#can we please go back to the bumbleby kiss
erros429 · 1 year
more rwby tomorrow
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astralwukong · 1 year
why we absolutely need RWBY Volume 10:
here’s my own many and selfish reasons, fell free to add!!!
- bees being girlfriends (primary source of serotonin for half of the animated sapphic community on the internet) i need them to go on a full DATE and have FUN like normal young adults in LOVE holy fuck i need 10 more of those kisses 1 is not enough, nothing is ever enough when it comes to them, i will not stop requesting bumbleby anything until we get burning the candle part 2. i will never stop until i see them MARRIED.
- raven branwen closure + facing yang again. because i need it, because i think yang should have answers and also because i want to know what is going on with raven branwen, fuck everything
- qrow branwen happy ending PLEASE
- tai, raven, kali and ghira formally meeting their daughter’s girlfriend (crucial, backbone of this society)
- sun wukong return, fuck you all i need him BACK all of team SSSN should be seen again just to put all that meat somewhere
- learning whatever the fuck happened to summer i need to KNOW you can’t leave it at THAT you can’t
- schnee family reunion ?????? they didn’t even get to talk after atlas fell ????? THEY THINK WEISS DIED????  this is insane ?????? give me schneebling content !!!!
- will oscar merge with ozpin ????? or not ????? this is super important
- will renora finally be together together ????
- cinder fall, as in, i want to see how cinder falls.
- EMERCURY REUNION ??? mercury switching sides ?????????????? when ??????????????
- pyrrha return kind of ???? v9 have glimpses of her and uhm not just v9, but like, i always wanted something a little bit more real as in, her literal consciousness/ghost coming actually back for a bit ?? i know this is unlikely but i can DREAm
- will weiss schnee rebrand the schnee family name in the end??? will blake become leader of the whitefang??? what will yang and ruby be up to after beating salem ???????? MAIN GIRLS PERSONAL ARCS CLOSURE ???? PLEASE ????
i have so many more but take these for now holy shit.......
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dragynkeep · 11 months
Miles fucking Luna just admitted on Cameo bumbleby was made canon soley because of its popularity with shippers and "would have toned down the Black Sun moments" had they known beforehand! Ais, please bully this beta looking crackhead on Twitter for me because I don't have an account and I refuse to get one
i watched the video & 1. why does he look like that & 2. why is he so goddamn close to the camera. back tf up on this cameo you've owed someone for ages, maybe try & be a little professional & not look like you're recording this on your smoke break.
it's also interesting he doesn't mention why he had to turn cameo off for a bit when some of the last cameos he had included misusing the word genocide over a fictional character & then pimping out his own self insert as "bisexual" & having to walk it back when people, desperate for queer mlm representation in this homophobic ass show, were wondering if it was actually going to be canon when. nah. he just said it for money :))
"you asked if there was any behind the scenes info for bumblby, which is hard cause i don't think there's much to talk about" for a ship you've apparently had in the works for 10 years? since the beginning? kept so under wraps? whatever, miles.
ohhh my god miles bringing up that blake is the bisexual queen & "everyone wants to date her" as if he wasn't disgustingly biphobic & joked about getting off to women kissing in front of him as well as asking if bisexual women were "truly bisexual" or just "sipped from the fur cup" with his best friend who sexually harasses women.
it's also weird that this essentially confirms the reason she has the "blake harem" is because she's bisexual, as well as being "cute & pretty." which. fall into a hole, luna, you ugly fuck.
also positing sun & blake on their faunus relationship as the much smaller one while being deluded there was anything to yang & blake over the "much longer relationship" besides a shit ton of shared trauma & no in depth discussions, no romantic connection, nothing until the last two volumes where they were like "welp, better get this yuri train on the road" & invented moments for them out of nowhere that were out of character & did a disservice to their actual characters.
"they're finally in a place where they can admit their feelings to one another" but why? nothing has changed between them, they've actively ignored or pushed aside the so called "baggage & drama" that miles described them going through & in this volume they were essentially made by the environment to confess their feelings, not through any genuine connection. there was no reason that this confession couldn't have happened in all the life threatening situations last volume & i would've been spared yang fetishizing blake's racial features.
overall: this cameo just confirms the worst of what we knew about crwby in regards to sun / blake / yang. whatever was popular was going to be canon, they didn't care or understand their characters motivations & there is so much biphobia in their treatment of their main bisexual character in regards to both her love life & the confirmation of it only coming in a wlw relationship, downplaying all sides of her attraction.
they could've had blake be confirmed bisexual from day one. they could've done more with blake & yang in the early volumes instead of borderline pimping her out to the cast to have a harem because of said bisexuality & her "cuteness" when in what way does that fit the reserved & cautious blake we know?
this is five minutes of my time i'll never get back & i wish miles a very happy get [redacted] because your shitty voice sounds like razor blades in my ear, you unwashed biphobic fuck.
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electronicyarn · 1 year
Almost Live Blogging RWBY Vol. 9
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Out of all the directions Volume 9 could have gone, I would have predicted none of it. Well, except the time dilation. Just in the wrong direction, I guess. So partial credit? But what did I think of this latest volume?
In my opinion, this volume is easily the best RWBY has ever been. Well worth the wait. The writing was consistently good to great. The art direction was terrific. The character beats were spot on. And the humor was…okay. (A big improvement.)
I never, ever thought in a million years that they would actually have the stones to pull that trigger. Well credit where credit’s due. Honestly? I kind of feel like the dog who finally caught the car. I’ve got canon Bumbleby, but what do I do with it? I was planning on writing a short fic that takes place during Volume 9 where Yang and Blake confess. Now…I don’t have to? I was not prepared for this.
It actually took me about three times as long as that scene’s runtime to watch it. I kept having to pause and walk away because I saw what they were doing, and I didn’t believe it. I was trying to emotionally prepare for coming so close and being denied. In fact, allow me to reenact (in prose form) the very beginning of that scene for me.
Yang: “But how do we take the next step?”
Me: *eyes narrow*
Me: “No…. No way…. Impossible….”
Me: *pauses and walks away for ten minutes*
Now there’s so much else to talk about. I really, really liked Ruby’s character arc in this volume. I loved the flash back to Summer Rose. I like what they did with Jaune. I liked the cute, polite paper people desperately scheming to embrace the sweet release of death. But forget all that. I want to talk about Neo!
Neo is RWBY’s best character, easily. I’m pretty sure this Volume was her swan song, but I can’t bring myself to be disappointed. Nothing that good can last forever. There is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Things need to end before they’re milked to death and ruined, or the good idea trough runs dry. (See Star Wars/Trek. Please pick whichever one resonates with you more.)
Now before I saw Volume 9 I would’ve said that them having Neo speak would’ve been a mistake. Oh how wrong I was. Neo speaking through a Greek choir of departed friends? Glorious. Absolutely glorious. And then the cat. Oh the cat. The cat made one, fatal mistake. He messed with Neo. You never, ever mess with Neo. That’s how you get murdered. Instantly and horribly. When it happened I literally jumped up from my seat and shouted something to the effect of, “YOU F!@#ED WITH NEO, CAT! NOW YOU’RE DEAD!” Not language I typically use, by the way.
And Neo’s send off. Only Neo can stop Neo. And even that was an example of how good a character she is. Without saying a word, she said to Ruby, “Don’t forget that I thoroughly beat you.” Goodbye, Neo. Goodbye. You were the flame that burned twice as bright. As beautiful as you were deadly.
(Yes I know that a new Neo…uh…a neo Neo? Will likely appear in a future volume, but while she might be awesome, she won’t be the same. You just can’t top skipping through a field of death without a care in the world with the Relic she stole from Salem because she knows she’s going to get away with it.)
So yes. More RWBY please. Now. I know there’s been a lot of drama surrounding Rooster Teeth recently. I don’t know what any of it is nor do I care to because that’s not how I engage with media. So I guess I’ll have to say the little prayer I always say when a new RWBY volume comes out. Please oh please don’t mess this up.
Oh, and I’m pretty sure Team RWBY+J has met God? So…have fun with that theological can of worms, kids.
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bridgyrose · 3 years
there have been request for trans ruby (which is awesome) but may I request trans bumbleby? Blake wants to tell yang she's trans but is too afraid to tell her, so she finally gets the courage and tells yang. (bonus if it's heartwarmingly cute between the two)
Blake nervously watched Yang study, feeling her heart pound in her chest. She knew exactly what she wanted to say, and what she wanted to ask, but every time she tried, the words couldnt come out. She knew Yang would be accepting, after all, the blonde was openly trans herself, but Blake still couldnt figure out how to tell her that she was trans too. Or ask her crush on a date for once. 
“Do you need something?” 
Blake hesitated as she realized Yang was talking to her. She quickly sat down, nervously tapping her fingers. “A-actually… I was… I was hoping that I could… talk to you about a couple things.” 
Yang nodded and closed her book, giving her full attention to Blake. “Sure. What about?” 
“Oh… well.. I ummm…” Blake slowly started to feel the words slip away from her for the umpteenth time. She took a deep breath, trying to keep herself calm and to get the words she wanted back. “I umm… I… wanted to tell you… a secret I’ve been keeping.” 
“And what kind of secret is that?” 
“I’m… I dont think… no… I know I’m not a girl.” 
Yang looked at her curiously. “So… you’re a boy then?” 
“No… at least… I dont think so…” Blake sighed, trying to get her thoughts straight. “I’m not a girl, but I’m not exactly a boy. I’m… something between. Or… maybe neither. I like being called handsome, and being called she and her still feels right, but being a girl… just isnt.” 
Yang smiled a bit as she listened to Blake. “So, you still want to use she/her, but would rather hear me tell you how handsome I think you are?” 
Blake blushed, her cheeks starting to grow warm. “W-well.. I mean.. I wouldnt go that far… but… you know… it… does sound nice.” 
“Maybe I can help you figure things out a bit.” 
“Please. We can talk about things over dinner tonight. Just… me and you.” 
This time Yang started to blush as she listened to Blake’s words. “W-wait, are you… asking me out on a date?” 
“O-only if you want to! I mean… we could just go as friends if its too awkward. Just two gals being pals, right?” 
“I have no problem with this being a date.” Yang looked away, trying to keep Blake from noticing her blush. “There’s a nice little fish joint in Patch we can go to. You know, just the two of us.” 
Blake smiled a bit, still feeling nervous. “That sounds great. I’ll see you then.” 
Yang nodded, watching Blake walk off. “Y-yeah, of course, see you then.” 
Weiss rolled her eyes as she watched the two. “Yang, you do remember she’s on our team, right? You’ll see her in the dorm when we’re done studying.” 
Yang hesitated for a moment before dropping her head onto the table. “Gods… I’m such an idiot…” 
“You’re not an idiot.” Ruby put an arm on Yang’s shoulder. “You just need to relax. Its just Blake. You just need to do what Weiss and I did.” 
Weiss shook her head. “Absolutely not.” 
Ruby grinned a bit. “Oh, you know you liked it when I asked you out to pick out a new binder for you.” 
Weiss blushed and moved her hands to cover her chest a bit. “Not so loud. I’m still not out yet, remember?” 
Ruby nodded and kissed Weiss’s cheek. “I know. And your secret is still safe with me.” 
Yang sighed as she listened to her teammates, still hiding her blush out of embarrassment. “Yup, I’m a hopeless idiot…” 
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
honestly in my personal opinion, the weirdness around crwby's handling of queer characters comes back to their core sentiment of "queer people have to earn their rep," which was said by monty iirc. which is just an incredibly outdated & homophobic opinion anyways because like you pointed out in your ask, the heteronormative relationships didn't have to earn their existence. characters are assumed cishet by default, they're seen as the Standard & therefore don't have to earn their place.
queer characters & queer romances go against that heteronormative standard & have to be "earned" in the eyes of mostly cishet creators. kiersi is queer but well, she's not a point in the right direction for mkek considering her writing of nonbinary & asexual people.
it's even more disappointing to see this parroted by queer people in the fndm, that mkek are right, that we have to wait when ... why? cishets didn't have to wait for three separate heteronormative relationships in tandem.
Hey, sorry this has taken me so long to answer. My blood has been boiling over 'queer people have to earn their rep.' What a homophobic sentiment... and honestly, that really makes me think that Bumbleby was not planned from the beginning. Which of course isn't to say that MK was wrong to go with BB, but it's certainly annoying that people involved in the project are claiming it's been planned when the creator of the show was of the belief that 'queer rep has to be earned.'
Like... How? Someone please tell me how LGBTQ+ people can earn representation in media when I can't think of very many pieces of media (especially popular media) that doesn't display at least one opposite-sex relationship. I just looked through the collection of movies myself and my sisters have on our shelves, and outside of a couple of movies I don't know, every movie on our shelf but two depict opposite sex relationships (the two that don't btw are Bolt and Kung Fu Panda 1, which both include single parents, but no depiction of romantic relationships at all iirc.) I defy anyone to list one cartoon Disney movie that doesn't include a straight ship (even if it's just married parents.) How are queer people supposed to earn their fucking representation? Why are queer people thrown scraps and then told to shut up and stop complaining?
There's explicit bias in company's even like RT, who depict same-sex people, but always do it in comfortable ways or always in only small ways or always in hints. It's still homophobia, especially when it's very clear that their lack of inclusion isn't about the media just not being about any sort of romance (like Bolt or Kung Fu Panda 1 could say,) because they have relationships featured, just never LGBTQ+ relationships. RT has no problems forcing a love triangle between Jaune, Weiss, and Neptune despite none of that being believable or developed. RT has no problem introducing Sun with romantic theming for him and Blake, having them go on an explicit date, having Pyrrha in love with Jaune for who knows what reason and kissing him right before a tense fight scene to further the plot and freaking dying. RT has no problem with having 'boyfriend meets girlfriend's over protective and unnecessarily rude dad' esque jokes shoehorned into volumes 4 and 5 when it comes to Sun and Blake, or having Nora and Ren kiss in the middle of a high-stakes political rally right before a bunch of murders happen. RT has no problems making Ironwood flirt with Glynda in his first introduction, making Qrow talk about "the size of the waitress's skirt length" in like, his third scene, making Roman flirt with Cinder, making even characters like Penny and Ruby who have story plots that have nothing to do with romance or relationships talk about 'cute boys' at least once. Straight people get rep at every single turn, and yet gay people have to earn even an acknowledgement, even a passing comment.
What it is to me, really, is 'queer people have to prove we can get a profit out of their rep.' That's all I'm hearing. 'We're not ever going to do this because it's the right thing to do, we'll only do it if the pros of the money we can squeeze out of you outweigh the marketing risk of alienating homophobes who will turn off our show.' 'We'll only depict what we know is still comfortable to the casually homophobic viewers who are fine with a dash of gay here and there to appease people without 'forcing it down their throats,' or who are comfortable with seeing gay girls since that's been fetishized for straight men, but wouldn't be comfortable seeing gay men because they consider it a threat to their masculinity.' That's what I'm hearing.
It makes it even more annoying when I see fans talking about 'we should be grateful for the beautiful rep RT has given us.' NO THANKS. I'm not going to be grateful for the fact that MKEK are trying to queerbait me and other LGBTQ+ people into shutting up about the 'bmblb' song and Clover's death by trying to make us buy their fucking jackets and convincing us that Blake and Yang are already confirmed. I'm so sorry to get so heated over this. XD I'd thought I was calm, but this 'earn your rep' thing has gotten me so steamed. When have straight people ever been asked for the same? There are content creators fighting tooth and nail to be able to depict same sex relationships in their shows on bigger networks, and it really seems so very brazen of MKEK to still be holding back on confirming Blake and Yang and trying to convince us they're still champions of the LGBTQ+ community and our friends, and are selling pride merch with our favorite *non-confirmed* girls on it.
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Adding onto that, the only rep we've officially gotten is girls. Ilia, Saffron and Terra, and May. And then heavily hinted Blake and Yang. The closest we've gotten for representation for men is Clover (a wink, a couple lingering looks, tweets suggesting he and Qrow will be together, only for him to be murdered,) and this picture.
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This freaking nothing picture of two nameless guys with a heart shaped plant in the background of one shot in Mistral. Like, don't get me wrong, I'd like to know more about this unfashionable couple, and I'd like to know if one of them has a semblance that lets them control plants or if the heart-plant is decorative and was a gift from Sandy Hair over there... But my point is, no one should have to latch onto two rando background nameless punks and their fucking plant to be able to see themselves in media. This isn't representation for men in the LGBTQ+ community. It's honestly just tiring. I don't think I'm asking for too much to say that if companies are going to advertise 'pride,' that they commit to actually representing queer people and not just through the lens of what's comfortable to their homophobic or heteronormative audience members. May was a step in the right direction and I know that there are a lot of trans people who felt really validated seeing her in action and as a more important character during this last arc, and that the way that MKEK handled the in-universe confirmation of her being trans was respectful and well done. That's great. But it's 2021, if they're going to post 'pride merch' and claim to be for us and that they're trying to be inclusive, they need to stop queerbaiting Blake and Yang, and they also need to step out of the comfort zone of only portraying women on the LGBTQ+ spectrum. Male LGBTQ+ and non-binary and genderfluid people ought to be able to get representation too.
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howlingday · 4 years
About Jaune ships...
I have opinions. You may not agree, but they are mine. They may change in time, but not now.
The old tried and true. I mean, what's not to like? Cute girl falls for first guy she meets at Beacon? Classic romance trope, and after reading how much Ruby loves romance stories (I consider certain parts in the manga canon), it makes sense. In fact, after Arkos sank (A moment of silence, please . . . Thank you), many moved to Lancaster, which isn't bad. Happens all the time in fandoms. Sad thing, though, is far I think she'll last. If we're talking Volume 5 or earlier, then maybe. However, I feel if Ruby were to have an endgame in romance, it would be RoseGarden (I have opinions on that as well, but today isn't the day to discuss that), mostly because Oscar bumped Jaune's role from male lead to male side. Not to mention that while Jaune is becoming a beast in his own right, Ruby is a different creature altogether and evolving her character more rapidly and chaotically than anyone else (Must be all that screentime).
TLDR: I want it to be canon, but I might just be hoping.
Doofus in tin foil meets princess who hates daddy (Am I in the romance section of the library? You know, the corner for adults only?) No, but I do like this ship. I'm always a sucker for the fantasy genre, and using a zero to hero male makes it relatable. I also kind of ship it because the same reason I ship NaruSaku in the Naruto fandom: he likes her and he's willing to go the distance. But enough about that; instead let's talk about canon. Will they hook up? It's a soft maybe for me, for two reasons. 1. Rosegarden is most likely to be endgame, and after Ruby and Pyrrha, I'd say Weiss is Jaune's next to be his love interest. 2. Weiss has warmed up to Jaune. Sure, not lover or crush level (Yet), but she's definitely changed her opinion on him. In Volume 1, Jaune was bugging her, like all the time, which I could see as him getting mixed signals on (Exhibit A: Tall, blonde, and scraggly). When Volume 5 came around, everyone jumped onboard because he saved her life (Don't lie, because I'll admit that I did it, too). Not the best reason, but still reason enough, I'd say. Then in Volume 7, she hangs out with him and Oscar to the movies (It was either that or awkward Bumbleby all night. I feel ya, sister). Nothing romantic happens, but it does show how much their relationship has developed. If Weiss is Jaune's endgame, then they have set the pieces up perfectly to do so.
TLDR: High likelihood to be canon and I'm a sucker for Knight/Princess ships.
This is the part where I say definitely not. Not in a million years, but I'll explain why I like the ship, though. As for why it won't work, the answer is Bumbleby. They haven't kissed yet, but you know they're going to eventually (Because if they don't, the fans will attack like a swarm of hornets). But here's the question you might be asking now: why do I ship this? Well, it's part of the allure of "opposites attract" ('Cause I'm dressed like a cat!). Blake is an intelligent, outspoken, and agile ninja with a criminal history of terrorism who spends her free time reading novels. Jaune is a B at best on his tests, soft-hearted, and ground-based knight who's worst crime is fraud (Still a crime, but peanuts compared to literal terrorism) and spends his free time hanging out with his team. Day and night. But they also tried that with Sun for a season and a half and it didn't last (BECAUSE BEES).
TLDR: Not even a snowball's chance in the summer sun, but so much story potential if you do (Which I do)!
This, I would say, is the opposite of Knightshade, where Jaune is the day and Blake is night, here Yang is the Sun and Jaune is the Moon (Like their crests! Remember those? Y'know, when they were relevant?) Will it work? Even less so than Knightshade. However, it does open up some interesting paths considering how... provocative Yang can be, and Jaune, compared to the other guys, is the nerdiest, geekiest dude at Beacon. It's like the cheerleader/nerd romance, except the cheerleader is the captain of every sports team... and rides a motorcycle. The Volume 8 preview introduced us to Yang and Jaune riding motorcycles and we went nuts over it. Yang was back in her element, roaring down the street, riding on walls, popping off tricks with Oscar riding- Back to what I was saying, people were asking, "How did he know how to ride a motorcycle?" and the elementary answer is "He didn't." He almost fell off his bike from a small box in the road. True, anyone would, but look at how he reacts: he stiffens, he refocuses on the road. This kid literally started riding at breakfast, and I DARE you to prove me wrong. But hey, great fic material right there, though, eh?
TLDR: Never gonna happen, but I don't care. All I care about is writing that they love each other. And they also fu-!
I'm sorry, I need a moment. . . . Alright. Do it for her. This ship... was perfect. Probably the best ship out them all. I legit almost cry every time I think about Volume 3. Pyrrha was everyone's favorite. Her background, her interactions, her choreography, everything! But, of course, like everything in our lives, she was too good to be true. But let's honor her memory by talking about her ship, Arkos. Pyrrha was the champion of the world, the Brothers' and Oums' gift to Remnant. She could do no wrong and she HATED it. Her plight was with how she was seen. Everybody knew her! Everybody, except Jaune. And he only figured out she was "a big deal" was because Weiss had to spell it out for him! As time went on, they became the best of friends, two peas in a pod, the perfect odd couple! They worked together and trusted each other, they cared for and supported each other, they lo- No. No, I can't say it. It's been years, and it still hurts. So, I'll explain something else: the reason why Jaune SHOULD NOT be shipped right now. That reason is Pyrrha. Jaune was helpless to save her. He's suffering from survivor's guilt and he's still grieving. In Volume 4, he would sneak away and train until late at night to scroll recording of her. In Volume 5, he confronted Cinder and got Weiss almost killed because he let his grief for Pyrrha take control of him and let his emotions run wild. In Volume 6, he finds the Pyrrha statue and he... I don't know how to say this, but he let's go. He accepts that Pyrrha is gone and he's starting the healing process. He's finally ready to move forward.
TLDR: T.T I never felt that it was wise to wish too much~
I'll be honest, I don't really ship it. Yeah, it's cute, and it falls perfectly into the "if I had to pick a guy" part of me, but to be honest, I don't ship it. 10% because Renora and 90% it just doesn't click with me. They both just seem too soft, too quiet, too introverted. Best friends? Yes, definitely! But lovers? Eeeeeh, not really.
TLDR: I will only ship as neccessary.
I've only just got in this deep with the fandom only recently, so I don't know if a lot of you know me. Heck, I'm probably just some RWBY fan you happen to spot as you move through your dash. However, old or new, I want to be made absolutely positively clear on this. Of all the ships here, this has got to be my-
Wow! Never thought I'd feel so strongly about a crack ship like this. And yes, as sad it is to say, this is a crack ship. Renora was planned from day one, so it can't be helped. At least it didn't blast me in the face all of the sudden (OH NO, NOT THE BEES! AAAAARGH! THEY'RE IN MY EYES!). But why this ship? Well, for one thing, it's that whole opposites attract thing with Nora as the bubbly, outspoken, airhead powerhouse and Jaune as the soft spoken, introverted, nerd tactician. But wait, there's more to this trope, because it can go deeper: Order VS Chaos! Who makes all the messes? Who cleans up those messes? Who follows all the rules? Who makes their own doors? It's just. So. Damn! GOOD! One sad thing about this ship though is that it's not only not canon because of Renora, it's anti-canon because Renora. Every fan fic of Nora's Arc requires an explanation for Ren and Nora to not be together-together, like you have to write a formal apology to the FNDM for liking something that's different from what is canon or commonly accepted. If that's the case, then I'll be the anarchist here!
TLDR: I LOVE IT! What's that? Not canon? Who gives a damn?! I just explained why Jaune won't be shipped anyways! Now, if you'll excuse, I have some fan fics to find.
Oh, here it goes! Now, if we're talking ships that'll never happen, this is where we find better reasons than "it's not canon" and "character development". No, this... This is a declaration of war. Allow me to explain. Cinder Fall is evil. Like, down to her core. She wants power and she'll cut through anyone to get to it. Including Pyrrha. This woman sank Arkos by means other than "X and Y kissed, so..." She killed X, leaving Y alone. And her interactions with Jaune tell me she wouldn't even be worth a hate-bang. But, as Momma always, there's a thin line between love and hate. This is where the appeal comes in. Cinder is evil with no past, which leaves the previous chapter's of her life story blank to be filled in. Jaune is good with a troublesome, albeit easy past, but untapped potential for more. It's another opposites attract, but different from INTRO VS EXTRO and CHAOS VS ORDER; this is GOOD VS EVIL. Who will win this battle of wills; will our hero purify the tainted heart, or will he slip deeper into darkness, never to return to the light?
TLDR: Should be a NOTP, and yet the allure pulls me in.
What do y'all think? Do you agree? Let me know!
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Flight Of The Bumbleby
Right, so this is one that happened because of a conversation on the BBB discord server.
Orchestra au with power move conductor!Blake who takes no nonsense and percussionist!Yang.
Let me know if this is something that you’d want to see more of.
“Come in and sit down, Miss Xiao Long.”
Yang immediately stood and followed the woman quickly, trying very hard not to notice how pretty she was. Long black hair flowed past her shoulders and two cat ears poked out from the top. Her suit conformed perfectly to her body and amber eyes glared sharply at anyone that seemed prepared to interrupt their meeting.
“Sit.” The woman, Blake Belladonna, said firmly as they sat at a desk. There was a no nonsense air about her, but not in the same way that Weiss was. Blake’s seemed more… purposeful.“The first thing that I want to make clear is that I won’t tolerate any tomfoolery in my orchestra. You can laugh. You can joke. You can have fun. I am no tyrant, after all. But the moment we start to play, I expect nothing less than professionalism. Arrogance has no place here. We are all developing as an orchestra and that means working together. Is that clear?”
“Yeah, absolutely.” Yang said after swallowing thickly. Talk about a take charge kinda woman. She nodded, silently admiring the passionate gleam in Blake’s eyes. “There’s a time and a place for jokes. Practice and performances ain’t it.”
“I’m glad to see that my new percussionist has some sense of respect and decorum, then.” Blake sighed as she leaned back in her chair and faced Yang, one leg crossed over the other as she rested her temple against her fist as her elbow rested on the back of her chair. “If I had to deal with another Winchester-“
“Oh, God.” Yang groaned, an amused laugh bubbling up in her chest. She covered her face with hands and ran them upwards and into her hair. “Please tell me his first name wasn’t Cardin.”
“Yes. Why? Do you know him?”
“We went to the same school. His parents put him in our school band.” Yang snorted, grinning when Blake’s lips lifted up into a slight smile. “He thought that he knew better than our conductor and decided to do whatever it was that he wanted to do.”
“A habit that he never grew out of.” Blake said dryly, her cat ears pinning back briefly before she tilted her head at Yang curious, silently studying her. “Your last conductor, Goodwitch, said something about you getting into a fight with one of your peers. Can you look me in the eye and assure me that you won’t be doing that here?”
“I- grapes.” Yang sighed, rubbing her neck uncomfortably. “I knew this would come up. That peer had been harassing me for a long time. I tried to be civil but nobody seemed to be doing anything about it. When he started up again… I didn’t take it and he ended up falling into my drum. I didn’t attack him.” Yang met Blake’s gaze and held it firmly as she leaned on the desk and spoke again. “I swear that it wasn’t my intention to hurt him and I promise that that sort of thing will never happen again.”
“... I see.” Blake said softly, the corners of her lips twitching. “See to it that it doesn’t, Miss Xiao Long.” She paused and gave Yang a deadpan stare. “Or it’ll be your head going through that drum of yours.”
Yang stared blankly at Blake.
Blake stared back.
“Heh, you’re joking right?” Yang asked with a nervous little laugh. When Blake simply quirked an elegant brow at her.
“Let’s not find out.” Blake smirked and Yang found herself very unsure about whether or not her new conductor was serious or not. “Welcome to the orchestra, Miss Xiao Long.”
“I won’t let you down.” Yang grinned, reaching out and taking Blake's hand as they stood. She felt her mouth fall open ever so slightly when Blake automatically rotated her hand and brought her knuckles up to her lips in a chaste kiss, one befitting that of any gentleman.
“I’m sure that you won’t.” Blake said quietly as she dropped Yang’s hand and stepped back, rolling her shoulders and smiling at Yang. “Now, we start rehearsals on Monday. Be here at 9:00 sharp. I look forward to working with you.”
“You too.” Yang said distantly as Blake led her to the door and ushered her out.
She wandered back to her car in a daze, her hand flexing and clenching before she reached for her door.
Blake Belladonna was an enigmatic young woman that was difficult to read.
But perhaps, over time, Yang could learn.
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cobraonthecob · 4 years
A Character With Chronic Running Away Issues Paired with a Character With Abandonment Issues????
For those who have seen my reblogs with RWBY and A:TLA, you all know that I adore Bumbleby but despise Kataa/ng, even though both pairings have one character with chronic running away issues and the other has abandonment issues.
So why do I support one and not the other? (warning: I am not friendly to Kat@ang here)
Well...it’s because they’re in way different ballparks. Kataan/g happens when both are still 12/13 and 14/15, while Blake and Yang are about 19 by Volume 7. So for starters, there’s a massive maturity gap that almost shoots this comparison in the face right here and now. But wait! There’s more to this!
which is why i don’t like Ka/tara and A@ng getting together at such a young age, but then again, I don’t like the pairing at all, but we can talk about that another time
Now that we’ve addressed the maturity gap, let’s get into it!
For starters, Blake and Yang’s relationship started as good friends and then progressed into love interests and possibly girlfriends by the time of S7 (they haven’t quite jumped out with “we’re dating” but I personally think they’re taking it slow lol, ask me for my thoughts about it), so they kind of have the advantage of time on their side while Kata/ra and A@ng have only three seasons of development.
That being said, Kata@ng had 3 seasons, which is more than enough time to get both sides of their relationship but nooooo. We only see Aa/ng’s side of the romance, and Kat@ra for the most part acts like a mom, is uninterested, or straight up tries to let him down gently, and after the disastrous Ember Island Players kiss, which happens to be their last one-on-one interaction before the epilogue I want to pretend doesn’t exist, Katara and Aang’s friendship plumments badly. Heck, their last interaction ever ends badly, with the entire Gaang arguing with A@ng about how to end the war! 
what I’m saying is that Kat@ra and Aa/ng had a strained friendship before they did that cursed kiss while Blake and Yang’s friendship continued to build and then blossom into romance
“But Nightfalcon, what about the abandonment issues?!”
I’m getting there, be patient!
Now for the actual getting together - how do we make these two characters fit together?
By making both characters recognize their faults.
Blake herself knows she’s in the wrong, she addresses her chronic running away issues, starting in Volume 2, in Mountain Glenn, where she says it herself: “But I am! I do it all the time! When you learned I was a Faunus, I didn't know what to do, so I ran! When I realized my oldest partner had become a monster, I ran! Even my Semblance! I was born with the ability to leave behind a shadow of myself; an empty copy that takes the hit while I run away!” (taken directly from the RWBY Wiki). She feels guilt for running away in Volume 3 after the Fall of Beacon, but she internalizes this anger, which pops out at bad times, and she takes her guilt, buries it in anger, and isolates herself. After Sun is injured, Blake believes she’s the one at fault, and when she explodes at him and tells him why she isolates herself, Sun tells her that she’s in the wrong for isolating herself, but then tells her that he would always be there to protect her and be there for her, and that Yang would too (OK I’ve got a whole meta about Sun and Yang and Blake and why they’re amazing relationships but that’s a whole ‘nother meta).
By having Chronic Running Away (CRA bc that’s getting to be a mouthful) character openly address their faults (and others calling them out on it), you’re one step closer to making a ship sail much more smoothly.
Then there’s Yang.
In Alone Together, Yang talks to Weiss that she’s not upset solely at Blake, she’s upset that Blake didn’t feel safe enough to trust them to stay by them, and that they (whether if Yang was referring to just herself and Blake or herself, Ruby, and Blake [as Weiss was taken to Atlas]) could’ve been there for each other. She gets to address her anger and explain why she feels that way, and Weiss lends a listening ear and some advice for her. 
Eventually, the two are brought back into the same space, and spend the next few volumes patching up their relationship, or at least, the best they can, up until the fight with Adam, which puts everything on the table, and in the aftermath, Blake promises Yang she wouldn’t leave her and Yang understands and assures her that she already trusts/knows that Blake wouldn’t leave her.
TL;DR: Blake recognizes that her CRA issues are bad, and tries to make amends, Yang gets to vent her issues with Blake’s CRA issues and gets emotional support from Weiss and Ruby. Blake promises not to run, and Yang tells her that she’s not worried about Blake running away because she knows that Blake knows that team RWBY will always be there for her and that there’s a support system in place for Blake that she probably won’t feel the need to run. (seriously if you haven’t watched this show already, please do. It’s really great)
A:TLA, as wonderful as this show is, doesn’t do that for Kat@ra and A/ang.
From memory, The Storm is the episode that really touched on Aan/g’s flightiness, but Katara coddles him in that one, trying to tell him “it’s not your fault, if you hadn’t run, you might’ve died as well” which can be taken either way (IMO she’s right and wrong at the same time. Yes, Aa/ng might’ve died, but also, he needs a solid kick in the pants sometimes, I’ll talk about it later)
The next time his flightiness rears its ugly head, it’s in The Desert. After Appa is stolen, Aan/g runs off to go look for Appa, and Katara is left with Toph, Sokka, and Momo to try and get out of the desert on foot. The entire day turns into a trainwreck, as Toph has extreme guilt for failing to keep the sandbenders from taking Appa (it isn’t her fault but that’s another meta) and Sokka (and Momo) drink cactus juice and is as a result, mentally incapacitated. With the dire mission of getting the news of the eclipse to Ba Sing Se, Katara’s the only one clear-headed enough to lead the way through the desert. Once A/ang does come back, he’s still upset from his inability to find Appa, and lashes out at the others for not caring to look for Appa (even though he’s far away and that no one has a means of transportation to find Appa). Tensions are already high in the group - with dwindling water supply, they have to make it out of the desert fast, but the rest of the team is losing hope - Toph because she feels like a failure and Sokka shaking off the effects of the cactus juice, and Katara looks so tired. When Aa/ng snaps at her, she doesn’t snap back, only quietly telling A/ang that she’s trying to keep this group together enough for them to survive. A/ang running away this episode is not addressed in favor of the team getting out of the desert alive. 
Finally, in the finale four-parter, Aan/g runs away again. This time she can only hope that he’ll come back and do his job, but she’s got other stuff to worry about, like the upcoming fight with Azula. 
they don’t talk about it.
YEAH YOU READ THAT RIGHT. They don’t talk about it. They don’t address the running away issues, they don’t address when A@ng kissed her without her consent twice, they just hug on a balcony and then kiss symbolizing a marriage, because I definitely signed up for East Asian Jesus making out with his mom! Definitely! They don’t talk, Katara becomes a silent character and it gets even worse in LoK ~
*Nightfalcon proceeds to take a few minutes to scream*
And of course, no one else really calls out Aa/ng, except for Toph in Bitter Work, but that was more on his fighting/bending style and not on him in general.
The only other really memorable time where Katara’s abandonment issues are brought up is when she’s ranting at her dad in The Awakening, where she takes issue with both him and A/ang leaving her, and for the most part, Hakoda does give her the support she needs.
Heck, in the finale arc, Zuko tells her that it’s probably for the best that Aang is given some time alone to run to his room and meditate. probably because the last time Katara and A/ang were alone, A@ng kissed her without her consent and I’m going into full speculation territory but what if Zuko knows and doesn’t want that to happen again?
So Katara is repeatedly told by the narrative that Aa/ng is the type to run away when things get tough, and that she should let him.
I see both sides of the issue, and I get it, but when it comes to pairing people off in a relationship, well, they shouldn’t have gotten together.
Anyways, Aan/g is also twelve and has proven numerous times to be unable to support Katara emotionally, and has kissed her without her consent twice, while Katara is 14 going on 28 because of the war, losing her mom and stepping up as the mother figure for her entire family, and later because Aang isn’t allowed to grow up at all, along with other symbolism that shoots Kataa/ng in the foot. 
TL;DR: Katara and A/ang never really talk about A@ng’s running away issues, and no one comes up to support Katara (they do validate her but it’s not a whole support system she can fall back on fully), and Aa/ng is way too immature for a full on relationship at the time of the show’s end. 
So what was the point of this rambly mess? It’s to show how to write a relationship where one character has a tendency to run away while the other one has abandonment issues. I like Bumbleby because Blake acknowledges that it’s a flaw of hers and she actively works to toning it down and Yang has a whole support system and both get to talk about it and aaaahhhhh the communication between them, while you have Katara and A@ng never addressing the issue because Katara’s so gosh darn afraid of stepping on his feelings (see: The Waterbending Scroll) and no one fully provides support for her (Hakoda keeps getting separated from the Gaang and she and Zuko became friends at the end of TSR, and only had an episode between that one and the finale arc so it left a lot unexplored of their friendship) and Aan/g is therefore taught that it’s a-OK to invalidate the feelings of the person you like because you’ll get them in the end!
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RWBY Grimm Guardians Arc 2: Beacon’s Fragile Light Ch VI
Hey, everyone! I’m back! This is the sixth chapter of Beacon’s Fragile Light. These next two chapters take place during the sixth and seventh episodes of Volume 2.
This chapter will feature Bumbleby and...another ship. Also, prepare for Summer experiencing slight angst. As usual, please give feedback and enjoy!
Also, I apologize if some parts seem rushed. And there’s a small tribute at the end, given the date that this was originally posted on.
Disclaimer: Still own nothing.
“So…. What are you two planning on doing for the dance?” Yang asked Gambol and Ember. The faunus raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean?” Giving an unamused look, the blonde teen pointed at the two Weapon Spirits’ hands, which they clearly were holding each other’s. Blushing, the monk cleared her throat, “Okay, so...we...might be an item….” “Might?” Ruby smirked, earning a glare from the two women, which she laughed off easily.
“So… You’re dancing. Correct?” The younger of the two step-sisters asked. Ember sighed and gave a soft chuckle, “Yes, we’re dancing as a couple.” The blonde woman fell to the floor as Ruby tackled her in a tight hug, groaning in slight pain. Gambol and Yang laughed as the blonde teen hugged the older faunus. “I’m happy and proud of both of you.” She said, earning a smile from Gambol. “Thank you.” She replied. “I promise I will treat her well and love her always.”
Yang nodded, “I know you will.” Ember groaned as she stood back up, with Ruby getting off of her. “Now, I believe we should ask what YOU are going to do.” She said to her wielder, only for Yang to raise an eyebrow. After a couple moments, her mind clicked, causing her blush a deep red. Clearing her throat, she finally said, “I need to talk to her and ask her first.” The Weapon Spirits just nodded, while Ruby hugged her step-sister to wish her luck.
After the blonde teen left, Rudy looked around, before asking, “Where’s Cres?” Ember raised an eyebrow, looking around, before chuckling. “She’s probably keeping a protective eye on those two.”
A little while later, Yang brought Blake to an empty classroom and, after a bit of persuading, convinced the younger faunus to listen to her. Little did they know that a certain step-mother was keeping an eye on them from the shadows, making sure that they were safe. Sure, Summer was a little over-protective. Though both as a mother and as a friend, she HAD to be. It was her duty to make sure her loved ones were safe from any sort of harm.
As Summer watched, she unintentionally began to listen in on their conversation...and, of course, heard something that she really wasn’t expecting. “You remember that Ruby and I lost Summer at an early age, right?” The blonde asked, receiving a nod from Blake. This prompted her to continue, leading to Summer to hear about the two half-sisters’ events when they got lost in a forest near their home.
Raven’s departure, however, seemed to have gone unnoticed. While she knew that Yang brought it up, the red clad woman didn’t focus on it. And given the fact that she was receiving flashbacks of being told about what happened. ‘Oh fuck….’ Summer thought, before she began hyperventilating. Quietly, she hopped down from her hiding place and, as quietly as possible, went for the door.
Though, if she had not stay there a moment longer, she would have probably missed something remarkable. “Blake, I want you to be safe! And if you keep putting yourself in this position...how am I supposed to help you?” Yang asked. The faunus went silent as she bit her lip, causing the blonde teenager to hug the other girl tightly. “I love you, Blake… So PLEASE. Let me help you.” The blonde said. Blake just looked at her wide-eyed.
“Are you...certain about this?” She asked, earning a nod from Yang. After a couple of moments, the faunus gave a small smile, “I...love you too. Though I would...like to take this slow, please.” The blonde nodded, “Of course. This is my first time too…” Before she could continue, the two heard the door close, prompting them to turn and face it. Blake and Yang looked at each other, before Yang sighed with a smile, “Still being the over-protective mom as usual.”
The faunus raised a nervous eyebrow, “Should I be…?” “Worried? No. She’s always over-protective of people she cares about.” Yang said walking with Blake to the door. “She was looking out for both of us. She’s THE mom like that.” Blake gave a soft giggle as the two exited the room, “That’s certainly true.” The two then found Summer in the hallway...trying her best to control her breathing.
She didn’t mean to panic, but fucking hell, she did. Summer had wanted to watch them, just to make sure that Yang and Blake were safe, but she hadn’t intended to eavesdrop on them. So when Yang talked about her and Ruby being lost in the woods, of course she freaked out. She blamed herself for that event. Hell, now that she had some of her memories back, she still did! Thank gods she left the room and went into the hallway unnoticed...or at least that’s what she thought.
After about three minutes, two of which were used hyperventilating and the last one used to calm down, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She nearly jumped before she realized it was a concerned Yang, holding Blake’s hand gently. “Uh, hey! How are you two doing?” She asked, trying her best to change the subject. Blake let out a soft sigh with a small smile, before saying, “We’re doing better now, thank you. And you?” Just that one question was all it took to make Summer cave in.
“Okay, listen. I’m really sorry for eavesdropping on you two. I really am, but I wanted to make sure that you two were safe.” The red clad woman explained. As she continued explaining frantically, Blake whispered, “I think you might need to talk to her about what happened when you and Ruby were kids.” The taller teen nodded in agreement, whispering, “That’s probably why she was panicking.” Blake nodded, before the two waited for the human-turned-Weapon-Spirit in front of them to relax.
By the time Summer had finished explaining, the trio were back at Team RWBY’s dorm room and the woman was a bit out of breath. The elder Rose did not miss seeing Blake give Yang a kiss on the cheek, as well as the latter’s blush, before the faunus headed in, leaving the blonde teen and the red clad woman in the hall. “I’m guessing you want to talk about something?” Summer asked, sitting against the wall, where Yang joined her.
Yang nodded, “Yep. You heard me talking to Blake about when Ruby and I were kids, right?” Summer paled, before thinking, ‘Oh, fuck. Fuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck…’ “Summer? Supermom?” Yang called out, noticing her step-mother had gone silent. The red clad woman was panicking and had tears streaming down her face. She then tried to speak, “I’m so sorry, Yang…..” “Mom…” Yang started, only to stop when Summer spoke again, “I should have been there for you two. Instead, I ended up risking your lives and safety!”
Before Summer could ramble again, she felt her step-daughter’s arms wrap around her shoulders. The blonde teenager began rocking her step-mother back and forth as the woman cried silently, grabbing a hold of Yang’s arms. The former STRQ leader finally stopped after 10 minutes, before whispering in her now-raw voice, “I’m sorry….” Yang’s hug on her just tightened, “Even though it’s not your fault, you know we forgave you long ago. Right?”
Summer just sniffed as she wiped her tears away, “Doesn’t make the guilt that much easier to carry, honestly.” Yang didn’t say anything; not because she didn’t want to, but because she couldn’t think of what else to say. So, as a replacement, she just kept hugging the woman. The two ultimately stayed like that for another 5 minutes, before Summer gave a soft chuckle through her raw voice.
The blonde teenager raised an eyebrow at her step-mother, before the red clad woman said, “You and Blake. As a couple.” Yang blinked a couple times, before giving a small chuckle, “I don’t think it’s been established yet.” She then began laughing as Summer stood up and lifted the teenager in her arms, followed by the red clad woman stating with a grin, “I’m so happy and proud of you, ensoleillement !”
Once the two entered the dorm room, Ruby was practically bouncing in her seat on the bed. “Well!?” She nearly shouted, prompting her step-sister and mother to look at Blake. Blake nodded at Yang, “I think we should tell her. And before you ask, yes. I’m sure.” Nodding at the teenage faunus, the blonde teenager sat next to her and took a breath, before saying, “Blake and I...are...now in a relationship….” It took a lot of her resolve to say that, as Yang and Blake are now blushing wildly.
Despite that, the youngest of the group couldn’t be happier. With her trademark grin, she immediately rushed over and tackled them in a hug. “I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!” Ruby shouted happily, squeezing the two tightly. “We’re glad, Ruby. But...could you...please let go…?” The faunus asked, as both girls were struggling to breathe. 
That night, as everyone was asleep, Summer went outside to the Academy’s front entrance, meeting a familiar man. “I assume the girls are doing good?” He asked, receiving a smile and a nod. “They’re doing well. I’m guessing you’re happy with that?” The red clad woman asked. The man nodded, “Yes…. But I’m...worried.” Summer raised an eyebrow.
“They will...experience events that will...separate and harm them...in ways that can be difficult to understand.” The man said. “And I can’t interfere with trying to prevent that anymore.” “How come?” The elder Rose asked. The man sighed, “I’ve...reached my limit. My other self in another world with be leaving soon without any intention. And with him, my own existence in this world.”
Summer nodded and hugged the man, “I promise. I will do whatever I can to protect them.” The man hugged her back with a sad smile, “Thank you, Summer.” With that, the  two broke the hug, before the man started fading away. “Well, looks like it’s time.” He said. “I wish you the best, Summer.” The red clad woman smiled sadly and nodded, “I wish the same for you, Monty.” With that, Monty smiled, before fading away completely.
Thank you, Monty Oum. (1981 - 2015)
Holy SHIT, did this take a while or what? Finally done. Yes, I know I might have fucked up on some of the history, but at this point, I’m too exhausted to care.
Anyway, next chapter will be the ball. And chapter 8 will have Weiss learning something about her weapon spirit.
After that, THEN we get to the GOOD STUFF! Anyway, see ya then!
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moistmailman · 5 years
Pyrrha, answering her phone: Hello?
Yang: Heya P money. How are you?
Pyrrha, smiling: Oh hey, Yang. I’m doing great. Thanks for asking. Can I help you?
Yang: Yeah, Blaky and I are going away for the weekend and need someone to watch our daughter. Can Jaune and you do us a favor and watch her for us. We will really appreciate it.
Pyrrha: We would love too, Yang. Jaune and I love babysitt- wait....how old is your daughter again?
Yang: Around ten months, why?
Pyrrha: Ten months? Oh no no no no! We can’t watch her, I’m sorry!
Yang: What? Why?
Pyrrha: Because babies are known to say their first word around ten months in, and I’m afraid tha—
Yang, groaning: Oh come on, Pyrrha! Let it go!
Pyrrha: No! I’m won’t! Weiss and Ruby weren’t there for their son’s first words, neither was Ren and Nora, nor was Coco and Velvet! Heck, even Saphron and Terra weren’t there for Adrian’s first word! They all missed their kids’ first words, but you know who didn’t!? Me! I was the only one who heard them! I stole those moments from my friends! I’m cursed, Yang! Cursed!
Yang: No you aren’t! Those are just coincidences! There’s absolutely no way that you are cursed! Look, can you please just watch her for us. I really need a babysitter, and you two are the best we know.
Pyrrha: B-but m-my curse—
Yang: There’s no curse, Pyrrha. It’s all in your head. Please, do this for us.
Pyrrha, hesitatingly:........o-okay, we’ll do it.
Yang, grinning: Oh thank you so much. You’re a life saver. We’ll swing by real quick and drop her off. Bye! *hangs up*
Pyrrha, sighing into the phone:......bye.
Yang, handing Jaune the diaper bags: Alrighty, here’s all the the stuff you’ll need. There are bottles and milk in there, as well as a few toys that she loves. I didn’t bring much though since you have a lot of toys for your kids in the house as well.
Jaune, nodding: Logically. Okay, I’ll be right back. Going to put this stuff up. *walks into the house*
Yang, smiling: Okay, just call us if you need anything, okay?
Pyrrha, holding bumbleby’s daughter: Right. Will do.
Yang, cooing: And I want you to behave for your aunt Pyrrha little girl. Got it? *tickles her daughter’s stomach*
Bumbleby’s daughter: *Giggles cutely*
Yang: Mamma’s going to be back on Monday, okay?
Bumbleby’s daughter: *Incoherent baby babble*
Yang, blowing a kiss while walking away: Mama’s going to miss you, sweetums. Make sure to behave for you aunt and uncle. *gets in her car and drive away*
Pyrrha, waving: Be safe! Bye!
Bumbleby’s daughter, mimicking Pyrrha’s waving: Bye bye!
Pyrrha, smiling: Aww, you said by— wait what!? No! That did NOT just happen! This can’t be happening! This has be a cruel joke! No no no no—
Bumbleby’s daughter, happily: No!
Pyrrha, in pure distraught: NO!
Jaune, walking out: Hey, I’m back....Hey, what’s wrong?
Pyrrha, tearfully: The Nikos’ curse strikes again! Twice this time!
Jaune: Oh.......are you okay?
Pyrrha: NO!
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Do you have any bumbleby fic recs you wouldn’t mind sharing? Thanks!
yeah totally!!
a classic place to start (if you haven’t already!!) is the oeuvres of @twelveclara and @pugoata, who are both extremely talented, prolific fic writers. margaret’s current project is a western called gunslinger that i’m catching up on rn and it’s so immersive and cool. sheriff yang “i never miss” xiao long is so fckn cool. and i still think about erin’s rock star au (if it’s not living if it’s not with you) with bonus schneekos!!) all the flippin’ time lol.
some more stuff i like:
skewed by lakes and seas by @thecousinsdangereux (26.2k, T. post v6 atlas fic and my personal GOLD STANDARD for all things found family in rwby. the arcade date the bees go on is the stuff of legend…… )
can’t steal the love that we’re born to find by @qualiteablogger (101.3k, M. childhood friends blake and yang are pulled apart by trauma and then brought back together during the trial of adam taurus. i read this fic over a series of plane and train rides this fall and it fucking destroyed me. incredible imagery, so much emotion.)
lucky number (come and take my hand) by @neurolingual (52.2k, M. tinder au!! blake and yang meet on tinder and slowburn their way into each other’s hearts. so, so much lovely metaphor and pining; one of my fave au yangs to date. note: completion is potentially on hold.)
at least it was here by usoverlooked (69.3k, T. a good old fashioned college au with a lot of fun group moments and wr/arkos povs. i sort of think of this as like the perfect rwby starter fic. it was the first one i ever read!!)
much sweeter than it ought to be by @perpetuallyfive (168.3k, M. a dishonoured au!! i have not actually played this game, but p5 worldbuilds with such grace and care that it really never matters. and yes, lots of good bee stuff but the sister bond between ruby & yang and some stellar qrow & yang povs really push me over the edge with this one. WIP.)
the weight of memory by @blakebellafuckingdonna (53.8k, M. hhhhh this fic. impossibly sexy and romantic. makes me believe in soulmates (or at least soulmates aus). their first kiss……….. god, please just read it!)
different than we used to be by  @empressofedge (2.1k, G. v7c5 missing scene. blake and yang talk about how they are so much more than teammates. perfect longing, great characterization.)
we are falling but not alone by @fiddleabout (42.3k, T. this is a series of oneshots that makes up one big leverage au – which if you haven’t seen the show (u should see the show) is about con artists taking on capitalism and becoming a family. witty, spot on, dynamic writing. potentially ongoing but can be read as is~)
i’m in love, i’m alive, oh i’m burning by bloodflood (6.3k, N/R. a moodier blake than i am used to reading but a great one!! more importantly this is a softball au – which i have a real weakness for akgdhfg. they’re in love at first sight and so am i with this fic. WIP.)
before something breaks (that cannot be fixed) by @patchodraws (1.8k, G. poetic, angsty piece where blake notices the physical toll yang’s semblance takes on her. really pretty oneshot – i’m so soft for blake’s concern in this piece
i also wrote a short rec list here a few months ago that has some more stuff to check out!! happy reading, b (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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A quick Valentine’s Day fic from your friendly neighborhood Penguin, Zwei!
Fandom: RWBY
One-Shot Fluff
Words: 2115 ish
Ships: Bumbleby with a side of White Rose
Insert Song: ‘Honeybee’ by Steam Powered Giraffe. Listen to it, it jams!
Synopsis: Blake sings Yang a song during a lazy-ish day at the dorm. Bees with suffering Weiss. A hit of White Rose at the end. Was feeling mushy since it’s Heart-Shaped Candy Day. Enjoy?
Blake lay in her bottom bunk, strumming her acoustic guitar with a jazzy rhythm. She plucked and popped the strings in time, the metal vibrating against the wood and projecting the sultry sounds of her mellifluous chords. Her gold eyes gleamed like the beams of a sunset. She swayed to her rhythm, her black hair bouncing as it waved in time. Yang could hardly take her eyes away from the hairpin curve of Blake's grin. She found herself moving to Blake's tunes, her golden mane waving here and there. Yang could see her girlfriend's lips curve further upward at that, almost into a satisfied smirk. "You like my jams, Goldie?" Yang gasped, blushing bright red at Blake's question.
Ah, Blake had the power to turn Yang's face into a tomato. She was pretty good at it, although she didn't have to try. Blake gazed into Yang's eyes, the soft purple irises like lavender flowers. Once she was no longer a tomato, Yang picked her head up and grinned her confident smile back at Blake. The sight of Yang's shimmering teeth and her jawline's sharp curve caused Blake's eyes to turn to stars. She even forgot the chord she was supposed to play next. She cursed under her breath.
"GAY!" Weiss shouted playfully from her desk, where she'd been completing assignment after miserable assignment for hours now. If her hair had not already been whiter than snow, the stress of these classes would have turned it that way. It was almost like every professor at Beacon thought that their class was the only one their students were studying.
It didn't help that Ruby distracted her all the time. The rosy little redhead didn't do it intentionally; she was just too cute for her own good... or Weiss's, for that matter. What with her eyes that shone like precious metal, her perpetually smiling face perfectly framed by her bob of red-tipped brown hair, and her muscles. Good gods, Ruby's arms were shredded. Lugging around a 40 some odd pound gardening tool was no easy task, Weiss figured. Her legs were toned and muscular from ceaseless running, too.
"You would know, wouldn't you, Princess?" Blake nicked. Weiss rolled her icy blues at the remark, continuing her mountain of homework. Blake strummed a new tune, her jangly chords dancing through the room at her command. Yang stood up and danced along, making Blake's face a tomato but failing to break her concentration. Blake's changed tunes abruptly, moving into a softer piece. Yang found it hard to dance to this pattern so she took a seat on the bed next to Blake. The way Blake's fingers moved across the neck of her guitar hypnotized Yang. She almost didn't realize Blake asked her a question.
"So, you want to hear a new jam I'm working on?" Blake had asked. Yang blushed lightly as she came to and nodded.
"I'm always down to hear you, Blakey! What have you got for me?" Yang queried, her lilac eyes shining at the idea. Blake gave a half-smirk as she picked out a few notes and strummed a new beat.
"Well... there's this girl, right?"
"Yeah?" Yang played along. She could hear Weiss making exaggerated gagging noises from her desk, but she paid the Princess no mind. Her Black Cat was talking, and Blake's was the only voice the Golden Dragon cared to hear.
"We've been going kind of steady, and I'm really into her. I think she likes me almost as much, but I know I like her more." Blake's pupils seemed to widen as she looked at Yang again. Yang could get lost in the sunset of Blake's golden eyes. She blushed when one of Blake's cat ears wiggled and twitched.
"Could you two get any gayer?" Weiss casually asked, continuing to throw shade at the two Bees. The couple paid her no attention. Shade was Weiss's second language after all, so everyone in her vicinity hardly noticed it anymore.
"Ooh, did you write a song for your pretty lady friend, Kitty Cat?" Yang asked excitedly. She could feel the stars in her eyes already. Blake smirked her catty smirk again, driving Yang positively bonkers.
"I certainly did. Tell me if you think she'll enjoy it, please?" Blake replied, strumming all the while. She found the beat again once she stopped talking and began her song.
You didn't have to look my way
Your eyes still haunt me to this day
But you did, yes you did
You didn't have to say my name
Ignite my circuits, start a flame
But you DI-I-I-ID
Oh, Turpentine, erase me whole,
Because I don't want to live my life alone.
Well, I was waiting for you all my life
Oh, Why?
Set me free, my Honey-BEE-EE-EE-EE-EE!
Blake usually didn't look around the room while she was singing or playing the guitar, but this song was just chords so it was simple enough that she had the chance. Yang's eyes were slowly turning into hearts at the lyrics. Blake also swore she saw Weiss lightly bouncing along to her new song. If the resident Snow White enjoyed it, then the song was good. She figured she could sing one more verse and chorus, then.
You didn't have to smile at me
Your grin's the sweetest that I've ever seen
But you did, yes you did
You didn't have to offer your hand
Because since I've kissed it I am at your command
But you DI-I-I-ID
Oh, Turpentine, erase me whole
Because I don't want to live my life alone
Well, I was waiting for you all my life!
Oh, Why?
Set me free, me Honey-BEE-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE
Blake's strumming came to a sudden stop. With her snarkiest grin, she told Yang, "That's all you get for free, Honeybee!" The hearts in Yang's eyes were all the proof Blake needed that her song was perfect.
"Oh, there's more?" Yang pleaded, putting on her best pout for good measure.
"I think I have a bridge that could work with the song... but again, I'll have to charge you to hear that."
"Name your price, my love!" Yang commanded, her voice booming through the dorm room.
"Twenty thousand Lien!" Blake joked. Weiss's face hit the table at that.
"Geez, do you think I'm made of money, Kitty Cat?" Yang replied with more pouting.
"I accept butt rubs, too. You have to match my price, though. One rub equals one Lien. That's my last offer, Honeybee!" Blake replied with a chortle. Yang laughed under her breath but attempted to maintain the conversational shenanigans if only to annoy Weiss Cream. The Princess muttered something about their exchange being 'the gayest thing she had ever heard with her own ears' but neither Blake nor Yang paid that any mind.
"As much as I love rubbing your behind, I think twenty thousand rubs might be a bit excessive..."
"If you use both hands, that would make it only ten thousand." Blake giggled at her girlfriend.
"You drive a hard bargain, Miss Belladonna! I believe I shall accept your terms!" Yang finally replied. She snuggled up close to Blake and ran her hands down Blake's back, resting each one upon one side of Blake's rear end.
"Oh, yeah, there are rules here. Butt only, nowhere lower. At least, not while we still have company..." Blake added. She was certain Weiss would get lost if they kept this up. That way they could be alone together.
"Aww, but what about your thighs? They're so soft! I'm sure Weiss Cream would get jealous, though."
"Oh, thank Gods! Ruby just messaged me! She's done with her extracurriculars, so we're supposed to hang out! I guess that means I'll be going!" Weiss spoke up, standing up from her seat at the desk and grabbing her jacket.
"See? Now she can go touch Ruby's soft thighs so she won't be jealous!" Blake joked as Weiss pulled her jacket over her arms and zipped it halfway up.
"Soft? Lies! Ruby's thighs are rock solid, just like the rest of her body!" Weiss jabbed. Her icy blue eyes widened when she realized what she had just said and to whom she had said it.
"How do you know what my sister's thighs feel like, Weiss Cream?" Yang asked in a fakely interrogating fashion. When she looked to Weiss for an answer, Weiss was no longer there. A dashed white line roughly in the shape of Weiss was all that remained. It blinked three times before disappearing entirely. "Aaaand she's gone!"
"You know those two do stuff, right? They might not do it all, but they definitely mess around a bit," Blake told Yang. She felt a rough squeeze at her left buttock. "OH BABY!" She joked. Yang leaned her head into the nape of Blake's neck and laughed. "Good Gods, don't do that!"
"You're so playful, Kitty Cat!" Yang retorted, lightly nibbling on Blake's shoulder blade and sliding one hand down one of Blake's squishy thighs. "But yes, I know they play around, and I'm good with it. Ruby really likes Weiss, and Weiss really likes her. I trust her to respect Ruby's boundaries, and I'll break her kneecaps if she doesn't. She and I have had this talk already."
"Well, that's good to know." Blake grinned as she strummed some new chords. Yang recognized this tune as a poppy rendition of 'Fly Me To The Moon'.
"Do I seriously have to rub your ass ten thousand times to hear the rest of that song?"
"Absolutely!" Blake smirked, winking one of her golden eyes at Yang. "I'll give you something good afterward, Honeybee!"
"Well, it was a breathtaking song already, Kitty Cat. I can't wait to hear the rest of it." Yang kissed Blake's neck some more, making Blake insane with desire. "I love you!" Yang spoke into Blake's neck.
"I love you too, Honeybee." Blake smiled softly, strumming away as her girlfriend's hands explored her behind.
"I swear to the Gods, Ruby, you messaged me at the perfect time!" Weiss bragged to her girlfriend. The little red slayer grinned at the remark as she took a lick from her ice cream cone.
"They must have really been gaying the dorm up, huh?" Ruby replied with a chuckle, earning a laugh from Weiss. Ruby gazed into Weiss's icy blues for a long moment, as it was like staring up at the endless blue sky on a summer day. The curve of Weiss's grin when she laughed sent Ruby on a journey of noticing details about her beautiful girlfriend. There was an eyelash on her cheek, but Ruby was too distracted to say anything.
Weiss's flowing white hair moved in time with her words, waving and bouncing like falling snow in the wind. This led Ruby to Weiss's shoulders, the slim shoulders that had once carried the weight of the world. Her eyes then landed on her chest and midriff. For such a slim girl, Weiss was well put together. The slightest semblance of muscles poked out from her tight arms and washboard abdomen. Ruby loved planting kisses all over those itty bitty abs.
"Remnant to Ruby? Are you still with us?" Weiss asked, snapping Ruby back to reality.
"Sorry, Snowdrop. I was looking at your abs again..." Ruby confessed, her face turning bright red.
"Aww, look at my sweet little tomato..." Weiss teased lightly, making Ruby blush even redder. She was almost the shade she was named for at this point. Ruby's silver eyes glimmered like a piece of precious metal. Weiss caught herself looking down at Ruby's neck, her eyes traveling ever lower to see the red slayer's curves and muscles. Ruby's arms were relentlessly jacked, and her abs just wouldn't quit. She hadn't been completely honest with Yang, though; Ruby's thighs were just soft enough for Weiss to enjoy. "I just got distracted by your muscles, too..." Weiss confessed. It was her turn to become a tomato face now.
"Ha, I've still got it!" Ruby bragged. Weiss scoffed at the remark.
"We've been dating for maybe two months, Flower Pot. You haven't had the time to lose 'it' yet!" The two of them shared a laugh as they finished their ice cream. They stood up, bumping into one another by mistake. They both blushed ten shades of red at that.
"I love you, Snowdrop..." Ruby told her softly, her heart melting at the words like it always did.
"I love you, too, Gemstone..." Weiss replied. Their lips came together in a soft peck, and the two of them held hands as they left the ice cream parlor and began their walk back to the school.
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zerolympiustrife · 5 years
A day (or a week) in the life of Jaune’s school life: Bleiss vs Pyrrha shenanigans!
Ah, so a quirky, stereotypical love triangle you’d see in a video game or anime.
Or Blake ships wars between the likes of Bumbleby and BlackSun.
Also, gonna involve events OUTSIDE of school if that’s okay with you.
Anonymous asks: Stiff Competition (RWBY)
*Teams RBBY and JNPR are at a movie theater, and Jaune is sitting next to Bleiss and Pyrrha*
Pyrrha (taking a piece of popcorn): Popcorn?
Jaune: Huh? Oh, sure.
*Pyrrha feeds him, Bleiss squints at her*
Bleiss (grabbing her drink): Drink?
Jaune: Sure.
*Jaune sips from her drink, Pyrrha gets annoyed by this*
Bleiss/Pyrrha (both grabbing a piece of their own candies): Candy?
Jaune: Sure…wait, wha-
*Both girls shove the candy into his mouth, but glare at each other doing so*
Ruby (internally): Can we please just watch the movie in peace…?
*Jaune munches and gulps down the candy, look at the two girls, who are now clinging onto his arms*
Bleiss (whispering): Let go of him, Pyrrha!
Pyrrha (whispering): YOU let go of him!
Stranger: Sssshhhhhh!!!
Jaune (sighing, internally): How the hell did I get Beacon’s two famous celebrities super attached to me…?
*7 hours pass as both Teams are back at Beacon to eat at Team RBBY’s for dinner*
Jaune (preparing to feast on a big bowl of noodles): Agh…I skipped out on lunch.
Bleiss (surprised): Darling! It’s not healthy to skip out on lunch!
Pyrrha: That’s right, Jaune! Here, let me help! *Scoops up some noodles and spoonfeeds him*
Jaune: Mmph! Mmm! *Gulp!* I-I can feed myself!
Bleiss (scoops up some noodles): Nonsense! Open up! *Spoonfeeds him*
Jaune (caught off-guard): Mmmph!
Pyrrha (scoops up more noodles and shoves it into his mouth): You gave him enough, Bleiss!
Bleiss (does the same thing as Pyrrha did): Look who’s talking, skank!
*Both girls continuously shove noodles into his mouth until it gets stuffed*
Jaune (mouthful of food): MMPH! MMMPH!! MMMMMPH!!!
Ruby: Can’t we eat like civilized folk?
Nora (spoonfeeding Ren): I have no idea what you’re talking about!
*Ren, who’s also spoonfeeding Nora, shakes his head in response*
*The next day…*
*Jaune is laying down in bed*
Jaune (groaning): Agh…love hurts…
Bleiss (wearing a nurse’s outfit): It won’t hurt for long, darling!
Pyrrha (also wearing a nurse’s outfit): That’s my line! What are you doing here?
Bleiss: I’m going to make sure my darling’s feeling better!
Pyrrha: That’s MY job. I’M his teammate, bitch!
Bleiss: Yeah, but that doesn’t make him your boyfriend, skank!
*Both girls hold up needles while glaring daggers at one another. Jaune notices how bad this situation could get, then immediately gets off the bed*
Jaune (gasping): What is this? I’m cured! Did I say I was in pain? I wasn’t in pain! In fact, your love gave me strength! *Grabs the needles and discards them*
Bleiss (fawning): Ah~! It’s a miracle! I love you, darling! *Hugs Jaune*
Pyrrha (hugging Jaune as well): I didn’t know love could truly cure wounds!
Jaune (laughing nervously): Ahahaha! Yep! Uh…ahahaha…sure did!
*3 hours pass as Jaune is lying down on a couch, reading a comic*
Jaune: Hmm… *Feels something shuffling on his hips* Huh?
*Jaune puts down the book and sees Bleiss sitting on his crotch, with her legs spread*
Jaune: …May I help you?
Bleiss (smiling): I just feel like sitting my boyfriend, is all.
Pyrrha (pushing her off): The hell you are! *Sits on his crotch*
Jaune (raising an eyebrow): Sheesh, Pyrrha! You didn’t have to push her off!
Bleiss (getting up angrily): Darling’s right, skank! You didn’t have to push me off!
Pyrrha (squinting at her): Actually, bitch. I did.
*Bleiss slaps her across the face, and Jaune’s eyes widen upon seeing this*
Pyrrha (holding her cheek): …Excuse me?
Bleiss (glaring at her): Off. NOW.
*Pyrrha takes a deep breath, cracks her knuckles, then leaps towards Bleiss as the two get into a fistfight*
Jaune (shocked): Girls! GIRLS!!! Enough of this!
Bleiss/Pyrrha (in unison): Not now, darling/Jaune! *Continue fighting*
Jaune (internally): Ugh…I don’t wanna say this, but… *Speaks up* If you two don’t stop right this instance, I’m killing myself.
*Bleiss and Pyrrha immediately stop fighting and cling onto Jaune*
Bleiss: DARLING NO!!!
Pyrrha: WE’RE SORRY!!!
Bleiss: Damn right you are, skank!
Pyrrha: Away with you, bitch!
*Jaune groans and facepalms*
Jaune: What can I do to get you two to stop fighting forever?
Bleiss: Be my boyfriend!
Pyrrha: No, be MY boyfriend!
Jaune: Why not both? Why don’t I date BOTH of you? Why don’t I give both of you lovely ladies the time of your lives?
*Bleiss and Pyrrha contemplate over this decision*
Bleiss: Hm…I don’t like this decision.
Pyrrha: But he doesn’t want us to fight.
Bleiss: …Hmph! Very well. Pyrrha Nikos, consider this an honor to be dating MY boyfriend, Jaune Arc!
Pyrrha: I could say the same for you, Bleiss Schnee. Consider this an honor to be dating MY - or should I say, OUR - boyfriend, Jaune Arc!
Bleiss (glaring): Good!
Pyrrha (glaring): Great!
Bleiss: I accept these terms, Nikos!
Pyrrha: So do I, Schnee!
Jaune: Girls, gir-
*Both girls kiss Jaune on his cheeks, causing him to blush like mad*
Bleiss/Pyrrha (happily): Treat us well, okay? Darling~?
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sprinkledonion-blog · 5 years
Another real long “I don’t like Bumbleby” post (Part 2)
Part 1 is here. 
The Adam fiasco
We’ve reached the most controversial point in the essay: Adam.
Adam was… a symbol. He didn’t have much to offer in personality and screentime, but he represented. Until he stopped representing and became a mere tool for Bumbleby to develop.
I know, I know, another Adam fan who coincidentally dislikes Bumbleby. What can I say?
Adam was the sacrificial goat for Bumbleby. His existence became so tied to them that his whole faunus vs SDC plot became just an afterthought. He became a puppet to do Evil Things; if you pay close attention, especially in daylight scenes, you can actually see the strings on his back.
Adam had lost his way in every sense of the word. And he became a monster: Bumbleby’s heart.
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Bees are gonna beat me up for this one.
Yes, Adam became such a vital piece for Bumbleby to develop, their whole relationship revolved around him. Yes, he traumatized both girls, but V1-V2 gave us nothing else to chew on. No bonding, no cute smiles, no development. Adam triggered the rise of Bumbleby like kaboom. Bam, now there’s Bumbleby. And what cemented their relationship? Killing him.
I need to ask: why does a wlw relationship revolve around a man? Why does everything in RWBY come back to a man? Jaune speaks over Ruby. Pyrrha dies so Jaune can have development. Qrow steals screentime along with Oscar like a madman. Adam is a matchmaker. Can the “RWBY is a feminist show” take die already? It ran away when Pyrrha was fridged.
Worse is? Bumbleby is good because Bumbleby is BETTER than Tauradonna.
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Or so it seems. Ahem.
Now. Of course it’ll be better than Tauradonna, as it isn’t an abusive relationship. But what I mean is, this is the ONLY thing going for it. Oh, you should ship it because it’s better than Tauradonna. No, it’s not its own thing. It’s just better than Tauradonna. And no, we can’t stop comparing to it.
I know abuse leaves you a wound it’s difficult to heal, and you’ll inevitably make a comparison. I’ve been in an abusive relationship too. But Bumbleby should be its own thing, developed separately from Tauradonna, and then compared. I didn’t get enough screentime and reasons to ship them, and now you want me to compare it to an abusive relationship? Of course I choose Bumbleby! The other option is horrendous and… hey, this is more manipulative than I thought!
And the killing… oh, there’s nothing more romantic than killing a guy together. Maybe I’ll try this next time I wanna date a dude. Forget Netflix and chill, this is the real thing!
The show handled it… shakingly okay. Blake cried, Yang comforted her. Alright. Fine.
But now Adam’s not here, what’s gonna happen? Let me guess: we’ll get all the Bumbleby screentime we didn’t get early enough. Some say “Great, now it’s gonna be RW-BY instead of RWBY”. Maybe. I don’t really care. Ruby seemed to be more comfortable alongside JNR, and Weiss does what she can. Maybe she could get incorporated to the team too? Or form a new one with Qrow and Oscar (and Ozpin)? Hey, it’s not a bad idea. Either way, the dynamics will change, but as long as they don’t take too much time off other characters, it’ll be fine. I gave up.
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DC comics development
I’m not 100% sure of how to feel with this one.
I couldn’t read the DC comic, but some… definitely interesting screenshots were posted. I could see that they don’t care very much about canon (I can’t take Raven seriously anymore). But they also patched some things up, meaning: Bumbleby.
Remember when I complained about not seeing enough Bumbleby bonding to actually buy the ship? Well, DC comics gifted us one, two, eight panels of Bumbleby bonding: borrowing books, offering food, braiding hair. Sounds very nice… and very late. And very fake.
Why didn’t we see this on the show? This feels like those eight panels are supposed to show peak Bumbleby bonding and we must be satisfied with it. Peak LGBT+ representation right there. Why didn’t we cut off Arkos, Renora, Iceberg and Blacksun and spent time with Bumbleby instead? Why should I feel satisfied with a mere eight panels?
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Not genuine at all.
Bonus: the newest take goes like “DC comics was CRWBY trying to build more Bumbleby with moments at Beacon we didn’t get to see in the show because the episodes were ONLY 6 MINUTES LONG”. So CRWBY had time to build Arkos, Renora, Iceberg, Blacksun and not the main ship? Those 6 minutes were enough to build straight relationships but not the main wlw one? What an unfortunate coincidence.
What would have you done differently?
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Team BSCE.
Bonding: why is Yang interested in Blake? Why is Blake interested in Yang? What does make Yang feel like she can be vulnerable around Blake instead of, let’s say, Weiss? What do they talk about, that isn’t Adam, or Ozpin? Do they have private jokes? Do they look forward to spend time together? Does Blake know what Yang’s favorite food is? Do they train together more time than they should? Why do they love each other? How do they support each other? Does Yang read books about faunus?
Showing: how does Yang feel when Sun flirts with Blake? How does Blake feel when Yang flirts with guys? What makes them blush? What is their body language? Do they notice things about each other no one else notices? Do they think about closeness? Do they think about each other at night? Do they think about kissing each other? How does their attitude change? Do the rest realize something’s going on?
Conflicting: besides Adam, what problems do they have? Blake has been shown to feel like a burden and isolate herself, but what about Yang? Do they have things about each other they barely stand? Do they share the exact same mindset? Do they have arguments and about what? How do they handle disagreements and arguments? How do they approach problems? How do they fix them? Do the same problems come up over and over again? What things they don’t tell each other? What do they hide from each other? Do they expect each other to defend them on arguments with others?
Exploring: what’s their endgame like? What are their dreams and goals, and do they collide with each other? Do they think about the future? Do they have a theme? Did they develop separately, as individual people, before developing their relationships? Are they dependent? If one of them died, would the other (take revenge and) move forward, or fall into deep depression? Can they live apart from each other and things don’t change? And what if things do change? What things change? How do they face change?
Yes, I love asking questions. One brings another, and another, and before you realize, you thought a lot about the couple and their core. You don’t need to answer every single one of these questions, but it can help you develop a clearer and deeper relationship, better than… I don’t know, sudden love?
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Show bonus (what I posted on twitter):
·         Yang interested in faunus. It is sudden, and Ruby realizes (Yang taking lots of notes during history class but only on faunus lessons, finding her in the library reading about faunus [allows for cute funny moment! Yang never reads!], talking to Velvet)
·         After being informed, Yang asking Blake about her experiences (Adam topic could be brought up and thus foreshadowed), making them closer. This also has an impact on Yang, which drives her to defend Velvet from Cardin, making friends with Sun, etc
·         Yang would also be more careful about the jokes she makes, trying not to make any racist ones and letting Blake explain her which ones are
·         Just talking in general. Deciding to spend time together when they're free (that does NOT mean they're never with the group)
·         Free time together allows for more talking and deeper topics brought up more naturally (ex: more about Yang's mother, maybe some other insecurities, further deepening her character)
·         Blake realizing Yang is allowing herself to be "weaker" around her, so she supports her a lot
·         They would defend each other in an argument against Weiss for example, and if that isn't the case, whoever wasn't defended would feel hurt and they would have to talk about it (fixing problems and talking out disagreements)
·         Knowing small things about each other, for example Yang's secret place when she wants to think, Blake's favourite tea, etc
·         Yang trying to show off her strength, making flirtatious comments that Blake doesn't get and getting embarrassed
·         Yang feeling hurt when Blake spends more time with Sun and seems to be falling in love with her, but not acting on it because she doesn't wanna to get in their way and wants Blake to be happy
·         Blake missing Yang
·         Yang trying to flirt with other girls and Blake feeling strange
·         When talking with Sun, the Yang topic is brought up frequently and Sun realizes and tells Blake she seems special, Blake starts to realize something
·         Blake running away breaks Yang as she had put a lot of trust on her, even allowing herself to be "weak", and she knew about Yang's abandonment issues. Yes it's the same in canon, but it had more buildup and thus is more heartbreaking
·         During Menagerie arc, Yang is brought up often and Blake finally realizes her feelings, while Sun accepts his place as just a friend and supports her all the way (also Yang is his friend too, remember!)
·         From this point on you can drop canon on it just fine
·         BUT ADD THE TALK™! They need to talk about Blake running away. PLEASE.
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This is not me saying “Do NOT ship Bumbleby”. Ship whatever the hell you want. I ship things that don’t even make sense. This is me saying “Your ship isn’t as good as you think it is, please stop attacking other shippers for pointing it out, and no, your argument ‘you’re just homophobic’ isn’t always valid”.
I don’t want to talk about bees anymore. Never again. But I probably will, when volume 7 drops. Until then…
Beehaw, I guess.
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kammokid · 4 years
Edgy Bumbleby Fanfic
 I press my body close to the damp leaves on the forest floor, my ears and tail involuntarily twitching, anxious to be awakened. I glance around with my muddy human senses one last time. I shift all my concentration to the inner, feline part of me; this part is easy, especially in these woods. One gasp of breath, and it’s like seeing for the first time, all over again. My nose and ears are flooded with information; every squirrel, rabbit or deer’s presence is stored within my boundless sense of smell. I hear the nonexistent crunching of my still-human feet. At the same time, all the colors dim into a soft monochrome palette, but it’s barely noticeable through the rest of the information crashing into my head. Then the human part of my conscience moves to the back of my mind. I can still access it when I need to, but for now, I am a wild animal. Then I smell it: the rabbit, sitting in a clearing not too far away. My instinct tells me to rush towards it, and I do, halting a few feet away, behind some bushes. My mouth fills with saliva at the thought of the sweet, warm taste of rabbit, causing my teeth to clench and harden into the fangs of a cat. I creep as close to it as I can, careful of my clumsy human body, so focused on my prey that I don't notice the rustling of someone behind me, attempting to be quiet. The bunny sits, shivering, afraid that its own breathing will betray it to whatever hungry predator was there. Suddenly, I become aware of whatever is behind me, but now I don’t care. All I can think about is how the warm weight of the rabbit will feel when it’s hanging from my mouth. I can’t take it anymore. In a rush of adrenaline, I pounce on it, easily snapping its neck. The rush dies down and I become aware of the warm, metallic taste of blood sliding down my throat. On my hands and knees, I drop the bunny on the ground and dig in, hungrily. Suddenly, a cry rings out through the air.
    “BLAKE?!” A small part of my human conscience reminds me that Blake is my name and that person is Yang. The feline half of me starts slipping away as I become more and more aware of my situation; but not before I catch a whiff of an intoxicating scent. All the progress my cat consciousness has made in trying to get away is destroyed as I snap back to whatever consciousness can most easily smell whatever the scent is. My nose leads me straight to the same fiery, blonde haired girl who called my name. Standing on two feet, I stretch up to reach her height. 
    “B-Blake? What are you doing?” With great effort, I manage to tug back the last little human part of me to answer the question.
    “I love you, Yang.” I whisper. I bury my face into her neck. I stand up on tiptoe and lick her face. She backs away, suddenly.
    “You’re not the Blake I know.” I am able to speak to her in my voice, but it’s  also not my voice. The words themselves sound the same but the tone is different: It sounds oilier, calmer, but with a desperate, almost crazy, edge. 
    “Yang please” She shakes her head violently. “Do you love me back?”
    “I love you Blake but only when your not” She gestures to the blood still dripping from my mouth. “Like this.” I unsheathe one of my claws and press it against my own throat. 
    “Kiss me, Yang.” 
    “Blake stop. What are you doing? I can’t kiss you when you’re… crazy like this.” I press my claw harder, drawing blood. 
    “Kiss me!!” Yang has a look of horror on her face when she realizes what I’m doing, but she leans towards me, reluctantly. I grab her waist and press my mouth against hers. Our lips lock. I feel an incredible surge of passion, but Yang is still tense beneath me. I kiss her over and over again, trying to get her to feel the same surge of passion as I do. Eventually, something snaps in her. I can feel her kissing back. She strokes my cat ears and I fall into an uncontrollable fit of purring. I lick her face and she returns by lapping up some of the blood on my neck. Finally, we start to get tired. Yang pulls away and looks at me, almost smiling and out of breath. 
    “As much as I hate this version of Blake, you are one good kisser.” In that moment, my feline conscience flees, leaving an incredible rush of dizziness. I steady myself on Yang as my powerful senses rush out and are replaced by color. I open my eyes and take in the scene around me: the dead rabbit, a fresh cut on my neck, and most of all, Yang, whose lips were puffy and swollen. 
    “Y-Yang? What happened? Are you ok? I-I’m so sorry-” Yang cuts me off by drawing me close and hugging me.
    “It’s good to have you back.”
    “I had no idea you were there. Normally, when I do that, I only go eat a rabbit or something and then return. This has never happened before. And why am I, s-so tired?” Yang lifts me up in her arms and I struggle against her powerful arms but then relax.
    “I love you too, Blake.” She whispers in my ear.
By: Qammo 
My girlfriend and I wrote the story together, as you may notice she did most of the writing. lol We combined both of our nicknames together at the bottom Kammo Kid and Qat With A Q! Hope you like it!!!
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