#cause otherwise i could just brush it off as a side effect of wanting to fuck someone
aromantic-diaries · 9 months
I love being aromantic. I literally cannot relate to things that are universal experiences to the vast majority of the population but I still assume everyone else is making shit up and I'm just normal for not buying it
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underforeversgrace · 1 year
memories of the grave
DannyMay 2023 Day 18: Grave
title: memories of the grave
Words: 2166
Warning: Major Character Death and Everlasting Trio
Summary/Excerpt: Songfic to the song Sacred by Citizen Soldier - He frequently thought about death. His death, at least.
Chasing ghosts, chasing dreams
What is next? What might be?
Never content, always hungry
Overlook this moment and you'll be sorry
It was, unsurprisingly, Jazz who first brought it up, towards the end of high school.
“You’ve gotten taller!” She said, clapping her hands together in excitement.
“Uh, yeah? People do that?” Danny answered, rolling his eyes.
“Yeah. People do.” She’d responded, giving him a Look.
“Jazz, Vlad’s aged. We already knew I would. We just don’t know what happens… later. As far as Vlad can tell from the tests he ran after his accident, he’ll still die, he just may live longer than expected, though. Everything’s fine.” Danny said, waving his hand boredly as though brushing the topic away. Sure, death was something he often thought about, there wasn’t really any avoiding it with how injured he got - even if he did disregard the whole half-ghost-half-dead-kid thing. Honestly, he didn’t think he’d live long enough to have a natural death regardless, not with how often he got his ass handed to him, even if that was growing less and less often. He frequently thought about death.
His death, at least.
Don't take the ones you love for granted, not for a second
If you do you've got the rest of your life left to regret it
You're gonna miss these days, I hope you never forget it
The present is precious
It was in his mid-20s, after successfully completing college and graduating easily, his secret long since exposed, that he realized he loved Sam and Tucker more than anything else in the world. They had been roommates their entire college career and when it came time to leave, he didn’t want to. He’d lost track of the number of times they’d ended up all sleeping in one person’s bed, platonically snuggling into each other as they studied and quizzed each other until they all succumbed to exhaustion.
He’d felt nothing but relief when, three days before they were all set to go their own ways, Sam called a meeting and disclosed she felt the same way, Tucker and Danny’s confessions following. 
It helped that being ‘weird’ or doing things an uncommon way was just a state of life for the trio at this point. Side effect of one of them being a ghost superhero and his friends. So all loving each other… it had come easily. Sleeping every night in the same bed, swathed in love and happiness, was just that - easy.  
You get one life, one chance
Give it everything 'cause this is all we have
If this day was your last
Could you hold your head high? Could you live with that?
So take it in, just embrace the adrenaline
This is sacred, we'll never get it back again
It was in their 30s, when they started genuinely discussing adopting a child, that the realization hit. Danny had stopped growing. While lines and the occasional gray hair had begun to show on his lovers, Danny’s face remained unchanged. No laugh lines, no wrinkles, nothing. Still, they kept their belief that it was just Danny aged slowly.
The topic of kids never came back up. Danny always felt like that was his fault, despite Sam and Tucker’s constant reassurances otherwise.
Wasted time, wasted love
What you have now, why can't that be enough?
What you're most terrified to lose
Take it for granted when it's right in front of you
Jack would be the first person Danny ever truly lost. Sure, he’d lost his grandparents as a child, but he barely knew them. But this was his father, who had lifted him above his head and ran around while Danny pretended to be a rocket. Who helped him with his homework, who wholeheartedly accepted Danny when he’d come out to them - both as a ghost and as having two lovers.
Who didn’t listen when his doctors told him he needed to take better care of his health, who didn’t lay off the fudge when they suggested it.
His father’s grave was the first Danny had ever stood next to and sobbed, beside his sister and mom, Sam and Tucker trying to soothe him in a situation that knew only grief. Danny and Jazz had handled the burial, the finances, letting their mother grieve the loss of the love of her life.
Yeah, you're such a slave to anxiety
Your future, your past, pulling you away
It made you so blind, now that must change
'Cause right now with who you love, this is everything
Maddie didn’t outlive Jack by more than a few months. She went peacefully in her sleep at home, at least, didn’t have to suffer through heart failure in a hospital until her last breath.
Danny had taken over the funeral arrangements for his mother, burying her beside his father. Jazz kept trying to help but he could practically feel her pain and grief every time she tried to do so. There was more to do with their mother’s passing. With both parents gone, it fell to their kids to close bank accounts, to notify friends, to sort through documents upon documents, to decide what to do with the house, which had long since been transformed back into a normal family home, when even Maddie could no longer chase ghosts. They knew Danny would do it, after all. They’d had faith in him - in Phantom - even before Danny had confessed. It had been their slow acceptance of his ghost side that had allowed him the confidence to tell them, after all.
When he stood over his father’s grave again, now with his mother’s headstone beside it, he hadn’t even been able to hold himself up on his own two feet. Sam and Tucker had been just as instrumental then as they had been every other time in his life.
You get one life, one chance
Give it everything 'cause this is all we have
If this day was your last
Could you hold your head high? Could you live with that?
So take it in, just embrace the adrenaline
This is sacred, we'll never get it back again
Vlad lived almost another decade beyond Danny’s parents. It was only a few months before Vlad passed that the three of them - now nearly fifty - had to accept fact.
Danny had stopped aging. He forever looked like a college student. Sam and Tucker had begun to pull away from him. He just looked too young and it made them uncomfortable. He’d understood, when they began to pull physical intimacy away from him. He couldn’t blame them.
He’d forever be grateful they never asked him to stop curling up in the bed with them, long since used to the chill of his core, safe with the people he loved.
Vlad’s best guess was since Danny’s fusion with the ectoplasm had been so much smoother, so much more instantaneous than Vlad’s own, is why Danny stopped aging while Vlad continued. Danny was truly half and half - Vlad wasn’t.
Again, Danny was the one left handling the funeral and Vlad’s substantial wealth. Vlad had mellowed out towards the end of Danny’s high school career and they had bonded in that time. Vlad had genuinely become something of an uncle or godfather in Danny’s life. At least Vlad had a will. Danny mainly just had to sign off on some papers occasionally.
When he cried over this grave, Sam and Tucker to either side of him, he mourned more than just Vlad. He was the only halfa in the world, he was the only one of a species. And as he watched his friends, the two people he loved most in the world, age, he feared when he would be entirely alone. Even at fourteen, he’d known the consequences of immortality and been relieved he wouldn’t have to face them.
Now he was facing eternity on his own and he didn’t know what to do.
In this moment, will you live?
Embrace the unknown, your past forgive?
Every minute's a priceless gift
It's all yours, so what you gonna do with it?
Jazz’s funeral was the first he didn’t have to help with, allowed to just grieve. Her son - already in his thirties, Danny remembered when he was born - had handled everything, allowing Danny to simply be. Her son had been confused by Danny, he hadn’t met his uncle since he was a young child. That had been a decision Jazz and Danny had come to together, as ghosts faded back to myth, as his identity fell into legend.
He had never met any of her other children, all born later, though Jazz had made sure to keep him up to date on everything in her life. So he couldn’t blame them for staring at him - an apparent 20-something year old man sobbing until he couldn’t breathe over their mother’s grave.
If they recognized him from her wedding pictures, from where he’d been best man, they didn’t mention it.
Danny couldn’t help but avoid Jazz’s second son. Named Daniel, in honor of Jazz’s lost brother. In honor of him.
Don't take the ones you love for granted, not for a second
You're gonna miss these days, yeah, the present is precious
When Tucker died, Danny thought he would, too, his core ached so deeply. They’d known it was coming. Tucker had gotten pneumonia and fallen and in his advanced age - nearly eighty five now - his odds had never looked good.
Danny hated how helpless he felt then, waiting for the man he loved to die, watching him wither away the longer he was in the hospital - somewhere Tucker hated so fiercely. It was a small miracle he’d never really regained true consciousness after the fall. He’d have hated this so much. 
He had so much power yet he could do nothing against human illness, against the march of time, no matter how much he pleaded with Clockwork, how much he begged to not be left behind.
He’d lived long enough, he was ready to rest. Over eighty years was a good run, he’d had a good life.
“I’m sorry, child,” Clockwork had said, and Danny believed him. “I cannot intervene. Even Pariah Dark could not kill you now. You are strong and your core is long matured. Everything will be okay.”
Still, that didn’t keep him from crying when he was in Tucker’s room as the heart monitor flatlined and never restarted.
You get one life, one chance
Give it everything 'cause this is all we have
If this day was your last
Could you hold your head high? Could you live with that?
So take it in, just embrace the adrenaline
This is sacred, we'll never get it back again
Sam went next, several years later. Every time he’d had to fill out paperwork for her, listing himself as a family friend instead of what he was - her husband, her lover - his heart had broken. But she was over ninety when she died. And he was forever twenty five.
He’d buried them beside each other, just like his parents had been. They’d spent their entire lives together, after all. It made sense for their bodies to rest near each other forever.
“Well, that turn out was more than I expected.” Sam said to his side, pulling Danny from the graves at his feet. He turned to her and smiled. Death had returned her to her youth and she grinned at him, floating a few feet to his side, clad in clothes made of plants, gently coaxing some flowers out of the ground.
“I still had more!” Tucker protested to his other side and Danny laughed. While Tucker had accepted the pharaoh aesthetic upon his death, he still looked like an ancient Egyptian mixed with Technus, technology even now his third love (after Sam and Danny, who tied for first, of course, he insisted).
“Yeah, ‘cuz they hadn’t died yet!” Sam shot back. “You can’t compare it when half the people we knew have kicked the bucket since your funeral!”
Comfort surrounded Danny, filled the air. They had stayed, they had clung to life so fiercely after death, just so he wouldn’t be alone. And as soon as Sam had died, Clockwork had arrived and married them the way they never could have in life.
“Oh shut up, guys,” Danny joked, rolling his eyes and jumping up, letting his transformation to Phantom slide over him. “Let’s go home.”
As the three flew away, playfully chasing and dodging each other, Danny let himself feel a comfort he hadn’t in fifty years, finally no longer being left behind, and remembered what Clockwork had said at the end of the trio’s ghostly wedding.
He’d placed his hand on Danny’s shoulders and smiled. “I told you everything would be okay.”
One life, one chance
So take it in, just embrace the adrenaline
If this day was your last
This is sacred, we'll never get it back again
Song: Sacred - Citizen Soldier
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emmadoodlewrites · 2 years
Okay so I know you like tickle machines and this is one that has been eating away at my little monkey brain for a while.
So imagine like a board that the Lee lays down on, they get their legs and wrists cuffed so they’re nice and stretched out.
A big fluffy roller comes out of the back of the board right at the Lee’s middle back and that starts spinning, causing the Lee to arch away from it (though they can’t get very far).
And while they’re arched little feathers or hands or other brushes come out to tickle all over the Lee’s belly. Or alternatively, a Ler could tickle the Lee’s belly.
The machine’s entire purpose is to get that conflict in the Lee of deciding whether the machines tickling their belly or the roller tickling their back is worse and they end up wiggling a shit ton because they can’t decide.
Anyway all that aside, how do you think our dearest Dreamlee would handle this machine? Anyone else you think it would effect a lot? Go wild with this concept pleaze I beg you.
cw: machine tickles and bondage
I'm assuming this is set up where both sides won't tickle at the same time, but there's no way to fit in a middle space where neither are tickling you. That means you really do have to choose which is worse. You do not have a choice. And even THEN like you have to be willing to keep yourself still and pressed into the part that you "want" otherwise now you're flinching back into the worse one alksdfjh
Dream would HATE this (not really) and would not be good at it at all. Like the roller comes out and tickles his back, and the first thing he can even think is like oh my god this tickles really bad and he arches away. He can get away from the roller just a bit. He can still feel it just the tiniest bit as it just grazes his skin, but it's not nearly as bad as before.
But this relief doesn't last for long before he feels mechanical hands, equipped with agonizing nails made specifically to tickle just right and hit all the right places. His stomach sucks in immediately, falls back onto the roller which tickles so much worse now that he's fallen limp into it.
He SCREAMS, lifting back up and feeling the clawed hands knead into his tummy. He's in hell and he can't even escape. He finally decides he just can not stand the tummy tickles, it's just so so bad, feeling like his entire stomach is alight with tickling butterflies.
But his back is also so bad, and as much as he's trying to lay himself as much as possible into the roller to get away from the hands, every once in a while he jolts from a specific spot on his back, bucking into the hands again. He's an absolute wreck only ten minuets in :)
As for others who would just love this machine i imagine if each of the dteam had a chance they'd each have a weakness that makes the experience so so bad. Dream couldn't handle his stomach, it was too much. As for George a bet he's such a squirmer that unlike Dream there is absolutely no was for him to choose one, bouncing between both of them infinitely. And finally Sapnap, who always curls into him when tickled, can not at all lift himself off the roller to save his life hehehehe.
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Nausea/Upset Stomach
@sicktember 2022 Prompt #18
Fandom/OCs: MCU/ Sick!Bruce Banner
Title: Blurred Lines
Words: 663
Inspiration: Nada
Author’s comments: I struggle to whump all the non-human avengers, but I wanted to give them each their turn this year. I personally think Hulking out and nausea would go hand in hand. Here’s what I think that might look like. 
CW: mentions of/implied vomiting. Not described. 
Bruce Banner came crashing back into consciousness as abruptly as ever, the line between the other guy and himself blurring for a moment. He watched the last of the green hue leave his forearms and hands, receding back into his skin. He was lying on the ground in pants several sizes too big and nearly destroyed. He groaned and rolled to his side, curling into the fetal position for a moment. Everything was throbbing as usual, especially his head. There was almost nothing good about Hulking out, but the after effects were one of the worst parts. Every muscle and joint was sore and tense, and he was sure he had his usual post-transformation, low-grade fever. He breathed deeply. In through the nose, out through the mouth, swallowing again and again.
He was strangely alone in an abandoned alley, and the only destruction nearby was an ancient, broken-down car that showed the evidence of two massive fists smashing it. He wondered what had happened this time, but decided it didn't really matter. He would see it on the news or hear it from the rest of the team. 
He shakily stood, clutching the remnants of his pants around him and walked to the nearest street, one hand on his abdomen. By some miracle, he was only a few blocks from Avengers tower. He raced home as fast as he could, avoiding being seen when he could. Safe inside the tower, he took the nearest elevator up to his suite, staggering through the door and bolting it behind himself. He let the tattered rags fall to the floor and shambled on wobbling legs to the bathroom, falling down on his knees in front of the toilet. 
He was always nauseous after de-Hulking. It was usually part of the background headache and soreness that came from your body splitting out of itself, and then back in. However, this changed when the other guy managed to ingest something. He didn’t ever stay in Hulk form long enough to digest, so whenever he transformed back into Bruce, the substance (it was rarely actual food) was still sitting in his stomach and causing him agony. He always had to vomit it up, and it was always one of the most miserable things he’d ever experienced.
Whatever it was wasn’t quite ready to come up yet. His stomach was hard and sore, rolling and growling angrily, and he groaned, falling over into the fetal position with his arms wrapped around his middle. He wished for it to be done. He would have no rest until it was. 
A few hours later, after it was all over, he was curled up on the couch nursing his fever and watching the news mindlessly with a heating pad on his abdomen, catching up on what the Hulk had gotten up to this time. His phone dinged with an incoming message:
Steve: JARVIS told us you were here safe in your suite. Everything okay?
Bruce: I’m fine. Just sore. Are you all okay?
Steve: We’re all good. Just got done debriefing. We’re gonna grab dinner if you want anything. 
Bruce grimaced at the thought of eating anything. His throat was still raw from vomiting, and he couldn’t quite brush out the taste from his mouth. 
Bruce: No thanks. More nauseous than usual this time. Think I’ll pass.
Steve: No worries, soldier. Feel free to come down if you’re up for it, or let me know if you need anything. Otherwise, get some rest. We’ll see you in the morning.
Bruce: Thanks, Cap. You too. 
The doctor let his head fall back with a quiet sigh. Thanks to the other guy, he’d feel back to normal in the morning, but it was the other guy’s fault that he felt like crap now. Still, there was nothing else to be done. He closed his eyes and tried to doze off, keeping his mind as blank as he could, the line between sleeping and wakefulness blurring. 
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flythebanner · 6 months
Not even gonna bother type facing this one.
I need to learn to trust my gut a lot more, I didn't feel welcome, mostly because I wasn't. I was seen as an intruder. An invader of personal space of somewhere I'm meant to call "home." In reality, I was someone to help pay for something you couldn't afford, and I just ended up being someone who just "sucked the air" out of a room or whatever it was but, I got too comfortable and so here I stayed. Should have gone with my gut feeling and made sure this was only temporary, which is how it turned out to be anyway.
I'm glad the new lease came through when it did because I had been thinking about the excessive amounts of ups and downs over the last few months that were never acknowledged and more just brushed to the side. It got me thinking about moving out more than once, I ended up actually sending out requests for inspections on places. I should have followed up on some of them, I would have more than likely had my own place by now.
To bring up your suicide attempt and say that I have no excuse is beyond me. I had your WHOLE family relying on me to steer the shitshow circus that whole night was and the subsequent days, with constant check-ins and so on. The follow-on effects were a lot bigger than you thought. It's one of the main reasons why I almost lost my job and why I chose to quit when I did so I could receive my leave payout. Not only that, it bought up some extremely complex and hard to grasp emotions I hadn't felt in a very long time.
I know I have so much I want to say, but I'm being too polite, and I really don't know why. I need to start saying what's on my mind instead of just copping it. I just wish I could find better ways of saying things when I feel like I'm being cornered and not just stare at the floor trying to construct sentences that won't offend or cause any backlash. Turns out I shit the bed on that one because I felt too cornered, and for that, I'm sorry.
Ambushed with a conversation when I'm clearly busy, yet you've had at least 6-7 hours to say something. Why do you wait until I'm playing games or otherwise preoccupied to say something, and then get pissed off at me. What the fuck dude. I brush a lot of it off because I know what is going to be said. I know exactly why you're going to say it. But, I'll take the blame for the things I haven't done, that's fine. But coming at me so emotionally charged is just fucked, and I am not here for it.
I don't think people understand how very little mess I do make. Sure, that isn't the main issue here, I genuinely forget to do things a lot of the time. There's no excuse for that. I'm very much aware.
Fuck this place. I'm done. Get me out of here so I can be by myself and comfortable.
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centurypainting-nc · 11 months
How to Prepare a House For Painting
Painting is a fun way to freshen up your home, but it's not always easy. There are a few steps that you need to take before you can start painting, and that's why we're here. Here are some ways to get ready for your paint job:
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Clean out the cupboards.
The first thing you'll want to do is remove everything from your cupboards. This is a great time to go through your kitchen and throw away expired food, get rid of old spices or jars that are cracked or have lost their labels, and generally clean out the clutter.
After you've removed all of the items from your cupboards, wipe down each surface with warm water (no soap!) using a sponge or towel. You may need to use an extra cloth for tough spots like dried-on grease or grime; just make sure that no soap gets on any painted surfaces! Next, take a vacuum cleaner with an attachment designed for hardwood floors (you can buy these at any hardware store) and vacuum every inch of floor space inside each cupboard so there aren't any cobwebs left behind when painting begins later on in this process!
Remove any loose wallpaper.
Use a wallpaper steamer to remove loose wallpaper.
Do not use chemical strippers or razor blades.
Do not use knives or scrapers, which can tear the paper and leave rough edges that need to be sanded down before painting can begin.
Don't even think about using your hands--it's too easy for them to slip and cause injury!
Get rid of anything that is not nailed down.
The first step in preparing your home for painting is to remove anything that isn't nailed down. This may sound obvious, but it's important to make sure everything is secure before the painters arrive. You don't want to be cleaning up after them!
The reason I say "anything" is because some things that can be removed are obvious, like picture frames or wall sconces; others might not be so clear-cut at first glance--for example, if there are curtains around the window frame and they're just hanging on hooks rather than being securely attached by rings or rods inside the wall frame itself (this happens often), then those should come down too because otherwise they'll just get in the way when trying to paint around them later on during this process.
Sand and paint the door frames and moldings.
While you're painting, it's a good idea to remove any old paint from the door frames and moldings. This will ensure that your new paint job looks nice and crisp.
To do this, use a sanding sponge with medium grit sandpaper on one side and knock off as much of the old paint as possible. Then use a rag to wipe off any dust left behind by the sanding process--you want all that stuff gone so it doesn't get stuck in your new coat of paint! Once this is done, use a brush dipped in water or mineral spirits (make sure not to use regular turpentine because it could damage some surfaces) to clean up any small areas where there might still be residue left behind by using long strokes across them until they are smooth again before proceeding with applying another coat of paint on top
Wash down all the floors with a gentle but effective cleaner.
The first thing you'll want to do is wash down all the floors with a gentle but effective cleaner. You can use a mild detergent and sponge mop, or even just warm water if you're feeling ambitious. However you go about it, don't use any brushes--they'll leave behind bristles that will then get stuck in the paint and ruin your work!
You have to do some preparation before you start painting, but it's worth it!
The first thing you need to do is make sure that you have all of the tools and materials necessary. This means having paint brushes, rollers and paint trays. It also includes things like drop cloths and masking tape so that you can protect surfaces from getting damaged during painting.
The next step is preparing the house for painting; this involves cleaning off any mold or mildew on walls before applying a primer coat over them (see below). After priming the wall with an oil-based primer (this will help cover up any stains), apply two or three coats of latex paint using a roller brush or sprayer depending on how smooth an even finish you want to achieve!
It's important not only to prepare your walls before painting but also yourself--get some rest beforehand so that when it comes time for priming/painting day, both yourself AND everything else will be well rested enough for maximum productivity!
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Century Painting is the top-rated painting company charlotte nc. We know that painting your home can be daunting, but you can rest assured that we will make sure you're 100% satisfied with our work.
We have several different packages to choose from and our team of expert painters will be there every step of the way to explain everything to you and ensure that we're providing you with exactly what you need. Century Painting goal is to make sure that your house looks beautiful for years to come!
Century Painting 6201 Boykin Spaniel Rd, Charlotte, NC 28277, United States +17042459409 https://www.centurypaintingnc.com/ https://www.google.com/maps?cid=1817105075853326938
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maximoffwitch · 2 years
Teasing to Please
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pairing: maria hill x reader
warnings: suggestive themes, swear word
summary: Teasing your girlfriend is something you just can’t resist, but even Maria has her limits.
word count: 1.4k
a/n: my first time writing maria but i rly wanted to, so the lovely @didujustcallmedumb came through and sent me a prompt <33 hope u enjoy and pls lmk what y’all think :))
Brushing your foot up along the inside of Maria’s calf, you enjoyed the flush that arose on your girlfriend’s face. Although Maria tried to hide her arousal from the team and the others agents in the meeting, as you continued to rub your foot against her leg, never giving her the satisfaction of moving any higher than her knee, you knew her too well and knew all her tells: the slight hitch in her breath upon being touched, the frequent clicking of her pen, the biting and licking of her lips.
Your girlfriend was flustered, and you loved nothing more.
��Hill,” Fury’s voice caught his deputy’s attention.
“Yes, sir?” she cleared her throat, as she crossed her legs, ending your fun.
“Do you have the summary of the last two mutants HYDRA has held captive?”
“Of course, sir,” Maria quickly swiped through her tablet, pulling up the report she’d spent all last night putting together. As she handed the device over to Fury, she sent you a harsh glare.
All you could do was smirk, enjoying the effect you had on your girlfriend.
The rest of the meeting went by as any other one would, the usual discussion of upcoming missions, Tony and Steve’s bickering, and the occasional sassy snarks from Natasha.
As the meeting ended, and you were all heading out, you followed close behind your girlfriend.
“Regretting wearing the pencil skirt today?” you husked in her ear, stealing a quick peck to the crook of her neck.
“Well if someone had done the laundry this weekend,” Maria mumbled under her breath, as she tried to escape your distracting presence.
“Maybe I did it on purpose,” you let out a low chuckle before stepping closer to her. “Besides, I’m no complaining. Your ass looks phenomenal.”
Throwing her a wink, you lightly hit her behind, as you passed her through the doorway, making sure to brush up against her in all the right places.
“You’re gonna be the death of me,” she mumbled under her breath, but you were already gone. Maria could only hope she didn’t have to see you too much, if not at all, today, otherwise she’d be in a world of trouble, the tension in her body already rising.
Unfortunately for the deputy director, luck was not on her side. When Fury called to tell her that the agent who was supposed to train the new recruits had called in sick, Maria internally groaned, knowing this was your training time as well.
Just as she always did, she immediately found you; even in a bustling training room of dozens of agents, you would always be the first person she’d see.
As soon as she laid eyes on you, Maria felt her mouth dry. You were dressed in a skin-tight black tank top along with a pair of mid length biker shorts, the entire outfit clinging to your well-defined body. As you sparred with Natasha, beads of sweat formed on every inch of your skin, causing your muscles to glisten.
Maria couldn’t help but lick her lips, less than innocent thoughts running through her mind. As you and Natasha took a break from training, you felt a familiar gaze on you. With a devious smirk, you turned your head towards your admirer.
Staring straight into your girlfriend’s orbs, you pulled the hem of your shirt, using it to wipe the sweat off your forehead while effectively revealing your toned abdomen. Knowing Maria like you did, even from across the room, you knew she was wound up, especially after the stunt you pulled this morning.
Dropping your shirt, you threw a wink in her direction. Maria rolled her eyes but couldn’t deny the wave arousal that washed over her body.
“I swear to God,” she muttered breathily, “that woman.”
Before you could get too distracted teasing your girlfriend further, Natasha smacked you over the head. “Focus, (Y/L/N).”
“Yeah, yeah,” you grumbled. “Don’t act like you weren’t making heart eyes over at Maximoff just now.”
That earned you another smack to the head.
“Whatever,” Nat shook her head, as she tried, but to no avail, hide the blush that had crept up her face. “One more round before we have to go to intel.”
“You’re on, Romanoff,” you took one more gulp before sneaking one more glance at Maria, who had moved over to training the new agents. It was your turn to stop and admire your girlfriend. Seeing Maria in her element always got a rise out of you, especially when she was in Commander Hill mode.
“(Y/N/N),” Natasha interrupted, “any day now.”
Rolling your eyes, you pried your eyes away from Maria and got into sparring stance, making it a point to take out your pent up frustration.
After getting dealt a good old fashioned beating from the Black Widow, you were swept away by other duties–intel, mission reports, and the like–meaning you couldn’t visit your girlfriend till later in the afternoon.
Knocking on the door, you poked your head in her office, “Hey, Ria.”
“Hey,” Maria looked up from her paperwork, her posture softening in your presence. “What are you doing here? I thought you had that scouting mission tonight.”
“I do,” you walked over to her desk, setting down the bag of food you brought and moving behind her chair, “but I thought I’d pay my beautiful girlfriend a visit before I left.”
Bending down, you lightly kissed Maria’s neck, as you massaged her tense shoulders, earning a breathless sigh from the other woman.
“May said you didn’t each lunch today,” you mumbled into her skin and finished your sentence with a soft bite, Maria’s sigh turning into a quiet moan. You pressed a chaste kiss to her lips before standing up straight, looking at her with a raised brow. “Eat.”
“(Y/N),” Maria whined, clearly frustrated but nevertheless reached for the bag of food.
“What?” you tilted your head with faux innocence.
“You are pure evil,” she groaned, as she took a bite of the Thai noodles you’d brought her from her favorite restaurant, “but you’re forgiven because Noodies tastes so good.”
“Good, I’m glad,” you chuckled, leaning down to kiss her forehead. “I’ll see you tonight, love.”
“Be safe,” Maria called after you, her words slightly muffled by the food in her mouth.
“I will,” you looked over your shoulder with a cheeky grin. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
That night, after a painstakingly boring scouting mission, you dragged your feet up to the two bedroom Manhattan apartment you shared with Maria. As you turned the handle, you barely took one step into the room before you were immediately slammed back against the door. Instinctively, you reached for the gun strapped to your thigh, but a pair of lips smashing against yours stopped you.
Once your brain registered what was happening, you immediately kissed your girlfriend back, dropping your bag without a care and wrapping your arms around her waist. The kiss was passionate and full of heat, your tongues melting together, fighting for dominance. Pulling apart, as air became a necessity, you were both panting, as you rested your forehead against hers.
“Not that I’m complaining,” you chuckled, tucking a strand of loose hair behind Maria’s ear, “but what brought that on?”
“What?” she frowned. “I can’t welcome my girlfriend home after a long day of work?”
You raised your eyebrow, an incredulous look taking over your face.
“Fine,” Maria groaned with a huff. “You’ve been teasing me all day.”
“Ah,” you grinned, a mischievous twinkle in your eye, “so that’s what this is about?”
Maria’s patience was already worn thin and your playful manner did nothing to help you. As her expression hardened, her Commander Hill face taking over, Maria slipped her leg between your, her knee briefly brushing your core.
“Do you always find yourself in a position of teasing your superiors?” she husked, her voice an octave lower, as she lightly traced your jawline, leaving a trail of goosebumps on your skin.
“Only one,” you quipped, hooking your foot around her ankle, causing her to stumble, as you switched your positions and pinned her against the door. Kissing up her neck, you whispered into her ear, “and she seems to enjoy it.”
“Babe, I swear to God, you better stop teasing me, and–,” Maria’s breath hitched, as you bit down on her sensitive spot, soothing it over with your tongue.
“And what?” you encouraged, continuing to decorate her skin with kisses and love bites.
Grabbing you by the collar, Maria forced you to meet her piercing ocean blue eyes. “Fuck me,” she commanded.
“With pleasure.”
fill out my updated taglist form if you want to be tagged for maria hill stories!!
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aemonds-sapphire · 3 years
Coffee Run - Hawks x Reader (Smut)
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Summary: Hawks simply wanted to enjoy his coffee in peace, but you had needs of your own, especially knowing he was entering his rut. You know what they say... be careful with what you wish for, because you just might get it.
Warnings: NSFW. Rut!Hawks. Feral Hawks. Public sex. Breeding kink. Pregnancy kink. Lactation kink (brief mention). Featherplay. Slight overstimulation.
Word count: 3.7k
Hawks was nearing his rut. That much was clear. Keeping up an easy going appearance was what he excelled at, until he hit that particular time of the year. Until he was forced to take that medication that would suppress his primal instinct to breed.
But rarely anything in this world came without bearing unpleasant consequences.
“I’ll just have the usual. Thanks.”
The young waitress then turned to you expectantly. “And you, miss?”
You pondered for a second as you eyed the pro hero sitting in front of you. To anyone oblivious to the changes occurring in his body they might think he was just not a morning person.
An idea popped in your mind all of a sudden.
“I’ll have a strawberry lollipop,” you finally said, causing Hawks to briefly lift his eyes from the phone in his hand. “What? I have a sweet tooth.”
The waitress nodded and walked away. He was still glaring at you, one fuzzy eyebrow slightly arched.
“Just that? It’s not a proper breakfast.”
“Neither is coffee, yet here we are.”
He shrugged at your response, shifting his attention back to his phone.
Coffee was his personal mood booster. It was dangerous to demand anything from a rutting Hawks until he had drunk an unhealthy amount of it.
The sun was barely out, and that was exactly why he’d choose this café. Only a few people would be there, which meant he wouldn’t have to deal with loud fans walking up to him and asking for selfies or autographs... or even hugs. It was perfect to hide from everyone how moody and snappy he could get in times like these.
But you figured he still wasn’t taking the medication. He always dreaded it because of how groggy and lethargic it’d leave him.
“You okay?”
He had his index finger flicking up and down on the screen. “Sure.”
But what Hawks didn’t know was that... well... you knew what why he was acting so unlike him.
Soon after, the waitress came back with a large cup of coffee and your lollipop that you promptly snatched from the tray with a smile.
Hawks mumbled a quick ‘thanks’ and you watched him take a few gulps of the hot beverage, while you removed the wrapping.
He sighed in pure relief as his huge wings vibrated from the instant pleasure. “I really needed this.”
You also reckoned he needed something else.
Sliding the round candy in your mouth, you propped your chin on interlaced fingers, regarding him quizzically.
“Is that all you need?”
The apparent innocent question had his golden eyes meet yours. However, you needed them to travel south, so you parted your lips seductively and dangled the lollipop from one corner of your mouth to the other with your tongue.
Hawks’ eyes dropped to your mouth in an instant, taking in the sight of you skilfully twirling the stick while letting out some lewd wet sounds.
“Stop it.”
“Stop what? I love sucking...” you said innocently.
The cup in his hand cracked lightly from his tight grip, and a faint frown settled on his beautiful face.
“You sure you okay?”
For someone who was able to maintain an wavering smile not matter the circumstances, Hawks really was falling behind his reputation. Maybe it wasn’t wise for you to keep pushing him like this. All the innuendos and teasing would eventually get him to snap.
You kept on sucking and licking the hard candy happily, eyeing your boyfriend with utmost interest.
He took another sip of his hot coffee, and you noticed his pupils were slightly dilated. Undoubtedly, the visual of you sucking on something was a enough to spark his arousal.
“Hmm... this tastes so good...” you moaned softly, fluttering your eyes shut for a brief moment. “Want to taste it?”
When he didn’t reply, you decided to take it up a notch. You kicked off your shoe and moved it to touch his leg.
He arched an eyebrow.
Slowly, you began sliding it up his leg and only stopped once you’d reached his inner thigh.
You let the round candy caress your bottom lip, making sure he could see strings of your saliva sliding down to coat your tongue. Mustering a bit more courage, you dragged your feet until it reached his crotch.
Hawks was hard as a rock.
“You’re so warm...” you whispered, rubbing your foot against his cock.
You could tell he was about to snap.
“Hawks? Honey, look! It’s Hawks!”
You quickly turned your head to look at a young couple that was approaching your table. It couldn’t be avoided. Even in the early hours there would always be someone who was a fan of Hawks.
Hawks was forced to regain his composure, and you figure it was taking every single fibre in his body to produce his trademark unwavering grin.
The woman seemed a little hesitant at first. “Are we interrupting something? I’m so sorry... we are big fans.”
“You are such an inspiration to us,” the man added with excitement.
“Thank you!” Hawks beamed, his beautiful features never betraying what was going on under the table. “Want an autograph?”
She quickly nodded, rummaging through her purse to get a pen. “Our baby will love you, too. We’ll make sure of that.”
Hawks visibly swallowed. “Baby?”
“Yes! We found out we’re going to be parents last week.”
You side-eyed him closely. Inwardly, you started cackling in delight, knowing far too well this was one of Hawks’ most intimate triggers. It was far too obvious that being in his rut made it all much worse for him
“Congratulations! How is everything going?” you inquired sweetly, applying gentle pressure on his covered erection with your toes.
He shifted in his seat, doing his best to cope with the sudden stimulation coming from you.
The woman seemed taken aback by your kindness and quickly bowed her head while handing the pen to Hawks.
“Oh, the morning sickness can be quite draining, but otherwise I can’t complain.”
Her partner handed Hawks a copy of a magazine that had him on the cover. He blushed awkwardly. “She keeps it in her purse in case we run into you so we can get an autograph.”
“That’s awesome,” he said genuinely, his voice slightly strained as he drew his signature on it. “Thanks for the support.”
The couple retrieved the magazine and bowed to both of you before walking away.
“That is so cool...” you said, twirling the lollipop stick in between your thumb and index finger. “I wonder what it feels like being pregnant.”
Hawks moved your foot away from his crotch. “Bathroom. Now.”
Your mouth fell open at his sudden outburst, sliding your foot back into your shoe. “Why?”
He rose to his full height as his red wings quivered slightly. “I’m done with you.”
Placing the hard candy back on its wrapping, you gulped as you followed his lead. The café had started to get more clients, and some of them shot a few glares at the winged hero.
The waitress was eyeing both of you. “Is everything okay?”
Hawks shot a brief smile. “She’s not feeling well.”
He certainly had a way to have things go his way.
She looked at yo worriedly. “Should I get help?”
Hawks hurried you into the bathroom, before adding. “She’s with the number two pro hero. I’m all the help she needs.”
Point taken.
Hawks pulled you into a small cubicle, shutting the door with a kick. You heard the lock rattle and you took the opportunity turn around to face him. His massive wings struggled to fit inside the confined space, which caused him to look more menacing as they coiled up against his body.
“You’re rutting.”
His pupils were fully blown and you briefly saw something flash in his eyes. “Of course you know.”
“I know a lot of things,” you cooed, dragging down one hand to squeeze him through his pants. “You’re not taking your medication.”
You’d been dating Hawks for a few months now, and you found out that he went through a rut every year by mere chance. It didn’t take long for you to connect the dots after hearing a phone conversation between him and someone from the commission — you assumed it was a doctor —, who insisted that Hawks had to take the hormonal suppressant medication to lessen the effects, allowing him to function properly.
“I don’t fucking need it,” he snarled at you through gritted teeth.
“I think you do... if you’re so willing to fuck me in a public bathroom,” you whispered seductively, giving his cock a gentle squeeze. “I wonder what made you snap... was it the conversation about pregnancy... or—“
Hawks had had enough of your running your mouth, and with little effort on his part, he flipped you over so that you were now pressed against the bathroom sink, a tall mirror capturing your surprised expression along with his feral one.
“No, little bird...” he growled, hooking his gloved fingers in the belt loops of your pants. “I am not gonna fuck you. I’m gonna breed you.”
It was a dark promise, and one you knew he could keep. After all, that was the purpose of a rut: to breed. Every single cell in his body was prepared for this, and you couldn’t bring yourself to pretend this sudden shift in Hawks’ demeanor didn’t make your pussy clench.
Your hands were supporting your weight by gripping the edge of the cold material of the sink, and you tentatively leaned forward in an attempt to brush against his crotch.
Hawks slid one hand to your front, effectively undoing your pants. “You’re ovulating... fuck...”
That caught by surprise. “What...”
He shifted his body on top of yours, so he could nuzzle your neck, capturing your scent.
“I can smell it... fuck...fuck... you need to be bred...”
In one swift motion, he yanked your pants down. Hawks was usually so much more gentle with you during sex; this was definitely something unexpected, but that you couldn’t stop yourself from yearning.
On the other hand, you considered his words for a moment. Did he really mean it? Did he really want to knock you up, or was this just his hormones talking?
Either way, this was turning you on beyond belief, and you decided to egg him on.
“You want to breed me?”
He was nipping at your neck, causing a few of his moans to be heard. You could feel the hard print of his cock pressed against the curve of your ass, and as you bucked your hips instinctively you felt his own meet you halfway, setting a slow rhythm.
“I need to knock you up... I need you tummy all swollen with my baby,” the young man kept mumbling more to himself than to you, but you couldn’t get enough of it. “I need your... your...”
A gush of wetness leaked out of your pussy as you felt him fumbling with his belt. Through the reflection in the mirror, you could see a faint blush settling on his face, increasing his handsomeness by a tenfold — you didn’t even know how that was possible.
“My what...” your voice came out in a low mewl, keeping your hips swaying at a steady pace.
Hawks undid his pants at once, and gave your ass cheeks a few slaps with his leaking cock.
He gripped your hip tightly. “Let me see your tits...”
You kept yourself balance on one hand as the other dragged the fabric of your shirt up, rolling it just above your breasts. Hawks released his cock, bringing his hips forward to have it slide between your round cheeks; you could start to feel the wetness coating your skin and standing your panties as he kept humping you. His free hand moved to grasp your bra, jerking the material down and finally exposing your hardening nipples.
Hawks heaved a deep breath, resting his chin on your shoulder as he looked at your body through the mirror.
“Can’t wait until they get bigger... full of milk... leaking for me...” he brushed his gloved thumb across your sensitive nipple, causing it to harden even more. “I bet it will taste so good... so sweet... you know I love sweet things.”
Your mind was going blank from all the pleasure being delivered to you at once. From his cock slowly fucking your ass cheeks all the way to the way he was glaring at you through some public bathroom mirror while spitting out the filthiest things you had ever heard him utter.
He snapped his hips hard for a split second, almost causing you to lose balance, forcing you to grip the sink with both hands, eyes still fixed on the way your breasts bounced softly along with each shove from him.
Slowly, he dragged his hand to your lower abdomen, massaging it with spread fingers. “Fuck... I need to feel it getting swollen... gonna knock you up so good.”
Streaks of precum were sliding down your cheeks, leaving wet trails behind and sending jolts of pleasure running down your spine.
“Sorry, but I’m gonna make you cum fast,” he suddenly said.
You weren’t really sure why he was apologizing for that, or even how he intended to achieve such feat. Hawks was more than capable of pleasuring women, but even the most skilled man certainly had his limitations when it came to how fast they could make a woman reach her high.
Even so, apologizing for giving someone an orgasm probably ranked up high with the likes of “Sorry, but I’m going to give you a new house” or “Sorry, but I’m going to give you an unlimited supply of money”. Out of all the things he could feel sorry for — like desperately banging you in some public bathroom, for example—, that one should be the least of his concerns.
As if reading the skepticism splattered across your face, he gave you a knowing smile, and before you could even wonder what he meant by that you felt something poking your covered clit.
What the...
You didn’t expect desperate Hawks to play fair, but this was on another level. The fabric covering your soaked pussy was being pulled to the side, and in no time a velvety object started proving your pulsing clit.
He was using his feathers.
Now you knew what he meant by making you cum fast, the bastard. The sensation was overwhelming, and you vaguely wondered why he had never tried this before.
“Shh... I need you to cum first, so I can have your pussy milking my cock,” he pressed a kiss on your neck. “Be a good girl and keep your voice down.”
With one hand still caressing your tummy and the other squeezing one breasts softly, you tried hard to bite back your moans as his feather kept stroking your clit as he commanded.
You started panting heavily, drunk in pleasure. “I... I... Hawks...”
Seeing that you weren’t going to be able to keep quiet, he brought the hand on your breast to clamp it over your mouth.
“You’re so ready for me... I can feel the vibrations through my feather... you’re throbbing so much for me, baby...”
And it was the absolute truth. Your were absolutely sure his feather was already drenched in your juices, but you didn’t care at all. A few more flicks and strokes sent your hips into auto-pilot, trying to get more friction.
Long and drawn out moans erupted from your throat only to be muffled by his gloved hand.
You could feel something in your core swirling and shifting and through the haze of passion, you could tell it was the tension building up inside you that was reaching a dangerous peak.
“Good girl... t-that’s my girl... getting ready for me to breed her...”
His dirty talk served as the perfect incentive for you to get closer and closer to the edge. You saw your vision begin to tunnel and suddenly you fell headfirst into the explosion of pleasure that had your arms and legs shake violently, and you thanked the heavens that Hawks’ body was pressed against yours, or you’d have sunk to your feet.
But before your pussy could stop contracting around nothing, you felt your body being pushed forward and in one quick slide, his cock was buried deep inside you.
Hawks’ hips faltered for a second as he adjusted to your tightness. “Fuck!”
The feather brushing your clit stopped its ministrations, and as your field of vision started clearing, you saw it hovering in front of your face. It was completely covered in your juices and a few droplets dripped onto the sink. His hand fell to grip your hip, and your lips immediately parted in a silent scream as overstimulation took over.
“Keep it open... lick... lick it...” he groaned, his voice strained and shaky as his cock endured your contractions.
You extended your tongue out, allowing is feather to drag along it, pooling your wetness on your tongue.
Hawks’ reflection shivered before your eyes at the newfound source of pleasure. “F-fuuuck... just like that...”
His wings fluttered as so did the feather stroking your muscle, and even though your orgasm had already subsided, the never ending stimulation from his thick cock hitting deep inside you was just too much.
“I’m gonna lose it! Fuck!” he nearly cried out, ad you could only pray that no one could hear him outside.
Your knees bucked weakly as he snapped his hips into you once, twice and again closing in on his own release, but the moment you ran your tongue over the sensitive extension of his body you knew he was done for. He bucked up to meet your hips in an especially sharp thrust and you could feel the hot gush of his cum deep inside you, coating your trembling walls, mixing with your own juices.
He hadn’t lasted long, but you weren’t at all surprised, considering how much the vast array of different stimuli that he was subjected to in such a sort amount of time.
A few seconds ticked by, and he finally began pulling out, you pussy reflexively clamping around him as if to make him stay.
“Stop clenching like that before I get hard again...” he warned, giving your ass a soft smack as he slid out completely with a loud slurping sound.
You whimpered softly as emptiness filled you instead. As you were about to straighten yourself, you felt a blob of cum threading to spill, and Hawks promptly kept you leaning forward.
“I didn’t just fill you with a big load for you to waste it all,” and with that, he dragged the tip of his cock along your leaking pussy and pushed it back inside. “There you go... all stuffed again.”
The head of his cock didn’t stay inside you for long, and once he slid out you reached for paper from the dispenser hanging on the wall.
He grabbed your arm. “No.”
“I need to clean myself...”
“No, you don’t,” Hawks whispered sweetly into your ear, and you felt him tug at your panties before letting the fabric slap your over sensitive clit. “You’re gonna be a good girl and keep it all in.”
Your eyes widened in shock. Certainly, he didn’t mean that....
“Hawks... I can’t walk around with your cum dripping from me,” you stated as a matter of fact.
You saw his reflection in the mirror; he had a devious smile dancing on his lips, making your insides coil in sudden realization.
“Didn’t you want me to breed you? Then keep my cum inside your tight pussy,” he began, planting soft caring kisses on the side of your neck in between. “Think you can do that for me, beautiful?”
Feeling your panties sticking to your swollen lips with the aftermath of both your juices and drops of his cum made a shiver run down you entire body.
You nodded once.
Suddenly, he bent over slightly to grasp the waistband of your pants, quickly dragging them up your thighs.
“Time to go,” he huffed as one of his gloved hands brushed along his unruly golden locks of hair. “This was just meant to be a quick coffee run.”
There was a faint smudge of pink crossing his nose and resting on both his cheeks. He looked positively less tense, with his blush being the only indicator that he had just emptied his balls deep inside you.
He unlocked the door and exited first, but not before shooting his Hawks-like smile at you. “I’ll be going ahead to pay and deal with the fans.”
You chuckled as the door closed, and turned to look at your reflection in the mirror while adjusting your clothes. “Well... don’t look at me like that. He’s impossible to resist, especially like this...”
After you were done washing your hands, you took a few steps immediately feeling a few drops of cum dripping onto your panties. You clenched your pussy hard in the hopes of preventing more from spilling.
This was not going to end well.
Taking a deep breath, you walked out and were met with the waitress. “Oh! Are you alright now?”
Yeah, I just got fucked hard and I have cum leaking from me. “Yes! Thank you, and sorry for leaving like that... I really wasn’t feeling well.”
She nodded in understanding, stepping aside to let you walk into the lobby only to see a loud commotion of people piling up around something. Big massive turfs of scarlet feathers quickly gave it away and you smiled fondly.
A few girls standing nearby were giggling to each other, catching your attention.
“Oh my... he’s so much more handsome up close,” one said with a dreamy sigh.
“His wings are so pretty...” the other murmured.
Yes. Hawks had that effect on nearly everyone he crossed paths with. In one way or another, people had the tendency to fall fo him and be drawn by his quirky personality. Even if at the end of the day, once he got home, you could see the wearing effects of having to keep up with this society’s standards.
As the crowd began to disperse, he waved a hand at you.
“It was so nice to have you here, Hawks,” the young waitress blurted out as you two made your exit. “Please come again!”
The number two pro hero bowed his head and gave her a thumbs up. “I’m sure I will. Very soon,” he winked at you.
Very poor choice of words.
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darlingyanderes · 3 years
Can you do one with Muzan and Kokushibo (bad at spelling 😂) With y/n. You can choose the content
Hi thank you for your request!! I might have gone a little ham on this one, I recently watched a movie called “Forgotten” on Netflix, and it inspired me to write this! I hope you like it (and that it’s not a straight up rip-off of the movie ooop)
Warnings: (fake) illness, drugs, explicit gore, murder, demons eating humans, manipulation/gaslighting, badly written amnesia
Word count: 1731
Take your pills - Yandere!Muzan Kibutsuju x Fem!Reader x Yandere!Kokushibo
Muzan and Kokushibo were always right. Or at least, Y/N had to trust they were always right, since her memory is so fuzzy. When the three first met, they told Y/N that she was ill and needed treatment. They claimed it was still in the first stages, so Y/N of course didn’t notice anything yet. But as they took her to the doctor and got her these pills, her whole head has just become so fuzzy. It was hard to stay in the real world and she could barely remember what she had been doing 5 minutes ago. Y/N wrote it off as the effects of the disease and that it was progressing despite all the medication.
But some things were so odd. That doctor they took her to, was that her usual doctor? Who was that person? When did she start living at Muzan and Kokushibo’s house, and since when did they call her ‘bunny and ‘darling’? The more she thought about her situation, the more questions popped up, and the harder it became to find answers. How could she, when her conscious felt like it was floating in an endless sea?
In the end, thinking became too tiresome. She decided to save herself the useless trouble of looking for answers she wasn’t going to get, and just trust Muzan and Kokushibo. She must be ill, that’s why they’re giving her these drugs. She can’t think straight, that’s why they’re taking care of her. That’s all she knew, and all she had to know.
Y/N stood at the sink in the bathroom, with a pill and a glass of water in her hand. She was about to pop the pill in her mouth, when Muzan suddenly opened the door, startling her and causing the pill to fell out of her hand and beneath the sink.
“You scared me half to death!”
Muzan shot her an apologetic look. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, bunny. I just wanted to tell you breakfast is ready. Did you take your pill today?”
Y/N looked at her empty hand. She thought that she hadn’t taken it yet, but it wasn’t in her hand. She tried digging through her memory, but it was no use: she didn’t remember even that. Judging from the glass of water in her hand and the absence of a pill, she probably took one. Right?
She grinned at him and said: “Of course! What’s for breakfast?”
Y/N awoke in the middle of the night, her eyes drowsily looking around the room. Despite having just woken up, she felt her mind was a bit clearer than it usually was. Rolling over in bed, she realised she was more aware of the softness of the sheets, the faint smell of Muzan and Kokushibo clinging to the fabric, and the warmth radiating from the empty spots where they usually slept.
Wait, empty spots?
Y/N sat up, patting the rest of the bed to see if Muzan and Kokushibo had somehow been lying at the very edges of the matrass, but it was all empty. Why were they both gone?
A scream suddenly ruptured the house. Though it was dampened by the walls, Y/N could tell it was a guttural scream of pure fear. It made the very hairs on her neck stand up. She was frozen in her bed, horrified at the silence that followed. She could only hear her own heart beat frantically in her chest.
Only when the scream came for a second time, did Y/N quickly move from the bed. The scream must have been coming from inside the house. There must be an intruder. Was someone hurting Muzan or Kokushibo? Or even worse, both of them?
She had to help them. Even if her presence would just be a distraction to stop whatever attacker was in their house for only a split second, that would be good enough.
She inched her way through the darkness of their house, following the noise, until she was right around the corner of the bathroom. The light inside was on and the screams of agony kept ringing in her ears. She grabbed her slipper as a make-shift weapon and braced herself, before jumping in the opening of the door and yelling at the top of her lungs: “Stop!”
But what she saw made her drop the slipper in her hand.
The screams weren’t coming from either Muzan or Kokushibo, but rather a deadly pale looking man in the bathtub. His eyes were red and his face was dripping with tears, snot, and blood. He was partially submerged in his own blood and was most likely the cause for all the red smears and hand prints on the bathroom tiles behind him. Even if Y/N was able to perform surgery on him, she could never save him; half of his abdomen had been hollowed out, his intestines draped out for all to see. He was littered with claw marks, and an occasional bite was missing from his limbs.
Right as Y/N had entered the bathroom, a bloodied hand had dug its way into him, tearing his flesh out. The hand belonged to Muzan, the usually neat and tidy man who now had wild eyes and a face smeared red. Kokushibo was crouching next to him, licking the blood off his fingers with that same feral look in his eyes.
With a hopeless dread in her stomach, Y/N fell to her knees. They were demons. She had been living with demons this entire time. Monsters, vicious killers, who posed as loving humans so they could have a cover and continue eating humans in peace. With shallow breaths, Y/N couldn’t stop staring at the man in the bathtub, whose horrifying final moments she was witnessing.
“Y/N? Y/N, it’s not what it looks like.”
Y/N gaze shifted to Muzan, who now turned his whole body towards her. He looked like a tiger about to pounce its prey.
“Go back to bed, Y/N,” added Kokushibo, who tried to show her a calming smile. All Y/N could see were his bloodied fangs.
Y/N shook her head fervently and crawled backwards away from them, tears stinging in her eyes. “You are monsters. You- You killed that man!”
Muzan frowned, before looking at Kokushibo. “The pills should’ve prevented this, right?”
Kokushibo stalked towards Y/N, who couldn’t move away fast enough. “I suppose there’s something we could still do to make this right.”
When Y/N opened her eyes, she was back in the bed. Light was shining through the curtains, announcing the start of a new day. For a moment she was lost in the warm comfort of the bed and the two bodies surrounding hers, but then she suddenly remembered the events of last night.
Her eyes shot wide open and she gasped when she saw Muzan’s face right in front of hers. With his usual gentle smile, he whispered: “Good morning, darling.”
When he attempted to brush her hair out of her face, she flinched backwards, suddenly scared of the long claws on his hands. However, she didn’t get far: Kokushibo pressed himself against her back and wrapped his arms around her stomach. After he pressed a lazy kiss on her neck, he said: “What’s wrong, bunny?”
“You killed him.”
“You killedhim. How could you do such a thing?”
Muzan once again moved his hand to caress her face, this time succeeding since Y/N didn’t have enough room to dodge him. With a carefully crafted worried look on his face, he said: “Sounds like you had an awful nightmare.”
Y/N frowned. “What? A nightmare?”
It was quiet for a while. Kokushibo propped himself up on his arm so he could look Y/N in the face. He looked grave as he asked: “Y/N, did you take your pill yesterday?”
Y/N opened her mouth to say yes, but stopped. She didn’t remember if she took one. Did she take one? No matter how much she dug in her memory, she just didn’t know.
Seeing the confusion on her face, Muzan sighed and shook his head. As he stroked her cheek with his thumb, he spoke: “You always had terrible nightmares before we took you to the doctor. You’d wake up and be so, so scared, just like you are now. The nightmares seemed so real to you, but they aren’t. They’re just nightmares.”
Kokushibo backed him up as he rubbed Y/N’s shoulder. “We were by your side the whole night, bunny. Right here in this bed.”
Something was wrong. She knew what she saw that night. But then again, why would they have any reason to lie? If they really were demons, they’d just eat her up if she witnessed them doing something like that, right? Demons wouldn’t care if they had to kill one more human, it’d just mean an extra meal for them. And they surely wouldn’t take care of someone like her like this. They must be right. They just have to be. Otherwise it just doesn’t make sense.
This illness really was messing with her head and her sense of reality. She felt like a fool. How could she possibly think that they’d do something like that, when they were always so kind and patient with her? She really was an idiot. In a small voice, Y/N said: “You’re right. I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright, darling, we know it’s hard.”
Kokushibo reached over to the nightstand on his side of the bed and grabbed a pill and the glass of water on top of it. Meanwhile, Muzan sits Y/N up straight, keeping his arm around her shoulders and his hand resting in hers.
“Open wide,” Kokushibo said as he held the pill in front of her mouth. When Y/N opened it, she received a pat on her head. “Good girl.”
She couldn’t help but feel this nagging in the back of her head. Something wasn’t right here. The gentle smiles on their faces, and the way Muzan patiently held out the glass of water for her. There was something hidden behind her eyes, but she just couldn’t put her finger on it. Was it really just the illness that was making her feel this way?
Finally, Muzan pressed the glass to her lips, forcing Y/N to take a sip and swallow the pill.
“From now on, we’ll make sure you take your pills, okay?”
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silversatoru · 3 years
Omg I think I'm requesting smut with wrong characters, it's so embarrassing, so i'm gonna ask you again :')
Can I request a Gojo smut without his blindfold + teasing + voyeurism? Thaaank youuu soo muchhh besto friendo=)
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gojo satoru x f!reader x itadori yuuji
synopsis: satoru teaches an inexperienced yuuji how to properly fuck his girlfriend after hearing him make several inappropriate comments about her — and accidentally discovers a raging voyeurism kink
t/w: nsfw 18+, aged! up! yuuji!, voyeurism, virgin yuuji, mild teasing, fingering, oral sex (fem receiving), masturbation (male), mild bondage, threesome? yeah kinda
w/c: 1.9k
a/n: hey best friend!! don’t be embarrassed it’s all good <3 you didn’t give me much storyline so i really took some liberties with it lmao i hope you don’t mind (u want voyeurism i give u voyuerism)
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yuuji never expected to be in the situation he was currently in, his mouth hanging open in shock as he observed the scene in front of him. you were completely bare, shackled to the bedposts with your puffy lips parted in a perfect “o”. he never intended for things to go this far — he really didn’t think a few harmless comments about how hot his teacher’s girlfriend was would get him here.
but satoru didn’t take yuuji’s lewd comments about you casually, and he planned to make the pink-haired boy follow through with every statement he’d ever made.
“why are you so shy all of the sudden?” satoru prodded, walking to the other side of the room and sliding into a velvety chair, “you seemed so confident when you said you would ‘rail the hell out of her’ earlier”.
“no- sensei- i, uh-,” yuuji was an embarrassed and scrambled mess, his brain practically imploding as he tried to make sense of his current situation.
“you said, and i quote: ‘i’d eat that pussy like it’s my last meal’ and ‘bro i’d fuck her so hard her legs would stop working’” satoru raised an eyebrow at him, “here’s your opportunity to do just that”.
yuuji swallowed thickly, his eyes glazing over your body as he drank up every one of your curves. his sensei was instructing him to have sex with his girlfriend while he watched, wasn’t this kind of fucked up?
“wow yuuji~ you really said those things?” your light, nonchalant voice startled him.
“i uh-,” yuuji was still at a loss for words, wiping his sweaty palms on the back of his uniform.
“uh- what? is it because you don’t actually know how to do any of those things? is that why you’re so hesitant?” satoru was getting mildly impatient, but he was enjoying how flustered the younger boy was.
“um, no i- yeah... i don’t know how,” yuuji admitted — he had zero experience in bed, but the tightness in his pants was attempting to convince him otherwise.
“i’ll walk you through it, how does that sound?” satoru’s voice had a coaxing effect to it, and between that and yuuji’s growing member he was really considering going along with this whole thing.
“isn’t this weird, sensei? i’m... not sure,” he gave satoru one last glance of hesitation.
“it’s only weird if you make it weird,” satoru shrugged, “now get on the bed yuuji. she’ll be good for you, and i’ll tell you what to do”.
yuuji couldn’t believe himself when he started walking forward, slipping off his shoes and climbing onto the edge of the bed. seeing your body up close sent adrenaline pumping through his body, his uniform pants becoming uncomfortably tight at this point.
“good,” satoru cooed, “now, she likes to be teased, so we’ll start small. go ahead and feel her, i bet she’s already drenched for you”.
yuuji lifted a shaky hand, reaching forward and pressing two of his fingers along your glossy folds. satoru had been right, they were slimy and wet and his fingers were practically engulfed by your entrance. he sucked in a dry breath when he felt your walls clench around his fingers, his dick twitching in his trousers.
“so eager,” satoru clicked his tongue, “slide your fingers in and curl them up before pulling them out again, she’ll like that”.
yuuji was a quick learner, stroking his fingers into you with completely fluidity and causing a few whines to leave your mouth. earning those noises from you and hearing the squelches of his fingers in your cunt went straight to his head, and he knew instantly that he wanted to hear more of that.
“try using your mouth, yuuji,” satoru continued to instruct him, an uncomfortable tightness forming in his own pants as he watched you squirm in bed with another man.
he clenched his fingers at his sides, not allowing himself to jerk off to something like this. yuuji dipped his head down and immediately locked his mouth onto your cunt. you reacted with a few twitches, the boy’s rough and inexperienced tongue sending jolts through your sensitive body. his laps were choppy and uneven, but it felt good none the less and you were trying not to squeeze his face between your thighs.
“okay yuuji, take a breath,” satoru coerced him to stop after a few minutes, “use your hand again”.
the pink-haired boy pulled himself out of your legs, his chin coated in a thick layer of gooey saliva. he wiped the mess onto his sleeve, reaching back down to your cunt with his other hand. he had foggy, lusty eyes now; his nerves subsiding and his comfort increasing as you rewarded his actions with pretty sounds.
satoru was biting down on his bottom lip so hard he swore he could taste iron, his hands clenching in his lap as he tried to refrain from touching himself. he had every intention of teasing and embarrassing yuuji, but he never planned to enjoy watching it this much. there was something about the inexperienced boy making hasty touches to your body that was clouding his head with fervor.
yuuji had been going at it with his fingers for a while now, and you were a squirming mess of pleads for more. his hands and his tongue felt good, but because of his lack of experience, none of it was enough to push you to an orgasm. you needed more — you needed someone to fuck you and you didn’t care who it was.
“i think she’s warmed up enough,” satoru finally interjected, making yuuji pause and look to his sensei for direction, “you’re gonna fuck her now”.
yuuji face paled, his nerves spiking and his cock twitching in anticipation, “you- you’re gonna tell me what to do, right?”
“of course,” satoru hummed, “but we can’t do much until you take your clothes off”.
yuuji was in no way insecure about his body; he was ridiculously muscular and well-built and his body had some pretty nice definition right now. that being said, taking off his clothes in front of his teacher and having eyes on his back while he had sex for the first time was still incredibly intimidating — intimidating but also exhilarating and part of was actually kind of excited.
satoru watched with steady eyes as the other man stripped off his clothes, his swollen cock finally bursting free and dripping with glossy precum. yuuji had watched more than enough porn to understand the basics, climbing back onto the bed and positioning himself between your waist — but after that he looked to his teacher for guidance.
“she’s soaking wet for you, yuuji, it’ll slide right in,” he gave him an encouraging nod, still watching from the corner of the bedroom.
yuuji swallowed hard, wrapping his fingers around his girthy cock and positioning himself so he was prodding against your entrance. instinctive flinches leapt from your body, your fingers twitching and mouth parting open in a gasp. when he finally thrusted himself inside, a high-pitched moan ripped through your throat. your boyfriend was certainty blessed in terms of length, but yuuji’s cock was thick.
“now grab her legs and roll your hips so you move in and out. though i’m sure this isn’t your first time fucking something,” satoru let the snarky comment leave his mouth as he shifted uncomfortably in his chair, brushing his finger tips over the head of his still-clothed member.
yuuji barely noticed satoru’s voice now, his brain flooded with how good your hot, sticky cunt felt wrapped around his dick. his sensei wasn’t wrong, he’d shamefully fucked his pillow a few times in the past but shit, that completely paled in comparison to this. he quickly picked up a decent pace, his hips slamming into your legs with every thrust.
satoru was pushed over the edge by what was occurring in front of him, the older man unzipping his pants and letting his own cock finally spring free. he wiped his fingers over the sensitive tip, collecting the precum and smearing it down his shaft. a throaty groan quietly left his lips, his body warm with pleasure now that he was finally touching himself.
he threw his head back in bliss at the feeling of his hand around his cock and the sensual combination of you and yuuji’s moans. his hips rocked back and forth as his fucked himself into his hand, his eyes focused intently on yuuji’s erratic thrusts.
“you’re doing so well, yuuji,” he cooed at the pink-haired boy and then at you, “how do you think he’s doing, love?”
“ah- so good! so good, yuuji!” you stammered, your words coming out somewhere between a yelp and a whimper.
his face grew red but his chest swelled with pride at the sudden praises; he liked being told how good he was doing.
satoru coached him through a couple more positions, his hand still grasped around his own cock and pumping hard as he did. the tip of his member was puffy, red, and begging for any kind of release. and coincidentally, yuuji was hitting his breaking point as well.
“ah- sensei, i think i might come already,” he mumbled, slight embarrassment laced through his words.
“that’s okay,” satoru reassured him, standing from his seat and approaching the side of the bed, “but make sure you pull out when you come, yeah? she likes it when you finish all over her tits”.
you weren’t even cognizant of their conversation, head wheeling with pleasure and adrenaline flowing through your veins as you felt satoru’s hands cup your breasts and yuuji’s cock continue to pound into your cunt. it was an overwhelming bliss, having both of their attention on you at once.
your boyfriend released your breasts after rolling your nipples between his fingers a few times, retuning his hand back to aching member. he started to pump himself at a quick pace again, heavy sighs falling from his lips.
“tell me when your going to come, yuuji, okay?”
the younger male gave him a hasty nod and a grunt of confirmation, a couple beads of sweat rolling down his brow bone. he might have been able to last a little longer if it weren’t for your sudden orgasm ripping through your body — your warm walls contracting against his cock and gorgeous mewls leaking from your lips. he was lucky if he lasted another thirty seconds after that, whining a strangled, “now,” as he removed himself from your cavern and let ropes of white fly across your abdomen.
satoru ensured his release occurred at the same time, letting out a deep groan as he sprayed his seed all over your chest and face. globs of white coated your skin from multiple directions, leaving you sticky and tired with nothing but heavy pants audible from around you.
after he recovered from his climax, satoru instructed yuuji to follow him to the bathroom — handing him a wet, soapy towel as well as a dry one, “never forget to clean up afterwards”.
yuuji took every piece of advice seriously, cleaning up your body with the soapy cloth and then drying you off with the other one. as he finished dabbing your skin dry, satoru undid your shackles and let your wrists fall back to your sides.
you curled your shaky legs into your chest, a soft smile on your face as you looked at yuuji, “we might have to invite him over more often, satoru”.
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silverflame2724 · 3 years
WWX wisely chose not to attend Jin Lings 100 day celebration but still has to listen to Jin Zixun's screaming about some curse from the edge of the corpse barrier. Finally at the end of his patience Wei Wuxian curses Jin Zixun in a manner that no one can mistake as anything other than a curse cast by Wei Wuxian.
It's a truth curse mixed with a babbling curse as well as having a area of effect so everyone within a li of the victim is affected. Almost with a hour of returning to carp tower for reinforcements during the party with everyone in attendance fights break out as inconvenient truths come spilling out.
"I was paid by the Jin to spread false rumours about the Yiling Patriarch!", "I cursed Jin Zixun with the 100 holes curse!", ect.
When the invitation came, Wei Wuxian really wanted to go at first. He never thought he would get the chance to see his Shijie again. And for Lan Zhan himself to sign the letter of invitation made it all the more tempting. But......
But Wei Wuxian knew the Jin. And knew that they wouldn't let this chance go to possibly attack the Burial Mounds or maybe even him on his way to Lanling. Everyone knew Wei Wuxian no longer used his sword and Wei Wuxian would have to travel through Qiongqi Path to get to Lanling. Qiongqi Path was structured in a way that made it perfect for an ambush. And while Qiongqi was sure to have plenty of resentful energy and corpses around, Wei Wuxian couldn't count on the chance that the area would be purged in preparal for his arrival.
So though it tore at him, Wei Wuxian rejected the invitation, choosing instead to strengthen the wards in fear of retaliation from his refusal. And just as he expected, the Jins came knocking. Though, not for the reason he had initially thought.
“Wei Wuxian!!!! Remove this curse you have put on me!!!!” Some random Jin yelled, banging futilely against the wards. 
Wei Wuxian ignored him. He wasn’t about to go see what the ruckus was about. What if he was just yelling about it only to lead Wei Wuxian into a trap? He doubted many Jin had the smarts to think about that, but still. He’d rather err on the side of caution.
It had been a few hours and this guy still hadn’t given up. Wei Wuxian was starting to get annoyed but still dreaded over having to deal with this annoyance. Can a man just get a few days without someone cursing him to death? He had inventions to invent!
“So you finally show your face, you servant!!!” The Jin spat, heaving and red-faced. The cultivators behind him looked ready to pounce at a moment’s notice. 
Wei Wuxian was not impressed.
“Undo this curse right now, Wei Wuxian!!! Otherwise, I’ll tell my uncle to have the clans siege you!!!!”
“Your....uncle?” Wei Wuxian asked curiously. “Who are you again?”
“You know who I am!”
“I really don’t.” Wei Wuxian shook his head. “Look, I don’t know who fed you the lie that I cursed you, but I really have better things to do than curse someone I don’t even know.”
The Jin began yelling again and Wei Wuxian sighed, rubbing his temples to ward off a headache. He was really getting annoyed. And then--
“Ha, if your parents could see you know, they’d be so disappointed in you.” 
Wei Wuxian twitched. 
“It’s a good thing they died, huh? So they don’t have to see what a tainted mess their bastard of a son became!”
Normally, Wei Wuxian would brush off any insult. However, to target his parents? That was crossing a fucking line.
“Since you want to be so badly cursed by me, so be it!” He put Chenqing to his lips and began playing. A wave of resentful energy gathered and blasted the Jin and his companions away. 
The curse was a little thing Wei Wuxian had come up with when he was bored. Wen Qing had given him the idea, indirectly. She had been tired with him disguising his injuries from many of his failed experiments and decided to curse him with a truth curse, causing him to be unable to hide his injuries from her. (Of course, after it wore off, he stopped hiding things from her, knowing she had something like that at her disposal.) In an effort to undo it, Wei Wuxian had studied it and though he hadn’t been able to figure out how to undo it before it wore off, he had been able to figure out how to improve it. 
This new and improved curse had the same function. However, instead of being forced to tell the truth, the victim would blurt out any secrets they had kept hidden. On top of that, it would spread to others quickly. Wei Wuxian hoped that a few minutes of embarrassing secrets being spilled would be enough to deter them.
And sure enough, it did. 
The Jin and his rather disgruntled group of subordinates left. Now that Wei Wuxian looked at them though, he noticed some Lan disciples in their midst. His heart had clenched with betrayal and hurt, remembering that it was Lan Zhan who had signed the invitation. 
He shook his head. It mattered not. 
What Wei Wuxian didn’t know, though, was that the effects of the curse had not worn off. So when Jin Zixun returned to the celebration to get reinforcements, it quickly spread to all of the guests.
At least three sect leaders immediately blurted out, “I was paid by the Jin to spread false rumors about the Yiling Patriarch!” 
“Me too! The Jin promised me women and crops in exchange for telling everyone at the recent Discussion conference that the Yiling Patriarch had sent his corpses to my land! They were just wandering fierce corpses, but who wouldn’t believe that Wei Wuxian would send his corpses to any random person?”
“I was told to spread the rumors about the Yiling Patriarch raping virgins!”
And then......
“I cursed Jin Zixun with the hundred holes curse!” Su Minshan, sect leader of the newly emerged Su sect, said.
Jin Zixun turned to him quickly and took out his sword, rushing to him. “Undo it right now!!!”
“I don’t want to! You always bullied me, why should I?” Su Minshan yelled, easily beating back Jin Zixun. However, he couldn’t defend himself against all of Jin Zixun’s subordinates and was quickly taken into custody. 
The party quickly descended into chaos as everyone everywhere began spilling their deepest, darkest secrets.
Jin, Lan, Jiang, Yao, Ouyang......no one was spared. No matter how they tried to stop it, the curse was too strong.
And the culprit for all this chaos? He was happily tinkering away in his cave, unaware of how powerful the curse he casted was.  
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hi can u write a bucky femxreader where they hate each other and have a really loud yelling and fighting session and then it turns into a heated passionate makeout sesh and it goes from there (enemies to lovers hate sex!!!!)
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A/N: Okay here we have some angry sex with Mr Barnes, let me know if I nailed it!
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: 18+ smut, angry sex.
Word count: 1.4+
Requests & Challenges
Bucky Barnes Taglist - @marvelgirl7
Everything Taglist – @godofplumsandthunder @ladyacrasia @agustdowney @swaggysposts @littlegasps @little-baby-vixen @another-stark-sub @supraveng @kahlanmars @disappointmentofthefam @pandaxnienke @tom-hlover @just-the-hiddles @fyreball66 @asmigurub @avantgardium-leviosa @imerdwarf @gladiosamicitias @fanofalltheficsx @ladyburberry
Taglists are open folks! Send me an ask or DM to be included in any of these ;))
Your arch nemesis yelled as you landed on the rubber mat with a huff, back hurting from being repeatedly thrown around during the sparring session. It wasn’t your day apparently and you kept missing punches and ended up on the floor more than you should have. Your sparring partner was a trainee which added insult to injury and given that you were being judged and yelled at by James Buchanan Barnes was just another blow to your ego.
It was no secret that you two didn’t get along. Years ago when he was the Winter Soldier, you had been sent by Shield to track him down in Bucharest which had gone south very quickly. You had almost lost your life and if weren’t for Natasha coming to your rescue, you wouldn’t have been here to hate him. The permanent scar on your abdomen thanks to his metal arm and the fact he’d choked you until you’d passed out – the now invisible finger marks around your throat were enough to remind you of all the hatred you felt towards him even years after he’d joined the good side.
“Are you snoozing over there (Y/L/N)? We’re not done just yet, let’s try it again.” Bucky’s harsh voice snapped you out of it as your opponent helped you stand up. You glanced at the man who had a look of disapproval on his face.
Channeling your rage was easy, you managed to get a few good kicks in and knocked your partner Jake down a couple of times, eyes flitting towards Bucky to make sure he was looking at your progress, but he didn’t seem fazed. Rolling your eyes, you went over to grab water from your gym bag to take a breather when Bucky stopped you.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“Taking a little break. Don’t I get five minutes?”
“You’ll get a break when I say you can.”
“Hey I think we’ve had enough, we can call it a day.” Your partner offered, trying to diffuse the tension that was building.
He dismissed Jake but asked you to get back on the mats with him instead, you knew this was coming. You went for the water anyway while Jake got his things and left sending a sympathetic look your way as you wiped some sweat off with a towel.
Bucky flexed his arms till you joined back, just a little show off that you didn’t care about before you prepared yourself, guards up. You had to ignore his critical look at your stance otherwise you were sure to have punched him in the face right there and then.
You were quick to attack first but it was almost as if he was expecting the move, he dodged it with minimum effort and held you in a headlock, the metal arm around your neck while the other held your head making it slightly difficult for you to breathe.
“That was sloppy.”
His voice was low and breathy against your ear while you made futile attempts to free yourself. He did you a favour and let go, only to land a kick against your sides which you thankfully blocked just in time.
The sparring session went on for a while with you taking blow after blow, blocking a mere handful but adding to Bucky’s annoyance and your own rage. A final move had you pinned underneath him, his face inches from your own, the dog tags he always wore clinking against each other as they fell out of his training shirt. Bucky’s eyes shamelessly roamed over your heaving chest as the sweat made your skin glisten, the strands of hair that escaped your ponytail and clung to your forehead, your eyes that bore into his, defeat hidden beneath the simmering fire.
“I thought you were one of the good ones (Y/N). You disappoint me.”
“It’s funny how I thought the exact same thing about you Barnes.” You seethed before you pushed him off, stood up and went towards the bench where your bag was.
“We’re not done h—”
“Yes we are! I think I’ve had enough humiliation to last me a decade from you today. I don’t care if what you say, I’m done.” You turned around heatedly as you yelled, your voice echoing in the empty gym, stopping Bucky in his tracks as he watched angry tears gather in your eyes.
“You let emotions get in the way (Y/L/N) that never makes for a good agent which I had my doubts if you were, now it’s pretty clear.”
“Oh I’m sorry not all of us were brainwashed to be cold-hearted assassins Barnes.”
That was a step too far, you knew it, he knew it, but you were practically fuming at this point and it just slipped out.  
Bucky took slow, deliberate steps towards you, making you back away until your back hit the wall, as he stopped right at the point where your chests were almost touching. His human arm slid along your sides before he wrapped his hand around your throat.
“I can be cold-hearted when it comes to others things too little girl.” He whispered dangerously, the grip tightening just a little, enough to elicit a whimper from your lips.
“Don’t call me a little g—”
Before you could finish, his mouth slanted over yours in a bruising kiss that took you by surprise at first but soon you found yourself kissing him back with equal if not greater fervour. Wedging his knee to push your legs apart, his hand left your throat to pull the straps of your sports bra down to expose your breasts. Bucky’s tongue mingled against yours in an assault while he kneaded your breasts before tracing a pattern down your neck to the valley between your breasts where he sucked possessively. A groan fell from your lips when he grazed his teeth over your pert nipples.
Your hands desperately grabbed his shirt before pulling it over his head and throwing it somewhere in the back. He picked you up by the back of your knees before taking you over to a bench and carefully laying you on it, all while attacking your mouth with his ruthless kisses. Your eyes remained shut as you felt trapped in a heady mix of the need you felt for this man and the desire to have him in you right here in the compound gym and you were sure he felt the same as your leggings slid down your legs along with your panties to join the heap of clothes on the floor.
“You’re soaked baby girl… is that for me?”
Bucky’s fingers toyed with your glistening folds before sliding a finger inside as you gasped at the intrusion. Your eyes flew open just enough to watch him close his lips over your bundle of nerves while he added another finger, stroking your walls and stretching you out. Just as you were about to cum, Bucky pulled his fingers out causing you to whine out loud.
“Cold-hearted assassin was it?”
Previous anger came flooding back as you sat up only to push Bucky on the floor as he stared back at you, equal parts surprised and impressed. Undoing his pants in a hurry, you freed his erection and pumped his cock a few times, swiping your thumb across the tip to collect the precum. He watched you in awe as you worked him up, doing absolutely nothing to stop you as you straddled his hips before sinking down on his length.
“Oh fuck…”
“Where was all this aggression?” Bucky growled, grabbing your hair roughly to pull you down for a kiss as you began rolling your hips. Your eyes mapped every plain and dip of his chiselled torso all while your mind thought of ways to make him shut up.
Your nails scratched marks on his shoulders as you picked up the pace gradually, your sensitive nub brushing against his pubic bone every time but you wanted more. You drew tight circles with your own hand chasing your release before Bucky slapped it away only to replace it with his own deft fingers.
He began thrusting up faster, jaw clenched to suppress his moans, filling the room with the sounds of skin slapping against skin and your mewls as your walls fluttered around his cock deliciously, your orgasm consuming you whole, clouding your thoughts and triggering his release as his cock twitched before filling you with thick ropes of cum.
You collapsed against his sweat-lined chest and lay there for a bit, slowly floating back to the land of the living.
“Why do you hate me?” Bucky asked after you parted to put your clothes back on.
“Why do you?” You countered.
“You’re an obstinate incorrigible woman.”
“And you’re an arrogant piece of shit.”
The glares you gave each other melted away as smiles began appearing in place of them as you head out of the gym together, the after effects of your activities showing.
“You want to grab a bite to eat later?”
“No. I still don’t like you Barnes.”
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i don’t need your help ~ jace herondale;shadowhunters
word count: 2524
request?: yes!
“Alec Lightwood or Jace Herondale (either one works) smut? If you're comfortable with writing for shadowhunters, ofc <3″
description: after a run in with a demon that almost turns bad, a fight between her and one of her fellow shadowhunters turns into something so much more
pairing: jace herondale x female!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of violence, smut
masterlist (one, two)
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Izzy helped me limp into the Institute, my body feeling run down and exhausted already. She laid me down on a bed and it took me a moment to register that it was my own bed. I was aching all over, but I tried to keep a brave face. At least, I thought I was keeping a brave face. For all I knew I was sobbing like a baby.
“I’ll get my stele,” she told me. “Just...just stay awake, okay?”
I tried to respond but it came out as a pained moan instead. Izzy quickly raced from my room to her own. I could hear her in the distance furiously looking for here stele. I tried to stay awake but my eyes were starting to grow heavy and my head was lulling back against the pillow under me. The thought of drifting off into unconsciousness felt like the best idea I had ever had in that moment.
I heard someone at the door and thought it was Izzy coming back. When I looked up, I saw it was Jace standing in my doorway. His face was pale and he was staring at me in horror. I could only imagine how awful I looked.
“(Y/N),” he breathed. He quickly raced to my side and pulled his stele out. “What the hell happened to you?”
“She had a run in with a demon while she was alone,” Izzy responded, appearing at Jace’s side. “I got there just in time. Can you help me draw healing ruins? She’s going to need a few.”
“I’m way ahead of you.”
The slight burn of Jace’s stele touching my arm caused me to let out a yelp of pain. He looked at me with sympathy as he continued to draw the healing Rune. Izzy moved to my other side and started drawing a Rune there too. It hurt as they were drawing them, but I felt a numbness wash over my body as the Rune started to take effect.
Jace started to stroke my hair after drawing another ruin on me. He looked down at me, his face full of concern. “Rest while the ruins do their work, (Y/N).”
Getting Jace’s permission to finally rest felt like a blessing, and within seconds I was passed out.
I wasn’t sure how long I was out. When I woke up again, my head still felt heavy and my vision was spinning a little. I tried to lift my head to look around, but it felt like someone had poured nails into my head and shaken it. I groaned and laid back down again, raising my hand to put it on my forehead. I realized then that the pain had completely left my body, except for the headache I had, and I felt good as new again.
“How long have I been out?” I asked, turning my head to see who had stayed with me while I was unconscious. I knew either Jace or Izzy had. They weren’t going to leave me when I was in such rough condition.
Through the slight darkness of my room, I could make out the figure sitting down as Jace. I was slightly shocked to see that Jace was the one who had stayed. Despite his caring and concerned nature when Izzy had first brought me home, the two of us weren’t exactly close. We didn’t hate each other or anything, but we were constantly fighting and he irritated the hell out of me. I didn’t think his kindness would extend to staying with me while I was unconscious.
“A few hours,” he responded. “It’s 2am now, you got back around 8 or 9pm I think.”
I groaned. “I definitely feel like I’ve been out for five or six hours.”
“What were you thinking?” Jace questioned, rising from his seat. “Facing a demon alone? You were lucky that Izzy had known where you were or else you definitely wouldn’t have been feeling as good as you do now.”
“Thanks for that, Captain Obvious,” I muttered. “For your information, I didn’t go out with the intentions of facing a demon alone. I was just out and I got cornered by a demon that knew I was a Shadowhunter. I wasn’t expecting it and it got the jump on me.”
“You shouldn’t have gone out on your own at all. You know the dangers of being caught are high, especially when you can be spotted at any time by a demon.”
I braced myself as I sat up, the pounding feeling in my head intensifying for just a moment, before slowly numbing again.
“I can’t stay cooped up here forever, Jace,” I retorted. “I’m more than capable of taking care of myself.”
“Obviously you’re not or else you wouldn’t have been on death’s doorstep when you got back here.”
“I was not on death’s doorstep. Izzy found me in time, but even if she hadn’t I would’ve been fine.”
“You didn’t look fine.”
I groaned and rolled my eyes. “Listen Jace, I appreciate this...concern you have for me, but I’m fine. I don’t need this lecture, I don’t need anyone’s help, especially not yours. You’ve made it very clear that you don’t actually like me all that much, so you don’t need to continue this caring act, or the lecture. I’m fine and I can take care of myself.”
The tension hung in the air. I expected Jace to walk away and to finally leave me alone. You can imagine my shock when he approached me suddenly, putting one hand behind my head and pulling me in for a kiss.
I was shocked. I didn’t know how to respond to it. I thought for a second that Jace had gone insane, that maybe some Downworlder had scrambled his brain or something. There was no way in Hell that Jace Herondale would willingly kiss me. I was just a torn in his side, and he was one in mine.
But something just felt right about the kiss. His rough hands were gentle as one cupped the back of my neck while the other was wrapped around my waist. He pulled me forward to the edge of the bed, nudging my legs open so he could stand between them. My hands were gripping the t-shirt he was wearing, taking in every last bit of him that I could.
I felt myself laying back on my bed against, Jace’s hand still under my head. He moved with me, hovering over me as our lips moved perfectly in sync with one another. His other hand slipped under my shirt, softly trailing up my side until he reached my bra. We broke away from the kiss just long enough for Jace to pull my shirt over my head and unhook my bra in one swift motion.
He looked down at me, his beautiful different colored eyes soft but full of lust. He gently ran his fingers over my cheek before pressing his lips against mine once more, then moving to start kissing cheek, my jaw, my neck. His lips hovered a moment over the fresh Runes that he and Izzy had drawn on my skin. When he pressed a kiss against them, it almost felt like he was soothing the slight burn that was still there. He continued to gently brush his lips over the white scars left behind from other Runes that had been drawn on my skin for years.
My head fell back against the pillow underneath me as Jace’s lips continued to kiss down my chest and stomach, stopping just above the hem of my jeans. He looked up at me, waiting for permission. When I nodded, he made quick work of pulling my jeans and panties off at one time. He pressed another light kiss just above m aching core before diving in with his tongue.
I gasped at the pleasurable feeling. Of course, being a Shadowhunter doesn’t mean you never have sex. Quite the opposite, really. All four of us in the Institution were no strangers to sex. But this...this was a feeling of pleasure beyond what I had ever experienced before. I blamed the fact that I had only ever had sex with Mundane men before now.
I ran a hand through Jace’s hair and grabbed hold of it. The action caused him to moan against me, the vibrations running through my body.
He lifted his head for air, replacing his tongue with his fingers as he lightly played with my clit.
“I can’t describe how long I’ve been waiting for this,” he said, placing gentle kisses against my stomach again.
“You have a weird way of sh - oh  - owing it,” I said, trying to tease him through the pleasure he was giving me.
He smiled in response and moved his hand away. I whimpered from the lack of contact, an action I wasn’t too proud of afterwards but in the moment I could care less.
Jace kissed my lips again, the taste of my arousal on his lips and tongue. It turned me on even more and I just wanted to have him inside of me.
I pushed him down onto the bed and climbed onto his lap, straddling him. He looked impressed by my action. I ran my hands down his still clothed chest, reaching the bottom of his shirt.
“I hardly think it’s far that you’re still dressed while I’m completely naked,” I said.
“Well, we can fix that,” he responded.
I made quick work of taking his clothes off, discarding them somewhere on the floor with my own. When I pulled his boxers down, I audibly gasped at his length. He chuckled at my reaction. “Surprised?”
“Surprised that my fantasies were true,” I responded.
Jace raised an eyebrow at me. “You’ve fantasized about me?”
I took him in my hand and started to slowly stroke him. A breathy gasp escaped from his mouth as he fell completely helpless to my touch.
“It’s hard not to sometimes,” I admitted. “When you’re walking around here in your tight clothes, or with no shirt on. You’re so confident and cocky, it’s hard not to imagine what you’d be like in bed.”
“You finally have the real me here,” he said. “Why not make those fantasies a reality?”
He didn’t have to asked twice.
I spit onto the head of his dick, using my hand to spread it all over him before lining him up with my entrance. The moment his tip slipped inside of me, we both moaned in pleasure and relief. So much built up tension between us, sexual and otherwise, finally being released.
I slowly sat myself down on him, taking in every inch. His hands found their way to my hips, his fingers digging in so harshly that I was sure I’d have bruises there. Once I had adjusted to his size, he started rocking my hips against him, the friction starting to build between us.
I placed my hands on his chest, trying to steady myself as I took over rocking my hips. He looked into my eyes, his mouth partially open as moans and whimpers escaped from his lips. Even with these small movements he was hitting a spot inside of me that I had never felt before. I was almost sure I’d orgasm within seconds.
Jace sat up then, wrapping one arm around my waist while planting the other one on the bed behind him. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, holding on tightly as he began to thrust up into me. The motions were rougher and faster, hitting that spot inside of me with a force I hadn’t felt before. I buried my head in Jace’s shoulder, trying to muffle my moans as I remembered there were two other people living in the Institution.
“Does that feel good?” he asked.
“Fuck Jace,” I moaned. “That feels so fucking good. I might...I might...”
“What are you gonna do, princess?”
Fuck! And a pet name, too? I was putty in his hands.
I couldn’t even finish my sentence. My climax built up quick and hit me before I was even ready for it. I moaned Jace’s name against his shoulder as I felt myself clenching around him, a warm sensation running through my body.
“Fuck,” he breathed, his thrusts becoming sloppier. “I’m gonna cum.”
“Cum in me,” I whispered. “Please, Jace.”
He threw his head back and groaned as I felt him finish inside of me. I gasped at the feeling, which was almost enough to make me orgasm again.
Jace fell backwards onto the bed, taking me with him. I giggled as I settled against his chest, still wrapped around his softening member. I could stay like that for hours if Jace wanted to.
“Maybe I should get attacked by demons more often,” I mumbled to myself.
Jace tensed under me. “I would much rather if you didn’t.”
I moved my head to look up at him, raising an eyebrow. “Relax, I was only joking. I meant what I said earlier, Jace, I can handle demons on my own.”
He relaxed again, starting to trace his fingers up and down my back. “I know you can. I shouldn’t have overreacted earlier. I’m sorry.”
Normally I’d make some quip about him apologizing, but some things were starting to add up in my head. “You were always hounding me and shit because you were worried for me.”
It wasn’t a question, but Jace responded anyways. “Yeah. I...I just never wanted you to get hurt.”
“Jace, I’m a Shadowhunter just like you. I’ve faced numerous Downworlders before, both by myself and with you guys. I can take care of myself, you don’t have to worry about me.”
“I’m well aware of that. I’ve always been impressed with your fighting skills. It’s just...I care for you in a way that I’ve never cared for someone before. I always worry when you’re out with Izzy or Alec or anyone who isn’t me because I’m afraid of the day that...maybe you don’t come back. When I saw you earlier today...I was so terrified that I was actually going to lose you.”
I propped myself up a bit to take Jace’s face in my hands. “I appreciate how much you care, but you have to have faith in me, Jace. This is the first time I’ve seriously been injured while fighting a Downworlder, and I promise you it’ll be the last time too.”
Jace nodded. I smiled a little and leaned down to kiss him again. I finally decided to untangle myself from him, although I felt empty without him inside of me. I laid down next to him, feeling sleepy from our earlier activities.
My eyes were starting to close when Jace said, “Hey (Y/N).”
“Maybe we should close the door next time we decide to have sex.”
My eyes popped open to see that my bedroom door was wide open. I hadn’t noticed that earlier, what with being...“preoccupied” and all. I groaned and buried my face in Jace’s chest as he laughed.
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crossbowking · 3 years
More Than Anything (Part 1)
Summary: (Set mid-season 6) The reader's feelings towards the archer evolve, but a supply run that goes south threatens to destroy it all.
Request: "I'd love to see something w protective Daryl and some angst, maybe set at the start of their time in Alexandria w an established relationship?" - @pulplorrd
A/N: Thank you all for the love regarding "Honey & Whiskey" - I loved writing that story, but I'm also super happy to finally be able to move onto something else! I very rarely write established Daryl x Reader stories, so this one was super fun to do!
This is part 1/2.
Happy reading!
xx Jess
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Sunlight trickled in through the open window, a gentle breeze rousing you from an otherwise undisturbed sleep.
Cracking an eye open, you squinted against the sun rays streaming over your features as a soft sigh escaped past your lips. Burying your face into your pillow, you extended an arm out across the mattress, your brow furrowing when you felt an empty space beside you. Pushing up onto your elbow, you rubbed your eye with the heel of your palm before glancing over at the vacant spot.
“D?” you murmured softly, voice still thick with sleep. You cleared your throat, twisting onto your side as you surveyed the rest of the bedroom. “Daryl?” you called out once more, feeling a familiar pinprick of worry when no response followed.
You flipped onto your back with a huff, taking a moment to stretch out your tired muscles before untangling yourself from the sheets and climbing out of bed. Fighting back a yawn, you padded across the floor and out into the hallway, listening for movement. When you heard a sudden clatter, followed by a rasped cuss, the corner of your mouth quirked up.
You made your way towards the noise, feeling some of the tightness in your chest fade with each step you drew near.
The end of the hallway led to a small, yet quaint, kitchen. When you reached the entryway, you faltered, observing the scene before you — Daryl was crouched down, one hand wielding a frying pan, the other scooping up a small mound of partially cooked eggs from off the floor and tossing them back into the skillet.
You stifled back the laugh building up inside you. “Hi,” you remarked, making your arrival known.
The archer’s gaze snapped up to meet yours, a flash of what looked like embarrassment flitting over his features before he ducked his head back down, effectively concealing his face with his hair. “Mornin’,” he rumbled, quickly wiping up the rest of the egg residue with the sleeve of his shirt.
A small smile pulled at your lips as you crossed your arms over your chest and leaned against the doorway. “Whatcha doin’?” you singsonged playfully, eyebrows raised.
Daryl’s brow furrowed as he stood, staring down defeatedly at the frying pan in his grip. “Cookin’,” he finally sighed, shrugging a shoulder up.
“I see that,” you laughed softly, crossing the length of the kitchen as the archer placed the skillet back onto the stovetop. “Smells good,” you remarked, coming to stand at his side.
“Dropped the —” Daryl spat out another curse as he attempted to scrape the burnt egg bits off the bottom of the pan. “— the damn — the damn thing,” he growled exasperatedly, waving at the pan with the spatula he held.
“It’s okay,” you reassured. “No one expects you to be Gordon Ramsey,” you teased, thoroughly amused.
But the reference seemed to go right over Daryl’s head as he turned to give you a confused look.
Your brow furrowed. “You know…Gordon Ramsey,” you reiterated pointedly.
“Huh?” the archer grunted, clearly at a loss.
“Oh, come on, you don’t — you’ve never heard of Gordon Ramsey?” you asked incredulously. “You know, Gordon Ramsey! The mean British chef!”
Daryl scrunched his nose up before shaking his head. “Ain’t never heard a’ that,” he rumbled, focusing back on the frying pan.
“Wow,” you murmured in disbelief. “That is so…so devastating,” you sighed, mockingly dramatic.
The archer snorted a laugh, the sound eliciting a rush of warmth through you. “Yeah, yeah,” he grumbled, gently nudging you with his elbow.
You grinned cheekily, leaning over and resting your head against the curve of Daryl’s shoulder. He froze for a moment, old habits reappearing briefly before he relaxed beneath you and continued stirring the eggs.
An overwhelming sense of calm rushed over you, a feeling only the archer ever seemed to evoke. You closed your eyes, breathing in the comfort he so effortlessly exuded — and it wasn’t in anything he said or anything he did, it was just purely and wholeheartedly who he was. He was grounded, he was stable, he was here.
You’d missed this — you’d missed him.
The past month hadn’t been the easiest — Alexandria was still recovering from the destruction the dead had caused — but things were beginning to look up. The hundreds of slain walkers had finally been removed from within the community, Carl was recovering from his gunshot wound, and the wall that’d been destroyed was almost entirely rebuilt. There was a sense of hope, of purpose, in the air — your people had stared death in the face and prevailed.
But supplies were beginning to wear thin.
Most were hesitant to venture outside the walls, to leave the sanctuary that was Alexandria, and honestly, you didn’t blame them for that — especially after the attack brought on by the Wolves. You’d seen what other horrors existed outside those walls — hell, you’d lived through it. There was a big, bad, scary world just behind the scraps of steel and metal welded together surrounding the community — there was the dead, the undead, and the living.
The latter was most terrifying.
Still, there were mouths to feed, injuries to tend to, and somebody would have to leave eventually. It wasn’t much of a surprise when Daryl volunteered himself — that was just the kind of man he was. Aaron had decided to join him, determined to continue his search for any other lost souls seeking asylum.
But the supply run had taken longer than expected.
They’d only planned to be gone for three days — but after the fourth, fifth, sixth day that rolled by without any sign of return, you were nearly beside yourself with worry. It wasn’t that you thought they couldn’t handle themselves out there, you just wanted them home — you wanted him home. The tightness in your chest expanded with each day that passed, unease gnawing at your insides, fear settling like an anchor in the pit of your stomach.
Then just yesterday — day seven — right before sunset, Daryl and Aaron had come marching through the front gate. Apparently, their intended route had been cut off by a horde, which led to some rerouting, which resulted in an empty gas tank, which forced them to abandon their car, which meant walking the near-fifty miles back home.
“I was so worried,” you suddenly murmured, drawing yourself back to the present as you lifted your head off Daryl’s shoulder and glanced up at him.
The archer’s eyes flashed towards you for just a brief second before focusing downward, turning off the stovetop, and pulling the frying pan off the heat. “I came back,” he finally rasped after a long pause.
“Yeah,” you sounded, nodding your head absently, his words not making you feel all that better.
Daryl caught your gaze once more before he reached out and placed his hand against the side of your neck, his thumb brushing over your cheek. “C’mon, let’s eat,” he rumbled, pulling away a moment later.
You made a soft noise in protest, savoring the rare show of affection and earning an amused eye roll from the archer as he turned away — though you noticed the tips of his ears redden in the slightest.
When you’d first arrived at Alexandria, Deanna had provided two houses to be split amongst your entire group. As time went on and the safe haven had proven to be just that, slowly but surely, everyone began branching out and finding their own homes to settle into. Part of you had reservations about moving into one of the empty brownstone apartments, just you and Daryl, but things had been going well between you — really well, actually.
You settled atop one of the stools lining the small island in the middle of the kitchen, resting your elbows against the smooth marble countertop as you watched Daryl move about. He grabbed a plate from the cupboard, along with a fork from the utensil drawer before swinging around and sliding the items towards you. It was almost eerie how natural things felt in that moment — like a glimpse of what life might’ve looked like had the world not ended and the dead had stayed dead.
The archer grabbed the frying pan, turning towards you once more before using the spatula to dish out a hearty helping of eggs onto your plate. A smile tugged at the corner of your lips at the look of intense concentration masking his features — as though diffusing a bomb and not simply serving breakfast.
Daryl glanced up at you from beneath his hair, doing a quick double-take. “What?” he grunted defensively, appearing increasingly self-conscious all of the sudden.
“Nothing,” you quickly shook your head, letting out a soft laugh and picking up the utensil. “Thank you,” you grinned, gathering up a forkful of eggs.
“Mhm,” he grumbled in response, drumming his fingers against the counter as he carefully watched for your reaction, his nervousness evident — and incredibly endearing.
You took a big bite, humming a noise of satisfaction soon after. “Mmm,” you sounded around the mouthful of food before swallowing. “Chef Dixon,” you remarked cheekily.
Daryl scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Yeah right,” he rasped sarcastically, though you watched him visibly relax. He remained standing opposite of you, opting out from using a plate and eating the remaining eggs straight from the frying pan instead, scooping up a handful with his fingertips and shoveling them into his mouth.
A comfortable silence settled over the kitchen as the pair of you continued eating, sneaking glances at one another while the other wasn’t looking. You couldn’t help yourself — he was just so damn captivating. Even standing before you, devouring a panful of eggs with his bare hands like some kind of wild animal, you couldn’t help but feel your stomach flip-flop.
You’d never felt this way about anyone in your entire life — even before the end. But now…well, now you’d live this terrifying life a thousand times over if it meant finding him.
The sudden realization of what exactly you were feeling hit you hard, catching you off guard and causing you to choke on the mouthful of eggs you were chewing. Daryl’s head snapped up as you abruptly coughed, covering your mouth as your eyes began to water.
The archer was at your side a moment later. “Hey, ya alright?” he rumbled, gently patting his hand against your back.
You quickly nodded, attempting to wave him off as your cheeks tinged with embarrassment. “Yeah — yeah, no, I’m —” you coughed once more, the eggs finally dislodging from your throat. “I’m — I’m good,” you managed weakly, wiping at your eyes. “Jesus,” you wheezed as a sheepish laugh slipped past your lips, your coughs finally dying down.
“Ya sure?” Daryl pressed as he pulled his hand away from your back and rested it on top of your shoulder instead.
“No, no, yeah, no, I’m fine,” you quickly brushed him off. “Just went down the wrong pipe,” you lied, hoping your excuse sounded convincing enough as the feeling of vulnerability threatened to consume you.
If the archer was suspicious, he kept his expression neutral. He nodded once before softly squeezing your shoulder and pulling away — though he lingered nearby instead of moving back to where he’d originally stood.
“Anyways,” you pushed forward, clearing your throat, desperately wanting to ignore the revelation you’d had. “We, uh — we almost finished rebuilding the wall while you guys were gone. Rick’s got a crew working on dismantling the old one, too.”
Daryl watched your expression for a second longer than necessary, like he knew something was up but wasn’t exactly sure what. But after a moment, he relented. “Saw it on the way in las’ night,” he murmured, leaning down and resting his forearms against the edge of the counter. “Looks pretty solid.”
You nodded, huffing a breath. “Abraham’s leading the team — I’m pretty sure you couldn’t drive a tank through that wall.”
The archer scoffed. “Damn right,” he rasped before lowering his gaze, wringing his hands together atop the counter.
You studied his demeanor, feeling a pinprick of unease. “What is it?”
Daryl glanced up, flicking his hair away from his eyes with a quick jerk of the head. “M’, uh — m’ headin’ out again today,” he finally confessed, standing up straight.
You tried to keep your expression indifferent despite your stomach dropping. “Oh,” you voiced dishearteningly. “But — but you just got back,” you pointed out softly, hoping you didn’t sound as disappointed as you felt.
“I know,” he said, staring down at the counter, avoiding your gaze. “Jus’ a day trip, is all — Tara heard ‘bout a motel strip, maybe fifteen miles from here. Shouldn’t take more than a couple a’ hours. We’ll be in an’ out.”
You nodded slowly, pushing around the leftover eggs on your plate with your fork. “Alright,” you straightened up on your stool. “Well, I’ll come —”
Daryl started shaking his head before you could even finish your sentence, his eyes meeting yours. “Y/N —”
“Come on, Daryl,” you interjected, already figuring his response, swiveling in your seat to face him head-on. “I’m losing my mind here, okay? I’ve gotta get back out there and — and actually do something for this place.”
“Ya do enough already,” he shot back vehemently.
You fought back the urge to roll your eyes as you slid off the stool. “And besides, we’ll cover more ground faster if there’s three of us versus two,” you continued brusquely, gathering all the stray dishes on the counter.
“That ain’t the damn point,” Daryl growled, following you towards the kitchen sink.
“Yeah, and it's also not your decision," you finally snapped.
When the archer didn’t respond, stiffening beside you instead, a wave of guilt washed over you.
Exhaling a heavy breath, you gently set the dishes down in the sink before turning to face him. “Look, I get it,” you murmured softly. “I get it, D. But I can’t just hide out here for the rest of my life,” you explained. “Especially when you’re the one risking yours.”
Some of the fire in Daryl’s gaze diminished, replaced with a heaviness that wasn’t there before as his shoulders drooped.
You felt something tug at your heart as you stepped forward, reaching towards him and brushing away the hair that fell over his face. “I just got you back,” you whispered. “And I’m not ready to let go of that yet.”
When another long moment passed without a response, you were almost certain Daryl was going to object once more — but then, despite the tension in his features, his eyes softened.
“Alright,” he finally rumbled, the word seemingly caught in his throat — as though it physically pained him to say it.
A small smile tugged at the corners of your mouth. “Alright,” you reiterated with a resolute nod.
Daryl sighed, shaking his head as he nudged you forward. “Well, go on an’ get some shit together before I change my mind,” he grunted.
You quickly straightened, imitating a soldier’s stance. “Yes, Chef,” you saluted the archer, breaking the tension.
Daryl narrowed his eyes, shooting you an unamused look. “Shut it,” he rasped — though you noticed his lips twitch up a moment later as he turned on the kitchen sink, picking up one of the dirty dishes.
You stood up on your toes, pressing a soft kiss against the archer’s cheek, the skin where your lips touched tinging pink soon after. “Just give me two minutes,” you said, squeezing his arm as you brushed by him.
Daryl cleared his throat gruffly, caught off guard by the gesture. “M’ countin’!” he called after you.
“Yeah, yeah!” you shouted back, allowing the warmth that filled your chest to carry you the rest of the way down the hall.
Within the hour, you were on the road.
A cool rush of air swept through the passenger side window as you tilted your head back against the headrest and closed your eyes, basking in the sun's gentle rays. The wind danced amongst strands of your tousled hair before settling them back down against your features. Tucking away the freed wisps behind your ears, you opened your eyes, studying the scenery flashing by.
Rows and rows and towering trees lined either side of the long and winding road you found yourself on, a seemingly endless forest just behind it. The car hummed beneath you, passing by long-since abandoned vehicles and scattered debris, continuing to barrel down an otherwise empty highway.
It was strange — there was something somewhat comforting, something sort of nostalgic about being back on the road. Like a glimpse into another lifetime.
“— and I swear, this dude was like, six feet tall. He was one of those, you know, typical chauvinistic pricks, thinking every woman he meets at a bar wants to have sex with him,” Tara’s voice rang from the backseat, drawing you from your reverie. “But you should’ve seen the look on his face when I knocked him on his ass — priceless,” she jeered, an air of pride in her tone.
You shifted in the passenger seat, the corner of your mouth quirking up as you looked back at her. “So, is that when you realized you wanted to join the police academy?” you asked curiously.
“No,” Tara shook her head, a smirk toying at her lips as she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back. “That’s when I realized I like women.”
A laugh bubbled out of you at her response, Tara’s smile simply widening as she shrugged unabashedly, picking up the map splayed out across her lap. As your laughter died down, you started turning to face forward — though you’d only made it halfway when Daryl caught your eye.
The archer sat in the driver’s seat, one hand resting casually on top of the steering wheel, the other propped up against the door. His window was rolled down, the breeze from outside stirring the hair that hung just above his eyes. But what grabbed your attention were his eyes, glinting ocean blue as he glanced over at you, the corner of his mouth faintly lifting.
God, the way he looked at you…
You fought back a smile as you faced forward, wondering what you could’ve possibly done in your life to deserve to be looked at like that. The feeling you’d shoved away earlier at breakfast came rushing back, setting your senses ablaze as you worked on controlling your thrumming pulse.
You loved him.
A heaviness grew in the pit of your stomach as you squeezed your eyes shut.
“Here’s the turn,” Tara’s voice interrupted your spiraling thoughts.
The motel came into view, set back behind a mass of trees, partially hidden from the main road. The car jostled side to side as Daryl drove it down the gravel driveway, leading to the complex. There was a handful of abandoned cars parked sporadically throughout the small parking lot, some trash and debris littering the area, and four lone walkers ambling aimlessly.
Daryl pulled the car off to the side, parking it near the trees and out of sight from the main road, the engine drawing the dead’s attention. “I got ‘em,” he rasped, unsheathing his hunting knife and sliding out of the car in one swift motion.
Your lip quirked up as you watched him dispose of the dead, as quickly and effortlessly as breathing — he’d been made for this world, you were sure of it.
“You coming?” Tara’s voice broke through your thoughts once more, the hint of a mischievous smile ghosting over her features — she’d clearly been watching you ogle at the archer.
You felt your cheeks flush at the scrutiny. “Mhm, yep,” you nodded quickly, shaking away the embarrassment and climbing out of the car.
Daryl crossed back towards you, wiping the walker blood from the blade of his knife onto his jeans and flicking the hair from his face.
“Show-off,” Tara smirked, adjusting the straps of her backpack as she passed him, heading towards the stretch of rooms just ahead.
The archer simply scoffed a breath, rolling his eyes, though you spotted the hint of amusement in his gaze as he waited for you to catch up.
“It’s so weird seeing you without your crossbow,” you remarked, nearing a moment later.
Daryl grunted a breath, swiveling around and falling in step beside you, neither of your momentum’s faltering. “Jus’ wait ’til I find that asshole,” he grumbled, recalling the man he’d met in the woods all those days ago.
“We’ll get you a new one someday,” you smiled, unsheathing your own knife as you approached the motel. “Or you could use the RPG and blow more shit up.”
Daryl snorted a laugh.
“So, how do we wanna do this?” Tara called from up ahead, pausing in front of the center of the strip.
“Room by room?” you suggested, stopping at her side. “One of us can stay on watch, maybe check these other cars for supplies?”
“I got it,” Daryl offered with a nod, re-holstering his gun. “I’ll see if I can get any a’ these guys up an’ runnin’, bring ‘em back home.”
“There’s also an empty gas canister in the trunk,” Tara motioned towards their car. “Salvage what you can,” she shrugged before turning on her heel and heading towards the first room.
You moved to follow, only stopping when Daryl reached out and grabbed your wrist. You turned, spotting the worry in his gaze he tried to hide. “Ya be careful, ya hear me?” he rasped, sliding his grip down and squeezing your hand softly.
“I will,” you nodded, squeezing back, feeling your heartbeat pick up a fraction.
God, you loved him.
The three of you moved quietly and efficiently — you and Tara swept through each room, working your way down the entire motel strip while Daryl picked through the parking lot. The building had been left practically untouched — and besides the supplies you’d managed to scavenge from the motel itself, you’d even found luggage and suitcases left behind by guests who’d apparently vacated in a hurry.
By the time you'd made it halfway down the strip, the packs you brought had been filled to the brim.
“Holy shit-balls, this place is a goldmine,” Tara huffed, tossing her backpack down beside yours in the trunk of your car.
You let out a laugh in disbelief. “I can’t believe it,” you shook your head before scanning the parking lot for Daryl — you spotted him hunched over the hood of a car, his hands buried in the engine, tinkering around. “We should use some of the suitcases we found for the rest of the stuff,” you continued, focusing back on Tara.
“Cool beans,” she shot you a thumbs-up before motioning towards the center of the strip. “Wanna check out the front office before we hit the other half?”
“Sure,” you nodded, slamming the truck shut and falling in step with her as the two of you headed back towards the motel.
When you felt someone watching, you glanced over your shoulder, catching Daryl’s eye — his furrowed brow softened, the corner of his mouth twitching as you sent him a wink and turned back around.
God damn it, you loved him.
Dividing either side of the motel strip was the front office, built just beyond a large swimming pool. There was a tarp draped across the pool, covering most of the swampy green water, though debris floated around the murky edges. Your nose scrunched up as you passed, a funky smell wafting from the mucky water.
“Gross,” you mumbled, mostly to yourself before you glanced over at Tara. “So, you and Denise, huh?” you asked curiously, waggling your eyebrows.
Tara huffed a breath, but you didn’t miss the blush creeping over her cheeks. “I could say the same about you and Dixon,” she shot back, fighting off a smirk.
You rolled your eyes despite the laugh that bubbled out of you. “Oh, come on —”
The rest of your sentence died away, falling from your lips when a sudden growl sounded, breaking the otherwise silent air. You stopped short, Tara halting just beside you. Your breath caught in your throat as you strained your ears, listening for where the noise had come from.
Sure enough, a moment later, a lone walker stumbled into view, coming out from behind the front office.
You let out the breath you’d been holding, feeling Tara do the same. “Hang on, I got it,” you motioned for her to stay put as you jogged ahead, pulling your knife from the holster around your waist. You braced your arm against the biter’s throat, plunging the blade of your knife into its skull in one, swift motion before it dropped at your feet.
But just before you turned to head back, you heard it again — snarling.
Except for this time, it wasn’t just one.
Your stomach dropped as a small herd, about a dozen dead ones, suddenly rounded the corner behind the office, their sights set on you.
“Oh fuck,” you swore, stumbling backward, vaguely aware of Tara yelling your name. But when you spun around, you realized that she too was no longer alone. “Look out!” you shouted, motioning to the two additional walkers quickly approaching from behind her.
As she turned away from you, fighting off the dead that’d snuck up on her, you took off into a sprint, putting some distance between you and the horde.
Tara stabbed her knife into the temple of the first, though the second was on her just as soon. It gripped its fingers around her forearm, pulling her flesh closer and closer towards its snapping jaw…
Just before it could sink its teeth into her skin, you managed to grab it, twisting a fistful of its hair around your fingers and yanking its head backward. You drove your blade through its decaying forehead, stilling it instantly.
But as its grasp slipped away from around Tara’s arm, the walker’s deadweight, in turn, collapsed against you.
You lost your footing and fell backward.
Except the solidity of concrete never rushed up to meet you.
Instead, you were embraced by water, the tarp that’d laid across the motel pool coiling around your body as you sunk deeper and deeper into nothingness.
A/N: EEEEEEK! Y'all know me and how much I love cliffhangers :)
P.S. Feedback is incredibly important. I write for my own happiness, but I also write for YOU. So don’t be afraid to shoot me an ask or leave a comment with your thoughts! It truly motivates me and helps move along the writing process. Also, please consider donating to my Tip Jar. Every little bit helps!
P.S.S. I can no longer tag people on this account, so my tag list has been transferred to my side blog @crossbowking2. If you'd like to be added/removed, please let me know!
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danses-with-dogmeat · 3 years
could you do the “reaction to first time being shown affection” but with the new vegas/fo3 male companions as well?
Romanced! Male! FO3 Companions and the first time they’re shown soft forms of Affection
Here is some more fluff for all of you lovlies! Man, I love doing these sweet prompts so dang much 😅  Seriously, if there’s ANY characters you want to see for this that I haven’t done, please please please don’t hesitate to ask, cuz these reactions are just good for my soul (... or Sole, eh? Get it?).
Fallout New Vegas (M! Companions) reactions are also on the way for this prompt as well, and should be done soon! 
     Lone's eyes fluttered open, taking in the sight of the darkened vault 101 bedroom as they stretched their legs from beneath the thin blanket with a small sigh. A blush spread to their face as they felt their partner stir beside them, repositioning himself onto his back, an arm thrown up over his head as a deep breath escaped his lips. They turned to get a better look at him, smiling slightly at how peaceful he looked. Eyes still closed, mouth dangling open slightly, hair tousled about every which way upon his head as it crushed into the pillow behind him. Lone just stared at him for a while,  their heart beating insistently in their chest as they thought back on the events of their first night together… them and Butch… who would've thought? 
They would have liked to pin it on the way he's changed over the years they've known him, because certainly ten-year-old Lone would have scrunched up their face in disgust at the idea of having a crush on the self-absorbed bully. But… truth is, Lone's always suspected that their feelings towards the fellow vault dweller had been more… complicated than simple hatred, or simple attraction. No, these feelings seemed to go deeper than that, even before, when they were kids and he would get on their nerves constantly, or in school when they were teens who frequently argued with each other, they knew there was something more at play between the pair, though they never would have admitted it at the time. Now though, they couldn't believe they had ever seen him any differently as they gazed tenderly at their partner through half-lidded eyes, filled to the brim with affection for the man that lay beside them.
Lone tentatively reached up a hand, not wanting to wake him, but needing to touch him. They brushed a lock of hair from his forehead, running their palm over the top of his head and smoothing down any stray strands that stuck out. Pausing their movements briefly, Lone brought themselves into a sitting position, keeping their side of the blankets up to cover their bare body as they scooted closer to him and reached their hands out towards his head again. Though his hair wasn't all that long, they rarely had the privilege of seeing it void of product, which often made it difficult to play with. Lone decided to take advantage of this instance. They took three separate strands between their fingers, crossing them over each other a few times before twisting the end, willing the little braid to hold its shape before moving to another section and doing the same. A smile spread on their lips as they carried on with their little movements, leaving a handful of tiny braids in the wake of their gentle hands as they continued listening to him snore softly below them. 
As they grew less fond of the braided look, Lone smoothed each one out and began to thread their fingers upwards, giggling at their work as the entirety of his fawn-colored hair stood straight up over his slackened expression. Now if only I had dad's camera…
Their ability to stifle their laughter weakened, preventing them from suppressing the snort that escaped from them; the sound effectively jolting their companion awake.
"What the…?" He shook his head, attempting to expel his grogginess as he realized what had woken him.
"Why are you...? Wait, what happened? You laughin' at me?"
Lone nodded as another snort escaped them, Butch's confused expression now acting as the source of their second bout of giggling.
"Why? What happened?" He looked down quickly, trying to conceal any bare part of him that peeked through the thin Vault-Tec issued blanket. A panicked flush creeping up his cheeks as he tried to find the source of their amusement.
"No, no, it's nothing like that." They assured him, grabbing at his face with their hands to bring his attention back to their eyes, "Here."
Lone made a motion upwards, to try and smooth his hair down to a reasonable height, but Butch's own fingers followed, brushing the substantial mountain of silky locks that stood at attention atop his head before they could fix what they'd done. His eyes widened as he realized what Lone had been laughing at, shaking his head in an attempt to loosen the upright strands.
"Oh, you think that's funny, do ya?"
Lone smiled at him, shrugging as they prepared to answer him with some smart-ass remark, but he was upon them before they could utter a word. Their partner tackled them, pressing his lips to theirs as he forced them downwards against the mattress where he pinned their arms up over their head. When he had firmly secured their wrists in his grip, he released them from the kiss, now staring down at them smugly, a glint of triumph playing in his stormy blue eyes. Lone's heart beat raggedly in their chest as they breathlessly gazed up at their lover as he held them down. Though, to their surprise, he pulled further away from them and released his grip on their wrists, quickly bringing his hands down to their sensitive sides. He pinched his fingers slightly as he ran them over their ribcage, causing them to erupt into a fit of unbridled laughter, writhing underneath his cruel ministrations as he grinned wildly at them.
“How’s that for funny, huh, wise guy?”
     “Tell me something.” Lone stared up at the stars as they spoke, Charon’s stiff shoulder brushing their own as he lay beside them at the top of the parking structure, his shotgun still lying across his chest, held firmly in his grasp.
“What?” His gruff voice inquired. Lone couldn’t tell if he was being short with them because he was still unsure about spending the night at the top of the ruined concrete parking structure, or if it was because he genuinely didn’t understand their request, either way, they didn’t mind clarifying.
“Just, tell me something about yourself. You already know almost everything about me, and we’ve been together a few months now, and yet…” They trailed off, trying in vain to coax a proper response from their companion.
“What would you like to know?” Lone sighed softly, but smiled in spite of themself, shifting onto their side so they could look over at him. The ghoul was laying rigidly on his back, his eyes remained trained on the sky, as they had been since Lone suggested he quit keeping watch and just relax with them as they stargazed. Well, he stopped keeping watch, but I don’t think he ever got to the ‘relax’ part.
“Well… what do you want me to know about you?” They asked him, attempting to draw an answer from him without using a direct order. Ever since the two had become involved, Lone had felt uncomfortable with the idea of holding Charon's contract. Well, truth be told, they had always hated the idea of him being forced to obey their every whim and order because they held some torturous piece of paper, but now it felt especially immoral.
Silence fell over the pair as Charon struggled with Lone’s request, half of him wanting to abide by what they said and begin the process of opening up to the person he felt closest with, while the other half grappled with the phrasing of their question. The shadow of his officially void contract rendered his own preferences obsolete as the years of habit continued to keep him chained to the false comfort of his own complacency. He was never allowed to want before.
Lone gazed at him, noting the hard expression adorning his scarred face as the internal conflict raged between his temples. Charon’s pale blue eyes became obstructed as his brow furrowed, his jaw clenching as he ground his teeth in an effort to force his mouth to produce any words that could possibly provide an answer to Lone’s question.
The ghoul’s body shuddered as Lone extended their hand, sliding it over his chest before it came to rest atop one of his. They flexed their fingers, a suggestion to loosen his grip on the barrel of his shotgun, but he refused to budge. They kept the contact with him for a moment more, but as he showed no sign of yielding to their touch, they pulled away, rolling over onto their back once more.
Well, it was worth a try. Lone closed their eyes as their fatigue washed over them, remaining on the verge of consciousness as they awaited any response from their partner.
Instead of words, they felt a soft brush against their hand, and Lone peeked one eye open to witness the ghoul’s action as he pressed on, drawing his larger hand to rest over their own. Though the action was miniscule, Lone felt their breath catch in their throat as Charon slid his thumb over their skin soothingly. They hummed as a small grin graced their lips, shifting in his grasp so that they could entwine their fingers with his.
Lone’s expression dampened as they felt him pull away slightly, believing that perhaps they’d pushed their companion too far with their… official hand holding; but they were surprised as they felt his nails meet their wrist. He smoothed his fingertips up their arm slightly, before doubling back, capturing their hand fully in his own again. At that, Lone resumed their own comforting movements along his roughened skin. The ebb and flow of the pairs’ dancing hands seemed to coax something out of Charon, a sort of tenderness that Lone was otherwise unfamiliar with.
“I want… ” He started, and Lone held their breath, but continued running their fingers over his hand encouragingly.
“To tell you… it is no longer the contract that is binding me to you.” His movement against Lone ceased in his effort to continue speaking.
"At first, I did not think I would ever be able to separate myself from it. But now… the paper is obsolete. I'm loyal to you. I want you to know that."
Lone's heart leapt in their chest, as they felt tears of relief fill to the brims of their eyes. They couldn't say how long they'd been hoping to hear this from him, it was getting to the point that they thought they never would; that the dreadful scrap of parchment shackling Charon to his horrendous past would taint their relationship until the end of their days, but now…
A scarred finger brushed against Lone's cheek, capturing the tear that had escaped them in their moment of relieved contemplation. They turned their head, following his hand's retreat, and their eyes met his. A once stormy ocean now seemed to resemble a calm, pensive pool as he peered at them with a clarity he never thought he could have achieved.
     Lone’s eyebrows drew upwards as they gazed sympathetically at the mutant. Fawkes was hunched over, his head buried in his large hands as small grunts of frustration pushed their way through his overlapping fingers. He’d been having flashbacks all day long, the brief snippets of his time as a human tormenting him in their fragmented incompleteness.
“Fawkes?” They tested. Lone hadn’t been able to rouse him from his state of anguish since the pair had returned to their Megaton home. Three hours ago. They rose from their chair, moving to sit beside him on the couch. Thus far, they had let him be, believing that the memories he was struggling with would either come back to him fully, or slip away from his grasp altogether, as they usually did. But this time they appeared to be more insistent and less comprehensible, rendering their companion aggravated and exhausted, and leaving Lone feeling utterly useless.
As they settled beside him, they brought a hand up to rest on his broad shoulder, feeling the pulsing tenseness of his muscle as his heavy breathing forced his shoulders to rise and fall raggedly.
“Hey,” They said softly, “I know it’s hard, but you have to try and let it go.” Lone brought their hands up to grasp at his, gently pulling them away from his scrunched up face.
“That’s not you anymore. You’re Fawkes.” They told him, looking into his strained eyes, “You’re free now, free from the vault, free from who you used to be, and free to make your own choices. To be your own kind of person.” Slowly bringing their hands down towards his lap, they continued holding onto them tightly as they tried to bring him back to reality, tried to ground him back in the present.
“You’re my closest friend, Fawkes, no matter who you were, I love you now. For who you are.” Lone’s words seemed to finally draw his attention to them, his weary eyes softening at the sight of them, as the present world around him seemed to solidify. They felt his hands squeeze theirs to the brink of being too tight, holding firmly enough to keep him tethered to this reality, and when they flexed their fingers beneath the intense pressure, he became aware of his actions, and ceased them. The mutant’s grip softened as he exhaled, finally letting his taut muscles relax beneath his ravaged, olive skin.
“That’s it. Welcome back.” Lone smiled up at him, their own relief evident in their softened expression. Fawkes slumped a little lower, his fatigue forcing his shoulders to slouch and his head to bow forwards, as he blinked away the last shreds of the past that stubbornly tried to linger in his mind. Lone saw his shrunken frame as an opportunity, and withdrew their hands gently from his grasp, bringing their arms up to wrap around his shoulders. The hug was a little awkward, with his position facing straight ahead on the couch and Lone seated beside him, not to mention his much larger frame, which proved to be difficult to fully embrace; but, after a moment, he managed to bring an arm around Lone in an effort to return the gesture, allowing them to sink further into the security of his chest.
The pair remained this way for a few moments, both pressing the other firmly to them as they relaxed into the contact and grew more comfortable. Fawkes was certainly unused to the action, but his contentment was palpable in the way he slowly gave into Lone’s touch, leaning his head against theirs and clutching at them just a bit tighter before finally slackening and pulling away.
“Thank you, Lone. It is hard to feel… lost for such a long time.” His usually gruff voice came out like tattered silk as it was softened by the emotion accompanying it, and they couldn’t help but notice as Fawkes’s hand remained settled over their shoulder, still seeming to steady himself with the unwavering contact.
“Lone, how am I ever going to repay your kindness when you continue to assist me in so many ways each and every day? Your friendship is truly unparalleled.” Lone smiled at that, chuckling slightly at the sincerity of his words.
“Some people just… need more help than others.” They told him, “I’m happy to keep helping you every day, even if you can never repay me for it. That’s what people do when they care about each other, Fawkes. Love isn't a commodity to be bought and sold, at the expense of one and the gain of another; it’s something you reciprocate on your own terms, something you give to yourself and others without condition or expectation of gaining anything in return.”
Fawkes nodded his head slowly, eyes unfocused as he thought through Lone’s words.
“If that’s the case… Then, right now, I vow to love you as you say I should. Unconditionally. And hopefully that will be enough.”
     The ex-raider collapsed with a groan, burying his head, face first, into the plush pillows atop their mattress. His rifle and bits of armor were strewn throughout the Tenpenny apartment, and Lone strolled behind him, trying to kick his things into a somewhat organized pile as they too tried to make themself more comfortable. 
Bits of armor clattered to the floor as Lone made their way to their shared bed, smiling exasperatedly at their companion, stretched across the entirety of the mattress, preventing them from settling beside him.
  I’m tired too, you know. They thought, releasing a puff of air as they considered how to go about solving this little problem of theirs. Lone tried dropping their bag beside the bed, the loud thud sounding as close to his ear as they could get it without physically hitting him with the sack, but Jericho didn’t even flinch. They clicked their tongue, peering around the room as they searched for a way to rouse him. As Lone started towards their shelves lining the wall of the hotel room, eyes set on the plethora of miscellaneous items they might be able to use to their advantage, a raucous snore erupted from within the plushness of their pillow-clad mattress. Lone groaned, turning about to face him before starting back towards the bed. Fine, you don’t want to make room for me? I’ll make it work anyways.
Lone approached the unconscious ex-raider, poking at the firmness of his back, testing, before hopping up in the air to land, stomach-first, on top of their companion. 
“What the shit?! The fuck you think you’re doing?” He grumbled through the thick fabric.
“Just making myself comfortable.” Lone shifted their hips and shoulders, settling themself more firmly onto Jericho’s back. 
“And you’re expectin’ me to put up with this shit?” He lifted his head, straining his neck to glare back at them questioningly. 
“I really don’t see what you can do about it, old timer.” Lone leaned forward, digging an elbow into the back of his ribcage as they brought their mouth to his ear. They felt him tense at the pressure, bringing one of his arms back awkwardly as he tried to find a grip on them. Lone swatted his hand away with theirs, leaning onto their other side to avoid his flailing limb. As he felt their weight shift, Jericho twisted his body in an attempt to overturn them, but Lone instead decided to bring their arms around his shoulders, clinging to him so that their body shifted with his as he tried to roll them off. 
“Mother fucker--” Lone began to giggle at his frustrated growls, as he rose, propping himself up on his elbows, with Lone still gripping him firmly, arms wrapped tight across his chest. He paused his thrashing, and Lone felt him shifting his head downwards, extending his neck to reach for something with his mouth… 
“Ow-- Hey!” Jericho took a part of their wrist into his mouth, biting down hard, causing their grip to loosen, and at the opportunity, he decided to throw himself backwards onto the mattress, effectively crushing Lone beneath him. They felt the breath get knocked out of them as he landed, now settling himself on top of them, grinding the back of his head into their chest in an effort to make himself more comfortable in the most obnoxious way possible. 
Well… that could have gone better, but hey, at least now I’m on the bed. 
“Alright, you win.” They said, their voice coming out strained due to the pressure on their lungs. 
“Damn right I do. Old timer… fuck you.” Lone laughed at that, reveling in the way he took their name calling so seriously. 
“Alright, alright. I get the point, can you get off me now?” 
“Nah. I think I like this. It’s real comfortable. Think I’ll just sleep this way.” Lone groaned at him, trying weakly to tousle him off their body before giving up with a loud sigh, being sure to blow their hot breath of frustration straight onto the top of his head. They felt his body shudder. 
“Fuckin’ fine, little tike, I’ll get off.” 
“Uck, don’t call me that.” Lone said as he rolled off of them, falling onto the mattress at their side. They peered over at him to see his reaction, pleased at the dark-eyed glare that bore into them, a glint of humor shining in their depths. 
“Look, I’m allowed to complain,” They told him, shifting onto their side so they could see him better. “You friggin’ bit me.” The ex-raider smiled deviously at that.
“Hmm. Yeah, I did. And I’m about to do it again.” With that, he lunged at them, an arm wrapped around their waist to hold them in place as his teeth met their neck. 
“Hey! What the--?” A moment later, the sharp pain dissolved away and was replaced by something soft as Jericho pressed his lips to the tender spot, soothing over the mark he had left. Lone’s eyes fell closed as his mouth moved up to their jaw, peppering kisses as it moved across their jawline to their chin, before finally drawing upwards to meet their lips. 
“I hope you know.” Lone heard him say as he pulled away from them, “This ain’t over yet.” They felt the mattress shift as he collapsed back onto it, and they smiled at his words, scooting closer so they could throw an arm over his stomach as they pressed their head to the crook beneath his shoulder. Lone meant to say something cheeky in response, but before they could utter a word, they felt themself dissolve into sleep as the soft sound of Jericho’s snores filled their ears.
Here is the original post with the Fallout 4 M!Companions
Here is the post with Fallout New Vegas M!Companions
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filwld · 3 years
You shine just as bright.
Summary: you go star gazing with Alcina and have a sweet moment together. Warnings: Fluff (:<
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Castle Dimitrescu was so beautiful at night. The way the moon light would shine through the windows would bring you so much joy, naturally you were happy but you had this sort of connection with the night since you were a mere child that you just couldn't explain.
Staring up into the night sky you smile softly letting out a relaxed sigh, shoulders relaxing releasing all the tension from your body. You sip your tea while sitting on the open window seal feeling the cold breeze go against your skin, it was a summer night so you knew it wasn't to cold for the girls just in case they barged in. You often found yourself like this in the library at night. Just sitting, staring up at the moon waiting for your lover to be done with her work, sometimes you consider bringing her with you to stare at the moon but always choosing otherwise because you don't want to bother her with your silly interest in the night scared that she might laugh at you. You knew deep down that, that statement was far from true. Alcina would never laugh at you over something that brings you joy but that didn't stop your insecurities from flooding your mind. Sighing you look down staring into the teacup that was now almost empty. You twirl the cup watching the liquid swirl inside, you were so caught up in your own thoughts that you didn't even notice Alcina had entered the room and called your name softly which goes unnoticed by you to far lost in your own head. So.. Alcina just admired you smiling softly. The way the moonlight showered on your skin, and the light making your eyes shine a little brighter than normal.. She couldn't help but feel her undead heart beat once more, all for you. All for her little maiden. All hers. You finally noticed her and let out a surprised yelp jumping slightly and putting a hand over your heart breathing heavily. "Jesus! My love you must say something before sneaking up on me like that." You breath out after taking a few deep breathes to try and calm your racing heart. Alcina chuckles walking over to you with a few large strides due to her long legs. "I'm sorry for frightening you little one but I did call out to you.. But you were to caught up in thoughts to notice. Is everything alright?" Alcina asks you softly while moving a strand of hair out of your face smiling down at you softly before taking a seat beside you on the window seal luckily being one of the bigger windows she didn't have to worry about her size causing any discomfort. You lean into her touch smiling while putting your hand over hers staring up into her eyes loving the way the moonlight danced on her face. "Yes dear I'm alright just.. Relaxing simply." You answer her question and love the way she visibly relaxes and smiles down at you. You chuckle to yourself. Alcina raises an eyebrow. "What's so funny draga mea?" You shake your head smiling, before answering her. "Just thinking about how adorable you are." You watch her eyes widen slightly before chuckling lifting her hand from your cheek to your hair petting you gently. "You are the only one to ever refer to me as 'adorable' but ill take it if its coming from you." Alcina says chuckling. You smile shaking your head before returning to look at the moon. Out of the corner of your eye you see her follow your gaze before looking back at you. "Star gazing tonight little dove?" You hum to the question, drinking the rest of the tea before setting the cup down onto your lap without turning to her you respond. "I do this every night." You could tell she was shocked and slightly annoyed that she didn't know this. Alcina always prided herself in the fact that she knew everything that happens in the castle so hearing that there was something she didn't know obviously bothered her. "What? How have I never notice this? Draga mea why didn't you ever tell me." Alcina responds, you smile at the annoyance in her voice. Turning to face her you see the annoyance in her eyes, but mostly shock. You take the hand that was rested in her lap and placing it on your own. "Darling take no offense to this, I just simply didn't think it would matter to you.” You respond watching as Alcina's eyebrows furrowed and she pouted slightly grumbling out. "Everything about you matters to me pet.." You
can't stop the wide grin that appears on your face at the sight of her pout. You lean up to kiss her softly placing a hand on her cheek, she sighs softly into your mouth moving both of her hands to grab your waist and place you on her lap bringing you as close as physically possible.
You giggle at her face as you pull away, moving to caress the side of her head staring deeply into her eyes. "Alright dear I'm sorry, but now you know. So why don't we stay here awhile and enjoy the moonlight together?”
You ask her watching as her pout disappears and here comes her charming smile that made you weak in the knees. She hums running a hand up and down your side loving the warmth that radiates off your body. "Yes.. let's, but before we do that I have to show you something." before you could protest your picked up bridal style and being taken to wherever she see's fit. She begins walking you down a hallway that you've never seen before, furrowing your eyebrows wondering how you've never seen this part of the castle even after all these years of being here. not soon later you reach a door leading to outside you assume by the handle, you watch as she pushes the door open with one hand, the other holding you close to her chest. You gasp at the sight behind the door, there in front of you was the most beautiful garden you've ever seen, all type of flowers going from roses to peony to even hibiscus flowers! All blooming beautifully under the moonlight.. In the middle of the garden was beautifully cut grass and the view... Oh the view was beautiful, you could see the whole village. You look up at Alcina surprised and see her already staring at you, smiling lovingly down at you. Eyes widening at the expression before you smile and express your love through your eyes placing a hand on her cheek and pulling her down slightly to kiss her softly on the lips. She hums and deepens the kiss tilted her head slightly for a better angle. Alcina pours all her feelings into this kiss, and you do well to do the same. The way the moonlight is shinning on both of you felt amazing, making it feel so intimate.. So peaceful. You never wanted this to end. Not now, not ever. The softness of her lips brushing against yours.. Nothing could ever top this feeling you get when your with her. Soon she parts and allows you to take a minute to breath before her lips are on your neck pecking it softly before letting you down, you whine at the lost of connection. She chuckles before patting your head. "We have the whole night to kiss away darling, but why not somewhere more comfortable yes?" Alcina says while walking forward towards the grass. You raise an eyebrow wondering what she's doing before they widen widely. Alcina grabs her dress and goes to sit on the grass getting comfortable before looking back at you, your jaw drops at the sight of her getting her dress DIRTY just to sit in the grass with you. "Are you just going to sit there pet or are you going to join me?" Alcina says smirking well aware of the effect she has on you. You blush quickly going to sit besides her just before your butt hits the floor you feel hands on your waist. You yelp feeling yourself being placed onto something much softer than grass, turning you notice Alcina was smirking down at you after placing you on her lap wrapping her arms around your waist, bringing your head closer to her chest. You feel her warm breath on your neck as she whispered into your ear, "Now you can see the sky so much better don't you say pet?" You know your ears are burning red from how flustered you are. To far flustered to speak you simply nod. You feel the hot air leave her mouth as she chuckles, Alcina nuzzles her nose into your shoulder taking a deep breath breathing your heavenly scent in before sighing in content. The way the moonlight showers over the two of you making everything so romantic to the point you feel like a princess in one of those romance novels you read. You smile to yourself at the thought before focusing back on your love at the feeling of her nibbling on your neck beginning to giggle at the feeling, slightly ticklish in that area your eyes widen feeling Alcina smirk at the realization. She tries to continue tickling you but you yelp and quickly turn around throwing your arms around her neck shaking your head. "No no no, don't even THINK about it
Alcina!" You say trying your hardest to make a intimidating face, Alcina stares at you surprised by the face before whole hearted laugh escapes Alcina to the point she even throws her head back. You glare at her and she notices laughing even harder but still looking at you. After a moment she collects herself before staring down at you smirking "Oh well aren't you scary little one?" Alcina says teasingly. You blush but hold the glare. Soon she sighs smiling, "Oh alright little one no tickle fights tonight." Alcina says and goes to caress your cheek. You grin at the victory throwing your hand up into a first saying a slight "yes!" to no one in particular. Alcina watches with kind eyes smiling so hard it looks almost painful.
After your little "Victory dance" You look up into the sky at the perfect time and watch as a shooting star goes across the sky, your mouth falling open in awe at the sight. "Wow.." You whisper, you look to Alcina to see if she saw it and see her looking at the sky with a peaceful look on her face. The laugh lines showing as she smiles, the peaceful look in her eyes, the way her chest moves up and down with each breath. You smile before continuing to look up into the sky again joining her.
You both just stay there for some time, staring up into the sky loving the feel of having each other near. After some time Alcina breaks the silence. "I think I understand why you like this so much now pet." You look back at her and raise an eyebrow. "Really?" You respond to her. Alcina nods her head and without looking at you, she continues. "The sky is so peaceful to stare at.. I find myself getting lost with trying to count how many stars are out." You nod understanding what she means fully. Admiring her as she talks falling even harder for her. You go to respond before you shut your mouth shut as she opens her mouth to continue. "But I found myself loving the night simply because YOU love it dear.. The sky is just the sky to me normally. But you make it have such a deeper meaning draga mea.. And I want to thank whatever made you but ill settle for thanking you. You make me enjoy even the simple things pet, And I cannot thank you enough.." Alcina finishing and returns to looking at you, staring softly at your expression. Eyes tearing up you throw your arms around her neck pulling her close crying silently into her shoulder. "Oh Alcina.. I love you so much.. So so much.." You whisper to her. You feel her hum and tighten her hold on you bringing you closer. "And I love you.. My shooting star."
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