vminity21 · 1 year
Goodbye to Hello | jjk
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Pairing: badboy!jeongguk x female!reader
Word Count: 25,102
Genre: fluff, lots of smut oops, mega-angst, strangers to lovers!au, fuckboy/fuckgirl!au
Warning(s): profanity, infidelity, mega-angst (im sorry), mention of alcohol, smoking, smut, unprotected sex, oral (m + f receiving), slight m!dom, nipple play, hand job, dirty talk, ice play, ass grabbing, mention of a sex toy, squirting, hobi is a bad boy in this too, multiple orgasms, smutty kissing, reader may or may not have accidentally become a fuckgirl in this story sorry not sorry; Rated: 18+
Credit to: @yoonoclock for making such an incredible cover for this story that has taken me two long years to write. It’s finally where I need it to be and thank you so much Monnie for using your talent to create a banner that truly embodies the story.
Taglist: thank you so much for your patience with me! @ggukkieland @thisartemisnevermisses @moonchild1 @familiarlikemymirror3 @gukniverse​
Summary: After a devastating break up, you immediately move in with your sister, leaving behind the country life to relearn the ups and downs of the city. Adopting a cat and gaining a new job at a retail store part time, life seems to gradually bring happiness and healing, but you did not expect for it to become even more interesting when you stumble upon the enticing yet alluring tattoo artist, Jeon Jeongguk. Will this be an adventure of a lifetime? Or will hello always lead to goodbye?
Golden specks twinkle sporadically like fairy dust creating a shimmering tint to the air that collects the attention of any individual trailing the pavement. Pollen. The groovy excitement of a stuffy nose and mildly itchy eyes sounds stellar compared to how you could be feeling. Sniffling roughly, you squeeze your eyes shut momentarily to relieve what little of the itch that you can and trotting up the steps to your realm of refuge, you can hardly stand the excitement of bundling into the arms of your boyfriend, Jung Hoseok, and relaying how lovely it is to wipe your nose every five minutes. Maybe even ask if you can borrow the sleeve of his sweatshirt as a tissue. Pause. Maybe not.
Entering the rental home, you hadn’t noticed how eerily quiet it seemed, not right away; especially when you are so used to hearing the raging shots of a video game mingled with the yelling profanity between Hoseok and his best friend Kim Namjoon who bicker over headsets about wins that neither of them were really close to. But, let the males believe, they indeed, almost triumphed. Settling your handbag onto the dining table, you tilt your head in confusion. Is Hobi sick today? Where is he?
The floors creak beneath your tennis shoes while you observe the kitchen. That’s funny. The dishes are cleaned and put away, and not one stray of lint is seen upon the countertop- Hoseok has always been clean as well as you, but he never went over the top unless he had company over, and by company you mean his mother. Thoughts drift to the possibility of him wanting to surprise you for whatever the case may be, and your heart flutters at the mere inkling while a smirk graces your lips. How thoughtful, you feel gushy at his consideration of you, and your steps follow the direction of your bedroom.
It is then that your life spirals in a cluster of emotions that you will never forget; sparks dancing in your vision while your chest tightens intensely in response to the sounds you hear echoing beyond the door. No. You want to scream, but your throat constricts, not producing any verbalization no matter how much your brain signals. This can’t be real. Please don’t let this be real. The moans persist. The mystery female is eagerly gasping his name over and over while your heart shudders at the pain severing every vein within your frame. A tear falls panging the floor- your body is so tense, you shiver through the anxiety, and you know deep down that confronting him will hurt even worse than if you were to take the high road and walk away.
Wiping the dampness from your eyes, you spin to compile your things as in your handbag that contains your wallet, car key, and cellphone, and you march outside, slamming the front door behind you to shed some of the anger boiling in your system; you could care less if he heard your grand exit or not for you blocked his number before you settled into your car. You may be able to run from him, but you cannot run from the excruciating pain erupting beneath your chest nor the cycle of questions that refuse to stop spinning because why? After three years together, why would he betray you like this?
The front door flings open. Hoseok runs onto the porch in pure panic, hair disheveled, only in boxers, mouth gaping open as his widened eyes search until they lock with yours. But it’s too late. You are already safe within your car. Even when you notice the slim figure of a woman in one of his t-shirts, you do not move your gaze. You let the stare down with your boyfriend linger enough to rest your case. The second he starts rushing down the porch steps in a way to catch up to you for whatever meaningless apologies- meaningless explanations that will pour from his mouth- is when you reverse onto the road.
Behind the steering wheel with no destination in mind, you come up with the only solution you find reasonable, and you make your way to the city with the intention of starting over, even if it means it destroys you.
A queue of ants scurry along the lining of the windowsill where the sun tinges the glass against your knuckles. Shrivel sounds of the granola bar wrapper fills the silence of the kitchen while you gulp the final bite of your snack. Sometimes when your hands feel cold, you leave it to the sun to indulge your skin with warmth before trekking to your room, but instead, the growling of your stomach and the distraction of observing the insects seems to help with the boredom. Dread happens to consume the depths of your chest at the subtle reminder of returning to work in the morning; Sundays always bring the feeling of woe because it is the end of relaxation before continuing the week of being overwhelmed. But you figure adulting is worth it in some ways, and as everyone else, you must work to provide and live.
The chirp of your cat, Kenai, alerts your attention, him pouncing onto the counter to rub his head along your free wrist. “If you’re hungry, just say so,” you coo sarcastically, knowing he is due for his dinner in a few minutes. He will be a year old soon, his yellow eyes squinting as he rubs his head against your palm before arching his back once you run your hand to the end of his tail. Your eyes flit back to the ants darting in search of whatever they need, and inwardly, you are uncertain how your sister, Monnie would feel about the bugs, but you always found them fascinating.
Jumping off the counter, Kenai excitingly follows suit, twirling against your legs as you saunter to the pantry to retrieve his food. You have officially lived with your sister for a year now, and adopting Kenai was one of the best decisions you have ever made besides moving to the city. It is as if you disappeared from the prior life that you once lived and you like it just that way. Kenai temporarily ditches you for his food, and you stroll off to the living room where the scenery of a huge, flat screen television shows your reflection on the empty screen.
Monnie happens to be a successful artist who fell in love with another known artist by the name of Min Yoongi. Together they have won the world with their talent, and you could not have asked for a better couple to be in your life. If there is a true definition of love, it is how Yoongi gazes at your sister- because she is the only woman in the world, he will do anything and everything for. Jokingly, you always tell the pair that you are just going to stick with your cat, but the sadness that etches within Monnie’s eyes reveals that she hopes you will find a good man of your own. She is aware of why you abruptly returned to the place you were birthed, and she is aware that you refuse to speak of it even if it is pent up to the brim of imploding.
When you met your ex, it was in a park of all places. Not high school, not college, not through a family member or a friend: a park. It was a romantic way to begin even though you will never admit it now, but it started so naturally. So simple. You were reading a book while he was creating one. The way you were poised apparently sparked an idea for a story he openly confessed later on in the courtship. He described the scenery around you and how enwrapped in the book you were as something meant to be written for others to discover. How he could imagine a story just from the vision you had no idea you were forming for him.
You fell for him fast. Hard. He was your first everything aside from kissing and as time went by, you agreed to move in with him. You never expected what was going to happen in the future. You never anticipated such excruciating pain from the betrayal, nor did you notice any signs leading up to it. He’s tried contacting you from other phone numbers, but after four months apart, he seemed to have given up. But, because the pain is still so raw, you can’t bear to face him. You will crumple like a piece of paper in his presence if you were to ever see him again. For now, you do all you can to just avoid the situation as much as possible. Besides, he has her now. Whoever she may be.
Alas, what does it matter? It is not like he is able to reach out to you anyways for he is blocked on every and any social media site you can think of, and thankfully your name was not on the lease nor was your name hooked to anything involving your ex, so it will be fine. Or so you tell yourself repeatedly until you lose track of the thought. But that uneasy feeling creeps back up and instead of reaching for the remote, you decide maybe a walk around the city will be better. Monnie isn’t due home until later and you are assuming Yoongi will be tagging along, so why not pass the time by exploring?
Loneliness seeps in the gallows of your heart while you rush through the app for a driver. There is not a specific destination you prefer over another, so you pick a store at random around fifteen minutes away. With the money your sister has, she doesn’t expect you to pay for anything, all she cares about is your happiness though you refuse to not work; for now, you have a part time retail job whilst figuring out a career path that will become your future in the long term.
One thing you will say, is you have not missed driving in the city, hence the reasoning of you summoning a chauffeur. Traffic isn’t your favorite as commonly pronounced by anybody, and with how overwhelming your brain can feel, you prefer to be able to drift into the zone out rather than pay attention. Gripping the strap of your bag, you eagerly watch the road while cars pass by letting the heat of the breeze sweep through your hair. When the signal of your phone alerts you that your driver is close by, you aim your focus in the direction of a slowing vehicle, stunned by the countenance of a sharp jawline and rainbow colors dyed into bleach blonde strands.
The beauty you are about to behold is way out of your comfort zone, nor have you felt this attracted to an individual since your heart was obliterated a year ago. “Hi-hi,” you stutter once you enter the passenger side, the driver nods once with a smirk in tow, his button up snug to his frame, an earring dangling from his right ear.
“I’m Jimin,” he introduces, “Location still the bookstore in the city?”
“Yes please,” you are shocked you sound audible, but you return a timid smile while shoving some loose hair behind your reddening ear. The clean scent of lemon breaches past your nostrils while you try to maintain your composure, “I’m y/n, nice to meet you.”
“Likewise,” soft music plays in the background, yet the only sense you tune into is the pounding in your temples. Pull yourself together, he is just a guy who drives a car, who will safely take you to the bookstore, no biggie, you will survive, there are more important things to- “So, as a fellow book lover, I must ask, what is your favorite story?”
Oof. Conversation to minimize the awkward way your shoulders tense at the mere thought of looking over at him, you rummage through the possible answers, struggling to gather your words in a timely manner. “Very hard question,” you gulp, “It’s like asking to choose your favorite song or movie. Too many stories to explore,”
“And never a time you will run out of adventure,”
Eyebrows shoot up in response, “Right,” you smile, “Sounds like you love a good adventure,”
“I will neither confirm nor deny,” a soft chuckle escapes past his plump lips while he keeps his gaze ahead on the traffic. “Have you resided here long?” Shifting nervously in your seat, you watch the buildings of the city closely in a way to avoid Jimin’s gaze without obviously melting.
“Only a year, made a split decision to move in with my sister. You?”
Jimin flits his stare for only a moment, “For a long while. My best friend and I are opening a bar not far from the bookstore, you should come sometime. Invite anyone and everyone you want.”
“I love me a good drink,” bravery enters your frame while you briefly scan the smooth skin of Jimin’s face. “Sounds like a plan.”
“Taehyung has a lot of success in his business, and this will be his fourth opening so celebration is a must. He has a lot of sponsors and connections, the main being Kim Seokjin,”
Gasping, you immediately turn to him, “You mean the actor Kim Seokjin? You’re kidding!”
Laughing, Jimin’s smile stretches to show pearly white teeth, “I will allow you to punch me if I am,”
Deep down you try to suppress the memory of your ex-boyfriend who had written a script in preparation to be read for a potential movie, one that would, in hopes, hire Kim Seokjin as the lead. Hoseok is talented in the writing department and had dreams of becoming a successful author, but you gladly dismiss the memory when Jimin pulls to park for you to exit.
“Here,” swiftly he pulls out a business card handing it to you with a friendly grin, “The opening is in a few weeks, will I see you there?”
“One hundred percent,” clutching the card in your hand, you wave before shutting the door, turning to face the bookstore to hide the fact you would prefer to stare at Jimin whose face will haunt you for the time being. For fucks sake, I need to get laid. As you desperately insert the card into your wallet, you pause. Nay! Male specimens suck, they all suck, my mother said the purpose of a male is to produce a child that I clearly am not ready to birth from the womb that is my pretty pink uterus. That bleeds. Monthly. Because I am not housing a fetus I- Ew. Maybe you’d rather be an aunt. Or have an ovariohysterectomy. Maybe your uterus would like to be taken out of the equation in general.
And now I need a coffee…. Shit.
Since when have you been this intimidated by a good-looking man? And when have you found any of your sporadic conscious entertaining? Therefore, you passionately believe in keeping your mouth shut when you’re on a tangent because humiliation is not in your vocabulary. Or… Is it? Also, you hate admitting how long it has been since you have even been kissed, much less caressed lovingly until you fell asleep. Is moving on from heartbreak too much to ask for? The heat of Hoseok’s kisses trailing your neck were enough to make you come undone, but his betrayal outweighs the good times- good times that evidently weren’t enough for him. Huffing in congruent with the squeezing of your shutting eyes, you step along the semi-crowded sidewalk where people mind their business enough to leave you alone. Your hand must have pressed against your stomach for a bit because you can still feel the presence of the touch before you subconsciously removed your palm.
The bookstore is a popular joint in your opinion. It stands four stories high with the fourth floor having a garden center where people can read and smell the perfumes of flowers in peace. Unfortunately, you are not in the best mood for getting lost in the lines of a tale considering you were too busy thinking about your erm, lady possessions, so you tread what you hope will be enough distraction until you feel satisfied enough to go home. It’s funny the curveballs life will throw at you especially when twists and turns decide to expose themselves in the unexpected ways everyone wishes will not happen unless it gleams nothing but happiness. Sadly, for some, the hits of negativity must spark lessons before one reaches the promise land, so when you make a turn into the alley way leading to a popular coffee shop, you do not anticipate the way your life is going to change. Nor do you fathom the string of events that are about to follow when you stumble upon a leathered frame, sucking in a puff of a cigarette while he flicks at his eyebrow shimmering with a piercing, leaning against the wall where he swallows roughly. Undercut freshly done, his nostrils release the smoke in what seems to be slow motion while you halt in place.
Holy shit.
Tattoos ornament the entirety of his knuckles and wrist alluding to the beginning of a sleeve that’s covered by the thick material of his jacket. For all you know, he may not be one to approach, yet the tug of your heart is so strong, you try with all your might to make the executive decision to return to the bookstore, but alas, it is too late. Brown irises glance to your frozen figure right when he takes another drag of the cigarette, lifting an eyebrow in evident interest while your jaw drops unintentionally. “I’m-I’m sorry,” you bow in tiny, “I didn’t see you there.” Cringing, you know damn well that you saw him, and he sees right through your little white lie.
“You’re fine,” he replies, studying your expression, tossing the cigarette to the ground to muffle it, “Not the best place for me to smoke, but it’s the least populated area,”
At a loss for words, you nod in response, the guy barely pushing off the wall to stand straighter, the smell of the cigarette lingering. “Well, I guess I’ll be going.” You say under your breath, walking with a mission toward the coffee shop to catch your breath. How in the world can somebody be that attractive? First Jimin, now this guy? Why hadn’t you moved to the city earlier? Uterus, it is not time to ovulate! It is not the time! The ding of the bell alerts your arrival to the staff, and you contemplate your order deciding to try a new flavor of coffee. Surprisingly, it is not nearly as busy as it typically is, so once you retrieve your order and pay, you search for a secluded table to descend into for some form of solitude. And, to recover from the interaction with the guy from the alley. You have never smoked a day in your life, but he made it seem so tempting, which in your case is nowhere near normal, so you shake the strange attraction from your mind as best as you can.
Sipping the hot liquid frequently, your sister has always teased that you delight in drinking coffee in the evenings, but it is your comfort go to especially when you need something to do, or to feel relaxed. The bell of the door echoes prompting the immediate noticing of whoever the customer is that entered. Swallowing abruptly, your heart leaps at the sight of the guy you literally saw fifteen minutes ago in the alley. A creeping blush spreads along your chest soon touching your cheeks to the point you wish you could hide. In a way, you attempt, sinking a smidge in your seat wondering if that will prevent him from noticing your presence.
Nice try.
Between the minimal number of customers and the efficiency of the employees, a tattooed hand linked to a coffee cup slides into the seat across from you, tilting his head curiously when you toss your sight to bask in the glory of his profound attraction. You are in so much trouble. “Hi, again,” you murmur, crossing your arms over your chest to hide the quivering of your cold fingers, and to tame the flipping of your ovaries. “Did I scare you enough to make you confront me?”
Smirking a breathy laugh, he takes a swig of his coffee, “I’m not scared of anything.”
“If not fear, what brings you to my table?”
Wetting his bottom lip, you are proud of your feigned courage, but you genuinely are shocked by his sudden presence. Did you leave an inadvertent impression? Quirking an eyebrow, a small smile remains on his lips, “A confession.”
“If it’s sweet talk, I’ll pass.”
Leaning forward to perch his elbows on the table, he folds his hands showing the tattoos you inwardly reveled in earlier, his head poises to the side while he presses his knuckles to his chin casually. “Bold of you to assume I was here to compliment you.”
“Ouch.” You deadpan. “But then again, my mother’s compliments are all that matter to me. Anything you say is irrelevant.”
“Oh,” gradually laying his intertwined fingers onto the table, he challenges with a stare that can make any human being melt into the wooden floor. Fuck. “Then I guess telling you that your shirt is inside out isn’t going to change anything.”
Gasping, your palms fly to your chest where you instantaneously look to see the lines of your t-shirt that clearly expose the fact that you indeed left the house with your shirt on wrong. It is not as embarrassing as one may think, but you were unaware of the food stain dazzling along the side of your boob. Which in this case, makes you blush harder knowing that his eyes may be lingering in an area where no man is welcome currently. But why do you lowkey indulge in the idea of him taking a moment to sweep you up and down? Get a fucking grip, y/n.
“Well,” you sporadically move to position yourself in the seat where the point out will no longer be as obvious, “I appreciate how observant you are, but at least it’s not the worst thing to discover. In public.”
Chuckling under his breath, he shrugs, “I agree. Just figured I’d inform you, otherwise, my intentions are pure.”
Scoffing, you cross your arms again, remaining comfortable in your chair, “That’s not suspicious at all.”
“If I wanted anything, I would have asked already.” He murmurs, “And I always get what I want.”
“Fearless and greedy,” you are vastly grateful that the uterus doesn’t make noises when it’s craving to house an infant, especially with a man as ballsy and gorgeous as the one before you. And why the hell are you even thinking of children at a time like this? Any other male specimen would have made this conversation creepy, but this guy is so alluring that it doesn’t seem to bother you in the least. “What’s your name, Cigs?”
He chokes mid-sip, “That’s a new one.”
“What’s the norm?”
“Do you really wanna know?”
“Not if it’s sexual.”
“Oooo, then I’ll never tell.”
“Pure, my ass.”
“I never said I was pure, milady, I said my intentions with you were pure.”
Eyeing him questionably, you stifle a jeer, “Not sure if that’s an insult, but I’ll take it.”
Smiling enough to where a glimpse of his teeth is seen, he reaches a hand forward, “I’m Jeongguk.”
“I’m y/n.” Kindly, you take his hand returning the greeting with a grin.
“And I find you extremely striking. I mean that with all sincerity.” Gently, he presses a warm kiss to the back of your knuckles before releasing your clammy hand. “Now go fix your shirt before my OCD destroys me.”
Groaning, your mind wants to focus on the sensation from his lips on your skin, but instead, in mild humiliation, you shake your head kiddingly while you mosey to the restroom. Remembering to bring your purse, you hadn’t realized you left your phone behind on the table next to your drink. Returning, you’re shocked to see that he’s left; your phone and coffee appear untouched, yet you feel the sting of disappointment for you enjoyed the bickering even though some may find it strange. It has been a while since you have been in proximity with a man of such nature, especially one whose features leave an imprint on every crevice of your brain.
The ride home holds nothing but thoughts of the lad who mysteriously approached you at your favorite coffee spot, mostly questions of wonderment of who he is. Jeongguk, sure, but what is his story? Shoving the thought past your mind, you enter your room once you arrive home and feed your cat, slipping into your pajamas and collapsing onto your bed releasing a long sigh. Slamming your palms to your face, the keen chirp of Kenai sounds as he pounces onto the bed, rubbing his head against your cheek until you split your fingers to peer at your cat lovingly. “You have already eaten, you brute. Let me simmer in sadness please.”
Eventually you give in, petting him before you find your eyelids heavily craving slumber. It is the next day when you awaken to sunshine pouring through the blinds casting dancing shadows upon your bedspread. Kenai’s fur tickles your cheek where he has cuddled cozily to you, which is the usual with your cat, and gazing fondly at your furry friend, you blindly pat your desk to grasp your phone to sneak a Snapchat. “Don’t you move, KiKi.” Angling the phone, you take a photo, posting to your story to show off how precious your animal is. You were so lucky when you found your cat. After the devastating blow to the chest a year prior, the first thing you did was visit a shelter not far from Monnie’s house in search of the first animal to win your heart.
In all honesty, they all did, but one look at the small fluff puff, pressing his paws against the glass, meowing for you to notice him was all it took. He purred the moment your hands wrapped around his small body, his cold nose sniffing along your face that was stained with tears. He was the little superhero besides your sister that you needed to find some form of healing. Kenai hasn’t left your side, and he refuses to. You never knew a cat could love you so much, even on the nights you wake up with him sprawled across your trachea. His love may be smothering, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Kissing the side of his head, his sleepy eyes remain out the window where birds zip past to distract him. Throwing the covers off you, the number one thing you do is brush your teeth, changing into your work clothes, and tying your hair up out of your vision. Kenai eventually follows you with all the hopes of getting his breakfast which you prepare, and before shuffling into your tennis shoes, you check your phone where your eyes enlarge to the rising beat of your heart.
Jeongguk is typing….
“What the hell?” You mouth. The guy from yesterday added you on Snapchat? How? The only thing you can think is your phone happened to be unlocked unless he was able to open the picture app to scan his Snapchat code. Either way, you are not wanting to admit how pleasantly surprised you are, and when the familiar tone of the Snapchat alerts his official message, you hold yourself back from replying to him too quickly.
It's an exuberantly strange feeling, how giddy one can become all because of a mere message of someone where their interest lies. And the nervous tingles at the bottom of your stomach ignite as you ponder every and any scenario involving the mysterious lad. You have yet to reply, nor do you have any clue what to expect, but you deeply hold nothing but genuine curiosity of how this may play out. Will he be interested in you? Are you ready for someone to be interested in you? That may be the more accurate question. Hoseok hurt you beyond words, but will Jeongguk do the same if you do end up finding him enchanting? What if he doesn’t think you are enough? With all the women in the world, it seems that you can’t hold a guy down enough to seem worth it. Stop it. Wincing, you grit your teeth knowing the negativity needs to end now. Of course, you are enough. You have always been enough, and nobody should make you doubt otherwise. “Anyone who doesn’t see the good in you is at a loss. You are literally the epitome of kindness,” Monnie’s words repeat in your head, uplifting you enough to focus your mind on other matters. Like, preparing your brain cells for the workday ahead.
Finicking with your uniformed red vest, you greet a fellow coworker with a smile, “Good morning, LenLen! Is it five o’clock yet?”
Giggling, LenLen’s face lights up at your question as she finishes folding a pair of jeans to set upon a display. “It is somewhere.”
“Good point,” walking the isles of the store to tidy up the shelves, you can’t help but wonder if it has been long enough since Jeongguk messaged you. Giving it another ten minutes to ensure the coast is clear of customers, you sneak into the breakroom, unlocking your phone to see what he said. You are appalled at yourself for being so consumed in the fact that a guy you just met has taken time out of his day to reach out to you and you wish you could maintain your cool.
‘Dude, your cat looks just like my hellion, Flounder.’
Smiling at what you have read, you click to save the message, so you don’t forget what is being talked about once you exit the snapchat, and you are nearly losing your mind when Jeongguk’s Bitmoji appears a few seconds after you start typing. Uncertain of what else to say, you respond with, ‘Prove it.’ GAH! You grimace, that’s what you have to say? Prove it? Beating yourself up, you forget to breathe the moment the red icon shows that Jeongguk has sent a picture of what you are assuming is his cat. Opening it with the click of your thumb, you are amazed how identical Flounder and Kenai are even considering they could be potential siblings, what a small world right? ‘First off, LOVE the name’, you reply, also realizing you are blushing because also within the picture, a side profile of Jeongguk shows that he is smiling.
Knowing you will have to return to the floor soon, you decide to let Jeongguk send at least one more message before you have to be a responsible adult. ‘Right? It was either Sushi, Tuna, or Sardine, but I thought Flounder would be more fitting and unique. Tetra is my other cat and she’s the worst about stealing my food.’
‘Sounds like Kenai can finally make some friends! And attempt to steal a morsel alongside.’
Typing out the message, you hesitate to send, but with the shared love of felines you honestly feel as though Jeongguk will not overanalyze your reply. Anxious for lunch break, you handle the hours with ease, conversing with LenLen from time to time to figure out who has done what on the chores list. LenLen speaks of a guy that she met recently, with a square jawline and hair as curly as a bowl of ramen noodles, yet his bright smile is what drew her to him. You talk of how happy you are for her and hope for the best, chickening out to tell her about Jeongguk, especially with it being, in your opinion, extremely too soon to mention.
Retrieving your food, you hide away in the breakroom where your eyes immediately glue to your cellular device anticipating whatever Jeongguk has said. ‘Hell yeah, my babies would love that, they do very well with other animals, surprisingly. Hey, sorry I left so soon yesterday, something came up.’
‘It takes a bit for Kenai to warm up, but he will adapt just fine. All he cares about is his stomach being full. No need to apologize, I totally get it.’ Eyebrows furrowed; you can’t help the wonder of what made him leave so soon. Also, you are not one to press further, if he wants to explain himself then he will. Otherwise, you hope that everything is okay with him.
It has only been a few days when you enter the coffee shop again, making it obvious that it indeed is your favorite, and you are shocked the employees don’t know you by name yet. Or so you assume. It is when you see Jeongguk taking a sip of his drink searching for an empty table, your heart leaps as if on cue. You are starting to assume that maybe he is a recent frequenter of this same coffee shop too. Why else have you seen him twice in the span of a few days? You’ve never noticed him here before this week, so now you wonder if he recently moved to the city. His leather jacket hugs his frame as his hair is styled to his liking. You hardly notice the way your mouth waters instinctively and you snap back into focus when you are next in line.
Pretending you didn’t notice Jeongguk, you decide to find a seat a short distance away just in case by some chance he acknowledges you. With coffee in hand, you pick a spot and not even sixty seconds later, you hear the familiar click notification of someone typing on Snapchat. Jittery, which you wish wasn’t so obvious, you carefully reach for your phone seeing: Jeongguk is typing… lighting the screen. Without thinking, you immediately lift your gaze to see him staring at you, a mischievous smirk gracing his pink lips.
Just for his delight, you play along spinning some storybook thought that you two are forbidden lovers hiding from the community by texting instead of speaking to one another in person. Get a grip, y/n, you scold yourself mentally. Opening the message, it reads: may I join you in coffee matrimony?
Shaking your head along with a breathy laugh to his cheesy statement, you respond with a pun, only if you keep me brewing, Tatts!
The creak of his chair echoes as he slides it back. Shyly, you hold his stare, watching him and his thick boots walk to settle into the chair across from you. “Clever,” he muses, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the table. Strands of his hair fall at the outer corners of his eyes, and you breathe in the faint scent of his cologne. This time, you do not get a whiff of any cigarettes, so you question if he’s even had one today. “If you’re not careful,” he deliberates, “I might have to show you what it’s like to get creamed.”
“Hm.” Arching an eyebrow, you catch on to his game, and if he wasn’t so damn alluring, you wouldn’t even give this conversation another thought with anybody else, “You better hope it tastes as sweet as sugar.” He doesn’t expect you to say that. He may have had women fall hopelessly at his feet, and as much as you feel you might be the next one, you definitely aren’t going to show it. Not right now.
“I hear that the ladies like it steamy.”
“Or iced,” you shrug nonchalantly. Ice play has always been a curiosity of yours, but he doesn’t have to know that. When he doesn’t seem to come up with another pun, you chew the corner of your lip before you lean onto the table yourself, inching as close as you can that the table between you two will allow. “Tell me, Boots, how is it… that a guy with this tough exterior can be so delicately precious about his cats?”
He gestures with his hands. “What can I say? I have to set a good example.”
You harrumph humorously. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
He feigns surprise. “You think I am incapable of being a good role model to my children?”
“Oh please. All you have to do is keep their food bowls filled to the brim and you’ve already won dad of the year.”
Jeongguk winks, bringing his hands together to interlace his fingers reminding you of the tattoos you wish you can visualize more. “Easy peasy lemon squeezy,” he smirks.
You have a hard time breaking his gaze, but you clear your throat when it lingers a bit too long. “Anyways,” you attempt to change the subject, “I hope all is well.” You’re really hinting about why he left so suddenly the last time but knowing men do not always pick up on hints, you know you will accept whether he gets what you mean or not.
“Seeing that you put your clothes on right today, my OCD hasn’t been triggered.”
“Happy to see I’ve made a difference in your life.” You playfully sneer.
“It’s the little things that count.”
You feel your uterus squeeze. How the fuck is he so damn attractive for? “I’ll keep that in mind every time I dress.” You say it too quickly without thinking, your cheeks glimmering blood red. He quirks an eyebrow tauntingly.
“I can always help.”
“Nice try, Cigs.”
Except… You want him to try. That itching desire travels through your chest, and you wonder maybe… just maybe, you can get his help. Not necessarily with getting dressed because you swear you are competent to do so, but… maybe he can cure the curse of loneliness, even if it’s just for the moment. You want to deny that you hope it will be much more than just this moment. You can’t explain any of this. Are you trying to impress him?
Uncrossing your ankles underneath the table, you do slide your feet forward taking the tip of your boot to tickle up his leg and you can’t help the smirk that graces your lips when he sucks in a hiss. There’s a tad bit of space on the chair where you place your boot, gracefully taking your other foot to nestle on the other side of his hips. You don’t know what is taking over you, but it’s divine, and now you can’t stop yourself especially with his eyes tempting for you to continue. “I’m gonna need help with more than-”
“How’s it going?”
You jolt, boots slamming to the ground when your wide eyes shoot to see a smiling employee who clearly is going from table to table to check on customers. Stammering, you lick your lips while Jeongguk tries not to laugh in response to your sudden shock. “Goo-good!” You plaster a wide smile while the employee bows swiftly to then waltz to the next table as if they didn’t intrude on your façade to win over this incredibly attractive man across from you. Fuck, you grimace. How embarrassing.
When coffees are finished and downed in clumsy silence, you reach for a stick of gum, offering Jeongguk a piece so you don’t feel so insecure about the coffee breath. He offers to walk you home, but you tell him the bookstore is where you plan to be next. You’re not ready to go home because home is where you will replay the humiliation of what just happened repeatedly. You need a distraction.
Side by side, the pair of you set off down the alley, your nerves still shooting through your limbs while anxiety of what to talk about tackles your brain cells. You’re really trying to forget already, but it’s too fresh to just repress. Maybe there is a sliver of comfort with the silence, but of course, you overthink that as well because when do you not overthink?
You know what? You saw the pleasure in his eyes, there wasn’t a smidge of doubt in his expression when his body responded to you in the coffee shop. Noting that the alley is empty, you take the opportunity. If he wasn’t the slightest bit into you, he wouldn’t be adamant on making sure you arrive to your next location safely. But you need to think fast before you exit the alley. “Cigs!” You blurt. He stops the second you do. The gravel beneath his boots being the last sound you hear before adrenaline takes over.
Your hands grip the front of his leather jacket and when he clues in, as if rehearsed, his large hands grasp your hips, walking you backwards until your back gently bumps against the brick building. His gaze is intense as if preparing you what you are asking for while your mouth parts in yearning for whatever he is about to do. He over towers you, and your eyes never move even when his palms slide to your waist, his shaky exhales leaving his nostrils. His lips are pressed together. When you think he’s about to kiss you, he slams his eyes shut, shifting nothing but his forehead to lean to yours as your eyes flutter closed. Waiting.
Tingles resonate across your skin and the longing is immensely strong, you don’t want to hold back. You hadn’t realized that the back of your hands are against the brick wall as if you have surrendered to him. In a way, you have. The seconds feel like minutes, and when you think he will finally connect with your body, he pulls away. His hands ghost your waist.
For some reason, you keep your eyes closed. His lips then brush warmly to your forehead and with that, you hear the crunch of his footsteps disappearing as he did the first time you met. Your eyes peel open, and it’s like Jeongguk is a figment of your imagination because now:
he’s gone.
You never expected to hear from him again, but as days pass, it’s crazy how one person can enrapture the entirety of your thoughts even with the distractions from work because Jeongguk has mastered it for you. And that is how it has been the rest of the week, giddily waiting on his every text and enjoying every bit of the conversations shared between you two as if the sexual tension in the alley never happened. Eagerly, you toss and turn at night due to the cycle of daydreams rehearsing in your mind rent free, but you can’t help yourself, you love to imagine the possibilities of a real adventure with someone you want to spend time with again. If it ever happens.
“You’re glowing.” Monnie’s eyes squint as you grin away to the kitchen, opening the refrigerator for an electrolyte drink.
“I… cleansed my face?”
“No, it’s not that.”
Teasingly scoffing, you take a swig of your drink, “I... am… expecting?”
“Nice try,”
You nearly choke on the second sip, “C’mon, it’s not that impossible. You don’t know my schedule.”
“I know it enough to know that you haven’t missed a birth control shot since you became physically intimate, and that was practically decades ago.”
“You can just say sex you know,” you retaliate, “And for your information, I had sex last year.”
“Yeah, practically decades ago.”
“Fine. Ten or so excruciatingly long years ago, I had sex.”
“So, in conclusion, you are not with child.”
“Yet,” you ploy, letting Monnie glare at you as she slowly steps out of the kitchen. Who are you kidding? You don’t have time for kids, and you know it. Despite what your uterus wants, you do have to find a stable time to want to produce so for now, you shall wait until the time is right. Hence, why you remain on birth control until you know for sure. Otherwise, life goes on as always. Besides… you do recall the last time you had sex. And… it wasn’t with Hoseok. A secret you will take to your grave if you have to. A secret that happened one drunken night weeks after you and Hoseok broke up. And, you never went back hence why it has been a year since you’ve had sex.
You had guilt as if you cheated on Hoseok even though you did not in fact. Either way, you throw the memory into the depths of your mind and try to force yourself to forget how plush the man’s lips felt along your skin. Instead, you replace it with the brief kiss Jeongguk left on your forehead which feels so out of reach.
During the time of messaging back and forth, one evening, Jeongguk offers to call you due to an atrocious event happening at your workplace that you and LenLen got involuntarily involved in. A customer apparently read a sales sign wrong and didn’t realize it until checkout and no matter how much you and your coworker tried explaining things, the customer was not having it which leaves you to call a manager. Overall, it was a situation that unfolded that you honestly wished didn’t hover in your brain cells, but when Jeongguk calls so you can rant, it means the world.
“You are quite attractive and that’s one hundred percent a compliment, and I’m not one to just throw those around to male specimens.” You confess after long conversation. It’s like you moved on from the awkward interactions. Plus, you convince yourself that you came on too strong the last time you saw him.
He snickers on the other line and vividly you imagine his smile, tickling your tummy like the beating wings of multiple butterflies. “Why, thank you. You definitely have my attention, too, ya know.”
“Well…’ You press the knuckle of your thumb to your bottom lip for a second, “That’s very sweet of you to say.”
“And you also deserve to be respected. I’m sorry the customer gave you and your friend such a hard time. If retail is no longer what you want to do, my stepbrother owns a well-known bookstore. I remember you mentioning your love for books at one point and I’m sure he will offer good pay.”
“You would do that for lil’ ole’ me?”
Chuckling lightly, “Anybody with a smart mouth like yours needs a break too.”
“Oh shucks,” though he can’t see it, your cheeks flush a hot shade of red. “Consider me interested! I may give the store some more time since I don’t want to leave LenLen stranded so abruptly, otherwise, I might put in an application just cause.”
“I’ll keep my stepbrother posted.”
You thank him before you decide to head to bed, dazed on cloud nine as you hang up the phone.  
It doesn’t matter how busy you are, the second you see the:  Jeongguk is typing…. Notification it’s:
Halt. Stop everything and scramble to unlock the phone screen. Breathe. He is just a guy. He is just a dude with tattoos. Okay, must read message in sixty seconds to not seem desperate. Force yourself to Google search ‘kittens’ to distract your frantic desire to reply immediately to his every text. Does it work? Partially.
So…. I was wondering, would you happen to be off in the next few days? It’s been a minute.
Double take. Eyes enlarged. No way. Inhale. Release. Slowly but clearly, you reread the Snapchat message as if your life depends on it. How long has it been since you two have been messaging back and forth? Maybe a few weeks? But how should you respond? Maybe not as excited so you don’t appear deprived? Or seem super excited so that he knows you are most definitely wanting to meet up? You were super proud of yourself with how contained you stayed when he called you however long ago. Nay, appear neutral. Come across dainty with a sprinkle of bad ass, that’ll get him…. Right? Okay, maybe not.
Funny you ask because I happen to be off today. Send. You squeal internally. You genuinely can’t help how stoked you are in seeing him; the next question is, what is his idea of fun aside from the coffee shop? You are honestly up for anything even if it’s admiring the night sky on a roof with glasses of wine. Or, admiring his tattoos and him explaining the meanings of each one. You have always wanted to get a tattoo yourself but have yet to decide not only what to get but when the right time will be. As with anything, you want the first time to be special. That’s what she said, as you roll your eyes at yourself. Your uterus sure likes to talk, and you really hope you can keep yourself tame once you see him again because a year of no intimacy is already hard enough; and you atrociously hate admitting that you sometimes become lonely for a partner even though healing this past year has been a roller coaster. Even trying to avoid the temptation to reach out… to the last man you entangled with.
Shuddering with guilt, you stroll to the kitchen upon waiting for Jeongguk’s response, and you notice beneath a magnet the card the driver, Jimin, had given you forever ago. The day you met Jeongguk. Carefully shifting it out from under the magnet, an idea does form. Maybe Jeongguk would like to meet you there at the opening. Does he seem like a ‘bar’ type kinda guy? Oh. You wince. What does that even mean? Who doesn’t like a bar setting with a few beers? Plus, it’s been a while since you’ve been to one so why not?
Well today is our lucky day for I happen to have the next 12 hours to find something fun to do. Whaddya say about joining me?
Bring it on, Cigs. You respond and despite the nervous jitters, you type more after the initial message you sent. I actually promised to go to an opening of a new bar that happens to be tonight. If I send the address, would you like to meet me there?
When he asks for the time and where, you send the information. You will get to see him tonight. Now all you can do is panic about what to wear and if you even have anything to wear for the occasion.
Quivering fingers amidst clammy palms slide across the tops of your thighs while you steadily breathe. You, being the early bird that you are, arrive at the bar a few minutes earlier than what you mentioned to Jeongguk. The last you heard from him was when you both finalized the plan. To calm the nerves, you definitely need a drink. A strong one. Your maroon dress clings to your frame the way you like, and you made sure your make up was exactly how you like it to be.. You haven’t felt this confident since you left your ex. And you hope this proves that you never need a man to help you dress.
You ordered a cab to get there so you didn’t have to worry about driving, and you figure if you and Jeongguk still hit it off in person as you do through messaging, then maybe he can make sure you get home safely. So, you hope. Maybe even make up for lost time since the alley.
Sending a quick message to let Jeongguk know you have arrived; your eyes observe your surroundings, and you don’t see him anywhere just yet. Maybe he is stuck in traffic? You wonder. If he is driving, obviously he shouldn’t message you, so you show your ID to the bouncer after standing in line for a few minutes letting the uneasiness settle.
Bodies are scattered among the floor as music blares throughout the building. Laughter and the smell of alcohol is the first thing that comes to your nostrils while your eyes trail for some familiar faces if any happen to be here. Colorful flashing lights wave over the tables, walls, and chairs while people dance continuously, and you really hope despite the overall dim lighting you recognize Jeongguk the second he walks in. Regardless, you search for Jimin since he is the one who invited you, but you haven’t seen him thus far.
Swallowing down the nerves, you squeeze through the crowd until you reach the bar, asking for something strong for you to sip on until Jeongguk arrives. It’s been about ten minutes once your drink is in your hand, and when you check your phone, Jeongguk still hasn’t read the message. You contemplate phoning him, but know it’s too loud to try, so you assure yourself he will be here. You have full confidence that he will call you if he is running late. Which… technically at this point he should have called you by now.
To divert yourself from the sinking feeling, you watch the bustles of people having the time of their lives when a particular human being causes your shoulders to stiffen and your mouth to run dry. Flashbacks of that night flicker in your mind as a weary sense of dread subdues you. The secret you have kept concealed from the world. Stay calm, y/n. Remain. Calm. You hardly remember how you got there, but you noticed how handsome he was, how his hair was loosening from the gel, and his smile put you at ease as you two laughed together. He was drunk, too, but both of you were still aware enough to know what was happening. What was stirring between you two. All you held onto was how he was the first to make you laugh in weeks during that time.
You knew you shouldn’t have been there, but you didn’t care, and you were desperate to feel something. Freshly single and overruled by anger, you let it win. When you kissed him for the first time, he froze, and you pulled away. But he held your eyes, flitting between them without a single word. Instead, he leaned forward and kissed you back, and you remember the way his palm felt on your cheek. The way the kisses grew aggressive and emotional as if he felt the guilt from keeping the secret buried from you. Knowing his best friend was in the wrong for what he did to you, but he knew it wasn’t his place to tell you the truth. But boy, had you made it your place to entangle with this guy who was giving into what his emotions were displaying. He wanted you to feel special. It was like his kisses brought an apology you wished your ex would have given you.
So, in a strange yet erotic way, you let it all go with him. Drunken, slovenly kisses until the pair of you started to sober up enough to experiment further. You can’t remember much of the foreplay, but you do, however, remember when he pressed himself into you, riding smoothly as he kissed every inch of your face and your neck. His hands didn’t exactly know where to touch, but his lips did, and that was enough. He moved in you so gently.
When you had awaken the next morning, you laid flat on your back while tears streamed from the corners of your eyes. You don’t know how long you remained there. You don’t know how long you silently cried. But you left before he woke up. You left before you both had to take in account of what you two had done. What you two had shared.
Now here he is in the present.
Kim Namjoon, Hoseok’s best friend, is here, and he spots you almost as immediately as you spot him. Gulping, you do not know what else to do other than spin around immediately and face the bar contemplating to chug every ounce of the alcohol remaining in your glass. Setting your drink down cautiously to not spill the contents, a rear of nausea raises its ugly head. What is Namjoon doing here!? The last time you saw him was the night you would do anything to forget.
Heart hammering, you squeeze your eyes closed. Namjoon may have given you a good night to hold on to for a while a year ago, but it wasn’t anything more than that. It couldn’t be. You were full of anger and a brief desire of revenge, and you were drunk, and you were-
Large hands lean upon the counter of the bar on either side of you as you suck in a breath. You recognize those hands. Those hands are the ones that slid along your body while you pleaded for more. And the countenance of his frame over towers you as you feel the tip of his lips centimeters from your ear kindling goosebumps along your arms. But these hands aren’t the hands you’ve been waiting for. Not one tattoo shows on these hands.
“Long time, no see.” Namjoon says into your ear. Mustering enough courage after steadying yourself, you turn to face him for the first time in a year. His eyes are as filled with longing as they were the night you last saw him. The kind of longing that wonders of how you feel about what occurred. If you still ponder it.
“What are you doing here!?” You say amongst your trembling body. You try to stay firm though you know deep down none of this was Namjoon’s fault. Trying to set your jaw, you take in the way his shirt tugs at his muscles, and the way his hair is gelled to perfection. You have forgotten how beautiful this man is, but Jeongguk. Where the literal fuck is Jeongguk? He is who you want deep down. So where is he? “Never mind that,” you shake your head, realizing he has every right to be here as you do. “What do you want?”
Namjoon’s eyes flicker along your face momentarily before he speaks. The way his dominant gaze holds you in place could drive any woman mad. “To make sure you’re okay.”
“Oh bullshit.” You say through gritted teeth because not only is Namjoon’s proximity bringing unwanted emotions, but it is also bringing the memories of Hoseok. Memories you really have tried not to relive.
Namjoon’s eyes squeeze shut. “y/n, I’m being serious. You fell off the face of the earth since…”
“Since what? Since Hoseok? Or you?” His mouth shuts automatically. “I don’t know what you expect me to say. What happened that night… It was my fault. I know that, but it shouldn’t have happened.” The anger for even saying Hoseok’s name after so long of refusing to is a strange feeling. Namjoon swallows, his Adam’s apple bobbing, and you visibly see the guilt in his eyes because he agrees. Hoseok has been his best friend since they were kids. “How long had you known by the way? About the other girl? Who is she?” He releases a sigh, shaking his head while he tilts his gaze downward in shame. He knows. Of course, he does. He’s refusing to answer the question, but you ask another one anyway. You know it’s too loud to whisper, and from your peripheral, you may have gained a few stares, but you raise your voice just enough for Namjoon to hear. “Does… he know?”
“That we fucked?” Namjoon answers quickly, his eyes locking with yours. “Of course not.” He’s not going to risk losing his friendship is what you are reading between the lines.
“Good.” You refuse to move your gaze. “Keep it that way. Please.” He’s still so close. And you breathe in his scent. Your hand brushes his chest, while your forehead touches to his chin. Both of you share a silent understanding. A pact.
Namjoon is about to say more but you politely shove his arm out of your way ignoring his reach to stop you. You’re scared that you will give in to the thought of him from all these emotions. Whatever he has to say, he can keep it to himself. For now. You need to catch your breath.
Checking your phone, Jeongguk still hasn’t read your message and at this point, you have no idea of where he is or why he even bothered agreeing to show up if he truly had no intentions of seeing you again. Maybe you should have known better. He has the bad boy persona just from his stature, but maybe for once you wanted to believe you could get excited about someone again. Maybe he was the distraction you hoped for and needed, and now that your nerves are shot, and your heart is aching from all the emotions, you’ll do anything at this point to rid of it all.
Regretfully forgetting your drink at the bar and realizing after you move to another section of the place, you happen to see Jimin whose face lights up with recognition. Air escapes your lungs yet again because you forgot how attractive he is too. You notice he has been conversing with none other than Kim Seokjin which makes you want to faint since he is so famous and you have yet to meet a famous person, but for right now, despite the tears wanting to spill down your cheeks from the interaction with Namjoon and the acceptance that Jeongguk will not be showing up after all, you are so thankful that Jimin is making his way towards you. Until your emotions settle, you cannot risk humiliating yourself in front of a celebrity of Seokjin’s status. It would be too much.
Your jaw almost drops though when you catch a sudden glimpse of your coworker LenLen who is snug against a man with fluffy hair a short distance away, and you realize that this must be the man she’s been talking to you about! You tell yourself that you will make sure to say hey to her if you get the chance. It’s about time other conversation is shared that is not related exclusively to work.
“Hey there!” Jimin smiles fully, bringing your muddled mind back to attention. He leans in for a quick hug before pulling away. “You look amazing!”
Blushing, you feel where his fingers stop at your elbows. He has such a kind aura about him that makes you feel safe, so you hope he invites you to hang out, especially since LenLen happens to be in the group Jimin has been socializing with from your quick assumptions. “You look good, too!” You feel like you’re shouting, but you don’t care. You are somewhat relieved to finally have somebody to hang out with no matter how quick it lasts. “How is the opening going? Everything go according to plan?”
“Hell, yeah it has!” Jimin beams. “Taehyung is beyond happy with the results. The line outside is insanity!”
“So happy for you both!” You say, and before you think you may have some form of solace, you wonder where Namjoon is or if he miraculously left, but instead of him, you notice someone else. And you beg the heavens on why you can’t seem to catch a break.
Heart shattering to the floor, your eyes widen, and if Jimin is chatting, you definitely can’t hear him over the loud pounding of your heart in your temples. Is this the real reason Namjoon approached you? That he tried to stop you? To warn you?  
If the forbidden person you are frozen by sees you, you don’t care, you need a reason for his heart to break. Something worse than him finding out that you slept with his best friend if he ever does. Hoseok pauses the moment he sees you standing there; a strange look of confusion dawns him instantly as his eyes look from you to Jimin and back. You can’t help the way your gaze automatically drifts to see if you find her, too. The girl he chose over you, but you do not see a female near him. Not yet. You tell yourself that you never want to know who she is, but there is always that sick vengeance of discovering.
Jimin’s eyebrow arches as he follows your gaze. Whether he knows Hoseok or not, that part is the least of your concerns. Jeongguk stood you up, Namjoon confronted you, and your ex-boyfriend who you loved for three years that relentlessly ripped your heart out of your chest- is here and it is too overwhelming to describe right now the full-blown panic shredding every fiber of your being; the utter disbelief how this shit show of a night has unfolded. You wish you were drunk enough to ignore this inexplainable pain. You wish you had a place to escape to.
But… Maybe Jimin is it. If Jeongguk didn’t want to be, then maybe Jimin will.
Despite his furrowed eyebrows, when Jimin turns just enough to look at you, it’s all it takes. Briskly, you cup his face, pressing a kiss to his cloud-like lips while he stumbles in surprise. Relief floods your quivering frame when he doesn’t even remotely hesitate to kiss you back. His lips are enticingly soft and pure, and he tilts his head to deepen the kiss letting the tip of his tongue brush yours ever so slightly. He tastes of peppermint and booze, and he tastes so good, you get tipsy just off his lips. You move your hands to lock behind his neck while his fingers find a hold on your waist. “Well damn,” he says breathless against your lips while peppering short kisses in between his words. “If I would have known, I would have done this much sooner.”
Gripping loose strands on the back of his head, you lift onto the tips of your toes. “You won’t regret it,” you purr into Jimin’s ear, gaze tauntingly floating to stare right into Hoseok’s, whose eyes widen in enormous shock, before Jimin pins you to his frame as if your clothes are a barrier he wishes didn’t exist. Everywhere is too crowded to really notice the way you two lock lips for majority of the evening. And you are well aware that you two are not the only ones making out.
You know Hoseok is watching every second, probably fuming, probably balling his fists, probably justifying every reason he has to interrupt. You hope he is watching every grip of Jimin’s fingers on your ass, the way his lips suck your neck, or the way he twirls your body under the spotlight if a song he likes comes on. You know the jealousy that’s bubbling beneath Hoseok’s chest is about to erupt. But he also knows better than to intervene between the woman he betrayed and who he is assuming to be her new boyfriend. Because it’s too late. You wouldn’t take him back even if he begged. Because whoever she is out there, she knows what she did to you, too. How she couldn’t even show her face when Hoseok burst onto the porch the day you found out. How her breasts were rounded beneath Hoseok’s shirt. The shirt you painfully remembered was missing when you finally had a moment where your emotions didn’t get the best of you. She had that shirt the entire time.
You hadn’t planned to invite Jimin over. The night drives on and you see that Jeongguk at this point, indeed, read your message, but didn’t bother to respond. Didn’t bother to even make an excuse. To explain why he left you to unintentionally fend for yourself. He could have been here. He could have saved you from tonight if he wanted to. But he didn’t.
You hop into Jimin’s car willingly and he drives you home, kissing you and kissing you while your clothes hit the bedroom floor. Jimin slides on a condom before he pushes into you from behind when your body pins to the wall, him pounding as if to the beat of a song while his teeth dig into your shoulder, into your neck. “Deeper!” You squeal. “Keep going, ah-!”
You do not care about the sounds that have echoed from either of your mouths or the number of positions you two have attempted. You lost count after four. You don’t care that you just met him a few weeks ago. You don’t care how you are going to feel in the morning. Yes, you are aware that you are sober this time. But you want Jimin to keep moving inside you until you forget about your one-night stand with your ex’s best friend. Till you forget about Hoseok’s betrayal that haunts your mind and shreds your heart. Till you forget about the girl who took part in ruining your life. Till you forget about the tattooed man who you hoped would rescue you.
Fuck you, Cigs.
The morning comes quickly coupled with a pounding headache while you groggily stretch your arms and legs amidst the tangled bed sheets. You accidentally brush warm skin causing you to jolt upright. Wincing, the pounding in your head worsens, yet you turn just enough to assess that you one hundred percent just hooked up with the hot driver who co-owns a bar and is best friends with a celebrity.
Your palms slap to your face. You weren’t even intoxicated, so how could you let this happen? You may not have been drunk off your ass, but you sure as hell were emotional and that can be equally as dangerous as taking shots of the strongest alcoholic beverage out there. “Shit,” you murmur to yourself, watching the slow fall and rise of Jimin’s breathing. Kenai chirps outside your bedroom door and you realize it is probably past his breakfast time. Slipping out of bed as quietly as you can, you freshen up and brush your teeth. Twice. Just in case if you ultimately decide to continue this rendezvous before you kick Jimin out.
Shuddering, you wonder how loud you might have been last night. And by that you mean, was your sister home? And did she hear the commotion you let out the second you got Jimin alone? If she was home maybe, you could handle that truth. What also concerns you is if Yoongi was home too. You couldn’t bear facing the two of them if they were home while you tackled Jimin like a football player between the sheets.
Oh, when will all this humiliation end!? You want to scream outwardly. It’s been never ending. And, when you start to dress into a nightgown, you finger at the red mark on your shoulder. A reminder of where Jimin had been. And you hate that you like it.
Leaving the bathroom trying to rid the thought, you see Jimin is fully awake and putting on his shirt, his pants already hugging his toned legs. His hair is unkempt from the night before, and it looks cuter that way with his array of colors dyed with the blonde. “Hey there,” he smiles brightly when he sees you. You notice him pop a piece of gum in his mouth which you figure is because he never planned to bring a toothbrush… Because he hadn’t planned to sleep with anybody until you ferociously pounced.
“Hey,” You reply softly, crossing your arms to lean against the door frame of the bathroom. Kenai is still meowing outside the bedroom, frequently pawing at the door.
“Somebody’s pissed.” Jimin chuckles, pointing at the door.
“He’s starving 24/7 and likes to remind me just as often.” You kid, eventually stepping to sit on the bed. You aren’t sure how to feel about last night. But at the same time, should you regret it? The way Jimin’s eyes swept your body, to be honest, you kind of don’t regret it. “How did you sleep?” You try to make small talk to prevent any uneasy friction.
“Wonderfully.” He smiles again. “I hope you did?” He stands, rounding the bed to gently take a seat next to you. The smell of mint from his gum wafting to you tempting you to taste it.
“I did.” You return his smile, leaning in to touch a small kiss to his plush lips. Your headache is starting to dull some which makes you feel better. “Thank you for last night. I had fun.” You lean your forehead against his cheek as he leans back into you.
“I had fun, too.” He says quietly. Taking in a deep breath, he stands as you follow suit. “I better get going. Taehyung has been blowing up my phone wondering where I am. Really, I mean it when I say I had fun. Maybe… we can link up again soon?”
Hand in hand, you lead him to the front door while Kenai excitingly runs his furry body against both of your legs. Giggling, you kiss Jimin some more, “I’d like that.” A couple more kisses and you smile against his lips, “See ya.”
“See ya.” He nods, kissing your cheek one last time before taking off. As much as you wish that your heart would be soaring through the sky: it doesn’t. All your head can seem to obsess over is why Jeongguk stood you up. Was it all a game? Just to get a high that a girl wanted him, just for him to leave her stranded. What gives? In the end, is it really worth the explanation? You are so sick of getting screwed over.
“Who was that?”
“GAH!” You jump causing Kenai to dash wherever he can to hide. Your heart nearly stopped beating and your hand flies to your chest with relief when you see the teasing stare of your sister, Monnie.
“Monnie! For goodness sakes, you scared the fuck out of me!”
“Well!?” Monnie, not missing a beat, bellows. “Who was he!?”
“Nobody.” That is your first response as if you need a defense mechanism.
“Nobody!? With the animalistic sounds I heard last night, you have the absolute nerve to tell me that was nobody!?”
“He’s… He’s a guy I met a few weeks ago,” you try to reply while your heartbeat attempts to calm.
“He is cute,” she coos. “Like smooth like butter cute. Like the butter you slab on a piece of crisp toast cute. He can make anybody feel warm and fuzzy. Girl, I’m telling you right now-”
“Okay, we get it! I know.” You aren’t sure how to cope with the chagrin reddening your cheeks, or the dulling headache on top of it, but you manage somehow. “Please tell me Yoongi isn’t here.”
“Lucky for you he’s at a conference and has been since yesterday afternoon, so he didn’t hear a thing. I was supposed to go but I got-” She mimics what is supposed to be a cough into her hand. “Sick.”
“Oh! You are ridiculous!”
“It’s called, my sister brought home a cute guy for the first time in a decade, and I must hear all about it.”
“Nope!” You say trying to brush past her. “By the way, it’s only been a year.”
“Not anymore-!”
“Gah!” You clap back, slamming your bedroom door, and diving onto your bed, the mattress bounces your body while you scream heavily into a pillow. The scent of Jimin is everywhere in your room still and your sister’s voice keeps rattling on about how she just wants you to be happy and that you deserve to be even though in your heart, you have no idea when that day will come. Eventually you will confide in her about everything, but for now you will bury your face into the pillow and let the tears flow until you fall back asleep.
Monnie reluctantly gives you space, but only because she has ‘somewhere to be,’ and she is ‘not going to let you make her late.’ So, she says. You give Kenai an extra bit of food in hopes to win back his forgiveness and you dress out of the nightgown considering another trip to the coffee shop. Your eyes burn slightly from the crying earlier. After last night, you happen to note that you never got Jimin’s number which is probably a good thing so he can avoid the hot mess of thoughts spinning profusely in your mind. Between seeing Namjoon and Hoseok last night and hooking up with Jimin, you can hardly imagine what the two could have said after seeing, not only you, but you sucking faces with another guy. Though it’s nice to have male attention from time to time, you didn’t expect it all to unravel at once.
Some people would make you feel so stupid for your actions while others would praise you for being so bold and independent. You’re single and you can do whatever you want. Are you really mad that you hooked up with Jimin last night? Out of desperation for running into your ex? Or are you more broken about Jeongguk standing you up, and ashamed that you are upset about it when you only have seen him twice?
You can’t help the way you feel. You inhale and exhale deeply. Running from your thoughts is all you want right now.
Entering the coffee shop, you ordered a cab and left a tip because you really despise driving, and here you are in line eventually ordering the same drink you got last time. Why you feel to look for Jeongguk, you wish you didn’t. Training your eyes to focus on what is in front of you- you grip the coffee cup once it’s placed on the counter, and you find a small table in the back away from as many people as you can avoid.
He has his reasons, but you really hope that the reasons weren’t to play with your feelings purposefully. Even though that’s exactly what it looks like. Inwardly, you accept that you probably will never see him again, and you also convince yourself that maybe Jeongguk really was a figment of your imagination. The messages on your phone will say otherwise, but for now, with the hot liquid of your coffee stinging your tongue, you will continue convincing yourself that he is a simple figment of your imagination.  
That thought lasts about thirty minutes, when your coffee is halfway downed and the view of a tatted hand glides upon the table where you feel your throat shrink. No fucking way. You keep your gaze on your coffee cup, the faint smell of a cigarette wafts in your direction and you refuse to look at him. Anger blares inside you. You can tell he is gradually taking the seat across from you because it is pretty evident how rigid you are in response to his presence. He can tell you are annoyed. Maybe even furious.
“Hey…” He forces once he scoots the chair closer to the table. You stay silent. “Look, I-”
“What do you want?” You look up finally. His look is firm, but guilt stricken all at the same time. He presses his lips together. “No, really. Amuse me.” You wave a hand at him. “Was it a one night stand you wanted? Because you could have just asked.”
His eyes enlarge but only slightly. “No. No, that’s definitely not-”
“Then what? What do you want?” You rarely give him a chance to speak before you start gathering your things. To prevent unwanted attention, you toss the coffee cup into the trash can on your way out, Jeongguk on your heels. Marching toward the sidewalk that you can follow back to the city; you huff in exasperation when you feel his hand curl around your arm.
“Let go of me!” You say loudly, thrusting your arm away from him.
“Look, I’m sorry, okay. Just- just let me explain-”
“Oh, go fuck yourself.” You try to walk away.
“y/n. Please.”
You thought you lost your shit last night when you attacked Jimin’s mouth in front of Hoseok. And you thought you lost your shit this morning when you sobbed into your pillow. But this anger and desperation and sadness that you have kept pent up since the day you discovered Hoseok’s infidelity is about to explode. And it’s about to explode in what you know will embarrass you for the rest of your life. Or… it just flat out won’t.
Scoffing, you pause, spinning to face Jeongguk, whose hands raise as if to calm you down, but you are far from calm. “You know what?” You say slowly. “That whole spiel about how I deserve to be respected was a whole load of bullshit wasn’t it?” You step forward making it clear that you aren’t done speaking, and though Jeongguk claimed weeks ago that he wasn’t scared of anything, there is the slightest hint of fear you gather in his eyes though he straightens to let his arms hang loosely at his sides. “I’m starting to think there’s no such thing anymore. First, after three years, with who I thought was the absolute love of my life, three years, he cheats on me with some chick I still to this day do not know who she is or how the fuck they met. So, for unplanned revenge, I fucked his best friend and guess what!?” You throw your hands up, “They both were at the bar last night. Both. Of. Them. How the fuck does that happen!? I move to the city to run away from my problems, and they follow me anyway. They fucking follow me as if I need that reminder. As if I need to relive that heartbreak over and over again. As if I deserve it- to have it thrown in my face.” Running your hands through your hair, you choke back a sob. You refuse to cry in front of this man who is basically a stranger but not really. You don’t notice the remorse showing in his eyes after revealing your limited yet very detailed confession. How he could have easily prevented this.
“I meet you once, and for the first time in a year, I finally know what it’s like to be excited again. To have something to potentially look forward to.” You laugh one syllable. “And yet, I don’t fucking know a single thing about you. Where you’re from, where you work, why you suddenly start coming to this coffee shop when I have never seen you there before, and I keep beating myself up for being so damned hurt about this when you’re a total stranger.” You can’t even look him in the eyes. “And there you are, completely leaving me stranded in a bar when you said you’d fucking be there. Respect, my ass. Have a nice life, Cigs.”
“You do deserve respect.” Oh, why do you pause? “I fucked up last night, okay!? I um…” He trails off, shaking his head as if to rid of whatever he originally was going to say. “Something came up-”
“Is that what it’s going to be every single time!? Something came up!?”
He winces when he acknowledges how bad it seems. “Look I- I know how it sounds. Please. Just let me make it up to you.”
Scanning him from his styled hair to the charcoal color of his boots, the thrilling sense of lust clouds your frame simultaneously to your mouth watering. It takes everything in you not to rush forward and cling onto him as if your life depends on it. But, at the same time, you see a guy who completely ghosted you on a night you may have needed his company most. And, if he was willing to do that to you last night, why wouldn’t he do it again?
The anger is still written all over your face and your demeanor. Sneering, your lips curl.
And you stomp off toward whatever destination you hope to find as you did a year ago when you ran from disappointment. You wonder how it feels for him to see you walk away this time.
It doesn’t matter the day or the hour. Every time you step foot into the same coffee shop, he’s there. Jeongguk is there. Sitting a table away, keeping his eyes on you. Waiting for you to cave. You have ignored every single message he has sent. Every call he has attempted. Yet, you are also fighting the urge to just be near him. Give him another chance. Maybe it’s the fact that you truly do want to know where he was the night, he stood you up. But is it worth knowing the truth? The only thing you didn’t mention the last time you spoke to Jeongguk was the one night stand you had with Jimin. Not that it was any of Jeongguk’s business, but still. You don’t want to appear like sex with strangers is something you do all the time, because it’s not. And even if it was, it’s nobody’s business but yours.
You decide to walk the city. If he follows you there, then so be it. Compiling your things, you head out onto the sidewalk, letting the breeze nip your skin. The recent memory of LenLen asking about Jimin and you trying your best to answer her questions without blushing replays. She told you about Taehyung and how him and Jimin are best friends which you happened to already know and you relay to her how happy you are that she found Taehyung. You also apologize that you didn’t get to say hello, but she winks at you for she witnessed the reason why.
When you start reaching the city, you hardly can believe the huge sign, flashing upon the tallest building, of Hoseok’s face which roots your feet to the cement while tears spring in response. Cursing under your breath, you realize that one of the books he had been working on back when you two were together must have been released, the one he continuously spoke about. The one inspired from the script he hoped Kim Seokjin would film a movie with. The one that began with you. Which means, if it has become a success, then now you are going to see his face everywhere you turn. And, if the movie is made, that’s even more publicity Hoseok will gain and even more often you will have to see his face. The more hurt you will endure.
“Damnit,” you want to sob. Out of all the places you think to turn, you flee into the bookstore just to almost collide with a book stand filled from top to bottom with Hoseok’s novel. Fret overpowers your system, and you rush out the doors the second you see it, and you figure maybe walking home, no matter the distance, will help clear the stress out of you. Even though you know it won’t. Because at this point, you give up being in public.
You nearly slam into a figure from your rushed state and when the whiff of a cigarette mingled with cologne greets your nose, you know exactly who you’ve run into. “Why are you doing this.” It’s not a question, it’s a statement. “Why are you following me, Asshole? Did I not make myself clear?”
“I told you I wanted to make it up to you.”
“And I told you no from what I recall.”
“I have short term memory loss.”
“Oh, go fuck yourself, Nemo-”
“I’d prefer if you joined me.”
“You really are asking to get smacked.”
“I like it rather rough.”
“And I’d like for you to leave me the hell alone.”
“Not until you hear me out.”
“And why should I?”
His eyes flit between yours, “Because I can’t let it go. I messed up.”
“You don’t deserve my forgiveness if that’s what you’re implying. To be honest, it’s ridiculous that I’m even mad about it to begin with. I don’t even know you.”
“See, but you have every right to be. You should be mad.”
“Okay. Well then accept that I’m pissed at you and move on.”
“I shan’t.”
You could laugh. You almost laugh. But you hold it together because you can’t just let him think he can get away with how he just randomly leaves you stranded. When you both almost kissed in the alley way, you could sense that his desire was as solid as yours. He acted as if he wanted you. So, why did he just walk away? What is the point in pursuing someone who will always walk away?
Shoving past him, you wish you would have driven this go round so a route of escape would be available. But unfortunately, you didn’t think this through. The only place you can think of is the garden center above the bookstore that you have only visited every now and then this past year. What of Hoseok could possibly be up there? A mural? Stalking in the direction of the building, you avoid making eye contact with the huge ad about your ex, and eventually round the store to find the elevator. There are only a few floors before you reach the top and once you elbow the button to awaken the elevator, the last thing you expect is Jeongguk to follow you right in when the large doors slide open. But honestly you should have expected it.
You elbowed the button for the top floor where the smell of flowers waits for you, but you can’t ignore the tension simmering once the doors close. You bite the corner of your lip in agony, the ding of the elevator agonizingly slow. “I know you’re not about to stop and smell the roses, Eyebrow.” Referring to his eyebrow piercing that makes your insides lustfully shiver, you’re shocked he takes all your nicknames so well, but then you remember you’re supposed to be mad at him. “Why can’t you just take a hint?”
His finger presses to your lips, vanishing your words as he seductively shushes you. And he shifts to stand in front of you, his nose dangerously tickling the side of your cheek while your body fights to not react to the arousal forming below. He whispers, “I don’t need a hint to know that you want me just as much as I want you.” Whimpering, your eyes trace his face, the way his jaw curves, the way his eyes set firmly to you with no intention of moving. Did you hear him correctly? Did he just admit that he, in fact, wants you too? “So,” he continues, slipping his finger away from your lips, he brings his mouth to yours while you sigh in pleasure. Fuck. Your body begs for him to close the gap. Begs for him to kiss you. But he doesn’t. Not yet. “I suggest you behave yourself if you want to keep me tame.”
He is doing to you what you did to him that day in the coffee shop making an effort to seduce him. But this time, he is winning more than you are letting on. When the ding of the elevator brings attention to the opening doors, Jeongguk sighs, “We’re not going there.” Reaching back to hit whatever button he chooses; you don’t even move to see. He can take you wherever he wants, and you could smack yourself for conceding.
“What do you mean?” You murmur, swallowing the lump in your throat.
“I um,” he tilts his head as if embarrassed. “I live here. So, we’re going to the third floor.”
“Excuse me, what?” Your mind is trying to make the connection how it’s possible that he lives on the third floor of your favorite bookstore smack dab in the city. You’ve heard of people who have homes above the places they own, so… Does that mean Jeongguk owns the bookstore? You thought he said his stepbrother owns it? His hand finds yours when the doors slide open again, showing shelves upon shelves of books with sparse customers quietly reading or viewing the array of covers.
Your brain cells are racing but never reaching a finish line as your eyes frantically scan the hallway the pair of you are entering. You try to appreciate the feel of Jeongguk’s hand holding yours, warm and firm and surprisingly safe though you wish you hadn’t lost the will to fight. Why is it so easy for him to melt your anger away? To melt your sadness? To heighten your senses.
He scans something, you assume a card, before opening a large door, flipping on the lights to show an area of simplicity and barely any furniture to decorate once you step inside. The scent is new as if it has just been built, but you know that is impossible considering this bookstore has been around for years. Automatically, you both kick off your shoes. “My stepbrother used to live here before, so I moved in.” He says as if reading your mind. “That’s why there’s not much here, but there’s enough to keep comfortable.” He gestures toward a sofa awkwardly sitting in the middle of what you assume is the living room and loud meows start echoing the second you see a few cat towers sprawled out. Flounder and Tetra.
“I remember you saying he owns a bookstore… it’s here?” You say in disbelief as the cats come flying to greet you and Jeongguk. How can you be mad anymore when these sweet little fluff puffs are rubbing against your legs, mewing for attention? Jeongguk giggles while he tries to bring back the conversation.  
He shrugs, unintentionally dismissing the sexual tension that concocted in the elevator only seven minutes ago now that the cats are out and about. “He’s an actor now. He took over when his dad retired.”
“…What do you do?” You’re quiet and you don’t mean to be, but you’ve been struggling with mixed emotions for what seems like an eternity. At this point, you accept if this is a dream versus reality.
“Nothing,” he says after a moment, head looking downward. You lick your lips when your eyebrows furrow, but strangely you understand this shame. If your sister didn’t have money, you’d be homeless. Your parents live far away, and in all honesty, you don’t truly talk to them as often as you should. You work part time at a retail store because you can’t seem to get your shit together enough to work full time otherwise, you’d be in the same boat… you’d be doing just that. Nothing. “I used to work as a tattoo artist before I moved here, but um… you may find this hard to believe, but I got my heart broken by someone I fell in love with when I was eighteen.”
“You?” You croak. You mean it to come off as a joke but fail miserably. He finally tilts his head up, softly grinning.
“Yes, a tatted asshole that wears leather and smokes cigs can be capable of falling in love and getting heartbroken instead of causing the heartbreak, Macchiato… Happy?”
Why this vulnerability is happening is unbeknownst to you, but you are very happy that he seems to be opening up. He all but admitted he wants you, too. So, the least he can do is try. Try letting you see past the mystery. Try staying instead of leaving. Saying hello instead of goodbye.
“How long were you two together?” You may have spilled the beans of how long you were with Hoseok, not that Jeongguk knows who he is, but three years is a long time.
“Five years. Found out she cheated on me, too… I lost myself for a long time. Ended up at a different girl’s house every week to numb the pain and never called them back the next day. Became addicted to smoking cigarettes. Went to parties quite a bit… Got drunk, you name it… Moved here with my children the second Jin told me I could. That’s when I finally calmed down and realized, I needed to change before it got worse.”
“I’m so sorry… Sometimes people underestimate the pain of a breakup. Especially if you were with them for such a long time as you were.” It’s quiet a little longer than you mean for it to be, but the similarity of how the two of you got your heart broken is an odd coincidence. But then you gasp when a lightbulb clicks. “Jin!? As in, Seokjin?”
“Yeah?” He says unhurriedly. “Is that hard for you to believe?”
“What? No! I’m just- the Kim Seokjin is your stepbrother? He owns this bookstore?”
“Well yeah, he’s the reason the bills are paid for now until I, myself, can get my shit together.”
You know the concentration it takes to complete a puzzle? Well, this is one of those times. Randomly, you wonder. Does Jeongguk know Jimin since Seokjin knows Jimin?
“Do you know who Jimin is?” You spit out. How are all these male specimens connected? Either way, you are definitely not telling Jeongguk about the rendezvous with Jimin that’s for sure.
His eyebrows scrunch and you visibly witness the way his shoulders rigidify as if he knows exactly who you are talking about. “How do you know Jimin?”
“No reason, just wondering. I saw him hanging out with Seokjin at the bar you failed to show up to.”
“Hm.” He hums once. “Interesting.”
“He co-owns the bar with a guy named Taehyung…  My co-worker is dating him. Taehyung, I mean.” You’re having a hard time reading Jeongguk���s expression, but he attempts to not be so uptight.
“Did you… See anybody else there?”
His question hits you by surprise, but you know there is no way he could be referring to Hoseok and Namjoon… Could he? No, of course not. He wasn’t there. He doesn’t know who your ex is specifically. You may have mentioned your ex and your ex’s best friend were at the bar, but you had never given any names. It’s as if Jeongguk is asking solely about someone else… But who?
Pushing your fingertips to your forehead, you release an exasperated sigh. “Can I use your restroom?” You need a moment to yourself. All this unwanted ‘solving’ isn’t getting you anywhere. And why is Jeongguk being so weird about Jimin? He doesn’t know about the hook up and Jeongguk is also not your boyfriend, so why does it matter?
“Yeah, this way,” he points in the direction of what you assume is his bedroom. “On the right.”
The door gently clicks behind you while your palms cling onto the counter when you’re securely within the bathroom. It’s huge. You can tell it’s spacious by the fact you can breathe amidst the anxiety. A jacuzzi and a walk-in shower, a door that you are confident is a towel closet is what you take in once you twirl around. It’s beautiful and so clean, it’s as if nobody has inhabited it in a long time. Either way, you don’t want to take too long, so you pull out a small bottle of mouth wash and complete a brisk breathing exercise before filing out into Jeongguk’s bedroom.
You hadn’t taken time to notice how large his bed is either. The covers are invitingly dark, and you can tell from the curtains that are slightly split show the windows to a magnificent view of the city. Whoever Seokjin’s dad had to construct this place was an absolute genius. A home inside a bookstore, that would be a dream come true for millions.
You brace yourself when you step into the living room, and you notice Jeongguk is preparing wine glasses, a bottle of red is in his hand as he begins to pour the crimson liquid. His cats are munching on some food that he put to keep them occupied. You can tell by his body language that he is going to change the subject regarding Jimin. “How did you know?” You say ultimately when you pull out a stool in front of the counter.
“Nothing a good bit of wine can’t fix.” He winks. “Plus, I figured it will calm the nerves, so we can actually… talk.”
You nod reluctantly, fingers pressing beneath the glass before you take a slow sip. The taste is sour with the mouth wash, but you know after a few sips that will change. A wave of calm floods your chest and limbs once you swallow. “Thank you.” You murmur. He leans on the counter instead of moving to take a seat next to you. He can’t take his eyes off you, and he can’t even explain how just being around you makes him feel. You bring a comfort he hasn’t had in a long time. He knows he has gone about it the wrong way, but he is determined to not let you go this time. No matter how much his ex keeps trying to reach out to win him back. He wants you.
“I’m really sorry about the bar.” He manages to say. He’s not the best with apologies, but he knows you deserve one. “That was really fucked up. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“No… You shouldn’t have.” You’re honest because you know what it’s like to be betrayed. Jeongguk of all people should get it too after admitting that he has been cheated on before as you have. You must stand your ground regardless of how weak he secretly makes you because no, this specific situation may not be seen as a betrayal, but it was not okay that he left you there alone. He does, however, want to confess everything, of why he didn’t show up. But something keeps telling him that it’s too soon. When he’s ready, he plans to tell you. But for now, he wants to prove to you that he’s not going anywhere this time.
“I know,” he murmurs.
Taking a longer sip of the wine, you rub at your eyes. “He really did some damage…” You admit, appreciating how easy it is for the pair of you to start opening up. This is something you have battled to talk about since the day you witnessed it. “I mean three years of my life I gave to this guy, and he just…” You throw your hand up. “He just throws every bit of it down the drain. There wasn’t even the slightest red flag. I came home. Heard them in the bedroom… Our bedroom. And I just-” You didn’t want to cry, but the tears greet you with the burn of your nose. “I just left. I don’t even know how long it had been going on. All I know is I blocked him on everything and refuse to give him the time of day. Because I can’t bring myself to face him. Or the pain of it all.” Jeongguk listens contently, sorrow filling his umber eyes. “When I saw him at the bar for the first time in a year, the anger that filled me at first, I wanted to do anything to make him feel the same devastation I felt that day. Sure, I slept with his best friend weeks after the breakup, but he doesn’t know that. And, as much as I want to say the revenge was satisfying… It wasn’t.” You tap your fingers on the counter. “Now I’m here. I’m here in this city, living with my rich sister, and working a part time job. It’s like I want to live in my misery… At least, I have my cat.” You smile, Kenai’s sweet face bringing you peace.
“It takes a long time to move on from something like that. What happened to me was nearly two years ago and it still hurts.” Jeongguk says because he knows exactly how that feels. He still succumbed to his ex’s every beck and call until he met you. That’s when everything started changing for him. Why he couldn’t think straight. When his ex was trying to distract him, his mind was filled with you. “I saw the guy she was cheating with once. I planned to confront him, but… chickened out. I knew if I wasn’t careful, I’d do something I’d regret.”
“Who was he?” You ask. Jeongguk raises his shoulders, pursing his lips.
“I don’t know his name. Just that Seokjin was working on a movie, happened to meet the guy and my girlfriend at the time was with him. Jin put two and two together and called me right after. He recognized her in some of the pictures I posted on social media before I deleted it all.”
“He’s an actor, too? The guy she was with?” You wonder.
“I’m assuming.” He speaks. “She never really met Jin before. Or at least, I never told her specifically that he was my stepbrother. That was a part of my life I tried to keep distant, but when he called me concerned, I knew why she was coming home so late. Or, why she didn’t panic if she knew Jin was my brother who was seeing her in the flesh with another dude.” Jeongguk wets his lips. “And that’s when he tried to help me cope by giving me his apartment here when he saw how far gone, I had gotten. And that’s why she learned to do research on who I’m connected to because apparently me and Seokjin know everybody due to his fame and fortune.” He means the fame and fortune as a joke, but you still ponder.
“So…” Your expression confused. “If that’s the case, how do you know Jimin?”
Jeongguk swallows roughly, “I asked you first.”
Now, it’s your turn to gulp. “About that.” The stool screeches from under you as you immediately stand, chugging every last drop of your wine before you clutch your things to your side. The indent Jimin left on your shoulder has faded some, but it still befuddles you knowing Jeongguk could clue in if he wanted to. “I-I have to go.” You really don’t, but the way your entire body is flushing, and your eyes are wide with panic. What else are you supposed to do? Running is what you do best. As if a lightbulb goes off, Jeongguk’s laugh reverberates behind you.
“Wait a minute, have you banged him?” Halt. You choke completely on your own spit; your trachea insults you while you cough up a storm. Goodness gracious. Why this? Why now? “You totally banged him didn’t you!? Holy shit.”
“So, what if I have?” You stifle another cough whirling to face him. “What the hell are you going to do about it?”
That’s when the air between you two immediately silences as if you gave him the challenge of a lifetime. Not even Tetra or Flounder are around to fill in the void. It’s as if you both are back in the elevator where the temptation became so alive, it was hard to ignore. It was irresistible. The only sound is your breathing as it increases after Jeongguk’s wine glass clinks against the counter. There’s a prolonged few seconds before it all becomes thunderous.  He makes his way to you as your purse slips from your quivering arm. Your breathing stops. His fingertips press to touch to the skin of your chest as he tickles circles. His eyes flit from your parting lips to the way your eyes start to show you’re imploring for him to not stop. He taunts you. Edging so close to you, his lips are barely on yours when he whispers, “I’m going to make you forget he exists.”
This time, you’re not letting him walk away from you. Not again. Not ever. Your palm finds itself gripping his shirt while you close the gap. The millisecond Jeongguk’s lips connect with yours, it’s electrifying. It’s as if somebody injected fireworks into your veins, shooting across your skin and awakening your senses ten times the normal, exploding across your mind, body, and soul. Your heart pounds so loud, you’re shocked if he doesn’t hear it. You’ve been with three other guys sexually prior to Jeongguk, but something about this is mystifying. Powerful.
His mouth moves with yours as you gasp into his kiss, letting him guide you until the back of your legs recognizes the arm of the sofa. His hand moves to tangle into your hair while you deepen the kiss, the tip of his tongue finding yours as he caresses it simultaneously taking his free hand to slip into the front of your pants, but you’re not ready for him to pleasure you yet. You want to show him what he will miss out on if he doesn’t choose you in the end. But you weaken when his heated lips press slowly and gently along your jawline, the arousal you feel drips, his fingers sliding further to slip past your underwear until he runs his fingertips up and down your heat.
“Oh,” he moans with a slight growl burying his face into your neck from how drenched you already are for him. “Holy fuck,” he hisses, trying to keep himself tame. You love the sound of his fingers sloshing up and down against you. But you want it to be you on him.
Shoving him back to give you some space, his hand flies from your pants and he watches you not expecting you to kneel. And not expecting you to fumble undoing his belt, tugging it out of his belt loops, he hisses in response to the point you see his bulge prominently inside his pants. Oh, the way your mouth waters instinctively at the sight of his erection.
Unbuttoning his pants, you yank them down to his ankles, releasing his erection from his underwear where you hum pleasurably at his girth. Your hands run along his thighs seductively; his eyes darken with lust as you connect with them naughtily. Your palm then slides around his length, stroking him agonizingly slow before you take him into your mouth. Letting his precum welcome your taste buds before you hollow your cheeks, the warm skin of his being ignites your arousal even more. His large hand moves to the top of your head where your strands tangle between his tatted fingers. That’s when you begin, bobbing back and forth as speedily as you can, basking in his moans at how amazing you feel. Your hands cling to the bottom of his jacket while you continue your bliss eventually releasing him from your mouth to push him onto the couch where his back plops upon the cushions.
You push his shirt up to visualize his toned abdomen before dipping down to continue sucking, moving your other hand to massage his scrotum, giving him every bit of pleasure, you can to make him crave you. To make him pine for you. Another trick is up your sleeve when your hand returns to his being, following up and down with your mouth while he tries every way not to cum before he gets the chance to pleasure you more. “Holy fuck,” He groans in satisfaction which makes you continue your fun.
Your tongue laps around his tip before you wipe the spittle at the corners of your lips away. When you’re about to continue, he raises, pulling you to his mouth as he kisses you more, becoming hungrier as he shifts you closer. You can tell your clothes are getting in his way for when he pauses, dazed, his hands start to tug at your pants, eventually freeing you from them as you help kick them off. The air in the apartment is colder than you realize. Goosebumps start flying down your legs as you try to regain your focus on removing the articles of clothing off Jeongguk’s top half. Eventually, all linens are plopped onto the floor and your naked bodies are starting to feel every inch of warm skin, captivating every sense, every cell, every emotion, every lustful bliss.
He pauses and you realize his fingertips have paused at the fading spot on your shoulder. The place where Jimin’s teeth sank in. Holding your breath, you see the guilt in Jeongguk’s eyes as his lips become ajar as if he wishes that it could have been him instead. You aren’t sure how to read what he is thinking, especially when he runs the tip of his thumb over the area. But, in the heat of the moment, his other hand slides to the back of your neck where he slightly grips the strands of your hair stimulating you to bite your lip. He tilts your head just enough to cover the spot with his own mouth, sucking harshly on the skin to place his mark. To regain his status. You’ve never seen something so hot, it’s sending immense tingles all through out your frame. He then sprinkles kisses across your chest eventually trailing to your breasts where his tongue flicks over your nipples and the top of his head tickles your chin. Your whimpers increase while he sucks each nipple tenderly, your fingers indenting his back, and the way your vaginal walls leak onto your vulva- you cannot wait for more of this man. Your eyes sweep his figure. His tattoos covering the entirety of his arm.
Goodness, his body is ethereal, and from the way he takes in the view of you bare, you can tell he feels the exact same about you. Your lips tingle for his. Dragging him to you, he crashes his lips to yours, a new addiction you both know will be hard to break. The way his body presses to yours so passionately, it’s as if you have waited your whole life to feel this good. You can still feel the way his lips bruised you on your shoulder, and you adore the way it lingers.
“My turn!” His fingers deliciously dig into your hips, he slides you closer to him despite the limited room on the sofa, and his eyes absorb how sopping wet you are for him even still. He traces his hands to your thighs when you feel your heat clenching fervently for the desire that is taking over your system. Jeongguk wastes no time swiping a finger, sucking your leakage before his tongue starts lapping up every bit of your taste. What really catches you by surprise is how he continues the fast movements, flattening and pointing his tongue seeing which gesture makes you scream for him more. In between, he sucks your clit, taking one hand to reach for the spot above your clit where he massages nice and slow simultaneously while he feasts. “Oh, Guk,” you sigh with elation. “Oh, Guk, yes! Oh my gosh, yes, holy fuck, ah-”
You hardly can contain yourself with how this man is loving your body. He refuses to stop until you feel the powerful jolt of an orgasm, gratifyingly overwhelming your brain as your thighs squeeze together. Jeongguk already pulled away with pure ecstasy of watching you come undone for him. You are so dizzy; you can’t help the way your feet sink into the couch trying to overcome the sensitivity. When you try to shift, to sit up, Jeongguk hovers close to where he whispers, the smell of you reaching your nose.
“Keep your eyes closed,” he says against your lips, kissing you quickly before carefully lifting his body off you. His hands slide along your arms as he tenderly guides you. Before you can question, he interrupts by kissing you again. “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere. I’ve got a couple things I want to set up.” As much as you hate to admit it, your heat drips at the way he whispers this to you intensifying the elation. How many times does he plan to make you cum?
The anticipation as to what he’s about to do. What he’s about to show you. Your ears tune into the sounds of the refrigerator opening- his giddy footsteps jogging to the bedroom where you hear the start of running water. Not just a spritz from the shower… the jacuzzi. Holy fuck. When you thought of steamy sex, you never once thought about the jacuzzi. Your hands squeeze into your thighs, the sensitivity between your legs starting to dim. Your heat clenching around nothing as you feel your nipples bud against the chilled air now that his warm body hasn’t been wrapped around yours for a bit. You never really ventured with sex when you were with Hoseok. It was just the typical quickies before and after work depending on the mood with the occasional use of a vibrator. And with Namjoon, it was a drunken blur. With Jimin… It was just spicy vanilla with addictive kisses, but good enough to get the job done and not hesitate for a second round if there ever was to be a second round.
But with Jeongguk. He’s about to give you a night you hope to relive every moment you see him. When he steps into the living room after a few minutes, you had been biting your lip unintentionally, and you feel him kneeling when his tepid hands place on your knees to then gliding up your exposed thighs. He loves teasing you with his lips, talking against them to keep you on your toes. “I’m ready.” He whispers enticingly. You peel your eyes open, him holding your hands while he helps you stand.
When you enter behind him to his bedroom, you notice a golden bowl filled with ice cubes and bubbles from the jacuzzi mingled with steam is shown from where the bathroom door is open. “I didn’t know to buy rose petals and candles-”
“Oh, fuck that!” You gasp, grabbing his face to kiss him again and again. The excitement is so tremendous, his strong arms adhere you to his frame before he peppers kisses along your neck, sucking the skin before placing your back on his bed. Lifting your hands in surrender, he can have you however he wants. However, he needs you. His eyes trail to the ice cubes where he places one in his mouth taking a few long sucks. When you imagined ice play, you never thought you would actually get to experience it.
He then takes the ice and places it on your chest, the cold nips your skin in a pleasurable way and when he slides the cube onto one nipple then to the other, your shaky breaths echo within his bedroom. He then lets the cube glide downwards once your nipples stay budded till he pauses at the beginning of your vulva. “Do you want me, baby?”
“Yes!” You’re breathless, toes curling against the bed sheets, the cold of the frozen water bringing a subtle pain. “Yes, baby, please. I want you.” He lets the ice touch along your slit, causing your hips to rise involuntarily while he rubs it quickly, coating your heat with the chill. Just enough to absorb your taste. As you watch him intensely, he returns the cube to his mouth sucking more until he places it back into the bowl.
Without preparation, his hands, few fingertips cold, wrap around your thighs, shifting you to his starving mouth as he breathes in your scent. “You smell so good, baby.” He growls, his hair tickling your skin before his tongue starts to flick between your folds once more, the chill feel sending vibrations of desire up and down your body while you moan his name even higher than his previous feast. “Oh, Guk! Oh, baby! Holy fuck, you feel so good! Ah!” Your screams encourage him to flick faster, up and down his tongue presses, lapping up your juices while your hands dig into the comforter. Eyes rolling back, one by one, each of his hands reach to rub your nipples, rubbing so fondly while he licks you, making your arousal build even stronger, so intense, you can hardly breathe. His head makes swift movements while he continues to taste you furiously, not taking one moment to breathe himself. You feel another orgasm building, and before you can stop him, your hips buck to the amplifying sensation as the glint of you shines on his chin. He arches an eyebrow proudly as you melt against the comforter- completely and utterly gasping.
But he’s not done with you yet and you don’t want him to be.
He crawls onto the bed to hover above you, interlacing his fingers with yours that happen to untangle from squeezing the comforter. Still holding your hands, he then moves backwards, helping you up to lead you to the bathroom where he shuts the door behind him. Wherever he goes, you will follow. And so far, you are not regretting one bit.
The steam is still rising from the jacuzzi and when he pins you to the tub, he leans over you to press a button, the jets in the jacuzzi awaken and the entire bath is bubbling for you to enjoy. You smell yourself on his mouth, and when he kisses you again, this time it’s so loving. It’s soft. So mesmerizing, you can’t concentrate on anything else as his hands cup your breasts, rubbing your nipples so affectionately that your heat gushes below you as you moan helplessly against his mouth.
“Get in.” He demands and this newfound dominance is going to make you pounce. You tilt your head when you meet his knowing eyes.
“You first, Cigs.” His nose scrunching into the sweetest smile, you dizzyingly watch him step into the jacuzzi, letting the water engulf his frame before you find yourself joining, putting a leg on either side of his hips while you straddle him. His hands massage up and down your back slowly to gripping your ass. How much more stunning can this man be? When he said he was going to make you forget about the past, he wasn’t fucking kidding. And you are very much okay with that.
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispers suddenly and your heart swells at his words. Not only did he mean it, but you can feel how much he means it. It doesn’t take long for you to bring your lips to his after holding his gaze, eventually moving a hand to find his erection, posing above his length before he enters you causing you to gasp against his kiss before your body starts to move to the rhythm of his hips as he thrusts into you. The water splashes amidst your moans, him hitting your g-spot with every stroke.
Lips still locked to yours, Jeongguk wraps his arms around you before lifting you enough to lay your back against the other end of the jacuzzi. Water covers your body while the jets massage your skin as Jeongguk lingers above you, entering you once more, your arms hug behind his shoulders while he thrusts. His body molds so perfectly with yours, and you never felt so alive. His large hand moves to cradle the back of your head, kissing you so deeply that your head is spinning. You never want this to end. How he moves so beautifully within you. It’s enthralling. He is enthralling.
When he releases into you, the water washes him away, and he sighs into your neck while you two try to catch a breath.
“By the way, it’s Dory.”
Confusion hits you at his sudden, breathless remark. “What?”
“You called me Nemo. It’s supposed to be Dory. She has short term memory loss.”
Shoving him playfully, you splash water at him while giggles echo, him tackling you just to place kisses to your blushing face. You can’t imagine ever losing him at this point. For once, you feel promise even though a promise has never been made.
“You’re smiling.” Monnie says suspiciously as you dazingly exit your room.
“And that’s a bad thing?”
“It certainly is not. It’s about time you appreciate your life here.”
“I do appreciate it here.”
“Finally… Is it the blonde guy?”
Your eyes widen because you completely forgot that your sister has no idea about Jeongguk. “No!” You say quickly. “No, it’s not him.”
“Okay,” Monnie says slowly, placing her hands on her hips. “Well, something is making you act like a teenager, so spill it.”
“I will at some point just… Just not right now.”
Monnie groans in annoyance. “I don’t know what I have to do to get you to talk to me, but at some point, I need to know your life story.”
“But you do know most of it. We’re sisters, Genius.”
“The boring stuff. I want to hear the dirt. I’m nosy.”
“You wouldn’t be my sister if you weren’t.” You tease. “I will tell you everything when I am ready. It’s… a lot… Okay?”
Reluctantly, her arms loosen in defeat as she rolls her eyes, “Fine,” she drones.
To be honest, you hope to confide in LenLen as well. It’s about time you open to the people who you do trust very much. For the time being though, it’s been a few days since you last saw Jeongguk and he has been messaging you nonstop since then. You felt so bruised down there, especially when you both had intercourse the next morning before you left to go to work. Both were naked and finished brushing teeth, and you wrapped your arms around him from behind. Your breasts smooshed to his back. He couldn’t resist you after that. He lifted you up to where your legs linked around his body. The sex started rough once you reached his bed sheets but ended gently driving your mind wild. His touch is like lightning and he nearly cummed back-to-back when he saw a wet spot under you from where you released post orgasm.
You do plan to see him again, and despite the endless thoughts of him, you figure a nice walk around downtown is a good plan. Downtown is super close to the city but has a smaller string of stores. It’s a different scenery, something to keep your mind from cluttering. It’s been a few months. You don’t go as often because that’s where Hoseok would take you on special dates. You figure with his popularity rising from his newly released book, he may not be downtown as often, so you feel it’s safe to tread.
Goodness though, the way Jeongguk’s touch has encapsulated you into another dimension, you can’t stop thinking about him. Or his lips. Or his smile. Or his laugh. Or his tattoos, how beautifully they decorate his skin. The way he holds you… He’s a dream you hope to always have. Hands cuddled into your jacket pockets, the sun shining brightly in the sky, twenty minutes into entering downtown where cars slowly drive by and the ‘open’ signs flash on every window, you decide to enter one of the familiar shops you happened to pass. Life gets even stranger because when you enter what looks to be a beauty boutique, from the colors and setting you recognize it as one you and Hoseok used to frequent way back when.
“She had me come double check inventory. Just make sure we get more of the eye shadow palettes in. At least, that’s what she requested me to say.” Eyebrows scrunching, you have heard this voice before. It’s oddly quiet other than a radio playing, and your eyes trail to an employee nodding and scribbling down whatever was said. Your heart nearly stops when you see none other than Jimin talking to the employee after shifting through what looks to be a pile of mail. You debate running out of the store, but you never got Jimin’s number, and so you make it clear you really didn’t use him even though you kinda did accidentally on purpose, you make the haste decision to let him notice you. He hasn’t done anything wrong.
He spins around after checking over a few things and looks up at you when you clear your throat. The moment his eyes register who he is seeing, his face lights up. “Oh my gosh! Hey there!” Jimin out stretches his arms, pulling you into such a sweet embrace when he reaches you, and you can’t help but let the relief loosen your tense frame. You melt into him.
“Hey,” you whisper.
“How are you?” He pulls away slightly to read your eyes.
“I’m good… I’m sorry I never thought to get your number.”
“No! No, don’t apologize. I should be sorry. I don’t want you to think I’m that kinda guy.”
“Oh God, no.” You chuckle. “You are just fine.”
Jimin presses his lips together in concentration, his thumb rubbing your shoulder. “My sister had me check up on her store which is why I’m here.” He motions to his surroundings. “With the stress of inventory, I could use a drink. Wanna join?”
“You don’t have to ask me twice.” You say.
When the strong liquid welcomes your tongue soothing your limbs once you swallow, Jimin eyes you as you twirl the liquid in the glass. The restaurant is nice and dimly lit and you are very thankful that you ran into him when you did. It makes you feel better about what happened between you two.
“I didn’t know you had a sister.” You say after a minute. Not that you ever cared to ask. “I didn’t know she owned a store.”
Jimin smiles, shrugging his shoulders. “Yeah, she’s a pain in my ass but I love her.”
“I relate on so many levels.” You chuckle, knowing Monnie would give you a look that could kill with an arched eyebrow in tow.
“Is… everything okay between us?” Jimin is curiously watching you, his expression still concerned about everything. At this point, you both have swapped numbers, promising to keep in touch. With how much your heart pines for Jeongguk, you know you won’t give in to anyone else.
“Of course, it is.” You promise. “I really mean it when I say I enjoyed your company. I just have a lot going on.”
“I understand.” He says meaningfully. “Want to talk about it?”
Considering your answer, you swallow briefly. “My ex… of three years cheated on me. Moved here a year ago.” You continue explaining how you ended up with your sister and how you were heartbroken about being stood up at the bar and how you ran into your ex and his best friend at the bar as well. All in one night. Adding that you are glad Jimin was equally attracted to you and how the distraction really helped overall.  
“Holy shit, you slept with his best friend!? You are bad ass!”
“Oh God, I’m far from it.”
“Dude, no, that’s the best way to get back at a cheater. I’m telling you. Oh, and um,” Jimin leans closer to you with a confident look, his thick lips poised in a mischievous grin, “I don’t mind you using me for whatever you want. I’m honored I got to be your first after a year of abstinence.”
You giggle, smacking his shoulder playfully. “To be honest, I’m glad it was you too. You are so sweet. I mean it. If anything, I hope we can be friends.” You reach to squeeze his hand, him running his thumb across your knuckles.
“How long ago did you and your sister move here?” You wonder aloud. “I remember you said you had been here for a long while.”
“About two years, but I am roommates with Taehyung for now. He’s pretty head over heels for his girlfriend so I’ll probably be living on my own soon.”
“That’s not bad at all,” you encourage.
“Oh yeah, I’m sure I’ll love the space, but it gets lonely sometimes… My sister lives with her current boyfriend. I’m not the biggest fan, but he’s a successful novelist. Came out with a book literally like last week.”
Your eyebrows scrunch. What? “He’s… an author?”
“Yeah… I mean he’s a good writer don’t get me wrong, but her last boyfriend… She was with him forever and she did him so dirty. I felt bad for the kid.”
“Wait a minute…” Your head is spinning. This can’t be real. Calm down, y/n, it’s all just a coincidence. You are freaking out over nothing. “Wh-who was her ex-boyfriend if you don’t mind me asking?”
He opens his mouth to reply, but his phone, that has been laying right side up on the table starts to vibrate, a picture of a smiling woman shows. “Oh, that’s my sister.” He says, “Probably calling to make sure I took care of inventory. I should take this.”
“I- I have to go anyway,” you pretend to check your wrist when really stars are showing in your eyes, because that picture. Your mouth goes immediately dry. The shirt. The way her breasts are rounded beneath that shirt. Hoseok’s shirt. The shirt that went missing. The girl in the picture… she was wearing it. She was fucking wearing it.
“Hey, Min-a.” Jimin greets into the phone, waving goodbye to you, mouthing that he will text you as you dart away. Bile rises to your esophagus burning in its wake as you rush outside to the nearest trash can. Holy shit. You can’t breathe and you gasp between heaves. Everything is crashing down as you make the connection. It’s all coming together.
You never saw her face, but you saw her torso decorated with nice breasts and Hoseok’s shirt. Jeongguk mentioned that he was cheated on too and that she was with her new boyfriend who was going over a script with an actor… His stepbrother who is none other than Kim Seokjin. Hoseok has been writing for an actor who happens to be Kim Seokjin. Jimin personally knows Kim Seokjin. Hoseok is now out with a novel. She, Jimin’s sister, owns a store downtown, a store that happens to be one that you and Hoseok used to frequent because you loved their products, but when you left him, you never went back to that specific store. Meaning… he met her there. While you two were still together. But most of all, you remember how tense Jeongguk got at the mention of Jimin… Because Jeongguk knows Jimin. And then there was the confrontation Jeongguk almost had with the guy his ex-girlfriend cheated on him with who you can’t seem to comprehend it to be:
This can’t be real. No, no this can’t be fucking real. You plead to the universe, wiping your lips with your sleeve as you try to keep the next bout of nausea suppressed.
Jeongguk dated Jimin’s sister who is now with Hoseok. The girl who he cheated on you with. You heard Jimin say her name. You can hardly collect your thoughts to think her name.
When the nausea starts to dull just for you to regain your composure. You run. You run home and you don’t stop until you burst through the door. Monnie and Yoongi are frantic when they see you, collapsing to the floor to catch your breath while tears stream down your face, sobbing as the pain shoots through your heart. Now, you have your answer. Nobody had to tell you. You accidentally stumbled upon it yourself. At this point, seeing the devastation pouring down your face, Monnie doesn’t give you a choice, she demands the truth. As Kenai rushes to sway his furry body against your legs to calm you, you confess and tell your sister and her boyfriend everything. From beginning to end- everything.
Finally, you let every emotion out, every secret released.
“So, you are saying that not only did you sleep with your ex’s best friend, Namjoon. You also hooked up with your ex’s new girl’s brother and her ex-boyfriend, too!?” Monnie connecting the dots while Yoongi’s mouth drops open in alarm. “Holy cannoli, if this isn’t the best revenge story ever!”
“I wasn’t looking for revenge!” You spew.
“Not with Jimin and Jeongguk you weren’t, but you have to admit, Namjoon was definitely revenge.”
“Well Namjoon, yes.” You agree with swollen eyes. “But the rest? I had absolutely no idea they were connected.” Your palm is plastered to your forehead, and though Jeongguk has messaged you and called twice, you’ve ignored everything. You don’t know how to approach the subject. Is his ex, Min-a, who is Hoseok’s girlfriend that he left you for, is she the reason Jeongguk kept walking away from you? Why he struggled at first giving into you? Have her and Hoseok been having problems? “No wonder why Hoseok was so… shocked.” You murmur. “I thought it was because I was kissing another guy in general, but it was his girlfriend’s brother.”
“Wowza.” Yoongi shakes his head in disbelief. “I can’t comprehend it. What a small world.”
“Now it all makes sense. They all know each other.” You speak. “That’s why they’re all connected. Holy shit.”
“I definitely know Kim Seokjin. Not personally, but we’ve seen a few of his movies.” Yoongi says crossing his arms, gesturing his elbow in Monnie’s direction.
“Oh yeah, how can we not know Kim Seok-” Monnie notices Yoongi eyeballing her playfully with a quirked eyebrow and she clears her throat. “I agree. They all know each other. Jimin and Taehyung are best friends who know Kim Seokjin because he is best friends with Taehyung. Kim Seokjin also knows Jeongguk because they happen to be stepbrothers and Kim Seokjin knows Hoseok because of the movie script and novel Hoseok wrote. Also,” Monnie takes in a deep, dramatic breath. “Hoseok knows Jeongguk because Hoseok stole his girlfriend at the time, and Jeongguk knows Jimin because he dated Jimin’s sister. Am I forgetting anyone?”
“My head hurts.” You groan.
“Ah, Namjoon! He is best friends with Hoseok and since he was in the same vicinity as everyone I have mentioned, he must know everyone. I’m sure he is familiar with Jeongguk because Hoseok probably told him.”
“You’re good at this.” You blurt. “Maybe you should be a writer.”
“I’ve dabbled a time or two.” She grins, holding a finger in the air. “And that concludes your shit show of a love life.”
“Thanks.” You roll your eyes. Yet, you couldn’t concur more.
When conversation finishes with your sister and her boyfriend, you feed Kenai and give him squishy hugs and kisses while he pelts his tail at you in annoyance. You don’t care how much he prefers his food over you sometimes, you want to give him kissies and he shall accept them. There is somewhere you want to be. Need to be. You just hope he will be there.
Ordering a driver after freshening up and putting on a light amount of makeup, you throw on some tennis shoes and make your way outside. Previously you were always uncertain of the destination you were going to go. But this time, you know exactly where you are going. He will always be who you run to. Jeongguk. You haven’t stopped thinking about him since the day you met him. It has all gone by so fast, yet there is plenty of time to become more than just a thought every other second. But, neither of you can proceed until the truth is told.
The drive feels tantalizingly slow as your leg bounces profusely in the backseat until you arrive at the bookstore. You swish some mouth wash from the mini bottle in your purse as you rush to the elevator after tipping the driver, spitting it into a bush before elbowing the elevator button. Your temples beat to your increasing heart rate. Swallowing the lump forming in your throat, you recount everything. It’s time to lay it all out. No matter how risky.
Customers standing by on the third floor watch you zip past, and you try to follow your memory to Jeongguk’s door and when your feet stop before it, you inhale and exhale deeply to calm your nerves. You knock, letting your hope rise because you cannot wait to see him despite the words that haven’t been said. You hear running footsteps- and when the door opens, your breath hitches at his indescribable beauty. You see the way relief falls with his shoulders as he springs forward to hug you- pulling you into his home while the door automatically shuts behind you.
You take the time to hold him, bundling your nose into his warm chest while his hand moves to soothe into your hair. “Hey,” he whispers, placing a kiss to the top of your head. “Where have you been? I’ve been super worried.”
“I know,” you murmur, squeezing him tighter. “I know. I’m sorry… Something happened.” You hear the rustle of paws running around the living room and you can’t help but smile at the reminder of the cats. Instantly your smile falls, however, because you know a serious conversation is going to take place. Shifting to step back, so you can see the entirety of his face, he tries to read your expression. He can tell something is wrong.
“I know how you know Jimin.” You can’t help it when tears brim, especially when you see Jeongguk’s body tense. As if he is trying to protect himself from unwanted memories. From heartbreak. He remains silent. “Min-a.” Your voice is hoarse when you say her name. Jeongguk’s hands move to slide into his hair while he sucks in his lips, squeezing his eyes shut the second he registers who you just named. There’s pain in his demeanor. Pain, you know all too well. “She’s who my ex-boyfriend left me for… Hoseok.”
Disbelief, the common reaction, is all over his expression while his lips part as if to speak, but he doesn’t. “Hoseok’s not an actor…” You murmur. “He’s a writer… He knows your stepbrother because he wrote a story he wants filmed with Seokjin as the lead.” You wet your lips. “I met Jimin the day I met you. And yes… I hooked up with him the night the bar opened, but I was so emotionally distraught, I needed something. Anything to distract me because I saw Hoseok there. And his best friend. And… I was devastated that you didn’t show up.” Your fingers touch to your lips as you try to keep your composure. “I had no idea who she was until today.” You admit. “Absolutely no idea.”
“I-” Jeongguk struggles to find the words, but he steps closer to you. “I think it will take time for the shock to settle, but…” He swallows. “I never meant to hurt you that night I didn’t show up.” You feel your tears panging hot trails onto your cheeks, Jeongguk moving to cup your face to swipe the tears away with his thumbs. “I was still battling with whether I should start over with Min-a. She kept trying to reach out to see me again, and I fell for it a few times, but the second I met you.” His forehead touches to yours while you take in his warmth. “The second I met you, there was no one else I could think about. Not even her. In a fucked-up sense, I wanted closure, too. I thought…” He pauses, pulling away slightly to look into your eyes. “I thought if I gave her a chance to explain, maybe that would be enough for me to move on, but… she never showed up each time she reached out. I knew I made a huge mistake what I did to you and when you were all I continued to think about I knew… I knew it was you I ultimately wanted to be with. I’m so sorry I broke your trust. I’m so sorry I hurt you.”
“No-!” You croak. “No, it’s okay. It’s really okay.” You plea through the tears. His eyes well with them too while you both try to get through this pain. Together. “You were hurting, too. We were hurt by the same people. It’s all so unbelievable, I can hardly understand it.”
“Well, if I haven’t learned anything at all, it’s that karma’s a bitch.” Jeongguk forces a chuckle, brushing a slow, warm kiss to your lips. “I won’t let him hurt you anymore.” You feel the tenderness in his caress. His promise. This time clothes make a trail on the floor to his bedroom where your bodies cling together while love is made through the night. In the end, you hope he is the man that will mend your heart the way you hope to mend his.
No more goodbyes, Cigs.
No more goodbyes.
And that will be your promise.
Seven months later…
“Breathe, y/n.” Jeon Jeongguk reminds you as you take in a prolonged, shaky breath. The buzzing of the needle starts to reach your skin while his gloved hands gently touch your limb. “I promise you it’s not that bad. Do you see my arm?”
“I know, Babe. But I have never done this before. Cut me some slack here.” You whine. Closing your eyes, a prick of pain starts to tingle against your skin from the sharp darts of pinches leaving traces of black ink in its wake.
“Good.” Jeongguk encourages. “See, I told you. It’s not that bad-”
He notices you wince when he gets to a different area of your wrist where he is permanently inking your ‘delicate skin’ as you have been referring. You knew you always wanted a tattoo, but it took your forever to figure out what to get. When the idea came to get an ink print of one of Kenai’s paws, you jumped to it. Jeongguk, of course, pretending to be jealous, made it clear that he better be the one who tattoos you. The shop is closed for the day, but Jeongguk being one of the main artists, he’s allowed to do tattoos on his own time, so it is just the two of you in the facility.
You are astonished at how quickly it goes by. The needle stings, but the pain is durable. It definitely is not as bad as you anticipated. It only takes Jeongguk 45 minutes to complete Kenai’s pawprint on the underside of your wrist. “Alright, take a look and tell me what you think and then I’ll apply the wrap.” He sets the needle onto the metal table next to the chair you have been sitting in, and he takes off his gloves.
The skin is red, with small dots of blood as you expected from where the needle etched the ink, but you are blown away by how brilliantly Jeongguk did with your first ever tattoo. “It’s… It’s perfect.” Your voice breaks from the tears brimming. “I love it.” You smile wide.
He chuckles, elated by your response. “I love you.” Preparing the sticky wrap, he carefully places it, afterwards pressing a kiss to your lips. “You did it.” His smile lights up your entire world as he proudly kisses you again.
“Only because of you. I wouldn’t have survived with anybody else.”
“Yes, you would have. It’s not that bad. I told you!” Jeongguk teases, waving his tatted arm in your line of vision while he points at it with his free hand.
“Fine,” you drone. “I would prefer that it be you because it’s more special. Kenai is the love of my life aside from you.” Jeongguk quirks an eyebrow. “What? He loves you, too!”
“Are you sure about that because he’s really gotten Flounder wrapped around his toe bean.”
“He’s got you, too.” You wink.
You moved in with Jeongguk a few weeks ago, adapting to the new life. So far, it’s gone rather well. He may not throw his clothes in the laundry basket, but at least he knows how to make up for it later. Wink wink. You inwardly giggle. Though LenLen was sad to see you leave, not only did Jeongguk get you a job at the bookstore, but you are the store manager which is nice because on breaks, you can just chill at home.
Home being with Jeongguk, Kenai, Flounder and Tetra. The crazy cat couple. Nothing gets better than that.
Jeongguk on the other hand has returned to tattooing. Something he is so talented at that its mind blowing. You are so grateful for how strong of a bond you two have formed since the first day you met. As far as Hoseok, him and Min-a have broken up by the whispers on the street, but you have found a way to forgive him. Especially when he reached out to apologize for how he wronged you and how none of it was your fault. How he should have known Min-a never truly wanted him, and that you are the sole reason his novel became a hit. The day he met you at the park. How you inspired it. You aren’t sure if he knows about Namjoon still, but you are glad he didn’t mention it if he does. You figure he’d tear the book to shreds at that point, but you thanked him for his apology and that you are happy with someone else. Very happy.
Jimin is a friend of you and Jeongguk to this day, but he does not speak about his sister in either presence considering her name is still an open wound. You and Jeongguk are still working on the forgiveness for her, too.
“It’s so amazing.” You awe about your tattoo once more. Jeongguk reaches to hold your other hand. “You’re so talented.”
He shrugs. “It’s a passion… Thank you for trusting me.”
Your lips pull into a gentle smile. “Always and forever.”
Leaning forward, you kiss him again and again and again and again. You love that you can trust that there will not be a goodbye from this glorious human being before you. He will always be your hello the second you wake up, the second you come home and every moment in between. “I love you,” he whispers breathless between kisses and if there weren’t cameras installed for security, you two would be making love right here in this seat.
“I love you too, Cigs.” You whisper against his mouth. “I love you so much.”
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3K notes · View notes
svtrightherekids · 8 months
Can you recommend some really BTS angsty fics that have happy endings (yknow something that'll torture my heart but I'll still be happy)
YES. we love torturing our hearts <3
backburner by @yoonpobs
sister's best friend min yoongi! x reader
sometimes you felt like you were the back-burner of a two-decade-long friendship. how could you ever compete?
2. maybe I do by @chateautae
ceo taehyung! x rich reader!
maybe you love each other, maybe you don’t. when a deal between your fathers leaves you forcefully wedding kim taehyung, arguably seoul’s most powerful CEO, you’re prepared for a loveless marriage of eternal regret and unhappiness. but maybe, it doesn’t turn out that way after all.
3. practice by @chryblossomjjk
art major jungkook! x smart reader!
what starts as a harmless little "meet up" ends up being way more complicated.
4. Rough edges by @kjhmyg
badboy jk! x reader!
This series is not ended yet, but I couldn't possibly recommend a angsty fic rec and not include this series. fingers crossed, hopefully this has a happy ending :(
5. The return of an empress by @you-are-my-joy
Empress Reader! x Advisor!Jin, Advisor!Yoongi, General!Hoseok, Advisor!Namjoon, Assassin!Jimin, Knight!Taehyung, Knight!Jungkook
After one fateful night, you find yourself transmigrated into your favorite novel as the Empress that shares the same name as you. As a bookworm, most would think you’d be happy, but how could you be happy when the Empress you’ve become is expected to be killed in three months. The only thing on your mind now is to learn how to survive.
Thanks for reading :0
136 notes · View notes
katebacks · 2 years
Series The Bet: Haunted House - JHK
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→ pairing | Jung Hoseok x Reader
→ genre | smut, angst, enemys to lovers!au
→ word count | 6,431
→ summary | Because of your friends, Hoseok thought you hated him, and you thought the same. But after they bet on spending Halloween Eve night in an abandoned house, everything changes.
→ warnings |sex, Adult content(a lot), alcoholic beverages, low slang words.
→ A/N| Please reblog and like if you liked it, Tumblr is loving to end blogs around here by cutting their visibility. DON'T DO WHAT THE CHARACTERS DID. I'm not talking about sex, if you are of legal age and want to, do it. I'm talking about going to abandoned places at night. Be careful, there are a lot of bad people in the world just waiting for a chance to hurt you. Stay safe. The house is not haunted at all, so don't worry, there's nothing terrifying about this story.
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“I can’t fucking believe that we are doing this.” It must have been the fifteenth time the boy next to you had said the same sentence, it was almost like it was in a loop. And you completely agreed with him, you didn't believe you were doing such a stupid thing, mostly, you didn't believe you were heading towards an abandoned house next to Jung Hoseok, the most beautiful and most annoying man you knew. The vodka you had been drinking nonstop for two hours before getting in that car wasn't making you any more comfortable with the situation. But you had to take that bet, there was no way you were going to let your friends think you were scared to spend the Halloween night in the most famous abandoned house in town; even if you were hella scared. "Why the hell did you have to bet me too?" He took his eyes off the road for a second, staring at her and then back to the street dimly lit by the car's headlights. "Were you that desperate to be alone with me in a place, but are you so proud to say, that you had to take the two of us to an abandoned house?"
Although you sometimes wanted to beat Hoseok until he passed out, you couldn't deny how cute he was. He had that emo badboy vibe, wore dark eye makeup and painted his nails black, and wore really heavy clothes. He had that hate-filled look in his eyes, but at the same time, his expression didn't say anything. And that black hair, god you wanted to get your fingers into that hair. You weren't sure why you hated him so much, maybe it was to mask all the lust and attraction you felt for him, maybe it was the fact that you felt annoyed that you were the only one of your friends who hadn't slept with him.  And you also didn't know why he hated you so much, you just knew that from the first time you saw each other, you started insulting each other.
"You can keep dreaming, Hoseok, because the only reason I bet you is to prove to everyone that you're just a scared chicken."
He snorted.
"Yeah, keep telling yourself that, maybe you'll believe it one day." The two then fell silent again, the atmosphere in the car heavy, and it was so quiet outside that you could only hear the car's engine. You then started feeling anxious and rethinking the whole situation. You were going to a place in the middle of nowhere, a house hidden in the middle of the forest, in a place where no living soul had stepped in years; except of course the drunk and drugged wanderers who were likely to commit crimes and hide in the house. It wasn't a place for two young adults to go to at dawn. It was very dangerous and that's how horror movies started: with two idiots snooping around where they shouldn't.
"Okay, maybe this was a bad idea, Hoseok." He arched an eyebrow, but he didn't take his eyes off the road or said a word. "This can be quite dangerous, we don't know what we can find there." And you paused. "Perhaps we should both give up this challenge and accept whatever the punishment is."
"I'll not give up." he scoffed. "If you want wimp out, go ahead, I'll stop the car and you'll go back." He said slowing the car down, and you widened your eyes.
"Are you going to let me go back by my self? Down this deserted road?"
"Or you can just stop being a coward and finish the damn dare."
“Ugh, fine.” You crossed your arms, huffing and leaning back in the seat. "But if I die, I'm going to make your life hell,"
"If you die, I will too, honey."
And for some strange reason, you felt comfortable with the nickname.
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A few minutes later, after being silent again, both saw a dirt road that entered the forest, when approaching closer, you saw a huge tree fallen to the ground, blocking the entire passage. Due to its size, you would not be able to go around it, you would have to walk from there. Hoseok stopped the car as close to the side of the road as possible, turned off the engine and both got out of the car, feeling the temperature drop instantly. You hugged your body, while the guy went to the trunk and took out a backpack. After locking the car, he was the first to jump over the tree, turning around and waiting for you. You still felt like that was a bad idea. And Hoseok knew it. He glued his eyes together and moistened his lips before speaking.
"Do you want to stay in the car?" He could see your eyes twinkling when he suggested it. And he found it adorable.
"Will you stay with me?" You had never used such a soft tone of voice with him before, and he might not admit it, but he liked it. And it would be interesting to spend the night in a car with you, but he was too proud for that.
"I'm not giving up on the challenge, (y/n). I'm staying in the house." You shook your head, your jaw quivering too much from the cold to argue, then just sighed and headed towards the tree, climbing it. When you stood on top of the fallen log, Hoseok who was on the other side, adjusted the backpack on his back and stretched his arms towards you, helping you down, and before the mood started to get weird, he started walking again down the dirt road towards the abandoned house.
The road was surrounded by giant trees that covered the sky with their leaves, not letting you see above them. It was cold down there, and the street grew dark as you went further. You could hear crickets, tree branches bumping against each other pushed by the wind, you could hear the wind whistling violently, and you could hear your heart beating in your ear. You've never been afraid of the dark, you've never had to sleep with the light on, you've never been afraid of what could be hiding in your closet or under your bed, but at that moment you were afraid of what might be lurking behind those trees.
You looked at Hoseok, and he didn't look scared at all, in fact he looked thoughtful. And focused. He was a very confident guy, he trusted himself and in his abilities, whatever he wanted, he would go out there and get it. You envied that about him. And your thoughts were interrupted when you heard something like dry branches being broken, as if someone was stepping on them, and it came from the middle of the bush. The sound made you involuntarily jump to Hoseok's side and grab his hand and his arm, both of you stopping walking as you stared at the place where the noise seemed to have come from. The boy looked at you, all curled up as you held on to him and he could only smile, that was the first time you had touched him willingly. Another sound of the same kind came from the bushes and you stifled a squeak, turning all at once towards him, bumping into his body, hiding your face in his chest, closing your eyes tightly, hugging him around the waist. You've never been so terrified, and that wasn't funny.
"Hey, it's okay." Hoseok tried to calm you down, hugging you and running his hand through your hair, not trying to push you away, just trying to reassure you that nothing was going to happen. "You're safe with me, don't worry. It's just a few branches snapping, there's nothing to fear, I promise."
"What if it's some wild animal? A bear or a wolf."
"We don't have animals in these forests, the most it can be is a stray cat, it won't hurt us." His voice was extremely calm, and smooth, and oddly enough, you were starting to calm down. You never thought that one day you would be soothed by Jung Hoseok, but at that moment, he didn't seem to hate you that much. Then you slowly lifted your head, opening your startled eyes and looking at the image of his dimly lit face, he stared back at you, bringing one of his hands to your cheek, caressing it slowly before coming to his senses and realizing what was happening. He cleared his throat and took a step back. "Let's go on, huh?" You blinked slowly before nodding, ducking your head, trying to ignore your burning cheeks. "Come on, hold my hand." He said reaching out his hand to you which you accepted quickly, letting his big hand encircle yours.
The rest of the way to the house was calm, and although you were still startled by the noises of the forest, having Hoseok's palm against yours was helping you not to lose your mind. A few minutes later, you were able to visualize at the very bottom, at the end of that road, a very humble little house. As you got closer, the feeling that something could go wrong increased. And knowing that it wouldn't do any good to ask Hoseok to come back and forget about that damn bet, you just took a deep breath, as if you were already preparing for the worst.
When you finally got to the house, you could see how deplorable it was. The wood was faded and rotten. The window panes were broken and the porch wood creaked as they stepped on it. The front door was half open, and the moonlight that had illuminated most of its way there didn't reach inside the house. Hoseok took a flashlight out of his backpack and you frowned, you didn't know people still used those things even with the advancement of technology and flashlights in cell phones. Although it was better to use up your flashlight battery than to use up your cell phone battery and not be able to call the police if you had to.
Hoseok used the tip of the flashlight to push the door open, It creaked until it hit the wall. The first thing he saw was a large living room, with two old sofas and the upholstery torn apart, a coffee table in front of it with shattered glass strewn across the floor. There was a fireplace across the room, beer bottles crammed into it, and there was also a staircase that led to the other floor of the house. Walking around, following Hoseok, you could see condom wrappers and used condoms scattered on the floor. And couldn't help but notice the strong smell of urine.
"This place is disgusting, ugh!" You complained, covering your mouth and nose with the sleeve of your sweatshirt.
"Let's take a look up there, maybe it's better than down here." Hoseok commented, walking towards the stairs, and you followed him, even knowing that in a dilapidated house like that, the floor could give way under your feet at any moment. Upstairs, there were three rooms on the left side of the hallway and one on the right, at the very end. . Only the door on the right side was closed, while the others were wide open. Those rooms were bedrooms and everything was like downstairs, dirty, with destroyed furniture, and with boards on the windows, there were broken bottles everywhere and used condoms on the floor. "This place is perfect for catching seven different types of diseases. When we get out of here we're going to have to burn our clothes and shower with disinfectant and alcohol.”
“Agreed.” Hoseok turned to you, shining the flashlight into your face, causing you to frown and use your hand to block the excessive light that was in your eyes. “Hey, what are you doing?”
"Did you just agree with me?"
"Yes, can't I?"
Hoseok raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything, despite being curious, he decided not to follow his curiosity and just turned the other way, heading towards the door at the end of the hall, it l led to a bathroom and surprisingly it was the cleanest place in the entire house. And even though it was still dusty and the sink was inside the bathtub, it was still the only place in the house you could sit on the floor, without risking touching someone's sperm or urine.
"Well, I think this is the only suitable place for us to spend the night." Hoseok said bending down, he supported the backpack on his thigh, and pulled out a blanket, unfolding it and placing it on the floor. He also took a bottle of vodka and a juice box out of his backpack, making you wonder why he was carrying those things.
"Why do you carry this stuff?" The boy looked up at you for a second before opening the bottle of vodka and taking a sip. He then extended the bottle towards you, who raised an eyebrow, there wasn't much to do there, so drinking would be your only source of entertainment. Shrugging you reached for the vodka and took a sip, grimacing as you felt the drink burning down your throat. Hoseok laughed and handed you the juice box, feeling much better after drinking it.
"I like to be prepared for any kind of situation. I can get drunk anywhere, and I can get drunk and sleep anywhere." And he smiled, patting the floor beside him, signaling you to sit next to him, and again without many options, you did, leaning against the wall and sharing the bottle of liquor with him;
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Two hours had passed and the bottle of liquor was almost half full, you and Hoseok should have had half a dozen fits of laughter while drinking and talking, you had never been together this long without insulting each other or talking, and that made you curious, he actually seemed like a nice guy, so why the hell did you guys hate each other?
"Why you hate me?" You asked amid laughter, causing Hoseok who was catching his breath from his last laugh to look at you before letting out a dry laugh.
“You tell me, preppy girl, why do you think I hate you so much?”
“I have no idea.” You shrugged. "It's just that every time you look at me, I feel like your gaze will penetrate my soul or something. And you always pay so much attention to my girlfriends, but never to me." You giggled, feeling your face numb. "Fuck, my cheeks are numb."
"I don't pay attention to your friends, they chase me up and down, god, I've never seen girls as clingy as they are. It gives me the chills." Hoseok bent one leg and rested one arm on his knee, while leaving the other stretched out and leaning his head against the wall, facing the bathroom ceiling. "And I don't know why you're friends with them, they're not good company, I've seen them badmouthing you to other guys." And so he looked at you, seeing you curiously, with your mouth slightly open and eyes fixed on him. "Even for me."
"They don't do that."
"Yes they do." He laughed. "Don't be innocent, when I asked them if you were single, they told me yes, but that you would have no interest in me, and that you thought I was a junkie with no future."
"I never said that." Your voice came out louder than it should have and you instantly covered your mouth with both hands, starting to laugh, just like him. "I never said that." You whispered, turning around and crossing your legs, facing him. "Actually I think you're very talented, I went to Tequilas on Friday to see your performance and look, you're the best Rapper I've ever met."
He frowned, and because of the alcohol you didn't realize how much his eyes lit up to hear that you had watched his performance and that you liked it.
"You were there?"
"Yeah, I went with the girls, but I left before them as they told me that after the show they would meet with you and have a threesome."
“Threesome, ya know, when three people...”
“I know what it is, babe, I'm referring to what they said. I didn't do any of that with them, I can use drugs sometimes but I never forget what I do and I don't usually do stupid things.” And he looked angry. "What other lies were those girls telling you?"
"I don't know… They talk a lot about you." You said thoughtfully, it was only then that it dawned on you that he had called you babe. "Did you just call me babe?"
"Yes babe, but stay focused, what else do these girls say about me?"
"Hmm, well they say you prefer naughty girls, said you hate the quiet ones, that they've had sex with you in several places and that you fuck really good."
“Oh, I do fuck really good but I don’t know how the hell would they know ‘cause I've never had sex with any of them.”
“And they said you said that I'm weird... and gross.” Hoseok's eyes widened and he watched you lower your head for a few seconds before lifting his chin and looking at him again, giving a wan smile. "And that's ok, everyone has the right to have their opinions..." And before you could continue, Hoseok took his hand on the back of your neck and pulled you all at once towards him, your lips collapsing in a violent kiss, where he stuck his tongue in your mouth, leaving you gasping for air. You were forced to unfold your legs and get on your knees as every second he pulled you closer and closer to him, your hands going to his hair, your fingers fulfilling a dream. And when he pulled his lips away, both with deep breaths and racing hearts, he looked into your eyes, again that look that seemed to penetrate your soul making you shiver.
"I don't think you're gross. I think you're the most wonderful, hottest woman in this town. And if every time I look at you, you feel that my gaze is penetrating you, it's because the thing I want most in this world since I laid eyes on you is to fuck you until I come inside you and make you come so hard around my dick that you would forget about any other man that had passed in your life.” And he gave you a peck, a long, hot peck. "I never even touched any of those girls, I just wanted you, I just want you." And he kissed you again, your will matching his at such a rapid rate that the next thing you knew, you were sitting on his lap, his hands squeezing your ass as your nails scratched the back of his neck. "And I don't mind if you're a quiet one, I can make you go pretty loud."
"I've never had sex under the influence of alcohol, that's weird." You chuckled between kisses. He grinned.
"What's weird?"
"The urge I have to just take these pants off and jump on your dick."
"You can do that if you want." He whispered, kissing down to her neck.
"Not here, there are already a lot of condoms scattered around this house."
"Then let's go elsewhere."
"But what about the bet?"
"Fuck this stupid bet, I just want you all over me."
You got up, staggered back, but leaned against the wall to keep from falling, laughing silly. Hoseok gathered all his things and turned on the flashlight once more, leaving the room. He waited for you to follow him and extended his hand towards you, this time you not only intertwined your fingers with his, but also grabbed his arm with your other hand, leaning on him, feeling as if your legs were jelly. Laughing as you went down the stairs, you were much more comfortable with the whole situation, no longer frightened by the creaks coming from the forest. Once again when you reached the fallen tree, Hoseok grabbed you around the waist, helping you to jump over it. Running clumsily towards the car, he unlocked the car alarm and you climbed into the backseat, undressing. The guy tossed his backpack into the driver's seat before ducking in front of the back door and looking at you. His eyes roaming every inch of your body until you were completely naked.
“Someone's eager”
“Aren’t you?” You whispered, slowly spreading your legs giving him a wide view of what he wanted most. Hoseok licked his lips and started to undress outside the car, being tall he wouldn't be able to do it in the car as quickly as he wanted, throwing his clothes on the front seats. And when he finished taking off his pants, he found a packet of condoms in his pocket, getting into his car and slamming the door behind him. Breathing so heavy he could feel his lungs working. With one knee propped up on the bench while he wore the condom, you fingered your wet space, his eyes alternating between down there and into your eyes. You then grabbed his waist, pulling him towards you. Hoseok rested his right hand on the back seat and his left hand on the passenger seat as he positioned himself, hovering over you.
And he swore as he started to get in, feeling you tighten around him, pulsing, your moans echoing throughout the car, invading his ears, making him roll his eyes and with one hand hold your neck. He started slowly, moving his hips slowly, eyes glued to your face, watching the pleasure wash over you, your lips parted, sometimes biting your lips, frowning. He also watched as you gripped the edges of the seat, your fingers sinking into the upholstery, your legs up, curling your toes, your chest pounding, your nipples hard, your body tingling, god, and it was all because of him. It was all because of his thick dick going in and out of you, hard as a rock, stretching your walls, touching your weak spots, it was all about that slim, beautiful, drawn body. It was all because of that face, those eyes upon you, the pleasure that had spread across that long, thin face. Hoseok was more than a man, he was a work of art, a piece of paradise, the male version of Aphrodite. A god who should be treated well, venerated. And you were sure you would do anything for him. You never hated him, it was all lust, desire.
"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" His voice was low, lustful and inquisitive, using his thumb to caress your parted lip.
“Only you.” You whispered back, licking his thumb before taking it in your mouth. He let out a low growl, lowering his body and taking your lips in a slow kiss that turned into a fiery kiss as he increased the speed at which his hips moved, bumping against yours, the noise certainly echoed out of that car, onto that deserted street where nothing but the wind could be heard. Your voice was muffled by his mouth, but as soon as he pulled away, kissing your chest until he was sucking on your nipple, you threw your head back, slamming it against the door, your moans getting louder and louder, following the force with which he thrust. “Fuck. It feels so good.” He didn't say anything, just bit your nipple, bringing his hands to your waist, moving your hips against his so easily it was as if he controlled you body with the power of his mind. And when the first orgasm came, so suddenly, you screamed, arching your back as he continued to move, feeling you tighten around him, your pussy so wet it dripped onto the seat, wetting the leather. Hoseok hugged your body, he sat down bringing you onto his lap, burying his face in your hair as you calmed down a little, your body shaking.
"Are you okay?"
"Fuck way more than okay." You laughed, your hips starting to move involuntarily, your body burning with arousal, his cock was buried so deep inside you that you didn't know how long it would be until you were coming again. You leaned your body back, using your arms to lean on the two seats in front, wiggling your hips as you went up and down, the guy let his head fall back, eyes on you, on how your breasts swayed, at how your body danced on top of him. He licked his fingers, and while one hand went towards your breast, pinching your nipple, the other went down to your pussy, and he didn't even need to wet his fingers, as what he found down there was a puddle of water, his fingers sliding in circles over your clit. Your sly moans no longer had control, as well as your body that while riding him, was rubbing against his fingers, needing more contact, needing to release that tension. “Shit i’m com...” And you barely managed to finish your sentence, screaming as you felt your core tighten and release all at once, your body going limp, squeezing your toes and closing your eyes tightly. Hoseok held your waist, pulling your body to him again, hugging you and stroking your hair while laughing with satisfaction.
"Twice, baby? You're being so nice to me." He kissed your shoulder lightly. "Think you can get one more?"
“Fuck, yes.” You stated, pressing your lips to his and hugging him around the neck as you moved your hips again, this time starting faster and harder, with his hands cupping your ass and helping you to ride. "I want you to cum on me, Hoseok."
"If you keep moving like this, I will." And it was what you needed to increase the speed, this time you ran your hand behind your body, throwing your body back a little, holding the back of his neck while the other hand went down to his balls, massaging. And he swore, bringing his fingers to your clit again. “Fuck babe, you’re so good. On Monday we're going to do a blood test, and when we prove to each other that we're clean, I'm going to fuck you so hard and I'm going to come so hard inside you that you will be marked by me forever, fuck."
And the sweat was running down your body, as was his, glistening in the light that came from outside the car. You could feel him coming and you could feel that burning in your core, you were ready to come one more time and you wanted so much for him to fill you all over, until not a drop was left. You just wanted to be his. It was everything you ever wanted.
"Fuck, I'm...." And he grabbed your body, making you stop moving, his cock pulsing inside you, your walls feeling every inch of him, his fingers stimulating you, making you come again, this time not having the strength to move anymore, your body going numb. You hugged each other, your head on his shoulder and his against the seat, so tired and out of breath that you waited a good few minutes for either of you to say something. Who needed drugs to ease the pressure when Jung Hoseok was there to make her come?
"I think we should go back." You whispered, your face against his neck as he stroked your hair. "Everyone must be waiting for us to give up on the bet."
"Keep them waiting, bunch of assholes." he whispered back. "Those bitches made you think I didn't want anything to do with you when I really only wanted you. Let's go to my house, take a shower and rest so we can have a whole day of trick or treat, in my bed, of course." He laughed and you lifted your head, looking at him. "And if you want, of course. "
"This will be the best Halloween of my life."
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all rights reserved © katebacks | 2018/2022 — no reposting and/or modifying of any form on any medium is allowed. no translations allowed.
284 notes · View notes
kjhmyg · 2 years
rough edges pt. 15 (m)
pairing: jungkook | reader genre: college!au, badboy!jk word count: 10k a/n: we’re almost reaching the end guyssss :(
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1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 6.5 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / part 15 / masterlist
RE asks tag / pinterest board
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“How are you doing?” 
Clothes lie haphazardly on the floor, items separated into essentials and non-essentials on your bed. With a smile, you answer much too eagerly. You might as well have told him the truth. “I’m doing great!” 
Over the phone, your dad sighs, as if he could see the state you’re in. Then again, he could always tell. “I had one of those feelings. You know, those I got whenever you’re up to something.” 
“Well…maybe I am.” You laugh and so does he, almost as if he has no choice but to go along with whatever it is. “But I don’t feel like getting into it right now.” 
He hums, “You know I’ll always support you. But I do have my limits. And that includes your health and safety, those come first.”
“Of course,” you bite your lip to stop the secrets from spilling out. You feel bad for keeping him in the dark, and worse making promises you don’t know if you can keep. “I promise I’ll take care of myself.”
“You better. And I expect a call every week.”
“Alright alright, geez.” 
The call ends shortly after, with your dad not forgetting to remind you to eat on time and to pay your bills. As soon as you hang up, you look at Hana, who has been sitting by your desk the entire time. “My dad says hi.” 
“Hi.” She says with a stoic face. “I think you forgot to tell him that you’re leaving the state and possibly the country with your boyfriend.”  
You give her a look as you stuff a bunch of your rolled up clothes into a duffel bag. “Okay I can tell you’re not very excited about my trip.”
“Stop saying trip, you’re literally leaving to help Jungkook escape.” She says, “You know who does that? Criminals.”
You don’t get upset, having heard this about a hundred times in the last few days. “Technically,” you arrange your items neatly next to the stack of clothes, “he hasn’t been prosecuted. So we’re not doing anything wrong. We’re just two people going on a trip.” 
“I can’t believe you.” Hana shakes her head, tired of your neverending excuses. “And have you spoken to Hoseok?” 
You send her a smile. 
“Is that a yes or a no?” 
Another smile.
“So no then.” 
“It’s just not the right time.” 
Hana goes over to you, “When is it ever going to be? When you’re already halfway across the Earth?” 
She’s right. But it’s too difficult to tell him about your decision; you’ve thought about calling him several times, but you never end up doing so. The events of that night are still clear in your mind. You’re sure it’s the same, or maybe worse for him. 
Hoseok had made it pretty clear he’s not going to support Jungkook any longer. That didn’t bother you too much. What concerned you more was wondering if he would end up telling Seokjin about what you did; how you breached confidentiality and told Jungkook about the investigation. 
It wouldn’t matter to Seokjin if Jungkook believed you or not, you still went against your word and betrayed his trust. But knowing Hoseok, he wouldn’t do anything to get you in trouble. “Okay,” you say in resignation, “I’ll tell him we need to talk.”
The bell rings and the both of you look out the door. “That must be Jimin.” Hana says. 
She gets the door and not a minute later does he appear at your doorstep, looking around. “Guess you were serious.”  
You smile, and welcome him with a hug. He’s tried to keep himself away from the drama, but after Hoseok came home fuming that night and started thrashing things about in his room, he didn’t have a choice. 
“How’s he doing?” He’s been your eyes on Hoseok since then. 
“Not bad, but not good.” Jimin keeps his eyes on you, studying your face, then brings his hand up to your cheek. “Are you sure about this? What makes you think he’s going to show up?” 
“I can’t be sure if he will,” you admit. What you don’t admit is knowing there’s a higher chance Jungkook might leave you hanging. “But I’ll be there if he does.” 
“You’re crazy…” He says, going around your bed and settling down on the chair. Hana joins in, making a dip on the edge of your bed. “You’re gonna have to tell Hoseok yourself, cause I don’t wanna be the one to break it to him. You should’ve seen him that night, I’ve never seen him so angry.” 
“I did see him.” You groan, still feeling bad that Hoseok had to go through all that because of you. “He and Jungkook almost got into it. I literally thought he was going to die.” 
“What exactly happened anyway?” Jimin asks, “He wouldn’t say. The only thing he told me was that Jungkook’s a lost cause…not like that though, there was more cursing involved when he said it.” 
You shift your bag to the floor, pressing your lips together. The whole thing is a little embarrassing. “Hoseok kind of…called Jungkook out for putting me in harm’s way. Then admitted he has a thing for me which then set Jungkook off.” 
“He what?” Jimin looks at Hana and she nods in understanding. She too, had the same reaction when you told her. “Why would he do that? That’s so stupid. And what are we, teenagers? Fighting over a girl like this…” 
Hana agrees, “Plus she’s already dating Jungkook, so there was really no need to say his feelings out loud.” 
“Guys, please…” You stop them, “It happened in the heat of the moment, okay? I’m not defending Hoseok, I’m just saying maybe it was too much for him. Jungkook almost caused us to crash, we almost got hurt, and on top of that Jungkook started yelling at him….it was a lot to process.” 
“Damn.” Jimin scratches the back of his head. “And after all that, you’re still choosing Jungkook.” 
You give him a look of exasperation. “You wouldn’t understand.” 
“Yeah. And neither would Hoseok.” 
“Don’t worry, I’ll tell him myself.” 
“Great, ‘cause he’s on his way up.” Jimin says casually and both Hana and you snap your heads in his direction. “What?” 
“He’s on his way up? Here?” Hana asks.
“Now?” You look at Hana in panic. 
Jimin gets up as well, trying to read the room. “Why? What happened? What are we panicking about?” 
“Jimin!” Hana yells. “Why didn’t you tell us Hoseok was coming with you?” 
“I don’t know what I’m gonna say yet!” You take a deep breath, suddenly feeling warm. You start to plan your approach; it has to be direct. Hoseok wouldn’t appreciate you beating around the bush anymore. 
The doorbell rings once again and you gasp. Hana grabs Jimin and shoves him out. “You stall, tell him we’ll be right out!” 
Jimin barely gets a word in and the door shuts in his face. He grumbles across the room and opens the door, then goes to lie on the couch without even looking at Hoseok. Hoseok stands there, furrowing his brows when he doesn’t see you. He steps inside carefully, kicking his shoes off and closing the door. 
“Aren’t the girls home?” He speaks to Jimin, though he can only see Jimin’s feet hanging over the edge of the couch from where he’s standing. 
“Yeah, they’re inside pani⎼ getting ready.” He bites his tongue when he almost slips up. 
“Getting ready for what?” He asks, taking a seat. 
“I don’t know. Stuff.” 
Hoseok shrugs and patiently waits, tapping his fingers on the sides of the couch. He hears the rustling going on inside, then looks at Jimin again who seems not to care. Before he says anything, your door opens and he stands to greet you. With Hana behind you, you go up to him as casually as you’re able, and give him a small hug. He seems to have needed that, holding on a little longer before letting go. 
“How are you doing?” He asks. 
“I’m good,” you nod, then glance at Hana, “do you mind if we go outside for a bit? There’s something I need to tell you.” 
He hesitates, probably sensing he wouldn’t like what you’re going to say. “Sure.” 
“I still can’t believe you did all that.” Bella sits across from Jungkook in her living room. He rests his arms over his thighs, head hanging low. “What’s gotten into you?” 
Jungkook’s kept silent since the moment he stepped in, knowing he could only come to Bella for this. Thankfully, other than the security involved, Bella hadn’t told anyone else what happened. He wipes his eyes. “He was out of line. Did you hear what he said?” 
“I did. But you shouldn’t have done that.” She tilts her head to try and level with his. “Do you know what he could do to you? He’s going to destroy you.” 
“Maybe I deserve it.”
“But Y/N doesn’t.” 
His eyes finally meet hers, lifting his head up at the mention of your name. He hasn’t forgotten; Hongjun had accused you of being a snitch that night. And he’s willing to bet that man has something up his sleeve, he wouldn’t sit back and do nothing about it.  
“You should go with her,” Bella continues, despite the reluctance he shows, “she’s right, maybe you should get away for a while. And it’s not like you’re forcing her to go with you…” 
“But you see, I can’t go.” He lowers his head again. “I don’t have it in me…to leave you behind. All of you.” 
“Then we all go.” 
Jungkook clenches his jaw, looking at her. “Seriously? That’s an even worse idea.” 
“But do you believe her? Whatever she told you?” She says it so quietly, as if it would be over if anyone heard them. Then she chuckles. “I’m afraid to even say it out loud.” 
He manages a small smile. “I don’t know what to believe.” He trusts Bella enough to tell her what you had told him. 
“I don’t think she would lie about something like that.” Bella sighs. “I know she’s not agreeable with what we do, but lying would only get her so far.” 
“Then how would she know about their movements? These things are classified Bella,” Jungkook shakes his head, “Shit. Maybe Hongjun is right.”
Bella goes quiet and he knows she’s starting to entertain that thought as well. 
“I think…” Bella treads carefully. “Even if she was working for them, it wouldn’t have been with any malicious intent towards us…This is Y/N we’re talking about. And look, she even disclosed such crucial information to you. It should count for something. She’s protecting you.”  
“You must really like her to defend her like this.” Jungkook laughs quietly. 
“I do. If all this is true then maybe I was wrong to think she was⎼” Bella stops herself. She couldn’t tell Jungkook about catching you doing business with Hongjun. Luckily for her, Jungkook wasn’t paying much attention. She places a hand on Jungkook’s knee, “Think of it this way, you’ve been looking for a way out. She’s giving one to you. You get to be free, and you get to be with the love of your life.” 
He smiles. “I guess.”
“Also, isn’t this what we’ve been saying would happen all along? We all knew Kim’s decision to work with Barome would end up with the cops getting involved.” 
Jungkook goes silent. 
“So? Are you going?” 
Bella seems more excited for him to leave than he is. Not surprising, after all, since she had proposed a similar idea a while back. “I’ll think about it.” Her shoulders drop in disappointment. “I really will think about it.” 
“Don’t leave without saying goodbye, okay?” 
“But then who will take care of you?”
“Hey, I’ve been doing fine all this while.” She punches his arm playfully, but softens at the thought of him thinking about her still. “Don’t worry, I’ll get my things sorted and ready to go at the first sign of danger as well.” 
He gives her a hug, sparing her a kiss to her hair which surprises her. “I think you should stay home in the meantime. I’ll tell them you need time off.” 
Bella appreciates the thought but shakes her head. “I can’t. Barome wants me around, and booked me for the whole month.” 
Jungkook cocks a brow. “He did? I didn’t know he’d be coming down anytime soon. I heard he’s super busy.” 
A troubled look stretches across her face. “Don’t tell anyone. But he wants me to train their new girls. I don’t want to, but I didn’t have a choice.” 
“Hey hey,” Jungkook hushes her, taking her into his arms again, “I get it. It’s Barome after all.”
“I don’t like it…” she says, looking down, ashamed to be a part of it. 
“It’s not your fault,” Jungkook reassures her, and she nods weakly, almost breaking down into tears, “it’s best not to go against Barome…for your own safety. Speaking of, why don’t you bring them down to the club. It’s better to keep close to us, just in case.” 
“But what if the police come for us there?” She says, eyes wide and teary. “We’d be caught red-handed.” 
“Don’t say that.” Jungkook holds both her hands in his. “We’ll be there to protect you.”
“Okay.” Bella says softly, nodding.
Jungkook sighs, wiping the stray tear flowing down her cheek, half-smiling. “See? How do you expect me to leave like this?” 
She pulls herself together, wiping away the tears and showing off her usual, winning smile. “No. Don’t worry about me. I’m fine. That was a temporary breakdown.” 
“Just stick with us. I promise you’ll be okay.” 
Bella looks like she’s about to say something else, until her son comes crawling into the room. As if disturbed by his mother’s emotions, he too wears a grumpy look on his face. As he stops to sit by their legs, he lifts his arms, reaching for a carry. But before Bella does, Jungkook’s already lifting him up. 
Jihoon’s confused at first, looking at Bella, then back at Jungkook. But then decides it’s good enough for him, settling nicely on Jungkook’s shoulder, tiny arms around his neck. 
“You’ve gotten better.” She says quietly. 
Jungkook looks almost embarrassed. “I watched some videos online, on how to carry a baby.” 
Bella covers her mouth with her hand, stopping herself from laughing but also finding it endearing at the thought of it. “Well you’re doing great.” 
“Oh I love these!” You gush over the candy you just bought at the store, Hoseok following behind. He’s been awfully quiet on the walk, while you try to act normal. “My dad used to hide these from me cause I’d finish them all in one sitting.” 
“Will you stop stalling?” Hoseok stops in his tracks and you turn to look at him. 
He looks worn out, done. You look at him with guilt, having taken him round the block just to soften him up. But it seems to have backfired. “I’m not stalling…I just wanted some candy.” 
“We both know that’s not why you brought me out here.” He says, stepping closer. 
You abandon the candy, safely storing it in your pocket, but gripping on tight as if it could give you the strength to get this over with. Together, you settle on a bench by the side of the road. Hoseok keeps his focus on the sights before him; the cars, the people. Meanwhile, you struggle to let the words out of your mouth. 
“I’m leaving. With him.” You finally manage to say. 
His face scrunches slightly. “Where?” 
“I don’t know yet.” 
An air of awkwardness fills the gap between you. “I guess I can’t say I didn’t see this coming. I knew you’d still stand by him despite everything.” 
“It’s not a bad thing, you know.” 
“But is it a good thing?” He finally looks at you, visibly upset. “Shouldn’t he face the consequences of his actions? Why are you helping him to escape as if moving on would erase all the things he’s done?”
“It’s a long story. But even if I do get into it, I doubt you’d get it.” You sigh, placing a hand over his. “I know he crossed a line last week, he knows it too. I’m sorry for everything. But he’s not a bad person, he’s been through a lot and he’s really trying to change. All I’m doing is giving him the chance to. Deep down, I know you agree with me, that he’s better than this. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have come to me, asking to try and help him. Recent events have changed your perception, and I don’t fault you for that.” 
He shakes his head, as if tuning out what you’re saying. 
“Besides, the things that are happening right now are beyond his control. It’s mostly the people at the top of their organisation that are at fault. It’s not fair for him to pay for their crimes.” 
“Okay and what about everyone else there then? Are you gonna invite them to go with you?” 
You sulk a little, annoyed with the way he speaks to you. “I wish I could…”
“I don’t know.” 
“I’m not asking you to go,” you say, “I’m asking for you to understand why I have to leave. I love him.” 
His jaw tenses up at that moment. The truth is that he understands, of course he does. He’d try his best to save a person he loves too. But the tainted image of Jungkook in his mind, sitting in the driver seat of his black Mercedes, almost causing him to crash, gets Hoseok’s heart racing. “Jungkook doesn’t deserve you. He doesn’t deserve your love.” 
“And who the hell are you to decide that?” You snap, anger washing over you. It’s hard enough to sit here and be honest, even though you’re not obliged to tell him anything, without him being mean towards Jungkook. “You think even if I ended things with Jungkook, I’d come running to you? Fall in love with you instead?” 
“I never said that.” He huffs out in frustration, knees bouncing anxiously. 
Finding it hard to look at you, he turns away, keeping his eyes focused on anything else. He wishes he never admitted his feelings for you; now that it’s out in the open, he finds it harder to control his emotions. 
“I’m not going to change my mind.” You say. “You’re just going to have to deal with it.” 
When you move to go, you feel his fingers around yours. “Wait,” he sighs heavily, “I shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry.” 
You don’t say anything, but sit back down when he tugs on your hand. Despite his words, you know he still believes his earlier statement. Right now, he resents Jungkook; nothing you can do about that. And you can live with it only because you know nothing is about to change on your end. 
“Look, I really appreciate all that you’ve done for me.” You say while looking down at your lap. “You’re a good person and I know you wish things could be different but this is how it has to be. If I’m being honest, it doesn’t feel too great having to leave…but I want to. So the least you could do is show me some support. I could use it.” 
He seems to process the words in his mind. Then a tiny nod, agreeing. 
You gradually break into a smile, and he mirrors you. “Shall we go back now? I could use some help packing.” 
“Okay.” He says quietly, and you drag him up. He moves slowly, hesitantly at first, but slowly warms up to you again as you talk about your dilemma on what to bring with you. 
Back at the Headquarters, Bella walks into a room where, in her presence, talking dies down into soft murmurs and eventually it’s silent. She looks around at the faces staring back at her. All women. By the looks of it, none were older than twenty-three. And thankfully, none looked younger than eighteen. Or maybe she’s just trying to make herself feel better by thinking that. 
“Hello.” She says, fingers fidgeting in front of her. “I’m Bella.” 
The girls erupt in a series of uncoordinated hellos, and afterwards it goes quiet again. The room isn’t big. It’s a small office redecorated with couches on two sides and a table on one side. Food spread across the table and she knows it’s only to soften up the girls. In reality, they probably haven’t had a proper meal in months. 
She flinches when the door opens behind her, and Barome walks in, together with Suga and two other men. “Ah hello ladies.” He says and they greet him back, much livelier than before. They probably already know who he is. 
Suga stands on one side of Bella while Barome the other. 
“This is Bella,” Barome starts, “you’ll be spending a lot of time with her in the next few months. Now, most of you are new at this, so take this time to learn as much as you can from her. She’s the best in the business.” 
As he says it, he snakes an arm around her waist and holds her close, pressing her side against his. Being used to this, Bella isn’t phased. On her other side, Suga looks on, clenching his jaw as he watches how Barome’s fingers practically dig into Bella. 
“You’ll be working down at our club.” Suga says, breaking Barome out of his daze. 
“You’ll be transported there in the evening, and transported back to your dorms once work is done.” One of the men with Barome says. He wears a suit, glasses and holds a briefcase. He checks his phone, “Speaking of, the van is here. Let’s get going everyone.” 
“Great.” Barome claps his hands together, being the first to leave, as the other man, his personal assistant, holds the door open. 
“What are we waiting for girls? Move move move.” The guy with glasses says. And with that, the girls stand behind one another, walking in two rows out of the room. 
Once they’re out, leaving only Bella and Suga, she lets out a huge sigh. Suga catches her when it seems like she’s about to fall over, hand on her elbow. “All good?” 
“Yeah.” She says, breathless. 
Suga holds her up straight and she lifts her head, looking at him with surprise. “Come on. You can do this.” 
“Are you…giving me words of support?” She asks, and Suga sighs, shaking his head. “Who are you, and what have you done with Suga?” 
“Shut up.” He says, and it brings a small smile to her face. 
“I’m just nervous.” She admits when he lets her go. But she slips her hand into his and squeezes it. “Look at all those girls. They’re so far away from home.” 
“I know. But at least they’ll have you looking out for them.” He says. “Besides, wasn’t this your idea? To train them down at the club?”
“It was actually Jungkook’s.” She says. “He says I should stay close by. Just in case. Otherwise, I’d have to spend a lot of time at other clubs and I don’t know anyone there…” 
He nods in agreement. “Okay. Good call then.” 
Bella lowers her head, and looks at Suga with doe eyes. “You’re worried about me?” She purses her lips. 
“Gross.” He says with a stoic face, and Bella drops her act, rolling her eyes at him. A small smile makes its way to his face and he turns to leave, gesturing for her to follow behind. “Come on.” 
Back at the club, Bella got to work, convincing Barome he didn’t need to stay to supervise. Of course, he listened. If there was anyone who Barome would listen to, it’s Bella. As he leaves, so do the other two men. The girls were evidently more comfortable with them gone, which is what Bella wanted. 
Jungkook stands by the stairs and watches the girls carefully, most of them avoiding his gaze. Suga walks behind them and eyes the younger one. “You’re scaring them.” Suga says, going to his side. 
“I’m just observing.” Jungkook says quietly and leans in, “How sure are we that they didn’t send a spy amongst those girls?” 
Suga purses his lips. “I didn’t think of that.” 
“Of course you didn’t.” With a roll of his eyes, Jungkook shakes his head. “You were too busy staring at Bella’s ass.” 
Suga’s head snaps so fast, narrowing his brows. “I was not!” 
“Okay bro, whatever.” Jungkook pushes past him, heads towards the room Bella went into. She barely notices his entrance before getting pulled to the side. “Does anyone look suspicious?”
“What?” Bella whispers, looking around. The girls have finally learned to relax around her. “What do you mean, suspicious?”
“Does it look like anyone was sent here to spy on us?” 
She looks taken aback. “No. Should I be worried?”
Jungkook relaxes. “I’m just making sure.” 
“What reason would they have to spy on us?” She asks. 
“Hongjun, maybe.” He says and Bella understands. “I don’t know if he’s gone to the bosses about what happened. About what he suspects.” 
She shares his concern now. But none of these girls look like they’re here to spy on them; they look like they’re scared to even breathe the same air as everyone else. 
“What’s going on?” Suga comes in between, separating them. He looks back and forth at either of them, waiting for an explanation. “What? You guys keeping secrets from me?” 
Jungkook and Bella share a look. Neither would budge and Suga knows it. 
“What do you guys know that I don’t?” 
Jungkook shrugs, deciding it’s the best time to leave. With a pat to Suga’s shoulder, he sees himself out. Suga, in fact, has been out of the loop. He doesn’t even know what happened between Hongjun and Jungkook that night. Jungkook had warned the security team not to talk to anyone about it. Suga looks at Bella expectantly. 
“What?” She says, mildly annoyed. 
“You’re definitely hiding something from me.” He squints. “I can see it in your eyes.” 
“You can spend all night looking into my eyes if you want,” she tilts her head, smiling, “maybe you’ll find out what it is.”
His jaw shifts. Bella always knows how to get under his skin, in a good way. He gives her a once over, then one last glare before leaving. 
The hallways at the Headquarters have become much more crowded than they used to be. Most of them are new faces, which means they’re Barome’s men. It doesn’t bother RM much, since he doesn’t spend much time there anway, only having to come down today to help Kyun move his things. But Kyun seems extra irritable. 
“Everything okay?” RM asks, placing a stack of boxes on the couch in Kyun’s new office, one he recently moved into. 
“No.” Kyun huffs, “Everything’s a mess…Will you close the door?”
He’s weary of the men walking by, those he doesn’t recognise. “You don’t trust them too, huh?”
He gives a brief sharp look to RM, pressing his lips thin. “Let’s keep that between us. Now, will you tell me where the hell Hongjun is?” 
RM frowns. “How would I know?” 
“Haven’t you heard anything?” He asks, leaning back in his chair. RM shakes his head in response, disappointing his boss. “I haven’t been able to get a hold of him.” 
“I don’t know where he is.” RM shrugs. “You think something happened? Something serious?” 
“Not sure, but he’s supposed to check in with his earnings this week.” It doesn’t sit right with Kyun. But at the same time, Hongjun’s behaviour has always been unpredictable. “Are you sure you don’t know where he is? What about Ace?”
“What about him?” 
“Aren’t they always fighting about something?” He says, “Did something happen? Is that why he’s missing?”
RM purses his lips in a downward smile. “Haven’t heard anything actually.” 
It was a lie of course. He knew something was up the moment he stepped into the club the next night. He’d overheard the bouncers talking while on their smoke break. They were tight lipped at first, but nothing a little cash wouldn’t solve. 
He doesn’t have all the details, but enough to know roughly what happened. Hongjun was carried into a spare room and only fifteen minutes later did he come to his senses. Bella was there, offering him bottled water and had seemingly tried to talk about what happened. But as soon as he got on his feet, he left in a hurry. 
“Let’s go look for him then.” Kyun gets his keys and wallet from the table. 
“What, now?” RM asks and Kyun scoffs at the silly question. “I mean, I could go look for him. Why don’t you settle into your office?” 
“Is there a reason you don’t want me to go?” He eyes RM, resting his palms on the table. 
There’s no reason why Hongjun wouldn’t tell Kyun about it, unless there was more to the story. And until RM finds out what it is, he wasn’t going to risk it. 
“Do you really want to go out there and look for him around town?” RM tries a different approach. “Is this really about Hongjun, or is there something else bothering you?” He looks to the door where though closed, you could hear the commotion outside, where people incessantly walk by. 
“Don’t turn this into something kid.” He says, but his face tells a different story, suddenly taking a seat and leaning far back in his chair. RM sighs internally when his plan works. “It’s not that I don’t like all of this….” 
He stops himself, finding it difficult to continue. 
“Actually I do hate this.” He ends up confessing, voice almost a whisper.
It doesn’t surprise RM. “You’re not the only one. Many of our men don’t think this merger is a good idea.” 
Kyun raises his chin, “Including you?” 
“Honestly, I’m just in this for the money. I don’t care. But it doesn’t matter what I or anyone else thinks, does it?” 
“You better watch what you say,” Kyun says in a low voice, as if someone were listening in, “it could get you in trouble.” 
RM stays silent after that and Kyun looks at the mess of his table, then turns his attention away when his phone chimes. The air shifts uncomfortably. It’s warm and the smell of the until today vacant room lingers. There’s still lots of shuffling outside. And Kyun’s face drops. 
“What?” RM asks when he hangs up. 
“Captain just sent a message. He says a group of our men just got caught.” Kyun looks at his phone. “He wants their site cleared of any evidence.”
RM didn’t think it meant they would have to do it until Kyun gets up, ready to leave and gives him an expectant look. “What⎼ you mean we⎼ us?”
“Yeah. I need backup.” He says simply.
“Don’t we have men for this?” 
Kyun sighs, going towards one of the corners and searching for a particular box. He finds it and starts to pull something out. “We do…but they want to keep this quiet. We don’t need everyone panicking. Captain asked me to go. But since you’re here, you can come with.” 
“Perfect.” RM says quietly, out of resignation. 
“You’ll need this.” Kyun had pulled out a black hard case. Thick, heavy, but not as big as a suitcase. He opens it and carefully lifts the item out, handing it to RM. 
RM looks at the gun. He takes it after a moment of contemplation. “Hopefully not.” 
He follows behind as Kyun leads the way. But he stopped just before leaving the room. “Whatever we just spoke about…it never happened.”
RM nods in understanding. “I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”
Kyun hides a smile. “Call your team, send them the location. But don’t tell them anything else.” 
An hour later, RM is sitting in Kyun’s car, a block away from the building the arrested team had used as their base. They wait for both Suga and Jungkook to appear and they do minutes later, entering the back seat. 
“We need to clear any evidence that would link back to us.” Kyun says, without waiting for them to get settled. “They got busted during an exchange at a club about forty-five minutes away from here. Now, we don’t know if they’ve alerted the cops to this location yet, so I don’t know if we’re going to be bumping into anyone.” 
“We didn’t see any sign of the police along the way.” Suga says, looking out the window. The car’s parked in an alley, two buildings on either side. 
“But how do we know they’re not hiding out here somewhere?” Jungkook asks, eyeing Kyun’s gun on the dashboard. 
“We don’t.” He says simply. He then nods towards RM in the passenger seat. “You go up first. Once you give us the clear, we’ll follow.” 
RM’s given a key before exiting the car. The building’s tall and though it looks old and worn out on the outside, it’s quite refined on the inside. The walls don’t have cracks in them, there’s no mould growing on the ceilings, no terrible stench in the air and the elevators actually work. Wouldn’t be such a bad place to set up base, as compared to the club or Suga’s apartment. 
They have the penthouse here, twelve floors up. Taking the elevator up would be risky if the police were already there. RM can feel the gun strapped under his belt and he sighs, preparing himself for anything he might come across.
Back in the car, it’s quiet. Mostly in anticipation of RM’s signal. 
“Either of you know of Hongjun’s whereabouts?” Kyun asks, looking at them through the rear-view mirror. 
“Nope.” Suga says and Jungkook shakes his head in response.
“Let me know if you hear anything.” He says. “Haven’t been able to get a hold of him and the others. Hope they haven’t gotten arrested too…would be a big problem…”
“I’m sure he’s out there somewhere, causing trouble as he always is.” Jungkook sounds nonchalant enough for Kyun not to suspect anything. On the inside, he’s tense, thinking about what Hongjun might be up to if he’s not picking up Kyun’s calls. Suga notices this, and Jungkook notices his stare but brushes it off.  
“Okay, all clear.” Kyun says, reading off his phone. 
Suga leaves the car first, together with Jungkook. They take the elevator up only halfway, then take the stairs up the rest of the way, joining RM right outside the apartment door. He unlocks the door and pushes it open gently. He walks in quietly and takes a look around. Kyun joins the other two outside as he does. They only enter once RM comes back out. “No one’s here.”  
“Okay, you stand guard, just in case.” Kyun says to RM then turns to the other two, passing them pairs of gloves. “Grab anything that could lead the police back to us. Like the ledger. It has all our important accounts, can’t let that fall into the wrong hands.” 
They get to searching, spreading out into the rooms. Suga looks in the living area while Kyun and Jungkook move into the rooms, working fast. There might not be anyone here now, but it doesn’t mean they have all the time in the world. 
The place is pretty well-kept. Not dirty, just messy. Clothes everywhere, beds unmade. Lots of random papers, money and receipts everywhere. Which made it a little tricky having to check everything just to make sure it’s nothing important.  
Jungkook checks under the pillows, bed, in their closet, underneath clothes, in the toilet, but he doesn’t find what he’s looking for. So far he’s found a phone and some suspicious receipts, but it’s the ledger he wants. He can hear Kyun and Suga talking, having found some items they think are worth keeping. 
While searching a table by the window, Suga peeks through the blinds, looking down at the street. “Hey,” he calls out to the others, “I think we might have company.” 
Kyun comes out to where Suga is, taking a look for himself. There’s a car parked below, men standing by it while reading off a clipboard. They’re not in uniform, so they could be detectives, perhaps waiting for the rest of their team. 
A minute later, a van pops up, this time with a couple more men with briefcases and gloves on. 
“Elevator’s moving. It’s going down, we have three minutes before they reach us.” RM adds, “We gotta go. Now.” 
“Okay boys. We can’t leave as a group. It’s too distracting. We move out and split. There’s a back exit on the ground floor. Quickly let’s go.” Kyun says, without waiting for the rest. He’s the first to leave, rushing past RM and taking the stairs down. 
Suga glances into the room to see Jungkook still inside, stashing a notebook into the belt of his pants. He assumes it’s the ledger. “Found something.” 
“Hurry up! We gotta go!” He gestures for Jungkook to get a move on.
They speed out the door, and head for the stairs, only to find the door locked. Jungkook tries to knock it down, shoving shoulder first into it, but it wouldn’t budge. “Damn it!” 
“What the fuck.” Suga peeks through the frosted window on the door. “Did Kyun just lock us up here?” 
“It must have an automatic lock safety function.” RM says, already shoving the guys back in the direction of the apartment. “Get in quick.” 
He shuts the door and they run to one of the rooms which has a window facing an alley. Suga locks the door to the room, just as Jungkook’s about to push up the window. That’s when they hear the front door unlocking. They look at each other, silent and panicking, afraid to even make another move. With a finger to his lips, RM nods at Jungkook, signalling him to the window. The fire escape is their only way. 
Slowly, Jungkook slides the window up and hooks one leg over the ledge. That was the easy part. As Jungkook and the other two soon realise, the fire escape was not maintained at all. It’s rusty and rattles with every step Jungkook takes, even as he tries to be as gentle as possible, moving at a horrifyingly steady pace. 
Suga and RM move out on the fire escape together, but it proves difficult. “This thing’s gonna fall apart if the three of us are on it.” Suga whispers to RM. 
It’s creaking horribly as it is with only Jungkook on it, already reaching the bottom with speedy steps. “Then you go first, quick.” 
RM slides the window down and moves to the side, hiding out of view. Suga doesn’t waste any time, taking two steps at once, hoping the metal wouldn’t give way under him. By the time Jungkook’s reached the bottom, Suga’s made it three quarters of the way down. It helps that he’s light on his feet. 
Peeking inside, RM can see the handle of the door shaking. They’re trying to get in. He has to go now or he’ll never make it. Five steps down, and he hears the door being kicked open. Crap. He thinks. 
He looks down and gestures to Jungkook and Suga who’s just reached the bottom, to go. They wait instead, even though they’re not supposed to. Kyun had clearly told them to split. One person getting caught is better than three. 
RM tries his best to make the way down without making too much noise. But it’s as if the stairs were worn out from Jungkook and Suga’s attempt, that it starts to fall apart slowly. The creaking is loud and a small part from the lower end breaks off, dropping to the ground with a loud clanging sound. 
The noise catches the attention of the cops inside. RM can hear the window sliding open. Fuck. 
A head pops out, looking down. His eyes go wide in surprise as he sees RM looking back at him. “Hey!” He yells and immediately, RM runs down as fast as he can. The detective jumps out the window, causing the metal to bounce and RM slips as he loses his balance, gripping onto the railings. 
“Shit. Go go go!” Suga shoves Jungkook further into the alley, in the opposite direction of the open street where they were sure to be caught. The two of them jump over the wall and manage to escape to the other side. 
RM is chased down the stairs and as he sees the other two managing to successfully escape, he lets out a sigh of relief and slows down, allowing himself to get caught. Hands behind his back, the officer puts him in handcuffs before going back up to the apartment, grabbing him by the collar. 
It’s early in the morning when Namjoon finally gets released from questioning. Jungkook waits nearby the station until he sees his friend coming out. “Hey.” He calls out and Namjoon nods his way. “Rough night, huh?” 
“Better than most.” He says and they laugh it off. 
Suga’s waiting in the car, engine still running. “So what happened? Did they give you a hard time?” 
“At first, yeah.” He says, leaning against the headrest, letting his eyes close. “But they weren’t able to charge me for anything. After all, they found me outside, not inside the apartment. There’s nothing to tie me back to the other men anyways.” 
“That’s good.” Jungkook says. “Sorry we couldn’t save you.” 
“Don’t worry about it.” He yawns in the back seat as Suga starts to drive. “Better me than you guys.”
After a while, they hear some light snoring coming from him. Jungkook sits uneasy in the passenger seat. “Can’t believe Kyun didn’t even call to check on us.” 
“Hey, it’s protocol not to make contact just in case the police are tracking us.” Suga says.
“Okay but he just ran off without us.” Jungkook grunts. 
“Whatever, it’s always been this way. No idea why you’re surprised.” 
“I’m not surprised, just annoyed.” 
“By the way,” Suga entertains a thought, “I’ve been meaning to ask, are you sure you don’t know what’s going on with Hongjun?” 
Jungkook turns to him. “I don’t. Why?” 
“I mean there’s always something going on with you guys.” He says, “Did something happen? That’s why he's MIA right now?” 
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Jungkook's defence only makes Suga believe the opposite is true. “What could I possibly have done to him?”
Suga keeps his eyes on the road. Back at the headquarters, Kyun is sipping coffee at his desk, as if the day before hadn’t even happened. Jungkook rolls his eyes at his indifference. 
“You didn’t tell them anything, did you?” He asks RM. 
“Nope.” He shrugs. “They couldn’t pin anything on me. No records. No motive. I didn’t have any evidence on me either. Just the gun.” 
“Awesome.” Kyun rubs his hands together. They can’t tell if it’s the coffee or the excitement of escaping the police that’s got him all excited. “Now, can I get whatever ya’ll got from the apartment?”
Suga and Jungkook pull out a drawstring bag and unload it on the desk. They had collated their items while waiting for RM. Some pieces of paper with important names on it, packets of drugs, burner phones with important contacts. Suga looks at the items, then at Jungkook, waiting for him to pull out the notebook he saw Jungkook grab. “Didn’t you find the ledger?” 
Jungkook rubs the back of his neck, a guilty grin on his face. “Oh yeah that…I think I dropped it while we were escaping…probably climbing over that wall.” 
“Are you serious?”
“The ledger? You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” Kyun says.
“Well sorry, I was running for my life.” Jungkook says. “If they had caught me with that ledger, I would be in big trouble.”
“Relax everyone, they probably won’t even be able to decipher what’s in it.” RM says, trying to ease the tension. 
Kyun’s frustration lasts only minutes. After which he’s pre-occupied in updating the Captain on the items they managed to retrieve, dismissing the three men. 
“Can you believe him?” Jungkook looks at the other two. “He was the first to run off and he wants to get mad at me?” 
“You did lose the ledger dude.” Suga says and Jungkook rolls his eyes. 
“It’s not like I did it on purpose.” Jungkook grumbles. “Plus, we got other stuff that was equally as important. And did we hear a thank you? No.”
RM groans as they leave the building. “What are you guys even complaining about? I’m the one that had to spend the night behind bars.” 
“He’s right.” Jungkook looks at Suga.
“Thanks.” Suga says to RM. It’s the most sincere he’s ever seen Suga. “I know you stayed back so that they’d be preoccupied with you to run after us.”
He puts out a fist and it takes a moment before RM returns the fist bump. 
“No problem. We’re a team.” RM says and Suga feels oddly at ease for the first time in a long time. “Anyway, I need a shower. And a long nap. See you guys later.” 
Jungkook catches the way Suga looks at RM as he walks off, getting into the car. “You’re finally starting to like him.”
Suga’s frown is back. Eyebrows scrunched. “Will you fuck off?”
“No.” Jungkook shoves him and he stumbles a little. 
“Whatever.” He mumbles as he starts walking towards the parked vehicles. 
“He took the car,” Jungkook says playfully, “so I guess you’re stuck with me.” 
“Just shut up and give me a ride.” 
Jungkook smiles, handing over a spare helmet to Suga, one which you used to use. On the way back to Suga’s apartment, Jungkook rides past the train station and thinks about you. You would be waiting for him two days from now, and he still hasn’t made up his mind. 
“You’re awfully quiet now. What’s up?” Suga says as the bike comes to a stop outside their building.  
“I have a bad feeling.”
“About Namjoon?”
“No.” Jungkook bites his bottom lip. “About…the future.”
“Huh?” Suga’s confused. He walks past Jungkook towards the entrance, unsure if he wants to pull on this thread. He’s positive Jungkook has something to do with Hongjun’s disappearance and he wonders if this has anything to do with it. 
Jungkook waits till they’re back in the apartment, kicking the door close behind him. He then grabs hold of Suga, pulling him by the arm to whisper. “Someone gave me a tip.” 
“What kinda tip?” He asks quietly, observing Jungkook carefully. 
Jungkook’s mind scrambles to find a believable story. He can’t say it came from you. “That the police are onto us. It’s serious. This recent arrest? It’s just the start.” 
“Who’d you hear this from?” 
He gulps. “Our men on the streets.”
“Which one?” 
Damn. “The homeless guy. Remember? The one that comes and sleeps outside the club sometimes.” 
Suga searches his eyes and Jungkook feels himself getting warmer. Sweatier. “Okay…but I wouldn’t say he’s the most reliable guy.”
“Still,” Jungkook presses on, “he told me they’d start moving in on our people soon. And they did.” 
“Why didn’t you tell anyone then?” 
“You know I don’t trust anyone anymore.” Jungkook says and Suga nods. He finally lets go of Suga’s arm and heads towards the rooms. “I’m just telling you so we can be prepared. You saw how Kyun didn’t want us to tell anyone else about the arrests. It means they know something’s up and they’re trying to hide it.” 
“If you think about it,” Suga moves towards the couch, “wouldn’t telling everyone else just cause unnecessary panic? Look, you’re lowkey panicking right now.”
“Yeah exactly. If people knew they were in danger, they’d take steps to protect themselves. The bosses don’t want that, they want us to go on as per normal. Why do you think that is?” Suga doesn’t respond, gesturing for him to go on. “It’s because we’re only pawns in this game. Just like how RM stayed back to help us escape, that’s what our existence is to Kim, to Barome. We’re here risking our lives while they probably already have an elaborate escape plan.” 
Suga heaves out a sigh and Jungkook leaves him with his thoughts. This is one of the rare times Suga hadn’t interrupted him to say he’s wrong. Maybe he’s starting to see it himself. Jungkook hopes this means he and Suga are finally on the same page. 
Hana gives you the longest hug. She teared up several times on the way to the station. Hoseok, on the other hand, is trying really hard to be there for you. Even though he doesn’t want you to go. He offered to drive you to the station, but as soon as you arrive, he feels regret washing over him. 
“Hey,” you say, tapping his arm when you see his eyes glaze over. Hana and Jimin fuss over your luggage behind you. “Thanks for the ride.” 
“Don’t mention it.” He says, keeping his emotions in check. “I’m gonna miss you.” 
“I’ll miss you too.” You say, going in for a hug. 
He waits for a beat before wrapping his arms around you. You know the last few days have been hard for him, but you appreciate how he’s managed not to let his feelings for you get the better of him. 
“You’ll be okay.” You say after the hug. He looks confused. “Your feelings, it’ll pass.”
He breaks into a chuckle. “Don’t worry about me.” 
You smile, giving him a fist bump. “Alright guys, you don’t have to stay. Jungkook will probably be here soon.” 
“And I’ll stay with her in the meantime.” Jimin says, nodding to Hana and Hoseok. 
It takes some convincing before they finally agree to leave. Jimin walks with you to the platform, taking a seat on a bench right next to the ticket office. You came in high hopes, but your smile slowly disappears as you take a look around. All the faces around you, yet none being the one you’re here for. 
“Not looking so good huh?” Jimin says honestly. He slaps a hand on your back. 
“Shut up, he’ll be here.” You say that but even you don’t entirely believe it. You start to get antsy, legs shaking, fingers fidgeting with the zip of your duffel bag on your lap. Checking your phone again, you sigh when there’s no notification. “He should be here.” 
“Where will you go if he doesn’t show up?” He lifts his back off the bench and leans his elbows on his knees, looking at you. “I know you said you won’t stay.” 
“I guess I’ll…”
“I’ll leave on my own.” You say that and huff out a laugh, fully aware you wouldn’t survive in an unfamiliar place, especially not when you haven’t had enough time to prepare. “Actually I’ll just…go back home. And stay there for a while.”  
Jimin giggles, appreciating how honest you are. “I guess I’ll know where to find you then.” 
“But I hope he shows…” You say softly, looking at the big, heavy bag in front of you. 
Jimin rubs a hand over your back. “There’s still time. Don’t worry.” 
You nod, though there’s only fifteen minutes left till boarding, then another fifteen before the train departs. 
Jungkook slips through traffic on his bike. The digital clock on his dashboard tells him he has ten minutes left till boarding. As soon as he arrives, it’s five minutes, and he looks around for you. He finally spots you, sitting with Jimin, who just got up to go somewhere. 
He stands behind a pillar, hiding from view, back to the concrete. He still hasn’t figured out what he’s going to do. His heart is heavy, watching you sitting there by yourself, packed and ready. He just wants to go over there and hug you. Tell you to stop this. That he’ll figure it out and make things work. He’s supposed to protect you. 
He looks at the texts you sent him last night. 
[11:40PM] You: the train will leave at 6.30 tomorrow. [11:40PM] You: don’t be late okay? 
[11:43PM] Jungkook: can we still talk about this?
[11:45PM] You: this is the only way [11:45PM] You: if you really love me, you’ll show up
[11:50PM] Jungkook: baby… [11:50PM] Jungkook: i love you
[11:52PM] You: then come and find me tomorrow. [11:52PM] You: i love you most <3  
[5:45PM] You: i’m here [5:46PM] You: come find me by the ticket station. [6:10PM] You: :(  
He showed up, but without any luggage. He had come to stop you from leaving. 
He turns around, peeking over the pillar. But this time he doesn’t see you at your seat. You’re gone. Jungkook looks around, searching for you among the busy crowd. Now that the train has started to board, it gets messy and loud. Have you boarded without him? 
He sees Jimin coming from the direction of the toilets, equally as confused to see you gone. What’s more, your bag is left on the bench. 
Something’s amiss. Jungkook dials your number. It rings for a while, then cuts off. He tries again, and this time it doesn’t even ring. 
He goes over to Jimin, who’s surprised to see him, immediately rushing in for a hug. “You came!” 
“Where is she? She was here a minute ago.” Jungkook asks, skipping the niceties. 
“I don’t know, I left for the toilet and came back and she’s gone⎼ wait⎼” Jimin cokcs his head to the side. “You mean to say you’ve been here the whole time, spying on her?” 
“I⎼” He breathes out. “I couldn't make up my mind. I feel bad⎼”
“You should, she was really hoping you’d show up.” 
“Okay so where is she?” 
“I don’t know!” Jimin looks around. 
“Do you think she boarded?” Jungkook scans the window of the cabins they stand in front of.
Jimin shakes his head. “But then why would she leave her bag?” 
“I’ll check inside,” Jungkook says, “you check the platform.” 
Jungkook enters the train, speeding past the cabins in search of any sign of you. He calls out your name but is only met with annoyed stares instead. He starts to get frustrated when he comes up empty, hoping Jimin had somehow found you but instead, Jimin returns to their original spot with an equally frustrated look. 
Jimin attempts to call you but the line doesn’t ring. “It’s off.” He says, a second after putting the phone to his ear. “I don’t get it. What happened?” 
“And why would she leave without her stuff?” Jungkook looks at him. “Call Hana.” 
“No.” He insists, “That’s crazy, it’ll only make her worry.” 
“So she left her bag…and her phone is off…”
“Do you think someone took her?” 
“But who would⎼” Jungkook stops short of finishing his sentence. It’s a thought he doesn’t want to entertain, but the first one that came to mind. Could it be that Hongjun⎼
“What? Do you know anyone who could’ve done this?” Jimin asks. 
Jungkook shakes his head but avoids Jimin’s eyes. “No. I don’t know.” 
“Ugh.” Jimin runs a hand through his hair. “I’m gonna go ask security and see if they can access the surveillance footage.” 
Jungkook starts to panic, mind racing with a million different ways this could go horribly. His phone goes off and he answers it without even looking at the caller ID. Suga’s on the other line. 
“Where are you?” His tone is off. Suga’s speaking softly, as if he doesn’t want to be heard. 
“Nowhere. What’s wrong?” 
There’s some shuffling going on and it sounds as if Suga’s moving from a busy room to a quieter one. Jungkook presses the phone to his ear, trying to ignore the sounds around him. “Another team’s down. This time it’s Barome’s men.” 
“Oh. So…what, do we have orders or?” 
“No but,” Suga pauses, “Barome’s pissed. Really pissed. You should get here now.” 
“I can’t. I’m busy.” 
“Doing what?” 
“Call you back later.” 
Jungkook rushes over to where Jimin is, trying to negotiate with them with your luggage on the floor next to him. He grabs the bag and Jimin, “Forget them, they’re useless.” 
“Okay,” Jimin says, trying to keep up with his fast steps, “so you have a better idea?” 
“I…may know who took her.” Jungkook says. It’s hard to ignore the way Jimin’s eyes widen. “But it’s just a hunch.” 
“So what should we do now?” 
“Leave it to me.” Jungkook digs into his pocket and pulls out some money, stuffing it into Jimin’s palm. “You go home and take her stuff with you.” 
“You do realise that Hana and Hoseok are not going to take this well?” Jimin asks, worrying for him. It’s not going to be easy for him either. 
Jungkook fights back tears. “It doesn't matter right now. I have to go look for her.”  
Jungkook ran several red lights, almost crashed into cars and even slipped off his bike once. But he keeps going. He doesn’t know where you are but Hongjun is definitely the first suspect. He has multiple missed calls, all from Suga. He could see it light up on the phone mount every time Suga calls, but he couldn’t stop to answer. Nor did he want to right now. 
Instead, he texts Namjoon. But there’s no reply. 
So he decides to go in alone. There's an abandoned warehouse nearby which he knows is under Hongjun’s district. He managed to reach there in half the time. Seeing a couple of cars parked around the area, he knows he’ll find Hongjun there. 
He opens up one of the compartments of his bike and pulls out a handgun. He doesn’t like to have one on hand, but this time he thinks he might need it. 
Jungkook bangs on the door. A large guy opens the door only a fraction of the way, eyeing him down. “You have business here?” 
“I’m sure Hongjun’s expecting me.” Jungkook says with a fake smile on his face. 
 “Okay. Wait here.” 
After a minute, Jungkook’s impatience makes him shove his way inside, getting into a small struggle with the bouncer. It isn’t until a familiar voice calls out his name that the other guy stops, pushing Jungkook off himself. 
“Hey buddy.” Hongjun says, appearing out of nowhere. He has a casual smile on his face. 
Getting off the ground, Jungkook charges towards him, but stops in his tracks when his men appear behind him, aiming guns in his direction. Hongjun tilts his head and tuts at Jungkook, just to taunt him even more. “Where is she?” 
Junho and Taeho move behind Jungkook, placing a stool and forcing him to take a seat, guns still aimed at his head. They search his pockets, removing the handgun he’d brought with him. “You know who.” Jungkook says, gritting his teeth. 
“I don’t.” Hongjun pulls up a stool for himself and positions himself in front of Jungkook. 
“Where is Y/N?” 
“Ohhhhh,” he chuckles, “your not-girlfriend. Oh yeah she’s just taking a nap, don’t worry.” 
Jungkook lunges forward again but then feels a barrel of the gun against the back of his head. “One more time, and I’m pulling the trigger.” 
“Hey now, let’s calm down everyone.” Hongjun says, gesturing to his men to back down, as if he’s not the mastermind of all this. The facade he’s putting on is only adding on to the fire burning inside Jungkook. “I’m just trying to have a civil discussion with my old pal here.”
Jungkook sits back down, and pulls himself together. “The one you want is me. Let her go.” 
He laughs. “What could I possibly want with you?” 
“When I…hurt you that night. I suppose this is payback.” Jungkook says. “But it’s between you and me. Why go after her?” 
“Wow, you are so self-obsessed I swear.” Hongjun raises his brows. “Weren’t you paying attention to what I was saying? She’s acting as an informant for the police. She’s dangerous. She’s going to bring our entire operation down.” 
“No! You’ve got it all wrong, she’s not⎼”
Hongjun snaps his fingers and Junho takes that as a cue, walking off towards the darkness behind Hongjun. “Now now,” he says, “don’t need to try and defend your little girlfriend.” 
Jungkook’s eyes widen and his heart races when he sees you. They carry you in. Your eyes closed, body limp, wrists taped together. He tries to stand but they keep him down. 
“See? I told you she’s fine.” 
“What are you going to do to her?” Jungkook asks softly.  
“What we always do to traitors.” He says as if it’s the most obvious thing ever. Hongjun stands, going over to you, tucking a stray hair behind your ear. Jungkook seethes. It’s painful trying to keep himself in place. “Let Kim deal with it.” 
Jungkook yells out in frustration. He grabs the barrel against his head, pushing it upwards before kicking Taeho’s ribs. Jungkook runs to grab the gun, but Taeho’s quicker, scrambling towards it and swooping it up before Jungkook can. 
Jungkook turns back to Hongjun but he’s already going in the opposite direction, his men carrying your body with them. He makes a run for it, charging after Hongjun. “Come back here, you idiot!” 
Hongjun turns only slightly, smirks and continues walking. 
A loud bang goes off and Jungkook falls to the ground, yelling in pain. Taeho had shot him. He clutches his affected leg, still trying to get up. You’re right there. If only he could get to you. 
And then everything goes black.  
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@simp4tae @alpharyth @sarangtaurus @hobistruly @bubbless-world @drumsofheaven​ @kookxin @fan-ati--c–c @sojurmaine @kookiiieee @jenryu @somewhereinthestarss @taehyungiev13 @hobi-hobii @unicornbabylover @lilyflowerguk @adorablekoo @hobicomeholla29 @jjkyy @che-er-ful @giadalin @vminwildin @jiimiinsii @uskookie @sevgidgn @thenewjefferson @vampgguk @jksbbyfacebunny @finethepine @thehappygrungelife @callmejimmeo @storms-and-stars-blog @ladiesalute @rikaxyu @jjk1iscoming @hyyhpt2 @xworldwidecutieguyx @cherryblossom73 @shatzkrinslinzki @kazthebrekkerofinej @shydestinyyouth @callmejimmeo @parksugarbaby @claricedelune @jbbunny @kittygangbngtn @ohitssummer @bunnyeogguk @xtrataerrestrial @vmmnkooksgyu @shydestinyyouth @chaoticbisous @jeonninja @investedreader @b4ngtnies @athenakyle @shatzkrinslinzki 
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
bts on the bachelorette
i really tried to relax for 5 minutes today with some dumb reality TV and then my brain wouldn't shut up. have you ever wondered what bangtan's elimination order would be on a season of the bachelorette???? well wonder no more my friends...
(this started as a headcanon and then morphed into kind of a drabble? tbh i don't even know what's happening here. just enjoy it lmao 😂)
the first one sent home is yoongi - yes, i think my sweet baby boy would get sent home night one. this breaks my heart but i just see him being too reserved, too closed off, not jumping to make a first impression and getting lost in the shuffle. he would ABSOLUTELY be one of those first-eliminated guys who gets a whole legion of fans tho, and they campaign HARD to get his pale ass on paradise 😂 
next to go is seokjin - he would get kept around just long enough to be a villain lmaoooo. the one guy who drives all the others crazy because he’s cocky as fuck about his looks and is NOT here to make friends. i could see jk telling on him to bachelorette and there being a whole dramatic confrontation where she rips the rose out of his hands and says “get the fuck out of here”. he absolutely makes and sells worldwide handsome merch after.
the next one out is jimin - and he's definitely the dude who gets by on sex appeal alone LMAO. the one where bachelorette is like ‘i’m just not sure i have the same connection with jimin’ and then he takes his shirt off and she’s like ‘……i’m sorry can you repeat the question’. they have at least two steamy makeout sessions before she finally has to send him packing tho, good for her 🥰 
the first heartbreaking elimination is hoseok - my love, my angel, hobi is totally gonna end up in the friend zone on a show like this. he’s so caring and subtly sexy but i could see him being more of a support system for bachelorette and the person who brings her the inside scoop on what’s going on in the house. they’d both cry when she eliminates him but he’d be so sweet and understanding and go out of his way to make sure she smiles before he walks out. truly only wants the best for her.
then, the shocking elimination that's teased for weeks: jungkook - when i tell you twitter EXPLODES. you’ll see headlines about this one on the motherfucking NEWS in the morning. doe-eyed, tattooed, sexy shy badboy jk eliminated?!?!??! has the bitch lost her MIND????? but bachelorette just can’t get over the fact that he’s so young, and she’s afraid he’s not ready to make such a serious commitment.
there’s a ton of push-pull where she feels like jk doesn’t “fight for her” enough because he is more reserved, but then he’ll do something competitive and it’s just enough to keep her hooked on him a little longer, until this episode where she finally has to let him go. he definitely has an extended crying montage on the way out/in the car where he says some stuff about how he’d never been in love like this before. omg ouch let’s move on i’m hurt.
WHICH LEAVES THE FINAL TWO!!!!! and bachelorette is so torn!!! 😩
taehyung is gorgeous, romantic, and sensual (insert clip from a date of him feeding her chocolate covered strawberries). he’s an old soul, passionate, but has an extremely dry sense of humor that bachelorette falls HARD for. she loves that they can laugh together, and he isn’t afraid to look stupid or try something new (insert clip of them doing that indoor skydiving thing on a date). and he’s also not afraid to tell her exactly what he wants- marriage, kids, a life with her by his side.
but sometimes he can be hard to read. he’s honestly so good looking it makes her a little insecure, and she just has this nagging feeling like he isn’t quite letting her all the way in....but she can't tell if that's just her own fear about finding a love this intense.
namjoon is intelligent, supportive, and so goddamn sexy (insert clip from a group date competition of him doing pull-ups). bachelorette feels comfortable with him in a way she doesn’t quite have words for. sometimes she swears it feels like she’s met him before in another lifetime, and this is just a reunion. (insert clip from a picnic date where she rests her head in joon’s lap as he reads to her). he’s so well-spoken and such a deep thinker, and the world falls head over heels for the conversations they’re able to have about love, loyalty, identity, emotions.
but she’s not sure she feels the same passion and fire with him that she does with taehyung. namjoon admits outright that he doesn’t know what he wants in life, is unsure about marriage or kids, and when he gets too in his head and insecure about the competition, he can shut her out without meaning to.
we watch with bated breath as bachelorette takes her place at the gorgeous vista decorated for her proposal. everyone who’s seen the show before knows that whoever steps out of the limo first is the one she’s chosen to send home.
hearts shatter nationwide when joon ducks his head to exit the car.
bachelorette stops him before he can even go into his speech, laughs a little to herself: “I know if I let you start talking it’s going to change my mind, so let me go first.” explains that she’s just too scared of his indecisiveness. she’s prone to overthinking herself, so she needs someone who is going to offer stability, someone who is ready and knows what he wants. joon takes it like the gentleman he is, one dimple popping in a sad half-smile, and she presses up on her tiptoes to give him a hug.
which just leaves taehyung. he steps out of the car with a deep exhale, and you can see even from afar that his hands are shaking as he makes his way to bachelorette, mouth dropping open slightly at how gorgeous she looks.
the proposal is like something out of a movie, a long, perfect speech delivered in tae’s shaky baritone as a breeze ruffles through his hair and toys with the hem of bachelorette's dress. he winds back through their time together accompanied by an edited montage, and finally ends with the truth: he knew as soon as he laid eyes on her that this was meant to be, and that she was the one. the music swells as he drops to a knee and pulls out a big-ass diamond ring, and they’re both crying by the time she says yes.
~then, after the show wraps:
namjoon, fan fave that he is, appears in a suit on the reunion show to gladly accept the title of the next bachelor. expect LOTS of gratuitous clips of him in the gym during his intro package ooooof 🥵
the vast majority of our faves end up going to paradise- yoongi fucks literally every girl there LMAO, jungkook goes for one week but is too nervous to talk to anyone and just chats with the bartender and drinks fruity cocktails until he gets sent home. jimin and hobi have an epic summer bromance and end up choosing each other over any of the women.
and then, i mean, if we're being realistic... tae cheats on bachelorette 3 months into their engagement and they call the whole thing off 💀
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nixierecs · 1 year
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feb 2023: hi everyone, this is nixie!
you also find me〘 main blog 〙,〘 gfx blog 〙,〘 incorrect bts 〙
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my 'to read' list┊AO3┊Tumblr
➸ this list contains member X member and member x reader fics
➸ this blog only contains female!reader or gn!reader fics
➸ please remember to read all warnings on each fic carefully. continue to read any fic at your own discretion. some fics may also contain smut and will be tagged accordingly so minors do not engage
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BTS┊Stray Kids┊TXT
➸ i only read skz and txt fics occasionally so they will only be tagged as "stray kids/TXT" and "[ member(s) ]"
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solos: seokjin┊yoongi┊hoseok┊namjoon┊jimin┊taehyung┊jungkook
yoonmin┊taekook┊namjin┊yoonjin┊2seok┊jinmin┊taejin ┊jinkook┊sope┊namgi┊taegi┊yoonkook┊namseok┊jihope┊vhope┊hopekook┊minjoon┊namtae┊namkook┊jikook┊vmin
member x member┊member x reader
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1k┊5k ┊< 10k┊< 15k┊< 20k┊< 25k┊< 30k┊> 30k
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au: assistant┊badboy┊biker┊bodyguard┊camping┊camp counselors┊established relationship┊fake dating┊fake marriage┊fantasy┊flower shop┊fuckboy┊idol┊marriage┊photographer┊rockband┊soulmates┊streamer┊university┊non-idol┊arranged marriage┊gender swap┊tattoo shop
?2L: childhood friends to lovers┊enemies to lovers┊exes to lovers┊friends to lovers┊idiots to lovers┊roommates to lovers┊strangers to lovers┊friends with benefits to lovers┊classmates to lovers
genre: angst┊fluff┊smut┊angst & smut┊fluff & smut┊angst & fluff┊angst & fluff & smut┊hurt/comfort
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kth1 · 1 year
I really like the idea of South Side and badboy! Hoseok does more than just meet expectations. I really like your writing too and I would be very much going crazy with my fangirling if you write another drabble or anything really in that universe? I am digging the idea of Hobi being badass
Oh yeah?! South Side hobi is such a deadly man ❤️‍🔥 also, thank you! I did write SS for his bday a while ago, so i rushed it when writing hehe 🧡 but thank you so much for the compliment!!
I am open to suggestions — i wouldnt know (right now) what to write toward him though! Got some ideas?
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bangtanbapple · 2 years
Bad Love By littlexbts (tumblr)
Author description: In BH-high-school, there’s groups, which students call gangs only for the aesthetics. Skaters with skaters, drama kids with drama kids, populars with populars…. but what would happen when someone from the Bad Guys Gang starts having feelings for someone from the Cute Guys Gang?
Group: BTS Main ship: Yoonmin Other ships: Namjin, Taekook Chapter: 32 (Complete)
00 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09
10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 17,5 - 18 - 19
20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 25,5 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29
30 - 31 - 32 - Epilogue
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kooksrae · 3 years
a collection of things that have made me feel a certain way
updated 23042024
not everything recommended here will suit everyone (smut/ violence/ toxic relationships) and if you do click into links please make sure you read the tws before continuing. 
Social Media AU! (text messages/ snapchat/ twitter/ insta typa vibes)
casual - @muniimyg (JJK × reader)
i have been religiously following this on one of my other tumblr accounts and it's finally completed and i'm so excited to share this with all of you!!
reading this made my insides very tingly and BUTTERFLY typa energy!
lowkey my new comfort fic!
there's some written parts here and there but it really just adds to the CONTENT and the SPICE of the whole situation
 Tiger Flower  - @v-hope (JJK × reader/ KTH × reader)
hella fluffy. makes my heart do the uwu. very much wholesome. something i stayed up till 6am reading
11/10 would stay up till 6 reading it again.
also the significance of tiger lilies is insanely aDORABLEEE 
my love for jjk has just grown a gazillion times more
Under A Shadow - @firebettercallnct (KTH × reader, slight JJK × reader)
a lil angst and a lil fluff. (as all good stories will have)
kinda wish it was longer idk. im a sucker for super long stories.
ALSO !! we get some side yoonmin action !!!!!!!!!!!
Stole your shirt - @firebettercallnct (JJK × reader)
one of my personal favs. super cute and also everyone’s on some kinda crack or sum shit idk.
p damn fluffy and when you reach the end you’ll j kind of wish you could go back to before u read it because u wna experience all the feelings agn.
ALSO!!!! we hv some namjin and yoonseok action !!!1!!
Rumour Has It - @bangtann-bangdamn (KTH × reader)
very much wholesome.
genuinely found it quite funny and it had me laughing at 2 in the morning
i dont rly hv much to say just pls go read it. 
everyone should read it once in their lives
Belong - @v-hope (KTH × reader)
something i chanced upon during my late night fanfic times and like let me tell you. a whole fucking new world. 
this was really a beautiful read. 11/10 obsessed with this. i literally spend my time rereading this.
teehee give this a read. all yall artist!taehyung fans are rly not gna regret it
Daylight - @maravillamin (MYG × reader)
will make you decide to legally change your name to y/n
ever wanted to be a single mom because you got a divorce with your useless husband? no? well now you wish you were.
literally dad!yoongi and mom!reader
also you have the cutest friends? like this is so cute. makes me want to birth children
touch of him - @herherteartear (JHS × reader) 
you are living the perfect girl life kinda thing and hoseok's the opposite of it all
this is serving polar opposites but not really kind of energy. 
also this is giving off "business only" family energy if you know what i mean.
Actual written things !!
 Monster - @btssmutgalore (JJK × reader)
currently deactivated so i've linked the fic from dee's ao3
this started so many years back and just a few days ago it finally became a completed fic!!!
i have an extremely soft spot for this jungkook.
personal favourite is chapter 18. like literally my heart expands a gazillion times just thinking about this
ngl i was here more for the plot than for the smut. truly chef's kiss
charred - @neonlights92 (JHS × reader)
this was genuinely quite intense. i dont really know what i was expecting out of this tbh. 
development of story plot was great! I enjoyed seeing how it unfolded bit by bit.
this was part of a collection of fics written about mafia!bts n this is my literal fav. i feel like it wasnt too cliche?? (take note of how i said i feel, bcs at this pt i dont even know what counts as cliche anymore) but hey to me this was good n refreshing n i liked it n now i want to share this with all of u
Beloved - @bang-tan-bitches (MYG × reader)
major yandere energy. lowkey disturbing but some part of me is just madly obsessed with this. 
also when you picture daechwita!yoongi it really just drives you craycray
i really dont know what else to say?! but do give this a read (only if you're comfortable)
this is definitely not going to be something that everyone is okay with reading so please check the warnings before proceeding!
love of my life - @latetaektalk  (MYG × reader)
okay this shit be painful af. this fucking broke me. idk have never been the same since. would still read it all over again.
this was about 7k words? so not the longest but it was long enough for something so sad :( 
in general really sad and emo. if you want to feel like the whole world is crashing on you pls give it a read.
the art of the rom-com - @gukyi (JJK × reader)
first of all wtf. made me feel single af. 
it’s our fav kind of enemies to lovers energy. slowburn. college au. yeah you get the gist. 
super fluffy but we love to see it. also mildly angsty but it’s all g we will get over it.
okay but also this was so longggg!!! what an experience. a solid 33k words. i nv thought i would reach the end of it but i did.
super solid read. i hope yall read it too.
blossom - @namfinessed (KTH × reader)
okay first off, yall alrdy know i love hella long fics. this was 38k+ words.
please only read this when you have the time istg i was staring on my tiny screen and really wanted to just fall asleep but also it was too intriguing to just sleep on.
yall rly be sleeping on this though. a very solid read.
i mean you really can’t go wrong with florist!taehyung energy amirite
bad influence: collection - @noteguk (JJK × reader)
so this is an ongoing one as well. 
truth is i havent finished reading whatever has been posted yet. BUT i do have a very good reason for it, which is that i’m not ready to be in a position where i realise i’m going to be done reading it.
frm wtv i’ve read this is some sexy ass story. 
honestly you could read it as individual parts i guess? but for the real feels pls read all the way from the first part. 
oh and it’s a hella hot badboy!jungkook so yes if you r into that you def should add this to your must read list.
easy - @itsamejin (JJK × reader)
okay so here’s the deal with this. collegeau! fuckboy energy. bets are made. yea you kinda get it.
It’s a very basic boy takes bet and ends up falling for the girl kinda thing but idk i really enjoyed the process of reading it. 
you get the good fluff and angst balance in this too so :>
Thoughts Of You Keep Me Awake At Night - @hollyhomburg (MYG × reader)
yoongi asking for cuddles i-
reason stated above should be reason enough for you to go read this
it’s a short 2.1K word situation here so you don’t have to spend a whole hour on it heheh
very nice experience if you’re reading this while it’s late at night and you are alone in bed and can’t seem to fall asleep.
Get You The Moon - @bymoonchild (KTH × reader)
enemies to lovers. do i really have to elaborate on this?
you get to see soft!taehyung and also like jock!taehyung all in one !!
i felt shy reading this. was super absorbed.
ooh and it’s smutty too! 
it’s relatively long (we’re talking 19.6k words besties) but wow the build up, the plot the everything is peak!!!
Paper Cranes - @aquaminwrites (KTH × reader)
we are talking best friends to lovers. some next level fluff. kim taehyung is completely to die for here. i kid you not.
made me wish someone would like me this much lol.
i felt the butterflies reading this. got some post reading depression after this,,,
18.3k words about how you n kth are like the best in the world?? so like go read?!!
anti-baby fever - @gashinabts (JJK × reader)
pls this was so funny and for WHAT!?
it genuinely made me laugh out loud at 2.32 in the morning. 
okay but it’s smutty so you gotta be able to like the spice to read this
it’s also short (4.5k)!! which is a blessing if you are planning to read smth real quick before going to bed!!
but i found myself relating to this though bcs i do not want to have babies unless it’s w bts :’) 
SIN CITY - @btssmutgalore (PJM × reader)
currently deactivated so i've linked the fic from dee's ao3
okAY YALL so this is the one thing that lives in my head rent free. istg there was a period a while back when i went on a social media cleanse or smth but i just had to go back onto tumblr to get updates on this
genuinely the one thing that keeps me going
it’s completed so u can experience all the emotions in one sitting if you are up for that. 
has my whole heart.
dear @btssmutgalore i love you for writing this. pls marry me.
and yes it is spicy my dears. very spicy.
you do get a decent amt of fluff n angst ish n smut so yes it covers all bases.
and you get sum dancing jimin :>
you won’t be able to control yourself istg pls go and read. 
Waking Up Next To The Sun - @houseofwhalien (JHS × reader)
this do be wholesome hours w bby jung hoseok
wholesome morning becomes spicy morning and then back to wholesome morning
okay and this is truly the duality of jung hoseok. like i can literally picture the man being exactly like this
is a short 1.8k of sunshine to bless yall !
Interrupted - @kimnjss (JHS × reader)
let me get yall with this. this is actual spice spice. we are talking extra chilli pepper flakes. 
i’m not usually one for something that is just full on spice but like i was feeling sum typa way when i read this. 
it’s idol!jhope in here who also turns out is your boyfriend. istg y/n do be the luckiest uGH.
it isn’t too long (4.3K words) so it works as a quick read to convince your brain to have some sexy hoseok dreams.
there was a bug - @kimnjss (KNJ × reader)
i felt frustrated reading this man. like the push and pull - istg my girl y/n and kimnamjoon really needa get their shit tgt. 
this was so dirty and for WHAT!! making me shy in bed when i’m all alone with my phone hngghh
has quite a bit of angst and fluff but it’s worth it. the 7k words are all worth it.
baby, my baby - @pjimims (JJK × reader)
okay this was something i read years ago but as i was scrolling through the things i liked i found it again! 
thought it was quite cute
i mean come on dad!jungkook is to die for
am kinda sad they aren't writing anymore fics tho :"(
Angel in the Darkness - @icyhobi (JJK × reader)
okay this made me go oop
i remember seeing like part 3 and i was like okay gna wait for it to be a completed fic before i start reading. and i finally got around to reading it yesterday.
mafia!jungkook is kinda my thing now i guess idk
also wth they all be so sneaky sneaky about everything
will make u go omg out loud
anyway i think i am going to hv I trust issues now (finish reading it and you'll know what i mean by this)
Meet The Parents - @btssaysstudy (KNJ × reader)
idk what it was about this that made me feel very warm but i liked it a lot
it's super short and wholesome
and idk it's nice to think that our dear kim namjoon would be like this 
cute read for when you're busy and need a short burst of fluff to get you through the day
Serving Bitterness - @guksthighs (KSJ × reader)
let me start off by saying this is like the first seokjin fic im recommending omg
this is a super short one (1.8k words) so it's something that you can probably squeeze in during the busy mornings. 
let me first start off by saying y/n is really not here to play lol
also you do gonna be experiencing some second hand embarrassment at the end of it though oof
but yes pls read it was kinda cute, kinda wish it was longer though 
do you want me (dead?) - @gukyi (JJK × reader)
this is a hogwarts au story!!!
dont you just love ravenclaw seeker mr jjk bcs im obsessed!!!!
v cute fic honestly
10/10 wld recommend
pls give it a read hehe
Exitus Acta Probat - @bang-tan-bitches (MYG × reader)
guys,,,, mafia!yoongi pls i am on my knees.
funnily enough i discovered this ages ago during one of my late night tumblr reads but then i lost it the next morning. was able to find it again a few days (?) ago!!
i really liked how yoongi pulled sneaky moves and basically lulled y/n into believing whatever he wanted her to believe to get what he wants
it's lowkey giving yandere(?) and something about yoongi in yandere-ish vibes really keeps me going on a daily basis
tbh my mind sometimes goes back to them and makes me wonder where they are now!!
(pls,,, if you ever want to write more for them,,, i am so ready for it!!)
The one that got away (literally no longer exist; but just going to keep it here)
the snow king - @bloomsuga (KTH × reader)
you got fanatsy stuff going on. you got hella angsty and fluffy all at the same time. besties i think we found the best ice prince! kim taehyung out there.
also we have some slight cutie jimin moments. ( a definite plus!)
oh yea and it gets smutty but in like the most beautiful way.
also this was a long read of 25k words. but it’s a an absolute beautiful creation. did not know that we could put 25k words altogether to make such a masterpiece.
lowkey wanted to cry bcs its way too good.
Willow - @breakiebunny (JJK × reader)
i am not going to ever recover from this.
the number of times i find my brain just drifting over to this work of art is not okay.
my whole heart is still out here hoping desperately that in some alternate universe where this is true that everything is nice and works out great
i felt kinda empty after finishing this ngl,,,
and this is a one-shot,,,
will always hold a piece of my heart
stood up - @parkdatjimin (MYG × reader)
okay everybody. pls. just read this pls.
like this was bloody long. fricking 26.7k words. but what a great use of 26.7k words.
it's like shakespeare rose from the dead and was like what if i dropped another hit!!! (okay not a hit,,, idk it's 2 in the morning i cant think)
for someone who has never even been in a relationship in her whole life i really FELT THIS like in my heart, in my soul typebeat
also working some meh food n beverage job is literally my life. laugh out loud. going to daydream about this when i'm at work tomorrow.
bitter sweet - @mikrksmos (JJK × reader)
once again ladies and gents, my fav typa thing; bf2l
my heart. so full of love. for bestfriend!jk
also wtheck jungkook with a lil sibling? heck yea sign me tf up!!
i think i was very much overwhelmed with the emotions that our dear jk felt bcs sometimes life do be like that
plot was p dang noice!!
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savvywritings · 7 years
   badboy!hoseok & the side he only shows to you
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❀ genre - fluff 
❀ note - hoseok deserves to be my first drabble in this writing blog; i hope ya’ll like it bcus i enjoyed this a lot.  credits to rapnamu for the gif!!
To others, Hoseok is your typical bad boy who picks fights just because his temper got the best of him, giving menacing stares that have people walking the other way, the one people warn to be wary of, and the one who no one dares to mess with.
To you, he’s the one who brings a smile to your face when you’re sad, takes care of you when you’re sick, stays with you when you ask him to, gives you all he’s worth and is just there whenever you need him to be there. Which is why you’re sitting on a stool while he’s kneeling down, wrapping the bandage around your scrapped knees.
“Who would’ve thought that the great Hoseok would ever be on his knees?” You say, softly smiling at the way he’s putting so much care into fixing your wounds.
“Only for you, princess,“ He looks up and gives you that smile, the one that is so genuine and soft; the same exact one you fell for when you first saw it. The one that he only shows you. “I still don’t understand how you fell considering it’s just a skateboard you were on.“
"I wouldn’t have if that tree branch wasn’t there,” You pouted and he laughs, pinching your cheeks while getting up from the ground to put away the bandages.
“Mhm, whatever you say Y/N,” You jumped off the stool to follow him to the kitchen, standing behind him until you wrapped your arms around his torso and pressed the side of your face on his back, hugging him tightly like he’ll disappear at any moment. Hoseok responds by caressing your arms and hums. “What’s the matter? You seem a bit touchy today.”
You don’t reply, instead, you hug him even tighter than before. He turns around with no effort because your ‘grip’ on him was as light as a feather to him. You push your face into his chest, not wanting to look at him yet and you both stand there for a while; his arms on your shoulders, playing with your hair.
Hoseok decides to break the ice when he asks “Are you going to tell me what’s on your mind yet babe?” You shake your head. He sighs, leans back a little to cup your face and tilt it back so he can finally look at your face- only to find that you’re frowning and looking away from him. Normally at this rate, if it was anybody else, he’d lose his patience and just smack the shit out of the person to get the words out of their mouth but with you? God, it was a whole different story when it’s with you.
You catch Hoseok, on the corner of your eyes, dipping his head down to rest his forehead on your shoulders and wrapping his arms around your waist. You freeze when you feel his lips hovering over your neck because you know this is his way of making you tell him whatever was on your mind. “We can do this the hard way Y/N or you can just tell me what’s been bothering you. Your choice.”
You stay silent, refusing to tell him because you can already predict what his reaction will be if you do. Hoseok takes your silence as doing it the hard way and shakes his head to continue what he was doing before. He takes his time torturing you with small kisses on your neck, gradually getting larger as time passes by until he starts nipping and biting which makes you yelp and squirm.
“Will you tell me now babe?” Hoseok bites down on your neck as a finishing touch when you yell-
“Okay! Okay, fine! I’ll tell you what’s been bothering me.” You lightly shove him on the arm when he stands back up with a grin on his face that makes you huff and cross your arms.
“You asked for it Y/N. Now, let’s get whatever is on your mind outta there yeah?”
“Yeah but promise me you won’t lose your temper when I tell you.” You looked straight into his eyes, waiting for his response. He narrowed his eyes because if you’re telling him to not lose his temper then something that bad must’ve happened. Nevertheless, Hoseok faintly smiles and says “I promise.” You raised your pinky and Hoseok raises his eyebrows, questioning your gesture because oh my god why are you treating him like he was a naughty kid who’ll break his promise.
“Pinky promise me.” He dropped his shoulders in defeat and brings his pinky to lock it with yours before saying “Pinky promise babe.”
You took a deep breath before telling him the event that took place when you were waiting in the park for him. You told him that prior to his arrival, the girls that he used to play around with came over to you and started saying things about him just to get you riled up. Stating why he would lower himself to a girl like you and that the relationship you two were in wouldn’t last long because he’d go back to one of them sooner or later. Truth be told, you knew the things Hoseok had done in the past already because he himself told you everything you needed to hear about it and that there was no way he’d go back to people he decided to cut ties with. But even still, it didn’t feel right when other people, especially his old flings, would tell you about it.
You peek up to look at his face and if looks can kill, oh boy, you’d surely be dead by now. You reached up to cup one of his cheeks and soothe it because the one thing Hoseok hated the most was people trying to ruin your relationship together. He knows that you’re too good for him; he hears that everyday from the same crowd of people he’s with. He doesn’t mind hearing it but he can’t stand it when they say it on purpose for you to hear. He knows your heart breaks every time. He knows that you get those judgmental faces everywhere you go.
“I’m going to teac-”
“No, you’re not Hobi,” You cut him off, knowing exactly what he was about to say. “You pinky promised m- Don’t roll your eyes at me!” You lifted your pinky, only for him to bite it, causing you to glare at him.
He scoffed. “You know I’m going to do it either way. Those girls need to fuck righ-
"Hobi,” You said sternly. He groans and picks you up from the ground and starts walking towards the bedroom, causing you to yelp. “What are you doing?”
“We’re going to get dress and I’ll take you out to that dumb dog cafe you like to go to,” He says while holding you with one arm and the other opening the door. You squeal in excitement because it’s not everyday Hoseok would willingly offer to bring you to the dog cafe he absolutely dislikes; but if it’s a way to bring your spirits up, he has no problem with bringing you there everyday if he has to.
You quickly peck him on the lips and jump off him to get dressed but not fast enough because he pulls you in for another kiss; the slow and passionate kind of kiss that holds all of his love and feelings for you.
“On second thought, I think we should just stay home babe,” Hoseok murmurs with a glint in his eyes that tells you exactly what was going to happen if you stayed home.
You pretend to make a decision until you gave Hoseok a playful smile. “Mm, how 'bout we go to that dog cafe of mine and you get to do whatever you want when we come back home, okay Hoseokie?”
“You’re such a fucking tease Y/N,” he lets you go but not without a slap to your ass that has you playfully glaring at him. “The faster we get there, the sooner we’ll be home. Let’s hurry yeah?” He smiles while getting dressed.
You decided that it doesn’t matter what people say or think of your relationship with Hoseok. Because they don’t see what goes on behind the curtains. They don’t see the loving, caring, faithful, and playing Hoseok you see. They would never see the side he only shows to you.
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chocominnie · 3 years
Desperado — 06 (M) | JJK.
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Pairing: Badboy!Jungkook X Reader
Summary : A messy situationship at it’s finest. You don’t even know whats headed your way, just even engaging in the slightest within him. See, he has an assignment to complete. A mission granted by his father thats do or die. You just so happen to be a major pawn in that assignment. He didn’t mean to take an interest in you. Surely it was an accident right? Only except. you hold much value in this game that he’ll do anything to complete it. Oblivious is what you are. Poor thing. Poor.. Poor thing.
Genre: Mature/ Mafia!Jungkook
Trailer: xxxxx  preview 01 02 03 04 05
Word Count : 6.5k
Warnings : This honestly isn’t for the light hearted and the weak…High angst, usage of drugs, drug mentions, mental illness, switch!jungkook, Brat reader, possible stockholm syndrom, kidnapping, assault, death of side characters, murder, weapons, usage of weapons, masturbation, physical violence, blood, alcohol, weed, unprotected and protected sex, spanking, honestly its a lot of aruging...
Copyright:  please do NOT repost, translate, or modify my works in any way, shape or form, on any platform. If found doing so , it is considered as plagiarism and appropriate LEGAL action will be taken
The whirring sound of the wheel echo’s throughout the room, while the classical music plays lowly. Mysterious Forest by Chopin. The beautiful yet sad melody carries throughout the apartment. His hands are steady, shaping the ball of clay and water mixture into what could become a favorable piece of his. The wind outside seems to whistle with the tune of the song. Thirty two degrees fahrenheit, but feels so much colder than it is. Much colder than what had between him and his father yesterday.
Why would he do that? Why would he bring another woman into the picture, knowing that his mother is still out there? As if everything would just be so fine and dandy? With a child on the way? Jungkook knew he didn’t want a child waddling around and causing so much chaos. Touching everything. Asking questions. Crying all the damn time. He doesn’t have the patience for it. Especially at the age of 19 years old. 
That was one of the thing that hurt the most. The other is his father going against his fucking word. He promised him he wouldn’t intervene with his plan he sought out. Yet there Jeon Won Shik was, hurting you just so he could pass that memo down to his son, that he isn’t doing well at all. Failing him as a son and an heir. It hurt Jungkook. He wanted to shed some tears while he was in that moment, but one shall not show any fear or cry. At the least, not infront of the King of the thrown. 
A failure. He can’t get it outside of his head. For you to fail me as a son and an heir.
Failure. Jungkook presses the pedal on the floor a little more.
Failure. Even more hard. His hands move quickly. The thought is persistent. He bites his lip, not caring about the pain that’s still there. 
Fucking failure.
The wheel immediately stops with a hault. Jungkook breathes heavy, tears in his eyes as he raises his bandaged hand up. Down the hand goes, smashing the clay with a hard thump and a loud scream from his lungs, projecting up to his throat, and out into the air it went.
His chest heaves up and down and the frown on his face doesn’t make it any better. The music is starting to slow down to the ending. Jungkook looks down at the mess he’s made but rolls his eyes at the sight. It wasn’t going to come out good anyways. He can only blame himself for not being able to control himself. It’s like he’s always in a trance when it happens. 
He doesn’t even bother cleaning it up. Pottery is the least of the worries right now. It’s Christmas eve and of course like last year, he is spending it with nobody. It’s been like that since he got his own apartment, despite his father not wanting him to. 3 years by himself and counting. It’s not traditional for the Heir to leave the house until he’s married. Ha. Marriage. Fuck that. Jungkook knew the moment he wanted to leave the house is when his father started bringing girls in and out for his personal fucking pleasure. At one point, the guy had 4 girls in one week. Disgusting.
Jungkook’s gaze shifts towards the little end table next to the couch he’s sitting on. A picture of his mom and another little boy and of course, him. It’s the only picture he has of his mother and him together, with his father not in it. Hell, he couldn’t even find anymore pictures other than that one year later after her death. Just that picture, and one other. The other one hangs in the hallway to his bedroom, directly across from his photoshoot picture. 
Its a large photo of the younger her, before she had him and married his father. Her big dimple on the left side of her cheek is what Jungkook loves the most about the photo. Only because he also has a dimple, so he calls it their trademark. Her smile is so bright and her bangs covered her forehead with caring eyes right beneath them. Although he only remembers her with shoulder length hair when he was a child, she has long hair in the photo. It’s curled to perfection. 
The picture with him and the little boy with his mother mean’t a lot. It was the maid’s little boy who was next to him. She often brought him over so Jungkook could have a playmate, his mom insisted on it first though. He loved playing with him. Kim Chung Hee. It’s said to be known that he is now living abroad attending a college. His mother and father worked very hard to send them there. Chung Hee was like a little brother to Jungkook. He couldn’t believe how smart the boy was. Well over his age at the time. The two boys used to get into trouble together, it always used to amaze Jungkook how the little boy could get them out of trouble so easily to Kook’s mom. 
She adored Chung Hee and always treated him like her own. Always bought the boys matching clothing and gave him gifts for him and his parents often for taking such good care of the home. If it was up to her, she’d take care of the home herself but the Lady of the house was to never do such things herself. 
Jungkook sighs, getting up and heading straight towards the kitchen to clean his wounds again and to wash the clay from his hands. They’ve scabbed up completely and relatively fast. A few knocks on the door breaks the trance Jungkook fell into while rinsing the remaining soap off his hands. He wasn’t expecting anybody. Not that he knows of. Jungkook quickly wipes his hands onto his black sweatpants as he runs to the door to open it.
“ Surprise!” They all scream, causing Jungkook’s smile to drop and look at them with a blank face of disappointment. “ Really? What do you guys want.”
The door opens all the way and the group of boys slip their shoes off to make their way inside. Immediately they all go towards the living room making themselves at home on Kook’s sectional couch. 
The boy rolls his eyes and shut the door. He wasn’t too fond of surprises. It never suited him and he doesn’t like all the anxiousness behind it. Jungkook takes a seat on the couch across from them, looking at the group with zero expression what-so-ever.
“ Lighten up Jungkook. It’s Christmas eve.” The one with the mullet says, eyes smiling the way his lips are. “ Oh like I didn’t notice.” Jungkook retaliates, shaking his head at him.
“ Listen. We’re here because you’re lonely. It’s 6 pm and you hadn’t called us all day. Our girls went out for the night. So we’re kind of stuck and lonely too.” Another one says. Jungkook scoffs at them. Why didn’t they go witht them then?
Sitting up, “ I’m just fine. I was making some pottery.” He motions towards the wheel just a few steps further from them. The boys look at the mess he’s made, confused as to why he’d ruin it in the first place. Pottery is something serious to Kook.
“ Yeah and it didn’t go well.” 
“ Shut up Taehyung.” Jungkook says, eyes narrowing at him. Taehyung gets the memo and raises his hands in defense at him. “ I’m just saying.”
“ We didn’t come here to argue. We came here because we were given a task by your father. We need your expertise to help us find the girl.”
Oh boy. He should’ve known. It’s not like the boys to just show up without an actual reason. 
Jungkook rolls his eyes at them, “ You see this? And this?” He sits up again to show his bruised knuckles and pointing to his aching face. “ I got my ass beat. All because I’m so called falling behind on my plans with that girl.”
The boys snicked at him which only makes the young one glare at them. Being laughed at has always been a nerve wracking thing for Jungkook. Besides, it’s not like he had control over anything his father says. Once the King of the thrown says something, then thats that.
“ It’s not like you to not fight back.”
“ Well Yoongi, I did fight back.” Jungkook knew it wouldn’t have been a shocker to his friends. It’s just a shocker that he actually got bruised this time around. “ I didn’t escape like I usually do.
“ Why?”
“ Because I was angry that the bastard is marrying a pale ass foreigner who’s god damn pregnant with his fucking child.”Jungkook yells out the last few words, then breathes in and out heavily.
The looks on their face is priceless. Mouths all dropped with utter shock. Like they’ve seen a ghost or something. Jungkook’s rather pissed even more about it for bringing it up. It tends to always hit a sore spot to him. 
“ Wow. No fucking way.”
“ Listen i really don’t want to talk about it. It’s fucking disgusting.” He says, shaking his head. “ What’s the task?”
“ Well.. there’s this girl. She turned out to be...not one of us. She’s from Europe and was trying to get information on us to report back.” Taehyung says.
Sounds normal. The amount of time he’s had to perform these tasks could buy him a new rolex. In fact, the last one he performed he did recieve a rolex. 
“ I’ll help. Location?” 
“ Songpa-dong. She’s said to be shopping near the malls and such. She doesn’t know we’re coming for her. “
He studied them for a bit. They’re serious about it. Jungkook assumes that the only reason that they need his help is because he was always the good one for straight-shot kills in public places. It’s something about the way they can never shout or scream for help. His strong hands holding them against their will. Ah yes, god yes. Then the finale when the blood splatters and that loud bang echos, but not enough to worry others. Jungkook can’t help but to always grin with the satisfaction of taking someone out. Atleast, someone bad out.
“ Then what are we waiting for..” That gruesome smirk appears on his face, the one that hasn’t been showed in a while for such a great time he’ll have.
The boys all smile at him, getting up from the couches to make their way to the exit. Jungkook assures them he’ll meet them outside in a couple minutes only because he now has to change into his other set of clothing made for purposes like this. It doesn’t take him long to change out of his sweatpants and into his full attire, black face mask included, and grey colored contacts. Those are for just incase someone does see him and tries to identify him to the police. He knows that it’s likely to happen because said person wont be able to make it far without a bullet straight to the head. 
Jungkook grabs his coat, just after spraying some cologne on, then on the way out he pulls out his phone to text Casper about the new kill he has to make. It’s been a little bit since he’s did this, so he wonders if he’ll be able to pull it off correctly again.  The thought of the blood gushing out though, made him happy. When a person is dead, that’s another point gained. He needs all those he can get, to get to the top. 
The drive there alone takes the boys 20 minutes. Double the time due to Christmas eve and everyone traveling down the highway. The sun is down and night has sprung upon them. Crossing that Jamsil Railway bridge is as easy as pie and smoothe cruising after that. His car hums loudly when he presses his foot against the peddle more. That engine roars loudly, speeding up to get further across. The boys are infront of him, each in expensive cars spread out evenly and clean. 
“ Stella Silva.” A deep voice says. Jungkook turns his head a little from the road to the buff guy sitting in his passenger seat. Silva. Silva.. Silva the girl that was always around me.. “ She was apart of the investigation crew on our end. She was actively helping us search for the wanted by your father while also taking that information to the FBI.”
FBI? That fucking far? “ They know about us?” He drops one hand from the steering wheel to continue driving one handed as the bridge comes to an end. Finally.
“ Everyone she was reporting to has been dealt with.” Casper says, closing the black file with his tattoo’d hands. 
The one on his left hand is of a dragon. Jungkook always had thought that it looked cool on him and suited Casper very well. The dragon’s tongue pierces out of it’s mouth with an angry look as the rest of his body snakes up Casper’s arm with shading all around it. Twisting and turning every which way up his sleeve to compliment the rest of his tattoos going up. The right arm is of a black butterfly with a small skull on it’s back. The long, furry antennas curve into just above his middle finger knuckle. The lining of the wings and details are perfectly drawn and shaded around. The artist did a fantastic job, it’s a shame he doesn’t do work anymore.
The parking is a complete hastle, but time cannot be wasted between the mafia boys. It’s pretty crowded with people everywhere going in every direction. A few blocks down is where the parade will start soon. Good. They’ll all be distracted. 
Half an hour is how long it takes them to spot the girl. She’s nearing to a small cafe, probably stopping to get a drink. The bags in her hands seem heavy with the way she carries them. Its a good couple of bags. Jungkook takes a quick look around the vicinity with his eyes, nobody suspicious around. If she’s working with the FBI, she’s gotta have someone watching. 
“ I’ll lure her into the small alleyway a few blocks back from here. I saw it on the way. It’s totally vacant and I almost missed it. Good spot since it goes deep.” Jungkook says, making sure he kept his voice loud enough for only them to hear.
“ We’ll join you within the 3 minutes of you and her in there. How do we plan to do this?” Yoongi doesn’t care how they do it honestly, but he’d want to have better knowledge to not fuck up. Either way, that girl is dead.
“ I have my glock. Im hoping everyone else is carrying..” Jungkook’s voice is stern, wishing that they would say yes to actually being prepared. “ We are.” Namjoon pats his thigh, where the imprint there could always be mistaken for a dick print. 
The boys follow her at a distance, but close enough to where it seems as if they’re all just a regular group of teenage boys heading towards the parade. The cafe shop is coming in close, its time for them to split.
“ Good. Split.”
And with that, the boys all go different directions to different stores in order to  be positoned on standby. Jungkook sighs, already wanting this shit to be over and done with. He watches like a hawk at the girl who goes inside the cafe. Her hands seem to be tired by the way Jungkook leans on the outside of the building peering into the glass windows. Poor girl, isn’t even suspecting a thing. 
He decides that it’s time to make the first step after she recieves her drink from the barista. He fixes up his clothing properly as he rolls his neck around to crack it somehow hoping it would relieve the tension flowing through his veins. His feet walk past the cafe slowly, making sure where she was now sitting at, is where she would be able to look up from the window to see him.
So she did. It’s only after the girl took a glance up from her phone to do a double-take. He knew she knew what his colored eyes meant. She was told about it while in the office with her team from Won-Shik. All of the boys change their eye color to grey when planning to kill, since it’s highly uncommon in Korea to have such eyes. What she didn’t know, is that those eyes tonight, are meant for her. 
“ Kook?”  She mouthes to him, he smirks under his mask and nods. It doesn’t take her long to scramble for her drink to meet him outside. She wasn’t aware of this assignment, so it’s alarming to her. 
Jungkook is now leaning on the korean barbecue restaurant wall, across from the cafe’s wall where he was originally standing before.  The alley is directly inbetween the two, so he stares deep into the pitch black place as he finishes putting his jewlery inside his coat pockets. No need to have blood on them. It’s going to be a pain to clean if it did.
“ What are you doing here? I wasn’t even notified there would be a completed assignment tonight?” Her voice whispers with so much urgancy. Only if she knew. 
He raises his mask down a bit to talk, “ It was an emergency. It’s completed and I was given the order from him” He refers to his father for the lying part. Jungkook takes the time to analyze her outfit, seeing if anything isn’t right.
Until it hits him. The diamond hairpin she’s always wearing on the left side of her hair. She’s not once ever taken it off. It never switches out for another or even it’s position on her head. That’s what it is. That’s what the tracking device and audio goes in to and exports back out to them. 
“ Oh.” She sighs in relief. “ Then thats fine. I’ll get a document about it when I get home to my apartment then. “ She stares up at Jungkook, who looks at her.
“ You uh.. You doing anything now? Like.. maybe hanging out with the boys? If not then im totally free...I was just grabbing something to drink after shopping..”
He almost laughs at her attempt. He’s known all along she had the hots for him. European girls aren’t his type at all. But then again this is Jeon Jungkook, the guy where most girls would give up everything for just a single night with him.
“ I’m free..” He takes this as an opportunity caress her cheek. Which makes her cheeks heat up from his friction, and from the hoy guy himself. Jungkook trails his hands up from her cheek to that diamond hair clip. “ Pretty.” He utters.
“ Thanks. It was a welcome gift.” Her hand rests upon his, hoping that he’d let go of it so she wouldn’t get caught. The last thing she wants is to be a dead woman.
Jungkook knows her trick so he leans down close to her, eyes traveling down to her lips. “ You smell amazing..Stella” 
She doesn’t even answer. Instead she jerks forward to press her lips against his. Someting she’s always wanted to do since they met briefly. He smiles under the kiss, eyes wide open waiting for her to drop into his hands. With one swift motion he finds himself holding the now unconcious girl in his arms. Before anything else he removes her diamond hairpin and drops to the ground to crush completely to shards with his boot. Her body is light enough to where he is able to drag the girl down into the dark alley.
Jungkook drops the girl on the cold, wet ground thats completely littered with trash and used condoms. One metal trashbin sits right next to where her body sits. A few wet crates of what smells like where meat would’ve been held. Fucking disgusting. 
As if on cue, the rest of his boys, including Casper come walking right to them. They’re confused when they see her unconcious. That should’ve been brought up beforehand. “ Why is she not awake.” Casper points, questioning him.
Jungkook nods his head over to the crushed hairpin that they all completely missed. “ Give it a few seconds. I laced my lips with a special liquid so she’d fall unconcious so I could crush the tracking and audio device.” 
“ Nice work.” Jimin compliments, running his hand through his hair. “ So we’ll do the dirty work from here alright?”
Sure. That meant Jungkook really didn’t have to do the work he was dreading. Someone like her has expertise on how to fool and escape. Especially if she was working for the FBI. But as for now, she’s a goner. 
Hoseok hovers over her body, “ Hey. Hey wake up.” A few hard smacks to her face sends her eyes shooting open and gasping for air. “ What.. Wh-”
Jungkook scoffs and rolls his eyes, hands crossed as he leans against the wall again. “ Ah you lying bitch. You’d think we wouldn’t catch on yeah?” 
Her false personality turns into her trueself. And she’d be damned if she would have them kill her. She rolls her eyes at them and laughs, “ All my information already has been reported to the FBI. You guys are going down.”
All of the boys laugh together at her. As if the look on her face wasn’t enough, she rests into a bitch face. “ Nothing to laugh about. Laugh when you’re in jail.”
Taehyung circles her, twirling his gun with his fingers. His pride is way too high right now. The urge to just off this bitch right the and there can’t be controlled for way too long. The fire in his eyes burn with rage. One thing he dislikes the most is being decieved. He circles her like a lion tormenting their prey. She watches his movements closely, unable to move because she still hasn’t regained strength to get up from the floor.
“ Liars. I hate em.” He says, chuckling. She doesn’t see it coming though. The gun in which he has in his hands had connected to her face with a hard slap. That earns a groan from her.
“ You disgust me you know that?” Namjoon can’t help but to jump in on the action too. He raises his left leg and draws it out to kick her side with force which sends her toppling back over. “ Fucking disgusting bitch.”
Stella would be lying if she said she isn’t scared out her mind right now. All of bangtan ganging up on her? She’s more than scared. Terrified to say the least. Jimin takes one last drag of his cigarette and bends down to her level. Her eyes are filled with tears, not even able to muster up a scream as if she did, she’d be absolutely done for. Jimin makes sure to lower his sunglasses down to look her dead straight in the eyes before putting his cigarette out in the middle of her exposed chest area. She muffles her scream, biting her lip so hard she draws blood. 
“ Good girl.” He smiles, reffering to her holding everything in. “ You know you aren’t gonna make it out of this alive right? Shall we end this quickly for you?”
“ She doesn’t deserve it.” Jungkook says, still leaning on the wall but this time he has one foot against it. The position is rather more comfortable for him anyways.
“ Casper?” She pleads, looking in his direction where he stands next to the young man. “ Shouldn’t of lied. Not my problem. Take her out boys.” Those words were laced with pure venom that burned into her mind.
Jungkook smiles sinisterly pushing himself off the wall. Soon that dumb bitch would be dead and that sweet smell of burning fucking flesh will fill the air. The scent he enjoys after completing because that just means he gets to move right on up with his points. 
But the girl is too sly. She’d waited for this moment when the shots are to be called. Quickly, she lunged herself up from the ground towards the boys with a hidden black knife. Taehyung draws his gun out and immidiately shoots the hand holding the shiny weapon, watching the bullet pierce through her skin and the blood seeping out like niagra falls. 
The music of the parade begins, drums roar and tunes fill the cold night.
Taehyung’s move doesn’t stop her though. She’s been trained long and hard for this. She’s determined to win against the gang. She gets another wound by trying to kick Namjoon’s ankles to attempt to make him fall face first but he dodges it and shoots 3 times against both her knees, having her fall onto the ground. 
Stella screams in pain and rage. She grabs both her knees with each hand and presses hard against the wounds, to prevent herself from bleeding out. The adrenaline rush soon comes over her so she gets herself back up, this time trying to run away from the killers. Jungkook shakes his head in amusement just in time to step infront of her. 
One quick motion, his hand grips her kneck making her jerk back. He squeezes hard, pushing the girl against the wall. The space between them no longer open as the two are deadly close to each other. His grip still on her kneck, he admires the sight of her turning purple and red. A gasp can be heard from her when he finally lets go, but not long enough for where Jungkook draws his gun out and presses it to her temple. 
“ Y-you’ll fucking die if they find out you killed me.” She says, voice trembling and whimpering for her life.
 Jungkook chuckles at her. They wont find out. Because to them she’s just gone for the next two years and then takes her life off a bridge. That’s all they’ll get to know. A suicide note is already being processed back at the base. This bitch is really done for.
“ Shut the fuck up bitch. You know nothing.” 
Placing the gun a little more down than he had it, right at her temples, she swallows hard. He pushes it into her skin a bit, making her body jerk a little bit. That feeling. That wonderful feeling of fucking excitement yet pure and utter power over her feels fucking amazing. The way she pleads for her life makes his head throw back in an orgasmic feeling. But he can’t let himself get himself carried away. He needs to stop tormenting and end it now. 
So he does. Five shots to the brain. She didn’t even scream bloody murder.  Jungkook lets go of the body and lets it drop to the ground. Her eyes wide open and mouth slowly agape as she bleeds out on the ground.
He looks up at the boys who are currently staring down at the body, “ You fucked up when you had the chance to kill her right then and there Tae. Next time don’t stall for so long. Good job overall boys.” 
“ What’re we doing with the body?”
“ Burn it. No trace left of her. Just burn it in the trash bin. We’re next to a Korean Barbecue and a cafe. The two smells should mask her smell of flesh burning.”
“ I have the cleanup crew waiting. I’ve just sent them the green light. We need to evacuate the scene now.” Casper puts his phone back in his pocket.
Jungkook nods, “ Lets go. Casper report back to my father for us please. Im going to change clothing and enjoy the parade.. atleast while we’re here.”
The smell of sweet treats just brings so much happiness to you. Although it is cold out, everyone around you seems to be smiling and in awe at the cute christmas light decorations and walkways. It’s so beautiful, something you honestly haven’t seen before. There are little characters dressed up, waving to the kids nearby. The christmas music blares with various dressed up people singing in the parade. 
“ Yn! Yn! Look!” You turn your head to the sweet, excited voice. Ayami interlocks her hands with yours when she points to the upcoming dancers. She’s like a kid who’s seen candy in a restaurant. “ I see Ayami.” You laugh.
The night with the group has been full of fun, you cannot lie. You guys have shopped, ate insanely sweet  foods, and went on some christmas rides at the amusement park. Everyone seems to be getting along well. Most importantly, you hid the mark on your neck tonight with a scarf to match your current outfit.  Your mother did not suspect a thing when you came in. In fact, she was already inside her room with the lights off so that was an easy get away. You gave her the items and went on your way that night. 
But it was also the night you had gotten another call from your father. He’d explained to you that he wouldn’t be able to make it for your entire winterbreak. Yes you were disappointed, but his reasoning was logical. He’s snowed in. He even sent you pictures of the snow outside the house he was living in. It was piled up halfway his door. Due to the storm that hit him, all the flights have been canceled until the storm passes over, which estimated a week. The week he had took off to see you and his family for christmas. You can’t complain though, because it isn’t his fault this time. As much as you cried again that night you realized that crying will not bring him here.
That night though, had you contemplating a lot of things after your breakdown. How? Why? What even led you guys to get to that point? One moment you were just helping bandage him and then the next he was kissing all over you? The thoughts alone had made you anxious yet.. not as much as you should’ve been. The way you felt was almost too normal for someone you are supposed to dislike. 
But the way his lips felt against your skin had temporarily stunned you for a moment. There were those dreaded butterflies in your stomach that night. It felt.. right. It felt as if you were safe in that exact moment which led to you wanting more and more of it. Safety from Jungkook. Is it true that he isn’t as bad as he says he is?
Your thoughts are interrupted by Sungmin breaking your hands apart from Ayami, who pouts and sticks her tongue out at him. He chuckles and raises his fingers to flick her forehead. “ Be nice. I was just going to give her this.”
You soon feel something warm in your hand. A little warm hand heater to keep your hands warm. “ You kept rubbing your hands together to keep warm.” He says, closing your hands against the warmer. 
Somehow his touch feels so comforting to you. Though he didn’t have to, he actually went out his way yet again just for you. How sweet. “ Thank you minnie” You smile at him. 
His smile drops in shock at the nickname you just gave him, “ Minnie?” It’s evident that his cheeks are red at this point. Its adorable. “ Yeah. You’re adorable so I gave you a nickname that suits you.”
It cant be helped that he’s cheesing from ear to ear at this point. Which makes you sort of chuckle at his now crimson red cheeks and pearly white smile. Sungmin’s always been great to you. You’d never take his comforting personality for granted. Besides, he is a little cute anyways. 
You hear a familiar voice in the background of you and Sungmin. He hears it to and it kills his mood instantly. They’re here. Sungmin moves to stand beside you and soon enough you feel his arm snaking against your waist. You furrow his eyebrows at him but it does nothing to answer your curiosity of his sudden behavior due to his face being blank.
“ Ah Sungmin!” The voice roars, you manage to turn your head fully amongst Sungmin’s arms to see the one and only Kim Namjoon. Oh fuck. “ What brings the little boy to the parade? Hmm? Isn’t this the place where-” 
Sungmin’s head snaps towards him, “Shut the fuck up!” He semi-yells at him. You mentally prepare yourself for yet another interaction. It’s not like they would actually fight infront of all these kids and people.
Another voice appears, “ Woah, woah, woah.. no need to get rowdy.” You know that voice. That fucking voice. Why is it that he can never be somewhere you’re not. “ Why are you guys here. It’s fucking winter break. Leave us alone.” You hope your words are enough to have them leave, but it isn’t.
Namjoon snakes his arms around Crystal while keeping eyecontact with Sungmin, who was too busy fixing her make-up piror to him being flirty. A smile appears on her face when he kisses her cheek. Your eyes grow wide, which is nothing compared to Sungmin who you can feel shaking with rage.
“ Get your fucking hands off my sist-”
“ You mean my new girlfriend?” The boy smirks, rocking them side to side. Crystal mouthes a sorry to you and the girls. How could she? Not even give you guys a heads up? A fucking warning atleast?
Minlee tilts her head to the side, a clear pissed off smile on her face. “ Excuse me. What the fuck?” Ayami’s just as shocked as her as well. “ You’re fucking joking... really Crystal? After what we all agreed?”
“ We just began dating and I truly was trying to find a way to tell you guys. He’s not as bad as you guys think. He’s a sweet guy I promise. He said he’d stop messing with us I made him swear on it!” She says quickly, eyes seeping with sorrow and sympathy. You didn’t care though. Not one fucking bit.
“ Fucking relax. You’re all lucky I haven’t did something about you all gossiping about us. Then we could find out the truth if we are these so called monsters or not right?” Jungkook makes sure to make eye contact with you. You glare at him, daring him to keep going on about it. He wouldn’t. Oh he better pray if he does.
“ You guys are no good anyways Jungkook. You and I both know you are really pushing your limits right now with this conversation. Because if I tell them-”
Jungkook cuts him off, “ I wouldn’t tell that If I were you. “ He clicks his tongue together, shaking a finger at him. He’s got Sungmin there. Sungmin scoffs, hating the feeling of being defeated. All this though, really questions you.
Can you really trust Sungmin? Can you really trust Jungkook? The two boys are always at it and the secrets they hold make you really wonder if they are both who they say they are. 
Who are you kidding though. Sungmin would never. He’s the comforting one. Lying isn’t in his vocabulary. He’s always been truthful to you and showed you loyalty more than once. It’s the brown headed tattoo’d boy you cant trust. You should’ve known trusting Jungkook that night would be the biggest mistake of your life. 
“ Crystal we trusted you. We even made a pact. How could you? Do you really know who you’re dating right now?” Your voice is laced with hurt. Her dating him can easily jeopardize all of your lives. It hurt to just even know that. Seeing the friends you made possibly die isn’t what you wanted.
Jungkook’s eyes go wide with a smirk, “ A pact huh? Did that pact allow you to be making out with me lastnight then? Or was it omitted?”
Your mouth drops a bit. Everyone’s eyes shift to you with complete and utter shock. Sungmin turns to you with a look of pain written all over him. He slowly drops his arm from your waist, and you shake your head no at him with tears forming in both of your guises eyes. You can’t lose them. You just made your friends you can’t lose them now. Lose them and you have nobody.
“ Yn.. You didn’t.. tell me it isn’t true.” As if the emotions weren’t high enough, you found yourself already crying when his voice cracks. 
Ayami shakes her head at you whilst grabing Minlee’s arm to guide her away  from the messy scene. Crystal and her new boyfriend who soon leave after, both groups splitting in different directions. Before Ayami went, She had given you that look. That look of I am so disappointed in you. Which hurt the most, because she was your first friend. The first friend you actually made and then betrayed. 
“ She enjoyed every bit of it, even let me mark her.” Jungkook says, hoping to break Sungmin. Just the sight of him near you and on you makes him angry. As if you could just go around acting as if nothing happened. Something he does. He’s really getting a taste of his own medicine.
Sungmin bites his lip to prevent himself from actually knocking Jungkook in his face at this very moment. Marking something that he knew he wanted. It’s always like Jungkook to play this way with him. Always going after what he wants. 
“ Sungmin-” 
The words can barely come out your mouth. Its true you didn’t know what to say to make things better. You knew you’ve fucked up big time. Big fucking time. 
A loud voice fills the tension in the air, as the music of the parade is still going between all this mess you’re in. 
“ Merry Christmas” The announcer of the park yells. You hadn’t even noticed they had began the countdown while you were too busy with all this.
The crowded area shouts in happiness, its finally Christmas. Jungkook stands there feeling satisfied with himself, not caring for the crying your doing. Fuck him. Fuck him. Fuck him for even existing.
“ I can’t let you fall for him Yn.” Sungmin says. It’s almost as if you can see tears coming from him. 
With one swift move, he grabs you by the waist and turns you around. You can’t even react before you soon feel his soft, sweet lips resting against yours. You don’t stop yourself from holding back the kiss either. You don’t know whether it’s because you’re filled with guilt or if it’s just true emotions coming out. You don’t care enough though. 
Fireworks burst into the air. Different colors and images light up the sky on this very Christmas morning. Sungmin stares directly at Jungkook, not breaking the kiss whatsoever, but you don’t know that. Jungkook’s blood boils at the sight of you two. He doesn’t know what it is, and usually shit like this doesn’t bother him, but seeing Sungmin kiss his target rages him.
He’ll for sure get you and him back for that. Fucking up the plan again makes him rather annoyed as well. So many god damn inconviences just for little ol’ you. 
You were still into the kiss, telling yourself you wouldn’t let go first. He deserves this. Jungkook deserves all of it. 
As for Sungmin, If this was going to prevent you from losing him, then so be it. 
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cinnaminsvga · 4 years
17 | badboy!hoseok
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17. ❝ things you said that i wish you hadn’t❞ genre: fluff, suggestive stuff // words: 1.1K  a/n: part of the btsghostiebingo challenge!! my prompt was “stealing looks.”
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“is it really that difficult to keep your mouth shut? even occasionally?” your voice is thick with exasperation despite the gentleness of your ministrations. you’ve just about finished wrapping the last of his injuries, your first-aid kit on the cusp of going empty. jung hoseok stays seated atop your bed, his gaze planted guiltily to the floor while you knelt, rubbing antiseptic on his cuts.
“would it make you feel better if i said he deserved it?” hoseok is sheepish, so unlike the rough and rugged club brawler that many people knew him as. when he’s with you, he’s just hobi. no masks, no facades to upkeep. if anyone figured out how soft he was in real life, he fears that his fierce reputation might become unsalvageable. “besides, he threw the first punch! all i did was call him a pathetic, predatory, piece of shi–“
“hobi,” you interrupt, causing him to clamp his mouth shut immediately, “the poor boy was a newbie at the ring. you were just as cocky when you first entered the bighit club, and we both know it,” you tut, slapping his abdomen where most of his bruises were. he wheezes, gently cradling his stomach as he pouts pathetically at you.
“he tried hitting on you, y/n! he was sending you these dirty looks and i will not let that little shit think he’s hot shit just because he’s 20 pounds of muscle heavier than me!”
“jungkook is also a teenager. all boys are horny and stupid at that age,” you snort, sealing his wrap bandages tight. when you sit back to appraise him, he looks more like a mummy than a human. “hell. you were just as rude when we first met. remember how you wouldn’t stop staring at my ass for the first three weeks?”
hoseok’s pout deepens, his cute dimples making an appearance for the first time that night. no one ever gets to see them except for you, because only you ever managed to make him show any emotion other than his signature cold, calculating stare. when you’re face to face with him like this, it’s hard to imagine that he’s one of the highest-ranked brawlers in the city. hell, it had taken you a few weeks to really get your head around the fact.
“yeah, but you were single at the time. he should know that you’re a taken woman.”
“hoseok,” you roll your eyes, but your traitorous heart was doing flip-flops in your chest. you hate to admit it, but seeing hoseok jealous is kind of endearing. he hardly shows his possessive side, since most of the boys at the club knew to keep their distance. after working as a bartender at the underground club for years now, none of the members have bothered you ever since you stabbed a guy in the balls when he didn’t have the intelligence to understand that no means no.
hoseok gestures for you to get up, wiggling towards the head of your bed and patting the empty space beside him. “come on! baby me for one night, okay? my fragile masculinity is on the verge of collapse,” he groans, but the soft grin on his face tells you that he’s joking. you huff, standing up but not making a move to join him.
“give me a second, infant. i wanna get out of my work clothes before i get on the bed. i smell.” you hear hoseok let out a small giggle, and it warms you from the inside out. giggly and whiney hobi is a secret only you know, and you’d bring that secret to the grave if you have to.
what’s not to like? gruff, stoic bad boy is actually a cutie in bed? you never did figure out how you had gotten so lucky with him. though you do wish he’d keep his fists to himself, at least when he’s outside the ring.
you can feel his eyes on you when you begin to undress; you’ve always loved the attention, especially when it’s from him. it’s partly why you enjoy teasing him at work, trying to bend over often, wearing tighter clothing than necessary, talking lower and slower.
you never do interact with him directly when you’re at work as you’re a professional above all else. you might be working in an underground fight club, but that didn’t mean you were going to let a relationship interfere with your work. but that didn’t stop you from teasing, enjoying the way he tries to steal looks even though you always knew when he was staring.
it just so happened that tonight, you had gotten another unplanned spectator, which caused an impromptu brawl to transpire alongside the official one happening inside the ring. and now, you had a beaten and bandaged boy on your bed, begging for cuddles and something more.
“come on, babe! you’re so mean,” hoseok whines, making grabby hands at you when you unclasp your bra. your back is turned, and you don’t give him the pleasure of seeing you when you quickly put on a nightshirt. he’s full-on glowering when you turn to face him, the ridiculous sight making you giggle uncontrollably.
“you look like a child who was denied their binky,” you say, finally joining him on the bed. he immediately wraps you in a tight embrace, smattering kisses along your neck that gets you laughing breathlessly. “hobi! stop, that tickles!”
“that’s what you get, you temptress!” his voice is muffled against your skin, but you don’t ask him to repeat himself when he starts tracing his lips lower, dragging your shirt off from your shoulder to give him more space. “even before that lil bitch boy was making eyes at you, i was making eyes at you! lil baby man wouldn’t be able to handle you even he wanted.”
“oh?” your pitch heightens, further encouraging hoseok to snake his hand up your shirt, touching and kneading you until you’re moaning softly into the dim room. “and you can handle me?”
“let me remind you tonight,” hoseok’s demeanor changes, becoming more reminiscent of the boy on the ring than the one who you had come to know and love. but you’ve already realized this a long time ago; that both sides of him are equally as enticing and easy to want. your eyes fall shut, smirking softly to yourself.
“don’t say things you don’t mean, hoseok. you’ll make me wish you hadn’t said it.”
“i don’t make promises i can’t keep, y/n. when i’m finished with you, i’ll make sure everyone will know how i well i treat you.”
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an-exotic-writer · 7 years
Badboy!Hoseok 👀 + when did you meet Y/N?
badboy!hoseok: “this is going to sound like bullshit but the library.”
the boys, from a distance: “and he’s been whipped since.”
send my muse “👀 + a question” and they’ll have to answer with 100% honesty
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wellknownsleeper · 5 years
News reporter: the sun will crash down on earth in 11 minutes!!!
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justcallmenikki7 · 5 years
BTS Reaction To: They’re Only Soft For You (BadBoy!Au)(School!Au)
Summary: your boyfriend who is known as the “bad boy” in your school only is ever soft for you and everyone who witnesses their softness towards you is always shocked by it.
Genre: badboy!au, school!au, Goodgirl!reader
Warnings: none, just fluff
Notes: i’m not as thrilled for Jungkook’s but this idea popped in my head and i wrote this in two hours, so i apologize for my terrible writing and for any grammatical mistakes.
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You had Jin wrapped around your fingers and everyone in your school, including the teachers and other staff, knew it too. 
Every time you walked down the hall with your boyfriend, who is feared by the student body, stared at you both in shock. That reason is because you’re the complete opposite of him - literally. You’re much nicer than him, more polite, and friendly. 
Truth is, so is Jin, but to the people he likes and who doesn’t irritates him- which includes his family, friends, and most importantly - you. 
So, seeing him act in such a way towards you shocks them. 
Especially now.
“Hey Jinnie? Can you hold my hair back so I can get a drink from the water fountain?” You asked your boyfriend sweetly, glancing up at his tall frame. 
If it was anymore possible, his eyes softened even more at you, nodding his head. “Of course, baby.” Moving your hair so it was pulled back away from your face, making sure there weren’t any stray hairs that would possibly get wet. 
As you were getting a drink, the students around you stared in shock, seeing how Jin was doing something so out of his character. Even though they see something like this every week, they still cannot get use to it. Without you knowing, Jin glared at all of them, the same look that can scare them into thinking that they’ll have to deal with him alone. When he felt you stand up, his death glare was long gone and back was his adoring look for you.
Oblivious to the looks, you stood up on your tiptoes and planted a thankful kiss on your boyfriend’s cheek. “Thank you Jinnie, now, let’s get to the library so we, or I, can study.”
Smirking, Jin wrapped his arms around you shoulders to bring you in close to him. “You know me so well, baby.”
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Min Yoongi hated school dances with a passion. 
The thought of them always made him scowl and roll his eyes, stating that they are stupid and worthless. 
And that is what he is at right now against his will because you begged him to go to it.
He was leaning against the wall, cringing at the crappy songs that were being played on the speakers, watching you dance with your friends. His gaze never left your dancing, only whenever a guy would stare at you for to long so he could give them his death glare. Your sight always made him happy - you made him happy. And what came with that is giving into your puppy dog eyes, being to weak to say no to you.
The upbeat song turned into a slow song, causing you to stop dancing and excitedly make your way towards Yoongi. 
A cheeky grin was on your face which made Yoongi roll his eyes at you in a goofy manner.
“Would you like to have this dance with me, Min Yoongi,” you said in a fake posh tone. 
Wanting to see you smile, he cleared his throat, “I would be honored to have this dance with you, Miss Y/N.” His reply had you giggling which made Yoongi smile down at you.
Yoongi brought you into him, his arms wrapped around your waist tightly, your front pressed against his. Your arms were wrapped around his neck, fingers playing with the ends of his hair. 
“You look beautiful tonight, kitten.” He whispered into your ear, deep voice making your body tingle.
“And you look handsome, Yoongi.” You complimented back, kissing his neck. 
You could see your friends gawking at you and Yoongi out of your peripheral vision, still shocked that you could make the Min Yoongi soft. Your best friend was smiling fondly at you from beside you who was dancing with their date, making you happy that she was happy for you. 
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To say that it was a shock that one of the feared BTS boys was dating a girl like you was a shock. You - a book worm, quiet, sweet girl - was dating Jung Hoseok - a rude, scary (according to a lot of people), rough guy. 
Sometimes it was a shock to you also because how in the hell does someone like Hoseok like someone like you? This was something you always thought and have voiced once to your boyfriend, which resulted in him showing (in many ways) on why he does. 
At school people always whispered about how different acts towards you than anybody else. 
Like now-
You were leaning into your boyfriends chest as you sat with him and his friends underneath the big oak tree that was outside by the school. You had a book in your hand, reading your favorite novel, while the other hand was used to put chips in your mouth. Hoseok had his arms wrapped around your waist, chin perched on your shoulder, occasionally pressing kisses along your neck and cheek. 
“Dang it,” you muttered, accidentally staining a page of your book from turning it with your hand that you were using to eat with.
“What’s wrong, baby girl?” Hoseok asked, frowning when he heard your upset voice.
“I accidentally stained one of my pages because I was using this hand to eat with and turn pages.” You told him, frowning. 
“Here, let me feed you while you read so you don’t do that again.” Hoseok offered, handing you a napkin so you can wipe you messy hand with before grabbing the bag of chips you brought. 
Agreeing, you cleaned your hand off before you went back to reading. As Hoseok fed you, every now and then laughing with you whenever he acted as if the chip was a plane, the people who passed by were stunned. They would have never imagined Hoseok to act like how does with you before you two ever got together. Now that you two are together and how acts towards you -soft and kind- they cannot wrap their head around it. 
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Kim Namjoon is a nerd.
No one would ever believe that because of how he acts and who he hangs around with. Also because of him being the leader of the schools bad boy clan. But they began to see his nerdy side in class after you two started dating. 
But they also didn’t believe that Kim Namjoon would go for someone that is the complete opposite of him; which shocked them whenever you and Namjoon began dating.
“But how is it A? Are you sure it is not C?” You questioned, looking at your boyfriend in confusion. 
“Because, babe, of how..” Namjoon began explaining on why it is A rather than C. 
The students who sat beside you and in front of you were stunned to see how Namjoon explained the process and problem to you so nicely and understandingly. Never had they seen Namjoon so nice to someone who wasn’t his friend (he is nice to someone who is nice to him first, but no one ever sees that situation). 
“Oh, okay, that makes sense!” You exclaimed, finally understanding it the problem. “Thank you, Joonie.” You thanked quietly because you knew that he didn’t want anyone to hear your nickname for him.
“You’re welcome, babe. Now, onto the next problem.” Namjoon smiled down at you, love and admiration in his eyes.
And for the rest of the class period, the kids who were sat around you and Namjoon were quiet, listening to your boyfriend explain each problem to you, to scared to ask him for help on the problem.
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Jimin was known not to do anything domestic.
He has had pass ‘girlfriends’ in the past - mainly flings. With those flings, he never liked to do anything that involved being a boyfriend. He just acted as if they were another person that didn’t matter to him, but helped him with his needs. 
So, whenever you, the ‘good girl’, someone who never had a relationship, got with Jimin- everyone assumed that you were going to be another fling. They all felt pity for you because you are a nice girl. 
It was a huge shock when you and Jimin were seen doing couply activities- like going to the movies, holding hands in school, and you both dating for almost seven months. Everyone was purely shocked that the Park Jimin is in an actual relationship for more than a week. 
So whenever Jimin was around you, he turned into a huge ball of mush. Every time that they heard Jimin laugh, coo at you, or just act like an actual fluff ball, they were stunned. 
Because what had happen to the Jimin who had a different girl a week?
And Jimin loves it- he loves you. And it is very obvious.
“Happy birthday, baby girl.” Jimin greeted you, kissing you all over your face. 
“Thanks, Jimin!” You giggled at Jimin’s way of greeting you.
“I got you these,” he showed you the flowers. “I hope you like them, I know that you like Daisy’s, but they didn’t have any, so i got you the Sunflowers, which is your second favorite flower.” Jimin explained. It was clear that he was nervous about your reaction to the first part of your present. 
“Jimin, I love them!” You squealed, looking at the flowers, taking them from your boyfriends hands. “They’re perfect, I love you so much!” To show your appreciation, you kissed him on the lips and hugged him tight.
The people that were around were all gawking at how you can make the Park Jimin nervous. A few people were happy to see that Jimin has changed and is happy with someone. 
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Before you met Taehyung, he was wild. As in, he never, ever, listened to anybody and was never controlled. He was always doing something crazy, like pulling a prank on a teacher or student, even graffiti a locker. 
Taehyung was never controlled.
Until you came along.
Long story short, when Taehyung first met you he was head over heels for you. He was so entranced by your beauty, personality, everything about you. So, realizing that he had to probably calm down on his wildness due to knowing how sometimes it bothered you, he quit all of his acts. This surprised everyone because how could someone control the Kim Taehyung?
“Ugh,” you groaned out, bending down to pick up a book that had dropped.
“You okay there, Princess?” A familiar voice asked, causing butterflies to errupt in your stomach and your heart to do flips. You felt a arm wrap around your waist and a kiss be pressed to the side of your head.
“Yes, it’s just that I have to carry so many books and it gets to the point of being too much. I hate having to come back to my locker after every hour, so I try carrying them all at once to avoid being late.” You admitted, trying to balance your books in your arms.
Taehyung frowned down at you before grabbing your books, ignoring your protests. He hates seeing you stress out, so he’ll do anything to prevent that from happening.
“No, I’ll carry your books, Princess.” He stated, cutting you off from your protests. 
At his actions, the people who were around were astonished by his actions. Even though this sometimes happens, everyone always seems to get surprised by it. 
“She is so lucky.” You heard someone whisper, making you blush.
“It’s me that is the lucky one.” Taehyung stated truthfully, leaning down and giving you a kiss on the forehead. 
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Jungkook was a cocky guy. 
He knew he was hot and he knew that him and his friends were feared in their town. He used that to his advantage to get whatever he wanted.
But that all stopped when he met you. 
You had changed Jungkook by keeping him in line when he needed to be put back and had helped keep his short temper under control. 
Sometimes, that temper got tested by how people acted and made snide remarks about him and his friends. 
“What the fuck did you just say?” Jungkook growled out, turning around to face the person who made the remark.
“Jungkook,” you warned in a calm, yet soothing voice. “Don’t listen to them, he is a douche and you shouldn’t waste your energy on someone who is a negative person.” You told him, rubbing his shoulders.
What came a shock to everyone who was expecting a fight was Jungkook agreeing to not fight. They all stared at Jungkook and you as you both walked away from the scene.
Jungkook wrapped his arms around your shoulders, bringing you in close to him. You smiled up at him, happy that you got your boyfriend to avoid a detention or suspension. 
“I love you.” Jungkook promised, leaning down to press a kiss to your head.
“And I love you too.”
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softjeon · 6 years
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king hoseok
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