#and he had No Idea what dyscalculia was
lesbianranpoe · 1 month
dyscalculic atsushi save me......... save me dyscalculic atsushi..........
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ataliagold · 1 month
But My Heart Is Just A Little Boy
Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
Rating: Teen (swearing)
W/C: 2012
Tags: Established Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, hurt/comfort, Steve Harrington has dyscalculia, Steve Harrington has self esteem issues, Steve Harrington needs a hug, fluff, light angst, DnD, Mike and Dustin are a little mean here
Notes: Just slowly posting some of my AO3 stuff here as well :) Title from Rattlesnake by Jack Van Cleaf.
Steve joining in on Eddie’s campaign was supposed to be a nice surprise for his boyfriend.
And it was; Eddie’s face had lit up with joy when Steve had walked in and sat down with the kids around the table. Steve had taken the dice Dustin had loaned him and lined them up in front of him, from the D4 (the funny triangle one) up to the D20 (the one with heaps of sides, Steve reminded himself.)
If he kept them in that order it would help him pick the right dice quickly, he’d decided.
Because he wanted this to go to perfectly.
Eddie had been asking him to join in on a game for months, but Steve had so far refused, only coming along sometimes to watch quietly. There were parts of it that piqued his interest – namely the combat and the creatures Eddie planted into the game, because some of them were so damn cool even if Steve wouldn’t readily admit it out loud. A small part of him, a much younger part that had loved fairy tales and stories about knights and dragons and sword fights before his father had confiscated those books, deeming them too childish, watched with a quiet giddiness as the kids battled all manner of beasts.
But much of the game was so complicated - there were so many numbers, and Steve had no idea how Eddie and the kids managed to keep track of everything, how they added dice values together so damn quickly and kept track of a seemingly endless list of stats and bonuses and modifiers, whatever the hell they were.
Eddie knew about his difficulty with numbers. He’d seen the way Steve had to count with his fingers, how it took him far too fucking long to do a simple equation, how he stood in Melvald’s staring at the price of something just trying to make the numbers make sense so they wouldn’t blow their grocery budget.
And Eddie was patient, always. But D&D was Eddie’s realm, his place to shine, and Steve was so worried about holding him back and ruining the game every time he had to pause to add two fucking dice together.
Finally, he’d caved. Secretly, with Dustin’s help, he’d put a character sheet together. He’d made a paladin because Dustin had told him it suited him. Steve made him strong and lawful good, just like the knights he used to read about as a little boy. Dustin had rolled his eyes a little at that but Steve had been quite proud of what he’d put together.
Plus, Dustin had promised to help him with the math.
But here Steve was, well over an hour into the campaign, and he was struggling.
Cheeks burning, he turned to Dustin yet again.
“Wait, which one am I rolling?” he whispered.
Dustin rolled his eyes. The kid had been patient at first, but it was beginning to wear thin.
Steve was beginning to wear thin.
“The D10, Steve,” Dustin hissed.
“Right,” Steve nodded, grabbing for one of the dice.
“That’s the D8, Steve,” Mike said wearily.
Steve’s cheeks flushed even hotter, and he grabbed the other dice, rolling it quickly.
“Ahhh...seven,” Steve announced.
“You slash at the goblin, your blade cutting deep into its chest, the creature gurgling and reeling backwards…” Eddie leant over the table, giving a dramatic recount of events.
Steve smiled, unable to help it. His boyfriend was having such a good time, and even if Steve wasn’t enjoying himself so much, well, that was ok. He could do this, for Eddie.
“…but it scrabbles back to its feet, weak but alive,” Eddie finishes.
Mike groaned and slapped the table.
“It has to be almost dead,” Lucas announced.
“Yeah, but there’s still four others,” Mike pointed out.
“This one must be on two hit points or less,” Will surmised.
How did he know that? Steve frowned, let the kids talk amongst themselves. His gaze wandered over to Eddie, watching him lean back in his chair, eyes shining. He shot a wink at Steve when he caught him looking, then frowned a little, obviously noticing Steve wasn’t looking all that comfortable.
You ok? He mouthed at him.
Steve nodded quickly.
But he felt small.
Grow the fuck up, you’re fine.
“…Steve!” Mike groaned.
Steve’s attention snapped back to the kids. “What?”
“Stop staring at Eddie and tell us how many hit points you’ve got left.”
“Um…” Steve glanced down at the piece of paper in front of him. He’d scribbled some numbers down like Dustin had told him to every time his character had taken damage, but there were a lot of numbers there and he wasn’t sure they all actually related to his hit points…
“Give it here,” Dustin snatched the paper from him impatiently, peering down at it.
Steve waited while Dustin assessed his work, the feeling vaguely reminiscent of being back in school, his teachers reading over his work with a disappointed shake of their heads.
“This can’t be right, Steve,” Dustin sighed. “It says you’re on twelve hit points…is that a twelve? Your writing’s messy.”
Steve nodded. “Yours isn’t much better, pea-brain,” he mumbled, just to shoot something back at the kid.
Dustin narrowed his eyes at him. “You must have less than that because of the damage you took in the last round. You’re probably down to…eight at the most, by now.”
“Just make it eight, then,” Steve grumbled.
“Eight it is, big boy,” Eddie agreed.
“It doesn’t work like that, though,” Mike huffed. “You actually have to keep track of this stuff Steve, there’s no point playing if you just make the numbers up.”
“It doesn’t matter, really,” Will tried to intervene quietly. “It can just be eight.”
Dustin picked up his pencil, drawing some columns on Steve’s paper. “Ok, so just use this one column to keep track of damage, don’t write all over the page. There’s your total hit points at the top, and every time you take damage, write it down under there, ok? And then just take it off the total. Simple.”
Like it was that fucking easy. Maybe for them, it was. They didn’t get every number mixed up in their brain, they didn’t stare at a single digit trying to put some numeric value behind it and coming up with zilch.
Dustin was trying to help, Steve knew. But his tone of voice was so fucking condescending that it had Steve squirming in his seat, wishing he was anywhere else.
He felt Eddie’s eyes on him.
“Come sit by me, Stevie, I’ll help you keep track.” Eddie said gently.
“You’ll just go easy on him, and that’s not fair!” Mike whined.
“Can it, Wheeler,” Eddie snapped at him.
“Just because he can’t do basic math.”
“Right, you get to roll with disadvantage now, just for that,” Eddie told him smugly.
Mike was retorting with something, but Steve didn’t hear it.
His pulse was thumping in his ears, his cheeks on fire. The years were stripped from him, the sensitive child he’d tucked away inside a long time ago forced to the surface.
“Look, just carry on without me,” Steve muttered, and stood up quick enough that his chair scraped on the floor.
“Steve -” Dustin started, but Steve was finished, striding towards the stairs and blinking back tears.
He wasn’t going to cry in front of the kids, not over a fucking game, not over something his boyfriend loved so much.
But they were coming faster than he could blink them back as he headed out of Mike’s stuffy basement and out to the driveway, the cold night air caressing his flushed face.
This was supposed to have been a treat for Eddie. It was supposed to be fun, and Steve had ruined the night by being fucking stupid.
A tear tracked down his cheek , Steve losing the battle against them. He’d just drive home, he decided. Steve had come straight from work that day, so Eddie had come separately in his van, he wouldn’t be inconvenienced.
And then they could finish their game in peace, without having to treat Steve like a five-year-old.
He was getting in the driver’s seat when Eddie ran to him, both hands reaching for him.
“Stevie…” Eddie murmured softly.
“I’m sorry,” Steve mumbled, dragging his sleeve across his face, smudging the tears there.
“Why? The kids were being assholes, I’ve already yelled at them.”
Steve shook his head. “I was just slowing everyone down, they were getting frustrated, I get it.”
“No, sweetheart, they were being rude,” Eddie corrected him. “Especially Wheeler.” Eddie brushed his thumbs across Steve’s cheeks, crouching down beside the open driver’s door. “I’ve told them to pull their heads in. Do you…do you want to come back inside?”
“Eds…” Steve leant into his hands a little. “I’m no good at it. I really wanted to try, for you, and I’m so sorry I ruined it, but there’s too many numbers and I can’t keep track of everything and it takes me so fucking long and it’s embarrassing because I can’t even keep up with a bunch of kids, and I just feel like I’m back at school again.”
Eddie cupped his cheeks again, tilting Steve’s head to look at him. “Hey. You haven’t ruined anything, they did. I’m so happy you came along tonight, because I know you did it for me. But look, D&D doesn’t have to be your thing -”
“But -”
“It doesn’t,” Eddie cut in. “Just like…your balls in laundry basket games aren’t mine. But I like hanging around while you and Wayne watch them, and I love how excited you get about it, and how you sit there with that fucking pretty smile…”
Steve huffed out a small laugh, and Eddie grabbed his wrist to press a kiss to the inside of it.
“But I don’t know what’s going on most of the time,” Eddie continued. “It makes you happy, and that’s enough for me. So, I don’t want you to feel like you have to play D&D just for me if it’s not something you enjoy. It’s more than enough that you listen to my ideas, that you help me write -”
“I don’t really,” Steve said quietly.
“You do! Or have you forgotten who came up with that fucking amazing twist with the elven prince?”
“I got it from a movie,” Steve argued.
“So? I didn’t think of it, and it had the little shrimps completely stumped.”
Steve managed a small smile. “I do like some of the stories,” he admitted quietly. “But I think…I just wanna go home, ok? You can carry on.”
Eddie shook his head. “I’m gonna get them to pack up in there. I’ll drop them home, then follow you back, ok?”
“Steve?” came Dustin’s voice from behind Eddie, small and hesitant.
Steve quickly straightened up in his seat, wiping a hand across his face.
“Yeah, buddy?” he replied, his voice a little hoarse.
“I’m…I’m sorry. That we weren’t more patient. It’s ok if you struggle with numbers, and we should’ve helped more.”
“It’s ok, Dusty,” Steve told him.
Eddie frowned, reached down to squeeze Steve’s hand, then turned to Dustin. “It isn’t ok,” he argued. “But it was nice of you to apologize.”
Dustin nodded. “If you want to try again sometime, I promise I’ll help more. I…I really liked having you play.”
“Thanks,” Steve managed.
“Tell Wheeler to start crafting his apology too,” Eddie said firmly, still cradling Steve’s hand in his own. “Otherwise he’s rolling with disadvantage for the whole next session.”
Dustin’s eyes widened a little before he nodded.
After packing up, the kids waited sheepishly by Eddie’s van. Eddie stayed crouched next to Steve a moment longer.
“Go home, get comfy on the couch, and pick out any movie you want to watch, ok?” Eddie murmured to him. “When I get home I’m gonna order us some pizza, and I’m gonna cuddle the shit out of you, understand?”
Steve laughed softly. “Sounds perfect.”
“Good. I’ll see you soon, sweetheart.”
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heartsfourdazai · 5 months
Hi, can you do Dazai, Chuuya, Kunikida and Sigma with a reader who has bad dyscalculia? Thanks and I like your writing
"it's okay, i'll help you learn."
warnings: lowercase writing, mostly fluff
guys, i figured out how to do the gradient textttt!! and i love it so much!!! request are open, feel free to request more!!!
@justcallmesakira @atlasnessie @riiwrites @silverbladexyz
dazai, chuuya, kunikida, and sigma with a dyscalculia gn reader
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"can you solve this?" he asked, pointing the tip of the pencil at the multiplication question. the two of you were seated at a small table with a light shining below you. "uh.." you stared at the question, attempting to figure it out in your head. "it's okay to use your fingers." he reassured you, in hopes of calming you down.
"is it...23?"
he gave you a sad smile, rubbing your back as he spoke; "you're close, but just a little far...you forgot to-"
you whined, slamming your head onto the table into your arms as you sob softly. "oh, nonono; baby.." dazai cooed, tugging you close to give you a side hug, hushing you quietly as you continued to sob.
"whuhy is this so hahard!"
he rocks your body back and forth in his arms; "i know it's hard, but we're learning it so it won't be hard!"
"but-but i've behen getting all the questions wrong!! i fehel so stupihid!"
his heart shattered; "nono, 'donna, your not stupid..it's okay to not understand right away; that's why we learn!!" he kisses your temple in hopes of shushing you.
"ahah!' he placed a finger in your lip, "you are so much more smarter then you know, you just have trouble understanding it then other people, and that's okay! look; we'll take a small break for now, m'kay?"
he closes the math textbook and shuffles you closer to him and kiss you on the lips; "i love you so much, don't be so stressed about this! besides, i hate math too, such a silly thing to learn. say, when are you ever going to need to know 16x34 in a hostile situation, hm?"
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"how does THAT make any sense!!" you yelled out of frustration as you swung your arms in the air and crossed them, looking away from the stupid math sheet you've been assigned as homework.
"i'm trying to show you, so you can understand WHY it doesn't make sense.."
maybe asking your boyfriend, who used to be a damn math teacher himself in the past, for help wasn't such the smartest idea.
"now, if we take the 2 and multiply it with the-"
"wait; i thought we were subbing?"
he rubbed the bridge of his nose and side loudly, to which you decided it was best to shut your mouth.
you've been stuck on the same question for the past 10 minutes, and nothing still made sense to you.
"there, did that make any sense at all?" he asked, looking back at you.
you...shrugged, not fully understanding what he had said.
he sighed, again, "y/n; i know you're a smart person you just need to try harder.."
"oh, so you think I'm stupid?"
he blinked, udderly confused..."what, no, of course not- why-"
he stopped talking as soon as he heard you sniffle...
"ih'm sorry...ihi'm just tired of this.."
he understands and just simply closes the book and took your hands into his and smiles; "then we take a break, do you want to order take out? i'm sure we can take a mini break before getting back to work, besides.." he kisses you on the lips, "maybe the break will be just what you needed."
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"when the fuck did they add letters into math??" he would whisper to himself the second he read your paper. you had asked him for some help, but he always seemed to find a way to not.
it's not that he doesn't want to, it's just he was never the best at math.
"uh, okay, first let's...break down...the formula. it says we need to to find the x, pfft, just take a look at shifty dazai's tinder profile, uh, okay seems pretty simple."
you sat silently in your chair as you listened to chuuya read the question out loud; "do you know the formula of a triangle? pretty sure that's what they want?"
you looked at him, biting your nails gently as you shook your head no.
"oh. okay, well that's alright, let's just search it up online!"
and so he did.
"oh shit, i almost forgot about dinner!" he suddenly panics and drops his phone in your hands..."here, you keep at it and I'll be right back!"
he kissed your temple and ran out of your room...leaving you in a shocked and confused state.
about 25 minutes later, chuuya returns from the kitchen. "okay, i'm back. have you-"
he stopped dead in his tracks to see you on the floor of your bedroom, sobbing into your knees as your math papers surrounded you.
"oh, sweetheart.." he crouched down to your body as you sniffled out cries:
"ihi give uhup! ihit's too stuhupid! I'M stuhupid!"
he shakes his head, rubbing your back as he engulfed you in a hug. "you're not stupid, hell far from it! i know this can e tough to learn, i had trouble understanding math as well. but look at me now, i'm still here and doing what i do best without having any idea how to do long division at the top of my head.."
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"ugh, i give up!" you threw the papers to the side of your desk as you closed your textbook shut; your hands grabbing your hair as you glared aimlessly at the wood of your desk.
your boyfriend, sigma, over heard your sudden outburst and closed his book, his eyes focused on you. "sugarplum, are you alright?" he would ask and you sighed, rubbing your eyes as you nod; "yeah. yeah. i'm peachy!" you stood from your seat and made your way to your shared bathroom.
sigma stayed quiet, not wanting to upset you more then you already seem to be. which he still wants to know the reason for.
minutes later, you returned from the restroom.
your eyes were puffy and red as you sat on the bed, close to sigma.
he looks up from his line of view to look at you. you didn't look at him as you fell toward the sheets of the bed, and let out a loud sigh.
"stressful day?"
he asked you and you hummed in response, slowly leaning in closer to you.
he saw your movements and held you closer to him, pulling you into your laps.
"i wish math could solve it's own problems..."
he laughed softly and kissed your head.
"how about, you take a break? you seem really stressed out, and i don't like to see you like this.."
you smiled up at him and nod, "i'd like that..."
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Adoration Equation (Loki x Autistic!Reader w/ Dyscalculia)
Anon’s request: “Could you possibly do 'Loki with a S/O who has dyscalculia?' (And also autism, if you're comfortable with including more than one?) Perhaps they're on a mission and split up from the others, only for the reader to find themselves in a situation where math is involved (Idk, maybe a keypad equation to open something?), and Loki had no idea about their dyscalculia until right then?”
Summary: You and Loki started dating recently, but as seeing you struggle with a seemingly simple part of a mission will show him, there are still some things about you that he doesn’t know.
A/N: I don't have dyscalculia myself (I did research it, but that's not the same as experiencing it), so please let me know if any of my descriptions of it aren’t accurate, so I can revise them. Apart from that, enjoy!
The reader here is gender-neutral.
Content warnings: Slight insecurity from the reader.
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The hallways of the facility you were infiltrating were silent, save for the distant sounds of gunfire and crashing as your teammates fought through anyone who attacked them, to allow you and Loki the chance to get to the main office. The USB stick that would be used to hack into one of the computers and download classified information about the organisation’s plans, along with the ID card you swiped from a higher-up earlier, felt heavy in your pocket, as you stayed alert to avoid anything that could compromise your mission.
You and Loki found that you worked together quite well in the field. Your respective skills matched up nicely, he made sure to communicate clearly with you, and you were often on the same wavelength. It was no wonder that the two of you would be grouped together for this mission – nor, perhaps, that you had become a couple about a month previously.
Just as you were about to turn down the next corridor, Loki stopped you, gently guiding you behind him as he checked around the corner for any guards. His eyebrows creased after a moment, as he slowly walked further down the hall, tentatively giving you the gesture you had both agreed on to follow him.
Surprisingly, despite the door to your destination being in sight, there were no soldiers near it.
“The coast looks clear.” You murmured, just audible enough for your partner to hear you.
“But why…?” He inquired, seemingly listening out for anyone trying to sneak up on you both. “Why would they not guard somewhere so important?”
You looked around for any hidden cameras, and sure enough, you saw a few – one at each end of the hall, and another that seemed to be embedded in the office door. You lightly tapped Loki’s arm, and silently pointed them out to him.
“They might be planning an ambush.” You whispered.
Loki nodded in response, before summoning a small pellet of green magic, and throwing it at one of the cameras at the end of the hall. Before you could process it, he turned, shooting another at the camera in the door and, finally, at the side of the corridor you had arrived from.
A thick silence fell over you both, knowing that someone was bound to come for you now that the cameras had been destroyed. Sure enough, you both heard footsteps, soon followed by a small group of soldiers rounding the corner in front of you, weapons ready to attack.
Being the seasoned warrior he is, Loki immediately had a plan.
“I’ll take care of them,” he murmured to you, “you open the door.”
“Right.” You agreed, turning back to the direction you were heading in, while Loki dove into battle behind you.
Approaching the door, you took out the stolen card, and looked around for a machine on the wall with a slot to slide it through. Your eyes stopped when you saw what appeared to be exactly that, except it had something extra alongside the card slot.
It was a keypad. You hoped that, perhaps, there would be a code on the card that you could enter without too much trouble – but when you used the card as required, the screen on the device lit up with an equation, an extra security protocol that had to be solved to enter the room.
‘Shit…’ You thought, a sense of dread starting to rise within you, as your mind blocked out the sounds of the fight happening nearby. You realised that this was going to be much harder for you than you had expected, if not outright impossible.
Regardless, you read the calculation, hoping it would be simple enough that you could at least make an attempt at it, perhaps by counting on your fingers. You just hoped that you could get it done before Loki finished fighting…
"8 x 2 x 5 + 750 =”
…and, not knowing where to even start in comprehending this, your mind immediately drew a blank.
‘Shit!’ You thought again, your panic increasing with the knowledge that you were absolutely not going to be able to do this part of the mission.
You weren’t sure of what to do now, the pressure from not being able to act on the job making you feel on edge. Should you help Loki finish his fight? Would he be mad at you for not opening the door? Would he think less of you for not being able to? Why did nobody check to see that this was how it needed to be opened-?!
Your train of thought was interrupted when a hand reached in front of you, catching you off-guard and almost causing you to attack on instinct, until you realised that it was Loki, having already finished his fight. You chanced a brief glance at his face – he wasn’t looking at you, focused on reading the equation, but his brows were downturned, like he was either confused or annoyed by your lack of action. You deeply hoped it wasn’t the latter.
Loki entered the answer into the keypad almost immediately, and the door slid open, revealing the dimly-lit office. The one window in the back wall seemed to pour daylight over the desk with the computer you needed to use, immediately drawing your attention to it like a spotlight on a stage.
Your partner stepped aside, silently gesturing for you to enter the room first, so you could use the USB and finish the job. Avoiding his gaze, you practically speed walked into the room, still feeling self-conscious about what had just happened – you hoped the download wouldn’t take long enough for the subject to be brought up sooner, rather than later.
You pressed the button on the monitor that lit up the screen, and plugged the USB into the tower next to it, the device releasing a virus that automatically broke into the computer’s security details, and collected the necessary information for you.
“We’re in.” you told Loki, as he approached the desk. The adrenaline from the mission up to that point caught up to you, and you cautiously decided to slouch in the chair until the download was complete. “Tony said it should take about five minutes, if no one interrupts us.”
Loki nodded, giving a small hum of acknowledgement. You still didn’t have the courage to look at him yet, but were at least grateful that he wasn’t admonishing you. You were dealing with enough mixed feelings about the situation as is, particularly with regards to whether you should have told him about your dyscalculia before all of this. Especially since you were now in a relationship with him, you were starting to feel guilty about not bringing it up.
“Do you have trouble with maths, by any chance?” Loki’s voice broke through the silence. His tone of voice was neutral, giving little indication as to what he was feeling.
Your leg started to bounce as you stared at the screen, internally cursing the fact that this conversation was, indeed, happening already. You still couldn’t tell whether he was mad at you – you never were the best at telling how people were feeling, especially when they were this subtle – and that fact, combined with the previous issue with the keypad, made you start to feel slightly frustrated. You felt like you couldn’t figure anything out today.
“Yeah, I…” You spoke under your breath, leaning forward to further avoid Loki’s gaze. You rested your forearms on your legs, one of which still jiggled as a nervous stim. Given that there was no other explanation, and you could never successfully lie to your partner about this, you supposed you might as well tell the truth. “…my autism isn’t the only, uh… neurodivergence I have. I also have a learning disability called dyscalculia. It basically makes it a lot more difficult for me to understand maths and numbers than it would be for most people. It doesn't matter if it's equations, telling the time, reading maps... I’ve just never been able to really comprehend it.”
Loki stepped forward, and placed a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly. His voice was quiet as he spoke. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
You knew that he most likely felt guilty for unknowingly making you do something you weren’t able to, but the gentle tone in his voice made your stomach churn. You couldn’t help worrying that he was looking down on you, whether he meant to or not.
“I didn’t want you to think less of me for it.” You admitted. “I mean, look at how quickly you solved that keypad. It barely took you any effort! You’re one of the smartest people I know, and…” You finally looked up at your partner, seeing how his face softened at the implication, and you moved your hand to cover his, giving the same reassurance he offered you. “…I don’t necessarily think that I’m stupid for it, but I’m not always sure that other people will feel the same, especially since I joined a team full of people who can do maths so easily. I didn’t want you to think that I’m stupid, just because my brain works like this.”
You glanced back at the computer screen, seeing that the USB was close to finishing its download. You sat up against the chair, and let Loki’s hand move to hold yours.
“Darling,” he squeezed your hand, grounding you, “your dyscalculia doesn’t change how I feel about you. It would be preposterous for anyone to judge your intelligence based on a learning disability – you don’t need to be able to do everything to be worthy of respect.”
Loki looked at the computer screen, and with his gaze away from you, you took a moment to watch the way the monitor’s light emphasised the blue in his eyes. You wondered if he ever noticed that when there was no risk of eye contact, you couldn’t help admiring them, no matter how briefly.
“I love every part of you,” he continued, and your breath caught in your chest at what was his first explicit confession of love towards you, “and this is no exception. I simply wish I had known not to put you in that situation before. I’m sorry for causing you stress by doing so.”
“It’s okay.” You grinned up at him, your body relaxing at the knowledge that there was nothing to worry about. “We’ll know to have me be the one to kick their asses next time.”
Loki chuckled under his breath, looking back at you with that sweet, lovestruck smile, reserved only for you.
In front of you, the download window on the computer screen disappeared, signifying that it was complete. You stood up from the desk chair, pushing it backwards on its wheels while you disconnected the USB and stuffed it back into your pocket, and zipped it to ensure it wouldn't get lost.
You then turned to Loki, and gave him a quick yet heartful kiss on the lips. When you pulled away, he gave you that cheeky smirk that you adored so much.
“I love you, too.” You confessed sincerely, before you both made your way to the office doors, ready to face any threats that may wait on the other side together. “Now let’s finish this.”
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xbonecandyx · 5 months
Hi— I loved courtin cowboys so much!!! I’m a huge fan of Dijon, and I was wondering if you had any plans of having him in future projects? Also— if you had any ideas for what he would be like in a modern setting, like lover’s trophy? Thank you so much for your hard work!!!
Dijon is one of my favorite characters I've ever made, so I think if I get the chance I'll definitely use him in future projects! I already have ideas of what I'd do with him in a modern universe- and while I think lack of education was a big problem for him in the wild west, I also think he'll likely have learning disabilities even in modern day. Dyslexia and Dyscalculia king,,,,
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all-for-geek · 5 months
The Story Max Jagerman Never Got to Tell (Silly Goofy things I think about if Max didn't die and had gotten a redemption arc)
So I like to think that he is very slow going at the whole being nice to people thing. Like outside of the main 5 he is still very much the Literal Monster, and even within the main friend group still verbally bullies them he just isn't physically hurting them anymore. As he learns and grows with them, he gets better. First learning to treat his friends on the football team better, and eventually tolerating the other nerds. He still slips up occasionally and says things in the moment that he regrets later, but he's learning to apologize when that happens.
I think once he finds out that the prank was Grace's idea, he is convinced that it was Grace secretly letting him know that she liked him back. He proceeds to start full on courting her: he walks to all her classes, he buys her flowers on special occasions, she even has special privileges to go to the football games (still early on in character development). One day when she goes, he introduces himself to her parents, and the Chastitys make it clear that no one outside of the church can date their daughter. So Max converts. Or at least tries to. He can never grasp his head around all the rules, and by the end of the week, he has decided that it's better if he and Grace are just friends.
At first, he mostly uses Pete as a free tutoring service. He's upset that Pete won't just let him cheat off of him like he did with Steph, but it doesn't even take Max that long to figure out why Steph is different. He makes Pete a deal that he will let him date Steph if Pete cheats for him. Pete talks him down to tutoring with the promise that if it doesn't work, then he will help Max cheat. It turns out that Pete is actually a really good teacher. Max also has certain learning disabilities (I'm gonna go with dyscalculia since we know he's in remedial algebra) that never went addressed since his dad refused to get him tested. Pete is able to show Max techniques that help, and once Max's head no longer hurts from looking at numbers too long, he begrudgingly admits that it's not so bad. Pete also notices that the halls are little quieter before and after Max's math class now.
He never really hung out with Steph that much before. They knew each other and flew in the same circles, but they never really talked before. Max definitely learns how not-okay his dad is by seeing how Steph's dad treats her. As they get closer, he starts getting madder and madder about how the Mayor talks about her. It takes a long time for him to reflect on what he's saying and realizes that his advice works on him too. Him and Steph start bonding over their horrible dads and help each other out when home gets to be a lot.
Ruth is the one that it is the hardest for him to vibe with. While the others he either finds something kinda cool about or can use, Ruth is...Ruth. He doesn't actively bully her anymore, but he doesn't go out of his way to be around her either. He does inadvertently teach her how to be cool though. It's not intentional, but he is less willing to put up with Ruth's whining about how unlovable she is than the others. One day, he starts yelling back to her that maybe if she wasn't constantly complaining about never having anyone around her, then maybe more people would want to be around her. The others call him out for being out of line, but it starts a path for Ruth about learning to be more confident in herself.
I think Richie is the first one to be onboard with the whole 'Max is suddenly chill with us' thing. He's seen enough anime to know a redemption arc when he sees one. He also has a more intense look on Max's growth being around him so much as the mascot. He's the first one to reach out to Max about coming over and watching some anime with him. Max is unsure at first, but Richie convinces him that Attack on Titan actual is really cool and has a lot of blood and guts and fighting in it, so Max agrees as long as Richie doesn't tell anyone what they're doing. Max actually does get really into it, but Richie notices that he seems pay more attention to the "found family" aspects and the character interactions than the fight scenes. He gives Max DVDs that he can watch on his own if he wants: a combination of shows and movies about sports, fighting, and some introspective character pieces as well.
Max also spends the most time at Richie's house than the others. Not necessarily because he prefers Richie, but because Richie has the most chill homelife (the Chastity's still bug him about coming back to church, Steph's dad reminds him to much of home, and Ruth's parents are convinced that he and Ruth are dating. Pete is a close second, but his weird older brother is over a lot, and Max just gets a bad vibe from him). He will just casually pop into Richie's window some nights and say that they are going to watch anime. Richie agrees obviously, but he also wonders what else is going on. It's only after a really personal episode of My Hero Academia that Max lets slip about his dad.
In short, Max Jagerman has so much potential, and it is a shame that he has been doomed by the narrative to never show it.
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samueldays · 1 year
I’ll share an anecdote tangentially related to IQ. My friend once played a game of addition, subtraction and multiplication with his mother. She struggled to answer even basic addition equations. He had the idea of replacing “what’s 34 + 68” with “what’s 34 ** + 68 ** (** being the local currency) and amazingly she started giving the correct answers almost immediately. Had she sat an arithmetic test she would have scored very poorly, but place those numbers in the context of home finances and she becomes outstanding. I don’t know how reflective IQ is of mental aptitude among people of low educational attainment.
You may be interested in the Wason Selection Task, which has been tested on large numbers of people and shows a similar effect. It consists of two short sub-tasks.
Task one: There's four cards lying in front of you, whose face-up sides show 4, 5, A, and T. Each card has a letter on one side and a number on the other side. Which cards do you have to turn over to check if the cards are following the rule "Only cards with a vowel on one side are allowed to have an even number on the other side"?
About 4 of 5 people get this wrong. (Hint: There's two cards you have to check.) Make a guess if you like, then keep reading.
Task two: There's four tables at a restaurant, and at quick glance you see the people at them are respectively 14 years old, 25 years old, drinking water, and drinking wine. Each person has an age and a drink. Which tables does the bouncer have to check to see if people are following the rule "Only people over 18 are allowed to drink alcohol" ?
Almost everyone gets this right.
As you can see from the way I described these tasks, the very abstract structure of both is the same. But, social context makes one of them much easier. Your friend's mother is not alone about this.
For testing people who have dyslexia or dyscalculia, there's many variations on the Wason task that go like "each card is either red or yellow on the back... only yellow cards are allowed to..." that show the same result. Abstract tasks: people consistently get it wrong, even smart and well-educated people get it wrong. Social rule enforcement task: people not only get it consistently right, they get it right and think it's obvious.
A fun footnote to the Wason task and its variations is that it's apparently not familiarity with "drinking age" in specific that makes the second version easy. It's any sort of social rule. For example, checking the rule "Only employees of the Ministry of Printing are allowed to have forehead tattoos" is easy for people to check the right way even if their country doesn't have such a ministry and they've never dealt with forehead tattoos.
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I also (almost typed aslo again, stupid dyslexia) think about the scene where Erza was retracting Natsu to read and how she put emphasis on characters and words that looked similar (making me think he struggled with those) implying that he may be dyslexic
Also the Magic Cancer from the Alverez arc bothered me so much, because how the fuck do you mistake “Two types of magic fighting for control” for “Antimagic tumor” it feels like the symptoms of those wouldn’t be at all similar, two types of magic fighting for control feels like it would cause an overflow of magic exiting the body which is now how the doctor lady (whose name I can’t spell) described it behaving?? Also the fact that he just went “No” and got better??? THIS FEELS LIKE IT SHOULD BE A MUCH BIGGER DEAL
So ig what I’m saying is when I finally get around to writing a fic Natsu is keeping the Magic cancer/ two magics fighting for control issue. Because Cronic illness does not get much representation in media
Man, I wish I could find back a post i had about Natsu being dyslexic but *slaps Natsu on the back* this boi can fit sooo many hcs- dyslexia, adhd, autism, dyscalculia, etc. Who's doin it like him tbh.
The Magic Cancer plot point also pissed me off because it felt less like something that was given thought and more like something that was hurriedly put in there to create artificial tension (which really is something that can be said about almost everything in alvarez!)
I personally reeeeeeeally don't like it. The dislike is almost strong enough to bring out the haterism in me because it feels so contrived. Oh no! My protag is suddenly sick at the mid point of the final arc because uhhhh *checks notes* he developed magic cancer suddenly when he was hale and hearty enough to win a fight literally just a chapter ago.
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The idea of having 2 conflicting magics in him making him sick in his unawakened END state though? That's a fire idea.
Now if that one was being built up from a while (hmmm lemme say around his return from the post tartarus 1 yr timeskip where it's noticeable to others that he tires quicker/ is always napping, y'know things along those lines) that could've been an excellent sign of the growing demonic energy within him (specially since after tartarus Zeref has the book of END in his possession so he could easily be fuckin with it to do this to Natsu. oooh mystery, intrigue, and so on and so forth) and in turn put some more strength to the whole thing of Natsu's demonic side slowly awakening.
Also something something Natsu's demonic energy making him sick/eating him alive from the inside yet he still keeps it hidden from his friends, something something Natsu holding down most of his emotions from his friends. Something something, parallels.
(Also on that last lil point bout chronic illness I personally make Laxus the chronically ill king he should be because canon said he used to be super sickly as a kid and i latched onto it. With regard to Natsu though in my head he's got joint hyper-mobility because uhhhhhh, i like the idea of him being super flexible being very fun and uhhhh i think i should be able to project every once in a while ok byeeeeeeee)
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davenweenie · 2 years
I’ve spiralled into a Lab Rats hyperfixation recently and now all of you have to deal with it. I haven’t watched Mighty Med yet so some stuff about Elite Force may be wrong since I don’t know the MM characters that well yet. Most will be Chase-centric. Anyway, here are my HCs.
-Chase is trans, he is the most trans character I have ever seen you cannot change my mind.
-Adam acts like a d!ck to Chase but he actually loves him a lot and would actually kill someone for him (I stand by Adam being the cuddliest sibling)
-to reiterate the above, Adam loves hugs. He will hug anyone and any given point (Tasha is usually the victim of his super strong hugs)
-Bree loves girly stuff but when it comes down to it she can act like a classic brother (pranks, punching people in a friendly manner, bro hugging people, loogie contests, arm wrestles to prove who’s stronger etc) (THIS IS NOT ME SAYING GIRLS CANT DO THIS, it’s just that traditionally brothers do this more than sisters. This is coming from someone who has a sister and a brother)
-Bree can pick Chase up and used to always attempt to throw him like Adam does. She has not yet succeeded in throwing him farther than about a foot. Adam thinks it’s cute and hilarious.
-Leo gets along with Chase more than everyone else because they’re both autistic and they stim dance together all the time after Leo introduced it to Chase.
-Chase was forced to suppress his stims as a child because Mr Davenport wasn’t educated on autism/neurodivergence enough to realise it was helpful to Chase.
-Chase was not diagnosed with autism until Leo came along and both him and Tasha pointed it out that he is most definitely on the autism spectrum.
-Adam isn’t stupid. He just acts stupid and like he doesn’t know things just to annoy Chase and he thinks it’s funny.
-Adam has ADHD and struggles with retaining information that doesn’t interest him.
-Adam is also dyslexic and has dyscalculia (number dyslexia basically)
-Leo and Bree love reading comics together. Bree fangirls over Skylar Storm (since this is based on the seasons before Bionic Island and Elite Force. She pretends to not know Skylar when she sees her because she’s been bullied at school for liking comics before and she doesn’t want Oliver, since she had a crush on him, to know she reads comics)
-Adam and Chase can’t read comics. The colours and fonts make it hard for Adam to focus and Chase gets overwhelmed by all the bright colours with his super senses. The pages also feel very icky to him.
-Chase leans against Adam when he feels overwhelmed (this is kinda canon since we see this in the scene where Chase gets overwhelmed by the sound of the school bell in Crush, Chop and Burn)
-All the siblings play Minecraft. Chase and Leo have an amazing world together where they’ve built a whole city with really cool features. It’s their pride and joy.
-Spike doesn’t know he’s bionic and god forbid he ever finds out.
-Spike stems from Chase’s deep rooted dysphoria. Spike is everything he thinks he is not. This is why we see Spike portrayed as having a really deep voice and constantly flexes his muscles as a result of toxic masculinity.
-Chase can communicate with Spike in his head if he wants to, he just hasn’t discovered it yet because he still hates the idea of Spike taking over his body
-Chase and Sebastian definitely dated.
-TW for this one: Sebastian was abusive to Chase towards the end of their relationship, after Sebastian found out about the destruction of Krane.
-Chase falls for people easily and tends to blindly trust people because of his autism. He isn’t aware when people have ulterior motives as he’s not good at reading between the lines. (This is totally not based on me /s)
-And on that note, Chase uses tone tags all the time after Leo showed him what they were. Leo loves it. Adam is confused on what they mean and forgets the meaning so has a screenshot of what they all mean saved to his phone. Bree forgets to use them a lot because she speed types and makes a lot of mistakes but she tries her best.
-Adam is gay, he definitely went out with Owen but had to break up with him when they moved to the bionic island. They get back together once Adam realises that Owen can come to the island whenever he wants to. (I imagine this happens after the team is split up when Bree and Chase join the EF)
-Bree is lesbian. When she started school she realised all of the girls always talked about boys and dated boys, she was desperate to fit in so she tried to force herself to go out with guys. That’s why she never had a long lasting relationship. None of them ever worked out. She’s dating Skylar now (I will get more into detail about that in future posts)
-Chase is bisexual. I absolutely love this hc. He thinks girls are really pretty, and blushes every time a girl has complimented him. But he thinks boys are very pretty too. He only really realised he likes boys too when he had to pretend to be Bree at that school dance with Bree’s boyfriend (?) at the time. I stand by Chaz (Chase and Kaz) being real. They were so in love.
-Leo is pan. He’s gender blind and doesn’t care about the gender of the person he is dating. It took him a while to find a label that fits but when he finally found one (after hours of research with Chase) he was ecstatic. He asked Taylor out when he realised how much he liked her but it turned out she was dating one of the female students in secret. Leo now has a crush on Logan but is still trying to figure out how to ask him out since he’s never been with a guy before and he has a lot of past internal homophobia he’s trying to work through.
-Last one for this post, there will be a lot more. Leo’s dad was abusive which is why Tasha left him. She was a single mother for a few years before deciding to start looking for another partner which is when she met Mr Davenport. She was very picky because she didn’t want the same thing to happen to her and Leo again.
So sorry for the extremely long post. I just have so much to talk about.
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risetherivermoon · 1 year
i like ranting about my own works, so have a bunch of little details about the universe of how to not die young, basically just some small little canon things i like (some may be written & some i might not get to adding,) (psa, some are silly & happy and some are very much not,) (another psa, there is no major spoilers in these,)
middle school James had a baby mustache that he insisted he'd grow out but he eventually shaved it off because he hated the sensory of it
Sirius and Mary used to date, but they split up when they both realized how gay they are (now theyre just very good friends)
Lily and Remus met because Lily used to be the librarian's assistant and he kept hiding in there, (he also had a shit ton of overdue books)
Remus' mom has a degree in english literature, but right now she works for tech support at an old person's home
Remus has never gone trick or treating
Regulus was a biter as a child, Sirius has a scar to prove it
Marlene tries really hard to impress Dorcas but fucks it up everytime by either tripping over her own feet or saying the wrong thing, (Dorcas thinks its cute)
Barty has eaten a bar of soap before
Evan knows Monty because he works as the secretary at his doctors office,
Barty has never met any of his grandparents because his parents never bothered introducing him,
Remus can handle any other kind of 'after fight reactions' besides the silent treatment/being ignored, it makes him severely anxious (*cough* trauma *cough*)
Barty has never watched spongebob,
alternatively, Evan was a spongebob lover as a child
Pandora once tried to see how many crayons she could stick up Evan's nose while he was sleeping, he didn't wake for like twenty minutes, the answer is 17
James absolutely loves children
Dorcas and Barty have spa nights
Regulus is observant as fuck, and knows things before people tells him all the time, it freaks people out
Regulus steals things from Sirius constantly because it's funny,
Barty almost died as a kid because he choked on a coin (he was 13)
Remus is a shit chef, he only knows boxed mac and cheese and ramen
Sirius fucking loves baking,
all of the marauders signed Sirius' arm cast with their nicknames,
James has dyslexia
and Remus has dyscalculia (hes me fr)
Remus is very expressive, like you always know what he's thinking,
Regulus burned one of his bras in a trash can after Sirius let him smoke one time
Peter ate an entire block of cheese on a dare
Mary practices her makeup on Peter
Sybil does palm readings for Peter, he's a very supportive bf
Remus bites Sirius a lot
Marlene punched a teacher in the face on accident before,
Minnie & Poppy are married <3
Barty only has Remus' number to send him the most atrocious takes he has at like three in the morning - Remus leaves him on read frequently
Sybil and Pandora are fairly good friends
Pandora and Evan had a Wii U as kids and Evan was the fucking best at Wii bowling, you have no idea, (he has his own technique, he calls it 'the Evan Method')
Pandora likes eating pomegranates and then going up to Evan and smiling at him with red stained teeth, he screams like a little girl everytime
James has always wanted a little sibling
James' parents don't know he has anxiety problems because he just stuffs it down so much
Sirius eats dandelions, for some fucking reason, he's just weird
Regulus used to have dinner alone some nights because he'd skip dinner with the family to avoid the constant loudness and bickering, sometimes he'd make something for himself, sometimes Kreacher would make something for him and sit with him
Regulus tells Sirius whenever his boobs hurt because it makes Sirius gag
James and Remus are the ultimate people pleasers
anyways, thats all, maybe ill make more, i have sm brainrot for this fic, theyre all my children
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epic-sorcerer · 16 days
warning: childhood suicide
a 10 year old boy named Sammy teusch was on the news because he committed suicide. Because of bullying. As someone who attempted suicide just 2 days before my 7th birthday, this story hit really, really hard. RIP sammy. I heard on the news that he spent his birthday money on gifts for his parents and his vacation time in Florida picking up trash.
I see that ther were people in the comments shocked that a 10 year old would know about suicide, one even claimed it was “fishy.” I can understand where this point of view can come from if you had a comparably easier childhood.
the rest of this post is to provide context as to what it feels to be a young, bullied kid with suicidal ideation.
the thing is, you don’t need to know about suicide to want it so desperately. I didn’t know about suicide when I was that age. But I DID know people could die. I did know that once a body is dead, there is no pain. And there are no ears to listen to horrible words anymore. Or eyes to see everyone else having fun and being friends with each other.
point is, people can suffer at all ages. So can they be desperate to end it quickly. Some of you reading this may remember the comic I made about my birthday, detailing how I commited suicide due to my greif of my grandmother dying. That is true, but god there was so much more going on that couldn’t fit on 4 panels.
at 3 my parents noticed I had something wrong with me that caused a lot of pain, but I would not be daignosed with AMPS(also known as the suicide disease, so go figure) until I was 7.5 years old. Even then, I wouldn’t really make any headway until extremely recently. I also had undiagnosed adhd, anxiety, seasonal affective disorder(depression), dyslexia and dyscalculia.
I was in constant torture in my mind and body. I was being emotionally abused at home(emotional distress and trauma feeds into amps so it was also physical in a way), had an ableist and just horrible first grade teacher, was isolated from most of my peers if not bullied, had no idea why my head was so stupid and broken, and yeah. My grandmother was dead. Still dead.
of course I wanted to die. Who wouldn’t? I had already been showing self harming behaviors by 5 or 6, so it wasn’t a thought that was out of left feild.
I have memories of my mom driving me to school in the mornings. I would go on monologues about how much I wished to die. Over and over and over. I talked about it like it was a summer vacation, or I guess, a perminant summer vacation. Because that is what it was to me. I belived I had suffered enough in my life and that I was ready to just do away with it. No more suffering. No more suffering.
On November 28th, my grandmother’s death date, I attempted suicide. I wrote a note on my white bored in my room that I was running away. But to please not throw away my stuff just yet incase I come back. Then I left my home. Thankfully my mom got to me quickly and took me home.
I am not so sure hwo to end this, I was not magically cured that day. I even graduated to cutting my feet with sharp objects soon after. But yeah, that’s my story. Questions are extremly welcome, creating awareness about this is important to me so don’t be shy. Thanks for reading
And oh yeah, ok to reblog. Actually encouraged for awareness tbh
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kanamori-kamper-moved · 9 months
Yuma for the character asks? :3 (and maybe Shun hehe)
did Yuma!!
General opinion/How much I care about them:
I CARE HIM SO MUCH!!!! HES so silly… love him
A ship I love:
sharkbaitshipping, Aztecshipping, keyshipping, cattobingushipping, etc. i have far too many Yuma ships oml
A non-romantic relationship that I love:
Ehhh probably anything familial. Unsure
Skyshipping/Yuma x Tori. No hard feeling because I know you’d like it. I’d probably like it more if Tori’s character writing wasn’t as flat as cardboard. There was so much that could’ve been explored beyond “childhood friend”, and it’s a shame. anything with him and Anna. Not into tsunderes.
Also him and Kaito. I’ve never been into it from the jump, if you (like not you just people in general) ship it, it’s whatever you like what you like, I’ll just ignore it because I can’t change you. I’m just not into Kaito constantly treating him like shit and all of that. Ew :(
My biggest headcanon about them:
Yuma had ADHD and Dyscalculia (hes bad with numbers!), he also has like. The worst wardrobe. He has like 5 different fortnite shirts and Trey is begging for them to just go clothes shopping
Yumas also a very active fortnite player, Shark hates it.
An idea for a fanfiction I would like to write/read about them:
probably stuff with him and trey, the astral/Yuma/shark/trey polycule, and a fanfic about Vetrix recruiting him. I’m more interested in the last one because oh GOD now that I think about it that’s kind of interesting?? Yuma pulled into the old man yaoi drama!!!
Something that makes me think of them:
Planet of the Bass by DJ Crazy Times, don’t ask questions
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disabledstraydogs · 1 month
Atsushi has dyscalculia!! He wasn't diagnosed as a kid because the orphanage didn't allow him to get evaluated. I think he found out when Kunikida tried tutoring him at some point and asked if Atsushi had dyscalculia, which Atsushi had no idea existed prior to that conversation. He keeps a calculator on his desk in case any math needs to be done for a report.
the armed dyscalculic agency......
In the q will be posted tomorrow
I don't have much to say on Atushi other than this makes so much sense to me, I think this headcanon is truth.
However, the final comment got me thinking about the rest of the ADA having dyscalculia which is a very funny idea to me. I think that's why they have the office workers, no one knows what's going on with their finances because they can't work with numbers at all.
At one point Fitzgerald takes one look at their finances, sees the numbers, goes away and cries.
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fan-mans · 1 year
I’m curious, do you got any glass Joe headcanons?
Oh my god I have so so many- I love him so much so this'll be another long one lmao
So, since the wvba sucks ass at actually keeping their records straight, Joe's height is wrong! He's actually 5'8, passing as 5'10 only because he wears hidden heels all the time. Joe doesn't even have height dysphoria, he just like the way heels feel on his feet.
He has pretty severe dyscalculia, to the point of barely being able to pass 5th grade level math. Can't do fractions, can't do decimals, certainly can't divide. He often wonders how he even got through middle school.
Despite his disability, he's an excellent baker and cook! His side job is at a cafe which he loves to bits.
Never finished school. He was expelled at 13 for getting in a nasty fight and biting another girl at his religious school before dropping out to help support his family after his mother lost her job. He often wonders what his life would be like had he stayed in school but doesn't regret it since the job he got at a cafe led to his boxing career and helped his baking skills. It also led to him meeting one of his best friends, Gabby Jay! (I will expand if someone asks)
True to being both french and especially a Parisian, he will not put up with corporate/government bullshit. If you pull out a stupid rule for him to follow- expect a brick (Or perhaps a Molotov cocktail or lit flare if he's angry enough) through your window.
Despite his sweet exterior he's not only an absolute weirdo and kind of a freak (At least by his very strict standards), but capable of being terrifying in the right circumstances. He WILL bite you if you hurt his friends/loved ones.
Repressed as hell- catholic school was NOT kind to him. Also has anxiety like a motherfucker. But he's dealing with both pretty well through therapy and medication.
Has a deep love for goth, Victorian, and generally macabre and dark aesthetics. He hides it out of shame but he has a collection of very goth and edgy clothes that make him feel like a vampire.
He has an obsession with vampires in general. Like, he took one look at Bela Lugosi's Dracula and fell head over heels (Both for vampires and Bela). He frequently watches any vampire movies and absolutely swallows up vampire novels. Adores the flexibility of the lore around vampires and them just as a concept. And yes, he has read the entire twilight saga. He thought it was pretty bland and only liked the first book because of Jacob.
Knows how to fence and is pretty good at it! Originally wanted to be a fencer growing up to honor his dad but dropped the idea when he left school. He still practices for fun and does non-professional competitions under the name "Le bras en fer" or "The iron arm"
Grew up doing ballet and still practices today, though only at home for fun so he isn't as skilled as he was when he was a kid. It's part of the reason why he stands so funny too.
Has a restraining order against nick bruiser. Nick... well he really didn't take his loss well.
Can sew pretty well and do embroidery too. Almost all of his clothes have been altered by him to fit better.
He has a sister 3 years his senior and a niece and nephew- Amelie (5) and Etienne (1), both of whom he loves very much. The three visit him often and he loves hosting them at his apartment!
Grew up in a small, crowded, apartment in the center of paris. He loves new york city quite a bit because it's so much like home.
Drives around in a moped or motorbike exclusively. He kind of hates cars except when they're extremely small. American streets make him so anxious and being in a car doesn't help at all.
He never met his dad. Everyone in his family has their own idea of what happened to him but Joe has an entire conspiracy theory and fully believes his father was murdered, knows who murdered him, and where the body is hidden.
His 'glass jaw' is the result of a severe childhood injury by the other girls at his school. He was hospitalized for days and his mother never fully forgave herself for not noticing how severe his bullying was.
Has the sweetest, dumbest, fluffiest gray cat named Chouchou.
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 6 months
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2023 in the Rear-View Mirror
2024 in My Crystal Ball
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality.
Dyslexia is a learning disorder that presents challenges to someone in reading and understanding language. Dyscalculia is to have difficulty with numbers or math. I suffer from both. Dyscalculia is the worst of the two. Thanks to technology, I have a calculator. I’ve always hated math. Whenever I would try to solve a math problem, I’d get a headache. I was often uncertain of the current year. It took me a few years to master telling time. It was a chore to remember dates. When I had a job selling newspapers, I had problems giving change.
I might have inherited the disorder from my mother. I had to nag her to put dates on her paintings. Now, I put dates on all of my articles. It may be a big factor for detectives and scholars of history. Not everyone has a good memory for dates. Everybody remembers their birth date, but hardly anyone knows the date the U.S. Constitution was ratified. Dates are important for everything. Ask anybody when their house was constructed, and you get a blank stare. I am very anal retentive when it comes to dates.
So, what was 2023 like? If you are a self-centered person, you talk about your money and brag about your health. Maybe in 2023, you found Jesus or bought a new car, or got laid for the second time in your life. I don’t know anything about you, and I don’t care. I only care about me!!
Just joking. It’s bad enough that I must think about myself. That is why I care about politics, religion, science, and sports. Gets my mind off my ragged ass. So, what was 2023 like in America and around the globe? Well, nothing that hasn’t been seen before. There was an egomaniac with followers who think he was sent by God. A right-wing Government in Israel who is performing genocide on Semitic Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The war in Ukraine against Russian imperialists that is raging on. Religious Right fanatics are spreading hatred toward LBGTQ+ because drag queens are reading children’s stories to children in libraries. Youth pastors across the fruited plains are molesting kids. Why is that story not being featured on the nightly news? Hmmmm…I wonder why! The conservatives thought it was a fantastic idea to run America like a business. Ha! And they call me stupid! Now the religious Right wants to run America like a church! Imagine that!!
The good news was: Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr released a new Beatles song thanks to Artificial Intelligence. Taylor Swift is breaking attendance records at her concerts. Covid cases have dwindled. Electric car sales are up. Sickle Cell Anemia is almost cured. And many more.
So, what can we look forward to in 2024? Maybe you will get laid for the 4th time, or maybe you will win your state’s lottery. Maybe, baby! Look, I am not a Nostradamus, and I don’t read tea leaves. I don’t know what the future holds. Good, bad, or indifferent, whatever happens, happens. All I have is the past to reflect upon. I remember how depressing it was after the Kenndey assassination occurred in 1963. Then after the first two months of 1964, the Beatles happened, and the ambiance got bright again. I wish something new and original would happen this new year, like visitors from another planet land on the White House lawn. But it will never happen because subjective reality has no imagination.
Or? Marianne Williamson will be elected president, and she will greet the space Aliens with a bouquet of flowers. Wouldn’t that be based? Fuck, yeah it would!
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awetistic-things · 2 years
I have a question, do you have answer and/or resources for me?
I am autistic, and I have great difficulty with math. I can barely multiply - 0, 1, 2, and 5 are the best I can reach, but 3 and 4, once multiplied against something above 5, is too challenging. Forget dividing, I can't do it at all, and every time I ask my father - who's really good at math, supposedly - for help, he explains it in ways that don't make any sense to me, and gets frustrated, which makes me get more frustrated because nobody ever understands that I'm trying my best. Up and down addition and subtraction are easy, but mental math can be painful once the third and fourth digits are reached.
I'm in highschool, where I'm expected to know this and a bunch more, but the best I can grasp is graphs and formulas, - though, I need time to clearly write down how to use formulas, otherwise I'll forget, but the teacher always moves too quickly and I get overwhelmed - nothing else will click.
I'm not diagnosed yet, though I am in the process of it. I've only found one teacher that would do things slow enough for me to process and write down, but creatively enough it still caught my attention. I've thought about asking for accomodations, particularly from my parents, but my mother believes I'll get over these issues with a little practice, despite the fact that I've clearly had these issues over the past year and both parents could not deal with it.
Is this possibly an autistic thing? Should I look at learning disorders? And any advice on how to ask for accomodations I don't have a diagnosis to need?
(I don't have childhood memories to fall back on as I can barely remember them, so that's also some trouble).
Apologies for the long ask - especially if it's confusing or just overall not something you can help with. I appreciate any advice or resource you can send our way! Thank you!
i did some research and the main thing that popped up was dyscalculia, which is a learning disorder that can cause extreme difficulties with math related topics
here’s the link to an article about it:
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as for the autism and whether the two disorders are linked, the articles states this—
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although there isn’t a super direct link, it wouldn’t be insanely uncommon for an autistic person to have dyscalculia. i suggest doing more research on the topic (both comorbidity between the two and dyscalculia in general)
for the accommodations, i’m not sure what you could ask for specifically considering i doubt we live in the same place with the same things provided. but, talking to a guidance counselor or teacher (especially the one you talked about) could help give you an idea of what accommodations are possible with your specific situation (maybe if your school has a website, they could have some info on there as well)
there is another article i found on ways to help without specific accommodations from a school (although it would be helpful):
i’m not saying you have dyscalculia, but it does seem to heavily coincide with most of the things you’re going through, so i hope the articles help :) /gen
(its 1:58 am right now, so i hope i put all these words together right lol)
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