleman, Luci.”
“But of course. Would you rather I be rough with you instead? That could be arranged if you want it.”
“Then who would be rough with you?” You smirked and guided Lucifer towards his bed until you were close enough to push him down on his back and crawl over him. Heat rose in Lucifer’s cheeks, painting them a delicate pink as he stared up at you. Tracing the soft petals of the single burgundy rose along Lucifer’s jawline, you cooed at him. “So, a single rose, Luci?”
“You’ve been studying, haven’t you? You understand my feelings, right?” He undercut his own cocky attitude with hesitant, unsure questions. It was precious: watching his façade crumble.
“I want you to say it.” You loosened Lucifer’s tie enough to start unbuttoning his shirt. Once you had plenty of access, you kissed down his neck.
A single burgundy rose. It wasn’t love at first sight with Lucifer; he wasn’t the type. No, it had another meaning. Lucifer let out a shaky breath. “You’re the only one – still the only one who makes me feel like this.”
His pulse throbbed under your lips. “I know.”
Dammit, Lucifer cursed himself. It seemed it was him who was under your spell, and now he was under you, too.
Mammon (2) | Leviathan (3) | Satan (4) | Asmodeus (5) | Beelzebub (6) | Belphegor (7) | Diavolo (8) | Barbatos (9) | Luke (10) | Simeon (11) | Solomon (12) | Thirteen (13) | Raphael (14) | Mephistopheles (15)
A/N: So this is what I have planned for October. It'll be a series of short fics like this for each character (mini series, I guess?) . I will hopefully get one out every two days. Next up will be Mammon. From Lucifer to Mephisto, the rose numbers will go from 1-15, with varying colors. I don't know, it just seemed like a cute plan, so I hope you all like it! I will probably keep the intro in each part in case someone stumbles upon a different part of the series first. Let me know your thoughts if you want to.
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devildomwriter · 1 year
Game Fun Facts 301-310
RAD special
• The RAD student council room has a protective barrier than only allows members or honorary members of the student council to enter
• Satan is the secretary of the RAD student council
• The known classes at RAD are Art, Curses & Hexes, Devildom Law, Home economics, Magical Potions, Mathematics, Devildom History, and Seductive Speechcraft
• RAD stands for Royal Academy of Diavolo
• Diavolo is the founder and principal of RAD
• Originally student council members were meant to oversee detention but this changed after several student council members, mostly Mammon, kept getting detention themselves
• On the day of the bloody moon RAD holds a festival where it’s voted who’s the most respected and worthy demon though lately it’s a popularity contest. The winners are almost always Diavolo or Lucifer
• The brothers damage the RAD school building often
• There are many after school clubs and activities. Beelzebub plays Fangol, Leviathan occasionally attends the anime fan club, and the brothers often make requests for ridiculous clubs like the napping club
• Asmodeus once used the request box at RAD for people to deliver his fan mail, it kept overflowing and fan mail has been banned
291-300 • 311-320
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messysketchyobeyme · 11 months
Acid Rain
Lucifer/Gender-Neutral Reader
Summary: As you stand under the awning, you realize just how weak humans could be.
Word Count: 833
Standing under the safety of the awning at RAD, you stared forlornly outside the entrance. It was raining, quite heavily in fact, and you had forgotten your umbrella. In any other case, this would hardly have been an issue. You would have easily darted through the rain and ran straight to the House of Lamentation sopping wet but home. 
The only real risk would have come from Lucifer, who would probably lecture endlessly about how you shouldn’t have forgotten your umbrella when he specifically told you to bring one this morning. 
You took a quick step back when a gust of wind blew the rain underneath the now-broken sanctity of the awning. A bright flash of light broke through the sky as you anxiously played with the tassel on the badge of your uniform. Unfortunately, you wouldn’t be heading home any time soon due to the forecast of acid rain all through the afternoon and evening.
Out of all the atrocities in Devildom from its deadly creatures to its man-eating cuisine, acid rain was absolutely the worst. 
Not only did it innocently look like normal rain at first glance (save for the slight, vinegar-like smell), it was corrosive enough to melt your vulnerable human skin. You frowned bitterly. You didn’t make it a habit to be jealous of the many physical advancements of demonkind but their non-melty skin sure was a trait that you wished you had. 
What made it worst was that none of your friends were at school at the moment. Although Mammon, Satan, and Belphegor all (separately) invited you to walk home with each of them, you rejected them all in favor of staying back to work on a group project with a couple of unnamed background demons. When the time came to wrap things up, all of your group members were able to go out freely in the acid rain, leaving you sorely behind underneath the cruddy awning.
“Hm? You’re still here?”
Your stomach did a summersault as a simultaneous sensation of relief and dread flooded through you.
“Lucifer." You nodded your head in acknowledgment. “I could ask the same thing myself.”
He stepped beside you, and you spared a quick glance in his direction. He was carrying a closed umbrella held against his shoulder. It was surprisingly casual for such a seemingly uptight demon. “Student council duties,” Lucifer explained, “How about you?”
“Group project.”
The corners of his mouth quirked up in an amused fashion. “For Seductive Speechcraft?” 
“Yep." You stared at the ground and kicked a lone rock, pointedly avoiding the growing acidic puddle near your feet.
Lucifer let out a small hum and nodded. You waited for the annoying lecture about how you wouldn’t have this problem if you had started the project earlier, completely ignoring how you had to spend a whole week convincing your group members not to eat you in time to work on the project. Against your expectations, such a lecture never came. (Good. You would have torn him a new one if he had even tried.) 
Instead, Lucifer posed another question, one that he already knew the answer to. “Did you forget your umbrella again?”
“That’s a shame. I would have enjoyed the opportunity to share my umbrella with you–” Lucifer tapped the tip of his umbrella against the ground for emphasis. “–if it weren’t for the acid rain. It is not safe for a human such as yourself to go out, even with an umbrella.”
You stuffed your hands into your pockets. “I know,” you said, taking a sudden interest in the crack in the cement. 
“Well, aren’t you coming inside?”
You lifted your head up in confusion. Lucifer was no longer standing next to you. He was at the entrance, holding one of the grandiose doors open with his hand.
“Don’t stand there slack-jawed. You heard me,” Lucifer scolded, but, oddly enough, he was chuckling, “Come inside. It’s dangerous to stay out here.”
You hesitated. On one hand, the idea of listening to Lucifer’s orders made you ill, but on the other hand, he was completely right. The slight hiss of the rain rang through your ears, reminding you just how embarrassingly vulnerable humans can be.
You turned back toward Lucifer. “Okay,” you said and walked inside. He side-stepped to let you through, closing the door behind himself. 
The hallways in RAD were eerily quiet. You had gotten used to the hustle and bustle of those demons rushing to get to their next class in time during school hours. Still, the walls provided much needed safety against the rain that thumped against the windows. You clasped your hands together.
"Hey, Lucifer?" you said when he closed the door behind you.
"Thank you."
Something in Lucifer's eyes lit up. The slight, happy flush in his cheeks was, admittedly, quite cute for someone who usually tried to portray himself as a sadistic demon. You glanced away, so his bright face wouldn't blind you.
Lucifer smiled. "You're very welcome."
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2d-reality · 3 months
Study Buddy
Tumblr media
characters: Satan, GN!MC content/warnings: Satan being a smarty-pants and helping you with Devildom Law. You also ponder about him... Fluff <3 word count: 2606 notes: Not only did I not edit this past halfway, the edibles kicked in towards the end. IF you can tell no you can't.
RAD was the single evilest thing Diavolo had ever done. High school, eternally. You weren’t a fan of high school (or high schoolers, for that matter) when you were in it, and the further you progressed past it, the more grateful you were that it was over. 
As if being chucked on your head into the Devildom wasn’t bad enough, on top of everything that had happened over the last year and a half, you were forced to endure the hell that was everything about traditional schooling. Getting up in the morning, making sure you hadn’t forgotten any assignments, navigating the cavernous, echoing halls of RAD, sitting through lectures on topics you still didn’t entirely grasp, making sure what the cafeteria served wouldn’t cause you a painful death, student council meetings, homework... the list went on. Even the student body behaved like high schoolers. Albeit they were magically adept, inhuman high schoolers who could float through the hallways or burn their desks to ashes, but they cliqued and gossiped just the same.
You were thankful, at least, that Lucifer had gone out of his way to ensure you were accompanied by one of his siblings at all times. Though your class roster changed every semester (Diavolo’s way of freshening up the classrooms, lest some of RAD’s less than amiable students get too unbearably annoyed with each other), you were seated beside one of your guardian demons in each lecture hall. 
You were particularly thankful for Satan being your seatmate in your Devildom Law course. The emerald-eyed fourth-born was smart as a whip, and the reputation surrounding his hair-trigger temper meant even those students around you who were not afraid of a lifetime detention sentence didn’t try anything untoward when the two of you were together. 
Home Ec, Art, and even Mathematics you could shoulder well enough, but the additional Devildom-centric courses had thrown you for a loop. Magical Potions was much like Chemistry, at times, and Seductive Speechcraft could arguably be studied just as easily by watching political debates or taking a mid level Psych class. Curses and Hexes had grown on you, the Anti-Lucifer league’s help notwithstanding, but Devildom Law had you absolutely, hopelessly lost. 
You weren’t keen on politics much back in the human realm, having never really grasped the contrived flannery of things that seemed really very simple-- betterment for the good of all, and what have you, but humans were just... prejudiced like that, you supposed. Demons were, pun not intended, a completely different breed. For one, they lacked any amount of urgency in their decision making. When one lives for thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years, one apparently doesn’t feel much need for speed and efficiency. It was a little difficult to have a research project ongoing for upwards of a hundred years when you hadn’t even been around for a blink of that time. Secondly was the caste system. Demons were sorted, it appeared, by very rigid standards-- their point of origin, be that parent or manifestation, age, their physical and magical power, and their scope of influence in both the Devildom and the human realm.
The longer you spent around the brothers, the more you realized just how powerful they were, and not just physically (that you were well aware of), but socially-- and politically. The student council ruled as pretty damn close to a governing body, even if it was dressed down with an innocuous name. Occasionally, you would be reminded that Levi was a Navy leader, that Lucifer was the very backbone of Devildom society, and Mammon made quick, intelligent financial decisions for RAD and the surrounding realm. 
And yet still, something that always negged at you, they were once angels. Stories would fall from them every now and again, quips at each other about their time in the Celestial Realm, and though they were no longer, there seemed to be some innate intricacies of demon behavior that they didn’t quite fully... get. Their divinity clung to them still, in little ways that weren’t always apparent.
Satan, on the other hand, had always been a demon. He had told you once, after a quiet, intimate night, that he sometimes felt out of place amongst his brothers. How he felt undeserving of his rank, how sure he was that the only reason he had been sorted in the middle and not on the tail end was because of just how much sheer power Lucifer bore even after his fall, and how the only reason Satan came to be was because the eldest brother had him violently ripped from his being. How he felt like an ugly, broken thing amongst the shining jewels of the heavens. 
But to you, Satan was a warm ray of sun in this realm of eternal darkness. In learning to quell the overwhelming anger inside himself, he learned how to douse it in others. He was, in your opinion, the most observant out of the seven of them, and the most receptive to your moods. Any time a comment was shot too loudly across the dinner table, or a designer purse was thrown at a target past your head, or someone sidled into your personal space on the couch in the common room, Satan’s eyes were on you, watching. Reading the tension in your shoulders, the change in your expression, the speed at which you switched between apps on your DDD or sighed. He would suggest you join him in clearing the dishes, or happen to remember there was a book he wanted to recommend to you, in his room, if you would, or remind one of his brothers they had things to be doing that didn’t involve buggering you. His presence proved to you that sometimes, things could be calm in this whirlwind.
Which is part of why you appreciated him being in this class with you. The other, sometimes seemingly larger part being the fact that his brain seemed to work twice as fast as yours. He could answer all of your questions without hardly a moment’s pause. You had joked with him once, that his head was a steel trap. 
“Provided something interests me,” he had replied, expression unreadable. You were pretty sure everything interested him.
Satan was the best tutor around for Devildom Law, aside from maybe Diavolo himself. Despite how carefully his acquaintances trod around him, Satan had hundreds of them, in every aspect of the realm you could think of. He was out of the house almost as much as Asmo, attending soirees, launch parties, company milestone celebrations, even somewhat regular dinner parties as a special guest. Satan had an air of familiarity about him to the residents of the Devildom, one that you thought you might recognize in your familiarity with Solomon. Where the other brothers had helped shape humanity, and were now demons, they weren’t human, and had known more than their sins, whereas you and Satan had never known anything more than what you were. You had a kinship with the other human exchange student in a way only two humans could, and Satan had it with other natural-born demons.
He knew designers, nobles in the upper echelons, executive chefs, newspaper editors, bus drivers, and every stray cat in a twenty-mile radius. Some of which you weren’t convinced were just cats. Demons came in all shapes and sizes, after all. 
Your plight for a Devildom Law tutor was helped by the fact that you had managed to endear yourself to the fourth born. Sometimes you could compare his investment into your tutoring sessions to that of a wildlife ecologist teaching an animal to perform simple tricks, but you were willing to take the help wherever you could get it. You had always been an adaptive person, and you would prove everyone in this infernal place that you-- frail, mortal little you-- could. You could handle anything they threw at you. 
Or, you thought as you stared into the print of your Law textbook, that’s what you wanted, at least. The words had long since gone blurry, and your pen had fallen from your hand as you had been lost in thought. Papers were scattered across your desk, some of the edges crinkled under open books, and smudged with highlighter. The screensaver on your laptop had switched on, and you swiped your fingers across the mousepad to wake it. 
The sudden, harsh light made you draw back, and both a shoulder joint and the middle of your back popped. Even with the tableside lamp on, you were getting drowsy. Your class was performing mock trials this semester, and had been split into pairs, with each pair taking on the role of defense or plaintiff for their own trial. Yours and Satan’s turn was later this week, and you felt like you were no closer to gathering your arguments than you were when the whole ordeal was assigned. Of course you weren’t given the exciting embezzlement or human sacrifice (!) cases-- you were stuck with a property dispute between two mid-level demons in the fourth circle. An avarice demon wished to add the property to his swollen scope of dominion, and a prodigality spirit with alleged ties to Dante himself wanted it for its quick-selling real estate tag. 
You were supposed to argue on the behalf of the prodigal Ar’gig. You felt like an unmoored buoy drowning in the reading material you had been given-- most of which you somehow had to translate from its native Infernal, which was another mountain to summit in itself-- and the longer you stared at the sea of papers before you, the more they swam in your vision and truly resembled crashing waves.
You sat back in your desk chair, stretching your creaking body. More joints protest, and your head spins for a moment with the rush of blood. Blinking to clear the spots, you cross your arms over your textbook and rest your head on your forearms. The sigh you heave smells like old paper and ink, and faintly of hopelessness.
Maybe just a few moments... if you closed your eyes, you could visualize better...
The book under your head being shifted woke you. You blinked, having not even realized you fell asleep. A flash of chartreuse caught your eye, and you turned your head to see Satan in a chair beside you. He regarded you fondly for a moment, and you realized Satan’s presence wasn’t all that was different. Your papers had been arranged, rescued from under your laptop and textbooks. The computer was sitting to Satan’s left, open programs layered neatly. In his hand was a pen, and the paper sitting in front of him was mostly his clean handwriting. Peering closer, you realized he had written in his own notes below the few scant lines you had started. The page was now nearly full. 
“I thought you said you’d never do my homework for me,” you teased. Satan lifted one shoulder in indifference. 
“Good morning to you, too. This is a group project. Besides, Lucifer said if you don’t do well on this midterm, you’ll not be allowed out of the House until you make up the grade, and I promised Nysrogh that you would be attending his next dinner party. I can’t have you making me look like a liar.”
His tone was clipped, bordering on apathetic, but you saw right through it. It was nothing for Satan to make up an excused absence, and he had always been staunch in his refusal to do any of the actual legwork for you-- something about experience being the best teacher. You didn’t press the matter.. 
“Clearly you understand this better than I do,” you settled on stating the obvious to steer the conversation in a productive direction. With Satan’s help, you felt like you could actually tread the waves. “Anything I should know? Aside from... all of it?”
Satan pinched his lips in the way he did when he was thinking. “This translation is wrong.” He pointed to a bit of text in the middle of your paltry paragraph of notes. “The original meaning has less to do with Melchom’s prior holdings and more to do with his reputation. It changes the argument slightly.” 
You scrubbed at your face, resting your palms over your eyes. “Infernal is so... infernal.” 
Satan chuckled, reaching out to smooth his cool touch over your hair. “Maybe we could squeeze some lessons in on weekends. I may know a simple speech incantation that could also help.” 
“Only if it’s over coffee,” you bargained, peering through your fingers. You were pleased to see a slight flush come to life on Satan’s nose, and he turned away from you to type something on your computer.
“Awesome,” you had meant to say, but instead, out of your mouth tumbled “I love you.” 
Satan’s fingers froze over your laptop. It took him a moment to respond, “I’m not -ahem- not helping you to bargain for your affection--” 
“I know.” You doubled down on the sudden confession, delighting in how flustered it made him, despite it being far from the first time you’d said it. “As if you have to bargain for it in the first place.” 
Satan cleared his throat again and shifted in his seat, but didn’t say anything further. You chewed on how best to express your next thoughts before speaking. 
“I appreciate the effort, nonetheless.” You rested your chin on the heels of your palms and tested the waters a little more. “I don’t think anyone else could help me understand this stuff... aside from Lucifer.”
You caught the flash of Satan’s eyes and bit down on a grin as he ground out, “As if that selfish, patronizing bastard would ever lower himself to tutoring. Nevermind that tutoring actually being of any help.” 
“All of you do more for me than anyone thought you had the capacity for.” You saw Satan’s jaw tick. “But you’re probably right. At any rate, he doesn’t have time to help expand my tiny human comprehension.”
“Your comprehension is perfectly adequate. I love your mind, anyways,” Satan grumbled just over his breath, almost as though he hadn’t meant to say it out loud. He slid your laptop across the desk to you, and placed the page of your combined notes atop the keyboard, as well, speaking with purpose this time. “Let’s test that comprehension. Hopefully I’ve laid this out in a way that’s easier for you to understand. The better you grasp the basics, the better you’ll actually be able to make headway on this project. I won’t have you dragging my grades down with you if we fail this, in addition to making me look like a liar.” 
“Hey,” you whined, crossing your arms over your chest. “What happened to being my hype man?” 
“When, MC, have I ever resembled anything close to a, quote, hype man? Or have you mistaken me for one of my brothers all of the sudden?” 
You chose not to respond to that, save for half-heartedly glowering at your demonic study buddy. “Never figured you would kill a romantic moment like that.” 
The flush returned, but Satan had already begun shifting to teacher mode. “Nysrogh’s dinner party will be plenty romantic. When you pass this. And you ruined it first when you mentioned Lucifer. Now, read, and tell me where we need to start.” 
You huffed, and let your arms fall dramatically to the desk. “Fine. boss. Meter’s running.”  
Satan offered one last charm, accompanied by a fond smile, before you began. “We’ll get you where you need to go.”
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