#c. masterlist
imwetforyourmom · 1 month
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༺ hi! ༻
welcome to my blog, here you’ll find fanfiction, random yapping, complaints about needing one of the (sturniolo) triplets but not being able to have him and other things. requests are open!!
I write for the triplets and madison beer, I also only post fics or story wise on tuesdays and thursdays at 3:30pm, time zone is alaska daylight time (idk yall I googled it and thats what it said)
im in the age group of 12-14, so if you’re uncomfy reading my writing, then either block or click off my page please!!
my discord is ‘dominic.fikee’ and my yapping account is @imwetforyourdad
༺ navigation ༻
taglist, masterlist, works in the making and rules
༺ about me ༻
༻ i love, love loveee gut wrenching angst, always has been and always will be my favorite thing ever. ༺
༻ my name is molly, but you can call me molls or moll, idrc!༺
༻ ive been on tumblr since mid nov in 2023, but have been writing since april of 2023. ༺
༻ I am open to talking about EDs, sh and anything along the lines of that if you ever need to vent :)) ༺
༻ ive been watching the triplets since the beginning of 2023 ༺
༻ im pennsylvanian ༺
༺ what I like/favorite things ༻
༻ my favorite colors are green, pink and orange!! ༺
༻ favorite movies are hotel trannsylvania, fast and furious tokyo drift, gran turismo and brave ༺
༻ I absolutely adoree frogs and jellyfish, they’re my favorite animals!! ༺
༻ artists I like are frank ocean, faye webster, the nhbd, SZA, megan thee stallion, madison beer, j. cole, clairo and others ༺
༻ im actually a huge fan of cars, dodge challengers, hellcats. cars are my go-to but I know nothing about them, lmao ༺
༻ the youtubers I watch are brittany broski, larray, tarayummy, imbrandonfarris, jake webber, johnnie guilbert, sam and colby, sturniolo triplets (duh), courtreezy and benoftheweek ༺
༻ I love, love loveee making themes for tumblr or wtv!! so feel absolutely free to send in asks for one of the triplets and a certain color and ill reply w a theme!! (but pls give me credits)༺
(lmk if i should add anything more to this list and stuff, idk)
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myarlert · 2 years
hey everyone! just wanted to make a lil post explaining which fandoms/characters i am currently writing for! if they aren’t on the list, please do not request anything for them. i may only write for a couple [2] characters for a single fandom. if there is any characters you’re not sure about, you can always send me an ask asking me if i write for them.
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— Eren Yeager
— Armin Arlert
— Jean Kirschtein
— Levi Ackerman
— Connie Springer
— Kenny Ackerman
— Erwin Smith
— Reiner Brain
— Bertholdt Hoover
— Mikasa Ackerman
— Diluc
— Kaeya
— Scaramouche
— Thoma
— Childe
— Itto
— Xiao
— Ayato
— Zhongli
— Albedo
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spncvr · 3 months
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nothing yet!
show me how you care spencer reid x reader
spencer’s smart, you’re stuck. hurt/comfort
waiting room spencer reid x fem!reader
spencer can't seem to escape the girl in the waiting room. might become a series
worries spencer reid x reader
you worry for spencer, it's human. tending wounds trope, hurt/comfort
mornings spencer reid x fem!eader
waking up with spencer. fluff
rambles spencer reid x reader
you talk a lot, spencer doesn't mind. fluff
nothing yet! send in requests!
clandestine remus lupin x potter!fem!reader
hiding your relationship from your brother is starting to become a chore fluff
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vicioux · 1 year
i can't believe i've been reading ichihime fanfics for literally 10 years ✌️ my favorite flavor is definitely pining with a touch of angst, but i am also a sucker for just them giggly all over each other! thank you bleach TYBW anime revival for bringing me back to these two cutie patooties and an even bigger thank you to all the writers that have been keeping the fandom alive all these years (especially in the earlier days back in the wild wild west of ff.net and LJ lol) y'all are amazing 💖 happy reading everyone p.s you can find the rest of my fic rec lists here
🍓 alternate universe 🍞
THE BRIDE OF THE DEATH GOD by caledon A plague descended upon the village, and to appease the God of Death they offered him a bride as a sacrifice.
THE DEVIL'S PLAYTHING by marshmallowbirb High-schooler Kurosaki Ichigo discovers that he isn't as human as he once thought - and neither is his classmate, Inoue Orihime.
THE RELUCTANT BRIDEGROOM, DEATH by marshmallowbirb On a sunny summer morning, the young goddess Orihime gathers flowers on a hillside.
STARCROSS'D by child of the ashes In the vampire palace of Los Noches, there is no greater curse than beauty, and no greater crime than love.
NEXT VISIT by aurona x She can see him only with autumn comes, that man of the deep blue tree. And over the years, her love for him grows.
MOTHERHOOD by ashe flyght Orihime's family is financially unstable. So when Japan's most in demand actor, Kurosaki Ichigo offers her an unusual job will she accept it?
FINE LINES by lastlynotleast Ichigo is a tattoo artist and Orihime has skin he could draw on forever.
🍓 multichapter 🍞
THE BOND BETWEEN US by ritsu-san Post Ch. 352: Ichigo and Orihime are left to figure out this strange bond they share.
TIL DEATH DO US PART by marshmallowbirb Deemed too powerful, Ichigo is sequestered in Soul Society after defeating Aizen. Ten years later, one of his human friends dies.
THE CLOCKWORK SWITCH by sesamerolls (1 // 2 // 3) “Kurosaki-kun?” She wanted to bite back her words. This person couldn’t be him. He was a few inches taller, broader, and manlier than the youth who gave her daifuku just minutes before.
🍓 oneshots that will make you feeeeel 🍞
DEMAGNETIZE by ghosty If opposites attract, then what does that mean for us?
TACTILE by mrhooty Orihime has accepted that her boundaries will never be respected, but Ichigo is too good of a friend to allow that.
AFFIRMATION by sesamerolls Ichihime from the beginning to the end.
HOME IS WHERE THE SUN SETS by awkwardspaceturtle Using the word ‘beautiful’ didn’t seem like enough; nothing he could ever say out loud would tell her how she really looked in his eyes.
BUILD A HOUSE IN PARADISE by zabiume Ichigo and Orihime move in together.
PAPER HOUSES by zabiume Mostly, he just wanted to know if she was okay, if she was eating well and passing her courses and if, when she went to bed at night, she had someone to smile about.
PROMPTFILL by zabiume Truth serum induced angst.
PROMPTFILL by captainrukias-husband Ichigo writes a poem for Orihime.
TEMPTARE BEAST by mayelisa As Orihime watched in horror as Ichigo took on that form again, she had a sinking feeling that this day wouldn't turn out at all like she had planned.
MEMORIES IN THE RAIN by garden of magnolias If I were the rain, could I connect with someone's heart, as the rain can unite the eternally separated earth and sky?
ALWAYS SUMMER by folle Orihime is calling, calling, and Ichigo doesn't know how to not answer, except in the most important way.
BECOMING WHOLE by lovelycollision He loves her in various ways, during different stages of his life. It's after the war when he realizes that he's in the third stage, otherwise known as the beginning.
🍓 outside POV looking in 🍞
ELEVATING by sesamerolls “Okay, let’s theoretically agree Ichi-nii has a girlfriend,” said Karin, resting her palm underneath her chin.
SIMPLY BY MEASUREMENT by sesamerolls When it first began, he pretended not to notice.
PROMPTFILL by scribblles Ichigo screwed up his befuddlement into a distinctly grumpy expression. “For your information, I wasn’t daydreaming, I was thinking. Worrying, actually. And it’s about a friend. Who… happens to be a girl.”
🍓 funny fluffy oneshots 🍞
OF MICE AND MEN by garden of magnolias Ichigo realizes that getting rid of a mouse in his and Orihime's apartment is a lot more complicated when it involves his girlfriend.
I REJECT! by scribblles Keigo has a rare moment of inadvertent correctness.
RUMOUR HAS IT by fictionaryplace Ichigo and Orihime have important news, but decide to have a little fun with their friends and family before coming clean.
DELAYED REACTION by crystal dawn Orihime is feeling under the weather. Against his better judgment, Ichigo suggests she visit his father's clinic.
ICED FRAPPUCCINO by hedonysms Ichigo and Orihime get a coffee. Ichigo is simultaneously an emotional sap and a horny, utterly repressed man.
STARTING FRESH by kay sincere Ichigo doesn't have a resolution for the new year himself. But it does come to his attention that his friends could use his help.
NOSEBLEED by deathberryhime Where that little smile would have done more damage than intended to.
OUR BREATHS IN PERFECT HARMONY by iwillhaveamoonbase When Ichigo's friend talks about a cute girl at a bakery, Ichigo agrees to introduce them with no idea that the girl in question is his girlfriend.
WELL WISHERS by adverb_slut It turns out that shinigami are not so great at gift-buying, especially for a four-week-old baby.
THE ART OF SHIPPING by alice hattercandy In which, everyone ships. Even Ichigo.
🍓 anything and everything by these authors 🍞
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mysticalsoot · 9 months
i prefer life with you, than without
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part 2 of 'glances of love'
➸ note; woo!! here's another part!! if you saw this when I accidentally posted it, no you didn't, shush that never happened !! (requests are open for this series btw!) i will be asleep when this posts so I'll add it to the masterlists in the morning :) (lilly please harass me there's no way in hell im remembering)
➸ pairing; cc!wilbur x gn!reader
➸ summary; wilbur gets a bit self conscious about his relationship with reader but you're quick to reassure him !
➸ warning; possible swearing, mentions and vague descriptions of parental fighting and childhood trauma, food mentions (no EDs), implied age gap (do what you will with that), if there's more lmk!
➸ age-rating; 14-15+
➸ wordcount; 2.4k
main masterlist
glances of love masterlist
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your relationship with wilbur had balance, plenty of it. it was rare to even get into an argument and sometimes you'd bicker over small things, bound to look at each other and laugh at the stupidity of the moment. your life was finally happy and quiet, he brought you peace with his smile and his touch. his love radiated from him, making sure you're always warm. he wanted to make sure that part of you that held your inner child could heal, he never wanted to see you break. he never wanted to repeat his own childhood.
he noticed early on in the relationship that when a man's voice raised just a bit too much, you'd flinch and freeze. you'd tense when he tried to soothe you by a touch to your shoulder or chin or face, but you relaxed when you realized it was him. you never wanted to be your parents.
they fought a lot in your earlier childhood, arguing over small minute things, your dad refusing to pick up around the house and leaving your mother to do the rest. there were threats, and there were screams. you'd cover your ears and so would your siblings. the tears would build, threatening to spill as the screams of your parents echoed on the walls.
you told Wilbur this after the first few times he caught you flinching at someone yelling, the final time being when he yelled at someone for catcalling you. he pushed this time, while the others he just frowned and let it slide, when you flinched at him, it broke his heart and so he had to know why.
you told him how you'd pray to god your parents would wake up back in love or get a divorce and that it seemed neither prayer was answered. you told him how you were hyper independent as a child, just to avoid irritating your parents more. how his way of caring for you helped heal that wounded child still tucked inside.
and then he told you of similar experiences, how when his parents were fighting the most, he felt torn between them. like he was this weight keeping them held in this marriage they didn't seem to want. then they had his little brother, Tommy, and it seemed to fix it. until his father became too busy for wilbur, but not too busy for Tommy or Tech. but then he was too busy for everyone, and his mom withdrawaled and no longer seemed as interested in his life. so he likes caring for others, it gives him a purpose and if he cares for someone that needs it, he'll have that loving and appreciative attention he desires.
both of you had your shared traumas but you worked through it, he never yelled, you let him care for you (although, you needed that help anyways). it was a fair deal you two had subconsciously made.
the day was quiet, the both of you cleaning up the kitchen together with a front bottoms album playing in the living room. he'd spin you around, making you giggle before you'd both go back to cleaning. he was working on dishes, and then he paused, eyes glancing up ever so slightly as he sucks in a breath.
your heart jumped into your throat when he spoke those words; "baby, we need to talk."
it was sweet, but not sickeningly so. he was gentle with his tone and his words, taking a few steps towards you in the kitchen, tilting his head down to meet your eyes. he was smiling, sweetly at that.
"yes, Wil?" you smile up at him, your hands gripping at his sides as you try to hide the fear in your eyes and voice.
he grabs your face in his hands gently, thumbs rubbing your jawline before he kisses the tip of your nose. he pulls back, eyes sporadically searching yours.
"don't you think I'm too old for you? i mean.. shouldn't you be out, partying and making mistakes instead of staying in and baking cookies with me before settling on the couch to binge a show until we sleep..." he pauses, eyes trailing away before they gaze down on you again. you hold back on speaking, keeping your words on your tongue while you wait for him to finish, "am I taking that experience away from you?"
you shake your head slowly, your hands reaching up to cover his larger ones and you sigh at the feeling of his skin under your fingertips.
"no, not much would be different in my life if we weren't together. besides my life would be sadder and lonelier. at least I can do my old person activities with someone else." you smile, shrugging as you turn your face to kiss his palm, eyes looking up at him through your lashes.
"are you calling me old?" he taunts, smirk curling up and the frown shown before is completely gone.
you turn your gaze away as you shake your head, "noooo.. I mean you are kinda old? you are twenty-six after all."
"oh you little shit-" he smirks, grabbing you by the waist and picking you up. he carries you over to the couch and pins your limbs down, fingers attacking at your sides and belly as you swat at his hands.
"wil- no! it tickles!" you breathe out through loud giggles, squirming in your spot.
"this is for calling me old, baby," he continues tickling until you give him a warning glare, "okay, okay," he chuckles with his hands in the air before he sits back, pulling you into his lap. you settle between his thighs, resting your head on his shoulder as he pets the back of your head. he kisses your temple as he hums.
"I hope you mean what you said," he turns the conversation back to what it was earlier. an exasperated sigh leaving his chest as he chews on his lip, "I don't want to be the one to take those experiences away."
"do I look like I'm one to have a desire for partying?" you scoff playfully, thinking to all the moments where you'd drink with him and his band after a show.
he thinks for a moment and then shakes his head, kissing your cheek and nose and forehead.
"i guess not, you're a bit of a recluse, hm?" he teases, smirk crawling back up on his features. you swat at his chest, gasping in mock offense.
"I am not! i go out all the time!" you scoff and shake your head. he holds your hips a bit tighter, keeping you held in your lap.
"okay, then, when's the last time you went out?" his smirk deepens, eyes glinting with mischief.
it takes you a few minutes to conjure an answer, unsure as you speak, "I went to waterstones like.. two days ago?"
"baby.." he starts, tone a bit stern but still teasing.
"okay, okay fine! maybe I am a bit of a recluse but I like it, I do. i really like staying in and doing my work and waiting for you to come back. it's peaceful and I finally feel safe enough to just live and be alone. it's safe, I like it," you take a deep breath after your rant, looking down at his hands, taking one of them and playing with his fingers mindlessly, "you're safe." it's merely but a whisper, but he hears it and he can't tell if his heart is breaking or healing. your words struck a cord with him and he doesn't know how to swim through sludge in his brain.
"I'm not taking anything away from you?" his voice cracks softly, a small frown on his lips, an expression of worry. he fears being the one holding you back, despite the both of you being in similar stages of life. stable incomes, jobs and lives. you share finances, the apartment, grocery bills. he goes on tour, you stay back and edit two or so videos a week. you're both happy, and you aren't sure why he's so insistent that he's holding you back. if anything, he helps project you forward. he assists you in every which way. he helps you, he encourages you, he loves you.
"not one thing," you smile, holding his hands and shaking them a bit before kissing each of his fingertips. you lean forward, head on his shoulder as you tuck your legs between his. your body nestles between his thighs and he wraps his legs around you in a little nest.
"do you regret this?" he hums, worry still controlling his every thought. he's so anxious, and you can't entirely figure out why.
you sit back, looking up at him as you play with the fluff of hair that hangs over his forehead and you think, letting thoughts and worries be sifted through.
"mm.." thoughts scurry around, glimpses of brief worries, of judgement from friends and family, from fans in particular, "no, I don't. i really never have. why regret something that gives me you?"
"because you regret not doing certain things," he shrugs, taking your hands in his and laughing softly at the size difference. it looks so ridiculous to him, he must look like a giant to you. perhaps he is a giant.
"if I wanted to go out and party, there's nothing stopping me. there's absolutely nothing in my way that keeps me from living life," you smile to yourself, watching as he rubs his thumbs over your hands, bringing them to his lips to kiss.
"you could be dating though, not just stuck with one guy," he whispers, kisses placed on your palms and fingers and wrists.
"I like being stuck with my guy," his eyes finally meet yours and they seem to melt in a way. a small whine escapes his lips as he grabs your body, arms wrapped around your form before he pulls you into a sweet hug.
you giggle and laugh, bringing your lips to his for a sweet, loving embrace. a few moments pass and he pulls away, "I'm yours?"
"I wouldn't have it any other way," you smile, kissing his forehead, just to pull back and meet his eyes. you sigh happily before getting attacked with kisses to your lips.
"mine.." he mumbles between each meeting of your lips, sighing and humming in between kisses and mumbles.
"my baby.." he smiles, pulling back to admire you, his thumb traces your cheek and jaw. it presses into your skin gently, rubbing smooth, soft circles onto your face. jaw, chin, lips, cheek.
you giggle at the kisses, a fluttering, ticklish feeling beneath each one. wilbur smiles at each kiss, placing each one with gentle care, love left behind at every touch of his lips.
"pizza for dinner?" you hum softly, holding his upper arms gently, not quite able to wrap around them fully.
he pulls away gently, smile still on his lips and eyes foggy with some sort of mixed love emotion. he nods, placing a kiss to your throat, "I'll order, yeah? I'll run a bath for you and set out some of my clothes for you to change into," he hums, kisses to your collarbone and shoulder, his hums echoing in your bones.
"a bath?" your words hold part offense and part curiosity.
"I am not saying you need it, I'm saying that I may have splurged yesterday and bought a few new bathbombs for you.." he trails off, kissing your cheek. he's smug with his words, and you swat at his chest.
"Wil, really?" you scoff playfully, rolling your eyes with a warm smile.
"what? they smelled good!" he counters, leaning back to look down at you with a small pout.
"they're lavender scented, aren't they?"
he hums, hiding his face in the crook of your neck as he shrugs, "maybe, but it's your favorite,"
you nod, laughing softly as you slip out of wilbur's lap. he holds your wrist gently, thumb rubbing the skin there for a few seconds before smiling and letting go.
he draws your bath as you both chat about random things, kissing you before leaving you to enjoy the warm bath with bathbombs and smelly soaps and bubbles.
you don't spend too long in your bath, maybe 20 minutes before you're draining it and drying off, changing into a pair of wilbur's boxers and one of his shirts. you hum as you walk out of the bathroom and through the bedroom. a few strides and you're behind him in the kitchen, wrapping your arms around his waist. you kiss on his back for a few moments, humming to yourself.
"thank you, love," you whisper as he places his hands on yours, you scratch at his stomach gently with your fingertips.
"you're welcome, honey. pizza will be here in a few, okay? why don't you go over and rest on the couch, I'll be in there in a minute," he turns in your grasp, leaning down and grabbing your face, a kiss to your forehead that lingers as he hums against your skin. he pulls back and smiles at you, a kiss to your nose and you turn around to the living room.
you hurry to the couch, hopping on it and curling up with pillows and blankets as you set up some random movie on Netflix.
wilbur comes in a few minutes later, a box of pizza and a couple plates in hand. he dishes a piece out for you both, cuddling up next to you under the blanket and watching the movie along with you. it's nice, the quiet. you don't always need words with wilbur, sometimes the silence is plenty for you both, how calming and serene it is to not have to say anything.
it goes like this for a few hours, until you're both falling asleep, wrapped up together and dozing off with half lidded eyes.
"I love you, you know that?" you hum, looking into wilbur's eyes as best you can, trying desperately to fight sleep.
"I do, I just worry," he sighs, kissing your forehead with a sleepy smile.
"then don't worry," you kiss his nose, rubbing his cheeks with your thumbs.
he smiles and kisses you once, a quick peck that says a million more words than spoken and he tucks his head in your shoulder. his breathing steadies out, followed by gentle snores before you're lulled to sleep with him.
you much prefer life with him than without and you hope he feels the same.
taglist; @lcvejoy @lillylvjy @ella-fella-bo-bella @lotusanonymouse @ughtreyparker @whos-nicooo @zebonos
© 2023 mysticalsoot
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⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆ m a i n  m a s t e r l i s t
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most of these will be 18+ stories that include sexual or dark themes, individual warnings will be added for each one
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dean winchester masterlist
sam winchester masterlist
beau arlen masterlist
soldier boy masterlist
jensen ackles masterlist
jake gray masterlist
boaz priestly masterlist
jung hoseok masterlist
min yoongi masterlist
jeon jungkook masterlist
kim namjoon masterlist
park jimin masterlist
kim seokjin masterlist
kim taehyung masterlist
jacklesversebingo23 masterlist
kinkmas2023 masterlist
dean’s 45th birthday celebration masterlist
month of love 2024 masterlist
alphabetquest2024 masterlist
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do not steal, plagiarise, translate, or republish my work on another platform
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heartofwritiing · 11 months
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Wilbur Soot Masterlist
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here is a list of fics surrounding all Wilbur characters I write for! all fem!reader.
🥀= agnst ☁️=fluff 🌱= short fic 💋 =smut/sexual themes ⛔️= dangerous situations proceed with caution
cc!Wilbur Soot
Abuse those I love: you and wilbur break up, wilbur realizes how much he messed up. 🥀
His sweater: you and wilbur are in a private relationship and one day while you’re streaming chat recognizes the sweater you’re wearing. ☁️
I don’t deserve you, you deserve the world: A drunk wilbur makes a confession to you. 🥀☁️
What am I supposed to do, if theres no you?: reader has an illness and fears for her future with wilbur. 🥀☁️
Home is whever you are tonight: its your birthday, a day you dread every year due to bad memories, and wilbur manages to change your mindset. 🥀☁️
You and me need never be, lonely again: request ☁️🥀
part two of^ By the Sea: you move to brighton, and wilbur helps you move into your new apartment. ☁️🌱
Rest Easy: Wilbur overworks himself which results in him falling asleep in your lap in the studio. ☁️
Jitters and good luck kisses: Wilbur is anxious before a show and the only thing that can subside him is a kiss from his favorite person, you. ☁️
Interview with lovejoy: reader interviews lovejoy and wilbur has a crush on her. ☁️
Dance with me: you and wilbur dance at a musical festival 🌱☁️
We could make such a pretty picture: you’re lovejoys tour photographer and wilbur likes to tease you ☁️🌱
Kiss me (beneath the milky twilight) : you’re the backup singer for lovejoy, the fans don’t know you and wilbur are together, but one duet changes that. 🌱☁️
Is it New Years Yet? : in which wilburs flight gets delayed due to a snow storm and you’re left alone for christmas. 🥀☁️
Q!Wilbur (qsmp)
you are my sunshine: a short story of taking care of tallulah! ☁️
Absent in the spring: a small vacation to Phil’s beach house causes you to finally break down. (featuring q!philza) ☁️🥀
I guess this time there’s just no hiding, (fighting you make me restless.) : sbi hockey au! ☁️🌱
Take care of you: a little fic of wilbur taking care of pregnant!reader 🌱☁️
Zombur (sorry boys zombie video)
And you just can’t say goodbye: Wil gets bitten, and angst ensues. 🥀
Siren (tommyinnits clinic for super villains)
Safe with you: you do dangerous things to get sirens attention. 💋⛔️
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cherryqueen28 · 7 months
~Chris Evans Master List~
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click here for Main Master List
~Chris Evans Tumblr~
✨Just a Fling Chris Evans x Reader @whatstruthgottodowithit
✨The Boston Brute NHL!Chris Evans x Athletic Trainer!Reader @time-for-a-lullaby
✨Arranged Mafia Boss!Chris Evans x Reader @time-for-a-lullaby
✨Im Just an Assistant Chris Evans x Reader @time-for-a-library
✨Set up Chris Evans x Reader @time-for-a-lullaby
✨Out of Left Field MLB!Chris Evans x Reader @time-for-a-library
✨Age is Just a Number Chris Evans x Reader @whatstruthgottodowithit
✨The Cutest Customer Chris Evans x Reader @whatstruthgottodowithit
No title Chris Evans x Reader @theawkwardundercoverwriter
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~Chris Evans Wattpad~
✨Yes, Captain by notoriousbee (also on AO3)
✨Cheek to Cheek by Kirstie-Lotr
✨The Coffee Shop by lediggrdulce
✨Professor by peaceandpout (can't be linked so I linked the author)
✨The Girl Next Door by Kirstie-Lotr
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~Chris Evans AO3~
✨Boston, Bars, and Beards by LadyNovaJade
✨So. Cal, Sand, and Secrets by LadyNovaJade (part two of Boston, Bars, and Beards)
✨The Boy Next Door by emb617
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rotten-pomegranate · 1 month
Master list
Lots of these links take you to this blog because that’s just a blog of some of my fics from before I had a masterlist
my new fics are at the top and the old ones are at the bottom
Hunter x hunter
reader is scared of hospitals
chasing reader through the woods
reader escapes forever
Yandere Feitan with a darling that likes that he tortures
Feitan making reader smoke weed | she’s allergic to it
what Fights with Feitan are like
drunk sex with Feitan
Really dark Feitan headcannons
How long it takes Feitan to trust reader after she escapes
yandere Feitan when reader escapes for years
Yandere Feitan with hybrid reader
Yandere feitan with reader that has wings
chasing reader through the woods
reader escapes forever
phinks making reader smoke weed | she’s allergic to it
How long it takes phinks to trust reader after she escapes
yandere phinks when reader escapes for years
Yandere phink with hybrid reader
Yandere phinks with reader that has wings
yandere shalnark x pet reader
chasing reader through the woods
reader escapes forever
shalnark making reader smoke weed | she’s allergic to it
How long it takes shalnark to trust reader after she escapes
yandere shalnark when reader escapes for years
Yandere shalnark with hybrid reader
Yandere shalnark with reader that has wings
hisoka takes chrollos kurta sex slave and “helps” her
telling hisoka he doesn’t have to use a condom
reader escapes forever
hisoka with a hybrid reader
dark hisoka headcannons
Hisoka forcing reader to get high | she’s allergic to it
How long it takes hisoka to trust reader after she escapes
yandere hisoka when reader escapes for years
Yandere hisoka with reader that has wings
yandere illumi when reader runs away and gets an abortion
telling illumi he doesn’t have to use a condom
reader escapes forever
illumi with a hybrid reader
Illumi headcannons
illumi forcing reader to get high | she’s allergic to it
How long it takes illumi to trust reader after she escapes
yandere illumi when reader escapes for years
Yandere illumi with reader that has wings
chrollo makes reader get high and she allergic to it
chasing reader through the woods
chrollo keeping kurta as sex slave because he gets turned on by her eyes |Part two |Part three
yandere chrollo when reader won’t eat
yandere chrollo when reader is scared of sex
yandere chrollo with reader that doesn’t like sex
telling chrollo he doesn’t have to use a condom
reader escapes forever
chrollo with a hybrid reader
fluffy chrollo headcannons
How long it takes Chrollo to trust reader after she escapes
yandere chrollo when reader escapes for years
Pregnant reader escapes yandere Chrollo
Rough noncon with yandere Chrollo | aftermath
Yandere chrollo with reader that has wings
chasing reader through the woods
Beast Uvogin x reader
uvogin making reader smoke weed
uvogin headcannons
chasing reader through the woods
chasing reader through the woods
chasing reader through the woods
chasing reader through the woods
gets kurta reader from chrollo who keeps her las a sex slave
kurta darling
chrollo takes her as a sex slave | hisoka “helps” her | chrollo gets her back |kurapika gets her
my hero academia
really dark yandere shigaraki headcannons
short very dark yandere Dabi headcannons
Jujutsu kaisen
yandere Mahito x civilian reader
bully yandere sukuna x reader collage au | she gets stockholm syndrome 
naoya impregnating his reluctant wife
yandere gojo x tsundrre reader
Short Yandere gojo headcannons
sugar daddy toji
nanbaka (I don’t write for anymore)
uno finding out why darling is in nanbaka
seitorou finding out why reader is in nanbaka
imagine for Uvogin, mihawk, endeavour, gyomei, senami, hisoka, Sebastian, orochmaru, ryuk, buggy, all might, toji, Dazai, yami, Arlong here
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starlight-bread-blog · 9 months
Masterlist 🦋
A collection of posts I put the most effort in. Some are marked by emojies.
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💙 – Personal favorites
💎 – Partly/majorly dated
💙 Helluva Boss Is Mean To It's Audience
💙 Why Stolas is the Worst
(Tw: Sa) Ozzie and Valentino on consent
Stolas Is A Terrible Father
"Helluva Boss's Pilot Was About Characters"
"Blitzy" and Control
Why Stolitz doesn't work (and how to fix it)
Stella Being Abusive Is A Retcon
Blitzø And Messing Up (Critique)
Helluva Boss's Stock Villians
Stolas And The Biology Of Stolitz
💎 (tw) Angel Dust is Victim Blamed In Ep4
On Aang Sparing the Fire Lord & Lion turtle foreshadowing in Sokka's Master
Zuko Unlearning Violence
The Last Agni Kai is a Tragedy
My Interpretation of The Southern Raiders: Aang & Zuko & Katara
Mai's Redemption Wasn't About Her
💎 Katara Isn't Irrational
💎 Defending Katara's Grief
What My Zutara Endgame Would Look Like
Zutara in Ember Island Players
The Fortune in The Fortune Teller
On Katara's Lines in Ember Island Players
"Katara Just Needed To Heal Zuko's Scar"
"Katara Needs Aang to Balance Her"
"Zuko and Katara Would Be Toxic"
Zuko and Katara Won't Enable Each Other
Katara's Canon Interest in Aang
💎 Speculation On Fire Lady Katara
💎 Zutara Shippy Moments
Why Lokius Should Have Been Canon
Loki Shouldn't Have Died
What About Thor (Loki Series)
💙 The Adrigami Breakup Was Hot Garbage
Why I Dislike MLB's Nino
💙 #Bes Talk – Og Blue Eye Samurai posts
💙 ADHD Is A Disorder
Mean Girls 2024 Doesn't Understand Janis
Enemy Vs. Abuser: Catradora
The Blood Moon Curse Was Real
Notes On Fight Club
Charlie's Bullying (Critique)
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imwetforyourmom · 1 month
chris sturniolo
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nsfw : ꩜
fluff/other : ꕥ
angst : 𖤓
personal favorite : ☁︎
gotta save every last drop ꩜
.. in which; when chris and you have small talk after dinner, some words having more of a meaning than you thought
the stare 𖤓 pt2 ꩜
.. in which; what happens when you have to share a bed with you enemy?
the dress ꩜
.. in which; when chris makes you two not attend a dinner party because he couldnt keep it in his pants when he saw you
ineffable ꕥ
.. in which; when you and chris say ‘I love you’ for the first time, what goes through his head?
affection ꕥ
.. in which; when being your usual affectionate self with nick, chris cant help but envy nick
I like the way you kiss me ꩜
.. in which; when seeing your fwb at a party and hearing the song, what happens?
home? home. ꕥ
.. in which; when you’re shit-faced drunk and just want chris
eyes on mine ꩜
.. in which; when you’re scared of eye contact, and chris likes to use that to his advantage, during special times.
used 𖤓
.. in which; chris discovers his girlfriend’s secret tiktok account, and what he finds on it makes him regret everything.
sweet ꕥ
.. in which; how lovey dovey chris is the morning after a long night.
tit obssesed chris hcs ꕥ ꩜
in which; life with your boyfriend, whom is obssesed with your tits
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kittyilana046 · 1 year
Started: 12/18/2020
Last Updated: 12/29/2022
This master list is a collection of analysis essays, headcanons, and comic book panels posted by my favorite bloggers. I did not write any of the posts linked below, and I do not own any pictures used. All credit goes to the original artists and bloggers who created this content. 
I created this master list intending to archive my favorite posts. I am sharing it because I believe this list is a perfect jumping-off point for new fans who want a comprehensive guide to understanding these characters.
I encourage you to interact with original bloggers and also comic canon. 
Please send me an ask or DM if you want to talk about comic books.
Thank you 
~ Haleigh 
Batman (Bruce Wayne)
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Bruce Wayne outside of Batman
Bruce firing Dick vs. Dick firing Tim
Bruce Wayne’s childhood + a short analysis his relationship with Alfred Pennyworth
Do Bruce and Selina truly love each other?
Does Bruce love Damian?
Did Bruce love Jason?
Is Bruce a good dad?
Is Bruce nice?
Jason was Bruce’s beloved son and DC’s writers are doing shit.
Tips for writing Bruce Wayne
Batgirl (Barbra Gordon)
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Thoughts on Barbra’s independence and how it affects her relationship with Dick
Batgirl/Black Bat/Orphan (Casandra Cain)
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Does Casandra know ASL?
How does Casandra process anger?
Huntress (Helena Bertinelli)
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Helena’s relationship with Tim Drake
Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
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Dick Grayson’s moral compass + how Bruce’s expectations shaped him
Dick Grayson’s strengths and weaknesses  
Dick Grayson’s guilt complex
Dick Grayson and Temper
Dick Grayson and fashion trends
Dick, you’re so spoiled (Discussing and his relationship with money)
Do Dick and Jason get along in comics?
Do Dick Grayson and Roy Harper have commitment issues?
Does Dick Grayson wear a metaphorical mask like Bruce Wayne does? 
Objectification or Empowerment: how writers express Dick Grayson’s sexuality
Superman and Dick Grayson’s first meeting
What is Dick Grayson’s ethnicity?
Robin (Damian Wayne)
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Do you guys ever think about how much of a crappy life Damian has been having since Rebirth? Because I do.
Is Damian sexist?
Proof Damian has a heart p1
Things I Wish Writers Would Explore More with Damian
Red Hood (Jason Todd)
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Jason’s time as Robin
Jason Todd’s less known skills appreciation
Jay and Dick are musicians? What do they play?
Jason Todd and the Ladies: Post-Resurrection
Recontextualizing the death of Filipe Garzonas
The Jason Todd Book Club (books that Jason has mentioned in canon)
What kind of father was Willis Todd?
Where did Jason get his Respect Women Juice?
Red Robin (Tim Drake)
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Does Tim Drake conically suffer from depression?  
How did Tim Drake’s trauma affect him?
Is Tim Drake insecure?
Is Tim Drake sexist?
I wanna talk about Janet Drake
Tim Drake’s childhood
The beginning of Tim Drake’s career as Robin
Was Tim Drake born a genius?
Was Tim Drake the CEO of Wayne Enterprises? What was his job at W.E.? Did he like it?
Your Tim Drake coffee headcanon is whack
Spoiler (Stephanie Brown)
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How did the batfam react to Stephanie’s death?
What is the canon surrounding Stephanie’s economic status?
The Signal (Duke Thomas)
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Duke is not a boring character – Here are some of his achievements
Duke thomas isn’t the sane one! A guide by pepper
Who is Duke Thomas?
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Batfamily canon things that we should not let fall into obscurity
Characterization cheat sheet: the batfamily boys
The Batkids views on money
What are in your opinion the biggest difference between the comic and the fanon versions of the other Batfamily members?
The history of the “Robin” title
The ages of the Batfamily kids according to Secret Files timelines
What are the Batkids legal names/adoption status?
How would the Batfamily comfort someone who's sad? 
Is Dick Grayson demisexual?
Is Dick Grayson a romantic?
Dick Grayson and Kids
Would Bruce Wayne be a good boyfriend?
What would Bruce be like if his parents never died?
What should happen after the Ric Grayson arc ends?
What hogwarts house would jason todd be in?
Where would you sort the Batfamily?
All Robins are great and they all bring something to the table
Advice on how to write Damian and Tim brother dynamic
Damian & Dick: analyzing their relationship
Another analysis of Dick and Damian’s relationship
Do you think Dick and Damian have a brotherly relationship?
The Batboys calling each other brother
Where does the “little wing” nickname come from?
Batman (Bruce Wayne) 
Batman #42 by Tom King and Mikel Janin (Bruce and Selina get captured)
Batman being a Batdad to his Batprincess
Banana Muffin is Superman and Batman’s safeword
Batman & Robin Eternal #22 (Bruce being kind to Damian)
Detective Comics (2016-) #1017
Gotham Knights #11 (“I am a model of mental health”)
How Bruce deals with trauma
Injustice 2 #51 -”Have you tried turning it on an off again?”
“My favorite superhero is Superman” “…He’s my favorite, too”
Robin (Damian Wayne)
Deathstroke #5 - “Mirrors” (2016) (Damian taunting Deathstroke)
Damian talks a lot in front of his favorite people
Injustice 2 #8 (Proof Damian has a heart p2)
Robin Son of Batman 011 (Damian being done with Bruce and Talia)
The Shadow/Batman #3 (Ra's al Ghul threatening Damian)
Super-Sons My Best Friend
Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
Everyone loves Dick Grayson
Dick beating up Bruce compilation
Dick is that type of brother…
Dick you whore
Dick imitating a crowbar
Unpublished pages of Nightwing #30
Red Hood (Jason Todd)
Batman: Urban Legends - “Cheer II” (2021)
Detective Comics (2016) #976 (Jason standing up to the Batfamily)
Robin 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular #1 - “More Time” (2020)
Red Hood and The Outlaws (2016) #52
Red Robin (Tim Drake)
Tim and Dick talking: A Compilation
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ryuwonieebae · 10 months
Unexpected Confession
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𝐖𝐎𝐎𝐙𝐈 (우지) Imagines, One-shots
Pairing : idol!Woozi x fem!reader
Genre : Fluff, romance
Warning : None
Woozi wrote a song which was secretly for you but what if the secret is no longer a secret...
You hummed according to the rhythm, listening to the newly made song by your bestie who gave you a satisfied grin watching your response to the song. As soon as you finished listening to it, you clapped cheerfully and shook your hands with him, praising it.
"It's good, right? Or should I–"
"Yes. It's amazing. I love it.. -but now eat this food. I know you didn't consume anything since yesterday," you said revealing the food you made making his mouth go wide. You chuckled at his adorable reaction to his favourite food.
"Jjajangmyun?! Did you cook it yourself? Wahh! Thank you so much Y/N-ahh!"
"Yeah, I did and you're welcome," you gave him the noodles which he gladly received and ate. After a big bite, his cat eyes enlarged as he looked at your direction with a satisfied look. He nodded his head indicating that the food was appetising.
"Enjoy, then. Also don't forget to take rest. To be honest, you look like a dead rat I mean cat. Okay, bye! I need to go home"
"Already?" The disappointment in his voice was visible. You noticed his unhappy face and sighed.
"My little sister is alone at home. That's why,"
"Oh....Okay," he sighed. You felt a bit bad to leave him all alone in this kind of creepy and huge studio but what can you do when your little sister needs you?
You made your way toward him hesitantly and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Woozi looked up at you like he had just seen a horrifying ghost while you smiled innocently. You patted his rosy cheeks and made your way toward the door acting as if nothing happened just know.
"I know that you wrote the song just for me. Sorry but I kind of eavesdroped on your phone call with your manager. Hehe"
"Wh—what? You're joking, right?" He asked you nervously with a forced laughter.
"Why would I joke? There's something I need to tell you too..I—umm..I love you too! Bye! Let's meet later!" grinning ear to ear, with your reddened face, you shouted loudly as you closed the metal door with a loud thud. While woozi was still sitting on his chair with a blank expression.
"This girl aishh! She is something," Woozi caressed his cheeks slowly. Thinking about what had happened just know, he could feel his face flashing crimson-red as his heartbeat fastens.
"I love you too," Woozi whispered as smile made its way to his face. I guess no one has made him feel like that except you>_<..
A/n : +This fanfiction is purely based on my imagination only.
+It's totally fictional!
+I hope this is good enough to make you guys happy. I'm still learning to write in a creative way. Thank you for supporting me. It means a lot to me. Thanks to my besties too<3...
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Suptober 2023 Master List
Here’s the list with all my Suptober fics for this year.
Many thanks to @winchester-reload for organizing this wonderful event!
Liminal - Close Call
Pumpkin Patch - Pumpkins, Mist and Zombrits
Inspired - Piece of Art
Nimbus - In Good Hands
Portrait - ID
Full Spread - A Study in Wings
Black Cat - Beast Of A Different Kind
Satanic Panic - The One Who Still Grips Him Tight
Starlight - The Stars Above, The Ground Below
Close Shave - Someone (Not) To Lose
Epic - Epic
Swap-Meat - Maintenance
Flirt - 10mg of Truth
Fever - Catching On
Abstract - Empty
Bonus 31. Trick or Treat - Just A Trick
It’s been my first year of writing for Supernatural, and my first time participating in Suptober, and I’ve enjoyed it a lot! So many wonderful artists that I’ve discovered! I wish I could draw or paint like they can. But I can only write.
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puddleslimewrites · 1 month
Puddle's Pond (Masterlist)
Accidental Adoption
Ducklings (2, 3)
Nuisance (2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
Snippet #12
General (Heroes and Villains)
Coffee Shop (2, 3, 4, 5)
Peace Treaty
Heroic Villainy (Villainous Heroics)
Hero and Villain are identical twins
Naivity (2)
False Promises (2, 3)
Scientist betrayed by Supervillain
Aromantic Hero
Asexual Hero
Physics Lesson (2)
Poly Hero/Villain/AntiHero (request c:)
Communication Error
Mute Villain
Day Off
Villain causes problems on Hero's day off
Deadly Distraction 🖤
Detective x Supervillain
Court Order (1) / Court Order (2)
Villain attempts to sue Hero
Hero resigns
Unnecessary Destruction
Hero destroys Villain's project
Hero sees snow for the first time
#1 (Deal) // #2 (Haircut) // #3 (Freezing) // #4 // #5 // #6 // #7 // #8 // #9 (Whumper and Whumpee) // #10 // #11 (Overworked) // #12 (Deity and Mortal) // #13 (Heroes Don't Have Hearts) // #14 // #15 // #16 // #17 (Heartbreak) // #18
#1, #2, #3, #4 (Tradition), #5, #6 (Reckless), #7, #8 (Manic), #9 (Laundry), #10 (Gift), #11 (Artistry)
Non-Heroes and Villains
Doctor and Patient
Toothache (2)
Dentist takes care of an unusual patient
Reformed Supervillain at the hero agency
Who broke it?
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hmxltn · 1 year
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nothing yet!
mornings charles leclerc x reader
waking up w charles &lt;3
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nothing yet!
nothing yet!
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nothing yet!
nothing yet!
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nothing yet!
nothing yet!
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